The Apology That Will Never Be Delivered

I’m going to kick a dead horse and pound my chest a bit here. Elliot Rodger. If you’re sick from hearing about that guy I won’t blame you for clicking out of here, but this article isn’t going to be about the sexually frustrated man who went on a shooting spree. It’s going to be about me.

Back in December 2013, a young man named Karl Halverson went to his school and shot a very pretty young woman named Claire Davis before he committed. I wrote a controversial article (read here) about what I theorized was the reason for Karl’s murder. Essentially I wrote, and still believe, that Karl killed Claire because he was sexually frustrated; mostly as a result of selfish women who (based on their looks and personality) have their standards set unrealistically high, denying mid-tier men like Karl sex and relationships while they become debased genetic toilets for higher tier men.  A lot of people on the internet hated me for saying that. My e-mail was flooded with anger and malware, numerous sites fisked my article and proclaimed me the worst thing ever.

Five months later, what happens? My theory that sexless men go crazy is proven beyond a doubt by Elliot Rodger (read here), who left numerous videos and a manifesto detailing how sexual frustration drove him over the edge. Undoubtedly violence by men against women, fuelled by male sexual frustration, happens on a larger scale than we believe. Most of the time, however, there is little evidence to prove so. Men just seem to go crazy one day and rape, hurt or kill women (often committing suicide afterward) for ‘no apparent reason’, despite the fact that it’s readily apparently many of these murders happened because men with no clue how to get it (or those who erroneously still believe being a nice guy and solid provider are still sexually attractive) were not receiving female attention. Some men are so deprived of a woman’s touch that just a hug is enough to have them smiling for weeks; blogger Heartiste provides us with this brief insight into the power a woman’s innocent touch had on Elliot Rodger:

Most unenlightened men who come to the Chateau to learn the ways of the crimson arts are first introduced to a steady diet of knowledge about psychosocial sex differences before the juicy game strategies are revealed.

“One time there was a gathering at his parents’ place and Elliot was his usual uncomfortable self.

I asked Peter if Elliot was ticklish. Peter said he was, so I encouraged a couple of women to tickle him and you know, that was the only time I saw Elliot express any kind of joy. It seemed that, at least for those moments, he was a normal kid.”

A woman’s touch is water to a parched man. Sad, sad Elliot. Game can save lives. But only for those willing to see.

Just being tickled by a girl was enough to make this murderous individual happy.

Lack of female interaction drives men crazy. I said this many months ago and received a storm of flak for it. But as is often the case here at Return Of Kings, we tell the harsh truth, we get lambasted for it, we’re proven right beyond a shadow of a guilt, and our critics refuse to acknowledge it. They do not even do something as simple as offering a grudging apology. Hell, I’d even take a sarcastic one!

I know I won’t get an apology. There’s no room for polite discourse when it comes to telling the Truth versus spreading the Lies. We at Return of Kings tell the truth and get crapped on for it. When we’re eventually proven right (not that we need to be) we still receive nothing for it. This says a lot about our critics. They are so classless, their platforms so razor thin and shaky, that they cannot even fire me an e-mail and say ‘Okay Billy, maybe you’re onto something… though you’re still mostly wrong and I still hate you you piece of crap’. No, they know once they acknowledge the truth it’s over. The veil is pulled back, the selfish ugliness of their agendas are revealed and they’re forced to face the fool staring back at them in the mirror.

I try to reply to every e-mail I receive, no matter how angry or crazy it may be. I do so with class and respect; these people, even if they are a critic, took their time to send me some correspondence. It’s only courteous to reply and acknowledge I’ve read their words, since they’ve read mine. Every so often I get some that are very personal. A few women with obvious problems and misplaced anger riled and raged at me, I answered, they answered, and six or seven e-mails later we’re friends. She may not necessarily accept my viewpoint, but she recognizes that all my vitriol and cruel language here on Return Of Kings is serving a higher purpose. A couple have even admitted that our correspondence helped them. And I will never use these e-mails as an article basis, even though I could easily be childish and truck them out and wave them at our critics faces, asking how many people they’ve helped live better lives. I keep my correspondence private because I respect my critics. I respect their right to their opinion (even though they’re wrong) and I have enough class not to have a laugh at their expense afterwards. I don’t need to be that petty.

I, and my fellow contributors, are trying to make the world a better place. We try to help men become better so they don’t have to suffer a miserable existence; which, by consequence, helps women have better lives as well. We try to entertain men who are already being who they desire to be. In a way we are a therapist’s couch, a place for men who have no other safe outlet for their thoughts to blow off some steam and acknowledge that no, they aren’t crazy, stuff is very wrong with the world and we give them tangible reasons as to why that is.

And we are right. We deal in truths, no matter how uncomfortable they may be. We are called misogynists but it just so happens to be a sad fact that the attitudes and actions of the modern western woman are fuelling a lot of male misery. We can’t help that. Were that not the case than we would simply be talking more about the other reasons why the world is such a messed up place for the modern man.

So I say to you, our treasured enemies: you don’t have to like us, but you should be classy and at least admit it when we’re right. So how about firing off that apology you owe me now? Show you’re the bigger person and grovel for forgiveness at my feet.

[email protected]



Read More: 10 Reasons Why You Should Live Without Apology

198 thoughts on “The Apology That Will Never Be Delivered”

  1. When Blue is Green and Green is blue
    What’s a gemstone supposed to do.
    The colors get all mixed up
    Inside the head
    They do not believe your story
    They are part of the people that tortured you as a little child
    They only want to hurt you
    They are not your friend.
    Call them.
    Tell them you want to meet them face to face
    They can come to you
    You know it
    You will see it in their eyes.
    The eyes never lie
    You must stand up to your enemy
    The people that hurt you when you were a little child
    and stole your happiness
    They are the thieves that steal little diamonds
    and rubies
    and saphires
    And then they smash them into tiny little pieces like mirrors.
    Alice is in Wonderland
    Dorothy is over the rainbow
    trying to find all the pieces of the broken mirror
    So he can see who he really is
    I don’t have any of the pieces
    Neither do the others
    You won’t find them there
    They had their mirrors smashed too
    They have stolen the pieces of your mirror
    and tried to make them their own.
    You need to get them back from them.
    That can only happen
    When you look into their eyes.

  2. Do you think that this would have happened if prositituion was legal/relatively accepted and affordable? The “monopoly” that women currently have on sex is enforced, directly, by the prohibition of prostitution. The prohibition, of course, drives up the price and increases the risk to the level that a lot of men, no matter how desperate they are, will not or cannot partake. An appointment with a prostitute, in a free market, should really cost no more than an hour long massage (60-100 dollars), instead it’s typically 2-3X that amount.
    Prostitution prohibition is a direct female control mechanism over men, all men’s rights/MGTOWs and PUAs should be, IMHO, in favor of repealing all laws prohibiting selling/buying of sex. Anything that reduces the “scarcity” or “value” of pussy is a good thing for men, even if you don’t personally partake.

    1. Not to mention, the government regulating morality is never a good idea.
      Besides, what is marriage anyway except legalized prostitution? Women really don’t have that much to offer a man other than sex.

      1. There is more
        -loss of identity
        -infinite shit tests
        -Fickle behavior

  3. Everyone seeks meaning, importance and community. These guys had not of those things, and it drove them crazy. Worse, they were ostracized, and it drove them over the edge.

    1. Not being a pyschologist or medical doctor I would hesitate to assume the precise reason for this man’s madness.

      1. Read his manifesto. He seems to lack a supportive mentor that would keep him away from going over the edge.

        1. I don’t need to read his manifesto. It is not objective. Implicit in your comment is that it is only supportive mentors that keep us all from going over the edge.
          The man was obviously mentally ill. The cause I do not know but I doubt it was lack of sex for one so young. It is common for these types of killers to suffer from some sort of anti-social mental illness and often to be prescribed psycho-actives. They always have a fixation – in some cases its women, in others its some opposing race, or some other perceived oppressive group of people that they target. What they all have in common is homicidal madness.

        2. Sadly, he and his victims are beyond help but going forward I would take people like him off of these psycho-active drugs and examine them closely for auto-immune disorders (generally caused by wheat, soy and dairy). These disorders can literally drive you mad.

        3. This the only problem I have with people holding him up as an example. Sure, you can make a few points about his attitude and how it relates to our current state if affairs, but he didn’t have ANY friends, male or female because, like you stated, he was mentally ill.
          No one that young commits a murder suicide from a lack of sex, at least not any normal person. No one ever says this about serial rapists/murderers. Their crimes could come from a similar frustration, but again, rooted in mental malfunction.
          It seems more like cherry picking to fit an agenda. Nothing wrong with the agenda itself, but this case study isn’t appropriate in nature.

        4. An atomized society ensures many slip through the cracks until he acts up like elliot rodger. Its truly sad.

  4. This article is taking the blame game to another level. Blaming anyone other than the person responsible for violent or malevolent acts against another or for not getting what one wants out of life is one of the many reasons things in our culture is fucked up. The real reason for Elliot Rodgers acts of violence was his inability to face reality and deal with it.

    1. While that may be true, the article isn’t necessarily saying that the women are bad people or did anything wrong. It’s saying this is how things are, this is why it happened, and this is how things will continue to be as long as nothing changes. You’re right about Elliot and his inability to face reality and deal with it. But if he truly lacked that ability, then you can’t really blame him either. The culture is fucked up. Things like this will continue to happen because not everyone has the ability to shrug off perceived slights and truck through a meaningless, shitty existence. Blaming Elliot exclusively is a great way to pretend that he was the only problem and ensure that things like this continue to happen.

      1. Agree. Rodgers should be held accountable for his actions. A larger problem – we could end up with multiple incidents like this one if we don’t spend a little time looking at what happened (or led to it).
        It’s easy to put something into a nice box and then say ‘case closed’. The real problem is when we start to see a trend in society. Let’s take a look at it, now, before it becomes a larger problem.
        Abuse by women is real and it’s out there now. Are we going to be ‘equal’ and start looking into it or keep turning a blind eye to it?

    2. What about the people who lied to him about reality or didn’t fulfill their basic responsibility to help him to cope with it? Namely his parents, and his licensed professional educators and therapists. Awfully convenient to just blame the dead guy.

    3. Nobody but Elliot Rodgers is to blame for the actions of Elliot Rodgers, BUT…
      It is an animalistic instinct for under sexed males to go on violent murder or rape sprees. Chimpanzees, who by the way are humanity’s closest relatives having evolved from a common ancestor, do this so it is not surprising that the instinct exists in humans too.
      Whatever cultural institutions exist to quell the worst human instincts, they are being rapidly eroded by the “do what you feel, YOLO” culture.

  5. Prostitution is illegal because women hate the competition. Legalizing it would mean that wives, girlfriends, and single women playing “pussy on a stick” games would have to completely reevaluate the delusional world in which they currently live. They would have to step up their game on an exponential level and gasp…Make an effort.
    Illegality has nothing to do with morality. In ancient times, prostitutes were valued in the kingdom due to their ability to sooth men’s natural desires. They were healers. Look at any place that has legalized prostitution and the violent crime rate is very low. It makes perfect sense.

    1. To be fair Elliot Rodger had money and a car and the Tijuana border was not far away at all. According to his manifesto he felt the need for approval more than the need for sexual contact. Men need to be taught that approval and validation aren’t important more than they need sex.

      1. While it’s a fair point to make that Elliot expressed a desire for status more than sex, the fact is that in the U.S. especially, men are taught from an early age that “prostitutes” are “bad”. There is a significant social stigma attached to using them, that originates from women who don’t want to compete. Elliot was brainwashed by hollywood into thinking his own status mattered more than anything, and getting laid without paying for it was the only way left to demonstrate that status.

        1. Well said, although that’s a mental disorder(it’s a symptom of narcissism) that permeates the US. He also coupled that with an entitled attitude where he believed other people owed him that just for being who he was.
          Newsflash: nobody owes you shit just for breathing.

      2. “more than the need for sexual contact. Men need to be taught that approval and validation aren’t important more than they need sex”
        Sex is validation and appoival, IMHO.

    2. I dont think that would change much. Its legal here (Denmark) and women are still awful.

      1. C’mon. I probably have the worst game on the planet and my best and easiest ONS was in Denmark.
        Of course that was 1993 so perhaps things have changed?

        1. “Of course that was 1993 so perhaps things have changed”
          Most definitely things have changed Read Rooshs Don’t Bang Denmark book.

      2. This is true, but I think it’s because prostitution still isn’t recognized by a sufficient number of men as the gamebreaker that it really is. It’s like a really powerful tool that is only being used at 5% of its capacity.
        What prostitution needs above all is social acceptance/destigmatization. This needs to happen in the US, since it is the de facto cultural hub of the western world. If this can happen, with western media somehow on board with it all, the rest of the world will follow. And once a sufficiently large number of men finally start making greater use of it, women will start to improve their behavior.
        It may be a long shot all in all but that’s my theory anyway.

        1. A lot of men use prostitutes, though. I keep running into guys who bought jewelry and a house for women in exchange for long-term sex. Explain how that is legal?

        2. As far as I can tell, the excuse/reason for this is because you are seeking the relationship and sex just happens to be part of the relationship.
          From my own experience, this is why the sugar baby and or mistress model is legal. You can’t be prosecuted for establishing a relationship with your money and gifts.

      3. “I dont think that would change much. Its legal here (Denmark) and women are still awful”
        Danish men, while they are good people, have a weird strike about them. Its possible they have dome kind of psychological problem that prevents them from going to prostitutes? Is it possible that Denmark is like Sweden, where prostitution is ‘legal’ only for a woman to sell her body, but illegal for a man to buy the services of a prostitute?

        1. It (prostitution) is over-priced. Supply goes up, demand drops, prices come down, Basic economics 101.
          I guess Id say for a reasonably hot and clean hooker Id pay about 10-20 bucks.
          Seems like a fair price to me.

        2. hot and clean for 10 or 20 bucks? ha ha ha.. good luck with that. If anyone is willing to have sex with a strange man for 10 to 20 bucks-i am sure she isn’t too worried about cleanliness. You may be clean but the five guys before you that day may not have been. You really should go to a prostitute if all you want is no strings attached sex. Those women in bars giving you dirty looks are stupid enough to think they will meet someone and have a long term relationship while you are just there looking for sex..that’s why it ends up bad. It’s not your fault and it’s not her fault. You both have different goals and are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Good luck to you though and stay safe. 😉

    3. This fact cannot be overstated. Women inherently know that they can manipulate the majority of men through and by their sexuality, and a woman who intends to do so knows that prostitution and porn are competition. A man who can have his sexual needs met “elsewhere” can’t be taken advantage of, and that drives Western women crazy.

    4. It should also be kept in mind that prostitution is already legal in much of the world, including much of Europe.
      Only in Puritan, gynocentric Anglo-America are women still able to wield this power over men.

      1. Really? Women still “wield this power over men”?
        As slutty as most women are these days, if you have even an OUNCE of game then the ability to deprive you of sex is not a power that women have it. When you have the least bit of personal power and good game with women then your women know they can be easily replaced…..and suddenly the roles are reversed and they are the ones who have to work to maintain your approval.

        1. Millions of men are brainwasehd and don’t have an ounce of game. Alas, they have negative game indeed.

        2. Last time I checked, the divorce industry was still in no risk of going out of business, and as a matter of fact is quite profitable for the lawyers, the courts, judges, and let’s not forget, the women doing the divorcing. So yes, they do “wield this power over men.”

        3. Funny how you bring up divorce as your counterpoint when I didn’t mention either marriage or divorce.
          Nice straw argument. If you want to rant and vent about your own personal experiences please make your own post and don’t couch it as a reply to a completely separate point.

        4. You pulled out my “power over men” statement and I then went on to explain what I meant by discussing one of the powers they have, and that’s in court. After all, most men get married because marriage implies regular sex. Even a live-in girlfriend carries the risk of palimony. You think you are immune to the law because your game is so tight or something?
          You might want to look up the meaning of straw man before throwing that term around, too, especially when you accuse somebody you don’t know about speaking from experience about marriage.

        5. You simply do not know how stupid you are. Read Roosh’s field reports of his experiences in the States. Yet some men such as yourself refuse to accept reality. Good luck, retard.

        6. Yes, you are missing the larger picture here.
          If you ever have to go through the court system against any woman, then good luck. So, yes, women do have this power (not equality like they all want you to believe).
          If they truly wanted ‘equality’, then start with the court system and let’s level the playing field. There are plenty of dads out there who should have the kids because the woman is a complete waste of air space (not responsible at all).
          I watched my brother go through something similar and his ex was a complete idiot (should never have custody of kids). She didn’t have a job, no stable environment (house, apartment) for my niece but she got custody (and then gave it up to my brother). The point…she was awarded it by the courts and she had to give it away.
          What a joke.

        7. His point (and my point) are part of the larger problem with ‘equality’ today. You don’t have to agree with it or even like it…but it is the truth.
          You may have to experience it, first hand, to actually come to grips with it. It’s a real problem were facing (as men).

        8. And that’s why most men around here (a kind of “softer”, less intense and aggressive version of America) are already checking out en masse. The women are simply too unappealing, even the less bitch ones. And would you know it, they (the women) have adapted splendidly! Don’t see too many around these parts crying for a lack of boyfriend I can tell you that. We are truly finished my friends. Let the immigrants take the West. They deserve it. We don’t.

        9. What I can’t understand for the life of me is why these otherwise successful, perceptive, and quite intelligent chumps still keep on getting married like a bunch of brainless lemmings in the first place. Are they so clueless in that aspect of life that they need to have this out-dated stamp of approval to somehow feel complete and accepted? Has American society devolved to the point that you basically have to join the herd to even be able to obtain gainful employment and survive in it? Why can’t you fake it? If you absolutely need the ceremony and pictures to go with it, why not do so without signing the humiliating bondage papers with the state in the end? Honestly, how many outside the few attorneys that may exist in your social circle will even tell the difference? I thought that we were long past the stage where individuals needed to get (legally) married in order to be accepted into and be able to function in “polite society”. What is this, the 1850s?

        10. Yea, let’s betray our ancestors and give up the land they developed for us because things are a little rough,

      2. I have said for many many years now that the legalization of the sex trade would in fact allow a greater line of separation between people who want sex and people who want LTRs. Very often I have seen the paths of these two types cross and it’s never pretty. America has a lot of human wreckage because of this.

      3. “I know that if prostitution were legal here, I wouldn’t even bother to maintain the harem I have right now.”
        I made an observation like this on the roosh forums and got banned. Some think it’s just feminists and white knights who want to keep it illegal, but there are ROK reading red pillers who do too.

        1. “I made an observation like this on the roosh forums and got banned”
          Did the mods tell you this is why you were banned? That remark seems absolutely harmless for the Roosh forum.

        2. The Roosh Forum is about as ban-happy as the average feminist forum, no joke.

        3. A big part of “game” is “men” pounding their chests and hoarding bragging rights.

      4. Not to point out the obvious, but prostitution is de facto legal in all of the USA… open the yellow pages to Escorts, if you don’t believe me.

        1. Then look at all the arrests the Police State makes of these escorts and their Johns. The vice squad in any city specializes in such oppression.

        2. “4 hours ago
          Then look at all the arrests the Police State makes of these escorts and their Johns”
          I think NY state had a sting going where they arrested men and published their names, and of course nothing happened to the prostitute. Amerika is a very sick country.

        3. The “de facto” part only serves to drive up the price. There are no Adelita’s in the USA, unfortunately.

        4. “Vice squad” eh? Quite the sanctimonious term for what amounts to paid enforcers of the pussy cartel. What’s next? Your local protection racquet gang branching out into providing “mandatory” home and shop insurance policies for allowing you to operate in civil society? Oh wait, I believe we already have that.

        5. Indeed. There is no freedom left in America. I found that out within a day after stepping foot off the plane on my very first international adventure.
          What’s even more amazing is the plasticity of the human mind. Virtually every aspect of modern life is harshly controlled in America and yet they are able to make people believe they are free and keep them showing up at those jobs.
          It’s laughable except the propaganda is so pervasive that I, too believed it until recently.

        6. Never vote for a lesbo: in Houston their lesbian mayor tried to make it legal for trans or people who claimed to be trans to use any bathroom they feel like.

      5. I agree on the birthday present and thank god you didn’t her one.
        That would have been the first step – her out the door.

    5. Indeed I have been to countries where prostitution is legal (to varying degrees) and the women there didn’t do the kinds of things that they do in the USA. In Germany and Holland, if guys were walking into clubs and the women were all dancing with each other, giving dirty looks to all men, having the “fat den mother” running cock block, etc. they would turn right around and head for the red light district.
      They didn’t have to put up with that shit (just to get laid).
      If we want to get a real battle going, the kind of which “the enemy” will lose its mask and all of its hypocrisy and contradictions and agenda will be revealed to everybody, then a push to decriminalize prostitution would be that battle.

      1. “if guys were walking into clubs and the women were all dancing with each
        other, giving dirty looks to all men, having the “fat den mother”
        running cock block”
        You pretty much covered the Club scene in every city in the USA with that comment lol.
        But you forgot the “selfies” and group pics for their facebook attention-whore pages.

    6. If you think about it, paying a escort makes more sense than chatting up some woman at a bar or a club. Sex is never free. You either pay for it with money, or with effort, or with your commitment, or with your love.
      Let’s assume an hour with a prostitute costs 100 dollars. You spend more than 100 dollars on a gym membership, on nice shoes and clothes, on a watch, on a nice haircut, on good teeth.
      Finding a escort must be like going to a restaurant. You can choose a fairly attractive woman to pump. You can’t have this freedom at a club.
      Escorts get themselves checked often. After all, they live off doing “it”, and an angry, infected client is a client that sues or worse. A club girl is more likely to have STD’s.
      At the end of the day, getting the escort is cheaper and more honest. With “normal” women you just play games and tell lies. In both cases all you want is sex. The investment is the only difference.

    7. “Prostitution is illegal because women hate the competition. Legalizing
      it would mean that wives, girlfriends, and single women playing “pussy
      on a stick” games would have to completely reevaluate the delusional
      world in which they currently live. They would have to step up their
      game on an exponential level and gasp…Make an effort”
      This is one of the best comments ever. +1000!

    8. I remember Elliot wrote in his diary that the idea of a prostitute made him feel like a loser.

  6. I just got really excited that I went out with a fantastic girl, spent time and money, time thinking about her, asked for another date and got the whole “sorry it was too soon I’m getting back together with my boyfriend” routine.
    And you know what? I went for a run, read a good book, got back up and dusted myself off. Yeah, it’s tough and frustrating.
    The larger point is, we can’t make excuses for the Elliot Rodger types. It is never okay to blame this sort of violence on women. We can criticize women for an awful lot but they don’t deserve to be shot up for not putting out.

    1. I’m pretty sure this happens a whole lot more than a lot of tough guy paper alphas would like to admit. Good on you mate. Nothing to do but fire off some more reps.

    2. Its not a matter of it being “okay” or not. Its a matter of how it is if you like it or not.
      Like Clint Eastwood said in Unforgiven, “Fair has nothing to do with it”.

    3. He is not justifying Elliot Rodger’s actions. He is explaining that there is a very serious danger with the direction our society is taking in the gender relations. And the end result is that pretty much everyone loses.

    4. It’s because you have a healthy, intact ego. Insecure man-children don’t and they can’t handle a single bad experience without losing it.

      1. Yeah that’s all well and good.. but one doesn’t magically acquire a “healthy, intact ego” out of thin air. This comes with experience and success with women.. and when women deny you sexual contact and love, you have no way to gain this “healthy, intact ego.”

    5. Over the years I have met many women who would say “I’ll never date guys who have guns”.
      I always thought this to be brainwashing of sorts, but what I would observe over time is that women who say that are the ones most likely to completely fuck a man over.
      So in a way, when a woman is afraid of men with guns, she knows inside that she takes actions that could enrage men. She knows they a total cuntasaurus but while never admitting that, does so indirectly by stating she is afraid of men capable of harm.
      (Of course, being a retard too, she assumes, probably from the media, that someone without a gun is harmless. The crime statistics prove otherwise but retard is as retard does)

    6. hmm. at least when I get dissed I don’t actually get the “date,” so I end up saving money then going into M.o.B. mode.

  7. Prostitution, like marijuana, should absolutely be legal, although regulated for safety and humane conditions.

    1. Don’t buy into the regulation for safety reason.Government regulates to control and tax.Open market prostitutes would have high incentive to provide you with disease free services,and clients in turn would render non-violent patronage,simply because it is not illegal to offer and receive such services.The great parasite aka Govt will only muck things up from there.Imagine needing a license to prostitute,compulsory certification in human health and anatomy,restricted use to providing only type of client service (only males,not females as Government backed unions would only allow lesbian prostitutes to service lesbian clients).

      1. Hence in the coming push for prostitution, we need to be careful about “decriminalization” versus “legalization”. The former is basically “stop putting people in jail for it” and the latter is “make it legal but tax the motherfucking shit out of it while controlling the motherfucking shit out of who gets to provide it and charge them a fortune for licenses and permits”.

        1. Interesting observation, so what would you argue for? decriminalise but don’t legalise prostitution?

  8. Elliot Roger was abused by his parents, particularly his step mother. He was told by her that we was too short to get a woman, and that he wasn’t good enough, or deserving of their love. Completely horrific and disgusting.
    No one wants to talk about the abuse suffered by boys at the hands of their mothers and step mothers. No one even mentions when one of these serial killers flies off the handle. Instead, the press acts surprised.
    When women stop abusing their boys, and take some responsibility for some of the misogyny, perhaps something will change. But every time child abuse is swept under the rug, then expect more of it to go on. I know there are millions of women today that are hitting their boys, telling them how useless they are, or fondling them. It’s out there every day, no one wants to talk about. I wonder why?

    1. I think criminologists have long established from examining the lives of serial killers, that in most cases they had horrible abusive relationships with their mothers. It’s pretty much accepted fact.
      Shitty mothers create misfits, desperate men, criminals and serial killers. Hitchcock was right on the money when he wrote Psycho.

      1. Mothers must not be involved with the upbringing of children from the age of 7. Sadly, it’s bloody women everywhere.

        1. You know. Tribal men used to ritually kidnap boys at the age of puberty to initate them into manhood. They were taught the sacred mysteries as well as how to hunt and fish

        2. I wish that happened to me now at 29.. I’d totally be content with self sufficient living in the wild. Where are you tribal dudes?!

        3. Go to Jack Donovan’s blog. He goes to a neo-Paganist revival and details the traditions they are trying to revive. Interesting … if not a little bit too try-hard.

        4. They are either corporate drones or in jail. Even if we ourselves were to start up our own tribal group we would have to contend with the state.

      2. Shitty mothers also create soulless, slutty, manipulative women. Let’s not forget that.

      1. Breivik is a different case. Steve Sailer actually read his 1,500 page manifesto and came to some interesting conclusions. Pussy isn’t a panacea to everyone.

    2. Good thoughts and comments. Antwone Fisher was another example of abuse at the hands of a foster home (ran by a woman).

    3. If you’re going to make these assertions, please post links. Where did you find this info? I haven’t come across it in the stories I read.

    4. My own mother once said I didnt deserve a womans love. Took me 4 years to get over those years. Then I learned women were incapable of love anyway.

  9. it may not be “right”, but I think the author was right. Sexless man do go crazy. If it takes a murder spree to make society open its eyes, then so be it. Sadly it may end up taking more than one, as in the Elliot Rodger case everyone was , as always, far too quick to jump on the GUN CONTROL!!!!!! bandwagon.

    1. Not true. We don’t see beta apes going crazy because they are deprived of sex. People go crazy as the social conditioning makes them to go crazy.

        1. You are absolutely right but people who reply to them are also not allowed. So that makes you a double idiot!

        2. Notice the absence of women since men were banned from replying to women?
          Without male attention women will leave after commenting once.

    2. We have a convention – in place no doubt for a good reason- whereby we don’t listen to the arguments made by people who commit any variety of extreme violence. The reason for this is presumably to discourage what in some senses is an extreme form of debate or of winning debate. In other words extreme violence etc, (or in lesser situations any kind of uncouth behaviour) is liable to disqualify one’s case. Given that that case may well be directed against a person who has been hurt or case then that seems only fair. The problem though is that by taking this pragmatic, and arguably moral zero tolerance stance against violence / uncouthness, what may be lost is the the chain of events that led up to that violence etc. This is a difficult area to navigate without ‘blaming the victim’, yet the implication is that self-same victim has not part in the causality of what came about. There must be a responsible way of looking at how such things do come about while allowing for the fact that unscrupulous or evil people will use violence to win arguments they don’t deserve to win

      1. Though the killer is responsible for his own actions steps can be taken to minimize the damage and the causality of the violence.

        1. Let me put what I said in another way. One form of speech, one form of winning an argument is for your opponent to end up speaking or behaving in an outrageously or unacceptable way that completely disqualifies that argument by virtue of their ‘breaking the rules’. Killing people / violence etc is one form of breaking the rules in that way. All victims in this way (even those who had no idea they were part of a ‘debate’) end up winning the argument by this reasoning. In a sense this is recompense, but it may be a mistake to see such an ‘argument’ as an individual to individual matter. Men and women both hurt and kill each other (inter-gender-wise) but because the putative preponderance of male over female violence (which is obviously a matter of continuing debate) the situations which may stoke male anger / male violence etc remain either hidden or de-legitimised in advance, even through association with violence.
          If Elliot Rodger’s murderous actions do reflect something ‘cultural’ about the way gender relations are currently configured (i.e. unfairly or irresponsibly configured ….not necessarily the same thing) then we find ourselves considering in not only the nature of that configuration but the issue of whether it is even legitimate to analyse such matters insofar as such analysis might seem to imply an excuse, an indemnification from responsibility for the cry.
          With Elliot Rodger we need a way to both hold him accountable for the evil he perpetrated and look dispassionately and honestly at any social, cultural and political factors, including such as may have related to gender, that made his crime more rather than less likely.

  10. Well done, you have a guy with multiple issues and you focus on only one and proclaim it as the reason. Not only is this naieve but it is part of the problem. Your obsession with sex and the pedestilization of women has disallowed you to see beyond his lack of female interaction.

    1. Actually Elliott himself went to great lengths in his manifesto to describe how female rejection greatly affected him …

  11. The malapropisms in the article made me laugh, “kick a dead horse,” “shadow of a guilt.” Though you did throw in a semi-colon. Nice touch.
    I must wave my finger when men blame women for what is happening. It’s not a woman’s fault. Women are going to do what women do. They can’t help it. It is the nature of woman. It’s the fault of men everywhere that they allow women to act the way they do.
    Read the parable of The Scorpion and the Frog.

    1. Top comment but now the little boys are going to accuse you of being a woman – just watch.
      A little knowledge of evolutionary psychology could enlighten enormously about the nature of the scorpion. Recommended reading:
      The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating by David M. Buss
      Sex, Time, and Power: How Women’s Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution by
      Shlain Leonard

    2. If women cant be held responsible why should they be allowed to own property or vote or have rights?
      Since they have rights then they should be responsible and held to account.

      1. A good question. A woman should be allowed to inherit and own her dead husband’s home and money in order to provide for his children and parents. The confiscation of a dead man’s property by the church or state leads to less enthusiasm for a man to invest in his future.
        As for voting, once the welfare state was enacted, politicians knew that it could be manipulated to entice a woman’s vote. Neither side of politics could resist.
        But as I stated, men allowed women to vote. Not women. Men must blame themselves of they don’t get the political victory they desire.

        1. At the risk of sounding flippant, I suggest that cable television, cell phones, the mall and Starbucks may distract women from any sort of meaningful protest.

        2. Social media such a tumblr may be our allies in causing women to waste their energy and outrage. Then again if the above scenario plays out what is to be done?

        3. True. But too often women on the whole seem to be very successful on wielding the power of the state against us.

        4. Wasn’t there only bargaining point the withdrawal of sex? Your link isn’t working so I assumed it was the one thing men want from women.

    3. I must wave my finger when men blame women for what is happening. It’s not a woman’s fault. Women are going to do what women do. They can’t help it. It is the nature of woman. It’s the fault of men everywhere that they allow women to act the way they do.

      Then I would similarly “wave my finger” and say that shooting rampages directed at women is in man’s nature, they can’t help it, they’re just going to snap and go killing people and that’s just it. You see how ridiculous this sounds? This kind of reasoning presumes no agency and thus can beget no maturity.

      1. Then you would insist that men and women think the same. That’s where we disagree.

        1. No, I insist that they both have agency, and I think we both agree on that. But your original comment presumes that women have none. Most modern women have none, their lives are lives of ease and deception. They know nothing of honest dealing with men. But this does not mean that women are incapable of agency.

  12. This past Sunday, our Bishop mentioned how a feeling of belonging is just as natural a drive as hunger, thirst and sex. (Yes, a sex-positive Pentecostal minister – they do exist.) One of the factors is Rodger’s life that led him to commit a senseless crime was invulntary celibacy, an issue that doesn’t get as much attention from the mental health community and is instead relegated to a few internet message boards and blogs. A news broadcaster named Christine Chubbuck actually committed suicide on live television some years back, and her lack of a personal life was considered the main motivating factor.
    As others have said, an abusive mother doesn’t help. People like Henry Lee Lucas and Ed Gein were products of abusive women, and the people who exploited the shooting for political gain the way the Daily Kos (ovo) conveniently leave that fact out.

    1. “Sex positive” is code for degenerate. Keep that kind of hive mind speak out of here, please.

  13. Billy,

    ….as I’ve stated … women say they want honesty, but they never want full disclosure. — Rollo

    Women get mad at you for telling the truth because the nature of their control of their own sexuality *requires* a degree of ignorance from their targets. Women are the grifters in the sexual marketplace, their entire strategy must remain covert and obscured from those they wish to have or they lose potential control over the situation.
    When women who on some level understand their own deceptive natures see unpleasant truths being revealed, their natural instinct is one of extreme fear and denial. The dearth of masculinity in the developed world means that women have been free to practice much higher levels of deception than in the past, indeed it has become their crutch.
    Telling the truth forces them to walk normally, and they don’t like that.

    1. Jeremy, this is an excellent analysis. Many time I have explained to a women the reason behind her actions. Rarely am I told “Your Wrong!” Most of the time, I’m told “Don’t say that!” These same women will solicit my opinion on all sorts of topics hoping everytime that I will confirm their convictions, though that rarely happens. Women simply expect every man to agree with everything that comes out of their mouth even when it is “shyte.”

  14. Let’s be fair. Everyone used this incident to re-enforce their pre-existing world view, and no one learned anything from it.
    – Game enthusiasts (including me) said this is evidence men need to learn game, even though Rodger was probably beyond help.
    – MGTOWs said this proves women are toxic and men need to walk away.
    – Feminists, white knights and eunuchs said this proves women are victims of horrifying misogyny, even though men died too.
    – Gun control proponents said this proves we need more gun control, even though more people were killed with knives.
    – Gun rights proponents said this proves we need more CCW permits, even though the victims were unlikely to be carrying guns even if they had the option.
    IMHO Elliot’s father is at fault. It was more a matter of ignorance than malice. I didn’t learn game until my 40’s and have tried to pass it on to my sons. One of them is a gamma while another is an alpha in the making. But now I’ll make sure I talk openly about sexual frustration leading to violence. Saving lives at ROK?

    1. Would a gun rights proponent say this proves all gun law, including CCW, be revoked? CCW is a barrier to gun rights not a enabler of it.

      1. CCW = carry concealed weapon
        Gun rights supporters are in favor of the CCW option, while gun control supporters are against.

        1. I understand that but you mentioned “permits”. Most gun rights supporters are not in favor of a government permit to allow you to do something that is your natural right.

    2. Hit the nail on the head. I’ve seen the Rodger case be used to support every possible cause. His enormous manifesto certainly provides enough statements in any number of items that proponents of any particular cause can pick and choose his rambling statements to further their argument. Sadly, all of these arguments that claim this massacre bolsters their cause results in one thing: A dilution on any discussion of how to practically address mental health problems in this country.
      Regarding the father’s fault: I don’t know what more could have been done. His dad had the writer of “Blind Date” and “Love Potion #9” try to mentor Elliot on game.

    3. only if the father was superman, would it have been is fault as primary. the father’s fault was desperation in knocking an unstable woman up. what happened afterwards might as well have been written prophecy. both the mother and the father had their complimentary nonequivalent roles in failure.
      that said, who is more to blame? the father had no solid control, knocked up ms. passive-aggressive, manic-depressive, emotional terrorist, entitlement vampire. what did you think would happen? what did he think would happen? what the fuck could have otherwise happened? i’d wager not much else. usually less violence, but usually all the same story. we can’t describe exact paths, but history definitely repeats here.
      the mother was not fit to grow the child. yea, the father was a poor gardener, who should have paid more attention. the father should have trained his frame into his wife ahead of time, the wife should have impressed that into her husband’s children, and the father should have then begun refining those children’s progressions into adults as they grew out of childishness. but fuck, was stuck mentally in infancy. we’re talking wide spread mental developmental delay here.
      making people is a process. but garbage in, garbage out still holds. in so many, many ways. it’s a close call, but i’d still blame the mother more. the mother’s insistence on subversive supremacy was the violence masquerading as love. and this violence played out into grew up, tried to unify his mother-fractured mind on what was real, and correctly concluded the violence he was taught was more real. that he acted it out was imitation. that he did it better was merely the fact that he was a male.

  15. Disagree Billy. The lack of female contact(while part of a vicious cycle) is a symptom, not the root cause.
    The root cause is that the individuals in question lack Masculinity, drive, social skills, fully developed reasoning abilities,and personal responsibility. Basically they’re children in adult bodies at best, and women in men’s bodies at worst. Of course there’s a myriad of factors that play into that, but at the individual level the situation can be summed up as I just did.

  16. After reading many articles on ROK, I have a theory. Bare with me, as I know that many of you will probably be disgusted by the thought. However, since this article is about the “harsh truth,” I will give my own.
    Theory: Alpha men do not hate women. Alpha men dislike alpha women.
    Is there such a thing as an alpha woman? You might say no, but you would have to concede that the modern woman possesses many alpha qualities. These qualities include, but are not limited to:
    1. Not apologizing for their opinion (many alpha men are frustrated with the kind of woman who is never wrong. The kind of woman who is so set in her ways that she cannot be told otherwise. She has an opinion, and she will never apologize for it.)
    2. Doing whatever they want (an alpha woman, much like an alpha man, will do whatever she wants. If she wants to study abroad and it happens to compromise the relationship, so what, she will find others.)
    3. Promiscuity (alpha women can match an alpha man’s sex life easily.)
    These are just a few examples of red pill qualities that are quite common for a modern woman to possess. There are certainly more. It is quite obvious that successful relationships consist of alpha and beta. Not alpha and alpha. ROK men believe that men should always be alpha, but society is not adhering to your whims and wishes.
    This brings me to my main point: The feminist movement has prompted the rise of alpha women. In response, many men have developed the tendency to become beta so that they may increase their prospects in settling down and establishing a solid family unit.
    I think the men of ROK feel threatened by alpha women. Which is why they have reduced them to sexual objects. By doing so, they can claim that these women have little power, and are simply a good time. However, tread carefully. Alpha men still rely on these women sexually. Like the article points out, sexual frustration can have a monumental affect on men. Ever heard of a sexually frustrated woman violently murdering innocent people?
    The problem: Alpha women have a supreme advantage, as they do not rely on alpha men for sexual gratification. They have a large pool of beta men to choose from if alphas are unavailable, whereas the sexual partner of choice for alpha men are alpha women (easy women at the bar). Alpha men can’t sleep with quality women as easily, because these women are harder to obtain. Alpha women are not the kind you settle down with, but your system of game has you chasing after them like crazy. This gives them power over you because they can control you with their sexuality, but (like all alphas) feel zero loyalty towards you.
    Conclusion: Alpha men will soon become ostracized and absent due to the rise of alpha women. Game is actually a major contributor to alpha women gaining such power because it forces a man’s biological need for sex to be dependent on an alpha woman, not a quality woman.
    You may not agree, but it is certainly something to consider. Hard truths, that is what I believe.

    1. “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.”
      – Camille Paglia, feminist herself
      Alpha women run the matriarchal role model of society which is traditionally backward. Look at the matriarchal societies in Asia or Africa and you will see the difference in advancement between them and patriarchal societies. Feminism is the scourge which seeks to superimpose an abhorrent matriarchal role model on successfully advanced patriarchal societies, in the name of equality. It’s nothing but outright robbery. Matriarchy doesn’t deserve the technological advancements what patriarchy has brought to the world. But nevertheless, matriarchy wouldn’t hesitate to steal or enjoy the benefits of a patriarchal society. That’s what feminism is all about. No wonder you see the decline in the modern world.
      And furthermore, regarding your points:
      1. A woman who doesn’t apologize for her faults is simply not worthy of raising a family. No person likes to be with someone who cannot acknowledge their own faults. In a family role model, women have the responsibility of nurturing the family. Would you stay with a woman who refuses to apologize for not fulfilling her responsibilities? Of course not. Again not apologizing, as seen in the case of ‘alpha women’ is the role model of a matriarchal family. Women, the more emotional gender, have lesser self-discipline, lesser rationale, as compared to men. So irrational emotional decisions without apology are the hallmarks of a despotic tyrant, which women today have become. Good luck to the man who wishes to enslave himself to such abominations of women.
      2. The same answer as above. Thus today you have the concept of open marriages and relationships. Couples claim to be a couple but are fucking and swinging on the side. 55% divorce rates, out of which 70 % to 90% of divorces are initiated by women. So much for family formation, thanks to ‘alpha women’.
      3. Regarding promiscuity, it’s known that men want to fuck sluts or whores, but marry virgins. Women, the gatekeepers of sex, automatically lower the standards of sex as well as their own value when they fuck around. The paradox is that women are usually slutting it around with a small population of men, but again they ARE still slutting around. It still makes them sluts.
      Feminism has not created alpha women; rather it has created women who have lost the ability to build a family. If you consider women today leading men by dangling sex in front of them as ‘alpha women’, see what kind of societies we live in today. Look at the so called alpha women in the world throughout history, and see how successful their families were, as compared to the traditional patriarchal family model. You’d find more cuckolded or pussy whipped husbands than ever.
      We are creating a future of matriarchal societies in the modern world which will inevitably contribute to the decline of civilization. Men are the builders, thinkers, innovators and upholders of civilization. Women can’t fulfill all those roles; women are best as the nurturers and breeders of civilization.
      “When a woman becomes a scholar there is usually something wrong with her sexual organs.”
      – Friedrich Nietzsche

      1. I deal with alpha women (as you describe them) fairly frequently.
        They all hate their husbands… Or are alone…
        Fuck that shit… I’m going GALT before I sign my life to one of these whores… Or I’m leaving Canada to start a family elsewhere.

  17. Great article. Lots of emotional depth in the words, and moving.
    The fact remains Western women don’t have a conscience – feminism has destroyed the faculty of human conscience in westernized women today. A woman’s apology today is often nothing but crocodile tears – more so a westernized woman’s.

  18. Nothing can enrage a man quite like a whorish women pretending to be a friend.
    I just had to deal with my ex for a work related issue for an hour and I’m seriously boiling inside with anger.
    The shit that comes out of her mouth makes me want to do horrible horrible things… I’ll get over it and cool off… but I just happen to be at that moment right now….
    She has fucked over countless people in her life. Cheated on boyfriends. Lied to loved ones. Taken advantage of the mentally ill. Ruined people’s careers… You name it she has done it…. All without ANY REAL CONSEQUENCES except for the fact that some people cut her out of their lives… including me.
    This is just one of the things she told me today that made me want to unload on her… But I couldn’t… Kuz we still work together…
    “It was my Dad’s birthday (her mom divorced him and he is unemployed) this past weekend and you know we don’t see each other much. I told him I really wanted to see him for his birthday and HE DIDN’T SHOW UP! I wanted to meet up with him because I wanted to tell him that I keep excommunicating myself from groups of friends (backstabbing friends) and I was wondering if that is something he’s done in his life. Maybe I got this behaviour from him.”
    No exaggeration… that is exactly what she said… It was this broken fucking man’s birthday and she wanted to meet up with him to blame him for HER SELFISH BEHAVIOUR. IT WAS HIS FUCKING BIRTHDAY! SHE COULDN’T QUIT HER BULLSHIT FOR ONE FUCKING DAY!!!
    The stuff she said after that is really what left me with a disgusting feeling but that is an illustration of the kind of psycho bullshit this girl lives and breathes on a daily basis.
    Seeing her today made me realize how happy I am that she is out of my life.

    1. women talking + emotion = word salad that disorients nouns and pronouns. the verbs she said were correct. the adjectives she said were the gibberish to move to the next babble fragment/sentance. and the nouns/pronouns were you. or rather, her version of you in her word salad head.
      excommunication was something you were doing to her and she was wondering where you got it from, ’cause she doesn’t think you should be doing it to your friend (her).
      that there were other nouns and adjectives in the conversation are immaterial; her inability to suppress overriding internal emotive focus meant the emotion spilled out despite her attempts to talk about ‘not you’ and ‘not her’. a quite common event, but hard to recognize and disentangle in real time. listen more carefully for action-event similarities with spontaneous context shifts and/or noun inversions.
      the correct response is more often than not, agree and amplify. ‘yes, we were closer once, yes i am excommunicating you, yes i did get this from somewhere, golly gee you’re right, i sure didn’t get this idea from you’.

  19. A lot of other commentators mention the term ‘swallowing the red pill’ but I have to compare myself to now and a year ago. When a met a chick I’d fall hard and then spend months in depression getting over that. The tipping point was the last I fell for (about 12 months ago) who was absolutely insane. (3-4 antidepressants a day). I knew enough was enough and I had to change my mentality.
    So I texted a girl who’d been trying to get my attention but I’d always deny her of it, who I knew was in a relationship. She came over and I slept with her. Then the click happened (about 10/11 months ago) they’re all the same. This was reconfirmed when I next went out. Dancing with a married women and got invited back to her hotel. Few weeks later had a fuck buddy for the rest of the year and of the week of my birthday in december got 5 notches.
    It was only that a friend of my who fell hard for this girl and got a relationship with her that I ended up finding this website. I found this site in Jan or Feb of this year and honestly glad I did. I was doing okay before but I never really swallowed until a few months ago. Less sex than towards the end of last year but my enjoyment in life has been so much higher.
    Taken on side projects, like learning a guitar and constructing a business plan ready to implement.
    This is one fantastic feeling and I urge everyone else to keep reading this site.
    There’s your thank you.

    1. “Then the click happened (about 10/11 months ago) they’re all the same.”
      For me the click was sleeping with a girl and listening to her afterwards talk shit about some guy who had actual feelings for her.
      He had oneitis for this chick and I didn’t even think she was that good in bed… Just kept her around for a fuck buddy…
      I realized that girls that I’ve had oneitis for could be saying the same shit about me…
      They want their alpha fantasy but when I actually give a shit my feelings are a joke to them. Here’s hoping NAWALT but I’m not holding my breath.
      The next 20 years should be interesting…

      1. Can relate to such conversations although I never slept with this girl but she comes to mind anyway. She’s a fairly attractive girl and endlessly complaining on FB about being friend zoned. One night I was out and was sat outside having a cigarette and she puts her hands on my knees and bends over a little facing me and says “I just want a guy who’s going to treat me right” she’s friends with the 3/4 pill a day girl, whom I had the opportunity to sleep with but she was too drunk to stand up without my help (fingered her in my bathtub). I said to her “First you must become a lady to be worthy of a knight” she smiled and hugged me and said I was right. I’ve been out a lot and I’ve never seen her out since.
        It’s a long shot but the truth can help everyone.

  20. The tickle anecdote is a good one. People focus upon Rodger’s privilege, which was considerable, but in some senses this article reminded me of Orwell’s meditation on tramps as degraded in their manhood by virtue of their being cut off from women. perhaps this has been addressed elsewhere – I know its made it way on to other manosphere sites, but its worth quoting in full, because as far as I’m aware despite Orwell’s stature and fame as one of England’s greatest writers and social commentators no social theorists let alone gender theorists have take what he had to say particularly seriously. Here is the passage from Down and Out in Paris and London, which seems as striking to me now as when I first read it twenty odd years ago.
    “……The second great evil of a tramp’s life — it seems much smaller at first sight, but it is a good second — is that he is entirely cut off from contact with women. This point needs elaborating.
    Tramps are cut off from women, in the first place, because there are very few women at their level of society. One might imagine that among destitute people the sexes would be as equally balanced as elsewhere. But it is not so; in fact, one can almost say that below a certain level society is entirely male. The following figures, published by the L.C.C. from a night census taken on February 13th, 1931, will show the relative numbers of destitute men and destitute women:
    Spending the night in the streets, 60 men, 18 women. In shelters and homes not licensed as common lodging-houses, 1,057 men, 137 women. In the crypt of St Martin’s-in-the-Fields Church, 88 men, 12 women. In L.C.C. casual wards and hostels, 674 men, 15 women.
    [* This must be an underestimate. Still, the proportions probably hold good.]
    It will be seen from these figures that at the charity level men outnumber women by something like ten to one. The cause is presumably that unemployment affects women less than men; also that any presentable woman can, in the last resort, attach herself to some man. The result, for a tramp, is that he is condemned to perpetual celibacy. For of course it goes without saying that if a tramp finds no women at his own level, those above — even a very little above — are as far out of his reach as the moon. The reasons are not worth discussing, but there is no doubt that women never, or hardly ever, condescend to men who are much poorer than themselves. A tramp, therefore, is a celibate from the moment when he takes to the road. He is absolutely without hope of getting a wife, a mistress, or any kind of woman except — very rarely, when he can raise a few shillings — a prostitute.
    It is obvious what the results of this must be: homosexuality, for instance, and occasional rape cases. But deeper than these there is the degradation worked in a man who knows that he is not even considered fit for marriage. The sexual impulse, not to put it any higher, is a fundamental impulse, and starvation of it can be almost as demoralizing as physical hunger. The evil of poverty is not so much that it makes a man suffer as that it rots him physically and spiritually. And there can be no doubt that sexual starvation contributes to this rotting process. Cut off from the whole race of women, a tramp feels himself degraded to the rank of a cripple or a lunatic. No humiliation could do more damage to a man’s self-respect.”
    …..When the hell is the above going to become an issue for society, if even Orwell couldn’t get anyone to take the matter seriously?

    1. I know this is off the topic of what you are saying but Orwell is one amazing human being. Coming from a privileged background where he attended the most prestigious boarding school in Britain he gave that all that up to live a life of homelessness for his novel. Even if it were only briefly.

      1. couldn’t agree more. There have been few writers who have demonstrated more honesty or integrity than Orwell, or whose journalism is as important as his is fiction. Problem is we don’t have any Orwell’s around to today to call out absurdities and double think for what they are. Hopefully there are some in the making

        1. There are articles on this site that live up to half Orwells integrity. I don’t read every article but I know the ones when I see it.
          I take it it you are like me an enjoy the articles that look at history more than some of the ones that look at contemporary. The article from a few weeks back that looked at Louis the 8th ? springs to mind.

        2. I like the historical / edifying pieces yes, but in many ways the more controversial social commentary is as likely if not more likely to challenge the status quo, precisely because it aims to speak the unspeakable (sometimes getting it right, sometimes getting in wonderfully wrong). I’m no Orwell expert but there was always seemed to be something detached about his politics, rather than directly polemical. Down and Out is pretty much an auto / ethnography, which turns into a brilliant social commentary because of Orwell’s keen analytic eye.
          Maybe there are future Orwell’s amongst the writers here. Big shoes to fill though

    2. “The sexual impulse, not to put it any higher, is a fundamental impulse,
      and starvation of it can be almost as demoralizing as physical hunger.”
      This. A thousand times. Yes.
      Nobody can possibly understand how utterly demoralizing it is to be sexually starved and denied the company of women and the validation that flows from it. And then when you have a culture that rubs your face into the sexual success of other males with women and where women openly flaunt their sexuality and promiscuity, it compounds this demoralization and rage. I can definitely relate to the kind of rage Eliot Rodgers experienced.. and all the guys here who are incapable of empathizing with him simply haven’t walked in his shoes or experienced the same level of sexual starvation as he did.

      1. if you think about it, radical feminism for instance has said pretty much everything it can say. It follows that such gender radicals these days direct much of their energy towards ensuring that radicalism goes no further, to extend to a more general, less (female) sex specific radical analysis. Orwell wasn’t a radical in any obvious way but he was someone who always sought to speak the truth with great insight and a refusal to coat that insight with sugar. Some of the insights in the extract, including the one you highlight, do I think have potentially quite radical implications were they somehow to be followed through with a view to addressing them. I think the enterprise could be well worth while, including with regard to expectations, and why so often we settle for situations that in many ways feel unacceptable, perhaps because we have bought into a system that we still think can work for us (but quite possibly won’t or never could).
        Elliott Rodger’s actions though stand as both an illustration of a type of thinking which can’t be stopped now the logic of equality is working its way through the various incarnations of sexuality, but also as a warning of the dangers of adjusting our expectations in such a way that we believe we are entitled to what we don’t or can’t have. Male sexuality is a powerful motivational force, and our society at present does not respect it, let alone honour it, however it seems to me that any such radical reassessment of gender relations from a male rather than female / feminist perspective should seek to be self-controlled, reality oriented including with regard to ones expectations (all of which was not the case with Elliott Rodger). Maslow, who has much used in psychology, psychotherapy, and social (work) theory etc considers human sexuality as a part of every human’s hierarchy of needs (its been a long time since I’ve read him but I think its one of the higher needs, rather than a basic need like food or shelter etc, but I could be wrong). I think the fact you can have men like Maslow (speaking about human sexual needs generally) and Orwell (speaking about the needs even of men at the bottom of the pile) without society even trying to address these issues in a serious way is a profound testament to the way that male sexuality is only really addressed in negative, proscriptive and frequently pathological terms. There are spokespersons for prostitutes collectives for example who when attacked by feminists etc, point out that amongst their clients are men who may be physically or mentally handicapped, aged, lonely, divorced, widowed etc and who might have no other obvious means of enjoying female company, or enjoying any kind of sex. The argument is invariably ignored. Within the social work / social care profession sexual needs (of both sexes) are recognised, and maybe included in care plans for instance, and occasionally that may include unofficially turning a blind eye when a young man with learning difficulties for instance decides he wants to spend some of his personal allowance on having a good time. But even there its never actually addressed in a formal way that wouldn’t stigmatise such an individual who by all accounts probably already suffers from stigmatisation in the first place. Society has the guts to be radical when it comes to giving fluffy kittens whatever they want whenever they start mewling but when it comes to acknowledging male sexual needs, as needs rather than as a kind of problem to be overcome, then a giant silence descends, and the issue is swept under the carpet.

  21. “Lack of female interaction drives men crazy. I said this many months ago and received a storm of flak”
    The issue comes down to the fact that women could care less if men live or die. Women only like what we can do for them in terms of resources.
    Women do not even have the same sex drive men have. It has been stated previously here at ROK that men love idealistically and women love opportunistically.
    This makes the human animal seriously flawed and I would not mind if it became extinct some day.
    One could argue this is the definition of hell on Earth.

    1. To say that men don’t love opportunisticaly is a lie. Men’s love is conditional just as women’s, just the conditions are different. If your woman would got ugly and started treating you like shit, your love for her would most likely fade.
      Lack of female attention drives men crazy if they don’t have anything other to fill their life with. I don’t get any female attention, nor I do anything to get any. I’m definitely not asexual, but the prize is just not worth the effort to me and I enjoy my freedom and all the interesting things/activities live has to offer me. Never in my life have I felt that I am going crazy because of the lack of woman.

      1. ” If your woman would got ugly and started treating you like shit”
        Back in the day people got married young, so she gave her husband a good 12 years of her prime to him. She eventually did get ugly, but both men and women knew that time takes away youthful beauty, but she was still good to him. So he stayed. But naturally if she treated him like shit then he would rightfully leave.
        And don’t go on some rant about how you don’t require sex. Every man needs to dump his load, and doing so with a female who is at least willing to pretend to be a human being can give an extra spark in a man’s life.

      2. Agreed. You have to be pretty weak-willed or downright underdeveloped as a man to go insane from something that is ultimately as secondary as lack of female attention. Granted, we are programmed to seek it and it is in our biological nature to pair bond with them but still, it’s not like you are deprived of air, food or water FFs. Anything to keep us under control, aye gents. Deprive us of what we naturally seek and drive it’s cost sky high. Human arbitrage at its finest, you see.

  22. Two opposing forces tear at me –
    The desire to drink and sit naked beating off and playing videogames and eating fastfood
    and the desire to exercise, read, meet new people, try new things, cook for myself…

    1. lol
      Stick with the latter…
      When your 65 thats when its time to sit naked beating off and playing video games and eating fastfood…
      Open up a MGTOW retirement centre haha

  23. Game has changed my life. From grades 6-12 I had full blown depression. What made it worst was the fact that I was anti-social. I was a loner who didn’t really talk to anyone except for two beta friends. Despite having two brothers and a father they had never taught me how to talk to woman. I went through many cases of oneitis, but the longest and worst lasted for 6 years. Thanks to the feminist indoctrination at school I would always argue with my dad because at the time I thought he was treating my mom poorly, but in reality it couldn’t have been further from the truth. Game taught me how small minor adjustments to you body and mind can make your grow. This has helped control my depression. Game has taught me how to be more social. Game has taught me how to talk to woman and date them. Game has taught me to over come oneitis. Most of all game has helped me fix relations with my father. It’s hard to believe it, but I could have committing suicide or becoming like Elliot Rodger. In fact, when I saw his video I was shock. I knew that could have just as easily been me. If it wasn’t for this community and others like it I don’t know where I would be today.

    1. Game is the modern resurrection of masculinity. This is merely the 1st step on your long journey.

  24. Bianca Dekock was reportedly shot by Elliot Rodger 5 times. She apparently didn’t need any surgery, and was on TV a week later with a close-to-full recovery wearing only a bandaid as a souvenir.
    I asked my doctor if he’d ever heard of anything like this, and he smirked and shook his head no.
    Since then, we’ve had a couple more false flags with the “kidnapping” of 3 already-dead Israelis and the shooting down of flight MH-17 by the Ukraine.
    How much longer will you guys be buying this bullshit for?

  25. Learning game is absolutely necessary in the modern culture of America. The bygone era of women desiring a stable provider is dead and buried. Even in Elliot Rodger’s deluded thinking, merely having money is not any guarantee of sexual gratification. Although I don’t know why he didn’t just go to a strip club in order to pretend he had game and pay for the touch of an attractive naked woman. But, I digress; game is something that extends so far beyond merely attracting women. Any man who absorbs the true essence about game suddenly realizes that game goes to work on you more than it goes to work on women.
    Having game is indicative of character, hard earned character, through much trial and error. I’ve always heard it said that once a man has had sex all he wants is more women, after a man has had alot of sex he wants better women. Game gets you to the level where you get better women, the thirst for any stray hyena is gone. Game is a level where a great pursuit is as satisfying if not more so than sealing the deal with a girl you only had to game 20min in the bar before you can tell what color of cheekies she is wearing.
    Having game and any website that advocates for it is a good thing. Game is like winning the lottery, having it makes you more of what you already are. If you’re a nice guy, then with game you’re a nice guy actually getting laid. In a litigious and increasingly feminized world, game gives men the ability to achieve their desires with the paradox of not being able to use any of our natural strengths to obtain them.

        1. If he didn’t place emphasis on chastity and quality of women he wanted to have sex with he might have actually had sex in the first place. However, all that aside, it was merely an ironic reply.

  26. Good one, Billy Chubbs. You may not those apologies but being right on the money is enough for us (and we’ll continue to attract more men to the site).
    Each chance I get to talk to a younger guy I try to clue them in on what’s happening around us, today, and I point them to ROK to gain a little insight.
    It’s a slow, long process…quite a journey. But, we’ll get there in time.

  27. But its been proven that Elliot Rodgers had Aspergers Syndrome. Can game help if you have AS? My younger cousin just got diagnosed with that 2 weeks ago. Is he fucked for life??

    1. From what I been reading, basic sociopath game can help people with the ‘Spergs.

        1. Way more to it than I could explain with my limited understanding. Chateau Heartiste probably can be summed up as a blog dedicated to sociopath game. I guess, the best way I can put it is how people with Asperger’s have the same lack of empathy and impulsiveness (at least, from what I know with my limited knowledge) that sociopaths have. So if someone with it could add impulsivity and a bit of recklessness to their demeanor, you know, mimic a criminal, then they could get past their condition.
          That’s my theory anyways, with, once again, my limited knowledge of the two conditions.

        2. Tell him to try staring at someone’s forehead, instead. It almost seems like eye contact, or at the least, like you’re looking at them.

  28. “Lack of female interaction drives men crazy.”
    Yes it does. I’ve worked on fishing boats where 5 men had to closely interact exclusively with each other for periods of up to several weeks at a time.
    When we would get back to our home harbor I would bake a batch of cookies and then take them to the Ship Store. The manager was an attractive single lady. We would sit, eat, talk, and drink coffee. Just this limited interaction with an interesting woman caused the tension built while fishing to leave like pouring water out of a pitcher. It was amazing how good I felt when walking back to the boat after a visit. I would probably have achieved Nirvana if sex had been involved.
    Comments from our skipper and other crewmen led me to believe they had similar experiences with their wives and girlfriends. Of course after a week or two of closures they were ready to get away from them.

  29. I’m confused as to what classy means in this context. Is it simply well mannered and respectful? I ask because it is a word thrown around.

  30. To the best of my knowledge, there are no psychological conditions that result from being incel. Elliot Rodger met all of the criteria for an Aspie, and in addition to that, he scored very high for several other Cluster C personality disorders, including avoidant and obsessive-compulsive. He was also probably a premature baby, and although no one tell us this definitively, he admits in his manifesto that he weighed only 5.4 lbs at birth. So, he is very likely to have suffered concomitant developmental delays. From birth. Not as a result of having an automatic right to sex. Men may feel that lack of sexual interaction with women drives them crazy, but it does not literally do so. Elliot was broken from birth.

  31. Buddy, you sound like a huge chump who resents women because you can’t get them to play with your ding-dong.

  32. Not gonna lie I was a lot like Elliot (except for his financial status). I hated seeing girls with guys that didnt take care of thereselves and it pissed me off to see girl going after bullies. I thought lifting weights would help me with women but it didnt work. I started getting depressed and angered.
    I did however have a few friends some gave me advice (then id just feel embarrassed for complaining online). I had younger cousins than me that attracted women and this would increase my rage (although I hid it well).
    My boiling point was when I found out that an ex bully had gotten a girl pregnant. I felt that this was unfair (and honestly I still think it). The guy (Cody Lint) had no job (he does now: construction). I didnt either at the time but I had a lot of cash and I knew for a fact that Codys mom spoiled him and gave him money. My mother wasnt the same in that regard and I honestly never connected with her even to this day. Yes I had mother issues (still do to an extent).
    My dad didnt give me much advice about women either. Hed just say “It’ll come when the time is right” or “Youre not trying hard enough”
    I didnt personally know Codys girl (Amber) but it just mad me mad that a girl would go for such a slob like him. I thought the reason girls werent into me was for being skinny but then I see this Amber girl get pregnant by this skinny prick. And I threw such a tantrum that it took 2 weeks to get over it.
    Unlike Elliot however I did have 2 girlfriends but got cheated on both times.
    I stumbled upon RooshV around fall 2012. But didnt fully ingest it until the November 2013 (The Amber pregnancy happened the second week of January 2013 in case youre curious).
    As a result Ive learned a lot from this place. Im not a pussy slayer and I still have a long way to go on my road of “Personal Transformation” but im not wallowing in self pity like before.
    I know many of my ROK brothers probably hate Elliot Rodger (and I dont blame yall if yall do) but I read his manifesto and felt sorry for him. His dad wasnt much different from mine. No girlfriend? Never held a girls hand?? No even a kiss??!!! That really sucks. I kinda wished I met him. Maybe I couldve helped him out of his self hate seeing as ive had violent thoughts myself in the past.
    The scary thing about this is that in some alternate universe it couldve been me that did a killing spree. I actually thought of posting a video explaining my problems and then commiting the spree.
    Of course he washed probably brainwashed by tv to act like a beta simp.
    But Chubbs is 100% right in saying that game can save lives. Im the best example of that.

  33. There seems to be a parade of feminists in Canada who want prostitution legalized. It is a stupid job and hookers get killed, but the feminist answer is not “don’t be a whore” but rather, “legalize everything”.
    I really don’t give a shit. I have never paid – directly – for sex and only recently contemplated travelling to the Philippines for some PFP with LBFMs half my age. If prostitution is legalized in Canada, it will be over-priced as it tends to be in legal brothels in the USA.
    A sugar baby, recently dumped, was looking to make rent and I said no. We fucked the next week after I treated her like a human being.
    There is at least one credible study that shows a negative correlation between porn and rape. Was Roger Elliot not fapping enough? I don’t know. A hundred million dead sperm in a klennex is a much better outcome than a dozen women AND MEN who are dead..
    Let me share a story: when I was 18, I thought about killing myself. In a process that is far to complicated to explain here, I decided not to. I consider the decision reasonable and logical so now it doesn’t matter how bad shit gets, I do not think about checking out. After 30 years more of living and loving, it was so obviously the correct choice.
    I am not into hate. If there are any younger guys who feel hate or some murderous rage, this is the place to get support and education. I only found it 9 months ago. There are ignorant fucks who will call you “beta” and such, but whatever: don’t let women drive you mad.

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