Western Parents Are Raising Boys To Be Failures In Life

During the past 40 years, raising children has dramatically changed. Girls are told to play with action figures and boys are encouraged to brush Barbies.  Boys will hear “express your feelings,” “don’t hold it inside,” “talk about your problems,” and “be emphatic.” They are no longer told to be tough, not complain, and take action instead.

In an effort to make boys “better,” public education, media, and pop culture have instructed mothers to make their sons more feminine. But is it really better for them and for society as a whole? Since the point has been made previously that goofy effeminate men don’t fare well in love and sex, let’s examine the issue through the other most important dimension of a man’s life: work.

Indeed, holding an important position in society always demands you to perform under pressure. Lawyers, judges, scientists, athletes, soldiers, businessmen all need to be gracious in the face of adversity. One major aspect of these jobs is to produce great results under difficult conditions. Consequently, how many of you have, right before a task with high stakes, found the brain inventing all sorts of contrived rationalizations to avoid work? Fear, anxiety and doubt will fill your body and make you reconsider your decisions, sometimes prompting you to find sudden great interest in pondering the meaning of life, right in the middle of an extremely difficult challenge.

In those situations, your confidence might vanish and your despair could greatly affect your performance. However, men were traditionally taught from a very early age to not let themselves be overcome by those feelings and emotions. They learned to suck it up, to go against them and to act upon them anyway. That wasn’t achieved through sensitivity training or by considering the so great importance of inclusive language.  It was done by developing willpower and courage, by going through hardship over and over again to gain the necessary confidence to face greater obstacles. It was first taught vigorously by the fathers, then further honed and polished by the timely shaming and punishment from peers of any display of bitchy behaviors, such as crying or complaining in the heat of action. Our ancestors did not know evolutionary psychology, but they knew from experience and wisdom that being emotional when performance is needed is a recipe for disaster.


This man does not operate with his emotions

Another important psychological aspect of modern work is the constant pressure it puts on your morals. Men have to cope with constant temptations stemming from the adversarial nature of the workplaces. They have to make the right choices and avoid opportunities of advancements that cost them their integrity. Corrupting money offers, sexual advances from secretaries with big tetas, disingenuous friendship displays from coworkers who want your spot, and the seductive allure granted by spurious job titles are a few examples.

Your enemies, who may be working right by your side, may attempt to backstab you during coffee break hours and destabilize you in meetings by making you emotive. In fact, subtle shit talking, taunting and bullshitting, common skills that trump most college degrees in an office environment, are psychological attacks that aim to incite an emotion or feeling in the target. If a man is easily read and easily swayed, he will be unable to effectively exert his influence upon his peers. He will be manipulated by bimbos and toyed with by phony leaders who speak managerial nonsense. He will make constant faux pas in public by not being in control of his emotions and will be at the mercy of vultures who smell easy prey.


This is the face pink men make when they go home to their wives

Those men who are truly successful in every sphere of their existence are those who can rapidly place little importance in their feelings and emotions when the situation warrants it. In fact, men spend all their life bettering that skill.  Boxers and mixed martial artists often speak about the importance of not letting any personal feelings join the ring with them, for they could dramatically affect their performance. Most great martial artists spend dozens of years practicing meditation to be above and in control of their primal instincts. Police officers, disrespected and taunted on a daily basis, learn quickly to not take the spits from the crass populace personally.

What feminists dumbly – or purposefully – mistake for “emotional suppression” is, in reality, emotional mastery and stoicism. It’s the ability to be scared and still do what you have to do, with great results. It’s being able to feel compassion for people yet still be righteous and possibly instill hatred in them. It’s having the necessary distance from your sentiments to make critical and objective decisions, not only for yourself but for everyone else involved. Yet, in a massive social and political campaign to eliminate the misunderstood strong silent type, feminists have destroyed the foundation of masculinity to replace it with dysfunctional and bogus gender neutral horse manure.


This man can’t be manipulated or controlled

Alas, modern education teaches boys that it’s more important to feel, to experience and to communicate their emotions, to pay attention to them and give them importance, when those sentiments should instead be tamed like a wild beast. How many of the feminist authors of these Sunday afternoon theories had any deep understanding of how men function? Emotional mastery doesn’t happen by mistake, by just living and growing older. A constant effort is required. It is first enabled by a collective understanding of what makes a man a man, then maintained by peer pressure to shame behaviors that don’t conform to this understanding.

By applying feel good, lazy unproven feminist theories that contradict hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and folk wisdom, parents prevent their boys practicing and acquiring the necessary self-control to be successful men. An upbringing that teaches them to marinate in emotional states will cripple them and prevent them from becoming adults. It’s no wonder that many boys linger in mental adolescence as long as possible to avoid life challenges that seem unbeatable given their stunted growth. They hide in their basement to play video games only to become unwanted failures.

Read More: Are Gay Parents Superior To Straight Parents?

249 thoughts on “Western Parents Are Raising Boys To Be Failures In Life”

  1. The tide is turning and people are wising up to what the cultural marxist shits have been up to.

    1. yeah, i was at a family dinner on the weekend and i mentioned a load of red pill stuff to my aunt (my cousin is getting divorced) and she went silent for a minute and then told me i was totally correct…. bingo!
      my mother always used to say that feminism was dumb because it didn’t make women feminine, instead set them up against men…. she was 30 years ahead of her time….

    2. It is not that people are unaware, they LOVE the status quo.
      Did you know the biggest fear in the population that counts (40-75yo) is …change?

    3. Maybe it will turn enough so I can stop reading “cultural marxism” here when you could use other terms, like “the bastardization of the Frankfurt School”, or “that wanker Marcuse”.

  2. “Emotional mastery doesn’t happen by mistake, by just living and growing older. A constant effort is required. ”
    Well said.
    Never listen to your mother, women or gay men about real masculinity…

    1. Truest goddamn thing that can be said on this subject. Dads and Uncles should tell this to boys outright these days.

      1. I fail to see why a lack of emotional regulation is acceptable for any adult. No one, men or women are taught to how to properly channel and when necessary compartmentalize emotions now a days. The standards for the the two should be different but there should be standards.
        This should not be confused with out right repression of feelings, ala the wankers who go shooting up post offices. Adults find the appropriate time and place for their emotions.

        1. Well I was taught that taking personal responsibility for your actions was part of being a good person and not masculine/feminine trait. As a general rule if you get rid of anyone in your life who won’t honor that basic rule you are much happier.
          I do that, unless I am being paid to deal with the person, and never regret. Some exceptions made for family…because blood is blood.

        2. Who cares? It’s true. There’s nothing more pathetic than watching someone break down and throw a fit over something stupid, man or woman.

        3. You seem pretty mature. Not sure how old you are.
          Part of problems I personally had to overcome was the fact that I was not handling my emotions correctly (as a man in my case).
          My ex-wife most certainly did not. And you can probably guess some of the results.
          Everyone can use an extra tool in their “toolbelt” (knowing how to handle things better).
          What is a man if he isn’t pursuing bettering himself? A man who explodes and can’t handle himself looks weak, and like a lesser man.

        4. You make a perfect example of the “lesser man” White Knight for that cunt rugbychix .

        5. No my comment has no relation to a “white knight” by any definition.
          I commented that a poster (who appears to be female) made a rational, mature comment. Not ranting and raving and making insulting comments like many females who have come to RoK to retaliate.
          The goal should not to hate all females but to help them see our point of of view. If a woman has something useful/positive to contribute, all the better.

        6. “The goal should not to hate all females but to help them see our point
          of of view. ”
          They wont.
          If a woman has something useful/positive to contribute, all
          the better.”
          And they dont.
          Replying to them just validates them as the attention-whores they are and bring down the value of the website.

        7. “The goal should not to hate all females but to help them see our point
          of of view. ”
          They wont.
          If a woman has something useful/positive to contribute, all
          the better.”
          And they dont.
          Replying to them just validates them as the attention-whores they are and bring down the value of the website.

        8. Why are you not an attention whore then?
          GettGoing has a point; respect opinions, the way you clearly didn’t.

      2. Uncles are the greatest sources of wisdom, especially if you have a lot of them. Some are badass, others general failures/degenerates, but you learn both the good and bad from them.

        1. I concur on the degenerate side. I learned a great deal from my uncle who’s been married 4 times to 3 women.

        2. I agree. One of my uncles was thrown to the wolves through a nasty divorce last year. Lost his house, his kids and his money.

        3. Yeah, I have 4 of them on my mom’s side and 2 on dad’s. Great source of wisdom, and pretty good role models. My uncle Lee saw that my brother and I were watching some disney shit back in the 80’s and told my mom to stop “fagging us up”. That one sentence sums up the kind of guys my uncles are. Funny, and they cut right to the heart of the matter.

        4. My nephew is 14yo.
          He eats nothing but sugar and carbs.
          He fails 90% of his subjects at school.
          He taunts and swears at my sister and his siblings.
          His favorite TV show is “my little pony”.
          He hates cutting his hair.
          He hates sport, and loves video games.
          He has never faced any meaningful punishment.
          He is on Ritalin, Strattera and Fluoxitine.
          His dad walked out when he was about 5yo, and has been raised by my sister… a child psychologist.
          His stepfather is an emasculated Mr Nice guy.
          Poor kid never had a chance.
          “We are a generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is what we really need” – Tyler Durden

        5. Aren´t old Disney movies kinda sexist and right-wing?
          Think of that fox version of Robin Hood, the bad guys robbing the poor to give to the rich are part of the governement, clearly tea-bagger propaganda aimed at manipulating children !!
          Clearly, all the Disney classics needs to be re-edited and re-made by the Ministry of Diversity and parents exposing children to such subversive animation needs to have their children taken away from us and sent to jail, to have a date with the Health inspector.

        6. “Fagging us up.” That is fucking classic!
          All four of my nephews are extremely fagged-up. Their parents don’t believe in physical punishment.

        7. We are generation of men raised by women because men have failed to take on the responsibility of fatherhood, leaving women to hold the bag. Men need to stop blaming the “evil feminists” for their failures. Take responsibility, educate your peers, and make yourselves better.

        8. Yeah, I have a feeling he meant the New Disney Shit, where Pocahontas explains to a white man, who traveled around the globe in a great sailing vessel outfitted with mechanical armaments, and having a written language and a vast corpus of philosophical and scientific achievements behind him, that he was a loser because he couldn’t talk to animals and “paint with all the colors of the wind,” like she could. Though, I wonder if she was telling the truth about her own abilities. I’ve seen the Navajo women near my house, and they seem more interested in dribbling whisky down their Disney t-shirts than in painting of any sort, let alone with the occasional polychromatic breeze floating by. I’ve never seen a colorful bit of wind, but then, I’m not completely hammered like they are. So maybe I stand corrected.

        9. Also, Robin Hood didn’t rob from anyone, let alone from the poor; rather, he reclaimed the moneys that had been seized from the poor unjustly by aggressive taxation.

        10. “Men have failed to take on the responsibility of fatherhood”.
          I agree, and I would be interested to hear your views on why this generation of fathers has abrogated their responsibility to raise their sons into men.
          Feminists are part of the modern left-leaning PC culture of society. Where, no matter how illegal or detestable your conduct, nobody can invade your “rights”…, and everybody must be equal, and it is society’s job to equalize your inferiority.
          And thus, we have no sense of personal responsibility.
          Some of you might have seen the recent news story regarding a boy who was let off manslaughter imprisonment because he has suffered the hardship of affluence.
          I killed 4 people by getting pissed and driving a car – Its not my fault, its my rich parents fault.
          My kids are brats and disrupt everyone why come near – Its not the parents fault, its the ADHD.
          And on and on it goes. A total lack of personal responsibility for your actions.
          Men nowadays are swimming in a river of psychobabble on how to raise their sons. I guess it is just easier to go with the flow.
          Over to you……

        11. The author of Fight Club is a homosexual. I don’t think people should quote that movie in this context.
          Watching Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood and The Godfather tells more than enough about how a man should live through cinema.

        12. Nobody wants to take on anything when they are forced into it.
          Western civilization is slowly becoming gynaecocracy where young men are being forced into fatherhood by women having unwanted children. Women make the choice about giving or not giving birth to a child, while men are made to bear the consequences of that choice that they didn’t get to make.
          Responsibility has to be a choice, not a decree.
          You and your evil feminists have turned it into decree.

        13. It is only stirring reactions because he’s a rich white male. This shit happens for minorities all the time and only produces reactions in the white rights sphere. I guess that boy met a troll judge who is saying “Oh yeah you want unaccountability for minorities? Take my equality in front of the law, bitches”.

        14. Forced into it? Did she force you to fuck her? Unless you are the most naive and ignorant son-of-a-bitch in the world, you know that having sex, especially unprotected, can make a baby. To carelessly stick your cock wherever you please and then expect the women to abort your consequences because you “don’t want to be a father” is just pathetically arrogant and irresponsible.
          A real man does not create a difficult or uncomfortable situation and then expect someone else to bail him out of it whether or not they want to. A real man does not impregnate a woman and then expect her to kill her unborn child just so he can keep enjoying casual sex. If you haven’t agreed with a woman before sex that abortion is the route you will take, why would you expect her to take that route afterward? Just to free you from consequences?
          Either keep it in your pants or learn to accept the potential consequences of the risk you’re taking. Stop acting like a sexually entitled bitch. If you can’t deal with potentially having a child, I hear your hand is available.

        15. Wow your uncle sounds like he got “fagged up” a couple of times. Maybe that’s why he’s so ANAL! HA!

        16. Men are failing because most men are too scared to participate in a desperately needed civil war.

        17. I don’t usually reply to week-old rants, but you sound too unhinged to be ignored. I’m gonna type extra slowly just so your mangina-brain understands the fine distinction I’m making.
          It is a question about who gets to make the choice.
          The whole femlib movement was about the women’s right to choose, when it came to decisions concerning their bodies. By large they have that right now throughout the civilized world. They have also won the contraception battle, with multitude of options available to women, while there is only one (condom that decreases sensitivity) for men. But it’s not enough for femlib’s and their mangina tools (like you).
          The goal is to make as many choices as one can (woman), while shifting responsibility to someone else (man).
          The end goal – to make a man pay for a decision that a woman gets to make.
          Here are some extreme examples that this kind of retarded mentality has lead to:
          I’m not debating personal responsibility. I wear a condom myself every time I have sex, but that does not stop me from ignoring reality. And the reality is that even a condom isn’t 100% secure and that gives someone else a power over me to make a choice which consequences I have to bear.
          Right now, if a woman gets pregnant, she did not get there by mistake. This isn’t the 19th century. Women do this knowingly and they mostly do it to entrap men.
          Responsibility can be assigned only when one gets to make the choice. No one should be held responsible for a choice they didn’t get to make.
          Having unprotected sex is mutual, while giving/not giving birth to a child is a choice that women make alone.
          It’s the responsibility of every man to fight against this rotten unfairness in the system and to step on ignorant cockroaches like you willing to give away their rights to vaginas on pedestals.

        18. if he didn’t want to be a father, then he should have put on a condom. IF the condom broke or failed and the woman ended up pregnant, then that is no one’s fault. If you’re not ready to own up to the consequences of sex, then don’t have sex. And by the way, YOU forced yourself into fatherhood if you chose not to put on a condom. It is your own damn fault.
          And did you ever consider that women are forced into motherhood by men all the time? Men who don’t wear condoms, get the girl pregnant, and they leave her to deal with whatever happens. And you act like getting an abortion is easy. It’s dramatic, ridiculously expensive, and it is getting harder to find places that actually do abortions in a safe environment. So next time you hear about a man paying child support because he didn’t put on a condom, remember that HE CHOSE to have sex with the woman, and that he didn’t have to carry the child, give birth to it, and then take care of it.

        19. There are birth controls for men besides condoms, do your research.
          Oh, and just incase you were unaware, women haven’t won the “contraception battle”; female forms of birthcontrol aren’t readily available like you think. Often, women have to be referred by doctors to get certain forms of birth control, and those options are always more expensive than condoms. Also, many forms of birth control for women mess up their bodies, such as weight gain, weight loss, heavy periods, more painful periods, and an increase risk of stroke and heart attack. JUST SO YOU KNOW.
          And from my experience, condoms are desensitizing for women as well, so don’t get your big boy panties is a bunch; you’re not the only one having sex, it’s not always about you. If you weren’t going to accept responsibility in the case of pregnancy, then don’t have sex. Put on a condom, it is not that hard.
          You think you are being forced into fatherhood, mind it you don’t have to go through the trouble of carrying the child and birthing the child. Did you think about what you’re doing to her? Forcing her into motherhood?
          If you are not ready yo be a dad, put on a condom. Why is this so challenging for you?

        20. Yes women have a choice as to let the baby live or die, but men also had a choice of using condoms or maybe not have sex at all if they can’t and or will not step up to the plate. It is not only the women to be pointing fingers at here, doctorkillpatient……

        21. I have a very close friend who was born in the mid 80’s. When he was 5 years old, Mom decided to divorce Dad. Mom told Child that he would receive a Super Nintendo Entertainment System if the child told the judge that Dad had touched him in his bum.
          Dad was never allowed near the child, was raked over the coals for alimony and child support, and the mother taught the child for 12 full years that Dad molested him.
          As she lay dying when he was 17 (cancer), she admits to him that it was all a lie, and that it was simply to get the child all to herself.
          Tell me how Dad was supposed to, “Take responsibility?”
          These court cases were a plague in the late 70’s through the early 90’s, and my friend is far from the only person to have this sort of thing happen to him. The young adults of today were the children of yesterday, and they remember what their fathers went through, and are scared shit-less of the idea of being a husband or a father, and with very good reason to be.

      1. Yes. Because the essence of femininity is man-worship. Women need to know what we like so they can give it to us.

        1. One thing is for sure – Todays woman sure doesnt know anything about “real femininity” – thats for sure.

        2. SEA, LA, or EE are looking really good right now. The Oprah watching cat lady linebackers on Team Murica can have their own HR war with each other while I go to Costa Rica.

      2. Since women obviously need men to do the most dangerous, the most grueling work to keep society’s infrastructure and safety going, then yes…. And show a little more respect for them than you have for the last 40 years too.

      3. You have to travel to Asia now to see real femininity…..
        Most of the lady-boys in Thailand do a better job of acting feminine than western girls do at being feminine.

    2. Modern Women ™ find it hard to accept that men have any form of emotional mastery. When faced with evidence, scientific and/or direct, that a) men and women both feel emotions, but b) men emote and then move on to find solutions, while c) women amplify their emotions and stay in an emotional state, they reject it.
      Silly creatures.

    3. I have to argue a LITTLE about the “gay men” part. While a flamer is certainly not much use, and no swish could be considered useful – counter-examples exist, and are even in our “grouping”: Jack Donovan, “The Way of Men”, for example.
      Just noting. 😉

      1. I agree. My flaming cross dressing brother in law is still a man and still knows what it is to be a man. Who you want to have sex with doesn’t change your gender. He sees things as a man and understands the world as a man. He uses logic. He has frequently stated that the more he knows women the more he is glad he is gay. I agree with him. If gayness was a choice a hell of a lot more men would choose it.

        1. If he “uses logic”, why is he so confused that he doesn’t know where to put his wee-wee (anus isn’t meant to have penetration, can cause colon cancer among other illnesses)? And if he “still knows what it is to be a man”, why does he wear clothes that are designed for the woman’s physique?
          GTFO with that pro-LGBT sh*t. This site is for REAL men.

        2. Gay is not the same as confused. And yeah, men are kind of meant for anal sex; the male equivalent of the g-spot is in the anus and has no other purpose than to cause pleasure. Already your argument is invalid.
          And if this site is for “real men” like you put it, then most of the users should get off; real men are men who opt to better themselves. You on the other hand are a bigotted jerk who thinks that gays are somehow worse because they don’t have the same kind of sex you like. Can you see how that doesn’t make sense? Or are you too dense?

    4. The problem with that is that the same people who have been pushing the feminist crap and the feminization of men crap, have also been successfully pushing the single mother/frivorce crap. Masculine influences have been systematically removed from the lives of most young boys growing up today. Fathers are kicked out of their childrens lives. Almost ALL teachers are female. And the media is constantly pushing the feminist viewpoint on our sons.

      1. Masculine Republics (how we started in USSA) corrode into feminine Democracies (where we are now). They don’t want any masculine energy being developed, harnessed, and cultivated to resist the tyranny so they oppress and kill it off.

    5. Jack Donovan is gay… and he literally wrote the book on the 21st century masculinity renaissance.

  3. Good article! We sat our son down a few days ago (they were holding a “bullying” meeting after school last week; we elected to stay home and talk to our son about bullying ourselves) and explained: “Son, you have a brown belt. You are a little smaller than the other kids your age but that’s ok because you have training and skills. Should some little snot-nosed kid decide to bully you, take him out – and make sure you have a good-sized audience when you do it!” He muttered something about “getting in trouble” and Dad told him that he will handle the school, should anything happen. And closed with “… and when I get home, I will slap you on the back and congratulate you for a job well done.” 😀

    1. When I play hoops with what I deem “court bullies” (an oversized person that uses the weigh of their frame instead of their skills to score baskets), I always guard them. They all play the same way. They always just barrel down the lane and expect people to get out of the way to avoid being run over. Since they always lack the athleticism to eurostep or prohop, I just plant my feet and get a good stance. Every time I will draw an offensive foul and plant their ass on the floor. After a couple times the become a non-factor in the game and I can guard someone who can actually play.

      1. My husband told our son that his strategy should be to take out the biggest bully with the biggest mouth and do it so that everyone sees. “…Then you won’t have to fight anyone else.”

        1. That is on-point advice. Disrupting the status of the man on top will always gain one serious respect.
          Most bullies only possess a size advantage and not a skill advantage. All it takes is a true stand of defiance to make the question their true dominance.

        2. Maybe in a Disney movie perhaps – kids or anyone else trying to follow this kind of advice better hope they have their “skill-advantage” seriously squared away because most bullies don’t mind stacking the odds in their favour with multiple attackers or weapons.

        3. I hope you also tell him to pick his battles as well.
          I took out the bully who was bothering me when I was in school in the way you described. I beat him in a fair fight in a very public way…..The week after this 3 of his friends beat the crap out of me in more private setting using an electric cattle prod.
          Standing you ground and using your brains is commendable, using your brain as well can be even better.

        4. Since our son is under 21 he cannot be armed but he does have skills with several other types of self-protection devices. As is everyone in our family; for those old enough to be armed we are armed and trained. Deciding to not live your life as a victim is lifestyle, not a hobby or a passing fancy.

        5. Wooooh, not suggesting for an instant that he arm himself. Merely that he pick his battles carefully. I applaud your decision to teach him not to be a victim. But kids also have to be taught limits as well.
          I was lucky enough to have 2 older brothers to deal out some schoolyard justice to the gang that beat me up. but in hindsight I should have been a lot more cautious after the initial fight and so turned a bad situation into something worse. What I’m saying is that I tried to get through this one by myself. Your son is lucky to have you at his back to guide his actions.

    2. No spectacle ma’am. Always tell your son to “Step up to him and tell him not to disrespect you like that again.” “If he doesn’t agree and apologize then make sure he bleeds too.”

        1. Conform or else..aimed primarily at boys. School has become essentially a very shaming experience for most boys.

        2. Schools are good at shaming girls too- both genders. You all are complaining about not teachhing boys to figh anymore, or that boys don’t have an outlet to fight. Girls aren’t taught to fight at all.

    3. I’ve had to do the same thing. Hell they are minors, I told my son if there is a big size advantage wait till say lunch and sucker the shit out of him with a book or tray. With that ALWAYS comes out of a kids mouth “but I’ll get in trouble”…”the teacher said”… I told him if you get suspended for sticking up for yourself I’ll take you to the amusement park instead of school. Mind you though he’s a good kid in general and it depends on the kid of what sort of advice to give. If I gave that same speech to my daughter she would have done it just to go to the park. lol

      1. Sucker punch? Really? Your son would not get suspended, he would get expelled and probably get hauled out of school in handcuffs. Expect a lawsuit to follow.

        1. Oh no a law suit. I’ll pick him at the station and take him home. Then just online school. Quit thinking like a pussy.

        2. To add… Associates tell me the parents lawsuit would get dropped pretty quick. Take that how you want.

        3. Your ASSociates sound more like ASShats. I’ve seen it happen many times and the instigator always comes off second best legally.

    4. I remember my dad teaching me how to fight after I had been bullied by an older boy, Greg, when I was 9 or so. He insisted that I learn, and then told me to go down the street that night, ring the doorbell, and ask Greg to step outside. I did. I punched him, he hit back, and at the time I thought I had lost the fight. But Greg never messed with me again. In fact, he avoided me until his family moved away a couple of years later.
      I’m glad you have your son’s back on this issue. He will grow from it and be a better man decades from now as a result of your lesson of being prepared. (I haven’t been in a physical fight since I was 14, more than 20 years ago. I haven’t needed to…)

      1. Getting in fights is dumb. Tossing a brick through someones car window is much more enjoyable. You wont get caught or get in trouble. The person will feel more confused and violated because they cant see their attacker. It will cause them monetary pain.
        Plus, its fun. And you wont get bruises, scratches, wounds or an arrest record.
        Plus, after they spend $200 for a new windshield you can pitch another brick through it again.
        ALWAYS – better to fight with brains, than brawn.
        We need a throw a brick through a feminists windshield week.

    5. My parents were always the same way when I was a kid. I’ve got poor eyesight and wore glasses from an early age. I also have bright red hair, and it’s curly to boot. They knew some kids were going to step, and that I’d have to bring it. I remember getting into a lot of fights as a kid, and my parents never got angry if I was defending myself. I took Karate, and always showed an aptitude for martial arts. I was so naturally flexible that I could do a split while cold(no stretching).
      Once, in Karate class, on sparring day of all days, a bully in the class named Ralph decided he was going to mess with me. He had one of the padded karate gloves and was whipping it at me. I kept trying to get away from him, but didn’t attack him or really try to stop him. My father was in the stands watching the whole thing. I’ll never forget the car ride home. “Why are we paying for Karate if you’re going to let some kid mess with you? If he pulls that again, you’d better beat his ass.” Point taken dad.
      Sure enough, the following week on sparring day, Ralph tried the same shit. Well, I wasn’t having that shit this time. Ralph and I start scrapping, and at one point, he has me pinned down(almost in what you would call a full guard in MMA). He looks down at me and says “I’m going to break your glasses”. FUCK THAT SHIT. I pulled my leg back(remember how I said I was flexible?) and kicked Ralph in the eye twice. Straight heel to eye contact, it’s was glorious. At that point some of the sensei guys ran over and broke it up, but it was pretty much over anyway. Ralph had one of the greatest shiners I ever dished out, and everyone in class congratulated me on that. Dad bought me some ice cream on the way home, haha.

  4. Brilliant… and look at it from a woman’s or a weaker man’s point of view…
    What they see as something terrible… for example the car was hijacked and stolen at gun point… a strong man will brush off… car was insured, i didn’t take a bullet, i walk home and get a better one from the insurance money….
    whereas the sensitive man and his whiney girlfriend has to spend an hour blubbing at the side of the road and be consoled by police and ambulance workers and spend months in therapy to recover from the trauma…
    they cannot understand the man who brushes it off as nothing…. they think he must be burying his emotions or be suppressed, or have some deep seated repressed issues from the car jacking….
    on the other hand the boss, for example a high pressure commodities trader turning millions per day in the trading pits….. he leads like a military captain, shouting offensive orders at his platoon, and belittling any kind of mistake, yet by more sensitive people is considered ‘out of control’, prejudiced, mad, or having an anger management problem…
    women and or beta house husbands need that empathy, they need that sensitivity and emotional connection, so they can be on the level of children to take care of them and bring them up in a soft, loving environment.
    real men, and or career women that want to push forwards (and have the required skills) need to overcome those instincts and operate on pure logic, even in the face of the flight or fight reaction.

    1. I lean towards believing that the strong man has had life experiences that the weaker man has not.
      For example, physical labor, sports, accidents, and so forth, with which come different unexpected (and often difficult) situations that build that ability to walk away from some situations without breaking down in tears.

      1. there’s also the mad old captain – someone along the lines of churchill….. that smokes and drinks furiously, pounds whores all night long and grins and bears the pressure….. some of it is training and life experience sure… the rest is just blue balled determination and character…. that’s what feminism suppresses first….

      2. When I conduct interviews, regardless of which gender the applicant is, if I don’t see some demonstrated examples of physical, mental and toughness I become very worried. Combine that with no experience working in teams, very common among IT dorks, and they become almost an automatic do not hire.
        There’s nothing worse than the combination of someone who has no control of their own emotions and has no skills navigating other people’s. They are not the folks you want next to you when you have up for 48 hours working a project….

        1. They dont want that kind of job anyways.
          They dreamed from a save position working for the goverment with 9-5, retirement and full medical coverage.
          That is what public shools are for – create servants for the state.

    2. True, and some people, when using logic, will come to the conclusion that they are unfit, incapable, etc., and will just lead sorry-ass lives no matter what effort they put in. This is why coddling appeals to many people.

    3. “they cannot understand the man who brushes it off as nothing…. they think he must be burying his emotions or be suppressed, or have some deep seated repressed issues from the car jacking…. ”
      Or even worse: They think of such a man as “heartless”.
      Under the reign of Queen Emotion, the man who ignores her is public enemy no. 1.

    4. Take it one step further… shoot and kill the car jacker in a him or me situation. Wake up fine the next day and live like nothing happened. Simple as taking out the trash.

  5. Incredible article!
    Everyone diffuses built up emotions differently, so it is important to find what is most effective for you. However, being proactive and displaying attenuated emotions is very important as well. By losing your cool, you are forfeiting your upper hand in that certain situation.
    As a masculine figure, one needs to be stable. If you can’t keep yourself together during tough times then people will never look towards you as a leader.

  6. Part of the larger problem of thinking that top performance is arrogant, and success should be equally distributed by government

  7. What it means to be MASCULINE in life.
    -Your girlfriend just dumped you? work on your game and date a better girl and/or build a harem
    -Your business venture collapsed? Pick yourself up and pursue a more feasible business idea.
    -You getting bullied in school/college? Agree and Amplify or confront him/her(bullies are usually cowards)
    -Failed in school/college? Who cares?! Be an entrepreneur, a writer, join the military etc. You’re still breathing aren’t you?
    -Death of a loved one? Work through the 5 stages of grief then MOVE ON. Every living thing has signed a contract with the grim reaper.
    What we don’t do is whine and cry about every little thing.. What we don’t do is give up. What we don’t do is absorb failures and losses personally. We ENDURE, We PERSEVERE, We BUILD ourselves up again. That’s how winning is done.
    Let me list some men for you gentlemen.
    1. Nelson Mandela(Stoicism)
    2. Adolf Hitler(Aggression)
    3. Arnold Schwarzenegger/Pablo Escobar(Ambition)
    4. Steve Jobs( Risk taking)
    5. Martin Luther King (Visionary)
    What do these men have in common? MASCULINITY.
    Its time we claim our Thrones back as Kings

    1. Summed up what being a man is about, Psquare. Do you know what all those points do? They make us interesting, fun, confident, and strong – Qualities most weak-willed men and females lack.

      1. Yes. Hitler went from being a college dropout-mr.nobody to conquering Europe, North Africa and a small part of Russia. In fact he’s still a role model to many factions around the world e.g Neo-Nazism, White supremacists. Obviously he wouldn’t be my role model for self explanatory reasons

        1. You list someone whose thirst for power was the end of millions of people, and himself? In this case there is a difference between a thirst for power (greed) and aggression (pursuing). But you don’t list the man who successfully led the world out of ww2 and stood up to tyranny from 3 different main forces (nazi germany, muscolini italy and hirohito japan) – plus held soviet russia in check – namely, Winston Churchill? Massive fail…

        2. Plus, the main reason I would say that shitler rose to power was his charisma and ability to manipulate people/events to his liking.
          Also, are you saying that if you were white, he would be your role model?

    2. These are qualities both genders should have.
      Being able to move on after break ups and deaths, standing up for oneself, and doing well in the business world. This has nothing to do with being a man at all.

  8. I never had a father growing up. I was completely raised by women. I lived with my mother and two older sister, who raised me my whole life. I had no idea what it meant to be a man. I remember once, as a freshman in highschool, I cried in the cafeteria. I could see every girl in the entire school simultaneously lose all attraction towards me, and every single person lose all respect for me. I remember thinking, “what the fuck? Why does no one care?” I was clueless, having seen women get away with this my whole live.
    That was the rude awakening. I spent the next few years searching for role models, finding any bits of manly wisdom uncorrupted an uncensored by feminism on the internet, and closely observing the traits of successful men. If I had a real male leader in my youth to teach me these virtues, not just feminist voltures trying to breed more easily manipulated beta slaves, I would be years ahead, but it’s websites like this that provide hope to confused young men.
    I’m making a point to teach what I can to my young fatherless cousins, and will introduce them to the manosphere as soon as they’re old enough to understand.
    Thank you return of kings.

    1. Excellent points. You sound like a guy who has material to contribute to RoK. Please consider doing it.
      I did the same, from relatively similar experiences.

  9. Good shit. This needs to be shouted loud and aggressively to all the whiny little shit stains of the world until they retreat further into the basement so no sane person can hear their effeminate sobs or they rise triumphantly from their stupor a man…..finally.
    I agree about the mastery of emotions being seen by our feminized ball busters as not being “empathetic” enough. I would also like to add that emotion….namely hatred and anger can be one of the most motivating and powerful forces a man can possess.
    It was hatred of every manboob and every feminist cunt that led me to lift weights, become stronger and do whatever it took to shed the indoctrination of my youth. It was the purest most righteous anger that loathed the weakness in myself instilled from being around my single mother and her influence as a developing young male which eventually led me to become a professional fighter.
    And yes I agree that immediate emotional responses are beaten out of you in training and should be absent from the ring. However there was always and still is that simmering anger, that boiling hatred which keeps the fire in my belly hot and ready to inflict punishment.
    I was an angry youth….with no direction and no purpose. Instead of talking about my feelings to some faggot counselor or “emoting” to some bitch I decided to run full speed into the black abyss of all my anger and face every fear I had. Since my biggest fear many years ago was being humiliated publicly I decided to tackle it head on by fighting for sport in front of lots of people.
    The night of my first fight was a baptism by fire and I truly felt born again. Looking back over a decade later that fire of anger and hatred for this abomination we call civilized society has not waned one bit. If anything it has grown in strides yet I can control it, manage it and not show it at all if I so choose. It is truly a weapon for one to master….and like the women in your life, if you do not master it then they will come for your weak soul.
    A man with hatred and anger that has been channeled into effective skills and one that has dove head first into the chaotic tempest of his emotions is a man to be feared and respected whence he returns from his quest.

  10. I see what other parents are doing to their boys and it seriously bugs me. On the one hand I want to correct them, on the other hand I like the idea of my son having a serious competitive advantage.

  11. Great article. Love the pic of Charles Bronson who could act without speaking most of the time. The sayings “strong silent type ” or ” still waters run deep ” are compliments in my book…

      1. Agreed. There are a handful of actors that can act without speaking. A look ,raised brow, a walk. All of these type of actors are alpha male types: Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, Russell Crowe, Liam Neeson , John Wayne, Marlon Brando. Not many of these types now. Most actors today are jabbering , arm waving spastics ( e.g Russell Brand…)

        1. Damn….big omission. My dad and I were watching an old Bond/007 flick ( one of the early ones….) and my dad said about Connery “that guy gets more ass than a toilet seat”

      2. John Wayne’s famous advice to men in the acting field was: Talk low, talk slow, and don’t talk too much.

  12. Great stuff and all true. Currently I work with “men” who perform deplorably under pressure. Most of them are older than me too. Sad.
    I might expand on the points made in the article by saying society screws men, by telling us we need to “be ourselves.” No, what we need to be is a valued producer. Society will happily let us starve in a ditch, literally or metaphorically, if we can’t produce something that someone values. Women are not affected by this because of their biology and the female-pedestaling tendencies of our culture. Men, on the other hand, have to deliver value.

    1. “Society will happily let us starve in a ditch, literally or metaphorically, if we can’t produce something that someone values. ”
      If that was the case, much less problems.

  13. Single moms raising boys? They can’t and we are seeing the consequences now. Get ready for a huge increase in homosexuals and manboob/beta boys…

    1. Plain and simple. Women can’t raise men. My sister was smart enough to realize this and now my nephews are in Alaska killing everything they can shoot with their dad and his family. She misses them, but realizes they are way better off.

      1. women can’t raise girls either, because when puberty starts to hit at 11-12 in girls, the mother lacks the domineering respect required to control young women….. only a father can do that.

        1. Single moms raising kids ( boys and girls ) is an unmitigated disaster. This has been verified by science. The engine of all our social ills can be traced to single mommery. Single moms raising boys: either gay/fey or become savage gang members. Single moms raising girls: Sluts then teenage moms and the cycle perpetuates. Single fathers raising kids would be an interesting thing to study. I think it is rare but I think single dads/men would be better at raising kids than single women raising kids alone…

        2. My wife died young leaving me to raise four kids the youngest 3. The last two are now in college. Five of my six sisters ended up single moms at some point and all acknowledge, with a huge amount of shock, how well my kids turned out (never acknowledging it is in comparison to how their kids turned out.) Single fathers raise kids quite well. Study after study shows that two biological parents in the home is best, but that single father headed households are a close second. The worst is single mother raised kids.

        3. Blame gang problems on single motherhood? Trayvon Martin´s father was a gang member himself.
          Rather, gang member baby fathers are often not that far away from the “single” moms and make sure to draft them young, getting in jail for killing while 12 often gets a lighter sentence.
          Muzzie juvenile delinquents in western europe? Lots of them have fathers, these fathers are more likely to become extremly confronting if the delinquent behaviour of their childrens are adressed.

        4. How are you making this argument? Really, I’d like to know. You through out some b.s. about women being bad parents, but tell me how you came to that conclusion?
          I was raised by a single mother with older sisters and a father who didn’t really know me. My father never got to know me at all; and my mother pushed education on me all my life. My mother was the strict and “domineering” one, while my father was very passive. I never had a good relationship with either parent, but it was my mother who had a positive effect on me. Because of her, I succeeded; good grades, a future, interview with Harvard, attending one of the best private schools in the world, and really confident about my career.
          I know my case is singular, but I can’t understand why you could think a woman can’t raise a child.

      2. “Women can’t raise men. My sister was smart enough to realize this and now my nephews are in Alaska killing everything they can shoot with their dad and his family.”

    2. I’m trying to be polite in saying this, but a lot of you don’t really know what you’re talking about. I’m privy to seeing a lot of single mother raised boys come through the school system year after year and I tell you, maybe it’s NOT having a man around the house and becoming neglected that these latch-key brats become very street wise, resourceful and tough little sons of bitches (excuse the pun). They take no shit from anyone, demonstrate a tonne of charm and at 10 years of age are already breaking hearts.
      I contrast them with kids raised in two parent homes where dad most of time is brow beaten by mum and made to feel like a second class citizen in his own home in FRONT of his son/s – what example do you think this sets? So much for your two parent theory. In a perfect world/patriarchy this wouldn’t happen, but this is 2014 – welcome to the Western World reality.

    3. One can not raise someone to be homosexual. A child is born, they end up as gay. That’s really it…Gay is not caused my nurture. It can be fueled by it or be can be accepted in an environment (as it should be), but it can not just be created because a son has a mother and no father.

      1. Wrong. It’s unclear whether nature vs nurture causes folks to be gay . No study shows a “gay center” of the brain. Don’t think moms raise their boys on show tunes and Ru Paul but how can a boy learn to be a man or hetero when there are no men or heteros around??!! Male nature has to be learned in large part. Boys grow up surrounded by chicks. Men impregnate and split. Daddy Govt takes over as Big Daddy. 87% of teachers are women. Add that being GAY is FAAABULOUS and way better than being hetero I think you’re going to see lots o gay boys…

  14. Men always keep their emotions under control. Men don’t cry either unless its over a death. And no that doesn’t include the death of any relationship, with a woman or a friend. When you let emotions take over, you get stupid.

  15. In France at the moment they are teaching “ABC” of equality to young children. Some groups feel that it is close to teaching gender theory to kids. At least some parents are pulling their kids from these classes. The socialists and fembots will not give up until the whole system collapses. Sooner rather than later I hope.
    In Ireland the homosexual lobby is trying to quash any debate on the question of homosexual “marriage”. The media in Ireland at the moment is saturated with cries of homophobia against some journalists who had the courage to ask for a reasoned debate on the subject. All the journalists espoused is a child’s right to a mother and a father. What the hell is homophobia? I am as homophobic as a homosexual is heterophobic i.e. I have an aversion to male ass just like a homosexual man has an aversion to a moist pussy or a dyke to a hard erect cock. They will squeal and shout so much I hope the Irish people get tired of this unreasonable behaviour and vote accordingly.

  16. When I went to school, if you had a fight with another kid, the teacher sorted out who was right and who was wrong. Win, lose or draw, if you were right, you didn’t get punished, the other kid did. I guess now they call the cops.
    Physical fighting is an important skill. Better to learn in the playground as child than have your first fight be for your life in the street.
    Point being, it seems schools will do anything possible to protect boys from reality. And when reality finally hits them in the face, they are completely unprepared.

    1. Now they punish everybody, even self-defense, because “all violence is wrong” and good citizens just take getting pummeled like Democrats want.

    2. I remember one fight I had in school that stopped when a female teacher came. She looked in disgust and said: “If all people were like you, this world would be a terrible place to live.” I looked at the guy who was my opponent in a vicious brawl just seconds ago and we both laughed together, feeling that we were on the sane side of life.
      Schools are places where do-gooders get a job to feel good about themselves at the expense of children.

  17. I don’t see the problem here, when chitty pc-lib parents raise future whores and manginas it can only ever benefit the alphas and sigmas in every way imaginable.
    brb easy pussy to phuck & chuck at will
    brb virtually no competition when they’ve all been emasculated from childhood
    brb instantly a higher value male just by no swallowing blue-pill-bs,
    brb look like a greek god amongst phaggy-time skinny jean wearing hipsters
    brb brb

    1. never under estimate the damage that stupid people can cause when they gather together in large numbers.

    2. we’re talking about the dominant culture. That culture is mass-producing weakness. No-one is insulated from this

  18. “This man can’t be manipulated or controlled”
    And you wonder why Feminism is so widely accepted by officials?

  19. I don’t understand the bash towards video games. I understand that it can and does consume male lives yet recent articles have suggested to eliminate them completely.
    I’m a 19 year old male who does play video games at some nights after I complete my college law classes. Video games don’t create a beta out of me.
    I work out, I strive for knowledge, I have old school values and I finagle women weekly. Do video games really remove the Alpha that I believe swaggers around with me?

    1. “I’m a 19 year old male who does play video games at some nights after I complete my college law classes.”
      Don’t bullshit a bullshiter, brah. A 19 year old is not in “law classes” you’re taking Criminal Justice and Poli Sci with the intention of applying to law school.

  20. This article is just a bunch of whiny bullshit. Yes, we all know working in a corporation or in an office environment SUCKS. Instead of whining about it, shut the fuck up and quit your job and find a less stressful job. Or even better, drop out of society and go MGTOW.

  21. ” Boys will hear “express your feelings,” “don’t hold it inside,” “talk about your problems,” and “be emphatic.” They are no longer told to be tough, not complain, and take action instead.”
    But notice how many women AND MEN call me a whiny bitch because I took the time to document the crimes I was subjected to and put them into a book so as to make sure that other men could avoid the same issues.
    Men in the west are hypercritical of other men.
    When I was young we had a rule as part of the code of honour. If you were going to criticise another man, or even suggest advice, you MUST be better than the man at what you are advising him about.
    You want to give a man advice on how to swing a golf club? You better have a lower handicap.
    But do men do this any more? No. They just criticise, criticise, criticise like a whiny bunch of women. There has be NO other man video record a family court matter and put it on YT. There has been no other man publish family court documents in defiance of two national guvmints. And as far as I know NO other man who has told a family court judge that if he unlawfully incarcerates him then he will kill him. If there has been such a man? Let him come forth.
    Has Karen Straughn done what I have done? Dr. Helen? ANY woman? ANY MAN?
    So why do other MEN so praise these do nothing women, indeed, worse than useless women and put shit on me?
    Because other men are such retarded gutless cowards that they can not bring themselves to even acknowledge they would NEVER do what I have done and so they have to attack and criticise and make themselves feel good by doing so because deep in their hearts they know they are retarded gutless cowards.
    I say any man who wants to criticise me? Have you done what I have done? Are you better than me? And if not? How about you wait until you can PROVE you are better than me before you open your mouth.
    Men today need a few good men to who have lived exemplary lives to point out to them what honesty, honour and integrity is all about. And one thing it is about is that you STFU unless you have something useful to say and you do not attempt to advise, let alone criticise those who are better than you.
    That would be a very good start.

    1. Yeah, if anyone told us “use your words” when I was a kid, it would’ve come out like this: “Fuck you! ” “Yo’ mama already took care of that, mo’fucker!”

    2. Code of honour? I’ve know you since you were 6, and you’ve always been a dysfunctional uptight GAY cunt!

  22. This is when the father say “communicate your feelings rationally when necessary,” “find a relief for your stresses,” “only discuss your problems with people you trust, and only when you really need help,” and “be emphatic in order to raise up your fellow man, to lead, and teach your woman to be a good woman (the wife whisperer).”

  23. “Women can’t raise man.” I know this because I’m a product of an single mother and I know that I’m at an horrible disadvantage for not have enough male role models in my life. I’m really glad websites like this are becoming mainstream where males can educated themselves to have a better life in all aspects. I’ve accomplished more in within the last 2 months with females than I didn’t previously ever. It a true shame how men are being brainwashed by this feminist- controlled American society. I imagine that we will only degraded worst in the next coming decades if we don’t continuing to spread the word.

      1. Incentives matter.
        Plus did you have a brain fart and forget over 75% of break ups are instigated by the woman? Most of the time they have no choice.

      2. These role models where better than the alternatives that where offered but where still flawed, never perfect to begin with.
        The medias and education systems would not have been able to underminne and destroy them with only lies and manipulations.
        What is the answer? Just like fighter planes, computer programs or missiles, improve these role models of course but in doing so, one should not disregarde the past.
        Those who ignores its lessons are condemned to repeat it.

    1. Dont blame being a beta pussy on not having a dad. I had a dad my whole life and he is a beta pussy too.
      A man becomes a man from his own inner strength. Not because of his daddy – his buddies – the Army, Marines or some other gay armed forces. Not from some queer Martial Artist class. Not from lifting a bunch of weights, nor reading some whiny comments on obscure blogs.
      You become a man by being one.

  24. Most of the “dads” that come around here on this site commenting that because they are fathers they are the masculine alpha piles of shit on the planet – are in reality the biggest phaggot douchebags that bootlickingly cater to the wives wishes to conform like all other good hubbies, and they are they ones that cry and bring up boys that become transgender morphodite pigfuckers who get SRS surgery.
    To bring up a man, you have to be a man. In todays society women wont allow their husbands or sons to be men. It just doesnt conform.
    Lol. Getting married and having kids is for phaggots.

    1. “”Lol. Getting married and having kids is for phaggots.””
      Said nobody ever besides self hating white progtards. At least finish your sentence with “because of the risks to man these days”.

      1. Sorry if I got your transgendered panties in a bunch.
        And dont ever tell me how to finish my sentences again.

  25. It’s also with some irony that the many of the old time actors who serve as reference points for descriptions of masculinity were gay or described in their private lives as sensitive guys in stark contrast to their own screen personae. (Think James Dean, Clift, Olivier, Cary Grant etc etc)

  26. It’s easy. Compare “White” Parenting to Asian parenting.
    Yes Asians have an average IQ of 105 which is slightly higher than whites’ at 100 (and blacks at 85). But that doesn’t explain the entirety of the Asian/white achievement gap.
    White parents: “Your special and important. All that matters is that you tried your best”.
    Asian parents: ” *smack* *smack* I’ll teach you to bring home an A- *smack* *smack*”.

    White parents: “Sure son, play video games, have fun, hang out with your friends”
    Asian parents ” Do your homework, play your violin.”

      1. who gives a flying fuck about creativity? i may be oversimplifying here but i reckon muscle and sweat built civilisation, not faggoty painters depicting sunsets.

        1. You are oversimplifying because creativity also means the invention of new technology and business models.
          Asians had muscle and sweat for thousands of years, but that didn’t brought them the internet.

        2. Sweat and muscles alone build nothing. It was creativity and intelligence that has brought humanity to where it is now, not muscles or steroids.

  27. Lots of talk about the young – I hope it’s not just talk. Men have a cultural imperative to impart their wisdom and knowledge and most of all their examples and experience to the up and coming generation. Disparaging them isn’t going to help matters any. Become a teacher, tutor, sports coach or volunteer your time with them. Imagine if you could have been provided with a knowledgeable mentor at such a young age….you’d be a weapon by now and probably wouldn’t need a site like this one.

  28. I personally don’t see anything wrong with being empathetic and expressing your feelings. To me there is nothing feminine,soft, or beta about that. Maybe if more guys expressed their feelings we wouldn’t have a bunch of mass public shootings in the U.S.A or depressed suicidal people. I’m not saying be a bunch of whiny girly men, but holding your emotions ALL the time can wreak havoc on your mental well-being. What if your uncle is molesting you, should you tell a 9 year old to just hold it in cus that’s what men do? No, you tell him to talk about what happened to the appropriate people. I am also not saying to let your emotions get the best of you. But to be completely emotionless is not healthy or human.

    1. I’m partially with you, however beating the shit out of bullies always works better than sending them to the principal.

  29. This confirms in my opinion that a vicious war will have to be waged against the feminists. I see no future in which men will allow feminists to live. The corruption of boys by their single mothers was a creation of feminism. The fact that these civilization destroyers are allowed to live is because it benefits the upper echelon of society. Those families that have established wealth throughout the generations in the West want to prohibit the same family patriarchal formation. If this protector class didn’t exist for the academicians and feminists who continue to rot the soul of this nation, they would have all been exterminated in mass graves.

    1. so, you’re aiming for the moral high ground then? Less extermination more persuasion please.

  30. I remember reading Antony Beevor’s “Stalingrad” when I was a junior in H.S. and I could remember that experience as if it were yesterday. The sheer bravery, stoicism, sacrifice and altruism on behalf of both sides (especially the German side) made me come away with this explicit belief, “the man who is not ready to struggle is a man not yet ready to be a man.”

    1. That’s well said and true, but I think it’s only true in the context where women are raised to be selfish in western societies. I still have faith in humanity and think if we did things right, women would learn to be faithful and sacrifice for their family. After all, women are subjected to poor upbringing like today’s men are. Girls growing up with no fathers also become failures, but the difference is they are artificially sustained by constant undeserved praise and love from every branch of society.

      1. You are being naive. This is the nature of women and it always has been. Read some evo-psych. Women being able to shift allegiances in a heartbeat are a survival tactic. The selfish gene is closely linked to XX chromosomes. Sacrificing for the welfare of the whole group or others (not including blood relatives) in any way is strictly a male trait and always has been. To expect it from women is to expect unicorns to come trim your lawn.

        1. There is no precise nature of women. The nature of women changes according to the rules men make. Since we live in a society were selfishness is a winning strategy, then women act accordingly. If we change society for the better then women will follow.
          As for evo-psych, you need to read other articles that focus on the brighter side of humanity. While evo psych is very informative, there is an underdone of fatalism to it. Just because nature is ugly doesn’t mean our societies need to be ugly. We can work around our biology for the better and be free to build whatever we want.

        2. Even more offensive from our emasculated-bought and paid for political “leaders” is the fact that they want us to serve alongside women in the military.

      2. I’m serious at the point where I’m over this feminist country and trying to find a country where men can be men and find myself a normal wife!

  31. i, am know as the master of emotions and, such i think i should of have worke this article. not this dude. i know,people agree with me.

  32. conact me on omegle, for tips and how to actually you know control emotions and manipulate.

  33. When I was growing up I only ever saw my father cry once and that was when, after my parents marriage broke down, myself and my brother were moved hundreds of miles away by my mother. That moment has stuck with me all my life because I had never seen it before. My father was and still is, the man I look to for all things masculine.

      1. Yeah for sure. I’m sure he had many other emotional times but he kept them away from his children as he was, as any father is, the model that his children base masculinity on.

  34. One important extension of this thrust is that women are encouraged to be weak also.
    There used to be a lot more women who range on the stoic side of values, and there still are a few exceptions – but those aren’t the one heralded as strong women any more.
    Strong now means “complains the loudest” – for both genders.

      1. That’s true.
        Whenever you hear that “traditional gender roles hurt boys also” you know that’s a feminist who isn’t content with spoiling girls and intimidating boys but wants to make boys as effeminate as girls.

  35. I’m not sure. Emotional mastery is one thing, but understanding when and how to act rational is another. I am contracting at a highly dysfunctional (by my standards) corporate-techno environment. Mastering my emotions could be interpreted as sitting still while yammering coworker run on and on. Lately I have learned to say “Enough” and exclude myself from time-wasting activities. This is a huge faux-pau in the corporate world where it is seen as “throwing a temper tantrum….

  36. My son is 13. Ever since he was 9 I have told him to learn to control your emotions. You can’t control how you feel, you will feel angry when you are angry but you can control how other people view how you feel. Contain your emotions. For the most part, never let people know what you are feeling. I’ve told him in old school man terms, “son, don’t be a pussy” and explained to him what I meant. There are few times in a man’s life when he is allowed to cry; the death of loved ones, birth of children, and favorite team winning it all, or sports legend retiring. That’s pretty much it….and in each of those instances it’s for a shirt amount of time.
    I have plenty of lessons to teach him about morality, self respect and depending on himself. Men don’t ask women for money or anything, it’s shameful. A man stands on his own two feet through adversity. If he needs help, he goes to other men, never women

  37. This article hit pretty close to home. My mom would spend all her time trying to insure that I became “sensitive.” My sisters, on the other hand, were conditioned by our mother into being the empowered type of women that take serious offense to any type of mention of traditional gender roles. After being girlfriend-less for the entirety of high school, I decided a change was in order for college but I sadly swung all the way to the other side of the spectrum. Nights out with friends would often degenerate into me trolling drunk idiots into fights, and I really only hooked up or even interacted with girls while hammered (which, has its own logistical problems). As an athlete I always was around a bunch of other 6’2″+ guys, so I never really was in any physical danger, but I clearly wasn’t happy with the way that things are going.
    To make a long story shorter, I eventually end up getting diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. After being medicated I feel a lot more normal and I don’t feel the need to respond to every situation with a “fight or flight” mentality. But I always wondered if this could have all been avoided had I not been conditioned by mother to be a huge pussy….

    1. Its sad but SO TRUE!!! As males we are ashamed to act muscular where women can! Sometimes I think most western people are just fucking stupid to buy into this shit!

  38. Oh shit, can you imagine if Affirmative Action put fatasses in charge of chiurgical operations?
    She would cut the stomach open and drink its raw content before serving herself a nice piece of liver and make herself a hamburger with ass meat.

    1. what does being a manlet have to do with anything. Last time I checked, being a manlet has nothing to do with how masculine you are.

  39. 1) Nurturing kindness, compassion and empathy and letting it show from time to time has nothing to do with masculinity and self-control.
    2) If you let emotions get in the way of your job, you have the wrong job, not the wrong personality.
    3) Much of this pussification of men also applies to women. Spoiling a little boy is just as bad as spoiling a little girl. This is indeed a problem, yet a gender-neutral one.

  40. That kid from NC that hung himself cause he was teased for liking My Little Pony might still be walking around if his father had thought him how to be tough. Other boys in school used to tease me for liking Sailor Moon..Until I buttoned their lips, then I never heard a peep about it again.

  41. Now I understand why I hate that ‘fem-boy’ attitude… It’s weak, pretentious, and just plain fucking shallow. Limp-wristed, sex-crazed little jerkoffs is what they are; they dump all concepts of honor, integrity, and morals that have existed almost omni-culturally for thousands of years just so they can be pretty little lilies. Hell, most actual women are stronger and more principled than that, the ones I know at least.
    God, it just pisses me off.

  42. “They hide in their basement and play video games only to become unwanted failures.” That is pure gynospeak right there. Who are you to dictate what masculinity means to men? This is a purely subjective term to each individual. This was atrocious. MGTOW is a way better lifestyle than this conformist attitude.

    1. There is an optimal way of living and we’re looking for it. If you think you have something smart to contribute, which I doubt, submit an article for ROK. Until then shut your mouth.

      1. Your “optimal” way of living will still be subjective (might want to Google that word so you don’t go all netherape on me again) to everyone. You clearly don’t grasp this simple concept. Giving advice is one thing, shaming language is pathetic female tactics. And that’s a good idea, maybe I will write an article and submit it. Probably not though because what I would say has already been said by numerous others aka Barbarrossaaa, Stardusk etc. There wouldn’t be anything to say but some worthless anecdotes from me.

    2. I use to play video games at home all the time.
      I didn’t know what else to do with my life. I love video games but that shit can lead to disastrous results.
      Long story short, I went on food stamps, had no job, no hope.
      I missed out on the huge bitcoin rally of the past few years. Video gamers like me have strong pcs which are perfect for mining bitcoin. Now that shit is 600$ after a market correction. Had I not spent so much fucking time gaming I would’ve read up about bitcoin, federal reserve, fiat money, ron paul, etc, and then using my finance education from Baruch Cuny college, I would’ve realized God gave me a chance to become a real fucking man.
      Obviously, I unintelligently kept playing games instead. Steam has so many games as you know…
      I’ve learned my lesson and hopefully manned up.
      I choose to stay off welfare and work acting jobs in new york city. It’s the only job i happen to like. Free food, nice women (half the time), I have fun, and I get an honest payday’s work.
      I now spend most of my time reading and analyzing markets while my now super awesome i7 cpu, gtx 770 computer mines dogecoins, bitcoins, and altcoins. Other days I work acting whenever I get accepted.
      Don’t be in denial, you only hurt yourself and your fellow brothers and sisters.
      Don’t fuck up like did.

      1. Lol funny you say this because I’ve actually won money of off playing games like Halo 4. There’s no way to prove it so I don’t expect you to believe me. But I first became a MGHOW on Nov 22 2012 and learned about everything you stated then and I still play video games to pass time when I’m bored. I buy silver every week and I’ll be fine through this economic collapse.

        1. Assuming you’re telling the truth, good job.
          I just hope you don’t forget your fellow angry men who choose to fight those who oppress us. Need every able bodied man to do the right thing.
          Good luck and god bless you. I should’ve starcraft for pro gaming instead of counter strike, there was money in that.

  43. I thought being a man mostly had to do with the amount of X-chromosomes I have, not how much wood I can chop in an hour or how much of my car I can fix on my own.

    1. Nope. All that is required to be a MALE is X chromosome. Being a MAN is a completely different story.

  44. American professional boxer Steve Cunningham, US Navy veteran and two-time world cruiserweight champion, after losing in a split decision: “Real men cry!”

  45. Boys grow up to be men and men are dangerous.Real women are glad because he wants her number and isn’t interested in raping her.

  46. ridiculous! so, WORK is a mans’ most important dimension!!???
    I raised 6 sons and had 2 brothers…I tell you what! MY sons who were raised to think AND feel are more successful as human beings than my old fashioned raised brothers!! When MY sons die – they will be remembered for the lives they touched – by those they loved… NOT by the money they left in the bank!

  47. In the end we all die anyway. Just live the life you want to live, but at least be a decent human being to those around you. This world is filled with too much crap as it is. Honestly, no one’s going to remember how “masculine” you were. The people who are going to remember you are the lives you’ve touched.

  48. Women were also taught to act ignoring their emotions. There are a few books by Jane Austen teaching them exactly that. Specially Sense and Sensibility: sound stupid, and my English Literature teacher used to hate it, but reading it, it shows two sisters, one who is heart-broken and acts like a lady, and another who is heart-broken and acts like an idiot. The one who behaves gets so used to self-discipline that she can function in society. The one who doesn’t ends up physically sick out of letting her emotions run her life. The thing is, the books leaves pretty clear who as acting properly. There was a time when people were taught, not to not have emotions (that’s impossible), but to do the right thing despite of said emotions. It was expected of women, too. I don’t know why all that female emotionality crap came from. Japanese women, as far as I know, are not expected to complain because of menstrual cramps or broken hearts: they get those problems, they are just taught to suck it up. I don’t think the stuff about not whining is a question of males… it used to be an ability that well-educated, reasonable adults had, regardless of their gender.

    1. “Japanese women, as far as I know, are not expected to complain because of menstrual cramps or broken hearts: they get those problems, they are just taught to suck it up.”
      Japan also has one of the world’s highest suicide rates. They don’t suck it up, they kill themselves.

  49. this could not be closer to the truth. western parents have no idea how to raise children.
    how many of you know how to build a house? or how to fight? exactly

  50. Coach Boone from Remember the Titans: “The world don’t give a damn about how sensitive these kids are,
    especially the young black kids. You ain’t doin’ these kids a favor by
    patronizing them. You crippling them; You crippling them for life.”

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