The Best Legal Alternative To Steroids

The following article was sponsored by John Doe Bodybuilding

As you may have picked up from reading a few of my past articles, I’m very skeptical about a lot of supplements. The ones I do write about are supplements that I feel work and supplements I have personally used and felt like I achieved results.


A lot of reviews you read from people you have to take with a grain of salt, because they are from people who have no reference to compare things to. I however, have that reference. I’m not here to bullshit anyone, I use steroids and I have a prescription for testosterone through my Doctor. My body does not make its own testosterone and I need it to live like a normal human being.

I was sent a couple supplements from these 2 labs to try out.

One was called “OSTA-SHRED” by Hard Rock supplements, and the other was called “Anafuse” by Vital Labs. To my knowledge these products need to be ordered online and cannot be purchased in stores yet.

Without getting too scientific on you, the “Osta-Shred” is a new type of muscle building supplement called a SARM (selective androgen receptor module). What a SARM does is it acts on different pathways than a testosterone derivative or a typical androgenic steroid, and it gives you all of the benefits without the side effects.

Unlike most prohormones out there (of which most are banned now) a SARM does not knock your normal testosterone production in the dirt. You have no issues with recovery at all when you discontinue use!

SARMS are most commonly sold as a research liquid and they are extremely expensive to buy, and having known little about them I had never used them, up until a supplement pill form was sent to me to try 8 weeks ago.

Of course I was extremely skeptical and having been a veteran gear user myself…

I didn’t put a lot of faith into the 2 supplements I was sent to try out.

After being on the Osta-Shred and Anafuse for that first week, my preconceived notion that they wouldn’t do shit quickly changed.

Most prohormones make me feel like shit, these did not! I felt incredible on them and noticed an increase in sex drive and well being just in one short week!

The only other thing I was using was 150mg/week of testosterone per my doctor, nothing else. I will put that on my son’s life that I was using nothing else besides 150mg/week of test.

On the stack I noticed a slight increase in strength but nothing crazy until week #2. The biggest thing that was happening is I was getting dryer.

The Osta has a built in anti-aromatase/water cutter in it called Arimastane which works like a fucking champ. I was noticeably dryer in that first week.

The built-in AI works.

Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 8.03.53 AM

I had to drop my 1/2 mg 3x/week dosage of arimadex while using Osta-shred because I had a bad reaction and broke out in hives one day, and that can commonly happen when estrogen levels get TOO LOW.

The 1/2mg 3x/week of prescription arimadex topped with the Arimastane that is included in “Osta-Shred” was too much and knocked my estrogen down too low. You do need a little estrogen to complete a healthy balance of hormones, you just don’t want too much.

So I know the product sheds water weight and reduces E1 and E2 levels FOR A FACT. I would compare the Osta-shred to a moderate dosage of Winstrol, I’d say it’s comparable to about 30mg/day of winny in terms of solid results.

Week 2 marked much more noticeable strength increases on the stack.

I’m going to be honest and tell you the strength increases weren’t huge, but I was dieting along with them.

HOWEVER, I was much stronger in caloric deficit than I have been most commonly in the past. I typically never use things like 125 lb. dumbbells or 10-12 plates/side on leg presses while dieting, especially after I get a few weeks into the diet, but this time I was able to maintain that strength.

Now, on the Anafuse; my original plan was to take 2 pills per day for 8 weeks along with 2 pills per day of Osta-Shred. 2 pills/day Osta-shred is what the bottle says to use, but with Anafuse it’s recommended to take up to 4 pills per day.

I tried both ways and when it went to 4 pills/day I saw a huge difference in strength. I went to 4/day after about 2-3 wks on the stack, and kept it at 4 pills per day.

I don’t really know the science behind this product, but I know the shit worked for me.



From what I was told the Anafuse was geared more towards growing and the Osta was for cutting. I was just told to stack them both and give an honest review.

The Anafuse ran out first, since I only had 1 bottle and I eventually went to 4 pills/day. I noticed a drop in strength shortly after I got off the Anafuse, but I didn’t feel like shit or like I was crashing which is what makes this product so great.

Is your bench press going to go up 100 lbs while taking this stuff? Probably not. But everything you get is smooth and steady and the products don’t effect your mood or give you that brain fog that a lot of prohormones can do.

Honestly I used to feel worse on most prohormones than real steroids! These products don’t do that.

I would say it’s more like a smooth-and-steady-wins-the-race type deal with these supplements. But the best part was I didn’t put on water weight or look blurry. I looked sharp and healthy.

I’m not going to come here and lie to you guys, so I honestly cannot tell you how they would do if one was to “bulk up” or eat 5,000 calories a day on them. Maybe strength gains WOULD BE through the roof. My goal was to cut though, and try to retain as much muscle mass as possible. And the 2 supplements helped get the job done nicely I think.

John Doe Training Video While on Anafuse and Osta Shred

This is a training video of myself. The video was shot at the end of my cycle of Osta-Shred and Anafuse. I weighed 214 lbs the morning of that video shoot, I had started my 8 wk diet around 225 lbs. I only came down 11 lbs…

…but I totally recompositioned my body in that 8 wks.

Now remember, I DID HAVE 150mg/wk of test in the mix from my hormone replacement, but what you need to understand is this is nothing “extra” for someone who doesn’t make their own testosterone. You can’t even really count that, because it’s really no different than a normal guy who makes good testosterone on his own, and then throws in these supplements.

Anafuse and Osta Shred Breakdown

Keep in mind I was stacking them both together when using them.

I used 2 pills per day of Osta-shred for 8 weeks, and 2 pills per day of Anafuse the first 2-3 weeks, but then I kicked it to 4 pills/day and ran the bottle out. When I use it again I’m just going to start at 4/day. 1 bottle of each is all you’d need, but if you were trying to use 4 pills/day of Anafuse the entire 8 wks then I think you’d need 2 of those in that case.

Compared to most liquid SARMS these 2 products are much easier on your wallet, as well as your body and recovery. I kept a pretty good diet along with them, since after all that is really 90% of the process. But after using Osta-shred and anafuse alongside my diet, I can say they definitely work!! The strength retention from the Anafuse combined with the cutting and water shedding properties of Osta-Shred made for a great combination.

If you had to ask me at this point in time what the best legal alternative to taking steroids is, these 2 products are my answer.

Take it from someone who HAS USED STEROIDS before and can actually compare results!!


  • noticeable mild diuretic effect similar to Winstrol
  • noticeable definition
  • doesn’t bother stomach or liver or effect appetite
  • works pretty fast without any bloating
  • doesn’t bother your sleep
  • increased sense of well being
  • increased sex drive
  • increased energy
  • increased recovery


  • better muscle retention in a caloric deficit
  • increased drive and recovery between sets (shorter rest periods)
  • increase in muscle volume
  • smooth and steady strength increases (This isn’t a quick gain of fluid and fat, it’s more similar to primobolan type gains)
  • no problems with skin (my skin did not get oily or acne covered while using this)
  • Benefits similar to steroids at a fraction of the price
  • increase in sex drive
  • increase in sense of well-being
  • better recovery between workouts
  • no crashing when you stop using it
  • does not require an anti-estrogen to be ran alongside it


So there you have it, my honest review of 2 legitimate supplements to help with your quest in building muscles and getting leaner. If you’re looking for something effective that isn’t marketed to sell more products to be ran with it (or products for recovery) then these 2 supplements are solid!!

If you’re looking for a legal alternative to steroids then this stack is very comparable, and best of all is you won’t mess with your normal hormone levels when you stop using these products! It’s like adding nitro to your car, but not inhibiting the car’s performance when you aren’t pushing the NOS.

For those who follow me, you know I’d never steer you wrong. The truth comes first, and in this world of bodybuilding there are lies everywhere.

Just remember, your diet and training regimen ALWAYS come first, and are the prime determining factor in results.

Over and out!!


You can buy Osta Shred here.

You can buy Anafuse here.

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80 thoughts on “The Best Legal Alternative To Steroids”

  1. Yeah… I dont believe a single word. I’ll just stick to very fucking heavy deadlifts, thanks.

    1. And eating chickens. Don’t even cook em. Don’t even pluck em. Don’t even kill them. Just eat them alive. Preferably the ones with eggs inside.

  2. “If you’re looking for a legal alternative to steroids then this stack is very comparable”
    Lol. Cmon Roosh why are you putting shit on here that deliberately misleads your readers.

      1. Buy Kratom. It will make you irresistible to women. Or at least think that you are.

        1. This is the number one cause of buyers remorse in Kratom purchases. Once those cells are revived you realize you are an idiot for buying it.

    1. Almost as promising as MuscleTech. Did you know you can lose 50lbs of fat and gain 75lbs of muscle in 3 weeks with a stack? Totally legit! they even have scientists and guys and stuff that say it works, so you know you can trust them.
      btw… Does anyone have some spare Trembolone? its for a friend.

    1. So great.
      I swear to god my results are from Anafuse. I used no other supplement except for this intramuscular shot that i was given in the locker room of my gym 5 times a day by a guy who is totally a doctor.
      If I used 150 mg of test/day and then did a medical diuretic cut phase i would look fucking scary too. Funny, I got into this whole weight lifting thing to look and feel healthy and strong.

  3. First off, AI’s aren’t controlled substances. You can buy all the Arimidex or Letro that you can stomach without any trouble at all. No need to take something herbal or untested, if you want an AI, take the gold standard.
    SARMs are also available from some legit suppliers, not untested SARMs, but the “real deal” Andarine/S4. I’ve never taken a SARM, but, if you want to experiment, I’d suggest you try S4 first, it’s a real pharmacetuical product, not an untested “supplement”.
    I’m not saying this stuff doesn’t work. It very well might. If it does, it will be illegal soon, so, if you try this and get good effects, buy a lot of it right now. I still have lots of subsequently banned drugs from the last generation (including the big daddy, M1T; something that’s so damn potent it boggles the mind that it was legal for a short period of time). Some of them worked and worked well. But if they do work, they will be banned quickly.
    Here’s another good resource. If the drug you intend to take is on this list, there’s a good chance that it works. If it’s not, there’s almost 100% chance that it does not work:

      1. It’s an uncontrolled substance. Which basically means, no, you can’t get it at CVS. But yes, you can get legitimate anastrozole from a number of legal providers (“research purposes only”). Same thing with S4. It’s not like trying to buy testosterone over the Internet (a schedule III drug), Anastrozole is unscheduled, and, therefore, available much more easily.
        If you want Arimidex (brand name anastrozole) then, yes, you need a script. But Arimidex is to anastrozole as Tylenol is to acetaminophen, same drug, just one is brand name and the other not.

        1. I bought some “research” Anastrozole one time. I used it for a day or two and had a terrible pain in the general area of my kidneys. After recovering from the pain, I used it again (not realizing why I had pain), and experienced the same pain. You never really know what you will get from these “research” companies.

  4. I tried an ostarine peptide recently and it really helped me with strength and energy. If you have money to burn give it a whirl and see if you’re a fan, too.

  5. I don’t mind the informercials. I do protein powder myself. But I want to know the cost. Also showing pic of somebody who has been working out for 10 years, and trying to link that to 1 month use of supplements, that’s sketch. ROK should have some guidelines on advertiser content.

  6. Affiliate link at the end, dont know whether he is selling the lie or telling the truth? odds are a lie, I will stick with my odds.

  7. many herbs out there….which are equally powerful without the side effects.
    They are cheap and natural.

    1. If you aren’t taking Kratom than you’re the herb, herb.
      Nah, really kratom is bullshit but that line was just too good not to use.

  8. I’m about to finish a 60 day Ostashred cycle.
    I’m not a pro bodybuilder like the OP (or jacked with testosterone replacement) and my diet has varied over the cycle due to other commitments, I was 182cm 82kg and about 14% bodyfat.
    I wouldn’t say that this is anything like regular gear, normal gear will increase muscle and fat.
    My opinion is that this Ostashred will not so much make you gain muscle as opposed to stop you losing muscle mass while on a calorie restricted diet (cutting).
    On a normal calorie restricted you will lose weight and about 25% will be muscle mass lost, I think this Ostashred stuff has allowed me to maintain my muscle while still losing the fat, so essentially a ‘recomp’.
    I think without this I would have dropped 3-4kg.
    It didn’t shut me down at all (sex drive etc).
    note that this drug is designed for Aids patients to stop muscle wasting and I think this is exactly what it does.
    I’m not into the whole bulk then cut cycles, I prefer slow steady lean gains, also easier on my joints.
    All in all – I would recommend, even though I still weigh the same my body fat is lower and I have better shape and aesthetics to my body. strength is a bit better.
    As for Anafuse, don’t know, probably good with Kratom

    1. F that Doktor Jeep, I have an oxygen supplement made with a proprietary oxygen blend. While using nothing more than this oxygen supplement (along with anabolic steroids, testosterone injections and chemical diuretics which were all totally prescribed by my doctor in Juarez) I achieved a physique beyond your wildest dreams. If you have purchased and tried English Bob’s oxygen you know his claims are all hot air.

  9. Weightlifting conditions athletically useless muscles. It’s
    also such a homosexual preoccupation to be that concerned with how you look.
    Real athletes take up a task and perfect it. The muscles
    they build as a consequence are merely the side-effect, not the goal. Gymnasts
    are a perfect case in point. Yet you don’t see gymnastics halls lined with
    mirrors, and full of protein powder.

    1. So, I’m pretty safe in assuming your answer is “No” to the question “Do you even lift?”

      1. LOL as if lifting is the be all and end all of masculinity…
        I lifted dumbbells for about a year and put on 10kg. It made my chest bigger, but who cares? It tightened up my shoulders and as soon as I went back to doing gymnastics I could barely even do a muscle up anymore.
        If you’re building athletically useless muscles then the joke is on you. I also did Judo and bench pressing 100+ kg is irrelevant when those precious fag muscles are exhausted from the fatigue of wrestling.
        Keep lifting bro, you bodyfags are amusing.

        1. No need to go off half-cocked, I was being facetious. You do you; as long as you’re not a couch-potato, that is. (And from what you’ve said I don’t think that’s the case.) Carry on.

        2. You are so right. Everyone knows quads, hamstrings, hips and glutes are useless muscles. Who uses These useless muscles? I don’t think I have ever used my legs in my life. Utterly useless. I might as well cut them off because they are so useless. Weight lifters are wasting their time doing squats and deadlifts.

        3. You should also cut off your dick while you’re at it. Talk about useless.
          The world does not run on sarcasm and self-righteous indignation.

        4. That’s great but irrelevant. The hip adductors and flexors are hip muscles.

    2. Except gymnasts take protein powder and do supplemental lifting with free weights?
      Your comment FAIL.

      1. I’ve never known a gymnast to take protein powder, and I’ve been doing it since I was 6. And the latter point, well that is like saying that weightlifters do supplemental stretching therefore they’re ballerinas!
        What a stupid comment.
        Are you American by any chance?

        1. Well, I can safely assume you are speaking out your arse, or that you
          are really fail at gymnastics.
          Not that anything I say over the internet will stick on someone named “WhiteSecessionist,”
          I will give it a go.
          My experience in Dietetics (R.D.) and sports nutrition is that most
          athletes these days are drinking protein of some kind. Your anecdotal amateur
          experience of gymnasts not using Protein is not representative of the sporting
          world. My experience does include working with Football, Track, Gymnastics, and
          Baseball while in university. Pretty much all athletes were drinking Protein as
          a useful training aid, especially after their work outs to aid in muscle
          You see, a Protein Shake is not necessary. However, most gainers
          contain a wide variety of essential amino acids, 40 – 60g of protein, vitamins
          and minerals, etc. Unless you have a perfect diet, its hard to find another
          source that gives you what you need after a workout. Thus, almost all athletes
          were taking it and it was provided by the University.
          So that takes care of your first claim about Protein Shakes.
          Let’s get down to your first : “Real
          athletes take up a task and perfect it. The muscles
          they build as a consequence are merely the side-effect, not
          the goal.”
          Athletes take up the task and perfect it, this is true. But your claim
          that muscles are a side-effect not the goal is ludicrous. Let’s take a look at
          sports that use traditional weight-lifting to make them better at their task(you
          will find a lot of overlap because there is so much functionality in
          traditional lifts) :
          Football (American) : Squat, deadlift, bench, power
          clean, clean and jerk
          Sprinters : Jump Squats, chain squats, power cleans
          Wrestling (Greco and Freestyle) : Power clean,
          Bench, Clean and Jerk (*It is worth noting that one of the first to incorporate
          weight training into the wrestlers training regimen was Dan Gable, one of the
          best of all time)
          Soccer : Same as sprints
          Judo : Same as Wrestling
          Baseball : Core lifts, power cleans, bench, etc
          The list is extensive but this covers some of the major sports. There
          is almost no sport anymore that just grind away the same repetition to perfect
          the muscle.
          Now how does this relate to lifting? Well maybe someone is not a
          wrestler (like me) or a gymnast (like you) but wants a stronger body. What is a
          good way to do that? Weight training is the single best way to accomplish that
          goal, that and body weight movements. What is lame about building a stronger,
          healthier body? I fail to understand your reasoning behind your opinion.
          Now back to the protein shake. As mentioned above, gainer shakes offer
          a lot of what you need (especially after a work-out) in a quick, affordable,
          easily consumed state. For busy men, of which there are a lot of who visit this
          site, being able to get all that without eating a huge slab of steak and
          cooking 4 different vegetables and mixing in down with blended fruits, is a
          huge boon. Sure, the balanced diet method is preferable, but sometimes
          accessibility wins.
          Your generally weak, and immature, attack at people who lift and use
          protein betray your general lack of understanding about both.
          Good day, sir. Good luck with seceding.

        2. I can’t believe you wrote an entire essay just for me.
          Too bad I didn’t read it.
          cry harder

      1. And libertarian faggots like you can’t argue. Just check our last argument for reference, you didn’t fare so well.

        1. Wow, you really know how to take trivial things seriously. Call a hooker man, you need to get laid.

    3. Yep, there is arnie looking all athletically useless. Are you kidding? And you dropped the weightlifting is for homos? I can’t even. So weightlifting is for homos and gymnastics is a “real sport.”
      Bud, the mirrors are functional. The mirror helps you keep balance and looking at your gains will help you keep motivated.
      I was originally going to be a total nasty jerk in my response, but the truth is I pity you.
      Try getting into a gym to do some lifting, learn a bit and then see if your opinion changes. Don’t worry if you aren’t so good starting out, everyone begins somewhere.

      1. If that’s your logic then every gym must be a Gay Pride parade in comparison. I’d watch myself with those bent-over rows next time in the gym if I were you.

      2. Bodybuilders: wear G-strings, shave their entire bodies, starve themselves, bake their skin under dangerous lamps, etc. Sounds feminine to me, it is the gayest sport ever. Go to a professional BB event, no hot chicks whatsoever, a bunch of old bald guys admiring each others muscles.

    4. Football players and other athletes lift weights as part of their training. You can do it for aesthetics, but every muscle has a purpose and if you make it stronger, it will do it better. I lifted a lot before attending the Special Forces Assessment and Selection course way back when and it really made a difference on certain events like the obstacle course and carrying heavy objects.
      Now if you are a long distance runner and you start pumping it up at the gym, the yeah, you will no longer have a runner’s physique and you will start to suck, so you do have a point in that dedicated athletes should be careful about how they lift and what muscles they choose to strengthen.
      But for average joes who don’t engage in any specific sport, lifting weights makes you stronger and better looking. Why not?

  10. Another advertisement disguised as an article. Is it any wonder that ROK is quickly becoming a joke among the rest of the manosphere?

    1. The only people that should be annoyed with paid articles are those that hit the tip jar regularly.

  11. Best alternative to steroids is a proper diet and workout routine.
    And not buying into an “easy” way to tone up.

    1. Men have the endurance to engage in building a strong body in the long run. All quick fixes are simply that — quick fixes. It’s similar to providers of language learning products that promise you to achieve fluency within a matter of weeks, while it’s rather a matter of years in reality.

    1. Only in the USA it seems!! Because we had a roid rage hysterical plague outburst circa 1995. People were claiming they saw it everywhere all of sudden despite steroids being used by bodybuilders since the 60’s. There is nothing quite like a good ol’USA witch hunt.

  12. My body does not make its own testosterone and I need it to live like a normal human being.

    Can you explain this?

  13. It’s better to be athletic than overly muscular. The heavy bodybuilders I know are so unfit that they can’t take a stroll of 2 miles without getting tired legs.

  14. I think I’m gonna stick to steak, eggs, milk and chicken. Maybe a bit of whey if I’m pushed for time.

  15. When I was just a baby, the planet I was from, Planet Kratom, was about to be destroyed. My parents sent me to earth. Under the yellow sun I was able to perform super humam feats of strength, like the guy in the first picture (namely, struggle while deadlifting 365). However, when I come into contact with Kratom I am weakened and thus, while it is an amazing supplement, I cannot take it. However, anafuse…..I can get behind this stuff. The list of things this stuff does is so long. I didn’t read it because I am functionally retarded, but that it is long is enough for me.
    If you need any more proof…the blend is proprietary…..that must mean it is amazing. Also, the bottle has a demon or dragon that looks totally dope which means it probably works really well (not like original Jack3D which came in very plain container so it can’t possibly work…DMAA..I mean, that doesn’t even sound like a real thing right?)

  16. The alternative to roids? Easy: proper nutrition and rest. Shortcuts might work but in the long run they just don’t.

  17. These are likely designer versions of Anavar ( weak steroid) and Ostarine (a drug that has yet to be properly researched an is still under patent)

  18. Ostashred contains Ostarine. Just finished a 7 weeks cycle on a Ostarine containing product (4 week bulk, 3 weeks cut). Can’t say I gained more muscle than what’s expected after one month bulk but I don’t think I lost much during the cut. What it really helped with and the reason I took it: it really accelerated the healing of my damaged knee. My dose was 10mg/day for one week and 20mg/day after that. In the first two and a half weeks I used no estrogen blocker, which wasn’t a very good idea, felt like shit. My erection strength and libido were okish but I’d say my T level dropped quite dramatically. No idea how much, blood work is next week. Feeling great one week after stopping. So, in conclusion: not much muscles gained or lost, faster recovery after lifting, a bit more weight lifted, really improved my knee. My first cycle and except for healing purposes, I see no point in it

  19. Another steroid riddled meat head shilling snake oil. Sure you are are on just 150 Mg a week. Why wouldnt a known gear head who has abused steroids to the point of shutting down his HPT axis, only use the therapeutic amount? Get out of here with this BS. All protein powders and nearly all supplements are a complete waste of money and some are dangerous.

  20. The best legal alternative to steroids is pork meat, eggs, broccoli, chicken, peanuts (& co.), butter and anything with a high content of proteins (& also fats).

  21. Great article by the way John
    ive tried the flexx labs stuff too. its insanely powerful and the formulas are strong

  22. Tim Don’t fool others CrazyMass well know FDA approved bodybuilding supplements they successfully running 2006, you just promoting flexx labs cheap products bcz its yours website . I also use CrazyMass Supplements and i,m very satisfied and happy with results .

  23. If you think that Ostarine is completely safe, I would highly suggest you go read this article…
    As someone who has used Ostarine multiple times, I really wish I had known about it being a derivative of BICALUTIMIDE before I ever touched it!!! The problem is that none of the supplement companies ever bother to disclose this information before selling the product to the consumers as I called several supplement companies to ask about this, and none of them even knew where Ostarine came from or how it was made.
    Money seems to be the goal over consumer safety
    I am not saying that you should or should not take it. I am only suggesting that you evaluate all the available information before putting a DRUG (yes, it is a drug) into your body.

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