How Black American Men Can Broaden Their Romantic Options

The subject of black dating doesn’t come up all that often in the manosphere. Roosh has tackled the subject a couple of times, and in doing so he managed to shed a lot of light on it. Contrary to popular belief, the path to romantic success for black males in the USA is not an easy one. Widespread myths regarding the supposed hidden obsession maintained by non-black women in America for black men are indeed firmly divorced from reality. A black man who wishes to consider romantic options outside of the black community (either because that’s just his preference or he lives/works in parts of the country that are not predominantly black) will face many substantial challenges.

What are these challenges, and how can they be overcome? Again, not much is written in the manosphere on this subject, so here are a few suggestions of my own.

Get In Where You Fit In

As I noted above, black men are not nearly as popular sexually in the USA as some myths claim them to be. There are many who believe that all (or at least most) non-black women in this country have a secret fetish for black men, a discreet preference that they hide only because of widespread shaming and racism. This isn’t completely untrue. There are definitely many women out there who may temper their interest in a given black male for social reasons, and there are many who do prefer black men over others.


The reality, however, is that the typical black male is not that hot of a ticket as far as non-black women are concerned. As Roosh has noted, there are a substantial number of non-black women who will eliminate a black male from contention on sight and have no interest in dating them due to their association of said men with negative stereotypes. There are many more who could be open to dating a black male, but only under ideal circumstances (i.e., he’d better have tight game, style, budget, etc). The fact is that for the most part, the bulk of non-black women in the USA just aren’t that obsessed with black men as a whole.

The good news for black men who are interested in expanding their romantic outlook beyond the black community (or who live in areas that are not predominantly black) is that there is some variation in that preference. The general rule is this: do not waste your time trying to change the minds of women who have made clear their lack of enthusiasm for dating interracially. If a woman makes that disinterest obvious (and they often do, particularly online), move along, regardless of what she looks like.


Your goal should be to interact with women who are, at the very least, somewhat neutral to the concept of interracial dating (read: open to it in general or at least willing to consider it under the right circumstances). My guess is that at least a slight majority of non-black American women fit into this category. Those who don’t must be left alone.

Use Social Circle Game

The concept of pre-selection is well known in the manosphere, but may be more crucial for black American males than others.

As I noted above, there are a substantial number of non-black women in this country who would date a black male under the right circumstances. They do not have “jungle fever” and, in most cases, may not have ever even dated a black male before, but they’ve probably seen one they found attractive in their personal lives or in the media and would consider dating one under the right conditions.


What are these “conditions”? Generally, they relate to the approval of her friend group and her peers. For black males (who in the USA are specifically associated with a number of very negative stereotypes that few non-blacks want anything to do with on a regular basis), this is much more important than it is for others. Association with such stereotypes would jeopardize her own social wellbeing and make her uncomfortable, so she will want to make sure that you do not bring them into her life. Pre-selection allows her to easily identify you as a male who will not do these things.


How does one obtain this pre-selection aside from becoming a relatively well-known athlete or entertainer and benefiting from the associated fame/status? Social circle game. Because they are associated with so many negative social stereotypes and because divorcing themselves from said stereotypes is so crucial to determining the romantic options available to them, black men have more to gain from social circle game than do most other men.

How can a black male properly begin executing social circle game? Get around and meet people in your environment, making a number of friends and acquaintances in the process. Do not discriminate: these people can be of any given ethnicity/race. Your goal is simply to meet and befriend cool people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds aside from (and in addition to) your own. You will want to avoid self-segregation at all costs.


As you meet and befriend more cool people within this environment, you’ll become known as a cool individual yourself, someone who is worth hanging around and will be described as such by your peers whenever they are asked about you.

It is in this way that you will come into contact with a number of women (friends of friends, relatives of friends, etc) with whom you will already be “pre-selected” and will thus have a relatively easier time dating if you so desire. The cooler and more diverse your friend group, the more attractive and diverse these women will be.


On the whole, you will have a substantially easier time consistently meeting and dating attractive, high quality non-black women in this manner than you will running out to the club or bar cold approaching. The majority of normal, cute non-black women (the 90+ percent who don’t have a visible fetish for black men) can generally only be accessed in this way, as they only rarely engage sexually with black men who are not pre-selected and somewhat well known to them. If you want to have a decent chance at getting with them, make sure you’re more than just a “random black guy” they don’t know.


It is true that social circle game can be useful for any man of any ethnic background, and most dudes of all kinds could benefit from the advice above. For black males in the USA, however, social circle game is especially significant. It is the most potent defence they will have against negative stereotypes that could have a deleterious effect on one’s social, professional and romantic life.

Don’t Be A Stereotype

As noted above, pre-selection will often be essential to a black male’s success dating interracially in the USA. In order to make this possible, however, it is crucial for a black male to avoid association with any number of negative stereotypes associated with people like himself.

Success 2

The reality is this: thugs aren’t actually cool. Any notion contrary to that is a myth. Only a select minority of non-black women are really into thugs. Most truly want nothing to do with that image or lifestyle. It is crucial to the success of any black male looking to bridge racial divides in his romantic life to avoid association with that image at all costs. How do you do this?


Go to school

Black men are the most uneducated demographic in the United States. They’re not expected to be well learned, nor are they assumed to have obtained any sort of degree. Men who defy those odds and expectations put themselves in a good position socially, economically and romantically. College also provides a great vehicle for social circle game, both during one’s time on campus and after graduation via alumni connections.


Hold a solid job and establish a solid career

Black men are the least employed major demographic in the United States, so those who can beat these odds and make good money in a solid career (you don’t need to be a baller) will stand out in a positive way. Black men will be judged more harshly on your employment and income than your European peers, so get ready for that too.


Wear clothes that fit

The more well dressed/GQ you can be, the better – again, this will matter more for you than others given the stereotypes you’re going to be fighting. Urban style is only cool in urban areas. If you want to expand your romantic pool beyond that demographic, dress up. This is particularly important if you lack pre-selection.


The fact is that most folks in our society have a defined image of what “black” is and what black people are like. Many of those images are negative. Your ability to transcend racial boundaries in a social and romantic sense will depend heavily on your ability to contrast yourself with these images. Any young black male concerned with self-improvement should make the development of this ability a top priority. It won’t always win you the day, but you’ll be much better off with it than without.

Read Next: How Black America Was Created

660 thoughts on “How Black American Men Can Broaden Their Romantic Options”

  1. Ahahahahaha, Way to go the extra mile to find five skinny mudshark pics on the internet. That couldn’t have been easy.

      1. The more appropriate title for this article should have been”How Black American Men Can Broaden Their Romantic Options, Then Again, Who Cares”.
        The hostility from the whites is likely that they’ve seen how you’ve destroyed your own women by tolerating and encouraging their fatness, loud mouths, ghetto attitudes, and overall repulsive behavior. Like locusts that have just destroyed one fertile field, you’re now attempting to move on and ruin another. This time it’s white women. You’ve already succeeded in polluting the dregs and lower tiered white trash women and turning them into alabaster copies of your black baby hood mamas. My guess is whitey is hostile because he’s seen how short-sighted you are with regards to not f&cking it up for everyone else as you’ve done with your own kind. But I’m confident you’ll still scream racisssss as opposed to dealing with what has been easily observable for the past 30 years.

        1. Why would any white man who rationally doesn’t consider himself responsible for slavery, blame the average young black man for the huge egos available from similar-age black women? That doesn’t follow.
          Mind you, I would never pity the average black man in America, they don’t deserve that from me. But holy shit they’ve got it bad w.r.t. romantic options, worse than the average white guy by far. I have no game and I can see this.

        2. You’re so cute when you’re angry.
          Don’t you get enough attention from black men in real life? Why do you have to seek it out online, too?

        3. Precisely. Blacks should fix their own community. The advice in these comments to leave their own race and “act White” is nothing short of escapism.

        4. Black women have higher test scores, more college degrees and jobs then Black men. Overall all they have been surpassing the Black man. Black men do not raise to the level of the Black woman therefore date downwards with trashy White girls. This leaves the Black woman single however she is now turning to Asian and White men. Black women raise the children the Black man abandons single handedly without bringing home drunken molester stepdaddies like White women. Then Black young men grow up to resent the hard work and rules their mothers held them to and run to the White woman who is an easy, ditsy slut.

        5. so true! you have to look inward first before trying to fight or blame the outside. Black people need to address why they are not choosing each other before just giving up on one another.

  2. Funny thing about stereotypes… as a group baseline it’s statistically true. However, at an individual level they break down pretty quick. What perpetuates them is social conditioning, identifying with and feeling part of your “perceived” culture.
    Media is not real. However, the impressions of it throughout your life makes it real in your mind. In turn people try to manifest it in the real world. A sick manipulation of reality through fantasy cycle.

    1. The funny thing about stereotypes and oppression is that the oppressors usually engineer their outrage at a group. North America’s hate for Black men has obvious origins, but another good example is anti-Semetism. Jews were forced to live in ghettos, were banned from well-respected jobs, and had to dress a certain way. So what did the natives see them as? Filthy, poorly-dressed misers and con artists. The only reason why the Jews own (or at least owned) Hollywood is because that was the only respected field they could work in at the time.

      1. Hollywood is because Edison ( yes that Edison) banned them from film in New York because of patent disputes, so they headed west and built their own shit. Prior to WW 2 they were considered gypsies. Remember Hitlers victims were Jews, communists, Jehovah’s Witness , malcontents, homosexuals , and Russians.

        1. The Germans were mostly afraid of the communists who had recently after WWI taken over Russia. The Bolshevic Jews as you know were expanding to the East, South and West. TheGermans couldn’t trust the Jews in Germany not to go over to their cousins in the East and the Jews were like a 5th column within Germany causing riots with the trade unions.Even Goring was severely beaten by them in a street riot which was why he became addicted to morphine.

      2. Thats totally correct. Also in Europe, in the 15th-19th century, Jews were only allowed to work in finance because christian religion forbade charging interest. Jews then made a killing and became experts in the field. Quickly they were labelled cheap scumbags and were hated for thier success, although they were literally forced into that field. Any other type of job would render jews beaten and hanged.

        1. Not entirely true. Jews were the only ones with inter-europe connections. During this time, most people never left their village, let alone their country. But the first Jewish money lenders had many connections to other markets in Europe via other Jews. It started from there.
          My source on this is the book, origins of totalitarianism, by Hana Arendt

        2. That’s bullshit. Jews have always been con men and shysters. Abraham,was the inventor of his new Yehweh religion (cheap and no idols required lol) I’m sure that you negro baptist boys know his story since you’re always reading the Jew bible in church as kids.Abraham had bought a young hot wife and he took her down to Egypt but pretended she was his sister. The King sees her and invites her over for a drink and they end up having sex. He later discovers that she’s not Abraham’s sister but his wife. Now, the Egyptians were a moral people, unlike the Hebes, and shagging another man’s wife was a big taboo and might bring the wrath of the gods down on the country. So he pays Abraham a lot of money just to leave Egypt with his wife. You will recall that in the bible it says that Abraham left Egypt a very rich man. Abraham was the inventor of the “badger game” and he pulled this stunt again in another country.

      3. Stop with the propaganda. Ghetto simply means “little borough” in Italian (which I speak) Ghettos were like gated communities.

  3. When you defy stereotypes you force people to engage cognitively to comprehend the contradiction of the established schema in their mind, in essence you ” break through the background noise” and force them to engage their mind. This is why a lot of white dudes think it is so easy for black guys in game because the few they see seem to have no difficulty getting a girls attention, most white women meet few non stereotypical black men so they will engage you.
    The importance of fitting clothing cannot be overstated. If you dress like a hood nigga ,to woman( and police for that matter ) you are a hood nigga. Even an American Apparel T Shirt, with jeans that fit on your waist, with black shoes that are not sneakers will massively Change your outward appearance. If you are vauge about how to dress find a white woman’s magazine with someone you want to fuck on the cover, open the magazine and look at the pictures of men( most have a ” men we love” or ” advice from men” ) dress like that.
    Groom yourself meticulously and loose the nappy beard, dirty dreads( unless you are a musician or a credentialed intellectual) and any oil based smells, or extraneous hair.
    For the love of god hit the fucking gym. The better your body looks the less you have to spend on clothing. If you are broad shouldered, fit and trim all you need is dark , close fitting , stylish gear.
    When you speak avoid Ebonics unless it is while attempting humor. Do not end your sentences with a preposition. Pull back you aggression slightly but keep your edge and intensity. And I know brothers hate it but SMILE, it puts women at ease. Don’t have to go all out but a sly grin is a good start.
    That is my cliff notes on fucking white chicks, I will post more as it comes to me. Good article ,stay up player.

        1. You should learn Babushka game because there are some old women street peddlars who might marry a US negro just for the green card or pension or if you supply her with vodka lol

  4. So is the prevailing narrative that black men only like fat women with giant butts inaccurate?

    1. Depending on who you ask. I’d wager that the majority of Black men reading this site and the majority in my circles wouldn’t put fat chicks on their lists. I like girls with nice shapely asses; size does not matter as much as shape and proportion, though I could say that I’m more of an ass man than breast man ( Fat chicks disgust me period. Taiwanese chicks (at least the ones that I’ve seen) do it for me. A shame that the converse is not true.

      1. Thanks Admiral. I am a white guy who likes stick figures so I am a bit out of touch on the whole thick girl thing.

  5. Your totally wrong in one regard. Light skinned (half black) men have a very easy tie because they are less taboo to white women but still have the black edge. However dark skinned black men may have much difficulty. Im a half black 20 year old from a rich white neighbourhood. Ive been banging blonde private school girls and sorority chicks my whole life. However my few full black friends do find it very difficult and often tell me how lucky I am to be half.

    1. I am also light skinned and it is a double edged sword. Darker black people resent you, and white women still can be apprehensive. The rich white area you are from plays a larger role in your success , trust me.

      1. I respectfully disagree. I grew up between Detroit and Chicago, both notoriously bad cities and have never dealt with apprehension from white women. They’re usually good to go. In fact, I’ve nailed a lot of beautiful jewish girls and they’re DEFINITELY not supposed to have anything to do w/outsiders. I don’t think geography or socioeconomics plays a role whatsoever. However, if @qman177:disqus has been banging white girls his whole life, I would wager he has probably hung out with white guys, almost exclusively, his entire life as well.

        1. Jewish chicks are not white, the ones down here in Miami are a totally different experience approaching than white chicks. I cannot argue with you because I have not done Chicago or Detroit , once I get my shit together career wise I will attend some conferences up there and see what is up. Chicago dudes are known to be hardcore players or complete simps with no in between . I have seen some evidence of these extremes form chi town dudes I used to run into in Atlanta . Game must be tough there, Detroit dudes are typically player to the core . Weird to cities so close are so different. Have you hit Atlanta yet brother? If you are getting it in The Go, you will rack up in the A.

        2. Now. I went to Howard for undergrad everyone I took home with me moved there. Only one dude moved away for DC because of a job and he still visits every other weekend. It is unlike any other city, it is cheap, lots of young college girls of all races, if you make 35,000 a year you are rich. I slept with 40 plus women in fucking high school, attractive women, and I have weak game. There are more strip clubs there per capita than anywhere in the US and they have become regular clubs with more women than men patronizing them. If you get pussy in the Go, you will get more than a OBGYN in the A. Just visit

        3. if you make 35,000 a year you are rich

          I’ve always heard that the dearth of educated black males in Atlanta with anything approaching decent degrees and salaries has created sort of a buyer’s market for those men there. Sounds appealing.

        4. Midtown, Virginia Highlands and Buckhead are the only place you should go. If you are from up north you will sound more educated than most so the white clubs are where you should go, the best women white and black go to the white(dub step, 80’s music, EDM) clubs. Stay the fuck away from National Highway, College Park and West End (unless it is a white afterhours party). Dress like my previous comment and this article instruct. Be prepared to encounter very polite approachable people who are very friendly, and target college nights at local bars( shooting fish in a barrel). There is very little hostility so you should not go out in a group, go alone or with one other person. A car is mandatory, I repeat a car is mandatory, this is the only drawback.If you are alone it is perfectly alright to approach any group that looks cool and chill out with them. I know it is odd to say this but go out SMILE and just have a good time, talk to any girl you want attempt to have sex that evening or take a number. People you do not know will buy you drinks ,reciprocate and keep the good vibes flowing. If you go make sure you hit MJQ concourse it is the shit.

        5. Thanks for the tip. I’m already looking at plane tickets. This ATL tour is about to make Sherman’s March to Sea look like Rupaul’s Drag Race. When does fall semester start for the colleges?

        6. Late August. Go to Hole In the Wall in Buckhead on Wednesday , funny name I know but it is two clubs combined with $4 pitchers of beer and $15 dollar pitchers of long island iced tea or sex on the beach on college night free to get in and free drinks for women till 11pm. I have taken several men there and to quote one when he saw all the women “this cannot be real” .Ratio is 5 women to every 1 man.

        7. Atlanta is a black city. When I was there all I saw were negroes. The boys were drooling over a hot blonde like me.

        8. Lenox Mall is a good pick up spot, carry a lot of shopping bags and pretend you are not there to get women. If you must take a date to the mall for a movie or something take her to Phipps Plaza right across the street. If you do not want to be seen with a certain woman go to Gallaria Mall for movies, or Cumberland mall for everything else. If you want the young, white , fatherless vulnerable country white girls you will have to venture into Clayton County or Cobb county (we call them strippers in training because they are literally counting down the days till they are eighteen so they work at the strip club, some show up on their fucking birthday) these girls are a different beast than ATL girls. Acting stereotypically ghetto is actually a positive to get them, hurry up though because they get fat or pregnant by 20, the age of consent in GA is 16 so that is a good window. OTP(Outside The Perimeter) girls are known for being white with flat stomachs and fat asses (corn fed ,think Cody Lane or Gianna Michaels, Alexis Texas that type). Enjoy yourself , it is like the fall of Rome there.

        9. She is a dude and a troll Pimp C(his picture is a fake), do not engage. Atlanta is %55 black but gentrification is changing all that. A Mansion with a tennis court and indoor/outdoor pool is $500,000-$750,000 in Buckhead which is all white, that is on like 5 acres of land with a lake. In New York that gets you a one bedroom condo. White people who attend Emory University and Georgia Tech see no reason to leave. Just go for a weekend and rent a car with GPS. Go to or AJC to get an idea of what you are going to see and do.

        10. A lot of dudes keep a place just outside Atlanta and work in another city. A nice condo in a good area runs as cheap as $50,000 for a decent 1 bedroom low rise. look at real estate in the AJC and google Atlanta Area Condos. It is so easy to have a healthy sex life because men are a commodity there.

        11. Her Smirnoff brings the boys to the yard /
          They’re like, it’s better than yours
          I don’t know, Maschenka. Maybe you’re a dude who dresses up like a hot blonde. There’s places in Atlanta where you could go, but they’re not exactly mainstream.

        12. A big thanks on that Atl Data sheet!! I’m currently located in the worst city for men in N America (not Black men just men period!!)and I’ll make sure to make a trip in the A.
          Oh… and I’m sure everyone got which city I’m talking about right but to make sure… it’s Toronto

        13. I thought rooshv said dc was poosy hell, shitty ratios, too many men from the political stuff, fat nasty women etc?

        14. In DC you must go out in the day, and try Bethesda on the weekends at night. I have an odd theory why DC is not as it used to be, after the recession in 2008 jobs in government which used to be for people from lower tier schools or lazy suddenly became competitive once private business began to cut back. Suddenly jobs that were low paying and federal became very competitive so instead of an FSU or UNC grad applying you have Duke, Brown, and Yale grads applying. I will be frank here, women at these schools do not tend to be very attractive (watch a Duke basketball game and look at the crowd, then watch an FSU game and tell me where you would rather try to meet women). So in comes a flood of homely smart chicks for the federal jobs and you get todays DC. I base my hypothesis on my last trip to DC this past December, I went out with my brother and every chick I met was a lawyer or an MBA from a top flight school and rough. Impressive credentials but nothing else, there were some (few, very few) hot black chicks, hot high school girls white and black but slim pickings.
          The same thing happened in Miami in 2008, If you are poor and get a public defender chances are he went to a tier one school or graduated top of his class, possibly both. Prior to the crash anyone could sleep their way into a government job with a degree from DeVry, no more. Times are tough…

        15. The cheaper the place the fuglier the women. And even at 5-1 you won’t get a girl under a 180 lbs

        16. Italians are in Italy and mostly in the north where most people live. In the US you have a hodgepodge of trash that are not even Italian, perhaps only 10% are but you’re too dumb to know that. Like all blackamoors you’re too dumb to know the difference between nationality and ethnic group or race.

        17. Which means that you’ll be living with the lower classes and living near lower class girls who are uglier and fatter. Real estate prices are all about location not the size of the property.And only the top men are a commodity not the $50k condo boys.Furniture would cost more than that easily unless you go to CrackerBarrel lol

        18. Every place on earth is pussy hell for Roosh lol Especially Denmark due to Jante game where they don’t like loudmouth pushy boys.

        19. Why bother following him and around and his sites just to hate on him? Makes no sense to me, if he is such a big bad loser why not just leave him alone and go over to jezebel dot com with like minded individuals. I agree with alot of what he says, if I didn’t I”d leave his site.

        1. That is just one girl, never focus on one girl. In PUA speak it is called oneitis, I have had it so no shame there. Just do not dwell on it and keep gaming whatever women attract you.

      2. The downtown and north side of Chicago is rich with non white women who are with black men. Contrary to this article black men have no problem getting non white women or any women for that matter. There are more marriages between black men and white women than any other interracial group. These relationships exist on all economic levels despite racist attitudes. These relationships are happening worldwide.

        1. I really gotta hit Chicago and NY with money as an adult. I visited The Go as a teenager but with family, and I lived in New York as a broke college student one summer and did very well, but that is only because i was tall and the models I fucked were as broke than I was. My goal is to hit both in the next 3-4 years when I get my career going so money is not an issue. You from The Go Seven? How are the clubs?

        2. In NY most models are waitresses assuming they have a job.Unemployed models are hookers so you were paying some black female(white hookers don’t go with black men).

        1. Because Russian girls like you prefer black guys!
          Darker white guys come from the Caucasus, not the US. I see a dark, handsome Chechen in your future.

      3. Because there is no such thing as a light-skinned black. It’s nonsense. You’re either black or significantly mixed, meaning mulatto.

    2. I dunno what it is about me, but women are constantly asking if I’m part black, and they always seem bummed when I tell them I have no idea, since my looks obviously come from mom and she’s adopted. The thing is, the questions always give me the impression they want to dip their toes in the water so to speak, without crossing some arbitrary line of blackness.

    3. Being a black guy growing up in a wealthy white suburb and attending a private school is a completely different ball game. Oftentimes people will go out of their way to befriend you and be nice to you because they finally found a black guy who ‘is like’ them or ‘get’s them, someone who they can feel comfortable around while giving them the warm fuzzy feeling that the yard tolerant and inclusive. You will absolutely be able to bang white women, more so if you grow up (k-12) in a small private school environment.

    4. Also half-black(and white), but from my experience white chicks are pretty indifferent to it. Black chicks on the other hand, I have to worry about borderline trying to rape me. But, it’s D.C., so par for the course really.

    5. I usually have a high opinion of mulatto men but I think you specifically are very bad boyfriend and husband material even if you are only 20 years old. Was your father present or a good example throughout your childhood? If not try to get better references, please! It’s not too late yet. If you’re middle class or above like you say, you should know better.

      1. You, are correct. Besides the needing to move with mulattoes. The manly thing to do is to “pick a bitch” as some have said

  6. Finally a manosphere article dealing with black men, thank you very much man.
    Really do appreciate this article.

    1. Victim card? The author made no outward complaints. He recognized the disadvantages and offered advice on how to circumvent said circumstances. The advice he gives to blacks is to better themselves.

      1. Don’t even was your time. The avalanche of shit has begun and this has only been up for an hour. Chris Kross to refute would be an exercise in absolute futility. Just let him type away…..

  7. Good article. As a black man I appreciate it. However, I don’t think this is the right forum for this post, given the ridiculous amount of bigoted, emasculated anonymous racists who frequent ROK who will surely make it a point to attack this article with vitriolic comments. Still, very good post. There’s not a lot of stuff out there for black guys as far as the manosphere goes. I honestly think it’s because we are still very much in touch with our masculinity, unlike some other groups.

    1. You’re right, but I had to try given the dearth of information available to black men in this corner of the net.
      Also, I agree with you regarding black contact with their masculinity. That is a factor here.

      1. No doubt. And so far I have been pleasantly surprised at the comments. I didn’t realize so many brothers read ROK. I think we can all relate to this article, especially the points about not being a stereotype. What’s interesting is that the (non-black) women who do love the thugged out black guy image are very aggressive and will let you know they want the D. But they rarely go for the non-stereotypical black guy. I’ve often found myself sinking into that stereotypical hole at times, only to be roused by the self-realization that I am not a thug and I am proud of that.

        1. And not every white dude on RoK is a racist either. We are always criticizing ourselves and disagreeing, and talking smack with each other regardless of our color.
          Thats what makes us guys.
          If we were girls we would all be worried about being nice to each, then talking about each other behind our backs. And never improve.

        2. The fact that you can call yourself brothers, and would have issue with me calling other whites on here “my Aryan, Nordic brothers” is evidence of the fact it goes both ways. As for me, I see only Alpha and non-Alpha. If you are a non-Alpha white guy, you’re a cracker. If you’re a non-Alpha black guy, you’re a nigger.

        3. No one on this site has ever taken issue with white men calling each other “my Aryan, Nordic brothers” .In my past comments I have even said white pride is fine by me because you should love the reflection in the mirror because no one will love you like you. Live your life Noah B and live it well is pretty consistent with this sites overall disposition.

        4. This is a begro pickup blog which is why the comments are so dumb. You boys don’t have a clue.

        5. Is “begro” Russian slang for “big Negro,” because I’m only part Negro, but I am big!

        6. Americans are neither Aryan nor Nordic.So stop being a wannabe.You are not Europeans.You are mongrels yourselves,just because it isnt visible its in your genes.

        7. “Thats what makes us guys.”
          True, because a gentleman is something else. He would also frequent different women.

      2. Thanks for trying, but it has been stated before that Black men should develop our own site so that we can have our own corner of “manosphere”, that is, if you don’t want to wade through the delude of anti-Black comments.

        1. Coulda, shoulda, woulda.
          That’s the problem though isn’t it. Detroit, Haiti, South Africa.
          Just doesn’t seem like it works out does it.

    2. Your reasoning would justify this article here, quite simply to distance this site from such sentiments.

    3. True masculinity is about taking responsibility, not promiscuity. Oversexed men aren’t good leaders and It takes a lot more than that in an evolved, civilized society.. “A boy spends his time looking for a girl to sleep with while a man looks for the one worth waking up to.”

  8. It will take less than a day for these comments to completely deteriorate into racially based insults, then the porn postings, followed by derogatory GIFs involving watermelon and bananas , then a lot of fuck you , my dicks bigger, no it is not, niggers are scum, white people are shit, Hitler was right, it is all a Jewish conspiracy to control the banks by letting black men destroy the white race by fucking our women, black women are better, white women are better, black people are niggers who like fat white women and big butts who are also violent and stupid it is all genetic go back to Africa you fucked up Europe you monkeys go smoke crack while you neglect your six hundred kids, did I mention violent big dick porch monkey. Fuck you whitey ,fuck you jungle bunny, CH was right, no he is not,welfare , feminism is all your fault. Obama.
    578 comments. Love the article , there is no way these comments will be civil by midnight tonight. For what it’s worth my first comment was honest advice from the field . Stay up.

    1. Ah, the joys of internet anonymity. Kinda like those people that are a total hardass on the phone, then when they’re looking you in the face it’s a different story.

      1. What do you mean by that exactly?
        You do realize that civilized people don’t run around like baboons shooting each other over trivialities like who looked wrong at whom?
        I personally think americans are much too scared of blacks and could put most thugs in their place in a couple of days if allowed to.
        You really don’t think the black thug army could ever win against well trained militia do you?

        1. I mean what I said. People say all kinds of shit when they can do so anonymously. They are generally much more civil face to face. I didn’t say anything about a race war, don’t know where you got that.

    2. Blacks are ugly, no doubt about it, they would be ok as friends ,but as boyfriend? lol ,women who loves Blacks are mentally damaged

      1. You could better pass as a native English speaker if you would learn to use articles (a, an, the). Troll…

        1. No race is thrilled with people in their race breeding with blacks. The kids always turn out looking black, you gain our genetics for diversity and improvement within your race but contribute nothing back to ours.

        2. Right now I’m less than thrilled with retarded Russian bitches trolling the comments section.

        3. I really couldn’t give two shits who breeds with whom. I’m of mixed ethnicity myself. The only thing that maintained so-called “racial purity” for so long was geographical isolation, so better get used to it.

        4. :”The kids always turn out looking black.” I dispute that. Coming from a very racially integrated background, I have blonde curly hair, and very pale skin. It’s a little ridiculous. I wouldn’t have commented here, but I’m still amazed that when Ive been asked out, I have to quantify the fact that I’m of mixed racial heritage and ask if they have a problem with that.

        5. But your kids may be as black as the ace of spades.Perhaps you should have stayed awake in grammar school when taught Mendel.

        6. Well, I have no idea what a pyjama boy is, but that’s unimportant. I do know that my degree isn’t a made-up MS in biology from MSU, and you are a pretentious twat. Also, you look like my ass, and I wouldn’t fuck you with Mike Tyson’s dick. If I were from fucking Siberia I would probably kill myself. Kudos to you for turning into a bitter, rabid cuntbag instead. 🙂

        7. The only thing, huh?
          It wasn’t group political differences and aims derived from group cultural differences that are a result of behavior, emotional and sexual impulse patterns, and other differences in group dynamics that have a genetic root?
          Over-simplification of the issue won’t help you at this point. Skin color (phenotype preference- which is valid) is only about 10% of racial politics.

        8. Right now we European-American men are tired of you blacks feeling it necessary to involve yourselves in everything White. Isn’t it funny that while you insist on having your own cultural institutions you desperately feel the need to become a part of ours?

        9. Actually, I’m not black, and never said I was. I said I was of mixed ethnicity, but didn’t specify. Kindly piss off.

        10. Ok, good point. Which is why it’s kinda dumb to freak out about loss of racial identity and whatnot. There will be all sorts of different people for quite a long time, most of whom will reproduce within their own “race”. There would be a staggering amount of time involved in creating a world consisting of all-the-same-shade brownish people that liberals are always slobbering over. Not gonna happen anytime soon. If miscegenation ruining all of whitedom forever is your biggest concern, you need a new hobby.

        11. Miscegenation is, I agree, a long term worry. Like phenotypic preference (c’mon, do you really want to see German and Swedish super-model phenotype disappear? once it’s gone it’s gone), it’s currently a small part of things – but not illegitimate.
          This is in part because of what i already mentioned and in part because miscagenated families affect our group politics in that they demand and encourage group liberalism that reduces intragroup co-oepration and effectiveness, especially as group efficiency is reduced when behavior and intelligence patterns diverge in miscagenated kids (having to adjust educational standards, for example).
          For a long time the left has tried to shame whites into not worrying about this, and those that ideologically remain are not going to be dissuaded no matter how many times we’re blithely told not to worry about it. So, save your typing strength.
          However, again, you seem to reduce things to skin color. Under phenotypic expression lies genotype. Although phenotype affects politics because it affects group identity (and is a loose indicator of genotype), the genotype is the real issue because we believe it affects individual behavior and therefore how society functions when those individuals aspire to co-operate. Case in point: most whites are not anxious in North Asian communities because their society functions well. We prefer our own, but Asian communities are livable. It’s not about skin color, no matter how many times you reduce it to that, although we do prefer our own phenotypes. It’s about behavior and performance, and we’re aware of the crime stat, educational standard, and other standards that are jockeyed to obfuscate the worse situation that we experience. The improvement would have to be legitimate, substantial, and miscagenation free.

        12. Why is it that third world non European founded nations (aside from Koreans and Japanese who evolved under similar Ice age conditions) reproduce beyond their means and are not capable of producing a society with a high standard of living. Europe had few natural resources, little arable land, low population and a very short growing season when compared to the Middle East India or China and ESPECIALY AFRICA. yet Europeans are responsible for the vast majority of technology and the high standard of living the world has today

        13. Forget the fact that we are the only population around the world that allow other peoples into our countries and give them generous social welfare entitlements….the crime rate in 1960’s America before the Hart Cellar Act was lower than Japans. After we changed immigrations standards while Japan kept immigrants out our crime rate skyrocketed……now we have crime, murder and rape rates 1,000 times higher than Japans while they have stayed the same
          Blonde, and red hair, blue and green eyes make up a miniscule percentage of the world population……1.7% of the world is blonde naturally and while 50% of Americans had blue eyes 100 years ago today its about 17% so why don’t we do something to preserve the European phenotype and culture after all they have given so much to the world.

        14. Did you happen to read Dr. Watsons comments on melanin and libido…..there is actually a tanning agent Bremelanotide that boosts libido and may be one reason why darker people have higher birthrates and libidos……when Im looking to have a 1 night stand I always look for a girl who is darker than me
          Watson as in Watson and Crick the co discoverers of DNA

        15. There is no European-American.You are either american or european.Dont be a wannabe european you mixed-race american.thanks.

        16. I’m assuming that’s meant to be a rhetorical question. The Europeans were far more technologically advanced than any primitive tribal culture, and they had the whole empire thing going. They saw opportunity, and took it. They had much better understanding of resources and how to take them and profit from them. Whoever has the gold, rules.
          The separation of native populations into tribes made conquest much easier. If the white man had been forced to chase people through the jungle or forest in order to make them slaves, they would have had a much harder time of it. Instead, indigenous people sold their captured tribal enemies into slavery. Basic history, dude.
          If the Africans had been as susceptible to European disease as the American Indians were it’s a fair bet Africa would be a lot different today.

        17. What ignorant nonsense! The problem is that due to the one-drop rule Americans don’t even know anymore what a black person actually looks like.

        18. Except for the stuff Europeans originally took from the brown middle Eastern peoples and Egypt. The Greeks, the founders of so-called Western civilizatioin as well as the Romans are heavily mixed with Middle easterns and North Africans. Semites are highly intelligent by the way, did you not know?
          Nordics joined the game much later on. They were Barbarians for a long time and only became civilized once they had gotten into touch with Mediterraeneans.

        19. “c’mon, do you really want to see German and Swedish super-model phenotype disappear?”
          I can’t see anything special about it to be honest. They tend to be a bit pale sometimes don’t you think? Not always of course but some of them are very pale and if they dye their hair light blonde, there isn’t much contrast between skincolor and haircolor at all. Also, keep in mind that not everyone likes superstraight hair and flat bottoms. I don’t want to insult though. just braoden your horizons a bit more. If it needs to be blonde at all then I think mixed blonde Brazilians are much more pleasing, but that’s just my personal taste of course. You are free to have yours.

        20. Did you know that the nazis actually regarded white Americans as “mongrels”? Are you aware of the substantial Native American ancestry in white Americans? Look at George Bush for example, I can see the native American, can’t you? Food for thought for you.

        21. True and black Americans aren’t Africans either. I bet despite everything most of them wouldn’t be able to spend a week in an average African environnement before having enough. lol

        22. You are incorrect. Hitler actually believed that the descendants of those that founded the U.S. were superior to those that remained in Europe (see “Table Talk, page 171). Again, WRONG. Few European-Americans have black or Indian blood. There have been many genetic studies that confirm this.

        23. European-American? Heck, gimme a break. Paulie “boy”, just let the men do the conversing around here. What? A black girl rejected you? Or maybe a black guy? Hehe. Get out, jerk off, and be at peace. Silly little idiot. Gay shit you saying, homie.

      2. “women who love blacks are mentally damaged’
        I’m interested in a logical deduction of this conclusion

        1. Face facts: all the “positive” stereotypes about black men
          – loud
          – aggressive
          – drug dealers/thugs
          -giant dicks
          these things are only conducive to getting a one night stand or hook up with a slutty experimenting white chick. Even most of these women don’t want to date a black guy, just try fucking one. White men want nothing to do with these women, you can keep them

        2. Lol, your ideology is poisoning your perception of reality. The ‘positive’ stereotypes about black men
          -Smooth talkers
          -Sexually dominant
          -Larger than average dicks
          -Good at dancing.
          Nice try though.

        3. 50% of negroes are on “downlow” and they don’t even think it’s abnormal it is so common. They think if they have wife or gf then buttsex with men is nothing.
          I’m writing a thesis on this and why AIDS and other nasty diseases are so common with blacks.
          I knew that this was a negro pickup blog because of the number of boys here who talk about buttsex as if it were normal and think women like it. That’s just a projection because they like a kok in their butt.

        4. This coming from a russian is hiliarious, no one has more diseasesand aids than you and no I am not a “negroe” as you call it I am white.

        5. Does the CDC cover Russia… no.
          Lets look at russia as #1 in aids
          “According to the United Nations, Eastern Europe and Central Asia are the only regions in the world where the HIV infection is on the rise. Fifty-two percent of the HIV-positive people that live across that area are in Russia. The World Bank estimates that in 2020, Russia will lose 20,000 people per month to AIDS. The country has experienced the fastest-spreading HIV/AIDS epidemics in any one country in history”
          forbes magazine
          “Russia’s Aids catastrophe growing”
          bbc news
          ” 30,000 acquired HIV in Western Europe and 45,000 in North America.”
          “Of Russia’s 180,000 officially registered infections, 100,000 occurred just last year.”
          Mind you these ar enumbers from almost 2 decades ago. Russia has more aids cases than canada, mexico, and usa combined while having a fraction of the population. A russian making an aids joke is plain old retarded because no one has more aids than russians. If they do, it isn’t by much. It’s like the man in the shack pointing the finger at the man in the tarp, utterly stupid, both are poor.

        6. If white Europeans had not given billions in aid to Africa to stop spread of aids there population would be far less. Russians many develop aids through IV drug use due to illegally smuggled heroin from Central Asian Turks and Tartars and Muslims

        7. Actually according to several studies the Dutch have the largest members and Icelanders even top them

        8. White Europeans got those billions from stealing, slaving, raping and pillaging the resources from Africans, Asians and Native Indians, before then Europe was in the dark ages.
          Further the Europeans were the ones who spread, brought and introduced the aids into the continent to begin with.
          Had the Europeans never showed up the population would have been much more, in the nation of Congo alone the dictator of Belgium in 10 years murdered more people in the congo than Hitler and Stalin combined and he was then forced by other europeans to give it up and step down. Where African nations like Mali had 11 universities before Europe had even one during the medieval period, the euro colonialism was a step backward for Africa and step forward for west europe. There is a reason why east europe minus russia is just as bad as africa.
          Russia is a white country, stop trying to blame Turks (who are white too) or Muslims and tatars. Anyone can get aids it has nothing to do with race.

        9. I once knew this slut who banged all kinds of men. She claimed all her arabic lovers were more hung than blacks. Most buff black boys had tiny dicks.

        10. I’m not at all disputing this, I’m just wondering why so many ROK readers want to go to Russia/Eastern Europe to find a bride if it’s so disease-ridden?

        11. Several of the readers and posters have expressed indifference to stds, frankly many just don’t worry about it nor care, in fact I believe Rooshv has a post where he indicates its a possibility but because it is small its not worth worrying over in his mind as the rate of transmission of vaginal-penial sex is quiet low (his stats not mine).
          Additionally, they probably view it better to be happy with a small risk of std than to stick with american women who are still quiet problematic in many ways (Fat, unfeminine, controlling, feminist and socialist etc.) who will make them unhappy.
          One also has to bear in mind, even in a country with an aids epidemic like russia world wide there are only 36 million people with aids. Even if they were ALL in russia
          only about 1 in 4 women in Russia would have aids.
          Meaning there is 75% chance of no aids. Add on the fact that AIDS tends to dispropotionaetely affect the poorer or lower class people, as rich people use condoms more and have less sex in addition to being less users and sharers of iv needles, the risk would probably drop to under 5-10%. Additionally rich aids people can buy medicines to reduce the viral load to zero = won’t generally transmit; so if they have sex with mostly upprclass women, in even an aids epidemic country, you can basically have lots of unprotected sex and have a very low risk of aids. And whose to say that some of the readers on here don’t already have aids!

        12. All good points, thanks for shedding some light.
          I still don’t know that I’d be able to do it though, if it was me. I think that if I knew or even had any inclination that one population was more infected with a deadly virus, my instincts of self preservation would kick in and I’d steer clear, unless I had confirmation of health with a recent, valid STD evaluation (though I suppose you may liken this to a clean bill of mental health for an American woman).
          I can understand your assessment of risk vs. return, but it just seems silly to me to put yourself at that risk needlessly. I realize that most on this site generalize American women with the attributes you noted above but that’s no different or better than the ridiculous man-bashing sites I’ve unfortunately found that claim all men are pigs and misogynists. Neither is 100% accurate or true of an entire gender, and traveling thousands of miles and spending thousands of dollars to find a bride that may carry a disease that could end your life prematurely just seems… dangerous?

        13. Well there are many people who feel that aids isn’t a deadly virus anymore because there are people like Magic Johnson who caught aids in their youth and are still old around so they see it as life shortening. And some of these people have no intent to live out to old age, they don’t want to be in a wheelchair they’d rather be dead.
          If someone caught aids, with all the technology now you could probably live a near full life as in into your 70s or so if you took all the medication.
          Again but what guarantee is there that an American woman (or man) doesn’t have aids or stds? We are not testing people before we have sex with them or demanding they produce sheets from the doctor proving they are clean. And even those ain’t fool proof because the person can have aids at a below detectable level from medicine and or because they are newly infected.
          Unless your one of the one in 100 who wait until marriage for sex there is no guarantee they don’t have aids (as in married people take blood test together and even then if the spouse is a cheater you can still get aids)
          Who says these men want brides? Many just want to have sex with lots of different attractive women, and the younger the woman they have sex with the less of chance of std. If they are 40-50 in ukraine having sex with 18 y/o the chance of aids is very very low because people this young rarely have aids even in aids epidemic country, people usually get aids in their 30s or 40s from other people the same age. because of the high partner count (law of averages).
          You’re probably more like to catch and std from a 30 year old American woman who has had dozens of boyfriends if not hundreds that you are to catch something from an 18 year old in non-american countries even with very high rates of std. as the 18 year old may have only 1-2 partners or be virgin. The average person with aids has had hundred + sexual partners or slept with someone who did.
          While not every single American woman has bad qualities it is the majority and quiet pervasive. Only 30% of American women are non-fat according to the cdc numbers so since most men don’t want fat women, it creates an obvious imbalance and that doesn’t count the other personality traits. Its not every single one but the majority. OWhy spend time sifting through garbage to find a diamond when you can sift through a diamond bag and find diamonds?

        14. Again, all very good points.
          I had to laugh at your last sentence, I suppose that is true.
          But is the physical attractiveness among other nations really that much different? I’m asking genuinely. I know that due to the saturation of fast food and whatnot that America is known for its obesity and what have you, but aren’t there overweight and unattractive people everywhere? Maybe just fewer and further between…

        15. And I should mention that I’ve not traveled out of the country in ten years, so I have no idea what’s going on in the rest of the world and the media isn’t exactly a shining beacon of truth, so I suppose I’d have to see it with my own eyes to understand the true differences.

        16. In Russia the women tend to be thinner and focus on their looks. There is no feminism or fat acceptance in Russia so they stay slim. I personally went to school with about 150 russian women from the motherland , and one was fat out of 150. I shit you not, and she ended up my girlfriend’s roommate my girlfriend’s senior year they shamed her and she lost every pound. Went from a 3-8.5/9 , I did not recognize her it was crazy.

        17. 150 doesn’t really say much though. If she was 5’9″ that’s not really overweight. If she was 5’2″, different story!

        18. She was fat, and I mean 1/150 girls at the school. She lost 60 pounds and became one of the hotter girls at the school.

        19. Are you having trouble with your reading comprehension? Key word here is stereotype. We all know that stereotypes have a kernel of truth, but are not necessarily factually correct. My assertion was that it was a stereotype, so feel free to disagree on those grounds, but your comment is irrelevant.

        20. Yes. Largely because of the obesity issue followed by the attitude issues. Us women cutting their hair off and dressing bad only adds to the unattractive women.
          I don’t meet girls regularly who have a bunch of tattoos and weird piercing and speak and act like men outside of the 1st world anglosphere like america, canada, australia.
          And then some of these girls say the weirdest things to kill the mood. The by far worst and away women on the planet are the toronto ones. Fat, unnatractive, think they are a 10 when they are a 6, have attitude and saying one wrong thing (like one bad joke, or one bad opinion (one they disagree with), means you lose any chance with the woman completely. In all fairness American women aren’t the worst, Torontonian ones are! And the fakeness and phonyness and everyone trying to be cool when they aren’t… there is a reason it sends so many people to hollywood and there is also a reason its called hollywood north. Its a combination of LA fakeness and midwestern subtle rudeness. The bars close before anyone even gets drunk and the venues stink and its 40% indian and chinese women and not the hot kind the low class ugly ones. Unlike England which has hot indian chicks the Toronto ones are like the bottom ugliest ones.
          Yes there are fat people everywhere but some places like Norway have 10% overweight people and its mostly men. The overweight women are usually past reproductive age. Meaning that a fat chick is an anomaly. Whereas in the us its the standard.
          The high obesity rate in the us also pushes up the value (in their minds)greatly of the few thin and attractive women around. They think they are some holy than though beings so it often isn’t even worth it… but even if you did get that girl you’d lose her because such women are being constantly approached by men and are usually serial daters.
          Hence unless you are a gay guy or rich guy or working in fashion it is impossible to be around attractive single women on a constant basis in the usa. Other countries in east europe and central europe have bland or bad tasting food so people hardly eat much there anyways. Others have more discipline. I think some of the women are genuinely more attractive like ukranian, swedish, czech and hungarian or greek. but other ones are just average looking but thinner like french or italian

      3. Men and women cannot be friends unless they have had sex. I have no female friends with whom I have not had sex. To be brutally honest if a woman is really your friend and cares about you she will fuck you because she knows deep down that is what you want. If you have been reading this site and CH you know that. So your statement kinda reads as ” I would fuck a black guy but not make him my boyfriend” instead of “they would be ok as friends ,but as boyfriend? lol “. This is not an insult , I see you on RoK and CH so you know there is no such thing as male and female friends. your statement is the equivalent of me saying ” I would fuck a white girl but a LTR, lol”. Unless you are talking about black girls as friends but we all know women hate each other. Your life baby, live it how you want, you are only here once so enjoy it.

      4. If media and entertainment industry was not so pro black male then fewer women would be interested in them…..sub Saharan blacks have the greatest degree of prognathism of any race and their jaw protrudes the most. Northern Europeans have the least followed by Southern Europeans……However Asians are the most “neotonous” or child looking which is the real reason men are attracted to Asian women because they look more childlike or younger and men like youthful looks in women. I still find both darker featured Latin women and blonde Nordic women the most attractive but I totally understand the East Asian girl fetish

    3. I thought you said last night that going forward we men were all gonna be civil here with regular posters.

      1. Whom did I attack with a lack of civility, I just predicted the outcome of this comments section. At Midnight we shall see If I was correct, I have a strong feeling I am.

        1. You didnt. You said we should not attack fellow posters and I agreed with what you said last night. If we are Kings, then stooping to bash our fellow men because of their color aint cool.
          Lets see if we can rise above it.
          We will know tonight I guess.

        2. I try to lead by example but only Roosh or one of the moderators truly controls anything here.

    4. Oh, looks like you’ve disarmed everyone with a dissenting view then.
      For those of you that are curious about what’s happening in the once euro-centric nations, I suggest reading “My Awakening” by David Duke.
      Is it so hard to believe that something more sinister is happening behind the scenes? Understanding the dynamic between men and women is not the only red pill out there.
      White nations are assimilating and devolving into 3rd world slums. There’s a reason our nations are the most civilized. It has to do with how we evolved, in the ice age that meant life or death if we didn’t use our brains. The dumb genes died off.
      This is uncomfortable to hear, I know. But think about it. You could say it’s white man’s fault black nations are poor. But then how do you explain Haiti? It remains untouched by whites to this day and is one of the poorest nations in the world. Whites brought prosperity everywhere they went. Our relationship with Asia was mutually beneficial. Same with blacks. We were in Egypt when the pyramids were built contrary to popular belief. Rome was an empire 2000 years ago while Africans are living in huts to this day! Are you not curious about this? Or would you rather just blame YT for your misfortunes, like feminists blame men.
      Us “racists” don’t hate blacks. We don’t “hate” anyone. We hate the current situation. Miscegenation is the worst thing that could happen to us. The forefathers were largely against it. There were plans to help repatriate the blacks back to Africa, but somewhere along the line things got twisted. Abraham Lincoln was strongly against miscegenation. We are different creatures entirely. No one is better or worse, just different. Whites have been proven to have higher IQ’s beyond the shadow of a doubt but the studies have been largely hidden from the MSM. And IQ is what creates civilization. Blacks are not oppressed, they were freed of our own volition! Almost all afro-americans have -some- semblance of white genes today and as a result their IQ’s are higher than their African brothers. Look it up if you don’t believe me!!!
      Look what’s happening in South Africa people! The whites are the victims of Genocide and you never hear about it! Innocent whites being raped and slaughtered in their sleep! Nelson Mandela was in jail for a reason people!!! He is an anti-white communist!!! But the MSM NEVER reveals this. WHY???
      And as for the Jewish bit… still think the holocaust was real? 6 million jews right? What about the Bolshevik Holodomor that killed 5-11million christians? There is strong evidence that there were no gas chambers in Germany, look it up. And the “6 million jews” bit… yeah right! The 6 million figure was published in the papers numerous times YEARS before the war!!! All of this is readily available on youtube. The jews use the holocaust as a guilt trip to achieve their agenda. Whether it’s a conspiracy or not, it’s in their nature to embrace chaos. That’s how they thrive.
      We don’t hate anyone. We just don’t want the legacy to our grandchildren to be a 3rd-world communist hell-hole. If we even get to have grandchildren.

      1. We’ve heard all your shit before, that was his point. You have nothing new to say. We don’t want to read anything your ‘Grand Wizard’ David Duke has to say. His hair doesn’t even match his beard.
        Go away, you’re making RoK look bad by affiliation.
        Rok is run by lots of non-whites anyway, why are you even here?

        1. At least he’s not wearing a blonde hairhat like your obese females (and I use that term loosely)
          We’ve heard all of your childish jive talking before and it sounds like the babbling of some 10yo kid to us.

        2. Lol, you try to hard to insult people. It’s overkill. Relax and respond to their arguments rationally.

      2. You could say it’s white man’s fault black nations are poor. But then how do you explain Haiti? It remains untouched by whites to this day andis one of the poorest nations in the world.

        Haiti’s legacy of debt began shortly after gaining independence from Francein 1804. In 1825, France, with warships at the ready, demanded Haiti compensate France for its loss of men and slave colony. In exchange for French recognition of Haiti as a sovereign republic, France demanded payment of 150 million francs (modern equivalent of $21 billion).[1] In 1838, France agreed to reduce the debt to 60 million francs to be paid over a period of 30 years.[2]
        The transfer of wealth from Haiti to the French government and from Haiti to the various banks that financed the Independence Debt is well established. Detailed claims, submitted by former slave owners for compensation, including the monetary value of the “lost” slaves, and which formed the basis for the French government’s demands have been documented.
        Likewise, the terms of the 1825 Ordinance and accounts of its negotiation have survived.
        The French government acknowledges the payment of 90,000,000F. The story of the first payment – 24,000,000 gold francs – being transported across Paris, from the vaults of Ternaux Grandolphe et Cie to the coffers of the French Treasury was recorded in detail. Historians have traced loan documents from the time of the 1825 Ordinance, through the various refinancing efforts, to the final remittance to National City
        Bank in 1947.[3]

        Whites brought prosperity everywhere they went. Our relationship with Asia was mutually beneficial. Same with blacks.

        Leopold then amassed a huge personal fortune by exploiting the Congo.
        The first economic focus of the colony was ivory, but this did not
        yield the expected levels of revenue. When the global demand for rubber exploded, attention shifted to the labor-intensive collection of sap from rubber plants. Abandoning the promises of the Berlin Conference in the late 1890s, the Free State government restricted foreign access and extorted forced labor from the natives. Abuses, especially in the rubber industry, included the effective enslavement of the native population, beatings, widespread killing, and frequent mutilation when the production quotas were not met. Missionary John Harris of Baringa, for example, was so shocked by what he had come across that he wrote to Leopold’s chief agent in the Congo saying: “I have just returned from a journey inland to the village of Insongo Mboyo. The abject misery and utter abandon is positively indescribable. I was so moved, Your Excellency, by the people’s stories that I took the liberty of promising them that in future you will only kill them for crimes they commit.”[8]
        Estimates of the death toll range from two million to fifteen million,[9][10][11]since accurate records were not kept. Historians Louis and Stengers state that population figures at the start of Leopold’s control are only “wild guesses”, and that attempts by E. D. Morel and others to determine a figure for the loss of population were “but figments of the imagination”.[12]
        Adam Hochschild, however, devotes a chapter of his book King Leopold’s Ghost to the problem of estimating the death toll. He cites several recent lines of investigation, by anthropologist Jan Vansina and others, that examine local sources (police records, religious records, oral traditions, genealogies, personal diaries, and “many others”), which generally agree with the assessment of the 1919 Belgian government commission: roughly half the population perished during the Free State period. Since the first official census by the Belgian authorities in 1924 put the population at about 10 million, that implies a rough estimate of 10 million dead.[13]
        Smallpox and sleeping sickness also devastated the disrupted population.[14] By 1896 the sleeping sickness had killed up to 5,000 Africans in the village of Lukolela on the Congo River. The mortality figures were collected through the efforts of Roger Casement, who found, for example, only 600 survivors of the disease in Lukolela in 1903.[15]


        We were in Egypt when the pyramids were built contrary to popular belief.

        If by “we” you mean Caucasoid Eurasians then yes, that’s correct (assuming that you yourself are a Caucasoid Eurasian).
        Negroid Africans were present as well, however.

        Rome was an empire 2000 years ago while Africans are living in huts to this day!

        TUs “racists” don’t hate blacks. We don’t “hate” anyone.

        Blacks do not like you, and you do not like them. This is clear, indisputable and immutable. There is no use in feigning benevolence.

        And as for the Jewish bit… still think the holocaust was real?

        Think? No.
        Know? Yes.

        The jews use the holocaust as a guilt trip to achieve their agenda. Whether it’s a conspiracy or not, it’s in their nature to embrace chaos.That’s how they thrive.

        Yes, yes, we’re all well aware of the typical WN narrative.
        The Jews are running an insidious conspiracy and the honorable white nationalists (who seek only to preserve a noble, pure Northwestern European Christian heritage that includes no historical wrongdoing or oppression whatsoever and has brought nothing but prosperity and mutual benefit to those it has come into contact with) are the victims.
        Is that how it goes?

        1. To claim the holocaust is not real is to ignore the fact that Jews were not the only people in the camps. Russian soldiers and citizens were subjected to worse treatment than the jews in the camps by the millions. So in holocaust denier land the Russian soldiers were mistreated, the jews were given waterfront condos , and slavery was humane with black people people dancing in the cotton fields loving the southern spring….ah the joy of revisionist history. Remember when Iraq greeted us as liberators and we won the Vietnam war, the good old days.

        2. Can you explain this? Articles dating 10+ years prior to Hitler’s dictatorship touting the 6-million Jews figure.

          And another video from historian David Irving regarding the gas chambers etc.

          And an article with passages from Jewish author Harry Waton.

          If anything the manosphere knows not to accept the mainstream narrative at face value…

        3. Negroes had it good under slavery in US. (about 10% of the new world slavery) They were like one of the family and were even called Aunt and Uncle like Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben. Even had picture on boxes of pancake and rice mixtures.If people in US were racists they wouldn’t do this.They’d put white people on box or a dog etc

        4. Since we have experience with Khazars in Russia I can explain. The Khazar from the East were Shamanists and aggressive warlike peoples. Years ago they began to follow old extinct hebrew religion like White people today become Buddhist etc In old hebrew cult numbers mean something and the number 6 means Man. All other people are animals-Goyim. So when they use number 6 it just means some of them and is not an actual real number as in 6 million. They never use 7 because they are superstitious and this number means God. They won’t even write his name or number and write like G_d and will never say the name Yehweh which is their god. Too afraid.

        5. You’re a smart dude Athlone, regardless of race or whatever other affiliation you take pride in.
          However, you really should do some research on Africa and the jews. Particularly the jewish involvement in the slave trade – or rather the vast overrepresentation of jews – and then try to research who owned the mines that stole the natural resources in Africa.
          No doubt, you have heard about De Beers, the diamond company, here it is straight from Wiki:
          “..The company was founded in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes, who was financed by South African diamond magnate Alfred Beit and the London-based N M Rothschild & Sons bank…”

          And what about that country Zimbabwe then called Rhodesia after Cecil Rhodes:
          “..The Rothschild bank funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company and Leopold de Rothschild (1845-1917) administered Rhodes’s estate after his death in 1902..”

          As for the lower IQ of blacks, that is simple facts, it is uncomfortable yes, but none the less true, it has been proven in every single study ever done, in which Asians and Jews among others scored higher than whites.
          We know that intelligence is about 70% inherited and if we can agree that blacks in former slave areas are indeed stronger physcially, then lets not kid ourselves as to if there are genetical differences in IQ.
          I do believe the gap could be quickly closed if black culture was more focused on education and intelligence and you make that point well.
          Don’t hate on the white nationalists here bro. I never hurt a black person, had no part in slavery or the Congo and I have no ill feelings against blacks.
          The simple fact though is that innocent whites are in fact the victims of widespread black violence and crime today.
          As for the race-mixing, if you like white girls, which it seems you do, would you not want white girls to exist in the future? You are most welcome to fukk white girls, but I don’t think race-mixed children is something to aim for. I have the same opinon of asian-white, even though I have had several asian girlfriends.

        6. I’ve already done my research on African and Jewish history. The insidious conspiracy WNs bang on about only exists in their minds.
          WN substantially exaggerate IQ distinctions and the importance of said distinctions. The genetic potential of black Americans (if we assume that IQ is a valid measurement of said potential and of intellect in general) is more than on par with many European populations (in particular Greeks, Croats, Irishmen, and Russians), even if we assume that 2/3rds of the difference between white and black American IQs is down to nature and immutable (a large assumption in and of itself). Blacks are substantially more intelligent than WN are willing to give them credit for.
          I may do a post on this later.

          As for the race-mixing, if you like white girls, which it seems you do

          I like ALL girls, up to and including the white ones. Contrary to popular belief, most black males do not have white women on the kind of pedestal that WN assume they do (or that WN themselves tend to put those white women on).

          would you not want white girls to exist in the future?

          The implicit assumption here is that white people are in danger of extinction, and that this danger is due primarily to interracial relationships.
          The reality is this: Race mixing does not and will not occur on a scale grand enough to eliminate a distinct racial group as large as that of white Europeans (who, as of now, OUTNUMBER peoples of predominantly sub-saharan African heritage by a substantial figure).
          This entire point, as presented by you, is a red herring.

          You are most welcome to fukk white girls, but I don’t think race-mixed children is something to aim for.

          I will procreate with whomever I like, and I respect your freedom (and that of any WN) to do precisely the same thing with women of any background.

        7. Your point about Haiti’s debt, if it is to make your point about black country failure, would have to be true for every black country. It is not. Also, the entire world thinks that clinging to colonialism that is decades if not centuries over is a poor excuse for constant failure and social discord. Grow up.
          “Blacks do not like you, and you do not like them. This is clear,
          indisputable and immutable. There is no use in feigning benevolence”.
          True, yet, despite your distaste, you apparently can’t survive without us. In one breath, you claim cognitive and all other kinds of equality, and in the next breath you cling to us like we were your lifeboat. Capable groups don’t need other groups to survive, and thus rallying against whites who wish to separate betrays your lack of group competence. The cognitive dissonance that occurs as a result of your dislike and your need must be infuriating.
          No, WN’s do not wish to preserve a Christian heritage. Your knowledge of the political topics that you aspire to lecture us on is extremely superficial where it is not false.
          You know nothing of history that you did not witness. You only “know” what you read. To legitimately contradict Holocaust dissent, you’d have to debunk their evidence.

        8. “WN substantially exaggerate IQ distinctions and the importance of said distinctions. (Evidence?)The genetic potential of black Americans (if we assume
          that IQ is a valid measurement of said potential and of intellect in general) is more than on par with many European populations (Evidence?) (in particular Greeks, Croats, Irishmen, and Russians), even if we assume that 2/3rds of the difference between white and black American IQs is down to nature and immutable (a large assumption in and of itself). (Evidence that IQ is not immutable beyond standard deviation drift that occurs with any standardized test?) Blacks are substantially more intelligent than WN are willing to give them credit for.” (Evidence?)
          especially for this nonsense:
          The genetic potential of black Americans…
          is on par with many European populations (in particular Greeks, Croats, Irishmen, and Russians).
          Average Black IQ does not approach that of the Irish or Russians. There is zero intelligence research, or social evidence, that proves otherwise. I can’t speak to the IQ of the Greeks or Croats, but I can state that the Greeks are a mixed race people thanks to prior Arab/African intermixing and therefore are not a viable variable for comparison. In any case, their state, like all mixed geographical buffer societies (thanks African/Arab aggression) is a basketcase by European standards – even without consideration of their current predicament. Wow, another race/dysfunction correaltion. It’s surprising! However, we are happy to include the mixed Greeks, Italians, and Spanish under our European group social umbrella, because their stock being changed by past invaders was not their will, and their societies function to a minimum social standard that we can deal with. Nothing of the like can be said for ANY African society.
          The most damning evidence against blacks, if you don’t think that IQ is a substantial enough measurement (a typical, tired rationalization from communists and communists parading as Black Nationalists – but I’ll entertain it for a moment) is in the education and the crime statistics. You are wholly dysfunctional, and no amount of disingenuous attempted equivalency to white statistics will be adequate to obscure the obvious black dysfunction in the eyes of the entire world. You have almost an entire continent to yourselves, for chrissakes, but can’t do a thing with it without constant handholding. When we let go of your hand, what we have built reverts to a dysfunctional state. It’s an amazing display of group failure.
          Or, we could take it to a more subjective, but socially valid, place and make the assertion that almost all majority black neighborhoods are unpleasant in relation to the social and community standards of even poor white communities. No-one, except blacks, feels comfortable there for long. This is observational evidence for the lack of group effectiveness that makes for first-world standard communities. The lack of ability to co-operate with one another to build acceptable, stable communities with any meaningful population is a major problem. No amount of blaming Whitey will ever fix it.

        9. Yes, spin your tails of the Egptians being black, Plato being black, Jesus being black, Beethoven being black. the great civilizations of black africa (that no archaeologist has found evidence of),ect,ect. Blacks have to cling to these lies because you are a failure as a people, you have produced nothing of import.

        10. “If we assume that IQ is a valid measurement” yet you claim that IQ of black americans is “on par” with Greeks, Croats, Russians,ect. Are you so blind that you don’t see the pathological insecurity in that contradiction? Why is africa the shithole of the world (and don’t give me any of that “colonialism destroyed the former african economies)? South Africa, once part of the first world, is quickly becoming zimbabwe,ect.,ect.

        11. Your point about Haiti’s debt, if it is to make your point about black country failure

          My point about Haiti’s debt is to dispute this statement herefrom the post to which I’m responding:

          But then how do you explain Haiti? It remains untouched by whites to this day and is one of the poorest nations in the world.

          Haiti has very much been touched by whites since the end of its time as a French colony,to the tune of up to a third or more of its GDP being given back to France in reparations on an annual basis for over a century. If you want to discuss Haiti’s status as a “shithole”, you’re going to have to factor that in.
          Haiti is not every black country so no, my point about Haiti’s debt is not to make about about “every black country”. That’s merely your own conjecture.

          True, yet, despite your distaste, you apparently can’t survive without us.

          What are you talking about?
          Non-whites do not need white nationalists and racialists to survive. You could all disappear tomorrow and they’d get along just fine. Your presence is neither desired nor required by them.

          To legitimately contradict Holocaust dissent, you’d have to debunk their evidence.

          Sure, bro. Have fun waging war against that massive, evil (and totally not manufactured or fictional) Jewish conspiracy plaguing your noble kind. I wish you luck – keep fighting the good fight!

        12. WTF are you even on about?
          DNA evidence has long established the presence of sub-saharan African blood in Ancient Egypt. Whether or not the Egyptians were “black” in the modern sense is up for discussion, but that they had substantial sub-saharan admixture and made significant contact with the very black Nubians is certain. That isn’t debatable.
          Beethoven, Plato and Jesus weren’t black. That isn’t debatable and nobody here tried to claim it was.
          Substantial pre-colonial African civilizations did exist. That isn’t debatable.
          We deal in facts here at ROK. That’s part of what taking the red pill is all about: seeing reality as it is objectively, not as you wish it to be.
          If you’re not capable of doing this, then maybe you’re on the wrong site, bro.

        13. South Africa was never part of the first world. We have data from the human development index (the best measure of a given state’s relative development/quality of life in existence) to prove that.

          South Africa had a human development score of just .57 in 1980. In 1990 (just before South Africa became a black-run state), that figure went up to .621.
          Want to know how that figure compares to black-run nations during that time?

          Jamaica in 1980: .612
          Jamaica in 1990: .642
          For all of the praise white nationalists heap on the great white South Africans and the unrivaled prosperity they brought to their land (prosperity which you lot continue to insist blacks incapable of bringing), the fact is this: white-ruled South Africa never achieved higher levels of human development than JAMAICA.
          That is correct: when Nelson Mandela’s ANC inherited previously white-ruled SA, they took on a nation with lower levels of human development than a tiny Caribbean minnow that had been run largely by blacks and mulattos for 30+ years.
          South Africa was a mediocre third world nation during apartheid and it remains such to this day. The only folks in that nation who anything approaching decent living standards were part of the white minority. Everyone else was about as badly off as they’d have been under black rule in a former British sugar island supposedly known for high rates of violent crime and drug trafficking.
          There is nothing special about SA and there never was. Rhodesia was substantially worse.

        14. Evidence that IQ is not immutable beyond standard deviation drift that occurs with any standardized test?

          IQ is a product of both genetic and environmental factors. The latter can include nutrition, learning environment, and upbringing.
          Estimates with regard to how much of one’s IQ is determined by genetics (and could therefore be considered immutable) range from 50-70%, with most of the ones I’ve seen settling on the 2/3rds figure. That’s what I’ve gone with.
          This discussion often comes up whenever differences in white and black IQ measures are mentioned. There are about 15 points separating white American measurements from their black counterparts. The typical response from sociologists and mainstream commentators is to just assume that the entirety of this difference is down to environmental causes (lack of school funding, lack of intellectual stimulation, dangerous environment, etc, etc).
          I’ve taken a step back from this. I’ve assumed that 2/3rds of the gap between whites and blacks in the USA is the product of nature and not nurture. That is to say, 2/3rds of that gap could not be eliminated if all other environmental and cultural discrepancies between whites and blacks in the USA were corrected.
          This would put the actual IQ potential of the black American population (assuming the elimination of all mitigating cultural and environmental nurture factors and complete and total parity in that regard with white Americans) in the low 90’s, depending on where you peg the white and black American IQs to be at the moment (there is some disagreement). If you peg the white American measure at 101 and the blacks at 86, blacks would be at about 91 in a completely equal scenario.
          Differences in IQ are considered statistically insignificant at around 2/3 points. That 91 means that the actual intellectual potential of the black American population is on par with that of white South Africans, Greeks, Croats, Russians and Turks, all of whom have recorded measures in the low 90s and high 80s.
          Of course, such conclusions rely on many assumptions (ex: IQ is a completely valid measure of total intellectual capacity, IQ studies done on different populations were all above board and present accurate data, etc, etc), but there you have it.
          There is also evidence that mixed black-white children are closer to their European counterparts than WNs would like you to believe.

          As mentioned before, I may elaborate on this topic in an article later.

        15. More significantly, IQ tests do not measure other traits essential for success. Such traits include shrewdness, tenacity, and an outgoing personality (yes, I think this is helpful for entrepreneurial success). I think IQ tests are a valid metric for what they do. But one must remember that metric is limited in application.

        16. Turks are decidedly not European from an ethnic standpoint, no matter how the lines are redrawn. I already commented on the Greeks, who are also an invalid variable. The IQ of ethnically pure (non-“black-ass”) Russians is not in the 90’s. In fact, such an average IQ would make it almost impossible to produce scientists with the 150 IQ + that they would need to run their space, weapons development, aerodynamics, advanced military, and atomic weapons programs, not to mention to accomplish the myriad of other breathtaking cultural accomplishments to their name. I’m not familiar with the Croat or South African statistics and so I can not comment, but Croats aren’t exactly ethnically similar to the rest of what people generally count as Europe. I expect them to have been out-bred as well, as their proximity to Italy would make that probable, although i really can’t comment at this point. You know, if the Germans are outbred in 200 years, it would be illigetimate to make the point that “Europeans” have an IQ close to Africans using Germany as an example. The outbreeding counts, and if iQ is lowered because of this (which, according to your 2/3 study citation is probable) then you can’t claim these outbred groups as valid variables. The out-breeding is what we are trying to avoid for the specific reason that you suggest, as well as some others. I notice that you eliminated Ireland from your “low IQ” group. They fall around the 100 range, on average.
          As far as your thesis is concerned, It’s a stretch because I think that “nurture” evens out over large group samples. Meaning that sub-groups at disadvantage and at advantage in one group, at least to the extent that either affects IQ, will average out to create a true IQ average that matches whole group studies. The black birth rate certainly doesn’t lead me to believe that blacks are malnourished, and I wouldn’t assume that blacks are inherently bad at raising their children unless you want me to. It’s not scientific to just assume that most of the black population is realizing a significant “nurture” IQ deficit relative to other groups that moves the mean score.
          But assuming that what you say is true, which is a dubious assumption, ten points is a lot – especially when compounded with other problems that may not all have pure link to IQ. There is likely about an 8 point difference between American Whites and specific Asian groups, however White violence is relatively rare in homogenous communities and thus Asians are not negatively affected by the IQ difference. I feel that most North Asians would take an American White suburb over a Beijing Suburb on most days, assuming cultural assimilation. American whites aren’t really crowding into China, despite the ability to do so. Also, we don’t demand that Asians lower their standards for us. They are fine with our educational system, and where they are not they move to more accomplished white communities such as Cupertino. We also don’t have many more children than do they.
          In terms of blacks, what accounts for the over-procreation, especially in ratio to resources? Second, you can blame the increased violence on abstract “oppression” or non-codified hard to pinpoint racism, but that correlation doesn’t seem to hold true throughout the world and the violence begs inquiry into its possible correlation to the extreme reproduction numbers because it may implicate racial hormonal profile differences that may affect behavior and social outcomes. If it isn’t hormonal and, instead, it’s the presence pf an overabundance of resources that leads to over-procreation, then that kicks a major leg out of your nurture-deficit argument. I’m curious to know how blacks resolve these seeming correlations and contradictions. Let the hamster spin.

        17. Well, the problem is that you didn’t give me any reason to reconsider. You just made a bunch of dubious assertions. What you think is meaningless from a rhetorical standpoint, and so why must I remember it?
          De-emphasizing IQ can have effects both ways. Be careful. If IQ is proven to be meaningless, but problems persist, it may be very difficult to justify away poor performance and bad behavior in the future. You may be one day wishing for the good old days when everything was only about IQ.

        18. Everything is always debatable, as long as it is well debated.
          That doesn’t make your assertions wrong, but your language is disturbing.
          Debating is what the Red Pill is about.
          Athlone, you have a habit of making unsupported assertions (amid some supported ones) and acting as if those assertions should end the debate. Telling us that something “isn’t debatable” is a joke. Try rephrasing.

        19. From what I understand Remsese the pharaoh of the old testament had his DNA tested and it came up R1a or R1b a European haplogroup….also as the remains in graves of ancient Egypt get closer to the Christian age their becomes more and more negroid admixture in the tombs…. perhaps one reason why Egypt fell to first Greeks, Than Rome than Arabs and Finally colonial French and English

        20. IQ particularly verbal IQ is the single largest predictor or a countries GDP and the individuals income and quality of life ….so until you can come up with a better predictor IQ will have to be a measure of an individuals potential to run and build a functional society

        21. Very interesting point….one must also include large numbers of Tartars and non Slavic peoples living in Russia from lower IQ Caucuss region and Central Asian Turkic and mongol peoples

        22. I’m not familiar with the Croat or South African statistics and so I
          can not comment, but Croats aren’t exactly ethnically similar to the
          rest of what people generally count as Europe.

          I see white Europeans. Same with the Greeks and the White South Africans. These are people who derive 95%+ of their DNA from Europe.
          The WN’s tend to argue that sub-saharan Africans (or peoples with substantial sub-saharan African DNA) are incapable of matching the intellectual capacity of predominantly European populations. My argument challenges this claim.
          WN/HBD types often rail against the inclusion of black people in western society on the basis of their having “inferior IQs” that threaten to dumb down the entire population. They do not rail against Croats or Greeks and regularly sing the praises of White South Africans.
          By showing that western Blacks do indeed have the intellectual potential to match these groups, I intend to expose the logical inconsistency of these anti-nonwhite arguments. If racialists are going to insist upon the exclusion/inferiority of black people on the basis of intellectual capacity, then they’ll need to do the same for the Greek and Croatian peoples in their midst, in addition to ceasing their praise of White South Africans.

          The black birth rate certainly doesn’t lead me to believe that blacks are malnourished, and I wouldn’t assume that blacks are inherently bad
          at raising their children unless you want me to. It’s not scientific to just assume that most of the black population is realizing a significant “nurture” IQ deficit relative to other groups that moves the mean score.

          The black nurture deficit in the Americas is obvious. Blacks attend inferior schools, consume inferior diets, live in substantially more resource poor environments (with greater exposure to health hazards known to impact IQ and intellectual development i.e. lead exposure) and operate under an inherently anti-intellectual culture that isn’t particularly adept at raising healthy, well-adjusted children.
          There is very little comparison between white and black America. They may as well be different nations.
          The majority of the gap between whites and blacks in the US may be genetic (emphasis on the “may” there), but there is no question that environmental factors account for a significant portion of the difference. Your typical white and black Americans are not equal from a nurture perspective (neither are whites and asians, for that matter).

          But assuming that what you say is true, which is a dubious assumption, ten points is a lot

          Not enough to justify the view WN/HBD types tend to take toward black intellect (the view that my argument is intended to undermine).
          Again, their standard racialist argument is that black genetic intellectual inferiority justifies their exclusion.
          They contend that blacks are simply incapable of building a stable, working society/economy, arguing instead that the apex of black national development is represented by Haiti and Sierra Leone.
          This theory directly contradicts that notion. A ten point difference between white americans and black americans would imply that blacks are about as intelligent as White South Africans, Croats and Greeks, all of whom have managed to build nations substantially more advanced than Haiti and the Congo.
          If this theory has any validity at all, racialists will have to re-evaluate their statements with regards to blacks and IQ and admit that blacks are capable of much more than they have so-far been willing to admit. That, or they will need to start viewing the potential of other groups with similar intellectual capacity (White South Africans, croats, Turks, etc, etc) with the same disdain that they view blacks.
          You cannot sing the praises of a white south african population’s intellectual capacity while simultaneously disregarding the intellectual capacity of a group with very similar IQ potential.

          In terms of blacks, what accounts for the over-procreation, especially in ratio to resources?


        23. Everything is always debatable, as long as it is well debated.

          I disagree.
          You may have the time and patience to spend addressing arguments/assertions that have no rational basis in reality, but I don’t.
          Beethoven was not a black man, and neither was Plato. There is no good way to debate those points – they simply are too distantly divorced from reality to be considered reasonably debatable.
          The same goes for the claim that Ancient Egyptians had no sub-saharan African admixture. There is simply too much legitimate scientific substantiation of this for it to be reasonably challenged.
          Specifically how much SSA admixture was present in ancient Egyptians at different times is debatable. The fact that some significant degree of that admixture existed is not, as it is a certainty denied primarily by highly Eurocentric racislists with a blatantly anti-nonwhite agenda.

          Telling us that something “isn’t debatable” is a joke.

          No it is not, and I’m not laughing.

          Try rephrasing.


        24. The negro group is actually a new mutant race. 10k years ago the entire population of the earth was 1m and they were almost all in the Caucasian group spread out on at least 3 continents. Only handfuls of negroes and mongol types existed in the far east and clinging to the west coast of Africa.If there were any humans south of the Saharra which was actually a Savannah they were of the Caucasian type. Caucasians are found in every part of the earth going back to the beginnings of human life.
          And stop with this DNA nonsense because this is a very new science and the nonsense that you picked up from Louis Farracoon, Spike Lee or some moronic ebonics speaking instructor at the low grade negro college, Howard, to make you feel good about yourself is just a lot of jive talking with no facts to back it up.
          ‘Substantial pre-colonial African civilizations did exist. That isn’t debatable.’
          You’re thinking about the 1700 and 1800’s but this sort of White colonisation was common in ancient times and that’s what you’re really seeing in some areas.It would be like going to Detroit a thousand years from today and believing that the ruins you found were originally built by the negroes who just happened to be the last people who moved in and lived there.
          You couldn’t even find Croatia on a map.My advice to you is if you are ever around intelligent White people (not likely since they don’t associate with poor negroes) is that you should just keep your mouth shut so that they just assume you’re that you’re a typical childish negro because if you do open your mouth you will leave no doubt that you’re both childish and ignorant. Most White people are just too polite to openly laugh at you and your so called “facts”.
          Maybe you should spend the next 20-30 years getting a REAL education and traveling so that White people don’t take you for a complete cretin and just accept you as a typical negro with an IQ of 85 (and that’s assuming you have some white blood).OK bro

        25. At the time when J Caesar took over Egypt it had been ruled by the Ptolemy family for 300 years. The natural blonde Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last queen of Egypt and incidentally the only one in her line who could speak Egyptian before the Romans took over.

          Before 1k BC there were no negroes in East Africa whether in Egypt, N Sudan (Kush) Ethiopia etc but by Cleopatra’s time some had been around for a while and had mixed to a small extent with the native Caucasians. These are the Semites (Arabs) but most of the other tribes and nations would have nothing to do with the inferior Negro, The Hebrew tribes would never go near them.

        26. Looks like we have a wiki “scholar” here lol Anybody can write any bullshit on wiki, boy. And what did I tell you about shutting your mouth? It’s better that people just think you’re a dummy rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

        27. You’re some poor uneducated loser who finally got one of those Jesse Jerkson computers and have deluded yourself into believing that you can argue with intelligent educated people just because you read some inaccurate crap on Wiki or picked up a few disjointed pieces while working as a janitor at my med school. You’re so dumb that you don’t even know you’re dumb because the people you associate with are of your class and just as dumb as you.And stop talking about DNA as if you know something because your level is about the same as those dumb negro jurors on the OJ jury. You’re just one of these loud mouth negroes that Caucasians laugh at and who think of you as a child.

        28. The actual source of the information is linked on the wiki page.
          This is my site, mr. IS. I will speak as I please.

        29. It is a man and a troll, just let him do his thing. XY not XX no point in wasting your time. Also photo is fake, don’t reply you will just encourage him.

        30. Oh look! a psychic negro. Sounds like you’re just jealous. And all of my pics are real. The one I have up now is in the south of France.

        31. He’s a nobody with no real education outside of reading Wiki and believing he’s now an expert on a subject because he read some bullshit written by another uneducated amateur. These types are all the same with big gaps in the little they know because they’ve never had a systematic education. Do you really want me to prove it? There’s a chat server on this Uni computer and I can turn it on and give everyone the IP and port and password to join in. Let’s see how clever he is in real time when he can’t look things up. Let’s also turn on cams so we can see who’s who.
          OK pyjama boy.

        32. All that means is that the Caucasians of ancient East Africa and the Middle East colonised the tribes inland but even this was in more recent history and after 1k BC (no negroes before this date) We know that the Hamites colonised the simpler blacks and were their Lords. And btw, this is where the myth of the sons of Ham who were cursed by Noah began where according to the Talmud they were turned black. Whether it was intentional by the Rabbis who wrote it in 500AD or they were just ignorant isn’t known. As I said, the Hamites colonised some negro areas and these areas followed the Hebrew cult. But since these Lords were a tiny group over time they mixed and were absorbed into the population and these Hamites now look black. So basically the bible story and reality got mixed up and confused which is how the myth came about.Nobody’s descendants were turned black by a curse lol In Genesis it does mention Cush the eldest son of Ham as being the father of a dark skinned race but Genesis wasn’t really completed until after 500BC and the men who wrote it may not have had all of the facts correct about the ancient time they were writing about because at the time they wrote it and knew who lived there Cush and the other Hamite Lords had either left or were assimilated into the majority black population.What you’re reading in Genesis was written well after the fact and taken from oral histories and the stories become confused in time and place a lot and draw the wrong conclusions about what really happened. To the average American the fighting in Rwanda just looked like blacks fighting each other but the Hutu and Tutsi are distinct peoples with one having more Hamite blood.

        33. IQ is all inherited. If you want to raise the IQ to Caucasian levels this is what you do. You take the top 10% of the US negroes who do have normal IQ and just allow those to breed while the other 90% are sterilised. In a generation the US negro IQ will be normal. This may have happened naturally if the government didn’t try to “help” all of them because over the generations the less fit and intelligent would have just died off leaving the more intelligent around to breed with each other. This may seem cruel but that’s how nature works.

        34. All of those traits are inherited along with IQ. But an “outgoing” personality means nothing as far as success. Negroes are a lot more outgoing but it doesn’t help them at all.There’s only one final test in life and that’s The Proof Is In The Pudding. You can’t analyse every facet of what goes into something but you can see the result.And that’s all that matters. IQ is the most important factor that you inherit but even if 2 groups have identical IQ’s one of them may do better because due to additional inherited traits like having more energy or even the desire to experiment and do different things but you still need that IQ to even be in the running.

        35. “Human development index” doesn’t truly measure a nation’s prosperity. Rhodesia substantially worse? Come on, you seem to be an intelligent guy. You know that under white rule starvation didn’t exist as it does today and the currency was debased. Zimbabwe has returned to a barter system, has regressed across the board. Even the South African blacks do not want black Zimbabweans in their country.

        36. The HDI correlates quite well with general prosperity and is far and away the best metric available to quantify the quality of life in individual nations.
          Where did I claim that Zimbabwe in 2014 was superior to Rhodesia at its peak? You’re fighting a strawman – don’t put words in my mouth.
          My argument was that South Africa, under white rule, did not have impressive living standards relative to many modern black nations that aren’t held in high regard by the WN/HBD crew who remain so insistent on black inferiority.
          When I said “Rhodesia was substantially worse”, I was claiming that its living standards were substantially less impressive than those of white-ruled apartheid South Africa (which itself was not very impressive). Rhodesia’s living standards, at its peak, don’t compare favorably to the likes of Gabon, Jamaica, or a host of other supposed “black hellholes” that WN love to point to in their bid to “prove” black “inferiority”.
          Rhodesia was certainly superior to modern Zimbabwe, but it was still a mediocre third world nation that doesn’t do anything to back up the WN/HBD claim that blacks can’t provide higher living standards for themselves than segregationist white colonialists. There are more than a few predominantly black occupied and governed former colonies that provide a better quality of life for their citizens than Rhodesian segregationists did for the blacks within their borders. Blacks do not need to live under the thumb of racialists in order to enjoy a decent quality of life.

        37. well egypt was black but the other stuff is lies
          im an egyptian and i know there was many black (nubian),greek and arab Pharaohs
          there are many sub Saharan African empires that archaeologists know of for example Nok Civilization,kingdom of mali,axum empire,Kaabu Empire ect
          maybe you should read more

      3. The Moors civilized whites, Rome stole from Northern Africa, get your facts straight. Also, the reason why Haiti is a poor countries is bc of the economic stranglehold put on that country. The Haiti Revolution kicked the French out, and in return they ordered Haiti to pay France, for starters.

        1. Total misinformation the “moors” were primarily berber’s mixed with Arabs berbers in particular the Riffians have blue eyes and light hair so much so that they are actually lighter than Spanish and southern Europeans and in areas that they have immigrated to in Spain they are routinely mistaken for English or even Scandinavians
          …..Also Ill have you know the word slave comes from the word slav as in Slavic…..more Eastern Europeans primarily women were kidnapped and sold into slavery in Turkish, Arab and North African slave harriems than west Africans were transported to the Americas in the slave trade

        2. I know I am not misinformed about the moors. You need to look up the definition of the word moor. Where you get a mix or light skinned individual from a word that mean black, hence maurice, baffles me. Berber and Arabs are not Moors. & thanks for the lesson on the word slave, I am knowledgeable about the slavics, etc…….

        3. The original populations of N Africa were Caucasians. 10k years ago (modern human history) 99% of the humans on earth were Caucasian. They were simply referred to as the Old European group or sometimes the OLD Mediterranean group since they covered a very large area of the earth. They were racially the same at that time regardless of whether they lived in Europe or Africa where many of their cousins lived during and after the last ice age which ended about 6k years ago.

      1. Just experiance. I have observed this phenomena so much it never surprises me anymore. Trayvon Martin may end up getting discussed here as well, and slavery, then Aurini will chime in at around 250-350 comments, these predictions are possible not definite. It would be par for the course..

        1. Ok first of Trayvon was killed by half Jewish half Mestizo ZImmerman who is clearly a nut on a power trip…..look at the numerous black one white murders and explain that ….I think those statistics speak the truth or the fact that in 2010 there was not one white male on black female rape but thousands of black male on white female rape… would be interesting to see statistics on Arabs, Asians and Mestizos as well

      1. Wide noses like animals, soulless eyes, lips like malformed sausages, giant ears, they smell like the trash they are, and gross nappy hair… I’ll stick with Aryans, thanks.

    5. While feminists are destroying the gaming and tech communities, WNs are destroying the manosphere. Can we pair them up and send them somewhere?

    6. Mabye i’m being ignorant, but don’t black men have the easiest time
      dating? Do they really need help as much as whites/indians/asians?
      The MSM culture promotes black men so couldn’t we have an article to help
      other groups out? It doesn’t even have to be racial; like dating tips
      for nerds etc..
      I really really wanted to throw in some stereotypes, and make a lot of racist comments (against various groups) for laughs and trolling – but then I realised that what other people were going to post would be far better than anything I could come up with.
      Btw, Satanic talmudic (not torah-observant) jews and gentile freemasons run the UK and are responsible for much of its, and the world’s, financial ills. I didn’t believe it until I met these guys in person. So I may not always agree with the White Nationalist, but many non-WNs also hold this view.

    7. Mabye i’m being ignorant, but don’t black men have the easiest time
      dating? Do they really need help as much as whites/indians/asians?
      The MSM culture promotes black men so couldn’t we have an article to help
      other groups out? It doesn’t even have to be racial; like dating tips
      for nerds etc..
      I really really wanted to throw in some stereotypes, and make a lot of racist comments (against various groups) for laughs and trolling – but then I realised that what other people were going to post would be far better than anything I could come up with.
      Btw, Satanic talmudic (not torah-observant) jews and gentile freemasons run the UK and are responsible for much of its, and the world’s, financial ills. I didn’t believe it until I met these guys in person. So I may not always agree with the White Nationalist, but many non-WNs also hold this view.

      1. If we want to take out the trash, we probably do have an easy time. If we want to date quality women of any race (including Black women) or go overseas (especially in places like NE Asia, my target), we are probably in last place.

    8. Voting yourself up again? There aren’t 65 people who have ever seen this black boy’s pickup blog lol
      You need to go to school or get a job boy

      1. Says the cunt who has upvoted her own troll-posts in the past repeatedly.
        At least Atlantaman got a number of logged-in upvotes, yours were always guest-only.

      2. I’m pretty sure he’s a highly educated professional male and you should shut the fuck up and show some respect. Why do you find it acceptable to come here and just give more reason for them to dislike women? Why are you perpetuating everything they dislike? You just sound like a dumbass.

        1. 1981? You hit wall. Why is it that when a woman’s arse and boobs sag she becomes an activist? Or are you just trolling for some attention or a homo looking for some gay sex?
          And you have no idea what this McGinnis is. Seems to be a pyjama boy with little real education and no job with too much time on his hands.

        2. Once again, you add nothing to this discussion.
          Yes I’m 32, but I look younger than I am. And I’m in great shape at 5’7″ and 112 pounds with perky 32Bs. I would gladly prove this to you if I felt that your uneducated opinion mattered. The great thing is that I’m able to discuss things like this like an adult with logic and reason. You, on the other hand…

        3. “You just sound like a dumbass.”
          Or a man. Mashenka has a penis, not an insult just the truth.

        4. You look post menopausal. I’m 5’7″ and 115lbs and 35c so there’s no way you’re 112. If you are then you must have looser skin like all 30 somethings.

    9. I agree. I’m not sure why so much of the “Man blogging” scene is so dominated by racists and white nationalist types. It seems to me that with regards to the issues discussed in these blogs, that men ought to identify and feel commonality with other men, regardless of race. Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the case much of the time.

      1. The extremists that believe they have the right to control and subjugate women often have the same views on races other than their own. It is all part of the same mindset. The men who just “want to be men” and respects women (like yourself) are being dragged down with these DBs. This would be an interesting website where men can read, learn and discuss different subjects and legitimate concerns (and women could also come to read, learn and discuss) if it weren’t for all the morons smutting all over it with their fascist ideas.
        It’s the neo-fascist/neo-nazi/neo-apartheid/neo-racist wave that currently plagues the world, it makes it difficult to discuss the real issues that can come up regarding immigration, poverty, crime etcetera when different cultures and religions clash. The fascists have hijacked the subjects, and by doing so have made it difficult (if not almost impossible) for us all to discuss and reach solutions to the real problems.

    10. I have a better idea: blacks should clean up their act. Judging from the
      comments, black guys seem to want little to do with their own women,
      and dating “non-black” girls usually means dating white ones. The black
      community needs to address this issue. No race out there has the kind of
      contra-gender animosity, illegitimacy rates, and interracial fetishism
      that blacks have. In the end, most white women marry whites, and most
      white guys don’t actively look to date blacks. Outside of a little
      youthful experimentation, black-white romantic relations are negligible.
      I’d wager this is little more than a fantasy among the WN’s in this
      thread, and the black guys looking to get as much white poon as
      possible. You are both deluded.

      1. Judging from the comments, black guys seem to want little to do with their own women

        The vast majority of black males date, marry and procreate with black women.
        This post is designed specifically for those who are interested in dating other women for whatever reason (i.e. they don’t work/study/live near many other blacks, they find non-black women attractive, etc, etc). It does not serve as substantiation for the notion that black men are not interested in black women.

        1. “The vast majority of black males date, marry and procreate with black women. ”
          As I said, I was referring to the comments here.
          Why are you guys so interested in dating white girls, as opposed to just any woman you find attractive–regardless of race? I include you, because of the pictures in your blog post. and a post of yours in the forum, where you lament white pornstars not banging black guys.

        2. If you and your brothas don’t have an obesssion with white women then why do almost all your articles discuss it?

        3. Why are you guys so interested in dating white girls, as opposed to just any woman you find attractive–regardless of race?

          I’m interested in dating any woman I find attractive, regardless of race. I don’t really understand why you’re concluding otherwise.

          I include you, because of the pictures in your blog post.

          How do 7 pictures of white female-black male interracial couples in an article specifically designed for black men looking to date outside of their race in a country in which 90% of non-black women are white somehow prove that I am not interested in dating any woman I find attractive regardless of race?

          and a post of
          yours in the forum, where you lament white pornstars not banging black guys.

          Which post? Was it this one?

          As I noted there, relatively few modern pornstars avoid black men. Most of the most popular modern pornstars do IR and many of those also do it in their personal lives. I’m not bothered by the few who choose not to do that. I probably won’t watch their work whether they do interracial scenes or not (I just don’t watch a lot of porn, especially mainstream/studio porn), so their decision doesn’t really matter to me. There’s nothing to lament.
          In any case, how does that post substantiate the notion that I am not interested in dating any attractive woman regardless of her race? Where in that post did I imply that I was ONLY interested in white women?

    11. Well, that’s the point, isn’t it? Click bait via racial baiting by Athlone McGinnis.
      It’s his specialty, and is increasingly the ROK specialty. The pics in this article were an especially nice touch toward that end.

    12. ” it is all a Jewish conspiracy to control the banks by letting black men destroy the white race by fucking our women”
      You deserve to be gassed, you know that

      1. For satire, gassed? If you don’t like my humor do not laugh. Mein KampF is bad prose, and Hitler was a meth addict that fucked his niece had father issues, and lost the war with terrible decision making and you are a dick. All true statements , total lack of satire, happy. Furthermore,blow me asshole.

    13. I’m not trying to be an ass here, but did you just admit/acknowledge that the majority of people in the comments section on this site are completely irrational?

    14. 580 my prediction was exceeded by 2. Atlanta Man the prophet( suspended my twitter but not my internet access) I predict the future! Back to FIRST AID for the USMLE STEP 1. Stay up players! We are Voltron!

  9. White chicks who date black guys, and are not of the standard obese mudshark variety are almost always profoundly fucked up people. It’s like cross dressing, is there a top down well financed cultural effort to make it seem normal and ok? yes. Is it, much like cross dressing the outward sign of a serious inner problem? also yes.

    1. U just mad cuz you are a loser who gets no action. Do the manosphere a favor and off your beta self.

      1. I surmise that you are only angry because what I said is true and everyone knows it.

        1. Let me tell you my simplified approach to dating in the absence of historical mores and traditions. I like attractive young women, I pursue them with vigor. I will adapt as I must to get as many as I can to have sex with me. I work out, dress a certain way and pursue career goals to better my chances. Attractive women to me ,notice I said me not anyone else , come in all colors but not all behaviors and not all sizes. I chase what I want that turns me on, I suggest you do the same but it is your life do as you wish.

        2. Dude you and I will be dead soon, do you really want to waste your time on this earth? Obtain wealth, sleep with attractive women, live well and healthy. You cannot change the past or other people, you can only affect the future and your own state of mind. You live in the best country in the goddamn world and all you want is there for the taking,you just gotta work for it. Do you at least understand my position? I am not asking you to agree with me, but you do get where I am coming from right?

        3. Your aspirations are shared by a great many people, family and friends included. It is true we will all one day die. I do not want to die deceived. Perhaps it is just in my nature, but I want to understand the processes of my world. I don’t want to be manipulated and die like that.

    2. White chicks who date black guys, and are not of the standard obese
      mudshark variety are almost always profoundly fucked up people.

      Not entirely accurate. If you follow the advice I gave in this article as a black male, you can regularly attract normal, fit, educated white girls, many of whom will be quite attractive. I’ve known more than one black male to do it.

        1. If you would like to get into my interest and objection regarding the topic at hand, beyond of course my natural revulsion as a man of one race seeing the women of his race procured by members of another (a universal sentiment) we can.
          I suppose we would start by talking about the pathology of Western elites for glamorizing the unions of races, specifically but not solely, black men and white women (of course not their own) and why is this tendency so prolific and well funded.
          Why do modern cultural engines dis-privilege religious and traditional tendencies, the preservation of people hood and non consumer based ideology?
          Is all this stuff good for white people? Is it good for Black people? Is it in fact good for any people save the very tip top of the shot callers? These are questions we could answer in a discussion using the original topic as a jumping off point.

        2. It’s good for America. The nation benefits when it’s knit together through kinship networks. That’s how France became France, growing out of disparate clusters of Gauls, Franks, Burgundians, Bretons, and Romans.
          A nation rife with ethnic division is much easier to defeat and/or manipulate from outside.

        3. The idea that distancing people from their ancestors and tradition through social engineering for mass Americanism is a good thing is something I vehemently disagree with.
          Also the coming together of various European tribes organically, and over time in the formation of a real culture and Nation is not even in the same ball park as cosmopolitans, CEO’s and media magnates financing and encouraging mass miscegenation for a global consumer, hip hop culture of debased coffee colored wal-mart slugs.
          The American notion of “coming together” and fighting for democracy is a capitulation to multi national financial interests and globalist hucksters. The idea that manipulators from the outside are worse enemies of people than cosmopolitan robber barons and their well funded army of left-tards and neo-cohens is ridiculous.

        4. Massive social engineering was required to make Anglo-Americans and Afro-Americans stop intermarrying. It was commonplace in the colonial era, and people only stopped due to brutal penalties imposed by the ruling elite.

          Without this social engineering, black Americans would have long since disappeared as a distinct group. Ironically, the thing you want the most can only be achieved by the thing you hate the most.

        5. Disagree, white people naturally segregate as all races do. The civil rights movement was a top down phenomenon whilst miscegenation laws were the will of the majority. You have got it backwards.

        6. Distancing people from their ancestors?? The Gauls, Franks, Burgundians, Bretons and Romans are the ancestors of France.

        7. The laws in the colonial period were imposed from the top down to support the forced labor system. The draconian laws were necessary because otherwise people would have continued to blend.
          Mixing is natural, that’s why people of African descent blended into the mainstream society and disappeared in southern Italy, Sicily, Spain, and Portugal. Also Mexico and Argentina. The African ancestry shows up in DNA analysis.

        8. Are you suggesting that Americanism is respectful or even mindful of the various lineages and traditions held (increasingly tenuously) by its collective human fodder?

        9. People are by nature discriminatory, tribal and unwilling to absorb large foreign populations, to say nothing of inter marrying with them. Your ideas about human nature are false. I’m sure they are very exciting to people enamored with the “one world” and the “end of race” but I am not one of those idiots. You may peddle your wares elsewhere.

        10. Just the facts of history. Human behavior as observed. The African DNA in Italian, Spanish, Mexican, and Greek populations didn’t come in through the water. It came in through the processes discussed in this article.

        11. If you would like to get into my interest and objection regarding the topic at hand, beyond of course my natural revulsion as a man of one race seeing the women of his race procured by members of another (a universal sentiment) we can.

          Nah, I’m good.

        12. You are committing a fallacy I believe called Loki’s wager. Basically it’s like giving transitional non pure green or blue colors as evidence that green and blue don’t really exist. Or in this case that they are forever trying to become yellow and would already be so if their efforts were not foiled by some sort of conspiracy against your version of human nature.
          The fact that vast amounts of wealth and influence are mobilized in order to bring the races of man together under one economic system. One that views differences in race and culture and the existence of non consumer based ideologies as a hindrance to this does not factor in your world view.
          In fact I actually went to the website you linked “backintyme” (created by an American mudshark lol) which is an offshoot of a typical left wing meets globalist financing publication featuring authors from various foundations, NGO’s, human rights groups and European Union offshoots. Who do you think funds all these groups and people? The financial elite do. They have been doing it for years. When some starry eyed liberal all wet with desire for an end to “racism” sits out on a street with a clip board for 10-15 bucks an hour who pays? George Soro’s, the Ford Foundation or some other financial criminal like the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds.
          Why? Because it encourages a pointless atomized society ripe for economic exploitation. People of race and nation can count on protection and a connection with their elite to a reasonable degree. De-racinated universal citizens are powerless pointless people destined to be exploited.

        13. Well the fact that Americanism has already reduced the founding stock of America by close to 40% over the last few decades it won’t take a millennium to disprove your prediction.

        14. I’m an American nationalist. Although I hold no ill will towards the rest of the world, I don’t buy into one-world ideologies. So I don’t believe in the “brotherhood of all white peoples” or that of all “black peoples”. It’s never worked. History just doesn’t bear it out.
          Part of Hitler’s grand plan was to slaughter most of the inferior (in his view) Slavs, enslave the survivors, and settle Germans in colonies throughout Eastern Europe. Until recently, Europe was an endless, white-on-white slaughterhouse.
          So, yeah, mixing is good. Unifying the founding peoples of America is good.

        15. Are you suggesting post 1960’s immigrants are founding peoples? Also what is an American? Besides someone who doesn’t like hitler lol.

        16. You do realise that the 1/3 north of Africa was one of the original Caucasian homelands along with Europe and most of Asia. Ethnically the White people in Egypt were the same as their cousins in the North. It wasn’t until 1k BC that a small number of blacks were seen in East Africa. Before the world population explosion the negro race was a tiny group on the west coast of Africa.
          You should also understand the difference between a multicultural society and one that is mixed. The Arabs only controlled the eastern side of Sicily and were thrown out. In Spain the Moors had the south but that area was totally ethnically cleaned and depopulated and then repopulated with whites from the north again.
          Argentina is almost 100% European and so is Chile with only a tiny Indian mixture in a small number of people and those “Indians” from Chile were rather Caucasian looking to begin with.Probably just Whites from thousands of years ago since Whites have been travelling all over the world for a long time.
          Americans know almost nothing about history, not even their own. And it’s a very rare black that knows anything at all .

        17. You’re obviously black because only blacks are so dumb. Africa is 3x the size of the US and there are different races.10k years ago which is moder human history the population of the earth was 1m, 99% of them were white. The black race was a tiny group on the west coast, the rest of Africa was white in the north.
          You may also want to learn the difference between nationality and race.

        18. We have to stop meeting like this. Slavic girls are okay, but I like Scandinavians better. Ozzie girls are also good.
          Anyway, as I said before, the African ancestry shows in the DNA analysis. Southern Italy, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, Greece. No way around it.
          You are correct in that the Argentine population is largely European.The African DNA in the Argentinian population is small, but it’s there. There were 40,000 black people in Buenos Aires in the early 1800s. They disappeared through intermarriage generations ago.
          You know, Maschenka, for a mouthy Rusky tart, you ain’t all bad.

        19. 80% of the people in Russia are Russians. Their ancestors are similar to Scandinavians. Hitler was not intending to slaughter them due to race.

        20. Oh, darling, read a history book. The dumb blonde is just an American stereotype. You don’t have to live up to it.
          Hitler wanted to wipe y’all out. Face up to it.

        21. She is not Russian. Bitch doesn’t speak it and doesn’t think it. Perfect american spelling and grammar is good indicator.

        22. Bullshit. Slavic chandlers and gloves don’t ring a bell? Hitler wanted to sterilize slavs and have us out on pasture like cows. You’re don’t have a drop of Russian blood in ya. Stop pretending.

        23. If I listed the books I had to read before even graduating HS it would be the equivalent of a PhD in the US. You know nothing black boy and I doubt that you’ve even read anything more than a comic book.So just go get a job as a shoeshine boy if you even qualify for that.

        24. My English language tutor was from England as a girl. You just think I’m perfect because you’re an idiot ebonics speaker.

        25. You are the fucking idiot claiming that Egypt was a white civilization and that there were no black people in North Africa. True, ancient Egyptians are considered Caucasian but not white. In fact, perhaps the darkest skin group of Africans made up half of ancient Egypt, the Nubians.
          Furthermore most anthropologist site Ethiopia as the cradle of modern humanity. Interesting enough they are classified as Caucasian as well.
          Black men take note, this women has been trained to tell you that all if Africa is african and black, except where there is evidence of ancient civilizations. Not to mention this moron likely knows nothing about the civilizations of Ethiopia, Egypt, Mali, etcetera. Bigots want you to think you can’t do it so they can justify their inhumanity. Tell them to fuck off and go read about Imhotep in Egypt, or king ezana of Ethiopia.

        26. Blacks in east Africa in 1k, you should return whatever degrees and diplomas you got, because that is laughably inaccurate.

        27. Tip: Increase your credibility by refraining from ad hominem attacks, and use relevant facts and data to argue your points.

        28. This is worse if you’d said nothing. Now there is no doubt in my mind. You are a fraud.

  10. Well-raised girls from stable families still tend not to bang outside their race.
    Throughout Europe, white girls who frequent lower-priced nightclubs will absolutely bang black. Once the drink/cover charge gets a little more expensive, it’s an extremely rare behaviour.

    1. Consider why this is. In many circumstances, it has a lot to do with not coming into contact with enough men outside their race that meet their social and economic standards. Naturally, there will be more whites in higher income areas etc. Men of other races tend to do well when they are of the same economic and social class.

  11. Good article, how about we write an article for white guys on picking up black women?
    Oh, wait…

      1. Except who cares because most white guys aren’t into 99.99% of black girls unless she looks like Beyonce. Black girls for white girls isn’t a fair trade for white men. Our women are better looking and more feminine than yours.

        1. Fair trade? Don’t fall into that binary thinking trap. Attraction is attraction, and some white men like to date black women also, regardless of your personal opinion. Don’t worry, there will still be a white female out there for you even though black men are dating some. Lol.

        2. I’m not worried about that. White women will always prefer white men just like every race mostly prefers their own race.

        3. If you are in college and implementing what this site advocates you should not care about fair because you personally should be doing very well.

        4. I won’t lie, I’m all about white pride and I’ve also jacked to porn of black women. I’d definitely tap a hot one. However, I wouldn’t want to marry one or get into a committed relationship because only a white woman could satisfy my psychological and physical needs all the time..

        5. I thought I wasn’t into black women until I saw well-dressed middle-class ones on a trip to London. It has a lot to do with what one associates with the respective skin color.

        6. I’ve fukked some black women, plenty of them have curves – as in hips, ass and small waist – that are very rare elsewhere.
          I don’t have a problem with decent blacks fukking white women, however race mixing is an abomination since the white genes are always removed from it. Blue eyes for example simply can’t be passed on across the races unless there is blue eyed white somewhere in the other race and that is very unlikely.

    1. white men don’t like black women and if he did write it just generate into the typical anti-semito-african hatred we see on this board whenever any race topic is discussed involving blacks.

  12. The racists who read ROK (there are very many) will go ape shit about this article!
    The more I see of America, the more I dislike it. The racism there is eating those who have this hate in this hearts alive.
    It is ironic that this is the same half witted demographic who write literally a never ending series of threads in Roosh V about how “perfect” multi racial Brazil is and how there are 8 women to every man – and other assorted bullshit (most if them haven’t been, they just parrot memes).
    This article hits their nerves; black men “taking” “their” women is their greatest fear – thus all the bile and venom and hate on display in these comments.

    1. Game is racially neutral, and is a weapon that can be used by men of any race. It’s up to us white males, if we desire to preserve our race, to learn game ourselves and be able to complete with more masculine black males who desire white women.

        1. Shame on you, Whites that think like you are the reason of multiculturalism, you don-t care while Japanese, Koreans and Taiwanese care and are a more pure race and countries now

        2. All three of those nations are in a demographic death spiral. They’re old and dying.
          Many of their young have migrated to the west, where they have some of the highest interracial marriage rates of any group (in the US, 30+% of Asian American women marry white men).

        3. I don’t care for purity, although I do think that parasites need to be fought and discriminated against. Skin color is a bad indicator to judge a peoples character, much worse than religious affiliation, which is also still somewhat inaccurate.

        4. Lol because they are overcrowded, the 3, more than the more overcrowded Europeans like British and Dutch, they need less people and they know it, they are the hightest IQ race for a reason.

        5. If White countries weren’t flooded with 3rd Worlders then nobody would be judged by race.
          The attempt to destroy EVERY White country, and ONLY White countries, through 3rd World immigration and ‘assimilation’ is GENOCIDE.

        6. Actually the Netherlands is more crowded then Japan but nobody says Japan needs to import millions of non-Asians and ‘assimilate’ with them to ‘blend humanity’.

        7. Many? Don’t think so. Japanese don’t think like US Negroes.They would prefer to keep their identity and perhaps live at a lower standard than to import foreign people to work and pay taxes for their old age benefits. In a generation or two things will even out after the old people die off and the old/young ratios are more in balance.

        8. I’ve noticed that the people who say they don’t care for purity blah blah blah are the ones who have nothing to lose and everything to gain by mass mixing.

      1. Like slaves worse than US.A lot of the lowest classes are blacks and many of these come to US which is why Americans have a distorted view of the world. Even 65% of Cubans are White and only 10% black and 25% mixed. You see the bottom and think they are typical.All of S America is run by Euro men with only 1-2 exceptions like Chavez who is a Zambo(black-Indian). Zimmermann is a Zambo from Peru, a small minority.

        1. She was never his gf hahaha She’s an entertainer and theyjust posed together. She was however JFK Jr’s gf.

        2. Exactly, Pele had her when she was hot.
          And Ayrton Senna had her right after Pele, when she was still hot. Once you go black, lots of high status white guys still want you, as long as you’re smoking hot.
          Game recognizes game, and there’s plenty of hot chicks for everyone, as long as you’re alpha.

    2. will go ape shit about this article!
      About black men who want white woman haha Da, you can call it that.
      No white man worries about this. Blacks get Honey BooBoo types unless he is one of the .000001% then he gets ordinary girl looking to take his money.

  13. There is little point to this article. Most educated black men will already have obsessed about how to get white girls. There are numerous websites and discussions on the subject. It is probably the most important subject of discussion for a large number of black men. The reality is that many black men only want white women and this article isn’t likely to be an eye opener to a black man.
    It is nevertheless understandable why white men dont like this. Because they are the losers of interracial dating of the black white kind. The main reason why white men frequent sites like this is because they are not having much luck with finding even one single decent white woman. Far from being pick up artists, most of these white men want to obtain for themselves one single decent long term white girlfriend or wife which they are unable to. Most of them. Probably almost all of them. Even people like Roosh with all their game have to hunt in numerous poorer very white countries in Eastern Europe to get lucky.
    And black men cutting on their turf will only reduce their chances even more. Roosh likes to act magnanimous and tolerant and cool with black men dating white women because it would not fit with his image of the successful PUA to seem to be threatened by blacks taking white women. But most white men dont have that luxury.
    If it had been the other way around, and black women were really beautiful and white men were chasing them, black males would be unhappy with the situation too.

    1. Or maybe Roosh just doesn’t think all blacks and all whites respectively represent teams. You know, like someone who isn’t a racist. What a load of nonesense.

    2. Roosh is not white, I believe he is of Turkish or middle eastern descent based on his name . Theoretically he is cutting off the supply to white men and infringing on “their” women as well. I believe from what I have read from Roosh he travels because there is abundance of his type abroad vs in the US. You would have to check with him on that, I feel uncomfortable talking for,about or defending him on his site because I do not know him personally, and if he feels the need to be defended he can chime in at any time.

      1. Turks are Caucasians as are the peoples of Western Asia and Asia Minor(part of Europe) Americans are really stupid and think only Europe is White.

      1. These people are very white and just have different features. They’re an offshoot of Whites, the original race of men.

        1. I don’t doubt that you do know a lot of homos like yourself. 50% of negro men are on the downlow according to the WHO

    3. Even people like Roosh with all their game have to hunt in numerous poorer very white countries in Eastern Europe to get lucky.
      No no, it was the Jante system that was to blame lol

  14. The RoK victim mentality is pretty widespread, I guess. What’s with the anti-black sentiments? Sort yourself out, people.

    1. Well at least the sentiments are not Anti-White, which is what seems to be the rule everywhere else apart from forums for naziswhowanttokill6millionjewsandrapeannefrank.

  15. Countries for black men to game: Germany, UK, Scandinavian bloc, South East Asia and South America

  16. As an African American man born and raised in England, I am shocked by your use of the word “Black” American. How dare you subject us to these ignorant, racist discrimination.
    I bet you have a small penis and live in your mom’s basement jacking off to hentai!

    1. You are offended by the word ‘Black’ ?
      Are there any White people on this forum who are ‘offended’ by the word ‘White’ ?
      What about Asians, any Asians offended by the word ‘Asian’ ?

  17. Solid article Athlone.
    Just a small addition…
    I think tight G is less about going
    against stereotype, and more about being almost contradictory. Or, put another way, working hard to have depth… to be multifaceted.
    I know brothers that try so hard to break stereotypes that it comes across as self-hatred. They start moving towards a different kind of stereotype – the Oreo.
    The reason is because they translate “break stereotypes” to “disown Black culture”. And so they stop listening to Hip Hop and bring out their “white voice”. (Ha!)
    But that’s a simp move.
    In my experience, it’s better to play past any kind of label. Own your background… and just be unexpected. G’s with Howard degrees do well with any race.

  18. I don’t see why black men feel the need to have specific articles directed towards them. Most of this advice could be used just as much for white guys and any other race. Anyone would benefit from having a solid career. Also, I’m doubtful black men are more in touch with their masculinity, otherwise their women would not be fat and ghetto.

    1. “I’m doubtful black men are more in touch with their masculinity, otherwise their women would not be fat and ghetto.”
      What the hell is this even supposed to mean? lmao

    2. The same reason asian ( I include India in asia) need their own article. Caucasian is the default in the US and some people need a little perspective outside of their social bubble on how to approach an unfamiliar situation. Trust me for most young brothers just wearing non baggy clothing is a huge step and can be alienating from the bubble to which you are accustomed. Kind of like when our soldiers in Afghanistan had to deal with tribal elders, many had to grow beards to make things flow smoothly and this was something they were unaccustomed to doing when conducting business in the west.

      1. It seems that (the mixed) Hispanics are the only ones who don’t need specific articles despite the fact that they are not default.

    3. As I already said:

      It is true that social circle game can be useful for any man of any
      ethnic background, and most dudes of all kinds could benefit from the
      advice above. For black males in the USA, however, social circle game is
      especially significant. It is the most potent defence they will have
      against negative stereotypes that could have a deleterious effect on
      one’s social, professional and romantic life.

      There’s plenty of overlap, but the reality is that you cannot approach the game as a black male the way a white or asian male can. There are differences that you must take into account if you’re to succeed, and I’ve decided to note them.

    4. Cultures are different, and expression passes on knowledge in different ways.
      Whilst the image of African-Americans is one of hyperphysical acts of exerting masculinity, the most empathy I have gained from RoK and RVF is that AA’s with poor game, those that are introvert, those adverse to being thuggish or criminal, is that their options are pretty poor.
      A white guy with a fuzzy hat saying ‘yeah sarge the hb8 giving you ioi’s, then use Kino to overcome lmr!’ isn’t going to be viewed with much relevance.
      Black role models are going to be needed

  19. I am a Black (American) male teaching english in Istanbul, Turkey, and I had no idea how much I would benefit from “social circle game”, in fact, its a little overwhelming, especially if you are an introvert. If you happen to be teaching at a private university/high school/elementary school, or Adult Language Center (and you are known to have a good work ethic), having co-faculty & students sing praises about you as a teacher will get you inundated with women flirting with you (students, faculty, administrative staff, and sometimes single parents of students!). English Teacher = Pre-Societal Approval. I’ve always had a policy of “not shitting where I work”, and my “game” has always been subpar back in the States, so I really don’t know how to handle all this attention I am getting from from some very attractive young women.Every day I am asked “Teacher, do you have a girlfriend?” Discretion is the key, so I am taking my time, and strategizing how can make the most of this awesome situation without causing a scandal.

  20. Social Circle Game FTW whatever race you are. Just be a chillaxed person and people will be sweet with hanging with you.

  21. The worst thing that ever happened for the black American male was the alliance made between feminists and the black elite (Jesse Jackson originally, leading up to Obama now).

  22. Blacks must be returned to Africa. They have no place in our civilization. They are evil demons.

    1. I had no clue I was an evil demon. Why have I been apart of the manosphere and an MRA for all of these years.

    2. Damn it! Our secrets out. Run my brothers…back to Africa!!!! Oh wait!!! We were born in America….damn! Oh well. Sorry. Maybe next time. But thanks for the invitation! And how did you know we were demons….did you see our horns and tails?!?!

  23. Lol do black guys really need help fucking slutty white girls? The media is practically making it easy mode for you

    1. It’s a right of passage for every college girl I know. Right there with [pretending to be]ing bisexual for a semester.

      1. Maybe of the slutty girls who go out. There a lot of white girls who won’t date black men. High value white guys only want LTRs with white girls that aren’t attracted to black guys

        1. If a white girl says she has never or will never be attracted to a black man, she’s lying. Of course, you will believe her, and wife up that pure innocent white only women who has never (that you know of) slept with a black man.

        2. God how low must the black male ego be to have to totally convince yourself everyday that another race’s women ALL desire you sexually. The majority of every race prefers its own race, this has been shown consistently and not just exclusive to black or white. Black men have accomplished so little on this earth that they constantly must bolster their egos with the stereotypes put forth by the media

        3. The majority of every race prefers its own race, this has been shown consistently and not just exclusive to black or white.

          I do not think that this is being disputed.
          What David is responding to is this:

          High value white guys with options are only going to wife up a white girl who isn’t attracted to black men at all

          It is one thing to claim that most females within any given ethnic group prefer members of their group in general when it comes to dating/sex/marriage.
          It is another thing, however, to imply that most females within any given ethnic group have no attraction at all to males of other groups.
          Most white girls prefer white men, but you’re going to be hard pressed to find one who has not, will not and cannot find a non-white man sexually attractive at all. The chances of there existing/having existed at least one such individual (be it someone who was once in her personal life or merely a celebrity/someone she saw on TV or wherever) are very high, and she’s probably lying to you if she claims not to know of one and/or to be incapable of finding them sexually appealing.
          The same could be said for members of any demographic (male or female). Most white men prefer white women, but you’ll be hard pressed to find one who has never found a non-white girl appealing.

        4. I’m afraid he (typicalcolelgebrah) is also using a scarecrow argument tactic to shield his point. At no point did I say or imply that ‘another race’s women ALL desire” (black men sexually). What I’m saying is that there is an extremely high likelihood that the typical white women has found at least one black male attractive in her entire life. This doesn’t mean that she finds the black race as a whole attractive.

        5. Only if the blackie was a real African. You boys would do better to learn Swahili, dress like a Nigerian and try to pass yourselves off as the real McCoy, not some mongrel former cotton picking American jive talking clown. Bahati nzuri! Yes, I speak Swahili too from my 2 years in Kenya. Very nice place despite the nonsense you see on the Boobtube. All of you need to travel around Africa

        6. Mad Suka, mzungu, Nigerians don’t speak Swahili. They speak English, Pidgin, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, and a bunch of minor languages.

      2. There are still a lot of white girls that won’t touch a black guy. High value white guys with options are only going to wife up a white girl who isn’t attracted to black men at all

      1. We are beyond your reach. The only reason that I’m here is that I’m writing a paper on Pyjama boys and doing research.

        1. Why must you insist on trying to convince people of an ideal that is firmly divorced from reality? Black men have, will, and will continue to take quality white girls, regardless of your unsubstantiated fantasy.

        2. lol whatever you say man. Yet even after years of white guilt, affirmative action, and black male sexuality being paraded in the media there continues to be many white girls who have no interest in black men, at all. Quality white girls and white girls that go with blacks are mutually exclusive groups.

        3. Not denying that many white girls are not interested in blacks. However, there is evidence that the number of white girls that are interest in blacks has increased, and is increasing every single year, as it has for about 25+ years. Your binary thinking is symptomatic of an idealist, not a pragmatic observationist. It is a sign of a weak mind and unsophisticated thinking to say “quality white girls and white girls that go with blacks are mutually exclusive”. Surely, (and statistically), this is not the case, but you refuse to acknowledge an alternate because you are wedded to your own ideals.

        4. Of course it’s still increasing, you guys got rights like 50 years ago and now there’s a half black president. It’s going to level out pretty soon though.

        5. You guys? I am not black, first and foremost. Secondly, your assertion is pure speculation. If tolerance and inclusion continues to increase at the rate is has, it may level out in complete acceptance from a vast majority (85%+) of people. Why is is so hard to accept that a quality white women could be attracted to a well-adjusted, educated, kind black man? There must be a reason you feel the way you do.

        6. That would be your dream wouldn’t it? 85% of white people having non white children and the genocide of the white race.

        7. No, not 85% of white people having non-white children, merely 85% of people that accept and are tolerant of interracial relationships. Ideally, I would want this at 100%. Of course, people that are tolerant of interracial relationships don’t have to be in one themselves.

        8. Why is is so hard to accept that a quality white women could be attracted to a well-adjusted, educated, kind black man?
          There must be a reason you feel the way you do.

          The reason? He doesn’t like black people.
          Black people are, in his view, a threat to his history, his safety, his country, his family, his heritage, his culture, his romantic future and (in the likely event that he is a WN) his race/genetics. The very presence of black people (and tolerance of/for black people and the association of whites with them) is, in his mind, a fundamental threat to all that he considers dear. The general black population is, in essence, an existential threat to all that he values and considers worthwhile in this world.
          The black man, to him, cannot be a friend or even a casual neighbor. The black man cannot be his brother or his peer. The black man creates nothing he values or considers worthy of preservation.
          In the minds of men like “typicalcollegebrah”, the black man is, at best, an aggressive, potentially dangerous competitor and societal parasite that everyone else would be better off without.
          At worst, the black man is a mortal enemy and aggressively malignant societal cancer whose immediate removal would constitute nothing short of the highest good for everyone else.
          These feelings “typicalcollegebrah” has (which are shared by many others in the WN/HBD-sphere and elsewhere) are what preclude him from seeing why a decent white woman would find a well-adjusted, educated black man attractive. These people do not make distinctions between blacks who are educated or uneducated, kind or vicious, well-adjusted or misbehaved. At the end of the day, they are ALL the enemy.

        9. Sure, maybe Sidney Portier in “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” not some hoodboy and aspiring rapper. The average black in the US couldn’t even get a black woman in Africa because they view you as morons. Go ahead try it.

        10. There is simple no demand for black men and US black females are the dregs of the world except for a tiny group. 80% are unmarried which should tell you something.

        11. There was more acceptance 30 years ago so it’s really going in reverse. With all the media and Net people are seeing things they were blind to years ago.

        12. You’re deluded by TV and films. Blacks do nothing but watch TV so they cater to you just like some stores and fast food places do.I don’t even know of white people who watch TV anymore.Or even own one.

        13. So, you’re like, fifty? How would you know what was going on 30 years ago? I should call you grandma.

        14. Quit fantasizing about black guys. You can never go back to Russia with a black husband and a brown baby.

        15. Deluded by TV? None of that is on TV, its mere reality and easily observable to anyone who spends a significant amount of time chatting with the racialists who show up in the manosphere.

        16. There was more acceptance for interracial relationship 30 years ago? According to a Pew research study, in 1986 there was 37% acceptance of interracial relationships. In 2012 there is 87%. Please stop lying to propagate your point. Support it with facts an evidence, as rational men do when arguing.

        17. You are absolutely right. Although you know nothing about me and are just a stranger on the internet….you are correct in your in depth detailed summarization of my person. I am truly impressed. I must learn your research techniques. Your paper will be one of the great literary works of our times. I look forward to reading your riveting masterpiece. I am sure it will be filled with referenced facts and logic. Please continue to educate me with your immense breadth of knowledge. I feel enlightened already. Thank you. You have taught me much.

    2. This whole site is about fucking ‘slutty’ white girls. Many RoK readers need help in that category, lol.

  24. Great Article. I would suggest that Black men (whether they want to date outside their race or not) develop interesting hobbies as well. One of the reasons my husband and I were attracted to one another is because neither one of us fit the black stereotype. (We’re both black, and he spent a good portion of his childhood in Compton no less) He’s a big reader, into science fiction (even got me into Star Trek!), listens to science and technology podcasts, has traveled the world, loves trying new foods etc. He also doesn’t try to push away black culture completely. He listens to Hip Hop, spends time with his family in the ‘hood’ and picked me lol. He’s never had any trouble attracting women from any background.

  25. breaking the violent sterotype by be successful and well established and try social circle game. that can work with many minorities in other nations. like muslim in europe, indian in bc,native in canada,abrogine in australia and moari in nz.
    lets try to be yuppies.

    1. I think an article for Asian men on how to date white women would be much more relevant than this “muh dik” parade drivel.

  26. As a white guy let me tell you blacks how to pick up white girls:
    Talk white
    Look white
    Think white

    1. and how a white guy to pick up a black girl:
      Talk black
      Look black
      Think black
      I think this is because people have a natural racial preference.

    2. Talk white yes…or better to say, use correct English and speak intelligently.
      Have your own style be make it beat clean and universal.
      Think like an intelligent man, not a boy and act like one. But in general your point was mostly correct.

  27. Not bad. Interesting and helpful to those who will listen (speaking as a black man).
    Most importantly in this article is, DON’T BE A THUG, DRESS LIKE A THUG OR ACT LIKE A THUG. It only has a negative association with being black nothing more.
    Be an Alpha male and act accordingly. Nobody likes thugs. Most people, white or black hate and fear thug like people.
    Dress nice, smell nice, have a good job or own your own and act like the man that you have made yourself to be.
    If a chick doesn’t like you simply move on to the next one.
    Plenty of women to bang out there gentleman. You can have your pick if you use game. It’s universal.

  28. I read this article and immediately tried it out. I blacked up, deepened my voice somewhat, and stuffed my pants with a cucumber. It really worked too. I got so much pussy. And the disguise was perfect because someone else got the blame for all those rapes.

  29. That’s a lot of hurdles to vault over, wow. I wonder if that makes your game tighter though?

  30. Athlone – my question is why are the females all white? (Kim Kardashian is white despite what people say) That is why white males get upset about this. You could have shown a picture of a cute Asian girl or a vivacious Hispanic girl with a black male, but you chose to show all white females. No one wants black men to fail except weak black men and the powered elite. I want black men to be able to pursue their own happiness and to strive and succeed despite any obstacle that faces them whether racially or what all men face. But it seems that without white women or mixed white women they can never achieve this. What this does it shows the deepest insecurity of black men and their self-hatred and it further objectifies them as the Mandingo. I get it: White women are beautiful – with their blonde hair and colored eyes and feminine qualities. Maybe you want to experiment with other races like all people do of all backgrounds. I think this is the era of disproportionate interracial mixing but my prediction is that there will be a backlash. Every liberal white girl will say love is colorblind but I think for most people mixing of the races can’t last and white people will start to become more and more enclosed. I once spoke to an old neighbor of mine who was English who married a Korean woman – his kids looked 100% Asian and he said people would ask him all the time if they were adopted. Imagine how gut wrenching that is as a man. When people see a white female with a dark skinned kid they shake their heads. White people don’t win by mixing so they will stop.
    Perhaps this is all historical karma for the slavemasters for sleeping and having kids with the mami’s. The best solution is for successful and high caliber black men to choose the most beautiful and feminine black female lioness (ironically many of them go to white males) and to show leadership instead of playing into the hands of the powered elite like Malcolm X warned about.

    1. This is the number one factor that will keep white women marrying within their race that black men just can’t defeat no matter how much they bitch and moan: most people want children that look like them. They’ll never be able to give that blonde chick a blonde blue eyed baby with angular facial features. Just a mixed negroid child.

      1. Being the exception that proves the rule, I guess I should feel sorry for other mixed, black/white children. I’ve had a charmed life. I received the small blessings of being born without much in the way of identifiable negroid features. I received nothing but adoration from people when I was a child, due to my curly hair and big eyes. As an adult male who looks Mediterranean if anything, no race of women has been closed to me. Sure, a white man is going to have better odds with white women, and white and asian men with asian women, but latinas, in all their variety, are the sexiest women on the planet, and they love my look, so I still come up roses.
        But even so, I don’t condone race mixing. As I grow older, it all but revolts me. It’s impure, it’s careless, and there is a fetishistic aspect about many of these couplings. I won’t even sire a child myself unless it’s with another mixed race, dark haired Italian, or Latin woman. At least the kid will have a high chance of looking like his/her parents, and not be asked the stupid questions I was asked by mental midgets (about as hard as times got for me, but still irritating).

        1. And latinas, in all their variety
          There’s no such thing. These are just mixed people to a greater or lessor extent who speak a sort of Spanish.
          The Latins are an Indo European Aryan group.We refer to Latin America because these people owned and colonised the area, that’s all.

        2. “The Latins are an Indo European Aryan group.We refer to Latin America because these people owned and colonised the area, that’s all.”
          Who else cares about that?

        3. “But even so, I don’t condone race mixing. As I grow older, it all but revolts me. It’s impure, it’s careless, and there is a fetishistic aspect about many of these couplings. I won’t even sire a child myself unless it’s with another mixed race, dark haired Italian, or Latin woman.”
          It’s funny, but as a first generational mulatto I feel exactly the same about everything you said. I think the black man, white nordic woman combination is particularly careless most of the time. But I love my mulatto brothers and sisters and also other brown people.

      2. They’ll never be able to give that blonde chick a blonde blue eyed baby with angular facial features.
        Aside from the fact that your statement is faulty (anyone with a sound understanding of human genetics and the nature of the Black American genetic pool could tell you this), not all white women are blonde or blue-eyed. Thus, if the dearth of blonde/blue-eyed babies is going to become the “number one factor” keeping such white women “within their race”, what of the other white women who lack such features?

        1. That’s a photo of our collective American future. Learn it, live it, love it.
          I have several blue eyed cousins. There have always been black-identified Americans with blue eyes.

        2. Lol the black population isn’t growing between the AIDs, gang violence and poverty I don’t see that. I see a majority hispanic future if anything

        3. It’s precisely the interracial marriage that will prevent Balkanization. Just call me Sir Mix a Lot!

        4. That rule will always apply in the United States. Nobody is disputing that.
          What is being disputed, however, is this:

          They’ll never be able to give that blonde chick a blonde blue eyed baby with angular facial features

          That’s a false statement. All that would be required to make that a possibility is a significant degree of European admixture on the part of the black parent. Such individuals are not hard to find given the fact that most new world blacks have substantial European heritage (the typical African American being around 20% European by blood).
          If you want a firm, clear rationale for the avoidance of interracial relationships by white women, that one isn’t going to work.
          I’m sure you can think of some other ideas, though.

        5. People of mixed race background do not look the same as those with full European background. Period. There is no substitution for a full European pedigree. Sure you can find mixed individuals with lighter skin tones, maybe even the rare instance of light eyes, but unless it’s only trace amounts of non european blood (less than 10%) it is incredibly easy to make the distinction.

        6. People of mixed race background do not look the same as those with full European background. Period.

          They don’t look identical to those of full African or East Asian background either.

          There is no substitution for a full European pedigree.

          Or African. Or East Asian. Or South Asian…

          Sure you can find mixed individuals with lighter skin tones, maybe even
          the rare instance of light eyes, but unless it’s only trace amounts of
          non european blood (less than 10%) it is incredibly easy to make the

          Sure it is, but that doesn’t bother nearly as many people as you seem to imply.
          Keep in mind your original statement:

          most people want children that look like them

          It is one thing to compare a mixed child’s appearance to that of a much broader, general population that typically lacks mixed heritage. He/she is more liable to stand out in that case.
          It is another thing entirely to compare that child’s appearance to that of each of his/her parents. It is typical for a mixed child to bear a strong resemblance to each of his/her parents in a myriad of ways (ex: facial characteristics).
          Barack Obama is a fairly good example of this:

          Now take a look at his maternal grandfather:

          Obama’s African heritage is made blatantly obvious by his skin tone and hair texture, but his facial features are typical of a Dunham, particularly in the lower mouth/jaw region.

          That he descends directly from Stanley and Ann Dunham is very obvious. In fact, I’d argue that his link to the Dunhams is more visually clear than his link to his actual Kenyan relatives:

        7. Not really, no. There’s nothing magical about African genes that allows them to routinely overcome a 3 to 1 advantage, much less a 7 to 1 advantage. Tens of millions of white Americans have some sub Saharan African ancestry, as do millions of southern Italians, Spaniards, Portugese, and Greeks.
          Eartha Kitt, half black and half white, was obviously what we call “black” here in the States. Her daughters and granddaughter, 1/4 and 1/8 black respectively, are white.

          Same with Susan Rice and her kids.

          Victoria Rowell and her daughter.

        8. OK. I have to disagree with you here because that 1 drop rule is insane and makes no scientific sense. What happened is that white slaves were being sold and white people complained about it.The slave sellers are the ones who made up this 1 drop rule by claiming they were black because perhaps their great 3x grandparent was black. But originally in places like Virginia in the 1600’s you were not considered black unless you were more than 1/4.

        9. Yes, he’s confused about genetics. What he probably meant that since blonde hair/blue eyes are a recessive trait that a man/woman with this trait can Only produce this, not that it can’t be produced otherwise with another mixture.

        10. The individuals who evolved European features and larger brains over millions of years in Northern and Western Europe are significantly genetically different than those who remained in Africa. Mixing with and having even 1/4 African blood will certainly result in lower IQ and an overall evolutionary regression. So I really I don’t see how you could think the one drop rule isn’t valid? 100% European heritage is what being white is.

        11. You’re making a mistake of believing that it’s only the US that is multicultural with Whites as the majority. Other countries are too to a lessor degree. Some may mix with the native population and many do not and just exist as a minority within the country. Nationality just means that you’re a citizen of a country but it doesn’t always mean that you are the same ethnic stock as the native majority. Many Englishman who have lived in Kenya for generations would say they are Kenyan even though blacks are the majority. Same in S Africa.

        12. Obama doesn’t look anything like his so called Kenyan father.Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis who looks like the typical mixed US black.
          Obama’s birth certificate is irrelevant because his mother was an American which makes him a natural born American regardless of where he may have been born.You do not need to be born within the US to be a natural born American, it’s by descent. But I think he was born in Hawaii anyway. If by some odd chance he wasn’t he may just be going by what his mother or grandmother told him if he’s mistaken or they changed the birth certificate. It’s irrelevant anyway.

        13. People have a natural tendency to divide themselves so this mixing likely won’t happen to any large degree. But even if everyone was mocha they would still divide themselves into classes. It seems like this is some sort of natural law.

        14. Not really just European. The original Caucasian racial type was Europe, Asia, Africa and perhaps even in other places.10k years ago they were virtually the only humans on earth.After the world population explosion that continues to this day the very tiny Negro group isolated on the west coast of Africa began to expand.
          I’m not certain if a very tiny bit of negro DNA would have much of an effect BUT if a general mixing were to occur it may make a large difference. No way to know until it’s too late.We know that some diversity is good which is why people don’t marry their 1st cousins which while it may not normally cause a problem if everyone did it it may be a big genetic disaster. But we don’t know if the opposite is true where people who are very different genetically breed and this also causes a big problem if done on a large scale.Close inbreeding is bad but perhaps outbreeding is even worse.

        15. I think every race not just Whites would do well to avoid inbreeding with Africans. They are clearly the weak link with respect to intelligence and deferred gratification, things that are necessary in creating a civilized society.

        16. I see you’ve been reading the article I linked. Good girl, Mad Suka. Or boy, or whatever.

        17. Nobody said she was white. But not black either. Beeing able to think only in binary terms is not very intelligent imo.

        18. “Close inbreeding is bad but perhaps outbreeding is even worse.”
          For whom? For you?

        19. It’s neither about Africans nor about blondes with angular faces. I wonder which minimum IQ may be required to think in other than binary terms?

        20. “That rule will always apply in the United States. Nobody is disputing that.”
          Wrong, a lot of people are disputing it.

        21. “That rule will always apply in the United States. Nobody is disputing that.”
          Actually, a lot of people are disputing it.

        22. “People of mixed race background do not look the same as those with full European background. Period.”
          True.Why should they?

      3. (which btw will face discrimination and hard times because of this)

        I’ve always been fascinated whenever I see racialists make this kind of statement. It is clearly designed to make their statements appear somewhat empathetic, as though their opposition to interracial relationships is the product of a deep-seeded compassion for the non-white products of such relationships and not of a general distaste for the non-whites who are involved. They want to appear as though they are humanists and not racialists. Dislike doesn’t motivate them — compassion does.
        What they usually forget to note is this: people like themselves are usually the main sources of the “discrimination” and “hard times”. Few people will be more uncomfortable (and more willing to express said discomfort) with the existence of these mixed children than these same racialists who lobbied against their conception by crying compassionately about the “hard times” they’d face (hard times which they themselves planned to bring).
        You’ve made that same omission here, unsurprisingly.

      4. I wonder how many women actually like or fancy blond non-Latin men? So much for your obsession with blondness. Or maybe that’s why?
        Also, don’t you know that gentlemen prefer brunettes anyway?

    2. Here in the States it’s going to increase at least to UK levels, though stratified along socio-economic lines. Rates of black white marriage are much higher in the UK than in the US. ,especially between white men and black women.
      Black American women, like all minority women in the US, want to date white guys. Not trash, but athletic white guys with good educations and good incomes. Like, ahem, the white guys on the Duke lacrosse team. Crystal Mangum was deeply hurt when those white guys didn’t want her, that’s why she filed charges.

      1. 93% of the UK is still British so apparently except in your own distorted mind and from the media you have an unbalanced picture.
        Black is 2%;Indian/Paki is 3% and mixed is 1.2%; other is 1.6% and are probably just Euros living in the UK.

        1. No, Mad Suka. Black women in the UK marry white men at much higher rates than black women do in the US. You don’t know the facts, not that that has ever stopped you.

    3. The article is about how black American men can appeal more to non-black women in the United States.
      Nearly 90% of non-black women in the United States are white (only just under half of America’s hispanic population is actually non-white/not of predominantly European heritage).
      Well over 90% of black men who are dating/married interracially are with White Women. Asian Female – Black Male couples are still exceedingly rare in the USA.
      If a black male in the USA seeks to date interracially, he will (9 times out of then) end up with a female of predominantly European heritage. He is simply not statistically likely to pair up with an Asian or non-white Hispanic girl.
      Given these realities, can you understand why perhaps the bulk of the photos displaying interracial couples in an article about black males in the USA dating interracially will consist of white women and black men?

      1. If whites and blacks marry, not common, it’s usually white man/ black female by 2 to 1.Sort of like on the old show the Jeffersons I watched on Youtube.Racist black George Jefferson called their kids, Zebras.

        1. Mad Suka, you’re just wrong on this. Black male / white female marriages happen twice as often as white male / black female.

    4. “Athlone – my question is why are the females all white?”
      I think it’s because nordic white women are the non-black women who are the most interested in this type of relationship with this type of partner. This my be cultural or due to the fact that some people find a sharp contrast exciting.
      Brown (Hispanic,mixed or Arab women) women normally prefer brown or light brown men. (Southern European) For example Jennifer Lopez dated Piff Diddy when she was very young and stupid (she said this herself) but had her children with a brown man like herself. Piff Diddy was the only black man she ever dated. All the others were brown and one was white.
      When Asian women go interracial on the other hand they usually go for white WASPs or Germans, sometimes French, because the French like everything anyway.

  31. white girls that date black guys are absolutely disgusting and I would never date one. such animals

    1. Would you rather date a girl who fucked the family dog, or girl who fucked a black guy?
      It’s a trick question. Your mom did both!

      1. Pretty ironic you compare fucking a black dude to fucking a dog. Who’s the real “racist” here? Looks like it’s you, the politically correct faggot.

    1. If black dudes and black people in general are so fuckin great, MLK, Mandela and Malcolm X and all this black supremacy and “black is beautiful” shit, why do they always want white women?
      Why don’t black men date within their own communities? Lord knows there are hordes of black single women everywhere that nobody fucking wants, especially black men it seems.
      The only white women who date black men are white trash.
      You PC faggots should probably go here:

      1. the thing about this century though is that who you fuck is not determined by the opinion of other people of your race

        1. Then go find some nasty hood rats to fuck. Maybe even marry one. Bet your family would be so proud.

        2. “Skin colour is not an issue for me.”
          Then why the fuck are talking about white guys and black dicks? Do you want to suck a few black dicks, you faggot?
          If skin color is a non-issue, you’re in luck. Them hood rats have nice big black ghetto asses. They usually have big tits too. Be a man and fuck a black bitch today! It’ll make you an anti-racist morally superior faggot who can look down on everybody else.

    2. a few extra individuals on the higher end of the bell curve means every black guy has a bigger dick than every white guy? lol ok. this country is 70% white and 12% black so honestly there are probably more white guys with dicks 7+ inches than black dudes in the States

      1. As a med student of course I’m interested in anatomy and have looked at REAL statistics not silly anecdotal nonsense. Negroes do not have bigger shems and in fact are smaller when erect.Only the erection matters for sex and men from colder climates have a denser Corpus spongiosum that expands more. If a white and negro man were naked in a cold climate the negro would get frostbite and then gangrene and his kok would fall off.

        1. Maschenka, dolink, you’re thinking a little too hard (heh,heh) about black men’s cocks.
          Just make sure you don’t molest any of your black male patients when you’re doing an exam. Wouldn’t want to lose your license.

  32. Black men’s creepy obsession with white women – which leads to insane levels of rape (real rape, not feminist bullshit rape), violence, and a LOWER IQ of the founding stock of this country – is wrong. And any white woman who considers black men is shunned for life.
    Modern black men are creepy, miscegination-fixated freaks. Here’s Mohammad Ali, a REAL black man:

    1. White people, we are DYING. You see here that blacks are now reveling in our genocide. Reveling.
      We have to be strong men, find good ladies – STOP WASTING YEARS OF YOUR LIFE ON PORN AND NASTY WOMEN WITH NO MATERNAL DRIVE – and make healthy babies. We are dying. The Jews have long engineered this, and now the blacks are plainly loving it.
      The choice is simple: Be strong and propagate the race, or watch blacks and their IQ 85 turn every white country into Haiti and South Africa.

        1. You’re confused. South Africa WAS nice, and has rapidly become a third world hellhole since it’s gone from a white country to a black one.
          Thanks, Jews!

        2. Nope, South Africa still is very nice. And the Jews controll the economies of half the white countries anyhow. If all the jews left Russia it would descend into 4th world poverty and its already a 3rd world hell hole #1 in rape, murder, pedophilia, theft, crime and drug dealing and not a non-white in sight. Stop trying to scape goat black people. Anyone can see a black majority nation like South Africa or Bahamas or Bermuda or Barbados are far superior countries to live in from a standard of living perspective than Russia or Ukraine and that includes for white people to. The world is not obsessed with race like you.

        3. Blah, blah, blah. You’re some bizarre orgy of pathological liar and/or ignorant buffoon talking about shit he doesn’t understand in the least.
          Enjoy your next trip to South Africa!

        4. All the Jews have left Russia and it’s a better country than it was for the past 100 years. Now you dumb Americans can have the pleasure of their company lol See how long you last.

        1. Comeback? I never left!
          I was trying to help you, bro.
          Siberia’s white, just like you like it. (There are a few indigenous Asians, but you’re okay with them.)
          Siberia’s cold, just like you like it.
          Siberia’s empty and poor, so plenty of cheap land for your all-white ethnostate.
          You and Maschenka could move there after she finishes medical school, and open a substance abuse clinic to treat the massive drug and alcohol problems that Russian Slavs are prone too. That krocodile is some nasty stuff, and the provinces run on straight vodka.
          You and Maschenka should hook up and start pumping out white babies.A win-win in my book.

      1. I disagree.More than 50% kids born are White in the US and the others are mostly Indian types.The smartest even if they are not a majority will still run things. Negroes only own 1/2 of 1% of the businesses.Jews? No problem. Just like the blacks they want gentile girls and unlike the blacks have the money to do it. But what happens? Their kids cannot be Jews genetically under their rules so when they die their kids and grandkids are all gentiles and got their money lol The gentile woman is the secret weapon to bankrupt them. Gwyneth Paltrow and her mother got the Jew’s money in the end.

      2. I’m just going to leave a steaming pile of shit in my wake.
        Jose can enjoy his Estados Unitos. Mohammad can enjoy his Dar al Islam in Europe. I will enjoy eatting beef, driving gas guzzelers and laughing as the world dies.
        “With my last breath, I shall bare witness to the end of days”

      3. “White people, we are DYING.” Why do you care?
        I’ve read somewhere that red-heads are on a decline too, due to breeding with non-red-heads.
        What would you say to someone who whines that “Red-heads, we are DYING.” and “It’s red-head GENOCIDE!” It’s ridiculous, right?
        Why do you identify with a genetically phenotype such as skin color? Culture, I could understand in some aspects, but what you look like?
        It’s so utterly dumb, shallow and primitive, I can’t express how utterly repulsed I am by people who think that way. It’s absolutely bizarre and alienating.

        1. You don’t care about genocide.
          I don’t care that you’re “utterly repulsed” that I want to preserve my race.
          Your desire to wipe Israel off the map is pure evil.

    2. You do realize Muhammad Ali is a product of interracial conception, he is as light as I am. I also would like to add we all come from a common ancestor so none of us is really “pure”. Having said that , back to the racial insight you were giving us concerning the genocide….

      1. That may not be correct. The negro may be a mutant genetic error. Of course, you have no education in medicine, science or genetics so you’re ignorant and just know pop “science” you see on the boobtube.The negro is from the species Homo sapiens idaltu while the rest of the world’s races are Homo sapiens sapiens.
        There’s a saying in English “The proof is in the pudding”
        Do you understand what that means? Let’s see if you do.And no jive talking answer.

    3. He was white too. His great grandmother was from Ireland and she married a negro freeman. He has no slaves in his background. Either does Obama.

  33. As a 26 year old black sailor who just spent the last three years in Japan I have to say that reading comments like these truly breaks my heart and makes me want to go right back over there. This is a place for fucking men, not white, black or yellow men, all fucking men. If an article doesn’t apply to you or you don’t like it don’t fucking read it. I mean shit, the fuck is wrong with some of you people?

    1. Must be heart-wrenching for you to want to go back to Japan of all places. The ‘Pan ain’t like it was in the mid-late 2000s.
      If you do go to the ‘Pan, I wish you the best of luck and encourage you to get entrepreneurial.
      Your fellow Black man with Yellow Fever.

  34. Look at those nasty coal burning whores, hope they all get aids from those THUG’S AIDS STICKS! NASTY RACE TRAITORS!

  35. What cities are the best for a black male looking to date non-black females exclusively? I live heard good things about Minneapolis, Phoenix, Columbus (OH), etc. Any other hidden gems?

    1. Any city that is overwhelmingly white or that has alot of white females into black men like atlanta.

  36. Why don’t black men want to date their own women? There are a shit ton of black single women everywhere. Why the fuck are black men chasing white women?

    1. 80% of black women are obese or overweight. 83% of latinas are, so what does that leave you? If you don’t like fat chicks which I doubt more than 25% of black men do, it means you have 4-5 black men chasing 1 thin black women. Maybe black men don’t want to be part of a female harem.

      1. I have yellow fever, so I’m going for NE Asian women either way, but what you say is interesting. Thing is, Black men end up competing for the scant few non-Black women that give us play, and often those end up being fat chicks too. I’d rather be alone than with a woman I don’t wanna bone, but if I HAD to take out trash, I’d rather take out my own than someone elses.

      2. All of the white women I know are my weight (see pic) The only fat white women are the lower classes and even here it’s a lot less that black US women.

        1. Sorry that is simply not true. Fattness is an American problem and there are no shortage of white female land whales. That is just pure hamsterization to think there overwhelming majority of white american women aren’t fat. Not all are, the thin ones are mostly under 25-30, but after that they probably just as bad as all the other races in terms of fattness. There is a reason so many white American men are going abroad, they face the same problem with obese women as black men and for us it might even be worse because unlike black or latino men we can’t date out and expect to find thinner women.

        2. The only fat white women are the lower classes and even here it’s a lot less that black US women.

    2. Cus we are not obligated to date our own women. We date whoever we find attractive. Not everybody is caught up on race like you.

      1. If you’re not “caught up on race” why don’t you date your own women? Why the hell don’t you find your own women attractive? What’s so wrong with black women that you refuse to date them?
        I thought you fellas like big thick asses. White women don’t have the huge fat ugly ghetto asses that you like. You also like fat women. Plenty of black women are fat. So what’s the problem?

        1. Nothing is wrong with Black women. Why does something have to be wrong with them? Many of them are just attractive as white women. Black men just like to exercise their variety. You should try it. There is only one race and that is the HUMAN race. You’ve been brainwashed into being a racist which is sad. Plus some of your ancestors were the original race mixers. How do you think you have light skin blacks, mestizos, and lighter skin Africans.

    3. What a sad, insecure pussy you are. Anyone who is consistently getting laid would not care less who else is fucking who. Just kill yourself, and know you won’t be missed.

      1. Way to deflect, faggot. Telling me I don’t get laid and to kill myself sounds an awful lot like femcunt white knight beta faggot lingo. You a mad fatbot dyke pretending to be a dude?

  37. I have a question Atholone. Your article
    Wouldn’t that image suggest black men have the easiest time so long as they stick to their own race? Or is the point of the thread about black men dating non-black women?
    And if thugs ain’t cool how do you explain those ugly black guys who pull alot of attractive white women? I know it sounds contradictory but I seen it myself, this very ugly sudanese guy who was as dark as can be pulled alot of attractive women outside his league?

    1. And if thugs ain’t cool how do you explain those ugly black guys who pull alot of attractive white women?

      Thug =/= Ugly. These two things are not synonymous.

    2. Durak. All that chart shows is that White are in demand by every girl while only some black men can attract black females . Fat skanky ones for the most part.

      1. Actually I find it quiet strange a white woman would be bragging that white men are more attracted and interested in Asian women than their own kind? Does that not make you insecure like most white women who complain about Asian bride this and that?
        Do you not see that we don’t want white women so we respond to Asian women more than you?

  38. The obvious question… why is literally every single photo on this article a black guy and a *white* girl? Is black male dating entirely about white women?

    1. Yes it is. Black men have an insatiable fetish for white women. White women are trophies, a status symbol, bragging rights. They don’t want their women for obvious reasons but they will never come out and admit that.
      White women are the most beautiful women on Earth. Men of all races covet white women, even Roosh himself. Roosh fetishizes white women just as much as black dudes. All the black dudes I know date white women, except the common denominator in that is they are all low class white women. High class white women will date black men only if they are very rich e.g. Nicole Brown Simpson. If not, they get the ugly fat white warpigs nobody wants. Fact.

      1. Yes it is. Black men have an insatiable fetish for white women. White
        women are trophies, a status symbol, bragging rights. They don’t want
        their women for obvious reasons but they will never come out and admit

        Black men want all kinds of women, including black ones. There’s more than enough statistical, demographic and anecdotal evidence out there to prove that.

        High class white women will date black men only if they are very rich e.g. Nicole Brown Simpson.

        There was nothing “high class” about Nicole Brown Simpson. She was a community college dropout waitress when she met OJ and came from an ordinary middle-class background (at best).
        You do not have to be a very rich black male in order to attract a white woman like that, though you the black males who do tend to regularly attract them are often well above the black male socio-economic median (ex: middle class, college educated).

        1. Nicole Brown Simpson emigrated from Germany. She was a tall skinny beautiful blonde German white woman, which is “high class” by black male standards and identical to Tiger Hoods marriage to Swedish middle class nanny Elin Nordegrin. Ultra high status white women don’t marry black men.
          If “black men want all types of women” why are only white women depicted here in these photos with black men? And why is this article telling black men to date outside their race?
          Why can’t you date your own race? Lord fucking knows 70% of single black mothers need you.

        2. “Why can’t you date your own race?” You answered your own question in your previous post. White women are among the most beautiful race on averages. So can you blame a black man for wanting a white woman? Certainly not. That’s like hating a black guy because he wants a Ferrari. I’m white btw.
          So instead of hating, get your shit together and compete. Stop with the “victim” status shit. Whining about fairness is a bitch move, you’re not a bitch are you?

        3. Nicole Brown Simpson emigrated from Germany. She was a tall skinny
          beautiful blonde German white woman, which is “high class” by black male

          That’s high class by absolutely no reasonable standard at all. She was an ordinary, middle-class white girl who happened to be attractive. She was a waitress who had dropped out of community college when she met OJ, who was a professional athlete and WELL above her socio-economic level. Being blonde, attractive and from Europe does not make you “high class”.

          If “black men want all types of women” why are only white women depicted here in these photos with black men?

          The article is about black men dating non-black women in USA. 90% of non-black women in the USA are white and well over 90% of black men who date interracially in the USA end up with white women, hence the photos.

          And why is this article telling black men to date outside their race?

          That’s explained pretty explicitly at the beginning of the article:

          A black man who wishes to consider romantic options outside of the black
          community (either because that’s just his preference or he lives/works
          in parts of the country that are not predominantly black) will face many
          substantial challenges.

          If you’re a black male who isn’t surrounded by many other black people, interracial relationships may be of more interest to you.
          Why can’t you date your own race?
          Most black men already tend to date black women.

    2. Because blacks now hate us and they want to exterminate our race. They are succeeding. White children have been the minority in the U.S. since 2011 (see, “Wall Street Journal”, “2011 demographic milestone”).
      Blacks have been trained by their Jew sugar daddies (who arrange for all the welfare, affirmative action, and contract quota handouts that funnel white man’s money to blacks) to defile whites, and whites have been trained to accept it, lest they be called “KKK” or “Nazi” or “racist”.
      Whites are DYING. We are being GENOCIDED. We MUST stand up for ourselves.

      1. The speech, “Facing the Future as a Minority”, by Richard Spencer, as well as AmRen and NPI speeches, provide guidance on how whites can survive.
        The bottom line is that we must have our own ethnostate, just as the Jews have Israel, Arabs have Saudi Arabia, blacks have tons of Africa, Chines have China, and so forth.

        1. You want an “ethnostate”? Alright, let’s start with the basics.
          “whites” are not an ethnic group.
          Norwegians are an ethnic group with their own state.
          Scots are an ethnic group with their own semi-autonomous state, as are the Welsh.
          Greeks are an ethnic group with their own state, as are Belarussians, Russians, Poles, Finns and Danes, among many others.
          “Whites” are not an ethnic group.
          “Blacks” are not an ethnic group either. Examples of large African ethnic groups would include the Igbo, Hausa, fulani, Yoruba, Touareg and Zulu. NONE of these groups have their own ethnostate. They live instead together in larger, prefabricated states drawn up by Europeans, and quarrel constantly as a result.
          Arabs are more of a panethnic group – Saudi Arabia is not their “ethnostate”. Arabs can also be found all over West Africa, South Asia and North Africa in addition to other parts of the Middle East.
          If your goal is simply to separate from non-whites and live in lands that are predominantly occupied by people of a broadly similar racial background (read: Western European), then you can simply migrate to one of the many predominantly white states/territories in existence right now. Belarus, Iceland, Northern Ireland, Wales, the Faroe Islands, Moldova and Serbia are just some of the many examples of nations/territories in which non-white individuals are exceedingly scarce, if not entirely nonexistent.
          If your goal is simply to distance yourself from non-whites and ensure that you will likely never have to interact with them on a daily basis (much less be governed, neighbored or threatened by them), you have plenty of options. Feel free to take them.

        2. You’ve tried this, “Race is a social construct” many times in the past.
          Not going to play your gay little games any more.
          The blacks and MURDERING us en masse, and psychotic leeches are celebrating our genocide.

        3. I’m all far those whites who want that having their own state somewhere, as long as I don’t have to live there. So please don’t let it be the USA or one of the major states in the West. Do it like Israel and found a new one somewhere.

    3. The article is about how black men in the United States can increase their chances with non-black women.
      Most (just under 90%) of the non-black women in the United States are white, and most black men who date/marry interracially do so with white women.
      The math is what it is.

    4. It’s bizarre how you can have 16 upvotes with this question. The title of this article begins with “How black American men…”.

  39. What’s the difference between white women and black women?
    White women are found on the covers of Playboy. Black women are found on the covers of National Geographic.
    Let the butthurt commence.

  40. Why so much animosity in the comment section? we as MALES need to work together here in this fem-nazi country, America, in getting our rights back (regardless of race). But of course, people that want equality like me will get called “libtard”, and that faggot zomberkiller (who needs to get banned) will start whinging that i’m supporting white-genocide (which i’m not for or against).

    1. Attempted subversion me thinks. Sissssters from Jeezbells and Rapestory think they are clever.

    2. Get the fuck out of here with your gelding mangina bullshit. Be an obedient libtard and go promote equality by race mixing with some fat black hoes.

      1. Thanks for proving my point, dumb ass. I’m learning a lot from this site just as you are.
        Can’t we all just get along?

        1. If you’re learning anything from these losers then you must be at the bottom of the barrel. Go get a real education because what you read here is just pulled out of their arse.

        2. Yeah you first. Go to your nearest hood and start banging black welfare moms, white boy. See how well you “get along” with those bitches.

    3. While what you say has some validity, males naturally compete against each other. Many of the articles here promote the “Dark Triad” and competition. Race is an easy factor to use in order to nullify competition, hence the race talk.

      1. Men compete individually. There is no loyalty along the lines of skin color except in the brains of prison inmates and liberals.

        1. White nationalists and other ethno-nationalists are all liberals? That’s news to me.

    4. “we as MALES need to work together here in this fem-nazi country, America,”
      Nope. Blacks are on the PC Femi-NAZI’s team.

        1. If you say so. But we’ll watch Blacks and Feminist will walk hand in hand to the polls together in November.
          NOW = NCAAP

    1. Well all white women like Black guys, so I guess you Racist white guys will just have to become homosexuals. Lol.

      1. another delusional negro. Why is it on social networking and dating sites I see white women saying “country guys only” (southern code for white guys only) or “white guys only” then?

        1. Yeah that’s what they say until they see an attractive black dude they wanna bang. (At the end of the day they can’t ignore nature). Plus those girls are few and far between plus most of those girls that act like that most guys wouldn’t want anyway.

        2. Lol okay keep living in a delusion. Whites marry out of their race less than any other race.

        3. Typicalcollegebrah’s agenda is to push the idea of a pure, angelic innocent white women who doesn’t have the ability to be attracted to anyone besides a white male. He just doesn’t want to imagine his future wife/sister having mutual, consensual sex with a man of another race.

        4. No denying a significant and probably still growing minority of white women today probably sexually experiment with black men, probably a higher amount in large cities where black people tend to live. But putting it into perspective of the larger picture it still remains just that, a significant minority. And it’s an even smaller minority that actually enters an LTR with one and then and even tinier percentage of that that ends of marrying one. Still plenty of white women in the US who aren’t looking for hook ups with black guys and have no interest despite all the black males’ fantasy on here that every white women is just drooling for a piece of black meat. Generally from what I’ve observed these women usually hover around the 6-7 range in attractiveness at best and they also usually have another thing in common: low IQ.

        5. After reading the comments on this blog, can you point out even a minority of comments that aren’t trolls that even remotely support your “despite all the black males’ fantasy on here that every white women is just drooling for a piece of black meat?” The pervading attitude in the comments is that it is harder, and requires a different set of skills for a black man to date/fuck a white women. This is what the author is saying also. Again, your attitude towards blacks is clouding your judgement on this front. Also, your anecdotal and casual observation of ‘low IQ’ is unsupported at best.

        6. Lol WRONG. I just acknowledge biological reality. I’m as red pill as they come AKA I don’t plan on getting married. Surrogate motherhood will do just fine for me. And I don’t have a sister either.

  41. I found this article very interesting. White guy here, 30, from MA. In my state, which is whiter than snow, you won’t see any black folks unless you are in Boston, Worcester, or Springfield, in the projects. You would think a super liberal state like MA would have its share of black professionals, but its needle in a haystack odds. There are a few black female professionals but males are non-existent. What you’re saying here makes a lot of sense, unfortunately MA liberals treat it like a thought crime and nobody ever talks about it. I appreciate learning from a “foreign” point of view.

  42. IDK why you have to post things on here exclusively for black men. This is a site for Alpha males, not black Alpha males. If you want to do that, make a blog for black Alpha males.

  43. Besides, it’s pretty sad how everyone prefers white women. Everyone knows white woman are most beautiful. The more black a woman looks, the uglier she is.

  44. I don’t believe in a white ethno-state. I believe in a society where someone can open a business, and not serve blacks if he so chooses.Or a black barber shop that doesn’t serve whites. Or all white-schools or all black schools. Other people can open multicultural schools and businesses. I believe in a society where colleges can use overall quality to choose students rather than race. And if it just so happens that there are a lot less blacks with a college education, so be it. That is what America was founded on– classical liberalism. Not this Obama affirmative action, gay-love, feminist shit.
    As for me, every Alpha male is my friend no matter what race.And if I want to call people racial epithets I damn well will, because an Alpha doesn’t give a shit about society’s conventions.

    1. You nailed it in every nuance.
      Racists and liberals are both group-thinkers, they just cheer for different groups.

  45. Disgusting, only photos of interracial couples….niggers deserve death or a free ride to Africa. I used to like this blog, but now is dead to me.

  46. Would like to write an article, Why Filipinos have better game than other Asians in America.

  47. White men deprived White women and black people of their rights in the past and yet they still expect their women to stay loyal/exclusive to them. LOL. That’s funny. But anyway
    1. I find it funny how modern racist white men talk about racial purity, when their ancestors were some of the original race mixers. Ever heard of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. Ever heard of Mestizos. Where do you think light skin blacks came from? White men been having kids with Latinos, Native Americans, and blacks for centuries.
    2. I also find it funny how they are concerned about White genocide by race mixing when the Black population in America is significantly smaller than the white population so if anything the Blacks should be concerned about the Black race disappearing.
    3. These so-called Racist people never seem to have balls enough to say this stuff in public. That alone tells you they are cowards and their opinion shouldn’t be respected.

    1. TJ might have sport fucked Sally but did he marry her? Did he teach his son to play catch?
      “These so-called Racist people never seem to have balls enough to say this stuff in public.”
      Because we’ll lose our jobs and we both know it. We had no problem saying it before the Snivil Rights act. We had no problem passing and using Stand Your Ground laws.

  48. I have a better idea: blacks should clean up their act. Judging from the comments, black guys seem to want little to do with their own women, and dating “non-black” girls usually means dating white ones. The black community needs to address this issue. No race out there has the kind of contra-gender animosity, illegitimacy rates, and interracial fetishism that blacks have. In the end, most white women marry whites, and most white guys don’t actively look to date blacks. Outside of a little youthful experimentation, black-white romantic relations are negligible. I’d wager this is little more than a fantasy among the WN’s in this thread, and the black guys looking to get as much white poon as possible. You are both deluded.

    1. “The black community needs to address this issue.” What is the black community? And why is what you describe an issue?

  49. Race mixing is disgusting, a moral failing, Cultural Marxism, and tacky as can be.
    If you race mix you are destroying your people and your culture, as well as biologically “conceding” that your own phenotype is inferior.

  50. Been waiting for this article. Subconsciously we view black males through the superstar/gangster/urkel lens. You wouldn’t know if you weren’t black. PERIOD. The social circle game is spot on. You sort of have to be approved because “random black guy” is usually considered “scary and sketchy” by a lot of sheltered non black females who have no association with people of color outside of ESPN and their music playlists.
    I will always be compared to a superstar by default because that’s how society is. Bitches will dip on me because I’m not Waka Flocka Obama but they will give you the benefit of the doubt for not looking like Ryan Gosling.

    1. benefit of the doubt for not looking like Ryan Gosling? lol what does that even mean

    2. “random black guy” is usually considered “scary and sketchy”
      And with good reason. Even black women don’t like you.

      1. haha these keyboard gangsters are hilarious. come across me in real life and that red pill dark triad mentality goes straight out the window as you look at the ground

  51. @Athlone
    It’s turning into an unfunny joke the world over. You have no defense for your people. The laughs come when people like you stick up for black people. They are 100% hopeless as a group. You need to stop defending them. My advice is for you, or someone like you, is to start your own ethnic political group that rejects all dysfunctional black culture. Start it with the ten to 20 smartest black families that you can find. You don’t even need to reinvent the wheel. I suggest that whatever system you choose be as socially conservative as is possible, though. Consider adopting Orthodox Jewish belief. In a century or two, you may have a viable group that black people can point to and say: “see, it is possible! It was just culture, after all””.
    Relocating these people to Britain is like giving a blind person the keys to a Ferrari. There is no excuse for the owner or the driver, and the Ferrari predictably will be a pile of twisted metal when all is said and done:

  52. As a black guy in Canada I have a slightly different perspective. I will say that situation in black America seems so jacked up that black guys in America face an uphill battle.
    Here are the things that have helped me have a lot of sex with a lot of different women:
    Women are women. Whatever delusions you have about white women need to be dispelled with. If you have them then get rid of them.
    Alternachicks are a good option. Goth, emo whatever the hell you want to call them are generally more open that your average Becky so consider that as an option.
    Use a fucking condom. Being a baby daddy will put you on the outs with non-black women and keep you there.
    Learn how to speak fucking English if you can’t. This is a huge barrier because if she can’t go somewhere without you sounding like and episode of The Boondocks then you have no chance in the short or even long term. Women are terrified of being embarrassed and she won’t bother with you if you think that’s going to happen.
    You will face heat. The hotter the non-black woman the more pissed off some people are going to be. Fat white chick? Most white guys won’t care unless they’re broke and all they can get are fat white chicks. Fat black women will be pissed off because they think that you should be fucking them. Hot white chick? Some white guys will be pissed off but you can ignore that because these are usually broke white guys who for the most part can’t get their hands on hot women of any description. Black women will lose their fucking minds and will sometimes try to shame and embarrass you in public. If you can ride this out it’s not a big deal.
    Stop giving a fuck. Date who you want to date because after all the name of the game is to do just that. It’s not to worry about what over people think about what you’re doing.
    Finally, if your game isn’t tight then get it fucking tight and accept that if you have problems then they need to be fixed, period.

    1. I think many white and other non-black women would happily sleep with alpha black men. The problem for them is that being associated with low-status men is an embarrassment for them and, like you said, women hate to be embarrassed.

  53. The truth is people prefer their own culture. If immigrants would learn the local language and traditions it would be fine, but that doesn’t usual happen. What happens is chaos.
    For example.. my parents used to go on about how when they were in school, boys would get into fist-fights. But unlike today, cheap-shots (groin shots, hair pulling, kicking) was strongly discouraged. You were a pussy for fighting dirty. Now kids gotta worry about getting shot, stabbed, or ganged up on by local thugs. Obviously there were exceptions but it wasn’t a real concern. This is in Canada, not sure about the USA.
    Now as for anti-race-mixing and miscegenation. It isn’t just about preserving our culture for the sake of stroking our own egos. Although that is part of it. But the main thing is this. And this is gonna sound racist and hateful blah blah blah. But the truth is the majority of new innovation came from white people. This is due to high average IQ. The same can be said of Chinese and other east asians although not to the same extent – even though they are slightly more intelligent.
    But you have to admit, there are some races that are bringing nothing of value. Causing chaos. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution there are transitional stages that a species undergoes as it evolves, and these species will often live together at the same time during the transitional stages. You do the math.
    So being white (or any more intelligent race) basically imposes a moral obligation for us to preserve our race. Humanity depends on it if we are ever to get off this planet. Evolution is not guaranteed to be linear, it can be cyclical. God knows how many times we’ve already been through this. We are at a tipping point that we need to overcome, lest we nuke the planet back to the stone age.

    1. we’re supposed to believe that its all environment and luck. Whites aren’t genetically unique in any way, nope. >.> right?

  54. A lot of beta rage comments on this page. I have black friends. I don’t really care who they fuck and they don’t care who I fuck. It’s because we’re not a bunch of whiny little pussies. Go to Jizzabel if you’re going to cry like a stupid cunt. This site is about getting pussy, not being one.

  55. And here I thought I was amongst kings. The depth of the bigotry and willingness to depart from reason to piss on your fellow man here disgusts me and greatly detracts from the validity of the members of this site. No matter what side the genetic lottery landed you on, get the fuck over it and realize we have a greater focus and a more pressing cause to ban together and advance. What does it gain you whites to hate non whites, and what does it gain you non whites to try to appease or entertain the arguments of bigotted whites? Wake up or STFU

  56. Kinda off topic but i live 40 mins away from Dallas Ft.Worth and i see a lot of hispanic girls dating black men. However most of the black men seem older (40+), wealthy, and educated. The young gangsta types usually hang out with white fatties or other black chicks (also fat and/or tats).

  57. At present, the USA is about 64% white and 13% black. Liberals, I suppose, are committed to the belief that that ratio could be reversed with no great harm to the country. Is that what you believe?

    1. White nationalists and white knights are the same thing.
      A white man has no fiercer enemy than a white woman. Learn to ally yourself with your black brothers before it’s too late.

  58. What about black men who aren’t interested in non-black females? Newsflash! The vast majority of them aren’t. And since when did black guys need the help of self-hating PUA’s to pick up women?

    1. Apparently you don’t know any black men–I do, and they have some of the hardest time dating, whether it’s black girls or non-black girls.
      Return of Kings recognises black men as our brothers and understands the real battle is sensible thinking vs. feminism.

  59. Black men are on the low end of status spectrum, so that disqualifies them for many non-black women in the pre-selection process like the article says. It would be an embarrassment for these women in front of their friends and when trying to date higher status men to be associated with such low-status men.
    Also important I think are two more points. The first is that it’s nearly impossible to stage a paternity fraud on a higher status non-black male with a black child, so that automatically makes the alpha fucks, beta bucks reproductive strategy unfeasible.
    The second is that it would be harder for a woman to find a higher status non-black male because it would be obvious to any outsider immediately upon observation that any half black child she has is not his, which would be a source of embarrassment for him. At least with a child that’s not his of the same race, the fact that the child is not his is not immediately observable. So basically he can hide it. In the absence of these risks, I think many more non-black women would happily sleep with alpha black men.

  60. Technically, I’m a first-generation African-American (parents emigrated from Haiti). Grew up in NYC, but attended a small liberal arts college in northern New England. After two years in the Peace Corps (where I learned a foreign language), I returned to the NYC area to pursue joint Masters/Law Degree. So I belong to THAT demographic of Black Men who simply find the majority of black women in America UNACCEPTABLE to my tastes. I speak two foreign languages, so I already have access to women of other nationalities. I have BEEN overseas, so I KNOW first hand how feminine and civilized women in foreign countries can be. I have been to the promise land! I cannot go back to Shaniqua/Rhianna/Jaquanda or whatever her name is. I don’t need the drama and ignorance, nor the games. Its just not happening. Black women in America have been BROKEN for awhile. The pathology runs deep. Back in the 1990s, there was a black women attending Yale Law School who was arrested for possession of cocaine and heroine which she was hiding for her drug dealing boyfriend!! She was DATING a local drug kingpin while attending the top law school in the country, so desperate to have an alpha male in her life. THIS is black women in America. This is why I date White, Jewish, Asian, Arab, Indian, and sometimes Latina (I left out Italian American girls, because they are scarily becoming more similarly to Black women. Its quite frightening the similarities. My heart goes out to Italian guys, you are about to have it rough. I suggest you learn Russian!)

    1. Black American women are a preview of what all American women will be like in 20 years.
      And I second your assessment of Italian-American girls. Geez, these are worthless. I had to explain to one I was with why it was unethical to write her sister’s college essays for her. She flat out could not understand why.

      1. I suggest this is an American women problem first and secondarily western countries in general. The key is to prevent it from spilling over to other countries. These women are toxic. Black women are the loneliest women in this country in terms of dating, long term relationship, and marriage. It cannot be ignored as a major factor in their poor social standing in the dating world.

  61. This is dumb. Black men have been dating non-Black women by the ton for generations. That trend is the reason so many Black women have had such low marriage stats on paper. It used to be that White men raped Black women rampantly despite the fact that they were partnered by choice or married to Black men. But Black men have had their back turned on Black women for generations. Now the new trend is for Black women to give up and date White guys. I see it everywhere now. I don’t think an English site can talk about Black dating habits accurately. There are other places to get accurate information. This is old news. Maybe not for the ‘manosphere’ which caters to the pink dicks of pansy White British boys but this is old news for the people who are in the know.

  62. Making Black people paranoid of being a stereotype is damaging. A stereotype is an outsider group taking something that already exists in another group and blowing it out of proportion to call it definitive. Black Americans cooked fried chicken in the south for the White households they worked in. They cooked it for their own families from the chickens they raised. But Whites made a joke out of this dish. I don’t think it is fair that Black people have to completely abandon every thing they once did or liked or valued for fear of being labelled. White people can listen rap and it’s ok? But if Black people do they are thugs and gang members? White people listening to country music is NOT a stereotype…but Blacks listening to their own music is? Why is this article advocating the Whitewashing of Black men to chase after White women which they have always done anyway. Why feed the White man’s bullshit by allowing yourself to be labelled. Eat fried chicken and go to Harvard if you wish. More Black people should date each other. These biracial kids end up being raised by White mothers and relatives because dads of all races never stick around. Too many mixed up mixed kids imo. Blacks for Blacks…or at least dark Indians. Damn.

  63. As a white guy, I agree with Athlone, and most black guys I’ve seen having success with non-black girls indeed followed these two rules : try to look and act posh, and use social circle.
    As for white guys complaining about the increase in competition, I say if as a white, with all the movies and ads portraying you as the most attractive, you can’t compete with a black who has to fight stereotypes, then you have only yourself to blame.
    Most whites I’ve seen complaining when they see a black dude and a white girl, they were losers, and the girl would not have chosen them even if there was no black guy. It’s just frustration and instead of working on improving themselves, they prefer to fantasize about the threat of black dudes.
    The biggest threat to white reproduction is not black dudes, it’s feminism, and bullshit about gender theories.
    I admire Athlones’ patience in dealing with dumb extremists on this site.

    1. The problem with black men that i have is that White women usually go for unemployed “Thug Trash.” If I see a white woman with an educated black man (with a good job) I have no problem for that. And I respect Black guys going to college who try and make something out of their lives. My best work buddy was a black guy and I never got mad seein him with a White Woman.
      White women are usually racist in this regard that they stereotype all Black men as Street Thugs. One Black guy I knew was 5’7 chubby, and not good at sports. White girls werent into him since he didnt fit the Street Thug stereotype.

  64. What the fuck, ROK? Way to alienate most of your fan base. We’re slowly dying out and you want to give how-to guides on how to destroy us further. Some individual blacks might be nice people, but a disproportionate amount of savage shit comes from their ranks and collectively they’re unable to build or manage a functioning developed country.
    But it’s wonderful that you want to teach leeroy how to create more baby mommas with a mulatto or 2 that he need not provide for coz “da gubment gon pay for dat!”

    1. ROK is not a website designed by and for White Nationalists. It is a website concerned primarily with the promotion of male self-improvement via the provision of useful information for masculine men to enhance their social, financial, professional and sexual lives. When I say “masculine men” I mean to refer to all men, not just the white ones.
      If this really bothers you that much, then perhaps you should reconsider spending time at ROK in the future.

      But it’s wonderful that you want to teach leeroy how to create more baby mommas with a mulatto or 2 that he need not provide for coz “da gubment gon pay for dat!”

      I’m not talking to your “leeroy” — this article was not written for him. The caricature you’re referencing here would not be able to use most of the advice I provided in this article. Non-black women do not respond particularly well to men of the kind you reference here with your “leeroy”, at least not in the aggregate.

  65. My sister’s husband is black. I’m white (married too).
    My brother-in-law is a business owner, and every time I drop by we drink, chew dip, smoke, play video games, and enjoy being guys.
    It’s not about being a race – it’s about being your own man.

  66. What should’ve been added was an intellectual understanding of Wes Anderson movies. As a black man myself, I just don’t get the cult following for his films. I like them all enough, but you won’t see me rushing to torrent them.

  67. I knew as soon as saw the title of this article, racist white male (not all whites! just the racists) douchebags would start flooding this thread with their stormfront-like posts.
    The coward who refuses to post by his name or any name at all, guest, is one of these assholes. Well, let me just say a couple things, as I have no desire to go back and forth with douchebags like you.
    For one, I know for a fact that you white racists harping on about “sticking with your own race” would, if you had the chance to, stick your dick into an Asian, Hispanic and hell even a Black girl if she were fine enough. You’ve been race mixing with us, long before we were even free in America, so what does that tell you? So on that note… fuck you for your hypocrisy. I will continue to date white women, and any other race of women and to hell with what you or any other hypocrite has to say about it.
    Plus that whole subhuman bullshit you keep spewing is crap. If we were really a subspecies and you were really that much higher above us on the evolutionary ladder, procreation would not be possible – and you know this. And even if it were true, nothing would ever justify or excuse the atrocities your race has inflicted on mine, nothing. You got a couple hundred years of labor out of us for FREE, so we owe you NOTHING. Go back to stormfront and gtfo this site.

    1. Ritchies Davies, you raise some interesting points. I want to add to them without having you think I’m a racist. I want to comment on two very good points you’ve made genetics and slavery. Most the douchebags as you so aptly refer to them knows history little more than the shit we’ve all been taught. Very few care to dig deeper. So on the point of slavery. Slavery has existed since time and memorial. In fact, Whites have been enslaved by Blacks for far longer than the reverse. Little know factoid Whites don’t want Whites to know or anyone else for that matter. It’s not slavery that appalling for me. It’s the concept of a permanent under-class, also known as racism that concern me and you also.
      Why? Because it is that unique aspect of Whites that is really the most malicious, not slavery. It seeks to permanently see and view in Blacks as a permanent second class citizen. It’s an enduring concept, one that even non-Whites can get on board with, as long as they’re not included. That’s what has to change that notion and image not the notion Blacks were slaves. Read and shit test every piece of history you can get your hands on. You will quickly learn World history is synonymous with Black or African history. White are only very, very recently players of note on the world stage. If you want the quick and easy proof, just ask yourself why any so-called White or European countries history only dates back a hundreds of years.
      The second point is about genetics the best scientific picture of our evolution to date. Clearly shows there could be no White without Black. If that is so, then how could Whites clearly a smaller subset of the most diverse and vast gene pool on this small blue planet, ever be greater or more advanced (in terms of capacity / capability)? That’s not how genes works. In fact, human-kind could literally lose every content on earth and only lose 15% or the gene pool. Lose Africa and WHOP, you lost modern man. Every attribute consider White or otherwise is already contained in the African gene pool (e.g. eye color other than brown, skin pigmentation, etc.) It’s in there. Africa will rise again and if I’m right it will be very soon and can be measured by China’s rise and consequently Europe’s wain. So get your favorite popcorn, some butter if you like, a little salt and enjoy events to come. You will be gloating soon enough. So lets the douchebags (as you refer to them) have their fun…. FOR NOW!

  68. Every black man should read this article. A lot of my neighbors would benefit.

  69. Late to the party, but commenting regardless….
    As a black man, I appreciated this. I always knew that social circle game was at play, but I could never put a name to it until I read this article. I’m a airline pilot, well educated with a sense of personal style & I could not agree more with the social circle game concept. My wife decided she hates being married after all (cause I’m not going to be her bitch & put her on a pedestal like her beta step father does her mom) so she took off, which means I’m now in the middle of my second divorce. So now, instead of applying the red pill to my wife (Which I think drove her off because she wants a beta sucker she can control like her mother does her husband) I now get to apply it to these young girls pouring drinks in the back of my aircraft. I could’ve pulled a young 20 something flight attendant the other day but I’m still technically married & I do have a conscience. Otherwise, I have access to so much 20+ year old tail at work you could not believe. I’m 38 years old & I still look like I could be in high school. These young girls smile at me all the time at work, it’s just a matter of me opening the flood gates to go after them.
    Black men do well with social circle game if you run it right. Just be friendly to everyone & the rest falls into place. You get access to women you couldn’t otherwise touch. Great article.

  70. I’m starting to understand that this is a site where nerds can voice their frustrations.

  71. I thought the author did a good job limiting his generalization to the USA, but made some pretty broad brushed generalization that contradict one another. If you, admittedly, don’t know the private beliefs of non-black women, why conclude they don’t secretly have an interest or fetish for Black men. It makes no sense. It seems the author has revealed more about him or herself. I think the notion of stereotypes preventing more non-black women from exploring relationships with Black men may have merit. But, the simple fact is those stereotypes are perpetuated by too many sources that are non-black women trust.
    So that shit is more than just a stereotype, it is very real for them. That shit is scary and it shows in perhaps the lack of dating habits of non-Black women. But does it really or is that also misleading? I think the author could have done a bit of homework before making the generalized claims in this post. First, all one has to do is explore basic statistics about interracial couples historically and in general. One would quickly see the largest group historically are Black men and White women. It is true that only recently that has been overtaken by White boys and Asian women, but Black men and White women still are the second largest interracial makeup. So I guess Black men aren’t doing that bad.
    Human nature has a curious habit of being interested in something it’s been told not to be interested in, or perhaps the fact that Black men on average have the largest penises. There’s a lot of stereotypes that positively affect the equation of non-black women interest in sexual or romantic partners also. It seems the author was uninterested in exploring or even espousing those let say positive attributes of Black men. Wonder why?

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