Bold And Determined Is The Website For Winners

ROK’s December sponsor is Bold & Determined, which offers lifestyle and self-improvement advice for men.

Bold and Determined….

-Details the art of high performance in a world full of underachievers.

-Dishes out what it takes to be strong and disciplined, and how to develop an iron mind.

-Focuses on the mindset of success. Without the right mindset the “how” is meaningless.

-Embeds unbreakable virtues in the men who aspire for higher.

-Shows you how to get from A to B in a straight line instead of going from A to A in a circle.

Some articles readers of ROK may enjoy include:

For men who are interested in combining game improvement with additional lifestyle development, check out Bold & Determined.

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42 thoughts on “Bold And Determined Is The Website For Winners”

      1. ok, I have looked everywhere I can but cant figure it out. How about a clue what D&P and GLL are please? Still kinda new here man.

        1. and
          mike is very well known on the rooshvforums and also probably the most useful website i’ve ever found (pertaining to masculinity and how to improve oneself)

  1. Yeah Bold And Determined and ROK are my favourite sites hands down. Both have changed my formerly pathetic, ball-less life.

    1. I see your Disqus history – you post on xoJane and MadameNoire. What are you doing on Return of Kings?

      1. Because I try to enlighten silly feminist. So you saw my history, but obviously haven’t read any of my posts. If you did, you would see I am spreading red pill wisdom.

        1. “Because I try to enlighten silly feminists”…
          If you were “Red Pill” as you claim you are you would know that enlightening feminists is just NOT possible.

        2. So because something is perceived as not possible, that means you should give up? How beta of you. Sit here in RoK and wallow in self-pity if you’d like.

        3. Also, the reason I was on xojane is because I saw a TRUE feminist, not one of these man-hating dikes. She believed females should be accountable for their actions. That if women want to be equal, then they need to put in the work and not act like children. That a guy saying “hey, sexy” isn’t a criminal offense. She was arguing with other women in there in the defense of men. So, I complimented her.

    2. You don’t have to agree with everything he says. Even the big 3 someone listed above all disagree with each other on certain things.

      1. All of my heroes have aspects of their character that i dont like. but thats what makes them real, and also what makes them men of principle worth following. No one likes a timid sheepdog
        My view is, take the best of your heroes, always making sure to pay respects to those who tread the path before you, but also take things your own way. don’t do a copy paste job of their life, because it won’t be one based in self identity.

  2. I looked at it a little bit before, and thought it was kind of corny. I’ll peruse it some more later.

  3. I love Bold & Determined, but I wish Victor would write more. He’s slowed down a lot, haven’t seen a new article from him in awhile

    1. i hear you man. He writes much more than he publishes. but thats why when they do hit, they’re great.
      if you haven’t seen his offcuts (posts that are still good but that he didn’t think were worth putting on B&D) check out

  4. As readers of Return Of Kings we should make sure we click on and investigate every sponsor and try and use their services. I use ROK every day and so I probably read it just as much as many newspapers.
    I am not an expert on making money from websites but when i read articles on sites like i am convinced there are great opportunities for Roosh to monetise ROK to a great extent, without diminishing the integrity of the site. This financial success would then equip him to progress to even greater ventures.

  5. Good stuff. I’ve done the old school steak and eggs diet Victor recommends. I lost fat and gained muscle quickly.

  6. Victor gets points for enthusiasm, but i’m not sure that you need to follow all his advice….
    he seems to think you need to take hormones and drugs to self improve(intelligence and physique) which just doesn’t ring true with reality to me. It seems as far as he’s concerned if you are over 28 you can’t be in shape without taking testosterone, which is only true if you are expecting to become unrealistically large/lean to me.
    If you have realistic goals in the gym there is no reason you cant be in great shape until at least your mid fifties naturally, the key is to simply desire to be the best version or an improved version of YOU, rather than to appear as someone else entirely. Maybe I have good genetics or know some “genetic freaks”, but plenty of 40-50 year old guys at my gym stroll in and bench 225 for 12-20 reps, and these guys aren’t taking hormones or roids, in fact they barely ate more than a pack of crisps that day, many middle aged men find it easier to gain and have a more solid physique than when they were young
    The key is to make fitness/strength/physique a lifetime goal/habit rather than going for the 6 month total transformation, sure beginners gains + good genetics can cause dramatic changes in short time, but after that it’s slow and steady wins the race, and the guys with consistency win out

    1. And here is a clue about the sex thing….if you can fuck a girl 8 times a night it’s probably not because you’re young(unless we’re talking 14), it’s because you are a fucking desperate beta that didn’t get any action the night before, or the night before that, and have nothing important to do the next the day. You’re are a little too pleased with that girl, because you never had one before. Weak betas can fuck just as good as anyone else, they just have trouble actually getting it. Women know this and don’t want to let it happen, they are repulsed by betas precisely because they know that beta COULD screw her brains out if given enough of a chance. She needs to keep him in his place…Most men will have the opposite problem in their life….that their gf or wife won’t want to fuck THEM. So focus on game, not T-levels….
      And how about this….if you don’t want to fuck, then just don’t fuck. If you don’t feel like fucking why not just not fuck? Sex is mental as much or more as physical anyway…if you are not mentally excited, you don’t want to do it. Its not neccersarily an age or a T thing. Maybe you need another girl to excite you, maybe you SHOULDN’T want to fuck that girl again, variety and quality is more important than sheer quantity of ejaculations. Especially as you age, you might lose a step, but most likely you are less interested in sex because of experience, you have already banged ten or so HB 7.5s so now you need an 8.5 you catch my drift. Women want men who are selfish and demanding, so certainly don’t fuck her or do things in bed just for her sake. Find out what you want and get it.

      1. The way you write makes it look like you’re trying to reassure yourself that it’s okay to be a virgin and/or incel. Money, strength (physical or otherwise) and women are all signs of an ass-kicking man who gets what he wants in life. If Roosh ever has boys to raise, I’m sure they’ll be natural alphas…

        1. the way you write makes it seem like you are trying to justify not really being a man. Here is a clue….if you need T-replacement therapy at 28 years of age….you are the man you are trying to portray me as
          what a bizarre creature you are.

        2. I didn’t mention TRT? At all? I mean yeah Victor’s written articles about it on B&D but if you actually read what he wrote you’d know he’s not advocating TRT for just any dude (he actually considers it a last resort)

        3. A last resort?….that’s why he started using at 29, and is always telling guys they need roids to get big etc Get a grip, he’s not telling them to take it, bt he sure as hell tells them if they don’t, they won’t get big. If you weren’t talking about TRT I don’t know what the hell you are talking about buddy because like I said i’m an older guy who throws around big weight like it’s nothing, i’m also happy not to have sex when I don’t want to have sex, sometimes once is enough for me and that’s ok. Stop trying to justify being obsessed with your physique, sexual notch count etc and all the other things you imagine make you more alpha and just get what you want, and stop trying to take potshots at a guy with a lot more experience and a lot more to say than you.

        4. a lot more that’s going to save young insecure faggots like you taking advice from one of these insecure and often altogether lying self help gurus on the internet

        5. dude you’re nothing but a hater. you’ve given zero reason for people to listen to you, you’re just ranting aimlessly like every other reactive idiot in front of a computer…

        6. No you’re the hater, anyone who knows anything about health and fitness knows you lose your size and strength last, that’s why there are far more 70-80 years olds who can bench say 300lbs, than could ever run 100m or a marathon in a respectable time, that’s just a fact buddy. Stop trying to justify your puny physique and insecurities, and misleading those of us who fall into the spectrum of physical and mental normality, and start focusing on all the things you might lose first, including your mind. Retard.

        7. without visual evidence of your physical prowess, everything you say is meaningless

  7. And here is a clue about the sex thing….if you can fuck a girl 8 times a night it’s probably not because you’re young(unless we’re talking 14), it’s because you are a fucking desperate beta that didn’t get any action the night before, or the night before that, and have nothing important to do the next the day. You’re are a little too pleased with that girl, because you never had one before. Weak betas can fuck just as good as anyone else, they just have trouble actually getting it. Women know this and don’t want to let it happen, they are repulsed by betas precisely because they know that beta COULD screw her brains out if given enough of a chance. She needs to keep him in his place…Most men will have the opposite problem in their life….that their gf or wife won’t want to fuck THEM. So focus on game, not T-levels….
    And how about this….if you don’t want to fuck, then just don’t fuck. If you don’t feel like fucking why not just not fuck? Sex is mental as much or more as physical anyway…if you are not mentally excited, you don’t want to do it. Its not neccersarily an age or a T thing. Maybe you need another girl to excite you, maybe you SHOULDN’T want to fuck that girl again, variety and quality is more important than sheer quantity of ejaculations. Especially as you age, you might lose a step, but most likely you are less interested in sex because of experience, you have already banged ten or so HB 7.5s so now you need an 8.5 you catch my drift. Women want men who are selfish and demanding, so certainly don’t fuck her or do things in bed just for her sake. Find out what you want and get it.

  8. I like that Bold & Determined points guys in the direction of self-improvement,
    but so much of the writing on it reads like an internet marketing sales pitch.

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