Nikola Tesla Explains Why He Never Married

I stumbled upon an old article in the Galveston Daily News that interviewed Tesla for his views on women. Even though he was alive over 100 years ago, the observations he made on the deteriorating nature of women seem to have gone its full course, meaning that the article certainly would not be published today. We are the unfortunate men who are forced to deal with Tesla’s disturbingly accurate predictions. Here is the article in full:

WHEN a man who has made a name for himself deliberately chooses to remain a bachelor the world is naturally curious to know what the reasons were that impelled him to this choice.

Marriage has come to be considered the natural thing for every normal man, and when some pre-eminent man shows a firm determination to sidestep it everybody wonders whether his superior intelligence has revealed to him some fatal defects in the institution of matrimony which are not apparent to the average person.

But the public’s curiosity in this respect is seldom gratified. Most of the distinguished bachelors try to pass off their bachelorhood as a joke, saying that it is not a matter of choice, but because they have never been able to find a woman who would marry them. As a rule, they are singularly averse to giving any serious reasons for their failure to become husbands.

Nikola Tesla, the great scientist and inventor, is a striking exception to this rule. In a recent interview with a representative of this newspaper he frankly explains why he has never married and why he probably never will marry.

And in connection with his explanation he presents some ideas about woman’s freedom and what he thinks it is sure to lead to that will be read with interest by those who agree with him as well as by the many who will not.

In the past the reason why Mr. Tesla never married was because his estimation of woman placed her on such a lofty pedestal that he could never bring himself to feel worthy of her. Now that she has, as he feels, stepped down from her pedestal and bartered all her noblest qualities for what is called her “freedom,” he is even more disinclined to matrimony than he was before.

Although of course Mr. Tesla is too gallant a gentleman to say it in so many words, his comments let it be inferred that he thinks the new woman almost as far beneath him as the one of other days was above him. According to his views, the sex has rushed from one extreme to another of quite a different kind, and in the plunge it has left for Mr. Tesla and other bachelors who think as he does no “happy medium” such as Josiah Allen’s wife used to declare one of the essentials to happiness.

“I had always thought of woman,” says Mr. Tesla, “as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in these respects far superior to man. I had put her on a lofty pedestal, figuratively speaking, and ranked her in certain important attributes considerably higher than man. I worshiped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship.

“But all this was in the past. Now the soft-voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man–in dress, voice and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind.”

In those words the great electrical genius sums up the reasons for his bachelorhood.

Some who read them will urge that his view of womankind is distorted by the years he has spent in the laboratory, dealing with inanimate things and developing perhaps an abnormal shyness which acts as an insuperable barrier to marriage. Others will say that the very fact of his detachment from the ordinary routine of life makes him all the better qualified to point out its defects and to criticize the change for the worse which he believes new conditions have brought to womankind.

“Women,” says Mr. Tesla, “are becoming stronger than men, both physically and mentally.

“The world has experienced many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization.

“Woman’s determined competition with man in the business world is breaking down some of the best traditions–things which have proved the moving factors in the world’s slow but substantial progress.

“Practically all the great achievements of man until now have been inspired by his love and devotion to woman. Man has aspired to great things because some woman believed in him, because he wished to command her admiration and respect. For these reasons he has fought for her and risked his life and his all for her time and time again.

“Perhaps the male in human society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don’t know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it–and there is striking evidence at hand that they do–then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world’s history.

“Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants and other insects–a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life.

“The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me.

“Woman’s independence and her cleverness in obtaining what she wants in the business world is breaking down man’s spirit of independence. The old fire he once experienced at being able to achieve something that would compel and hold a woman’s devotion is turning to ashes.

“Women don’t seem to want that sort of thing to-day. They appear to want to control and govern. They want man to look up to them, instead of their looking up to him.”

Mr. Tesla is not given to making statements that he cannot prove. His life’s work has been based on logic, not on guesses.

In voicing his gloomy views of modern life Mr. Tesla says his observations are not confined to the women of this country. Conditions abroad, he says, suggest that the same tendency is world-wide. Having always regarded woman as a super-being, he expresses great sadness over the change he thinks the last few years have brought in her.

“I am considering this question not merely from the standpoint of a man,” he points out. “I am thinking of the woman’s side of it.

“As we contemplate any change, we naturally take into consideration the results that may follow such an innovation. One of the results to my mind is quite a pathetic one. Woman, herself, is really the victim instead of, as she thinks, the victor. Contentment is absent from her life. She is ambitious, often far beyond her natural equipment, to attain the thing she wants. She too frequently forgets that all women cannot be prima donnas and motion picture stars.

“Woman’s discontent makes the life of the present day still more overstressed. The high pitch given to existence by people who are restless and dissatisfied because they fail to achieve things wholly out of proportion to the health and talent with which Nature has endowed them is a bad thing for the world.

“It seems to me that women are not particularly happy in this newly found freedom, in this new competition which they are waging so persistently against men in business and the professions and even in sport. The question that naturally arises is, whether the women themselves are the gainers or the losers.

“Discontent makes for cranks and unnatural people. There seems to be an uncommon number of them about to-day. This is one of the reasons I remain apart from the crowds. The public, or semi-public, character is the target for all sorts of attacks and unpleasant communications.

“For example, I used to receive all sorts of strange notes, many of them letters from cranks threatening my life, because they had read about my experiments in manufacturing lightning bolts. They wrote that they believed I was using these lightning flashes to kill them!

“It seems to me that anything which adds to the great discontent which we observe on every side to-day must be a bad influence on our life. Women who keep themselves agitated by their tremendous ambition to beat man at his game are losing at the same time something that counts for more in the end, it seems to me, than the empty honors that success in business or one of the professions can ever give.

“The power of the true woman is so great that I believe if a beautiful woman–that is to say, one beautiful in spirit, in manner and in thought, in fact, beautiful in every respect, a sort of goddess–were to appear suddenly on earth, she could command the whole world. Her leadership, I believe, would be universally recognized.

“History has given us many examples of the wonderful influence exerted by unusual women. Among these have been the mothers of great men. But their influence lay not in their determination to outdo man, or even to compete with him.

“Perhaps because woman is a finer and more highly sensitized instrument she knows by instinct her power and understands that the extent of it lies in the high position she takes for herself. But the superior never descends to the level of the commonplace.”

These views of Nikola Tesla will be received with great interest, whether one agrees or not with his idea that woman in her new role is a sinister force that is going to pull down to ruin our whole social structure. He is generally recognized as one of the greatest mentalities of the present day.

Twenty years ago Tesla astonished the world by flashing a wireless message clear around the globe. His experimental work paved the way for the radio age in which we are now living. Many scientists think it quite possible that one of his highly sensitized machines actually caught signals from Mars.

For several years past he has been living in comparative seclusion in the Colorado Rockies, devoting himself to the perfection of two or three inventions which he expects will revolutionize methods of transportation and communication. He is almost ready to explain to the world a way of transmitting electrical energy without the use of wires.

This will enable the energy from some great source of power like Niagara Falls to be quickly and economically transmitted to any desired part of the earth–and, perhaps, some day to Mars and other planets.

Some philosopher has said that it is as perilous for a man to say he will never marry as for a physician to try to predict the exact hour of a person’s death. Mr. Tesla is not an old man. Perhaps he will live long enough to find some woman who will be able to convince him that she has attained her new freedom without sacrificing any of the womanly qualities which he so greatly admires.


The irony is that Tesla is a favorite of modern day millennials who “love” science and underdogs, yet I wonder what they would think of him when he has so disparaged the poor victimized female that they believe are being held down by the all-powerful patriarchy.

Read Next: The Lives Of Great Men As Moral Instruction

347 thoughts on “Nikola Tesla Explains Why He Never Married”

  1. So he was a redpiller already back then. It’s true that marriage is expensive and not worth for young men who can get pleasure of inventing something or doing something else on their own.

  2. When a great man showed no interest in women, it’s always rationalized away by stating he was “asexual”, suffered from “Aspergers” or “didn’t recieve enough love from his mother”. Isaac Newton is another example. These people somehow can’t seem to handle the possibility these men rationally analysed what they observed in contemporary women, put two and two together, and concluded a relationship wasn’t worth the hassle.

    1. It drives women nuts when a high value man declines to marry. They think he owes it to society to marry and breed to spread his alpha genes around. They’ll shame they hell out of him, calling him a player, selfish, gay, etc… Generally speaking, these guys have plenty of options throughout life and see no reason to tie down to one.

      1. But isn’t he in some sense a loser?
        Didn’t he fail to re-create himself and maintain his legacy and dominion in this world?
        Or does it not matter anyways kuz he’s dead?
        I’m stuck on this one myself.

        1. Reproduction is not the only means to a legacy. What Tesla did is the opposite of some fat loser chick with bad genetics and a history of mental and physical issues WANTING a baby instead of asking if a baby would want her for a mother.

        2. I still see him as a bit of a sucker… despite how obviously ahead of his time he was.
          Some Alpha-bonehead with no actual skills in life except impregnating women is profiting off of the hard work and focus of great men like this.
          His legacy was to invent the micro-wave for useless fucks who couldn’t start a fire.

        3. He left a legacy through his works as have many other great people through history. There are other ways to leave your mark rather than cranking out more human beings who may only squander whatever gifts you give them. Having a kid is pretty damn easy, creating something that impacts the many in the world in a positive way is way harder. Nothing against kids, just saying there are other paths in life. I know plenty of losers that married and bred-those things didn’t make them any better. To your point of “does it not matter since he’s dead”, that rings true also-all things are temporary. A couple generations down the line and you will be forgotten, like you never existed at all. Everyone who ever knew you will be dead as well. Nihilistic perhaps but true-enjoy the ride while you’re here i the present and live the life you want.

        4. Well, i’m split on this one as well. If we are being honest, humanity is destined for extinction at one time or another, and it won’t really be important in the grand scheme of things whether we propagate our genes. Therefore, living the highest quality life while alive is the most important thing.
          On the other hand, i’ve read convincing theories that a large part of our personalities are genetic in nature, and things like “deja vu” and “phobias” such as fear of spiders are actually genetic memories, passed down over the ages. In a very real sense, propagation of our genes is a form of immortality.

        5. Just because you had offspring doesn’t mean you achieved anything noteworthy. If you were a good father and raised good kids that grew up with proper thoughts in their heads (what this entails will require books that could fill the library of congress so I won’t go into it more). Just because you had offspring doesn’t mean anyone is going to remember you. People remember NT for his accomplishments and achievements. Make no mistake, those accomplishments we sum up in a few generalized sentences took fortitude, intelligence, intuition and wisdom matched by very few men that have ever walked this planet. The guy next door had 5 kids, am I going to remember anything about him when he passes? Nope…he didn’t give me anything useful nor advance my knowledge about the nature of the universe. Your thoughts, like most men who grew up in this modern society are nihilistic and counterproductive (in bitch speak thats called being negative). But I digress. Short of sucking NT’s dick, I’m just going to say this…calling someone who dedicates his life to a worthy and truthful endeavor a loser is the height of ignorance and the cornerstone of modern feminism. No offence to you brother…really this was not meant to insult you but to educate.

        6. Anyone can spawn…just look at the ghettos and you’ll see that.
          But to reverse engineer the Universe itself? Only a tiny percentage of the human population can do that. And hell, i have no motivation to do either.
          Besides, very few children of great men ever achieve the same notoriety or make the same impact as their fathers. Sometimes they even turn out to be outright fuck-ups.

        7. That says more about women than it says about Tesla. Like another commenter said (in what is one of the greatest comments I’ve ever seen here) on a recent article, women’s instincts haven’t caught up with civilization and society; they’re still attracted to outdated caveman traits and behaviors that are good in a natural, primal world, but negative in a civilized world (danger, violence, criminality, the Dark Triad, etc) and repelled by traits and behaviors that help and advance our society (altruism, stoicism, respect, intellect, etc).
          Unleash hypergamy, and the best men for our society usually end up being the last of their bloodline.
          Whoever or whatever made us didn’t seem to have efficiency in mind when they conceived us.

        8. I dont think Genius is carried in the genes. Most geniuses had mediocre parents and children. So their genius is not really spread just because they had children. That thing is coming from some other source than genes.

        9. Yea obviously Tesla left hella more legacy than a fat trailer thrash whore who gave birth to 5 bastard children.

        10. What legacy does anyone really create? If your progeny cures cancer, then what? More drooling voters will be alive? If your progeny build a craft that can travel through wormholes and populate other planets, then what? The people that populate those planets will fight over resources again just like here. For every person in your family tree that is great, won’t there be dozens that do nothing? And guaranteed a small percentage that rape, murder, and molest children?
          So even if you can control your children and grand-children, eventually there will be generations that turn to criminality and single-motherhood. You won’t be able to stop it. In essence, you are populating the future with many good and many bad people. It is a zero-sum game. It’s not that people shouldn’t have children, it’s just that the very smartest of us realize we can count on the lower IQ people to do the breeding. Just like you count on higher IQ people to provide you with jobs, innovate, pioneer, and lead.

        11. Famed anthropologists Desmond Morris has written whole tomes about this. Biologically we are still cavemen, not adapted at all to modern civilized living. Look up some of his books like Manwatching, The Naked Ape and The Human Zoo among others. Eye opening stuff.

        12. I dunno; if one of those bastards turns out to be the next Tesla, then I guess they’re tied.

        13. To me it’s pretty simple. He saw pumping and dumping as beneath him. He didn’t want to spend valuable time and energy on some washed-up whore. In the society he lived in, he was pretty much right on that. You also have to consider that by the time he wrote that piece, he was already a pretty old guy and didn’t have near the level of natural sexual drive that a young guy would. It’s become fashionable nowadays for old farts to act like playboys, but they know (and everyone else knows) that they are living lies.
          I’d guess that if he were alive today, and considerably younger, he’d think differently.

        14. Who the fuck cares about legacy? He is dead, he doesn’t get to bask in the glory of his legacy. My question – was this guy asexual or did he just not want to marry? There is a big difference. If he truly believed what he stated in the interview and never fucked a woman just for fun then this guy was a fucking loser. If on the other hand he just never wanted to marry and used women for sex then more power to him. Yes, sex is an important part of life and even someone with a “legacy” is a pussy if they choose not to fuck out of fear/social awkwardness. We could have benefited a lot more with some of his genes being spread around.

        15. cut the man some slack, back in his days it was not without dire consequences to just fuck women for fun even if tesla managed to pull it easily given his smoldering good looks and fame. the woman’s family will likely hunt him down with rifles and pitchfork to coerce him to marry the woman.

        16. In other words, “Women. Love. Badboys.”
          That’s been true since the dawn of mankind and will never, ever change.

        17. you have to explain the “beneath him” thing; that just sounds like a bs excuse to me. It isn’t like i’m saying he should’ve been some playboy but to never experience sex, really? Even Tesla could spare 20min of his precious time to try sex once.

        18. If he slept around they never would have printed it. It would be easier to admit to using steroids in sports today than admit to adultery at that time.

        19. Setting aside for a moment that 20 minutes of Tesla’s time would be worth millions in today’s money, it’s not just the time spent having sex. If he wanted that, he could have just hired a prostitute. It’s the time spent seducing and managing women. It’s not hard at all to think that a man like Tesla would simply consider women to mostly be a waste of time and effort. By the descriptions given of his life, it’s pretty clear that he had no shortage of groupies clamoring over him. He had more important things to do.

        20. There were tons of rumors of him having sexual relations with women. I wouldn’t be quick to say a man was a virgin because he chose not to marry (or married a pidgeon O.o).

        21. I think you may be missing something: we’re his legacy. By listening to what he said and taking it as advice, those of us who weren’t already aware of the terrible things happening around us can now progress through life without being held down by a Western woman.

        22. At the end of the day… do whatever the fuck you wanna do.
          If he felt that his life had purpose then it did.
          Someone else might be utterly despondent with their lives if they spent it as he did.
          I think for me personally I want to reproduce at some point and pass on the knowledge that I’ve gained to a little version of myself. Ideally, to form some level of community with my friends and their families as well.
          I aint there yet but I can see it coming at some point. So I find it hard to relate personally to a guy who had no desire in that direction… it seems autistic to me to love your machines more than other people. But thats just my pov.

        23. Wow. Yeah a lot of the comments stating that having children is synonymous with ‘legacy’ are somewhat misguided. There have been 60 billion people. 60 billion! So quit acting like every human being is some sacred thing. We’re still talking about Tesla and his life and thoughts. Who cares if would have had a mediocre architect for a son or something? What is the longest line of greatness? The Kennedy’s? They’re losers and assholes anyway. There’s not a Thomas Jefferson the Ninth making moves right now. So legacies end. Geniuses and legends usually have messed up and spoiled kids. Those guys marry a tart with their excess money and shallow minds and the ensuing grandsons of legendary geniuses are just a bunch of assholes that don’t need to be here.

        24. “Dominion of the world”? tesla was for free information and innovation. He tore his patents to keep morgan from going bankrupt. ‘fail to recreate’ himself? What the fuck does that even mean? are you going to ‘recreate’ yourself when you are at age ~65 and ‘continue your dominion in this world’? what kind of crazy shit are you talking about.

        25. “If he truly believed what he stated in the interview and never fucked a woman just for fun then this guy was a fucking loser. ”
          Wow. WOW. HAHAHAHAHA………… here we have a random internet twat, calling the greatest inventor in mankind’s history (yes, not exaggerated) a LOSER because he didnt FUCK FOR FUN.
          maybe his existence was not mostly confined to his dick, contrary to how you seem to have it?
          dont answer. the question is rhetorical. it is better for you that you shut the fuck up and dont speak on internet until you gain some sentience.

        26. I’m talking about reproducing and propagating my genes. Extending my existence through progeny. To pass on knowledge and skills to one’s likeness.
          I for one think the future predicted by the movie Idiocracy is quite distasteful. If you are happy to toil your whole life for the good of everyone else than be my guest. I am personally a misanthrope and see few redeemable qualities in humanity. I would like to reproduce… even if just to maintain what I perceive as at least some aesthetic quality to humankind.
          Of course it is irrational… of course it is just my programming… but why am I going to worship some old school MGTOW because he lived in a forest and pursued hobbies that no one else understood? All of his brains and all of his talent and all he got for it was to leave behind microwaves for red-necks to shake and bake their fucking house-cats.

        27. Lots of “great” men are losers. If Tesla believed all the nonsense about women being soooooooooo far above him (i mean really? come on dude) then he was a fucking loser. I think the reality is he was probably just scared of women and sex.
          Biologically speaking, he was a massive loser – spreading those genes would have been wonderful, what a selfish cunt he was for not fucking.

        28. Others responded to that delusion: Lots of geniuses were born to mediocre parents, and lots of them fathered/mothered mediocre children. Genes have little to do with it.
          “Likeness” is one of the stupidest things one can think about kids. They are not your likeness. Even if they carry your exact face, height, you will find that they will totally behave as their own, even in total contrast to how you behave, and actually what you believe in your life, the moment they pass puberty.
          Children are entities of their own. Just like you were.
          “All of his brains and all of his talent and all he got for it was to leave behind microwaves for red-necks to shake and bake their fucking house-cats.”
          Is pig ignorance one of your traits? Dont leave that to your ilk.
          You are looking at a screen which works with A/C, which has enabled the world with the power of electricity. Which was his invention and ADVOCACY. there were many morons pushing DC, which would make distributing power SO prohibitive that only the rich would be able to use it. Leave aside so powerless and inefficient that things like what you see in front of you would not be possible for a loooooong time.
          This is only AC. You are using many of inventions in everyday devices. But what is more important are the research papers which were hastily confiscated by FBI from Tesla’s room immediately after his death. The papers which FBI is refusing to release to his heirs (relatives) even today, for ‘some’ reason.
          But be our guest. Reproduce like a rabbit and pass the likeness of your face to a kid.

        29. Our views are not incompatible.
          If you are willing to work and invent new things so that I can have more children, than we are in total agreement dude.
          In fact, I think you’re the best.

        30. ??? you’re to confident to say that? area you a woman? I do believe “Women Love confident Man” not boys like you.

        31. If Lots of “great” men are losers…
          what’s that make of you? a winner ? ….Do you consider yourself an Alpha with that kind of thinking…God Help us All.

        32. I think you are to autistic to even comprehend Nikolai Tesla, You should tell Tesla that… but he’s dead… so you keep can your POV to yourself. lolz.

        33. That’s good, i suggest you accompany your reading and writing with broader common sense.

        34. Because I suggest you use common sense?
          Go save the world Clark…, and you’re not my Bro.

        35. Some people think with their brain and not with their dick. You are calling him a loser, but you are using his invention indirectly. People like you should not reproduce. It’s his body his choice.

        36. But nature doesn’t care about your high IQ or your college degree. It only cares about reproduction and power. So if you don’t have offspring at least 2 children to maintain the population, you set yourself to be replaced. Just like the Neanderthals were replaced by the Homo Sapiens.

      2. I get this shit all the time from friends’ wives. They are pissed that I choose not to work myself into an early grave trying to please the materialistic ambitions of some harpy twat.

        1. Yes… it is far better for any young man to work hard and develop himself and then keep the resources he creates for himself. If she wants wealth she can go out and earn it like men do.

        2. but….but….but…..if all men are like you then what about the children??? what about the society??? what about that life full of happiness and abundance that women want??? we will be extinct as a species!!!

        3. As the Polish saying goes, “not my circus, not my monkeys.” But don’t worry, there will always be plenty of white knighting idiots to wife up future ho’s.

        4. It’s called pump and dump my friend. You get her pregnant and leave her in a country here she can’t get your money. Actually, from what I’ve read, it’s highly likely that this is what Tesla did.

        5. According to Tesla’s view on women and society, your idea of women getting their own wealth wouldn’t be a good one.

        6. Especially since women have the same rights if not more than men today. If they want to be a career woman and successful that is fine just as long as they don’t become whiny feminists.

        7. thats your view…not Tesla… you don’t speak for Tesla and your summary doesn’t make sense…not even close.

      3. Of course they hate those men, they’re denying women their “business” so to speak. They’re the same as the bitches who used to give men white feathers to publicly shame them into enlisting.
        Gotta love the irony…they strut around squawking about how superfluous they think we are, then get butt-hurt when we call their bluff and bow out of the marriage game.

        1. If a war ever happens again (and it will, if feminism keeps the collapse of society going) I swear I will take the first woman who dares to ridicule a man who hasn’t enlisted and…

        2. but….but…..but….what if she screams that you’re just a loser with a small dick playing video games all day in the basement and just can’t get laid??? oh the horror!!!

        3. Then I’d fuck her nice, attractive friends silly, let them strut and brag about my 8 inch black cock, 6 pack abs, and kinky sex, give them expensive shit to parade around, and deny her forever. Because I’m rich, black, and a boss.

      4. to be fair, not only women do the shaming, name-calling etc but marriage-is-good-for-society men also do those shits to their fellow men. and their intended victims are not limited to only high value men but extend to any single man with passable looks and decent job. when they get to know that the man with passable looks and decent job whom they meet is still untied then it is as if the sound *ping* occurs in their brains and a split second later they get reminded of this 30s something female relative or acquaintance who recently lamented ” i can’t find a decent man to marry, where have they all gone? “.

      5. to be fair, not only women do the shaming, name-calling etc but marriage-is-good-for-society men also do those shits to their fellow men. and their intended victims are not limited to only high value men but extend to any single man with passable looks and decent job. when they get to know that the man with passable looks and decent job whom they meet is still untied then it is as if the sound *PING* occurs in their brains and a split second later they get reminded of this 30s something fugly female relative or acquaintance who recently lamented ” i can’t find a decent man to marry, where have they all gone? “.

        1. Very true-the “white knights” dole out plenty of shaming techniques as well. Often, I think it’s because they want to validate their own life choices. He may question his decision to marry and breed but if you go along with the same route, it must be ok. I rarely hear guys talk about how great married life is-they seem to tolerate it ok at best. Misery loves company

        2. I couldn’t agree more. I had a post the other day just like this. Married, unhappy dopes cannot stand single guys over 40. They cannot stand that the option was there for them to avoid their horrible wives. The regret is overwhelming so they dismiss the staying single option by condemning/shaming. It’s so cowardly but very common. They can come to at least some kind of state of numbness over their miserable, bitched lives by thinking that there was simply no legitimate option. The way they absolutely toe the gynocentric line is about the most pitiful thing I’ve ever seen. Once you can recognize the feminine primacy all over every aspect of the culture then you can hardly live there anymore.

        3. Spot on-they see their lives that could’ve been. They see you enjoying life, god forbid, without a wife and deep down realize that they were wrong to shame you to begin with. They bought into their Oneitis, lonely old man myth, etc… and you are proof positive that there are other paths in life. Life can be rewarding in different ways.

      6. And they deserve it. The best punishment for a promisous woman is to dump her once you find out, and to deny her marriage ( one or the other ). What she desires the most, will be denied by the one who she thought she exercised complete control over.

        1. Indeed-he seemed pretty adamant about never doing it again. Guess no man is totally immune to all the shaming-you’d always hear people calling him either a player or gay. Although if i was going to get married, I’d wait till my 50’s too.

    2. To be fair, when you reach the heights of Tesla and Newton you really should pass on your genes.
      But I can’t rightly judge.

      1. Men are not infallible. You never know what the great great grandson of a prostitute might have for a lineage.

      2. Their legacy transcended genetic means of reproduction. Their names and contributions to science are etched in history. If they had produced children, their genetic lineage would eventually be so diluted, tracing their ancestry to the likes of Tesla or Newton would be a trivial matter.

        1. TBH, I’m all in favor of legalizing/promoting incest among the families of great geniuses, if only because it can help make new ones for the next generation. I also think great geniuses should be required to have at least 20 children. They can do this through sex or invitro, however in either circumstance, they will not be required to pay child support (because the child is the mother’s support) My criteria are these: Nobel Prize Winners (in the actual scientific stuff); billionaire entrepreneurs; Top Mathemeticians; exceptional country leaders. I’d doubt such legislation would ever pass, however.

      3. Hence the problem. When we get all biblical and make reproduction the “height of being”, we end up with…. a planet with 7 billion people, most of them ignorant, and then what? Socialism too because they can vote.
        And then occasionally some fat cats will devise a war to get rid of excess people while selling ammo to both sides.
        That we have not bootstrapped reproduction past this “result of love” crap or the “it just happens” crap (read: that we left it up to women) is how we end up in this mess. If all men strive for betterment on levels transcending these earthly things and affixed family in that scheme of things instead of being schemed into families the world would be a better and less populated (for the right reasons not because leftists only convince races they don’t like that there are too many people) place to live.

        1. You raise a good point. I was thinking in a hypothetical devoid of the fact that men lesser than Tesla will also feel entitled to offspring.

        2. I believe there should be a minimum requirement to reproduce. 1 million dollars annual income, or exceptional cases for professors in the sciences/engineering/more intense liberal arts (such as Philosophy) and other intellectuals with IQs > 140 sounds about reasonable. At least one party has to make that much, and the punishment for reproduction without meeting the requirement should be exile.

      4. Michael Jordan passed on his genes… a kid who couldn’t play basketball. Just because you reproduce doesn’t mean your kid is automatically awesome.

        1. Precisely. It’s incredible how many otherwise “smart” people seem to believe in Lamarkian, rather than Darwinian, evolution. A man’s accomplishments in his own lifetime cannot necessarily be propagated to his offspring. True geniuses (Plato, Newton, Eienstein, Tesla, Mozart, Bach, etc.) are genetic mutations – the odds of them producing offspring with the same incredible intellect is negligible. Bach had over 20 children. None of them even came close to his musical genius.

        2. The odds of them producing exceptional offspring are low, but the probabilities of them producing better offspring on average than those others would are close virtually one. Throw in incest among their decendants, and have them be raised in an exceptional way as to coax out their abilities, and you get even more briliant offspring, and that my friend, is Darwinian evolution.

      5. Why? It’s pretty rare for children of geniuses to also become genuises (above average, sure, but genius, no). The just-right combination of genes and environment that created the genius will probably not happen again for their progeny. Einstein had plenty of kids but no one has ever heard their names.
        It’s far more useful for these people to pass on their thoughts and ideas than their genes.

        1. It would be much better to pair these men with women of similarly high intellect, although I am aware that there are very few in comparison to the already rare genius men.

    3. The funniest thing about it is that women and their mangina minions always say it’s wrong to think of women as sex objects…but then when a man says that modern women just plain aren’t worth the bullshit of dealing with anymore their only retort is “good luck getting laid” or something along those lines…thereby again reducing women to sex objects.
      This indicates that they themselves know the truth; that a woman’s core value is in her body, how good it looks, and the pleasure she can provide with it. They’ll never admit it though, of course.

      1. Good point. It’s another example of dealing with someone who doesn’t use logic (they use feelings instead).
        They don’t see how stupid they appear in making such a statement (they just focus on the fact that they’ve just been rejected).

      2. if a woman is willing to give me with at least $80,000 per month, let me stay home to play video games and watch porn all day when i get bored she let me hang up with my buddies only to come home at 02.00 AM then her value will transcend beyond her looks. But we all know that’s not gonna happen so i guess you’re right……a dog has more worth to a man than an ugly woman who is basically worhtless.

    4. As I’ve said many times, a man who has control of his urges, or who, like me, doesn’t have those urges to begin with, is a threat. I’ve been sexually harassed in the workplace as a result.
      Ironically, it was young women who helped bring about my asexuality. The girls in middle/high school were brutal, and they destroyed my self-esteem and helped bring about a decade-long bout with depression. God delivered me from that and built me up better than I’ve ever been. But even back then, I got the uncanny feeling that the little serpents weren’t gonna “grow out of it”, like so many claimed; two decades later, I think it’s safe to say that I was right.

      1. “I’ve been sexually harassed in the workplace as a result.”
        I started the nofap 90 days challenge since I suffer from PED and sex addiction. After many tries I passed 3 weeks by also keeping a mental discipline to it, keeping my thoughts pure. Suddenly women at work started to notice me, bump into me and put their hands on me. Dont know if this is “outcome independence” or pheremones but suddenly im not mister creepy anymore. After a relapse I was back to watching porn and once more I get ignored even if I try hard. I´m going back for the 90 day challenge but this time i will keep the mental discipline even more strict.

        1. So much of male/female attraction is hormonal. You give off testosterone in your energy and frame when you stop fapping for long periods of time. Most betas are just guys that have low testosterone, and with things like soy and grain-fed cow milk its really easy for alot of estrogen to be introduced into our systems.

    5. Frankly, it must be desperate men and women that even care about this man and his lifestyle choice. Why would I bother thinking about him? I would assume he just doesn’t want to marry, enjoys dating many different people, is gay or finds his career more rewarding. Whatever the reason, I don’t really care. I have a friend who never married and still doesn’t want to as he enters his 60’s. He dates regularly, sometimes has long term relationships, owns his own home, travels and is quite active and has many friends. He likes being able to go home alone. When he chooses to have company he goes out. Pretty simple. Some people are terrified to be alone and will stay with a loser rather than have to be by themselves. That is sad indeed.

    6. Nature doesn’t care about your high IQ or your college degree. It only cares about reproduction and power. So if you don’t have offspring at least 2 children to maintain the population, you set yourself to be replaced. Just like the Neanderthals were replaced by the Homo Sapiens.

  3. Talk about being ahead of your time. Not only was the man a scientific genius, he was an astute observer of the human condition. What a man. No one I know of in today’s world comes close to him.

  4. This is beyond a stretch.
    A direct quote, “For an artist, yes; for a musician, yes; for a writer, yes; but for an inventor, no. The first three must gain inspiration from a woman’s influence and be led by their love to finer achievement, but an inventor has so intense a nature with so much of it in wild, passionate quality, that in giving himself to a woman he might love, he would give everything, and so take everything from his chosen field. I do not think you can name many great inventions that have been made by married men”
    This guy was as red pill as they come. You can’t pedestal the pussy more than that.
    He went on to say, “Sometimes I feel that by not marrying, I made too great a sacrifice to my work …”
    A brilliant man with few equals, absolutely. A role model for life and happiness, not a chance.

    1. According to Napoleon Hill even the great robber barons acknowledged a woman’s role in inspiring men. See Chapter 11, The Mystery of Sex: Transmutation, Think and Grow Rich.

      1. And your point is?
        Just because others did it doesn’t make it right. Putting the pussy on a pedestal is never a good idea and is completely irrational thinking. I don’t care if Tesla, Hill or anyone else did it.
        How on earth can another person inspire you to greatness? Does a great philosopher grasp a brilliant insight that he would have otherwise not gleaned but for some chick he is in love with telling him how awesome he is? If that’s the case, how fucking sad.
        It is not behavior to emulate IMO.

        1. The point is that all men have sexual energy and that sexual energy is a primary driver in a man’s life. Thus, men can either be controlled by that sexual energy or control it and transmute it into use in other area’s of life. One of the ways that is best accomplished is through a steady woman. If not, you are left constantly chasing tail and neglect other aspects of your life.
          The problem with “game” is that game masters like Roosh, Krauser, etc. who write about game are in the “game” industry and are not contributing to other industries. Those men could not lead their current lifestyle and design and engineer a bridge or a dam at the same time. If everybody followed their path and chased gash 24/7 society would fail. That sexual energy has to be harnessed. That is done through a woman.

        2. Ok I get it now and I agree. We all have a finite amount of energy (and time) that we can devote to our pursuits. But it is a far cry to say that a woman (wife) that makes it unnecessary to pursue women for sex gives us more time/energy for other pursuits (career) versus to say that she INSPIRES our success. That was the point I was trying to make.
          I am CEO of a successful technology company. It is just like investing…proper resource allocation. Be aware of how much time/energy you are spending on things. You can have a robust career and still have an incredibly active and fun sex life while single.

        3. Thank you; what many people do not understand is that the application of game is dependent upon the context.
          In the present age, women are so defile that men do not have the luxury of having a Muse. That clearly has not always been case. Recognizing that doesn’t make a man some sappy idealist. I fully recognize what women ARE when left to their own devices. That doesn’t mean that they’ve all been the same (in terms of behavior) in every age, though.

        4. “One of the ways that is best accomplished is through a steady woman.”
          In modern times… No fucking way. A woman will bring more chaos and distraction into your endeavors than anything else I can think of.

        5. “The problem with “game” is that game masters like Roosh, Krauser, etc.
          who write about game are in the “game” industry and are not contributing
          to other industries. Those men could not lead their current lifestyle
          and design and engineer a bridge or a dam at the same time. If
          everybody followed their path and chased gash 24/7 society would fail.”
          Great point and I completely agree. That’s one of my beefs with the “game” guys is that pretty much all of their time and writing is devoted to chasing pussy and not enough on making yourself a better man. One in particular is a guy that’s a douchy club promoter in Vegas and that’s basically all he writes about. His whole life is about hooking up the Jersey Shore wanna-be’s and Kardashian worshipers with bottle service and “hookups” at the club. Well when the bottom drops out of that what are you gonna do then? What other marketable skills do you have? He’s 30 now and it’s not gonna last forever. And so you bang a few drunk club sluts big deal.
          A lot of guys shit on Leykis but he offers a lot of good advice that’s not just chasing pussy 24/7. How to build your own business, how to be smart with money, also he says hey I made a ton of mistakes before learn from me. Trust me he’s not out “day-gaming” on the streets of London he’s working on his business and building his empire.

        6. This is interesting.
          My personal experience has been that when I had a gf that I truly loved I worked insane hours to make something of myself. Before that I was quite content with minimalism, as I am now. On my own I simply play in bands, pursue things that interest me, have a good time, and focus on other things.
          When I’m inspired by the beauty of a woman and the idea that she might have mothering potential I become a different person. I furiously work to improve myself… to gain some status in society… which is not inherently a need of mine. I could give a shit what everyone else is up to.
          Each man might be different in this way. I’m not naturally driven by money or the accumulation of power. My personal pursuits are simply for knowledge, experiences, and freedom.
          But I think I fall into the camp that Tesla is talking about. Call me beta or blue pill or whatever but that has been my personal experience up to now.

        7. I find this fascinating.
          It sounds like you give a woman (one that you are in love with) the power to train wreck your life. What happens when/if that external influence is gone?
          And I am curious how long this external influence was effective. If it is a 6 months or so well that’s not shocking. If a year or more, that is more interesting.
          And if I can ask, how old are you? I would guess younger than 25.

        8. And this my friend is the fallacy.
          That a man only betters himself for a woman is what’s wrong with men. This is why “the system” has young fellows conditioned to think they will wake up gay or die from blueballs if they don’t get laid.
          If men could be motivated to excel for themselves and their own benefit – and alphas going to the gym and earning big bank just to be high value to sluts is not really to their own benefit (that little guy between the legs is still going to fail you in old age no matter how much you feed him) – we would be exploring space with warp drives by now.

        9. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts…
          All male achievement is merely an outgrowth of male sexual desire. And that’s true even among those who aren’t self-aware enough to realize it.

        10. Incidentally, the absence of this driving force in women is the reason why they’ve never created/advanced anything and never will.

        11. You’re right I have given a woman that power before. And you guessed it, she nearly did train-wreck my life in the end.
          There was one woman that when I met her (age then 21.5, current age 27.9) I had the instinctive response of “Must breed with her, she has great looks, great body, youth, and is the highest IQ woman I’ve ever met”. Got into a 4+ year relationship with her.
          My emotional bonding to her took place over getting to know her casually for six months while I dated other girls. Gradually I thought she had potential and we got more involved. My desire to improve myself and remain top-dog in her eyes lasted til near the end where I finally got fed up with her hypergamous instincts… I finally realized absolutely that she never thinks of anyone but herself. Also, my desire to bang other girls and be free was always in the background.
          But my young love for her was strong… we had great sex… we were becoming a power-couple economically… and I was proud to have her as my girlfriend.
          When she burnt me in the end I was pretty damn heartbroken. After that I found the manosphere and it confirmed all the things I experienced (with women in general throughout my life). I grew up in a two-parent Catholic household (I’m not religious but I did take for granted the idea of women and men forming extended family bonds) and in my younger years feminism even made sense to me (why shouldn’t everyone have equal opportunity?)… I was only unconsciously aware of the economics of sex.
          Anyways, where am I at now? I want to finish school (1-2 months left), live minimally, find something concrete to work towards, game women, play music, and live. It would all be perfectly clear to me except for the feeling that I should be able to finance a child if that ever seems like the right decision.
          I’ve become a lot more cautious with regards to women as I am pretty convinced that relationships with them can lead to total destruction. But I look back on my beta days with fondness. I loved passionately even if perhaps I was naive. No point walking forward looking back, except for the occasional glance to experience moments of wisdom and nostalgia.

        12. Men have abandon each other for pussy. You get to a point where, unless you’re extremely extroverted and traveled, you feel somewhat isolated. Then you start contemplating an LTR with a woman to stave of feeling lonely.
          If my fellow men were interested in masculine pursuits, at least part of the time, it would be better. Nothing left me feeling more lonely than when all my childhood friends became domesticated.
          My father admitted to me that he married my mother because he was lonely. You can imagine how it turned out…

        13. “How on earth can another person inspire you to greatness?”
          By the same pathway as female pheasants inspire males to grow such impressive ornamentation.

        14. Fascinating story. I don’t know that caution is necessary. I would argue objectivity is all that is needed. And I do agree, once the bubble is burst on romantic love there is no going back. I would argue this creates a few less “highs” but also far far few (and less deep) lows. A more than fair trade off IMO.

        15. Again, it’s like the concept of a Muse or devotion to another is simply alien to you.
          Just because the average woman alive today hardly deserves such devotion, that does not render the concept itself invalid.

        16. So a guy who believes that men and women are different, who has a high notch count, and who nonetheless devotes himself to a (deserving) woman at some point must therefore be “blue pill”? You’re about the biggest Simple Simon I’ve ever run across.
          Your logic is basically “anyone who treats one woman differently from all the other women is a fool.” Again, you can’t have a society of productive married couples if all men in history had the attitude of the average player. They have to be invested in the person they’ve been coupled with for sustainable civilization to work.
          It’s like every open concept to you is either “blue pill” or “red pill”; qualifiers are completely alien to you.

        17. Not at all. I am saying that believing a “muse” will inspire you to greatness sounds like a bad Disney movie. I have no issue with treating women of higher value better. I do this myself all the time. I NEVER said to treat one women better makes you a fool.
          I actually rarely use the terms red or blue pill because they are silly most of the times. The concept of a muse though is so absurd and juvenile that it applied so I used it.

        18. I’ll put it to you this way: If someone like Odysseus is ‘blue pill’ and some “game guy” who does nothing more than “in and out in and out” his whole life is ‘red pill’, then I don’t think ‘red pill’ is such a great thing.
          However, I don’t think it’s so much that the red pill/blue pill conceptual framework (as articulated by some of the better intellectuals within the manosphere) is wrong as much as it is as that you’re simply using those labels in a laughably simplistic, reductionist manner.
          “I am saying that believing a “muse” will inspire you to greatness sounds like a bad Disney movie.”
          Again, it CAN sound that way. But it doesn’t have to. Many great men have been inspired by their women. It’s not ‘blue pill’ to say such. It’s just the honest truth.
          “I actually rarely use the terms red or blue pill because they are silly most of the times.”
          They’re great terms. You just apply them in the most silly, reductionist manner I’ve seen.
          “The concept of a muse though is so absurd and juvenile that it applied so I used it.”
          It’s an archetype for a reason. You just dismissing it as “juvenille” i itself quite trivial as that is not going to make the natural forces behind the concept go away anymore than men lamenting female hypergamy is going to make it go away.
          Men are always going to tend towards idealizing women (on account of their beauty) and women are always going to be hypergamous (on account of them craving power in a man that they themselves inherently lack).

        19. “I would argue this creates a few less “highs” but also far far few (and less deep) lows. A more than fair trade off.”

        20. “we would be exploring space with warp drives by now.”
          Yeah, because technology hasn’t already ruined humanity enough, we need more unnatural shit to make us even more depressed. Fuck exploring space, most of the Earth (which, you should know, is the planet we, conscious beings, live in) is still a mystery and people are bitching about exploring some boring shit in the space.

        21. Great statement until the end. Not really. A man doesnt need sex, it’s so hardwired by our creator that men just let it overpower them.

        22. Preach! You only put it on a pedestal if your in a successful marriage. IF your praising your woman, which is necessary, then your putting it on a pedestal. Women put dick on a pedestal as well. Its apart of the man.

        23. Another reason why society is falling apart, cutting throat for pussy. Women do the same as well. Im not sure if you follow rap/hip hop but a few years back that happened. Drake and Common fighting over Serena. Neither one of these guys were married to her. I’ve had my own throat cut by a close friend for pussy multiple times. This so called alpha/badboy/player asked me If I still had his number? I cut his sorry ass off because he was a modern day Judas… Playing the field is just monetary feeling, doesnt lead to a life of happiness.

        24. Of course it does. Whether a one night stand or FWB your putting it on a pedestal. Whatever we constantly love/like/pursue, were exalting it because were investing energy into it.

        25. Sorry, that makes no sense. By your definition I pedestaled my coffee this morning because I put energy into it. Or my calc class in college. Or walking my fucking dog.
          Energy != exalting

        26. Hmmm a specimen #334449009090 showing why humanity’s technological progress will not make it to space. As if stupid wenches and corrupt elites hellbent on domination weren’t enough rational men scoff at probably the only chance to have freedom…

        27. Humanity won’t make it to space because nature will always make things right (either by a natural catastrophe or through the minds of men). Everything has it’s sweet point until it becomes evil, and technology is surpassing it. Freedom has no value when you’re traveling through nothing and being depressed, if you give it that much importance just kill yourself and be free. The fundamental nature of mankind is struggle, and technology makes everything easier, when they become too easy lives become meaningless.
          Also I’m not a specimen #334449009090
          I’m a deductive genius, and if the world gets even more horrible in the future because of your precious technology and “freedom”, I will conquer the world and shit on both of them.

        28. I agree with most of what you said except that the decline is due to male permissiveness. It seems to me that most men give respect in expectation that they will get it back. When dealing with other men, emotions and courtesies are usually reciprocated. We men then associate with women and realize that they see no need to return his respect and affection. She takes and takes but does not give, or gives very little, leaving men frustrated and bitter.
          This permissiveness you speak of is actually a sign of the social evolution of men, women just havent caught up. Watch Masterpiece Theatre and old British films and you will see a society that was constructed to ensure that every man respected each other through a set of customs and traditions. These were built from hundreds of years of social evolution and society functioned efficiently with healthy family and community environments.
          That same courting of women would not work here, not because men are any more or less permissive, but because women have been corrupted to seek immediate desires instead of long term stability and happiness.

        29. The dearth of fraternities and the colonization of male space leave many men like yourself isolated. Our order of business is to restore that and make it better.

        30. Having a feral hyena live in your backyard is less dangerous than having a feral woman live in your house.

        31. Someone here didn´t bother to read history or even analyse the current events, something ironic for a “deductive genius”. The truth is we are depressed and sad because we dumped EVERYTHING our ancestors told us about women and life, wisdom accumulated through millennia, thinking we were so much better than them.
          The technology and our instinct to struggle as you describe it is one of the most natural things to the male of the human species. The problem is not that technology has made everything easier (hell exploring space is a challenge itself and would another challenge beyond the American fake moon landing. Dito for exploring the seas or the Earths depths) the problem is we have no reason to go if basic things and impulses like sex, family and purpose are taken from us. By the way don´t worry, the sluts and our “elites” need people like you, ruling over idiots and ignorant commoners is their dream after, a dream that is becoming a reality. I guess you are one of those nature worshippers so for you such fate is ok.

        32. “Absurd” relative to what? Your own expectations? Who’s to say it’s nature that is absurd and not merely what’s inside your own head?

        33. Of course relative to my expectations.
          Of course “absurdity” is a human concept.
          I don’t think absurdity can be applied in any objective sense. Even if “nature” were to redefine its axioms and contradict itself… that would simply become an emergent property.
          But from my point of view… Nature is pretty damn absurd.

        34. You’ve basically read my mind, Tesla was a genius but I can’t see his words other than speaking out of his ass and putting the pussy on a pedastol .

    2. There’s nothing wrong with “pedestalizing the pussy” in a culture where women are raised in such a way as to be worthy of such feeling.
      Men who do it today are, in all likely probability, fools and even encourage terrible behavior in women. But in an age where masculine virtue and feminine virtue are both distinct and appreciated, “pedestaling the pussy” is completely legitimate.

      1. I couldn’t disagree more. I don’t care how someone was raised or what display of feminine virtue a woman might have.
        Putting a woman (any woman) on a pedestal will by definition fuck up the power dynamic and that can only lead to bad results.

        1. So you’d deal with all types of women of all ages in exactly the same manner with respect to all things?
          “Putting a woman (any woman) on a pedestal will by definition fuck up the power dynamic”
          What about a male power dynamic? There’s no law of nature that says that not treating all women like cumdumpsters as some goat-fucking Pakistani would be inclined to do will lead to cultural ruin. Most of the ancient world engaged in pedestalizing women (indeed, many armies were motivated by such “pedestalizing”) to some degree or another. They didn’t all have the same views on women as your average RoK reader. They might well share our views on them if they were forced to live in 21 century post-modernity, sure.
          “I don’t care how someone was raised or what display of feminine virtue a woman might have.”
          So you admit you’re willfully oblivious, here. You refuse to acknowledge the difference between one set and another. And proudly so, it seems. You do realized you’ve basically just disqualified yourself from having any pretense of an objective, intelligent opinion here, don’t you?

        2. You are simply misreading what I wrote.
          I am saying that regardless of how someone was raised and what virtues they may have, they shouldn’t be put on a pedestal. How does that eliminate objectivity? To the contrary. Putting someone on a pedestal would reduce objectivity by definition.
          And there is a huge difference between trying to be on the right side of the power dynamic (quite frankly regardless of gender) and treating women like cum dumpsters.
          I don’t run game. I am not an asshole to women. In fact I am quite nice to the women I see. I simply don’t allow them to treat me in any way that I don’t want them to.
          “Most of the ancient world engaged in pedestalizing women (indeed, many armies were motivated by such “pedestalizing”) to some degree or another.”
          And using ancient, barbaric, uneducated, ignorant cultures as an argument for why putting a woman on a pedestal makes sense is ludicrous.

        3. You are just now realizing this?
          I figured out a while back that while Dawson is a decent salesman and pretty good at game as well as a good writer, you really need to ignore him when he tries to wax philosophical or political, his political/social opinions exist only to get him laid. Not a bad attitude if that’s your goal in life, but not something you need to trot out to the politically acute.

        4. “You are simply misreading what I wrote.”
          Or you’re simply not a very effective communicator.
          “I am saying that
          regardless of how someone was raised and what virtues they may have,
          they shouldn’t be put on a pedestal. How does that eliminate
          I understand. And I still disagree.
          “To the contrary. Putting someone on a pedestal would reduce
          objectivity by definition.”
          You really like to abuse that figure of speech “by definition” don’t you? No, it wouldn’t necessarily. Tesla was clearly more objective than most people. He put women on a pedestal and then subsequently removed them from it when he deemed them no longer worthy of such. In fact, this whole RoK post on Tesla’s views (and how they changed) pretty much discredits this very assertion, “by definition.”
          “And there is a huge difference between
          trying to be on the right side of the power dynamic (quite frankly
          regardless of gender) and treating women like cum dumpsters.”
          Certainly. I have no objections to men having just about all the cultural/political power. But that is a separate issue from pedestalizing women in the sense that Tesla is talking about having done in his ‘blue pill’ days when he was younger.
          “I don’t run game. I am not an asshole to women. In fact I am quite nice to
          the women I see. I simply don’t allow them to treat me in any way that I
          don’t want them to.”
          Good for you. I wouldn’t advocate that you do otherwise. I more or less live my life the same way in this respect.
          “And using ancient,
          barbaric, uneducated, ignorant cultures as an argument for why putting a
          woman on a pedestal makes sense is ludicrous.”
          What? All ancient cultures are as you describe here? I think I’m through taking you seriously.

        5. He writes a lot of articles here. His game and wealth articles are top-notch, but his political and social articles are generally narrowminded, highly blue pill, poorly researched, and utterly inconsistent with reality. He is fun to read, though.

        6. Needless to say, I find his interpretation and assertions here to be lacking. But nobody’s perfect.

        7. That’s what discrimination is really for… pick and choose and compare logic, come to your own conclusion that matches reality 🙂

        8. How is putting a women on a pedestal a “complex phenomena”? And yes, BY DEFINITION putting one on a pedestal reduces objectivity. I mean seriously if you want to split hairs I am happy to do so. If one were to put someone on a pedestal it is based on past behaviors with SOME expectation that future behaviors will be consistent. They might. They might not. I would argue that BY DEFINITION assuming EVEN A LITTLE (which is kind of what putting someone on a pedestal is) that future behaviors will follow past ones makes it harder to be objective.
          The fact that Tesla had issues with women’s roles changing is hardly anywhere near an argument that he was objective. Simply that he may have eventually come to that conclusion through we have no idea what process or how long it took. I could easily make the argument that if he hadn’t put them on the pedestal in the first place he would have gotten there sooner.
          And while it might be societal programming or a side effect of cultural aspects (being raised primarily by your mother) I would argue that it is NOT natural to put women on a pedestal regardless of what virtues they may demonstrate. I am just thunderstruck that men would run their lives to impress a woman…ANY woman. Its pathetic.
          YOU made the argument about ancient cultures be “proof” that this was a good strategy. I was simply pointing out that yes, past civilizations were far less educated, far less intelligent, and far more barbaric making it a very weak argument.

        9. “How is putting a women on a pedestal a “complex phenomena”?”
          The cultures which pedestalize women (all of them outside of maybe some screwed Paki/Arab varieties) are complex. Any culture is complex.
          “And yes,
          BY DEFINITION putting one on a pedestal reduces objectivity.”
          No, it doesn’t. By that logic, a devoted husband is less objective than you are. Which is ridiculously simplistic. Again, Tesla himself pedestalized and then he stopped doing so when he realized that women in his age did not deserve such treatment. That sounds like the behavior of a pretty objective person to me.
          You, on other hand, are incapable of admitting when you’re wrong when it’s obvious to others that your thoughts on this here are bunk.
          “I mean
          seriously if you want to split hairs I am happy to do so.”
          It’s not about splitting hairs. It’s about letting you know how full of shit you are. You’re the one making all these open-ended unqualified claims and distorting Tesla’s character.
          “If one were to
          put someone on a pedestal it is based on past behaviors with SOME
          expectation that future behaviors will be consistent. They might. They
          might not. I would argue that BY DEFINITION assuming EVEN A LITTLE
          (which is kind of what putting someone on a pedestal is) that future
          behaviors will follow past ones makes it harder to be objective.”
          So again, if I get married and value my wife above every one else (which is “pedestalizing”), that’s some problem? She should just be viewed as “another broad with a wet hole”? Which is it? Is she super important to me or just another warm body? It’s one or the other.
          fact that Tesla had issues with women’s roles changing is hardly
          anywhere near an argument that he was objective.”
          Someone who radically amends their position in light of contrary evidence IS being objective and demonstrating that objectivity is a part of their character.
          “Simply that he may have
          eventually come to that conclusion through we have no idea what process
          or how long it took. I could easily make the argument that if he hadn’t
          put them on the pedestal in the first place he would have gotten there
          Gotten where sooner? You honestly make little sense.
          Whether or not someone has faulty beliefs (based on incorrect information) has little to do with how objective they are. People are not just born with all the correct information. But the quality of being objective is an innate inborn characteristic.
          “And while it might be societal programming or a side
          effect of cultural aspects (being raised primarily by your mother) I
          would argue that it is NOT natural to put women on a pedestal regardless
          of what virtues they may demonstrate.”
          So why have men done it since the beginning of time? And anyways, you’re just begging the question by using a word like “natural” there in the manner that you are.
          “I am just thunderstruck that men
          would run their lives to impress a woman…ANY woman. Its pathetic.”
          Well, again, your feelings have little relevance as it pertains to the greater order of things.
          made the argument about ancient cultures be “proof” that this was a
          good strategy.”
          Male-dominated societies (which had values that much of the readership here can get behind–Ancient Greece, for example) pedestalized women (like every other culture). What do you have to say about that?
          “I was simply pointing out that yes, past civilizations
          were far less educated, far less intelligent, and far more barbaric
          making it a very weak argument.”
          Again, kind of a broad stroke there, eh? The people who ruled over many of those past civilizations were not “far less educated,” “far less intelligent” nor were they “far more barbaric.” You may argue that the average person then was but even at that, it’s hardly an empirical statement.

        10. Actually your example of a devoted husband is a perfect one. He is ABSOLUTELY less objective. I was a devoted husband and I was far, far less objective than I am now.
          It is human nature to seek evidence to support the conclusion that we already have (that I love my wife) and to reject evidence that is at odds with that belief.

        11. “Actually your example of a devoted husband is a perfect one. He is ABSOLUTELY less objective. I was a devoted husband and I was far, far less objective than I am now.”
          So we should always have a world with fewer devoted husbands? In the interest of objectivity, of course? If that’s your (hare-brained) logic, I really don’t see why you have much of any beef with the present system and the direction it’s trending in outside of the fact that you personally may not be enjoying the spoils. Certainly, since the collapse of the middle class nuclear family since the 1950s, we’ve been becoming “more objective” as the percentage of devoted husbands (and wives) has absolutely plummeted. Progress!
          “It is human nature to seek evidence to support the conclusion that we already have (that I love my wife) and to reject evidence that is at odds with that belief.”
          Do you mean to say that it’s human nature to view that which we cherish less “objectively”? Well, so what? You mean to say I shouldn’t think that my own kids are special and that my wife is special? I shouldn’t think of my father and mother as special? Family is the same as the rest of the human mass and should be viewed as such? I should treat them all EXACTLY like I treat everyone else as per say Pol Pot’s prescriptions?
          If that’s the case and this perceived lack of objectivity is always such a terrible thing (and “objectivity” is the end all be all value above all values in all circumstances), then by your logic men should always seek to avoid any sort of family or close connections whatsoever as to not spoil their “objectivity.” Devotion, commitment, loyalty, etc. are all vices. Indeed, personally valuing ANYTHING AT ALL spoils “objectivity.” I mean, where do you draw the line here if you’re going to knock cherished human connections (“pedestalization”) for a “lack of objectivity”? Your hierarchy of values is defective if you wish to view humans as anything outside of economic units or cogs.
          Do you see the problem here? You speak before you think. And it never ends with you. You just keep digging a deeper and deeper hole, here, making yourself seem more and more foolish because you like to argue. Logic is often a man’s best friend. (Certainly, women tend to loathe it.) It’d behoove you to get to know it. But then, having such a “friend” may ruin your “objectivity.”
          Amusing. As always.

        12. What is amusing is you claiming I am simplifying things.
          The hole that is being dug is yours.
          I am objective about everyone. Including my family. I love my parents because they have been good parents. Would I love them (or should I love the) if they beat me? Stole from me? Lied to me? Hurt my daughter? Of course not.
          I never said husbands shouldn’t be devoted. You did. What I did say was they should be objective and not do what MOST married people do which is delude themselves that they are happier than they are (and that their spouse is better than they are).
          I am happy to keep going. Please, but all means, continue to say that I said things I didn’t. 🙂

        13. “What is amusing is you claiming I am simplifying things.”
          You are. Starting with you assertion that the genius musings above are “blue pill.”
          “The hole that is being dug is yours.
          I am objective about everyone. Including my family. I love my parents because they have been good parents. Would I love them (or should I love the) if they beat me? Stole from me? Lied to me? Hurt my daughter? Of course not.”
          I’m not talking about whether or not you love your family. I’m merely following out the ridiculous logic of your statements. If you love your kids, you obviously are pedestalizing them relative to everyone else’s kids. And your assertion is that putting anyone on a pedestal is bad, bad, bad. You’re the one who’s saying things that simply don’t add up.
          “I never said husbands shouldn’t be devoted. You did.”
          Now you’re going full retard. I never said that husbands shouldn’t be devoted. I was merely spelling out your retard logic.
          Your words: “Actually your example of a devoted husband is a perfect one. He is ABSOLUTELY less objective. I was a devoted husband and I was far, far less objective than I am now.”
          So you’re better off now because you’re more “objective.” Back when you were “devoted” you were “less objective.” So via your logic, being “devoted” is bad because it renders you “less objective.”
          I mean which is it: Do you prescribe that people be “devoted” or do you prescribe that be objective since the two, according to what you wrote above, are obviously in conflict with each other?
          What if being “devoted” makes husbands “less objective”? Should they not refrain from becoming husbands in the first place via your own logic? YOU’RE the one who said being “devoted” made YOU “less objective.” So if that’s the case, devotion is something to avoid if “objectivity” is something to strive for. I realize this syllogism probably made your head explode, but there it is.
          And why should men be devoted to just any woman? The average man is not going to be devoted to just any woman. He wants who he considers to be “the one.” He’s going to devote himself to someone who he thinks is “special” (even if she’s just “special” for him). In other words, he’s going to pedestalize–as in place ABOVE everyone else–his wife and family.
          “What I did say was they should be objective and not do what MOST married people do which is delude themselves that they are happier than they are (and that their spouse is better than they are).”
          Why? What’s the harm of the average working hump thinking his home is his castle and his wife is his princess and his family are his riches? Certainly, that seems like a gracious disposition. What should he be doing? Crying that what he has is not enough? That life’s been unfair? That he needs more, more, more?
          “I am happy to keep going. Please, but all means, continue to say that I said things I didn’t. :)”
          “He is ABSOLUTELY less objective. I was a devoted husband and I was far, far less objective than I am now.”
          And that’s good? Bad? I mean, if it’s bad to be “less objective” due to being devoted to someone (putting them on a pedestal over everyone else), then it would seem to any halfway logical person to avoid even the prospect of marriage and a family. No, you didn’t come out and say “don’t get married and have kids” but that’s what a logical person would take away from what you’re saying. You’re just too obtuse to see that.

        1. No. With all due respect, there’s a lot of lazy, (often self-serving) reductionism on this site at times (even if I agree with the general anti-feminist gist of it).
          Some medieval knights were the among biggest pedestalizers in history. Read some Victorian-era writers. HUGE pedestalizers. And yet, ferociously anti-egalitarian. The difference is that most of the men from such eras knew that men and women were DIFFERENT. Pedestalizing the ‘fairer sex’ was an inevitable occurrence in a male-dominated world.
          What’s going on now, though, is we have “equality.” Where women get to say they’re men AND SIMULTANEOUSLY DEMAND that “old fashioned” pedestalizing. The tendency for men to pedestalize women is not unhealthy, necessarily. It’s just that the age we live in allows such male instincts to be exploited.

  5. It’s a telling thing that he came to these conclusions 100 years before the feminist you go girl movement. He also figured out that they were a distraction from his work. He’s one of the most important inventors that ever lived and has changed the lives of everyone on the planet for the better. I think he made the right choice.

    1. Stories like this reveal the truth: American society was already collapsing in the 20’s, and _should_ have completely declined around the 40’s or so, if it had not been for WWII. The war had two important effects: it caused a temporarly relapse into a sort of ‘neo-traditional’ society and value system (for a decade at least), and it reduced much of the rest of the industrialized world to ashes, which allowed the USA to dominate the world economy and industrial capacity for about 2-3 decades after the war. So WWII paradoxically caused the decline and collapse to be prolonged for a bit. It wasn’t until the 70’s and 80’s that the collapse started to resume.
      > Perhaps the male in human society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don’t know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it–and there is striking evidence at hand that they do–then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world’s history.
      No kidding, Mr. Tesla. No kidding.

      1. The Founders had the concept of effeminate luxury for men. I know a man who thinks we survived WWII only because the depression created hardships for enough men that they were tough enough to fight and survive WWII. And, this also set back the feminist movement (which started in the mid 19th Century.)

  6. Tough and true words spoken by a man who was probably the greatest genius of the last century. His mind was so powerful that he built intricate machines in his mind and let it run via his imagination for days to test them for durability – just via visualization!
    No wonder his perception of the feminine imperative, of hypergamy and the male-female natural & healthy power-balance was spot on.

  7. The more things change… Very interesting how this rhymes with the last handful of decades – setting us up for another big fall, like the Great Depression and WWII. This 1911 article – hmm, two years later the Fed Res Swindle, twenties flappers, the big run up, then the big bust and starve out prep for the arising of fascist and socialist states everywhere, but esp. in the good ole USA under Uncle Franklin. It’s all a big circle then, isn’t it.

  8. I’ll consider marriage just as soon as the divorce laws are reformed (get rid of no-fault divorce, bring back presumptive father custody) and Christianity is restored in the public sphere (I’m not even particularly religious, I just believe it’s best if society adheres to one faith and I

    1. A. Presumptive mother custody was the result of men not stepping up and asking for custody. Again, like feminism, it is something we as men allowed to happen and is on our shoulders.
      B. Ethics and morals can be established in a society through means other brainwashing people with a fairy tale about a magical zombie Jew. You don’t fix society by reinstituting a primary harm to it.

      1. A. Fair point
        B. Sorry, but Christianity was the only thing that kept bitches in line and society too. The reason it became unpopular is because Christianity encourages self improvement, and living in moderation. Liberal shitheads wanted instant gratification at any cost, and so the moral fabric of America was torn to bits. Restraint is most effective in religion, because nobody will control themselves.

        1. Despite not being religious myself, I’m going to have to agree here. One of the biggest paradoxes in human history is how institutionalized religion made our technologically advanced civilization possible and facilitated it by keeping women in check, restraining their feral nature. Now pandora’s box is opened, further advancement isn’t taken for granted anymore. Sure, technology will limp along, but a society with feral women and thirsty men will not be making any big strides.

        2. Come on man, has the red pill taught you nothing? Drop the societal imposed binary horseshit. The “conservatives” are just as fucking bad when it comes to instant gratification. They are the ones driving SUVs to soccer practice back to their credit-bought McMansion. They are ones dropping $20,000 on African safari hunts. They are hypocrites like the liberals.
          Also, I’m an idealist/romantic. I will never believe that restraint has to come through fear of fire and brimstone. We are only limited to what we believe are our limitations.

        3. I am sorry to have to tell you this, friend, but half of humanity is below average intelligence.
          have you forgotten already how much violent crime, self-destruction, war, terrorism, and shed blood there is in the world?
          Most people are far too stupid to maintain morality via enlightened self-interest. The achievers and builders in the world may be capable of such, but the rest of the world? No fucking way. They need fire and brimstone because they are too stupid to understand why they should be moral.
          Don’t try to turn your self-indulgent snarking against religion into some sort of tirade against materialism. Apparently integrity is not something you understand very well, thus proving that exact point.

        4. “I am sorry to have to tell you this, friend, but half of humanity is below average intelligence.”
          Yeah this is a keeper.

        5. “I am sorry to have to tell you this, friend, but half of humanity is below average intelligence.”
          “Average” is all relative, though, no? So how can half of humanity logically be below the average?

        6. Actually, half of humanity is below median intelligence. This is only true of average intelegence if the distribution is not skewed. Since the upper end of the intelligence distribution is unbound, and the lower end is bound by 0 (which I seem to run into all too often), I think that it is skewed and significantly more than half of humanity is below average intelligence.

        7. You seem to be missing the point. Generalizations are the launchpad for logic, not it’s landing strip.

        8. If we could discover the exact point at which humans are incapable of governing themselves, the point at which they are incapable of caring for themselves on more than just the most rudimentary level, etc. We would have much more meaningful data points.
          For instance, the natives in Papua new guinea are well below the intelligence and learning ability of even what would be considered savagely handicapped in this country, often bottoming out intellectually even below the learning ability of children with Down’s syndrome, and yet they are undeniably capable of feeding themselves and reproducing even if they are completely incapable of producing anything more than a rudimentary civilization.
          Of course, it is telling that feminists have managed to find some of the few bona fide femocracies among people who live in dirt huts using sticks and stones to barely feed themselves, but that is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

        9. I’m not missing the point. What you said above was just incorrect. And obviously, I like to generalize. But generalizations are beside the point when you make simple nonsensical statements.

        10. “Actually, half of humanity is below median intelligence.”
          Getting a bit pedantic, here, aren’t we? The question I suppose is whether or not he was referring to average in terms of “persons” or the average in terms of the abstraction of overall human intelligence itself? My gut is that he (like most people) meant the former because it’s easier to relate common speech to people than it is to relate it to a concept.
          Just out of curiosity, what is the median intelligence of humanity?
          While a median figure can represent an average, when people think of “average intelligence,” I’d assume they are thinking of where most people lie on the bell curve of the intelligence spectrum. They’re thinking in terms of “most people I know.” Not some nebulous spectrum (unless perhaps they have an IQ number in mind as “average” but those averages vary sharply by race). It’s just disingenuous to pretend that people would commonly use the concept of “average intelligence” in such a pedantic way. Let’s be real, here. When they say “average intelligence,” they mean the “average Joe on the street.”

        11. Absolutely. People also don’t realize how, for all its faults, the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages made many strides in scientific fields and just logical thinking in general. Many of the medieval doctors were doing some of the very same work as the later logical positivist types of the 20th century. They just had a different perspective on the whole of existence. Not many people understand this, however.
          Sure, there was Church superstition and nonsense. But today so much of it is taken out of context; and we have our own share of similar nonsense within our “enlightened” culture today. People are just too close to their own superstitions to see them for what they are.
          The Church was right on so many things and of course the blind “progressives” cannot see this in all their arrogance. I say this all as a non-Christian, myself.

        12. Really, what parts of the statement were nonsensical? That most people seem to be unable to effectively govern and/or protect themselves from other people?

        13. Why are you conflating the religious institutions of the West (and their legacy) with latter half 20th/21st century “conservative” rabble? Offended?’s point is right on. You’re attacking a straw man with respect to what he’s talking about.
          In other words, Thomas Aquinas (and his influence) should not be confused with Rush Limbaugh dittoheads.

        14. Agree. I believe this one goes hand in hand with why children need to be punish (spanked) today when they act up.
          Too many parents have gone the route of compromising or reasoning with their children (fuck that). Kids need their ass beat once in awhile (and I’m not talking abuse here).
          We acted like fools in the store and my mother beat our ass…it didn’t happen very often after that one time. Society is the same way…it’s needs it’s checks and balances.
          It needs disciplined from time to time (no compromising or reasoning).

        15. Agree on the point that a society doesnt need a fantasy fiction zombie Jew type story to support good moral values.

        16. Agree that some type of “fire and brimstone” meme is necessary for the retarded unthinking masses to learn moral values.
          However Christianity and the Jewsus story (and all major religions) are just other instituonalized mechanisms to brainwash fools and control by fear.
          Human behavioral science education and some Humpty Dumpty stories in kindergarten are much more efficient and dont encourage hating on peeps that believe something different from different country.

        17. ‘Brainwash fools’.
          See, there you have it in a nutshell. Fools are fools, and you can either allow them to wallow in their stupidity or you can put them on a productive path.
          Frankly, even _I_ Admit I am a fool, but I would much rather be placed on a productive path and use what I am capable of for the betterment of my society rather than stupidly screwing myself and others up.
          If I hadn’t stumbled across Dick’s interview on Dr. Drew about ‘men are better than women’ and hadn’t had experience with BDSM, I never would have taken the red pill. My own foolishness finally led me to the path of discovery and finally realizing several small truths (not ‘Truth’ with a big T, but that’s a lifelong journey).
          Frankly, fools are going to be brainwashed, it’s in their nature. Would you rather they follow christianity, honor, fellowship, and the virtues espoused by christianity? Or fag-worshipping, cunt-pedestalizing, entitlement and victim politicians screaming ceaselessly about ‘equality’ and ‘strength through diversity’?
          Those are kinda your choices. Fools ain’t gonna wise up just because you wish them to.

        18. That’s why I support corporal punishment instead of jail time. If grand theft auto were punished with 20 lashes, and you were not labelled a ‘felon’ and forbidden from getting a real job afterwards, I can almost guarantee that repeat offenders would be seriously rare. especially if ‘3 strikes’ means you are an irredeemable hazard to society and put down.

        19. Point granted.
          Let’s for sure make Jesus a white blue eyed American Jesus. With cheeseburger and French fry to go.

      2. Men don’t ask for custody because their lawyers tell them they can’t get it. That is the sort of legal advice one pays lawyers for.

    2. To me, more like abolish all child support and alimony.
      Religion sounds like a good idea to many people, but it has the potential to cause really problematic group behaviors. And I’m not just saying this b/c I’m a cradle atheist. Think Jonestown.

      1. It was actually the evolution of Christian thought that sparked feminism. This is because christianity tends to create large numbers of beta males and generally encourages passive, beta behavior.
        You want to introduce religion, fine, but for god’s sake don’t do christianity. Islam may be brutal but at least it doesn’t have feminism. You don’t like arabs? Fine, go for something else. But not christianity again.

        1. Go for it, I’m not religious but Islam is pretty cool. Kind of sucks that there’s no bacon or beer in it, though.

        2. Gibbons allegedly said it was Christianity which brought down the Roman Empire.

    3. Much like Tesla used logic (math) to extrapolate his predictions, we have a divorce rate that exceeds logic’s grasp to support marriage. It is beyond the case of the “system” or “institution” of marriage being broken, but rather the very reason for a system or institution to be supported in the first place.
      And the irony is law itself, is supposed to be based on logic, the very logic lawyers are tested for during their LSATS, the very legal system that is in favor of destroying lives in marriage battles that keep societal stability per the system in place. There will be no way to even slow the decline as long as the system thrives on society’s downfall.

      1. Divorce litigation is a booming industry. Its better for the economy – logically speaking divorce is good for business.

    4. Men have been saying this for decades, and with each decade the chance of these things happening only diminishes. No-fault divorce is here to stay and will only become more widespread. Giving custody to fathers is already anomalous and will probably be completely banned in the future. There is no turning back…

  9. “She is ambitious, often far beyond her natural equipment, to attain the thing she wants. She too frequently forgets that all women cannot be prima donnas and motion picture stars.”
    They cant all be movie stars but by god they can take naked/provocative selfies to drum up some attention. I guess there are so many young girls posting nude photos of themselves police have threatened to charge highschool girls with distributing their own ‘child porn’. Ironically its their deep thirst for male attention which cannot be contained. As soon as the first 16 yr old posting nudes is charged with the childporn racket Im sure feminists will come to her defense

    1. There is no “childporn racket.” Just as there is no “drug problem.” And no “terrorism problem.” All it is, is just another excuse by oppressors for oppressing some more.
      If some father don’t want his daughter hawking free porn shots of herself, he should raise her properly. And if he doesn’t; it’s no business of anyone but himself.
      Allowing the oppressors to get away with every conceivable childish excuse around for increasing their level of oppression, and their role in others lives, is what killed this once-was-semicivilized world. Preventing them from doing so, is the only way of reviving it.

      1. I see your point, however at what point can you control your daughter outside of your house? I mean there will always be incompetent people raising even more idiotic children, and your kids will be around them. This is one of the other reasons I do not plan on having any children. Even private school education is not safe.

        1. Personally, I’ve given up on raising any daughters. I’ll just make sure my sons do well, and give the girls to their mothers. There’s no possible good outcome for a daughter of yours in the West. Regardless of how hard you try, she’ll soak up the poison and become just like all the rest. So unless you’re willing to raise her in Dubai or somewhere else where women’s rights are actually fucked, good luck buddy.

    2. Its crazy on instagram and Facebook the overwhelming amount of scantaly clad young women attention whoring. Its deliciously awfully amazing.

    3. “drum up some attention. I guess there are so many young girls posting nude photos of themselves police have threatened to charge high school girls with distributing their own ‘child porn”
      Is there any evidence of this? What I see as highly more likely are under age trollops posting nude / semi nude photos of themselves and NO arrests or charges being brought against said whore-wannabees, but definitely arrests being made against any boy who views their images on his smartphone or computer.

      1. allow me to differ : ,, In reality he was Istro-Romanian, born the night of 9 to 10 July 1856 as the son of Milutin Tesla Orthodox priest and the Gica Măndici. Family father was anti-Ottoman border guards in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Originally the family was Draghici, but he was replaced in time by the nickname of Tesla, after the craft passed within the family, the carpenter (teslari) ”
        I don’t argue his citizenship, I merely stated his discent.
        Please re-read.
        I knew of this information before wikipedia even existed – from my grand father.

  10. “…we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world’s history.”
    Agreed. Cruelty is here. It is paradise lost. Thanks for posting this article. Tesla is one of my scientist heroes. I had no knowledge, though, of his keen observations toward marriage.

    1. It was there shortly after this was originally published, when you consider the millions of lives lost during WWI. Russia lost 2500,000 troops in the first three weeks of the war.

      1. My great-grandfather was in the Imperial Russian Army in WWI, somehow managed to survive.

        1. I have some Ukraine ancestry but that side of the family left in the late 1890’s. I would have loved to hear some of his stories. Have you read Solzhenitsyn’s Red Wheel books? Excellent account of Russia’s history during. WW1.

  11. Shit man, I was reading about this a couple days ago on another website.
    Disqus. Censored my post quoting Tesla on this very subject.
    Anyone know which ROK article was about the Men’s conference of this year that addresses the all women feminist panel discussing Men’s issues? I know I read that article here. Tried searching for it yesterday to forward to an inquiring other.

  12. He is almost ready to explain to the world a way of transmitting electrical energy without the use of wires.

    I had actually heard of this before. Tesla figured out a way to transmit electricity without wires. When he presented it to businessmen they asked, “how am I supposed to make money off of that! You can’t run wireless electricity through a meter!” Tesla believed electrical energy should be free to everyone.
    Allegedly, all evidence of the technology suspiciously disappeared after Tesla’s death.

  13. RoK is gradually becoming a Mancyclopaedia.
    Great post Roosh, I don’t think I would have come across this on my own.
    This in conjunction with Shopenhaur’s treatise on women is quite revealing.

      1. Rok does have a search feature. Two days of looking and I just discovered it. Its right under the tip jar.

    1. It’s crazy how men back then could predict such consequences to allow gender roles to switch at such accuracy. Kinda makes you think the Arabs in the middle east were on to something when they had their women wearing their cover ups and treating them like second class citizens.

      1. This knowledge goes all the way back…. It is written into the Bible… into ancient Philosophy…
        And hey… the Muslims and Chinese will gradually take over with their more conservative views. Every RedPill man nowadays has to take it upon himself to become an enterprise, because the West is going through some unprecedented shit right now…

  14. I get the sense that Tesla was so blue pill that he rolled the dial all the way back to red pill. He worshipped women (blue pill) but in that his expectations of them were so high he shunned them (red pill).
    It goes to show you that lack of discernment and not thinking things through is a poor path for any fellow. If the betas would think things through they could see they were being chumps. But the alphas also lack reflection for in reaction to “the way things are” they are putting all of their resources into “getting laid”. So in the end, and we all get to the end, while the beta simp slaved his whole life for a woman and has no real earthly accomplishment to show for it, so did the alpha who was in a different manner also a slave to women.
    Tesla was apparently too smart to end up as either one. And this, gentlemen, is a course and mindset that would benefit us all.

  15. Roosh, it’s about time you wrote an article about a REAL scientist. Don’t get me wrong, Albert could game women and was great at self-promotion, but he was a lousy scientist. His theory’s and mathmatical formulas provided the foundation for modern science. Which is why what is in the public domain is so old, stale, and out-dated. For example, they are still using 1940 technology to get into space. Why you ask? Because like a commenter has already stated, free wireless energy would not be metered and would free humanity. This is why this technology was not unleashed to the public until it could militarized and then metered. This is also why Albert was Time’s Man of the Century. He proved that the earth was round and revolved around the sun….not with facts, logic or really any proof; but with formulas. Albert couldn’t hold Nicola’s jockstrap. I would take Tesla’s material over Einstein’s any day of the week and twice on Sunday. It’s a shame it’s so hard to find any of his material while at the same time there is plenty on Albert…though it is purposely difficult to understand…precisely because it is bullshit. Just so you know Roosh, I would devour anything about Tesla. He’s the one MAN I would apprentice for 20 years for. I would pick his brain every chance I got. I would finish all the work atop Wardenclyff, I would follow him to Pikes Peak and Niagra Falls. I probably would have convinced him to work for the “good guys” during WWll…or better yet during WWl. If only THEY were smart enough to fund his work.

    1. From an article I read Tesla was experimenting on Long Island funded by JP Morgan. When Morgan found out that Tesla was trying to harness energy from the atmosphere and transmit it wirelessly to the populace free of charge he immediately cut off his funding. What a nice guy. Also after Tesla’s death in 1943 his papers were confiscated by the American government.

  16. It is mind-boggling to think that a man like Tesla managed to hold the belief that women are superior beings. The awakening must have been truly painful. Great scientists, though men of genius, rarely possess practical intelligence. They look at the stars instead of looking around them. But it’s better than looking at their own two feet like most people do.

    1. Doesn’t sound like he ever really got over it- notice the part about the goddess ruling the world.

  17. What I love about Tesla’s response is that he flatters these women so beautifully as he tears them down and completely demolishes them. Kill them with kindness as the saying goes.

  18. Tesla probably had the keen foresight to see the dangers of inventing a time travel machine. Women would use it to travel back and chockablock our grandfathers, then a lot of us wouldn’t even be reading this!

    1. you really think they can think that far in advance? They would travel back, immediately say something stupid and then get burned at the stake, all the while protesting that they are ‘outside of this culture’ and ‘are not affected’

  19. See what you get by denying a woman’s ideology of wanting to get married is a long list of responses to marginalize your legitimate choices, it’s mostly centered around vagina
    1) You must be gay – it’s to deter you and knock you off your square as if your penis is allergic to all things lady parts. After all you’re a man, you are supposed to be all about sex….it should be on your mind daily…..not long enough to try and treat her like a object when she doesn’t say so….but long enough that you should earn her body by doing a long list of shit she wants you to do
    2) Once you let them know you’re straight as an arrow, they then try to flip it again to call you weak….you heard it before you can’t handle a strong woman….as if men get any points for taming a woman who doesn’t see herself as such, but some sort of mystical beast. These kinds of women are arrogant and hate arrogant men because they know their arrogance is given and isn’t centered in something tangible, rather than a mans arrogance which is usually earned.
    3) Guilt tripping and all out anger. It’s been used as a trick for years to get men to do what women want from us. Shame us, disrespect us, play us and all for what?

    1. Shaming techniques are a time tested method women use to extract what they want from men. It’s very effective on most men too-any questioning of their manhood will get them to cave almost every time. It’s done out of fear usually-they’ve exhausted all covert attempts so must resort to the overt. Hell even other men will shame their fellow brothers, generally just to try and validate their own choices. When someone reminds you that you may have made the wrong decision in life, it’s too hard to process.

  20. Wait did they actually just say “Tesla’s just some nerd putzing around doing science in his basement, what does he know about pussy amirite”

    1. Yes. The fact that he was one of the greatest scientists to ever live is secondary to the fact that some woman didn’t get to live off the money he might have made. Priorities you know.

  21. Tesla was a great man, yes … but we must never forget that women are irrational from a logical point of view, yet logic is not exactly how Nature works. Logic gives birth to great results however, the simplest living cell is thousands of times more complex than the most complex watch, ear or computer.
    The behaviour of women is a product of their evolution. Evolution is not logical, it is based on chance and it seems (to us) rather chaotic. Logic is defined as being reasonable or having sound sense. Evolution is senseless and so are women – her favourite daughters.
    Have you ever wondered why in Christianity the Creator is the Father, whereas in Paganism/New Age the talk about Nature as the Mother, Gaia, The Goddess, etc? Have you ever wondered why the old religions tried to suppress women’s sexuality?
    Tesla might have been a great inventor, red pill and real man but the sexual dynamics and life in general seem far more complex for our intelligence to grasp.

    1. “It seems we are entering into a new cycle where the Mother energy will become predominant, which coincides with the decline of the old religions.”
      Perhaps, but don’t be too quick to buy into the doom and gloom. Things move quickly in this age, exponentially so, if some are to believed. Adaptation means working through movements in the ascent. Adaptation doesn’t have to mean appeasement, it can mean simply stepping forward to ‘surf and lead’.

      1. I’m not buying into any theories. My conclusions are based on certain facts which shows that people are becoming more Yin (feminine) and thus they are more likely to agree to be governed by female energy type of government:
        There are a number of factors in play:
        1. A lot of people who are too yin are often loaded with the older female minerals such as mercury and copper, primarily. Mercury is found in dental amalgams, vaccines. seafood and coal-burning power plants. Copper is even more wide spread.
        2. Widespread ionizing radiation toxicity
        3. Attitudes can make one very yin. Even one’s mental attitude, emotional tendencies, and blood type may be factors. For example, victim thinking, sadness, guilt and grief have a very yin effect on the body. Socialist political thinking is very yin, while a belief in the Judeo-Christian Father God, freedom, liberty and capitalism are more yang.
        4. Ageing population in the West. Old age is a more Yin time of life.
        5. Vegetarian or mostly vegetarian diets. They are becoming more and more popular.
        6. Eating sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, rice syrup, corn syrup. This is another habit that is guaranteed to make a person much more yin.
        7. Drinking a lot of milk is another habit that is guaranteed to make a person yin. One reason is that milk is high in lactose, a sugar.
        8. Taking many food supplement or using most herbs on a long-term basis. This is an important cause of yin disease for some people.
        9. Drinking alcohol in any form can make one more yin.
        10. Any use of marijuana, heroine, crack cocaine, Ecstacy, LSD, methamphetamines. Marijuana, by the way, is one of the worst or most yin herbs or drugs.
        11. Almost all infections are yin today. Some infections of children that cause fever are yang in nature, but most are very yin today. This includes all fungal infections such as candida albicans, and many others that are common.
        12. Smoothies, shakes and all juices tend to be very yin. Many people live on smoothies, I have learned.
        13. Air travel and excessive bathing. These two causes for yin disease are less common. Too many baths are yin. This is unfortunate, but true. Shorter showers are more yang.
        14. Electromagnetic fields or EMFs, and electromagnetic stress tends to very yin.
        Last but not least
        15. A focus on sex, even joking about it, is much more yin. Having sex, talking about it, masturbating, joking about it and so on, is more yin.

        1. So EMI and EMR are yin…didn’t know electromagnetism smoked weed and drank smoothies.
          16. Deducing civilization to Yin Yang conjecture is more Yong. *bangs gong*

        2. some interesting stuff there, and not quite what I thought you had in mind. I’ve never heard most of those things mentioned in respect of a rising feminine ascendance / too much ‘yin’ energy, however I am surprised you don’t mention anything specifically about hormone changing chemicals in foods, water etc that might also be having an effect, and evidence of falling sperm counts etc. I’m also not entirely sure how to evaluate some of these things as feminine rather than masculine masculine, air travel for instance, or how they could be evidenced as ‘feminine’ rather than masculine e.g. so that it could be acknowledged in public discourse for instance…..if the argument was compelling you might be able to persuade people / authorities that something had to be done

        3. Gender-bending chemicals in cans, toys, plastic.,etc also contribute to this trend. The list I wrote is not complete.
          The problem with frequent air travel is x-ray exposure at the airports. High altitude travel also exposes one to even more radiation. No radiation is good. Also, electromagnetic pollution on aircraft today is quite intense due to the use of more and more radar, radios, spinning turbine engines, and more. Many aircraft are also heavily sprayed with pesticides, especially on international flights.

        4. damn it, at the moment I have to fly more than normal as I’m living abroad. Nice to know I will slowly be turning effeminate. Still the pat downs are nice

  22. His contributions to electrical engineering have enabled women far beyond what would have been possible before his time. In a similar manner Henry Ford decried the transformation of American life brought on by the automobiles he created.

  23. I am familiar with the accomplishments of NT and with my education level I can really truly appreciate just how brilliant this person was. Although his dreams to achieve wireless power for humans everywhere didn’t come into complete fruition his understanding of electricity and magnetism cannot be disputed. We live in a society that simply does not value male authenticity, creativity or any other virtue all derived from masculinity and the triumph of man’s spirit. Basically everything that’s difficult, glorious and worthy of note. The essence of man is to face challenges and overcome them. Whatever it may be. Perhaps the only fault and true Achilles heel of man is his natural desire for women. It’s unfortunate how nature set up the game but the age old saying of “it is what it is” will always be true. NT’s greatest accomplishment is not his gift of transformers or AC power, but it’s his fundamental stance of using his life to achieve something memorable and useful rather than chasing hoes and getting his dick wet. Instead of choosing hedonistic pursuits like the rest of us, he chose to be great. Perhaps the fundamental reason why he chose as he did was because he understood what true value meant. His greatness comes from his choice of devoting his life to science and discovery not because he thought it would impress women, but simply because he chose to chase a fundamental truth. This I can respect.

    1. “and with my education level I can really truly appreciate just how brilliant this person was”

    2. I’m no scientist, but maybe if we could get women to run on direct rather than alternating current things would go back to normal.

      1. Lol. Ah that was good.
        Although its great to have a variety of vibration attenuation while jamming an AC adapted pleasure unit up her ass.

    3. didn’t Tesla die a virgin? How do u know he wouldn’t have experienced sex and been like “fuck this shit I’m chasing poon”? I doubt very much that he made some noble choice, he was born a unique genius. We could all give up women and focus on science and still not be like Tesla, it isn’t some choice you can just make. Is deciding to become some sexless, joyless individual really all that noble?

        1. Because hedonists don’t give us the “Tesla coil”, they die drunk on the floor of a brothel. The fact that you make the observation while standing on the shoulders of this great mans work is ironic. Are you a woman?

        2. no, i’m a man with a penis who likes to fuck women and i have no shame about that fact. Are you a virgin?

        3. Right so you honestly believe that because you have fucked some whores that this makes you better than Dr. Tesla? Moron… You are a nobody – and no one will remember who you had sex with or care in another generation while Tesla’s name is and will go down in history. It is so amusing to see someone so prideful that they believe that because they like to fuck women that this somehow makes them superior to one of the worlds greatest scientists. Even if Tesla was gay or a eunuch he’d be a much better success than you. Get over yourself already.

        4. Tesla was great. If the only thing you have in common with him is that you don’t fuck women, it doesn’t mean you are anything like Tesla – it just means u don’t fuck women.

        5. I’m with you man.
          Fact is, we’re all profiting off the hard work and inspiration of a brilliant virgin. Microwaves for everybody!
          Fact is, we’re all here commenting on a website set up by a professional manwhore kuz we’re thinking about women in one way or another.
          When we all move over to a popular mechanics website to rant about how there might be a connection between special relativity and quantum mechanics, then we can pretend like we’re better than everyone because we’re so shmart.
          I’m with you man. Sex is awesome. Doesn’t mean I can’t do a bunch of other shit with my life.

        6. ” Even if Tesla was gay or a eunuch he’d be a much better success than you. Get over yourself already”
          Well said.

        7. Keep denying yourself any joy in life, it won’t help you become a brilliant inventor. I find it odd that some of you guys think I assume i’m “better” than Tesla because I have had sex – I simply have the humility to know I am not going to change the world with some magnificent invention, and neither are any of you. Accepting your strengths and weaknesses is part of being man. Would I trade places with Tesla if I could? No. While you all scream and carry on about helping the development of civilization you also worship anti-social behavior – a little odd don’t you think? Why is it so important to you to be remembered by the common horde? You can’t stand them now, right?
          The reality is you are insecure about not “fitting in” probably because you have not had much sexual success (i know it is “meaningless” but it weighs heavily on all our animal brains). There are far too many guys with state college degrees and slightly above average intelligence who think the reason they don’t get laid is because they are a unique genius like Tesla; it’s probably because you haven’t used that intelligence to get laid.
          The true legacy of most of you will most likely be dying a lonely unremembered man – and there is nothing wrong with that, you gotta get over wanting to be a legend because it ain’t going to happen. Learn to enjoy your life and throw out the delusions, more people will remember you that way. Guess what? 200yrs from now Tesla may very well be a minor footnote in history! No man is immortal.

  24. ” “Women,” says Mr. Tesla, “are becoming stronger than men, both physically and mentally.”
    That sure didn´t happen!

  25. “Woman’s independence and her cleverness in obtaining what she wants in the business world is breaking down man’s spirit of independence. The old fire he once experienced at being able to achieve something that would compel and hold a woman’s devotion is turning to ashes.”
    It appears that Nikola Tesla was one of the only men of his time that recognized the value of patriarchy….. I’ve often wondered, if men of this time period knew how awful society would be like today, would they ever have accepted women’s liberation?
    It appears that men of bygone eras had a substantial amount of goodwill built up by women over the years. They accepted women’s liberation, because they could not believe that their sisters, mothers, and daughters would turn out to be such selfish, shameless creatures. Well, Millennial men are under no such illusions.
    Once the Baby Boomers are dead and gone (good riddance), Gen X is in the nursing home, red-pill Millennials are in charge of society, and the new “Prophet Generation” (i.e. Strauss & Howe) comes of age, i’m thinking we are in for a radical reorganization of society. Encouraging red-pill men to dominate all areas of life will pay off when we hold the reins of power at this time. Play the long-game fellas, keep improving, and make this a lifelong struggle. We are fortunate to have such a worthy challenge at our feet.

    1. As Tyler Durden said of gen x and y they had no purpose. But we do have a purpose now and it is red pill and for men re establishing patriarchy.

    2. Sir I hope you are right. I will join you shoulder-to-shoulder in the shield wall to fight against this sick culture…
      I’m a boomer technically by a few years and boy did I dislike my solipsistic , narcissistic boomer cohort.

    3. I would imagine the “goodwill” is running out fast. More and more men I know just don’t want to get married. The ones that have did so out of some sort of traditional ideals which are less and less common. The fact that if you even live with a woman for more than 2 or 3 years it becomes a de facto “marriage” says a lot about the way governments still want to control men’s lives and finances. Also the whole homosexual marriage idea just devalues any value that was even left in marriage to western women any longer. It’s just a fucking joke. Human relations are another area to be controlled by the Kuntz.

  26. All I can say is get out of America and you will quickly see that our self-destructive man-hating culture is NOT the norm. The USA makes up less than 5% of the world’s population. We traded traditional sex roles for masculinized women nearly a century ago and what has happened?
    The sexes are now battling against each other, the Caucasian race, infested with feminism, is withering and dying away. Black, Hispanic, and Asian babies are now the majority among children aged 5 and under in a land that in 1960 was over 90% Caucasian, a demographic tidal wave that will sweep away the rotten edifice of Anglo society as it is today.
    Traveling the world has shown me that this will be the human race’s way of correcting, what for all its brilliance and ingenuity, the Caucasian race got so terribly, terribly wrong.
    Go somewhere where traditional sex roles are still around. You may, like me, feel it down to to core of your soul that these societies still have it right, and upon coming home you may feel the dread that I have realizing we got it so wrong in Anglo America.
    There will be a future. But just as with other societies that have peaked and then died on the vine, sparing a last minute miracle I believe ours is about to follow that course.

    1. Cant agree with you more, feminism is no doubt a cancer on the white race and should not in any way be entertained by white men looking for a mate.

    2. I think most people in the U.S can sense, that the white race is on the decline. However, there may be hope people are starting to see through some of this bullshit I sense. I don’t see people buying all the bullshit anymore, especially the younger male crowd, yes they are buying into certain things which aren’t red pill but I feel if shown enough evidence a significant portion of them would consider the information. When you contrast that with the baby boomers and older males invested in the system, not a chance. These younger males have little to lose and have seen the lay offs, no money, etc.
      It’s all getting a bit tiring for people I think, the big losers will be the baby boomers and anyone leeching off the government, I think white society will try to self correct at some point as they see the evidence all around them, whether it will be too little to late remains to be seen. This self correction will also not be pretty by the way as power will taken from certain demographics and I doubt they will hand it over peacefully.

    3. I’ve said this before. Societies that adopt feminism put themselves at an evolutionary/genetic disadvantage because women put off having children until the end of their fertility. Not only does this produce fewer children, but it also produces weaker genetic stock with a variety of issues. The numbers don’t lie. Feminism is literally KILLING us.

    4. The cat is out of the bag already, even if whites disappear tomorrow feminist ideas will continue to spread, it’s on the rise in almost every country, even the middle eastern ones, although it will likely never surface there completely whilst the sunni/shia war continues. i fear the endgame will be something none of us imagined. Regardless of race, in 100 years we will likely be all living a life completely unimaginable to now, in all likelihood it will be based on advanced technology. I predict we will almost all be living in hyper cities with perhaps a small number of us rejecting modern life and living traditionally on the outskirts of civilization. Just a thought.

  27. This quote is money. Tesla is talking about hypergamy a century ago:
    “She is ambitious, often far beyond her natural equipment, to attain the
    thing she wants. She too frequently forgets that all women cannot be
    prima donnas and motion picture stars.”
    Bingo. We have an entire generation of PR drones watching Sex and the City, thinking that they too will land a millionaire by being a narcissistic Instagram twat.

  28. Nice article but I must disagree. If women were “better” than men, than why are most men in prison come from fatherless homes? The percentage is even higher in the black community. I love “smart/genius” type guys like this, thinking they know every woman on the planet. He was probably asexual. As I said before recently on another ROK article, men have decisions. We can sit here and bash women until the end of the world, but settling down is just natural order of life and a path to happiness to most. I cant wrap my head around the fact that all women in America are the same, or women in general. Guys are apart of the problem to…
    Society is failing because of lack of morals, lack of honor, rejecting God.
    Men are just as important as women and vice versa. It’s like the game of chess. The Queen is all powerful BUT the King is the most important piece. If anything happens to the King, game over. Same thing with households and society. Archaic wisdom yet holds tons of truth.

    1. First, many guys are in prison over dum/silly mistakes that are unforgivable in the current U.S society regardless of whether they had fathers or not, most of Latin America/Asia would be in prison if they did the same behaviors in the U.S as they now do that home, think about that for a bit.
      Sometimes male cops will give other guys a break and just let them go without charging them for this exact reason. Society is not failing because a lack of morals, honor or god, it’s failing because power has been handed to women ideals of safe and security, a woman always wants to be more safe and secure that need can never me satisfied, yet this thinking is now what guides 100% of U.S domestic policy, rules upon rules upon rules, making more rules will not help the current society, it’s like on warp drive at the moment.
      Step outside this country in Latin America/Asia/Eastern Europe and you will see what real freedom looks like, by the way real freedom also means you can get hurt and can’t run to mommy/daddy(government) as you can in the U.S. Men in the U.S have traded freedom for security, but in the end will get neither. In the U.S this was tolerated because of the greater economic freedom/money but even this is edge which is the only thing holding this country together(money) is fraying, when it collapses this place will be an even bigger shit hole that places that at least value family/loyalty/honor. There can be no loyalty between two people in the U.S, their ultimate loyalty is 100% too the government whether they know it or not, think about this.

      1. Great explanation. I feel that some guys over the last few decades, he been bulletproof to the agendas. I know my parents have been. It’s the only way they stayed together all these years. Well I feel like when the power was shifted towards women, out of the hands of men, that was MAJOR problem. Well I cant speak on too many other countries because I never traveled outside of the U.S. You have great points though. More women are catching on to the ill treatment of men. They are becoming rare in the U.S just as rare as men are….. I’m not sweating it though lol.

  29. Bah humbug. Tesla probably was asexual and maybe even mildly autistic hence he tended to be a loner, didn’t interact well with women and the love of his life was pigeon. Einstein had no problem with women so it’s not as though science and women have to separate. On the other hand, Newton’s scientific work pales to his fascination with alchemy.

  30. All the great minds were single /nonmarried men or married in name only. I think all the great German philosophers ie Nietsche , Schopenauer I believe were single. Wives and GF are a distraction. They take up precious time which is finite.

  31. Take someone who is a marginally intelligent pop celebrity or performer or athlete. The system HELPS them procreate even if their hectic performing schedules prohibit time for game or actually going out and having to WORK for a piece of ass. A pop music band can land in any stop on their tour and the media and promoters make hospitality for a smorgasbord of pussy available for the performers or players, whatever the case may be. The finest come to players parties. The hot women compete for the famous men and not the other way around. Academia is the exception. Intelligent hot women don’t seem to throw themselves at great academic icons because women themselves have insinuated themselves into the academia to compete as equals with the men. The opposite of football or men’s golf or any field where the rules allow for men only. Unless women were banished from academia would cults of kept and properly broken women be available for the intelligent men to bang like the rock stars do. When has a university ever in modern times hosted an acclaimed scientist to lecture and then afterwards hosted a pussy party for him with hot mensan bitches cherry picked just for HIM, a welcoming and open arms gratuity from the grateful hosting community? It won’t happen in any community that doesn’t give a SHIT about intelligent men, a community where liberated women run amok. Only when MAN RETURNS TO THE THRONE will we see our true great men rewarded with PUSSY ON A PLATTER. A woman produces a tiny finite amount of eggs compared to a fertile man’s zillions of sperm produced throughout his life. MATHETICALLY IT MAKES SENSE that an intelligent man should have MANY WOMEN instead of marrying one measly wife. I think Tesla would concur.

  32. It was written in the “roaring twenties” That age was exactly ours now, high before the fall of the economy. During good times women become wild r selected beasts due to abundant resources. When the bad times hit they will transform to submissive ladies at the snap of a finger. You can see it happening right now, with the “women against feminism” bullshit and all the mommy blogs popping up everywhere.
    Do not get married, no matter what.

  33. While we’re at it, let’s consider Carl Jung’s viewpoint from 1912 as relayed to us by the New York Times:
    New York Times, 29 September 1912:
    Although it’s a bit of a mess, this is what draws me to the article:
    “… I noticed that whenever the American husband spoke to his wife there was always a little melancholy note in his voice, as though he were not quite free: as though he were a boy talking to an older woman. He was always very polite and very kind, and paid her every respect. You could see that in her eyes he was not at all dangerous, and that she was not afraid of being mastered by him. But when any one told him that there was betting going on he would leave her, and his face became eager and full of desire, and his eyes would get very bright and his voice would get strong, and hard, and brutal. That is why I say his Libido, his vital energy, is in the game. He loves to gamble. That is business to-day.”
    Perhaps Tesla recognised that not even he could produce the magnetism of several Teslas (pun intended) that would be needed to extricate himself from such a state of existence.
    Tesla thus made a bet: he could do better without Her serving as a form of sabotage of the machinery of mind …
    The game is still afoot.

  34. You know, even after a century, Tesla’s words are now more relevant than ever. A lot of what gets missed in any critique of the manosphere, is the sheer disappointment that is felt by untold millions of men these days. His words, in this instance, paint a picture more vivid than any other.

  35. Stellar find, roosh.
    It’s as if Tesla invented (or greatly furthered the development) of red pill truths long before it was available over the counter.
    His comments are eerily in concert with the likes of present day manosphere knowledge. And by the varicity of the results 100 years later, Tesla was right.
    I imagine that if he were to materialize today and learn what has become he’d for sure want to zap some fools with lightning …and bang out a bunch of sluts and smoke some ganja in Colorado.

  36. I can’t help but wonder what Tesla would think of how men spend so much time pursuing as many different women as possible for sex. Some having slept with hundreds, he would probably consider it a waste of time and degenerate. But who knows maybe he was a secret player, i don’t know for certain.

    1. He wouldn’t not have made all these inventions if he was a player. He was asexual and celibate for his entire life.
      The irony is this article was posted by a big time player – Roosh.

  37. It’s pretty much getting to the point that it’s one step short of open warfare between women and men.
    Don’t you dare fucking believe that women wouldn’t want to press the button to get rid of unsightly beta men at the expense of all civilization. In fact, it looks like women even PREFER a de-civilized existence, given the amount of time they spend partying in atmospheres that are pretty much like savage cannibal rituals.
    It’s literally going to be an us or them situation – either we choose to save the beta males – the men that are capable of sustaining the things we hold dear (i.e., running water), or we allow women to run rampant with their 90/10 rule and their perverse sexual desires and civilization with collapse. Don’t know how we can save the beta besides open revolt or sex bots.

    1. If world government were ever secured, whatever its form, an all powerful religious cabal or a workers paradise of peace and plenty over a mosh of raceless ‘golden people’, or ‘world man’ as Marx described, IT STILL WOULDN’T BE THE END of world strife but only the beginning.
      Our women wild and liberated are wagering for total matriarchal BITCH RULE. Most every liberated woman could give a rats ass about what kind of facist tyranny evolves around them so long as THEY are on top. Women in academia especially hold this view and are only the whistle blow away from screaming it from the rooftops. WE MUST GET BACK CONTROL OF OUR FEMALES NOW or we are done as a species.
      Our great species homosapienus erectus is patriarchal in its core. Woman came FROM man. Matriarchy is INSECTOID and ALIEN to us. WE MEN have the MIND to rule our course as a species. This is now our most critical moment. Our females at the helm and our hands tied – AND WE CRASH. Poof, we’re gone. Quicker than cancer. We can call the circumcised cuntservants bluff, EXPOSE THE WOMEN’S POWER CHERADE for what it is, but this is indeed one of the most critical times in our history.
      Our next great leap as a species lays right beyond the horizon – AFTER WE RECLAIM OUR OTHER HALF. We ARE NOT two separate species. Only a woman could think such nonsense. We are of the same fold and codependent. Our mind and their womb. GET BACK CONTROL over our females and our great journey through space continues. The feminist scourge was only a bump in the road. And to eternity we shall remain THE GREAT HOMOSAPIENUS ERECTUS ! !

        1. If women DO manage to gain control and wreck the place, it will never dawn on them that they were at fault. They know not what they’re doing. Like always, they’ll never seem to know what went wrong. If we sit like happy monkeys, our balls swinging in the breeze and the bananas dangling ripe, we men are still aware and we WILL know what WE DIDN’T DO to avert the ensuing feminist disaster.

        2. Good luck uniting males, they tear each other down in an attempt to attract women. It’s natural, we’re competitive. I would be all for just making women property (they’re all for using men however they please so idgaf) but the biggest obstacle is OTHER DUDES. Mostly the dudes women don’t actually want to fuck are the problem; the ones who champion women’s rights in an attempt to kiss ass.

        3. “……..but the biggest obstacle is OTHER DUDES.”
          david puketrelle immediately comes to mind. a no-nonsense great comment bro, we keep pointing fingers to feminazis and yet failed to see their enablers i.e. WHITE KNIGHTS. if i made some fat vile fugly foul-mouthed feminazi lose a few teeth then in all likelihood it will be OTHER DUDES i.e. our fellow men who’ll come to bust my ass and send me to jail to be ass-raped by another OTHER DUDES.

      1. Well, I will be at the pool sipping Martini, just let me know when you guys are done saving the world.

      2. Dude. Improve yourself, your community and build something new. Shouting on the internet isn’t going to solve much.

  38. Game/PUA is
    nothing more that jumping through hoops in order to get pussy and there
    is really no need for it. If prostitution became legal or traditional
    christian patriarchy(were every man gets a wife) were restored then all
    the Game/PUA people would be out of business in less than 24 hours. Not only that but men would be able to focus his energies on things other than sex.

      1. “Like civilization it is a thin veneer”
        A very necessary veneer. Otherwise we will have nothing but pure barbarism. Just look at what happened to women as soon as those patriarchal restraints have been removed. Vile, degenerate, sexual depraved, irresponsible children who will follow their animal instance regardless of the consequences. Defiantly not worth marrying. Hence the death of the western family, the death of western civilization.
        The fact of the matter is that anti-patriarchy people have nothing better to replace with except pure worthless hedonism.

  39. Mr. Roosh, don’t miss Charles Darwin’s notes on his diary while he was deciding if he should marry. They’re online at the link below, they’re pretty short, and I’m sure readers will like them.
    Darwin listed pros and cons in two colums. A example of a pro argument “object to be beloved & played with.— —better than a dog anyhow”; on the other hand, if unmarried, “Not forced . . . to bend in every trifle”.
    And his conclusion: “Never mind my boy— Cheer up . . . Never mind, trust to chance—keep a sharp look out— There is many a happy slave”.
    And he decided to marry.

  40. AFAIK Testla not only never married but also never had sex. I guess you could tell he was a celibacy MGTOW.

  41. I dunno; still a lot of pedestalizing from the great Tesla, here. Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed. Even as he realizes this sinister and destructive new direction in feminine ambitions, he still seems to think that woman has forsaken some position of inherent superiority to stoop to it. Or, perhaps he simply knew that one could only voice such an opinion of women’s destructive tendencies if couched in those terms, especially at that time when the Victorian/Turn of Century tendency to idolize women had reached its zenith. Pride went before the fall, though.
    All the greats in history have been celibate; in part, it is the character of a man of genius and self-sufficiency to not particularly need the sex or desire the emotional bond with a woman, who is almost always his moral and intellectual inferior; in part, it is also his nature not to like the distractions that usually come with sex (including the distraction of sex itself), preferring rather to give his whole life to the richness of his mind and soul, and the wonders he can pursue with it; in part, there is (usually) the realization that your average woman really isn’t worth the time, and if a man has enough inner resources to not particularly need or want a woman in his life, there’s little reason to spend it. But, whatever all the components may be, the fact is that a man who is busy being a slave to his passions or a grunt for his wife and kids, is not going to have the freedom to chart his own path. Just try telling your wife that you are experimenting with lightning rather than filing TPS reports for the local Officecorp. Practical considerations of mundane providence will intrude. That said, simply being without a woman is no guarantee of anything. If you still spend all your time chasing tail, wanking it or otherwise wasting time, your freedom turns out to be a bigger waste even than the curtailed and modest accomplishments of the married man.

  42. We tend to think that relations between the sexes were different 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, and have since become corrupted by changes in technology, wealth, or the law. But the interview shows that, 100 years ago, people believed much the same things as we do now.
    Perhaps we tend to idolise the world of our parents and grandparents, without noticing that they went to great lengths to hide their vices (and those of the wider world) from our tender eyes.

    1. It was common for WWII generation men to seek out hookers too. Getting laid was tough back then-most women didn’t put out until after marriage. So your options were jerk off or buy hookers. I’ve had some old guys admit this to me before. Now you can get easy sex from almost any woman-I can’t remember the last time a girl told me she was waiting till marriage.

  43. Both Tesla, and Schopenhauer were well ahead of their time. It makes me wonder how they would react to today’s woman if they were brought back from the dead.

  44. This article was written in 1924 and already things were that bad? That explains everything. I’m starting to appreciate my bachelorhood a lot more now than I did before.

  45. Tesla also criticized fat people, he fired his secretary because she was fat. I have admired Tesla since high school…

  46. Good Article and I think Tesla’s popularity with younger men will be helpful as the awareness of the feminism’s toxicity continues to grow. That being said, I remain troubled by Tesla’s “pedestalization” i.e. his notion that women are literally surpassing men. This is simply not true and acknowledging present day metrics such as declining male enrollment in university notwithstanding, this desperately requires the proper perspective, which the manosphere needs to provide. In that women are making gains today it cannot be emphasized enough that this is a result of state-based or artificial intervention! Perhaps Tesla understood that mechanism, but, its critical for Men today to understand this phenomenon because, more than ever, men are vulnerable to succumb to the illusion that they’re inferior. If there wasn’t a massive socialistic social engineering behemoth subsidizing women and women still advanced then the notion that women are better then men would hold water and we’d be in a much darker place. But, as we continuously observe, over and over, how women “achieve” or “advance” is to find some prestigious and successful part of society and ask why aren’t there more women in blank, which is followed by laws that simply put women into blank. For example, consider what’s happening in the STEM field and most recently in 3D Printing. That said, arbitrarily saying an organization must include group “B” (in this case women) not for merit but because they’re isn’t enough of them IS NOT advancing, rather, it’s cheating and distinguishing that fact is critical to the recovery process and eventual re-emergence of men. Tesla’s perspective on marriage and women has a lot of value, but, his anti-male bias is NOT what will inspire men, namely young men, to re-exert themselves, which is the only way we’ll get this to work. And, worse, women are not superior to men, period. If anything, women and their accomplices have been good at shaming the world appealing to their sense of pity (victims) and creating illusions…so, if we’re to break this illusion of women are better than men, we need to provide our own delicate treatment of Tesla. Indeed, he may be a genius at electricity, but, like everyone else, he’s not right on everything, especially on presuming male inferiority to female.

  47. “Nikola Tesla Explains Why He Never Married…”
    Because he was gay and a total misread on your part.

  48. That was wonderful. Roosh you glorious bastard you never cease to write or find awesome shit for me to read

  49. Today’s woman treats her man like crap, but expects him to worship her always. Of course this dicotomy cannot stand and ultimate collapse of this union must ensue. The only way that this can happen is if the man cuts off emotionally totally and allows it to happen and the women is supremely content to be a tyrant. Tesla apparently was hoping to find a women that would treat him like a King so that he could properly treat her the same.

  50. Anyone who ever invented something or built something out of nothing can attest to the intense gratification that gives. It was Tesla himself who said it makes you forget about time, food, love, … everything.
    THEN bring some hypergamy wife candidate. What would Tesla do?
    He did not deny himself anything good. He had a far better thing.

  51. Guys, what’s wrong with you? After what’s written above, it seems that Tesla didn’t refuse marriage or relationships because he liked his independency so much, but rather because he was scared of women.
    How lame is it to rant against women in general? Needless to say that many terrible women exist on earth, but quite many are good, feminine, submissive girls. If you can’t handle them, it rather shows how weak you are, not that they are all brats.
    Behind every women behaving bad is a bunch of guys licking her feet and accepting her behaviour. We have to be more honest to ourselves: when complaining about female behaviour, we shouldn’t forget that it’s also men’s fault, because we accept shitty behaviour.
    We have to spank them more often instead of kissing their feet 🙂

  52. I think the whole thing is reversed, you want your woman to look up to YOU hence not putting her on a pedastol, cause if you do, you’ll be looking up to her giving her the power. What you SHOULD want is to be the best so people put YOU on that pedastol of greatness, where people worship you and look up to you. What men do today is jack shit and are lazy except the occasional expert in nothing but sex (cause that’s what being a “man” is all about ((which is the whole problem)).) What does that leave us at? Women actually trying to be the best, cause they keep getting told to “man” the fuck up by feminists and those same feminists or our current shit (female)society in general, tell men that they are evil and shit making us lower on the balancing scale, add the weight of them saying we should look up to women cause they’re better and etc… the weight on our side is putting woman on the top (to understand what I’m saying think of a balancing scale). What we need to do is make men self reliant, independent but not un wanting in love (just not desperate to sub come to feminists brainwashing) smart, strong, emotional yet stable. What will happen is a stand still, women will wonder, where the fuck are all the men feminists promised me with being the best. So will men wonder where the fuck are the women to look up and worship me (most are brainwashed and won’t sub come easily.) There will be a time where being single is more popular than being in a couple, cause people will focus on their personal greatness.(I think it’s 50.1% single in US right now)….then… side will give up and go back to worshiping a sex and quite frankly (it’s impossible to have this utopia of equality but maybe there is a way, I’m just not sure how and frankly I wouldn’t mind it, anything is better than female supremacy.) I hope it’s men who come up to cause it’ll be a cold day in hell when I let women decide what they want to do with me (sex slave you get the jiff).

  53. Found this nugget on another blog so I felt the need to share
    “Marriage is to keep women from being dumped by alphas, and betas from being dumped by women.”
    I think this speaks volumes-obviously marriage is never a guarantee but it provides the most protection each of these groups can buy in today’s world.

  54. He has strong points. He has mistaken points. However, unfortunately some of what he says hold true for the state of relationships in modern countries, in a quite exacerbated fashion.

  55. Tesla is absolutely right. This system is unsustainable.
    One man
    to one women is the only system that creates balance, history’s great
    minds understood that women are, most often than not, animals, driven by
    instinct. Men are infinitely more logical than women pound for pound.
    It is very rare that I mean a mathematical women that I commonly find in
    the male gender – and let me tell you, it is impressive, almost
    intimidating in a way – just like Tesla was talking about. The standard
    women being instinct driven is a canned game of instinctual cat and
    mouse that gets old quick.
    All tyrants know – you corrupt the men
    buy corrupting the women. Women are easy programmed by propaganda to be
    – basically whatever the ruling class wants them to be or act, their
    tendency to be nuturing etc and their brains biology in general makes
    them more naive to political maneuvers by the ruling classes. The men
    will “adapt” to the changes in the female hive mind and then you have
    control of the men by proxy – and if you control the men you control the
    The West is under siege due to this exact scenario. All tyrants know that the more immoral a society, the easier it is ruled.
    elders understood this – and that is why women were not given equal
    rights. It truly is a shame because there are women out there that are
    intellectual enough and smart enough to make it work with men, but most
    don’t play ball with society – they play with their instinctual fire
    Sorry to red pill you – that is just the case.

  56. Sorry. The great genius Tesla died poor, alone, and feeding pidgins in the park, along with caring for sick ones in his small apartment. All of which likely would have been avoided if had only married well.

    1. Even if he had got married, then he would, in all likelihood, die alone unless of course his wife and children immediately commit suicide after it was confirmed that Tesla passed away in his deathbed. If your wife and children don’t die together with you then you’ll still “die alone”.
      And Tesla would even be poorer had he had got married, you seriously think a wife & children will cost Tesla no money?
      Unless of course Tesla had married well, “well” as in married to a European princess and receive his share of tons of imperial wealth.

  57. Being an Aspie woman…I have no real interest in men. “Men” aren’t really men. They have become desensitized, lazy, lack luster, spoiled brats with a strong sense of entitlement. Similar to the things you are saying about women. His modern day woman, and many women still today, do not act like women. We’re meant to be nurturers, soft, sweet, supportive. Some still are. Men are supposed to be caretakers, strong, confident, and also supportive. Most are not. Having been married twice, I’ll never marry again. My focus is on my children, and my career choice- which is a noble one, worthy of my time and energy. Don’t you dare think he had the same thought process as any of you. He was, and still is, above any of you. Don’t kid yourselves.

    1. As an Aspie man, I can say you aren’t much better, if at all. Women have become oversensitive, lazy, bitchy, arrogant, spoiled brats themselves (not all, but enough of you to make an impact).
      I suppose women are meant to be what you described, but so many of you are adamant about going against that, and that’s fine, but don’t expect others to conform to your ideas. Too many women today get offended by the SLIGHTEST thing (eg. getting scientist to apologize over shirt (despite him helping to land probe on a comet), flipping out about the owner of this site (Roosh) and calling him a rapist for writing articles you disagree with, etc.), and even though most men don’t fall under their traditional roles, you fail too, as you admitted.
      I couldn’t care less what you do with your children and career, as long as you stop blaming us for goddamn near everything that’s wrong with your lives.
      Also, I can say I’m very similar to Tesla; I once held women up on a pedestal (as he did), but then saw that it wasn’t worth it and am just not as interested in relationships (as he became). He’s obviously above me for his contributions, but then again, I’m only 17, so time will tell.
      Nonetheless, I must conclude that if men are degenerates today, women are even MORE so. If you feel men should respect you more, then your gender should stop expecting to be worshipped.

  58. “The public, or semi-public, character is the target for all sorts of attacks and unpleasant communications.” Wow, for a second I thought it was Roosh who wrote that.
    Tesla was so far ahead of his time – much to the chagrin of the limousine liberals fawning over their new Tesla.
    ….hm, maybe I should buy one of those things after all in honor of the namesake. heheh….

  59. I’m a modern woman who read this and agrees with Tesla, actually. I’m sure I shall hear howls of outrage from the feminists.

  60. Are these actual quotes by Tesla or is this what the writer imagines he would have to say about today? If these are indeed actual quotes then it is scary how prescient he was about modern women. Ironically, I have a friend who is very beta who is Croatian and descended from Tesla.

  61. very similar to my perception of my bachelorism. his assessments, even in his days, prove to be very accurate and in alignment with a progressed prediction of modern times.

  62. Tesla, if he were alive today, would support the MGTOW conclusion on women. I sure doubt he would want to lose half of his research and stuff to a woman through a divorce… And then be jailed by the state if he refused to comply.
    I doubt he would wear a shirt like that other researcher wore that resulted in him having to give a tearful apology because some feminists were offended by it (even though a woman feminist gave him that shirt to wear in the first place).
    The more men we can get to go MGTOW, the more and better inventions we will have in the near future! Dang it Tesla, you should have worked on some sex robots for us along with all the other things you completed.

  63. I think if Tesla would have found most of these comments repulsive and the men that wrote them deficient.

  64. So basically Tesla thought that women who wanted equal rights weren’t dainty enough and looked down on them/afraid of them, and that’s why he didn’t marry. Honestly that’s really disappointing. I don’t think anyone should ever be expected to marry as a duty or owe it to anyone and I don’t think that’s a common mentality, at least not anymore. I just thought he was asexual before reading this because it looked like to me he lacked sexual desire, not because I can’t stand the thought of some dude not wanting to have a wife.
    :/ sucks, I just lost one of my idols.

  65. I do not think he wrote this…this looks like it came from Sam Vaknins writing on Male Redundancy.

  66. Mr. Tesla was right about women’s ambitions and their evolution but his perception is wrong on so many fronts. Capable women are just as feminine or more so now than 200 years ago and this doesn’t change the fact of our feminity or daintiness. We are not trying to compete or control, we are just doing what we are good at doing…being responsible human beings, caring for our families and taking charge of our own destiny.

  67. Nikola Tesla was a great man. BUT he is above all of you retards who refuse to acknowledge the deterioration of men. It’s an insult to Nikola and to all other brilliant human beings like him to have him listed on this stupid, depraved website ran by some ugly pro-rape troglodyte. Nikola had bigger goals in mind, while you idiots’ sole purpose in your existentially-mediocre lives is getting your dicks in some pussy and then complain about being “oppressed” when you feel that no one will let you have sex. All men today are retarded, materialistic, shallow, narcissistic, sex-obsessed sex-addicts who don’t know what love is.
    So don’t list Nikola on this website when he was nothing like the subhuman “men” on this website. All of you are beneath him. He was actually anti-social to both men and women, so that tells you he not only observed the deterioration of women, but he observed the deterioration of men, too.

  68. I am a woman. I think he wanted to be known for his self-reliance. The type of man who never needed a woman to motivate him so to speak. He was very self-controlled another attribute to his success. Good for him. I respect and value a man’s mental strength. To be honest, women are “clever” and through their manipulation they gain advantage using their sexuality so that a man can be her pawn. BUT when a man focuses HIS ability to achieve is legendary. I cant stand the modern day woman and the men that praise them.

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