The Case For Gendo-Nationalism

The alt-right and their leaders have often stressed the need for the establishment of a ethno-state on the North American continent. While I can understand many of their concerns as a middle-class white guy who lives in a gated community in the suburbs of New York City, I honestly do not have to deal with the minority problem on a day to day basis.

Whether the Bronx is being flooded with new arrivals is simply not my problem. Thots, on the other hand, affect us wherever we live. It doesn’t matter how great your neighborhood is or even how religious your state is. America has become a degenerate nation, and thottery has pervaded all aspects of American life—Northern and Southern, Protestant and Catholic, conservative and liberal, normie and alt-right.

A thot prepares to flash her breasts to a crowd of onlookers in a ‘conservative’ state in the Deep South.

Traditionalism Is Hopeless

Many on the right advocate for traditionalism. They think we can just return to the days of a nuclear family, reverse all three waves of feminism, and let women assume their traditional role. While I respect the arguments made by traditionalists, I have concluded that any sort of rollback is now politically impossible in the United States. We have lost the culture war. There is no going back. Sure, you can flee to a country where remnants of traditionalism still exist, but they are merely a little further back on the ongoing global shift towards female ‘liberation’ and the dissolution of family life.

Furthermore, while this problem has been substantially amplified in recent years, it is certainly not a modern one. Thots have consistently been the downfall of powerful men throughout history. John F. Kennedy was compromised by the Soviet Union as a result of depraved female temptresses. Even Adolf Hitler’s defeat in the Second World War can be attributed largely to the presence of Eva Braun. Cleopatra’s betrayal of Mark Antony the moment a more alpha chad arrived on the scene surely serves as one of the clearest demonstrations of the subversion of the opposite sex.

Richard Spencer similarly and correctly recognizes a return to the days of actual white supremacy is impossible and undesirable, and instead advocates for a white ethno-state, building on the momentum of left-wing identity politics movements. Although I respectfully disagree with him on that issue, his fundamental analysis is correct. We cannot return to an undefined point in the past when things were somehow better on the issues that we care about. All we can do is seek to influence the future. I have thus come to the conclusion that the only solution to our current thot debacle is peaceful separation between the sexes, and a resulting male gendo-state.

Now, this notion may sound absurd. Most traditionalists love and respect women, and simply wish for them to return to their historical place in society, rather than be done away with altogether. They must come to understand that separation has now become a necessity.

We may reach the point of open conflict with the opposing gender.

Separation Is Necessary

Cultural feminism has degraded women to the point where co-existence is a net negative to males. Women weaken men by their very presence, co-opting and hijacking even traditionalist movements by embracing the rhetoric and yet leaving much to be desired in terms of the personal example they set.

As the last few weeks have shown, women are able to completely destroy the reputations of decent, upstanding men through false accusations of sexual abuse. Women compete with us in a job market that is rigged against us by politicians who have come to see women as an essential voting bloc to appease. Women now even proudly declare that they do not need or want men in their lives.

Why don’t we put that to the test? Let us see how well the opposing gender fares when left completely to their own devices. In this way, we could use the rise of feminism as force of acceleration in order to promote our bid for nationhood. It is ironically fairly likely that the world’s first gendo-state will consist of pink haired female ogres LARPing as Amazons. But once the precedent is set, males will have a unique opportunity to seize the moment and build the case for our secession.

The Vision

Gendo-nationalism would involve near-total separation between men and women. A physical border would be erected between the respective male and female nation-states, and travel between these gendo-states would be tightly controlled and require permission from the governing authority of the gendo-state being entered. In the male gendo-state, which I have little doubt will be far more successful than its female competitor, male chauvinism will be the zeitgeist of the new order.

In addition, we need to think about the only real thing we need women for—sex. Advancements in robotics in recent years are quickly making this need obsolete. Future improvements in cloning technology may even allow us to replace women for the purposes of reproduction. Until the point at which a solution is devised, the gendo-state could have a work visa system which prostitutes and surrogates could utilize without permanent settlement in our new nation.

Soon, we will no longer need women to lead fulfilling sex lives.

The Path Ahead

Before we can have separation, we need to have a general sense of male identity. Now, I believe this to an extent to be inherent and hardwired, hence the presence of so many all-male social groups in our society. Nevertheless, we must promote the importance of masculinity and push close identification with our gender’s collective interests as a component of that.

Subsequently, we need to urge our fellow men to gradually start removing all emotional attachment to women. They’re to be seen as a tool, not a crutch. Emotional attachment makes men the weaker sex because women are inherently able to exploit it, and ensures the perpetuation of the anti-male status quo. Once it is overcome, the foundations for a gendo-state can be laid.

Free from the shackles of womankind, men will be able to embrace their true potential. We will have hours more in our days which would otherwise be wasted on entertaining vacuous thots. We will no longer be treated like second class citizens in the very nations we built and shed our blood for. Our inherent physical and mental supremacy will give us a substantial edge in the world marketplace. Much as ethno-nationalist movements played a major role in defining the 20th century, my hope is that gendo-nationalism will define the 21st.

Read Next: Patriarchal Nationalism: The Only Societal System That Can Save The West

106 thoughts on “The Case For Gendo-Nationalism”

  1. I understand that ROK often posts up articles which should be read as satire or tongue-in cheek.. but this article reeks of Omega MGTOWry. Please tell me it’s satire.

    1. Pretty sure it is satire, mixed with some truth. ” physical border would be erected between the respective male and female nation-states”…ya, that is called satire. LOL, an all female nation isn’t even a possibility, like, their very design and state of being is anti-nation. The only thing that would happen with an all female nation state is that they would go broke, beg for money, offer sex for products and before you know it men have invaded their nation and game over, the process starts all over again.

      1. Wes, the purpose of the realistic sex robots is to take the power of sex away from women.
        We all know about the 80/20 ration. 80% of the betas who can’t achieve sex will flee to the sex bots for their needs. The 20% of alphas who pump and dump don’t ever intend to settle down, so most women would have no plan B when they’re done riding the cock carousel.
        The only way back from this scenario is to reinstall a patriarchal system.

        1. Remember the reason they criminalize sex work is to keep power away from men. There is no trafficking associated with any regulated version and more than with restaurants or hotel business its about hurting men.
          A casual sex society where many men get no sex and are banned rom using sex workers is evil. sex work should be banned in a monogamous society since it undermines marriage but hell in this society virtually every feminist-inspired law has already undermined marriage.
          Sexbots will be the same as they will take female power away and they will seek some silly premise to ban them BUT its likely they will not be able to. Personally I really doubt good sex robots will come through for a long long time as we are making advances in terms of software, but not so much in terms of actual lifelike robots.

      2. Some African tribes have an interesting way of living. Man and women live in in different villages, they meet for sex only.) All new-born boys are transferred to male’s villages, and girls stay with mothers.
        The main problem of the modern civilization is property right on kids. Yeah, you can call it ‘custody’ or with some other polite term. But in fact it is a property right. Change it, give this right to men, and the whole society will change. If a wife will know she won’t receive neither alimony nor child support, and after divorce kids will stay with father… Be sure, she won’t even think about divorce. But it’s impossible – the “awful” patriarchy will reborn.)

        1. women have 100% ownership and rights on newborns when parents are seperate remember that. Men gave up their roles and rights in the workplace but women never and never will give up a single one of their traditional advantages.
          A fair system would be that if seperated the children are flipped for at birth if both partners wanted the child, another would be that men get boys and women get girls. Women are not fit to raise boys without men anyway and the men come out very badly. It would mean an end to the thing of women getting pregnant by bastards as the man would be the primary care-giver and many would relish it.
          We need as men to fight for these rights. If it was a boy the men would be paid by the woman who would return to work. The issue would then be selective abortions against boys and we’d have to fight that. We exist as Jews did under the nazis pushed against the wall with few rights, and no voice, with only a few court males allowed to talk.

        2. Women said to the men you must lose your rights around the workplace BUT around children, divorce and custody these advantages intended to stop women starving if abandoned will be used by successful women to divorcerape men. What they gleefully do to men hurts men far more than any rape and should be the next huge scandal but men are voiceless and so it will not be. If a man stays at home hes a bum and gets no settlement, a women however sacrificed millions in finance earnings wink wink.
          We are physically stronger and they are verbally stronger so in a world of physical strength we dominated them, but now, in a world of verbal strength we are getting ruined. Being born a man at this point is a scam.

    2. Lol, don’t take it too seriously, its just a thought experiment like the “how to stop rape” article.
      On the bright side, if this article starts to come true, at least with the sex robots, it could potentially kill feminism since all the beta bucks will stop pursuing women.

    3. It’s only WHITE women and (Jews pretending to be white women) that need to be segregated. Without them everything would be fine.

        1. Until they decide to let blond/blue eyes, and red/green eyes breed true, I would probably be stuck with miscegenation with the inferior dark/brown eyed white skinned subraces anyway, so I might as well breed with black/brown.

    4. The Author is pretty much describing Saudi Arabia (or any extreme Muslim shithole). Or ancient Greek paiderastês.
      (Hell, maybe he’d be happy in the Village or West Hollywood.)
      Thanks, but no thanks.
      Just a thought.

    1. I bet you thought Roosh’s rape article was real as well…
      People are right, the readership has really gone downhill. But it’s the people complaining about the articles generally speaking, that seem to make up the majority of the idiots.

  2. I have always thought that separation of sexes is one of the worst things you can do to your psyche. Men and women benefit from the presence of the opposite sex. And replacing females with robots only shows how low you have fallen. It’s like one of those trends of replacing babies or animals with fake ones, or even small, though still too expensive for the public robots. Yuck.

    1. Other than procreation, men don’t need women.
      Women on the other hand go bat shit crazy when they’re alone.

    2. KAROLINA Comparison
      Lots of women are married to their sex toy their entire life but they seem kind of weird. The same goes for men who have sex with mannequins.
      I knew a woman whose idea of great sex was to call men up and use a sex toy while they talked about nonsexual things over the phone.
      She swore this was the best sex in the world.
      But it seems weird.

      Interesting fact.
      A number of American women ruin a marriage because of sex toys.
      Just a fact.

        1. KAROLINA
          Even Polish-American Catholic women are more conservative and traditional (I know you, I’m from Detroit) so this would apply to Anglo Protestant women.
          For openers the popularity of sex toys lead to a spread of vaginal diseases (particularly among Lesbians) beginning in the 1990’s as sex toys are sometimes passed around or shared-obviously more true with women who are lesbians.
          Sex toys became popular with young women in the 1990’s and sex stores (Pleasure Chest) opened that catered to, well, female masturbation.
          This makes sense for young women in their 20’s, of course (Too busy for a relationship, don’t want to get pregnant etc).
          But quickly, the way these toys were designed, they produced more enjoyment for many women than sex with their husbands-which ruined marriages.

        1. Show me a man addicted to porn, and I’ll show you a boring wife in the sack. Cart/horse problem 95% of the time.

  3. The Spartans (who wore armor not muscly stomachs into battle) really did separate husbands and wives for many of their reproductive years. That, along with their inheritance laws and bad economic policies, led to a dwindling population.
    Each successive war the Spartans were able to field fewer and fewer Spartiates (full citizen soldiers) until eventually Thebes was able to beat them.

    1. Yes, Sparta fell primarily for 2 reasons, ultra conservative Men and very liberal(for those times) Women, repeating their mistakes would be a sure way to oblivion

      1. Men held all the political/military powers, Women held most economic powers(through inheritance laws, as you said). So most women could be very picky choosing husbands and had a lot of free time because the men where either training or warring and spent little time making children or caring for the family(PS they did a lot of homo-stuff too) so with each generation and each war they where fewer and fewer till they where no more.

  4. Well, you don’t have to do any thought experiments on desperation by sex. British Survivor did exactly that. 14 men on one island, 14 women on another. You can find the episodes on YouTube.
    Basically the women did nothing but talk and argue. Separated, got lost for days, nearly died of hunger and thirst, and never did build anything like a shelter. After a rough start, the men had it going smoothly, had scrounged a net, built a fishing raft, were fairly comfortable and eating pretty well.
    The women remained pathetic moochers.

  5. Women are REQUIRED for only one thing. Procreation (for the time being, until artificial wombs and cloning becomes the science of the day and in practice.) They are needed for the egg in reproduction and the uterus to get the baby to term.. that’s it. Get over it. undisputable fact.
    The sex aspect can be resolved through other less painful and mentally and financially onerous means. End of Story. leave out the morals and feelings nonsense, and you will see that I am correct. I have two kids, and I want for them the best lives they can have, what sane parent would not want that? but it doesn’t influence the naked raw fact of what I stated.

  6. A lot of guys are reacting too emotionally to this.
    I know sex bots are cringy, but they have the potential to take the authority and power of women away through fulfilling the sexual needs of the 80% of beta men.

    1. Isn’t that what they said about lotion? Men will always want living human women for sex, whereas women have drastically lower sex drives and only ever needed us for safety and security. (Plenty Of research on women’s sex drives being lowere then men’s because of low testosterone, blood flow, etc).

  7. You all are putting too much hope in the sex robots. This was the general feeling among certain women & feminist during the rapid progression of sex toys, “Men will be obsolete, we can pleasure ourselves!”. Just like the feminist, the men who believe sex robots will start a revolution will be proven wrong. The robots will never go mainstream & only be popular among the complete losers & men with sexual addiction. Why? Because it’s innately in the human psyche the ability to discern reality from a false reality. Repeated use will repeatedly damage the ego. Eventually any normal beta will get tired of the robots & go back to trying to get a real woman. This is an evolutionary & survival instinct.

    1. Except the reason why sex toys don’t work for women is because women don’t value men based on sex. They value us for what we can provide, you see this in the animal kingdom constantly with the males being the ones who build shelters and hunt for food, while the only thing the females offer in return is sex and procreation.
      Also the “losers” make up a large portion of the men, once these guys are pacified with sex bots, then women will have no beta bucks to fall back on. This is why it has potential, because sex and beta male enablers are the only authority women have left.

      1. I agree with your 1st paragraph. I must say, however, that you fail to realize that we already have a virtually similar form of sex robots now, prostitutes. For the right price, you can have a prostitute fulfill any sexual desire you have. The only difference between a robot & a prostitute is that you only have to pay once for a robot. However, for many who deal with prostitutes, money is not an issue so price is irrelevant in this debate. Even with the existence of prostitution, however, we still have betas tripping over themselves to lust, pay for, & shower gifts & attention over women. They jump through hoops to take a girl out on dates to eventually sleep with just so they can beat their chests & say at least they didn’t pay a prostitute. This is a stroking of their ego & proves my previous point; ego won’t allow them to be content with robots

        1. The only reason prostitutes have a market at all is they provide a single uncomplicated service, UNCONNECTED and unthreatening sex.
          in the end sex robots will provide several functions, namely intelligent programmed and predictable reliable companionship and interaction in several way to their male owners.
          No woman offers that at this point. All interaction is a gamble with your life health and freedom and liberty these days, especially with the explosion of false rape and harassment allegations.

      2. “Losers” because those men refuse to be victimized by women in a heavily biased gynocentric society?
        the losers are the beta cuck scum like you who put up and cater to it.

        1. You sound like a closet faggot or a weirdo MGTOW member, thus your insults are worthless. Just because I described one of the losers doesn’t mean I am a beta such as yourself or that I put up with the bullshit & nonsense women give. In all my relationships I’ve called the shots & ruled with a firm fist. Don’t project your failed relationships on me.

    2. Any object will do for women that will stimulate their clit or vag.
      Sex robots WILL work to replace women for men, because men need the whole package not just an appendage of it. Any sanely programmed robot to replace the near human interaction that men do not get from women these days, no compassion, no reasoned and sane interaction, all they get is demands, accusations and whines for attention and money, yet nothing worthwhile in return for what they have to put up with from females, in order to get sex, but INTERACTIVE sex.
      Don’t count out sex robots as they will replace what women cant seem to figure out what is desired. With the right forward moves in technologies, and sane programming, women can be easily replaced in the sex department. Where (for right now) they CANNOT be replaced, is in the final procreation stages of fertilized egg donor and gestation of a baby in a womb. Its not men that are becoming rapidly obsolete, it is women rapidly making themselves obsolete from the only last two functions they are needed for the continuation of the species. WHEN that is overcome, mankind will become a single sexed organism and women will become pointless useless consumers. That’s a bitter fact.

    3. “The robots will never go mainstream & only be popular among the complete losers & men with sexual addiction. ”
      ok, people were thinking the same about online dating few years ago.
      i was thinking the same about the so called “social” networks.
      see how things are going now ?
      “it’s innately in the human psyche the ability to discern reality from a false reality”
      just read above and think again about it.
      i bet my two cents that the future will disappoint you as it disappointed me.

  8. Hey Mr. Miller, shut the fuck up! This is regressing us back to a state of defeatism. And that is the place for fucking losers. The left are losers that’s why they complain and say trees are racist. Look, Miller, the culture war has just started its hardly lost and “traditonalist”, I.e. normal people are not a lost cause. We have so much momentum right now – Trump, the left eating itself, decentralization of media, generation z being conservative, the rise of alt right, nationalism. For fuck sake, Miller, the fucking NFL ratings are DOWN! Significantly! I was on a article discussing the shitty sales of shit wars toys…the whole fucking comment section basically said this “no one wants a female hero and your fucking sjw politics!” I was uplifted because thousands of comments were not only against the movie for the right reasons, sjw and feminism etc, but they used the vernacular of our emerging movement “virtue signaling” “sjw” etc. That is the state of the culture, Miller, get a clue. I’m going to fight and fight and fight. Because “they”, liberals, want to legitimize pedophilia and no matter how depraved our main stream culture is, this will not happen and it is causing a major backlash and, better yet, societal cartharsis, which is asking how the fuck did we get to the point even remotely approved of child rape.
    If you, Miller, want to sit it out, then do so. But keep your defeatism to yourself. The emerging culture will fight and we will win.

    1. The left have far greater institutional power in media, academia, and entertainment, which is why they always win. They achieved this power through numerous generations of subversion.
      Rallying behind another neocon puppet president as if he were some kind of God is precisely why we keep losing. The occasional ego bruising like the NFL ratings doesn’t do any long term damage, we still have things like sodomy being taught to little kids, or conservatives being censored for wrongthink.
      The only way to win at the moment is to go Galt and let the left starve as they struggle to hold society together on their own. Then we can rebuild something great from the ashes.

      1. All those institutions you mentioned are undergoing existential transformation that will result in something completely different. Indeed, it’s hard to say what they’ll be, but, we know for sure they’ll be decentralized. If they’re decentralized then they’ll be very difficult for progressivism to subvert, because, progressivism requires a coordinated narrative ergo centralized. You can only claim that men and women are exactly the same under a centralized system. Why? Because men being different than women is the TRUTH. Regarding sodomy to kids, I hear you. And it’s is sick and disturbing. Rocking Mr E has really good insight on this. Apropos to having truth on our side, homosexualism is infested with lies. As we gain power, we’ll reveal what we’ve known for years, there is no genetic connection to gay and there is a systemic and inherent connection to pederasty and pedophilia. They react by censoring and that only helps us because when they censor they admit that we’re right.
        Trump is not a neocon.

  9. For allowing this kind of article to be published in ROK, just goes to show Roosh and his site is continuing to hit a new low. And I thought that News Syndicator was chuck full of crap. This Miller guy just topped it.

  10. James Miller is a political strategist (No skills) and policy intellectual (A total omega male dork) from New York City. He is the founder and president (One man arm chair general who is sex deprived) of the James Miller Foundation (More like a lonely grown man version of a treehouse).

  11. Looking at all these whiny men this is an absolute travesty of this manosphere. Okay I can definitely accept legalizing prostitution but advocating sex robots is just plain sad. I mean is talking and interacting with women so damn hard? Get a personality if you don’t have one. It is not that hard.
    As a betting man I would throw my money towards feminism. That movement sucks but at least it has some balls and a spine.

  12. All of the pseudo-intellectualizing aside, there is value in recognizing just how far we have fallen into the trappings of the progressive death cult. Gendo-nationalism is gay. But there is truth that we are fracturing along gender lines and so there is merit to looking at solutions through the lens of sex. A solution worth anything, however, will require men to take action on their own accord, without regard for the immediate rewards.
    In looking at solutions, we needn’t adopt the prog mentality of inventing a new-and-improved humanity as the author suggests, but rather embrace those things that are aligned with the natural order; seek to embrace truth, however uncomfortable, and construct a dominion of mind, body, and spirit that exists beyond the confines of our current culture.
    This is not about forming a new treehouse for boys. This is an individual effort marked by our own personal development. In simple terms, this is “Read old books”, “lift heavy things”, and “make your mission your priority” in play. Forge discipline, mastery, spirituality, and anti-fragility. And then the concentric circles outward into kinship, tribe, community, etc. will occur naturally as downstream outcomes of your efforts.
    We cannot “fight” this culture head-on. This should be an observable fact. All of this culture war stuff is just framing it from “their” perspective. It demands that we constantly justify our existence. No, F*ck you is my argument.
    The first problem is always the lies we are telling ourselves. Sure, we hate this culture, but if you are consuming it, then it is for you. Do you really hate it or do you just hate that you are not that good at harvesting what you want from it? There is a distinction.
    This is a culture rooted in fear, insecurity, and pretty lies designed to separate us from what is natural and good. At its roots, the equality-diversity-multiculti-egalitarian blank-slate weapons are designed to trigger our goodfeelz, to leverage our natural goodness for evil, entice us into their utopian slumber – which just happens to enslave you, all while destroying our bonds with the past, with fellow men (and women), and with Truth. Evil doesn’t destroy, it perverts.
    Building another utopia is not the way. The way is to embrace the discomfort of living the truth, to reject those things that do not serve it, and to cull those things (and people) from our lives that are trying to keep us fat, “happy”, and enslaved. The truth has never left us, this “culture” is the alien, the invader, the cancer that needs to be starved-off. The body innately knows how to heal, to grow, and to prosper.
    This may mean killing your facebook, Tinder, Bumble, TV, and having to suffer through life without just-in-time delivery of easy calories, easy f*cks, endless distractions, and constant validation from others. Take a cold shower and get back to work.
    Until men realize that grazing from the culture that despises them is actually feeding the beast they supposedly despise, they will get nowhere. The culture is feminized. It is petty, childish, insecure, emotional, fragile, and ultimately anti-civilization. This is why we will win.
    Reject, ridicule, opt-out, ignore – but do so through decisive, purposeful actions to build a life insulated from the saccharine siren-songs. You will lose “friends”, opportunities, and tingles. Life is about trade-offs. Make your trades, learn, and move forward. Never explain, never complain. Nobody cares anyhow. Stop thinking the whole world is watching you and judging you. And take off that gay beanie with the reservoir-tip when you are in the restaurant.
    Men lead, women follow. But that leadership must be earned. It must come from inner strength and organic confidence accrued through mastery and experience. In game this is the “internals”, in life this is your chamber of spirituality. How will you fill it?
    Women are starved for men to lead them out of this mess. Yet they cannot be “saved”. Just like most men cannot. The women worthy of your headship will make themselves known through their own actions. Don’t reward the charlatans and harlots with your resources. This includes your sex and attention. Develop standards that are not merely relative to the descending cesspool. Uphold them. Standards are defined by what you are willing to deny yourself, what you will give-up in oder to affirm them.
    With some effort, men of the same ilk will find each other. The rest will rot on the vine. This has always been the way.
    Be kind, but unwavering in your mission and values. Be polite but not deferential. Don’t be “nice”, but be good. Niceness is a facade of civility masking weakness. Goodness is strength from within, making itself known. In the face of evil, draw your sword. When in doubt, honoring your virtue should be good enough.
    This is what I am doing. It often sucks. It can be isolating. I often question what I am doing. But I find rewards often enough. And even in their scarcity, no – perhaps because of their scarcity, they are sweet. There is a war on for your souls. There are sides. At the very least, pick yours. May you find a new beginning on this Solstice. If this was too long for you, it’s not for you.

  13. Satire? Y’all are joking. This piece, and many others like it lay out the factual establishment of civilization since time immortal. To outright deny the three biological tenants of womanhood- child birth, child rearing and homemaking, is some serious blue pill sucking. You don’t have to agree with what “modern society” and other nontraditional roles that many western women assume. But can we at least agree that western society is cratering- cratering, over the manner by which feminism has denigrated the tradition family, leftist ideology blurring traditional roles, physically redefining cultural ‘norms’, participation that affects economic stability, emotionalizing government policy, ensuring shit politicians and jeopardizing our very national security. Violently rejecting the ability to have a dispassionate discourse on this, or any other topic that threatens the ability of a nation or culture to function without the retarded guise of political correctness places us on the fast track of other failed empires piled up in the dust bin of history. Be the adult in your life and the eye of your own hurricane. ROK MAGA!

  14. at first sight this looks like the equivalent of political lesbia nism (which was never about licking puss y but feigning disinterest in men). Separatism has its value, but its a bad idea to emulate the hypocrisy and self-deceit of a feminism that likes to pretend it is about something it isn’t: political lesbia nism was always about rejecting men, the patriarchy etc., rather than about women or any actual enthusiasm for rug m unching. Rejecting the opposite sex is fine to the extent that it is simply pragmatic and dispositional (women are trouble / not worth the effort or expense etc) but ultimately as a power strategy it is entirely feminine: “look at me, I’m not interested in you”. Generally speaking we are interesting in women, just increasingly less so as they become generally rubbish at being women

    1. ” Generally speaking we are interesting in women, just increasingly less so as they become generally rubbish at being women”

  15. Long before this Ray Kurzweil masturbation fantasy ever happens women need to be swung by the hair back into the kitchen. Women’s greatness lies in being able to give birth to even greater men. Achieving competency in the work world while actively searching for a more successful male as a golden parachute shouldn’t be conflated with personal excellence.

  16. MGTOW seems to be in the house. The sexual marketplace is undergoing drastic upheaval due to a number of disruptors. InstaFap, Faceborg and IFaps, coupled with the natural abundance of beta males to fill that space, have upset the balance. However, WE know how easy it is to attract and sleep with beautiful women in this climate. The idea of sexing a robot is absurd, unless you’re incurably beta. I can’t imagine many men here, excepting the noobs, find the market to be that broken.

    1. White knighting for female attention is suicide. but to each their own. That doesn’t make sane men who refuse to engage in whiteknight simping , loser. It makes them smart.

  17. This article is written by a cuck douche who think you can have a “satisfying sex life without women” and posts a picture of a robot girl. What a fucking loser.
    News flash: fucking a robot isn’t a “sex life.” It’s a masturbation life for losers.

  18. Advocating for total sex segregation? OP is either a mohametan or sodomite. In either case:

  19. If the faggot that wrote this is the faggot in the picture, then this bullshit incel drivel isn’t satire.
    A face even a mother would drive a baseball bat to.

    1. You people are only a little smarter than full-retards and far more annoying. Whites here will taught the few quality cruds but are not man enough to admit most contribute nothing of value.

      1. If we were that stupid, you bitches wouldn’t constantly be crying about Mexicans taking your jobs and your women. Think about it, if some Mexican that has been wandering the desert for days that speaks no English is better than you at your job and at satisfying your wife, you’re the useless piece of shit, not “my people”.

  20. Attacking the article and its author is shortsighted.
    I believe that many “feel” the article is stupid and defeatist because it focus in the point of view of betas and omegas.
    However, most of the society is composed by such people, then the article it is right on spot.
    As a intent to look for social change this piece is very valid.

  21. Sexual segregation nor white knight simping nor blue pill chugging nor engaging in faggotry, nor relying on ersatz fake women (sex robots) is going to fix or change the course of societies plunge.
    So let me be a voice of reason then, adopting a single minded effort to return to a pre feminist gynocentric society is the ONLY way to fix this. Feminism and female empowerment must be ruthlessly crushed, removal of females from “leadership” positions must ensue, and returning to a hard knocks patriarchy is the ONLY thing that will save the human race. End of story. up until the early 1900s, that was the model of human kind that actually worked before the first wave feminism reared is stupid head. Once feminist nonsense got a foot hold and stood up, society began is headlong decline into the liberal degenerate sewer it is now.

  22. Scabby used-up hookers and robots are for life’s losers. A Male-only nation sounds super gay and pointless. This article promotes a form of “disengagement MGTOW” for dead-enders with no other outlet in life, and who could not rise up to a challenge. Isolation is not winning. We all have mothers/sisters/daughters, and seek sex/love/procreation with other women…abandoning them all for a testicle-filled Utopia is not OK.

  23. This is just dumb. I don’t want to live in a male utopia, devoid of women. How silly. Women and getting in there pants is the whole essence of ROK. Last thing I want is another barrier standing between my cock and some sweet wet pussy.

  24. Next from James Miller: “Why mayonnaise is the spiciest food on earth” and “How to minimize pain while getting fucked in the ass”.

    1. Cholo
      Your race exists because no white women were available or rather these Spanish women went to important Administrators or receivers of Land Grants under the Spanish crown.
      As a result white men went around the deserts and jungles of Atzlan having sex with Indian girls whom they then abandoned or sometimes the Indian girls simply floated around the Spanish garrison having sex.
      Today this has resulted in a vast Mestizo class between the 5 Spanish families who run Me-Jico and the Indian peasants at the sheer bottom of society.
      The degrees of blood mixture vary-Richard Ramirez and other Chicanos from the North are clearly about 75% Caucasian while a Danny Trejo appears to be mostly Indian.
      But no matter because from the Rio Grande to the Falkland Islands you are all the product of white men who used Indian woman like fuck dolls.
      You will bellow “Brown Pride” but in reality Vicente Fox and other “Criollo” families control Mexico and they do not brag about brown blood.
      This is also why your country did not develop like El Norte because the English shipped over a surplus of women but in Spain with its conservative Catholicism fewer Spanish women were going to get on a dirty boat to make the trip-though a few Gypsies and prostitutes did and these are the Spanish women who fucked Mestizo children of Spanish soldiers and Indians to create the Castizo race that is common in Northern Mexico today.

      1. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stick to the subject at hand, James Miller is a faggot. I’m a cholo…what can I do?

        1. I lived in Arizona for a year, vato.
          For a German-American from Detroit, this is a foreign country.

      2. Well, white people are still the majority in the US. Why don’t you just go to a place with nothing but white people? Middle America is full of them. Go to some shithole in the middle of Arkansas where people pass the time by smoking meth, snorting oxys, drinking Milwaukee’s Beast, and fucking their sisters. You won’t feel like you’re in a foreign country. Oh, you don’t want to? Then maybe start being nice to your Mexican neighbors. I guarantee they’re more fun and pleasant than a bunch of hateful, reclusive hicks. You say you want to live in a place we’re there’s only people that think and look like you…..but I seriously doubt you actually want that.

        1. Arizona Mestizos were not that much fun to around.
          Cubans are more cool because they are pure Gallegos.

  25. Never would I have imagined that I would read an article on Return of Kings that would suggest men should fuck literal whores or stick their junk in a flesh colored robot to get off. Not even in my most desperate of moments in my blue pilled days would I have even entertained such depravity. Such is not the behavior or attitudes of Kings. What a disgrace.

    1. Too bloody right. Have you seen the prices of this new sex dolls? And the hike in working girls tariffs? Gone are the days of a fluff and full monty knee tremblers for five quid and a slice of pizza at the back of Millbay.

  26. All this high (And low brow.) engagement. This site gets my neurons firing, to be sure. Exchanging ideas and crossing foils. Now that is what I call FOREPLAY. Merry Christmas all. And a rapid descent into hell for all you brainwashed mooslims, and the dickbag politicians who side with them. As this Infidel always says, “No Ham Left Behind!”

  27. I don’t understand angry criticism towards the author’s personality. Even if you disagree with him, why do you have to act like SJW cunts?

  28. The gender segregation being described used to be taken care of by “Men Only Clubs”.
    And prior to the 1980s and 1990s, this segregation was widely accepted … not only in Men Only clubs, but also in large public venues, such as the Pavilion at Lord’s Cricket Club, in London … where major test matches are regularly played (during Summer) attracting tens of thousands of spectators.
    Organized Feminism has attacked this concept since the get-go, while the ‘Jewish’ character assassination tactic kept painting Men Only clubs as homosexual venues. And as we know, many have since been degraded to exactly that. Especially in the USA.
    The first arena we’d need to reform is how we wrongly assign women who join the Armed Forces. And the second is the segregation of boys from girls while in School. Even if that only means placing the girls on one side of the classroom, and the boys on the other.
    When I was at school, girls were not allowed to attend Physics classes, Woodwork classes, and Metalwork classes. Period!

  29. Way too many whiners and losers on this site. If you hate women because you can’t get laid, improve yourself and get laid. If you really want absolutely nothing to do with women, you’re gay. Women are fun and entertaining to have around. Even the dumbest bimbos make life more interesting and enjoyable and they’re usually great in bed.

    1. Your statement is appalling.
      Dismissing and shaming fellow men.
      It is almost the exact answer of a female.
      Yeap, I smell tuna.

    2. AA
      Can’t say I’ve ever found women fun to be around or interesting, but I do enjoy fucking them at night. The society I live in segregates women from men most of the time. Married and respectable single women are prohibited from social interaction with men outside their family. Men eat separately to women, you never take your wife out in the evening, only your mistress. Seems to work quite well.

      1. JOHN
        Is that North or South Thailand? Buddhist Thai are not THAT segregated although I agree about premarital relations.

        1. MM, yes respectable women are, but most foreigners (not married to locals who aren’t hookers) never notice. Plenty of sex workers around who aren’t segregated from the men, and of course big city girls (anywhere in the world) follow no social standards.

  30. Half-assed fucktarded article aside, we can expect to see the mainstreaming of sex dolls increase at a faster and faster rate. Westworld, the Blade Runner franchise, Ghost in the Shell, all of this media has the goal of introducing the idea of sex bots and keeping the public focused on it in order to make it a reality. Not to mention the various sex robot/dolls already on the market.
    With more and more of these mgtows relying on porn, and with increasing porn attenuation, sex dolls will be the only way to keep an increasingly disenfranchised and angry male population under control.

    1. Jews will always get laid.
      Perhaps white women would prefer a Jewish porn star fuck android.

  31. My wife (of 36 years) and I, got quite the chuckle out of listening to this article – via text to speech. Either the author has crafted this article as a well tune joke, or man… he really needs to GET THE HELL OUT OF NEW YORK / NE U.S. and come on down to the South and find yourself a nice Southern gal… They’re here, there are plenty… beautiful, sweet, and dude… NOT ALL THOTS. It’s obvious the author is young and has been tainted by the society of the liberal Northeast… Note to author: MOVE SOUTH, it will give you a whole new perspective on your potential life.

  32. This type of arrangement already exists: the gay community. They don’t need expensive dolls either. All it takes for them is some Crisco.

    1. Ayo hole up!!
      You tellin me them queers get to have all the hivaidz, AND Crisco that tey want?

  33. Gendo-Nationalism. This is getting more absurd. Sexless MGTOW has start to slowly take over this masculinity/manosphere movement. This direction is no better than the feminist crap that has run amok. This kind of thinking is for guys who doesn’t know how to talk and interact with women.

  34. The one issue with sex robots is that they’ll claim you’re still a virgin of you don’t fuck a real chick.

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