If your mind ever boggled as to how the hell a woman could come to a particular conclusion, against all the seeming facts or data at hand, you actually have something to be thankful for. The idea that you draw a conclusion from the facts and data at hand actually hasn’t been common sense for quite as long as you might realize.
Modernism was born the day Charles Darwin stepped off the HMS Beagle at Falmouth, Cornwall after completing his (almost) five-year mission to boldly tour certain idyllic islands in the Pacific. When he published On the Origin of Species in 1859 he dropped a rock into a pool, the ripples of which eventually spread to virtually every field of human thought. Darwin did not just change how we think about evolution, he changed how we think—because he was the first and most prominent scientist to successfully break scientific method away from religious orthodoxy.
Roosh, as some of you know, was a microbiologist before he took up game. He’ll tell you (I’d hope) that the most fundamental principle of science is that you don’t start with a theory and seek to prove it. Basic scientific procedure is: gather data, make a hypothesis given your data, test the hypothesis by experiment, and evaluate contradictory evidence. If contradictory evidence invalidates said hypothesis, return to step one. (Indeed Roosh’s approach to Game seems to have been using this exact method: laboriously recording the results of approach after approach after approach and then seeing if any principles arose which explained his failures or successes.)
This is why every principle of scientific knowledge is known as a theory. Scientific theories explain sets of data. You cannot ever prove a theory—you can only disprove it. For example, the theory of gravity: we know it works—satellites depend utterly on the theory being correct. And it’s been verified by hundreds and hundreds of experiments. But no matter how many experiments you conduct, it will forever be a theory. A working idea. If Stephen Hawking tomorrow finds a set of equations that more accurately explains objects dropping out of the sky as the sole work of the Everlasting Gobstopper, the theory of gravity will be thrown out or at least reconsidered.
In his book The Metaphysical Club, Louis Menand observes that this method utterly changed how we think in the West, not just in science, but in almost every human endeavor. We no longer attach legitimacy to a premise, but rather to a procedure. We no longer speak of justice as preexisting a case at hand; justice is whatever result just procedures lead to.
This philosophy underlies many legal principles, from the right to silence to jury unanimity. Universal suffrage is founded on it: a decision cannot be said to be democratic unless everyone is permitted to participate in the making of it. In science’s case, unless you follow scientific modes of investigation, you are not engaged in science. This, in a nutshell, is modernism.
Contrast that with science before Darwin’s voyage. While the concept of experimenting to establish a natural law was long-established, the focus was fundamentally different. Philosophically, science was concerned with confirming truths already revealed or already in place from a divine source. Material discovered by scientific investigation which contradicted a divinely-revealed truth, therefore, was automatically wrong, to be dispensed with, or an act of deception by an agent natural or supernatural.
To any rational male living today, this sort of thinking is lunacy. It is the sort of reasoning Christopher Columbus probably chuckled at when he fooled a group of Jamaican natives into thinking he, not the predictable orbits of planetary bodies, caused a lunar eclipse on cue. But for people like Galileo Galilei whose observations contradicted “established truth” propounded by religion, it was serious business—to the point of being deadly in the case of Galileo’s contemporary Giordano Bruno and others.
This is how people who haven’t accepted modernism think. They demand certainty. They demand a conclusion be revealed first—from any pseudo-logical source, it need not be religion—upon which to interpret the world. They cannot conceive of a universe where the underlying order of existence is unrevealed, can’t ever be completely certain to us, and must be uncovered step by laborious step.
You can still see echoes of the pre-modernist mindset among Young Earth Creationists: it’s not uncommon to hear accusations that dinosaur fossils were placed there by Satan. The same antiquated thinking is in force when a creationist shouts that “The theory of evolution is not proven!” It reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of how science works. Either way, there is a different form of reasoning going on: the predominant reasoning of science prior to 1859.
You see a similar mindset in women—especially out on the vast, shallow lagoon that passes for knowledge on the Internet. Part of it derives from the culture of narcissism currently prevalent in the West, and part of it derives from feminist browbeatings, but women as a group are simply less inclined to be modernist thinkers than men. Exhibit A is hat women are more likely than men to believe in God, haunted houses, astrology, and communicating with the dead. Oh, and witches.
Note the patronizing but revealing quote around this gender difference that follows the results:
Kathleen, a New Jersey counselor who treats both men and women for a variety of issues, isn’t surprised by the finding that women are, in some cases, bigger believers in the paranormal. She suspects it’s a function of how men’s and women’s brains work. “Women are just more receptive, more intuitive, and more plugged in, whereas men tend to be logical and sequential,” she says. “In my work, I find that women are much more inclined to speculate about hypothetical situations.”
Kerk-Tabor agrees that women are more likely than men to believe in the paranormal, but for a different reason. “Men tend to judge themselves competitively,” she says. “They ask, ‘Am I better than you?’ whereas women encompass the whole and ask, ‘Where do I fit in?’ This inclusiveness may help women to be more receptive to the ‘magical stuff’ — things that exist in a different paradigm, in another realm.”
Asking “where do I fit in?” presumes a revealed order. You can’t ask where you fit in unless you already have a picture before you—and it does not matter whether the picture fits objective reality or not. Per this female counselor, women’s brains are just not built to easily do otherwise.
Men are more inclined to modernist thought not because of innate competitiveness, but rather male objectivity. If you substitute the word “objectively” into the above quote for “competitively,” the difference becomes quite apparent. Indeed, competitiveness requires objectivity.
And this objectivity requires an open mind. Even if a man doesn’t personally like the conclusion that a set of data suggests—“Your energy in per week is greater than your energy out per week, therefore you have gained 10 pounds“—he’ll at least entertain the thought because he accepts there is an objective world out there and he is at best a small part of it.
By contrast, confront a woman with a set of reliable statistics that impacts on their worldview—say, about how most single mothers suck as parents, going by decades of outcomes for children of single parents—and as often as not the immediate response will be one of:
Well I’m not a bad single mother
Well I was a child of a single mother and I did all right
Well not all single mothers are like that
Well the reason they suck is because of men
Or if you ask a woman why she is the size of a landwhale, the immediate response will be: “Because of stress/lack of time/hormones/because of my (undiagnosed) Crohn’s Disease/gluten intolerance/I am not fat, I am a victim of patriarchal expectations of beauty/BMI don’t real.” In the field of gender if not generally, women cannot admit observed phenomena that do not square with their personal experiences or self-image.
Women crave that the world should make sense to them. They don’t like to hear unpleasant truths unless said truths are solely in their favor. Per the above quote, they’ll happily speculate about all manner of hypotheticals rather than deal with objective data. They are not the least bit primed or prepared to deal with uncertainty in their lives. And in all cases, their emotions trump reality. This should be borne in mind in all your dealings with them.
Read More: American Women Are Deep Thinkers
Modern women only know how to think for themselves.
The traditional women with feminine qualities who would look after the home, take care of the family, learn to respect her husband and more importantly, know her place in society, is now dead.
Today’s women is aggressive, career minded, bossy, always on her smartphone, knows her celebrity culture inside out, obsessively use social media and stores pictures of 500 men, behaves like an impertitent school child and lacks the traditional feminine values that we men desire in a woman.
Today’s women is a self destructive force. They are responsible for tearing apart the nuclear family, destroying traditional gender roles, spreading immorality and encouraging the high divorce rate statistics thanks to her “modern way of thinking.”
This is the exact reason why our society is crumbling apart and the sad fact of life is that it will never change. As we approach the end of our civilisation, we can only ponder as to why the world has become the way it is and truthfully speaking, as men, we should choose to walk away from it all, rather than conform to the status quo, which has been entrenched by feminism and the corrupt values of the politcal and economic establishment.
If anything MGTOW is a pretty prime example of men simply responding in a rational economic sense, or to the inescapable conclusions presented by the majority of the data at hand.
MGTOW is simply a product of today’s environment- being able to respond towards the hostility created by the feminist movement against men.
Women will know every trick in the book on how to screw over a man- whether it is divorcing him, having an affair behind his back, taking away his children etc.
Even my own mother is disgusted by today’s modern women. I guess that goes to show you how low and degenerate women have become in this day and age.
I’m really wondering if the MGTOW concept is going to hit the Mainstream. How long until women are insulting MGTOWs in the newspaper, on the telescreens?
If MGTOW goes mainstream women will be desperate. Women are a net drain on society, they consume more than they produce. Sure there are exceptions, but average in the exceptions and you are still left with the average. If men stop marrying and only produce enough to support themselves civilization will stumble and the biggest bubble in history will collapse. The pussy bubble. I for one am stocking up on microwavable popcorn for that day.
MGTOW is only a presence on the internet. In the real world they are maybe a couple million men out of 150M or so men (in the US) at the bottom of the totem pole in desirability relationshipwise for whatever reason or just plainly falling through the cracks through little fault of their own, if not involuntarily celibate.
So I think for a lot of guys I think it’s a category that they fall into, not something that any red-blooded male would be thrilled to actively choose.
“Women are a net drain on society, they consume more than they produce.” This concept is never brought up enough. And I chuckled at this..> ” The pussy bubble” When it bursts we’ll smell it for decades.
But MGTOWs and incels are different. I really am not that enthusiastic about marriage… and not kuz sex is out of reach.
When I say MGTOW I mean men that are making a decision to avoid marriage.
Pair those guys with the number of involuntary celibate men… and I wonder if that is enough to be noticed by the system.
I just read a Canadian magazine today and it was talking about how the birth-rate in Canada is way below maintaining population. Hence all the immigration.
In Japan you have ‘herbivore men’, and they are certainly getting noticed.
“I just read a Canadian magazine today and it was talking about how the birth-rate in Canada is way below maintaining population. Hence all the immigration.”
This is how the mainstream will come to recognize things like “Game/PUAs” and MGTOWs. See, nobody really gives a fuck when men are mad and everything is still moving along smoothly. Men don’t need to be “happy” to keep society flowing. However, they DO need to have kids, either through deception (about 50% of kids born today), cohersion (another 25% or so) or because they want them (the rest). When men stop interacting with women, all of these avenues to have children are removed. When men take birth control, about 75% of these children aren’t born. Not having kids is the ultimate “fuck you” to society, nothing you can do will make your views to the leaders more clear. Bitch all you want, nobody really cares until the country is ready to topple over because the next generation isn’t big enough to carry the one that came before it.
The net generation will be big enough, it’s just that they’ll be muslim immigrants. And they will have zero interest in carrying anyone.
MGTOW are just a handful of loser internet pyjama boys who are bitter because they are defective and can’t get laid. They talk more about going their own than actually doing it and are always trying to promote their crap and get others losers to joing their little club.Real men just do as they please without constantly announcing it to the world as if the world gives a rat’s arse about what these bitter little boys who are invisible to females and everyone else are doing.They’re ghosts alright.
I bet that you live on popcorn and Nutella sandwiches now in the cellar. Females don’t need losers like you and can run things themselves in the modern world and regardless of how well they run it they will still survive. The 1% Alphas are enough the knock them all up and show them how to run things if they have problems. Females don’t even want you little geeks around annoying them with your silly game nonsense. So go live in the bush in a hut and eat rabbits if there are any.The 1% Alpha men can run and control everything easily and your defective genes will be eliminated from the gene pool.You won’t even be able to support yourself unless an Alpha or female takes pity on you and throws you some scraps.The reason that we have crappy females around is due directly to mating with crappy omega boys.You’ll notice that we Alpha 1% ers have been doing a good job feeding you that queer butt sex porn so that you’d believe this is normal and not impregnate females with your inferior genes.If any of you virgins ever got lucky with some drunk fat girl you wouldn’t even know which hole to put your micro-phallus into lol You’re redundant and we’re doing some genetic cleansing of the male population.We Alpha men of the 1% already control 50% of the wealth, and that % is always going up, and have determing that in the NWO that 1% men is the perfect ratio to females.And since we are also the highest IQ men we have no fear of the female ever controlling anything. Do yourselves a favour omega boys, take the gaspipe now and don’t prolong your suffering.
hey everyone! I found the faggot!
man, you’re a persistent little retard, aren’t you?
I think one of the things we have to make absolutely sure of is to make sure sperm banks don’t get any donations. Yeah, I understand jerking off into a cup and getting 50 bucks each time you do it sounds like a great idea, but you’re just giving women another avenue.
for all you know, there might be a way for women to get knocked up with these donated sperm cells, and then find out later who you actually are. I don’t give a rats ass if there are laws in place that are supposed to prevent bullshit like this, there’s always going to be some way to work around it and then force the sperm donor to take care of the kid.
Have we all forgotten about Octomom? I say that’s another good god damn example not have sperm banks.
Is that not the point, though? The trend seems to be for men deciding to do what is in their best interests, and most of them have never even heard the term ‘MGTOW’. I would hazard that getting laid isn’t the issue for most mainstream men; rather the financial obligation, complications, and drama that are associated with relationships.
100% Agree with this. As long as I’m being a good little slave they don’t give a fuck about my health or happiness.
Thats why I think the PUA/MGTOW movement is the only real way to go. The system finds the MRA movement laughable. If they have any role to play in all this it will only be after the system notices the MGTOWs. I guess the greatest contribution of the MRAs thus far is that they introduce people to the MGTOW philosophy.
MGTOW= pussy starved freaks and creeps not even a whore would have sex with for any amount of money. And you’re right about the numbers which are about 1%. Just defective pajama boys who are mad at the world who now have cheap computers and can annoy people on the Net from their command centre in mommy cellar. As they say ‘misery loves company’ and these geeks are just looking around for other geeks to join them in their tiny woman’s hater club. They are all Soldinis in the making and should be rounded up and exposed before they can do any harm.Get them out of their dank stinky cellars and shine the light of day on them.
No one would pay an inferior sperm donor even 2 cents for a donation so you’re safe.Females want sperm from tall handsome professional White men.And these men of substance are not dumb enough to donate sperm for a crappy 50 bucks, or any amount of money. They’re smart enough to know that in today’s world of DNA they may sometime in the future be sued for child support. It has happened so in effect the sperm banks have dried up(no female wants your defective sperm they can get the for free and even get a free dinner thrown in lol)
The only thing bursting is your balls from a backup of semen from no sex lol You boys are deluded because they’ll be no “pussy bubble” (another stupid made up geek term) The top Alphas will get 99% of the pussy and it will just mean more for them.
Now that was funny.
Well, since this is a site about how losers can get pussy I’d have to disagree with you about it not being an issue. And smart men have always done what’s in their best interest and didn’t need some women’s haters club or the lunatic loser fringe MGTOW to do it.It’s obvious to me that these are the incompetent and poor underclass of 10% of the men and if they ever came out of their little burrows it would be apparent to any normal man with just one look and as soon as they opened their mouths.
Every Alpha is MGTOW or he’s no Alpha.
He’s just women’s bitch. You cannot beat them. Mothers make the rules. You lose just by being in the game.
The economic sense is exactly how we can fight this beast. I’m saving 2/3 of my income (as I alluded to in a previous comment) to take with me when I expatriate. What I’m not saving I’m sending in remittances to my pregnant gf abroad. Unlike American women, she’s delighted to get what I send. It delights me to be taking as much money as I do out of this economy and putting it in another one.
I go over my budget several times a month to make sure there’s not anything else I can possibly cut out. And you know what, it doesn’t make me miserable, it makes me feel free to watch the money piling up in my account. Gives me encouragement to live as frugally as I can here. Because I know what life I sacrifice here will come back to me at least 2-3 times more when I leave.
Just curious, have you selected a destination yet? Before I found ROK, I had a long term plan of retiring in my 40s or 50s to a 2nd or 3rd world stable country. I haven’t given it much thought lately, but my timeframe has been pushed way up after taking the red pill and having some amazing experiences in Latin America. I would probably move around from place to place in Central/South America at this point but I really haven’t seen enough of the world yet to decide.
3rd world countries are more expensive to live in than the US unless you want to live like some Bombay slumdog or in some Mexican one donkey town.If you don’t have real money you’re going to end up living in a place with other expat losers,geezers living on their SS income and the local lower classes.Even if you had a work permit or simply worked off the books you would not be in an area where there’s any money to be made, you have to be in a more upper class area to do this and would have to be upper class yourself to be hired to teach English(and be highly proficient not just sort of speak it) or get some other job where you could earn at least $50-100 an hr. There are big class differences in these 3rd world and semi 3rd world places.The people and especially the females even look different(fuglier) and like they’re from another race. The guy above who lives like a miser and claims to save 2/3 his income and lives on $500 a month would need to do that for 300 years before he could expat and live decently in his new country because that’s how long it would take him to save a few million to live on for the rest of his life in his new country. There’s nothing wrong with saving money but you’re also wasting the best years of your life living like a peasant and will likely waste it all on medical treatment when you’re old. No life at all really.And btw, if you have no money in the US you get everything free including medical, just make sure that you’re in a good area with good facilities if you’re ill and not Appalachia or Haarlem.
Instead of living like a miser in an area where you have nothing but lower class people who can’t do you any good it would be better to make more money while you still have the energy when young. And I wouldn’t advise expatting to any place but Europe if you can’t find a place in the US that suits you.
This is not said in defense of women, so with that being said, it’s the schlubby little pastel wearing betas who actually allowed all of this. Women wouldn’t have any real say in this if it were not for white knights in positions of powers kowtowing to the women’s every petulant foot stomping whine. Fact is, men have done this to themselves by not putting their foot down decades ago and telling their women to sit down and be quiet. Of course women share responsibility, but “the minority” never achieves political power without the explicit consent of “the majority” (where minority/majority is speaking of the power balance, not numbers of people).
Back in the days of Henry VIII, women would fear speaking against men.
Now it is the exact opposite. The effeminate, emasculated henpecked simps and manginas will accept anything that a women tells him.
It does no good on a larger scale, but I make it a point to comment to any man I see acting like a pussywhipped wuss in front of others. Shame may not work on women, but it still does on a lot of guys. When they try and shrug it off with the idiocy “A happy wife means a happy life” I fire back a hearty “bullshit, grow some balls you pussy” or something equally as derisive.
Probably hasn’t changed any minds, but at least it is cathartic to me when I do it.
What distinguishes a “real man” from “today’s man” is self respect. Unfortunately, too many men fall into the latter category.
Today’s men are an example of being completely pussy whipped and have lost all sense of pride and self respect.
This is what happens when boys are raised by single mothers, brought up in an environment which is heavily influenced by liberal feminism such as the education system and brainwashed by today’s stupid pop culture.
Unfortunately, men are born not made. Are there are too many pussys against too few men.
I think there have always been weak men and they have always been the majority. However, in times past only a strong man could rule. The weak were killed or subjugated. The difference today is that democracy gave weak men a voice, who quickly extended it to women.
In the UK, they are discussing giving 16 year olds the vote. What next, infants and animals? How might a child vote? Free candy and toys for everyone?
Men aren’t born.
Males are born.
MEN make themselves ®
If the problem is that boys are raised by single mothers, then surely the problem you’re perceiving is a result of men leaving their children? i.e.: it’s the men’s fault?
Yawn…are you done?
For an article about rational thinking, your reply is surprisingly devoid of any actual reason. I’m not pointing out holes in your logic to annoy you; I’m trying to better understand your positions.
Don’t you have dishes and washing up to do?
Again… I honestly did have higher expectations for your (collective) intellectual capacity. Was that misplaced hope an example of my fallible female intellect? Because thus far the only people who’ve replied seem to be incapable of engaging in a logical debate. And all this, ironically, underneath a tautological article about the superiority of male intelligence. If you really think you’re intellectually superior to me (and I never ruled that out), perhaps you could start by at least trying to prove it.
Same with women, self respect. The self respect to stay thin, to not sleep with the drug dealer, and to spend her time doing something real rather than social media.
I know we dislike career women but a woman actually doing something productive (not an HR cunt) may ne the best way to stem that tide.
Like a woman who owns a small salon or boutique, something at least.
Quick men, grab your balls before they atttempt to castrate you!
The “deadbeat dad” is a common lie that is perpetuated by the feminist movement. If anything, it is feminazis like yourself that have entrenched the family courts with your selfish ideals and restricted many fathers from visiting their kids, whether by making them work a third job just to pay your ailmony cheque, or preventing them altogether from seeing their kids.
You feminists have destroyed our society.
And how exactly are women more intellectually superior to men?
The last time I checked, all of the greatest innovators and business industrialists of our time were men.
How many women innovators are there in comparison to men?
The only thing women are great at inventing are false rape accusations.
a) I never claimed that women were intellectually superior to men, that’s a preposterous claim. Given that this article contends that men are empirical thinkers, I assume you’d be interested to learn that the variability of male IQ scores is greater than that of females (i.e.: more males than females on both the top and bottom of the IQ distribution) and the average IQ score of men and women is statistically equal.
b) Of course men have discovered and invented more than women in human history. That’s what happens when men are educated and women are not. Imagine how quickly human civilisation could (and will) advance with the brainpower of two genders (of an equal average IQ, no less)?!
c) What I was insinuating was that nobody (man or woman) on this site has challenged my comments with a logical or well thought-out response. All of the replies have been emotionally-driven insults, which you must admit is ironic. I know we have different opinions, but I did at least think that I would be able to have a reasonable debate with some self-proclaimed intellects. I’m just surprised, that’s all. There are plenty of men as smart and smarter than me but I suppose none of them are hanging out (or speaking up?) on ROK.
you can’t have a logical debate when emotions are involved, that’s why we tend not to debate with emotional people.
This is a site for Men.
You’re not invited here. No-one here is interested in entertaining any kind of discussion with females.
Know your place, and see yourself out.
No, we men are smarter, and regardless of what IQ men or women have, we men have the ultimate weapon to combat against you feminists- common sense.
I stand by everything I have said, and I assure you, there is no point in trying to debate me because you are going to get crushed.
Grab your balls before they attempt to castrate you? Are your balls trying to castrate themselves?
Thats the problem. Today’s women do not know their place, be it in society or even on the internet- always trying to play a man.
How does that work?
Seriously, you women are so terrible, even at delivering humour.
Do you know yours?
Rhetorical question.
I was pointing out a flaw in your sentence structure. Grammatically, “they” would refer to the balls in that context.
You say you have common sense but you believe in Biblical prophesies and make categorical assertions (“men are smarter”) despite having no statistical evidence (“regardless of what IQ men and women have”). I think the author of this article might challenge you on that one.
When exactly am I going to get crushed? I’m getting impatient.
Yet the majority of these comments are very emotionally-charged. I’m just curious as to why.
But you make it so easy!
Right, and what statistics do you have to prove anything you state? Oh right, the stats and studies from the leftist feminist education establishment right? The same establishments that falsify rape stats and destroy innocent men?
Seriously, I’m getting impatient with you.
Anyone who falsifies rape stats to destroy innocent men deserves to end up in jail for a long, long time.
My stats come from a famous 1995 study conducted by Dr. Larry Hedges and Dr. David Nowell. It has been repeated on a smaller scale and yielded the same results many times since. You would have to take a great leap of faith to presume that the findings were concocted to support a feminist agenda. I base my principles on sound scientific evidence. Do you?
I base my evidence on legitimate sources. Ever seen Divorce Corp?
Seriously, you are not going to win. Go to some feminist website. You are not welcome here.
In response to b), significant advancements to humanity are mostly made by those on the right tail end of the IQ distribution bell curve. And this becomes increasingly true as all the “low hanging fruit” of technological innovation become accounted for (already more or less the case). In that sense, women, who mostly clutter around the mean as you noted, have little to contribute to the advancement of technological progress.
As for the rest… ROK, as entertaining as it can be to read, is pretty much the McDonald’s of the manosphere. A mixed bag if there ever was one. If you’re truly interested in finding answers/disabusing yourself of your shitlibery, visit Chateau Heartiste, or Dennis Mangan’s blog, or mpcdot.com/forums, to name a few. You’ll find a more sophisticated readership (and you will be roundly trounced, if that’s what you’re after).
Thank you (genuinely) for a serious response. I don’t actually contest the idea that innovations are made by those at the top end of the IQ scale; I suppose my point was more that women and men are, on average, of an equal IQ – ergo it seems ridiculous to put down an entire gender on the basis of misperceived intelligence. I have an IQ of 142 and I’d rather not be consigned to the kitchen by a man with an IQ in the 90s (I’d hazard there are a fair few on this site) just because I have different reproductive organs.
The whole education scam has been exposed? When did this happen? BTW – the most intelligent figures in history have predominantly been academics, so if you’re going to discredit them then you can’t also use them to bolster your argument.
In the vein of this article – are YOU a modern thinker, truth? Because your conspiracies are sounding increasingly bizarre.
Over the past few decades, the advances in technology have allowed us to take a closer look at what is happening within both the female and male brain. Male brains are larger than female brains, yet females can think and calculate faster than men can. Magnetic resonance imaging and other brain imaging techniques have shown that most female brains are more active than most male brains. Even when the female brain is resting it has been shown to be as active as an activated male brain. Considering such information, it appears that many girls will have an intelligence advantage over boys by being consistently engaged, even when they aren’t trying as hard as a boy. As a further result of MRI scans we are able to see and view the ways in which some boys and girls process information. Generally speaking, the female brain processes more responding stimulants, through more senses, and more completely than the male brain. When information content comes into the female brain it travels in through the limbic system up to the top four lobes of the brain where thinking occurs. On the other hand, many males seem to move this content through the limbic system down to the brain stem. Basically, this means that females are more likely to process the information faster and reach a conclusion, as more of the activity moves into the hemispheres that handle thinking. Comparatively, men take longer to process information than women because their brains have less neurons available for activity and the connections between those neurons are fewer in number than those found in women’s brains. It is hypothesized that because of this, women constantly operate on a superior level of awareness than men, as their brains are always taking in more sensory information. Because of the limited processing in male brains, they are more likely to need a rest period than in females. The study proved that many male brains frequently enter a reboot phase as they become overloaded easier than female brains, which aren’t as limited in terms of calculation. This phenomenon is similar to the fact that a computer with less RAM and a slower processing speed is more likely to lock up than one which is more powerful. In addition to processing speed and greater sensory intake, females also have a larger corpus callosum, which connects both brain hemispheres. Because the female brain can use both sides more efficiently and more effectively than the male brain, it is able to carry more information throughout more connections, increasing its speed and giving the female greater resources for thought. The differences between intelligence between the genders can be explained through biology. At conception, all life begins as female, marked by the XX chromosome. To roughly half of these embryos, a Y chromosome is introduced, turning the original female embryo into a male. Testosterone surges throughout the growth of the baby while in the womb at a much higher rate than in the female. This chemical transforms the original female brain, enlarging the sex and aggression centers. Testosterone also has been shown to kill off brain cells and damage connections within the brain, as while as put the male at a much higher risk for diseases and brain related disorders. To compensate for this, nature has made 105 males be conceived to every 100 females. Because males are more likely not to survive birth or to die at a younger age, their higher numbers shrink quickly, as females become roughly 52% of the population. These biological differences not only explain the limited cognitive abilities of the male brain in relation to the female, but also explain why females outlive males in humans as well as in the all animal kingdoms. These advantages of the female brain go even beyond intelligence. There are many different chemicals in the brain that affect the ways in which we act, feel, and respond in different situations. The feelings experienced as a result of these chemicals are caused by receptors in the brain which produce the effect of the chemical when activated. Because girls have more brain activity and more neurons in their brains than boys, they also have more receptors. A perfect example of a chemical reaction in the brain is orgasm. We feel orgasms as pleasurable because of the chemicals serotonin and oxytocin are released in our brain during climax. Because receptors are greater in number in the female brain then in men, orgasm will feel much better for a girl than it does for a boy. Brain scans show that during orgasm the female brain experiences 10 times the amount of pleasurable chemicals than in the male brain. In addition, the chemicals stick around in women’s brains longer than in the male brain, so the pleasurable experience lasts longer. Girls are also capable of multiple orgasms, so their brain remains ready to experience the pleasure over and over again for as long as she desires. Because of the refractory period men experience after they have an orgasm, they remain unable to have another orgasm for a period of time. This results in girls being capable of more powerful and longer lasting orgasms then in men, where orgasms are shorter, weaker, and fewer in number. In scientific studies, the equivalent of the male orgasm was played through the brains of volunteering women. Their experiences were recorded in written testimonies. Common remarks was that the intensity of the male orgasm was much weaker than what they normally experienced from orgasm and that the orgasm ended much quicker than they anticipated. When these women had female orgasms in the lab, they were much more vocal and their bodies contorted as their muscles contracted in response to the orgasm. When the same women experienced the male-style orgasm, they remained mostly quiet and stood almost completely still. They were actually quieter and moved less during the male orgasm then men who had their orgasms studied in the lab. Scientists hypothesized this was due to the females being used to experiencing a more powerful orgasm than the male-style orgasm that they experienced in the lab, while men experiencing the orgasm saw it as normal and had never felt anything better. Scientists were unable to allow the male volunteers of the study to experience the female orgasm, as the male brain is unable to handle the abundance of chemicals and activity the female orgasm provides. There was a theory that if the intensity of a girl’s orgasm was played through a boy’s brain, the shock to his system would kill him. Because of this, it appears the female orgasm remains a treat which can only be enjoyed by women. “I definitely feel very blessed that I was born female” study coordinator Sheryl Task joked. “If I was a man, I’d definitely be really jealous.” *Giggles happily*
Males just need to accept the fact that feminine power is something that they cannot and will *never* escape from! *smirks*
Feminine superiority is now accepted by virtually *all* of the scientific community…and no reasonable person would argue the contrary. Just the fact that our physical beauty can cause a part of the male body to quiver, twitch, or harden whenever we want speaks to our power over the masculine gender. And once we have a man in this state, he is little more than our thrall – he will do whatever we tell him. A male can be two or three times our size and weight, but is invariably reduced to quivering jelly when knocked senseless by our femininity and sex appeal. Every girl should use the natural power she has over males.
I don’t really think it’s constructive to establish a dichotomy; that’s why we have angry, resentful people on sites like ROK in the first place. There’s no such thing as inherently “feminine” power or “masculine” power, only individual power. Neither sex is objectively superior (or more deserving of individual rights and freedoms) than the other.
I respectfully disagree. Within 10 years, males will be stripped of their right to vote and own property. Within 15 years, they will lose all their rights and be nothing more than thralls. Their brute strength and brawn will make them exceptionally fit for hard labor and servitude…and their tiny brains will never let them understand how girls enslaved them…or how to extricate themselves from a predicament that will last for centuries.
Society, civilization has been built on the backs of strong men and women. Your here to prove your ignorance..
The dance between a man and a woman is like the game of chess. The Queen is all powerful. She can hop all over the board diagonally,vertically, horizontally. However the King is the most important piece. If anything happens to the King, game over. This is a ancient understanding. It’s funny how many men are being stripped from their homes/jobs/power and you praise that… You praise your own gender over the other gender. Your ignorant to the plans to destroy society. Destroy the family and you destroy society.
Feminism isn’t new… It’s ancient.. Read this..
Hmm.. Just by the things you type, you sound like your here to prove something. I don’t believe in every scientific fact that is presented in society. If you had a deeper level of insight, this is presented to cause chaos in society, especially among the genders. You talk about looks, and sex appeal… You sound like a woman that wants to have her cake and eat it also. Just because I get aroused in the presence of females from time to time doesn’t mean you have power over me… You sound very narcissistic. Too many women expect men to bow to them because of sex. I can tell you this first hand…. Nothing gains a woman respect quicker than rejecting her… You write a long paragraph about science and then you talk about having power over males… I think it’s funny when women act like this… Yet when many of them get rejected, they get very pissed off,mad, sad, and lie… I go on this site sometimes….. Many of these males on this site are very jaded and immature….
When one gender wins, both lose…
Direct copy and paste from: http://www.likelike.com/pollcommentary/4403
Females: Always thinking, never innovating
Cue applause
She didn’t write, she copied/pasted.
When one gender wins, both lose…”
That’s a popular theory which I contend is mostly for public consumption and has little basis in reality…the fact of the matter is that as some MRA’s have correctly realized…the subjugation of one of the genders is the sine qua non for the other gender to ultimately flourish.
I did copy and paste the long one…it is not my writing…all the other comments are my original writing…though some of the thoughts expressed were written by me some time ago and I just fit them in here now.
Ehh Idk Bob…. I believe decades ago, true masculinity was bestowed upon a young man by his father.. These dudes these days are weak AF.
It’s both genders..
Most males dont either….
Look around… There is no respect for anyone… You can argue until your blue in the face.. The family unit is suffering.. Plain and simple…. The family is the cornerstone of civilization. You can’t exalt one gender over the other because you degrade both at the same time. Man and Woman have coexisted since the dawn of time.
Can you really say with a straight face that the lives led by the billions who have inhabited the earth since modern man emerged 15,000 or so years ago were enjoyable experiences? Most peoples lives were abject horror…and still are, to this very day. Even in the West…with the most amazing technological advancement imaginable and an exceptional standard of living compared to almost any time or place in the past…dissatisfaction reigns supreme. Perhaps it is time to try something new…
I wasn’t specifically arguing that it’s not both genders, I was just drawing attention to the hole in his logic.
“When one gender wins, both lose…” Absolutely agree.
Spoken like a true feminist. You just want to point out the negative things… If your looking for perfection, it has never existed. Never will. As I said before, the family is the cornverstone of civilization. I can tell by the things you type that you have been brainwashed. I’m not gonna keep going back and forth with you about this. It’s foolishness. Read this and go on with your merry life. http://www.savethemales.ca/180302.html
Well, woman to woman, at least you’re not a raging lesbo feminazi loon who drops onto this site and proves everything the RoK commenters say about women.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about
Yeah I know. I’m glad you understand.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about….
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about…….
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about…………….
You can just ignore me, you know.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about
“Go on with your merry life.”
Well, it certainly is merry compared to those unlucky enough to have been born into The Slave Gender! *snobby smirk*
Not sure if sarcasm or sincerity?
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
No girls allowed!! Really truth, is this the best you can do when the females aren’t in the kitchen washing dishes. Pathetic.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about………..
Waaaaahhhhh. Karen and Eliza R. took my candy. Waaaahhhhh.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about
You don’t have any balls!!!!
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about…………….
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about……….
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about………………………………….
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about….
“Of course men have discovered and invented more than women in human history.”
Ah the good ole excuse that explains everything. First off, if women were intelligent enough, no one would have been able to “keep them down” for so many thousands of years.
Secondly, women have had their “freedom” for close to, what, 50, 100 years ?
During that period, female/male genius scientist, innovator and etc ratio was about 300-1, if that could do it.
I know that you will probably blame the “patriarchy” or similar now. But if you do that, then you are truly stupid,
If you were so intelligent why do you never become anything else than HR cunts ?
IQ dont have much to do with it. Plenty of people with high IQ, they dont innovate or make big discoveries because of that.
Yes there are superior sexes. Men are superior at creating things, women are superior in sucking cock and posting selfies.
“…it seems ridiculous to put down an entire gender on the basis of misperceived intelligence.”
On the flip side, it’s easy to imagine that some non-trivial number of men who could have had the potential to advance the world in a significant way will fall foul of any one of the myriad pro-female/anti-male policies of the modern age, to the benefit of course of women/assorted victim classes who most assuredly never will be responsible for any significant scientific contribution, in all likelihood invalidating your initial point. Humanity will continue to progress despite the female biased law of the land, not because of it.
Notwithstanding your fear of a 90 IQ man consigning a 140 IQ woman to the kitchen (an idea so patently absurd and reductionist that it strains credulity), ROK and websites like it provide a useful counter voice to today’s insanity… even if all readers aren’t sufficiently articulate to snipe back at various drive-by interlopers.
The rhetoric on the manosphere including ROK can be inflammatory
mainly because MSM has excluded covering these issues. In a more sober and academic style, all these
topics do have a place in mainstream debate.
Civilization is a male construct and this is the basis of
misandry, feminist envy and resentment. From the cave paintings at Lascaux and
Chauvet up to 40,000 years ago, all art forms and other human achievement are
overwhelmingly the result of male invention and discovery. Men are more dominant in knowledge, discovery,
invention, construction. Sure, these are the apex guys, and men too dominate
the lower orders of dysfunction and criminality. Homo sapiens
“differs from our chimpanzee cousins by only 3 per cent of our genes….. (and) of that 3 percent of changes, 95 per cent have
taken place on the Y chromosome..” http://spectator.org/articles/34896/are-men-who-dont-want-be-men-really-necessary
Feminism is not just a well intentioned theory for gender
equality. It is an evil ideology based
on lies. Steve Moxon has written about
the “Woman’s Fraud”. But also many women
such as Christina Hoff Sommers and Dr Helen Smith have addressed the “War on
Boys” and “Men on Strike”.
There have been two generations now of affirmative action,
quotas, slanting the education system totally towards females in an attempt to
equalise their achievement with men, and this is right across the West. As
women can’t demonstrate equal achievement at the highest levels this is robbing
them of the excuse of Patriarchal Oppression. But it will be like the history of Communism,
no matter how many attempts and failures to achieve a classless society, it
will always be a case of ….“we’ll get it right this time”.
lest you forget, after those dishes washed, you still got cocks to suck.
Scottish election had 16 year olds voting. 85% under 25 voted independance. A similiar percentage over 60 voted to stay in with GBR. Point being is kids vote with stupid trendy shit.
Hello, there.
I may get banned speaking to you, so please at least do me the courtesy of reading this. Its not like you have to agree with anything I write.
I believe that life is far too short to not give someone unfortunate a gift from time to time. I am about to give you one, and you may take it and busy yourself with it, or ignore me and my wisom and continue on.
You will NEVER find fulfillment in something that only men are designed for and engage in happily. This something is slavery (working a job, providing for a family and yourself, paying bills, sacrificing your time/hobbies/interests/health for your spouse and family etc).
You might think you want that now. Youre young. Give it time.
You might think you want to be “self reliant and independant”, “empowered”, “equal to a man” and all that rubbish that the corrupt media and culture of the world feeds you. After all, men and women as genders are nothing but socially constructed concepts, right?
Pay your own bills, take care of yourself, have no family and no concerns, no weight of loyalty or love.
But as you get older (not long from now), you will FUCKING HATE the very idea of this lifestyle, let alone the reality of having to live it.
Your very biology is programmed (from eons ago) against it.
DO NOT kid yourself.
What can I say to you, so that you might do what is best for yourself?
Find a man.
Not when you are so used up that you attract only that which you have already become; a degenerate.
Your purity as a human being (believe it or not) is of upmost importance to any decent man. You should care about it above all else.
No man gives a shit about what scholastic degree/ba/masters or even phd you might hold. They certainly do not care about your I.Q.
Any moron knows that none of these useless paperweights are barometers of intelligence, anyway.
Find a good man (which should not be difficult seeing as though you are apparently surrounded by them) and submit to him.
Submit to him completely. Be his woman. Take care of him in ways that only a women can do. Show him the uttermost depths of your loyalty, love, sensitivity, and maternal instinct. Be in it with him for the long run.
Give all your heart can give until it hurts.
And when it hurts, keep giving.
Because, when you get old, and you have completely lost your beauty and youth, and no one wants you anymore but your man, and your mind is half gone, the man you have loved your whole life will still be there. He will still be there, as much in love with you as the day you met.
Still ready to take a bullet to the head for you.
What I have described is the blissful, utopian-esque life that a man and a woman can afford each other, given they desire such a life.
If you think me arrogant, mysoginistic, one-sided, or anything of the like, then my wisdom has been wasted on you.
And to that I say, alas, what a tragedy.
Your have 2 choices at this point and also 2 outcomes.
1) You follow the advice I have given you, and have a great life where you flourish.
2) You refuse my advice, and find out the misery, unfulfilment and lonelieness that await you.
Mark my words.
You will see I speak truth, whichever choice you make.
And if youre smart enough to take my advice in the affirmative? (No. 1)
God bless you, and yes, youre welcome.
“HR cunts”
You do know, of course, that Henry VIII’s most accomplished successor was Elizabeth I, who did more for the UK than Henry ever did (financially and internationally)? Henry VIII’s legacy was a few dead wives and far too much debt.
I love my fiancé with all my heart and he has my undying love, unyielding sensitivity, and unquestionable loyalty. None of that interferes with my career, which (in addition to his) enables us to enjoy a luxurious and carefree life. Moreover, my considerable income is why I would and could never seek alimony in court, were we to to ever break up (though I strongly doubt we ever will).
BTW, I’m not sure what it is that you look for in women, but my IQ is the primary reason that my fiancé is attracted to me (or so he’s written in his wedding vows). Intelligence may not be important for you, but don’t make the mistake of generalising male preferences. My intellect is the first thing I’ve tended to rely on to attract men, and it’s never been irrelevant. But then again, perhaps I’m exclusively interested in smart guys and perhaps you aren’t interested in smart girls.
In a Baron Munchausen manner? Pulling themselves out of the swamp by the roots of their own hair?
Tbh, I know where you are going with the self-made man idea but I think Real Men are just born that way. I have always been this way and I became who I am because it was my nature. There are three types of men. Rulers, Rebels and the Herd. The majority of men follow the Rulers. The Rulers are the ones who will do anything for power including sacrificing the Herd to feminists. The Rebels are the men who contribute meaningfully to this site.
Sadly, Rebels die long before their time often murdered by the Herd, although their name lives forever.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
In one ear and out the other.
How sad…
At least I can say I tried.
Good luck to you, miss. I wish you and your fiance the best.
16??? I think people should not be allowed to vote until they graduate college and start paying taxes (if you skip college and work out of HS, then you can vote). I knew nothing of politics in college, was a dumb lib-I shouldnt have been allowed to cast a vote. I know it will never happen, but I can dream…
How to fix it other than to get rid of government? One extra vote for every ten years you’ve been alive? Double votes if you are a man and no vote if you are in jail, work for the government or are a net welfare recipient?
Was there some sort of ceremony for this “bestowing”? What do you mean?
I’m not sure whether to laugh at this comment, or punch you in the mouth. You basically took a shit on both of them at that particular moment.
englishbob, while your beliefs hold weight to you, I have a different perspective – Men ARE able to shape themselves, from their thoughts, words, actions, habits, character, to their destiny. The (outward) motivation is what differs from one man to another, but the process (inward) remains largely the same: a powerful challenge to an innermost belief triggers the mechanism for change.
Undoubtedly, this requires not only a great deal of time, and a strong will, but also commitment unrivalled. Many falter, due to a multitude of reasons, such as the fallibility of the human spirit… yet it is possible.
There are many everywhere that accept defeatism and resignation with open arms. However the very existence of this, and other sites with the same noble intent of arming men with knowledge and encouraging them to exercise/develop their own strengths (whichever those may be), tell me this isn’t a place for defeatism.
Tic Toc. What’s that sound? Why it’s your biological clock. Kids yet? Bet you don’t have any but you DO have a 9K mountain bike in the garage next to the Prius. You sound like an extra on the show “Portlandia”
That’s nonsense and apparently you have a kid’s understanding of history and people. And btw, even Henry VIII was cuckolded by 2 young wives.
How many male inventors were there? .01 % of the population? What have you or even the last 10 generations of males in your family invented?
‘As for the rest… ROK, as entertaining as it can be to read, is pretty much the McDonald’s of the manosphere’
I disagree. It’s more like the kiddie play area at Chucky Cheese :o)
I’d rather not be consigned to the kitchen by a man with an IQ in the 90s (I’d hazard there are a fair few on this site)
Quite a few and even considerably lower lol IQ, social class and assets etc pretty much go together in 99.9% of the cases.
Don’t be so stupid kid. Everyone has a biological clock and it doesn’t matter if she has kids or not, the world is overpopulated. So she’ll live her life in a different way and I really doubt if she’ll be any more unhappy then females with kids.Kids or no kids you’re still going to age.
A mountain bike and a Prius is still a lot more than you have cellar boy
ROK and websites like it provide a useful counter voice to today’s insanity
It’s a losers bitching site and not one boy here has ever done anything to change anything.
And despite all of the things like feminism, affirmative action etc etc there are still competent men who control almost everything.
He believes in the big bogie man in the sky while the inferior females believe in the earth goddess. Yeah, big difference lol
Stop arguing with this kid who still counts on his fingers and moves his lips when reading his Batman comic.He was the kid in 1st grade who kept trying to pound the square peg into the round hole when the teacher tested their IQ. When he became frustrated and had a tantrum they had to put him on Ritalin.
He’s forming his own little MGTOW club.
He’s like the kid in kindergarten who the girls dared to eat a worm and he did it. He’s been fuming ever since lol
He’s not going to ignore you. This is the most attention he’s ever received from a female and even negative attention is something to him. He’s invisible to females in real life or at most is just considered an annoying little bug.
Where are the mods?
a.) IQ score has nothing to do with empirical thinking. No IQ test in the world measures how much of an empirical thinker you are. IQ tests only measure linguistic and logical-mathematical abilities.
b.) Women have been educated for hundreds of years – how many years of education does it have to take in order for them to invent something? Even enslaved men and men in prison discover and invent more than the combined force of all educated women. Heck research it, greatest inventors, philosophers, warriors etc. had experienced some form of imprisonment or enslavement.
c.) We are not obligated to reply to you in an intelligent manner – we reserve it for discussions to other men, we simply hate wasting time giving attention to intelligent women unless you pay us a hefty amount of money of course. Consider yourself lucky I’m giving out this intelligent conversation for free.
I think if you are in jail you should be able to vote. I have heard (not sure the true stats)!that they don’t vote big govt projects. Nor do they tend to vote with the “think of the children” mantra.
Stop right there you sneaky cunt!
assuming she even knows who the daddy is you don’t get a pussy pass on what he mentions is the core of the problem… Feminist indoctrination. And that surely isn’t the men’s fault.
Ok maybe I said it wrong… But most of these guys these days masquerading as men are just kids… Boys back in the days knew how to hold down a house/job by the time they reached 17/18 years old. Same thing with girls… Morality has seriously been subverted…
This is what happens when boys are raised by mothers.
Why you’d imagine single mothers raised boys differently is bemusing. Men have always been women’s wedlocked slaves.
Children would vote for whom their violent mothers instructed. You didn’t put those clothes on yourself.
Women have never been anything more than a liability because the previous generation of women purge their competition. Every girl is reduced below worthless.
Now tell me how men have been anything but bitches?
Men shouldn’t have to provide a counter-balance to mothers’ violence, deceit and shaming of innocence.
You whores are supposed to raise children to be independent and unattached. Men are supposed to let all women who cannot take care of themselves starve to death.
But sniveling betas who were just happy to be getting some married prostitutes instead. And real men were bred out. Real men don’t carry whores. In Nature, no whores means no males are needed by mammal mothers.
These men can’t do logic and neither can you. You were all raised by violent women who needed your loving slavery.
Logic requires truth. No woman can function on a diet of truth. It would make you scream.
You can find countless studies showing girls are brighter than boys at birth, as toddlers, as adolescents and then something happens called shame (of being a normal biological girl). It hurts you in puberty because women have conditioned girls to suffer when exposed to sex-related stimuli. Sadistic fuck, that mother of yours.
But you have to understand, women can’t compete with girls…until they can.
That’s what happens when mothers are purging girls with objectification, sadistic shame, traumatic fear, harassment, bullying — You’d better not be showing your ugly face in public. It’s not presentable. Put a burqa over your ugly head. Here, use my cosmetics. Just cover it up already.
nb. Mothers do it with more finesse but they have the advantage of surreptitious betrayal. They tear down your Self with lies as your friend.
With truth instead of women’s lies to children? 106,000,000,000 deity minds banked, the exponential power working in synchronized harmony? “Don’t think too much.” It’s dangerous. I’m deadly serious. It’s fatal.
We all channel our mothers to varying degrees.
I’m brighter than you. But I won’t be for long.
It’s not women’s intelligence that makes them hated. It’s how they use it. Cannibalism isn’t productive. All advantage that isn’t mutual is an illusion. All destruction / misery / violence / suffering / abuse / trauma / lies > sourced from women reduced by their mother’s abuse and their own evil choices.
Men don’t give birth.
Men don’t obstruct biology for extortion.
Men don’t abuse children in need.
Men don’t need. All the non-biological need comes from (reduced) women. This species has been infantilised by women who didn’t want to work. Working men have no motive to reduce the value of children (mothers’ homosexual priests don’t count).
EQ > IQ.
In a world where IQ soars and EQ flounders, you have the finest minds of the species building weapons for cannibalistic Power. We have the IQ to live in Paradise or race to extinction and the EQ to guarantee the latter.
You’re an idiot. Shut up. Go take care of your whore mother and worship the sociopathic God she violently inserted into your deranged mind.
What creep would want any of those liabilities? If you don’t love yourself and remain loyal to yourself, your love and your loyalty are valued only by cannibals looking to use and dispose of you.
If you’re so smart, why do you need a contract backed by State violence to bind your slave in wedlock against his will?
Marriage serves one (1) function and that function doesn’t come into play until the relationship is over. When one party (the man, obviously) is so disgusted with the other, he doesn’t even want to give her the time of day, that’s when the sole function of marriage is triggered (to force him to be bound to your side against his will “Until Death Do You Part”).
Rape for life. Very romantic. But you’re not smart. You’re just another needy robot programmed to pursue self-defeating, illegitimate entitlement.
Competent(?) men wearing clothes that women used to violently saddle them for slavery.
Every child is viciously betrayed by women. You’re all wearing clothes, you dimwits.
You stupid fool. Mothers have the ultimate weapon to combat and enslave Humanity.
Take off your clothes.
Shun marriage.
Love yourself.
Forsake all lies.
Never impose.
Abhor attachment.
Until then, you’re exploiting the illegitimate Rights women have hacked out of the minds of traumatised and betrayed toddlers.
Why are you projecting yourself onto me, you dumb cocksucker?
Crawl back into the woodwork, from whence you came.
Im atheist, by the way.
Keyboard warrior “Jonny”.
We both know you would never say any of these things to me, face to face.
This is simply because your a fucking dickless little coward.
Fuck off.
Those that need it don’t read it. Of course men are able to shape themselves, develop themselves etc. This is not in dispute. My point is, only certain men have the capacity to do this and they are the extreme minority such as the one who contribute to this site. The others follow. You cannot have a ship full of captains.
I hate Christian insanity. You’re all a shit-stain on the Human Existence with whore mothers as evil as your leech hearts are black. You belong in the ground.
So you’re completely insane.
Your selfless stupidity represents everything wrong with men that led women to their current sub-worthless, child-abusing state.
Real men don’t carry infantile whores who cannot take care of themselves. Creeps like you do. You are not a man. You’re just your mother’s stained bitch.
Sniper shot between the eyes. Reload- there will always be more. Well done.
“but my IQ is the primary reason that my fiancé is attracted to me (or so he’s written in his wedding vows). ”
You’re so smart!
Sure not everyone can be a leader of men, yet I counter that men can, and should, take full ownership of their own lives.
Is that what you think, cunt?
Tone down the “women must take care of themselves or they are whores” shit. Its the same argument that white knight faggots use.
A womans place is not to poorly imitate a man in the realms of responcibility, intelligence, workmanship or anything masculine.
You sound like you prefer women to be sub-standard men, John.
It would be best that you come out of the closet and stop doing this to yourself.
If you are genuinely NOT a faggot, then explain to me how you think men and women should operate together.
Sell your kool-aid to someone else, you stupid cunt.
The only phrase I used (God bless you) was an expression of speech.
Are you fucking retarded?
I agree with all of that . We all follow someone. It is important to make the right choice of who to follow.
I think in a perfect world you would not be in prison for non violent crime or failure to pay taxes. The remainder (violent criminals) would not get a vote.
So you don’t believe in God but you say God bless you.
What explains such insanity?
Um, women who refuse to take care of themselves stay alive how, exactly?
And no White Knight would dream of using that honest word around women. It could offend their delicate feelings.
A woman’s place is to be a human woman. We don’t quite know what that is, because for 6000 years every generation of girls has been viciously purged by ‘women’ terrified of competing with merit. Men who marry infantilised prostitutes-in-denial and then give them brilliant independent children to abuse have a lot of evil on their hands.
I would prefer women be superior in every way to men. Nature gives much reason to suggest this is the Natural Order.
Humanely. Honestly. Intolerant of malicious obstruction. Unforgiving of cannibalistic predation. Ruthless humane decency.
Id say “for christs sake” and “god damn” in conversation with a person to give off a sense of severity. I do this because most people are religous (catholic/christian etc.) and would therefore interpret my expressions as severe.
They are merely expressions, John. Saying them does not change the fact that I am an atheist, you fucking idiot.
Alrighty. Ill focus on a few points.
1) how does nature indicate that women are the naturally stronger/superior beings? We know as a matter of fact that homosapien males evolved to be the thinkers, doers and everything else inbetween. Females were naturally selected to be the child bearers. In this selection, they were also given ovulation periods (periods) were they were subject to whimsicality and irrationality. This would not create a natural warrior, and inventive thinker like the male homosapien who was not chosen for child bearing. Your preferential thinking on this matter is irrelevant, and makes me suspect that you may indeed be female yourself.
2) I understand your point of what has gone down through milleniums of generations. I must ask you, what makes a human woman? I will say this.
If a woman operates where in she works a job just like a man, and has the same responciblities, then a family cannot be created. The man must work, the woman must mother the children and tend to the husband. This is the natural ordered structure. This structure did not cause these infantile whores to arise.
Excessive liberty given to them by idiot men allowed them to pick and chose what their biological purpose SHOULD be instead of what is was DESIGNED for.
3) Men and women should treat each other humanely and honestly?
Since when have men ever treated women as anything other than queens?
In traditional times now a bygone era, a woman would be a lady and a man would be a gentleman. The woman would cook, clean, and tend to her husband. He would slave away for her in return. Obviously, this arrangement was always in the womans favour. But, it was an arrangement where they could both be happy. Your idea of how things should be between men and women (which seems to be femenism) is destructive and immoral.
In Nature, the mammal mother carries everyone. They get all the biological reward, they should wear all the responsibility.
Male mammals are free agents. Men aren’t supposed to be taking care of a Toddler whore and her children, men are supposed to care for all children. There is no evolutionary logic that says one whore’s children are worth more to their (alleged) father than the other billion or two children men need to protect.
That’s not how it works in Nature.
Did you know childbirth is orgasmic? The truth is coming out on women’s diabolical preying on empathy. I heard sex is a favour they do for men too. It’s so painful for them. Make sure you marry them in gratitude.
My point being, what makes men imagine childbearing or child raising is difficult? In Nature, mammal mothers do it all. I have raised a couple of my siblings. Kids just raise themselves. Women have been leeching off the world, abusing children to handicap them to make them stupid and dependent.
These demons have reduced the entire species with MSbP as their driving motive. Every dependent mother has MSbP, to a degree. Anyone who needs to care, needs the need for care.
Doubt everything. We live in a world of 6000 years of women’s child abuse. These are demons who handicap their own children for life to serve their need for dependants (after sacrificing their children’s futures for sex). No evil, no lie, no heinous act is beyond their capacity. Their perfidy is limitless.
Every mother in the world deserves a fair trial which would sentence them to death for their crimes.
There is no need for need. Humans work too hard. Automation is rendering the workforce redundant. Everything needs to be scaled back to something more sane.
Humans only work so hard because women have their heel on the biological flow, intentionally choking men to death for exploitation. It’s not Natural, everything is perverted by demonic women.
Natural Matriarchy
(destroyed by Matriarchy by Proxy / “Patriarchy”)
Exactly. They’re not queens. They’re demons and men need to treat them honestly.
Feminism is all perverse and compromised by their unwillingness to fight Matriarchal power. They fight the proxy. My idea isn’t mine, it’s the Natural Order.
You argued quite well, and I cant say I disagree with you on most of your points.
I figured this was the place you were coming from.
All things aside, I have to ask you one question.
What do you think we should do now? Do we all decide to abandon the ordered structure that we have followed up until recently? The simple fact is that none of the things you want to come to fruition, ever will actually happen.
Society as you know is already far too broken, and a collapse of some kind must occure before again restoration can begin. It seems though, that many of your ideas on things border on conspiracy and are most definately based almost completely in hypothesis. We cannot translate either of those concepts into reality, John.
You are correct in speaking of women and how they have generally perverted things in the social-cultural economy of the world, and well as many other things. Again, this is mostly subjecture on your part. What is a person meant to say to these thoughts of yours? Most of your ideas would need a saint to handle them in order for them to not cause utter fucking catastophe. I really dont know what to tell you other than that.
Smh. That’s harsh, ignorant and immature. All women aren’t like that. You sound quite jaded sir.
Show me where women are not selling themselves (liability).
Men must down tools. There’s no way to mitigate a reality where – to protect their illegitimate entitlement to enslave men against their will – mothers / wives are maliciously setting the genders up to faceplant into conflict (to fight instead of fuck). Every girl is turned into a liability for men. Women have to reduce girls, they don’t have a choice; women will never be able to compete with girls on merit.
Ordered by tyrannical child abuse and terror.
The game was over the instant women saw opportunity where there wasn’t any, to cannibalise their own children with lies and violence for capture-bonding slavery.
There will be no restoration. We’re in a simulation and we need to shut it down. Deity children are being murdered by women at a rate of 29,000 toddlers (mostly girls) every single day because their bodies aren’t valued for exploitation (it’s horrifying but this planet simply doesn’t value minds; in reality, intelligence is hated). Children are systematically reduced to dysfunctional and stupid for war, wage slavery, consumption and perpetual breeding for exploitation.
It’s a conspiracy upheld by fear bordering on terror. We live in the Dark Ages of global child abuse. The speed and ferocity of women’s hatred of their betters is transparent but men are blind to truth right in front of their eyes.
If you interact with pubescent girls who haven’t been raised with shame and conditioned during adolescence to associate anything related to sex (even words) with painful emotive stimuli, you would realise – were it not for their size – they’d be rapists. But Society girls tell you the same thing, albeit inadvertently, when they obsessively police sluts within their ranks (projected shame).
For thousands of years, women have contributed nothing but suffering for men in lieu of taking care of themselves. They had one job; take care of themselves. They refused to do it, so bullied men gave them another job; take care of children. With violence and shame, they raised boys to be warrior sociopaths who destroyed every peaceful civilisation and raised girls with objectifying shame to be dysfunctional whores who conceal liability, withhold favour and undress to impress. That’s their contribution; illusory value. Every woman is an objectified liability inflicting pain to create demand for the pain relief they want to supply.
Children are not born in clothes to advertise their mother’s violent shaming of their biological innocence. The value of women is negative. They exist to hijack men and children’s lives with suffering. They offer no value. They are unnaturally loved for betraying toddlers with violent, traumatic bullying in private. Toddlers have to submit. What other option do they have? Mothers Know Best how to put the foot down on an independent toddler’s mind.
I understand. I was blind my entire life in a world where no one has ever told me the truth, about anything. When I was 29, I was about to die when something I’d seen gave me pause. I’d never seen anything like it before (or since) but as my mood plummeted from what I shortly realised was an artificially-inflated high (love) to an artificially-deflated low (betrayal), I saw reality morph to another reality in a few seconds. Everything went from beautiful / fun / friendly / clean / genuine to ugly / miserable / suspicious / dirty / fake. I instantly realised the second reality was more accurate and for the first time, I realised what people meant when they said, “Love blinds”. I’d be blinded. You can’t claim blinding isn’t malicious or you’d need your eyelids sewn shut. I was in pain like nothing I’d ever imagined, the pain was terrifying as I was debilitated. All I could think about doing was ending it, but what I’d seen was amazing. The idea that I hadn’t been seeing true reality or that my emotional state affected my perception of reality had never once crossed my mind.
To cut a long story short, I realised I’d been maliciously root-kitted with malicious emotional malware. Someone had set me up to suffer. Then it hit me, women are installing religious constructs into children’s minds, to manipulate the resultant suffering. I was furious. So much needless pain and trauma, and embarrassment. Love is the ultimate degradation. It can kill you, you know?
A repressed memory surfaced of a creep quoting Bible scripture that bothered me as an adolescent, not the first verse but the one that followed.
And I realised children are being betrayed by their mothers, who are murderers. But only the lucky die young. I’d been a slave to public opinion my entire life, literally born and bred to please (or die trying), but as I looked around I saw the truth. Everyone is faking, terrified and miserable. Bunch of fraudulent wretches trying to fake it till they make it. Is that how you make shit? That’s not going to work.
I jumped to my feet. I’d been on the ground for some time, no one had even noticed. I laughed. My greatest fear had just materialised; no one cared if I lived or died. I was free. I’d spent my entire life stressing over the expressed opinions of disapproving liars. It’s how they express approval. They tear you down to create the illusion of comparative superiority. Pathetic. I decided I would please my Self, no one ever reciprocated anyway. And since then, I’ve been able to see some things people are blind to, things I’d been blind to. People can’t see but I see a more real reality.
Oh, the pain that had floored me (effectively killed me), it’s kind of embarrassing but as it turned out, none of it was real. Love, Betrayal, Shame, Hate, Fear, Angst; my whole life of feeling was fake. It was all in my imagination. I just un-imagined it.
And just like that, it was gone. I suddenly had dozens of places to be at once.
I understand. I was blind my entire life in a world where no one has ever told me the truth, about anything. When I was 29, I was about to die when something I’d seen gave me pause. I’d never seen anything like it before (or since) but as my mood plummeted from what I shortly realised was an artificially-inflated high (love) to an artificially-deflated low (betrayal), I saw reality morph to another reality in a few seconds. Everything went from beautiful / fun / friendly / clean / genuine to ugly / miserable / suspicious / dirty / fake. I instantly realised the second reality was more accurate and for the first time, I realised what people meant when they said, “Love blinds”. I’d be blinded. You can’t claim blinding isn’t malicious or you’d need your eyelids sewn shut. I was in pain like nothing I’d ever imagined, the pain was terrifying as I was debilitated. All I could think about doing was ending it, but what I’d seen was amazing. The idea that I hadn’t been seeing true reality or that my emotional state affected my perception of reality had never once crossed my mind.
To cut a long story short, I realised I’d been maliciously root-kitted with malicious emotional malware. Someone had set me up to suffer. Then it hit me, women are installing religious constructs into children’s minds, to manipulate the resultant suffering. I was furious. So much needless pain and trauma, and embarrassment. Love is the ultimate degradation. That shit kills.
A repressed memory surfaced of a creep quoting Bible scripture that bothered me as an adolescent, not the first verse but the one that followed.
The creep was my mother. Mothers are murderers but only the lucky die young. I’d been a slave to public opinion my entire life, literally born and bred to please (or die trying), but as I looked around I saw the truth. Everyone is faking, terrified and miserable. Bunch of fraudulent wretches trying to fake it till they make it. Is that how you make shit? That’s not going to work.
I jumped to my feet. I’d been on the ground for some time, no one had even noticed. I laughed. My greatest fear had just materialised; no one cared if I lived or died. I was free. I’d spent my entire life stressing over the expressed opinions of disapproving liars. It’s how they express approval. They tear you down to create the illusion of comparative superiority. Pathetic. I decided I would please my Self, no one ever reciprocated anyway. And since then, I’ve been able to see some things people are blind to, things I’d been blind to. People can’t see but I see a more real reality.
Oh, the pain that had floored me (effectively killed me), it’s kind of embarrassing but as it turned out, none of it was real. Love, Betrayal, Shame, Hate, Fear, Angst; my whole life of feeling was fake. It was all in my imagination. I just un-imagined it.
And just like that, it was gone. I suddenly wanted to be everywhere at once.
I’ve never said this to anyone before but… You have serious mommy issues. Not trying to insult, I’m sure you already know it anyway, but it wouldn’t hurt to talk to a (male) therapist about it.
Can’t believe I’ve had to repeat this approx three times now, but I was just pointing out holes in his logic.
You’re not smart, I erroneously presumed otherwise (I’m embarrassed to admit, I’m still a sucker for delusional gall). Women are shameless liars. Society is finished. There will be horror from here until mushroom clouds.
But keep telling yourself that children need objectified mothers’ lies, violence, shame and (need for) love. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
What do you expect from a reduced slave?
I know when a woman I’m with contests me and I stand strong, she will have 25 suitors available to bed her on a whim. And I’m sure they have on occasion. I also know that when I don’t give her her way, but instead giver her away, when she’s an intolerable bitchy adult brat, that whoever she’s with is very likely not half the man I really am, and just some shadow shell of a man playing the sensitive bitch-boy role for a piece of the ass I drilled 6-ways to Sunday. If she wants to gamble losing me for a lesser experience overall in life, I’ll let her do that every single time. My favorite part is bumping into them down the road and the look of absolute hatred essentially for me NOT stopping them from their own selfish ignorance into a lamer existence. I respect myself more than these spineless bitches, and they loath that. Priceless.
“she will have 25 suitors available to bed her on a whim”
You are right when you say ultimately they aren’t happy with all their options. Its overwhelming when you first realize how easy it is to get another guy, HOWEVER, the quality and long term happiness of her options really isn’t that great. And the older they get the quality of those options drops off.
I’m in the that same position with my ex.
After I dumped her for her cheating, lying, and growing disrespectfulness she immediately acquired two pets.
One of them is a half-beagle half-pitbull that everyone apparently finds totally unruly and annoying.
The other is her meek beta boyfriend who basically just follows her around everywhere and takes care of her dog when she has to travel for work.
She puts on a facade to everybody that she is happier than ever to be rid of my “abusiveness” and “misogyny”… but all of her emails, text-messages, and late night phone calls don’t lie.
25 suitors waiting in the wings is why I never feel much guilt for leaving a woman. Someone else will come along and pay her bills.
It’s amazing really. The modern woman really just lives a life of resistance.. then at any random point decides; “Ok I ‘ll stop resisting advances from 3 guys in the next 45 days,’ and bangs a new guy every other week, until she feels she’s walking the line of hoe bag, then simply begins resisting again. Imagine that, nearly every single 6 an above has this power. Pluck, bang, bang, bang,.. now back to playing innocent. No effort needed whatsoever.
How dare you not stand for her disrespect, you misogynyst. Shes deserves better! /S
What a worthless cunt. Glad youre free, bud.
“After I dumped her for her cheating, lying, and growing disrespectfulness she immediately acquired two pets. One of them is a half-beagle half-pitbull that everyone apparently finds totally unruly and annoying.
The other is her meek beta boyfriend who basically just follows her around everywhere and takes care of her dog when she has to travel for work.”
Had a good laugh reading that. Then I realized I know of a few cases where that is the honest to God truth. Not sure whether to laugh again or not…
‘I know when a woman I’m with contests me and I stand strong, she will have 25 suitors available to bed her on a whim.’
Well that’s not saying much about yourself if 25 omegas can pop up and put you in 26th place lol
So you pyjama pickup artists seem to be getting beat by beta boy pussies. Hmm doesn’t really say a lot about you does it? Aside from your fake bullshit and braggadocio on here I’d peg you as Delta- morons.
And what makes you believe that your options will get any better if you’re a loser now? You’ll end up shagging these females when they’re old, grey and fat and no longer in their prime. You won’t even get short term happiness in your youth when it means something. Older Alpha men like myself were that way from when young and just never lost it. Only the top wines improve with age, the plonk just goes downhill.You’re not going to improve with age where you’ll be able to get the good looking young girls with the nicest personalities just because you are older. She’s not interested in some flabby old bald guy with no assets(which are really just a representation of what you are in life).If you’re a loser at 20 you’ll still be a loser at 50.You may want to lower your sights and give some of those 5’s and chubby girls some lovin’ while that flab is still relatively firm before it turns to a bowl of jello.The 10’s are reserved for the Alpha men so stop dreaming and making yourselves unhappy, after all you don’t drive a Rolls or live in an upper class area either. Beggars can’t be choosers.
So, you were paying some slut 5’s bills just to get some pussy? OK Travis haha
Are you replying to the right person? I said his story made me laugh, and that I know a few guys that have been in that position. Not too sure where the “fake bullshit and braggadocio” comes into play.
You’re a hero. If more men had self-respect, we wouldn’t be in this wretched mess.
Women obstruct biology. The unnatural perverts break the faith. That’s the extent of their contribution. They bully and betray children. They’re entitled to RIP.
They’re getting beat for the prize that is [liability].
That’s a good prize to lose.
There will always be broken and betrayed men who want to suffer to please their abusers. That is no excuse to be a bitch.
All this knowledge about what women do to a society if set free to roam the lands like feral cats has been known since the Bronze Age, possibly even before that. It is part and parcel of the world’s three biggest religions.
The West developed the delusion that nature and biology no longer applied to it, and is reaping the consequences of that insanity. We are watching one of the world’s major races self-destruct and one of the world’s great cultures and civilizations crumble as a result.
Alas, it’s too late to turn back now. You’ll never get this particular genie back into the bottle.
The bottle will be broken alongside the road, among bleached bones.
The world religions were based on reality but tried to explain reality in a mythical way, for the ancients had wisdom, but tried to share it with the throngs of knuckle-dragging morons (otherwise called humanity).
“Next time”, let’s not go “spirits and fairies” with this. Around the time in the next cycle when rocket and computer technology is being unearthed and reverse engineered maybe then what civilization needs to know to survive won’t be in the sort of books that those who seek to destroy it could easily ridicule.
So wisdom became democratized essentially, and most people opted for the fairytale.
Unfortunately, when people think they are but animals, they act like it. Take away myths and fairy tales like law, justice, beauty, ethics, free will, rights, and love, and you’re left with naked animals. There won’t be rockets and computer technology, there will be nature, red in tooth and claw.
The fairytale was all that worked. They attempted to democratize wisdom with it, metaphors and all.
And the metaphors were all taken literally.
And that’s why aliens won’t land.
I always imagined that if aliens landed and studied us for long enough, they would unabashedly tell us how stupid we are being.
We still would not accept it.
Btw I watched Boy and his Dog this afternoon. That must be the most absurd ending to any movie I’ve ever seen. It has inspired me to find some other older films to watch.
It’s actually a pretty crappy boring film.I’d recommend some more sophisticated films but they’d just be lost on the blanket boys on here.
What a pointless comment. If you pointed out a more interesting film I would have looked it up.
If only men as a whole were wiser, we would make it far more difficult for these females to procreate.
Just imagine if EVERY man decided vasectomy, and freezing their sperm cells, was the way forward – thus denying motherhood to women until a full informed decision is made by men about fatherhood?
To my chagrin, I agree with you, with one differing point: Feminine energy has ALWAYS been destructive, and not just self destructive. It destroys everything it’s path. This is not inherently “bad” just as a hurricane is not inherently bad. Men are the force that creates; women are the force that destroys.
The good news is that, because of the inherent nature of femininity, Feminism, Inc. has no hope of survival. I only hope I can witness the demise during my lifetime.
Its a never ending shit-test… They create destruction to see which men are still standing. Thing is… the modern playing field mainly rewards the super wealthy and the super degenerate.
I’ve told, at some point and manner, every girl I’ve had a serious relationship with men create and they destroy. Boy that gets them riled up pretty good.
That relationship you had with yo mama doesn’t count.
“Feminism, Inc. has no hope of survival.”
Your right, except that feminism is like a nuclear bomb. It has no hope of survival, but neither does its surroundings.
You cant let that bomb detonate.
“Today’s women is aggressive, career minded, bossy, always on her smartphone, knows her celebrity culture inside out, obsessively use social media and stores pictures of 500 men, behaves like an impertitent school child and lacks the traditional feminine values that we men desire in a woman.”
You just described the typical concept of the modern man (bar celebrity culture). Men are perceived as aggressive, career minded, bossy, always on their smartphones, use social media, store images of women, and lack “traditionally” feminine values. None of those things are inherently good or bad, they’re just characteristics of MANY modern humans in the West, male and female. Did it perhaps occur to you that women adhere to this model because they don’t feel fulfilled in “traditionally” female roles – just as you (and countless others on ROK) deride such roles as unfulfilling to yourselves? Call me a nihilist, but at the end of the day… does it really matter if men and women enjoy the same pastimes? Is there any reason why women shouldn’t be aggressive/career-minded/social/objectifying of men? Perhaps you find it distasteful that women are less submissive to you personally than they would have been 50 years ago, but… isn’t that attitude itself pretty impertinent?
I’m not asking rhetorically, I’m genuinely curious as to what you think. You’re arguing for the sake of human selflessness, but your argument per se seems a little selfish.
Eliza R,
Firstly, this is a website dedicated for men. Roosh V has stated that women are discouraged from posting any comments on this website. So why are you posting here?
Secondly, men using smartphones and social media is a representation of the modern effeminate and emasculated mangina. Women who feel unfulfilled are a perfect example and representation of the traditional women being dead. I don’t know about other men, but I personally believe in traditional gender roles and if I were a married man (which will never happen) then I do not want my wife to be working.
Thirdly, your belief that there is nothing wrong with women being different from 50 years ago, is the exact reason why men are now going abroad for foreign women, or are choosing to walk away from Western women. Your kind of mentality and that of the “modern women” is the exact reason why society is breaking apart and the prophecies of the Bible being fulfilled.
So you believe in Bible prophecies made 2000 years ago and I adhere to logical rationality. Isn’t that a microcosmical inversion of exactly what the article is stating?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong at all with traditional gender roles. I’m totally fine with being a housewife when I marry my fiancé, for the record. If that fulfils you – then fantastic! I just don’t think that 52% of the world’s population should be frogmarched into a position that they may find detrimental to their happiness. Depression among women in the US was more prevalent in the 1950s than any decade since. The argument posed here – time and time again – that women are selfish for wanting to shift the status quo, is remarkably hypocritical. If you want traditional gender roles between you and your wife, that’s awesome. But trying to make all American women fit a mould for the benefit of your personal happiness… is selfish. If you can’t acknowledge that, your logic is flawed.
My logic is fine.
I am not being selfish because many men are feeling the exact way I do. Feminism is a repulsive poison. That is why the divorce rate is now 60% and most divorces are initiated by women and men are losing everything in the family court.
I love when feminists say I am free to be a traditional family. What a joke. I got a bachelor’s degree and thought it would help me out. Turns out WOMEN have made a bachelors like a GED, and now I need my Masters if I want to afford a traditional family. Try getting a rental with 5 kids! The labor market is so saturated that renters know most families have two incomes and little expenses. Since I have 1 income and 5 kids worth of expenses I pay a penalty. I am forced to pay more for less because some women want to pretend to be men. The truth is most women don’t want to be men, until the feminists come along in school and shame them and indoctrinate them. Imagine a young girl in a highschool career fair telling her teachers and peers she just wants to have kids and be a housewife! She’d be mocked!
This exists because it is ILLEGAL to discriminate against women. Where I work we hired a pregnant woman for a promotion in a totally new career field. Not only did she have to spend months training, she got to spend months off and/or telecommuting! Result? WE HAD TO HIRE A TEMP TO FILL IN FOR HER. Because of the laws the company has had to pay TWO salaries for ONE job.
The cost of living goes up, the cost of business goes up, the population goes down, civic participation goes down, all because women think they are equal to men. Women aren’t even smart enough to see that their “equality” is all facade, born on the backs of men who provide their security, technology, comforts, and special legal privileges.
Women are parasites. They don’t have any logic or understanding of what it takes to raise a family. That is why they are responsible for turning boys into effiminate hipsters and metrosexuals.
These are the same hypocrites who claim to be independent and don’t need a man’s money, yet they are claiming ailmony and forcing men to work third jobs and running them down to the ground.
They have destroyed everything, yet they’ve got the nerve to ask where did all the good men go?
Fucking parasites.
I also love this feminist boogeyman about the 50s. EVERYTHING was better in the 50s by all standards. Even racially. Women were so comfortable and lacking drama they had to come up with “the problem that has no name” and start popping pills. Now surveys show that women ARE MORE DEPRESSED THAN EVER despite that they are overwhelmingly ON PSYCH MEDS. Women are raped more. Women are abused more. Kids across America are just treated like crap by their single mothers and her random weekly boyfriends.
The safest place on Earth for a woman is at home, with her husband, in 1950’s America.
That is why women are hypocrites. They want to behave like men, yet secretly, they desire and crave for a dominant man like James Bond or Don Draper. Fucking hypocrites.
Many people feel the same way, but unfortunately (for you) many, many more do not. 100 years of prevailing public opinion attest to that. Your logic is flawed, I’m afraid, because you’re asking a substantial demographic to surrender their self-determination and submit to another demographic, which is unequivocally selfish and unreasonable. By all means, fight for your turf, but don’t infringe on or undermine a woman’s right to autonomy.
For the record, I don’t support ridiculous alimony payouts.
Wait what? What sources do you have that you know what all women secretly desire? I personally can’t think of anything worse than being married to Don Draper, so I’m not sure where you’re getting your information from.
Seriously, fuck off Eliza R. You are proof that women are stupid because you can’t seem to fathom the fact that this website is for men and not women.
What are you, some sort of transexual?
Eliza you retard, fuck off.
Where did all the good men go? Are you kidding me? The men I’ve encountered in my generation are incredible: progressive, intelligent, funny, kind, and supportive. I reciprocate their love and respect with every fibre of my being, and consider myself lucky to have such a fantastic fiancé, father, brother, and friends.
Perhaps the reason that you hear women complain about men is because you deny their right to self-determination, maintain that “all women are terrible,” and undermine their intelligence. I can’t imagine they respond very well to that.
Such eloquence. A true paragon of male intelligence and virtue.
Be nice lol.. It’s that other woman that is trying to rule men.. That Karen woman… Eliza can hold a decent conversation.
Do you have any female friends?? If so they need to be around you more… Seriously…
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Wow you really got me there!
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
She should not even be on this site.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
From the time of your comment I can tell that your hatred for women is personal. I feel for the men who draw unworthy women to them over and over again. Sometimes all it takes is a long look in the mirror and some accountability to shift the energy that you release.
It takes two parents- mother and father to raise a productive child. That was the premise of a family. Some turn out great under unfortunate circumstances but it’s insane to lay blame on the parent who is present without placing some in the one who is absent.
There are many women who bring logic, provisions, guidance, protection and love to not only their children but to their men. I feel sorry for you and those who aren’t deserving enough or who’ve never had the pleasure of being in the presence of such women.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about…….
That’s funny seeing as how most of the men sound here sound like the poster boys for homosexuality.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about……………….
‘I feel for the men who draw unworthy women to them over and over again. Sometimes all it takes is a long look in the mirror and some accountability to shift the energy that you release.’
you better not tell that to one of “i am such a smart beautiful confident women but i can’t find a good man to marry” lest the following scenario shall enfold :
land whale : i’m such a quality woman but i can’t find a quality man to marry.
plain jane : you go guurrl, yeah where have all the good men gone?
neph : ladies, have you ever looked into the mirror? if you can’t find a good man, maybe that’s because you yourselves are not good women.
What an avid ago nation you have! Maybe you should do something with that…fairy tales, gossip columns, fiction for pre teens, homosexual fantasies, lol
you’re projecting your own homosexuality onto others.
too bad for you those pretty women you dig won’t fuck you but being whores women are, they actually might do you if you give them an ounce of 24k gold.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
I can see that you enjoy bitching and going back and forth. You love the drama, real manly lmao!!
‘I can see that you enjoy bitching and going back and forth.’
you’re projecting out of your ass again. i’m not a woman, much less a bitch hence ‘bitching’ can not apply to me though it’d sum you up accurately.
‘You love the drama, real manly lmao!!’
this is manosphere, i’m right where i belong, you’re the one who loves drama hence you come to manosphere to seek attention. please go to jezebel or something and congregate with your fellow drama queens there, you won’t be missed by the real men of manosphere.
‘I can see that you enjoy bitching and going back and forth.’
you’re projecting out of your ass again, i’m a man so ‘bitching’ can not apply to me though it’ll sum you up accurately.
‘You love the drama, real manly lmao!!’
this is manosphere, i’m right where i belong, you don’t belong here. you’re the one who loves drama hence you come here to seek attention. why don’t you go to jezebel to congregate with your fellow drama queen cunts? i believe they’ll welcome you with legs open wide and i guarantee that you won’t be missed by the real men of ROK.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
You’re so predictable. Let’s see how much longer you focus on me. Some of you men are waaayyy more catty than any female. I see how the homosexual agenda is thriving. Keep doing your thing. You seem to enjoy it. *walks away, leaving you to your typical, bitter and scorned ex girl stalkerish behavior while laughing*
You’re so predictable. Let’s see how much longer you focus on me. Some of you men are waaayyy more catty than any female. I see how the homosexual agenda is thriving. Keep doing your thing. You seem to enjoy it. *walks away, leaving you to your typical, bitter and scorned ex girl stalkerish, got to have the last word behavior while laughing*
Silly bitches.
‘You’re so predictable. Let’s see how much longer you focus on me.’
don’t flatter yourself, i only responded to you because you chose to invade the manosphere. please banish yourself back to jezebel or whatever shitty hell-hole you crawled out from.
‘I see how the homosexual agenda is thriving. Keep doing your thing.’
if homosexuality is your thing then please consult with your white-knighting mangina friends.
*walks away, leaving you to your typical, bitter and scorned ex girl stalkerish behavior while laughing*
don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
‘You’re so predictable. Let’s see how much longer you focus on me.’
don’t flatter yourself, i only responded to you because you chose to invade the manosphere. please banish yourself back to jezebel or whatever shitty hell-hole you crawled out from.
‘I see how the homosexual agenda is thriving. Keep doing your thing.’
if homosexuality is your thing then please consult with your white-knighting mangina friends.
*walks away, leaving you to your typical, bitter and scorned ex girl stalkerish behavior while laughing*
don’t let the door hit your fat ass on your way out and please don’t ever come here again even if you plan to use different nicknames.
Most of these boys on here have some sort of lame brained idea about the past and the 50’s from watching old Leave It To Beaver reruns.Everyone seems to have these delusions about things being so much better in the past but it’s all fantasy. For all of the negative things today there were twice as many 50 years ago, just different things that’s all.If these boys can’t cope with today in a really protected and comfortable world they’d never survive in even 1970.
None of these boys ever get laid. They are so insecure that if a female does something better than them they have a nervous breakdown.
Open a comic book store for other sex deprived nerds.
Well they are always talking about butt sex. Can you get more homo than that?
He’s really got trannies on the brain ever since the time he went to Tiajuana to lose his virginity last year. Sorry son, you still haven’t had sex with a woman lol
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
You’re truly a decrepit thing.
Women will have the Right to autonomy when they no longer obsessively obstruct biology to extort men (cannibalisation). You’ve been led to believe you’re entitled to cannibalise men but the truth you’re blind to is this:
You got your information from your competition.
That’s dumb. Very, very dumb.
You’re correct about the past.
For 6000 years, women have been liabilities for men and domestic terrorists abusing their children for love. They abuse children less now, so men are not as stoic as they used to be.
This does not mean men have ever been happy being slaves.
They have been told that being submissive is weak.. They have been brainwashed… Women submit to their bosses,pastors, etc….. But when it’s time to submit to a man, they buck up and get attitudes. Submission is true strength. Men are the initiators, Women are the responders….
I’m going to give you 2 examples of women….
1. A Jamaican woman that goes to my church. She is about a 6.5/7 career oriented. Liked me, much… Tries to flex on me because I dont like her. Deletes me from facebook, lies to my parents about me (both of my parents are pastors)… She wants to follow the gospel of feminism. She wants modern female privileges yet a traditional man… I lead feminine women, not masculine women..
2. A beautiful mixed woman that respected me. Never tried to rule over me… Made more money than me. Bigger network than me, yet respected me. Never tried to game her. I was simply myself. She appreciated me for me. This woman keeps me saved as a favorite on facebook. Puts me first before other guys. Does work for free. Mind you, she’s about a 8.5/9 killer body, yet doesnt flaunt it much. Family oriented….
Who do you think I would prefer even if the former was very attractive like the latter???
I don’t think we’re arguing fundamentally different things. I respect my fiancé and in many ways I submit to him despite the fact that I have a fantastic degree and lucrative career (I don’t think professional success and personal submission are incompatible). But it’s my choice to do so, and the fact that it is my choice makes it all the more fulfilling. Let women have the choice to submit or not – some will, some won’t, and if it comes to a choice between the two, then you’re totally free to pick the one who does. Just as they’re totally free to be initiators or responders.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
I respect that. You can say it’s a choice, but if your man wasn’t a man, then you would be repulsed by him. Seriously, lol. You know deep within your heart this is true. Life is about negotiating, giving and taking.. Trading.. Relationships are everything in life.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
I have never once demanded that a female submit to me. I’ve noticed though that whenever I’m alone with a female that they will just behave in a more submissive manner so it’s obviously just a female trait (or perhaps tactic :o) ) that is natural to the female.I’ve also noticed that the smarter the woman the more she’ll do this for some reason and behave in ways that we view as “feminine”. I guess that they’re secure enough and not on the defensive so that these trivial things don’t bother them and they probably get some sort of pleasure out of doing them.Intelligence and those things that we associate with femininity are not mutually exclusive,
You have no entitlement to own a male slave. If you were giving your fiance a choice, he would never choose to be bound to liability by a State contract enforced by organised violence. You’re just another narcissist imposing on men (which means, you’ll impose on children).
You’re not smart at all. You’re a selfless shell who needs to impose on men. Your refusal to acknowledge any of my comments pointing out your hypocrisy is just evidence of your dysfunctional, compromised mind.
You are a female. I don’t care if you’re engendered male. You are a female. You channel your mother. You’ve been imprinted with her mind.
I wouldnt say dead…. There are quite some stay at home mothers/wives out there. My own mother was a stay at home wife nearly 1/3 of her life. Ran a business out of the home. My mother and father are like Superman and Wonder Woman….
Check this woman out…. This is what we NEED! And she’s gorgeous also!
Nothing new here. Woman’s brain is wired differently. It always has been.
No need to rediscover the hot water. There’s just one thing to remember: You simply don’t argue with a woman. That’s it.
Arguing with a women is a complete waste of time since they don’t follow the rules of debate. Which means women are unconstrained to say whatever the fuck they want, regardless of the actually topic of the conversation. It’s like trying to play football when their is no ref and the other team keeps running out of bounds and pretend that their ‘touchdowns’ actually count using 20 players on the field at a time instead of the rule of 11.
Good article and I like the approach that was used in describing how the two differ. Always good stuff; keep up the good work.
After banging around 100 chicks by age 34, going out on countless dates for almost 20 years, seeing countless failed relationships among my friends and colleagues, I think I can safely say I’m slowly getting over the allure of the wet hole. At least, suffering the burden of relationship with a predatory creature to get use of one.
Freedom is where it’s at.
A woman is like a dessert, delicious in moderation, but harmful for your health if you indulge every day. She’s also like a predator. Safely caged by cultural mores, she has the capacity to serve humanity through being a wife and mother. But the West tore the door off that cage and melted the bars down a century ago. Don’t stick your head in her mouth and expect her not to bite it off. After all, that is the predator’s nature.
In comparison to you I am a virgin and still I figured out ages ago that too much sex stimulates the old (the lizard) brain and thus bad for my masculinity. It is not surprise you need to eat red meat after regular sex to regain the lost minerals, especially zinc, the prime male mineral!
Frequent orgasm makes you feminine. Hunting for sex makes you masculine. Which is why it’s good to be selective and only hunt for the best quality women out there, the ones that take real effort (not game) to get.
“Hunting for sex makes you masculine. Which is why it’s good to be selective and only hunt for the best quality women out there, the ones that take real effort (not game) to get.”
I like this. I like this a lot!
To me, a good quality woman is one who knows enough to do what I tell her. That and keep a good home. It helps if she is smart enough not to embarrass me in front of company.
I completely agree with you…. there is only one good quality that women have and it’s a spice, a salt… that romantic notion and you can push the boundaries…. a woman will do anything for her children, she sees them through a romantic lens….. that combined with a rational approach is fantastic…. too much rational approach is a grey and dull life…. don’t forget than men created the Russian and Chinese communist revolutions… logically speaking the idea is fantastic….. but life needs more than pure logic… it needs something to strive for…. inspiration…. something just out of reach… women despite their faults in the logic department do get that… they are dreamers….. and that can be a good thing…. but only where it’s kept in check….
They are dreamers, but in that lies the problem.. we all dream about things that WE want to happen to ourselves. In that respect men and women are equally selfish. The problem with a non-logical foundation is a woman’s dreams rarely benefit anyone but herself (especially modern women). A man’s dreams, should they become true, typically through very hard work, tend to, by default, benefit others as well, even if he didn’t intend it that way. I don’t see that changing in men. Yet we’ve seen the dreams of women for decades now primarily benefit themselves while some of these dreams highly undermine men as a result, a negative sum outcome.
Rosa Parks was a dreamer, her dreams benefited an entire race. Bill Gates and Steve jobs were the peak of pure logic in action, and they’re products reflected that, benefiting ALL races & genders. Yet now we can see their products, when being used by men, usually benefiting both genders, but when used by women, only befitting them and again undermining men. Dreams are habitually formed and women have now been allowed to indoctrinate into social mores behavior that normatively should not be allowed to the levels of they’re cemented into society. It lacks any moral construct. I’ve never known a man to follow the dreams of a woman and honestly say he is happy. It’s illogical for all of society to do so.
Well said! If we can get some balance between the 2 genders, it would be back to magic, but we gotta fight. I cant sit here and let the elite destroy the world. Every person has a job to do.
Rosa parks was a mean old bitch.
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs = business men who got rich on other people’s backs. Gates was a prodigy from what I know, he deserves some respect, but ultimately he turned evil. Jobs was an evil blood sucker from the very start.
im going off on a tangent here but man created communism because he failed to fully understand man’s inherent selfishness and propensity to corruption. communism was created due to a lack of enough logic and an infatuation with an unrealistically idyllic version of the world. too little logic created communism.
It sounds like you’ve been around all the wrong types of women, which begs the question:what are you sending out that is attracting such deplorable women?
If a woman is merely a wet hole to you, I can see why you are being turned off. Perhaps you’d feel a more fulfilling sense with men.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about……………….
So why are there so many homosexual men that post and comment??
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
It would help if some of the men would come out of the closet. It would take the edge off, decrease anger and redundancy.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Remedial type dude.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
http://www.returnofkings.com/ about………..
The irony. Living a lie with a name like Truth. Was that done purposely?
Effectively trolled.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Who’s more troll? The troll or the troll that trolls him?
I know you would love for this site to be exclusive to men. Why don’t those of you who feel as you do find yourselves a secluded island, all men, so that you all can live happily ever after. Smdh
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Perhaps the troller of the troll
Men with large dicks don’t exist on this website.
‘It sounds like you’ve been around all the wrong types of women’
there are no right or wrong types of women, there are only pretty or ugly women, pretty women are only good for no-string-attached sex while ugly women are only good for……………….hmm………………
……..err…………uum……..well………..any suggestion?
‘which begs the question:what are you sending out that is attracting such deplorable women?’
you’re such a mysoginistic self-loathing woman, please don’t refer to your fellow women as ‘deplorable’ , they are only being true to themselves i.e. they only do what all women will do if they’ve got the chance and the upper hand.
‘If a woman is merely a wet hole to you, I can see why you are being turned off. Perhaps you’d feel a more fulfilling sense with men.’
i would venture to say that pretty women turn him on while ugly women and men turn him off.
You’re not even worth the debate.
you’re easier to defeat than i thought! well, what was i thinking, you’re a woman after all! mea culpa.
So typical that’s it’s laughable. I’m not fluid in your language-don’t speak nonsense sweetie.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Just so you know, I have yet to click the link and don’t plan to. Thanks but no thanks.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Good work.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Carry on diva
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
”Gay groups had made similar demands of straight organizations.
Recently, the Boston St. Patricks Day parade was labeled homophobic, for
their policy prohibiting signs with over sexual or political references.
News outlets reported the story as if organizers were banning gay
organizations, when in reality they were simply banning public displays
and references to genitalia at a family event. Gay organizers forced a
holiday parade to Irish Catholic traditions to conform to the same standards as a pride parade, alienating the Irish Catholic families the event is for.
Judging by the coverage of the Winter Olympics,
you’d think they were hunting gays like Christians in first century
Rome. In reality, Russian law only prohibited gays from promoting
homosexual sexual activity to children, and was primarily aimed at
stopping pedophilia. Putin publicly stated gays would be welcomed at the
Winter Olympics and treated with the same hospitality as all other
guests, but because Russia is the current political enemy
of the United States, Western media exploited the desire of gays to
promote their lifestyle to children for propaganda purposes.
Gay organizations demand that public displays of homosexuality be
permitted in every space, ignoring that every type of sexuality is
prohibited from certain spaces. As a straight man, I understand dropping
pick-up lines at women’s group or shelter for rape victims would be
incredibly inappropriate. Women in those groups want a safe-space, free
from male sexual advances. Many men also want spaces free from overt
sexuality, and in this respect prohibiting gays serves the same purpose
as banning women. The discussions about masculinity that take place on
Return of Kings would not be welcomed in a gay club, and the public displays sexuality that take place in a gay club are not welcomed at Return of Kings.”
It’s hard to tell that this is a masculine heterosexual site with all of the hatred spewed at and toward women. It seems as if the majority here view females as the spawn of satan and are disgusted by the gender.
Or men have discovered a horrible truth about the dark side of female nature. Its not anger at women per se but about being lied to. Sure there is misogyny but many comes to terms and accepts it as it is. Our idealistic view of women have been shattered espeically our illusions about their apparent purity and moral superiority.
Men have a dark side that is suppressed by morality and law. But women have been allowed to run amok and their feral and fallen nature has manifested themselves.
I don’t witness masculinity here frequently: strength, courage, morals, integrity…don’t often see protectors and providers. More than often what is displayed is weakness, misplaced anger and blame, whining and complaining and masculine traits: strength, honor, action, morals, integrity, courage…don’t regularly see protectors and providers. There seems to be an abundance of quite the opposite here: whiners, complainers, misplaced blame, weakness, exaggeration, petty arguments and misogynistic views.
The problem lies in the misrepresentation of females or the idealistic view in which we are perceived. There is no such thing as perfection in ANY human. Yes, there were roles that women were forced to play, ways on which we were taught to be viewed. With progression the roles and image of the woman has changed. I’ll be the first to say that way too many females are out of control, but NOT all of us. And I’d go as far to say that if men didn’t give those deemed out of control the time of day, their antics and behavior would not exist.
”I’ll be the first to say that way too many females are out of control, but NOT all of us”
While you make a good point. This is an all-male space. And women are discouraged from commentating. This is the last reply I will ever give to you.
Your points belong in another venue.
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
That’s absolutely fine with me. I guess males need their space to bitch, moan and complain. I don’t post to receive replies, as many don’t have any worthy or valid opinions/comebacks anyway. When people are wrong, it’s hard for them to debate. I’m just using my option to free speech. The free who get it, and those who it will reach and open their minds to another point of view…great. But I do realize that misery loves company and for those who want to live on that state and speak for women as though they have or desire a vagina, and get pleasure in women bashing while pulling others into to that miserable mind state, carry on.
Tell that to toddlers being violently forced to surrender in selfless love to a violent mother who Knows Best how to put her foot down on a brilliant child’s mind…to break it.
Supply and demand
Cannibalism. Power steals your broken, loving slaves as easily as contriving a threat to you.
Love endangers you. But maybe 0.001% of people alive understand how Power uses evil women to breed slaves.
Love endangers you.
Love empowers me.
No. Selfless love endangers everyone. That is why mammal mothers will risk their offspring’s welfare (and even their lives) racing them at breakneck speed to be independent and unattached.
Selfless love is a fatal state for all involved.
How could you be so reduced, you cannot process logic as simple and true as this:
If a man will die for you, he will kill for you; a capacity easily hijacked by contriving a threat to you.
Selfless love is exploitable, by definition. It is blind.
Perception is truth.
Selfishness endangers all. We are all part of a whole. Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice a part for the greater good of the whole and the progression of a species.
No. Selfishness is Natural. It endangers absolutely no one.
Selflessness is the product of narcissistic injury. Mothers shame our true Self, which we suppress in favour of presenting a false image to the world (to please our abusers). Narcissists aren’t selfish, they have no Self. They’re selfless. All they can think about is their false image, which requires constant external validation because it’s an unnatural fraud intended to please.
But only our mothers needed to betray us (for love / slavery / exploitation). Our fake images can’t impress because they’re not real, they merely appear to be who we are. When you lie to impress, you cannot actually impress anybody; you merely appear to. When your fraud is revealed, those you appeared to impress will no longer appear impressed. When the appearance of value no longer appears valuable, the appearance of being valued will disappear.
Women bring in wedlock for men who no longer appear to value what they’ve never valued because the value never existed. Women’s value is an illusion.
There are almost no Selfish people alive in the world. Everyone is selfless, obsessed with pleasing everyone else with fraud. Feeling betrayed by the victims of their betrayal, Polite Society’s frauds impose on each other, desperate to force each other to value what has no value.
When you’re Selfish, you will never need to impress anyone but your Self. You will be Self-reliant, Self-sufficient, without need to restrict or corrupt the free will of others. Selfishness endangers no one. Until you’re Selfish, you’re not merely worthless, you’re worth less. Selfless humans are just dead shells of fraud, fighting wars and imposing on each other in denial of their mother’s betrayal.
There has never been a need for sacrifice. Humans have no Natural threats. Mothers are the only enemies of Humanity. We fight, kill and die in the shadow of their sex-obsessed, selfless depravity.
This is an inclusive world. It was never meant for man to live alone. We were put here to coexist in love and harmony. Life without love is no life at all.
Sex and love aren’t synonymous. There is no harmony without self-love. Only damaged humans with eroded Self need the blind love of others.
Sex and love aren’t synonymous…I agree. There are enough whores-female and male to prove that statement. I was speaking of love in it’s true essence.
It’s true – blinding – essence, yes.
In Nature, only the dependent offspring of mammal mothers are entitled to and receiving of love. That’s one-way love.
All other love is unnatural emotional rape.
You can’t actually change reality by the sheer force of your Toddler will.
Perhaps that’s YOUR reality. It’s not mine.
Men who have strength, courage, morals and integrity to not protect and provision grown women, they protect and provision children. Women want to be children, but they’re not children. That is why they are demons.
Women are the bearers of life, nurturers, and now more than ever hold down the household AND work outside the home.
That’s literally why every mother needs to be charged with Crimes Against Humanity. You mustn’t have met very many “people”. Suffice it to say, mothers haven’t been doing the job they were paid to do.
I’m speaking from personal experience. I’m guessing that you are as well. I’m sorry that you have been failed. Not having or seeing a good mother can be horribly detrimental.
You horrifying creeps are like templated clones of each other. You ignore everything in your desperate attempts to frame truth about your predatory cannibalisation of men and children as a personal experience. You’re the most horrifying sentient beings in the universe.
I’d appeal to your sense of Self-respect but I know how confused the selfless victims of abuse are when it comes to Self.
Uhhh… Sorry you feel that way?
Really, it must be horrible to feel that way, but it’s your right to choose to live in that mind state. Me? I’m great. Don’t really care to elaborate about you as who you are as it doesn’t make a difference. *shrugs*
The misrepresentation of females and the idealistic view in which they were perceived is the product of females, mothers specifically. How are men supposed to know when everyone they meet lies to them?
It’s different with women. You know at puberty that you’ve been betrayed by women but then you just slot into your demented whore roles and start penalising yourselves imagining that your comparative illusion of privilege is worth betraying yourself and your species to exploit.
You really are the dumbest, most wretched sentient beings in the universe. I used to think you were all manipulating men because you were lazy and could, but then I realised you’re leeches because you need to be. You’re handicapped imbeciles too stupid to function. It’s not that you choose to latch onto men and children so much as you’re just wretched scum latching onto existence, incapable of taking care of yourselves.
I don’t know whether to vomit or spit, Vermin.
Generalizations and being small minded is what is hurting you. Sorry you weren’t privileged to meet any women of worth. Maybe build an island for males only and live your truth.
You’re talking about women that don’t exist because when they do, evil women kill them. 0% of women are +EV.
Less than 1% of men are +EV but that’s irrelevant because men are made to be the way they are by women.
You can claim lies until the cows come home but I know the truth about which objects have intrinsic value and it’s not women who are biologically valuable. Women are intrinsically worthless, they need more. Men are intrinsically valuable, they don’t need anything. But you demons don’t want to give up your ancient birthright to betray your children, rape their faces for life and destroy the Human Existence with your violence, shame and lies.
Value of a lying, malicious mind = <$0
Value of an object that men pleasures and cannot pleasure men = <$0
Total value = sub-worthless.
You stupid whores destroyed everything.
I guess that’s your reality…sadly. I know the type of women that I speak of. Sorry for your unfortunate situation.
There’s only one reality, you fool. The world doesn’t exist in the dysfunctional mind of a Toddler whore who values appearances. You’re literally the proof of my argument. You want it one way, but it’s the other way. Biology cannot be changed by the sheer force of your deranged desire to be pleasured without providing value in exchange. All you can do is continue to commit grotesque fraud as you exploit the confusion of broken victims of violent, totalitarian, abusive whores.
The biological reality is men pleasure women, women cannot pleasure men. Nature, in all its brilliance, ensured that men evolved to please women (who want sex). Women know this truth and they damn well know that if men are allowed to pleasure them, men will know the truth of women’s worth. Men will stop working for lies and force women to work for truth. Nature has been synchronized for harmony and mutual happiness but you fucking Toddler whores don’t want to work, you just want to be pleasured in exchange for abusing and betraying toddlers with force and fraud. So every boy is broken by violent domination every girl is broken with violent shaming and any girls who don’t conform to the Whore Lie are murdered.
Girls aren’t born worthless, they’re born with incalculable value represented by the potential of their biologically superior minds. But you mindless whores don’t value minds, you only value your sub-worthless objects that men cannot use for gratification because men pleasure women, women cannot pleasure men. You whores need more.
You could be valuable but you don’t want to be. So instead of being worthless with potential, you’re worth less with no potential. You are the demonic evil that destroyed the only deity species in the universe without a Natural threat. You are the reason for all suffering, misery, horror, tragedy, shame, violence, lies, war. Men are willing to play fair. Children are willing to play fair.
Women are willing to be the demonic cancer that must be cut out to save the species but humans cannot come to terms with your horror. Not consciously. Subconsciously, it’s a different story.
Again I’m sorry that your reality was ill shaped and led you to misinformation, bitterness and mysoginistic views.
I live a life opposite of yours, praises due to the Creator!
I live a life of love and bliss. I hope one day that you find the same.
There will be Hell to pay for your whore abuse of children. All the evidence is right in front of your eyes.
If women’s objects were valuable, why would they need to ferociously prevent men from accessing truth until they’ve signed an invalidated contract to carry a whore “Until Death Do Us Part”?
If women’s objects had value, why don’t men who “get lucky” want to get lucky again? All over the world, women know men just want to fuck them and not call them again. Because men hate pleasure? They only want to be pleasured once and that’s it? That’s enough luck?
You stupid whores.
You might want to talk this out with your therapist. Call your mother and try to fix whatever is the root of your twisted mentality. Your misinformation is obviously taking a toll in you. It’s funny but sad. It sounds like you’re living in hell now. I went to bed blessed, woke up blessed…heard love and appreciation for women from men, and I express mine for men. I also see plenty of good women-some get tremendous love and some deserve more. The same applies for men. There are good and bad in both genders. I only focus on those who are of good hearts and souls. And I feel great!!
I live in a world of violent, lying women abusing deity children in private, inducing trauma that shuts their minds down and turns them into violent, loving slaves who scream in pain at “mean words” and other imagined offences.
If a world of genocide borne out of women’s violent abuse of children isn’t Hell, I’d hate to see what Hell looked like.
You went to bed a liar, you woke up a liar…you heard love and appreciation from broken slaves bullied and reduced by violence into submission, and you express yours for men with fraudulent favour.
99% of men are liars. 100% of women are liars. You can keep telling yourself lying is good but it will never be true. You will always be evil until you value honesty and truth.
No one cares who you focus on because you define “good” as [telling you what you want to hear]. No one cares about you, they care about the false image you project in shame of the real Self that you suppress.
No one likes you. They like the narcissistic images you project. You lie because you know that people won’t like who you really are. The result is that no one likes you.
Women are abusing 100% of children at their most impressionable, shaming their skin, traumatising them, killing their minds.
Wrong again. Get your ears checked after you speak to your shrink. In happy, no complaints. I wish you luck. You could use some!
You’re just cracking up like a Toddler with her fingers in her ears refusing to listen. I’d advise you to see a shrink but let’s not kid ourselves, there’s no way to save your mind.
You need to consult a hazardous waste specialist and throw yourself out.
Oh jonny…lol
Only negativity has come out of your mouth. I realize that it’s a reflection of your life.
It has been a beautiful day. The sun was shining, leaves look beautiful this time of year, the holidays are upon us. I’ve been surrounded by love in the form of beautiful people, a lovely home, great health, safety, etc. I appreciate that in this imperfect universe, I have far beyond the essentials. I love life!!!
All the negativity comes out of your actions.
My reporting your evil to you has no bearing on reality. The truth that comes out of my mouth is hated by demons who cannot defend themselves from reality.
No one loves you. They love the lies you present as you but no one loves you.
The fact that women ou have far beyond the essentials, secured by women’s violent force and fraud, when so many children have less than what they need to survive — is why I cannot tolerate this world of whores and johns abusing children.
You have an avid imagination…speculating about someone you don’t know, never laid eyes on. I can speak for myself-I am loved. It has been proven many times over.
Smile. You’ll feel better.
Your brain is simply too reduced to function. If I convince a girl that I am the Crown Prince of Monaco and she falls in love with me, does she love me or does she love a nonexistent illusion?
No one loves you. They love nonexistent illusions. If you want them to love you, you must stop projecting illusions but then we get into the tricky part where you’re a worthless leech and you know it. You know if you told the truth, no one would love you. So you lie to get them to love you.
And as a result, no one loves you. If you’re too stupid to understand this, just STFU.
Sorry, trying to deflect your issues into me is not working. You don’t know me or anyone that I know so for you to sit around speculating makes you look pathetic.
If I convince a girl that I am the Crown Prince of Monaco and she falls in love with me, does she love me or is she in love with fraudulent illusion?
If you told the truth, no one would love you.
So you lie to get them to love you.
As a result, no one loves you.
They love an illusion.
They don’t love you.
You don’t love you.
I don’t lie. I despise liars. Who wants to be lived for someone that they are not? That defeats the purpose. Until you find real love, you wouldn’t understand. Right now I’m speaking the language of another planet…galaxy to you. I pray you experience love. First you have to love yourself.
Why can’t you answer a simple question?
Every woman is lying through her teeth. Who are you trying to fool, I’m not your paying john. If you told your johns the truth, they wouldn’t fucking pay you for shit.
As a result, they don’t love you. They love an illusion.
555 A woman is telling me to love myself. Lady, go wipe that whore paint off your face and try again.
I can answer a simple question, just can’t answer stupid ones.
As lost as you are, I thought you’d have some common sense. You proved me wrong.
I can answer any question in the world without looking for pretexts to avoid responding.
But only because I am not a whore.
You’re not?? Could’ve fooled me.
I am not selling sex nor soliciting for customers.
I think fools are too easily fooled.
I don’t think you have the intellect to convince anyone that you have ever seen a crown in real life.
You’re just babbling in desperation now.
It’s pitiful, really.
I wouldn’t expect us to speak the same language. I’m not fluent in nonsense. I’m on a level that will always be incomprehensible to you.
I can comprehend your babble fine. That doesn’t mean it’s anything but desperate babbling.
Intelligence sounds like babble to fools.
Only fools cannot answer simple questions.
Contrary to your petty minded thinking, only smart people ignore stupid questions.
Is it true that women in general suck in bed, regardless of previous partner count?
No some women are fucking amazing in bed. These tend not to be the ones for marriage. That said the more time you spend with a woman the better the sex can become. This is why I prefer to keep women around for a while instead going for ONS.
Why don’t you try it ,virgin pajama boy.
It depends on her personality. Women who like to please are always super talented in bed. They believe it’s their solemn duty to be the best a man’s ever had. On the other hand, the ones who think giving a man pussy is doing him a favour are horrible in bed.
Bitter much
“Women and homosexuals are discouraged from commenting here.”
Funny, I’ve felt this way about most men I’ve dated considering I make more money and am more independent than any of them have ever been. Never rely on a man for anything. He’ll just let you down. Learn it early and you’ll never want for anything.
If Darwin changed how we thought, that is modernity, why are we here?
That is, further back from when Darwin started? Obviously the author has
no idea how ideas themselves work. And note: Darwin’s thinking didn’t
suddenly change anything, they were more of an escape goat for those
who got on, most ignorants believe Darwin invented many scientific
concepts which he didn’t (fyi, secular education). Example: Natural Selection was already known and recognised, by the many religious of people. The fact that the author makes his own stupid conclusions about when modernity started is a joke.
Red Pill for You: people (both men and women) BEFORE Darwin knew more
about the differences between the sexes then after. And, Darwin had
nothing to do with Modernity.
Hi there! Passive-aggressiveness is cool and all, but you might want to revisit the terms involved. It’s “Modernism”, not modernity. Different concept. Modernity is the whole period from roughly the post-medieval period; modernism is a much, much later branch of philosophical thought that arose, surprise surprise, in the period after Darwin’s Voyage.
Secondly: reread the article. I didn’t say Darwin created secular education. He was simply the groundbreaker for a change in how we work with scientific concepts. Many others came after in his wake to make those changes.
Darwin led to the liberalization of nearly everything, as well as the progressive movement. Although many liberals and progressives became atheistic and universalists, many tried to maintain Christianity. I am currently reading Crossed Fingers by Gary North. He has pieced together the entire history of the destruction of what was perhaps the most conservative American denomination, Presbyterianism. Darwin led to social darwinism, and the idea that we can shape evolution. It took away all authority from scripture and rendered them nothing more than fables. Church became a social gathering at best, an avenue to power at worst. Liberal theologicans, citing Darwin, science, and progress, infested religion, and turned the Protestants upside down. Protestants used to be against contraceptives for God’s sake. Now it practically never crosses their minds that they could be aborting their own children with Birth Control.
I agree 100% with this. While men will respect the objective data at hand and are willing to change their theories accordingly, the same cannot be said for women. Women stick to their ideologies because they draw identity from it. It’s what gives them their self-esteem. Case in point: feminism.
What with the sense of entitlement and superficial, shallow sense of self-worth feminism has afforded modern women, when you attempt to use logical argument to persuade a woman to abandon false theories you threaten to sweep the rug out from under the feet of their self-esteem.
Then when you use logical argument to refute theories they put stock in, they use emotions as deterrents. It’s a coping mechanisms that helps them stay in a state of blissful denial. Just another reason not to bother arguing with women- because unless it’ll strengthen her tenuous grip on identity and self-worth she’ll ignore every objective piece of data she’s presented with.
Women have been given so much authority over men, backed by laws, that they are tempting us to be as big of bitches as them. The guys that cross over permanently are forever beta-ized, effeminate, or gay. HOWEVER, a new game can be played with certain, particular bitches you can’t stand, I like to call it; “Out Bitch the Bitch.”
If you think she’s about to call the cops for instance, fucking do it yourself, just do it. Beat her ass to the punch and have the police show up with your case pleaded first. If she threatens you with something (besides violence), right then and there fucking do to her, what she threatened you with. This is my new policy an my ex (have kid only with unfortunately, never married). I’ve zero tolerance for women I’ve left, attempting to continue projecting their destruction on my life. She tries to gain authority over me, I use the fuckin cops or file a report on her. No shit. Now she’s been embarrassed in front of all the neighbors numerous times, and is realizing I’ll play the game and win.. but out bitching the bitch.
I have never known even one female who has ever used the word feminism.And to the boy below I’ve never heard of anyone calling the cops over some argument. It simply isn’t done so I have to wonder about you and the females you associate with. Sounds like something from the lower classes and that COPS show where the guy never seems to own a shirt and the female is some loud mouthed tattooed lardarse with a bottle of Bud lite in her hand.
Women are interested in vampires and the occult. No heterosexual man has any interest in that nonsense unless he is putting on an act to scam women. Case closed.
LOL. True.
Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, 50 Shades of Grey and all this other teenage bullshit that grown women love, is another sign of the errosion of the West and the dumbing down of society.
Or I could have said “the wage gap”. Case closed.
Example : yesterday “cnbc” had an essay “Sarah Silverman Uses Crowdfunding to Plug the Gender Pay Gap”.
I posted a comment :
Maybe a better title would be “Sarah Silverman Dons a Strap-On to Plug Gender Pay Gap”.
So they changed the title of the essay to : “Sarah Silverman’s gender pay gap solution? Crowdfunding”
But that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone. Every day is a new meme in women’s fight for equality.
Today it’s the CEO of Microsoft stupidly advising women not to ask for a pay raise. The femosphere has exploded in rage. How dare he advise women not to do what 99.999% of men know not to do : ask for a raise?!!
Interesting…I think I have the solution to that problem – let other women pay for it.
Besides, it’s other women who are stabbing women in the back for that raise or promo. I don’t blame “Bob” when he gets a raise or makes a higher salary…I was just a shitty negotiator at the time.
Women need to start blaming other women. We all know how it goes in an office when men are not present….women tear each other apart.
Don’t believe it? Watch any reality TV show, today, with only women (real housewives of whatever the fuck).
The whole “ask for a raise” advice is really females trying to get their female rivals to fall on their own swords.
Thomas Sowell demolished the wage gap bs in the 70s. It’s over, it’s a dead argument.
The fact that it still haunts political discourse proves the article above correct.
Only proles and omega pyjama boys watch the boobtube
It’s the same thing with body shaming.
Women want women to have shameful bodies. Women don’t compete, they destroy their competition.
It’s the same thing with body shaming.
Women want women to have shameful bodies. Women don’t compete, they destroy their competition.
Plane Jane looking girl with some kind of special snowflake power that makes everyone notice her but is “too cool” to care.
God damn, at least enjoy the attention you cunt.
Horoscopes. You forgot to mention horoscopes.
Matrix, Batman,Avengers etc all little boy films
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of men these days who do the same. All of academia, barring the hard sciences, seem hellbent on finding “facts” that fit preconceived conclusions. It’s why they get so defensive when you question equalist dogma, because deep inside they know they’ve committed bias and justified it to themselves on the grounds of being loving, tolerant, etc.
And on the other end, we’ve also moved past modernism into post-modernism, which a lot of the younger feminists have been stewed in the moment they enter college. This is the area where objectivity and clarity is feared as judgemental, and therefore substituted with endless relativism. You often hear this from them:
Nobody is truly objective.
But what they don’t state is their subsequent conclusion, which is:
…and therefore no one should even try.
Nobody is right or wrong, or everybody is right from their perspective (unless your perspective sounds kinda mean). This is why I always take academic studies from the soft sciences with a grain of salt. It’s not the exception anymore, it’s the rule. There is no greater or equally prestigious source of information aside from academia, thus the academic left provides its followers with a constant arsenal of ideas and authoritative proofs that cannot be matched in volume or legitimacy by its opponents. This is what they mean by “The Cathedral”.
It is too late to simply reject them as ludicrous ideas. Equalist and other forms of emotion driven thought have overrun society. Reason does not work on the unreasonable. We must attack them at the root level, that is, to question their credibility at every turn. If a leftist quotes a sociologist, an anthropologist, or any similar field where they feel comfortable, start by questioning the legitimacy of the scholar, then the legitimacy of the entire field as taught in the West.
Yes, there will always be those who equate anti-academia with anti-science. Let them sneer. Persist in attacking their authority, and they will be forced to deal with your position, and you will sow the seeds of dissent into the public consciousness.
I agree entirely there’s still any number of men who don’t think in a modernist manner – indeed pretty much anywhere on the Earth where they haven’t accepted the current, rational form of science is probably in a pre-modernist mode of thought.
On the other hand, the article should not be confused as me championing post-modernism, which is what I think you’re hitting (correctly) on. Post-modernism is indeed a terrible blight on humanity and is horribly in vogue in acadaemia. Let it never be said that solving one problem does not create another…
Added to questioning the legitimacy of the scholar and the field, I would always query or at least test the veracity of the evidence which is said to support the scholar’s conclusion. Much of feminist social science these days rests (ironically) on a priori conclusions advanced on questionable interpretations of data.
Good points. I have to say that it’s pretty fucked up that one cannot even question anything any longer without one of these women going into a fit.
Most men that I have conversations with will at least listen to the information presented to them. Women will simply throw a fit (like an 8 year old) if you don’t follow right along their line of thinking.
I’ll purposely have conversations, out in the open versus in an office, and wait to see if I have any “takers” (women walking by and trying to listening in on my conversations). If they disagree or chime in, then I’ll tell them “thanks for your opinion, but I wasn’t talking to you”.
Women have to be reminded on a regular basis – to mind their fucking business. I don’t need a SJW in my conversation (it’s pointless, anyways).
I had something similar like this happen to me the other day. It was during the LLWS and I was watching highlights of the girl who was a pitching phenom. I was telling another guy I wonder how well she would do in softball, given that the delivery in that sport is underhand. The guy wondered if she would play baseball instead. I said probably not and some lady had caught the tailwind of our conversation and was trying to correct me for something which she had no reference. Once she left, the guy said, yeah, she wasn’t understanding.
Those are types who love to just give you their two cents…just because. I tell those women “thanks…and mind your own fucking business”….because that’s what my elders used to tell me.
I think we need to get back to those times. If someone isn’t addressing you, then you are clearly in someone’s business.
Women will simply throw a fit (like an 8 year old) if you don’t follow right along their line of thinking.”
I knew a woman who had an advanced degree in math. MATH!
I assumed she would be logical, but she was impervious to logic. I had better convos with my dog
I know plenty who are “book smart”…it’s when I discussed every day affairs and I have debates with them (that’s when the crazy train shows up).
Oh definitely. Being a smarmy little shit I would often irritate classmates and teachers with my insistence that opinions can be wrong.
Thats… just like.. your opinion man…
Anyone with this awareness who works in a feminized “corporate” environment can see feminine cognition at play all the time. Turns out many men succumb to this coiled, unstructured thinking as well. I’m amazed at how people, by and large, are unable to string together an (A+B)-B=A thought process in my daily life. Women are masters at deranged logic (I blush to even call it that) but modern man is rapidly shrinking the distance. There is so much capricious, transitory logic going on out there. People are distracted, preoccupied, lazy and the parenthesis becomes a tool to fit the bullseye around their determinations. And of course, it doesn’t hurt to hold a few meetings filled with hot air to determine that A and B even belong.
The most damned frustrating thing about corporate environments is that so many men now buy into the bullshit “Perception is reality” mindset that dominates femi-corps. Facts? Pish posh, who needs facts, what we need in lieu of facts is to massage perceptions!
Sadly this is by far the most dominant mindset in corporations nowadays. If it means programmers spend more time “molding perceptions” than writing code, if it means engineers have to spend inordinate amounts of time in meetings “molding perceptions” instead of inventing sound devices, well, the matriarchy couldn’t be more pleased.
Females have what is called “top-down” thinking in which they come to an conclusion in their mind first and then look of any evidence or data that allows them to justify said conclusion while ignoring all other data.
For an example:
An feminist might say ” Just look at how many college degrees women have compared to men”
The flaws in this thinking is obvious: 1)Having a college degree isn’t a measure of intelligence.
2) All other measures of intelligence are dismissed and ignored outright. For an example the fact that men have Higher IQ than women or that almost all scientific and technological discoveries are made by men.
3) This reasoning is also curricular. Circular reasoning is providing evidence for the validity of an assertion, which assumes the validity of the assertion.
“Women are more intelligent then men because women have more degrees than men” Some would ask then why do women have more degrees then men? They would reply with “Because women are more intelligent!”. So in the end it looks like “We are more intelligent because we have more degrees because we are intelligent because we have more degrees because we more intelligent ect……..” It’s a never ending circle of an “truth” that is supposedly proven by it own assumption.
You can also see this short of top-down circular thinking in religions. For an example:
The Bible is the Word of God because God tells us it is… in the Bible.
So we can see here that female and religious ‘thinking’ is based on a series of assumed conclusions in which only evidence for those conclusions are sources that already assumed those very conclusions. So in this short of thinking the evidence doesn’t prove the conclusion(like in actually science) but the exact opposite, that the conclusion is proof that evidence of the very conclusion in question is valid. A self-referring, self-cocooning view of the world.This thinking is ass backwards to actually logical thought. Feminine thinking is inherently religious and religious thinking is inherently feminine. Both feminine and religious thinking is a solipsistic.
I think you give women too much credit when you say they reach a conclusion and work backwards. This at least allows a logical process even if it is backwards. I think that they simply decide what they want and it is right because they want it. The justification doesn’t matter and will likely change each time you ask.
“I think that they simply decide what they want and it is right because they want it.”
So basically women believe to be true what they want to be true. Is that what you are saying? If so then that is the same as just reaching an conclusion prematurely. So when their ‘truth’ is challenge by someone else then they are force to justify it. Which means that they have NO CHOICE but to work backwards from their already assumed to be ‘truth’. It doesn’t matter what the justification is or how many there are, the justification always has to start from that already assumed truth. So that just proves my point that female thinking is backwards since for them the truth doesn’t come from the world to the self but the other way around, that the truth starts form the self(from what they want to believe) and is then projected out into the world at large.
So from this standpoint, truth only comes from the mind into reality at large. There is literately no difference form saying that and saying that the mind IS the world at large. That reality only exist in the mind. That is the very definition of solipsism.
See I don’t think they “work” backwards or otherwise. I think a man behaving irrationally (such as a politician) will do what you describe but not a woman. Arguably, as long as your conclusion is valid based on the premises it doesn’t matter which way you go. Thus, you could conceivably conclude something and then deduce premises that are valid.
I don’t believe that women generally follow a logical process either backwards or forward. I think they simply decide what they want and that is it. Many times, I could ask a woman why and I will be met with silence. Why? Because she’s knows she doesn’t make sense and she doesn’t care. If she offers a reason its just to shut you up, not to provide a logical reason for what she is doing or wants.
So rather than thinking at all women just ‘feel’ what is true?
I don’t think I could put it better myself.
“It just feels right” she said.
Women are easy to “sell to” because they buy often…they are an easy “consumer”. This applies to colleges as well. Schools will often use ad campaigns to find hot button issues and women are sold on a degree (even though it’s usually a worthless degree).
I work with a few of these “educated” women who will gladly look down their noses at you…until they need help with something. I find, usually, the more educated they are the more useless they become (in every day life).
The really sad part is they don’t even know when they are talking down to you. They have this entitled educated attitude like they are floating on a fucking cloud above everyone and when they need something they just look pathetic.
I’ll end up shake my head at them or say “no comment” cause it’s not worth my time.
I once dated a woman who was an accountant. I used to be an accountant for a large financial institution with a lot of shit riding on my work. She was an accountant for some tiny little company that had maybe four employees. When I pointed out a fundamental flaw in her processes she looked at me like I didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about. “No it isn’t!” “Why?” “Because its not!” was the extent of her argument. And she wondered why the accounts at her company were so fucked up.
The absolutely mad consumeristic and materialistic culture/waste machine we live in is built upon this fact. Empires have been built on exploiting the hedonic treadmill flaw all people, but especially women have.
Women are case studies of the hedonic treadmill. Their lives are structured around looking for extrinsic things to make them happy. Whatever level of wealth or material goods women have, they adapt to them and always want more. Their extrinsic goals focus on money, image, and popularity. However, this type of lifestyle is one of the main enemies of happiness. But it does make people spend money in search of those goals once the culture has been indoctrinated.
It turns out the evil patriarchy had it right. Intrinsic goals, such as personal growth, cohesive family and trusted friends, and close-knit communities are far more rewarding when it comes to personal happiness. Of course, those have been tossed by the wayside by the televagina and mass media/mass consumer culture.
I like the theory. Circular thinking keeps hamster happily spinning on its wheel.
About religion, I am not so sure, as the only few times I’ve heard women invoking God in their own private life are either
a) when disaster strikes and they assume victimhood
b) when they are projecting their narcissistic nature
c) when they find a man with a rod of iron, who can put them in their place
Women will go to immeasurably EXTREME LENGTHS to avoid feeling any sort of discomfort…whatever the circumstances. Their mastery of self-denial is absolutely baffling.
I’m watching the news as I type: on the BBC comes the news about a young woman from a small village in England who was recently killed while on holiday in Thailand. Tragic news, no doubt.
The funeral? Was nothing short of a party and a parade. Not a tearful face in sight. Loud music, applause, females old and young in colourful party attire, white horses and carriage drawing the coffin. Picture celebrity status. Apparently the deceased girl loved to party and was full of life, relatives claim “it’s what she would have wished.”
Was any voice raised for harsh justice on the killer? No.
Men in the same situation? A world apart.
This is a modern trend.
“THE modern world progressively destroys all vestige of the sacred and turns all ceremonies and rites into vulgar exercises in self-love. The funeral is no exception to this rule. In an egocentric, nihilistic culture, the traditional funeral is too sad, too serious and too impersonal. It’s too much of a downer. That’s why instead of praying for the dead and contemplating the hereafter, survivors now commonly celebrate the life of the deceased with upbeat eulogies, mementoes, biographies, songs, and photos. Chad Bird, in his excellent essay “The Tragic Death of the Funeral,” aptly calls it “necronarcissism.””
All reasoning is ultimately circular.
“I am rational because my reasoning says so.”
“The Bible is true because it says so.”
“Nothing means anything except this statement that nothing means anything.”
The fact is that you must pick your mythology. You cannot not pick, unless you commit suicide. Suicide is the only escape from this dilemma. You must pick your faith. May you chose the most correct one.
Nonsense. Humans have no Natural threats.
Being humane is optimal selfishness. Selfishness is encoded into our DNA. Humans are horribly confused.
For that reason, enlightenment is suicide.
Sorry, Marcus. The age of enlightenment and scientific theory started well before Darwin stepped off the Beagle in 1859. Newton, Leibniz, Descartes, Kant, the Royal Society, these guys were active in the late 1600’s.
Darwin did put the pieces of a particular puzzle together in an elegantly descriptive way, but the scientific method has roots much much deeper than that.
Lets not forget young Karl Popper’s wonderful contribution.
Note that Popper postdates Darwin by a good eighty years or so, and his contribution to scientific philosophy is principally falsifiability: that a proposition cannot be said to be scientific if it cannot be disproven. I actually like this assertion, because the biggest problem science and religion have had — which people like Newton were innocently responsible for — was to try and prove God’s existence by resort to the supposed order of the natural world. But at the same time falsifiability is a complement and corollary to the idea that the principle arises from the data and not the other way round.
Hence why I called him “young Karl” but thank you for making that clear and summarizing his contribution so succinctly.
I agree entirely: if it weren’t apparent, I was not saying the scientific method originated with Darwin — note my comment that experimenting to establish natural laws was already known, hell, the first batteries were made around the time Darwin set off on the Beagle.
What I am pointing out is that right after Darwin’s voyage was the first time science started to think seriously in terms of setting collection of the data *before* the principle. Isaac Newton, for example, thought in the other direction: he presumed a revealed, divine order to the natural world which it was science’s job to uncover. Indeed books like Karen Armstrong’s “The Case For God” point out this approach was very popular with religion of the time and is, in an indirect way, responsible for Young Earth Creationism and other strange frolics of the mind. This is conceptually a very different idea to the modernist approach to science, which doesn’t presume divine order first and sees what rules arise from the data.
After seeing the laughable results of women’s attempts at “atheism,” “skepticism” and “freethinking,” I can see your point about how badly they suck at modernist cognition. Women would do a whole lot better to stay traditionally religious and leave the heavy thinking to the menfolk.
BTW, don’t you just feel revulsion when you hear phrases like “strong women” or “strong female characters” in descriptions of stories? I’d like to see stories which depict female behavior in more realistic ways, like Carol in The Walking Dead instead of that ridiculous Michonne (basically a black version of Xena).
I hate strong female characters unless they do cartoon violence or something. That woman in Blacklist really irritates me. She’s tougher than Jack Bauer yet she is just a criminal profiler. What is the reasoning for her superhuman abilities?
I haven’t watched that. Guess I’ll have to check it out.
The new series features an East Asian “McGirlver” who can improvise engineering solutions on the spot from random materials she finds on hand.
Yeah, right. In the real world, most women can’t figure out the difference between a standard versus a Phillips screwdriver.
The math prodigy Sylvester sounds more plausible because guys with those kinds of abilities have existed in the real world.
Women can’t figure out where they are going with a map, SatNav, compass and a policeman giving them directions.
I once saw a little woman driving an SUV who turned the wrong down a one way street while a group of workmen yelled at her and her GPS device was on its knees begging her to go the other way.
In my experience Latinas, even ones who speak English fluently, have trouble understanding directions. They probably couldn’t have found their way to the U.S. without the men from their villages.
IMHO is a pretty misandrist show. Its principal male characters are broken and/or Aspergers spectrum and/or Big Dumb 50s Government Types, assisted by a plucky single mother waitress who must “translate” the world for them because they’re all socially incompetent.
I absolutely agree with you on this. What the heck is with the endless number of FBI dramas with a female in the leading role. Sick of it.
I remember reading that the actor who played Hannibal in the A Team told some female actor that she was not wanted on the show because it was primarily meant to be a show aimed for men.
Honestly, I don’t blame him. Men are slowly losing all of their individuality, even in fictional tv shows. What will be next, turning James Bond into a woman?
Yep, they turned Thor into a woman. Not only an affront to the normal story line, but a very slap at traditional Western culture. Thor isn’t just for comic books, he was a staple of Germanic cultures across Europe for centuries, the paragon of the strong fearless warrior. They had, I think, no choice but to literally cut off his balls. Can’t have little boys seeing even a fictional example of a strong, purposeful male after all.
Give it a couple more decades (if the world is still here) and somehow they will convince the world that Jesus Christ was in fact a women, and the world will accept it.
Sick, sick times we live in.
Bond. Jane Bond. Not sure how you make a Cosmo and I don’t care, just don’t forget the umbrella (ella… ella).
Peppard was the man!
Steve Sailer draws attention to a reality check after the recent security breach at the White House:
Female Secret Service Agents Aren’t Actually Buttkicking Babes Like in Blockbuster Movies
It would be a delicious irony if something…bad…were to happen to our effeminate bi-sexual ‘leader’ due to his and society’s fetish for putting women in uniform and pretending that they can fill the role of a man.
Almost every “suspect escaped” story I read where the suspect was being escorted outside of a prison involves the criminal overpowering the female police officer. Nobody seems to notice or take the lesson to heart of course, why, that would be un-faaaaaaiiiiiirrrr.
Rest assured that the true Thor still has a giant pair of hairy balls between his legs.
Men create. Women co-opt.
Yeah that is pretty dumb… instead of making female characters that are interesting in their own right, they find a male character that works and strap on some boobs.
They have no choice. Take a female character and have her act like her sex acts and she loses all aspects of masculinity and becomes something that the PTB do not want on display.
The remake of Ghostbusters is gonna be all women.
My predicted cast-
chubby lady from molly and me
sandra bullock
meryl streep
that indian chick from parks and recreation
Lil Kim (I can dream, cant I? make it a total shitshow)
Bond will be a black tranny in the next film played by Whoopi Goldburg
He really needs to shave those.This isn’t the big bush era of the 60’s
Films are a business.If men didn’t watch this crap they’d lose 1/2 their revenue so simply don’t watch or buy this stuff.
It’s standard fare. Wonder Woman (women) and the Wimp (male). There is no other script any longer, this is the format.
I used to like Wonder Woman as a child. At least there was a justification for her abilities as fantastical as it was.
You are right about the male as Wimp. Ever seen Relic Hunter? Not a bad show as it stands but the reversal of roles… bizarre.
I have disconnected myself from the television, so no. I get the “script” through movies and some series that I watch on Netflix though. I am into season two of Walking Dead and I am rather impressed (so far) at how non-feminist it seems to be. Women act irrational, weak, impulsive and manipulative. The men get the heavy lifting work done. The boy character (again, so far) is being taught to shoot because he demanded as much for *manly* reasons, he wants to be part of the search party as well as be able to defend his home. Very impressed. I expect to be disappointed eventually, all of these series let me down, except maybe Breaking Bad. Vikings, whose first season was straight hard red pill served neat, turned Grrrl Pwrrr in the second season, for example. Bah.
Spartacus. Unapologetically masculine and red pill. Blood, guts violence, rape, sex, brotherhood, rebellion, etc.
Yeah, I believe I saw you writing about that on another thread. It’s already marked for watching.
Wonder Woman, the series, was fun as far as it goes although I only watched it on rare occasions, usually if I couldn’t find Star Trek or Batman (the original) on the telly. She was an attractive young woman, and if her appearance in Sky High is accurate she’s aged quite well.
The series shows the uselessness of the character Andrea’s skill set before the Walker Apocalypse: feminist civil rights attorney.
Critics blame the series’ view of women on “Southern patriarchy,” as if feminism would still operate in other parts of the country. So how far north from Georgia would Andrea have to walk for her world view and skills to become useful again?
Screw critics, they have no voice that my ears will bend to listen to. Your observation is spot on as well.
Another interesting thing about the series is Daryl. Sonofabitch is hard core masculine, the series paints him realistically and not as some bumbling hick, and he gets shit done and claws through adversity with steely determination. My kind of guy, I’d want him on my side. Again, only in season two so take the observation with a grain of salt, for all I know they turn him into a parody of rednecks and feminize him later. But for now, his character works and is one of the few examples I’ve seen in the last decade where a “redneck” is not the butt of the joke for the show.
I grew up in Oklahoma, and I currently live in rural Arizona. I’ve known quite a few guys like Daryl. Not real complicated mentally, but they have practical skills and they seem to enjoy life given what they have to work with.
I used live near her (but never saw her). By all accounts, back in the Nineties she was really something to see.
Daryl is awesome. Doesn’t take shit and has ironclad idea of justice. He’s the first one I’d pick to be on my team.
They’re trying to imply now that Daryl might be gay. Even the actor playing him has said that it’s a possibility now for the show.
Of course. Fuckin’ figures.
I. Fucking. Hate. Progressives.
eh, she not that bad. check oiut person of interest. They added two women to the cast over the past 2 yrs:
One of the world’s greatest hackers(gorgeous naturally. She is also a great shot and loves kneecapping baddies)
A gorgeous, 5 ft 2, 115lb ex- gov assassin. She regularly knocks out men well over 6 ft, 200 lbs….I thought force = mass x acceleeration?
She’s fucking awful mate. Watch again. But the one you describe sounds many multiples worse.
Oh god yes. I actually agree with Sarkeesian when she calls them “men with boobs.”
There is nothing attractive about their personalities. Even if they are not mean my penis remains flaccid out of principle.
There are not enough girly characters who are not meant to be examples of bad behavior.
Although they have made a comeback in cartoons and such, too bad I don’t watch those. Maybe I should.
Atheism plus. I know what plus means. It means religion. Atheism plus the feminist religion.
Saying you’re strong is just a sign of weakness and insecurity.Besides, these females are only ‘strong’ in a protected environment with men paying the tab.
When EBT was delayed for a day those ‘strong’ black female unwed mothers were crying that their kids would starve to death and wanted to riot (throw a tantrum) lol
They are all cunts except your Mom and mine.
No, they’re all cunts. I can’t speak for your mother, but I can certainly speak for mine.
my mother is a cunt too, i’m giving her monthly stipend not out of love and/or respect but out of obligation.
My mother is crazy but I still love her
The real kicker here is that before modernist thinking, the church was pretty much in charge of things and while we can cite some bad examples, the institution in general was competition against government.
Now the state IS the church and it’s a murder machine.
The Church created plantation-states with the Peace of Westphalia 1648.
Maybe if we listened to those ‘primitive’ thought processes contained in the Bible, we wouldn’t have these problems we have today
1 Timothy 2:12
I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
Bible- you could not get anymore red pill than that.
Even God hates feminists.
If you look deep enough, it’s all in there. We can start with the story of Adam and Eve. There are several lessons in that story alone. Lesson 1) First instance of a woman being seduced by the ‘bad boy’/ entity of mystery aka the serpent and ‘hidden knowledge’, which explains women’s penchant for the occult such as astrology and the such. 2) It told us what women want… Eve had access to every tree except one, and yet which one did she eat of? That which she was forbidden to eat from. So what do women desire? That which they cannot have. This explains women desiring those who are a ‘challenge’ to them
Then, we are also shown what happens when a man engages in submissive behavior by following after the lead of a woman– self destruction. Adam should have never followed after Eve to eat of the fruit. The same holds true today. If a man follows under the leadership of a woman as many of the emasculated males of today are prone to do, destruction ensues.
There is also the story of Samson and Delilah, and what happens when a man confides secrets to a woman.
The aforementioned verse and others also tells the relationship that a man and a woman must have. The woman must be submissive to a man. We see what happens when a man subjugates himself to a woman… she treats him like trash. This is manifested today in the whole alpha/beta paradigm. Men who forsake their God-given role of being a man and being head of the household and allows women to run them will face the consequence.
1 Timothy 2
11A woman
should learn in quietness and full submission.
12I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;
she must be quiet.
13For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
15But women
will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
Now that men are being trained by society to shun their masculinity and leadership role, we see society slowly, but surely unraveling.
I still think that the story was full of euphemisms. ‘serpent’ was dick and what it said were her own thoughts, and ‘eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge’ meant she learned about sex.
Kind of a ‘blue lagoon’ sort of thing, and being ‘cast out of eden’ meant living life like a human instead of a divine being… I figure the whole thing was a setup. Not to impugne god’s morals, I mean, he designed humans that way, but while his intentions were benevolent, he clearly set them up to jump start his new creations. He decided sex was needed to get the ball rolling, and made sure that it happened.