As much as I would like to be optimistic that the current social order will soon crumble and give way to a return to patriarchy, traditionalism, and masculine virtues, I think that unfortunately the pendulum will continue to swing even further to the left before it starts to swing back.
I’m reminded of that scene from The Simpsons where Police Chief Wiggum gets his tie caught in the hot dog rolling machine at the Kwik-E-Mart and says, “This is going to get worse before it gets better.”
The key to being a good futurist is being able to entertain scenarios that one doesn’t necessarily want to see come to pass. Sound prognostication is based on the ability to divest oneself from the matter at hand and deal with issues in an objective and impersonal manner. It also becomes increasingly difficult to accurately anticipate trends the further out one looks.
Predictions about what life will be like 100 years in the future are almost always comically wrong. Consequently, I constrain myself in this article to events that I think will come to pass in the near future. Here then are five predictions for what I think we will see in the United States in the next decade or two.
1. There will be a large increase in the number of male-to-female (M2F) transsexuals.
We will see a dramatic uptick in the number of males undergoing sexual reassignment surgery. Those who are young boys now will have grown up marinating in a culture that is openly anti-male. They will have grown up seeing the adoration bestowed upon women by society for no other reason than for being women. They will not have failed to notice the countless free passes and dispensations given to women.
This has, in fact, been offered as an explanation for what motivated Bruce Jenner to become Caitlyn: he envied how the media lavished attention on his daughters and step daughters while his Olympic triumphs were long forgotten and no longer meant anything to the world. It’s natural to want to be on the winning team. Why not play for the team that starts off with a huge point advantage, doesn’t get called on fouls or for traveling, and scores 10 points per basket to your 1?
Moreover, massive immigration that consists overwhelmingly of young assertive males who can use the muh culture excuse for any inappropriately forward or lascivious behavior will make competition for existing women even fiercer. It will be seen as much easier to be a woman than to get a woman.
There’s actually a precedent for this in nature: when female parrotfish are kept in a single-sex environment with no males, the largest and most dominant female parrotfish spontaneously change gender and become male. Also, it’s well established that some males will assume a female role when confined to a single sex environment for an extended period of time, e.g., mariners and prisoners.
2. More spree killers
While some frustrated young men will ease their sexual frustration and social isolation by gender bending, others will lash out violently against the society from which they feel alienated and blame for their lack of happiness. Expect more Breiviks, Chos, Klebolds, Lanzas, Rogers, and Roofs. Growing frustration, rage, and despair will drive more young men to seek revenge against real or perceived injustices.
Inability to get a girlfriend was explicitly mentioned as a primary motivation in Elliot Rodger and Chris Harper-Mercer’s rampage killings. But not a single spree killer of the past 15 years was known to have been in a physical relationship with a woman. Most – if not all – were virgins. One of the Columbine shooters, Eric Harris, even mused in his journal, that “maybe I just need to get laid.” Spree killings will become increasingly common over the next decade or two.
And it will not make any difference if guns are confiscated or outlawed. With the proliferation of drones, those committed to wreaking havoc can do it in far more creative ways than with a gun. I imagine something along the lines of Bill Williamson driving a remote-controlled truck bomb into a police station in Uwe Boll’s Rampage.
3. Hillary Clinton will be elected the next President of the United States
Likely, for two terms. She has the support of women, minorities, and a good number of liberal white men. Even if Trump could win the support of all white men, he cannot win the election. The numbers just aren’t there. Politicians know that they no longer have to cater to white males. White male voters can no longer decide the outcome of elections. If you secure the female vote, you win. Secure the minority vote as well and it’s a landslide victory. It’s that simple.
George W. Bush will go down in history as the last straight white man to serve as President of the United States. The first black president will be followed by the first female president, likely followed by the first openly gay president. Look at how Ben Carson pulled ahead of Donald Trump in Idaho in recent polls. Idaho! White men are now seen as unelectable in their own country.
Expect Republicans and Democrats to run opposing black candidates. It will be our black candidate versus their black candidate, sort of like how the Space Race pitted America’s German rocket scientists against the Soviet Union’s German rocket scientists.
4. The government will crack down on homeschooling
Expect either the outright banning of homeschooling or the enacting of intrusive regulations. Government inspectors may sit in on homeschooling classes to ensure political correctness is observed. They may mandate the teaching of certain doctrines regarding history or gender relations. The system will not allow any young minds to escape indoctrination.
Expect the government to mandate that even home schooled children learn about homosexuality, the oppressive patriarchy, and the evils of white people. Expect curricula to be dictated; for instance, Henrik Ibsen’s feminist play, A Doll’s House, may become required reading for homeschooled children.
The federal government will intervene under the pretense of protecting children. Expect parents who homeschool their children to be derided as reactionaries with questionable motives and even labeled mentally abusive. It’s no coincidence that the only country in the world (Sweden) to ban homeschooling is also the most ideologically suicidal and the most culturally self-loathing.
5. Employers will be forced to pay for female workers to freeze their eggs
As women continue to be installed in top positions in government, academia, and the corporate world, expect the next push to be for mandatory coverage of egg freezing procedures. Silicon Valley companies like Facebook and Apple are already offering their female employees these services free of charge so they may focus on climbing the corporate ladder rather than heeding their ticking biological clock.
We’ve recently seen how employers were forced to cover birth control for their female employees. Birth control is a lifestyle choice. No one is forcing women to engage in sexual activity. Yet employers are required to pay for it just the same.
With subsidized egg freezing allowing more and more women to postpone motherhood into their 30s and 40s, expect a concomitant rise in the number of sickly children. Expect more autistics and aspies. The incidence of autism will continue to rise. From 1 in 500 in 1950 to 1 in 250 in 1990 to 1 in 50 today to 1 in 10 or worse in 10 to 15 years. Having healthy children will become an increasing rarity.
My intention in writing this article is not to cause ROK readers further lamentation or despair. But hoping that the future will somehow miraculously improve is naive and downright dangerous. It’s like hoping that a listing ship will suddenly right itself in the middle of a raging storm.
Read More: One Historian’s Dystopian Vision Of Our Near Future
#5 seems very likely to me. Did you see this someplace else or did you think it up?
So what is it the best strategy now? Leave America? For where, the European Union? Go Galt/MGTOW? Go to a backwards islamic “patriarchy” and become a muslim? Stay and fight? If so, when does blood start to get spilled? All roads are ugly.
Should white americans try to mass immigrate to Western Europe to help fight the good fight for the heartland or should western Europeans be invited to come fight the good fight? Can both hemispheres be won or does one have to be sacrificed to keep the other?
At this point any attempts at predicting the future are all but ungrateful matter. Sometimes events unravel so fast, it would be impossible to imagine them happening a day before. Like who could’ve seen Euro immigration crisis or Russia military campaign in Syria?
You’re right though, all roads are ugly.
European immigration has been in a crisis for years. The current situation was inevitable. And it will. get. worse.
I think the immigration crisis was anticipated and in fact implemented by design: anyone could have known that by knocking out a north African power like Libya, that it would open up the floodgates. Muammar Gaddafi acted as a bulwark against immigration into Europe. The Western intelligence agencies knew exactly what would happen when he was toppled.
It seems that we are beyond the point of no return.
“So what is it the best strategy now? ”
This question keeps me up at night.
enclave. kibbutz style enclaves.
Ethnic solidarity? Are you mad? That’s only for the chosen people everyone knows that.
By kibbutz style I mean a tightly knit community that works towards more self contained economic independence through hyper efficiency models in business and manufacturing infrastructure. In the greater sense many males are becoming (in a sense) an isolated ethnic / socio-economic group as their life philosophies make them more at odds with the main stream patterns of governmental regulatory tendencies. In that regard do we as males have any choice but a form of separation founded on tightly formed socio-economic groups?
Since I am redplilled I am seeking a solution, and it isn’t easy.
Fight from the West is risky, almost impossible without get fired or even incarcerated.
I think we should vote left promote the collapse, and if the thing gets worse stay out of the zone. Then back with the Russian army and exile all the matrix neocons and left bonobos to Africa, a land rich in resources and beings like them.
Sometimes I think we should push for things to get worse. Make things so extreme and absurd that people wake up. Incremental / imperceptible change is what is more dangerous. Instead of petitioning our elected officials to only let in X number of refugees, maybe we should push for ridiculous amounts of free gibs for the invaders … drive this clown car off a cliff.
What other way last to us brother???
West Europe is FUCKED, absolutely a hopeless place for us. Sharing RoK in most European countries is punished with up to 4 years of prison.
Prison? Where?
Everywhere, don’t you know about hate speech and anthropological research?? Try it here in the homeland of Europeans
You will lose your job most likely but not prison.
In Europe both. Please don’t make me search the legislation of UK, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.
France Edit
Paternity testing is regulated by the state and only allowed in certain cases:
Without a court order the express consent of the person must be obtained in writing before the carrying out of the examination, after the person has been duly informed of its nature and its purpose.[18]
With a court order (if consent could not be obtained)
This is partially due to the official desire to “preserve the peace” within French families, with the French government citing psychologists who state that fatherhood is determined by society, rather than biology. French men often circumvent these laws by sending samples of DNA to foreign laboratories, but risk prosecution if caught. The maximum penalty for carrying out secret paternity testing is one year in prison and a €15,000 fine.[19]
French government citing psychologists who state that fatherhood is determined by society, rather than biology
Social constructivism is indeed creationism. How is possible that after science stated that the only thing people are is to have children French government said that???? Is gravity also determined by social creationists???.
I’m 100% pro-homeschooling and intend to homeschool my children in Canada.
Point #4 is likely to come true, as elites understand that raising children in an isolated environment free from corruption is a threat to the establishment, but “It’s no coincidence that the only country in the world (Sweden) to ban homeschooling is also the most ideologically suicidal and the most culturally self-loathing.”
This is completely false. Many countries outright ban homeschooling, most notably including Germany. Many Germans and Swedes have fled to other neighboring countries to homeschool their children.
A very well-known example was the devoutly religious Romeike family, who fled from Germany to USA with their seven children a few years ago to homeschool them and give them a more religious education and upbringing.
If I were to have a son, I would homeschool him too and put him into a wresling club for socialisation.
Agreed, wrestling should be mandatory for all boys.
“Lack of socialization” is what the Left always uses to scaremonger parents away from homeschooling their children (and protect their own jobs).
Also, consider the negative social aspects of public school the children will be avoiding (bullying, drugs, gangs, Marxism, etc.). As a secondary effect, this will make your job as a parent much easier as you won’t have to deal with any of these difficult problems with your children. This is very important.
If you have 4 to 6 children (as my wife and I intend to), they will socialize just fine as they will also be talking with other cousins, adults, grandparents, etc.
There are many clubs, associations, etc. for homeschooled children as well here in Canada and USA.
Public education is just a brainwashing factory (especially here in Ontario, Canada).
Considering the way things are going right now and the near future, homeschooling children in a semi-rural environment (without TV) is the best option for strong-willed parents.
I wish you success with your family.
If you have several daughters, and one boy, please make at least one brother for him.
I was raised among sisters and I think that was not healthy for me.
“Lack of socialization” — more like freedom from peer pressure. Imagine raising a child that ISN’T begging for an iPhone so they can download the latest autotuned abomination outta Hollywood.
So what happens if the kid doesn’t want to go to school?
Thanks for the correction: I did not know so many other European nations ban homeschooling. But do you know if banning homeschooling means mandatory public school attendance? A lot of those European nations like Switzerland and Lichtenstein are very wealthy and I imagine many rich or politically connected people have private tutors or send their children to elite boarding schools. I can’t imagine diplomats’ children going to any public school.
And right on cue –
#6. The Left will repeal the Bill of Rights for conservatives, libertarians, and white male thought criminals. Your not gonna just sit there and let that happen will you?
Remember, the 2nd amendment is the glue which keeps them all together!
From a “former” ACLU member about Trump supporters:
The post states, “The thing is, we have to really reach out to those who might consider voting for Trump and say, ‘This is Goebbels. This is the final solution. If you are voting for him I will have to shoot you before Election Day.’ They’re not going to listen to reason, so when justice is gone, there’s always force…”
Wirbel did not respond to a request for comment. He is from Colorado Springs and police there say his post is covered by free speech and they do not intend to investigate.
Any questions about motives and what lies in your future? I have a funny feeling this is just beginning.
Just look at Western Europe if you’re curious about the endgame of Liberalism and Feminism. France’s ban on paternity tests to “preserve the peace within families”, Germany’s ban on blood in video games, England’s weapon sweeps, hate speech laws that are mostly only enforced on White people, and other insanity.
Swedish public service media just banned the word “immigrant”.
Calling them locusts is more appropriate anyway.
Can it become any more insane?
Black Coffee: “the black africanswedish movements LGBT members, together with allied brothers and sisters” says the big banner and one of the smaller ones say “we exist”.
Welcome to the twilight zone my friend.
Oh, the wonders of diversity
How about this?
Taken in Africa. Look at the power outlet.
regardless.. she’s ugly as fuck.
The heart of the matter eh?
Her nose is splattered on her entire face. She looks like a pregnant baboon…
Ahhh, the cycle continues. That’s gonna be one quality human being right there.
Doctors will soon ban the word ‘transplant’. All hearts are equal.
Swedish people are getting really fed up with this nonsense and the governments answer is turning up the volume.
We should start our own version of newspeak by the way.
What do you propose? ‘Swine’ for leftists and ‘oink oink’ for PC?
By the way, I remember we talked about us being drawn to darkness. During my meditations, I remembered the death of a family relative that I used to think was insignificant to me, but I think that a lot of the darkness came from there, darkness representing grief. I wrote about it today.
I think swine is allready reserved for us, is it wrong to identify with the projections from the feminists and such? i have started to feel really comfortable in my daily life to be a shitlord.
Interesting i will read the article, its my favourite subject, i think i also have some insights about that wich i gained from my aya experiences.
Deconstruct racism and sexism as features of social activist privilege.
True, true. Being a swine has its porks.
The pig is unfairly maligned. I’ve often thought the wild pig is a great symbol for freedom, he’s not a predator but he’s no easy victim either.
So, if you can be a shitlord, then I can be a swine!
“A cat may look down on a man and a dog may look up to a man, but a pig will look a man in the eye and see his equal.”-Churchill
I heard that your Government tried to tax hard drive data
I usually tell women that i am a pig with a twinkle in my eye, they respond surprisingly well to that.
Great quote.
And abortion will be banned…if a young blonde Swedish girl gets rape-impregnated by a Muslim male, well sorry but there are garbage pails that need to be emptied 20 years from now.
“preserve the peace within families” if they had wanted that they would have put women into kitchen, stopped thief marriage, and banned homosexuality.
But this is a suicide and all white men are expected to participate.
This people deserve to be destroyed, they and their seed, so we won’t have again the cultural suicide problem.
I hope when Europe and USA turn in Brazil will be a foreign invasion(russia supported by china), a cleanup and a reestablishment of the moral and political normality.
I’ve seen even better ones, but sadly I can’t find them.
Add to this list paedophilia will be legitimized over the next 20 years using the same playbook that was used to legitimize homosexuality. My only question is when, if ever, will Western men stand up and fight back? I’m not banking on anything to happen to stop this slide into the abyss. I see a lot of keyboard warriors, and lots of men with righteous anger, but pinning their hopes on Donald Trump seems to be all they’re willing to commit to.
And on the topic of Trump, I’m becoming increasingly concerned that he has been allowed to continue his campaign for a couple of reasons: To diffuse some of the growing anger as whites are subjected to genocide and displacement from their homelands, so the elites can show the rabble (us) we need not fight back once he’s defeated and Killary begins her 8 year reign of terror. That, or he’s merely a Trojan Horse who will become yet another turncoat once in office. Remember, politicians will say and do anything to get elected. Trump could just be an opportunist capitalizing on the growing resentment of government. And remember, as a white male you are practically worthless as a voting bloc. Quite frankly, the only thing your government wants from you is your tax money, and child support and alimony payments. It doesn’t give a fuck about your vote anymore because it has all the votes it needs from women and minorities. They’ll all be pulling the “D” lever.
But getting off the topic of Trump, I think it’s quite possible that Western Civilization and the white race goes out with a whimper instead of a bang. I just don’t see much gumption in people anymore, especially deballed white males. What’s more, the primary reasons they had to fight back against tyranny in the past, their wives and children, have been taken from them and are now the property of Big Daddy Government.
I hope I’m wrong, but once the Second Amendment is gutted, and mark my words, it will be gutted, it’s Game Over folks. Meanwhile, our little manlets do nothing to fight back except post vitriol to Facebook and Disqus. And go act macho at gun shows while they still can. That’s a whimper, not a bang.
Sad but so true. It’s pathetic.
My comments on Disqus and my page on Facebook aren’t vitriol, they describe the necessary and inevitable solution.
The irony of your statement is that feminists and SWJ feel the exact same way about their vitriol, except they collectivize and put their ideas into action in the real world. Meanwhile, we huddle in one of the few safe spaces we have left. There’s more to life than this.
yeah, but SJWs are easier to find in the real world, and generally get police protection. If we want to coordinate with that kind of precision, we’re going to need something that gives some way of planning privately, so we can actually organize.
If planning needs to take place, it definitely cannot take place on the internet for obvious reasons (see: NSA, DHS, and the rest of the alphabet boys).
TOR, but even then we’ll need a code that they’ll eventually break. Meeting up in person would work, but only in populated areas.
Roosh managed to evade fascist mobs and hold a lecture in Canada. It would be difficult but certainly not impossible.
But I’m not just complaining with no specific plan. My specific plan is to prohibit male pregnancy and same-sex offspring, protect marriage, void all SSM. please don’t scoff that it won’t work or needn’t be done. It is insane that male pregnancy is legal and kids are being raised as if boys and girls have identical rights.
I didn’t know what you were talking about until I google’d male pregnancy. I’m not even sure what to say.
Say, male pregnancy should be banned!
It’s definitely a crime against nature.
I agree. We do have a Crimes Against Nature law here in Massachusetts that used to be our sodomy law, but we also have fornication and adultery laws, so those won’t work to stop it.
Do you object to banning it more explicitly for some reason?
He just lectured in the wrong places…if he gave a speech in Winnepeg, Edmonton or Calgary no one would have given him any crap.
So what do we do exactly?
I’m working towards independence, but if there is a better option than that I’m all ears. Do you really think there are enough men out there willing to go to war with the state?
The only viable fight is to change the marriage and divorce laws. When that happens, everything will fall back into place.
I am not sure if there is a better or worse option. I think that everyone needs to spend some time and make some tough decisions. I would suggest that every man go, at least once every two years, on a vacation for 10 days. The first three of those days he should eat healthy, stay sober and think about what he has, what the realities of his situation are, what his options are, what choices he would make, what the real consequences are, what he gets and what he gives up, how to effect them, etc. After 3 days make your decisions, make your plans and then spend a week having unbridled fun. Drinking, hunting, banging women, drawing, whatever makes you happy just do the shit out of it and forget everything. Then, when you get home, enact your plan and keep blinders on until your next retreat where you can resist your decisions in light of new information, desires, situations or whatever.
The question is: What for?
In the end, the whole structure is corrupt. If you overtake government, it is unlikely that anybody will listen to you. And even if they should, it could not magically fix them. It would just be a pointless tyranny.
Fuck the state. It is not our identity. Each of us can be king of his own tribe. Why bother fighting people not worth fighting?
Agree. And male birth control, that’s another huge leg in getting things “back in place”. No more “oops” babies, no more CS for “oops” babies and more and more women discovering that their “dreams” are in fact dreams; it’s never going to happen for them.
MBC is the fastest and easiest way to right the ship, IMHO. Sure, women can go get sperm from a bank, but that option exists today and almost none of them do it. Without the CS payments, having a child by yourself is a really shit idea; even women are smart enough to realize that.
Add in male sex toys/VR porn/etc and perhaps even legalized prostitution and it’s all over for the feminist movement. If you want a man, you must actually provide some value beyond your holes. It will be a huge wake up call for women, not only will they not be able to get preggo “accidentally”, but they also won’t even be able to get laid as much because most men would rather fuck their computers/fleshlights/etc than actually deal with a woman. And for those who think is impossible, I give you exhibit A: Japan.
Anything except complain on the fucking internet. In fact, log off the internet altogether; It’s a waste of time and a distraction from the real world.
There are men here who have been complaining on RoK for years; Where is the action? Who here is sticking their necks out in the real world besides Roosh?
The truth is most men today simply don’t have what it takes to oppose what’s going on around them, risk the displeasure of authorities or popular opinion, and to stand their ground. I don’t like this either, but it’s the god awful truth.
Exactly. Everything we experience today stems from these very narrow set of laws. If these several laws can be rolled back (add revoking the right to vote for women), nothing else will be needed. That’s the best bang (sic) for the buck so to speak.
I don’t think tech advancements like male contraception, artificial wombs, sexbots will see the light of day: anything that gives men more options and makes them less dependent on American women will be made illegal or buried (defunded).
Facebook, Disqus and online is the media of today. So i wouldn’t pour scorn on it completely. It’s from rising and reading that ideas are created and shared, and then eventually lead to action.
If Mein Kampf was written today, it would be published on the internet.
Not bad-mouthing online media, that would be hypocritical. However, words mean nothing without some type of action. Hitler was wounded in WWI and asked to go back to the front; Which is part of the reason people followed him. At some point, more of us have to speak up and suffer some type of real world scrutiny; In lieu of complaining online then quietly maintaining the status quo, at work and in our personal lives.
…have faith, I remember growing up in the 80’s thinking – like everyone else – that the Soviet Union would be there forever. Within a few years it was all gone.
History and the future always looks very predictable in the here and now. But in reality does not travel in a straight line.
When you look at a map from 1913 you will see that there were empires that no longer exist – not just the British and French Empires, but also the Austrian Hungarian Empire and Ottomans. Poland was split between Russia, Germany and Austria Hungary. Could anyone have forecast at the time that all of those Empires would disappear completely within about 50 years, that the USA would grow so powerful? That the USSR would rise, take Eastern Europe and then fall within 70 years? That Japan would expand, lose a war and then become one of the most advanced and wealthy countries in the World? Or that China would propel themselves forward to become a major world economy.
In 1913 it probably felt that the world as it was would continue forever.
In 2015 it feels that the last hundred years were do predictable and inevitable.
But the way the world today, wasn’t predictable or inevitable to someone in 1913, or really in 1939 or even 1980.
Never give up hope. things will change. Unless you give up hope.
Fight= incarceration. You can’t speech. In Europe you can’t do nothing but escape to Russia.
Amazing that in my lifetime we have gone from (some) freedom in America to abject fascism, and Russia is increasingly becoming the light of the free world.
Russia is not that free not for business and press. It is open for getting pretty women though.
Even if guns are confiscated, individuals can still find ways of committing violent acts. One enterprising individual was exploring 3D printing an operational firearm before the printer manufacturer confiscated it, saying the user was violating terms of use.
Also, drones and remotely operated vehicles.
Guns are just the symptom. People have been killing each other ever since the first proto-human whacked another over the head with a thigh bone. The larger problem is a culture that does not hold life (including and especially the unborn) as worth preserving.
Agreed. Human females now see their unborn as parasites to be expunged, as impediments to material gain and consumption and the pursuit of a hedonist lifestyle. Every other organism on the planet attempts to protect its offspring to the last breath. I recently watched a documentary on penguins: in a crowd of 20,000 penguins in the Antarctic, the females come back after months away catching fish and can find their mate and chick in the cacophonous crowd. The mate sits on the chick to keep it alive. Then the mother takes over sitting on the chick and the male goes to catch fish. It’s sad that animals exhibit greater monogamy and seemingly deeper connections in their pair bonds and greater regard for their offspring than modern humans.
I think the root of the problem is dogmatic belief in the doctrine of equality: if all life is equal, then it follows that life is easily replaceable and if a woman aborts her child or refrains from having children, it is no loss since some woman in the third world will make up the deficit for her.
> paedophilia will be legitimized over the next 20 years
methinks because of Islam…
Also add a technological component. Just as the internet (specifically Craigslist and now, Grindr) allowed gay males to conduct their culture of sodomy and hookups in relative obscurity….sexbots will have the pedo’s lining up to get their little boy/little girl models ordered from the factory. Their therapist enablers will go on about how great it is they have a ‘release’, and there will be outrage followed by a “Well as long as its behind closed doors” resignation.
Governments will have total control over their citizens due to the continuing advancement of technology and the fact that people are stupid enough to hand over their liberties for the fear of terrorist attacks that are as infrequent as shark attacks.
People are already stupid enough to hand over their privacy just to post pictures of their boring mediocre life on facebook.
It took me a bit of time, but I actually read the EULA for gmail a while back. You basically, by creating a gmail account, give them more permission to do what they want with your information that a fat chick would give george clooney holding two pints of ben and jerry’s to do to her body.
People are too stupid that without nanny state they will perish.
What you say here is absolutely key. No one is going to demand what remains of your freedom by gun point. People are going to wait in fucking line to hand it over.
What upsets me the most is that a lot of us, white males, are not on the same team.
Most white males are either BP or white knights. I did an experiment… drown a BP male in RP truths. He absolutely spit it back out. They don’t want to hear. So the vast majority of males are against what we’re talking about here.
What are BP and RP?
Blue Pill and Red pill.
Being a white male myself, it pains me to say it almost seems like backstabbing and sabotaging each other is considered a sport among today’s white men. Is there any demographic that’s so fractured amongst its ranks?
Blame the libertarians. They are so anti-government they refuse to use government to make things better for us.
This is so true. White men have taken on feminine traits like backstabbing and sabotaging each other. It’s pathetic and another reason I fled my office job.
I’m a white married European male. I’ve rejected the majority of the Christianity I was raised with as it was corrupted by the very patriarchy people want to reestablish. I don’t understand this, as these elites tend to always look after their own interests.
I don’t think you’d ever get common agreement from the people who post here,the divergence of views is just too wide. Ultimately you have to look after your own family and care for those closet to you and teach your kids to have values that are decent and honest. Civilizations do collapse, and perhaps there’s a natural time and place for this to happen? Yes, I lament its passing in many ways, but, I can’t stop it from happening, besides spiritually I can return to those ages through my interest in history, through travel and music. I think we have to accept that we cannot bring any of this back, besides every person here would have a different idea of what’s worth preserving? In a religious sense we were always told that the world is but a passing dream, and, if you mediate you learn this, and you learn not to care about the world has become. The world will never be right anyway.
Life is about change. Nothing lasts, ever. It is a cliche, but it is true. To protest against the inevitable is to be controlled by the ego – if I understand the concept correctly.
True. It’s a cliche, but, it’s a true one. Lately, I’ve become less and less concerned about the state of the world and politics as I realize that there’s little to be done. How can I take up arms against a sea of troubles way beyond my control?
Politics is a fool’s game. I know it. I see it everyday. People vote for change and a new government is formed and then before you know it the people who voted them in are protesting against the new crowd for changing things. It’s a crazy system, yet there are many politicians who try to do the right thing, people always think they’re all bad and rotten, but, some are decent and have the right idea, even if the system eventually breaks them.
My thoughts would be, so long as the Government doesn’t force me to do or say things against my will, I’m happy enough with the system as it is. My own Government, apart from stuff like taxes, has never told me that I must do or think something against my own will. It essentially leaves the citizens alone on most things and that’s what most people want in a democracy.
But, as I said, I kind of retreating more and more away from the ephemeral concerns of the public world. I find happiness in my own private live these days with people I love as well as enjoying my own solitude too.
Yeah. Frankly, I think that the wish to rule and control other people always has some psychological problems at its root. What is the fucking point of caring about all those people and the ‘public’?
Yes, there are psychological elements to be sure, but, I work a lot with politicians and to be honest, I don’t know why do they it. It’s an awful job in many ways, and the reality is that most of them, even the senior ones have no real power anyway. You have to, if you want to get advancement, give up every single independent thought and idea for the party line on practically everything.
And as for “the people”… well they never know what they want for one day to the next. Besides leadership these times in politics is just repeating back what “the people” want to hear through focus groups- but this is hardly leadership is it? Besides, leadership should be about sometimes saying truthful things that need to be said regardless of what a focus group finding says a politician should talk about. The whole thing is mad anyway!
A former friend of mine pursued politics for a while. He was bullied in school and said he wanted to show them all what he was capable of. Narcissism.
I think that when we talk of abstracts, we usually mean something concrete secretly. When we talk about women, we mean our mothers. When we talk about society, we mean our families. We try to mold the abstract into that which he wished our concrete had been.
Revenge and narcissism can be very potent ingredients in the lives of often very successful people. Negative energy can be immensely powerful, perhaps, even more so that positive energy which is more defused and less concentrated and singular as the former.
Nevertheless, I think it’s a waste. It’s like a dark force that uses you up for its own purposes and leaves you stunted in so many other ways. Politics can be a prime example of these forces having free reign within you, unless the person in question has exorcised these demons. When I look at Hilary Clinton for example, I don’t see a women. Instead, I see a force that’s being played on upon every sinew and fiber on her face. It’s so obvious in her, she can’t even conceal or hide it from plain view.
Nicely said. Yes, darkness is very powerful, as it is concentrated and focused. On the other hand, while light may not be so effective in blunt force, it allows the peaceful mind to simply evade conflict by absorbing any resonance one’s soul has to conflict. But, here is the point: While light can absorb and neutralize darkness, darkness can not absorb and neutralize light. You can lose your need for darkness through light, but you can not lose your need for light through darkness.
That said, I think that this force is not necessarily evil per se. Rather, I think that it is a defense mechanism that helped one survive in one’s early years and must eventually be dropped. In the end, I believe that all forces in the self are positive.
Nietzschean rape!!!
Defeatist circle jerk
Nietzsche believed the same: that Christianity extolled a “slave morality” that undermined Roman “master morality.” Christianity does teach that weakness is strength, that the oppressed are morally superior, that the oppressors are evil, that strength is evil. Think even of the Old Testament and the tale of Lot offering his daughters to be raped by the angry mob while protecting the strangers he was harboring. How much more self-loathing can you get than to put the interests of outsiders above those of your own people? Christianity was the downfall of ancient Western civilization and it will be the downfall of modern Western civilization.
I agree with a lot of what you say. I’m genuinely split in my heart and mind at the moment about my religious ideas on the world. Like yourself, I cannot abide the notion of Christian pity which leads to self pity and the whole mawkish cult of everyone being a victim of something or someone in our societies. This cult has really undermined and weakened the natural pride and strength of purpose and direction that a man should naturally have, by reducing him into a self pitying victim and shadow of his true potential. I blame Christianity for this awful development in our societies.
Likewise, I feel turning the cheek to the one’s enemies not only weak and cowardly, but manifestly idiotic. I know Christians will sate that this can be way to strengthen your masculine character, but quite frankly, I think that’s nonsense. The pre-Christian world taught its men all about have control over our emotions and temperament as well as teaching how to be honorable, brave and courageous. Christianity seems to negate the natural development of these virtues by making men feel shameful about being proper men.
However, despite my feelings towards this religion, and probably because I was brought up a Catholic, I’ve never entirely rejected the religion. Catholicism is very broad and it subsumed a lot of ancient and pagan thinking into its firmaments which still perhaps allows very skeptical Christians like me to just about remain in the flock.
Nothing you both say is true at all, when does the bible advocate victimhood when God is a God of accountability? patriarchy is from God, if men abuse it and end up fucking the rest of us up does not invalidate patriarchy, like dysfuncitonal government doe snot justify anarchy.
I do not like that solidarity crap too much. But if I had to choose between male companionship and that of a woman or SJW, well, it would depend on how hot and how female the woman or SJW is.
When white males are in the same boat they go to the moon, conquer the world and have their wives in the kitchen.
The root of the problem doesn’t lie in that enemies are beating us but our white neighbours and brothers…they are sink their knives in our backs…
It is profoundly saddening there has been such a retreat / turning inward. America was on the threshold of colonizing other worlds 50 years ago. Now, technological advancement means being able to order pizza using emojis. What joke.
White men are taught they should advance the interests of others before their own: women, minorities, foreigners. White men are actively discouraged from and shamed for promoting their own “selfish” interests. Look at how many young girls openly state their goal in life is to hold power, e.g., to be a CEO or a lawyer. If a white man said he wanted power, he would be pilloried.
So how do we turn the tide?
I’m better off teaching my future kids on my own. Math, geography, but also carpentry, mechanics, baking, things of that nature. And when I say kids, also my future daughters, if only for the sake of their survival. Might as well, the world will become more brutal, so we should try to turn their minds into a veritable mental Swiss knife.
Totally agree with number 3.
Point #1
Absolutely, and it will continue to start younger and younger. Little boys are so socially pressured into the female narrative that more and more will elect to be girls and with rapid advances in tranny medicine (the resources are better spent on cancer research) trying to “spot the tranny” will become more and more difficult. The next generation of Alphas beware.
Point #2
The truth that no one wants to hear. Rise in dudes getting laid is the inverse of young men being violent.
Point #3
Not enough men telling women which man to vote for president.
Point #4
The government already controls parents through trumped up neglect charges for letting their kids walk down the neighborhood street.
Point #5
Men need their own version. Screw marriage. If you want kids hire lawyers and surrogates. 100% custody and guardianship of your own children.
I mean, I get it, it is becoming increasingly dangerous for children to walk alone down the street. and ironically enough, sheltering them will turn them into gullible adults. Take for instance, Cleveland kidnapping victim Michelle Knight. The way she was taken by Ariel Castro was so cliché that if it wasn’t for the 10 years she endured as a sex slave, it could have been used as a comedy sketch for SNL. She actually got into Castro’s car after seeing an ad for puppies for sale. And this is what happened:
She noticed he was driving the wrong way. When she asked why, he said he was popping into his house, and that he would give her a puppy for Joey. “So he pulls in. He came into the driveway and locked the gate to the yard. I’d never seen anybody lock their gate, and he said it’s because it’s a really bad neighbourhood. So I thought, OK. After we pull in, we go into the house and he turns around and he locks his door. Then he’s like, ‘The puppies are upstairs.’ As I get close to the stairs, I notice I don’t hear puppies. I asked him why – puppies are noisy. He said, ‘They’re taking a nap.’ I get up to the second floor, and I think, I ain’t ever getting out of here. I had a cracking feeling in my heart. As I got closer, I started to shake. He noticed, and said, ‘You don’t have to be worried’, but my body was telling me something different. There’s something wrong here, and it was already too late. Either I was going to die or he was going to do something to me, that’s all I could think. Then, when he shut the door on me, I knew it was over. It was just over. I was not getting out of that house, ever.”
Stuff like this I learned to avoid as a kid. And my mother actually let me walk to school on my own. She just told me to avoid any strangers. Again, not to pick on Knight, but she was 21 at that point. She should have known better. But, apparently no one told her otherwise.
And to be fair, the government may have a good point on that one, but instead of just being harsh on parents and scaremong them into not letting their kids outside, it should encourage them to teach their kids how to take care of themselves and each other.
Crime in the US is about as low as it will ever be right now. Children are much more likely to suffer abuse at the hands of someone they know (especially the guy that single mother is screwing after leaving her husband), then from strangers.
All we get from the helicopter parents who don’t let their kids (reasonably) get out in the world simply raise messed up kids (see current adolescent generation.)
The vast majority of parents a couple of generations ago would be considered criminally negligent today. Fear culture + breakdown of families = => government control.
Not just family members, but they get to seem abused more by authority or mentor figures such as police officers or pastors. Or at least that’s the impression of mine from my daily browsing of
Keep in mind, the guy was named CASTRO…if she thought he was going to do something bad, she might have dismissed those thoughts as ‘racist’
Unless he was black, or especially if he looks like the guy who actually helped rescue them. Then, run!
Isn’t funny how Elliot Rodger was mocked in the media as a socially-awkward loser? Everyone lambasted him for feeling entitled to sex with women. Yet women feel entitled to free birth control from their employer and the state.
I’m increasingly of the opinion that surrogacy is the way to go. You will not find a suitable mother in today’s society. You simply will not find a woman of child-bearing age in the United States that rejects the absurd premise that “everyone is equal.” They all believe that dogma.
I can not emphasize this enough. I still see posts from guys who have no interest in marriage at all but feel like they have to bite the bullet in order to have children. Not so!
Sometimes I think guys who haven’t been divorce-raped understand in theory, but not in practice, the huge toll and impact it has on a man when his family is ripped from him. It can take years to get over, and some men never do.
Everything you say is absolutely correct. It really takes a traumatic event in ones life to fully turn to RP. There is no other way.. and yes, the majority never gets over it when it happens.
Do yo think Facebook attention whoring will become mandatory just to find a job, like mobile phones and email address ?
Some HR dept. are asking for your fuckbook username/password in order to hire you, so yes.
That’s scary.
I will stay away from desk jobs.
Password too? I’ve heard of people getting their profiles looked over, but asking for a password seems beyond the pale. I’d be interested if you have any sources, or is it hearsay?
If your profile is private, they can’t view it… Maybe I went too far with the password thing, but them looking at the profile is true.
Disregard my other post. It is actually true seems like….
Damn, that’s messed up. I personally have nothing to hide on my facebook, it’s basically a graveyard without a single photo of myself or any personal information (where I live, where I’ve traveled, where I went to school, etc.) and all other postings are basically hidden. Haha, the good people of ROK have a better idea of what I look like, where I live, and what I do than anyone I’m friends with on facebook.
Still, I’d tell some HR cunt to go fuck herself if she had the gall to ask for my password. Personally, I’d gladly friend her if it was a job that I wanted, but if she insisted on the password I’d be tempted to stand up and tell her that the company will be hearing from my lawyer in the morning.
If the HR cunt is hot, I would probably start sexually harassing her on the spot. I know there would be no job for me anyway, so why not try to get a lay out of it?
Haha, I actually tried that once if you can believe it… not exactly sexual harassment but I was hitting on her as she interviewed me in front of her boss.
I told her afterwards that I felt like we just went on our first date and now that all the bullshit has flown, we should have a second.
The response, not from her but a mutual friend after the interview, “she’s flattered and thought you were really sweet, but she has a fiance.”
lol, women be women…
For the sake of fairness I found this now… I’m not sure if it’s at the federal level, only skimmed the article.
Moreover, some HR departments are also accommodating new candidates come to the job interview with their parents. I shit you not.
I’ve heard of that. I’m not sure which is more appalling–mommy tagging along for an interview or an HR cunt asking for social media passwords.
As far as I know, where I work, this doesn’t happen. Then again, I do construction, so I think, for now, this is more for office jobs. I hope it stays this way. And in any event, I have no desire to do office work ever again.
I predict another civil war in the future. Probably when they try to take away guns but could be another catalyst.
Unrelated but I would like to know how PC riddled is the new Star Wars if some of us have seen it.
Women, minorities, and aliens unite against the white male remnants of the Empire!
Seriously ?
Yes. And the bad guys all have posh British accents.
There are no words. There is no bottom to this hole. Boycott Boycott Boycott. Send this director packing out of Hollywood. He Is Everything We Stand Against.
I’ll boycott. Thanks for your warning. Star Wars never was that great anyway…
Someone should write a review and a call to boycott if it’s that bad.
First 2 movies :great. The 6th: Ok. All the others are shit. Including this new one
Guess that means america was destroyed.
The only one great was Empire strikes back, imo.
The first one introduced the characters. what made the empire strikes great was the buildup created by the first story. Empire was the better of the two but 1st one is great because it started it all
Heres the good: Representing the white men, There’s still Han Solo…..for a minute. Unfortunately: Smartest, Toughest, Most resourceful character is the lead, cute dyke chick. Throw in a couple of hispanic Tie Fighter pilots and a goofy cooning black stormtrooper, Evil “Dark” Vader-like character has daddy issues and is borderline homo; its a SJW’s dream flick The rest of the white men were under the stormtrooper suits or in the old familiar hangout; The Alien Pub. Rotten tomatoes rated 95% fresh. Why!!!?? Sucky movie. JJAbrams…booooooooo!!!!!!!!!
What about luke ?
Kylo Ren is connected to Elliot Rodger, perhaps? George Lucas was supposedly laying the pipe to his mom.
spoiler alert: Luke is in the movie. But Not long enough to count toward the white man power movement.
You gotta love how the media praised its “originality”, when it’s in fact a blatant rehash of “A New Hope”. There is no originality in Hollywood anymore.
You will be thrilled to know that the Black man is not the hero, and is presented as cowardly and feckless. The female is the heroine though. Not sure how you’re going to feel about that.
Hollywood holds white females as the standard of beauty. It’s never a woman of color. Never an Asian woman. Those who produce movies are oddly obsessed with white women. Personally, I think Asian women are much more beautiful (check out any Korean or Japanese drama) but white women remain the unchallenged queens of the roost in America.
I agree with you. Yellow Fever is one delightful ailment.
I bought a ticket and then decided that I did not want to bombard my brain with another orgy of spectacular nonsense.
So, quick an painless: Anybody care to spoiler whether Luke is the bad guy?
He’s not from what I read. But the bad guy is Han Solo’s son.
Awesome. Han Solo is a badass. That kind of old school seduction would hardly find its way into a contemporary movie.
“That kind of old school seduction would hardly find its way into a contemporary movie.
That’s why Han dies in this movie … my condolences.
Haha, he dies because of sexism?
Seriously? Wasn’t the original Star Wars trilogy diverse enough? I mean, didn’t Lando Carissian have enough swag?
Not if I can help it! Go like my Facebook page for the Natural Marriage and Reproduction Act and help spread the word to end same sex marriage.
It prohibits creating a person except by joining a sperm of a man and an egg of a woman and gestating in a woman’s womb. It rules out male pregnancy and same-sex procreation. It protects the reproductive rights of marriage. It voids all same sex marriages.
Trump will sign it if Obama doesn’t.
This year I realized how screwed the Europeans are… And it all boiled down to acknowledging one thing beyond my control – mass immigration.
Doesn’t matter how many white dudes go Galt, go MGTOW, stop paying taxes, start gangs, go on strike, whatever… We are replaceable, and our government doesn’t represent us. The government doesn’t give a shitty rag about us. Barring economic collapse there isn’t much that I see to do… Civil war?
Enjoying the decline? Great. We’ve brought in some people from the third world to fill in for your lack of cooperation.
Don’t want to marry a slut and get ass-fucked by the government? No problem. The women can just marry the government and get some sperm when she needs.
You’d rather raise your children according to your own wisdom and values? Don’t be silly. We’ll put your kids in a daycare covered by tax-payers for the first half of their lives. We’ll teach the boys not to be so energetic. They need to learn to pay taxes so we can continue to buy off all these women and immigrants.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure this is the deal they’re offering us.
Nothing is going to happen if we sit idle.
I believe Aaron Clarey’s advice to “enjoy the decline” is wrong and nihilistic. “Enjoying the decline” is going to lead to nothing other than further enslavement. They can always just replace you with immigrants. We don’t have much leverage other than our human capital. But I don’t think they care if the West turns into the third world. They’ll just laugh all the way to the bank.
Don’t forget guys… Many on ROK berate Islam as a backwards culture, but historically they used to have a highly enlightened and scientifically advanced population. Cultures can and do collapse.
We can’t vote our way out of this.
We would literally have to have another civil war to get what we want. I see the only peaceful way out for us is to start some sort of religious movement.
Indeed, change will only come when the status quo of “western values” is completely uprooted and replaced with strong social hierarchies
r u fucking retarded?
why is he retarded?
“Don’t forget guys… Many on ROK berate Islam as a backwards culture, but historically they used to have a highly enlightened and scientifically advanced population. Cultures can and do collapse.”
he explained what he meant.
Who is to blame for mass immigration. Who exactly blew a hole in the borders in the last 20 years. Who complained about not having a “helper” to babysit the kids. Who’s gonna cut the grass and blow away the fallen leaves. Who is going to run those complicated construction vehicles and equipment. You know…the jobs that most americans can’t or won’t do. Hey I just thought they were here to pick oranges. Thats the price middle class white america pays for trying to play like they are the new aristocracy.
Um…teenagers? They were the “illegal immigrants” of the 70’s.
Lost me on that one bro.
Well, it’s a punchline to a joke in the show “Last Man Standing” with Tim Allen. Essentially these jobs that you’re claiming Americans won’t do is what Americans precisely did merely a couple decades ago. Hell, I volunteered to mow lawns on my street as a teenager for spare cash.
I would say you have cause and effect mixed up. Because so many of these jobs are taken by…non-Americans…teenagers now grow up as spoiled, lazy, entitled SJW emo-hipsters who’ve never done a hard day’s work in their lives.
I get it now. But the point I was trying to make is that. Those are skilled labor jobs that Americans cannot get now. Those people did not come here skilled. To their credit they learned the skill when they arrived. Because of this, the entitled American that you speak of , cannot get these jobs. They are not accepting of the pay that they think they should receive. Over time that skill is worth something in a higher paying market. The job market was devistated when those borders opened up to immigrants (not just mexicans) to fill jobs. No american wants to learn how to operate Catapillar machinery??!!f No one wants to train to be an electrician or carpenter. The punchline to my “joke” is that it is on America, since every middle class person now wants to be part of the aristocracy. Your replacements came to pick oranges and learned to build houses in the process. Poor entitled Americans
Yeah but….it’s a 2 way street. When I was in grade school, I could go exploring in the woods behind my house…heck during the summer I would climb tree’s and ‘get lost’ for hours….or ride my bike to the elementary school and play with friends. When I was 12 years old I got a paper route and was out every morning at 6 am delivering papers along a route that was a couple of miles, all by myself. Today, if a parent lets their 12 year old kid out of the house unsupervised the state comes in, tosses the kids in foster care and arrests the parents for child endangerment/abandonment.
“since every middle class person now wants to be part of the aristocracy. ” — no, we have an educational system that thinks getting junior into college to follow his dream of being a ballet dancer is a higher priority than encouraging him how to fix a leaky pipe.
Dude, thats a mean ax you just swung there!!!
What !!! you mean persuade these men to get … filth….on their hands!!!!
“the jobs that most americans can’t or won’t do”
I find that excuse weak, at best. Americans did those jobs well before illegals came here offering longer hours for smaller wages. It’s not like construction jobs or landscaping companies didn’t exist until we had a nice Mexican population.
chill, Chill….that is my point
My bad
You had me up until “We berate Islam as a backwater shitty culture, but historically they used to have a highly enlightened and scientifically advanced population.” Islam is an obstacle to modern science. If not, how would you explain the huge gap in scientific output between the Muslim world and the West or East Asia?
My point isn’t how great or bad Islam or any particular religion is. The dark ages were during a Christian period weren’t they?
I think religion is part of the equation, but not the sole reason that a civilization falls.
The dark ages were a product of Muslim militarism. Nonetheless, the ‘dark ages’ weren’t actually that dark; While Muslims were burning ancient libraries and looting trading vessels, the Church founded Europe’s first universities, producing scholars, who helped establish scientific method and found entire fields of science (e.g. Gregor Mendel, Roger Bacon, Thomas Aquinas, et al).
In this case, the absence of religion in the west is the most significant, if not the sole, reason for its pending collapse.
I just read in a French book on medieval Philosophy (from Rémi Bragues, academically respected historian from the Sorbonne ((by the way, the Sorbonne is the most famous French University, created by Sorbon under the reign of Saint Louis, France’s most Christian King )) the writings of a muslim scholar who was amazed by the philosophical and technological advance we had reached in Europe by the 12th century.
At that time we were far more advanced than the muslims.
From the three monotheist religions, the only clercs with mandatory philosophical studies (that means ancient philosophy) were Christans clercs.
Dark ages my ass.
I appreciate the reasoned response and I’m not history expert.
But it’s not enough to convince that the only decent civilizations to have ever existed were by definition Christian (I was raised Catholic if that means anything).
It was generally Irish monks during the dark ages that transcribed the bible and radiated out all over Europe teaching ignorant Europeans about the gospel….thereby saving Christianity and promoting literacy.
Again…white christian MEN…not muzzies.
Strangely in a slightly off topic way, I saw the new Star Wars movie last night. The last scene where they locate Luke Skywalker is shot on Skellig Michael off the far southwest coast of Ireland (off Kerry). The Island was a retreat and sanctuary for monastic monks during the dark ages who transcribed from Greek into Latin many of the classic books from antiquity.
We’ve a lot to thank them for alright. I thought the Star Wars connection was an interesting “coincidence”.
Then I would suggest you do some research of your own before coming to your own conclusions but I suspect you will arrive at the same conclusions I have. Of course civilizations like Greece, Rome and Persia did well without Christianity but idea that muslims excelled at anything other than murder and intimidation is based on a failure to look reality in the eye.
I would also venture to ask along side Islam, what did Judaism bring to the civilization table? If you think about it, Islam and Judaism are closer to each other than Christianity is to either.
” If you think about it, Islam and Judaism are closer to each other than Christianity is to either”
Christ was a Jew.
The 10 commandments of Christianity are based on the 10 jewish statements.
“My point isn’t how great or bad Islam or any particular religion is. The dark ages were during a Christian period weren’t they? I think religion is part of the equation, but not the sole reason that a civilization falls”
The “Dark Ages” was limited to the western half of Europe, because only the western half of the Roman empire fell. The eastern half of the Roman empire remained standing until 1453, and the western half of Europe purposefully avoids that little detail because both the Heterodox (Roman Catholic and their Reformed breakaways) and the secularists finds it inconvenient to their interpretation of history. If not for the constant warfare by Islam, the Christianized Roman empire would probably have been able to retake the lost western half of Europe, and Roman Catholicism (and thus Protestantism) would never have developed, thus no “war and torture for Jesus,” no Church Vs. State conflict, etc, etc.
“Christ was a Jew.” — killed by jews..
Let’s just say, there’s never been a Jewish empire, unless you count Khazaria…or America. Lol.
Dark ages is the norm outside Europe all the time.
Are North Koreans failing because they are idiots or because if they said what can’t be said get killed???
What happened to Copernicus??
You know, the same thing that will happen to us in a close future.
…In Western Europe. The Byzantines were doing just fine and in the theological arms race, scored a major coup once they converted the Russians.
Had a roommate was a film student in college, he told me in George Lucas’ original screenwriting, the Jedi were called the “Jedi Knights Templar”
If you want to bone up on some history of what happened after the fall of the Western half of the Roman empire, I have linked a book below. It is a bit dry but very well researched and amply footnoted. It gives you an idea as to why the Dark ages (granted.. a disputed description) were called so.
It’s possible. I’ve heard he was influenced by many esoteric sources. Although I’d say the referencing is very superficial. I’m not really a fan of the series. I prefer the Lord Of Rings, the mythology in the Ring taps into motifs way deeply than Star Wars, well that’s my opinion anyway.
Dude the church burnt a lot of books too. The medieval Muslims preserved many Greek philosophy and asyronomy and made progress in finance and math. Decimal notation was introduced by Sind Ibn Ali and al khwarizmi invented algebra.
al-Khwarizmi didn’t invent algebra. Muslims have burned down far more libraries and are still burning down libraries today. There is zero moral equivalence.
It is widely acknowledged al khwarizmi set the modern basis for algebra and polynomial equations. The word algorithm comes from his name and he came up the word algebra / al jabr
“In this case, the absence of religion in the west is the most significant, if not the sole, reason for its pending collapse.” — probably one of the smartest things Uncle Vlad did was make the Orthodox Church the de facto state religion in Russia…giving the people of Russia both a source of pride and a moral foundation.
*Sigh* first paragraph of wikipedia:
Basically, the only people who believe what you believe, are people who stopped learning once they graduated from high school.
It is true that khwarizmi knew of algebra from the Indians but he also has made new contributions to algebra. I didn’t even say he say he invented it, set basis. Although the Greeks did algebra but it was essentially geometric, but alkhwarizmi treated algebra as algebraic subjects, hence Rational numbers, irrational numbers so on can trrated as x or thing/shay he called it. So what he did is pretty much setting the ground for modern algebra.
Babylonians knew how to solve quadratic algebra before the Greeks but Greeks made progress in things like infinite series.
You literally said he invented Algebra and “he pretty much setting the ground for modern algebra” isn’t even true. There’s no point in talking about things that aren’t true. Like I said, you’ll find the truth if you do some research.
Let’s suppose If he didn’t set the basis for modern algebra then who did?
The Greeks did algebra with geometry. U are gonna say Indians. But Indians didn’t generalize solutions to quadratic equations to the extend that Al khwarizmi did prior to al khwarizmi.
“The medieval Muslims preserved many Greek philosophy and asyronomy [sic] and made progress in finance and math. ” — which we know from history books written by Muslims. We have no idea how much knowledge was lost to history as Muslim conquerers burned any books or scrolls they considered ‘haram’
Not unlike how we call the numerals we use “Arabic” numerals even though findings indicate they (along with zero) came to europe via the Arabs from south and south-east Asia.
the introduction of the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 allowed math to take a quantum leap once freed from previous systems such as the Roman numerals (I, V, X, L, C, M)
Not ‘decent’ but Christianity moves in the opposite direction of what I consider the ‘natural’ direction of human society — Social Darwinism. In fact, if you look at those two philosophies, you would see they are diametrically opposed.
The Babylonians were able to solve quadratic equations thousands of years before al-Khwarizmi. Merry Christmas.
Yes I know that I already said that. I guess u forgot. But al khwarizmi generalized the solutions. Yeah the Chinese did too. Why do u dislike Muslims so much??
I don’t dislike Muslims, I dislike the historically illiterate.
He was also a Persian.
Most of the translations were done by Nestorian Christians as well as most of the medical developments. The Arabs had no civilisation but the conquered advanced Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Chritian civilisations that were highly literate and technical.
It is a tragedy that liberal/left historians, the norm in academia, with their Marxist desire to break western man from any pride in tradition sought to scourge western civilisation by inaccurately praising Islam. The “culture of critique” notes Jewish orientalists as particularly active in this area as they sought to embarrass westerners.
Medieval monasteries kept most of Greek and Roman learning alive except for Aristotle. As soon as Christian Europeans new about him they obtained copies. Jihaads had cut of connections.
The books of Rodney Stark and Scott Emmet are a good place to start.
“If not, how would you explain the huge gap in scientific output between the Muslim world and the West or East Asia?” — I have a personal theory that the Muslim world is not good on innovation but was very good on copying and adapting what they came in contact with (a result of being along the major trade routes) and that the ‘Arabic’ numeral system (which, along with ‘zero’ came from Hindu India) enabled any scientific advances they experienced at their heights. It is also my ‘personal theory’ that the Templars adopted this number system to use in their record keeping (since it would be different from the Roman Numerals and thus not easy to glance at their banking records) and that the adoption of that numeric system caused science to explode in Europe, causing the Renaissance.
We should also ban surrogacy and sperm and egg donation, but those are not banned by the Natural Marriage and Reproduction Act. The NMRA only bans things that can’t be done yet and might never be possible, such as male pregnancy, female fatherhood, etc.
“The NMRA only bans things that can’t be done yet and might never be possible, such as male pregnancy, female fatherhood, etc.” Yeah and DOMA was passed because one day two gay men might want to get married. All it takes any more is enough priest-kings on the Supreme Court to legally sanction any horrific abomination mankind can imagine by declaring it ‘Constitutional’
You are right. This is a coordinated, organized attack from all sides on the white/European male by a corporate-government elite who know the white male’s historical feistiness and resistance to tyranny is a threat to their plans for world domination and economic enslavement. Topple America and Europe, his strongholds, and the rest of the world falls into place like so many dominoes.
When it comes down to it, this defines the two major sects at war …the global elite vs. the white man. Unfortunately, most of the other players are easily co-opted as useful idiot pawns on the chess board acting for the global elite.
I disagree with you Clark about Islam, but otherwise you made a great post. I get the feeling that more people of the manosphere are calling for a call-for-action in real life. And with Roosh supposedly having a plan (he’s planning on writing about it shortly after the holidays) to help get men organized in real life, maybe shit is starting to come to a head in the not too distant future. I cant say for certain, but I do get the sense that change is in the air.
” but I do get the sense that change is in the air.”
It’s too early. Not enough men are really suffering yet.
The change is Trump kicking the Kochtopus libertarians out of the GOP. They were the ones sabotaging the effort to protect marriage. Trump will prohibit male pregnancy and end same sex marriage and that will make America great again.
I hope so
Excuse my ignorance, but what in Pete’s name is male pregnancy?
It’s a baby gestating in the body of a male, such as Caitlyn Jenner or Jazz Jennings.
Trump okayed a Transgender participating in his Beauty contest. I love his stand on immigration, and the Muslims, but I still do not trust him as much as I would like.
I’m the same way. I like a lot of what he says, but he also seems to shoot from the hip more than having a coherent plan. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll vote for him twice compared to to everybody but Cruz ( saw a speech of his on C-Span that convinced me he is the only candidate who understands the deep state problem).
Wouldn’t view Hilary as inevitable either, women vote for people who make them feel safe, and women don’t seem to really like Hilary. Female solidarity is as much of a myth as male solidarity, at least it seems that way.
True, but he made it clear they were going by laws which were “very clear” and he wished her well.
But that doesn’t mean he thinks we should let men gestate babies. We will have to ask him.
When men get pregnant the baby bursts out from their chest.
I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.
Think about what he is. One of the most successful businessmen in the World. He didn’t get there by being a nice guy, always telling the truth and keeping his commitments. He is a snake who says whatever he thinks will get him elected.
I bet you Obama thinks the same of Muslims and immigrants as Trump but he speaks with a forked tongue.
“He is a snake who says whatever he thinks will get him elected.”
Every politician does that. Trump’s popularity is that he is not beholden to any special interest groups and their funding. He has spent the least of them all, but it is HIS money. The fact both political parties hate him is enough for most Americans to vote for him.
The fact that every politician lies does not exonerate Trump.
That Trump spends his own money doesn’t make him any better. The president does not control America. You will find Trump follows orders just like Obama – if they let him in.
Orders from who? The process is what it is. Vote. Don’t vote.
You are not offering any solutions.
The only thing I like about Trump is that he is honest about “being out for #1.” Not bullshitting me about concern for my best interests etc… He has $10 billion and little time left in this life. I doubt if making an extra billion will matter to him unlike others.
We’re completely falling off the rails. What the fuck!!… So what are they gonna tell that child (if this is even possible). Your mommy is daddy. What the fuck?
Yeah, they love saying stuff like that to kids, it’s sadistic.
Will you support a ban on male pregnancy?
yeah, but they’ll do it anyway…
Well, then we put them in jail and fine them millions of dollars. The ban would be a real ban, to stop people from doing it. And there’d be an international treaty to stop it in other countries.
One thing you can be certain of with Trump is that he is in it for one person, TRUMP. That gives us an edge over other candidates. Trump will make money somehow, align in such away that we do as well.
I haven’t been asked for any solutions. Solutions to what?
Being president being a public servant. Does it makes sense that a “an out for number 1” guy should be president?
Orders from the people that run America. And it isn’t the voters.
“Orders from the people that run America. And it isn’t the voters.”
Mention one example from history where “the people” has actually been in charge.
We know it dosen`t work that way, there is always a ruling elite. From time to time a decent one. I hope Trump is in that category if he is elected.
Trump is noise.
Meanwhile the FDA lifted the 30 years ban on gay man to donate blood. So yeah, we’re on the right path.
but we can still pass the Natural Marriage and Reproduction Act so easily. Why are people so passive about what path we are on? It’s not all right that male pregnancy is not banned right now.
Orders from the public? Not sure about the UK, but normally a presidential candidate presents his ideas to the public concerning current issues and they (try) to elect the best one. Thats the way it is suppose to work, but the depends on the publics disposition.
“Being president being a public servant. Does it makes sense that a “an out for number 1″ guy should be president?”
Has the indonesian/Hawaiian Obama been the humble public servent you speak of or more of a an authotarian ideolog who had an agenda? He really is king Midas in reverse, but culturally Obama was never an American and he never understood us or our institutions apparently.
Come on mate keep up. We are not having an Obama vs Trump debate. That’s juvenile.
You have given us the civics class version of our political system but the reality is, your vote counts for nothing. You have fallen for the propaganda if you think so.
Obviously, I don’t mean we “the people”. I am talking about specific individuals.
You’re dreaming if you think Trump will be different.
Maybe, but with the other likely candidates we already know the outcome. (Hillary, Sanders, Bush etc.)
With Trump there is at least a far-fetched possibility that things will change.
Englishbob, your posts sound like what your picture looks like — a bit on the hysterical side, and lacking in logical consistency. Trump is probably the last voice of an independent, straight, white, Christian male — reason enough to attract the undying hatred of the Left, the very polar opposite. I love his unscripted outbursts precisely because they’re so counter-political. Politicians hide their true thoughts. I wish that more Third Worlders and perpetually offended minorities realized that electing more Obamas will sink the ship on which they’ve climbed aboard. It’s already sinking!
Hey, what are you still doing here. Hurry on back or you’ll miss feeding time.
I agree with you on your points about trump and the political process in this matter. The others showed a great ignorance in the system. I would like to say pregnancy bursts forth from men who it out chests.
Trump is a clown. He’s hot on his block but not off his block.
So vote for the devil you don’t know…?
I thought it was when this happens…
The rich Elites who own pay and support the campaigns. They own corporations and bank and the media and influence education.
Well, can he be any worse than Hillary?
With the current policy the US is doomed, economically, demographically, culturally, so desperate times…etc.
Probably not worse than Hillary.
Check out Trump’s new book, ‘The Art of the Deal’ to see how off his block he is, then compare your own miserable life.
wrong again
What makes you think I’m miserable?
A question of where you invest your energies. You can get either into vitriol and racial hatred … or into constructive pursuits, like learning a science or some form for art or building a new enterprise. You can’t do both. The first path leads to misery. The second path is still open.
He probably digs chicks with dicks. Who knows.
If Trump gets the republican nomination he will need to work to swing voters that are circumspect of the man.
I like the mans style but a lot of people see his bluntness and aggression as of putting, they fear him as a bully. What I admire as masculinity and I intellectual integrity is a problem.
If Trump has good people hell work a way of softening himself.
Hillary to me comes across as truely arrogant, a corrupt war mongering bitch. Trumps tough, direct but fair. He’s got a lot of work to do but it can be done.
My opinion: Nice guys are sleazy. All you want is honourable. I’m here to be good not nice. Trumps the only thing there is.
Donations to a presidential campaign come with strings attached, promises. The worse examples are the Israel lobby and the immigration lobby, often the same thing. The chamber of commerce cheap labour types as well as the “we have to accept every person in the world” types.
Trumps a lot more independent. If you don’t have your own money you have to do what Sheldon Adelson says.
You can only contribute so much to your own campaign. Plus lobbyists are impacts your board and government before you hit the office. Even trump will have to deal with the elites
I strongly doubt he is “honorable”.
I’ll take the first path. Sounds like fun.
The most basic aspect of honour is doing what you say you are going to do.
Another is being your own man rather than pretending to be but essentially obeying orders from money men behind the scenes.
What a perversion from the true course of nature, not Trumps fault. To put infertile transgender frankenpigs up next to real women is nauseating and disgusting.
Trumps not out for a fight there, he has bigger fish to fry. Maybe latter.
In this case we know that Trump is not honourable as he is currently bullshitting everybody.
It’s called negotiation. Once it’s completed then you have to stick to the deal.
I’ve negotiated with men like Trump. Trust me, they stick to no deals.
Because you’re so full of barnyard fertilizer.
Can you be more substantive in your “disagreement”? While today, the Islamic countries are objectively behind the West, historically what Clark is saying is correct.
Sorry but who are we to decide our culture is ‘right’ or Muslims are ‘wrong’? (and no i’m not apologizing for them, but just pointing out that as a different culture we can’t judge them by the standards of our own…especially when we find so much in our own flawed to begin with) Do they teach ‘Gender Studies’ at colleges in Morocco? How many gay marriages are performed in Tunisia? Do 14 year old Yemeni girls twerk on Instagram in hopes of getting on MTV? If I walk into a Turkish art gallery, will I find feces and menstrual blood smeared on the wall and be informed this is ‘modern art’ ?
I am not talking up Muslim culture, but I am sure many Muslims look at our culture as filled with corruption & decadence and feel if we are bent on so much cultural suicide, then survival of the fittest.
In that, perhaps we are in agreement with Muslims?
By “behind”, I meant certain aspects of their societies (lack of modern technology, firm property rights, etc.) that do not conflict with the values we would like to see in society.
Abstractly, the very fact that you were formed of the culture, you own adherence to that culture. Anything else is death of that culture.
JWO continues its genocide and refeudalization strategy in the West.
But a possible wildcard: several verified (Khamenei) and unverified sources (Kissinger) claimed predictions the Israeli terror state won’t exist in some range of years (Kissinger’s staffers later denying it).
They took over the Russian Empire and later demo’d it about 70 years later.
They demo’d WTC.
They are planning to demo the US.
Could they be planning to demo their grand creation as well?
Ordo ab chao
out of chaos, comes order one of the oldest mottos of Craft Freemasonry.[3]
Exactly, and it isn’t just about importing uneducated / unskilled laborers to do menial jobs. The finance and tech industries could keep humming along solely on imported Asian talent. Just like how we should make ourselves energy-independent and not rely on the Middle East for our oil, the elites in this nation were busy making themselves unreliant on domestic talent. As you said, even if all American men decide to walk off the job, shun higher education in droves, etc., it will not matter one bit.
I also think the “refugee” crisis is motivated / manufactured by similar concerns: in anticipation of more domestic men going MGTOW, the sexodus, the marriage strike, etc., the elites want to keep women (the office drones and bureaucrats) content to keep society humming along.
Hey Clark, don’t put all Europeans in the same boat. Different countries have different ideas, as do different individuals. It is mainly the elites that are pushing this feminist nonsense to serve themselves.
An important point about the article:
You cannot put Breivik in the same camp as the US mass shooters. Breivik has far more in common with the Paris shooters – that is, he did what he did for political reasons, not because he couldn’t get a girlfriend.
Also, the idea that these shooters go shooting because they couldn’t get a girl is absurd. Lots of guys struggle with this and I did myself at that age (and I had a lot more going for myself than Rogers). These guys go shooting because they are mentally ill. This is a known fact linking virtually every mass shooter in America.
Thanks for clarifying.
I can mostly speak for Canada, and this really is the reality here now. Even the traditionally conservative parts are now either liberal or hyper-liberal.
I’m not against immigration, I’m moreso against immigration as a tool to circumvent the population and give government more leverage.
You’re right that Europe is more complicated than how I’ve portrayed it.
But I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the political developments that are beginning to happen in Europe will be a direct reaction to the issues I’ve mentioned. Not all Europeans want to see their culture and traditions just vanish in a generation due to liberal leadership.
But I am fairly certain even Rodger’s struggles would have been suppressed if he had discovered foreign women before going completely ape-shit. With his looks he would have had Filipinas and Thai women swooning for him.
Not so sure. I think he was just crazy.
Maybe. But don’t you think if he had a nice filipina girl give him a blow job and then cook him a meal.. maybe he’d be relieved temporarily… But I suppose as soon as she started playing the usual relationship games there’s no way he could have handled it.
Speaking seriously, I have a friend who had a wife, kids and home. Everything should be perfect. But he suffered from mental illness and they gave him meds that made him suicidal. He made two attempts.
Point is, everything can be going well for you but mental illness combined with pharmaceutical drugs can be very dangerous.
So what if I’m of MGTOW and don’t give a shit? Call me selfish or irresponsible (I certainly am to a degree), but I didn’t choose this way of life to “punish society” or women, I simply don’t give a fuck. No, single life (with occasional sex when I want it) is just too awesome to be given away because muh white genocide (MGTOW isn’t exclusive to white guys). As you said, “my” role in society has already been taken care of, and the government couldn’t care less either (as long as I pay taxes).
Science especially modern has always been an inherently Christian thing.
Even science has been controlled by the elites. Isaac Newton was in secret societies and they influenced the enlightenment.
Doesn’t change the numbers though. But, with serious curiosity, tell me or provide a link about these secret societies. Don’t get me wrong now I am taking you seriously. People of the same kind gather and people of power are just of one kind after all…
You can read about secret societies such as illuminati and free mason simply by searching. Manly p. Hall wrote that Francis bacon was a Rosicrucian. Isaac Newton was said to be also a Rosicrucian. He practiced alchemy and biblical chronology.
Wikipedia has references u can check out.
One website ain’t is u can find various articles on different things.
Wrong, Islam never had a highly enlightened culture. It lived off the fumes and dying embers of the highly enlightened cultures it conquered. After islam set into the culture more, then the darkness set in. Islam is darkness, always has been, always will be.
Most white men will take path of white knighting women and minorities at every opportunity they get anyway. Then they’ll wonder why they can’t find a decent woman and eventually give up and get fat. They’ll go from cradle to grave worshipping women that wouldn’t even give them the time of day..
You forgot number 6:
A dramatic rise in sex selective abortions. But unlike when China does it, these will be explained as understandable, necessary, or even good…..oh and still the fault of men.
The sex being aborted will of course be male.
I feel sorry for all you pussy-begging traditionalist if you actually live long enough to realize that the pendulum isn’t coming back.
I agree. Parents will want the best for their children and when they see reports like “boys falling behind in school,” 3 girls graduate college for every 2 boys (soon to be 2 to 1), parents will opt to have girls.
Girls go into personal debt to accrue worthless degrees. Stupidity on stilts.
Visit an engineering library on campus and you can count the number of females on one hand.
Back in my college days (early ’90s) I went to a tech (engineering, science, pre med) college. Back then they did a big push to admit more women. Before the ‘push’ the school was 10:1 ratio of men:women. After the push, we went 5:1 for about two years. Over 60% of the women left, bringing that ratio up dramatically.
Nature still ruled over nurture. Science-math-technology is still a man’s domain…
No, most of things you predict will not happen because the West is headed for financial, economic and societal collapse. For example, government will not be able to afford “inspectors”, or the kind of red state crackdown you describe. Also, in the USA, such actions will run into problems with many heavily armed citizens.
” Also, in the USA, such actions will run into problems with many heavily armed citizens”
I’ll believe when I see it. Many things that are a reality today were things that people said 20-30 years ago “would never happen”.
The world is moving faster than ever before.
Dude, I cant read that thumbnail; could you post a larger image or tell us what it says?
The link provided is the enlarged version of the thumbnail.
It indicates the volume of firearms created since the 80s till 2013, notice the sharp increase since 2009, even more in the increase within 4 years. Also note that this chart stops at 2013…2014 and 2015 had a record number of sales of firearms in various states.
You can tell how quickly and fiercely the winds change when folks start buying guns like they know something is up.
“You can tell how quickly and fiercely the winds change when folks start buying guns like they know something is up”
Well thats encouraging.
I’m inclined to agree with you. Balkanization and possibly a return to tribalism sounds more likely.
Lincoln didn’t allow Southern secession even though Southerners and their way of life were mocked and ridiculed by Northerners (like in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”). I don’t see the federal government permitting anyone going their own way.
I never said there wouldn’t be bloodshed.
yes something is going to fall apart before the system reaches those kinds of extremes
Good article, and whereas there is no garuntee of your predictions, what you proposed is absolutely plausible.
“4. The government will crack down on homeschooling”
I’ve been saying this for some time now, many simply do not agree with me but the iron fist of tyranny coming down the way it is, homeschool banning would be something that they will do. Likewise as you stated, that for those who insist on homeschooling (there may still be advantages because public schools will be absolute shit holes) there will be a government “monitor” of sorts attending each session to ensure that junior learns about the joys of anal fisting, goat fucking, and every other deviate bs under Lucifer.
The whole trannie thing, I think you are correct. Young infant boys grow up realizing they are “different” because he notices he gets trwated which much less respect than his sisters, popular culture glorifies females and he will want to change simply to be accepted. Fucked up, but this is already happening.
Caveat: if we get our overdue civil war.
We can easily ban male pregnancy and end same sex marriage. Boys will learn that they do not have a right to be women or be pregnant, and that women need them to get pregnant. Girls will learn that they don’t have a right to impregnate each other, and need a man to have children.
“Boys will learn that they do not have a right to be women or be pregnant, and that women need them to get pregnant. Girls will learn that they don’t have a right to impregnate each other, and need a man to have children”
The powers that be will not allow that. Dystopia; meaning you have not any choice.
It is inevitable that we will ban male pregnancy. The question is, how long will it take to wake people up?
Well, at least the spreers are taking some action. When I was their age, I was too damaged to even feel my anger.
Trump can beat Clinton…He can take a lot of the black vote and also the Hispanic vote, and Asian vote and white vote.
All these groups are not naturally left wing and liberal.
By targeting the Muslim problem – and losing the tiny % of votes they hold – (winning votes from all Christian voters) and bringing back jobs to the USA (winning working class white and black votes) and stopping illegal immigration and the downward pressure this has on wages (winning legal hispanic, black and working class white votes) he can win the election.
The left has the idea that all blacks, hispanics and other non white groups are naturally their voters. this is actually incorrect. Blacks, legal hispanics and most whites lose out when jobs go to Mexico and China, and illegals increase crime and undercut wages. It’s only the wealthy business owners who benefit from this.
Trump can and will beat Clinton.
Your avatar and your comment…. I hope you are right. I really hope so.
I hope he does, but worry he may just be Machiavellian and not truly a nationalist at heart.
he hasn’t got a political career to worry about, nor has he to worry about where the next donation is going to come from….i also think that at the moment is in the phase where he has to get airtime… you will see that once nominated he will bring the republican party together, and then once president he will bring the country together….
I was liking the Donald until he and Putin glommed on to each other’s jocks. That lowered Trump’s stock as far as I’m concerned.
No matter what Trump is, he is not a Globalist…that’s why he chooses to run instead of holding fundraisers for JEB and Marco Rubio.
In unrelated news, congratulations ROK! Wal-Mart has blocked access to you from it’s free WiFi. Roosh, Forney, Quintius, and everyone else here, pat yourselves in the back.
ROK is clearly on whatever ‘secret’ list they use.
Hatemongerer I suppose?
The system is TOAST. This opening of the floodgates is a sign of desperation, not strength. The Economy is DEAD. Hyperinflation or deflation will kill the enemies only weapon, fake money. Once that goes, they’re DEAD.
Disheartening article.
I don’t think a “slow boil” can continue, a major factor is gun control. Too many people in the last 2 years have been buying guns like crazy. Folks are very awake on this particular issue. If we see more Islam inspired attacks on our soil nobody can predict the potential blow back. …but I will attempt it:
With the increase of gun purchases and new polls indicating that 70% of Americans no longer believe in a gun ban, coupled with, the increase in muslim immigration and possible future Islamic terrorism the equation naturally supposes vigilantism can become a growth industry.
I wager that this brand of vigilantism wont be kids with anger issues getting caught or committing suicide when confronted by authorities, but rather planned, professional and surgical in nature by men with resources, intelligence and support.
So I counter this article with my own brand of futurism, because I love being the devil’s advocate, and I have a propensity to bring some slivers of hope to an otherwise hopeless conversation.
Case in point. I was on the fence on it, but I am now researching the legality and the choice of buying a hand gun.
The last statement in the article pretty well sums up current reality: ~ “My intention in writing this article is not to cause ROK readers further lamentation or despair. But hoping that the future will somehow miraculously improve is naive and downright dangerous. It’s like hoping that a listing ship will suddenly right itself in the middle of a raging storm.”
We’ve been through this before Harry. I will inject a fighting spirit in readers wherever I can.
All the points the article makes are true, nobody is refuting that. But the article’s points are the reason we are here on ROK. So to me its reads like a reminder of our common redpill struggle, its not saying anything we already don’t know….so yes, it does in fact cause further lamentation and despair…we receive enough of this from mainstream media already.
is ROK to become an echo chamber of people telling me all hope is lost? That we should all retreat to porn and video games? Will it become a haven for fags to cry about how “we’re so screwed”?
I think better of the visitors to ROK. Find strength to face this heinous bullshit head on. If not, then Arron Clarey has a whole website and merchandise for those who want to roll over and “enjoy the decline”.
In the meantime BLM, Islam and feminists are organizing, infiltrating institutions and recruiting.
It is possible for things to change on a dime. Imagine the despair that prevailed in Germany in the 1920s: rampant unemployment, rampant decadence (including transgenderism, child prostitution, homosexuality, public leather bdsm), hyperinflation. Things were much worse than they are now. However, 1920s/30s Germany had a homogeneous population with a single language, culture, history. It was not a fragmented hodgepodge witch’s brew of various ethnic groups.
When we get Congress to ban male pregnancy and void all same sex marriages, things will improve immediately. But to do that, we need communities like this one to start rousing people to call their Congressmen.
And you’re a fag. I’m getting tired of slapping the dick out of your mouth.
A man with nothing has nothing to lose.
But much to gain!
“..but rather planned, professional and surgical in nature by men with resources, intelligence and support.”
Couple that with tens-of-thousands of veterans scattered across the land with knowledge of insurgency / counter-insurgency tactics. Yeah. Don’t fuck with us.
a cheering thought and I tend to agree
The UK government is now focussing on home-schooling. Reading the article it seems to be about home-schooling being used to radicalise muslim children – there’s even a reference to children being taken out of school under the guise of home-schooling to be sent to madrassas – where presumably school uniform includes a suicide vest. But that’s just what they’re saying. Given how radicalisation of youtgh can play into the government’s agenda – spooks have just been allocated an extra £2 billion to play spy games as I recall – is that what they are mainly concerned with? There’s more than one way to poison young minds
Speaking of muslim schools….
Those arrested include a teacher at an Islamic school and one of his students.
I’m not suggesting for a moment that islamic terrorism isn’t real, or that young muslims can’t be / aren’t being radicalised within Britain, but merely that more than one thing can be done at the same time. Cameron and his ministers should have focussed on islamic extremism because that is the problem being addressed at the moment. Instead in attacking ‘extremism’ he has (previously) tried to link ISIS and islamic terrorism with any deviation from mainstream ‘consensus value’ opinions – which includes for the likes of the influential european council on tolerance and reconciliation things like criticising feminism – do you remember when school inspectors visiting a religious school tried to equate British consensus values with being pro-lesbian? British values may well reflect ‘tolerance’ viewpoints but not being tolerant in that way has nothing to do with extremism. So until Cameron and such stop equating criticism of entirely top-down and elite opinions with an extremism indistinguishable from head-chopping radical islam then I’m going to regard any statement he makes about tackling radical islam as having an at least parallel agenda that needs to be read between the lines
Re. Indonesia – strange example here – Indonesia is an islamic republic with a history of (limited) islamic terrorism, the bali bombings being the worst. 7/7 notwithstanding I don’t think its equivalent to UK
This is pessimistic bullshit writing. Where are the facts to demonstrate that these predictions are likely? This is just whining and doom-saying. Why be so concerned with race? There are plenty of neomasculine guys of many races out there who don’t care about race but do care about values. Change your mind author.
ROK attracts pessimistic, over the top bullshit like a street lamp attracts moths. Every third essay on this site fits that criteria.
Unfortunately, the present situation is so dire that realism is conflated with pessimism.
I thought these predictions were actually quite conservative. The predictions are just a small extension / extrapolation from recent events that have unfolded. I didn’t take any great leaps.
I didn’t say anything about race other than it is absurd that white men are seen as unelectable in a majority white nation.
probably get a bit worse before it gets better but not like the article.. Turning point could not be more than another few terrorist attacks and economic crises away surely
I couldn’t care less if another black man is elected, so long as I agree with his views. I think quite highly of Ben Carson.
I just talked to this black guy on a dating website who is about to commit suicide because of not getting girls. Kinda like me 4 years ago. With the help of practicing game over the last 4 years I now have more dates than I can handle between online dating and successful daytime approaching. So I told him how much game worked for me and tried to tell him about some good game websites so he could learn dating tips.
He checked one out then messaged me back and told me he’s about to commit suicide. He doesn’t believe anything can help him. It’s very sad what this culture has done to men. However, like Roosh and others have said, showing betas and omegas the red pill is futile. Very sad.
They most likely have to get in to the gym first, then build their game. There is hope but it takes a lot of effort.
Yes I’ve known quite a few guys who took the effort and dedication to learn how to build muscle and eventually found their way to game. Like Chateau said, the meaning of life is to fuck, so if you spend 8 hours a week lifting to get girls, it’s not so hard to read up on game and approach that cute girl smiling at you in the lobby.
Why is he telling you that he will commit suicide?
He can’t get girls. Extreme beta frustration.
Question 2: Why are you listening to it?
I don’t have to explain myself. At any rate, I told him to check out the game section on Return of Kings and he said he liked what he saw. I haven’t heard from him since so either he did kill himself or he’s on the road to self-improvement. It’s sad there’s so many potential Elliot Rodgers walking around.
The best part is, you don’t need to waste your valuable time with problems that aren’t yours anymore.
I agree with all but no 3, I think they will select Trump and play it as some razor thin “election” similar to 2000 because Trump is controlled opposition. Trump and Putin have already expressed affections, and together “they” will lead the world. Sit down and really ask yourself, when in the 20th Century did a Soviet Premier and a US President jointly “lead the world”? When was their a dynamic duo of East and West? Never, the US led the “free world”, an oxymoron if any, and the Soviet Premier led the East with China sort of on its own. Now the Chinese are moving somewhat in step with Moscow, and I believe there will be talk of a thaw and later a grand alliance against a boogeyman. This is not a coincidence. On a Trump selection, then we enter the final phase and East-West convergence formally begins.
The other angle I could see is Sanders and who they really select as VP. Sanders can be quietly done away with after the election and be mourned as a degenerate Zionest hero while the real president takes the stage. in 1980, popular governor Reagan is paired with CIA Director and master criminal Bush who couldn’t win an election alone. Hinckley’s shot was placed a little better or Brady not present, you’d have one of “them” in charge much earlier. Coincidence they balanced the ticket this way at the time? Not likely given what happened in 1981. We may have seen a demo of the Soviet Union much earlier, or perhaps a war if that was their original plan…
I don’t think the Republicans will even endorse Trump. They would rather lose than forsake their cuckservative ideals. They will run a jeb-fiorina ticket or something, Trump will run as an independent, and Hillary will win. Republicans will be able to claim Trump cost them the election like they always do with independents.
We shall see. I’m banking on elections are a total fraud and events are arranged to fit a preconceived outcome. If I am wrong, than your scenario fits well. Either way its game over to some degree.
The voting machines are probably not even plugged in.
“I’m banking on elections are a total fraud and events are arranged to fit a preconceived outcome.”
If it’s close, yes. If Trump gets near 60% of the popular vote, that would be hard to hide. I like Cruz, but he isn’t going to resonate with today’s American culture..not when you have Harvard mopes bemoaning the US Bill of Rights.
Hope you’re right.. maybe the world is almost ripe for a general leadership which is Russia and Trump, just hope it’s ready before you have your elections there.
this is truly a disturbing article. But regardless of you claims , your own “statistics” prove that the black male is THE MOST marginalized group of ANYTHING in this country. Really white men, you can do something to reverse the conditions. You allow it to happen. Don’t blame “minorities” for that.
I also think we shouldn’t be too quick to assume all is lost. Look at what a fanatic Roosh is.. Remember when he wrote after the media showed some cracks in the PC narrative a few months ago that it would start blowing hot and cold. I’ve seen just that happen, one day it’s almost red pill, next day it’s leftard all the way.
You’re acting a bit like a baby. If the world doesn’t cater to your every whim, it’s “OMG DESE ENTITLED BITCHES R KILLIN MEN!!!” A dystopia to me is a place where some people think they are better than others and deserve better treatment, polygamy is a-ok, and third-wave feminism is law (among many other things).
I agree on some points, however. I don’t want Clinton to win because she’s a liar. Any chance she has is riding solely on her gender. I also think it’s cool how you’re putting your opinion out there, no matter how controversial it is. Props to you.
Obviously you haven’t/never peaked
Some people are better than others. People have differing levels of intelligence, creativity, etc. People are not equal.
I would also expect Jim Crow style laws targeting men. This would be through mandating free health care services for women and none for men, expansion of sexual harassment laws and regulations, and immunity against filing a false rape accusation.
Europe is finished, soon to be over ran. America is not so far behind it. Women are already starting to wear Burquas, as a way to empathize with the Muslims, and show tolerance ect….Many towns , are already Islamified, in the US, and there are more to come. De facto No go zones, are starting, and will proliferate, De facto Sharia, is looming…..ISIS will probably kill many more, and Iran will probably develop a Nuke, which will bring about WWW3. Minority College students, willingly want to suspend freedom of speech. Our own government wants to Islamify the country, and bring in possible Terrorists – your racist and more, if you object. The list goes on and on…..I give the US, one more generation, before it is a thirld world s#ithole.
Public school hosts “Walk-a-mile-in-her-hijab” day:
Really hoping for someone to say, yeah, good idea, we should get Congress to ban male pregnancy, gestating a baby in a male body.
I can’t understand how people can be fine with it being legal and teaching boys they have a right to be pregnant just like girls do. That,s so damaging!
It seems to me that morality and patriarchy are closely related. Without patriarchy, sexual license and its destructive fallout are the inevitable results.
Lets hope your wrong on Hillary Clinton America or the West cant afford to move to the left any further, secondly with Obama handing Iran’s mad Mullah’s an open hand to perform Nuclear research you can guarantee Hillary wont be doing anything to stop it. The rest of your article doesn’t surprise me if it happened in reality.
These trends have been obvious to me since the late 1990’s. In short, there is no future for white men in the United States. Nor any other western country. Look, you have to finally realize that your country hates you. It wants you to fail. In fact, it actively undermines you.
Thus, I moved out. My home base is in another country. The country I chose is not white, it is brown. But, ironically, they respect white people much more in this country than in the US or Europe. I’d consider going to Eastern Europe or Russia but, alas, I did not learn those languages like I did the language of the country in which I currently reside. It’s a bit late to do so.
I strongly recommend all white men to get the hell out of the US. Ideally, all of us would pick one country to move to so that we can all work together. As real men, we would compete with each other, but within a framework of masculine and mostly traditional values. We could make that country into a paradise compared to the West. Women from around the world would follow us there because of our high worth, are strong values, and our decency and integrity. (Of course, there will be women there to start with).
If we can get organized around this, I would go to that country even if I do not speak the language. I can’t get very good at a new language at this stage in my life, but I will get by.
So, are we going to get organized?
“So, are we going to get organized?”
We are truly the “white” Russians who lost the cultural revolution. Enjoy the diaspora.
Of note: I ran into another American expat in my small burg. He bailed like I did and has no intention of going back. He is from NYC and of Japanese decent. The West is in itself and ideal of the Rome-Athens-Jerusalem trinity (aka. Jedeo-christian culture).
I have thinking about this. A massive exodus of right wing white men to Russia sounds hopefully. Or emigrate and secession in regions close to Russia(we would need their support) like E Europe or Alaska.
In Europe we can’t organize without get in prison(hate and discrimination laws) and in America without get fired. The best I can do is go to Russia and encourage white men to leave countries that are going to become in Brazil, saying all racial and sexual real talk they need in internet from Russia. If I do it here, they will imprisonment me
I’m now learning Russian.
It’s Ben Carson’s country too dude.
That’s Iowa. We have a messed-up primary system here in the USA where nebbishy little states like Iowa and New Hampshire get first crack at picking candidates (we need one national 50 state primary in June or July but I digress). Carson is a novelty candidate who has already peaked. Trump is riding high in the polls again.
I think you missed my point.
Not at all. White men may be unelectable in the *Democratic* Party on the presidential level–although the fact that Mrs. Clinton is working off of her husband’s goodwill–and little-else–may be the reason for her lead in the democratic polls (full disclosure–if Sanders gets the nomination, and that’s unlikely, I’ll vote for him because he understands economics more than the rest of the lot–if not, then I vote for Trump, for his forthrightness). But the Donald is now firmly ahead, with Cruz (also white) second. Carson was a flash in the pan.
You are still missing my point. The man said that White men are unelectable in their own country. It is Black people’s country too.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He doesn’t understand economics. Only a fool will vote for him. Don’t be a fool.
Sanders understands the Hegelian dialectic. He knows that the free market system is dying of its own internal contradictions. Crony capitalism (business sucking up to government to survive), “too big to fail”, inability of businesses to create the good-paying jobs of the past are all signs of the senescence of the current economic system. It’s as inevitable as the rise from adolescence to adulthood; an inevitable, natural progression.
Sanders has no idea what a “free market” is.
The future is in Asia. Emigrate. Japan needs children. The Japanese government may not be enthusiastic about half-white children, but beggars can’t be choosers. Or, again, begin a new country in Alaska. One that doesn’t suck. How long can the American Union really hold together? The free and independent Republic of Alaska could be a rising star in the Pacific Rim. True, it is cold as fuck and the night lasts half a year, but there’s a lot of fresh air and even some decent karaoke.
The Japanese would literally die as a “race” before they accept immigrants.
Not everywhere is constant downfall.
Yesterday in Slovenia a bill legalizing same-sex marriage was rejected in a national referendum.,_2015
From above : “Don’t want to marry a slut and get ass-fucked by the government? No problem. The women can just marry the government and get some sperm when she needs.” — if a woman wants a child she just dresses like a slut and finds a man willing to go without a condom because ‘I like to feel it raw’ — there’s her sperm donation. She can now raise a child exactly how she wants. If a man wants a child he needs to find a woman he can have children with, create a family and raise the child with her…at best he is a partner, more realistically he will get about a 50% input in his child’s development, morality and values, at worst he will be cast as the ‘bad cop’ in a two cop precinct.
Yes, this is why I’m thinking surrogacy is the way to go for men: sole control over the ideological upbringing of the child. While it is now chic for young women to claim to be atheists, they ironically simultaneously endorse the notion of human rights for all (gays, transgenders, races). They killed God but retained the privileged perch. It’s one way or the other: either there is a God and humans are distinct from the animals with attendant rights or there is no God and humans are animals with no rights. Women are not able think logically. They just feel. And imparting that crude way of thinking to a child (especially a son) is abusive.
You forgot SSRI`s and the psychiatric/big-Pharma industry on point 2.
There has always been frustrated and horny young men,
(and guns) but their inhibitions were still present. Not so when they are on these drugs for some time.
Gents, I really don’t think its going to get that bad. In addition to all three of the most likely to be nominated by the GOP for president ALL of them are not just softly but outspoken and vehemently against political correctness. Here is a quote from Ted Cruz “my two daughters know there is a difference between males and females”. bernie the open socialist or hildog? Come on, barry is a failure. If that doesn’t convince you then consider these three powerful trends:
-Peak leftism as evidence of it being ideologically bankrupt
How can only white people be racist and other minorities not racist and then continue to say they advocate to end racism…by being racist? How?
The “Big Tent” is starting to in-fight. They all united on get whitey, now whitey has been gotten what’s next? Synthesizing and reconciling differences is the only alternative…good luck with that. White middle class man has more in common with a Black middle class man. feminists and CAIR? Yeah, the in-fighting will get worse.
-Traditional media disruption
Unstoppable. This will happen the available media/cultural alternatives to the MSM are far too attractive to deny. Its only a matter of time and when the MSM dies it will be impossible to ever centralized the media again.
-Traditional academia disruption
Also unstoppable. And academia is doing their part to hasten this along whether it being producing a shitty product, fleecing students into lifelong debt or political correct tyranny. Indeed, this is a different era, the 21st century economy is far too dynamic for traditional academia to keep up. People will be not only changing jobs by careers especially as automation mixes shit up. The only viable solution, for everything, is a more a la carte or on the go hyper customized online training where degrees will give way to certifications. Already IBM and Cloudera have said F you you academia and are offering their own training. I enrolled in the Big Data University and here’s the best part – NO ELECTIVE BULLSHIT!
Gents, be positive. The best thing all of us can do individually is spread the work about ROK and Neomasculinity. Frankly compared to the feminists who had to start without all this interactive technology we have a HUGE advantage.
No spree killers had girlfriends and Sweden is the only country in the world to ban homeschooling? The first doesn’t seem likely given the huge number of shooters and I know for a fact that the second is untrue. Homeschooling is banned in Germany and China at least. Not sure about other places.
Stupid predictions. The government is to inept to sit in on homeschooling. Get a grip, I worked in government. The incompetence their is amazing. Anything they touch or do does not work. why do you think communism fails. The workers know they do not have to perform and they do not. Also Hildabeast does not stand a chance. Have you seen who has been elected recently. Last time I checked white males are still the majority. In population and business. So yes your predictions are crap.
Thank you, Joe. Its not as though I don’t appreciate the situation at hand, but, at the same time there is no reason to lament about how bad things “may” get. As I stated below, I think there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic. Things change and progressivism is just too infested with hypocrisy and incoherence to really ever last. Its, at best, as passing fad. For me I see powerful disruptions driven by technology that will forever impact the media and academia. These happen to be the most important institutions of the left, academia conjures up their insane ideas about “gender” or “social constructs” and the media puts their fantasy to life. The web is going to make it nearly impossible to centralize a single narrative or for a small group of elites to control culture. Meanwhile, Trump or Cruz or even a Trump and Cruz ticket, which would be a incredible team! And, minus, hildog, all the remaining candidates are white men. Shoot, Ben Carson, who’s been ranked a close third is a devout Christian. We just need to get control over the culture and education, which can be done if we exploit the emerging disruption.
I fail to understand the purpose of this article. It has a plausible content, but I would prefer to have read suggestions in order to change this dark possible future.
Anyway, we can only assert our right to exist if we have something to offer the world, it’s a natural law. If we can’t fight this new order of things, what do we have to offer, then? Are we simply living corpses waiting for the butcher? Can we no longer make our views of a sane family, a rigorous and fruitful education and a balanced, (demographically) sustainable Society be accepted by a wider group of people and institutions? Is civilization irreparably lost?
Have we reached absolute dystopia? Or can we hope something different?
Absolutely not. I’m actually fairly optimistic on things. I think this is just how things are when the west experiences its communist/socialist era and the good news is we know how this story ends. I think we’re seeing peak progressivism and things are starting to change. For good or ill our enemies are now making a dire mistake, they’re underestimating and not respecting their opponents. Always the kiss of death and, moreover, this isn’t Napoleon or the American military in the 1960s, no, its a bunch of outcasts. Want practical things to do? Spread awareness of Neomasculinity. Here are some other things that are working in our favor: 1. technological disruption of the mass media from centralized to hyper individualized, status – early but the die is cast 2. technological disruption of traditional academia, status – very early innings but many promising developments have already occurred and 3. Ideological fatigue i.e. revealed ideological incoherence, undesirable endstates, in-fighting etc. For instance, people realized the left’s moral relativism results in a grotesque environment i.e. a 52 year old men demanding they be accepted as 6 year old girls. Lastly, the three top contenders for the GOP presidential nomination are Trump, Cruz and Carson. ALL three are against political correctness. In fact, Trump just sucker punched the entire establishment when he openly in a public forum proved you can be discriminatory when it makes sense i.e. stop Muslim immigration. Did he fall in his ratings, no, he rose and also de-toothed the tired shaming tactics from the media/left. Cruz said “my daughters know the difference between men and women” and Carson is a devout Christian and also said, on 60 minutes I believe, that he does not think homosexuality is born-in! And, guess what, the GOP is very likely going to win. All three are men, one is a black man neurosurgeon and all three are Christians. Trump even said he’s going to protect Christians, thus acknowledging the systemic institutionalized persecution Christians are now experiencing.
We can fight the current order of things, by correcting a popular misconception that underlies it.
We simply have to agree that males do not have a right to be pregnant and call for a ban on attempting it.
Great article. Can’t believe I did not see it when it came out a few days ago.
Hillary prez, frozen eggs, it’s all too much.
Well, if we can somehow get the spree killers to target Hillary Clinton,
transsexuals and egg freezing CEO’s we just might be able to turn this thing around. And thanks for the article, I needed cheering up this morning. Nothing beats getting reminded we are all screwed. 🙂