20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated

Prior to having the red pill dropped on me like a bomb, there were things in my life that, deep down, disgusted me.  Looking around though, everyone was celebrating these things, cheering women on.  I was forced to bury my disgust within me and not act upon it, or dare speak my mind.  If I said something, I was the bad guy, and the people I’d criticize were of course, unfortunate victims of circumstance.  Not surprisingly, the majority of these situations it was women, and I was labeled as a misogynist asshole.

No longer.  Now I see these things and realize that they disgust me for a reason, and I have every right to feel that way.  With that being said…

20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated

1. Sluttiness.  See: Tuthmosis: 24 Signs Signs She’s A Slut.  While I’ve banged my fair share of sluts and would rather not see them disappear into thin air, there’s no doubt that the new slut generations are going to end up with more cats and less husbands.

2. Being fat.  Rather than accept the fact that her greatest asset is her beauty, women are instead celebrated for eating Dunkin’ Donuts and drinking whatever-the-fuck stupid name Starbucks uses for their large calorie-loaded heart attacks.

3. Being a foodie.  I think a foodie is best defined as someone whose life is so boring they literally think that food is their favorite hobby.  That is pathetic.  Come on, I know all you ladies out there have tons of fascinating stories to tell me about your lives.


4. Relying on the government to pay the bills.  Instead of owning up to their failures, women are instead told, “it’s okay”, and to “take as long as they need” to get back on their feet.  Welfare is the weak link of society.

5. Single motherhood.  Because she “doesn’t need a man.”

6. Slacking as a stay at home mom.  Instead of celebrating being a homemaker and taking pride in that, instead the pride is derived from how much money she can spend everyday shopping with her girlfriends while her husband toils away in his cubicle.

7. The use of cake face make up.  Makeup should absolutely be used to enhance a women’s looks, however, there is a line.  When girls wear so much makeup it looks as if they can’t even smile naturally, it just looks fake, silly, and makes guys wonder what she really looks like.

8. Cat collecting.  These furry critters make fantastic substitutes to a husband and children.

cat lady

9. Watching porn/trying to be a porn star.  I’m all for being sexually adventurous, but when I’m having sex with a girl I met two hours ago and she’s whimpering, “Daddy, fuck my cunt,” while gasping for air while I choke her, that’s a little extreme.

10. Birth control, because it’s “their choice.”  Meanwhile, men have no reliable forms of birth control apart from condoms, which if the girl is evil enough, can easily be rendered null.  Let’s nuke the funding to Planned Parenthood (and the multiple options of female birth control) and instead put that money into research for a real male birth control.  How many girls do you really think are responsible enough to take the pill every day at the same time?

11. Lazy hygiene.  Don’t shave your armpits/legs/pussy because you’re a fiercely independent woman?  You go girl!  Have fun living in the wilderness with your cats.  Meow.

12. Doing online dating because they can’t find anyone.  You’re telling me you had from 18-25 and yet you couldn’t find a guy in any college class, job, or bar who wanted to be with you?  Sounds like you’re just picky.  Enjoy the continuous window shopping on OKCupid.

13. Blatantly lying about their body type on online dating.  Rather than fix the problem, or just admit it, girls are of course encouraged to simply “swing the odds” in their favor a bit.  After all, everybody lies about something on their dating profile, right?  While a guy might be able to swing a few extra thousand dollars on his income or an extra inch of height, girls cannot swing 40 pounds in their favor.  Take two examples:

This lovely lady lists herself as “Athletic and Toned,” body type.  She has no full body pictures to prove it (hint, all girls that have nice bodies show them off).  The large, round face and what appear to be ever-widening hips indicate a secret internet fatty.

athletic lol

The below girl lists herself as “Curvy”.  I see her lower stomach fat rolls through her skirt.  Any guesses on what she weighs in at?


14. Divorce.  Rather than honoring the commitment she made to the love of her life (at the time) in front of who knows how many friends and family at their (likely) over the top extravagant wedding, women are instead celebrated for getting divorced because they’re, “not haaaapy.”  Of course, when they start collecting child support and alimony, they are celebrated even further.

15. Paternity Fraud.  While maybe women aren’t celebrated for this, they are defended valiantly because after all, the child needs a father.  Convenient how the child doesn’t need a father the other times (see #5).  It’s becoming easy to see though that society as a whole is truly convinced that the victim of paternity fraud must suffer for the good of the child that isn’t his.  For example, while out with a girl the other night we were discussing this and I posed this question:

“So you’re saying that if my partner cheats on me with the mail man and has HIS child, and I find out when the child is two, I should be responsible, legally and financially, for that child for the next SIXTEEN years?”

She responded with a resounding yes, saying at that point the child thinks of me as his/her father and it’s wrong for the child to have to suffer.  Men, you should all get a paternity test immediately after the birth of your child.  I don’t care what kind of fit your woman throws – no exceptions.  I got her back to my place and fucked her.

Then deleted her number.

16. Dancing/getting shots taken from her belly button/stripping/YOLO’ing…or anything that involves being ON TOP OF a bar.  Attention whoring to the extreme.  Getting drunk and rowdy encourages sluttiness, which of course all women claim to not be, so this goes hand in hand with the first point on this list.

On the lighter side, the website where I got this photo from discusses a bar that got sued by a whale because she was told she was too fat to dance on a bar.  Good for them.


17. Cutting her hair short.  The greatest sign of feminine fertility and it’s encouraged to be chopped off.

18. The entitlement complex.  “Daddy’s little princess” never really goes away.  Rather than encourage women to be sweet, nurturing, and easy-going, it’s not common to hear ladies discuss how they dangle sex and good behavior in exchange for money and chores around the house.

19. Female sex tourism.  If a man goes to a foreign country to try to bang some cute girls, he is seen as a pig and sex tourist.  A loser who can’t get laid in his own country.  If a woman goes to a foreign country and the local young guns fuck her for a few meals, she’s seen as a poor innocent victim who just wanted to find love overseas.

20. Being a feminist.  I think this pretty well sums everything up.

This list could go on and on.  I recognize there are plenty more issues not discussed in this article.  If you have more to add, comment below.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

You can see the response article to this here: I Got Suspended From Twitter After Receiving Death Threats

Read More: American Women Simply Can’t Compete

3,419 thoughts on “20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated”

  1. 21). Giving your daughter a boy’s name. If we wanted to fuck a “Riley” or a “Drew,” we’d just fuck guys.

    1. Logan, Morgan, Mackenzie, Dakota…
      What’s funny is that Asian immigrants often name their daughters and sons with very old traditional Anglo-Saxon names.

      1. I couldn’t agree more about the names. Boys names are just as bad. My 1st grader is in a class with three, YES I SAID THREE, fucking kids named Caden.
        WTF is that name? And 3 out of 17 kids in the class have the same fucking name?
        And the fucking spellings? What the fuck is Kennedyi? madizon? kathryn? These are all white kids btw.

        1. Reminds me of some stupid name a suburban housewife that spends half the day at the mall while hubby works would name her kid. These American women are so detached from reality it is scary. It will be fun when this country starts coming apart.

        2. Lol Kathryn is one of many traditional variants of the original Greek spelling and has been around for at least 100 years

      2. Another ambiguous name I can’t fucking stand is Payton,Peyton etc etc. Let’s add Addison, Love, Micah, Mica, Messiah, ……………………

        1. wonder if peyton manning and drew brees were ever picked on in earlier life. Drew+Brees is so terrible.

      3. True and hilarious.
        Looking back through my collection of Asian conquests, I count a Judy, an Alice, a Daisy, a Cheryl and a Phyllis. Sounds like a fucking ladies’ bridge club in an old folks’ home.

      4. Riley does not sound like the type with whom you would sheath your shilleagh …
        Now Erin, she can go bra-less.

      5. Let’s not forget “BobbyJo”. I knew one and she was pretty cute, but I’ve never wanted to pump someone and call them ANYTHING that was the word “Bobby” in it!

    2. Names are given to show status. Of course your local middle-high class dame is going to name their children according to the last trend between rich celebs. Names then go down the pyramid until a poor schlub gets named after Brangelina´s baby some ten years later.

    3. Must be what all the parents are thinking when they name a newborn baby girl. “I wonder if this name will make the infant in my arms less fuckable in the future”

    4. maybe when parents name their kids they’re not actually trying to make them sound fuckable. and girls with those names are lucky if it means idiots like you aren’t ever going to go near them

    5. this is what i don’t get. why DON’T you all just fuck guys seeing as how you pretty much hate everything about women?

      1. Hey, men ask themselves the same thing when women like yourself make it clear that they don’t like men-why not just go lesbo and spare men from dealing with your “Phantom Patriarchy/Men suck” bullshit.

        1. See, you’re still not getting it. They don’t think men suck. They think men like you suck. That’s why you’re a lonely, desperate virgin who has to cling to his imaginary friend in the sky and claim not to believe in sex before marriage. It’s a coping mechanism. All you walking sores are bleating on about all the pussy you get, but I’m betting that a) most of you have had nary a sniff of pussy in your fucking lives and b) the only women that cretins like you lot can get are cretins themselves, with no self-esteem. That’s why you want all women to have no self-esteem, and to have no rights; cos you think that then maybe they’ll fuck you. What a sad indictment of modern-day masculinity you malicious pricks are. Especially you, Damien. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you, shitmouth. You’re even worse because you’re hiding behind your tinpot God. He hates you, Damien. God is love, remember? And what would you know about love?

        2. See, you’re still not getting it. They don’t think men suck. They think men like you suck. That’s why you’re a lonely, desperate virgin who has to cling to his imaginary friend in the sky and claim not to believe in sex before marriage. It’s a coping mechanism. All you walking sores are bleating on about all the pussy you get, but I’m betting that a) most of you have had nary a sniff of pussy in your fucking lives and b) the only women that cretins like you lot can get are cretins themselves, with no self-esteem. That’s why you want all women to have no self-esteem, and to have no rights; cos you think that then maybe they’ll fuck you. What a sad indictment of modern-day masculinity you malicious pricks are. Especially you, Damien. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you, shitmouth. You’re even worse because you’re hiding behind your tinpot God. He hates you, Damien. God is love, remember? And what would you know about love?

        3. See, you’re still not getting it. They don’t think men suck. They think men like you suck. That’s why you’re a lonely, desperate virgin who has to cling to his imaginary friend in the sky and claim not to believe in sex before marriage. It’s a coping mechanism. All you walking sores are bleating on about all the pussy you get, but I’m betting that a) most of you have had nary a sniff of pussy in your fucking lives and b) the only women that cretins like you lot can get are cretins themselves, with no self-esteem. That’s why you want all women to have no self-esteem, and to have no rights; cos you think that then maybe they’ll fuck you. What a sad indictment of modern-day masculinity you malicious pricks are. Especially you, Damien. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you, shitmouth. You’re even worse because you’re hiding behind your tinpot God. He hates you, Damien. God is love, remember? And what would you know about love?

        4. cool except i don’t think men suck in the least bit and i adore men, i only think men who subscribe to the ideals of this website suck because it’s super unattractive that they have to cling to some internet forum of being “manly” instead of just going out and living their lives and interacting with women

        5. ok, I made assumptions about you that I should not have. Now, I read certain things here because certain things are actually fairly interesting. As for men who go to a website to learn how to be manly-well, that’s their choice to do so.

        6. Then why don’t women fuck average guys and shallowly go for that 5% unrealistic goals.

      2. That’s all you women got going for you is your holes and nor the one on your face

  2. Look how cultured I am because I eat at Americanized ethnic restaurants serving large portions of greasy food. Steer clear of “foodies.”

    1. Yeah this. The Foodie scene drives me absolutely bats. Any guy who describes himself as a “foodie” is a tool. Sure, everyone likes tasty food. Don’t kid yourself though. This entire modern day fancy restaurant industry is just yet another form of shallow pretentiousness wrapped around with materialism.
      Went to a “cooking class” as part of a work function run by some celebrity chef I didn’t know or care about. Guy was high or drunk. Sure, the food tasted good but the contents of the food have a nutrition value and calorie count that isn’t much different from McDonald’s (a bit exaggerated but you get my point). So this guy sells unhealthy food at ridiculous prices, basically pulling in naive women to spend more money they don’t have so he can buy another Porsche and a boatload of cocaine.
      The foodie scene just adds another layer to the obsession with the latest Apple product, high-calorie count mocca-frava-meta-sippa-latte from Starbucks, useless fashion, mind-numbing reality tv, celebrity obsession, and basically any other useless form of consumerism that women are suckers for.
      I don’t know many guys that meet up at the latest chic restaurant together. You will, however see tables of yappy women or women sucking a man into a free meal at such establishment.

      1. I have found my new calling …
        I shall go forth unto the multitudes, teaching the Four Restaurant Food Groups: Sugar, Salt, Fat, and Spice.
        I shall grill “aged” cheap half-mouldy onions in brown sugar, semi-rancid oil, and worcester sauce for placement on “tender” half-spoiled beef I’ve smacked with mallets after dipping it in transglutaminase, and it shall be awesomely profitable. This loveliness shall be placed on oversized “artisanal” glorified cheap white bread buns whose surfaces will be coated with acrylamides and trans-fats generated by cooking olive oil at excessively high heat. Cheese will be provided, in glorious quantities, as a result of back-alley deals, exchanging cash for Cheap Government Cheese.
        I shall go apeshit insane with the Lawry’s Seasoning Salt. I shall grill tinned mushrooms to the point that nobody can tell if they were ever fresh. I will use so much liquid smoke that you will be able to identify my diners by smell.
        And you will thank me for this, because I will save you a lot of time in identifying who the Future Fat Cat Ladies will be.


  3. Hard to argue with some of these… Though I like short hair on women and I’m not any more convinced men would be more responsible with birth control than a woman. Though ‘vasectomy’ comes to mind if you really want to.
    But rather than trash on something we have no control over, perhaps as men we should look at some of the things we do and work towards self improvement.
    You don’t like a slut, don’t fuck her. Problem solved.

      1. Hah. Not at all. I jist don’t see the point in these types of articles. They hurt the cause and don’t provide much more than a few token laughs. Haw haw. She’s a slut…

        1. “Hah. Not at all. I just don’t see the point……..”
          The cause? This isn’t the IRA. This is helping men navigate our current FUBAR called Western society

        2. Okay, then navigate it by acknowledging “our” fuck-ups, too. I get that most of the guys here lack willpower to some extent, so…what better time than now to work on that?

  4. 21: Social Media attention whoring-retarded duck faces, compulsive status updates etc.
    22: Rumour mongering- bitch, this ain’t high school anymore
    23: Fucking my best friend- Gee, I definitely still want to ‘make it work’ while the image of my best friend fucking you haunts me
    24: Flaking- Thanks for making me wait 2 hours for your ass just to tell me you can’t make it.
    25: Lusting after scumbags- Sorry I’m not a drug addict/alcoholic

    1. 23, not if he gives you $100, or she fucks your landlord for the month’s rent.
      Unless she’s a virgin, I would use and abuse.

      1. “21: Social Media attention whoring-retarded duck faces,”
        You got that right. You can be rest assured that any female who sports the duck pout while having her photograph take is a total cunt.

        1. Sluts make bad wives. One coc rule y’all. lozlzozl
          Teachman’s study was based on data from the National Survey of Family Growth 1995 cycle and involved over 6500 women.
          The results presented in this article replicate findings from previous research: Women who cohabit prior to marriage or who have premarital sex have an increased likelihood of marital disruption.
          The most salient finding from this analysis is that women whose intimate premarital relationships are limited to their husbands—either premarital sex alone or premarital cohabitation—do not experience an increased
          risk of divorce. It is only women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship who have an elevated risk of marital disruption.This effect is strongest for women who have multiple premarital coresidental unions.
          Tl;dr once a slut, always a slut.

      2. This is disgusting! And this opens up the fact that for every dollar a woman makes, a man makes 25 cents more. Maybe if women were paid equally, she wouldn’t have to do that.
        Oh shit, but you just made yourself into a hypocrite. Congrats.

    2. 26. Owning Apple products and pretending to be oh so busy hiding behind that shiny device. Anyone would think your average female is CEO about to launch a new IPO the way they carry on.

      1. They feel the need to impress others by showing how “connected: they are to their 3876 Facebook friends. And it also helps them avoid making eye contact with men.

        1. Hi Ray Wolfson, I’m a female. I do not feel any need to “impress” anyone with the number of friends or connections that I have. That isn’t anyones business but my own. I actually go through my friend list every once in a while and weed out those I don’t talk to on a regular basis, or ones I just have absolute no use for any longer. This is NOT a gender issue, this is a generational issue. I know MANY men (or shall I say boys? Seeing as people who have a penis mature slower than people who have enlarged breasts and a vagina) who have many, many more friends on social networking sites than I do (they also will post ridiculous amounts of pictures. News flash: no one cares that you went out in your big truck to go hunting with your big gun to shoot that big buck. Oh, and sorry about your penis). While yes, I will use my phone to avoid making uncomfortable eye contact with men. Imagine this: you’re in a taxi and it’s very late at night, you’re going back home drunk. Another man gets in the cab with you, and he’s gay. He starts making unwanted advances towards you. What is going through your mind? Probably the same thing that happens when that happens every single day to females. Please educate yourself on these issues.

        2. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        3. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        4. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        5. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        6. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        7. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        8. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        9. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        10. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        11. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        12. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        13. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        14. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        15. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        16. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        17. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        18. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        19. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        20. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        21. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        22. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        23. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        24. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        25. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        26. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        27. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        28. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        29. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        30. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        31. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        32. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        33. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        34. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        35. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        36. Seeing as people who have a penis mature slower than people who have enlarged breasts and a vagina)

          *buzzer* not really. Quite a few of the women I’ve dealt with post high school in the last 6 years, definitely acted like they were still in high school.

          (…)Oh, and sorry about your penis).

          Case in point.

        37. Seeing as people who have a penis mature slower than people who have enlarged breasts and a vagina)

          *buzzer* not really. Quite a few of the women I’ve dealt with post high school in the last 6 years, definitely acted like they were still in high school.

          (…)Oh, and sorry about your penis).

          Case in point.

      2. ^^ This
        There is absolutely nothing a female does that requires more than a dumb phone.
        If women only took care of their men, t their children, their homes, nd themselves, they’d quickly find they had little time for idle chit chat, endless posting nonsense on Facebook, ridiculous tweets about nothing, and endless attention whoring on online.
        Just like eve bit the forbidden apple because she was dumb enough to listen to a snake, today’s women have bit into Apple. With their bitten Apples in hand, they claim to possesses the knowledge of good and evil, practicing and excelling in the later rather than seeking the former.

        1. By those standards, Ray, no one should have a smartphone. Seeing as how men and women should be equal.
          Your ignorance is extremely harmful. It’s time that men start taking care of their women, as well. It’s not just the part of the wife to take care of children. Men should take care of their homes as well, to expect a woman to do all of the work is ridiculous.
          Don’t you think that’s kind of funny, though? A talking snake. Oh, and if you’re about to call yourself a Christian, think again. Jesus Christ died on the Cross FOR YOU. He made an entirely new slate for everyone, and here you go mucking it up again. Remind yourself who Jesus had in his presence: whores/prostitutes, homosexuals, undesirables.
          You should probably read the Holy Book again. Carefully this time. Maybe take some notes.

        2. Sorry we ever left the kitchen instead of slaving away on our hands and knees servicing you and your pathetic man needs.

        3. You obviously need professional help, to leave the basement you master-bate in, and a conversation with a women because the made up ones in your video game do not count. You are making generalizations because you are mad you cannot get some since women do not want to talk to your uneducated and flabby ass.
          I cannot imagine you would need a smart phone since you would need opposable thumbs, you pig. You would also need a mild amount of intellect. Community college drops outs like you are a dime a dozen.

        4. Eve didn’t bite the apple right away. The snake had to convince her. Adam just bit the right after Eve offered. Think about that.

        5. You know why they were in his presence? Because he was helping them turn away from their sin. Not encouraging them to keep sinning like you leftists.

      3. 26. Guys hide behind their iPhones/Droids just as much as women do. It’s not a gender thing, it’s a generational thing. Judging someone on what kind of phone they have and when you see them using it probably means that you’re a douche.

    3. What about slutty tattoos that make them look like strippers? These are becoming far more commonplace among the prole women these days(ie. 90% of them)

      1. 1. don’t hate on strippers. every single stripper on this planet could beat you up while reading a magazine.
        2. I think that tattoos are awesome and hot and it’s fine if you don’t but don’t hate on people who do. having a tattoo does not make you a prole or uneducated or anything less worth.
        3. imagine a tattoo like a t-shirt or pants: you think a brown shirt looks really good on you, so you decide to wear a brown shirt every day. and you feel absolutely fabulous. it does not matter what anybody else thinks. you just feel awesome.
        it’s THEIR body and THEY alone decide how to look like just like you decide how to look like.

      2. What about those stupid tattoos that Jewish guys get even though they’re not supposed to get them because they won’t be able to be buried in a Jewish cemetery? Or how about the Christian men who get tattoos even though the Bible EXPLICITLY states that thou shalt not mark thy skin.

        1. Remember when the bible also says not to wear mixed fabrics? The bible is not a book to be read literally. I’m attending a Catholic college and even I know that.

        2. To not read the bible literally or read it literally is an active choice made by people who’ve read, and is reading it. Well of course, quotes from Jesus are often metaphorical and difficult to take literally. However, “the bible is not a book to be read literally” often feels like an excuse to me… I do not mean to offend anyone, I’m christian myself, but it seems like people choose what they want to read literally and what to not.
          A little of topic from the article, but I just felt I needed to comment on this!

    4. Right but the problem with social media is the legions of beta orbiters who give them attention. Ignore them and once they realize they’re just making duck faces for other women they will stop. I wish there was some way to knock sense into these dude’s heads.

      1. So what? Why would you be dealing with such socially awkward losers if you have your shit straight?
        Amazingly, there are women out there with Facebooks who don’t have legions of orbiters. They are tough to find, but they are worth it.
        Most of my 80ish FB friends are family and some more-than-acquaintances, much like most of the non-socially awkward folks I know.

      2. I REPEAT: WOMEN DON’T DO THIS FOR MEN. Not a single thing I do in front of a mirror or on a social network is for you.

        1. Keep telling urself that. U know damn well the hours spent in front of a mirror and the hundreds of duck face booty pics u post a day are spent to look more appealing to men in order to fuel/stroke ur vain, vapid, and vacuous fragile ego. How about instead you go achieve something instead of trying to seek validation from external sources

        2. Not all women take “hundreds of duck face booty pics” and when they do, yeah, they probably are trying to feed their ego. I certainly don’t take those pictures… I have pictures of me with friends where I have some skin showing, yes, but that doesn’t mean I post them to “fuel/stroke my vain, vapid, and vacuous fragile ego”. I do it because I like the picture and want my friends (mostly FEMALE) to see. We post pictures more for other women to see than men. Believing all we do is for you men is just you stroking and feeding YOUR ego.

        3. A) Your entire argument would be so much more valid if you put in the full effort to make it sound just a bit smart. I mean, ur? Really?
          B) Honestly, I think that you need to start realizing just how much you sound like an utterly hypocritical douchebag. Why do you “go achieve” an education, maybe try to be a bit less ignorant?
          C) I can’t speak for women who post “duck face booty pics” because I am not one of them. I have never made a duck face in my entire life, and I don’t intend to do so EVER. Don’t talk about women like they all just want to impress some jackass like you, you might risk loosing your ability to get laid by them.

        4. Everything I do is for men! From making myself pretty keeping thin to keeping my hair long. Of course it’s nice to look in the mirror and be pleased with what you see but it is a mans appreciation that every woman seeks! As my mother told me growing up always make the most of your beauty because one day you will be invisible to all men!

        5. Do you have any idea how sad that is? Not only is your mother an empty-headed embarrassment to all women, but she turned you into one too. Awww. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t plainly such a fuckin idiot.

        6. Do you have any idea how sad that is? Not only is your mother an empty-headed embarrassment to all women, but she turned you into one too. Awww. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t plainly such a fuckin idiot.

        7. Do you have any idea how sad that is? Not only is your mother an empty-headed embarrassment to all women, but she turned you into one too. Awww. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t plainly such a fuckin idiot.

        8. Actually my mother was a kind beautiful and traditional woman. She was creative made all my Christmas presents and stayed up late sewing and knitting my clothes . She was right beauty does open doors. Why should I not myself look good for men. I’m also kind and pleasant to men does that make me an empty headed idiot also?

        9. Yes, keep telling yourself that you’re only posting pictures for your female friends to see. I’m sure if you repeat it enough you may actually believe it.

        10. It’s not liking to look good for men that makes you empty-headed. It’s the fact that your only focus in life is looking good for men that’s empty-headed. Don’t you think that’s sad? You could be focusing on anything. You could travel the world, or write a novel, or build an orphanage, and never have to deal with the kind of asshole who judges a woman’s quality by her looks. But no. You’re too busy keeping yourself pretty for the menfolk, who see you as nothing more than an attractive but vacant fuckbag/slave. And that, sister, is truly pathetic.

        11. It’s not liking to look good for men that makes you empty-headed. It’s the fact that your only focus in life is looking good for men that’s empty-headed. Don’t you think that’s sad? You could be focusing on anything. You could travel the world, or write a novel, or build an orphanage, and never have to deal with the kind of asshole who judges a woman’s quality by her looks. But no. You’re too busy keeping yourself pretty for the menfolk, who see you as nothing more than an attractive but vacant fuckbag/slave. And that, sister, is truly pathetic.

    5. 24-you know, I used to get pretty mad when girls would flake out on me but in retrospect, at least it never happened with me going out of my way to the place where we were supposed to be. Sort of a silver lining.

      1. Men flake, too. There’s probably a reason she didn’t want to see you, and it’s probably the same reason you’re on this website.

        1. Learn what irony is before you use it, and when you are trying to get someone to leave you alone, next time, try to not butcher the English language in the process. Have a nice day, asshole.

        2. Why would I care if men flake? I’m not interested in men. As for the reason a woman may not want to see me, it’s called “honesty.” It’s one thing to turn somebody down, it’s another and downright rude thing to agree to lunch or a movie with somebody and then come up with an excuse to get out of it at each call to confirm. Next, what reason might this be that I’m reading this site? Could it be something called “free will?” Could it be that maybe I’m allowed to read whatever the hell I want to read in order to form my own opinions about what it is I’m reading? Do you care to share the websites that you frequent so that I may flimsily insult you as well?
          And another thing; my comment was not at all disrespectful, insulting, or derogatory. So why did you feel the need to insult me? This exchange started out pretty simple; I responded to the person I was talking to who said that he would be at a restaurant or what have you, and then I said in retrospect, it wasn’t so bad when it happened to me since I’d be at home when I got flaked on. Then here you come, trying to feel superior by insulting somebody without provocation on the internet. Hah, perhaps that’s the reason you’re on this website; because that’s the only way for you to feel superior, where in real life you’re a failure.

        3. I think you’re very interested in men, or you wouldn’t be hating on the ladies so much. It’s fairly textbook, man. You should probably just break out your secret Streisand records and go nuts.

        4. I think you’re very interested in men, or you wouldn’t be hating on the ladies so much. It’s fairly textbook, man. You should probably just break out your secret Streisand records and go nuts.

        5. What is wrong with you? Can you show me any post where I said I hate ladies. Look through my disqus history and show me one single solitary post. You can’t. The “ladies” I don’t like aren’t really “ladies” at all, but are entitled hypocritical feminists.

        6. Everything you’ve said screams ‘woman-hater’, ya fuckin clown. You do realise that all feminism means is a belief in equal rights? And if a person is as virulently against women’s rights as you clearly are, then you’re a woman hater. It’s not exactly complicated, Damien. Come on, now. Get a grip.

        7. Everything you’ve said screams ‘woman-hater’, ya fuckin clown. You do realise that all feminism means is a belief in equal rights? And if a person is as virulently against women’s rights as you clearly are, then you’re a woman hater. It’s not exactly complicated, Damien. Come on, now. Get a grip.

        8. You’re so right, in fact I hope women get the right to vote taken away from them tomorrow. /sarcasm

        9. You’re so right, in fact I hope women get the right to vote taken away from them tomorrow. /sarcasm

    6. 26. Lesbianism: Most lesbians are anti-masculine and the most extreme among them seek to destroy male leadership.
      From ‘Lesbianism and the Women’s Movement’ (Diana Press, 1975), pp. 9-13:
      “Lesbian-feminist politics is a political critique of the institution and ideology of heterosexuality as a primary cornerstone of male supremacy.”
      “… we work to destroy that male power and gain female self-determination.”
      “… destruction of heterosexuality as a crucial part of male supremacy.”
      “… women remaining tied to men prevents them from seeing the function of heterosexuality and acting to end it.”
      For over 40 years, radical lesbians have been engaged in a war against men. The evidence is all around us.

      1. hi! I am a lesbian and I am neither anti-masculine nor trying to overthrow male-leadership, male leadership and heterosexuality are both completely fine.
        It’s just that female (or anything else) leadership is just as good as male leadership and homosexuality should be just as respected as heterosexuality. of course, you will find douchebags in every form of society and belief (= they are female douchebags just like they are male douchebags and a certain sexual leaning does not make you less of an idiot) but demonizing the entire social group just makes you the asshole.
        I understand that you had some bad experiences with lesbians, women in general or some ethnic group. but that does not mean that you can generalize this social group into good, bad, stupid, clever or any adjective that comes to your mind.
        We are all individuals.(even women)

        1. honey I’m not talking about women only. but fine. since no one is an individual and it’s completely fine to generalize social groups: I announce that every man on this planet is a sexist asshole with the iq of baked beans. just as long every woman is an attention whore that in the end just wants to get fucked by morons
          oh oh and every muslim wants to destroy america, every german is a nazi and all americans are fat

        2. I think lesbians are fine, you can’t really say anything against people who like to slurp pussy. Now, just to help me out of the confusion: what IQ do baked beans have, exactly?

        3. I’m also a lesbian, and no we aren’t all militant man-haters, but seeing an article like this regardless of gender or sexuality should provoke some sort of negative reaction and immense disappointment in the fact that there are men out there writing and agreeing to this stuff. It’s just pretty pathetic.
          I like men, if they’re nice men. I like women if they’re nice women. The tripe on this page, however is not nice, and shouldn’t be condoned.

        4. I’m also a lesbian, and no we aren’t all militant man-haters, but seeing an article like this regardless of gender or sexuality should provoke some sort of negative reaction and immense disappointment in the fact that there are men out there writing and agreeing to this stuff. It’s just pretty pathetic.
          I like men, if they’re nice men. I like women if they’re nice women. The tripe on this page, however is not nice, and shouldn’t be condoned.

      2. Lesbianism: Women who are attracted to other women sexually and emotionally. Most have nothing against guys… unless you say something like this. You’re so very ignorant, I can’t even stand it. Let’s try to quote a source within the past few years, eh? Pathetic. Lesbians just want to be able to love who they love without men harassing them. It’s as simple as that.

      3. And how many “radical lesbians” are there? Probably a few thousand or something. Let’s be real here for a second, I doubt that small amount of people could actually do anything to hurt you. Remember that radicals DO NOT represent the group as a whole. Most lesbians (and women in general) probably think those women are nutjobs too.

      4. Well not all feminists are lesbians and I’ve never met a lesbian who was a man-hater. So there’s that.
        In accordance with what annie said, I have no problem with male leadership or heterosexuality. It’s about equality.
        You can’t just make broad generalizations about an entire group of people based on some out-of-context quotes from 1975. You probably should also try not to shame people for being who they are. Just saying.

      1. LOL. How about those fucking retarded “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses” that those cunts wear. Good god when will that trend die. Another layer to the bitch shield defense mechanism I guess, hide behind stupid nerd glasses. Anyone that wears those glasses is a real cunt.

        1. Right on man!
          Men developed surgeries to correct these problems. Ladies, do yourselves and us a favor and get it done.
          “But, I’m afraid of the risks involved,” she recoiled.
          Stop being a pussy, pussy. LIfe is about risks. The greater risk is that your life is on a trajectory towards self-medication with chardonnay mixed with prescription meds and conversations with cats.

        2. Some people need to see. Some people actually really like those glasses. It’s based on preference, and if you don’t like them, then don’t buy them! It’s as simple as that, Jose.
          Now, if you would kindly remove your head from your ass, it is not a hat. Thank you.

        3. Not everyone can afford those expensive surgeries, and not everyone wants to get that.
          There are risks involved with every surgery and they need to be taken into account. If you can’t deal with the fact that she doesn’t want it, then you should not be putting your dick inside of her. Simple as that, asshole.
          Life may be about risks, but at the risk of becoming blind? Wow… You need to get your head out of your ass.

        4. Then get a penis enlargement and stop bitching on a website. Ps. what are you a lard ass playwright? No one talks like that on an ignorant website like this, are you proud of what you learned in 6th grade? No one here gives a crap about your shitty writing.

        5. I apologise if I’d rather not pay thousands of pounds that I don’t have for surgery that has a higher chance of making things worse than fixing them for someone with my eye condition, but I’d rather not go blind at an early age.

        6. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        7. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        8. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        9. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        10. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        11. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        12. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        13. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        14. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        15. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        16. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        17. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        18. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        19. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        20. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        21. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        22. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        23. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        24. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        25. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        26. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        27. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        28. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        29. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        30. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        31. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        32. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        33. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        34. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        35. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        36. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        37. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        38. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        39. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        40. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        41. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        42. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        43. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        44. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        45. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        46. Some of us actually look good in our “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses,” you know, the ones with the thick rims that are fairly large and stereotypical “nerd” fashion. And hey, it at least fits my personality. After all, I am an engineering student and doing much better than the majority of the guys… but hearing that probably hurts you because you’d rather see me in the kitchen than designing the next big gadget, now wouldn’t you?

        47. Some of us actually look good in our “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses,” you know, the ones with the thick rims that are fairly large and stereotypical “nerd” fashion. And hey, it at least fits my personality. After all, I am an engineering student and doing much better than the majority of the guys… but hearing that probably hurts you because you’d rather see me in the kitchen than designing the next big gadget, now wouldn’t you?

        48. Some of us actually look good in our “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses,” you know, the ones with the thick rims that are fairly large and stereotypical “nerd” fashion. And hey, it at least fits my personality. After all, I am an engineering student and doing much better than the majority of the guys… but hearing that probably hurts you because you’d rather see me in the kitchen than designing the next big gadget, now wouldn’t you?

      2. I am afraid you do not understand. They don’t do this for you. They do this for them. Because they feel smokin’ hot while doing this. No one cares if you like it or not.

      3. just a psa, not everything women do is meant to attract men. in fact, most things we do aren’t!

      4. how pathetic that you are posting someone else’s picture to shame them while hiding behind the anonymity of an internet message board.

      5. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      6. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      7. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      8. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      9. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      10. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      11. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      12. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      13. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      14. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      15. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      16. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      17. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      18. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      19. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      20. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      21. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      22. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      23. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      24. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      25. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      26. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      27. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      28. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      29. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      30. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      31. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      32. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      33. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      34. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      35. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      36. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      37. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      38. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      39. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      40. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      41. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      42. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      43. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      44. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      45. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      46. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      47. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      48. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      49. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      50. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      51. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      52. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      53. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      54. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      55. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      56. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      57. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      58. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      59. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      60. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

    7. Yeah, but a man should flake on a woman a fee times. Or at least be unapologetically late.

      1. Why should a man be able to do that and a woman cannot? That doesn’t seem fair at all, and it isn’t. Equality is the way to go.

    8. 23 : what does your best friend have to say about this? couldn’t he keep his dick in his pants?… GREAT FRIENDHSIP YOU GOT GOIN ON THERE SON

    9. 21: guys who take shirtless pictures of themselves. Same goes for the status updates.
      22. Guys spread rumors too. Let’s not be sexist, now.
      23. Oh man, sounds like your ex had sex with your best friend! So sorry to hear that, but last I checked, it’s her life and her body. Not yours. Get over yourself.
      24. Guys flake too. In fact, I think that’s just a human thing, people flake. Sounds like some girl really just didn’t want to see you. Sorry, not sorry.
      25. Maybe that “scumbag” is better than you. Sounds like he would be, considering that you’re posting this shit on a website.
      You’re pathetic. No woman wants a man who whines like you do. Grow up, grow a pair, and start acting like a gentleman.

      1. Thank you.You embody everything wrong with females in this day and age.
        Let me break down your reply for the manosphere.
        “guys who take shirtless pictures of themselves”
        These guys are obviously confident with their bodies. Who complains when a girl takes a shirtless pic of herself? Unless she’s a delusional landwhale.
        “Guys spread rumours too. Lets not be sexist”
        We don’t spread rumours in the destructive and meaninglessly evil intent that you ‘womyn” do it. When we spread ‘rumours’, its with a constructive intent, In fact its mostly positive e.g.
        Male ‘rumour’
        “You hear John fucked Stacey and Jen in the same night”
        Translation: damn John has game.-Constructive
        Female ‘rumour’
        “I hate stacey, she’s such a bitch/slut/whore”
        Translation: I’m so jealous of Stacey getting all the fun with the badboy/alpha while I’m stuck with these beta’s.-destructive.
        Woman spread rumours to create meaningless drama either trying to recreate scenes from 90210/Gossip Girl or whatever garbage is on TV at the moment or just to make their miserable lives more ‘interesting’.
        “Oh man, sounds like your ex had sex with your best friend! So sorry to hear that, but last I checked, it’s her life and her body. Not yours. Get over yourself.”
        And then you wonder why you ask yourself “where have all the real men gone?” Next you complain about a guy pumping and dumping you, Not calling/texting you back, refusing to marry you.
        Remember “its HIS life and HIS Body”
        “Guys flake too. In fact, I think that’s just a human thing, people flake. Sounds like some girl really just didn’t want to see you. Sorry, not sorry”
        Here we go again. Your rationalization hamster is in overdrive
        e.g Guys kill too. In fact, I think thats just a human thing, people kill.
        now does that make it right to kill people?
        “Maybe that “scumbag” is better than you. Sounds like he would be, considering that you’re posting this shit on a website”.
        This very paragraph is one of the reasons guys are going GALT/MGTOW.
        We live in a world where a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic has more value in the eyes of woman then the hard working, providing, kind, law abiding citizen.
        “You’re pathetic. No woman wants a man who whines like you do. Grow up, grow a pair, and start acting like a gentleman”
        You end your reply by the usual bitter feministic insult. You forgot “small penis”, ‘living in my basement” , “mommy issues” , “gay”.

        1. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        2. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        3. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        4. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        5. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        6. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        7. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        8. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        9. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        10. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        11. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        12. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        13. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        14. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        15. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        16. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        17. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        18. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        19. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        20. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        21. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        22. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        23. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        24. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        25. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        26. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        27. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        28. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        29. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        30. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        31. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        32. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        33. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        34. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        35. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        36. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        37. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        38. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        39. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        40. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        41. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        42. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        43. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        44. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        45. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        46. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        47. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        48. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        49. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        50. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        51. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        52. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        53. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        54. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        55. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        56. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        57. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        58. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        59. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        60. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        61. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        62. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        63. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        64. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        65. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        66. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        67. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        68. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        69. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        70. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        71. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        72. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        73. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        74. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        75. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        76. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        77. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        78. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        79. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        80. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        81. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        82. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        83. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        84. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        85. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        86. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        87. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        88. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        89. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        90. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        91. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        92. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        93. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        94. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        95. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        96. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        97. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        98. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        99. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        100. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        101. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        102. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        103. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        104. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        105. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        106. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        107. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        108. a) citing for that bullshit statistic?
          b) thank god women are able to divorce misogynistic and pathetic assholes like yourself. the reason you are posting this crap on the internet is because you lack self esteem and cannot date someone who is more confident than yourself.

        109. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        110. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        111. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        112. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        113. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        114. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        115. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        116. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        117. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        118. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        119. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        120. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        121. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        122. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        123. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        124. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        125. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        126. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        127. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        128. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        129. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        130. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        131. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        132. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        133. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        134. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        135. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        136. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        137. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        138. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        139. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        140. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        141. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        142. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        143. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        144. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        145. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        146. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        147. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        148. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        149. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        150. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        151. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        152. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        153. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        154. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        155. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        156. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        157. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        158. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        159. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        160. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        161. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        162. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        163. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        164. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        165. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        166. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        167. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        168. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        169. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        170. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        171. b. um… why are these women marrying these misogynistic and pathetic assholes in the first place?

        172. b. um… why are these women marrying these misogynistic and pathetic assholes in the first place?

        173. b. um… why are these women marrying these misogynistic and pathetic assholes in the first place?

        174. if they’re so empowered, why do they feel so threatened by people saying shit they don’t like?

        175. “We live in a world where a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic has more value in the eyes of woman then the hard working, providing, kind, law abiding citizen.”
          Women don’t want men who tell them how to act. You act like you’re some perfect guy or something but no one wants you. Deal with it, asshole.

        176. Just once I wish I saw a comment about feminism that was even remotely close to the truth. Saying “feminism means superior rights for women, is kinda like saying every muslim is a terrorist.” Why? Because it’s just as WRONG.
          Feminism started a long time ago, at that time womens rights did not exist. They had no rights in the society. So hence came feminism – a movement to get THE SAME RIGHTS for WOMEN and MEN. In other words EQUAL rights. Feminism still means and stands for that because in many (but way way way fewer ways) man has more rights and social acceptance of behaviour, even today. So the feminist keep fighting for equal rights.
          Of course, you will always find extremists. They are everywhere, be it, religion or politics. They are everywhere, and to judge a religion or a political branch or movement only by a little percentage of the people who happen to be extremists is silly. Beyond silly really. It’s just something that uneducated morons with a severly damaged sight on this worlds cultures and politics do.

        177. Actually, it’s not. I’ve not met a single Muslim who expressed wanting to blow up a building. I’ve met several feminists who are openly misandric.
          To say women had no rights is disingenuous. They may not have been able to work but they didn’t need to work. Most of the time the males provided for them. And since the draft was law at the time, the males HAD to go shoot people to keep the women at home safe, risking their own lives. I’d hardly call that “women were oppressed.” They weren’t able to vote, but they got that right without feminism. I doubt the women who fought for the right to vote would support even half of the things feminists champion today. Also, if it’s “the same rights for women and men,” then why is it called “feminism?” The Civil Rights movement wasn’t called “Blackism.” It’s also not true that men have more rights than women these days. Which of us is mandatorily signed up for the draft? Hint; it ain’t you. The only thing I’ll agree with in terms of “man has more societal acceptance of behavior” is the whole “if a man has sex with lots of women he’s a stud, but if a woman has sex with lots of men she’s a slut” thing. Because I feel both men and women should be considered sluts, regardless the fact that the man has to put in more work than a woman to get sex. That’s my personal opinion.
          But here’s the deal; Jezebel, the feminists on tumblr, feministing, et al- are not outliers of feminism. They ALL act like that, and the ones that don’t do not speak out. You’ll hardly ever see Christians condoning the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, for example. Most Christians have outright stated that while they do not agree with homosexuality, they still treat homosexuals with respect whereas the Westboro Baptist Church is vocal in their hatred of gays. You’ll hardly ever find a feminist speaking up for the small babies who lost their lives to abortion, you’ll hardly ever find a feminist speaking up about the unjust family court proceedings for men, and you’ll hardly ever find a feminist encouraging women to own up to their part in bad decisions, especially in cases of false rape charges-see; Praise Martin-Oguike case, and the brief drama that was the false rape charge last month at Ohio State where a man was eating a woman out in public, but it got spread over the internet so the woman called rape though in the picture she clearly enjoyed what was going on. Both should’ve gotten charged for public indecency, but she tried to ruin this man’s life.
          It is the majority of feminists, who are indeed man-hating and pro-baby killing/or have actually killed a baby at some point, who are the “morons” and who are far more worst words that I refuse to say.
          On a smaller note, feminists are also hypocritical. There was a woman not too long ago who insinuated that instagram banned her for posting a pic of her bikini zone where you could see her pubic hair, because she was a woman. NOBODY wants to see that, on ANY person. Yet had a man done the same thing, she’d have hit the report button on instagram so fast.

        178. According to observations in the real world where people like yourself curse out people simply for saying something that threatens your worldview

        179. “Women don’t want men who tell them how to act. ”
          And your solution to counter this is to tell men how to act…

        180. a bit of a history lesson for your ignorant self. I believe you will find – the woman who pioneered the right for woman to vote was in fact the definition of a feminist. Jerk
          Also how would you feel if WE HAD all the rights to your money and control? maybe coming to you from a money angle might get through your thick skull. you’re a jerk and don’t deserve a womans affection.
          Kate Sheppard, 1847-1934
          Votes for Women
          Kate Sheppard is recognised as the leader of the fight to win the right for New Zealand women to vote. She and other pioneering women campaigned so effectively that in 1893 New Zealand became the first self-governing nation in the world to grant the vote to all women over 21.
          Kate was also involved in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, founded the National Council of Women, established the first women owned newspaper in the country and was a pioneering cyclist.
          She later travelled overseas to England and America to help the campaigns there. In 1895 she became the editor of the first newspaper in New Zealand to be owned, managed and published only by women. It was called the White Ribbon.
          She established the National Council of Women in April 1896 and continued to argue for women’s rights, especially the right for married women to have control of their own money. She encouraged women to become involved with society and politics and she continued to campaign to make things better women and families in particular. Her political philosophies included proportional representation, with non-party affiliation; the initiative and referendum, giving the public the right to initiate or veto legislation; and the elective executive, where cabinet ministers would be elected by all members of Parliament.

        181. The “definition of a feminist” is WRONG. That’s like calling the color red, blue. It’s just WRONG. What feminists say they want, is different from what they actually do. Also, way to disprove what I’ve been saying. You’re kind of a disrespectful trollop.

          Also how would you feel if WE HAD all the rights to your money and control? maybe coming to you from a money angle might get through your thick skull. you’re a jerk and don’t deserve a womans affection.

          LOL. Well you know, women are individuals free to make their own choices, including whether one wants to feel affection for me. So tough nuts to you. Any dude that likes you is a sucker for batshit crazy though. As for money and control, we’ll see how much you’ll complain when you get a divorce because you got “bored” and took half the man’s shit.
          Nevertheless, Kate Sheppard is a woman I respect. You however… not so much. But you know, good luck fighting the imaginary patriarchy and all that. You’re an ugly person. By which I mean your personality, which probably manifested on your exterior as well.

        182. The “definition of a feminist” is WRONG. That’s like calling the color red, blue. It’s just WRONG. What feminists say they want, is different from what they actually do. Also, way to disprove what I’ve been saying. You’re kind of a disrespectful trollop.

          Also how would you feel if WE HAD all the rights to your money and control? maybe coming to you from a money angle might get through your thick skull. you’re a jerk and don’t deserve a womans affection.

          LOL. Well you know, women are individuals free to make their own choices, including whether one wants to feel affection for me. So tough nuts to you. Any dude that likes you is a sucker for batshit crazy though. As for money and control, we’ll see how much you’ll complain when you get a divorce because you got “bored” and took half the man’s shit.
          Nevertheless, Kate Sheppard is a woman I respect. You however… not so much. But you know, good luck fighting the imaginary patriarchy and all that. You’re an ugly person. By which I mean your personality, which probably manifested on your exterior as well.

        183. So, if a woman has an abortion she’s a baby-killer, but if you, the Big Man, knock her up and never call her again, like all you Real Men seem to brag about, and she aborts your worthless, retarded flipper baby cos she regrets sleeping with a mutant like you, is that still the wrong thing to do? Would you rather her turn up on your doorstep with your fuck-ugly squalling infant in tow, demanding the money you owe her? Cos remember, Real Men look after their kids, no matter how hideous or plain fucking stupid they might be. Bet you’d think abortions were a good thing then. Or does being a Real Man who posts on the ‘manosphere’ mean that you have the right to ruin both your lives, and that of your special needs kid with the clubfoot and eczema, just cos you haven’t really thought about abortion properly and are willing to take whatever stance makes you feel most masculine. Or whatever stance means you get to hate women more. I bet your father used to beat on you, and your mother, and she was one of those poor, broken women who put up with her husband’s abuse for the sake of her kids, only for the result of all her struggles to turn out a cuntbucket like you. You’ve got all the hallmarks of the syndrome. You know why you hate women? Because you’re scared of them. You don’t understand them, they’re unfamiliar to you,and their bodies gross you out slightly or you wouldn’t be so concerned over a few pubes, so there’s probably some homosexual tendencies in there too. Look, there’s nothing wrong with being gay, just accept it. You’re scared of women and they upset you, and you’re so much more at home around the guys, so if you’re not already, you really should suck a dick. I think it’d be liberating for you.
          Not nice being the focus of loathing from someone who’s never met you, right?

        184. I’m going to reply to you in more in detail a little later, but I’m gonna start by saying you straight up judged me without even bothering to get to know me. For starters, I don’t believe in sex before marriage so I can’t be that guy.

        185. I’m going to reply to you in more in detail a little later, but I’m gonna start by saying you straight up judged me without even bothering to get to know me. For starters, I don’t believe in sex before marriage so I can’t be that guy.

        186. Bwahahaaa! I am so on the money here! Ok, let’s see, brought up in a restrictive Christian household to believe that women have been dirty and evil since Eve bit the apple…violent father…doormat mother…probably overweight…I know what it is – your father was one of those alcoholic religious types who believe it’s a sin to have an affair, but he’d sneak into your room at night, cos how can it be a sin to touch your own family? Is that right? Don’t feel ashamed, man, it’s not like you’re alone. I mean, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t turn everyone into a misogynist come-stain, but maybe you’re just one of the unlucky ones. I knew you’d never been laid, it seeps out from between every word you’ve written, but I didn’t realise you’ve made it a lifestyle choice. I believe that’s what they call ‘making a virtue out of a necessity’.
          And by the way, I’m judging you before getting to know you because, based on your views, no-one would want to get to know you. That’s why you’re a grown man who’s never had sex and is claiming it’s because you ‘don’t believe in sex before marriage’. How brain-damaged would a woman have to be to even sit through a conversation with you, never mind marry you?

        187. So since I’m not a woman, if I called you, purely in the interests of an example, a ‘small-dicked basement-living mother-fixated cocksucker’, that would be ok? That’s not fair. You shouldn’t call people ‘bitter feminists’ just for pointing out the blindingly obvious.

        188. …stopped reading after “women have been dirty and evil.” It’s clear that you have problems. Women are loved in Christianity and you would know that if you weren’t so hateful. Not having sex before marriage is about respect for myself AND for the hypothetical woman I would marry.

        189. Oh man, I am so weak with laughter at you. You plainly have no respect for women, and neither does the Bible, which you’d know if you’d ever read it objectively. And of course you stopped reading, you monumental loser. That’s what all close-minded woman-hating religious types do when you say something they don’t like; pretend it’s not there. Well, either that or kill whoever said it. I take a small amount comfort in knowing that, yeah, you might be a toxic, misogynistic God-bothering virgin fuckpig whose ilk are poisoning my world and ruining it for all the decent people, but at least you’ll be dying alone and unloved.

        190. You may be laughing, but I’m not. I’m very sad for you. I hope you wake up before it’s too late.

        191. Yeah yeah, the old ‘turn the other cheek’ routine. I don’t buy it. You got really aggressive and insulting with the woman who brought up Kate Sheppard, where’s that gumption now? Also you said you’d reply in more detail. Not getting much detail from ya here, Damo. If you don’t give me details, I’m gonna have to assume that everything I said about you is true. Especially the father stuff, cos it’s such classic pathological behaviour on your part. And wake up from what, by the way? My perfectly happy, enlightened state of mind, where women are my friends and I love and cherish them? Wake up into a world where the rules are written by a fucking disgrace like you? Damien, old friend, if Jesus really exists, he thinks you’re scum. You ever read the Sermon On The Mount? I mean properly now, not just semi-dozing through the sermon in church. None of what Jesus said is anything like the bile you’re spewing, and I think if Jesus could see inside your brain, and your heart, he’d be in a Moneylenders In The Temple kind of mood. Cos you, you vile canker, are the opposite of everything Jesus wanted humans to be. Your faith is a sham and if there is a Hell its fires wait for you, not us.

        192. you understand that literally everything that you did there, by reasoning out everything Psquare said, you could do with the original post

        193. You’re a fucking idiot Psquare. Thank fuck our paths will never cross. Unfortunately for me though, there are plenty more misogynistic, ignorant scumbags out there who’ll undoubtedly cross my path. But you know what, people who think like you do don’t deserve our time or attention, you can say what you will and nothing I say will change your thinking, but men can’t speak for women, ok? You’d have to be a fucking idiot not to realise the blatant sexism and double standards listed above, and I hope for your sake and for the sakes of all the women who ever have to cross your path that you see reason one day. You have no right to get on your high horse and tell women they should act a certain way, the fact is that life is much more unfair to women, and just because you don’t understand because you’ve never been a female, your lack of understanding does not give you any right to shame women for acting a certain way. I really wish you’d see reason, but you won’t, just like so many other men. Equality is so far away it’s frightening. See some sense for god’s sake.

        194. No it doesn’t..? I hate that you say that so confidently yet have missed the point entirely. Total ignorance.

        195. these women are proving that to be true for most of them… though this is mostly an issue for leftist/feminist women which if the elections are to be believed, are the majority.

        196. Aggressive? Hardly. Matter-of-fact, yeah, but not aggressive. I didn’t have time to respond to your lengthy tirades. I’ll respond to you tomorrow.

        197. I understood what she said. It’s called “I disagree, and here’s why.” You’re a dude, huh? You’d get that if you woke up and stopped allowing women dictating what you’re allowed to think.

        198. welcome to the manosphere. I suggest reading the rationalmale(rollo) for more clarity. You seem to be to one of the few girls that are willing to accept the truth

        199. Hah but clearly you’re as much of an idiot as you sound! Hint; the definition of “ignorant” isn’t; “Says things I don’t like. Especially because it’s true and I can’t accept that.”

        200. thats a hell of a generalization sir….I’m wondering how familiar you are with logic and reasoning.
          bold generalizations like that are rather unreasonable.

        201. “Women are loved in Christianity ” no they’re not. Read the bible, particularly the old testament.
          That said, I fully respect your Desire to remain chaste until marriage, particularly because you’re not a hypocrite about it.

        202. considering that you are descended from one of the most disenfranchised cultures ever I would have thought that any amount of blatant inequality would disgust you as much as it disgusted me.

        203. You are so right! The definition of “ignorant” is actually
          lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated

        204. So essentially Normal Human Being is hoping that you aren’t actually as “lacking in knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated” as you sound like.

        205. Actually Damien I think you will find that feminism is inherently diverse. Certain Radical Feminists may seek superior rights for women but they are in the minority. Liberal feminists seek equality, which i think you will find does not exist. I advise you read up a little before making biased accusations. Yours sincerely, the feminist fairy.

        206. I agree with some of the things you are saying, and other things, not so much:
          “These guys are obviously confident with their bodies. Who complains when
          a girl takes a shirtless pic of herself? Unless she’s a delusional
          1st: It is the social norm for young women to act like sluts nowadays – so any woman “confident” enough to take her shirt off for the interwebz is automatically a superstar in the eyes of men and obviously an attention whore in the eyes of women – and equally vice-verse for both genders based on perspective and opinion.
          Our society sexualizes the female breast 2 bajillion times more than the male breast. When men (and women) stop caring about the lumps of fat and milk glands on our chests, the taboo of full frontal nudity of the female variety will cease to be an act of “look at me, I’m so hawt” or “I need attention, please love me for my boobies to validate my existence and affirm my beauty and social acceptance” – and become “seriously, who gives a fuck about your flabby, bulbous, disgusting titties. Show me some vag, slut, or get off the webz.”
          I can’t wait for those days to arrive. It will be thrilling. Yes, that was sarcasm.
          **But I don’t expect much from people who view other human beings as objects that must fit a standard or they are unfit to exist, let alone speak their minds.
          2nd: What do you have against “land whales”, exactly? What did they ever do to you to make you hate them so much? Their existence really offends you so much that they are deserving of your unending contempt and criticism? **See above for clarification.
          Women weren’t put on this planet to please your eyeballs.
          If you think all women must please your eyes and never speak their minds, you need to grow a 5 inch diameter, 10 inch long cock, drive an Aston Martin, dress in Armani 24-7, know how to play the guitar and dance tango, understand Quantum Physics, speak 5 different languages and own 3 successful businesses.
          Does that seem fair? No? Why not? You are basically demanding women must meet your standard of beauty or stfu and not exist which makes you an asshole.
          So, as a non-landwhale messenger for all these horrible landwhales out here, you can go suck your own dick, fuck-face. Keep your inner hell to yourself and stop throwing it out into the world, or learn to speak and think rationally like the rest of us before saying really stupid shit.
          /end rant…moving on.
          3rd: “Guys spread rumours too. Lets not be sexist”
          “We don’t spread rumours in the destructive and meaninglessly evil intent that you ‘womyn” do it. When we spread ‘rumours’, its with a constructive intent, In fact its mostly positive e.g.”
          ** ^^ ROFL! LOL! That is some funny shit right there.**
          “Male ‘rumour’
          “You hear John fucked Stacey and Jen in the same night”
          Translation: damn John has game.-Constructive
          Female ‘rumour’
          “I hate stacey, she’s such a bitch/slut/whore”
          Translation: I’m so jealous of Stacey getting all the fun with the badboy/alpha while I’m stuck with these beta’s.-destructive.”
          Let me do some translating for you now, from my perspective:
          Male rumor: Damn John has game.
          Typical Male Whore:
          Damn, he got game. *high five* I need to give “respect” to a manipulative bastard that preys on
          weak-willed or weak-minded women to satisfy his sexual urges in order to
          validate his own existence, and never question his motives, because
          that is totally breaking the bro-code, and I’m too drunk or too stupid to really question anything going on around me, let alone my own morality.
          Normal, rational “nice guy”:
          Damn, all the women he gets are obviously either really stupid and have no self-esteem, or are just really horny all the time because they lack self-love and real love from another person, or they have issues i.e. sluts be crazy yo.
          Obviously manipulative men can get into bed pretty easy with these girls because the girls are seeking validation for their existence, which these men give to them in the form of sex and attention. I feel sorry for the girls. They are wanting love and respect, and getting nothing but dick.
          Female rumor: I hate her. She’s such a slut/bitch.
          Translation: I’m obviously a woman created by Psquare that is incapable of logical, rational thought and all women are my rivals, and Psquare hates women who act like that, but Psquare fails to realize that “sluts” are usually the most competitive and catty women of all. I need to compete with these sluts because if I don’t, men won’t find me attractive because I am not slutty enough for them to fuck at the drop of a hat. Never mind that a truly logical, rationally thinking woman wouldn’t want anything to do with a male whore in the first place.
          If I am too low-key and “safe”, no man will want me because I am not adventurous enough for their sexual appetites, and I won’t snag an alpha like the sluts and I’ll be stuck with a door-mat beta for the rest of my life and I will be filled with grief and envy of all the women who are fucking all the alphas that I wasn’t slutty enough to fuck. Boohoo. Psquare wouldn’t want anything to do with me, therefore I am unfit to exist and undeserving of love and respect as a human being.
          You have given a watered down, college co-ed, cliche example of a female “rumor”, i.e. you obviously believe all women are “catty” or “aggressive” towards one another and that cattiness is damaging instead of “supportive” like your bro-grats example for men. Then you basically make the assertion that this whole “alpha vs beta” paradigm is really what is directing the actions of women – as if women have no free will.
          Thanks, Psquare. I really appreciate your confidence in our ability to make our own decisions based on personal preference, societal norms or media influence, desire to fit in and be accepted, and family dynamics and the impact it has on our psyches and growth.
          You are speaking in absolutes – all male rumors are constructive, all female rumors are destructive.
          I, and I am quite sure you, have heard a fair share of male gossip and male cattiness, and a fair share of positive female camaraderie.
          “We live in a world where a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic has more
          value in the eyes of woman then the hard working, providing, kind, law
          abiding citizen.”
          And what makes you think the women who find these types of men valuable are valuable themselves?
          You have an “I need to save the princess” attitude towards these women, and I am not really sure why. They don’t need to be saved from the assholes they are involved with. They need the assholes to hurt them so they learn what they don’t want because they are too mindless to know better to begin with.
          Women who choose assholes choose them for various reasons – they like assholes, they find them exciting, they get off on being hurt, they feel deserving of being hurt, or they aren’t aware that these guys are assholes or losers because they are too uneducated and lack awareness of what actually makes for a decent relationship. Basically “oh em gee he’s soooo hawt I wanna stick my titties in his face right now and let him stick his dick in me later tonight even though I just met him and have no idea who he is or what he is capable of, but he’s soooo hawt”…
          Who told you to white knight for them? Let them learn their lesson from the assholes. They will wise up and won’t want anything to do with men soon enough. Don’t try to save them now. They aren’t worthy of being saved yet, and you apparently only want to save them from the assholes because they aren’t giving you their attention.
          It seems you don’t like talking about what isn’t convenient for your argument because you have a chip on your shoulder that says “I hate women because they won’t let me fuck them at the drop of a hat and shower me with endless slut attention until I tire of them and demand my pristine virgin bride”.
          If the bitches ain’t showin you the titties and givin you the pussy they aren’t worth your time, right?
          Thanks for playing, Psquare. Your logic is pretty damn fail.

        207. He has no right to shame women, but you have no problem shaming men. Hypocrisy, how does it work?

        208. Psquare.. dude.. I don’t know what happened to you as a kid… you sound messed up. I’m a man just like you, but the way you carry and represent yourself is horrible. You aren’t helping the image that we as guys should be portraying. If you don’t like a certain type of woman, then don’t talk to her. No need to be a dick about anything.

        209. Wow, that was very impressive!! I love how you were able to get all of those points and thoughts out so easily while I would have made a jumbled mess. Do you have a blog? Or write novels? Because I like your style and would love to read some more by you. For real!! You did an awesome job!

        210. Uhm, no, actually not at all. Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic EQUALITY to men. Good try though.

        211. Uhm, no, actually not at all. Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic EQUALITY to men. Good try though.

        212. I stopped reading after your first couple sentences because the hypocrisy almost made me vomit. You are an ignorant fool, sir. Feminism is not a man hating movement, if nothing else will convince you, actually try doing some research because clearly you are just speaking on an opinion you have formed about feminism which has no historical fact. But that is not to say there aren’t women out there who hate men, much like you are bashing women now. But good luck finding a girlfriend!

        213. No, but the definition is; lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. And you, sir, are all of those things.

        214. No, but the definition is; lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. And you, sir, are all of those things.

        215. Anti-masculinity and estranging men from masculinity is indeed a sophisticated form of man-hating. This has been so well argued and documented that only the willfully ignorant could ever suggest otherwise.

        216. Anti-masculinity and estranging men from masculinity is indeed a sophisticated form of man-hating. This has been so well argued and documented that only the willfully ignorant could ever suggest otherwise.

        217. Because the sluts pick them up in bars and clubs by getting slobbery shitfaced drunk. Hence they have no class anymore. Real women don’t find misogynist pricks, the have skill called “class” that could find a decent guy.

        218. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        219. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        220. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        221. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        222. This article clearly shows what types of girls men are not attracted to. It’s also a guide to help women understand what good / decent / respectable guys would want in a woman.

        223. This article clearly shows what types of girls men are not attracted to. It’s also a guide to help women understand what good / decent / respectable guys would want in a woman.

        224. Feminism doesn’t mean sticking up for the right to act like an unattractive slut though. And by unattractive, I mean slut. Because after all slut qualities are unattractive for those feminists who want to take things out of context and misconstrue my words. Feminism is more about dignity, honor and pride of being a female. The article above shows the quality of women who do not have dignity, honor or pride in being a female. Real men would love to have a female who carries herself with dignity, honor and pride and not like the girl types mentioned above.

        225. First of all, the woman getting the abortion got knocked up by an asshole / one night stand if she is that desperate for an abortion. Real men don’t date women like that. We date women with class, and we call back and stick around.

        226. Nope. You obviously know how to explore the xenophobic, sexist armpit of the internet, but you’ll be glad to know that there are dictionaries around here too! Straight from webster: feminism is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.”

        227. the dictionary’s definition of feminism:
          the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
          hmmmm whose definition should i pick? the dictionary one, or the one from some random guy on the internet who pulls out information out of his ass? this is a difficult decision…

        228. “why do they feel so threatened by people saying shit they don’t like?”
          p.s. according to your statement, you shouldn’t feel so threatened by feminism then.

        229. That’s not what the colossal fucktard who wrote this list says. How bout you, Timmy, you single? Last girlfriend get a little fed up of your fist-kisses? Or are you one of those clowns who talk all tough on sites like this and then are a total, utter, mindblowing pussy when you’re with whatever poor woman had to settle for you?

        230. I’m sure all the cheating men with a entitled dick are the reason for divorce increases. of course those men would not want initiate the divorce and lose all their money.

        231. Wow, yes I will blame that on patriarchy. Because before women’s liberation they didn’t have the right to divorce and now that they do they do not have to stay in relationships that do more harm than good.

        232. This so called “class” you are talking about would not be able to perform miracles because finding a man who is not a misogynistic prick is a very hard feat as you and all the other misogynistic pricks have so willingly displayed

        233. It’s just astounding to see how many ignorantly narrow minded misogynistic pigs there still are in this world

        234. how on earth does feminism mean superior rights for women? do you even know what feminism means? there wouldn’t be feminism if one gender didn’t hold power over the other for century’s.

        235. That’s all you’ve got to say, you cancerous pig? God not providing you with any handy comebacks? Leaving you not only poisonous, ignorant, and pug fucking ugly, but more or less mute too? Fancy that. It’s almost as if he’s not actually there and you’re just clinging to a completely outnmoded thought process because you’re a sad, scared confused and hateful virgin who’s too terrified to try and make his way in the world without clinging to the beliefs of a bunch of sexist racist murderous fuckbags who lived thousands of years ago.

        236. The fact that you can’t see the hypocrisy of your own logic is astounding. Ignorance is bliss though, eh.

        237. I don’t know where you got your definition of feminism but you are wrong because that is the exact definition of feminism; Equality. As a feminist, I fight for the equality of all races, all genders, all sexualities, etc.

        238. when you are looking to men as people you would like to pro-create with you get kind of concerned when they say ignorant things…

        239. You listen to Damien now. He’s an authority on ignorance, aren’tcha Damo? You pretty much are the definition of ignorance, you cuntbrained Neanderthal.

        240. I’m a feminist, I don’t hate men, ive’ had a boyfriend for 4 years and I continually make art at university expressing CERTAIN things some women deal with in society e.g. being paid less for doing the same work, being raped, being seen as a sex symbol/object and not a human being. your very ignorant if you think that feminists hate men and want to over power them. I agree this day there are many ‘left wing’ types of feminism but please don’t insult me.

        241. Are you actually kidding me? When a guy takes a shirtless picture, there’s hardly, if any, negative backlash against him. If a girl takes a shirtless picture, everyone complains about what a slut she is. Don’t pretend like there’s not a double standard.

        242. WOOOOOOOWWW. That is all I have to say because you are just literally talking out of your ass. Incidentally I am a feminist who is pro life and I do not hate men. I do hate ignorant pieces of shit who talk about things like they are so all knowing when really their perception is so skewed that if they were to learn about the reality of the oppression of women they would be sadly, sadly mistaken. Go take a fucking women studies close you narrow minded dildo.

        243. No, I’m gonna thank the women of the world for that because they had to fight for us to be allowed to leave unhappy relationships

        244. This is the closest thing to not being sexist you have written on this whole page. So maybe you should re-evaluate yourself.

        245. You are ignorant if you boil feminism down to one single idea. There are multiple types of feminisms.

        246. Roles to fulfill? What are you talking about. Everyone has a different role and they choose it. No role is written in stone. If you think women were to stay home and take care of kids, bro, you are probably very egotistic, insecure but act secure by waving your masculinity like a dog banging anything that moves. No class

        247. Roles to fulfill? What are you talking about. Everyone has a different role and they choose it. No role is written in stone. If you think women were to stay home and take care of kids, bro, you are probably very egotistic, insecure but act secure by waving your masculinity like a dog banging anything that moves. No class

        248. Also, I seriously think that you have never met a woman with intellect and class. I think you’ve only dated or have met the girls who throw themselves at men. You are afraid of the women who are smart and have self-respect. You will never get those type of ladies with this mindset because you don’t have respect for women. You can continue dreaming of meeting the perfect woman man. Take your time

        249. OMG, 90% of feminists? Do you know the exact number of feminist in this world? How many of them have you met? And how many of them actually acted that way? I’m curious, because you see, I happen to be a feminist too ^^
          And actually, I feel very hurt when I read this article. Because I happen to be fat, and this article said I should be shamed for that. I saw so many people here saying classy/good/decent men don’t want to date girls listed in this article.
          Sorry if offended anyone ^^

        250. OMG, 90% of feminists? Do you know the exact number of feminist in this world? How many of them have you met? And how many of them actually acted that way? I’m curious, because you see, I happen to be a feminist too ^^
          And actually, I feel very hurt when I read this article. Because I happen to be fat, and this article said I should be shamed for that. I saw so many people here saying classy/good/decent men don’t want to date girls listed in this article.
          Sorry if offended anyone ^^

        251. Please don’t apologise in case you offend these pigs. It’s your kind words they don’t deserve. Get angry at these disgusting excuses for human beings, call them the misogynistic shiteating whores that they are, but please don’t apologise to them.

        252. Please don’t apologise in case you offend these pigs. It’s your kind words they don’t deserve. Get angry at these disgusting excuses for human beings, call them the misogynistic shiteating whores that they are, but please don’t apologise to them.

        253. With all that foul attitude, you really don’t seem all that happy. Plus, you’re not a terribly good judge of character. The “bile” I’m “spewing” has to do with accepting responsibility with oneself’s actions. It’s pretty clear you’re nothing more than a troll. Again, I hope you wake up. You may condemn me to hell, but I won’t do the same to you. I already know where I’m going and I’m at peace with that.

        254. With all that foul attitude, you really don’t seem all that happy. Plus, you’re not a terribly good judge of character. The “bile” I’m “spewing” has to do with accepting responsibility with oneself’s actions. It’s pretty clear you’re nothing more than a troll. Again, I hope you wake up. You may condemn me to hell, but I won’t do the same to you. I already know where I’m going and I’m at peace with that.

        255. Considering it’s tough these days not to find misandrist hypocritical social-justice feminist baby-killing supporting-bitches these days, I say that’s a fair fucking trade.

        256. I don’t feel “threatened” by feminism. To feel threatened, I have to be scared of feminism. I’m not scared of people I don’t respect.

        257. I don’t feel “threatened” by feminism. To feel threatened, I have to be scared of feminism. I’m not scared of people I don’t respect.

        258. And you know they’re trying to pretend to be anything but-but you know, stop slut-shaming, you creepy patriarchal heterosexist scum!

        259. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        260. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        261. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        262. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        263. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        264. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        265. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        266. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        267. “and she aborts your worthless, retarded flipper baby cos she regrets sleeping with a mutant like you, is that still the wrong thing to do?”
          “You know why you hate women? Because you’re scared of them. You don’t understand them, they’re unfamiliar to you,and their bodies gross you out slightly or you wouldn’t be so concerned over a few pubes, so there’s probably some homosexual tendencies in there too. ”
          ….wow. Just, just, wow. I’ve never seen something so vile, not even on RoK, not on Jezebel, not anywhere. You don’t need to be on the internet, you need to be in a straitjacket.
          I won’t even bother entertaining the rest of your drivel. Your lack of self-awareness and lack of attention span (because if you noticed I stated nobody, anywhere, wanted to see anybody’s pubes on an instant-picture site regardless of whether it’s a man or a woman) is amusing, yet sad, and your foul attitude is appalling. I don’t see any more need to talk to you any further.

        268. Actually, I think you’ll find I’m a lot closer to Jesus than you are. I’m the one who’s all about equality, compassion and acceptance, and you’re the one spouting misogynist hatespeak on the internet. You, my friend, are no true Christian. You’re barely a human being. You, my fuckheaded virginal hombre, have absolutely no claim on decency, and it seems to have fallen to me to let you know what a sordid cartoon of a person you are. Turns out I’m the one on the side of the angels. That’s gotta sting, huh? I feel pretty decent about it.about it.

        269. I fit into a couple of them (one of them is 20, shocker!), and I’ve been in a relationship for nearly 3 years. How did I manage to find a guy even though I’m apparently an inferior being and a shitty person? Becuase, thankfully for me, not every guy is misogynistic like you and some of the other idiots on this page! (the writer of the original post in particular)
          I can only pity the “logic” of your type.

        270. Look at the bright side Damien….at least this person isn’t a co-worker, a classmate or someone that you would interact with on a day to day basis.

        271. Aw Damo, don’t be like that! Think of all the fun times we’ve had! You know, like the time I called you a worthless idiot cuntrag and you just sat there and took it like the spineless fool that you are? Remember that? Good times!
          Look man, I’ll leave you alone now, but one last thing. I should have left off with the insults , cos that just gives a cowardly Bible-basher such as yourself an excuse not to listen to me. But I’m making a serious point; I have no problem with religious people per se. I understand that some people need that comfort. But what I do despise is people who call themselves Christian that have obviously never taken Christ’s lessons to heart, the aforementioned ones about equality, compassion and tolerance, and instead use the Bible as a shield for all the toxic nonsense they really believe. Like you, Damien. Just for a moment, imagine Jesus himself sitting next to you and reading all the foul and sexist comments you’ve written from your computer screen. How do you think he’d feel? I’ll give you a clue. He wouldn’t be very fucking impressed. Go read the Sermon On The Mount and then try debating this point with me. Well, not with me. I’m giving up. I am coming to believe that you’re a lost cause. But don’t worry, Damo; there are no lost causes in Jesus’s eyes, right? So you might want to have a quick word with yourself sometime soon about exactly what it means to be Christian, and make it good with The Big Man Upstairs. Cos otherwise you’re gonna spend the rest of your life a misogynistic fat loner with nothing but hate in your heart. And won’t that be sad? When you’ve already been that way your whole life?

        272. By going off the inherent attitudes on the feminists websites I’ve visited, as well as feminists I’ve spoken directly with. The majority of them believe in things I cannot support. This was of course, an estimate based on my own personal experiences with feminists.
          Here’s my opinion on the “fat” item. Is it a good thing to be fat? No. However, it’s easy to overlook so long as the person has an even better personality. It’s also easy to overlook if that person is working on themselves. And you seem like you have a nice personality. 🙂
          It’s just that many women such as yourself have been sold a lot of lies by feminists-that men are the enemy, that women are oppressed, that babies aren’t human, to name the most important ones.

        273. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        274. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        275. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        276. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        277. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        278. As it happens, you monumentally brain-damaged fucking clown, I’m a man. With two kids. And I’ll be bringing them up to hate you too, and all your kind, and everything you stand for, cunt. I’d weep for your ignorance if you weren’t such a flagrant waste of organs, and I curse the parents who brought you up to be such a soggy sack of hate.

        279. What about my post was bashing women? I feel I’ve made it quite clear I love women who are actually ladies. Feminists don’t qualify. There are also no people on this earth who are more hypocritical than feminists. Also, we’re not talking “historical.” I’m talking about what feminism is doing in the now, and feminism in the now is ruining this country.

        280. What about my post was bashing women? I feel I’ve made it quite clear I love women who are actually ladies. Feminists don’t qualify. There are also no people on this earth who are more hypocritical than feminists. Also, we’re not talking “historical.” I’m talking about what feminism is doing in the now, and feminism in the now is ruining this country.

        281. What about my post was bashing women? I feel I’ve made it quite clear I love women who are actually ladies. Feminists don’t qualify. There are also no people on this earth who are more hypocritical than feminists. Also, we’re not talking “historical.” I’m talking about what feminism is doing in the now, and feminism in the now is ruining this country.

        282. Are you that scared to look inside yourself and find that you’re wrong, Damien? Doesn’t Jesus encourage self-reflection? I’m pretty sure he does.

        283. Are you that scared to look inside yourself and find that you’re wrong, Damien? Doesn’t Jesus encourage self-reflection? I’m pretty sure he does.

        284. Are you that scared to look inside yourself and find that you’re wrong, Damien? Doesn’t Jesus encourage self-reflection? I’m pretty sure he does.

        285. Really? So you’ve scanned my brain and determined that since I don’t fall for bullshit, that I MUST be lacking knowledge or awareness? No ma’am. I’m very knowledgeable and I’m very aware. If you don’t like that, ma’am, that’s your problem not mine.

        286. Really? So you’ve scanned my brain and determined that since I don’t fall for bullshit, that I MUST be lacking knowledge or awareness? No ma’am. I’m very knowledgeable and I’m very aware. If you don’t like that, ma’am, that’s your problem not mine.

        287. Really? So you’ve scanned my brain and determined that since I don’t fall for bullshit, that I MUST be lacking knowledge or awareness? No ma’am. I’m very knowledgeable and I’m very aware. If you don’t like that, ma’am, that’s your problem not mine.

        288. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        289. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        290. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        291. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        292. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        293. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        294. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        295. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        296. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        297. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        298. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        299. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        300. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        301. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        302. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        303. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        304. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        305. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        306. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        307. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        308. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        309. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        310. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        311. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        312. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        313. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        314. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        315. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        316. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        317. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        318. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        319. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        320. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        321. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        322. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        323. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        324. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        325. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        326. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        327. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        328. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        329. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        330. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        331. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        332. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        333. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        334. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        335. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        336. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        337. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        338. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        339. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.