Why Does Anita Sarkeesian Wear So Much Makeup?

After years of attacking those who generate and enjoy the make-believe games of their choice, Anita Sarkeesian has developed quite the celebrity profile (and cash-flow to go with it). What hasn’t been answered, however, is why a woman supposedly obsessed with unrealistic portrayals of women in fictional mediums unrealistically portrays herself every day to the world.

Through the use of copious amounts of cosmetics, Sarkeesian is supporting a standard of beauty (not that I find her attractive in any sense) that is entirely unreachable for many women without substantial artificial assistance.

Does anyone know what the real Anita Sarkeesian looks like, day-in, day-out? No. So why is she so enamored with fiction when, like most women, she presents her own fundamentally fictionalized physical self every day?

As we are used to with other SJWs, Anita Sarkeesian preaches and shrilly demands a standard in one arena (again, might I add, a series of fictional ones) that she has no intention of holding herself to in the domain of real life. Feminist Frequency’s founder is, in fact, an active, willing participant in and progenitor of the dissemination of unrealistic portrayals of women. Pretty much the only time she does not further this fantasy is after she showers or when she lounges about at home, makeup-less and in her track pants, away from the camera lenses.

Contradicting her own mission

Anita Sarkeesian in no sense looks like this sans make-up. She wants women of “normal body types” featured in games, without all the glamorous make-up and sexualization, but what exactly is she doing here other than participating in a similar portrayal?

Yes, Sarkeesian’s mission is to foist feminist standards of compliance upon the world of video games. More than this, though, her stated goal is to enforce these standards so that it somehow all reflects back into the real world, where a lack of these standards in fictional mediums is allegedly so pernicious for actually breathing, non-digital females.

“Empowering women” with reality, diversity and representation doesn’t seem to extend to Sarkeesian’s own presentation of herself. It additionally goes beyond the fakery of video games, as at least people know video games and their characters are existentially largely confined to consoles.

The illusion of makeup and other related means of altering your appearance are harder to distinguish and easier to forget, given their ubiquity in modern society. This is a distinction Sarkeesian is deliberately and pigheadedly ignoring. Her war cry is basically, “Let’s rage against the patriarchy’s video game industrial complex and physical expectations of women while I paint myself with another five layers on my face before I appear on camera or in public!”

Do as I say, not as I do

Sarkeesian lambasts the pressures on women to look “perfect”, either through video games or general society and celebrities (like Mila Kunis!), but she reinforces and gives weight to these pressures with her own behavior.

It should not come as a shock that SJWs and many women in general can get away with doing things that they expressly claim to be against. It’s why intransigently hypocritical ESPN presenter Britt McHenry could cloak herself as an advocate for female body image and respect online, but later be filmed unleashing verbal abuse on a woman for her weight, perceived level of attractiveness, teeth, job, minimum wage earnings, scarce educational qualifications, purported intelligence and personality. All because McHenry, the great genius she is, was dumb enough to do something that got her vehicle towed.

Sarkeesian’s great escape, admittedly bereft of McHenry’s overt yelling, has been channeling misappropriated and concocted anger over “falsified” video game “stereotypes” whilst simultaneously worshiping at the altar of make-up and other means for enhancing her appearance beyond nature’s own reality.

What exactly is Sarkeesian’s retort to this? Because make-up is already so entrenched, and immersive, visually-realistic video games (as opposed to more linear varieties) are only two or so decades old, caking herself in product is somehow acceptable and internally consistent of her?

Sarkeesian’s physical presentation of herself confirms the “competing female” theory

A more accurate rendering of what Sarkeesian looks like day-to-day, but still not the original picture.

The way women physically present themselves in real life, especially to one another, does have an impact on female psychology. Studies argue that women cover themselves in cosmetics and generally dress up for the purpose of impressing other women. Obviously, this needs to be construed within the overall framework of the sexual marketplace, where (heterosexual) men and women compete with members of their own gender of the same sexual orientation.

Sarkeesian is not immune to being enraptured by this phenomenon. It explains why she can pontificate against video games on the one hand, but be a mindless slave to the stereotype of artificially enhanced female beauty, which she would otherwise call sexist and demeaning, on the other.

It goes even further. The problems associated with a hyper-focus on personal looks—anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and less clinically diagnosed predilections such as low self-esteem—are only exaggerated by women themselves.

Forget “patriarchy”; when tens or hundreds of millions of women follow each other in constant bids to project appearances they don’t fundamentally have, they are all legitimizing and participating in the stereotypes feminists blame on men and male desire, not to mention exacerbating the misery of women unhappy with their visages relative to those of the women they see on the street or on billboards.

With hundreds of thousands of dedicated (read: hapless) followers, Sarkeesian and her fictionalized appearance reinforce this more than 99.99% of the population, male or female.

Ego, ego, ego

Right… because digitized, highly filtered and made-up representations of yourself with blue-screen backgrounds are realistic, unlike video games?

Either Sarkeesian wants a realistic portrayal of women across society and culture or she doesn’t. Cherry-picking the areas in which you live your declared ethos, as Sarkeesian has for years, simply isn’t good enough. It is becoming increasingly evident that one of Time‘s reigning “100 most influential people” is using Feminist Frequency and its associated campaign as a vehicle for her own self-aggrandizement and narcissism. Otherwise, why is she clamoring against one set of “stereotypes” in the media while slavishly adhering to others in her own life?

The praise which has accompanied Sarkeesian’s “work,” even if we forget its underlying falseness, depends on continual de-compartmentalization. Supporters of her have to disengage the logical parts of their brain, which attack unseen “patriarchal” elements for insisting on high standards of female beauty and behavior (the unseen part itself illogical) but avoid admitting female agency for complicity in upholding those same standards.

Maybe you should feel sorry for Sarkeesian next time you hear about or see her. It’s awfully hard being a hypocrite.

Read More: Did Anita Sarkeesian Commit Felony Wire Fraud? (UPDATE)

273 thoughts on “Why Does Anita Sarkeesian Wear So Much Makeup?”

  1. If any readers find my article resonates with them, feel free to share it on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter or other social media platforms.
    Discussion of ROK articles is where the engine room of ideas and awareness really takes place, not just the articles themselves.
    To our success,

  2. She wears makeup because she’s a woman, no matter how much her “philosophy” tells her to do otherwise. She’s wants a hard cock in her, regardless of what she sneers online, even if she thinks she hates men, so it only makes sense that she tries to bolster her HB5 value to a higher level.
    The hypocrisy is typical and expected. As always, it’s what they do, not what they say, that matters.

    1. “As always, it’s what they do, not what they say, that matters.”
      Key sentence to understand women. This should be framed in every guy’s room.

      1. And played on repeat on the stereo as he drifts to sleep… Gotta burn it in deep.

    2. Correct regardless of all the feminist rhetoric she talks fact is she’s a woman with a woman’s instinct. Feminists are always massive hypocrites because their views are the opposite to reality.

      1. What really helps when it comes to human beings, I’ve found, is to utterly reject the idiotic notion of tabula rasa. There are simply some things, very primal things, that are hard wired. Aristotle was a great man, but he got that one thing *really* wrong. I don’t fault him much, he didn’t know and had no way to know at the time.

        1. I’ve always believed there’s some primal behaviors hardwired into people DNA.

      2. Their goals are power not truth..in fact they generally sacrifice truth for power.

    3. She wears makeup because she’s a woman, no matter how much her “philosophy” tells her to do otherwise

      When the Taliban ruled in Afghanistan, they forbade women to wear make-up (death penalty). Women used make-up nevertheless.
      So strong is the female urge to be a sex object.

      1. I actually appreciate that feature in women. Three cheers for the primal urge to want to be used for sex by men, I say. heh

      2. Women are desperate for attention. The latest trend they found for that is the porn star style make-up. The perfect way to show “hey I’m a slut and I’m here for the D” without saying it. Even the characters from the Simpsons don’t look as yellow as some club sluts, there are literally layers over layers of make-up.

      3. Female beauty is defined by men’s sexuality. Without men there is no value in her body, no breasts, no ass, no neoteny, no tight cloth, etc.
        Women are competing against each other, for a future father, and for that she is an exhibitionist and a fraud.

    4. But it isn’t just because they want cock, women are known to not be horny unless you make them too, it’s obvious to me the reason most of them want to look good (even if they make themselves look uglier trying to do that) is to be superior to other women. So much for ‘sisterhood’

      1. I meant with makeup. I figured hey, she doesn’t *appear* fat (although a pic above shows the reason why) and her features are not grotesque, outside of that schnozz. HB5, to me, means plain Jane, not ugly, not pretty, just kind of…whatever.
        But now that somebody posted a full length photo, the whole “at least she’s not fat” thing goes away, so yeah, a 3.

      2. Amen. That thing turns my stomach every time I see it. When you look absolutely revolting and then you open your mouth and nothing but bile comes out I think it’s time to be committed.
        My innocent eyes! To the dungeon!

    5. She’s wants a hard cock in her

      Good of you to offer to throw yourself on this live grenade to save your brothers. Your sacrifice is appreciated.
      That said, does anyone else find these feminists tiresome? Nothing they say makes any sense. Does she even play video games? Its about time we told them all to shut up and let Jefferson give them all a right good rogering!

      1. Not me man, I never stooped to 5’s or lower. Fuck that shit (not literally of course, as I just noted). I may like Scotch but I’ve never had enough to make me lower my standards that much, heh.

        1. No shame in bottom feeding every now and then…its ok, you can tell us Uncle Jeff, we won’t tell nobody

        2. Nah, never could pull it off. Knew dudes in the Army who would go out pig hunting from time to time, I always refused invites, that shit just grosses me out.

        3. I prefer to simply follow Islamic law and avoid pork entirely, in this instance.

        4. An American broad walks into a bar… She gets captured and shipped backed to the barn where she belongs. Oink oink!

        5. Yeah I’ve never been “brave” enough to excavate the tar pits… If that meant going on a six-month drought without any (not an issue since taking the crimson capsule in my mid-30s but happened from time-to-time in my 20s), then so be it!

        6. My grandmother used to gripe at me for being so picky. No idea what the hell that was all about, she was otherwise a sensible, traditional old world woman. I think she had one of my more plain Jane “friends” in mind for me, and was ticked because I was holding out for the class beauty queen (whom, I may add, I eventually banged). Dunno.
          The Army guys vexed me, they were generally very alpha-ish, good looking dudes, never really understood what they thought they got out of their slumming, they had their pick of good looking women. Seemed like masochism to me.

        7. It’s a numbers game for many guys. To increase their notch count and brag about banging triple-digits in women, even if about half of them were blemishes on their track records and they can play the “Nobody needs to know but me” card. Shit like that is easy to sweep under the rug without anybody else knowing.

        8. I think many traditional women from previous generations understand that if a man is going to marry or settle down, it always needs to be for a girl that is well below is SMV. She probably didn’t want you dealing with a high maintenance chick with lots of options long term, because she knew it isn’t worth it in the long run, and wanted to help you to realize the best way to be LTR with a woman is for her to feel like (and it to be true) she hit the lottery by being with you.

        9. That’s very insightful. Wish I could go back and confirm this, I suspect you’re right.

        10. I get the exact opposite impression. Women from more traditional cultures tend to pair you up with ones that are 1-2 points above in my experience.

        11. Dating below your SMV = faithful girlfriend/wife material is the HUGEST myth perpetuated on red pill sites.
          Ugly girls or unattractive girls usually have lower self esteem than the girls on the upper end of attractiveness and are willing to hop on all the dicks of any higher SMV man than her who gives her the smallest amount of validation. Also once a 9 man start dating a 5 woman, she starts to believe her value to be higher than it actually is because “the 9 chose me therefore I must be a 9 as well!!!” and other typical female hamstering.

        12. Problem is, TODAY (don’t know in the past) this low SMV woman would convince herself that she “deserves better” and will begin to shit-test you non-stop, till you divorced her or till her ‘friends’ convinced her “you must enjoy life more”. Eat-Pray-Love style.

        13. It can be good practice, I’ve known more than a few alpha guys who would fuck anything on legs.

        14. I couldn’t agree more. Especially in today’s society where many women believe that they deserve the best men regardless of their SMV. It only takes one or two quality men to make a 5 think she’s a 9. She will chase men way out of her league for the rest of her life and any man less than a 9 is invisible to her.

        15. If these guys want a faithful woman they have to find the ugliest woman on earth and maybe fit a lip plate on her even if she feels her value went up because of you she will still be looking at an empty market

        16. I don’t think you should have a huge gap, but I can tell you if you’re a 7 and she’s a 7, she’ll cheat on you with a 9.

        17. Agree, it’s truly terrible advice. It might have worked in a less sexually liberated time, but today it’s simply bad news.
          The other bullshit advice men get is that they will have less problems if they date a woman their own age. Most middle aged men I know HATE women their own age with a passion and believe they are bigger gold diggers than the younger women they much prefer to date.

        18. I don’t completely agree with this idea. Let me give you an example. Girl (7) rides the carousel with a liking for edgy and bad guys. Not all of them handsome or with good provider potential. She eventually marries a “good” man (7) and has a couple of kids but after 5-7 years of marriage feels something “missing” and eventually starts carrying on behind her husband’s back with a bad boy of old, neither as handsome, as good or as financially stable as her husband. She’s putting it all at risk and this sort of thing happens all the time. Marry a woman of better character and virtue, give her the necessary “propers” in the bedroom and you have a better chance of a stable lasting marriage. If you’re a high SMV guy marrying an 8 or 9 is not a guarantee. Dating, courtship and marriage is a mine filled disaster these days. All the more reason not to get hung up on hard and fast rules, if something works for you go for it and fuck the dogma.

        19. Ok, i get you. It depends on your rating system i suppose. You should never marry any girl without proper values and who wants to be a good person. The thing is, even a proper girl, if she’s well above your SMV, will divorce you and trade up in order to be happy, when she knows she could easily get a much better guy with a lot more money. She won’t cheat on you, but she’ll leave you when the going gets tough and a much higher number will be able to find a really good high quality guy to leave you for.

        20. The army guys are victims of their upbringing. The vast majority of them come from our nation’s inner cities and trailer parks, and are often raised by single mothers. As such, they learn to tolerate and in many cases idolize broken women, damaged women, and women who are average-looking at best. Think about it…when was the last time you saw a hot chick come from the projects or from a trailer park? Sure, you’ve got one or two examples in the entertainment industry, but even those can be counted on one hand (e.g. the rapper Eve, Britney Spears, Juliette Lewis, and Jaime Pressly). Those are the exceptions. The vast majority of them are land whales and war-pigs. Guys tend to gravitate toward what they grow up around.

        21. Really? Tell us more….apart from the obvious female annoyance, what do they hate?
          Intrigued over here

        22. I doubt you’ve ever actually seen a woman naked. The closest you’ve ever got to sex is when you and your friend had to sleep in the same bed aged 13 during a sleepover and your weeners touched.

        23. Trolls gonna troll, heh.
          Just think, you could have posted something intelligent, but chose instead to engage in typical canned insults that are not original. Well done man, you’re on your A game today.

        24. What they hate mostly is the sense of entitlement and the false sense of maturity that these women project. They have ridiculously high expectations of men, especially financial ones, and seriously overestimate the ‘intelligence’ and ‘wisdom’ they have gained over the years.
          Middle aged men I know have had enough. A 41 year old guy I’m friends with is about to propose to his 23 year old girlfriend from the Philippines. He is never going to date an ‘age appropriate’ woman again.

        25. Nothing’s wrong in liking a bigger girl, the main problem I have is when a lot of them start acting flaky and get full of drama.

      2. We will all need a moment of silence to honor Jefferson for taking one for the team.

        1. Fuck the both of you. Seriously. Fuck you. 🙂

      3. She’s more of a cynical huckster out to make a buck than a true believer feminist. A true believer would have been too emotional to pull off the crap she pulls and would make more mistakes.

        1. Yeah she’s more about making money from faux outrage than a tru believer (TM). There’s a video floating out about how she learned a lot about how to present herself and pick and choose battles from Internet marketing.
          I think after she’s done this for 20 years and has aged out she’ll bag a guy and probs go back to being a ‘normal’ post-wall person.
          She’s ultimately a spammy IM guru

      4. Does anyone else find these feminists tiresome? Welcome to the late show, E.B.

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    6. Exactly. Same shit with the “slutwalk” or that “#freethenipple” thing or any other feminist bullshit: a bunch of retards gathering and protesting that they are not sex objects while making every fucking thing they can to be recognized as sex objects. Verdict: Sex objects.
      What they do, not what they say.

    7. I’m looking at her other photos, and she does her best to be stylish, and she’s trying to make the latina earings part of her recognizable style, and by all means she tries to hide the fat. It reminds me of when I was in Venezuela, you would take a photo and the girls would run over snatch the camera and delete all the photos in which they looked fat, which would be as many as all of them(no joke girls would start jumping around the minute you pulled out your camera trying to find the right angle). She may be fat but no living proof need remain.

    8. Those hoops probably feel better than her pussy. She gets her jewelry from Camden or some shit.

      1. Just stand there with a boner and let her toss them on your dick like horseshoes. My girl and I always do that. One time she landed so many that my shaft looked like the neck of some African bush bitch.

    9. There was a feminist experiment where a fully clothed woman walked around for 10 hours in New York with a camera on her to say that even if women dont wear skimpy revealing clothing they still get sexually harassed and trying to clue in the message that men dont rape or sexually harass women for wearing skimpy clothes and that women wear them just because they want to bullshit. She did brought up maybe 4 or 5 cases of sexual harrassment in 10 hrs.
      Needless to say she still wore make up and you could tell she had her hair done and dyed and her choice of clothes were tight. These feminists did not know how to make an experiment. You have to remove all the variables. They were flirting with her because of her make up and hair. Try having your head bald, wear baggy pants, and dont wear a smidge of make up and try walking around for 10 hours.

    10. You want a hard cock in you. Why are you so afraid of women bro? They’re not grizzly bears.

      1. Appears that you are obsessed with me. Same dude, many sockpuppet accounts. How bored you must be, to stalk somebody online.

        1. Dude I am, if you ever stop repressing your latent homosexuality (which undoubtedly causes your fear/hatred of women and gays) then look me up.

  3. No need to address this one much as all women are warriors for sex. Think of ancient men when they went to war. They would paint their faces, shout battle cries, raise their weapons to the sky and run forth hoping their zeal would scare the opponents into a second guess, just enough time to butcher the dummy.
    Every woman is equally prepared. They practice their war paint from 7 years old. They arm their purses with all the necessary tools of war; mascara, eye-liner, lipstick, hair pins, condoms, pouch mirrors, etc. Big hoop earrings to suggest available pussy space. Long pulled hair back to suggest she is open to domination. The rouge must match the skin tone to remove wrinkles and subdue the male long enough to relieve him of his sperm, or bring him close enough to be engaged in an easy way. It is all guerrilla warfare which men are complicit with, where ages are revealed up until 25, and over that it is all a bamboozled affair as most women can’t reveal their ages for fear of sexual elimination. Hell, the battle cry of these sexual predators can be heard everywhere there is a club. Everywhere there is libation.
    Everywhere a hint of sexual desire can be had.
    I appreciate the article nonetheless, but this hypocrisy applies to all women. The never lose the warriors edge, unless of course if their fathers never let learn the word make-up and they were upheld to the notion that make-up is witchcraft and trickery.

  4. I’ve got a great idea for a feminist video game. You can choose a dough-faced, lazy, fat, “educated” woman as your character. Then you have to troll to try to fuck Alphas. At first, your weapons will be limited to lipstick, hair dye and alcohol, and you will only score bottom rung betas. You don’t really have to choose whom you fuck, because the game will say “you go, girl!” every time, but the way to win is to fuck the elusive alpha and destroy the patriarchy. You will be able to fend off shitlords and misogynists by spouting feminist nonsense that gives them a headache. The more you increase your notch count, the more cosmetics you can choose from and apply. Additional level-ups will include tattoos, piercings and butch haircuts. The game gets progressively more challenging because even though you are allowed to use more complicated feminist trolling (it progresses from making men’s ears bleed to causing them to commit suicide) and false rape accusations to punish undesirables, men also start to understand your tactics. Also, the stronger you get as a feminist, the more food you have to eat to increase your girth, lest you be denounced by your sisters and lose status. Losing all status is how you die. You can interact with, and fuck, special characters like trannys, homos and cats, and these give special bonus powers like the ability to defy logic. You ultimately win by completely enslaving an Alpha, destroying his life, and leaving him with no options but to fuck you. I’ll bet Sarkeesian herself will buy the first 1000 copies!

    1. I got a good laugh out of that! When you hit the level cap, you become a writer for jizzabel.

    2. I really hope this happens even if just as a Flash game.
      Men + comedy + programming + video game = LULZ
      If it referenced that abysmal attempt at a depression game one of them made, even better.
      Inside joke potential: high.

      1. Met her once while shopping. Why people are obsessed with her is beyond me. 5’1, body of a boy, very round face, but nothing to use by my standards.

        1. It’s hard to tell about her most of the time, to me. She looked decent in EDIT: (Retracted due to my utter stupidity and ignorance),
          Given how Hollywood can polish up one hell of a turd, it’s really difficult to know if somebody is genuinely good looking or not most of the time. Interesting observation you made, I would have never known otherwise.

        2. No worries. She is nice enough as a person as we joked for five seconds. But you can do better with your average woman.
          Edit: and on the picture above? Cameras are wonderful for accentuated a woman’s looks. Trust me, you want none of that woman’s body.

        3. Well fuck me, you’re right. They seem interchangeable, lol! Thanks for the correction.

        4. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

        5. Oh, I would kick anyone out of bed for eating crackers. Abundance mentality.

    1. Mila? She was a 6 at best (When filming 70’s show) and maybe a 7 with hollywood magic at that time. She actually hit the wall before that ended in 2006 putting her squarely in the would not bang category. The only reason she was fuckable during her absolute peak in the early 2000’s was that the celeb status canceled out annoying voice making her just barely bangable.

        1. You need to peel of the layers Ghost…These photos are photo-shopped even after she puts on make up..I would say she’s 6.5 naturally..I’ve seen better looking girls in the impoverished areas of Scotland

        2. Right, I’m aware. And the contrast photo in the article puts the notion of “she’s pretty” to rest. I was commenting on the Hollywood image, which lolknee was referencing.

        3. You should know, GOJ, that these pictures are all manufactured. this girl doesn’t even look close to this. She has the body of a prepubescent boy. They have raised her cheekbones here so she doesn’t look like a 50’s pin up pig and her skin tone has been made perfect through the magic of art majors. This isn’t Mila Kunis. This is an artists rendering.
          At her best she looks like this (like I said a 6…and only that because of celeb factor):
          Now she looks like this (unbangable even with celeb factor):
          Yes, hollywood is very good at putting lipstick on a pig….it actually takes away from her because the seperation between what you think you will be fucking and what you actually are fucking makes fucking this turd even more distasteful.

        4. sitting pic is the 6 and hoody for the second example. Sorry poorly formatted. No accounting for taste and every man may like what he likes…I have a think for high cheekbones and small tits….so this is just my opinion and I make no claim on objective truth 🙂

        5. I understand that. Figured that since you were commenting on the Hollywood image though, and not the apparently Butch Dyke thing behind the image, that I’d comment on the Hollywood image.

        6. I don’t think the image is the hottest thing on the planet, but the image (not the woman behind it) seems to be around a 7 or so. In a club on a Saturday with a few beers in me, I would have taken the image to a hotel. The real thing, not a chance in hell.

        7. I was only commenting on what TJ said: that it will be a “sad day when mila hits the wall”

        8. Fair enough. Our disagreement here is that I don’t make a distinction between the image and the woman behind it. Both are just fake cunts. One just is in nicer packaging. If the image came walking into the bar just as the image is, yes, totally bangable…though the voice, general sense of her own amazingness and annoying hollywood attitude wouldn’t compensate for her actual flaws enough to make even the image worth a second jump

        9. I have no idea what she sounds like, I mistook her for some other Hollywood ditz and thought I did. Turned out I was wrong, so I can truthfully say I’ve never, ever actually seen this woman on the screen or even, apparently, know who she is, heh.

        10. She looked pretty cute when she was in a TV show called That 70’s Show which was popular in the early 2000’s. She has a voice that approaches Fran Drescher levels of horror and, seriously, i’ve seen 90 pound asian chicks with a better ass.

        11. Damn. Fran Drescher has one of the most screeching, awful voices to ever hit the screen. She had a smoking body in her day (face, meh) but that voice…gadzooks, what a travesty.
          So now I know. I’ve learned so much on this thread. I feel like I’ve grown as a human being.

        12. her laugh is available as a ring tone on itunes. Check it out when you have a chance.

      1. That’s a nice rephrase of a Jimmy Hendrix lyric.

  5. I have a theory (and I’ve gladly put older women in their place with it) that when a woman stops using make-up to look pretty and starts using it to look younger…..thats the very day she realized she had hit the wall.

    1. That happens at about 23-24 to be honest. Cake face is a huge affair at any social event.

      1. the older I get I realize how truly temporary their beauty is. We’re talking 10 years tops (and most of those years they are illegal).

      2. I never realized how much of an impact fake eyelashes made. This girl I knew apparently wore em 24/7. Very good looking, wore little makeup. One day, she wasnt wearing em, she looked plain.
        Ive also been trained to spot hair extensions(by a woman, of course) and they are EVERYWHERE.

        1. Curious, how do you spot them? Outside of the obvious ones I mean.

        2. post it on here man. We’re curious & it’s good for the community. it never really crossed my mind how many women have hair extensions

      3. 23? A little bit too young I think. Some women start developing crows feet at that age, but most of them really start getting old at 27, 28. That’s also when the first gray hairs come.

      1. My first impression was that she was stroking her cock, while rubbing her balls. I think we may need to do a DNA test to verify shes a woman.

        1. she chops down trees, wears high heals, suspend-eees and a bra

    1. “built like a fridge”
      I lolled
      I guess Homer was right about some women being like refrigerators

      1. Which is weird when you think about it, because as far as I know they didn’t even have refrigerators in Ancient Greece, and I doubt that the Trojan Horse kept most of their ancient beverages cool.

  6. That Mila Kunis with/without picture. I swear I thought it was two different persons at first. Most anglo women are 100% dependent on makeup..you go to sleep with a beauty but might wake up with the beast ! Latina/asian/black women do not have that problem.

        1. a form of hair extensions. often used by black women, and celebrities. it’s woven, or glued, into the hair

        2. Don’t forget the “relaxers” (hair straightening chemicals) the apply to get rid of the frizzy hair. It’s big business selling hair products to black females. They want to look like white/asian women.

      1. They also have abundant testosterone and tendency toward irrational violent behavior.
        Based on my experience.

    1. I never thought Mila Kunis was better than a 7 with makeup, for numerous reasons.
      That said, I disagree with you about the ‘most anglo women are dependent on cosmetics’ comment. I’ve known plenty of white women who look great without makeup. I’m married to one and when I started dating her I noted that she didn’t wear much at all, and I noticed that she looked like herself in the morning, because I was accustomed to seeing her with little or no makeup.
      I’ve been with a couple that fit your description as well. Not LTR material for sure. When you wake up and say “holy shit what did I do last night” it can be disconcerting. I get that.
      If you’re speaking of your own experiences then fine, but you cannot define an entire group of women (4-500 Million or so)like that just because you haven’t had one.
      And I would add that in my opinion, white women are the world’s most beautiful.
      They have the greatest intra-race diversity of all. Eye color, hair color and skin tone. From an Irish ginger to a smokin Spanish senorita to a statuesque Nordic blonde. Hair colors from black to blonde to red and everything in between, eye colors from blue to hazel to brown and with many subtle variations etc.
      I just don’t see that kind of difference in Asian, African, or Latin women. They all have black hair and brown eyes (with statistically insignificant exceptions).
      Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one.
      Mine’s different than yours based on my own life experience with Caucasian women who don’t need makeup to show up as a HB8. There are plenty of those.
      9’s are rare no matter where you go. 10’s are unicorns.

      1. There’s a lot of variation in latinas. Some look almost native american, others are blue eyed blondes, and most are in the middle of that. There’s also black latinas, lots of them in Brazil.

  7. This reinforced the point that women are fake. I would rather be violently stoned to death than have sex with the monstrosity that is Anita Sarkeesian.

  8. Between makeup and clothes and plastic surgery, everything about women is fake. And Brittany McHenry is just a near-wall cunt anyway. Another ten pounds and year or two and she’ll have a job in an obscure cubicle wondering what the hell happened. She already looks haggard and wrinkled. Cunt.

      1. Yeah, she’ll do. Too bad she’s doing a job she’s unqualified to do, but hey, whatever.

  9. Feminism is make up. Lipstick on a herd of swine that’s slowly beginning to flake off.

    1. So are high heels, push up bra’s, fake nails, hair extensions and hair dye. And I forgot perfume and bleaching teeth. Some even where shape correcting clothes (fat squeezers)
      Most women are nothing more than optical illusions.

  10. What is most noteworthy about this hypocrisy isn’t the make up. Anita doesn’t ever dress like any of her followers.
    1. No visible tattoos. Find one picture that showcases her being tattooed. I dare you.
    2. She is never without long hair. She has not one image of her sporting feminist do’s. At all.
    3. Hair is dyed somewhat within the color family of natural brunette state. Pink highlights sure, but never white, platinum, or green. And I don’t believe she ever will for fear of losing what little standing she has a 5-6.5.
    4. Despite her box shaped lower half, she has never scaled higher than her BMI. As much she can say she is against fat shaming, she is not approaching that index personally.
    For all of her talk of women being objectified, she roughly doesn’t do anything as an affront to take away from her own sexual power in the name of independence.

    1. Which is surely why they lionize her; she’s still has feminine traits and while hardly “attractive” is leaps and bounds more attractive than her man-woman thing feminist contemporaries. The fact that she hasn’t butchered and mutilated herself in their token cliche fashions makes her stand out, thus an “inspiration” to these skullfucked twats.

      1. That is hilarious! I still have her at a 5 but someone might up sell her to their friends if they were dating her.

    2. Well, I said before; dress in sweats and old concert tee shirts, and I’ll take your credibility as a gamer far more than if you dress like you’re modeling.

    1. It’s still early so he’s rubbing out batch number 8 for the day. Have to start the day off right.

    2. My response, to truly help women, we have to live in a way that deals with their innate biology and the garbage they have been taught. Women will not be happy long term with a Beta. Just because they say they want something doesn’t mean its what they want or need. Real men have their own happiness first, because they know ultimately any woman will depend on them first for the woman’s happiness.

    3. What the author actually looks like:
      My natural inclination would be to meet him on horse, as I have worked as a hand and know how to ride, and rather suspect he does not. I would feel obliged to meet him on foot, however, out of pity – for the poor horse.

    4. Regardless of what you think of him, Greg Costikyan is a fucking demi-god of the gaming world. This man is part of the old vanguard of gaming, so you can’t accuse him of being from the third wave PC garbage parade. He designed what I think is the best designed RPG ever, Paranoia, and a whole host of other projects before most Reaxxion’ers or GamerGaters were a twinkle in their father’s eyes.
      So yea, Costikyan gets a pass. He’s done more for gaming than any of you ever will.

      1. But did he sleep with a developer to get his games pushed through?
        Huzzah for him. He drank the kool-aid though. As much as I would like to give him a pass, none of us here would get the same treatment for our support of the other side.
        It’s funny that you bring up Paranoia. Isn’t that the game that has players killing other players on rumor and heresay? Much like SJW tactics?

        1. Considering the likely gender makeup of the sorts at West End games, I doubt it.
          Paranoia, in the end, has you killing the other players on sheer survival; you KNOW they’ll do it to you first. Rumor’s and hearsay are just one of many excuses (rumors, incidentally, are treason!). Also, the Computer demands that you destroy all who introduce change into what is obviously a perfect Alpha Complex, especially “communists” (even though it has little idea what a Communist actually is, it just knows they’re bad), so it’s pretty inline with MRA/masculinist/right wing tactics.

        2. Paranoia is the perfect description of women. Full of loyalty tests, validation requests, and faulty logic.
          You want an example of a MRA game? Think Shadowrun. Everyone has a price and those that don’t want to be in the system are thought of as violent, dangerous criminals.

        3. Someone never read “Treasonous Jive That WilL Keep You Alive” (SMASH THE COMPUTER! P.U.R.G.E IS YOUR FRIEND!). Those who succeed in the game are those who flaunt and bullshit those loyalty tests (Rule#2; I never saw a boot I couldn’t lick), validation requests, and faulty logic. The cutthroat who get ahead at all costs, including…no ESPECIALLY…those who are willing to blow their party to bits are the ones who survive and indeed, profit. Very male friendly there. “Noone got past Orange clearence by being LOYAL” as members of Free Enterprise remind us.
          No, Shadowrun doesn’t count as MRA either, as plenty of female Runners have blasted and walked away laughing in the night with a fatter bank account and a few scars to buy drinks with later. A female runner who survives and makes bank earns the respect of their male peers. They were violent money making hardasses, not “first mates” or “helpmeets”.

  11. I’ll never forget in one video Anita said that pink being for girls and blue being for boys was a social construct…..While wearing a pink shirt. I think that statement would’ve been more effective had she been wearing a blue shirt. But this is logic I’m talking about.

    1. Yes, and shame on you for daring to suggest that a feminist live by the rules she seeks to impose on everyone else. Why, that’s just misogny.

    2. ” . . . pink being for girls and blue being for boys was a social construct…..”
      As well as your own observation I would add a question:
      So fucking what?

      1. This is also from the same woman who denounced the “damsel in distress” trope in a video funded by a Kickstarter campaign where she played the role of the victim.

    1. I remember a reviewer (my memory suggests Roger Ebert, but my memory may be faulty in that regard) noting that Linda Evans was the only actress he knew of that actually still looked attractive without makeup.

        1. I’m just reporting. Grace is my number one pick as well, and since Twiggy showed up on the scene when I tell people I have a preference for slender women I append, “By slender I mean as in Grace Kelly, not as in Tootsie Pop. Ya know, a stick with a head on it.”
          For the more voluptuous “sex symbol” type, I’ll go with Little Margarita. Never did understand the whole Marilyn Monroe thang. I’ll pick Rita as Fred’s number two dance partner as well. She was a classic Triple Threat.
          And no, number one isn’t “her.” I’ll go with Cyd. Ginger was his number one acting partner. Not that Rita couldn’t act, but Fred and Ginger did have a certain chemistry on the screen.
          Addendum: I’ll note that John Derek had an obvious type preference, he kept trading in his wives for a younger version of the same woman.

        2. I like the way John Derek rolled. That he could attract that kind of woman through his life is pretty admirable. Plus Bo Derek is on the Right, so that’s a check mark to his credit as well. Likes me those Right wing hot chicks.

        1. Yea no way it was Roger Ebert, a typical Baby Boomer major mangina, a Romantic retard. God those fools did NOT understand what was happening during their watch. Maybe THE dumbest generation when it came to women, ever. They misunderstand the so-called “Sexual Revolution”.
          Btw, Rollo Tomassi was a recent post on this very topic.

        2. They may have misunderstood it, but many of them directly benefited from it.
          A lot of the older men in my family got laid constantly when they were in their 20’s from the late 60’s onwards.
          Boomer men generally give younger men completely useless advice about women that do more harm than good. They literally have no idea what we are up against, especially for men under 35

  12. Plot twist:
    Feminists are really a collection of indirectly competitive women that encourage other women to make themselves uglier, in order that they might have a better shot at securing a high quality man
    It’s all competition. One big trick from girl-to-girl that went horribly wrong, and took control of the media
    I say this, because in my experience, feminists are the easiest girls to pull with game, and they want to be absolutely destroyed in the bedroom

  13. I’m sure in her private time, she gets good ass fucking by some alpha dude, likes her hair getting pulled and is probably into some underground BDSM fetlife style. Plus if you look very closely at her pic, you can tell she is aging pretty fast; even makeup won’t hide it 100 percent. Just like with any girls, look at their action, don’t read their words; it’s meaningless.

  14. Feminism isn’t a product that just flies off the shelf on its own merits. It has to be sold to gullible customers much in the same way that a shady used car salesman pushes his wares. And if you’re Sarkeesian, you’re going to want to hide the fact that you look like the Crypt Keeper’s mother if you plan on making any sales.

  15. Why Does Anita Sarkeesian Wear So Much Makeup?
    A: Because she’s a hypocritical, horsefaced cunt.

  16. I want to play video games that feature extremely skinny women with extremely large breasts, with prostitutes, murdering people, and selling women into sex slavery for money. And I want to play it while this bitch moans.

    1. Heh. Reminds me of the topic that suggested taking someone swimming for a date as a means of identifying someone who plays for the “All-Mascara Team”

    2. so many “she’s beautiful in both pictures!!!1!!” comments lmao. She looks like shit without the cakeface

    3. The SJWs are trolling him because… because they’re sick, resentful assholes is why. Fuck their “reasons”, the sick SJW cunts.

    4. Without makeup she looks like she had a bad night sleep and tried to medicate herself with a quadruple espresso.

  17. Women are insecure from the moment they wake up each morning, they apply make up, the first step in being insecure of the daily routine.

    1. I haven’t put on make-up since I was in my twenties.
      But then again, I actually shower every morning, keep clean, and treat my hair with some respect, so I find I rarely need it. Then again, I’m doing it soley to be presentable, not to go get fucked either, so, neh.

  18. My opinion of her is she’s just a FemiNOT looking for a niche for herself.
    She graduates from the Debt Factories – aka Colleges – with “Advanced Feminism” or whatever. Problem is there’s no hot market for “Our Bodies hate the Phallocracy” – the powers that be, still overwhelming elite white males go “Well, baby, we loved how yer man haters from decades back helped us destroy the white male’s power and wealth he’d won after the depression and ww2 – families divided against themselves, we ‘liberated’ you wimmen so you both work and earn less than a man working alone! But we don’t need you anymore. Just try to make a living with your … hehe .. degree… I’m sure some company will make you a manager afraid you’d sue them and they’d keep a good white male from climbing the corporate ladder without being one of us already and not needing to do low level work.”
    Bu – bu – but — Men still are earning more than women…
    Don’t worry, toots! We are lowering their wages as fast as we can, just don’t want a revolution or backlash now…
    So – again IMO – she carves a niche for herself. Video Games had largely a 90% white male impact so they of course catered to that. To us, white males, they are largely G rated that once in a while goes PG13 level and hypes it up as if it’s ‘shocking’ – compared to movies/books/now even comic books – but to a FemiNOT searching for outrage its a gold mine.
    I think her giant hoop earrings are a big giveaway on her twisted mind. First, like her “Lumberjack” shirt that’s pure DYKE fashion. But also it’s “I’m daring you to yank these from my ears while I keep insulting you so I can scream for the law to help me and hurt you!” And, IMO, if somehow there was a “Counter Earth” such as in Professor Norman’s novels and we shipped her there, first Gorean man to wrestle her down “You have earrings, woman! That mean you slave!” she’d be his slave and love him… (1) IMO she’s essentially a masochist and submissive woman but it’s buried so deep in modern “Men! Hate! Kill! Hate! Men!” FemiNot programming she’s over-agressive to hide it – kind of the reverse of a hyper macho man who attacks gays “So deep in the closet he doesn’t know he’s in it” – again one man’s opinion.
    1 – this is a disclaimer – no I’m not arguing she be raped for real as they love to scream “Hallp us! Hallp us!” – which is why I used a pure fiction – even then that’d be horrible – no noble man from the world of GOR deserves to be slimed by having to give her a whipping and plunge his manhood into her – she’s so toxic IMO the poor feller would MELT.

  19. Worst offender is Laci Green, who lectures us about the evils of objectification while her tits are hanging out.

    1. But at least she doesn’t make any display of intelligence.
      Footnote: That picture is about 20 lbs. ago.

      1. This picture is before Laci got fat as fuck. She’s was very fuckable back then with her huge tits on her little frame now I’d rather do Anita than this whale.

  20. No matter how much make-up she cakes on the fact is that her Armenian genes are already turning on her.
    In ten years she’ll look like this:

  21. It’s simple.
    She’s an ugly bitch.
    With lips so big black people go, “she’s got some big ass lips!”

  22. Sorry to say this folks. But she looks good. Hot.
    She’s a bitch, but she looks really good.
    Damn, she’s hot. Knock-out gorgeous. But a bitch. Damn, what a bitch.
    Maybe it;s the fucking make-up. But I will not say a girl is ugly even it she’s a bitch.
    But damn, what a bitch. But I’ll hand it to her. She looks good and is hot. Maybe it is the make-up.
    But damn what a bitch. Damn that bitch.

    1. eh, i’ve seen prettier.
      and with me, her inside taints her outside, if you get my meaning.

  23. Oh my God. I have never read anything so stupid and attention-seeking. Maybe, just maybe, she has her own insecurities? Maybe she’s her own person, and can determine what makeup she wears? Maybe you’re all sexist idiots trapped by your own false masculinity?

    1. You can’t on the one hand be a self-proclaimed champion against the patriarchy, societal norms, and the standards set for women, then on the other go out of your way to reaffirm the traditional standards of beauty for women.

  24. Ok, but devil’s advocate: She would argue that if men didn’t have such “fascist beauty standards” she and other women wouldn’t need makeup, completely bypassing the intra-female competition angle
    I read a study done in the Nordic countries (where else) that said Scandinavian men have become less picky over women’s appearance over the last few decades and were now OK with bedding fatties and freaks. I think this is the feminist end goal, even if they can’t consciously articulate it it’s just a instinctual drive for them to level the sexual market by lowering the standards of men
    Which is precisely why you should always judge women’s appearances to a certain standard

  25. To draw attention from those ridiculous earrings. I could jizz through both of them while riding a carousel, chrissake.

  26. Why? Look at her. She’s slightly repulsive with the makeup. Imagine what she’d be without it.

  27. Jane Fonda was the same she was the big left wing preacher then she got the plastic surgery after reality set in, contradicting everything she ever preached.

  28. Did you not notice that all liberal, feminist SJW scum are hypocrites?

  29. Nothing more than veiled hypocrisy. I can’t help but think of what the offspring of a mule cross-bred with a camel would look like when I see her. She appears somewhat less of a harpy in the last picture but appearantly only because it’s been digitally altered.

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  31. I swear she looks like a mix between a ferret and a raccoon regardless of her plasterface.

  32. 1. Kickstarter lies
    Before Anita started her Kickstarter campaign she held a talk where she said she was being harassed by a organized group of 4chan members for months. She said these 4chan members subscribed to her channel so they would know when she released new videos so they could attack her. The type of comments she said she received were sexual insults, death threats & rape threats. She said sometimes she got together with a friend to read through the comments because it would get overwhelming. She says that she probably has the biggest block list on Youtube and anytime they leave any anti feminist, harassing, or threating comment they would be blocked. She said that she had gotten use to these kinds of comments. She said she monitored her Youtube comment section so the only comments that were allowed to be shown had to be approved by her.
    She lunched her Kickstarter campaign and made a Youtube video for the campaign. She for the first time allowed comments on her video. she makes a post on her website entitled Harassment, Misogyny and Silencing on YouTube. She says this in the post.
    “Here is a very small sample of the harassment I deal with for daring to criticize sexism in video games. Keep in mind that all this is in response to my Kickstarter project for a video series called Tropes vs. Women in Video Games (which I have not even made yet). These are the types of silencing tactics often used against women on the internet who dare to speak up. But don’t worry it won’t stop me!”
    “These messages and comments have included everything from the typical sandwich and kitchen “jokes” to threats of violence, death, sexual assault and rape.”
    She says that all of these comments are because of her Kickstarter campaign because she dares to speak critically about video games. These statements completely contradict what she said before she started her Kickstarter campaign. Before her Kickstarter she said she was systemically being harassed by people on 4chan and that among the things they said to her were sexual insults, death threats & rape threats and sometimes it was so overwhelming she read them with a friend as a way to cope with it and she had gotten use to it by that point. So she leaves comments open on her youtube kickstarter video which is something she never did before and she was surprised by the negative comments but how can she be surprised by the same type of comments she was receiving long before she launched her Kickstarter. When she started her Kickstarter and left her comments open she knew exactly what the comments were going to be like because she been receiving them for months prior. So when she says during her Kickstarter that all of the negative comments were because of her Kickstarter campaign she’s lying.
    2. Other Lies
    She says that Grand Theft Auto and Saint Row encourage players to kill women by giving players money for killing random female NPCs.
    “some games explicity incentivise and reward this kind of behavior by having murdered women drop dundles of cash for the player to collect and add to their own stash”
    The truth is money is dropped by any NPC that is killed in the games and has nothing to do with gender.
    She says that the female stripper NPCs from Hitman Absolution were put their because the developer wanted players to kill them. The game discourages players from killing innocent civilians by taking away points. The whole point of the game is to sneak by people and keep unnecessary killing to a minimum while moving toward killing your intended target not to kill random strippers and lose points for doing so. The path to the strippers is one of two paths that the player can take. The path to the strippers is the harder of the two paths to take. The other path that the player can take is easier and doesn’t involve coming near the strippers at all.
    She also says this in her Background Decoration video.
    “their status as disposable objects is reinforced by the fact that in most games discarded bodies will simply vanish into thin air a short time after being killed”
    She tries to tie disappearing bodies as something that only happens to female NPCs but it has nothing to do with gender its just something that happens in a lot of games irregardless of gender because of limited ram Capacity and not having the game slow down because of bodies pilling up.
    shes a life long gamer
    at a Santa Monica College in California back in early 2010 Anita says that she’s not a fan of video games and she had to learn a lot about them. she says that she would love to play video games but she doesn’t what to go around shooting people and ripping off their heads. During and after her Kickstarter she says that shes been playing video games since she was 5 years old and shes a life long gamer. How can she be a lifelong gamer if she said pre Kickstarter that she doesn’t like video games specifically because she thinks that all games are violent. If she’s a lifelong gamer than what has she been playing all of this time and why does she thinks all video games are violent. She obviously not a lifelong gamer and only said that as a way to try and give herself more credibility.

    In her damsel video she said Zelda was never a playable character in a console game. Zelda was playable in the CDI games Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon & Zelda’s Adventure. I am not saying these are good games but they are console games where Zelda was the star of her own adventure.
    She says that gaming is all boys club and women have until recently been barred from playing games. This is untrue their has never been anything stopping girls from playing games. Most game genres are not gender excluding. Racing, fighting, beat em up, real time strategy, role playing, puzzle, point and click, action adventure, platformers, MMO, Simulation, rhythm action.
    Women have been involved in the making of games for years. Theirs been female programmers, artist, composers, designer, CEO, etc. Women have also been involved in the journalism side of things as well. This false narrative that Anita’s trying to push that games have somehow excluded women until recently is a lie that she tells to try to push her gender base agenda.
    The other thing that she tries to push is the ideal that man are trying to keep women from playing or criticizing games. Both things are false but she keeps to that script so she can fight against the imagery boogie man that she created and so she can justify the existences of her video series.
    Anita omitted the fact that she has connections to the developer of the game sword and sworcery but I am sure that has noting to do with the reason why she chose that game’s character as a positive female even though it contradicts her previous videos.
    3. Poor Research
    In dismals in distress she said that peach was added to Mario 2 to fill a per existing gender role that existed in the original game Doki Doki Panic except for the fact that her own footage clearly shows that two females were playable in Doki Doki Panic. If she did further research like actually playing the game than she would know that it wasn’t just one girl in Doki Doki Panic. The core concept that Anita doesn’t understand about games is the fact that graphics assist can be replaced with anything. In fan made mods the cast of Super Mario Bros 2 have been replaced by numerous things like Star Wars ships, Pokemon, Transformers, Spider-Man villains, etc.

    In Women as Background Decoration Anita says this
    “In order to understand how this works lets take a moment to examine how video game operate as playgrounds for player engagement. Games ask us to play with them. Now that may seem obvious but bear with me. game developers set up a series of rules and then within those rules we are invited to test the mechanics to see what we can do and what we can’t do. We are encouraged to experiment with how the system will react or respond to our inputs and discover which of our actions are permitted and which are not. The play comes from figuring out the boundaries and possibility within the gamespace. So in many of the titles we’ve been discussing the game makers have setup a series of possible scenarios involving vulnerable eroticized female characters. Players are than invited to explore and exploit those situations during their play through. The player cannot help but treat these female bodies as things to be acted upon. Because they were designed constructed and placed in the environment for that singular purpose. Players are meant to derive a perverse pleasure from desecrating the bodies of unsuspecting virtual female characters. Its a rush streaming from a carefully concocted mix of sexual arousal connected to the act of controlling and punishing representations of female sexuality.”
    Theirs two basic concepts that she doesn’t understand. The first one is that games are interactive so players can do things that developers never intended players to be able to do. The second is the fact that games have bugs in them which also allows players to do things that the developers never intending for them to do.
    For example in Halo 2 players can do button combos. Button combo is a sequence of buttons that, when pressed in order, results in the execution of an exploit. Typical button combos take advantage of unforeseen attributes of certain actions. Some actions, such as meleeing, can disrupt animations for firing and reloading weapons, performing melees, etc. By chaining these and other actions, players can perform special tricks, such as automatic Plasma Grenade sticks and instant close-range kills. However, many players disapprove of such “cheap” exploitations, and Bungie has declared these combos all as cheating and therefore banworthy
    Another example is in early versions of arcade Mortal Kombat 2. Players figured out how to hit babies after performing Babalitys.
    By Anita’s logic midway endorses child abuse because players tested the bounders of the game and were able to interact with the objects (babies) in the game that were put their by the developer. So that clearly means that the developer supports any action the players can do in the game including hitting babies. Or it can just mean that games are interactive and filled with glitches and just because a player can do something in a game doesn’t automatically mean that the developer endorsed it or even meant for player to be able to do it.
    In her Bayonetta video she complains about Bayonetta clothes coming off when she summons demons. she doesn’t acknowledge or knows that Bayonetta’s hair is also her cloths so that’s why her cloths disappears when she summons demons. She also makes the claim that Bayonetta is fighting demons when in fact Bayonetta is actually fighting angles. She also says that Bayonetta has a child except for the fact that Bayonetta doesn’t have any children. She claims that Bayonetta is a “choose your own patriarchal adventure porno fantasy.” Lets take a second to look at what the word Patriarchy means. Patriarchy is a social system in which males hold primary power, predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. So how is Bayonetta a game in which players play as a strong women who is always in control of a situation and is more powerful than any man in the game enforcing ideals of Patriarchy. Bayonetta is not a choose your own adventure type game nor is it a porno.
    She says this in a tweet
    “Everything about Bayonetta’s design, mechanics and characterization is created specifically for the sexual pleasure of straight male gamers”
    Bayontta was design by a women
    McIntosh said this on twatter about the Witcher.
    “Geralt from Witcher 3 is emotionally deficient in the extreme. Never cries or laughs. Never expresses grief, fear, sadness or vulnerability.”
    Witchers are unable to express emotions on their faces because of the training that is involed to become a Witcher. Taken in as children, Witchers-to-be are subjected to intense alchemical processes, consumption of mutagenic compounds and relentless physical and magical training to make them dangerous and highly versatile against their vast array of opponents.
    “In the beginning of “Women as Background Decoration: Part 2,” Sarkeesian references a scene from Dragon Age’s City Elf Origin story, in which a group of guards make disturbing sexual comments over the player character’s dead female companion. Sarkeesian implies that BioWare’s narrative is built on the “brutalization of women’s bodies,” using dead women “as an indicator of just how harsh, cruel, and unforgiving their game worlds are.”
    “However, the female elf’s treatment is better understood as a thematic commentary on systematic misogynistic violence. Both women and elves are confined to strict socioeconomic roles within the origin story, as the brutal city government uses institutional force in order to keep women and elves oppressed. Essentially, the game explores the use of sexual violence as a form of violent oppression within a misogynistic institutional structure. Yet, Sarkeesian and McIntosh misread this moment – ignoring a critical look at misogynistic oppression within Dragon Age’s narrative.”
    “Sarkeesian has criticized the postmodern video game Hotline Miami for utilizing the “Damsel in Distress” trope. However, Feminist Frequency’s analysis completely erases the game’s subversion of the trope – as the narrative’s “damsel” seems to be held hostage by the player, and avenging her death produces no reward. Indeed, writers such as Maddy Myers have dissented from Sarkeesian and McIntosh’s analysis – praising Hotline Miami as a postmodern exploration of hypermasculinity which subverts the “damsel” trope.”
    4. Things taking out of context
    She shows footage of Fallout New Vegas where a womens body is being dragged around with psychic powers and says that games often permits women to be knockout, pickup, carried and thrown around. All of these things can be done to male NPCs as well. She also says that assault, mutilating & murder can be done to women in games but all of those same things can be done to male NPCs as well. She tries to use these things as examples of sexism towards women but its not sexism if the same thing can be done to male NPCs.
    She claims that the objectification of female NPCs is terrible.
    “Unlike other NPCs that exist for purposes outside of their sexuality, Non-Playable Sex Objects have little to no individual personality or identity to speak of. since these women are just objects there’s no need or reason for players to have any emotional engagement with them. meaningful relations or interactions are not even possible. Their programming simply does not allow for it.”
    She tries to say this is unique to female NPCs. The lack of deep personalities, non emotional engagement or meaningful relations is true of all Pedestrian NPCs male or female.
    “when assaulted by the player non playable sex objects might scream. but regardless of their canned automated reaction they are will designed to be expendable to be used and then tossed out.”
    Same thing is true for male NPCs as well.
    In background decoration she talks about female character being objectified while showing footage of the main protagonist from Watch Dogs in the process of shutting down a human trafficking ring.
    In her background decoration video she said this.
    “In the realm of interactive media I use the term “instrumentailty” to refer to the practice of using virtual women as tools or props for the players own purposes. Courtesans in the Assassins Creed series, for instance, are available to be “rented” and used to help you “blend in” to the environment. Once acquired, they can be ordered to flirt with guards to distract them. Allowing the protagonist to slip by undetected. ”
    The courtesans were one of the four factions allied to the Assassin Order, with the other three being the thieves, mercenaries and Romanies. They usually aided the Order by collecting information from clients, or by acting as distractions and allowing allies to slip into restricted areas.
    The player can also hire male thieves & mercenaries to aid them with blending into a environments and killing. So is using man as Tools bad as well or is it only bad when it happens to women in Assassin Creeed.
    Anita and mcintosh purposely says controversial things on tweeter to provoke a negative reaction from people so they can use the response to prove Anita’s continued harassment. mcintosh even admits to purposely provoking gamers with his comments.
    Here’s an example of Anita provoking a reaction from people and using the response as a example of her continued harassment to coincide with a Kickstarter update.
    You only have to watch the first 3 minutes.
    Lets take a look at some of these comments.
    “A few months ago I started posting deliberately provocative tweets whenever I’d see the angry gamer mod launch a harassment raid on someone”
    “I’d only post things I basically agreed with, but I did it in an overtly antagonizing way designed to enrage these specific hateful gamers”
    “The goal was to see if I could draw some of their fire & distract them a bit from their usual targets. It worked like a charm. It still is”
    “Its shockingly easy to drive these bozos into frothing fits of rage. Simply tweet critically about their beloved Ico, MGS or Bayonetta”

  33. She looks like the average non-melinated woman. They usually get saggy jowls, drooping face and wrinkled skin as early as 25. That is why she has on makeup.

  34. People like her have a point, with young people violent games can be a bad influence, but this feminism yap is getting old. Most in the cultural west are already equal, we need to focus on people like middle easterns who don’t have equality.

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