3 Ways Men Can Try To Fix The System

When it comes to prescribing what individual men can do to improve their lives, there is wide agreement in the manosphere. There is also a consensus that our current society is broken. But when it comes to deciding what to do about it, we disagree on which strategy to adopt.

Broadly speaking, there are three ways that men approach the crisis we are facing:

1. Nihilistic Approach


Enjoy your dinner on the Titanic

Men who take the nihilistic approach believe that nothing can be done to reverse the descent of our civilization into oblivion. Our civilization is the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. It is here for a while longer, but its sinking is now certain. Since no one knows what will follow the present civilization, it is not worthwhile to prepare for it.

These men are resolved to enjoy life as much as possible until the civilizational collapse happens. They might be working on themselves, but their effort is focused solely on improving their own lives—not on the culture as a whole.

In this group you’ll find most (but not all) PUAs and MGTOWs. When it comes to changing the system, the nihilistic approach is largely a passive one.

2. Live To Fight Another Day


The Battle of Helm’s Deep – rule number one is to survive

The “Live to Fight Another Day” approach is similar to the nihilistic approach in that it also assumes that we are stuck with the current set of progressive governments until they inevitably exhaust themselves.

The underlying assumption is that the current order, as degraded as it is, will successfully resist any attempt to change it. That means that our first job as traditional men is to survive—we can’t let the current system destroy us.

Our second task is to prepare ourselves and to wait until some event destabilizes the current order. At that point, we will be able to spring into action to reestablish a more traditional order.

Men who take this approach are working on themselves. They are starting businesses and learning marketable skills. They are lifting weights and learning self-defense. They will find a traditional woman, start a family, and educate their children in traditional values. Their goal is to flourish in the present, but also lay the groundwork for renewing civilization in the future.

Although this approach is more active than the nihilistic approach, it still has passive aspect because it means waiting for some event to happen rather than being a catalyst for change.

3. Active Change


Thomas Jefferson – Time to follow in his footsteps?

Other men believe that we can take action now to change the system for the better. This is a war against the current culture, and there are several fronts in this war.

Supporting Good Candidates

Some men have given up on supporting and voting for good candidates because in practice, things change very little. While it is true that voting for a conservative candidate probably will not make much difference, it is still a good idea. Conservative politicians tend to implement progressive ideas more slowly than progressive politicians do.

And there is always the possibility that every now and then we could elect a true leader who has a spine and who cannot be bought. If that happens, he may even be able to reverse some of the decay that is afflicting us.

I don’t think that electing good candidates will result in victory, but it is an effective way of slowing the enemy down long enough to muster our forces.

Attempting To Influence The Culture

A more direct attack on the culture is to try to spread traditional ideas using the same methods that have been used by the SJWs to spread their progressive ideas. ROK is an example of this approach, since it uses entertaining posts to convey a serious message to a lot of men. Even Roosh’s appearance on Dr. Oz was ultimately a way to get the message out to more people.

This approach is effective. Once one person sticks their neck out and speaks the truth in public, others feel emboldened to follow. But this is a long-term strategy. Progressives have captured virtually every major institution in our civilization: schools, universities, entertainment, news media, and even a good portion of our churches. It is going to take a long time to recapture these institutions.



Ultimately, it may be that the culture is too far gone to salvage. We should at least consider the possibility that we need to start over from scratch.

Starting from scratch has lots of benefits. A country like the US has a lot of baggage such as the legacy of slavery, a virtually all-powerful federal government, and a tax code that makes economic mobility difficult. Any group that wants to start a new country could learn a lot just by observing what went wrong in the US.

The idea of a fresh start is not as radical as it sounds. If you happen to be an American, it is part of your tradition. The founding fathers of the United States put their lives on the line to break from England. The Confederacy unsuccessfully tried to do the same thing almost one hundred years later.

How can an exit happen? Not through violence. The American Civil War proved the futility of violent rebellion. Given the technological superiority of modern armies, any sort of violent uprising would be immediately crushed.

However, the recent Scottish independence referendum shows us one possible path. For Americans, this would mean having one or more states seceding from the US using democratic processes.

Currently, there is no legal method for a state to secede from the US, but that should not deter anyone from seeking this option. At this point, progressives hate traditional men and women because we stand in the way of them building their SJW utopia. If we show them a way to get rid of us by allowing us to secede, they just might go for it.

In order for secession to be realized, the first step would be to build a critical mass of people who think that it is a viable idea. The following step would be to push for a constitutional convention or a constitutional amendment that would allow a nonviolent, democratic referendum.

Yes, this is a long shot, but the Scottish referendum was the result of over ten years of dedicated effort. The longest journey always starts with the first step.


While I understand why some men would want to take the nihilistic approach, I view it as a bit unmanly. Men have a responsibility not just to themselves, but also to their families and their community. That has always been the way of men.

The “Live to Fight Another Day” and “Active Change” strategies are not mutually exclusive. I have chosen to do both to the best of my abilities. We have to do our best to change the culture, but we have to do it in such a way that we do not get crushed in the process.

If traditional men are to be effective as a force for change, we are going to have to support each other and work together to a greater degree than we have up until now.

Read More: Why Patriarchy Is The Greatest Social System Ever Created

251 thoughts on “3 Ways Men Can Try To Fix The System”

      1. You see them around these kind of sites.
        Their credo is, “Why breed? The bitch will just divorce you and take your kids.”
        And you can’t say anything to them.
        Truth is they’re right- they ARE the type who’d get fucked over by a woman, because they’ve got a loser victim attitude.
        A MGTOW is the sort of person who’ll tell you not to try because the risks of failure are too great.

        1. Ever looked into the eyes of a man who’s lost access to his children?
          Seen the pain and the hopelessness?
          Best of luck with your breeding caper, tough guy.
          Not all MGTOW are dropouts. Many are hardened veterans who did their level fucking best to have a family.
          You’ll get it too, one day.

        2. Emotional appeal doesn’t strike a chord with me.
          Fact is, MGTOW advocates not breeding. If we all decided to GTOW, the species would die out in one (non-)generation, same as if every woman chose career over kids.
          It’s just not natural, and I refuse to believe that it comes from a place of strength when MGTOW’s always pull the exact same “pain and hopelessness” out of their asses to justify it.
          Denying your most basic urges because of fear makes you less than human.

        3. If we decriminalize rape and criminalize abortion those “anti-breeding” MGTOW men will literally jump at any nubile woman in order to spread their genes around. MGTOW men are not anti-breeding when it’s done on THEIR term instead of the status-quo gynocentric term in which the men basically assume the role of pussy-whipped beta chump providers who are at the whim and mercy of their “loving” wives.
          And humans will not die out as a species, for every 1 man who went MGTOW there are 99 men who can not overcome their biological imperative to breed.
          I repeat, unless the Kaijus or Ultron or the Decepticons managed to take over the earth, humans will not die out as a species, it took a merely 12 years for the earth population to swell from 6 to 7 billion.
          If anything, your grandchildren may have to fight tooth and nail in order to escape from being cannibalized by starving hordes of less privileged people who won’t have anything to eat if the population growth is left unchecked.

        4. And if we all held our breath at the same time and blew in the same direction we’d knock the earth out of orbit. The planet is not going to die out because a few independent types decide they don’t want to raise a family. There are about a billion MORE people on this planet than there were when I was in elementary school, and a billion was the entire population of the earth in the 1800s.
          If one takes a historical look at things, there may be a real threat from overpopulation putting pressure on rare resources such as air travel, vacation homes, land, water, clean environment, but to imply a risk of underpopulation is silly at best and fearmongering at worst.

      2. Men going their own way. Basically a rejection of the “you grow up, chase a woman and raise a family” definition of being a man

        1. MGTOW: They’ve realized that: if women can reject their social roles then men can too.

        2. Preach it brother, what a fucked-up society we live in when people would hold more reverence for sissy men who didn’t raise a family such as Jesus Christ, Flavius Aetius, Richard the Lionheart, William Wallace, Leonardo Da Vinci, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Plato, Michelangelo, Hannibal Barca, Immanuel Kant, René Descartes, Francis Drake, Copernicus, Hans Christian Andersen, Harry Houdini, James Buchanan JR, Jean Paul Sartre, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Wright Brothers, Henry David Thoreau, Horatio Nelson, Arthur Schopenhauer, Wyatt Earp, Alfred Nobel than they would for this dude here who raised 4 kids.

  1. You can always move to a different culture. The problems discussed on this site are almost exclusively problems in the West.

      1. I doubt it’s cowardly, just smart. If you have the means to get out and start over somewhere else, then take it.

      2. If there was actually some sort of real fight going on to change things, then to leave could be Considered ‘cowardly.’
        However in the current state, I’d say it takes far more balls to pick up and move to a foriegn location and start from scratch than to sit here and do nothing as society collapses.

        1. Retreat from what? A shitty situation? If someone is born in the ghetto and works to get out of the ghetto and move to a better situation is that ‘retreating’ or ‘cowardly?’ Perhaps they should have stayed in the ghetto and fought to make it a better place.

        2. No, they should not stay in the ghetto but instead move out of the ghetto, run for POTUS and then fix the hell out of the ghetto.
          A MGTOW would say “that sounds like a really tall order” but a Tradcon would say “sounds like a plan to me” LOL.

        3. “Apex fallacy.”
          How so?
          “How many people on this site were born in a ghetto?”
          What does this have to do with anything?

        4. “How so?”
          Because he chose an extreme in an attempt to prove something far less so.
          “What does this have to do with anything?”
          “This” speaks directly to his point, metric and index.

    1. The “West” is unfortunately spreading like wildfire. All countries are being infected.
      Recently, I returned to the Philippines on business for the first time in 15 years and the changes are there. Filipina women used to be cute and thin. Now there are more obese women than in the US, due to an explosion of McDonalds on every corner. The government has also passed all sorts of heavy-handed SJW laws, to “protect” women, leading to the incarceration of many males on false pretenses. Talked to a number of ex-pats down there who are now scared shitless of false accusations from wives and girlfriends. A real shame, as I used to consider that country a haven for the western male. Would have even considered retiring there. Not any more.

    2. I have to agree with Blinko23. I’m living in the East and the Millenial generation are quite likely soaking up the ‘cool’ progressives ideas that are prevalent in the West.

  2. I’m not surprised that most people are taking the nihilistic approach via PUA’s and MGTOW’s. Collective nihilism is a sign of decay in a civilization. When people stop giving a damn during societal decay that’s when you know the end is near.

    1. I don’t know if nihilism is the right word. It’s really just economics. If a store has shitty service, you don’t go there. If enough people feel the same way, that store goes out of business. The difference is that shitty stores don’t have the option of stealing the money of millions of people to stay in business. Men in growing numbers are not seeing value in the current culture and are so are going somewhere else. Sounds like good business sense to me. Spend life wisely.

      1. I also think it’s because of the size of the country. The USA is simply too big to change. Now if I lived in Scotland or something, I would feel like I could help foment real change. But you could elect Thomas Jefferson himself to be one of your two senators and guess what, the white house would still be installing transgender bathrooms, drones would still be murdering wedding attendees in the desert, the divorce courts would still be shaking down men all around the country and the system would not blink. This is the reality, unfortunately, and such a large system can only fall through internal collapse, ie the USSR.

  3. I thought that MGTOW was an active change type of movement, the thought being that if enough men go their own way that perhaps change would start to insue.

    1. To affect change: Is that their primary motivation or their secondary hoped for result?

    2. I’m sort of a MGTOW (the active, entrepreneurial, martial artist type, not the video game basement dweller type) and in my mind it is a passive-active movement.
      Passive because I focus on myself and don’t really give a hoot about society, for the most part.
      Active because in the back of my mind, and in the minds of most MGTOW, I believe that if more men went their own way, society would be *forced* to change according to our will. Or face total collapse.
      MGTOW are like the Terminator. Can’t be reasoned with. No way to get them back onto the plantation UNLESS said plantation bends to their will. Just a year ago, society was saying “Well, good riddance then.” But now I see articles popping up, especially from conservative sources, ringing alarm bells. Even SJW sites, like HuffPo are subtlely pulling the alarm.
      If more men went MGTOW, civilization as we know it would go into full panic mode. Only then could men ever dictate their terms. Don’t know if that would ever happen or not. Either way, I don’t really care – so it’s the best of both worlds for me.

      1. I don’t think of the four presented options that any of them are bad moves. Depending on the individual he should pick what’s natural and best for him.
        I think MGTOW is brilliant in that it deprives substandard women of men’s attention and resources. Women drive the idiotic debt based consumerism. If there are enough MGTOW we will impoverish women and then men will have all the leverage.

  4. I think starting a traditional family would be more active than you think, especially if more and more men started doing it.

    1. The present economy barely allows for it. A wife and 2 children on a single salary? Good luck with that.

      1. I do it with 5. There are ways.
        But yes, the economy is now geared toward dual incomes, and that makes it very difficult. Especially in the rental home market. Large families have to own because nobody will rent a respectable home to them.

      2. It’s doable if you are okay with a lower-middle class life style. I only plain on having one child anyway.

      3. I understand but I think the only way for a better society to be built on the ruins of our current one is to breed people who are capable.

      4. My friend has a wife and kid. She doesnt work. He grosses about 110,000 a yr here in NYC.
        They really dont save much money. And they dont really splurge much…

        1. This is why I hate feminism. Everybody is working now, but there is no net benefit because the price of everything has risen to reflect two income households. Even if you wanted a real family with proper gender roles, it is impossible unless you are in the top 5% of income earners. Meanwhile, women are bitchy, tired and grumpy because in reality being an ’empowered’ career woman more often than not really means being a slave toiling away in a cubicle for somebody who doesn’t give a shit about you, which actually isn’t great fun after all. Despite what these brain dead feminists thought, work was always a tough grind, and not fun, but men did it to support their families. Meanwhile, home life has become a joke because they are never there. Great job, feminism.

        2. No surprise there. $110k in NYC with some of the highest taxes and cost of living in the U.S. means they’re living barely a middle class lifestyle, I suspect.

  5. Not lifting a hand to fix a system is not necessarily a passive approach. It is a form of non-violent revolution. The system is not a good one and needs to go. As for voting for ‘conservative’ candidates; conservative in relation to what? Conservative and liberal candidates are united on one issue … more governance / less freedom. And conservatives are some of the strongest proponents of laws protecting women (no-fault divorce, alimony, child support, etc.). The idea that we need a ‘state’ to govern or that this whole geographic area that we call the United States somehow rates our devotion is a myth. Check out The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose. He dissects and destroys the notion that any human has authority over another.
    Educate your fellow man on the benefits of true liberty and let nature take it’s course.

    1. It is true. Only God has authority over us, and those he’s placed in authority derive their authority and laws solely from Him. Nature, and Nature’s God, Jesus Christ. Anything else is tyranny and usurped authority; idolatry, humanism, paganism.

      1. Not even close to where I was going. “Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”

        1. You’re incorrect. The idea of
          “God” (whether you believe or not) is that we are each God, and
          cannot controlled by another human. The framers knew this when the
          constitution was being written and this is the exact reason all our rights are “God
          given”. They were absolutely brilliant in their design. It has nothing to do with religion at all,
          only control.

        2. “You’re incorrect. The idea of ‘God’ (whether you believe or not) is that we are each God, and cannot controlled by another human. The framers knew this when the constitution was being written and this is the exact reason all our rights are ‘God
          given’. They were absolutely brilliant in their design. It has nothing to do with religion at all, only control.”
          Humans are not God, nor part of God, the universe as a whole isn’t God either. The Founders were not Shirley MacLaine:

          Nor were they Kanye West:
          Nor Jim Carrey:

        3. Not sure what your point is, but that Sunny Episode is fantastic.

        4. I will read it in it’s entirety. Mark Levine uses Locke’s words many times in formulating his observations on where this country falters. Why do men like him not exist in the government anymore?

  6. I’m partying by the pool side, and IDGAF. I simply cannot be concerned about a “community” that includes sub-human garbage like SJW’s, feminists, white knights etc. Fuck ’em all. I crush them in person with withering insults, to the point where the few I know won’t even engage me, they just flee. I’ve made femitards cry, SJWs have a hissy fit, and actually had to physically deal with a few white knights who were so “outraged” that they tried to “intervene” – and afterwards I laughed at them and insulted them some more.
    Making them so enraged their tiny heads explode is the only way to deal with them. They have absolutely zero real power except what we grant them, and I give then none whatsoever. Which has made me feared by some, but secretly admired by many, including women who are turned on by my take no fucking prisoners attitude. But I would not dream of elevating that to some sort of national movement, I have a life to live, on my own terms, and too many things to do.
    The good news is that their “cause” is collapsing under the weight of their own bullshit, and we just have to let the inevitable take it’s course. The tide has turned IMHO, check the comments in the MSM on “dating” topics etc, the red pill is spreading. It is remarkable how much the ground has shifted in the last 2 years alone.

      1. Thanks guys. I have been thinking more about this, and I have come to the conclusion that the times are indeed changing, and the tactics that would not have worked a few years ago are now viable. The sky could be the limit here, subvert and overthrow the cuntocracy and make some healthy stacks at the same time. I call that a win/win!
        What I mean is that the ‘Protein World’ fiasco has revealed a new and effective guerrilla marketing approach that can actually do great damage to the SJW enemy and make us $ at the same time. Go right after them, with advertising images and copy that antagonizes them, designed to create a Twatter storm of SJW outrage, Roosh has used this with ‘Fat Shaming Week’ and it got this site a vast amount of publicity. And you know that they say about publicity, there is no bad kind. The RSD Julien Blanc episode also comes to mind.
        It won’t work for every kind of business, but if your customers are NOT SJW types, Protein World has shown how you can ca$h in on their hot buttons that can be so easily pushed. I throw this out there as a very worthy topic for a future ROK post by somebody.

        1. I would like to agree with you on this one but, yes the but, its not going to happen. The only reason “Protein World” happened is because not all “feminists” are fat ugly [email protected] I will say no more as I think you are intelligent enough to see that females regardless are dictating the narrative yet again. It suckers men in. Again.
          Leave them be. Let them fight. Watch and learn and watch them burn. Protein World was lucky, very, very lucky.
          There are a number of articles out there that shows the folly and companies that lost out.
          There is one hell of a way to go, it will not happen in my life time and not that I care.

    1. Hah yeah. The “Community” has never done anything for me …
      And yep, the tide is turning.
      The recent UK election result, where the overwhelming share of the vote went to the Right, gives me hope.

  7. The system has collapsed. There is no way of repairing and fixing it. For the last decade, I have witnessed the collapse of our society, not just economically, but also socially and politically.
    The damage and decay that has been done to our society is so great, that there is no repairing it. I truly believe that the good values which society once held onto dearly such as the traditional nuclear family, marriage, religion, small government, entrepreneurship and self reliance, has all been obliterated and destroyed. There are many factors which have contributed towards this such as banks, politicians, feminists and so on and so forth. But the reality is that there is little that we as men can do to solve the problem.
    People have become so brainwashed and brain damaged, that anytime you try to propose a solution, you will be castrated and portrayed as a villain. I mean my God, it makes me sick to see the direction in which our society is heading towards. Fat acceptance, everybody is a winner, women are biologically the same as men, all rich people are evil, etc. I mean seriously, there is no coming back to normality. Degeneracy is now celebrated and it can be seen in numerous lifestyle choices which society now embraces, such as single motherhood and the feminisation of men.
    I truly believe that men need to only aspire to help themselves out because at the end of the day, no one in this world is going to look out for you or your best intents. The number of people that have betrayed me, pretended to be my friend, not willing to give a hand, made me come to this realisation that you are truly on your own in this world. After years of observing the shape of our world, I no longer hold any compassion for others and will choose to live the remainder of my life on my own terms.
    It really is the only solution for you as an individual. At least this way, you can depart this world with your self respect and dignity intact, and that I suppose, in someway, can help to provide a better example for others to follow.

    1. Consider the Great Awakening, or the Welsh Revival of 1904. There is always hope. Pray for land and row for shore.

    2. yes, self interest is the best option here. It’s rare to find red pill men in today’s world and this isn’t an exaggeration. There are people who won’t be grateful for your help either. I mean I tried helping fellow friends who had many beta characteristics to adopt more red pill approach. Man did it backfired and I was hated for actually trying to help these guys. It’s also a lonely road since not many people are going to accept truth.

      1. yes, it is bound to be troublesome. i am myself in something of a transitional phase where all the things that concerned me earlier in my life start to seem trivial. i look back and think: what, that bullshit broke my frame? why the hell did i care? why did i obsess?
        but when you’re still inside that bubble, it’s next to impossible to see things clearly and you’re just being torn apart by emotions, basically brachiating from feeling to feeling, unable to resist pain, guilt, shame or practically any kind of pressure.

      2. I think men need to start looking after men, personally. For example, only hire men. Do not give money to females. Definitely do not buy them dinner or open doors for them.

        1. Even before being red pill, I did not understand why men held doors for women. That was weird concept to me. I only hold doors for really old people and handicaps. But most companies are forced to accept this whole “men and women are equal” bullshit and if someone finds out that the company doesn’t hire minorities, women, etc… won’t they get huge fine?

        2. Well you can’t openly state that, or you will get fined. But you just do it, and if anyone asks, you say they were the best candidate! Women are toxic in the workplace. They always indulge in gossip, catty behaviour, backstabbing and cliques. You can do without the drama… although putting a busty blonde on the front desk is always acceptable!

        3. Yeah, but problem here is then you will be hounded as some form of “-ist”, whether it be sexist, racist, anti-feminist, etc. Guys these days are damned if they do, damned if they don’t unfortunately. My take is just work on yourself, strengthen your family, and hunker down in the face of the hurricane that this society has mutated into.

        4. Hire the biggest(qualified) mangina you can find, and pair him up with a knockout beautiful woman in the workplace
          he’ll work 5 times as hard to impress that female, and you’ll be sure to get your moneys worth
          Psychological personnel management strategies to extract the most possible productivity from every employee

        5. The key is continued self-strengthening.
          Truly strong men don’t actually get hounded by feminists. Ironically, the ones who get their balls put in the ballscrews are the subservient ones who paradoxically apologise all the time for be the oppressor!
          Cue scene of feminazi with a whip hitting cowering male: Take THAT, you oppressor scum!

      3. someone who requires your advice would be too stupid to take it anyway it’s a universal paradox…

    3. I am not so sure. When the Roman Empire was declining people saw the writing on the wall and left, striking out for pastures greener. Things in Europe were bleak and chaotic for a while but then a new civilization developed, reaching its peak in the early 20th Century, far better than before. The same thing will happen again only better this time.
      There has always been nihilists and people trying to change the system from within. Ultimately, when something can’t go on, it has a tendency to stop.

      1. True enough but the gap in your example above, between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the rise of Western Europe took *centuries*
        What might or might not occur centuries from now is just not relevant to any of us.

        1. The Roman Empire did not collapse, hence my use of the term decline. Arguably it simply transformed into the Europe we have today.
          You are making an assumption that change must always take centuries. Consider this. It took about 195,000 years for us to develop civilization. Then it took 5000 years for that civilization to become technological. Change is accelerating my friend. The difference in the life of people living 100 years ago is dramatically different to today. You will see massive change in your lifetime.

        1. What was the life expectancy? 30 years? 35?
          Next time, try to be looking at least a little less stupid, OK? It helps.
          The article you quoted is just regurgitated libertardian bullshit. Yeah, there was no state, yippy. There wasnt anything else either. Life was short and bleak and full of dangers.
          All these fuckers who wanna live in the Dark ages, I wish you a time machine to go there. And please, never come back ever.
          Trust me, it will be good for you there. It is the libertardian wet dream after all.

        2. While I sympathize with the libertarian idealists. They are no better than the socialists and hipster pc warriors.
          Reality triumphs ideology every time
          Get yours and cover your own back.

        3. “Control of the language is control of the narrative. Control of the narrative is control of everything.”
          You hit it right on the head!

        4. Wie–As you surely know, this is hardly a Libertarian view, and you’re come off as a bigot to use the term ‘Libertardian’…LRC outreaches to the right and this is just someone’s opinion.
          In any event, Libertarians are champions of secular civilization and science. See http://www.libertarianinternational.org for people who don’t whine but are doing something, like extending your life expectancy.

        5. Ya, muh’free trade, muh’cvil rights, muh’gay rights, muh’ gun rights, gimme a break.
          Libertardians are just wingmen for the jews. I know, this is bigoted, racist , yadda yadda I dont give a shit.
          Maybe one day you will wake up. Or you won’t.

        6. “History is written by the victors”. When I see my children’s history text books, I know that the cultural marxists are the victors.

    4. I donating one testicle to future generations. There’s enough testosterone-laden man-sperm in my ejaculate to thwart the decline of any civilization, as long as my spawn are trained to not to listen to the siren’s song of society, but to forge their own way with muscle, sweat and pure grit.
      Now, who wants my nut for safe keeping?

    5. That is called the “nihilistic approach”. it was first on the list.
      It is just plain fucking stupid.

    6. It is because of this I have taken a more direct path to self-enlightenment. I do things that are only in my best interest.

    7. “I no longer hold any compassion for others”
      You’re struggles exist in them too(especially judging by the amount of upvotes), it’s not unique to you, therefore understanding this fact, is the essence of “compassion” when someone is a dick…
      I used to get pissed off , but now i realize there could be one of 10,000 things that ruined that guy’s day that i had nothing to do with, so from this understanding, i gained tolerance for the pettiness of others and the human condition,
      I’m not special and they don’t owe me any kindness or decency, is my attitude.
      In a way, expecting and wanting others to be decent is a form of entitlement
      you’re expecting someone, whose most likely been shit on for decades by life(like most human experiences) to go out of their way to please you, lol
      better to be an honest society than a bunch of “smiling depressives” Which is what we see in people’s faces today

    8. Sometimes you can repair a broken item, and others it is best left broken and begin with something new.

    9. Agree with you except for your seemingly knee-jerk blaming of “banks” along with “politicians” and “feminists.” Looks like the pot calling the kettle “brainwashed.” Why don’t you go ahead and add big pharma, oil companies and capitalism to the list (but absolve overpaid movie stars, athletes and rappers), just like your typical brainwashed masses think. It makes about as much sense.

    10. I disagree. The way that men and women have related to each other since the beginning of time, and throughout the non-Western world, is based on our deepest instincts.
      I hold out a lot of hope for the coming younger generation as people increasingly see through the bollox coming from the SJW mentality.
      You can’t hold back human instinct for very long.
      The breakdown we are seeing will give rise to something new based on how things have always been done throughout all human history and this crazy social experiment will be over.

  8. Sorry, but there are no conservative candidates in the United States.The “conservative” candidates trotted out by the republicans are merely conservators of the status quo.

    1. When there is a candidate who talks about the racial interests of Europeans I’ll vote for him.

    2. Well said. I was thinking about it lately, in Anglosphere countries right-wing political parties are extinct. You can only choose between ‘less left’, ‘more left’ and ‘radical left’ parties.

  9. Have noticed all these enslaved manginas pushing the baby carriage while their dominitrix smugly shows her status as head of the family. I want to vomit when I see them.

    1. haha, exactly! that’s just what went through my head when i went through the park recently. neatly clothed men, almost business-like, obediently pushing the carts while the women enjoy the walk. it baffled me.
      i imagined what must have gone through the heads of those men: i want a family, i want to be a man and have a wife and children. his need for pride would then have led him to jump onto the first wagon (woman) that would take him on, but later he would find that the woman didn’t care for the baby and the argument would go like: well, husband, you wanted a child, so take care of it. he would then live on in the illusion of being the man of a family while it would be apparent to everyone else that he had betrayed his own wish, perhaps without knowing it.
      another thing that surprises me is that many men – at least outwardly – seem to allow their girls to be the emotional authority within a relationship. some of even the strongest and biggest guys start to melt down when they see their woman and they become all soppy. then they say things like: i have a hard shell, but to my dearest i show my soft side. ugh.

  10. A good start is to quit participating in institutions that actively seek to screw us.
    If you have kids, particularly boys, and especially if they are white, and you don’t want to see them be indoctrinated into becoming self-hating Marxists, then make whatever sacrifice you must to keep them out of the public k12 school system.
    Yes this might be passive in a broad sense, but it is actively fighting this war on your terms within one’s own family, and within there, the positive impact will be greatest.

  11. You know what they say: if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. The time is now to become a SJW and white knight. I’ll start by participating in a SlutWalk and campaigning for “yes means yes” affirmative consent laws in every jurisdiction. Then when I’m finished with that, I’ll sit down to pee and do my girlfriend’s laundry

  12. Social Capital has collapsed, and the system is built for personal isolation and indoctrination on all levels.
    We need like-minded groups of people to converge en masse in a relatively isolated area and have lots of children. Find outsiders who share your values. Educate by way of apprenticeship. Shun television and pop radio. Create your own community values and build myths as the society matures. Emphasize honor, discipline, and limited nationalism (you will probably not want to discourage outsiders from joining your community early on). After a few generations, you can begin to practice arranged marriages and criminalize adultery. Encourage men and women to socialize in groups, but separately, to build strong social capital. The community should embark on many large projects together. The leaders should be a small group of elder men, who are voted into power by other respected elder men in society. If you want to avoid feminism reemerging, encourage women to keep having babies and celebrate large families, while discouraging contraceptives, comfort and gluttony.
    This sounds a little culty, but it is basically how communities worked before public school brainwashing, women’s suffrage and TV. It just illustrates how far our society has disintegrated.

      1. It’s about rebooting culture, not technology. The misapplication of technology and lack of discipline regarding it can be culturally corrosive.

  13. There is no fixing the system. The system itself is the enemy, and fixing it merely reinforces it.
    The West is dead folks. It died in the twentieth century and what calls itself the west is a ghoulish parasite that wears the tattered rags and calls itself the West. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can actually come to terms with what has happened and how we can deal with it.
    The best thing to do is put a bullet into it head and build something new with what remains of the old. Destruction of the current order should be our goal.

    1. This. The West is pretty much in a vegetative state at this point and no amount of resuscitation is going to bring it back to life. The best thing we can hope for at this point is a speedy, painless demise so we can start over and maybe rebuild something from the remnants of its corpse. Gradual declines and eventual collapses are an inevitable part of the life cycle of civilizations and empires. Let it all burn and let all the manginas, cultural marxists, faggots and social justice zealots burn with it.

      1. Sadly, I agree with your assertion about western civilization inevitably collapsing, leaving us to pick up the pieces and rebuild. Though we need to consider that the western world has many enemies. Will a collapse invite invasion by non western countries? Will we be able to resist in our weakened state?

        1. The invasion is already underway with mass immigration facilitated by a class of globalists who have no loyalty to the west or its peoples. There are three options for a civilisation in decline..barbarism, subjugation or simplification. I would argue we are already subjugated, and are headed towards barbarism and something that resembles Lebanon. I think in the end the new civilisation will derive from the indigenous civilsation and not that of the colonists, but the age of blood and steel that is coming will leave permanent scars, culturally, physically and genetically.

        2. Invasion? Seriously? By whom? And for what reason? China is right now inserting itself into every single nation in Africa, which has the most concentrated physical wealth in the world in the form of diamonds, gold, rare earth elements, and energy. But it is the poorest society in the world. China is setting itself up to benefit from extraction of these resources without needing to use armies or colonizing Africa. It will let Africa be Africa (within reason–they will attempt to improve its governing and society to make it more stable but have no interest in running things).
          Imagine that the USA didn’t have a military 12 times larger than anyone elses. Who would “invade” the USA and why? I’m sorry I just can’t see a plausible scenario. Yeah, Mexico would take Texas back. Russia would take Alaska, which, come on there’s nothing American about Alaska anyway. But why would anyone else care about subjugating anything else here and ruling over it? And for what purpose? China (if they are your ‘enemy’) will benefit the most if it continues to be the financier of American banks and the manufacturer of American consumption–it is already on the path to success there. No invasion needed.
          And this silly fear of immigrants–America was strongest when it was a nation of newly arrived immigrants. Today, the area of the country I live in is 95% white and black–indigenous Americans who have lived here for 4 generations or more. It is culturally stagnant; hardly any Asians or latinos here, or any other type of immigrants to fear, and yet these cornbread Muricans have done a stellar job of obliterating our culture and our society. Immigrants, especially from traditional religious countries with feminine women, can only be a good thing.

        3. I’m not sure by who, but the U.S. is full of natural resources. Not to mention loads of open space that might benefit countries that are overpopulated and have to limit couples to having only 1 child, unless you want to pay outlandish taxes.
          I didn’t mention immigration, but I think it is a good idea. New perspectives and innovation can absolutely benefit a country, but it must be at a controlled rate. Waves of immigrants, illegal and even legal, pouring in too fast, can completely destroy the host culture. It also allows them to never have to assimilate. “Press 2 for English” anyone?

        4. What many people do not understand is that most people do not want to give up their homes and culture and friends they grew up with. Most we called the immigrants are actually transitional workers seeking to get education or fortune and then go home. Even the majority of the European and Chinese immigrants in the 19th century went home after a while. The Mexicans would mirgrant north for the harvest, leaving behind their wives and children in expectation of returning home with extra coins to support their farms. Only when the progressives started to control the borders that the Mexicans faced a problem. They could try to either give up their temp jobs forever and keep their farms or they go north for a better job but lose a chance to go home or risk the jail. It was a no-brainier. They went north and took their families instead. What look good on paper turned out to be as hare-brained as giving the girls the vote.

  14. The way to fix the problem would be to first clearly separate the various problems we face in today’s broken system which involve a multitude of issues which go far beyond just men’s rights , gender roles , dating and sexual market dynamics etc , For the purposes of what manosphere can achieve we are better of focusing our efforts to specific issues that are germane to us as men. Things such as false rape cases , misuse of domestic violence laws , family law and divorce , employment trends and practices etc.
    The far larger issue of a declining civilization involves dynamics much more complex and difficult to influence than the ones that pertain specifically to men’s rights although in some ways overlap and are interconnected with each other

  15. women claim that they’re treated unfairly but this is not true. a woman can lie and say she was raped and ruin a mans career and character even if he’s found to be not guilty. a woman can lie and get knocked up by another guy and pin the baby on somebody else and will have the courts backing her, even if there’s DNA to prove that the child is not his (yes, there are cases when women will lie and send a man to court who’s not biologically the father to either get welfare benefits or child support and the judge will still order the man to cough up some dough). a woman can also be a crack head whore and win a custody battle over a guy even though he is the better parent and can provide a better lifestyle for the child than the crazy mom. when a woman cheats it’s because she’s not ’emotionally connected’ with her partner instead of being called a whore, according to white knights and feminist. women want equality in the work environment and military but do not what to be held to the same standards as males. the only way the system can be changed is getting politicians in office who aren’t liberal extremists and feminists that will use common sense.

  16. My current opinion is that if you want to change the culture, change the economy and political structure. Most people will not be convinced through reason or appeals to justice.
    Would you believe that there are university educated people out there that believe in fairies?

    1. Faeries existed Clark….blew my mind. Guy on Antiques Roadshow brought in a photo circa 1900, the expert, who had seen many fakes, was truly stunned. He said it was a pic of an actual faery standing in the grass…

      1. I also have known fully grown adults who believe in faeries. People that are paying down their mortgages.
        People have selective logic. They’ll say something like “Doors are the entry points from one space to another”, or “If I put water in the freezer, it will turn to ice.” Then later they will say something like “Faeries live in a higher dimension but come down once in a while to pay children money for their teeth adjusted for inflation”

        1. I know it sounds bonkers, but the expert’s eyes and tone of voice went from bored to genuinely excited in a millisecond- his reaction wasnt staged.

        2. Female solipsism at her finest “the elephant sure looks larger than even the full moon”.

        3. Thats right up there with the Family Feud ep when the woman was asked to name an exotic food and she said “A Big Mac”.

        4. just sat in the lunch-room at work to celebrate my supervisor’s birthday (he’s a good guy), and the topic of conversation of the land-whales inhaling cake was the proper approach to get a ghost to stop haunting your house (complete with criticisms on technique). the ‘system’ is fucked.

        5. Fuck that, mine still got a quarter. Don’t want some brat to think they can get rich by eating a doorknob at high speed.

        6. Are you fucking kidding me? This has got to be photoshopped. Nobody can be that stupid.

        7. On the bright side, she’s got some killer sideburns!
          Yup, she and the herd ARE running the nations of the West. Scholarships and jobs and endless empowerments. Great plan US!

    2. “Would you believe that there are university educated people out there that believe in fairies?”
      Fairies/elves were real, real as in they were demons, they usually go with the ET/UFO disguise these days. The original fairy stories were pretty grim stuff just like the accounts of UFO abductions.

      1. Probably the same entities people refer to as “archons” or “archangels”. Lots written about them in ancient texts.

    3. Met plenty of university students who aren’t very smart, education doesn’t eqaul Iintelligence.

  17. Perhaps the best time ever to make swift and radical cultural changes. First, traditional culture still lives, second, the key institutions behind progressivism are 1. Failing and 2. About to experience a radical transformation that will decentralize them. More later…

  18. I prefer the “start from scratch ” strategy along with the “Live to fight another day” approach. But we all know that the US government won’t let us start from scratch within it’s own borders so my only option for now is the “Live to fight another day approach. The nihilistic approach achieves nothing in the long term and is a complete waste of time and worst just plain dull even at the age of 24 i feel too old for that. Good article though.

  19. I kind of associate Barack Obama with ‘change’, active or otherwise.

  20. Mark Levin whether you like him or dislike him wrote a book last year that should be required reading. In it he proposes 11 proper steps to amend the constitution using article V.
    Levin’s amendments include: (Taken from the first review on the amazon link.)
    1. Term limits, including for justices.
    2. Repealing Amendment 17 and returning the election of senators to state legislatures
    3. A congressional supermajority to override Supreme Court decisions (overruling what could be a stacked court)
    4. Spending limit based on GDP
    5. Taxation capped at 15%
    6. Limiting the commerce clause, and strengthening private property rights
    7. Power of states to override a federal statute by a three-fifths vote.

  21. You say the civil war is not the model to follow but advocate for secession via democratic means.
    Hello? That’s what the civil war was. States seceding via democratic means and then defending that decision via armed force when the central government refused to accept it.
    Young men need to get out of the US and find their happiness elsewhere. That’s the bottom line. I left 18 years ago and every day that decision looks better and better.

        1. I made a family while expatting. I married a non-US woman (not my best decision to get married but, looking back, I’m thrilled I didn’t marry an American).

        2. I have looked at Colombia although, it appears to be as illiberal as the West, with high taxes and strict gun laws.
          The main thing is to start the process. Have skills will travel.

        3. Not best decision to start a family or you just mean the marriage process itself?

        4. Indeed, the gun laws are unspeakable but the taxes are manageable.
          The nicest things about Colombia are the weather (in Medellín), the mountains/geography, the very low cost of living (for the frugal) and the people.
          But, yeah, the government sucks.
          Make your first jump outside the US and a lot of options open up, both real opportunity as well as the removal of mental limits – at least that is my experience.
          Where are you headed?

        5. Having a kid has been awesome for me. No regrets there tho it is a lot of work.
          As for marriage, it’s not a great deal for a man IMHO. IOW, now I know better.

        6. I am not sure yet. I am visiting Colombia just to get a sense of the Latin American vibe but I remain open to my final destination.

        7. Cartagena, Santa Marta and Medellín are fun places. Bogota not so much. Let me know if you need any advice on Colombia.
          Chile and Uruguay are really the future here in LatAm, I think.

        8. Whats so great about either? I was looking at housing in Uruguay, and guess what? Its only priced in US dollars and it aint as cheap as it should be(and I assume Chile is the same way).

        9. I am going to Cartagena. I may try a trip to Santa Marta if I have time. Thanks for the tips.

        10. I’ve lived in Peru now for 5 years for business reasons and I doubt that I will make South America my permanent location. Eastern Europe will probably be my final destination.

        11. Both have small-government inclinations and thus I expect them to enjoy more prosperous futures.
          You can look at any country, or city, from afar via web rental listings, and you will find the most expensive housing options.
          For example, where I live, I have rented very nice, 3-bedroom apartments (with parking, pool, etc.) in closed communities from $3-400 USD/month by dealing direct with local real estate agencies.
          (I also rented a single room once for less than $100/mo which included meals.)
          I could do that because I am fluent in the language and have local connections who will serve as a guarantor.
          You search for apartment rentals in this city in english tho via google, and you will find places for $1500 USD and above, way above.
          Some of these places are genuinely nice but they are all way overpriced because they cater to foreign men who don’t speak the language and don’t know any better. And maybe they’re sex tourists.
          Also, the rentals are all only in the poshest neighborhoods. There are plenty of other very nice neighborhoods that simply aren’t as posh.
          But you can do better by learning the language, by making friends on the ground and opening your mind to how things really work, instead of trying to force a first-world paradigm.

        12. Have any of you been to Belize? Tax friendly from what I hear, not sure about the locals though.

        13. People from Belize act like ghetto niggers and the cities are as you would expect a ghetto to look and behave like

        14. I’ve been eyeballing Ukraine for a while.
          It’s a white nation and now US citizens don’t need a visa to visit.
          Also you can own land and have a business.
          It’s even cheaper to live than here in Peru.

        15. The McAfee guy had a rough go of it in Belize. It’s corrupt due to the drug cartels.

        16. How were you able to get residency in those countries? What do you do for work?

        17. Come by Paraguay, first round’s on me. Feminism still hasn’t taken deep roots here and the girls are much sweeter than your american fucktards.

        18. Get a college degree and teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL/TEFL/TESOL). It was easier in the 90’s I think (even easier in the 80’s) but is still doable. Get a job > Get a work visa > after a few years they hand you resident visas like they were candy.
          Pick the right countries, you can pick up additional citizenships and be a perpetual traveler (PT).
          Even if TEFL is not your thing, there are options but things are more challenging in my experience.

        19. I have a college degree, so how do I get a work visa? Do I just get certified to teach English, travel to Colombia or any other country, and look for work while I’m there? Or could I be able to have a job lined up for me before I go?

        20. Good tip. By the way, what is your opinion on Uruguay? I keep hearing good things about it.

        21. I have, and know a guy who emigrated there. There are good parts, of course, but this is a country that suffered greatly from getting “freedom” from Britain. It was a success story under British colonial rule, but now it is largely a mini-Africa with some cool parts to it. It can be done, but I would look elsewhere. But, my friend loves it compared to the USA.

        22. As my friends who are happily married (the minority) say: I love my wife and kid, but if anything happened, I would NEVER do it again….

        23. I’m interested in Poland due to my heritage. Unforturely, citizenship is limited only to people who can document their linage back to post ww1 polish lands. My great grandfather left home when it was still Austria-Hungery Empire. Had anyone with Polish background tried expat there?

        24. The proper certification is a CELTA last time I checked. But yes you can find work without anything more than a college degree in many places. Some countries are more welcoming, others stricter. If you want to line something up ahead of time, try Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or an Arab country, but the best jobs will go to those with a CELTA or a masters in TESOL. hth

        25. With a legit job offer, the employer will help you get a work visa. Over time you can upgrade that to resident visa if you stay long enough. You have to be agile with the work, it can be demanding in many ways and you have to keep your eyes open for new opportunities.

  22. Christians invented “nihilism” in the 19th Century as the false alternative to religious morality, when they saw secular moral systems getting traction in the culture that they wanted to discredit. Basically anyone today who goes around professing “nihilism” still thinks like a christian.

    1. No. Nihilism is much deeper than that. Christianity is itself nihilism along with all other anti-world, anti-life, anti-reality, utopian, ideologies.
      This guy goes into more detail:

  23. Vermonters were talking about succeeding from the United States, but that was because congress stopped paying us the $1 a year. For over 200 years Vermont was paid $1 a year, as an incentive to join the United states in the 1790s. Before that Vermont was a soverign nation for 14 years (with 14 counties, and the 14th state)
    With the highest amount of microbrews per capita, all we need is a good export structure and Vermont could make it.
    And with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders running for president…

  24. Just some points:
    1) Those who withdraw from civilization (PUAs and MGTOWs) cannot complain about civilizational collapse. While I doubt PUAs will complain all that much, the MGTOWs tend to not shut up about it. Sorry MGTOWs, unless you are taking the risk and making better humans than yourself (i.e. having children), then you are complicit in the collapse.
    2) All three approaches will be needed. We should all fight for the future, but pick our battles carefully. GamerGate is a great example of option 3, along with Sad Puppies and the Beach Body Ready campaign. But the other two are just as legitimate given certain battles that we simply cannot win.
    3) Voting matters most locally. At a national level, politicians are bought and paid for. At a local and state level, you can better effect change. Plus, you’ll know the address of your local representative and you can bother them more directly.
    4) If you want the future civilization to be better than the current one or to restore the current one to greatness, then you need to have 3 or more children and homeschool them. Of all the things you can do, this is the most effect long-term strategy for success. Civilization requires heirs to carry it forward and these heirs need to be properly trained and nurtured in low time preference. Yes, there is a huge risk involved in this with divorce rape, but the rewards are much, much bigger. Think of it as an investment.

      1. Wife is working on #2 right now. My son is only 2 years old, so what education he gets is simple stuff. My wife says the second will be the last, but I doubt that. Women have more flexible minds when it comes to these things after all.

        1. Mark, a full article published by you on ROK on this topic (4) would be very insightful for many of us readers! i don’t have kids currently but i’m not ruling them out… however i am very skeptical of them receiving even an inkling of an education from US public schools (other than political-indoctrination, being introduced to the ‘culture’ of subhumans, and SJW bullshit).

    1. It depends on which state you live in. California’s state legislature has been so expertly jerrymandered as to ensure left-liberals have a permanent majority. The only elections that matter here are primaries, and even then there’s always one candidate who has the blessing of the party and gets all of the money.

      1. I heard there was an initiative to split California up into six different states. Is that going well or did it flop?

    2. 1) In my experience the children being produced today are of significantly inferior quality than their parents
      3) Voting matters most locally but governing matters most nationally. One reason I have never left my state and gone to another is that my biggest beefs with the government and the society are on the federal level. I mean, sure, moving from a state with a 3% income tax to a 0% income tax sounds great but my biggest beef is with the 50% that DC is taking which doesn’t change no matter where you go (and even if you emigrate)
      4) Spawning and raising kids is a time consuming and arduous task. One of the biggest reasons I have chosen not to have kids is because of the sacrifices it would require of me on a personal level. And it is a vicious cycle, so I raise 3 kids and tell them that the most important thing they can do is knock up a woman and have kids themselves, and so they focus on that and (keeping in mind #1) a few years down the road everything has gone to shit because you were too focused on being a dad and not fomenting change.

      1. I didn’t say you need to have kids, just that is the way you maintain and grow a civilization. I don’t care if you don’t wish to have children, but I do care if you are going to bitch about the downfall of civilization because you’re not participating in it and therefore have surrendered.

  25. Men did not destroy the system and hence have no obligation to fix it.
    Men trying to fix the system are like dogs who remain loyal no matter how much they’re abused. Some may view this as an admirable trait when it reality it’s just a highly exploitable one.

      1. Certainly not, I expect the decline to continue. I rebuke the notion that I, as a man, should waste my finite life on reviving a civilization hellbent on destroying itself.
        I have another 60 years, what happens after that isn’t my problem.

        1. Well just work on yourself brother. Be a leading light for other men to follow.

  26. Going “somewhere else” is not as easy as it seems. I’ve travelled a lot and I can tell you that no matter where you go, the “western vision” has been spread everywhere like toxic waste. From the deep northern province of Thailand to North/Central Africa or the inlands of Brazil, people are brainwashed by hollywood, the american dream, celebrities, consumerism, reality TV shows and of course feminism. South America? From my own experience with brazilian and colombian girls, they are just like every other girls, slutty gold diggers. They will fuck with you until they get what they really want: a green card or a EU passport.

    1. I disagree on the women being gold diggers.. I have met poor south American women and a couple of times entrusted them after just a day or two with a thousand dollars or so (it was sort of a test of humanity and also a practical thing I needed done at the same time) and instead of splitting with the cash and never seeing me again, they deposited my money and returned to see me, and have no interest in a green card or moving to America–in fact they see it as degenerate.
      But yes the western vision is spreading. What confounds me is that the west presents the worst of itself to these people (OK I do happen to like some of our films and consider Hollywood our last great industry but) McDonalds, KFC Starbucks providing shitty inferior food in countries that traditionally have fresh, delicious healthy food and instead of seeing that, they think Oh wow how great and modern and cool, let’s go eat a hormone burger at McD and instead of this sweet delicious local fruit juice lets drink Coca Cola until our teeth rot out.
      And then they praise the society that brought them this shit as if it were somehow an improvement to their quality of life. It makes no sense, and is another reason why I believe a monarch is needed to stop that shit from ever crossing his border, because he realizes it is bad for his people. You want a Big Mac? Fly to the US and buy one there.

  27. “Given the technological superiority of modern armies, any sort of violent uprising would be immediately crushed.”
    The results of the US backed Kiev Nazi puppet junta sending of the entire military of the Ukraine, as well as the Nazi “volunteer” storm-trooper battalions, against Novorussia suggest otherwise.
    What would be different would be the USA government’s nuclear stockpile and the highly probable willingness to drop nukes on restive and seceding areas of (white) Americans. (The Ukraine puppet Nazis have complained about the Ukraine having given their nukes away, twenty years ago, and therefore being unable to nuke the Russian ethnics).

  28. Solzhenitsyn: “history is not rational”
    History is cyclical, that which is happening now, has happened before and will happen again. Empires rise and fall, economies boom and bust, social mores relax and contract. Everything is in flux.
    One can ignore change, reject and resist change or accept and adapt to change. I tend to accept and adapt, that doesn’t mean I like it or approve, I just see little sense in resisting the unresistable. I don’t despair, because history is not rational, and the imbalances will be righted.

  29. Ain’t no fixing shit. This isn’t some fan fiction or a forum for talking about strategies to down a raid boss. Nothing gets done short of armed combat. Nothing nothing nothing so shut the fuck up unless you’re ready to throw down.
    Nobody here would give up their fast food and GTA V to lock and load and put themselves in danger so shut the fuck up.
    Yeah it’s all fucked but you’re all well fed. Try living abroad on no money and see what not knowing where your next meal is coming from is like. Then you’ll know what your priorities are.
    Not to be insulting but having cunty women is bad yea, but wait until they actually prevent you from eating. The minute women stop men from working and being able to feed themselves
    Is the minute you go Rambo.

    1. this. i think nihilism is just a more gently-worded, sugar-coated way of relating the ‘stfu’ approach.

    2. “Nobody here would give up their fast food and GTA V . . .”
      I fooled them, Grandma, I never had any.
      “Try living abroad on no money and see what not knowing where your next meal is coming from is like.”
      On the other hand, I can’t honestly say I’ve been there and done that. We always had the sea and, so long as you were willing to work for it, the sea always provided, although it did take its occasional sacrifice in payment.
      It’s only in a modern, American city with a Burger King no more than a minute’s walk away that I have not known where my next meal was coming from.
      ” . . .wait until they actually prevent you from eating.”
      OK, been there and done that. I walked and found something to eat. I keep the squirrel gun loaded and the only lock I need is proper control of my booger hook.

  30. ” . . . the Scottish referendum was the result of over ten years of dedicated effort. . .”
    . . .but in the aftermath of its stunning success proved worth it all.

        1. Point, Ireland would have been even more ‘successful’. It’s a good thing they came to their senses.

        2. 300 years of rebellion and tragedy to regain independence. 3 generations to allow it to be signed away and nobody seems to care. It’s a Brave New World.

    1. The Scottish referendum failed because the Scots didn’t want to lose the benefits of the British welfare state and because their women voted overwhelmingly in favor of union.
      In the US, the situation is different. If we could provide a new country with lower (or no) income tax at the price of losing Medicare and Social Security, I would like to think that lots of men would be willing to take that deal.

      1. Yes, the women voted union, but I think the more important thing to notice is that true Scots still voted independence. It was the immigrants who really tripped it for union.
        The Scots have already lost their country to the invaders.

  31. The only way america will get fixed is with a serious economic collapse, followed by a civil war or foreign invasion. With luck the reset button will get hit withen 10 years. The sooner the better.

  32. Why are we contemplating trying to breathe life back into the fetid carcass of fallen empire when Alaska, Mongolia, Antarctica, the oceans and the moon aren’t even fully colonized, yet? Better to move on to the next one than try and change the old one.

  33. Activity is dangerous. They will come for some of us, and it will be the most active. Wait, survive, and rebuild.

  34. Texas is the most likely state to secede from the union. There has always been an undercurrent of thought regarding succession. It has coastline, natural resources and streamlined government. Bring your guns and come on down!

    1. Been considering it for a while now. I understand that the local economy is strong and employment rates are high. Would you agree?

    2. Texas is way too big. Vermont or New Hampshire are the most likely, and their likelihood is in the single digits. Texas does have a strong economy and is growing, but no way can it develop the political will to (or will it be allowed to) secede.

    3. You do realize that Latinos (mainly Mexican) are close to being a plurality in that state? Just as they are in California and New Mexico right now and probably Arizona too around 2025-2030. So yes secession is a possibility but maybe not the kind some are thinking of.

    4. Secession, what a joke. An Ohio class submarine has the same firepower as 30,400 Hiroshima bombs. (45,600 kT) A single U.S. sub could lurk somewhere in the Pacific and kill everyone in Texas and make sure that nothing lives there for the next 3,000 years. You know, Texas couldn’t secede in the 1860s while acting in concert with ten other states. It sure as hell isn’t going to secede now. I wouldn’t doubt that Obama can blow up the Texas state capitol from his iPhone. Secession, what a foolish, clownish idea. Truly delusional.

  35. “While I understand why some men would want to take the nihilistic approach, I view it as a bit unmanly. “

  36. “While I understand why some men would want to take the nihilistic approach, I view it as a bit unmanly. ”
    A man does things to be more manly, he gets shamed and ridiculed by feminists and SJWs and hears how that is outdated,outmoded and unnecessary, he says “fuck it” and just walks away from that he gets called “unmanly”.
    Oop, am I “just whining and not taking action” now???

    1. Yeah, the feminists and SJWs tell us that we are outmoded. I really couldn’t care less what they think.
      Keep on doing the right thing. Our time will come.

      1. The right thing? The right thing is no longer being passive and “kind and praying for our enemies”. Not saying youure saying that, but many MRA fucks are.

        1. I am not MRA, but don’t be too harsh on them. They are trying to stick it to the feminists, a taste of their own medicine. The enemy of my enemy is my ally.

        2. They have to be civil to avoid being called a hate group. They are using politics as their weapon. Not just in the US, but many other countries as well.

  37. A man must come to grips with the fact that the solution does not lie within mankind. This website represents a fringe of mankind the so called red pill represents a few men who either always realized it where just awaken by the fact that society was going down the drain and we as men must wake up and change things. This is true but, it only compasses a sliver of the truth, while it does contain truth it focuses on other things that really don’t amount to a hill of beans like game or fitness or feminism. When one views feminism they must look at the fact that feminism comes from mans ultimate mistreatment of women if we are truly the head of society all faults sqaurley rest on mans shoulders. It is simply a reaction to something that inherently was flawed to begin with just as communism is to capitalism. So how do we in a flawed society being flawed ourselfs minimize our flaws. Some think the answer is education, others stronger leaders, this site says stronger men. But at the same time pedals game gurus a obvios snake oil apparatus, which only goal is to remove naive awkward men from there paychecks. What could fix society I think God being a born again Christian myself of course I must have a low iq to consider this option, but why is that a frowned upon solution. The theme of every movie nowadays is putting a human brain inside a computer and making our own God, who will somehow once able to comb the Internet written by men and in this space of infinity make better decisions and lead us to our salvation and fix the world. But out of flawed men comes flawed solutions. So by logic man cannot fix the world, in fact we are the only thing on the planet that is broken you never see a lion cry nature just fixes itself, man on the other hands solution are worse than the problems. How is it we are the most evolved animal and our so called cousins fair better than us if left alone it doesn’t make any sense

  38. We live in a world of lies. Ruled by false, puppet leaders, placed there by the true powers of this world (Bush and Obama family tree), dictated by an economy based on a false currency (Nixon Shock, Federal Reserve), our morals and values have gone out the window to give place to degenerate, demoralizing, destructive beliefs such as “gay pride”, “girl power”, “men are obsolete” and other bullshit, that is undermining our culture from it’s foundations.
    There is a reason the zombie apocalypse theme is so popular. Many of the men of this current generation see that the world has gone to shit, and there is no way back. Secretly, they wish the world would end, giving way to something new, something fresh, so we can start over, believing that nothing could be worse than the system we currently inhabit. And can we blame them? Or, even dismiss such beliefs as falsehoods?
    I see no way back. It’s too late to save this world, this system, and frankly, it doesn’t deserve salvation. Feminists, fags, manginas and white knights don’t deserve redemption. They, and the global elite pushing this lamentable agenda, have brought us to the ruin we are currently experiencing. The generation of fatherless boys, feminized, pulverized, defeated and beaten, with no role models, no mentors showing the way, lying awake at night, in quiet desperation, wondering what the fuck went wrong.
    We men must continue our ways. Continue improving, reading, lifting, learning new skills and improving ourselves. The moment will come when the collapse will be evident, and this house of cards will fall to shit. It is then that we will have our opportunity to unite, and take back our place in this world. When the shit hits the fan, it has always been us who rebuilt the world.
    After wars, catastrophes and destruction, men have created new worlds out of the ashes, with nothing but hope and the sweat of their brows. It has happened before and it will happen again. Do not lose hope, and stay strong, because nothing as sick as this can live forever.

  39. I think it is beyond repair, but I do think in some places we need to vocalize what and why we think things are broken. We need to voice our disgust towards feminists and we need to challenge people that are advancing that cause. This type of thing started a bit in the 60s but reversed. I think the more we can let the young guys today know the truth and how they need to approach it rather than how they are being told the better off we’ll be. If a majority of men start not putting up with the crap it would change… and it would change for the better.

  40. The majority of people in the manosphere fall under option 2. That’s headed in the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough. There cannot be change if we are content with a harem and small business where no one tells us what to do. Weak ambition like that should not be considered ambition at all.
    The notion of hoping an ideal candidate comes around to represent us, or slow the decaying of society is inherently contrary. A man should never look outside himself (or chosen group) for the solutions to his problems. Seceding from the nation is likewise childish fantasy, I don’t know what that’s about.
    Stop being content with your small business. Go into industries where there is growth potential. Work your way into the Fortune 1000. Work your way into the Fortune 500. Develop a solid reputation. Seek out public office or other positions of influence. That is far more proactive and has far more potential than the above.
    POWER matters most. Power built upon intellect and decisiveness, attributes the manosphere has been shown to possess. Do not play the liberalism game. We will not capture major media and we will not win fighting on the same platforms on feminism.
    But we WILL win attacking major industries with growth potential. Placing our businesses where our will and actions translate into effects on society. Letting our manospherian values drive us, while hiding them so we can secure public offices.
    Every power elite in history was composed of a small demographic, driven by its unpopular values. Somewhere among us (I’m surely one) are those with enough self-power, intellect, and ambition to represent this group and pull up others within.
    If you can put on 80 pounds of muscle or get 10 lays in one week you can study for 3 years, devote the next 5 – 10 to growing a business, and then do what I’m saying here.

  41. I don’t think we have to be so pessimistic. Look how quickly the Soviet Union fell. For decades it appeared to be a superpower that threatened world domination. Then within 15 years communism went from its pinnacle at the Fall of Saigon to the collapse of the Soviet Union and communism almost world wide.
    When it fell, it fell almost overnight. And it fell for the exact same reasons the US is suffering: it ran out of Other People’s Money to spend. A few brave voices stood up and called “bullshit” on the whole system, from Lech Walesa to Vaclav Havel, to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
    That I think is the model to use for change: living in truth as Vaclav Havel said and did. Say what you really see is going on, because you will be surprised how many people feel just the way you do. I recommend Havel’s essay “The Power of the Powerless”:
    You will be amazed how similar it all sounds. People won’t speak out because they fear losing their livelihoods, because they are afraid their children will lose opportunities if they are labeled as dissidents. I think that is where one should look for a model of overthrowing Socialist/Communist tyranny, which is what the SJW really are. This has all happened before, in Eastern Europe from 1917 to 1989, and when it went down it went fast with minimal bloodshed. People everywhere are really sick of it, but you don’t hear from them because they are busy working and raising their children all day, not giving commentary on MSNBC or blogging for Gawker.

    1. The fact that the Soviet bloc fell overnight should tell you something. First, it was brought down by the same people who created and secondly, it was helped by the fact that the majority of people were looking at the west and dreaming about it. Today, the majority of people in the west do not have a model to aspire to.
      Big difference. Don’t hold your breath.

      1. Not to mention, that depending on perspective, the Iron Curtain seems to be returning with much fanfare only a short couple of decades after it fell.

  42. Or we could leave the west. America isn’t as hyped up as it’s made out to be. Let the SWJ’s, Feminst, and white knights destroy what they’re building themselves. They made their beds, now they gotta lie in them.

  43. Hillary will have a good chance of winning the next election. Not because she’s good, but because the Conservatives will field a bunch of idiots yet again. See for yourself. It’s already happening.

  44. Michael Sebastian in many respects we share the same sentiments on this.
    I am a combination of the 2nd and 3rd type you described: a person who focuses on improving the self and the state of those within his close proximity, yet still engages in the routine process of American sociopolitical interaction with the fundamental understanding however, that it ultimately will mean nothing.
    The efforts of those who solely subscribe to option 3 can best be defined in the example of Sisyphus, where he was punished by the gods to roll a boulder uphill for all eternity.
    American progress achieved against unamerican progressivism ultimately amounts to nothing more effective than rolling a boulder uphill step by step in order to keep the United States from being crushed at the bottom.
    You will never be stronger than the boulder, because the boulder unlike you, does not tire.
    The efforts therefore, are futile.
    This by no means indicates we should stop fighting, just to motivate those to focus on a better reason FOR fighting.
    You should not be fighting for something that history shows will be destroyed anyway, just as every great civilization has been destroyed by counterculturism.
    Fight to disconnect those from the matrix. Fight to gather the means and resources needed to build anew. To build better and stronger than before.
    There are those who are apathetic and seek nothing more than interim pleasure before the world burns. They are already dead, they just don’t care.
    There are those who want to watch the city burn just to say “i told you so” to those around them. They have already lost, they just don’t realize it.
    Then there are those who do their best to insulate themselves from the fire that is coming…they watch they wait and plan and prepare, and help do so for others.
    They don’t want to watch the world burn, they just want to be ready for it when it does.
    The last one is which i strongly encourage you all to be. There is less time to do so than you think, regardless of where you consider home but especially, here.
    America is one of the last great bastions of true freedom in the world. Not to deliberately slight other nations but, the great experiment conducted here has never been achieved elsewhere. Despite the fact that we no longer resemble what we were meant to be, there are many places in the world that are far worse, which is why despite it all so many people still flock to our shores.
    And still the boulder gains ground…
    America as a nation is lost, but America as an ideal can be recycled and improved through the type of individuals that helped create it in the first place; those for whom inspiration is drawn from up above, but not necessarily solely from that direction.
    Allow me to further elaborate.
    I could list the many reasons how this nation is on a downward spiral (obama, corruption in both D and R’s, etc) but only one to define why: It’s not simply a matter of Obama and his prog cronies or a droit politicians occupying the upper echelons of power, it’s actually worse than that.
    For an autocrat like Obama (or similar others) to come to power, he must first have the support of the masses that wish him to be in power.
    Regardless of the shadow initiative that likely helped place him in that position, no true ruler can hold a rule for long unless the masses consent to his rule through force or pandering, and given that a sizable majority of Americans economically consent to his rule (the poor) and that a considerable number of religious Americans defend his rule (Blacks) his support is stronger than it should be, than it deserves to be, and would be were it not for the efficient misinformation that was transmitted about him and about his views, thanks in no small part to what was once considered the 4th wall of Constitutional integrity aka the mainstream media.
    Nowadays they are more accurately described as the mainstream disinformation media, and for good cause.
    …and still the boulder gains ground…
    Obama is by no means an intellectual, but someone must have read him a passage from Machiavelli’s “The Prince” specifically where Niccolo lists that a Prince may rule through many effective options but some of the best include ruling by legal criminality and making the people feel that they need him, two things which the Obama administration displays in droves.
    Those who vote religiously republican are hardly any better. The most recent capture of the Senate by the republicans highlights the fact that, even if every patriot minded American were to vote for the best conservative, the establishment republicans would simply push by conceit and deceit their Man to power, as they did with romney, as they will with Jeb. Look no further than the republican leadership’s capitulation on amnesty immigration and obamacare, despite their vociferous pre election pledges to rigourously oppose both.
    …and still the boulder gains ground…
    In the end the rank and file who vote R religiously will whine piss bitch and moan about voting for a rino but will do so anyway, because in their mind it’s enough that their hearts were in the right place, because they voted for the lesser of two evils.
    …and still the boulder gains ground…
    This therefore highlights the fundamental problem that causes someone like Obama to exist and the republican leadership to continue to exist:
    In the timeless words of Walt Kelly: “we have met the enemy, and he is us”
    Prior to the most recent technological advances, before the advent of methods which facilitated communication, the greatest enemy we had to fear was the one beyond our borders.
    Nowadays the ease at which people can receive and then send information, as well as misinformation, has bred a nation of lotus eaters who are content to be told what to think, so long as they can be allowed to do whatever they want, regardless of the behavior. Libraries have themselves ironically become outdated monuments, which are visited mostly by the nostalgic and those seeking free wi-fi and instantaneous information. Very few of us are immune from the effects of instantaneous information…when was the last time you physically went to check out a library book?
    No one is naive enough to think that vices that are paraded today did not exist yesteryear, however the difference is that in years past these vices were practiced in private and away from public exposure. To have them exposed would be a thing of shame, which is why families would do their best to conceal even something as seemingly innocuous as the existence of a single Mother from their neighbors, for instance. Instantaneous information has helped to not just bring these formerly private lifestyle vices to light, it has helped to legitimize them, through misinformation campaigns.
    Back then people were far more involved within their community out of tradition and necessity, since instantaneous methods of communication existed one way: from tv to the viewer and radio to the viewer. The telephone for its part still limited people to one on one communications as well.
    Today obviously, this is no longer true. Information has become as easy to transmit as air is to exhale, and the type of information transmitted therefore has the potential to influence to such an exponential degree that it would make even the modest “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast pale in comparison.
    The hysteria behind Y2K is a more recent example, but if you have been paying attention to the surroundings within your United States, you could recognize others still.
    Recent History shows that there is a very real war being waged against the American people by those calling themselves Americans, using the weapon of misinformation as the means.
    It is a weapon those on the left have created, and those on the so called right have mastered.
    It evokes Sun Tzu, when he basically said that “All warfare is based on deception”
    The cold war being waged by so called Americans on American soil against other Americans is undeniable. It has led to people becoming intellectually impoverished as they entrust in those that resemble them physically and spiritually to lead them, and lead them to their ruin.
    To put a spin on an old saying: “give a Man a gun and he will fight for you all day but turn a Man into a gun and he will fight for you for the rest of his life.”
    Our public schools and schools of so called higher thought are churning out useful idiot foot soldiers who fight for the ideals of the Statists precisely because of the years of misinformation fed into their minds thanks to the architects of disinformation.
    Those on the right who are aware of Statism of the left yet still vote for Statism on the right only have a partial western facing understanding of the war being waged against them, and their potential effectiveness is therefore stunted as a result. They are no more useful than umbrellas in the desert.
    …and still the boulder gains ground…
    This is why, with regard to Americans like myself and many others here, we still engage in option 3 despite the fact that our heart is in option 2 because we know that one day, it will all result in option 1 anyway.
    I take heart that in the greatest battle on the battlefield that is yet to come, i will likely meet some of you if not some like you there as brothers in arms: Men of courage honor and conviction, skill salience and tenacity, Men of not just seasons but ages as well.
    I look forward to the day when we stop the world from burning because there is nothing left to burn, and build it better than before.
    …the boulder always wins. Let it go.

  45. It has always seemed to me that the root of most societal problems is bigotry. Feminism is, by far, the most predominant form of institutionalized bigotry in the U.S. As bigots, they are similar to the Nazis (religious bigotry) and the KKK (racial bigotry), so history is against feminism (gender bigotry). How soon they are outcast is really up to those who choose not to tolerate feminists and anyone who supports them.
    So in relation to the article, I’d say number 3 is still a viable option, combined with the self improvement aspects of option 2.

    1. While I understand your point, a problem I see is you’re describing the problem and resolution using the standard Marxist framework and terminology, i.e. “bigotry”. We have to move away from that pattern of thinking to return to a traditional society.
      Feminism is an assault on the natural order of men and women roles and the traditional family unit which allowed Western Civilization to flourish ànd excel. Feminism is destructive to a healthy society and must be rejected on that basis.

      1. I’m pretty sure that the word and concept of bigotry is not rooted in Marxism. Regardless, semantic arguments are rarely anything more than pointless contrarianism.
        Bigotry is a word and concept that describes mentalities, words, and actions that are motivated by prejudice and intolerance. This is what feminism is and needs to be exposed as such. Most people believe feminism is a type of liberation movement, but it is not. It is a form of bigotry.
        But in the spirit of limiting one’s vocabulary, I will rephrase: Feminism is double plus bad.

  46. “the nihilistic approach, I view it as a bit unmanly”
    It’s not my job to fix what I did not break.

    1. they drive the car full speed against a wall and expect me to do something? no, you wanted it, you got it sodom. i only fix things that are in my path, im not going against governments LOL they throw you in prison. for what? for the fight of justice? there is no justice here.

    2. Pussy.
      This is your life and your society and culture, whether you want it or not. You have a life available to you to change things in a manner that benefits you. Throwing up the middle finger and sitting on your ass is nothing but cowardice. Life is what you make it, giving up before even trying is the coward’s choice.

      1. He’s not a coward. He’s a realist. There is very little an individual can do at this point. If you charge up the hill at the enemy just look behind you and find that you are alone. We shame and browbeat too much. I’d rather give manly encouragement. Right now our options are between slim and none. The best you can do is to try to live your life as best you can on your own terms. Even that simple idea can be a leviathan task. No, I didn’t make this mess either and I’m coming at it much older than most here.

        1. No, he’s a coward. Any man not willing to fight for the world he wants, who shrugs and does the emo-hipster bullshit “All da world’s agin me, I ain’t even gonna try” has no place at the table, in my view.

        2. What about another unnamed option, the annihilationist? So not just the “enjoy the decline” mentality, but shit drill a few more holes so the boat sinks faster. Realizing that the corpse on life support is still just a corpse, so actively take off the life support. Mind you I’m not going with the open lone gun man rebellion route, but is there any merit in doing things to accelerate the destruction so that the next society can build atop the corpse of the current one sooner?

        3. Maybe he’s fighting for the world and the life he wants to lead yet you bully browbeat and call him a coward. He gave no indication of running from anything other than to say it isn’t his job to fix something he didn’t break. Something irretrievably broken I might add. I realize that you are probably somewhere between Nos 1-3 in popularity here. I have given many of your posts a rep and probably will continue to do so. Perhaps in real life you are as tough as your internet persona. I wouldn’t dare call you a name because I just don’t know you. Maybe you are big balls bad and brave for all I know. I’ve known a few guys like that myself. Very few. The best any man can do in this dying culture and civilization is be as true to himself as possible. I leave the save the world types for the fucking liberals. Save yourself and those dear to you if you can and if you dare. As for me I would look a man in the eye and try to gauge him before questioning his bravery.

      2. Yea yea, retard. You can waste your life swimming against the current but I will not. And in the end, we will have both accomplished the same thing.

        1. Give up, that’s fine. It’s still cowardice.

    3. “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are
      evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” -Albert Einstein

  47. Turning manginas is one thing to do. Insulting or demeaning them on the getgo us not the solution however as manginas are the usual stock of anti-religion, hate redneck or any group that closes their ears when they hear something politically incorrect or rancid to their reputation because face it one becomes a mangina or SJW to build and protect a very fragile reputation and public image. Make a manosphere that make them adore to be a part of one of good endearment and brotherly sense while promises of forging them into strong minded men. Manginas still have respect for men of action such as military types, weightlifters, MMA fighters, James Bondesque types etc.
    Recruiting them requires positive reinforcement of the nitty gritty kind. Bringing an air of superiority to them only makes them turn to an easier source of interest such as being a mangina. Stop demeaning and looking down at other men we must stick together because damn if women would bring us together.

  48. Uh, the Confederate states did leave via a diplomatic process. Lincoln decided he didn’t like it and declared war to preserve the union. States cannot leave, even diplomatically.

    1. Yes, and the US government of the 1860s was far more weak and benevolent than the violent cryptostate / military junta that we have today. The reaction would be swift and violent.

      1. Millions of valorous souls like this dude here can put up more than a protracted stubborn resistance against the gubmint.

        1. There is a valid point when one considers that the gargantuan US military has been unable to conquer Iraq in 15 years of warfare. I think it would have a far harder job back home. The question is, would enough people oppose it?

      2. You have to consider how much of the active military force considers themselves “red pill” & would join the cause & turn on the gov’t when it came down to it.

        1. I get the impression most of the real badass guys are either A. idealistic and therefore more loyal to the people than to the government or B. cynical and therefore not necessarily loyal to ‘the people’ but sure as shit not loyal to the government.
          Nobody trusts the government any more- except chicks and chumps.

  49. Secession via democratic process? No violence? You mean so the union can come in and crush the democratic secession? Just like the civil war? And why are you worshipping at the alter of democracy? Mob rule isn’t a virtue.

  50. “There is always the possibility that every now and then we could elect a true leader who has a spine and who cannot be bought.”
    The words of Simon Cameron come to mind …

  51. “A more direct attack on the culture is to try to spread traditional
    ideas using the same methods that have been used by the SJWs to spread
    their progressive ideas.”
    This is the best path in my opinion. There is nothing magical or mystical about what the SJW’s have done, and frankly if you talk to most people the vast majority of them despise SJW’s and their “causes”. Empower them by spreading our memes and the effects will be devastating. The SJW’s exist only because we have not loudly opposed them. Give the common man a voice and all of this lunacy ends overnight.

    1. It will be like calling bullshit on the fake SJW fire. We have to yell and call ‘bullshit’ louder and more clearly than the screaming hens and panicked bellowing walruses in the theater. Then we have to spotlight and call out the mischievous sum boogers that keep pulling the fire alarms. They will continue like a bunch of pathologic bart simpson/social facists on crazy dust. We establish apartheid from them once isolated and precipitated. If they remain integrated then another millennial cycle of slavery begins where the table turns ON THEM. We can declare that we need no slaves. The uber man can do all without little bitchboy sidekicks. Don’t know if we have evolved to that point yet. My woman does the side help here. Works for me.

    2. Robert the Bruce did that with Edward II in defending Scotish independence. Called “tit for tat.” Keep burning the enemy’s lands every time he attack you until he quit.

  52. Anybody else think that face on the big indoctrination screen to the article picture look like Dr. Phil?

  53. Nothing we can do to beat a billion $ feminazy propaganda machine controlled by jews.
    Most peolpe are sheep and the only way to change their mind is to spend billions of $ on propaganda. The jews are already doing it so you cannot get over them. THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO IS TO HACK THIS SHIT WORLD.

  54. Another possibility is beginning to approach reality: escape from Earth itself. Elon Musk is dedicated to this objective, and he just might have the wherewithal and vision to bring it off.

  55. Reading these comments it seems that everyone has their own idea of the “correct” method. However I must say, I’m glad we’ve got the dialogue flowing. We are so fortunate to have this channel open to say whatever the fuck we want, right or wrong. The fate of conservative, right-wing values lies in our hands. The well-being of your mothers, brothers, children, dogs, cats rests in OUR hands. It won’t be the whiny feminists or the manginas that fix this shit. Victory belongs to the strong, both physically and mentally. I recognize all of your pains in myself. I believe ROK and the manosphere (heh.. such a goofy name for this awesome community IMO) is at the forefront of something huge. I doubt Roosh had any idea his little PUA site would become this influential.

  56. I would not just focus on starting a family. I would focus on creating a small tribe of like-minded people much like the Mormons on the Long Trek or like the libertarians who are starting a few colonies in South America or other places. This create a social network that can aid you in need and provide mates for your children. This create a counter culture much like the villages formed in the dark ages after Justine’s wars that destroyed the West in a vain effort to preserve the Empire.

  57. I think the best thing to do first is to push through laws that make a “Pre-Nup” worth the paper it is printed on. “Defense of Marriage” for real and tell the Republicans if they don’t work for it they lose your vote and you work against them.
    We need to make a pre-nup law not a joke for non 1%ers. Too many
    worthy people are not reproducing while the inferiors are breeding like
    rabbits. The main reason is the “no fault divorce” and destroy the male
    divorce courts. This has to be reversed immediately.
    Make a gender neutral language that puts a proper marriage contract witnessed by a lawyer with a notary public to sign off on totally binding in court. Tie the Judge’s hands so the usual problems namely the whiny parasite woman would get maybe the clothes on her back if she cheats/leaves.
    It’d work both ways; Some Man-Gina wants to sign a yellow dog marriage contract so his wife gets to walk on him then on weekends she gets to let several African American studs do her while he crawls on the floor in a pink tutu then they rough him a bit and dump #2 on him while he apologizes for the white male patriarchy… Hey, I’m “Liberal” and all for “legitimate alternative Death – er – Lifestyles” long as they aren’t forced on me. True love, isn’t it grand? Cr-p on him extra hard and give him another kick just for me, Rakim!
    But by far it’ll hold a lot of marriages together simply by making the woman think ten times before running off or cheating. And again I’m fair, it’d bind a man too depending on the language. But most agreements will be “Do NOT cheat on me. If we break up, don’t think you can keep my house or my car. Any kids we share responsibility, but I don’t float you, if you can’t make it I take them.” which if there’s a problem getting into there should be no wedding.

  58. I’m leaning towards approach #2. Improve your own life first, worry about the world later.

  59. A sound strategy to adopt would be to boycott Cable Television in its entirety. Citizens could keep their money and impede progressive campaigns in the process.
    If implemented the Culture War would tip in our favor in more ways than one. The effect on their ability to spread propaganda would be devastating.
    That is the simplest way to neuter the Media on tv. If no one subscribed to Cable any longer then the legitimacy of their news coverage could be ignored outright. They wouldn’t have a dog in the fight at that point.

  60. Humhhh…
    Supporting Good Candidates
    Some men have given up on supporting and voting for good candidates
    because in practice, things change very little. While it is true that
    voting for a conservative candidate probably will not make much
    difference, it is still a good idea. Conservative politicians tend to
    implement progressive ideas more slowly than progressive politicians do.
    And there is always the possibility that every now and then we could
    elect a true leader who has a spine and who cannot be bought. If that
    happens, he may even be able to reverse some of the decay that is
    afflicting us.
    I don’t think that electing good candidates will result in victory,
    but it is an effective way of slowing the enemy down long enough to
    muster our forces.
    It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who
    cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide
    Joseph Stalin

  61. Not sure what the “legacy of slavery” bit has to do with anything – black Americans were better off forty years ago then they are today, and slavery had nothing to do with the evisceration of their family structure we’re witnessing today. That was pure, SJW busybody intervention.
    As for political candidates who can’t be bought, show me one “conservative” or even “libertarian” at the national level who, for example, hasn’t been forced to kneel at AIPAC’s altar. They all have to be bought by someone to get elected.
    But I’m with you on the self improvement angle and – generally – that voting for the least-liberal candidate at least (and at best, really) offers the possibility of buying some more time before the inevitable collapse.

  62. Great article – but ultimately, I believe in active change because the source of our problems is deceptively simple and once you know what it is, it’s actually easy to change the culture. The reason we in America find ourselves in this position is because of our falling away from God and Jesus Christ. If we all got right with God and followed Him, then all of the problems that we have (feminism, socialism, corruption, materialism, etc.) would die away. Why? Because it all comes down to sin; when we all collectively sin, a society will go down the toilet and that’s what’s happened every time throughout history. That’s why change starts with each individual person first. That’s what the Gospel message of Jesus Christ dying for our sins and transforming our hearts and minds so we can be more like Him (i.e. selfless instead of selfish) is all about. Without Him, we’re lost.

  63. The harder you work, the more your taxes go to support the current shit show. You’re busting your ass so SJWs can have safe spaces from which to demonize straight White men. As long as (your) money is rolling in, all this goes on and on and gets worse by the day. I remember reading somewhere a divorced man describing paying alimony as being forced to write a cheque for $3000 every month to your worst enemy. Same principle here; so relax, enjoy your life on your terms and let the beta chump next to you pick up your slack.
    Why wait for the revolution to come, start being an active subversive now.

  64. Stop using the same shaming tactics that women use. There is not such a thing as a unmanly man.
    No one, neither a man or a woman, has to tell you how to be a man, because if you were born a man you will be always a man regardless of what you do or what you say.
    Don’t let others manipulate you. Your masculinity does not depends of the approval of others. Be just who you want to be.
    This manliness crap is the way women have manipulated men since long time before feminism even existed as a concept. Patriarchy? Don’t make me laugh, they were always the women who dominated men.
    We men have always been disposable tools for women. But now we are in the know. Let this system burn to the ashes. I don’t care.

  65. I think political secession is a moot point, but a better option exists. A group of men could feasibly get together and just set up their own voluntary society. Everyone in the group plays by the group’s rules. As they bring others in and breed more kids, the group grows. One day, the new group is bigger than the old group, and the old group becomes irrelevant.
    That’s how the Christians finally dropped Rome, and it’s how things will happen again for us.

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