Why You Should Be Morally Apathetic In Your Dealings With Women

When I broke up with my college girlfriend back in my Baptist days, she was completely distraught. Let’s call her Petunia. Petunia was wanting to save her first kiss for her future husband, but I had her so co-dependent on me that she initiated our first kiss. [Admittedly I was a very late bloomer, but I made up for it in natural charisma.]

I assured her that I knew I was in love with her and that we would get married, but after we had dated for almost three months, I changed my mind, claiming that it was in both of our best interests.

Love Story

Heartiste lays out two possible ways women will react to a major break-up. Most girls cry, eat chocolate, and try to convince themselves they are better without him. Petunia was in the the second category, the “lashes out bitterly with rage and spite” category with “attempt to poison the well of whatever friendships or associations you shared” and “make it difficult for you to get her out of your life,” and it was difficult to avoid her since we went to the same church.

I have a small scar from about a month after the break-up when she dug her nails into my wrist. A few months later, she would still break into tears over me at the college Bible studies. All of that, and I never even gave her the dick. If I were a modernist under the delusion that women had all the capabilities I have, then I would have turned into a misogynist. Fortunately, I was able to write her behavior off as “just being a girl.”

Finally after almost a year, Petunia started teaching an ESL class at church and began dating a student. He was an off-the-boat Mexican who could barely speak English, and like most volunteer Christian ESL teachers, she didn’t know any Spanish. I told her, “I find it funny that we used to practice our German together, and now you practice your English together!” She didn’t laugh.

After dating him for six months, they got engaged and then married a year later in a wedding attended by several incel former friends I had introduced her to.

Petunia and I were a perfect example of what happens when two people have great chemistry and the emotional maturity of 15-year-olds. I doubt it’s a coincidence that he—much like I—was the only person willing to show her affection. But it’s not that she was ugly or androgynous. Petunia was a basket case and drained anyone who talked to her.

It took me three months after meeting her before I was willing to let her out of the friendzone, and it wasn’t until after she got with the new guy that I realized I shouldn’t have broken up with her so impulsively. [There’s a catharsis somewhere in writing this piece.]

I like to think that Petunia and the Mexican were actually in love, found things in common, and won’t get divorced within three years, but realistically she is probably bored out of her mind. I may have ruined her life. Most human beings would feel guilty upon realizing this.

Perhaps I’m a stone-hearted bastard, but I don’t let myself feel intimidated by such ever-changing notions of morality or “past mistake.” Petunia is an autonomous human being with free will to make choices. Or perhaps we all act as billiard balls, but either way I can’t be held responsible for her misery. Or won’t be held responsible. Either or, but who cares?

She is out of my life and with a different person. Now Pachico is responsible for making sure she’s happy. Or maybe they’re divorced with a baby and she’ll wind up alone like my mother. All her choices. She chose to date me, she chose to let down her emotional guard, and afterwards she chose to marry the first man who showed interest. Petunia chose to pursue Hollywood notions of infatuation.

Morality The Chameleon

Consider my friend Frederick. His high school girlfriend Ethel was absolutely in love with him, but he just thought she was a convenient person to have sex with. He never cheated on her, but he never really liked her either. After they broke up for the last time, she became very empowered, got knocked up, and bragged on Facebook about how she didn’t have a man in her life. The sexually liberated woman at her finest.

Frederick felt bad about Ethel for a long time. Like most westerners, Frederick sadly has fallen to emotivist ethics. Emotivism is an ethical theory that sees morality in terms of aesthetic judgments. Perhaps it is not “true morality,” but it is the common worldview of today. Killing innocents is ugly, while building hospitals is beautiful.Chemically-induced euthanasia is ugly, but pulling a feeding tube is beautiful. Calling your wife “the boss” is beautiful, but calling your husband “the boss” is ugly. Banging an 18-year-old is beautiful, but banging a 17-year-old is ugly—unless the 17-year-old is male.

Emotivism summarizes why a man would white-knight or call himself a feminist. Surely he has realized his lack of sex. Surely he has watched men ridicule him. Even though he sees that women always go for the assholes, he still maintains his position out of a sense of morality.

What good is truth if it has no function? Men have absolutely nothing to gain by being sympathetic towards women’s liberation, yet they keep running headfirst in the wall.

Celebrity Pseudo-Alphas

The sole exception to this voluntary celibacy is if the white knight is incidentally a celebrity. Well, sort of. Women love to champion Kurt Cobain as a male feminist, but before he struck gold, he was a loser who dropped out of high school to work as a janitor at that same school. He was talented, but he was never cool. He was pretentious and bitchy.

Kurt Cobain was such a big supporter of feminism, LGBT, and racial equality because he himself felt like he had no power over his life. Yet all of his misery was derived from his own choices. He quit school to clean toilets. He treated his wedding like a joke and then wondered why his marriage didn’t make him happy. Everything was a joke to him because he didn’t know how to live.

He had enough money to quit music and retire in a cabin tucked away in the woods or any number of things to make himself satisfied, but instead he decided to commit suicide. His stole from his daughter the ability to know her father. Finally, he insulted the girl by writing “I love you” and that his death would be in her best interest on the suicide note.

Cobain’s white knighting did not do him any good at all. He died alone and miserable despite having many people in his life who cared about him. I’ve never understood why feminists hold him so high as an example of what a man should be.

Love Thyself, And Do As Thou Wilt

“Why does she like jerks when I’m such a nice guy who listens to her and is always accommodating?” You’ve already answered your own question. If girls like jerks, then be one. If women didn’t respond so well to being abused, negged, and subjugated, then feminists wouldn’t have anything to complain about. 

If girls view you the same as their gay friends, then you’re doing something wrong. She doesn’t want a sensitive romantic to eat cookie dough with, nor does she believe that such a thing as a nice guy even exists. Destroy your woman’s sense of independence by making her addicted to you, and then let someone else lose sleep answering the question of morality.

One time I sent Petunia a joke text, “Hey I’m breaking up with you,” and then a few seconds later, “Just kidding.” She responded, “Don’t do that! I can’t handle the anxiety!” She was absolutely correct, and I’ve laughed about it to this day.

Read More: But You’re A Good Girl

115 thoughts on “Why You Should Be Morally Apathetic In Your Dealings With Women”

  1. Women obey neither logic or morality. Being constrained by these two things when your opposition is a feral wildcard just makes you weak. Save logic and morality for your dealings with men and children.

    1. Women cant comprehend the idea of wanting another person to be happy. Most “nice guys” are just trying to make women happy. You never see women trying to make other people feel good about themselves. If they do, they make sure to tell the entire world about it and make it about them.
      If you try to make them happy she will assume you have an agenda, because thats how she thinks. She will give you a random blowjob one night, but then expect you to clean the kitchen later that night. Good deeds for no reason is a foreign language.
      When I was a blue-piller, I never once said “im going to buy her something she likes so that she will love me more/give me more sex” but every time I did, I was met with a look of confusion and once got a “somebody wants some action tonight”

      1. Self sacrifice an selflessness are completely foreign concepts to women unless it involves their kids.

        1. And about half (or less) the women sacrificing for their children are doing so to impress their peers and not look like losers, not because they actually give a shit about their kids. Yes, I really think women have become THAT selfish based on personal observations, in the west anyways.
          Also, any woman who will take a boy away from his father, then raise him without masculine morals is extremely selfish and perpetuating their own sociopathy, using their vagina breeder as an amplifier for their own sociopathy.

        2. What you say is true but on average I still think women will make sacrifices for their kids but I can’t think of another situation where women self sacrifice an display selflessness. It seems to be the concept of honour is something that only appears regularly in the male psyche, there’s exceptions both ways but this seems to be the rule. I’m not trying to white knight here but some dads deserve to lose their kids coz they are fuck ups as fathers, but I don’t like our femininsed gynocentric custody system any more than you. A man shouldn’t have tonoay money to see his own child.

      2. The inherent selfishness of females should be taught in sex ed, its just a biological reality that you can’t really be upset with. If men were getting a proper education the world would be a much better place. We don’t have any problem teaching women about the biological reality of men – THEY JUST WANT SEX
        so why not educate men on the harsh truths of female instinct? Of course that won’t happen because confused men desperately vying for female attention really drives economic growth hahaha

        1. We need male only academies that teach the basic skills required for manhood. In my opinion this would include fighting, basic repair and building skills, hunting, shooting. Only the physical stuff except for boys who indicate an aptitude for the sciences.

      3. These lines:” ..make it about them.”, “Good deeds for no reason is a foreign language.”, and “..I was met with a look of confusion.” Selfish, selfish, & usually the look of confusion is her way of instantaneously transmitting;”why the fuck would you do something so far beyond anything I’d ever do for you?” I’ve come to realize that any substantial good deed is repaid by utter disrespect in the next 1-7 days usually. Not just no reciprocity, but seemingly intentional disregard and disrespect, as if you’re being punished for ANY supplication, or even something just slightly too nice.

        1. So true. I always cook breakfast for myself almost every morning and if my ex-girlfriend slept over I would make enough for the both of us. She would not only refuse to eat it, but make sure to let me know that she went somewhere to eat after leaving my house. It was certainly a punishment for what she perceives as an overextension of myself. I hope these women meet the cold, selfish, distant men theyre looking for.

        2. The only good deed a man should do is protecting his property. Whether that is his family, his race, his country, his land, his culture, or his honor, It all comes down to protecting what is HIS. Anything else just proves you are a sucker.

        3. That’s just bad form no matter the sexual dynamics. No wonder she’s an ‘ex’. If I make breakfast on occasion my wife is quite appreciative and says so.

        4. My genes belong to me, My race is the caretaker of my genes, as I am the caretaker of it’s.
          I am not talking about racial purity, I am taking about racial preference… Not supremacy, but recognition.
          So yes, in a very real way, my race belongs to me, as it does to every man of my subspecies. The same as my family, my culture, and my honor… and I take a personal responsibility in it’s well-being.

        5. Well said, Brigadon. When I hear others talk about how they belong to a Master Race or a Chosen People, then my self-protective instincts are triggered, but my Polish-speaking grandparents never taught me that level of supremacy, and I can recognize superior individuals of any ethnicity.

        6. admittedly superior individuals of some ethnicities are rare enough to be nearly nonexistent, but recognizing the strengths of one ethnic group or another is hardly supremacy, or even what one could realistically consider ‘racism’.
          I think it’s funny when people claim you ‘judge someone by the color of their skin’ when what you are really judging them by is their stupidity, criminal conviction rate, poor ability to speak, inability to reason or use logic effectively, propensity towards pointless violence, inability to be responsible, proclivity towards sociopathic autism, a prediliction for nepotism or corruption, a tendency towards racial guilt, and a host of other factors that are not simply ‘the average’, but are endemic to the vast majority of a race. And every race has both strengths and weaknesses among their majority.

        7. Do the uncivilized, ie those who cannot or will not function in a civilized society deserve ‘civil rights’?
          With rights, are there not responsibilities?
          We need to stop infantile-izing certain groups and always blaming external factors for their repeated failure to integrate or assimilate into a civilized society.
          Instead our entire society and culture is being lowered to the least common denominator so those unable to compete can not only finish, but ‘win’.
          We are not supposed to ‘judge’ when people act uncivilized, and it is considered an insult to many when you ask them to act civilized.
          Often times asking somebody to stop cussing in front of little kids will get you into a fistfight.
          I’ve seen it first hand. I’ll let you guys fill in the blanks on who asked who to do what, and who responded with violence.
          If you want ‘civil rights’ then goddammit start acting like civilized people.
          For the less well read, Mirriam – Websters defines civilized like this:
          : marked by well-organized laws and rules about how people behave with each other
          : polite, reasonable, and respectful
          : pleasant and comfortable

        8. I don’t believe in civil rights. Especially not ‘Human rights’
          Every right people possess must be taken and secured with the point of a gun or a knife. Thus, the only ‘rights’ you possess are those men are willing to kill or die for.
          If it were not for men with guns willing to kill to defend their right to bear arms and worship their god, the first and second amendment to the constitution would have ceased to exist long ago.

        9. She was a wannabe feminist and my first and only lesson on why to avoid them. She hated men but her life revolved around men so pissing men off is her way to “empower” herself.

      4. The Green Ranger was trying to school us back in the 90’s on how to do things.

        Kimberly was wet for him from then on.

      5. I’m straight up with it. I’ll buy a chick some sexy lingerie and tell her “put your heels on you’re wearing that tonight”.
        Given time man, no woman will expect you to clean the kitchen. If she has a problem with it again be straight up “I’m not doing women’s work”. Don’t be afraid to tell women these things. They will come to heel. They have a problem then you get in her fucking face about it.
        You are big, scary and you have loud fucking voice. Use it bro…

        1. I know, I know. I’m telling stories from the good ol’ blue pill days before I knew what was going on.

      6. I think you’re, in part, wrong.
        Women desire some men be happy in life – their sons.
        But only in her terms, and in the way she mandates it to be. If you did a different life for yourself, she will try – until her last day in this mortal coil – to bend you to her will.

        1. “only in her terms, and in the way she mandates it to be”
          So true. You’re describing the way my boss acts with her son and, by extension, with me, always trying to “bend me to her will”.

        2. Women want their sons to be happy, yes, but women don’t appreciate what makes men happy. Not intentional on their part, they can’t.

        3. Yes, and they just don’t know what makes us happy, but also what help us to better ourselves, what help us grow as a man. Here is when the father has to step in or if you’re older, a male mentor.

        4. Mothers are the parent most kids spend their early years clinging to. This gives them a vast amount of influence over those formative years. Which is yet another reason to pick your wife with the long view of her also being the mother to your kids. But mothers will often manipulate their sons to be what the mother thinks she would have wanted if she was his contemporary. This is part of the Oedipus Complex, which many men will be crippled by, thus the 40yo living comfortably in his Mothers basement.
          Fortunately if a strong father is around, usually around puberty, he will take more of a forceful rule on the kids. That structure and firm enforcement of the rules (which mothers are usually lax on) will begin to strengthen the character of both sexes of kids. Without that father-figure, we get manginas and feminists.

        5. Upvote.
          Change sons to daughters and manginas to sluts/SJWs/Feminists, and you’re right on the money.

  2. Dont beat yourself up too much. Dating a virgin for three months and breaking up with her surely didnt ruin her life, the church did.

    1. “Dont beat yourself up too much. Dating a virgin for three months and
      breaking up with her surely didnt ruin her life, the church did.”
      Why is her life ruined? Because, she didn’t get to keep a guy who she dated for “almost three months” who still writes about her? That she gave up her (*gasp*) first kiss to him? “I had her so co-dependent on me that she initiated our first kiss.” Lock up your wife and daughters, Blair Nasco is on the loose.
      That: “After dating [the Mexican] for six months, they got engaged and then married a year later.” Ok, where’s the life ruination in that? Because the guy was a Mexican? She probably got a hard working guy who will give her lots of babies. Whereas, she dodged a bullet with this Blair Nasco character.
      “One time I sent Petunia a joke text, “Hey I’m breaking up with you,” and then a few seconds later, “Just kidding.” She responded, “Don’t do that! I can’t handle the anxiety!” She was absolutely correct, and I’ve laughed about it to this day. [WTF? What’s so funny? Who laughs to themselves “to this day” about a short relationship that normal people would have forgotten and moved on from?]

      1. She’s not ruined at all. I know girls with 40+ past sexual partners that are coming to the reality that they might die alone. They are ruined. I think the author is just trying to make himself feel better about her moving on.

        1. You have that exactly right Brock. I know a ruined woman mid to late thirties. She is coming for me.
          No chance.

      2. Yep, I sorta noticed that the whole article comes off as a wannabe white knight bemoaning his lost stupidity.
        Maybe 50 years ago, this article might have been valid. Today? Where the fuck was the male influence in this batshit girl’s life? Why did you expect to have to play her father?

  3. The more you put a women on pedestal the more you’ll push her away. In my Pre red pill days I believed the opposite but now from personal experience I know it’s true.

  4. I knew a girl once. Took her to a high school dance. Later on did not want to try to hit battshit crazy then or ever. Saw her about a year ago, and she has a ton of issues, mostly about this dude that’s playing her. So glad I didn’t touch that.

      1. Who pays for the single mothers kids? Men. Who has to fight in wars? Men. Who has to pay child support/alimony? Men. Who can have their reputations destroyed by flimsy claims of “harassment”? Men. Who can be forced by law to support a child who is not biologically their own? Men.
        I think they are doing a fine job of oppressing a gender. Like it or not, women have a lot of power over men. Women naturally use their vagina power to control men; it’s like how people can tame animals like bears to perform in a circus, women are men tamers.
        You have to understand, the basis of all conflict is men competing for the sexual attention of females – if women rewarded kindness and the fair sharing of resources with sexual access there would be no war/poverty/starvation etc. Men are just puppets. Sucks but its true.

        1. Good points, but women couldn’t oppress a herd of cats let alone men without other men doing their dirty work. Don’t pay alimony? It’s not a gang of armed women coming to your door w/ deadly weapons, it’s men. Men need to recognize their role in the oppression of the gender. The only way men will change what they put up with is by becoming aware of the spell they have been raised under.

        2. The basis of all conflict? No way.
          Do not forget the immense power of “tears” my friend.

        3. Joke Reply 1: Ive herded some pussy in my day
          Joke Reply 2: It is possible to herd cats but you need to have a body made 80% of haggen daaz
          Joke Reply 3: You draw then in with ancient wisdom and before you know it they are lo mein
          I also do weddings and bar mitzvahs

        4. too many betas with daddy issues, and not enough alphas with automatic weapons
          i always look at these demonstrations and riot police and wonder WTF gives…. if one guy had the balls to turn up with an AK and 1000 rounds of ammo… game over…. and no more betas would want to put on riot gear to suppress their fellow citizens.
          it would cost less than the tickets to a Justin Timberlake concert to change the world overnight.

        5. Universal awareness is not something I believe men can reach; mostly because the most powerful men take full advantage of this situation to manipulate other men. I guess I should have stated that ~1% of men use women to oppress the other 99% of men.

        6. I can’t name a single right wing protest group that has had to go up against/fight riot police in America this century; the guys you sympathize with ARE the beta male faggots betraying their own race and sex to side with feminism, anti-fascism and racial suicidalism

      2. Oh man, you have to tell me where can I download all those pictures, can you upload them or at least tell me where can I find them?

        1. Oh man, you have to tell me where can I download all those pictures, can you upload them or at least tell me where can I find them?

          I collected them in the last 10 or so years, mainly from 4chan and 8chan. Several thousand pics, gigabytes upon gigabytes, but more importantly: 100s are added each month, so just follow me and you will see the best ones.

        2. They probably get so much pussy too because girls love guys who are in executive, superior positions to them in the workplace. Haha, lucky bastards.

        3. They employed only 4 men for every 27 women. What a pro-feminist, misandrist company.
          Those poor men should get a proper HR department going, and level out numbers with some decent equality policies.

    1. Even they have to resort to help from white knights and manginas to do that.

    2. don’t joke about this… they’re working pretty hard at it…. half the male school children are on heavy drugs before their 7th birthday.

      1. Damn right.
        My 14yo nephew is on 4 different drugs for ADHD. And my 6yo nephew is starting to stack up the pharmaceuticals as well.
        All arranged by my psychologist sister.
        A generation of men, being drugged into betaland by a generation of women.

      2. They put me on dexedrine when I was five. The pure active isomer of amphetamine when I was five. The psychiatrist still feigned moral superiority when I was older.

  5. Blair Naso, you are the shit.
    I couldn’t even get into the meat of your article before I read this gem, “If I were a modernist under the delusion that women had all the capabilities I have, then I would have turned into a misogynist. Fortunately, I was able to write her behavior off as ‘just being a girl.’”
    You summed it up for me. Early on I accepted the proposition that women were basically equal to men–in the ‘blank slate’ sort of way. Soon thereafter I came to despise women for their shortcomings; to this day I consider myself a misogynist.
    While I also consider myself a Classicist to some degree, perhaps I am more of a Modernist than I like to think since I basically demand the same from women that I do from men. As far as I’m concerned, they should pay equal consequences for their shortcomings and transgressions as men do and as humans should.
    Obviously I’m still trying to assimilate the fact that women are different from men. It’s just one of those things, and I continue to struggle with it–perhaps due to my early brainwashing at the hands of the public school system, Hollyweird, and cable TV. Ultimately it’s difficult for me to grant leeway unless it’s warranted as a sub-human or a child.
    I am thus sympathetic to the idea the women are fundamentally children, but due to their cunning, I find it difficult to sympathize with them and I cannot find any worthwhile reason to tame them except for the pleasure of knowing that I created another human being (through impregnation and child birth), and knowing that I could raise the child as I saw fit–thus becoming a sort of god.

    1. “As far as I’m concerned, they should pay equal consequences for their
      shortcomings and transgressions as men do and as humans should….”
      Agree. This is called being a responsible adult (men and women). Women don’t like that part of being “equal”. Our society shows us, time and time again, that men are second class citizens when it comes to “women’s rights”.
      I call bullshit on anyone who is an adult and doesn’t except responsibility.

      1. Well if we accept that women have diminished responsibility then they should also have diminished rights and by extension be covered under the property rights of their husband.

    2. I don’t believe you consider yourself a misogynist in the way that the dictionary defines misogynist. You are a misogynist in the way that women define the word. I’d say everyone on here would be a misogynist in that kind of way.

    1. “We must first understand what the purport of society and the aim of government is held to be. If it be your intention to confer a certain elevation upon the human mind, and to teach it to regard the things of this world with generous feelings, to inspire men with a scorn of mere temporal advantage, to give birth to living convictions, and to keep alive the spirit of honorable devotedness; if you hold it to be a good thing to refine the habits, to embellish the manners, to cultivate the arts of a nation, and to promote the love of poetry, of beauty, and of renown; if you would constitute a people not unfitted to act with power upon all other nations, nor unprepared for those high enterprises which, whatever be the result of its efforts, will leave a name forever famous in time—if you believe such to be the principal object of society, you must avoid the government of democracy, which would be a very uncertain guide to the end you have in view. But if you hold it to be expedient to divert the moral and intellectual activity of man to the production of comfort, and to the acquirement of the necessaries of life; if a clear understanding be more profitable to man than genius; if your object be not to stimulate the virtues of heroism, but to create habits of peace; if you had rather witness vices than crimes and are content to meet with fewer noble deeds, provided offences be diminished in the same proportion; if, instead of living in the midst of a brilliant state of society, you are contented to have prosperity around you; if, in short, you are of opinion that the principal object of a Government is not to confer the greatest possible share of power and of glory upon the body of the nation, but to ensure the greatest degree of enjoyment and the least degree of misery to each of the individuals who compose it—if such be your desires, you can have no surer means of satisfying them than by equalizing the conditions of men, and establishing democratic institutions.” ~ Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America Volume 1

  6. Man this “Petunia” sure sounds like such a a loser. A chaste woman who ended up marrying the very next guy she thought was decent enough to settle down with, in this day and age? God whats wrong with these whores today! The decadence and hypergamy on full display, this has ruined lives written all over it. Bitches have no shame at all.
    Thankfully you never gave her “the dick”, imagine what would have happened if she wanted to have kids with the first guy she ever slept with? This sounds like a perfect recipe for a cheating whore wife who would make your life miserable the day after you married her.
    Your self righteous smugness does not mask your bitter insecurity Blair Naso.

  7. one of the biggest misconceptions for young nice guys is that they have to be jerks to get girls.
    this idea really fucked up my life for a while. yeah it got me girls when I previously didn’t have any. but it cost something to be that version of myself.
    I am a nice guy at heart. The difference between me at 26 and me at 19 is that I have the ability to bring out the niceness in girls. I don’t act out of fear I will lose them, or in hopes they will reciprocate my niceness back.
    No. I grab them, and I direct them. I don’t ask. But I respect.
    When ‘nice guys’ get shot down, its not because they are being nice. It’s because they aren’t leading. They are asking to be led.
    It’s entirely possible to be nice and lead, but it is work. The best advice I have to young guys is to be willing to walk away if you are not being respected. Be nice, but walk away.
    There is no need to be a jerk. You’ll feel like shit, and it will be a self-perpetuating cycle. If you don’t get want you want – you have no business interacting with that person. Move on.

    1. Our problem is “aging”
      ugliness is aging, ugliness is time scarcity
      to me, as a man, ugliness is a lack of technological progress
      We will never be a happy and abundant species until we become biologically and genetically enlightened and aren’t slaves to the clock
      time is worth more to me than money. and humans run around like pigs smelling their own shit when it comes to greed and money but wouldn’t think twice about genetic enlightenment
      let me give you a clue “they trade their time for money”
      disappointed. You are ALL losers until you solve this problem of time and aging. stop denying it. its as horrible as it sounds.

      1. I agree with you. While men are not as pushed biologically in regards to reproduction, most men DO value our time. Many around the red-pill sites often preach the minimalist lifestyle, which maximizes time over money. A blue pill guy I know told me once that he will pay someone else to do menial tasks so he can have time for his enjoyments. He runs his own business and can pay for lawn care, car care, or really most things he could do on his own. He would rather play video games or go skiing than spend his time on tasks that he doesn’t have the time or desire to do himself.
        I can always make more money, I can’t ever make more time.

        1. I’m personally not seeking physical immortality. I’d rather be thus through my deeds and hopefully transcend my body and allow my soul to cost through the varying dimensions.

        2. Does he pay somebody to service his woman, like his car, his lawn, etc?
          I knew many like him when I resided in the suburbs of McAmerica… Helpless outside of a very narrow spectrum. IMO, shrugging off individual responsibilities leads to that. Sure it can be successful under the current paradigm, but if or when it stops, not knowing how to do traditional man-skills will be a real impediment to survival.
          Those McAmerican men didn’t read Heinlein I guess, or what he thought a hu(man) should be:

          “A human being should be able to
          change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a
          building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone,
          comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve
          equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
          cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.”
          I feel good fixing my own car, mowing my lawn, and servicing my own wife. I can read and learn as good as most men, and am not afraid to tackle DIY projects, in part because I’ve done many already and successfully.
          Paying people to do stuff I can do is not a world where I choose to live. I choose to associate with other people who value their independence and ability to handle their own problems.
          Neglecting important human ‘skills’ in the name of pursuing more fiat currency is foolish given the current fragility of our eCONonomic paradigm.

        3. I don’t think we are on different sides here. Yes, He can do all of those things to some extent or another,ok maybe not set a bone or cook really well (He has a housewife who is a great cook). The point was not that he couldn’t do them (he can and has), it was that his time is more valuable to him than the money he spends on having them done.
          I like to work on my classic car too, but I take my daily driver to a professional. Not because I probably couldn’t figure out a problem, but because I am willing to pay for the (wasted) time I save that it would take me (as a non-professional mechanic) to triage it, run down the options and then fix or replace the part. If my classic car is down for a few weeks, no big deal. However my Daily Driver can’t be down for long since I need it for work. Everyone has limited time and must balance the time for tasks and leisure according to his own needs. Cutting the grass, cleaning out gutters, and other simple tasks are costly in the terms of time but not so much in the way of money.
          I understand your point that if the economy (thus western civilization) collapses then some guys might not have the skills to solve their own problems. However if that happens, a perfectly manicured yard and clean gutters wont be the skills most will need to make it through either. The manly skills that will be needed then are vastly different and hard to hone and keep sharp in a modern world. But as long as the show keeps playing, guys like my friend get to have MORE time to do what they enjoy and someone else gets to eat because they have a job cutting the yard once a week.
          Mr. Alighieri

      2. You seem fixated on the subject of eliminating aging and death.
        Maybe someone will invent a way to reverse aging and confer immortality. In the meantime, I encourage you to accept the inevitability of your own death, the impermanence of the world and ourselves.

        1. We are like kids sometimes, fixated on changing a part of reality that doesn’t suit us, but true wisdom is accepting reality, coming to terms with those parts of reality we don’t like. In relative terms, life is shirt, true, but maybe that is precisely what enables us to appreciate its preciousness. If we lived longer lives, if we were even immortal, I doubt we would lose sleep trying to find ways to make our lives more meaningful. We would think nothing of wasting decades on idiotic pursuits. In the end, the gift of time and a longer life would be absolutely taken for granted by the majority of our species.

    2. You have to distinguish between actually being a jerk and what women perceive to be a jerk. So yes, unnecessary cruelty is being a jerk and may cause you feelings of guilt. And then there is simply being a man. Many women consider me a “jerk” because I stand my ground, tell them in no uncertain terms what I want done and do not tolerate their crap.
      But actually I really am a nice guy. I will buy a girl flowers, take her to dinner, hold her when she is crying and do various nice things for her. But yet when I ask them, “so am I a nice guy?” The answer is “NO!”

      1. I know jerks and assholes at work that have mediocre looking wives and girlfriends . I’m like you , nice to any human being at first but if they cross the line then so do I .

      2. You make a critical distinction that a lot of folks on the manosphere seem to miss. If one hopes to engage in any kind of LTR one cannot be Joe Aloof Asshole all the time, 24/7. It may attract initially but it gets to be too much for any normal human being to put up with over the long term.

        1. Indeed. In fact, I liken a woman calling you a “jerk” to a child saying to its parents “I hate you!”
          Neither of them mean except perhaps in that instant.

      3. Yeah, somehow in the relationship lingo, “nice” has come to mean “spineless”, and a jerk or asshole is simply someone who is assertive with his standards, treats people with respect and expects it back, and does not compromise on his principles (it used to be called ‘being a man’)

        1. I know I’m not the only man here who has been with weak women and with strong women, sometimes within the same woman but changing over time. I’d venture to guess that it is only the strong women that have the capacity to be disloyal (and therefore worthless over the long term), so why would a man ever consider that to be attractive? Talk about an attraction killer.

        2. Yeah I put that in the same category as “I like to eat”. A woman told me that once.
          In any case the words “strong” and “woman” do not belong together.

        3. Is strong even the correct term to be using? Because to me a strong woman is one who is strong enough to stand by the dude she’s with and work with him to make the LTR work. That’s just me.

      4. Yep. Jerking around isn’t being a jerk. I’m always “playing” so-to-say. And I’m a shit-test connoisseur.
        I fucking love shit tests. e.g. If they call me cocky I say “It’s because I got a big dick.” If they call me arrogant I say. “Well, it’s kinda hard to stay level headed when I got laid twice this week… and it’s only Tuesday.” If they say I’m only after sex, I say, “Nope, I like blowjobs too.”

    3. Thanks for the Wisdom. I’m slowly realizing this. I think a lot of us who start out as blue pill (most of us?) Also worry about this backward shaming thing where If you say I don’t want this or I don’t wanna be your friend, women flip it like “Why are you xyz” or “I knew all guys were the same ect.” It used to bother me until I learned to think. “If we’re all the same then you better get right or get left.” I probably could be less strident when I say things.

    4. Girls love alphas, and many alphas come across as jerks.
      But don’t confuse cause and effect. The effect of being an alpha is that you get lots of poontang, and the poontang thinks you are a jerk only after you stop giving her the cock.
      On the other hand, some of the biggest jerks I know, are total betas.

    5. Thank you for this post, it gave me hope for the future. But the thing is, I am the opposite of you: I started out a nice guy and ended up a jerk (25 now and the change gradually evolved over two years). I want it to be reverzed again, it’s not easy living such a cynical life. But how can I switch it back if I can so easily ‘control’ women at my liking? I feel such a disdain, they’e like puppets to me. To such an extent that I’d need a girlfriend who’s extremely sly and intelligent not to be controlled by me.
      It is so ironic really, my coming of age story. So anxious 5 years back and so in perverted control right now.

    6. This distinction you make clearly resonates with many readers. I would say that a man such as you is not “nice at heart,” but, rather, he may be “kind” at heart. A kind man’s kindness may be a vulnerability, but is part of his essence, and thus can never be fully eradicated, so, simple economy dictates that he should embrace, or at least tolerate and accommodate, this aspect of his character.
      Women are wildly attracted to men. Men are, by nature, men. So, all a young man need do to enhance his attractiveness is to discontinue or reduce unnatural behavior (ie, being selfless, self-deprecating or deferential to woman). Refraining from these unnatural behaviors is what women mean by “just be yourself.”
      What is required is a judicious application of laziness. Just stop working so hard to cultivate unnatural behaviors directed at winning the approval of people who don’t like you anyway.
      The beauty of this path is that, in addition to improving one’s success with woman, it increases one’s enjoyment of solitude and of life in general, reduces stress, and saves lots of time and energy.
      Some women will still prefer genuine assholes, which has ever been the case (explaining the continuing existence of assholes). Let them go on their way. One thing the world has in great abundance is women.
      The ultimate life hack is this: don’t be nice. don’t be an asshole. just be yourself.
      Too easy.

  8. Women are sociopaths. Treat them accordingly!
    Top signs of a sociopath (woman):
    Incapable of love (self-love they have but no empathy),
    Never apologize,
    Pathological liars,
    Master manipulators,
    Very charming (if needed for their own cause),
    Very violent (rage), especially when confronted with their lies

    1. this is the truth the red pill dares not speak
      but… remember it’s not a gender problem, its a human problem
      all people will undercut you for their own gain, not just women. All people, will use any and all advantage(s) to undercut you, to get the most resources for themselves while laughing at you having the least, this gives them pleasure and is the root of human lust, to watch you fail in misery, .the alpha male sinking his own cock and balls into the woman you wanted and watching you being destroyed with pride and ultimate satisfaction and glory
      ….remember and never forget history
      The truth is so nauseating, it inspires denial. Even from me, a veteran of the “truth” versed in Nietzsche and Schopenhauer,
      Less for you, means more for them, this is real human nature.
      Your own version of “success” means others doing worse right?
      the “red pill” unfortunately.. doesn’t realize that BOTH genders are at fault
      The male is a dumb fuck for wasting their time and resources
      the fe-male is a dumb cunt …. for destroying the future of her own offspring
      If women are intelligent, they should feather the nest of their offspring to flourish, which they don’t, and which is why this site exists to call them dumb cunts in 1000 different ways
      but. it takes 2 to mangle right? whose the twat who created the mess, ? maybe a piece of shit male who can’t take responsibility as-well
      In my opinion, the sadism that exists is a reflection of the anger humans have at the universe for their limited time, their “70” years of misery
      25 years is spent in ignorance, and the last 20 is spent in ill-health and retirement meaning we really only have 30-40 years maximum to live, and we work 8 hours a day and sleep 8 hours a day which means we live 8 hours a day
      so 40/1 3rd = 13 years.
      Can you believe it? That is allll we get.
      (80max) 80- 25, = 55 – 20 = 35 …..
      Our enemy is aging, A few cellular processes fucking us over, Time to end the plight of aging and become abundant not in “materials” but in time itself.

      1. You would live forever?
        How many years would it take for you to wish for death?
        What is the best age to cease aging? 12? 21? 50?
        If you stopped aging, would the universe stop aging too? Or are you permanantly removed from it? Or are you trying to permanantly remove yourself from it without dying? Is the energy that makes you, different than the energy that makes everyting else?
        Thatd be awesome to talk to an alien from a foreign universe. If such a thing even exists.

  9. You make some valid points, but also come off sounding like a sociopath. IMO if you plunge into what amounts to a serious emotional relationship with someone, you should both try to exit respectfully & peacefully if at all possible. Acting like she meant nothing to you after you opened yourself up to her in a deep manner only says that you are also disposable and easy to penetrate mentally. Most women likely realize this when it is too late and they have done something like fuck a guy to spite someone they loved. The love they had with someone will always linger within them mentally far deeper than the one night stand, and they will hate themselves for selling themselves out so cheaply when the other party has also had time to mature & reflect on the betrayal. In the long term, the childish games a sociopath plays will only prove that you were right all along, took things more seriously, and are better off without the sociopathic narcissist. Hopefully, you’ll find a woman who is actually awesome to spend time with and laugh at the sour ex bitches. You know what pisses enemies off big time? You being genuinely happy in life.

    1. You’re a bitter coward
      The universe’s plans for all of us is to become “worm shit”
      we’re supposed to work hard competing with millions for an average reward meanwhile our cells age and we croak
      too many betas on the red-pill who can;t accept that dying and aging is horrific and we need to do something about it,
      you think whining about politics is old?
      fuck… plato wrote about it 2000 years ago
      this goes NO-where. Stop wasting your time, and go after dis-ease and aging which is the real problem we all face

      1. what dude? I’m the bitter coward? Great women do exist, and if you meet one, you better appreciate what you have and be wise with it. Disease and aging, I’m sure those cures are right around the corner…

  10. You make some valid points, but also come off sounding like a sociopath. IMO if you plunge into what amounts to a serious emotional relationship with someone, you should both try to exit respectfully & peacefully if at all possible. Acting like she meant nothing to you after you opened yourself up to her in a deep manner only says that you are also disposable and easy to penetrate mentally. Most women likely realize this when it is too late and they have done something like fuck a guy to spite someone they loved. The love they had with someone will always linger within them mentally far deeper than the one night stand, and they will hate themselves for selling themselves out so cheaply when the other party has also had time to mature & reflect on the betrayal. In the long term, the childish games a sociopath plays will only prove that you were right all along, took things more seriously, and are better off without the sociopathic narcissist. Hopefully, you’ll find a woman who is actually awesome to spend time with and laugh at the sour ex bitches. You know what pisses enemies off big time? You being genuinely happy in life. Time starts to click by pretty fast after about 22.

  11. Blair,

    “…I would have turned into a misogynist… [but]…I was able to write her behavior off as “just being a girl.”

    Same thing bruh?
    Anyway, you did not “ruin her life”. She is a nutjob and would have been one regardless of your influence. So you needn’t feel any guilt about your short relationship with her.

  12. I used to be a big Nirvana fan and still occasionally listen to a few tracks, but realised in my early 20s that their narcissistic nihilism was pure poison and should be disregarded if you want to get on in life

  13. “I’ve never understood why feminists hold him so high as an example of what a man should be.”
    That’s an easy answer. He made a lot of money, then killed himself. Thus he served his utility and then left, which is the best case scenario for many women. All of the benefits of having a man with none of the drawbacks like sex, loyalty, and being feminine, plus the added benefit of the victim-hood of being the gf/daughter of a suicide. The Cult of Victim-hood is the other reason that feminists don’t want to address men’s suicide rates. They get to be the victim of yet another selfish man, even in his death.

  14. Women are selfish. Being helpless for most of human history and being sold for sex or eaten by wild animals has shaped their brains to be like a parasite. They will run from a burning building and abandon their own child and then whine for a man to go back for the kid. They will drop their own child if chased by a lion to help them escape. They see men as a sperm donors or atm machines. I wish it wasn’t so as I like most men wanted so much to have the dream of a woman’s love and family to come true. It’s just not in the cards. It’s their nature and they will hunt good men to extinction using then as emotional tampons and money while they have thug Spawn in tow from Harley mcbadboy.

  15. ” I’ve never understood why feminists hold him so high as an example of what a man should be.”
    Because he’s dead… and he left a ton of money (and a kid) to his wife, who is now set for life and still young enough to enjoy it. That’s the PERFECT man in feminist eyes.

  16. Is there a way to use the knowledge of women to improve society without going all the way to the dark side?
    I understand everything the author says but when you look at the big picture of civilization it is down right depressing. I understand modern women are terrible, but how does fucking up women even more than they already are make the world any better?

  17. “I’ve never understood why feminists hold [Kurt Cobain] so high as an example of what a man should be.”
    What’s not to understand? Sensitive, artistic, made a shit-ton of money and then killed himself so his wife could collect all his royalties for the rest of her life. Most women would crawl over broken glass to get their mitts on that little deal.

  18. I must clarify something here. Mexicans who come from the other side don’t come off of any boats. Yes, its true that many illegal Mexican immigrants hop the border fence and some even have to cross a river near the American-Mexican border to get to that fence(hence the term “wetback” used to refer to these people). Us American-born Mexicans refer to these people fresh from the homeland as “paisas”, a term short for the Spanish word “paisano”, a person straight from the old country. No offense taken, just some terminology.

  19. “If women didn’t respond so well to being abused, negged, and subjugated, then” what would the world be like?

  20. If you break up with someone and you didn’t have sex with the woman, the woman has no right to be angry. At that point it is just dating and you did her a favor by not getting more involved with her through sex. If you want to see a woman have a meltdown, break up with her after you’ve slept with her! (especially if she’s a virgin)

  21. blair, you are quite despicable. You dump a girl who wanted to be faithful to you and gloat about dumping her. You then trash on a dead guy, who cant defend himself and may have actually changed his beliefs should he have lived.
    so to be clear you are a scum bag, but at least you put it out there for confirmation.

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