Western Men Are Becoming Evolutionary Dead-Ends

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

A lot of you are coming to the realization, like myself, that there are not many options for men who want to pursue something deeper besides stacking cash and sleeping with promiscuous women, even if you made all the right moves with your life through focusing on self improvement and making sound decisions with your education and money. That raises the question of what is the next stop on our life journey.

The progression of man was clear a few generations ago:

  • school
  • work
  • marry virgin (or girl with less than 5 previous partners)
  • babies
  • worship god
  • death

There was no confusion about what a man should do because the path was laid out and urged onto him by his tribe, family, and a culture built on traditional or religious ideals. But something happened in the years since where the progression became this:

  • school
  • work
  • consume corporate products
  • marry aging slut with 20+ notch count
  • babies (if wife wasn’t made infertile by repeated gonorrhea infections)
  • worship blimposaurus wife
  • death

One of the reasons you’re reading me right now is because you have realized the folly of this progression.

We have taken a road that is grossly unacceptable to the mainstream hivemind. Instead of blindly consuming and wifing up a former carousel rider, we have decided to keep ourselves free from the financial bondage of excessive consumption and also state bondage of not marrying a woman who could easily destroy us in a her-fault divorce. So we hit the gym, we learn game, we travel, and we start our own side businesses. I’ve met countless men who have done well for themselves by saying no to what has been pushed upon them. Their behavior has been called creepy, sexist, and rapey, in urgent need of manning up, but they have manned up for themselves by beating the system.

But what comes next? If you are to believe the biological imperative encoded within your DNA, it is to reproduce. Based on who our ancestors were—men who successfully reproduced from the first man without fail—I’d say that it would be atypical for you not to want to create life, especially if you’re over 30 and have accumulated sufficient resources. I’m not making an argument to reproduce based on passing your genes on for posterity, since all that will be moot once the sun swallows the earth in a few billion years, but one based on where your genes came from and how they are supposed to code for an intense, illogical, and irrational desire to reproduce that may put your own self-preservation in danger.

If you are to believe that modern culture is headed towards full-blown degeneracy, and that women are affected by the environment they’re in, you would naturally come to the conclusion that the women of today make for inferior wives and mothers than the women of yesterday. They are narcissistic, masculine, lacking in homemaking and nurturing skills, holders of outrageous sexual histories, addicted to electronic devices and entertainment, absent in family values, uglier, and less capable of familial loyalty. Western values from America are spreading so rapidly that a 22-year-old Brazilian, Polish, or Thai girl is worse at being a wife than her sister only five years older.

That leaves a Western man who wants to reproduce with three options:

1. Marry a Western woman who has had at least 10 sexual partners and hope that he won’t be financially destroyed or imprisoned by the state for not paying child support or being falsely accused of domestic violence or rape.

2. Find a young traditional foreign wife from a little village, bring her back to America, and hope that in 10 years she doesn’t learn the way of the land and morph into the Western woman he avoided marrying in the first place.

3. Leave your friends and family to expatriate to a strange land, find a young traditional foreign wife, and live on her home turf while hoping and praying that laws in your new country don’t eventually make you a pre-criminal, like has recently happened in Poland when they passed their own version of the Violence Against Women Act.

If you truly want to reproduce, option three has the least amount of risk though it contains the most amount of effort and personal sacrifice, and it’s still no guarantee of success, especially if you pick a country that has pretty women who are prone to divorce. Here are divorce rates per 1,000 inhabitants for a selection of countries (lower numbers are better):

Russia: 4.8
USA: 3.6
Lithuania: 3.0
Czech Republic: 2.9
Ukraine: 2.8
Denmark: 2.6
Hungary: 2.4
Estonia: 2.2
Spain: 2.2
Canada: 2.1
UK: 2.0
Turkey: 1.6
Poland: 1.6
Saudi Arabia: 1.1
Serbia: 1.1
Mexico: 0.8
Colombia: 0.2

Option three will be wholly off the table for the bulk of men who are average and not capable of the intellect, work ethic, and touch of mental derangement that is required to expatriate, especially if they don’t possess adventurer or thrill-seeker personality traits. For the majority of men, it’s not even an option that can be considered, which means that we have now entered an age where a Western man can no longer pursue his biological desire to reproduce without exposing his life to severe risk that would likely greatly reduce his quality of life by legally attaching himself to a woman who can hold him hostage in his home.

Marriage and kids were always a marginal deal for men to secure weekly sex and pass on their genes, but now we can advise for the lot of man that he must avoid it at all costs unless he has guaranteed legal protections from his wife and the state or he is beyond certain to have found a “unicorn” who will love him and only him until the end of her life.

There will be a point, after you gain significant resources and become fatigued from banging a variety of sluts, that you will be ready to move on to the next step. That next step was available to you in the past, and while not a necessarily net positive decision, it wasn’t automatically one filled with immense risk. But now I’m afraid to say that there is no next step that would involve leaving a legacy without opening yourself up to being ruined unless you manage not only to find a traditional woman in an increasingly nontraditional world but do so in the right country that doesn’t flip the switch against its male residents by treating them as undercover wife beaters.

The pinnacle of your father’s life was being a reliable provider, but that it not turning out to be the case for us. The pinnacle of our lives is making internet money, scooping up some easy sex, and minimizing our legal exposures. I fear there is not much in the way of deeper meaning to be found. There are no loftier heights to climb than your own independence and individual pursuits. Unless we see drastic world changes in the next 15 years, merely having a pleasant lifestyle and individual freedom is where the trip ends for us, without being able to create our own family.

Read Next: The Manipulated Man

258 thoughts on “Western Men Are Becoming Evolutionary Dead-Ends”

  1. What the fuck does “manning up” even mean to these skullfucked vermin weirdos???

        1. It is merely shaming language (an emotional response) in the attempt to acquire what they wish. It should be met with a casual shrug.

    1. “Manning up” = doing what is required of you as per the feminine imperative.

      1. No, fuck that. They can “woman up” by not imbibing drink/drug/dick on the regular (and something thinking it’s okay to overshare volunteer the disgusting details the way they do nowadays) and then maybe I will HALF-ASSED consider their warped and demented “imperative”. NON SERVIAM!

      1. Haha! I’m sure they’d bang either of them in a heartbeat, their inner golddigger would come out quick!

    2. Manning up is a term used by the system to tell you to put the pussy on the pedestal and give everything you have to it.
      The consequences for not manning up, that is, not for failing (you can try because you are still doing what they want) but outright saying fuck it, is that you will wake up automagically as gay as a parade float the next day, entirely against your will even, and you will suck cock while everybody you know says “what a faggot” and you cry the whole time.
      So don’t be a faggot. Man up. Do everything women tell you, give them all your time, money, and resources, and don’t say a fucking word back to her.
      Or else.

      1. Since I’ve been meeting more people in the nightclub industry I’ve been thinking that becoming homosexual is not entirely a biological thing.
        The gay dudes that I’ve met recently, who are otherwise perfectly chill, hard-working and easy to get along with, seem to be raised by single moms with drug problems.
        The young generation I see seems to be psychologically mangled…

        1. I think it’s probably an element of biology and environment. Interestingly, younger brothers tend to be gay more often than older ones, and I was reading a couple articles that were talking about how homosexuality could persist in a species. The first article posited that “man-loving” amongst human men has been crucial to our survival as a species in that it has allowed for cooperatve behavior, and, expressed in the extreme (genetically or environmentally), can result in homosexual behavior or homosexuality.
          The second article delved more into how homosexuality hasn’t weeded itself out of the gene pool, which possibly comes from the fact that genes expressed in one gender can boost fertility, while, when expressed in the other gender can reduce it. Maybe women’s attraction to men falls under this category. I forgot exactly what it said unfortunately.

        2. You may very well be correct but I’m going to entertain a new hypothesis.
          Most of the gay dudes I meet don’t seem to come from a traditional home, and some come from downright depressing circumstances.

        3. Yeah, well if you had to be out at sea for months at a time with all the semen, er, I mean sea men, you might be depressed enough to try some, too!

        4. Clark expand on that a bit more, do you suggest an element of it is simply learned behavior? I have always felt it was a mix where some are genetically damaged which overrides their physical mental circuitry/hormones etc and others simply have a mental disorder.

        5. I’m living the Church/Wellesley part of Toronto right now (fml) and a lot of the gay dudes walking around holding hands do no look to me like the stereotypical “ripped hairless gay guy.” Majority of what I see is junkies.
          The two dudes I know personally that make me think that being gay might have psychological as opposed to biological causes are.
          1) A young 20 year old who’s parents were divorced growing up. Dad worked in the drugged out nightclub industry his entire life as a bottle service manager. His mom is a junkie who he has snorted coke with.
          2) A childhood friend who grew up in a dirty apartment with his depressed single mother. The dude was a pathological liar and had his issues.
          In both cases these kids had broken moms and little to no father figure. No real masculine presence. They both prefer to suck dick and just don’t bother with women. I don’t have a deep Freudian explanation but there seems to be a link between broken homes, drugs, and homosexuality. But those are just correlations from my limited experience.

        6. Thanks for sharing this experience. I look at it as this behavior which has existed for at least the past three thousand years and at some point some one must have consciously thought yes this is for me. Take media, society, and today’s poisoned environment away and there were a small minority of people engaging in this behavior in even biblical times. This suggests to me a percentage of it is a generic defect or biological condition. Now perhaps if it is a biological condition it is theoretically possible these people you describe have stumbled upon it by changing their own belief systems or through some combination of drugs, trauma, etc. If this is true and the genetic theory is wrong, this suggests faggotry is not born, but made. What is made can be unmade.

        7. Agreed. I had a lesbian acquantaince who supposedly never really dated guys, even married her girlfriend years ago, before it was legal anywhere around here, and last I heard she broke up and is taking the D left and right in her late 20s. That was a big wakeup for me. She clearly was never a lesbian, or just “chose” to be one or think of herself as one, and it really made me think well perhaps it is all just a mental disorder?
          While I still believe a certain base level of homosexuality is natural (nature shows us this in other species), I do believe that there are some societal causes that make people do things like be gay, or decide to turn in your Olympic medal for a shriveled 70 year old snatch, or become a horse.
          Relationships for me in the 2000s were fairly difficult and challenging under the blue pill. I can only imagine with the toxic, insane social environment of 2015, increased pollutions, contaminants, and nuclear particulates in the environment, level of single moms raising boys, and general governmental propaganda that kids grow up with today will cause even more extreme reactions to what women are (or aren’t) offering boys today. Some of that will be MGTOW, some of it will be gaming sluts, and some of it, I fear, may be increased homosexuality and other extreme behaviors.

        8. Oh, yeah, just reminded me of another dude. One of my best friends in college, a couple years ago I saw on the Facebooks that he was getting married–to a guy. Now this guy never acted or sounded gay at all, and while it was more difficult to “come out” back then, we were in some progressive campus groups together, and I felt pretty sure he would be comfortable telling me if that’s really what he was.
          But we went out trying to score chicks together, and he was obsessed with this thin blonde girl I was hanging out with at the time. But he had a bad birth defect / scar on his face and neck, and I think it caused a lot of problems in his dating life, some family problems (don’t know how bad they were) and my theory is he just decided to say fuck it and go gay. I sent him a message, I was really curious what the hell happened. But he didn’t really respond, just a “hey how ya doing”.

        9. Combine that with anti-free speech PC culture and I can see why so many people just become junkies.

        10. It’s highly unlikely that homosexuality is a biological or genetic trait. The obvious paradox here is that gay people are incapable of continuing their gene line, ie evolution would naturally remove it over time because gay individuals are not having heterosexual sex..
          I’d tend to think it’s an environmental factor that may trigger it.

        11. Seriously, a lot of them just start “experimenting” with dudes when they figure that women are unattainable.
          If it can happen in prison, it can certainly happen outside of it.

        12. It could be a expression that “turns on” after a stressful childhood environment tells the genes it’s a bad idea to reproduce in said environment…

        13. Homosexuality is a primitive throwback which is why in black Africa it’s 1/2 the men.Just as in the US they don’t even think they’re queer it’s so common and would even defend themselves by saying they have wives or gf’s.
          Perhaps you should stop reading pop science articles and listen to a real expert. Me.
          I’m not even going to explain it to you because you have no background in science and would not even understand my explanation. You would need a lot more brain power and extensive knowledge to figure it out and as far as I know I am the only person who has. It will be in my book and I don’t mean some amateur e-book.
          Gay marriage may actually radically decrease the 1% gay pop. that now exists down to practically nothing.
          In the past men with this condition would often marry to hide it. Now, it’s not too difficult to knock up a female and in fact gays do have sex with females at times. But by doing this they are also passing on into the common gene pool any homosexual traits. If they just stay with men this can’t happen.

        14. It’s a predisposition which likely is genetic.Homosexuality was probably common in the period when we transitioned from ape men to fully human. Let’s see if you can figure it out without any hints from me.

        15. Bad environments never stopped men from having sex and reproducing.Now, is it possible to sort of reprogram a developing child’s brain? Maybe but I doubt it when it comes to the most important thing in life,reproduction.
          Homos like to groom boys who have hit puberty, just as bull dykes do with girls, so it may be possible that some boy who had his first orgasm with the same sex and then kept doing it may associated the orgasm with the same sex but that’s more like an addiction and not much different from associating a drug with a feeling and then keep doing it until it’s your main way of feeling good to the exclusion of anything else. So I’d say it’s ‘possible’ to make some normal but into a homosexual but it’s not likely. There are these rare tribes where the boys are homsexual in their conduct but once they’re older have to chose a female for sex.However, these are primitive peoples and as I said homosexuality was common in primitive humans and has now been reduced to 1%.

        16. True, didn’t really think it through enough. I was just throwing ideas out there…

    3. It means being some boss’ bitch and learning to suck corporate dick, then turning around and buying some provider accoutrements, grabbing some prick tease, and having a child, just so that the end of the day by the time you are 45 you aren’t curled up at the end of the day crying in the fetal position because you are nothing but a pathetic corporate whore so entranced to a lifestyle that if your bossed asked you to you would let him shoved pickled eggs up your ass while his secretary staples your nipples.

    1. Oh God, me too! She disowned her white biological parents because they can’t possibly understand her struggle as an African-American woman. I fucking love how they dimed her phony ass out publicly.

      1. I’ve got a feeling this case will be a death knell for identity politics
        The left have imploded

        1. The right are trolling the fuck out of this
          Guys out there saying they fancy being Korean today and Mexican next week
          The left dug this ridiculous hole, and are now getting buried in it

    2. Haha. We’ll be hearing that transracial people should be treated with respect soon by sjw’s

      1. “Haha. We’ll be hearing that transracial people should be treated with respect soon by sjw’s”`
        Already happened years ago. Soon you will be considered mentally ill and persecuted for believing that people can’t change their race by simply claiming to identify as whatever race they want to be.
        If you thought that political correctness was insane in the United States, take a long plane trip over to Melbourne, Australia, where Andrew Bolt, a columnist at the Herald Sun, has been sanctioned by a judge of the Federal Court of Australia for “insulting,humiliating and offending” that group known as “fair-skinned Aboriginal people”.
        The Federal Court decision creates a new protected class of people, “fair-skinned aboriginals”, which is to say white people pretending to be black people are now protected by anti-discrimination laws from pesky newspaper columnists pointing out that they happen to have blond hair, German last names and no amount of kitschy native clothing and beads will change that.
        As the decision put it: “The members of the group referred to are fair skinned Aboriginal persons who, by a combination of descent, self-identification and communal recognition are, and are recognised as, Aboriginal persons.” Which is a complex way of saying, “aim for the stars, push all the limits and if you want to be an Aborigine, there’s nothing stopping you so long as you can claim a great-grandsire or dam who might have been aboriginal or just really tan.”
        None of this foolishness would matter much in a society where people are judged by the content of their character, not by how many papers they can write on the cultural appropriation of the didgeridoo, but it matters quite a bit when society and government are set up to pay off a debt of guilty to a bunch of people because they were the first bunch of settlers, and they were the second bunch of settlers, and then members from the second bunch of settlers show up demanding to be cut in because even though they need to slather themselves in suntan lotion at the beach, they have decided to identify themselves as aborigines.
        It’s an even bigger problem when anti-discrimination laws are wielded by the melanin challenged tribe to suppress free speech and silence anyone who points this out.
        The entire discussion is a dangerous one because it shows the incentivization of victimhood. If members of the “privileged majority” choose to pass themselves off as members of the “oppressed minority”, then doesn’t that imply the roles have been reversed?
        There were plenty of biracial people who tried to pass themselves off as white in the 19th and early 20th centuries, because there was an advantage to doing so. These days they usually go the other way and it’s not an unreasonable thing to do. Why not pick the identity that offers special advantages over the one that offers guilt.

        1. I remember when that happened Australia has gone insane. Having said that more and more people seem to be getting pissed at white shaming and the perpetual victim complex of Aboriginies.

        2. I see black features in the guy in the top left but the rest look like liars.

        3. Hold on. These people are claiming to have an aborigine ancestor and it may be true.And those people who once tried to pass themselves off as white were indeed mostly white so why would you call them black if some great grandfather was a negro. You never hear of Pushkin referred to as a negro even though he was 1/4 black African. Dumas was 1/4 black but he’s never referred to as a negro.

      2. And then it’ll be transagism. I’m a eight year old in a 30 year old’s body so let me go to elementary school with your children or else you’re a tranagismphobe!

    3. And here we all thought “transracials” were just a fringe strawmen set up by us bigots to attack equality

    4. I’ve heard of white people pretending to be American Indian but never one that pretended to be black. That one is a lot harder to pull off.

  2. Wait, the author left out some steps in progression #2.
    – have Blimposaurus divorce you claiming abuse
    – courts take most of your wealth and give it to the Blimposaurus
    – spend years paying child support and alimony to the Blimposaurus
    – work much harder and retire much later
    If you marry a wonderful lady from another country, you are still governed by divorce laws in this country, so consider living elsewhere.

  3. The only drastic world changes that will help is the end of civilization and getting back to the basics. No more iPhones, no more reality TV. No more Prozac to wash down with boxed wine and tubs of ice cream. No more cities to live the Sex and the City lifestyle with.
    You know, George Miller might really be a prophet. After all, what was that big car chase in Fury Road really all about? After the fall of civilization into gangs and brutality (thanks to degeneracy as depicted in Mad Max) here you have warlord alpha types taking control and rebuilding and the whole plot all boiled down to what?
    (something even the feminists played up the “Feminist Road” red herring to divert our attention from).
    It was about a group of women valued for their ability to reproduce.

    1. To some extent the dissolving of society boils down to one truth, women as a group only want resources. With resources they’ve opted out of reproduction. It is phrased as men needing to man up, but every new alpha that out alphas the last simply increases her choices and broadens what she thinks she can get, the best resources. All a woman needs is seven skips and barring a disaster, she’ll never stop looking, because she doesn’t need to. There is always a man looking to stop is journey and settle, and now you serve aa net loss in time, and out alpha’ing her resource options.
      The one surest way to bring a net sum back to productivity and life generation in the West? Bottoming out the financial circuit. Banks, credit, and their affiliates need to be bottomed out. No banks, no government funding equals back to basics. Without the safety of bank and credit, even the lowliest of men can get back to being provider. Outside of that, may the best men continue the species. And pray their son not opt out too.

  4. The problem is that society no longer values collective vision or achievement. I’m not talking about socialism, but rather the way in which individual contributions could feed into a larger purpose that was still rugged and individualistic. There was a time in this country when our leader told us, “we’re putting a man on the moon,” and we did it. Together as a nation, we took pride in this incredible achievement. The average man, could take comfort in knowing that the small part he played, while individually insignificant, contributed in some way to a society that was achieving mind blowing things.
    Today, China is accomplishing unbelievable engineering feats – see the Three Gorges Dam, for example. They have a strategic vision, and it is full of achievements that they want their nation to make. By contrast, we live in a society where the first thing you see on any “news” outlet is the latest celebrity gossip, fawning over Apple’s latest “smart” gadget, or an obsession with some social media driven trend or meme. Where is the grandeur in any of this? Where is our leader who announces a grand strategic vision, with us at the forefront? Instead, we are told that we should feel shame over the advances our country made, and should recoil at the idea that we should continue to lead. Our great societal achievement is a universal healthcare system that amounts to little more than a government power grab disguised as welfare – in other words, our “big dreams” and “lofty ideals” consist or providing people with a safety net for their own foolish life decisions. A man playing his small part under these circumstances is right to question what the fuck his efforts contribute?
    I am married with kids. I will not advise men generally to marry one way or another beyond saying they should think very carefully about that decision. But I reconcile my decision to have kids with this dystopia we live in by remembering that after the collapse, which is coming, the strong will write their own ticket. I am raising my children to be the strong. My kids will not think to rebuild a society on the shit foundation with the shit values we have now. They will raze it to the bedrock and start from scratch on solid principles that I instill in them daily. There is risk in this, to be sure. Perhaps my kids will one day hate me. Perhaps they will be among those killed in the collapse. But the payoff is big if things go well. That is my legacy. The Apollo lander could have crashed into the moon, but we accepted that risk as a society in order to achieve greatness. The risk I am taking may not pan out, but it gives me a sense of purpose in this fucked up life we are forced to lead. Perhaps it is not for you. No worries. I share this only to point out that where we have been deprived of the traditional purpose in our lives, we must take responsibility to make a new one. Counting on our pussified feminist-dominated culture to do so for us will get us nowhere fast.

    1. You are right. There is no overarching vision, not anymore (if there ever genuinely was one). It’s solely about the world elites enriching themselves at the cost of all others, by any means they deem necessary. We also do not have true leaders, we have puppets and puppet masters. Politics is rife with corruption. We should be out there seeking out “new life and new civilizations”, putting our feet in uncharted territory, but instead, we’re picking the proverbial cotton on the global plantation.

      1. Exactly, just 200-300 years ago Europeans were busy taking over most of the world. People had to struggle to survive, but they knew that there was always the possibility of discovering a new land, making a fortune, moving to a new colony and starting life over again, etc. Even during 1900-1950 the clash of empires in the World Wars provided a sense of purpose and motivation for each man to devote his life to the benefit of his homeland. Now, it’s just…empty. There are no new frontiers to conquer. People are understandably frustrated by this lack of opportunity, but they need to wise up real quick. Understand that now as the world’s population continues to skyrocket, it really is becoming more and more of a global plutocracy. Hustle your ass off, work, study, network, etc. do whatever to build up as much money and power as you can. Because if you truly want to influence people with your ideas you have to have money or power backing it up. The “red pill” or neomasculine ideas as Roosh calls them aren’t going to start spreading out of nowhere, but only when people in positions of power and authority start endorsing them. To put it simply, I think that we’ll “win” only when we get some of “our guys” to the top of the totem pole.

        1. “Roosh calls them aren’t going to start spreading out of nowhere, but only when people in positions of power and authority start endorsing them. To put it simply, we’ll ‘win’ only when we get some of ‘our guys’ to the top of the totem pole.”
          It already happened in Russia with Putin. Yet, there can be no reform of USA and its empire without a collapse event like that of Communism that allowed Russia to reset.

        2. Russia has reset, surely, but how does a Russian conservative aim to go about reining-in divorce and abortion in Russia?

  5. Option 4:
    Become a fucking savage. Do you hate this modern world and the disgusting women it has shat out of its unholy womb?
    Make yourself harder, meaner, stronger and more fucking ruthless than any white knight faggot could ever imagine.
    Do women owe you anything? Does this shit hole of a modern progressive world owe us anything? Nope. Then we fucking OWE THEM NOTHING!
    So give them your fucking middle finger and the spit out of your mouth. Mock them, bruise them, fucking shit all over them. Find like minded men estranged from this rancid cuntocracy and help light the fuse that burns this fucking shit to the goddamn ground.
    More men are waking up. More are seeing that everything has been stolen from them and now we have absolutely NOTHING. Well do you know what that means? Now we are truly free and we have nothing to lose. We are on death ground and now it’s time to wreak some fucking havoc. When you have nothing to lose you are the most dangerous fucking thing in this entire goddamn world.
    Let the anger and the rage flow through you like fuel cascading down onto a righteous fire in your belly.
    Train yourselves up in violent disciplines. Take no shit from anyone and be prepared to exact furious retribution on all transgressors. If you don’t make them pay no one will. Fucking remember that shit goddamnit.
    Most of all stop doing whatever you can think of that helps keep this unholy beast chugging along. Grab some gasoline and let’s light a cigar as this motherfucker burns to the ground!

    1. sounds good and all but what you are suggesting sounds like a future episode of “when keeping it real goes wrong.”
      Roosh has touched on a subject I have been wrestling with for a number of years now and I appreciate him making an article to address this issue. Previously I wanted to join his forum to discuss this particular topic but I couldn’t get my forum account fully registered and activated.
      edit: someone mentioned getting a surrogate and browsing a catalog of egg donors and raising your own kids Ricky Martin style. This needs to be contemplated.
      Another option I’ve been playing around with is going overseas to places like Ukraine and having kids and visiting a couple of times/year. I make enough money to do this (130k+/year). I’m not sure if there will be a lot of women in these places that would sign up to be a distance wife even if it meant they would taken care of. I have to believe that I am a better bet than relying on the state in these type of places.

      1. I wouldn’t know about any faggot ass tv shows or what the fuck kind of peanut filled shit they broadcast into your home programming you because I don’t watch that complete and total filth.

        1. that’s all fine and all but, really, what do you propose in doing? Everything you mentioned sounds like a ticket to prison and financial ruin.

        2. See my reply to guest. We are already prisoners and we are beyond ruined. But you can have an inner peace by transcending this material cesspool through discipline, focus and channeled rage.
          This peace I speak of does not mean the absence of conflict. We must let go of our false hopes and change what we can…..ourselves. We must strive to be the strongest and most fit if we want to survive and do some damage.
          Embrace your masculine violent side and hone it into a dangerous weapon.

        3. tread carefully. Violence works but unless you are all-powerful you’ll have to use controlled violence for it to be effective.

      2. Maynard James Keenan of Tool did the whole surrogate thing and has his own kid.
        When I was younger I used to think he was fucking weird for it but now I realize he was ahead of his time.
        I’d much prefer a traditional home which includes a mom and children but that is only looking more out of reach. Women married the government and with all their HR jobs and low standards could easily just go to sperm banks.
        White America is becoming black America it seems.

        1. I just wiki’ed Keenan. He married a Chinese woman, it seems. Must be one of those NAWALT’s?

        2. One of the most life changing books I read was “How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World” (Roosh reviewed it at one point). I remember at the time (college undergrad and coming from a traditional family background) I found his chapter on marriage really odd. He basically says there is little to no reason to marry and lays out the reasons why to do it and why it usually doesn’t work and is impractical, and offers several other options to get the things “marriage” is supposed to give us, but doesn’t. I thought “what a strange way to think about relations with women!”
          I bet if I went back and read it today (I need to) it would completely make sense from a redpill perspective.

        3. I know but still… I envy my grandfather for being able to come home to a garden, and a wife laying laundry out to dry, a few kids, extended family who comes over for dinner, etc.
          Having a surrogate child for me is a last resort… Simply a practical decision… But it might be necessary…

        4. Buy your own house and garden and we have machines to do laundry these days. Get a dog, you’ll be a lot happier than with kids and some nagging wife. That’s nothing new.

        5. Yeah, I’ve got a garden, half the reward is doing the work on it myself, eating fresh non-pesticide food is just a bonus. Got the dog, have a niece.. So yeah I’d prefer having a life like my grandfather, but all things considered I’m managing pretty well with the cards I was dealt. The point of the book is finding solutions to the actual problem you are trying to solve, when too many people get tied up on old solutions that are no longer working (ie trying to rely on the institution of marriage to fulfill your emotional needs in 2015)

    2. The entrenched power will outlast you, unfortunately. Otherwise, I agree. I honestly feel like my best option is to load up my SUV with survival gear and guns, and my dogs, and disappearing into the wilderness.

      1. See my reply to guest.
        Living out in the wild by choice is an honorable thing to do because of the difficulty and determination it would take so I support that. If enough men did that we could cause serious damage to the faggot loving society we live in.

        1. Pffft! I live in the wild Adirondacks in the Summer. The area is so wild that even the Indians never lived there.

        2. You might want to read up on that. The tribes that made up the League of Five Nations (Iroquois) lived there at least part of the time.

      2. it’s not yet time for open violence or becoming a hermit
        the day of the rope is not here yet – but its arrival can be facilitated through ideological conflict. The more extreme the left goes, the more extreme I go
        Ultimately i believe the demographics are against them. The social justice core is a rapidly diminishing group of liberal whites, not reproducing anywhere near replacement level
        Their minority followers are either more moderate or just liberals of racial convenience – it’s only a matter of generations before the identitarian left is ousted by the mainstream

    3. Well friend take a look at this. It’s already an all out war going on and we are not gonna win this one. Everything is much deeper than our bitching about the western women.. Way more…The Constitution is gone, there is no freedom anymore and whoever thinks against the System is now a target. He truly is. This is very serious.. We now live in the early ’30s Nazi Germany and I don’t like it one bit.

      1. This is why what I’m advocating is an inner mentality of a man that is already dead. Forget about this world, saving it or salvaging anything from it.
        Fuck this gay earth.
        If we are already dead men then we have nothing to lose. Abandon any attachments especially material and embrace your true masculinity.
        Project Mayhem.

        1. Have the strength not to succumb to despair, then they will win.
          Men have built and toppled mighty empires. We simply must allow this one to fall and build it anew.

        2. Walk naked into the wilderness and survive for thirty days and thirty nights and then u will earn both ur respect and the respect of others. I did it myself and learnt to make fire, hunt, cook, lay traps, build a shelter, a canoe, live in a cave and make weapons of wood and flint, mined simple ores and then smelted it to make bronze and iron and used skins for clothes before weaving natural fibres to make more later on. Its amazing what you can achieve if you try.

        3. How did you tan those skins that will rot in a few days otherwise? I’m curious

        4. That’s retarded.
          This entire problem from beginning to end is because men don’t act as brothers, they act as competitors. Your solution is to embrace more competition. I’m talking about competition in the sense you advocate.
          As brothers competition exists, but so long as the members of the group respect the principles of brotherhood, then even in failure options are opened for those who cannot compete in a particular endeavor. And even in competiton, the traditions of brotherhood within competition – namely the concept of “honor” ensure that you do not have a Monsanto shoving GMO into everyone mouth,
          You want to be a fucking savage. But ten “beta” men working together as brothers could easily destroy any one savage. That is because the nature of the beta (or delta as Vox would specify) is to sacrifice for the group which in turn takes on sacrifices for him as well.
          If you had even two friends who loved you like a brother, understood the importance of family, and were willing to do anything to help you find a wife, keep a wife, and raise your children then even in this sick generation, you could have a healthy family.

        5. its important to skin the animal quickly and then let it dry for a few days while stretching it. I use the oils from the animals brain to tan the hide, and then smoke it over the fire.

        6. “Gay earth, we are already dead men, and true masculinity…<<<that was about you, not necessarily other men….keep advocating what is already dead, while “we” keep on innovating and
          persevering with changing times.

      2. You’re right man.
        Grieving the loss of normal relationships with the other half of the human race is just keeping us busy while in reality we’re losing our rights.

        1. No shit, people these days are so lame-whenever they want to shame something or things aren’t in their argument’s favor, they just go “Nazi this, Nazi that.” Boo fucking hoo

        2. Lol exactly. Proper moaning martyrs “ooooooh we have it worse than anyonnnne boooohooo”
          They need to grow up

        3. You conveniently left out the early ’30s part. Did you even skim through that article? And if so, do you understand what it means?
          And btw, go ahead and explain to me one item in the bill of rights that you still have today. Every day, in your day to day life you are committing 3 felonies.
          As a side note…
          Your local police in military gear.
          Civil asset forfeiture. This is a nice one.. No due process is needed.. Do you know or care what due process is? I guess not.
          I would continue but I know you don’t care about these things…
          So don’t come back here crying after you get an illegal cavity search. Yeah, you can probably sue(that if you have proof), but your asshole will have already wrapped around the trooper’s finger 😉 I don’t know about you but I for one, would rather shy away from that deal.

        4. And you still think you have rights? rofl.. yep, the propaganda works..see above.

        5. Then what the fuck are you doing commenting on my post wanker? Just trying to look smart, heh?

        6. Hahaha you’re easily rattled. Stop me posting on your dumb comment 🙂

        7. No I’m not rattled at all. Your post is just full of shit. We’re either discussing issues or we’re wasting our time. I prefer knowing which one it is so I can act accordingly.

        8. “I’m not easily rattled your post is full of shit waah” nah you’re just a gimp so i’m winding you up. It’s a bit too easy

        9. Dude are you a loser with nothing better to do than rule up guys on a comment board? Go out and do something productive or meaningful and let the guys here have their space for serious discussion.

        10. “Men of substance have rights”..
          That trooper is not gonna care you are a man of substance while he’s sticking his thumb up your asshole. You can be Jamie Dimon for all he cares.
          Also, “men of substance” don’t talk about “men of substance”. It’s a little unknown rule. Just letting you into the secret.

        11. Hmm I doubt if some tropper is going to stick his thumb up Trump’s or that queer Vanderbilt boy’s arse (although he may like it)

      3. And just like Nazi Germany we have to worry about the Russians. I better brush up.
        Алты́нного во́ра ве́шают, а полти́нного че́ствуют.

        1. It’s not anyone else’s fault that he can’t get #10 pussy. He’s probably defective in many ways and women just don’t like him.

        2. This is silly. You are completely misreading the situation. I understand the purpose of your statement, it is to out-group, or at least threaten to out-group a disobedient member of the pack via social sanction and warning of the same.
          But you are totally missing the point. He is musing on out-grouping HIMSELF and setting himself as a predator of your group with the rational that the males of your pack are simply too weak and neurotic to effectively do anything to counter whatever havoc he will commit against you. What is worse for you, is that he justifying any depredations against you on a moral level so that his conscience will not only not be in conflict against him, but that he will even be sacrificing himself for the greater good by ruining your life and preying upon you in any way he can.
          The only effective threat you can make against him now, is to convince him that your males can swiftly contain and eliminate him so effectively such that any actions he take would be futile. But the only way you could even achieve that would be by having a society so totalitarian that on a moral level any act of revolt would be justified.
          You are in a catch. Perhaps it is good that you don’t understand that.

        3. This whole blog comes down to boys who can’t get pussy, it’s as simple as that. Boys from the lower deficient classes, no looks, money or brains and you’re all butthurt because you can’t get anything higher than you own 2 class.
          It’s obvious to all intelligent people but not to you who will write and write complete bullshit just to rationalise your own defective lives.You all have this inflated sense of entitlement you must have picked up from your own unwed slut mamas. Face reality and your fate, you will never get a quality woman or make a killing in the stock market. You fantacise about making money on the Net because you’re too defective to get off your butt and actually go out and do it in real life. Most of you can’t even talk to a female without
          getting an anxiety attack and start sweating profusely and getting a hardon if some #3 passes you on the street.

    4. Go Guts on them. This was my path since the beginning. I want nothing to do with the mass of muteness, the voiceless, directionless cacophony that is modern humanity. Take yourself to the extreme and change reality for your benefit, regardless of the detriment of others with lesser desires to push themselves better than you. There is no equality or survival of the fittest, there is only the strugglers, and their resistance to the will of human inertia.

    5. That’s quite a rant. And I understand where you’re coming from. Just be aware that being the kind of man you suggest is going to bring the retaliation of every institution that has bend over backwards for women. I can tell you that display of manliness in even small measure runs the risk of arrest, if not incarceration. Yeah, been there, done that!
      So, if you value your freedom, I’ve found you have to quietly divorce yourself not only from your wife, if you have one, but also from every institution that women rely on for their power and support.
      There’s a time for war, and a time for peace. A time to attack, and a time to lay low. Prepare for the revolution, but wait for it. It’s coming.

      1. Yeah, see my reply a little down below. They have the law, the technology and the guns on their side. Honestly, I don’t think there will be any revolution.. We’re passed that point. They (the elite) won, we lost. Shit.. hard to put these in writing.. I am in the last third of my life and I don’t think I’ll ever see better times..

        1. You’re right. There will be no revolution. Men have been pussified enough to not put up a fight anymore. I still do from time to time, and it gets me in big trouble.
          I’m right behind you age-wise. I’m done fighting. There’s no point. My mission the last third of my life is to make so much f’in money that women will chase me like a young Hugh Heffner. My entertainment will be toying with these prostitutes, but never giving them what they really want. It will be a poetic justice for the decades of shit I had to put up with from women.

        2. “There’s no point. My mission the last third of my life is to make so much f’in money that women will chase me like a young Hugh Heffner. My entertainment will be toying with these prostitutes, but never giving them what they really want. It will be a poetic justice for the decades of shit I had to put up with from women.”
          Excellent. I do this all the time with old brawds – starting with chicks over 30 who still have entitledment attitudes. They’re the easiest because deep down they realize they are past their prime and thus have to put in the work to meet men.
          The young ones are still easy because if you show you are traveling the world and doing shit with your life the little darlings want in on that. And you dangle this in front of them to get them to jump through hoops for you.

        3. First go make the money, old loser. Then think about how stupid you look and how people are laughing at you with a younger woman assuming that you could even get one with money. You 5’5″ with you pot belly, sagging wrinkled skin and bald head. You look like her ugly grandfather in his cheap Walmart baggy Bermuda shorts and your hairless shins.
          Top #10 girls can get young fit men with money.

        4. Do you really laugh at old ugly men walking around with beautiful young women? I find that fascinating.
          I have been wondering whether you are a woman or a man, I am suspecting at this point that you are a woman. Here is why:
          Because men approach women they are attracted to, the issue with women has never been finding sex, but in keeping a man committed to them. The more powerful the man, the longer the commitment, the more we impressive the keeping.
          So that women who are older tend to be viewed with pity when they have a young man on their arms. It is understood that the man is only there because he is either after her money, is gay, or broken. Hence we point out the unattractive signs of her aging, loose skin, spots, trembling knees, etc. to highlight that there is no biological attractiveness on her part to gain the attentions of the younger man, so it must be something else.
          Now an older man, who is ugly in the way you describe, must have something else going for him. Perhaps he is very wise, and this woman is attracted to wisdom, or he is very confident, or he is very wealthy (in which case he is powerful). So that generally when we see an older man walking with a young woman there are usually two types of reactions.
          1. The older women who no longer have their sexual power cast bitter aspersions on him to console themselves that they cannot get him.
          2. Everyone else is impressed.

        5. You certainly spend a lot of time thinking about this trivia. What is it you didn’t understand kid about
          Top #10 girls can get young fit men with money.

      2. Revolutions only benefit the men at the top not the angry peasants. They get sent to the gulag or just shot. Just one top ruling class taking power from another and putting them in 2nd place. You boys are not even in the running down there in 10th place.You’re expendable.

        1. “You’re expendable.”
          Lemme guess.. you are not. get your gay ass the fuck outta here.

        2. This is not quite correct. The revolutions of Che, Fidel, and Mao were in fact 2nd tier men replacing first tier men.
          But Stalin and Shickelgrubber weren’t 2nd tier, they were on the lowest tier. Stalin was pockmarked dwarf with a gimp leg and other deformities. Shickelgrubber was a homosexual, a failed artist, and there is controversy on whether he was even a successful soldier during WWI

    6. HOW DO WE WIN?
      The same way feminazis are: much like with game, we must bypass logic and reason, striking at the primitive fears and emotions that all have.
      We must make it appear that we wish to help our enemy, when in fact we will be condemning them to a fate worse than their darkest fears.
      In short, gentlemen, we must have the strength not to succumb to our infernalrage, but hone it to a white-hot blade of moral superiority. I have an example, if I anyone is interested.

        1. I’ll use an example from my adventure in boston. There was a snaffoo with a taxi, and needless to say I ended up having a poor cabby pull over so I could switch to the original one I had called. He ranted and raved about how inconvenient it was, proclaiming he had snubbed his son so he could pick me up (he was advertised as a 24-hour service, btw).
          I simply responded “how could I know you were busy with your son?” And that shut him up.
          Simplicity is what it takes, not complex reasoning.
          Why shouldn’t you have copious amounts of sex? It won’t seem as special. Why shouldn’t you get fat? Your bones weren’t made to handle the weight.
          Speak simply and appeal to emotion, as if to a child -yet not with the intonation as such, otherwise one risks seeming condescending.
          If we were to take the moral highroad, and then we would win. But defeat is much, much easier than victory.

    7. You have some serious issues Captain. I hope you end up being able to work them out peacefully.
      I just thank God that you’re probably not going to do anything other than rage online. It’s the unstable lurkers who read this stuff that I worry about.
      “Lefties”… Women… Teachers…”faggots”… “SJWs”… “White knights”…? Who will be the next shooting victims?

      1. Go back to doing yoga with your bf and the double headed purple saguaro up your asses you fuckin fruit.

    8. Hate in leisure. Control it. But don’t let rage and anger get the better of you. Rage and anger are a drug that boils the blood and makes you act stupid and careless. Remain calm and always smile at your enemies as you think of ways to inflict revenge on them.

      1. Agreed. I’ve channeled my anger into usable skills that have given me much more self control than the average man.
        The anger, the rage is my fuel though I don’t always display it publicly and I don’t need to.
        Sometimes just a look in the eye staring into someone’s soul is enough to convey the intensity of what I’m feeling.

        1. Nobody cares what some nonentity feels, honey. And stop with the anger because you sound like the type who will get high blood pressure and keel over at 30.

        2. It’s interesting because you remind me of the character Cersei on game of thrones. One of the most interesting things about that character is that whenever she wins, she always gloats in front of the person she defeated. So that even tho she out maneuvered her opponents to the point where they should give in, after she does her gloating, she causes them to hate her so much that they will stop at absolutely nothing to get to her.
          And I never understood until just now why she does that. Now I get it, she isn’t gloating just because she is an evil sadist with insecurity and rage issues. It’s because she is hoping to psychologically break the will of her enemy, so that by causing them so much emotional pain, they will never want to engage with her again.
          But what she actually ends up doing, is driving her opponent into such psychological pain, that the opponent decides that any suffering, any pain or agony, is worth it, if only for the sole purpose of ruining Cersei’s life. Basically into a frenzy of pure and total hatred for her existence. So that it is not enough to avoid her, the person in question must eradicate her from existence to feel secure again, And she is oblivious to this. Because she simply cannot recognize when she goading the wrong person.
          So thank you.

    9. *says this. Clicks next link. Doesn’t move except to take bite of sandwich*

      1. A sandwich that you made. Now get back in the kitchen and make us another one. And no sneaking icecream out of the freezer, you morbidly obese cunt!

        1. Hmmm… Where have you got obese from? Or are you just trying to be edgy… You just come across as a bit remedial lol

    10. The solution to this problem is simpler than most think. You need to remember that the entire system is simply a societal construct, it’s not absolute and it’s most certainly not as strong as those who engineered it want you to believe.
      Progressives, leftists, feminists – the biggest flaw in their system is that it’s built on a model which requires excess resources to be successfully confiscated from men. The strategically strongest play available is not to fight them at the polls, it’s not to debate with their flawed ideology.
      ~ If you want to win, then do everything in your power to stop paying taxes in western nations.. ~
      This is attacking them at their weakest point, while rolling with the momentum that is globalisation. If you starve the state of taxation revenue, you remove it’s ability to keep growing, you remove it’s ability to become more powerful and most importantly you make it accountable to those paying the most taxes, the vast majority of whom are *men*.
      We need to make the information that men need in order to achieve the above available. We need to start start influencing the younger generations NOW, rather than waiting for them to be exposed to years of progressive propaganda in the education system.

      1. This is good advice about taxes. I’ve been saying this for a long time

      1. Maybe, maybe not. I am suspecting he is getting laid a great deal. Men who don’t get laid, don’t talk like he does, and yes I am usually able to tell.
        But even if he wasn’t getting laid, you are missing the point. He is not talking about raging, he is talking about disconnecting from any consideration for your welfare and inflicting whatever consequences he wishes upon anyone who does not accede to his will.
        In English: he is talking about inflicting pain on you in any way whatsoever and to any degree necessary until you do what he wants.
        In Moron: he is going to rape you.

        1. Clear and concise.
          This is why women should never be considered worthy of any sort of intellectual debate.
          In two comments code monkey has dissected her thoroughly and we all know she is none the wiser for it.
          Women……at least we can pretend they are modest and inquisitive if only they would shut the fuck up.
          The lack of back hands to that
          yapper is likely the culprit.
          Weak father? Rhetorical question.

    11. Speaking as a white knight faggot, I can safely bet you’re going to fail miserably.
      Or you’ll end up committing suicide by cop if you ever make it out of the basement.

      1. Knowing you’re a faggot is the first step towards recovery.
        Perhaps there is hope?

        1. Yes, I’m sure you could get that psychopathy of yours treated. Or you could just stop playing the internet tough guy and interact with the real world for a change.

    12. Well I guess uh have fun in jail? That sounds like that might be where you’re headed.

    13. The pathetic rampage of a natural born loser. I came to germany half a year ago and have hit more pussy than you have watched in porn wanka

    14. Well said, pal. Truly well said. You have just motivated to do something about an issue which I have ruminated and pondered for a while. Thank you; thank you immensely. Now I know “there are no coincidences” … I mean here I am pulling my hairs out wondering should I do A or B? A or B … A is the pussy option, and “correct” approach, and B being the “go fuck yourselves, you cocksucking scumbags” … Option B it now is.
      Many thanks, pal. You have no idea what you have just done.

      1. Glad I could help. You will find the zero fucks given option to be the most rewarding.
        When you begin to improve yourself you will notice you get a lot of hate from others. Let this fuel your narcissism and propel you to even greater improvements.
        Besides its fuckin great to get people all riled up and show you their true colors. Most are just projecting their weaknesses and they hate to see a man rise above it. You know why?
        That’s one less man who gives a living Christ FUCK about them. One less man to be their safety net.
        In time you will laugh at these imbeciles. To see the weak and pathetic hate you because you’re better is the ultimate.

  6. http://nypost.com/2015/06/12/cheaters-website-explodes-in-south-korea-after-adultery-made-legal/
    for those who think that only western countries are fucked, look at South Korea.
    You have a 34 year old married southEast Asian immigrant woman already looking to cheat on her Korean man through Ashley Madison adultery website to find more Korean men. Even the immigrant women cheat there.
    I heard that there situation is just as shitty as ours. Like their women are the most pickiest and good luck if you are trying to marry and you are a poor Korean man with no money or you grew up in a farm. Those poor men have no choice but to marry immigrant women (thereby increasing diversity and multiculturalism) and now even the immigrant women cheat.
    As a western men, and hate to say this… but makes me feel better knowing that we aren’t the only ones getting the raw deal but at the same time this shit is going to go global.

    1. Eventually this will have to end, when every woman on earth has the opportunity to go Eat, Pray, Love. That or we just go extinct. Or as I believe……Armageddon.

    2. it’s a mistake to think of SK and Japan as Asian countries. They are de facto Western countries now.

      1. SK, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong are all facing demographic crises. No economies grow without growing populations. Girls’ liberation kills fertility. Subdued girls like Muslims make lots of offspring.

  7. Look at it this way, most of the governments of the industrialized world are already leveraged to their eyeballs with no way of actually servicing their debt except for issuing more debt. In the end that isn’t sustainable and there are only two options.
    1. Make politically hard choices and limit current spending to the amount the government brings in, less the cost to pay off debt.
    (Quit laughing hysterically, I as am aware as you that the feminists and their white knight allies will never vote for this.)
    2. The whole system of debt collapses when the governments are no longer capable of supporting it. The government may simply erase it’s debt, but that will cause a whole new set of problems that force the government to live within it’s means, or the government will simply cease to function.
    Either way, the ones planning for that eventuality and able to present real skills and assets will be the ones in demand. I would also recommend learning leadership.

    1. Its already way passed that point. Its all smoke and mirrors now with digital money supply.

  8. Don’t cry gentlemen, its not the end of the world, just the changing of it. Society took away a woman primary motive to pair bond via subsidies. Now there is no motivation for her to do or be anything a man wants. Mens problem is that their primary motivations are still in place. Society will NOT help you. You must help yourself by overcoming your primary motivation. Enter Mgtow. Men and women can still co-mingle, but as allies or competitors as situations dictate. Evolve or die.

    1. You hit the nail on the head. The modern welfare state has replace the need for the man as provider.

      1. “The modern welfare state has replace the need for the man as provider.”
        The welfare state is unsustainable and will collapse in the not so distant future.

        1. That sounds like a real party but I predict mass immigration would happen before collapse.

        2. That’s what I thought too but it seems the system is more resilient that expected. This will probably not collapse (as it should) but it will turn into a fascist state. Actually, the more I think about it we already live in a Fascist State, no exaggeration here..
          Fascism does not take over a country through revolution. To the contrary it does it little by little.. Look around and you’ll probably agree with me..So if this is the case, all we have to do is look back in history and we can probably come up with a pretty educated guess for what’s coming.

        3. America has become a fascist state and the democrats are “all in.” They are banking on passive compliance as they have gotten away with so much already.
          Stockpile, organize and wait.

        4. You already have mass immigration of +13 million illegal invaders in the US now. Or did you mean emmigration?

        5. I for one hope that there isn’t a collapse. You guys should pick up a history book to see just how savage we can be to each other. Or just watch any news about the middle east. Besides, if there is a collapse, men will get the shityest end of it and we will eventually just end up back right where we are now. Best to just adapt and learn to navigate/succeed in this system. MGTOW

        6. Agree. Relocate to a red state that hasn’t turned blue yet. Keep spending and tax burdens low. Acquire assets, capital, precious metals and guns. And make offspring.

        7. A social welfare state will collapse (especially with the amount of debt the US is currently carrying) — you should place your hope elsewhere. What cannot continue, simply won’t and the US is running out of road to kick the can down. The question that should be asked is what will replace it. I would hope it is a return to limited government, constitutional bonundaries, budgeted spending, etc… that would be ideal, but I am not optimistic. If blood letting needs to happen in order to do so, than let it happen. We’re due.
          As I am pretty well read concerning history– political, economic and military– there is going to be a reckoning soon in the US as the cultural and poltical trends are not reconcilable and Balkanizing daily IMHO. Stockpile, organizie and wait. It isn’t those in DC who determine the unknow future, it is those who have control of the keys to the arms rooms.

        8. Possibly. As long as the US dollar is the global exchange currency, Obama and friends can continue selling future generations of Americans into indentured servitude. I really don’t think the US govt. can possibly pay the debt back at this point (accept through rapid inflation – aka print money). Look for a “global currency” to be the next solution for the OWS.

        9. It can’t pay back the debt, it’s impossible. All government backed currencies eventually go bust.

        10. If you try to pay debts with cheap (inflated) dollars there will be war because creditor countries won’t stand for it.

        11. Thanks for the snarky remarks and posting your astute understanding of economics and monetary policy. Good luck.

  9. “Find a young traditional foreign wife from a little village, bring her back to America, and hope that in 10 years she doesn’t learn the way of the land and morph into the Western woman he avoided marrying in the first place.”
    Don’t take her back to America, you learn Russian and go live in her little Siberian village.

    1. problem: you need to be wealthy/have a business in the home country or have an internet business like Roosh. I’m leaning toward the former myself but it’ll take like 4~5 more years before I get the capital.

    1. Because the only thing keeping EE women more feminine, is poverty. Divorce, abortion, and feminism generally was already normalized by 70 years of Soviet indoctrination and destruction of traditional society. EE may not be as advanced as we in the West, down the path to cultural degradation, but that’s only because its relative poverty prevents what has occurred in the West. I hear Moscow is a close representation of what the future in that part of the world would look like with increased wealth.

  10. Save all 3 of those options. Be the mom, and the dad, pay some surrogate to be a broodmare and have a kid under contract. Once the kid pops out, its yours. No woman is going to take it away from you. 10 grand usually gets you in the door for a desperate surrogate. 50 grand for one with a clean and proven track record. Another 5 to 10 g for donor eggs and you can browse donors like a sears catalog. With everything I have seen if you are a younger or even a older guy, this is the way to go. NO alimony, half your shit if she leaves and most of all she wont be leaving with your kids. Being a single dad, not the most cool thing in the world, but it beats getting shredded in the current state of things getting raped by feminazi courts and judges.

    1. I have a former male colleague who did exactly that. Paid a surrogate to have his baby and he is a single father of a 6 year old girl now. His brother told me he did not want a wife (due to the same issues discussed here at ROK).

      1. Good point. But if he didn’t want a wife, why would he want a daughter?

        1. The sex was not predetermined. He provided the sperm to the rented womb. I worked with guy– he wasn’t ugly or deranged.. in fact quite accomplished in his field and one hell of a martial artitst, but very aware of his cultural surroundings. Me thinks he simply didn’t want to expose himself to the current fem-tyrany.

    2. It could be a reality. Artificial in-the-lab wombs are in development.
      And where will the eggs come from?
      Right next door to the sperm banks.
      Best part about hiring a nanny or a governess is this: if she sucks, you can fire her.

      1. Artificial wombs are the only hope against extinction. The only question is whether the rest of society will pay to raise the children of such factories. It will require a wholesale restructuring of the legal and moral environment. I doubt it will happen in time, especially given that the Africans will continue making excess babies for the better part of a century.

        1. Y’ever read Brave New World?
          Just imagine it… Tax dollar babies being produced in labs to maintain the population.

        2. No risk of extinction as long as low IQ people have sky high fertility. The average IQ level of the human species will simply drop. Smart people don’t reproduce.

        3. We’re already using tax dollars to fund poor minorities to fill the fertility gap in the USA. No labs needed.

        4. But since those babies have no parents, they are raised in orphanages … the cost will be staggering … what are the odds this will actually be implemented?

        5. Perhaps not complete extinction. But Idiocracy wasn’t quite right. All populations converge to sub-replacement birth rates. The only ones that remain stable are primitive. Stone Age.

        6. Low fertility trends out to the extinction of a culture, with another culture supplanting it. Majorities become minorities. It’s happening today.

        7. As we Boomers told you, there is a population explosion. The world’s population must be decreased. If I had the power I’d reduce it 90% and we’d still have 700m people.Get rid of all the genetic dead ends by sterilisation.That benchmark of 100 IQ we use may not be what is the normal IQ of the people on earth and only the norm for the people who invented these tests and their populations.Africans and most Asians are below 100.
          At any rate the world is overpopulated and that means there is a constant depletion of renewable resources.If you believe in the myth of man made global warming then that will be solved too with less people around.
          With modern technology we can sustain a certain pop. level easily and cheaply.

        8. We have too many people. In BNW they kept the pop. at a certain level. Let’s also remember that this is fiction and you may not be able to breed people to do specific jobs or why you would need them at all since technology ran without much human intervention and that the Alphas could provide the oversight for it.I predict a small human population as the wave of the future.Nature controls the balance of animals for the most part but humans are breeding like it’s 1999. :o)

        9. We are not.They’re a useless group that are breeding because Libtards are feeding them. The US pop. should be reduced to 1950 levels.

        10. I’m torn. I don’t want anyone to tell me that I can or cannot breed, but I do agree we have too many humans…

        11. It wouldn’t have to be that extreme. If everyone were limited to 1 child, we’d 1/2 the population in 50-100 years. Nobody needs to do without children, we just need FAR fewer than we have today.

        12. Yeah, the “freeeeedommm” side of me thinks things like the one child policy in China is outrageous, but the realist in me sees it is quite practical. I think there is a balance somewhere with giving people enough freedom to be creative and innovative (hence why Silicon Valley is a great business incuabor) and letting people just be fat and lazy and happy and getting payday loans and renting rims on their car just because that’s how they wanna live. It’s kind of like with women–give them complete freedom and as a whole they are actually LESS happy.

        13. It’s kind of what I’m realizing while reading Hazlitt’s book.
          Everything in the book makes perfect sense… Too much sense… People don’t actually behave rationally like this at all…
          I picked up another book on economics and it described “neo-classical economics” where it assumes that people behave as rational agents.
          The flaw with that worldview is that in reality… people don’t behave rationally… Like you say, people get fat, idiots outproduce the geniuses, and on and on it goes…
          Now I’m confused as to what I think… Which likely means I’m learning something.

    3. This is a much better solution than anyone else suggested. It means that capitalism can extend to the realm of buying and selling children (where it has already been intruding for a long time anyway). Why not let it reach its logical conclusion and let it provide us with something we can buy for cash (kids) that we couldn’t otherwise achieve solo? We’ve just got to make sure that the eggs are from a smart female because the inherited component of intelligence is carried on the X chromosome.
      i.e. we’re only intelligent because our mothers were whereas chicks can be intelligent if either their mother or their father was (and can be dumb for the same reason too)

      1. the inherited component of intelligence is carried on the X chromosome.
        That’s not correct.

  11. Roosh, I hope you experience extreme malcontent in this hopeless, click-baitey, perspective. It looks like a plateau to me. And the unicorn mindset has never been explored. Who are these unicorns, and what standards do they demand of a partner? Wouldn’t they experience similar dissatisfaction with men of the world? It seems like a different kind of lust with a different kind of ‘game’ to me, so I doubt these people congregate in the usual places.

    1. Eventually everyone settles for less than a unicorn, or psychologically makes a person into a unicorn to pair up with. It’s an evolutionary adaptation to propagate the species.

  12. This system is already broke. I’m not even sure how Uncle Sham pays his bills anymore. The Fed stopped printing but nearly a Trillion Dollars is magically appearing from somewhere. The Government claims tax receipts are record highs. Yeah sure. Who’s paying these taxes? All the businesses are going broke. Even Clownburger is losing money!

  13. “Feminism’s situation is dire.
    They’re distracted while their castle is on fire.
    But, like Nero in Rome, i’ll dance around their home.
    While they burn I’ll be playing the lyre”

  14. Turkey: 1.6
    Poland: 1.6
    Saudi Arabia: 1.1
    Serbia: 1.1
    Mexico: 0.8
    Colombia: 0.2
    dam doservative muslim turkey matches sexy poland.
    and dam sharia law doesnt save you from divorce rape from fat arab women, better off getting a hot leggy serbian.
    Looks like latinas are the way to go, plus they have the best curves so thats a plus

  15. “school
    marry virgin (or girl with less than 5 previous partners)
    worship god
    And this was Blue Pill even then. I’m off for Barataria Bay, thank you very much.

      1. I have lived there. Your red pill is a blue pill that women have painted with a red candy shell to make it pleasant to take. The bitterness only hits you after ingestion and it’s too late. You are already poisoned.
        Yes, there were red pill men, aware of female nature, then. Rather more than there are now, and gave the same warning I give now, but not enough listened, and so here we are.
        Read Great Expectations and Huckleberry Finn.

        1. perhaps, but thats where you dont let them into your head you gotta be like Tsarniov,its like keeping a dog, you have to show em youre the master and keep them in line not other way around…itll be tough though in this day n age

    1. I think it has to do with the implosion of socialist culture. Now its acceptable to openly covet others wealth, and they weren’t allowed to do that in the past. Are russian women more hypergamous in the text book meaning of the word? Seduced by the man with more money? Russia is gangsta capitalism now.

  16. Keen observation as always.
    Regarding the options:
    1. No. Under no circumstances.
    2. No. The foreign wife will eventually absorb the culture she is in.
    3. Possible – pending location.
    I would suggest an alternative. Both you and the non-western woman you wish to pursue as a wife both live in a foreign country where you are both expats. As you both must learn a foreign language, live in a new culture and depend on each other this will definely make or break the relationship. Not for the faint of heart though.

    1. I agree your alternative could technically work. But I’ve researched the history of marriage and through the years the entire point of it was the merging of FAMILIES much more than the merging of 2 individuals, the husband and wife. So yes, you might be able to say you had a successful “marriage” but you will have completely ignored the main driving force of marriage to do so.

  17. Gentlemen, the world is well on its way to a strange new epoch, utterly without historical precedent. I hope at least one among us can figure out a paradigm that works in this new world. I am not optimistic, as I do not have even the slightest inkling of what that paradigm might be.

    1. I hope at least one among us can figure out a paradigm that works in this new world.
      Be selfish.

  18. Well, it’s survival of the fittest isn’t it? Those with the best strategy will ultimately succeed. That appears to be option 3, it may be the most difficult but nature has a way of filtering out evolutionary dead ends. We can all sit and know with smug satisfaction that the fat, self entitled, career obsessed, liberal women of the West are failing to reproduce above replacement levels. But make no mistake, reckless hedonism will get Western men nowhere either. A young, intelligent Western man should focus on a career and family with a socially conservative girl who will provide him with the best chance of stability. Leave the fatties to cry with into their ben and jerry’s ice cream while they stroke their cats and watch sex and the city re runs.

  19. It’s Ironic, as Feminism has grown and gained more influence in the united states, women have gotten less and less of the things they want, Feminism promises women they can “Have it All”, but the only thing women are getting these days from feminism is,Loneliness, stress at work, and a vagina so used up it’s prolapsing itself out, and of course Men are supposed to be a part of Feminism’s promise to it’s faithful women followers, but Men have taken notice, and think Marrying that Liberated Pussy that had 40+cocks ripping it Open, is kind of a Raw deal, don’t forget all the feminist indoctrination that brainwashes women into viewing the Family unit as Slavery which guarantees a tumultuous Marriage and possibly Divorce Rape, so is it any surprise that Men are fleeing in the other direction towards independent PUA lifestyles? And don’t let the White Knight Feminist Enablers start with that “Man UP” crap, the modern Beta white Knight is the Farthest expert from knowing what a Man should Be, let alone knowing the Virtues and Philosophies that compel Men to rise for occasions where Manning Up is necessary, In the Old Days, if you didn’t Man Up your Family might starve or Die, but now Manning Up means “Don’t run away from that Raw Deal 40+ cock whore, it’s time you Man up and get serious about life!” The modern version of “Manning Up” has become a shaming tactic through which feminism is desperately trying to make due on it’s Promise that liberated spoiled whores can still “Have it all”.

    1. Man Up! Old School:
      Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
      Man Up! New School:
      Marry that ho! Why stand you there idle? Do you think a strong, independent woman is going to feed her three bastard kids by three different fathers by herself? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, that you will avoid paying a price of chains and slavery?

      1. Pay no fines bequeathed to another: feel no pain; or accept to be smothered, thine own seed need to be mothered. To cry is to die; to yell is to smell the sweet fruit of life’s harvest, drown in the brine or be the brute who impregnates the lover.

      1. Emotions are what women use to make decisions, that’s why a woman who’s emotions feel Lust will Consent Sex to a Man, but the next day If she feels the emotion of regret, it may cause her to claim “Regret Rape” against an innocent man. It’s what Feels good in the Moment that matters with women and that’s why you are right to say that most women with unlimited possibilities and freedoms, destabilize and ruin their lives, the modern train wreck western woman is testament to that.

  20. The issue isn’t physical evolution – it’s cultural. Feminism, public schooling, and factory/office work have broken the continuity between older men and younger men. They have blocked the wisdom from being passed down. And they are shocked, shocked, shocked that the younger men are all peter-pan manchildren. What did you think would happen, babes?
    Oh – that’s right. You didn’t.

  21. Another option (let me be clear I am not recommending this) is to knock up a whole bunch of different chicks and let them, their future (or present?) husbands and/or the government pick up the tab. Travel light and never use the same name twice. If reproduction is what you’re after, that’s probably the most effective route. A friend of mine has 50 or 60 half-siblings all over the USA and ever more keep continually emerging from the wood work.

    1. They can only forfeit 30% of your income I think.. So passed the third kid it doesn’t matter anymore.. you can have a thousand if you like..

      1. There are good men, right now, rotting away in jails as “deadbeat dads,” because they couldn’t pay the court ordered everything they had, everything they made, plus 30%.
        You best keep thinking before you start breeding. Maybe even talk to a lawyer who specializes in family court matters.

      1. no, but I think that article was a total hatchet job (just had to say it).
        That guy has the right idea. He is faithfully following his biological imperative; It is not his fault that the public has chosen to subsidize bastardy. He is just providing what the market will bear, and his descendants (and the Duggars’) shall inherit the Earth. In fact, if you do not follow suit and compete in the genetic arena, then all of your toil will in some way inevitably facilitate his colonization of the planet.

  22. Not so much evolutionary dead ends, only the end of a cycle
    Throughout history wealthy nations have produced disease societies, this is no different today. Theoretically the developed nation could possess all the ambition and ruthless drive of its younger, growing stages, but this never really pans out in practice – comfort diminishes us
    What is safe is stagnant, only through conflict, adversity, sacrifice and insecurity will societies be rejuvenated
    You could hold out until the next cycle, or you can instigate the revolution against equality

  23. Should we be modeling our lifestyles and culture after older civilizations? There is nothing natural about modern culture. Nations that continue to live the way Roosh believes we should are ignorant, over populated, and running out of resources. Western Civilization failed by making the progress of modern technology, medicine and weapons that were created by genius minds, who are in a class of their own, widely accessible to the average idiot in both the western and developing countries. “The West” is under the spell of a handful of people who understand how to control the masses and are threatened by human potential and enlightenment. The lie is spreading faster than Islam that we must fill our lives with shit that we don’t need. The “blue pill” is a stupid narrow minded euphemism like Naomi Wolf’s “Beauty Myth”. The problem is bigger than your cocks. Not every man is an alpha and not every woman is an Omega. When you throw a sheet over every girl and leave it up to the father to decide who marries their children you have an evolutionary dead end. When you cover the face of every omega man who can’t get laid with an alpha mask to snag a beautiful young woman, you have an evolutionary dead end. The man who dedicates his life to his dick, whining about the corporate west while embracing underdeveloped countries, wearing the mask of an alpha for the purpose of dipping his dick or marrying a woman who is ignorant to the rest of the world isn’t doing us any evolutionary favors. There is nothing wrong with a beta man or woman. We need them. Alphas a rare.

  24. Another ROK story that is good at identifying problems, but bad at finding solutions.

  25. You’re not technically at an evolutionary dead end if you get married, have one child, get divorced, and retain 50% custody. Some divorced fathers say their relationship with their child actually improved after divorce without the drama of the ex-wife ruining quality time together.

  26. Maybe this is by design. I’d rather have the “h” name die with me than have future “‘h’s” living as a Christian slave in a Muslim society or a communist drone in a Chinese or Russian run world.

  27. Shoot the way he puts it makes it sound so bleak and dismal. But it’s true get a job raise kids die. But I found purpose life doesn’t have to suck embrace God, of course that is a no go for most. See it’s literally enough to make you kill yourself the helplessness of this life what am I toiling for I’ll just die and leave it to my ungrateful spoiled child or watching your beloved country be transformed into the Pitts of hell. But draw comfort knowing my heavenly sees my toil he sees it all, and this world is not my home. But that sounds like foolishness to many, but I’ll ask you what happyness do you have. Look at the world and ponder there little children who can’t sit still in class and there being drugged in kindergarten. We can’t beat a couple guys sitting in a desert wiping there butts with there left hand and no toilet paper, they wear sandals and rags on there heads and only have sex with men for fun. We’ve been fighting these guys for a decade. And now we are going back for round two. What is the solution to the problems, more education, more money, more guns well evidently not. But God is a fairytale, my life was fixed why would I lie what would I gain I dont own a megachurch. I’m a dude on the internet, in my skivvies. Mans plight is dismal because he is in rebellion to God. The less we take God seriosly the less he remembers us and let’s dudes in the desert kick our butts. While we sit at home accepting any and everything except God we would rather hear about a dude who thinks he is a women than God. And ponder that. What in the world happened! This guy wins the Olympics, is rich is famous, lives in la land of pretty women everywhere, and he wants to do what, be another dudes wife. It’s mind boggling he claims he’s been unhappy for years, such is life with out Christ . And we are all clawing and scratching and biting to get where he’s at and he is leaving saying its empty.

    1. You’re too infatuated with ‘dudes in the desert’ i stopped reading after that. You started with a good point too…

  28. Find something you love doing more than a woman and create your Magnum opus. There are two ways to achieve immorality: One is by having children and the other is through creativity and self expression. Robert Heinlein never had kids (although he tried) and neither did Lewis Carroll or Vincent Van Gogh who felt family life was inconsistent with his artistic achievement. This is just to name a few. There are many more artist and writers I could name that went their whole lives childless.

  29. This is way too pessimistic.
    Ignorance is bliss, many western guys are happily married to asian, black or indian women.
    Its when you start thinking about race, culture, civilisation etc that you’ll feel like an evolutionary dead end.

  30. The difference between Jews and Gentiles:
    Gentiles outmarry to small villages in third world countries with the reasoning being to find a ‘traditional woman’
    Jews outmarry to absorb wealth for their own tribe, IQ gains and occasionally physical gains.

    1. In past generations, the Male Player would use his skills to better himself financially by getting to the women of the King’s Court. Roosh is missing a key thing—Asset Accumulation.

    1. The hidden form of basic feminism left over from the Soviet times.

    2. Maybe the women there are seeing greener pastures, also known as The Western countries.

  31. This site has helped me so much. I went from being a girl worshiper to a girl slayer. I see dudes making mistakes all around me. Don’t be a douchebag, but don’t be a doormat either.
    Look, in most situations women choose. Deal with it. But I have seen the best looking dudes go girl less because of bad game. And Ive seen average looking dudes go home with 8’s and 9’s because they knew the game. Game will take you to the next level.
    Sex is cool, its great. But its not worth being thirsty and ruining your social status. Learn to take a loss some nights. And learn the game.
    Don’t let bad nights burn you. This is the fucking jungle; emotionally unstable men will lose.
    Women are great. If you know what your doing. They will give you head, they will let you fuck them every way possible, and they will swallow your load. And guess what, they are cool to talk to as well. They are human beings, like us.
    Don’t let a drought cloud your fucking head.

    1. All valid points but this isn’t what the article is about. Finding women for fun and sex is easy. Roosh is talking about finding a decent woman to settle with, not a carrousel rider.

  32. Instead of bitching and whining about Western women and the Western world, you can stand up and do something about it. Yes, I’m talking to all you pussies who come to sites like this, because they are nerds, socially handicapped, autistic or have other abnormalities. That’s the reason you can’t get any women.
    Western women are so fucked up, because men like you let it happen. Instead of whining like a little bitch you can put these sluts and their white knights on their place. Maybe other guys will follow and MAYBE there will be some hope for white/western males.

    1. Men created this nightmare and not the women.
      However, there is nothing wrong with people talking about their grievances. From where I stand I don’t see much we can do.. Rebel? Not going to work. Live only for yourself? Maybe. Other than that there are only a couple of things a man can do these days.
      — Turn off that TV
      — Shame and fight SJWs and their white knights where ever you find them. Are they your friends and/or family members? Too bad. Do it.
      — If you are in a hiring position, hire men over women, and try to get away with it.
      — If you have the choice to do business with men over women, do it.
      — Raise your boys (and girls) as RP.
      — Make as much money as humanly possible and enjoy whatever is left to be enjoyed.
      — Take a break from time to time and smell the flowers.

  33. “If you are to believe that modern culture is headed towards full-blown degeneracy, and that women are affected by the environment they’re in, you would naturally come to the conclusion that the women of today make for inferior wives and mothers than the women of yesterday.”
    Pretty much. Born-again since 1998 and I don’t expect to be here for more than five years. I could be wrong about that, of course, but it’s no longer a safe place to raise children in, and hasn’t been in a long time.
    Oddly enough, I’m listening to Killing Joke as I type this. The chorus:
    “Back to square one – another empire backfire.”

  34. Roosh is 100% correct. The options for men now are only self-gratification and a focus on the reduction of risk to freedom.
    I have commented here several times that one of the things I personally find most gratifying is to occupy myself if making sure I do absolutely zero to support the corrupted feminist state. I am not against violence when it is required, but no man can take on a supremely well armed government (or several layers of it). So, the non-violent approach is best.
    If you start practicing this, you will find that you have an immense number of ways to undermine the corrupt feminist state. You start right here, by reading ROK and similar manosphere media. But even more important is to keep your money out of the hands of a government that would happily take your last dime and jail you.

  35. Perhaps I’m a bit dramatic today…..this cultural war will evolve into something more than words and messages at some point.

  36. Perhaps I’m being a bit dramatic today, but this cultural war will evolve into something more than words and messages.

  37. Sadly, this is man’s modern day reality. Even men who are top of their games, alpha, muscular body, tall, making money etc are still being played by hypergamous carrousel riders.
    It’s remarkable how, with the help of modern day contraception, feminism have managed to erase thousand of years of evolutionary instinct in just half a century or so. With the risk of getting pregnant, you would think that women would be instinctively very careful about who they choose to sleep with and how often to change partners. For a female, it makes no evolutionary sense to want/desire to sleep around, yet western women today are inching very close, if not overtaken men, when it comes to promiscuity.
    The west will in no doubt head towards degeneracy. I see narcistic boys who have old whores for mothers and sluts for sisters and they grow to be self absorbed and shallow themselves. We live in a society where men are no longer men, and women are no longer women.

    1. “We live in a society where men are no longer men, and women are no longer women.”
      The Bible spoke about this. It’s going to get worse.

  38. Three men… Let me repeat that: THREE MEN were responsible for the entire population of Western Europe a few thousand years ago. Think on that for a moment.

    1. Today, Mankind is rife with genetic diseases. We have fallen from the times of Noah.

  39. You don’t have to marry to have kids.
    You can always knock her up and hit the road.
    A true pump and dump.
    It’s what western women deserve.
    If they come after you for child support, live off the lamb or defect to Russia, and actively oppose the West from there.

    1. So basically you doom your child to life with a “single mom”. Great solution, for a sociopathic scumbag.

      1. I was raised by a single mum. It isn’t a doom. But I probably am more sociopathic than most men. But then again it’s a lack of hardness/sociopathy that has brought men in the West to this situation, so I don’t consider that a bad thing.
        If more men were sociopaths then feminism would have never gotten off the ground.

  40. “Western values from America are spreading so rapidly that a 22-year-old Brazilian, Polish, or Thai girl is worse at being a wife than her sister only five years older.”
    I’m living in Thailand at the moment and the women 18-25 on average are 50-55kg while women 30-40 are 40-48kg (thailfriendly.com). These women 28+ are relationship material while the 18-24, I have found are very westernised with attitude and play some games. It’s no where as bad as westernise countries but the next generation will be I believe. The younger generation are breaking off from family and moving to cities and rejecting their cultural. The local paper said the young are starting to embrace westernise cultural.
    There is a 4th option: move to a country that is in the East which is far away from cities and live in a small town.
    If you look at the divorce rate since 2000, it has nearly doubled in every country in the world due to globalization (Feminism poisoning) .

  41. Go to a red-pill country like Turkey and stay there for a while. It is AWESOME and man-friendly. If you know three words of Turkish and show some interest in their culture (which is very rich) – you are HOME.

  42. “I’m not making an argument to reproduce based on passing your genes on
    for posterity, since all that will be moot once the sun swallows the
    earth in a few billion years,I’m not making an argument to reproduce based on passing your genes on
    for posterity, since all that will be moot once the sun swallows the
    earth in a few billion years,”
    Roosh, it is not a question of “meaning,” since the concept of “meaning” itself has no meaning. It is a question of doing what makes you happy. Biology has programmed each of us to want to reproduce; children are a blessing.
    Why take women’s behavior so seriously? They do not matter; they are wombs for our descendants. If they take your money, who cares? You don’t need dumb stuff anyways. Better yet, you can marry a woman who makes money, as there are many of them these days.
    The destruction of culture is sad. But our culture will never come back if the genetic line of white people is snuffed out and bred out of existence.
    First things first, Roosh! Survive first, worry about the higher pursuits of life, such as culture, later!

  43. My own solution has been to marry a highly educated first gen immigrant from a wealthy conservative two parent family. She earns more than me, but I help the medical business she has in half our house to be very successful. I earn more than I spend but she is disincentivised from ending the relationship because it would cost her. Economically I run at perhaps 25% of my capacity, but instead of slaving my guts out as a hyper-provider on a corporate treadmill, I study and think. Alcohol and other salves are no longer needed. I have had time to meditate, train, develop business ideas and spend lots of time with my four year old daughter so she’ll be a good wife and give me well cared for grandchildren. I have a son due next month. Because I can earn $100+ per hour as a writer I can get a reasonable amount of cash, more than I personally need, working a few hours a day. My wife is pretty enough, but not the hottest woman I fucked. Those women are a liability. I married my wife because of her utility values and ability to make $10k a day so I don’t have to. It’s what the feminists wanted right? Seems to suit me fine.

  44. Article is a good synopsis of the current state. But I am a man who does not wish to procreate. I’m quite happy without kids, and marriage is not a requirement. I can say that I do not mind being a serial dater and on occasion a serial monogamist if a women who holds traditional values and acts in a feminine manner is presented.
    No brats for me. Too many on the planet and too many unwanted children.

  45. I know tons of men with college degrees who have no kids. I know many felons and high school dropouts who have several kids from different women. Why try. No incentives. Better to just get tats, take roids and talk shit to people and fight. Women have shown the men they want and it isn’t some loser working a 9-5 and paying taxes.

  46. Abandon the idea of marriage or commitment altogether, especially as you know the positive values of care, love, concern, loyalty and respect will not be reciprocated by a Western woman.
    You have more chance of becoming successful financially and independently than finding a truly good woman for companionship.
    Work on spiritual growth and becoming a sage,
    Go on the prowl and slyly bag the occasional woman,
    Contribute as little as possible in taxes and earn enough money to get by,
    Practice minimalism to lower your spending and help destroy the system,
    Travel locally and overseas, enjoying as much leisure time as possible,
    And while you’re doing this, watch the bitter, lazy, vindictive bitches whine about how they cannot find a decent man, all the while slaving away at their non-jobs and propping up a collapsing society that men have turned their back on because of the way we have been treated now for decades.

  47. It seems women are apparently the cause of all your problems. why not just come out and be gay?

  48. I find a lot of western women to be so ugly when compared to Asian women. Most of these western women are fat and have huge arses or bones.When screwing them is like screwing a cow…..not a sense of feminity plus with their loud mouths and drinking habits etc…..yucks…..some of the gay guys in Asia are even more better alternatives then these fat white cows!

  49. Option 5: Have your sperm frozen at 18 and get a vasectomy. Focus on building your life and realizing your purpose. Once you decide if children are what you want and you can afford them, buy an egg and a surrogate (possibly accessing better genes than if you rely on chance physical meetings). Raise child/ren in a happy home without the fear of coercion, manipulation, or vindictiveness. The oppressed have to start coming up with positive solutions to the negative social subjection outside of their control. Resignation solves nothing.

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