10 Tell-Tale Signs She’s A Secret Internet Fatty

Like it or not, online dating is gradually taking over. As the American woman becomes more socially retarded by the minute—liable to blow her rape whistle if a man who isn’t already among her 10,000 Facebook “friends” should so much as say hello to her—it behooves men to adapt to the shifting dating landscape. An online-dating profile has been a part of my repertoire for some time, and it’s supplied me with a healthy dose of fornications, stories to tell, and—above all—wisdom.

I needn’t tell you that online dating is jam packed with a host of nuisances and perils. There’s the over-confident 6 whose ego has been artificially inflated by the fawning online attention of thirsty guys—to the degree that she delusionally carries on like a 9 whenever she cracks open her MacBook. There’s the girl with the manifesto-like profile, itemizing unreasonable demands like a hostage-taker in a movie bank robbery. Then there are the brutally repetitive jokes, clichés, and “witty” remarks that women merely copycat from one another—and television. She’s preparing for the zombie apocalypse. You should message her if you know the difference between to/too/two and there/they’re/their. She took a skydiving picture. She did a novelty race where they spray you with colored powder at the end.


All of those pale in comparison to the mother of all of online-dating dangers: the Notorious S.I.F.–the Secret Internet Fatty. Talk to any man who has shown up to an online date with a cute girl, only to meet 30 pounds more of that girl than he expected, and you’ll know that it’s among the worst sinking feelings you can have on a first date. You’ve been tricked—and on purpose.

Girls today are masters at photographing themselves in the most flattering way possible. And, all you need to do is shadow a few of them for one night to understand how they acquired that skill: girls today spend a better part of their day taking pictures of themselves, and each other. Not only do they have thousands of pictures from which to cherry-pick the best ones, they have countless hours of practice in posing, emphasizing, and concealing. Moreover, girls receive constant input—from other girls as well as their desperate online male admirers—about when they look their best. A college-aged girl has an advanced knowledge of her physique—and photography—far beyond the average guy, even 10 years her elder. The undiscerning male online-dater is simply no match for this training.

So, what can the average man do to avoid being Secret Internet Fattied in today’s online-dating world? Learn to look for the tell-tale signs of the SIF:

1. Has no body shots, only tightly cropped face shots, or very few pictures in the profile.

No matter how much feminists and fatties kick and scream otherwise, girls are hardwired to know that their body is their number-one asset in attracting a mate. If a girl conceals this information from you, you can rest assured there’s a (good) reason. It will never be an accident. An all-headshots profile will mean a dumpy, fat body.


2. Apparent wild swings in body weight in her photographs.

You can be certain that if she has pictures of her as both thin and as fat, she’s currently in the fat stage.

3. Pictured with food or talks about “loving food.”

Fat girls take a lot of pictures of themselves with food because, quite simply, they spend a lot of their time eating, and eating out is the only social activity they know. A girl who talks about how much she loves food–or how much of a “foodie” she is–lives to eat rather than eats to live. That almost always means fat.


4. Has fat friends.

There’s good science that shows that female friend-groups gain weight together. If she associates with fatties—according to her pictures—there’s a good chance she’s fat herself by now.


5. Uses Myspace angles, or similar forms of photographic subterfuge.

Myspace Angles—that is, taking picture from above to reduce her visible size—may be an old trick, but it sticks around because it works.


6. You can’t see her collar bone.

One thing Myspace Angles and similar tricks can’t hide is the absence of a collar bone. If you can’t see it, she’s overweight.


7. Has sausage fingers.

Even if she succeeds in hiding everything else, her hands are a reliable tell-tale physical sign.


8. Overemphasis of one feature, to the exclusion of others.

Since girls are keenly aware of their bodies, they know what looks good and what doesn’t. If they’re only showing you one thing—repeatedly—it’s because there’s something wrong with the rest.


9. Describes herself as “average” or “curvy.”

“Average” and “curvy” have become, almost exclusively, euphemisms for fatness. Even “athletic” isn’t a reliable predictor of a fit physique, since a lot of fat girls will do zumba one day a week, only to drink Starbucks milkshakes on the other six.


10. No new-looking pictures.

One of the most effective tricks is to simply use pictures from when you were skinny. While there’s no reliable way to inoculate yourself against this move, you should look out for signs that her pictures aren’t new. How’s the image quality? What’s happening in the background? What do the captions say?

Avoiding fatties requires a tremendous amount in work in 2013. But, doing that online doesn’t have to be harder than it is in real life. Once you train your eye, you’ll be a master at smoking these SIFs out of their troughs.

Read More: American Girls Have No Game

713 thoughts on “10 Tell-Tale Signs She’s A Secret Internet Fatty”

  1. Thanks for this important public service information.
    For what it’s worth, I found ForeignBride in 5 minutes on vietnamcupid.com.
    She buys her jeans in the young teens section at the mall.

  2. Not only could she be a SIF, she could be hideous once she washes her makeup off. I can’t tell you how many white girls I see that are downright scary looking when their inch-thick Maybelline pancake is washed off. I work with some that are 6-7 when they have their fake face on, but plummet to 4-5 standing with it off. (And that’s being generous. It’s really more like 3-4.)
    I’m talking acne issues, facial scarring (no doubt from the years of wearing chemicals on their faces) and bad, pallid complexions all rolled into one.
    At least ethnic girls don’t need to wear as much (if any) makeup. The Asian girls I hung out with this summer didn’t wear any and still looked hot as hell. I also hung out with some Latin girls that wore little to no makeup because they didn’t need it, and still were extremely bangable.
    Not to mention the girls that don’t look like their photo when you meet them because they spent all day taking hundreds of photos, finding the perfect angle to disguise what they really look like.

      1. The problem is, you don’t know what she really looks like until the makeup comes off. I know girls who are so clever with their makeup they actually look hot.
        That is, until they use some soap and water.

        1. The thing is that it doesn’t matter to me what they look like after I take the paint scraper to them, because . . . I don’t do clowns.

    1. Some girls are frighteningly good at applying slap, to the point where they are almost a different human.

      1. Absolutely. I see it every day in the office I’m in. A big topic amongst some of the guys is, “Have you seen her without her makeup?”
        The guys who say “yes” always have negative but true things to say.

        1. That’s why I like being in a male-dominated office. If she got word of that she could probably get them fired. Life is just easier. It gets even easier when all the girls are hideous!
          Except there seem to be a couple of hot interns that are my age sneaking around lately…which is going to get me in trouble.

        2. So you’re going to get yourself in trouble?
          Looks like we’ve got a real professional here.

        3. …Maybe there’s a reason those women wear makeup all the time, then. How would you like it if girls were asking each other quite obviously) behind your back if they had seen you without your pants on or without shaving, and all anyone had to say was negative things?
          Moral of the story: If you want girls to stop being so fake, stop making us feel like we have to be fake to be accepted.
          Also, some of us can’t help our skin conditions. I don’t really wear makeup, never have, Though my friends like to “do me up”. That doesn’t mean I didn’t inherit a horribly disfiguring form of acne – which was actually partially caused by all the chemicals in all the face washes you menfolk like to lob on us to “keep our faces fresh and clean”. I scare people when I walk into a store if there is nothing to distract from the Phantom-of-the-Opera-like scars. So, tell me, why would I want to go out amongst people, especially trying to party/have a fun time, with my face looking like that? wouldn’t I want to put some makeup on to feel like a normal human being and not be pushed in a corner all night?

        4. Oh, of course, it’s MEN’s fault that women purchase trillions of dollars of cosmetics, fashion, and fashion magazines every year.
          And men’s fault that women run many of those magazines and morning TV shows that talk about these topics.
          And men’s fault that women create the dozens and dozens of popular YouTube videos on how to do makeup, clean the skin, etc.
          And men’s fault that young women in high school (and even middle school) teach each other how to do makeup and create an atmosphere in which it’s expected (and before their boy schoolmates even really know what makeup is).
          Moral of the story: it’s MEN who say girls “have to be fake to be accepted.” Right?

        5. Even better, I don’t have anything to do with white girls. How’s that for making you feel accepted?
          Seems you little white girls have the problem, not just with makeup, but with everything else because myself and lots of other men get along just fine with every other race of women, be it Black, Asian, or Hispanic.
          At the end of the day, these women aren’t afraid to be feminine, they don’t try to be like men, and we men LOVE THEM for it.
          In fact, in my personal experience, all those races of women I just mentioned put you little pale girls to shame in the looks department, in the way they appreciate and respect men, the way they treat us, and the way they fuck us.

        6. Yep, because you’re shaming us about how we look naturally, then shaming us to put makeup on, so really what you’re saying is that “all but about 100 wimmins in the whole world need to die/disappear/go away so all of us millions of sexy, hot studs that are going somewhere in our lives (by posting on this website during work hours) can bang only hot chix 4EVAR”

        7. I have problems with lots of things. I don’t care to wear makeup, so it’s not my problem, but it IS my problem that asshats like this are telling us two different things at once which pretty much culminate in “if you aren’t biologically IMMACULATE, GTFO the planet.”
          Also, way to be racist. I don’t see what your point was there except to tell me that you get BOO-TAY, which I happen to have. Also, I’ve had black peen, if that makes you feel any better about your totally unrelated race comment…
          …no, really, I don’t get the racism.
          (And thank you for calling me a little girl, that made my day!)

        8. (Also, just wanted to add that I have a sister who is not white – I am adopted, and so was she – and I’m just going to say that no woman I have met looks amazing because of what race they are. Sure, they may have good genetics, but every race has the potential to have screwed-up genetics, resulting in what you gents might call a “butter face”
          Also, you might be losing out on some awesome ass if you only date non-whiteys…. Italians – myself included – can be genetically predispositional to having quite the ba-donk-a-donk, while still not being a SIF)

        9. Also, if you are so awesome (and actually a dude), it would be more “alpha” of you to not remain anon, brah.

        10. Haha, the woman who says that men are to blame for the cosmetics industry and her skin issues now is qualified to give lessons on being accountable!

        11. You don’t even have the jibblies to use a username, so… your point is, little boy?
          Also, no, I honestly don’t care that people use cosmetics. I’m not against it at all, and you’ll never catch me whining about how men force women to put on makeup, yadda yadda feminist stuff (because honestly I don’t agree with the vast majority of feminists either). Makeup is neat, it can make an ok person look amazing and can make an ugly person look ok (sometimes. I still haven’t worked out how that works on me yet). I’m more perturbed at the fact that there are folks on here complaining that women wear makeup, then saying they look bad without it.
          That’s kind of hypocritical. Some people need to make up their minds. Either you want no makeup, to see women as how they are naturally, or you want someone who wears makeup. There generally is no “just highlight this, and add a little shimmer there”, because in photos, anything without makeup on it gets horribly distorted and looks like shite (or washed out). Makeup is kind of an all-or-nothing thing… Anytime a girl I know puts on just a teeny bit of makeup, it either dissappears, or melts all over her face. It’s like a painting, it all has to blend together and then be set – You don’t get to pick and choose really. This would be one of the reasons I don’t wear makeup often enough to justify spending money on it.
          But don’t say that women look like crap without makeup and then shame us for putting some on. That just shows us that you don’t actually know what you want.
          (And I’m supposed to be accountable for what? That sentence did not make a lot of sense, so I’m a little confused…)

        12. Woah, woah.
          The meat of your argument is:

          there are folks on here complaining that women wear makeup, then saying they look bad without it.

          That’s not an accurate summary. Most of the commenters here are complaining about women that wear too much makeup (“clowns” in “inch-thick Maybelline”). And there are commenters saying that some women who wear makeup are not naturally attractive.
          Those comments are not hypocritical or bad. It’s simple observation.
          Do you want a solution? Work on your natural physical attractiveness — eat right, work out 3x / week, get enough protein for shiny hair, see a dermatologist.
          Then use some light makeup if it improves your looks. Basically, improve what you can, make the most of what you’ve got.

        13. (screws head back on right) Sorry. Stressed out as all heck IRL and in uncharted territories here on the interwebz.
          Ah, yes, thick makeup is pretty bad, and should be saved for Halloween, stage productions, and Lady Gaga. I totally agree. If I kiss someone, I don’t want their “face” all over me.
          It just comes across a little different to someone who may just be stumbling onto this whole “PUA” area of the interwebs. (Also, the comments about the women at work kind of lend to the whole “damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don’t” idea). While you folks may already be familiar in this area, lingo, slang, and other such things, it comes across a little different on the other side of the monitor 😛
          (I would like to point out that the obsessive wearing of makeup does show that a woman is insecure, as a lot of PUAs seem to prefer, so maybe eschewing all makeup-heavy wimmins is a little counter-productive if you’re looking for not-a-strong-independant-woman… once again, I may be way off here, but after a few days of browsing this new area of the internet, that is what I got out of it so far.)
          And, those last two sentences were nice to read on such a site… It’s really hard to find such things said in a not-mean way on the internet, much less in the PUA areas. (I am currently working on diet for skin and hair, I work out plenty – I love to hoopdance!, and dermatologists just take my money and give me pills that either send me to the hospital for one problem or another, or they give me something topical that tries to acid burn about 20 layers of skin off :P) Glad to know that someone out there understands what I attempt with my makeup when I do use it – enhancement, not new-face-mask.
          (Also, girls can be super-mean and catty about s#!t like that. It’s stupid. This is why I don’t date girls anymore. However, I have dated some horribly catty beta males who think that they’re alphas, who say pretty much the same things in a fight as girls.)

        14. yes it is. youre the ones saying that we arent good enough as we are… not thin enough, not pretty enough, and when we try to fix it to get your acceptance we’re not real enough. all of these industries are founded women’s fears of being unattractive to men. the only thing women do is reinforce those fears in each other, from mother to daughter and friend to friend. men like you prove those fears are not unfounded, if we dont look just so or dont fake looking just so well enough, you dont have the time of day for us. despite the fact that you are probably not a 24 carat stud yourself, but we’ll never know, because you havent even given us a name, let alone a picture.

        15. Woah, please read the comments in the post closely before you cannonball into the middle of it…
          1. This article is not saying that you are “not thin enough.” This article is about fraud in photos for online dating.
          2. This article is not criticizing you for “trying to fix” your looks with normal amounts of makeup. Some of the commenters criticize over-use of makeup — “clown” makeup in “inch-thick Maybelline.”
          3. Just because an industry is supposedly based on women’s fears about what men think *does not* make men to blame for that industry. (Plus, don’t women also do makeup because of what other women think, or to make themselves feel good/confident?)
          4. If cosmetics is pushed woman-to-woman, among female friends and family, men are TOTALLY to blame…. Huh??
          5. This article implies you should choose natural photos that properly represent your true appearance. The men that find your photos attractive will get in touch with you.
          6. As for lack of personal details, doesn’t it suck when you can’t make the argument personal and actually have to stick with the facts? 😉

        16. Forget him, he goes for those women because of exactly what he said “the way they treat us” it means he likes them subservient..like dolls, he’s the one with low self esteem. He can’t find himself a confident woman to treat as an equal. I’m hispanic and I know first hand how women roll over for their “machista” males, no I’m sorry I’m not getting up at 5 am to make you some hand-made corn tortillas to pack in your lunch..no….this is why I don’t date hispanic men as a general rule. If this Relampago dude doesn’t date white girls..then thank god! One less pig off the table to worry about 🙂 you do your thing italian girl. You don’t need to change his mind or appeal to his ego.
          Truth is at the end of the day, all these guys complaining about how women look are the very same ones home alone on a saturday evening with porn, GTA5, and their 5-finger girlfriend. If they complain about the chicks at work..its because they sunk low enough to “try them out”..which means in the end they are just pathetic hyenas who can’t even adhere to their own standards. If it has a vagina, get enough drinks in em..they’ll cave. That’s the shallow willpower of the average small-penised male.
          Forget about it 🙂
          Hey relampago..what’s the name for anyway..you a minute man? I bet you are.. jajajajaja

        17. ☑ Racism/self-hatred: check
          ☑ Bigotry: check
          ☑ Hamster excuses for why Latino men won’t put up with her: check
          ☑ Admits that she won’t put in effort during a relationship: check
          ☑ Boring insults that men who don’t agree with her are virgins, losers, and video game players: check
          ☑ Penis insult: check
          We have a winner!

        18. ☑ Butts into a thread that wasn’t even directed at him: Check
          ☑ Makes annoying lists like these because he has nothing constructive to add: Check
          ☑ Thinks he knows Latino men and so in typical “bro fashion” speaks up for them: Check
          ☑ Thinks he knows a chick or how they function: Check
          ☑ Likes to play the Racist/Bigot card when the guy my comment was directed to TOTALLY proved himself one, but because he’s a guy he will never point that out and so effectively adds “sexist” to his repertoire: Check
          ☑ Jumps to conclusions as if my comment was directed to ALL men when really I clearly defined the type of males it pertained to: Check
          ☑ Is mad: Check
          Sorry man but if you were offended enough to jump on my comment, then you obviously defined YOURSELF here..I guess you MUST be one of those saturday night masturbators with a tiny dick cause..you mad bro XD I feel sorry for you then, forreal though. I hope you find an understanding girl someday, possibly blind too..that would help cause your shining personality isn’t fooling anyone else.
          The REAL respectable guys out there would laugh off my comment because they know it doesn’t pertain to them at all. And for you all out there reading it and NOT feeling your balls retreat into your stomach like this fag…GOOD ON YOU..I applaud you sirs 🙂 stay classy.

        19. Who the fuck are you for me to give a damn about your opinion? Again with the small penis and mother’s basement type jokes? Is that all you small minded idiots have?

        20. Well if you make an ass of yourself publicly expect to get called out on it.
          I didn’t comment here because of “me” I commented because I saw the way you belittle every other woman here with an opinion. Which, they are entitled to since the article is “about” women..right?
          Judge all you want about me..but I’m a fine female, trust me..I don’t need your approval in the least 😉 whether you want to believe it or not, whether you can handle it or not, is not my problem. Besides, I’m the one here with an actual pic of myself on my profile..you have a pic of “fat” Homer Simpson (someone doesn’t like reality..do they)..is it hard to type with your sausage fingers btw? If anyone is a “fattie” it’s got to be you sir. You make it obvious.
          Now I wonder are you even male..really? I’m starting to think otherwise..you sure bicker like a catty hag. Maybe you’re a fag and you just like the drama? I’m really wondering here. Maybe I jumped the gun on those assessments of a small penis, you’re right..you probably don’t have one at all. Hmmm…

        21. “orget him, he goes for those women because of exactly what he said “the
          way they treat us” it means he likes them subservient..like dolls, he’s
          the one with low self esteem. He can’t find himself a confident woman to
          treat as an equal.”
          of course they don’t want women as an equal. Women aren’t supposed to be equals you tool.
          Oh and: “These bitches just a want a man who takes care of them financially. If they were confident in themselves, they would fuck a bum like me.” That’s what you are. A vagina having deadbeat.

        22. Ummm when I said “confident women” it does NOT mean deadbeat vaginas, it means women who are independent in every area of their lives..yes that includes financially. In fact..when I said “subservient dolls” those ARE the chicks that lay on their backs, take every command and get “taken care of” with a free ride from their thirsty, low-class males like that Relampago dude. Those are the deadbeat vaginas. So, I think you have it backwards. Check yourself.

        23. Typical feminist tactic. When a female flaw is revealed, it is the fault of men for that flaw existing. It is a very transparent argument and it just makes you look like a psychotic gender studies fembot.

        24. Tell me more about how you won’t date a guy shorter than you.
          A double-arm amputee could count on his fingers the number of times he has seen a girl with a guy shorter than her.

        25. Then tell your feminist friends to stop sending bomb/death-threats to people who don’t agree with their ideology.

    2. Well, the American-Asian girls in my town certainly wear a lot of makeup(esp Koreans),and they can really transform themselves from ‘fuck not’ to ‘super hot’.Even the Indian women(call center not casino) need a lot of makeup to be even non-repulsive.However,I concur on the Latinas and them south Americans (Brazilians,My Lord!).

      1. Asian-Americans don’t count IMO because they’ve been tainted and destroyed by the cultural Matrix in America.
        I’m talking about homegrown ethnic women in their own environment. Any girl that comes to America will quickly be destroyed by the same forces destroying American women right now.

        1. Are you kidding me? When I went to Korea I ended up wearing substantially more makeup than I did before because they use more makeup there.

        2. o rly i had no idea
          You saying that “Asian girls wear less makeup” is an incorrect blanket statement.

        3. And your claim/suggestion that they do wear more makeup based on your limited experience in Korea isn’t a blanket statement? Hmmm….nice try though.

        4. I wasn’t trying to blanket statement all Asians, hence why I said “Korea”. I was using my statement to disprove yours.

        5. I wasn’t trying to blanket statement all Asians, hence why I said “Korea”. I was using my statement to disprove yours.

        6. Which you didn’t do. Like I said, Korea is one country among many in Asia. Providing one exception doesn’t prove anything unless you, too, are making a blanket statement. So fuck off.

        7. Well except you implied that every girl in every Asian country wears less makeup than American women, which is a blanket statement for both Asian and American women. You literally said “Asian women don’t wear much makeup and American women wear a lot”. This is a blanket statement.

        8. When I say people speak Mandarin in China, I don’t mean every single person in China, without exception, speaks Mandarin. But most do. It’s called speaking in generalities. Just because you can find a person in China who doesn’t speak Mandarin doesn’t disprove the original statement. Can you grasp the concept? It’s not that hard. Spin that hamster wheel a little harder.

        9. Well, I can see where you were going with your original statement however it veered slightly off path and landed in a bit of a grey zone that I commented on.
          However your obvious belittling of me and rudeness in this discussion says leaps and bounds.
          Your statement, however, read more like “All Chinese people are short”, which is obviously not the case.

        10. And your inability to grasp basic concepts of communication and jumping to an emotional conclusion says leaps and bounds.

        11. Because saying “fuck off” and “spin that hamster wheel” would not immediately cause anyone to think they were being belittled.
          I admit maybe I started a groundless argument, but there’s no reason to become rude in response.

        12. So much time to comment on this site. No fucking way is that thimble dick of yours getting any action. What a fucking loser, on here making fun of women’s makeup for hours at a time. Too bad you probably haven’t seen a wet, willing pussy in years.

        13. Ahh, again with the penis insults?
          Why would you cyber-bully over something that’s biological and not under men’s control?
          Should women be bullied for small boobs or big hands (something that’s biological?)
          I thought feminists opposed shaming language and bullying?

        14. Maybe the reason feminazis talk about penises so much is because they wish they had one. I mean…they try to be like men in every other way. Anatomy is their one final hurdle to cross.

    3. I hope you write something similar to this comment for your dating profiles (supposing you still have any). It’ll be a surefire way to ward off any fatties, and also prevent any self-misrepresentation on YOUR part. You wouldn’t want a woman to mistake you for an intelligent gentlemanly fellow, now would you?

      1. Nahh, he just uses the 10 tricks in the article to screen out lying, deceitful wenches who would try to use such tricks to gain his time.
        After all, if an employer finds out you lied heavily (hah hah) on your job application, do they keep you on and offer you a promotion?
        Oh but wait, your gender studies degree means that you’re either unemployed or working for a non-profit or government agency. So you wouldn’t know about such things.

        1. Indeed. I’m sure he is in high demand. He must have whole groups of women hanging on his every word, following him around, desperate for any scrap of his attention. What a difficult life he must lead; how can he possibly determine, from the veritable hordes of amorous women clamoring for his attention, which ones he might deign to acknowledge and still have time to eat and sleep?
          Oh wait..

        2. What if the girl that shows up to the date is actually 100 times hotter than the pictures you have seen of her? Would you have the same opinion and call her a lying wench? She would still have lied.

        3. Oh, so your magical unicorn girl is going to choose photos that make her look far worse than she actually is?
          Hahaha, whew that was a good one. Give me a second… oh, that was funny.
          These instructions should help clear up your simplistic, child-like thoughts:
          1. Go to YouTube
          2. Search for:
          “how to look pretty when your ugly” [sic]
          “how to look skinny in pictures”
          3a. Look at the dozens and dozens of videos by women, targeted to women who are searching for this information. See how many views the videos get collectively.
          3b. Estimate just how many photos (shared on Instagram, Facebook, email, Flickr, etc) have been shared by women using this general advice.
          4. Soak in how women’s nature really operates, sweetie.

        4. It was a hypothesis. I asked what you would do. I’m not saying it happens. If someone actually did that, and that actually happened. You would still call her a fucking liar and dump her ass because she lied? Hm?
          ETA: Do not call me sweetie, sweetie.

        5. Hypothetical, not hypothesis, sweetie.
          (Looks like you couldn’t earn admission to an Ivy League gender studies program — had to fight the patriarchy at State U., eh? Was it the SAT critical reading section that did you in?)
          As for hypotheticals, yes, maybe you should ask dozens and dozens of them about situations that don’t happen. Be a good activist and gum up the works of men’s smoothly-functioning operations.
          But, out of chivalry, I’ll humor you on this one, babe.
          The main reason we punish fraud in our society and laws is because it places the victim in a worse position than he was before. Our society believes that the perpetrator should not be rewarded for lying, but should instead be punished.
          If your magical unicorn girl uses photos that are less attractive than her actual appearance, then the man on the receiving end is not necessarily in a worse position than he was before. (Although, perhaps he has a fetish and likes the photos instead of the true appearance, or would be more comfortable with a fat girl.) Likewise, this unusual girl is not necessarily being rewarded, because she could probably earn attention from more attractive, wealthier, more confident men by using a photo that is accurate.
          So, in your absurd hypothetical, there has been no fraud because the man is probably not in a worse position than he was before, and the woman has not been rewarded for her lies.
          Whatever the case, though, she should not have committed the deceit in the first place. That deceit is no way to start communication with another individual (unless you’re trying to commit a crime), much less start a relationship.

        6. Are you stupid or just pretending to be?
          My statement was perfectly fine and correct. If you had learned how to read, you would see that I said: “It was a hypothesis”; which could have also been expressed as “it was a hypothetical situation.” Hypothetical is an ADJECTIVE, not a noun. See below, sweetheart.
          hy·po·thet·i·cal (hp-tht-kl) also hy·po·thet·ic (-thtk)
          1. Of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis: a hypothetical situation.
          hy·poth·e·sis (h-pth-ss)
          2. Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption.
          Just because you asked though, no I did not earn that Ivy acceptance nor did I try. Do want to want to know why?
          Because I am foreign, sweetie. I was born, raised and went to college (during which, I was awarded with a very prestigious scholarship to study abroad for a year) in Brazil. Which actually makes English my second language! Despite that, I apparently have a better understanding of the language you call your own.
          As for the rest of your comment. I apologize, but I did not bother with it. Your first two paragraphs were enough to make me not take what you have to say seriously.

        7. Hypothetical is not a noun? That’s interesting.
          a hypothetical situation, instance, etc.: The Secretary of Defense refused to discuss hypotheticals with the reporters.
          Looks like the shitty universities in Brazil did not do a particularly good job teaching. Nor were you smart enough to make it to Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, or the Sorbonne (all of which have Brazilian students).
          Apparently, you’re not even intelligent enough to read a couple paragraphs shredding the ridiculous hypothetical you asked.

        8. HAHAH, you are honestly too dumb to insult. Hypothetical may be noun, but I love how you ignored the part where I proved to you that my original statement was correct. Apparently, you ain’t no smart cookie yourself, eh?
          Did you miss the part where I said I earned a capes scholarship to study abroad, you dolt? Something you will never achieve.
          I speak two languages fluently; and while I cannot change the fact that I was born in Brazil (thanks for insulting the universities of a whole country BTW), I have done more on my short 25 years in the world than you probably ever will. You barely have working comprehension of your native tongue. I highly doubt your speak a second language as well as I do.
          Please stop trying to sound smart on the internet, just because you daddy had enough money to send to you an Ivy (which I truly hope is the case, since you keep throwing that argument around). That does not make you smart (which you have proved yourself not to be ad nauseam).
          Buh bye!

        9. But sweetie, your correct response would be:
          “Yes, you are were right. Hypothetical is a noun. I lied about it.”
          “Please don’t fault me for my limited English skills because I wasn’t smart enough to earn a four-year scholarship to a leading world university, like many of my fellow Brazilians.”
          And finally:
          “You answered my absurd hypothetical, but I didn’t like your answer — so I’m taking my ball and going home!”
          I fixed that for you. ♥

        10. Aw, you ran out of arguments! Cute. By your lack of response, I can only assume you did not go to an Ivy. My limited english skills? My English Skills are far superior than yours.
          By your use of a little pathetic heart at the end of your response, I’m guessing you are a girl. Oh man, if you are… I honestly have no respect for you.

        11. But what happened to “Buh bye!”?
          It just gets you all wet and bothered when you get trumped in an argument, eh babe?
          Don’t take the defeat personally though!
          Yes, you may not know how to choose properly among similar English words…
          (By the way, your ‘English Skills’ failed you in the sentence “My English Skills are far superior than yours.” It should read “My English skills are far superior to yours.”)
          And yes, you may not be able to read and process easy paragraphs of a response that destroys your crazy hypothetical. (Reading can be tough!)…
          And yes, you may not have been good enough to be admitted on a full, four-year scholarship to an Ivy League school or another of the world’s leading universities, like yours truly.
          But I’m *certain* that your winning personality and likable disposition will act like a magnet drawing people to you for life, especially men — or lesbians (if you’re into that sort of thing)! 🙂

        12. Aw you are cute! Are you a woman or a man? I’m inclined to think you are a woman because I refuse the believe a grown man (an Ivy educated, MAN!) would partake in using little hearts and smiley faces during conversations.
          I have a lovely personality and I am actually very attractive and in a relationship with a very handsome and successful man! In fact, just today I was hit on while buying my salad during lunch. Sorry to disappoint, just because you want something to be true, it doesn’t make it so.
          It looks like that ivy education didn’t pay off, huh? Not knowing the meaning of “hypothesis” is pretty embarrassing. So what are you doing now? Moved back with mom and dad? (you seem to have lots of time on your hands, studmuffin).
          Please feel free to mock the one mistake I made during this entire conversation (unlike you, I actually have a job which I am at right now). Funny how a girl from poor ole Brazil can move into your country and get a job with more ease than your ivy educated self.
          It’s very telling that the only good thing about yourself you can muster is your “ivy league” education. That is so very pathetic. And actually, by the way you said it, it leads me to believe you in fact did not go to an Ivy, you went to a so-called “world leading university”. HAHAHA. Awwww, you do know the definition of an Ivy League, right? I can’t believe you have been throwing around that term, and you didn’t even GO to an Ivy. Man, you get more and more pathetic by the minute!

        13. Haha, I can tell you’re about to cry but also getting turned on by this.
          I’ve seen that before with the girls on debate council during extemp when they didn’t have a decent response. It gets sorta scandalous afterward, usually.
          And don’t you worry about me, love. Fortunately I’m able to day trade in one browser tab while smashing your arguments in the other. We’re just finishing out Greater Eid in the country where I’m seconded, so I can smash to my heart’s content 🙂

        14. This is quite an amusing conversation 😀 I don’t care who’s a girl or a guy, this is entertaining!

        15. This whole conversation is just the pinnacle of ridiculousness.
          As is the train of thought “Well, [insert patronizing nickname here in a futile attempt to make yourself look better] if you went to an university, you’re not allowed to make a single mistake in your life EVER AGAIN or you’re totally stoooopid and none of what you say can be taken seriously!”
          One pseudo-intelligent ad hominem after another. After a while of reading, you can’t even tell anymore what the original topic was. With a discussion style like this, I’m wondering how anyone would even make it past high school.

        16. To both of you, the only Ivy League schools in the top ten universities in the world are Harvard and Yale. You’re both throwing around “Ivy League” as if it carries the same connotations that it used to. It doesn’t.
          You need to learn proper English before you prattle on about how one’s language indicates how intelligent they are. I’m not even talking about small turns of phrase or ways of speaking that aren’t technically correct… I’m talking about things that just sound ridiculous, and like you’re trying way too hard.
          And while I’m at it? (don’t even start with how “and” doesn’t begin a sentence) All the sexism makes me feel like I should make a comment on the fact that you brought up Eid… That says a lot.

        17. Don’t like reading it? Then stay out.
          If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

        18. 1. Please do a Google search before making a broad claim. Otherwise, you just come up with incorrect nonsense.
          The Times/WUR, QS/Guardian, and ARWU/Shanghai rankings all have Harvard, Princeton, and either Columbia or Yale in the top 10.
          And top 10 is an arbitrary cutoff to choose, considering that several of the other Ivy League schools fall in the top 20 (with Oxbridge, MIT, Stanford, Chicago, etc., filling in the gaps).
          Any more aspersions you’d care to cast while you’re at it?
          2. Have a problem with my informal writing on this site? Tough luck. I don’t care. I criticized the Brazilian’s writing because she was being a prig about it. You can keep your schoolmarm observations to yourself.
          3. Do you have a problem with Islam? For someone so concerned with supposed sexism, you should be much more careful making snide comments about another religion.

        19. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Go fuck your mother some more you flaming cunt.

        20. Oh, shit. I don’t know what’s funnier: the fact that you think being hit on is the equivalent of being attractive (hint: some guys will approach any hole they believe is available), or the fact that you seem oblivious to admitting that your home country of Brazil is such a bleak hell hole that you had to flee to the US just to get a decent job. Wow, that sure speaks well of you.

    4. and some women dont need the internet to find men. im a fat white chick with dark hair who doesnt wear an ounce of makeup and yet i still get hit on by men. shocking.

      1. That’s great. There are men out there for (almost) every type of woman. Enjoy, have fun, and be safe.

  3. Another tip: check her pinterest account. If much of it is devoted to food porn, it’s a bad sign. Too many women, even the thin ones, are completely obsessed with food.

    1. Women are obsessed with food because their biological role is basically to convert food into biomass – babies.
      They do that when pregnant and when nursing but they often can’t seem to turn it off.
      “Eating for two” is magical to women.

      1. Dont let pregnacy fatties fool you. Women made the eating for two myth up as an excuse to be lazy.
        Yeah a chick will naturally gain some weight, but more than 10 lbs after she poops it out is excessive.
        Plently of women i know bounce back to hot status within 2 months of being pregnant.
        We need a fat or pregnant or both article.

  4. A girl on my twitter posts an instagram from time to time, always of her face. This was an obvious fattie to me and one day she posted a full body shot owing to some event.
    Imagine my complete lack of surprise at the chubbster I saw before me.

    1. It never fails. Otherwise, she would have been showing her body this whole time. The attention-whoring impulse is simply too strong for a woman to defy, unless there’s good reason to.

    1. She would have to have me at a bar, get me drunk without me seeing her, I would have to be at the point of the world turning into one blob, and then she would have to covertly drug me. Then maybe with the help of 4 max strength viagras and the help of a much thinner friend she could maybe force just the tip of my cock inside of her just for me to immediately deflate and then re-inflate only to go home the much thinner friend helping her.

    2. Actually, this video is super-helpful, and explains why my “model-dancer-whatever” friends always look better in videos. Angles suck. That would be why when I try taking pics in what I think is a “natural” angle, I look about 10X worse than I actually do. Thanks! I might never have found that video.
      In my case, this is not a SIF tricking you into thinking she’s fat. I actually lost a ton of weight recently. I just suck at that whole being-a-girl thing and needed how not to stand frumpily for the camera (or in real life, for that matter).
      Thanks again! Man, I learn some interesting stuff n this corner of the internet!

    3. It’s a shame because with a little work (and discipline) she could actually be that person in the pics versus “false advertising” it. You can see the potential but I guess it’s easier to live (and eat) a certain way…be lazy, in other words.
      You just have to shake your head.

    4. Yeah OK if someone misrepresented themselves like this I can see why you’d be annoyed. Although she is not talking about dating websites, but social media. But this is just an annoying lady as well. Also, how is this different from wearing makeup? Do you want women not to wear makeup? It also means dudes shouldn’t be allowed to say smooth pick up lines if they are actually just shallow douches who only want to get laid. Are you willing to give up your smooth pick up lines?

  5. “taking picture from above to reduce her visible size” jesus, I should have read this 10 yrs ago. yes I’ve been SIFd. hated and still hate it.

    1. What consolation to your partners get for having a pinky dick?
      Don’t have one? Prove it bitch.

      1. Again, why would you cyber-bully over something that’s biological and not under men’s control?
        Should girls be mocked for having small boobs or knobby knees?
        Nice shaming attempt, feminist.

  6. I especially loved the top pic of the article. It looks like the Cheshire cat got uglier, and far more rotund. Alice needs to stop grazing her herd of friends at the Old Country Buffet. And start the salad starvation diet.

  7. what’s worse than the SIF is the skinny girl that looks great… a solid 7-8 but has eating issues…even though she might be only 2-3kg over weight, she convinces herself that she’s fat as a pride Chicago pork belly, hangs around with fat girls and carries this depressed, sad fat girl persona….

  8. One of the most amusing articles iv ever read!I’m a fatty myself,and didnt find this offensive at all!lol

      1. I would loooooooooooooooooove to see a picture of you. Hot guys don’t act the way you do. You must be such a stud. Rawr.

        1. Are you that pathetic that you have to reply an anon, or are you just a little fan boy defending the honor of your little pal? Either way, pathetic is an understatement.

        2. Feminist:
          1) Uses “no true Scotsman” fallacy.
          2) Gets called out on it.
          3) Unable to respond, so turns to personal insults.

        3. Nah, I’m insulting you and your propensity to insult when you have nothing smart to say.

        4. I’m just a troll. I don’t have a point so I will resort to personal insults. I can’t be civilized because I reserve the right to be rude.

        5. If you were worldly enough, you would know that there is way more to Brazil than favelas. But that would be too much to expect from a writer of a shitty internet website. ‘m actually from a beautiful island in Brazil, that would you probably never be able to afford visiting. Florianopolis, Brazil. Look it up 🙂

        6. “Well, you failed miserably” translation=
          I don’t have anything to counter with so I will just try to look down on you. It’s just a defence mechanism and everyone really sees through it, but I need to feel superior.

        7. Florianopolis must have a lot of “deer” because I’m not really a popozuda but really a pain in one.

  9. How about pics of them with drinks in their hands, usually at some bar? What category do these fall under?

  10. They take a pic of themselves laying on a bed, with their heads to the side. Then, they rotate that picture so it looks like they are leaning against a wall, all seductive. We see it, fatty. You cant pretend just because your weight is resting on a surface!!!!

  11. My second and third online date I was tricked into meeting up with a SIF.
    I vowed to never let that happen again. Now, I wait for the girl at the venue, typically a café next to my house. Beanie hat and sunglasses on, I wait for the girl to arrive. She will call me when she’s there, and my phone will vibrate in my pocket. If she is considerably heftier than I assumed, I continue my reading of whatever book I have with me and act as if nothing is out of order. I will read till the bitch leaves if I have to.
    If the goods are as advertised, I take off the glasses and call her name out like an old friend.
    No more SIFs, ever, ever, again. Fuck false advertisement

      1. Ummm, because he chooses to date and have sex with attractive women…?
        Is this an example of celebrated feminist logic?

          I’d be a huge fucking bitch if I did that to guys, I think that’s a total dick move to do to ANYONE, not just big girls.

        2. If you did that to a guy who grossly misrepresented his profile I am sure nobody would blame you.

        3. I would not, actually. I think about how I would feel if I was abandoned, waiting for someone I really clicked with. Even if he grossly misrepresented himself physically, if he was still the guy I clicked with I would be more than happy to hang out with him and see if I could see past his physical appearance. If I couldn’t, we could still be friends.

        4. “really clicked with”?
          Who do you think these girls are — a Jane Austen heroine?
          RedPillMtl probably spends a total of 15 minutes – if that – chatting online with the other person. He sends a few well-crafted messages to hook her, uses some wry observations, and then they set a date.
          And when she shows up, if she totally misled him about her weight or appearance (which is a key factor in online dating for both genders), he decides to leave.
          What if they’d first met in a bar or cafe, and after 15 minutes, she revealed she was a single mother or a drug user or a convicted felon, and he stood up and walked out? Would you be this mad?

        5. Then maybe he should spend a little more than 15 minutes “hooking” a girl to date.
          And your third paragraph implies that being a single mother is on the same level as being a drug user or felon, as well as equating drug use to felony, which is beyond offensive.
          My problem, as I posted above, is that this post does not fixate on lying and generally morally questionable behavior, but rather that a woman is overweight. Posting photos of yourself from an upward angle and having chubby fingers is not lying about being fat. If society did not have this fixation with fitting every woman into a cookie cutter body, we wouldn’t have this problem with women lying about their size.

        6. Are you delusional?
          Why should he waste so much of his time emailing back-and-forth when he’s simply screening to see if she’s crazy or ugly, and to build some interest?
          The whole point of online dating is to meet up, talk in person, get some mutual chemistry going, have a fun time, and figure out the possibilities…
          If she ‘passes’ the initial screening online, but then it turns out she lied with her photos, why should he want anything more to do with her?
          Question: Do banks offer you even bigger loans once they figure out you committed document fraud on your first loan?

        7. Well, he could decide not to be a fucking a coward and tell her to her face. How about that? COWARDICE is so freaking lame. Grow a pair of balls.

        8. I appreciate what you’re doing, that is if it is promoting that mere looks cannot satisfy in a relationship. Whether you are or not I believe this much is true. People will attract those who think like they do and believe what they believe. It is sad that men look at women as mere sexual playmates. These men have a distorted view of beauty, but don’t the women who spend all time and money to become acceptable as one of these mates also see in distortion? We are at fault, and as for the girl left alone, expecting a date, well considering who didn’t show up, she is probably better off. I’m not saying that you’re one of these women, I am hoping you can influence others not to be. God bless.

        9. Yes, I’m sure the girl would feel *so* much better.
          Instead of being stood-up, he walks up to her, introduces himself, and says:
          “Oh, you chose photos that made you seem not-fat…. But now that I see you in person, you’re really… hmmm… not what I’m looking for. Oh, and you’re the sort of person who tries to deceive. I’m out.”
          Yeah, that’s real great for her.

        10. How about just the fuck down have a drink with her, and then later say he didn’t feel a connection with her in person?
          You don’t have to be a tool, you freaking idiot.

        11. Well, the issue that attractive women also choose to have sex with attractive men, so by that logic and based on his profile picture: he must be celibate (not by choice).

        12. Ahhh, yes, let’s waste the time of two people. Brilliant idea!
          How about, instead of wasting both their time and leading her on (only to disappoint her later), he leaves, so:
          1. she can use that 30-45 minutes to go to the gym or buy some nutritious food at the supermarket
          2. he can go find a woman at a nearby bookstore, cafe, or bar, who’s much more attractive, and talk with her.
          My idea sounds like a win-win. Yours, not so much…

        13. Since when, wasting time has been a concern of yours? Look at what you are doing right now. And, you are boring. Meh.

        14. I’m not a feminist, but nice try.
          Dumb internet troll: believes it is an actual insult to call someone a feminist.

        15. I got called on this one. I can’t win and my ego can’t let that go, so i’ll just start throwing out the insults.

        16. Well, even if it doesn’t make her feel better, in that case she actually KNOWS what’s wrong – and maybe, just maybe, she could then decide to stop with the deceiving pics, since it actually doesn’t get her anywhere anyway.

        17. That’s a logical statement.
          Unfortunately, many women don’t work that way. Other commenters elsewhere have discussed actually politely calling out women on deceiving pictures.
          All the men get in response is venom and (weak) threats, unfortunately.

        18. Also, a woman who posts deceiving photos knows darn well what she actually looks like.
          She’s chosen her pics out of 100s on Instagram, Facebook, etc. She went for the exact angle, lighting, and pose to minimize flaws and fat.
          She knows precisely what she’s doing.

        19. KIS,
          Keep it simple?
          She LIED to him/stranger knowing she did not look like that. She is not some one he knows as a relative or “friend” and is in no way obligated to help her work through her problem of lying.
          If a guy lies to a girl about himself that’s grounds for dumping in most cases.
          I personally don’t feel any obligations to LIARS myself and think this is a good idea on how to treat women who lie. She not a child and should know better then to lie to people.
          I don’t pretend I am 6′ tall when I only stand a 5’6″!!!!!!!!!!!

        20. Liz you seem to fail to understand this concept. Take this as an example: A heterosexual man probably has a lot of guy friends that they get along with well. Those friends of his might have great personalities, but the heterosexual man will not look at them in a sexual way. The reason is simple, he’s not sexually attracted to them. A fat woman is in the same boat as his guy friends. She could have the best personality in the world, but if he’s not attracted to her then she’s no different from his male friends – not relationship material. For most guys a sexual relationship begins with sexual attraction. The attraction has to be there. Fat and unattractive with a good personality is friend material and nothing more. Attractive with a bad personality leads to one night stands. Attractive with a good personality is relationship material. Simple.

        21. Meh why waste the effort, let the punishment fit the crime, she told you she was fit, you told her you would show up at 7.

        22. So you’re cool with someone lying about themselves, but not OK with someone who objects to being lied to and takes steps to avoid the deception?
          Your hamster is strong.

        23. I wouldn’t, people shouldn’t lie about how they look and expect me to be all fine and dandy about it. In essence a guy would literally be TRICKING me into going out with him and I’m in no way cool with that. I don’t like liars. So, if a guy misrepresented himself I wouldn’t be having any of it. I’d expect the same vise versa.

        24. Meanwhile, Emerald refuses to date a man shorter than her or below X’ X”. LOL

        25. i’m 5’2″. A guy shorter than me is both rare and impressive where I live.
          Even then I wouldn’t stand him up, be rude about his height or not consider him to date just for that. If he’s an awesome dude and I like him even though he’s pocket size, I don’t care.
          I don’t use a man’s height as a way to feed my ego the same way many men use their girlfriend’s appearance to feed theirs.
          (not saying all men do before you accuse me of being a feminazi who categorizes all men)
          PS good job replying to a 7 month old comment. Beating a dead horse, much?

        26. “Beating a dead horse?” Isn’t that the euphemism you use for giving a handjob to a guy who doesn’t find you attractive, but he tries to humor you anyway?
          Whether you want to admit it or not, if a guy had perpetuated a similar lie to a woman, other feminists/”strong” women would all call him a dog, a liar and make jokes about how he should be castrated, etc. You like to claim to be empowered, but most of you cower behind a double standard of acceptable behavior.

        27. Women do this to men before they even meet to talk (it’s called the height requirement). If a man’s not X tall then forget it.
          But, if a man dares to ask a woman’s weight…the shock of it all.

        28. Women are good at beating that dead horse. This article is a year old and women still jump on here to tell their story about the “injustice” out there against them.
          Meanwhile, many women still have that “height requirement” needed to even talk to them. It’s the ugly truth…but it’s still the truth.

        29. OK, so it sounds like you’re saying that posting “well crafted” pictures “to hook” a guy is bad, but sending “well-crafted messages to hook” a girl is good. So… double standards then?

        1. I realize Brazilians are racist and don’t like darker skin, but that’s still pretty gross of you to attack him for his genetics.

        2. “I realize Brazilians are racist”
          Oh, the irony…
          “but that’s still pretty gross of you to attack him for his genetics.”
          Yeah, that’s totally awful. Let’s be glad that no man would ever do that to a woman he found unattractive. And if he does, it’s because could still spend her whole free time trying to look better for him!
          But an ugly guy can do absolutely nothing about it, so how dare anyone call him ugly!

        3. 1. You would be right about the irony — except that race is unchangeable and genetic, while photo-picking fraud is behavioral and weight/fatness is changeable.
          2. This article is not attacking women for their genetics (height, race, facial structure / symmetry, eye color, etc.).
          This article criticizes fraud in photo-choice (behavioral problem) concerning weight (changeable).
          3. It’s pretty uncalled for to go on the attack against someone for their genetics.

    1. If you’re online dating, they you yourself are the dregs that women are avoiding. When you see the fattie walk up to the cafe, you’re looking at your dating pool equal. Sucks man, but you are what you are.

      1. Yes, I see what you mean.
        1 out of every 3 marriages in the U.S. start with online dating, and the college kids and 20-somethings on Tinder generated more than 75 million mutual likes (as of July).
        Clearly online dating is a fringe thing.

        1. I didn’t say “fringe”. I said it’s for dregs. Look around you next time you walk down the street and tell me what percent of chicks you’d be proud to date. Yeah, SOMEONE is making internet dating work, and it’s the folks who look like the chicks in the blog pictures here and the dudes who have to date them. The good ones don’t need to write a witty profile and wait for someone to send them penis pictures. They get what they need by walking around and going to work and to the gym and looking good. It’s the rest who can’t make that work and turn to the salespitch profile and pleading for attention. Someone has to hook those folks up so good for them. But if you’ve got no choice but to be in that pool then take a good look around you because you’ve found your people. Knock em if you want, but realize they are a reflection of you.

        2. Alright, time for some real talk.
          When you say “dregs”, you’re saying that only a small amount or residue — the worst-looking people — are doing online dating.
          Does online dating have a lot of fatties and uglies? Yes, of course.
          Does online dating also include women who go up to 7.5 and 8? Yes
          Does online dating include men who go up to 8 and 8.5? Yes
          In both genders, the most attractive people use online dating as a supplement. For women, it supplements the attention and validation they get (much like on Instagram). For men, it supplements the casual sex they get.
          A guy who is an 8 and can date/fuck women who are 8.5s/9s from his social circle, coffee shops, and lounges, can, at the same time, passively collect online women who are 6.5s/7s trying to sleep with him.
          I know ex-military guys, handsome MBAs, ripped Wall Street finance types, suave real estate agents, etc., with solid game, who set up profiles and let the online 7s roll in — while the guy is actively picking up 8.5s at the supermarket or art gallery opening.

        3. 1 out of 3? Where did you hear that lie? Out of 30 couples I know married (20-30 somethings), only 3 met online. I think that statistic is a gross exaggeration.
          Stop reading statistics funded by online dating companies. When you read independent studies and statistics, you WILL find that 80% of couples met in what the INDEPENDENT industry calls the BIG THREE:
          1) School
          2) Work
          3) Mutual friends
          Right there, AT MOST, 1 in 5 people meet online. However, the remaining 20% is more than online dating, it is chance encounters, cold pickups, etc.
          So realistically speaking, 1 in ‘x’ married couples met online, where ‘x’ is somewhere between 5 and 10.

      1. Hahaha, oh boy, you are too funny.
        Man says he doesn’t like dating fat women — so, get this — he lives in a basement!
        Chuckles, chuckles. Too original, sweetie!

        1. Tsk, tsk, sweetie.
          Did your gender studies professors teach you such poor manner, or was it your activist parents?

        2. I have never taken a gender studies in my life nor are my parents activists. But nice try.. I guess?

        3. Yeah, your mom was probably too busy doing crack cocaine in the favelas to do anything useful with her life. My apologies for bring up a sore subject.

    2. Well, the first girl was tricked into meeting a dog ugly dude (you), so I feel like you were both on the losing end.

    3. why not just ask her body weight before meeting? oh that’s right, you want her to believe shes meeting the ‘nice guy’ you projected on your profile.

      1. Umm, because many online dating sites already ask users to fill in their weight and/or body type — and many women refuse to do so.
        Your beef is with the women on dating sites.

      2. Sheeba: Right, because no woman in recorded history has ever LIED about her weight. LOL
        You’re a doll. Thanks for the laugh.

  12. IMHO Online Dating sucks big time there are simply no quality women online. Think about it: if a girl is young and hot, she doesn’t need Internet to find a date.

    1. Same rule applies to guys i’d say ; ) cute and decent probably doesn’t need online dating.

      1. Hardly, sweetie.
        Many men who have multiple fuck buddies or friends-with-benefits at the same time find them from all sort of places. The guy will find these girls at coffee shops, bars, art museums, friends’ birthday parties, and online.
        In fact, good-looking guys can score the best-looking online girls (although the girls are less attractive than what you can get in real life). Just look at how well handsome guys clean up on Tinder, Match, etc.

        1. “Multiple fuck buddies” = “a girlfriend in Canada”
          And I’ve never heard of a “handsome guy” doing jack shit on Match.com. Which by the way is “real life” – just in case you were confusing it with The Sims or something.

        2. To repeat what I mentioned above:
          I know ex-military officers, handsome MBAs, ripped Wall Street finance types, suave real estate agents, etc., (6’1″ to 6’6″, lift 3x / wk, earn $90-160k+ / yr, generally considered 7.5s-9s, have strong natural game skills) who set up Match/eharmony/etc profiles and passively let the online 6.5s and 7s roll in for sex — while the guys are actively picking up 8.5s at the supermarket or art gallery openings.
          Is this the norm? No, of course not.
          But for good looking men, who want a constant stream of women available on the side for sex with little effort, it makes sense to set up a profile and see what winds up in the net.

        3. Yeah, but those “many men with multiple fuck buddies” aren’t the ones I’d call cute and decent ; ) so proved my point I guess! Emphasis is on cute AND decent because which reasonable person would want to be with a poster perfect person that annoys the s*** out of them – it’s better to get a real poster in that case. The ones you describe are cute without the decent : P

        4. “poster perfect person that annoys the shit out of them” ?
          If these guys ‘annoyed the shit’ out of women they wouldn’t be sleeping / in relationships with so many women — or be so successful in their jobs.
          Feel free to rationalize how you like supposedly “decent” men, instead of men you’re really attracted to….

        5. see this is the stupid thing. You can’t have an attitude like this and then be upset when somebody is hurtful and manipulative to you. You’re exactly the same, and if you want to help create a world where women feel like sex objects who have to “catch” men with your attitudes and actions, then you have to be content to live in a world where women do that by misrepresenting themselves slightly in photographs. You helped create the problem you are complaining about. BTW I’m fully aware how late I’m commenting.

    2. Except that’s not true. Maybe she is faced with shitty options in real life. What if the guys she knows in real life are all like you?

        1. Oh, burn!
          Misogynists: Making wrong assumptions about women since the beginning of times.
          I’m not a feminist, you fucking tool.

        2. You don’t believe in ‘equal rights for women’?
          (I think that’s the definition in vogue now.)

        3. Do you believe in equal rights for women? That is an honest question, because by your logic if you believe in equal rights for women you MUST be a feminist.

        4. Oh come on, sweetie. You know you want to answer it.
          And since I asked it first — do you believe in ‘equal rights for women’?

        5. Of course I do, I am a woman. There you go. Now answer me, sweetheart. Do you believe in equal rights for women?

        6. I’m just a troll. I don’t have a point and I only know how to shout profanity because of it.

        7. You’re a troll with an angry viewpoint.
          Angry about:
          1) making fun of fat women hiding their fatness
          2) making fun of fat women who are angry about this article
          3) making fun of your shitty Brazilian education
          4) making fun of your mom smoking crack while pregnant with you in the favelas

        8. I am the lowest of lows. Like most trolls, I know I can’t really argue any of the points here. All I can do is call people names.

        9. Of course I do, sweetie.
          Now be a nice girl, shut your mouth, and go make me a sandwich.
          And, oh, correct your answers where you claimed not to be a feminist. Thanks.

        10. I notice that one person is making decent points but being a complete asshole about it while the other one is just being an asshole. For fun, I won’t say which is which. 😉

        11. Actually:
          You: “Substituting personal insult for logical argumentation since this discussion started.”
          And then accusing others of exactly that.
          Congratulations, it’s a troll!

    1. I think every week should be a combined Fat shaming + whore shaming week. You shouldn’t be excluded from the celebrations!

      1. Slut-shaming much, feminist?
        (You’re purely trolling, right? No actual feminist would support “whore shaming”, right?)

        1. What the fuck makes you think I’m a feminist? Just because I’m judging the girl above based on what she looks like?
          I’m not a feminist.

        2. Do you believe in equal rights for women? If you say you do, then by your definition you are a feminist; if you say you don’t then you are BY DEFINITION misogynistic. Which is it?
          Are you too stupid to know that believing in equal rights for women and feminism aren’t mutually exclusive?

        3. Wow, you are actually afraid to answer whether you believe in ‘equal rights for women’!
          Don’t worry, we won’t bite.

        4. Oh, I am so scared of you!
          I believe in equal rights for women. Do you believe in equal rights for women, or are you afraid to respond?

      2. Slut-shaming much, feminist?
        (You’re purely trolling, right? No actual feminist would support “whore shaming”, right?)

  13. 4. Has fat friends.
    There’s good science that shows that female friend-groups gain weight
    together. If she associates with fatties—according to her
    pictures—there’s a good chance she’s fat herself by now.
    The pic there makes me think of a herd of cows. Milk or beef?

  14. I once met one of these in person. As soon as we met, I simply turned around and walked away. I would like to say I thought this out and it was a rational response to her lie; but simply put I was pissed, fed up, and embarrassed to be seen with her. I was not going to bother with the charade of having coffee or whatever. She should stop lying and she will not have to feel the harsh rejection.

  15. I gave up on online dating very quickly. As soon as I started noticing profiles by acne ridden behemoths claiming they required a man with an 80k/year salary and be at least 6′ tall, I knew it wasn’t going to be for me.

  16. I once arranged a first meeting with a woman from Craigslist in the SF Bay Area. In her emails, she described herself as “almost svelte.” I show up a couple minutes after the agreed-to time and there she is, sitting on TWO barstools.

  17. Got SIFd by a girl using the last trick. There was no way for me to tell that they weren’t new photos. Barely recognized her when I saw her. Gross.

  18. how about instead of complaining about Internet dating you just meet someone in real life and talk to them like a person. that way when you treat them like an object they can prove you wrong by slapping your stupid face.

    1. Give me a crack at it too, I want a go. I’ll bring some solid bricks to pound on their heads too, knock some sense into em 🙂 Lord knows none of these awful little trolls on here could hold their own in a fight. They can’t even use their real names to make fun of people on the Internet.

      1. Feminist logic:
        – Decry use of shaming language and gender ‘hatred’.
        – Use shaming language (poorly, of course) and threaten gender violence.

        1. Ummm … what? I’m sorry, is this supposed to be a comeback or insult of some kind?
          I think the term is “whiffed it.”
          You might want to go back out that door, come in and try again. Here, I’ll give you another shot. I say “Everyone on here is being both pathetic and vicious, posting anonymously and making fun of people they wouldn’t even have a chance with in a face to face context (fat or not, they’re clearly better than all of you, as this whole article and a lot of the comments below it are pretty repulsive, and who wants to have sex with people like this? none of the fatties you’re trying to make fun of, I’ll tell you that. Which is exactly why none of you have even a little bit of sex.)”
          Now, you say:

        2. tl;dr:
          Feminist gets called out on (1) hypocrisy and (2) fat shaming language and (3) threats of gender violence.
          Feminist writes long paragraphs of nonsense nervously trying to explain how she could do such a thing.

        3. nervous man blames !!FEMINISTS!!!! for everything he doesn’t like concerning gender on the internet

        4. I know it’s much easier to blurt verbal diarrhea than to spend 45 seconds on google research, honey.
          If you had, though, you would discover that the works and online rantings of Christen Kimbell (who this user claims to be) do classify her as a feminist.
          Now shut your trap and go back to the website hellholes you came from.

        5. Just because one feminist says something doesn’t mean the entire feminist movement echoes it. Blame this Christen person, not !!FEMINISTS!!!

        6. Male logic: Spend all day bitching online about how the women who won’t fuck me look.

        7. Umm, who’s trying to fuck a fatty?
          The whole point of this article is how to avoid the piggies.

        8. turnabout is fair play. some people just cant take what they dish. and some people resent being called inferior by someone who knows nothing about them.

        9. Hm, I’m considering gaining a couple of pounds then, so the assholes hitting on me weed themselves out on their own.

        10. You mean I don’t like it when some crazy lady threatens physical violence?
          Guilty as charged.

        11. More like frightened woman cries misogyny because she can’t deal with masculinity
          Feminism is the pathological fear of men, don’t forget

        12. aw, that last sentence is so teenage clueless, it’s actually pretty adorable 🙂
          fortunately the kind of power imbalance feminism aims to address doesn’t really apply here – lonely, impotent, insecure forum gripers aren’t really the ones holding us back 🙂 so don’t worry, we’re all good.

        13. Why hold yourself back? Shoot for 25lbs so they actually throw up a little in their mouths, wouldnt that be sweet revenge?

        14. you’d fuck anything at this point,, admit it. Fat shaming is your way of hating on women because no one will fuck you. not fat,not skinny, not old, ,not young, not dead.

        15. masculinity is sexy, pity you all have it confused with misogyny. A masculine man holds his woman with high regard, respect and loyalty. He gets the same in return. Misogyny degrades, belittles,and objectifies women, A misogynist gets the same in return.

        16. That is hardly a valid argument coming, as it does, from someone who didn’t so much type that retort as vomit alphabet soup all over the screen. Not only are you probably functionally illiterate, but I’d bet your sex life consists of a jar of peanut butter and your 26 dogs.

        17. If that were the case, articles about avoiding SIFs would never come up. Without at least a little success sometimes, I also doubt anybody would bother to do PUA stuff. They’d just give up and watch porn or buy a hooker… like your mom. 😉

        18. Many women are such sluts that talking up a skank at a bar or online and fucking her after the first meeting is actually not so difficult.
          That’s why this article focuses on avoiding the low quality fatties.

        19. Horseshit. Step out of the feminist echo chamber for a minute and you’ll see a very different picture.

        20. ^ Perfect example of the hypcritical moron feminist.
          You do realize you just proved his argument.
          You’re a feminist. You are reverse slut-shaming a man saying he is mad because of women who won’t fuck him.
          BOOM. Shot down like a bitch.
          See, feminists are always going on about how all men do is objectify women and put too much emphasis on sex, yet now you’re doing the SAME THING in reverse by criticizing his lack of ability to get sex.
          Brilliant. Fucking. Brainless. Moron.
          Any woman who falls for this line of shit is a fucking IDIOT which is why I say most women are stupid and I will say that to ANYONE. Because they are.

        21. Wrong. Fat shaming is to counteract the Skinny Shaming going on in society right now where fatties are being taught that it’s okay to be fat.
          It’s not okay to be fat. Look at the fucking science. Being fat lowers your chances of living. “It’s okay to have extra weight. It’s all about being healthy.” If you’re a fattie YOU’RE NOT FUCKING HEALTHY.

        22. Feminism is really women who want to be the male chauvanist pigs.
          There is NOTHING feminine about feminism. Read that again: There is NOTHING feminine about feminism. Feminism is all about women acting like men.
          Study laws of the universe and alchemy. Study the law of gender and how to recognize what words, phrases, ideas, behaviors, etc. are masculine and which ones are feminine, then look at every angry feminist response here, every feminist video, every feminist everything.
          Well guess what. If I wanted a man, I would either be gay or I would get a sex change. I want women not men.
          You feminist need to get over it, real men will not want you once you become a feminist.

        23. and now you’re implying that the women you hate most are actually the ones who are most like you, because they behave like men, which you find… repulsive? Interesting…

        24. You’re an idiot. I cannot CANNOT absolutely CANNOT speak with you because you’re a moron.
          Guys please stop arguing with feminists, look at my mistakes here as lessons. First of all women fail at logic. As seen above.
          The ones that don’t fail at logic are incredibly difficult to seduce for the same reason that men that are overly logical couldn’t seduce a prostitute with a hundred dollar bill.
          I don’t respect men more than women. I don’t respect anyone unless they’re worthy of respect. Respecting one sex more than the other dismissing everything else would be sexist. These are facts you’re dismissing. This is why you are an idiot. Yes that’s correct, you are an idiot. Please go to the idiot line and wait for assistance, thank you.
          Oh the skeletons there? Don’t worry about it. Those were idiots who came before you and died while waiting for assistance.
          I stand by my initial claim that there is nothing feminine at all about feminism today, and add this fact: The word “feminism” originally meant “the state of being feminine.”
          So any feminists who want help in regaining their femininity talk to me, if you just want to be a masculine sea hag, get the fuck away from me. thx

        25. No, you didn’t.
          Stop confusing telling you the truth about how stupid you are with touching a nerve. aka “getting butthurt”
          If you want to know the difference, watch this video:
          I give clear illustrated examples showing comments of what denotes being butthurt.
          Basically it encompasses the actual content of the message. When I say you’re an idiot because [insert mindblowing logic here that trumps your argument and reduces you to the size of an ant] it is not being butthurt.
          if I just say something like “I would have to drink cyanide to fuck you” (taken from example used in above video) and that is ALL that is said, or if I say to a guy “shut up you faggot” that is being butt hurt.
          Know the difference. Stop talking to me.

        26. I wrote a comment here trolling you some more but after watching your video I feel very sorry that I did that, because you are clearly a young man with a lot of hurt who has felt very lonely and rejected in his life. I’m really sorry that people bullied you and I hope you can find some healing from that anger and hurt. I’m not trying to insult you here, this is genuinely what I feel.

        27. ps my husband says you’re awesome at that video game, but I’m not sure if he’s being sarcastic or not. (Nevertheless, I admire your desire to help other young men. Just maybe think about not teaching them to hate on others to feel good).

        28. There’s the problem right there. You’re trolling me and you said it by your own words. At least your honest.
          I can tell by the way this conversation has been going and just how you are reacting to this article that you should save your pity for yourself, because I don’t need it. If you feel guilty now because you think you insulted some poor sad soul and that makes you a better person great.
          but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s absolutely ridiculous 😀
          I’m not really angry or hurt in that video. It just sickens me the way some people act and this entire society is based on other peoples’ opinions. STRAIGHT UP. The whole fucking Matrix is designed around other people liking you to the degree that even innocent people give off the undertone that it matters what other people think.
          All this is lost on the sheep of this society.

        29. I don’t teach them to hate on others. I am against haters. I fucking despise them and I teach how to handle them.
          See I thought you were going to say something about pickup and this website. It’s all backwards and that’s what’s wrong with this society. 99% of them don’t know how to handle their financial life, their social/sex life, their dogs.. and they blame other thing.. they blame the government, they blame the opposite sex, they blame breeds for being evil.
          I don’t teach people to hate quite the opposite.
          People like this guy don’t teach men to hate women. Quite the opposite.
          See, you don’t need to teach someone how to hate women or the government or anything else. All you need is for them to bumble around blind because they don’t know wtf they’re doing and then they will blame women, the government, etc. without paying any money for bootcamps or reading this website.
          In my video on that website I mentioned — a few other people commented stupid idiotic comments and I muted them instantly. No response nothing. Perfect. That’s how I roll. I don’t have time for haters.
          As for the game he probably wasn’t sarcastic because that’s one of the hardest parts of the game – and it actually is meant to do with 3 people. it’s not possible with one because even if you win at the end there’s a mechanic that forces you to have 2 other people. A strategy that requires 2 other people.. which I hate when games do stuff like that just to force it to require multiplayer BUT. this is not about that so. LOL
          I feel like we are on the verge of a higher frequency dialog here. I hope I’m right in that feeling.

        30. You come across as pretty angry. Oh well. I didn’t really feel guilty, I still disagree vehemently with all the views you have espoused on this site and I’m not at all sorry for trying to call attention to how damaging and disrespectful they are. However, I am aware that sometimes the snark approach does more harm than good, especially if the other person is unaware of what you are doing. I thought that may have been the case here. I’m also trying to remember to separate the view from the person, which I didn’t do in this case.
          If my words truly didn’t affect you, then I guess I didn’t need to apologise. However, if I have helped to entrench some view about women for you, or compound the hurt other women have caused, then I did need to and I am sorry about that.
          This is my last comment in this discussion. Peace to you.

        31. When I noticed our discussion to start to move towards I higher frequency that affected me for the better because it is extremely rare that happens.
          It’s all too common that women/feminists will troll you and shout out all manner of meaningless insults designed to hurt feelings.
          Passion is often mistaken for anger.
          I am not sure what views you are experiencing but in some of my comments I admit I was trolling you.
          However regarding this article I would not expect you to agree with anything here because you have never met a girl online who manipulated her photos to make her seem like something she completely is not and then the person that shows up at your door or at the coffee shop is 300 pounds.
          No, I’m not exaggerating that is really true.
          The other thing is that what is outside is a direct reflection of what is on the inside.. So if someone is fat and nasty looking on the outside chances are they are that way on the inside, and this has been my experience.
          I have not met ANY overweight people who were not rotten on the inside. They have toxic deep-rooted issues. And if they truly don’t have any issues well they are more likely to have disease and die early due to their body’s condition.
          But again society throws that to the wind just like peoples’ abilities to reach their dreams etc. taking control away from the people and putting it in something outside of themselves, and so if they’re not thin or fit. That’s too bad it wasn’t in the cards. If they don’t get financially independent. That’s too bad, it wasn’t meant for me.
          It’s all part of the same things that are plaguing society. You can feel free to disagree.
          Doesn’t matter whether or not you agree with me, your opinion is your own.

        32. u are right on the mark, a reversal of denial is in fact confirmation, just in reverse. feminists are feminists because they arent men and try to be – to bad theyll never manage. ignore and move on haha –

        33. just watched that video and don’t know what the fuck you are on about. You sound kind of dumb and your voice is so nasal it is irritating. I suspect women just don’t like you and that is why you are mad. Like most the guys on here.

        34. ….and then ending up with a fat, mentally inferior bag of issues? Good call. It will also take more than “a couple of pounds”. That alone says you do not have an understanding of what they are saying.

        35. Lol, I still have to laugh at all of these politically correct terms we throw around nowadays. “Fat shaming” is so ridiculous. In case all of you mensa members that are slamming the men did not notice – this is an article about flushing out the internet fatties. Did you think you were going to find a bunch of compassionate, “I love her for her mind” types? I hope none of you are fat, because you ain’t gonna make it on your smarts!

        36. I have to agree that it isn’t healthy to be overweight, that being said I think people should be encouraged to lose weight and not shamed. I weighed 260 lbs in an unhappy relationship where I was shamed every day. When I went into that relationship I was 125. After eight years the shaming had taken its toll on me as a person.
          It took a man telling me that I was beautiful as a person to inspire me to find myself again and I am back down to 125.
          It’s about being loving towards people. It brings the best results.

        37. “Feminism is really women who want to be the male chauvanist pigs.”
          I couldn’t help but giggle my ass off.

        38. Right I get it now… You started shagging women coz u got fat… You wouldn’t be the first and you most definitely won’t be the last woman to venture down that path.. I could go on , but I need to go now and retrieve a box of donuts I left in the U-haul..

        39. Here you go again assuming. Nice try. I was bisexual before I became overweight. The idea that sexual preference is determined by weight is…how did you put it…ignorant and…disturbing?
          You’re equally as shitty at this as the last guy was, assuming that you aren’t the same person.

      2. For the record:
        The threat of criminal activity (criminal assault and battery; hate crime) made above was issued by a person claiming to be Christen Kimbell of Portland, Oregon, a filmmaker / director / writer / producer of independent short films.
        Specifically, that user threatened to “bring some solid bricks to pound on their heads” — referring to violence directed toward commenters on this site.
        The threat and other comments (now listed under “Guest”) were initially posted openly with her Disqus account of “Christen Kimbell”. This information can be confirmed with the owner of the site, Roosh V.

        1. You know what they do to rats in prison? With your attitude, it’s a fifty/fifty chance you’ll find out. And if you’re the same one ranting about hypocrisy… well, anonymous, I think you should change your name to ironic.

        2. No wonder so few women are good at science, math, or critical thinking…
          Sweetie, by your definition of “rat”, every person who reports a crime or seeks to have a perpetrator pay for his/her crime is a “rat”.
          You should go visit police stations, courthouses, and rape centers and tell all the victims there that they’re just a bunch of rats.
          …Now get back to your gender studies textbook.

        3. Tongue in cheek.
          I see you put your parents’ money to good use for your gender studies degree.

        4. Sorry, that is not being a rat, that is busting someone making a threat while hiding behind the name Guest.

        5. See, that’s just stupid, making such threats. SO MUCH VIOLENCE, no reason for it. I am a female, I like having rights, but please, extreme feminists, don’t go around saying stuff like that. It just makes us look bad (women, not feminists, because no way in hell do I want the responsibility of doing really hard labor every day – I got enough of that in my younger years!).
          It’s also just… unnecessary, and not being a very good person. It kind of makes me ashamed to be an Oregonian when radicals from Portland do stuff like that – WHY is it always Portland?!?

        6. “No wonder so few women are good at science, math, or critical thinking…”
          Really? What is your degree in? Women are the strongest growing demographic of new scientists, mathematicians and engineers. I happen to be one of them.
          Oh and in case you want to find my profile – yes, I’m a fatty. I’m also happily married and have sex on a regular basis. You clearly spend too much time with your hand.

        7. That’s right, dear. After all the money and effort we put into convincing women to use their brains and do “hard majors”, most of them can’t hack it or choose to take the easy route (sociology, communications, anthropology, etc.).
          From the NY Times:

          Women now earn close to 60 percent of bachelor’s degrees overall, but only 20 percent of the degrees in computer science, 20 percent of those in physics and 18 percent of those in engineering. Women constitute half the nation’s work force but just a quarter of its scientific corps, and women with science degrees are less likely than their male counterparts to work in a scientific occupation.

          I had plenty of women in my EE classes who dropped during the second week or after the first test, because the homework “was just sooo hard!”

        8. Anthropology is the easy way out?
          Dude, There where chicks in my cultural anthropology class who often complained that they “just don’t understand it”.

      3. Sounds like “Guest” is a brave one, threatening physical violence on the internet with her real name
        OH WAIT
        Come give me an excuse to crack your skull and piss down your throat, lemme show you what actual misogyny is

        1. not sure that’s the definition of misogyny, more like psychotic woman abuser.

      4. Your real name is “Guest”? …and could you explain your system for deducing fighting ability from online troll work? I would be curious as to how the two relate to each other.

    2. im pretty sure no one in IRL will get anywhere near him, hence the expertise in online dating. and the resentment of women in general. i can pick up more chicks than he can.

      1. You seem to have missed a recent post:
        The 7 Most Common Feminist Insults
        (for when a woman doesn’t have a real argument to make, but has to resort to insults)
        “#2. Sexless Virgin”

        1. I’m almost positive that this is the author trying to make it seem as if there is some guy defending him.

        2. If all the internet belonged to your type, the way you wished it did, then you’d be right.
          Fortunately, you fascist types are in the minority here. Your pathetic word games are exposed and played out. Plenty of people would defend him for being a truth-teller. We do not accept your ugly flabby body. You fail at being a desirable woman.

        3. Oh no, she has failed at being a desirable woman. Dear god, what ever shall she do? She might as well just kill herself, because if she’s not desirable in the eyes of some guy on the internet, what purpose does she have in life?
          Get a grip. Women have better things to do than agonize over whether you think they’re desirable. Much, much better things to do.

        4. You seem to have skipped the “reading” aspect of “read and comment on the article.”
          If you had read it, you would have realized that this article is about women who use deceptive photos online to lie about their appearance.

          Women have better things to do than agonize over whether you think they’re desirable

          The use of all those deceitful photos by many women online actually tends to contradict you.

        5. Yes, because the only reason an obese woman could possibly have for not openly advertising her weight is to trick poor, defenseless guys on the internet into going on a date with her.
          You are not half as important in the lives of women as you think you are.

        6. That’s exactly what they do though. They’ve done it to me. They’ve done it to my friends. It’s deceptive. It’s dishonest, and it’s getting called out. Deal with it.
          We don’t like fat women and want to avoid them. It saves both of us time that way

        7. why can’t she be desirable to a guy who also has extra weight? i don’t care what sex you are, if you’re big and you expect to date fitness minded people, you’re deluding yourself.

        8. “Oh no, she has failed at being a desirable woman. Dear god, what ever
          shall she do? She might as well just kill herself, because if she’s not
          desirable in the eyes of some guy on the internet, what purpose does she
          have in life?”
          So, we’re on the same page, then? I’ll give you some purpose: go make me a sandwich, cum rag.

        9. No they don’t. All women do is work on faking their appearance, and faking their lives on social media. Utterly vacuous people whose lives revolve around attracting tall handsome rich guys.

        10. I’m almost positive you’re an undesirable moron who’s miserable in her life, because you’re only moved to insults when something offends you because it makes you feel attacked. Basically because you’re one of the women he’s talking about.

        11. Brother, they don’t care. They KNOW they use deceptive tactics but they won’t ever ever ever EVER admit to doing anything unethical EVER. And they don’t have to, because they have a mountain of women (and white thirsty knights) to defend them.
          You know how you counter this in your life? Get women who will fucking beat the shit out of them for saying bad things about you, and call them out on their gross fat disgusting lifestyle. Then they won’t dare attack you.

        12. …..Some. The other half are men….
          Let’s talk about how many of you angle dick pics to make it look bigger.
          You assholes have that shit down to a science. Eight inches my fucking asshole.
          Liars are liars, man or woman….and most of you sound like shallow assholes. Grow up.

        13. All of you sexist, ignorant, uneducated idiots need to shut the fuck up. Women have better things to do than attract men. And the ones that don’t, aren’t all fat. So everybody SHUT THEIR GOD DAMN FUCKING MOUTHS!

        14. And you probably have an extremely small dick. What about men in the FA community? I assume you know what that means.

        15. But what about YOUR ugly flabby body? Because I’ve been on dates with guys that were literally about 30 pounds fatter than their 20 year old pics! This is not exclusive to woman thng.

        16. And it’s OK for men to do this to women? Because they DO why are these articles only about women?

        17. And it’s OK for men to do this to women? Because they DO why are these articles only about women? It’s happened to me as a woman

        18. Really? Then why are women constantly complaining about how the magazines make it impossible for anyone above a size 0 to get a man? Lol, most women will keep some sh**bag around, just to have a man because they don’t feel complete without one.

        19. Uh-oh, somebody gets dumped immediately following the first in-person meeting. Eat those feelings of anger, baby. Shove them down deep and cover them up with a box of doughnuts and wash them away with a gallon of chocolate milk.

        20. What would make you think he has an ugly, flabby body because you have been on a date with other guys who have one? That makes no sense and makes you look like you are desperate and digging for insults. Don’t sweat it, Piggy – you can get over it at your next meal or snack time, whichever comes first.

        21. Talk about how many angle dic pics? Damn, ho-bag, how many dic pics you get? Maybe if you weren’t such a ho, you’d get introduced to the parents, or asked out on a third date. Might even get to “date” someone who lets you call them after 5 on weekdays and anytime on the weekends!!! You do realize that stopping by your house at 2 a.m. on the way home for a bj isn’t a “date”, right? When they pretend not to know you in public, does it bring back the childhood “please don’t touch me there!” memories?

        22. G8 b8 m8 would r8 8 of 8.
          I happen to be in a two year relationship with a man that I met online, and yes I have met his parents lol.
          As a woman on the internet, dick pics are not hard to come by even unasked for. It’s pretty much a given.
          The fact that you automatically launch into attacking people you don’t know tells me you’ve probably worked a few camera angles on your package. Sorry I hit a nerve, but your analysis of my dating life and childhood are pretty inaccurate 🙂

        23. I was only kidding, anyway. BUT – you did look long enough to apparently figure out how the trick photography works!! Lol – just kidding again.

        24. Wow. I cannot believe how horrible this comment is. I was really fucking brainwashed. I’m sorry 🙁

        25. As is your immediate assumption that you must have “hit a nerve” and what psychology class did they teach you that anger from my end means I am inadequate, yet anger from your end somehow signals superiority? I was joking, as I already pointed out, but your comment was pretty vicious that I was responding to – so why the anger on your part?

        26. And before you go getting all wound up again, I find these conversations hilarious for a few reasons. They are discussions of relationships and the word “sexist” is thrown around a million times – of course we are going to be sexist – it is about dating and for the most part, most of us date the opposite sex!!!!! So, any relationship rants, experiences, whatever, are going to be about women!!!!!! Same for the women, you’re going to be slamming guys!!! And the lying thing – same deal!!! HELLO???? You don’t need 10 clues they aren’t desirable – you need 1 – they are on the internet trying to hook up!!!!

        27. Lol I have been known to date both so believe me I do have a double perspective on the issue. Both sides suck for their own reasons and that’s for sure.

        28. My comment was vicious? I was being sarcastic and open ended, trying to point out the unfairness in the article posted. There is a lot of hate for women who try to hide “flaws” to be more aesthetically pleasing, but many men do it too. People are only discussing women using camera angles when in all reality the issue is people not being truthful in general. It happens on both sides. I’d say I am pretty much speaking as a person who has dated men and women alike. People lie. It’s not just about women.
          I don’t have to assume I hit a nerve because of the nature of your response. You began attacking me personally and speaking as if you knew my character, making wild assumptions about my childhood and dating life.
          As for anger from me, well…sorry brah I am really not the angry type.
          As far as your ideas about only unattractive people looking to date online, statistically it is totally inaccurate. It is 2016 and people are busy. It’s convenient.
          As for your comment being a joke….this really sounds so funny:
          “Damn, ho-bag, how many dic pics you get? Maybe if you weren’t such a ho, you’d get introduced to the parents, or asked out on a third date. Might even get to “date” someone who lets you call them after 5 on weekdays and anytime on the weekends!!! You do realize that stopping by your house at 2 a.m. on the way home for a bj isn’t a “date”, right? When they pretend not to know you in public, does it bring back the childhood “please don’t touch me there!” memories?”

        29. You really…just don’t bother me. And your jokes aren’t funny. Possibly the worst forum troll I have run into ever.

        30. How can it be unfair when it comes from a person who obviously has no experience dating both sexes? This is what I was pointing out in the other reply – everyone screams “sexism” and stuff, but how the hell is someone supposed to tell you what it is like to date both sexes? Well, you answered that in your other reply, lol, but, the only way ANY kind of article could be fair to both sexes is if only bisexual people wrote articles. Even then, you’d be getting the results of dating a hetero on one side, and a gay/bi on the other – so to get the results of two heterosexual opinions on two heterosexual dates would be impossible!!!!! By the way, Trolls look for trouble, they aren’t usually joking. : )

        31. My niece is bisexual, and as I explained above, from what I have seen, the females she dates are quite different from the females my nephew dates.

        32. I’m not sure being angry is helping this article.. But Graidon you are wrong nonetheless… Not advertising obesity or being overweight on a dating site is all about a person knowing that withholding such information will help them to get a date. Men do these things too, be it weight or height. But this article ishighlighting women specifically. The Author is male I guess and just venting. I’m not sure his frustrating is helping him in being listened to properly unfortunately because he isn’t incorrect in his observation of overweight women being deceptive. I’m sure they do, as you suggest, have better things to do, but in fact they are posting deceptive pictures on their profiles instead.

        33. Cool …so write your own article about it… This article isn’t about your experience.. Sheesh !

        34. Just because Graidon is wrong, doesn’t excuse you being a foul mouthed fool..

        35. You are sooo into yourself…. Not the angry type you say… Passive aggressive? This article isn’t about your experience with men ..its the Authors experience… Write your own damn article numb nuts !

        36. I doubt Sharon Wisdom is trolling…. And if you weren’t bothered then you wouldn’t reply to say as such. You bother me because you are very self obsessed and ignorant.

        37. Typically articles inspire discussion. Typically discussion arises when people contribute different perspectives. I dont have to write my own article to contribute to a discussion, thanks.
          I appreciate you calling me numb nuts, though.

        38. I refuse to apologize for the fact that my experiences have led me to a much more accepting and evenhanded perspective of both sexes lol.
          Maybe you should try it.
          For someone who just called me passive aggressive you sure are coming off like the pot calling the kettle black….

        39. …I am self obsessed and ignorant…because I think that both sexes have negative aspects rather than….just women…?
          I reply to what I wish, regardless of your opinion on why, nor does your opinion on why particularly matter to me.
          I do find it particularly funny that you are “bothered” by me. Believe me, with you going back and responding to every comment made to Sharon Wisdom- it’s pretty obvious.

      2. There’s no way you could pick up any of those fatass cunts with your flabby arms.

      3. By calling yourself out as a fat chick you show your worth zero, so we don’t care about your opinion. Hell, any man worth his testicles wouldn’t care about anyone’s opinion even if she was a 10. If you’re a fat chick you’re digusting to me. Therefore, definitely don’t care what comes out of your mouth.

        1. Wait are you saying a woman’s worth is solely defined by her appearance?……rrriiiiight. Only valid if that’s how you define your own worth as well, and if that’s the case then… well, you shouldn’t, because your worth isn’t about your weight.

        2. Ok, Saskia – let’s join the real world for a moment. As far as dating, your appearance pretty much dictates the quality of mate you will pair with. It is scientifically proven that humans are attracted to the most physically desirable mate that they can obtain. Lie all you like about the beautiful person inside bulls**t – but you have to be sexually attracted to a person to mate with them, otherwise, you are what we call a “friend”. I have never seen any dude look at a person across the room and say “Wow! she looks friggin’ kind and considerate!”…………and neither has any woman.

      4. Erm….resentment of women in general? Excuse me??? Resentment of being seen as desperate by actually desperate woman-that’s what I resent..

    3. What do you have an issue with? Is it that he’s not sexually attracted to fat women, or that he made a guide to avoid liars? I’m not sexually attracted to fat women either, and I too would like to avoid liars, I guess that means I treat people like “objects”. Thanks for opening my eyes, Kevin Dawg.

    4. that’s very true, you can’t get catfished by secret fatties if you’re meeting women in real life lol. but with apps like tinder and hinge now it’s open season for deceptive photos, so it ain’t gonna stop any time soon

    5. Shut your fairy face faggot. Men don’t care what fruitcake a like you think about anything.

  19. I think you’re all a bunch of misogynistic, obnoxious and pretentious
    wankers 🙂 If a woman’s body offends you so fucking much then how about
    you be the “MASCULINE MAN” which you claim to be, and ignore them. But
    no, you have resorting to bitching on the internet. Oh how very manly of
    you 🙂

    1. They’re all doing it anonymously, I note. All single and fat themselves, and so so awful to boot. Outright repulsive people on here.

      1. Hahah, this comment from not-so-secret fattie Christen Kimbell (who, actually, uses a few MySpace SIF angles in her self-photos).
        Notice how she:
        * is angry about use of fat shaming language.
        * then proudly uses fat shaming language.
        Ahh, feminist logic straight from Portland, Oregon 🙂
        By the way, notice how the chunky hag is so ashamed of fatties herself that she uses skinny models/actresses in her videos?? (Youtube: christen kimbell)
        The chunky monkey’s photo:

        1. Come and get me, man. I’ll give you my address. Come and say these things to my face 🙂 Come on.
          Also, none of your insults have made sense yet, so …. 🙂 I’m still waiting.

        2. Yes, your ability to understand logic is quite lacking. But that’s understandable for a Portland feminist.

        3. Excuse me, but where was the logic in YOUR statements? You have been launching ad hominem attacks, one by one, based on her personal appearance, while she has, so far, remained civilised and has mentioned nothing derogatory in relation to your identity- Oh wait, how would she? Unlike her, you have chosen to remain anonymous. Unlike her, you feel extremely comfortable attacking others when they do not have the opportunity to do the same to you. Oh, feel free to go through my facebook account/photos and comment on my ugliness- but, even then, your ability to understand logic would be, lamentably, less than the person you were arguing with. But that’s understandable for a superficial bigot. 🙂

        4. She has “remained civilized”?
          Maybe you missed the part where she threatened physical violence with heavy objects to the commenters here.
          And as for identity — maybe you overlooked where she claimed to be a big hero for using her real name and wanting the other readers to know her name, location, job, and appearance. In fact, she invited the posting of even more photos and information.
          Try working on your reading skills, bub.

        5. Well, I am yet to see a comment where she made an uncivilised comment about you.
          And from what it looks like, it was YOU who first posted her photo (stalker skills there much, hypocrite?) and started this shit storm.You can hardly blame her for defending her identity after you did a superb (sarcasm) job of digging it out and throwing unjustified expletives at her. You seem to have such a passion for stalking and revealing the identity of another, and yet are reluctant to reveal your own- see the hypocrisy yet?
          And I see how you are evading my accusation of launching ad hominem attacks. I will phrase this question simply enough- WHY do you find it necessary to defend your stance by commenting on her personal appearance? Do you feel that your logic, which you deem to be superior, is not up to the task of defending your argument?

        6. I have missed not a single part. I have also not missed the part where you practically drag her photo and details on the page ( while comfortably keeping yours secret). All I have seen her doing is defending her identity.
          Also, I see that you have not replied to the accusation of ad hominem attacks, and are trying to evade answering it. So I will put this question, again, in a simple manner- If you think she is “illogical”, and that your logic is superior to hers, why do you find it necessary to attack her personal details and physical appearance? Should not your superior “logic” be sufficient to validate your argument, without you having to resort to such petty insults as “chunky monkey”?

    2. I already explained this to you, you feminist fat fuck. Close your yap already (for the first time in years).
      * steal our tax dollars for public hospital care and our health plan premiums to treat their diabetes/heart disease/ blood pressure,
      * steal our children’s health by encouraging obesity, and
      * steal away attractive women by converting them into more fatties.
      That’s more than enough reason to complain.
      Now go stuff your mouth with more donuts and shut the fuck up already.

      1. Use your real name, please 🙂
        Also, and again, not one of your insults are making any sense. Please try again 🙂

        1. Tell ya what, come back at me with something real, and I’ll come back 🙂 Until then, you’ve got some kind of weird insult, and a lot of my real pictures.
          Yes, that’s really me. I live in a nice house in Hillsboro, OR. I am a few months away from marrying a gorgeous, sweet (skinny, but not why I love him) man who owns his own business. I direct films.
          I used my real name, dear 🙂 You act like I didn’t want you to post all those pics. Keep going, you have yet to type a single thing that’s made any sense, let alone works as a real insult. And I’m giving you ammo to work with – I’m being me.
          So until you can actually insult me with something that hurts – I have a blog too, you want a link? – I’ll return to the films I’m directing.
          Toodles, dude. I’d hate to live your life.

        2. Enjoy your fairytale life “directing” one 5-minute film every year on budgets less (far less) than the cost of a new car! 🙂

        3. Your cars cost more than 250k? Somehow I doubt that 🙂 Look it up, dude. There’s a reason I gave my real name…

        4. And it’s quite grimace-worthy, unfortunately.

        5. Box office / business for
          The Box (2013/III) More at IMDbPro »
          $16,000 (estimated)

        6. You’re doing very well with Google so far, dig a little deeper, love. It’s not on IMDb yet. I knew you’d need some more help. You want the direct link?

        7. Haha, have fun padding the supposed cost of your shitty 5 minute films.
          Oh, and do be sure to let me know when you actually make a decent paycheck off it in about…oh, never.

      2. And all the buffed up pretentious douchebags don’t deserve any free hospital care, no matter how many times they get drunk off their ass, shoot up on drugs like no fucking tomorrow, get into many useless fights with other people and expect that people will respect them for who they are. No. That’s not how society works. Larger people are not sucking up tax dollars, especially if you count for all the anorexic fucks, rape victims, drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless people and abusers that are out there, and they take more out of the tax dollars than a bunch of people who are a little more outgoing about themselves and so happen to be larger than the average man or woman. And no, THEY DO NOT ENCOURAGE OBESITY TOWARDS CHILDREN. Whoever taught you that obviouly has some serious fucking issues in life, or you’re that fucking stupid to think people would actually do that. And NO way in hell do we steal other attractive women and force them to convert to fatties, some women do it themsleves most of the time, because they feel like they are under weight. There is many more problems out there in the world that people should be more worried about, other than larger people, because if shaming people is the only you look forward to in your day, you obviously have some serious problems that you’re too afraid to admit. So why don’t you go back to smiling like a donut and shut that pathetic little mouth up, hmm?? Be a good little bitch.

        1. How do I know you’re lying?
          Your hands are typing.
          According to US Government records, the diseases fatties get for being fat (hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease) are the four most expensive conditions to treat.
          In Medicaid alone (not even counting Medicare, private health insurance, or local public hospital costs), taxpayers shell out
          more than $43 billion
          each year for the right of the fatties to stuff their mouths and sit on the couch (and that’s in unadjusted 2008 dollars!).

    3. Same old troll.
      It cannot be misogyny if it doesn’t encompass the entire group. You are only trying to “rally the troops” like the typical fundamentalist.
      If this article is so offensive to you, why don’t you be the example of your alleged masculinity and just ignore it?
      No… you resort to trolling because, YOU don’t really have any valid argument (as usual)

    4. I don’t think you understand what this page is about. Nobody here is “offended” by a woman being fat. What people are “offended” by is when a fat woman lies about her size to trick men who are not attracted to fat women into dating them. It’s a waste of time for everybody involved.
      This page is about identifying these LIARS. If we could just ignore all of these SIFs, as you suggest, then we would gladly do so. Unfortunately, we can’t, so pages like these that help men identify these kinds of deceitful women are necessary.

  20. This is a serious post? Not a joke? And people actually agree with this attitude? If you’re not attracted to overweight people, that’s fine, but to “shame” them and put them in a category as lesser people simple because they’re heavier than your average lady is fucking stupid. Nothing else, just stupid. That “fat girl” could be volunteering to make the world better. She could be an amazing artist. She could help all her friends when they’re in need. But because she’s fat that’s all worthless, because apparently a woman is only defined by her body. If there are any women reading and agreeing with this, I suggest you notice the true meaning in this post: If a woman is not up to my personal standard, she is worthless. This mentality is detrimental not only to woman, but to society in general.
    You don’t know why someone is overweight, and NO it doesn’t always have to do with eating huge amounts of fast food and sitting on the couch all day. I eat huge amounts of food and sit on the couch all day and am thinner than my roommate who eats healthy, gluten-free meals and exercises every single day.
    I guess what I’m trying to say is, I hope this is satirical because holy shit. If you find the perfect girl and you can’t get over the fact she’s a bit chubby and use this to shame her or think less of her, you deserve to be alone.
    Sincerely, not overweight and still doesn’t have collarbones.

    1. I remember a film that came out, oh, ten years or so ago – Shallow Hal. All of these guys on here remind me of Jason Alexander in that film. It didn’t matter how pretty the woman was, in fact it didn’t even matter what she was like (and if you actually have been laid a lot, trust me, you start to pick your women based on what they’re like as people. I say this as a bi woman.) He was so ugly on the inside that no one who came near him could ever quench his self-hate.
      Exactly what’s happening in this article. Loads and loads and loads of self-hate, directed outward at people who, trust me, don’t really care what they think.
      Holy crap indeed.

      1. You know it’s a feminist commenting when they’re openly using fiction to prove a point. What a shocker that Hollywood would come out with a movie that made the fat women and the weak beta males who love them feel better about themselves. They should do a remake, it’d make 5X as much today as it did in the 90s or whenever it came out.
        What about the people posting misleading pictures of themselves (in other words, pictures that are not what they actually look like). Is that not self-hatred?

      2. Yeah, we should make a sequel to Shallow Hal called Lying Gal. It’d be all about an master SIF who gets “hot” guys to go out with her and buy her meals.

    2. If there’s nothing wrong with these fatties being fat, then why are they lying about it? Why don’t these SIFs post recent, normal-angled, full-body shots that display their fat rolls in all their blubbery glory? Because they know it’s unattractive and they’re deliberately trying to deceive men.
      Because we’re talking about dating sites, not “find someone who can paint me a pretty picture” sites or “find someone to go do volunteer work with” sites. Dating sites– do you know why there are pictures on dating sites? Because people want to date and eventually fornicate with people they find physically attractive.
      In this particular article nobody is saying fatties are worthless. We’re saying we don’t want to be deliberately deceived into meeting them in person, because we don’t want to make love to their repulsive, fat bodies.
      It’s really not a difficult concept. But maybe it would be clearer to you if you were a man who had been SIF’ed, as many of us have.

    3. Oh and by the way– my one experience with a SIF, I was polite and had a drink with the girl. Besides the fact that she had outed herself as a BLATANT LIAR immediately upon me viewing her large upper arms, double chin, chunky legs etc (she’d had the gall to list herself as “thin” on OKC!!!!), the girl demonstrated through her behavior and words towards me during the drink that she was clearly unstable, weird, needy, and desperate. Unattractive traits that had nothing to do with what she looked like visually.
      This idea you have in your head that a girl who would deliberately SIF men on dating sites could otherwise be “the perfect girl” for any man with options does not reflect reality.

      1. I think the problem is not the fixation on lying, deceit, or general craziness but instead on a woman’s weight. That no matter how nice she is, if you didn’t clue into the fact that she’s overweight and she didn’t come right out and say it that she’s a delusional fatty and does not deserve respect or love.
        If she deliberately deceived you, straight up lied and was generally an awful and crazy person that’s a whole other can of worms. Weight has nothing to do with what a shit person someone may or may not be. I know some WONDERFUL plus size people, and some fucking awful slim people.

        1. The entire premise of the article is about deceit. SIF… the “s” is for secret, it’s hard to miss that since it was in the title. It shouldn’t be our job to “clue in” to whether a girl is fat or not when standard practice on all dating sites is to have several pictures that are representative of what you actually look like in addition to a body type descriptor (thin, average, curvy, etc). Obviously most of the men reading this site want to avoid wasting time and money going on dates with fat women, which is our right, period full stop. These dating sites are not charity sites where men with options donate time, money, sex, and affection to sloppy fat chicks. They’re sites meant to match up romantic partners based on mutual attraction, and SIF tactics are disruptive to that goal. It’s fraud, it’s the sexual marketplace equivalent of what Enron and Worldcom used to do.
          If a girl doesn’t feel her actual weight is presentable for the type of men she’s trying to attract, she should lose a bunch of weight and then take new pictures. If these girls believe that being fat is fine like you do, then they should post normal pics (and some do). But they know it limits their options, so they SIF.

    4. I call bullshit. I believe you eat tons of food and sit on the couch all day, as you claim, but–judging from your avatar–you’re rather corpulent. You may be thinner than your roommate–who, for all we know, couldn’t be 350 lbs.–but you ain’t thin.

      1. Wow, out of my entire comment all you could come up with was ‘WELL ACTUALLY I THINK YOU’RE FAT”?
        I do struggle with my weight, I am definitely not svelte, but I am within a healthy weight range for my height and age, so I am, medically, not fat at all.

  21. Men do this tooooo!! Only they take pictures of themselves wearing sunglasses or a bike helmet. Or a baseball cap where their face is in shadow. All to hide the fugly. Or sitting down so you can’t see how short they are. Or that beer paunch from drinkin’ with the b’ys. Though to be fair, I think women do it way more. Men focus more on looks, women on charisma, style, power and intellect. I wish men would be more upfront about their employment history. Debt is no sexy. Ok. Endrant.
    I DO think trying to trick people is awful. I’m not super skinny (I am a foodie and a kickass cook but I run, bike, do yoga, yada yada yada) but I have no trouble getting attention online (and off) being perfectly upfront about what I look like. Women need to learn that many men find many body types attractive (though your fat shaming week isn’t helping >.< ).
    I think your fat shaming week is an awful initiative. I wish someone would do a more positively nuanced pro healthy weight campaign. The number of fat women who get defensive and say that it’s perfectly fine to be obese is just…wrong.

    1. “many men find many body types attractive” and in fact, I’ve found that what I look like has very little to do with how good the sex is, or how good the companionship is. Which is what dating and being in a relationship are actually about.
      Someday the sad little trolls in the comments below these may figure this out. I have little hope, but I am an optimist.

      1. We’re glad to know that how you look has very little to do with how good the sex is…. for you.
        Actually no, we don’t give a shit. We still want thin, attractive women.

        1. Nah, he uses “we” because his sentiments are shared by other people here. Apparently your vision is so bad you missed the upvotes.
          Do try again, though, sweetie. Eventually your sharp, feminist-trained mind will hit on something……

    2. Don’t like fat shaming? Wish there were an article about keeping a health weight?
      Hey,have you heard of this crazy thing called Google?
      A quick google search on (healthy weight advice) will pull in 1000s and 1000s of articles. Go read one of those. If you stay here, shut your trap.

    3. They should take pictures of their cocks and put it out there. Most women don’t want to fuck a teeny peeny, and judging by the comments and bitterness here, it’s an epidemic of thimble sized proportions.

      1. -yawn- Just the usual weener insult. Only immature little schoolgirls think that this has any effect

      2. Did this article make fun of small boobs? (Something girls can’t control?)
        Did this article make fun of girls’ heights, races, foot size, or skull shape?
        So why would you cyber-bully over something that’s biological and not under men’s control?
        I thought feminists opposed shaming language and bullying?

        1. They don’t have to be insulting, but it’s still their right not to want to fuck a tiny peen.
          Just because you can’t do anything about it doesn’t mean anything has to put up with it.

        2. So you came to this article and comment how “tiny peen”s — something genetically-based and unchangeable — are bad and unwanted?
          Wow, just wow.
          Keep on cyber-bullying us over our hair color, penis size, or face dimples.
          Let the other readers see the true face of feminist commenters, and how you love body-shaming on genetics when it comes to men.

        3. The problem with this kind of thinking is that most “-isms” (racism, heightism, peen-ism) are different from say having a liking for less fat.
          These traits are things that are truly outside of a person’s control, and is not an any way, shape or form a reflection of their VOLUNTARY action (or inaction). Women in general tend to think that “if I’m nice about it, it’s OK”. That is rationalization to hold a prejudice and still feel that you are an open-minded individual.
          As much as people like to deny it, your body shape as far as fat is concerned is within your control. Even the RARE cases of glandular issues can be treated.
          Think about it. You retain the “right”, but not the “right to be free from judgement”.
          In reality, women love to harp on small “peen”s because they think it is a way to “strike back” at men. It isn’t. It just makes those who bring it up look pretty petty and juvenile.

      3. Greater Cornholio — “They should take pictures of their cocks and put it out there.”
        Done & done.
        Remember that most normal men are always ready to engage in sex with a satisfactory sexual partner (provided the risk threshold is not catastrophic). Women, by genetic design, are normally considerably more restrictive in their partners unless their protector male dies.

    4. You really can’t be promoting an idea for “positive” campaigns when you basically equate height (something that can’t be changed) to body-fat volume (something that CAN be).
      Not only that, most men don’t care as much about a TRUE “few extra pounds”. What they care about is the huge deception between 5 pounds and 30 pounds.
      Women focus media driven traits to the point that it hovers on psychoses. If a guy isn’t 6 feet tall, with a full head of hair, a 6 pack and a 6 figure income, he’s just not good enough.
      Seriously, the comparison between what guys are looking for and what women DEMAND is not even in the same ballpark.

  22. The only reason I am even on this page is because someone posted this article on facebook. This article and every comment under it is disgusting. A lot of women hide the way they look naturally because of judgmental assholes like you. Get a life, grow up, and stop bullying other HUMAN BEINGS based on their appearance, you misogynistic little boys.

    1. Have you no reading skills?
      Look at the article title. The entire article is about DECEPTION.
      Big girl? I don’t care if you’re on a dating site, just don’t lie about it with your photos. Be upfront so I can use my preferences and skip you.
      But if you try to deceive me with your photos and descriptions….
      That’s what this article is about, moron.

    2. There are two really good options that don’t involve dishonesty: lose weight and take new pictures (requires some work, self discipline, and a camera), or post regular pictures (just requires a camera).
      If guys who reject fat girls are dismissable as “judgmental assholes” (rather than being “normal heterosexual men”), then why do the SIF girls care enough to lie? If the best guys out there were the fat-accepting chubby chasers, then there would be no need for SIFs would there. There’d be thin girls pretending to be fat!

    3. No. People hide the way they look because they know it isn’t a selling point. IT is deception.
      Judgmental? NO it is trolls like you that judge others (and incorrectly too) and feel that your opinion is gospel. (Don’t think you can parrot this criticism either, since your opposition, like myself, freely explain our positions).
      You employ the usual “it’s against ALL women” by mentioning misogyny. It isn’t against ALL women. It is a criticism on those who intentionally deceive (you know, like saying something is against ALL women, when it isn’t).

    1. The collarbone isn’t foolproof. I’m a fatty (not a SIF — I don’t internet date — simply a fatty) and I have very prominent collarbones. Do not be deceived.

  23. “6. You can’t see her collar bone.
    One thing Myspace Angles and similar tricks can’t hide is the absence of a collar bone. If you can’t see it, she’s overweight.”
    This, along with a sharply marked waist, is one of the best ways of assessing the health of larger ethnicities and sport-inclined women, too. A Black woman may have huge hips, but if her waist is small and you can see her collarbones, she’s probably within a healthy weight category. An Eastern European woman may have a wide frame, but if she has a waist and visible collarbones, you know it’s largely the structure and not extra fat. A woman who lifts may weigh 80kg at 5’5″, but if her waist and collarbones are marked, it means it’s probably muscle and water weight.

  24. I don’t really know why I’m even bothering to type this. And before any of y’all call me out for being fat myself: I’m a size 8-10; not super-skinny, not obese, somewhere in the middle, I’m also 37 and I’ve had 2 kids so what-the-fuck-ever, I’m fine with my body. I’m also in a committed relationship so I’m not trying to date/have sex with any of y’all. Consider that my disclaimer.
    But! When I was doing online dating, the thing I found is that misrepresentation is rampant on both sides. I cannot tell you how many times I went out with a guy who said he was 5’9″, only to find out that my 5’5″ self was taller than him. Or the guys who only post pictures wearing baseball caps to cover up their receding hairlines. I even went out with one guy who turned out to be in a wheelchair (not like he broke his leg and was temporarily incapacitated – I mean, he was paralyzed from the waist down and was never going to walk again), and nowhere in his profile did he mention any type of disability.
    So, I suppose I can see how guys may not like it if they think they’re going out with a certain type of girl and then realize that she looks completely unlike their expectations. But can’t you see how women would find it equally disappointing to be on the other side of that date too? And yet I don’t see any “male-pattern baldness shaming week” or “short guy shaming week” (or for that matter “handicapped shaming week”) sites cropping up. Interesting that it’s only the guys who seem to be vocally bitching about being deceived, even though – as far as I can tell – this stuff happens equally in the realm of online dating.

    1. Un-be-lievable!
      You realized that you just mentioned three traits (well the last one could be self-inflicted but usually not) that:
      _1_ No one has control over
      _2_ Cannot be practically altered
      _3_ Really has no bearing on what they can directly achieve as a person
      Yes, height, baldness are what they are. YOU cannot change them.
      It is typical that some woman thinks that any of that compares to people being adverse to SELF-INFLICTED traits. Oh, and spare all of us the “But it’s so difficult to change” or “it’s glandular” excuses. Show me ONE person that can effectively alter their baldness or height and you might have a point.
      Guys comment on the attitudes of women that think they don’t have any responsibility for the things that actually reflect their own efforts. It is totally different from the “traits” that women think are important. Look at your comments objectively. You seem to think that someone has somehow caused you great insult by being not tall enough or not having enough hair. How DARE they do that!

      1. That actually wasn’t my point at all. It was that men lie on their online dating profiles just as much as women do. My point has zero to do with the attribute itself (be it height, weight, hairline, whatever). I’m well aware that weight is one of the things that can be changed – I lost over 30 pounds after I had my 2nd kid and I worked really damn hard to do so. And I’m equally aware that height and hairline are NOT something that anyone can generally alter. The point is the deception angle. This article (and this website in general as far as I can tell) implies that women are the only ones who lie, and that is most definitely NOT the case.
        I mean, hey, if you’re a dude who’s 5’5″? That’s cool, I’ll wear flats. But don’t write that you’re 5’9″ on your profile. Because it’s not true, and I’m going to know it as soon as I meet you.
        Do you get what I’m saying now?
        P.S. My boyfriend is bald. And I find him sexy as hell. So I’m definitely not biased against the dudes with the receding hairlines. Just saying.

        1. __Sex, Lies and Measuring Tapes__
          That both gender embellish is not news. However, consider that the online experience basically allows women to be less than honest more than it does for men.
          On most dating sites, height is expected to reported down to the inch or centimeter. In contrast to this weight is practically always a self-proclaimed opinion (“a few pounds extra”). In that way, when a man is off by a few inches, he is suddenly a habitual LIAR. The woman who seriously under-estimates her size? Well, she’s just exercising her “honest” opinion.
          Furthermore, few sites demand a full body shot from a standard pose in an outfit that doesn’t hide shape. You may claim that it is the same for demand for both men and women, but when you look at who abuses this more, it should be clear. There are a lot more of the “myspace” shots from women than there are guys with ballcaps sitting down.
          Hence the environment already acknowledges that women have a propensity to be absolutely vague whenever it suits them.
          Note too that women (in general, so none of the “it’s not all women” declaimer for all the trolls out there), are so used to “embellishing” that they believe every guy is adding 2 inches and using 5 year-old photos.
          __Attributes of Importance__
          The incomparable nature of height versus weight was noted because it clearly illustrates how women (yes, in general again, so exceptions to the rule are not a refutation) cannot see that the attributes they admire not ones that are a true reflection of the person.
          Some are so adverse to a lack of it that they clearly state a restriction like “no one under 5-10 need apply”. Here, men are in essence stating that “no one over x% BMI need apply”. That attribute is something that can be personal adjusted, yet some feel it perfectly within their rights to call people names and shout insults, because they see it as some sort of affront to their “rights” to be who they are.
          Have a look at your comment, “That’s cool, I’ll wear flats”.
          The truth is that most guys don’t give a hoot about how tall you are relative to them. A 5-5 guy would love to see a woman in heels as much as a 6-5 guy. Examine why you figured that you needed to wear flats.
          __It’s not the LIE, it’s the direction of it__
          If a 5-5 guy said he was 5-9 and it turned out it wasn’t true it is no different than a 6-1 guy saying he was 5-9. Both did not tell the truth. However, it is doubtful that you would accuse the 6-1 guy of being an abject liar.
          __Web Sight__
          The website and this article does NOT imply that women are the ONLY ones that embellish. This is wholly unsubstantiated.
          Do YOU get what is being said now?

        2. Riiiiiiiight.
          Ok then, you are clearly way invested in this subject matter and I just really don’t care enough to argue about it anymore.
          You win, dude. Whatevs. And good luck to you.

        3. You can dismiss the weakness in your argument as merely the opposition being “more invested”. However, it doesn’t mask the truth.
          The matter is that slipping in a faulty concept (that this article or the website it belongs to is somehow presenting a seriously biased view) this way and not expecting the argument to be examined is rather cavalier.
          Your argument was refuted. That is all. It’s not a matter of you or I “winning”. Please don’t make these things personal.

        4. I already regret engaging on this thread, but I’m genuinely curious: what about men who lie about/hide their excess weight on their online dating profiles? Because I did go out with a few guys who had a beer gut that was noticeably absent in the photos on their dating profiles (many even calling themselves “athletic” when selecting their body type).
          So are the male “secret Internet fatties” also worthy of scorn? Or is that just reserved for females?

        5. __Weighting in Line__
          Certainly, one can call out the deceptive acts of men when it comes to describing their body shape. A couple of things to consider would be.
          _1_ Does it occur at the same rate within the population as it does with the other gender.
          _2_ Does the embellishment reflect the same level of embellishment that is being talked about here.
          If you feel that this is so, you are free to create such a blog (complete with an open comment section) and inform the world at large about it.
          I hazard though, that the truth is that most guys don’t exaggerate or masquerade their body shape anywhere near the level that women, as a whole do, online. Note too that your own experience is a very small sample size in comparison to the plethora of anecdote you will find on SIF’s.
          __Table for Two, Please__
          On the topic of what is and isn’t apparently reserved for females, one has to take an unbiased view of what we see happening here.
          The article and website is apparently devoted to issues that men have with gender relations. It makes no claim or suggestion that it is has the mandate (or should that be “person”-date for the politically correct crowd? lol) to entertain feminist issues.
          To claim that it is creating bias is to say that a website devoted to problems encountered by senior citizen’s is creating a false sense of bias because it doesn’t offer web space for articles on the challenges encountered by teenagers.
          That these articles even HAVE an open comment section should be seen as very generous. Consider that sites like Plenty-of-Feminists seriously bias their forum by not allowing anything that doesn’t fit their very feminist friendly view.
          Of course, the opportunity to voice real insight is usually lost to the angry little trolls that come here thinking it is their privilege to be hostile. All they do is prove the point of the authors here.
          You shouldn’t regret coming here.
          A lot of people think that ignorance is bliss, when it it really is denial. They are aware of what is the truth, but cannot accept it. You see it all the time here with the constant attempts to harass with childish name-calling.
          You ask for reason, and people are happy to offer real dialogue.

    2. Awww, poor wittle CindyW of poobouͺcom got her feelings hurt because she couldn’t get the hot guys from online dating to commit to her, and she got ‘stuck’ with the ‘icky’ men.
      Let’s have a quick look at why Cindy could only attract ‘icky’ men, based on her comments on Disqus:
      Cindy is a badly aging, wall-victim single mother, who admits to getting less and less attention from the handsome and powerful guys she wants online.
      Cindy was so undesirable and ugly during her marriage that her husband only wanted to bang her 3 or 4 times per year (!!).
      (The ex-husband probably hated having sex with her because she plumped up and even Weight Watchers didn’t work well for her.)
      She is huge cat-lady (4 cats at one time!) and is fixated on powerful and handsome men she could never have a shot with — Barack Obama, Paul Ryan, Daniel Craig, and Nick Cannon.
      Cindy admits she became a whore post-divorce and put out for whatever hot guys she could find. (Quote: “I went out actively looking for sex, because I needed to know that there were men out there who thought I was desirable and sexy.”) And she did that while her kids were toddlers!
      She stuffs her mouth — and her daughters’ mouths — with refined starches (pasta) and wonders why the family is fat.
      And she allowed one of her two daughters to get so fucked up that she needs a therapist.
      Cindy also hate-envies Gwyneth Paltrow for being in-shape.
      There, I think we figured it out for her.

      1. Oooooooookay.
        Look, I had actually never even heard of this website or the whole “Men’s Rights Advocate” thing until somebody else linked to it yesterday. I asked a question in what I thought was a respectful manner, because that’s generally how I live my life.
        And you came back with…. that. I’m not even sure what your point is. Am I supposed to feel embarrassed or shamed? Am I supposed to react angrily and say something nasty so you can point at me and claim that I’m one of those terrible name-calling feminists? Does it make it easier to dismiss whatever I have to say if you can pigeonhole me into some ridiculously inaccurate caricature?
        So, you did some Internet stalking and found a few tidbits about my life, which you completely took out of context and twisted around. I could sit here and point out every inaccuracy and flat-out lie in your comment (and also list all of the positive things about my life that you conveniently omitted), but there’s not much point. It’s actually almost funny how COMPLETELY wrong you got me.
        But you know, here’s the thing: I do put my life online in my blog. I don’t hide my flaws and screw-ups. I admit them, because I believe that it’s both our successes AND our failures that make us who we are. But at least I had the guts to post a comment on this site under my actual name with a link to my actual blog. Which is more than I can say for you, Mr. Anonymous.
        Funny, I thought this was supposed to be a site for big brave masculine manly men. Not very brave to try to do an Internet takedown as “Anonymous,” if you ask me.

        1. Don’t fall for the flame-baiting cindyw. In reality, no one really reads the trash talk once they realize that’s all it is.

        2. Thanks. I appreciate that at least your responses were thoughtfully considered, even if our viewpoints differ.

        3. You’re welcome.
          There’s no problem with having different viewpoints. Everybody travels a different path in life. I always try to encourage people to speak up (aside from the trolling of course).

  25. I don’t really know why I’m even bothering to type this. And before any of y’all call me out for being fat myself: I’m a size 8-10; not super-skinny, not obese, somewhere in the middle, I’m also 37 and I’ve had 2 kids so what-the-fuck-ever, I’m fine with my body. I’m also in a committed relationship so I’m not trying to date/have sex with any of y’all. Consider that my disclaimer.
    But! When I was doing online dating, the thing I found is that misrepresentation is rampant on both sides. I cannot tell you how many times I went out with a guy who said he was 5’9″, only to find out that my 5’5″ self was taller than him. Or the guys who only post pictures wearing baseball caps to cover up their receding hairlines. I even went out with one guy who turned out to be in a wheelchair (not like he broke his leg and was temporarily incapacitated – I mean, he was paralyzed from the waist down and was never going to walk again), and nowhere in his profile did he mention any type of disability.
    So, I suppose I can see how guys may not like it if they think they’re going out with a certain type of girl and then realize that she looks completely unlike their expectations. But can’t you see how women would find it equally disappointing to be on the other side of that date too? And yet I don’t see any “male-pattern baldness shaming week” or “short guy shaming week” (or for that matter “handicapped shaming week”) sites cropping up. Interesting that it’s only the guys who seem to be vocally bitching about being deceived, even though – as far as I can tell – this stuff happens equally in the realm of online dating.

  26. Just wondering, do you have the rights to use these photos? If you don’t, and someone finds out, you’re going to get ass-raped in prison, misogynist scum.

    1. Rape jokes are funny!
      All the prison rape that happens in India, South America, and Asia (to women) is hilarious!
      Right, feminist?

    1. No. Short men can’t help being short and it’s not reflection on who they are. Body shape, on the other hand has a lot to do with personal action and IS a reflection of the person (kind of like trolling you know).

      1. Height is biological and unchangeable by regular human means.
        On the other hand, weight is almost the essence of what is means for a human measurement to be changeable.
        Oh, and do you think anti-fat statements are bad?
        Check out the bigotry and hatred toward short men —
        Twitter: @expsnghghtsm
        “Short guys don’t deserve girlfriends. They might as well take it in the ass.”
        “Death to short men

        1. Good point.
          The vitriol that comes from short-haters is really indicative of the self-esteem issues they harbor within themselves.
          Apparently every single apologist here ignores this alarmingly pervasive attitude in their peerage.

  27. Ladies. Stop commenting on this article. It’s not worth it and a waste of time. Let these guys with their way of thinking. You are not going to chance their minds anyways.

    1. People could alter opinion if they offered real insight instead of the usual name-calling or condescending tones.

      1. It seems that you’ve already made up your mind. You have already patronized overweight women in the worse possible way. I’m not going to lie. I don’t like when people deceive others about the way they look but this issue goes both ways for male and female alike. Plus since I’ve never had a profile on any dating website, I can’t give you a real opinion on the matter.
        You probably couldn’t care less about this but overweight is a serious problem, specially in the US. Some people are overweight because of a disease, others because of depression and low self esteem and million different reasons. There is no denying that some people are just plain lazy and don’t care to eat healthy or have a more active life but you don’t win anything by shaming them. I take that last bit back. I bet this website have gain a lot of hits because of articles like this. Plus a lot of rage and discontent from women. So people like you feel super happy to look down at women.
        I blame the weight problem mainly on society and the media. While the entertainment industry, specially in fashion, teach girls to be barbie dolls and anorexic, the advertising industry help companies sells their unhealthy products. Plus some of the food we eat has chemical components that has the same addicting effects of drugs. The steroids and preservatives in the food are also terrible for the body. If you teach kids early on the value of eating healthy you will not have to face with so many overweight people. But not everybody knows or cares to know about these facts.
        I believe most overweight people try really hard to loose weight than you think. This is an issue very delicate for women. But since this blog is clearly for manly macho men who think women are worth crap then my statement above remains the same. Not worth trying to change your mind.
        Have a great day.

        1. __Maid up Mined__
          >>>Twisted Sister said:
          It seems that you’ve already made up your mind. You have already patronized overweight women in the worse possible way. I’m not going to lie. I don’t like when people deceive others about the way they look but this issue goes both ways for male and female alike. Plus since I’ve never had a profile on any dating website, I can’t give you a real opinion on the matter.
          No. We give you a chance to provide real insight and you open with, “it seems that you have already made up your mind.” If anything this is the projection of how critics here only want to force their ideas on others and attempt to pre-empt any question of it as that a product of alleged closed-mindedness. If it were truly that protagonists didn’t want to hear any opposing view, why would there even be a comment section?
          There has been no question that the both genders apply deception (and that was very recently covered to). Couching it that way is only trying to make it seem that people weren’t aware of it.
          If you cannot give any real opinion, then why suggest to others that they aren’t correct in their assessment?
          __Behind the Scenes__
          >>>Twisted Sister said:
          You probably couldn’t care less about this but overweight is a serious problem, specially in the US. Some people are overweight because of a disease, others because of depression and low self esteem and million different reasons. There is no denying that some people are just plain lazy and don’t care to eat healthy or have a more active life but you don’t win anything by shaming them. I take that last bit back. I bet this website have gain a lot of hits because of articles like this. Plus a lot of rage and discontent from women. So people like you feel super happy to look down at women.
          Why do people think that anyone is trying to affect the behaviour of people with higher body-fat here? It has been explained on numerous occasions that this article is really a backlash on the “Everyone is Beautiful” movement that is literally being forced down everybody’s throats.
          The article is so off-the-wall that no one should really take it seriously. It’s similar to that old Randy Newman song about “Short People”. Who really took that seriously? Did we see a huge contingent of short people asking to have everyone who listened or played that song have their genitals mutilated? Did people go around saying that it’s not winning anyone over? Seriously.
          Fat men are made a mockery of on a regular basis. Do you see men protesting Fox Studios to have Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson be NOT portrayed as buffoons? No. Most guys understand that it is satire.
          The truth is that it DOES hit a chord because there IS the realization that perhaps there is some truth that attractiveness DOES have a distribution that IS affected by body shape. However, it is woe to anyone for bringing it up.
          “So people like you feel super happy to look down at women”?
          That is the expected misrepresentation of your opposition in order to have a criticism.
          Firstly it still isn’t ALL women. The satire is in response to those who think that they are equal to everyone regardless of personal effort. There are many women, and most if not all of them aren’t even reading this blog, who do what it takes to maintain a good body shape. By good body shape, don’t even try to apply some extremist view of “oh, you mean a Barbie Doll figure”. No, ask any guy. They admire women who are relatively fit. They don’t DEMAND a fitness model. Have a look. It is always critics that claim men want super sleek magazine models. That is just using an extreme to rationalize the “right” to bash men.
          Am I “personally” happy that you see all these enraged critics? Well, “personal opinions” are moot as far as the exploring the cause of these things is concerned. It’s logical deduction that counts. However, while I have empathy for those who have challenges in reducing body fat (or gaining body mass in some cases), I have no such compassion for those who wilfully attempt to bully others because they don’t have a refutation. No one says maintaining a good body shape is easy, but that is no reason to be childish.
          Ask yourself, why do these critics come here shout insults and suggest physical violence? It isn’t because they have a real point. If they had a real argument against the article, they would use it. It is a much better way to silence it. No. It is because they wish to cause injury to those who talk about something THEY don’t want to hear about. That is bullying.
          __Blame Game__
          >>>Twisted Sister said:
          I blame the weight problem mainly on society and the media. While the entertainment industry, specially in fashion, teach girls to be barbie dolls and anorexic, the advertising industry help companies sells their unhealthy products. Plus some of the food we eat has chemical components that has the same addicting effects of drugs. The steroids and preservatives in the food are also terrible for the body. If you teach kids early on the value of eating healthy you will not have to face with so many overweight people. But not everybody knows or cares to know about these facts.
          There in lies the crux of the issue. Looking outside and blaming media and societal pressures for having influence above and beyond one’s OWN will is NOT taking personal responsibility. It’s always SOMEONE ELSE’S fault.
          Certainly the media promotes idealized body shape to both young women and young men. However, that does not explain excess body fat. In fact, it should explain a lack of it. Further more, you would see a similar rate of young men having the same kind of anxiety about not looking like an action figure. Yet do we? The media has influence on the desire for certain body shapes, but it doesn’t explain the levels of excess body fat we see.
          In a given society, practically everybody is exposed to the same foods. There may be differences at the upper and lower boundaries of social-economic status, but generally the nutritional environment is similar. The abundance of high carbohydrate foods, without an adequate amount of exercise may cause excess body fat, but that alone is not an excuse, especially when we consider your first point about media influence.
          Not everybody knows or cares. Yes, and whose fault is that? Let me guess. It’s not the person: it’s society. Can you not see that it is a cop-out?
          The truth is this…
          When people are told they don’t have to try (as in “Everyone is beautiful”) then we promote an attitude of irreverence to personal responsibility. Why take the effort? It’s not my fault (it’s society and the media). Why try at all (I’m beautiful in my own way). I shouldn’t feel any anxiety about my body image and if I do it’s the fault of others not respecting my “brand”.
          Can you really not see that this attitude of “it’s never my own responsibility” is really DENIAL?
          It is this DENIAL that spawns all of this anger and hostility. The parody exposes the truth that PERSONAL EFFORT is, by far, the greatest influence in one’s body shape. It exposes the truth that if one were truly comfortable with their body shape, all this “shaming” would be rather ineffective.
          Change your body shape if YOU want to change it. Like your body shape AND accept that others may NOT find it adequate for their definition of good enough. Realize that all aspects within your control IS a measure of you. Denial is only a thin veneer that is easily stripped away.
          __Pound Off__
          >>>Twisted Sister said:
          I believe most overweight people try really hard to loose weight than you think. This is an issue very delicate for women. But since this blog is clearly for manly macho men who think women are worth crap then my statement above remains the same. Not worth trying to change your mind.
          No, the raw truth is that they really don’t try as hard as they think they do. No one who has sculpted a physique will tell you that it’s easy. That isn’t suggesting that everybody get to an award winning fitness model shape. Like acquiring a professional skill, dressing like a winner, etc… it takes effort. No one hands it to you just for being human. YOU are the results of YOU.
          Being sensitive to an issue is not an excuse for the hostility exhibited here. Most of the critics here seem to think that the penalty of bodily harm and mutilation is perfectly appropriate for men who agree with the article’s implications. There is no doubt that the topic evokes a lot of emotions. Have a look at the roots of those emotions. They are all about the real world not meeting the expectations of the fantasy. Re-read the last paragraph of the previous section.
          This blog is clearly for macho men who think women are crap? No. Again if it were, you wouldn’t even get the opportunity to post a response. The men are neither stereotypical “macho” man, nor do they think women are crap. As far as changing the minds of anyone, if you present solid arguments they will be entertained.
          >>>Twisted Sister said:
          Have a great day.
          Always do. That’s actually easy to achieve. Have one too.

        2. Do you want actual responses to your charges?
          Or do you just want to rage with a mix of half-truth nonsense and blame for everyone else?

        3. Just like the usual feminist troll. Drop out a steaming mess of disguised as a thoughtful revelation. Get shot down by guys who see through the act. Then delete your sign-in (Twisted Sister in this case) as you run away.
          Feminists want to be treated as equals but apparently are not MAN enough to admit when they are wrong.
          You prove yourselves undeserving. Again.

        4. Twisted Sister (now “Guest”)
          It’s a shame to see you go.
          Hopefully you took the time to read our responses here. This thread is about how people are tired of the trickery that some women apply in order to sell their profile.
          This website is a representation of the growing disrespect for bullies that hide behind “equal rights” advocacy to wage a campaign of hostility fueled by their denial of self-inflicted inadequacy. The website is not about “hating women” as these egotistical thought-terrorists love to use as justification for their despicable methods.
          Really. What you see from them is no different than what we see from every fundamentalist group: “It’s our right to be hostile and wish or execute physical harm because WE have been so-hard done by, and all of you are unworthy of existing.”
          See the truth. Be the difference.

    2. No ones going to miss another troll who says she’s above all these guys as a defence mechanism. You can’t change minds with the typical non-logic.

    1. There are plenty of other websites that have articles on that topic.
      Feel free to use that new invention called Google to find them.
      Or start your own website and write an article on that.
      p.s. many other articles on this website discuss the problem of *everyone* in society getting fatter and give advice on staying in shape — including men

    2. This article is for men, to help them identify women who lie about their bodies. The website is called “returnofkings” not “returnofqueens”, it’s pretty clear that this is a site made for men. There are plenty of gender specific sites out there for men and women – try google.

  28. Dear dudes that post on this thread,
    The issue with a lot of your comments is: if you want to date attractive women, you have to be attractive yourself. I find it hard to believe that the dozens of men that left comments on here are all attractive (in fact, I bet most of you are ugly as sin).
    We do not want to date you fat asses (Fat shaming week applies for men too, right?) and caress your hairy, sweaty backs. We do not want to hang out with you while you play video games and attack a bag of cheetos and gorge on day old pizza.
    If you are not HOT, you do not deserve a HOT girl.
    The reason I know why most of you are not even slightly attractive, it’s because right bellow “follow us on facebook” you can see the people that actually like this page on FB. Ugh…..not very cute. Just sayin’.

    1. HEAR, HEAR!!! Attractive guys don’t sit and write posts about how to get hot chicks, nor do they leave comments on said post, BECAUSE THEY ARE OUT BEING ATTRACTIVE GUYS AND GETTING CHICKS. If you have the time to be wasting on crap like this, you are as bad as the fat, lazy, Doritos-eating loser boys you all hate on 😛 (Me, I know I have nothing better to do inbetween cleaning up the house after my BF and his cousins every day, and I also know that I’m not attractive, so say what you will in retaliation, because honestly there is NOTHING)

      1. I will have to agree that absolutely NO hot guy must be reading and commenting on this thread. Hot guys just…. don’t do that.
        So fatty dudes that are commenting on here, please stop shamming fat girls, they are your only hope of ever getting laid!
        From my experience, ugly dudes are the most hateful.

        1. If you are indeed a hot dude, go out there and MACK IT UP, because seriously, I can’t remember the last time I saw a hot dude in public without a stripper hanging off his arm (or not dressed like some Jersey Shore douche)… Not like I expect him to hit on me (as I stated, I have an effed-up face), but that doesn’t mean I can’t like looking! So, Hot Dudes, if you are out there… Go be in public and not a douche! 😀

    2. Butbutbut… for ugly cavetrollmen it’s all GENETICS!!! How dare you attack anyone for their genetics? They can’t do a single thing about their appearance, and much less about their lack of charisma and their douche behavior, they were born this way and you shouldn’t shame them for it, you… feminist hags! ¬_¬

  29. Ok, really not trying to hog the comments, but I’m actually interested now and I think I’ll hang around (now that the initial throwing of insults has been done and over with) because it’s kind of interesting and I can learn new things 😛
    I’ll leave this link as a good example of why us wimmins use makeup – I think you guys will agree with the reactions to the “glam-ed up” look.

  30. As a woman who does have curves- which I guess you narrow minded men equate to as “having weight”, I am so offended by your narrow minded-ness that I don’t even know where to begin. I could rant on that men don’t represent themselves on dating sites realistically either. I can’t tell you how many times I showed up for a date where the guy had less hair than in the photos- or more of a beer gut than in the photos. I have never had a problem getting attention- because believe it or not- many many men have not fallen prey to the airbrushed unrealistically proportioned women the media tries to sell you. The average woman in the United States is a size 12- so if you have a fetish for a woman who looks like a little girl or a flat chested boy for that matter- then maybe you should get on the more “specialized” dating sites. If you like coat hangers with fake tits- you can get your needs met any number of ways. At the end of the day, is it really necessary to belittle a group of people just because they are not what you personally are attracted to? I would not be attracted to your misogynistic bullshit. I could publicly post a comment about how most men who feel the way you do want to keep women down and make them feel bad about themselves because they are afraid of the power that women have (have small dicks). I am sure I could get a bunch of women to respond enthusiastically in my favor on this theory- but that wouldn’t make it truth and it wouldn’t make it right. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are no shortage of men who love larger women. You are doing yourself an injustice if you write off people based upon a few extra pounds- we all come in different packages with different things to offer. You are entitled to your own tastes- but you are so at fault for assuming that anything that isn’t to your liking is worthy of ridicule and something to poke fun at. It would not surprise me to find out that you are single- or unsatisfied in your relationships- because you obviously long for Barbie- and probably with no personality so you can walk all over her. I pity you. No matter how good looking you think you are, the ugliness inside of you will prevail and no really great woman will want to be with you.

    1. To call yourself curvy, you have to have curves in the right places. Your bust, waist, hips and butt. Not your stomach gut, neck lard and flabby arms. THOSE ARE NOT CURVES.

    1. There’s always one idiot who tries to correct you on something and then turns out be dead wrong. It wouldn’t be a comment section for one of my article if this didn’t happen.

  31. Or we could just all be goddamn honest, show current pictures of what we really look like, and stop treating trying to find a real mate like a game where the opposite gender is the enemy team. How about that?

    1. Agreed. But how will you get most women to comply with those rules?
      Go to YouTube and search for:
      “how to look pretty when your ugly” [sic]
      “how to look skinny in pictures
      Think about how ingrained this behavior is. Figure out a plan to force women to use truthful photos (????)

  32. Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, jews and muslims, crocodiles and aligators, aliens and alienesses; this article was created for the sole purpose of addressing this serious epidemic; Secret Internet Fatties. You people are all writing
    They’re everywhere, really, and its important to raise awareness and give men the tools in identifying and spotting these SIF’s. You all need to stop fighting and unite in defending ourselves from the fatty scurge! We can’t let them fool us!

  33. This is pretty insulting, and seems like it would be insulting to women in general.
    If any guy fails to date someone, just because a girl is overweight, or makes alot of cliche jokes, or has some “stereotype” that you have taken the liberty of inventing.
    If your truly, honestly, that blind, and naive to see the world in such a close minded and asinine way, good luck finding a lady to ever stay with you, then again, with a mindset like yours, i think sleeping around is a given.

    1. Please look at the earlier comments before commenting here.
      We’ve already discussed this ad nauseum.
      This article is about deception through photos.

    2. Why is it that girls can state their prince charming qualities but when a guy states the qualities he is looking for, it is “insulting”? Some guys don’t like fat girls. Period.

    3. I don’t think this is insulting to women in general. I think the ones who are getting offended the most here are the subset of women who lie in the ways described in the article, or the ones who believe that physical attractiveness should not be a factor at all in choosing a mate.
      The latter is a silly notion. A heterosexual man can have male friends with great personalities. Why doesn’t the man start a sexual relationship with his male friends? Because he’s heterosexual and not sexually attracted to them. If a man is not physically attracted to a woman because she is too fat for him, then why is she in a different position from his male friends, whom he is also not attracted too? Sexual attraction is part of a sexual relationship. The women who are name calling here are largely (pun intended) those who fail to understand this point.

  34. Before we meet, I always ask the Internet girl to take a photo of herself holding that day’s newspaper or that week’s People Magazine–like hostages are known to do. If she refuses, the date is off. Better safe than fat, er, sorry.

    1. Ehh….that’s a bit too much. Just use the tips here and use your intuition. If it all ends up being wrong and she IS fat when she turns up, just delete her and never contact her again.

      1. Is she can take a selfie, she can take a selfie with a magazine in her hand. I don’t want to get all gussied up and possibly travel a long distance only to be disappointed when she arrives at the restaurant or wherever. Time to take the guesswork out of dating.

        1. True. I guess if it’s a long distance thing, someone wouldn’t really like to waste their time and money. The girls I usually meet though are always in my city so it’s typically a walk or short ride to the meeting location.

  35. This is stupid. Anyone agreeing with this is stupid and everyone getting their panties in a bunch over this is stupid. Who gives a shit? It’s someone’s ignorant opinion. Some people don’t like fat chicks. Some guys do. Get over it. Sure fat shaming is fucking moronic, but getting angry about it is giving them more power. Just fucking ignore it if you don’t like it and if you do like it, carry on with your high school attitudes about beauty.

    1. You didn’t take your own advice, and you got your panties in a bunch. You fat fuck.

    2. I’ll translate this from feminist-speak.
      I am stupid. Anyone who opines that things are “stupid” is usually unable to argue against it (just like I am doing here). My panties are in a bunch. I give a giant turd because I can face it that I am wrong. Some guys don’t like fat chicks. Some have a fetish for it. I need to get over it. Sure, fat shaming is just that, but I get angry because I have issues with myself (unlike all the guys here who really don’t care when feminists call them whiny bitches). I’ll ask every one to ignore things but I just can’t because I don’t want to admit the problem is me.

  36. Where is YOUR picture, hot stuff? I suspect you’re the chubby dork at the beach, still in a t-shirt…. Typical chub-nerd, pissed off the prom queen never noticed you…

    1. Actually, what I meant was…..
      I have no real case against you, so I will claim that you are some rejected fat dork. Never mind that regardless of how the author looks, the 10-tell-tale signs that shes a secret internet fatty are still true.
      Im a typical angry fat feminist commenter, I mean troller. I cant deny that these SIFs do this. So I’ll just come up the the usual boring insults. Then I’ll go eat another tub of ice cream and troll along.

  37. I found this article hilarious, especially since as a girl, I’ve seen these techniques in use. I can confirm, we know what our best & worst physical features are. On the other hand, what a catch22! I used to be the type of girl who would post daily pix of myself in scantily clad clothing, & from all angles. Till, I realized that made my guy friends girlfriends dislike me, & that it made guys think I that they had a chance at fucking me.

  38. Lmao, tuthmosis thinks he’s a badass vagrant wanderer because he “splits his time between various cities”. sad.

  39. Wow. This may be the most retarded website that has ever graced the internet. Good job. You make us decent guys seem like ignorant assholes. Bravo.

    1. Why don’t you go cry some more into your fat “girlfriend’s” gut, you white knight mangina

    2. You’re not a decent guy. You’re not even a guy. You’re just the usual feminist ranter that pretends to be some white knight. So, listing the ways that women deceive others is retarded? No. You are just trying to shame people for telling the truth. Get a life you trolling loser.

    1. There’s already an article for the simple-minded fem-losers. it’s called 7-most-common-feminist-insults. lol. your unoriginal attempt is part of that list. Man hating fat dykes are so dumbass. .

      1. Ooooh. All these unhappy boys commiserating together on the internet. Meanwhile, you’re the ones not dating, or, iIsuspect, having any friendship with women since you’ve already decided they’re either too ugly for you or, if they won’t look at you twice, then they’re evil sluts. Get over yourself and have a long talk with your parents about where they went wrong.

        1. Yeeeah. All these unhappy fat fugly woman trolling on the internet. Meanwhile, you’re the ones posting on a Saturday, or we all suspect while having no hope of being with a real man because you’ve been adjusting your profile on Plenty of Cows to look far more attractive than you really are. If you took an honest look in the mirror you’d realize that you are the problem that makes online dating so horrid. Get over yourself and have a long look at why you have so much hostility when some person has posted the truth about the lying that the typical entitled fattie does on a dating site.

  40. What about the 10 signs that would warn a woman she’s about to go on a date with someone like you?

    1. Go ahead and create one. However, you would have to describe what the someone is like. There’s nothing here as the author is writing about the lies and tricks that internet fatties use to boost up their image online.
      Try writing something a little less stereotypically vacant than that response, troll.

  41. Very funny. It reminds me the kids who bullied at schools. Every school have one. Yes, the one who have a miserable life now. The one all the girls avoid and will ever avoid. No. Not the girls actually; but every right-minded people in the world.
    Haha. Hope it’s not your case.

  42. Well, not alway true. Some people just don’t look too good on photos but are really beautiful in real life. And some girls do ugly in real life, skinny or not. I’m a girl and i hate photos but a lot of handsome guys are interested in me. Don’t judge a person to a photo, you can always have good surprises.

    1. tl;dr: Girl who is not pretty (as proven in photos) think she’s hot because some thirsty dudes tried to sleep with her.
      Ready, set, hamster!

    2. Yeh. Let’s just use the exception to the rule as if it completely rules out what this article is saying… NOT.
      Don’t judge by a photo? Then tell online dating sites to remove photos altogether. That way it fair for all. No. The photos section should actually be enhanced to include ENFORCEMENT of current photos that don’t use the trickery mentioned here.
      You will find it’s women that “judge” on stupid things far more than men do. Get over it. This article is showing the true face of women that hide behind lies.

  43. Instead of making a list of ways to avoid people you know you won’t be attracted to, why not make something positive about the people you actually will be attracted to. That way you don’t bring down an entire group of people by making them feel bad about who they are, instead you express the values you’re looking for in the people you meet (online or not).
    The content itself isn’t really the main problem, it’s the process that led to making so many misjudgements about people who, as you clearly explained, you don’t date or hang out with.
    You definatly think too highly of youself if you think you can rightly make assumptions like this, and no, the internet does’nt free you from certain moral values like respect and tolerance.

    1. “Blah blah blah blah blah blah…..”
      Don’t like the article? Want to read something else?
      Use that magic device called Google to find the article you’d prefer to read

    2. This list is made to show the ways these people are deceiving the those who look at dating profiles online. Even if it that brought down the the deceivers it is no reason to not provide this useful insight. Your advice would be like saying, “don’t tell people how to spot a thief because it will make the thieves feel badly (never mind that they are cheating others).”
      The content of this article isn’t a problem and neither is the process. There is hardly any misjudgement since it is rare that only one of these tricks are used. It is common sense that when you see many of these deceptions in play, you are encountering a dishonest individual. The collateral damage on those being honest, but say, really unaware of how that carefully angled photograph is similar to what a deceptive person uses is minor. Even then, it is hardly a reason to not point out these standard bad practices.
      You definitely are applying the usual insincerity to why you are trying to shame people into silence on this. Feigned morality doesn’t hide this agenda.

  44. How about writing “10 things that denote he’s an asshole”. The first on the list is “he writes articles about bashing fat girls”.

    1. Remember, people (well, men) are not allowed to have preferences about who they date… or to discuss those preferences….
      Right, feminist?

  45. This is one of the most disgusting things I have witnessed. This website has a plethora of disgusting mannerisms, and this is just douchebaggery. Literally every one of you who go on here religiously, you have a scumbag-esque personality already there, and it’s growing. Fat shaming, ANY kind of shaming is wrong. You are all so delusional. Shout out to the bigger, beautiful ladies.

  46. Love the double standard here. I’m sure the male authors on this site are all amazingly fit and trim.

  47. TUTHMOSIS- you are officially the biggest piece of shit that ever walked this planet. I would love to have a SHAME SHITTY WRITERS WEEK. You only show your own weakness when you can only find stories concerning other people’s flaws. Maybe you are a secret fatty!! You are probably worse…. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have girls tied up in your basement. PRICK.

    1. Hmmm… this is actually a mildly clever change of the usual “Your [sic] a Rapist!!!” insult…. . “You’re a psycho killer.”
      A- trolling, not bad…

  48. …Articles like this make me realize we need a new plague. Fuck you and your “feminist logic.”
    No, dumb ass, there is no “feminist logic” here. It’s called being a decent human.
    But hey, I mean who am I to talk to you about decency?
    I feel sorry for you but go live in a cave somewhere.

    1. Feminist logic:
      * Reads articles by man discussing his dating preferences
      * Calls for horrible deaths of people who would discuss such a thing
      * Decries lack of “decent humans”

  49. Why do men and women feel the need to argue over who’s the better sex? Both genders have their fair share of terrible people.

  50. How DARE you judge a person based on their appearance. You should feel ashamed of yourself as well as whoever raised you. You’re a disgrace.

  51. I don’t really care about the sentiment of the article, but it’s WRONG.
    1. Fat girls don’t dare talk about food on the internet…the only bitches that talk about food are athletes (because they can intake a crazy amount of calories) and chicks that are naturally skinny. So if she DOESN’T talk about food, that’s more of a sign.
    2. Collar bones are not the same person to person. The woman you used to depict this phenomenon is a great example, because you can tell from her arm that she IS an average weight, her collar bones are just not prominent. I’m 20lbs “overweight” by BMI, and mine still stand out in any position.
    3. The same goes with hands. A persons hand shape and size have more to do with their genetics than their weight. Again, the bones on my hands can be seen moving through my skin, right now as I’m typing, and again, I’m “overweight”

    1. 1. Plenty of girls put up photos on Instagram of their meals, go to the new hot restaurants listed on Yelp, and go for cupcakes. And plenty of those girls are well into the overweight-category and have a body fat percentage of about 30-40%.
      2. Collar bones are a good shortcut for figuring out a woman’s body fat percentage. You might be an example of fat being store viscerally and mostly in the midsection. If so, be glad.
      BTW, if you’re one of those nutcases who insist that the BMI is horribly wrong (which it can be — for top athletes and the weirdly proportioned), then try measuring your body fat percentage and get back to us.
      3. A fat person will generally eventually have fat hands. If it doesn’t show up yet, then feel lucky, and get back to the gym.

  52. God. You are one demented fuck face. I imagine you have a lot of pimples and end up with toilet paper bits in your pubic hair – you know, the kid fat girls like to chew on after they suck your fucked up dick. Pig.

    1. Yeah, I mean heaven forbid he should talk about his dating preferences in this article, right?

  53. I would just like to point out something calmly… to the author of this article, get a life. I do not apologize that we are not your ideal image of the perfect sized woman.
    I’m perfectly fine with my size, i’m not thin like the computer generated supermodels in your fantasy football game.

    1. Good for you, sweetie. You get a pat on the head.
      This article is about women who lie about their fatness.

      1. Maybe one reason why others hide their fatness is because they get bullied constantly day and night by pieces of kaiju shit like this author.
        I’ve had many friends deal with people like this. And it’s because of those people that many commit suicide because no one shows any kindness to them after the crap they have done

        1. There will always be assholes who insult others. They are the minority. The overwhelming majority of people don’t go out of their way to insult every fat person they happen to encounter.
          Being insulted is not an excuse to lie to others to try to trick them into wasting their time and money to date you when they are not attracted to you. Being wronged does not justify you to wrong another.
          What is so hard about being honest? If you are fat, be honest about it, I’m sure there’s a chubby chaser for you. If you lie to somebody, you can rightly expect a negative reaction from them.

    2. Nobody cares if you’re fat. This article is about spotting liars. If you’re fat and honest about it, then good for you, more power to you. There are men who are attracted to all different kinds of body types.

  54. Do you know why you’ve not heard many rape jokes??
    Because you’re entire life is a rape joke!!
    hurrr hurr hurr
    No but seriously, I’ve read quite a bit of your stuff now, and I’m fairly certain you are a closet gay, all these articles just reek of repressed angst towards the sex you cant truly comprehend (but can trick into sleeping with you).
    You write opinion pieces justifying a small minorities repressed and barely concealed hatred (which I suspect is just insecurity turned out towards the world) so it’s not your prose or skill as a writer that’s given you a platform (I’ve read cereal packets that are more informative) but rather the joint abandonment of shame & adoption of anonymity that allows you to be the voice of over-compensating, over-masculine, deeply depressed men everywhere.
    Also yes, scandal = traffic, ergo you = dickhead on purpose, I get that, so no need to offer your standard set of ‘i-know-you-are-but-what-am-i’ rebuttals, as they won’t be read.
    Ps. Just wanted to stress the cereal packet thing, your actual STYLE of writing is too disengaging, messy and unprofessional to function (I guess your reliance on hyperbolic lists compensates for both this, and the stunted attention span of your readers?) so please go back to school or ask people to be honest in future, thanks.

    1. Wow, you posted this comment on 3 different articles here.
      You are one homophobic piece of shit.

  55. Do you know why you’ve not heard many rape jokes??
    Because you’re entire life is a rape joke!!
    hurrr hurr hurr
    No but seriously, I’ve read quite a bit of your stuff now, and I’m fairly certain you are a closet gay, all these articles just reek of repressed angst towards the sex you cant truly comprehend (but can trick into sleeping with you).
    You write opinion pieces justifying a small minorities repressed and barely concealed hatred (which I suspect is just insecurity turned out towards the world) so it’s not your prose or skill as a writer that’s given you a platform (I’ve read cereal packets that are more informative) but rather the joint abandonment of shame & adoption of anonymity that allows you to be the voice of over-compensating, over-masculine, deeply depressed men everywhere.
    Also yes, scandal = traffic, ergo you = dickhead on purpose, I get that, so no need to offer your standard set of ‘i-know-you-are-but-what-am-i’ rebuttals, as they won’t be read.
    Ps. Just wanted to stress the cereal packet thing, your actual STYLE of writing is too disengaging, messy and unprofessional to function (I guess your reliance on hyperbolic lists compensates for both this, and the stunted attention span of your readers?) so please go back to school or ask people to be honest in future, thanks.

    1. Oh, a homosexuality accusation to express your rage toward the writer…
      Nice homophobia there, feminist.

  56. You are a sad, horrible man. You have no understanding of women, you promote rape, fat/slut shaming, eating disorders… where you repeatedly dropped on your head as a child? Did your parents really hate you? Just curious as to where this hate comes from. What the hell has happened to you to turn you into this revolting, anti social, profanity spewing pathetic excuse for a human being? Get help.

    1. Yes, clearly if a man writes an article discussing his dating preferences, he was dropped on his head a child.
      (By the way, nice comic use of child abuse imagery! Child abuse is always good for a laugh…)

  57. Your posts are very rude. I really don’t appreciate any of this. You have unrealistic expectations for women, and you shame just about every group of them. This is not ok. None of these girls are even fat- not to mention, even if they were, what’s wrong with that? Guys are socially allowed to eat as much as they want and do whatever they want, and it doesn’t make sense that girls aren’t. I would advise you learn how to be a gentleman and knock off the sexism and the double-standard.

  58. What I don’t understand is why people seem so threatened by dating site ‘fraud’ (fat women not showing their fat in pictures) It’s like, if you’ve got ‘game’ why are you even on a dating site?

    1. …says the guy who reads and comments about tons of LGBT pedophilia cartoons (!)
      You would certainly be one to know about ‘not having game’, Elijah Elquest!

      1. That’s fair I suppose. I’ve been with the same woman for 4 years. So I don’t even know if I have dating “game”. But I used to. Now I don’t need it 🙂
        As for the LGBT comics, love them. But none of them are pedophilia? Ew?

  59. This article is garbage. I wanna say something to the writer. When you get older, start to sag maybe bald, and unable to get your tiny dick up anymore. Your gonna become undesirable and I’m gonna laugh cause you deserve a slap to the face for spewing such trash. Most likely you gonna end up alone the rest of your life anyways so enjoy being an arrogant prick cause karma’s gonna come bite you in the ass.

  60. But shouldn’t everyone post a photo that shows them looking their best? Also, I detected a flaw in this article. My college-age daughter is so thin it’s scary. But all three of her roommates (who are also her friends) are at the other end of the BMI spectrum… When I dipped my toes in the on-line dating pool, I was at a loss as to how to describe my body type. I want to say curves, because I have them (the good kind!), but I know if I do, the male reader will read “curves” and see “fat”.

    1. A photo of a woman at her best ≠ deceptive photo.
      Also, the word “curvy” has been spoiled by fat women. So, yes, avoid the word curvy, focus on your body fat percentage and weight. When a man looks at your photos in-depth, he’ll see for himself, whether he likes your looks.

  61. This blog and all of the others this “author” writes, scream insecure narcissistic douche bag. If you are happy with yourself and your life you wouldn’t be tearing others down.

  62. Honey, by that logic you’re probably an Internet fatty. You haven’t even posted a picture of yourself. Like I said earlier. Go fuck yourself in the asshole with a cactus and no lube.

  63. “She’s
    preparing for the zombie apocalypse. You should message her if you know
    the difference between to/too/two and there/they’re/their. She took a
    skydiving picture. She did a novelty race where they spray you with
    colored powder at the end.”
    ok yeah this kind of shit is the worst

  64. Wow, you’re an ignorant asshole.
    #1) I’m over weight.
    #2) I don’t have many body shots because I don’t have arms to reach out 5-6 feet in front of me.
    #3) I don’t generally eat very much. I have a picky diet and I WILL NOT take pictures of me eating.
    #4) Women aren’t ALWAYS stupid. I believe that stupidity among man-kind is general equal between men and women. This also goes with over-weight men and women, it’s typically equal.
    #5) I don’t lie and say I’m average. I’m not. I’m heavy-set and that is that. Granted, yes I am more proportionate compared to some over over weight people, but I will not lie.
    #6) “Sausage Fingers” can be there whether you’re over weight or not. My mother is 5’2, 130 pounds and is constantly lifting weights. Hand type is hand type.
    #7) Some of my more slender friends have less defined collar bones than me.
    You’re a sexist, arrogant man who is obviously also very lonely. The next time you decide to open your mouth maybe you should decide to look take a look in the mirror and while you’re at two other places: You’re personality and what’s in your pants.
    Maybe the immaturity you show to women has naught to do with how they treat you but with how insecure you are with your size.
    A fatty just makes you look smaller.

    1. Wow, you’re an ignorant asshole.

      This is completely unsubstantiated. Considering the poor logic within your post, it is more likely a rage-fueled opinion.

      #1) I’m over weight.

      While your own body shape is normally irrelevant to the discussion, that you voluntarily introduce it will be considered. As such, the lack of any substantial argument indicates a defensiveness around the subject rather than an objective view of the situation.

      #2) I don’t have many body shots because I don’t have arms to reach out 5-6 feet in front of me.

      The people who do have body shots also do not have arms that reach out 5 or 6 feet from their body, yet they manage to do it. Whether it is by directing the camera at a mirror, by timed shutter, or by the assistance of another person, they were capable of this. Your excuse is not only evasive, it is really quite poorly thought out.

      #3) I don’t generally eat very much. I have a picky diet and I WILL NOT take pictures of me eating.

      Being a subjective evaluation, “very much” is relative. Most people would be surprised to find out how little food represents the required caloric intake for a human. One’s body fat ratio is directly related to daily caloric intake and caloric output. It does not lie. No matter what one’s “glandular” conditions are, the body fat ratio is still tied to the daily caloric budget.
      You may not personally take pictures, but a sample set of one (and a biased one at that) does not negate a trend.

      #4) Women aren’t ALWAYS stupid. I believe that stupidity among man-kind is general equal between men and women. This also goes with over-weight men and women, it’s typically equal.

      That is neither here not there. It is merely an attempt to deflect the argument. While general stupidity is likely agnostic to the sexual orientation of the individual, that statistic is meaningless to the discussion.
      What is important to note is that the population of women who attempt a rebuttal here exhibit a high degree of immaturity as well as inability to form a logical foundation. While this could be a skewed representation, it does point to towards a higher percentage of childish behavior among females. It is likely that adequately mature females see no issue with these articles and don’t see any need to comment. Hence most of the critics here will be immature females.

      #5) I don’t lie and say I’m average. I’m not. I’m heavy-set and that is that. Granted, yes I am more proportionate compared to some over over weight people, but I will not lie.

      While you, individually, may not be liberal in self-assessment, that doesn’t mean that most of those with much higher-than-average body fat don’t.
      Even so, you are also de-emphasizing how most dating sites allow for really vague descriptions that create a more positive description of body shape. There is rarely a category of “I’m a land cetacean”. No. You will see, “a few extra pounds”, but never, “Way over average”.
      As far as “lying”, let us remind you about your “excuse” for not being able to take a full body shot. While one can pretend that they didn’t think of a way, it is unlikely that one was really trying. That is the kind of “lying” we are talking about.

      #6) “Sausage Fingers” can be there whether you’re over weight or not. My mother is 5’2, 130 pounds and is constantly lifting weights. Hand type is hand type.

      While there are exceptions to any rule, there is a low probability that people with a lower than average body fat ratio will have “sausage fingers”. When fat is noticeable on the extremities, it is unlikely that it isn’t noticeably deposited elsewhere on the body.
      While the common measurement of weight is used to proxy fat ratio, it doesn’t take into consideration the mass of higher than average muscle mass. Even so, by using higher muscle mass to claim that a higher body weight may not exhibit “sausage fingers” still doesn’t negate what the author is saying.
      You have not countered his argument.

      #7) Some of my more slender friends have less defined collar bones than me.

      While there are variations in how fat is laid down about one’s collar bone, the obscuring of them is still by body fat. If your more slender friends have a less defined collarbone, that still doesn’t indicate how defined yours is. You are merely using a relative scale. The point is that a hidden collarbone is hidden by… fat.

      You’re a sexist, arrogant man who is obviously also very lonely. The next time you decide to open your mouth maybe you should decide to look take a look in the mirror and while you’re at two other places: You’re personality and what’s in your pants.
      Maybe the immaturity you show to women has naught to do with how they treat you but with how insecure you are with your size.
      A fatty just makes you look smaller.

      Yes. The expected ad hominem in lieu of supported counterpoint. We weren’t expected anything else.
      How you decide that the author is “sexist” remains to be seen and it is likely only an “opinion” as there is nothing here that supports this notion. The same applies for the claim of “arrogance”, and “loneliness”. You are likely projecting your own biases onto others.
      The retreat to personal attack is a clear sign of the immaturity you accuse others of.
      Women who use these deceptive practices noted here are disrespecting those who they try to fool. As they (as in most of them) are looking for male attention it is the women who pro-actively mistreat men. Your accusation that it is the “insecurity” of the author is a fantasy (and likely projection of one’s own insecurity).
      In that way, a “fatty” makes herself look foolish. The author makes himself appear very observant of this.

  65. You know. Really, whether this is satire or not, it kinda makes a good point. As a girl who absolutely described herself as curvy (and has lost 80lbs and still does, woof) when she probably meant fat, it is totally normal that chicks do this online. And to that end, I say WHY. Just be fucking honest about what you look like, and there will always be dudes who are into that. Sure, the quality of dude (at least physically) improves as your weight drops, but there are lots of dudes who are into fat chicks, so why waste time tricking dudes into meeting you? Like. Just, why. Girls. Why.

  66. Why is everybody so pissed off. This happened to me and its not fair to trick someone into thinking you look a certain way when you don’t. I betray myself on the internet honestly and I expect the same. Shut the fuck up

  67. Thank you for this article. I am not attracted to unhealthy, unattractive women and I feel that the advice presented here will help me save a lot of time. Please do not pay any attention to the trolls in these comments posing as “outraged fatties/feminists”, as they are all 15 year old boys. Thank you again, Zed.

  68. The Myspace angle is classic. It is amazing how a well practiced fatty can make it work. Some of these fatties make themselves look almost skinny. That angle also hides the bags under their eyes and the jowls of facial fat.
    I have been fooled by this twice. No more.

  69. The best thing is fatties that fall in the middle of the fat range – and the whole nonsense about how media images of slender girls is destroying their lives, self worth, self confidence, etc. and they should be considered as fit and dated and desired. Bitch, just cuz you are in the 50th percentile for a nation of fat fucks don’t put you in the 50th percentile for the human race. I’m GLAD to chose from the 200+ OTHER COUNTRIES full of LEGITIMATE HUMAN BEINGS over you if you don’t start eating some salad

  70. BEING FAT IS OKAY. The word “fat” is being reclaimed, so everyone who thinks its an insult can get over themselves. Women are beautiful, no matter what they look like. The only people who are insulted by this article are the clueless men who wrote it.

    1. Yes, bring on Jabba the Huttess — all 400 pound of pepperoni breath of her!!
      Hawt stuff!

  71. Very entertaining read. Have met two of such SIFs in the past two months. I’m sure my fellow brothers would be able to relate with me. The feeling of being lied to.. the utter shockness.
    Now I know what to look out for. Kudos!

  72. All I really need to see on a profile is height and weight. If you aren’t wiling to divulge that information you aren’t getting on a date with me.

  73. Honestly, I would avoid online dating sites altogether. There are very few, if any, genuinely hot girls on online dating sites. Hot girls are fighting off guys with a stick in real life – no hot girl would need to turn to OkCupid to find guys. My experience with chicks on those sites has been that they’re the ones who can’t get guys in the real world, so they post a few flattering pictures of themselves and talk themselves up to make them look much better than they really are.
    One bad experience with OkCupid – I was talking to this girl for a couple of weeks, and then we met. She had only posted a pic of her face, and she had a really pretty face. Then we met in person, and I would estimate that she weighed close to 200 pounds. She had obviously taken a face pic of herself from a really flattering angle, or just put up a pic of herself from when she was younger and hotter before she got fat. I stuck out the date, but then just never got back to her again. Sorry, but I have no interest in banging a whale, even if she has a cute face. Still can’t believe I wasted weeks talking to her and thinking we might really have something.

    1. Well said — and it’s never quite clear what these fatties expect to happen once the guy sees the true extent of the situation (heh).
      Maybe they think the dude will be desperate enough to fuck her. And there probably are some thirsty guys out there. But self-respecting guys will call her out on her deceptive ways.

      1. I don’t see anything “deceptive” about it, unless she’s actually photoshopping the pic to make herself look thinner, using a pic from 5 years and 50 pounds ago, or something like that. As I stated in an earlier post, my overweight friend did this very same thing because she didn’t want to attract chubby chasers or shallow men who were all about the body.
        Calling a girl deceptive for just putting up a face pic is ridiculous. Ever consider that maybe she assumed that the guy would be interested in more than just her appearance? Obviously she knows that you’re going to meet eventually and she won’t be able to hide her body then – she’s probably just banking on the idea that MAYBE you’re actually a decent human being and are willing to give her a chance anyway, considering that you clearly enjoyed talking to her online. I could just as easily call the men here deceptive for not stating in capital letters on their profiles “NOT INTERESTED IN FATTIES” – you really should, so that these girls know not to waste their time with you.

        1. Not another one of these posts…
          Here is a hypothetical for you. A heterosexual man has male friends with great personalities. Why doesn’t the man start a sexual relationship with his male friends? Because he’s heterosexual and not sexually attracted to them.
          When he is faced with an unattractive women it is the exact same thing. If he’s not sexually attracted to her, why would he have a sexual relationship with her? She’s in the same boat as his male friends. Do not kid yourself. Sexual attraction is part of a sexual relationship.
          Attractive Body + Good Personality = Relationship Material
          Attractive Body + Bad Personality = One Night Stand
          Unattractive Body + Good Personality = Friend
          Unattractive Body + Bad Personality = Avoid

    2. So you liked talking her enough that you talked to her for weeks, and then some extra weight was enough for you to write her off completely. There’s no need to apologize – you did her a favor by not contacting her again. And who says she had any interest in sleeping with you – maybe she was a nice girl just looking to meet someone, who happened to be overweight.
      She can always lose the weight – it’ll be a lot harder to lose what it is that makes you such an asshole.

  74. I’m not overweight at all. In fact, I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in, having just completed one round each of Insanity and P90X. But when I was doing online dating, I only posted head shots, but not for the reasons you’re stating. I did it SPECIFICALLY because I wanted to avoid getting messages from assholes like you. I was specifically targeting guys who were not shallow and didn’t care about whether I had a hot body or not. And I could usually size them up by looking at their profiles and the way they answered questions – if any of their answers to the site’s questions indicated that they were shallow/superficial in any way or anything else that was a dealbreaker, I would immediately delete their messages from my inbox and never respond to them.
    Also, one of my best friends weighs 200 pounds, and from her perspective, she had slightly differing reasons for doing the same thing. She also thought that by putting up just a pic of her face, she would get responses from higher quality, less superficial men. And also, she’s trying to lose weight and does not want to date anyone with a fat fetish, which is probably largely what she would get if she posted a full body shot.

    1. In other words, you have just 1 of the 10 signs listed above, and were (allegedly) not overweight when your photos were taken, so other people’s experiences may no longer be discussed…
      Well, I see you’re putting your tuition money to good use at that Third Tier Toilet you’re attending. Good luck on the job market with those logic and critical thinking skills, sweetie.

      1. I didn’t say other people’s experiences may no longer be discussed. I was just giving an example of why at least one item on the list was pure and utter crap. And giving the example of my overweight friend who was only putting up a picture of her face because she didn’t want to attract chubby chasers or shallow guys like the ones on Return of Kings.
        And I’m having great luck on the job market and with making money. I know, I know, I’m a woman so it couldn’t matter less to anyone here how much money I make, but I’m still enjoying it.
        You’re the one with poor logic, or perhaps just poor English comprehension. Of course you decided to remain “anonymous” with that ridiculous post.

    2. Maybe if she doesn’t want a man who is going to encourage her to be fat, then she should lose the weight before dating. Thats part and parcel of being a fat chick, you are going to attract men often who specifically want fat chicks or men who don’t care about how fat their girlfriend or wife is and won’t facilitate a healthy lifestyle because it’s obviously not too much a priority to them.

  75. Technically, I posted pictures of my face because I didn’t want to lure horny perverts in by including cleavage/boob shots. On top of that, even my Facebook doesn’t have “recent” photos of me, because I don’t enjoy taking photos of myself, I like taking pictures of things around me. If the person who messaged me was interested in more than a casual hook-up and we seemed to have more to talk about than the weather or what-not, I would either exchange phone numbers for sending more photos or add him on Facebook (after a day or so of talking).

    1. Exactly. By posting only a picture of my face and being real about who I am in my profile, I’m hoping to attract guys who are capable of liking me for who I am rather than how I look. And I don’t want to post full body shots, because that would get me more messages from perverts who’d be thinking “ooh I want a piece of that.” Gross.

        1. Keep taking pictures of only your face and you merely sabotage your own chances. You’d be better off taking a real picture of your body. If you did, you might get a chubby chaser to call you up.
          Copied and pasted yet again, because this has not yet been responded to by anybody in the comments section:
          “Here is a hypothetical for you. A heterosexual man has male friends with great personalities. Why doesn’t the man start a sexual relationship with his male friends? Because he’s heterosexual and not sexually attracted to them.
          When he is faced with an unattractive women it is the exact same thing. If he’s not sexually attracted to her, why would he have a sexual relationship with her? She’s in the same boat as his male friends. Do not kid yourself. Sexual attraction is part of a sexual relationship.
          Attractive Body + Good Personality = Relationship Material
          Attractive Body + Bad Personality = One Night Stand
          Unattractive Body + Good Personality = Friend
          Unattractive Body + Bad Personality = Avoid”

  76. “a healthy dose of fornications, stories to tell, and—above all—wisdom.” Sure.

  77. Because God forbid you’re interested in anything more than her body… I understand that physical attraction absolutely comes into play when making a connection with someone, I get that. But to disregard an entire group of people because they don’t live up to your standards? Shameful. Not to mention, the most picky people I have ever encountered happened to be heavier men. Talk about double standard…..

    1. They are interested in her body. That doesn’t mean that they are interested in only her body. Do you understand?
      Attractive Body + Good Personality = Relationship Material
      Attractive Body + Bad Personality = One Night Stand
      Unattractive Body + Good Personality = Friend
      Unattractive Body + Bad Personality = Avoid

  78. Are you actually fucking kidding me?
    You wonder why girls are self concious about their body! It’s because assholes like you put articles like this on the internet. You disgust me. Size and weight shouldn’t matter to you, whatever happened to good old fashioned compassion and love?
    You all make me sick.

    1. Size and weight are ALL that matters when it comes to women.
      A fat woman is like a broke man — absolutely useless.

      1. if you believe that you are a disgusting human being and i hope you never get a chance to breed

      2. A broke man is not absolutely useless if he’s a good person. A man who posts stupid shit on the Internet, on the other hand…
        If you ever do get a woman – have fun with your skinny trophy wife who has no personality, intelligence, or anything else going for her other than an ability to get your dick hard. But then, given the level of intelligence in your posts, a brain dead bimbo with a great body would probably be perfect for you.

    2. Here is a hypothetical for you. A heterosexual man has male friends with great personalities. Why doesn’t the man start a sexual relationship with his male friends? Because he’s heterosexual and not sexually attracted to them.
      When he is faced with an unattractive women it is the exact same thing. If he’s not sexually attracted to her, why would he have a sexual relationship with her? She’s in the same boat as his male friends. Do not kid yourself. Sexual attraction is part of a sexual relationship.
      Nobody expects a woman to be perfect. Every man has his own range of body types that he is sexually attracted too. When a woman lies about her body weight, she attracts men who are not sexually attracted to her and wastes the time of both parties. Post real pictures of yourself and you’ll find a chubby chaser, post fake pictures and you’re setting yourself up for failure.

  79. Feminists are fighters for gender equality, true feminists do not hate men, they ask that men treat them as equals. Listen if you don’t think someone of a certain weight is attractive than by all means don’t date them, that’s an opinion and you have the right to have it but this article is full of offensive language toward over weight people and that is not right. If you wish to make an article telling people how to tell if someone is overweight i cannot stop you but honestly most women will try to be honest about their weight and you could ask them for a full body shot if there isn’t one already up in their profile and they will send you one, a woman who is overweight knows she is and she knows that is a deal breaker for some men but she will stay that way if she is comfortable in her body and even if she wishes to lose weight she may prefer someone who she knows doesn’t love her for just looks and not a robot who shares the opinion of Patrick Bates and his coworkers in American Psycho. So truly if you want to know if a women is overweight, ask for a picture, we wont bite your head off for it, believe me there are plenty of men who prefer a bit of meat on a women and losing one or two because of weight isn’t going to bother us, but if we have complimenting personalities and get along, don’t just skip over us because its a great chance for a new friend. I have told men many times that i am not attracted to them they way they are to me but i always give them the choice to be friends because there is no reason not to be friends with someone just because they aren’t my type physically and men should be able to see that too.

  80. gIRLL?? wh o im not attracted To ?? but ahwat about me?? tHE heterose xual male??

  81. Seriously, any man who feels this way should put “NOT INTERESTED IN FATTIES” right there on his profile, so that girls can see who he really is. You can’t accuse girls of being deceptive by posting flattering pictures of themselves when you are also hiding a big part of who you are.
    Problem solved – seriously. No fat girl will even talk to you after seeing that, which is what you want, right? The only problem is, any skinny, pretty girl who is worth anything would be disgusted with you and not want to talk to you either. You’d be left with the brain dead bimbos who look great in bikinis, have no integrity, and want to be treated as sex objects – which is really a perfect match for you anyway. So really, just do it.

    1. Maybe looking for dates at the state school for the blind is the way to go for the distaff and corpulent. Why should we be the only honest ones? Instead why not put up photos of your planetary sized fat ass in all it’s glory? Why be deceitful and expect it to work out?

      1. It’s not lying if she posts flattering, current pictures of herself. If she posts pictures from 5 years ago when she looked better, that is lying. If she puts up just a picture of her face and doesn’t mention her body type, that’s not lying either. If she puts up just a picture of her face and puts her body type down as “slim” when she weighs over 200 pounds, that is lying. Get it?
        Do people think it is “lying” when normal-weight girls wear Spanx and wear makeup? Most girls are not attractive enough to get a lot of male attention in a completely natural state, so they do things to look their best. And of course on an online dating profile, they’re not just going to pick random pictures, they’re going to pick the ones where they look their best. I don’t think most people would consider this “lying,” but how is it really different from a girl putting up a pic from a flattering angle?
        The guy knows he’s not being given that information if she’s not including it. Unless she indicates somehow that she is thin, she’s not lying if she doesn’t showcase her overweight body. She’s just taking a gamble that the guy is capable of valuing a girl for more than just her appearance and will look past it. Just like a guy who isn’t interested in fat girls is taking a gamble that finding this out would not make a girl lose interest in him.
        My point was really that everyone puts their best foot forward on a dating profile, and even on the first or second date. Just as a guy doesn’t indicate that he wouldn’t consider an overweight girl for fear of being rejected automatically, a fat girl isn’t going to put up an unflattering picture. This isn’t lying, this is just showing the best of yourself.

        1. That was well said, actually. But it is less painful for the potential dater to get no dates than to be rejected in person by some guy with no sensitivity. Better to be up front about everything. Just my opinion. Bye.

    2. He’s basically just saying what EVERY GUY is thinking. Get over it.
      Girls would be pissed off if a guy did the same thing and showed up on a date 40 lbs heavier than you’d anticipated. Fat girls are not physically attractive, fat guys are not physically attractive. Is this news to you?
      If so, I’m sorry you’ve been so BRAINWASHED by politically correct bs.

  82. Well. First of all: I think women (and men) have a right to take as flattering photos as they can. After all, most people want to look good on photos, it is quite understandable. -And by the way: men do it too, they send you old photos (taken 10 years and 100 lbs ago, while they still had hair on their head), blatantly lie about their age, height, profession.. everything. But let’s forget this for now.
    Not all women show collarbone even if they’re normal weight. I do, and I do even if I’d be heavier than now. It must be a family/gene thing, or something. But I have slim friends with almost invisible collarbones. It depends where the weight is, or so I think. So do not think that this is 100% good way to know if your girl is (gasp!) fat.
    And no, not all slim/normal women like to show off their body. Think about it, for example Facebook. Would you really (if you were a girl) send many revealing bodyphotos for all the world to see? I don’t, and I am not overweight. Or maybe it is a cultural difference, who knows? I might send photo to one person asking for it, but still it would not be a bikini photo or anything like that. I like to keep things controlled, what I share and what I don’t.
    I wonder why so many men here hate fat women. What is so terrible about them? I don’t get it. You write lenghty articles about the need for fat shaming and so on.. Just don’t date women you’ll find ugly. There is no reason for these declarations. Anyway it is quite vicious. It shows lack of empathy. Many often extreme obesity is linked to psychological problems. It is like you go on slapping a person who’s already lieing on the ground. Not good.

  83. So what are the 10 tell-tale signs He has a small penis? This article is so disrespectful. No wonder you’re stuck dating online, no woman in real life would even give an asshole like you the time of day.

  84. Im pretty sure this was written for the sole purpose of sparking outrage and disgust among readers. The author must be so proud of himself. I bet he’s SUCH a catch in real life. *gags*

  85. Notice that only the fatties express knee-jerk contempt, indignation, with their usual bag of shaming language (ooh, small penis!).
    Listen up, you fat cunts: all the listed ten points in the article are well-known methods used by the ‘cuddly’ women to misrepresent themselves to be thinner than they really are. That’s deceit… not unlike saying she’s on birth control or it’s safe that time of the month and then have an oops pregnancy.
    Since you all perceive yourselves to be large and in charge, real women with real curves, with ‘extra to love’, surely there is no reason for you to avoid recent full body shots for your profile photos. No matter what euphemisms and justifications you attempt to muster up, deep down you know that fat is ugly, unattractive and unhealthy.
    That’s right, unhealthy. No darling, you’re still beautiful and curvy, keep eating those fried chicken and drink all those sugary drinks. Don’t exercise. You’ll soon have a date with non-judgmental real men who appreciate the content of your character: Mr Diabetes, Mr Stroke, Mr Heart Disease, Mr Gout, Mr Kidney Failure, Mr Liver Cirrhosis. They’re all romantic nice guys who will bring flowers… to your plus-sized coffin.

  86. Myspace angles, otherwise called “internet disease” as per encyclopedia dramatica

  87. The stuff this guy is saying is true. When I wasn’t married and dating women, I met several women over a period of years that lied about their weight and other things, to say the least. It is not good to lie but to lie about things like your body type is fu—d up.

  88. Fat girls lying about their pics are the least of my concern. I dislike the women who want the whole package. 6 pack, PHD, looks,money,must love dogs, yada yada and then they are 45 no wonder no one want’s you! You have unrealistic expectations! Now that you are 45 you want the younger guy who wants you only to have sex not marry you?? Ok to be fair even Ashton Kutcher left Demi Moore. Dude had has fun and now has the babe Mila and a baby due!

  89. This guy may be a troll, but he is SPOT ON.
    I’ve been SIF’d before. One TOTALLY fooled me. She was an ARTIST at making herself look hot. High angle photos, cleavage + duck face photos, old photos of when she was slimmer, etc. She showed up and was AT LEAST 40 LBS heavier than I had anticipated. She was a nice girl, but shit, what a SCAM.
    My dirty little secret: I had sex with her anyway.

    1. My even dirtier little secret: I fell in love with the SIF.
      My dirtiest secret: The SIF played me and dumped me for another guy….

  90. My even dirtier little secret: I fell in love with the SIF.
    My dirtiest secret: The SIF played me and dumped me for another guy.

  91. I’ve calmly told SIFs when meeting them that I refuse to spend time with somebody that purposely lied to me before we even met. They weren’t happy. I saved time and money.

  92. I have moved into the “fattie” realm and here’s why.
    I’m talkie Pudgy, NOT OBESE.
    1) A little extra padding doesn’t other me. I’ll take some good lovin’ over a night alone, anytime.
    2) Fatties are insecure. No matter how much they try to pretend otherwise, deep down they feel they are not good enough.
    3) You can see them, blow them off (kindly), they’ll work around your schedule.
    4) They been passed over plenty, so they’re not worn out, or too bitter, just lonely and now they will do (literally) whatever you ask, in an attempt to please you.
    5) They prefer NOT to go out to dinner. Casual dates, movies, coffee, yes, but dinner dates are taboo, so that saves you some cash.
    6) After you get through listening to all their BS, they’ll conform to YOUR lifestyle.
    7) It’s an easy out if you get bored. You can still “hit” on other women, by using the old, “she’s not really making me happy” routine. This works well because it lays out a challenge. I’m looking for happiness, I know what I want, it’s just not her. This works because it lets the competiveness of women play out againts each other.
    8) They MAY lose the weight. Not likely, but it could happen. And if it does, they’ll still feel like the “Fattie” may return, so their attitude will stay complient.
    That’s my theory. Peace.

  93. This is sick, I can’t believe someone could be so shallow. I understand you may not desire a certain body type but to advise whoever reads this article to avoid or watch out for women who look a certain way (like a disease or something) is just absolutely outrageous!
    Number 6 is simply diabolical! That you would take it to that extent is beyond me. I cannot believe someone could be this horrendous.
    All women are beautiful and should not be expected to ever cross paths with humans who think this way, collar bone or not.
    I hope you find you’re eating disorder companion and I hope she isn’t interested in you, because this isn’t attractive.

    1. Believe it or not, most women who are a healthy weight do not have an eating disorder. There is nothing wrong with being physically attracted to certain body types. As somebody who is not attracted to fat women or liars, I found this article useful.

      1. I guess, but I think there is a fine line between simply saying you aren’t attracted to heavy women, and literally calling them, and women in general deceptive liars.
        And though I think this article is pretty bad, the comments are so much worse. Someone actually said that fat women should just kill themselves… It makes me want to throw up.

    2. I know, right? But forget about the article, the comments are just so bad… D:

  94. Don’t forget they always have cliché quotes too about that “if you can’t handle her at her worst” bullshit, or what a unique individual they are and not into the games and if you can’t love/accept her for who she is then she doesn’t need you anyway. You disgust me so no I won’t accept you for who you are, fatty.

  95. Most of this is spot-on – especially the list of things girls almost ALWAYS have on their profile (I could extend that list by several dozen items, I’m sure).
    But I disagree with 3, 4, and 7 – I’ve seen lots of counterexamples to all of those.

  96. Most of this is spot-on, especially the list of things girls almost ALWAYS have on their profile (and I could extend that list by several dozen items, I’m sure). But I disagree with 3, 4, and 7 – I’ve seen lots of counterexamples to all of those.

  97. Oh no! You don’t approve of someone’s body type and it makes you mad that they don’t openly advertise their weight down the last ounce?
    You must have it so hard..

    1. I do. I can’t see all of the fine ass women (in shape) behind the truck load of fat girls (in my view). Someone get out the memo…the eating has to stop.

    2. If you spend the time and money to travel to meet someone, and they are not who they say they are, then in my opinion that’s unfair.

    1. Your comments make zero sense. Girls are anorexic? and yet the number of fatties keep on rising and rising.

    2. I know. Reading these comments, if I actually cared about what all these turd eaters thought, I would probably starve myself to death.

    3. That was in the 1980s. You can’t swing a dead cat, today, without hitting a group of fatties (they are everywhere).
      Starbucks should have it’s own “fat club” because too many women are drinking milkshakes (that look like coffee).

  98. Here’s the problem here: A lot of the men commenting are total assholes and scumbags who are using this just to try to find easy sex with hot women. This is obvious by the fact that so many of these comments are describing doing just that and are consistently about one night stands. So many of the women, on the other hand, are getting insulted by both the article and these comments, including the ones that aren’t being mean.
    Here’s the thing, despite the claims, attractive people DO use internet dating for REAL relationships. I consider myself a fairly attractive guy and haven’t really had trouble with girls being interested in me. My trouble is finding girls that I’M interested in. I have a very specific type which, unfortunately, has be hard to come by. Therefore I started using internet dating. Not to mention I don’t like going to the “hotspots” like bars and clubs. There’s tons of attractive women who are the same. And lets not forget the people who just don’t have any people they’re interested in where they live, or who don’t have the time to searching IRL.
    The only reason I came to this article is specifically to learn to figure out if a girl is using fake pictures. No, I’m not attracted to overweight women. It doesn’t make me an asshole and it doesn’t make me shallow. I’m simply just not physically attracted to that, the same way lots of women don’t like overweight men or short men. It’s just a personal preference, and anyone who gets upset about that needs to work out their own issues. When I’m looking for matches, the last thing I want is to have someone lie to me. It’s not just being upset that the girl turned out to be overweight, its also just the fact that they lied (this goes for men, too). What kind of person does that make you if you do that? Hell, I’d date an overweight girl before I dated a lair.
    It’s always infuriated me with how angry some women get over your own personal tastes. I don’t go around calling girls fat or making fun of them, yet somehow just because I don’t find them attractive I’m deemed a misogynistic, shallow, asshole. The only reason I’m even making this post is to show that there’s people out there who AREN’T assholes looking for quick sex and that people lying like this really IS a big issue with online dating.

    1. Well, what kind of nice guy searches for “10 tell tale signs she’s a secret internet fatty”?
      Also, you don’t seem like an asshole to me.

    2. “Here’s the thing, despite the claims, attractive people DO use internet dating for REAL relationships. I consider myself a fairly attractive guy and haven’t really had trouble with girls being interested in me. My trouble is finding girls that I’M interested in. I have a very specific type which, unfortunately, has be hard to come by. Therefore I started using internet dating.”
      I totally agree with this! That’s why I decided to try online dating after so many many years!

    3. You shouldn’t give a fuck (at all) what people think (that’s rule number one). Look for what you want, make no apologies and don’t explain yourself (to anyone). Go after what you want (relentlessly) and don’t let anything get in your way.
      This is where many men go wrong. Don’t explain, don’t apologize…just go get it.

  99. I’m on a date site and a social meet up group. why oh WHY is it, every time I get a ‘Hello’ from someone or ‘So ands wants to meet you..!’ it is always, always but -ALWAYS, a girl of 20 stone plus? Is it cos I’m ugly and they think I will be desperate?

    1. No. It’s the entitled attitude. Many of them truly believe that they deserve any man and that you should be kissing the ground that they walk on. You have to have standards. If you workout, eat right and you are in shape, then have that standard for her (no exceptions). If she’s fat, then walk away…no match. It’s that simple. Your lifestyles will not mesh.
      Don’t feel bad for walking away from a fatty…just run.

  100. Anyone who doesn’t think secret fatties are common online is a f–king moron. And I’m not just talking about the girls, guys do this to women just as much! If you were honestly ok with the extra pounds you wouldn’t hide it. So if you don’t have the discipline for a healthy lifestyle, there’s nothing wrong with that- just don’t expect to pair off with someone who does.

  101. Yeah, don’t trust the internet. Anything can be photo shopped, some more convincing than others…

    1. 1 minute on the phone and you’re sure she certainly has a vagina and not a penis. 30 seconds on a webcam and you’re sure she isn’t a total fatty.
      “I don’t have a webcam” In 2005 I would have believed you.
      “Sorry, my webcam is broken”. Do – not – ever – believe – it.

  102. “a lot of fat girls will do zumba one day a week, only to drink Starbucks milkshakes on the other six.” That’s hilarious!

  103. I don’t know why fat women don’t just kill themselves, since they serve absolutely no purpose. At least fat men can invent things and otherwise be an asset to humanity.

  104. Meh, I don’t mind fat.. oops I mean “average”.. chicks. When you think about it, there’s probably something very Darwinian about wanting a “full bodied” women.. think Venus of Willendorf. The notion of slim, athletic and tanned being associated with reproductive suitability (ie. “beauty”) is actually a pretty recent development.
    But I get it, it’s not that she’s a fatty, it’s about false advertising. Fair enough. The one about “Myspace angles” (aka. the selfie) is spot on.. it makes her eyes look bigger, mouth smaller, and generally makes her look more vulnerable (aka. desirable to strong males). Oh and it covers up her 5 chins.
    And “sausage fingers”.. LOL!

  105. Outstanding analysis. I’ve had a date once. And she said in advance she wasn’t so slim, but when I walked around on the train platform looking if I could spot her my worst nightmare became reality. She was a blob, disgusting. Now I was a few years younger and still a bit naive and polite as well. So we had a drink. I didn’t travel 40 kilometer for nothing right. I also wanted to see that historic town. After two hour I made up an excuse and got the hell out of there. Surely I like feminine women with good hips, boobs and an ass. But no disgusting fatties. I have the right to say this because I’m in good shape.

  106. Thank for you this article.
    This has happened to be a few times. My guess is that girls who do this think if we get to know each other very well before we meet, I’ll forgive them for lying about their body. This isn’t a choice I can just make. I can’t decide to be attracted to a 200 lbs girl. I can’t choose who I am attracted to at all.
    Everyone on a dating site should post an array of pictures. There’s nothing wrong with a flattering headshot or two. Maybe you don’t consider full body shots flattering for yourself. Tough. Maybe you have fewer conversations after you post them. But guess what–your first date success rate is going to increase substantially.

    1. The worst part is how many of these fatties are only attracted (or entitled) to tall men (isn’t that a fucking laugh). A man can’t control his height but a SIF can stop eating and start exercising.
      The next one that you meet online or through friends, ask her how much she weighs, first (especially if she has a height requirement). It’s pretty damn funny to watch the reaction.

  107. This fucking website sucks dick. every article makes me dislike faggy woman haters that little bit more. The writers are so far removed from the real world that I couldn’t even hazard a guess at their social standing in real life (though obviously it’s low)

  108. It’s even worse when you live in a state where all the females are pigs. Every cunt who’s not obese thinks they’re fucking Tyra Banks. Fuck that.

  109. I can bet that some very, very *desperate* SIFs would use this level of deception, but for the most part, I think the cropped photos and lack of full body pictures are from embarrassment. Looking at what the author of this post has said and generalized about fat women, and at how many people agree with him, I would be too.
    Also, you know what, it’s ignorant to decide that someone, anyone, is useless trash because of something they may or may not be able to control. I think everyone puts the same amount of work into their bodies, and that some people are just stuck with fat genes, eating disorders, depression, or even serious health problems. A person with a terminal illness, or who is recovering from one, isn’t going to be able to get out of their hospital bed to go to the gym. Obviously, this kind of person isn’t about to go online dating, but it proves my point that there are reasons for people and their body types.
    In a way, it’s selfish to make such assumptions about others, or yourself even. You might be a perfectly healthy, normal person, and hate yourself because you don’t look like a super model. How do you think the people who are born with medical issues, like the “ugliest woman in the world”, feel?
    Beauty is not always a choice. An attractive person who chooses to hate someone for being born “ugly” or “fat” is the kind of person we should be hating.
    And, guess what, I’m not some (as many of you would call it) secret internet fatty/fat feminist. I’m just one of those pesky do-gooders with their annoying morals.

    1. “I think everyone puts the same amount of work into their bodies, and
      that some people are just stuck with fat genes, eating disorders,
      depression, or even serious health problems.”
      Bullshit, no they don’t and there is only a few rare issues with weight problems (not the explosion of fat women we’ve seen over the last decade or so). You keep telling yourself that…it’s delusional. People with discipline and hard work know how to do it…the rest are just bullshit artists.

  110. This might apply to most but not for all. I’m not a SIF. I’m actually very pretty with body. I do fairly well IRL. But resorted to online dating for kicks. To be honest, I’ve only been on 2 dating site no more than 3 days. I plan on deleteing my profiles in 2 more days and never looking back! I currently have 1 face pic. I don’t need to put anymore pics. I feel that confident that is all I need. I don’t need perverts asking me for sexy pics or asking me to meet up for sex. I get that enough in real life! Most hot women don’t even have pics up. I know of a few who have blank profiles and no pic. But yet, you guys always fall for the old pic trick. Better yet, some women use a relatives pic who they look like! Just to meet you dummies. Before you go thinking every chick with a face pic is fat, you should do this: On the same day you’re meeting, ask her for a quick pic of what she will look like! DUH!

    1. You are fat. If not, then you wouldn’t have been offended and you wouldn’t have to explain yourself. Fat shaming week is coming again in October. Have you lost that weight, yet, SIF?

      1. No I am not fat and yes I am offended. Why? Because like I said, not all face pics = fat stupid. And why would I need to lose any weight if I said I wasn’t fat? Are you blind or do you have selective reading? FYI, i’m way out of your league faggot.

        1. Anyone who has to sell the notion that they are out of my league is definitely in my league. You’re trying too hard.