Top 14 Tweets From Fat Shaming Week

Here are my favorite tweets from #FatShamingWeek:














Did I miss any?

Read Next: 10 Signs She’s A Secret Internet Fatty

177 thoughts on “Top 14 Tweets From Fat Shaming Week”

  1. Chimfish’s tweet is the crux of it all. Fat Acceptance is about accepting women’s choices and bodies at all cost. It is female solipsism and entitlement writ large. It is a major appeal to emotion. They don’t care about fat men in general. In fact, most of them feel entitled to date Ryan Gosling look-a-likes. The cognitive dissonance is amazing. I understand the need to let people live and let live, and to respect everyones humanity…but fat acceptance is female entitlement, pure and simple.

    1. You are 100% correct. It is amazing hearing fat bitches rip on ectomorph guys, ugly guys, out-of-shape guys, endomorph guys. Fat chicks are completely delusional regarding how unattractive they are because there is always some horny guy who will bang them to get his rocks off.
      Fat shaming week touched a nerve with the feminist bitches as seen in the tweets, so for that, thank you to the authors.

      1. Yeah. It’s amazing how womyn will openly gang up on an less-than-fit guys, but go ballistic if a guy commented on their bods. In the case of ragging on ectomorphic dudes, I think it’s jealousy.

        1. A LESSON FOR WOMEN: If you want any respect from men, have a little self-discipline and accountability. Your approval is not worth compromising our dignity. Stop dangling your (most likely mediocre) pussies if front of our faces to make us kiss your asses and tell you unwarranted praises. Now shut up, because men are talking here.

      2. Which “fat bitches” have you seen/heard “rip” on “ectomorph guys, ugly guys, out-of-shape guys, endomorph guys?”

    2. As a guy who is not that bad looking, but far from the ideal I have been taken to the woodshed for my looks far more times by average looking, slightly above average looking, ugly, chunky, and obese women far more times than any shit I have ever given these women. And it’s not even close.
      Not sure what female solipsism is, but I’m guessing it describes the disconnect between what woman actually look like and what they think they look like, as well as some hot stud sticking his dick in the type of women I mentioned above and them thinking that makes them sexy, attractive, or hot?

    3. Girls don’t care about fat men that much. It’s short men they can’t stand. And they care about this waaaay more than guys care about fat girls. You might see a few chubby chasers here and there, but you will never see a shorty chaser. The ironic thing is that fat can easily be lost but there’s really nothing you can do about height. Next time a girl brings up ‘fat acceptance’, just mention this fact to her.
      There’s no excuse for being fat. If there was a way for short guys to grow tall, they would; no matter the cost, no matter the effort. Fat girls are simply not putting in the effort to be attractive. Why should you be attracted to them when their actions show they don’t want your attraction? Every time a guy is attracted to a fat girl, the fat girl thinks of her as a lame and needy idiot with no options (which is true).

      1. I never understood that how can you dislike someone for something they have no control over? women are illogical.

    4. “They don’t care about fat men in general. In fact, most of them feel entitled to date Ryan Gosling look-a-likes.”
      And you feel entitled to date Megan Fox look-alikes. Fat shaming is male entitlement, pure and simple.

      1. Feminists tried to shame men first for desiring attractive women over fat and hairy messes. Fat-shaming is a farcical (yet necessary) retaliation in telling women “Fuck you. You have no right to dictate our sexual standards for mate selection for us.”

      2. If that were true dudes wouldn’t be sticking their dicks in girls that look like Jabba the hut. I’m certain you’ve benefited from this. And entitlment implies special privlage yet everyone has free speech. Go back to goose stepping nazi.

    5. Shame is a terrible and hateful weapon… unless directed at people feminists don’t agree with

  2. Fat Shaming Week was a resounding success in the end. It resulted in a flurry
    of angry tweets / retorts from feminists,liberal,body positivity proponents,etc
    Which lead to more clicks on the site which lead to more revenue.
    Even though I am a liberal, I must tip my hat to Roosh and the ROK staff
    writers for their proficiency in terms of being able to instigate,provoke
    and being able to get under people’s (read..liberals) skin so effortlessly.
    You are VERY good at what you do.

    1. If you think this is all a cash grab you are SEVERELY mistaken.
      Nice try trivializing it though, I’m sure you have a lot of practice.

    2. Considering that most radical PC, Identity & Feminist movements are built upon resentful & utter nonesense – provoking them is more like fishing in a barrel. It doesn’t take skill or genuis. Though it takes what may seem like courage in this present Orwellian climate.

  3. I must admit, I did get a laugh out of the Player Hater’s Ball shoutout.
    Fun week. Hopefully we ruffled some feathers and motivated some people to re-evaluate themselves. Until next time, enjoy salivating to the pictures people will post for #BodyConfidenceWeek!

  4. Loved the woman who said she would become a fridge raider to piss us off. Great, empowered move – consume food you would had otherwise not consumed so quickly.
    They are literally walking caricatures of themselves.

    1. It’s even more pathetic than that, 2W. It’s like saying “I’m going to retaliate against you by hurting myself even more.”
      Just insanity.
      The drive to obesity reveals modern America’s unconscious drive towards self-destruction.

  5. >horrible fat bitch mad about fat shaming
    >decides to eat more thus increasing her risk of dying from an obesity-related illness
    you’re doing god’s work boys

    1. You’re a piece of shit. Whether you acknowledge it or not, these are people. I’d beat your ass if you were here, all 300lbs of me.

      1. Trolling the comments eh? You threaten violence which is interesting. Real strong people never talk this way. You also feel the need to over assert that you are a larger guy. By your comments one can see your inherent flaws and weaknesses.

        1. It was a typo. I’m 300lbs an very fit and strong. You don’t have to be thin to be healthy. Thats’s what the dieting industry wants us to think. They make 50 billion a year by making us think fat is the worst thing ever. I’m just as healthy as my thin friends. I spoke from anger because I don’t understand the hate for fat people. Don’t you guys have fat relatives and family. You treat them like this too? Look up Doctor Oz “Fat and Fit” , it’s what people eat that makes them unhealthy, not being fat itself.

        2. *Munch munch munch* I’m just as *slurp* fit and healthy *chew chew chew guuuulp* as all my *belch* thin friends!

      2. Dude, you just lost 80lbs in an hour. Keep that up and you’ll be gracing the cover of Men’s Fitness by sunrise! How do you do it?

      3. LOLZ. Remember, fattie, America is awash with guns. Not really sure YOU should be getting uppity if your best offense is a flabby upper arm.

    2. You’re a piece of shit. Whether you acknowledge it or not, these are people. I’d beat your ass if you were here, all 380lbs of me. I’m a fat guy and I’m fit as well. Let me show you what I can do to dumb fucks such as yourself.

      1. “Let me show you what I can do to dumb fucks such as yourself.”
        Please don’t. I’m an EMT and I don’t want to have to carry your fat ass onto the ambulance when you have a heart attack.

      2. 380 pounds?! The only thing you should hit is a treadmill. 380 and fit? Don’t make me laugh.

  6. If thinner feminazi beyotches plump themselves up, that makes it a bigger win for us, as it makes it easier to identify women to stay the f-ck away from. I want all of those mentally-diseased broads flushed out in the open. All of them.

  7. I giggled out loud at the fatties eating even more to try calm their anxieties about being fat

    1. Of course it is. Saying “everyone is beautiful” is exactly like saying NOBODY is. This leftist /liberal/fat chant just promotes laziness and complacency. If “everyone is beautiful” then why would there be any need to BETTER oneself?

    2. This is precisely what confuses me. The person who made that statement couldn’t possibly believe it. That girl would never find an albino midget with severe acne “beautiful”. She certainly wouldn’t have sex with him.

  8. This just looks like a group of men that have “small penis-itis”. It’s a legit desease. Look it up. “Woman have to be a size zero because having sex with someone that is smaller than normal makes our penises look larger than normal” hey do what you gotta do men! More power too you. Having a small dick would totally suck so I understand your lashing out.

    1. Ouch. You got us good with that one! Score one for this lady and her devastating wit.

      1. For women, being attractive equates to beauty. For men, being attractive equates to masculinity. Attacking your penis is an attack on your masculinity.

    2. Clever. However did you come up with the incredibly original and creative idea of insulting men based on penis size? I can see we are not dealing with just any ordinary girl here…

      1. And fellas, there we have the reason why women traditionally amount to jack shit, and men rule the world.
        No logic.
        Perpetually arguing with emotion, not facts or reason. Instead of possibly debating the rights and wrongs of “fat shaming week” , they resort to the tired old small penis insults.
        Oh by the way, you forgot to call us all “lonely, sexually repressed virgins who can’t get a date” or similar idiotic pejoratives. How come?

    3. Woman logic 101: You disagree with her irrational, self entitled bullshit and/or dislike anything about her = you have a small penis. LOLZ

      1. She’s half right. If I had to hang around her all the time, my dick would indeed be pretty small.

  9. I’m really confused, when I see females that are in shape, and attractive being so anti-fat shaming. I really believe that some of these attractive women are like evil geniuses. They encourage women to ‘love their fat’, which would encourage fat women to stay fat. This elevates the value of the girl who’s in shape. After all, the more fat women there are, the higher the demand for normal ‘in shape’ women. I really think girls who are attractive purposely encourage other females to over-eat in order to elevate their own value.

    1. Of course. One way to become successful in business or whatever is to get all your rivals to shoot themselves in the foot.

    2. Additionally, a woman in an LTR will encourage her man to get fat. It’s a form of mate guarding, it lowers his SMV.
      Of course it lowers it for her as well and is just one brick in the wall of his betafication and her ultimate dissatisfaction with him, so don’t let it happen. Stay lean and mean, gentlemen. Stay in the game in an LTR. Especially in an LTR.

      1. This isn’t true. My partner and I encourage each other to stay lean for our jobs and confidence levels. We work out together although I hafta watch my meal portions more than he does.
        When we first got together, he said, ‘Let’s get really fat!’ and I insisted no. I refused the bigger portions he would offer me. Slowly, he got around to my line of thought – isn’t it better to go out as a presentable couple?
        Happily, we’ve stayed this way and remain disciplined. Guess what? Our relationship is still good today : )

    3. very true. women are far more two-faced and conniving than men could ever be. they will happily stab each other in the back when it benefits them.
      women know each other the best, it’s why they hate each other the most.

      1. Yeah cos no guy ever screwed his best friends girlfriend or sister or mother or did something dodgy :S hahaha

        1. There are fewer male backstabbers because there is a culturally endorsed control mechanism in place for that behavior. Female “frenemies” are culturally praised, while male betrayers are usually beaten or killed.
          (Just spelling the word “frenemy” gave me the douche-chills)

        2. What’s wrong with screwing your best friend’s sister? From her POV, who else could she trust better than you?

        3. Frenemies are culturally praised? Interesting perspective but I don’t buy it. It’s normalised behaviour and just creates this idea that women are each others’ enemy. I don’t believe for a minute that there are fewer male backstabbers; they just go about it in more devious and secretive ways. Not really sure why you think her point of view would be that the brothers best friend is trustworthy…

        4. I need you to qualify your statement about men doing it in more devious ways. I’m from a place where you can and will get put in the ground for that kind of betrayal. Dudes who betray like that are called bitch made because they have been feminized. You don’t know anything about our honor, remember that nextime you “think” anything about us.

    4. Maybe they’re decent human beings and don’t feel someone has to be just like them to be worth defending.

      1. How “decent” is it to encourage early-age cardiac arrests and type-II diabetes in someone else?

    5. Maybe they’re decent human beings and don’t feel someone has to be just like them to be worth defending.

      1. No, my friend. Hot chicks have always had fat friends to make them feel better about themselves. Tossing out a few supportive comments to their chubby sisters is window dressing and nothing else.
        If they were decent human beings, they would tell the chubbers to get fit. Coddling obesity makes you as “decent” a person as the drug dealer handing a “free” vial of heroin to a recovering junkie.

        1. Um you know that you can be healthy and fat too right? Comparing being fat to being a drug addict is reaching at its finest. Anyone that has to carry someone around just to make themselves feel better has no confidence in themselves at all. You guys are very narrow minded. Larger women get hit on all the time, just because you don’t doesn’t mean they don’t get attention. Many guys love larger women.

        2. “Healthy” fat people are “healthy” through drug regimens that average about 6 meds a day. So yeah, they’ll be drug addicts of a sort because heart attacks look like they hurt like hell.

        3. Hmm…I’m a healthy fat person. My blood pressure, cholesterol levels, glandular function, and circulation are all “textbook perfect”. I take my multi-vits, CLA, fish oil, eat clean, work out, work full time, take my college courses for my degree in CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine), mother our two fantastic kids, and take care of the home-front while my husband is deployed. I used to weigh 301 pounds. I look ROCKIN’ at a buck.92 with fantastic quads and a hard ass. However, with elevated stress (you did read the aforementioned stress that I’m currently under, right?), I’ve gained some weight back (17 pounds to be exact), but still work out, eat clean, and have “textbook perfect” health stats. Survival of the Fittest to come about, I’d definitely hold my own, but I’m no Gorgeous Lady of Wrestling (ooh, and I’m showing my age! Ha!). Encourage my fat-friends to stay fat? Never. I want everyone to open their eyes to the terrible things in our food supply and start to eat better, no matter what size/gender they are. Of course, I’ve been married 13 years and don’t want my husband’s eyes to wander, so I try to stay in good shape not only for my personal health, but also for the health of my marriage. I don’t EVER want to have to date again. The “fish in the ocean” are way too toxic…

        4. Good luck with that one. With all the wonderful lipophilic garbage oozing out of the plastics that hold your meals, we’ll see how healthy fatties are before long.
          (For the naive, lipophilic = fat soluble…as in stored in one’s own body fat.)

        5. Blame the stress? Try harder. You gain 17 lb’s because you’re a lush. That aside, keep your man happy. I weigh 215 and I promise you’re cutting it too close to keep my interested if you did find him gone one day.

        6. Typical male internet troll; thinking women care about your opinion or whether you find them sexually attractive or not! I personally find it amusing when men expect a woman to care about their opinion of them.

        7. If you didn’t care why bother commenting? Even. If you’re fighting some bullshit crusade, your very presence on this site proves that you are affected and care otherwise you wouldn’t be mov ed to action. The only thing you did by commenting was play ya self. So take yourself and your hairy pussy back to the kitchen.

    6. There is a HUGE amount of sexual competition between women. It’s crazy. Guys don’t have nearly this level of competition with each other. With guys, the sexual competition is mainly just bragging about your conquests over drinks. With women, it’s subterfuge, undermining, back-biting, and passive stuff like supporting fat women and so on. The case could be made that sexual competition is one of the main points on the feminist agenda (for instance, the fact that feminists want to outlaw prostitutes i.e. women who undermine the market by giving away sex for very little cost). Make no mistake, in-shape women know EXACTLY how much better they have it over their fat peers, and they want to keep it that way, thankyouverymuch.

    7. Or maybe they are just kind people, or people who have been fat before, or just women who fucking know what it’s like to FEEL BAD ABOUT YOUR BODY.

      1. WWWWAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW! Those feels!!….
        You know what feels worse? Starvation. It kills millions of people globally each year. And you want sympathy because you can’t put the twinkie down just long enough to jump on a tread-mill?

        1. Sorry I’m not American, I don’t eat Twinkies nor am I talking about myself here but thanks for your useless comment.

    8. Some are, perhaps. But sadly I think a lot of Western females genuinely buy into that feel good “tolerate everything” bullshit.

    9. Oh please, do you ever think maybe they just seriously hate your guts? After all its none of your business as to what a woman’s or even another man’s body type is. If you don’t like overweight people that’s your problem, but what gives you the right to shame another human being? Besides the expectations for a normal ‘in shape’ person is too high anyway. Medically their weight could be ideal but to someone like you, they’d still be fat. Anyone who agrees with fat shaming or any other type of shaming are absolute idiots.

      1. Shaming men for not wanting to fuck fat, hairy, and androgynous chicks is a far worse offense.

  10. Hi Everybody. I’m a big fan of ROK and I follow most of you on twitter. When i saw the call out for Fat Shaming Week two things went through my head. 1. I work really hard for my body and I am so sick of the excuses and gluttony of our society. 2. What can i do to bring more people to ROK. i think this site could potentially help a lot of people. it helps me, although it does get my hamster(I’ve always called it a goldfish) running sometimes, which in turn helps me. I do try to respect that this is a site for men and just read and lurk.
    Also, I am pretty new to twitter so i hope i didn’t mess it up too much. Following me must have sucked sometimes. For me some of the best tweets were the ones without hashtags. just people fat shaming on their own, without encouragement from us. Even though they didn’t use the hashtag, i have a feeling you got some new readers from that bunch. Anyway thanks again for letting me play with you guys.

    1. I’m a female lurker as well and agree that ROK is an excellent reminder to keep the hamster under control. Glad to know I’m not the only one…

    2. If you work hard for your body that’s your choice but don’t expect other people to want to be just like you. Not everyone has the resources, money, time etc or the ability.

  11. I don’t tweet.But if I did,here’s what I would.
    1) I find Fatties are the most attractive people around. Gravitationally speaking.
    2)Why are Fatties considered a National security threat?Because they declared a FATwa on innocent civilians.
    3)How are Fatties and Bears similar?Both look to raid your food supplies.
    How are Fatties and Bears different?Bears shit only in the woods.
    4)Why must Fatties learn to love their bodies? Because no one else will.
    5)Why do Fatties stink?Since soap is made of Beef Tallow,Fatties think they are snack bars.
    6)Why are Americans not afraid of Drone attacks?Plenty of Fatties to hide under.
    7)What’s a Lindy Hop? A fast dance.
    What’s a Lindy West? A fat dunce.

    1. You should IMMEDIATELY get yourself a Twitter account! The world is clearly the poorer for not having such witticisms shared with all.

    1. What work? Proving how many people are dickheads? That some people bash others because the have nothing to do? What work exactly? What did you accomplish. Fat people are still here. You going to get a gun and kill all of them? You and all these other idiots must’ve been raped by a fat person lol. Don’t get the hate.

      1. well, if you don`t look in the mirror and wince in disgust at the 300/380 pounds of blubber staring back at ya, i guess you`re being conveniently thick. pun intended, lardo.

      2. Why don’t you cry into your formula?
        Obesity is a problem. One we shouldn’t sugarcoat as individualism.

  12. You claim your goal is to shame women thin, but it doesn’t work like that. No one is motivated by hate. Only when you love yourself will you take care of yourself. I have just recently been made aware of your website. I find it sad that grown adult people think this is appropriate behavior. I can’t help feeling like maybe you say and do these things because there is an emptiness in you. How could anyone happy be so cruel? When you truly love yourself, not just bravado, but true self love, you find that loving others comes much more easily. It’s ok that you don’t like fat girls. You’re not obligated to find fat people attractive, but they are not obligated to be attractive for you. Fat people, men and women are as worthy of respect as anyone else, despite your opposing viewpoint.

    1. “Fat people, men and women are as worthy of respect as anyone else . . .”
      In other words, to the extent that they have earned it.

        1. LOL, to quote “TheOverwatch”
          Are you sure? Al Nusra, Rwandan Genociders, KKK, etc etc.

        2. I serve with a “please.” Whether or not I volly with a “thank you” depends a good deal on how the other party returned service.

        3. just wondering, would you also fight for the rights of, say, serial killers, kiddie molesters, rapists, and such?
          on-topic: ‘basic human respect’ is a misnomer, you don`t get respect just for existing. respect is to be earned and not awarded. you earn respect by contributing positively to society. merely existing (and particularly being a huge resource-hog in the case of fatties) is definitely not a freaking badge of honour and you`re despicable for trying to promote weakness as a way of life.

        4. Diann is just one of those losers who believes everyone is equal…on a plane lower than her. Granted, she probably has done nothing of note in her own life, but taht doesn’t stop teh hamster from spinning off its axis.

    2. I am motivated by hate. I hate looking like a fat chick so I work out and eat normal portions.
      goddamm you bitches act like its somenancy drew mystery on how to not be fat

      1. Good for you, but when you age and you hate looking like an old chick what are your options then for feeling like you have any sort of self worth?

        1. well you have to grade her on the curve. yes she`ll be old one day as well, but fucking hell, she`ll be one of the more milf-y 40 year olds out there if she continues to train.
          comparatively, how many chins do you think the average landwhale will amass by 40, eh?

      2. i’m guy, but i use my horror at the thought of getting fat and looking ridiculous as motivation too. not sure it would work for everyone, but it definitely works for me.

        1. Truth. A few years back after Thanksgiving, I got tired of looking down and seeing that layer of flab starting to drift over my pants waist. Granted, work keeps me away from civilization at times, but my tire has all but completely deflated. It’s amazing what happens when people aim not to be the family embarrassment. Ah, the good ol’ days.

    3. “No one is motivated by hate.”
      Are you sure? Al Nusra, Rwandan Genocide, KKK, etc etc.

    4. “No one is motivated by hate.”
      Are you sure? Al Nusra, Rwandan Genocide, KKK, etc etc.

      1. Sorry I should have qualified my intent by saying No one is motivated by hate to make a positive change that’s going to last because in their heart they’re still going to feel worthless and the change isn’t going to last. Shaming fat people isn’t going to make them go to the gym it’s going to make them hide in their house and get fatter. It doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure that out. So your intent isn’t really to motivate anyone to make positive changes, it’s just to be mean.

        1. Shaming fat people isn’t going to make them go to the gym it’s going to make them hide in their house and get fatter. It doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure that out.
          Wrong. I’ve gotten shamed for various foibles over the past several years and eventually corrected them. You’re basically saying that fat people are complete losers with no willpower to better themselves.

        2. well, if they at least stay indoors, less eye-sores on a day to day basis. i`d have to be a fool to be against that. heck, fatties will expire prematurely anyway, one way or the other. might as well do it without inconveniencing me

        3. Yeah, you don’t understand women. This entire exercise is based on the idea that men can motivate women by using tactics that would motivate them. It doesn’t work that way.

    5. Fat people are not as worthy of respect as anyone else because THEY have no self-respect. How can I respect someone who engages in self-destructive behaviors? Fatties are an eyesore.
      I bet all you fatties are ecstatic about Obamacare. You get to have all of us healthy people subsidize your diabetes treatments.

      1. Do you have the same attitude about people that smoke cigarettes? I doubt that you do bigot.

        1. With Obamacare I now get to subsidize cancer treatments for smokers also. Yippee! Smokers engage in self-destructive behavior, so they are as worthy of respect as fat people. Smokers might actually be worse. When fat people are in public, they only look bad. When smokers are smoking in public they fill the air with toxic foul-smelling fumes and throw their butts on the ground. They also stink like hell when they’re not smoking.
          Shit, cigarrettes don’t even get you high!!!!!
          You’re no better than I am. At least I criticize people for actions that actually harm others. You just insult people for having different ideas.

        2. How in the hell does someone being fat harm you? Fat people look bad? That’s your opinion? I happen to be attracted to larger women. I myself think I look better as a larger/burlier man. Contrary to what all the fat haters think, you can be healthy and larger. U mad bro? Seems there’s no reason for you to hate bigger people than to make yourself feel better.

        3. that`s everybody`s tax dollars that will help pay for your bypass surgery, asshole. get some perspective.

        4. They harm me because I now have to subsidize their medical treatments for all the obesity-related diseases they gave themselves. Don’t you understand how taxes work?
          Yes, fat people look bad. Thats a fact, not an opinion. You’re attracted to fat bitches? You should be ashamed of yourself.
          “Burly” means muscular, not fat. Are you using burly as a euphemism for fat?
          No, fat people aren’t healthy. Lack of self-control is an indicator of mental unhealthiness, and obesity is an indicator of bodily unhealthiness.
          I’m not fat–I exercise and eat right. I feel good all the time, not just when I’m shaming fatties!!!

        5. You have no choice. Larger women might give you the time of day. You have to take when you can get.

      2. Do you have the same attitude about people that smoke cigarettes? I doubt that you do bigot.

        1. I do, phaggot. The loser neighbors who are packed six into a two-bedroom apartment next to mine would have themselves a decent car to get by with already considering what they spend on smokes every damn month, rather than begging me for rides everywhere. Maybe YOU are the bigot for not sharing in MY belief.

    6. I’m sorry, but that’s all new age feel good nonsense that flies in the face of objective reality and has no place in human society anywhere outside of a hippy commune.
      Shame works as a motivator on all people other than those whose response to difficult situations is to collapse into a heap and cry victim until someone comes along to save them. Those who can take some responsibility for their own lives know that if they are facing negative consequences that arise from normal human social behaviour they either need to learn to live with it or they need to do something about it.
      And make no mistake, finding fat people unattractive is very normal human behavior. As decidedly “not nice” as this fact is, it IS a fact, and it remains persistently true despite the efforts that certain do gooding idiots make to change human nature.
      Your choices are to accept the unpleasant reality and deal with it as best you can or to hope that your continued delusional whining about the way things “should be” will eventually succeed in modifying the way human beings interact.

  13. I have to say I had a small and unexpected chuckle at the nostalgia of a yo mamma joke from my childhood. Enough on that though and down to the issue, I’m fine with fat women. To be honest I prefer fat women. But lets take that blue pill out of my ass and tell you why I prefer fat women from a red pill perspective. When I go to a bar and I see a chunky but huge girl at the bar I know I have a 5 minute game. 5 minutes is all it takes to get that girl into a cab, into her bed (since who wants to fuck in their own home and not be able to leave after), and then get the fuck out of there. I didn’t feel like spending 200$ on a prostitute so I just picked up an easy lay with low self esteem the required no effort at all to bed and dash. So yeah I prefer and accept fat women, however given the option of bedding either a thin or fat woman I will always choose thin, as all men should. Any woman, or man, that tries to tell you otherwise is popping blue pills like skittles.
    I would like to add though, fat men are ok… Because lets face it, in the feminized west a fat male is just as valuable as an attractive male. Money buys love in America, or at least money buys a fuck regardless of whether or not the female is honest about it and asks for it upfront.

    1. you do realise that by bedding whales, you`re validating/encouraging them to stay the freaking same,right? i get that fatties are essentially a layup if there ever was one, but if every dude on the planet started avoiding them like the plague the landwhales would have to either change or stay home, both of which are a definite plus for guys. try having some self-respect next time, geez..

      1. Well let me put in this perspective for you. If I don’t bed her and some other guy looking for an easy lay or is shit faced comes out and beds her the same thing happens. They won’t change because men avoid them, they will just become feminists. I get it though, I really do. I would give anything if the only thing that could make the entire woman population ugly was their faces and all women were a size 0 that regardless of how much whoring she did could barely fit my cock inside of her. Oh god I would love that, but hell I would love it if the age of consent in the US was 14. To bad. Cows will be cows and if I want to save money and effort I will bed a cow. Although I might steal something from their house after bedding them as payment towards myself. Anyway I have self respect, if I didn’t have self respect I would bed fat chicks thinking they were all I could ever get, not because I’m lazy that night.

  14. Bravo sirs……..bravo.
    The comments from the chicks who retaliated by eating more are so fucking retarded that its virtually impossible to presume they aren’t genuine.
    Women….tirelessly plumbing the depths of stupidity.
    Does this dark hole go any deeper?
    An Inderperndanant whoamin shall find the answer for us all!

  15. Im so happy you guys did this. As a woman who actually goes to the gym and cares about her appearance im so incredibly sick of “feminists” promoting an unhealthy and slovenly lifestyle to women. If they want independence they need to become free of the shit they shove down their gaping mouths. Im not model skinny, but how can a 20 something even be fat? Whatever, ill let those bitches suffer in their own fatty filth and be a trophy wife. Less competition lol!
    Maybe id be a whiney bitch too if my panties didnt fit.

    1. Also fat chicks have smell pussy….you can sniff it from blocks away!
      Love you manly men!

      1. I’ve been with thin women and fat women. Doesn’t matter what size you are, if you have bad hygiene you’re going to smell. Wash twice a day and youre good to go. Stereotyping is whatt dumbasses do. You’re not a dumbass are you?

        1. Everyone stereotypes, its a natural and normal human cognitive shortcut, without which our species probably wouldn’t still be around. There isn’t always time to consider all the evidence before coming to a conclusion about someone or something.
          Not to mention that there’s also a reason why stereotypes become stereotypes in the first place – they are often accurate.

        2. If you are too fat to manually reach your crotch with a bar of soap, then yes obesity and bad hygiene will have a direct correlation.

    2. “Maybe id be a whiney bitch too if my panties didnt fit.”
      LOL!! Quote of the day for me Ballerstatus.

    3. Im not model skinny, but how can a 20 something even be fat?
      They do it somehow. They also usually have short often discolored hair, atrocious fashion sense, and horrid feminazi attitudes.

    4. Im not model skinny, but how can a 20 something even be fat?
      for the most part, it’s what they’re eating and drinking. too much processed shit, and too much shit that has the nasty mega-calorie combination of sugar and fat. also, alcohol.

    5. Nice very nice 🙂
      Your realist approach to life and your sense of humor must make you a blast to be around.
      I have no doubt you will land a good looking, smart, and rich guy that your shooting for.

  16. I’ve always associated fatness with slow, dull, aging, sweaty, hillbilly chicks.
    But it doesn’t end with chicks. I now can’t go to a Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet without finding myself surrounded by obese families. Nothing ends your appetite faster than seeing a whole table of butt-checks sagging over both sides of their chairs!

  17. Those are all great ones, but my favorite was the one that said, to paraphrase:
    Attention Fatties. That little symbol in front of #FatShamingWeek is a hashtag, not a waffle.

    This guy has one of the most entertaining accounts by far. Most importantly, He speaks real shit.

  19. It sucks to be fat but if you are lazy on top of that, what are you going to do? You just have to accept the fat shaming as it comes. Something Adam Carolla said once was, “if it doesn’t affect you then why do you care?”

  20. I like that nine out of ten commentators on here are missing an image (or have a fake one is up). If you want to put so much value into appearance, you should really walk the walk, as well. Of course the rest of us already know you are ugly, it shines through in what you’ve said. Take a little time away from looking at ‘the fat chicks’ and spend a little more time looking at yourself, without the mirror. Healthy, happy people do not belittle anyone, it does absolutely nothing to make their lives better. I’m not all the way there yet, so I’m fine with telling you what useless people you are.

    1. How many places do you know on the Internet where people have their own picture next to their comments?
      Its fair enough to expect fat shaming men to walk the walk however. While physical appearance isnt as important for men as it is for women where attracting the opposite sex is concerned, its still a factor. Its in men’s best interest to be fit and strong if they want to attract women. As a man, pretending otherwise and ignoring your appearance just because you don’t like this fact and wished the world was different won’t help you.
      As for healthy and happy people not belittling others because it doesn’t “make their lives better”…
      I ask you: Who is doing you more of a favor
      – someone who lies to you and tells you being fat is fine and encourages you not to change despite the mountains of evidence that obesity is detrimental both to your health and to your ability to attract and keep a mate
      – someone who attempts to use effective motivational tactics in order to encourage you to make a change in your life that will likely result in increased health and happiness. (And if you think shame isn’t an effective motivator, then you haven’t been paying attention)
      Nows the part where you ignore my rational argument and call me a misogynist pig because having reality pointed out to you makes you feel bad.

  21. These whiny men on here are making me SICK! Sorry to put it that harshly, but this is what I think, really. Next thing I am going to Poland to find myself a real man instead of you guys looking for women there. THIS is what you do in your spare time instead of building a house, spending time with your family, walking your dog, taking your wife out for dinner, raising your son? SERIOUSLY????
    Why do you have to take your issues out on innocent people? You seem to be OBSESSED with women and what they do and don’t do. This entire manosphere thing seems to be about women and what women do and don’t do ONLY. Is this really what men think and feel like? Is there nothing going on in your life expect either putting women down, pursuing them or just blogging and commenting on what they do or don’t do and how to get in their pants?
    I can’t believe this, I feel shocked discovering all this here. This is why I stopped dating altogether. Although I am a beautiful woman and get asked out constantly I am so fed up with the childlike men I am surrounded by, I prefer staying by myself and celibate until a real catch comes my way. Instead I choose to be successful in my business, stay close to my friends and family, do sports, travel, buy my first own apartment, write a novel, bake delicious treats for the people surrounding me and just be happy.
    I can’t believe this, really… are you children or men???? This is so incredibly sad…

    1. Although I am a beautiful woman and get asked out constantly
      Translation: you’re 50 lbs overweight and because of that dudes think you’re easy.

      1. Nope, I am totally in shape and very pretty. You got to trust me on this one :). But this makes dating even harder for me, although you probably don’t understand why. It is incredibly hard for me to find someone who even cares for my personality. No worries, I don’t expect you to have any empathy for me.
        The last guy who tried everything just to make me his sex toy was a PUA I later found out, this is why he played all these games I didn’t understand at first. Google did help me understand. This is one of the things that brought me here… and one of the reasons I decided to check out of dating for good. This blog and the others I have encountered confirm me in my celibacy. Tired of the games men have tried to play with me. Like many other girls I know we are just tired. I want a real man who wants to make me happy just like I want to make HIM happy and who wants to focus on the things that matter.

        1. Fine. Good luck in Poland. Going celibate until marriage should work better in a staunchly Catholic country. Plus, the men there should be more used to lots of pretty girls being around and shouldn’t be so thirsty.

        2. > I am a beautiful woman
          > get asked out constantly
          > I am totally in shape and very pretty
          [citation needed]
          > You got to trust me on this one
          Nope. Ante up.

    2. You missed the part in the top ten list where men don’t choose the fat chick. That includes polish men too.

  22. Seems to me, that some people just need to increase their pleasure in life. Clearly if this brings you pleasure you lead a very mundane life. I feel pity for you 🙂

    1. indeed, how dare we take an interest in the bigger picture and society`s ills!! must be fun being you, all sheltered up in your little box, only caring about the inches in front of your face. that`s why societies were built by men, sweetheart. your girly self-absorbtion is somewhat amusing but doesn`t help steer the conversation along,so step aside.

  23. For the bitches having a whinge about fat shaming week and chowing down on the contents of their fridge and sweets, etc:
    Ah, that feels much better, doesn’t it – you fatties-in-training. Just do it elsewhere, I don’t want to be gassed.

  24. There may be “pleasures of the flesh”, but in this case moderation, temperance, or “less is more” seems to apply.

  25. Oh, poor John Brown (the first comment). Female entitlement. He’s fat so he is going to hate fat women. What a poor sad cute little internet baby.

  26. Fat Shaming week… hahahahahaahahaahaha! This fucking website is unbelievable. Should have done squats fatasses.

  27. you men don’t get a lot of dates. your lives are so full and complete that they leave you endless time to sprout hate on the web. how original. how admirable

    1. You realise that the statement “you men don’t get a lot of dates” is a pretty retarded statement to make on a website mostly populated with pick-up artists, right?

    This is a brief synopsis of the butthurt responses to this article in the comments section. Enjoy.

  29. Think whatever you want, but as harsh as it may seems, shaming is a working tactic….it worked for smopkers, it works for drinkers, it works for lazies….I do not see why is shouldn’t work fatties

  30. Most Internet women seem to become weaker and weaker. They have to rage about things they don’t like instead of shrug it off, like and adult does. And fatshaming is not that bad if it’s stops more women from getting a restraining order from KFC.THAT’s TOO MUCH! Body positivity should also come with loving your body and treating it well.

  31. At the end of he day everyone is a human brig and deserves some level of respect and civility.
    I get that peoe aren’t attracted to the obese sexually but this should be like Aids prevention where the community and culture help them overcome their struggles instead of act cruel will harsh words. Really, many of the gmomfoid additives are affecting Americans bcuz there’s no money in healthy fit people.
    As far as sexual preference I get the contempt but civility as still needed bcuz these people are struggling with a toxic problem no different from a heroic addict or serious alcoholic and all people need support and community to overcome their struggles.

  32. honeslty why bother? hmm? we all know what will happen. alphas will get waifus that take care of themselves. either ee/rus or asian . simples

  33. This is terrible. The misogynistic, sexist tweets are TERRIBLE. Proud of the girls that stood up to it – and the guys, too, except I didn’t see any featured here. I know you’re out there! 🙂 I encourage everyone to stand up to this hatred, whether or not some entitled asshole decides it’s Fat Shaming Week that week.

    1. It’s called “tough love.” it’s the primary way people grow in life! A good example is an ‘intervention’ but the last thing you want to do is upset the FATTIES!
      My mum tells me every couple years when I eat to much junk food and stop being active, “Paul, you are getting FAT!” It hits me hard every time but I ALWAYS do something about it!
      Your body is a reflection of your mind where HONEST friends are the only people I have time for these days. Westernised countries chat is so “superficial” where most the time you have to watch what you are say cause someone will get upset today. In the past, men could be men and speak their mind like on ROK but not anymore.
      My parent’s also told me (been together for nearly 50 years), if someone gives you advise, you thank them for it but you are the one that chooses to take that on board or not! If they keep going on about it and you want them to shut up, say “i respect your advise but I’ve made up my opinion.” Or you can be a Feminist, crack the shits like a 5 year old, jump on social media and cry to the world. I’ll let you choose the mature thing to do!

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