The True Return On Investment Of A College Education

A couple of weeks ago, a student at my high school stated a rather interesting thing that stuck with me for days. We were in economics class discussing “how worthy a college degree is,” with our teacher saying it is very useful and a great way to make money, especially due to its high return on investment.

To make things even more interesting, a student stated that just a few days ago he read that if you invest now in your college degree, that in timeframe of 10 years, you would have a ROI of one million dollars. I kept silent throughout the whole class.

The cost of a bachelor’s degree

The sad reality of today’s youth

The average cost of Bachelor’s Degree is $31,374. I added up all three values, those of in and out-of-state colleges, as well as private colleges, and divided them by three. This excludes costs of living (socializing, eating out, buying commodities and so on). So, after four years, your total debt is $125,500. You then go on to look for a job to pay off that debt.

Average bachelor’s degree salary

Next up, let’s consider the income you will be having after attaining that shiny bachelor’s degree. But first, we must take into account that already four years have passed out of the 10 years my classmate was talking about, so we have six years more to net that $1,000,000.

In that spirit, I went online and searched for an average salary with a bachelor’s degree and found out that the average starter salary is $39,000, but let’s assume you have climbed the corporate ladder and take an average salary of $45,000. So, $45,000 x 6 = $270,000. You must be saying, not bad! Just kidding.

Paying off that debt

Definition of a JOB – Just Over Broke

Well, we have earned $270,000 in those 6 years, but we must also deduct all that student debt we have. Where does that leave us? Well, if we deduct $125,500 from $270,000$, we get $144,500. After paying off all the student debt with zero interest rate (good luck with that), you are left with $144,500 for six years of a hard nine-to-five job you probably hate. Annually, that is a mere $24,000 bump, which is $2,000 monthly. Hmm, but where does the cost of living come into all of this?

More costs please

“Pay yourself first.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Since we live on planet Earth, there are a few costs associated with living as a college-educated corporate goon. Things such as rent, utilities, car payments, credit card debts, food, clothes, and luxuries such as iPhones must be taken into account as well.

If you were to live with a minimalistic lifestyle in the US in a second-tier city, $2,000 monthly only for yourself would be sufficient. Well, that would leave you with zero ROI at the end of those ten years. In fact, you still need $1 million more to have  $1 million.

And suddenly, the reality strikes

According to good old Wikipedia, the average household debt  has been over 110% in 2011. We can imagine that four years later, there will have been an increase. But, we must also remember that we are taking about you and your ROI as an individual. So, similar numbers can be applied, but let’s say that it is around 130%, which sums up to be around $2,600 of spending a month.

So, what just happened? You are actually spending more than you earn? With your debt being 130%, that means you have spent $187,850 in those six years, but have only earned $144,500. This doesn’t even take into account the opportunity cost of the four years where you were’t making any money and could have been learning a valuable skill while getting paid for it.

Fortunately, there’s always a way out


So, what are the options? You can choose to listen to my classmate and pretty much 99% of people in your slavish environment and hope for a million bucks to fall from the sky after finishing four years at a soul draining, hyper-feminist institution, or you can choose to live a life of choice.

Think outside the box, do not get into college debt, and take The Road Not Taken. There’s plenty of options to choose from, but the main decision will be the one you take, and it will make all the difference.

Read More: 5 Reasons Why Girls With Tattoos And Piercings Are Broken

127 thoughts on “The True Return On Investment Of A College Education”

    1. My friend is tutoring a high-school economics class. I asked him the same thing actually.

  1. Isn’t this why liberals are trying to make college free? I wanted to get a trade (pharm technician) before I go for my degree (which I am still not sure what it will be) and quickly realized it’s not what I want to do. I now have a little under $5,0000 debt to pay back. Which isn’t impossible but what I’ve learned from that experience is that I need a very clear and cut out path of how I will pay that debt back instead of jumping into debt blind again. College is DEFINTELY worth the price if you use your degree to your benefit which is why I still want one. At the same time I want a degree that will put me in high demand and semi guarantee me a job that I can easily support myself and most importantly a degree that will pay for itself.

    1. Yeah, for certain majors and or from a prestigious school, it’s worth it. Public college should be free for high-IQ students since they have the greatest likelihood of not dropping out. Giving free college to everyone inevitability means wasted taxpayer dollars.

      1. I don’t think ALL college should be free, I was just pointing out liberals solution to this problem. Going to college is a choice that shouldn’t be paid for by others.

  2. What a coincidence. Another college article.
    College is simply not worth it. I repeat, not worth it. The price is too high, I don’t care what field it is- be it law or even engineering and medicine, college is simply not worth it. The debt has surpassed $1 trillion and soon that bubble is going to pop. Nevermind the debt, but the actual value of a degree has reduced to the point of being almost diminished, simply because there is an oversaturation of graduates coming out every year. And yes, this also includes STEM majors. So when you try to look for a job, only to end up competing with so many others for very few vacancies available, you are going to be in trouble.
    The reality of our world is that you must now be prepared to tackle life in the unconventional and unorthodox way. Whatever you have been taught right from your childhood, to the day you leave your college with that worthless piece of paper, you must now dispose off, because everything you have been programmed and indoctrinated to believe is not only outdated, but is pure propoganda and lies, which will lead you to being crushed in the real world. The education system has not only led to people being in financial trouble, but has also paved the way for bad health, where people are falling sick, getting fat, apethetic and unhealthy in every other way.
    Instead, focus on how reality works, and try to find and study success. Yes, even a pessimistic and cynical douche like myself, will still advocate people to try and find success, just not the way you were taught to believe in. Find out what does work in this world, and recreate a new strategy and plan on how live out for the rest of your life. You may need to make huge sacrifices such as giving up on relationships and buying the latest fancy gadget. But in the long run, it will do you good.

    1. You are correct in a sense but if you take a true look at a majority of 18 year old high school graduates, they need time to mature. Essentially, that is what college does for most people. It is where they can make stupid mistakes without any truly significant consequences. The key is to understand that the college experience is really an expensive camp where you might gain a little bit of knowledge but when you really think about it, if you read the Economist regularly and watch BBC you will get the same thing. Anyway, my position is that they are are quite a few people who are better off on campus than out on the streets causing problems. Those who keep things in perspective are going to succeed. Those who are idealistic end up falling short.

    1. A lot of people 60+ are collecting social security and working; some part-time, others full-time. They will quite literally never retire and drop out of the work force. They will fight like hell to keep working until they die because inside they have nothing to live for (most of them say they work just to “get out of the house.” That and continue to eat out every night). Pretty soon, though, they’ll need to work full-time just to pay the SS taxes so they can receive their SS check! ROFL for days…..

      1. Yup, my university is filled with old ass professors who don’t want to retire. They can’t hire any younger PhD’s because the old ones will work till they are 65+ my psychology prof is approaching 75. Its fucking ridiculous LOL
        These young people with tons of debt from undergrad and graduate school plus hundreds of hours invested in their are having difficulty getting jobs b/c the old geezers don’t want to retire.

  3. go to the cheapest school you can find and get a ‘stereotypically immigrant degree’ like, nursing, accounting, or something like that, I went to a “third tier toilet” and am not in debt.
    as long as u have a skill. even if u have a crappy job it’s still a job. take like, licenses. commercial driver’s, actuarial, CPA, home health aide, whatever.

    1. How about not going to college altogether? Even community colleges are a scam. Why not just pursue a career in sales? No degree needed, and lot of people have done it, and made a ton of money.
      It requires hustle and is a real challenge for those willing to take it.

        1. Schools, indeed, do not teach anything of value, except for the hard truth, which is education is a scam.
          The world around us is based on selling and buying. Go into any sales field- cars, electronics, engineering and medical equipment, just as long as you are good at it, and make bonuses and commissions.
          Honestly, there is no logic in needing a degree to make a life.

        2. My double major in accounting and economics opened the door to a random sinecure for me that was better than the shite jobs I used to be in…
          I also enjoyed learning about those topics. And paid for it out of my earnings.

        3. And I know people who are personally multi millionaires, and they did it through selling and not having a degree. And that is better than any shitty accounting job.

        4. Nice but they’ll eventually need an accountant lololol. That, and an undertaker

        5. Not really. Many people are self taught in the fields of accounting and bookkeeping. With all the videos and online tutorials that are at your disposal, an accountant is becoming less relevant by the day (unless you are a multinational corporation or something on that level.)
          Self made multimillionaires that I personally know, did everything on their own. Hustle and grind. Thats really it.

  4. The author forgot to take into consideration taxes. So out of that $45,000 salary, they probably took home $35,000. So after 6 years that comes out to $210,000 earned, instead of the $240,000 before taxes

  5. I applaud you for thinking seriously about this question, but the problem with any type of analysis like this is that it’s hard to quantify all the variables.
    For example, why are you assuming nearly $100,000 in living expenses over the course of your degree as debt? First, you can work through your undergrad like I did and not incur debt for your living expenses. Sure it means you drink a few less beers, but undergrad is not that challenging, and there will still be plenty of time to drink beer and socialize (though if this is the primary motivation for going to college – you’re going for the wrong reason which is another reason not to incur debt). Second, these expenses strike me as high. If you go to school in a rural area, you can spilt rent with several roommates and only pay a few hundred bucks per month. Food isn’t going to cost that much. Where is all this money going? Live frugally. Third, whatever expenses you would have, you will have whether you go to college or not.
    Also, the value of college depends entirely on what kind of degree you pursue, and how much effort you put into learning. For some of the most lucrative career fields – law, medicine, engineering – you can’t even get a job without a degree – not because they won’t hire you, but because you are ineligible to be licensed without a degree. Other adventurous endeavors – like becoming an officer in the military – are similarly closed without a degree. But if your plan was to study Renaissance Art history, it is perfectly appropriate to calculate that this debt will be difficult on a retail wage, which is likely what you will make.
    But finally, all of this talk about college debt strikes me as hot air to some degree. You list the average cost as $31,000. Lost of people, particularly those who work throughout school to minimize debt will come out with less. But even then, $31,000 isn’t really that much more than the price of a new base model car these days, and I suspect most 22 year olds have no problem making their car payments given that I hear nothing about how cars ought to be free.
    Debt is certainly a consideration, but I would argue that if you are smart and financially prudent, it should not be the primary calculus. Instead, ask yourself whether you actually need a college education to do what you want to do in the first place. Plenty of very successful and wealthy people dropped out, or did not attend in the first place. Debt is completely simple if you don’t need to take it on at all – just don’t. And if you don’t need a degree for your chosen path, ask yourself if it is worth sitting through four years of leftist indoctrination where you will be vilified as a man, all for the privilege of attending keggers with a bunch of libtard dipshits. And if your path requires a degree, have a good plan to retain your masculinity and not turn into a brainwashed apparatchik prior to graduation.

  6. One of the worst things about college is that it forces confused 18 year old into making a career choice. As if you have any clue of what you are good at or what you want to do at 18 years old.

    1. On top of that, there are SEVERAL different careers that I never even imagined existed while I was going to college. I majored in chemistry, but after I graduated I found a job as a territory manager for RJ Reynolds Tobacco. Who ever says “when I grow up I want to be a marketing rep for cigarettes?” lol

      1. Most probably do not say that. But they do want to make good money, and boy is that a good job to do that. You asked me a while back what I do. I’m in engineering sales. I have a chemistry/chemE degree. You should try that?

        1. I would love to, but how would I get into that? All the good sales jobs want relatable sales experience, and I didn’t do anything chemistry related since I graduated.

        2. Ah, but you DO have chem related sales experience: there are over 400 chemicals added to conventional cigs, exploit that for your benefit!

      2. I just lost my job with baccy due to a mat leave coming back, the funny part is all of my retailers liked me better.

    2. It’s worse than that because you are already streamed when you get to high school. WTF does a 15 year old know?

  7. When you pay a ton for college, you subsidize all the social justice bullshit that goes on across the nation.
    Shut down all activist courses, redirect funds to relevant fields, and costs go down while student debt gets paid – and Marxist ideologues are denied new recruits
    Petition your local college today

    1. Bingo. That’s what it’s become — putting yourself in huge debt to subsidize the Social Justice Wankers.
      And if you’re a white straight male, not only are you putting yourself in debt, there’s a good chance you’ll walk out with a bogus rape/ sexual assault allegation.

  8. Come on, this is going too far.
    A kid telling adults what they should do. At 19 you know nothing. NOTHING. As the author ever had a job? Bought a car? A house? Figured out how his personality blends with the real world? NO!
    Yes there a millions of useless degrees out there. But I increased my income literally 8-fold by getting a degree in a relevant field plus experience.
    It’s not as binary as is made out on here. You’re posting yourself to stupidville.
    I ain’t working in KFC or any fucking place for minimum wage, being bossed around by jerk offs. There’s stuff I like in life. Family. Business. Autonomy. Pride. Good House. Good food. Good wine.
    A college degree doesn’t guarantee these by any means, but a relevant one is a serious head start.

    1. “A college degree doesn’t guarantee these by any means, but a relevant one is a serious head start.”
      -Not when you are competing with thousands of other applicants with college degrees, and have to deal with HR cunts on top of that. I believe that people need to find success outside the box, because college degrees are simply not worth the debt attached to it.
      Yes, there are success stories of people with university/college degrees. But it simply is not worth it, if success can be attained in another way. I have a friend who works in information assurance and computing security. Despite having a top 10 school degree and a masters, there are collegues in his department that have no degree, and earn more than he does.
      The value of a degree has significantly decreased over time and with the growing number of online videos and tutorials available, education establishments will start to feel the heat.

  9. I have one year of (wasted) college education. I was going to go into a Business Degree. Needless to say, that went nowhere, and I lost (including living, books, etc) over 20k in that one year. I got nothing out of it.
    I got a job getting closer each year to a 6 figure sum, after starting at about 45k. I now make over $80k easy. Its been 5 years.
    Reality is, college is a place to waste time, and stroke your ego. Feminists, SJWs, weak men, they all abide in places like this.
    Granted, there are noble scholars, one who propagate the advancement of civilization (engineers, theologians, historians, scientists et al)
    But the majority of them are there wasting their time, becoming indoctrinated by foolish brainwashed teachers.

      1. We DO need to have those people to help expand on thought. They help us in establishing a moral mind, withdrawing thoughts beyond that of the typical man.

  10. You are doing it wrong if you are carrying six figure debt for a college degree.
    If you didn’t take AP courses, or aren’t CLEPing ( out a number of introductory courses for $80 a pop you aren’t doing it right. Same if you aren’t doing 2 years of community college credits for guaranteed admission into a state school like UVA or Virginia Tech ( while living at home with cheap living expenses.
    Likewise, if you aren’t working summers to pay down your debt or earn living expenses while gaining relevant job experience you are a fool.
    The less time it takes you to graduate, and the less you pay for your degree, the more valuable it is.
    By testing out, you are doing what so many students never do. You’re being strategic. You’re treating your degree as an investment, rather than a collegiate shopping spree. You’re being efficient by extracting the most value for the least cost.”

    1. You are smart and you are right.
      Problem is this – how are young males supposed to have this kind of life experience out of high?
      Is it not a 1 in 1000 guy who got his shit together like you describe at the age of ~18-20?
      The reality is no job experience, a lot of debt (college + living expenses + party expenses), a “soft degree” in worthlessness, the experience of 4 lazy years with the expectation that working a job is about the same just better paid, is it not?

      1. There are CLEP test study sites where you can study for a week or two and pass the test. CLEP covers the Freshman and Sophomore levels and you can also take DANTES classes to test out of the 300 & 400 level classes.
        I use the site below but there are whole bunch of sites to help you test out of classes.

  11. As an aisde, I find all this SJW, feminist stuff pretty hilarious with respect to college.
    If you go to an engineering school, you won’t find that stuff, and you will be surrounded mostly by dudes who just want to either build stuff or watch japanese cartoons. Lousy for meeting women on campus, but you won’t have to deal with indoctrinated co-eds.

  12. You forgot to take taxes into account, which will eat up a part of that paycheck as well.
    The cost for a bachelor’s degree can be cut down by doing your GE at a community college. There’s no point in paying full price for a diversity class or for useless surveys in Sociology.
    As for consumer debt, that is only a given if you put yourself there.
    Some employers also include some kind of tuition assistance as a benefit of employment.

    1. In Canada you get a tax deduction for your tuition and also a special education deduction. Those when combined with your basic exemption mean you can earn about $20k and pay no income tax, just social security and employment insurance. (about 6.5%).

  13. Contrary to the $100k-200k figures thrown around by the anti-college crowd, the average debt per student is around $30k, or about the same as a new car – except unlike a car, a degree doesn’t lose half its value after you drive it off the lot. In fact, given the growing wage premium between high school graduates and degree holders, and the inflation-adjusted rising cost of tuition, a degree only gains value. While student loans are hard to discharge and are a pain in the ass, paying them back is not the end of the world if you’re making a solid 5-figure or higher income with your STEM degree. Everyone freaks out about student loans like it’s the plague, when car loans and small business loans (or a loan for any expensive, depreciating product) are far worse.

    1. Thank you for your valid argument. Some of these anti-college people are acting like they never took a risk before in their life. Nothing is free in life and there are no guarantees. If you have some debt, it is not over. As a man you should handle it.

  14. I’m in college and I can admit that its a scam. College cons high school graduates into believing that they either need to get neck deep in debt(if one is working class/lower middle class) or waste a good amount of cash(if one is upperclass) on what is often a worthless piece of paper. Been in college for a couple of years now and the only notable thing that college has taught me is that its not an ‘educational’ institution.
    Most things that you can learn in college you can learn at home via internet or library resources with the exception of medicine, engineering and maybe software development. Hell I’ve learned more in my free time than in my lectures and classes where I’m either too hungover to concentrate(my 1st year was a drunken haze) or I’m too uninterested to pay attention to the ramblings of a douchebag professor.
    Western colleges have turned into indoctrination camps for the corporate elite where they can essentially lower wages for recent graduates applying for their companies(read: minimum wage). Too many degrees being shitted out, too little jobs able to accommodate the over saturation of graduates and if you’re white male, its even harder. When you combine the mysandric feminine imperative with the LGBT agenda, college is quickly becoming a cesspool of faggots,feminists, effete hipsters and pseudo-intellectuals. Unless you want to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher or maybe a software developer(might be missing some other professions), I might consider college worth it, but anything else and you’re wasting your time and money.
    -The girls are extremely slutty
    -You can get good grades by simply sucking up to the professors
    -Hard to find red pill friends
    -Feminist/SJW and LGBT agendas constantly being shoved down your throat.
    -Apathy and disillusionment with the educational system

    1. I agree 100%. Nothing you “learn” at college can’t be self taught. I would argue you don’t learn anything in school; you just memorize, regurgitate and forget. No one cares about what college taught you. I have never, ever been asked about my freshman econ classes or my sociology classes.

      1. Arts, humanities, sociology, economics, law and languages can be self-taught (given tremendous self-discipline), but the use of extraordinarily expensive machines in engineering and science is a different story. College has its place.

    2. Haha.. love the pros and cons there. That’s some red pill truth about college.
      I will say that in defense of a good liberal arts education, one thing it *should* do is open your eyes to some new areas of interest for you. I had a great music appreciation class my sophomore year that I wish I had paid more attention in, but it did help me have a lifelong appreciation for classical music. I learned to scuba dive in college, because hey, it was free to take this 1 credit fun class with the cost of tuition. And I really enjoyed my astronomy class, and spending time in the observatory and with telescopes. The main educational value in all of those is that they stimulate thought and curiosity and learning, and they can lead to lifelong paths.
      Now, there is usually only 1 or 2 years of this exploration, and then students focus in on their “major” so I would say it can easily be done in one year of college, which I think most people should have. 1 Semester of a diverse bunch of classes followed by 1 semester abroad, and then get a job, go to trade school, or if you really want to continue school, then fine.
      Honestly most 18 year olds aren’t ready for this type of mental exploration so college probably isn’t the best way to explore new goals, but it is also good to do it when you’re young before you get tied down with obligations.
      Also, the idea of college *could* be useful–when you look at the educational institutions of antiquity, Plato for one, the atmosphere of discussion, debate, and analysis of ideas was a useful thing that could only be done in groups. But a university degree now, yeah, I”ll freely admit you can get the same knowledge in a couple months at the library.

    3. my 1st year was a drunken haze…
      You paid quite a bit to party for a year, didn’t you? It’s little wonder you learned little from your professors, most of whom could be making far more in other jobs but have a passion for teaching nitwits like you.

  15. If your parents really push you into studying a degree, you might as well convince them to let you study abroad somewhere in Europe where it’s much cheaper and you can always learn a new language, culture etc.

  16. One of the problems we have as a nation is that we have too many kids at universities who don’t really belong there, academically, but think that they have to be to have a “good” (high-earning) life.
    While I have a law degree and a master’s (it was for the same $) there’s no way I would advise anyone to go to law school today unless they (a) actually had the smarts for it and (b) had a job waiting for them at their dad’s or their uncle’s firm when they got out.
    If you think the environment at university is toxic for men, at law school, it’s social justice crapola on steroids.
    We don’t teach kids things that they really need to know, like basic micro-economics, how to balance a checkbook, how the stock market works and entrepreneurship. The most important thing for workers in the future is being nimble, and being able to adapt to changing work environments. The next most important thing is to avoid debt like the plague. (I’ve written about this before, and I don’t mean guys who use leverage to make money; I mean consumer debt.)
    There’s nothing wrong with having a trade (which, really, you should have even if you get a 4 year degree; if you have a trade you’ll never go hungry).

      1. Then you have hope as a human being. Law school is dysentery for the soul, and I can only imagine it’s a thousand times worse than when I went. I love being a lawyer, mostly for reasons dealing with me having an atypical career, but law school blew dead bears.

        1. I was on the left coast so it was pretty bad but I did have a few conservative friends.

        2. Depends. My career path was non-traditional and I was able to leverage my in-house experience into energy and that’s when the dollars started to flow.
          I could never work at a law firm b/c they are populated by people with defective personalities. The key is: make yourself indispensable and then disappear. Basically anyone in CorporteLand should read everything that Stanley Bing ever wrote, but in particularly “What Would Machiavelli Do?” and “How to Relax Without Getting the Axe”. That last one is (coincidentally) a pretty good guide to my life in CorporateLand, where I have positioned myself to (a) make bank (“made myself indispensable”) and (b) only show up at the office about a week each month, total, and only for a few hours each day (“disappear”). Some of the people I work with in that office actually think I work in the California office.
          Anyway, if you want to have any kind of quality of life, you need to engage in guerrilla tactics….

        3. All the lawyers I know are really obnoxious with their politics.. either extreme left wing or extreme right wing intrusiveness.

        4. I had three core friends. Two were from Calgary and their politics were pretty far to the right. The other was from northern BC and we would joke about how I was the capitalist pig and he was the communist dog.

  17. Reading this article, it’s no wonder young women students are dabbling with sugar dating on sites like and hooking up with wealthy, generous men, to have their tuition fees paid for.

  18. If you are still young, and really do want to go to university, try this:
    (a) Be good at math
    If you are not good at math, forget it.
    (b) Learn German. Yes, it’s supposedly hard (i don’t know), but:
    (c) go to a city in Germany you never, ever heard of. Except Dresden. You can go to Dresden. Life is cheap in Dresden.
    (d) enjoy _free_ German university.
    (e) Get a German engineering degreee
    (f) earn a shitload of money anywhere in the world. You even speak better English than the Germans.
    Unfortunately, universities here get worse quickly, and it may also be a waste of time. And German is not the easiest language to learn.
    On the plus side, you’ll end up in sone 2nd-level wannabe city with plenty of wannabe girls. And you are American, which is cool outside of all the rich cities. And even inside. If you can afford it, consider München. If so-so, Heidelberg or Mannheim. Avoid Berlin.
    (Same holds true for Austria, afaik. If you consider Berlin but prefer a “real” city with less piss everywhere, Wien is beatiful).

    1. I heard from some European friends that the Germans are dumbing down their education system to match the one in the US. Basically just because we are such a larger country and graduate so many more people. I’m a little fuzzy on the details but I think they used to graduate with 5 years of university in Germany and it would transfer here as the equivalent of a US masters degree. And now they are cutting a year of that out which saves them some time but basically makes all their graduates now just undergrad degree holders, which to me is pretty worthless.

    2. But don’t you need an EU passport or else you have to pay the foreign student rate? In Canada the foreign student rate is something like $20k-$30k a year just in tuition.
      And German is relatively easy to learn for English speakers (a lot easier than frickin Chinese, lol) I took a course in grade 10 (33 years ago) and I still remember some. One of the Chinese guys I work with studied in Germany. Sometimes when he doesn’t know the English word for something and I don’t know the Chinese we will switch into our broken German.

  19. For US readers this information could be very useful.
    In Europa, a college education is most often FREE.
    Maybe you have to pay 500-1000$ per year but thats about it.
    In ADDITION you get money from the goverment – depending on how much your parents earn, this could mean you get your rent and living expenses covered for 4 years. Basicly you get a masters degree for free. No debt afterwards.
    Now the interesting point is; even under such great conditions those (minimum) 4 years do NOT pay off anymore. By the time you enter the workforce you are 24-25 in most cases, in some area towards 30.
    You have never worked a day in your life, maybe done some Mc-job or waiter or similar things.
    The most productive years of your life are between 15-30.
    You wasted them. The company you never founded, the money you never made, the quality pussy you never got – all this is lost. You will not be able to compensate for it later.
    Most young in europa have a dream-job, what they want to do with their lives after college. And it is: Work for the goverment.
    Be one of the grey-men-masses who work 9-5 for 40+ years and then go into retirement. Thats the dream these young people have after many years in goverment funded institutions.
    This is NOT NOT NO AND NEVER the way of an alpha male.
    If you want to enjoy your life, become great with women, become a great man you can not ever consider wasting the best years away.
    Do not do it.
    Well. You most likely think, but but the mass media, my teachers, my PARENTS, my peers…they all go to college. If you dont do this you are a LOOSER. You are worthless shit and will get no wife. Horrible.
    No it is not. Bullshit squared that is. These are the lies you are told all your life because the system needs suckers like you. It needs people to pay the modest salary of our politicians.
    Look around you – how happy are all those guys around 40-50 living next door to your parents? How much sex do they have? How hot are their women?
    Do you really, deep in your heart want to spend the best years of your life in some goverment funded institution, then work for 15 years and a soul-killing job to get THAT? To become what they are? To live their life? Is it really that good?
    You will be these guys next door if you follow their footsteps.
    If you want to be different you have got to DO THINGS DIFFERENT.

  20. this article doesn’t even touch on the subject of taxes and even still the “smart” college student is drowned in debt before the age of 25

  21. You’ll need to earn a living. If you can cut it, a degree in a STEM field will pretty much ensure you a life of decent employment with intelligent co-workers,plus give you a good start on the SKAs you’ll need to branch out on your own. If you pursue STEM and choose your school wisely, between work and scholarships you’ll graduate with little or no debt. If you continue with grad school and stick with an in-demand field assistantships and grants will pay for everything. If you don’t like that option, go for trade school. Plumbers and diesel mechanics make good money. If (like the cartoon above) you end up with five figures of student loan debt you’re an idiot and deserved everything you got, including that no doubt worthless degree in business or criminal justice or whatever. And don’t forget about the intangibles; those required gen-ed
    classes exposed me to writers and philosophers and poets and composers
    that started me down a road of culture and knowledge that makes my life richer with each passing day. Sure, it’s all in the library but I seldom have meaningful conversations about Aristotle with my plumber. NASCAR, perhaps…
    Since everyone else is posting their story: went to public high school (the only one in my little town) and applied myself enough to get some scholarships for college. Went to a good local private Christian school; paid for it by working part-time and living at home (we were welcome to stay as long as we were in school) and graduated with a STEM degree and no debt; my professors encouraged me to tackle grad school and six years later had a PhD in that field and have never lacked for good-paying, interesting work, plus a lifestyle that allowed me to pick up a few more degrees (one for fun, one for profit) along the way. The RIGHT kind of college education is well worth it.

      1. The most amusing aspect of Facebook is re-connecting with high school acquaintances (I did not consider them friends, then) who rode the Vo-Tech bus with me in the afternoon. I took electronics (from a retired Navy captain who instilled both skills and terror in us); they were the non-college-bound goat-ropers and sh*t-kickers who barely squeaked by in the traditional classes, taking auto mechanics and welding and such. Today they all own busy shops in town, run by themselves and in many cases their sons. A guy who used to call me “rocket man” in high school (a tease because I read sci fi) just did a terrific engine rebuild for me. If college isn’t for you, the trade option can give you a good life but you still have to work for it.
        To answer Maldek’s question: I am painfully average but had the advantage of parents who stayed together, raised me in the church, taught me the value of both perspiration and education, and assured me that if I applied myself in high school I’d have a shot at college. That’s worth a lot, and, yes, many don’t have that.

    1. A few things stood out: Scholarship, no debt, small town (probably with good values), small college (where professors actually give a shit about student success) and STEM.
      This is the ideal situation for college. Unfortunately, only 5%-10% of the U.S. population is in this situation. The rest are taking out $loans$ majoring in Gender Studyzs at Fuck You State University among 15,000 other students who are shit faced even in class.

      1. A tragic case is the intelligent daughter of a friend (they are white and yes, that’s relevant) who decided to major in criminal justice. I got them both furiously angry with me by telling them that her undergraduate degree would be worthless. Sure enough, after graduation she couldn’t get a job (the schools produce far more CJ majors than the market can absorb) and decided to get her masters. Still couldn’t get a job (the MS-CJ programs also crank out more students than the market can handle, and the principle employer of CJ majors – the government – preferentially hires blacks so a white girl has no chance). She’s living at home, working at Starbucks,and watching every penny of her meager paycheck go to student loans (there are few scholarships in CJ, ’cause it’s popular). I went by the other day to buy her a coffee and she broke down in tears. “Everyone on this shift has a Master’s degree,” she said, “and none of us can get jobs.” Yep, the degree programs in art and English and criminal justice have far outgrown the market. You college-bound kids need to be careful when you choose your degree!

        1. STEM is the one of the only things worth while in college if you want any hope of making decent money. Even then the amount of STEM graduates is slowly flooding the market and we will see them suffer the same fate as criminal justice and any other liberal arts majors.

        2. Flood the market with Grrll Power Entitlement & useless degrees and this is what happens. In a more sane era, that girl would have found a stable husband at 22 in a economy that provided a family wage for the man and allowed her to stay home with the kids. Solves multiple problems: reduces labor pool to what market can absorb, no student debt, intact nuclear family, higher wages for men, and happier/healthier society.
          In 2015, this chick is 1/2 step above slavery along with her over educated coworkers. Any man she marries will have to marry her debt too. The U.S. economy is a house of cards feeding barely cognizant sheep into diploma mills only to leave them functionally unemployable and in the red. 50%+ of current college students aren’t college material.
          I’d say I would look forward to the collapse, but it will take everyone out, not just the guilty.

  22. 31 years old. First year of university. My employer is paying for me to go.

  23. Don’t go to college unless you want to pursue a career in Academia or the Priesthood.

  24. degrees are saturated and if everyone has something, it’s worth less, quickly converging on worthlessness. College ROI has been progressively tanking and it’s only now people are owning up to the truth. Soon this college bubble will pop with all the female degree holders holding the bag. Which white knights will bail out these moron women that paid 200k for their social science degrees?

  25. Or, you know, you could work through college and graduate with zero debt. That way when you graduate you have more than a sheep skin to back your experience. Too many kids graduating thinking that piece of paper guarantees a good job. Nope, still have to start from the bottom. It’s not hard to work full time and go to school.

  26. Most of the problems with student debt come from the stupid parents who allow their kids to borrow so much to get so little. How can anyone let their kids get a liberal arts degree for a six figure price tag? I know my fair share of elite private college grads who are working for $10-$15 an hour and seeing every dime they make go to loan payments.
    Fact: Only 1 in 4 college matriculants will end up working a job that requires a college degree.
    Fact: Only 1 in 2 college graduates will end up working a job that requires a college degree.
    Fact: 1 in 2 college loans are either delinquent or in default
    No one with two brain cells to rub together would send their kids to college as an investment. NO ONE CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU “LEARNED”. In fact, I would argue that college students learn nothing but memorize and regurgitate everything. It has been four years since I got my degree and I have yet to be asked about the subjects I studied or what classes l liked most.
    There are far better ways to get ahead. Learn how to program. Start a small business. Learn a trade. After college I was making $10,000 a month running an electronics eCommerce operation. I learned everything about entrepreneurship from podcasts and youtube. I know guys who created apps and sold them for hundreds of thousands.

  27. Sorry but going to college and graduating is a challenge that everyone must deal with. If you are really Alpha you should be ready to deal with the risk of the high debt. There is no easy way out.

    1. What the hell are you talking about? Being an Alpha consists of being dumb enough to acquire debt in exchange for nothing?

      1. You should have the confidence to make any situation work for you. The word is confidence. You are not the first to have debt and you will not be the last.

        1. You’re dipping your toe in a system that’s rigged from the beginning in a job market where there are no jobs for the worthless degree you get. So tell me how it’s alpha to get yourself in to massive amounts of debt for absolutely no return on investment. Sounds pretty foolish to me and not really an alpha move.

        2. I believe that there is risk in any career decision. If you decide not to go to college you still have to be excellent at whatever trade you pick. Nothing is guaranteed to anyone. Everything involves risk. You have to pick the risk you are willing to deal with. It is a simplistic argument to say do not go to college.

        3. The issue with many commentators on this site is that they want to talk tough but contradict themselves by arguing that if college does not guarantee something then it is not worth it! I see that as a weak mentality. When an athlete goes into competition, he might win or he might lose. He should not run and hide because the win is not guaranteed. What kind of mentality is that???

        4. I get where you’re coming from, but that’s not the right way of thinking. The real way is, skipping college and taking the risk of starting a business, that’s far more “Alpha” and “manly” than, going to college and hoping for a job.

  28. You need to go back to college kid, and take some math classes. Your college education estimate was 4x the actual average degree cost.

  29. College can work but only if you have dual citizenship in another country. I know several people that racked up six figure student loans in professional degrees and went overseas and transferred their credentials. These guys never paid their loans back and are making over 100k in their jobs. Something to consider.

  30. Okay just a few note corrections. If your friend stated that you make 1 million more in ten years, he was misstating the actual information that is the average college graduate earn 1 million dollars more over his working life(this is an average, which means there are some outliers who beat the odds and many who get degrees that sink). Technically the clock starts after you graduate not during, as opposed to if you just go into the work force first. Secondly, if you don’t go to college those same costs of living over 4 years still exist. And the cost of living for the 6 after as well. As for getting into debt, that has to do with foolishly living beyond your means which can happen with or without the degree. As for getting a job starting at $24,000.00 (pre-tax) per year without a degree or a TRADE, well good luck ( the best salesmen might pull this off, but the fact is retail and fast food is where most will start). Also you talk about going to college as if it excludes the possibility to work, even just part or summers. Mind you college is not for everyone and many degrees aren’t for employment either, but the argument presented here is completely full of holes and assumptions. I do commend you for attempting to look into this and figure life direction at a young age (unlike many peers of your age group, I would imagine), but you need to look and study these issues in far more depth before trying to espouse it wisdom.

  31. Thing about college is it’s almost obsolete, soon the internet will be the source of knowledge. One of the best attitudes towards entering college I’ve heard was from an old teacher of mine in High-school who said, Most kids believe when they get chosen to go to college that it is a huge honor and a special privilege in being selected , the reality is college is a business and you have to remember that you are doing That college a favor by paying them. When my teacher went to talk to the college’s Guidance counselor they asked what was it you can contribute to this university that we should choose you? My teacher replied well since I’m paying this college for the service of education what is it you can provide me for my Money? Ironically my teacher was a woman, still some Red pill thinking in that though…

    1. College will not be obsolete as long as employers are forced to rely on schools & degrees as indicators of intelligence and aptitude.

      1. Just Get a degree online, the building’s and universities cost money to maintain, professors cost money,Maybe now it matters which college you went to,but in the future online universities will compete for merit and have prestige as well. Approaching the age of automation, college in the real world will be one of many things being replaced by technology.

        1. Eh. I dunno. The whole point of the credential part of it is exclusivity and grading. Selective colleges sell that selectivity – it’s their product. That cannot be automated in the absence of other reliable (and legal, remember, in the age of “Disparate impact”) means of gauging performance. Google and Amazon are trying some of those out, but legally any aptitude tests have to have direct bearing on the job at hand. The only institutions right now that can do anything resembling an IQ test for admissions are colleges, so businesses use colleges as legal proxies for aptitude gauging. Secondly, online colleges don’t have the networking potential of on-site colleges simply due to lack of proximity and shared experiences. Arguing that is like arguing that OKC is as good as in-real-life interactions with chicks – yes, there’s some functionality, but it’s nowhere near the real thing.

  32. According to the University of Toronto’s website it is about $8000 a year not including living expenses. To put that in perspective if you have a fulltime, minimum wage job in Toronto for the 16 weeks of summer you will earn $7200. If you work part time – 16 hours per week – for the rest of the year that is another $6480. If you actually live at home rather than on your own you can easily be debt free coming out with your bachelor degree.
    If you are living on your own and you look around you can find a room for as little as $450 a month. Toss in food and other expenses and it is less than $1000 a month all in.
    So that is $20k a year while you are earning $13,680, a shortfall of $6320 a year. That’s making minimum wage ($11.25 an hour). If you can find a job making $16.50 an hour then you are in the clear.
    Back when I did undergrad my job was with the Canadian Forces Reserves, military engineers. That was 30 years ago and the pay scale sucked but now the pay is between $100 and $150 a day. I mention this for three reasons. First is that you could earn about $20k training in the summer and part-time during the rest of the year so you can be debt free and have a degree. Second, if you are actually studying engineering you will get experience in construction and project management that people in the civilian world generally wouldn’t entrust to a 19 year old.
    Third, suppose you don’t go to college. The beauty of the military engineers is that you get to play silly bugger but you also learn a trade like heavy equipment operation or you can work towards your blaster certificate.

  33. Great article
    I am a recent graduate myself and in the UK, the situation is dire.
    I know of so many graduates that are, working in cafes (I worked in one myself for a while) who have internship experience and can speak several languages, because there’s nothing out there.
    The recruitment process has become so humiliating and degrading as well, I really do believe that my degree was literally worth nothing! and that it is egregious for these universities to continue promoting them as guaranteed investments.

  34. The rich go to college. And do well after. They are the ones bring up the wages. A couple of my friends (boys and girls) get ALL of their education paid for. It SUCKS.

  35. This guy’s math is very poor. It is MUCH worse than stated in this article for the following reasons:
    1) You pay your student loans with POST TAX money. Therefore, that “270,000K” on the 45K salary quoted for 6 years is the GROSS SALARY. The NET salary is significant less after social security taxes, medicare taxes, federal, state, etc taxes. Your student loan debt is PAID out of the NET salary.
    2) Student Loans often have interest rates EXCEEDING 6 percent. Therefore, your debt is ballooning during this period of time due to interest.
    If you are unable to earn sufficient money IMMEDIATELY to cover both your principal and interest payments each month, your loan will increase due to penalties and interest compounding on the loan.
    Even if you pay the loan over 10 years, with the interest rate over 6 percent, you will probably pay back two times the face value of the loan.
    Ergo, the loan of 120K will cost you 240K to pay back over a 10 to 20 year student loan payment cycle.

  36. Most college kids waste the most valuable resource they have: TIME. You don’t go to college just to listen to the bullshits the teachers have to say. Going to college is meant to build yourself a NETWORK for your future and it is just a step in the process of self-realization, that is to say knowing what you want in life and where you are heading towards to (your goals). Who gives a shit about your diploma, it’s a piece of paper worth 50k, you can wipe your ass with it, it has no value, it doesn’t tell anyone if you are good at what you do. All the kids that were you in class have the same piece of paper just like you, tell me what makes you different from them? You got the point…
    Most kids see college as the last step that is making the transition from carefree-stupid-pussy-dreamer-idealist to ADULT. Truth is there is no transition, becoming an adult is a process and going to college will not make you an adult at all, it tends actually to produce the contrary effect, I mean just look at the jersey shore generation, stuck in the frat-bro world forever.
    College nowadays from my point of view just means a couple of things: drinking to the point of getting mentally stupid in order to be socially accepted, fucking to the point of getting herpes and getting endoctrinated by teachers who are complete losers and who failed at life (not all of them, some teachers are actually good).
    If you decide to go to college, be smart and use TIME to your advantage. Educate yourself wisely at the library & the internet, get your ass into the gym and bang some bitches from time to time but don’t get distracted by them, stay focused on the ultimate goal: your future life.

  37. Every 17 year old should be required to read Aaron Clarey’s Worthless & Bachelor Pad Economics.

    1. I was lucky enough to get a decently paying job at the University Im at that requires me to advise first year students about stuff like course selection etc. I tell every able bodied guy that comes into see me that he should throw out University altogether and focus on a trade or something other than Uni. Ive also gotten rid of the stupid brochures Im required to present them with. The only thing on my table is that book by Aaron Clarey. So far Ive managed to convince a good number of guys to abandon ship. My goal in my final year is to inflict as much damage as I can to this school.

  38. Short sighted.
    If you study stem, commute to a community college and then a local public university, it can pay off to have a degree. If you study bullshit (history, political science, etc), you’re wasting your money.
    At the end of you need to be a knowledge worker or a skilled worker to earn any income in the USA. If you are low skilled, you’re screwed. Those jobs are few and far between and are not going to increase in size.
    “Real wages have only fallen on inflation-adjusted terms for those without a college degree; they’ve experienced a 7% drop over the past few decades. College graduates, on the other hand, have seen their wages rise above and beyond inflation by 19%. ”
    “Yet, manufacturing companies can’t fill these jobs because more than “half require science, technology, engineering and math-related skills”, with job vacancies ranging from 6 to 200 days and some positions taking as long as 9 months to fill. The manufacturers have no illusion as to why they can’t hire people quickly enough”

  39. Fuck College. I know how to fix it though:
    1) Get the government out of higher education, in the 1960’s education was better, higher quality, and significantly cheaper than it is today. Why? Because the government got out of the way, all of these grants, loans, and other shit just encourages colleges to raise tuition and milk kids for all its worth. Colleges actually COMPETED with each other to lower costs and it worked spectacularly. Fortunately, this collusion between governments and wealthy million/billion dollar education factories is coming to a fast end. As more people wake up to the scheme and decide not to go, it deprives these cursed institutions of their livelihood.
    There is a great irony here though, the government says it gets involved in education in order to “make it affordable for everyone”. Lol. While their actions and policies have produced the opposite reaction, making it nearly impossible for someone making the income between 20,000-150,000 dollars to go to school without taking out massive loans.
    2) Get rid of university requirements. There is no reason a kid should have to learn about history (feminist lenses), writing, art, culture, diversity, language or whatever stupid horseshit thing they force you to take. If you are not interested in these subjects, then you should not be forced to take them, this little change could save countless hours, money, time, and effort for the students.
    3) Make it possible to get a bachelor’s degree in 2 YEARS. Without all of the stupid bs “requirements” and ridiculous demand that you get x amount of credits (which really keeps you at school for a needlessly long amount of time) you could easily get a degree in 2 years. When I think back to my degree, the amount of classes I needed to take was like 10ish classes, I could have easily taken those ten classes in two years and been done with. First semester being the framework and the other semesters to learn the rest of the subject material. Then BAM you’re out in two years flat, less money, less time, and less wasted effort on stupid bs. If you want to double major then you simply go to college for 4 years, easy peezy.
    4) Overall I got out of college a decade ago, payed off my loans but got lucky that I was able to get a nice job and live at home for like a year. But I do regret a lot of it, especially all the money wasted on it. It was helpful for my first job but that’s it, now it seems like a galactic waste of my time. Look, college isn’t special, it’s not anymore. It’s easy. I coasted through, played video games, drank booze, had a couple of girlfriends, barely learned anything and graduated with a 3.6 GPA (out of 4) I mean seriously, the fuck? The level of education is startlingly low when I really think about it. The only professor I liked was an extremely redpill motherfucker that brought a small business to huge status from the ground up, he was funny, outgoing, smart, and redpill as all hell. All of the other professors fit the category of academic dweebs, which would be okay but it got fucking boring after 4 years of that shit. 2 years was more than enough.
    5) I would carefully reconsider the options as a young man, the media, the government, and even your parents are lying to you, college is not all its cracked up to be. Carefully consider trades, or just working a shit job for a while, take a “gap year” (a year after high school) to clear your head, make money, and get in the right mindset. I sincerely wished that I did that instead of just jumping in, I never got the chance to unwind in a necessary way until after college. The choice of going or not is yours but I would recommend not to, and to look into other options. Look kid, the industrial age does not have that long to go, this whole system is going down in a decade or two, so why be chained to some debt and a worthless piece of paper?
    6) I believe in supply and demand of college degrees. The supply is so high now that many fields are over-saturated with kids with degrees, driving down wages, and allowing for everyone to take advantage of them. Why start off life with that handicap of a decade’s worth of debt? I remember reading that Canada was having a shortage of people in the trades because all of their kids were going to get worthless degrees. Now that’s a good situation there! Less people in trades = more demand = higher wages = good money. In 4 years as a plumber you will improve to be making bank and living on your own, probably making a good salary (as I assume it’s union there), while all of your friends will be working at starbucks (or somewhere else) for a shit pay, with $20,000+ in debt, and a SJW-femnazi attitude. But hey at least they’re “educated and cultured”, right? Wrong. You as a trade will have years of work experience, personal interaction, and probably some deal of fun as well. They have nothing while you have everything.

  40. Well, I am in high school right now and I know I am not going to college. Luckliy, I am in a situation where I have good employment waiting for me right when I finish high school.

  41. As an aside, Robert Kiyosaki is a fraud as a financial advisor. Read his books for inspiration if you must, but certainly not for instruction or guidance on what to actually do.

    1. I’d argue not even for inspiration. Kiyosaki has yet to prove to anybody that he has even a sliver of the great wealth he claims he made from investment. Most of the wealth he has most likely comes from the book deals he’s made with parasites like Amway which used to hawk his books. His books are not just fraudulent, some of the suggestions he has are downright illegal — such as his explicit advice to trade using inside information, which is pretty much what Martha Stewart went to prison for.

  42. There are 3 things you get when you pay for college:
    1) An actual education – knowledge about something, presumably that might help you get a job
    2) A credential, which is worth something as a merit badge in today’s setting of credential inflation and post Griggs vs Duke hiring environment. Think of this as “signalling value”
    3) A network to tap into
    Those are the three things that should go into ROI calculation. A Harvard fine arts degree is probably worth as much for the fine arts as one from a state school, but the network and credential value vastly outpace the lower-tier equivalents. On the other hand, from a knowledge perspective, a community college programming class could very well get you the exposure to the material and skills you need to make a living.
    That said, the latter two are probably much harder to calculate ROI off of, but can be more consequential to success, depending on your field (is it results-oriented, or heavily regulated/politicized/subsidized?)

  43. I signed away four years of my life to the Army. In return for what constituted my early twenties, the military gave me some amazing education benefits. I’m now utilizing said benefits to obtain a degree, free of cost. I understand the antipathy frequently expressed against post-secondary education, but it has become a necessity to get to a higher level. There are alternatives, but not all men are inclined to choose those paths. And similarly, not all men are endowed with the intuitive business sense or intellectual capacity required to build a successful enterprise. I had to point that out, because invariably, there is always someone who invokes Gates or Branson when this topic comes up.
    All this is not to say that a degree will be a guarantor of success or even a job after graduation. That will depend on your field of study and what institution you attend. And this requires a requisite degree of research on your part to determine your interests, and whether these interests align with economic realities at present, and for the foreseeable future. I know I’ll have a job and a great career when I graduate.
    Now, look at these wretched cunts: Watch the video.
    There’s a cunt on there that “studied to be an actress” at NYU. And another dumb whore that got a worthless piece of paper from a degree mill. I know dumb bitches just like these ones at my college right now, studying worthless shit like drama and sociology. Don’t be like them. Do your due diligence. Find a way to graduate debt free. There are plenty of ways to do so.
    If you’re a 17 year old man, you’re already eons ahead of your peers by virtue of being on this site alone. Many of us had to learn through our mistakes. You have the opportunity to do it right the first time around, whatever it is you choose to do.

  44. Why would ROK publish this article by a teenager who is too slow to speak up in his own high school economics class? This article:
    – includes room and board in cost of college,
    – includes cost-of-living for graduates, but not non-graduates,
    – forgets about earnings of non-students and non-graduates (!),
    – neglects financial aid, interest, and taxes,
    – uses an arbitrary ten-year horizon,
    – quotes scammer Robert Kiyosaki,
    – writes “starter salaries” instead of “starting salaries”.

  45. meh. I was making 100k at age 28. Couldnt have done it without my engineering degree. Plus, back in “those days,” you didn’t need student loans. Tuition was under 4k /year. I worked 30hrs/week while a full time engineering student. Rent was $150/mo. Ramen noodles every night. No dates. I did once have a girl over and made her a hot dog in the microwave. It didnt end well. But at least I wasnt a baby daddy.

  46. Just don’t go to college for idiotic things. Go for science, medicine and engineering, but otherwise avoid it. Make sure to learn business/economic principles on your own, they can be had cheaply or for free. Otherwise, you’ll just be paying for university pork that doesn’t advance anything, like the 25,000,000 dollar new age church mine built that was supposedly for “all religions”.

  47. A field that is known, but not really chased after is trucking. They make a shit ton of money without any years in school. After i got my class A and went on the road for a year training and whatnot. I was on pace to make 60-70k my first year. The company Prime will train your for free and get you a CDL, but you will owe them a year working for them before you can leave. The average trucker makes 60-90k. Those who have saved enough and bought their own truck make 6 figures when hauling fuel or hazardous material. I am saving for my own as i write this.
    This is just a field that a lot of people see, but don’t know how much money these guys actually make. You can easily have your own place and own car during your first year. How many other jobs will start people off like that. My field that i went to school for makes you start at a help desk for a few years before you can even really start “real” work. Bullshit. For those wondering what that is, it is CIS computer information systems.
    All my friends are driving their parents cars or living at home with family, while i have all my own shit and make more than the majority of people. Surprised me when taxes came around since i had never been over the barrier before which is if you make over a certain amount i believe it is 35k or so you no longer receive a refund like normal people.
    Anyway, i thought i would help a few of you guys out who are at a loss of what careers to look at. The rules of the road are 10x as strict if you have a CDL so be careful of that, but other than that, you can make a killing in this industry and they are always hiring.

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