Why Emigrating To Toronto Is A Bad Choice For Successful And Ambitious Men

I firmly believe that immigrating to the province of Ontario is a bad choice for men who are considered successful and ambitious in their home countries. My main focus will be on the topic of immigration to major cities in Ontario such as Toronto, because at least 100,000 people move to Toronto on an annual basis searching for a better life.

Feminism in Toronto

Feminism in Toronto creates paranoia.

Feminism in Toronto creates paranoia.

It is already known that Toronto is a highly feminist society, and using Roosh’s DEFCOCK scale, Toronto might be at the DEFCOCK 1.5 level. In his Youtube video response “A message to the people who love Toronto,” Roosh claims that the responses he received from Torontonians ranged from name-calling to personal attacks on his character.

What was interesting was that he pointed out that any criticism of Toronto is faced with a risk of getting disproportionately bashed and shamed. This suggests that there is a brainwashing campaign afoot in Toronto, where any form of criticism against Toronto (especially the women) is considered “offensive,” despite being rooted in the many subjective experiences of countless men.

Propaganda hides the inconvenient truth about Toronto

slutwalk toronto

It appears that the Toronto residents who disagree with ROK’s stance are doing so partly because of the message that the media, government, and academic institutions are constantly feeding them about their home. One must understand that good PR campaigns about Toronto are vital for its immigration industry.

It is known that prospective immigrants have to carry a certain amount of money in savings in order to immigrate to Ontario, roughly $10,000 Canadian dollars. This means that immigrants bring money into the province, which will be used to stimulate the stagnant economy of Ontario, where manufacturing once thrived before the 2008 economic recession.

Toronto is the capital of Ontario. Therefore, articles and newspapers that discuss about the poor state of dating and social life in Toronto are topics that usually get censored. Negative publicity about Canada will affect the immigration industry because if a prospective male immigrant from a foreign country reads the truth about Toronto’s women, he will certainly think twice before booking that flight to Canada.

The censorship of politically incorrect statements

There also appears to be a form of censorship going on behind the scenes. One instance of negative publicity occurred when the NotCanada.com website was formed to warn potential immigrants to Canada that skilled people ended up working in low wage jobs because their credentials were not recognized. In addition, the NotCanada website contained testimonies and complaints from immigrants that Canada is not the paradise as it advertises itself on the media.

However, the NotCanada.com website was mysteriously taken down after a news agency made a documentary about the plight of immigrants to Canada. One of its articles can be found here, but the website is not even available on internet archives — it is “excluded” from the Wayback Machine. It can be safely said that any website which criticizes the feminist movement in Toronto will continue to be the target of SJW blowback.

In a healthy democracy, opposing topics such as the poor state of the dating market in Toronto, the rude behaviour of women in Toronto, and the insanity of feminism in Toronto must be allowed for discussion. However, it appears that these types of opposing viewpoints are not tolerated. At many universities in Toronto, criticism of feminism is viewed as hate speech, yet feminists are allowed to assemble and cause disruptions to Men’s Rights meetings as they did back in 2012.

The high cost of living and boring culture

Many Canadian employers do not recognize foreign work experience.

Many Canadian employers do not recognize foreign work experience.

The cost of living is so high in Toronto that it will be very difficult to save money on a minimum wage. There is currently a housing bubble in Toronto which makes housing and accommodation costs very expensive as compared to other cities around the world.

Additionally, Toronto is known by many immigrants as a boring city because of a lack of identity and culture. In other words, a man will have his status degraded, forced to work menial jobs, and live a boring life, all under the watch of man-hating feminists. Where can we sign up?

Closing Remarks

Men really need to avoid Toronto at all costs. This is why I’m planning to get out from Toronto and live somewhere else at the earliest opportunity. There is something very wrong with Toronto, and it will only continue to get worse for men.

Trust me; you don’t want to experience the feminist tyranny in Toronto. You will be glad you avoided moving to this city.

Read More: Why I Moved From Toronto To Montreal

300 thoughts on “Why Emigrating To Toronto Is A Bad Choice For Successful And Ambitious Men”

  1. I’m a bit confused about this article….Why would someone that is already successful where they live even consider moving to Toronto to begin with?

    1. i, for one, want to set up some online business so that i can travel around in a few years. it’s ironic coming from me who has always lived at the same place, but i really feel like cutting strings and being a bit more “homeless”.

      1. Do you mind sharing what kind of online business you would do? I always hear people say “online business” but that’s very vague. I’d love to find a way to make money online that allowed me to travel the world.

        1. “I’d love to find a way to make money online”
          Couple of fake tits, yoga pants, and an Instagram account is all you need. Oh wait…

        2. i am a web developer and i want to do it through drop shipping / afiiliate. to do it without web programming skills is a bit harder, because you just can’t do it any possible way that gets into your head.
          i’m also blogging to get a feeling for what people like and to get a sense of identity. it’s really great to see visitor numbers go up after a few months, even when i don’t think the current project is headed into any big spheres.

        3. Can I see your blog? What do you write about? Is blogging really a great source of income? I know if you have a large number of visitors like ROK does, you could make good money, but I am curious how much does ROK make a month.

        4. it’s linked in my disqus profile: manwithoutfather.com
          i don’t think i’ll be making money with it anytime soon. my thoughts and thus articles are not good enough yet, but i like seeing how it develops. also, the more you publish, the more you get from google (i’m now getting about 20 visits from google a day).
          originally, i tried amazon affiliate on my blog, but amazon busted me for having pictures of naked breasts on there. i decided to let it go and start a different project for money.
          to conclude, making money through the content you write on blogs is hard and improbable, unless you really have something great to offer. you have to really think the process through. mike cernovich wrote a good article on that topic:
          i doubt rok is making a ton of money. what from? having visitors doesn’t earn you anything per se. they do make money through sponsored articles, as many bemoan, but even that isn’t enough to get rich, considering that there are multiple persons working on it. see here:

          Reach A Predominately American Male Audience With ROK Sponsored Articles

        5. I think a blog can be monetized effectively (if and thats a big if) it caters to a broad enough niche that is NOT being currently filled. If the niche is too small it won’t work.

        6. Nonsense, we’re all millionaires. I’m typing this from my solid gold keyboard right now 🙂

    2. The dollar and the advertisement of further opportunities for growth.
      Canada markets itself to educated/relatively affluent immigrants very aggressively but forgets to mention that their background and credentials will not be recognized.

      1. This is true. My family emigrated to Canada back in the late 80s and they were assured there was demand for their professions. That turned out to be a lie. Thanks to various union and professional organization rackets, you won’t be getting any job until you get a Canadian education in your field. What this means is you basically have to repeat your whole education in Canadian schools. But the clothing factories (while there still were some) were hiring so that is where most immigrants end up. And that is what the government wants.
        A prevalent joke here is that Toronto has the world’s most educated cab drivers.

        1. “What this means is you basically have to repeat your whole education in Canadian schools.”
          Does that include fields like medicine and engineering?

        2. This has only started happening in the last few years though, Medical graduates from other countries were accepted until recently due to the influx of medical graduates and so few residency spots being available.

      2. This is a fact. My parents were conned by the Canadian government to move there. There home country was undergoing increasing stability issues with the fall of communism and the canadian government pitched it to them as a safe heaven where they’d earn more money and all their credentials be recognized and it would be the land of milk and honey and you’d have to be a fool to not jump on the opportunity.
        My mom was a hotel executive when tourism was just taking off and dad ran real estate and securit firms for mining companies.
        30 years later they both regret the move, their home country has improved substantially and they would probably be multimillionaires several times over had they stayed.
        And yes they both had to go back to school. What you managed 15,000 people across 5 countries. No you have to go back to school and get canadian experience. What you ran a security firm overseeing 100 employees over a dozen mines, no you need canadian experience.

  2. Is Toronto that bad? Can’t be worse than Washington D.C.?

    1. I wont go into another rant here…
      Because I’ve already been in a rant on another site for like a year.
      If anyone wants to sift through this there are testimonials from immigrants about the massive difference between expectations and reality. And yours truly telling everyone how dumb they are.
      EDIT – I just looked back at this. This forum used to have years-worth of posts but they cropped it. Too much bitter truth for one webpage I think…

      1. #Beatrice on Mar 21, 2015 :
        #Clark Kent you are angry because you can’t get laid. Women in Toronto have standards because my body is my body, not for your eyes to starerape me.
        Her body is her body, Kent. Don’t stare rape.

        1. Don’t stare rape…..says the fat girl with half of a doughnut sticking out of her mouth.
          Yeah, all that sexuality coming off of her, Clark.

        2. This is probably the funniest comment I have read here this year. Kudos!

        3. You need to look in the nooks and crannies. Lots of decent tail to be had in TDot.

        4. I never got the claim you are just angry because you can;t get laid. So, that is like saying you are just angry because you cannot get money. Well when else am I suppose to be angry when I have a pool full of money and 6 women in my bed?

      2. I just perused through some of the comments section there. Amazing. We should attack it. That comments section is perfect validation of this site. Wow:

      3. #Julie on May 14, 2015 :
        At least half the BMO stadium seating should be for women only where women can sit without being sexually harassed and raped.
        As it is now, the stadium is designed by the patriarchy to be mysoginistic and hateful against women being the oppressed gender where women need a safe space from the mysoginist rapists.
        I’m not sure if she’s serious or trolling? lol

        1. If that shit was what a female typed in, logic is out of the windows… whether it was written by a girl or a guy, consider it as a dog barking on the street…. it’s going to fall into deaf ears because any sensible person is going to see that as a bullshit.

        2. Pretty sure some of the extreme comments are trolls.
          But everything the ROK author said is true.
          Toronto has certain charming qualities but after a few winters you will wonder why you’re working so hard to struggle financially and socially.

        3. I had some students from South America on a bus with me in February. It was fucking hilarious: “I have never been this cold in my life!” It was 30 below that day. The thing is, 30 below is nothing as long as the sun is shining. But now you can’t fucking toboggan without someone getting on your ass that it is the same as child abuse.

        4. Did said students come to Canada expecting it to be really not that cold? And why didn’t they bundle yup with warmer clothing?

        5. I have no idea what they were thinking. It is just a humorous anecdote about watching a couple of subtropical nummies trying to deal with a Canadian winter.

      4. I was born and raised there. I have buttered my bread here in China but if you are seriously going to OCAD then I can try to hook you up with the absolutely unattainable (as envisioned else where) or some of the more modestly beautiful girls there.
        I will be back in TDot in August, perhaps with wife in tow. We should break bread.
        Toronto has some awesome women but none of them are from there.

        1. Exactly. The coolest women I’ve dated here are from other places… Before they get swept up by the local culture.

        2. I have a friend and his fiancee both saving up to go to OCAD, and they are pretty bent on it. What can I say to warn my ally?

        3. Toronto doesn’t really have a “local culture”. The problem is the universities. The young girls get all fucked up by their gay liberal progressive professors. The ones who are past that and move to the city for a job opportunity tend to be DTF and like to chill on the Danforth or Bloor with a martini and some ethnic food.

        4. OCAD is full of hotties and fags . Good school. Tell them to go for it but she will have to watch him like a hawk because there is so much poon there.

        5. 100%
          Couple days ago a South African black barrista bought my espresso for me and was making friendly at the cash register. One of her female co-workers came and interrupted while we were talking and her facial expression said loud and clear “You seriously couldn’t wait 5 seconds to ask me this stupid question?”
          A native Toronto girl would never in a million years go out of her way to flirt with a random cute guy. Girls from out of town have a completely different attitude towards men.

        6. My impression so far as a non-student is that OCAD is so hardcore left-wing that any normal guy with his shit more-or-less together stands out as a rock-star.
          My only qualms with it so far are that I don’t know what the ROI is for the education/connections. But it seems like there is potential.
          From what I’ve seen the industrial design program looks pretty solid, digital futures looks interesting, and inclusive-design has the potential for real backing from the private sector.
          I’m working for a prof that moved to OCAD from Carnegie Melon in the US and he seems to think that OCAD has a lot of potential to grow. My 0.02.

        7. Vancouver is its own la la land because people – and women in particular – choose to move and live there out of some airy fairy fantasy. Maybe it is just a left coast thing.
          As for South Africans, it was a white South African girl I met on sojourn to Australia. After helping with her SCUBA in Airlie Beach she followed me to Cape Tribulation and the rest was history.
          My plan is to be in TO and such in August with wife in tow. We should do lunch or whatever. I will try to round up some OCAD cuties to be your tour guides. Perhaps not the stunner whose pics I have posted but maybe someone more down to earth.

        8. Haha sounds good man. What’s the story with these OCAD girls? You know them from China and they happened to be going to OCAD, or you knew them from your time in TO?

        9. Thank you, that’s really awesome and I’m gonna make sure to pass along the word to him. Your sentiments carry more than just 2c here.

        10. When I was in Canada (actually, Mississauga) I taught grade 12 students and a few were moving on to OCAD. They were not all skinny supermodel types like I have posted (I am hesitant to post personal pictures rather than professional photo shoots).
          My observation is that the chicks who study fashion design are not fat. Going way back I tutored a fashion student in accounting (Ryerson taught both the creative and business aspects of such things). My pupil was about 5’10” and a buck twenty, a black girl. I beat myself up for several years over the fact that I didn’t make a move on her. Such things are behind me now.
          Maybe someone will correct me but it seems that the vast majority of guys who go to OCAD and similar institutions are fags or nerds. If you are neither then you have little competition.

        11. Last piece of eye candy. When I was a teacher I had flirty girls like this in my class. It is a fucking miracle that I am not in jail now.

        12. That’s what I’ve noticed. The guys there are not red-pill.. Maybe a few exceptions. I am bigger and healthier than the vast majority.
          Tbh sometimes having red-pill values means you will stick out (for example for valuing fitness) but I don care.

        13. It is hyper-liberal though. Sjw profs and all. Don’t let him fall into the trap of thinking the whole world is as “inclusive” as ocad. Cheers.

        14. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open, as far as politics is concerned. Every girl I have ever been with was to my left or otherwise apolitical. Right wing girls who have a similar ideology are great to chat with but they are completely annoying cunts who I can neither get a legitimate boner over nor amass the disdain to give them a good hate fuck. The quietly conservative girls are wife material and possibly religious (which adds a whole new dimension of complications) but you will not find a lot of them at an artsy place like OCAD.
          Many of the female design students are wannabe models who keep themselves skinny but not particularly fit. The one who I have posted some professional shots of asked me if she could become a police officer. I told her straight out that she would make a great cop but would have to pack on about 20 pounds of muscle. The topic never came up again.

        15. “Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open, as far as politics is concerned. ”
          Good advice. I’ve been reading a little bit of Dale Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people” and what it is teaching me is that you don’t need to be an asshole to be successful. I agree with him that it is more useful, and often more profitable, to try and understand other people than it is to criticize them and create resentment.

        16. Once you are successful, then you can be an asshole and piss people off for fun and profit.
          There is no need for younger guys to make the same mistakes I did.

        17. I grew up in Joburg, South Africa and came to Tdot 4 years ago. I regret this. Now I am on a one way to Paris (I have EU passport). I definitely should have gone to London instead. Anyways as you say I definitely prefer Joburg to Toronto (except the high crime levels of-course)., The only positive thing I have to say about this city is that it is safe.

      5. I’m from Toronto too. The first time I visited London I remember thinking, “Gee I really miss those socially retarded, sexually repressed, uptight, feminist ideologues back home. This sucks. A woman will actually look at you here.”
        Yes, the place BLOWS.

        1. I am from TO and I will defend it. A bit weird because I now live in China. Motherfucking China where the average BMI is 4 points lower, and yet I will defend TO.
          Definitely avoid the university scene. My game has always been phone/web game so I have avoided all the skanks in bars and clubs.
          I can’t comment on whether day game works because I have never run it.
          There is lots of fine tail in TO if you can find it.

        2. Why were you pretending to be a man? Very odd behaviour for a woman. Anyhow, its no surprise, only a toronto female would stoop that low because most other women are proud of being women and don’t have this huge penis envy complex like in toronto. Which is precisely why it is a terrible city. Andt he re reason why china stinks for you is because white women are big and typically on the heavier side from an Asian persepctive, thus asian men are not attracted to white women except the ones who are living in the west and grow up there.

      6. “I even experienced a case where the fat friend of a girl I was talking
        to said that I could “proceed” with the conversation. F**k that.” lol what the fuck kind of place is this?

        1. Feminism is just part of the culture here.
          At a party on Friday I asked one of the girls where a female friend of mine had gone to and she said “she went to crash upstairs”.
          I said “Ok I’m gonna go bug her” and got up to start walking.
          This girl responds “What are you gonna go harass her???”
          I think she was joking… but still, the point is rhetoric is always on the back of many people’s minds here.
          There was no reason to assume something weird in this context, I’ve known this female-friend since highschool. The problem is that it’s all just a joke right? Until it’s not and you lose your job.

        2. “What are you gonna go harass her???”
          All the same stock responses. Any interesting conversations with them up there or no?

        3. I’ve tried but have long since given up. It’s not about truth but about power and security. I’ve had a few promising debates but nothing changes in the end. One that comes to mind is a debate about why the movement is called feminism when it is about equality? Why not call it humanism, or egalitarianism? They’ll never admit it but it’s just about giving women as much free shit as possible.

      7. Wow one of the feminist commenters on that thread:
        “Women in Toronto have to stand up against rape culture in Toronto.
        Men are pigs and child molesters who prey on women during rush hour in the crowded TTC buses and trains.
        Women in Toronto are advised to report any suspected male predator because if a man makes sexually harassing comments against a woman, he will later on molest babies and children. Ted Bundy and Paul Bernardo started out with harming animals, and look at what they did later.
        When a male approaches a woman without her consent and makes sexist remarks on her cleavage and thong tail, report it to the Toronto Police Services.
        Women are advised to lobby with the Federal Progressive Conservatives to raise the age of consent from 16 to 25 to prevent child molesters from molesting our women and children in Canada.”

        1. That $h!t is too funny! It hasn’t gotten quite that bad in New York yet. Yet…

  3. I would never move to canada period. Free speech is practically a fantasy there, especially religious free speech.

    1. Free speech is alive and well in Toronto….if you’re a woman.
      The reason why there is so much FHRIP going on in Canada is because of the shit going on in Toronto. Every men will gladly participate in this shit just to get women (and reporters) going for a bit. These female reporters are pretty much “fake” offended by it because it’s a true statement. Women do get fucked in the pussy…it’s a fact.

      1. Exactly, they are trying to pitch it should be illegal, so is every porno video illegal, those newscaster go home and get fucked right in the pussy, so how are they acting so fake offended. The men are rebelling, LOL

    2. Amen, I’ve lived in the USA before (PA and NJ) and boy are those girls soo much better to be around with than Toronto chicks….. Toronto chicks are like SuperAIDS… They are all nice and sweet till they basically judge if you pull your alpha card on them…. Heck, I think some of that feminism crap is rubbing off on my sister who was talking like a libertarian over the issue that women can soon get rights to have paid leave for menstruation cycles, and we are originally from Pakistan….

      1. Feminism is like some kind of STD (socially transmittable disease) that infects the mind of the impressionable and intellectually inadequate aka females in general. Unless there’s a presence of a strong Alpha role model, the female tends to succumb and become a Typhoid Mary before long.
        Libertarianism is a gateway philosophy towards full fledged progressivism….hopefully your sister can be weaned off of that…you might be the only one capable of helping her.

        1. I hope so, but man, the Toronto vibe doesn’t help either and any intervention I try to provide comes to conflict with my mother, who is like a pseudo-feminist, though she is a religious Muslim (which is pretty contradictory) since feminism is pretty much against the word of God…

        2. Your mom is a walking oxymoron just like mine was.
          I’d point it out, or better yet i’d move and cut my losses as i also did.
          I couldn’t stand to be around my family since they were so left wing, and the more distance between them and myself i put the better my overall demeanor was.
          Come to the US, just tell them that you hate the US and they will let you right in lol.

        3. AHAHA, I am hopefully moving to the Middle East soon for work in a few months, that will get their libertarian jimmies rustled 😛

  4. Portland is very much the same way.
    No place is perfect, but at least where I live now I can find more tolerable people and attractive girls to chat up.
    There is no better major city than Dallas. Hottest women, friendliest people and the economy is strong.

    1. Portland is horrific. I think it beats San Fran as far as left-wing American cities go.

      1. One reason to visit Portland: Powell’s book shop, which is an entire city block.
        One reason not to visit Portland: Powell’s will despatch what you want via courier or post.
        I’ll happily pay the charges so I don’t have to visit.

  5. This article pretty much nails it. I live about 60 miles away and loath to drive there as the traffic is horrible. The eye contact thing is something I experienced; some women will freak out if you try to make eye contact. So you are basically reduced to looking at the ground when walking.
    As far as culture, there are no real art museums in Toronto. That tells you all you need to know.

      1. Oh, I did. I was having lunch one time at a food court and was checking out some girl. She noticed I looked at her and became rather uncomfortable. So, when I was done, I deliberately walked past her on the way to the trash bin, the look on her face was priceless!

        1. I live in Toronto and I’ve been trying to get my eye contact game up and fuck me is it a challenge here.

        2. I live near SQ1 and it is getting easier as more FOB girls are here, but not by a large margin considering that most of the FOB chicks are some racist Emiratis who fled their nation just to avoid being thrown into a potential Middle Eastern Brushfire if Iran makes their Oil Paradises into Iraq 2.0… The asian girls on the other hand are pretty cool chicks indeed and give alot of fuck eyeing (espically if they are in a cherry mood) Rest of GTA is a shithole when it comes to game though 🙂

      1. Soviet Russia was WAYYY more open than Canada ever was or ever will be, now if you hate USSR because they put the US away from the Eastern European states (Where girls are better) for the good part of the 20th century, then by all means hate in your own personal feeble context, but to compare them to this petty excuse of a nation that is Canada is a slap to all men everywhere…

      1. Ottawa has the National Gallery of Canada and Montreal has a Museum of Fine Arts. AGO does not hold a candle to them, unless you like lame contemporary modern “art”.

  6. Toronto should be avoided like the plague. City is a liberal cesspool. Article is spot-on.
    I live in a suburb just outside of Toronto. Toronto is basically the LGQBTABCXYZ (whatever the fuck it is) capital of the world.
    Take a stroll through College Street, for example. Finding a normal, heterosexual couple is uncommon and getting increasingly rare every year.
    I’d give it a rating of 1.2 on the DEFCOCK scale. Within 5 years, it will be DEFCOCK 1.

    1. I’ve always wondered about anyone willfully choosing Toronto, because if you’re ok with freezing most of the year, why not go to Montreal? The women are marginally better and the food is a lot better.

      1. Toronto gets damn cold in January and February and damn hot in August. Vancouver is not better, in terms of weather, just different. Montreal is a good party city. The night life is superior and the women dress better. Out of town girls go there to party. However, the students are leftist nutcases so don’t expect anything more than a ONS.
        Unless you have a fascination for bagels, Toronto food beats down Montreal.

      2. Parce que l’apprentissage du français à Montréal est très important

      3. The food is ALOT better in Montreal, that’s for sure. The shopping too. I cannot stop myself from laughing at how Torontonian women dress-up. Where else in the world do you see women in business attire wearing gym shows, at he end of the day? This is laughable. They should all go to Milan to learn anything and everything about fashion!

        1. Women wearing gym shoes home from the office? First time I saw that was in NYC in the summer of ’87. Go to Netflix and look up the movie “working girl” with Melanie Griffith and Harrison Ford – you’ll see it there too. And I understand it – if you’re wearing heels all day, and have a 1.5 hour schlep on the 6 train, you’d change into sneakers too.

        1. San Francisco has Lax Cannabis laws, gorgeous weather, and the silicon valley vibe, it’s liberal attitude fits it better than Toronto’s attitude fits it
          The “trendiness/liberalism” of san fran, is more “experimental” in my opinion, than “crazy”, at least the folks there have high iq’s and eventually come back down to earth

      1. Vancouver is more San Fran – esque. I lived in Toronto for 30+ years and Vancouver for 7 years.

    2. Seeing a heterosexual couple with a white man and a white woman who don’t look like degenerates is perhaps the rarest sight in Toronto.
      The city is truly a cultural marxist wet dream.

  7. If the city is so boring and the economy stagnant, what is then fueling the housing bubble?

    1. It’s the idiots that jump in trying to make a profit from the next idiot that jumps in later in the game.

    2. There are advertisements on the radio here peddling courses in “how to flip homes using other people’s money”. Looks like the smart money is now looking for a way out by dumping property on hapless bagholders.
      Gee, what could go wrong?

    3. Gentrification from foreigners.
      Rich Chinese for example bought up a significant chunk of Toronto and Vancouver.

      1. Its not called “Hong Couver” for nothing, right?

      2. And yet I’ll take Richmond over Vancouver …
        At least in Richmond people treated me with everyday decency and respect, which is not what I experienced from paranoid Vancouver condo dwellers.
        I’m not Asian — I’m White British, and Vancouver has been absolute crap for me.
        My fondest (and hopefully last) view of the Vancouver metro was entering the American immigrations pre-clear area at YVR, knowing that in a few hours, I’d be on the ground in Florida, ready to make my connecting flights to the Caribbean.
        I don’t have a problem with gentrification when the people who are gentrifying the area are less crappy, although usually it’s being done by Quisling hipsters who I tend to regard as much worse …

    4. 1% interest rates will create distortions. Same thing other cities in north america. Its an asset bubble masked as economic boom.

  8. I will sum up the entirety of my view of Toronto with two strong words.
    Leafs suck.

    1. I don’t get it. As much as it seems like apostasy I don’t like watching hockey. The year I was born was the season that the Leafs won the Stanley Cup. . . . .and then no more since. However, they are the best paid bunch of losers ever and perhaps the most valuable NHL franchise because other Torontonians are stupidly loyal to them.

  9. So nightlife in toronto, population 2.5mm, fri – sat night, what’s the female % bang worthy without beer goggles?

    1. Are you trying to troll by posting this?
      Please name one country, or state, or even a city that women have built from the ground up and currently run. Girls don’t run shit.

  10. So i was reading through the comments of the link Clark Kent
    posted and oh my fucking god the comments from some of these psychos is beyond angering its to the point that i just laugh. It really makes you wonder what kind of disgusting obese creatures are behind the comments. See im starting to just find all these crazy feminist hilarious, it use to bother me a lot to the point i was like ” throw a scoped rifle in my hands and ill blow off some of these feminist leaders heads clean off, JFK style” but thats just crazy. Now i just work on myself and surround myself with girls who are some what sane and love to fuck, i ignore the feminist bullshit smoke my weed and keep it pushing, 1 hunnid. We should all do the same.

  11. Yea I thought San Francisco was nuts…..Toronto is leapfrogging that claptrap.

    1. As a young Aussie guy I was shocked at the poor quality of women in San Fran… I was there a few days, and I seriously can’t remember seeing one hot woman!

      1. You need to go to Czech Republic, if you want to see attractive women…think of Eva Herzigova, Karolina Kurkova, Veronika Varekova etc…

  12. I am born and raised in Toronto. I have a certain affection for the city that gave me two dozen women to fuck. I bailed a few years ago and now I plot my return, but the Liberal government is so oppressive this Communist dictatorship looks good by comparison.

  13. Last time I was in Toronto a few months ago the streets were full of Muslims and their Burqued women. Is that what happens with low DEFCOCK regions of the world? The low DEFCOCK birth rates get replace by emigrants from high DEFCOCK and high birth rate regions? Isn’t there a place with more balance? What about Texas?

    1. Texas is way more balanced than Toronto as they don’t have the racial notions associated with Feminism, hopefully the immigrants there don’t vote in a Democrat and fuck things up in Texas or that will be the straw that broke the camel’s back….

  14. Good job Roosh !. Your website is one of my favorites. I enjoy reading about “game” more as a spectator. And as a dad because my son is in college.
    But I hope you will do some articles too on manhood, hunting, good dogs,guns, farming, gardening, too. Those are my favorites. Good women like my grandma who put up vegetables, meat, and filled up and entire pantry with home canned stuff.
    The survivalist self-sufficient man. And the concept women capable in the home economics arena.
    I have always thought that feminism was a marxist philosophy because perpetuates the idea of a good “position” working for the man instead of families that stand non-dependent of government or other institutions.

  15. The culture is boring because there is no culture. Canada (and Toronto especially) likes to say we are a “cultural mosaic”; a beautiful tapestry stitched together with people of all different races and ethnicities.
    What this looks like in reality is a steaming pile of shit. You have Chink town, WOP neighbourhoods, Spick neighbourhoods, Nigger ghettos, Ragheads and Pakis EVERYWHERE… hard to develop a culture when nobody else looks like you or speaks your fucking language.
    To quote a CH maxim: Diversity + Proximity = War

    1. “Canada (and Toronto especially) likes to say we are a “cultural mosaic”; a
      beautiful tapestry stitched together with people of all different races
      and ethnicities.”
      This video is a good example of the state of Canadian white culture:

      Boy and girl (short hair, tattoo on least one arm) bump into each other, dance around awhile celebrating their pride in things Canadian, all of which are completely superficial (maple syrup, cold and ice related things, etc).
      “So how do I live in this beautiful country? Well, I have steps for you:
      “Step 1. Lose the gun. [Give up your right and ability to defend yourself and your family to the socialist nanny state]
      “Step 2. Buy a canoe.
      “Step 3. Live multiculturally. [Abandon the God of your Christian ancestors and commit cultural suicide]
      “Step 4. You’re ready [screwed], there is no more.”
      Song ends and the boy and girl are too awkward to even shake hands successfully with a member of the opposite sex, they wave good bye and walk away in opposite directions. but presumably into the same the childless future.

    2. I guess the prime joy of being a Toronto boy is that I have fucked chinks, wops, niggers, ragheads and pakis (but no spicks, as fate would have it). A friend of mine had a thing for blondes but why bother when you can go on a world sex tour for the price of a few transit tokens?

      1. laid
        bunch of women including muzzys
        ….doesnt compute. It cant be in canada, one does not simply get laid there. You must be from toronto in uk or australia

        1. ya if youre a girl or gay, but a straight guy youre gonna have a harder time then being in DC as roosh mentioned

        2. i never had an issue and I am straight there is a massive amount of cheap sluts running around

        3. no way, totally different story from what Ive heard from buddys from there,livinginthedeadcity.com and roosh.
          You must be super good looking and high status picking up average chicks or desperate 7s n 8s.

        4. Neither actually I can just always find sluts and frankly its all really the same without the lights on and a ball gag in their mouth

        1. I agree. Along with the variety of women you can get great food from any part of the planet It all falls apart when some Muslim chick wants to wear a hood while testifying in court, and you get all the affirmative action hiring policies. The problem with liberalism is that your mind has to be so open that your brain falls out.

      2. Very fair point, but in terms of creating an identifiable culture, too many different races and backgrounds in one place makes this difficult and turns things into a mess.

        1. There are different levels. Some Muslims are starting to break the whole dynamic.

  16. The problem with Toronto?? ITs not a Canadian city. ITs 50% non-white. Ugly and crowded. This must stop.
    EVERY & ONLY white countries, neighborhoods, clubs and schools, are FORCED to become “diverse” (i.e. formerly white).
    For this religion of Political Correctness, White children are being sacrificed. The aim of the religion of Political Correctness is a world without White children. That’s genocide.
    That is SICK. That is EVIL. The GTA is a hellhole.

      1. This.
        The white women here are the worst of all followed by black women and south east Asians.

      2. They are very eager to be “Useful Idiots” for the feminists…until they hit The Wall, of course.

    1. This is a great point. We’re losing our ability to define what a Canadian really is. Recently, you’d have to say that a Canadian is an immigrant from some impoverished country who embraces everything PC and Marxist because its much better than they had it back home.

    2. Whites committed genocide against themselves for money a long time ago, when they decided to legalize abortion and chose to stop having kids and use the pill to not having kids and to sell out their land to immigrants from asia, africa, and the carribean for inflated values.
      I didn’t see any white people turning down $1 million offers for their homes their parents bought in 1950s for $25,000 did you?
      And how is Canada a white country when whites were the last people to show up here. White people in Canada don’t want to live around non-whites that is why they move away, that and non-whites pay them money.
      If whites weren’t so greedy for money then how could chinese buy all of vancouver? Don’t blame Chinese and non-whites for whites greed. it is like the indian who sells vast tracts of land to the colonist for a pack of beeds or shiny marbles. The whites were laughing at the stupid indians then. Well now the foot is in the other shoe. The Chinese central bank, prints money on worthless paper and enter it into computers as “digit currency” and give it to greedy whites in Canada who can’t say no to money. And the chinese are laughing at us. So it is what it is.

    3. Immigration is not the cause of feminism. In way it actually makes feminism spread slowly because the feminists are the locals. But liberalism causes both immigration and feminism.

      1. Before. I’m still mad as fuck that he got canned. He wasn’t even the one who said it!

    1. LOL, this is the best ever, I been late to work many times, I think he should just fuck her right in the pussy, LOL.

  17. Someone else here on ROK brought up that Toronto continually pops up on the “10 most Livable Cities List,” or some variation thereof. Yeah sure, livable for hamplanets, manginas, etc.
    It’s just another way the femcentric media tries to convince you that the abnormal is normal. Very Orwellian at the core.

    1. I live in Washington DC which also tops the “Most Livable Cities” lists regularly. Go on give it a google. And we have all the same issues. I don’t think we’re up to the eye contact thing yet. Yikes…

      1. I have relatives in the beltway, and I can attest to the ridiculousness. The elevated sense of importance being so close to the nation’s capitol, yet, ironically, so far away from reality.

        1. That’s all of Capital Hill plus the White House. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a narcissist in D.C..

    2. I love it. I just Googled “Toronto is the worst city…” and ROK came up as the first result in the search with many others listed too. Let’s get the word out.
      Toronto sucks if you’re a man looking to relocate to another city.

        1. Agree. I think that the results, alone, should do the trick for any man looking to move to another country. These articles, at least, show that the city is not very good a some areas. You have to think to yourself “well, if it’s not good for some things (i.e. jobs, housing, etc…) then women may be out of the question as well. Yes, it should say “stay away, harpies are everywhere here”…but we’re not going to get that from today’s media.

        2. So much in the media is a subtle (and not-so subtle) push to marry up low-quality women.

    3. What is missing is rankings on the population itself, on top of amenities, safety, infrastructure, jobs, etc.

  18. I used to be member on the notcanada forums. One day the admin pulled the site saying that the website said what had to be said and needed to move on. I emailed him asking him if he was pressured to remove the site, to which he said no. Canada is just one of those places that censors everything bad about itself. It’s actually difficult to google any real criticism of the place because it seems to mysteriously be removed.

    1. I like how Leftists always scream about “Free Speech”, except when they’re the ones in power.
      “Question Authority!” was one of their favorite slogans in the seventies and eighties; when they got into power, it became “DON’T QUESTION MY AUTHORITY!”

  19. I live in this shithole and everything Roosh and Clark Kent says about it is spot on. Damn near everything that is abnormal in other cities is considered normal here. If you say anything negative about this place to people up here, you are shunned.
    It is not a surprise that Sandman (the MGTOW guy), Mystery, Anita Sarkeesian and Chanty Binx (Big Red) are from Toronto or the surrounding areas.
    I’m from the U.S. and was married to a woman here but it didn’t last. I have a decent job but I can’t stand dealing with the plastic people up here and am planning my return to the U.S.
    I’ve been with a lot of women here since my divorce and it isn’t easy. (Word of advice to anybody thinking of coming here: DON’T.) The women here were always aloof, but I’m from NYC and Toronto women worship guys from NYC (I never understood why), so I never had a problem with them. However, they are uptight, high maintenance, and a pain in the ass.
    Over the past few years, the mainstream media has been heavily influenced by radical feminism (it doesn’t help that Ontario’s Premier is a bulldyke), and women here have turned from aloof to a nightmare. Women here are like spiteful children-I’ve had crazy women throw bullshit sexual harassment charges against me (which I proved were false), simply because they were pissed at being rejected. Literally any interaction with women here can be construed as sexual harassment, and damn near every Anglo woman in Toronto complains about misogyny and the “evils of the patriarchy” practically nonstop.
    The weirdest thing about Toronto is how people do not interact with strangers in public. Walk around downtown and women go out of their way to look in the opposite direction. On the subway, people are afraid to talk. In NY, women let you know if they’re interested and aren’t afraid to talk to a man they find attractive. I’ve lived all over the U.S.-east coast, the south, midwest, west coast, and have never seen anything like I have in Toronto. Whenever I visit the States, I am shocked when people engage me in casual conversation because it rarely happens here.
    In general, people in Toronto are two faced and cannot be trusted. I don’t even bother with women here anymore-even if they didn’t grow up here, they quickly become “Torontoized” so it’s not even worth it.
    When I want female companionship, I go to Montreal or small towns in Ontario. In general, women there aren’t as fucked up as the ones in Toronto.
    Basically, I work, jog, lift weights, get together with a few buddies and shoot the shit occasionally and work on my plan to leave here. Most guys here are ultra-politically correct pussies and I avoid them as much as possible so I don’t catch whatever mental illness they have.
    Here’s a good example: I was on my way to work the other day, grabbed a paper to read on the subway, and was subjected to this bullshit:
    Seriously, what the fuck? This is the sort of bullshit that I put up with every day here.
    When I leave this fucking shithole, I will never complain about American women again. Yes, a lot of them are fucked up, but they are not even close to being as fucked up as Toronto women.

    1. Life has become to easy for them. They have too much and so he little things (little complaints) become bigger as life goes on. Let a catastrophe hit Toronto where power is down and food is scarce….then you’ll see all of that shit go away.
      When things are too easy in life, then you have all of this first world bullshit complaining go on. Remove it….because now it’s about survival…and all that shit washes away.
      We need some type of catastrophe to get rid of the bullshit complaints. That, plus, daddy government wont’ be around to pick up the slack for these women.

      1. “Let a catastrophe hit Toronto where power is down and food is scarce….then you’ll see all of that shit go away.”
        This was confirmed during the ice storm last year that knocked out the power. The men were getting shit done, the women were shopping in the dark.

        1. You’re right. I went four days without power and it was interesting to see the reactions of men and women. Most women did not know what to do, whereas men were helping others.

        2. Yep. Same deal during the blackout of ’03. Men were directing traffic and helping others. Women were doing jack shut as usual.

        3. No, they were doing somethin- here in NYC during that black out,they were drinking free beer as the bars were giving it away due to lack of refrigeration

      2. I agree. A lot of women complain about how tough they have it here. If a guy makes eye contact with them, they feel “violated.” They like to go on and on about the patriarchy, etc.
        Whenever I hear that shit, I tell them if they really want to make a difference, go to Nigeria and assist the government in its fight against Boko Haram. Their reactions are priceless.

        1. several of the rescued boko harram girls are still keeping in contact with their captors. classic.

        2. You should see what happens when guys don’t even pay attention to them. For all their complaining about being whistled at and eye contact, a lot of the western women who come here to Asia don’t get any of that here in Asia. Then they b**** about Western male losers having yellow fever. And how none of the Asian men even look at them or we’ll date them.
          It’s just whine, whine, whine.
          You’d think they’d love that asian men ignore their existence, but no. That makes them feel ugly and fat.

      3. I’ve worked in Toronto’s nightclub industry on and off now for about ten years to pay through school.
        Let me tell you, if there is an actual catastrophe in Toronto like what you’re describing, there is an underbelly of petty organized crime in this city that will do just fine. Imagine a whole network of coked out “alpha males” pirating when times get hard.
        If it came to that I’d be out of here in a heartbeat. I’m an academic at heart and I have always kept this lifestyle at a minimum safe-distance. Once you get sucked into hole of hedonism and tribalism you are forever changed. I’ve seen perfectly normal guys get involved and once they’re hooked on the drugs, and the social validation, and the links to whores and other benefits they get stuck. But not everyone wants to land into their 30s with drug problems and money troubles all for the sake of being “cool.” It works for the inner-members but the other guys don’t see the damage they’re doing to themselves.

    2. “http://metronews.ca/news/toronto/1370509/walk-a-mile-in-her-shoes-event-in-toronto-draws-attention-to-toxic-masculinity/
      Seriously, what the fuck? This is the sort of bullshit that I put up with every day here.”
      Ha.. I’m from Toronto as well and I had the same reaction when I saw that feminist garbage.. This is what we have to put up on a constant basis.. every fucking day.. on every fucking media organization.. everything is ultra-liberal and feminist premises are never questioned:
      CBC National – Sexist attacks on female journalists :
      Our lesbian feminist premier and her Liberal party is airing this piece of man-hating feminist propaganda on TV regularly:

      Talk about “micro-aggressions” … fuck this city and fuck the feminist women and culture here.

      1. ya in BC we got the “because Im a girl campaign” its friggin everywhere.
        In that commerical they even showed an ethnic man being a “rapist” goes to show that these sjws dont have their backs like they claim.
        They dont care about the color of your dick just the fact you dont wanna stick it in fags or hags

        1. The asian guy was just showing pics of his girlfriend to other guys. All of the white men were actually raping or sexually harassing women. The asian was the least bad of all the men shown. His offense was by far the mildest.
          So yes they are still perpetuating the idea that white men are the most evil of all men.

        2. or gives the impression the ethnic dude doesnt have to do much to be “rapist” since they have Lower sexual market value then whites. The more value you got the more you get away with.
          But either way if they show him being the most mildest guess what hes still in the same boat as the white guys….When females are upset they dont give a fuck.
          Like my buddy was volunteering for an event and he was checking the wounds of this afghan guy whom got hit scrap metal of a landmine and his white canadian gf doesnt give a fuck what he went through….Its all about her needs and feelings and shes the real victim.

      2. Thanks to Wynne, that fucking campaign is everywhere.
        I was talking about it at my job and asked why doesn’t it depict a woman harassing a man at work? It happens a lot up here, especially with so many women in positions of power.
        The guy I said this to became nervous and quickly changed the subject.
        I agree with you-fuck this city and its feminists.

        1. If you tally up the cases of female teachers having sexual relationships with underage students I bet that is more common than actual male-on-female rape in Toronto.

        2. “If you tally up the cases of female teachers having sexual relationships
          with underage students I bet that is more common than actual
          male-on-female rape in Toronto.”
          this is an interesting new and disturbing trend. I’m not sure what motivates these women to do that. My understanding was always that women preferred men their age and slightly older and that it was always men who seemed to prefer younger women. But it seems that might be a stereotype given how many of these women have been caught having sex with their high-school students. And a lot of these women aren’t “homely” or unattractive. Some of them are very attractive. Any ideas behind why this phenomenon is suddenly appearing?
          I suspect a few reasons for it:
          1) More sexual freedom for women has enabled their true nature to come out.. and it turns out they like young men for their sexual virility.. in the same way older men enjoy younger women because of their tight, young bodies.
          2) Education and the teaching profession is dominated by women and there aren’t enough males around of their own age for these women in the work environment so they find themselves hooking up with the only males who are around and available.

    3. You reject her, she tries to get you arrested.
      At least Montreal has(had?) legal prostitution. We went to a “diner” outside the city once; was tempted, but got a glimpse into the girl’s bathroom- it had an industrial sized vat of mouthwash right inside the door(think of the watercooler in your office).
      Buzzkill 🙂

      1. Damn, that is a buzzkill.
        Yeah, that cunt tried to get me arrested for harassing her after I rejected her advances. She was a nasty obese bitch (I later found out she was bipolar and had a record with the police for harassing other men).
        On the other hand, one of the things I like about Montreal is the women are a lot easier to deal with than the ones in Toronto. Of course there are exceptions, but in general, Montreal is a better place to meet women hands down.

    4. I have been living in China for the last 2 years; has it really become that bad? Toronto proper has what, 3 million people? Maybe 10% are fuckable 20 something girls. Even if 90% of those are unapproachable bitches then that leaves 30,000 vaginas waiting to be plowed. I have bagged my limit – a couple dozen – and moved on, but is it really that bad?

      1. I’ve lived here for 12 years and it’s gotten really bad. It wasn’t always like this. For many years, I had a great time with the women here. You can find lots of willing women in Toronto if that’s what you’re looking for.
        However, whether it’s money, time, or drama, it will cost you. I reached a point where the pleasure of sex with women here is not worth the aggravation involved in getting it, so I no longer bother. Whenever I get the urge, I get together with fuckbuddies in Montreal and small towns in Ontario.
        I’m going to move out of Canada in the next year, so that works for me.

        1. I have buttered my bread but Toronto (and Vancouver) offer a world sex tour without leaving home. The political climate is absolute shit and the club scene is completely vapid but my game was web game and I met a lot of great women there because I could pre-screen them. Blondes, brunettes, red heads, black, white, yellow, red and everything I between.
          I would never recommend that a guy moves here for the women, but if you are here already and not getting laid, you are doing something wrong.

        2. I did it off web game too and day game, even though it is difficult in a place like this. I’ve dated women from all over the world in Toronto. Anyone can find women for sex here if they have their act together.
          But to me, the drama involved in dealing with Toronto women is not worth it. I find women outside of the GTA much more pleasant to get along with, so I stick with them.

    5. i also noticed the casual conversation thing. i noticed a difference between phoenix and toronto that when you stand in line, at a gas station for example, people are way less likely to strike up a conversation in toronto. in Az, people almost can’t keep their mouths shut, which is okay, since it’s a good way to pass time in situations where you are waiting in public.
      note: this was in the time before everyone had their heads buried in their phones all the time.

      1. A few years ago, I asked a friend who grew up in Toronto about this and she justified it by saying it shows politeness.
        I gave up on Toronto soon after. Many people are hopelessly fucked up here. They like to put down Americans, but are obsessed with American culture, wish they had American citizenship and constantly take trips to Buffalo to shop (prices are cheaper than Toronto).

        1. Speaking as a Canadian who’s lived most of his life in Toronto, very few Canadians want American citizenship, thank you. Like most Canadians, I have good friends and relatives who are American, and when I visit the US, I find most Americans friendly and fun. I don’t hate Americans; your political leaders (not that ours are any better since the election) are another thing. And let’s not forget – the US is the hotbed of SJW, so don’t blame us for getting infected. Plus, for reasons that can’t be spoken, there’s a lot less crime in Toronto than in any similar sized US city.
          I’m pushing 60. Back in the day, I banged a lot of girls, found one I really liked, got married, had kids, got divorced (my fault: I developed a drinking problem that didn’t get cured until after the split), and now have a new GF. She’s 50+, and not as great looking as my ex, but she’s smart, funny, and great in the sack. All her friends are DESPARATE to find a boyfriend, and can’t understand why their SJW attitudes turn men off. There are plenty of good women in T.O., but like NYC, they have a lot of options, so if you’re a bit of pussy, you’re getting shut out. sorry, fellas.

        2. SJW are a problem in America, but it’s not as bad as it is in Toronto. I’ve lived all over the US (NYC, San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, etc.) and with the exception of San Francisco, Toronto beats it hands down.
          I grew up in NYC and women were never a problem there for me, nor in Toronto. There are good women everywhere. I’m dating a great one-she was born and grew up in Toronto, but lived in the US for over a decade (which is probably why we click). We talk about the differences between the US and Canada all the time, and even she says women here are a pain in the ass. Both of us are looking to move back to America.
          Your girlfriend’s friends sound like typical Toronto women. No decent guy wants to put up with that shit. I sure wouldn’t.

        3. Which is worse: San Franscisco or Toronto? One American guy from Roosh V’s Toronto sucks youtube video, Johnny Walker, said Toronto is worse than SF.

      2. I have been in Toronto for a long time and am still not used to it. Most people are uptight here and do not know how to make small talk. The funny thing about it is people in Toronto get angry if you point this out to them.

    6. Amen.
      I value the perspectives from men like you who come from other places so much because half the time I question whether or not I’m just crazy. Thank you.
      PS – I’ve paid attention to the Metro for a while and the feminist stories were never as common or absurd as they are now, it has reached a new level recently.

      1. For a long time, I wondered if it was just me. Then I started visiting this site and realized something is off about this city. There are lots of sites and forums discussing the same topic and it reinforced my conclusion.
        Travel played a big factor too in realizing what Toronto is about. Whenever I travel, I am amazed at how people interact with each other as compared to Toronto. I try to travel as often as possible-whenever I am down about Toronto, I think about my travel experiences and life before I came here, and realize there are plenty of better places to live.
        The Metro has taken more of a feminist slant recently. They have two new columnists (I forgot their names) who write feminist drivel every week. I guess the publishers feel it will increase their ad sales. I doubt it will happen though.

        1. Hope you don’t mind that I give my 2 cent’s worth (even though I am a women). I was born in Czech Republic and having lived in SA – I came here 4 years ago. Anyhow coming from small Czech Republic, the first few months were exciting but over the past few months I have become to observe the society here when going to events etc. Anyhow I left Joburg because I got tired of the high-crime rate setc. but I keep on reflecting that in-fact Johannesburg is not that bad, and in fact beats Toronto on so many levels (much better cuisine and restaurants, better lifestyle, better fashion etc..). Anyhow I am on a plane – one way ticket to Paris this Monday. Good bye Toronto! I am so lucky to have an EU passport, and I would never rate Toronto as a 1st-tier city. There is absolutely no culture here, the cuisine is mediocre at best and Torontonians are just plain weird. I do agree that Montreal is just so much better and more normal!

    7. “In general, people in Toronto are two faced and cannot be trusted. I don’t even bother with women here anymore-even if they didn’t grow up here, they quickly become “Torontoized” so it’s not even worth it…..I’ve been with a lot of women here since my divorce and it isn’t easy. (Word of advice to anybody thinking of coming here: DON’T.) The women here were always aloof, but I’m from NYC and Toronto women worship guys from NYC.
      Most guys here are ultra-politically correct pussies and I avoid them as much as possible so I don’t catch whatever mental illness they have.”
      Upvote for you all, true.
      Toronto people are two faced. You never know who your real friends are. EVeryone is friendly until you need to borrow $500 or you need something. The women have endless cock on call, so they are always aloof. The women here are learning game and practicing it on men. Just 6 months ago, a former female friend (who liked me) gave me a call and was literally pitching rooshv game to me, word for word! She used the marriage routine, where they say we get married then divorce, and I almost puked my breakfast (she is not attractive at all I used her to do my office work, she had new girlfriends, I figure new girlfriend must have told her she got played and give it a new try with game) YUK.
      And most of the men ARE PUSSIES. That is how it got this way. Every toronto girl no matter how ugly has a team of betas telling her how beautiful she is, and if it isn’t men its women telling her this shit.
      Typically ultra-liberal places are good places to fuck, Toronto isn’t one. We produce slut walk and walk a mile in her shoes, but there is a weird conservatism when it comes to sex relartions here. uNLESS you like fat chicks avoid.

    8. Toronto women are just American women on crack who are programmed to harass, stalk, hate, and destroy men. They are men’s worst nightmare. That is why men in this city avoid them like the plague. Toronto women are responsible for why men in this city do not know how to flirt or to approach women. You should read Johnny Walker’s comments on Roosh V’s Toronto sucks Youtube videos. Johnny Walker is an American guy who has slept with at least 80 women around the world and he has traveled to more countries and cities than Roosh. He says that Toronto women are the worst women that he has encountered so far and Toronto is the worst city that he has been to ( he says it worse than San Francisco, which is US’s shithole).
      Torontonians ( adults and kids) are mentally sick. They enjoy stalking and harassing others. They do this because they either like you or they get jealous if you do better than them in school or in the work force. Secondly, they enjoy seeing others in pain and frustration. Thirdly, they do not like mixing with other people unless it is within their clique. Fourth, Torontonians are rude to you on purpose; I found New Yorkers to be more polite, friendlier, and more open than Toronto people. Fifth, they like to show off a lot. Lastly, they are extremely fake and shallow. The worst part about them is that; they think it is perfectly normal to act like an asshole for no reason.
      Have you left the city yet? I am Canadian citizen. I am trying to apply for jobs outside Canada and I am so far not getting a response from employers. Can you please offer me an advice to leave this place? Thank you for your time and consideration in reading this email.

      1. I haven’t been on here for a while and just saw your response. Thanks for the tip on Johnny Walker’s comments. It really says a lot when so many people agree on the same subject.
        Your description of Toronto sums it up perfectly. I’ve experienced everything you described about the behaviour of people here. I haven’t left yet-I’ve been travelling to the south and midwestern parts of the US scouting jobs and places to live. The difference (not to mention cost of living and quality of life) between Toronto and those parts of the US is like night and day. When I visit the US, I end up making small talk with people all the time and I always tell them to appreciate what they have there. It’s not perfect (no place is), but it’s much better than Toronto.
        Several factors affect the length and ease or (difficult) of the process of relocating to the US. If you have a junk email address, let me know and I will contact you.

        1. Thanks for help. It seems like it will take time to move to another place. The difficulty is getting a job in the country you are interested. Maybe, you might want to consider other countries beside the States like Germany, Japan, etc. It is difficult to get a job in both our countries. The employers in our countries always favour women despite their incompetency. So if you want to get a job in US, just dress up as a girl and use big coconuts for boobs.
          The men in this city are bad but the women are way worse. Most of the bad experiences are from women These women want to destroy a man and get satisfaction when they see a man suffer. I am shocked that they harass and stalk guys they like in the workforce. I experienced this problem in high school and university. Now, I do not want to work with Toronto women. I am afraid what they will do to me. They give me nightmares man.
          One of the commentars on Roosh V’s a message to the people who of the Toronto is a NYC girl. She said the women are extremely rude to her. Also, they do not make good friends and they are disgrace to her own species. She actually feels bad for us TOronto men. When a NYC woman complains about TOronto women, there is definetily something wrong with them.
          I also noticed that the women are very masculine. On the train, I remembered a girl picked her ear in front of me while holding a can. In work, the girls are comfortable telling other people that they have to poo/ pee. Also, most of them have hairy arms and mustaches. These girls are disgusting man.
          You are 100% right. No place is perfect. There is always a tradeoff when you go from one city to another. For instance, if you move from New York to this shithole, you lose the social life and have to deal with sociopaths everyday in your life but you gain other things like universal health care, your standard of living goes up, etc.
          There is nothing wrong with the city physically. It is safe, clean, etc. However, it is social environment of the city that is bad. In fact, the more ugly, fake, rude, and dumber you are, the more you will be accepted. The people who you think are lame are the cool guys here. The hot girls hate hot guys but love ugly guys. What is a socially backward shithole.
          There are many videos on Youtube that you may like:
          1) Toronto guy
          2) Expose Toronto
          If you read the comments section on this article ( http://torontolife.com/city/welcome-to-toronto-the-rude/), there is one guy who used to live in Tokyo, San Francisco, New York, etc, he says Toronto people are the worse people he encountered. The people in the comments section always mention Toronto people are passive aggressive and are always rude to you on purpose.
          I hate how the media portrays Canadians as these nice people. That is bullshit man. If they go to Toronto, then they will rethink about us. I am pissed that Toronto is the best city to live according to the Economist ranking.
          Here is my email: [email protected]
          Thanks man for the help. It seems like it is difficult to move unless you do a job that is independent of location like Roosh V does. Roosh V is one lucky guy. Sorry for the long response. I hate this shithole just as much as you.

    9. The men are bad too. They are masochists who harass and stalk men that they are jealous of. In my experience living in this shithole, the women are way worse than the men. If a tourist, regardless of gender, comes to this dump, they will find the women to be much worse; they have a shitty attitude.
      The women ( includes my mother and sisters) bully, assault , and destroy ambitious and/or good-looking men. They never you alone and they make you a psycho. I am afraid of them because of what they will do to me. Mark my words, they will prevent you from achieving your goals (academic, career, desire of sex, etc).. They make American girls feel like angels from heaven.
      Toronto women = cancer. They really want you to end your life and they do not give a fuck if you die. Because of them, I will never go with a relationship with a woman again. I was taught to treat women with respect but with my experience with them, I gave up on that belief a long time ago. I am happy that the men with balls are abusing them. They are not your friend but your enemy. You and I have to request restraining orders, record conversations with them, reject girls you like ( even if they are hot), etc. They will not show you mercy. The worst part is that the police and the men will always believe women are pure sweat creatures so they will never believe you at all.
      Women are weak minded creatures who are sensitive to their environment. I agree that the women who were not born or raised here become quickly torontonized. I know a Montreal chick and a DC chick who got Torontonized. They started to hate their surroundings.
      I hate my parents for letting me live in this dump. I did not had a good childhood and youth. The kids were just bad as the adults. These people are awful people.
      I missed those days when Toronto was a great city. It was good until the late 90s. People were open to inviting you to your house and open to conversation; not anymore. People do not want to interact with others because of the fear of them trying to destroy them.

  20. Is All of Ontario bad? I live in the west and I am currently interviewing for a sales job in Kingston.

    1. Kingston is good, But not belleville, trenton, napanee
      ETC… Kingston is the best of the bunch compared to the surrounding towns

    2. Kingston was ok (but this was in the mid 90s) Lots of wannabe tough guys and chicks with concrete panties but its a decent place. Could be worse.

  21. not sure about Toronto taking the top spot in Canada as feminist hell. was in both Toronto and montreal with my Filipina girlfriend and in montreal I was at a restaurant with her and some busboy pre server or whatever gave us a salad before the waitress came over. We obviously thought it was like bread or a free pre appetizer and while we were eating some feminazi manager came over to us and started yelling at us in French. I finally said…look I don’t speak French why the fuck are you yelling at us! and I mean she was yelling. she said because that wasn’t yours and went to your table by mistake so you shouldn’t have eaten it! I mean like screaming at me and my Asian girlfriend. like it was my fault. this was the manager of the fucking restaurant by the way. I told her to fuck off and we walked out.

  22. I live in China now but expect to return to Ontario in 2018 just in time to send the Wynne Liberals packing. I am from Toronto but will only return there if I get a sweet job offer. If I can manage the entrepreneurial thing then I will land in Trenton where I have family and $200k can buy me a nice house rather than a shit condo in TDot.

    1. buy a pre construction condo that’s due for 2018 for that 200k now, by the time time you come back to toronto it will be worth 300, Alpha Score +++

  23. Sandman’s videos have suggested that Canada is a close runner-up to America with regards to the Feminism plague.

  24. I would honestly not recommend coming to this cesspool even if you are successful and have a lot of cash to burn. Toronto is a stunning example of what a city may look like if Cultural Marxism is allowed to gain traction and solidify its grip on a society. The only country comparable to Canada at this point is probably Sweden. The infrastructure is decrepit and outdated, the people are mentally and spiritually lobotomized and power has been ceded over to deranged leftists that are completely divorced from reality. There is virtually no culture here because all we have are condos, strip malls and a bunch of worthless ethnic enclaves that are completely broken off from the rest of the city. I probably don’t need to say anything about the women because Im sure everyone is well aware of the pervasive aura of toxic femininity that hangs around the city. All in all, Toronto is not a place you go to if you have even a miniscule iota of ambition or dreams of something greater. Toronto is a place you go to if you are prepared to kill yourself in the least dignified way possible.

    1. We’ve had a right-wing asshole mayor run the city (and do a shitty job of doing so) for a while now), and we have a gentler/softer version of him as mayor currently-what ‘socialists’ have been running Toronto?

    2. The Tunnelbana in Stockholm is better than the Red Rocket in Toronto …
      It’s also considerably more aesthetically pleasing, especially given that the T-bana has been partially turned into a public art exhibit, although I can do without some of the art exhibits at certain stations.
      Some stations are definitely more interesting than others:

    3. Don’t bad mouth sweden.
      The T bane is amazing, they have multiple lines running through 1 station so you hardly wait, the city is well connected, the women are gorgeous like models and you don’t even have to go to a club to get them and are easy to pick up. As for living there, that may be another matter, but Toronto stinks. Women in sweden give you eye contact and will actually make somewhat of a move on you if you approach, why because they view people as equals, they aren’t expecting the man to do all the work.
      I agree the lefties are bad in sweden but divorce in sweden means shared joint custody no child support and no more than 6 months max alimony with a limit to $200 unless you made a special contract. Divorce rape doesn’t exist in sweden like Canada, so it is still worth the risk.
      The rest of what you said about toronto is spot on.

      1. You should go to Czech Republic (my home country) if you want to have a good time and see beautiful women. Plus Prague is the most beautiful city in Europe, if not in the world!

      1. You CAN make an omelette from two eggs. Toss in some potatoes and red peppers for the win

    1. Have to admit these links were shocking and disturbing to read. Serious discussions on exterminating men!?… absolute hate for men and strait women!?
      Wonder how many strait males / females realize that when the gay community request / forces our support do we realize they would literally exterminate us all in a heart beat.
      If this information was known mainstream the entire gay movement would be done.

  25. those poor clueless 3rd world migrants are getting tricked bad.
    Its like those feminists are playing hunting with them, bait them then catch em

    1. When I realized that Toronto could not survive without exploiting the hopes and dreams of impoverished immigrants it got to me.
      Come to Canada, dump your 10k in the government, now please go fuck off and die.

  26. Fellow Torontonian here — lots of comments about the horrible females, and while that’s all so true, let’s not let the state of feminized Toronto men off the hook, the true home of the beta/omega/male feminist/white knight/mangina.
    Just today while walking on Queen West I couldn’t help but notice the pure lack of testosterone on a street supposedly filled with males (albiet with their signature faggy walk and capri pants), Toronto is the place where masculinity came to die (or was snuffed out at the source).

  27. Considering how much bashing that city is getting from manosphere writers (and especially Roosh) it is suprising to note that that there are more women than men there:
    As far as I can say, this is mostly because of women outliving men, but even if only the young ones are accounted, it is not such an apocalyptic sausage fest you would think it is and the numbers are even, though men do slightly outnumber women.
    I think it is the culture or to say better, lack of it, that is the culprit. Interesting that all these problems: feminism, obesity, social retardation are prevalent in Anglosphere countries, especially in those which had been colonized rather recently and lacked unified, single culture(Australia, Canada, New Zealand). Lack of cultural and historical heritage in these countries makes them more vulnerable to becoming extremely superficial, materialistic, “sex and the city” obsessed nightmare fest we are seeing right now.
    I wonder if it really has to do with puritan mentality and obsession with “work!” as Anglobitch thesis puts it. http://kshatriya-anglobitch.blogspot.com

    1. Interesting post.
      Recently I’ve become obsessed with “work!” but for the reason that I find relationships with women unfulfilling and I’m tired of it being impossible for me to own anything here.

    2. The singles ratios are way different and reveal more single men than single women across the whole spectrum.

  28. Well, At least the good news is that there’s a good chance all the time you wasted will return back to you
    “Though the research is in its absolute infancy, this is the first step towards a treatment that effectively restores youth to multiple parts of the body at once. The drug successfully restored the youthful nimbleness of muscles and alertness of the mind in mice, effectively making them not just look, feel, and act, but be young on a biological level.”

  29. “It is known that prospective immigrants have to carry a certain amount of money in savings in order to immigrate to Ontario, roughly $10,000 Canadian dollars. This means that immigrants bring money into the province, which will be used to stimulate the stagnant economy of Ontario, where manufacturing once thrived before the 2008 economic recession.” And this is what the left doesn’t tell people when they tell stories of how immigration has really worked in places like Canada and we here are just bigots. Think our cities in the SW would be different if every immigrant had to bring 10k to the table first?

    1. yeah, 10 grand?
      “$10,000 Canadian dollars. This means that immigrants bring money into the province, which will be used to stimulate the stagnant economy of Ontario”
      5 grand for an awful used but driveable car, 2 grand to insure it for a year, 3 grand for gas for a year, 800$ for depreciation for a year, There goes your 10,800$ 40$ for an oil change every 7000 km’s + parking + time, so around 100$ 4 times a year, Tires, Oh, Yeah , windshild washer fluid(weather is tough in toronto you know),. thats gonna cost you another 150$ a year, You’ll get a rock chip in your windshield guaranteed , so that’ll be another 300-400$ , alright were at around 12000$ so far,
      Yeah, rent, thats gonna cost ya abit, around 1200 for a shoebox, thatll be around 15,000$ a year, Minimum, + FOOD + Filtered water(Wouldnt wanna drink any tap water) + Gym membership,
      40,000$ might be Ok for 1 year, thats cash
      10 grand? That is helping the economy is it? lol.. You can’t even afford to own a car for 1 year with 10 grand …

  30. It might seem like a small point, but as mentioned above, home prices are out the fuck control in Toronto. If you move there and pay those prices, you’re going to be in world of hurt trying to pay down that mortgage (best case) or a even bigger world of hurt with the housing bubble finally pops.
    Stay away from areas with insane costs of living without a job that requires it. Work in tech and want to move to Valley? That can make sense, because that’s where a lot of ultra high paying tech jobs are. Work as a plumber and want to move to the Valley? What the fuck are you thinking?? Move to Ohio and live a good life and retire before you’re 80.

    1. Toronto, Vancouver and a bunch of Chinese cities too. A quarter million dollars gets you a bullshit closet to live in. For the same price I can get a two or three bedroom fully detached house in a smaller town. The trick to is have a job there.

        1. No snow? Are you willing to rent out a room to a completely anonymous internet user from the Great White North?

        2. Here in China I make less than Ontario’s minimum wage but with benefits, to have the same lifestyle, I would have to make $50k+ if I was in Toronto.

        3. A generous offer, but I’m terrible at learning languages. If I ever move overseas, I think it’ll have to be New Zealand’s North Island.

        4. I spent 10 days there but I am told the south island is more marvelous. Kiwis are great people and Auckland is a staging ground for all sorts of world travelers. If that is your choice then go for it. There are maybe 5 or 6 places on the planet that are better abodes.

  31. I live here and can confirm Toronto’s status as a quasi-third world feminist shit hole and mangina repository.
    It is sad because I remember the last few years when Toronto was friendlier. It wasn’t until the yuppies and fresh off the boat third worlders started coming in that Toronto took an irreversible turn for the worst.
    We also have the shittiest transit system known to man mismanaged by bureaucratic morons and a city council as relevant and useful as typesetting in 2015.
    Don’t even get me started about the blobs of solipsistic sludge we have the nerve to call “women” here. Toronto women are so far down the bottom of the barrel that it is no wonder they are so irritable from all the splinters they must be picking out of their collective asses.
    The people here are no better as they somehow think that they’re big time because they live in a city with tall buildings.
    Toronto is like a teenage chick on the cock carousel. It has no identity but copies everything they see, bastardizes it and then repackages itself as something unique. Toronto is an attention whore who instead of developing itself, scours the Internet looking for favourable reviews of any kind. Toronto will call itself a world class city if a health inspector gave a positive review of the drinking water.
    If you have the means to get out, do so for the sake of your own peace of mind.
    If not, God help you.

    1. “Toronto will call itself a world class city if a health inspector gave a positive review of the drinking water.”
      Yep. Two things you cannot avoid living in Toronto-radical feminists and the mayor or some city councillor calling it a world class city.

    2. ‘We also have the shittiest transit system known to man mismanaged by bureaucratic morons’
      Shitty compared to what? Just because we don’t have a trillion subway lines like New York or London doesn’t mean that it sucks (and we are upgrading the system, too.) I’d rather live here than in Montreal, where the subway is large, but shuts down at 12 midnight (at least the TTC shuts down at 1:50.)
      Further on the ‘shitty’ part (and correct me if I’m wrong)-weren’t people like you responsible for destroying Transit City by voting in Rob Ford and his ‘subways, subways, subways,’ mantra? And also voted in Mike Harris (who killed all funding for the TTC and squelched the Eglington subway line that could have gone to the airport?) If you did, you have only yourself to blame.

      1. Look little girl. As someone who has studied the TTC for 22 years I think I’d know a lot more than you.
        First off, who are people like me? Transit city was a stop gap solution. What happens when those lines reach capacity? What do they do then? Blow a few more billion to convert them to subways? Subways are the ideal option and the TTC were building them steadily until 1980. And don’t blame Harris for the lack of money in the province in those years. It was the liberal moron Peterson and especially the Rae government that completely destroyed the province and the TTC suffered as a result. The 90s were the worst years for the TTC that if it hadn’t been for David Gunn it would have collapsed. It was the Peterson government that blew millions on substandard buses between 1987 and 1990 as well as substandard subways (the h6s) and street cars (the alrvs). Not to mention the liberal governments dismantling of a 44 year old trolley coach system in favour of the experimental CNG program. We were lucky the fares stayed frozen during that decade. All that money could have been pumped into new lines. If it weren’t for arty farty NDP champagne socialists like you too, we’d have been able to save even more money but instead Toronto just has to copy Montreal.
        Toronto’s subway system is completely insufficient considering the population here. You’re complaining the Montreal metro shuts down early? What are you a moron? They don’t have nearly the population we do and it would be a needless expense to run the trains that late. But to a liberal retard like you I guess money does grow on trees.

        1. GORF, your passionate take on the TTC and Ontario government makes me think you’re a senior citizen, complete with a cane raised angrily in the air, chasing after a streetcar down the busy streets of Toronto. Nothing you say or do will change this image in my mind, for I quite like it.

        2. Careful, those senior citizens can smack the crap out of you with those canes, and if you hit that third rail, you’re done for … 🙂

        3. You mean the power of the third rail isn’t an urban legend? Good god, thanks for the heads up. The few times I go to Toronto I feel like such a hick – riding subways like they’re some low-grade roller coaster. I will be mindful, I don’t want the third rail to have the satisfaction of taking the life of yet another unsuspecting tourist.
          Jones, you’re a good man. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

        4. Whoa, calm yourself there. Gotta be watching out for high blood pressure at your age.

        5. You’re complaining the Montreal metro shuts down early? What are you a moron? They don’t have nearly the population we do and it would be a needless expense to run the trains that late. But to a liberal retard like you I guess money does grow on trees.

          But yet we’re supposed to hate the TTC for not having enough subway lines (as if having a gazillion lines going everywhere in the city means something just like NYC and London does) and lionize the STM simply for having RFID pay systems, closing really early, and having small trains that are like an oven in summer (oh yeah, and having four lines-three good sized ones, and one small feeder line similar to the Scarborough RT-kind of similar to ours, in particular except that one of them wasn’t useless like the Sheppard STUBway) as one bit of evidence of Montreal being better than Toronto (oh and as for said nightlife? I hear that compared to Toronto, it’s dead [or is it the downtown section that is?]) This is just weak sauce. But coming from a neocon guy what you, no surprises.

          Transit city was a stop gap solution.

          No, it wasn’t; most cities have built light rail as the sole rail transit for that city, or as an add-on for sections of a city that can’t justify building a subway line (like Los Angeles, or London [the Croydon Tramlink that services Croydon], plus a few other cities) Transit City was going to work for places like Scarborough, North York, East York, and York that can’t have subway lines running through them like in the core of old Toronto, was agreed upon by the province, Metrolinx, and the city, but idiots like you said no due to the acute case of subwayitis that you’ve obviously got, thus, we have the mess that we now have.
          And no, there wasn’t going to be any capacity problems, either. You need to check out Steve Munro’s website ( http://stevemunro.ca/)-he’s forgotten more about transit than most experts (and he’s a civilian not working for the TTC) as well as The Toronto LRT Information Page (http://lrt.daxack.ca/) and get some real info on what Transit City could have done for the inner suburbs of Toronto much better than building subways like the wastefully stupid Sheppard line or the equally wasteful future Scarborough line.

          What happens when those lines reach capacity? What do they do then? Blow a few more billion to convert them to subways?

          In future, if the parts of the city where Transit City runs in got more urbanly dense like downtown Toronto, yes. But all indications point to that not happening.

          Subways are the ideal option and the TTC were building them steadily until 1980.

          Says who? Toronto was’t doing that (unless you call building three extensions new subway lines.) Also, Toronto wasn’t planning to build subways, either; in the late 60’s /early 70’s the TTC planned to build a set of LRT lines similar to Transit City that would serve the inner suburbs of Toronto. Although it didn’t get built, it was better than just mindlessly building subways to nowhere like you seem to want.
          Bottom line, you don’t build subways unless the density of a given district warrants it and the numbers of people living in a given district support the cost of running one.

          It was the liberal moron Peterson and especially the Rae government that completely destroyed the province and the TTC suffered as a result.

          Excuse me? Rae was going to build the Eglington subway all the way to the airport; Harris canceled it, and cut the provincial funding, forcing the TTC to be funded from the fare box to the present day. That’s why the subway lines deteriorated, as well as a lot of the infrastructure- Harris was a believer in letting the market decide, like the neocon idiots in the USA you (and Harris) love to idolize so much. Give me a fracking break.

          But to a liberal retard like you I guess money does grow on trees.

          Compared to the waste of money for crappy things like a war we have no business fighting, and a crappy fighter we don’t need coming from a neocon cavemen like you, that’s high praise indeed.

    3. Toronto women are the worst women in the world. Who the fuck harasses, stalks, and destroy good-looking and/or successful guys?

  32. Arguably, you could extend most of this screed to the rest of Canuckistan. What an overbearing, self-inflated, lib-prog nest of Tories that place is! They have enshrined every principle of SJW-dom within a white bread kingdom where P.C. rules and they are free from any of the consequences of the “diversity” they genuflect before. They smugly carry on their charades, politely debating with each other about liberal vs. green vs. “conservative,” respecting all the falsely-framed issues as real, as Western Civ declines, right up until the point the lights go out, and they disappear into the next glaciation.

    1. I’ve thought things out very carefully and I believe Canada is the least likely nation to survive the decline of western civilization and reverse this trend.
      Even in Sweden, the government’s harsh totalitarian measures may provoke a response. Plus they have thousands of years of history to build their national pride on, if they can just rediscover it.
      Canada has no real history or culture or pride compared to European nations, and it lacks the ballsy manly culture that still exists to a degree in America and Australia. It’s full of apathetic people who actually like multiculturalism and political correctness even though it’s turned entire large areas of Toronto and Vancouver into crime-ridden ghettoes.
      Quebec may survive because they have an actual culture and a sense of ethno nationalism, but English Canada is doomed.

      1. Probably correct. The PC climate in Canada is less likely to be fought than in, say, the UK primarily because Canada is a huge country, and if you don’t like the riffraff, you can simply move. Sweden is sort of like a mini-Canada in this regard: a lot of space meaning more tolerance of PC crap.
        One good thing about the Mexivasion in the U.S. is that Americans bitched like mad whenever proposals about amnesty and increasing immigration were floated; the last time they did so was back in 1986 and 1990, before the Mexivasion became blatantly obvious. This was absent in Canada, and now Canada gets three times as many immigrants per capita as the U.S. Granted, Americans haven’t been able to get Fedgov to decrease immigration thanks to all the progs, but at least the situation hasn’t gotten any worse.

      2. All this assumes that the United States won’t invade Canada first as a better option when compared to having Russian troops within one hundred miles of Minnesota and North Dakota …
        “Surrender pronto, or we’ll level Toronto!” 🙂

        1. That would be a miracle if the US and Russia just split Canada into North and South Canada, that way the PC faggots will be culled and the ones to the north will have more money!

      3. Quebec has a nationalism because Quebeckers kicked out all the english and thus stunted multiculturalism. Everywhere else is too multicultural to stand up for anything. We live in a police state where you can get arrested for not producing ID while walking on the street.

    2. Toronto is Liberalism on steroids… Toronto recently voted in a majority Liberal Gov with a lez leader.

  33. I used to work with a woman in her fifties who was recently single and wondering why men in Toronto were so shy (in her words) nowadays, as opposed to when she was younger.
    I would never fuck this woman, but for a guy 60 and up, she’s not a bad catch. She keeps herself in good shape for her age, has a good personality and from what she tells me, loves to fuck.
    I told her what would be considered courtship in her day would probably be considered sexual harassment nowadays and since the culture here is ultra-feminist, no sane man would risk losing their career over a woman.
    She thought about it for a bit, and agreed with me. Now she’s thinking about leaving Toronto. I know a few other women who are fed up with the feminist agenda in Toronto and are looking to leave too.

    1. “…she’s thinking about leaving Toronto. I know a few other women who are fed up with the feminist agenda in Toronto and are looking to leave too.”
      Yeah…that way, they can spread their feminist agenda somewhere else and bring ruin to another city.
      Feminists (just like all Leftists) are just like cockroaches in that respect.

  34. He has a very good point when he says that criticism of Toronto is considered offensive.
    Toronto is basically one big lab experiment for multiculturalism, so criticism of Toronto is likened with criticism of multiculturalism itself
    And unlike say London or New York which have their own authentic culture that predates multiculturalism, Toronto before cultural Marxism was basically some bland generic city with no real culture. So the entire identity of the city is related with multiculturalism.
    If you don’t like Toronto, it indicates that you don’t like multiculturalism. And that is why disliking Toronto is seen as offensive.

    1. And unlike say London or New York which have their own authentic culture that predates multiculturalism
      I read somewhere that about half the people living in Toronto are foreigners, versus about a quarter in London and New York.
      Perhaps social atomization also degrades the women. Roosh mentioned recently he was surprised to find that NYC women aren’t actually that bad any more.

    1. Lepine’s real name was Gamail Gharbi; a Muslim beta mass murderer, this is your hero?

        1. Well, I haven’t stepped foot in the city since July of 1999, so I’m sure much has changed for the worst in the Marxist sense.

    1. Great architecture? Aside from Casa Loma, Old City Hall, Osgoode Hall, the Provincial Legislature and some of the CNE buildings and gates, I can’t really think of much.

      1. Note: I said some, not lots. Plus, great architecture does not only refer to old buildings.

      1. Not really, but there’s a lot in Montreal that can distract you from the crappy weather, which is not the case in Toronto.

    1. I will not take your insult sitting down sir, how dear you insult second class cities that way.

  35. what garbage this article is.
    for one, feminism means equality, that women are people not objects and are equal to men. No wonder this douche has a problem with a city where women believe they are people and not just notches for his probably by now diseased dick.
    Perhaps some qualifications are not recognized here, but I work with a number of immigrants who have a good job and who’s skills are recognized. People should be smart enough to do their homework to find out if their degrees are valid before they move to Canada.
    Yes, it is hard to live on minimum wage, but that is so pretty much everywhere, totally invalid stupid statement to make.
    And his memes are retarded, eye contact is not considered sexual assault anywhere and women in Toronto are no different from elsewhere. Maybe they are more progressive, but that’s a good thing.
    As for fallout against him, be a professional dickwad and of course you will be known as a dickwad wherever you go. Try making it your thing to insult mulims and then travel to saudi arabia and see how you fare,
    Nothing wrong with the dating market in Toronto, I have done quite well, often getting laid by date 2 or 3, because I treat women like people. It’s his technique that is failing.

    1. “Feminism means equality”…that tripe was disproved over twenty years ago. The only males who believe that are either neutered Lefties or simps.

      1. he’s such a textbook SJW in his post that one almost wonders if it’s a troll, although he did mention the word “retard”, which i don’t think a true SJW is allowed to do.

    2. Do you really think anyone’s going to take anything a castrated self-hating eunuch like you in here?
      Here’s a broom.
      The friend zone needs a good sweeping while one of these RoK-ers fucks the piss out of the women you worship.

      1. Apparently he tried and failed, so I’m not so worried.
        And I’m getting it more than you are, so your are the castrated eunuch. Nothing wrong with my parts. I notice you can’t even debate a single point I mentioned.

        1. Someone somewhere is “getting it” more than you. So by comparison, you are a castrated eunuch.
          You are not worth debating. I have better things to do than to debate a dickless, Toronto, stiletto licking invertebrate. I can feel my testosterone escaping when I talk to Toronto dudes.

        2. The get up off Roosh’s dick up your ass, wipe his cum off your lips and stop whining about how scary women are and how they will never like you

        3. And before you use the word debate you should learn what it means. It doesn’t mean spewing insults like a 13 year old who’s balls haven’t dropped yet, it would require actually commenting on the points I made in my post. But that would require more intelligence than you can muster.

        4. You have no points.
          You are a mangina.
          Hope this has been enlightening for you.

        5. Yes, women are scary.
          One in 10 of them have chlamydia.
          One in four of them are on antidepressants.
          Not a good combination.
          And guys like you begging them for the scent of vagina only exacerbates the problem.

        6. “And guys like you begging them for the scent of vagina only exacerbates the problem.”
          This ^

    3. dude these guys cannot get any pussy 3 million folks there and they cannot get laid?

      1. Haha, yeah that’s why the country needs to import a quarter million people per year, and they’re looking to increase that by nearly 50% by the end of the decade.
        If they didn’t import so many people the population would crater within the next 30-50 years.

      2. That’s because of who they are. Real men can get laid in Toronto. I have no problem.

  36. I used to live in Toronto for 5 years, left 7 years ago and I will never go back

  37. I’m going to play devil’s advocate. Toronto is full of beautiful women because of the diversity; hot blondes, Asians, blacks, Persians, Italians, Slavs, Indians…. like with food, whatever your tastes are you can find it here. Yes there are uggo, lesbian SJWs, but you have them too. Secondly, note a cultural difference between us and Americans; Canadians aren’t the type to slap you on the back and ask about your day at the gas station, it’s just not the way we are, male or female. That doesn’t mean people aren’t nice, it’s more about being reserved. And to all the Americans posting here; your women are fat. classless hogs, albeit more outgoing. Czech, Venezuelan (not Brazilian) and Japanese guys might have a point here, you don’t.

    1. Well said. I’m a Canuck relocated in SW America. I love the physical geography, climate, cost of living, and infrastructure here, but hate the people, politics, militarism. When I return to Canada each year for a holiday, I literally get my humanity recharged just being around the better, more introspective and intelligent people who are North of the border — this despite the high number of SJWs and PC idiots there. But I find that my “masculine, straight shooter, brutally honest” approach garners respect and attention with Canadian women. Not that I’d ever marry one, but fun to flirt, poke fun at and possibly bang.

        1. I smell bullshit on your breath from enjoying felatio too soon after sodomy. To each his own, brown man.

    2. “That doesn’t mean people aren’t nice, it’s more about being reserved.”
      You mean it’s more about being passive aggressive, something I’ve noticed many people in Toronto take pride in. Not to mention most Canadians outside of the Greater Toronto Area are very down to earth, so don’t try to attribute typical Toronto bullshit to all Canadians.
      There’s a reason why most of Canada despises Toronto. Remember this documentary? It was funny, but true.

    3. The blondes are typically not hot and neither are the other groups you listed. When I first travelled to England, the most surprising thing to me was not getting eye contact, but seeing Indian women who weren’t ugly but actually attractive. I had taken it as a given indian = ugly. Then I went to England and it made me question. Toronto tends to get the lowest class of women from respective countries. So its tends to go hand in hand with ugly. The persian girls are hairy and unattractive here too. and look at who you said was hot
      “Czech, Venezuelan (not Brazilian) and Japanese”
      Now look at who you said was here
      “blondes, Asians, blacks, Persians, Italians, Slavs, Indians”
      Even your own claims contradict. When was the last time you seen a hot blonde, hot japanese looking chick, hot beyonce look alike, hot persian or slav?

      1. If you want to see really attractive women – you should go to my homeland Czech Rep.

  38. The city is really on the decline. It used to be clean and relatively nice. Now it is become really grungey with garbage. Not to mention the province is run by a corrupt lesbo Premier who with her cronies have destroyed the economy and are more concerned about social engineering than getting things back on track.

  39. Toronto proper is the nexus of the canadian liberal hivemind yes, but if you go out to the GTA you can find normal people. Mississauga is a very successful suburban city. There are clearly many immigrants doing just fine there judging by the Porsches and BMWs they drive.
    I dated one girl from Toronto, she was a crazy alcoholic. Stick to the burbs. Sure it isn’t hip and trendy, but it beats Toronto.

  40. Born and raised in Toronto. It wasn’t until I started to travel that I witnessed how good other cities in the world are

    1. Canada imports 250,000 people per year (I assume mostly insta-couples and insta-families), and they want to bump that to 350,000 per year by the end of the decade.

  41. The author will likely understand this, and may be hard to realize for those that haven’t grown up here and don’t see beyond the tranquil exterior, but Toronto is muy mala onda. As someone of European roots I actually hope that it turns into a little Hong Kong.
    For a taste of the toxicity of Toronto that hides behind the polite exterior check out any Toronto forum, what should be a representation of the city usually ends up being full of rabid white knights and nutbar feminists.

  42. I will be returning to TO in August and I have a hundred bucks that says I can help Clark Kent get laid by an HB7 (with an HB6 being a push). The place is pretty messed up but not the wasteland that some people make it out to be.

  43. I was born in Montreal and moved to Toronto as a kid because of a dumb parental decision and have never gotten used to it. I have a highly analytic and sensitive personality so I can 100% attest to the lack of culture and identity in this city especially compared to Montreal. The city and its people’s values and priorities just don’t mesh with mine and I can’t wait to fucking move away from this place. I’m surprised no ones mentioned the hanous weather on top of everything else but that’s a Canadian thing not exclusive to Toronto. I can’t speak from a mans perspective but as a young female with standards its a shitshow dating scene, from the wanna be wolf of wallstreets with no personalities or morals to the tight pant bearded hipsters who get laid so often they are desensitized to women, there are no real prospects in terms of a quality man to end up with. I don’t agree with some of the crazy mysoginistic shit posted on this site but I do agree it’s very hard to find female friends in Toronto that are now highly promiscuous or have cavalier attitudes about casual sex. This is just speaking from my own experience but let’s just say I feel Amish sometimes at uni trying to meet new girlfriends and seeing as very few of them bother to develop higher intellectual interests we run out of things to talk about very quickly after they lament about why the guy from the club is an asshole because he stopped responding after their one night stand. I can’t wait to move away from this city…. As for my take on the rampant feminism here… Women’s issues is legitimate but the majority of the movement is not. Dying your armpit hair green does not make you intellectual or special it makes you a dumbass and harassing every man you meet about patriarchy makes you a delusional cunt. Everyone wants to change the world but being a loud obnoxious loose cannon about a single, peripheral issue makes you look like an unstable, attention- seeking child with 0 self awareness. Girls are getting acid tossed in their faces for going to school, sold as children to crusty old men, thrown away like garbage at birth etc.. And you’re flashing your tits in public because you don’t want people to call you a whore for sleeping with every man who waves hello to you despite the insurmountable evidence that promiscuity puts your physical and mental health at risk. GTFO.

  44. Heed this guy’s words, prospective immigrants. Unless you have a lock on a great job paying you a lot of money then moving to this arch conservative bastion of British reserve is one hell of a bad idea. T.O. is NOT the type of place where you can land and ‘play it by ear’. It is, rather, a place where it’s not what you know but who you know, type of place. Canada’s reputation for upward mobility was formed in the post war period…and era that has passed and is probably gone forever. If you want to come to North America, the US is still the place to go, even with all its political problems. Canada is yesterday’s news; I’m getting out in exactly 9 months from now and I can hardly wait.

  45. I’m a bit behind on this article but it’s fricking accurate it blew my mind. Toronto is a soulless and fallen city and I’ve never once felt at home here since my family moved here when I was 12 from Montreal. As a woman in her 20s I can attest to the fact that dating here is an absolute nightmare for any female that is not attracted to effeminate, politically correct, atheist liberal losers who think their joke of an office job makes them interesting. It’s so unbelievably hard to meet a conservative, traditional man who isn’t too busy rubbing scented oil in his disgusting beard and calling people cucks under Joe rogan podcast videos. I’ve had better luck finding like minded female friends but in general it’s next to impossible for newcomers to find and keep friends in this city. I 100% agree with the author, toronto is a horrendous city for both men AND women, basically anyone that possesses a mind of their own, humanity, a baseline value system and isn’t a soulless feminist, polyamorous liberal twat.

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