Will Protests Against Brazil’s Female President Dilma Rousseff Force Her From Office?

Anti-government protests are growing in Brazil. Why should you care? Because Brazil has the biggest economy in South America, the second largest in the Western hemisphere, and has the seventh largest economy (by GDP) in the world. What happens there can send out wider shockwaves.

In recent days, there has been massive turnout by people in nearly every Brazilian state to demand the resignation, or impeachment, of the country’s first female president, Dilma Rousseff.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been gathering in protest, and this seems likely to continue. Protests have taken place in 22 Brazilian states, with more to happen in the weeks ahead. How did this come about? How did things get to this point? We will provide some answers here.

A history of failure


Deny everything, and keep denying it

Let’s provide some background first. In 2011, after winning a close election, Ms. Rousseff became the first female president. Hailed by the international media as a rags-to-riches story of female empowerment, she sailed into office on the coattails of her predecessor, the now conspicuously-invisible Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva.

She continued the policies of Mr. Da Silva, which primarily revolved around giving economic handouts to poor people and—in rhetoric at least—improving the economy. The economy grew at extremely fast rates under Da Silva, and it looked like it would last for a long time.

Things began to unravel soon after Rousseff took office. Inflation began to grow, and rates of economic growth did as well. On a leadership level, there was a perception that the usual rules of South American cronyism were still in effect, but with a female face, rather than the gold braid of an army general.

Brazilians have lived with corruption for decades, if not centuries, so that can hardly be called new news. What triggered the explosion of anger is a very specific scandal that Rousseff is unavoidably at the center of.

The scandal that may bring down a country’s ruling elite


The protests continue:  but where are the foreign feminists and SJWs?

The scandal involves the government and the nation’s major oil company, Petrobras. The company is one of the largest and most respected in the world. Before taking office in 2011, Rousseff had been the chairman of the board for Petrobras. During her tenure as chairman of Petrobras, bribes were paid to Brazilian politicians and to Petrobras officers as a way of securing cooperation or contracts. This is already in the record.

We should point out here that Brazil has a very bureaucratic and “top-down” corporate culture. A few big companies control everything, and nothing happens unless a boss signs off on it. Anyone who has ever tried to navigate the maze of Brazilian bureaucracy knows this.

At the beginning of this month, the courts permitted an investigation into roughly fifty politicians from Rousseff’s far left-wing Workers’ Party, among them the speakers of the Brazilian House and Senate. So, this is not your ordinary investigation. The allegations go all the way to the top. Although Rousseff has not (yet) been formally accused, most intelligent Brazilians find it incredible that all of this admitted corruption could swirl around her without her knowing about it.

Nevertheless, the president for now is keeping her lips sealed. Her acolytes have pointed out that most of the protests have been organized by her right-wing opponents. They have claimed that most of the people marching in the protests have been people who didn’t vote for her. But bad things continue to happen.

A country in turmoil

Inflation is currently at 7.5%, the economy has stalled, and Rousseff’s ability to govern seems to be heading toward paralysis. Rousseff points to the fact that her own attorney general has “exonerated” her of any wrongdoing. Her strategy at this point seems to be to try to placate the demonstrators. Her Justice Minister Jose Eduardo Cardozo said the government considered the demonstrations an “expression of democracy.”

Cardozo and his colleague Miguel Rossetto have promised the usual “package of measures” to address concerns about corruption, hoping to buy time for a breathing space. The problem is that no one’s buying it. Inflation is growing, jobs are hard to come by, and there is a perception that Rousseff is not up to the job. Not only that, but Brazilians have heard it all before. There was a huge wave of anti-government protests in 2013, and Rousseff just managed to survive that tidal wave by promising a “package of reforms.”


And then it was back to business as usual. Part of the problem is that Rousseff lacks the wily charisma of her strangely-silent predecessor, Lula. Where is Lula? Hiding somewhere, no doubt. He was able to coast during his tenure in office, but now that things have gone south, he’s nowhere to be found. This is the sentiment I get when I talk to many Brazilian friends of mine.

Her finance minister, Joaquim Levy, has proposed an “austerity plan” which may have to cut back some of the handouts that were made to the lower classes under Lula’s presidency. But the biggest problem for her may prove to be the continuing investigation. No politician likes ongoing investigations. They have a way of becoming festering wounds, or tornadoes unable to be controlled. Meanwhile, the economy continues to stall, inflation grows, water shortages in the southern states continue, and a general feeling of aimlessness persists.

A return to dictatorship?

This writer happens to have a close friend, now retired, in Brazil who was a career employee of Petrobras. This friend, whom I will call Paulo, has often openly mused that things were actually better in the 1970s and 80s when the military dictatorship ran the show.

Of course, they persecuted communists and leftists, but on balance they were far less corrupt than the oligarchs who are now running the show. I found this opinion to be more common than you might imagine.


Were things better off under the military rule?  Many say yes.

Also conspicuously absent from the media are the feminist commentators who were gushing in ecstasy at the election of two women as presidents in Brazil and in Argentina. We were told that this was some sort of new age in gender equality, where women would show everyone how to run a large country. That little fantasy evaporated rather quickly.

Argentina’s president, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, has a consuming political scandal of her own. One of her prosecutors, Alberto Nisman, was found dead, after having accused her of conspiring to conceal details of an investigation into a terrorist bombing. Ms. Kirchner denies any involvement in the prosecutor’s death.

Are the feminist websites in the US covering these stories as dutifully as they should be? Why are we not hearing talk from the social justice warrior multiverse? Could it be that women are just as—if not more—corrupt than men in office? Readers will have to decide for themselves.

Read More: Your Idea Of Rights Is A Convenient Myth

168 thoughts on “Will Protests Against Brazil’s Female President Dilma Rousseff Force Her From Office?”

  1. “things were actually better in the 1970s and 80s when the military dictatorship ran the show. Of course, they persecuted communists and leftists, but on balance they were far less corrupt than the oligarchs who are now running the show.”
    Well, got my vote. How can we get these guys on the 2016 US ballot?

      1. That’s true, but “generally” means some other people who doesn’t have a thing with the two classes you mentioned sometimes got fucked, and by fucked i mean tortured and killed, only because they were considered suspicious. I hope you don’t take me as an inoccent man,i know by my own experience that corruptions fills our country everywhere these days, but i don’t think military dictatorship is what we are looking for.

    1. Ironically enough, the U.S. military has the highest approval rating of any fedgov agency. Maybe we should have a junta here.
      Preferably headed by those who spent time as USMC sergeants rather than by corrupt neocons, of course.

    2. I think a return to Dom Pedro II and the Empire of Brazil would be even better. Too bad both Brazil and Portugal overthrew their monarchies early last century.

    3. There’s nothing wrong with persecuting leftists the way any nation persecutes treason. The two are essentially the same, only leftism cloaks itself in compassion

  2. And let’s not forget the insane rape the Brazilians suffered at the hands of the Germans in their own house. That also happened under her government.

  3. Also don’t forget that Sao Paulo, the 9th biggest city in the world in terms of population, is quickly running out of water. It would be a huge misstep for any government to allow that happen and it would make people REALLY ANGRY. Mismanagement of both the water resources for agricultural use are the main culprit but on the other hand people have to eat. So that’s going to be fun to watch, also it will probably happen in California too.

    1. Brazil is a fascinating country. Seems like most people live in the cities (I couldnt believe how many cities they have with 1 million- plus people, much more than the usa) and some live in rural areas. No in-between there.
      The California drought is scary; some have claimed they are 10 yrs into a century long one.

  4. Just another fine real life example of the glorious female incompetence and maladministration.
    Let’s not forget that this Dilma dingbat began cracking down on prostitution in a fit of feminist epilepsy only to make life a living hell for prostitutes.Here’s a food for thought by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer

  5. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Give me a leader of the same caliber as Franco, Stalin, Churchill, Salazar, or Pinochet, but with a European nationalist ideology, any day of the week over the bumbling pussies like Cameron or Obama.
    The men I’ve listed were forged and tested through countless battles, both physical and mental. Churchill took part in the last cavalry charge of the British Army, killing three men in battle with his own hands. Stalin (notwithstanding his communist ideology, which I do not support) organized and performed bank robberies while being hunted by the Tsars secret police, was imprisoned several times in Siberia, and led the Soviet Union against a near unstoppable Germany. I could go on. The aforementioned (and there are others that I have not mentioned) were drawn from a different cloth.
    The greatest men are born in great struggles. What the fuck has Obama or Cameron done? Both are pampered man children. As a man, I can’t respect people like that as leaders.

    1. What specific exercise is this? Not side lateral raises. Not bent over lateral raises either. Not dumbbell upright rows? Is this the double-jerk off of leftist business interests and lobbyists? If so, that’s probably why I am unfamiliar with how to properly perform it.

      1. This is the style that most gender confused Westernized SJW males try one time or the other to fulfil their unnatural fantasies.

      2. Haha I was thinking the same damn thing! He’s inventing exercises like so many amateur posers do! Apparently he too has succumbed to the Instagram Fitness fad! I sure hope he doesn’t selfie-brag about it like many people! Fuck, what a shitcrock!
        Putin is awesome at judo and sambo, by the way. A manly man. There’s a reason why Forbes named him The Most Powerful Man In The World two years in a row!

        1. The video of Obama is even funnier. He totally does some chick exercise that appears to be a hybrid of lunges and overhead press.
          I’m not normally one to root against my country, and it pains me to say this, but Putin could kick the shit out of Obama in literally any way you could name. Physically, obviously. But he also consistently kicks the shit out of him in the political sphere.

        2. Good! There needs to be a big bad bully to check Obama/America, and who better than him or The Russian Bear in general? Exert your badassness, Vlad The Impaler of the weak!

        3. Putin is a legit 6th dan black belt practitioner in Judo and Kyokushin. And also a master of sports in Judo and Sambo (originally developed fighting style for the Soviet military). Obama would be in the hospital for several months.

      3. He’s hunched over and has his arms bent to avoid having to work to raise those dumb bells.
        As out of shape as he is, he could probably get quite a bit of good even out of those 5 pounders, if he would straighten up and do them right.

        1. No lie. One thing I learned in bootcamp is that it’s possible to fucking torture your body with not much more than an eight pound rifle.

        2. Finger through the front sight post, straighten that arm out front and level.
          See you in 15 minutes.

        1. No, its photoshopped.
          He was only lifting half pound aerobic weights in the original, but Jay Carney got the IT team to photoshop in some heavier bells… and erase out the secret service dude who was spotting him.

        1. Everyone has to start somewhere. But he does desperately need a trainer to make him use them correctly.

    2. And Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who loved his country and race until swine came with a foreign religion and destroyed an entire nation.

      1. I find it amusing that this pains you so much that you have had to comment on it twice. This weak shit is definitely a far cry from the daily 7!

    3. He should check out Planet Fitness, I’m sure they’ll allow him to use the female locker rooms…

    4. The problem is Obama is that people took him seriously from the start. In a previous world, he would have been dismissed out of hand as an empty, silly suit until he proved himself. But once the p.c. wagon made it verboten to do that to blacks, he could just walk around like the silly homo he is and no one could dismiss him without extreme consequences.
      I make this point a lot, but it bears repeating: reminds me of Elagabolus or any other retarded Roman leader who was merely born to the position or placed on the throne. His silliness and laughability goes unquestioned not because of his accomplishments but because of the unearned status his position holds.
      But those times in history rarely last.

    5. Looks like hes doing the ol “dirty bird” with 1 lb dumbbells

    6. After Furguson!, Rape!, Slavery white-guilt awareness, and widespread violent misogyny epidemics, I don’t expect another masculine white male president in the U.S. until, well, never.
      Obama did change everything, but not in the way voters expected. I think he made the white-guilt, anti-male narrative that was simmering pre-2008 explode into full boil. The era of policies which benefit normal, middle class white males officially ended with Obama and will not be coming back. If you don’t believe me, read the front pages of NYTimes, WSJ, LaTimes, NBC, etc on any given day. If you’re a heterosexual white man with any semblance of traditional values or morality, it’s now open season on you.

    7. Tito was pretty badass too even though he was a commie. His curt response to multiple attempts on his life is pretty damn legendary.
      “Stop sending people to kill me. We’ve already captured five of them,
      one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle (…) If you don’t stop
      sending killers, I’ll send one to Moscow, and I won’t have to send a
      —Josip Broz Tito

      1. He was a man that lived through both world wars. That harsh environment breeds a different type of man.

    8. Politicians and Murderers like Franco, Stalin, Churchill, et al are not my leaders…rulers perhaps but never leaders.
      They are all whores for bankers and moneyed elites who attract enough sheeple to do the fighting for them. (Read USMC Major General Smedley Butler’s ‘War is a Racket’ – hear it from the head of the USMC himself).
      But they look so…manly! I’d do anything for them! I’d rather than be their sheep than sheep to wusses like Obama and Cameron!
      Alpha leads, Beta bleeds?

      1. Every society has been in the interest of the elite and you’re not going to change that. And did you not read the part where I said ”but with a European nationalist ideology? I’d rather have a competent elite than one that promotes cultural Marxism.

  6. If Hillary wins in 2016, this headline could read: “coming soon to a country near you.”

    1. Australia got a preview when Juliar Gillard was running the show. A closet lesbo, backstabbing socialist parasite, who screamed “You’re a misogynist” to any man who pointed out her uselessness.

  7. Honestly, I dont like the PT (Workers Party) because of its social marxist ideology, but economically, Brazil needs government socialist policies (but not quite the way they are being implemented). The whole structure of our democracy is rotten, it is the main reason we dont see our high taxes coming back to us, too much corruption.
    I am sure that the PT has stolen a lot, it is a fact, and it angers me that everyone related to the former president has enriched a lot, as the ones related to the current are also enriching. But it has to be said that the opposition is equally corrupt (perharps not on the same scale since they dont have all the power to be), on the state of Sao Paulo, dominated by the main opposition party the PSDB (socialist democrat brazilian party), politicians have again and again blocked investigations of corruption on that state.
    Thats why I dont really judge if the party is corrupt or not, they all are, but the oppositions neo-liberalism would wreck Brazil`s economy and would benefit the elites (who are the main people protesting there) while the current socialism, despite having done a lot of good, has also harmed not only the economy but also the fabric of society, but I still believe, in Brazil`s case, it is the best option, but it has to be improved in many many ways before it is trully effective.

    1. Yeah…more like Stalin, Lenin and Mao right?. Look, nowhere in the world the socialist policies have worked despite their intentions. Consequences are what matters. You are right, the old oligarchs are bad and corrupt but the first thing Brazil (and the rest of the region needs) is real capitalism where the government grants more liberties to its citizens and businesses (small businesses, corporations in most hispanic countries are notorious tax-evaders), no more government handouts, smaller government (so there is less to steal) and the rule of law. And I live in Latin America and have visited Brazil numerous times, I am not a gringo.
      By the way, there is no way there are 2 million “elites” (banksters, billionaires et al) in Brazil. Not even in Germany or the States would you find so many people with so much money, unless your idea of elite is someone of middle class with 200k revenue per year and stiffled in red tape and taxes.

  8. I live in Brazil, and right now things are pretty bad. The country has
    had corruption since it’s foundation, so it’s not surprising that it’s
    still present.
    The main problem of the country it’s not JUST the
    ignorant and uneducated population, it’s the biased midia, it’s the
    senators, congressman, and yes, president Dilma. But from the current
    situation, an impeachment wouldn’t solve a thing imo, since the vice
    president would become the president, Michel Temer. And he is just as
    corrupt as everyone else.
    What Brazil needs it’s a political reform, a
    big one. One has been promised by the goverment in 2013, and now in
    2015, there hasn’t not been a word since.

    1. “The country has had corruption since it’s foundation . . .”
      Ploughing the sea is an endless business.

  9. I never really cared much for Brazil. But I feel for the people being screwed over by their government.

  10. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
    They never were good leaders, and never will be good leaders. It is not in their biology.

      1. yeah our von der leyen rocks. she is working to establish kindergardens and female quotas in our bundeswehr. i bet you guys oversea are frozen in terror now

        1. “female quotas in our bundeswehr”
          Let me guess: only for the top positions?

        2. nah, she tries to get a broader variety of woman to join the army. the quota for high positions is already made by another fem politican. in this case the leading DAX companies are forced to have 30% females in their managing boards, which is to be increased to 50% by 2018 or so.. who said again feminism is a grip for power? heh.

        3. I’m German as well. The desperate attempts to make more women sign up for the military have already resulted in the deaths of several female officer candidates due to lack of body strengths. It’s pure logic: they lowered the requirements for pull-ups, so of course the bitches are gonna fall down from a sailing ship’s mast!

        4. ” . . . they lowered the requirements for pull-ups . . .”
          They tried the same here in the US. Most of the women failed at the lowered requirement of only 3 pull ups and the program has been temporarily suspended.
          28 women have been accepted for the short, easy version of Marine combat training. Only one made it past the first day. That one only made a few days more.

        5. Well, I happen to like females in the top position…oh, you meant politics. Sorry, thought we were talking about something else….

        6. And then load them up with unearned citations for PR purposes; yeah, I think that was the general idea.

        7. It’s pure insanity. A Marine I know who served in Force Recon in The Gulf War said they had one woman actually make it all the way through boot, but that her female plumbing was totally ruined for life afterwards. Hope it was worth it, sweetheart.

        8. Agreed. Such as total destruction of unit cohesion. The weak link breaks the chain, and I can’t think of a weaker link than someone who is 5′ 5″ and 120 lbs. soaking wet who can barely do 3 pullups being involved in a life-or-death combat mission. When women screw up in an office, it can usually be fixed with whiteout. When they screw up in combat, people die. It’s unconscionable.

        9. I remember when we had to do a 12 mile march in the Army and I ended up carrying some females rucksack plus my own gear for 9 miles, because the bitch passed out after a few miles. This happened multiple times and I have a fucked up back now because of it…

        10. Yup. Bet the ship’s mast didn’t get the memo about the new lower requirements.

        11. Wow, that bitch was actually in the Marines? Guess they let anyone in this days…

      2. Don’t worry, they have a collective defense strategy of claiming false rape.

        1. Yep lowering standard to allow women to join the front line will work coz we know the enemy will lower there fighting ability an war will be less brutal to compensate for female soldiers.

        2. Claiming false rape and expecting white knights to rescue you doesn’t work against a country like Russia.

      3. It’s frightening when they lead, it’s just as frightening when they influence those that lead.

        1. I wonder how many of them are thinking about strangling each other just because they see the other as prettier and thinner than themselves. Not that any of them are any sort of eye candy, but just because that’s how women function. The one to Obama’s left just looks like she’s scheming against the one to his right as is!

        2. I’m sure this is a very productive conversation. I’m sure Putin shit himself when he saw this. He was laughing, of course, but….

        3. I’m going to have to disagree and this may be unpopular, but what the heck I’m not real popular around here anyway. I think in his own way Obama is a very strong leader. He continually outfoxes and boxes in the weak ineffectual Republican leadership. For example after the shellacking his party took in the 2014 midterms he dug in his heels, gave amnesty to millions of future Democratic Party voters and in general gave the Republicans the middle finger. Boehner and McConnell, great leaders that they are capitulated and not for the first time. Obama is the supreme left wing ideologue in the image of the father that abandoned him. He has transformed the country and the political landscape in a way no other President has since FDR. He has single handedly made it close to impossible to right the nation by politics and the powers of persuasion alone. Now it will almost certainly take a violent revolution to take back our country. Obama a weak leader? Don’t be fooled by superficialities like Putin playing him for a fool and surrounding himself with manginas and firebrand feminists. Obama, in his own way has made his mark like few of his predecessors have.

        4. Yeah, you’re only going to get ridiculed for that statement.
          Firstly, Obama doesn’t make decisions. Just like George W. Bush didn’t made decisions. Both liked to play golf though; Obama’s been out of the office more than any president in history – even during security briefings. What does that tell you?
          Secondly, Obama went and elected mainly (if not, only, will have to double-check) Wall street people as his advisers, more than any president in history. What does that tell you?
          Thirdly, Obama inherited a debt and crisis when he came into power (and also made a passionate speech to congress to ensure the banker’s got their paycheques or else they would collapse wallstreet) and went on to increase the national debt more than any president in history. What does that tell you?
          Fourthly, he’s a fag and Michelle Obama is a tranny.
          Just thought I’d put that in there, not that it means much.
          How the hell do you embed a youtube video with out seeing all that other crap e.g. “”?

        5. First of all I hope you didn’t think I was praising Obama. He is the devil in human form. Let me try to respond. 1. I generally don’t agree with conspiracy theories that state there is a group or cabal (Jews, Illuminati, CFR, take your pick) that run everything behind the scenes. Obama has a lot of power and has used it by executive order and other means to essentially shred the Constitution. He is also the first and only President in my lifetime to essentially tell AIPAC to go fuck itself and then get most of the lib Jews in Congress in line!
          2. Of course political leaders make deals with powerful interests to get elected. I don’t doubt that Obama has done things to make the Wall Streeters and Banksters happy but they have done nothing to oppose his disastrous domestic and foreign policies. Obama gives them a little and takes a lot in return.
          3. Yes you are accurate and what it tells me is that he will adhere to his Marxist/commie beliefs, dogma is everything and the debt be damned. For today’s lefties dogma is everything. It doesn’t matter that the ACA is going to destroy health care or that climate change and assorted environmental regulations kill the economy. Dogma must be adhered to and if you don’t like it we’ll sick Lois Lerner on you. I’m not really sure where you’re coming from here. 4. Reverend Wrights church was a hotbed of sexual intrigue and Obama has been the subject of gay rumors for years. SF, Portland, Seattle, and Atlanta have the rep for being “gay meccas” but I can tell you its big in Chicago too but more underground and less open. As for Michelle, I think the recently fired Rodner Figueroa said it best. I hold lots of iconoclastic positions in life and I’m comfortable with all of them. I don’t make the kind of posts that are going to get a lot of up votes by try in my own way to add to the conversation. I appreciate your reply.

        6. He is the reason that Hitlary will not be our first female president. Has anyone checked him out below the belt to see what genitals he (?) has.

        7. I believe you are correct. Obama has made a huge mark on America, the same way that Nero made a huge mark on Rome.

      4. “Look at this bunch: the defence ministers of Norway (L), Sweden (2nd L), Netherlands (2nd R), and Germany (R). United against alpha male Putin.”
        The NATO alliance is almost entirely the USA, and with the possible exception of the UK, the rest of NATO would be about useful as German Axis allies in WWII.

      5. The Belgium health minister is a woman too. And she is morbidly obese. She added the American dietary staple disco fries to the school menu over there.

      6. If they happen to have their period on the same week, expect nuclear war because someone left the toilet seat up.

      7. Women in charge of defense for a country…. ROFL!!!!!! Thats the funniest shit ive ever heard… talk about a bunch of broken countries!

    1. Biology makes women hit the wall hard. Biology makes women obsolete in the fourth decade of their existence or earlier. Biology makes women physically weak. Biology makes women mentally weak. Biology makes women intellectually weak…
      Biology hates women. Biology is worse than patriarchy.
      I can go on and on, but Biology made me a driven, passionate and determined man who can do whatever he wants to. These qualities allow me only a few seconds each day to think about useless things like women. I exhausted those few seconds. Now, I will comment only on imprtant things.

      1. “Biology hates women.”
        Only now that they are trying to be something they are not. Men lead and fight, women support them. That’s the natural way of things.

      1. I’m not sure SHE was a good leader. Her husband was actually the one running the show. Besides, she had an all-male cabinet.

        1. She’s the one who coined the saying that the one small flaw of socialism is that you will eventually run out of other people’s money.

        2. Personally, I’m not sure Capitalism is better than socialism. They are just two faces of the same coin.

    2. Absolutely right, and you know what? Spitting fact never made anyone a misogynist contrary to modern feminist prattle.

      (well unless you’re a sheep – who actually think your vote matters)

    4. That’s simply not true. Queen Victoria did very well; the British Empire expanded massively under her leadership, bringing peace and prosperity to large parts of the world. You can find other examples.
      She lived in a different era with a different cultural climate. The vast majority of her advisers, governors and generals were men.
      I’m getting tired of the general negativity on these forums. Women are just women, they can’t be blamed for growing up in a distorted western society that makes them bossy or a post-soviet society that turns them into gold-diggers. There ‘s bound to be a reversal at some point.

      1. Queen Victoria was a figurehead, not a ruler; she had about as much leadership impact as the present Queen Elizabeth II. By the time she came to rule, England was a constitutional monarchy and she held no real political power. Real power in England was held by the male Parliament and the male PMs she had: Robert Peel, Gladstone, Disraeli, Lord Melbourne. When she *did* try to interfere in political affairs, especially in the early years of her reign, she was either rebuffed or ineffective.

        1. Exactly. “Good” female leaders were actually surrounded by men who knew their shit.
          the problem with “you go girlism” is that chicks want to actually run the show.

  11. She and the other embarrassment to public office, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, both need to be run out of office for their incompetence and corrupt inclinations.
    They are but two of the best examples that female presidents invariably “suck.”

  12. As a brazilian, what you just said is 100% accurate, and you got it right about the dictatorship. Most of Dilma’s voters in the 2014 elections were: uneducated poor people from the northern and northeastern region and the retarded leftist SJW “intellectuals” who study non-STEM courses. Things are getting funny.. these voters know that it’s their fault that the country’s economy got fucked up but their hamster keeps spinning and spinning again….
    Sunday’s protest was really big with a total of 2 million people country-wide.. before it happened her voters were like “yeah, nobody is going to attend this, you are just mad that Aécio didn’t win” now that it was a big thing, they go “ohh you know, only the rich people went to this, yeah they didn’t even know how to protest because they were so rich and elite and they don’t like poor people, loool”. And when you point them out the terrible state of our economy, they just blame the media.. like “the newspapers are saying that because they just don’t like her” SPIN THOSE HAMSTERS, BRETHREN!
    Hell, before the election, the dollar price here would go down at even the slightest rise on Aécio’s votes’ intention.. all of our stock exchange was screaming for Dilma and PT to get the fuck out for once..

    1. Thanks, Zel. I’ve got a good friend who used to be career inspector at Petrobras (now retired) and he only half-jokingly things that the dictators were better than the dorks now. All they do is give free shit away to the pobres.

      1. You’re welcome…. oh yes, and the “give free shit away to the pobres” has got a name: Bolsa Família. That’s the main reason all the poor people voted for Dilma and that’s PT’s biggest source of power among the pobres (and by consequence, the majority of the population)…

  13. It never ceases to amaze me the reflexive attitude that democracy, ipso facto, is always better government. Some people just respond better to dictatorships, absolute monarchies and strong, direct leadership of any form. Perhaps Brazilians are these kind of people.

  14. So she is he leader of the far left-wing Workers’ Party – and – former chairman of the board of one of the biggest companies in the country. That spells crony fascism to me. Large companies and the government run by the same undeserving assholes.
    I hope in all this mess, Brazilians realize the stupidity of voting for such a awful person because she made nice promises. Democracy really is terrible.

      1. I’m more inclined to a Constitutional Republic with severe restrictions on the size and scope of government. Politicians, however, will always seek to push back those restrictions and most people are dumb enough to let them.

        1. Which unfortunately is why it is doomed to fail. (like the current best example – the US).
          A true Constitutional Republic that truly limits GOV power and seeks to keep the citizens in control DEPENDS on a well educated populace with real skin in the game (wealth/easy access to accumulating wealth) without those two factors it always distills into a productive top 10% making everything happen, while the rest slowly devolves into a bunch of dependent, “gimmie-dats”.
          And as we all know, all the other 90% care about is living in comfort with the least amount of effort. And will vote away ALL of their power over the GOV if it means continued short-sighted, easy street living in the now.

  15. Brazilian here. The ideas of less corruption and communist-only persecution during Brazil’s dictatorship are myths.
    The dictatorship jailed by gossip. If your neighbour hated you, he could call the Police and tell them that you were a communist, and you would at the very least spend a day in a jail getting tortured.
    The population didn’t criticize the government out of fear, so of course there would be corruption and bribery, no one was watching. The famous external debt Brazil carried untill the 1990s-2000s started in this era. Politicians would get investment for public work contracts and pocket the money. And if you protested you would be tortured and killed.

      1. I would attribute it to three things:
        1) “If you have a clean record, there is nothing to fear”. This goes close to “If you were arrested, the police is right so you must be a communist”. Basically believing witch hunting is good. This of course ignores the possibility of being set up.
        2) The defeatist idea that “I’m glad the government supresses protests, protesting never goes anywhere anyway.”, giving away your rights. Similar to the anti-gun argument in the US.
        3)The natural “In my time…” feeling we get as we grow older. Remember, as time passes we always go a little left. The Generals were not less corrupt, they just had more control for hiding it.

      2. We have no middle ground, no reasonable alternative right now in Brazil.
        1 – those that were in the 60-80s middle and upper class are more aligned with right-wing thinking, and will say military era was better. There’s the perception that corruption wasn’t as big because media and police closed their eyes to it; and because lowest ranks weren’t as “openly” corrupt out of fear of punishment (usually violent) from the higher ranks.
        2- those that were raised in lower classes are now leftists (because they were persectuted back then). Even though they may not support Dilma after all this shit she’s promoted, they still abhor the military AND the right wing parties because most of the rights come from the military background.
        I tend to see myself as a right winger (or I wouldn’t be here would I?), and I don’t see a viable option. The only thing we can do is pressure for investigation and concrete political reforms.
        Right wing parties are surprisingly quiet now. Even if Dilma steps down or is kicked out they’re still stuck in the backseat until next election in 2018.
        They’re likely looking from the outside, out of fear of hurting their chances on next ballot in 3 years. That’s all that really matters in the end. Power. Anything good that happens to the country right now is not beneficial to any of the parties involved except for Dilma. Everyone is jumping off the ship and swimming, hoping the country sinks under her command.

    1. If what you say is true, then with a feminist at helm, there was never a better time in Brazil’s history to correct the wrongdoings of patriarchical dictatorship.
      Even if what you say is true, nothing really has changed. The torture and killings might have reduced, but everything else remains same or has gone worse.

      1. Yeah, Dilma failed spetacularly.
        About torture, at least you can protest about it, a public judge can file a case against the police, the politicians can lobby against it… You can’t do any of that if a dictator is doing the torturing.

  16. If you want a female leader and her role models is not Margaret thatcher, beware.

  17. another side-effect of Dilma’s government is the growing feminist influence in brazilian society, many times sponsored by the state, too.
    The people who voted for PT are either disgruntled,illiterate “gimmedats” fuckers from the northern regions who are easily bought with a few bucks and some free bread and being told by the Big Daddy state that they are good boys, or the parasites people who work for government institutions and universities, after all they enjoy a great deal of benefits at the expense of tax-payer money that normal workers don’t have, and universities are also training grounds for the leftoid ideological warriors and agitators that secure the narrative that keeps PT on power.
    There is a very clear divide between the rich, industrialized, working South who voted “right”, and the poor, backwards, welfare-loving who voted left. Socialism attracts poor people and breeds even more poverty in the end.
    And of course the Lying Media is trying it’s damn hardest to damage control and subvert the facts in favor of the state sponsored Truth ™
    I don’t know if Hillary has chances of winning on the USA, but if she does, just look at our Dilma and Kirchner from our argentinian buddies to know what to expect. Complete disaster.
    The more I look at America, the more I see it’s becoming like Brazil. Down to the demographics, with the state pushing kumbaya miscigenation to destroy tradition and cause loss of identity among all ethnic groups.
    Watch out, America. We were the trailblazers of the path you are in, and look at where it got us.

  18. It would be impossible for any sane man to argue that a woman does not make decisions on the basis of emotion and feelings. Rather than from logic and facts.
    This does not bode well for any institution being run by a woman.
    And as Esthar Vilar points out, its easy for women to lie, because they have no fixed anchor in their mind about what is the truth. Which is partially why women do so poorly in STEM studies, because these rely on provable facts, predictability, and fixed mathematical rules.
    I would also argue that women do poorly in leadership because they have very little loyalty. 90% of the women I know, have lost 90% of their friends from school, through in-fighting, backstabbing, banging their friend’s boyfriends, and general bitchy behavior.
    Men, on the other hand, are loyal, and have more lasting friendships. Women, like cats, are loyal only to whomever is dishing out the catfood on that particular day.

  19. Can’t wait for it all to crash. Cheap(er) travel, cheap(er) drinks, cheap(er) women.

  20. “Women in leadership positions”. What a fucking joke.
    You see this bullshit concept being pushed everywhere in the media. Western civilization will pay dearly for this if it doesn’t recognize the insanity of it soon.

  21. Sure, you get exceptions (Merkel springs to mind), but generally, women just aren’t cut out for leadership positions. Check out Australia, we had a rat mad feminist slut (Julia Gillard) running the country, and what a disaster that turned out to be. Stuff up after stuff up, whilst droning on and on about sexism and misogyny

  22. Of course, they persecuted communists and leftists, but on balance they were far less corrupt than the oligarchs who are now running the show.

    Imagine that.
    Chile became an economic success story as a result of Pinochet doing the same exact thing. Leftists cause absolutely nothing but trouble whenever they are in charge of anything.

  23. South America is always boom and bust, I was amazed that Brazil has grown so well with its antibusiness attitude, but I’m not surprised to see it fall. Argentina and Venezuela are screwed just because the people there are so tolerant..which makes for the very worst government possible, but generally very enjoyable people. And heres the shocker….Communism doesn’t work! Who would have guessed it.

  24. “Argentina’s president, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, has a consuming political scandal of her own. One of her prosecutors, Alberto Nisman, was found dead, after having accused her of conspiring to conceal details of an investigation into a terrorist bombing.”
    Not only that. The nex morning-not in three weeks or two months, the next morning-he was going to present his report that detailed the participation of the president and other of course of concealing details, like you said.
    I work at night delivering the newspaper so many of the news I hear them before most. Of course, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? They took him out. yeah, later they called it a suicide, but not one is buying it. It’s too obvious.
    And you want to know what happened with the report? well mostly anything. A judge, who is oh surprise in good terms with the president, dismissed the acussations.
    “Ms. Kirchner denies any involvement in the prosecutor’s death.”
    And in turn, she blames the opposition because you know, they are ALL against her.
    So while in the country grows inflation, corruption and insecurity at the same time+
    all kind of efforts are made by the government to gather votes for the incoming election in the form of, yes you guessed it, payments of support for women(they pay monthly for each children) gays(regulated gay marriage) and transexuals(did you know that the government pays them 8.000 pesos. that’s more of what is payed to a retired elder).
    Argentina is a beautiful country, but please don’t come to live here brothers…

    1. what do you expect… “Ms. Kirchner” came here to NYC and cleaned out the entire shoe department in Saks…anybody hear about that maybe 4 years ago? I knew then Argentina was going to be in alot of trouble.

      1. haha good one. And yeah, it’s no wonder that’s happening. The worst part is that almost 4 years ago, she won the re-election with a 61% of the votes. Yeah, the opposition is composed of idiots mostly, but still, that number is scary high. That should tell you something about the political awareness of the common argentinian. The other day she gave a 3 hour conference when the congress opened it’s activities, and you can imagine the little remarks, the bitchy comments and the whole bullshit of how she is leaving us a perfect country…

  25. We will not bow down here in Brazil, impeachment is coming soon for this bitch, and the minority of leftists and commies will be eradicated from our country. Fucking lazy bums.

  26. It takes a lot of poor, dumb, uneducated people to vote for a woman.
    Dilma should dispel the notion that all women are precious snowflakes. She is as corrupt as they come. Cristina Kerchner of Argentina also. Both incompetent, stupid, corrupt as hell, and ugly.

    1. Considering how we’ve already established that women have no sense of justice, fairness, or empathy, we can also establish they should not vote, either.

      1. 1910s women ask for the right to vote, a few years later world war one
        1920s women get the right to vote, Hitler comes to power and later causes world war 2
        Correlation? I think not..

  27. As soon as she steps down she will claim it was her gender that ignited protests lol.

  28. Sounds like Brazil fell for the same trick we did in 2008. People thought that breaking a racial and/or gender barrier in the upper echelons would signal change; in reality, Obama and Rouseff were bought and sold like the rest of them.

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