The 20 Articles Of Traditional Sex Roles Week

Traditional Sex Roles Week has come to an end. Here are all 20 articles we published, in the order they appeared:

We know more than anyone that the clock can not be turned back to an earlier time we see through nostalgic glasses, but we hope that the information we presented above makes you consider the idea that society may have thrown the baby out with the bathwater in creation of a progressive utopia where—against natural human instincts—everyone is forced into “equality.”

  • What behaviors did we do in the past that men and women found useful and fulfilling?
  • What new problems were created by denigrating or eliminating those behaviors?
  • How can the most useful roles of the past serve us in modern times?

These are all questions worth examining, because it’s becoming apparent that a blind embrace of theoretical or experimental doctrines we are forced to endure today are not a clear improvement of past human existence. Let’s look to that past to understand what we did right so we can live better in the present. It’s time to admit that some things were not broken, and that society has created bigger problems than the ones we started with. A re-embrace of traditional sex roles is the most logical, practical, and fair solution that we can employ.

34 thoughts on “The 20 Articles Of Traditional Sex Roles Week”

  1. Im wondering why David Fattroll hasnt covered this or any of the traditional sex weeks article. Maybe he finally died? Doubt it but im still hoping….

    1. Ya know, I’d never even thought to do an image search on him before.
      I can’t unsee that. You owe me big time.

        1. He posted on his site just hours ago. I had to, like, ya know, go there to answer your question.
          That’s double you owe me.

  2. Recently ROK is killin’ it, and Traditional Sex Roles Week is one of this site’s flagship moments. Thank you, gentlemen.
    So in the future when this country completely turns to shit, and as gays eat each other’s excrement, and when they pass marriage laws permitting brothers and sisters to marry and have freaktard children, and public school administrators are having sex with farm animals, and a “woman” resembles a tattooed alien, complete with a multitude of STDs in her stink box, any remaining normal members of society can sift through the wreckage and look back on these articles on what once was when America was normal.
    “Time enough at last!” is what Henry Bemis would say.

    1. Dude, come up with your own original comment, the above is mine and was cut and pasted. Admins, kindly delete please.

  3. Recently ROK is killin’ it, and Traditional Sex Roles Week is one of this site’s flagship moments. Thank you, gentlemen.
    So in the future when this country completely turns to shit, and as gays eat each other’s excrement, and when they pass marriage laws permitting brothers and sisters to marry and have freaktard children, and public school administrators are having sex with farm animals, and a “woman” resembles a tattooed alien, complete with a multitude of STDs in her stink box, any remaining normal members of society can sift through the wreckage and look back on these articles on what once was when America was normal.
    “Time enough at last!” is what Henry Bemis would say.

        1. she should have just got a “W” tattooed on each arse cheek.
          Then she could change her name to “Wow”.

      1. While I agree with you, that is a photoshop. No tattoo can produce lines that crisp or blacks that are that black.

  4. “Traditional Sex Roles Week has come to an end. ”
    Thank God. Lets get back to the useful game advice stuff.
    That trad-con verbiage was sickening. It almost turned me of ReturnOfKings for good.

    1. There is only so much Game that can be dispensed to men. Women need Game too and Traditional Sex Roles week was all about delivering female Game to them.

  5. So what happens when you do meet such a woman? Traditional women generally believe in traditional relationships (commitment/marriage). It’d be unusual to simultaneously believe in traditional gender roles and having children out of wedlock, for instance. Maybe you didn’t think a traditional relationship was what you wanted at all, but, if you dump these girls, you’ve punished them for being everything you asked for. A conundrum.
    Taking on a traditional woman is a lot of responsibility as, if they are truly submissive, their happiness does really depend on making you happy. These women are such a rarity that men are likely to be a bit thrown when they discover they’ve found one. They’ll wonder, “Why don’t I feel like breaking up?” when that crucial three month mark rolls around. They may be unsure of how to proceed because its never happened before. They may break up just from the shear uncertainty of it all.
    Its interesting to see ROK head into these uncharted waters. Bon voyage!

        1. No! It means she’s plotting to bake you a giant heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie for Valentine’s Day. She bought you slippers to keep your feet warm in freezing temperatures, remembers to thank you at *least* once a day for something you’ve done, and makes up her own arrangements to songs you like and plays them for you on the piano. Stuff like that 🙂

        2. Ok. That plus monthly backdoor action and its a deal. But not with you. Women named Kate always have really weird childhoods.

  6. @Roosh,
    you and the lads are to be commended for being willing to take on such a subject since it is so clearly very unpopular. It is nice not to be quite so alone in being willing to talk about the very unpopular subject that western women have fallen so far and a look at the past might be good guidance on what to do in the future.
    When I tell western women they have been duped and had by the super-rich to destroy their own lives and own value towards men they really hate that. The whole idea “feminism” and “progressive” and “equality” were “accidents” is laughable….especially when Lenin was talking about it in the 20s.

  7. I have never wanted to own a house before. Now I do so that I can tell women to go into the kitchen where they belong.

  8. You all are looser sick heads and fuck bags. All your Dickson need to be shoved up your assessment or in your own mouths.

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