When I stumbled across TLC’s Submissive Wives’ Guide to Marriage while channel surfing over Mother’s Day weekend, I almost didn’t stop to investigate. After all, reality television shows tend to be zoological in nature: find strange or exotic people, preferably naive if at all possible, film them in their natural habitat, and televise it for the amusement of your viewing demographic.
In the American context, this means finding some rubes in flyover territory whose personal habits, religious practices, accent, social circle, or means of employment can serve as ready pablum to boost the flagging self-esteem of the urbanized, sophisticated, left-leaning cable TV viewer (e.g. A&E’s Duck Dynasty, or History’s Axe Men or Swamp People).
Fearing more of the same, I was initially reluctant to tune to the channel, but nevertheless, I did. I’m glad I watched the episode, because truth was being ladled out by the bucketful for those with eyes to see, truths that RoK readers will readily recognize and likely appreciate.
Truth #1: The optimal marriage structure features husband as leader and wife as deputy
Whether it is the dreaded “s” word (submission) or the slightly more palatable Captain and First Officer (FO) model, the hierarchy is clear: the husband is the captain of SS Family. This is not to say that the wife is a doormat—if she were, she would be a poor FO. The captain needs a capable FO who can be trusted to independently run the ship while he’s away, and a passive FO simply cannot fulfill this role.
Instead, the FO consults and advises while recognizing that the Captain has the final say. Much social science data supports this hierarchical ordering, finding that when men and women fill the traditional roles of male leader, provider, and coverer, with woman filling the roles of follower and homemaker, both men and women are happier and are more likely to report greater emotional fulfillment in their marriage and enjoy more frequent and more satisfying sex.
The concept of submission encompasses much more than just who gets the final say in decisions, and extends instead to a broader attitude of mate-centered service, care, and meeting of whatever needs one’s spouse has. The FO’s objective, her job description as it were, is the mission, and helping and supporting the captain in guiding the SS Family to that destination.
Truth #2: The job description of “wife” entails meeting your husband’s sexual needs, as well as any others he may have
One would think this would be a no-brainer, in that why would men and women marry if not to fill some otherwise unmet need? For most men, one of their primary needs is sexual fulfillment, and for some reason, the idea of having sex with their man when he wants it seems to be either a complete surprise, or worse, borderline repulsive to many wives or would-be wives.
This is a significant yet completely avoidable error, for not only does scripture inveigh against regularly denying yourself sexually to your spouse, but the evidence suggests that women who do so interfere with getting their own relational needs met as well. In other words, not only should she “give it up” because it is best for her husband, but she should do so because it is in her own interests as well, even if she doesn’t feel like at the time.
Truth #3: Male self-improvement efforts to become better leaders are value-added
In the episode, one husband advises another that a man must “give his wife something to submit to,” as an enabler, if not exactly a precondition of her submission. This counsel, while quite contra-Biblical from a theological standpoint, is beneficial nonetheless.
A man who is focused on improving himself harnesses the forces of hypergamy in his favor, and by extension, becomes someone to whom a woman would more willingly submit. Thus advice such as “get a job,” “get in and stay in shape,” “acquire hobbies,” “dress better,” and “clean up a little” take on greater utility.
Since men are the gatekeepers of commitment and, if fathers, the parent capable of granting to their wives and children the gift of civilization, you, my male readers, are the prize. So develop yourself to the utmost as the captain of your ship so that you respect yourself and (as a nice side effect) your crew finds it easier and more “natural” to respect and follow you.
Truth #4: Wives should be shovelling the gravel too
Let us return to the wife who shared the marital bed more often with the labrador than with the husband. As the stay-at-home-spouse with school-age children attending public school, there was no apparent excuse for the family home to be in the disarray shown in the episode. Yet it was.
Soiled clothes were everywhere and family meals a rarity, despite (or perhaps caused by) the fact that the wife slept long hours as a general rule, ruminated frequently on the couch for hours on end, was unconcerned about her appearance and fitness, and frequently enjoyed midday naps. For whatever reason, she was failing to discharge her share of the division of marital labor, and seemed to have little concern about the negative effects her neglect was having on the family and her husband.
Ironically, her sloth was both a symptom and a cause of her steep marital dissatisfaction, causing her to complain on air in her own zaftig ennui that her and her husband were on the road to divorce if nothing changed. Happily, based on what was shown in the episode, it appeared that her experimentation with “submission” as a wife was bearing positive fruit–the laundry was being done, and the house was being made a home.
She was becoming more equally yoked to the domestic plow, her efforts to support SS Family becoming incrementally more on par with that of her husband. He was “shoveling his gravel” without complaint, as men are wont to do; she needed to do so as well.
Although clunky in places–I think this show was the first time I’d ever heard the phrase “dress like a “hoochie mama” not uttered perjoratively–every once in a while the Cathedral’s media stream inadvertently subverts the culture it aims to propagate.
Thus, while this show was intended to be ready-made red meat for the liberalist-feminist majority, and had some success in this regard judging by the comments at various lefty message boards, it also served as an evangelizing platform for those who hew to objective Truth.
Read More: Housewives Are The New Battered Wives
“Submissive wives” should be a redundant phrase.
Ain’t nobody gonna top that one.
NothingMan00 wins. Flawless victory.
Now it’s an oxymoron.
“Submissive wives” should be compulsory subject in schools.
But it actually isn’t women to blame, for once. Nope, this time the blame falls squarely on the Blue pill cunts.
I agree.
No. The blame falls squarely on their wuss-bag, blue pill FATHERS for failing to train them to be good wives, and failing to lecture them sternly when they fall short in their obligations.
Good luck finding a submissive wife in the west.
Please…. If you can’t outwit a western woman, you shouldn’t marry. All women want to submit. But not to a eunicky nicky…
Outwitting a western woman is easy……
Doing it without her being able to call the state is another issue that needs to be addressed if this society is to survive.
If you have to beat her into submission, you’re doing it wrong.
you are reading something that wasn’t written.
Why would the state need to be called?
shit test. to know if you are actually in power or if she can get you to submit. the mere fact that she has the power is the problem.
I don’t tolerate shit tests. If a girl even jokes about that, she is bounced.
good man. but how will you guarantee that she will not be tempted in the course of 18 years it takes to raise a child?
I marry my wife for one year at a time. No church or state involved. And I’m not having kids.
what’s the point of marrying if you don’t want kids?
It is about a mutual agreement to respect each other. Making a commitment to a relationship is a healthy way for it to grow. It will also help while sailing to foriegn shores.
i’m asking out of ignorance, but why does a man need a relationship if there’s no purpose involved? being together for the sake of being together is like signing a business contract without defining the type of work that is to be done.
We are setting sail in two months. I assure you, the work to be done is well defined and as much as I respect her opinion, my word is the final say. As for why the commitment to her, she is a traditional woman who can’t have kids. I totally win with her.
maybe i’ll understand once i manage to acquire such a woman. have a good sail.
You don’t aquire such a women. That assumption might be your first mistake.
perhaps. how would you phrase it?
When you find a woman who makes your dick hard and not your life, you win.
i like it.
Words to live by.
You are either naive or insane.
Exactly. See this pic: http://i.imgbox.com/mNbGqZXA.jpg
9% false rape accusations… to test husband’s love.
That women are given this possibility to pull such tests, is the frightening part.
And now with the marriage rape legislation, she can play such games even decades after you have been divorced.
Equating commitment with marriage. If you believe in commitment, great. But marrying to express this commitment is naive or insane.
You are mistaken. There is no “mutuality” and “commitment”, because the rights and duties are completely unbalanced. If the woman marries the wrong guy, nothing happens to her, she even gets rewarded. If the man marries the wrong woman, he goes to jail:
Watch from 11:45
haha, nice one.
makes me wonder … is it possible that the female emotional memory is impaired in a way that makes it impossible for them to know how they felt about it before it went to shit in their heads?
Maybe you missed the part that it is for a year at a time, the state is not involved and she is a traditional woman.
As much as i love your commentary, you are an angry bitter man.
Fair enough. I missed that part. I take back what I wrote and apologise.
Not a problem.
26 “Be angry, and do not sin”:[a] do not let the sun go down on your wrath,27 nor give place to the devil.
Ephesians 4: 26-27
Anger is good when you are angered about the right things. To presume that because he is angry he has some fault is quite erroneous but do keep living in your fantasy world of everything positive if it helps you get through the day.
I didn’t swallow the red pill because I wanted to go dancing with the stars or experience the lackluster joys of materialism.
The only thing I am positive about is that I make my own way and most people are fucking retarted. I have had papers write about my “positive” attidude. My motto, ” if you ain’t paying my moorage or lifting my anchor, fuck you and your opinion.
On this we agree. Men should expect nothing that which they cannot do for themselves. I am still learning this.
You might want that to say “retarded” though.
Im drinkin and sort of working. Don’t judge my spelling.
If you want more practice in self responsibility, live on a sailboat and singlehand on the ocean.
This is why you don’t get married in Camaba
Are you trolling?
Or are you for real?
In what universe do you live in where the state isn’t involved in a marriage?
If you aren’t WILLING to beat her into submission, you’re doing it wrong.
Thank you AF, you just stated what flashed into my head the moment ‘human’ spouted his egalitarian, self-destructive hypocrisy.
truth, women’s emotional memory and their long-term recall are linked the same way men’s sensory and long term recall are linked.
The thing is, emotional memory is subject to constant rewrite. That’s why she can mention that you called her a whore two years ago even if you absolutely did not… because since the time you had your conversation, she ‘felt’ like you were calling her a whore, which rewrote that conversation in her memory until to her, that’s what you really said.
Men, well… we just forget about most emotional memories. To us, that conversation never actually existed, because it was about something that is no longer relevant.
What this means in absolute terms is that the constant barrage of ‘rape culture’ messages, which impinge on a woman’s emotional memory, actually completely changes the context of her own memories, until she actually remembers the experience as being ‘raped’
So basically feminism’s constant complaints and emotional reinforcement of women’s victimization is literally altering the memories of those women exposed to it, causing traumatic experiences to develop from virtually nothing.
In short, feminism is RAPING women, and scarring them emotionally for life.
There is a huge difference between having too and willing to.
I don’t troll.
60% of rape accusations are false? Are you sure cause thats fucking ridiculous.
I agree
Any guys beats me, he’s getting beat right back. Guess that’s why I have never been in an abusive relationship.
fuck the west, then.
And that’s why I’ll sit by and let Sharia Law take over. All I gotta do is grow a beard and pay lip service to the caliphate.
The women won’t have it so easily. And since western women will sit back as men are victimized by the cathedral, cruel internet mobs, divorce and family courts, and not care (because it’s not being done to them and they are brainwashed to think it’s to their benefit), then I will do nothing as they are getting stoned to death for not covering enough ankle or something.
that may be a tad naive, but it might work.
here’s a citation from a slave trader, specifically regarding christian slaves:
source: https://www.academia.edu/2971600/Slave_Trade_in_the_Early_Modern_Crimea_From_the_Perspective_of_Christian_Muslim_and_Jewish_Sources
Wow look: mutilation, rotten meat, hard labor. The women get to have sex.
That must be male privilege.
Ah but we all know what happens to the fat feminists who are too weak to work and too ugly to fuck, don’t we… don’t we… (fades into darkness)
maybe “dead animals” is an euphemism. too politically incorrect to write the truth even a couple hundred years ago.
Possibly the rotten meat you mentioned?
I’ll shoot myself before it gets that far ….
Just imagine the horror, when you find out that the same people pull the strings, and in the caliphate, enemy men (like you) get castrated and put to hard labour, while you guessed it, the women have sex all day with the prophets and big shots who need 14 wives.
Go ahead and tell me how all these “yes means yes” laws, combined with a surveillance state, based on a culture that put all responsibilities on men while there is no consequence for women, and a the same time, taxes the labors of men to subsidize the no-consequence lifestyle of women, is not in any way shape or form close to what you describe? Tell me that the average divorce-raped man over 30 who has to work all of the time to pay the child support and can’t get laid is not already a castrated slave?
Oh I see, you get to keep your balls so it’s all good, right?
It’s like free speech: you can say whatever you want, even if it’s ignored but hey, as long as you can complain about not having any rights left, then everything is all good, right?
Get your fucking head out of the sand.
You misunderstood me buddy, I’m not waving any flags, all they’re good for is asswiping, maybe.
I’m saying the shit in the west sucks diseased moose cock, and so does sharia, unless you’re a big shot.
Alright then.
What you bring to the table is the fact that many a commie and SJW (I repeat myself) miss: no matter how much equality you force, there will always be big shots.
Basically if you have to enforce it at gunpoint, somebody is going to be holding the gun.
When some creed rises up that says blindfold the bigshots and give them a cigarette by the brick wall out back before sending them to their deity to be judged, that might be interesting.
Preach on. You’re saying what I’ve been painfully realizing as I think over the ass raping the Western man has been given by his government. And you’re exactly right.
We are paying taxes into one of the most oppressive regimes that has ever existed. In essence, paying for our own enslavement.
“I’m saying the shit in the west sucks diseased moose cock, and so does sharia, unless you’re a big shot.”
Indeed. Many individuals seem unaware that Sharia Law is also quite oppressive to males and is therefore not a desirable situation.
Right on. Well said. Not enough time and commentary in ROK is put on the cocksuckers that put us in this situation… our politicians. Completely sold us out. Yeah women are fucked but its the government and all its sheister lawyers that fucked us all just to make a buck under the guise of political correctness.
Oh, there was one that said just that. It naively failed to recognize that someone always steps up. Communism in Russia. Same thing in revolutionary France.
Spot on
You know the saying, save one bullet for yourself? That’s a scenario I keep that one bullet for.
didn’t the who write a song about that once?
This is exactly why the West is “spreading democracy” in the Middle East. Their true goal is spreading the same virus of feminism that’s destroying the West to one of the last patriarchal societies on Earth so women can walk on top of their men there just like they do here.
Man you do have a way with constructing words. It cracked me up whenever I read your articulate comments. I propose you write and contribute an article in this site detailing how red pillers can enjoy success during the inevitable caliphate and how militants feminist will be the first casualty when Islam officially becomes the dominant religion in the west.
you watch too much fox news man.
I’ll miss the Latin Alphabet, but I’ll hope it’ll be like the Turks and it’s kept, because I like to write.
I might have found one. We’ll see.
The problem is that you cannot legally protect yourself from her.
You can protect yourself from her just fine if you have a brain and don’t shit yourself with fear at the thought of guys in blue uniforms.
Only the truly stupid get caught. Prison is not full of smart men.
Well, I’m not MGTOW. So…
Don’t you think it would suffice to lose your job?
Women can easily make that happen.
‘Don’t shit your nest’
Shaming tactics => You are a woman => Time for you to leave this website
I think you are thinking this is AVFM, if you think sound advice like ‘only idiots go to jail’. ‘stop being terrified of the cops’ and ‘don’t shit where you sleep’ are ‘shaming tactics’.
Only men can criticize men though. If you want some shaming tactics, you are a feminized douchenozzle whining about ‘unfair language’. Grow the fuck up,
In the end, the police will NOT protect her. They may punish you after the fact, but the only person that can actually protect a woman is a beholden man… This is reality, and has always been the truth, and whining about how she might be able to hurt you doesn’t change it.
BTW, I just got my new Area 51 from fedex AND a really excellent blow job from my pet, so I am in a GREAT mood. I forgive you for your pathetic attempt at scoring points via semantic gymnastics… The landing was a little rough.
Only idiots believe in the rule of law.
Unicorn incoming…
I screencapped it from http://www.rooshv.com
Interestingly, it’s not that she’s a unicorn, that dude just stayed in “man” frame at all times.
He established ground rules, stuck to his word and did his part, whilst constantly reminding her she can leave or get dumped for violations.
Exactly. Be the man or the bitch. It is your choice.
and that’s how real life used to be….before daddy government came along to fill a role.
Remove daddy government from the support system and we’ll see quite a change in their behavior.
This is how I live. No drama, no lying no bullshit. If you bring any of those into my life, you leave.
The guy you screen capped is a fucking moron.
He’s confirmed a death threat he made to a woman. He’s confirmed emotional and psychological abuse.
She fucking OWNS this guy now. All she has to do if he ever steps out of line is sic her brothers, or the guy with a crush, or the police on him and he’s ground chuck.
She could blacklist him and he’d never work again.
This guy is a fucking retard.
That won’t help her much if she’s dead.
I can’t speak for the screencap dude, but it seems like he’s the “live free or die” type.
She could do that even if he hadn’t said those things.
Unicorns can be made by carefully breeding and altering a goat.
women are much the same way. If you start with decent material, and then make sure you never let them break the rules, you can have your very own unicorn.
The problem isn’t the starting with “decent material”. The problem (as I see it) is the nonstop barrage of “you go girl” everywhere you turn, today.
It’s the nonstop “misinformation” that women are fed through the media, the government, entertainment, etc… The have a herd mentality. When one woman is getting divorced from her husband because she is “unhappy” pretty soon her girlfriends are right behind her.
All of these women who get divorced usually have a good life…they’re just “not happy” (probably because life is too easy for them). Their husbands make a good enough living so there is no struggle (so they get bored).
It’s a shame because while you can start with “good material” the end result (if you’re in the western world) will be the same.
Thus their dependence on Drama, the ultimate retreat from boredom.
The trick is, keep them occupied.
Same can be said about niggers.
Yep..agree..and just like kids.
I think the Unicorn is the man in the above post…
I haven’t see the show.I dont watch t.v. If it’s a “reality” show then unless they have more women meddling in the couples affairs and the secret sauce of reality show ratings…copius amounts of alchohol then expect it to last one season. Bravo and E figured out a long time ago that booze+ broads =drama= ratings. I wish them well.
The feminists will blow this off as “entertainment.” Which is very unfortunate. It’s also unfortunate that for the majority of men in America right now who tries this in real life would get the cops called on them & be labeled as an abusive spouse for trying to get his lazy wife to do some laundry.
Sad that you believe this. I live in portland and have no problem finding submissive women. I hear them cry over and over about sissy men. And I see these “men” all the time. Most men can’t change a bicycle tube in this town. Any woman will submit to a man.
Portland Oregon?? The most liberal city in the NW next to Seattle?
Where the motto is “keep portland wierd? Consider yourself very lucky…..
Yep Portland Oregon… For two more months before I set sail (literally). Portland is a bullshit place, but banging the feminist here is easy. All women want to submit to a man. Portland isn’t weird, it is childish.
I agree it’s childish, and I agree that the feminists are easy as well if pussy is all you want. But finding a woman there that’s wife material? I used to live across the river in WA and after living there, I have a hard time believing that one.
You just have to know how to keep them in check and happy. It all starts the moment you meet. Be solid before hand and stay that way.
Dude, I live near Corvallis, OR. Couldn’t agree more.
“I hear them cry over and over about sissy men.”
The more women get what they want (men that are “sensitive” and act like women) the more unhappy they become. And the more a “real man” sticks out in an environment like that.
And.. Jeezus.. A bicycle tube? I hope you’re exaggerating. I know how to tear a bike down to the frame and rebuild it (because, frankly, it’s not that hard). Actually, this sad statement reminds me that I need to change my bottom bracket today. Hope I can figure it out! 😉
Yes. I literally hear it all the time and casually mock them as they pay me to do it for them. Most of them are raised by single women.
all that for sex? no way.
Lol, surely you jest.
well, although i fantasized a lot, it never motivated me to the degree where i would invest continuous effort. to do things for the sake of competition is much more invigorating to me.
There’s one of the big problems in the west – men and women are in competition against each other, no one can win that game.
Well, Men can actually, but as long as the west keeps the fantasy’s of gender equality and Fairness, things will remain stagnant.
not competition against women. competition against other men.
also, a feud is not competition. a competition presumes equal criteria of quality for all participants – which is not the case, because the market for women are men, while the market for men are women.
That’s…interesting. Are you high again, Thomas?
get your head out of your ass and tell me what you dislike about the concept of competition.
Brother, I have no problem with competition, it’s a means to an end, just part of a process. Competition is not even foreplay, it’s more like getting dressed up before a date.
Now hit that bong again.
yet without the means, the end would have no meaning. without competition, there would be no challenge, therefore no big value attached to it. why do men want to pull one night stands when they could just as well pay for sex in the whorehouse?
Because they bullshit themselves into thinking that the ‘fact’ that they have to compete for a non-pro somehow makes it less sleazy than just paying the hourly rate up front.
“a competition presumes equal criteria of quality for all participants.”
In what Universe?
why don’t they want to be sleazy?
i am aware that this sentence can be interpreted in more than one way.
Peer pressure, media programming, herd mentality, hypocrisy, etc.
Example, if Roosh had a website called, say, “Return of Pimps”, and a forum, where the topics all were about international whoremongering – how to and stories about all the prostitutes he and his cohorts banged all over the world, how much it costs, service for value, etc., as opposed to “gaming” sluts in and out of bars and clubs in order to fornicate with them (or st least getting a bj in the restroom or an alley out back), you see?
It’s not for sex. It’s for self respect.
The sex is just a bonus.
btw, leave ‘get a job’ off the list. No man slaves for another man for something as mundane as money. Work for yourself, or for a man you respect. Not for money.
if the money keeps me alive long enough to go on about my mission, i am taking it. there is no greatness in ending up on the street. being a slave of pride is as dangerous as being one of money.
beign a slave of pride is the only slavery worth considering.
Pride builds civilizations. Money only builds money.
tell me what civilization you can build while living under a bridge.
i’m in this boat too. I think I found what I should be doing (I am not great at it yet). I’m close to graduating university, on a totally different subject though (computer science). I’ll probably work as a programmer for a while I study the other field.
Pride will prevent you from living under said bridge.
Brigadon had his mother’s basement to fall back on.
My mother’s been dead for fifteen years.
And yet you still haven’t moved out of her basement.
For my woman or my country, I would gladly be a kamakazi. That is because my woman is good to me. And I love America.
But young ladies beware. No girl who has ever marched in a slutwalk will ever get that kind of loyalty and devotion. No slut is worthy of honor,
If a damn MGTOW wants to find himself through dog-walking and masturbation or a beta wants to devote himself to a sloppy seconds slut, well that’s cool with me.
But they are missing out. We all need an object of devotion. But it must be worthy.
But I sure as hell feel sorry for the mangina spouses of J. Valenti and her clones.
Yep, I am over 50 and a dinosaur. But that is how I see things. And believe you me. It was a pleasure to honor the lady of the house on Mother’s day.
Cause she’s a lady. Dammit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh. Blind patriotism does far more harm than good. Until the country is taken over by leftists who are hostile to truth.
Well put Sir. Your lady is lucky.
I agree, any woman in the Traditional sense honor is worth defending.
Picture of hot girl cooking is Photoshopped, surely.
Especially if she is a western woman from America.
Not necessarily, periodically the janitor at the club gets some hotty skank he found left in the club at closing time to cook him an omlette at his place.
I’ve noticed a lot of Christian guys, get hung up on verses where the Bible says for wives to submit. They will go to their wife or prospective wife logically like “Look see here, The Bible says Submit”. It rarely works on a deep down level. You can’t Make a women Submit. She will gladly give you her gift of submission, If you are worthy to be submitted to. Even the most aggressive woman, when she meets a higher masculine presence will submit, and she will do it gladly. It’s really all about you.
That’s not what the bible says though. It says “submit”, there is no if/then.
I agree that men need to be worthy, neither submission nor worthiness is predicated on the other.
Who would then be the arbiter of worthy? Her. And that is the foundation of marriage 2.0.
Correct. You cannot “make” a woman submit.
The man is supposed to do his part and be the best man he can be, and be an example for her at the same time. She is to follow his lead. There are men out there that refuse to step up to the plate and they shouldn’t be followed by any woman. Unfortunately, for the men that do, most women are poisoned due to her unrestrained hypergamy, and do not realize that the man’s noble actions are in her best interest.
so, are you getting the surgery or do you just tuck your cock as far back as it will go?
Telling my bitch “NO” & leading her in the direction she should be going doesn’t equal being a pussy in my book.
yes, but blaming problems on ‘hypergamy’ and assuming that a man would even WANT to ‘be an example to her’ is really kind of blameshifty, whiny behavior. I agree that women’s inability to comprehend WHY a man is better at leading her than she is herself, is a problem, but it is simply her childlike nature… a nature that cannot and will not be changed, ever, and is not neccessarily wrong.
The gist of your initial post strikes to the bone, but remonstrating with the losers that wear “This is what a feminist looks like’ teeshirt will never succeed, not as long as there’s no way to kill the pathetic fuckers and maybe teach the rest a lesson.
BTW, I apologize for the initial response, it was over-the-top and argumentative while lacking a decent counterargument.
I simply disagreed with the sentiment that you cannot ‘make’ a woman submit. You can, easily, it is hardwired into her genes.
Too many men, today, sacrifice too much while too many woman sacrifice too little. A wife gets bored because her life is too easy (and the government has her back, her security).
Remove the security of the government and things will fall back into their natural order.
Usually dysfunctional abusive creeps use the bible to abuse those around him. Never works and he can never figure out why.
Really? I don’t find that to be the Norm.
I’m talking about the pedo pervs and the serial abusers who use bible verses to splain away the abuse. The men who believe it’s all take and no give.
If they are abusing children, they truly have no Idea about the word of God.
really cause Matt Chandler the head of ACTS 29 and evangelical rock star thinks it is biblically sound to protect a pedophile from his members and let him roam around church with children for 3 months…
What I am talking about is the low functioning douche bag who doesn’t have his shit together, yet, uses the Bible to justify his stupidity. The important thing to note in the Submissive Wives program is: ” you have to give her something to submit to”. It’s not just a one-way street.
Matt Chandler May have his opinions, but the bible is the word of God.
Matthew 7:22-23
Matthew 18:6
Not many of those types of Christian Men in my hemisphere.
Ephesians 5:25.
You seem like a man hater.
No. You need to read and re-read my comment. Men need to be men. It’s not a one-way street.
Bull shit. All this “man up” is getting tiring. Tell that to the men who’s lives have been destroyed by women with the help of the State. Women are dropping their husbands at the first sight of an Alpha cock and then use children to divorce rape their beta schmucks.. Feminism and the legal system turned men into a mass of beta losers. Men don’t know how to be men anymore. They are being brain washed with fairy tales from an early age by the education system, and later by the Menstrual Media..They’re just trying to survive in this toxic environment the best they can, let alone “be a man”… And even so, be a man for what? To service the feminine? There is no reward in that anymore and pussy is freely available these days anyway. Just swipe right. You know how that works.. Fuck the “submissive” woman. She can go fuck herself. I don’t want one. Get it?
Don’t make it about men here.. Men have to do this and men have to do that. How about the woman? How about her stopping the whoring around… No, that’s not under discussion here. It’s always about the man and his faults. Typical feminine brain.. You wanted equality, then be a fucking equal or you are a fraud,all your rights should be rolled back, and you should be “submitted” under the weight of the legal boot on the back of your neck. Are you an equal or you are not? I guess you are.. when it’s convenient.
“It’s not a one-way street.”
No it’s not. You know what? How about this? Let’s all fuck like dogs, but no alimony, no child support if you cheat or decide you want to go find yourself. You have a great job, no? You can turn around and pay alimony and child support, right? If you can’t, too bad.. You go to jail. No children going to the mother by default. Father or mother on a case by case basis. Leave the house with the clothes on your back at 40 or 50 years old if it comes to that in a court of law. Equal mental health care and homeless shelters for men. Women dying alongside men in combat in the same numbers. On and on and on. That’s how a two way street should look like in the current society honey. You want it?
When you have a dick you can talk about what it means to be a man.
Until then, fuck off.
Having a dick and using the bible as an excuse to abuse anyone is just wrong.
And women need to be women. It’s a two-way street.
I repeat, men who use the bible to abuse anyone are creeps and in my experience are dysfunctional and don’t have their shit together. Women who hook up with these creeps get zero respect from me, in particular, when they decide to bring an innocent child into the mess. And yes, women are solely responsible for pregnancy.
You can talk about what being a man is only after your balls drop.
Real men don’t need an excuse.
If I abuse you, it’s because I want to or feel you need it. I do not need to justify it or blame something else.
The bible verses are simply a way to remind people that women are children and must be disciplined and made to be submissive… and men have known this for at LEAST all of recorded history.
The bible is not an ‘excuse’, it is a reminder.
Your bible will not get you to Valhalla!!!
Valhalla sucks if you aren’t into getting drunk.
Is that when you plan on starting?
Then your life is a sad one and you shall not be remembered.
(rofl) You will remember me forever, you just don’t know it.
Unlikely I shall remember one as unworthy of Valhalla as you.
You shall forever be alone and unmourned.
And Brigadon wonders why he is a virgin.
Ooh, a virgin grandfather. what a concept.
She lied about it being a virgin birth. She just slept around on you a lot!
The Bible says a lot of things. I think you shouldn’t quote the Bible unless you’re willing to follow the spirit of its message. Jesus expressed ultimate love, and I don’t think he would agree with anything that is spouted on this website. Extremes of any kind of idea is bad. This website’s ideas are all reactions to something. I’m assuming none of the writers are women, how can you possibly know what it’s like to be a woman and make blanket statements and say ALL or MOST women are like such-and-such. That’s ridiculous. Just like most people would not say that all men are like the men who write for this website. Living in society means respecting the people who also live in your community and your world, whether they are male or female and no matter their race or ethnicity. It’s easy to disassociate when you don’t know someone. But I’d like to know if any of the writers of this blog would apply the things they say about women to their own mothers/sisters/grandmothers/aunts/nieces/any kind of female relative. Or female that they care about.
Says a man who reads a website where men claim to know what it means to be a woman.
Of course. Women are simple creatures. all men who claim to ‘not understand them’ simply refuse to accept that they are not human. Understanding them once you take into account that they are not capable of actually thinking becomes vastly easier.
The converse is clearly untrue. a creature that is incapable of rational thought has no chance of truly comprehending a creature that is vastly intellectually superior to them.
But I thought men were simple! Keep his balls empty and stomach full and his wishes are fulfilled, according to quite many people here. What about women? A whole movement had to be set up in order to figure out how to get laid.
You mistake ‘easy to please’ with ‘simple’. Just because we are capable of setting aside material needs, or simplifying them, does not mean we are incapable of thought. In fact, it’s quite the opposite… by simplifying our needs we leave resources available for more important subjects.
I understand what you mean. However, I think setting aside material needs is more a personality trait than a gender trait. I have seen men telling how important it is to have a fancy, expensive car to get laid, and women thinking their €5000 purse is going to make them somehow better in life.
That involves an evaluation of what is important.
is it an end or a means to that end? a horribly expensive car is a means to an end… ie. genetic survival. That purse isn’t going to get a woman laid.
In my opinion people who think that a fancy car will get them laid, lack personal qualities. If a man buys a car thinking he will get laid because of it, shows very much how interesting he actually is as a person. Not too interesting.
I live in a country where vast majority of people use a bicycle to travel, and only one man I know has a car, because he lives in the countryside. My SO doesn’t own anything expensive, maybe his laptop.
Maybe this is an American thing. I don’t know if you are from USA or not, but in Northern/Western Europe I haven’t seen this kind of mentality a lot. People tend to be more practical, I guess.
as opposed to the dysfunctional abusive creeps who use atheism to abuse those around her? Unfortunately, for her it generally works. Especially when she shows nipples.
I’d rather have bible-bashers that have no effect abusing me than some cunt that has dozens of men ready to do whatever it takes to potentially fuck her.
It’s funny. Cinder ella and yup disagree, but both are right !
Amen brother, amen sister. Halleleujah and praise the Lord. !
The Bible Crafts Men, once the Male is crafted into a Man than a woman will happily submit to him, also the Bible is telling of the Ideal relationship between Man and women, where the Man leads, and the woman follows.
Oh how wrong you are. You can absolutely make a woman submit.
Ever heard of stockholm syndrome? It’s actually a very real reflection of evolutionary tribal warfare behaviors of submission.
There’s a reason women stay with, and defend, abusive husbands.
It’s true. The problem is the state and daddy government backing women only if (or when) things go south.
I’m sure we’ve all heard (or seen) plenty of stories where the man lost his frame in marriage. It happens. That doesn’t mean that the women gets to walk away with cash and prizes because she’s no longer “happy” or she’s bored. I hear of all of this “equality” until we get to the divorce courts. Then, it’s the poor woman routine (how will this strong and independent woman make it?).
The state not siding with men is going to be the downfall. Men are starting to realize that a state (government) that is against them is no longer their government.
Thank you, Arminius Hermann, for writing this article. Definitely makes me want to watch the show.
You’re welcome. I recommend it, despite the occasional cringe-worthy moment.
haven’t watched the show yet, but when i saw butthurt sjws tweeting how it was misogynist i figured it couldn’t be terrible. which is surprising because tlc features a show with a 600b girl (she used to be skinny) that constantly talks about how “fabulous,” her life is.
Her life isn’t fabulous. She has 350lbs. to lose. I’m no lite weight but fuck, can”t you at least count calories. As a healthcare professional, I weep to think of the message this is sending. Remember,as one RoK article stated, in the 1950’s these BBW’s would have been in the freak show section at the travelling circus. Now it’s just reality. Sad.
Saw the trailers for this show and had to watch. Just waited for RoK to post an article. Funny isn’t it, when roles are clearly defined and respect is given, love follows.
That lazy cunt with the dirty house and laundry made me sick. Like you’d rather divorce than be woman enough to step up to the plate. Laying in bed and pissing and moaning. Her mother-in-law said that she never cooked or cleaned. What a lazy twat.
A man needs to choose a woman and he needs to be a man.
So simple isn’t it.
It really is.
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing you haven’t told her twice before already.
No no. She was sitting there folding the laundry while the delicious meal was cooking. The brute just walked in and started abusing her dontchaknow.
right, and most domestic violence doesn’t start with a woman remorselessly verbally bullying the man until he snaps.
Amen, brother.
The phrase “woman up” or “woman enough” is not used enough today by society. You’ll always hear “man up” but you’ll never hear the media say “woman up”.
That’s a core problem with our society, today. Two adults but only one (man) is expected to perform. The other (woman) is a large child.
Maybe someone on TLC is reading ROK???
Probably whilst wanking.
It’s Really not a Difficult equation, the Man does what the Man’s Gender is Supposed to do, and the woman does what the woman’s genders is supposed to do.
Amazingly, guys can get broads to let them choke the broad whilst sodomising her anus, then suck his cock clean and dry, yet they can’t seem to get a broad to be a good wife and mother.
Something does not compute.
Can’t wife up a whore.
Well, you can if you don’t mind raising other men’s children…
and sharing other men’s diseases.
It’s obviously much more degrading to ask a woman to be a good wife (sarcasm)
Yup. 🙂
O, how far we have fallen!
So tragically true. (Sigh)
More validation for Roosh’s world view:
Sex And The Valley: Tech Guys Seek Expert Love Advice From Therapists
Tech guys are flocking to experts to learn how to talk to women and fix sexless marriages
People don’t believe me when I tell them about the trend where women exclude more and more men from having sexual relationships. But then you read stories like the above.
Sex therapist is just a hooker who majored in psychology. lol
Never wife up a woman who has not graduated from wife training school at kink .com.
Spoken like someone who thinks bdsm is like the porn (hint it isn’t).
Witness this.
Wonkette did not like my posts today:
I’ve had many of my posts removed from various Leftist websites, despite the fact they contained no derogatory comments and simply stated verifiable statistical data, while various ad hominem attacks on conservatives were permitted.
It’s absolutely true that the future belongs to those who reproduce, and Leftists produce far fewer children than conservatives. Even liberal newspapers like the San Fran Gate acknowledge this.
Local rag newspapers frequently shut down the comment section when I post something that doesn’t fit the Agenda.
Thats cause Liberals rely on censorship of information that doesn’t fit the narrative. Ever wonder why we never hear of the police brutality done to non-minority races?
True. Censorship and Defamation of Character are two pillars of liberalism.
You said something that didn’t align with their “beliefs” or way of thinking (far left). It happens all of the time. I’ll comment or offer advice and it will be removed because I don’t follow their echo chamber rules.
You must follow (there) or you’ll be silenced. That’s when you know a site is not having a debate. I have no trouble having a debate with many of these people because in the end they talk in circles. They have no logic and when you follow their “path” it always ends at the beginning (or they redirect to another topic).
They don’t like losing so they’ll kick you out of the “game”.
But on the other hand, reversing the decline – or even slowing it down depends on breaking into the leftist hugzone and challenging these fuckers. ROK is cool but it’s an echo chamber. Whenever possible I try to comment on mainstream sites and challenge pajamaboy faggots and insane feminists. I also link to topical Heartiste, 28Sherman, and Rational Male articles on these sites in hopes of finding a stray convert who happens to click it and realizes “oh shit mainstream media is lying to me” I usually get downvoted into oblivion or banned, but sometimes a comment gets through.
I’m not sure if it’s funny or sad that the battle for western values is no longer in the trenches of war but on internet comment sections.
I will comment on other sites – til they ban me and in person as well. I don’t mind debate at all….I have too much logic on my side…no feelings. Many here offer advice, share stories, ideas, etc…so it’s an echo chamber to an extent, sure.
Yes sir, lets all believe the media on “wives” and how “great” they are!
Here is the things, all these realities shows showing very traditional families show how much people love patriarchy and traditional family values, there is not a single reality, at least with big ratings, focusing on a, inner city single mom and her three bastards kids, there is reason why the Duggars have a big rating, twitter and online forums, right after criticizing their live style, how much they love the house, the kitchen, the food and how clean everything is. This being written mostly by people who only eat microwaved food and live in tiny dirty apartments.
Even if TLC pull off the Duggars, they will try to find some other traditional family, just like Duck Dynasty or countless of Polygamy shows.
Old schools values means ratings now.
Those types of shows used to be very common not too long ago. The shows with a family unit were usually the hit shows with the best ratings (be it a white, black, or other family). Family shows work and ratings were through the roof. Values were the focus of these shows.
You’ll never see a show on TV with a woman (especially a woman with kids by three different men). It doesn’t fit the FI narrative out there and people may actually wake up to what the fuck is going on in society.
These “strong and independent” women might get called out on the carpet and they’ll actually have to live up to that title of “strong and independent” on their own (no government handouts, no divorce or child support rape, etc…).
The Mary Tyler Moore show was a thing.
So was Buffy, so was Golden Girls, so was Xena, so was Alias, so was Murphy Brown, so was Alias, etc etc etc.
Those shows gave me a migraine, kind of like diet pop or mickey d’s or ramen pumped full of msg.
And for every ‘you go girl’ show on the air you had the family unit shows. Family Ties, Growing Pains, The Cosbys….the list goes on and on. The George Lopez show was another….time and time again these shows and ratings were the best.
It doesn’t matter if you like them, they were all very popular.
Also Xena was fucking awesome.
Mary Tyler Moore was literally one of the biggest things on TV regardless of how much you try talking it down (as well as being one of the most praised shows ever).
Look at it this way – If YOU were a tiny nursing baby, try then and imagine what it would be like sucking mothers milk out of the list of females in their roles in the shows mentioned.
Mrs Duggar – good sweet milk, big coffee can lid sized areola with many oozing yummy spots – best mama overall
Xena – nipple green and black from all the copper chainmail and lead in the peuter and brass body armor – baby say YUCKY!
Maude Finley – come on man, shit tastes like old coffee grinds and those floppers are vintage playboy mag granny cartoon things and the cheese growing on the undersides of them smells like grandpa’s fucking feet. Stick them in my face and baby is gonna friggin’ BITE!
Buffy – hell the bitch smokes too much crack, damn if baby doesn’t O.D. on the shit.
REALLY tit milk and I mean good sweet fresh nourishing maow maow for baby is a VERY GOOD criteria for judging a woman, whether she’s a keeper or a dumper (or dumpster). What she does and what she is in other areas of her life REFLECT in the quality of her milk. Aren’t PSYCHO bitches on shitloads of head meds discouraged by their doctors from breast feeding? I knew one who couldn’t tit feed because her doc said she had too much thorzine, lithium, prozac and paxil in her system that her milk was BAD.
So judge a man by his FRUIT and a woman by her MILK!! TV stars and celebrities included – anyone can act, but HOW’S THEIR MILK?
I’ve been around that long. Mary Tyler Moore was a good show with some good values. It was a popular show but during that run 1970-1977 – All in the Family was the most viewed show in the U.S. for most of those years (followed by The Waltons, Happy Days, Sanford & Son, and others). Mary Tyler Moore came in 7th, 9th, 11th, 22nd. (never in the top 5)
Mary Tyler Moore was praised by many including the next wave of feminists for the “strong and independent” woman theory.
Married With Children ran for nearly a decade. Peg never cheated on Al like French women traditionally do.
Great show too. We need that one back on the air.
TLC is definitely hitting the rights notes with marketing. They know women crave shows like this (like women loved 50 shades of grey). Giving the opposite of what liberal media tells them will draw a big audience, as it’s womens’ natural desires anyways
The only circumstance in which I’ll ever marry.
*sigh* Some people see value in being intentionally inferior I guess. I still can’t get my head around it. Oh well, if a woman chooses it, her life, her call.
there’s nothing manlier than a bunch of guys whimpering about how being equal to women undermines their manliness.
but we aren’t equal…..every job that builds something is still done entirely by men. it’s only office paper pushing jobs that women have made inroads.
that’s demonstrably untrue, but you would need to read some history to know that, instead of the writings of (ironically) men who make their living complaining.
lets see.
skyscrapers are built by men
ships are built by men
houses are built by men
infrastructure (plumbing, oil drilling) all done by men
for some reason, men who dropped out of school created (and continue to create) silicon valley, while women have more college degrees than ever but aren’t innovating.
how would you know the extent of women’s involvement in labor or innovation, since clearly you just pulled statements “houses are built by men” out of your ass. i’ll give you a start, but then its up to you to actually think and research your claims. it took me only 20 seconds to find this information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Women_inventors
I was going to sit down and make a long list of why this is wrong, but then I realized there is not enough time in the day.
Yet let me suggest just a few things:
a) ‘even if she doesn’t feel like at the time’, if both people in a partnership are not interested in sex, is not sex. Sex is a consensual, sex is about both people involved, if they don’t consent to it – it’s not sex.
b) I really would like to know what even goes on in a brain that suggests you must have a women in an ‘FO’ position- is it that women are unable to take a leading role? I mean, if that is what you’re saying then how can that possibly work in a world of single parenting?
Really the whole argument is flawed, painful and wrong.
Women can’t lead anything, except maybe a daycare.
single moms aren’t leaders because most of them rely on a government assistance program or two, that’s why government programs destroy the family unit. it gives incentive to divorce as daddy government will be there to catch them.
the fact that most inventors are men, and many who dropped out of school created silicon valley……whereas women have earned more college degrees than men in the past 3 decades yet innovation is still done by almost entirely men.
Women are too emotional, take more time off work, and generally less decisive than men. that’s why they don’t lead, invent, or build hardly anything.
Single parent homes create fucked up children. Without a father leading everyone suffers
That is totally not true. They can lead many things. For example, last week in Poznan, I met a woman with big tits and that led to me ejaculating over them.
Wow, well I’m really glad you think society can live without:
-Fire escapes (Anna Connelly 1887)
-The medical syringe (Letita Geer 1899)
-Kevlar (Stephanie Kwolek 1966)
– Computer Code (Admiral Dr. Grace Hooper who by the way won the National Medal for Technology in 1991)
– Laser Cataract Surgery Device (Patricia Bath M.D)
-Computer Programming (Ada Lovelace)
The list goes on…
All inspired by the previous inventions of men. Who created the computer? Who perfected the need for surgery?
That list goes on and on….
You are aware that computer programming came before computers right? Like, computers are made out of code, they are created by code. Also ‘the need for surgery’? You mean modern medicine? Which was mostly practiced by women of the church?
No, I don’t mean your generalizations, I mean exactly what I specified.
Yeah, but that’s wrong. It doesn’t matter who created the computer because computer programming came first- ergo it was not inspired by the invention of a man. Simple. Secondly, you’re other ‘specified’ example isn’t specific at all- ‘the need for surgery’ what does that even mean? You are incorrect, these inventions were not just inspired by men the same way inventions by men are not necessarily inspired by women.
This is something that’s been bugging me about RoK.
Why do certain articles keep disappearing from either the front page, or the archives?
I read this article last night, from the homepage of RoK. Today I looked at the archives, and it’s not there. Other times, it seems the front page doesn’t update for a few days, and new article are appearing in that months archive list.
Why do I have to check two sources for new content?