24 Signs She’s A Slut

The other night I met up with a girl I’d met online. Despite having a stripped-down profile that revealed very little about her sexual appetites, I went in optimistic about getting laid that night. In my head, I’d somehow ascertained she had “slut face,” and was therefore more likely than others to put out. Before every date—as a sort of silly little game with myself—I like to set a percentage for the likelihood that I’ll get laid that night. I adjust it up or down throughout the evening depending on certain cues, and how well I figure my game is landing. Hers started at an aggressive 25 percent, meaning that I’d assessed, going in, I had a 1-in-4 chance of banging this girl on the first date–all before having ever spoken a word to her.


When I got the girl to my apartment later that night, her number jumped from 40 to 60 percent. It had already been climbing steadily from its starting point thanks to a series of subtle slut tells she’d been emitting at the bar. When we started making out, her responsiveness pushed the number to 75 percent. When she announced “I’m not having sex with you,” it climbed to 90 percent. Most experienced womanizers recognize that statement as more-times-than-not a girl’s final, feeble pawing at her sex snooze-button. When, after increasingly spirited making-out, I reached for her pants button, she confessed, “I want to have sex, but guys don’t respect girls who have sex on the first date. And, [in a disappointed tone] I’m on my period.” 98 percent.


I responded, with a smirk and joking tone, “If it makes you feel any better I already don’t respect you. I’ll go get a red towel. Go take out that tampon.” She laughed and ran to the bathroom. 100 percent. I don’t normally have sex during periods, but make exceptions for new bangs.

There are no guarantees in life, but I felt increasingly confident throughout the night that I could bang this girl. Why? Because she’d displayed a double-digit count of my classic slut tells.

Tuthmosis’s Abridged List of Slut Tells

1. Has tattoos. This is especially the case if they’re visible, multiple, large, and elaborate. If they have sexual themes, you’re in like Flynn.

2. Piercings outside of the traditional earlobe placement. Sluttiness increases as you radiate from the lobe, to other parts of the ear, to the nose crumb, to the bull-ring. Other parts of the face—and erogenous zones—speak even louder.


3. Has “slut face.” You either recognize it or you don’t.

4. Cusses a lot. Especially if she uses the words “fuck,” “pussy,” or “cock” outside of the bedroom.

5. Not ticklish. I’ve noticed that girls who aren’t ticklish aren’t so because they’re used to being handled (by men). Almost every prude is super ticklish, while sluts are rarely so. Sluts may have a physical response to light touching, but it’s rarely a tickled sensation.

6. Broaches the topic of illegal drugs (even marijuana) without prompting. The more illegal, the sluttier.

7. Has big tits. They probably came in early, which translates into additional years of male attention.

8. Shows excessive skin for weather conditions. Exposes the midriff, lower back, or ass-piece from the bottom of her daisy-dukes even when it’s not super-hot.

9. Has extra body hair (arms, girl-sideburns, girl-mustache) and/or a low speaking voice. This, I’m told, is simple biology. More hair and low voice equals more testosterone. It’s an imperfect metric, though, because women of certain ethnicities are just more hirsute by default.


10. Associates with confirmed sluts. Her friends are often one of your best weathervanes. Birds of a feather, as they say.

11. Shows interests in girls, has “hooked up” with girls, or claims to be “bi-sexual.” Bi-sexuality has quickly become a stand-in for hyper-sexuality.

12. Is currently, or was at some point, in a sorority. Sororities are little more than pussy buffets for the campus fraternities.

13. Has traveled alone, or with only girls, to fuck-fest locations (e.g., Jamaica). This is often a tell-tale sign of a sex-on-vacation-doesn’t-count case.

14. Was a cheerleader in high school. Cheerleaders have, and exploit, access to the most desirable and horniest dudes at school.

15. Went, or goes, to a known party college (e.g., Arizona State, USC, UC Santa Barbara). Girls are copycats, and when all of her friends “are doing it” (whatever “it” is), they do too. (See No. 10.)


16. Lost her virginity on the younger side (15 and down). The earlier they start, the longer they tend to ride the carousel.

17. Likes tequila shots or party drugs (e.g., Extasy/MDMA). These are the drugs of choice for the promiscuous.

18. Is “friends” with DJs, promoters, or other small-time pseudo-celebs. This is a world in which the gears are lubricated with pussy—even more directly than others.

19. Is an artist, or a wannabe “model” who has done “photo shoots.” Girls in the arts tend to have a loose attitude toward sex, especially if their “art” involves “expressing themselves” with their body.

20. Broaches the topic of sex first. This may seem like a no-brainer, but they often do so in subtle ways that can seem plausibly deniable. They never are.

21. Has a bad relationship with her father and/or has divorced parents. “Daddy issues” are classic, but accurate predictors of her relationship to men and sex.


22. Describes herself as a feminist or with any of its jargon (“pansexual,” “demi-sexual,” “cis-gendered”). You may not be able to stand a feminist long enough to bang her yourself but, in trying to prove she can do everything a man can do, she likely fucks with impunity.

23. Has an even, nice tan that she maintains. Girls with even, perfect tans spend a lot of time semi-naked, often in semi-public.

24. Hair dyed a nontraditional color (e.g., blue). Like piercings and tattoos, dyed hair telegraphs “rebellion” to social norms. That almost always translates into sluttiness.

Whether you use them to get laid more reliably, or to avoid wifeing up the town bike, these cues should be on every man’s slut radar. Sure, there are exceptions to all of them. You could meet a nun with a tattoo, or a ticklish slut, but these are—especially the more of them that are evident—some of most accurate predictors of sluttiness you’ll encounter.

Don’t Miss: 26 MORE Signs She’s A Slut

4,855 thoughts on “24 Signs She’s A Slut”

  1. Forgot another major one: being overweight in some form. More often then not fatties require more sex to prove that they are as desirable as their better looking counterparts.

    1. Or they need to use sex to just get attention from desirable males. You don’t find many 9s going for one-night stands under non-Vegas conditions. But for 6s, it’s the rule.

      1. i.e., if the girl in question is a knockout, the slut tells are somewhat weaker than they’d be for plain janes or fatties.

        1. The hotter one is, male or female, the more selective they can be.
          For a man, means he can fuck anything, and still take the nine home. Sorry jezebel (not really), just biology. If you bitches actually practiced mind over matter, you would not be stuck reading your brand of shit, while watching e-tonight, while eating peanut butter covered ho-hos.
          Full house, and a raise of big testicles, and the thousand penises you all have had, each, for the win.

      2. It’s more like supply and demand. If you’re a caviar or a Ferrari you don’t need to be giving out free samples… or free test drives to everyone. Only an idiot would buy an STD riddled annoying cow. Btw nobody wants to see that so cover up.

        1. Yea, sex is like a barter system of sorts.
          Hot men don’t need to be giving it out all willy-nilly, you know? Thats only for the STD riddled man-whores. Whats the hottest dude you’ve ever banged??

    2. The sluttiest girl I know of on campus right now is a lardo. Although, a few years back, I knew of a college slut who was slender and cute, about a 7, but was also dumb as a fencepost… so, low IQ perhaps too.

      1. wow cool story bro, I wonder why all the dudes slept with the ugly girl. you’re probably not very attractive :/

    3. Thats stupid, fat people dont care about their appearance because they are not looking for men to bang them – two reasons, they are either married or just not like sex.

      1. Ok, I was being nice in the prior response, but you are just plain stupid. Only two reasons? How about she is fat and hideous and no amount of clothing or make up will fix that. Putting lipstick on a pig will not make the pig any more attractive. So maybe that is why they don’t care. Tell me about a chubby chaser and I’ll have to say he has issues. And if you had an honest conversation with anyone, they will tell you they like sex. People say they don’t like sex because it sounds better than saying, “no one will have sex with me because I am hideous.” You don’t seem fat Aurea, give me your number. I just won’t have kids with you because I don’t want my kids to be stupid.

      2. Fat women are mentally ill. What kind of mentally-healthy wench would actually choose to ignore the instinctual drive for self-preservation by severely damaging her body? None. Its the same reason suicidal people are considered mentally ill. In this light, I can see how obese people could be considered suicidal.

  2. #20 is the only infallible one. The rest can be rebelling conformists artsy-fartsy types or attention whores or even cockblockers etc, but those that start talking about sex, and what they like, outside of any relationship, are sluts. They are basically screaming “fuck me!”

    1. Disagree. All the signs he listed are pretty reliable cues for slutdom.
      Rebelling artsy fartsy tattooed chicks have one night stands. There’s a whole swath of girls out there who will rarely if ever be receptive to same night lays, except as Tut observes on vacation.
      Being able to recognize these signs is useful for prioritizing among girls you’re gaming.

    2. This implies that a girl will display only one symptom per case. I’d say if a girl only displays one sign–any of them–it’s unlikely she’ll turn out to be a slut. I tried to make clear in the piece that it’s about how many a girl displays–the more signs, the more likely she’s slutty, and the more intensely so.

  3. Not sure what I like better: that guys can learn from this or that the Jezebel crowd will have seizures reading it. Also the line “Bi-sexuality has quickly become a stand-in for hyper-sexuality” is gold.

      1. I’m a feminist with an epileptic boyfriend (who is also a feminist), so way to hit both of us at the same time, douchebag. YOU HAVE EARNED SO MANY MAN POINTS.

        1. You made that up. You are appealing to normal people’s (we are not including you in this definition) feelings of compassion. This is very dishonest of you.

        2. I “made up” the fact that my boyfriend of three years has epilepsy? I just imagined all those times he had a tonic clonic seizure and fell out of bed and vomited on himself and couldn’t remember my name for an hour after? I imagined those days of work he misses following a seizure because his spasms cause such muscle pain the next day that sometimes he can hardly get out of bed? I imagine how I have to drive him EVERYWHERE and always exist in a state of panic whenever he goes for walks around town because this will be the day he has a seizure in the middle of a crosswalk and gets run over or something irrational like that? Yes. I’m the dishonest, abnormal liar. You people are astonishingly delusional. I’m not even mad, bro, just bemused. You are, like, laughably pathetic.

    1. Here from the jezebel crowd, nope, no seizures, but it makes you all look pretty pathetic. You look at sex like something you steal or trick someone into, not something two people should both enjoy. Good luck with that.

      1. I am sure you feel better after that comment. Don’t forget to share the gallon jug of mint chocolate chip ice cream as you continue with your emotional eating.

        1. if you have to trick someone into having sex it doesnt make them pure, it makes you a rapist.

        2. Feminists have deliberately broadened the definition of rape in order to create the “rape-crisis” image of our society in order to rally votes, move hearts and manipulate people into supporting their cause. “tricking” like men do in order to get laid is similar to a waitress wearing a tight dress because she “knows” she’ll get more tips. These are simple mental games. It’s not rape to be conversationally adept.

    2. Let me add something to my original comment (above), directed at all the haters here. MEN are allowed to have their preferences. If we don’t like something and think it makes a woman a slut, that’s our prerogative. We aee not here to serve women and bend to women’s needs and wants. Women have their own 5,000-point checklists. Men are allowed to have opinions on what we do and don’t like about women — such as this list. Deal with it.

    3. I’m a Christian, and this disgusts me, if your “Jezebel crowd” thing is a Biblical reference. If you read the Bible in context, which I doubt, I’m sure you’d understand Jesus would probably hate it too, viper.

      1. DoBA was talking about the foaming-at-the-mouth feminist website, not the Biblical figure.

      2. You’re a Christian, therefore everything disgusts you. You’re lucky for not having heard of jezebel.com, though.

  4. The biggest indicator of them all in my experience is the ‘slut face’. Even in my blue-pill days I had an unexplainable but uncanny ability to tell if a girl was a slut (or was going to be one) just by looking at her face. I remember doing this with absolute certainty as early as 12. I thought I was alone, since I’ve seen dudes treat slut face girls like princesses.
    but to this day I couldn’t tell you what exactly makes for one.

      1. Sometimes “Slut Face” is hard to describe, but we all know it when we see it. “Slut Face” sets off a man’s Spidey Sense.

  5. Just checked as joking after a fling that went wrong today. Ficking close to the reality that this girl was. Except USC stuff (I’m from europe so useless except if I hit into american girls).
    BTW 21# is really true imo, somehow, it makes them more emotionally unstable

  6. I would love to see this article reposted on Jezebel, just to see the inevitable trainwreck the comment section would become.
    If I was a shrink, this would be my diagnostic checklist for whoredom.

      1. Ah, those famed gender wars feminists and Jezebelites want to end.
        Yes, we are idiots. The idiots who built this country in every way possible. Of course, you would have done it, too, were it not for our misogynistic, wayward penises. We were so worried about our fragile egos we held you down by forcing you to care for your children. It was all about us. We just happened to do it while oppressing you. You just would not have done it, but far surpassed us with your desire for diversity and inclusion. That is what progress is made of.
        Yep, men are idiots.

      2. We tried to come up with the 25th sign of sluttiness, but without your photo as a reference it kinda became a challenge. That is why we decided to leave the list as it is.
        Yes, you are special and unique.

  7. I think we are quickly reaching a point where recognizing these signs will no longer be necessary since most north American girls can’t control the impulsive need to broadcast their sluttyness.

  8. They’re ALL Sluts… just remember that. Once you realize this simple truth it puts them right in their proper place and obliterates any pedestal they may have been perched upon.

      1. Minor technical refinement suggested: All women are whores, some more sluttier than others. I don’t think any women are true sluts, or very few are. Everything a woman does is status (sub)conscious, and a woman’s best asset is her sexuality. Per evo psychology, women must whore (barter) their sexuality (or whore false credit on sexuality not delivered, poor beta). Women who don’t whore are weeded out of the gene pool. (Liberated women whore to alpha gov. and PC mission.) Women instinctively calculate and emotionally feel they are improving themselves with experience on the cock carousel, learning how high they can pull and never forgetting the component maximums even past 40, as if they still got it to get the maximum composite. Of course, they are wrong. Women are not cultural. The pill gives them an option in their minds nature never did.

        1. How can women who “don’t whore” and are “weeded out” exist if “all women are whores, some more sluttier than others”?
          This is getting convoluted. Whores and sluts are certainly different, and there is a reason for the differing terminology. The only constant between them is some type of sex act, but certainly not all acts that could be considered sexual.
          A whore will have sex for compensation, most commonly some form of currency and not for status. Unless
          it’s to be the best whore on the block. Drugs are also considered to be a form of payment to some of
          these working women. They can also be quite depraved and it is only a question of compensation as to
          what they will or won’t do. Very little is off the table to the customer if they have the means to pay.
          Bartering however implies an even trade for both parties. Paying for sex is never an even trade for a man, it’s certainly good for the whore since it’s her profession. Hence the term “whore”.
          A whore is certainly “calculating” in regards to services rendered, and is also “improving” financially. Whores probably have little care for how high they can pull, it’s all just business as usual.
          Sluts will have sex as long as the rationalization hamster can justify it, which is quite often. Hence the term “slut”. It can most certainly be for status whether conscious or subconscious. However sluts are
          not going to perform all the acts of depravity a whore will. Some of the best whores no doubt started their careers as sluts making it an easy transition.
          If you tell a slut you are going anal on her she will more than likely say no. She still wants to believe she is a good girl and doesn’t do THAT, even if she is engaging in slutty behavior at this particular moment in time. If you tell her you are willing to throw her a Benjamin and she says yes, then by golly mister you got yourself a whore.

        2. “If you tell a slut you are going anal on her she will more than likely say no. She still wants to believe she is a good girl and doesn’t do THAT, even if she is engaging in slutty behavior at this particular moment in time. If you tell her you are willing to throw her a Benjamin and she says yes, then by golly mister you got yourself a whore.”
          Fucking hilarious I just pissed myself! Damn if it aint the truth!

        3. You make a valid distinction. However, the female brain reduces her sex marketing real and false to the same primitive calculus. It does not matter if she is a hooker, if she is getting drugs, if she is exploring her pull ability in the SMP, getting a free drink. She is leveraging her sexuality for maximal advantage as she sees it. She has no equity scruples. It’s always about rank. Rank Principle not Equity Principle. The hooker makes cash for rank in society not love of serving the customer. Women have sex to get what they want if the less expensive and more (primally reproductively) profitable promise of sex will not do. You give women too much credit for thinking in terms of barter equality. Women are not civilized and do not think that way. It may appear that way on the surface by coincidence only. Women simply see authority and opportunity and climb, climb, climb using their sexuality as a bargaining chip, but they do NOT bargain in good faith. They are seductive instinctively, and Game is adaptation to the female way of subconsciously calculating. Women do not adapt to men; they can’t. Women do not make culture or free-market economies; they can’t. The are feral opportunists who will take $20 for sex if seen as a net benefit which very much hinges upon social rank, as you admit.
          “If you tell a slut you are going anal on her she will more than likely say no.”
          You led off your comment with an obvious ignorance about evolution. Evolution is the foundational theory and map on Game. Too often, men are emotionally wounded and need to rip on women for not accommodating men in the masculinely social way, a fair and logical way, but that is expecting fish to fly. A flying fish is only gliding, and does not disproove the huge gap. Men put women in their place, or civilization goes down. There are no civilized sex bargainers who are women. Ladies are forced into being ladies by fathers and husbands skilled and farming the mentally weaker sex. Thats why men with wives are called husbands. Life partners and significant others sneekily implies partnership which will never work between man and woman without women evolving with as much culling pressure for logic as men did.

        4. so if she says yes, that means she is not slut? You just hate women…. oooo so ssad life you live..

        5. Correct, if she says yes… she is a whore. You’re starting to get the hang of it. It’s all written out for you but I understand your trouble with logic. It’s natural you are only displaying your lack of reasoning inherent to females.
          You may now proceed to display your usual emotional based response.

        6. Doug… you’re a funny guy. Do you ever get out and interact with real women? You know the ones not made of latex stuffed under your bed? Or in your closet? Or in your parents closet?
          Honestly you sound like just another AFC trying to use his logic and reason to explain the female condition of wildly fluctuating hormones and emotions.
          Using all your hard earned pop psychology evolution from a feminist academia to impress us all. Yet you still didn’t address the following question and went off on your own tangent with your flying fish and other such scenarios.
          How can women who “don’t whore” and are “weeded out” exist if “all women are whores, some more sluttier than others”?

        7. Your question makes no sense, still. Women are in competition to reproduce like all creatures. Women are walking baby factories. They must leverage (‘whore’) that sexuality better than other women enough to succeed reproductively. Women can be ‘sluts’ only because in the plenty and propaganda of feminism they believe they are leveraging their sexuality for high status and resource consumption per state political orthodoxy. Your so-called sluts don’t understand culture or abstract reasoning or non-immediate consequences. You are silly to think ‘sluts’ understand that they depreciate themselves. Sluts will NOT fuck most men because they are leveraging quality as they understand it, even if its wrong in a cultural context. Women are evolutionarily anachronistic and judge male worthiness on feral standards.
          Who can take you seriously with your illogical question? Only the dumb asses. All you have is a strawman argument and a question that does not even make sense. You are a troll or an idiot or both. Q.E.D.

        8. And a nerve was struck!!! Let the name calling begin in earnest. It appears the question that was asked is literally from your very own comment. I have no dog in this fight but this particular area of posting is looking a little heated. Let’s not fight fellas we are all working towards the same thing. At least I think we are.
          My two cents, a whore is an unfaithful woman. God divorced an unfaithful whore named Israel for her acts of whoredom. Sure it’s not literally a marriage and Israel is not actually a woman but it’s his word and I am not about to challenge the almighty. So for me a whore is unfaithfulness personified.
          Now a slut in my opinion is a promiscuous never married woman who is playing the field until “mister right” comes along, then she will marry him. Of course at some point she will decide to have an affair and initiate divorce, this act of unfaithfulness leads to her whoredom.
          So again in my opinion they are two different creatures. I think the confusion might be that “whore” has been associated with prostitution. Not to say that it isn’t the case, but whores in the old west many times we’re married. So maybe that is why whore is a good description of them, because it is still unfaithful. Wyatt Earp’s own brother, can’t remember his name but I believe it was an older brother was one such instance, his wife supplemented their income with her sexuality.
          I too have a bit of trouble with all the psychology that is being presented, I just chalk all of this woman trouble and behavior up to our fallen sin nature. There is a reason Satan decided to tempt Eve, some weakness perhaps he knew he could exploit. Regardless he must have known that getting her to sin would be the best way to get Adam to sin. It was two for one deal. God never created perfect people in the Garden Of Eden, when he was done from all his work he called his creation good, which is far from perfect.
          Sin is only making things worse every day, it’s never going to get better. God cursed us to futility and we can see it at work everyday. Things aren’t going to get better, the decline is real. It’s also the curse of woman desiring to master her husband that is evident all around. Women are fulfilling that curse, wanting to be like men, have our jobs, our money, acting like they think we act. The apocalypse draws nigh.
          The Bible is the real book on game.

      2. Minor technical refinement suggested: All women are whores, some more sluttier than others. I don’t think any women are true sluts, or very few are. Everything a woman does is status (sub)conscious, and a woman’s best asset is her sexuality. Per evo psychology, women must whore (barter) their sexuality (or whore false credit on sexuality not delivered, poor beta). Women who don’t whore are weeded out of the gene pool. (Liberated women whore to alpha gov. and PC mission.) Women instinctively calculate and emotionally feel they are improving themselves with experience on the cock carousel, learning how high they can pull and never forgetting the component maximums even past 40, as if they still got it to get the maximum composite. Of course, they are wrong. Women are not cultural. The pill gives them an option in their minds nature never did.

      3. And your point being? Or is this just a debate, do we now need a rating system for sluts? This one is a 10 or that one is only a 7 on the slut factor scale. The fact remains that yes most women are sluts. “More sluttier than others” is irrelevant, she is or she isn’t. A slut is going to put out, regardless of her slut factor. That’s kind of what makes her a slut, isn’t it?

    1. Roissy has a maxim in regards to this.
      Maxim #8: Always assume she is a slut. It helps kick the legs out from under the pedestal you will be tempted to put her on, and it is more often than not true.
      This single bit of advice has helped me a great deal and maybe more so than anything else because I had such a tendency to put them on said pedestal.
      I can thank my mother however for all the worthless advice in regards to women.

    2. Why do you hate women so much? That’s so weird to me. And ironic, because I’m a feminist and I don’t hate men at all. Some are amazing. Some are not. Some women are amazing. Some are not. This all just seems like a bunch of women bashing guys, and that’s just odd to me.

  9. I fully expected: The interior of her car is in a total fucking mess, and she was/is any kind of athlete.

    1. thats stupid, especially if she has her own job and cant clean up car. That just means that she doesnt expect company. WOmen who sleeps around would have more cleaner car because they drag men to their beds.

      1. You think some guy who is about to have sex with a slut is going stop because she has a dirty car? “OMG she has a dirty car, can’t fuck her now!” Dirty car=dirty girl. I think you need to tell yourself that you’re stupid. Or I can do it for you if you like, princess.

  10. Hmmmm… For me I have found that the slut face looks like she is hungry for something (perhaps cock). Am I wrong?

  11. So what’s the conclusion? I don’t think it’s hard to ID sluts. I love the “slut-face” our contributor mentions – difficult to describe but easy to recognize. But what use are sluts? I know many men value and enjoy them for their low effort sexual payout. On the other hand, that which isn’t scarce hasn’t much relative value. Indeed women are more likely to shame sluts than men. I’m more indifferent to them but disappointed that they have disqualified themselves from my esteem and interest as dating material.
    Fellas, am I just rationalizing my lack of game by prejecting sluts and otherwise unappealing females because I don’t think the drama, flakiness and the self-loathing from dropping my standards are worth it for a mere orgasm?
    I’m not desperate for action and there is sadly little worthy prey in my usual stomping grounds. If the lousy little sluts aren’t enough motivation to be worth the effort of chasing, I’d rather conserve my energy for someone more attractive that better suits my taste.

  12. Great place to observe sluts on parade: the criminal dockets at your local municipal or county court. I kid you not…you can just feel the predatory slut-gaze cover your body as you hang out at court.
    Bad girls have impulse control problems, and this leads them to get charged with domestic violence, misdemeanor possession, and especially shoplifting. These bitches are boosters, man. That’s the only addition I’d make to Tuth’s great list here: a rap sheet.
    Sluts don’t think about the consequences of their actions, which is why they end up in court one way or another.
    Maybe someone should experiment with “court game”…..

    1. interesting. i made the mistake of dating a grade A slut many years, and she and her friends – every single one of them – had had some sort of run-in wiht the law. from DUI to purchasing alcohol in high school to assaulting someone at a club. and these were affluent, college-aged women from “good” families. sickening.

    I would add girls who smoke cigarettes. With everything we know about how bad cigs are for you the fact that girls will engage in a destructive behavior like smoking gives you a preview to the fact that they will also be down for risky sexual behavior.

    1. Yeah, good comment. I think it matters though if she smokes one or two because you or her friends to, or if she chain-smokes all night.
      I agree with most of what Tuthmosis writes.
      Not that it matters, but just for fun here are the point’s I’d somewhat disagree with (European perspective):
      #5 and #6 aren’t reliable at all in my opinion. #11 perhaps. #19 not reliable. #20 can happen if you meet a good girl that hasn’t had sex for a long time, is in the right mood, or just finds you very attractive. Or perhaps she picks up on something sexual you said (consciously or not).
      #22 not reliable for scandinavian and perhaps French, Belgian etc. girls, #24 not reliable for eastern european.

      1. #22 is definitely reliable for Scandinavian countries, I haven’t once heard the words “cis”, “pansexual” or other feminist jargon, other than when I brought it up and explained it to others to have a good laugh (pansexuals fucking chairs, etc).

    2. The double standards occurring in your comment is just fucked up, why do you specifically point out that this occurs for females? Why not males?

        1. ^Classic feminist cunt comment of the year.
          Meanwhile, men are out building up civilization (what’s left of it anyway) as they always have.

    1. How about this for a sample of a slut face: the chick who was banging Gen. Petraeus. (Can’t remember her name). Let’s go down the checklist:
      1. Oily face (hormones inside are raging). Check.
      2. Overly intense, man-eating stare. Check.
      3. Subliminal desire to be exposed as a slut by writing a book with a Freudian title (“All In”). Check.
      4. Turbocharged powers of rationalization. Check.

      1. Medium-to-low sexual dimorphism is a sign. “Tranny face.”
        I mean, look at it.

      2. Medium-to-low sexual dimorphism is a sign. “Tranny face.”
        I mean, look at it. I would instinctively distrust a woman with a face like that.

      3. How about this for a sample of a slut face: the chick who was banging Gen. Petraeus. (Can’t remember her name).
        Paula Broadwell. A very Dickensian name, if you ask me.

      4. That’s not your mother! That’s a man baaaaby! Yeesh what a fucking hag. I fucked better looking broads than that by accident, and he did her on purpose.

    2. the ability to sense a slut by looking at her face is an utterly mystical phenomenon that transcends words.

    3. Indeed. How about a post in this category with a gallery of slut faces with general breakdowns.

  14. I’ve been assessing potentials via this list for years, it’s great to actually have my subconscious filtering explained.

  15. this is 100% true in my opinion. I often feel left of large parts of the manosphere due to being in a LTR, but If a good number of these things apply to your girl you need to take a stern look at your lady and figure out where she stands.

    1. so what does that make you? why does a women become burdened with name, but not you? trying thinking of this from another angle, in your terms why aren’t you a ‘slut’?

  16. 5. Not ticklish.
    I laughed so hard on that one; I had to put my coffee down. I’ve noticed that shit to. Sluts are not ticklish anywhere on their body.

    1. Same! I cracked up thinking of every girl I knew who wasn’t ticklish – and they were all sluts.

  17. I’ve noticed that whenever ROK does a post on the slutty behavior of college women, they use a lot of stock photos from different schools; however, pictures of chicks from Arizona State seem to pop-up the most.
    Looks like we need to take an ROK Field Trip to Arizona State’s next Home-Coming.

  18. Number 26# should be that if any of her role models or people that she follows on twitter, instagram, or facebook are reality tv stars like kim kardashian, nicki minaj or any of the suicide girls she is definitely a slut.

  19. Smoking cigs and getting hammered is a huge tell, Call it oral fixation or chronic “boredom” whoredom syndrome. Also feminist atheist and lawyers both make up the most immoral soulless sluts out there.

  20. Good list. One of the biggest signs in my book (been mentioned a number of times)…SMOKING. Always in the top three. Other signs on my list:
    1. Has more than two ‘best’ female friends.
    2. Has male friends.
    3. Knows many random males.
    4. Single women between 25 and 30. It’s almost closing time (big 3 0 is at the horizon).
    5. Adult women who live with their parents (no sense of responsibility).
    6. Her role models are known sluts (whores like Kim Kardashian).
    7. Her female hang-around-crowd are sluts.
    8. Females that know to much about birth control methods (both the male and female ones).
    9. Females with a Ph.d. in sucking cock.

    1. Saying they prefer male friends over female friends because females are “drama” is the biggest slut indicator I ever seen.

  21. In Japan, the sluttier girls are into rock music- hard rock, metal, punk, glam rock, etc. I don’t know why.

    1. I think that holds everywhere. I remember reading that chicks who were Coldplay fan were least likely to fuck on the first date, while Nirvana chicks were most likely. Metallica chicks got an honorable mention as well for easiness. It makes sense that a sluttier girl would associate with more masculine genres.

        1. There are exceptions to any generality, rez, Anyway, we’re talking about what music people listen to, not what they play as their profession or job.

    1. That should be #1. On one of the mugs at a local watering hole, there’s a sticker that says “I Support Single Moms” — with the silhouette of a pole dancer.

      1. Dumb feminist sure is dumb!
        You really need this spelled out, sweetie?
        Slut spreads her legs for some local punk — the sort of guy who doesn’t take responsibility by wearing a condom or sticking around to take care of his child.
        She does this enough, gets pregnant.
        Thus, she becomes a single mother.
        And she’s a slut.

        1. Feminist? Yeah ok then haha.
          Do you not realise that 99% of the women who are single mums have been in a long relationship? So how does that make them sluts?
          For example: my mum became a single mum when I was 11 and my sister wasn’t even born because my dad decided to have an affair after them been together for 15 years. Who’s the slut then?
          My partners mum, became a single mum before my partner was born. They had been in a relationship for 6years.
          I know a lot of people who have children and they’re single mums due to rather the dads fucking off before the kids are born or either something happening or the dads fucking off after a few years, taking into account they were in a long relationship.

        2. Jesus, you’re an ingrate. “Single moms” as used above is not talking about divorcees who already have kids.
          It refers to women who give birth outside of marriage.
          Having children outside of marriage? Slut.
          Getting divorced when you have children? Stupid but not necessarily a slut.

        3. But I still don’t understand how they can be sluts?! Yes theyre women out there who sleep with everything that walks and have kids – they are sluts.
          But for women who have been in a relationship for longer than 2-3years and then have kids how are they sluts? Wow they had kids outside marriage 98% of people do, especially here in the uk.

        4. It’s not a binary list, it’s a list of percentages of likelihood. Being a single mom doesn’t make you a slut, just like having large breasts or having a tattoo alone doesn’t make you a slut. However, if you see a single mom with large breasts with a visible tattoo you have a better chance of having sex with her than if she didn’t have those three characteristics.

        1. This one is a greasy import. Nobody pay much attention to what comes out of that cake hole.

  22. Tuthmosis for the win. Even if this list is not complete, these are more than enough to know what to look for.

  23. I have 8 of the signs (kinda. I consider myself pansexual. Lots of bisexuals are icked out by drag queens or transvestites or transgender folks, where as pansexuals don’t care what’s going on) but I’ve only had 3 partners (well, 4 if you count when I was raped) and the first partner lasted about 7 months. The next 3 1/2 years. The last I’m still dating 4 years in. And I feel I should mention when I say ‘partner’ I mean in any sexual regard. I’ve kissed/fondled a few people (brings my total up to 7, but I’m including the kisses of being a 15 year old stealing a first kiss)
    But then again I’m a huge advocate of men’s rights, and I often only bring up sex in order to establish that I have few lines in order to allow whoever I am speaking to to feel calm and able to be open with me.

  24. Those are good signs. I think the two broad factors that causes women to be sluts are a) the desire to rebel and b) the desire for male attention. With that being said some other types of women who are likely to be slutty are:
    1. Women from very conservative backgrounds: some of these women are very conservative and stay that way for all of their lives while others want to rebel and they do it by being sluts.
    2. Women from sub/counter cultures that are rebellious and/or see sex as no big deal: for example heavy metal girls, hippies, Bohemian girls, artists.
    3. Fat girls: this one is so obvious that I wonder why it wasn’t mentioned in the OP. Fat girls don’t get much male attention and have to use something to keep a man around. Therefore they use easy sex.
    4. Women with low self esteem
    5. She tells you she does not want to settle down until later on and wants to find herself in the meantime.
    6. Has a lot of male friends, or if she has female friends, they are slutty
    From my own personal experience from going out to bars are clubs, the sluttiest women are fat girls (there have been at least 2 times when fat girls have approached me and have suggested that I come over to their place either that night or for the first date) and girls who are sexually aggressive when you first meet them without knowing much about you. I remember two occasions that I have kissed slutty women within minutes of meeting them and it was not just a quick peck on the cheek; they kissed aggressively as if they want to bang me right in the middle of the club while letting me move my hands everywhere on their bodies (as a side note they were amazing kissers). We were also grinding on the dance floor aggressively as well. Neither of these girls asked me much about who I was but was still willing to be very sexual with me. Also, as mentioned in the OP, one of these girls suggested that we get tequila shots.

  25. Great article and good commentary. I’ll throw in my observations as well: You know if she is a slut if:
    1. She has implants – most skags with implants are.
    2. You put your up her gong and you pull out some other guy’s car keys.

  26. “1. Has tattoos. This is especially the case if they’re
    visible, multiple, large, and elaborate. If they have sexual themes,
    you’re in like Flynn.”
    Also pay special notice to those in closer proximity to erogenous zones (inside the pelvis, small of the back, butt cheek, inner thigh, etc).

  27. Old school tells…
    1. She had or has STDs. Rumors count.
    2. Done “porn” or was a stripper or escort. Drug addiction and daddy issues… they are all dead inside and basket cases.
    3. She is obsessed with sex and doesn’t hide sex toys and other paraphernalia. Her bedroom is a dildo shrine.
    4. Doesn’t use condoms the first few times because she is always on birth control.
    5. PDA especially with strangers at clubs.
    6. She is loose… it’s like giving birth. All the kegels won’t save that roast beef sandwich.
    7. Does drugs… weed is an aphrodisiac.
    8. Frequent meat markets like dive bars. Hey trailer trash single mothers have to come from somewhere.
    Bonus: Jizzabel reader.. I mean Jezebel reader.

      1. Stupid fly… men can’t be slutz.
        I can only be a man whore, player, Lothario, Don Juan, cad, Casanova, Mr. Asshole and Frat Daddy.
        Now who’s you’re daddy?

        1. And that’s a bad thing for guys why?
          Don’t you know it’s different for men and women?
          But hey since you can’t get laid, bitter and a virgin, say you’re just jealous.

        2. I like how you chose “who’s” instead of whose, but couldn’t pick “your” instead of “you’re”.

        3. It’s not different for men and women. Maybe in your version of reality, but not in the actual real world. But since literally every insult you made is just completely out of left field, how can I even be offended. Who am I jealous of? Men? All men? You?? It’s even funny to me that you think calling someone a virgin or can’t get laid, is this huge insult.

        4. Yes because men can auction their virginity for 3.8 million.
          CNN article google it. “What is virginity worth today”
          – Natalie Dylan has put her virginity up for auction; says top bid is $3.8 million
          – Idea that female virginity has high value not new, professor says
          – Men and women have different standards for losing virginity, some say
          Sucks to suck.

  28. 1. If she slavishly follows trends, red flag. Does she needlessly pout when takes a selfie (“duckface”)? Oversize nerd glasses? “Artistic” photos?
    2. Social media addiction. If she misplaces her phone and starts panicking like a scuba diver whose oxygen tanks started malfunctioning, red flag.
    3. The more left-leaning, the sluttier. Tattooed socialist atheist? Those legs are gonna fly open quick.

  29. About the tan, Here in New Hampshire, what you would call a nice even tan is on the too dark side for this far north. Even during summer, many have no tan at all.The stark contrast is a dead give away up here.

  30. 1. Women with more guy friends than female friends
    2. Bad relationship with her father
    3. Without prying for it, if you find out the name of anyone she’s slept with…that is, the information finds you…GTFO

  31. Good stuff. Every “art” related social circle I’ve ever infiltrated has been a goldmine for promiscuous women.

  32. I don’t understand why you shame or judge a women who enjoys sex. You want to get laid? Stop slut shaming, most of reason women don’t ‘put out’ is of fear of being looked down upon. Stop judging and maybe you’ll laid more.

      1. improve quality? lol….. then stop paying for sex and treat women with kindness and respect… asshole.

    1. Maybe not THE most, but yeah she is. Not only that but my sister too. Same as your mother or girlfriend or significant other beta boy. You live in a blue pill world if you don’t believe it. Your attempt to shame me indicates you for who you truly are.

    2. Haven’t you watched the slut marches recently, ingrate?
      Stop trying to shame him over his mother’s sexuality, hypocrite

  33. I won’t deny a single point on this list, they are all indicative of a slut most of the time with exponential growth by each additional factor.
    However does it matter? A lay can be achieved in this society without discovering any of these tells on an individual woman. It’s just given away with such loose standards and regularity that it’s like shooting free throws.

  34. It really disappoints me, an 18 year old male, that guys around my age and extraordinarily older actually believe this raging bile. I don’t know what disgusts me more: the seriousness in which this article was written, or the seriousness of the comments. You wonder why you guys are single? Because you treat women like sexual conquests. Like they’re some kind of title to claim and put under your belt, waiting for the next one to come along. I never understood what feminists were talking about when they said guys think about and treat women this way, but now I understand. Just cause a girl likes to have sex doesn’t mean she’s a slut. It means she likes sex, like a lot of other fucking people. Obviously you dudebros like sex, but you don’t have people telling you that you’re manwhores. What someone does in their personal life is their business unless they share it with you. I’m shocked that none of you have any decency, and think it’s funny to talk about people this way just because you’re hiding behind a computer monitor. Maybe one day you’ll grow up. But, I feel better knowing that I surpass all of you when it comes to being an actual person. See you in the real world, shitlords.

    1. Ha! Come back to us in 10 years and see if you still feel that way. You’ll either still be a heroic virgin, or will have adjusted your armchair worldview to real-world realities.
      It’s easy to speak in beautiful theories repeated from your freshman-year gender-studies class, all while you secretly jerk off to porn that’s “degrading to women.” It’s another thing to go out and do the hard work it takes to get results and come to realize that people, and the world, aren’t quite as rosy as you’d hope–or been told.

    2. Obviously you dudebros like sex, but you don’t have people telling you that you’re manwhores.
      Oh hello, Mr. Scalzi.

    3. Desire for, or enjoyment of sex is not what makes a slut a slut. The proclivity to actually engage in sex with many different partners is what makes a slut a slut.

  35. 9 is indisputable.
    Though I’m unconvinced by ‘slut face’ usually there is a general slutty vibe.

    1. Even if they are fake, not really, I was promiscuous when I was younger and unmarried, but I’ve always been really quite monogamous and picky.

  36. My God, reading all comments here mean all women are sluts??!! Yet you get mad if women dont put out. The guys who commented their hatred here are most probably sad men who were dumped.

    1. Whale, whale, whale, what do we have here?
      Man, you’re fat. Even though you’re doing your best to hide them, I can still count the chins on your face. Seriously, your face looks like someone drew two eyes, a nose, and a mouth on a balloon. The glamour shot doesn’t help either, as it’s clear as day that you’re fat as hell. No amount of posturing, lighting, and make-up can hide those puffy, protruding cheeks of yours.
      But I offer a way to salvation. And it’s easy. Time-consuming, but easy. Ready? Eat less, and exercise. That’s it. I know it’s hard to peel your fatass off the couch or bed, and unglue your sausage fingers away from the next tub of ice cream, but with a little dedication and hard work, you might actually look like a normal human being again.

      1. You are an angry, angry person. Have you tried exercising? it’s really good for releasing endorphins. Calling someone out for their appearance and hiding your own?? What do you look like Ira??

  37. I feel like the more of these a girl has.. the more likely she is a slut.. not falling under one of these being some for sure sign she is one. Others listed in the comments are good signs as well. I feel like we could make a list of “signs a guy is a player and going to dick you over,” print it out.. and distribute it to every girl on hr 16th birthday and girls still would bitch about getting screwed over.

  38. Good list. A couple more I’ve noticed:
    – colored contacts
    – fake nails
    – hair extensions
    – fake anything
    – dribbles cum down her chin like she’s in a bukakke video
    – says she never wants kids
    – drinks a lot and to excess
    – has a gay BFF
    Dunno why these are tells but they are.

  39. 1.Knows different “tricks” – e.g. some dick sucking shit you’ve never seen before. This comes after experimentation with different dudes, long term monogamous relationships don’t typically yield an extensive repertoire of techniques.
    Actually, to any girls who might read this: don’t think you’re impressing us with crazy tricks and techniques – we just think you’re a slut.
    2. Talks shit about guys, both in general and specific guys she has been with. The former is an expression of cynicism from a repeatedly pumped n’ dumped slut, the latter is when she knows she has been a slut and feels the need to talk shit about the guy before he gets to chance to share what a slut she is.

  40. This is disgusting. I can only assume anyone who reads this and agrees with it is an un-empathetic psychopath.

  41. Wow, this is an angry crowd. I guess there are a lot of pimple faced, weird guys sitting behind computer screens displacing anger because they know deep in their hearts they probably don’t measure up to whatever “slut” they’re referring to (Come on, you know it has something to do with the women who turned them down and wouldn’t give the time of day)

    1. ” I guess there are a lot of pimple faced, weird guys sitting behind computer screens”
      You forgot “with small dicks”.

  42. Assholes like you and anyone who believes this trash are the reason women think we’re all douchebags.
    Also, ticklishness? Really? I know enough women who’ve been “manhandled” and are still ticklish. This article is filled with 100% fallacy and complete idiocy.

    1. No, the reason you don’t get laid is your own lameness and quickness to white-knight for them (and therefore get friendzone into oblivion).
      Don’t blame us.

  43. I wish I could reach through my computer screen and rip off your genitals, you misogynistic piece of shit.

    1. Domestic violence, sexual violence, and hate crimes threats are sooooo funny!
      Thank a feminist for that!!

  44. Tuthmosis is clearly someone who cannot accept the fact that women have the right to reject his sexual advances and say No, even when he thought they were so-called ‘sluts’. Never mind Tuthmosis, there’s always porn, but don’t forget to be a gentleman and buy your hand a romantic dinner first.

  45. I am a fine art student with blue hair, piercings and tattoos… Oh gawd I’m such a slut!
    Seriously, the fuck is this writer on? I don’t know what kind of girls he is meeting with, and I seriously don’t know where he is getting these “facts” from! My friend is pan sexual and has been in a happy, sex free, relationship for 2 years now! She’s 20 and still a virgin! But she’s still a slut according to this? Fuck you and your retarded views! Stop generalising women on the little information you have from your facebook profile, stop being such a lonely little bastard and get a life!

  46. I hope you are aware that you will die alone. Unless you wake up from your uninformed misogynistic ideas

  47. Aw man, the ‘slut face’.
    It’s ‘mostly’ in the eyes.
    Typically, a hard yet lazy/beady, unimpressed look in the eyes…but some how behind all that unphased expression, there’s a slight willingness to soon bring on a smile/smirk, raised flirtatious eyebrow, or lip biting. Along with it, and perhaps more importantly, the vibe put out behind it is ‘intense’.
    Not ‘duck faced’ goofy.
    Not ‘facebook’ like me.
    Not ‘I’m a tease’ stares.
    Not ‘pouty lipped’
    And definitely not ‘doe eyed’.
    There’s a hint of maturity behind those eyes.
    Maturity as in knowing what they want and how to go about getting it.

  48. Granted this is going to get shot down by the sheer number of mysoginists here, (notice I didn’t mention brain cells) but a ‘slut’ is someone. She isn’t a piece of meat for anyone to police. Her conduct is her own, her sexual dalliances are her business. Would you want a bunch of knuckle-dragging rape-apologists near your daughter, your niece or your wife? Because here is a prime example she is someone’s daughter, niece or wife being treated like public property.
    Here’s hoping someone changes their mind, because she isn’t a toy. She’s a person, and worth more than the shitty attitude shown here.
    Oh, and save your insults, I won’t be returning to this cesspit to rebut your lame responses, I will have no doubt heard better insults from parrots mimicking half-heard conversations.

    1. “A slut is someone.” No it’s not. A slut is a walking, talking, soulless object. If it opens its legs enough, it dies inside. Once it’s dead, we don’t have to respect it…Think of it like a zombie. It can walk and talk, but when you smash its head in (or fuck it in the ass and come in its hair) you haven’t really committed murder (or had a meaningful sexual experience).
      And, yes, you will be back to read this. Hi there!

      1. “If I say something offensive enough, people will be shocked! And then I’ll have attention! And, and, and… it makes me feel important! PLEASE MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT. I HAVE SPECIAL OPINIONS.”

        1. Feminist Tactic #17:
          Instead of responding to an argument, we’ll just call it offensive instead, so we have time to catch up on reality TV.
          …and because logical argumentation hurts our brains too much.

      2. you sir are scum, nothing more nothing less. if this is your actual opinion then you are not a person, you are not a human.
        calling you shit would be an insult to shit.

    2. “notice I didn’t mention brain cells”
      You look very smart. With your glasses and all.
      “Oh, and save your insults, I won’t be returning to this cesspit to rebut your lame responses,”
      Sure thing, sweetheart. Sure thing.

    3. You open with insults in a futile attempt to shame anyone who doesn’t agree with your opinion and then ask to be saved from insults. And I know you came back to read this.

      1. Oh, you’re the king of shaming language, so you would know, Florence.
        Isn’t it time for you to head back to your television and ice cream pints?

    4. Ooooh, you’re such a deep thinker, you feminist you. And you have such consistent logic — what with celebrating sexual drive in women, shaming it in men, and trying to hatemonger against men who come up with a list of their experiences on the topic.
      You go grrrrrl

        1. The fact my comment was deleted just tells me that I was on the right track
          Neither bitter nor deluded sorry

        2. 24 signs.. well ok not too bad why not?
          You get some trouble with your mother in the past?
          when you decide to go to the gym why??
          you got a picture.. i just need one to complete my scientific theorie about you..
          How was your friend at the early school?

        3. You think that makes your comment truth, because it was deleted? Not only are you a misogynist douchebag, you’re also disillusioned.

        4. scientific theory? what like im alien or something lol
          I dont go to gyms, horrid places
          My mothers dead, has been since I was a kid

        5. if you’re 12, a virgin, stupid, or all of the above. you must not know any women. this makes no sense at all. and you’re as silly as the 12-year-old posting this.

        6. If a mans intelligent he is way way sexier, this shit comes out of your mouth like you think its fact….. laughing my ass off over here lol

    1. It was going around Tumblr as a “look how funny this article is” joke post. And then I came in here and saw all these women getting upset about it, and I’m like, “Really? You can’t tell that this in jest? Calm the hell down.”

        1. Yeah, I like it. It’s a good place to get art critiques. It’s a bit of a younger crowd, but they know what they like. There are also some fairly good adult tumblrs, erotic art and the like.

      1. Considering that there are a LOT of men out there with a similar mindset as this article (read: bros) I think I can forgive people falling victim to Poe’s Law in this case.

        1. That’s what I’m still trying to determine. Sometimes, it’s really _that_ hard to tell. =/

        2. It’s not hard to tell at all, it’s obviously a joke. Which is why the women folk who are getting all angry need to calm down. No one is really this stupid. I don’t get why people are so intent on censoring other people’s jest. Yes, it might be mean to the dudebros or whatever to make them look stupid, but they- the ones being made fun of, aren’t the one’s complaining. If they were I would understand.

        3. I’m not a hater, but I have to agree with this guy. You kinda look like an extra in the Mad Max franchise.

        4. I didn’t know photoshop could make an ugly girl, uglier. Those software design guys at Adobe are pretty talented.

        5. Speaking of which, based on that godawful photo, it’s hard to tell whether you actually are part of this species..

        6. Actually, I knew a guy that would do exactly this, so I doubt it’s a ‘joke.’
          He had set himself a goal of sleeping with 100 different women (repeats welcome, but not counted towards the target number) in the span of a year – without them finding out about each other. (So he could continue to fuck them at will.)
          He and his pals referred to these girls not even by their names (behind their backs of course), but by their numbers.

        7. I fulfill a lot of the “stereotypes” listed above, and I am offended. If it is a joke, it’s not a very funny one.

        8. alloooooooooooo, people ARE really that stupid. what rock do you live under? I’d like to join you if it doesn’t have any of the morons that overpopulate our planet

        9. So you dress like a woman then talk shit about men. Don’t overestimate the species indeed.

        1. Would you be one of those men who uses these as excuses for rape?
          You’re despicable.
          And you wonder why no one likes you – not even feminists.

        2. LOL gold thanks for the laugh
          Not male and have many friends, many feminists too
          How I know? I heard some when I was raped

        3. I don’t believe you were raped. I absolutely think you are lying. Getting so drunk that your regular taste in barflies is temporarily suspended is not rape.

        4. Not male or just not sure of your gender. Or better yet one of those gender is a social construct people, and you are above it all. Do you prefer to be called an “it”?

        5. Feminists who go on and on about rape usually aren’t even worth raping. Its like the wenches who go on slutwalks. Most of them are so fat and ugly that they couldn’t be sluts even if they wanted to.

        6. Rape can happen to anyone regardlessof sexual history, because rape is about power not sex.

        7. you’re such a horrible person. I know the internet gives people (especially losers) the freedom of being complete dicks because they know it won’t have any consequence on their lives but seriously, there are some comments that are beyond simple trolling and show how fucked up some people are. This is one of those. You should definitely get psychological assistance and some basic common sense and civility classes. Please don’t be a rapist! It does ruin lives, and if you don;t care about the life you’d ruin by assaulting someone, think about YOUR life when you get prosecuted!

        8. Haha, everyone getting mad at this is either a) A slut who matches the requirements and is having a hard time facing reality or b) A faggot who feels that defending these sluts will somehow get them laid.

        9. In order to rape someone, you have to have an erection. Its very difficult to get erect to a wench that is fat and ugly.

        10. By definition, the word rape means it’s unwanted. It’s not rape if she says she wants it. What some want never justifies the assumption that others want that too. Rape is always unwanted.

        11. Or, you know, women who are terrified of being raped, having their sisters and friends raped, men who have any sense of right and wrong tend to have a problem with rape. Those ones too. My 12 year old sister is scared of rape, if you want to insult her for the fact that she’s probably never going to be able to walk alone at night without fear, because we’re all taught that men can’t control themselves half the time, and if we didn’t calculate the risk, it’s somehow our faults if we get raped. But, of course, if we’re scared of it, we’re flattering ourselves too.

        12. If your sister is scared of being raped then here are some things you should tell it not to do: dress like a slut, walk around in areas with blacks. It should also get tattoos and gain lots of weight, because it will then be a less desirable target. If you don’t calculate the risk and act appropriately, then yes you are partly responsible for being raped. If, as you believe, men can’t control themselves half the time, then you better protect yourself by modifying your behavior.
          The people who taught you this are idiots, and you are one for believing them.
          Wenches can’t control themselves 99.99999% of the time, which shows men are superior to wenches. These are facts which men gain through experience. This is why we need to restrict the civil rights of wenches by removing their right to vote and legally barring them from working outside the home.

        13. Well, then, most rapes are not actually rapes because they clearly want it! Why else would wenches have rape fantasies? Because they want to be raped!!!

        14. Never fuck a fat chick. Obesity and mental illness are linked. If they accuse you of rape, the whole world will know you might have fucked a fattie.

        15. Women are so delusional they don’t know reality from fantasy. Thus so many false rape charges.

        16. You sound like your sisters own worst enemy. When she kills herself under your fear-mongering, I’m sure you’ll blame in on men.

        17. Okay, man child. I’m done here. Obviously you lack the mental faculties to realize you can’t possibly know anything of the sort about strangers and are just blindly insulting to prove your gender’s superiority, and in doing so, proving your own unintelligence and weakness.

        18. I’ve never heard of a woman raping a man. Since throughout this conversation, of sorts, you’ve displayed an inability to reason without blind insults and to understand the basic context of most statements, I’m done here. Have fun with your hatred. I’m so, so sorry for whatever turned you into this egotistical, weak monster.

        19. Neither have I ever heard of a woman raping a man. Who mentioned it, besides you?
          You are done here? Why are you chickening out? What are you afraid of?

        20. That would be very scary. But, what is strange, is that some people actually like to fuck fatsos. People who voluntarily fuck fatsos are idiots.

        21. My genders’ superiority is an empirical fact. There have never been any wenches–and there will never be–who can match the abilities of great men. Consider:
          Da Vinci
          Adam Smith
          Constantine the Great
          Thomas Payne
          Charles Martel
          Bruce Lee
          Cyrus the Great
          …….and so on, ad infinitum….
          Can you name any wenches from any time period in any part of the world that can equal these men in their areas of expertise? No, you can’t. I can only think of three, Elizabeth I, Margaret Thatcher, and Catherine the Great, all of whom were absolutely not feminists and were white. Take note: almost all of these people are of European descent!!!

        22. seriously?? that’s fucked up dude. what does it serve you to delegitimize someones claim of being raped? do you know how shitty that makes someone feel on top of how shitty they already feel? fucking check yourself before you spew garbage like this.

        23. yeah, it’s really fucking civilized to be able to take advantage of someone who is black out drunk.

        24. You’re right. The civilized thing to do is to tie them up, high in a tree. Hilarious!

        25. Witty comeback. Do you have a room full of manboobs helping you with those, or do you work alone?

        26. Congratulations, you are the second person to notice me using the word “wench!!!” I quite like it myself.
          I notice that you are not arguing my points. I believe that it is because you know my points are true facts, and thus you cannot bring a counter-argument. Please try again. If you don’t try again then you will be instantly recognized as losing this argument. Please don’t be a failure.
          As for trolling, you are responding…therefore, you are exactly half the problem!!! A troll cannot exist without someone to respond; otherwise we go back home to Norway. I only troll the feminist wenches, aka “the femwenches,” pronounced with the same accenting as “sandwiches.” I am anti-femwench and pro-young-slender-submissive-blond.
          I have not heard of this movie you link to. I don’t watch too many movies, generally because they’re boring and because I prefer to fuck young submissive sluts.

        27. I have friends who are in Anonymous. They will find out who you are. They will hack your username. They will expose you. Here’s a fair warning. We will find you. And you will be sorry. The internet can only save you for so long.

        28. For someone who’s such a misogynistic, literal asshole, you’ve listed some homosexual men on there. Yeah Gay Pride!

        29. There aren’t women from that time because any woman who was smart enough (or smarter than these men) were persecuted, burned, or silenced in some other way. And ya, we know Europeans can kill, immigrants in your own homeland of “America” now, just cuz your ancestor could slice up some shit doesn’t make you immune from any hellfire coming your way because trust me, it sounds like you have it coming to you.
          or maybe your mom does. can’t imagine her being very happy for having worked so hard at procreating and then it resulting in a respectless piece of sh*t like yourself.
          she must’ve been raped. only explanation.

        30. you are such a terrible excuse of a human being!! Ask yourself why do you do this? Do you like it or are you just fucking ignorant bastard a genetic trait of yours. A piece of advice for someone like you keep your mouth shut you’ll just talk crap.

        31. Oh yes I just enjoyed being slammed against the wall until I’d suck an ex lover’s dick. Where I lived wouldn’t do a damn thing about it. No woman wants a real rape to happen to her. I never had a rape fantasy nor did I ever asked to be forced to suck a dick until the man got pleasure then beat me more.

        32. The story is fake, thus proving you really do have a rape fantasy. You need to seek counseling.

        33. It’s not ok to use the words “slut” or “faggot”.
          You need taking down a peg or two.

        34. With an attitude like that, you show yourself to be an ignorant bigot who needs taking down a peg or two. You are a disgrace.
          You clearly have no compassion or respect for others.

        35. What the fuck are you on about?
          People like you should be dropped out of a helicopter into a volcano.

        36. What is it about sick, twisted individuals like you that makes you enjoy other people’s suffering, suffering that you can’t even imagine.
          Really, you seriously should have been aborted, Ali-B. You are a disgrace to society and there is no place for people like you in this world.

        37. The fact that there are men like you in the world makes me want to be physically sick.
          You are an odious and hateful human being who clearly feels that you have a right to dominate others.
          You feel empowered by limiting the freedom of others and by inflicting pain.
          You are a sadist on a power trip.
          You clearly have no compassion for the suffering of others, a hugely inflated sense of entitlement and superiority, and utterly no respect for women.
          You are a disgusting insect and the world is a worse place for you having been born. I think you are evil, sick, twisted and scum.
          You are a blight on this planet.
          People like you should have their testicles removed.
          Your arrogance is sickening, as is your sense of being better than other people, when all the things that make people good are lacking from you.
          I never hate anyone but I hate you. Now fuck off.

        38. Do you really think people give a shit about your fake pain from a fake rape? Look in the mirror. Your family knows you make this shit up cause no one is going to rape someone that looks like you. I’m sure they grow tired of all the drama you bring to the dinner table, along with the overeating habits.
          Its really really sad that when you die from diabetes or suicide, your family will miss you, but breathe a sigh of relief that your self-suffering has ended.

        39. Yes it does days of diapers. I don’t fuck fat girls. No one should. Hate to shut you out, but my penis just wouldn’t get hard for you. I can’t help mother nature.

        40. Oh dear. Actually it’s not that they want to be raped, it’s a submissive thing. Nobody /wants/ to get /raped/. A fantasy is so much different from actual real life. I understand your point, but dear no- that’s a bit off the mark.

        41. Unlike you, I have never advocated murder or suicide in any post. I like a good argument just like everybody else, but unlike you I’m not out for blood. Lets dispense with the death wishes. Death is a very bad thing and I do not wish it upon anybody. Yes, I criticize people’s behavior, and yes I can be very mean, but I DO NOT support murder or suicide. Cut it out, and be a good troll.



        44. How about someone who would love to cut off your balls and mount them above my fireplace, next to my jar of tears from lonely, sad jackasses like you.
          We don’t like this article because its disillusioned, sad, despicable, deplorable, and soaked in misogynistic rape culture.
          You’re all potential rapists–if you haven’t raped already.

        45. because we think that way it has nothing to do with ‘love’ or ‘caring’ for the women we want to have sex with or get with. I care for every woman I have sex with, just go find a real man and take a second to think why you attract “ain’t shit niggas”. If all men are the same then grow up or go lesbian

        46. Deer ma’am, please don’t lump me together with these cavemen, i r sophisticated. Like a sir.

        47. Whatever dude, I was 12 at the time so yeah totes my taste in ‘barflies’ was ‘suspended’

        48. Thanks for the laugh lol
          Im pretty sure having personally had a kid makes me sure female lol
          Mentally, yeah perfectly sure lol

        49. LOL the fuck!? Why do women seem to think men are looking for excuses to rape people? Its horrible that it happened to you but a lot of men (including myself as I have done it twice before) would be prepared to put their safety at risk to protect you if they came across such a horrible crime being committed.
          Just because you had a horrible experience doesn’t give you the right to paint us all with the same brush.

        50. Not all of us are shit you know. I have been stabbed twice protecting women (I work in security) so some of us are good guys. You need to stop making poor decisions as to who you date / socialize with.

        51. I can’t believe you were even capable of writing that – as you must be the most ridiculously stupid human being alive.
          Well done for stringing those sentences together, Im sure it was tough.

        52. Girls who have actually been raped don’t openly admit it on a forum……I smell bullshit. Which makes you a really horrible person

        53. wow what a clever scientific post you got there. you smell bullshit? get a life and stop slamming people’s integrity online for no reason.

        54. Yeh and what have you done with your life, other than make a fucking list and call some women a slut.
          Everyone knows the whole misogyny, metal and patriotism thing is making up for a something else,

        55. I find it ironic that you’re attacking me to defend a known rapist – ineedacoffee.
          Shame on you.

        56. “Boss,” eh? Well, at least you know your position.
          I’ll take your reply as acknowledgement that what I wrote is true.

        57. If that’s what really matters to you. I just hope you work through your issues and find a point in your life where advocating rape on a messageboard isn’t a past time.

        58. Bullshit. How can you claim to speak for the intentions and desires of every rapist that has every existed? I fucking hate that saying. Feminists just tryna reclaim the power

        59. Honestly he seems to possess many of the traits of a sociopath.I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a sociopath. Too bad there can’t be a genocide of them all :/

        60. With that kind of logic you will get yourself persecuted and arrested.Just because some women may have rape fantasies does not mean all women do.The female sex, just as the male sex, is NOT a monolith. Rape is a violent crime and often times studies done interviewing rapists reveal that they felt powerless in their own lives and asserted their power or sense of worth by raping someone weaker. Just be sure to tell a loved one you know or yourself when you get raped that hey the rapist did you/them a favour.

        61. No, actually. I have a pretty big penis. You, on the other hand, must have a very tiny jelly bean brain, judging from your spelling and punctuation. Twat.

        62. It also works the other way but u never hear about it cause its not count as news! Think about it, when was the last time u heard a guy was raped???

        63. The sad thing is rape happens all the time but its never reported! Why do u think muslims dont allow women out unless with a male? Even tho we have laws to make our society safer, rape will never stop! Women think they can live without us males but deep inside of them biological they need a man around to feel safe and protected!

        64. Or C.) The arrogant twat (i.e. you, just in case your too dumb to realise that’s who im referring to) who cant get laid and doesn’t seem to realise that its because he’s a doosh so instead thinks there is something wrong with women…. hahaha! I feel so sorry for you hunny, you do need a cuddle, or some help.

        65. And yet the majority of people at slut walks are victims of sexual assault? Slut walk is about women not being blamed for assaults that happen TO them. Clothing has nothing to do with why someone is assaulted.

        66. why are you talking about europeans when this is about sexuality? you fags are really coming out of the woodwork aren’t you? there are plenty of women who have done great things. you purposely ignored them. fucker.

      2. Theres no redeeming quality to this post that indicates that it’s a joke. And yes, there are men that actually think this way…so there needs to be some kinda a witty conclusion that lets everyone know that he’s jesting. So, if it is a joke, he needs a few writing lessons. FAIL!

      3. if it’s in jest, not only is this guy stupid, he’s too stupid to be funny. this should be set on fire for being illogical and not even making sense.

        1. This literature that you don’t agree with, should be set on fire? Reminds me of the nazis…speaks volumes of feminists and their “tolerance” for freedom of speech. Move to north k orea why don’t you.

        2. OOH, godwin’s law. you’re a real genius. this is not literature, sweetness, and it’s a metaphorical statement. please revisit remedial government class. i have not advocated throwing this clown in jail, thus the first amendment is moot. i have exactly the same freedom as he does to call him a moronic fuckstick who will never get laid. 😀 now get some new material, troll. you’re boring.

      4. They are feminists who want to destroy families and promote hate! They want power and are selfish…When will people learn that power, social status all leads to unhappiness! Just look at all our Hollywood actors that are in and out of rehab all the time! Find some kind of spirituality, it has the correct answers to find real happiness! It’s why all religions are still around after 2000 years compare to everything else that dies out!

      1. I agree he is a wanker, and he should be used to represent all of what is morally wrong with men today… but it is quite an accurate list.
        Gamers exist because women choose to sleep with the wrong type of guys.
        And it is the role of feminists to stand up and educate young girls to not reward chauvinistic behaviour other wise it is like adding fuel to the fire.
        (Also I have noticed that every feminist I know has ended up with huge regrets because of sleeping with a guy like this.)

        1. gamers exist because of a bunch of japanese businessmen in the early 1980’s. also, what in hell is wrong with you? lonely much, guy?

        2. It’s the role of feminists……? It’s the role of everybody to to point out what a joke this kind of view on women is.

        3. In this context “gamers” mean dick heads who think that the main goal of life is to lie to women and manipulate them in order to get them to have sex with the manipulator.

        4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emmRPUWoxMY ha gotta love them links… love them ladies, love them men, some woman a smart, some woman are stupid. Some men are smart some man are stupid. This is one of the stupid men… divided we are conquered, as humans we will survive! (I’m a man that can be stupid but tries to be smart when ever he can)

        5. I believe the term for that is “players”. Gamers are people who play (usually video) games.

        6. Its not males thats the problem its feminist that cant understand attraction and relationship are primal! The only thing I respect with Muslims is that they got it right and understand their role in a long term relationship, thats why relationships dont work anymore in western society and the real victims are the kids that suffer from trauma due to parents giving up on each other!

        7. Ive been dating women for 20 years, how is it a joke when its 99% correct??? It’s how I stay away from the bad women unless I want a one night stand and focus on a woman with self respect and feminine!

        8. Wake up, its all primal! Womens job to find dominate male to have strong children, a males role is to put his seed in as many females as possible! The best advise I was given to understand the relationship between male and female is to watch the animal channel! It’s just the way the world works! Even tho we have intelligence, we still act like animals when it comes to mating and relationships! U might HATE it but it wont change anything!

        9. so youre saying gay couples dont exist? no dominant women exist? submissive men? fetishism? what about transgendered people, or null gendered people? oh wait, you got this info from the animal channel, that explains it… what exactly does a meerkats slut face look like?

        10. Another girl just does not want to accept the problems with society because it might mean she should look in the mirror…
          Here is another one for the list, If she says yes to the question “do you like the taste of bear?” then she will have had sex on a first date. I have tested the question and the answers have always correlated. If you don’t believe me? You can look it up, there is a study on it.

        11. Ooh yes, got to stay away from those BAD women. Those bad, unclean women who want to stick metal through places that aren’t their ears and think they have the right to indulge in the exact fucking same kind of casual encounter that men do, regularly, and without reproach. How dare those BAD, BAD women think they can have one night stands without it blackening their souls and ruining their womanhood!! The worst ones are the ones with big tits because everyone knows they grow them on purpose to bewitch men and steal their seed for dark satanic rituals where they plot to further their vile feminist ideals and subvert your precious masculinity! DEAR GOD WHY DOESNT ANYONE STOP THESE BAD WOMEN??

        12. Let me put this So very simplistic to everyone here, all Humans want is better Genes (genetics) we been competing for years,also Sex is a natural thing if woman or men want sex every day who has the right to judge that? does that mean animals are sluts too?

        13. he is correct most women if not 60% of them are like this. and if men dont notice this they really are stupid these days. this is why the divorce rate is so high and more women dressing slutty and posting pics on instagram and facebook.

        14. oh dear….. oh dear oh dear. You don’t want a relationship Paul… you basically want a mummy that you can fuck. Saddo

        15. Wow. What a classic woman hater you are. Women should learn to stay away from your woman hating ways. I hope you stay single and lonely for the rest of your life. Now go crawl back to your mother’s basement and jerk off to porn.

        16. How about no. Too bad you don’t realize that men are the same exact way, but let’s not pay attention to detail. Double standards much?

        17. Feel free to explain how Paul is exhibiting signs of a classic woman-hater. He’s been dating women for 20 years. That seems to contradict the notion that he is hating women. He tries to steer clear of what he sees as “bad women”. It’s not as if he is steering into them and trying to inflict personal injury…
          Speaking of which.
          Wishing people bad things like “stay single and lonely for the rest of your life”, is rather hostile and speaks volumes of the those who utter it.
          The hate that you see, it is all a projection of what is inside you. The likelihood that any guy that applies game is sitting in his mothers basement jerking off to porn when there are so many 24-signers around is unlikely.
          You can hate all you want. It’s not stopping the world from turning.

        18. Even if men were the same way, unless it provides some sort of tangible competition to scoring, what’s the point in realizing it?
          You will have to provide some evidence of this double standard you speak of. If not, it’s just the usual noise from yet another angry misguided feminist.

        19. Oh really? For starters men get tattoos body piercings, dye their hair weird colors fuck a lot of girls takes drugs even lose their virginity at a young age yet they never not once get called a slut. How’s that for a double standard? Oh, wait it’s ok for men to do it. Too bad women can’t do the same thing without being scrutinized.

        20. Yeah, and I see why he’s been dating women for 20 years. It’s because every one of those women saw how he is and didn’t want to be around him for 2 long. Hate? I hate misogynists.

        21. Oh, yeah I sure hate men. *sarcasm* actually I don’t. I only hate certain men such as men abusing women and children, men who rape and sexually assault women and children, men who call women sluts, men who think women are supposed to be subservient and submissive, men who think women should be in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. Is that clear enough for you to understand? Or do I have to say it slower for you to understand?

        22. Yes, really. It’s already been explained to you (and every other angry little man hater) why men do not get called “sluts” for such behaviour. You are purposely ignoring the differences in the roles males and females play in procreation. Unless you advocate androgyny, you cannot equate this. There are things that are “OK” for women, but not “OK” for men and vice-versa.
          Double standards? Talk this way in person to guy and you can get away with it in North America. The culture will protect even aggressive hostile women from physical harm simply because you are female. A guy? He better be able to back up the bravado, or face a beat down.
          Equality in opportunity has to be evaluated with the inherent advantages and disadvantages of the gender. Until you can effective create the same ability for men to merely be dressed provocatively to attract the opposing gender, you cannot assume that equality is merely the same “rules”. It doesn’t work that way and you know it.

        23. Really. Every one of those women rejected him. How do you know that? Seriously. That is just wishful thinking on your part.
          Hate? Certainly you can hate whatever you want to. However, there are hardly any misogynists here. That is just the usual rationalization of those with misplaced aggression.

        24. Men aren’t called sluts their called players. I think they should be called sluts because if men can go out and have sex with an x X number of girls so can women with x number of men. For the record men can dress provocative ly too to attract the opposite sex. See, men like you and this author are the reason why women will never be equal. Well, too bad. We are equal. So STFU. Of course you men don’t want us women to be equal. God forbid we show our sexuality. Men can be just as aggressive as a woman and vice versa. Violence is never ok for anyone male or female. I listed to you how it is considered a double standard, but I’m classified as a “man hater” funny though. MRA much?

        25. I fail to see how this isn’t misogyny. I guess women shouldn’t express themselves sexually or physically right? I guess women should be quiet and “conservative” right? Of course. You sir are dumb.

        26. Helena Marie Taylor:
          Who said: “Oh, yeah I sure hate men. *sarcasm* actually I don’t.”
          It certainly CLEAR enough that you try to slip in a disambiguation among the list of specific behaviors. You’re just trying to make it look like you are not hating men.
          Men aren’t calling ALL women sluts (which is what you imply when you say, “men who call women sluts”). Where is this notion of “subservient and submissive” being put across in here? Where? This barefoot and pregnant concept… where is that?
          You are employing the usual misrepresentations to justify your bashing. You… have… no… logical… argument…
          There that should be slow and clear enough for you now.

        27. The point was that a typical man cannot get anywhere the same attention as a women by merely dressing provocatively. You are purposely MISSING that important distinction in order to refute it. So NOT EQUAL (and having to remove that distinction in your attempt is clear proof that you KNOW that too.) You can say it all the “F” you want. But you are wrong.
          Your a “man hater” because you exhibit all the traits of such. That includes throwing in all the usual misrepresentations and then proceeding to bash it.
          Really? Equality means the same rules without respects to the abilities of the individual? Hey why have wheelchair ramps on curbs then? The “same rule” would be everybody has to navigate the step like everybody else.
          It should be obvious that the real concept is “equality in opportunity”. That takes into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of all. While, as a society we strive to make things more towards “equality in opportunity” for all, it does not translate to ignoring the inseparable advantages in one gender while creating systems that remove it from the other.
          You likely understand that, but cannot accept that it means you should work on your advantages rather than demanding others disadvantage themselves for your gain.

        28. Well you did call me a man hater. So I pointed out the certain things I don’t like that some men do. Even though none of those attributes are implied here sadly some men do think that way. Sad ,but true.

        29. It is not misogyny since this list is about how to translate certain behaviors into how likely an individual is to be sexually promiscuous. It neither makes judgement on women in general, nor does it incite any disrespect for women in general.
          Where does it suggest women need to be quiet and “conservative”? Where. Show us where.
          Dumb…. on to the personal insults now are we? Lol.

        30. The reason why they have wheelchair ramps is so anyone who is handicap can equally access buildings. Duh. So you’re saying women aren’t equal to men? How so? Oh, you men physically. Anything else? Oh, right there isn’t anything else. You are really making yourself a woman hater. You must have mommy issues. You know they have people and medication to help you with that.

        31. “Duh” is right. YOU were the one that stated, Equality was “equal rules”, not your opposition. You just agreed with us in stating that it is adherence to “Equal Access” that ramps are created to accommodate those that cannot navigate a curb as easy as someone that can walk. If it were “equal rules”, that would mean the same “curb” for everyone.
          Anything else? LOL. Well, you already CANNOT counter this physical strength dichotomy, so your premise already fails. Let’s see, the huge difference in innate spatial skills is another one. So you usual smugness has shown you to be WRONG again.
          Woman hater? That’s just the usual unsubstantiated label that misguided feminists love to throw up when their poor logic is exposed.
          Mommy issues? ROFL. You are really showing the everyone your level of maturity now. You seem familiar with the psychiatric treatment for delusional behavior. Perhaps you should check your prescription with your case worker.

        32. u must hate god and the world for males being the muscular species and women being the second class feminine species. why does a woman who becomes more successful, attract less males as time goes by??? why can’t these woman hold a relationship??? it’s cause you aren’t playing the feminine role. it’s the male role! most woman on this planet understand the relationship b/t males and females but feminist like yourself refuse to accept it… i have nothing against successful women but the main reason why women are put on this earth is to reproduce where kids need both male and female role models to grow mentally, physically and emotionally. preach your feminist values and u will never hold a relationship or get a man to reproduce with! Be a feminine and hate the world and males but at the end of the day it won’t change anything! unfortunately u can NEVER reprogram the primal relationships of males and females. it’s built into our DNA!

        33. I’m guessing your a kid Helena or really immature, cause kids get offensive and crack the shits when they hear the truth and cant accept it! If males and females were suppose to be the same we would have both sexually organs. It’s all primal at the end of the day, i just look at all these feminist like yourself as dysfunctional like the KKK where u both promote hatred. I just hope in time u accept the role of a woman for the last 100,000 years before u hit menopause!

        34. I’m guessing your a kid Helena or really immature, cause kids get offensive and crack the shits when they hear the truth and cant accept it! If males and females were suppose to be the same we would have both sexually organs. It’s all primal at the end of the day, i just look at all these feminist like yourself as dysfunctional like the KKK where u both promote hatred. I just hope in time u accept the role of a woman for the last 100,000 years before u hit menopause!

        35. WRONG, every male wants a woman like their grandma cause they are still together today for a reason! that’s what u call a happy relationship which is nearly impossible to have these days… ask yourself why??? who likes to go from breakup to breakup due to most women acting like feminists these days… Feminist want to play the male role where in a relationship this can never be cause it’s all primal, no one made the rules, it’s built into our DNA! hate it as as much want, it will never change anything!

        36. Oh, so by a woman doing all or some of the 24 things she’s promiscuous. Right. Sorry, but this is very judgmental. Just because she does any of this stuff doesn’t mean shit. A woman can not do any of this stuff and still be promiscuous. What about those women? Oh wait, let’s not talk about the women who don’t do this stuff. Dumbfuck.

        37. So if she does all or some of the 24 things she’s a slut ? This is very judgmental. Just because she does any of these things doesn’t mean shit. She can do none of these things, but still can be a slut. Oh, but let’s not talk about those girls. Dumbfuck.

        38. 1. I’m 30 years old. So I ain’t no kid. 2. Men and women are equal. So get over it. 3. I’m sure you find things offensive. So you must be a kid yourself. 4. My role? Oh, you must mean in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant (submissive and subservient) right? WRONG! Guess what the kitchen is where the knives are kept. Remember that. Too bad you keep going through women like I go through underwear because they realize that they don’t want a sexist punk like you.

        39. No. Are you seriously comprehensively challenged, or are you so adverse to admitting that you are incorrect that you have to ignore what was said with these misrepresentations?
          The model will yield a strong correlation with more promiscuity. That is all. What part of the concept of “propensity” do you not understand? Fundamentalists seem to only see things as extremes, and cannot accept that estimations are used all the time to successful determine a course of action.
          What about outliers? See the part about how exceptions to rule do not negate the rule. The retreat to the fallacy that “an exception means a trend is refuted” occurs so frequently with the childish arguments of misguided feminists that there’s a section devoted to it in the 7-most-common-feminist-insults article. LOL.
          Oh wait, let’s not state how you are the poster person for immature man-bashing.
          Why do you end your post with your full name? Just your first name of “Dumb” is good enough. Oh well, it must be frustrating to be wrong all the time.
          Try again.

        40. I’m a happy married man now where one day, i started doing allot of research and spoke to many happy married couples that have been in relationships for over 20 years and they told me this… Stay away from the “new age” woman (feminist)! A relationship with these kind of woman will never work! She will always put her needs ahead of your children and you and will fight you at every turn.
          Males, women, teenagers, children will never be equal. We all play a role in life where if a woman doesn’t play her role in a relationship, it’s nearly impossible for a relationship to work. Women like dominate males, males like feminine women, It’s built into us like all the other animals on the planet. U can’t fight it or denial it, just like the information in this article! As soon as the woman wants more power over the man, she loses attraction towards the male. Feminist woman will always push for pole position, they don’t want to be a good mother and look after their kids and husbands. They only care about HER NEED which always have to be first. She wouldn’t DARE to put her kids needs or husband needs ahead of herself. It would be a sin for her to show companion or compromise. She can do whatever she wants and doesn’t care about what her husband thinks or kids. It’s all about her, she is the center of the universe or else!!! Sounds like a child or a teenager doesn’t it? Seriously, would u want your friends to have this mentality or mother, father or love of your life? Wouldn’t u call this behavior as dysfunctional, immature or acceptable???
          A person life is shape around their upbringing. If no father is around, they will suffer with male problems for the rest of their life! Same with no mother. Most of them become traumatized where the only way to cope is to turn to drugs. I’m sure everyone here has seen their friend’s family break up and seen the impact on that person. Do they ever change back to the happy person before their parent’s broke up?? Children need guidance from both parents. And why… all this damage on children cause a woman wants POWER for herself and refuses to play the mother role which is seen as the worst thing a woman can do in western society today. Seriously, how mess up is our society today!
          The only reason why all the feminists are getting upset is cause “IT’S THE NATURAL PROGRAM OF A WOMAN” which u ALL DENIAL. U all want to be males, just like children want to act like adults, but should children be children or be adults?

        41. same principles, there is a dominate one and a submissive one! look closer or are u 2 inexperience to see it! it works the same with friendships, someone leads and the other is submissive, it happens all the time… u can’t have 2 alphas in the same room! god u really don’t know anything about life! one thing is for certain, we all know u don’t have a clue about how attraction works between males and females, i doubt that u will be able to see it!

        42. same principles, there is a dominate one and a submissive one! look closer or are u 2 inexperience to see it! it works the same with friendships, someone leads and the other is submissive, it happens all the time… u can’t have 2 alphas in the same room! god u really don’t know anything about life! one thing is for certain, we all know u don’t have a clue about how attraction works between males and females, i doubt that u will be able to see it!

        43. one more thing, if u have 4 people, there will be an alpha, someone second in charge, a follower and the last person is the person that usually gets picked on. THIS isn’t chosen, it’s automatically setup when u engage people. just like the roles of males and females. god… u feminists are so naive!

        44. Men have to work to be sexually successful – looks, charisma, power etc… Women do not. As the old saying goes – A key that opens many locks is a master key, a lock that is opened by many keys is well… a shitty lock.

        45. That is the the dumbest comment I ever read. 1. Not all all feminists are that way. Only a small percentage are that way. 2. I know plenty of of married feminists and they are are happily married. 3. Sounds like the people who you talked to are playing into the anti feminists bullshit lies that the Republicans spew. 4. Men can be feminists tand I know plenty) so I guess they must be self hating men right?

        46. So females aren’t supposed to be successful? So only men should be successful? Umm, that sounds just like some woman hating there. Of course, you want women in in their place as in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant with no successful jobs. By the dumbfuck there are plenty of successful women who are married. Look around you instead down you Fucking woman hating nose. You must be so jealous that there are women more successful then you. By the way pendejo, I’ve been in the same relationship for Fucking 3 years and yes he knows how I stand on women’s rights. So you can suck a big fat one.

        47. think about it this way. a key that can open multiple locks is pretty sweet, but a lock that is opened by many keys is kind of a shitty lock.. you see where i’m going with this?

        48. My name is dumb? You momma was dumb enough to not swallow. Like I told you I’m do NOT hate men. Only Only certain types of men. Misguided feminist. If I’m so misguided then please “enlighten” me oh, “enlightened one”. Lol.

        49. women have estrogen men have testosterone…if you fight that your fighting nature and you will lose…you can be as manly sas you want but real men will run from you in droves and that’s why you feminist are always so angry because no matter how hard you try you cant change shit you just end up angry and alone or with some pathetic excuse for a man..

        50. and men don’t hate all women just headstrong feminists like you who are always bitching about how unfair the world is. I wouldn’t want to be around anyone who is always complaining. the world is unfair in many ways and if you were a little less aggressive and not as intense about things men wouldn’t feel so defensive and might be more willing to listen to where you were coming from. this goes for all situations in life and I hope you see this and maybe it will change your perspective on things

        51. Ummm, no. That’s untrue. What if the guy is a feminist and treats the woman equally. I guess according to you that man must be “pathetic”. Well, the only “pathetic” men I see is the idiot who wrote this article and the angry woman haters who agree with him.

        52. Yea, because of your male privilege right? Guess what sweetie? Women are still getting paid less then men. We still have men men who think they should have a say in our health care (think Republicans). So yeah, damn right we are angry. You would be too if it happened to you, but it’s not so get over your male privilege.

        53. You’ve already been “enlightened” here, you “misguided feminist”. Your name is dumb because you signed your last post “dumbfuck” you moron. You HATE men because you don’t even make any sense.

        54. Male privilege? More whining is what everybody hears. You get a chance to discuss stuff here and you go on a male-bash fest. You don’t acknowledge when you are wrong. You just like to bitch and complain. You don’t represent women. You represent whiny little children that don’t like it when they are failures because of themselves.

        55. You get equal treatment when you earn it. The guest never said or hinted at that at all. Your the typical childish person that thinks everything is everybody else’s fault but yours. Everybody can see that you are the pathetic one.

        56. “So females arent’ supposed to be successful?”
          Where is you READING COMPREHENSION? Paul wrote that when women choose to be successful using male methods, she will give something up in the female ways. You have some sort of real bias if you read “aren’t supposed to be successful” out of that. Your hostility is why your posts do nothing but make more and more people have less and less sympathy for your “cause”.

        57. Right said, Paul. All these troll feminists are angry little children that want all the powers of men AND all the powers of women. The truth is that they do very little building of their woman powers and expect the world to give them a special pass for their lack of man powers.
          They are losers in both ways. Thus, the hostility we all see here.

        58. Whatever dude. And I was calling the person I was talking to a dumbfuck. Stupid fucktard. Also I’m not a misguided feminist. Obviously, you don’t even know what feminism is. It’s not about hating men. In fact, it’s about fighting for equal rights for all regardless of anything. Apparently, you need to stop listening to those Republicans. You misguided misogynist.

        59. Stfu no one cares about you. And so so what if a a woman wants to give up he female ways. Why is it always about men? Some misogynist men don’t want women to be successful. They want them subservient and submissive. It is happening now. Believe it or not.

        60. Yea, well respect goes both ways. Wow. Way to be a copy cat. Learn something original to say say retard.

        61. Excuse me we don’t get paid as much as men and our bodies are are being regulated by who? Men. So So yes, we have a a right to bitch and and moan because we we women are are being treated unfairly. Since when has men’s bodies have been regulated an since when has men received less less then women? Never so yes men have this male privilege going on. So Stfu pendejo.

        62. The only loser I see is you troll. Yet, you call us trolls yet your name is dumb as Fuck. Feminists only want equal rights for everyone asshat. Stop drinking that kool-aid that that the Republicans keep making you drink.

        63. You’re looking in the mirror if you see a troll. All you know how to do is call people names like the little child coward that you are.

        64. Lolz. You squeeze out the usual crap that angry little haters do and you call others “copy cats”. The mental retardation is showing.

        65. No one cares, yet you respond. It’s obvious that you care. Why is it always about men? Well, what is this site about? What a moron. Some people do other things too. That’s not relevant to what this thread is about. You are just here to promote your brand of man-hating.

        66. LOL. You got called out and shown to be WRONG. You can’t even admit that the person turned it around on you (quite nicely too.) You ARE the typical feminist. Check out your name-calling, resorting to the usual “well, THAT isn’t feminism” excuse, bringing in Republicans (What the fuck?? what does American politics have to do with this), etc.
          You need to stop and listen to yourself. You are filled with hate and lash out at anyone and anything that you think is the reason why you don’t personally succeed. The problem is you. Stop blaming others.

        67. Like I keep saying to you retarded men I don’t hate men only certain types. So stfu. I don’t see men get shamed for what they do. In fact, they get praised. Women don’t get praised. That’s because men have learned that women are supposed to be property. It shows when shit goes down women always get blamed. It goes all the way back to blaming eve the so called first woman of the bible. You are a perfect example of how patriarchy screws us all.

        68. I’m hating? Haha. I would definitely say the exact same thing bub. To bad you hate women. What is it that you hate about women? Is it because you men realize you no longer can control us? Too bad so sad.

        69. 1. What does Republicans have to do with this? Uhh, have you read the news lately? The Republicans hate women it’s a known fact. Not mention the religitards too. 2. Feminism is not bad. You forget that feminists are the one’s who fought for your mother’s, your sister’s, your whole female family the rights we have. Asswipe. Feminism is not the men hsters, but the one’s not only fight for their rights,but for everyone else’s rights. Look at the definition of feminism. It doesn’t say you should or become a man hater. No, it says everything, but that you typical trashy male.

        70. Oh, yeah, and you haven’t? Bitch please. Isn’t calling me a man hating feminist name calling or is that different? Oh, I forgot men can do no wrong.

        71. First, you’ve fundamentally misunderstood feminism. Feminists are not trying to be men. They are trying to be people! Of course there are biological differences, but my breasts don’t impair my thinking or my worth any more than your penis impairs yours. I am your equal, just as I am.
          Secondly, even if we except the existence of ‘sluts’, the above article is in no way 99% correct. Despite claiming ‘simple biology’ as justification, Tuthmosis seems incapable of actually understanding it. Big boobs do not make a woman promiscous. Neither does body hair. Wanting to have sex with lots of men makes women promiscuous – and so what? How does it affect you? You seem willing enough to accept it when you wanted one night stands, but you expect everyone else to change when you decide to settle down. This is at best childish, and at worst arrogant. No-one’s sexual choices are in any way your business, so live your life the way you want to, and let others lead their own.

        72. Also the reason why men are getting treated like shit now is because of men treating women like shit. So I guess it’s karma. They do say karma is a bitch and she bites back. If men didn’t treat women like shit for thousands of years then men wouldn’t treated the same way. So maybe you men should suck it up. You get what you deserve.

        73. Seriously…glad to see the age old formula of years of oppression and gender classifications of both sexes is still going strong in our society… I suggest you open your eyes and mind to the real world, however I suppose you can’t control another humans emotional intelligence. (Especially if you are a man, as this is is surely just another gender specific “truth”, that women are more emotionally aware which translates to higher emotional intelligence). Oh well, one day we can hope for males to be on the same level as us…lets hope its sooner rather than later.

        74. In that same vein, surely that’s the only reason males were put on this earth as well…? Your argument does not make sense. You need to seriously consider what you say and for your own sake adjust your value system. Both genders are equally important in the role of species promotion, and as such should equally be respected. “Feminism” is equality and equal respect. It is not about hating males, or placing women as higher, you need to do some research before you embarrass yourself any further with your poorly constructed theories.

        75. The reason why people respond to the article and your points with no respect is because this article was written with no respect. No respect to both genders – it obviously portraits some aspects of women badly but even worse is how it makes the writer and some men by default come across (including anyone remotely agreeing with the original article). At the end of the day the writer of this article is the real looser, and has done a disservice to all men out there, both genders should be equally against this sort of bad article. But I feel sorry for the person who wrote it, if he really believes these. He obviously has very little respect for himself and this translates to how he views others.

        76. Wrong as usual. You got it turned back at you and you can’t take it. All the name-calling in the world isn’t going to change that.
          Not a misguided feminist? As if. You totally are since you hide behind any tru e campaign for “equal opportunity” to promote your hatred. The proof is in how you repeatedly use false support in order to push your agenda. A few of these are now documented…
          Called out on misrepresenting James Flynn:

          24 Signs She’s A Slut

          Called out on mispresenting HIV infection rates:

          8 Ways To Spot A Transsexual

          Called out on mispresenting Pat Roberson:

          8 Ways To Spot A Transsexual

          Not about hating men? The real spirit of movements for “equal opportunity” isn’t, but YOU ARE. You are just trying to hide behind others. That is why you are labelled a MISGUIDED FEMINIST. You get this, and the retreat to name-calling is clear proof of that.
          Apparently you need a lesson in basic logic before you try parroting others. You call people mysogynistic, yet you have no foundation. You say they are listening to Republicans, yet you have no foundation.
          You have been caught MAKING UP SHIT.
          Now you have been reduced to just shouting out pejoratives. You are nothing but an angry little child that has nothing and resorts to trolling.

        77. Let’s see…
          1. Republican’s:
          Whether or not they generally “hate women” or not is one thing. You have providing some evidence that your opposition is listening to, or adhering to their policies is another. As you have not demonstrated any such thing… your assessment is unsupported. You are blowing smoke (as usual).
          2. Feminism:
          No one said that “feminism” was bad. That’s just using the typical straw-man argument that people that have no position often resort to.
          You are called a MISGUIDED feminist for a reason. That reason is that you are NOT about seeking equality in opportunity (yes, look up the definition of your beloved agenda before you start thinking others don’t know what it is about). You are hiding behind feminism to exact your brand of revenge on men. Zealots like you did not fight for justice for anybody’s mother, sister or family. They just fight against anyone they hate. For you, it is clearly anyone that represents someone that you perceive to have slighted you in the past. That person was likely a man, so you rationalize it, and hate men.
          True feminism is not about man-hating… YOU clearly ARE.
          No one has said or hinted at real campaigns for “equality in opportunity” as man-hating. As usual, you are misrepresenting those you cannot refute. This is the typical behavior of those that choose to blame OTHERS for their own inability to earn respect.

        78. lol. That’s the usual “Who me? but you do it too” excuse by trolls.
          NO. While you focus on name-calling like “ass-hat”, “bitch”, etc… people label you for EXACTLY what you are. That you demonstrate a hate for men has been supported with evidence (try providing some evidence that your opposition is a toque for tooshs. ROFL). That you are a MISGUIDED feminist is also clearly shown. You don’t promote the values of “equal opportunity for all”, you promote the “I’m right, and everybody else is wrong” fundamentalist cry.
          You forget, people (men or women) can easily see through you. Your “picture” is no better than some random jpg, so, no, you are still the cowardly child that you pretend not to be.

        79. Put out one good movie on Lifetime. Just one!
          PS: Delta Burke cannot be in it as she would minimize any quality scripting, plot, etc.

        80. No. The reason that some women in the First World are so self-serving is because it’s easier to do so in First World society. It’s not because of any built up debt of bad treatment. That kind of vendetta is the aspiration of hostile fundamentalists.
          The penalties for being (and not just acting) like spoiled little children are not immediately felt, so these self-serving “you go girl” types feel that the world is theirs to use and abuse. It only when they start to lose their “woman powers”. There’s nothing as pathetic as an aging princess (you know, the over-30’s that realize that getting away with crap isn’t like it was when they were 19). Some think they can make a go of it by being a cougar, but that’s the ones that have the ability to maintain a 20-something body. Most can’t.
          Most men and women have little issue with this. It’s only the angry little babies that think it’s some problem with society that they aren’t as successful as they fantasize themselves to be.
          You are right in one regard. You reap what YOU have sown. Your inability to admit fault (WELL demonstrated here) manifests as anger and hostility to towards others. All that rage just bounces off others and back at you.
          Neither I nor others you attack here harbor that kind of hatred. You do. Yes, you get what you deserve.

        81. Wow. Good for you pendejo. Guess what? No woman would want you anyway with that thinking(at least no normal girl would)

        82. Self serving? Isn’t that what the men do here. Patriarchy religions treat women like shit. After all it’s man then woman then children then animals. Matriarchal religions are just as bad. Women powers? All want is to be treated equally and with the same respect as you men expect. I know what crap I can’t get away with. If I hit a guy in anger I would expect to get hit back. I know that killing someone would land me in prison or breaking in a house will get me either shot or in prison. Actions always have consequences good or bad depending on what it is. That’s life. Yea, maybe I shouldn’t gotten so angry, but look at it from a woman’s perspective. We are constantly objectified, viewd as property, as sexual playthings. Although both sexes are shamed if we have sex before marriage women are taking the blunt of it with those anti choice politians and religitards. So I guess we women are tired of the bullshit men have put us through. Can you really blame us? You would do the same if it happened to your sex right? Even the lbgt has had enough of the bullshit patriarchy religions put them through.

        83. Actually, I do want want equal rights for everyone. I’m sick and tired of men telling us that we aren’t equal and that we don’t deserve the same respect and rights as them. Sure, we aren’t as physically strong as them, but are just as smart as them and apparently live longer than them. You sure as hell don’t like it when women tell you that you aren’t equal right? Now flip that around and you should understand that we women shouldn’t have to take shit from Ya’ll. In fact, no should take shit from no one.

        84. You should be shaming these “women” for embarrassing and being a disgrace to the Western civilization.
          You feminists just can’t stand that men are waking up to these scummy “women”, and that they’re learning to identify them and look elsewhere for quality women. Go on, keep typing. You’re only proving that feminists like yourself are only good for a laugh. Especially when you say “All males are needed for is sperm.” then later on claim that you don’t hate men.
          Guess who built the house/apartment you live in? Or the computer/phone you’re typing on? Or the chair that is supporting your [email protected]? Oh, that’s right – men.
          What have modern women done, other than constantly demean men/masculinity and slut/whore around? Complain, complain, whine, whine their way into certain occupations – occupations they couldn’t attain based on achievements alone. Plus, bringing about the economic disaster/over-spending (credit cards/shopping) and single-motherhood epidemics.
          So – no, YOU STFU.

        85. When you hear things like, “All males are needed for is sperm.” over and over enough times by enough feminists – you start to see what feminism is really after. If you’re for equal rights, you would be a humanitarian/egalitarian.

        86. Actually, you must have daddy issues, like 99% of feminists. Research the early feminists – they had mental disorders.
          Also it has been shown that men respond better to high-danger/stress situations (like war zones) – the chemicals in their brain go back to normal after a few hours, compared to 24-48 hours for women. Men are typically better than women at tasks/careers that use pure logic/rational thinking, and yes, there are exceptions – but they are rare. Men and women have different strengths. This truth should be embraced – not shunned, stifled and despised.

        87. What if women agree with this article because time after time they’ve seen these disgusting signs in their peers? Point is, this disgusting, lewd behaviour should (rightfully) be shamed. If you want to remian ignorant and paint all people who think outside the box – go right ahead, but don’t falsely label them as something they aren’t. Who are you to cast judgement anyway? Also, why are you even here, you obviously don’t share the same views as this website…

        88. Okay, in that case which one are you? If people are neither, then their opinions really should not be counted in this. If the intent is to disrupt and essentially cause or perpetuate hatred like this article does then that does not deserve any attention.
          I acknowledge what you say, in how sometimes feminism can be mis-conceived as man hating, but this sort of reaction is undermining the whole point of the movement. The main problem is this; people really don’t acknowledge how serious this is in some cultures. Racism has a higher stigma attached to it, to judge someone on their race is generally accepted as not done in this day and age, but there is still this massive problem with women’s rights across the world. It is still acceptable to call someone a feminist and think this is some form of insult.
          The fact is, it really is a serious problem, one where some women die at the hands of the people who are meant to protect them most – family.

        89. I am not sure how you can comment on judgment, this article is full of it. It is worse than the false “sings” portrayed. I would say if you want to remain ignorant, it is you (and anyone else who agrees) who should continue in your current frame of mind. In doing so you will inevitably miss out on a lot of genuine, amazing experiences in this life. And unfortunately for you, we only live once, you won’t get this chance again.
          I am here to offer a different perspective and to show that, normal, rational human beings do actually exist. You are right I definitely do not share the views of this website, it is destructive and unecessary. I would rather not have stumbled across something so vile and full of hatred, but I did. This type of thing should not exist in the world, but it does for now and will continue to as long as we continue to feed it hatred, which is exactly the point of this article. To ignite hatred in various forms and between various groups of people.

        90. You may THINK you want “equal rights” for everyone, but all your posts are far more towards gaining advantages for women while ignoring the advantages they already have (and are not practically removed).
          Whether you are “sick and tired” of being told women are not equal to men, doesn’t change the evidence that the genders differ, and differ greatly. They are NOT equal in the natural scenario. They both play a role in the promotion and well-being of the species, but they are not equal by design. What you ask for is literally the creation of an artificial environment that sufficiently removes the advantages of the male, but does not disturb the those that the female holds.
          As you say, males generally physically stronger (and by a large margin too) while both genders are generally matched in the ability to successfully solve mental challenges. (Note: it is couched that way, because, male and female humans utilize different cognitive skills to arrive at solutions)
          Based on that, specimen “A” is equally mentally adept to specimen “B”, but specimen “A” also possesses greater physical strength. It should be obvious that one already has more than the other (again, based on your scenario).
          Can you not understand that man (As kind as we males are) removes the physical constraints of the natural world to make it more “equal” for women… yet we get crybaby’s complaining that it isn’t enough.
          Like most guys, I don’t care if some misinformed or speciously motivated person tells me lies. Some women jump and scream about inequity because they PERSONALLY are angry about their own inabilities. That too does not matter to most people. All that has to be done is to point it out. Others can easily see who is trolling and who isn’t.
          Take no shit from anyone?
          Humility is a personal choice. Like in everything in life, choices come with consequences. Being as irreverent of others as possible likely earns you a complete lack of respect. Choose it often enough on private sites like this and find out what happens.

        91. No offense, but what you just said is the stupidiest thing i´ve ever heard. I work construction and everyday you see more and more women who have more “balls” than guys like you to work on a hard job to support their families. By the way the computer you are typing on was propably built in Asia and more that half of the staff that work on Asian factories are women. Lets think before we talk. I dont like extreme feminist either but i don like a girl that believes she is worthless.

        92. Well first calm down a little bit and lets discuss and normal people. I do agree that its wrong how our society is made. A guy can sleep with a million girls and nobody cares, but one girl get a one night stand and then she is a slut. Look i personally like “good girls” but i do not judge nobody, everyone should be able to do whatever they want or need to be happy as long as they dont affect other peoples life. Now, i feel a lot of attraction for good girls but its not because she likes or dislikes sex but because its a girl that want sucked up by our everyday worst society and that makes me think she has a strong personality and i like that… Anyway the only question i ask myself is why if girls should be exactly as men we both were created different and just as in animal the female is the one who decides who and when to have sex. A key that opens many locks is a master key, a lock that is opened by many keys is well… a shitty lock.
          Just my point of view

        93. Actually, you’re wrong, but thanks for thinking know my life. I don’t have daddy issues. My dad treated my mom and me as equals. I think it is you who has mommy issues and 99% of feminists do NOT have daddy issues. If that was true then the men who are feminists must have daddy issues too. Yet, most men who are MRAs have severe mommy issues. Is that you? Early feminists did not have mental illness. That’s bullshit told to you by a MRAs. I don’t know what studies you studied, but they’re are called shit science. If that was true about men respond better to high-danger/stress situations (like war zones) then why are there more and more soldiers coming home having mental health problems and it affects men and women the same.

        94. Well said. Yea, I did get angry I’m not saying I was right, I’m just sick and tird of it all.

        95. No. I never said women should be above men and that women should have more advantages then men. Yes, we have most of the same rights as men do, but I’m just saying we are still not treated equally see previous commentson how much a woman gets paid and how there’s this thing called the war on women’s reproductive rights. Yes, I rather not take shit from anyone because I rather not lay down and get fucked in the ass.

        96. I disagree with you, humans have sex for pleasure, animals have sex for reproduction. Sometimes we have sex disorder and that enslaves us to only think about sex. We need to pay attention to other things that make our life worthy.
          I agree that most of these signs describe a slutty girl. In my case I´ve seen that quiet and shy women, are the ones who like sex the most, they are damn hot at sex

        97. that´s true my friend. I´ve seen women have more opportunities to be successful than men, cause they have other techniques such as flirtiness, and use the pussy to get what they want

        98. whatever women say about men, they can´t live without a cock. No matter how feminist they are, the crave for a big piece of meat

        99. Actually, all we need is your sperm and a good vibrating dildo. That’s why there are sperm banks. Lol.

        100. I don’t remember him calling sluts bad. Fuckin A, I should write this list on the bathroom wall everywhere I go. Paul did a better job with this book than most of the epistles in the New Testament. Oh yeah, 2 more to add to the list: Bitches washin your feet with their hair. and don’t forget bitches bout to get stoned (the bad kind of stoned) by a crowd of angry wives.

        101. I have never thought feminists were so hopeless. Only misguided until i read your posts. If you are some anti-feminist person seeking to damage feminism you are kicking ass!! Its not property DB, it who is left holding the baby. YOur next post should tell us how the vagina reigns supreme because it encounters the penis and destroys mans greatest erections to rumble…..but then you will take the pepsi challenge and I’ll turn your bitchass out andput you to work doin whatever daddy says to whoever daddy tells you. You are no different than any of the other bitches who just need a man to rule over them. Tell me your Hoe-ass doesn’t want a man to come over and dominate your pussy. No matter what you say.. You know you want it and you want it from the first guy that tells you to stfu and smacks you across the face with his cock salami while you are just lappin it it on all 4’s Even lilith loved Adams cock if that is what you were talking about? or wwere y ou talkin about kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

        102. There are sperm banks b/c Men wanna get paid to get laid, but they can’t stand you, so they just drop off a load and tell you go fuck a popsicle and you pay for it.

        103. You are right when you said “All males are needed” you should have stopped there or finishied the list with all the ways you enjoy living under the dominion of a penis. I know you fantasize about being raped, don’t you.?

        104. stick to construction, words are for communicating with other thoughtful individuals. Don’t you know that it’s TACO TUESDAY somewhere all the time? Therefore you shall not post anymore to this thread unless you do so without using the letter T.

        105. Feminism is fucking RETARDED. You want equality bitch? How bout I punch you in the mouth. You better not be cryin about payin for your man when you go out either. If I ever see a man open a door for you I will slam it in your face. Here is your equality you dumb bitch. but no, you wanna pick and choose. Then you wonder why there are no “good guys” because even though we are all really good mind readers there is nothing in your head but a fart. Told you stay out of the Dutch oven. You have no idea about equality, how bout stop cryin and dry your eyes. How bout you buy me the kinda shit you golddiggin hos look for? fuck it i don’t want it anyway. I just wanna let you know that you don’t even know what you are asking for. Feminism was a short sighted philosophy for liberation of females or it was well intended policy to destroy the family

        106. There is no point in talking with someone like you. I feel sorry for you, as I can’t see that you have any happiness in your life. And no I will not regress to childish name calling. You should feel quite proud of yourself right about now. Please carry on, the only person you’re showing up is yourself. Its obvious you don’t have the intelligence to have any sort of real debate. Good luck.

        107. How about no. Wow. You’re gonna get so many women thinking that way. Not. Too bad your blow up girlfriend is the only one who understands you. No, I’m an independent woman who in reality doesn’t need a man. As I already have my own money. Although, men like you turn our stomach. So good luck with that cave man mentality.

        108. Sweetie we call those male prostitutes. Are you a male prostitute? Women can’t stand men like you so that’s why there are sperm banks because men like you don’t deserve to even be with a woman. Even if she ends up having sex she’ll use you then the next day dump your ass because you ain’t good for nothing.

        109. The problem with the world is assholes like you(and the person who wrote this article of course) thinking that it is the “male role” to sleep around and the “female role” to not. All Amanda was saying is that a woman isn’t “bad” if she wants to sleep with multiple people just like some men do. Why is it “disrespectful” to herself if a woman wants to and chooses to sleep with multiple men, but somehow it’s not “disrespectful” to HIMself for a man to sleep with multiple women? As long as your being true to your heart and its desires and needs then you are respecting yourself. Most women who have one night stands don’t have them because they’re lacking self respect, and they don’t need to be tricked into doing it, they do it because they’re horny just like men and want sex. In fact, I think a woman who DOESN’T have one night stands even when she wants to because she is scared of what people(men and women) will think of her, has LESS self respect than a woman who owns her sexuality and shares it with whomever she wants to.
          The problem lies in how men view women who chose to do that. Men are(and have been for DECADES) manipulating women into feeling badly about themselves if they give into their very human instincts. Most men have a problem with women wanting multiple sexual partners because they’re insecure. Over time men have perpetuated this idea that women who sleep with multiple men are sluts, JUST to make themselves feel better(although over time women have followed suit calling other women sluts too which doesn’t help the situation). I mean come on, it would suck to meet a really attractive and cool chick only to find out she’s already been with some guys around town, maybe even an acquaintance or friend! Come on men, who would want that sort of ego blow?! Better just try to avoid that by making women feel badly if they sleep around. And if male insecurity isn’t the reason for branding women “sluts” then what is really? Because it sure as hell isn’t a FACT. It really is immaturity and manipulation at it’s finest, and playing the “male/female natural instincts card” is bullshit. Men are pretty clever, they have figured out a way to manipulate women into feeling bad for wanting to do and doing THE EXACT SAME THING MANY OF THEM ENJOY DOING because for whatever reason they don’t want us enjoying the same frivolities as they do. Why the fuck shouldn’t we enjoy them?
          Yes, it is true that in nature most females and males only have sex to reproduce, and in many cases it is the male who calls the shots but not in all cases, not by a long shot . Guess men choose to ignore these cases though because they don’t serve to further their argument, but who says that humans fall under this “general” category and not under the “exceptions” category? I mean after all, we do have one overwhelmingly obvious difference; choice. Along with our instincts comes the choice of acting or not acting upon those, whereas most other species literally just live their life by instincts and behaviours, they don’t think past survival. Men who “sleep around” are making the choice to sleep with multiple women, it’s not like someone is twisting their arms telling them to do it, they’re doing it because they want to. They just have a big problem with women wanting to do the same thing, so they make another choice; to deem those women who enjoy multiple partners as sluts. It’s not like it HAS to be that way, it’s a choice that was made by men (and continues to be made everyday by men (and women too)).
          Ps, if you’re wondering about some “exceptions” in nature then check out the Barbary Macaque(Barbary Ape) who’s females mate with as many males as possible, and who’s males actually have a larger role in caring for the young. Penguins mate for life, and the male is the one who warms the egg while the female hunts for food. Female squids also mate with many partners in order to get the best possible dna. So for men to play the nature card is a cowardly, easy and lazy way to make their “argument” seem more true.
          “Be a feminine and hate the world and males but at the end of the day it won’t change anything! unfortunately u can NEVER reprogram the primal relationships of males and females. it’s built into our DNA!”
          Paul we’re not hating males, we’re just asking to enjoy the same judgement free sexual freedom as men do, because no, it’s not built in a woman’s dna to NOT want multiple partners. It is a woman’s freedom and right as a human being to do as she wishes with her body, and to be scorned, called names and looked down on for doing that is insanely immature. If women seem like they’re hating men it’s because we’re being disrespected and hated by them. It’s the men showing hate towards women by writing slanderous shit such as this article, so how about MEN stop hating the world and females, and let us live our lives the way we each want to according to our individual tastes and preferences. I mean, should I start judging men who DON’T sleep with as many women as possible and calling them pussies? No, because everyone should just sleep with as many or as little people as they wish (so long as it’s consensual of course). How about men just grow up already.

        110. HEY EVERYBODY… The guy that wrote this is a complete wanker and an asshole…i have tattoos, have travelled, and even cussed but im no slut… sounds like he cant even get a date.. so ASSHOLE if you read this… not every female is a slut.. go and stick your head back in the sand… if there is any SLUTS around.. it would have to be YOU

        111. A women’s purpose is NOT simply to reproduce. And your so-called “God” given ideas of what men and women can or shouldn’t do are HUMAN CONSTRUCTS. that’s right, PEOPLE made them up!

        112. Ever looked up feminism in the dictionary? No? Well, here I did it for you: “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.” There. That’s it!

        113. The difference is men are praised and respected for being sluts. When a women is called a slut it is completely derogatory, just like the above article.
          I hate everyone who supports this bullshit. I really do.

        114. Don’t you ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER say ANYONE fantasises about being raped. That is never something to joke about EVER.
          Feminism is about EQUALITY between men and women… so it’s not right to say that “all males are needed for is sperm” because EVERYONE is needed… no one species or race or gender is any better than the other, we are all different and unique and full of amazing things to offer.
          So, I realise that the previous comment was uncalled for but you should never EVER tell ANYONE they “fantasise about being raped”.

        115. actually no i have never met my father and my mum is a single mother and im literally fine and happy so shh

        116. And a pen that lets itself be sharpened by lots of pencil-sharpeners becomes shittier as well. Let’s not try to argue women’s sexual rights with stupid euphemisms.

        117. Sorry, I do open doors for men, too. I am a feminist, and you want to know something? My boyfriends is, too! Because equality is not about opening doors or being a gentleman, it’s about treating each other with equal respect.

        118. Fair to say there are crazy feminists and also crazy chauvinists. There’s always a bad crop in every group. Realistically websites like this one are what add fuel to the feminist flame. I can’t believe it still exists.

        119. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        120. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        121. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        122. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        123. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        124. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        125. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        126. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        127. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        128. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

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        142. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        143. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        144. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        145. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        146. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        147. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        148. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        149. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        150. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        151. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        152. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        153. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        154. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        155. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        156. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        157. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        158. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        159. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        160. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        161. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        162. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        163. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        164. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        165. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        166. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        167. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        168. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        169. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        170. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        171. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        172. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        173. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        174. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        175. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        176. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        177. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        178. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        179. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        180. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        181. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        182. I don’t think we want to stop them, if anything we want more of them. This is just a list identifying them 🙂

        183. There are other mammals that have sex for pleasure.
          It seems like a lot of people on this website posting about their multiple one night stands are also quite slutty. Perhaps their hardships with all the sluts in the world are well deserved

        184. There are other mammals that have sex for pleasure.
          It seems like a lot of people on this website posting about their multiple one night stands are also quite slutty. Perhaps their hardships with all the sluts in the world are well deserved

        185. I’ve seen women become more successful than some men because they are intelligent and emotionally balanced human beings with strong work ethics. I have also seen men become more successful than some woman for the exact same reason.

        186. I’ve seen women become more successful than some men because they are intelligent and emotionally balanced human beings with strong work ethics. I have also seen men become more successful than some woman for the exact same reason.

        187. I’ve seen women become more successful than some men because they are intelligent and emotionally balanced human beings with strong work ethics. I have also seen men become more successful than some woman for the exact same reason.

        188. Gamers exist because some people can’t handle the stress of reality or prefer fantasy. It has nothing to do with the sexual preferences of girls and women.

        189. ‘feminism can be misconceived as man hating,’
          This is exactly the problem, it’s not misconceived as man hating anymore than the KKK is misconceived as racist. Your group, feminism, has actual man-haters in it, and they’re more often than not LEADING your group. When we tell you that you need to keep a reign on them, it’s exactly the same concept as women suggesting men form movements to fight for their rights, and we do it because we know there are actual feminists who want to establish real equal rights for women, but if you let your leaders paint you all in the same light, you can’t claim that we’re stereotyping you, you’re stereotyping yourself.

        190. Your analogy is ridiculously false. You;’re comparing the KKK to feminists? The KKK was a hate group designed to stop African American’s from achieving equality. It was aimed at keeping them as a subordinate, second class. Feminism, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. It is geared towards achieving equal rights! Just because some women may hate men, does not mean that you can classify all feminists as man haters. All KKK members were classified as racist because they were ALL racist. That was the nature of the group. Feminists are not man haters by nature. If there is a small minority who do, you cannot define the entire group by those few. Some men rape women, so are all men rapists? This is the kind of logic you’re trying to apply here.

        191. No, the logic I’m implying, as you’re putting it forth, is that if the President and Prime Minister were rapists, noone’s going to look at their country and think ‘Land of the Free’ I’m well aware that feminism and the KKK are wildly different. You don’t seem to be aware that their respective leaders, really aren’t. It’s up to the group to oust them, or we’ll assume they represent you, obviously.

        192. Amanda…I love you. You deserve cookies every day for this wicked little gem of sarcastic writing. You have made my day 200% better. Thank you. =)

        193. Actually it’s men who can’t live without women.
          You see, studies have shown that single women live longer lives than married women. On the other hand, single men live shorter lives than married ones.
          Good luck making it past the age of 50.

        194. This site is unbelievably retarded.
          I stumbled across an article and carried on reading through and I’m pretty astounded at the pitiful levels of incoherent ball-baggery people spout.
          I’m a woman, however, I consider myself comfortably detached from both attitudes. I think both feminism and chauvinism are pretty hypocritical. A feminist cannot preach equal treatment to that of a man and then later cry because a guy didn’t hold a door open for her. Similarly, a man cannot argue that a woman’s place is solely for sandwich making, and spawning and caring for children, merely because men “don’t happen to have vaginas”. I find this argument laughable, what about the other animals on the Earth? Like the male penguin, I don’t see them arguing their precious masculinity when they’re incubating their eggs.
          Masculinity my ass, I imagine the majority of these “manly men” to be nothing more than greasy string-vest wearing assholes who throw punches and empty beer cans at their wives for burning the roast. And femininity is not being a subservient housewife.
          Life does not have to be a dick-waving contest, but yet we still struggle for power. We have lived on this planet together now for long enough to respect each other, and co-operate to use each other for our strengths and weaknesses. Men feel they are natural providers, this is a fair statement, my boyfriend loves the idea of taking care of me, but never would he dream of stripping me of my aspirations or interests so that I could merely stay at indoors and tend to the home. However, if I decided that this was all I wanted to do, he’d also respect me enough to accept this as my decision, and of course I’d do the same. Unlike you folks, he doesn’t require clinging onto a false macho bravado to reassure himself that he is a man. And personally, I believe this makes him more of a man than any of the bumbling morons I’ve witnessed on here.
          We’re all human. We’re all the same
          For Christ’s sake, deal with it ladies and gents.
          And regarding this article
          For the record, I’m a 21 year old film music composer, with tattoos, a pierced nose, who frequently experiments with my hair colour. I think I’m perfectly feminine regardless of enjoying the occasional beer and video games. I’m in a perfectly happy long-term relationship WITH A MAN THAT DOESN’T BEAT ME IF I DON’T MAKE HIM A SANDWICH.
          My total number of partners is two, my current boyfriend and my first boyfriend, who I dated for over a year.
          Slut you say?
          Jolly Good <3 XOXO

        195. This site is unbelievably retarded.
          I stumbled across an article and carried on reading through and I’m pretty astounded at the pitiful levels of incoherent ball-baggery people spout.
          I’m a woman, however, I consider myself comfortably detached from both attitudes. I think both feminism and chauvinism are pretty hypocritical. A feminist cannot preach equal treatment to that of a man and then later cry because a guy didn’t hold a door open for her. Similarly, a man cannot argue that a woman’s place is solely for sandwich making, and spawning and caring for children, merely because men “don’t happen to have vaginas”. I find this argument laughable, what about the other animals on the Earth? Like the male penguin, I don’t see them arguing their precious masculinity when they’re incubating their eggs.
          Masculinity my ass, I imagine the majority of these “manly men” to be nothing more than greasy string-vest wearing assholes who throw punches and empty beer cans at their wives for burning the roast. And femininity is not being a subservient housewife.
          Life does not have to be a dick-waving contest, but yet we still struggle for power. We have lived on this planet together now for long enough to respect each other, and co-operate to use each other for our strengths and weaknesses. Men feel they are natural providers, this is a fair statement, my boyfriend loves the idea of taking care of me, but never would he dream of stripping me of my aspirations or interests so that I could merely stay at indoors and tend to the home. However, if I decided that this was all I wanted to do, he’d also respect me enough to accept this as my decision, and of course I’d do the same. Unlike you folks, he doesn’t require clinging onto a false macho bravado to reassure himself that he is a man. And personally, I believe this makes him more of a man than any of the bumbling morons I’ve witnessed on here.
          We’re all human. We’re all the same
          For Christ’s sake, deal with it ladies and gents.
          And regarding this article
          For the record, I’m a 21 year old film music composer, with tattoos, a pierced nose, who frequently experiments with my hair colour. I think I’m perfectly feminine regardless of enjoying the occasional beer and video games. I’m in a perfectly happy long-term relationship WITH A MAN THAT DOESN’T BEAT ME IF I DON’T MAKE HIM A SANDWICH.
          My total number of partners is two, my current boyfriend and my first boyfriend, who I dated for over a year.
          Slut you say?
          Jolly Good <3 XOXO

        196. This site is unbelievably retarded.
          I stumbled across an article and carried on reading through and I’m pretty astounded at the pitiful levels of incoherent ball-baggery people spout.
          I’m a woman, however, I consider myself comfortably detached from both attitudes. I think both feminism and chauvinism are pretty hypocritical. A feminist cannot preach equal treatment to that of a man and then later cry because a guy didn’t hold a door open for her. Similarly, a man cannot argue that a woman’s place is solely for sandwich making, and spawning and caring for children, merely because men “don’t happen to have vaginas”. I find this argument laughable, what about the other animals on the Earth? Like the male penguin, I don’t see them arguing their precious masculinity when they’re incubating their eggs.
          Masculinity my ass, I imagine the majority of these “manly men” to be nothing more than greasy string-vest wearing assholes who throw punches and empty beer cans at their wives for burning the roast. And femininity is not being a subservient housewife.
          Life does not have to be a dick-waving contest, but yet we still struggle for power. We have lived on this planet together now for long enough to respect each other, and co-operate to use each other for our strengths and weaknesses. Men feel they are natural providers, this is a fair statement, my boyfriend loves the idea of taking care of me, but never would he dream of stripping me of my aspirations or interests so that I could merely stay at indoors and tend to the home. However, if I decided that this was all I wanted to do, he’d also respect me enough to accept this as my decision, and of course I’d do the same. Unlike you folks, he doesn’t require clinging onto a false macho bravado to reassure himself that he is a man. And personally, I believe this makes him more of a man than any of the bumbling morons I’ve witnessed on here.
          We’re all human. We’re all the same
          For Christ’s sake, deal with it ladies and gents.
          And regarding this article
          For the record, I’m a 21 year old film music composer, with tattoos, a pierced nose, who frequently experiments with my hair colour. I think I’m perfectly feminine regardless of enjoying the occasional beer and video games. I’m in a perfectly happy long-term relationship WITH A MAN THAT DOESN’T BEAT ME IF I DON’T MAKE HIM A SANDWICH.
          My total number of partners is two, my current boyfriend and my first boyfriend, who I dated for over a year.
          Slut you say?
          Jolly Good <3 XOXO

        197. This site is unbelievably retarded.
          I stumbled across an article and carried on reading through and I’m pretty astounded at the pitiful levels of incoherent ball-baggery people spout.
          I’m a woman, however, I consider myself comfortably detached from both attitudes. I think both feminism and chauvinism are pretty hypocritical. A feminist cannot preach equal treatment to that of a man and then later cry because a guy didn’t hold a door open for her. Similarly, a man cannot argue that a woman’s place is solely for sandwich making, and spawning and caring for children, merely because men “don’t happen to have vaginas”. I find this argument laughable, what about the other animals on the Earth? Like the male penguin, I don’t see them arguing their precious masculinity when they’re incubating their eggs.
          Masculinity my ass, I imagine the majority of these “manly men” to be nothing more than greasy string-vest wearing assholes who throw punches and empty beer cans at their wives for burning the roast. And femininity is not being a subservient housewife.
          Life does not have to be a dick-waving contest, but yet we still struggle for power. We have lived on this planet together now for long enough to respect each other, and co-operate to use each other for our strengths and weaknesses. Men feel they are natural providers, this is a fair statement, my boyfriend loves the idea of taking care of me, but never would he dream of stripping me of my aspirations or interests so that I could merely stay at indoors and tend to the home. However, if I decided that this was all I wanted to do, he’d also respect me enough to accept this as my decision, and of course I’d do the same. Unlike you folks, he doesn’t require clinging onto a false macho bravado to reassure himself that he is a man. And personally, I believe this makes him more of a man than any of the bumbling morons I’ve witnessed on here.
          We’re all human. We’re all the same
          For Christ’s sake, deal with it ladies and gents.
          And regarding this article
          For the record, I’m a 21 year old film music composer, with tattoos, a pierced nose, who frequently experiments with my hair colour. I think I’m perfectly feminine regardless of enjoying the occasional beer and video games. I’m in a perfectly happy long-term relationship WITH A MAN THAT DOESN’T BEAT ME IF I DON’T MAKE HIM A SANDWICH.
          My total number of partners is two, my current boyfriend and my first boyfriend, who I dated for over a year.
          Slut you say?
          Jolly Good <3 XOXO

        198. This site is unbelievably retarded.
          I stumbled across an article and carried on reading through and I’m pretty astounded at the pitiful levels of incoherent ball-baggery people spout.
          I’m a woman, however, I consider myself comfortably detached from both attitudes. I think both feminism and chauvinism are pretty hypocritical. A feminist cannot preach equal treatment to that of a man and then later cry because a guy didn’t hold a door open for her. Similarly, a man cannot argue that a woman’s place is solely for sandwich making, and spawning and caring for children, merely because men “don’t happen to have vaginas”. I find this argument laughable, what about the other animals on the Earth? Like the male penguin, I don’t see them arguing their precious masculinity when they’re incubating their eggs.
          Masculinity my ass, I imagine the majority of these “manly men” to be nothing more than greasy string-vest wearing assholes who throw punches and empty beer cans at their wives for burning the roast. And femininity is not being a subservient housewife.
          Life does not have to be a dick-waving contest, but yet we still struggle for power. We have lived on this planet together now for long enough to respect each other, and co-operate to use each other for our strengths and weaknesses. Men feel they are natural providers, this is a fair statement, my boyfriend loves the idea of taking care of me, but never would he dream of stripping me of my aspirations or interests so that I could merely stay at indoors and tend to the home. However, if I decided that this was all I wanted to do, he’d also respect me enough to accept this as my decision, and of course I’d do the same. Unlike you folks, he doesn’t require clinging onto a false macho bravado to reassure himself that he is a man. And personally, I believe this makes him more of a man than any of the bumbling morons I’ve witnessed on here.
          We’re all human. We’re all the same
          For Christ’s sake, deal with it ladies and gents.
          And regarding this article
          For the record, I’m a 21 year old film music composer, with tattoos, a pierced nose, who frequently experiments with my hair colour. I think I’m perfectly feminine regardless of enjoying the occasional beer and video games. I’m in a perfectly happy long-term relationship WITH A MAN THAT DOESN’T BEAT ME IF I DON’T MAKE HIM A SANDWICH.
          My total number of partners is two, my current boyfriend and my first boyfriend, who I dated for over a year.
          Slut you say?
          Jolly Good <3 XOXO

        199. So you want women you can manipulate and control. Women who are self-assured, assertive, and require respect are no good to you, because they don’t let you treat them like shit. Lol. How noble of you.

        200. So you want women you can manipulate and control. Women who are self-assured, assertive, and require respect are no good to you, because they don’t let you treat them like shit. Lol. How noble of you.

        201. So you want women you can manipulate and control. Women who are self-assured, assertive, and require respect are no good to you, because they don’t let you treat them like shit. Lol. How noble of you.

        202. The heinous amounts of “I’m probably a sex offender” was nothing after I realised you actually used the term “cock salami”.
          Is that original or did your dad drum that into you one cold lonely night?
          Either way, I’m pretty sure even the sluttiest of bitchz don’t appreciate “daddy” slapping them with their genital jamboree.

        203. Yes… All the accomplishments of good men are completely worthless and unnecessary. I mean come on, who needs electricity right? And fuck airplanes, telephones, and computers. Fuck half of the entire population because I’m mad at some douchey comments made by a few random guys on the internet.

        204. Yes… All the accomplishments of good men are completely worthless and unnecessary. I mean come on, who needs electricity right? And fuck airplanes, telephones, and computers. Fuck half of the entire population because I’m mad at some douchey comments made by a few random guys on the internet.

        205. Yes… All the accomplishments of good men are completely worthless and unnecessary. I mean come on, who needs electricity right? And fuck airplanes, telephones, and computers. Fuck half of the entire population because I’m mad at some douchey comments made by a few random guys on the internet.

        206. Yes… All the accomplishments of good men are completely worthless and unnecessary. I mean come on, who needs electricity right? And fuck airplanes, telephones, and computers. Fuck half of the entire population because I’m mad at some douchey comments made by a few random guys on the internet.

        207. Ass soon as I saw your name is “Chief Seaman Uswallowit” it didn’t really matter what came next. You’re already an idiot.

        208. Hi I just wanted to point out that I don’t think the girl’s point was that she was hating all men. I’m almost positive she just dislikes people like you because you lack to see her along with half of the people in the world as human beings due to your falsely perceived sense of male supremacy.
          By the way, for someone that deliberately goes out of their way to make other feel bad about their “reading comprehension (???)”, I’m almost positive “Where is you READING COMPREHENSION?” is not a proper sentence

          “Gamers exist because women choose to sleep with the wrong type of guy”

        210. And I suppose the idiot who wrote this blog and the guy who owns this website should be respected right? Wrong. Truth is they don’t get any respect from us sane people.

        211. Oh, dear! Won’t it be a shame that these women will be doing what they love and wish to do in the world, instead of being tied down to sexist assholes who don’t believe in their rights, wishes, and have no idea how to communicate properly? How awful it must be for them, to not spend time with someone who they’ll regret meeting within ten seconds! The horror.
          Really, don’t these poor, poor women realize they’re missing out?

        212. In this context Gamers mean the same thing as players and pick up artists.
          In other words it should be acknowledged that patriarchy exists because of the decisions women make.

        213. This might be the most ignorant comment I’ve ever read. Based on the clearly less than stellar vocab and grammar I will assume that that’s a common theme for you and therefore I will give you a break for a second. Only a second though, because while I am both an incredibly successful and driven young woman I also am told time and time again how attracted to that specific part of me men are. By men. Who are also successful. Men are tired of girls who are gold diggers, ones that go to college just to meet a Pre Law guy and get their Mrs. degree.
          The main reason women are put on this earth is NOT to reproduce. Being feminine does NOT equate to hating the world and at the end of the day, women and men are both primal beings and while the dominance of the male species can not primally be replaced, it simply does not equate to success. That is all. I’d like to be clear that I am not what your description of a ‘feminist’ might be and I am a young, blonde, runner that shaves her armpits. I just wanted to dispute your theory that women were only put here to be slam pieces and to have children. Most of the successful circles of men that I know are very vocal about feeling otherwise.

        214. You know what, if it’s a woman saying all a guy wants is sex and that men are useless then it’s fine, no one bats an eye. If a man says you can spot a woman is slutty cause she wears a slut uniform then it’s not fine. If a woman hits a man on tv it’s normal, but vice versa, he’s a fucking asshole. I mean what is this shit, why claim you want gender equality when what you actually want are benefits? Wait, so you can criticize the male gender all you want when you feel like it but say that men can’t criticize women. Let me remember you that it’s been already massively discussed and agreed on that women wear extremely revealing clothing for the obvious reason, to be observed by the sex they’re interested in, that being mostly male. Sure, 50% of his article might not be as accurate as the author would like, but the rest is right on, so go fuck yourself.

        215. You are an animal too, unless you are a rare test from a military facility mixed with plants or other kingdoms’ genes. If you are talking about the rest of the animal species other than humans, there are also cases of sex for pleasure in some of the most intelligent species like dolphins, whales. and other evolved primates, and that is only what we can observe or what has been yet measured, not meaning it is the only set of possibility, Even if some stereotypes are created as a result of a social tendencies and responses in behavioural expression, the utmost point to illustrate in here my friend is, that people have the right to look and act as they want to without being pejoratively labelled. And thinking all the time about sex is not a sexual disorder, it is called healthy libido, if that bothers, discomforts, or irritates you, perhaps it is because you are the one with a disorder. There is nothing wrong with having casual and spontaneous sex with multiple people, as long as you are taking care of your health and in so, of the others.

        216. You are an animal too, unless you are a rare test from a military facility mixed with plants or other kingdoms’ genes. If you are talking about the rest of the animal species other than humans, there are also cases of sex for pleasure in some of the most intelligent species like dolphins, whales. and other evolved primates, and that is only what we can observe or what has been yet measured, not meaning it is the only set of possibility, Even if some stereotypes are created as a result of a social tendencies and responses in behavioural expression, the utmost point to illustrate in here my friend is, that people have the right to look and act as they want to without being pejoratively labelled. And thinking all the time about sex is not a sexual disorder, it is called healthy libido, if that bothers, discomforts, or irritates you, perhaps it is because you are the one with a disorder. There is nothing wrong with having casual and spontaneous sex with multiple people, as long as you are taking care of your health and in so, of the others.

        217. Clearly you do not understand DNA–or the real definition of feminism. I for one don’t believe you’re a man…you are a very distinct and tiny species of nasty that should be extinct.

        218. You cannot possibly call ANYONE a moron when you say things like “Where is you reading comprehension”

        219. wow paul, where you born the stone ages. I checked about 10 items of the list off and I’m happily married with twins and I fucking love sex with my husband. That’s what you want right, a maid/ cook in the house and a slut in the bedroom. Seriously, 99 % percent correct?? that’s because you are dating 99 percent women that have sexual needs as well so sex is likely to occur. Why is it the males role to want to have sex. If women were not suppose to want sex well then my friend there would not be the human species without rape and I don’t think we want to go there.

        220. “Real Men” are respectful of women, just as “real women” are respectful of men.
          I would also like to point out that the guy who wrote this article couldn’t find a woman in person (probably because he has no idea how to romance anyone)..and so his list is obviously the desperate clinging of a “man” who needs to make others feel bad about being themselves because he hates who he really is.
          Just so everyone is clear: actually, there is estrogen found in all men, and women do need
          small amounts of testosterone. Testosterone and estrogen are
          actually very closely related in the body. A look at their chemical
          structure reveals only subtle differences. Maybe do a little research before you spew your inadequacies all over this website.

        221. I have piercings, visible tattoos, I curse, I used to party my ass off every day in college, and I am a feminist. Somehow though, with all these bad and dangerous qualities, I have only had 3 sexual partners and am now happily married to the third with a beautiful daughter. I do not take my septum ring out, I still curse, though not with my daughter in the room, and I don’t cover up my tattoos. Oh and my husband and I play video games together because you know, we’re gamers. Gamers don’t exist because women sleep with the wrong men. They can sleep with whomever they like, and you guys are just too cowardly to say you like them, or god forbid expect only friendship out of us. All we are to you “nice gamer guys” are walking vagina’s that you feed “niceness” to and get mad when blow jobs don’t fall out. Go fuck yourself man. If a woman sleeps with 100 men she still isn’t a slut, she can do what she wants. It’s everyone’s job to empower young women AND men to respect each other.

        222. So if you show interest in girls, or have large breast you are a slut
          ” Despite having a stripped-down profile that revealed very little about her sexual appetites, I went in optimistic about getting laid that night. In my head, I’d somehow ascertained she had “slut face,” and was therefore more likely than others to put out.”
          This guy sounds like a creep who doesn’t get laid. I thought it might be an interesting thing to read but after reading that
          and some things on his list. -__- Is this guy serious? He might as well said 1. has a vagina. There are far better ways to determine if a girl is promiscuous.

        223. because you can totally tell how much self-respect and how family-oriented a woman is by looking at her… and feminists are NOT trying to ‘play the male role’, we are trying to be treated as human beings instead of sexual objects; promote your hatred misogynists, it will never impede the enlightenment of others.

        224. WHY is a woman who has sex a slut? and why is a woman who won’t fuck a prude?
          it is because sometimes we have a misogynist disorder where women are not worthy of being treated as human beings instead of objects of desire.

        225. Paul, ya you might want to go ask your mother, grandmother, whomever about a little something about the evolved gender roles of the 21st century. There is nothing wrong with a strong independent woman and
          the same can be said about a man, but in order to have a healthy relationship
          both must depend on each other; it may be for different things a relationship
          will always will be a partnership first and foremost. Feminists condemn the 50s
          because most women stayed at home while the men worked well then are you saying
          that it is easy to run a house hold, to be the one that does all the cleaning, all
          the cooking, all the necessary shopping, taking care of the kids, etc? Every
          person has a role to play it is just about finding that balance that works for
          you and your partner. My own mother was a Mommy most of my childhood- she was
          in PTA, volunteered for class trips, was home when I came home to help me with
          my homework, drove me to practice, was able to be home with me when I was sick,
          and all the other things moms want to do for their kids. Even my own dad who
          owns his own company said that what she did on a daily bases was half of what
          he did in a week. Women were not supposed to be men! I am a 20 year old college
          student who is trying to get my degree so I can have a good career and all that
          goes with that, but does it make me a weak woman to also want to be someone’s
          wife and be a Mommy one day? Can I not be a strong woman and not want to be a man?
          Sorry that I wasn’t built with a penis and testes but with a uterus and mammary
          glands. We live in a society where we can have both independence and
          femininity. Again everything in life must have balance. As societal norms grow so much people’s understanding of what they are.

        226. We are ANIMALS! If we weren’t we wouldn’t have blood flowing through our veins and our feet would have tube like strings sprouting out from under them to attach themselves to the ground like plants and we DEFINITELY wouldn’t have sexual appetites.
          We have sex for pleasure AND for reproduction and we are not the only animal who has sex for both. The only difference between humans and a different animal is that the other animals doesn’t judge a female calling her a slut just because she wants to have sex for pleasure.
          I mean for heaven’s sake male ducks will gang bang and rape a female duck to death to satiate their appetite for sex (pleasure) if they weren’t able to attract a mate during the mating season (reproduction). The human species has some people who have done that too! (as far as rape goes… and maybe not to death… but you get the point.)
          Female primates will “sell themselves” to males for food like a human prostitute woman does to survive (sometimes)!
          Whether male or female it doesn’t matter. A male can be a slut and a female can be one too. As a species though we need to get over the fact that sex isn’t bad, sinful, gross, wrong, etc. It is the most natural and awesome force in the world that can create a life but also destroy a life (I think you get my meaning). Sex isn’t inherently bad and labels for degrading or praising males or females (ie. player vs slut) who just like sex should be wiped from everyone’s vocabulary because it is ridiculous and insults our intelligence as a species. (Which sometimes I question our intelligence because of things like this ridiculous blog.)

        227. Possibly true. But the word “misogynist” gets thrown around so often out-of-context its almost amusing. If I, as a man, hold a door for a woman instantly I’m “misogynistic” because I didn’t want her to open the door herself.
          Or, if I DON’T open the door, I’m misogynistic because I didn’t want to help a woman, thinking her “inferior”. I mean seriously, women apply that term to men of all backgrounds no matter what we do, just to make themselves feel better.

        228. If true “feminism” is just edifying and respecting men and women equally, than I have no quarrel with it. But most of what I see called “feminism” these days, involves women degrading men, or trying to dominate, not equalize, with them. Then there are the obvious physical differences, which have a large impact on social “roles”. Respect and dignity should exist for women regardless, but denial of differences is not a step forward.

        229. you’re a whore and prude slut. Lick balls and sit in the corner. Do not speak unless spoken to and have dinner on the table whenever i feel like it.

        230. Liar, you are probably wondering how many of these huge cocks you can get. add mine to the list. you’re sister is gonna be a tough act to follow.

        231. i didnt read what you wrote, but you and I both know you would still fuck me. just sayin. it is what it is. I don’t drink beer but i would balance one on top of your head while you went down just so everything would seem normal to you.

        232. Hey, you have money? How much. Maybe I wanna come dominate your pussy to and turn your ass out on the street to see what you are really worth. Now, be a good girl and shut the fuck up for daddy. haha. No but really tell me your pussy is not getting wet just wondering how fan fuckin tastic it would be for me to totally dominate you and then throw you out so you wonder what you did wrong. tell the truth. Okay you can speak againl

        233. Wtf? Even if I have money it wouldn’t be for you. If you tried anything trust me you would be missing your little 2 inch penis you probably can’t even get up and your testicles. You will be in a world of hurt bub. Don’t try it dude. Fucking rapist piece of shit pendejo. I hope you try that shit with the wrong person although death is too great for you. Maybe some torture will do you some good.

        234. Does the bible blame women? From what I’ve read, Adam ate the apple by his own volition and both adam and eve were punished equally. Though I do believe john Milton has lucifer talking to adam before corrupting eve

        235. I respectfully consider the thoughtful tone of your disagreement. I stand by my statement whatever it is. I know plenty of women that share rape fantasies with me and something about a comment I responded to must have rang true. It is regrettable that you have such an emotional response to that prompt. I commend your balance in reply. Truly, you have strength of character to demonstrate such restraint. Without meaning disrespect to you or your feelings. I feel that at this time, with the information I have in front of me. That censoring someone or something on any grounds is not within my moral makeup. It is of course, a 2 way street. I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight unto the death for your right to say it. Now, I can assure you that my comment was made without regard to what may or may not have happened. But I do not relinquish my right to say it. Now, since i do not think you were the target of my venom, I regret that you felt hurt by my worlds and had i considered that I may have responded differently or qualified my statement somewhat. But we will never know. Have a wonderful evening.

        236. “Didn’t” read it? … Or couldn’t?
          And oh wow, you’re talking about terrible terrible sex again
          Did you learn about that in a heinous foreign porno? Or hear about it in school today?
          It’s easy to identify the pillow-humpers.

        237. 98 percent of you sound incredibly ignorant, arrogant, STUPID and lack intelligence. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and that’s just what this is. This article is like saying every female thinks alike and are all the same. In a way you are saying women are programmed to be a “slut” if they decide even ONE of these apply to them. Grow up

        238. Sexism in the Bible. Genesis 2:22 3:16 4:19 12:13-19 19:1-8 19:26 19:30-38 20:2-12 25:1-6 Exodus 20:17 21:4 21:7-11 22:18 Leviticus 12:1-8 15:19-32 20:10-16 21:7 21:9 21:13-14

        239. You shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce. Please if you so kindly get your tubes tied. People like you shouldn’t be parents.

        240. I’m a feminist, but I don’t think that way. I open the door for everyone man, woman, child. It’s common courtesy. Now if you didn’t open the door for me then you’re just a rude ass.

        241. u stay away from the bad women? unless u want a one night stand. so u dont focus on feminine women with self respect, u focus on the needs of ur DICK at the time. and u find urself to be a respectable man do you, cohorting with sluts? hmmm. how is it suppose to be, YOUR double standard? okay for him not for her? trying to play the male role. let me answer this for you, when MEN start acting like MEN, well AMEN then i wont HAVE to play the male role. frankly ive had a lifetime of it. pathetic…men today. ur not much different. sorry.

        242. Seriously? I’ve never heard someone would call a man misogynistic cos he did/didn’t open a door. What the fuck you talking about?

        243. You seem to hold very strong, and very misguided assumptions about feminism and feminists. It’s not about women getting ahead of men, or women trying to be like men…that’s an assumption that has accompanied every feminist movement and a stigma that people have used to dismiss and demonize feminism throughout history. You use the same rhetoric in your comments that circulated after every wave of feminism. Seriously. You can check it out at the library.
          Even if you don’t agree with my perspective, the books and research done on gender are pretty funny. You’ll even find plenty of texts which do support your arguments, although the date of publication for those works might be earlier than the one’s that I’m thinking about. You’ll probably have a lot of anecdotal evidence to add to your reading of this literature, since you’ve been dating age and older for quite some time.
          In my opinion, you have a pretty narrow, derivative, and incorrect perception of feminism, and it’s a shame that that’s what you think feminism is about. I’d be against feminists too, if I thought what you did about feminists was true. I implore you to expand your understanding of feminism, gender roles, and history. You seem to believe that male and female roles have been generally static throughout the ages, and that it’s “natural” or “primal” for men to behave a certain way, and women to behave another particular way.
          There is plenty of anthropological and historical research that suggests that the attitudes we see today have an origin in more recent history, and that the social creation of gender is just as important, if not more important than biological/survival/reproductive urges in explaining everyday behavior and human relationship dynamics. Gender roles are socially constructed, and have been changing for thousands of years. There are similarities between gender roles in different societies and across time, but there are also vast differences that can’t really be ignored the way you tend to do.
          Every culture conceptualizes gender and sex differently, some in more subtle ways than others. For instance, many cultures operate in terms of a gender binary according to physical sex at birth. Some cultures acknowledge and have specific roles attached to a third gender in addition to male and female, which suggests that these guides to interaction are expressly created, and can be changed as societal needs compel them to. I can see why your experiences have led you to come to different conclusions than I have, but I don’t accept that “it’s all primal” because my personal experiences, and the research that I’ve done thus far suggests otherwise. In other words, I have logical reasons for having different opinion than you that have nothing to do with being a woman, or being a feminist. That’d be pretty absurd. lol Tradition can be wonderful, but older is not always better. Just because a belief has persisted for a long time, does not mean it’s practical to apply that belief to a current society that may or may not have different social demands than in the past.
          I am a woman with enormous self-respect because I was raised to believe that my gender does not limit my capabilities as a person or determine what I like or dislike. I believe that having different genitalia should not have to imply inequality or rigid gender differentiation based solely on biological differences.
          That does not mean that I will try to “play the male role,” whatever that means. I don’t have to be like a man to feel fulfilled…think about it, does that make sense to you? Do you really think that many women go around thinking that to themselves?
          When I marry someone, I hope that my spouse and I will treat each other with mutual respect and divide our responsibilities to each other and our family based on our strengths and our weaknesses.
          Furthermore, just because I value my ability to contribute to the community and my family, does not imply that I’m doomed to put my desires over the well-being of my family, or that I don’t have family values…My parents raised me to value family over anything else. I mean, both my parents worked long hours, but dinner together was always mandatory in our house, and weekend activities with family were non-negotiable. You made time for family, school, and any other responsibilities you signed up for. Period.
          We have a lot of members in my extended family, and we are all very close and very supportive of each other, emotionally and financially. We are fiercely loyal to each other and are always helping each other succeed in any way we can. I’m pretty confident that my and my fellow cousins’ generation can pass that loyalty and generosity on to our kids, and that has very little if anything to do with our respective genders or our attitudes therein. You can have family values and be a feminist…I just don’t think those two things are correlated as strongly as you do.
          Point is, my parents, and many of their friends, have kept their relationships intact without having to shape their relationship in terms of gendered responsibilities. Both of my parents make an excellent living, and in fact, my mother makes more than my father some years because she’s a physician/surgeon. Just happens.
          She handles the financial coordination of our household and her own practice, while my father handles his own business’ financial demands. Because that makes sense. Big purchases and decisions were always made together, with them consulting each other based on the other’s expertise on different matters. There were things that my mom did better than my dad, and things that my dad did better than my mom, and they switched dominant and submissive roles based on what was practical, not because mom is a woman and dad is a man.
          Your marriage and many other marriages might have been successful because of what you’ve described, but there are many many different ways to maintain a healthy relationship, other than what you’ve been saying in the comments you’ve posted. It’s a little silly to say that there is only one particular way that a relationship can work, when I know plenty of couples that are very happy together without having the kind of relationship that you’ve previously described.

        244. Feminism is a pretty broad term, with many groups that generally believe in gender equality but disagree on how to achieve it. Who are some of these “leaders” that you’re thinking of? And what organizations do you think are representative of feminism?

        245. Let me guess you found yourself a little boy with mummy issues where your unable to attract a real man cause no REAL man would ever be attracted to your muscular personality!

        246. Lets move to the next level if u can even comprehend what im saying! Greed, lust, envy, social status, self power, desire, needs all lead to unhappiness! These are the dysfunctional valves of feminists! Keep preaching your valves…. destroy more families as u keep preaching but not 1 feminist here has even looked at the effects on the next generation of kids!

        247. 1. Your body is 31 y/o but your mind is still stuck in the teens! 2. see (1) 3. Why would I choose to let anything in life upset me?! I control my actions, i’m not suck in my teens like u where all teenagers need more time to learn to control their emotions. 4. Refer back to (1)

        248. If you seek power, u will never be happy in life! Needs, desires, selfishness, lust… is only temporary happiness and all lead to pain! These are the thought traits of all feminists!

        249. 2. That is the most stupid thing i have ever heard…. u never ever know what goes on behind closed doors in a relationship! 4. I know i was one when i was younger than i grew up and learnt what the world is really about as well as a relationship with man and woman! 5. A woman should always have her say in a relationship and express her point of view but just like having a boss at a job, the man has the last say. If the man gives in all the time, he isn’t playing his role of showing muscular qualities in the relationship, Next the woman loses respect and attraction, relationship over… U can usually compromise but sometimes u can’t… so what happens next, someone has to give in… and it’s the worst thing ever if the man does all the time!
          The most important quality as well i want to mention is learn to NEVER hold onto grudges. If you do, your relationship will fail!
          Grow up! If you boss in a job decides not to go with your idea, it sounds like u kick and scream like a child!

        250. Says the idiot who can barely spell. I’m sure whoever you’re in a relationship with feels soooo lucky.

        251. Religion has been around for thousands of years for a reason! It’s the true essence of what life is really about. Feminist values are the opposite of what real peace and happiness is! Our whole western cultural is built on negative values that is how our economy works! U have to keep most of the population stupid otherwise people won’t spend money. It’s a fact when we are down, alone and feeling empty inside is when we spend money. Corporations run the government where they fund the feminist movement and valves and control the media and TV. They want feminist to create unhappy families and break them up so people spend money! When people find real peace and happiness, u don’t need to spend money to feel good. A happy home, love, compassion, the basic things in life is what real happiness is but today it can be so hard to find where all the feminists here are making the world even worst!
          I learnt all this from studying!

        252. She does cause she knows I know my role as a man and i treat her like a princess cause she is a real woman. I haven’t bothered to buy a woman flowers and taking her out and spoiling her when she is down cause i was dating the new age selfish woman (feminist characteristics). she treats me the same and it’s great knowing that we have someone we can depend on! i’m so happy these days compare to dating dysfunctional feminist women in the past!
          Feminists are always angry and unhappy and they are 2 stupid to understand why like yourself!

        253. i think it has something to do with the basic instinct to no want to share a woman with other men….and when looking for a mate, as a man, when you meet a nice girl whos slept with alot of other men, its as if you are sharing her ex post facto.

        254. I fully support feminists. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be able to do most of what I’v been able to do so far and what I aspire to do in the future.
          But I also embrace what is natural (or should be natural) femininity.

        255. Okay, yeah. First off, we’re not animals.
          And as for your argument that about animal’s desire for sex for pleasure vs sex for reproduction, yes, you’re right. There are, indeed, animals who have sex for pleasure. But they are the EXCEPTION to the rule, not the rule itself.
          Humans have sex for both pleasure and reproduction.
          Animals, on the other hand (with the little exceptions aside), do it strictly for reproduction, nothing more.
          As the general rule, that’s more than enough to prove just how different from us the animals really are.

        256. Umm, no, but nice try though. Try again? And I attract different men because of my personality not my looks.

        257. Wow. Thanks for knowing all about me. Not. You don’t even know me so how can you say any of that? Oh, wait it’s your male ego. Oh look at me I’m god’s gift to women. Women shouldn’t be allowed to speak their mind. Durr. Durr. Durr. I will speak my mind even if you don’t want me too.

        258. Well, this isn’t Burger King so you can’t always have it your way. The husband always has the last say? What bullshit. So in another words your right no matter what. That’s stupid. Talk about male privilege. Always look at me I’m head of the household. I’m always right. Seems to me you have all the say in your relationship. Typical male.

        259. Not me and normal women don’t like that shit. Dummy. You should stay away from relationships dude. You’re sick in the head.

        260. It sounds like you fellas have the mummy issues
          Very Freudian.
          I wonder how many times you all hid in the wardrobe and watched your mothers undress before the realisation that you’re all complete and utter mutants suddenly hit you.
          Oh wait. It still hasn’t.

        261. “would HAVE HAD been born with both SEXUALLY organs.”
          LOL. Another American cretin…

        262. Not true some animals have sex for pleasure. Example bonobos (type of monkey) have lesbian relationships as well as hetero relationships. There is no point other than to bring tensions down within their troop. It’s pleasurable because of the release of hormones from the brain, and this happens to other animals as well.

        263. Actually, darling successful women aren’t with men/can’t hold a relationship for a number of reasons. But as MOST studies show, it is because she intimidates men. As in it is the man’s fault because he is scared and has no self esteem. You’re argument, based on actually no scientific backing whatsoever isn’t only invalid, it makes you look dumb. I wonder Paul, are you with a woman right now?

        264. Actually the definition of feminism is the view that both genders should be treated equally. A true feminist would never say “All males are needed for is sperm”.

        265. animals masterbate. it’s pretty damned presumptuous to say that humans do it for one thing and animals do it for another. all species do it for *multiple* reasons, be it pleasure, control, dominance, prestige, reproduction or anything else.

        266. Actually, studies show a lot of animals have sex for pleasure. There’s also a lot of rape in the animal world…

        267. Almost everyone commenting on this has minimal ability to comprehend English. Especially these 2 arguing. They make zero relevant points. lol

        268. I want to meet you. Lol. The people responding on here are so ridiculous. You are not. I applaud you. lol

        269. Are you serious right now? you want to talk about intelligence? well im sorry but you have got to be the most unintelligent person I have ever come across, I literally grew dumber reading the garbage you just wrote. While we are on the topic of comparing humans to animals, lets compare our IQs as well, whos do u think will be higher? a human or a duck? our intelligence far surpasses the intelligence of any other living species, the closest is a monkey and even they are comparatively dumber. we as humans make judgment because we have the brain capacity to make judgement, we as humans decipher right from wrong because we have the intelligence to do so. By your logic since ducks gang rape each other then humans should be allowed to as well. Okay great! Then since apes fingers their assholes and the smell and lick the fingers then humans should as well. I am sorry but your argument is so very weak please do not even try and defend your view just admit the fact that there are way too many flaws in your theory. If we as humans were to constantly compare ourselves to animals you and I would not be living in our big houses, we would still be living in dark caves scratching stones to communicate with each other. its called survival of the fittest we as humans have been designed in such a way that our brain capacity allows us to make decisions that no other living species can. I will end with this, how would you like it if your daughter sucked a different dick every weekend??

        270. Being feminist has nothing to do with “playing” the male role or “hating on men”. It’s about promoting equality, and the women who are promoting “man hate” aren’t feminists, they’re man haters. There is a difference, learn it.

        271. ” it will never change the way the male/female sex are suppose to be otherwise human beings would have had been born with both sexually organs.”
          totally agree.

        272. That isn’t true
          Anthropologists have known for a while that our anatomy suggests a multiple male to one female sex pattern. Woman are capable of achieving multiple orgasms while men can only have one which points to sperm competition as opposed to mating competition. Also when a man “pre cums” it doesn’t actually contain sperm, it contains a spermicidal substance that kill s any sperm that might have been there first. Th word slut is a cultural term that is fairly new, there is no primal instinct in humans that would deter a man from pair bonding with a promiscuous woman. It’s all ignorant taboo.

        273. ”Gamers exist because women choose to sleep with the wrong type of guys” Wow, wait a minute, gamers exist because videogames are awesome!

        274. Not to mention kkk is an actual group while feminist I just a word used to describe a mind-set

        275. Same reason the guys who want casual sex are called players. Those are the terms that describe the actions. Not complicated. It’s predominantly women that tear other women down for their sexual behavior, not men.

        276. I would love to stop the BAD, BAD women, but then I would hate myself in the morning because they fuck so good.

        277. For the same reasons that men who play sports are called jocks and those who play chess are nerds. Its just a title to categorize a group of people. Frankly I don’t think there is anything wrong with a slut or a male slut, so long as they are ready to face the consequences of their actions. I love me a slut that loves to fuck because I love to fuck just as much.

        278. i think it more a concern when it is unhealthy sexual behavior. there is healthy and there is omg this is not good for your health. you know what i mean?

        279. Let me put this very simplistically so all of those present can understand. Biological imperative is to improve the gene pool. We’ve been competing at this for years. Sex is a natural thing and promiscuity should not be confused with sluttiness. Who are you to judge when there are plenty of other examples of mammals as well as others in the animal kingdom who have sex outside of being in heat… Oh, wait…

        280. Actually you’re all wrong, I’m the sweetest quietest girl you’ll ever meet but online I come clean. I’m a big slut, I have sex with about 4 different guys each week (and they change each week).
          I have no tats, no piercings, never bring up sex, never say we are not having sex tonight and I’m the opposite of this description (as are the friends/sluts I associate with). I have very little body hair (testosterone doesn’t always get those follicles happening – ask any roid head) , I love men so much I just want more and more of them. I have no daddy issues, just a regular relationship with him. If only men knew how to bond with me emotionally whilst having sex then I’d finally be able to orgasm with them. However, I do love everything about men, they way they smell, the way they walk, the way they stare, love love love almost all of them.

        281. Nah honey, you men started the tearing down of women like me. The last sentence was something along the lines of how to avoid women wifey up women like me. I personally wouldn’t want to marry an inexperienced male anyway, I want a manwhore to match my whorish tendencies, he would “eff” so well with all that experience as I do. Those of you who avoid sluts like me end up marrying madonna’s and then end up miserable for the rest of your life because that low libido that made her hold off till marriage/commitment is what will also kick in when you ask her for sex after making her your wifey (it’s called a low libido and you can’t change that especially once that pot belly starts growing)

        282. Hopefully her daughter is like me and just likes getting pleasure not necessarily giving it to every Tom DICK and Harry. I wont let anyone tell me that my pleasure I get from sex is a bad thing. You just need a good fuck Andrew.

        283. I’m probably the most feminine woman you’ll meet and I can tell you that my feminist sisters get wonderful men who are alpha’s and can handle her shit (and man they know how to lay it on because they expect only the best). You sound like a beta male who isn’t getting enough pussy, Shut Up stop making my favorite gender look dumb.

        284. I was going to write a response. Paul, I doubt any human mind can tell the truth in a manner as comprehensively as you did. Thank you.
          Women, you were born.. women! Enjoy, embrace and live like how you’re meant to be.

        285. Well that’s not what he’s saying at all, that is what you are choosing to see, regardless.

        286. Feminists are exactly like the KKK. They’re there to promote brazen sexism and female-supremacy and pseudo entitlement under the guise of ‘acting gentlemanly.’ Let no woman EVER dare define the meaning of a ‘gentleman’ to a man. If a woman ever dares define gentlemanliness to me I’ll define womanhood for her as lollypopping my cock and tickling it with her tongsules.

        287. yes, and every male thinks alike also aparently (according to many one here) and by calling people stupid you do make yourself seem a bit dimwitted and if you even had a valid arguement it was lost due to that, but as a man who played the field allot i can tell you all this a man that sleeps around is still called a slut or a whore. it is just that our guy friends give us props for it. so here is what it is, are you looking for acceptence from the male counterpart if the answer is no, or that you dont need the acceptance of the male counter part to do what you want. then keep your mouth shut and sleep with who ever you want when ever you want dont pay attention to what people call you. also btw most of these things do tend to prove true when playing the field for a one nighter.

        288. actually that is just one set theory, there are others that prove to be true over time. like if i see my woman with another man i will destroy him, just like she should do to any female who tries to mess with me. sex is one on one at a time due to human nature to bond during sex, so do not say it isnt true where there are other things out there that say that it is true. say that it may not be true and show all the facts

        289. You can’t even hit them in the face when they spit on you after you offer them your seat on a bus (and they took it). And for the time I’m holding the door cause I have nowhere to be and it means nothing to me, and “the world would be better without chauvinist little shits like you”. I mean, seriously, equality’s a goddamn joke and everyone knows it. Like what, regardless of gender both those times are the same thing, small act of kindness (woman on bus was a BIG girl, and the bus turned a corner, and she was evidently suffering, I don’t care I’m healthy enough I can stand up in a moving vehicle for 20 minutes, nothing to do with being a lass or something) and the other time was because there was someone behind me who was going to use the door, big whoop.
          It’s the fucking gall of women who think that men think we’re superior because we don’t want to be a dick to everyone all the time. Shock fucking horror, not all of us are assholes.
          I mean I’m not even fussed, people should be allowed to do what they like as long it doesn’t hurt anyone else, flip me off ’cause I call some chick something rude based on her gender, not cause I figure she’d appreciate sitting on the bus or not having to open the damn door or taking the cab first cause god knows you can see how much effort she put into her hair this morning and it won’t get any better sitting out in the rain.

        290. So much of what you wrote is just plain wrong. The only thing that makes someone male or female is whether they produce sperm or an egg. THAT’S IT. Everything else is culturally dictated. Women are not “second class” just because we are physically weaker. Maybe that’s why women have higher pain tolerances, to put up with the bullshit that men put them through on a regular basis. If we lived in a matriarchy instead of a patriarchy the world would be a WAY better place because the women in charge would take care of EVERYONE not just themselves like our current MALE politicians. Also, I’ve held a relationship for 6 years with my “feminist values” and don’t doubt we will marry and have kids eventually, but my relationship is not the only measure of my worth. If you honestly believe the shit you spew, maybe do some readings on Gender and Globalization.

        291. You would be surprised at how many technological advances were possible because of women that didn’t get any credit… That being said, “all males are good for is sperm” is a pretty mean thing to say. Aren’t men and women both useful for different things?

        292. A woman who won’t fuck is a modest woman and shouldn’t be seen in a negative way. Women who put out with several men are definately sluts. If you were in a relationship with a woman like that I would not trust her at all.

        293. Bullshit. If you can fuck the shit out of your woman regardless of her sex experience. She WILL want/crave more sex. My gf and I didn’t have much experience when we got together, but I’m a fast learner and let me just say, she came and she came not once, but 16 times and that’s only cause I thought she had enough! lol Everyone’s different though and that’s just my experience or lack of ha!

        294. Gamers exist because of who a woman may or may not sleep with? And all this time I thought it was because of video games…

        295. Ah, so it’s okay for you to have a one night stand, but not for a woman to have a one night stand, that makes her bad? And the point of feminism isn’t to play the “man’s role”, it is to encourage equality amongst men and women. You mention male/female sex, what about male/male sex or female/female sex? I’m a feminist and my marriage to my husband is going exceptionally well. We treat each other as equals, not superior/inferior or master/maid.

        296. Just because a woman has had sex with more than one person does not mean she isn’t trustworthy. If she has a history of cheating, that might, but just because she’s had sex does not make her a bad person.

        297. im a man, and i certainly do not want to share a woman, i know that theres not too much logic behind it, but ive always felt that way and havent been able to get over it no matter how much i reason about it…..so i feel that its a male instinct to not want to share women, i dont think you can claim to know about every primal instinct that a man feels…..so i think you might be brushing aside something a little more credible than just “ignorant taboo”.

        298. Exactly. That Holly Baby Catpiss is what is called a total hater. She can’t argue with facts so she’s all about putting up bullshit, then trying to shout down anyone that talks against her.
          100% loser trailer-trash.

        299. your the fool and so are the 94 retards that agreed with you that are probably mostly women , most feminist despise men , they seek equality but also try to challenge men. and play the field like men. there also responsible for rising the slutty race of females that’s transpiring right now. you know were it came from. you guessed it EQUALITY FROM A FEMINIST POINT OF VIEW.

        300. does it say what in detail what feminism has done for society? not a whole lot of good. anybody can wiki shit it doesn’t change the fact that feminism is a parasite in society right now that’s putting this mind state in female heads that i can do what i want cause i am a female and men should respect me no matter if i’m a slut , a disgusting person and not a mother to my child or an example.i’ll blame all my problems on men because their pigs and they only care about themselves

        301. THANK YOU SO MUCH , i mean people are just stupid these days , they dont think they are sheep.

        302. You probably won’t read this dear but the problem with these women is that most of the time they’re immature, and keep very much promiscuous after marriage and it goes beyond it quite often. Now a mentally mature woman, and even if they have had multiple partners they’ll know how to be a lady after marriage, same with mature men. Instead of the pea brain girls who just seem to be centered on DICK throughout their life!

        303. Ouch. You totally hurt my feelings. But I’m sorry to say I have a boyfriend. And he would like to punch you in the face for that fucking comment. And sorry but my sister is a virgin, and she’s 4 years old. So unless you’re a pedophile, which you probably are. I don’t think my sister has had sexual relations with you. But good luck trying to find someone who will like hearing about your huge cock. Good day.

        304. wow breaking news humans are actually protists call the press this is a completely new scientific discovery

        305. Goddamnit, how wrong you are. You are describing chivalry. Some women like it, some don’t. Deal with it. Misogyny isn’t about who pays (or doesn’t) dinner. It’s about how society treats women as a whole. An example of misogyny: calling a woman a “whore” just because she states she likes sex. Whether you’re a man or woman, you have the right to enjoy sex because it’s a natural act and it feels good. But society teaches little girls that they must not talk about these things because they aren’t “lady-like”, and preserve their virginity. Boys don’t have to go through that.

        306. Yeah I’ve read that only humans and dolphins are the only beings that mate for pleasure, and also the only species that mate for life. (sometimes)

        307. LOL Big bad women? bahaha you women just love patting your selfs on the back no Alpha man here is intimated by “women” so go back to tumbler and don’t let the door hit your sad ass on the way out. kthx bye baby <33

        308. I tend to think a sharp slap across a woman’s face when she is blatantly rude and disrespectful (as is the custom in other more civilized cultures) is something we should be less afraid of in Western culture. I don’t mean at random or systematic abuse, but in response to a woman’s rudeness its a no-brainer. Without realizing it a great many women expect this.

        309. Feminist are not trying to play the male role, they are trying to promote equality and flexibility with gender roles, there are people and couples that gender roles could be switched completely and they would be the happiest, there are people who fall all over the spectrum of gender and traditional gender roles really no longer need to be seen as the norm because as equality has increased the people who are happier and accepted outside those norms have increased, we as a society are adapting and changing and so is our biology, as we have adapted and evolved the genetic difference between man and women has gotten less and less, in fact the way we are evolving we may go the way that some animals have gone already in the past to the point where males no longer exist, which is not something i would wish but biased on science it is a possibility, regardless we are more the same than we have been in the past so the “primal” aspect really no longer holds ground. And because a woman is pro equality or enjoys sex does not mean she lacks self respect, does not mean she lack femininity, and it does not mean she isn’t family oriented, In fact being pro equality and comfortable with her sexual appetite probably amounts to more self confidence and self respect, As for femininity or being family oriented, those things are not at all effected by being a feminist or enjoying sex, those are personality aspects and values that vary from person to person and can just as easily be exhibited in a feminist as any other woman, or man for that matter, it has never been a world of only two genders that followed the exact roles assigned to them, there have always been people more comfortable in different roles and who are you to judge them and say that role is not correct? If it makes a person happy and doesn’t infringe on your rights then you should accept it.

        310. If i had a daughter of age to consent and she enjoyed sex and took proper precautions for STDs i would have no problem with her having as many sexual partners as she wanted.

        311. It must suck being with a guy that doesn’t want to be on top. The only man u can get is a beta male (little boy), no real man would ever touch u for anything more than a root!
          If feminists are taking care of everyone why do they only preach values for women only. What are the male activists movement fighting for? Equality rights for both parents, domestic violence towards males where 50% of domestic violence is from women towards men. etc… do feminists ever bring up that men are abused as much as woman, no it’s ONLY abuse against women. u never heard about it EVER when it’s the other way around. 9/10 court cases rule in favour of the mother for the last 40 years where the father can’t see his child unless she says so and has to pay child support. Do feminists ever bring up issues regarding males, NEVER!!! If a man stands his ground and hits a woman back if she comes at him with a knife, he is charged but she isn’t. Same with rape cases where out of all crimes, FAKE rape is reported the most. Do feminist ever bring this up while preaching equality???? A woman is never charged where a man can go to jail for a very long time.
          We are living in a patriarchy in western socieity, that is women are in charge and men are only allowed to be submissive. Turn your TV on and watch some TV, women are always angry/bitchy where they get emotional and hit men…. the males are always submissive type these days. There is no real men left on TV anymore!
          The mens activist movement is booming for a reason cause men are sick of being treated like slaves by women today. The only guys that put up with our society are white knights which is what u are currently dating! No real man would ever want to touch u!

        312. For some reason when i stand my ground with dysfunctional woman like u, women have a hard time leaving me alone!
          Have fun with your vibrator, it’s the only action you will ever get u fat and ugly feminist!

        313. lol my bf is 6’4″ and over 200 lbs, we enjoy many different sexual positions, and we have a sub/dom thing going on where I’m the sub so… lol nice try on the personal attack.
          Its interesting that you think feminists are not fighting for the issues that you are talking about when they are. where did you get this 50% domestic violence statistic from? Most research indicates that men are the major perpetrators of violence towards both men and women. The majority of rapes are cause by men. It is feminists who understand that BOTH men and women are capable of being raped as well as being the offender because rape is about dominance, not sex. There is no evidence to suggest that most rape claims by women are falsified, and perpetuating this claim only stigmatizes actual victims from coming forward and sharing their experiences. Believing that only women can be raped also makes it more difficult for MALE victims to come forward because the patriarchy tells them that they cannot be raped. It is feminists who disagree with the state of custody battles that favour women because this is from a patriarchal idea that women are natural caretakers and should be mothers, whereas men are less capable of taking care of children. This assumption is wrong, and feminism does not support it. The punishment for any crime should be the same and not dependent on gender, any bias is a result of the patriarchy, not feminism, because it is the patriarchy that views women as weaker and needing protection. I don’t think you should look at television as a valid representation of social life because it is contrived by the media to cater to what they think the public wants in order to sell products. But on that note, men still dominate major roles on television and movies, as well as behind the camera. There have been SO MANY Batman and Superman movies but NO Wonder Woman movie. In fact, some shows have been cancelled because they generated too much interest from female viewers (Young Justice for example) and corporations think that only males should be interested in comic book heroes and their products. Politics, Science, Film, Sport Journalism and Finances etc. are still male-dominated fields where women are taken less seriously and must overcome more challenges to hold higher positions. Also, your post earlier about kids needing both male and female role models is only slightly true, studies have shown that children with lesbian mothers are more well-adjusted and happier than other kids. This “primal DNA” bullshit is part of the problem because not every man is a macho muscle builder and not every woman is a dainty baby-maker. We are just people living our lives the way we want. If you encounter people who do not care about the wellbeing of men, they are not feminists. Feminism may have started as a movement to elevate women to the social, economic, and political status of men (which still isn’t 50/50 yet), but has evolved to include everyone who is victimized by patriarchal ideals (people of colour, gay men, trans men and women, intersex, queer etc.) “No real man would ever want to touch you!” ah ha ha ha what a terrible assumption. I would get SO much action if I was single, but I already found a big strong man to take care of me, who I also take care of, if you know what I mean 😉

        314. The only way what you’re saying as any basis in regards to this article would be if there were actual surveys done to calculate the correlations between a woman’s personal choices (clothes, piercings, hair colour) and her instances of casual sex. I highly doubt these tests have actually been done, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that women who express themselves more or have more confidence in their sexuality have higher instances of casual sex. Of course, if we were trying to determine human behaviour we wouldn’t be calling women “sluts”, because that’s just rude. this article relies on stereotypes and personal impressions, no evidence of empirical thought, just judging women negatively for their personal choices. First rule of statistics: Correlation does not equal causation, so this entire article is bunk.

        315. Feminists aren’t talking about the issues i’m talking about, they only talk about one side that benefits women ONLY, they dont care what men think hence why the MRA has boom in the last 10 years.
          U can’t talk to a feminist about issues cause they pull out their “victim card” and crack the shits like a little child. I’m still waiting to hear a feminist respecting the rights of men.
          Have a watch and judge for yourself below backing up what i’ve said! U really need to take the red pill and wake the fuck up!

          Definition Of Feminism

          9/10 custody cases is ruled to the mother hence why at least 3 fathers kill themselves EVERY DAY in a small country as Australia.
          Interviews of feminists views on men!

        316. Its funny you mention the animal channel because there are many examples in nature that contradict the current male-female dichotomy that exists in the human species. Male Hyenas breastfeed, male penguins incubate the egg while the female gets food, female lions hunt for food while the male lion protects the offspring. There is a species of primates where the females are the ones who mate with as many males as possible to get the best DNA. So, how does your “nature” argument stand now? Humans are incredibly diverse, expecting people to behave based on their genitals is ridiculous.

        317. So a woman’s taste buds indicate her promiscuity? Wow, that’s some serious science right there. Correlation does not equal causation, which means that just because there happens to be a link between two factors does not mean that the factors directly influence each other.

        318. Lesbians make better parents. Explain that based on your idea of “primal roles”.

        319. Wow. It took you 8 months to comment on my comment. Good job. Not. Hahaha. By the way, I don’t own a vibrator nor am I fat. I can’t get fat anyway because I have what everyone calls a high metabolism. Unlike you. So your dumb comment is invalid. Nice try though, but try again.

        320. Wow, so because I’m outspoken I must be pre-menstrual? That’s pretty sexist of you, but everything you seem to say is sexist. My boyfriend loves that my mouth never closes btw 😉 You assume he is overweight, but he could be over 200lbs of muscle, so way to go making ANOTHER baseless assumption. Attacking someone personally during a discussion does not make for a good argument.
          You are painting a wide picture of feminists that doesn’t coincide with reality. Yes, there are radfems that don’t care about the issues that face men, but most intellectual feminists are actually advocating for justice and equality. Get over it. There are branches of feminism specifically talk about men. They are out there, go find them!
          You are talking to a feminist who is not claiming the “victim” card. I am not a victim, but still have to put up with rude comments from strange men about my appearance, just because I am naturally curvy and large-breasted. (“nice tit job” has been yelled at me before. these are real, hun) I am a feminist who cares about the disregard for male life when it comes to military service. Men should not be expected to sacrifice their lives as though they are disposable, it should be an individual’s decision to serve their country, both men and women should be allowed this decision.
          I cannot comment on the situation in Australia, but here in Canada both men and women are respected for their individual merits. In Toronto especially, we have a large LGBT community that thrives because of our open-mindedness, we don’t need to strictly adhere to male and female gender roles that are culturally dictated, and everyone seems to be happy. I watched the first video you linked, and what is interesting is that the issues that face men are NOT a result of feminism. YES men have their own issues, but it is gender inequality that perpetuates these problems. Stereotypes about gender (men=strong and dominant, woman = weak and submissive) perpetuate these problems. NOT feminism, which allows people to define themselves beyond their gender and seek individual happiness. If gender equality is the cancer, feminism and Men’s Rights are separate methods for battling it, they don’t have to be opposing forces. Maybe we should be asking, why is there so much violence and oppression in our societies, and how do we remedy this? (hint: restricting women’s behaviours and clothing choices is not the answer).

        321. Your a big girl trying to talk about issues u dont have a fucking clue about! Once u hit 18 u can buy your first vibrato… bet your looking forward to that instead of using household objects all the time!
          At the age of 18 your metabolism rate drops by 1% a year. By the age of 30 it gets harder to burn body fat even for me being a personal trainer at 35 now!

        322. ROFl. .. Out of all countries Canada men are standing up the most with the Edmonton and Vancouver men’s groups. University are allowed to teach women’s studies and have women groups but men’s studies and men groups are banned as well as in the US. All the feminists have gone viral on this (hate groups, sexist) and u preaching to me feminists want Equality rights??? What happen to freedom of speech??? Watch how they abuse the cops physically but not 1 protest or is arrested! I thought feminists are never voilent???

          Oh yes I agree we need more women in the military!
          Female Soldier = COMEDY: http://youtu.be/bD4KFqA5O1I

        323. yeah as if angry protesters are representative of all feminists. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m going to yell “you fucking scum”, that’s not constructive. There are clearly people who are taking good principles and warping them.
          WOMEN ARE NOT INFERIOR TO MEN. Get that through your fucking skull. Just because a woman is physically weaker does not mean she couldn’t kick your ass. So I guess by your logic, men should do all of the heavy lifting and hard physical labour? Oh right, that might be why 90% of work place injuries are male. There a female firefighters, construction workers, scientists, soldiers, doctors and any other occupation you can think of, every woman has the capability of being just at good at her job than a man. “If women didn’t like to work under a superior man, all feminists would start PMSing..” wtf are you talking about? I’ve clearly displayed higher intelligence than you because you seem to think that women are controlled by their uteruses. For 2/28 days of my cycle I might notice that I am more sensitive or easily irritated, but the rest of the time I am just as logical or rational as a man. “Men are born leaders”, well guess what I can take charge when I want to. I was born a leader and I am a woman. So fuck you and your fucking sexist shit, you will never have a truly gratifying and compassionate relationship with a woman if you think that they are beneath you.

        324. Do you actually believe this is true? NONE of this shit explains what a Slut is! A Slut (or a Stud for Males) is someone who has sex frequently with different people. And your thing about “Feminists” is not true. Women are treated like shit ( in some cases). There is nothing wrong with standimg up for Rights. And if you’ve been dating “Women for twenty years” then how can you not call yourself a Stud? -.- This whole topic is Sexist and Judgemental!

        325. Oh and there is no such thing as a “Male Role” or a “Female Role” for God’s sake.

        326. FOR FUCK SAKE. Why are you trying to make a point that doesn’t exist? Male and Females are equal! God put us on Earth to share it and be happy! AND Feminists don’t hate MEN. Some Men support Feminists. Why are you being so self appointed!? You obviously have never watched SPORTS have you? I’m not hating against you but I felt very offended and upset when you said “Women are second class” when they are not! JESUS!

        327. And your a big boy trying to understand women (which you don’t). Yes, I’m well aware that I can buy a vibrator when I’m 18, but yet I haven’t had to buy any (like that’s any of your business anyway). Sure the body isn’t going to be perfect when you start aging. Mine isn’t, but I’m still skinny as I’m only 5 feet 2 and weigh only 106 pounds. Funny, you call people ugly yet, I’ve never seen your face or any other stupid man commenting on here. Guilty conscience much? Lol.

        328. Then I sure hope that you expect the woman to slap you back as she has the right to. However, if a man is rude and disrespectful then can a woman slap you without expecting to get hit back? No? Then maybe you should reconsider that comment.

        329. I thought the view was on “sluts”. Not necessarily women in general. You seem to be taking this out of context or misplacing your resentment to this list.

        330. Wow. You think I’m immature. Lol. It is you and men who write shit blogs like this that think like this because God forbid if a woman has equal rights, if she expresses herself sexually, dresses how she feels comfortable, speaks her mind, and thinks for herself without you men around to “put her in her place”. Like I said just because a woman does these things doesn’t mean she is a slut. You and most of the guys commenting (including the blogger) are only making generalizing statements. However, if I said all men are evil, abusive, rapists (knowing it isn’t true) then all of you would bitch and moan about how sexist and generalizing that is. By the way, not all feminists are man haters and are femnazis. Most aren’t. I know a lot who truly want everyone to be tolerant and equal regardless of anything as I like a bunch of feminist pages and looked on feminist blogs. I suggest everyone should do the same. It’s funny though there are extremists in every walk of life. Yet, you men say nothing about those only about women and homosexuals. Why is that? What is it about women and homosexuals that you men have a problem with? Do they scare y’all?

        331. Yes we are animals by definition. I cannot believe that you don’t know simple biology.

        332. yes, you use instagram pics to evaluate women, because ALL of them go on instagram. you’re a moron.

        333. You should research what “feminism” has done to our society. It is obviously not about equality. otherwise men wouldn’t always be paying child support and alimony to their ex’s.

        334. all the animals most closely associated with humans have sex for pleasure. You will find that chimps have very high bisexuality rates as well. this is not them being too stupid to know a female from a male.

        335. Or, just a crazy idea here, we could manage not to stoop to physical violence as a more civilised culture would. Get pissy at a bitch for being a bitch, sure, but slapping anyone is the idiot’s way out.

        336. Your an idiot and you have properly never had sex, you just trawl the internet calling women sluts. I’d look up the Madonna/whore syndrome it really applies to you, you cunt

        337. The level of stupid here is critical. Feminists don’t want to play the male role, they just want equal opportunity to do whatever the fuck they want. It’s about equality. If men want show skin off and feel sexy, or if they wanna wear eyeliner to look hotter- feminists support that because equal opportunity to do whatever the fuck you want.

        338. Why “destroy” some stranger who is banging your girl? Does he know she even has a boyfriend? Do most guys just want to bone? Shoot first, ask questions later…. Right?…. Lets say some disgruntled dude runs up on ME while I’m with a some girl who is involved but neglected to tell me, the next thing the attacker will remember, if hes lucky, is waking up in the hospital wondering why hes shitting into a bag with his jaw wired shut. Think real long and hard about your life before you try to “destroy” someone you dont know, because your life can be changed forever in an instant of macho-stupidity.

        339. You are equally senseless and pretentious. Your idea is hypocritical, someone forcefully confronting you so you will change their life (a joke of violent force and personally perceived physical ability) is precisely what you are trying to prevent? Your act of violence is not a swift defense but an act of rage. You do not break a child’s legs to teach them, you slap them on the wrist. Your excessive force does make you a hero (as you are [both] not prey) but a lunatic.
          And obviously the guy who you’re responding to’s comment is not being literal. By “destroy” he does not mean incinerate or kill(unless he’s 12), but confront and intimidate. Obviously if someone is violating a relationship you have with someone you will be hostile in some way…and on the other hand if he really wanted to “destroy” you he could use the benefit of surprising you, hitting you from a distance, etc, all extremely simple ways of taking care of the problem from a violent and immature way.
          The “correct” thing to do would be to disregard the guy flirting with your girl and smartly make her forget he exists and comeback to you, which should be easy if you actually know the girl and this is some guy (possibly even charming in some way or w/e) just getting to grips with talkin to her and getting to understand her personality.

        340. Next you’ll be saying we’re all monkeys and should be living in the jungle eating bananas and reproducing cause its the primal way. If you want something loyal and doesn’t play the dominant role then get a dog, and stop making us men look bad.

        341. Also wrong. To say humans are the only ones that have sex for pleasure is absolutely behind the times. Their are tons of species of animals from fruit flies to different types of monkeys that have same sex with each other, which is definitely not for reproductive purposes. And why is a woman who enjoys having lots of sex shamed as a slut but a man who does is simply a man? Do you see the gender ranking involved here? To stereotype all quiet and shy women as the ones that love sex more is like women saying all men are dicks. I hear so many men bitch about that, when men are constantly ranking women based on how much they put out. This rape culture through and through, and the scariest part of it is that people genuinely don’t recognize it.

        342. Also wrong. To say humans are the only ones that have sex for pleasure is absolutely behind the times. Their are tons of species of animals from fruit flies to different types of monkeys that have same sex with each other, which is definitely not for reproductive purposes. And why is a woman who enjoys having lots of sex shamed as a slut but a man who does is simply a man? Do you see the gender ranking involved here? To stereotype all quiet and shy women as the ones that love sex more is like women saying all men are dicks. I hear so many men bitch about that, when men are constantly ranking women based on how much they put out. This rape culture through and through, and the scariest part of it is that people genuinely don’t recognize it.

        343. I’ve been a woman for 20 years. Let me know when you’ve had this kind of experience.

        344. How do you know animals don’t have sex for pleasure?
          Besides, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying sex. Actually, it is supposed to be enjoyable because of evolution. Those who enjoyed sex had more and therefore passed on their genes.

        345. It’s not the IQ that matters; humans are animals. We evolved from animals. Why do you think humans fall into the kingdom animalia? It’s not because of our IQ’s, it’s because of what we are.
          I, for one – as I can’t speak for anyone else – would hate it if my daughter sucked a different dick every weekend, but how would you feel if your son fucked a different twat every weekend? Maybe you’d feel proud. Maybe you’d say, “Way to go, sport! Knock ’em dead, just as long as you don’t knock ’em up!” But would you be outraged? Would you be disgusted? Would you teach your son to hide his sexual desires? No. And you know why? “Because he’s a man and he can’t control himself, blah, blah, blah.” If my daughter – let’s say at this point she is a grown woman – wants to have sex, I won’t condone it, but it is her life, and I can’t control her forever. Now, when she is young, no, I will not allow her to do that. But when she is a grown ass woman, it is no longer under my control.
          This has been said many times, but I still think no one can ever hear it enough: women like sex, too. Get the fuck over it.

        346. Actually this is incorrect, humans do it for both and animals follow their instincts which is pleasure. The outcome of that is reproduction, they do not think, hey lets have a baby like humans do.

        347. Andrew, they are talking about urges idiot and comparable sexual ones at that. Not talking about living exactly the same and comparing them in every way shape and form, holy shit you are a dumb arse. Yet you are trying to somehow make it out they are unintelligent, I’m surprised you passed English since you could not comprehend this and went into a raging fit so so far off topic.

        348. So… Because I think this is blatantly rude and disrespectful towards women, you think it would be perfectly acceptable behavior for me to come and give you “a sharp slap across your face”?

        349. If you’re saying you don’t want to “share” then are you saying you would not date a woman who was in a previous long-term relationship?… So you ONLY date virgins? Most women (not all) have had sex by the time they are about 25, so no matter what you will be “sharing” a woman…

        350. I’ve had sex with more than one man, but I have never in my life cheated on someone… So does that mean I’m automatically a slut and a cheater? And of course, my ex who cheated on me and hid it for months is a man so he must simply be a great guy?

        351. Women do slap guys after saying something they find offensive. So, I guess that’s a double – standard that’s held by your enlightened feminist beliefs.

        352. The marine was just trying to say that no one should act rashly in a high tensity situation without having all the factual information as it can result in avoidable tragedy, because whereas some people in our country have a less serious attitude toward violence, many in our country have been extensively trained through it. You gotta search for the ideas hidden in people’s words, most aren’t exactly impeccable at representing their ethics and ideals through writing. Especially not on this thread…

        353. Dolphins have sex for pleasure. Are they sluts? Orangutans trade food and other items for sex. I suppose they are sluts too. I know non-tattooed, pale, pasty white girls who sleep around more than anyone else. This article is trash.

        354. I like how your two encounters with ostensibly bitchy women outweigh the millennia of degradation, abuse, and institutional bias that women experience even now. You’re just one of those guys that confuse the loss of white privelege as an attack on their personal freedoms.

        355. bullshit, there’s an enormous difference between enjoying sex and being a slut (male/female) a monogamous couple can fuck 3 times a day and not be “slutty” because sluttiness means that having low-self-esteem, no redeeming value besides yr body, being too scared to give yrself an identity beyond yr appearance to the opposite sex, are you starting to understand what i’m saying? BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE

        356. There ya go! Now we have people thinking with their brains.

        357. His name is “SSgt B. Webster.” The SSgt. stands for Staff Sergeant.

        358. All women are sluts, if and when they’re motivated properly by a deserving suitor. A woman who “won’t” fuck is not modest…she just won’t fuck you. Trust me, she’s fucking somebody and you need to accept that. I’d sooner trust a definite slut than a indefinite prude…sluts are honest with themselves and those who are lucky enough to share in their extracurricular endeavors, while prudes are lying to themselves and everyone else. Stop being such a pointdickster!

        359. Agreed! If a woman has a history of cheating, that doesn’t make her a slut…it makes her a cheater. If she’s had sex with more than 1 person, then she’s got some practice under her belt and learned some useful techniques that will serve the longevity of her present and future relationships. Same as men. I wish we could stop the slut-shaming and promote slut-praising! Everytime I see a slut, I thank a slut, especially when I’m fixing my hair in the mirror! Lol

        360. And I hope everyone of those men thanked you properly for sharing your enthusiasm!

        361. That is my point. The term “misogynistic” is misused all the time. People call chivalry “misogynistic”. Some women label you “misogynistic” because you disagree with them or even act rude towards them (perhaps the same way you would treat a guy). I think, often times women aren’t used to being treated the exact same as a man, so when men don’t hold their social “punches”, they actually get labeled “misogynistic” for treating women equally.

        362. The sentiment I’m describing is called a “double-standard”, and they are all around you.

        363. Misogyny as I understand the actual definition, is the “Hatred” of women. Hatred. Not disagreement, not “inequality” but actual hatred.
          A women being able to state she enjoys sex the same way a man might is not objectionable to me. I’ll say this though, instead of encouraging girls to sleep around and disrespect and devalue themselves (look at the porn industry) so that they can be on equal footing with “boys”, we should teach our boys to be more respectful towards women and value their sexual partners, not treating it so flippantly. There are a lot of “whores” that are men, too.

        364. You’re so unpretentious (aka unpretentous in case the actual spelling of the word confuses you) you don’t even bother learning how to spell, kudos

        365. 1500 animal species practice gay sex. Unable to reproduce which voids that comment. Plenty of animals have sex for pleasure because they have something called brains. Humans are supposed to have those things too.

        366. NO. Nope. Nope. Nope. Sorry, this is what I study. Most, if not all animals do not have the cognitive ability to understand why reproduction, which is an energetically costly activity, should be important to them. A baboon does not think “ah, I would like to pass on my seed as many times as I can in order to maximize my reproductive capacity”. This kind of intentional language, when used by evolutionary biologists, is more meant to cut through the clunky preface about how “obviously the baboon doesn’t actually understand any of this, he just thinks it feels good, and he instinctively is attracted to the most reproductively valuable females because his ancestors were, which made it more likely for their genes to be passed on, thus making it more likely for him to be born”.
          Additionally, you’re an idiot. All women who agree to have sex like sex. Sex is awesome. Why would you think it’s not as good or better for us when we have more nerve endings on our clits than you have over your entire penis (again, trust me, I’m a biologist). And d’you know what? That means all women want it just as much as you do. All of them. And much like men, some choose to have sex with one or a few people, and some choose to have sex with alot of people. There’s no such thing as sluts or man-sluts. The “sanctity” of sex is a myth, it’s just a matter of what people are comfortable with, and neither choice is wrong for men or women, as long as the sex is consensual.
          tl;dr: I’m an evolutionary biologist and animals screw for pleasure just the same as humans do. Also, both women and men enjoy sex, both women and men may choose to have sex with a few or many people, free of idiotic labels.

        367. Well finding one guy that can actually satisfy you both intellectually and sexually is kinda hard nowadays because morons like you think we’re “sluts” when we have to go on such long expeditions to find one. It automatically precludes you from multiple fucks. Maybe if more of you stopped acting like somehow we degraded ourselves for having multiple sexual partners while you just get an ego boost for doing the same thing, we’d be able to have steady fuckbuddies we could stand the sight of.

        368. everyone is too busy trying to find them and fuck them to stop them when they see them…

        369. tis article is about sluts, slut is a choice, whore is a profession.

        370. Don’t forget that if we wait too long to have sex with them, we turn from sluts to prudes immediately.

        371. How the hell is that any different when a guy has been sleeping around with a ton of women? Those are the same type of men who expect their women to be as close to pure as possible but careful, you might consider them prudish as well. So many fucking double standards that women have to go through just to even get a man’s approval and it is ridiculous. So glad my husband isn’t an asshat.

        372. So it’s bad for your daughter to suck a different dick every week but your son can fuck a different chick every week? Because I am pretty sure I have not seen ANY of you answers degrading men for their exact same behavior.

        373. Um… yes, idiot. We ARE animals. Jesus fucking christ when or where did you graduate from school?

        374. The list may be a sad reality of male exploitation of female insecurities, so it’s no “joke,” except that it takes a male slut to know a female slut, and obviously, this author is as slutty a jerk-off as a man can be. Paul, you say you’ve stayed away from “bad women,” but you’re really not observing the deeper issues of gender-based reactions to the culture that values and promotes sex–so you’re staying away from women who are seeking male approval through their limited understanding of its consequences at the young age they are. The type of sex, or amount she has, does not indicate her self-respect; it indicates her desire for approval, which is a different thing. On that topic, feminists are not “playing a male role;” but rather much more openly experimenting with their own expressions of self-respect, from sex to anger, empowerment to corporate dominance, whatever.
          So many of these conversations ignore the reality of People Being People–male or female. Men are granted more space to exploit with impunity in this culture, and women are shamed for it, so within that context, your words are generally absorbed as “true,” even though they are as superficial as your seeking a “good, feminine, family-oriented” woman and thinking that this perception of yours entitles her to a different respect than anyone else.

        375. In short, either you respect Humans for their Experiencing of Life, or you don’t–you subjectively value them for how they serve your limited idealism or exploitation.
          You, Paul, and this author clearly at this time value others for how they serve you. You will not experience much growth as a person until you can explore the intrinsic value of each person for the experiences and perspective they have lived. This is called empathy. It can be life-changing, especially if you do find someone who fits your “family-oriented” vision and you should sire some unsuspecting small people who depend upon you for love and acceptance. Perhaps then you might reconsider the attributes you so casually categorize and dismiss and see people for the efforts they make in the World, and not simply your perceptions of their roles.

        376. Disregarding the rest of your comment, all modern research suggests that animals have sex for pleasure. The same neurochemicals are present. In nearly every vertebrate, it’s the same exact process.
          Dogs don’t think “Oh, shit, I gotta start a family!” They think, “Bark, bark, I gotta get dis dick wet.” Sorry, you’re not better than animals. But here’s the good news: they’re not better than you either.

        377. so much ignorance in a grown ass man. there is difference in a feminist and what is morally wrong. its not 99% true and your making yourself look stupid for thinking that out loud. idiot. Im a female and have tattoos and piercings and im not a feminist and i have respect for myself. If having respect for myself makes me a feminist you have alllooooot of learning to do. which you wont. cause its too hard and your dumb. you dont have the capasity or respect for ANY woman (including your mom, who i blame for your ignorance). You cant think outside of your ignorant caveman head and will end up with a dumb ass wife that puts up with your egotistic womanizing bull shit.

        378. You probably need to look up the definition of feminism. You sound quite uneducated. It’s hilarious. The man who wrote this article is in need of some desperate therapy as he may suffer from the daddy issues he discusses. You may benefit as well.

        379. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.

        380. You’ve been dating women for 20 years?? lol your perception of women must be totally relevant.

        381. Na bro, you can’t handle a feminist because you’re not smart enough or man enough!

        382. Where the hell do you live? I live in one of the rudest cities in the US. I open doors for women all the time. I usually get a smile and a thank you!

        383. Dude. Gamers don’t exist because women sleep with the wrong type of guys. Educate yo’self fool. Perpetuating stereotypes, just like the writer of this article, and saying that women only sleep with the wrong type of guys? Jeeeesus. Don’t blame women and feminists for feeding these guys’ misogyny. It’s the DUDE’S fault for being a misogynist, not the girls’.

        384. Dolphins have sex for pleasure, other primates have sex for pleasure, and more than 50% of male giraffes have sex with other male giraffes.. presumably not to procreate:p

        385. Fuck no, these do NOT describe a “slutty” girl because there is no such thing. These are literally all either just different ways women express themselves, or else are things that they literally cannot help (how their face looks, the size of their breasts, etc). So FUCK YOU for saying these make a girl “slutty”.

        386. You’re being extremely judgmental and need to think before you type. You know why a lot of women have low self confidence and think they need to earn their value through sex? BECAUSE MEN AND SOCIETY HAVE PLANTED THAT IN THEIR BRAINS!! It does NOT make a woman “slutty” NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SLUT IT IS A BULLSHIT CONCEPT MEN CAME UP WITH TO TRY AND CONTROL WOMEN’S SEXUALITY

        387. Congrats you have proven yourself to be the lowest form of humanity.

        388. Self respect has nothing to do with readily wanting sex. It has to do with self efficacy, confidence, and the ability to make your own choices. Which can be done putting out and holding out alike.

        389. Never heard a feminist use this example, and it’s pretty clear what misogyny is. It’s blatant disrespect of women in a way that personally hurts them, with the intent of dehumanizing them or taking away their equality with men. Trust me, feminists have way bigger fish to fry than holding the friggin door open, and ultimately just want mutual respect.

        390. maybe if all of didn’t fuck so much to find Mr. Right in a haystack, we’d probably be more intellectual with you.
          Other times we’re just so use to dim witted girls, we become dim witted and shallow as well

        391. Stfu. Humans are allowed to be promiscuous but drop the stupid over dramatics already. Slut=wrong word to use on this post. However Paul is somewhat correct on this. These are signs of a more securely active woman and some of these signs are common amongst cheaters and the “bad” women he speaks of are more common to not ask for a condom. Not to brag or anything but I call myself a slut and only 5% of the women i’ve fucked have ever asked for a condom. I’ll bring them anyway but that shows how dirty the majority are with promiscuity. Men are equally as bad don’t get me wrong. The number 1 cause of a girl becoming highly promiscuous is from an early sexual abuse or experience.

        392. Paul, I have tattoos and plans for more. I’ve had bright red hair, blue hair, purple hair. I grew up in a broken home. I have a piercing that isn’t my ears although those are pierced too and I don’t believe societal roles should be gender specific. You know what? Still not a slur you ignorant sexist fuck.

        393. Actually there are plenty of other animals that have sex for pleasure, dont go acting like you know everything when you clearly dont, and this is coming from a person who worked at a zoo for years. If we werent supposed to enjoy sex the way we do, it wouldnt feel as good as it does, end of story. And i want everyone to think about this, if girls didnt enjoy sex, they wouldnt be having it. So all of you horny ass men would be fucking each other because we wouldnt want to fuck you. So be thankful that we enjoy sex and stop insulting us and degrading us for it!

        394. Just curious are you yourself a virgin and pure because girls don’t like guy sluts just as much as you don’t like whores just a little FYI

        395. And of course you would say this because your a guy your not called a slut for no reason I’m pretty sure if you were a fucking girl you would feel different and clearly it’s a primal instinct for girls not wanting to be dallied sluts or else we wouldn’t complain about it so much of course you’d think that because your a guy and all guys think there no it all that’s there instinct

        396. And my mothers a feminist and her and my father have been happily married for 30 years so you clearly don’t know what the hell your talking about…you can have fun finding a women that’ll agree with your sexist ways

        397. Thank you!
          I’m such a bad woman.
          I fit more than half of these characteristics, and the one’s I didn’t I did at some point in my life.

        398. You are disgustingly ignorant if you believe this is how the world works. You clearly do not understand what the term feminist even means. Go find a dictionary.

        399. “/ is the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.” that is the definition

        400. Oh, were you there? Did you keep count? Please tell me how much you don’t please a woman and can’t make her squirt without a vibrator. Lmao. Or maybe you get no women at all, I almost feel sorry for you, but the fact of the matter is it happened. Too bad if it makes you feel like less of a man, but no need to spread that nasty jealousy over here.

        401. um no. you’re still wrong. it’s the role of men to get their shit together. women can choose who they want to sleep with.

        402. Of course, she was hoping to meet someone better who could sweep her off her bare feet and take her shopping.

        403. The fuck is wrong with you? Threesome with your barely legal by then your 58 year olds future[distant] imagination of a daughter? You need Jesus. Baby

        404. We have a champion.
          You are the weakest link! Survived a thousand nights of a lonely hand and yearning manhood, to make a single point.
          “Animals, on the other hand (with the little exceptions aside), do it strictly for reproduction, nothing more.”
          Some one over the internet a billion years from now on a far off distant galaxy….

        405. The only thing this site is guilty of is sharing wisdom of men who have been in bad situations with women who display a variety of tells that indicate underlying problems in some women (sluts, sloots, and slores) Cosmo does this. Mainstream media does this. There are plenty of resources on the Internet that help women pick out guys looking for a hook up or looking for another piece o ass in the harem. This is simply the male equivalent. It’s to help men not waste time, (genuine quality time!) with women who either won’t appreciate it or will eventually use him and lose him. The playing field is equal. She can bang who ever she wants just don’t get mad because a man doesn’t want a female player for a mother to his kid

        406. Duck rape is one of the few cases of rape in the entire animal kingdom. How many animals are there? Also, the female ducks’s vagina has evolved and changed shape to reject sperm during rape. Bad example.
          You can’t compare us exactly to animals to suit your argument. Quite often males will murder the offspring of other males in order to continue their own line instead. So do you think humans should do that? I’m just saying you can’t cherry pick certain aspects of the animal kingdom to fuel this argument.

        407. I…I just can’t. I am ‘orientated’ to follow the same primal, genetic programming you are. I want to f*ck and make babies. I fully accept that. The main difference, which us misguided feminists are trying to point out, is that when we follow the same rules you do, we are labeled slutty and–in your own words, ‘bad.’ There is no hatred, or promotion of hatred. Except from the double-standard wielding minipeens of the world. Jesus, why am I even writing this? I know why. Whiskey.

        408. You’ve really made a case for yourself. By the I’ll bet most DJ’s get way more than you.

        409. it’s different because guys care (I personally don’t), women don’t and if they do, well then start doing something about it.. Maybe if you stop trying to make everything a competition you’d be at peace. “omgee guys do it too! guys sleep around”. And yet you don’t see women rejecting them for it. If you have such a problem with the double standard, then convince your fellow females to start having some standards of their own. If a guy doesn’t want a woman who’s been with a lot of men then that’s his choice. you can’t force him to feel otherwise.

        410. please go back to the 1950s. your sexual organs do not dictate your personality AT ALL and if you were a bit caught up on this, you would understand that women are capable of being as powerful or submissive as they desire, as well as men.
          but until you do realize this, please go harmonize with the misogyny and under developed society of the past.

        411. Many men would LOVE to find a prudish girl in this day and age. Too many have sold their souls for dick.

        412. Thanks! I feel the same way. I started online dating an djust about every woman goes into salacious sex talk (I guess thats the new flirting) and wants to suck my dick immediately.
          I guess getting a BJ is the new “good night kiss”.

        413. You are speaking out of two sides of your mouth.
          First you talk about why women make the choice to how low self confidence and be sluts and then you say sluts don’t exist.

        414. Why do the the extremes? You can like sex while having self control. Stop making making excuses for irresponsibility, whether it’s in males or females.

        415. You can like sex while having self-control. You’re right. However, it’s no one’s business––not mine, not yours, not anyone else’s––what someone else does with his or her own body. Self-control or not, if a person wants to have sex, he or she can have sex. It’s not anyone else’s business.

        416. We live in America. We have something called freedom of speech. We should be free to discuss or talk about anything that effects our communities, even if it makes people like your uncomfortable.

        417. I’m not validating my choices and I’m not saying there’s no freedom of speech. I never said anything like that, in fact. I said if a person––whether male or female––wants to have sex, that should be up to that person. It really is no one else’s business. What I do with my life does not concern you unless I cause you physical or mental harm in some way, and I don’t think that my hypothetical sex with another human being in any way physically or mentally harms you.

        418. lol. “it’s the primal relationship of males and females”. Dear God, we have an evolutionary biologist on our hands! Disregarding the fact that both our bodies (growing taller, hitting puberty earlier, possessing organs that we no longer use like the appendix) and our society (women and non-white people can vote, own land, and sit anywhere they want to on a bus) have evolved past our *primal* nature……how exactly is it built into our DNA? Tell me, which combination of the four nucleobases dictate that women are only good for reproduction? If that were the case then we would reproduce like snails….without the help of a partner. It takes two to make a baby, so that means that both men and women were put on this earth to reproduce. From a biological standpoint, relationships (or pair-bonding) are equally beneficial for both sexes, and most beneficial for the offspring. Both parents WORK TOGETHER to ensure the survival of their offspring. So, nope. Sorry. A women being “subservient” to a man is not in fact dictated by DNA, but instead by the society she was raced in.

        419. I’m a female and I hold the door open for men, women, and children. It’s our responsibility as human beings to be decent to everyone…plain and simple.

        420. misogyny
          hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.
          * * *
          That other stuff in your definition falls more along the lines of crudeness or boorishness, or even viciousness.
          Feminists have hijacked the word ‘misogynist’, distorting it to mean anything that comes naturally to the male gender without some kind of restraint or manners.
          Face it. The over-use of the words ‘misogyny’ and ‘misogynist’ is in and of itself discriminatory and it is often used as a derogatory word uttered purely to express hatred of men (misandry) rather than as an accurate description.
          Objectification of other humans does not necessarily have anything to do with hate. Women objectify men with immense regularity (not necessarily sexually), yet I don’t accuse them of misandry. Love of the female form is in no way the same as “hate” (notice love and hate are actually antonyms), and outside of complete ignorance, only someone with a hateful agenda would apply the word misogyny in such an inappropriate manner.

        421. Exactly. This post went from “slut” to “prude” instantly. Either way, we’re all horrible, but all they think about, apparently.
          I have also always wondered why a woman who wants to have sex or be sexual is considered to have a lack of self-respect and degrades herself, but a guy who does that is just a dude (a virile one, at that). Women put this crap out there, too. I recall one woman who thought a female who danced at a strip club was degrading herself and lacked self-respect, meanwhile she was researching doctors to get a boob job. Pot, take a look at this kettle…

        422. Clearly missed the point. Sex ‘devalues’ women whereas sex does not ‘devalue’ men. That notion objectifies, discriminates agains, stifles, and shames women.

        423. Women are only needed for incubation. Yes, they give milk,
          but we have formulas nowadays, and the baby can let go of that mother and
          develop a bond with someone else (adoption).
          You’re a planet; I’m a sun.

        424. I do believe that women contributed to some inventions and simply weren’t given credit, but even seeing people today, guys do seem to be more likely to be obsessed with something to the point of greatly advancing it. Girls are also capable of this, though. And yes, that sperm comment was unnecessary.

        425. Actually, that’s not necessarily true…https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/living-single/200902/single-men-have-good-hearts

        426. Naah. When a feminist “sleeps” with a guy like this it demonstrates her superiority. As soon as she has gotten knocked up, she can have her abortion to prove how powerful she is. Anyone who can kill a small human is powerful and superior.

        427. If you’re humping more than one woman, you’re humping bad women. And you’re a bad man. So don’t try to pass yourself off as morally superior.

        428. Slut: a dirty, untidy woman (slob); a harlot (whore). (1930s)
          Slut: dirty, untidy woman; slattern (1980s)

        429. Men don’t have gooey stuff in them from women. Men don’t absorb hormones from said gooey stuff; we exude it. Men don’t have ova lodged in our brains. There are differences beyond the shapes of protuberances.
          In an average 75 year lifetime if he makes it into puberty, a man produces, at 200,000,000-300,000,000 per day, 5-8 trillion sperms. A woman, if from puberty to menopause produces a brat every 2½ years, 10-12 of them. Most can’t so that many, for various reasons. Women are by nature more conservative in their sexual choices. A man has plenty to share, and if he doesn’t want to, has no further involvement with the results of scattering his “seed” near and far. A woman who doesn’t do birth control and is sexually active naturally develops an intimate relationship with the produce of her sexual activities.

        1. Well that wasn’t infantile. <- For reference that is sarcasm. I know you struggle with basic interpretation of written expression.

        2. The really really sad thing here is he’s talking about perverts. Now I’m a man myself and you can probably tell when a man speaks up he sees something wrong with this. Look at his choice in photos. We already know his writing is bull since everyone on the planet behaves like this in some way or another but why is he using children for his picture examples? Does this insinuate the age of the author, his sexual perverted urges towards possibly children or does this represent his stupidity and maybe insecurity in which projection has come into play? Who knows. I don’t personally care enough to find out.

        3. How are any of those pictures of children? They are all clearly past puberty. There is nothing remotely perverted about that.

        4. Or maybe lack of parenting skills on these girls who flood the interwebs with there slut photos were just easier to find .. type in slut and look what comes up in images .. youll understand

        5. I hate when people use the “n*****” word. It displays a low level of education, with a limited vocabulary. While carrying lots of hate & jealousy. Truly sad & pathetic.

        6. Being past puberty does not make one an adult. They may look more adult than preschool, but they are still children.

        7. no its not lack of parenting. Everyone makes their own choices to be sluts. IT is not rocket science when your acting like a slut girls know what they are doing. a girl with more than 10 dicks in her is dead pussy. pussy only has 9 lives.

        8. because once you go black, you’ll be a single mother forever. well played.

        9. This guy is definitely a shit head, but all of the women in the article look at least college age. Definitely not children.

        10. Also a pathetic comment. Fight someone 4 or 5 on 1 because he is a racist idiot? Only puts more fuel on his fire and proves your not a man. Real men fight one on one or walk away…. Idiots who threaten to or “jump” others with greater numbers are only proving how weak and stupid they really are.

        11. the girl wit the piercings was 16 at the time the photo was taken. and the very first photo she looks like she could be anywhere from 14 to 20

        12. I know for sure one is still in high school I recognize her from when I was there.

        13. Seriously! And so what? You take slutty, attention-whoring selfies and throw them out into the ether, where and how they end up is fair game. That’s just how the world works. Use more caution next time and actually have a shred of dignity (I know it’s weird and all!) before engaging in skankish behavior!

        14. I bet you have a whole collection of Hipstas and rapperthugs on your Ipod. Ni66a is as common as breathing. Stoopid troll.

        15. I don’t get why he is a bastard because he has a pulse. Doesn’t everyone have a pulse?

        16. I don’t like Darryl’s comment either. The reason why I want you to shut the fuck up is because you define being manly as fighting one on one and being tough. What, you don’t think girls can do that? Running like a girl should not have to mean being slow and clumsy. What if “run like a girl” meant “win the race”? (That was an example, and not meant to be exactly relevant, but I still think it is relevant in many ways.)

        17. Where is your cutoff for “child?”
          Up to the end of the 19th century the age of consent was 10-12. Most didn’t marry quite that young but they could. 14-16 was much more common.
          Due to the disparity in male/female numbers, girls/women had to get married as early as practical or risk getting left out to be an old maid-spinster aunt.

        18. It’s OK when the user is a n****r. Among them, its means something from “fellow human being” to “lowlife trash,” depending on context and inflection.

      2. my comments keep being deleted which is why I’m replying on here in hopes that someone will see this. #9 is a minor and needs to be taken down. this is ridiculous and illegal

  49. This is the stupidest article I’ve ever read. Your Mother must have neglected you (hence all the slut ‘knowledge’).
    GET A JOB, fool.

    1. My mother was/is an angel to me. I talk to her all the time about how today’s sluts are nothing like the kind of woman my dad married (i.e., her). “They don’t make ’em like that anymore.”
      She tells me to stay optimistic and keep looking.

    2. Could you using more shaming language in one comment, feminist hatemonger?
      Shaming attempts against:
      1. mother’s sexuality
      2. mother’s parenting
      3. his employment
      Tell me against how you don’t like shaming language…

  50. Another sign she’s a slut: has a washed up face and possibly bad vision from all the loads she’s taken, I don’t know what it is about jizz that has a bleaching affect on the faces of super sluts.

  51. god whoever wrote this sure is one dumb motherfucker. I’m so astounded by the stupidity that I barely even know what to say, but it’s pretty funny how a bunch of guys are going to read this and high five each other and then circle jerkj about how this is gonna get them soooo muchhhh pussy, dude!

    1. Clearly this hits too close to home for a lot of you. If you have a tramp stamp, a bad relationship with your father, have a lot of sex with different guys at a young age, and are constantly wondering why the high value men only pump and dump you and never want a relationship with you, it is because you do not deserve a relationship and have sabotaged yourself. A lot of women end up turning to feminism because they are incapable of having a healthy relationship with any man and the only thing left for them is irrational hatred of men. I pity you.

      1. You’re a gem. The majority of replies to any criticism on this page is by saying.. “waahhh…. you’re ugly, you’re fat, you have cats and will be alone for ever… waahhhh…”
        REALITY: I’m married, happily, to a successful husband…. I’m successful, educated, and put myself through college working as a commercial model and have never been in any way promiscuous. Sooo… nope… not fat, ugly, alone, dumb, etc, etc, etc…..
        You’re an idiot…. and my guess is that when I was single I definitely wouldn’t have given you a second look, as you wouldn’t have been “high value” enough for me.

        1. If you were married to a successful husband you would not be on a thread that talks about sluts in the manosphere .
          We have met females on here who are not fat and feminine and married to successful husbands…they do not talk the way you talk.
          You talk like a feminist who cannot get a quality man and thus blamed it on others.
          I’ll bet you push your BF/hubby around like the wimp he is…because that is all you will attract…and in the long run you will lose respect for his beta weakness and lack of masculinity.
          Your so called reality is your dream.

        2. I am a feminist…there is one thing you are correct about. I was on this blog because a friend of mine posted a link on FB discussing if this site was satire (as one of your founding members has publicly claimed) or a troll site, etc…I browsed the site out of morbid curiosity, and found it entertaining that there was some belief that beautiful, good wives could not possibly be feminists… Me being a feminist doesn’t exclude that I’m an attractive, successful woman, in a very happy marriage to an equally attractive, successful man… being a feminist doesn’t mean that I do not fulfill traditional roles in my marriage… feminists can be incredibly traditional or incredibly nontraditional… the entire point of feminism is to support women in whatever path they choose.
          I’m sorry that you feel my reality is a dream… I’m assuming this is because you yourself are not successful or attractive with an equal, loving relationship… only someone who doesn’t have the above life with assume it couldn’t be true. IF YOU WERE successful, attractive, intelligent, happily married and your partner was also those things you wouldn’t have such a hard time believing this could exist…. so… your disbelief is pretty telling of what your reality must be to believe that mine is so far out of reach.

        3. I said once and I’ll say it again, I have spoken to women on here that are married, good looking and do not do the pump and dump thing…they hate the shit out of feminism and have more pleasant, feminine language.
          feminism shames women that are devoted wives and mothers, has incredible hatred for men and devalues the role of the nuclear family….hardly call that feminism.

  52. This is absolute bull shit. I cannot believe the sheer amount of ignorance and ugh, I just can’t anymore. This is so stupid on soooo many levels.

  53. how does most of these mean that they’re “sluts”?
    1. I have tattoos
    2. I have stretchers, does that count?
    3. I swear alot!
    4. What has the size of their tits got to do with it? You cannot help what your body does.
    5. I have a low voice.
    6. I was a cheerleader in school.
    7. I lost my virginity at 15, so what?
    8. I like tequila shots, but what has tequila and drugs got to do with it?
    9. I have a bad relationship with my dad and my parents aren’t together anymore.
    10. I have purple hair and used to have blue/green.
    Not everyone wants to follow a crowd, they want to be individual.
    Things like this make my fucking blood boil.

    1. “I, I, I, I, I…”
      You are not the center of every story in the internet, you self-righteous buffoon!

      1. Point been? This post is saying EVERY girl who has any of these is a slut. So who’s the baffoon?

    2. Wait: how many guys have you had sex with, and how old are you? Sex counts as any kind of vaginal or anal penetration–even if for a couple of pump.

      1. I am 19, 20 soon and I’ve had sex with 3 people and it wasn’t like a 1 night stand or whatever either, I was in a relationship with each one.

  54. I have dyed hair, facial piercings, and multiple tattoos. I’ve only had sex with one man. And am currently still with him. Sex did not even happen or cross my mind until 6 months in when I was comfortable. Not every “rebellious girl” is a slut. Maybe 60% of that stereotype may be but 40% are not and thats to large of a percentage to even be a tell tail sign for sluttiness.

    1. Well then, you’re:
      * either under 22 years old,
      * strongly religious,
      * severely obese,
      * mentally challenged, or
      * suffering from major emotional problems.
      Mystery solved.

  55. Okay…are we upset about the sentence “I’m not having sex with you” not only being ignored, but actually being perceived as a further level of invitation by this dink?
    Just overall gross. And if I had to bet, this fellow’s chances with any human have never climbed above a 10%. But I’m loving the imagination it must have took for him to write about his “date.”

    1. I doubt you did well in reading comprehension in school, but did you miss the part where she said “I want to have sex with you…but I have my period” and then went to take our her tampon?
      I guess since the only insult you know is “rapist,” the facts don’t actually matter.

  56. What does a pic of Lana Del Rey with her father have anything to do with this stupid article?

  57. I would be offended by this article’s general bigotry – biphobia, misogyny, shaming etc, but I can’t stop laughing at how dumb it is!
    Look at how he uses ‘real science facts’!! – Sluts are not ticklish, have special slut faces, hairy means horny, big boobs means early puberty which means slut etc etc please, do tell us more about your true biology man science!
    Seriously though, isn’t it weird how these laddy guys who want to be seen as ‘edgy’ and cool, etc have exactly the same value judgement systems as the worst stereotype of a stuffy elderly conservative. Dyed hair?! Tattoo! ‘ “rebellion” to social norms’ SLUTS!
    Luckily, the majority of men I know are no way as ignorant and scared of women as the author.

    1. seriously. It totally reminds me of backwards conservatives. You can’t take it seriously,just like you can’t take rush limbaugh seriously. Thank goodness most men aren’t like this

    2. This is exactly what I was thinking… these commentors keep saying, “we men this” and “we men that”… as if their ass-hatting behavior was somehow a condition of being a male instead of a condition of a small group of angry narcissistic men on the internet that need to read articles to identify “sluts.” Thank GOD being a man and being these commentors are in no way relational.

  58. I think I’ll make a list entitled, “Signs he’s a rapist”
    1. He thinks when you say, “I don’t want to have sex with you” that it means that you do.

    1. For all those questioning the statistics on false rape accusations, wondering what sort of person could possibly do such a thing….

    1. And he calls himself a ‘journalist’ where exactly, sweetie?
      You’re embarrassing yourself. Try repeating 3rd grade reading comprehension.

  59. Slut and proud. Hate to break it to you, women are allowed to have as much sex as men do any way they want given that both parties are consenting. Having ‘slut tells’ just perpetuates outdated models of sexuality and rape culture. Furthermore, Tuthmosis, by your own definition I would label you a slut. I am certain if I met you I could easily take advantage of you no problem. How do I know this?
    1. Douche face. Believe me, you know it when you see it.
    2. Dressed to impress. Don’t worry, the blazer and tailored jeans disappear at home for masturbating in your underwear.
    3. Soul-less eyes. Vagina’s suck out mens souls. Its how women always have so much energy.
    4. No brain – thinks with dick. Its like having beer goggles but its permanent. All comments are faked interest to try to get sex. Will also fuck anything that moves.
    5. Uses coarse language outside the bedroom. Double standard much?
    6. Slut shames/engages in non-consensual sex. If you are pressuring someone to have sex, its not because she’s trying to push her ‘sex-snooze button’ you should respect what she says.
    7. You think that you can buy sex. Just because you buy her drinks or a meal, or because you can buy nice things, women owe you sex. Sorry, not how it works. Though we will take advantage of your generosity.
    Well that about sums it up. When you are ready for me to use you for your money and for sex, let me know. I’ll marry a nice guy who isn’t a whore.
    Till then!

    1. Clearly this hits too close to home for a lot of you. If you have a tramp stamp, a bad relationship with your father, have a lot of sex with different guys at a young age, and are constantly wondering why the high value men only pump and dump you and never want a relationship with you, it is because you do not deserve a relationship and have sabotaged yourself. A lot of women end up turning to feminism because they are incapable of having a healthy relationship with any man and the only thing left for them is irrational hatred of men. I pity you.

      1. “high value men” —- This is where we know to not take you seriously ever again as you have apparently been watching too much MTV The Pickup Artist…

        1. We are better than some dude that dresses up in a lame hat…he gets ugly girls, like his current fat GF. We go for slim attractive women who reject feminism and are beautiful who take pride in their health and appearance, kind and caring…and we avoid girls like you unless we want a quick pump and dump…..cause that is the only value of western females…sex..nothing more. EE and SEA women are far superior than you western women,

        2. Well… I’m married, thin, and conventionally good-looking….never been pumped and dumped… so… thanks for your astute yet incredibly incorrect observation.

        3. highly unlikely for a western women…most goodlooking ones run through entire football/basketball teams.
          Don’t troll me with your “I’m married, thin, and conventionally good-looking….never been pumped and dumped”
          if you were happily married and good looking and never being pumped and dumped..you would never be on RoK….but here you are.

  60. It’s funny to realize that there are men pathetically searching the internet for tips on how to find a woman that might be so lax in her sexual endeavors that she is willing to sleep with even their sad existence. That’s the logic, isn’t it?
    Maybe like try and be a person and treat women like people and see how far that gets you.
    -A “slut”

    1. In this comment thread:
      Feminist decries use of shaming language.
      Feminist defaults to shaming language.
      Nice logic and consistency!

      1. Perhaps the the comments are consistent because they are correct?… whew… that was hard.
        “What the fuck? Everyone keeps saying the sky is blue, WAY TO BE ORIGINAL.”
        -^That guy

  61. Soo are we just not going to acknowledge how illogical, double standard-y, and not to mention fucking rapey this guy is??
    But also seriously a lot on this list makes no sense

  62. hey guys great list you have here
    just wanted to say quickly, man to man, please grow the fuck up
    honestly is this how low we’ve stooped? “HEY guys here’s some tall tell signs to see if the girl is slutty!!!!!”
    honestly guys wtf is with this misogynistic bull shit? are you all this insecure that you have to scorer the internet for ways to pick up “sluts” because you’re all to big of pussies to try and build an actual relationship?
    btw if you think this “list” is good and if you think that this list is at all something that should in any way be followed, you really need to see a doctor or a lawyer because you’re most likely going to end up as a rapist.
    So please guys grow the fuck up

    1. “Build an actual relationship”–there’s another category for the feminist white knight comment drinking game! I was tired of doing shots just for being called a misogynist and rapist.

  63. 5 signs you’re probably a rapist…
    1.) You think when a woman says “I’m not having sex with you” means she still wants to have sex with you.
    2.) You tell the woman you’re about to have sex with that you don’t respect her
    3.) You determine how likely a girl would be willing to have sex with you based on characteristics completely out of her control ( see #3, 5, 7, 9, 21)
    4.) You believe it’s a man’s job to get laid regularly and to have a “slut radar”
    5.) When you write an “article” and suggested articles that come up are “All women are sheep” and “All Girls Like Rough Sex”

  64. 5 signs you’re probably a rapist…
    1.) You think when a woman says “I’m not having sex with you” means she still wants to have sex with you.
    2.) You tell the woman you’re about to have sex with that you don’t respect her
    3.) You determine how likely a girl would be willing to have sex with you based on characteristics completely out of her control ( see #3, 5, 7, 9, 21)
    4.) You believe it’s a man’s job to get laid regularly and to have a “slut radar”
    5.) When you write an “article” and suggested articles that come up are “All women are sheep” and “All Girls Like Rough Sex”

  65. 5 signs you’re probably a rapist…
    1.) You think when a woman says “I’m not having sex with you” means she still wants to have sex with you.
    2.) You tell the woman you’re about to have sex with that you don’t respect her
    3.) You determine how likely a girl would be willing to have sex with you based on characteristics completely out of her control ( see #3, 5, 7, 9, 21)
    4.) You believe it’s a man’s job to get laid regularly and to have a “slut radar”
    5.) When you write an “article” and suggested articles that come up are “All women are sheep” and “All Girls Like Rough Sex”

  66. omfg this was hilarious. Especially the part about “pansexuality” or “bisexuality” being a feminist term. And not, you know, a sexuality. Look guys, if you’re so desperate to get laid that you’re reading this list for facts and not the comedy gold that it was obviously intended to be… you might wanna do some work on yourselves. Get a hobby. Make yourself happy, you know? Girls aren’t scared of sex. If she wants sex, she’ll say, “Let’s have sex.” Not in a cute “plausible deniability” way. In a “Getting me some dick” way. And if a girl says “I don’t want to have sex” she’s not hitting a snooze button. She doesn’t want to fuck. If you’re just looking for a hook-up, move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

      1. Yes. That’s actually me. takocos.deviantart.com There are a variety of body types. And if you’re just looking for a hook-up, it’s pretty easy to get the kind you want if you’re honest about your expectations. If you dislike the way I look, and you aren’t looking for a meaningful connection, move on. Simple as that. Men and women both are able to do this, though, so keep that in mind and present yourself the way you want to look.

        1. I don’t think it’s sad at all. Different people have different tastes, especially for temporary hook-ups rather than long-term relationships. Having multiple body types in the world gives people a chance to try new things. It would be rather dull if all people looked the same. What would even be the point of hook-ups? Everyone would be the same, so just pick one of the cookie-cutter people and go be in a relationship.

        2. That’s strange, I wrote this reply, it disappeared, so I wrote another, and now the first one’s back.

        3. I tried to reply to this as well, so maybe my original post will pop back up, but I was saying that I don’t think this is sad at all. It’s nice to have variety. If everyone looked the same, what would be the point of a hook-up? Just pick a cookie cutter person and go have a relationship. There would be no need to find someone sexy, because they would all look the same.

        4. I don’t think it’s sad at all, I mean, if everyone had the same body type, what would be the point of hook-ups? You wouldn’t need to find someone you were attracted to because everyone looks the same. You might as well just find someone you like, form a relationship and chill out until you die. Variety is important in life, it keeps you from stagnating.

        5. I don’t think it’s sad at all, I mean, if everyone had the same body type, what would be the point of hook-ups? You wouldn’t need to find someone you were attracted to because everyone looks the same. You might as well just find someone you like, form a relationship and chill out until you die. Variety is important in life, it keeps you from stagnating.

        6. I don’t think it’s sad at all, I mean, if everyone had the same body type, what would be the point of hook-ups? You wouldn’t need to find someone you were attracted to because everyone looks the same. You might as well just find someone you like, form a relationship and chill out until you die. Variety is important in life, it keeps you from stagnating.
          Seriously- it isn’t showing up for me, but a box pops up that says “You have already made this comment”. Is anyone else getting errors like this?

      2. Oh, I tried to reply to this, but I guess it didn’t take. The answer is that there are a variety of body types. Mine (that’s me in the avatar) is only one of them. When you’re looking for a hook-up, rather than an emotional relationship, you can pick whatever type you like. So yes, some of them look like my avatar, some look completely different. There’s a big, wide world out there. Keep in mind that women folk also have the option of picking the body type they like, so just make yourself presentable, then get out there and have fun!

  67. I’m confused about how you can be such a disgusting human being, like, a real-life villain, and still go about your day and write hate-speech articles. Do you have a twirly moustache? Do you punch disabled people for stress relief? What are you?

    1. Nice accusation.
      Now, could you actually point to the particular language that is supposedly “hate speech” and “villainous”?
      Or do you just like throwing around unfounded accusations?

    1. Nice use of domestic violence imagery and bullying, feminist!
      But I thought we were supposed to oppose that??

  68. Is this list even necessary? Most sexually available women will more or less tell you so, and most of the things on your list are pretty good examples of this. Apart from “slut face” which is something I’ve never heard of before, this list covers many things that women who are in touch with their sexuality or sexiness do. If a woman is in touch with her sexuality, she will have sex with people she finds sexy. It’s not rocket science. And there is nothing wrong with this!
    Women are allowed to be sexy, and sexual, and flaunt their sexuality if they want! That IS FEMINISM. So yeah, feminists are often sexy bitches. What’s so revolutionary about that? I fit many of the criteria, and I would identify as a slut, but I’m also extremely loyal to my boyfriend/husband. I am great in bed and know what I like. I also don’t let people disrespect me, especially men I am dating. I will tell a man if I think he is sexy, and I’ll make it really obvious if I want to have sex with him. I’ll dress sexy for a date and talk about sex in a frank and open manner. These are all positive attributes of a powerful woman. I don’t see why this is being put forth as a bad thing. If you men want to have sex with hot girls who are good in bed, why are you dissing us?

        1. “Proud Slut” is too fat and fixated on her sex life to realize that anybody can pull up her comments by clicking on her username

    1. why are you dissing us?

      I’m not dissing you. I’m trying to help my fellow men find you, for that easy sex that feminism has given us all (though, regrettably, often with overweight or otherwise unattractive women).
      It’s you guys who are calling me a “rapist” and a “virgin” which, by definition, are mutually exclusive.

      1. I didn’t call you a rapist, or a virgin. I am aware that humans are complex creatures capable of embodying potentially conflicting traits and attitudes. A tattooed lady can also be a virgin, just as a man who objectifies and belittles women on a website as a job can be sexually active or have consensual sex. Your claims that this website doesn’t insult or demean women seem a bit moot, since every single post and the vast majority of comments are soaked in vitriol aimed at the same women you all want to bed.
        My argument remains: If “sluts” want to have sex with somebody, they will select the people they want to get busy with themselves. Just because YOU want to fuck a lady, doesn’t mean she wants to fuck YOU. Telling men how to identify sexually expressive women using a list of completely superficial traits, and giving them the idea that those women will want to fuck your motley crew of followers will not help them get laid. It will just lead to more awful pickup attempts, sexual harassment charges, and frustration for everyone involved.
        There has been recreational sex going on long before the age of Feminism. The difference is that women are now allowed to fully embody who they really are, sexually and otherwise. It’s unfortunate that men who follow your ideology can’t understand that hatred towards women hurts everyone. Hating us doesn’t make us less powerful, in fact it probably does the opposite.

  69. ahahahaha
    I love this kind of shit. Only guys who are gross, and get rejected frequently because of their shit personalities think this kind of shit. It’s entertaining as hell.
    SEVERAL of the qualities on this check-list apply to me. I am 32 years old, and I have slept with exactly ONE man.

      1. Just to answer in advance any reply comments you may have (because lets be honest, you’re pretty predictable):
        No I am not fat
        I actually don’t like ice cream or TV
        I am attractive and have had multiple sexual partners and relationships
        I believe that women and men have equal rights. Some may call this “feminism”
        I am an educated, young individual
        …not that any of that information is important, but apparently you’re obsessed with the above list.
        Honestly, I don’t think you will ever change your mind about how you view women. But in this day and age, I find it hard to believe that you don’t believe in equality among all human beings, regardless of sex, race, etc. And if you do believe in equality, then maybe you should reconsider your stance on women and feminism, because if you’re not a feminist, you don’t believe in equal human rights. And if you say I’m “wrong” well then go read some *legitimate* definitions of feminism. Its easy, even Wikipedia knows. You don’t have to believe in equality, but I am definitely not wrong about this one.

    1. only one guy would deign to insert his penis into there since age 18?
      Was it your corpulence, brain damage, or nastiness that turned everyone else away?

  70. This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever read. I can’t begin to imagine how inadequate you are. Hope you lose your virginity and stop being so angry at girls soon.

    1. Feminists/white knights: Insist that you don’t judge or stereotype someone based on the number of people they have slept with. Also insist that you don’t make assumptions about promiscuity of a woman based on how she dresses/looks/thinks/voices her opinions/etc.
      Feminist and white knights when engaging people they disagree with online: Immediately insist that you are a virgin because you disagree with them. Uses your thoughts to make assumptions about the number of people you have (or have not) slept with. Tries to sexually shame, assume and label you in the same way they insist women should not be shamed, assumed or labelled.

  71. Hmm. Funny that I have 9 of these so called ‘tells’ yet have never had sex. Seem like someone’s list is broken and is an asshole. Have you ever had sex with a woman that didn’t want to? Your list seems like the kind of thing a rapist would make. “How to Know a Guy Isn’t worth your Time”
    -he makes a list like this and calls you a slut

    1. Good god, if you have to bring up this scenario, you already know the answer, cunt.
      If you have 9 of these signs, are older than 22, haven’t had sex, and aren’t waiting for marriage: you are an awfully ugly or mentally-challenged beast or Aspie emotional retard that no one wants to touch.

  72. Even thou I’ve never had sex before in my life but have a large chest, extra hair, bi, and a feminist I’m a slut. Now that is messed up.

      1. 0/10 guess, not a white knight. I’m a girl who fits around.. ehhh.. around 17/24 items from the list, and I do not consider myself a slut. I have slept with two people in my life, the most recent being my boyfriend of three and a half years. Not really that important, but what I am questioning is why exactly this shit is so important to you all? Why does my sexuality, or other women’s sexuality, matter to men? Like honestly. Is the amount of people someone has or has not slept with really that important? If so, isn’t that kind of fucked up? Shouldn’t there be things that matter more so than promiscuity or sexual partners? People out here treating this list like a fucking dating bible or something, Jesus Christ

  73. 1. he pays you compliments on your looks and body within the first 10 minutes of the date or, he calls after you on the street
    2. he asks for your number sooner than he learns your name
    3. he tries to touch your arms or get close early on
    4. he talks about the size of his cock or how much he works out
    5. he drinks alcohol and smokes tobacco
    6. he has tattoos on provocative body parts like his arms, neck, stomach, and back
    7. he dresses like he cares
    8. he builds himself up with his job status, kind of car/bike he drives, or his acquired college degrees
    9. his teeth are white and straight
    10. he practically drools after you make eye contact with him for 2 minutes straight
    11. he only says things that he thinks will please you
    12. he calls other girls sluts
    13. he has had more than 2 sexual partners in his life
    14. he likes to fuck a lot of pussy
    15. he doesn’t automatically take condoms out while fucking those girls he calls “sluts”
    16. he only goes out and downtown to meet girls and “pussy-hunt”
    17. he is bored when potential sluts are not around
    18. he is always on his phone to not seem like he is alone when no girl is paying attention to him in a social scene
    19. he is always wanting to be center of attention and sees other men as competition for his sluts
    20. the main goal of his day to figure out when he will get laid

  74. **How to recognize if a guy is a desperate, easy fuck, aka non-boyfriend material** forgot to post the title

    1. So, having straight, white teeth, dressing like he cares, and having a college degree rules a man out as boyfriend material?
      Well, the bad news is you’re a sociopath and likely live in a trailer park. The good news is that you’re realistic with your standards, at least.

      1. Correct, Slut Lover! Having straight, white teeth, dressing like “he” cares, and having a college degree doesn’t rule anyone out of being “boyfriend material.”
        However I’m pretty sure a woman wouldn’t want to date someone who doesn’t give a shit about women/women’s rights. Sounds pretty unappealing.
        You also fall into the “asshole” category, which is also typically unappealing. Unless you’re into buttsex?? 😉

  75. Your mother must be so proud of you! I bet you’d love it if someone spoke about your mother in those terms.
    A proud slut

    1. I banged your mom last night, you slut. How does that make you feel, whore? Her tits were a bit saggy, and the hole between her legs was a little loose, but she made up for it with a youthful vigor. Also, she laughs at the fact you identify yourself as a feminist. If she had known you were going to turn out to be such an embarrassment, she would have aborted you, sparing the world of your uselessness and stupidity.
      Seriously, do the world a favor and swallow some razor blades, you worthless slut.

  76. wow this is pretty sad. I really do hope this site will go back to /b/- because not even reddit is this backasswards.

  77. Is it weird that very unpleasant men feel the need to game sex like this? Or is it just an inevitability due to their general unpleasantness?
    Is everyone else reading this statement as a bit rapey?
    ‘“I’m not having sex with you,” it climbed to 90 percent. Most experienced womanizers recognize that statement as more-times-than-not a girl’s final, feeble pawing at her sex snooze-button.’
    She said no, she meant yes!

        1. Don’t have the ability to say no???
          Everyone has the ability to say no. Pushing for sex is perfectly rational. Nothing wrong with this.
          Nothing in the article advocates forcibly taking sex from the unwilling, so cool it.

        2. There is something wrong with pushing for sex if you don’t create a space in which your partner feels safe saying no. If (s)he’s worried that you’ll get upset or ignore his/her refusal, (s)he might not say no. Consent is an ENTHUSIASTIC yes. Anything else means no. And yeah, it sounds like the girl to whom the author is referring genuinely did want to have sex, but if the author is comfortable a) making assumptions about a woman’s sexuality based on anything other than what she says about her sexuality b) suggesting that a woman who wants to have sex is a bad person and c) pridefully self-identify as a womanizer, chances are, he does not respect women and their feelings. That means that he probably does not make an effort to create safe spaces for his partner. So yes, I think this article is problematic.

        3. Don’t have the ability to say no? Ain’t no one here saying have sex with women when they don’t have the ability to say no. Stop making up false arguments.

        4. “You can definitely rape those who feel like they don’t have the ability to say no.”
          It is not very hyperbolic for me to say that this is the least intelligent thing I’ve ever seen posted on the internet…and I’ve been to 4chan.

        5. If a girl wants to say no, she can say no. No one is asking to push for sex on an unwilling girl.
          Making assumptions about a girl’s sexuality is correct and helps us weed out the time-wasters from the girls who are actually interested in having sex.

        6. So it’s OK to proudly identify as a slut if you’re a woman, but proudly identifying as a womanizer as a man means you’re disrespectful to women. Let me guess, you’re into social justice aren’t you?

        7. “Consent is an ENTHUSIASTIC yes. Anything else means no.”
          Serious question, are you a virgin? Or just delusional?

        8. Serious answer, I am neither. Why is that confusing to you? Don’t you want to only have sex with people who want you? Protip: if you want to make sure that you’re having sex with people who want you, make sure that they enthusiastically consent to sex!

        9. “Slut” means a woman who likes to have sex. “Womanizer” means a man who treats women like objects. This isn’t a valid comparison.

        10. You’re hiding behind semantics. Your attempt to hide your double standard in language isn’t very convincing. Sluts don’t objectify men, no it’s just men who objectify. Why? Because that’s how you feel. You’re an infant who has no ability to differentiate your feelings from reality.

        11. We know you don’t have a boyfriend but let’s pretend you do for the sake of argument. If you’re boyfriend doesn’t wait until you exclaim ‘yes!’ before you have sex, he raped you? It said on your online dating profile that you are “witty and spontaneous” but that was obviously a lie.

        12. Established relationships are a bit different from hookups and new relationships, and each person has the right to define the parameters of their sex lives, but in my hypothetical (since I definitely don’t have a boyfriend) relationship, I would imagine that my partner and I would know each other well enough to understand body language. If I make a move and he seems uncomfortable, I would stop to clarify with him. If he’s not into it, I’d stop. I would also make sure that he knows its okay to tell me no if I’m not getting the hint. He would also do the same for me, because I don’t get into relationships with people I don’t trust and who don’t listen to me. Part of building a relationship is building a space where both people feel safe being honest with each other. Consequently, you might get to a place of understanding each other and supporting each other enough that you don’t need to obtain verbal consent every single time. HOWEVER, if you have not talked about what boundaries you’re comfortable with with a partner, your default behavior should ALWAYS be to obtain enthusiastic verbal consent. I don’t know why people are so opposed to gaining consent. Like, you’re gonna mash your parts up against their parts, which is pretty intimate, but it’s just too goddamn intimate to say “Hey, are you into this? It’s okay to say no if you’re not.” That’s ridiculous.

        13. This post definitely isn’t talking about prostitution, which only leaves the definition of “A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.” Since you’re into dictionaries, that site defines “promiscuous” as “Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.” Which means “having lots of sex with lots of people.” So a slut is a woman who has lots of sex with lots of people. It has a negative connotation, sure, but when you call someone a “slut” you’re saying “you have lots of sex and I don’t like that,” which, incidentally is really a bizarre thing to call a girl that you’re trying to have sex with. Like, I fail to understand why you’d shame a girl for enjoying sex if you want to have sex with her.

        14. This is a very typical feminist response that reveals a very typical feminist goal.
          Feminists aren’t trying to merely “end rape”. What they want to do is secure for themselves and all women the right to retroactively revoke consent after the sex act has taken place whenever they feel uncomfortable and/or have a regret.
          This is where statements like this (“those who feel like they don’t have the ability to say no” come from. Any woman can say no. We are dealing with sexually mature females here, not children or animals. They can and should be expected to say no unequivocally when they do not wish to have sex.

        15. r u a woman???? by the sounds of it ur literaly just a fat giant piece of fat im surprised its not spilling into my room

        16. Ok, everyone. I’m going to come clean here. I’m secretly actually a feminist and that’s how I know all these secrets about how ugly all the women posting on here are


        18. Honey, I don’t think you understand how the world works.
          The problem here is women think sex happens magically since they (largely) play a passive role in it happening.
          White knights don’t have sex, so they make up scenarios of how things happen in their heads while having zero real world experience.

        19. No, I can’t, because this is a gendered issue. I’m guessing that Athlone is a man, and that’s why he’s never been in a position where he feels uncomfortable saying no. I can’t blame him for that, it’s just that the social construct in which we live has set it up so he almost certainly won’t ever be in that position. But just because he hasn’t and likely won’t have that experience doesn’t mean that he has the right to say it doesn’t exist. I don’t know what it’s like to be a trans* person, so if a trans* person was made to feel a particular way, I wouldn’t say “no, that’s impossible,” because as an outsider, I can’t possibly say that. Additionally, I wanted to suggest that it’s maybe not okay for men to tell feminists what feminism is and is not. People who do not identify with a particular group are not allowed to dictate the parameters of that group. However, I didn’t want to make an assumption about Athlone’s gender. I preferred to ask and develop my argument from there.

        20. I’m a moderator and a writer here. Take a wild guess as to my gender.
          Meanwhile, I’ll take a quick stab at where this is going.
          “You’re not a woman, so don’t presume to know how they think!”
          I’ve been on the wrong end of a false rape accusation before. I know precisely how and why they work, precisely how women seek to use regret as a means to an end and precisely how feminists enable them by acting as though false rape accusations are inconsequential and playing up the notion that “feeling wrong” without saying anything about it is the same as “saying no”. As a minority, I’m also well aware of how commonly said tactics are used by white women against non-white men with whom they are often afraid of being openly associated with.
          Your game is easy to see through.

    1. “‘“I’m not having sex with you,” it climbed to 90 percent. Most
      experienced womanizers recognize that statement as more-times-than-not a
      girl’s final, feeble pawing at her sex snooze-button.’
      She said no, she meant yes!”
      I find your choice of quote here to be very interesting, as it leave out a very important piece that puts it into context. Here is what immediately followed:
      “Most experienced womanizers recognize that statement as
      more-times-than-not a girl’s final, feeble pawing at her sex
      snooze-button. When, after increasingly spirited making-out, I reached
      for her pants button, she confessed, “I WANT TO HAVE SEX, but guys
      don’t respect girls who have sex on the first date. And, [in a
      disappointed tone] I’m on my period.””
      Consent was obtained quite clearly in this anecdote.
      Now, the motivation behind your selective quoting is obvious. When you quote the piece you quoted by itself, it appears as though Tuthmosis may have taken the “I’m not having sex with you” statement as consent to initiate sex. This would equate to a “no means yes” train of thought and it would indeed be wrong.
      This is not what Tuthmosis actually did, however. He read the “I’m not having sex with you” statement as a sign that she may be open to the initiation of sex at a later point, but not as a direct sign of consent. It was not until later (after some additional making out and the move of a hand to her pants button to gauge her openness) that he obtained actual consent. She said “I want to have sex”.
      There is nothing “rapey” about any of that. If she was not willing to consent to sex, not only would she have avoided saying “I want to have sex”, but she would not have offered such a confession upon the movement of his hand to her pants button. She would have batted it away again and said no. Most men who have hooked up with multiple women (that would be just about every author here) are well aware of this. Tuthmosis showed no intention of raping that girl.
      The boundaries of a woman’s consent aren’t that hard to ascertain, and all of us are well aware of the fact that said boundaries are not marked by anything approaching to a “no means yes” train of thought. It is intellectually disingenuous of you to imply otherwise.

  78. ahahaha i am not a feminist by any means but this post is so gross it makes me want to be one. its like you’re tricking girls into fucking you, are you that pathetic that the only girls who will get near you are the girls who developed early and have daddy issues? that must be really rough i’m sorry

    1. You must have zero respect for women’s intelligence if you think it’s that easy to “trick” them. They’re not children or retarded.
      PS: How would you rate yourself (physically) on a 1-to-10 scale? I’m doing a survey.

      1. But but she’s not a feminist and this list is gross. Women are idiots who can be tricked by men. I guess men and women are not equal after all.

    2. Newsflash: If you think that women should get paid as much as men, you’re a feminist. If you think that women should get to participate in democracy, you’re a feminist. If you think that women should have the right to wear whatever they want to without someone claiming that they’re asking to be raped (which you know, is impossible by definition cuz you can’t ASK someone to do something that you don’t consent to), you’re a feminist!

      1. Nope, I think all of those things, and I am very anti feminist. Your overly simplistic view is due to your own indifference and self interest.

        1. I didn’t tell you what feminism is, you dullard, you told me what it was and I merely validated and contextualized those issues. You don’t have the full picture, no matter how much you might think you do. You say you’re interested in equality, but have you looked into anything the MRAs have to say, or do you just dismiss them? If you dismiss them, then the indifference is on your side, and you are the one who needs to grow and evolve.
          Go ahead and spout more racist, sexist feminist platitudes, you ignorant individual. You’re the one that will be held as the socially regressive, indifferent degenerate, and articles like this will become more common to get under your skin.

        2. 1. hahahahahahahaha You just implied that this article is socially progressive. That’s hilarious. You clearly do NOT value gender equality if you think that slut shaming is progressive.
          2. You’re right. I don’t have the full picture, and neither does anybody else, but I’d say I’ve got a firm grasp on its outline and I’d venture to guess that I’ve got a significantly clearer view than your average person who spends little or no time thinking, talking, and reading about gender equality.
          3. Yes, I’m interested in equality. There are issues affecting men that are very legitimate. For example, men are incarcerated at a much higher rate than women in this country. That’s an alarming trend that seems to fall along gendered lines, and it’s an issue worth solving. Men also tend to face a serious uphill battle in custody cases, which is an example of discrimination on the basis of gender – we’ve been conditioned to believe that women are better caretakers, and thus are more deserving of custodial rights, regardless of what the evidence might say. HOWEVER, I think it’s really easy for men to see other men bringing up these legit issues and exploit that space in order to complain about the fact that patriarchy isn’t working for them in the way that it used to. Like, when men complain that more women are in college than men. More men have had the opportunity to be educated than women for the vast majority of history, AND it’s easier for a man to find decent employment without a degree than it is for a woman, so I don’t think that college acceptance rates is a legitimate issue. I haven’t done a statistical analysis of this or anything, but you might be able to make the argument that the greater number of degrees is helping to compensate for the pay gap. I can understand why you’d think that feminism automatically dismisses issues affecting men, but you’re wrong to make that assumption about me and most feminists that I’ve talked to about this issue.
          4. You did not just validate those issues. You went on to say that you’re anti-feminist, despite your support for the issues i enumerated, which means that you reject my definition of a feminist as a person who seeks gender equality. So you’re right, you didn’t technically tell me what feminism is, but you told me what it’s not. I took the liberty of presuming that you’re a male, which was admittedly wrong of me, but I’m hostile to men defining what a space that focuses primarily on issues affecting women should look like. I think that women should get to control that space. Again, I think you’ll probably say that that’s gender inequity, but you know what, men get to dominate most other spaces and have gotten to do so for millennia, so I don’t feel bad for claiming feminism as a space for women. I suspect that your definition of what feminism is is based on some pretty biased information. Now don’t go biting my head off here, but I’m going to guess that you think that feminism is about female dominance over men. We’re all fat, ugly women who can’t get men to like us, so we “decide” to become lesbians and hate all things masculine except butch girls. That’s not what it is. Sure, there are some women who hate men, but that’s not the pervasive sentiment in the movement.

        3. I didn’t say this article was socially progressive. But it’s an understandable response to the socially regressive hateful force that is contemporary feminism. Of course you don’t feel like you need to take ownership for the overwhelmingly negative face of your movement. Or, what is more likely, you don’t even see how pervasive it is.
          See, all sexism is unconscious. You can claim to be a feminist or in favor of equality, but you carry unconscious sexism with you. Thus your advocacy reflects whatever unconscious sexism you carry, regardless of whether you call it social justice or hate.
          Slut shaming, for example, is a standard wrought with unconscious feminist sexism. You compare your sexuality with male sexuality in a way that was never comparable under the so-called “patriarchy” in the first place. You compare female sexuality to male sexuality in a way that isn’t meaningful. Repressive male sexuality is about being expected to provide, and provision. This society is full of what can be considered the male analogue of “slut shaming” where we aren’t grown up, or man enough, or are a deadbeat etc.
          But you don’t consider the men’s view on its own terms, you view it in terms of the female view.
          Notice how your entire paradigm contains unconscious sexism. You compare your sexuality to that of men using a gynocentric standard, rather than an egalitarian standard.
          Having said that, I don’t care what women do with their vaginas, and I don’t judge them for it, but I don’t think men should be expected to embrace it if they don’t like it. You’re free to do what you want, but you aren’t free to tell us to man up and like it. If a guy thinks you’re a slut, that’s his right just like it’s your right to be a slut.
          And I don’t agree with any of the “facts” you’ve just outlined, it’s obvious you haven’t given this topic any thought whatsoever, you sound like you’re 19 or 20. Women are unfairly hired over men. Women have reproductive rights and men don’t. Women can falsely accuse men of rape without consequences. Women have parental rights and men don’t. Women aren’t held responsible for their criminal behavior.
          I don’t think women were ever oppressed, the system was the way both men and women wanted it. You can’t deny female complicity in the old system, that’s just another example of the female defect — denying personal responsibility and personal ownership.
          I’ve internalized your half of the gender discussion, I grew up with it. You have no understanding of men’s issues nor any real desire to understand them on their own terms, and it’s why you’re going to see hateful responses against you in the coming months and years.
          I want you to know that there’s very little reason for you to respond, there is nothing you could tell me that I haven’t heard before.

  79. 24 signs he is a creep and a loser:
    1. He complains about how unfair it is that he is a “nice guy” and yet women are not forced to have sex with him regardless of their own desires and preferences.
    2. He thinks that doing mechanical, petty things that hark back to another era (pulling out chairs, holding open doors) are earning him points towards sex.
    3. He hears you tell him that you don’t want to sleep with him and so decides to pretend be your friend in the hopes that you’ll change your mind.
    4. When he finally gets the message that you were serious about not sleeping with him, he decides that he has been “friend-zoned” even though he imposed these conditions on himself by not taking you seriously in the first place.
    5. He reminds you that he is a “nice guy” while making it clear that he sees being friends with a woman as a punishment.
    6. The moment he realizes that you REALLY aren’t going to have sex with him, he whines to all his friends about what a bitch/snob/lesbian you are.
    7. He degrades other women, calling them sluts, because – for some reason – he imagines you’ll take that as a compliment.
    8. He buys into this alpha-beta garbage, deciding he’s a beta when he wants to whine about being a victim and deciding he’s an alpha when he wants to brag about how much pussy he gets.
    9. He pretends that the reason he doesn’t get laid is because of his long list of expectations/priorities. In reality, any self-respecting woman who spends 5 minutes with him is too disgusted to touch him (unless there is a financial arrangement).
    10. He pretends that he uses women at his pleasure as an excuse for why he does not have lasting relationships and why he doesn’t remember the names of the women he’s been with (not because he made them up or anything like that!)
    11. He brags about a fictitious sex life.
    12. He assumes that women turn him down because there is a world-wide conspiracy of evil, hive-minded women. It doesn’t occur to him that it’s because he’s an unlikeable scumbag.
    13. He thinks that women value the pathetic, childish things that he valued as a tweenage boy: going to super-cool house parties, getting into fights, getting arrested, the amount he can bench press (proof that he is an “alpha”).
    14. He imagines that women will worship him for acting like a prick but then blames eeeeevil feminism for why women really don’t respond to his prickish behaviour.
    15. He thinks women should be infinitely grateful of winning the prize of being treated like shit, as if that’s a magical happy ending.
    16. He expects sex on a first date but expects a woman to be a virgin.
    17. He assumes credit for the accomplishments of his male forebears when asserting his supposed supremacy, while ignoring the fact that he has achieved nothing in his own life.
    18. He wants to be seen as a god by other pathetic, like-minded, equally prickish men (on the Internet).
    19. He decides that all women like rough sex, based on very limited personal experience and the supposed expertise of his fellow scumbags.
    20. He imagines he knows what All Women think about sex and decides that they’re the ones who are wrong when they disagree with him out their own lives/experiences.
    21. He gives weird, downright unpleasant descriptions of sex that make you wonder: a) whether he knows what is appropriate in everyday conversation, b) if he understands that his rare and unusual kink is not particularly widespread, c) if he knows that his descriptions are stomach-turning and unpleasant rather than raunchy and sexy.
    22. He thinks “no” means “yes”.
    23. He sees no problem about bragging about that one time that “no” supposedly meant “yes” and so he went for it anyway.
    24. He makes your skin crawl.

      1. 24 qI’ creep ‘ej layerteS:
        1. bep ghaH umqu’ ghot chay’ unfair ‘e’ ghaH “nice guy” ‘ej ‘ach wej raD be’ ‘e’. nga’chuq ghaH regardless of chaH lach’eghDI’ Hoch nIv ‘ej preferences.
        2. ‘e’ Qu’ mechanical, towards nga’chuq lang baj ghaH petty Dochmey hark wItI’nISmo’ latlh bov, (DaqaSmoH quS poS doors ‘uch) DaHar’a’ ghaH.
        3. SoH ‘e’ Qong ghaH Qo’ DaneH’a’ ja’ ‘ej vaj ghet wuq ghaH tul ‘e’ DaHechbogh choH SoH Dapeghchugh je.
        4. HeghDI’ QIn Sagh umqu’ ghot wej Qong ghaH ‘e’ tagha’ Suq ghaH, ‘e’ “jup-mIch ghaH” pagh vabDot vImuSchugh ghaH je imposed ghaH pong wej SoH ghaH seriously je wa’DIch Daq wIvDaj.
        5. ‘e’ ghaH “nice guy” poStaHvIS ‘oH chenmoH qawmoH SoH ghaH ‘e’ reH jup je chaHvaN be’ legh ghaH Huv.
        6. ghomchoH ‘e’ qar aren’t QochQo’chuqlaw’ ‘e’ nga’chuq ghaH ghaH tlhoj vIng ghaH Hoch jup umqu’ ghot nuq bitch ghap snob ghap lesbian.
        7. latlh be’, chaH pong sluts, HoSqu’mo’-meq ‘op-ghaH SoH je compliment naghmeyvam ghaH degrades.
        8. je’ ghaH alpha-beta veQ, vaj wuq ghaH beta vIng umqu’ ghot victim neHba’ ‘ej ghaH alpha HeghDI’ umqu’ ghot ‘ar pussy vay’ Qapbe’ neHba’ wuq Suq ghaH.
        9. ‘e’ meq lan doesn’t Suq chaH ghaH wo’ ‘e’ because of nI’ tetlh pIHbogh laHwIj ghap priorities ghet ghaH. qaStaHvIS reality, self-respecting be’ 5 tup rep ghaH ‘Iv je ‘up ghaH Hot ghaH’e’ (SoHbe’chugh financial arrangement tu’lu’).
        10. ‘e’ be’ lo’ ghaH legh bel je excuse toH relationships ‘eb Qav puSbe’ ‘ej toH be’ pong doesn’t qaw ghaH (wej HoSqu’mo’ chaH Ha’ pagh vay’ pIm jatlhmoH!) ghaH ghet
        11. ghaH mIy umqu’ ghot fictitious nga’chuq yIn.
        12. ‘e’ ghaH tlhe’ be’ HoSqu’mo’ qo’-tev QuS be’ mIgh, hive-yab assumes ghaH. ‘e’ HoSqu’mo’ ghaH unlikeable scumbag doesn’t qaS ‘oH.
        13. maqDar childish, Dochmey law’ tweenage loDHom lo’laHghach lo’laHghach be’ ghaH vIHar: amount ghoS super-cool tuq parties, Suq ghob vIqoplu’, press (tob ‘e’ ghaH “alpha”) laH bench ghaH.
        14. ‘e’ ghaH worship acting prick rur ‘ach vaj eeeeevil feminism qatlh qar ghewmey respond be’ prickish ghotvam pIch be’ naghmeyvam.
        15. be’ vaj infinitely grateful tev treated rur shit, Qap Men ‘e’ magical ending Quch DaHar’a’ ghaH.
        16. nga’chuq ‘e’ wa’DIch date ‘ach be’ ‘e’ virgin pIHbe’ ghaH.
        17. DeQ loD forebears ta’ assumes ghaH HeghDI’ pa’ ngaSwI’ supremacy, tu’lu’ qabDaj asserting poStaHvIS ngoD ‘e’ pagh chav ghaH qaStaHvIS yIn buSHa’.
        18. legh vInobDI’ latlh maqDar, like-minded, quvmoH ‘e’ qawqu’ prickish loD (internet) neH.
        19. ghegh nga’chuq, waw’ vuS personal SIQpu’bogh pa’ ngaSwI’ tu’lu’ expertise SoHvaN noN veqlargh scumbags ‘ej ghaytan Hoch be’ wIvDaj.
        20. nuq Qub Hoch be’ umqu’ ghot nga’chuq Sov ‘ej ‘e’ chaH wa’ ‘Iv QIH HeghDI’ Qoch chaH ghaH chaH lach’eghDI’ yIn ghap SIQpu’bogh wuq naghmeyvam.
        21. QutwI’ SIv SoH nob taQ, downright unpleasant descriptions nga’chuq ghaH:) chaq nuq appropriate qaStaHvIS everyday quv puS, Sov ghaH b) vaj ‘e’ qub motlhbe’ ‘ej kink ‘oHbe’ particularly widespread, yaj ghaH [taH) SovwIj ‘e’ descriptions burgh-turning ‘ej unpleasant rather than raunchy ‘ej sexy ghaH.
        22. “ghobe’” qej Qub ghaH “HIja’”.
        23. qay’be’ umqu’ ghot vay’ ‘e’ wa’ “HIja’” “ghobe’” supposedly qej ‘e’ je vaj ghoS anyway Qapbe’ umqu’ ghot legh.
        24. DIr crawl jatlhmoH.

        1. It’s safe to say that you are the ‘tard around here, feminist.
          And nice use of ableist language, hypocrite.

    1. If you want pathetic mangina boyfriends, that’s a great list. But real men who love women and know what they want read this article like it’s the truth.

    2. “1. He complains about how unfair it is that he is a “nice guy” and yet
      women are not forced to have sex with him regardless of their own
      desires and preferences.
      2. He thinks that doing mechanical, petty
      things that hark back to another era (pulling out chairs, holding open
      doors) are earning him points towards sex.
      3. He hears you tell him
      that you don’t want to sleep with him and so decides to pretend be your
      friend in the hopes that you’ll change your mind.”
      Where in the above post was any of this implied? In fact, where on this site is this kind of logic implied?
      Nobody here thinks “nice guys” are entitled to sex. Nobody here is under the illusion that being a gentleman (holding doors open, pulling out chairs, etc) gets you laid with a typical modern western female (we tend to believe quite the opposite, actually). So what are you on about?
      I could pretty much say the same thing for the other 21 points on your list, just about none of which are actually relevant to this post. Are you just so angry at this piece that you’re throwing out any critique you can think of, even if its totally inapplicable?

    1. Does your snark make you feel better about the fact that you don’t understand how to interact with half of the population? Like, it’s cute that you think this attitude makes you smarter or tougher or more desirable, but spoilers: you’re an overgrown child who will die alone, comforting yourself with hollow assurances of “I was just too fuckin’ REAL for those pussies!”
      You’re not. You’re a teenage-minded scrub too scared to leave his comfy little echo chamber. You rely on unfunny “jokes” like this to feel like a man. You’re weak.

    2. I just… I don’t even know how to take you. Or half the people commenting on this, really. I imagine your lives aren’t very happy, considering the way you think about things. As a person who meets several of these criteria and is definitely not a slut, it’s perhaps easier to write this off as just some dumb asshat with mommy issues, but that doesn’t change the fact that the only thing I laughed at during this article is how mentally and emotionally crippled you are. Girls are allowed to have as much or as little sex as they like without being labeled, though you seem to believe that any woman who has a lot of sex is somehow worthless. Humans of all kinds tend to enjoy sex (so long as everyone is consenting and happy), so just do what you like and everyone else can fuck off. Anyway, it’s cute that everyone here thinks their opinions matter and have no desire to be creative, forward-thinking human beings. Well, I’m prepared for all the baseless slander any of you adorable little reptiles might spit at me, but remember that you can insult me all you like, I’m at least happy with who I am as a person, and if any of you can say that about yourselves, I’m genuinely concerned for your mentally handicapped offspring.

      1. Fuck, you are super retarded.
        Yes, women can have as much sex as they want, we are not gonna stop them. We are not the one passing or even proposing oppressive laws and legislation, feminist and their white knights are. However, we can judge and pass label on whomever we want, including sluts, and you can either ignore it or go fuck yourself. We just don’t give a shit if you are so offended about what some anonymous guy on the internet thinks about you. Get a life.
        And funny how you are so fast to jump on this article and passing the old argument of “not all sluts are like that”, when basically every man who hasn’t lived under a rock and has had normal social interactions with the female counterpart will tell you that this criterias hold pretty well in real life. Are you seriously trying to womensplain to men about what our experience with women are like? LOL

        1. Question… why are girls who have sex called sluts and judged for it while men have sex and are applauded? Just don’t understand society. reward one sex and tear another down for doing the same thing.

        2. This is why the slut double standard need to exist…women can just be there and say yes and boom sex. Men have to do lots of work for it plus be 5’9 + and be really goodlooking.

        3. They’re called pigs quite often by the opposite gender. They’re similar terms for different genders.

        4. An analogy: when I was young in school I was taught that men are like keys and women are like key holes. So take that one step farther, if a key opens many locks its called a master key and is a very good key, however, if a door gets opened by many keys that’s not a very good lock.

    3. Teachman’s study was based on data from the National Survey of Family Growth 1995 cycle and involved over 6500 women.
      The results presented in this article replicate findings from previous
      research: Women who cohabit prior to marriage or who have premarital sex have an increased likelihood of marital disruption.
      The most salient finding from this analysis is that women whose intimate
      premarital relationships are limited to their husbands—either premarital
      sex alone or premarital cohabitation—do not experience an increased
      risk of divorce. It is only women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship who have an elevated risk of marital disruption.
      This effect is strongest for women who have multiple premarital
      coresidental unions.
      Sucks to suck. Sluts gonna slut.

    4. I would just like to say that i thought this was a joke to start with but after reading all these posts i don’t really care because they are the real problem. I don’t know how people can judge others so easily. Someone was raped? they must have wanted it. What kind of statement is that? If a girl wants to be a slut then let her but taking sex from someone who doesn’t want to give it is terrible. Rape is wrong. Find someone who wants to be with you. And not all girls are feminists, we just stand up for each other and want a bit of respect. Everyone deserves respect. I am non of the things posted above and find it awful that you would generalize people like that. Everyone has a story even you and hurting other people won’t help you feel better. Grow some balls and respect other people. Like a man.

      1. Your a woman…don’t tell us men how to be men. You stick to being a woman and us men will stick to being men.

        1. It’s not you being a “man.” Your statement would really be more correct if edited to, “You stick to being a rational decent person and us douche bags will stick to being douche bags.” Quit hiding your douche-baggery behind the pretense of, “being a man”… because I’ve never met a “man” like you or these assholes, so this aforementioned douche-baggery trait, must not have any correlation to your genitalia. Your opinion of the male population must be really, really low to assign your disgusting world view as an indication of manhood.

        2. You have not lived manhood yet alone the life of a man. You are in no position to tell us men about how to be men. You do not have a male brain but rather a highly emotional one of a female that does not know logic and reason.
          You westernized females believe that you can be confident about being fat and unhealthy …never heard anything more pathetic
          Us males have a very high opinion of ourselves, other wise we would not create the manosphere to voice way in which we can help males in all walks of life while you western women suffer with something lame like feminism and cosmo.

    5. To all of the men who are not only sexist, but so unappealing to women that they feel the need to demean them and label them to justify their barren sex life, must hurt knowing your personality is such shit you’ll live an empty and hateful life.

  80. It is not very hyperbolic for me to say that this is one of the most misinformed, laughably stupid things I have ever seen on the internet, and I’ve been to 4chan.

    1. Do you read your own drivel?
      Because I have a feeling it is even more misinformed and laughably stupid.

      1. I’m really curious as to which part of my opinion you think is misinformed, cuz of the whole “opinions aren’t facts and you therefore can’t be misinformed on them” thing…

        1. Lily, nothing about this post is wrong. There is a different between being an ass and not being politically correct. Why are so feminists offended by the truth?

        1. Sometimes I only wish someone would… Being around all these filthy, discriminating, disgusting pigs all the time makes life depressing. But then I go out and fuck a couple of sluts and the natural order of things is restored

    1. Interesting, isn’t it. If they aren’t offended by the lies they believe in, you’d think they’d be beyond taking offense at anything we could say.

    2. They are offended by anything or anyone that doesn’t agree with their worldview that men are evil.

      1. They will not stop until masculinity is outlawed. The problem is every feminist wants to fuck as many guys as she wants until 30 and then a beta chump to take care of her. Too bad white knights don’t understand this.

        1. it is better that way, less men to boost the already huge egos of men. Plus those male feminists and white knights and mangina sealed their fate.

      2. I’m a feminist, and I don’t believe men are evil. I definitely don’t get offended by everything that doesn’t agree with me. But why are you so offended by me???

        1. She’s crazy because she hasn’t been able to get ahold of some good dick for too long. How long? The last ten years.

  81. omfg this was hilarious. Especially the part about “pansexuality” or “bisexuality” being a feminist term. And not, you know, a sexuality. Look guys, if you’re so desperate to get laid that you’re reading this list for facts and not the comedy gold that it was obviously intended to be… you might wanna do some work on yourselves. Get a hobby. Make yourself happy, you know? Girls aren’t scared of sex. If she wants sex, she’ll say, “Let’s have sex.” Not in a cute “plausible deniability” way. In a “Getting me some dick” way. And if a girl says “I don’t want to have sex” she’s not hitting a snooze button. She doesn’t want to fuck. If you’re just looking for a hook-up, move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
    Because it disappeared for some reason?

    1. Actually, “let’s have sex” is something you say because any man with even a shred of self-respect would make the first move on something as crude and disgusting as you.
      Attractive women don’t have this problem.

    2. Honey, it’s time for you to get a face transplant. By the way I loved your character in Lord Of The Rings, you looked like a real ork, without any cgi. Amazing talent.

  82. i cant figure out whats more hilarious- the fact that so many neckbeards are taking this seriously or the fact that the author seems to be 100% serious.

        1. It was not a bunch of lays she was inhaling. Besides – why do you think she can’t hear?
          Dirty woman’s got cocks in her ears too. Clearly. She barely has a hand free to type right now.
          See! She can’t even capitalize.

  83. Question for the fat women commenting: When you go to beach to sun wearing a bikini, are you worried that some eco-warrior will come drag you back into the ocean?

        1. I really hope you meet a girl who will poke a hole in your condom and then take everything dear to you away.

        2. You go girl, you fight that fight by crying and hoping someone else will fix the problem! Way to show us bois what you’re made of!

        3. Ugh, heterocentrism. Who said my condoms go into women? Get over your heterosexual female privilege.

        4. I agree. Everyone should have the right to be a fat, disgusting piece of shit and be treated like a princess. Even trannies and people that wear tea cosies on their head

        5. You’re a rapist whale. You should chemically sterilized and tossed back into the sea with the rest of your kind.

        6. Typical feminist evil! I bet your pussy stinks like rotten tuna, you know the canned kind. It’s women like you that are poisoning the female youth with comments like that. I feel sorry for the man that you manage to entrap with years of child support. Pitiful.

        7. He disagrees with you…so you hope that a woman uses the legal system via family court to make him destitute.
          Do you see how you may be kind of proving the point of sites like these by (as a feminist) supporting that kind of anti-male behavior? He called a few female commenters fat, so you wish to see the legal system ruin his life.
          Doesn’t that kind of prove our point about the legal system being anti-male?


      1. Ah fuck, you outed me! The drumstick fell out of my hand into my Diet Coke, you bastard!!!

        1. Vibrator? I heard she goes to the laundromat and sits on the washing machines while they’re in a spin cycle.

    1. Here’s some simple advice for you, you fat piece of shit.
      1.) Exercise
      2.) Eat less
      You think you can do that, Free Willy?

        1. 1.) Lifting up a piece of sausage doesn’t count as exercise, fatass.
          2.) It’s called self-control. Foreign concept to a beached whale like you, perhaps, but something most reasonable people possess in certain quantities.
          3.) Post a pic of your jelly rolls. I need a reminder that I should never let myself go.

  84. This clearly hits a little too close to home for a lot of the girls and hence the anger. If you are a woman with a high notch count at a young age, you don’t deserve a relationship and if you find that you meet a lot of the items on this list, you deserve to get pumped and dumped. It’s that simple.

        1. Do you feel that way about men? If a dick has been inside 19 other vaginas before, does that fundamentally change the way you look at the owner of that dick?

        2. Ummm, unlike you sweetie, I don’t ponder the various penises that other people have.
          You on the other hand, can have whatever thoughts you want about other people’s penises.

      1. Having a lot of sex while in a healthy relationship=good. Having a lot of sex with random partners that she simply cannot say ‘no’ to because she has no self control and no self esteem=bad or seeking male approval by having sex with a lot of different men because of a poor relationship with her father=bad.

        1. What if she has sex with a lot of random partners because she respects her desire to orgasm? What if she has sex with a lot of people because she refuses to say no to what is going to make her happy, simply on the basis that female sexuality makes men uncomfortable? Here’s a handy tool that’ll help you remember when it’s acceptable to reject someone’s sexual behavior: If the behavior is hurting others, you may intervene. Otherwise, let people do what they want to.
          A guy can be expected to respect a girl without her respecting herself because respect is a courtesy that we should, by default offer each other. And it’s weird that you’re equating self-respect with monogamy. They’re by no means equivalent.
          How fucking dare you blame a woman for coping with the psychological trauma of a poor relationship with her father in ANY way that’s not hurting other people? It’s possible you’ve been hurt by your father, I’m not sure, but even if you have been and you didn’t handle it in part by seeking approval in the only way that we teach women to do so in this society (i.e. sexual satisfaction of men), that gives you no right to tell another woman that she’s bad for having done that.

        2. I understand, you are not only delusional, but weak minded. Further, you seem to take some sort of pride in calling yourself “Fat Amy”. By being fat, you further disrespect yourself. If you lose weight, you probably won’t have such difficulty in keeping a man. Good luck!

        3. Excellent job responding to all of the points I made, and even better job attempting to fat shame someone who very clearly takes pride in being fat. Really, you should frame that because it’s one of the most eloquent, well-reasoned responses I’ve ever read.

        4. “What if she has sex with a lot of random partners because she respects
          her desire to orgasm? What if she has sex with a lot of people because
          she refuses to say no to what is going to make her happy, simply on the
          basis that female sexuality makes men uncomfortable?”
          That’s fine for her, but you must understand that if I’m a man looking for a relationship I may not view such a woman as an ideal partner. Why? She seems quite a bit more likely to cheat on me and/or screw around with my peers while in a relationship with me.
          Your hypothetical girl “refuses to say no to what is going to make her happy”. What if we’re in a relationship, we’ve had an argument, and soon after the argument she meets an attractive acquaintance of mine and decides that sex with him at that moment would make her happy because she is mad at me. Since this is a girl who is committed to welcoming and not saying no to anything that would make her happy, the chances of her taking that chance and having sex with him seem relatively high.
          As a guy, i may not want to take a chance on starting a relationship with a woman who poses that kind of risk, just as I suspect a woman would probably seek to avoid starting a serious relationship with a man committed to playing the field.
          “Here’s a handy tool that’ll help you remember when it’s acceptable to
          reject someone’s sexual behavior: If the behavior is hurting others, you
          may intervene. Otherwise, let people do what they want to.”
          Nobody is talking about intervening or preventing this hypothetical woman from doing whatever she wants to do. They’re simply making decisions about how they will react to her.
          She has the right to do whatever she wants, but others have the right to decide that said behavior may make her a bad fit for a long term relationship with them or a good fit for a short term, more casual arrangement (given her openness to having “lots of sex” with “lots of people”).
          People can do what they want to do, but they can’t demand that everyone else evaluate their actions in the way that they want them evaluated.
          “A guy can be expected to respect a girl without her respecting herself
          because respect is a courtesy that we should, by default offer each
          Respect is earned. Most men understand this because they’ve had to earn it. Most men have gone through periods of time in which they have been blatantly disrespected and have had to earn respect to end that. Men do not automatically confer respect upon one another.
          I’m not sure what makes you think that women are more entitled to automatic respect than men, regardless of their actions of their respect for themselves. A man who doesn’t respect himself doesn’t get respect, so why would a woman?

        5. Frankly, you haven’t made any points and sound really damaged, that is why I said “good luck”.

        6. Why doesn’t she respect herself because she likes to have sex with different people and doesn’t want to be in a relationship? Who are you to decide how people should feel about themselves? Maybe she has sex because she likes it, it makes her feel good, and couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks. That is someone who actually HAS a lot of respect for herself

        7. Nah, she just doesn’t know how to keep a man and will continue to get pumped and dumped because it is all she is good for.

        8. But why assume everyone wants to “keep a man”? What about the women out there who don’t wanna be in a relationship, don’t wanna be tied down for whatever reason, but still wanna enjoy sex?

        9. I understand a lot of what you are saying, but I think these issues comes into play for both genders. First let me preface my next statements with this: I’m not saying that because someone has had sex with a lot of people that they would automatically make bad partners, I’m simply using this theoretical situation because you pointed out above that it would be harder to trust a woman like that as a girlfriend.
          The issue is that it is assumed that a woman that is more sexually promiscuous will be more prone to cheating, etc… making a woman that is sexually promiscuous less desirable to a man looking for a long term partner… that’s where the word slut comes in…it comes from a need to point out that it is less than desirable to be a promiscuous woman. The number of sexual partners that a man has however isn’t typically viewed by most as a huge risk factor… it’s almost expected that most men have had several partners. The problem is the purposeful need to differentiate between a man that likes sex and a woman that likes sex with derogatory words like “slut.” It’s calling out the woman’s behavior in a negative way, while the promiscuous man will be hailed a player and suffer little from his sexual past when he tries to find a relationship partner. So you are right both men and women should earn the respect they are given… but by that logic both men and women should be hailed for their sexual prowess or both be treated disrespectfully because they are promiscuous… the issue is that one group is given automatic disrespect and called sluts, while the other group is given respect and writing spots on blogs for the exact same behavior. That’s not the “earned respect” you are talking about above.

        10. “men and women should be hailed for their sexual prowess or both be treated disrespectfully because they are promiscuous”
          This will never happen due to differences in the way men and women perceive sexual value in relation to promiscuity. The bias against more promiscuous women will remain, just as the bias against inexperienced men will remain. This bias is driven as much (or more, arguably) by women as it is by men.
          I explain all of this in a more recent article:

          Why There Will Always Be A Sexual “Double Standard”

        11. I’m a little late to the party here, but wow, as a female reader (lurker), Athlone’s comment is the most intelligent piece I have ever seen on the so-called double standard. I just had to write. Thank you for this clear explanation of something very difficult to articulate.

      2. Men and women value the opposite sex for different reasons. Women want resources from men.
        Men want sex from women.
        Women don’t like poor men as he can’t give protection/shelter.
        Sluts give their power away too easily and men don’t respect this.

        1. They also thought Jim Crow laws were “right”. And McCarthyism. And so on and so on. So, I wouldn’t be to proud of the 1950s thinking you were right. lol

      3. Did anyone say it is bad to have sex?
        Did anyone say it is bad to have too much sex?
        Reading comprehension fail.
        Go back to kindergarten, you dumb slut. You give all women a bad name with your slutty and uneducated ways. I bet you don’t even have a high school diploma.

        1. Why is is it bad for women to have lots of sex? Why does that make them undeserving of a relationship? You didn’t address my point. Instead you’re just pointlessly making me re-write it with two new words. Excellent argumentative tactic there, champ.

        2. Let me clarify.
          Lots of sex with one man is A-Okay.
          Lots of sex with many different men (if you have sex with more than 5 men for example) is not okay.
          After that, a woman’s ability to bond with a man is not strong enough to keep her bound in a long term relationship let alone a marriage.

        3. But it’s somehow different for men? Men can fuck as many women as they want and still have a healthy long-term relationship afterwards, but for women that’s not the case? Bullshit.

        4. Who the hell are you to decide what’s too much?! That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. So incredibly delusional.

        5. you mean other than the obvious, you’re an effing stranger? And, honestly, I don’t even know. I’ve never counted because it doesn’t matter!

      4. It’s not. It’s just that they are a bad long-term deal for men and this is a site for MEN. Please read up on studies about women’s partner count and their bonding abilities. It’s men who get reamed in divorce and this article shows how NOT to do that.

  85. This is disguising. Whether or not this is a joke, this is demeaning to women in so many ways. Women deserve to be treated with at least a single sliver of dignity none of which can be found here. The number of sexual partners a woman has had does not make her a slut and it’s this type of anti-feminist bullshit that prompts more sexual abuse, harassment and rape among women. This is not something to be taken lightly.

      1. Do you know how to read? Or are you just that type of asshole who tries to unsuccessfully twist my words back on me? Oh no! I bet you’re the type of person who does the raping of the passed out drunk chick at the party just because you can. Learn what feminism actually is before you even attempt to go into battle with one.

        1. I absolutely agree with you, it’s much easier to pull women when they’re blackout drunk. Good idea

        2. I really hope you go to fuck a girl and she’s wearing the rape-axe. I’d adore to see that scenario.

        3. You clearly haven’t read my posts on this forum about feminism.
          Feminism is all about narcissistic suppresion of anti-social impulses.
          Wait, are you feminism? Am I going to battle with feminism in this comment thread? I should have brought by +7 battleax of misogyny with me.

        4. Mmmm me too. Nothing like a bit of pain mixed with the pleasure when I’m pounding away at a fine piece of ass. Only, I’d probably try to stick the handle up the ass and it would be like she’s on her period from 2 holes at once

        5. Equality for ALL, basic human rights, freedom of political speech and religion, and not getting harassed or raped or having to constantly look over your shoulder as you walk somewhere.

        6. Not getting harassed or raped. Implication that the default is rape or harassment. Interesting and useless dialectic. And it’s a bit rich feminists claiming free speech when their default response to truth that they do not like is to attempt to shut down the discussion by shaming the observer e.g. calling them a rapist.

        7. You rape drunk passed out people at parties? Jesus Christ – is that how you get action?
          With your looks I’m not surprised you resort to such measures I once thought exclusive to the patriarchy.

        8. The fuck is a rape axe? You must be well acquainted with that since the only way you can get sex is through raping others.
          You’re a walking rape threat. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to touch you.

    1. Right. That single sliver of dignity isn’t here. Check my shaft for that dignity you’re looking for. With you tongue. I promise you’ll find it.

    2. How much dignity do you think you deserve to be treated with?
      How much dignity do you think you have been treated with?
      My guess is a flat 0 for the second question. Pump and dump when you used to be marginally attractive maybe?

    3. Bitch please, you look like you’ve been rammed by 50+ std infected cocks. Do not say that it is ok to be a slut, there is a reason that sluts have been shames since the beginning of time. Apart from the fact that it’s easy for us to get our dicks wet (thank you sluts and punk bitches for that) slut behaviour is corrosive to civilized society. Thanks for the easy lay though.

    4. Holy shit. I almost had a seizure looking at your picture. Fuck, you’re ugly. My taint is more beautiful than you.

    5. “The number of sexual partners a woman has had does not make her a slut…” It impairs her when it comes to bonding and makes her a marriage risk. And that’s a big risk considering that it’s men that lose the most in divorce. So as unpleasant as this article might seem to you, it provides men with a service. Check the studies on women, partner counts, and bonding — you can’t argue with science.

  86. I like how the first related article under this is “women don’t know how to argue with logic or facts”

  87. I like this article. I’ve found a lot of the points given here to be true too. Maybe not the big boobs, ticklishness and hairy arms, at least I’ve never encountered those, but the rest seem to be a cumulative tell-percentage of sluttiness. And there’s nothing wrong with that. A woman who’s purposefully making herself seem like something with her appearance and actions will get a response according to her actions. Making herself seem like an easy lay is going to make others see her as a slut. Actions have consequences, and molding your behaviour and appearance is a conscious action. You are treated according to your choices here.
    Why are the commenters so angry here? Is it because this article mentions the word “slut”? That’s just what men call a woman who fucks a lot of different people. It simplifies matters and has a purpose; some men want to avoid women like that since they’re looking for quality over quantity(as in, they’re looking for a stable relationship), some men want to find easier lays since they’re looking for just that: Easy sex. Why the angry/hurt response? That’s an actual question, by the way. This article brings value to the people who might need the tells mentioned here.

    1. none of them actually read the article, they just hate men because they don’t give them attention

    2. Those women are mad b/c if men can tell they’re sluts they won’t get wifed up after they hit the wall

    3. Honestly, as an adult, I’m sure you understand that there are certain words that carry more weight than others. Some carry a lot of negative weight, some are neutral… society as a whole determines the impact of words typically by looking at the usage over periods of time, and while yes people should realize words are just words and choose to not be offended by them, the fact is that some words feel very derogatory. Slut is one of those words…. In my opinion the male version of this word is “player”… this word doesn’t have the same negative impact, so while yes, I can see the need as a human to be able to “figure out” what other humans are on the same wavelength as you i.e., (do they just want to fuck , or do they want to get married?) there are words that can be used that aren’t a slap to the face of the women being referred to. The word slut unnecessarily insinuates that there is something wrong with the woman… whereas, again, as an adult you realize that there are points in most people’s lives where they may want to have consensual sex with a person without having to have a serious relationship, and that applies to both men and women. I honestly don’t hear the word slut used that frequently in my social circle… I think that is a positive thing…. but I still think that even though it may not be used as frequently as it once was it is still a word that people should think twice before throwing out. ESPECIALLY if there intent was not to degrade someone, because using that term definitely comes across as being degrading, even if not intentionally. So, it’s just a word…. used to describe someone that wants to have consensual sex… and is a woman…. those aren’t bad offensive things, so maybe the terminology should reflect that.

  88. To all the dumb feminists :
    You are not real women. Your opinions are irrelevant. Your anger is purely entertainment to us, nothing more, so please keep it coming. The reason why sluts should be shamed is because they are worthless. No one is trying to save you or change you, because no one cares about you. The purpose of this article and others like it is to warn to men to avoid pointless sluts like you, and to let real women know that being a slut is not the right way.
    Feminists, have you noticed how much slut shaming there is these days? Get used to it because it’s going to get worse. Much, much worse. And guess what, there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Nothing. All you can do is get angry and express that anger. That’s it. Can you change anything? Can you make any difference? Nope, not at all. So please, keep getting angry, it bothers us not, in fact we find it hilarious, and we love reading your comments.
    The reason why you can’t shame us for wanting real women instead of sluts like you is because we feel no shame. But on the other hand, we can very easily make you feel shame for being sluts for the simple reason that you already feel shame, and you already know that you are utterly worthless. So go ahead and continue putting graffiti on yourselves in the form of tattoos, go ahead and keep piercing yourselves, in fact why don’t you all jump in a tub of ink and get it over and done with. We know you hate your worthless selves more than anyone else ever could in a million years, and your anger is merely the whining of people who know that they’re at the bottom of the heap.
    Be afraid, sluts. Be afraid that your future is bleak at best. You are lost causes. Your elderly years are going to be very tearful and populated by felines (be thankful that Dr Dolittle isn’t around to tell them what you are, otherwise you’d be completely alone). And you’re going to look ridiculous as 70 year olds with all those tattoos, and when you get sick no one will visit you because you won’t have a man and you won’t have kids. You are failures as women. You are nothing. Feminism fucked you up.
    And don’t for one second pretend to speak for all women. Real women are laughing at you just as hard as we are. make no mistake about that. As the years go by there will be more women realising that being is a slut is not the way, and you will be seen more and more by the mainstream as the worthless nothings that you are.
    The reason why you are so angry and fearful is because the cat (pun intended) is out of the bag. I laugh at you. We all do. Your comments can’t hurt us but our comments can destroy you. As word gets out that sluts like you are not cool, that sluts like you are toxic and to avoided, and that your opinions matter not, as more and more women decide to not take on your slutty ways, as more and more men walk away from you sluts, as more decent men and decent women get together, you will be increasingly left out in the cold.
    Your words are useless. You’re trying to fight a lion with a peashooter. It’s not going to work, slut. But our words are powerful and people are reading articles like this more and more, and there’s nothing at all you can do to stop the change that is rapidly happening.
    It’s over, sluts. Game over.
    I want to see more angry comments. As many as possible. I want to really see the rage oozing off my screen. The angrier you get, and the more you comment, the quicker the process becomes. Tell me I’ve got a small dick, tell me I’m insecure and can’t handle a woman who’s in touch with her sexuality, just say anything. It’s very important that readers of this and all the other similar articles see your comments.

    1. Nothing wrong with sluts, providing they keep themselves looking good and don’t expect me to keep them around for anything other than what they’re best at

        1. This is incredible. Literally the only insult y’all can come up with for me is “hahahaha you’re so fat that’s hilarious and you should feel bad,” which is CLEARLY not going to work for a woman who chooses to identify herself as fat. If I didn’t like myself, I’d just say “Amy” and none of you would have any idea what my body looks like.

        2. You’re right.
          Brain dead, unoriginal, and narcissistic would be even more on-point to describe your comments.
          And “severely medically obese”, “at high risk for adult onset diabetes”, and “likely to suffer the complications of heart disease” are more accurate than merely “fat”.

        3. Loving yourself isn’t narcissistic. And thanks for letting me know what medical problems I have. You should talk with the medical community about your incredible ability to diagnose people who you have never met and never seen through the internet! That’s a really useful skill.

        4. Haha, the self-described fat whore thinks 30 years of published medical research that links fatness to chronic health problems like diabetes and heart disease is….
          a Conspiracy!!
          Shouldn’t you go back to XoJane and post your new fat acceptance article already?

        5. Ummm, you already diagnosed yourself as a fatty, sweetie.
          I would tell you to go look at your other comments, but in this case, clearly your impaired vision is an early sign of diabetes.

        6. There is some evidence of a correlation between fat and health problems, but correlation is not causation, and even if you did prove that fat was THE cause of these health problems, you couldn’t say for sure that I have them. Just because UV exposure is believed to cause skin cancer doesn’t mean that every person who’s been exposed to UV rays has skin cancer. Lrn 2 science.

    2. Is it just me, or does this comment seem full of anger. We all have issues, we all make mistakes, we all are trying to compensate for what we lack, we are all flawed because we are human. I will try to have compassion for you instead of anger, though it is hard to hear your words against what you think is a subset of my gender. Let me tell you, being called a slut could never hurt my feelings. I think it is empowering to be a slut and to like sex. I have only had sex with one man all my life and I still consider myself a slut. I take ownership of that phrase and I encourage other women to do the same. If you think you are not a slut, you are probably a prude as well as a slut. If you like sex, you are a slut. Same goes for men. There is nothing wrong with being a slut, slut shaming doesn’t work, because sluts like being sluts. We are not ashamed, and as much as you think men just use us, remember that we think we are using men. Whatever, either way, as long as there is mutual consent and protection, have as much sex as you want. Embrace your slutdom and respect the slutdom of others. Lets all respect one another. I encourage you to find the source of that anger and find a way to resolve your issues with the opposite sex. 🙂

    3. I’m happily married to a successful, intelligent, attractive man, have a bachelors degree in science and am currently enrolled in grad school, all of which I have paid for ENTIRELY by doing commercial modeling work…. and guess what? I’m a feminist. Intelligent, married, attractive, non-promiscuous and I believe women should be treated as equals… whoa… wow… shocking….
      Feminism represents all women… women that wear lipstick or don’t. Women that are homemakers or CEOs. Women that spend hours in the gym or thousands under a surgeon’s knife to women that don’t shave their legs, wear makeup, or eat animal products. The ENTIRE point of feminism is making it okay for all of the above described women to exist and not be shamed for it. So, you can call me fat, ugly, stupid, slutty, forever-alone, unlikable… but… you would be wrong… I look more like a 1950’s housewife than this definition of a slut… but the point is that I CHOOSE to wear dresses and cook for my husband while also going to school and working… I enjoy the stereotypical feminine traits so I embrace them… the point is that I’m a feminist and as a feminist I am able to choose what’s best for me and respect and encourage other women to choose what is best for them and their partners…..soo… what argument are you left with exactly?

  89. this piece should be titled, “a conspiracy theory explaining why i can’t get laid very often (it’s the slutconomy, stupid)”.

    1. You have to hit shift to capitalize sugartits. Or is there too much jizz crust on your keyboard?

    2. There’s something off about your face, like something is missing. Ah yes, i know what it is. It needs my cum smeared all over it.
      Sometimes i like to pretend my cawk is a paintbrush, so when ejaculating my sperm on a chick’s face, i like to draw little things, like a moustache, or a flower. Would you like that slut? Would you like me to go van gogh on your cheekbones?

    3. That doesn’t make any sense. How does claiming to know how to identify a sexually promiscuous woman indicate sexual inexperience? Furthermore, where in the piece does Tuthmosis claim that sluts are preventing him from getting laid? The piece doesn’t appear to be blaming sluts for anything, merely advising men on how to locate them. If anything, it seems to be implying that sluts are good for getting laid (and thus should be found), not that they prevent sex.

    4. Your post should be titled “feminist cliche.” “Can’t get laid” is second only to “basement dweller” as an overused insult when someone doesn’t have a cogent point to make. This article is about men’s preferences and what men should look out for. Deal with it.

        1. As he was saying, “can’t get laid” is an overused feminist trope.
          Can’t you muster any originality, whore?

        1. He prefers me to be without trousers as much as possible, and I’m happy to comply. I wear lipstick sometimes. Does that answer your question?

        2. How many cocks did you ride through before you married your husband? Did you ‘find yourself’ during college, then through your twenties and then panicked at 30 and settled with a ‘nice guy’ who you would have prick-teased during said formative years?

  90. I’m not sure whether this is a joke or you’re serious. Either way…it’s not funny and I don’t appreciate your view of women…perhaps you are the slut

    1. You’re absolutely right. There’s nothing funny about the fact that the average western woman is sucking every dick that comes near them

    2. I’m not sure whether this is a joke or you’re serious. Either way…it’s
      not funny and I don’t appreciate your view of tuthmosis…perhaps you are
      the slut

  91. Does it matter if its a joke? it perpetuates a fucked up mindset towards women. and yes for all you out there saying “This is just a joke, this never really happens”…..ummm im pretty sure this does happen. (< sarcasm. It definitely happens) also look at his this dudes other crap its all a bunch of bullshit lol. Heres some healthy stuff for your brain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElJxUVJ8blw

    1. You’re right this is article is horrible, it perpetuates an unhealthy mindset towards women. OMG! So ashamed.
      But Farrah Abraham, Miley Cyrus and Snooki are upstanding examples for women to follow. This article is just a summary of observations. No one makes a woman a whore, she chooses to be. She chooses to spread her legs, open her mouth or walk around nearly naked in public. We are telling the news, the whores are making the news.

  92. To the chick or whatever you are that posted this article perpetuates an unhealthy mindset towards women and then deleted your comment – along with my reply.
    You’re right this is article is horrible, it perpetuates an unhealthy mindset towards women. OMG! So ashamed.
    But Farrah Abraham, Miley Cyrus and Snooki are upstanding examples for women to follow. This article is just a summary of observations. No one makes a woman a slut, she chooses to be. She chooses to spread her legs, open her mouth or walk around nearly naked in public. The author is reporting the news, the sluts are making the news.

    1. The question is: why are we required to push a healthy mindset about women? This is a site about what’s best for MEN. And that is not necessarily the same as what’s best for women. Men would do well to take this advice — and not ironically.

  93. tbh whether or not this article is a joke (amd i’m really hoping it is) is irrelevant because there’s still dumbarse men who’ll actually take its advice.

  94. I for one would like to take the opportunity and thank feminism. Feminism has contributed more to the sluttification of American women than anything PUA’s could have ever dreamed of or wished for. Feminism is the leading cause of the de-valuation of women’s self-confidence through downplaying the value of feminine beauty, strength and true independent character.
    Feminists, please take a moment to step back from your hate-mongering on men and realize, we are only taking what you have given up long ago…we are on your team ; )

    1. I’m a feminist and it seems that you’re the one who hates all women. i definitely don’t hate men, not even close. “Feminism is the leading cause of the de-valuation of women’s
      self-confidence through downplaying the value of feminine beauty,
      strength and true independent character”?Oh really? You know that makes no sense, right? The right to vote devalued my self confidence? Having equal rights devalued the value of feminine beauty? And what the hell is the value of feminine beauty?? Lol!

      1. Quite the contrary, my lifestyle shows that I love women. It is sad to see the destruction that feminism has visited upon the women of America, it is nothing more than a victimization philosophy that seeks to extract concessions and resources, providing nothing of value while simultaneously depressing the feminine independent spirit.
        Equal rights and voting were not products of feminism at all although you have tried to hijack credit. Study your history…particularly the US Civil War and the Civil Rights movements, these rights were guaranteed by men on behalf of all (and rightfully so). Dwell on that and take a moment to thank a man for the blood his ancestors shed. Whether it was on a battlefield in the 1860’s or crossing a bridge in Alabama in the 1960’s…feminism was not there.

        1. I have a degree in history, so I know a little history. No one’s denying the roles men have played in our history. With all due respect, my friend, I just can’t agree that feminism is a “victimization philosophy that seeks to extract concessions and resources.” It’s pretty much the opposite. It’s because I have a positive outlook of the potential of women, that have historically been denied, that I am a feminist. Women as business leaders, as CEOs, as politicians. And equal rights and voting were a DIRECT result of feminism. Literally. All feminism means is wanting equal rights for women. That’s all. And if you think that I, as a feminist, whom you don’t even know, am somehow destructing the women of America, well you couldn’t be more wrong. And also, when I asked why do you hate women, I should have asked why don’t you respect women.

  95. When I was single, I put out so rarely that men often got fed up with me. But I like to show off for my boyfriend and make him look like The Man, so I tend to show a little cleavage when I’m out with him. People (all women) think I’m a slut as a result, even though chances are they’ve slept with 3x the amount of men I have. It’s annoying, but the cleavage is still worth it to keep him excited after all these years!

  96. Wow. People need to spend more time getting laid (hint: chicks dig dimensionality, fake it ’til you make it) and less time slut shaming because they see other people having sex. Seriously, it is pathetic.

    1. Wenches don’t dig dimensionality. They dig shallow jerks and rich guys over all others. Every man knows this, and every wench also knows this but doesn’t want to admit it.

  97. what the fuck is this? whether it’s a joke or not it’s really just not good writing and more garbage to fill up space. This is what adolescent boys (mindset or age) “joke” about… not impressive

    1. Isn’t this your 4th or 5th comment on this article, slut? Apparently, you would know all about zero intelligence.

  98. This is literally the dumbest thing I have ever read. My IQ went down. My mind retracted. This is awful.

      1. I believe that you are living having a negative IQ as we speak, you shouldn’t need to google search your experiences!

        1. Oh come on, that was so weak. At least be a little creative to go with your craziness. I mean at least get some of your feminist, delusional friends to help vet your comment. Or did you already do that and that was all you and your friends in the pig pen could come up with?

        2. You sound very insecure about your own intelligence; why else would you need to insult someone else’s?

  99. I think if there were a livestream of a man getting castrated as a war crime, it would still manage to be funnier than this article.

      1. I hope abethebabe doesn’t identify as a feminist, because I wouldn’t call that a feminist value at all.

    1. People who record themselves torturing and killing other people tend to be Islamic terrorists, and they’re usually doing it to other Muslims, Daniel Pearl notwithstanding. Are you saying Muslims should be castrated? You sound like an Islamophobe.

  100. Hmm, so I got ten out of twenty, (not sure about slut face), but I’m a lesbian. So am I a slut, or not?

  101. If this article is a joke, it is the saddest piece of misogynistic shit I’ve ever read.
    “3. Has “slut face”” You’re kidding, right?
    I’m going to write an article about how women can tell if men are sluts on the first date and it will include:
    1. Length of hair. The longer the hair, the more likely you will get laid.
    2. Penis size. Everyone knows that guys with big dicks like to fuck.
    3. Eye color. Brown eyes? You’re in.
    4. Shorts. He is trying to show off some skin, so take his cue and rip them off!
    5. His drink order. If it’s heavier than a beer, he’s trying to get drunk so you will have sex with him.

    1. Apparently you don’t know much about wenches. But, I did notice that you’re not exactly denying anything written in the article.
      Men can’t be sluts, only wenches. Its a sexual double-standard. Its always existed and always will exist. Hey–life isn’t fair. Tough shit.

        1. Of course it is to my advantage. I’m a man. Men are superior to wenches, so therefore we have more advantages. I exploit them whenever I can. Welcome to real life.
          Again, you never denied anything in the article.

  102. Having an opinion on the Internet is asking for trouble. The article ends with “Whether you use them to get laid more reliably, or to avoid wifeing up the town bike, these cues should be on every man’s slut radar. Sure, there are exceptions to all of them. You could meet a nun with a tattoo, or a ticklish slut, but these are—especially the more of them that are evident—some of most accurate predictors of sluttiness you’ll encounter.” The article may or may not be a joke, and doesn’t even shame sluts, it’s saying that these are possible ways to help try to determine the likelihood of finding a one night stand based on judging a book by it’s cover that are not 100% accurate. It even says it will help try to identify that type of person to either get with them or to try to avoid them if you are looking for a committed relationship. The article never once condones anything like rape, or taking advantage of a person while they are under the influence or any mind altering substance. If this same article came out as psuedo-science instead with statistics coming from a selection of say 1000 randomly polled women across the country and were asked if they had the certain qualities listed and a scale of 1-10 if they were to sleep with a random guy on a first date regardless of said guys appearance would you still be arguing the same points?
    I also feel that some people don’t understand that there is a true difference between satire and comedy, these are the same people who would find Adventures of Huckleberry Finn extremely racist rather than realizing Twain intended to call attention the the flagrant racism of the era, as he intended the book to be a satire. There is a common technique used in satire called “Targeting the victim”, what this does is make you angry at first glance and draws attention to the reading, it does so with the intention of doing what has happened, to attempt to make you pass the work along and get more people aware of the issue, the difficulty with this tactic is there are some people in this world who will agree with the attack, so there are some people who will believe the author agrees with the attack. For the most part this occurs because people don’t actually take the time to read the article and just see the word “slut” and get up in arms.
    Another more recent example of such an occurrence is the television program South Park.

  103. If you’re a girl and going to say that you aren’t JUST AS LIKELY to base the possibility of a date ending a certain way on both your attraction to the person, as well as the likeness that the other person wants the date the end the same way, then you’re either: a fucking liar, pressuring the guy into sex when he doesn’t want to, or assuming that all guys are sluts and just looking for sex. So get off your fucking high horses because gender equality is a two way street you sexist pigs.

  104. 1.body art has nothing to do with sexual experience
    2.piercings have nothing to do with sexual experience
    3.this is an opinionated, judgmental assumption
    4.vocabulary has nothing to do with sexual experience
    5.not everyone is ticklish; has nothing to do with sexual experiences
    6.correlation between drugs and promiscuity is not causation
    7.breast size is determined by genetics; has nothing to do with sexual
    8.women can dress how they want without wanting sex; women dress for
    9.all women are born with body hair; not all of them want to be as
    hairless as a prepubescent boy to please a man
    10.you assume they’re sluts; no proof
    11.bisexuality is liking both cookies and cake; it’s a myth that
    bisexuals will sleep around
    12.sororities don’t make a girl a slut
    13.or it means they want to have a good time with their friends; has
    nothing to do with sexual experience
    14.cheerleading is apparently fun, and you assume all cheerleaders are
    15.partying doesn’t equal sleeping around
    16.or it means she was raped, wasn’t taught about sex, or was ready
    early; having sex doesn’t make you a slut
    17.liking to drink and get high doesn’t mean she sleeps around
    18.friendship with anyone doesn’t mean she sleeps around
    19.she may just like art, and for centuries, nude art was “the”
    art; if she’s nude or otherwise, it doesn’t mean she’s a slut.
    20.it’s been scientifically proven that women think about sex as much as
    men do; doesn’t mean she’s a slut
    21.another assumption; divorces cause a lot of things, but it doesn’t
    mean she’s a slut
    22.feminism means the want of equal rights, and those three terms in
    parentheses are sexual and gender orientations, which is completely
    unrelated; has nothing to do with sexual experience/having sex
    23.women often do physical things like tan and get their nails done for
    THEM, not for men; has nothing to do with sexual experience
    24.hair color reflects what color she wants her hair; has nothing to do
    with sexual experience
    All your arguments are based off of assumptions, and you also don’t know what certain terms mean. I mean, you thought pansexuality was related to feminism; at least use a dictionary. Oh, and by making a list of signs you think indicate a woman is a slut, you’re really not going to get a girlfriend, you’re just going to make every woman think you hate them–oh, wait, this whole article was misogynistic. Hmmm.

    1. Edit: Found out this was a jest post. Very well done indeed; I’m quite glad I’m not the type to get pissy immediately over things on the internet.

    2. That’s funny. Why would “every woman” think he hates them. Are you implying that most women exhibit those indicators? If you were implying that I would definitely agree.
      You’ll be hard pressed trying to find a “pansexual” that is not a feminist. I wonder why that is.
      “Oh, and by making a list of signs you think indicate a woman is a slut, you’re really not going to get a girlfriend, you’re just going to make every woman think you hate them–”
      “indicate a woman is a slut, you’re really not going to get a girlfriend”
      ” you’re really not going to get a girlfriend”
      “get a girlfriend”
      Many of the guys on here don’t won’t “girlfriends”. I would personally like to have one as long as she didn’t have any of the slut indicators listed above. That has proven too difficult so far. Indeed the majority of modern womynz are entirely unfit to be girlfriends. Their only redeeming quality is the fact that they put out so easily. It is so strange, the repulsion I feel after banging some girl who’s name I don’t even know. I’m thinking to myself: “how can any self respecting person let me do that to them?” Perhaps they’re just liberated hmm.
      Also, this article was not done in jest. It is 100% super serial. It was written for one purpose; to help guys identify sluts i.e. loose, easy women. The more indicators she has the more likely she is a slut. There are two reasons we wish to identify sluts:
      1. To avoid them if we happen to be looking for a long term relationship.
      2. To target them for easy, low time/resource investment sex.
      Ever hear the phrase: “if she smokes she pokes”? Girls that smoke typically start smoking at a young age. At that age, smoking is considered “bad” and “taboo”. A girl that started a filthy unladylike habit like smoking at a young age probably starting doing other “taboo” things as well (hj/bj’s in the bathroom/parking lot).I love finding smoking teenyboppers at the mall. Dressing rooms are for more than trying on clothes. I’m surprised smoking didn’t make it near the top.
      Or maybe I’m just a virgin with a small penis?

    3. I love the girls who are so insecure about their self-worth that they have to address a general article point by point, as if trying to convince themselves that they really aren’t what the article is describing.

    4. “10.you assume they’re sluts; no proof”
      If it oinks like a pig and waddles like a pig…
      Your reply shows why wenches are too dumb to be allowed outside the kitchen. These are indicators, not proofs. All of these indicators are valid.

  105. Wow, thanks for all that evidence of your “specialties in dating culture, social intelligence, and the state of masculinity.” Good to know there are people like you out there to link to when I need to make a point about why Feminism is relevant. Thanks for being that example.

    1. Do you have down syndrome? Judging by how retarded you look in your pic, I’d say yes.

    2. Feminism is necessary to keep young tight wenches open and easy. That’s what it does and lots of men are happy because of it!
      It also helps men identify which wenches to fuck, to commit to, and to avoid.

    3. Piggy face person, do you not realize attractive females are rebelling against you? NONE of them want to be fat and unattractive. The harder you try to become a voice for them, the more the push away. Good job making them sluttier.

  106. PIG!!!! Luckily there are really nice guys out their that aren’t prejudice assholes like you and I bet they get laid more too.

    1. You don’t have much experience with wenches or men. If you did you’d know that nice guys don’t get fucked. Wenches get super slimy over assholes. Everybody (except you) knows this.

  107. God…if i was a horrible person, Id highly suggest the person who wrote this throw them selves off a bridge,

  108. where’s
    the 24 signs that he’s a slut? oh wait…that would be horribly
    redundant. Is he male, is he straight or gay or anything besides
    asexual? cause if so he’s probably a slut hahaha!

  109. Alright, I feel compelled to call out the one about ticklishness. Ticklishness is directly related to WHO is touching you and WHY. If I am getting hot and heavy with someone I like, ticklishness is not an issue. IF I FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION, ticklishness happens as a way of saying HEY, BACK OFF A BIT. Seriously, it’s a damn defensive mechanism.

  110. What a load of shit!
    I have tattoos, peircings & purple hair among other apparently ‘slutty’ signs & I have been with much much much less men than all of my ‘normal’ looking friends.
    Get a life, a clue & some morals.

    1. Just because your friends are bigger sluts than you, that doesn’t make you not a slut. Remember: birds of feather stick together.

  111. Can’t even fathom how pathetic this is… reading through the comments and people are saying “fucking feminists cannot take a joke”
    Any self respecting woman cannot find this funny. You’re a disgusting bastard for thinking this is an ok thing to write about.

    1. I give you upvote, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I am the stronger of the sexes.

  112. It seems that any girl who doesn’t give you the time of day (and any girl with an ounce of self respect wouldn’t) is a slut. You need to work on your own mommy issues. You are not owed a virgin just because you happen to be male. Get over yourself.

    1. A girl can be a slut or prude regardless of whether she’s interested in me.
      I have an amazing relationship with my mother. In fact, when I tell her–with dismay–aboit the declining quality of American women, she does her best to reassure me you all aren’t slutty and overweight iPhone addicts.

    2. A good mother loathes sluts. I would have Mommy issues if my mother was a former or current slut.

  113. This kind of garbage makes me question how much I believe in freedom of speech. You are a sick fuck.

    1. “This kind of garbage makes me question how much I believe in freedom of speech”
      This shit right here is one of the reasons women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

    2. Look here gallon of ice cream, a lot of men that believe this “stuff” are the same guys who are willing to sacrifice their lives in battle for you to have the right to say whatever is on your mind. I question the freedom of excessive calories.

    3. You are fat as fuck. A full grown elephant probably weighs less than you.
      Fucking fatties.

  114. And so what if she is a slut? Doesn’t make her a worse person. Sexual promiscuity isn’t tied to integrity of character, though the shaming of promiscuity is bound to break down someone’s character.

    1. Are you a slut? Cool. Let’s get together sometime. I would love to lather up your skin with my gooey, sticky cum. Call me, Tinna.

  115. not sure if this is great satire…
    or if the poor fella is indeed a wanker.
    someone here noted that men have the right to judge women just as women have the right to judge men. amen. everyone has the right to judge everyone.
    the difference is this article doesn’t judge.. it accuses scores of women to be sluts because of tattoos or piercing or…big boobs? “They probably came in early, which translates into additional years of male attention.” … right, because all women like male attention; especially when its unwanted..them big mammary glands are just asking to be attended too.
    … this is indeed very sad shit. It’s even sadder to see the amount of readers below bumping fists in agreement.

  116. folks, you don’t have to be a feminists to think this article is bat-shit crazy and sick.

  117. Joke or not… this is a reflection of rape culture and completely disgusting. In a way, I must feel sorry for the men who use this as advice, they will never find meaningful sexual experiences or satisfying orgasms. They most likely use sex as an escape from their pathetic lives, when really they should be looking for meaningful relationships. As for all the women who are angry about this, rightfully so you should be angry, this kind of crap shouldn’t exist. I have no idea what is wrong with the male gender.

    1. Feminist obsession with rape. Maybe Freud had a point about the whole projection idea.

  118. 24 Signs He’s A HUGE Douche: 1. Expects women to be completely non-existent, silent and “mousy”, otherwise will be tagged as “Slut”. 2. Writes a stupid article about it. 3. Bases his entire identity as “male” on how many “hoes he can bag”. 4. If not already diagnosed, is a walking, textbook example of “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”. (Keep away from pets, should not be allowed in public without supervision.) 4. Thinks it’s perfectly okay to “talk” or “convince” someone into sex. (Actually, pretty indicative of number 3.) Repeat twenty more times. There they are.

    1. Signs she’s an angry rug-muncher. Writes in grating, rapid-fire, angry non-sequiturs.

    2. At least you can do math, even if you couldn’t think of anything original. Loved the “repeat twenty more times” line. Really putting that STEM degree to work.

    3. “Thinks it’s perfectly okay to “talk” or “convince” someone into sex.”
      Is it not? What do you think seduction is based on? Sign language? For that matter what do you think most relationships are based on? Aren’t you in favor of express verbal consent? I’ve got news for you, cupcake. Every single guy who ever resigned himself to your lachrymose form as the bar was emptying nevertheless gained his access by talking you into it.

  119. This is fucked up…. Even if it is a joke, it’s not funny, just rude, hurtful, and ignorant.

  120. This is fucked up. Even if it is a joke, it’s not funny, only hurtful, rude, and ignorant.

    1. oh, it’s not a joke. There really are dudes this stupid all over the globe. Amazing, huh?

    2. If you practice any sort of personal development, you know that 1) you are not your feelings. And 2) No one can hurt your feelings unless you let them. So if you want to admit you’re weak, go ahead. I will give you a rep point for honesty.

    3. My sides are hurting after all that laughter I was doing at the butthurt feminists in here.

  121. You are all vile, I can’t believe any of you have actually ever had sex, you don’t even deserve to call yourself men,

    1. You have so much anger in you. Sign of an abusive spouse. Do you ever hit your life partner?

  122. Judgmental cunts like you are a main reason as to why feminism is still so strong, and you could be a poster boy for women turning gay, lol. Pathetic.

    1. 100%. Feminism is such a strong movement it only exists on the internet. And maybe Jenny Craig camps.

    1. I can’t believe you don’t think your whole life is a waste. That was the best 2 minutes of your life poor little guy. Keep reading the blog, one day your life may mean something.

  123. Tuthmosis, is your dick the size of a pinky?
    Clearly it must be, because you seem to have some insecurity issues.
    Seriously, you’re a grown man and you write about “slutty girls” for a living?
    aha get a real job.

    1. Great way to make yourself look like a slut! Anyone’s dick would look like a pinky compared to the up-to-the-shoulder lesbian fisting you’re used to….

    2. List of feminist insults:
      1. Rapist
      2. Loser (a.k.a. “mother’s basement”)
      3. Virgin
      4. Small dick
      If you weren’t a woman, I’d ask you to be original, but I know you’re not capable.

    3. My dick is tiny, worn to a nub from all the sluts riding it in trade for a few shots at the bar. I can’t help it that women are whores, but can help by saying no. But I won’t, because women will still be whores and I might as well ride the train.

  124. All of these are true, but there are many girls who are sluts and don’t exhibit any of these signs, or at most one. In particular there are girls who put on a good girl act, are well educated, feminine and appear kind, but who are actually sluts and will fuck on a first time. Very intelligent, neurotic women are very often sluts, especially if they grew up without a father or something like that.

  125. So basically youre calling down a girl for being herself, and confident enough in herself to express it sexually. Way to repress woman. But then as if thats not enough, you cross the revolting line by encouraging sexual mind games with girls who have bad relationships with their fathers? dude… thats horrible. fuck a girl who you know wants to be fucked for the right reasons; because she’s sexually empowered and enjoys it. Dont fuck with their heads just so you can write about it on your silly blog.

    1. If she is so strong and confident as you think she is, she can handle the mind games. You are like the women who post personal ads saying they are confident and pretty. If your confident, you don’t need to tell me. As for pretty, let me see you and I’ll decide.

    2. Way to misread the article brainiac. If I ever claim any of my illegitimate kids abroad, and send them to college, it sure as hell won’t be for lib arts degrees. Thank you for reinforcing that. I guess ignorant people really do have a purpose.

    1. . Don’t worry scary old lady. No one would dare “violate” you,due to the cat piss smell in your house. Natural creepy ole cat lady defense. Works every time.

    2. Let’s turn that frown upside down, shall we? What will it take to make you smile? A nice, juicy, fat cock in close vicinity to your face? Gurgling my cum?Double penetration? A bukkake session? Perhaps we can play out that rape fantasy you always prattled on about. Whatever it takes, whore! The choice is yours!

  126. You’re just really stupid, to the point of grotesquely, staggeringly stupid. There’s no other way to say that. I feel embarrassed for/sorry for you. But I feel much, much sorrier for the rest of the world, which has to accommodate your pointless, moronic existence. You really are an idiot.

  127. This is disgusting filth flooding the internet. What a sick game for a man to play with a woman and what a horrible thing it is to stigmatize women for their sexual actions and for their physical identity. If any one finds this funny you should be ashamed of your self and I despair for any young woman who comes across this and is hurt by it. You arrogant animal prick. Delete this article and do yourself the favour of never writing again.

    1. “I despair for any young woman who comes across this and is hurt by it.”
      You despair? Ha, ha, ha, ha. So funny.

    2. You should thank this man, for recognizing sexually frustrated sluts and giving them what they want.

    3. Pete you forgot to add your phone number so you could date some fatties. You white knighter. Hero Pete to the rescue!!! If you don’t think women play games and take advantage of nice men, then you Mr. Hero are an idiot. You are probably one of those nice guys that always gets called by hot women complaining about their boyfriends. And you always wonder why it is isn’t you.

    4. Women everywhere are grateful for your protection. They need you, and will repay you with peeled grapes, flattery, and unlimited intercourse.

  128. I am here a week later, and the comment section is now boring. All of it is due to a lack of originality.
    Ladies, you need to step your game up. Otherwise, you are just providing proof that men are more creative and wittier than you.

    1. That’s what I’m saying! I’ve very disappointed in what these shaved-head fatties are bringing to the table (apart, of course, from huge trays of fried foods and sugary drinks).

  129. this is the most disgusting thing i’ve seen this month. and it hasn’t even been that long since blurred lines was popular.

    1. More disturbing than your significant other having flu-like symptoms for 3 months straight?

  130. What a dickheaded fuck.
    Opps, I must be a slut. Still wouldn’t bang the OP.

    1. The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. Good job. Tell me which slut anonymous meeting you are going to.

  131. I love how this reject posts pictures of all these women who would NEVER give him the time of day. Must suck being a loser with a one inch “penis.”

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