A disturbing story has recently developed where two Indian immigrants have coordinated to destroy the livelihood of a white American-borne professional who they didn’t agree with.
Pax Dickinson worked as the Chief Technology Officer for Business Insider. He had a Twitter account where he shared views that went against the liberal narrative of gay marriage, spinster worship, fat acceptance, and open borders.
Anil Dash, an Indian businessman, started the attack with this tweet:
Not six hours later, another Indian individual who works at Gawker, Nitasha Tiku, put up a story that shared the most “offensive” tweets that Pax had posted. Because of how fast Nitasha published the story, I would not be surprised if there was private coordination between Anil and Nitasha before publication. Since Business Insider is run by a CEO who is afraid of pansexual geeks on Twitter, Pax’s employment was terminated. (Nick Denton, the homosexual British man who employs Nitasha, was no doubt satisfied to create turmoil for his main competitor.)
Nothing can be done about Pax’s employment, but I want to take a closer look at the motivations of both Nitasha and Anil, and why they decided to gang up on Pax. First, let’s examine something that Anil wrote on his blog in response to the financial crisis of 2008:
There’s a related question here which no one is asking, which is whether the economic catastrophe facing the global marketplace is a result of a failure of white culture in America. The media is always quick to ask whether problems like violence plaguing minority communities are symptoms of a toxic culture in that community, but I haven’t seen any questions to that effect in regard to this financial meltdown.
Last time I checked, white culture made America, but here we have a man with Indian roots attacking the entire home race. Why is it okay for him to attack white culture, but if anyone attacked “black culture” or “gay culture,” he would be first in line to fight back, crying bigotry, or as in the case of Pax, “misogyny”?
In my line of work (teaching men how to meet women), I have noticed a lot of pent-up frustration from Indian men that is directed at white men. The reason? Indian men are jealous that they can’t lay white women, who they pedestalize to heavenly heights. You can shake your head or laugh, but most Indian men will openly tell you they prefer white women over their own race. On my forum, we have enough angry Indian trolls that we’ve developed a name for them: Indian Race Trolls (IRT).
In spite of Anil’s apparent success in business, I would bet a month of my income that he is angry at not being able to have sex with pretty white women. His wife, while surely a nice woman, is not objectively attractive:
This man has lots of money and half a million Twitter followers, can easily import a pretty Indian bride through his family connections, but instead settles for this individual. In other words, the fact that he is with a homely white girl instead of a pretty Indian girl is a strong indicator to his white woman fetish.
In comes Pax Dickinson, a fellow tech worker who is okay-looking, cocky, confident, successful, and white. Anil is resentful of the white man not only for building the West, compared to—say—a Mumbai slum, but also because he can’t come close to getting the type of woman that his business success would give him if he were white.
The animosity is even more clear when you learn that Anil and Pax used to work in the same building. Did Anil lash out at him when they worked together? Nope. Only when he was safely out of range did he decide to start his internet attack. Typical, passive-aggressive beta male behavior.
Nitasha Tiku, also Indian and a suspected Marxist, has shown a pattern of disliking white men, who she believes are privileged and contain no inherent value. She recently called an app “deplorable” because it helped regular people avoid ghetto areas. In her world, it is unconscionable to think that someone would want to keep themselves safe, but when you consider she lives in a white New York neighborhood, it becomes clear she is a hypocrite who won’t be interacting with poor black people anytime soon. She deemed the ghetto avoidance app “racist” and “classist” because it’s better if everyone is equally poor and unsafe. Why she doesn’t return back to India, where there’s a flatter class system consisting mostly of poor people who defecate on the street, I have no idea.
Here’s a sample of her most recent work:
- Dear Paul Graham, Your Priorities Are So Far Out of Whack
- Larry Ellison makes 2,236 times more than the average American worker
- This Is Why There Aren’t Enough Women In Tech
- Bustle’s CEO is Even More of a Self-Serving Misogynist Than You Feared
It’s obvious she hates men, especially white men. It’s amazing that a bonafide misandrist can get a job at the biggest blog network on the internet, denounce whomever she wants, and no one calls out her hatemongering.
Would not fornicate
The irony is that Anil, her partner in Soviet-style denouncement, would never date her because she is Indian, even though they are of the same race, but it’s okay for them to team up and get a white man fired. I suppose in the end it doesn’t matter since she’s a lesbian, and I predict that she’s only one year away from identifying herself as neither a woman or man, as encouraged by the latest liberal trend of declaring yourself to be a gender-neutral carrot, or whatever.
In this drama you have a classic Marxist dyke and a sexually frustrated Indian man joining forces to get a white American man fired within 24 hours. And no one cares besides our perverted corner of the internet. That tells you how much power that minority liberals have gained.
I must state that Pax didn’t do himself any favors with his tweets, but we have to make a decision as a society if we’re going to let angry liberals decide the employment status of natives who actually are contributing to the nation’s economy. The result from all this is one productive man is out of a job while Nitasha can continue fouling up the internet with her Apple laptop (Steve Jobs was a white man) while sitting in Starbucks (Howard Schultz is a white man) and slaving away for Gawker (Nick Denton is a white man), thinking how she is changing the world for women and Indians. At the same time, Anil can ruin a white man’s livelihood because he’s deeply disappointed with his white girlfriend in spite of all the money and status he has. How did this happen to America? I don’t know, but it’s a damn shame we’ve arrived at this point.
Here is additional evidence of Anil’s anti-white hatred:
Click here to follow the Twitter thread. Also, here’s an interested article titled Anil Dash Has Gone Off the Deep End.
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One thing that is intensely boring about USA are constant race issues. Yes, they exists everywhere, but nowhere are they such front page topic as in USA. White-black-yellow-white-indian-black-white-black-blah-blah-blah.
However it is true, that all sorts of immigrants to USA have this nasty habit of talking and preaching about politics as soon as they step foot on American soil.
Not every pool cleaner from eastern Europe can understand what kind of thought built America, and what are desires of American people. They should learn American culture instead (the traditional one ofc).
I agree with you about the race issues being front page news in America! Its getting to be ridiculous. For some reason we are a nation obsessed with race. Still sixty years later and we are still talking about it.
On the last part about american culture. I was born and raised in the United States. I’m still trying to figure out our culture. Is seems to me we are a country based on many different cultures trying to mold into one and its not working. Hence the race issues that we have among each other.
Is our culture based on judeo-chrisitan values? So we all identify by that religion? Is it the american entrepreneur spirit? The half ass capitalistic economy? Is it the traditional nuclear family? Instead it’s very difficult to find out, when today american culture is one of the worse.
Reason why nobody learns anything about USA, is because it is pop-culture that attracts people to go there in the first place.
Back in the fifties, people from my place who emigrated to USA, usually adopted anglophone names first generation already, would seek to establish a private business some day etc.
Today, everyone is screaming his background on every occasion, doesn’t have any ambition but draining dead-end job opportunities in order to provide for internet and cheap food, and immediately create twitter account to start preaching politics.
Oh yes, and complaining. No body complains as much as immigrants.
” No body complains as much as immigrants.”
Lower class immigrants are the ones you’re referring.
I hear you’re complaining, too.
American culture is one of the wost because we don’t have one. There hasn’t been such a thing as the singular american culture since the 90’s. I blame the internet. Pre-9/11 america was heavily defined by media trends. Radio and TV were the arbiters of pop culture, thus american culture in general. Instead, we now have american tribes – the Conservative right, the liberal left, libertarians, entrepreneurs, LGBT, feminist, mgtow, etc. In the absence of a unified culture, people pick something to define their lives by and run with it.
Wrong, America has a strong culture and unique history that has been shut out and corroded in the mainstream media by ZOG as of recent.
American culture is basically a mix of Native American, minor West African and Western European culture. The original American culture was one created by English (Anglo-Saxon) protestants and protesters of the mainstream churches, and this group would later expand to include include French Hugenots, Swiss Calvinists (Amish), German protestants, the Welsh and Scotts, Dutch traders and sailors, the Irish (builders and workers) who would basically become the original founding stock of the U.S. These people created a settler based culture that would lead to the creation of the rest of the United States besides the thirteen colonies.
The original Americans never wanted anyone besides those groups to immigrate to the United States. America had an immigration policy restriction to people only of European origin, specifically Western European/North West European origin until 1965. So really the original American culture was a culmination of Western European culture and it’s philosophy (government/constitutions etc) which was molded to adapt to the American environment and setting. Eastern and Southern Europeans came later but were actually unwanted originally. The founding fathers are actually rolling in their graves right now in seeing these mass migrations of people into the America’s that are not of Western Euro stock and the culture of America today which is different than the WE based one.
What you’re saying is that america HAD a strong culture until 1965. That was almost 50 years ago. The culture you’re referring to was replaced with the one I mentioned and no longer exists. I grew up in a very rural area to German protestant farmers, so I get where you’re coming from. My grandfather lived that culture. My father and I do not. It’s not even an option. That culture has been beaten out of America.
Amish are not Calvinists. They are Swiss Mennonites. Mennonites are Anabaptists. Anabaptists and Calvinists do not like each other.
America was loyal to the British Crown until 1776. That changed on one fine July day.
Yes, life is change.
What about the Jews?…don’t forget the Jews!!!
True, I knew I had messed that up but thanks for correcting me and pointing them out. Regardless they were all European reformers and protestants who were against the mainstream orthodox cultures of there homelands hence why they moved out and expanded to the America’s.
Jews are a corrosive, parasitic and unwanted influence and presence in the U.S whom are causing a lot of societal corruption and damage to not just America but also Western civilization.
It would be better if they had not even showed up on American’s shored and established the Federal Reserve banking system or even made anything at all. They should have been kicked out and banned from ever setting foot within American or any self-respecting nation state for that matter.
They were not and in fact most were Anglicans. When the US was formed and no longer under the King (the head of the church) they called themselves Episcopalian.Anglican and Presbyterian (sort of a Scots version) predominated.
The government may have changed but the people were the same.
“Race issues” aren’t front page news in America, anti-white, race-hustlers and black apologists are front page news.
If race issues were actually front page news, America would be talking about the near apocalyptic murder and crimes rates committed by blacks and the general refusal of the black community as a whole to take responsibility for the failings of their culture and communities.
This is not to say that there aren’t issues that are affecting the black community outside of their control like many drug laws but overall it’s the fundamental lack of personal responsibility and dependency on government institutions that is one of the roots of black societal failure.
“For some reason we are a nation obsessed with race.”
Could it be – and this is just throwing the idea out there – could it be anything to do with the slavery? You think? Is it possible?
Were the two dot heads this article was about descendants of American slaves???
It’s hilarious. Those hysterical debates about race, religion or miley cyrus display a deep insecurity of american culture. A benevolent hegemon would emphasise diversity and pluralism for its rich creative potential. Pluralism doesnt have to change anything, if the maiority knows its values.
boring? but it will only get worse. That is simply because the liberal brainwash on race and multiculturalism is a lie of the same ilk as feminism and gayness as a ‘sexual identity’. It’s a hard fact, but the various breeds and cultures of man exist in a natural power struggle, as do the sexes, whether we like it or not, that’s life, so we might as well be men about it and be sensible. If you think about it multiculturalism is completely nonsensical: between any two people there has to be a dominant, there is no one ‘culture’ that embraces them all perfectly, and such a thing would be impossible (indeed it would just be a dominating culture). Nature cares nothing for perfect equality, there is only competition — the west is committing suicide for gay, ill-conceived and overly compassionate effeminate reasons and it’s sickening.
I really don’t find the whole race topic interesting. I have read about it yesterday here, and i already feel a little more dumb than i used to be.
That’s physically not possible bruh.
By that I mean you’re stupid as fuck to begin with.
The difference between America and Europe is that race issues are never publicly debated in Europe. It is taboo but the media and the governments encourage all immigrants to hate on white men, take their tax money as subsidies to have more unemployed children, and fuck their white women as much as they can.
Perhaps we Europeans don’t like to publicly add fuel to the fire?
What is your gender
Or perhaps it wasn’t until recently that there were any non whites around.
Oh wow.. you forget about white men who like to hump exotic tanned women from other parts of the world..
All sorts of immigrants to USA have this nasty habit… And what about the nasty habit all sorts of 100% Pure American Men have, of feeling superior by birthright to immigrants despite being themselves sons or grandsons of immigrants?
SRS pls go
Perhaps they feel that way because most immigrants to the US were from
the lowest and poorest classes of Europe(in general). If it were the
middle and higher classes who immigrated in general their impression
would have been entirely different so in most cases it’s a class thing.You’ve heard the term WASP used but I can assure you that it is never used for some hillbilly living in the Ozarks.
The top people in Ireland either left the country and went to Europe in
the 1700’s, or allied themselves to the English and are not the same
ones you associate with the gangs of NY. The small group of Italians in
the US in colonial times were the better class whether they were
shippers, business owners or from some profession and in fact two signers of the Declaration of Independence were Italian. Nothing like the semi-literate landless peasants that migrated in the late 1800’s from the former Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Your impression of a group depends entirely on class not whether they are from the North or South.
Point taken…but…Do you think you’ll move to India (or other countries) with very little to start a new endeavor and you’ll be received with warm greetings?
There was at least a time in this country’s history where a family could at least move here (with almost nothing) and start over. It wouldn’t be easy but it was at least considered a ‘melting pot’ at one time. I don’t know about that, today, but you damn sure wouldn’t move to another country and get the same opportunities that you would get here.
It’s why many came to this country.
Amen my (blue/yellow/wahtever) brother
Lives on curry, name is Anal Dash. What a world.
haha best comment
Agreed, unfortunate name, like a gay My Little Pony character.
Roosh, thank you so much for sticking up for white men. This was an epic, bold, takedown of these two useless leeches.
Thanks and God bless. You deserve all the good you’re getting.
Holy shit, this article went straight for the jugular. It is interesting to see people openly fight against the anti-white male culture that has been created over the last 60 years. Can you imagine this being posted in a mainstream publication?
Mr. potato head troll?
How dare you insult Groucho Marx in this way.
Hue hue hue…
As long as Companies are going to allow a entire gang of “15” dictate their moves, than this country will always be bullshit.
also those liberal douchebags don’t speak for MOST liberals I know…as a matter of fact Im starting a blog called what REAL progressives think because its SO MANY falsehoods about fake progressives vs real ones…just as it is with Tea Partiers vs real conservatives.
A real progressive..LIKE BILL MAHER (who believes in the right to call a woman a cunt) believe in freedom of speech..ESPECIALLY when you disagree with it
Roosh himself is middle-eastern and yet he has exclusively banged slavic pussy for the last few years and yet he has the gall to tell Indian men to stick to their own race.
Why don’t you follow your own advice and keep to banging only Iranian, Turkish, and Armenian women?
Roosh brought up that man’s Indian background because it was the motive for his hatefulness and hypocrisy, not because he has a problem with an Indian chasing whites, per se. The man’s Indian background cut right to the heart of his motive and showed his hypocrisy. The dude was knocking whites….and yet living in their country rather than his own, and chasing white women rather than his own.
More relevantly: Roosh doesn’t maliciously and wantonly ruin the jobs and status of productive people. Destructive people deserve more scorn than productive people.
Finally: Roosh is much closer to white than those two shrill, hateful things.
Show any Russian/Ukrainian man a picture of Roosh and ask if he’s slavic and they’ll say “No.”.
Case closed.
Fact is he goes on Indian men all the time about how they prefer white women yet he never realizes he’s no different – he prefers slavic women (not just white).
Not to mention the fact that there are plenty of white men on his forum who’ve banged more South-East Asian women than they’ve banged white women (Fisto, THC et al) and yet he never calls them out for not dating/fucking their own race.
You’re arguing against a case that Roosh never made.
You’re arguing that interracial dating is wrong, or that Roosh said that it was. He said no such thing. Read the damn article.
(Although I personally am opposed to black/white dating specifically, and white disposession generally. But Roosh clearly does not share this view, and it is not common at RoK, as you noted.)
So, you admit to being a bigot.
You have no moral high ground here son.
I’m not a women, so I argue based on logic, not moral hysterics and posturing. “Moral high ground” is therefore not something I sought or care about.
Finally, if you are actually a male, there’s no doubt you’re incapable of having sons, or that any woman would accept your seed, anyway. So don’t call me son, fag.
Why do you give a rat ass about black/white relations? Why does anybody care about any race dating another, especially in the United States?! I know we have some european guys on here and some other sprinkled around the world, but wtf man?!
It’s totally off-topic. But some people (a) like to see their own genetic line preserved (ya’ know, that whole “evolution” thing), and (b) blacks specifically are a destructive force wherever they reside, and their low IQs and destructiveness are ruinous for the future of the human species and Western Civ.
My opinions, and have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
I am just trying to get in your head to see where your how you come to those conclusions. I respect your position on that thought, but don’t agree with it!
Honestly we can go back through human evolution and find out that all of us come from a mix background. Just some have a higher percentage of a genetic makeup that they favor. This has happened through wars, empires, slavery, etc. So the whole evolution thing should be thrown out the window.
By that logic, there is no such thing as red, green, or blue, since all colors are on a spectrum. Just don’t drive on the same roads as me.
Or there is no such thing as pitch, since all sounds are on a spectrum. Just don’t try to get work as a disc jockey.
Genetics and DNA is a fascinatingly, endlessly complex arena (and new insights are made and past errors exposed daily). So it is best to not argue about personal lifestyles from something so labyrinthine. Instead, I just focus on the human right to freedom of association: people have the right to choose to be around who they want, and to exclude who they don’t want. (Or, at least, they did until the past few decades.)
And from the natural order of people choosing their own communities, the basic human instinct to reproduce and to be around one’s own kind is always revealed plain as day, and there is everything right with it.
The natural order of people choosing their own communities?
Wait, is that anything like traveling through South America, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe writing bang guides?
Today you have no argument about races mixing. If you were born thousands or millions of years ago then you will have some substance to stand on.
Today you have no leg to stand on about races mixing. Nobody in today’s world has a pure genetic code of one race. If you were born thousands or millions of years ago, then maybe you have something of substance for your argument.
If we have anyone here of christian background, then you have no leg to stand on for being racist.(I cant speak for other religions since I need to study up on them more) As the book of Genesis states that we come from one man and one woman. You can dislike a man for being a cunt, rude, beta, asshole, not like his personality, not educated, not liking the same football team, etc. If you dislike a person because the color of their skin even though they went to the same school, have the same principles as you, grew up in the same neighborhood, have the same income or more, being educated, like the same music, the same sports teams, etc. Then you severe mental problems.
Yep, and most of the guys on here have that mental problem.
They’re incapable of judging a man on his own merits.
This despite the fact that, like most people, they want to be judged on their own personal qualities and not just by their appearance.
Roosh seems to straddle the fence between being a racist and not being a racist.
At some point Roosh, you got to take a stand. If you’re a white nationalist, then just say so. But if you’re not, you should declare that too, considering the white nat groupies you’re attracting.
but the fact of the matter is that Armenians, Iranians etc are “White” regardless of what Slavics will say. it was those races that gave birth to the other Europid races anyway.
This is just a silly blog and people express opinions. That’s all.No one who doesn’t like interracial dating is going out and trying to stop it.
I’m an atheist so Genesis which was written by a number of men in instalments means nothing to me but you may want to go back and read it with an open mind and without all of the religious brainwashing you’ve obviously suffered.
Although it all seems like a fairy tale to me, my interpretation, and it’s all right there in Genesis, is that Adam and Eve were not the first people but merely a new improved version of humans. The Lord(whoever that was) banned them from eating from the tree of knowledge and after he found out they did and might then eat from the tree of life he threw them out of the so called Garden and placed some sort of guard so they couldn’t get back in and eat from the tree of life(which would make them immortal). But he did give them some sort of a mark or weapon to protect themselves because there were other savage humans outside the Garden who might kill them. So there were other humans around and they were not the first.
As far as racial purity all I can say is that Nature is constantly weeding out the less mentally and physically fit and after many many generations you may have a different sort of person regardless of their original origins. All people on earth appear to be in the Homo sapiens species but they may not all be H sapiens sapiens or perhaps are a subspecies in that classification. Closely related species can mate so of course a subspecies can. All people on earth have language and can all be taught the same basic things.
But regardless of what I think about things you can be sure that Nature will sort things out and like all things in nature it is based on the natural order of dominance. Higher intelligence and being better able to adapt to the physical environment is what makes a group survive over another group.If it were just physical strength the animals would have wiped us out but we were smart enough to invent weapons and organise better. What you may call discrimination is really just the natural order of dominance. Even when groups were very isolated from each other this same process went on but now that different groups or races of varying abilities are together Nature will sort them out eventually. But in my opinion the negroid group will never come out on top or survive because the Caucasian group has an edge in IQ and resistance to diseases etc. and are even better when it comes to the types of food they can survive on.Just a couple of examples-Blacks retain sodium which is a big factor in heart disease. Now, in a hot climate where you sweat a lot this was good because most people need to take salt pills when they sweat too much but overall it is a bad adaptation because it’s a lot easier to just take salt than to get rid of excess sodium.
Black skin may seem good on the Equator but in general in other areas it’s not. White people have enough melanin to turn it on or off as needed and can adapt to the Equator as well as blacks. Sickle cell may protect from Malaria but in general it’s worse than the disease it protects against.
So all of these adaptations in the Blacks are worse than the benefit from them.
In order for the Black race to survive they’re going to have to practise eugenics themselves and weed out the dumb and maladaptive otherwise they will never be able to equal the Caucasian and survive and reproduce. Whites must just instinctually do this themselves because there’s a bigger difference in classes than there was in the past.The less fit with the lower IQ’s are being weeded out and/or are being absorbed by lessor races. Black men with fat dumb white females.
I find this funny! I am just saying what people believe. I didn’t say I believe in it. I am not advocating one thing over another. Honestly when it comes to talking about history all of us are ignorant. We are sitting here relying on evidence that is given to us by others.
Iranians are Persian… White. Turks… White… Armenians… White.
White. White. White.
Is this a joke?
Wait, the Ayatollah Khamenei is white? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a cracker? Shit, you learn something new everyday.
Who gives a shit? Nobody gives a fuck whether you classify Turks or Persians as white.
The article is about two phony immigrants just sought to ruin the life of a man in the very country that accepted them.
Keep your eye on the ball. (And no, cuckold fetishist, I don’t mean on the balls of the dude plowing your girlfriend.)
If you assume that “white” and “Caucasian” are the same thing, then yes, those people are white. As Iranians (Persians), they’re technically Indo-Aryan as well. Basicially cousins to the white people of Europe. In general, all people from the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe are classified as “white.” Just look at any Census form.
You mean American census form!
You mean the United States of America census form! That’s the official definition that the US government has put out I am sorry but I don’t see white America excepting people in the majority Muslim countries or anyone south of the border as white. If you want to look at human history then yes the around the Mediterranean Sea is closely related to each other from war, empires, and slavery. It’s the same all the countries south of the United States of America.
They are all Caucasian.What we call races are just large groups of a certain type. They are not from the Mongol group or the Negroid group the other races of man. Sure, you could keep breaking it down and dividing people until you get right down to a family but that would be absurd. Thousands of years ago Caucasians were virtually the only humans on earth and their original homelands were Europe, West Asia and the entire North of Africa and the people were the same regardless of where they lived. It’s only in more recent history and after a pop. explosion that is still ongoing that any real mixing began.
Ever read the Illiad (or seen the film Troy)? Both the Greeks and the Trojans(Turkey) were very Aryan looking at that time.Read the descriptions by Homer and about what we know. They chose blonde Brad Pitt for the lead because that’s how he’s described in the Iliad.Hollywood producers may be dummies but the writers are literate and don’t want to look like idiots by putting a black guy in the lead.
P.S. Istanbul(Turkey) and Asia Minor (Georgia, Armenia etc) are parts of Europe. Just because there may have been some mixing as a result of Arab invasions doesn’t change the fact that they are basically of the Caucasian type or culturally part of the West. Turkey may be muslin but it is a secular country more like the West.Same is true of Iran where if they can get rid of the mullahs, the current wackos in control, would be just like the West.Females don’t wear burkahs (just a scarf on their head) and jeans or something. Some of these things are just customs like in my grandmother’s day where females would always wear a hat or scraf when they went out.More out of a sense of modesty in public. Unmarried females probably did or didn’t as they wanted but these were the girls who were looking for husbands and had to be a bit more attractive with their hair.
You making a tiny error. There’s Indo-European Aryan and there’s Indo-Aryan (like for the Caucasian type in India) But just like the US with blacks there is a 25% Dravidian group that is negroid.
The US census bureau uses a few definitions for Caucasian.
And no it’s not the same as South America. Your race has little to do with nationality or where you were born. There were a lot of areas populated by Germans and other Europeans in S America in the past and I doubt if any of these people would describe themselves as “hispanic” even though they speak Spanish. In a lot of these places race and class are closely related. You get to see the immigrants from the lower class in the US and believe they are typical of their country. It’s like if 10% of the bottom classes of the US immigrated to the Ukraine, the people there would think that Americans were Black.
hah ofcourse not
IRT is mad? lol
Roodouche’s own deep rooted self hate is what needs to be called out here.
Plus any idiot in corporate america knows that tweets like these by Mr.Dick will have consequences from HR.
The last paragraph is the key. The system is run by militant progressives (Schulz definitely, Jobs and Denton almost definitely) who are also white males. The Indians are just stooges in this one-sided war. All the real action is white-on-white.
Right on roosh! These fucking sand niggers are scum of the earth and racist toward white men. They have a chip on their shoulder from 200 years ago when the british kicked their asses and civilized India. Not only did Indians con and steal millions of IT jobs, but they enacted employment genocide in the STEM fields with outsourcing, offshoring, greed, deceit. Plus Indians smell bad and have no hygiene.
Gawker.com employee failing in her attempt to stigmatize RoK with “hate speech” so her phony quote can be cited as proof of how evil site is.
What’s the term for web posting “false flags”?
Smells like SRS.
Roosh, I typically find myself giving a single half-hearted nod while reading your emotional outbursts, but this diatribe is left of field. As I recall, you’re a first generation American, your mother and father having emigrated from Turkey and Iran, respectively. Yet, you’ve built a brand on trashing the U.S., bashing its *white* women and its culture, going so far as to advise American men to “abandon ship” by severing all ties with their homeland in pursuit of foreign pussy. Now, one could just as easily advise you to return to Iran in light of your professed opinion of the West, but I doubt the Persian readership would be as receptive to your product.
It’s also jarring to see you promoting the Anglosphere and Sweden (the epitome of a feminist country) when the premise of your blog is basically that modern laws/society have rendered them virtually uninhabitable for ambitious and virile young men. So, you tell me, would you rather live in the US or Iran? Australia or Turkey? Sweden or Armenia?
P.S. In case you’re wondering why the top-level Russian/FSU girls don’t go for you, it’s because you’re beta at your core in the Russian sense of the word, and they can smell it from a mile away.
Troll, you’re now arguing that feminism is an American institution. This is a failed premise that nobody will accept.
Feminism is an elitist orthodoxy concocted in the last two generations….by immigrant Jews from Eastern Europe.
Roosh is way, way, way more representative of Americana than Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, or any of your other heroines.
Actually, I never said that or implied it – see above where I cite Sweden as the epitome of a feminist country. Pathetic attempt at logic/reading comprehension.
Now you’re saying that feminism is a natural Western institution, not just a natural American one.
Okay, you’re compounding your ignorance, and increasing the laughter. Jezebel.com epitomizes the average American woman, to you. You don’t get out much.
Feminism is anything but natural, and I challenge you to find anything in my posts that implies otherwise.
You’re obviously stringing together some random manosphere talking points and attempting to pass them off as logic. It seems you took the advice in Heartiste’s recent post regarding the MinusIQ pill to heart.
Well, I am saying that it fell on more fertile ground in the US than anywhere else.
And yes, thats on you.
Have you ever been to Sweden?
I doubt if anyone I know would even know what jezebel was or in fact what any of these blogs are.
You read the Heartache Shack blog? I’ve looked at some of the comments there and all I can say is that they’re made by a bunch of losers who have no idea about the real world.
The American version of feminism was basically made up of prune faced spinsters who weren’t getting any attention, and wives who didn’t want their husbands drinking and spending money at the saloon where the Hos hung out.
This minor group of females was taken over by the j-ws from the East that immigrated to the US. It’s just another tactic to get over on the goyim and try to control society.
Talmudism>Marxism>Freudism> Communism>Feminism> Racialism> Immigration etc
Just various tactics they use. What is normal behaviour for the j-w is sickness to everyone else.Look at Freud for example. His claim to fame was the Oedipal Theory of neurosis where all neurosis are caused by some underlying sex conflict where the son wants to kill the father and f__k the mother.
How sick and crazy is that?
(Also, your obsession with Roosh’s family life and heritage is bizarre. You looking for him to cuckold you, closet case?)
You’re obviously obsessed with heritage too. Who the hell is an Internet neo-nazi to criticize a dude for noticing someone’s heritage?
Don’t be bitter just because I interrupted your cuckold fetish porn.
Cool bro. Argue like a woman. Next you’ll be saying my dick is small.
Stick to Stormfront son.
lol at “son” attempt again. Strike two.
lol harder at your hatred of white men.
Self-hating white cuckold fetishist (-250) or
Gawker shill (+220)
I tend to favor the ‘dogs, so I’m going for the latter.
Hey, Nintendo boy –
not everyone who isn’t a raving neo-nazi hates white men.
What the fuck? I hate racist people from all backgrounds.
But shit, that’s an alien concept to you – actually having a consistent sense of ethics. Despite the fact that all ethical systems were created by men, you think having a moral compass is feminine.
That’s cool. One day you’ll grow up and realize there’s more to life than living off hate.
Trying to deduce where your vile hatred of me came from. Traced it back to my statement that I don’t like watching black and white sex.
You really enjoy watching black men with white women. lol at your fetishes.
And stop calling names every other post. Know you like self-pegging, but doesn’t mean you should write like a bitch.
^^^ nice attempt at creating an alternate account to defend yourself roosh
And you write like a limp-wrist imbecile.
Done deal, pwned! Best comment of the entire thread.
He wasn’t “promoting” those countries over the other in any other sense than demonstrating how economically progressed they are compared to the non-white countries. He wasn’t saying to move there necessarily, just giving a single comparison.
Your criticism is directed at Roosh because he is criticizing a culture he is a part of? Only by birth, not willingly, even then, that’s not hypocritical if he is being honest and objective. Hypothetically, according to you, all of his statements could be true but because he is a part of the culture he is criticizing, they somehow become “invalid” and worthy of criticism, despite their truth?
If his criticism is solely based on economic factors, why reference India’s caste system or the hygiene of its population? It’s clearly addressing cultural issues as well as economic ones.
My criticism stems from the fact that Roosh is speaking from both sides of his mouth – simultaneously attacking Indian immigrants for criticizing the “superior” white culture with which he apparently identifies, and making a living from it (while urging a generation of intelligent American men of all races to abandon their country to the proverbial mongol hordes).
Also, in Roosh’s world, attempting to block/censor a commentator with dissenting opinions does not equate to the concept “thoughtcrime.”
Best advice. Live your life. 🙂 Roosh is Roosh. His blog, his opinions. One man out of BILLIONS. He’s no Bill Gates, he’s no Zuckerberg, he’s no Kennedy, he’s no Spielberg, he’s no Cruise, he’s no Rockerfeller, he’s certainly NO Mandela, no Mao, he’s Roosh. Take him for what he is. 🙂 He’s not self anointed authority, he’s a man, sharing his opinion. You don’t like, by all means find someone else to read. BILLIONS of people, BILLIONS of opinions. 🙂 Enjoy life, my friend. 🙂 Spend it with the people you care and love. 🙂
Exhibit A- Aziz Ansari’s stand up.
First attacking some random guy on the internet, then dedicating tons of posts on pissing off feminists, then talking about Black men and their preferences in women, and now this shit. What exactly is your “line of work” Roosh? I can say it isn’t helping any men, especially not with the state of life you are in. Now days back I remember reading a post about you being short on cash and pretty much begging your “corner” of the internet to pay you some donations. You are the laughing stock of the entire internet with legitimate PUAs seeing you as a joke, now this shit?
I guess do whatever it takes to earn your paper and get some money, even if it means pissing off an entire race of people. You have gone from attracting guys who want to improve themselves to borderline neo-nazis.
In my life I have met plenty of Indians who love White people and the ones born and raised out west exclusively have White (and also Asian) friends. Most Indians (or Asians or any immigrant group for that fact) have nothing against White people.
As for Indian men struggling to get White women, well fact is I have rarely seen White women who are attractive go for any minority group unless they are Black guys.
It’s strange. Most non-white people don’t fucking hate white people. Where’s this paranoia coming from? This one overblown incident?
Get real.
Roosh isn’t really White yet he desperately wants to be. Stalks women in European countries like some coyote that hasn’t eaten in days and when he gets rejected writes up reports on how terrible the place is.
My girlfriend constantly gets harassed by Arabic and Middle Eastern men in the workplace and when she is traveling to Europe, putting money on the fact that roosh is one of them.
Btw, look up Dnesh D Souza (whos dated who), guy is Indian and nailed this
If you’re holding up lying, fawning, ass-kissing, evangelical, willing-slave-to-the-powerful D’Nesh D’Souza as a paragon of masculinity, then we know all we need to know about you.
And Laura Ingraham? Would not fornicate.
“Dnesh D Souza (whos dated who), guy is Indian and nailed this”
No one said Indians struggle with trannies
lying? Roosh and all of the writers on this blog do that seem to do that real well
don’t worry, you’ll never get a chance to be with a woman of those looks, she has way too many options.
Have fun making up fictional stories about your one night stands and hating on guys that do get laid. Bunch of damn hypocrites.
Roosh does appear to be obsessed with pussy (probably because he isn’t getting any)
His “pickup” technique leaves a lot to be desired as well. Too childish and primitive. And his impressions of countries are just lamebrained. He really doesn’t understand these places and how the local people behave. A lot of places, including a lot of the US, are turned off by pushy aggressive people and you have to be more subtle in picking up girls.You don’t show off or make sexual comments to girls, that turns them off. If a girl goes with you to your place she very well knows that it is for sex.Many of the Scandinavian girls behave very proper and chaste during the day but after midnight and some drinks will loosen up but you still can’t behave like some vulgar braggart.There’s no Jante “code” that’s just some bullshit he made up to excuse the fact that he couldn’t get laid lol
Yes, Roosh’s recent trajectory is rather interesting. Seems like he’s trying to score a job with Fox News or some other right-wing outlet.
And like you, most Indians I’ve met seem to LOVE white people. I would be amazed to actually meet an anti-white Indian.
These stories amaze me to no end. Since I ejected from the
whole government/corporate/educational cultural Marxist machine, these
instances show how low our culture has sunk into intolerance and a complete
lack of respect for intellectual diversity.
The only thing that Pax is “guilty” of is what we in flyover
country call “having an opinion.”
It used to be that a person could say to one he disagreed
with, “well, that’s just like, your opinion, man,” move on, and choose not to
socialize with that person.
Today, with the US in the paranoid grip of the cultural Marxist
grievance machine, any attitude out of line with the dogma rammed down the
throats of the weak-minded in university and enforced by the HR/EEO/diversity
commissars in government agencies, corporations, and “educational” institutions
cannot be met with only disagreement. It is now a scorched earth assault on an
individual to ruin his life for the mere “crime” of not agreeing with insane
people who invent insane concepts like “CIS privilege, male privilege, white
privilege,” etc. Each and every one of these concepts is a mask and justification
for bigotry, intolerance, intimidation, and discrimination by the social
justice warriors who claim to be against these very things.
Pax got hammered. So did a rodeo clown in Missouri. So will
anyone at any Fortune 500 company, government agency, or “educational”
institution that dares to speak freely.
On another note, I think Twitter is the id of the Internet.
It galls me that people get so worked up over such triviality and can honestly
spend as much time as they do on that channel. It definitely tells me that Anil
and Nitasha certainly do not have enough to do at work and can probably have
their jobs eliminated, or they are socially retarded and afre unable to
function anywhere but behind a glowing screen.
What I find interesting is that good old Bob Pierce at National Alliance had Indian sari wearing women (“Savitri Devi”) on his main home page and sold books by her.
And the Nazis spoke Hindi and adopted Hinduism’s holiest symbols, like the Swastika and even the term Aryan is a Hindi word for the Hindus themselves. (which are everywhere in India, all temples and festivals).
It is also interesting that the Norwegian holy books (the Eddas) are the same source as Hinduism’s (also called the (v)Eddas).
There are 500 million or so Aryans and about 500 million or so Dravidians in India. The far right, even the contemp. ones like NA, adopt and revere Aryan culture and Sari wearing philosophers, specifically the Indian ones.
You have a point, but lets not make this about Indian culture. Who the hell cares?
It’s about a bunch of bigots trying to tar people with one brush.
No such thing as Indian culture. It’s either Aryan culture or Dravidian culture, although the Aryan one is typically the dominant one.
It’s not that bigotry is wrong per-se (really depends on the circumstances). What is funny is that non-Aryan people (like roosh) are looking down at Aryan people and calling them non-white, whereas the National Alliance (that is a hardcore far-right neo-nazi outfit) are selling books and revering Sari wearing authors like Savitri Devi. Why do you suppose that is ?
Oh, so you’re another Internet racist too, then?
Too bad.
Nope, the real Aryans came from the steppes of Southern Russia and invaded India where they set up the caste system afterwards. The so called Dravidians are also a Caucasian race originating from the Middle East area and formed the original Harrapan civilization. Iranics/Armenians (Roosh etc) are the real actual Aryans or at least their phenotype is the one that closely resembles that of the steppe warriors that invaded your continent. The Iranic/Armenoid races have roots around the Black sea, Central Asian, Caucases mountains as their origins which makes them Indo-European/Indo-Aryan in ancestry minus the recent Turkic influence and minor admixture.
Where did the Caste, Hindu pantheons, beliefs, rituals, horses come from? It came from the steppes of Southern Russia and Kazahkstan via the Aryans who were the first people to domesticate horses/chariots which they used to invade Europe, the ME, and India. The connection between Scandinavian tales and books and the ones between the Indian ones is just a similarity and congruence of thought carried by these R1a steppe tribes. Regardless they weren’t that civilized and they had to be absorbed by Semitic civilization for them to reach their civilizational capabilities.
The Nazi’s did not speak Hindi and they didn’t adopt that symbol from Hinduism, which isn’t even Hindic in origin as much as it is an ancient Central Asian one. Hell Hitler just wanted alliances and shaped his propaganda for political leverages/alliances, which was why he hated Slavs and Russians even though they have some of the heaviest R1a and are more closer to the original Aryans than Western Europeans.
The off-shoots of these Central Asian tribes, where the others went from Europe, to North Africa, to the Caucases and the ME, invaded your continent, took the civilization culture there and adopted them as their own and put themselves on top hence the caste system and the Hindu gods supporting that idea. The numerous Hindu gods are just manifestations of these Central Asian tribe’s religion which included a vast array of gods but they adopted the native religion and made a blend of it to form the roots of Hinduism and Buddhism. Even in Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan you can see some of the remnants of these original steppe peoples (Kalash, Nurastani etc).
The real true original people of India are Austroloid people who did not really build anything, a culture, religion, or anything that would constitute a basis for a great civilization. The Indus Valley civilization was really a Caucasoid civilization that was an extension of the Middle Easten/Southern Iran which is where the Dravidian component comes from (Elamites etc). The Aryan steppe warriors came later, copied everything and enslaved the original migrants there under the sword (which included some Dravidians too).
That is why Indians are such a genetically inferior people, you are the result of repeated conquest after conquest of smarter/better built people coming from harsher environments which is why you guys have a reputation/mental complex based culture. It’s because the Aryans/Iranics etc and other invaders all conquered you, enslaved you, and then set up societies practicing defacto apartheid/segregation where the new conqueror class had their own separate societies from that of the older conquered class. Regardless of all your so called “Ancient history”, India is a backwards shit hole and you guys don’t seem to have the ability to change it otherwise for the thousands of years to come.
यह बहिनचोद कौन है ?
So Indians are genetically inferior *as a result* of conquest by superior peoples? You do realise that it’s 2013 don’t you? I am descended from these invaders. Why are Austroloids the ‘real, true’ Indians? Are Native Americans the real true Americans? These are statements devoid of content.
I must commend how you dispensed with our ‘Ancient [sic] history’. Why is it ‘so called’? Is it not ‘ancient’? Did India not make advances in mathematics, religion and linguistics in the ancient past? Yes, she did.
I fundamentally do not understand why it’s of any significance that Hindu gods don’t originate with brown people. So what if the roots came from the Aryans? Sophisticated thought, ie the Upanishads and later Buddhism came from, wait for it this might shock you, brown people. Hinduism is assuredly Indian regardless of origins. Why are some people obsessed with the heritage of ideas or institutions? The quality of an idea or thing should be its measure.
The Androsphere is, on the one hand, an attempt to preserve civilisation and, on the other, to get laid a lot. I try to come to it in a civilised spirit but I wonder if it’s indelibly drawn along racial lines.
First of all you are making a flawed comparison of apples to oranges, in this case the Native Americans even though both were wiped out in case of conquest, there were “Caucasian-like” people in the America’s before the Native Americans reached there. The Native American admixed Europeans in America put themselves in the top percentile of the population to lay clam to American and differentiate themselves from later oncoming European immigrants. I mean circumstances were different and unlike the Indians, these Native Americans put up a huge fight, created corn and domesticated the bison which they taught to the settler and almost wiped out the English settlers out if it wasn’t for their quarreling feuds. Even Ben Franklin thought they were “noble savages” which is unlike what Indians are from India.
All civilizations have made advanced in science, religion, linguistic, mathematics and Europe/ME was going to make up for it anyway if Indians were there. All that civilization and science was done by the the “Aryan contingent” of your civilization not the native ones.
The Hindu gods had it’s origin in the steppe warriors and chariots from the plains of Southern Russia which is a established Scientific fact. There is no such hypothetical bloc as “brown people” and that terminology is outdated and doesn’t make much sense anyway. Buddhism and the literature also came from the Aryan descended castes and Boddidharma/Buddha had blue eyes and Caucasian feature which makes the “brown” people thing ambiguous Please stop using stupid liberal bullshit American political framework as your basis, it’s showing your stupidity and idiocracy. Hinduism was a result of the steppe peoples of the Central Asian steppes imposing themselves so it’s not really Indian at all.
The Anglosphere is just attempting to preserve itself from the Judeo-marxist, feminist, anti-European though assault that is occurring right now, which is why a lot of things seem racial. You sound like another one of those idiot Hindu nationalists.
Is English your second language? I think you mean ‘idiocy’ rather than ‘idiocracy’ – I believe that’s a documentary. You don’t understand the idiom ‘apples and oranges’. My point is what relevance is there in stating who was in a place first since the two separate groups no longer exist? We are in 2013 and I am descended from the Aryan invaders. The two are no longer separate, do you not understand?
I’m not an American, a liberal or Hindu. I am resolutely scientific in outlook. Caucasian-like people occupied the Americas before the Natives? I wonder why I’ve never heard that…
Also, Buddha had blue eyes? This I am qualified to rebut. Buddha was from ancient Kapilavatthu in modern Nepal. He spoke a Prakrit and ridiculed the caste system. Sorry he wasn’t white. No amount of doublethink will make anyone think otherwise. In saying such a thing you offer a different kind of brainwashing from the left wing kind. You’re out of your depth here. Of course you have no evidence.
I appreciate that the Androsphere (not Anglosphere though I suppose the two coincide) is reacting to modern brainwashing but for some reason it encourages people like you to peddle pseudo-history. You cannot stand that anything of quality could be produced by non-whites yet I’m somehow liberal for stating plain facts about my own race. You have more in common with Hindu nationalists because they also simply make things up.
You want to characterise me as some non-Aryan savage beneficiary of an invasion millenia ago but in these very words I demonstrate the opposite and you hate that. If I’m so inferior why is my English better than yours? Why can I read Sanskrit and Pali, languages of an ostensibly superior people. I agree the Marxists, feminists etc are a threat but I refuse to take shit about my own culture and history. You CERTAINLY wouldn’t. I won’t either. My interest is in reality and facts whether we like them or not.
Whatever you think of other races, whether here or somewhere where the adults (well..) meet like Heartiste’s, you cannot expect their members, especially their educated ones to simply lie back and take it. If I did so I’d have no self-respect and, remember, everything flows therefrom.
Nope! English is not my second language and my English is as advanced, natural and up to par as any Englishmen that has read all of Shakesphere and Western European literature one hundred times. I was writing that all in a hurry so I made a couple mistakes and misspellings here and there. Also yes, your comparisons about the different conquests are actually invalid and it does in one way constitute an Apples to Oranges comparison because of you making a baseless causal relationship with it.
Yes there is actual evidence that Caucasian like people occupied North America and the Native Americans that supposedly crossed the Bering straits into North America and displaced these Caucasian looking people there; infact there are entire Native American legends and myths of the “ghosts” of these Caucasian people coming to “haunt” the forests and the lands that these Native Americans took from them. The Brits, the French and the Spanish were just coming in to give that payback that the savage and backward Native Americans deserved. Of course you are not American and you have a very naive childish worldview and mind, so it is expected that you would be poorly informed. It is also clear that you don’t know fucking jackshit about American history but you’re just pretending to have credibility like a fuax teenage internet intellectual.
There is also evidence that Buddha did indeed have blue eyes as quoted from scripture and past writings. Buddhism has Indo-Aryan roots in its ethos and outlook so it makes sense that Buddha would also have relationships with these “Aryans”, and different colored eyes tend to mostly “White” traits. Even the features that is described of him suggest that he is of a heavily Caucasian phenotype. You don’t seem to be aware about your relative ignorance in what you know.
It is not that I can’t stand “non-Whites” producing things up to caliber with that of “Whites” (which I would congratulate them on doing if they ever could), but every single important civilization and advancement in history have been mostly done by peoples of a Caucasian background which is a fact. Caucasians would have progressed and produced the same if not better innovations and advancement than non-Caucasian peoples if non-Caucasians didn’t exist on this planet. Even the ruling classes of many non-Caucasian societies had suspiciously described Caucasian features which is described in texts and real history. I’m just trying to openly and bluntly state some harsh truths and realities that idiot libtards such as yourself attempt to block out or throw out the window along with logic and reason.
Your interest are not in reality or truths, indeed you just want to outright throw them out the window and keep the ones that add to your confirmation bias. Your English is DEFINITELY not better than mine and your logic/reasoning abilities combined with your English illustrates an infantile mind. It’s a good thing to know that you know how to read languages that were created and invented by people of a Caucasian racial background. Thus you are only adding to my claims and of course my assertions over you.
Your culture and history is mostly made up of intellectually and physiologically superior invading Caucasians creating, formulating and adapting their steppe religions and ethos to the local regions and then asserting their wills over it. You want to suspend belief and block out anything that doesn’t mold into your naive childish view of the world and your attempts at trying to combat me and challenge my assertions with very poor reasoning and lauded claims is demonstrating this state of immaturity and denial of you.
Ok this is the last message I’ll write. What you’ve written is replete with ad hominems and it’s getting a bit ugly. I can assure you I’m not American or a ‘libtard’ despite the fact you seem to be telling me what I am. Also, I appreciate you wrote your earlier comments in a hurry. I won’t comment on the Native American stuff because it’s becoming a shouting match.
When I say I’m interested in the truth what I mean is that I want to know the truth irrespective of how that reflects on me. That’s why I don’t impose religion or ideology onto the facts. If there was sufficient evidence that Caucasians account for absolutely everything good then I would *have* to follow the facts. Indeed they do account for most scientific advances, I’m not disputing that. But that doesn’t somehow negate achievements of non-Whites which you conveniently account for by saying they can somehow be traced to Caucasians. These are embarrassing beliefs. If you can provide evidence to a sufficient standard then I’ll be the first one to agree with you but you can’t. Indian physicists in modern times have made valuable contributions to science. Now they are obviously not Caucasian. How did these dark skinned men do it if they’re so inferior? You can claim the Buddha was Caucasian because of course we don’t have photos of the guy but you must realise at some point the people of India became what they are today. If you think there was a Caucasian elite in India in the fifth century BC then you must be reading history from an alternative reality. I’m being charitable here.
If there was or is ample evidence to suggest Buddha had blue eyes etc I would accept it. But there isn’t. Your statement ‘as quoted from scripture and past writings’ doesn’t suffice – what kind of standard of proof is that? I’ve read the Pali Canon so I’ll leave it at that because to take it further would be akin to a Physics professor arguing with a Scientologist. In any case I’m amused because my own intelligence is secure, even if your juvenile fantasy rage-laced history were true it wouldn’t affect me an iota. Is that perhaps what angers you?
For the nth time I don’t deny Aryans invaded and for the nth time I reiterate that I am a descendent of theirs. In order for what you’re saying to be causally true my lineage would somehow have to have remained distinct from theirs in order for me to not be descended from them. A child with parents of two different races is not wholly Black or White so it would be odd to continually refer to his White heritage as if were not part of him. This is what you keep doing by saying my culture comes from outside. That’s irrelevant because I personally wasn’t invaded, I live millenia after the fact and am therefore a product of it. If you can’t understand these basic time spans I can’t help you. I understand if you simply dislike non-Whites but you need to clarify as much. I concede that you say you’d congratulate non-Whites on unique achievements which means you don’t simply hate people for being a different colour. That’s hopeful at least.
You say English is not your second language but it resembles the English of a European, it’s certainly not British. As for my nationality the clue is in the spelling. Your first sentence is unnatural as well as hysterical. If you set out your ideas calmly then you will have a dialogue with people.
Look I’m trying to be reasonable but I can see where it’s going so I’m not going to return to this comment. Feel free to reply if you wish but I won’t be reading it.
I’ve said most of that years ago.
You have it a bit backwards and you’re not going far enough back in time. It was the negroids who entered the White cultures which were the foundations of these areas. There were no Blacks in East Africa before 1k BC. After that they began to mix with Caucasians on the Arabians penisular and created the Semites (Arabs). The ancient Hebrew tribes were not semite and were just some of the many tribes from the Old European group living in the South during and after the last ice age.
These same new Blacks then travelled to what is south India and began mixing.
The Buddha is Nepal to the north and you’re talking about 2500 years ago which is a more modern time but there were cultures there before his time and he likely was influenced by them. Not to mention that we don’t know what he looked like but even today after a lot of mixing and the mongols the people are still more Caucasian looking than Mongol or black.
But doesn’t it strike you as odd that many peoples from the East portray their gods as very Caucasian looking even when the general present population may look different?
“Ok this is the last message I’ll write. What you’ve written is
replete with ad hominems and it’s getting a bit ugly. I can assure you
I’m not American or a ‘libtard’ despite the fact you seem to be telling
me what I am. Also, I appreciate you wrote your earlier comments in a
hurry. I won’t comment on the Native American stuff because it’s
becoming a shouting match.”
You are not American period, so you don’t have much knowledge let alone enough familiarity with the subject matter to even comment on it and I bet you haven’t even lived here. Eitherway you don’t know fucking shit about American history or about anything else for that matter but you are illustrating the traits of a “libtard”, even if you aren’t one you seem to stoop to a similar level. Stop pretending to know about things that are outside your background and you also know jacksquat about the Native Americans anyway so it’s not exactly a shouting match. I mean what were you going to do give me a bunch of retarded idiotic Indian nationalist sources for hilarity purposes? There was no shouting here until now you are claiming such.
“When I say I’m interested in the truth what I mean is that I want to know the truth irrespective of how that reflects on me. That’s why I don’t impose religion or ideology onto the facts. If there was sufficient evidence that Caucasians account for absolutely everything good then I would *have* to follow the facts. Indeed they do account for most scientific advances, I’m not disputing that. But that doesn’t
somehow negate achievements of non-Whites which you conveniently account for by saying they can somehow be traced to Caucasians. These are embarrassing beliefs. If you can provide evidence to a sufficient standard then I’ll be the first one to agree with you but you can’t. Indian physicists in modern times have made valuable contributions to science. Now they are obviously not Caucasian.”
Again you are not interested in truths but rather you are interested in things that add to your confirmation bias and of course what is “acceptable for you” which is pretty childish. These are not embarrassing beliefs at all except reality and it’s embarrassing that you can’t seem to make yourself accept it because it adds to your inferiority complex about your garbage race. I have already provided sufficient evidence for most of my claims but then the problem is that you want to discard it and throw it out the window which is not something I can help you with.
Indian physicists, Indian tech workers, Indian anything are some of the most of the horrendous and low quality professionals in the entire world. They amount they “contribute” is negligible and could be made by any non-Indian professional, fact and truth; to see this just go read any blog of a professional that has to deal with Indians (Drunken economist, Tunnel rat etc) on a regular basis. The fact of the matter is that Indians are some of the filthiest and dumbest people on Earth, and the myth of Indians being geniuses is one fabricated by Indians themselves to con people into thinking otherwise. Indians contribute jackshit except leech and take things that have been constructed by other superior races. Indians physicists also believe and make up laughably stupid shit such as the Vatican had it’s origins in Hindu religions and the Arabian gods were originally Hindu pantheons, look that up. I have given enough evidence and you can search the rest yourself to know that Buddha had blue eyes and was basically Caucasian which also is fact by scripture.
“How did these dark skinned men do it if they’re so inferior? You can
claim the Buddha was Caucasian because of course we don’t have photos of
the guy but you must realise at some point the people of India became
what they are today. If you think there was a Caucasian elite in India
in the fifth century BC then you must be reading history from.”
They simply didn’t and they are inferior and low quality as professionals as any non-Indian person will tell you in the business world or the Western STEM fields; Indians are great liars and bullshitters and go down to very low levels to lie, con and cheat others, even their own. Also yes there was a Caucasian elite and the Aryan Invasion theory is a 100% established scientific fact despite what hinduvtards and moron Indians such as yourself try to say; retarded Indians are the only people that deny this established scientific theory. Fact is there was a CAUCASIAN ELITE in India as far back as the fifth century BC only retarded Indian nationalists try to deny this fact.
You also committed an ad hoc, various non-sequitur’s and a whole assortment of logical fallacies what I won’t bother pointing out. I mean you just wrote that you don’t “deny” that the invasions happened yet you are saying there couldn’t have been possibly a Caucasian ruling elite which again negates the first statement that you made because admitting this makes the second fact a reality.
“In order for what you’re saying to be causally true my lineage would somehow have to have remained distinct from theirs in order for me to not be descended from them. A child with parents of two different races is not wholly Black or White so it would be odd to continually refer to
his White heritage as if were not part of him. This is what you keep doing by saying my culture comes from outside. That’s irrelevant because I personally wasn’t invaded, I live millenia after the fact and am therefore a product of it. If you can’t understand these basic time spans I can’t help you. I understand if you simply dislike non-Whites but you need to clarify as much. I concede that you say you’d congratulate non-Whites on unique achievements which means you don’t simply hate people for being a different colour. That’s hopeful at least.”
You seem to have a very poor understanding of genetics and science which is very a typical of idiot Indians and Hindu nationalists. The reality is that your culture did come from outside as evidenced by the fact that the HORSE was brought in from outside and was not there in that region before. The fact that Sanskrit and various other Hindu languages and pantheon gods have resemblances to Indo-Aryan and Indo-European deities and pantheons is not surely coincidental which indicates that “you” were invaded and your culture is a product of superior horse riding Caucasians from Southern Russia. The time-spans are irrelevant to providing negations to whether the culture came from outside through invasion afterwards. The sad reality is that history proves to me that non-Caucasians have never adequately measured up to Caucasians in terms of human evolution, civilization and progress.
“You say English is not your second language but it resembles the Englishof a European, it’s certainly not British. As for my nationality the clue is in the spelling. Your first sentence is unnatural as well as hysterical. If you set out your ideas calmly then you will have a dialogue with people”
Your English definitely is sub-par and of a lower quality as evidenced by your poor and faulty paragraph structuring, bad grammar and various run-on sentences along with other things. English is definitely YOUR SECOND OR NON-FIRST LANGUAGE as far I can see from your paragraphs. I am not British, I am American but my English is definitely natural as any and much better than yours. Regardless most of your sentences and writing IS hysterical if you are trying to somehow prove you are some sort of superior esteemed “scholar” trying to lecture down at inferior ignorant non-Indian “heathens” such as myself. You are just another typical internet Indian.
“Look I’m trying to be reasonable but I can see where it’s going so I’m not going to return to this comment. Feel free to reply if you wish but I won’t be reading it.”
Look, the honest fact is that it is impossible to have honest dialogue, let alone any form of reasonable and rational discussion with deluded internet Indians about topics that include their real history and the unfortunate realities related to it, like AIT and the nature of Hindu/Indo-Aryan pantheons and culture. You know that the reality of the fact is that all the evidence and scientific rationale proves that what I am saying is indeed true and it’s going to a direction where you will be dis proven or be put down and cornered in a position that you will lose. If you are not in anyway an Indian than you are very much a very sorry basket case.
The “blacks” that you are talking about that supposedly were in South India are not Blacks at all; they are a racial type known as Austroloids whom are not Bantu/African. Semites are not Caucasians mixed with blacks and there were blacks in Africa before the other non-black races got there so there could have been Blacks in East Africa before 1kbc.
There was no visible “european” phenotype that existed in the world like it did now. Semites are there own separate race and most of them have a distinct genetic feature known as R1b which is found in France, the British isles, Spain/ Basque country, Southern Europe and various other places. There are various mountain ranges in the Middle East such as the Zagros mountains, the Caucuses, and various others that could have produced the Semite race.
As for Gods looking hypothetically Caucasian, that is just coincidental and it’s not a rational explanation of those societies being primarily constructed by Caucasians. You can say the same for societies with deities that historically did not have contact with them or were opposed and closed off to them.
Nope, the real Aryans came from the steppes of Southern Russia and invaded India where they set up the caste system afterwards. The so called Dravidians are also a Caucasian race originating from the Middle East area and formed the original Harrapan civilization. Iranics/Armenians (Roosh etc) are the real actual Aryans or at least their phenotype is the one that closely resembles that of the steppe warriors that invaded your continent. The Iranic/Armenoid races have roots around the Black sea, Central Asian, Caucases mountains as their origins which makes them Indo-European/Indo-Aryan in ancestry minus the recent Turkic influence and minor admixture.
Where did the Caste, Hindu pantheons, beliefs, rituals, horses come from? It came from the steppes of Southern Russia and Kazahkstan via the Aryans who were the first people to domesticate horses/chariots which they used to invade Europe, the ME, and India. The connection between Scandinavian tales and books and the ones between the Indian ones is just a similarity and congruence of thought carried by these R1a steppe tribes. Regardless they weren’t that civilized and they had to be absorbed by Semitic civilization for them to reach their civilizational capabilities.
The Nazi’s did not speak Hindi and they didn’t adopt that symbol from Hinduism, which isn’t even Hindic in origin as much as it is an ancient Central Asian one. Hell Hitler just wanted alliances and shaped his propaganda for political leverages/alliances, which was why he hated Slavs and Russians even though they have some of the heaviest R1a and are more closer to the original Aryans than Western Europeans.
The off-shoots of these Central Asian tribes, where the others went from Europe, to North Africa, to the Caucases and the ME, invaded your continent, took the civilization culture there and adopted them as their own and put themselves on top hence the caste system and the Hindu gods supporting that idea. The numerous Hindu gods are just manifestations of these Central Asian tribe’s religion which included a vast array of gods but they adopted the native religion and made a blend of it to form the roots of Hinduism and Buddhism. Even in Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan you can see some of the remnants of these original steppe peoples (Kalash, Nurastani etc).
The real true original people of India are Austroloid people who did not really build anything, a culture, religion, or anything that would constitute a basis for a great civilization. The Indus Valley civilization was really a Caucasoid civilization that was an extension of the Middle Easten/Southern Iran which is where the Dravidian component comes from (Elamites etc). The Aryan steppe warriors came later, copied everything and enslaved the original migrants there under the sword (which included some Dravidians too).
That is why Indians are such a genetically inferior people, you are the result of repeated conquest after conquest of smarter/better built people coming from harsher environments which is why you guys have a reputation/mental complex based culture. It’s because the Aryans/Iranics etc and other invaders all conquered you, enslaved you, and then set up societies practicing defacto apartheid/segregation where the new conqueror class had their own separate societies from that of the older conquered class. Regardless of all your so called “Ancient history”, India is a backwards shit hole and you guys don’t seem to have the ability to change it otherwise for the thousands of years to come.
I’ve met one kinda cool Indian dude in my life. The rest were annoying, if not smelly, as fuck.
where is this mythical dude?
Well, I didn’t really meet him. He was a character in some movie about finding White Castles or some shit.
Raj from the Big Bang Theory
Just as Socrates was killed in ancient Athens for “not honoring the gods that the city honored,” you will be figuratively executed for not bowing to the multicultural gods of racisim, feminisim, etc. The west is dying in a bizarre fashion as we subjugate ourselves to other races.
I don’t see any of that in my upper class white area.I’ve never even heard a female use the word feminism or talk about blacks and things are pretty much the way they’ve always been.
Also to add to the BS statement made by this thread.
Look up D’Nesh D Souza on Who’s Dated Who (google it). Guy nailed Ann Coulter and Lauara Ingraham. Seems to be doing a lot better than Roosh or anyone else on his psuedo-Stormfront forum.
Can’t believe he nailed this
What the fuck does this have to do with this post?
You’re trolling bro.
Roosh said Indians cannot score with White women who look decent regardless of status, he provided an example that they can. DO you even read “bro”?
D’Nesh D’Souza? Sure, and Matthew McConnaughey’s notch count is indicative of the sex lives of all Irish Americans.
People’s obsession with celebrities and pop culture figures is so bizarre.
Ha, ha funny stuff by the haters today. Basically, what we need to understand here is that those who scream the loudest about racism and denial of freedoms are typically the first to exercise racism and denial of freedom of speech through hate campaigns and witch hunts. The real scare here, as evidenced by Pax’s loss of employment, is that freedom of speech by those that disagree with the feminist philosophy of male subjugation is simply unacceptable.
Bullshit man.
Not everyone’s a hypocrite. Stop using that lame excuse.
Oh I can be a racist since they hate the white man! But what are you basing that on? The color of their skin.
Funny how you saw race and color in my comment…looking through a colored prism, are we?
Deebos, it’s not just directed to you, it’s for all the guys on here are pissed that colored folks are racist towards white men when they turn around hate other races themselves.
So, by your reckoning, because some whites express racist views, all whites should shut up and move to the back of the bus? How progressive of you.
Roosh, that was awesome. Love the hard-hitting style. Spoken like a true Moghul.
Indian males must be the world’s biggest betas. I’ve never met one who even hinted at being a man. They’re effeminate, weak, and creepy.
And women seem to agree. I recall a global survey a few years back that asked women to rate the world’s sexiest men.
Indian men came in last, as expected.
Nice use of feminist shaming language by calling them creepy.
Has anybody ever seen the Cathedral ever subject somebody who wasn’t StraightWhiteMale to the Inquisition for Thoughtcrime?
Paula Deen. But she was StraightWhiteSouthern. One thing you’ll quickly observe is that University-Educated Liberals have a ingrained prejudice against anyone who is white and from the south as easily-fitting the stereotype of poor trash, dumb and racist, so they’re freely-allowed to use hate speech against them without any fear of social consequences from dehumanising an entire block of states. And it is true Hate Speech. People need to start lawyering up and calling them out on it.
Meanwhile Gawker Headquarters sits in the neighbourhoods of NoLita, SoHo and The Bowery: affluent, gentrified neighbourhoods where rich whites used financial pressure to drive out their original immigrant population years ago. I doubt anyone there has ever met a POC who isn’t post-grad.
This is why candid remarks can only by shared pseudonymously.
Most of what this guy shared doesn’t even fail the sniff test.
So brothers, keep your heads down, don’t get uppity and keep your thoughtcrimes well guarded.
Not everyone can be so fortunate to be in “line of work (teaching men how to fornicate with women)” By the way that’s gotta be the best response to that awful boring question, “So what do you do?”
The war may be lost for now. We’ll just have to go guerrilla.
(Attention friends in the security and intelligence sector. In this context “guerrilla” is intended figuratively to refer to guerrilla rhetoric and public communication and no violence against person or property is intended. Thank you for your understanding.)
Dear Citizen Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta:
Your post has been flagged by our cultural moderation team as:
[x] priviledged
[x] offensive
[x] cis-normative
[x] potentially fomenting intolerance
Furthermore, our records indicate that you do not qualify for any cultural or gender hardship exemptions.
As this is your first offense, you are hereby required to remand yourself to the nearest Encorpera Cultural Learning Center (sm) for Intensive Sensitivity Training (tm, (c), pat. pending).
Your employer will be notified and automatically invoiced for the cost of your retraining program.
Max Robespierre
Customer Service Representative
Encorpera Diversity Solutions, Inc.
Encorpera: “We can do it!”
Encorpera is an equal opportunity employer.
I suppose Roosh is using the term white men in the broad sense which includes his own nation, Iran, as well as Lebanon and Kuwait. Regardless, it’s a great post. No wonder why Persia once ruled the world.
“Failure of white culture…?”
I wish the bleedy heart progressivism, Marxism and its various flavors ala the Frankfurt School as well as all that Post-Modern nonsense such as Critical Theory that whites invented would fail instead. Europeans and (European-Americans) were the first to abolish slavery. If any of the vibrant peoples of color had the power to conquer the Europeans or European-Americans, how do you suppose that would have turned out.
Are only Europeans and their descendants fallen and burdened with original sin and all the heathens of the world virtuous angels?
Ok, I agreed with most of this article until I checked out Pax’s twitter page. He does deserve to be fired. You can’t put up racist shit like that as a CTO for a media company. When you are hired, you sign all sorts of stuff HR can use to get you if you post stupid shit on social media. He’s stupid to have used his real name.
Was it racist? Or was it satire, you know like that Jew Bill Maher? Pax definitely seems like a prick, but most of the best men in the world are fucking pricks. Should they all be cast out of public life? Was Pax disenfranchising minorities in any way?
You’re right. He works for a Business and businesses are there to make money not to alienate anyone or lose customers. Suppose some board member at Famous Amos cookies (owned by a black man) announced or tweeted that all Whites were mothf__ng craka arseholes. Bad for business and they’d get rid of him. You can’t compare this to what some moron writes on jezebel or one of those dumb fem blogs because they’re not really selling anything and besides no one gives a rat’s arse what they write.
And frankly, this Pax guy sounds like a blowhard who is not getting any quality pussy.
To make it clear, I never stated that Indian men shouldn’t pursue white women. There are plenty of white women for everyone, and I’ve instructed many in this endeavor. But to ruin a man’s livelihood because you can’t bang a white 6 or above is going too far.
Anil’s future business partners should have the facts of his behavior at hand so they can be able to make a decision for themselves on if they want to work with someone who has an apparent deep-seated hostility towards whites.
You pursue white women too and european nazis hate you for it too so nobody thought you said it was wrong for the indian guy 😀
Responding to your post:
FYI #1, the United States of America is NOT a white country. And neither is Brazil. Blacks (see the entire South) and Hispanics (see California, Texas, etc.) have been Americans for much longer than most white Americans (most white immigration occurred in the 20th Century). Again, America is not a white country. It has never been.
Quoting a Zero Hedge commenter: “In what year did people arriving on US soil stop being ‘American’ and start being merely ‘immigrants’ to your mind?”
FYI #2, immigrants (including Indians) run and build Silicon Valley. No immigrants, no American tech sector. If they leave, the rest of the world will benefit, and we will lose.
Also, ever since this site was founded, you have used race as a way to boost comments and page views. Race-trolling the manosphere is shameful and unbecoming.
I usually agree with your posts but this is not one of them. You clearly don’t like Indians, and you appear to be projecting (and trolling) here.
You don’t like the guy? Fine. You think his woman unattractive? Fine.
Linking your opinions of the man and his woman’s attractiveness then, based on those opinions, ascribing motives to the man? In my opinion, illogical, trollish and pure projection. He may be white knighting but ascribing racist motives is quite a stretch.
Awaiting a logical, reasoned response to what I’ve said.
This is you….
Cool, Quint. Not sure what you are trying to say but it appears to be quite juvenile.
Sycophancy is unbecoming, I expected better from you. Try again.
Still awaiting a logical, reasoned, adult response to my original post.
Hahaha, and I can personally attest that his peacock featheres sell by the dozen for a few Rupee. Much like his manhood.
To be fair, black people, latinos, indians, all of them have their own radio stations, tv channels, and magazines that say some of the most racist shit about whites. Yet, a white man says something remotely out of line; “fire him” they scream!
When it becomes public knowledge, or popular, amongst whites that they too were slaves and not indentured servants; black people especially will not be able to claim total monopoly on victim hood.
Considering they call us white devils who were still butt fucking eacho ther in the caves of northern Europe whilst their ancestors were building pyramids, and enslaving all they saw in Africa; I find it funny that we made it too the moon first. Ended slavery faster; I can attest that they still capture and sell one another in Africa. Made the most notable discoveries the past two-three thousand years, invented science both classical and modern, the best forms of governments, and have made most all of humankind’s most notable inventions.
Yeah, we are a bunch of scrubs, and we don’t bitch about it.
Shut up dude. I would tell that to your face. I have had this conversation with black men and women at college, adn they agree with me that black freed slaves held more slaves per capita, far and above, then their white counterparts. Their sons fought for the confederates in teh civil war.
My wife is South Asian, and I can tell you that this douche bag he is berating is in the minority. The only reason most of these men say anything is religious, and the fact that our marriage to their women is very rare. They don’t trust outsiders.
You can argue all you want. I am telling you the truth as far as I know it, and I know it a long way.
The logical response is that black people and latinos are demonstrably less intelligent than white people and therefore, it would be in the US best interest to limit immigration to euros.
If you truly believe that indian and asian immigrants in silicon valley being told to get the fuck out would lead to the rest of the world destroying America in tech…LOL.
“FYI #1, the United States of America is NOT a white country. And neither
is Brazil. Blacks (see the entire South) and Hispanics (see California,
Texas, etc.) have been Americans for much longer than most white
Americans (most white immigration occurred in the 20th Century). Again,
America is not a white country. It has never been.”
Idiot. Whites founded America. All but one president has been white. Almost all great entrepreneurs, innovators and thinkers have been white. America is what it is because of the white man. The fact that there were some dark-skinned people around a long time ago means nothing. You could have gotten rid of the blacks and america still would have been what it was (and in all likelihood, better).
“immigrants (including Indians) run and build Silicon Valley. No
immigrants, no American tech sector. If they leave, the rest of the
world will benefit, and we will lose.”
lmao, they don’t run it. White men run it, and these white men employ immigrants. But only because they’re cheaper than hiring whites. If the immigrants were to leave, there would be more than enough white engineers to fill the void, it just means that the bottom line loses a lot of its thickness
Hey Malaysian moron, most of America’s tech grads and PhDs are foreign-born. Dr. Michio Kaku: America Has a Secret Weapon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK0Y9j_CGgM
“America’s poor educational system has created a shortage of Americans who can perform high skilled technology jobs.”
“Idiot. Whites founded America.”
Err, no. Native Americans founded America. Malay moron.
“White men run it, and these white men employ immigrants.”
This is not Malaysia, we’re talking about Silicon Valley; watch the video. Idiot.
non-sense, most of the article was fair and accurate but jobs, schultz and denton are lebanese and jews. It’d be more accurate to say jews built america than whites because well look at most the things you describe and they were mostly jews. Carlito is right, America’s strength is its diversity. I think the main point of rooshv was indians ganging up to take down a white man because of indian jealousy of whites. I don’t dispute that. But America was built by people of different races and colors. First female millionaire was black, the richest state after the civil war was mississippi and it was 90% black with 2 black senators and a black majority legislator. It had more millionaires than the rest of the world combined. Blacks, whites, latinos, jews, arabs and so on diversity help make america great, to pretend it was white only like Slovakia is just imaginary. As for kicking out the non-white engineers, we saw that, it was called hitler, and he lost the war after kicking out all the black and jewish engineers.
“Err, no. Native Americans founded America.”
America, being the nation that was created in 1776. Fucking christ you’re dumb. It wasn’t America before that, it was a bunch of tribes living primitive lifestyles. We’re talking about America being the wealthiest country in hsitory, which is entirely a result of white people.
Oh, and by the way, ancient europeans were in america before native Americans.
“As for kicking out the non-white engineers, we saw that, it was called
hitler, and he lost the war after kicking out all the black and jewish
funniest thing I’ve heard all week
I’m guessing you have never taken any advanced science or engineering classes. Come to any grad school in engineering…more Indians and Chinese than any other ethnicity…
My man. I share some thoughts on this blog but you better get informed. Read about Iraquoise nations’ Great Law which was read by the Founding Fathers and inspired them to write the american Constitution.
‘We’re talking about America being the wealthiest country in hsitory, which is entirely a result of white people’
Bull crap.. I think you forget the slave trade and the fact that many Asians as well as Latinos, also helped the US become what it is today.
“white country. And neither is Brazil. Blacks (see the entire South) and
Hispanics (see California, Texas, etc.) have been Americans for much
longer than most white Americans (most white immigration occurred in the
20th Century). Again, America is not a white country. It has never
If the US becomes a shithole in a few decades, it will be because of shitstains like this.
Yes, the US IS a white country. At least it used to be. Whites are responsible for the glory of that country. If you excise blacks or hispanics from the poulation, very little of value is lost. Excise white people…..well, look at Zimbabwe and South Africa. That’s your future.
You are a sophist piece of shit that deserves to die in a grease fire.
Also, if Indians are so smart, how come their country is such a shithole?
You are full of hatred. Please self combust.
“Also, if Indians are so smart, how come their country is such a shithole?” Because of racist shitstains like you.
As was asked in the parent post, “In what year did people arriving on US soil stop being ‘American’ and start being merely ‘immigrants’ to your mind?”
“Because of racist shitstains like you.”
hahahahahaahahahah, wow. Indian is a shithole because of racists. yeah, good one.
“Also, if Indians are so smart, how come their country is such a shithole?” Because of racist shitstains like you.
Must be a feminist. Total female logic.
Right. Clearly your male logic is working really well for you.
I trust my male logic more than I would trust a female one. After all, men build everything under the sun.
The United States of America as a nationality was always about 90% Euro until recently (the other 10% were slaves and a few Indians)
And btw, “Hispanic” is a made up political term by the US government. There’s no such thing as a Hispanic, it is not a race. In many of these countries to the South and in the Islands there are Euros, Blacks, Indians and mixed breeds. The proportions depend on the country from almost a 100% Euro like Argentina to a Mexico where 10% are Euro and the rest varying mixtures of Indian/White, right down to an Indian minority. Chile is basically Euro as well with an Amerindian/White group that is still basically White and indistinguishable. In fact the “Indians” in Chile judging from drawings made in the 1800 look Caucasian to me. Chile is isolated by natural barriers so I’d say that the “Indians” there are really Caucasians left over from 10k years ago before the Mongol invasions of the New World that either wiped out or absorbed the original Caucasians who are the original peoples. Just as the Incas and Aztecs wiped out the original peoples.
“The United States of America as a nationality was always about 90% Euro until recently (the other 10% were slaves and a few Indians)”
That’s a lie, and you know it. Your reasoning ability is very limited. You white nationalists are all frustrated, prole, omega haters. You hate brown people except when it suits you.
I’ve read WN supremacist sites and your fellow morons are always
arguing about which Europeans are white enough for the Reich.
You can’t seem to agree if Spaniards and Italians and Poles are white enough. Now, you want to claim brown people (including native Americans) just to win an argument. To you morons, Roosh is white when you like what he says, but he’s a “towel head” or an “A-rab” or a “N..r” when you hate what he says. Dummies.
Indian engineering LOL. Why is there no Silicon Valley in India? Why didn’t an Indian company invent google, or Windows, or iPads or the automobile?
They have Bollywood :o)
‘Why is there no Silicon Valley in India’
haha, because there are many people from India in Silicon Valley. By the way, I am sure you have heard of ‘Bangalore’.
Is it too late(four months) to respond to this flamer? Either way, on your two points:
#1 – “the United States of America is NOT a white country.” — Obvious “lol”? You didn’t mention any facts other than the various immigrant strongholds. Realize, people settling in those racial strongholds are going to mate with the native(currently white) people. Thus, you have half-white, half-x people, for the past several decades, and before that the white people mating with the native amerindians for several centuries.
“Immigrants built silicon valley”, — for it to be taken over and monetized by “whites”(you racist fuck), russians(they been on the west coast just as long as euros), and the Spaniard mestizo mixture you also seem to hate.
You don’t think Anil’s mentions of race in his posts count? The author is not ascribing, he’s observing.
Whats with the black guy in the title pic roosh?
If you look closely he is Indian. Not all Indians are the same hue of color.
Indian is a nationality not a race or ethnic group. You have Dravidians who are very negroid and black looking(about 25% are of this negroid group). Tamils who are lighter and more Caucasian looking and upper caste Brahmins who are Caucasian. The areas we now call India were originally an Indo-European Aryan culture in ancient time. Sanskrit, which is not spoken today, is closely related to Latin, another Aryan group.
Iran is mostly of the Aryan type and Caucasian looking more than India.
The above poster was referring that the guy above was of African decent. I know the difference between nationality and race. Thank you for giving me breakdown of Indians!
@Guest- You are a dick and know nothing of Indian demographics. Tamils are the darkest in Indian subcontinent and the most Dravidian. Aryans live in North India in the state of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Nope, he gots part of it correct
North indians really are the darkest in India. Type North Indian city names in google images and see by yourself how black north indians look. Type delhi street, amrithsar streets, jaipur streets, varanasi streets, srinagar streets and any north Indian city streets and see the real black north Indians.
what of white men banging persian women
As an Indian dude, I think this article is spot on. I’ll also add that Anil is probably trying to show feminists that he’s a worthy white knight. I hate guys like that. And damn all of them for making such a big deal over fucking twitter! If I don’t like someone’s free speech on any type of media, I don’t read it anymore!
Like the comedian Chris Rock said: “Those with the Least shit in life can get away with talking the Most shit. Those with the Most shit in life can only say the Least shit.”
This is why a fat, angry, black woman for example, can get away with saying openly racist things and not get in trouble for it.
While a rich, white man can’t say shit without being publicly crucified for it.
…one productive man is out of a job, while Nitasha can continue fouling up the internet with her Apple laptop
(Steve Jobs was a white man) while sitting in Starbucks (Howard Schultz
is a white man) and slaving away for Gawker (Nick Denton is a white
…while she’s sitting in buildings designed and built by white men, in a city designed and built by white men, using the concept “freedom of speech,” defined and made into law by white men (and being made illegal as feminists and the like push for “hate speech” laws).
Yes, the West has been predominantly built by white people. They used Chinese and blacks as slave labor along the way, but they still deserve almost all of the credit.
That said, I’m not sure I agree with the racial thrust of this article, even though I agree with everything else. The two morons mentioned above aren’t objectionable because they’re Indian, they’re objectionable because one is a radfem and one is a mangina who both conspired to professionally destroy someone who hurt their feelings.
Maybe I’m just not understanding something, but I’d really hate to watch the manosphere devolve into a sorority full of pro-white cheerleaders in response to the left’s current fascination with anti-white identity politics.
There’s nothing wrong with being pro Euro but it seems that these guys who want to form White identity groups etc all seem to be lower class losers that even other White don’t want to be around.They’re nonentities with no real lives outside of the White power bullshit.
Nitasha Tiku looks like a camel wearing glasses
“And no one cares besides our perverted corner of the internet.”
I would argue that not even men here care. Why? Well? What is anyone here actually going to DO about this? Anything? You can’t claim to CARE if you will not take ACTION. Right?
Well gents? This is a good example of why I made this offer. In the west if a man speaks up? He is VERY likely to lose his job. That is what happened here.
I have long since destroyed my chances of doing the sort of consulting work I USED to do. I am selling my software directly now. That will work fine as buys a mans software versus hiring him on site are two different things, right?
I know there are a lot of men who WANT to speak out but fear for their jobs.
So I made a public offer that if a man wants HIS voice to be heard, as in me speak in his behalf? He can make me an offer and I will put it on my channel and I will promote what he has said across my links/audience.
I said that such a man should offer me what it is worth to him for me to speak on his behalf where he remains anonymous. I guess Pax Dickinson didn’t get the message, eh? If he paid me to speak on his behalf?
1. A lot more people would have heard what he had to say.
2. He would still have his job.
I can only make good offers. I can’t make people buy the offers I am making. It is a free world. And Pax paid the price of speaking for himself where he already knew that doing so might be dangerous in the man hating west.
Looks like you’re not getting any takers, bigboy.That should tell you something but apparently you’re still obsessed with the whore wife who dumped you.
“but apparently you’re still obsessed with the whore wife who dumped you.”
I always find it amusing when you manginas attempt the shaming language of “your wife dumped you”. My wife BEGGED me to take her back….MANY times.
Even after we had agreed to divorce she tried again to ask me if I would take her back. Then the NEXT little bit of hate you manginas like to throw is “well you were stupid to take her back all those times”.
The simple fact is that manginas and women throw shaming language, insults, even slander at men endlessly. After you have been called a paedophile falsely a few thousand times it is all water off a ducks back. We are immune to your hatred, your slander, your shaming language and all the other rubbish you throw at us.
I am the epitome of an honest men of honour and integrity. And in the west I am hated for being so. In Germany? I am shown the respect I have earned across my lifetime.
You manginas in the west could learn a bit from German man about showing men the respect they have EARNED.
please feel free to pass around the link. Anil Dashs CAF entry will float up in the search engines over the next few days. We are now getting 110,000+ hits per month. We got 119,000 hits with 10,500 IPs last month.
The most popular posts are the naming and shaming posts like this. We have had a few emails from dumb indian cops as well.
Thank you for exposing this nepotism
I think Roosh is right in highlighting this, however his diagnosis is inadequate. This is not about India, Indian culture, or this Anil dude’s inability to bang hot white women. A quick google search will tell you that both Anil and the ugly woman were born and raised in the US. In other words they’re just Americans who have been brainwashed by their Liberal education. Or, one might say your average Obama voter.
When there are millions of white Americans who have bought into the anti white mindset, this is not even news.
I am an Indian who immigrated to the US at the age of 22. I love this great nation, and fully acknowledge that the foundations for this country were laid by wise old white men ( founding fathers). So do not paint a whole people with a broad brush.
And as someone who has swallowed the red pill ( and banged numerous hot white women), there are only 2 kinds of men, red pill and blue pill. Lets lose the racism can we? Leave that to the Marxists and the Liberals.
I agree with you, white feminists and manginas say the same bullshit daily and nobody attacks them for it because it’s self-deprecating flagellation. But of course why should we expect anything else from brown/black/whatever feminists and manginas. Of course then it’s rightfully identified as racist, and terribly inappropriate since America was built and is currently shared predominantly because of white people. This is why what the left is doing is so destructive. They are engineering a backlash that most likely will expand racism rather than reduce it, that will most likely expand sexism rather than reduce it.
I guess I sort of have mixed feelings on the racial part of this, but these fucking people need both barrels. I’m glad Roosh went junkyard dog on these bastards.
If these 2 are immigrants, then roosh is an immigrant.
You are not a white man whose family has been here for hundreds of years. You are iranian and turkish (oh yeah, conveniently you are no longer turkish as to appear closer to white).
Are you trying to align yourself with the white nationals?
Was this just to generate traffic to try to make some pennies fom your site?
It’s funny because you’re so incredibly insecure.
Don’t bother replying, I’ll do it for you: “you’re ugly fat lesbian”/”your woman is an ugly fat lesbian”, depending on which gender you think I am. Insecure AND unoriginal.
This is so stupid.
Roosh is just describing his own life: a nerdy foreign loser who was obsessed with white girls but couldn’t get any and was cucked by the local frat boys in Maryland or wherever. This led him to dedicate his whole life to game (to get white girls). And now he stands up for white “native” rights.
Looking at a picture of this guy with his wife and quoting a line from his blog is not enough evidence to infer his whole psychology and motive. Also using posts from your forum to lend more evidence to your theory is laughable.
I agree what happened to the white guy is no good…but trying to blame it on Indian desperation for white women is absurd.
PS LOL at all the old angry white supremacists/libertarians in the comments and in Heartiste’s comments. What alpha males you all are!
I’m 100% certain that people like “notsoniggers” and other white supremacists on this comments section are alpha males that slay 7s and 8s on the reg.
Anil hates hates white men but married a white thing.
Nitasha hates white men because they won’t sleep with her.
What a world we live in. I can’t ever decide which is uglier, Nastyasha or Anil’s Corky looking wife.
Yeah, what a world we live in where birdbrains like you make up reasons for hatred.
Exactly. Pointing out racism is now a hate crime. Check out the big brain on you!
She is not white. She looks like Chinese or probably east asian, look at her facial features.
Here is a tip, you white-wannabe. Running a business is hard work. It is EXTREMELY time consuming and mind-numbingly difficult. It is rewarding as well, but for most people it is something that is hard to do.
I am not going to look further into what you’ve written about because I have shit to do, but I will say this; if what the internet is saying is true then he deserves to be fired. If any of my employees or partners were dumb enough to post that under his real name or in a way that can be traced back to him, then he is out.
Oh, you, tea.
Why? Because anyone who is that dumb is dead weight. The sad fact of life is that intelligence is, in and of itself, not that useful. This is a source of annoyance to those who are smart, and should be a source of relief to those who are of inferior stock and low intelligence. (Dats you you darkie muslim).
Most things that lead to success are a set of simple steps. If you can’t do those steps and keep your mouth shut until you get in a position where people can’t take what you love, then you deserve to fail. Granted right now I am supposed to go from one country to another on twelve hours notice, but at least I am getting paid what I deserve.
Ofcourse indians are racist to white people.Everyone is racist to us.Jelousy.We are taller,better looking,smarter,richer and get laid with hot women.
Btw I don’t get Roosh’s fascination with whites.He is not white himself,he is what russians and ukrainians call “churka” or “khach”.Armenians/turks/caucasoids,they are only good to sell fruits in street markets and organize some petty crimes.
Sooner or later some neo-nazi (or just a regular “gopnik”) will smash his deformed head somewhere in Kyiv and thus will end the story of the greatest social misfit with the biggest complex of inferiority ever existing (and an illegal immigrant).
trust me buddy….we are not jealous. Get over yourself
An aside but whats the deal with using the term ‘fornication’ lately in posts Roosh? Are we in sunday school
“…but we have to make a decision as a society…..”
No, we don’t. The less decisions made by “society”, period, the better.
Okay, so I just had a look at the Business Insider website. While it’s shitty that Pax lost his job, I’m not entirely certain it’s that bad – the site is a freakin’ joke! It’s nothing but a gossip column designed to appeal to the hard of thinking posing as a ‘business’ website.
Anyway, Pax won’t have trouble finding work elsewhere. Men like him are resourceful and always keep their eyes open for new opportunities. If he’s smart, he’ll parlay this into his own business venture.
Boy, another dialectic turd shat from a flying airplane.
Sorry, where’s the evidence that Mr. Dash’s and Ms Tiku’s attacks had been motivated by race, sexual frustration or envy, beyond Roosh’s own speculation? This is one of the traits of this blog which I found most annoying: authors trying to prove or reinforce their theses by pinpointing specific people, looking at their public data – personal bios, physical appearance and family lives – and making the most derogatory assumptions possible on their levels of social/personal desperation and pussy magnetism?
For crepe’s sake, let’s play this game when we’re at a restaurant with your date or best mate and have nothing better to giggle about than the funny-looking couple sitting at the corner table. To construe a worldview on baseless and often cruel speculation like that, and even using it to prove a point, is beyond puerile.
Then, since the racial element is of such glamour on these pages, may I know what Roosh, himself a second or third-generation Persian-American, is doing pandering to the WASP culture and its vacuous (aest)ethics no less openly than those second or third-generation Indian-Americans bowing to their gods of PC? Not a case of kettle calling the pot by its colour?
Back to the topic. This Dickinson dude is outspoken and brass-faced way beyond what his professional profile would allow him to. He also happens, read again, happens to be white. As an at least decent techie and CTO of a fast-growing social Internet company, he should have known better. Flaunting un-PC views on a public medium such as Twitter is like a naked model in full daylight Times Square: maybe nobody will call the cops, or maybe one or two will, but quite a lot of people will turn around and watch and talk about it.
His “attackers” did nothing more than use the “bash the un-PC” routine to tip him off the scale. They did something that almost everybody in the US does nowadays, on a daily basis and for a host of reasons – from notoriety to pandering their masters, to appeasing their inner demons – and regardless of skin colour, ancestry and social background.
After all, this is what the US culture and social discourse have descended to. Blame yourselves as a collective mind. Even if all you say is true and Indians are on the rampage hitting back at white sex demi-gods because their “illegal immigrant” status won’t give them access to the hottest people in town, they would still have as much to do with this sad state of things as the manosphere, and all the pointless sexism, contradictions and bad karma it carries around.
“authors trying to prove or reinforce their theses by pinpointing specific people, looking at their public data – personal bios, physical appearance and family lives”
I learned it from them.
Even then, two wrongs don’t make one right.
You’re right, so can you please link the comment you left bashing Valleywag for trying to ruin Pax’s livelihood? I’ll wait.
Just reading the Valleywag page now. Picking up a few sparse tweets, one from 2010 nonetheless, to grill the man isn’t class, granted. I still maintain Pax is a dick, though. The moment he stepped into a CTO role, dragging his “brogrammer” persona as he picked up his six-digits paycheck, he really should have known better. I work in London, in investment banking IT none the less, and my arse would be stripped off of my office pass for less than that. That much I can guarantee you.
We can all be victims of the anti-PC witch hunt, especially if we hold positions of some public visibility. Had I had to write about the episode, I would have emphasized the witch hunt itself, rather than one particular culprit, and surely wouldn’t have wanted to make a judgment about race or ancestral culture, as it would be clearly seen as speculative and off the mark.
I reiterate what you have already heard from many voices in the comments below: what those two guys did isn’t representative of their home background or sexual orientation or sexual appearance, but a toxic culture of blame that engulfs every stratum of American society. Bashing Anil for having a below-average looking half-white (half-Indian?) wife or tracing Nitasha’s misandry to the fact that she ain’t quite the hottie, isn’t though much classier than a stupid Twitter fight gone horribly wrong.
This is the world we live in, dude. You be at the fringe, and I give you a measure of respect for standing up for what you believe in, and even for monetizing it. I would personally continue to harbour my liberal ideas and what I believe is right to think and do without having to expose my naked bum cheeks. If I am compelled to speak out, I do it under a pseudonym. You and your friends (those who do have their real names on the blog, at least) may call it cowardice. I call it paying for my mortgage and my mom’s cancer treatment.
If anything, movements like Anonymous or Luther Blissett (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luther_Blissett_(nom_de_plume)) have proved that calm waters can be stirred and the underlying dregs exposed without having to put individual public identities on the line.
this is what you see so often in the mansosphere. They use the same exact tactics/arguments as the feminists they complain about. They use shaming language, attack the person instead of the argument/point, react emotionally, etc.
I typically agree with most of what Roosh says, however I took a look at Pax’s tweets, and Roosh might be a little off base on this one. If you work for the Business Insider you cannot post shit like that under your real name on twitter, it was funny as hell but seriously not the kind shit you really want online under your real name and photo. I think that he gave his enemies all the ammunition , and they just pulled the trigger. If you ever work in corporate America you gotta watch what you do because everyone hates everyone else and they are looking to fuck you. It is a shame because Pax seems like a cool dude, probley fucks a lot of hot chicks…
Why should a man be violated for his opinions?
Why isn’t being competent enough?
Because that is the reality of major business, I do not agree with it but that is how it is. You can be competent , but tarnish the companies image( real or imagined ) and you get shown the door. It has happened to me, that is why I am sympathetic to Pax’s situation.
“Because that is the reality of major business, I do not agree with it but that is how it is.”
Ah, so there is the real problem that I’m fighting. The status quo.
That’s stupid and I really doubt that you’ve ever owned a business (not even a hotdog wagon) or have any assets.
Nuh-uh! You’re stupid!
Roosh, surely, on some level, you recognize that a lot of “white” people don’t consider you “white” either?
That’s not important, I just call out bullshit when I see it. I’m an equal opportunity race defender. I defended black men a week or two ago. http://www.returnofkings.com/15832/why-do-you-care-if-black-guys-like-fat-white-girls
but your facts are not right. They are not immigrants. They were born here. And you infer all these deep-seeded psychological reasons for why they’re doing things that are not based on anything but how you feel, your emotions.
IRT (the O.G. IRT, the one who started this whole meme) is the reason why the bodybuilding.com forum can’t stand Indians. His constant race trolling and white women worship rubbed too many people the wrong way. Getting banned several times didn’t deter him either, as he just kept making new account after new account. Hilarious. Some guy actually compiled a list of all the forums this douche was banned from, and the list was a mile long.
IRT is single-handily ruining the rep of his people with his on-line shenanigans.
Oh, and this is what he looks like, the mythical IRT himself: http://i.imgur.com/yEJ6J.jpg.
I’d love to see that list, lol
post #15.
Entire thread is hilarous. Six pages of IRT bashing, and the IRT himself making an appearance and doing what he does best: trolling.
nice going bringing the misc into all of this phaggot
reason the misc hates Indians is because
1. ZYZZ looked down on them
2. Kiwiburger
3. FOB Indians on the misc bashing White people
the so called IRT was some dude with a weird obsession with dating latinas which later turned into White women, it just added to the hate and made Indians look bad. From another forum rumor is that the guy isn’t even Indian himself which just adds to the trolling.
Wow if anything this article will must make Roosh look more childish to the professional journalism as well as like arightwing fringe lunatic. ALSO you ain’t hurting none of these Indian careers homie. I suggest chill and take your Turkish ass a blunt to the head. God this was a terrible article. Seriously your corroborating evidence is week at best and sounds Luke shit uninfoed 3rd graders attack with. Stick your old ass with your Bang Guides holmes. That I enjoy because of your immaturity… but this right here is the big leagues.
Also his half white bitch is actually pretty decent for an older bitch.
What about the angle where a certain Khadijah M. Britton rudely told Pax Dickinson to shut up, just because she did not like his comments about the Titshare fiasco? The moment Mizz Britton got turned down by Dickinson who rightfully refused to engage her is when the deluge started.
And then there is this:
Though Roosh raises the IRTs as an angle, let’s not forget who backed them up…
So a snake and Indian guy are coming towards you and you only have time to shoot one of them – who do you shoot?
The Indian of course. Both of them are going to bite you but the Indian smells bad.
I’m Indian American and Roosh – thank you for this article. This has nothing to do with Roosh being against Indians or anything of that sort. What this is about is Indian inferiority complex rearing its ugly head to get a white guy fired for simply saying something silly and/or stupid. Let me tell you something and NO this does not apply to all Indians as I cannot generalize. But some, if not a lot of Indians have this dual mind fuck they deal one. One one hand they think they are superior to white people because of their success in Silicon Valley, their so called superior or ancient culture, traditions, etc. On the other hand they are deeply jealous of white people and Westerners in general as well as fair skinned people their own race.
Anil Dash is a typical Indian toolbox. He loves white women but cannot close anything more than a 4. He faces a deep racial interiority complex and does not understand how a white guy much poorer than can close all kinds of girls. Nitasha on the other hand is a typical Indian girl who in fact has been castigated out of her own community. I bet you no Indian guy would even take a second look at her. Now she is a self-styled feminist Marxist spouting her liberal nonsense and thinking she is creating a new world and a better world or whatever these crackpots dream up in their rage. I know tons of Indian-American women like this. And I know a lot of guys like Anil.
But one thing is true – the white man in America today cannot say or do anything that is even a wee bit un-PC or he will face hell for it. There is a double standard for the races. This is not what this country is about and should be about. I am thoroughly disgusted by what happened to Pax and this story is just another in a long line of them on how low we have gotten in this country. Now all you buggers who got your panties tied up in a knot – why don’t we address the baseline problem such a firing entails instead of focusing on race and whether Roosh likes Indians or not. Have some fucking self-confidence for fuck’s sake. Who cares what Roosh thinks about Indians. Let’s talk about the hypocrisy and the nonsense and how stuff like this affects all Americans, no matter what race. It’s a “race” to the bottom and nobody is a winner. Not Indians. Not Blacks. And definitely not whites.
This has FOB written all over it. You are probably an Indian FOB in the US. Too many tell tale signs of Indian grammar, nice try
that would actually give his argument credibility
I would like to present a formal complain about India’s caste system.
India needs some more guerrilla warfare against its government.
I seriously doubt you are Indian….if you are, please go castrate yourself. Nobody I know is jealous of anyone, maybe you are but you are an exception. Most Indians are quite proud to be who they are.
Yep, it makes sense. You never want to use the work ‘all’ but the word ‘some’ is acceptable. We see unacceptable behavior by ‘some’ people of all races (the point).
Here (this article) we have two hypocrites (Anil Dash and Nitasha Tiku). They both seem to despise the white man (to some degree) whether it’s professional or personal issues – and it shows. The guy, Pax, was an idiot for saying ‘some’ things…but some comments may have touched a nerve (a bit of the truth). Either way, it doesn’t make it right.
These two people are obviously unhappy with some aspect of their lives and they are going to make someone pay for it. Forget the fact that they live here in the U.S., seem to have good jobs, good homes and a good life..someone still has to pay (and it seems this white guy or any white guy will do).
“spouting her liberal nonsense and thinking she is creating a new world and a better world or whatever these crackpots dream up in their rage.”
Beautifully stated.
I’m Indian and all I have to say is ” You bloody white bastards”..
Why did you colonise us?
What’s with the Vietnamese name? Or is it anti-Vietnamese?
Perhaps Indo-Vietnamese
Ask the Moguls that too.
Roosh… God Bless. Fuck’n straight up. It is so awesome to have someone with your eloquence and anger sticking up for the home team and speaking from the heart in an acerbic style reminiscent of that which the left itself so loves. It must piss them off immensely. Dash just needs to get boxed in the ears a couple times. Would set ‘im up right quick! Great post!
Anil is a pussy. I mean look at that fuckin’ effeminate look in his eyes. Someone should punch him in the face.
Pax seems to be a normal guy like everyone else in this forum. He does not really deserve a punch in the face.
On the other hand, they are all businesspeople and so I really give a fuck about what happens to them.
Let them fuck each other over. It is like watching Comedy Central.
I am an indian male immigrant and I think you are on to something. I have an airhead female friend who is a grad student in the humanities, also a privileged kid from india, who says the most outrageous things about whites. She keeps yammering on about white privilege and racism towards blacks and so on (to be fair she doesnt say whites are racist to indians, she says they are racist to blacks). And about how sexist white men are to women everywhere. Makes me cringe, not just because I read the manosphere but also because I think it is hideously unbecoming of an immigrant student (who is basically a guest) to badmouth her host. But liberalism (which she is indoctinated with at school) does not allow for such moral considerations.
I have no doubt that her misplaced complaints have been resulted in good grades.
The poor reputation enjoyed by the humanities today may be in part a response to the rise of victimization studies.
Roosh, it’s in really poor taste to rail against the cathedral for limiting a man’s freedom of speech while simultaneously deleting popular comments on your site that you don’t agree with. Also, be man enough to let your work be critiqued on its own merits without creating phony accounts to defend yourself (and pat yourself on the back).
Looks to me like Roosh has made a big mistake.
Roosh is worshipping the dollar and not righteousness.
Spreading hate is bad karma.
Karma depends on reincarnation. Both are superstitions.
There is a reason why old PUA guys don’t associate themselves with roosh and why rok is called “returnofbetas”.
Roosh is anti-game.He has a lot of issues and he has always been deleting anything which is even slightly against his views.He is basically a phony ,though quite entertaining one.
I guess that you could learn from him about what not to do
Here is the good break down on roosh,and a good explanation why no successful guy would ever want to stay even 100 feet close to this turkish misfit.
I heard secondhand that a bunch of IRTs below me in grad school were convinced that I was pledged to marry a Thai princess, just because I had studied in SEA briefly under blue pill conditions.
One of them, a cool enough guy usually, literally hyperventilated when I invited him to tag along and hang at the apartment of a black friend who was into Indian culture. All the Nag Champa and Ganesha statues this guy had collected were not enough to overcome the Indian guy’s deep-seated fear of certain races. I had to escort him out after profuse, embarrassed apologies.
I got white-guilt trolled by an FOB Indian.
This is the problem with calling for ‘integration’ of immigrants in these insane left-dominated times. If you ask a not-so-bright or middling-bright young immigrant to ‘integrate’ he or she will integrate to the mainstream leftist anti-white, anti-men culture. Very few people have the genetic propensity and cultural curiosity to pierce the fog of mainstream media, tabloid culture, dominant memes and education. It’s better that these immigrants stay loser FOBs at least they will be traditional, keep their heads down and not don the leftist suit and armor to wage culture war against white men.
Then there was some other feminazi bitch that told Pax to “sit down and shut up.” When Pax responded that if he said the same thing, he would be called misogynistic, her and her feminazi “social justice” followers went on a rampage.
Notice not even one of them tried to refute his logic: that poorly-executed humor at a tech conference is not evidence of misogyny (hatred of women).
It’s as you said Roosh: when a bunch of butthurt ugly pussies can throw a tantrum and in hours get a man fired from his job, the culture is completely dead. But then again, religious intolerance has always been the norm, not the exception, since the 4th century. We just live in the latest iteration of it.
Hope all you guys at ROK have a great weekend.
Roosh. I agree that it sucks that Pax was fired. But why pull the white victimization card here? What he said could have gotten anyone fired in today’s PC climate whether you are white or not.
Would you not detest it if a black guy uses the race card and plays victim? So is this about showing that whites can be victims of racism too? If it is give me a fucking break. Yes we get the point everyone even white people can be victims of racism, now quit being such a liberal pussy!
Also I do think it is odd that you identify so strongly with white people since most whites will see you as something different. Is this about scoring points with white people?
What was the fucking point of this article? Oh yeah…Roosh has enemies. whatever. Just write another Bang book and shut the fuck up.
There are problems that effect all people and the differences between people may not be as great as many imagine. But one thing is for sure, everyone knows that the Caucasian is the dominant race aside from being the best looking race in general. Indian girls (fugly in general), Korean(fugly) 99% of Chinese (fugly). About the only girls in the Far East where you find a larger % of decent looking whiter females is Japan(not Okinawa more like Sapporo) where they are slim, smaller and more feminine looking and usually have full tits in relation to their weight (proportion is everything)
The US still has a lot of good looking girls but they appear to all be from the upper classes(in general) and btw, you never hear this feminism crap from them. This wasn’t always the case because I can recall that even in the 80’s you still had a lot of middle class and even working class girls who were slim and good looking, sort of like the Lindsay Lohan types (she is a good looking redhead) Something began about 1990 and it’s been downhill since then for a large % of average girls.
There are problems that effect all people and the differences between people may not be as great as many imagine. But one thing is for sure, everyone knows that the Caucasian is the dominant race aside from being the best looking race in general. Indian girls (fugly in general), Korean(fugly) 99% of Chinese (fugly). About the only girls in the Far East where you find a larger % of decent looking whiter females is Japan(not Okinawa more like Sapporo) where they are slim, smaller and more feminine looking and usually have full tits in relation to their weight (proportion is everything)
The US still has a lot of good looking girls but they appear to all be from the upper classes(in general) and btw, you never hear this feminism crap from them. This wasn’t always the case because I can recall that even in the 80’s you still had a lot of middle class and even working class girls who were slim and good looking, sort of like the Lindsay Lohan types (she is a good looking redhead) Something began about 1990 and it’s been downhill since then for a large % of average girls.
Steve Jobs (I respect him – make no mistake) was a white man? His father was a Syrian – an Asian (are Asians white? – if they are, why this story?) .You have a honorable job at hand. keep doing it. Please dont WRITE.
Reverse IRT?
Pax is cool by me. Will be boycotting businessinsider for firing him.
Ummmm…. I am an American of Indian descent. I have lived in this country for the last 20 years and NOT ONCE did I meet an Indian guy who married a white chick or even indicate a desire to do so….we usually like to stick together. So I don’t know where the author gets the idea that most Indians guys are desperate….Get over yourself…we are not!! . Maybe this is the case in Canada where the Indian immigrants are not as educated as the ones in the United states(where Indians are the richest ethnicity). But where i have lived and the thousands of Indians I have met, I have never seen it happen. I don’t know what kind of loser crowd Roosh hangs out with anyway. Most Indians want to get educated and wealthy and climb the social ladder…. not waste their time pursing any pretty face that walks by.
Also…Roosh…you are middle eastern…I don’t know why you are claiming all the greatness of western society. Neither you or your brown ancestors were responsible for the greatness of america. At least with Indians we played a big part in the success of silicon valley. Steve Jobs was a white guy but there were a lot more Indians in Apple than middle easterners. Roosh is just jealous the average Indian is making 5 times more that he is…
Brown guys like Bashar Al-Assad or most of the lebanese politicians huh ? yeah they look really, really brown to me, those guys. And yeah Ralph Nader and John Sunnunu are so brown I confuse him them with MLK and Jesse Jackson lol.
Steve Jobs was a “brown” oppressed man wasn’t he ?
seriously though, despite what some of you retards have learned in your whiteness studies class, middle easterners, as long as they weren’t muslim, have had no problem being treated as white in america since the beginning of the 20th century.
I bet that almost all the commenters here playing white police are lefties.
Large parts of Europe were settled by people coming from the middle east region. How could they be vastly different from europeans then ? I’d say that even some pakis and afghans are white. Not many of them but a few are racially similar to europeans.
Even in India there are a lot of “white” looking people. My mother could easily pass for an Italian or a Syrian. (She is actually lighter than most Europeans).
I was just furious when Roosh said that Indian Americans were “leeching” off of america…I’m pretty sure we contributed more that we took.
Why is his name anal?
Hey Roosh, heads up..you’re not White.
Wow! Not pulling any punches here!
Hard to tell if Dash’s wife has a body or not from that pic. If she’s aight from the neck down I’d bang. Just sayin.
I don’t really find it appropriate that a man by name of Daryush Valizadeh, an obvious Slav mudblood, should question whether other mudbloods are racist against white culture. It’s not like a Slav knows what white culture is like anyway.
I have never seen this blog before today so please forgive me if I am speaking out of turn here, but those women are not ugly. You can make a point about someone’s bias or lack of intelligence without resorting to calling people ugly.
Just my opinion, of course.
i read articles from this site before going beast at the gym. seeing actual results in the struggle no matter now small is intoxicating
LOL, had to double check that this was really written by Roosh, a Persian son of immigrants. I like Roosh’s work but I always suspected he had some sort of self-hatred about being ethnic. He sounds like a GOP redneck in this article. It’s sad.
Persian is just a romantic word for Iranians and Iraqis.
Dirty,ugly,uneducated perpetual asylum seekers.
But its good that he is on our side,though not white himself.
Roosh is spot on about Anal Rash / Anil Dash.
Nitasha and Anil are a blot on the Indian diaspora!
Keep in mind that it is FoB Indian guys who feel these frustrations, and cannot lay white women.
US-born Indian guys (ABCDs), don’t have much of a problem in this regard, and their views are totally different from losers like Anil Dash.
ABCD women are often screwed up, though, due to US feminism.
This indian guy speaks too much he didn’t have any idea with whom he is messing with. He is a damn pervert.
Lmao @ white natives.
Firstly, I don’t care if you’re going to publish my comment or not. This comment is *just for you*, douchebag. ;D
I’m an Indian woman. Who cares if his white wife is ‘homely’? Have you ever thought that maybe he LOVES her? They look very happy together. Unlike you, and your bitter, frustrated internet rants. This guy actually looks like he has a life.
You wouldn’t bang the Nitasha woman. She’s not the best looking, but have you ever thought that she wouldn’t bang YOU in the first place? Indian women are very endogamous. I’ve been told that I’m a perfect 10 by white men, I have a tumblr blog with almost 3000 mostly white male followers, and I get compliments every single day. But I wouldn’t date them. I want to date a man who I have things in common with culturally. Besides, most white men aren’t real men, they’re hurt whiny little boys who cry ‘racism’ and ‘poor me!’ You proved it with this article. Very BETA and such a turn-off. Oh and most women find the alpha/beta find to be silly.. We’re not monkeys
White men are good for giving me oraI sex, they have nice tongues, that’s all. No sex for your little pink pee pee. Get back between my legs, bytch ;D
Filthy sperm vessel you are, no?
Steve jobs is half Syrian. Anil’s wife does not look white at all
Why is it white people are usually the first ones who are screaming, “I don’t want to talk about race anymore.”Deal with it, it was part of the inherent flaw in the design of Nation. Not that there were not “nations” here before our “forefathers” got here. The construct of race has mainly been a class issue, to keep poor people divided. If you think the conversation is boring, look at the solutions to racial and class inequality, Or you can just check out Atlas Shrugged for the 100th time.
Thanks for the links to Nitasha’s articles, she’s awesome. Will keep reading her works.
what’s with that horrible picture with the blonde woman looking up at her monkey?talk about propaganda,it looks European.
Lol, good article. One slight thing though, blacks played a big part also in helping to build modern day America.
It does seem as though both these characters are overly bitter, I think that your spot on with the analysis Roosh! A deep sense of inferiority on both Anil and Nitashas part is why they post their rubbish and overcompensate for there lack of esteem.
This bitch writes delusional nonsense for the Times now:
Anil Dash’s wife is Chinese. I guess you have to start afresh with your white woman angle.
Anil Dash seems like a racist to me. In fact, it’s pretty bad because it seems as though he channels his anger (and resentment) at white men while secretly wanting to date or marry white women? Only in America.
Nitasha Tiku is a man hater and is a racist. It’s clear in her remarks that she will do anything to bring ‘the white man down’ – but all while working for the white man and living in a mostly white neighbor (the irony). She’s outraged by the racism going on ‘around’ her while she (herself) promotes racism.
You can’t write a better story for these two people.
I love how this article insinuates that white people are the indigenous population of America, when in reality you’re all descended from immigrants. The only native race in America are the now-marginalised Native Americans (the clue’s in the name) who were there for thousands of years, minding their own business, before white immigrant invaders came along to gradually erode and erase their way of life, replacing it with inflation, McDonalds and teen pregnancy. Way to go guys. Good job.
You mean built an advanced civilization and raised the collective lifespans of everyone in the world due to technological, medical and economic advances?
Indians are deeply racist–moreso than even Whites or East Asians.
They hate Blacks, Muslims and East Asians with a passion, too.
Schultz and Denton are jews, not Whites. (Jobs is half-White and half-Syrian.)
Bull crap. There are Indian women who date other races or ethnic groups too. Heck, I know some Western men who like ‘exotic’ women too..
Hmmm Roosh, you do know that many folks from the subcontinent are fair, infact fairer than some westerners. And FYI, that wife of his doesnt really look white. She could be east asian. Not just that, but in your mind you make it that ‘all Indians should have an arranged marriage with someone back home’.. thats abit stereotypical, I know LOTS of Indians ( or people of Indian background ) who dont follow that path anymore.
Damn. You know it’s getting bad in America when they attack even Indians for being “racist” towards white males, LOL.
Hmm.. I’m an indian and i can certify him as a fool. Economists have been belaboring such a complex issue and here he is with his simplistic and nonsensical (read socio-scientific) explanations. This is reverse racism and needs to be called out.
Who is the blonde hottie in the arms of a Tamil in the picture at top? A Russian mail order bride?
It’s photoshopped, look at his hands. She’s a Norwegian blogger named Voe.
Lol.. what the heck did I just read? 😮 :”D
Get a life dude, am indian, and this article really made me laugh..
As an Indian, I agree. I had the same expectation 4 years ago when I moved to AU. Realised they are just the same. Gold diggers with high expectations.
they need to go back.