5 Reasons Why Black Feminism Is A Failure

Although it’s been around for the better part of a half century, black feminism has made something of a resurgence over the past few years. Among it’s “brightest” sparks are Feminista Jones, Brittney “Professor Crunk” Cooper, Mikki Kendall, Kimberly Foster and Jamila Lemieux.

Much of what they do is largely a knockoff of what white feminists yammer on about—“rape culture,” “street harassment,” and of late, taking digs at prominent black men like Bill Cosby. While they don’t get anywhere near the shine and attention their white sisters do, they nevertheless have managed to make a consistent nuisance of themselves, especially for those of us in black America who are are in closest spatial proximity to them.

I have long argued that black feminism, as it has been known historically and in the present day, has been a rank and utter failure, because by its own stated goals and it’s biggest personalities, it has proven itself unable to deliver the goods.

Let’s count the ways, shall we?

1. It Has Not Passed Any Laws That Have Directly Or Indirectly Helped Black Women

Tierra Harvey Black Feminist Photo

ALL of the freedoms, rights and privileges black women enjoy today—affirmative action “twofers” (being minority and being a female), increased public safety (forcible rape and sexual assault in black precincts at all-time lows), access to birth control and abortion (black women get the most abortions among American women in general), lessened social stigma for being baby mamas (more than 70% of all black babies are born out of wedlock), access to college educations, you name it—have come from white feminists.

Roe v. Wade, the pill, the Sexual Revolution, Norma Rae, all of that came about from white feminists. Black feminists haven’t had a direct hand in crafting any laws, lobbying for the same, or even raising any important issues that would directly assist black women in their lives.

2. It Has Not Helped To Improve The Lives Of Black Women 

Black Feminist Audre Lourde

Quick, name ONE area where today’s average, rank and file back woman has been directly, or even indirectly, improved as a result of black feminism? Black women have the lowest marital rate, the highest divorce rate, the highest obesity rate, the highest rate of STD infection, and, of course, the highest out of wedlock birthrate. How is any of this a boon to today’s Black woman? In fact, if anything…

3. It Has Made Black Women’s Lives Markedly Worse

Black Feminist For Harriet Photo

Black feminists advocate for antisocial behaviors, like arguing the “merits” of being ratchet, being a ho, slut and so forth, while simultaneously denigrating what they call the “politics of respectability” that made black America successful in the past.

Furthermore, black feminists also openly argue for the dismantling of nuclear families, under some ridiculous rubric of “patriarchy” in the Black community, and is among the leaders of kicking dirt on the black man. As a result, more black women are encouraged to be bottom feeders behaviorally.

4. It Fosters Diva Culture

Black Feminist Perpetually Offended

I’ve written about this elsewhere, but briefly speaking, black feminism aids and abets the notion among many black women that they are “divas”—basically insufferable human beings who think they are “all that,” when in reality they’re mediocrities with huge egos.

5. It Is A Haven For Unattractive And Mentally Unstable Black Women

Black Feminist Kola Boof

This is something that needs to be shouted from the rafters and put on blast. These people have massive amounts of time on their hands to get their message out, and have done formidable damage to the black precincts across the country, infecting the minds of many black women that it is perfectly OK to let yourself go, attempt to guilt or shame men into dealing with you, and have erratic mood swings that include violence.

They do this all in the name of challenging the so-called “patriarchy.” It’s a cruel joke that the rejects and defectives of black America have successfully foisted onto the rest of us.

In Summation

Black Feminist Green Coat

Black feminism has shown itself to be divisive and counterproductive, as well as highly ineffective in assisting black women with meeting the very goals it claims to be about. Indeed, its biggest names have shown themselves to be unable to achieve these goals.

Black feminism means nothing good—only more acrimony between black men and women, not to mention pain, illness, disease, violence, and death. And it must stop.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: The 9 Ugliest Feminists In America

222 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why Black Feminism Is A Failure”

    1. Thank Buddha, I thought I was the only one that noticed.
      The ironic thing about these black bitches talking about “patriarchy” is technically, in the negro community, it’s already been dismanted (welfare mammies, absentee fathers, feral urban yoofs running around rioting and attacking whites etc…) with the help of white feminazis and their whiteknights/manginas in gobberment.
      They were better off under jim crow, or better still, shipped back to afreaka.

  1. It pains me to know this is an issue. Honestly, whether true or not, black Americans are one of the smallest minority groups in America. If it isn’t bad enough father’s leave the home, mothers birth kids to thugs and other degenerates, crime statistics make it a feat to be educated and high earning, anti-intellectualism being the norm not an aberration, you’d figure those who are left would stick together some what. But nope. Black feminists? Really? Why don’t they just enroll in a eugenics program? It would streamline their goals a lot quicker.
    Biggest argument I have is the strong black woman. A black woman should know besides a black male, she is the glue holding the family together. And just like her male counterpart, is only as strong as the weakest member of her family. How many lonely, batshit crazy, 40+ year old women does a black woman need to see to get the hint, independent and strong is an oxymoron. Everyone needs someone. Hell, as much as some of us may dislike the nature of women, we still are sleeping with them. We were never meant to go this journey called life alone. Straight up insanity.

    1. “Hell, as much as some of us may dislike the nature of women, we still are sleeping with them.
      We were never meant to go (on) this journey called life alone”
      This is why I could never resonate with the MGTOW movement, MGTOW’s are basically the male versions of feminists in the sense that they thrive in victimhood and a defeatist attitude. Becoming the very thing that they hated. I know that in modern society finding a good woman to settle down with is akin to finding a needle in the haystack, but the mark of a man is how one adapts and succeeds in the face of adversity.

      1. Indeed, I concur. Human beings are social animals, and we’re sexual beings. To pretend otherwise really does play directly into the goals of cultural Marxism and radical feminism.
        The dancing monkey stuff disgusts me as well, but at least they’re acknowledging a basic human impulse.
        It seems kind of like a false narrative from both sides, as if the only choices are “be a dancing monkey clown” or “be a man who eschews any meaningful chance at a family with a woman”. Any deviation from these two poles is always met with derision by both sides. It’s kind of sad what we’ve come to now.

        1. I often feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand we have the PUA’s which I’ve often criticized here as they FEED the very beast that they hate(female hypergamy and degeneracy), on the other hand we have MGTOW’s who BECOME the very beast that they hate by essentially becoming the male equivalence of cat ladies.

        2. Welcome to 21st Century civility – extremist positions amplified in the echo chamber that is the internet. Moderate, middle of the road approaches to life can’t be correct.

        3. “On one hand we have the PUA’s which I’ve often criticized here as they FEED the very beast that they hate(female hypergamy and degeneracy)”
          You underestimate the power of men. Women are the ones who set the rules b/c they are essentially the bottleneck of who gets to reproduce and who doesn’t. Women started to become and act more slutty due to the rise of feminism so men reacted by learning game and becoming pua. Women ACT in the sexual marketplace while men REact.
          Why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free?

      2. I disagree with that although I’m not full MGTOW myself I can understand the movement an focus on myself rather than women unless they bring something positive to my life. MGTOW is basicaly not participating in a rigged game, if women didn’t have pussy power over men what would they have? If enough men go MGTOW feminism is fucked, sure you could say society would be too but it’s fucked if it keeps going the way it is anyway. As long as the MGTOW man is focusing on self improvement an making something of his life rather than sitting on the couch wanking an complaining I don’t see it as a bad thing, it’s a fightback against a society that is failing men.

        1. But if he “makes something of himself” he’s still contributing, heavily, through taxation to the system.

        2. That’s true but he’s doing that regardless plus giving some spinster half his assets.

        3. I’m just saying that there’s no escape. You’re effective tax rate is really 50%+ if you make any money at all. I understand, completely, not getting married but to eschew all hope of making a family is not just defeating to society, but to people’s entire reason for existing qua sexual beings. There seems to be something particularly defeatist about voluntarily taking your genes out of the human race to me, ya’ know?

        4. MGTOW’s and grass eaters are just weeding themselves out of the gene pool.
          “..it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most
          intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to
          -Charles Darwin

        5. I never said it was a perfect solution or a perfect movement but I can understand why men do it an I see it as a way to fight back against femism that’s all. It can seem defeatests but so can being married in a country that legaly fucks you for doing so an where most women offer little value to a marriage. Sad times unfortunately.

        6. Let me rephrase a bit then, I think we’re talking about two different things.
          Stopping a bitch from taking your shit after divorce isn’t really fighting feminism, it’s fighting an individual woman who you married (assuming the marriage here) who is using one very small area where feminists have intruded to get her way.
          Stopping feminism is an institutional battle, not an individual one. The wife-bitch chick probably has nothing to do with the laws, screeds, rulings and enforcement of actual feminist bullshit, she just benefits from one small particular segment of it. Real feminism is financed 100% with your tax dollars, and when you pay your taxes you’re paying an army of feminist lawyers and feminist mangina men to legislate more against you and us. It’s the bigger of the two beasts to slay is my point, so withdrawing supporting the far lesser beast at the expense of your entire genetic line disappearing, while continuing to enable and even grow your financial “obligation” to the major beast seems bass-ackwards to me.

        7. I get 100% what your saying but if men start rejecting women an calling them on their bullshit on a mass scale I believe things would change. Like I said MGTOW isn’t a real solution to societies ills but I can understand the movement an don’t see it as bad thing considering how Western society is at the moment.

        8. Any kids a man has in this system are not his. Better for a MGTOW to not have children than to contribute another single mother raised statistic to the prison population.

        9. LOL!
          I can’t believe I’m hearing pro procreation arguments on RoK. It’s like some of you have selective amnesia that you forget what you risk by having kids today.
          I can’t wait for RoK members to start promoting marriage. I’ve already seen one pro marriage article so far.
          It is the inevitable progression. If you’re going to have kids you’re going to have to marry.
          Good luck changing the laws.

        10. 1. Yes they are his. You have to fuck up in a major way to have the state take over.
          2. You’re free to remove your genetic line from the planet. Mine wins by default.
          I just think it’s a really solipsistic view, but I do understand how men come to that point when confronted with the enormity of evil they see before them.

        11. Sorry, but this whole genetic excuse sounds almost like an exercise in eugenics. Preserve what genetic legacy? What is it about ones genetic legacy that must be preserved? There are seven billion people on this planet and many of the folks here speaking against “removing from the gene pool” are the very same who speak about the “population crisis”. So which is it?
          No one cares about anyone’s genes. For all you or I know, our descendants could turn out to be serial murderers. What exactly do you win? You’ll be dead.
          And you are horribly misinformed about the ease in which a man loses his own children in today’s climate. A woman has to fuck up royally to lose her kids but men routinely lose his on the whims of the mother. Mere boredom on her part can separate a man from his children.
          I love kids but I’ll be damned if I have any. I have chosen to be celibate but I will still get a vasectomy as an extra line of defence against paternity fraud which will increase in the coming years as more and more men walk away and the government becomes more and more hard up for cash. Thankfully, vasectomies are covered by our free healthcare.

        12. Wanting to have kids is a natural biological urge. It’s actually acting contrary to your entire existence to self select for extinction. That’s why so many men still want children.
          That said, it’s entirely understandable to not want to have them in the West, and legally it’s the only sane choice really these days. I just think that going the societal kamikaze route is ultimately futile. It’s a protest vote in a rigged election. If we don’t spawn and raise a generation of actual men we’re going to have far bigger problems in the future than just the U.S. and Europe going nuts.
          Besides, if you work you already support feminism through taxes, as mentioned in other posts.

        13. Sorry, I’m not a nihilist, chief. I come from a long line of great families and great men, fuck if I’m going to throw it away with a deconstructionist sneer and a bird given to my family. The Marxists want the family dead and us as nothing more nor less than atomized cogs for their future machines. Me, I’d prefer to help spawn a race of men to resist it. Sometimes you have to think about something larger than your own self, which is the driving impulses behind having kids for human beings since we’ve been human beings.
          Cast your seed to the soil, it’s yours to do with as you wish. Mine is already here and about to go out into the world as conservative-libertarians to do something about this mess we’re in.

        14. I agree it is a biological urge but to be completely utterly honest, I at age 32, never once had a strong desire to have children. I do love children but I do not want a family. So its not entirely universal. I do agree it is contrary to human nature but monogamy is also contrary to human nature. Many MGTOW still want children and I do see this around the community.
          One thing needs to be made perfectly clear. MGTOW is NOT a protest movement. That is MRA.
          It is partly a self-preservation movement but also simply a movement of men rejecting societal norms. Not everyone on this planet has kids or decides to have them. MGTOW is even promoted in the bible (1 Corinthians 7). What about priests, nuns, monks, etc? Not everyone has to fulfill some phantom duty whether it be to ones nation, ones society or even ones genetics.
          MGTOW may be supporting the enemy though taxes, but it is still possible to live, own a home or rent an apartment and have enough money left for leasure with these taxes. Families and, more importantly, divorce certainly does not.

        15. The ruling elite already has control.
          No one is truly free in this world.
          What is there left to resist?
          They control the militaries and they control the money. That’s all they need.

        16. I also don’t cotton to defeatism.
          If you’re looking for perfect freedom and not finding it, well, that’s one hell of a standard. In fact it’s such a high standard that it serves as a convenient excuse really. It’s a bit similar to Kant’s “Pure Reason” argument if you look at it closely.
          World won’t change if we won’t change it. You see defeat and despair, I see a reason to flip off those ruling elite and say “Nuts!”. Choose your own path of course, but this is mine.

        17. Families leave you plenty of money to spend on yourself, if you know how to budget and have a good job.
          The Biblical types ARE dedicating themselves to something higher than themselves, so it’s not nearly the same thing, in a way they’re doing the same as me except picking a different “bigger than me”.
          Look I get where you’re coming from man. I just think it doesn’t have to be “withdraw or be a sucker”. Too binary for my tastes.

        18. I am not a defeatist I am a realist.
          You need numbers above all for anything to change. There are plenty of real men out there, many of them even armed. They won’t budge because they’re afraid of getting arrested or shot themselves. Instead they fight keyboard battles in comment sections on news articles. Look at how far the USA has gone and look at what they allowed them to do. The patriots rebelled for far less. If Americans haven’t stormed the capitol by now they never will. Every revolution is written in blood.

        19. And how do we get numbers if we refuse to breed?
          Here’s the actual trend in the world. The Leftists are by and large self selecting out of the gene pool, especially the more extreme types of leftists who push the crap we see every day. Traditionalists/right-wing types are continuing to reproduce. I rather firmly believe that to embrace the far left a person has to have some serious mental mishaps which may well be a self-selector out of life even without Leftism’s existence. The longer this goes on the more moderated their ideology becomes due to the extremists going away through lack of breeding. It’s a war of attrition and ultimately we win as long as we keep doing what we’re doing.

        20. I think the sanest route right now is to head to another country entirely (not a Western nation) or go out to the deep red flyover country (think the Old West here, excluding Colorado) where the word “feminism” means a movement of women looking to improve their femininity.
          Others have suggested poaching from the Amish and Mormons, which is what my son seems to be doing. His gf is hard core on the right and very traditional and the daughter of two Amish parents who went out into the world and stopped officially being Amish, without giving up their actual Church habits.
          Dunno man, just seems futile to give up.

        21. Well my reasons for not wanting marriage or a family extend beyond the laws. I made that decision long before I ever heard of MGTOW. There are some MGTOW who suggest what you do. Others don’t care.
          There are even probably some who believe having a family is defeatist!
          I have been a MGTOW since I was 14 and rejected relationships for the most part since then (except once). I personally would feel defeated if I gave in and took on a waifu. LOL

        22. Right, and that’s legit. It is just not, as you say, based on actual MGTOW philosophy. A guy doesn’t want to have kids and never has, well, there you go, that’s fine because you would have made the same choice even without feminism in society (I’d assume). I’m more aiming towards the ones who made it on a philosophical choice aka changed their minds due to the ideology.
          Good discussion.

        23. I’m inclined to agree. I’d rather go out on a run getting blown to bits by the ruling elites’ seemingly unfinished but fully operational Death Star than meekly accepting a bunch of Stormtroopers telling me whats what.

        24. You’re day dreaming. “Conservative” America is nearly as blue as “liberal” America, more so in some cases.

        25. No. I’m not talking about GOP voters (though some could be in that group to be certain). The default “philosophy” for the average non politically active person in the states is a little “L” libertarian/right-center as I’ve read. Not talking about the folks that canvas neighborhoods and hand out petitions, rather just Joe Average walking down the road.

        26. Its hard for me to fully embrace MGTOW because it seems like the male equivalent of a cat lady. I have a few ex’s that live alone with their cats, hooked on antidepressants, wine, and television and it gives me great satisfaction to know that they are finally being forced to face the consequences of their shitty choices. When I look into the future for myself, I cant intentionally doom myself to the same fate of loneliness. Unlike them, I havent fucked over all the people close to me or done anything to deserve a miserable life.
          Humans were not meant to live and die alone and it will literally drive you crazy and shorten your life by almost 10 years. I dont want to sound like a NAWALT but there are some women out there that are tolerable enough to live with. I’d rather spend 20 years looking for one than playing video games and whining.

        27. Indeed. Why add to their ability to confiscate further income? Additionally, the notion that MGTOW and feminism are equivalent is of course nonsense. The MGTOW is simply choosing to live his own life as he chooses. Feminism however, attempts to, via government, engage in social engineering. Therefore, in reality, the differences between the two are quite striking.
          MGTOW, unlike what some of its detractors attempt to suggest, is not a method for “thriving on victimhood” (the notion is obviously absurd) but rather to prevent becoming a victim to an already fixed match.

        28. “I at age 32, never once had a strong desire to have children.”
          Likewise. For whatever reason it has never really been a priority of mine.
          If one wishes to marry and have children that is certainly their preference. However, when the likely consequences show up at ones doorstep be prepared to endure the potentially inevitable price, which is often considerable.
          I suppose it may depend on not only ones risk tolerance but also, as previously noted, ones desire to raise children (which for me has never been a personal priority of mine). One can imagine for a moment a lethal game of Russian Roulette:
          *1 bullet in the chamber with a 16.7% possibility of a successful suicide.
          *Given that marriage rates are at 50% let us imagine the chamber is filled with 3 bullets out of a possible 6. This means that for each time one pulls the trigger he has a 50% chance of committing a successful suicide. Even for Russian Roulette these are extremely dangerous odds.
          *The above does not even count the number of men who remain stuck in a miserable marriage, making the odds even worse.

        29. Perhaps so. It is indeed impossible for the individual to avoid taxation due to having a gun pointed at ones head. However, significantly compound the problem by getting married? Example:
          Taxes are of course confiscated by force. In turn, some portion of said taxes are then utilized to build the Feminist Train. By getting married, not only is the man paying taxes but is significantly compounding the problem by voluntarily stepping in front of this Feminist Train stating, “run me over should the humor strike you”. In my opinion, this is akin to handing over your gun to an invader and informing him that you are leaving the door unlocked during the night.

        30. “1. Yes they are his.”
          In theory, yes. In actual practice they are the state’s.
          “You have to fuck up in a major way to have the state take over.”
          The above is quite false. There are a myriad of examples of children being taken from their fathers by the system “just because”.

        31. Feminists specifically try to oppress males, MGTOWS don’t seek to oppress women they simply choose not make them a priority in their lives.

        32. I have a son and a daughter, brought them up alone after their mother jumped ship when they were toddlers, turned out to be a blessing, I say surrogacy for men till the arrival of artificial wombs in 15 years.

        33. Yeah. I’d only consider having children as long as I can keep a woman out of my life.

        34. I’m not full MGTOW either but I do understand why men do it an I had made a decision not to get married. I reckon marrying a western woman will shorten your life by a lot more than 10 years. I know guys in marriages that absolutely miserable, an I reckon most of us die alone anyway, you think your modern smartphone addicted, materialistic female will care for you when your old? I’m a guy who can be content with my own company. Sure there are some unicorns out there I’m not denying it, but it’s a risk.

        35. Revolutions only occur when life becomes intolerable. When it does, then you’ll see things happen…..quickly.

        36. Average Joe might not be on board with what the elite keep pushing, but try to take away the “freedoms” and “rights” that have been given them, in the past century, and watch them howl! That’s a much bigger problem than the elite itself.

        37. Pity that they’d be deprived of a mother. No less worse than being deprived of a father.

        38. I set a scorched earth expectation early on. Men need to learn to set and hold frame from day one and never waver. Hard to learn in these modern times. Shit I had no idea what “Game” or the manosphere was until two years ago, I was just a man raised by hardcore masculine men, some at superhero level, and did what I observed worked for them. Having to learn this shit after being raised a blue pill man from day one, that takes some serious work I’d wager.

        39. True. But single mothers do far more damage to children than single father’s. A single father can raise a NAWALT.

        40. Really? I know equally depressed men who live with their shitty nagging wives and barely even get laid anymore while working their asses off to provide for them and their children.
          This picture went viral a couple years ago. It was a wife who wrote to a relationship subreddit showing a spreadsheet her husband made of all his attempts to initiate sex and success rate. Marriage isn’t what it once was man, MGTOW is slowly becoming the only alternative.
          > reddit post of her hamstering http://imgur.com/HeNoQ3c

        41. Who gives a fuck about the gene pool? I love kids but I’ll never be having any.
          In the end you will be dead and cease to exist for all of eternity. Busting nut in some bitch and popping out 3 kids will not change the fact. Enjoy your life while you can and meditate, travel the world, read, get money, workout, fuck women, build a business, etc. These are ALL much better ways to spend your time. I know too many depressed ass married dudes to ever consider it as an option.
          I’m not risking my future net worth on the same odds as getting heads on a coin flip.

        42. Women have the power of the state an laws behind the though. Holding frame doesn’t seem enough now days.

        43. I never wanted kids even before I discovered the monosphere or realized how screwed up feminism an society was. It’s just something that never appealed to me. I know so many depressed guys with kids and I’ve never met one person unhappy that is childless, I’m sure there are but the people I meet arn’t.

        44. “Every man has a plan until he gets punched.”- John L. Sullivan.
          Basically you need other men- older than your children- there to provide the frame work for your ‘seed.’ to thrive.
          If a large portion of white men in this society ‘opt out’ or go Gault then by default your legacy becomes meaningless.
          Basically you want others to pitch in on your side.
          I remember the Kansas Farmers bragging “No Farms, No Food.” But the obverse is true, “No Cities, No need for Agribusinessmen.”

        45. Agree, but some of us have reached the conclusion that our genes are not worth passing on for various personal reasons. Plus let’s not forget the dire economic situation that so many of us are faced with.

        46. Modern American society doesn’t have marriage in the Traditional sense. It just has Contracts of Conjugal Prostitution.

        47. MGTOW is similar to the monks who took off into the Monasteries as the Western Empire dissolved, and as the taxes in the Eastern Empire became unbearable.
          A valid response to an untenable situation.
          Marriage is supposed to function under the terms of social contract, once those terms no longer are enforced there is no contract hence no reality.
          Responsibility for the future is the problem of established men. Such as GoJ and the “14 words” schtick. If they can’t lead or resolve the problems of the world, we are under no obligation to support them.

        48. I’ve seen too many traditional Catholic girls get married young and then decide to exercise the feminist prerogative, false accusations of abuse, divorce (some with 3-4 half grown children), hypergamy, slutty behavior: and at best they just became nasty shrews who continually hounded their husbands.
          These were girls who were raised in a traditional Catholic enclave, to dress modestly, never had a tv growing up, came from families of ten, all that stuff.
          As Seneca said, “circumstances rule men, not men circumstances.”

        49. That was a young couple too, iirc.
          I always wonder what it does to your actual testes when you’re laying down next to a female who not only rejects you nightly but has the power to enforce her rejection of you via social framing, gov’t. Can’t be good for the old wiener. Lowers your T, elevates bad moods, sensitivity. You’re better off being single and staring at boobs on the internet from a sheer, physiological standpoint. Get an escort once a month, stop in at the strip club a few times a month go on ‘vacations’ etc. Keep your love alive, if you will.

        50. Exactly. I’m not about to bind myself to the state over some contrived obligation. It is self idolatry to say the least.

        51. Yes, $200 for a cute tight 22 y/o escort is a way better investment than the thousands upon thousands you spend on the depreciating asset that is your wife.
          I feel absolutely sad for the guy though, pickup artists have better results cold approaching random girls on the street (10% approach to number success rate) than this sad fuck.
          I’m never getting married, no matter how bad I’d like kids it just isn’t possible in this day and age.

      3. Disagree. MGTOW is more about being indifferent to nowadays misandric socienty. In western countries vast majority of laws are in favor of women. Most of them started acting manly, threw away femine nature and most importantly todays double standarts. Guess what? Men don’t need women, women don’t need men.

        1. Actually men and women need each other a lot. We’re letting the Marxist set the frame here. They want us atomized, compartmentalized and alone.

        2. Exactly, without relation of man with woman, there could be no future civilization.

        3. They want that while females are young free an slutting it up. They then want men to pick up the pieces an be captn savahoe. If men are giving women the middles finger it fucks up their narrative.

        4. I’m not saying marry the 30+ year old ho’s. They’re free to go straight to hell, no question.

      4. Brotha I respectfully disagree MGTOW is the response to a feminist backed society the ENTIRE system is made to support women and thier bad mistakes and make men pay for thier own and women’s mistakes if a man has a child he can’t afford to take care of he gets put on child support and if he dosent/cannot pay he lands himself in jail now if a woman does the same they will reward her with Food,Clothing,and Housing not to mention the courts almost always grants full custody to the mother deeming her the better parent based off the fact that she’s a woman alone completely stripping the man of all his parental rights, the courts do not make sure the child support is being properly spent on the child,the courts will take half a mans fortune and award it to a woman even if she had jack-shit to do with building that fortune all most women have to do these days is get pregnant hell the more the merrier and that’s what we like to call the “hood rat lotto” the MGTOW way ensures a mans survival in this fucked up female backed society

      5. I am not MGTOW but I agree with some of the points they make. Why Build with women who do not wish to build with you. It also forces you to think outside the “box” the world is far bigger than the west. In helps to focus on your craft and self improvement helping you to gain access to a wider array of women and know what type of women that suits you. I think the real victim mentality are the “True Forced Loneliness” guys. Some of them you have to admit have little possibility of even getting looked at which must destroy many of them inside as most of us are social beings. Some of the men that go crazy I simply don’t understand because they have financial access which can send them all over the world and they can easily find partners, unless they are truly mental ill, which I think they are to begin with.

      6. No. I don’t see how they’re the inverse of feminists as they don’t have the constant need to pick fights. Their ideology is basically, “I’m out of the game. Leave me alone and knock yourselves out if you want.” I don’t see how that can be criticized. I’m not really ‘MGTOW’ as I live my life strategically for access to young women’s bodies. Just not Anglos. But I think MGTOW is waaayyy too broad of a term for anyone to really take a critical run at it. Some of the big names in the manosphere have taken a really critical run at MGTOW and I not only disagree with them but I think it’s logically impossible to criticize such a slippery term. But to say they are the male versions of feminists is way out of line;
        MGTOWS are logical. They’re just weighing the culture and how unfair it’s getting for the typical blue pill life.
        MGTOWS aren’t looking to run over the culture for their own faux-indignation tingles
        MGTOWS aren’t insane
        MGTOWS aren’t looking to destroy others lives out of sheer boredom
        Therefore they aren’t feminists. Just guys who don’t want to have their lives ruined. I don’t see how they are so targeted. If I had to criticize them it would be that a full-on, woman-less MGTOW guy who simply is totally done with women (I’m not saying that’s the definition of MGTOW, just one of the sub-headings) Anyway, I think that guy is being physiologically unrealistic.I sympathize with how much anger a guy like that feels in order to try that. But if you’re that guy, who won’t touch women, and some busty, 20 year old Filipina walks into your room topless, maybe by accident, whatever, you’re no longer MGTOW.

      7. Well, there’s MGTOW and then there’s MGTOW.
        On the one hand you have angry keyboard jockeys posting on the Internet screeds about how all women are Satan incarnate and they’re never going to associate with them except for getting with a prostitute.
        Then on the other hand, you have people who talk about totally dropping out of society, earning barely enough money to live and totally eschewing the company of others.
        Most MGTOWs lie in the middle of those two extremes, like I do. We like women and enjoy being around them, but we don’t make it the absolute center of our existence like we did when we were hormone-enraged 17 year olds. We also have no problem with working and making money, but we understand that there’s more to life than slaving away in the cube pits for 55 hours / week just to buy the latest piece of iCrap, or filling our time with mindless diversions.
        Think of it as applying some moderation to your life.

      8. So the ultimate solution you’re suggesting would be to just accept the current state of things and embrace these women as they are without holding them accountable for the irreparable damage that they’re doing (and will continue to do)? That doesn’t sound like a solution, to me that sounds like surrender. If you really think about how things got this way, TWO methods: Rebellion of the American norm which led to ubiquitous indoctrination and then ACCEPTANCE of this rebellion which of course is where MEN are at fault. Being “P” whipped or just flat out too afraid to stand up against the prevailing party currently known as “feminism”. There were (and still are) WAY too many men who were once ALPHA and OMEGA who are afraid of standing their ground for fear of being labeled a misogynist and as a result of that, some shameless and corrupt women are dominating every aspect of our lives. Men AND women are suffering. Men have taken the backseat to these new breed of “hyper-bitches” with the Beyonce emulation on LOCK. And decent women who still want that traditional relationship/marriage are suffering because left and right they are being out-shined, outnumbered and betrayed by men FOR these same feminists who men only CLAIM to hate. Actions speak louder than words. A wise man said “All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing”. Applied within this context, it begs the question of whether or not you are truly good for allowing these behaviors to continue. The attitude of MOST men on this blog (and everywhere) is that the agenda being led by these feminist is too strong for them to combat, which removes all hope for a resurgence of the OLD NORMS. WHERE ARE THE REAL MEN WITH RESOLUTIONS? I just don’t see anyone making an effort in here.

      9. I sense surrender rather than solution in the last part of your response. “Adapting” to this feminist regime is part of the reason why it has become so prevalent in the first place. I can totally understand the vast majority of men feeling a sense of hopelessness as the indoctrination of feminism seems ubiquitous nationwide, however the same way all men weren’t (and are not) misogynist, all women are not a mirror reflection of the catastrophe that is the current state of affairs as we know it. A wise man said “For evil to prevail all it takes is for good men to do nothing”. Applied within this context it begs the question of whether “good” men would do nothing or in your in words, simply “adapt”?
        Adaptation=embrace and with that we can expect no improvement from either gender as the hyper-bitchy, “independent” wanton woman becomes the NEW norm, and “good” men who have learned to ADAPT to this are standing quietly in the background. BOTH genders suffer. Feminism became the monster that it is today because of man’s refusal to strap up and combat it for whatever reason. ::shrugs:: Maybe you guys feel outnumbered but you definitely don’t have a right to complain about the problem if you’re not at least TRYING to resist. I already know why feminism is destroying so many, and it isn’t ONLY because of the gov’t and the liberals either…

    2. One of the smallest minority groups? The 13-14% share of the black population as it is today is quite significant, and much more than Native Americans or Asians.
      And beyond the black belt states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina) blacks are the most urbanized race in the country. Which is why if you have a habit of visting mainly cities in the U.S., you encounter WAY more black people than the national average.
      Countless U.S. cities have black populations which are 25% or more, including many where it’s an outright majority.

    3. I don’t believe that you or the other men here dislike the “nature of women.” I suspect that you are disappointed by it, because you were socially conditioned to believe that women were men (which they are not), so you were viscerally offended when you found them to be dishonest, irrational, cowardly and emotionally unstable. If, however, you understand that honesty, reason, courage and emotional stability are masculine virtues, perhaps you will understand, accept and love women for who they actually are.

  2. How do I know black feminism is a failure?
    New York City
    Ferguson, MO

      1. That shit is a piece of work isn’t it?
        I get protesting police brutality or injustice. I do NOT get “stand aside” orders which allow blatant looting and vandalism and rioting. That fucker needs to be impeached.

      1. Dont forget Camden, NJ. The entire city is mic’d up,police listening to people’s conversations on the street(and probably in their homes too).
        Frightening stuff.

  3. Wait though- feminism is meant to destroy nuclear families, so isn’t black feminism completely successful?

    1. Quite so. For most women, feminism isn’t about equality, however impossible that would be to attain. It’s about maximizing selfish desires. No limitations on freedom, but without the concurrent consequences and obligations. You’re average woman then, doesn’t care that it hasn’t worked quite as well for poor black women. It worked for them, and they never cared about anyone else to begin with.
      David Starkey had great exchange about this on Question Time. See, minute 4:10.

    1. I don’t know if I want to laugh uncontrollably or sob in utter disgust at the condition of humanity today. That said, whenever I watch these videos I do feel a bit of relief, which is that this kind of behavior is a direct product of the progressive bullshit that is infecting our society. My God, what…sorry animals those people are…look at them getting into a heated argument and fight while dressed in Halloween outfits. By their actions, I’d suggest to all those involved to just dress that way all the time because that’s their maturity level. And its not a Black thing, sadly, everyone else acts like this too – just watch a black friday at walmart.

  4. Look at these “strong and independent” black women at Denny’s. Go feminism go! Act like men on a bad day!

  5. I would add that white feminism has climbed the ladder on the backs of black feminism while keeping them out of the top positions and giving only lip service to black feminism’s issues. Black feminists themselves complain about that all the time.

  6. African American feminists were conned by white women to be part of the feminist movement. Black women prior to the feminist movement weren’t even remotely subjugated to the wrath/brutality of black men. In fact African-americans used to have higher rates of marriages in comparisons to white people.
    Fast forward 40/50 years. African-american women, on average, have become the bottom of the barrel in terms of SMV, to the point where I feel sorry for my fellow brothas in the US. I for one prefer black girls(not african american) but strictly black girls from African/Caribbean/Latina descent as I have had a better experience with them than any other race, if they aren’t available in my vicinity then I don’t mind dipping my toes in the ocean of whites,Asians and mulattos.
    Ironically even though 70% of African american females are single or unwed, they have yet to look in the mirror and find out why.

    1. You are absolutely right. I’ve been to Brazil and the United Kingdom, and the local black women are WAY more attractive, fit, feminine, and above all had a very pleasant demeanor, and in the case of the English Black women, a very alluring and educated-sounding accent to boot.
      What is it about the U.S. that just makes them so feral?

      1. I think in the US, its a combination of thug culture, a lack of strong male leadership in families for decades. and the delusional belief of feminism.

        1. The root source of all of this being the welfare state as implemented by LBJ, which itself comes from Marxist ideology. The black community in the States is the proving grounds that socialists used to test their theories. The goal is now turning it against everybody, which is why we have a manosphere today, because the effects are starting to really show across the nation.
          Just my opinion.

        2. You are absolutely correct, the welfare state devastated the black nuclear family. Now whites are next on the list

        3. Senator Patrick Moynihan of NY thought the expansion of the welfare state was a bad idea just as it was being rolled out. He pointed to the already increasing rates of black women having children out of wedlock(this was the late 60s).
          He was, of course, called a racist for voicing his concerns.

        4. Funny how people get called racist for stating obvious truths
          During that Michael Brown situation in Ferguson, I commented on an article that if you don’t want to get shot by a cop then don’t try to grab his gun. …somehow that comment made me a “racist asshole”

        5. For sure. “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good intentions” perfectly illustrated by LBJ and his great society programs. The Grande Kleagle of the KKK could not have fucked over the blacks/minorities /poor people than the welfare state…

        6. Right the welfare state is an equal opportunity destroyer. Read Charles Murray’s latest book…it’s all about white folk…

        7. A seminal work by an honest liberal Moynihan. He authored a paper that predicted the negative effects of endless welfare and the famous phrase “defining deviancy down”….

        8. It makes you a bootlicker. Go on, keep licking your piggy master’s boots and judging them faultless and heroic every time they spit in your face.

        9. Thank god only your asshole is racist.
          I saw an article in the St. Pete Times about black people, in a high crime area, with a ton of bicycle theft were being ticket by cops for not having a bike light at night, which is a city ordinance.
          My suggestion to remove the cause of being pulled over by..You guessed it, buying a light was met by “racist, fuktard, nazi, tea bagger.” Even pointing out the valid safety reason for having a fucking light is met vitriolic hatred.

        10. Absolutely. The so called War on Poverty decimated marriage rates in the black community because welfare government replaced providers ie married black men. Such a shame.

        11. Brotha the lack of strong male leadership comes from the FEMINISM movement or the undermining of the black male in the household where the government gave/gives welfare/housing/food benefits to females provided no man lives in the household in return they keep names off the books and fuck no good thug ass niggaz and the cycle continues the good black men have been pushed out of the household under the guise that a man being head of the household or leading is oppressing the woman hence the “strong black woman” or” independent black woman”attitudes

        12. “I commented on an article that if you don’t want to get shot by a cop then don’t try to grab his gun”
          except no one can find his finger prints on the gun–i wonder why–
          this would be the same guy believing the cops in the Walter Scott case–ohh look he was trying to take my taser and my gun–look the taser was right next to him–i feared for my life–
          yep cop said it–i believe it

        13. Just another way to keep amerika divided so the the powers that be can keep robbing the sheep blind.

        14. Ok, but what about the middle class? What explains the dysfunction of black women in the middle class? Is it just feminism or is it something else?
          I understand the problem with the welfare state in regards to African Americans in the lower cases, but less so for the middle class.

        15. Welfare has been incredibly destructive, no doubt about that.
          Still, I can’t avoid placing a lot of the blame on the people themselves. They make conscious decisions to do drugs, have illegitimate children, murder each other, etc. If people are truly being influenced by welfare to do these things, then what happens to free will?

        16. He’s white he believes everything Esau pigs say what do you expect from a calcified pineal gland?

      2. The black women in the UK are predominantly of a carribean background. Namely Jamaica. There have really only been black people in the UK for a little over 65 years.

        1. “There have really only been black people in the UK for a little over 65 years.”
          Lol black people were in Europe before “Europeans” migrated from the Caucus

      3. Same. I lived in Brazil and would fairly regularly hook up with some or other shade of negress. You get to where you are honestly ‘color blind’ and not in the SJW playpen sense of the word. Getting with a full on American sister would just be extremely bizarre to me. In Brazil, I was falling in love with some very dark-skinned girls. Hmm…

      4. Reasons I believe: Too many handouts, life became too easy, too much freedom and the destruction of the family unit (at least in the U.S.) by the factors mentioned plus feminism.
        Like other families, the black family was a unit (at one time) but no longer (or very rare these days).

        1. This can all be resolved by the elimination of the safety net, no welfare for illegitimacy, if you don’t marry the father of your children the children must be put up for adoption. Elimination of divorce rape, you take out what you brought into the marriage. You’ll see how quickly “those boring guys in IT” become marriage material. Thugs will become recognized for the losers that they are.

      5. How can you even begin to compare, or attempt to put Brazil and the UK in the same bracket regarding women behaviour, is beyond me. England is culturally ruined.

    2. I’ve heard this from black people too, femists ruined the black community an now are doing the same to the white community.

      1. Feminisim damn well ruined everything. Feel sorry for the ones who bought into the shit. I see many damn white knights as well. It’s sad as shit. Yes women give rich women even more money because “girl power.”

    3. In my experience, so many black women are egotistical, materialistic, frivolous, and just plain bitchy, usually with a trashy ghetto mentality. I’ve met a few exceptions to this general pattern, but not many.

      1. Thats how all women act that never had a father to teach them whats important in life.

        1. Absolutely. I know that part of the reason I turned out so well is I had a devoted father who is still married to my mom.

      2. Sad but true. I find it hard to meet other black women who think the same way I do. I don’t associate with the single mom on welfare type. I have nothing in common with them and they are usually hostile to me.

      3. Jews used Feminism to break up the family and gave black women a “don’t need no man” BS attitude. And the Neo-KKKons used the war on drugs, Iran-Contra, and privitized prison industrial complex to lock brothers up left and right.
        This Lathal combination is why we’re in the condition we’re in today. We need to collectively wake the hell up.

    4. Black women unfortunately sit at the intersection of counterproductive feminist thinking and condescending white-guilt liberal thinking. I really feel sorry for black men who sit on the front lines of this and have to deal with it daily.

    5. If we’re gonna pass the buck, a lot of those white feminists are only kinda white but aren’t really.

    6. True, but they fuck like banshees. I’ve never had a black chick who didn’t put on a good show in the sack.

      1. That’s all those sleaze bags are good for. Putting out and then jumping to the next D ship. I resent that you even took the time to give them credit for that. Their hypersexuality is part of their dilemma (high HIV rates, abortion rates that outnumber their conception rates and outright IMMORAL standards). The OTHER part is men who give them credit for their wanton ways as if that’s some sort of attribute. The cup runneth over as they don’t know or when to keep their legs closed when appropriate.

    7. THANK YOU!! I’m glad that you prefer Caribbean women.
      We are much better than the garden variety African American fools.
      Any black woman who embraces feminism is sadly indoctrinated.

    8. I do question psquare, is it possible that african american female feminism isn’t aimed at black men, maybe it is aimed at the brutality / wrath of the white man against all women in general. Ie. most employers were white men, the same white men employers who discriminated against white women, were likely discriminating against all colors of women ie black.

    9. We need to wake our sisters up. And we definitely need to wake our brothers up because these white folks have cooked up MANY ways to kill us in modern times. Black feminists got caught up in Khazar women’s plan to abort us before we’re even born (thanks to sick minded women like Margret Sanger). And the black men get caught up in the Prison Industrial Complex (read the “New Jim Crow” its eye opening).
      We need to bring back the importance of family, Black owned businesses and group economics.

        1. lmao…..ever been to Mississippi??? the black women there are really humongous, extremely aggressive, and country/ghetto. this literally made me lol from some of the memories i had while i was there!

        2. Actually i have never been to USA at all. I was on visit in England for 10 days and I had enough of western countries.. So damn multicultural and gays friendly..

        3. I’m from relatively racist, homophobic small country in middle Europe. In our country women are femine and men are masculine..

      1. Quite honestly many of them appear to act closer to extremely spoiled and entitled children than “men”.

      2. I disagree. Black women combined with American culture (thug, welfare, feminism, educational empowerment, Mz. Independence) equals every single black stereotype you ever knew, will know, and will hate. I challenge you to find a black person in the world who acts like this without any interaction with American culture.

        1. True, that’s why African blacks are so different. African blacks are disgusted with american blacks. British blacks too.

        2. They definitely are. I’m Caribbean and find the culture atrocious. I don’t have any ill will towards the people because those who have avoided full on American cultural embrace have usually turned out to be just as good as any other black person you will meet around the world. And there are some schools doing wonderful things to change the cultural view. One such school took their 6-grade students to Brazil for a field trip. The year before they visited Africa. That alone might make the children want to see beyond their street corners.

  7. Don’t forget the objective of their feminist hero, Margaret Sanger who advocated the depopulation of the black community. An objective not only fulfilled by black women, but one that they cheerfully, with religious fervour, comply with.

    1. And the sad fact is, you’re 100% correct. What a mind job across society, and if you even try to bring it up you’ll get the deafening bleating to the point that you cannot be heard from the feminists.

    2. That is a ridiculous photo shop and I’m pro KKK. You can’t perpetuate righteous ideologies with lies. Don’t post overtly idiotic, obviously doctored shite. You only hurt our cause.

        1. uhm look at the cut out square around sanger’s feet by the flag at the bottom. you do know that is not a real photo?

        2. Yeah, I can see how that’s shopped. For example, notice that the trees are all different shades of green. Other than that though, if I didn’t know, it would look legit. Nobody expects the Canadian Pirate Brigade!

        3. Dude it’s all good. I’m not insinuating that the message behind the photo isn’t real. I’m sure she was in league with anyone the counter culture historians claim she was. I just won’t allow the manosphere to look like a joke on my watch when I can intercede. It’s important for all of us to cockblock anything that doesn’t pass an inscrutable and rigorous commitment to authenticity and facts. This is what makes us superior to our detractors, we don’t blow smoke up each others asses when shit needs to be fixed.

    3. http://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/articles/bc_or_race_control.php
      Sanger reiterated the need for black ministers to head up the
      project in a letter to Clarence Gamble in Dec. 1939, arguing that: “We
      do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population
      and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever
      occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” This passage
      has been repeatedly extracted by Sanger’s detractors as evidence that she
      led a calculated effort to reduce the black population against their will.
      From African-American activist Angela Davis on the left to conservative
      commentator Dinesh D’Souza on the right…
      Article 1. The purpose of the American Baby Code shall be to provide for a better distribution of babies… and to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.
      Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit…
      Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.
      “America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934
      Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.
      April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108
      Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.
      Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

  8. there’s no such thing as feminism. the word is just smokescreen for women to create double standards, shame men, encourage obesity, and validate their laziness by the careless i’m entitled to everything & don’t have to work for it attitude.
    the problem with black women in the USA is the media. Tyler Perry movies for example: he portrays black women as angry, crazy, hot tempered, controlling, and ghetto lunatics. he goes even further by transforming himself into a gun toting thugged out obnoxious granny that seems to always land in jail.
    rap videos: this displays to the media that black women are obsessed with shaking their asses non stop to ‘back that thang up’ on rappers and thugs in nightclubs. this shows that black women are some how sexual beasts towards ‘ballaz n playaz’.
    the real housewives of atlanta and basketball wives: shows black women being loud, ghetto, and obnoxious. 40 year old black women fighting in restaurants etc..
    those examples are how the media impacts how black women are viewed. young black women watch that madness and think it’s okay and acceptable to be like that.
    being black myself i’ve been turned down numerous times by black women bc i’m not ‘black enough’ or not ‘thuggin with a 97 impala that has 28 inch rims’. also been laughed at bc some black women say i sound ‘white’ when i speak. they’d rather chase the thug that has 20 warrants and 5 baby mommas rather than an educated black man bc that educated brother is considered a ‘sell-out’. also it’s taught to like thugs and idolize rappers and air jordan sneakers within the black community.

    1. That’s absolutely messed up. Yeah, reject the black man who is educated and can put you in a nice home away from all the madness of the ghettos and give any kids you have a chance at a life that will not involve gangs and drugs. How suicidal is that kind of mindset? Jeez.

      1. exactly, i’m not like the other black men in my area i do IT as a living but that’s not ‘trill’ enough for black women here. funny thing when i was in the military black women would not give me any play but…would freak out in the club and ask me why i’m dating a hispanic or white woman..so they don’t want me bc i’m not black enough? but care that i’m dating a white or latina girl? sounds crazy but it’s true.

        1. Lol I’m black too and I knew you were an IT guy by your name LOL. My bro does that too.

        2. White chicks do the same, except they starerape me when I’m walking around with a cute and cheerful Asian woman.

        3. You said “starerape” without issuing a trigger warning, man. The trauma you’ve likely caused will weigh heavy on you.

        4. I think women just hate it when “their” men realize there are better options.
          What are they going to do if they don’t have a beta waiting to serve their aged-fat-asses?

        5. All women do that to a degree. White women did it to me in China when I was with Chinese girls, Black and White women do it to me when I tell them I’m only interested in NE Asians or that I’m “dating a Chinese girl”, even Japanese women that wanted nothing to do with me would get frustrated when i stopped trying to get with them. Women want your attention, even if they ultimately do not want you; when they think that they can stake claim to you, it gets even worse.

        6. Most white chicks can’t compete with Asian women. White women are loud, obnoxious, overweight, and try to act like men. Asian girls are thin, shy, and feminine. These are my observations I’m sure some Asian men will jump in say different. As more generations of Asians live in the West this will change and they too will become corrupted.

        7. Hopefully only those who come hr will get fucked in the head. The real tragedy is if YOLO spreads to the entire world.
          African women for example are still a world apart from African-American women. Way more educated and still act like women.
          Seems like Asians are the same except not all of them who live here choose to be assimilated and hold onto their culture.

        8. Not to invalidate anything that you’re saying because I know it’s completely true but does it strike you as odd that BM do the same to worthy BW? I too have been overlooked, rejected and downright neglected by BM for NOT being the type of woman who has baby daddies (since it is well known that they will give up the goods quicker and more frequent), NOT busting it wide open in the clubs or busting it open AT ALL- at least not until I know you’re going to perceive/treat me as a human being FIRST.
          Reality is PEOPLE want INSTANT GRATIFICATION and the thugs and hoochie mamas within our community represent just that: EASY MONEY AND EASY SEX. The come up” mentality is what they live their lives with and they tend to engage with anyone who will accommodate that. Good guys finish last but good girls never finish at all. Just something to think about.

        9. We need to hit our people with truth bombs.
          They start talking that feminists shit? Tell em about Margret Sanger
          They start talking that love & hip hop shit? Show them who owns Viacom
          They start talking that Jesus shit? Show em Cesare Borgia.
          We need to wake our people up, each one teach one

      2. Same thing is happening with whites too, white women too with the type.of men they choose. All the problems in the black community are being passed on to the white community.

        1. dude my abs are sore from all the laughing!!! that was fucking hilarious..dude is on point

        2. Check our his other stuff for more laughs. Watch the “women are nasty” videos. That will shock some sense into you!

        3. dude i showed that to my bros and we couldn’t stop laughing haha..this guy is a genius

    2. Do you really want a woman that wants you for your rims? Lol I’d say you’re doing yourself a favor staying away from those kinds of women.
      I loved getting a new pair of Jordans in high school, but I got over that quick when Nike kept jacking up the prices. It’s so strange to me when I see dudes working at Walmart making minimum wage yet they have on a new pair of Jordans.

      1. even better when dudes wake up at 4am to head to footlocker to buy the exact same pair of shoes for $300 bucks lol..

    3. “Also been laughed at bc some black women say i sound ‘white’ when i speak.”
      Haha yep, story of my life. This happens to all of us black people who don’t act ghetto and say nigga every two sentences.

    4. I’ve been there.
      Let those worthless women keep chasing the thugs. They’ve been doing it since I was in high school. Now, 20 years later, I sit & shake my head at the chaos they’ve caused themselves.
      Let them rot.

    5. All those problems you mentioned can be traced back to Jewish programming.
      BET isn’t even black owned. We need to take control of our own education and Media to stop brainwashing our kids with degenerate bullshit.

  9. Let’s get real with it.
    Black women are facing a monster they created. Once welfare and government assistance arrived in the 1970s, it was the end of the Patriarchy as far as Black America goes. Some of you will be surprised to note most black families even two generations ago were very traditional-husband worked at a factory, mom stayed home with the kids, and criminality was frowned upon. MLK Jr ,Muhammad Ali Malcolm X grew up in this era.There were racism issues-but back at home, life was legit.
    Then welfare /govt assistance started, and factory work in the US stopped.Women being the economically practical beings they are, figured why the heck should an unemployed man be in their lives?So what if he’s the biological father.
    The elevator’s been going down ever since.Take heed America-the ghetto of today ,where women collect a taxpayer’s check as she instigates beef and shootouts between sexually frustrated dudes,is Western Civilization’s future.

      1. That is true too, but at least there are small section of white and jew women who like nerdy aka good looking nerds. A good looking black nerd still can’t get laid.

    1. Boom chica wow wow, chicka wow wow. It’s the morning show here, from the 70’s. Whoever the artist is of this toon, they capture it totally. We need to see more.

      1. they’re all parasites, guilt trip losers scared and fearful and filled with worry and udder childish bullshit, who never grow up until their tits and ass sag and their fuckability factor wanes and they are scared so they play kid games their whole lives and make excuses and guilt trip because they are imbalanced and always have been and always will be, nice space shuttle men, while all any of them have created or invented all by themselves IS PROBLEMS FOR MANKIND FOR ATTENTION. run guys – they’re the satan and devils you were all warned about, they got no born code of respect, just jealous, envious, angry and retarded rage competitive expect, the Great Whore mentality, ya know what she’s confusing – she’s lying to you, ya know who’s kid that is, somebody else’s, but guilt trip away for irresponsibility and keep guilt tripping and causing problems and ruining lives because parasites don’t have a conscience and are born cold empty and dead. NAWALT – yeah, sure, doesn’t exist, women love their options and they’re all whroes and cunts, all there is to it. I got them pegged and know why they do what they do and any woman that tells you anything is straight up lying, they’re parasitic gestators to tempt you and they have lied, cheated, stolen and killed to get what they WANT. then they blame you, men? right. take the games girls and kick fucking rocks.
        the whole world knows who is the problem = spoiled bratty parasites. and their cunt friends in the guilt trip men beat down jealous media. they know they’re on the chopping block, time to face reality not fantasy girls, ya did it to yourselves. like those in the ghetto. which is why Lennon sang “women are the niggers of the world” and how right he really was. a woman is behind 99% of the world’s problems. LQQK at how insane they are. now i am going to go pick up and fuck some loser parasite whore-bag from fakebook and bang her sill this fine sunday – after all, most are just holes for dick looking to parasite off the best guy she can find, and I say guys, because there are very few men out there. I am One of them. A true Alpha – fuck your shit girls, games is all you got.
        But hats off to the real women and men out there, about time we shook the trees and had a bonfire of the human garbage problem causers, eh?
        I smell war, so let’s get it the fuck on already.
        women started WWI fucking Ferdinand, but you don’t care, you’re idiots and robo-slaves. and consumers are the first to go.
        ya don’t care – nobody else will.
        human beings vs human garbage.
        and fuck the ghetto weak ass feminism guilt trips – losers.
        sitting on your assesand blaming whites = yeah, real mature.
        can’t even create your own society and have to parasite.
        see how it begins, people?
        jealous much?
        not threatened.
        never have been.

    2. Yes and when the smart black women go for nerds and refuse to have babies with idiots, we are called “whitewashed”. That’s fine. I would rather be “whitewashed” and live a great life than be a trashy “babymother”.

      1. Um… What are you talking about? From what I say, smart black women were not going for thugs, and they were just as ignored in school as men were.

        1. I was talking about the attitude towards smart black women who don’t go for thugs. Besides being ignored in school, we are told that we aren’t “black enough” because we refuse to embrace stereotypes.

    3. Not all of us are like this
      It’s kind of annoying when you say all of us are ghetto trash

  10. Holy fuck!! lol Reading this article this morning is such a huge coincidence to me! Just yesterday afternoon I was in the grocery store and walked passed a black woman on the phone and overheard her say “I’m not going to settle for less than what I deserve”. I was thinking to myself “well good luck on waiting forever”

  11. As with so many other public policies, it’s been a failure, if we believe it’s stated purpose. I don’t.

    1. There is a rule of thumb that states one should never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. It’s a good rule of thumb, but like any such rules one shouldn’t follow it to the point of stupidity.
      Here’s an equally good rule of thumb: Assume the results are as they were intended to be and work out the scenario in which they make sense to determine the truth.

  12. Black women will side with their own race first. None would vote for hillary before barack. We saw that with the OJ Simpson trial. Black women will give the benefit of the doubt to an abusive black man rather than white feminists. They think feminism is just white women being bitchy amongst themselves, who don’t understand real world problems. When forced to choose between their race or ‘sisterhood’ they always go with their race.

  13. We’ve already seen some indications of infighting occur within the cathedral. I think we ought to pit the Black feminists against the whites. After all, we’re all the same, right? Then why aren’t there more Ghetto Black women as Investment Banking MD’s at Goldman Sachs? I work in the industry, I see NO Black women, period. How can that be? I mean we’re suppose to put more women into STEM? Well, is that going to go the same way it did when “they” forced themselves into wall street? Come on, we can do better, eh, its 2015 after all. Got to have more Black women in STEM too, and, medicine. No good reason why they’re not already except for systemic racism…so it goes.
    Let them choke on ridiculous – all those “diversity” officers can either let a proportional amount of ghetto trash become doctors, lawyers (enter high power job portrayed on tv) and watch those institutions fall (while probably killing people) OR admit that affirmative action is bullshit.
    Point here is to make Black feminists fight with white or Asian etc. For white women feminism’s state based coercion has been a windfall. They have been put, by fucking law mind you, into positions not on merit but by force that hold prestige and money. Wall street is a great example, plenty of coeds that came from either upper wealth or wealth and put into positions that they just don’t need other than ensuring their egos aren’t bruised. I see them all the time and its disheartening BUT other than the women there is zero diversity. Methinks that white feminists are being racist and on the progressive totem pole black women > white because black is > white.

  14. From the external eye the black race (as well as all races) is being treated like a chemistry set with feminism being used as a surfactant, precipitating out one gender, dissolving the colloidal mixture, refractally distilling its components and neutralizing the whole batch. We’re being ‘killed off’ appearantly by outside forces who use feminism to put the colony into induced shock. Then we can literally lie there, barely flatlined while our resources and organs are harvested one at a time. This isn’t coming from us. We’re under siege. Our species has yet to break and declare its independence from the controllers.

  15. It amazes me that this article and the comments below it make no mention of CIA asset Gloria Steinem and her work to start black feminism. Surely as a black man you know about this?
    “Gloria Steinem first came across the radar of Black men in 1978 when Steinem put a book called “Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman” on the cover of Ms. Magazine, the magazine which she controlled. The book was “written” by a Black “feminist” and “activist” named Micele Wallace who came out of nowhere. Wallace was in her early twenties at the time, yet she was being touted as the “leader” of Black feminism. In the book, Wallace called abolitionists like Harriet Tubman and Sojouner Truth “ugly” and “stupid” for supporting Black men. She called Black Revolutionaries “chauvinist macho pigs” and advised Black women to “go it alone.” Gloria Steinem said that Wallace’s book would “define the future of Black relationships” and she pushed hard to make sure the book received massive publicity. Gloria Steinem’s work triggered a flood of “Hate Black Men” books and films that continues to this day.”

  16. Why can’t black women figure out birth control? That’s what I want to know. When I worked in the ER in the US, I noticed ALL black women had kids and no hubby. No unemployed 20 something should have 3 to 5 kids. Maybe black feminist can put a brake on screwing without protection. What do black men say that gets these women to fornicate and make so many kids?
    Tom Leykis has a few older programs where he completely destroys these baby breeders.

  17. This post I like. As a black man I know that black feminism is the largest enemy to the black community. Many people on here judge black people and don’t realize that feminist basically have done everything they can to destroy the black community.
    I read comments on here and many white males on here look done on the black community but don’t know firsthand how feminist, LGBT community, other minorities, and every carpet-bagger has been infiltrating us since the 1960’s.
    Black people were more conservative than anybody else but when you are in 1967 and you have to choose between the racists in the hoods with dogs and the feminist saying they are willing to march with you it is an easy choice. The problem is The LGBT community, feminist, and other groups have done more harm by pushing their agenda on us like guinea pigs.
    Now black women head 70% of household because many say they don’t want a man ruling them but Uncle Sam is their daddy, the LGBT community uses our TV shows and movies and exaggerates the black community’s homophobia, other minorities like the Mexicans in LA use civil rights history to push their immigration needs even though Mexican gangs are killing black people on site in LA. The media is hiding this is order to keep the facade of minority unity.

    1. Neomasculinity, my friend. Race means nothing here only the preservation and cultivation of masculinity. We know our enemies because they identify themselves – feminists and homosexualists. I’d much rather to have you as my neighbor in some stuffy rich suburb then some pitiful feminist or pervert any day. That’s an honest statement not just a principled one. Fuck those frauds, we’re the ones marching with you now.

    2. “…..façade of minority unity”
      This….I thought I was the only one who realized that the whole minorities united thing was a stage prop ready to blow over any minute. Conveniently propped up in front of the white audience but then torn to shreds when they THINK no one is watching. All in an attempt to save face.

  18. Feminists in general appear to have little ability to grasp and actualize the concept of the common good. If family life becomes chaotic in the overall population, how will children be socialized so as to respect themselves and others (including women)? They seem utterly unable to comprehend such considerations.

  19. Haven’t I seen this same post like 4 other times from this same guy? Seriously, get some new material.

  20. I’ve met older black men who told me that things didn’t really start going completely wrong with black women until sometime in the 70’s, but he said that even throughout the 70’s they were generally quite tolerable. It started going really downhill in the 80’s and has continued unabated.
    When I was living in America I must confess that I rarely met a black woman that I didn’t find annoying. I met the occasional middle class black woman who was well educated, attractive and somewhat shy, but they were in a minority. The others were big loudmouths who constantly beat their chest over their ‘accomplishments’ in a completely obnoxious fashion.
    Black women don’t appeal to me for the same reason that most Latinas are unappealing: they lack humility.
    The demure black woman with an attractive face and body is no doubt alluring, but they are as rare as hen’s teeth in the U.S, and the competition is so fierce for the few that actually exist that it probably isn’t worth your time pursuing.
    They are generally mixed race too, which means you have to also compete with high value white men for their attention.

  21. Obnoxious, slutty, self-entitled “Queens”, all wrapped up under the banner of “empowerment”, and with a loathing for middle-class traditionalism that they probably secretly long for.. Seems to me Black feminists are cut from the same cloth as White ones.

    1. Their biological clock is ticking and they know they have little time left. Most are 40+ and carry around a slew of baggage that includes (but is not limited to): 50+ abortions, 2+ illegitimate children, a trail of STDs and mental instability to boot. Let the feminism destroy the feminists. It’s a self defeating philosophy.

  22. FINALLY! “Obsidian”, thanks for confirming me this suspicion I’ve been having since 2013. Yes, the suspicion I have been carrying is “American Black Feminism is just Single White Female Feminism in blackface.”
    Even in the two years I lived in the SF East Bay (Berkeley/Oakland immediate vicinity), I personally have observed that all the feminist leaders have exclusively been American white females.

  23. As a black woman, it hurts my heart to see so many other black females embracing a movement which doesn’t improve our lives in any meaningful way. I can’t imagine why black women would want to follow a toxic ideology when we already have so many problems in our community.
    I’m also very glad that I was raised in a two parent home and my parents are still married. They instilled certain values in me so that I wouldn’t embody all the bad stereotypes. I am not fat, I do not have children out of wedlock, I am educated, I don’t have any STDs and I am in a happy traditional marriage. Thank God my mother had enough sense to choose a good man to marry; she was an excellent example for me. I was raised with very strict rules and taught that only loose women have babies without being married.
    The problem is that women tend to follow the example of their mothers. In my community, there are generations of single mothers because that is all the women know. They would rather have bastard kids with Tyrone who is in and out of jail than marry a decent man. Of course, those types of black women always hate women like me because I have made much smarter choices than them. I hate stereotypical ghetto black women because they just make the rest of us look bad.
    Wonderful article.

  24. I argued with a feminist the other day who happened to be black. She said, she won’t learn how to cook and will find a man who could and was basically a pushover. I promptly told her she would eventually loath this man and no doubt cheat on him and when he snaps it will be catastrophic for who ever is near. She then proceeded to get mad spout of pure nonsense and attempt to get in my face I am about 6’3″ 250 and she is 5’4″ roughly 150 or so. I laughed and kept on talking trash to her to her face. The part that probably pissed her if the most is she knows I’m 100% right And is deeply attracted to me for not being intimidated or swayed by her emotion and desires that in her current wimp boyfriend who would never say that and only seeks to placate her.

    1. Happened to me too once. (Except my experience was online.) The girl then admitted that she was attracted to me because I didn’t accept anything she said and even wanted to fly to town to “visit” me. ( aka practically force herself on me.) I declined. Not into fat chicks.

      1. Mine didn’t know what to do at all. My logic pierced and subdued her mentally and she wanted the same physically.

  25. What makes a feminist has any one considered the root of the problem. It’s undoubtedly a evil world view but I’m sure as all evil world view was percieved as the savior for women’s subjection to the evil man. Here’s my take on it,feminism is a result of the abuse of mans of his God given right to rule the women and his house. The responsibily lies with the man because we know better. First there’s the women who married developed no skills at all beside raising children and was dumped at 45 for her husbands 23 year old secartary. She emerged from that ordeal a die hard feminist and a proponent of hidden bank accounts and would tell any women to prepare for the worst. Then there’s the man hater some thing inside her simply wants to be a man, she gets a huge thrill from dominating men and secretly craves being put in her place but the longer she acts up the more unlikey that great big humbling she needs will occur. She preaches feminism even though she knows it’s a empty life and gets zero pleasure from her manly accomplishments. And finally the housewife who just cheers from the sideline is the worst of them all. She has observed the two aforementioned women but she herself has no experice with these things personally herself but just must wrap herslef up in this crusade for equality. She’s the worst becuase theres so many of these women and they adopt the things that didn’t even happen to them and rally behind them, or read a book and apply gender neutrality to there five year old son

  26. The feminism infestation is now into the White community. Brace yourselves for your increasingly fatherless spawns.

  27. What you see in the black community is the result of black feminism and other policies such as welfare. The black community are largely guinea pigs for society at large. The controllers of society perfected policies that resulted in breaking up of the family structure in the black community with things such as feminism, and now they are rolling out the same thing in the white community, which will result in a plummet in marriage rates and an increase in single parent households.
    Feminism PERIOD is a failure. You can see the results of it in the black community. The only difference in black feminism is that it is much further along than white feminism. The black community is already a matriarchy, with the mother being the one raising most of the kids… so what patriarchy are these black women fighting against? They have more education than black men and the black man holds no real social power, and yet they are still using these laws to punish black men. The same thing is going to happen in the white community. You see it now with there being more women in college than men period.
    Can anyone name ONE successful, powerful, long-lasting civilization that was a matriarchy? Feminism is a road to self-destruction. It’s not a philosophy of equality. It’s a philosophy of female domination, but it is destined to cause society to fail as it has countless times in the past.

  28. Has there really ever been a win on any points of feminism? Black, white, polka spotted…. any feminism is a failure on so many levels one man cannot fathom it’s depths.

  29. I can’t wait to see all the growth that the Men’s Movement will make, especially as it relates to Black men. That list should be super enlightening.

  30. After the early 70’s, feminism became a political power and white women followed like sheep as the movement became a sexist, racist, hate group. As the political power grew, so did the division between white and black women; political power is just power, it doesn’t follow rules.

  31. I don’t know why we need to bring race into feminism. In my experience I’ve never once seen a race intentionally excluded. If they feel that way maybe they should be more involved themselves instead of making excuses and blaming the horrible white people.

  32. Why are they so many articles bashing black people..
    Sheesh we can’t get a break
    Everywhere we go I see a comment of someone hating me because of what someone else did that happen to be the same shade as me

  33. how about the udder truth:
    feminism, lol – the radical notion that women are men. yeah that really makes a lot of sense like the rest of the udder bs. not.
    the Great Whore mentality is: NO RESPECT – JUST EXPECT.
    there’s human beings, and human garbage.
    of course it’s a man’s fault.
    nice space shuttle men.
    I’d be looking to escape as well.
    name one thing women invented all by themselves – BESIDES PROBLEMS FOR ATTENTION FOR ALL MANKIND.
    all this consumerism = women.
    destruction of the planet and environment = women.
    childish behaviors and excuses = women.
    agendas to rule and ruin the world = women.
    empires built – for women.
    the world destroyed – by women.
    time to grow up – may WANT, lol, to LQQK right around the corner, ya don’t know nothing and most are the breeders and eaters they are talking about.
    now I AM going to show the world that I AM actually WHITE.
    yeah, the black lazy guilt trips and excuses don’t work on me.
    weak sauce, cry some more tears of self defeat and whore-dumb, y’all did it to yourselves.
    doesn’t matter what color you are, more than likely you;re just a loser robo-slave.
    and an idiot full of shit.
    blame away.
    it’s all you really got.

  34. Every picture on this article reminds me why I have a strict policy not to deal with black women.

  35. Amazing how, BEFORE government and progressive White “good doers” began meddling in the Black community, the mass majority of Black women were married to Black men and all except for a handful of Black children had BOTH parents at home!! While White Feminists insisted that childrearing, homemaking, and marriage was oppressive, literally ALL of the elderly Black women, who were raised and came of age before Feminism began in the 1960s, ENJOYED these things greatly!! When my great grandmother in 1930s Alabama fell pregnant out of wedlock by a man who refused to take responsibility, the community quickly found her a husband by forcing a cousin to marry her(in a literal shotgun wedding) and they were happily married for 40+ years until his death without any thought given to divorce. The raised 9 children, had over a dozen grandchildren, and there was nothing my great grandmother enjoyed more than cleaning, cooking, taking care of children&her husband, gardening, knitting, etc. Everything you would expect a feminine and family oriented woman to do she enjoyed. Hell, she was so feminine and old-fashioned that she NEVER wore a pair of pants in her entire 87 years on Earth, because she was raised and firmly believed that trousers are mens’ clothing. My mother, with this fine upstanding woman as a powerful influence in her childhood, still somehow grew up to little more than an immature classless and at times downright ghetto tramp, who at 47 yrs old still dresses and acts like she’s 17, a whole 5 years younger than me, her youngest child. She drank the Feminist Poison, but I will be damned if I fall for the foolishness!

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