1. American women have unreasonable standards.
They expect you to have a big house in the suburbs and a salary of at least 150,000 dollars from a high status job (e.g. doctor, lawyer, CEO). Foreign women on the other hand, are content with a man, as long as he is a nice person and takes care of her and the family sufficiently.
2. American women have the highest obesity rate out of any other women worldwide.
Look at your average American woman nowadays— she is fat and looks like a hog. American women lose their beauty by age 30 and become very ugly, wrinkled, and fat. Foreign women, on the other hand, take care of themselves, exercise, and generally have very sexy bodies. Foreign women continue to be beautiful and attractive into their 40s, because foreign women take care of themselves and have a much healthier diet than American women.
3. American women see nothing wrong with cheating on her man.
Just look at the culture of America today. Women are glorified for slutty behavior. Foreign women, on the other hand, have not been raised to act like whores. They generally are far more chaste and loyal than the vast majority of American women. This is no doubt due to the more traditional cultures that non-Western countries have.
4. America has the highest rate of divorce in the world.
Considering that 90 percent of divorces are initiated by women, the vast majority of divorces are the woman choosing to leave the man. American women are divorce happy, and will divorce their husbands over extremely trivial reasons. The divorce system in America is also extremely biased in women’s favor, and many women will divorce their husbands simply to “cash out” (to take all of the man’s money and assets). Foreign women, on the other hand, have a much more loyal mindset to their men and won’t just abandon their husband because she read the latest chick book like Eat Pray Love and decides she “needs to find herself.”
5. American women have the worst attitudes in the world.
Pretty much every negative quality you can think of, American women embody it—selfishness, immaturity, narcissism, fake personalities, arrogance, and anger. In short, American women are a real pain in the ass to be around. This is just one of the reasons why I chose to cut all contact and friendship with American women and only maintain friendship with non-American women. Foreign women, on the other hand, are generally pleasant people to be around. They don’t have the massive chip on their shoulders like American women do, and are much more down to earth, humble, and genuine.
6. American women have no sense of humor.
If you tell a joke in front of an American woman, and it is even slightly politically incorrect, it can literally cost you your job. American women tend to be extremely vindictive and they get offended over the slightest things. Foreign women, on the other hand, are much more relaxed and not as psychotic as American women. Even if they do find something offensive, they will generally overlook it and not create a scene. This is because foreign women are not as insecure as American women and don’t feel the need to constantly prove themselves.
7. American women don’t know how to cook.
It’s like American women barely even know how to boil water. A home cooked meal to an American woman means boxed Mac N Cheese or Ramen Noodles. Foreign women, on the other hand, know how to cook complex multi-course dishes. The complexity of Indian cooking or Chinese cooking is something that would take an American woman years to master.
8. American women are more brainwashed by feminism than any other country on earth.
Feminism in America has transformed into a a man-hating movement that is reflected in the attitudes of American women. According to an American woman, “independence” is equal to acting like a spoiled, loud mouthed brat. Foreign women, on the other hand, may support feminism but they have a much more realistic view of what feminism means—equality. Feminism to a foreign woman means simply being treated with respect, instead of wanting to dominate the man, like American women.
9. American women have the highest rate of mental illness by far than any other women on earth.
Let’s face it—American women are pretty screwed up as a whole. They are emotionally unstable, mentally unstable, and suffer from delusions and are out of touch with reality. An American woman is living in her own movie, with herself as the star. And this narcissism is reflected in their mental health, as well. Foreign women, on the other hand, are very mentally stable, and aren’t prone to psychotic outbursts like American women are. Foreign women are much more down to earth and do not suffer from narcissistic delusions of grandeur as a result.
10. American women are superficial and fake.
They expect their men to also be superficial and fake. You have to put on a false image and be someone who you are not just to be considered as acceptable in America. Dealing with American women is exhaustive because of the amount of games you have to play.
Foreign women, on the other hand, are genuinely warm-hearted people and you can just be yourself around them. You don’t have to wear a mask or be a fake person in order to get a foreign woman to like you. That, in the end, is probably one of the best things about foreign women. You can relax and just be yourself and have a genuine relationship with a foreign woman.
Read Next: 4 Reasons Why American Women Are Gross
I wonder if it’s even possible to find 10 ways american women are better than foreign women. Can anyone think of one?
10 ways………..no.
You can bang them at 12 n up when you are a teenager ?
That’s crazy my mother would have crucified me if i even had the balls to talk crap about having a boyfriend at that age much less have sex. I don’t get the parenting in America, why would you allow your daughter or son for that matter to even talk crap about a relationship when they are not mature enough to handle all it entails and just f**ks them up at an even younger age???
Issues of parenting and issues of the court are not the same thing.
I am not a pedophile, but I have to admit- white women lose their beauty by age 22 or so.
The peak years for a white woman’s beauty is between the ages of 14 to 18. After 18, it’s all downhill from there.
Meanwhile, an Asian woman will still look very sexy even in her 40s. Google Maria Kang. She is 32, and has already had 3 kids, but she is sexy as fuck, has a super hot body, and looks like she is only 16.
Lets be fair here. I’ve seen old asian women that look like shriveled prunes with evil slits for eyes.
I also know personally a white woman who has had 13…yes THRITEEN kids, is 49 yrs old and a size 0 and still attractive for her age.
Women from any race can look good beyond their prime simply by staying active, exercising and not gorging themselves on shit food. In the west I know…even that is too much to ask.
Fortunately for me I live in some fantasy land where I am surrounded by young, slim, beautiful chicks and most of them are white. I work at a popular place for young college kids to come and drink and dance. It blows my mind the ratio of girls to guys and not just that but the ratio of HOT girls. If there is a fat ass around she sticks out like a sore thumb.
Where is this heavenly place you might ask? I aint sayin shit cuz I want this ratio to stay the exact same. I will only say this….I feel bad for you yankees. The ones that come here never want to leave and when I ask them to compare the women here with their women they only look depressed and wish they lived here.
Southern by the grace of God.
That’s why the mother of my children is a hot Asian girl.
Miss America I do not.
Absolutely. I read articles like this and the comments and I can’t help but feel like I live in a different universe than most of the guys here. I’m not some alpha male by any means, but I have had no problem dating many attractive, feminine women in my life. Either the guys writing crap like this are huge losers who are scraping the bottom of the female barrel for dates or the North is just really that bad.
Doe sees it from a different, apparently he lives somewhere in Asia…i think. But now that I’ve opened my eyes….American girls truly are fucked in the head and entitled to every thing.
You know why because they drink too much, its been happening where i live like crazy, guys and girls iv’e gone to high school with look like they are in their 40’s when we are in our 20’s. My husband is from Costa Rica and when i introduce him to someone randomly he is blown by how terribly they are aging.
It gets worse the farther north you go. Look at that pathetic shithole Canada.
Asian women born and raised in America have the same disturbin age 14-to-18 peak.
Obesity and general ugliness sets in in the 20s.
“ped” does not mean “young.”
“the ages of 14”
The traditional age of consent in Christendom (12 for marriage) . . . until one Victorian English feminist made it her life’s mission to get the age raised, for reasons that have nothing to do with anything anyone talks about anymore since they are no longer relevant in most of the relevant places (the original relevant place was only London’s East End).
Dissassociating age of consent from age of sexual maturity, and convincing men that this is traditional morality, is one of the greatest victories against men that feminisim has ever achieved.
Even red pill men such as yourself now find it necessary to disclaim and apologize for finding hot, sexually mature women hot.
On the flip side, feminists are put into the position of having to maintain that women are brainless twits who can only be taken advantage of to continue to justify the biologically untenable dogma; which I find amusing.
True. Race influences shelf life. White women have very short ones. From 16 to 24 white women are pretty cute. After 24 it goes down hill. At 30 you’ve got to trade them in for a newer model. It’s al in the melanin. Low melanin is faster ageing proces.
No interest in helping your fellow men huh? Fuck you and fuck the South,
A lot of NE Asian women have low melanin too, but they don’t age like unrefrigerated milk. On the other hand, a lot of Filipinas (high melanin) blow up in their 20s. There must be other factors in play.
Ahhh… you live in the South… yes it is that different… God bless Southern women.
Any upper class area is like what you described it doesn’t matter if it’s north or south or wherever. Unfortunately the vast majority are stupid cows.
It’s not the north or Canada because there are plenty of crappy females in the south. Many of these guys complaining are from the ‘hood or some lower class area and yes, the girls there are the pits in general.
That’s bullshit. Black females are at the very bottom of the world’s desirable females.Their leathery skin becomes ashen with age and their butts are larger than the back of a bus. Think Aunt Jemina.And btw, all people have melanin.
Let me just correct you here. It was actually a rather puritanical newspaper man named Stead who got the common law age of consent of 12(age you could marry) raised to 16 in the late 1800’s.He even went to prison for a while for using a girl without her mother’s consent to prove that there was child prostitution in England which he used to get the age raised. Read about him if you can find anything on the Net because my info seems to be only in books. Years later he died, he went down on the Titanic lol
OK I found something
Thank you for the link. I didn’t know about his dying on the Titanic. Women children first right to the end I guess.
when a Black woman is hot she is finer than hell. Finer than any White chick that’s for sure. and you know she’ll look 22 for life. Black people age way slower but still look good as they age. A naked Black woman trumps a pink little pig any day. American Blacks are the hottest.
I highly doubt many of the readers here on RoK are ” from the ‘hood or some lower class area” . That is kind of a stupid comment. Most of those dregs of society are busy using their EBT cards are the grocery store, smoking weed or crack, playing x-box or riding around in Escalades and Tahoes. And their “hoodrat” women fuck them like rabbits for lack of anything constructive to do like learning or working.
My experience has been the majority of black girls are uneducated, obese, thuggish and loud talking scum. That being said, a rare few of them possess an exceptionally sweet demeanor, and can be very polite and receptive to white males. Its just hard to bridge that gap of Ebonics, rap music, thug life that they find so important to them. Now, some black women however are definitely at an advantage to white females in the personality department. They actually can be very nice to white males. Dont discount them.
We’re talking on average here. Black women age at a slower pace IF they follow a healthy routine. The problem with many black women is that they lead extreme unhealthy lives: no exercise, fatty foods, high stress because of bad life choices etc. Well it’s exactly that “leathery” skin that makes them appear younger than they actually are.
low in comparison to who? NE Asian women don’t have lower melanin than caucasians. Consider with that that NE Asians have a very healthy life style: healthy diet, lot of exercise etc.
OK then maybe from the class above hoodrat lol Still nothing to write home about and stipp pretty much a prole
You’re either black and don’t know any better or a virgin
They do not age slower unless you’re comparing them to Honey BoBo or some lower class trash. Go ahead, compare your top Ne—groe females to top Whites and see what you get. And btw, don’t use any coloureds because these are really just whites with a bit of Ne—groe blood.
You seem to refer to us as “proles” a lot. Maybe you should just get the fuck off this website. I dont find your comments very useful. Actually, you seem like a real jackass.
You are the kind of douche lord we don;t want in the club.
Then go read a comic book or watch some gay porn.
You could also do what intelligent people do and just ignore anything you don’t like.
except Montreal. The quality there is still good.
very true. I had a chinese accpuntrist in her 50s more than twice my age and Id totally hit that. WHite womens habits of over eating junk, drinking(alchol is not considered ladylike),smoking and lack of excercise makes it worse. But the women in eastern europe and the balkans age better since they take care of themselves. North asians and whites have about the same level of melanin. Think is white womens hamster spinning that they cant improe themselves and want to be lazy. But the brown skin women I noticed like indian middle east latin girls do tend to put on allot of weight after having kids.(but least latinas got booty)
some actually do,the really fair ones do. THey basically on the same scale on the fitzpatrick skin color scale.
American women are — without a doubt — the easiest lays in the world.
That’s one.
Goodness, look at the time.
Let me get back to you….
Correction! Thats the best reason to bang american women….but it doesn’t give you great practice with game. Like shooting fish in a barrel. lol
I’m not sure that’s a definitive benefit, considering 1-10 above.
American women are indeed “easy” but not the easiest. The most easy women are without a doubt British women, but you problably won’t wanna f*ck ‘m. American women are on average better in bed, British women stink, have bad dental and physical hygiene.
British women are far easier.
I’ll start.
#1 They speak English
In what way is it a better way? Are u too lazy to learn how to speak a different language?
More Chinese women speak English than do American Women.
Perhaps you should learn Spanish.
Every woman that I know who is not from an English speaking country speaks perfect English, unlike many Americans.
The reason that their English is so good is because they are taught by experts and also because they have never been exposed to bad English.Not an Ebonics speaker among them.
In seriousness, one way American girls are better is teeth. I wish the rest of the world would catch up to American dental standards. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a cute foreign girl with teeth the color of butter.
It’s REALLY bad with Japanese girls.
Yes, many orientals have crooked teeth. They probably need to have their wisdom teeth extracted at a young age so the others grow in straighter.
I would take a nice kind foreign girl with yellow teeth over an Americunt with expensive pearly whites any day of the week.
There’s one problem in the US among you boys. You grew up seeing so much artificial stuff that you have no idea what is real anymore. Fake teeth, fake boobs, fake food, fake people from the films etc that when you see the natural it disappoints you.
1. For foreign men,American women are access to a Green card,the holy grail of desperate immigrants fleeing their own shitty nations.
2.Better than a green card is an American Passport,not only do you get to live as long as you want in the land of the ‘free’ but you also get to travel to a number of countries with few to no restrictions ,or hassles of obtaining visas.Naturalization,courtesy of marrying an American woman,
3.Foreign men who like white skin women,will find plenty of it in America.That too on a single person.
4.Since American women (mainly white) are the most privileged in society,and have the government giving her all the benefits disproportionately,an enterprising foreign man can find ways to parasite of her to his own advantage.(eg getting loans in her name).
5.If you have experienced a batshit American woman,and after dumping her,other foreign women will all seem like angels.You will appreciate a good woman even more if you have already experienced an American one.
6.If the American woman is into Tolerance and Multiculturalism ,as a Foreign man certain illicit behavior on your part,which would not be accepted in any other country, can be rationalized as ‘ it’s part of your culture and must be respected’.
7.American women make excellent Drug Mules.They have a generous amount of Capacity,have enough blubber to deflect airport scanners and are rather used to shoving inanimate objects into their orifices.
8.The American white woman has many advantage for a life of crime,if that is your thing.You should be smart enough to make her take the fall for it.She will get lighter sentences,early parole,and taxpayer money to make up for her victim hood.
9.Mixed couple(Foreign,non-white men and American white women) tend to have children with exotic,good looking features.
10.You will ALWAYS be the good looking one in the relationship.
Point 2 (passport), is a negative. An American passport is a nightmare and will put you even in danger. You will be charged more than others everywhere, and given the evil eye by authorities (with reason). Take an Argentinean or European passport any day of the week.
American women are literate!
Generalizing but I can see where you are coming from. For the majority of the reasons stated above are correct. It applies to most but not all. I have traveled the world. Foreign women are, for the most part what he printed above. Most are very pleasant to get along with and are sociable. They are even polite when turning down advances. Most American women do have an entailed attitude and life outlook. Most have unreasonable standards for their dream guy but at the same time bring nothing to the table themselves. Most are exactly as the list states….but not all. Some are ideal but you have to wade through the crap to get to that sane, well adjusted, intelligent, semi-chaste, beautiful woman that can cook her ass off and either hang with you or break you in bed. But while you are searching for her, if you can….bang foreign women, date foreign women……if you like marry foreign women….but wait until you’re in your 40’s to 50’s to do so. until then enjoy ALL women. Soil your royal oats as much as you can.
This list can be applied to Namibian woman aswell. Feminism continues to slowly but surely spread around the globe. Enjoy foreign women while you still can, they are ticking time bombs.
Feminism has no future.
Just watch.
Currently living and traveling South America, Feminist here seem to be fat ass single and or old women with beta chumps, but the younger women simply are enthusiastic fun and actually seem to have something in their heads at least the women I have met, truth is of all the girlfriends or women I dated not one fond memory of an american girl unless you consider narcissistic conversations, daddy issues and sluttyness to be the highlights.
Pretty much exactly my experience with eastern european women living in germany. To date, 6 years, I have only had one woman living in Germany cause me trouble. She went around telling lies about me.
She was not raised in Eastern Europe. She was born in italy and raised in west germany since she was 5. I was really surprised she did this. I really was. Luckily I knew her boss pretty well and so a promise to take the lies to her boss and get her fired was met with an apology and admitting to the people she lied to that she lied.
But the lesson was learned. I only date women born and raised east of the iron curtain. When I meet a woman the first thing I ask is where she was born and raised and I turn them away if they were not raised in eastern europe. Some women are very surprised I do that. But why not? I get to choose who I talk to. There is no law compelling me to date women born and raised in the “western democracies”.
Western women are swine.
Breh, you have pretty much written your autobiography in the comments section of the blogs over the past month or so.
Marvellous article. Ten out of ten.
Khmer women are the best lays in the world. I used to date a cambodian girl who acted like she was my bed slave.
She always called me either Sir or Massa, would do literally anything I asked and I have never, ever come across such a wet pussy in my life.
That’s the kind of memory I could smile about on my deathbed.
American men are as well pretty pitiful. This is also the most beta, blue pill nation of blind followers the world has ever known.
This is the land of wannabe thugs, government freeloaders, beta supplicators, pedestalizing chumps, complainers, victims and seekers of the easy way out.
Here in America, if a girl is eating a piece of cake men will use it as an opportunity to express their interest in her. We encourage women to remain fat by liking all of their facebook photos and overloading them with messages online. We encourage women to maintain their bad behavior by dishing out no punishment.
We have allowed women to walk all over us.
Excellent point. Pre-1960 I don’t think those things were a problem.
I really wonder what changed since then…
What changed in how parents raised their children? What changed inside the schools and churches? What changed in the media, newspapers, TV? Why did it change? How did we let it happen?
When did ideas of suppressing masculinity become mainstream? When did gender equality become more important than gender differences?
Where did the real men go and why have they left this generation to raise themselves on TV?
Cultural Marxism found fertile ground in the minds of the coming-of-age Baby Boomer generation, which enjoyed the greatest prosperity in American history and was spoiled rotten by the “Greatest Generation” (not) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism
Cultural Marxism, philosophical modernism (and postmodernism) and technology (giving women an illusion of agency) happened.
Don’t blame communism/ marxism.
Communism, make no mistake about it, was a vile regime. My grandmother was beaten in police stations, because her mother was a Nikola Petkovist (communistic opposition).
However, none of the formal Soviet block states (including my country) developed such a broken family structure. I believe USA has several problems.
1. It lacks tradition.
2. It’s not a children-oriented nation. In Bulgaria, where I live, kids always come in the first place and people work very hard to amend their family issues, so the children live in an intact family .There are divorces, and lack of marriage – many people opt not to marry for fear of divorce. However, after a kid is born, most people either marry, or buy property together as a family.
3. And I think this is the most important factor – people live on credit.
In Bulgaria, the rules are: you work hard, until you afford something, then you buy it. Americans have it backwards – play now, pay later. Total debt. I’m a 24 years old female. I have no right to work in my field now because I’m studying and no one allows a non-graduate to work as a pharmacist, you know. 🙂 Despite this, with monetary awards for good performance from my uni I managed to open a bank account and save 1300 lv. (about 1000 dollars), to give me some start. My husband has no debt and saved about 20 000 dollars over ten years. No credits, no debts.
There may be other issues, but this is what I see now. 🙂
“When did gender equality become more important than gender differences?”
When the word “gender” entered the lexicon as a substitute for “sex.”
I have mixed feelings about the Greatest Generation. Yes, they saved the world for democracy against the greatest evil that this world has ever known. They then came home and built the American society that we’ve been trying to live up to ever since.
That being said, despite the great accomplishments they had, they spoiled their children and led to the huge societal downfall that started with the mid 1960s.
I don’t think we should glorify an entire generation, or world leaders for that matter, Roosevelt, Churchill, Reagan, Mandela, or anyone else. I have great respect for those American men who fought and died in Europe and the Pacific, but we can’t forget either that the U.S. government cooperate closely with Stalin and basically helped to Sovietize half of Europe. There was no democracy for Eastern Europe for half a century.
Oh fucking bullshit. Im a boomer and we didnt save the world. And we didnt start a societal downfall either. You are an idiot.
America has plenty of tradition. However that tradition has indeed been, and is still being. subverted by communists/socialists/statists/leftists.
The Leftists in America are doing everything they can to break down our traditional society so that they can assume power. Do some research into Saul Alinsky, the Frankfurt School, and the Weather Underground before making ignorant statements such as “It [America] lacks tradition”.
From the point of view of a member of a nation with 1300 years history as such, no, I cannot say America has any tradition.
A country with less than 300 years of history cannot form traditional roots. Especially with this high level of immigration. Americans are not even a cohesive nation. Sorry.
I wasn’t saying the boomers saved the world. I was saying that your fathers helped save the world.
Yes, I can understand that viewpoint. I think you’re opening a very interesting historiographical point up: did the West sell out Eastern Europe? There are convincing arguments on both sides.
My dad didnt save shit. He, like me, like the next gen and next gen are all pawns in this Military-Industrial-Consumer-Neo=Keynsian-Stimulated Clusterfuck we call the world. Nobody is “saving” anybody from anything.
Your ignorance is showing — look at history. America shares its tradition with Britain’s (particularly England’s) which as I’m sure you know, is a nation that is a good 1300+ years old.
As for the immigration statement — I tend to agree. Immigration without assimilation will destroy a nation’s preceding tradition.
Yes, it’s like that song by Joel, “We Didn’t Start The Fire”. If anything the Boomers were the greatest generation. The WWII generation were those brought up in the 30’s and they were pretty much beaten men. They were just dying to get away and the war gave them the opportunity to get 3 hots and a cot and some pay rather than stay on some rotten farm or suffer in the city from unemployment. Many of the little boys on here have no idea about anything least of all how to get a woman. They blame their Boomer parents for their own deficiencies while praising their grandparents (WWII generation) This is just kiddiecrap because we all know that kids always like grandpa who spoils them better than their father who actually has to raise them. Nothing new here.
Bullshit. The Russians stopped the Nazies and the allies which the US was part of only did the rest
There was no reason to get involved in the war. If left alone the Germans would have wiped out communism and if the US wasn’t interfering with Japanese trade and cutting this island off from fuel they wouldn’t have bombed Hawaii.
It doesn’t matter how old a country’s government is. People don’t just forget everything they knew in Europe just because they moved to another piece of dirt. The real problem is that the US imported a disproportionate number of the lower incompetent classes who had been trash in their own countries for centuries and were a sort of hereditary group with the same genetic defects. The US has been a genetic time bomb even before this current age. The reason there is so much fatness has more to do with genes than anything else and the reason you didn’t see as much of this in the past was because food was 2-3x more expensive and took some effort to prepare but at the first chance these people reverted to their more animal style of living. You don’t see any of the problems that you boys complain about in the upper classes.The US is really like two countries with the normal good looking people at the top and the fugly dumb ones in the masses. And btw, although this class distinction always existed with the wealthier men getting the top women in the looks and brains dept. it has became even more divided since the 70’s.I can just look at a person and tell you their class today sort of like in Brave New World where they did it by breeding only this happened naturally.
I never use it. Gender only applies to language.This gender crap actually began with Ruth Ginzberg(member of the tribe) from before she was on the Supreme Court years ago and on the US District Court
From the usual suspect:
Sexologist John Money introduced the terminological distinction between biological sex and gender as a role in 1955. Before his work, it was uncommon to use the word gender to refer to anything but grammatical categories.[1][2] However, Money’s meaning of the word did not become widespread until the 1970s, when feminist theory embraced the concept of a distinction between biological sex and the social construct of gender.
The traditional clothing of Japan,
Vietnam and Ireland, all ancient cultures, are all products of . . . the 1920s and designed in Haute Couture houses.
At least the Japanese and Vietnamese outfits have a historical background. The Irish doesn’t even have that, being a complete fiction.
As is the “tradition” of the Aran Fisherman’s sweater, which, also in the 1920s, was invented as a marketing gimmic to bring in some foreign money.
Tradition isn’t what it used to be and even in old cultures today’s tradition might well be totally unrecognizable a mere century ago.
“Americans are not even a cohesive nation.”
By intention and design, which is why we have so many traditions. I live in the New Netherlands. On a clear day I can ride my bike to the top of the hill and see New France. To the west for hundreds of miles was largely German and America’s religious climate is largely the product of the Scots who settled the Appalachians.
We actually have ancestors and ancestral culture. Some of our ancestors have been living in what is now the USA for more than 10,000 years.
I agree in part. Being debt slaves and ultimate consumers has been part of the downfall. Putting kids in daycare so the parents can make more to spend more, placing undue stress on the family unit as a whole. Have to have that McMansion whether you can afford it or not. I just read a New York Times piece on a family of 8, parents are drug addicts, who should have just been left to die but, no, we reward them with free housing and money so that we can continue our debt circle and entitled attitudes. It’s disgusting.
Dumbest comment I have read all week. Waste of time.
Your comment is so fucking out of touch with the reality of WWII I have to ask what fucking planet are you from?
Russia lost 80 million+ dead. My family in Poland was 98% wiped out. Etc etc
Fuck you and the Mexican mule you rode in backwards on.Fucking brain dead fuckwad dipshit.
I understand, however:
We’re not talking about traditional clothes and customs. We’re talking about a general attitude to life; life philosophy, and core values. A cohesive nation is a nation where each member has similar value sets to the next one. And different nations do have different core values, mainly due to religion and history. One of the biggest problems America has is, as you mentioned, too many traditions. Too many different value sets. This drives people apart and makes a nation vulnerable to outside influences and assimilation. Bulgarian people have been under Islamic, Ottoman rule for 500 years, however, their national mentality and cohesiveness prevented them from being assimilated, despite vigorous and often brutal attempts by the Ottomanic Empire to do so. I don’t see this happening to the USA.
Exactly – government has nothing to do with it. National mentality does, however, and I believe the USA will need a few more hundred years to form a cohesive nucleus of people.
Regarding fat – it’s not only the US that suffers from this. Intelligent people are able to make decisions concerning a distant future, so they make healthier choices. But, unless there is a strong incentive for the opposite, people from the lower classes will never do anything that doesn’t bring them instant gratification. In Bulgaria, there is a similar problem with smoking. As a pharmacist, I encounter multiple ignorant people daily, and my job is to make them see a little more in the “tomorrow”, than being stuck in “today”. It’s not an easi job. 🙂
K-Swizz – you pinpoint exactly the problem I was trying to explain.
Due to its history, America still shares its traditions and core values with Britain, because it’s too young a country to form its own. Furthermore, it has multiple additional cultural influences from elsewhere. So, instead of Americans, there rather are ex-Britons, ex-Dutch, ex-Chinese, ex-African, ex-Russian, etc. There is no real nation – only a country. and this is the lack of tradition I’m referring at. Real nations, due to their traditional roots, are strong and able to assimilate foreign citizens over the time. Sometimes this has been done forcefully – in Communistic times, many Muslims were forced to accept Bulgarian names, there was a list of Slavic names to pick for your baby, and if you refuse, the State of Bulgaria will name them as they see fit. The idea of the USA being a “melting pot” is false; it’s not melting anyone. There is no real assimilation. I have cousins in America who never saw Bulgaria in their lives – they have been born, raised in the USA, and have US passports. However, they have Bulgarian names, with “ov” and “ova” suffixes, they speak Bulgarian fluently, their parents forbid them from speaking English at home, and if someone asks them their nationality, they will proudly say “Bulgarian”, even though they’re American for all legal purposes. Unless this mentality changes, America will not exist as a nation, it wouldn’t be cohesive, and it will suffer from the “swan, pike, and crab” problem.
Puh-lease the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany. Oh yes opening a front on the west helped a little, and sped things up. But take even a glance at the death toll and destruction the Germans suffered by the Soviets and all the pathetic Normandy D-Day BS pales to insignificance.
Regarding women’s attitude, open Wikipedia’s page on the battle of Moscow. Scroll down to the image of women digging fortifications and anti tank trenches by hand in the freezing coldness.
Despread circumstances forced equality and working together that becomes part of the culture. Feminism cant hold a candle to that experience.
Only Gypsies do this here.
You remind me of something different and important.
“Putting kids in daycare so the parents can make more to spend more”
My country, wouldn’t you know it, is a first world one, but for First World standards is poor. There is no such thing as stay at home moms here, and state help for children is minimal, so they are forced to work and abandon their kids. However, there is something else at play that Americans don’t have – genus (as in extended family).
The mother must work, so instead of daycare, the kid goes to their grandma and grandpa, which serve as a family unit. Kids see their grandparents daily and not only on Christmas; elders are involved in childcare and the child is happy, because it has a good family at all times.
“They were just dying to get away and the war gave them the opportunity
to get 3 hots and a cot and some pay rather than stay on some rotten
farm or suffer in the city from unemployment.”
Incredible… you seriously think war is more preferable to anyone when compared to “stay on some rotten farm or suffer in the city from unemployment”!?
Let me guess, you are form the US and have seen war only on TV and/or in foreign countries. Around the world where people experienced war in their own towns, they are not so exited about the wonders of war compared to unemployment.
Let’s compare …
unemployed = can’t eat, because you have no money.
war = can’t eat, because your head is splattered on what used to be a kitchen wall and you still have no money.
Hey other Bulgarians read ReturnOfKings too. That’s awesome. Hello from Varna :-).
Yes, many families (mine included) do not have that extended support. My husbands parents are dead and my family is far away.Even if they were close both my parents work. The break down of familial structures are horrible for our society.
Hows the Feminist problem there in Bulgaria? Are the women actually females there? — or are they subhuman nightmares like here in the USA?
Your “husband” ? You are a female?
“…you pinpoint exactly the problem I was trying to explain. Due to its history, America still shares its traditions and core values with Britain, because it’s too young a country to form its own.”
If that’s what you were trying to say then instead of saying in your first post that America has no tradition, you should’ve said that its tradition is Britain’s tradition. You didn’t do that, so you sounded like an idiot.
Otherwise, everything else you just said can be explained by Leftists and Statists who loathe their own culture. They control the education system in America as well as the mainstream media.
There was a time when people used to throw off their old nationalities with pride and call themselves “American” upon landing on our shores. But that’s no longer true because the media has dictated that being a patriotic American is no longer “cool”.
“Real nations, due to their traditional roots, are strong and able to assimilate foreign citizens over the time.”
Yeah? Ask Britain, France, Germany, and Sweden how well they’ve been assimilating their large Muslim minorities. Bulgaria doesn’t have a problem with immigration because frankly, most people don’t want to immigrate to Bulgaria. They’d rather immigrate to Western Europe or the U.S. or Canada. (Not trying to bash Bulgaria; I like Eastern Europe [which is approximately half my heritage], and I’ve got a really nice Bulgarian AK-103 that I talk-up all the time when the conversation turns to the 2nd Amendment.)
America used to do a fantastic job of assimilating their immigrants; however now we’re overrun with immigrants (largely from South America, and specifically Mexico) who no longer have to assimilate because they’ve reached critical mass where one can live their entire life in America and not need to learn a word of English to survive. This, coupled with media and establishment bashing of the native culture, obviously makes it increasingly difficult for the host nation to assimilate immigrants.
So on that last note — you’re right. We’re no longer a melting pot. We’re a salad bowl, and becoming more and more Balkanized by the day.
Your family isn’t worth the life of one US soldier.
“If that’s what you were trying to say then instead of saying in your first post that America has no tradition, you should’ve said that its tradition is Britain’s tradition. You didn’t do that, so you sounded like an idiot.”
Two problems with this statement. First, my mistake was omitting the “no tradition… on its own” which brought the confusion, I apologise for that. However, having another nation’s tradition is nothing like having tradition on your own. So in a sense, I still stand behind the “not enough tradition” statement.
“Ask Britain, France, Germany, and Sweden how well they’ve been assimilating their large Muslim minorities. ”
I have no real outlook on France, and the UK. However, I have lived in Germany for half a year, and in a university town at that. German people are very proud, very strict and take no shit from no one. Most people refuse to speak any other language than German. I saw people – second generation immigrants, who referred to themselves as German. Muslim people refer to themselves as German, Muslim ladies do not wear scarves around their heads, and they work high profile jobs. There weren’t that many Muslims, either. There were no ghettos, no high crime all-black encapsulated areas, as in the US. Problems with Germans right now are economic and political in nature – there were several strikes when I was there, including Deutsche Bahn and RNV; devastating floods, and the political scandals involving our sweet Angel, as we called her.
“Bulgaria doesn’t have a problem with immigration because frankly, most people don’t want to immigrate to Bulgaria. ”
Six years ago, you’d be dead right. However, acceptance in EU has been a game changer for Bulgarian politics and immigration. Although it’s not very much felt by Bulgarian people, because it’s not causing problems, immigration has drastically increased. Things like “educational tourism” for our medical universities are popping like mushrooms (in my uni, there are 150 BG students in Pharmacy course right now, and 230 foreign ones). They cause no problems, since they are very clever and accepting of our culture. Especially after our dean banned head scarves…
Additionally, many people want to get a BG ID by marrying. I received 13 marriage proposals from not-so-white “Alpha” Arab males. Although I refused, I secretely hope that it’s not “only” my citizenship they were after. 😀
Joke aside, just as we speak, we do have a problem with immigration right now. A very sore problem at that. If you didn’t know, please check the condition in Syria and Syrian emigration to Bulgaria. Thousands of Syrian refugees came to Bulgaria this year. Immediately Syrian kids received BG schoolbooks and were hauled off to Bulgarian schools, so assimilation has begun in a sense. However, there is a huge threat from epidemics due to poor vaccination policies in Syria, so I wouldn’t say they’re very welcome here. I’d personally, as a medical specialist, would love to see their backs, since Bulgaria is on the brink of getting rid of compulsory vaccination for poliomyelitis. If they bring polio here, it would be devastating, since we’d have to return to the living vaccine, which is much more dangerous. Sorry, I’m ranting off topic.
As for this:
“I’ve got a really nice Bulgarian AK-103 that I talk-up all the time when the conversation turns to the 2nd Amendment.”
You deserve a treat. Listen now (rather, read).
During the Cold War, CIA received alarming news around the early 70’s. Apparently, KGB had ordered mass production of a secret contraption known as РК-1 (HC-1), in the factories of Bulgaria. CIA was rightfully alarmed – could be a weapon! – and ordered some of their best spies to discover the nature of the KGB order.
After several months, the spies returned with a document. It read:
Plan for production of HC-1 in Kremokovtsi
HC-1 stood for Hand Cart with 1 Wheel.
It’s an anecdote that has been around for ages, and my father swears it was true.
You may want to first learn how to read ENGLISH and after that get out of the cellar and learn a bit about people. In all of these wars men in the US were all gung ho and excited to go into the service. It was like a big adventure for a 20 yo and a lot better than being bored to death and living some peasant poor life at home. Yes, they didn’t know any better and the war was not fought on their homeland but your reply is just plain stupid and is like something a kid would write. What war have you been in sonny?
We’re rather in the opposite direction – some Bulgarian women take too much care with their looks, and those who have no fashion sense end up looking ridiculous. We call them “buns”, “croissants”.
Something like this:
“Excuse me, Miss, how can I reach BAPHA (Бафа)?
“What?!” 😀
His research is mostly based on David Reimer, whom he tried to convince he was a ‘woman inside’ by having him pretend to have sex with his own brother. 2wycked already wrote about it here http://www.returnofkings.com/13173/the-forced-transsexuality-of-david-reimer as expected, Reimer committed suicide in 2004
Fatness is still genetic.The fact is that more intelligent people are also the more upper class people and the traits sort of link together. And in general fat girls probably don’t eat any more than slim girls. Sure, they can lose weight by dieting (starving) themselves and by being a lot more active but it never works out in the long run and 98% who do lose weight regain it , and more, within 2 years. All genetic and your body wants to maintain your inherited type.
Until fairly recently the world thought of America as a white country and English, even though most whites were not English.English was the national language (it’s the world language today) and England and the US were always connected in people’s minds(along with Canada and Australia).
I have no idea what you’re trying to convey by your CIA story at the bottom of your comment.
However, if what you claim about German multiculturalism is right, how do you explain this:
Meanwhile, thank you for your constructive comments here. Most women I’ve noticed on this site seem to be here strictly to troll, but when called on it, claim to be trying to have a constructive dialog. I appreciate you not being one of those women.
I’m not American. Your country didn’t do anything for my family in WWII, so fuck off. I could say the same about Americans in general. Your country and it’s “interests” aren’t worth a warm bucket of shit, never mind the life of anyone who is not American, to non-Americans.
Your isolationist argument is bullshit anyway. You can stand idly by while inherently evil tyranny takes over all other countries, while saying “Your country isn’t worth the life of one US soldier.” Until you are the last country left, and they come for you.
Exactly like saying “who cares if that street gang kills all my neighbors, as long as they leave me alone”.
You either stand for something, or you stand for nothing. Then you are nothing.
Pancho thinks the Nazis were OK because they fought Communism, and the poor Japanese were victims in WWII. He’s totally delusional, and so are you for agreeing with him.
I, personally, would be very, very skeptical of anything Merkel says at that point. She has been losing votes, and looking for a scapegoat (why, why does this ring a bell for me? Hitler, much?) This is a well known tactic.
So both articles give me an air of ingenuity. One is clearly politically charged (as I said – I’m very distrustful of Sweet Angel Merkel), and the other is searching for shock value (no respectable source would use the words “rape epidemic”, they are too charged for a neutral article). Additionally, they point to an article claiming a German court has acquitted the suspects. I have personal experience with German police in a similar matter. I was sexually assaulted (not raped, but trapped in a corner for a beer-laden kiss and a grope) by a drunkard during my stay in Germany. I managed to escape due to his impaired motor skills (he was huge and with a diameter of a small planet. I’m 1.57 m. tall and 45 kg with clothes). Police was summoned immediately and removed him. Now, bear with me: they asked me if I would press charges. If they asked a woman to press charges over this relatively minor an issue (I had no scratch on my body), do you think that this same German system would let a real rapist walk free?
I have learned not to trust news sources in general, and political statements at all. I trust my own eyes. I never make statements about things I know little or nothing about (as I said, I’ve never been to the UK, and visited France for 3 days, so I refrain from discussing their condition). But I’ve lived in Germany, I have experience there, so I’m confident enough to challenge Merkel on her statements.
As of the CIA story – it’s a humorous anecdote, circulating for decades in military circles in Bulgaria. Basically, CIA is mocked for its paranoia. As I said, it could just as well be true. I though it was funny, so I shared it with you.
Yes, I am female.
By undermining Political Correctness, feminism, multiculturalism and inclusion / diversity can only we fight our way out of this cesspool. Equality for those that earn it. Not because of government edicts and affirmative action quotas.
Well, everyone has their own preferences. I actually like her. And, we dont know whats inside. She might be intelligent and nice.
In Bulgaria, women like this (lots of make up, hair extensions, revealing outfit) are considered skank/slutty, stupid, and are an object of extremely negative stereotyping, being called very ugly names, and shunned by both men and women. Attitude of men is “I’d have sex with her, but she will never be the wife of my children”.
There are several Facebook pages, articles in newspapers and Internet articles, where photos of women like this are exposed publicly and mocked mercilessly.
LOL, evil tyranny, lol.
I hope you’re content with the present state of affairs since that ‘tyranny’ was so awful.
The Germans could have been reasoned with unlike the Khazar J-w communists who took over the Russian government. Same with the advanced Japanese. We had been dealing with them long before the war, unlike the alien Khazars.
They had no choice because there was a large Soviet army occupying the East and 1/2 of Germany.
I guess that they don’t count the non Euro people who were already here but even many of those were probably European on the East coast. Scandinavians and west Europeans were already in N America for thousands of years.
Those Irish sweaters were promoted to make some money but the women in the Aran islands did also knit them for a long time.
Now, “national dress” is mostly a fabrication dating from the more prosperous times of the 1700’s.
Well since you guys brought up the subject of WW2, it is my duty to set the historical record straight and declare to you that the HOLOCAUST WAS A HOAX! SIX MILLION JEWS DID NOT DIE!
This 44 page well research ebook called “Did Six Million Really Die?” exposes the HoloHOAX as the myth that it is:
Hey idiot- Hitler was trying to save the world against the satanic Zionist Elite. He DID NOT kill 6 million jews. The Holocaust was a hoax.
Hitler even had 100,000 Jews in his army and 10,000 in the SS. So as you can see, it is a LIE to say that he was anti-jew.
Now, ISRAEL DID 9-11. If Hitler had won the war? 9-11 would have never happened because Israel never would have existed.
Wow, I actually agree with a woman for once. Then again, BGWoman sounds like she is a non-American woman.
You Americans are such stupid idiots. 300 years is NOTHING. Try India, which has existed for at least 5000 years.
There is plenty of suppressed archaeological evidence which PROVES that intelligent human beings have lived on this planet for AT LEAST 20 MILLION YEARS.
Google “The Hidden History of the Human Race PDF”. That book is a heavy RED PILL.
America bends over backwards to accommodate immigrants.. Not sure how our why this came about but even to receive entitlements God forbid the paperwork isn’t in a persons native language . California especially makes more exceptions for those of those of unsatisfactory legal status than for anyone else. Those of us who have no first hand knowledge of an “old country” struggle to find tradition abd meaning. Thus we end up bastardizing other traditions and adopting values with no real conviction in them.
Actually, you raise an interesting question.
Can you discuss, in your honest opinion, why India is in such a bad economical state, despite it’s homogeneity and plentiful resources?
The reason why India is collapsing is because they have lost their original culture and dharma. They rejected the jewel of their Vedic dharma in order to chase after a few broken pieces of glass like the satanic western culture. And they are being very heavily punished now by the laws of nature.
In short? Indians know full well that western culture is evil and yet they follow it anyway, or at least try to follow it since the indian mentality is not very compatible with the western mentality.
I believe a very heavy karma is awaiting India, even heavier than what will be poured out upon the west. These atheistic materialists are going to be punished very severely.
Ignorants keep calling capitalist Welfare State partly based on Keynes´ ideas “marxism” while linking it to State Capitalism dictatorship (the USRR).
Nazi trolls will (nazi)troll.
“Puh-lease the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany.” Well, yes. And they would have reached England if the Western front was not there. Exhausted but by a large margin the big force that defeated Hitler.
Gen X and Y. I don’t know if it was the fluoride in the water or just the low testosterone but there’s something seriously wrong with you boys. The females too. Hmm it could be a virus that is slowly rotting your brains. Boomers are immune to these viruses because almost every one of them had all of the usual childhood diseases while the next generations were inoculated. Think about which diseases you had. I can make a list of what I had but yet I’m still here and look 30 years younger than I am.
They did not spoil their kids. Only the lower classes spoil their kids.
Herbert Hoover wrote an epic, diplomatic history of World War II, Freedom Betrayed (published in 2010), that is along these lines. Here’s a summary: http://www.paprikapolitik.com/2013/08/herbert-hoovers-indictment-of-allied-strategy/
One could easily argue that World War II was a direct result of World War I, where America did exactly what you are suggesting.
Both the Nazis and Soviets were abhorrent and I wish they’d wiped each other out before America moved in. Instead we got nearly half a century of Soviet domination, courtesy of Roosevelt and Churchill.
The west had no vested interest in Eastern Europe being free. They were more interested in appeasing Stalin, whom they saw as a future partner. Check this out: http://www.paprikapolitik.com/2013/08/herbert-hoovers-indictment-of-allied-strategy/
There was a plan to invade Europe through the Balkans and meet the Red Army in Eastern Europe. It was rejected though, apparently to appease Stalin’s territorial ambitions. This was the price for using Russians as cannon fodder instead of Americans and Brits.
The Russians defeated Hitler. The Americans helped.
I am also from Bulgaria and have lived in the US for a very long time and I think there is “American culture”. Have you lived in the US to claim it is a mixed pot with no particular traditions? I do think there are particular traditions and they tend to be followed well – look at Halloween, 4th of July, recently Thanksgiving. I have lived in many cities and you may think there are many cultures but I did feel like I was living as a foreigner amongst the Americans. I do feel there is assimilation and the Americans do tend to act and talk in a certain way no matter where they came from. Generally and ironically the Americans may all have foreigner
backgrounds but they have all developed a similar set of ideals and behaviors. In fact I find the Americans much more like minded and similar than Bulgarians themselves. As a rule of thumb – if you are born in the US you do tend to become American in your thinking and behavior. Haven’t you ever herd the term Americanized? The Bulgarians just have a tough time assimilating because the culture and the people “the Americans” are so different from what they have seen in Bulgaria. The American culture and the way of life (jobs / competitive thinking/ and perhaps a bunch of other factors such as distance and no public transport) have made the people more independent and less social. Generally Americans are good on a professional level but not on a personal level and don’t develop strong relationships with others – this is just part of the culture. This might give the people a less cohesive nature but not because they come from different backgrounds- the situation is a little better in the South though. Americans also like to know about their heritage as something else they can be proud of but I wouldn’t say they consider themselves to be German or English or French because of their particular ancestors – and will probably have a tough time assimilating in Europe ( their ancestor culture).
I think the being stuck in “today” mentality has roots from communism. In communism you know you will be fine in the future – you can always be provided a job and food no problems – and so people thought about “now” more. This mentality has created many problems with people always wanting to make fast money by either stealing or by producing cheap crappy products. I think the quality of the food has decreased a lot since communism from all this crap being produced now.
Well, I dont really care what those other people think of her or say about her. I like her. I like her style and look. If you know anyone like her can you introduce me? : )))
Full of them around. Just hit
It’s a Bulgarian social network. Keep in mind most of these women speak very poor English.
They became fathers of girls who grow up to become women who listened to their fathers who told them not to trust boys trying to get into their pants. These men also enmesh with their daughters because their wives are out working coming home tired and ignoring their husbands
Just because an article uses “shock value” doesn’t mean its point is invalid. Also there was a German census bureau that stated Germany will no longer be a German nation by 2050. I unfortunately don’t have the link to it; but regardless, Merkel isn’t the only German saying that multiculturalism has failed.
Also — the BBC is a very leftist outfit that is in favor of multiculturalism. You should consider that before simply saying it’s “politically charged”.
Stop with this pre 1960 crap. What you see today is almost all from the 90’s on.
That about sums it up.
OUTSTANDING STATEMENT! To change women’s behavior, shame the stuff we find distasteful in them. If your girl is putting on weight, TELL HER DIRECTLY. don’t beat around the bush. Let her know that is’t not acceptable. A lot of women try to spout off at the mouth at men, but when they are met with a no bullshit tolerating man, they shut the fuck up. Women need to have boundaries in relationships kind of like kids do when being raised by their parents. I know how it sounds but it is true. Set the standard you want and she will meet it. (if you don’t take shit and are hitting it right). Women will leave their friends and family for you.
Finally you guys are catching on.
If you visit Asia or India or Muslim countries or Russia, you will notice that those men tolerate zero bullshit from their women. As a result, their women are much more well behaved.
As His Divine Grace Dick Masterson said- a woman is like a dog. if it’s bad, it’s YOUR fault for not training it properly.
You must mean mainly Islamic and African countries. East and South-east Asian men are as p****y-whipped as the American men you enschew. I have lived in East and south-east Asia so I have had first hand experience.
A huge problem that cannot be solved by one man training his woman is: feral women. America, no- civilization, is being overrun by feral women. The solution: they must at all times be under the authority of a responsible man- either her husband, or in the case of feral women, her father. If you let women loose to pretend that they have agency (they inherently lack agency) then everyone suffers, as she masquerades around civilization, sticking her little butt out and rubbing it on everything, murdering children she invited into her womb, stuffing her disgusting little Pills in her snatch so that she stops bleeding all over herself, yowling and caterwauling into the night (and Human Resources) about victimhood and rape culture, and demanding you pay her way for everything; utterly unmarriageable.
You, sir, are awesome.
You’re damn right about Russian men, especially in Sankt Peterburg, where there are more hot women than eligible men. Russian men are out of their fucking minds! I knew a well paid 30 year old doctor and he’d say, “Sam! How’s your fucking liver today?!” and pull out a bottle of Flagman. Totally Alpha; everything was a fucking competition with him, which was kind of annoying. I gave up his challenges when he climbed a 50 foot fir tree loaded out of his mind and demanding that I join him.
And yeah, Russian men treat their women like shit, which means you’ve got to be nasty with them too otherwise they lose respect for you. The trick is to be nasty, but not as nasty as a typical Russian male. Yell at them and put them in their place, but don’t hit them (as a Russian man would); drink, but don’t drink as much as a Russian. Never offer to help clean or change diapers.
I love Russia actually. It’s a refreshing change from over-governed Canada. Sankt Peterburg is an amazing and charming city like no other, and it’s got this constant grittiness which assures you that you needn’t scratch its surface too deeply to get yourself into lethal trouble.
I haven’t been there for 10 years, but I know Sankt Peterburg well enough to want to see how it’s changed since then.
Russian men think it’s masculine to get drunk out of their minds every night, but really, it’s detrimental as it reduces muscle mass, increases body fat, and lowers testosterone.
If booze doesn’t kill them, heroin does. Live hard and die fast seems to be their philosophy.
Sam, men need to learn to stop being such pussies and stop chasing after women’s affections. I mean GODDAMN, what pathetic beta behavior. Look at most western men- they are spineless pussies and all they do is try to gain the affection and praise of women.
STOP THAT SHIT immediately. Grow a pair of fucking balls. Stop putting women on a fcking pedestal.
Now, with such an attitude like that? An attitude of “I could care fucking less what women think or want”. Guess what? Women are highly attracted to that. And even still, it doesn’t matter. Once you transcend this pathetic need to want female approval, you no longer give a shit what women think or want.
With such an alpha attitude like that? You don’t need “game” to pick up girls. The girls will be running to you and trying to attract you. You won’t even have to lift a muscle anymore to attract women.
This is the Comment of the Day, for sure.
All Russian men are like that, not just in St. Petersburg. And Russian women have no choice but submit to their men otherwise they will be alone forever simply because there are always 10 women for 9 men (words from famous Russian song). I wish more foreign guys went to Russia and get themselves a Russian girlfriend or a wife. If you could simply talk to her without screaming, she will do anything for you in return. Yelling is a norm for Russian men.
Sounds pretty alpha. Sounds like Russian men aren’t a bunch of pathetic beta faggots who worship the almighty vagina.
Luckily, the younger generation of American men are starting to wake up too. Feminism was created by the baby boomers, so once the baby boomers start dying out, so will the feminism they created.
In America during the war women were expected to work in the factories, train as nurses and ‘step up’ to serve the country. Those standards stuck around after the war. Women in America have access to the highest and best education. They are expected to get perfect grades, volunteer a million hours, work, intern and then get good jobs. Just like men. In the 1980s the pant suit was fashionable called the power suit and women were expected to break standards by acting like men. American women feel pressure to have a perfect man and a perfect career and perfect kids. You can’t get that by being a wilting daisy. You have to fight hard. In America if you are a housewife people call you lazy. The work ethic is so strong and so many people are competing. In many countries you can drop out in highschool and not be penalized. Women don’t get a good education and are trained to be more docile. They have no expectations. They sit around waiting for an American husband to buy them online.
Very good point.
America is a fucked country, for both men and women. The Zionist Elite are playing everyone against each other- whites and blacks, men and women, conservative and liberals.
We goyim need to unite against the true enemy of humanity- the Zionist Elite.
Wish I could give this comment more up votes.
So you were on one of those geezer sex tours of Russia?
100% correct!!
the way i do this is i don’t try to act like a assole or whatever, but i speak my mind without tiptoe-ing around it. it helps to weed out the feminists.
I agree I was a stay-at-home mother to both of my children and I was asked repeatedly “Why don’t you get a part-time job on the weekends or something?” just so we’re all clear here, my house was tidy(NOT a hospital O.R,) I cooked dinner 6 nights a week(usually from scratch I HATE gunk in my food) I took my children to the park AND played with them, enrolled in kindermusic, was a classroom voulenteer, AND had to figure out how to get sh!t done when their father was deployed….Yeah I NEEDED a part time job……
This is true Russian women like the nasty stuff.
I use to tell my girlfriend when she would tell me about politics.
“Shut up you dumb bitch, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Christ you are stupid.”
Then she would say “come over”.
Oh no. Not again. The Jews? Really? 1/10th of one percent of the world’s population who are singularly responsible for every negative “ism” to afflict mankind? The Jew thinks it up, and the hapless gentile must suffer. Since there’s about 20 million Jews on planet earth and 6,980,000,000 gentiles, maybe the goyim could get an original thought of their own or at least come together and recognize the pernicious Jewish threat but they can’t even seem to do that except for that dude Hitler… Ah, the timeless Jewish question. Whatever shall we do? For convenience they can be communists, or capitalists, industrialists, socialists, feminists, trilateral conspiracists, Rothchilds, deists, deicide-ists, enablers of fat chicks, whatever fits! Goddamn Jews!! Jesus Christ already! Fuck! That dude was Jewish too! It’s a Jewish conspiracy!
You can thank for the Marxist Zionist satanists in our government for that. They created feminism, which FORCED women to work, as the wages fell AND inflation increased at the same time, so women had no choice but to work.
“Shut up you dumb bitch, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Christ you are stupid.”
I said that to one dumb bitch in America and she never called me again. Which was fine with me cause she was a worthless bitch anyway. Then I moved to Asia, and never looked back.
No, but I see plenty of those idiots where I am now, in an undisclosed 3rd world country. All these retarded older white baby boomer men, coming here and throwing around their money and buying girlfriends.
Stupid baby boomer men ruined western women and now they have to come here and ruin Asian women too. Like I said, the world will be a much better place once these stupid baby boomers are all dead and gone. They were the most selfish generation to ever exist.
Yes, the hapless Gentile apparently must suffer the viral pestilence of the eternal Jew. He stalks you, subverts you, makes your women fat and kills your gods, after inventing them. He creates your money, then devalues it, doesn’t matter anyway, they own all the gold too. And there would be peace in the Middle East were it not for this interloping parasite of a creature. Hitler couldn’t even get rid of them, not that he tried, Another vicious Jewish fiction. Lord, what can you do? Very accurate caricature, undoubtedly. Careful though, the dude looks a little Arabic and we don’t won’t to offend our Mohammedan friends, at least according to the ADL. Lol.
You sound jealous. And btw, I don’t see any Boomer men writing on pua blogs crying about how they can’t get laid.
We still can’t control viruses.
yes the southeast asia men are whipped since they let theri women be sluts and gamed by foreigners but at least they know how to keep their wives in line. The middle east and indian women still bitch and complain but know their place as long as the husband doesnt tolerate itn and stays alpha.(ive known a couple that became whipped like they have marreid a white western woman when they didnt assert their domince and let theri behavour pass and as a result became beta). Least asian women dont mouth off like middle eastern and indian women. WHich with whom you cant afford to lose with it trust me.
Just so we’re clear here, John Doe, I NEVER once doubted my decision to be a stay-at-home-mom, EVER. I WANTED to raise the children I brought into this world. However, I was ALWAYS ASTOUNDED, as to the sheer number of people who thought I was lazy, or unintelligent, or just lacking because my kids came first
Indian and Arab women are the god-tier level of women.
Southeast Asian women are the next lower level.
East Asian women are the next lower level.
Then you have mexican women.
Then White women.
Then black women.
Black and white women are shit-tier level.
Unfortunately, I am only attracted to indian women and arabic women. Thus, all of this “game” shit doesn’t really help me as it is written from the perspective of how to game western women or white women.
Although I could probably say a few words about how to game Indian women. It takes a very particular mentality and attitude to do so.
I stopped giving a shit what women think, a long time ago, only except of getting into the so called “poosy paradise”. I get lampooned with all kinds of comments, the usual feminist insults. I guess that only works with men who are physically attractive to women. Still, don’t give a shit though.
Apparently he tried, but not hard enough. Making them work just backfired, and deporting them just made them infect other countries till they could worm their way back.
Ha ha, ‘fraid not. I do things on my own. I’ll never need a geezer tour anywhere, even when I become a geezer! 😀
One of Jewish friends is a feminist and its so stupid. She got pissed because of Axe commercial. All of my Christian friends like me are not feminist and could care less about it. I know of three feminist Christians sadly. To me feminist had its use in 1963 but no longer of any use. Thankfully America has done a good job of demonizing it now we just need to destroy it. Feminism is why Europe population rates are beyond replacement and why Muslims are taking over. If I have girls and they become feminists I will disown them.
“Finally you guys are catching on.
If you visit Asia or India or Muslim countries or Russia, you will notice that those men tolerate zero bullshit from their women.”
You said this wrt his comment about telling your woman directly that she is gaining weight and it is unacceptable. However, all the regions you listed are not so fanatical about looks and gaining weight. They view marriage as more for family than for the happiness or sexual satisfaction of the couple.
“Sounds pretty alpha. Sounds like Russian men aren’t a bunch of pathetic beta faggots who worship the almighty vagina.”
They are abusive drunks and that’s why Russian women are even looking to India and China of all places for husbands!
“I said that to one dumb bitch in America and she never called me again.”
So on the one hand you criticize American women for being low class and not having any self respect, while on the other you want to them to absorb and engage in low class language about themselves, betraying a lack of proper culture and self respect.
Try using such low class language around a South Asian woman. Even the poorest has more class in her smallest toenail than you and your countrymen have in your entire history.
“stuffing her disgusting little Pills in her snatch so that she stops bleeding all over herself,”
What are these snatch pills you speak of?
are you stephen colbert?
M, do you have Battletoads?
Never heard of ’em.
The rest of the world agrees.
“American women feel pressure to have a perfect man and a perfect career
and perfect kids. You can’t get that by being a wilting daisy. You have
to fight hard. In America if you are a housewife people call you lazy.
The work ethic is so strong and so many people are competing. In many
countries you can drop out in highschool and not be penalized. Women
don’t get a good education and are trained to be more docile. They have
no expectations. They sit around waiting for an American husband to buy
them online.”
Which countries are you talking about? The work ethic is a thousand times tighter in East, South, and Southeast Asia.
This is harsh but true. I am a female and yes we ARE attracted to the I don’t care/alpha attitude. I there were more men like that. Sadly, not many have it. Also, I’ve seen you mention russian and asian girls, but what about south american or mexican women?
For men. In a lot of East, South, and Southeast Asian countries the women are expected to stay at home once they have children. If they do work after having children, it’s out of necessity– they’re a poor, rural family; their husbands aren’t making enough money to support them; etc.
Women are expected to work regardless of wealth in western cultures, with the exception of perhaps the 1%.
And I bet you heard that mostly from other chicks, right?
You know why?
Because they were jealous of you.
Trust me.
i’m a stay at home mom (6 kids, 3 I birthed, 3 we adopted) and I get it all day long. (Which is why I post at 2am 🙂 )
House is clean and dinner is always ready when my husband comes home…(granted the older kids help out a lot )
They also publicly jab at me for the amount of kids I have and that I’m still walking around in heels while holding the hand of a toddler.
Women are catty and they almost always want what other women have.
Hmmm, you don’t think a man could be an alpha and still maintain an air of chivalry?
Never heard of Battletoads? Your life is fucking worthless, you piece of shit.
Well M, to be honest, a brown woman who has a little bit of extra baggage is still hot.
But a white woman who has extra weight? Oh god, it makes me want to vomit. And I guess this is why I do not even look at white women anymore. White women are disgusting bitches.
Brown and black women are far superior to white animal women.
I can’t tell if all you people are serious and actually this deluded or just the world’s biggest trolls. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a woman wanting to stay at home and raise her kids, just like there’s nothing wrong with a woman who wants to work at a job and make money to support herself. I agree that feminism can sometimes spiral into a man-hating spiral of doom, but at its core, it is the search for equality for all. Don’t belittle that, please.
There’s absolutely something wrong with it. Get off of your cunts and contribute some economic productivity.
Brown and black men and women look better than white people, particularly of Northern European descent because our skin is thicker, has more melanin and collagen. That is why blacks don’t hit their wall until 50s or even 60s and brown people don’t hit it until 40s. Whites hit their walls by 30 tops because their skin is so think and light it shows every wrinkle and blemish. And they start to wrinkle around 27 as well. If they stay fit their bodies can look youthful until 40ish but their faces look 40 at 27 and 50 at 35.
OK its a video game? A human life is worthless because of never hearing of Battletoads? Where does it say that in the Maha-prajna-paramita Sutra?
Most women in East, South and Southeast Asia are working outside of the home. But that’s besides my original point in which I was referring to the work ethic of both men and women in the broader Asian region. I don’t see Americans working nearly as hard as those people do, and for the long amount of hours.
“In many countries you can drop out in highschool and not be penalized.”
– Not in East, South or Southeast Asia. Education is very important and one suffers immensely without one. It can mean the difference between begging and having an actual home. Whereas Americans who either drop out of high school or are homeschooled and don’t get their GED or go onto college (or even drop out of Home School, yes it happens), still live a life of comfort.
“Women don’t get a good education and are trained to be more docile.”
– Education is very important to Asians. The poorest of parents will do all they can to give the education they never had to their offspring.
“They have no expectations. They sit around waiting for an American husband to buy them online.”
– Some American men may be hoping they are doing that. Most Asians aren’t just “sitting around”.
You are a little misguided.. America followed by Germany and Japan have the highest labor productivity rates and make the best products in the world. China, Thailand, ETC are the opposite
That would never work with Chinese women. I know I was married to a Chinese moron for 15 years. They cant be taught anything
You got that right
I’m going by personal experience. The average South Asian works harder, longer and under more intense conditions than the average American, German or Japanese.
How is Christina Hoff Summers a feminist?
Did you read the War on Boys?
My takeaway from that book is that she’s on our side.
Am I missing something?
Thanks for posting the graphic, though. It clearly illustrates the problem.
taking the extreme opposite stance won’t solve the issue.
although many angries on the internet can’t differentiate between a “normal” jewish person and a zionist and therefore assume them all to be zionists, zionism does exist. and it is evil. at it’s core, it is the belief that “God” gave a specific group of people the right to occupy certain lands in a certain region of the world. the most dedicated zionists are willing to do extreme things to bring to fruition this relgious mandate.
as for “john doe”, the person you are responding to, he is a hateful rage-moron. one can clearly see this by reading his other comments in this thread. he is not worth your time.
In the throes of emotion being the op of a great article it might be advantageous to be a little more coherent in your comments and use less inflammatory adjectives so any really intelligent feminists if they really exists with truly an argument worthy of a post can feel comfortable here to enlighten us with their comments. Because it really is easy to destroy feminist philosophy but not without counterpoints and we need the feminists here. And believe it or not. At least half the feminists in this country are Yankee MALES. Of the sanctimonious breed. There found everywhere north of the Mason Dixon line. Feminism is so insidious it deserves constructive discourse and inflammatory is counter productive and ROK can be better than that. LOLz.
Oh I am not disputing your subset of data points but it must remain in context that is all. I am very familiar with your experience. I have lived in Thailand and still travel there extensively. Had a Chinese wife of 15 years and dozens of room mates here in USA from all over the world primarily Buddhists and Muslims from East Asia.
Comments like these tears away integrity from the fabric of the article and damages its talking points. Even if the author is a mysoginist or not but mysoginistic comments should not be a part of it if you want meaningful discourse. And I can’t spell worth crap. ROFL
I agree all these misogynistic type comments degrade the article and deprecates any useful discourse. Without meaning discourse I cannot correctly destroy feminism in its tracks for the Huffy Post to pick up and lean lessons by. I guess we are lucky the essay did not include any misogynism to begin with or did it?
What is your demographic? Meaning your nationality? Are you under age 25? City or country girl? COllege educated or not? Feminist or not? Slut or not? Your basic philosophy towards life would be based on nihlism, cynicism, or exitentialism?
I agree, but others including the author of the article here, are praising it and John Doe calls it “the comment of the day”. But I was genuinely curious about pills being stuffed into vaginas to stop bleeding. Never heard of that. I think the commenter must be confusing PMS pills like Midol with tampons. In which case….. what?!
“stuffing her disgusting little Pills in her snatch so that she stops bleeding all over herself”
Do you even understand what “The Pill” is? Do you think women have a mouth in their vagina? What are you fucking talking about?
There is no way that you are not a virgin.
All of that would be true, however, Russia still has the highest rate of divorce on average. You could simply “Google” the crude divorce statistics and find it on a handful or more credible sites. Also, as a Russian woman, I’m offended. Sure, there are plenty of our men who drink and drink, then go off the handle at their brides, even in front of children, but that’s called alcoholism. The reason most Russian men I’ve met are so brash is because genetically, alcoholism is prominent with our people. And, yes- alcoholism can be passed on to your children, it has been proven to be genetic. Also, in Russia, we Russian women don’t let our men abuse us, we don’t let them bruise our faces, and if the husbands did, you can be for damned sure our fathers wouldn’t allow it. Dad’s are very protective of their daughters, and if someone was to hurt them (with the intention of being hurtful), it wouldn’t stand, they have pride in their work, and their family is a part of their hard “work”. Another thing, come to Moscow, see how the men and women interact, the new generation has respect for one another, because Russia has larger issues than picking the woman apart for something they can or cannot do. All are different. We know that. We have a government that isn’t about the people, so the focus isn’t on being held down to standards our “dedushka i babushka” had for years. We are working toward more freedoms, so we don’t focus on this petty stuff our Westerners seem so worried about. There are all types in all places, and even though we are raised to be wise to American’s, I have met quite a few traveling there and back to visit my sister, and watched the wife of your President do amazing work for the people. She graceful, and hard working, so not all cannot be bad?
Actually it’s a business and not a very clear one. You are made into buying other women / men. They get money from it by also selling girls or boys that can’t pay for one thing or another. It’s not that complicated. Think of dirty businesses. It’s that very simple.
Interesting – when there are some people of jewish beliefs it automatically becomes a jewish conspiracy. You are 70 years behind with this stupid comment.
I sounds like you hate ALL WOMEN just not American. You must hate your Mother too. I am so sorry for the way a woman in your past has treated you. You remind me of a serial killer or a rapist. Same Psychological Profile. You just seek attention and you are getting it. Feeds your appetite for the attention you can’t get from women. It infuriates you doesn’t it? The way you speak of women is how you really feel about yourself sad, fat, gross, inferiority complex. Why say grow some BALLS ! why when balls are so fragile ? Why not say Grow a Vagina…..those things can take a real pounding! GROW A VAGINA !
24 year old, originally mexican, raised in a small town and country side, live now in a big city. College educated, nurse. Non feminist, not a slut at all.
Yes not to my mention , they are actually making Americans look even dumber by making it seem the women in the rest of the world live in caves and get dragged by their hair. Women who accept this only accept it because they have no other choice. Not because it makes them happy. Americans including men, are some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met, and I’m American!!
Such men are just angry because they don’t know how to treat a woman so they get dumped all the time and blame it on the woman. Perhaps if they didn’t talk like narcissistic douche bags, they’d have better luck.
Such men are just angry because women don’t like them, anywhere and they blame the woman when it’s actually the fact that act, well they way they are acting here, why women don’t like them lol.
When all else fails, when you’re a poor loser in a trailer park, blame the Jews, the blacks, the women. Maybe you’re such a loser in life because of your horrible attitude and the way in which you degrade other people is why nobody likes you, women or anyone who is, you know, sane.
I love it. I’ll would be somewhere where the question would come up: Does your wife work? Yes, I say. Where does she work? She is a homemaker I say. No, I mean a real job. I say lady, if you think being a homemaker, raising and homeschooling our 4 children is not a real job, you don’t know what work is!
Women have been forced to work because of Capitalism. Capitalism has created many wants that people mistake for need, such as having two cars or a 800 sq foot bedroom, and this is what started the trend. If you removed even young mothers between 18 and 35 from the workforce, about 15% of it, you would have full employment for males.
Yeah S American is my favorite 🙂
SIMPS!!!! they fuck the game up every damn where smh
bro you my hero LOL
really ? :O
You sound like a top quality woman and men respect women like yourself. Today we have a khardashian loving ghetto culture and most women today are lowcass and pathetic. Men have no respect for women in todays society.
I bet you say that to all the guys. LOL.
I don’t, most guys aren’t worth it anyways.
Absolutely lie!Do not forget that our women like prostitutes they run for the dream and forget any debd before her husbends.
If you are foreigner you have +100 in the score no matter what a shit you are in real.I checked out
if you(I got statistics among my collegues, frieand and all the guys i know) good, not angry,reliable, good looking Russian guy with good job she will anyway leaveyou if she meats may be old ,may be not so honest and good looking foreigner who may simply use her like a doll for sex and leave.
Our “Russian good spirit” works against us.Russian
women thinks if you love her and do want to have any one else
that you weak and have no chanses with other women
Do not forget to be strict with them, if you do not want to be treated as looser in love.
And also,
Be aware with Russian and Ukrainian wifes,If they will find more profitable variant they will kick you by your ass.
I love mexican women you are so hot!
So if you want to be really appriciated by Russian women play a role of a bad guy who do not see any cost in her and terts her like an unspriti pease of second hand cace .Andyou ll see your price for her will be dramatically be high for all the time
Hmmm, I think this is exactly what the author of this article indicates is the problem women have and in so doing they are becoming too independend.
Can you read?
Or are you part of American problem. You want women to act like men then when they do you can’t stand it?
You know exactly what’s going on! I’m glad I’m not alone!
What war. ??? Ww2? That was grandma generation. Part is the great generation. The generation that gave everything to their kids and their kids took it and are taking still… Their grandchildren who can’t go to college or have their own kid s. Yes that generation of women are respectful. They didn’t leave their kids for work… They worked and had kids. They had the time for both. Now father’s have to leave work cause mother’s don’t have time.
If i could only emigrate to a normal country like Sweden… With my children… If bea happy man. But in US men have to prove their fatherhood even if the mother’s are losers..
Actually, you patriarchic, self-indulgent and self absorbed person, there is a staggeringly high amount of happily married Russian women in my country- South Africa, for the simple reason that they are their husband’s best friend, his companion, the mother of the children he adores as much as he adores her, and they are happily included into his family as one of their own. Shouting, hitting or any other form of abuse is not on, never will be, and is not acceptable.
I am so sorry to hear that !
as a middle eastern Girl I should mention, what you don’t know is Asian guys have more respect to women ,also unlike most western guys they pay for everything but western guys expect sharing the bills !!!!!!!
Swedish guys expect that even when they ask girls out on a date ! even for a coffee!
Persian men usually give us very expensive gifts,diamonds ,luxury brands clothes ( channel ,Fendi ,LV ,..) they try hard to show their love to get our attention ,because we are not easy …
when they marry they say to their women “its up to u if u still
wanna work ,but we don’t need your money ,I am responsible
for everything (even if he is not rich)
we know our value ,we give our love to whom who deserve that ,I am not saying we love who ever buy us luxury gifts ,We give our everything to whom shows respect and real love ( no cheat ,no lie ,caring ,..)
,that way we can even give our lives …
I am an engineer and making money,but its so great when they care of us ,all women need that but American women might be hopeless of being cared ,that’s why they tend to act like they don’t want attention and love
I am so sorry to hear that !
as a middle eastern Girl I should mention, what you don’t know is Asian guys have more respect to women ,also unlike most western guys they pay for everything but western guys expect sharing the bills !!!!!!!
Swedish guys expect that even when they ask girls out on a date ! even for a coffee!
Persian men usually give us very expensive gifts,diamonds ,luxury brands clothes ( channel ,Fendi ,LV ,..) they try hard to show their love to get our attention ,because we are not easy …
when they marry they say to their women “its up to u if u still
wanna work ,but we don’t need your money ,I am responsible
for everything (even if he is not rich)
we know our value ,we give our love to whom who deserve that ,I am not saying we love who ever buy us luxury gifts ,We give our everything to whom shows respect and real love ( no cheat ,no lie ,caring ,..)
,that way we can even give our lives …
I am an engineer and making money,but its so great when they care of us ,all women need that but American women might be hopeless of being cared ,that’s why they tend to act like they don’t want attention and love
“a woman is like a dog. if it’s bad, it’s YOUR fault for not training it properly.”
I am so sorry to hear this !
as a middle eastern Girl I should mention, what you don’t know is Asian guys have more respect to women ,also unlike most western guys they pay for everything but western guys expect sharing the bills !!!!!!!
Swedish guys expect that even when they ask girls out on a date ! even for a coffee!
Persian men usually give us very expensive gifts,diamonds ,luxury brands clothes ( channel ,Fendi ,LV ,..) they try hard to show their love to get our attention ,because we are not easy …
when they marry they say to their women “its up to u if u still
wanna work ,but we don’t need your money ,I am responsible
for everything (even if he is not rich)
we know our value ,we give our love to whom who deserve that ,I am not saying we love who ever buy us luxury gifts ,We give our everything to whom shows respect and real love ( no cheat ,no lie ,caring ,..)
,that way we can even give our lives …
I am an engineer and making money,but its so great when they care of us ,all women need that but American women might be hopeless of being cared ,that’s why they tend to act like they don’t want attention and love
You’re lost! It’s not Capitalism’s fault. Capitalism is dead. It’s Commie Cronyism that’s to blame!
You are misguided. Productivity does not equal “work ethic” in terms of what women in the home will do. In second-world nations, women keep even modest to squalid homes neat and clean. They take pride in their meal preparation for their family. Yes they do not build cars (well) lol! But they care a great deal for love and family and put their heart and soul into their care for them.
Gee, a Jew-hater worships Muslim men, what a surprise! Muslim countries also tend to be ultra-violent, intolerant, and backward. Like all of the terrorism, do you? You probably think beating women and denying them rights is just perfect. You are scum, as are all of the 135 (at this point) morons who upvoted you.
Oh, and of course, there are no non-Jewish leaders in the feminist movement. Of course not.
That’s why I want to get out of here.
That’s insulting to the foreign women. They are not “bought.” If anything, my experiences with foreign women is that you CAN’T impress them with material things; it shows you’re irresponsible with money. They have a reasonable desire for stability, but they don’t sell themselves.
Actually, American laborers have one of the highest per capita productivity rates in the world.
“Why not say Grow a Vagina…..those things can take a real pounding!” Really? How long have you been working on the farm? I bet you’ve had a bumper crop that you’ve been more than willing to sell!
Basically, you’ve just said, “We belong out in the fields so white people can stay inside in the air conditioning.”
Nice job, asshole.
Oh yes silly negro: that’s why all the porn sites are filled with black women. Because non-blacks find them so appealing over non-black girls.
The lies you people tell you sad people tell yourselves just make me chuckle.
Absolutely. Feminism is a repackaging of Marxist “Class Warfare” taken to the next level (Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Engels – all Jews). The goal is the destruction of the “goy” family unit as put forth in “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”
We haven’t had Capitalism in the US since the 1850’s – please stop parroting Communist rhetoric.
What we have had since the creation of Corporations (in their modern form) is Fascism – or Corporatism – not Capitalism. What you describe with the constant need for MORE is Consumerism, not Capitalism, combined with the effects of the Zionist Jew created “feminist” movement. The Zionist Federal Reserve has been debasing our money for over 100 years – less valuable money makes things more expensive, more expense means two incomes are required to live – combine that with the feminist push for women to get jobs, and hence, women in the workplace. This expands the tax base and enriches the Federal Reserve and it’s member banksters.
Agreed – when I was in Korea and Thailand, I was amazed at the work ethic of the people there – and even see it in some of the immigrant workers I know here in the US. The main difference I think is that in the US, children aren’t educated – they’re *indoctrinated*. It’s OK that they can’t think or process logical thought because the PowersThatBe are happy to give them their thoughts and beliefs on a platter – which is why it’s so freaking rare to find a person who can actually THINK in the US. I’m guessing that Asians actually get education – and value education – whereas here, “smart” people are considered “geeks” and “uncool”
This is, of course, on purpose. Read Charlotte Iserbyt’s book “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” for the whole story. (you can download it for free)
“In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people yield
themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present
education conventions fade from their minds, and unhampered by
tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive
rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their
children into philosophers or men of learning, or men of science. We
have not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of
letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters,
musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of
whom we have an ample supply…The task we set before ourselves is very
simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find
them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are. So we will organize
our children and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their
fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the
shops and on the farm.”
– Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913
You know John, what have stated here has been my exact experience. By the time I turned 30 I was so disgusted with women I went out of my way to avoid them. I got into cars, motorcycles, weight lifting and most of all, my work. I ended up successful in my business and wealthy as a result. I had women knocking on my door in the middle of the night. I picked a stray or two (or several dozen) along the way, but I am still happily single and proud of it. I look at women as I would a beef steak on the menu at an expensive restaurant. I don’t pay women to have sex with me, but I do pay them to leave when I am done.
You should move to India.
“Much more well behaved”?? Do you want a significant other?…or children? lol What a weirdo!!
They don’t sell themselves?…hmm, you should visit Costa Rica and see what the Ticas “do”. lol smh
“Are you a slut”?? omg… What an egotistical bastard. And we wonder what’s wrong with this country…the answer starts with you, buddy!
Thank god you’re out of my country! Stay in Asia…all the ladies will “love you long time”. lol
There are plenty of welfare queens out there who feel no societal pressures to do anything productive whatsoever. American women are undesirable because they see men as enemies, competitors, or oppressors, as opposed to being on the same team.
Sorry I am not politically correct pal
I am not looking for a slut if that is what you are implying. I am not attracted to said.
What world 🌍 does this creep come from.
I personally work because I like making and having my own money
You must truly be a fool if you believe that. Women in other cultures are raised to be slaves to their men. But they are not happy. The rate of suicide in those cultures is much much higher than in America. They are treated like animals and made to cover up from head to toe. When they get old and are deemed useless, their men can demand a divorce and even claim she was unfaithful and have her stoned to death, just so they can get a new young wife. That culture is sick. If you want a woman to “behave properly” as you say, you need to love her. We crave love, unconditional love. If we are loved properly and respected, then it is our greatest pleasure to reciprocate that same love and respect to our husbands. My husband loves and adores me. Even after 15 years of marriage, 4 children, and many struggles. We are a team. If you can’t properly love and respect your woman, you don’t deserve her. We are not property.
I hear you sister! I work full time as well. I have my share of the bills I cover and my husband covers the other half, equally. We are a team. After paying bills, we have enough to spend and save. We each have our own bank accounts. It is a team effort and it works for us.
Instead of grouping ALL American women into the category of “undesirable” because “they see men as enemies, competitors, or oppressors,” why not just say SOME American women. Because I am not the only American woman who believes marriage is a partnership and requires team work. There are quite a few American women who understand the importance of working together with their men, to run the household, raise the children, and live a happy and fulfilling life. My husband helps foster this belief by treating me like an equal partner in his life, and loving me unconditionally.
lol right, that is what I was wondering. Maybe tampons?
Really? That works for you? How long does that work for? You must be going through women like underwear because most won’t tolerate an unloving man for very long. My husband loves me unconditionally and in return, I lavish him with my love and I highly respect him above any other man on the planet. We are a team and work together as such in every aspect of our lives. How can you raise children and not love their mother? Do you even have children? LOL, your logic is deluded. You cannot believe that women are going to flock to a man that is nonchalant and uncaring. That is ridiculous.
So very true!
I didn’t find this out till I got rid of my selfish wife and started dating again
You said it perfect!
American men get some balls and kick these bitches to the curb if they disrespect you
I did!
Joy boy have you got it all wrong
***If you visit Asia or India or Muslim countries or Russia, you will notice that those men tolerate zero bullshit from their women***
You guys have some serious mental problem. Where did u find such bullshit huh?
Who said that we are zero tolerant to our women? First know our culture then post comment.
Actually i made a mistake. I misunderstood ur comment before.
Yes but in Russia women can pretend they are good in all that just to get marry and have money, lot of the ‘nice women’ are for sell online!!!! 1.- that’s not a nice women 2.- A real man pass trough the process not buying a woman like a pet XD
We have about 70 years of Leftist control of the schools, media, marriage laws to thank for that.
BROWN v. BOARD of EDUCATION is when the Leftist NEA/AFT took over the curricula from the parents, literally at the point of a bayonet.
Take a look at their game plan for American children (under the section called LOYALTIES). My understanding was that this Community Organizing circular came out long enough ago to have a FORWARD by Lavrenti Beria
The vast majority of American women, as compared to other nations, are indeed like this. So much so that there is no need for us to say some – it’s a waste of breath. I’ve lived in 5 countries and traveled to 30+, I know what I’m talking about.
It isn’t capitalism that is to blame, it is monetarism – the economy dictated by joo-ish central banking cartels and jewish investment banks. In the early 1970s one of the American labour union bodies predicted that at current rates of production growth and wages growth, by the year 2000 America’s ‘crisis’ would be how to use leisure time productively as we’d need to work so little. Production has increased as they predicted, but wages have stagnated, as top CEOs (they are ALL jewish) have fleeced the workers, as well as the banks, and hidden trillions of Dollars in off-shore accounts. The issue isn’t capitalism, or even socialism, but jewish hedgefund parasites and asset strippers/ corporate raiders, just looting the ecomy, whilst owning all of the major sports companies and keeping everyone distracted whilst they do it. We can have a wealthy country where everyones wants and needs are easily attainable, but the jewish viper has to be quaranteened or turned into lampshade/ or killed with non-toxic Zyklon B. Neo-liberalism is a jewish operation to loot and destroy Western civilisation.
Men were expected to die. The second that the basic survival of our nation wasn’t dependant upon the all out effort of everybody those standards VANISHED. Nice try but, they’re out there killing babies and playing don draper because they enjoy it and because there are no consequences. No man ever expected women to be like men, they simply enjoyed playing at it as long as all of the personal risk was removed from it.
They like to pressure the women who aren’t like them.
It’s a team effort for everybody.
… But that expectation is reinforced primarily by other women.
You’re romanticizing an external culture. Indians are fucking LAZY as hell.
Unconditional love is not a good thing also, it’s simply not true. Would your husband love you if you cheated on him ? Ham eked away the families nest egg ? Of course not.
Please don’t pretend that men aren’t legally and socially displaced and abused by feminism.
Chivalry is a code between men.
You need to learn to control yourself.
Just take it easy with the slut shaming here please.
Standards are love. Unconditional love doesn’t exist. If you stop lavishing him, and more importantly respecting him he won’t treat you the same. If you started trying to stand on his head he would leave if he’s worth anything.
Racist much ?
I’m not middle aged but, if I have to pay the healthcare costs, and share citizenship (for fucks sakes…) of some 50 year old Indian guy and his parents then I am treating India like a whore house.
Raising ones voice isn’t abuse and it is shameful to conflate it with hitting someone lol.
Indian men are some of the absolutely weakest, thirstiest and most pussy whipped men on the planet.
It is odd that there are so many Jews in influential positions in America isn’t it ? I don’t think it’s a conspiracy, just that they will take all and offer nothing in return believing that it is their natural place.
Maybe has a happy marriage. Maybe you don’t ?
Predictable and boring comment on ROK. Can’t you come up with something a little more creative?
Arguing about economic systems does nothing for anyone. The solution is to change laws enabling female parasitism and favoritism. I don’t care how it’s done.
Sounds like you have a roommate
The ‘pant suit’. God how I hated those things. I thought they died out in the 80s. I guess not:
Uugh! That’s so improper. Hair out like a peacock and the fat ass wide hips and stinky old poon, dry as a New Mexico dry gulch with B.O. and probably faggy boxers underneath. That’s no way for a woman to be in public.
THE HAIR must go down flat and under a head covering, otherwise she’s peacocking or making a play for power whether it be political power, domestic pussy power leverage or simply barking orders to family or associates. No one wants an in-house bitch tyrant.
So her hair must go down and a dress must be worn always by the female. A proper woman spends much time indoors cooking and answering the call NOT OF THE TELEPHONE or social media. No, she answers the call of Junior crying for tittie milk. A good woman keeps her yapper zipped shut and breaks out with the tit feeding. She:
1). Shuts up
2).Avoids politics
3). Goes inside
4).Keeps hair down
5).Leaves the peacocking to the man
6).Keeps her mouth zipped shut
7).Puts out fresh squeezed tit milk for baby
“shut up and tit feed” – Only the woman who shuts up and tit feeds gets to be properly blessed. The other noisemaking women are nothing but cackling loud nuisances who reign chaos and who destroy good homes with their screeching.
Real women like you are 1 in a million in the west! That’s why I hate Western society and moved to the East away from capitalism and greed. People are way more happier and human in the East!
Every Jewish man I have ever know told me the dame thing; Jewish women suck (and not in a nice way), avoid them like the plague they are. So, don’t put this on Jewish men, only Jewish women.
yeah, because a woman who is so fulfilled by her life choices feels the need to seek validation from men by assuming other women are jealous because they chose a different life. Like honey, life the life you want but dont project your own definintions of female worth onto other women. If most women wanted to have lots of kids with a husband who they cooked and cleaned for, most women would fucking do it. Cause it isnt exactly hard at the end of the day? I respect the choice of every woman but jesus, as i say to everyone despite gender- dont be delusional over t he reasons you made the choices you did. You clearly base your entire self worth as is classically defined by traditional family roles? You think that appealing to men’s ideals makes you somehow special. It really doesnt. Anyway, i hope you genuinely enjoy your life. I just hope you one day appreciate that not all women have the same modes of fulfillment as you. I also hope one day that you learn that male approval isnt worth slagging other women off for their choices. ps when ur husband starts shagging a ‘higher value’ younger women pls dont pretend it came as a suprise
this is just naivety, capitalism is corporatism- if the state didnt nourish capitalism- the rockefellers wouldve killed the state off decades agp
What happens when your teammate can’t produce anymore? Divorce? I heard women say, a man can take care of me, but I’m not taking care of a man.
Sounds like American Feminism is in Russia now. Stop please, for the world
I want a Vagina and my Penis so we can Eliminate you.
Jew women are the most rude obnoxious whores I have ever met. They who are not orthodox
run to join humanistic organizations and accept any behavior they want. This type of woman will whore around on you
at the drop of a dime. Mine died any that started MY liberation.
Want worse than this? Try a sociopathic woman, she’ll try to kill you.
The man is supposed to be the head of the house hold. At least that’s what the bible tells us and i agree. You can’t have two leaders. It’s true feminists ruined the way things where supposed to be. Now I don’t think we should be replied to as children. If that where the case then (your mother picked up for you as a child… now your woman does it. sounds like the man is the child there). If men have standards they think women should meet then that’s fine, I can agree with that. But when a man starts to put on weight or start looking wrinkled or not as attractive as they where, can we women call “bullshit” and expect them to meet our expectations. Unless you can find a woman that likes being submissive… then your screwed in America. Me on the other hand enjoy it. But as for hitting it right, Mr. Direct, that’s where i set high standards for my man. If it ain’t daily and freaky/kinky… you got to go.
….. Ma’am……I can totally respect what you just wrote. In a perfect world, women could call bullshit on a man’s appearance. They could say, “HEY, put the damn burger down and go lift some weights and do calisthenics, you’re becoming a fat ass that I don’t want to bang. Fix it” In that world, A woman would be entirely justified in that statement if she were keeping herself looking good, and a man would either have to shape up or get a lot less ass. But unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world. We live in a world where life isn’t fair and there is no such thing as equality. In this world a man can get fat and lazy and as long as he is supporting his wife financially, he is doing his job. But God forbid she let herself go, that is a no go! A woman’s initial value to men is her beauty and chastity. Since we know in America most women’s chastity is non-existent, we are left with beauty. If her beauty is not maintained then she runs the risk of losing her man to other women, first sexually, then completely. That is her biggest fear. Losing the security (financially, emotionally and mentally) that he provides to other women….leaving her feeling less than a woman and alone. Men don’t have these fears. If a wife or girlfriend leave us……we replace them and keep moving or we just stay single and bang chicks. In this world, it is truly great to be a man.
By the way I loved that last part “daily and freaky/kinky” is music to my ears.
“The man is supposed to be the head of the house hold. At least that’s what the bible tells us and i agree.”
In case you haven’t noticed this is not a religious site, what to speak of Christian. Most of the writers, readers and commenters are not Christians. That being said, Merry Christmas anyway.
” If her beauty is not maintained then she runs the risk of losing her
man to other women, first sexually, then completely. That is her
biggest fear. Losing the security (financially, emotionally and
mentally) that he provides to other women….leaving her feeling less than
a woman and alone. Men don’t have these fears. If a wife or
girlfriend leave us……we replace them and keep moving or we just stay
single and bang chicks. In this world, it is truly great to be a man.”
LOL! What country do you live in? Here in the US women are not at all “fearful” of losing their husbands.
LOL, fuck off you born again Virgin slut whore.
I am so tired of you dumb sluts hitting the wall at age 30, and then freaking out and becoming desperate to find some loser beta to marry and so you go join a christian church since that is the only place left where you will find beta losers dumb enough to marry your used up vag.
You use Jesus and the Bible as an excuse to not take responsibility for acting like a complete whore.
You are going to burn in hell, you bitch.
M, are you stuffing your face full of brownies and ice cream right now? Maybe if you’d put down the Battletoads game controller and go running for an hour, you’d lose some damn weight.
I find it funny that you hide behind the name John Doe and have a mask on your profile picture.
Hey Dixie! Thanks for letting us all know your into freaky,kinky sex. We all need to know you can hang with the guys and be impressed with that comment…. Even your comment here, which refers to your ladylike, subservient behavior, you just had to squeeze proof that your are some ” Bad Bitch,”, lololo How is the Reformed Whore re-Virginized life going for ya?
Dosas and idlis Doe, no brownies and ice cream for me. I’m gluten and dairy intolerant. Still don’t know what “Battletoads” is. Should I?
” In a perfect world, women could call bullshit on a man’s appearance.”
Well, its not a perfect world and women ARE calling bullshit on a man’s appearance already. What do you rate yourself on a scale from 1-10, Mr. Direct? Pix or GTFO! Is that direct enough for you?
“You are going to burn in hell, you bitch.”
Hell exists?
“I find it funny that you hide behind the name John Doe and have a mask on your profile picture.”
He’s a big macho alpha male and that’s what all the big macho alpha males do – hide.
I’m a 7. If I put on a suit I’m a good 8-9.
Pix or GTFO!
I’m not that foolish.
Not that foolish or not that good looking? 7 seems to be the go to number of self evaluation for the men in Manosphere blogosphere. I guess they figure 7 is high enough to be thought of as attractive but low enough to be believed. But then when they’ve posted their pics none of them were more than a 3 or 4 at the most. If you were really a 7 or 8 as you claim, you could post a pic but block out the eyes or nose or some other distinguishing feature to preserve your privacy, while also giving us a glimpse and a pretty good idea of whether or not you are really a 7 or 8.
Bring it!
nice try at baiting but I’ve been around the block. as I said. I know better. once you post any pic of yourself on the internet, its there forever. but since you like pics, how about you put your money where your mouth is.
Rude talk like that damages your credibility as a serious journalist.
Well, and men are doing the same thing and you guys are calling bullshit on a woman’s appearance. So, are we saying it’s a stalemate or are only men justified to make those claims? In a perfect world, no one would call bullshit on anyone for their appearance, religion, values… I could continue this list for days.
is this sarcastic?!
Nope. Real as can be
“To change men’s behavior, shame the stuff we find distasteful in
them. If your boy is putting on weight, TELL HIM DIRECTLY. don’t beat
around the bush. Let him know that is’t [sic] not acceptable. A lot of men try to spout off at the mouth at women, but when they are met with a
no bullshit tolerating woman, they shut the fuck up. Men need to have
boundaries in relationships kind of like kids do when being raised by
their parents. I know how it sounds but it is true. Set the standard
you want and he will meet it. (if you don’t take shit and are hitting
it right). Men will leave their friends and family for you.”
This is also true.
Of course, in both cases, you’ll end up with a sniveling dog instead of a partner worthy of raising your offspring…it appears this is a trade-off you’re willing to make.
I just don’t understand why so many “Alpha” men would want to be with “Beta” women? Could it be that they can’t attract Alpha women because Alpha women can see right through their facade? (Pro-tip: Alpha men don’t worry about becoming Alpha, or how to seem more Alpha–they just ARE.)
*shrugs* C’est la vie…
ROFLMAO!!!!!! No, you’ll end up with an obedient, submissive, loving wife who respects you. Women of today have a lot to learn about being submissive to their husbands. that is why there are a lot of divorced, single and generally lonely women with cats out there. I find it amusing that a woman can think to consider herself a man’s equal. Women forget their place. No woman can ever tell a man he is or is not a man. Men don’t measure their worth by a woman’s opinion of him but by how he views himself. I’m curious as to what your definition of an “Alpha” woman is. I would hesitate a guess to say something in direct comparison or mockery of Alpha men. You would be wrong in that definition.
Science disagrees.
Qualify your statement.
Qualify your existence.
I think therefore I am.
If you have any “facts” to back up your point of view, I’m all ears. Please don’t base your argument on emotion or feelings….its cliché and disproves your position. If you are going to disagree with me….back it up with facts. I’ll wait.
I don’t respond to commands, pretty boy. Speak with respect and we can have a conversation worthy of two thinking adults.
I cannot find the exact study at the moment (it is the holiday, after all) but if you are polite I’ll make a genuine effort to drudge it up; in short, evolutionary biologists have argued that practically every male achievement is for the sole goal of attaining more and better mates.
“No woman can ever tell a man he is or is not a man. Men don’t measure
their worth by a woman’s opinion of him but by how he views himself.”
True perhaps that no SINGLE woman can tell a man whether or not he is a man (unless he gives that over to a specific woman), but *women* (plural) do, indeed, define a man (at least in this shallow culture–we’ll leave pondering idealized alternatives to another discussion).
My aren’t we brash and brazen with our comments (though I do find the pretty boy comment amusing). You’re a bit sensitive ….I never gave you a command, but I like where your heads at. The effort is appreciated. I’ll not argue that point too much. The biologists have some merit in their theory. But only as part of a greater scheme in things. If women in general defined men, this world would be full of effeminate, overly sensitive, cowardly crybabies. I think not. A man’s achievements and appetites define him.
I don’t know which evolutionary biologists you’re citing, but it appears that most evolutionary achievements of men are for comfort and survival. Fire didn’t impress women to sleep with the caveman. It was about making him warm, warding off predators, and giving him warm food for his belly. Many innovations are “labor saving devices”. My father laughed about this as he would spend his whole weekend fixing them (how can they be labor saving if he’s working on them?)
Keep in mind that until fairly recently in modern human history, men didn’t have to impress women to get mates. Feminism argued that women were oppressed before, yes? In a certain way, it was true. Women had to mate ASAP and if they didn’t have an arranged marriage, they had to find a mate quick otherwise their offspring wouldn’t have a breadwinner and protector. This goes back even to caveman days. Matriarchies are the exception rather than the rule in human history and the modern welfare state is unstable (will economically collapse similar to the USSR).
In the post feminist era, we see that few women want equals and even where they do, such a paradigm usually doesn’t work. If he gets laid off or she gets promoted, statistics show that divorce follows soon after as she sneers that he can’t keep up with her growth.
Women are attracted to “strong” men, physically and financially, as protectors and providers. However, men (even strong men) who are attracted to such women wind up not with providers and protectors but rather competitors. I’m reminded of Kato from The Pink Panther movie series who hides in Clouseau’s apartment and attacks him to keep him on his toes. Most men don’t want to come home to that.
But even that’s the best case scenario. Most American women try to double dip and say they want to be “equals” in the workplace (which they mean by quotas) and then at home, he should pay for everything. (One told me that in addition to this, he should also do half the cooking and cleaning). In other words, what’s hers is hers and what’s his is hers. Some even say it in those words and men put up with it. It’s hyperselfishness. I compare such women (and there are a lot of them) to Veruca Salt from the Willy Wonka movie:
I want the world
I want the whole world
I want to lock it all up in my pocket
It’s my bar of chocolate
Give it to me
Quite frankly, going out on dates with women like this was a real downer. I didn’t want to have sex with them because they were such disgusting human beings. Friends said I had a misogyny problem and I said I liked women, (usually they were married), but THESE women were terrible. It’s like growing up in a war zone and not liking “people” but when people act like that, it’s not unreasonable. Not only did these women have a lack of empathy for men, but they were boring to boot. They could talk about work (don’t expect them to pay for anything) but their insights weren’t interesting. They expected to be entertained in addition to
being wined and dined. And for what? A chance at nookie with usually a 6 at best?
And even for women who do get the “nice guy” who pays for everything, is decent looking, and does half of the chores she is left wondering what more she could have gotten (she wants it all) and doesn’t trust him because he’s a wimp. A lot of these guys wind up getting dumped just for the fun of it. Or if they’re lucky, nothing bad happens but they aren’t interesting either. My wife and I can express ourselves to each other without concern about equality. We can accept ourselves and be considerate of each other.
You are just too easy to troll. If you had known better, you could have named a half-dozen exceptions to my assertion that “practically every male achievement is for the sole goal of attaining more and better mates”, but of course, this would still only apply to exceptional men…not the sort of men who waste their lives worrying about whether or not women are obeying them (in fact, a few simply did without sex at all…)
“If women in general defined men, this world would be full of effeminate, overly sensitive, cowardly crybabies.”
You contradict yourself. You say women want “alpha” men and then say that if “women” defined men, they would be as such…hm, could it be that women do not all agree on what they want men to be, just as not all men agree on what they want women to be?
Don’t expect a reply; you’re too boring as a debate partner.
I don’t understand why you’d be on a site like this, if that’s truly the case (I stumbled upon it searching for articles about how to quickly learn a language, myself…)
Okay, so you don’t like selfish bitches–and? Who does? I don’t like selfish bitches even when they are men.
As for your relationship with your wife:
“My wife and I can express ourselves to each other without concern about equality. We can accept ourselves and be considerate of each other.”
If you’re married, why are you so concerned about what other women are like when they’re dating? That’s not your problem, anymore…unless, I suppose, you’re cheating–does this site promote that? I wouldn’t be surprised.
Have you even read the other articles here? Do you agree with this shit? Did you start smoking because it was recommended? Do you think “selfish” women (“selfish” by not having sex with everyone who asks) deserve to be shot? Do you think “un-selfish” women are sluts and whores who deserve to be shot?
Really, I’m curious, because you sound vaguely reasonable.
“Keep in mind that until fairly recently in modern human history, men didn’t have to impress women to get mates.”
They did before civilization, just like every other animal.
Hello Lunasea. You ask some open ended questions that challenge me to express succinctly. I’ll give it a go. I went through a tough period in my 20’s. American women are not “kind” to non-super good looking men without money. I didn’t expect to be treated like a rock star, but it’s tough here. I strove to better myself FOR myself because I didn’t have much better to do at the time. In a way, that was a good thing. I later could marry American women but had outgrown them. It’s like leaving a small town where you don’t fit in and coming back and realizing you don’t need to fit in there anymore or want to.
If you define an honest, considerate relationship as equal then the term becomes nebulous. Is a housewife equal to a working class husband if she’s happy with the relationship and they’re both honest about it? Are women unable to vote but happy to get chivalry equal? I dislike the use of the word “equal” to describe such a situation but maybe “balanced” is a better word. Or harmonious. But indeed, I get along very well with women, even American women, after accepting that regarding women as “equals” in a literal sense set me up for disaster. It’s like me expecting my doctor to be a good radio DJ for my wedding. Then again, wisdom with age teaches me to not expect much from ANYONE, man or woman.
Back to the small town: Even if I’ve outgrown the place and now visiting, I still have strong opinions to share with those similar to me who didn’t get out, for some reason. Or to share thoughts with those that have. It also puts things into perspective. Every once in a while, I still learn something.
Yeah, I agree that a lot of the stuff on this blog is a juvenile. I don’t agree with all the shit by any means but a lot may be tongue-in-cheek. Shooting sluts or non-sluts? Certainly not. But keep in mind that when I was 20, I was frustrated at times to struggle with understanding how to deal with a hostile dating world and this meant generating pissy anger at times. Our society doesn’t help crybaby men much. Anger is like crying (expression of rage) except that anger (sometimes) generates an emotion of action. It’s not a solution by any means, but it can be the start of one. Something to ponder: It’s amazing really that men haven’t gone violent despite all the rhetoric. Want to see violent? Turn on the TV and watch non-western men. Or non-western men in the states even. Final thoughts:
Becoming the gentleman (at least as I see myself today) was a journey of self-discovery and personal challenge that left me with a worldview disfavorable to American women and feminism in general including even what some regard as “traditional” chivalry. (Polish knights were NOT chivalrous as Hallmark channel would describe the term.) I’m not a slacker, club hooligan, or gang-banger. But even those are still better than being a self-deprecating wimp which is what I commonly knew of men back about 20 years ago. Fortunately, most women, American or not, seem to regard those men with contempt moreso than the gang bangers or even myself.
Which, I challenge you, leaves you to ponder that with a set of logic that sets up men to fail what will men and society evolve into? I don’t see this place becoming Sweden. Being a fully actuated adult means thinking big and what kind of world we want to leave for our children and family and yes, women too. That’s why I care and post here. I’m not “equal” in that I buy into feminist nonsense but I certainly am a pretty good neighbor and in the end, husband. If American women had been growing with me, maybe I would have chosen them. But they didn’t.
That’s my best shot. ‘night.
Indeed, Lunasea. Patriarchy defines civilization even by your own logic that we’re animals without it. Sure, women “chose” their mates back in the days before men crafted a club but what kind of life was that? (And back then, it was the alpha males that turned on the women then as now, but hardly to please the women. The women evolved to enjoy being dominated by the alpha males rather than catered to them!)
I see plenty of reasons why women couldn’t defend their young from the saber toothed tigers much for the same reason today: It took a “village” but also a nuclear family to allow women to hunt and gather while their children were looked after (daycare) and the men hunted and protected the camp from other men (competition.) Most animals attack their own species in resource competition.
But even back then, communism was secondary to the nuclear family: Free men wouldn’t take exceptional risks and hunt to produce meat for alpha males’ offspring. They could and would leave a tribe that was expecting them to live in a Sister Wives’ compound where their labor was unfairly distributed. Later on, with the invention of money, it was possible for alpha males to get beta males to support a stable of women concubines but even by then, free men had to have a mate to be motivated.
Hmmm, this is getting philosophical and late at night at that. But sure, there are exceptions but it’s useful to look at modern society. The welfare state of today is destructive. What’s more likely to come out of the welfare state of today? Sweden or Detroit? I’ll google up Bonobos. You should google up Malmo.
Thank you for your reasonable response. I suppose it’s a matter of opinion, then.
I think part of the problem is that “feminism” is just as nebulous a term as “equality” as I used it, because it would appear that what has been called feminism has varied from decade to decade, from every person who has espoused it and from every person who has negated its merits. That’s part of why most young women today are reluctant to use the term, at all.
All I know is my personal point of view, which is that I happen to have a higher IQ than most people, male or female, and it’s a mind-boggling experience when a lower-intelligence male thinks he is superior to me (or more capable at any task) simply because he has a dick (there are similar instances with less-muscled males believing they are more physically capable than obviously larger-muscled women, or older men thinking they are more physically capable than young women, etc.)
It’s very similar to the case when “poor, white trash” thinks they are superior to “poor, black trash”, simply because of the color of their skin–nothing but an obvious and pathetic ruse to pump up their own ego.
I never said we are animals without civilization. We are animals still, civilization or not. Civilization is…the words and fancy clothes we wrap ourselves with to pretend we are not still animals, but it’s only an illusion. Once you figure that out, you won’t be so susceptible to advertising, the concept of personal worth being defined by money, and other forms of mind-control.
“But even back then, communism was secondary to the nuclear family: Free men wouldn’t take exceptional risks and hunt to produce meat for alpha males’ offspring.”
There is a reason it is called the “nuclear family”, so no, I don’t believe there is any evidence that such a thing existed in pre-history, but as I said before, any hypothesizing on what went on in prehistoric communities is subjective day-dreaming: WE DON’T KNOW.
We would be better off studying existing tribal communities, which I’m sure you’re aware, VASTLY differ in their beliefs, structures and practices.
As for Malmo…I’m not certain what your point is…Wikipedia wasn’t useful except to tell me that a large number of anti-Semitic attacks have occurred there and their population is mostly young and Foreign…what did this have to do with women?
p.s. Here’s a little subjective hypothesizing to ponder: why would men, the hunters, be the ones to develop agriculture? Wouldn’t it be more likely that women, the gatherers, were the first to notice the relationship between plants and seeds? An interesting context for the story of Eve and the apple…
Good morning Lunasea. I HATE when someone says a “matter of opinion” when they should be saying “agree to disagree” which I think is valid for a civil discussion. But matter of opinion implies there is no correct opinion on a matter when it’s possible there is one.
Here’s the thing: I met many American women who are smarter than me (in a way). They can be more literate, educated and even stronger (one girlfriend beat me at arm wrestling). And I was ok with that. But in the end, I think I’m “smarter” than her because I functioned better on a personal level than she did. Einstein was a dunce when it came to personal relationships. It would be nice to blame just American women for the failures of feminism and even hyper chivalry, but these issues are universal and men need to accept responsibility too.
I have tremendous respect for men who may appear less smart than me but are doing well: They may have great homes, great kids and a wife, and take better care of themselves. As Forrest Gump put it: Stupid is as stupid does. Men or women who have better educations or even physical prowness and then use that situation to act like a bully or selfishly are not “smarter” but rather just jerks and worse since they have the resources to be better. If they were poor trailer trash, they’d at least have an excuse. My intelligence is designed to protect and empower my wife, not to compete with or attack her.
Don’t think I let men off the hook. If an adult lets a child run around with scissors, we properly blame the adult. American men are often wimps and foreign women I talk to don’t like it and puffing up egos won’t fix that. Ironically, in my own way, I do treat women as equals in that I wouldn’t put up with BS from a man and neither do I do so for a woman. That’s where chivalry messed things up and got us to where we are now.
Okay then, you’re wrong. (Women’s politeness is often taken advantage of by being perceived as rhetorical weakness…I should have remembered).
Chivalry and feminism have almost nothing to do with each other. I don’t think you understand what feminism is. That’s okay, because as I’ve stated, hardly anyone does. It would require lengthy study starting from say, Wollstonecraft, through De Beauvoir before even approaching the start of what most men have in mind when they talk about “modern feminism”–which is, again, already hilariously outdated.
“But in the end, I think I’m “smarter” than her because I functioned better on a personal level than she did. Einstein was a dunce when it came to personal relationships.”
Speaking of misuse of words…did you just imply that you’re “smarter” than Einstein because you function better in personal relationships?
:Lunasea, It’s ok to say I’m wrong but better to show it. Let’s go:
I agree with you that feminism is this personal thing that women define for themselves. I’ve long said that it has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with what women want. But that said, it’s about as concerned with equality as my lawyer is concerned with justice. But looking at what feminists want, however we define it, it’s not equality in a literal sense. Most women dig chivalry and sexism. When they want that and so-called equality, it makes them into jerks. And that’s the problem I have with modern American women. Most want too much. Perhaps that’s not speaking for you but that’s my personal experience. So knowing what women REALLY want, let’s accept responsibility for that. Women want their F’ing doors held for them? OK. But at least let’s face up to that and let us men be ourselves without apologies.
About Einstein. I don’t think it’s a big deal to say he was bad with relationships. Even historians acknowledge this. I agree that the site is flawed and don’t want to claim that I agree with, or endorse a majority of views here. Heck, I barely have glanced at it myself since about maybe 2 weeks ago. That’s where I’m coming from just so you know.
Regarding dogs and fleas: Just as you post on a site like this, so do I. It was a good starter discussion. Heck, we could take this even further: How are foreign men better? Or heck, how is American culture flawed when it comes to relationships? These are all worthwhile questions and sometimes I have had the “dogs” get angry that I “blame” American men too much! I state that they need to accept responsibility for how we got to this point. We can’t stop jerks for existing, but we are responsible for how we react to them. Some have stated that this means I blame the victim (American men) for the divorce laws, feminism, etc. when I state that American men have been around the whole time. I’m very hard on American men in fact. While going after a foreign women can work, it’s better to understand the culture, and ourselves, to be good mates. There’s no shortcut for that. Learn the language. Understand the traditions. And open up one’s palate. I think the pickup tips for bar girls is trashy. I find such behavior rather pathetic actually and if I continue to hang out here, I’ll point it out.
Anyways, have a good day off and Happy New Year.
I looked at more of the articles posted on the site and I have yet to see an article advocating shooting or murdering women as you have suggested. Perhaps you saw something like that in a comment but for the most part, the articles range from sophomoric pick up suggestions to bashing fat women and, more often than not, some very thoughtful observations about the culture either from the author or the commenters and even some critical ones from men themselves.
Sure, some of the men are pathetic misogynists but go to NOW and you’ll the representative of THAT mainstream organization as a butched up lesbian brandishing a fist.
Some of the comments have given me food for thought including the current state of the culture today. I don’t date so it is interesting for me to see how things have changed or evolved as the “twitter” generation comes online. Happy new year!
“I looked at more of the articles posted on the site and I have yet to see an article advocating shooting or murdering women as you have suggested.”
It is there. It is now being spread amongst other sites. I’d rather not continue to give that article air-time. No personal offense intended, but I will not be visiting this site again. I have enough stress in my life without being reminded that at least half of Western civilization is soul-less and sickening.
Take care Lunasea.
Without going into right or wrong, I’m going to observe that to really get into a discussion, to look at things beyond the comfortable platitudes of late night TV or facebook postings, is not pleasant. Some people find happiness by not getting involved in politics or even religion. They live their lives privately the best they can and don’t have an opinion. Effectively, they are far more wiser at least than those who pick up a shallow opinion on a matter and like to think they have accomplished something.
Some people just drop it. I have a friend who did that. He decided that it wasn’t working for him so he just decided to become apolitical.
For me, I find it wonderful, and scary, to see the abyss and jump into it. Like going on a space mission. It’s not just about dealing with arguing with people but finding new ways of looking at an issue for myself and always asking myself: Did I make a mistake? Is there a new way to look at this? And even if I do find something new, there’s no guarantee I’ll accomplish ANYTHING.
But that’s what philosophy is. It’s accepting that risk and even inevitable fact that no solution may ever be found. But going there anyway. It’s the ultimate in exploration.
And it’s not for the faint hearted.
Don’t think I’m insulting your gender by stating that. As I said, a lot of men can’t handle it. Or want to. Philosophy, and seeking through it, are all about the personal.
Again, take care.
I have far more important matters to consider in my personal philosophical development than wracking my brain wondering why there is so much hatred and evil in the world; the Problem of Evil will not be solved in this lifetime.
For the record, it is indeed patronizing to assume I don’t look at things beyond comfortable platitudes, regardless of my own gender. I have far too much life experience in these particular matters to necessitate elaborate pontification, but if you’d like a little insight, one of my ex’s actually stole an idea of mine for his thesis and is now attending graduate school for Philosophy…I, on the other hand, do not have parents willing to pay for any degree at all, let alone a liberal arts degree. As usual, the rich, spoiled, white, male, brats will continue to use their “charmingly-eccentric muses” every time they run out of original ideas.
Good night, “PolishKnight”. Take care.
I wasn’t going quite that far in my scope for politics to solve the problem of evil. On the contrary, if you want to phrase it in that manner, my goal was largely to just understand evil, and the world, as it is. I view it as an engineering problem more than philosophical but that was sloppy semantics on my part.
I didn’t mean to imply that it wasn’t patronizing to assume you had a comfortable platitude despite your gender. I was only saying that wasn’t a factor in my statement with regards to you. The attempt to define women and men as equal with a philosophy named after a gender patronizing movement is doomed for failure from the start. A proper department of Philosophy would reject a student submitting a paper with such a title except for those that consider the paradox of the situation, but of course, philosophy historically has been bound by politics since the Plato era as much as physics is bound by climate science today. (Pity we’re on opposite sides. I love to talk about how the Greeks messed up math for 2000 years because politicians said you couldn’t count from 0. I had a discussion with this with my 9th grade Algebra teacher: “You can’t count to 0!!!!”)
I have no doubt there are rich white male spoiled brats out there. But that’s what makes American women so spoiled is that many of them who aren’t rich but merely white and middle class like to portray themselves as poor while enjoying the entitlements of wealthy white men AND WOMEN who get favorable treatment in college via affirmative action.
‘night too.
“But that’s what makes American women so spoiled is that many of them who aren’t rich but merely white and middle class like to portray themselves as poor while enjoying the entitlements of wealthy white men AND WOMEN who get favorable treatment in college via affirmative action.”
I can hardly understand your last sentence: what is it that white, middle class women enjoy? Affirmative action? Wealthy white men?
I believe you’re describing…”white privilege”; the vehicle by which I am able to “pass” as a higher class simply because hardly anyone *ever* questions a well-spoken white girl, these days.
I’m not sure where affirmative action comes into play: it was widely-reported not long ago that there are now more women enrolled in college than men. If anything, it would be men who would need “affirmative action” at this point.
Either way, if you’re implying (heavily) that this critique in any way applies to me, eh–*shrugs* it is only a testament to my superior chameleon-like abilities; a very useful survival skill, indeed. Don’t be fooled by an internet connection.
p.s. A pity about zero. I had a similar moment in 5th grade when I had to explain (then prove) to the English teacher that “flammable” and “inflammable” were not opposites.
I’ll agree that I could have phrased that sentence better. Certainly wealthy men and women don’t need favorable treatment in college via affirmative action but rather due to their wealth and social standing (although wealthy women often get a twofer in that respect). My observation was that many middle class white women enjoy treatment similar to what the wealthy receive via affirmative action.
“White privilege” and wealth privilege are often confused by the left. Whites of all economic classes sometimes enjoy privileges that non-whites don’t (and vice versa) but wealth carries it’s own privileges regardless of race.
Affirmative action comes into play because reverse discrimination is still discrimination. Yes, there’s a shortage of men on college campuses but the college campuses engage in recruitment that’s a fraction of what women enjoyed the past 50 years. Women at most colleges have women’s resource centers, special programs to help women get ahead, etc. in addition to quotas. When some universities sought to diversify their student body with more men by simply sending recruiters to schools to talk to young men and encourage them to apply (no preferences, just increase the number of applicants via advertising and recruiting), that was referred to as an equivalent to affirmative action quotas based upon race and gender. It’s not.
I personally don’t want affirmative action. Just eliminate the preferences and compete on merit. Men aren’t helpless.
More about zero. It’s a big deal because since the Greeks, and later Romans, didn’t have a specific character to describe zero and thought of numbers as “counting”, it killed the idea of positional numbers. The Hindi who had this concept soon figured out that just adding numbers, including zero, from right to left could be used as a form of multiplication rather than addition. Counting without zero resulted in the roman numerals that stump people at movie theaters to this day (although you’re probably smart enough to read them.)
Flammable and inflammable. I saw a cartoon based upon that joke (he poured gasoline on a fire because it was INflammable!) 🙂 Another fun battle with a teacher was my wife saying it was ok to use “because” to start a sentence. I googled and found this sentence: “Because is the word that begins this sentence.”
Right, which is why women are obsessed with their appearance and why they are so competitive with other women. Bitch, you know in your fragile, little mind that you need to compete to earn the right to be with us.
Thank you for being intelligent, as a matter of fact you are indeed and by far one of the most intelligent people I have ever come across on the internet or otherwise in person or by any means else .And believe you me that is a high compliment coming from someone like me, who does not regard themselves as being very smart or anything impressive, however, perceptive I am.
I believe it to be your approach or demeanor of calm and respect that makes you so, more then anything else. It makes you listen. After all, we can not learn if we can not listen. It also shows you are dominant and have a level of self control that most of these commenters can only dream of. You are obviously very insightful and a real thinker. Good job!
Dare I say you are an actual Alpha man, which most of these dummies have not a clue about. To these fellows they mistake domineering for dominance and think being nasty makes them strong. I suppose they were not raised by true men, otherwise would they not know?
If only they had ears to listen…
BUT… then again I do not know you and everything I said could be way off. Oh well, any who, I just wanted to let you know. Drop me a line if you like, if not that is OK . Either way, keep growing you little rascal you! CHOW!
I knew you were a true Feminist the whole time
Not even who are you kidding if you did you would be out the door or I would
You both go for a walk or take a bath go to bed don’t forget to say love you but don’t like you to night. Let a new day start. Then say love you maybe we could start working out together or walking. Take each other hand. Are you getting this message
I wouldn’t date this guy for sure. Sounds like he has some major issues. Way to many for me.
So you are saying that it is ok to shame the woman that you professed to love? Then you know nothing of love. I gained weight and you know what my husband said? He said that he loves me unconditionally. His love has since motivated me to diet and exercise so I can be healthier and live longer. NOT because he fat shamed me. Now we work out together and cook together. It has become a team effort and it is fun. THAT is the power of love. My husband is from Panama, and I am American. He was raised by an extremely “macho” father who mistreated and abused his mother. Instead of being a product of his environment, he has decided to rise above that. He treats me like his queen and I treat him like my king. We are partners in this life. As a result of that, our children are raised in a balanced home full of love. They have good role models for parents. My husband didn’t “set the standard” as you say, by abusing or shaming me. He set it by loving me.
This is shockingly true,I have noticed that WOMEN get way more hooked on me,when I don’t put up with there shit or kiss ass like every other dude she gets with.
Eating cake is bad behavior? Not to criticize too much but you sound a little delusional. Not trolling or anything but that was kind of a super fucking stupid analogy.
“Not to criticize” but you criticize….
“Not trolling or anything” but you troll…
Listen, we get it. You’re an offended female. Everything is going to be OK. Instead of trying to change the world just open your mind up for a few minutes and try to understand men a little bit better than you currently do. You don’t have to be angry, you don’t need to have all the answers and you don’t have to change the way people think.
Anyway, encouraging a girl while she is doing something un-sexy like stuffing cake in her face, farting, swearing, giving middle fingers or wearing sweatpants in public is poor behavior on men’s part and should stop.
You’re right I’m totally trolling. Sorry the sarcasm isn’t portrayed very well through typing. But I can’t help it I love debating with you guys because you have to admit its pretty fun and I have an hour to kill. Whatever, the whole men are so misunderstood thing is a little outplayed don’t you think? I consider myself to be a fairly open minded person. But “encouraging a girl while she is doing something un-sexy” is like the epitome of seeing women as nothing but sex objects. I don’t think that ANYONE can fart or stuff their face or give the middle finger in public and expect it to pass as classy or sexy. I guess my question is do you see women as something to look at/fuck and that’s it? If that’s the case then I totally understand where you are coming from (I just find it pretty repulsive). The world around you is changing and it is a scary thing, I know that. With every day there are more female CEOs popping up and women are getting more reproductive rights. There is even a discussion of women making just as much as their male coworkers. You are afraid of change and I guess my point is maybe you can also stand to open your mind a little bit…
Doesn’t seem that bad of a point of view to take considering most women just see men as walking money pie, they just eat while the music plays, then take half of what is left home after the party ends.
Oh don’t get me wrong there are definitely gold diggers out there (have you seen the Real Housewives of X). But that argument was probably more relevant like 20 + years ago. On average there are about ten percent (often more) more women enrolled in school than there are men which is like the stepping stone to “finding some sort of career so that you can provide for the rest of your life”. Have you noticed the trend of stay at home dads? This is not only much more common but so much more acceptable. I mean there are diaper commercials that depict it for goodness sake! I guess my point is the whole “all women want form a man is money” thing is a little dated and a lot based off of speculation.
Western women dont need money from men(or much if anything) in the degree that they did in times past.
There are tons of safety-nets and government aid for them and that is why the government/corporate infrastructure via political correctness has taken the place of “provider” which in a traditional conservative society would be the sole role of father/husband.
What they do seem to need…and is in short supply is a tingle inducing jerkboy that mirrors her narcissism and selfishness and takes what he wants from her.
That you take offense to men seeing women as only sexual objects brings a certain sly smile to my face. Why on earth would we view you as anything else?
You could be a rocket scientist, engineer( highly doubtful), political theorist, marine biologist or a wealthy entrepreneur and none of it will mean a goddamn thing to me if you dont make my dick hard upon first glance. None of your accomplishments matter to us if you arent hot. You are simply invisible if you dont pass the boner test.
Another thing is maybe I wouldnt objectify women so much if they didn’t respond so overwhelmingly positive to it. Women LOVE when I critique them about their bodies, their hair and how it all comes together to magically infuse my penis with a rock hard determination to plow them all night long.
I suppose you or other women would be upset if indeed you are the one left out in the cold while I’m hitting on the hot boner inducing chicks.
Also men can provide everything they need for themselves to live comfortably with about 20% of their productive time and output. This gives them alot of time to pursue other more pleasurable ends and having “deep” conversations with women isn’t one of them.
Damn I don’t know who she is but that chick really fucked you up. Was it your mom? Was she never there for you or something? Whatever woman has poisoned you to the point that you hate them all must have been a seriously traumatizing part of your life. I empathize. And btw women getting flattered by you complimenting them is kind of fucking human nature dude. No shit she giggles and eats it up, every body loves compliments, men included. I can’t even begin to describe the amount of guys whose chest rose like three inches after mentioning my interest in whatever the hell they were talking about. Whatever my point is you hate women and enjoy dehumanizing them and that’s sad to me. I hope you don’t have any nieces. Heaven forbid you ever get married or have any daughters.
Exactly what “reproductive rights” are women getting?
Not reproducing is hardly a right. That’s like saying being jobless is exercising your “employment rights”.
Please ban this cunt. We have all heard this worthless drivel a thousand times before.
Aw is really dead? Are we really at the point where we’d rather hurl insults for no god damn reason instead of say something with a little substance?
That is nowhere near the same thing. Being jobless is something that is totally out of your control. As a woman, you can be sexually active without having to reproduce if you choose not to, since you know that’s kind of what tends to happen…
“That’s like saying being jobless is exercising your “employment rights”.”
Slavery is illegal. That, in fact, is what I say and a right I defend vociferously.
What’s more, I advise anyone who has the capacity to invoke the same right.
Women’s “reproductive rights” is getting to reproduce with an alpha male of their choosing, and then tame him into a beta male also at a time of her choosing to raise the offspring for her.
“With every day there are more female CEOs popping up and women are getting more reproductive rights.”
What the fuck are you talking about? Women have had the ability not to have sex and have kids for centuries.
Birth control isn’t exactly new, either. Ever heard of anal?
An issue I did not address.
“Being jobless is something that is totally out of your control.”
If you are totally out of control and thus must be controlled.
Your response simplified:
Ad hominem
Ad hominem
False sincerity
Ad hominem
Ok hun let me break this down for you. Women being valued chiefly for their bodies is a biological fact for men. That is kind of how we have managed to ya know….reproduce and prosper. The fact that you can’t stand this truth makes it quite evident that you actually hate a woman’s true worth in this world.
To bring new life into it and nuture and care for it until it can do so on its own. Not cram birth control and adderall down your throats and have a man with a mask stick a knife in your vagina to kill that little fucker of a mistake you had awhile back,
Loving women for their bodies is good for humanity. Why are you such a hater?
In your next response I am looking forward to you politely and succinctly arguing about the points being made and in an intelligent non snarky manner. Don’t just do it for you, do it for the respect and elevation you will have accrued in my eyes for women worldwide!
Do ya think you can do that hun? ! Awesome. I would just be SO proud of you!
This is hands-down the most mentally retarded thing I’ve ever heard.
1. Being jobless is NATURALLY, VERY in your control. You may not want one of the jobs available, but you can sure as hell take it if you have some work ethic.
2. Being sexually active without having to reproduce if you choose not to — the only way you can pull that off NATURALLY is if the man decides to pull a coitus interruptus. Otherwise, your odds of becoming pregnant are very high.
Women are nothing but sex objects.
Well, they should cook, clean the house, and work hard to look sexy so they can be better sex objects.
Really? So all the people out there that don’t have jobs are just lazy or too proud. They would rather see themselves/their families starve than go out and attempt to get some sort of income. And who said anything about naturally? That is the point I am making. Contraception is becoming much easier to access giving women the option. Seriously, that was the exact point that I was making.
Well yeah contraception isn’t anything new but it is now becoming a lot more accessible to women, especially young women. My point is that a woman should be able to be sexually active and not worry about having a child if she doesn’t want to. Uhh yeah anal is something that most men fantasize about, not really something women seek out. If a woman doesn’t want to get pregnant she shouldn’t be subjected to anal penetration as an only option. That’s pretty fucked up.
Really? What are they studying?
Yes you’re right, that was a biological fact for men in the fucking stone ages. We have actually evolved into a fairly sophisticated species over the many years. Now that women kind of have a much more significant role in the world, you are able to actually enjoy other parts of them which I would be excited about if I were a guy. Also please don’t call me hun or any variation of that. Thanks
So are you pre-op? Haven’t had those testosterone injections yet huh big guy?
No, I’m actually not transsexual. I’m a little confused by which statement would have given you that thought but its ok to get confused. I know that sometimes its hard to understand when there are just a whole bunch of different ideas being thrown at you so I will clarify. I am one hundred percent female. I was born fully female and haven’t had the desire to go through any sort of changes sexuality or sexual orientation. Glad I could clear that up for you :-). If you find anything else confusing feel free to ask.
Well I am actually studying chemistry (I’m pre-med). My friend is studying business management. My other friend is an engineering major. My other friend is studying psychology. I mean I don’t really know how to answer that question. There are so many options so I guess its fair to say everything.
“Really? So all the people out there that don’t have jobs are just lazy or too proud.”
They/their family won’t starve because they have the American nanny state to rely on. Dipshit.
“Well yeah contraception isn’t anything new…”
Actually in the grand scheme of things, yeah it really is. 50-60 years is a blip on the timeline of human history. Try harder to give your snarky statements some context in the future if you don’t want to sound stupid.
You really think that a person can survive solely off of welfare programs alone? Spoken like someone who has never experienced it or even seen it first hand. I mean depends on your definition of new. I mean its been around for half a century now. Its standardly taught in sex education. I’d say that means that it isn’t going anywhere and can really only improve.
An ex-model pre-med student has nothing to do on a Friday night but hang around a “bunch of dicks on a bullshit website”?
“You really think that a person can survive solely off of welfare programs alone?”
Uhm, YES.
And I have friends who have been on welfare, and one who most likely still is. So take that “holier-than-thou” know-it-all attitude and shove up your worthless ass.
Get out of your damn coastal gated community or at least get some news outside of your normal echo chamber before posting such ignorant comments here.
The reason posters here direct so much hate and vitriol towards you is because of the incredibly stupid, aimless, “holier-than-thou”, and snarky posts you make such as the past two I’ve responded to. On that note, I’m done replying to you because you’ve epitomized what Ron White says:
“You can’t fix stupid.”
I’ve seen more changes than a dingbat like you can imagine and nothing scares me honey. Things have always been changing in the world but the things you see changing now for the worst are due to the retarded thinking and logic of the masses.They’ll burn themselves out because you can only have so much insanity and going against nature until it either collapses or there is a radical swing in the other direction, as we have seen many times in history.
When the backlash occurs females will be denied the one thing all normal females crave, having a baby, except under conditions set forth by men. It’s only a matter of time before a foolproof male birth control method is developed and you won’t be getting any sperm without a man’s permission.In fact, we’ll make sperm a controlled substance and unauthorised possession of sperm by a female a criminal offence. Now what do you do while that old clock is ticking away? Men don’t care, they can wait until the females are back under control and untill they’re a 100 to have kids if they wish.
No honey, the future’s not what it used to be.
Take all the birth control you want until you hit menopause at 40. This way we can breed out your defective and unnatural genes and completely eliminate the problem of dingbats like you passing them on. The next generation of females will be docile and submissive to men as it is in Nature.
Barrier methods have been around since the Egyptians used crocodile dung.
Actually studies have been done on welfare and females can survive on it when you consider all of the perks like getting most of your rent, food and utilities paid for(and money for kids).And the fact that you don’t have to work 8 hrs a day and waste a lot of money on transportation, clothes etc not to mention that you’re not paying taxes.
You can even work a little part time without paying any taxes and get an earned income credit from the IRS like that knocked up 20yo girl who already had one kid who got $2500 and then spent it on a handbag from Barneys. You’re actually supposed to use the money for family expenses and this girl will be crying to the welfare dept soon because she has no money for diapers when the little bastard is born.I guess in the stupid female mind this was just free mad money for her.
This dingbat doesn’t live in any gated community lol Far from it, she’s likely on benefits herself. In most places you can live a somewhat normal life on benefits without working or paying taxes (and perhaps making tax free money on the side) No, you can’t live like a professional person but you can survive fairly well if you know what you’re doing and how to get max. benefits.
There’s no stay at home dad trend. If they’re at home it’s because they don’t have a job.And there’s no reason that there should be more females in college than men because men have always scored higher on the SAT’s, including the verbal, than females.
And stop getting all of your ideas from the boobtube
Honey, compliments mean nothing to me and a compliment from a dingbat like yourself is really a insult.
gay men have sperm and want families. no one needs your sperm. Why are men complaining about birth control? You complain about being fathers and you complain about birth control. do you really want women to say no to sex until marriage for fear of becoming pregnant? Birth control is so everyone can have sex…not just her. Women’s reproductive issues effect everyone.
Women make the same or more than their male coworkers almost universally on the American continent. When feminists complain about the “pay gap” they refuse to acknowledge hard facts and breakdowns of the situation and instead piss and moan about apples and oranges arguments like lumping all women and all men into collective bargaining units rather than job specifics. It’s laughable that feminists still feel righteous about bitching about a “pay gap” when unmarried women over 35 make 15% more ON AVERAGE than an unmarried man over 35 in the exact same position in professional fields.
You can choose to ignore the details, but sites like this are popping up because we’re fucking sick of the victim complex the Modern American Princess has portrayed herself as to curry favorable legislation.
You made a good point in the first part of your comment. However, you could have worded the last sentence better. The thing is, men in the west believe a woman should be docile and submissive only because the women they come across are rude, promiscuous-and-proud, domestically challenged, narcissistic and just generally fucked up.
To rectify this terrible state of affairs, the coming generations of women need to be humble, modest, nurturing and innately supportive of the men in their lives who live honorably. Being docile and submissive aren’t desirable traits as they show weakness of character.
“As a woman, you can be sexually active without having to reproduce if you choose not to, since you know that’s kind of what tends to happen”
So you support birth control.
And do you REAAAALLY believe drugs like birth control pills and morning-after pills have NO adverse effects whatsoever on the reproductive and hormonal systems of women as well as the genetic material of their progeny?
“You could be a rocket scientist, engineer( highly doubtful), political
theorist, marine biologist or a wealthy entrepreneur and none of it will
mean a goddamn thing to me if you don’t make my dick hard upon first
The red-pill distilled in four lines gentlemen.
Where is the hate and dehumanising? It’s just reality. Even the most omega schlub out there will look upon ANY woman as a sexual being first and foremost.
Yep, all 3 and a half billion of us, less the 15% or so who are pedophiles, homosexuals or straight up deviants.
If she doesn’t pass the boner test,, a man’s not interested. Men rarely talk to women because of their personalities. Now doesn’t mean that due to lack of options he won’t settle, but at a sexual level, he ain’t interested.
Now there will be those men who will say different and come out with garbage like, “I view women as more than just a piece of meat, I’m interested in them as human beings.”
Bullshit. Liars.
Rest assured, it’s merely done to curry favour. Favour that they hope will stand to them in later getting their dicks sucked.
They’re no different to us “dehumanisers”.
The difference is: we have the balls to admit it. They don’t.
Men are all the same. Always have been, always will.
Get used to it.
We’re simple. Look good, don’t say too much and suck our dicks the odd time and we’re happy.
“Excited about?” Like what for fucks sake?
Listening to your average American woman pattle on an about some reality TV dross?
Or maybe her inane office gossip, “OMG…Megan is such a BITCH… I mean…..she like totally”…zzzzzzz
Yep, I totally want to get excited about them parts alright.
Yes you’re right, that was a biological fact for men in the fucking
stone ages. We have actually evolved into a fairly sophisticated species
over the many years.
Our sexual instincts have changed ONE jot since then,. Feminism has tried it’s bloody best to obliterate them, but their still there, bubbling under the surface. In some places, the “boil” has been lanced, like this site.
Now that women kind of have a much more
significant role in the world, you are able to actually enjoy other
parts of them which I would be excited about if I were a guy.
See my other response. If women don’t look good, unfortunately their value for most men is quite limited. Men rarely seek out women for the personalities alone.
please don’t call me hun or any variation of that. Thanks
How about sweetcheeks then, hun? That cool?
And now she, who followed a HuffPost link here (as nwho bragged about her and her bf being former models) has decided to make instigating trouble here on RoK a pet “project” of hers.
It is a version of the Apex Fallacy. The majority of women point to the very few men at the top making large salaries and state that all men make more than they do for the same work, when in fact women today are now earning more than men on average.
Looks like she was banned by the Mod in the early hours of the morning. Good riddance.
It will be a controlled substance and besides all gays will be castrated at birth (we have a new test to determine it). You see, homosexuality is a throwback to more primitive times when men would stick their dicks into anything. When men discovered that having sex resulted in pregnancy this became the preferred form of sex because they could produce offspring which of course they owned.The reason that homosexuality (and other perversions and traits) have not been eliminated from the gene pool is because these gays still manage to have some kids. Castration will fix this and end homosexuality forever. Lesbianism is the result of something else and is irrelevant because they can’t reproduce at all.
Actually I don’t know or meet any of those defective females myself and this was just written for the benefit of the proles on here.
My word for them is ‘plebs’. ; )
I think us “proles” and “plebs” can do fine here without your “benefit”. Feel free to find the door.
And after a few gay guys get the “deadbeat dad” treatment, you know when they are forced to pay for the child but are not allowed to see him or her at all. How many are gonna be signing up? Sperm banks, they are already talking about making donors pay child support, they will all be gone soon too. As far as complaining goes I think men are unhappy now that women get to make all the choices and men get all the responsibility, but when a man can be quietly taking a pill and saying “Gee honey I don’t know why your not getting knocked up, maybe we just need to do it more.” That will be a different tale. A male “pill’ would also mean an end to the ‘oops’ pregnancy. All in all it would be a real game changer.
Proles is better and just means some working class stiff who does not own a business or any means of production. The Plebes in ancient Rome were obviously a higher class than proles
Like all morons you don’t even appreciate free advice from the more competent. This is why I always charge
Yes, being homeless CAN be out of the person’s control. Has anyone considered being “kicked-out” of your home for numerous circumstances? I just watched on the local news about a woman with two sons, who was forced to leave her home because her husband brought drugs into the property. She didn’t have close relatives living in the area, the only family she had in the city died, a year prior to the incident, her savings weren’t very high, because having children can diminish funds. Also, considering inflation of products we use everyday, like gas (to keep your car going), milk, orange juice, even bottled water. It’s not as easy as you all make it sound to just survive. There aren’t protests to raise minimum wage for nothing, it’s a real issue in the States. Everyone uses the line: “Well then they can find a better job.” However, it’s not easy, that’s why the U.S. has a steady unemployment rate. I spend my time a the homeless shelters, and these folks aren’t lazy, they really want to work. To make themselves “worthy” of even being alive. That’s what they tell me, “I don’t feel like I should even be alive unless I’m contributing to this Nation.” So they work hard, and get themselves ready for the job-market. It’s sad too, hearing their stories of how they became homeless. Most if it, was out of their control, OR they made one tiny mistake as a teenager and it ruined their chances of higher education. (Also, a majority these teenager mistake stories, also involve their parents not being around, or being involved in criminal activity-so can it really be their fault for acting out?) Speaking of higher education, have you seen the tuition rates recently? The college, I attended first, had a tuition rate of: $23,000, a year. That’s a lot of money even middle class families don’t have. So you cannot expect a lower class family to find a way to afford it, and don’t give me that “well then they can apply for loans, nonsense” because loan companies won’t lend out a full tuition’s worth of money. This Nation is creating a cycle of poverty by not caring enough–
“My point is that a woman should be able to be sexually active and not worry about having a child if she doesn’t want to.”
No, women should not be able to seek endless sexual pleasure without consequences (and neither should men). Pregnancy, STDs, and emotional damage are just a few of the issues with rampant sexual activity.
“Uhh yeah anal is something that most men fantasize about, not really something women seek out.”
Incorrect. Every single girl I have been with eventually enjoys anal sex. A few of them end up preferring it. I guess it’s just more stimulating.
Jesus Christ dude, LEARN SOME NEW WORDS! Okay? FORM COMPLETE SENTENCES! I’m not mad, I’m fucking annoyed that I can’t respond to anything that you are saying because ITS NOT A FUCKING ARGUMENT. Ok, go back to school, read a book, get the dictionary I don’t care. Do that and then come talk to me cool?
Nice try bitch!
Ok see you just did the opposite of what I instructed the other gentleman to do. Please I actually like debating with you guys because some of the stuff you say is just so moronic but that is not possible when you don’t even give me anything to go on. I am also worried that you may not be able to survive in this world on such a limited vocabulary so really this is for both of our benefits. LEARN HOW TO CONSTRUCT FULL SENTENCES AND PRESENT ACTUAL POINTS.
Debate? Sure, what are your qualifications?
Go to Fruitloops Frutrelles boobette site, you’ll fit right in.
Women don’t need to eat.
If you are fat and eating cake, yes, something is wrong.
Most American women are fat.
Put the fork DOWN fat ass.
But right now is a point-of-no-return situation. If you say something like that the “pseudofeminism” (AKA man-hating-without-reasonable-arguments movement) will beat you down and destroy you.
Anyone can pretend online to lay down the law in real life to men and women alike. NO kind of men get along with American women. If you think the problem is American men, why do foreign men ALSO hate American women?
And yet those who consider themselves red-pillers spend HOURS of their free time studying how to answer a woman’s “shit-test” and pride themselves on finding ever new ways to cope with a woman’s BS – that’s not enabling their bad behavior in some way? Natural alphas will always be able to manage chicks. The psuedo-alphas, the remaining 90% of men, are reading books and articles on how to deal with ever new horsesh*t from American women or simply freelancing it and dealing with ever-expanding nonsense.
And BTW, America is no where NEAR the most blue-pill; if you go to South Asia or Latin American countries- people in general are far more cooperative, men included. They tend not to lift. The problem isn’t American men and the answer isn’t to spend hours and evenings ‘learning’ how to tame a feral beast.
thank you for raising the objection; i felt the same but could not be inspired to articulate it to a post that chose to abdicate public responsibility and speak such pleasant fiction. if only it were our fault, then we could see our mistake; we could fix it trivially. if only it were our fault, then the women we seek happiness from would still be innocent; we would be to blame. if only it were our fault, then women would still be angels incapable of being corrupted; we could still marry them and be noble — prideful of supporting life, free from the guilt of possibly supporting wickedness. a pleasant thought, but fiction nonetheless. fake. pretension. lies. and i’m tired of lying. tired of lying by falshoods and tired of lying by omission, both of which the OP demonstrates.
but in an effort not to be lazy, l shall not still avoid the OP’s ill-defined question.
please set aside definitions of good/bad for now and just permit me to use them abstractly. if the article stated “all good men hate bad women,” then the OP answers “and bad women are mens’ fault, men are to blame,” then the question becomes “are we?”
at length, there is an omission of time and group elements from that question, which confound analysis. with liberty, the question would be better stated as “did some past-men fail to do their XXXX past-responsibility to such a direct consequence that it majority created most present-women that all good present-men now hate?” the only “yes” i can see to that refined question are the past-men who failed to teach the past and future truth by their daughters and sons. this is indeed a terrible failure which probably did largely happen, and then amplified itself over time as truth was forgotten and lies so invested in that truth was banished. even if we short-shortsightedly consider only present-men and present-women, this is still an egregious failure by itself, definitely contributing to the problem of bad women.
but i don’t think that would come anywhere close to the largest attribution leading to present-women’s failure. the largest attribution has and will always be choice, for all animals have it. loyalty must be self-chosen, it cannot be bribed with food or love. and this is where i think OP’s thinking becomes possessed by a projection. question the origin of the thought. reverse it. it isn’t the OP’s thoughts, it’s women’s thoughts projected into the OP, errantly entrusted and internalized. less the reader think otherwise, was it not past-women who chose to be overly self-full first, stealing love and nurture from the very future-children that others paid for, taking when their responsibility was to give, making significant amounts of future children so mentally retarded by desperation? was it not women who chose, in the face of a gilded cage, to view the cage as men’s fault rather than look beyond and see that they had the best of all the living world? was it not women, who chose not to think beyond themselves, thus errantly concluding men made the cage, rather than the cage being set by the past and future truth: if you take too much now, nothing will be left for the future, least of all for your own children’s future? was it not women, gifted by blood with the faces and voices of angels, that lied and stole to such a degree as to make even Dorian Grey envious; masquerading loyalty to their husbands, to society, to the very children entrusted to their care, choosing their insatiable self-fullness instead of suppressing it like men? was it not women who chose to believe that self-love and ephemeral romance could right all – or any – wrong, that choice can be independent of greater responsibility? so much could be said that was/is choice – past-women’s and present-women’s choice, not that of any man. not for a problem as big and wide and deep as this. some men may be powerful, but none this powerful. ignoring the past-failure men who still fail, ignoring the past-failure women who still fail, looking only to not which is still here but to which has been lost, to what has changed: good women, then past good women chose not to be good, and it is indeed by women’s past-choice and present-choices that they, past and present, are chiefly and largely responsible for the blame of bad women then and now.
past-men and present-men are indeed guilty of want. wanting life. some so desperate as to believe the lie that evolutionarily gifted facades of women are reflective of their inner beauty, even in the face of all evidence. all are guilty of projecting their traits into others, and some men go as far as to project whatever substance they have into women, not realizing their betrayal of teaching truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. but again, that failure of some men, past or present, does not supersede or even anywhere equate to the choice of a person to worship themselves over truth, to see only their self as universal instead of the universe that was and will be long after they are dead, no matter what their sex/gender/whatever-self-defined-word-people-use-today.
homo sapience has the most capacity to chose and chose and chose again, and if they choose poorly, and continue to choose poorly, then those poor choices make them less than animal. worst still, the poor choices become so invested in that they feel too big to fail if realized, so all caught in the lies shout them louder. such is the place and purpose of projection: if you can’t internalize the whole truth, take yourself apart and put yourself together again bound by universe-set constraints, then you must reject and project to ensure that no others remind you of you of something your construct simply cannot handle. the greater capacity bestowed upon man – all of man – by fate of birth, the majesty of having an overgrowth of neurons so large that it folded in on itself and created the neo-cortex, allows for manipulating the universe within, but we all have to abide by the universe without. if some take too much, we all shall perish. that is the truth. and the whole truth, is that the gifted voices and faces of women are a programmed bribe to overlook their cost, which worked quite well in times since unspoken, but that cost is too high today.
hence the article’s #1 point. whether spoken in jest or derived for all the wrong reasons, is nevertheless demonstrated supreme. chose wisely what choices are yours, but do not take responsibility for the choices of others, for they if get to spend and you get to pay, you might end up paying with your life. the truth can also get you killed if everyone is lying, but at least no future person will have to pay for your debt. so take care what you chose.
oh yea, in the spirit of TL;DR and the name of The King: OP(mike) can go fuck himself. it’s not my fault you’re a traitor, i have no self-loathing or guilt for any screeching harpy — that’s you buddy, not me. — couldn’t resist 😀
Your thoughts ramble incoherently. Try to be succinct and cogent in the effort to present your viewpoints.
ONly Alpha males who have money. If your an alpha male and you marry a woman who makes more money she will emasculate you further and do her damndest to chip away your natural position of authority even if your highly educated and she is a high school drop out. Shit goes straight to womens heads and nothing goes faster than making more money than her love interest or friends she grew up with.
“Anyone can pretend online to lay down the law in real life to men and
women alike. NO kind of men get along with American women. If you think
the problem is American men, why do foreign men ALSO hate American
Several of my male cousins say they’d like to marry an American woman because they find them less materialistic and status driven than the families of our own ethnicity of women. In our culture we don’t just marry the individual, we marry their whole family and the families often make a lot of demands.
This is particularly true in Undereducated countries where people have achieved undeserved success whether it be the middle east or the far east.
What do you mean by undeserved success?
Most gains in third world countries come by Corruption
” people in general are far more cooperative, men included.”
You say that like its a bad thing.
Average foreign woman. Nuff said.
I agree foreign women are better then western women but thats not your typical indian or middle eaastern girl. Besides shes not that hot…her eyebrows are nearly as thick like mine. And pretty average face but above average in india. Plus they are going through an obeisty crisis(western foods curses) with a malnutrition problem(23% of population). Youll get better qualty in latin america.
haha ok that is just not true! Most of these women are really soggy in the middle. Why they show their stomach as part of their national dress I don’t know. Maybe you assume you are awesome enough to get a wealthy Indian girl to marry you. Good luck trying to impress her parents with this PUA crap you are associated with. Also you are not a surgeon. Most Indian girls of higher standing go to America and become doctors. Also they are mean doctors lol.
American men are as well pretty pitiful.
Just the Gen X and Y ones
Boomers still rule
Some american men are starting to wake up and take the red pill, most will be MGTOW, others will look for women abroad, I’ll be doing both.
I’m curious how, your initial statement about the United States being, “the land of wannabe thugs, government freeloaders. . .-” has anything to do with the following paragraph? As a male, I see no relevance to your so-called expressing of interest comment. When I see a gorgeous female eating any sort of food, I don’t just use that she’s eating as a moment for me to “slip-in” and speak to her. If it happens to be a slice of cake or even a chocolate muffin at a coffee shop, I am just approaching her because she’s beautiful, or she’s reading something I enjoy. Why wouldn’t you express interest in a female because you also enjoy food? Why must we slam women for liking to eat? It’s like you’re saying as males we should be allowed to eat our fill but she must watch with envy? What sick twisted world are you living in, where two human beings cannot share a moment over something delicious? Isn’t that why we take women out to dinner? Not just to be gentlemen, but to also share a moment over something we humans have to do, and that’s eat! Talking to a women over a slice of pie at a diner isn’t “encouraging bad behavior”, neither is “liking” her facebook photos. You’re just assuming every woman must be “over-weight” by the way you speak, and again, even if she was, she’s fucking human, so stop acting like you have some rights over her. You should be punished for your behavior, not women. Not because they want to express themselves however way they want. I really hate men who think women are they’re sole property and what they do with their bodies is YOUR damn business. I mean- what the hell with with our society today? Apparently being assholes to women is now cool, and it all has to do with beta-men not wanting to be gentlemen so they justify their shit by saying it’s all because of the female populace. Being heartfelt to a woman isn’t letting her walk all over you, it’s showing simple kindness. There’s a difference between spineless and heartless. You all are heartless. Oh, and this shit about it all being women’s fault for divorce is insane. Did you know my mother divorced my father because HE was beating her? He was hitting her until she was bloody, but by God she left him and shame on her. *sigh*
Pedestalizing is not a word. You have allowed your self-loathing to walk all over you because you are weak and stupid.
True dat.
dude…whatever. More then likely your hating because when us american men are uin the pressence of your women you local type dudes become vegetables. Dont use this as a way to throw shots at the MOST IN DEMAND MEN on the planet smh.
real shit other me
It works both ways but I do see a lot of women really coming down on men and I feel it’s wrong. An I’m very much a woman but I am foreign but born in the USA.
Right and did you know that American men actually have a higher obesity rate then women? Just saying..if your going to comment on fat women, you might as well include the fat men in on that one.
Yes I agree with you we American men need to get some balls!
Stand up to these selfish bitches and go find a real woman outside our country!
Unfortunately the law enforces women’s behavior and attacks men who resist it.
Same for media, therapists, educators….
Finally someone who makes sense here.
You need to read up on Sweden and Canada
Swedish men are very beta I hear.Russians seem very manly.
Yeah he missed one clear point in this article by focusing on only half the problem. Americans suck. lol
foreign woman are some of the worst sluts ever. kudos to the men since yes they are hotter, but good luck trying to trust one.
LOL! What’s the matter wittle baby? Did your boyfriend dump your fat ass for a hot Asian chick or something? Is that why you are so bitter and envious towards hot sexy foreign women?
says the fat fuck behind a keyboard
It’s okay, poor wittle baby. Everything’s gonna be alright.
lol wut?
A presumably western woman slagging off the type of women who are the better choice?
How unsurprising.
Never met more sluts in my life than in an ESL class.
insecure land whale here
Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means ‘a whale’s vagina.
The sound of your fat folds slapping together is distracting. Possible for you to lose 10 or 50 pounds and then come back to discuss?
haha tom reynolds were you one of those sneaky U of I grads who couldn’t get into urbana on merit, so entered as an agricultural student? Go make me a sandwich please.
american girls can suck my cock
No thanks. I’d rather avoid herpes and other STDs. I’ll stick to Asian women.
In theory I would too, the problem is that their petite mouths cannot fit around my massive flesh serpent. Its a serious problem.
Well ,it is true in one sense. The majority of feminists were Jewish.
At the same time, the Jews didn’t put a gun to the heads of women and FORCE them to become feminists. Nope, women CHOSE to become feminists voluntarily. So in the end, the women themselves are to blame.
What’s funny is that within Jewish culture, we don’t really tolerate feminist behaviour that much, although there are cracks in that starting to show up.
Great, here comes Godwin’s law in full effect.
This entire list is so subjective…yeah America does have some of the highest obesity rates but those statistics aren’t limited to just women. We as Americans have some of the fattest women, men, and children out of anywhere in the entire world. Its a national issue not a woman’s issue. I also call bullshit on the whole a woman is no longer attractive after she turns thirty. What the fuck? Is that a fact? Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry all hideous sense they you know got older like every other human on the face of the planet. I cant even continue to go into the specifics on this list because its just so stupid. Some American women love to cook and know how to cook very well. Have you ever even heard of the cooking channel? They all have bad attitudes…what? Yes all of the teachers and doctors and lawyers and students that are females all don’t care about setting examples for women (and just decent human beings in general) or are total “feminazis” with no sense of humor. This list sounds more like the writer had some bad affairs with some women in his life and he is projecting his personal, sounds like god awful, experiences onto an entire race of people (American women).
Reason #11 American women suck, blaming others for their own failings.
What? I’m sorry but I don’t understand how that makes sense. I’m not blaming anyone (especially some dude I’ve had literally no encounters with) for my own PERSONAL failings because they are mine. My point is its kind of hard to assign all of these traits (or lack there of) to 50% of the American population. That’s the equivalent of saying that all American men are lazy, have fairly unattractive bodies, and are physically incapable of bringing any woman of any ethnicity to orgasm because I’ve encountered a slew of American men who fit that description along with many other women. Not to mention the fact that all of those things are some of the highlights of what the media portrays. Obviously its bullshit though because not every guy is like that.
Typical brainwashed retarded American woman.
You are everything that is wrong with the world, you subhuman bitch.
That is my point exactly on how this whole ignorant subcultural thing isn’t specific to women at all. You didn’t even provide an argument. You just called me a “subhuman bitch” because I disagreed with what this dude said. That isn’t what intelligent people do but who am I to judge. Obviously your problems stem way deeper than how our society as a whole thinks its ok to not only do things like that but that it will solve the worlds problems and get me to validly see whatever argument that you have.
When people shame American women for poor behavior, they pretend the comments are personal, act like they’re victims all over again, and stress that not every American woman is like that.
How hard would it be to simply admit, “Yeah, a lot of American women are fat, retarded, self-entitled bitches”
Would that have been soo hard?
Apparently so.
I mean its kind of hard to not take it “personally” when the category is so broad. I’m not saying there aren’t women who fit into those categories. Its absolutely the case. I’ve definitely encountered women that are “fat, self-entitled bitches”. But I mean come on. You have to admit this article is a joke. The implication that American women are some how subpar to others is such a lazy move. Its just perpetuating a stereotype and I could find it amusing if the examples he gave were a) funnier and b) more specific to American culture. I feel like a lot of these things are capable of crossing cultural boundaries.
“I mean its kind of hard to not take it “personally” when the category is so broad.”
No, when the catagory is so broad you have to be a bit neurotic to take it personally. Hence the conclusion that it must fit you rather closely for you to take personal offence.
Surely somewhere along the line your own mother told you that if the nasty things the other kids were saying weren’t true you shouldn’t let it get to you?
What you may find even more difficult to understand is that even if you do not largely fit the description you take umbrage against, you still fit into the catagory for . . . having taken umbrage at it. See points 5 and 6.
The implication is that you instinctively know the answer to the question:
How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
All American women are (stupid, fat, ugly, etc). That’s the equivalent of saying all black people are thieves, all Asians are bad drivers, all Germans are Nazis. Obviously people who are being targeted by a stereotype are going to take offence. This article could be decent (at least for this site) if he zeroed in on things that were more specific to American culture and the things he said were actually funny. Like the point about having bad attitudes or morals or whatever he could have elaborated on how social media becoming an introduction to porn for many young ladies (which is so unfortunate). I think humor should also be at least little intelligent. But there is no saving this article because seriously you cannot read it and not say that these things are so narrow minded that they have to come from one or more specific examples.
“Obviously people who are being targeted by a stereotype are going to take offence.”
Oddly enough, it not only happens to me myself on this very website, but it’s happening on comments on this very article.
Yet my gasket remains leak free.
“This article could be decent . . .”
Perhaps. If you think I have supported it; quote me.
” . . . if he zeroed in on things that were more specific to American culture and the things he said were actually funny.”
You know the answer too, huh?
” . . .they have to come from one or more specific examples.”
Well, duh!
You are trying to define humor. I can’t think of a more pointless mental exercise. You would do well to drink until your brain stops wasting it’s cycles on such things.
…yet one of the things listed on this article, that you guys are fighting to the death because of a few criticisms, is when the fact that American women don’t have a sense of humor…
I’m sorry, I’m confused by the schizophrenic remarks (ok that was mean my bad). Did your argument just collapse on itself?
There is nothing logically confused about my remarks.
Your handle, however, has changed which implies that I am being gaslighted.
It is pretty hard NOT to assign all those traits to 50% of the American population when 90% of the other 50% have first hand empirical evidence. Now go fuck yourself. You add nothing to this website.
Aw come on, this is so much fun and healthy. How are you supposed to learn shit if you just listen to people who do nothing but reiterate everything that you are saying? If that was the case then we would be at a place where we still believed that the Earth was flat, slavery is ok, and all women are incapable of leading normal healthy lives without men. Oh wait…
I’m sorry, not to be rude honestly, but do you know what evidence is? It is PROOF of some sort of TRUTH. Your, or his, or his personal experiences with a single female, dozens of females, even hundreds do not speak for an entire population that literally consists of millions. Also evidence is kind of the baseline for these things called facts. Now facts are indisputable existences of said truth whatever it may be. I think you are confusing it with OPINIONS. Now an opinion is view that someone holds on something or someone. That is a more accurate description of what’s happening in this case.
My OPINION is that you should get your ex-model ass on a plane to LA and go fuck your gay Calvin Klein ex-model bf and leave us here at RoK the fuck alone. The FACT is you are nothing more than a loudmouthed cunt.
” . . . do you know what evidence is?”
Yes. It is a fact that tends to support a proposition.
“It is PROOF of some sort of TRUTH.”
But some of us obviously don’t.
Sorry I dumbed it down but kind of just said the exact same thing.
Wow, reasoning fail. Needing to define humor is the brand name of not having a sense of it.
I disagree. I wasn’t speaking of a matter of defining humor in general, its distinguishing intelligent humor from lazy humor. Fart jokes versus clever innuendos
He’s not schizophrenic just stupid.
Fat bitch detected.
You are just jealous of Asian women because they are far superior to you.
Sounds to me like your boyfriend dumped your fat ass and got himself a hot Asian girlfriend instead.
I’m actually extremely happy with my weight, not that it is any of your business but I used to model. Now I’m in school on the pre-med track. Yes I did end my relationship with my boyfriend who did some stuff for Calvin Klein but we are actually still friends. Unfortunately he’s back in LA. Thanks for your concern though :-). Anyways you should really talk to someone about your anger issues. Though I’d love to have a healthy debate if you can keep your shit together and stop blurting out random obscenities like you have fucking turrets.
So, because you came on a website for MEN ONLY – blathering your unsolicited vindictiveness – and you were challenged, you feel the need to insult us, and brag about the fact that you and your ex-bf were models.
Submitted with no further comments.
Well I got led here because of a link on Huffington Post. I was so astounded by the fact that fat-shaming week is actually real and I was really curious to find out wtf this site was all about. I was just shocked and I’ve never actually encountered anybody who thinks like this so I was curious to see what your reactions would be and I couldn’t resist. I honestly wasn’t trying to brag, I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions about my actual self-esteem and body image and all that jazz since you know, I have been called a fat cunt or whatever. Also who am I insulting? I thought my response was rather respectful considering. And I thought that the whole point of blogging and stuff was to get your message across. How do you expect to indoctrinate women with all of this bull shit if you exclude them from the site?
Nobody is trying to “indoctrinate” women. This is a site for MEN ONLY where we try to improve ourselves. You have insulted us, called our opinions bullshit and you are exactly what this article was about. You may have been a model, and your ex-bf may have been a model, but you are still a piece of shit. If you think your buzzing around like a Mexican toilet fly is cute, I am sure the Mod will soon be banning your IP address.
So he can call me a fat bitch. Others can say that I’m a cunt/fat cunt/stupid whore for disagreeing with them. But I will be banned because I said that your OPINIONS are bullshit? Lol I hope that happens
Hey. Listen. We even call each other far worse shit than that. You are a grownup, and this is just the Internet ok? Don’t take this stuff too seriously. I’m not sure what you expected when you came here. You are not supposed to be here. There are extremely few women that are tolerated here and they are very nice and respectful and understanding. So, you can be nice. Or you can go. The choice is yours.
That’s the thing, I was being nice at first. I was disagreeing with everything but I was being extremely cordial. I got hit with immediate negativity, which I ignored at first. So far I don’t think that I have said anything so out of line that I deserved any of the backlash but I accept that because like you said this is the internet. And as far as the name calling, I’ve been called worse then that, I just don’t think any of it was necessarily an appropriate response to anything I said. I’m not scared of you. There is no damage that you can do. I commented at first just as a joke, but seeing all of this negativity is so baffling. It is disgusting not only to me but to literally everyone that I have shown. Now I’m here for a purpose. Point: I don’t have to go anywhere
Yes, you do have to go. The websites policy is to ban females. You have clearly stated you were here initially just to fuck with us, and now you are staying just to instigate trouble. You were give the opportunity to be civil and polite, but now you have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt you are the kind of arrogant, cunty bitch that we despise here.
I’ll bet you used to model; you were the “BEFORE” pictures in Jenny Craig advertisements, right?
ZINGO! Man, this guy can sure make a quip. Also, she’s just defending her honor, that you guys are trying to chip away at, what because you all are intimidated? So much so, you resort to using insults instead of having an informative debate with her?
If none of this applies to you, why are you so offended by it?
Because this article is placing me and a shit load of other women into this category. You’re a guy right? Maybe? American? Maybe? Wouldn’t you take offence if someone was like “All American men are scrawny with small penises and absolutely no intelligence”? Not to mention the fact that I’m kind of a decent human being who doesn’t believe in the demolition of other peoples characteristics, especially those that have been dealing with this totally ignorant shit for FOREVER.
If it isn’t true…it shouldn’t offend you. Being on here and pouting only proves this article is right and shows your insecurities.
It’s not the “demolition of people’s characteristics”, It’s the TRUTH. People…especially women HATE hearing the truth about the way things are.
Take a look at your average American woman’s FB/Twitter/Tumblr page.
Pay heed to the pathetic attention whoring, the rampant narcissism and ego validation from her army of orbiters.
The mirror selfies. The duckface shots.
The stacks of holiday bikini shots, all placed to garner as much attention as possible.
The vapid and idiotic status updates with about as much substance as a soda.
Go try talk to your average woman in a nightclub. Unless you have tight game, you will encounter attitude, hostility and downright rudeness. For no other reason than because she can.
This, is what we’re complaining about. The snarky attitudes. The undeserved swelled egos. Men have had enough.
And no, it’s not just one or two women.
It’s the vast majority of ‘Murica females.
And no, we ain’t imagining it.
Do you think we want to have to write this shit? Men are a practical species. We honestly have better things to do.
So take “personal offence” to it all you want, but American/Western women are in a bad, bad, bad state overall.
In an ideal world, this site wouldn’t exist. There would be no need to tell women to stop the rampant attention whoring or to quit their crappy attitudes. But it’s responding to a real problem we have with American and Western women.
And shaming them is supposed to stop this phenomenon? The types of women that are posting up half naked pictures that scream for attention have serious security issues. It is an actual problem that continues to cycle because of the MEN that are encouraging it. Also those people usually aren’t women, they are adolescents (are young women with the minds of adolescents because we live the fucking peter pan era) who are simply emulating what they see on every magazine cover, on TV shows, commercials, and movies. Society is constantly telling girls that they are only valuable because of their bodies and I agree that it should be stopped. I’m not against modesty at all but seriously the negative attitudes from you guys does absolutely nothing to help you get to your “utopian society”.
Did you just like straight up ignore what I said? I started out by just fucking with you guys but seriously the amount of defensiveness on this site mixed with the testosterone is a little unsettling. If I defend someone or something doesn’t mean that it applies to me. I’m an open advocate for gay rights but I’m not gay. I find it offensive when people use racial slurs that against any race but that doesn’t mean that I am of that race. I’m not pouting you ignoramus.
Well then either your context didn’t come through properly or I didn’t even see the other comments in this one thread. Gays can be gays who cares. I use all racial insults with my friends because we’re all men for one, and also a multicultural group. Also, because we are secure in who we are and don’t get offended easily.
Also you are a female…you’re barking up the wrong tree and debating on the wrong website.
You are a fucking cunt. You have already proved that by virtue of your comments. Sorry we dont lavish you with praise and compliments like you are probably used to. What with being an ex-model and all..
That is one of the best fucking comments I have ever read here.
States people that “scream for attention” have “security issues”
Boasts about her and her ex-bf being models.
No further comment.
No, I’m a woman. I have really high standards too like in point #1, so I’ll own up to it. Also, people say American men are stupid all the time. It’s just that American men don’t tend to get hysterical every time somebody makes a “stupid American” comment. Also, how is it ignorant for men to have standards?
I was boasting about anything honestly guys I think you miss understood my comments about my profession. You know since whoever the fuck it was called me a fat cunt I obviously took that as a dig at my body image and was supposed to make me feel insecure about myself. I was also playing on the fact that one of the articles on this site is “Why You Should Never Date a Model” or something like that but that obviously went over all of your heads. Modeling was my profession and isn’t anything that I am ashamed of. I’m done with it and make sure that I let the girls that I encounter know the fact that looks aren’t everything. I only mentioned the model thing again because of the obscenities that were being hurled at me. If I had known that my job would offend all of you so much I would have just left it at the fact that I am super happy with the way the world sees me and the way I see myself.
The fact that all of you so stuck on this modeling thing says a lot to me. I was just being snarky because AGAIN I was called a fat cunt which to me seemed a little prissy on his part. I mean come on I say something that you disagree with and you just insult me, kind of a primadona move. I never asked for praise, in fact I think I asked for the opposite of that but whatever not important. I’m just fascinated by all of your reactions and what not. All I want is to try and understand this point of view but that’s impossible if you just act like dicks when I say something you don’t agree with.
I have traveled around to a lot of places (because of my job sorry is bringing it up going to offend someone else?) and descriptions of American culture don’t usually boil down to American MEN are stupid but American tendencies are stupid in general. Whatever besides my point. The reason women tend to get a little hostile when you make “fat, ugly, slutty, stupid” comments is because that is something that is perpetuated daily. Men have always been in charge and on top so now that we are finally starting to see a slight shift in equality we want to make sure that women actually realize that they have certain abilities and opportunities now. A lot of my friends can take jokes and comments, we have to be able to do so in this fucking society. But my thing is they need to actually be funny, slightly more intelligent. You can’t just say women are stupid and that be the end of the joke because that is just reiterating the fact that women have always been considered less intelligent human beings when we all know that’s simply not true. And you don’t take offence to “men are stupid” comments because if you turn on the television or read a magazine or just go on the internet you are constantly reminded that that stereotype isn’t true.
Well I can’t go to a website where there actual rational thinkers because then they will just agree with me. I’ve seriously never heard anyone talk like this and I have met a lot of different types of people in my life. And so to be introduced to this new world where everyone has these warped views of…well everything just makes me so curious. I mean I know guys who are just dicks but they would never take it to the degree that you guys do. Its amazing.
You cannot even correctly spell the word “misunderstood”. Sorry, but we here at RoK are above your paygrade. Ex-model or not.
States “You can’t just say women are stupid”
Uses words in post like miss understood and primadona
No further comment.
Ah, such is the sheltered life of a model. Much be nice being you, luxuriously floating through life on the wings of your self-imagined superiority…
Oh shit your right, I did have a brain fart. Thanks for the correction.
I’m starting to wish Mint Chocolate Chip would come back…
I think that I am a pretty level headed person. Trust me just because I modeled for a few years does not make my life sheltered. I do have a very nice life now, which I am happy about but I don’t understand what that has to do with anything…so because I’m supposedly “sheltered” due to my ex-profession, my view is skewed?
Oh my god sorry for the typos. Yes I screwed two (probably quite a few more) words out of the literally thousands that I have been typing. Does that make me an idiot? I don’t think so. I think that I have still made some valid points here. I think that my philosophy can be clearly understood and most (well obviously not around here) would find it to be fairly intellectual. At least of average intelligence.
Actually women as a whole have been considered less intelligent ever since a man invented writing shit down. That means like thousands of years babe.
I take it your not into history, science, facts and other icky stuff right?
Not only that but science vindicates those prejudices as well. Being that with IQ stats women are shown to own the mediocrities.
Basically there are WAY more men than women at the upper end of the intelligence curve. To be fair there are also more men at the lower ends as well.
I don’t hate you for being of mediocre intelligence. Just turn around and lemme see how that ass looks? Yea. That’s nice.
You are not sheltered because you are a model, you sheltered because of this:
“I’ve seriously never heard anyone talk like this”
But that is the thing! I have been exposed to such a variety of different people. I mean I’ve traveled to many states and been to quite a few different countries. I have met ALL SORTS OF PEOLE, racist and sexist in all. However I guess I’ve never had the hatred directed at me so I’ve never seen this level of it.
Yes, you’re right. Women have been considered less intelligent in the past. Probably has nothing to do with the fact that they were totally discouraged from actually going to school and learning anything and the fact that all of these analyzes have been done by more freaking men.
“I’ve never had the hatred directed at me. . .”
I mean I haven’t, doesn’t change the fact that its pretty unfounded. Or the fact that you guys are probably much more of a minority than you actually think.
” . . .you guys. . .”
If you have a specific issue with me cut and paste the quote, as I have done in addressing you.
I mean you literally are repeating everything that everyone else has said. So on that note I will be off. I’m excited to see how this pans out when we talk tomorrow. I’m glad I’ve turned this into a project.
Hope you are “super happy” at the way we see you. As a immature, boring, illiterate, snarky, and vacuous cunt.
Maybe even those with “turrets” syndrome?
You are a pre-med student? “analyzes”? You might want to go back and finish high school first. Why dont you show this comment to your friends too.
“I mean you literally are repeating everything that everyone else has said.”
Your refusal to comply with my request for the commensurate courtesy of actually addressing something I have actually said and offering up the clumsiest of prevarications in its stead does not represent you well.
On that final snarky comment..please…Cue the Mod to ban this bitch please.
Nobody said anything about female intelligence. What the article is talking about is the terrible attitudes of American women. Why do you feel the need to cuss in every comment you write? No foreign women, not even the prostitutes would speak like that, especially in front of a large audience of men. It makes you sound crude, unrefined and unpleasant. Everything you say just reinforces the statements made in the article.
“I think that my philosophy can be clearly understood and most (well
obviously not around here) would find it to be fairly intellectual”.
Obviously Hegel, Kant and Heidegger have nothing on you.
What is you basis for the “average” woman? Also, most of tumblr doesn’t specify what country they are from, you could see a blog strictly posting fashion from Japan, and surprise the blogger is a French design student. Another thing, how are you approaching these women in the nightclub? Are you simply saying “Hello”? Are you offering her a drink? Also, perhaps she’s had a bad day at work and is going to the club to release some tension, and isn’t currently interested in making “friends”. Oh, and I could post many photos of men who post themselves topless in front of a bathroom mirror, flexing and pursing their lips. There are more flexing-mirror shots then I could ever count, wouldn’t that, in your words, be the same as “attention whoring”? There are also quite a few crude men I see roaming the clubs too. I’m not accusing you of being one, but I’m sure you know of what guys I’m speaking of? The really LOUD guys who always announce their presence, they usually have bad tribal-bands, and they always talk about getting “fucked up” or “wrangling some bitches”. There’s unsettling folks every place you go. You just have to scope out the right ones. Trust me, I can spot a “mean-girl” from miles away, and they’re usually glaring at every single thing in the room that has a pulse.
America is a large country. It may benefit you more to get and meet more women or picking up a hobby? It seems like you are combining reasons to fit one person or bad date. Preaching negativity doesn’t help anyone.
The TRUTH is not “negativity”, you dumb fat cunt.
How about YOU follow your own advice. Get a hobby. Try EXERCISING. Lose some weight, you fat stupid bitch. Then perhaps you’ll stop being so jealous of women who are far superior to your lard ass.
You could be right. You have a good point. I do strive to be more fit and smarter. Thank you.
Living around these cunty bitches in the the USA as a single male “doesnt help anyone” either. Now get the fuck out of here.
So I agree with the gist of this article and totally support the abandonment of western women in favor of foreign, feminine women.
However some perspective is in order. It is pretty much a guarantee that you put ANY woman in the world inside a resource abundant society with all the trappings of the latest technology and you will see even the most chaste, feminine, wholesome girls morph into murica-sluts virtually overnight.
All women have the capacity to be the vapid, soulless drone tapping away on her iphone, taking selfies and waxing ineloquent about whatever inanity she saw on tv.
If you are from the west and go to a foreign country to find a broad you had better keep her there because the second she steps off the plane and is exposed to all that is here then the leviathan of femme cuntery shall emerge from the depths of her black soul.
Ignore this at your own peril!
Eddie Murphy said it best in his “RAW” stand up….take a foreign woman out of her land..bring her to America…and you’ll have these American woman brainwashing her in no time…which leads to one of Eddie’s funny but truthful lines women say: “What have you done for me lately !?”
Murphy is not funny, he’s a bore and like most black men in the US doesn’t know his arse from his dick.
Ah yes Americunts…the land of the pump and dump.
Why even bother getting married anymore, seriously ?
Even relationships are a joke in America.
And here come all the insecure American female land whales getting all butthurt.
The ONLY men dumb enough to get married anymore are the pathetic beta male Christian men. Which is why you see single 30 year old women flooding into the churches, they are desperately looking for any betas still left.
Short story: My uncle raised me, he had girlfriends till I came along, never got married (im 27 now). I always wondered…dude why don’t you get a wife or a lady (I know he isn’t gay or hasn’t shown any sign of it). His simple response was, “I like being independent and doing what I want when I want and once you’re set in your ways you don’t change, and the woman can’t be dealt with here”…Back then I looked at him like he was crazy. Now I look at it and say holy shit I’ve had a red pill father figure this entire time and didn’t know it. Now I REALIZE he and everyone else on here were right all along and suddenly everything has become clear and the red pill is in my blood.
And let’s just say that those single 30 year old women are fun as heck to pump and dump.
And meeting them in church is like shooting fish in a barrel.
The Lord wrks in mysterious ways…
You know, I actually recommend those 40 something females for you boys on here who can’t get laid. You’ll get some sex and can practise on them and don’t have to worry about getting them knocked up. The only problem is that you’d have to find one who is desperate enough to have sex with you because even they have standards.
Please go AMOG somewhere else. Most my plates are early 20s.
That top picture…holy shit man.
If all this is so, what does it say about American men?
Blue pill ocean enablers of the women
Too many American men are mangina beta males and that is why the women are so out of control. Men need to grow a pair and stop being such pussies.
white men espically
They have devoted their energies to pleasing women.
There’s nothing funniest than watching white women get angry and upset when they realize how vastly inferior they are to REAL women, non-feminist women, Asian women.
Check this out
I think the woman in the banner might have Down’s syndrome, and therefore, should not be mocked.
No, her face is just a tad bit bloated…
Don’t ever compare a person with Down’s Syndrome with that whale. One has no choice in the matter while the other does. Also some of the best personalities are from DS people whereas American White Chick Whales have horrid personalities.
Today at the bus station. Two female american exchange students were having a conversation about the amount of luggage needed for an exchange year.
They were so loud, that everyone within a 20m radius could follow the conversation without problems and they used the word ‘like’ as if it could replace every other word.
And they wonder why they have a questionable reputation…
ever met a Norwegian. They are loud, fat, plain faced, lumberjacks. Drunk skanks compensating for their mannish form.
Can’t say that i have, or i simply did not notice. I currently live in Germany, so those american girls stood out like sore thumbs…
for those of you in the south, hispanic girls are good, but they have go have foriegn parents, and they have to be fluent in spanish, otherwise theyre just dumb american sluts with killer tans
Foreign women have inspired me to be a better man, American women have inspired me to leave America.
I also left America but I was more concerned about how the government was turning the country into a fascist police state. This was after 9-11. And 10 years later? I was right. America HAS become a fascist police state that is spying on everyone.
Meeting foreign women and realizing that foreign women are the opposite of American women was a great surprise and a delight.
Your intuition was right, good piece also. Hopefully more unplugged guys will make the effort to experience foreign women firsthand. The only way American women will ever change is once enough American guys recognize that there are better options and exercise them. I’m not holding my breath. Eastern Europe here I come!
RIGHT fucking on! That’s fucking ON point! Now just for kicks…… PLEASE paint a picture of you (or post). You must be a good looking guy with nothing to hide. You Beast. Show those fucking trolls what they are missing out on! Disgraceful fat fucks haha!
Even rich handsome men like Richard Gere are sick and tired of you worthless American bitches. He got himself a hot indian girlfriend, see the following video. The main indian chick in this video, is the indian chick that Richard Gere was banging.
I looked em up. You got it mixed up. Richard Gere kissed SHetty and that pissed off the nation. ANd hes not dating this woman shes marreid to some other bollywood actor. Plus looked at her recent pics shes gotten fat now.
Looks like she kinda has the downs in that screenshot.
American women inspire absolutely nothing out of me. Zero control over me and can’t dictate an ounce out of me. I routinely make them upset because I talk honestly and openly and never baby feed them horseshit which is really what they want (forget when they say they want honesty)
To inspire me all of that needs to be earned and must be a high value person. I’m high value and spend zero time or energy on low value gutter trash.
Living in parts of Asia and South American gives you a severe kick in the seat when it comes to how people, mainly women, should be or were once in this country.
There is nothing women hate more than the TRUTH. Just look at all these angry fat bitches who are butthurt by my article.
Did I hit a nerve, sweethearts? Oh I’m sorry. I should have just told you all what unique little special snowflake princesses you all are, right?
Because they have a different definition of the truth (which isn’t the truth).
Their version I just wrote above
Short version? Women are incapable of ever being responsible and thus must NEVER be given freedom. When women are given freedom, society collapses.
Women are incredible at molding together what the truth is to how does it make me feel. Every American woman says what? “I want a man who tells the truth and is honest with me!!” What you, myself and real men and the dictionary knows what the truth means. To American women it simply means tell me not only what I want to hear but when you tell me this you also believe it.
I’ve learned the hard way that you’ll never be able to break that American woman mindset.
She could be looking at you and say the sky is red while you’re telling her to just look up and see that it’s blue. When our country has now for the first time come to the point where rationalizing with small children is easier than the woman who waddle across this land you know all is lost
No female of any substance is even reading your kiddiecrap. It’s just the fugly ones with nothing better to do between eating bon bons and watching soap operas. That’s your audience, are you proud of that? You can’t even get the attention of any high quality female.
it is so ironic because all these guys are secretly obsessed with getting a girlfriend of ‘high quality’. By default of even practicing this aggressive woman hating, PUA shit they will never ever have a lasting relationship. They don’t even see women as fellow humanbeings. They can only get laid if the woman is drunk off her mind. They are Steubenville, Roast Buster, rapist asshats. They brag about sex whie travelling which is the easiest thing to do. Everyone is fcking everyone while travelling. They idolize girls from countries where the females are systematically abused since birth…if they weren’t selectively aborted first. Eastern Europe…Asia. How do you think one makes a submissive zombie…these countries have statistics of childhood rape, molestation, ad prositution. Their education ends at 8! Most girls commenting probably stumble upon this shit googling other things or just want to ruffle their feathers. Most of the comments are people talking to each other not about the article so get over yourself.
I’m high value and spend zero time or energy on low value gutter trash.
Tell us about yourself and include a picture haha List your assets
You won’t believe this but I knew Holly Mangold’s father (the gal in the first photo, who is an Olympic weightlifter) about thirty years ago when he ran a robotics company in Dayton, Ohio. The man could teach you guys a thing or two about salesmanship.
How’s your Khmer wife, /b/ro? She still doing good?
She is Vietnamese, and doing great. The state department turned down my visa app for a Cambodian. It is easier to get one for a viet.
Glad to hear.
You are an extremely lucky man.
Do you know what is the problem? Now all Western world is copying from America, and contemporary American culture is being “silently” and “softly” in every place. So in a 20-40 years time period, all women in the West will be like American women are now. What will happen in 100 years?
“I want you to be honest with me”
American Woman translation “I want you to tell me what I want to hear and YOU also honestly feel that way. If it’s not what I want to hear you’re a horrible person who doesn’t deserve to be with this unique snowflake and need to grow up to handle me.”
Foreign Woman translation “I am serious, if I gain weight or something you don’t like or like tell me because telling me ultimately makes me a better human being and since we are together I value your opinions and honesty highly so I’d be actually upset if I found out you were lying to me in hopes of not making me upset. Being honest that would make me upset? That doesn’t compute.”
For Shits and Gigs I decided to compare putting out on a few dating websites two different versions of my profile.
First was as if I was a feminists wet-dream, the perfect provider, the perfect no backbone spend my money gain twice as much weight you’re a princess on a pedestal riding on a unicorn beta. I couldn’t stop laughing as I had to come up with ways to convey this.
Zero to very little messages came my way
I then completely changed it where it was the true me, very alpha and made it clear I am seeking a girl who loves being a girl where she brings qualities to the table that I can’t and where she simply wants a real man who provides in qualities that are only possessed in real men. I peppered on and off about high quality and here’s why I’m high quality and where I’m not looking for sluts. You have every right to whore around but that’s not the same as a high quality man like myself wants any part of you.
What happened?
I got TONS of messages and the majority of girls I messaged first got incredible replies.
Did I get some angry “you have a small dick / get out of your mom’s basement / OMG I feel so sorry for the girl who broke your hear / I hope men like you die!” replies? Yes. Most I didn’t reply but the ones I did I said obviously I’m right or you wouldn’t have spent the time to write me and/or deep down you want a man like me but will never get one because of the things I said I do not want in a girl.
It’s the internet which is filled with losers who get bored with the boobtube and video games. No quality female is on the Net they have plenty of attention in real life.I’m actually doing a study on it which is why I’m here. I figured I’d start at the bottom first.
In order to enjoy any of these benefits it is paramount that you move abroad, do not bring her over to America, or any western nation for that matter, unless you want her to change into what made you abandon American women.
Yes, America is collapsing, and the feminist cultural Marxists are to blame for this. I hope they have fun living in their hyper-violent, post-industrial shithole. The crime rate is rising rapidly in America now, thanks to all the bastard thug spawn from these single mother whores.
The west in its entirety is in an inescapable death spiral. Take it from a European reader when I tell you that, while it’s not quite as bad yet we’re following in your footsteps.
The sickening spectre of single motherhood, abominable family- and divorce court biases haven’t left any “developed” nation unmolested.
With every day that passes I find that there are less supplicating beta males and more opened eyes. I don’t know a single under 40 male that desires to get married or start a family. A generation of men who could’ve steered society back on course but have, rightfully so, concluded that their guidance would go unrewarded, indeed even punished.
At the same time I see huge swathes of miserable women, enjoying the fruits of feminism. No beta provider to pay for the two bastards you spawned with that cretinous thug. The joy of spending 40+ hours in an office while some virtual stranger raises your children, no prince charming once you’re done partying and ready to settle down.
It is my perverted little secret that I find the above greatly arousing. Nothing gets a smile on my face like seeing a woman back to work two weeks after giving birth, or seeing a woman struggle to contain her out of control teens ( of course, she didn’t “need” a man ).
By the way mom, while I am closer to you in age and could’ve probably helped you sort out your daddy issues ridden whore-in-the-making, I will instead be sure to take supremely good care of her once she turns nice and ripe.
Have fun at the office, darling.
The violent spread of pop-cultural standards has taken away the opportunity for women to develop their unique personalities. They all sound the same when they talk, utter the same bullshit cliche, and have very similar attitudes. Since there is also a mismatch between who they end up becoming and their core humanity, they are all prone to breakdowns and mental illness.
And, sadly, the spread of pop culture means foreign women are rapidly Americanising themselves.
It’s a double-edged sword, isn’t it? On one hand, it means that if you have even the slightest resemblance to Brad Pitt (or to a lesser extent, Will Smith) you can score with minimal effort, but in a few years, if not checked, the “delicate lotus flowers” will become giant pandas.
Yeah, I use Asian metaphors because IDGAF about other types of women, I have yellow fever, if you don’t like it you can eat a dick and balls. With that, I’m off to the gym.
I used to be in a social circle about half Asian. It was truly sad to witness the heifer-sized, tall Asian girls, some of them just 18 or 20.
What are your opinions on a woman who is married, works full time, has a helper at home with the kids while she works, comes home from work, says bye bye to the helper, cooks dinner, does homework and play time with her children, waits for her husband to get home to smother him with love then cleans up gets the kids to bed and chills with her man?
Nobody gives a shit, you dumb bitch. Secondly, this site is clearly a site FOR MEN.
What the FUCK are you doing on it, you dumb bitch?
I didn’t ask if you gave a shit i asked for opinions on that type of woman.
Whats your problem? I don’t fall under the category of American Woman who you Hate, so whats with the hate?
Also i am neither dumb or a bitch. And there is nothing on here that says i cant comment and ask questions because i am a woman. what are you gay? Chill out.
“what are you gay? ”
What the fuck is your problem with gays, you homophobic racist piece of trash bitch? No I am not gay but I am offended by such a disgusting, racist, homophobic, idiotic remark like what you made.
What a filthy bigot you are. Thanks for proving my point. You American women are rotten and evil, hateful people.
Calling them people is giving them a little too much credit.
“there is nothing on here that says i cant comment and ask questions because i am a woman.”
Yes, there is.
You have said the same, shit… no.. worse in fact, in the entire comment section of this article. It’s blatantly obvious! So, now what? You’re resorted to being hypocritical to get a rise out of someone who isn’t interested in your “game”? This entire article is a game, a stunt. You want to stir-the-pot for your own amusement.
I’m a RoK regular but you’re an other kind, damn you’re so aggressive !
Lmfao. Like unicorns, fairies, and Santa Clause — my opinion is the type of woman you described is a myth.
Then you must blind. Go to a respectable childcare center, meet and talk with the women there. They work very hard, and still find the time to get all of the chores done at home, while still getting some special time with their partner. Most teachers, even, are swamped with work during the daylight hours, and still have loving families to go home to, and dinner has to be on the table for the little-ones, they need their baths before it gets terribly late, and tucked in bed, so there is ample relaxation time before the mother has to get herself ready for the next day.
Ok, if I said we respect the kind of woman you described, then what?
I had no idea so many men hated women this much
That was what i said when i came across this site, im just happy im not american on here.
Ah, the man hater reveals her true colors.
You are projecting YOUR OWN HATRED onto others, Charlie.
Oh please, notice i wrote that’s what i said when came across this site. I have read several articles since then commented agreed or disagreed with something. I have not once said this entire site and its writers are full of shit as other men and women have.
As i am not a man, and this site is for men specifically American men, i have been respectful as i am neither american or a man.
Chill out, your article is interesting, which is why i am commenting what the hell is your problem?
Because we have no interest in your opinions?
You are projection YOUR OWN HATRED onto others, John Doe.
We don’t hate women, we just prefer quality women rather than trash.
We don’t hate women. We just hate AMERICAN women. And rightfully so. We hate American women, just like we hate Nazis, KKK members, criminals, etc. There is nothing good about you American women and you KNOW this.
As for foreign women? Asian women? We love them very much.
haha.. Asian women.. I taught English in Korea, and I remember seeing all these disillusioned Canadian guys embarking on relationships with sweet, wonderful Korean girls, only to discover that they are some of the most materialistic, clingy, bitchy, immature women on the planet. I will grant Eastern European women as beautiful, honest, and realistic (having lived in Russia as well), but Asian women? Plain, flat little bitches.
Maybe we should be more specific. Women from the wealthier Far East nations: South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China indeed exhibit these traits. Folks in those countries will put Americans to shame in de materialism department, it’s really extreme over there. It’s would be more correct to say Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines. Women from these nations are generally very loyal to their husband and value family life.
Having been there, I have to agree with you. The women are very good-looking though, and easy if you’re not Black (though my personal streak of luck seems to be on the rebound).
“Women from the wealthier Far East nations: South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China indeed exhibit these traits. ”
This is true but since Asian women seem to have a natural fetish or attraction towards white men, a white man can still go to those countries and get tons of pussy. So feminism in those countries doesn’t really matter, the Asian chicks are still crazy for white men.
White women have a fetish or natural attraction for black men. I’d suggest you go to Eastern Europe, you can probably fuck a lot of really hot women there.
I have Yellow Fever. Thanks for the suggestion, but White women (especially the fat ones that Black men tend to get relegated to) don’t do it for me.
If the skinheads don’t kick your arse.
Materialism is really big among women in middle east and India. Huge princess complex with these women. Even theri arrange marrages revolve around a grooms money or a well connected family. Even if the girl picks her own mate, she still looks for those things since its heavily ingrained. Look at theier elaborate weddings and heavily ornate designs.(clothes furnture etc) anything to show wealth.
Right, because this guy has met every white woman, and has developed a personal relationship with them, deep enough, where they tell them all of their dark desires. And, 100% of them, had an attraction toward African American men. Hm, makes sense.
You obviously are not a white American male living in this shithole country we call the USA. Please leave.
Hate? There is no hate here, merely factual observations on the state of the American ( Western, really ) female. If I were to talk about the benefits of driving X brand of car over brand Y, does that mean I hate brand Y? No, it doesn’t.
Well, so much for our fathers’ and grandfathers’ fantasies about American women in the 21st Century. http://static.rogerebert.com/redactor_assets/pictures/balder-and-dash/i-read-these-in-my-bedazzed-youth-now-its-the-covers-i-love/FSF_0066-thumb-500×694-14200.jpg
Dafuq people!! To put Number One on this in perspective: Only the top 5% of earners in the US make 150k or above. I’m moving from Europe to Houston (Texas) in January – and I make more like 50k at the moment. Is Number One for real?!
Guys who make $50 a month get laid all the time. Power/status has never been less tied to wealth in dollar terms than it is today.
Evertything is also applicable to “foreign” women,except Obesity.
And in terms of divorce: USA is just #6 after Russia,Ukraine,Belarus,Moldova and Cayman islands: http://www.divorcecourt.com/top-10-countries-with-highest-divorce-rates/
yep, because those guys are spoiled with choices :). To find a new wife which is 10 years younger than previous one is not a problem there.
True for the most part. There are some feminist infested Scandinavian countries that will make you piss red, white and blue and there are some good American women left. Usually you wont find them in big cities. What’s not being said is majority are not use to being rejected. They expect getting ‘serviced’ because majority of western males have limited options and no sexual agency. I am culturally biased though.
Good post John Doe.
These manginas and white knights need to grow a pair.
Remember fellas don’t wife no slut.
Don’t wife nobody.
Ahh so you want a man?
The selection of women is just fine without resorting to marriage.
I have to agree. Marriage is slavery for men, no matter if it’s to an American or a foreign woman. Marriage is simply slavery for men.
Hey pal, even under the most ideal conditions marriage is a bore and inconvenience. Who wants some female living with them? And I really can’t understand these lower class men who actually sleep in the same bed as their wife when they’re not even having sex. A bit vulgar I’d say.Even a married man should have his own quarters.
Never before have men been able to define marriage on their own terms: you can shack up with a woman, you can have kids with a woman, you can be seen with her in public.
You just don’t have to sign a marriage licence. Why do men keep doing this?
Thanks man.
Good post. But as a foreign girl I have to say that I rather date so many other nationalities than Americans. I had one good guy, but the other American men were self-centered, fake, stressed, too loud, impolite, had no sense of sarcasm/humor and tried to be someone else. Guess it works both ways. If you don’t relax and be yourself, superficiality is what you get.
Note that, according to this article, that is the behavior that American women demand of men.
It may take some of them some time to “switch gears” in another culture, especially if they have never experienced one before.
Some may never make the adjustment. Those won’t stick around for long.
LOL. Don’t think so. The international women on campus LOVE American men and spend time almost exclusively with them as opposed to guys where they’re from. They find them more outgoing, better sense of humor, and even more caring then men from where they’re from. The women that complain are the ones who generally have no appeal and get left out. Anecdotal evidence in the hundreds of women testify to the exact opposite of what you’ve said. Sorry.
Dam I’m a Hungarian and our girls are so fucking much more high quality, I’ve been once in USA, well economy wise life is much easier there but people there are so lifeless bio robots.
Yea, Americans are pretty fucked up people. They are brainwashed robots. I guess all that fluoride in the water is starting to get to them.
why do you guys still buy into the “submissive asian female” myth, if american women are just interested in your money then it’s even more so for foreign asian women. All they want is a green card to your country, they will marry the oldest fattest ugliest white dude for all they care if they can leave their country. Yes there’s alot of trashy women in western countries but you just need to sift through them alot more to find the good ones. Women are still the same virtually the world over. I know enough guys who get screwed over by foreign wives to know it isn’t any more chance of success than looking for a local girl
Indeed. An old coworker of mine married some Thai creature. Now he’s stuck with a kid with her and no sex. Third marriage.
Foreign women are certainly great, but marriage is still marriage.
Yes, marriage is for suckers. Marriage to any woman, even an Asian woman, is still slavery for men.
Well, then, men created their own form a slavery, because the concept of marriage was coined by a male.
He made the mistake of importing her to the U.S.
“. . .it’s even more so for foreign asian women. All they want is a green card to your country . . .”
In a traditional Japanese marriage the husband’s paycheck is direct deposited into the wife’s bank account. He must then come to her for a nominal allowance.
She doesn’t need no stinkin’ green card. She’s better off at home, even if it does mean having to be nominally submissive for a few hours a week.
I wonder how many American men smitten by the Japanese understand what the price of their women’s “submission” really is?
Eternal loyalty? Which is a Fair enough trade off. Japanese women also put condons in their husbands for when they go on business trips.
I had a gf that was just a 1/5 Japanese and she was the most amazing gf I ever had. Their culture and respect towards men even permeated and overruled any bad tendencies inherent within her. Truly was an honorable society, but unfortunately the women are ruined there now too.
thats happening in Indoneisa now to prevent men from cheating now. They started this like 2 yrs ago.
So old fat white guys can get laid.
Shame for me I’m a young, muscular Black guy. I still have Yellow Fever, but it has nothing to do with submission, and everything to do with what I’m attracted to physically (as well as some residual interest in East Asian cultures).
Hey, I’m a young white guy with a black jungle fever.
i would strongly suggest to stop using “yellow fever” for men that like asian women. don’t you guys realize you are using american feminist discourse which calls SICK those men who prefer more competitive women?
Maybe. I say it for convenience and because it pisses feminists off and makes them “shudder”.
No one said Asian women are perfect. ALL women are gold diggers who care only about money. That is their BIOLOGICAL NATURE.
But, at least Asian women won’t act like a complete bitch like American women do. That’s the simple point we’re making.
ALL women are gold diggers who care only about money.
Well then you have nothing to worry about lol
Anyone with any experience in Latin America care to weigh in with the relative level of infection by feminist cuntery there these days? My sense is that SEA and EE are better in this respect, but maybe there are pockets of hope south of the border?
as a 32 year-old male with ~300 bangs (0 prostitutes) and ~55 flags, and having lived in 8 countries in the last 10 years (including new york and san francisco, asia, europe, and latin america), i believe i’m qualified enough to assess american women.
american women are without a doubt the least competitive women on the planet.
i quit sleeping with them a while back due to the poorest ROI one can imagine (this is obviously a vast generalization but that’s what sociology is all about):
– it’s a product of extremely low quality: arrogant, bossy, usually ugly and fat, no notion of fashion whatsoever, zero interest in looking attractive, generally boring, underdeveloped sense of humor, rude, masculine, dominant, freedom absorbent, ignorant and happy about being ignorant, etc. but what’s more important: feminism made them too selfish to care about the man’s happiness.
– one would expect a reasonable correlation between price and quality as in most markets, but funnily american women fall in the ‘expensive items’ category: either for short term (dinner prostitutes, 3-dates process, free drinks, etc.) and obviously long term (marriage……..).
therefore you end up paying a ferrari price for a leaking ford from the 90’s.
fortunately we have globalization. and fortunately american women don’t compete with american women anymore, but with the whole world. we all know the state is saving GM, ford, chrysler from globalization. who do you think is saving american women from globalization too?
“who do you think is saving american women from globalization too?”
Oh, that would be the GOVERNMENT too. What big strong independent women we have in America. (sarcasm). They can’t survive a day in the real world without the government giving them free money and shit (welfare) and enforcing feminist policies like affirmative action.
>women claiming to be independent
>what a joke!!!
You’re full of shit little boy. Scan the visa page of your passport and post it. There’s no name or identifying info there so don’t be scared.
I am with a foreign woman for the first time, a Brazilian immigrant. The difference is incredible. One thing not listed in this article that I hate from American women is profane language, especially when used casually. Foreign women presumably know what excrement is, but don’t need to reference it constantly in conversation. Because they are feminine and know they aren’t supposed to talk like truck drivers.
cool story bro
Last restaurant I was at, this 19-year old used a profanity in every sentence. “Hand me that f*ckin’ phone”, “No sh*t”, and on and on. She may as well have had the gender reassignment surgery and be done with it. Total joke.
I have never known a US female to use vulgar language either today or in the 80’s so perhaps you should associate with a better class of female outside your trailer park (or its equivalent)
Or the office, or a bar, or..
Best bet – don’t associate.
Grouping all American women into a single entity, cliche.
Geeeeeez, those fat women would be so humiliated if they were in Aisa.
Damn right.
You’re neither Asian or a chick. And you should know that there are plenty of chubby Chinese or Indian girls. Those Korean girls are pretty fugly looking too even when not fat.The better looking girls in the Far East are the Japanese. They usually have a shape and are slim but with full tits and don’t look like they were bred over the centuries for working on a farm.
American Women in nutshell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amey9G2a-OM
250 comments and the article has only been out for about 12 hours now. I am pretty happy with this result. I hope it pisses off some fat feminist cunts and they go apeshit over it.
I hope that you made some cash off of it too lol.