Hanna Rosin’s “The End Of Men” Is A Feminist Fairytale

You get the feeling after reading Hanna Rosin’s The End of Men that the book’s title is less of a fact and more the author’s hope for the future. You get the impression that men have quit higher education and can’t find their place in the new world, and the new economy, leaving women to pick up the pieces. In any event, the death of men has been greatly exaggerated. To call The End of Men a substantial academic work – or just an academic work – would be a mischaracterization. Even Rosin, in response to criticism of her dishonest use of data (more on that later), acknowledges that she’s a journalist and no academic; the implication being that journalists shouldn’t be held to exacting standards. If only that were true.

The End of Men was first published in 2012 and was generally well-received from publications such as Esquire, The Los Angeles Times, and The Wall Street Journal. This book has a broad scope. It touches on changing sexual dynamics, marriage and the workforce, the raising of children, and even violence. There may not be much of debate as to whether gender-based roles in marriages and relationships are changing (they are, unfortunately) or whether women participate more in the workforce than they did in the 1950s (they do). However, the scope of the cultural shift, whether the shift has benefited women, and Rosin’s conclusions regarding how much men have fallen and how much women have risen, are where she gets into trouble.

To really understand this book you have to first know its author. Rosin is a feminist writer, a 40+ married mother of two young boys and a young girl. You can read her at Slate, The Atlantic, and various other publications. The End of Men makes clear that Rosin is a moderately savvy, albeit clumsy, writer who has no problem with manipulating data and anecdotes to support her conclusions. (To think that she has the rare gift of being as dense and ham-handed as Thomas Friedman would be to give her the benefit of the doubt she doesn’t deserve.) But before we get there, let me give you two examples of how Rosin thinks men are doing in this new world:

1. “Now the new standards for male waxing and trimming are as stringent as they are for women.”

2. “The 1999 movie Office Space was maybe the first to capture how alien and dispiriting this new feminized office park can be for men, and how resistant they are to adapting.”

The stupidity of these two observations is obvious. As to the first statement, a woman who doesn’t shave or even trim is a pariah, an endangered species (or married… or perhaps Japanese?) which I have never encountered, and a man who goes all-natural isn’t likely uncommon. And regarding Office Space, she ignores what the film has to say about the soul-crushing monotony of life in a cubicle so she can fit the rebellion of the men into her feminist slant. To be fair, if all “feminized” offices will look like Initech, then let’s burn them all to the ground.

Now, these two claims aren’t just a good representation as to how Rosin can get simple trends and concepts absolutely wrong. They are faults in her logic and interpretation, cracks that reveal significant and deeper flaws in the book.

And these flaws are serious. Boston University Law Review has published an essay detailing the damning issues with The End of Men. This essay, written by Philip N. Cohen, concludes that “Rosin’s tendency toward exaggeration and misrepresentation as fundamental to [The End of Men’s] narrative and crippling to its credibility.” Cohen butchers The End of Men, carving out the book’s major claims and leaving little meat on the bones. He discredits Rosin’s conclusion regarding “young women” earning more than “young men,” and he takes apart her assertion that women are “beginning to crowd out” men in the fields of engineering and science. When it’s all finished, it’s clear that Rosin doesn’t have a tendency toward exaggeration – she has a tendency to lie.

In response to this essay, Rosin wrote that she “hesitate[s] to get drawn into data wars.” It’s too late to complain about data wars after she fired the first shots. On a broader level, Rosin has an obligation to her readers to not misrepresent data in such a dishonest manner. To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens, writers who break that pact are to be despised.

Enter the dubious anecdotes

When Rosin isn’t massaging statistics, she’s giving us supposedly real-life stories on men who just can’t cut it and the women who are making things happen. We see heroic single mothers, sexually liberated coeds, and young female professionals supporting their lazy boyfriends. But now that it’s been established that Rosin is loose with the facts, what’s to be made of these anecdotes?

First, they must be viewed skeptically. If Rosin misrepresents hard data, what’s stopping her from manipulating – or even bullshitting – the numerous anecdotes in The End of Men? The question answers itself. Second, even if these anecdotes are true, so what? As Cohen said, “the story cannot survive on its colorful illustrations alone.”

The faults don’t stop there. One chapter in The End of Men is dedicated to young single girls mastering the hook-up. In Rosin’s world, female participation in “hook up culture” isn’t a misuse of valuable resources, a trade-off that favors men. It’s empowering. Unencumbered with “the old-fashioned burden of protecting their reputations,” women are newly “dominant” in the dating market and men are losing the “dating wars.”

Bullshit. Though it can be said that women in the West have historically controlled the dating market by having the option choosing one suitor among many, women lose their control – and thus their dominance – when sex is cheap. Rosin writes that empowerment is there because a woman doesn’t have to use sex to achieve the ends of financial security and social status; she can achieve these things herself. However, she does concede that this cheapens sex to “bargain basement levels,” lessening the value of return sex has for women, and leading to women not getting, or at least putting off, the love and lifelong commitment that they ultimately desire. If that’s a win for women, I’d hate to see what a loss looks like.

Women have less power than Rosin thinks

Supposedly tired of hooking up, one undergraduate is quoted as saying, “[What I really want is] some guy to ask me out on a date to the frozen yogurt place.” These are the words of a girl who’s playing a man’s game according to a man’s rules. And she’s losing.

But Rosin doesn’t just get the wrong read on young women. She also has a poor understanding of what men like and want. Perhaps she doesn’t understand men because there’s a lack of masculinity in her marriage and in her social circles. Rosin writes that she had a strong-willed mother, and perhaps she inherited her mother’s need for control. She claims provider husbands have been resentful about carrying the whole economic load, when in fact men obtain fulfillment when they provide for their families. (To her credit, she recognizes that provider women can be resentful that they’re the ones providing.) Rosin says the modern married man is “relieved to have a wife he can talk to about work or politics or anything else that interests him.” Relief rarely comes in the form of talking to your wife about your day at work.

For all the above-mentioned issues, Rosin is the most out of her depth when she’s writing about economics. You can’t help but roll your eyes when she says that “women are like the Kia cars of the workforce.” She claims female CEOs are more “highly prized” because “they outearned their male counterparts by 43 percent, on average” in 2009.  You’d think that if female CEOs were so highly prized there’d be more of them. Yet, in the study she cites, there were only 16 female CEOs in America’s top 500 companies. And according to Forbes, a few outliers skewed the results of this (never a good idea to compare the salaries of 16 women versus 484 men). This time, instead of changing the results of the data, she’s merely using a poor study to support her narrative.

When women do well at work, Rosin thinks it’s because the economy rewards their inherent strengths. When they do poorly, or don’t succeed as much as they supposedly should, it’s because the ambition of women is killed at an early age. This repeats the discredited myth, as noted in Christina Hoff Summers’ The War Against Boys, that girls get shortchanged in schools and leave adolescence defeated.  Rosin then goes on about how workplaces are getting feminized and how feminization of business is a necessary and good thing, examples of successful male-run companies be damned. Somehow, having more women in the workforce means “fewer pointless risks.” You begin to wonder how Rosin distinguishes between “risks” and “pointless risks.” She never gets there.

Now, I won’t dispute that the workplace is becoming less masculine. But the reason for this change may not be due to economics. There has been a war on masculinity for years. The U.S. Department of Education has contracted with activists who think little league games encourage aggressive, violent behavior. Boys are encouraged to play with dolls, all for the sake of teaching children that gender norms, i.e. the natural desires of boys, are abnormal. When masculine behaviors are considered pathology, it’s no wonder that there’s a move away from them.

In closing, Rosin rehashes her unconvincing “imaginary comic book duo,” first presented in the introduction, of Plastic Woman and Cardboard Man. Cardboard Man is a merely an unchanging relic. But Plastic Woman performs “superhuman feats of flexibility,” and, through her “Napoleonic” appetite, “gobbles up new territory as she hangs onto the old.” Well, how does Rosin want it? Plastic pertains to an ability to be molded by an outside force, but it cannot expand itself to gain new territory. Or maybe Plastic Woman is actually made of plastic? Who the fuck knows? Any way you have it, the metaphor – and ultimately The End of Men – falls on its face.

Read More: It’s Easier To Shine When You’re Younger

496 thoughts on “Hanna Rosin’s “The End Of Men” Is A Feminist Fairytale”

    1. Nice dog whistle there. But did you notice that the article cites the major work criticizing her by one Philip N. Cohen?
      So is Cohen in on the conspiracy too, and he’s just pretending to challenge her to mess with your head?
      Or maybe it is time to accept that because of a culture that emphasizes education and hard work, Jews will be over represented among authors of all political stripes, liberal, conservative, feminist, anti-feminist, and whatever else.

      1. Do you actually expect me to ignore thousands of years of evidence to the contrary because of your ONE snarky (female?) name drop?

        1. Feminism has been around for thousands of years??
          And I dropped a male name – Philip. Try reading more carefully.

      2. Cohen’s are usually orthodox, conservative Jews. The secular/atheist/gun grabbers that seek the end of western civilization are at odds with the religious conservative, pro self defense Jews. The religious breed but the secular have the billionaires.

  1. Helen Smith (PhD) wrote a book called Men on Strike. There’s also a quite good video explaining why men avoid relationships and fatherhood. It’s quite good, you should have a look into it!
    Probably the only woman who understands that men are rational and that women tyrannize us.

    1. What is she getting out of this? And why is she an expert on the matter? Does she have a PhD in male agency and motivation?

      1. I am not familiar with her or her works. That being said, I suspect the motivation of any female that agrees with us is that she probably wants the return of actual real hardcore men and is tired of the wussball culture that effeminizes men and elevates women far past their station. Just a guess, but most sympathetic women to the “cause” seem to express these notions rather consistently.

        1. That, or she wants to make a coin out of it. Can’t really blame her.

  2. Seriously no offense to all my Jewish associates and friends reading this, but seriously another fucking Jew? The fact that Hanna Rosen in addition to Bella Abzug, Andrea Dworkin, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Gloria Alred in addition to others in an amazing over-representation in feminism relative to their over 2.1% of American numbers not raise a serious red flag? Why do we have to keep going around in circles and keep pretending as if certain Jews aren’t force-feeding us this shit down our throats. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but the huge Jewish influence and over- representation in feminism cannot be ignored anymore, the same way inner city violence can’t be ignored as a black phenomenon. Except with the latter, most of us aren’t afraid to discuss the later because blacks can’t influence the labor markets to blacklist entire swathes of people critical of them. We cannot ignore this anymore.

    1. Is Roosh going to anytime soon impose same kind of ban on anti-semitism and racialite topics as he did on women and those responding to their posts ?
      Manosphere is getting evidently more and more infested with people paranoid with Jews, and adding word “jew”, “race”, and “blacks” in every sentence.

      1. You wasted an opportunity to present an intelligent rebuttal but instead just played the race card.

      2. You sound like a homo. If you have an argument with a comment, then state your case logically. You know, like a man.
        Running off to the authorities crying for censorship is for homos and pussies.

        1. I really have no urge to spread balls on internet. Websites have their function, their topic and preferable atmosphere/ general attitude. Trolls will not vanish, they can only removed, and i have no reason to argue with them. If you think quality increases with amount of racial rant comments, fine.

        2. As was said above, if you want to discover who rules over you, simply find out who you’re not allowed to criticize. If a sacred cow exists, then by deductive reasoning all those who are not are the cow’s keepers.
          I am no racist. I am no anti-semite. Yet time and time and time again, we are told we cannot criticize various groups. We’re indoctrinated in blue-pill-land into the ridiculous notion that no evil can be spoken about groups x,y, and z, or else we will be labelled. Meanwhile, many of those same groups have no problem criticizing old, white males.
          If you’re going to speak plainly, like adults, you have to have a thick skin and be able to take criticism that might be directed at your own group. In fact only a truly adult educated mind is capable of entertaining thoughts that contradict each other, in order to determine their merit. Any group who claims victimhood due to criticism is a group that seeks an exemption that provides the presumption of purity for the anointed ones.
          I have no problem with black men. Patrice O’neal is someone I would give up a kidney to spend time with if he could be brought back to life. Yet I will not restrict my thoughts on what I see wrong in their community that causes the horrific problems they have to deal with. I think some of the black male contributors to this site actually educated me on those points.
          Criticism is either accepted and considered for all peoples at all times, or you do not live with freedom of expression.

        3. Do you deny what he said about the majority of these feminazis being jews? Do you deny he used thr word ‘certain’?

        4. Are you kidding? Everything about this website is rebellious. That’s the point. I just had a guy on here brag about how one of the white man’s greatest achievements was his total subjugation of black men and we still had an intelligent dialogue without either of us crying about it. It’s called ‘Return of Kings’ not ‘Return of Kindness’ sissy. Cowboy up.

        5. Amen about the Patrice O’Neal point. I would have loved to have him as a mentor and if I heard that laugh of his due to a joke I made then forget about it…but I completely disagreed with his points about black people. At the individual level NO ONE has a problem with blacks or jews, but at the aggregated level, we have to be honest about their impact on the rest of us.

        6. If I could rate this higher than the one point I am allotted, I would. Nothing grinds my gears more than wussy bitches (some with penises) who scream for censorship because he/she doesn’t have the balls to actually discuss or debate a topic. It’s understandable that some topics may not be for all people, but if that’s the case then simply don’t fucking participate.
          Freaking sissies and cowards run behind the skirt of Momma Authoritah. Men discuss and debate ideas, even distasteful ones.

        7. But yet it’s fine to bash trailer trash whites, women of all types and all people who promote Jesus? Let people state their opinions, regardless if it ruffles your feathers.

        8. I’d even say that the more we’re exposed to uncensored exploration of racial topics and The Jewish Issue around these parts, the more we’ll be able to separate the genuine red-pillers from the blue-pill sheep dressed in manosphere wolf’s clothing.
          Nothing touches a nerve like discussion of race — and, consequently, nothing better demonstrates a man’s ability to detach himself from social/cultural programming, and to think for himself as an individual rather than as a pseudo-representation of everyone on Planet Earth who happens to look like him. Likewise, nothing better demonstrates a man’s ability — or lack thereof — to handle criticism and unvarnished truth without flying to pieces in bitch-like fashion.
          My opinion of most of the black guys that I’ve come across in the manosphere is this: they claim to be more red-pill than a box of Sudafed as long as the conversation is restricted to gaming techniques and the true nature of women. But the second those old racial pieties are called into question, out come the arm-folding and the grade-school foot-stamping, along with the usual blue-pill excuse-making and feminine shaming language. (i.e. “white nationalist! racist! U JUS’ MAD ‘CUZ WE BE FUCKIN’ YO WOMEN, WHITE BOY!”)
          As regards the piece above, it’s my genuine belief that there can be no true reversal of the cultural rot eating away at Western society and the institutions meant to nourish it if we don’t first find a way to lessen — if not altogether eradicate — the stranglehold that Jewish leftism and its various tentacles have on our culture, our government, our politics (both sides of the fence), our court system, our banks, our women, our children, our very minds.
          I have no solutions at the present moment. But I damn sure recognize a problem when I see one. And some serious “cowboying up” is going to be required of the West in the coming years.

        9. QUOTE: “If you think quality increases with amount of racial rant comments, fine.”
          Maybe quality does not increase with racial rants…. but niether does censorship which is exactly what you are calling for.

      3. why the hell would be ban that ? So what if they are adding those words ? Does it affect you personally ? Who cares !

      4. there’s no doubt that the jewish leveraged and exagerated their ‘rights’ after the so called holocaust… which in my opinion was mainly caused by a severe winter in 1944 as germany failed…. no one cared about the labor camps so they turned into a disaster… best way to get rid of the bodies…. burn them all….. the concentration camps were a part of the labor force supporting the german army… they weren’t out to kill them deliberately….
        with that said…. there are some very talented and excellent jewish people around and it’s kinda tasteless isolating people just on the basis of the race or religion they were born into…
        perhaps Jewish women are such aggressive feminists because Judaism is so patriarchal…

        1. Interesting theory but doesn’t explain the males of the tribe backing/funding these civilization destroying, social re-engineering projects.

        2. Buddy, if Jews are really that good in controlling the world, only one question remains…
          Where do i sign in ?

        3. >>which in my opinion was mainly caused by a severe winter in 1944 as germany failed…. no one cared about the labor camps so they turned into a disaster… best way to get rid of the bodies…. burn them all….. the concentration camps were a part of the labor force supporting the german army… they weren’t out to kill them deliberately….
          Yes because every Nazi testimony at Nuremberg was coerced. I will tell you what REALLY happened. All those Jews just chose to kill themselves so that they can frame the German people. Brilliant plan as far as I am concerned.

        4. That chart is hilarious. How in the world is the “Hearst Corporation” considered to be gay? I know corporations are people and all, but I didn’t know they had a sexual orientation.
          Also Rupert Murdoch is not gay. He’s on his second wife. I have seen other claims that Murdoch is Jewish, which is ridiculous seeing as how he has the most Scottish name ever.

        5. The males of the tribe do not care about the males outside of their tribe. Many send their kids to private schools.

        6. “Judaism is a matriarchal religion, disguised as a patriarchal one.” Rich Zubaty

        7. Yeah…all the Jews in the camps got together and ran into the ovens so they can later call it the Holocaust. Take that Nazis. Also all the pits filled with bodies were photoshopped.

        8. The pits in the bodies died from typhus and starvation, they were not gassed or killed by the Nazis, but nature as Germany’s logistics system collapsed under heavy allied bombing.
          There is not a single picture or witness testimony that correctly identifies a gassed body – as both carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide either leave the skin as it’s natural colour or turn it red, as they actually oxidise the bloodstream. All testimony is of bodies who were green, purple, blue or black, what the average person would guess a gassed body looks like, without ever having seen one.
          You would profit greatly from watching this 50 minute video: Rather than blindly repeating what you’re told, you should always ask how and question the physical possibility surrounding your beliefs.

        9. You’re just as dead whether you die from Typhus, starvation or Xyklon B gas….

        10. Neil Armstrong confessed to doing war crimes, targeting civilians, before he died. A museum I went to had Josef Mengele’s ration card, so this man could order peoples deaths but couldn’t go into a store and just say “gimme some sugar”. By bombing train tracks and cutting off supplies who do you think would get the least food?

        11. the only way to stop a Nazi party from forming is to destroy all white nations.

        12. If the trains that deliver food have their tracks destroyed you can forage for food in a low population density area, assuming there is no walls stopping you. It turned out there was actually edible starchy plant food near the Donnor party but they didn’t know it was edible.

        13. ^^^
          Classic example of someone completely talking out of their assholes about a controversial topic that he refuses to delve into beyond the flimsy facade. Simply put, more effort and study is required.

        14. Agreed General. If anything the Jews are a model to be emulated in many ways. Sikhs, Lebanese, Asians are very similar to the Jews. Don’t agree with any banning or censorship though. Have you notice no one is talking about the bitch Rosin and her hit piece book about men?? ALL the talk is about the Jews. Weird

        15. I am tired of disputing with every holocaust denier on this board as people ultimately see what they want to see.
          As if there aren’t thousands upon thousands of accounts of people having witnessed mass shootings (Babiy Yar), of Einzatsgruppen members themslves who roamed occupied European countries in search of Jews. Conteporary photographs and movies that actually SHOW people being executed en masse.
          Of American generals like George Patton, Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower who having arrived into Ohrdruf-Buchenwald death camp on April 12, the day of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s death, found 3200 naked, emaciated bodies in shallow graves. Eisenhower found a shed piled to the ceiling with bodies, various torture devices, and a butcher’s block for smashing gold fillings from the mouths of the dead. He wrote about it. There are even black and white films of the camps which were filmed at Eisenhower’s request in order that people never question what has actually transpired there. All this information is available freely from US Library of Congress if one was inclined to learn the truth. In our day and age though truth has become relative. People will find ways to believe whatever they want to believe. Facts be damned.

        16. Patton also was killed a few days after publicly stating we fought the wrong people.

        17. Right on man. There are mountains of photographic evidence too. Mountains of docs kept by the Nazis themselves ( great record keepers those Nazis) . Dr Mengele kept meticulous records of his ghastly experiments. Eye witnesses ( likely in the millions) from all the Allied armies saw the camps , the bodies , the ovens.

        18. Philosemites are probably the one group more despicable than the hasbara.
          Nobody should give a fuck about Hannag Rosins hit piece. It is easy as fuck to dismantle. What isn’t easy to do is pointing the shiv towards the heart. Everything that this site opposes is being supported by YKW.

      5. This issue does feature a lot, and generally not in a particularly kindly way, but unfortunately that’s what happens when its particularly difficult to discuss an issue without it automatically becoming a matter of hate speech. Its clear Lance is at least trying to be balanced here which is more than some others. Personally I think jewish influence has been profound both for the good and the bad. It should be possible to talk about that without necessarily invoking conspiracy or just assuming malicious intent. In fact its the fact that anti-semitism manages to be so anti-semitic that allows jewish people the free rein they wouldn’t have if they were white males for instance. Personally I think we should just note the backgrounds of people relevant to issues of interest without leaping to conclusions because a) ethnicity isn’t evidence and b) anti-jewish sentiments go very toxic, very quickly, which probably isn’t great if it becomes associated with the manosphere. As for cultural marxism. They have certainly contributed there fair share, but not all jews are marxists.
        Below is a israeli jew, admitting that the jews control the media: http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media. I find that refreshing, although I find the wider issue perplexing

        1. Note the distinct line:
          1) One comment is about Jews – it receives moderate response
          2) entire fucking comment sections is about Jews, every single fucking comment. And it repeats in every article about social issues or policy.

        2. the manosphere needs to be careful not to be taken over by anti-semitism, or any other distinct agenda, but nothing’s out of bounds as such. Muslims, blacks, gays, whatever’s relevant (and I’m mixed race too). We have to navigate a course through the scylla and charybdis of poplitically correct speech codes and unhelpful (and potentially dangerous) extremism. Every commenter needs to ask ‘is this relevant and in the best interests of the manosphere’? before commenting.

        3. Are you insane or just retarded? You can’t talk about feminists and other societal damaging leftoids as often as ROK does without mentioning the recurring theme. Grow some balls.

        4. Lack of discipline is zyclon b(eta) for the manosphere. You think you’re administering it when in fact you’re sucking it yourself.

      6. The thing is that all neo nazis are virtually anti feminists so they gravitate towards sites like this.

      7. Armchair General would love to restrict the Goyim from actually going to the root of their social engineering and cultural destruction to go back to complaining about cell phones and fat chicks.
        Beta males hate free speech the most!.

        1. In one of my other comments in this thread, I made a reference to “blue-pill sheep dressed in manosphere wolf’s clothing.”
          I’d say that’s a perfect description of guys like Mr. Armchair General.

      8. I’m with you General. It’s selection bias. Jews are smart and overrepresented in the media and academe. So an inordinate amount of people of jewish descent are in positions of power and influence so we hear and see their views alot. BUT it doesn’t mean there are Jews , ensconced in their secret underground lair in Switzerland planning world domination. A 100 yrs ago we would be talking about all the “fucking WASPS” dominating the world.

        1. If only you knew the truth, brother, you’d be filled w/ embarrassed shame due to your naive comment.

        2. Nice strawman there nigger.
          Why do they “smart” Jews always support policies that shit on traditional western civilization? Yeah, I know that many Austrian economists were Jews. But the majority of the hasbara are in favor of: feminism. The gay agenda. Anti-whiteism.
          If they are “conservative”, they are in favor of the USA engaging in needless wars overseas.
          So please, fuck you.

        3. “always”?? Michael Savage radio host is uber conservative, anti gay and a nationalist. Mark Levin , radio host , same. Your hatred of jews is likely nothing more than rank jealousy and envy.
          Get thee to Stormfront creepy…

      9. Well everytime there’s a new feminist writer or some feminist or gay spokesperson causing mass hysteria it’s almost always a jew. So, I’d say, it’s a legitimate question.

      10. So basically you’re calling for censoring thoughts you find uncomfortable? Not with idiot people (such as, for example, women and homosexuals), but actual ideas?
        Has it occurred to you that the surest way to offer legitimacy to an idea is to censor its expression? To ban women/homos makes sense on a level since they only come here to troll and they cause disruption through their trolling, but ideas, seriously?
        Why do some thoughts scare you so much that you must by needs have them silenced?

        1. This is not only reply to you, but also a reply to all 15 people who responded to my comment, with one same retarded observation.
          Fuck off, fucking parasites. You infested every fucking spot on the internet.
          With disgust, Armchair General

        2. More childish nonsense General; respect lost, but not completely obliterated yet..

        3. Man is that ever pathetic. You’re entitled to an opinion as long as it 1. ignores reality and 2. doesn’t offend you. With extreme disgust.

      11. Indeed. Handing it to the other side on a silver plate. Bit of housecleaning is in order here.

      12. Find us some big league non Jewish feminists. Keep in mind they are only 2% of the US population, I for one would be wiling see some diversity at the FED. Its not all Jews of course Soros is hated by religious, conservative &/or pro self defense Jews, but none of them have billions of dollars to throw around. Look up what the group Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership says about Soros, and his ill gotten money.

        1. Yes, but they are all, and who knows, maybe we shall too, become just an improvised condom for George Soros’ huge billionaire fat cock. His last layer of defense.
          Self-improvement fellas.

      13. If you don’t like the comments, quite reading them and stop crying out to Roosh to come and save you from our cruel words. That’s pussy behavior quite clearly.

      14. If he does that then this site has lost its entire reason for existing.

      15. “I’m an unthinking sheep that couldn’t form a thought if his life depended on it.”
        Googlewhat paranoia actually means you despicable, putrid cunt.

    2. To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

      1. interesting how homos and ultra religious types top the list of those who hate criticism the most.

        1. I’m not religious myself, but you lost be there. The western cultural propaganda machine makes absolutely no effort to defend religious folks (Christians anyway).

        2. well only particular ones. The ones that labeled their religion as an “ethnicity” usually get protection from “hate speech” and slander.
          So in this case hebrews and punjabis register jewish and sikh(canada an uk in particular) as ethnicity respectably. But muslims,budhists have not and get will receive criticism and slander(the former getting a shit ton) without political consequences.

          More often than not, the religious folk bristle at criticism because so much of it is hopelessly ignorant of the facts (but Galileo!), or is emotional horse-shit from basement-dwelling atheist types (I don’t need your flying spaghetti monster’s seafood regulations and hair-care advice!), or insecure outrage from fags, feminists and other deeply damaged individuals, as parodied (?) above. When that is the calibre of the criticism coming at you, it’s actually a sure sign of the grace of God in Christians’ lives that they haven’t set fire to everything and shot about 100,000 people right in the face…

        4. What are you talking about? We’ve had atheist presidents ever since Reagan left office. Bush II was simply pandering with his religious talk (as others have done; but their heart wasn’t in the pandering, which is why they did so much less of it). Before Reagan you had Carter, who was some kind of “Huggle-Bunny in the Sky” theist, I suppose, but before that you had to go back to Eisenhower before you could find a president who acted like he actually believed in God. The others may have been nominally religious, but it would be difficult to see evidence of any real belief in God in their actions.

        5. Soros hates religious conservative and/or pro self defense Jews, he would sell them for a shekel just like his family did in WWII. So its not just Christians he is paying billions of ill gotten money to destroy.

        6. It doesn’t matter whom hates criticism the most, it matters whom get’s fired, killed, blacklisted, etc. for criticizing who. That is who controls the world…

      2. The whole “whomever you cannot criticize is the one who rules over you” thing doesn’t really work as an absolute. Some rulers like the illusion that you can publicly dissent. Others are paranoid. That people don’t want you criticizing them doesn’t make them necessarily powerful. They could just be weak and thin-skinned. They could be legitimate victims (most often though they’re not, they’re just wimps with totalitarian leanings. *Censor everyone who disagrees with me!* All I’m saying is, just because someone is a censormonger doesn’t make them your ruler.

        1. ” That people don’t want you criticizing them doesn’t make them necessarily powerful. They could just be weak and thin-skinned.”
          The quote isn’t about people who don’t want to be criticized, its about people who can forbid you from criticizing them. Big difference. That’s where the rulership and power are relevant.

        2. I’ll give an analogy. Take a poor man who goes around policing anyone on the internet who makes fun of homeless people (because he’s concerned he will be homeless soon himself). Of course, his indignant attitude isn’t helping anyone, and inspiring the media to censor people on his behalf is a form of power, but in the end, he is still a poor man with little in the way of institutional enfranchisement.
          I think there’s different levels of ‘power’ we’re discussing here. When you talk for example about the professional victim who invokes media sympathy into silencing dissent from opposing, albeit justified parties, that does not make the professional victim powerful per se. They might be powerful, and they might not be. Their power to inspire censorship in their interests doesn’t necessarily equate to their power outside of that context.

        3. “The whole ‘whomever you cannot criticize is the one who rules over you’” Who, not whom. “That people don’t want you criticizing them doesn’t make them necessarily powerful.” Many people (including you) are interpreting that statement by Voltaire. Here is an example of what he is saying: If I said Chinese have infiltrated our government/society, people will laugh. Same goes for Russia , North Korea, Islam (they might make a dirty face and call you a bigot at most), etc. But if I say THE JEWS are in control of our government/society, people cringe and go crazy, stop talking to you, you may loose your job, if you are famous/of significance you get blacklisted, and criticized by ALMOST everyone etc.

      3. Our country spent decades fighting the horrors of communism, and within a single generation of their defeat they were placed in charge of our country, our lives, our children, and our health.
        Gentlemen, we are the new evil empire. And we don’t have any goddamned cookies.

        1. I try to communicate this everyday to clueless pseudo-intellectuals about Russia. I tell them Russia and the United States have reversed positions. I tell them why shouldn’t a Russian leader do what’s best for ethnic Russian Slavs and the millions of other ethnic minorities that have always lived in the Rus’ for thousands years; as opposed to Russia along with the West being yet another playground for YWK aka exiled “Russian” oligarchs. The American spirit for kindness and neighborliness was used against us. We are the evil empire now. Great comment.

        2. Explain to me how we are communist? Last I checked, the people in power were using some Communist techniques to control the populace, but they are far from Communist. They are totalitarian, masking behind the veil of democracy.

        3. Communism is always totalitarianism masked behind a veil of socialism… because socialism (and democracy is a form of socialism) is so terrible a system of government that it never works for even a moment without some power behind it using it as a mask.
          Democracy, and socialism, requires one absolutely mandatory attitude… the willingness to put society ahead of selfishness.
          And people won’t. There’s a small minority who will, but they are ALWAYS taken advantage of by the majority who simply take. Socialism never, ever works.
          whether it’s through ‘votes’ or ‘grassroots initiatives’, the majority of people will always put their own, personal wants and needs ahead of the good of all.
          In very small groups, it sometimes works, especially when you can make sure that each ‘social unit’ is fully aware of all factors and fully appraised of the ramifications, but any time a ‘government’ is so large that the least-important member of the community is unable to engage personally with the highest-status member of the community, it breaks almost immediately.
          The people behind the mask are always the same, whether communist or democracy advocates, in the end their sole goal is to destroy upwards mobility and retain their power for themselves and their family ‘forever’. After the fall of the soviet union, however, they felt free to unmask themselves as soon as ‘communist’ was no longer synonymous with ‘traitor’.

        4. I digress. Communism and Totalitarianism are not synonymous. They are two completely different types of government rule. Communism refers to a classless and stateless system of rule without money and common ownership of everything (I.E. people making things for the sake of mankind and using based off need). Totalitarianism is the exact opposite. It is autocratic rule, oftentimes by a brutal dictator that forces obedience to a state through various means (police militarization, domestic spying, mass execution of minorities). They have absolutely nothing to do with each other, except that Russia and a few other states used the term “Communism” to define their rule. It was never, and has never been Communism.
          As far as Socialism not working. I also digress. You and many others forget we have been programmed to fear one another, to compete against one another, and to think of only the self as important. Thus is why Socialism and higher form Communism won’t work. When people return to their roots and work more in collectives then perhaps we can really see if it will work or not. Until then, there is no real way to tell bar some major catastrophe that forces us to put society ahead of ourselves.
          I do concur with your statement regarding the men behind the mask always being the same. Throughout history mankind has had these men behind the scenes plotting, scheming, and destroying for their own benefit. They are one of the many types of humans we encounter and unfortunately we have yet to breed them out. Perhaps it is a genetic defect of some sort. Perhaps it is merely a reaction from their survival instinct. I don’t know. What I do know is they hold mankind back in many ways and push forth retched movements such as Feminism, destroying the fibers of civilization that wove us together until someone rises up and destroys them.

        5. Digress, you keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

        6. This. Socialism works in tribes where everbody knows everybody. You care for those people and naturally share with them.
          But in huge societies where you see hundreds of unknown faces each day, most of which you’ll have forgotten within seconds, socialism simply can not work.

        7. “Communism refers to a classless and stateless system of rule without money and common ownership of everything (I.E. people making things for the sake of mankind and using based off need). Totalitarianism is the exact opposite. It is autocratic rule, oftentimes by a brutal dictator that forces obedience to a state through various means”
          Who enforces the common ownership of everything? A dictator. Communism and totalitarianism might not be exactly synonymous, but they’re far from opposites. Communism needs totalitarianism.

        8. Communism and socialism have never worked like they say they work. Its always been an elite crony system with slaves that are told they are getting a fair share.

        9. Ironically, pretty much every form of government works great in tribes. That’s why a few guys like Jack Donovon push for a return to tribalism.
          The problem is, Tribalism is TOO natural. Society thrives on it’s troublemakers. progress under tribalism slows to a crawl, and frankly, I want humans living on other planets before I die.

        10. I have noticed a recent trend in rightwinger communities to use “communist” the way left-wingers use “fascists”. It really just means totalitarian…

        11. “Who enforces the common ownership of everything?” Well you see, there never has, and never will be a communist country. Before getting to communism, (means of production in the hands of the peoples/workers) a state must go though Socialism (means of production in hands of state.) What you think of as communism, is really just extreme socialism, Communism is just a veil used by socialists to fool uneducated plebs.

      4. Jews have abused their elevated positions in media for far too long in Western society.

        1. ya with that abuse of power in the west, they are able to police the world, in particular the middle east…can see how they are pissed

    3. Very good, Lance. Most are too terrified of the Jews to simply state the obvious (think people are scared of being called “racist”, “sexist”, or “homophobic”? Most people would rather be called all three than be called “anti-Semitic” or a “Holocaust denier”).
      The same goes for Communism (Marx, Lenin, Trotsky: Jew, Jew, Jew) criminal finance, true violent mobsters (the “Italian Mafia” is cover for what was largely a Jewish phenomenon), and pretty much any well-financed subversive movement.

      1. See, here we go. This is the way it always is. You try to act like your position is reasonable for one second, then you immediately go into full on batshit crazy mode. I mean really, Holocaust denial? And the Italian Mafia is Jews’ fault?

        1. Calm down and make an argument.
          Outrage over mentioning Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, et al is not an argument.

        2. I made an argument. Holocaust denial is batshit insane conspiracy mongering, and so is claiming that two Jewish criminals are responsible for the centuries’ old Mafia.

        3. You’re obviously not understanding my points. Whether you’re playing dumb or you are dumb doesn’t really matter.

        4. This fizziks is a chick btw. Might want to check out it’s past posts. You’ll notice a trend.

        5. I don’t know DavidSNESGAMER’s opinion about the actual existence of the Holocaust because he didn’t state it here. He said that most people would rather be called racist, sexist or homophobic than be called a Holocaust denier.

        6. I don’t know DavidSNESGAMER’s opinion about the actual existence of the Holocaust because he didn’t state it here. He said that most people would rather be called racist, sexist or homophobic than be called a Holocaust denier.

        7. Anyone who writes “batshit insane conspiracy mongering” is not longer worthy of reading in my opinion. Hey mods, how can I filter this idiot’s comments out of view?

        8. “I mean really, Holocaust denial” You can go to jail for that is pretty much everywhere in the developed world that isn’t the US, Japan, Italy, or Greece.
          “And the Italian Mafia is Jews’ fault?”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugsy_Siegel
          If you can say with a straight face that this “italian mafia leader” was Italian, you are really naive, especially considering that it clearly says ethnicity: jewish.

        1. Yep, you did indeed spark it. Your implication that observing that feminism is dominated by Jews is wrong lead you to immediately start threatening to pull out your “Nazi” card.

        2. It was more of a sarcastic joke prodding at the fact that inevitably the jewish comments will lead to Hitler. Next time I’ll add a “lol” at the end to provide context, so you don’t fear me pulling out the standard set of cards 😉

      2. Exactly right. I urge everyone to read the English translations of the 2 main Talmuds if you want to understand what Judaism is really all about. It’s essentially “magic” mixed w/ Satanism / Luciferianism. Understand what the Kol Nidre is and how it encourages / absolves the J-tribe from lying, scamming and corrupting us “cattle”.

      3. Despite the Jews largely pushing the multicultural agenda. They know they want it only to an extend. With the control of the modelling industry and many sports industries its quite evident that they love the physical features of other groups.These groups are where they pick the finest specimens from… They don’t want and end to that. Even the highest Orthodox Jews know that they need to look outside for recruits-

    4. “I’m no conspiracy theorist”
      Actually, what you just wrote there is the definition of a conspiracy theorist.
      If Jews are over-represented among Feminists it is because Jews are over-represented among all academics and schools of thought, because Jewish culture emphasizes education and hard work. Did you not notice that the major work critical of Rosen cited in this article is by one Philip N. Cohen?

      1. Jewish representation in feminism far, far exceeds their representation in academics….
        ….And your post just begs the question of why Jews are indeed over-represented in academia….
        ….Which explains why academia is full of liberal hysteria….
        ….Which leads to the study by Ron Unz (a Jew) showing that Jewish networking and favoritism explains why there are more Jews at Harvard than there are gentile whites.

        1. The Unz study has been debunked. All he did was make a guess on which people were Jewish based on surnames, which turned out to be highly inaccurate.

        2. Your post has been debunked. Actually, the Unz study has been verified repeatedly (and is actually just casual empiricism).

        3. If you care about getting the right answer, here is what a real statistician who looked at Unz’s data and methodology has to say about it: https://sites.google.com/site/nuritbaytch/
          If, on the other hand, you don’t want to challenge notions if they fit in with your pre-existing prejudices, by all means, rant on.

        4. jewish people generally have strong family values and a strong sense of materialism… ie. go get some for yourself…
          thus jewish kids arrive at 18 like rounded adults, looking for their place in life… where white christian kids arrive thinking the world owes them a living and consider their 20s and 30s are for some kind of non stop spring break….

        5. Exactly. “Traditionalism for me, but not for thee” seems to be the rallying cry of Jews.
          They have Jewish family centers, encourage devotion to their elderly, strongly discourage alcohol use and pornography, and more….
          ….While simultaneously pushing porn, alcohol, and selfishness on us gullible goyem. They do this indirectly through Hollywood and the media, and directly through their dominance of the porn, gambling, and alcohol industries.

        6. in other words, thehy are greedy, grasping, and support elitism and nepotism.
          If they did to Germany what they are doing here, I start to wonder if we were right back in WWII, backing Stalin (The murderer of millions of russians) instead of hitler (the murderer of thousands of jews.)
          Of course, we could always try and pretend that the reason America joined WWII was not because the president was forced by the jewish money controllers in order to rescue Jewish gold in the hands of the Nazis…

        7. “I start to wonder if we were right back in WWII, backing Stalin (The murderer of millions of russians) instead of hitler (the murderer of thousands of jews.)”
          The rabbit hole goes deep, doesn’t it? I too have in recent years begun questioning virtually everything I’ve ever learned about the world… Including (or especially?) those things I “shouldn’t” question.

        8. Hanibal was berber from Tunisa not semitc from arabia.
          Looking at the video espically the first 2min about sex,fmaily and marrage. The tradtional christian has more in common with muslims. So much for “christian-judeo culture”….
          Another video of jewish guys being interviewed said they over rep as male performers

        9. That long-documented phenomenon (‘The Bell Curve’ documented it in at least 1994) was explained in the book ‘The 10,000 Year Explosion’.
          Unz’s Wall Street Journal article did control for it. It still didn’t come close to explaining the wild over-representation.

        10. Are you even briskly familiar with the history of WW2? Do you not know that it was Germany that declared war on US? That even before that German U-boats sank a US Destroyer – “Reuben James” in October of 1941 and Roosevelt declined to declare war then? Is your hatred of Jews so strong that you are willing to bend the facts as history knows them?

        11. Believe me, I know about the Reuben James. I also know WHY the Reuben James was sunk, and WHY Pearl Harbor was hit… and why it was chosen instead of San Fransico.
          And no, I don’t hate ‘Jews’ at all, what could possibly give you that idea? I certainly hate their culture, their ethics, and their societal lack of anything like ethics, but ‘jews’? Not at all. One of my girls is jewish.

        12. >>elieve me, I know about the Reuben James. I also know WHY the Reuben James was sunk,
          I am gonna go out on a limb and say it was the Jews that sank her.
          While we’re on topic, I also heard that it was a Jew named Iceberg that sank the Titanic and NOT a mass of arctic ice as previously thought.

      2. Read what the Rabi at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership says about Soros and his ill gotten gains.
        If I said “ever since I had a one night stand with Angela Merkel the US government has been listening to all my calls” before Snowden spilled the beans, everyone would think I was crazy and had bad taste.

    5. I’ve never met a Jewish woman who didn’t adamantly support feminist bullshit. All have been pro-choice as well.

      1. I guess you never met Orthodox Jews in NY then. Not one of them will agree with abortion or feminism.

        1. o should look up the inside fighting in Isreal and I aint talkin about them fightin palestianians and nedkov arabs.
          There is a fight between secular and non secular relgious jews. Plus lot a racial discrimantion among them. The
          ashkanazi jews from europe(the white ones) discrimainate against the sephardi jews(spanish),mizra jews(middle east),indian and ethopian jews. Which is ironic cause they went through the holocaust. thye are politically the most influential. look up their parlament

        2. Yeah, the issue is apostate Jewry, or at least the Jews who have a form of religion that does not correspond at all to actual Judaism.
          There is exactly one holy people on Earth: the Israel of God. The Jews were Israel according to the flesh, and the Church is the new Israel of adoption. The good Jews and the good Catholics have been the best people on Earth. But every thing is corrupted in a manner corresponding to its former goodness. And that’s why the apostate or nominal Jews and the apostate or nominal Catholics, have also been the worst of people, and have spawned and propagated the most destructive ideologies of all.

        3. After spending time in Israel I was told by a Jewish guide thay if the Jews didn’t have everyone else to fight then they would be killing each other. Very true when you look at their political structure.

        4. The Jewish religion was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70. Their priests were killed and their temple was razed. They’ve even given up on the hope of a messiah. I don’t know what Judaism is today, but it is not what it was in their scriptures.

        5. Agreed, some Orthodox and many Sephardics are not the enemy. Sephardic criticism of Isra*l and the Ashkenazi psychopaths really opened my eyes.

        6. No doubt that the Jews created the Jesus figure to destroy the Roman Empire after that point. It was a mass grass roots move that was the earliest form of Socialism. evident in so much of scripture where the wealthy cannot enter the kingdom and the poor gain everything.which struck a chord with the uneducated slave class of Rome and the perpetual self identification of being a victim.

        7. Very true. Or rather, the Jewish religion was fulfilled in Christ and is now continued in the Church, in very truth and no longer in shadow. This is why the temple was destroyed and Israel scattered; that was the old order, and it was not fitting that it should continue.
          I entirely agree that rabbinic Judaism is not the Judaism of antiquity or the Bible.

      2. Yeah it’s really hard getting a job in banking, Hollywood, other media or law just because of your last name and having your homeland break any United Nations Charter totally unfettered and be able to execute anybody you choose either on their own turf or kidnap them and take them to Israel and hold a show trial with “victims” fainting then hang the accused on national television, isn’t it? Poor fat, ugly, big-nosed bitches, they all have it so, so rough!

    6. It’s a much better strategy to attack the merit of an argument than to point out an author’s ethnicity and that ethnicity’s supposed over-representation in a philosophy.
      Most all of us want the end of feminism. But the way we get there isn’t by saying “another fucking Jew.”

      1. I say the same about blacks when they are over-represented in stereotypical crimes, but does this make me racist, despite being half-black myself? Or are you red-pill enough to see that this makes me honest?

        1. There’s nothing like a post about race/jews to bring the ‘redpillers’-in-name-only out of the woodwork. These guys fancy themselves enlightened, but as soon as they’re pushed slightly out of their comfort zone, they show themselves still every bit as plugged in as the average HuffPo reader.

        2. On a related note, a tip of the hat to you Lance for having the integrity to acknowledge the problems blacks are responsible for, despite being half black yourself. There are too few people out there who are interested in the truth and only the truth, no matter where it leads us.

        3. I’ll agree with you on that, you speak what you think which is rare in the world these days. The conspiracy theory above was, for lack of a better word, well phrased but who really gives a shit if these feminist cum-holes are Jewish or anything else? There are examples from all demographics, we need to look at the message, not the messenger. If these books came from hot white wasp sluts, they would still be loaded with jizz reeking feminist breath.

        4. I would strongly suggest this book for anyone who is interested. Yes, it’s by the “notorious” David Duke. I don’t agree with everything the man says but even as a minority I have come to understand that he has many valid points and has been unfairly maligned by the media. His book on Jewish Supremacism is a global bestseller on the subject. Even he doesn’t say “all jews” but only “some” jews. He makes a solid case for a multi-generational conspiracy run by certain Marxist supremacists Jews against western nations. Where he fails, imho, is by ignoring similar crimes committed by his “own” people, whom he paints as entirely just and innocent, completely whitewashing for e.g. the genocide of Native Americans. So take his thesis with a grain of salt. But as long as you keep that in mind, it’s a very eye-opening education:

        5. Don’t be stupid. Never called you a racist. I said there are better ways to attack ideas than to say “OMG A JEW”.
          I like the rebuttal, though: YOU NEED MORE RED PILL.
          It’s like the fall-back for every idiot who has run out of things to say.
          The issue was of strategy, and I stand by my thought that it’s more effective to attack the argument than the ethnicity.

    7. equality in a relationship. If I want a “captain” to give me commands, I’ll go and work on a ship. men are not more logical than women. I know only one man who can boast being a tad more logical than many other people and he’s practically a borderline asperger. Average Joe is as emotional and hormonal as any average woman. Manosphere guys just deny this because they want to feel better than women and for them being better is the same as stumping someone down. Manosphere guys are just a bunch of selfish dicks who want everyone to do as they wish and then try to dress their selfishness into scientific mumbojumbo. Nothing more. I believe that power corrupts even the best of us . I absolutely hate any kind of power plays. It doesn’t matter whether relationship is based on equality or traditional values, power struggle between a couple is always destructive for it. Well, I guess we’ll have a permanent disagreement here. I really do consider equality as a fundamental value and do not see men as superior. o, sorry to burst your bubble, but this type of relationship can work and it works pretty well indeed! Not to mention there are studies showing that couples who share home chores are happier and stay together longer than those where roles are very different.

    8. I’m Jewish on my mother’s side (that’s an inside joke to other “authentic” Jews) but did not find out till just before she died because the Catholic community we lived in was & still is very anti-Semetic. I attended a small Christian school & our principal was a pastor who had close ties to the Jewish community & wanted us to interact with the tiny Jewish population of our city to be able to understand the culture & religion Jesus grew up in.
      The community would be considered Conservative Jewish which is less than 10% of the total distribution in America & falls on the Center slight Right on our political spectrum.
      When I left the area & interacted with other Jews, something was very striking to me: the Reform Jews I made friends with were Secular Humanists with larger noses & curlier hair who got presents for both Chanukah and Christmas though didn’t believe in Yaweh or G_d.
      It was explained to me by one of the Conservative Jewish rabbis I spoke with about my confusion. He explained with a broken heart that the Nazis had not been defeated with the death of Hitler, but had instilled their doctrines into the intellectual elite before they fled German borders. Jews have always made up an over representation of academic and intellectual circles & leadership & by turning their minds against their culture, heritage, & faith, they could actually ensure the death of the Hebrew.
      If you study modern Reform Judaism you will see a massive shift in it’s connection to traditional teachings & can easily trace its grotesque metamorphosis into an extreme left-wing ideology focused on totalitarian control of those who try to oppose or dissent it (remind you of something?)
      The transformation of the modern Western woman is a telling parallel. The women you listed are still technically “female” & “of Jewish heritage”, but nothing about their mentality, philosophy, or actions would describe them as “women” or “authentically Jewish”.

      1. The most striking and immediately obvious difference between Orthodox and Reformed Jews, is that the Reformed ones don’t have kids; while the Orthodox ones have kids aplenty. Meaning the former are becoming increasingly marginalized overall, despite their women enjoying a period in the limelight afforded by having nothing more useful, like raising children, to do with their time.

        1. That’s very true. Most of the Reformed children I knew had much older mothers who had children after they had established a career & as an afterthought decided they should have kids right before their wombs dried up. Even then, they were mostly raised by nannies & really knew nothing of their Jewish roots.

      2. A jewish acquaintance of mine said over 80% of jewish people are atheists

      3. Not to be a jerk, but just to state the obvious: modern Jewish culture, even amongst Orthodox Jews (and especially Ashkenazim) is not going to be anything like the Jewish culture of Jesus’ day. Rabbinic Judaism after 2000 years of diaspora without a temple, heavily influenced by a ghetto mentality in various host countries of varying degrees of tolerance at varying times, has produced a culture far removed from the native, confident, ancient mentality of a 1st century Palestinian Jew. I imagine the modern-day Samaritans are far closer to His culture. A Catholic who attends an ancient rite of Mass, lives a life of regular piety and prays the Office, probably finds as much of Jesus’ religious heritage in his own faith, as he is likely to find in modern-day rabbinic Judaism.

    9. I am afraid you are guilty of understatement. It is, in fact, far worse than that. Jewish culture is built on circumcision (the most sacred covenant), and Jews have turned the buthering of the American male into a 400 million dollar industry. What do you call a group of people who seek to profit off the sexual mutilation of children? Diabolical might be too light.
      The sexual benefits of the prepuce have been documented for ages. It contains 20,00 sexual nerve endings, nearly twice that of the clitoris. The Greeks and Romans, when they heard that Jews did this, had the proper response – they punched them in the grill and told them to GTFO. But Americans are, by nature, a trusting and friendly people, so they let them in – now to their detriment.
      Male circumcision is only practiced in 15% of the world (the Middle East and the USA, predominantly). The majority of the world’s doctors consider it butchery. This is an undisputable fact. When you learn about the Jewish insistence on mutilating not only their children, but everybody in the nation they seek refuge in, the history of their consistent slaughter becomes more clear. Everywhere they have gone, they have sought to mutilate the larger population. Time and time again, people became enraged and threw them out. Now they have camped out in America and, surprise surprise, it is happening again.
      The great Martin Luther, who found circumcision deplorable, had no love loss for Judaism. He stated the following: “Where you see or hear a Jew teaching, remember that you are hearing nothing but a venomous basilisk who poisons and kills people merrily by fasten. . .”

      1. I call bullshit, circumcision is also a Christian tradition. A Jewish ‘conspiracy’ is nothing but paranoia and to point a finger to someone

        1. it is an islamic tradition too but all 3 are abrahamic religions that share values and traditons of the previous relgions.
          But even non abrahamic africa and pacific islands had this tradition too

        2. The apostle Paul was clearly against this practice. This is well documented, so I won’t bothering posting quotes here.
          The fact that this crime has been done to so many American men is the ultimate red pill.

        3. Name me one Christian nation, outside of the United States, where this is widely practiced? I restate, for no other purpose than to inform, that 85% of the men in the world are spared from this barbarism.

        4. It isn’t a Christian tradition, and was since its inception, and I believe still is, outlawed by the Catholic Church. Salad bar Catholics who have their children circumcised are truly lost. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with Jews either.
          Nevertheless, it only entered into the mainstream in Western society in the 19th century as it was feared masturbation was the cause of epilepsy and other forms of madness. When that was disproven, it was done to prevent paralysis, etc…
          Eventually, Europe socialised their medical system and found the practice to have no benefits and very large costs/risks associated with it, so the state no longer covered it, and the practice quickly fell out of favour. America, keeping their healthcare system “private” never underwent such a methodical check of medical procedures, thus it is still routinely done.
          The fact is, most parents can’t be bothered to do five minutes of research on the internet to see whether or not they should cut off half the skin on their son’s dick.

        5. Circumcision was banned by the Catholic Church in the 15th century and banned in most Orthodox Christian countries since… forever. Also, European Christianity looked down upon Judaizing Christianity which meant keeping European gentiles intact (uncircumcised). It’s only here in America, where you swarms of dumb ass Anglos, Judaizing themselves (circumcising) and Christianity. Also, circumcision is not practiced in Catholic South America either. 80% of the world’s men are uncircumcised, including myself.

        6. It was widely practiced by many protestant countries at one point in time.

        7. why would they be persuaded to NOT circumsize newborns? It is in the hospitals interest to promote the practice, due to the huge financial gains for each operation. The parents pay for the op, then the hospital sells the foreskin for processing ($3k), then when the cells are harvested and processed other products can be made (“anti-aging cream”, skin for burn victims, etc.) netting about $100k from a single foreskin.
          There’s too much money to be made for them to give up the genital mutilation.

        8. Second that.
          Circumcision is not a Jewish, Christian or Muslim tradition; it is rather an Abrahamic tradition.
          All the Biblical prophets (and believing men) after Abraham were required to practice circumcision to uphold Abraham’s covenant with God. Jesus himself was circumcised on the 7th day after his birth – keeping in line with this Abrahamic, not Jewish or Christian or Muslim tradition; as all these three monotheistic religions bear their root to Abraham,
          The real reason why circumcision was frowned up in Christianity is because Paul (a gentile convert) was himself uncircumcised. Whether the verses in the Bible which are against circumcision – are a fabrication introduced by Paul as alleged by Christianity critics or whether Paul was an impostor – the undisputed fact remains that Jesus himself was circumcised. As followers of him (Christians – those who follow the traditions of Christ), practicing circumcision is logical in Christianity, whereas shunning it is more like Paulinity (followers of Paul) or Pauline Christianity, not Christianity itself.
          When it comes to modern America, however, it could be true that the Jewish bureaucracy is possibly involved in circumcision becoming a standard procedure. But from theological logic point of view, it is not contrary to the practices and teachings of Christ (who himself upheld the Covenant), but only against the views of Paul. Christ himself never spoke out against or condemned circumcision anywhere in the Bible. It might be a Jewish conspiracy to standardize circumcision in America; but it is not a conspiracy to continue circumcision for Christians – as Jesus himself followed it, as is very much in line with his personal practice/teachings. Gentiles who converted to Christianity (like Paul, Romans, etc) who had a distaste for circumcision, are the ones who actually spread the propaganda about circumcision being a “Judaic” practice ; but if you observe Christ’s life and his ministry, if circumcision was wrong, Christ would’ve maligned those who circumcised him and spoken out against circumcision. But he never did – as he upheld the Covenant himself, a precedent that every Christian should logically follow to be Christian; and not become Pauline Christian by shunning circumcision.

        9. How do you figure? St. Paul permitted St. Timothy to be circumcised for a very specific reason, but overall his teaching was clear: if you are not circumcised, do not seek to become circumcised. Especially if you are a gentile Christian, the practice comes dangerously close to embracing the Judaizing heresy that was condemned by the first council of the Church, recorded in the book of Acts.

        10. Paul was not a gentile convert. He was an “Hebrew according to the flesh,” an “Hebrew of Hebrews,” who studied with Gamaliel and advanced beyond his brethren in knowledge of the Jewish traditions. He was circumcised on the eighth day of his life, as he himself declares in his epistle to the Galatians. Have you not read the Bible, or do you simply not believe it? And if you don’t believe it, on what is your faith based? I am Catholic, so my faith is not “based” on the Bible, but the Bible is certainly considered infallible and inerrant and I believe it. I have never heard of a Christian denomination which did not accept the Scriptures for one reason or another.
          Nobody is saying that circumcision is always wrong, and that Christ shouldn’t have been circumcised. Catholics and Orthodox celebrate the Feast of Christ’s Circumcision on January 1st, and the Scriptures clearly say that He was circumcised. Who would deny it or criticise it? The question is whether Jesus’ Passion and founding of the Church and sending of the Holy Spirit changed anything.
          There was some toleration in the early Church, for allowing Jews that embraced the Faith to retain certain Jewish customs (like circumcision). But our Lord fulfilled the Old Covenant. Circumcision gave way to baptism; the Temple worship gave way to the Mass; the Passover gave way to Pascha, Easter; the Feast of Weeks, celebrating the giving of the Old Law, gave way to the Feast of Pentecost, where the Spirit descended and wrote the New Law on the hearts of the faithful; the Feast of Succoth (Tabernacles) gave way to the feast of All Saints. Christ, the Light, put the shadows of the Old Law to flight, fulfilling them. During His life, the Old Covenant remained in full effect, and He submitted to the Law as one Who obeyed God the Father in all things. But after His Resurrection, the Old Law was fulfilled in the New – not abolished, but fulfilled. The Scriptures are clear that circumcision is not only not necessary for the Christian, but, especially for the Gentile convert, is positively discouraged as being a Judaizing return to the Old Law in its pre-fulfilment forms.

        11. Not really. The Protestants stayed away from it, too, until recently. I don’t even think “the Joos” were behind it. I think doctors just made a bunch of stupid decisions not that long ago, like tonsilectomies, etc. I think they make some dumb ones now, for that matter (esp. related to vaccines). Circumcision was just another bone-headed idea.

        12. Saul or St. Paul was a Jew. He didn’t push circumcision because the Greeks deplored it.this is easily researchable

        13. Its not 100k but hospitals get paid more for the cut off skin of a newborn with no pain meds than they get paid for the procedure. Some hospitals tell parents it goes to “research”. Skin grafts are what’s mostly grown from them you would have to look up the cost of apigraf. Medicare pays hospitals $2,260 for a graft grown from foreskin.

        14. It was said in WWII jews that lied about being jews could be caught by doing “short arm checks” at the border. After WWII jews pushed circumcision as a health benefit using bad data so they couldn’t be found out. Of course the only way to stop another knot see party from coming to power would be to flood all white nations with non white foreigners.

        15. And let’s not forget Mitzvah B’Peh. Where the mohel, after removing the foreskin, sucks the blood from the screaming child’s penis. This practice, as as outlined in the Talmud, is the correct way to conduct a circumcision.
          There was a stir recently in New York’s Hasisdic community, when a mohel passed on herpes to an infant via Mitzvah B’peh. Several infants have already died from this. Mayor Bloomberg went so far as to urge the Hasidics to end the practice. They refused, of course, claiming it was their religous rite.
          What kind of religion allows the fellating of a child’s mutilated genitals? what kind of parents allow this to happen, refusing to defend their child?
          It’s no wonder so many previous societies were horrified by Jews.

        16. Google “Moses Maimonides”, who was a reknowned 12th century rabbi and jewish philosopher. He explicitly stated that the primary reason for circumcision was to diminish a man’s sexual pleasure so he could better focus on god.
          Here’s a quote:
          “Similarly with regard to circumcision, one of the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ in question, so that this activity be diminished and the organ be in as quiet a state as possible. It has been thought that circumcision perfects what is defective congenitally. This gave the possibility to everyone to raise an objection and to say: How can natural things be defective so that they need to be perfected from outside, all the more because we know how useful the foreskin is for that member? In fact this commandment has not been prescribed with a view to perfecting what is defective congenitally, but to perfecting what is defective morally.”
          “The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. None of the activities necessary for the preservation of the individual is harmed thereby, nor is procreation rendered impossible, but violent concupiscence and lust that goes beyond what is needed are diminished. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened. The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have explicitly stated: It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision.”
          If an adult wants to make an informed decision to get himself circumcised, that’s one thing, but to hear you suggest that there’s something holy about the mutilation of children is truly repugnant.

        17. thanks for the info. 100k seemed insane but 2.2k is still a lot. There’s certainly potential for a conflict of interest here

        18. Again, true and excellent point. When are we going to call rabbis what they really are — perverted, sadistic fucking pedophiles? Let’s call a spade a spade and forget our Holocaust guilt from now on. Hey, wasn’t it a bunch of NJ rabbis who got busted by the FBI for selling / trafficking harvested organs?

        19. Sure, the hospital makes a lot of money, that’s why people continually found an excuse as to why the procedure was needed to be done after it became mainstream. Nowadays it will stop you from getting STDs (lol). However, the government loses a lot of money, thus they decided to NOT pay for the procedure. If parents wanted it done, it had to come out of their own pockets.

        20. Christianity is, root and stem (to use an appropriate metaphor), Jewish.
          Also, I resent my genital mutilation no matter how you choose to parse it.
          Fuck the baby mutilators.

        21. Well only to my good luck did the Euros, “Aryanize” Christianity, at least until the fucking Anglos arrived in America. I can think the Aryanization of Christianity for my fully functioning penis.

        22. I have a friend who was cut as an adult, lost most of his pleasure, and then became distraught.
          He actually restored his foreskin with weights and tape. When I asked him if it worked, he said, “It’s almost exactly like the original now.”
          I thought, man that sounds crazy.
          But then I thought, wait a minute. Let’s say a Muslim woman had her mutilated clitoris repaired (which is possible through surgery), Then, she gave a speech at a women’s college about how she overcame her mutilation via surgery. What would the audience think? They would give her a fucking standing ovation and tell her how brave she was for her courage. Hell, she would probably be a special guest on Oprah.

        23. When talking to feminists, you need go no further than this topic. They condone sexual violation here on men, while they deplore it overseas on women.

        24. $100k isnt for the foreskin itself, it the rough total profit from the products made from a single foreskin, the fibroblasts are just used as feeder cells to start the cultures, or to get stem cells up and going.

        25. “A Jewish ‘conspiracy’ is nothing but paranoia and to point a finger to someone”
          Would it kill you faggots to be at least a little creative with your “rebuttals”?
          Nobody said it was a “conspiracy” you shabbosgoy and any one who denies Jews essentially shitting all over western civilization deserves to be murdered.

      2. Hospitals actually get more money from selling the foreskin from a newborn with no pain reliever given than they get paid to perform the procedure. I have known PICU nurses say that the cut off skin gets treated better than the baby.

        1. Did you know that some of the skin gets used to make cosmetics? And that Oprah Winfrey uses some of this for one of her skin products?
          Yes, the same Oprah Winfrey who cares so much about the rights of the oppressed.

      3. OMFG, not another idiot who obsesses over circumcision. That wouldn’t even make sense for Jews to promote circumcision, because it’s their “mark” for a lack of a better term. That is part of their identity.

        1. Aaron Goldberg was the one who marketed the Gomco to health periodicals during the late 40s, promoting this throughout the medical profession.

        2. So what? That means he wanted to make money. You still haven’t explained what the point of circumcising all the goyim is for…

    10. Looks like this is the full extent of England’s assimilation plan towards Anglosphere Jews, to the point a growing number of Jewish men in the Anglosphere are marrying out for shiksahs, because their own Jewish sisters have been ‘Anglicized’ (read: acting like an Anglo single white female, complete with various levels of instability, ’empowerment’ with no responsibilities, just to scratch the surface).

    11. When I first saw the title “Hanna Rosin” my first thought was “wow another jewish woman.” I don’t have a problem with the jews for their sake of being jews. But I always say if they have been hated by every place they step foot in for thousands of years, then there is probably a reason.

      1. Any religion unwilling to undergo reform is dangerous. Unfortunately, Judaism is laced with the “stop being an anti-semite” mentality. The great Jewish author Phillip Roth critiques this, saying it is a major detriment to the religion.
        Becasue Judaism has always been in the minority, it has never had to undergo a major reformation. It was free to practice what it chose, much as sub groups throughout the world do.
        But now it’s high time to call out this garbage.
        For what it’s worth, I have Jewish heritage, but I have no problem calling bullshit when I see it.

    12. A brilliant takedown of Rosin’s bullshit…and the most up-voted comment is a rant on Jewish–JEWISH!!!111!11!– overrepresentation in feminism.

      1. We all know Rusin is whack and she is lying through her teeth. He book is shit. All that is old news that’s why people try to find a new angle.

      2. You can’t separate Rosin from her Jewi$h outlook / agenda. She is where she is in media circles / publishing because of her Jewishne$$, plain and simple. It’s an old and exclusive club, and we ain’t in it folks. George Carlin knew this, but couldn’t quite get that specific because of the tremendous J-tribe influence over the entertainment industry.

      3. Seriously, do you faggots EVER think on your own? MUST you relate to the world the same way a pavlovian dog would?

    13. true that. Id like to see a count of jewish over representation in certain occupations like they do with blacks in the NBA or indians in the medical field. I heard they over rep. in politics(also vote in high numbers for their population making them an important demographic), media, Harvard students and law.
      Also heard they invented modern day porn
      Curious how do you tell an ashkanzi jew(euro blood) from a regular white?
      Like any key features or certain names?
      Not being anti-semitic( I disagree with the term since semitic people include arabs and Palestinians so they should be called anti-hebrew instead)
      ROK should go in depth with this phenomenon. if they do I totally see it as being the most viral article ever. May as well, africans,muzzys,asians and of course indians get ripped on this site, may as well educate our selves on jewish influence.

      1. Highly overrepresented (near 100%) in:
        Porn, Hollywood, ALL media, Feminism, International Banking, Wall St., Ivy League, Pharmaceuticals, Psychology. Highly overrepresented in law and medicine.
        Extremely UNDER represented in, well, everything else. Just a coincidence. It’s cause they are so smart.

        1. you forgot to add concert violinists , pianists etc.
          You forgot to add grandmasters in chess ( 50% are Jewish)

        2. People tend to go overboard about the Jews. Some of my favorite musicians and composers have been Jews. Felix Mendelssohn, Johann Strauss and Gustav Mahler are some of my absolute favorites of all time, and I have prime recordings of their music. Needless to say, Murray Perahia, Martha Argerich, Joshua Bell and other pianists and violinists are all performers that I’d happily pay 100s of dollars to hear. However, while it is important not to include these gifts to humanity with scum such as Sarah Silverman, Jews have to start admitting that some Jews have a penchant for destructive left-wing causes, which might I add affects the Jews too, notably Jewish males.

    14. Lance, you’re comments are usually articulate and precise, this Jewish conspiracy that you have needs to be backed up by some references

      1. i smell a future ROK article. But I dont see it as racist or conspirator if see a particular group dominate a certain field.
        Id be looking forward to see numbers, which would make for a very interesting read. We already heard from the black community predicting americas future,asian values n dating, muzzy culture n alphaness or indian trolling.This will be a new addition

      2. By all means sir, I won’t even give you links to Stormfront or other sites. I’ll give you three books on the Jews by Jews themselves and one gentile Ph.D professor at UC Santa Barb

        1. I am calling bullshit:
          – None of these books are used as textbooks in California State.
          – Arthur Koestler 13th tribe theory has been disproven by Gumilev, a Russian historian and anthropologists who ACTUALLY went to Sarkel and dug up the Khazar cities. He could find no link between modern day Jews and ancient Khazars. Khazaria and Caspian: (Landscape and Ethnos)
          – Kevin McDonald is a White Supremacist, and while he is a Cal State professor, his book “The culture of critique” is NOT

        2. I never said “textbooks.” I said “books.” There’s a huge difference when it comes to a class textbook and assigned reading material.

        3. Ugh. At least three of those books are trash.
          1) Koestler later recanted on his 13th tribe Khazar theory.
          2) Shlomo Sans’ similar Khazar hypothesis has been rejected by every shred of DNA evidence.
          4) That guy is a neo-Nazi.

        1. So in any adverse situation you have to figure out 2 things:
          1) What is the problem?
          2) What is the solution?
          it seems you have figured out the first part, now I am just waiting for you to summarize the second without using ambiguous statements about eggs. You think you can do that?

        2. A solution hasn’t presented itself that is both humane and complete. Believe me, if I had one it would be out of my mouth in a moment.
          But, if we don’t come up with a solution, one will eventually develop without any input… and the one that will develop spontaneously will make even the worst holocaust mythology look like it’s been disneyfied.

        3. >>A solution hasn’t presented itself that is both humane and complete. Believe me, if I had one it would be out of my mouth in a moment.
          Sounds like furious backpedaling has commenced.
          >>But, if we don’t come up with a solution, one will eventually develop without any input… and the one that will develop spontaneously will make even the worst holocaust mythology look like it’s been disneyfied.
          Sounds like what you are saying is “Jews deserve to die, but they didn’t in WW2, but soon it’s gonna be worse then when they didn’t really die but say they did.” Is that about the gist of it?

        4. Actually, ‘all jews deserve to die’ IS the inhumane solution. It would work, but it’s completely monstrous and I would fight against it to the last breath. Some sacrifices are not worth the price.

          There are other solutions, all of various different flavors, but most of them are just as inhumane. the Jews SPECIFICALLY do not deserve to be punished for the actions of a few.
          So the solutions I would prefer to look at are those which punish behavior that LOTS of people participate in, not simply the jewish-supremacist predators.
          What i want to know is why, whenever someone calls attention to a particular problem a particular ethnic group presents, the assumption is that you ‘hate’ the ethnic group in question. I do not HATE a game when I point out a bug, I do not HATE a car when I take it in for repairs.
          Calling someone ‘anti-semitic’ is exactly the same as calling someone a ‘racist’ or ‘misogynist’. It is designed to shame someone and shut down discussion rather than to disagnose a legitimate complaint.

        5. It’s been done in Germany and it hasn’t stopped leftism at all. So no, it doesn’t work. Not even that.

    15. It seems to me like Jews who reject the Orthodox faith routinely adopt Marxism in its place. They have rejected their god and since they believe their god does not exist, they want to “improve” our lives by ruling over us. They want to bring their version of “heaven” to Earth and damn all non-believers with real punishment from the state.
      As an atheist, I see this kind of attitude all the time amongst other atheists and it makes me ashamed to be associated with them. I politely refuse to discuss faith in public or in private with strangers.
      There’s a reason why so many of them are leftist totalitarian lunatics.

    16. 1,000% correct brother, bravo. Thanks for the balls and stating the fucking obvious. This is the core issue of our times.

    17. Its a question we ask ourselves every Shabbat. I think the problem is more of secular Jews than religious Jews. Religious Jews are unlike any of these lunatics. Secular Jews tend to be a vile species.

    18. Don’t you know: it’s because Jews are smart so they naturally gravitate to harebrained bullshit like feminism.
      I concede that YKW have high g and I also admit that some Jews use the ability for good, sometimes. (the Cohen guy trashing her book) But beyond feminism, the lavender mafia and the anti white agenda is also throughly Jewish. As is the Zionist neocon and anti Christian agenda. As is the anti gun and pro porn agenda.

    19. Yes, let us all lend an ear to Mr. Christopher, for who better to advise the blonde and blue-eyed on the Jews than a Muslim.
      I just hope no one says anything bad about Muhammad or else Mr. Christopher might blow up, literally.

    20. The vile Talmudist Jews want to see the West going down the drain, and feminism is just one of their tools they use to achieve that.

    21. Agreed! And I want to be clear that I’m not anti-Semitic but I have often wondered about this myself. I understand that Jews are over-represented in academia, in banking and in the media. In Russia, this is/was the case as well. But that is another topic of discussion. Without a doubt Hollywood is overrepresented by Jews. These are not conservative Jews who believe in God, family and country. These are Liberal-left, marxist Jews (most if not all of them secular) with a clear agenda to pollute the country by promoting aberrations like homosexuality, bi-sexuallity, the virtues of single parenthood, atheism, feminism, cultural-marxism, divorce, drugs, the humiliation of men, materialism, pornography, effeminate culture, tattoos, piercing and all the other shit that is evident in the decline of western civilization. This pollution has crept into American colleges as well. In America one goes to college to get into debt and receive some bullshit education which is worthless compared to the education one can get in Europe or in Russia. Over-politicized and under skilled is your average college graduate in America. I once met two of these guys with “Masters” degrees who couldn’t even open the hood of a car, and much less change the oil and the oil filter. A simple task like this, they could not perform! But they had “Masters” degrees in Media and Communication! Now what the fuck is that?
      In an earlier commentary, I wrote how that KGB used methods of infiltration and subversion in order to tear-down the moral fabric of American society. In most cases the useful idiots used by this intelligence agency were influential Jews in the media and in academia. It is without a doubt that many (not all) Jews are enamored with the writings of Karl Marx. Cultural Marxism arrived in the United States with the Frankfurt School, during the 1930s. The heads of the Frankfurt School were predominantly Communist Jews who were fleeing Nazi Germany. The main aim of the Frankfurt School was to radicalize American society and to promote cultural relativism in academia and in the media with the purpose of transforming socially conservative America. By the 1960s this aim was achieved with the assistance of the KGB.
      The current state of affairs in America can, then, be traced back to years of indoctrination of the American public. This is the price you pay for having a “liberal” and “open” society. Ironically enough this “liberalism” has turned into a fascism of the politically-correct left; this “open” society is becoming more totalitarian, dictatorial and intolerant of people who do not tow the official politically-correct line. In a society where men have put down their pants and hung their balls on the altar of political correctness and feminism, this is what you can expect. And yes, Jews in influential positions are partly responsible for this state of affairs.

  3. Why am I not surprised she’s another ugly looking female with guess what, short hair.
    Hamster gone wild.

  4. The one thing feminists have never been able to wrap their brain around is the fact that men are rational actors that make conscious decisions based upon the current incentives structure. Instead they view men as toys. You can take it off the shelf, play with it until you are bored, then put it back on the shelf.
    Men do not want relationships or marriage because the current incentives push them away. State recognized marriage is a moral and legal trap for men. Even if a man can have a family, it can all be taken from him, including his livelihood (maybe for life) by a biased, bigoted family law system. Combine that with a steady supply of women who are sexual available and no wonder men are saying “no thanks”. Even Betas are starting to get the huge liability and risk that is marriage or long term relationship.

    1. “Even Betas are starting to get the huge liability and risk that is marriage or long term relationship.”
      I disagree. Betas are the major consumer of marriage. They keep the institution going. There are an infinite amount of betas out there, meaning marriage will go on forever and ever. Beta men are unable to get sex from women without offering some sort of money or resources as bait. This is just a fact of life. Beta men are the enemy of good society.
      Most of us who read the manosphere are reformed betas. There are millions upon millions of beta men who will never find the truth. Many simply don’t want it. Beta men have been the bulk of the male population since the beginning of time. They will always be willing participants in their own abuse and exploitation.

  5. “You’d think that if female CEOs were so highly prized there’d be more of them.”
    Many companies headed by female CEOs are tanking under their ‘leadership’. Some examples: Meg Whitman (HP), Marissa Mayer (Yahoo), Marillyn Hewson (Lockheed-Martin: think of its *massive* failure, the F35), Mary Barra (General Motors).
    I’m sure other guys here can be more thorough on this subject. By the way, what’s up with women taking charge of major defense contractors? Lockheed, General Dynamics. I’m willing to bet they have not got a single clue how a plane stays up in the air or how a jet engine works.

    1. I thought that women were peace-loving – what’s with all the defence contract work…?

      1. Defense contractors must meet gender quotas. The work is steady and full of paperwork. Huge projects that need managers and project coordinators. Stifling rules to protect and promote women. A gravy train for incompetent females.

        1. “Defense contractors must meet gender quotas.”
          Are the engineers who devise and create the tech also subject to these imposed quotas, or only the top managerial positions?

        2. They try but there is a huge ratio between males and females in engineering so they always come short of meeting their quotas. It’s not uncommon to hire the first female that walks in the door.

        3. Must be a real pain in the ass for those male engineers to work in teams with females who managed to get affirmative actioned through their studies.

        4. A simple delineation of the present-day job application procedure for men would be: “here, jump through a hundred hoops, then maybe, just maybe, we’ll consider you for the job”. For a female: “you’re hired!”.

      2. nah… when a woman gets into the whitehouse as president the first nukes since 1945 will fly…. just watch….

      3. they’ve wanted to get there hand’s on those military exo-skeleton suits ever since Sigourney Weaver got inside that big yellow mechanoid for the alien bitchfight

    2. Female executives and corporate board members are merely window dressing for a successful company. Feminists think that adding women to corporate governance increases profits and then use some stats that show companies with female board members or executives are doing well. The problem is, as is with most feminist logic, that it is the reverse. The only reason successful companies have women in those roles is precisely because they are doing well. Those companies can afford the dead weight whereas struggling or up-in-coming companies simply do not have the margins. If putting women on a corporate board equaled instant profit, companies would be grabbing every female MBA grad the second they get out of school.

    3. Re: defense contractors and women, it’s pretty simple: Small businesses that contract with the federal government are pushed towards hiring women candidates.
      Hire who the feds want you to hire (women), lest you be subject to accusations of discrimination and lose your fat contract. This causes the advancement and promotion of women who may not have got the job otherwise.

        1. Not to worry. There are cabinet level positions awaiting Mayer and Sandberg in the upcoming Pantsuit Presidency.

    4. add Xerox to the list… first fortune 500 company to have one woman take over from another… stock has been flat lining since 2000…. piss poor for the company that invented the photocopier and the mouse !
      there is no doubt that 5-10% of women are very bright and business like and smart…. it is a waste to hold them back…. it is however collateral damage in preventing the other 95% from destroying EVERYTHING including themselves…

      1. Where are those eternally held back smart women that deserve recognition of their glorious work?

    5. Recall how Hewson got that position. The heir apparent got “outed” as having an affair, just before he was to take over as CEO.
      Anyone’s guess whether it was because he crossed the Obama administration (he sent a note out to the workers *as required by law* informing them of possible upcoming layoffs due to the 2012 “fiscal cliff” crap, which the administration apparently told him to not do *in violation of the law*), or because someone outed him so that his #2 would get the position instead.

    6. Forgot – it’s hard to pin F35 on Hewson, though, since she never worked on that project and it was struggling well before she took over as CEO. Their stock has also done well during her tenure.
      Could be that she’s one of the capable ones.

      1. “Their stock has also done well during her tenure.”
        That’s no surprise, since they are practically granted unlimited access to the taxpayer’s money. The F35 is too large to fail, and Lockheed’s lobby (both domestic and foreign) is too big. Even a chimp as CEO probably wouldn’t hurt the company.

    7. EDW= Economically Disadvantaged Women are a quota for government give aways now.

      1. Them not ‘earning’ six figure salaries somehow makes them ‘economically disadvantaged’. In the meantime, there are highly qualified guys who were denied a job, because some HR skank didn’t like the way he looked.

    1. yep I look forward to the day when social workers take sons away from their mothers because of the child abuse inherent in being a feminist mom

  6. Women don’t seem to realize that they no power of any kind. Let “Judybitch” explain:
    “That leads the conversation in a very particular direction: if men
    wanted all women caged and pregnant with no rights of any kind, they
    could do that in 24 hours. Saudi Arabia, anyone?
    The whole conversation about male power and privilege and how it
    needs to be defeated ignores the brutal reality that if men really
    wanted to see women oppressed and subjugated, there is jack shit we could do about that.
    It would be over before we even knew it began. Margaret Atwood wrote a book called The Handmaid’s Tale
    in which that exact thing happens. It takes one simple measure to
    bring women to their knees: all bank accounts held by women are frozen
    and the assets are transferred to their male domestic partners or the
    And boom, it’s lights out for feminism.”

    1. only if all the men agree and since most are pathetic betas afraid of their wife’s shadow… this strategy would never fly….

      1. You wouldn’t need all but I agree. Most are weak betas and unwilling to take such a step.

      2. Yup. Theoretical and not the least bit realistic. As the West grinds down, women and their beta subordinates will grant themselves (women) more and more Draconian power over hapless beta men, When it all finally collapses decades from now, ruthless male warlords will have power once again. Either that or Chinese/Russian commanders and troops.

  7. Feminist but really Jewish, and what she really means is the end of Christian men. The fact that she has given birth three times means that she does not want to see the end of the tribe.

  8. That picture of her is photoshopped and her husband has “mangina” stamped on his face right down to the skull.

  9. Silly females. When will they learn that our natural biological differences necessitate that they be the secondaries while we are the primaries. No amount of woman logic can ever cure their self generated cancer. Every guy on here is a practically a pat bateman thanks to ideas spread by these nonsensical books. FT1X.

    1. We are the primaries? Dream on dude. Any man who believes that the average man has any real power in life or society is misguided at best. I’m not saying that the average woman has any power, but if you believe that men other than billionaires have any real power you are quite wrong.

  10. Rosin is a chameleon. She simply creates whatever perspective she needs to get women to buy into her shit and what she thinks will hurt men.
    She’s one of those who says that these new “empowered” women created the hookup culture. So when they feel empowered, women created hookup culture. But then a lot of other women claim that men created it and devalued women.
    All women’s history is like this and needs to be viewed through an emotional lens.
    -When they want to feel empowered, they created hookup culture and single motherhood while decimating marriage.
    -Yet, when they want to feel like victims, men created hookup culture, leave mothers single and won’t “man-up” and marry the sluts.
    Don’t even bother trying to analyze emotion-based history, it can’t be made sense of.

  11. It would be way too painful to read this book. I couldn’t do it lol nice article though

    1. that’s exactly why its good to have reports from the front-line provided to us on cutting edge feminist shite. We need to know the arguments in the books. If we can do that without imbing the toxic fumes directly so much the better

  12. Rosin is a YKW so of course she would celebrate the success of the YKW backed feminist movement and the harm its caused men.

  13. The 1999 movie Office Space was maybe the first to capture how alien and dispiriting this new feminized office park can be for men, and how resistant they are to adapting

    LOL. Office Space? A comedy about men who are cogs in a machine with no meritocracy to reward them? An exploration of what it feels like to be a wage slave to a girlfriend who cheats on you while forcing you to get psychiatric help to be a better boyfriend for her? It’s a movie about the cruel passive-aggressiveness that is brought to the workspace by women. It’s a movie that demonstrates quite clearly what happens when people like Milton are judged by women while at their place of business. Milton is socially inept, but if there were no women in the workforce, that wouldn’t matter because men don’t judge men by their social awkwardness, they judge them by their results. Women WILL ostracize and make the workplace hellish for men who are less socially capable, and in so doing they destroy some men’s careers. If anything, Office Space was the first stone thrown at a disastrously feminized culture that was distorted to the point of inhumanity by her own feminist logic.

  14. woman + (basic) math = disaster
    That book she wrote is nothing more then a description of her personal wet dream. The end of men automatically will cause the end of women, no matter how you define ‘end of’. The sad thing is these math challenged dumbasses don’t even have the ability to see this.

    1. The biggest abomination is that this book will find its way into academic libraries, displacing authors like Schopenhauer.

  15. Hey let’s give the feminists what they want. Let’s give them the end of men. Don’t talk to women, don’t do a damned thing for them. Don’t even acknowledge they exist. If “something” speaks to you treat it like a bolt of human flesh or a robot.
    (I have done this and everywhere I worked a rumor spread that I was gay because I didn’t do the “undress with the eyes” thing and my demeanor didn’t change around women. The rumor would only be dispelled by the real gays who would say “no he’s not one of us”)
    See the first step to freedom from a tyrannical state is to personally and internally decide not to give it power, not to give it your consent.
    So, they want men gone, fine. Let’s be gone and let civilization collapse. Don’t give extra money to anything that could benefit them. Deduct everything you can from your taxes (render unto Ceasar that which he knows about). Don’t go working your ass off towards an early onset of pattern baldness just so you can pay more taxes. Don’t go white knighting – you see a woman getting stomped in the parking lot, you didn’t see a damned thing (hey, they wanted this lack of civility they got it). Don’t take them out, don’t open the door – simply decide they do not exist.
    Thinking in depth, women really don’t exist any more. If we take into account what a woman should mean to us, considering the origin of each man, and the importance their role (that they have ground in the dirt and rubbed our faces in) they were intended to have, and how they cannot meet these roles nor needs any further, we might as well pretend that some virus came around and killed them all off (we would know the name of that virus, right?)
    They can go climb each others’ curtains and pretend that’s some accomplishment while their insides haunt them.

    1. Also cut all ties to the mainstream media. That means mm movies, tv shows etc and of course the news. Learn to entertain yourself ideally with things like the classics but if you must use the web netflix or hulu. Anything that let’s you select the kind of entertainment that won’t insult or brainwash you. iCulture.

      1. I couldn’t believe NOAH was about man mistreating the environment, and that killing a person so an animal caught in a trap could live, was a good thing.

  16. “The End of Men” is realistically achievable for Hanna Rosin…..beginning with her two young boys, as “charity begins at home”….. Where’s her husband BTW, is he already dead?

    1. The book would be more accurately titled “The End of Gentile Men” since Rosin and her fellow YKWs are not included.

        1. “Especially in our bed! As Hanna’s husband, I find this book—how to put
          this charitably?—a mixed blessing. It’s very nice for our checking
          account that she has been paid to write The End of Men. But
          really: What part of our life together has prompted her to predict doom
          for me and my half of the human race? Do I load the dishwasher
          incorrectly? Have I botched the repair on the downstairs toilet one too
          many times? Do I not talk about my feelings enough?”

  17. What a coincidence? Hanna Rosin is part of the same tribe as Dworkin, Friedan (aka Goldstein), Abzug, Firestone, Steinem, Lenin, Marx, Trotsky, Yagoda, Kamenev, Zinoviev, etc…

    1. Exactly what I was going to post. I wonder if she sees her #jewishprivilege while shes writing about male privilege and complaining about the patriarchy.

  18. It’s really becoming a war, isn’t it boys?
    Imagine a book entitled, ‘The End of Blacks’, ‘The End of Jews’, ‘The End of Mexicans’, etc.
    The ladies of The View laugh when a woman cuts off a man’s genitalia
    and tosses it in the garbage disposal.

    1. Only the mangina boys will be the casualties of this “war”, real men have nothing to fear from women since he already knows they have no power.
      As my old man use to say, “never stick your dick in crazy”…. damn good advice too.

      1. Wake the fuck up, smiley, they have more power to fuck up your world than you do theirs.

      2. I guess you never had to spend 20 min explaining to a credentialed quota woman what you figured out in less than a min.

      1. What does he mean no one hears women bad mouthing their men? Some do that more at work than they do actual work.

  19. These fucking sluts will do everything but take up arms against us, because they know that once they do, we will retaliate and crush them, and become real men once again!

    1. Ugh, I’ve seen that video. She’s lost her right to be a woman, or even a human being at point. I hope someone does a video with her lip synced to an old school Godzilla flik.

    2. For some reason when I see that face I imagine 4 or 5 guys standing around her as she is kneeling in the middle of the circle and the guys jizzin’ all over that putrid visage and glasses…….

  20. I don’t have a huge problem with women CEOs. What I have a problem with is every time a woman makes it to the top of the corporate world it needs to be celebrated like some great fucking milestone. Like western women are some oppressed group of people.
    And I’m sick of the word minorities when talking about women. 50% of the fucking population is not a minority group.

    1. In ancient Rome, slaves made up the majority of the empire’s population; some estimates claim slaves outnumbered citizens 5:3. Slaves still lacked human rights and equality, despite being the majority.
      Now I know, modern women and slaves are apples and oranges, but look at China with 1/3 of the world’s population. Sure, some are vastly wealthy, and have considerable political and economic influence, but a large portion of the population lives in poverty, some working 8 – 12+ hours for only a few dollars per day. They are a majority, but it does not mean they are not oppressed, or are systematically denied rights.
      My point is, just because any grouping of people form half, or even the majority of a population, does not necessarily mean they are equal or get to make all the rules. A majority group can still be under-represented.

      1. You mean like white men? where 1% of the population uses various other ‘minority’ groups and ‘social conscience’ to systematically oppress the other 99%?

        1. Well the other 50% (white men). White women aren’t an oppressed class and get many affirmative action benefits, and since they revel in the fact they have their slutty stilettos firmly pressed over the neck of the former white patriarchy.

        2. meh, white women are even more oppressed by feminism then men are. It is just well-concealed by glittering piles of distractions like the cock-carousel and affirmative action… they are given so much useless materialistic crap that they are either too distracted or terrified of ‘losing it all’ to realize that it is making them horribly unhappy. Men can get past it and take the red pill, but women are too trapped by piles of glittering gold to realize they have no food or drink for their souls, and that the gold is the worthless payment for their future.

        3. after the 2 world wars whites have been going down in % of world population, its only 8% worldwide now.

        4. Women are not able to figure it out until their looks start to go. Their grandmothers used to be able to tell them how the world works.

      2. “A majority group can still be under-represented.”
        And everything you say obviously presupposes the democratic premise that being a majority should entitle you to anything. Not everyone shares this premise in the first place.

    2. Consider this article about a female executive was canned after she took over the IT department at Target and subsequently allowed hackers to steal millions of customer data:
      A year or so ago, she was taking interviews from various publications about how she thought outsourcing to India would save so much money and improve the company. Then the company loses customers and she’s out.
      Same with Carly Fiorina. She took HP stock from $70 down to $20. She was canned. She bragged she was going to lay off everyone and send the work over to India and then, get this:
      She tried to run as a Senator candidate against man-hating Barbara Boxer for the same district she had laid all these people off. On her own money from the golden parachute! She lost spectacularly.
      It amazes me really that she didn’t have a clue that after throwing so many people under the bus for profit that she couldn’t buy a seat in that district? Maybe she believed all the hype of the publications fawning over her as a woman CEO genius?

  21. I remember reading this article a couple years ago. Reading comprehension is not my strength, but I noted the dearth of facts and the weakness in Rosin’s logic. And yet, many women believed the article. I suppose it felt good to them, so in their minds, the article was a true and accurate accounting. This really made me question female intelligence. The article made me angry, but the contempt I felt was far worse. Millions of women, believing Rosin’s ridiculous theories without question and parroting her hatred of men. I’m over it now, but I sometimes question whether women should be taught to read. There’s a responsibility that comes with literacy, and as with most forms of responsibility, women tend to fail. Anyway, I’m very glad to see some formal responses calling out Rosin’s article for the garbage journalism it is. I thank Mr. Cohen, and I thank Wilson here at RoK.

    1. Because, according to zionism, the jews have the right and responsibility to treat gentiles as subhumans, and only with the collapse of all other civilizations will the jewish nation have heaven on earth.
      I understand a lot of modern ‘progressive’ jews don’t think that Zionism is literal, but this sort of core belief tends to rub ‘host civilizations’ the wrong way… especially after the jews introduce Fiat currency and drain the host dry of blood.
      it wouldn’t be such a conspiracy theory if the jews had not done it to EVERY SINGLE CIVILIZATION THAT EVER WELCOMED THEM.
      There’s a reason Hebrew history is a history of tragedy… sooner or later, the hosts realize that their blood is being drained, and swatting the parasite can get….messy. And it has always happened.
      The fact is, by any logical ethical code, close examination of what they term as ‘being good with money’ always comes down to dishonest dealings with gentiles… con games, war supports, Fiat currency, Usury, Pyramid schemes, stock trading, These were all introduced by Jews to drain hosts of wealth, and the gold always ends up in Jewish Treasuries… ask them, they will proudly admit that people are ‘jealous of us because we are good with money”. And they are absolutely correct… we are jealous of them because, before they move into a community, we tend to deal honestly and simply and fairly, before they introduce convoluted schemes for ‘making money with money’ and mathematical con games that make ethical economics virtually impossible.
      And I am sad to say, destroying a country’s economy, after that country has mercifully invited you into their house, is the mark of a bad guest… And, from a cultural survival point of view, ‘villainizing’ the authors of your country’s collapse, herding them into camps, taking back the gold they have conned, and killing them brutally may seem ruthless, but after your country has been riddled with pestilence it starts to make a certain sense.
      Make no mistake, Zion is at war with every other culture on earth. Their chosen weapons just happen to be socioeconomic collapse, propaganda, economic manipulation, welfare encouragement, and psychological birth control (to borrow a phrase from that hack, hubbard) the vicious and underhanded tools of a traitor rather than straightforward attacks of the honorable.
      And in their book, such tactics are perfectly ethical when used against us ‘inhuman’ gentiles.
      Well, turnabout is fair play. We just tend to use more straightforward means.
      And it is not racial, it is cultural. I don’t give a crap about the jewish ‘race’, but the culture of zionism MUST be stomped out, root and branch, for the human race to have a future that doesn’t involve a holy war that renders this world uninhabitable.

      1. One of the very few days we all went very red-pill. It can’t get any redder than this conversation thread. I’m proud of RoK.

        1. And in their book, such tactics are perfectly ethical when used against us ‘inhuman’ gentiles.
          Well, turnabout is fair play. We just tend to use more straightforward means.

          KILL THE JOOOOOZ!!!!1!!!

        2. The hard part is understanding that JEWS are not evil, but that their cultural matrix is. Just as the cultural matrix of the American black has turned him into a beast instead of using his strengths to our mutual advantage.
          Selfishness is even okay, as long as you never stop remembering that men of other races are still MEN.
          If that yellow man had grown up in the same cultural matrix as you, he would probably be altogether similar to you, his problems would be the same as your problems… He may have different gifts, different strengths, and different weaknesses, He may be smarter or dumber than you, more physical or dumpy, more violent or less creative, a better or worse learner, or even autistic… but he’s still a man… if you must kill him, do it quickly and with mercy.
          The Jew, the Arab, the asian, the malay, the moor, the aborigine, the eskimo, the hispanic… I may war with him over culture, I may kill him, I may disagree with him, but I will always consider him a man and a human.
          But culture…. culture CAN be evil. The inquisition had it right… give members of an evil culture to denounce that culture, and they go free… if they refuse to renounce it, they lose the right to live in your culture.

        3. I agree totally. The problem with Nazism, is that they didn’t give members of the opposing culture a right to opt out of that competing culture.

        4. meh, I figured the problem with Nazism was that Hitler was a weak idiot that didn’t realize that a few of his closest supporters were real monsters.
          Heck, Adolph Eichmann alone was more or less responsible for the entire eugenics, human test-to-destruction, ‘master race’, and gas chamber/furnaces organization… Most germans, including hitler and Rommel, had NO idea that their ‘internment camps’ for jews, Poles, and Russians, were committing those sorts of atrocities.
          Most of the time I just remain silent and let people rant about the evils of hitler… Knowing full well that he was nothing more than a slightly stupid, highly charismatic front man with impulse control problems… in a lot of ways, exactly the same sort of sock puppet that Obama is. Not the heart of darkness, not a monster in human flesh.
          Joseph Mengele, though… well, Hannibal lecter was a Humanitarian (sort of like a vegetarian) and I would still rather sleep in the same bed with him than Mengele.
          I hope that every morning Satan prepares a dozen fresh pineapples to shove up Mengele’s and Eichmann’s ass. Crown-first. Anyone who doesn’t believe in the existence of true evil, needs to read up on these two.
          Also, I’d like to point out that Mengele’s right-hand man, the guy who actually dissected people alive and carried out Mengele’s orders, was named Dr. Miklos Nyiszli.
          You know what he was? a Jewish Pole.

        5. Oh, and to add, Stalin was exactly the monster that people wish hitler were… and he was technically the guy we were protecting in WWII.

        6. And it is quite well documented that many Jews in the West who were emphatic supporters of the USSR and communism in America supported Stalin, until he turned against the Jews in the USSR (Doctor’s plot, calling them rootless cosmopolitans etc), and they eventually turned against the USSR completely in the 60s and 70s when the Soviets threw their full weight in support of the Palestinians and thus Jewry threw their full weight behind the United States, in the “crusade” against communism, while many of them were proliferating Cultural Marxism here.

        7. It sounds reasonable to assume the top tiers of “management” and the middle managers could have been truly fucking insane. I think the true evil exists at this level. These people fucking people cling to power like toilet paper on your anus. Most of use should see this working in corporate environments.

      2. This is a really interesting point. I have often thought about what the implications must be of a religion, based on ethnicity, that teaches that the ethnicity is the one-and-only-one chosen by God. Perhaps it is true that one implication is that “the chosen ones” are systematically attempting to destroy gentile civilization in order to take the world for themselves. Seems sort of crazy on one level, but then you look at the evidence.
        More and more, I am starting to wonder of Muslims might not have some very, very good and salient points.

        1. They have a few, but in white wolf traditional fashion, they are also so choked with retardedness that all the good points of islam are lost beneath the piles of stupid.
          Also, Islam has it’s own version of Zionism, as well as the same laws regarding the inhumanity of gentiles. This alone is enough of an ‘oh shit’ to cancel out any ‘attaboys’ they may have earned.

    2. It’s a by-product of wealth to produce bratty, worthless and in particular *leftist* offspring that is ashamed of their origin and tries to make up with do-gooderisms.
      Since Jews have generally good values, they produce more of this kind of foul offspring among their good offspring.
      You can replace “Jew” with other social milieus that are generally ambitious and see a similar pattern. In particular, Americans are more ambitious than Europeans, but they also produce the much more hysteric leftists.

  22. I know there are a lot of good Jews, and by good Jews I mean people
    that just go about their lives like you and I, minding their own
    business. That being said, Hitlerism or Nazism is a bad idea – you can’t really paint people one color. As a non-white myself, I would probably be excluded from the Aryan west, but whatever, that’s not my business.
    However, when there are EXTREMELY aggressive, degenerate and pushy leftists, people that try to make our world as rotten, dysfunctional and just plain uncomfortable, they tend to be Jewish. I had two theories on this: one is that they feel really slighted by a dominant society from which they feel excluded because of de-facto discrimination or because of physical attributes that make them feel less than adequate. Hannah Rosin is a good case of this.
    Others, off the top of my head:
    Jon Stewart
    Sandra Bernhart (sic, but whatever)
    Bill Maher
    Sarah Silverman
    Rahm Emmanuel
    Harvey Weinstein
    Obviously it is not a good indicator that there are thousands of other that hold a disproportionate amount of sway in our main media sources. However, this is likely because of their worth ethic and networking and nepotism that led them to this point. You can only really blame whitey for letting get in there. What’s worse is that there are probably more SWPL or Wasp liberals that simply go right along and support liberalism and degeneracy; whether this is genetic or brainwashing, I don’t know. Jews have long supported progressive and other anti-social, socially taboo, and socially adverse programs; apparently they have been doing this for a very long time.
    I am observing that as an objective outside from the West. I am pretty much curious why that is the case, and there are no easy answers.

    1. Actually I have know more great people (some really sweet girls that are thin and beautiful) that are Jewish. However there is a minority among them, like among every group, that is ass ugly and as a result becomes vehemently attached to their ethnicity and everything that is associated with it- in this case social progressiveness.
      I don’t think hot Jewish women care about feminism.

    2. Keep in mind Jews where kicked out of England because of the action of one Jew and his employees.

      1. I also think they were explicitly re-allowed into England by Cromwell because they know a thing about banking. That and Cromwell was no Michael Moore, obviously.

  23. This sort of “End of Men” stuff can only be taken seriously if you believe a woman with a sociology degree is better positioned in the workplace than a man who instead spent four years learning how to fix air conditioners.
    It may actually have been true when you could follow up a useless degree with law school, but that’s not really a viable career path any more. What I see is women who should never have gone to college burdened by student loan debt scraping by working retail and part time at the local animal shelter. Their ambition is to land a man with some sort of useful skill who can retire their student loans. You go grrrrl!

  24. There’s a book that gives a rebuttal
    To this pile of crap time, feminism, our economic woes, false flag terror, gmo food, the UN- it called
    “The Jews and Their Lies”

  25. The Holocaust is a FRAUD, A HOAX!!!!!! Six million Jews DID NOT DIE!
    The 41 page eBook “Did Six Million Really Die?” fully exposes the Holocaust as a massive hoax.
    Also, you might be interested in this book called Masters of Deception which proves that ISRAEL DID 9-11
    Masters of Deception, a 240 page eBook that explains how Jews were behind 9-11 and how Jews have been behind most terrorism throughout history.

    1. The Holocaust was not a hoax… it was simply an overstatement. of those 6 million murdered, the majority were ethnic gypsies, and a huge chunk were polish nationals or russian refugees.
      The number was closer to twenty thousand, mostly polish jews. Still a monstrous crime, but the ‘biggest victims’ club requires big numbers to beat out all the other holy causes.

      1. Get it straight. The Nazi’s were a lot of things, but what set them apart was their record keeping. The documented, written in the hand of German’s number of Jews killed is nearing 7 million and it was rounded down. Overstatement? Witness after witness, from country after country, friend and foe alike, have all documented the names and dates of what happened. I’m not going to try and shame you or rant and rave anti-Semite at you, but… other’s will. It happened and understating it is messed up.

        1. ooh, complimenting the nazis, are we?
          You apparently are confusing ‘record keeping’ with ‘propaganda’. Propaganda materials certainly record more than 7 million jews killed.
          The Nazis were VERY accomplished liars, regardless of how their records may or may not be kept. However, according to Polish and German public records, the 6 million jews supposedly murdered were almost twice the entire Jewish population of Germany and Poland at the time, and more than twice the Jewish Population of Russia. And the majority of those lived through the war (Minus military volunteers, of course)
          “The majority of Jews in prewar Europe resided in eastern Europe. The largest Jewish communities in this area were in Poland, with about 3,000,000 Jews (9.5%); the European part of the Soviet Union, with 2,525,000 (3.4%); and Romania, with 756,000 (4.2%). The Jewish population in the three Baltic states totaled 255,000: 95,600 in Latvia, 155,000 in Lithuania, and 4,560 in Estonia. Here, Jews comprised 4.9%, 7.6%, and 0.4% of each country’s population, respectively, and 5% of the region’s total population.
          In prewar central Europe, the largest Jewish community was in Germany, with about 500,000 members (0.75% of the total German population). This was followed by Hungary with 445,000 (5.1%), Czechoslovakia with 357,000 (2.4%), and Austria with 191,000, most of whom resided in the capital city of Vienna (2.8%). ”
          -The Holocaust Encyclopedia
          In short, 6 million was more than the entire population of Jewish people in the areas controlled by Germany, many of whom escaped. The jews in Denmark and Norway were largely able to escape and were of small overall numbers.
          By contrast, Nazis killed nearly 5 million poles, and almost a quarter of the entire population of Gypsies in Europe. They also killed around TEN MILLION Soviet citizens directly (another 11 million chinese civilians were killed as well)
          People look at the holocaust as a jewish purge, and a jewish scourge. It was not… Both The axis and allies were killing indiscriminately, and the jews were just a small part of a HUGE number of people killed. And they were not the only ones.
          The only difference is, The Jews are the only ones still using it as a bludgeon to prove that they are a ‘most oppressed’ class, and to attempt to shame anyone that happens to notice that they are a bunch of fascist, elitist fucking bigots working steadily to own the world. Hell, they still whine about getting persecuted by the egyptians in order to try and drum up sympathy.
          But please, call me antisemitic all you want. I give a fuck about your opinion.
          But when you start piling on the lies, you better be prepared to back them up.

        2. Photographic evidence . Mountains of it. Liberators of the camps, thousands of them , verify the existince of the death camps. I can understand the Jews “never again” mantra. That is why they , as a tribe, put themselves in positions of power, for protection. Perfectly rational…

        3. Sure, and I, as a non-jew, find it perfectly rational to wish to topple them from those positions of power.
          50 million babies have been aborted in America since 1979. Every year nearly a million more are aborted.
          Feminism, which is the primary motivator behind abortion, is overwhelmingly funded, driven, and led by jews. Nearly every funding source is either federal or Jewish-led corporation. Nearly every major leader in feminism is jewish.
          50 million fetuses. Utterly helpless. fetuses that cannot escape, cannot go ‘underground’, being killed by their own mothers..the ones that are supposed to care for and protect them.
          Why is it so hard to understand a level of horror that makes auschwitz seem like a playground?
          Why is it so hard to understand that 50 million lives extinguished, the most helpless lives on the planet, lives that never harmed anyone, never vied for power, never engaged in con games, start making the alternative… 6 million dead jews… seem attractive by comparison?
          I am not pushing for Genocide, I am simply pointing out the very obvious fact that there are about 6 million Jews living in America, and that the deaths of 50 million American babies can be laid squarely at their feet. This is perhaps the most uncomfortable truth in America today, and all the political correctness in the universe cannot cover up the fact that Gloria Steinem, Hanna Rosin, Michael Kimmel, and a ton of others are committing second-hand Atrocities that would have staggered even Mengele.
          50 million babies.
          fifty… million.
          That’s a stack of dead babies twice as high as the Washington monument.
          “But that’s okay.” The jews say, “Those babies don’t have souls yet”. Since, you know, God told them that, in a dream or something.

        4. Barloot, there was not even 7 million jews in the whole of Europe at that time. My god, you are a brainwashed little goy.
          Here is the real records done by the International Red Cross

        5. Photos like this? Hardly a prison at all. It’s more like a recreational camp where everyone was happy and well taken care of.
          THE HOLOCAUST IS A HOAX!!!!!!!

        6. The ever shrinking numbers of “dead” at Auschwitz (which was cut off from investigation after the end of the war, while the Russian communist jews installed “gas chambers” in order to justify their holoHOAX myth of 6 million.

        7. Actually JEWS are very accomplished liars. The Anne Frank story was PROVEN in a US court to be a FRAUD, a FAKE STORY.

        8. A jewish girl openly admitting her parents LIED about being “holocaust (holoHOAX) victims”

        9. Whew…weirdo. Repeat after me. “Association is not causation” “Association is not causation”….
          Jews are often liberal and liberals often are pro choice. That’s all you can say. Susan J Komen which funds breast cancer research to the hundreds of millions is pro life . Nancy Pelosi ( big Papist) is pro abortion. Insinuating that Jews “like ” abortion is awful…

        10. Obviously association is not causation.
          However, failing a perfect solution, sometimes broad solutions that affect a particular association will also affect the individual problem.
          For instance, penicillin cures Gonorrhea. It is not as good as a direct inoculation, because it also kills off some good intestinal parasites that you need to process food effectively, microorganisms you need to replace. However, if you are not directly inoculated, the alternative to penicillin, with all of it’s associated side effects, is not good.
          War is another example. Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki took Japan OUT of the war, very very quickly. Conventional weapons, even if they did vastly more damage, would not… restricting themselves to military targets would not. Nuclear attacks were so insanely destructive to japan’s national psyche that the effects even exist to this day… and yet, taking japan out of the war was extremely effective in breaking the axis’ and stopping world war 2. (Not winning… nobody won world war 2, it just… stopped.) It did enormous damage, and tons of civilians died, but it prevented vastly more losses if the war had dragged on.
          The thing is, while jews may not always be liberal, the liberal power structure is almost entirely jews. So pretending that jews are NOT causative is blatantly illogical.
          Yes, I am not blaming all of the jews for the actions of a few, or half, or even the majority… but the fact is that the ones that are NOT responsible for what is going on are NOT policing the rest (or cannot). And unfortunately, they are all too likely to get caught up in whatever is done to rebalance standard Jewish cultural treachery against goyim… even if it’s not their fault. Just like the children of Hiroshima didn’t deserve to die, but shit happens, and people are already starting to realize that the shit that is happening has an awful lot of Hebrew names at the core.
          Frankly, there’s going to be a backlash. What I want, or what you want, is irrelevant. It’s going to happen, just as it’s happened before.
          I only hope that THIS time the Yids won’t be too goddamned stupid to get out of dodge before it hits the fan… because in this worldwide global infrastructure, with very little in the way of geographic retreat, America turning it’s back on the Jews will result in true and final genocide… The moment that we remove our influence, the islamic world will squash Jerusalem overnight. Not even the fabled Isreal guard will be able to protect them from half a billion screaming jyhadists.
          The point is to figure out how to stop the destructive Zionist agenda before it triggers world war 3, and before righteous and overreactive retaliation makes jews as extinct as aborigines.

        11. BTW- I would drop ‘susan J komen’ as an example really goddamned fast, considering their funding of planned parenthood, the pennies-to-the-dollar charitable funding compared to overhead and advertizing costs, and the fact that pretty much everyone (except apparently you) realizes that the Komen foundation exists to make the Komen foundation rich, not to help anyone as a policy.

        12. Susan Komen did succumb to the shitstorm that came after her organization announced would not give money to planned parenthood. But she is pro life . Votes GOP and was chummy with George W Bush. I would say you are against liberalism/collectivism/communism and thus have a beef with Jews cause more Jewish folks inhabit this part of the political spectrum. I don’t think Jews get together in a meeting plotting world domination is all.
          Blacks for instance vote Dem 90% of the time but no one links them to some conspiracy.

        13. did I say it was a conspiracy? I avoided that word. I said it was an instilled cultural belief that no one is human but them.
          What staggers me is that you find that attitude acceptable, and yet my belief that the rest of us must take the same attitude in order to compete with them is reprehensible. You fight exactly like a feminist. “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.”
          let me guess, you are Jewish?

        14. No I’m not Jewish. I work in health care. 50% of the medical staff are Jewish. These Jewish docs don’t seem very sinister to me. The majority I know are very anti Obama. The “instilled cultural belief that no one is human but them” is likely only believed by the ultra orthodox. Most Jews are secular and don’t believe that nonsense. Like saying most Christians practice what is says in Leviticus. All religions think they are the best. Catholics killed you if you weren’t Catholic. I’m against Liberal/ collectivist politics not the people or religion. Those “damn Norwegian Libs”!!!
          Those damn Sikh right wingers!!

        15. basically the ‘six million’ figure came from the same place as the ’75 cents to the dollar’ for women and the ‘1 college girl is raped every 6 seconds in america’.
          Shit vomited as ‘fact’ and immediately adopted by every wanna-be reparationist on the planet.

        16. They are anti-Obama? In the anti-liberal sense or in the not-liberal-enough sense? I’m genuinely curious: Even though I fucking hate anti-Semites like “Brigadon”, I do believe that Jews are more often than not liberals, your experience seems to contradict that.

        17. I would agree with you that a majority of Jews are liberal but are not monolithic as say african americans ( at least in how they vote). It’s regional too. Northeast Jews would be more lib than say in the midwest. I can’t give you figures though. Jewish docs I work with aren’t fans of Obama but that may be because of Obamacare as nearly ALL docs aren’t fans of Obamacare. I try to separate politics from race and religion. I know they are closely linked. For instance Mark Levin radio host uber conservative. Michael Savage , radio host , uber conservative. Some of the most virulent anti Israel , pro palestinian types are Jews e.g Chomsky….What is shocking to me is that this thread was hijacked because of the race/religion of the author. “The Jews” is what everyone commented on and not the anti male hit piece this Rosin published.

        18. Do you have an impression on why doctors are anti-Obama? They are not usually conservatives, are they?

        19. Yes..one word: Obamacare. Docs are all worried about medicine being socialized and being taken over by the government. Everybody and their brother is up our ass telling us what to do. Pretty soon we will be told how much we can make and charge turning us into federal employees. Every private clinic is a small business so those docs are anti Obama and lean right/ conservative etc. Now it depends on which kinda docs you are talking about . Academic docs. like all academics , tend to be libs /progs/ socialists. You’re average grunt doc who works for a living is typically right wing/ conservative IMO. Also we docs see the ravages of the welfare state and liberal policies. Example immigration. Illegals come into the hospital we have to get translators by federal law. One hospital I worked spent a 1.5 million on interpreters that year. I once had to call an interpreter in Miami cause the lady I was seeing spoke a type of Haitian. People have no idea the welfare dependent underclass that assault our ER’s . I feel like a medieval knight on the ramparts fending off the barbarian hordes. So my impression is that working docs are on the right leaning /conservative spectrum. It has usually been a surprise when I meet a lib doc.

        20. Thanks for the insight, that’s very interesting. I’m German, and I don’t have face-to-face contact with Americans.

        21. I’ve been to Germany. Great country. Your Angela Merkl has , in my opinion, so much more gravitas and stature than our dear leader

        22. Well, that’s hardly an achievement. 🙂
          But it’s true. Among the German political class, Merkel is about as good as it gets. To a large extent she simply represents the tax-payer.

        23. Neither a Christian or Jew but I marvel at how Jews get a free pass on the “Religious Whack Job” from the left (me moderate if anything). I mean they basically created religious fanaticism. Atheist don’t touch them either. Common denominator or coincidence?

        24. Catholicism and modern Christianity has almost zero to do with the true roots of Christianity, which was Gnosticism and later the Cathars. Simply co-opted by Rome as a state religion.

      2. Lets not forget when the US holocaust museum opened, Jews where protesting that gays got listed as victims

        1. I agree with them. ‘Gay’ is not a race, it is not something you cannot hide.
          I don’t go around in my real life proclaiming myself a dominant sadist… if someone is killing BDSM people, it’s very very easy to shut my mouth. Or grab a gun and start killing the killers.

        2. The funny thing was they got rounded up because they had lists of them to receive benefits like they would get with marriage.

        3. I don’t get ‘benefits’ either.
          the whole government interfering with people’s relationships thing is serious sickness.

      1. hey, don’t get so riled up. The guy might or might not be correct, but there’s no reason to shout about it.
        If you think he’s wrong, prove it… getting angry about it and calling people names is kind of a cunt response.

        1. I have.
          You should read one as well. preferably one not written by a certain ethnic minority with a victim-political axe to grind.
          You know, nevermind. Fucking blue pills. Waste of time.

        2. The stupidity that I read on this site sometimes is astounding. A family member of mine was part of 101st Airborne division and part of the liberating force at Kaufering, a subsidiary camp of Dachau. Trust me, it was real and it was a horror. I have met Holocaust survivors with numbers tattooed on their arms. I recommend your read reputable history sources and stay away from Internet kooks.

        3. again, I am not saying that a bunch of civilians were not herded into camps and killed by the axis.
          Of course, we can also mention that the allies did the same thing.
          Wars are horrible. Civilians die. sometimes in ovens and gas chambers, sometimes in nuclear fire, sometimes in their own collapsing houses as bombs fall.
          What I am saying is that the ‘holocaust’ was not a jewish problem. It was a war. And I am sick to death of them making out like it was kind of personal vendetta… it was not, they were actually in the minority of civilians murdered.
          The war was not a ‘jewish extermination’, it was a war between two different brands of socialism.
          And they need to get the fuck over it. Germany exterminated almost the entire male population of england in world war 1, and then did it again in world war 2. and yet you don’t hear people talking about the ‘white pogrom’.
          Jews are some of the most bigoted, racist, elitist, fascists on the planet. Their culture glorifies treating Goyim as slaves, and they refuse to integrate into a culture, and tear it apart when it is stupid enough to welcome them.
          Frankly, I love the idea that the Jews have a ‘homeland’. Let them live there. I am tired of them fucking up everyplace else. If they want to ‘integrate’ into America, great! but if they want to follow the ‘jewish culture’, they have someplace to go.
          and again, 50 MILLION babies.

        4. A small mind, living on the internet with no real perspective of history. Do an honest read of world war 2 before talking out of your ass.

        5. You keep telling him to “read a book”. Have you not been paying attention? Why don’t you read a history book . You sound like a faggot with nothing remotely intelligent to add but personal attacks.
          Brigadon man, you have the patience of a saint. One of the best posters along with a handful of other we have at ROK.
          This Esteban faggot stinks up quite a few articles I’ve noticed.

        6. Hey anti semites…”Association is not causation”
          “Association is not causation”

        7. Jews have better values, that’s why they get wealthy so often, that’s why they so often produce spoiled leftist brats and that’s why they are hated by envious low-life scum like yourself.
          Just look how many Jews have been doctors, lawyers, bankers, entrepreneurs and such.
          Hitler hated them because he hated his betters. The same reason for which you hate them.

        8. For that guy gas chambers are on the same the same as bombing raids. It’s all just “wars are horrible. civilians die” to him. As if the extermination camps were part of the war effort. They had nothing to do with the war.
          What a piece of shit.

        9. OK, lets talk facts. Not hot air out of your asshole:
          Great Britain lost 2.19% of its population during WW1, .94% of its population in WW2.
          Jewish Population in Europe declined an estimated 50.4 to 59.7 % or 4.8 million (low estimate to 5.8 million (high estimate) in WW2
          Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties
          If you have better sources than this, please feel free to share.

        10. over 700,000 british men died in world war 1. these were healthy men between the ages of 15-34 years of age. (actually, when you add in 140,000 ‘missing and presumed dead’ that comes to about 800,000 casualties)
          That age range of males in world war 1 was about 11% of the population.
          When you screen out those who could not go into the military due to various infirmities, you are left with a ‘healthy hale and hearty’ male population between 15-24 of about 6% of the population. the grand total was 2.6 million.
          1.6 million men were wounded badly enough to be considered ‘not combat capable’. That means crippled for life, in many cases, barely able to hold a job, and unlikely to hold a family. Trench warfare did NOT ‘lightly’ wound… even a scratch was likely to get infected and cost an arm or leg before you could be evacuated, if not your life.
          So about two and a half million british men were destroyed in WW1. That is over 90% casualties, of the strongest and most productive sector of the UK’s best and brightest.
          I have already discussed the tens of millions of other non-jews that were killed in WW2.
          BTW, there were only 3 million jews in german-controlled territories, and nearly a million left for safer areas, the united states (500k), south america (100k) switzerland (50k) and farther eastern europe such as unoccupied russia (300k for all areas)
          That drops the total number of ‘gas chamberable’ jews to about 2 million.
          The number of ‘german’ jews killed was between 120-180,000.
          These were the only jews killed ‘because they were jewish’
          the rest of the jews were killed as part of a regular mop-up in poland and Russia… they were killed because they were ‘polish’ or ‘russian’ citizens.
          That means that the ‘holocaust’ capped at about 200,000 people killed.
          The rest were killed because they were ‘enemy civilians’. 5 million poles and 10 million russians were sent through the exact same camps as the jews. All told, the Germans ‘disposed’ of about 18 million non-aryans.
          But, these numbers are regularly inflated by other casualty statistics in order to make jews the preferred victim group.
          I will not try to claim that the death camps were not horrific, and stupid, but the horrors of this war, and monstrosities, were NOT proof that jews were ‘persecuted’ any more than any other ethnic group.

        11. again, I do not ‘hate jews’, dipshit, I hate zionism and jewish attitudes towards Goyim. That means the rest of us.
          ‘better values’ means ‘unethical business practices’, ‘social undermining’, and ‘nepotism’. sure. great.

        12. “‘better values’ means ‘unethical business practices’, ‘social undermining’, and ‘nepotism’”
          Michael Moore wouldn’t put it any different.
          I’m not a leftist, so for me “better values” means those values that lead to a better life, not one where you grovel on the ground being sorry for being alive. That’s why I like Jews – the non-leftist Jews anyway.
          ‘unethical business practices’ – my goodness, what a load of do-gooder crap.

        13. I see, you are either a libertarian or an anarcho-capitalist.
          let me give you something to consider…. seriously think about it for just a moment before you fire off a dismissive answer.
          I will agree that market forces, a free market, and unlimited capitalism are probably the most powerful forces for progress, balance, and justice humanity has ever conceived.
          Right up until you have a trust, monopoly, or market domination over a mandatory service or product.
          At that point, all ethics, even the very CONCEPT of ‘market forces’ goes right out the window.
          So how, exactly, do you keep a trust or a monopoly from becoming the most despotic ‘rulers’ possible? They have something you HAVE to have to remain healthy, or to compete meaningfully in the ‘free market’, and they have absolute and unequivocal control.
          In an ideal world, of course, a competitor would see the need and immediately undercut… but what about a case like comcast/qwest, where two companies have a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ not to lower their rates below a certain point, and you are absolutely forced to choose one of the two for your communications and informational needs?
          Banks are a wonderful example… there are a LOT of understandings between major trading companies and major banks, these are men who’s kids go to the same private schools, they go to the same church, marry from the same pool of families, help each other in times of trouble, own the same politicians, bribe the same white house appointees…. They quite literally have a stranglehold on the financial district. All ‘fair and free competition’ is virtually impossible, as any upstart is faced by legal forces of malicious lawsuits and legal injunctions, official oversight, IRS audits, etc…
          How do you deal with these sorts of ‘unethical business practices’ in a fair and just way? do you simply obey the blind principles of unlimited capitalism until your entrire country is turned into nothing more than a sheeplike consumer wasteland?

        14. I don’t believe monopolies exist in any shape other than the power-monopolies of states, which are accepted willingly and explicitly by most people these days.
          I don’t think there is such a thing as monopolies in business except those upheld by governments, in which case there are ultimately linked to power-monopolies.
          If, in a given trade, there are “gentlemen’s agreements” between different companies, the trade is corrupt and will soon be replaced by young competition without those ties to the established people, under one condition: There are no political entry barriers in the market. You know, like regulations, licenses, etc. that make market entries artificially difficult.
          Banks are indeed a good example: Not of monopolies but of a trade that is thoroughly corrupted by state interference. The very currencies of this earth are issued either by the governments themselves or agencies such as the federal reserve which are so regulated that you might just as well call them government.
          The same goes for schools, law and security, and much of health care: All those things which are primarily government-driven show those signs of corruption that are typical for socialism.
          The scare of “monopolies”, which are simply a myth, serves no purpose other than keeping the democratic governments in a kind of power they wouldn’t have without it.

        15. I disagree about banks. banks are corrupt because of the very core of their practice, which involves usury and money manipulation.
          Prior to government ‘interference’ banks were corrupt as hell, regularly ripping off their customers, issuing fiat currency that was valueless the next day, and basically being either implacable, invulnerable thieves or fly-by-night cons.
          Then the government stepped in and made it worse,
          Please, show me some evidence that monopolies, trusts, gentlemen’s agreements, scurrilous lawsuits and the like were NOT the core of all banking and all production companies, starting with JP Morgan and his ilk all the way up to the modern day.
          The problem is that evidence of market manipulation is all OVER the place. It is the very core of government-sponsored ‘corporate’ culture.
          Want some quickie examples? just off the top of my head-
          Every utility company.
          Candy Crush Saga
          Bethesda vs. mojang
          Everything the RIAA has ever done.
          Sony vs. everyone else.
          every japanese company in existence. (The Japanese companies are notorious for being even more scurrilous than Jewish-owned Corporations…. The jews will just slam you with so many ridiculous lawsuits that you go broke defending yourself… The Japanese will send people to kill your family)
          The Oil/hydrogen deal.
          the electric car deal
          e-cigarette bans
          Fracking Bans.
          hell, the whole concept of a ‘corporate person’.
          You try to say that it’s ‘government interference in free enterprise’ when, in reality, it is other corporations influencing the government to interfere with free enterprise.
          You cannot blame them. for winston-salem it just makes good business sense to get e-cigarettes banned. Ford and GM agree with BP that creating cheap hydrogen as fuel will drive down prices and profits, and thus force the government to ban other hydrogen cracking methods, as well as fracking to keep imported oil artificially expensive.
          It all just makes good business sense when you own everything.
          But please, if you can find some way to convince me that even murder is outside the corporate realm if such a murder made ‘good business sense’, I would really appreciate it. But right now, calling monopolies, trusts, and gentlemen’s agreements ‘myths’ is akin to that guy in slasher flicks that says “Oh, Candyman is nothing but a scary campfire story” seconds before a hook sprouts from the middle of his chest.

        16. Hey wishful thinkers… if ten million people die of dysentry, and the only thing they have in common is the water they drink, you look first at the water.

        17. How gives a fuck?
          The Jewicaust was not the first, last, smallest or largest genocide in the 20th centery.

        18. Awesome argument, dude. I recommend that, should you ever kill someone, tell it to the judge: After all, what is it to your victim when he could just as well have died from a heart attack in the same instance.

        19. Banks, or more precisely investors (those who give loans), is the most important professionals of all and those who participate in it are at their core heroic.
          Their job is justice: To tell apart who deserves credit and who does not.
          Who is going to lead his venture to success and who would just burn the value he’s given.
          The reward for the investor for this important and heroic effort is the interest he receives – if and only if he was just indeed.

        20. Also, the concept of a “corporate person” is perfectly fine: It represents people who are *voluntarily” forming an association under a specific contract and legal form.
          The ridiculous concept is that of a “nation”, where people are lumped together *involuntarily* into such an association.
          The thing that needs to be abolished is the nation, not the corporation.

        21. Its important to have propaganda that allows you to destroy nations. That’s why the official story of the “holocaust” is wildly exaggerated, and viciously defended as absolute truth. If people realized the depth and breadth of the lie, and how it has been used to defend multiculturalism, they would revolt.

        22. true enough. Most people don’t realize that the cultural elites are using the holocaust EXACTLY the way the nazis used anti-jew propaganda to drum up support for WWII.
          Gotta say one thing for the yids, they sure learned THAT lesson well.

        23. negative. a ‘corporate person’ is someone with no conscience, no ability to be punished, and no morality save ‘the bottom line’.
          In short, it’s a monster… a frankenstein’s monster in every sense of the word.

        24. You have completely bought into the whole banksters as heroes bit, haven’t you? You really have no comprehension of how dehumanizing people into no more than economic value, numbers on a sheet,destroys cultural and meritous achievement, denies basic humanity, and turns the very concept of natural leadership into an autistic race for little bits of money.
          Their job is to be god on earth… to tell the future, and to use an artificial construct… fiat currency.. to manipulate people. George Carlin used to talk about how the religious believe there’s a little man in the sky tallying their sins, and how nuts it is, but bankers worship little bits of paper, assigning them value that they do not possess.
          Frankly, you are a religious fanatic, you simply assign your cultist beliefs to the concept that two men who trade a piece of paper back and forth a hundred times suddenly have a hundred dollars of ‘value’ with each other. Ridiculous.
          Forget it. go ahead and get in a last word, as far as I am concerned, this conversation is over.

        25. Obviously investors existed long before the advent of “fiat currency” – in fact the concept existed before *currency* existed.
          That this fact escapes you alone proves how utterly clueless you are on the basic facts of life.
          So long, you anti-Jewish piece of shit. Thank goodness the reign of your kind is over – for good.

        26. Nobody ever seems to give a shit about the causality lists of other nations or ethnic groups. Esteban sources Wikipedia to prove his point but seems to gloss over fucking everything else on that page.

        1. Simple: This is elaborate CGI from 20 years in the future, time-traveled back to WWII in a devious scheme to cover up the Jewish plot to cause Hitler’s rise to power so that he would lead the West into disaster.

        2. the perfect plan perfectly executed. Anne Frank’s probably laughing like a maniac in her underground volcano lair as we speak

  26. I find it quite distressing that most if not all the women on the forefront of this type of nonsense are… ‘chosen people’. ‘holy land types’. I’m being opaque enough to be clear I hope. It bothers me that I noticed, it bothers me that I see it, it bothers me that I’m pointing it out. It’s like an Oscar pool, and picking the Holocaust or Anne Frank documentary for best Documentary out of hand and feeling guilty about it, but having it pay off year after year. It’s not a coincidence right?. Is there a co-relation between ‘this and that’? Man I hope not.

    1. quite distressing eh? did you handfan after you wrote that and then slip off for a bit of tea and crumpets and maybe a sticky wicket?
      Seriously, Once is unlucky, twice is coincidence, and three times is enemy action.
      Being unwilling to make logical connections and analyze the result because the analysis might distress you is one of the core reasons we are in this mess in the first place.
      Feminism HAS a purpose, and that purpose is NOT equality, or even women. It’s purpose is to disrupt those who have a chance at upwards mobility, and prevent the current elite from having their power diluted or removed. The current ‘elite’ are overwhelmingly jewish. Is it any surprise that the upwards mobility obstacles are also such? If the elite were scottish the movers and shakers putting obstacles in the path of achievement would also likely to be scottish… nothing cements a community like shared sin.

      1. I’m German and our “elite” isn’t Jewish at all (someone killed the Jews off here some time ago).
        They are still leftist and feminist. So there goes your theory out of the window.

  27. well, when you consider that women ethically and morally mature at 13-17,
    whatever is happening at age 13-17 is pretty much the viewpoint they are
    going to have for the rest of their lives.
    A girl that is stupid, dumpy, unattractive, fat, unpleasant, or otherwise Odious, is going to get bullied. A lot. and she will be rejected and abused by the ‘cute boys’ in school as well as by the ‘attractive girls’. This will build her opinion of herself as permanent victim no matter what she tries, and of all men and attractive women as mean bullies that pick on her.
    She matures, and then leaves high school…. and then, all of a sudden, the bullying stops. No one apologizes, tries to change her mind, or explains why she was picked on so badly… she suddenly realizes the truth, that she is utterly and completely insignificant, and nobody even cares about her enough to bully her anymore.
    This woman then, with an insane persecution complex born of her own self-hatred, enraged beyond measure at her own unimportance, sets out to ‘change the world’ and ‘teach those bullies a lesson’. It doesn’t matter that the men are not the same ones that taunted her, or that the women are going on to have families and kids… she is consumed with the lust to destroy them… a lust she cannot outgrow, because she is already fully mature.
    She becomes a lesbian, because she cannot stand men, or assumes that any guy that is not a complete dweeb that may approach her is setting her up for abuse.
    She preaches fat acceptance to shame the cute girls, and turns everything that happens into a crusade against ‘injustice’ that hasn’t existed since the cruel hothouse of american education spat her out and ignored her.
    She teaches other women and her own daughters to hate men and health, and lies freely and justifies using ANY means neccessary to hurt others because they ALL ‘hurt her’ first. she even believes her own lies more accurately reflect the truth, because she is oppressed ‘every day’ in her experience, even if it’s been thirty years since she has been touched.
    In essence, her childishness has been suspended, and she is a broken woman. And yet, because of her volume, she heads the local women’s social club… perverting and corrupting all around her.
    Yes, I pity her for what happened to her… But I pity my dog that gets bitten by a rabid raccoon as well. The sickness must be stopped regardless of pity.

  28. A better book title would be: “The End of Men Participating in Bull Shit Feminist Indoctrination.”

  29. “Rosin says the modern married man is “relieved to have a wife he can
    talk to about work or politics or anything else that interests him.”
    Relief rarely comes in the form of talking to your wife about your day
    at work.”
    Men used to talk to their wives about their day at work.
    She had kissed him at the door and returned to the kitchen to tend to the roast. Since getting home, he’s hung his coat up, brushed and polished his shoes, lit a cigar and sat down in the armchair. Taking a book from the coffee table, he eyes it, not starting reading yet, waiting for her to sweetly ask. Looking up from laying the table, with a hint of genuine interest on her voice: ‘Honey, how was your day?’ He smiles inwardly. ‘It was OK. Nothing out of the ordinary. Greg’s still pushing for a pay rise. How was yours?’ ‘It went well, but Beth next-door has been out all day again. I wonder what she’s doing?’ ‘Maybe she’s got some work baby sitting. You know how the economy’s going.’ She nods, not really understanding how the economy’s going, but not wanting to embarrass herself by asking, and continues to serve dinner.
    I doubt that was what Rosin meant. But its what comes to mind.

    1. When I met my wife, she was a high paid executive with NBC. I thought she was really special and intelligent. After being married for many years, I have come to find out that she is just a DUMB GIRL. She cannot carry on, nor is she interested in politics, history, economics or anything else intellectual. And, she is a shitty cook, and rarely cleans anything. I had bought into the concept of having a wife who is an equal partner with shared values. WHAT TOTAL BULLSHIT. Women are the same no matter where you go, so you should always go for the one that makes your schlong the hardest because ultimately that is what makes you the happiest.

      1. jah, I thought the same thing of my ex… ‘You know, here’s a smart girl’. The intelligence was entirely a facade.
        The closest thing to ‘intelligence’ a woman possesses is snark… and that snark that you found so amusing before you were married soon becomes intolerable when her discussion of her ‘day at work’ involves nothing more than a bitch fest and dissection of the personality and physical flaws of every single goddamned person at her job, most of which you want to say “You are exactly the same.” or “Why the fuck do you think I care, why do you?”
        But you don’t. You listen to her natter on about whatever jerry springer bullshit is going on, remaining silent or occasionally grunting agreement in the hopes that she will wind down soon, and knowing that saying anything else will just get you into a fight, which, after the exhausting day you had at work, would just suck.
        Then, she starts whining about her ‘job’, and about how she ‘hates people’ after spending her day in an air conditioned cubicle talking on the phone.
        You nurse a busted knuckle from work, and go into the kitchen to make dinner and do the dishes, because somehow ‘fair chores’ involves her not doing a goddamned thing after she gets home from work, or doing a single chore with a seething aura of resentment for having to do something after her ‘tough week’, which always somehow seems to only be four days because she always uses a sick day or a vacation day on mondays, and then bitches because her paycheck is less than the 60 hour week check you got.
        But in the end, it’s okay because her check is hers except for the cable bill, and your check is for everything else, so if you need or want extra cash for something you wind up having to ask her for money.
        You know, now that I think about it, if it wasn’t for child support, divorce would have been the best thing that ever happened to me before I took the red pill.

  30. I dream of taking these people down into the stormwater drains, pointing out a single brick, and explaining that that brick was made by men, laid in place by men, is inspected and repointed by men, and one day, men will take it out and replace it with a new one. Everything they know exists not only because men built it, but because men care for and maintain it. In the morning, they walk int an elevator, press a button, and are deposited at the correct floor. The sheer *amount* of stuff that it takes to make that happen!

    1. yeah, I like using the example of the pencil, but the point is definitely there.

      1. I have been one of 2 men in a room with 30 women when a spider came down from the ceiling. I don’t know what they would do without us.

    2. Even better showing the picture of the aqueduct I drank out of in Europe, built by men around 2000 years ago and still providing water. Sadly there would be a lot more working if not for the 2 world wars.

  31. Well, there you go. Kick-ass website descends into cesspit of anti-semitism, conspiracy theory bollocks and holocaust denial. Beam me up Scotty….

    1. People are allowed to have discussions you do not approve of, Bram. If you don’t like it, go to the next article.

      1. And people are allowed to point out their disapproval.
        If you don’t like that, you can go away too.
        See what I did there, asshole?

    2. I wonder what future generations will think of the people who stood idly by while 50 million babies were murdered in the womb by a jewish-led female hate movement.
      The ‘Holocaust’ will be a joke by comparison. I wonder what they will call it?

  32. No surprise, she is ugly.
    Actually they don´t have that much power, only the power beta pussies, White Knights willingly gives them.
    And Bitch Dependency Syndrome will remain with them.

  33. If a feminized workplace is the “ideal,” then why do surveys show that women prefer to work for a male boss as opposed to a female one? There’s only so much cattiness, backstabbing and infighting that one can tolerate.

  34. The term ROTFLMAO applies here. It’s usual ivory-tower feminist psychobabble that is out of touch and a lie. As others will point out, women’s supposed successes are due to affirmative action, welfare, and massive child-support meaning that their achievements are artificial. In the past 50 years, living standards have plummeted due to these programs rather than raised by them. Compare and contrast to the GI Bill which gave returning veterans an inexpensive education. Living standards soared and men were put on the moon (and came back!)
    I’m chuckling about the office space reference because compared to working conditions in Information technology today, office space was the good ol’ days. Back then, they were still hiring Americans and treating workers like human beings. Now the cubicles are half size and management wants to treat the industry like a typing pool. When women flood an industry, wages and standards decline. Consider medicine. I have two friends and relatives with daughters going for medical careers. They’re going to see wages plummet due to Obamacare and overhead costs. Many doctors complain that the field is not worth the hassle. Same thing with lawyers: It used to be a somewhat honorable profession. Now, other than ambulance chasers, it’s an industry that young graduate starve to death at corporate sweatshops.
    Feminists did successfully sell the idea to men that after women started making money, then life would be easier for them. Many were looking forward to it. Instead, women became bitchy as they were angry that men didn’t live up to traditional standards anymore or the women were forced to work. They gripe that men aren’t so quick to engage in chivalrous gestures in a post feminist world. They are miserable not due to sexism, but a loss of sexist privileges. And it’s not getting better. Women appear to have a biological wiring requiring them to seek sexism at all costs. Only affirmative action equality would work since few women want it on their own.
    In the meantime, the “men” that feminism produces are the gang banger types that feminist castigates all men as: deadbeat dads, violent thugs, etc. They are produced by unwed mothers and by the leftist culture of affirmative action. A man trying to defend a woman whose a stranger to him might be castigated as a “wanna be cop profiler racist” and hauled to jail.

  35. I think Hanna Rosen’s father (if alive), will be cursing his loins to have produced such scum-like offspring.
    I think societies in the past practiced female infanticide because of such women who existed around them.

  36. Next time I’m writing about a gentile author. These anti-Jewish comments are fucking retarded.

    1. its a damn shame this article has been de-railed by this preoccupation. We complain about feminists making ad hominem attacks, only to have most of the focus on this woman being a jew. Whatever the truth about judaism and feminism etc (and that etc. would appear to cover a lot) this is not the way to conduct a debate.

      1. If you really believe in a Jewish conspiracy to destroy white people (or whatever those morons believe in), then I guess it’s hard to stay quite.
        A shame that so many people think like this.

        1. its a shame, and it potentially damages what we are trying to do here. That’s the case whatever the truth is.

      2. Yup.
        What do these commenters have in common with the intellectual left? Anti-semitism. They’d feel right at home at San Francisco State University or Cal Berkeley.

        1. Yea. It’s only a coincidence that every “Diversity” POS has a jew behind it.

        2. There are lots of jews in left organisations / socialist workers parties etc, but then half the time the latter are campaigning against israel & aggressive zionism… so go figure.. Jews seem to be successful at whatever they do while at the same time allying with causes that are anti-nazi / anti-hate. The fact that jews may have shared interests, including in terms of pro-active defense doesn’t amount to a conspiracy of ill-intent in itself. On the other hand there’s nothing to say that any group that is over-represented in any influential area (e.g. control of film studios / academia) shouldn’t have that influence looked at carefully, but if that means raging anti-semitism of the kind we have here, I’d rather the jews were given free rein to run the whole goddamn show than go down the nazi rabbithole again.

        3. It’s much more than that which they have in common with the left. Look at the argument I had with “Brigadon” in this comment section: Tell an anti-Jewish person that you think investment is a noble cause and it immediately shows. They don’t like Jews because of this interest-collecting thing that the Jews stand for. It really *is* leftism that makes the anti-Jew in the first place. In that sense, even the original Nazis were leftists.

    2. All this article did was shine a very bright light on who is truly red pill and who is a blue pill beta bitch that thinks they’re red pill. You idiots don’t see your cognitive dissonance by claiming to be anti-feminist while railing against the bad anti-semites. LOL!

      1. Feminism was mostly created by Jewish women. But most men here are too terrified to confront the REALITY, that all of this shit has been done by JEWS.

        1. Can you explain why Pamela Waechter is on the list?
          I could only find this about her:
          >>Witnesses reported that Haq began shouting “I’m a Muslim American; I’m angry at Israel” before he began his shooting spree. […] As the wounded Waechter attempted to flee down a flight of stairs, Haq reached over the railing and shot her for the second time in the head, killing her.”<<

        2. Hoff Summers is on the list. She authored “The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men.”
          Hardly the enemy.

  37. The end of men and yet the tech industry remains 98% male and the few women that are in it either got their by being hot(Marissa Meyer) or government quotas and tech scholarships just for women. This male domination hasn’t changed in 40 years.
    In fact any industry of any consequence or real importance to the real economy is still overwhelmingly male. Women’s advances have only been on paper(diplomas) but not in the real world.

    1. It’s all about how you frame the issue.
      You can say “More women go to college then [sic] men.”
      I can say: More women end up with +$100K in student loan debt for increasingly worthless degrees.

    2. There seems to be a direct correlation between the demise of patriarchy and the demise of humanity. Women are the new patriarchy and they appear rudderless. Since women started working in the 60’s, family, love and the economy has all but broken down. In it’s place we have fatherless children, welfare mons, drugs, gang violence, poverty and masses ans masses of public and private debt.
      the author hits the nail on the head here imo. women were told they could have it all but every cause has its effect.
      Patriarchy built society. Matriarchy is destroying it. you go gurrrrrrrrrls

  38. i really couldn’t give a fuck if feminists think patriarchy is dead. it will be a useful argument to use against them, when they blame patriarchy for all the world’s ills.
    the world is no doubt caving under the pressure of the matriarchy and every year living conditions and freedoms and prosperity are slowly being chipped away by a rudderless, spineless and intellectually dishonest matriarchy.
    patriarchy made the world. matriarchy is destroying the world. play on bitches.
    *opens bag of popcorn*

  39. i saw a #RIPpatriarchy tweet today about a girl complaining about how de menz- when travelling on public transport– take up too much room on account of being bigger and having balls and the like. i just thought to myself yeah, you go build the bus bitch and then you can complain.

  40. These *cough* women *cough* should have never been left out the kitchen.And no woman should ever be in a position of authority or power with thier f*cked up logic

  41. I’m sorry, but I work in STEM and yes there are some women in my office. They go to guys for help all the time. They are definitely not the “problem solvers” of the group and I don’t think they are in the general norm. Women are really good at collaborating and documenting and following processes. Males are good at identifying and fixing problems. They’re all valuable skills but guys tend to be better at different thing than women. Instead of looking at successful women CEOs (that were given an already built company to run) try comparing NEW companies that were built by women that are successful…. yea… not that many of them out there.

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