The Second Most Influential Author Of The Manosphere

Back in 2003, on the Nice Guy Forums, a user by the name of Bonecrcker cranked out a series of posts talking about the true state of American women, and disappeared never to return again. The Nice Guy community quickly took notice and added the posts to their forum’s “Best Of” section (which I can no longer find), so it seems the only place where one can find a fully preserved Book of Bonecrcker is over at the NO MA’AM blog.

To call this guy influential is an understatement – he was a solid decade ahead of his time. He’s also one of the most radical writers on women I’ve ever read. More radical than Roosh or Roissy. The manosphere consists of two parts – it’s dark side and light side, where the light side is focused on self-improvement and progress and the dark side is focused on biting criticism and harsh exposure to the nature and reality of women. The light side’s biggest influences comes from Pook, but the dark side’s biggest influences come from Bonecrcker.

Without further ado, let’s examine some Bonecrcker passages. Keep in mind, I’m posting more than what you can read in just one sitting. I’m showing you a smattering of passages for you to pick and choose through right now.

Bonecrker #10 — Women Choosing Scum:

There are two reasons women go after scum… the one they tell themselves and the one that’s true.

The one they tell themselves has to do with the archetype of redemption. Love redeems all things. To a woman, love redeeming a bad man proves the love is real (too bad their love ain’t real, lol). Also, a man who treats everyone poorly but herself, must really love her. This is the biggest crock of bull-ony… but exploiting this sick, sad, self-deception will account for 90% of your free pussy if you live in the US.

Unfortunately, the real reason women dig bad/low quality men is they are bad/low quality themselves. These men have attitudes and behaviours that match their own.

Excitement is supposed to come from risk-taking behaviours that men like to engage in to have fun. But women find bad behavior exciting instead. It’s normal for women to be attracted to men that like sky-diving, mountain climbing, and going off on adventures at the spur of the moment. It’s abnormal for women to be attracted to men that like to beat women, have been in jail, and take drugs. But that’s exactly what’s going on today. All of the losers have all the women they can deal with (hehe, but evil people are bad for you….both ways), while all of the real men do without.

BoneCrcker #5 — Women Choosing Losers:

All women say they want a dominant, successful, high status man with enlightened values. It is extremely easy to identify where a man is in the pecking order; by his job, by his dress, by the way he talks and acts and by the way other men treat him. Everyone knows where a man stands.

This includes women, who could easily snap up a man like this who freely advertises if he is available or not.

The problem is that almost no women actually follow through with this behavior. Dominant, successful, high status men with enlightened values are regularly passed up for dangerous, weak, emotionally unstable drug dealers with bad BO and a rap sheet as long as my arm. The younger and more attractive a woman is, the more likely she is to ignore the good men and screw as many of the bad men as she can get her hands on. Not all women do this. Some screw as many fraternity brothers as they can handle a night, just as long as they are drunk/high and treat her like dirt. Any man who doesn’t act this way is labelled a loser, no matter how high status or macho. It’s hilarious, and deeply, deeply sick.

Then, when a woman reaches about age 25, she starts to hunt for a man who is both wealthy and weak willed. Both qualities are very important, because her sole purpose for hunting this man is to attach herself vampire-like onto him and drain him for all he is worth. They continue to screw bad men during the entire marriage. Strong willed men quickly say no to this crapola and move on to the next woman. After a while, they start to wonder if all women are vampires trying to trick them into a bad situation. Certainly they don’t meet anyone who actually cares for him and sincerely wants to be his wife.

Many of our country’s most powerful men are either unmarried, taken to the cleaners by divorce, or are stuck in a marriage that is an obvious lie, often making up for it with dishonourable behaviour. A perfect example of this is Bill Clinton. His wife is an obvious lesbian who only married him because he was going places and could further her own political ambitions (the pay off isn’t always in money, lol).

I’m tempted to say that American women are unable to recognize signs of status, power and high quality in men. But it’s not true. They know full well what the deal is and purposefully choose the weak, psychotic, scum of the earth until they want a meal ticket.

Real men are left without.

Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction:

I just downloaded the book, If Men Have All The Power, How Come Women Make The Rules? Excellent book, BTW. It’s filled with all sorts of interesting information.

Here’s a quote that got me to thinking (originally from The Woman That Never Evolved, by Sarah Blaffer Hardy):

“The central organizing principle of primate social life is competition between females and especially female lineages… Females should be, if anything, more competitive than males, not less, although the manner in which females compete may be less direct, less boisterous, and hence, more difficult to measure.”

Normally, women compete fiercely amongst each other for men. Unlike animals, human children take a looooooong time to mature and our most powerful survival ability (our mind) takes significant effort to train and develop. Before the modern era, any woman stupid enough to take a weak, deviant man, who left after sex… died. At the very least, her child had slim to none survival value. Her lineage died out. Normally, women compete for the best men, that competition being intense when they are scarce. One thing they don’t do is willingly have sex with an inappropriate man, unless there absolutely isn’t anyone else. Men also compete for the best women. Or rather, for the status among our peers that attracts the best women. However, since we don’t actually have to bear the children, that competition isn’t as fierce. Survival of our line has less to do with who we choose and more to do with what we do. We (men) compete in who does things best. Women compete in who can get the best man. Men have the option of leaving. A woman who left usually died. That’s the way it’s always been and the way it should be.

But American women aren’t normal. They have absolutely stopped competing for good men. They go out of their way to devalue them. They freely engage in behaviors that result in the extinction of their lineage. They leave. They refuse to raise their children. They engage in infidelity. They choose disposable partners based on deviant behavior. The reason why women seem to be so scarce is not because they have made themselves unavailable but because they have ceased having any interest whatsoever in extending their female lineage to the next generation. There is a natural consequence for that… extinction. The children of these women grow up powerless and feral, with increasingly lower status. Eventually, their lines will disappear.

The question we should be asking ourselves is, are we a valuable prize that would normally be fiercely competed over? If you are healthy, strong, successful, educated and have values that would promote the well being of a family, then that answer is yes. We have been lied to, repeatedly and in a systematic manner. What is interesting is what might happen if you left our abnormal women and went someplace where the women are desperately competing with each other for the best men. Especially if most of the men who live there don’t have these traits. You might come away with a different opinion of where you are in the pecking order.

Food for thought.

Bonecrcker #2 – Local vs. Foreign Women:

Men and women are two sides of the same coin. Without each other, there can be no fulfillment and no peace of mind. Together, there islife. This is the way it has been since the very beginning. It is an active thing, not a passive one. It’s not enough for the people to just show up in each others lives. Each of you needs to actively love the other.

Many American men are willing to do this. Almost all American women are not. To make matters worse, these women do not value the men who are willing to love them. Instead, they value the men who couldn’t give a shit about anything. He gets laid constantly and gives nothing to anyone (even himself). Since this type of man is good for nothing and is often a criminal, the last thing he is interested in or is capable of is taking care of a woman or a family. Women are also like this themselves, but pretend they are not. That pretending often extends towards making a phoney marriage and having several children she has no intention of putting any effort into raising. Most of the time, the point of the marriage is to manipulate the system into fleecing a good man of all his possessions…..rinse, repeat, until she gets too old.

This is not normal. For whatever reason, it is a problem endemic to westernized countries but is worst in the US, where our laws seriously enable these behaviours.

What many American men are figuring out though is they don’t have to put up with this. By understanding the problem and its various aspects and, most importantly, the actual depth of the problem, he can avoid most of it, even fight back. The biggest obstacle though, is he is incomplete without a legitimate love in his life. American women use this fact as their greatest source of sinister manipulation. They will dangle the image of this in front of you constantly but never, ever give it to you. The reason is simple: they can’t. Because they can’t, they are completely unacceptable as anything but a casual sexual fling. But one that is constantly trying to do you harm, requiring extreme vigilance and protective measures. Hopping from one loser to the next, in the vain hope that the next one might not be like this is a depressing way to live. Rather than find a rare jewel, most men simply give up after a while and retire from “the game”.

Most men don’t know that this is abnormal. They think all women are like this and have always been this way. That’s a dirty lie. A lie that women in this country foster in an attempt to keep men from looking around. It turns out, that things were never like this for our grandfathers and great grandfathers. It’s a recent problem. More importantly, it’s a localized one.

In large chunks of the world, women aren’t like this. They are the way they are supposed to be. If you bond with one and then love them, they will love you back. Although this is only the bare minimumneeded for a good marriage and a good life, it changes thingsdramatically.

This means that it is a good idea to date a number of women from these places. Because you will find a jewel there eventually. No matter what, you will find a large pool of women who are sincere in their attempts to be with you. Some of these women will be sexually promiscuous. Some of them will be nuns. Most will be somewhere in between. Luckily, sincerely loving women will be common, no matter what she is like elsewise…….because it’s a seperate issue. If you want a nun or a tart, a schoolteacher, a welfare mom or a doctor, you will find someone sincere. Since you will also find the occassional evil person mixed in, you must learn to tell the difference. But the odds are stacked in your favour.

That just doesn’t exist in the US anymore (but it was once the rule, not the exception).

Bonecrcker #23 – Bad Boys vs. Alphas:

“Badboys” are pussies, not alpha males. The easiest way to tell if a man is alpha is to observe if he has the respect and cooperation of other men, especially other men in general (i.e. he has power and respect in society, not just socially). You very rarely see a “badboy” meet these criteria. When you do, it’s usually an alpha fooling around to get laid.

Alpha males don’t usually get the chicks. They get the best chick and she tends to stick around and beat the shit out of any other girls who come around.

The multiple sex partner thing is the omega male’s gig. You usually see all sorts of deviant behavior going on in addition to this. Although he is getting laid, he is powerless in relationships as well as every other aspect of his life. No one respects him, not even the psycho chicks who screw him.

Alpha’s get snapped up quickly. Beta males screw a lot early in life while women are competing over them, and then settle down. Omegas can’t form stable relationships. And Zeta males rarely get laid. Most people are betas.

Humans aren’t apes. We have a different mating strategy than them. Women compete for the best man they can get (at a very young age) and then stick with him for life. He sometimes cheats, but not to reproduce. She never cheats. Everyone pairs up. Whenever you see people straying from this paradigm, fucked-upness starts to happen. This is what is happening with women. They are becoming more and more omega. Their clustering around these men is not a normal thing, which is why it is so fucked up in all other ways.

Bonecrcker #11 – Women and Racism:

In my experience, racism plays a big part of what’s going on with American women. Several times I have met women whose attraction to men is race based… the more negatively stereotyped, the better. Behind their back, they use racial slurs, even when talking about their partner. You talk to them and it becomes clear that they have strong racist views, usually negative. They are chasing bad men and the racist views colors these men as bad. So, they go after them. It’s a complicated issue, and one that women will test you on to see if you will accept it from them.

For example, there was one stripper I knew. For awhile, she was sizing me up as a potential man. One day, out of the blue, she says this to me, “I’ve been with a lot of black boys.” “Do you think less of me?” My answer to her at the time was, “Of course not.”

But that was the wrong answer. My answer should have been yes. There are several reasons. First of all, she is testing me, not looking for reassurance of her worth. She wants to see if I will accept her in a devalued state. If the answer to that is yes, she loses interest (she did lol) and, at the same time, goes hog wild in the process of devaluing herself further. On the surface, she wants to know if I’m racist. But what she is really saying is she is racist, and a whore to boot. What’s behind her statement is several years of screwing black men, but only from the criminal class of society. She did this in exchange for money and drugs. Certainly she would have no interest in a black man in a 3-piece suit and a law degree. Part of the manipulation has to do with what she means by “black boys.” She means black men from the criminal class of society. But, phrasing it this way is a trap. If you say it devalues her, it seems like something racist (being with black guys devalues you) but, it’s the having sex with men from the criminal class that devalues her. If you say no to this sort of behavior, it implies that you are racist. You’ll see a lot of manipulation along these lines in society, especially with women. They want you to accept deviant behavior by associating it to minorities. Reject the behavior and they act as if you rejected the minority.

You will see this pattern repeatedly with American women… multiple minority partners, sometimes multiple children of mixed racial background. The big lie is that inter-racial couples are now accepted, so people feel free to get together with those they like. But the truth is that racism and fucked-upness are behind most of these relationships (white men with black women; seem to me to be the exception). Look for extreme racist views in one or both of the partners (should be the LAST thing in an inter-racial couple), a history of trading sex for money and drugs, and multiple one night stands, often resulting in children. Like any good lie, there is always a grain of truth in the center to give it credibility. There are lots of legitimate inter-racial marriages. You can tell the legitimate ones by their stability, high degree of education of both partners, and successful career the man has.

Racist views of women are a part of what’s going on.

Bonecrcker #94 – Evil, Not Power, Is The Defining Attribute Of Women’s Attraction Toward Deviant Men:

Women aren’t attracted to alpha males and they most certainly have no fear of men. Our society, on every level, goes out of its way to protect them. For most men, harming a woman is taboo.

What a woman wants from a man isn’t for him to be powerful. If this was true than large, strong, rich men with high IQs would be overrun with pussy. Sadly, this isn’t the case. At best, a woman looks for a man like this who is easily manipulated (a rare find) so that she can feed off him during the last stages of her self-destruction. But what women go after with zeal and verve are the losers of our society…..uneducated, drug-using, criminal scum. Are these men powerful? Absolutely not. That’s why they stab you in the back but wouldn’t dare face you man to man. It’s also why they are complete failures in life…..they are weak beyond belief. But, other than being weak these bozos have one thing in common…..they are all evil. And it is that evil that attracts women.

Evil, not power, is the defining attribute of women’s attraction toward deviant men.

Bonecrcker #31 – Women Are Sick

Women are sick. They are mentally ill. One of the characteristics of mental illness is stereotyping. What that means is that one woman is sick in exactly the same way as another. You see the same patterns over and over again.

Our culture is involved in a complex scam trying to cover up this situation, particularly from young men. The worst case scenario is the totally oblivious guy who gets himself into a bad situation. However, most guys know something is wrong, but just can’t put their finger on it because of the brainwashing. At first, they figure they just met some wacko and then try again. When the next one turns out just the same, they start to investigate if something is wrong with themselves (pleeeennnty of asshole relationship experts are willing to feed this). After awhile they come to the amazing conclusion that, yes, something is wrong with the entire female population. But they only know that something is wrong. And they don’t know that “something” can be mapped out and understood.

Every time we examine a case, we learn a little more about the specifics of that “something”. Understanding the nature of a thing gives you power over it. Because humans have free will and exercise it in every single facet of our existence, you can never change another. Only they can change themselves, and only by choosing to do so, with no influence possible from anyone or anything. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get things you need from them or have to put up with their bullshit. Understanding that “something” gives you vital information on how to 1) get what you want and need from women and 2) how to prevent them from causing you undue hardship.

It’s not simple, but it is understandable, reliable and effective.

As you can see, Bonecrcker wrote on a wide variety of subjects related to a man’s life in America, and touches upon things that are only recently being discovered. For example, the fact that 25% of American women are mentally illBonecrcker noticed this back in 2003! There are an abnormally large number of women who are dangerous and you should take steps to protect yourself from them.

Bonecrcker touches upon how American women are mostly worthless, and that a man today can only use American women for sex without seriously endangering himself in any way. He plainly states that women’s mating preferences aren’t normal, something I think most American men subconsciously understand, even if they cannot articulate it. Bonecrcker may have been one of the first to touch upon how women use ad-hominem shaming language to get men to conform.

The above work belongs to what I would call a powerful thinker. Don’t forget to read the rest of Bonecrcker here.

Read Next: The Author Who Was The Biggest Influence In The Manosphere

79 thoughts on “The Second Most Influential Author Of The Manosphere”

  1. This quote from the article truly does tell the truth about many modern women:
    “Unfortunately, the real reason women dig bad/low quality men is they are
    bad/low quality themselves. These men have attitudes and behaviours
    that match their own.”

    1. Yes: also, too, these kinds of women usually have a lot of potential to be quality but are usually so incredibly insecure about themselves that they cannot forge a path to a utopian lifestyle on their own accord. Rock-bottom males provide these females with an immovable feeling of security. But becoming a degenerate is extremely easy to accomplish, however, and easy to maintain. It’s a simple life: being a degenerate: hence the feeling of security the simplicity offers. There is no risk or creativity involved in being a loser. You simply recede into the default mannerisms of the culture: the feelings of security that provides. But for a man like me, being a loser is a dark and emotionally destructive path.

      1. I agree. We live in a society where truth and absolute values are inverted.
        A book that is quite shocking but very telling of woman’s true nature is Otto Weininger’s “Sex and Character”. I remember after reading it I felt physically ill but I believe it as an important if not subversive work.

        1. Both books are brilliant, Esther’s quote is basically a distilled version of Weininger’s book that women are mostly not self aware.
          “Life offers the human being two choices: animal existence – a lower order of life – and spiritual existence. In general, a woman will choose the former and opt for physical well-being, a place to breed, and an opportunity to indulge unhindered in her breeding habits.
          At birth, men and women have the same intellectual potential; there is no primary difference in intelligence between the sexes. It is also a fact that potential left to
          stagnate will atrophy. Women do not use their mental capacity: they deliberately let it disintegrate. After a few years of sporadic training, they revert to a state of irreversible mental torpor.
          Why do women not make use of their intellectual potential? For the simple reason that they do not need to. It is not essential for their survival. Theoretically it is possible for a beautiful woman to have less intelligence than a chimpanzee and still be considered an acceptable member of society.” Esther Vilar – The Manipulated Man.

  2. If the situation is so dismal in the western worlds then where can i emigrate as an Anglo-Saxon man? Russia? China? I don’t see the situation turning around soon, however many of the males around me are waking up and realizing the behavior of most women is hideous.

    1. ireland is where I went and found success – some of the newer crop are pretty ‘westernized’ but there are still plenty of relatively chaste (by NA standards) middle class girls who seek stable marriage and kids.

    2. We’re living in a new Dark Age, I’ve come to believe. The barbarians are not at the frontiers, swinging battle axes and swords, trying to get in. They’re already within the gates, multiplying with the fertility of the simple and the stupid. We’ll have to learn from those monks, scholars, and friars of the Dark Ages who had to preserve the light of civilization as best they could from the onslaught of scum and barbarians. Try to find foreign women as best you can, batten down the hatches, no surrender, no compromise, and develop yourself as best you can. And never sell out.

  3. So….what’s really behind all this? I get all of the feminist imperative nonsense that is being spouted out left and right but how did they all get so far down this evil path, so fast??

    1. Feminism started out in upper-class women, and then became mainstream as a way for women to indulge in their base instincts and desires without repercussions. That’s all it is, and that is where it stands today. An ideology that seemingly gives you everything without any cost (which is of course a lie, but a lie that takes experience, discipline, and wisdom to see) spreads rapidly by its very nature. A very basic desire that we all possess is the attraction to novelty. Men from the dregs of society – criminals, drug dealers, etc – are hidden and ‘exotic’ from normal everyday life, so they provide novelty and attraction.

  4. Many of these early manosphere pioneers laid the groundwork for more prominent voices to build on. Thanks for resurrecting some of the forgotten early voices, Samseau. We need to acknowledge their contributions.

    1. One other thought: there was a guy who predated Bonecracker, I think, who said many of the same things. His site was called “”, but it apparently was sold or was shut down a few years back. If anyone knows anything about this guy, I’d like to hear more. Among other things, he had medical evidence to back up the assertion that at least 25 percent of American women are mentally unstable, suffering from a host of ailments: postpartum depression, narcissistic disorders, or histrionic disorders.

      1. I remember reading that site years ago, and nodding my head in agreement with much of what he said.

  5. Don’t forget to read the rest of Bonecrcker here.
    Those individual posts should also be concatenated as pdf and MOBI files.

    1. I have a very disjointed pdf version of the book of boneckr. It is the raw responses he made to many blog entries. As such you often have to guess at what he is responding to to undersstand his point. The NO MAAM compilation tried to edit out this difficuty. They eliminated some really good stuff in doing so.

      1. I spent the majority of my work day creating a .PDF of the No Ma’am blog entries, and just uploaded it to my Kindle…

  6. Bonecracker was hardcore no doubt. He just disappeared one day and no one really knows who is really is. Probably better he remains anonymous.
    A few of his assertions tend to contradict other well written manosphere articles — the other ones that talk about having the right suit and being able to have all the essential skills of interacting with both men and women. The article that Athlone wrote about passive attraction, etc.
    Bonecracker’s hypothesis is that chicks go for the violent piece-of-shit, who dresses like a piece-of-shit, and talks like a piece-of-shit who just got out of jail. So is it worth it to bother even getting a suit and going through all the motions?
    This is something I have yet to hear a verdict on.

    1. It’s still worth improving yourself, but not just to attract most American women. I thought I was cynical before reading Bonecrcker, and he wrote this before the social media whorefest began. Self-improvement and learning game is vitally important for every man, but you can’t ignore the fact that many western women are simply damaged goods and your best efforts will be unrewarded. Better to focus on foreign women if you’re interested in a relationship, whether that means relocating or finding them here (though the culture has a corrosive effect the longer a girl stays).

      1. There’s no disadvantage to pursuing self-improvement for its own sake. If nothing else, read, read, read, and write, write, write.

    2. I think that depends on what you’re trying to attract. If you want to be with the same kind of women that are chasing the scum, then be scum.
      The question is, are you willing to compromise yourself for a casual fling because surely you wouldn’t be wanting to settle for an aspiring crack-whore?

      1. “I think that depends on what you’re trying to attract”
        It’s usually the hottest looking females that exhibit this sick behavior.

  7. It would also appear that Boncracker never got out of the USA — I would be interested in knowing his take on FW, but I think the latest take is that thanks to the internet, smart phones and social medial, whatever sick mad cow disease afflicts American females will afflict the women outside the anglossphere.

  8. aahhh, freedom. once upon a time only certain select groups were allowed to act like jackasses and everyone else had to put up with them. now everyone can be a jerk and society is not pleasant for anybody.
     just remember that the loudest voices dominate the conversation and that would be the male voices. look in a mirror to see what has to change

    1. What’s that? I can’t hear you over the shrill screeching of the banshees that set the agenda in social engineering crusades.

  9. ” ‘Badboys’ are pussies, not alpha males. The easiest way to tell if a man is alpha is to observe if he has the respect and cooperation of other men, especially other men in general (i.e. he has power and respect in society, not just socially). You very rarely see a “badboy” meet these criteria. When you do, it’s usually an alpha fooling around to get laid. ”
    Interesting description and contradiction many arguments for what it means to be “alpha” (essentially anything that gets you laid regularly).
    It sounds like a stretch to say that almost all American women are not willing to actively love a man, but maybe it’s true. I notice the stark contrast between women in California and Eastern Europe. Marriage and love aren’t on the minds of many CA women that are of a prime age for it. They “just want to have fun™” .
    To Samseau’s observation that “a man today can only use American women for sex without seriously endangering himself in any way”, I think that the legal system, rape culture and mental illness of women are making even casual sex a liability. While my initial interest in game was to get laid more, now I feel it’s more important to avoid the rotten apples and find girls worth your time, which seem to be few and far between in the U.S.

    1. It does not contradict the definition of alpha. Alpha is “that which is attractive to women.” The point Bonecrcker makes is that today’s women are not healthy, so instead of being attracted to the traditional alpha they go for low-lifes and scum.
      In traditional society, Bonecrcker notes that Alphas were usually snatched up very quickly by the hottest of women who would then fend off other females from poaching her mate.
      But in today’s society, females do not care about keeping any one man, so instead alpha’s are shared and anyone who can ape alpha characteristics can get laid. Evil men in particular who flaunt authority appear powerful and attractive to women, but they would have never been attractive by traditional standards.

      1. Since when did Alpha become redefined to ‘that which is attractive to women’? In animal social behaviour, alphas are those who possess power and social standing. If we’re going to redefine the meaning of alpha in arbitrary ways, then we might as well just drop the world altogether and just say ‘Hot Guys’.

        1. When speaking in Game lingo, alpha = that which is attractive to women.
          It’s just a shorthand and it sounds better than using hot guys.

        2. Also, the word “hot guys” generally refers to physical features, but we all know that women are not merely attracted to how a man looks. See my last week’s post, “Alpha is Anything” for a breakdown on this.

      2. Bonecrcker’s definition of alpha is: a man who “has the respect and cooperation of other men, especially other men in general (i.e. he has power and respect in society, not just socially)”. Your definition of alpha is “that which is attractive to women”. By your definition, aren’t the low-lifes, scum, evil men, etc. that ape alpha characteristics, alpha? Even though it’s an unhealthy attraction?
        All I’m trying to get at is a more refined understanding of alpha, since it’s a generalization that gets thrown around a lot and portrayed as a state of being that men should aspire towards. A “traditional alpha” sounds like what my understanding of the term has been. Bonecrcker also says that having multiple sex partners is an omega thing, which threw me for a loop. Perhaps the terminology could be different, but I do see a distinction between a guy who gets laid a lot and a guy who commits a top quality girl.

        1. “has the respect and cooperation of other men, especially other men in general (i.e. he has power and respect in society, not just socially)”
          He didn’t say that was the definition, but that it was the easiest way to spot an alpha. The way I interpreted that passage was in light of the final paragraph:
          “Humans aren’t apes. We have a different mating strategy than them. Women compete for the best man they can get (at a very young age) and then stick with him for life. He sometimes cheats, but not to reproduce. She never cheats. Everyone pairs up. Whenever you see people straying from this paradigm, fucked-upness starts to happen. This is what is happening with women. They are becoming more and more omega. Their clustering around these men is not a normal thing, which is why it is so fucked up in all other ways.”
          He’s speaking about how humans normally behave in healthy circumstances. What happens today is clearly against the normal mating behavior of humans, thus it follows that it is sick and messed up. But it doesn’t mean the guys who get girls are less alpha, it’s just that things are becoming fucked up and you can tell by measuring who the alphas are today against what would traditionally be considered alpha in a healthy society.
          Moroever, even bad boys today command the respect of many men. They have their own posse of fucked up losers who follow them around.

        2. That’s a good explanation. I guess you could say that “Alpha” can manifest itself in different ways. What’s attractive to American women isn’t necessarily so to Russian or Bulgarian women, thus the need to adapt one’s environment. Western “game” seems to be an adaptation to the brokenness of women. It seems to me that being a “traditional alpha” in Eastern European/FSU countries will attract far higher quality women, than game will get you here. Rooshe’s notch metric seems to support this:
          “The player is not born. He’s created in broken societies…”

        3. Sure it does. You can pursue the “notch conveyor belt” (as prominent PUAs call it) or seek out a lasting relationship. Some guys will have to experience the former to appreciate the latter, though the struggle between our base nature and higher qualities never ceases.

    2. After spending time here, I came to the exact same conclusion. This was magnified by an experience with a particularly deranged “bad apple.”

  10. So how does one explain such theory of a turn to mass self-destruction within, what, 2 generations?

    1. Unleashing the beast from the cage, proceeding on the assumption that reality isn’t what it is and can be papered over.

  11. If you unearth the works of Solomon II, I might cry like a little girl.
    Well, maybe not, but he belongs in this series.

    1. I felt pretty down in the dumps the first time I read it, and I found myself in a bitter mood after re-reading it a couple weeks back.
      But I think in the long run it’s an important tool in understanding the true nature of women, not just in the sense that “chicks dig jerks”, but a deep, honest, no holds barred resource is needed to protect yourself in today’s society, and even improve your game.

      1. The reason why it fucks with me so bad is that it destroys all of the dreams I had in my youth. I just wanted a simple life, simple wife and I thought I could find that. Then I realized how fucked up women are. I think what I hate most about bonecracker is that I wanted to have intimacy with a woman, to love and be loved. And even after being in the manosphere for over a year, the information still chokes me.
        The more I read the more I look down on women. The more I see their games and what bonecracker calls their sickness. By comparison men are so simple. Imagine if we could all live together without women and just fuck a perfect replica 100% silicone sex bot whenever we wanted. Think about having sex on demand without worrying about it. Without dealing with all of the fucking sickness of females. Where game was a stupid forgotten concept that had no place. Where there was no feminism and no need for it.
        Maybe we can just build sex bots and then ship women off to some island and let them deal with each other without men. Let them see how bored and miserable they really are.
        The problem with sex is that women control it.

      2. The reason why it fucks with me so bad is that it destroys all of the dreams I had in my youth. I just wanted a simple life, simple wife and I thought I could find that. Then I realized how fucked up women are. I think what I hate most about bonecracker is that I wanted to have intimacy with a woman, to love and be loved. And even after being in the manosphere for over a year, the information still chokes me.
        The more I read the more I look down on women. The more I see their games and what bonecracker calls their sickness. By comparison men are so simple. Imagine if we could all live together without women and just fuck a perfect replica 100% silicone sex bot whenever we wanted. Think about having sex on demand without worrying about it. Without dealing with all of the fucking sickness of females. Where game was a stupid forgotten concept that had no place. Where there was no feminism and no need for it.
        Maybe we can just build sex bots and then ship women off to some island and let them deal with each other without men. Let them see how bored and miserable they really are.
        The problem with sex is that women control it.

        1. Almost every single High School friend who got married is now, 20 years later, divorced and supporting their ex-wifes, despite every one of them having a new husband or boyfriend, and rarely get to see their kids. Eleven out of twelve.
          Number twelve? She cheated on her 6ft4 muscular husband with a skinny musician / drug dealer, and fucked up her life enough that he actually got custody of his son.
          They all used to shame me for never being married, but now they’ve all said variations of “Women all seem evil and sick” to me over the last 12 months.

        2. Sorry to hear that about your friends. My personal experience and the observations about my friends and family have not been so bad. All the men in my family are married to their first wives. All of them seem generally happy. One of my brothers got a divorce but he’s an alcoholic who married a horrible, abusive woman who everyone now refers to as the Wicked Witch.

        3. “The reason why it fucks with me so bad is that it destroys all of the dreams I had in my youth. I just wanted a simple life, simple wife and I thought I could find that. Then I realized how fucked up women are. I think what I hate most about bonecracker is that I wanted to have intimacy with a woman, to love and be loved. And even after being in the manosphere for over a year, the information still chokes me.”
          ^^ THESE ^^ Are my EXACT sentiments, good sir. You nailed it – fucking nailed it.

    2. Dating isn’t so bad. Plenty of people have happy marriages that last. You can’t take everything the guy says as the absolute truth, when he’s talking about the behaviors of millions of people from every social strata and cultural/educational background.

  12. This is one of the greatest things that I have ever read. I am going to spend a weekend reading through the rest of it.

  13. I enjoyed hearing him write about race but he doesn’t take his hypothesis far enough.

  14. Fantastic post, thanks for introducing us to Bonecrckers work.
    I am pleased that ROK has inmalafide style become a place to collate the best of the manosphere. there were so many good links from the past that i’ve misplaced or lost [pook, the letter from a father to his son, etc] that having them in one place again helps a great deal
    i’d also add that solomon’s work [if you can find it] and more recent delusion damage’s stuff could also be added to that list

  15. I especially like the “binge and purge” description of approaching. That, more than anything else, makes the most sense. Not that approaching isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, but those of us who like to be efficient and not waste time (e.g., this guy), can go for the ones who look like they’re ready to pop.
    I only wish that he’d have gone more into how to deal with the average woman when out and about. Unless you’re fucking her already or she’s in her binge mode, what use is she to you? We still have to interact with these women daily, but are there any typical strategies to economize speech and interaction, and cut them off when they provide no value?

  16. I just read through everything he wrote. He’s not correct, but he’s wrong in a really interesting way. Firstly, I don’t think I’ve ever looked at some criminal and felt any kind of attraction. I don’t think this is true for most women either. I guess there are certain qualities that criminals possess that make them attractive, such as daring or confidence. But their criminality itself is not attractive. Secondly, attraction isn’t random for women; it’s just that different women are attracted to completely different qualities. I suspect it’s built in to reduce competition for men. I mean, you can’t have a community where every single woman is going after one man – that would be such a mess. So instead, every girl I’ve talked to about this has a really specific type and they only date men who fit that type. For that reason, there is generally very little consensus when it comes to men that women find attractive. Lastly, women don’t care about sex, they care only about attention. The only reason why women go out and prance around and sleep with random guys is to get attention. But the second the attention stops coming, sex becomes meaningless so they turn frigid. So giving a woman attention is actually the most important part of maintaining a relationship, because she’s going to be miserable without it. It’s almost like a man’s attention is feedback that she’s doing a good job as your girlfriend/wife/whatever. Let it dry up, and the woman will assume you don’t want her anymore and thus will seek other options. Also, that one girl out of a hundred who eye-fucks you when you look at her is definitely certifiably insane.

  17. I just read through everything he wrote. He’s not correct, but he’s
    wrong in a really interesting way. Firstly, I don’t think I’ve ever
    looked at some criminal on TV and felt any kind of attraction. I don’t think
    this is true for most women either. I guess there are certain qualities
    that criminals possess that make them attractive, such as daring or
    confidence. Often, it’s only thugs who will have the guts to approach a woman, because they have nothing to lose and women love men who give them attention. Secondly,
    attraction isn’t random for women; it’s just that different women are
    attracted to completely different qualities. I suspect it’s built in to
    reduce competition for men. I mean, you can’t have a community where
    every single woman is going after one man – that would be such a mess.
    So instead, every girl I know has a really specific
    type and they only date men who fit that type. For that reason, there is
    generally very little consensus when it comes to men that women find
    attractive, and it allows girls to be friends with each other. Lastly, women don’t care about sex, they care only about
    attention. The only reason why women go out and prance around and sleep
    with random guys is to get attention. But the second the attention stops
    coming, sex becomes meaningless so they turn frigid. So giving a woman
    attention is actually the most important part of maintaining a
    relationship, because she’s going to be miserable without it. It’s
    almost like a man’s attention is feedback that she’s doing a good job as
    your girlfriend/wife/whatever. Let it dry up, and the woman will assume
    you don’t want her anymore and thus will seek other options. Also, that
    one girl out of a hundred who eye-fucks you when you look at her is
    definitely certifiably insane.

  18. I just read through everything he wrote. He’s not correct, but he’s wrong in a really interesting way. Firstly, women are in general, pretty morally ambivalent. They don’t really have firm opinions or stances on anything, which is why they can find criminals to be attractive, as long as they possess attractive qualities such as daring and confidence. Secondly, female attraction is highly specific to the woman. Every girl has a really specific type and they only date men who fit that type, and we don’t end up killing each other, fighting over the one alpha male. Lastly, women don’t care about sex, they care only about attention. The only reason why women go out and prance around and sleep with random guys is to get attention. But the second the attention stops coming, sex becomes meaningless so they turn frigid. So giving a woman attention is actually the most important part of maintaining a relationship, because she’s going to be miserable without it. It’s almost like a man’s attention is feedback that she’s doing a good job as your girlfriend/wife/whatever. Let it dry up, and the woman will assume you don’t want her anymore and thus will seek other options. Also, that one girl out of a hundred who eye-fucks you when you look at her is definitely certifiably insane.

    1. Complete crap.
      >They don’t really have firm opinions or stances on anything.
      Every man who’s met a Feminist or seen a Bridezilla in full flight is laughing at you. Women have firm opinions – they’re just usually over petty rubbish. More serious opinions are usually ill-informed, based upon ‘feelings’, or rationalised in an unhealthy way.
      >which is why they can find criminals to be attractive, as long as they possess attractive qualities such as daring and confidence
      This is why i’m laughing over the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Rolling Stone cover supposedly ‘sexifying’ a terrorist. I look at that and see a spotty adolescent twerp who’s into Dungeons and Dragons who, under normal circumstance, would be instantly friendzoned. Young women en masse have decided he’s ‘sexy’, and their solipsism overides the fact he blew the legs off of children.
      See also: Aaron Hernandez. This is beyond moral-ambivilance – women simply *don’t care* about things like murder, terrorism and child abuse if the guy is fuckable. Women are, simply, evil. in their self-interest.
      >Every girl has a really specific type and they only date men who fit that type
      No. Every girl has a fantasy archetype in her head that she’ll gossip about with her frenemies, then proceed to fuck and pursue a series of guys that don’t remotely match her stated preference. She’s rationalise her actions to deal with the uncomfortable cognitive dissonance. They appear mentally broken to the observant males around them who literally can’t understand why they say one thing, then consistently do the other, hence The Red Pill.
      >So giving a woman attention is actually the most important part of maintaining a relationship,
      Oh, be a dear and fuck off to the kitchen. Women pursue men because they like sex with bad boy / alpha male figures. Women turn frigid because their partners no longer sexually excite them, usually because he’s too ‘nice’ and ‘submissive’, meaning Attentive To Her Needs And Desires. Women can get all the attention they want from men by using the Friendzone, without having to spread their legs.

      1. When I say morally ambiguous, I’m saying that evil basically doesn’t matter. I think it’s true for men too. Don’t men find the evil girls who try to kill James Bond attractive? Men also put up with all sorts of horrible abuse from beautiful women in relationships. They’re not evil just because they’ll tolerate it. They’re just mentally weak.
        I also stand by the fact that women don’t have strong opinions about anything. They go with whatever opinion is fashionable and they’ll stick with it as long as it’s fashionable without ever thinking about it. It’s just how women are by nature. They seek consensus and approval rather than truth. When the dominant opinion in America changes, these feminists will be the ones who will be the most vocal in reinforcing whatever ideology replaces it.
        Also, all women definitely have types; whether they’re aware of them is a completely different matter. If you look through a woman’s dating history, every guy will share similar characteristics. Girls say they want a lot of things, but who they’re actually attracted to barely changes over time and is specific to the woman. Thus the woman who rejected bonecrker because he had brown eyes instead of blue ones.The only exception to this rule is if it’s fashionable to be attracted to a particular individual.
        The third paragraph part I wrote from observations about my own relationship. If your personal experiences differ from it, disregard it.

  19. Holy shit, reading his work and realizing he wrote this in 2004. It is true what he wrote. Wish I found this back then, would’ve made all the bad times I had be over sooner.

  20. WOW! This article really hit rock bottom. Thanks for sharing this. I checked out this Bonecrcker his other material and everything he writes down is pure wisdom. He has the ability to write down what everybody somewhere feels but they can’t lay their finger on it.
    The only remark I have is that Bonecrcker advocates to only approach when the girl invites you with her eye-contact (like it works in normal-life). Most of us rarely get this eyecontact. I got it a few times and each time it resulted in a dick-in-vag event, but the return of investment is too low if you work that way in places where it’s culturally not accepted to search 4 eyecontact or where the supply of woman is too low. You can keep waiting forever.

  21. BoneCrakr is still around and to this day regularly posts Amazon reviews with the same name. His abrasive, no-nonsense style of writing is unmistakable.

  22. Interesting articles…and glad to know that we all weren’t going crazy 10 years ago.
    There has always been a nagging feeling that something was off. And, of course, I always thought it was all me to blame…but now I know that a trend with women had started.
    I know self improvement is needed (and I had already started it about ten years ago). But, flaky women kept popping up now and then. It’s good to have this site and information to use, today.

  23. “For whatever reason, it is a problem endemic to westernized countries
    but is worst in the US, where our laws seriously enable these
    Reason: feminism.

  24. Samseau is ok, but F.O.S. on this one. Betas are this, Alphas and Omegas another thing, flipping the definitions to suit the paragraph. Sammy, you got no continuity of thought (not to tell you how to ply your trade or anything). Maybe the next morning when the Maker’s Mark is cleared from your brain, maybe you could smoke a joint and punch these essays up a little? That’s how George Carlin did it. The cogent (but hardly original) and accurate underlying theme is that women in America today are mostly flat out of stock on the ability to love, marry and be companions. We get it. The rest is fluff. My humble opinion.
    Your mileage MAY vary.

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