Do Good Girls Exist? A Tale Of Two Unicorns

Those of us who regularly consume neomasculine content are familiar with the notion that there’s no such thing as a quality woman in this part of the world. Any reasonable person knows this isn’t the really the case. Even the darkest of crimson capsule males understand there are exceptions to the rule, however rare they may be.

The truth is, hyperbole is a tool that myself and other ROK contributors use to drive home the AWALT doctrine. While every single solitary woman in the western hemisphere isn’t “like that” men, being the logical sex, know it’s better to be prepared for the type of woman you’ll encounter 99% of the time than to wait for your 1 percenter—at least if you want to get your dick wet on the regular.

Don’t hold your breath

There are, however, a precious few females a man comes across during his life that passes the smell test in terms what we in the ‘sphere consider to be a “snowflake.” As stated above, encounters with these rare birds are sparse indeed but they do happen.

Here are the stories of the only two women I’ve met in my 37+ years who I consider to be quality women who were born and raised in America.


As a 21-year-old junior in college I had a few friends that attended a church in town. It was the typical non-denominational, new age organization that wanted to appeal to a younger audience with all sorts of cool technology, casual dress, and what looked like a laid back approach to religion. They kept inviting me so eventually I decided “what the hell, it’s not football season may as well go check it out.”

As a college guy in his early twenties, I naturally gravitated toward the youth group. There were other college guys there who were preparing to be pastors or missionaries or whatever other religious profession that God had “spoken” to them about.

Like most youth church youth groups, this one was rife with scandal, rumors, sex, and just about everything they sing, talk and pray about not doing…no surprise there. Other than that it was good way to occupy my time on my otherwise boring Sunday evenings and get a youth group trip or three out of the deal so it wasn’t all bad.

During my time at this church, I met large family that was nicknamed “The Partridge Family” because of the sheer size of it. At the head of the family was an alpha provider in every sense of the word who was assisted by a dutiful wife who seemed to enjoy just about every aspect of raising their 7 (or 8) children.

One of their children was 16-year-old Heather who had to be one of the most beautiful girls I’d ever seen in my life. Her long brown hair, large brown eyes, and perfect nubile body made her the object of every male’s desire at that church…young and old.

She was a pleasant young woman but had a bitchy side to her that came out in certain situations. I didn’t quite understand it at first until one of my friends summed it up to me in two sentences:

“She’s a bitch when she needs to be. Her parents taught her to be that way to keep the assholes away.”

Now one might think “Meh….that’s just a shit-test mechanism she was honing for when she arrives on campus to screen the frat boys she’ll let run a train on her in a couple years” and most of the time you’d be right. But Heather was an exception. Her parents (most notably her father) had drilled it into her mind that dating, boys, sex, etc. was not an option until marriage and she followed their teachings to the letter.

Most every guy in this youth group tried to get at her at some point in time or another and none of them even came close. She was friendly with everyone so long as they didn’t make a play to get intimate, but when they did they were stonewalled immediately. Heather was the very definition of the Holy Grail.

I remember one instance when I had gone to the Partridge Family home to pick up a few of her brothers to go and play (American) football one afternoon. Their parents were good-natured people and were very nice to me. But when I entered the room where three of their daughters were (one of which included Heather), they politely asked me to wait in the other room because they did not allow males who were not their brothers to be in the same room with them.

“Jeez! I’m not going to try to fuck her right in front of you guys!” I thought to myself as I obliged and walked into the den to wait on the boys. As crazy and ridiculous as I thought it was at the time, I now realize how necessary that mindset was to preserve the chastity of their daughters.

I stopped attending the church when the NFL season started but I still hung out with the youth group crew from time to time. The Partridge Parents and the draconian style edicts they imposed on their children were often the subject of conversation. We used to sit around and make fun of how they didn’t have freedom to do much of anything or enjoy their teen years.

The Partridge children were homeschooled

A couple years later I decided to drop in on the youth group to see how everyone had been. Heather was now 18 and even more stunning than I had remembered. To my surprise she now had a boyfriend…someone we knew.

“Adam” was a division 1 football player at a state university studying for his business degree who was three years Heather’s senior. He was a year away from graduating and had somehow managed to gain Mr. Partridge’s approval and subsequent blessing to date his oldest daughter. To this day we have no idea how this happened but we all knew he was one lucky son of a bitch if he could marry her.

From what I understand Adam dated Heather for three years before they finally tied the knot and you can bet your ass he didn’t so much as attempt to pierce that hymen of hers. Mr. and Mrs. Partridge made damn sure that Heather was going to be a virgin bride at all costs.

Today, Heather is a happy stay at home mother of five and has been married to Adam for 12 years. Her Facebook feeds include pictures of her kids (which are the vast majority of what she posts), her husband, coupons for deals at the local supermarket, alerts for this yard sale or that, and recipes galore.

Heather is living the dream

A few things that are noticeably absent from her posts are cleavage-laden selfies and memes talking about who she wants the world to think she is or how she thinks. Her feed is devoid of attention whoring…completely.

Another thing her parents prevented her from doing is going to college which would have most-assuredly turned her into a raging slut and effectively undid all of the work they had put in raising their daughter to be a quality woman.

Like I said before, Heather was indeed the Holy Grail and she continues to prove it each and every day. Adam is a very lucky man to have snagged a girl like her.


Not long after I arrived on the west coast I started a job at a new company in the area. My second week I was offered cupcakes by good looking woman in her late forties. I playfully shooed her away because of my low-carb diet but we became fast friends soon after.

Over the course of the next six months or so I learned a lot about her, and found that she definitely didn’t fit the mold of today’s “empowered woman.” Though she’d been divorced for quite a while, I never heard her talk about or brag about romps in the sack with random men. It was quite the opposite actually.

As a young preacher’s wife she had everything a woman could ask for: status and security. Hell, she even had a young son to boot. But we all know that preachers aren’t exactly the most moral gentlemen out there and Leigh’s husband was no exception.

We all remember this fiasco……

His indiscretions eventually led to their divorce and at that point Leigh had a choice to make: Either take the typical selfish route divorcées take and whore herself out for self-gratification and reassurance, or she could put male validation on the back burner and be the best mother to her son that she could be.

She chose the latter.

“Oh please Donovan. How do you know she wasn’t the one who cheated? How do you know she didn’t sleep around after her divorce? How do you know she’s not lying to you about this stuff?”

I don’t. She may very well be leaving out details about herself to make herself look better. Wouldn’t be the first time a female has lowered her notch count by 30 because “they didn’t count” for some reason or another.

Didn’t hear any of these stories

But I fashion myself a pretty accurate judge of female character. The fact that she’s absolutely clueless about dating in 2015, offers refreshments to house guests upon arrival, doesn’t have a bad word to say about her ex-husband, and has what seems to be a well-adjusted son who loves her and positively loathes his father says to me the odds are pretty good that Leigh’s the genuine article.

Leigh often complains about how overbearing her parents were. They didn’t allow her to date, monitored her every move, and kept her away from anything that could potentially derail her life or end up a spinster like a lot of women seemed to be doing in her day. They kept a close eye on her and ensured that she and her twin sister weren’t lead astray.

Even now when they call to check up on her to see how she’s been, they still seem to want to tell her what to and what not to do. Sure, that may sound like a hassle and it probably is. But it’s because of them she’s not embracing the gross fallacy of “cougardom” and she’s much better for it whether she knows it or not.

The man she is dating now recognized these qualities in her and wasted absolutely no time locking her down. He’s a good looking, financially stable, high-value male who treats her like solid gold. He’s always taking her to dinner or other places, buys her things, spoils her rotten, and is always expressing how much he cares about her.

He exhibits just about every beta behavior under the sun but does she take it for granted or punish him because he isn’t negging her or running asshole game to keep her interested?

Not a chance. 

Unlike most western women, she doesn’t punish him for gestures like these

She cooks for him, takes care of his every need, and does it all without reservation or hesitation. She doesn’t shit test him, she doesn’t play stupid mind games, she doesn’t disrespect him, and she doesn’t engage in the ridiculous power struggles or complain about his idiosyncracies to preempt any hamstering for when she cheats on him like most women do. She rewards him for being a gentlemen who treats her well and that’s how I know she’s a quality female.


While I’ll be the first to acknowledge that these women aren’t perfect, they’re the only two females I’ve ever met who were born and raised U.S. soil who have a good understanding of the true definition of womanhood. Both women are all about making their men and children happy rather than adopting the “what’s in it for me” mindset of today’s American female.

Sure, Leigh has her issues with her boyfriend from time to time—who doesn’t? And I’m sure Heather and Adam don’t live in marital bliss 24 hours a day on account of their 5 children and making ends meet on a single income.

Yes, they have both have siblings who didn’t quite turn out like they did. Heather’s younger sister was rumored to have slept with a few dudes in the youth group. She ended up marrying a bad boy, had a couple of kids with him and, surprise surprise, she’s now divorced from him and every other week she either loves him or hates him. And Leigh’s twin sister has all but embraced spinsterhood by all accounts.

In the end, I’m sure there are details about Leigh and Heather’s situations I’m not aware of. But as a man with game, I’m adept at recognizing when a woman warrants being recognized as a quality female. Even though most women in the West aren’t worth committing to long term, these two certainly are and it should come as no surprise they are both spoken for by men with options.

Read Next: In Defense Of American Women

263 thoughts on “Do Good Girls Exist? A Tale Of Two Unicorns”

  1. I’ve known a few quality girls but they end up in long term relationships early and have kids young.

  2. Good article. I knew one ‘quality’ girl in my younger days who I should have locked down, but they are generally snapped up before the age of 25.
    I think there’s 2 important things to remember that this article illustrates:
    1. It is your job when dating to find out the NATURE of a woman as quickly as possible (I first heard Dr Robert Glover make this point and it’s really important). Not who she’s ‘trying’ to be, nothing to do with what sort of career she has or whatever, who she IS on a day to day level, how she reacts to the various challenges, big and small, that life throws at you. If she is kind and has a sunny disposition by nature, then you won’t have to work super-hard to maintain that beyond being a good man. However if she has a thousand cock stare, is chronically sarcastic and passive-aggressive, and is always complaining about the patriarchy, you aint gonna game your way out of that.
    2. The ‘unicorn’s’ that I have known (and by unicorn I mean pretty and with a ‘nice’ loving person by nature) NEVER had long and complex dating histories. They may have had one or two boyfriends over the years before settling down, and made the occasional rare mistake the way we all do, but they never had the extended year after year serial dating life that was popularized by shows like Friends and Sex in the City. If a woman is 30+ and has a long and complicated dating history with no real long term relationships, ask yourself what exactly it is that you will be able to do differently that all those other men didn’t do? Is is not terribly arrogant to believe that you will be so much ‘better’ than all those men that she’s suddenly going to find happiness with you? And I refer you to my first point about nature’s – people’s nature’s rarely change as they get older.

    1. Re: number 1.
      My radar for this is now pitch perfect. I can now calculate a woman’s nature in the time it takes light to cross an especially small cloakroom.
      It might be ACTUALLY instantaneous
      Number 2 is bang on the money

    2. “People’s nature’s rarely change as they get older.”
      As the old saying goes: a leopard can’t change its spots.

      1. Men improve with age while females go downhill. So if she’s not too good at 20 she’ll be even worse in time.

        1. There might some positive/negative change yes. The core of a person’s identity though remains the same, it’s human nature, you can hardly change several decades overnight. The point is that bad habits will remain bad habits.

    3. RE:1, agreed. What matters is how she IS and how she treats you. Most of the stuff that society tells us important, particularly feminist bullshit like her being “independent” is either irrelevent to or detrimental to an LTR.
      for point 2: Also agreed entirely. The girl I married had never even kissed a guy before me, and the other girls I dated previously had never had an official boyfriend(although one had some drama that should have warned me).

    4. 25 is old as hell, a senior citizen by Roman standard. Can you imagine if Hillary Rodham had been married off by the age of 13 to some midieval Barrister. Hell she’d be one mean quiltmaker and tit feeding multitasker. She’s no retard like 75% of remaining breeders in the west that can’t cook or sew a doilie. The fanciness and intricacy of your doilie on your head was an old way to show off your brains as a woman. No stupid retard chick could make a doilie in a thousand years but I bet hillary could if only she had been broke young.

    5. All of these “single” women after 30 have been brainwashed (by other women and the media). They do have the ‘sex and the city’ philosophy that the can ‘have it all’ and wait. That is until they hit 30 and wonder why they can’t keep a man for more than a month or two.
      It’s a disease that has spread. It’s similar to giving a 5 year old money everyday and letting that kid into the candy shop (irresponsible). But women have all used this excuse under the banner of freedom or empowerment. So now they are past 30 with that desperate look about them. It’s pretty sad because I see it everywhere. Once I find out their age, I just shake my head because they are all just “settling” now.

    6. |If a woman is 30+ and has a long and complicated dating history with no real long term relationships|
      I would like to add up that, any women past 28 with a long term relationship is no catch due to the fact that most often girls not only get married before hitting 28 but have also popped out a pair of kids, if being in an LTRs otherwise, the LTR proved failed and this damages a women drastically since she has almost lost her prime and is saddled up with an emotional baggage that may happen to be a hindrance bonding with man out her LTR. Such women tend to inclined towrads “strong, independant lifestyle as i observed. I don’t know if there is a relation between failed LTRs and Bipolarity but i have seen such cases.

  3. I’ve been with two women in my life I’d marry.
    Luckily I did marry one, and the other emigrated with her folks when we were in our late teens.
    Some of my friends’ wives are awful. Shallow as a puddle and blatently fleecing them blind; and I’m 90% sure one of them is sleeping around.
    It’s an uphill struggle out there. Men need to wise up and fast

  4. Yeah, There were a few I got bored with back in the day – too nice, not as “exciting” as the fun sluts available.
    Damn I was dumb.

  5. Out of the hundreds of girls I’ve interacted with I can only count on one hand out of all of them who I would consider as unicorns, the rest were at best, only good for short-term flings and at worst, pumping and dumping.
    Savour your interactions with unicorns, if you are lucky enough to date them then LOCK THEM DOWN. A unicorn-wife material girls are rarer than diamonds and other precious stones, they make up 1-5% of the female populace.
    “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.
    The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of
    gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. She
    seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships
    of the merchant; she brings her food from afar.”
    -Proverbs 31:10

    1. I can think of 3 women I know that are genuine wife material. Unfortunately, one’s my mom, one’s my grandmom, and the other’s my best friend’s mom. 🙂

  6. The Facebook feed reminded me of a girl I grew up with who is the polar opposite of Heather.
    She’s got 4 kids with 2 different Dads. Divorced from both (both shotgun style weddings too) and posts her life relentlessly on facebook.
    Every weekend it goes –
    “I just met a guy. He’s gorgeous. The one. I love him. I’m so happy.”
    Followed by the weekend after –
    “Said guy is a bastard. He got drunk and slapped me/screwed my best friend (delete as appropriate)”
    The next weekend after that she’ll do it all again with someone else.
    She’s 35 with 4 kids, and an alcohol and anti-depressant drug addiction.
    She used to be attractive. But now looks like a Courtney Love parody.
    When I occasionally see her she makes me out to be some square because I don’t live a life of total chaos.
    A wasted generation

        1. No
          She’s foolishly still in the alpha or perceived alpha chasing stage.
          That’s how fucked up it all is

        2. Interesting, most that I know/have known in said scenario are really just shopping for a utility and a bill-splitter. They really could give a fuckity-fuck about the guy (pretty sure they know deep down how pathetic he is for signing up for the job of cleaning up after another dude’s mess!).
          Well anyway, they ALL overvalue themselves like that, as if they’re “entitled” to top-tier alphas for simply having a heartbeat, two legs, and a vagina.

        3. She’s now married to daddy government and her parents help out a lot
          She’ll be chasing bad boy dick til she’s 70

    1. Heh. I know girl(s) (note the pluralism) with 4 children that were never married at all. 0-4, no rings to show at all. All are under 25, still being supported by their parents. Miami has problems

    2. We need to start calling these women what they are…Jezebels. Or Jezzie for short. I think that term sort of went out around the earlier half of the last century as a common insult throw out unsavory women. My friends and I are in the habit of throwing it around plus “JTW” for Jezzie train wreck, along with Jezz, Jezz Ho, etc.

  7. I got me a snowflake. She is special, because I made sure she knew that I know she is NOT special. So, she accepted my leadership, and I have been making her special ever since. I have done some major misbehavior that has been readily forgiven. I got sick and she tended to me faithfully and at great inconvenience. Simply, she wants nothing more than to be at my feet, and be mine. It is amazingly appealing. She has been consistent in excellence for some 5 years now. I am finding it impossible to send her away. She is the finest servant I could hope for, and as such, I’d be a fool not to make a place for her.
    Her stats: raised a farm girl / church girl, thin her whole life, had a LTR with a severe beta. Excellent homemaker, smart, quiet, graceful. Hard-working, no-nonsense. Classic good girl who loves rolling our her naughty side just for me. So, so naughty.
    Wow, I am snowflaking her pretty hard, but it can’t be helped.
    I would note that she has the capacity for all the misbehavior that every other girl has. She just never indulged it much. She was no luscious 18 year old virgin bride for me, but I know that if I let her walk, I will find great disappointment in the plates that follow. Most younger chicks simply don’t measure up. Finding high levels of competency and character in a woman is like finding Sasquatch – not very damn likely.

    1. “i got me a snowflake”
      “i’m snowflaking pretty hard right now
      “[she] had a LTR with a severe beta”
      “she was no…virgin bride”
      No. Just no.

        1. Roger that!
          She cooks like you can not believe. Actually cooks. Very tasty and edible meals. And she loves to bake, and digs into the wife’s old recipes her grandmother brought over from Germany. I kid you not.

        2. Your daughter sounds like a real catch! Your future son-in-law will be a very lucky man!

        3. So far anyway. The boys line up at the door, so to speak, and any I let in the house all seem to catch me when I have the gun safe open and am holding my KSG. It’s weird.

  8. Modern feminist women often play hard to get – sometimes in ways that boggle the mind – but they always fail, because its only the sense of purity, of virtue – together with the kind of fear (not to mention guarantee) a protective father can provide – that can ground the sense that a girl is worth having. Everything else, all the psy-ops, attempts to manipulate consent, faux lesbianism, and the arbitrariness that women routinely use to keep men on their toes – is just an abortive attempt to achieve the same through less worthy methods. Of course what was the first thing feminism destroyed? the virgin / whore ‘binary’. We were told women are neither virgins nor whores, they’re just people. Problems is they turned out to be people who gravitated towards one of those poles more than the other. Its their loss. The power they seek will never match that which they’ve turned away from.

    1. well, binaries are problematic. ‘just people’ is nonsense, too. what it means to say is that both these archetypes exist in every woman and one should not oversee one for the other. doesn’t mean they should act out on all their instincts, of course.

      1. we all tend to think in binaries. If you can allow for that i.e. be aware of it then I don’t think they have to be a problem. A girl can be a virgin, or seem virginal without necessarily being that archetype, but there’s nothing wrong with archetypes per se as long as you understand them as such. They’re only really problematic when they become reified

    2. The irony is these tend to be the women most susceptible to gaming. Playing hard to get is a man’s game. Women learn this behaviour from male alpha’s. They imitate bad male behaviour which draws women because women are idiots and are drawn to damaged men. They can never beat a man at his own game.

  9. “She cooks for him, takes care of his every need, and does it all without
    reservation or hesitation. She doesn’t shit test him, she doesn’t play
    stupid mind games, she doesn’t disrespect him, and she doesn’t engage in
    the ridiculous power struggles or complain about his idiosyncracies to
    preempt any hamstering for when she cheats on him like most women do”
    This is how a woman is to submit to her husband. Modern Christian women either try to take away headship or shit test their husbands into being a leader. She just submits to him, regardless of his Beta status, and she seems to be happier for it.

    1. Eve was made to be Adam’s servant, after all. It makes sense that women would be happier when they fulfill their pupose.
      Ephesians 5:22-23
      Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
      For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

      1. In the Bible the relationship between Jesus and the Church is often illustrated by the example of the bridegroom and his bride. We can use this example to understand how God wants the relationship to be between men and women. Whenever we pray we often subject our request to the Lord, but then we say that his will be done. Similarly, I believe that in every major matter, women must state their opinion, but the final decision making should be left to the man, as God, sees the man fit to be the head of the family.
        Then, wives are ordered to submit to their husband as they do to the Lord. Quite frankly, the feminist view of equality between husband and wife, doesn’t seem to be in accordance to the will of God. Certainly, It is plain, that God, made the husband the head, or the boss of the family.
        Husbands are ordered to love their lives as Christ loves the church, and give up their lives for their wives just as Christ gave up his life for the world. There is a reason, why throughout centuries men have been giving up their lives in wars to protect their women. So although men are to be gentle with women, and love them unconditionally, women, must respect men as the head of the family, let them make the major decisions, let him be the provider, just as Jesus is the provider of the Church, and should be faithful to their husbands.
        Although there could be flaws in what I’ve written, as the word of God can never be fully understood, and as humans we always make mistakes, this is how I interpret this part of the scriptures.

  10. Seems most of us have a “big fish” story. The funny thing about memory is that the fish just keeps growing over time, and the more fond you become of telling the tale the better it gets.
    The other thing is, there’s a tendency to envy the guy who did land that fish, but odds are, when you had her hooked you were the real problem. That idealized unicorn you’re seeing now likely would have turned out exactly the same as any carousel rider so long as you were still the type to nurture/expect that behavior.
    The fact is, we men crave romance in our own way. We want a woman to cherish (not worship) no matter how many times we are burned or how much we say we are done, we will even hold onto eternal optimism that a unicorn may exist and in lieu of that, we will create her in our mind from “the one who got away” (as fictional a character as in any fairy tale). Then we share unicorn sightings.
    We will convince ourselves that maybe this time is different and she is special, but it is never them, it is us. Women will follow the strongest influence on their lives (it could be feminism, fashion, media, daddy, or even a husband).
    We change, we wise up, and we have to set the rules (if she’s not okay with that, adios). You want a unicorn? Don’t buy a burro. Accept no substitutes.

    1. holding on to idealized memories is a fool’s game, but i will not say that i was not a fool many times.
      the question is not whether there is a unicorn. the question is whether you are secretly longing to submit to the unicorn if it ever occurs. or if you have the proud arrogance of a hunter who sees even the greatest beauty as something to be had and used for himself.
      women only keep up the illusion of a unicorn, therefore you shouldn’t lose yourself in them? well, why would you want to lose yourself in a unicorn?

      1. Who submits to a woman??
        You don’t want to lose yourself in a unicorn, but you do want to snag one if you intend to make a family. Highly recommended.

        1. i often did. and judging from all the debate on neediness, i conjecture it is not uncommon.
          snag one, sounds good. i don’t judge myself able to be a head of a family now, but who knows what the future brings.

        2. I also snagged my unicorn. Let me tell all the interested men out there that if you get a unicorn from a patriarchal society, you had better be prepared to fulfill the patriarchal role she expects. You must be large and in charge at all times, and be prepared to make all decisions and handle everything outside the house. She will cook and clean (way to much) and will be a loving wife and partner, but you are the senior partner at all times. Neither you nor she can forget that for a minute or you will go down the chute.

        3. I don’t think it’s quite as hard as you make it sound, but you are in principle correct. If you put her up on a pedestal, she will snap.

        4. You are living outside of the US now, yes?
          I get what you are saying, but its not possible for most men to fulfill this role anymore. Inflation over the past 40 yrs has forced women to work. You’d be hard pressed to find a woman who would let a man take charge, bc she makes as much (if not more) than her man does. That entitles her to more say in matters(even if it shouldnt, a higher salary doesnt equate to sounder judgement).
          And good luck finding one who cooks and cleans.

        5. Women cook and clean!? *GASP* since when?
          Of course, I am being sarcastic.
          No one is entitled to anything. I understand where you’re coming from but that is why if you meet a “unicorn” she must be conditioned to know this.

      2. I’ll try and simplify it:
        1. Unicorns are made through upbringing and the effort of the men in their life. They don’t simply exist in nature as it were, and if you can’t tame one then you won’t have one. Unicorns won’t respect any potential rider who can’t handle the crop.
        2. Too many are saying one thing and doing another (ie: we want unicorns but we’ll ride around on sheep until one stops by).
        3. Lack of simple acknowledgement by others. Men want happily-ever-after too. And to that end, hope springs eternal even among the most jaded. Rather than blaming the kiddies for getting out of the playpen, maybe we should reinforce the fence.

        1. yes, the greatest beauty must be shaped through the strictest discipline.

          Lack of simple acknowledgement by others

          what do you mean by that?

        2. Those guys who won’t acknowledge they want a family and a stable relationship (the happy ever after) even when they “secretly” do.
          This behavior isn’t masculine, men should face truth head-on even when it isn’t flattering, and men should be pro-active.
          Of course, if you really don’t want it then that’s fine and respectable and this doesn’t apply.

        3. that’s interesting. i consider “want” to be a choice. the thing you decide to do.
          everything else is desire and fantasy. do i desire a stable relationship? i do. do i desire to whore around and fuck a hundred cuties in the ass? i do. you just can’t have it all. and without life experience, it is next to impossible to decide. there is always some moment in which you feel like you know you have found the one thing you need, but ultimately the choice must be a rational one.
          the thing about desire is that it is not bound by reality. you can desire impossible things, but you will logically never get them.
          any thoughts on “what one really wants”?

        4. To your #1: One characteristic I have seen in Unicorns is they have strong fathers. My late wife’s father was strong to the point of being abusive. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, but he did imbue her with strength of character.

        5. I may not be able to say everything exactly as I mean to and this is pretty long, but please bear with me.
          I agree with most of that, and you can’t have it all, one is antithetical to the other:
          “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned like a child, but when I became a man, I did away with childish things.” -Bible verse (some red pill wisdom to be found there).
          I would say that “what one really wants” is relative and likely even flux. As you grow older perhaps the biological imperative takes even greater hold and you seek to leave some legacy or proof of existence. Maybe you even start to value reputation more? And so it becomes important to not simply have a notch count but legitimate heirs. With experience there is temperance (wisdom) to guide the impetuousness of youth (likely why we seek/crave mentors).
          I believe the important thing is to recognize inner motivation as truth should it occur and accept it despite self-image, false pride, or “coming off better”. So, “what one really wants” is what is there once the walls, lies, masks, excuses and clutter are swept aside.
          Most things we believe to be reality are constructs of the human mind (that which we perceive and can process), but things are also of the mysteries of actual reality (that which exists regardless of our own existence). The human mind is most insidious and tends to skew that which “is,” in favor of that which protects the ego and its delusion(s). This is our greatest pitfall as men. I like to say: “Mankind is self-defeating, it is what separates us from the animals.”
          Desire is always bound by reality, when it is not it is called fantasy. Without desire there would never be accomplishment for there would be no drive and no purpose.
          When it comes to want vs. necessity there are times when they are congruent. Then how we define want is irrelevant for it simply “is.” When the realization of what “is” happens, then it should become motivation (want, desire, etc.).

        6. Desire is always bound by reality

          it is not. only an experienced man can desire something concrete. why is it that so many people vote for politicians who promise nothing more than “forward”? only through trying to get it can we find out exactly what is possible to have.
          i agree that desire is the only driving force that achieves anything of value.
          if i read you correctly, you propose that there is / are some core desire(s) underneath all the wrong ones. can you tell a way to find this and how to distinguish between the wrong and right ones?
          your last paragraph sounds vaguely intriguing, but i have to admit i don’t understand what you are trying to communicate.

    2. Speaking only for myself, I didn’t land that fish because:
      1. I was horny and wanted to fuck now!
      2. I had no thought of getting engaged in my early 20’s
      3. Wanted to do other stuff – military, school, travel, etc…
      4. I was too ignorant to know what was good for me.

  11. for me, awalt is not really about claiming all women are the same. it is about not giving up your freedom for or submitting to any woman, however good she is or seems to be. to not pedestalize.
    that said, people lie. whatever i can’t prove, i do not believe. not as a way to uphold a nasty cynicism, but since simply almost nothing in life is what it seems.
    the best manipulator is the one who doesn’t seem to be manipulating.

  12. Do good girls exist?

    Of course they do, but…
    … you won’t find them at the theme park riding one carousel after another.
    One thing that needs to be understood by ALL men looking for their unicorn is the madonna and the whore are the SAME WOMAN. The only thing that separates the two is;
    a) The number of dicks she’s taken in her orifices (ONS/STR) &
    b) The level of indoctrination instilled within her in regards to feminism/SJW’ism and the perpetual victim olympics they compete in.
    A good girl with marriageable qualities will have at the very least;
    a) A low notch count
    b) Adequate domestic skills (cooking/cleaning/caring for the young)
    c) Courtesy towards men & people around her
    So in layman’s terms, pretty much everything that goes against the mantra of feminaziism.

    1. Am I reading that graph right? Is it saying that if a woman has had more than 10 sexual partners there’s under a 30% risk that the marriage will succeed?

      1. that’s exactly what it says… and its true. Much of it has to do with oxytocin production.

        1. Christ, that’s terrifying. It basically rules out dating any woman over 30.

        2. There’s no proof of that.It’s more like a girl who likes sex with different men is her nature and just likes it. It’s probably normal in females and men and monogamy is just something we sort of imposed but is not natural.

        3. Shitting where you stand, anywhere in public, is also “Natural” and yet we “impose” rules against that. Using “Natural” as your benchmark for right and wrong is a very bad metric, to say the least.

        4. That’s not true. There are now two different studies that show oxytocin production is reduced. Men don’t use oxytocin to feel connected, but women do. When they produce less, or none, they can’t bond past infatuation. It’s also backed up with anecdotal evidence as well.
          Now, I’m not saying a girl who likes sex with different men isn’t that way naturally, what I’m saying is that the more “hookups” outside a relationship she has, the less likely she is to be able to have a long term pair bond. There are many highly sexual women who are perfectly fine getting all their sex from just one guy…. but a woman who doesn’t produce the hormone can’t stay with just one past infatuation because she won’t have any feelings for him. For instance, you’re married for 10 years, and the guy breaks his back and can’t have sex. A girl with normal oxytocin production would stay in love with him and still love him, the girl with reduced or no production couldn’t, she’d want to leave and just keep him as a friend. You want to avoid that.
          Here’s one article that shows the correlation with ability to stay married:
          Here’s an article explaining the loss of “stickiness” through high hookups:

          Here’s an article explaining the issue with oxytocin:

          So my point, why set yourself up for failure. If you know the girl has had tons of partners, one night stands, and gives it away easily and freely, every piece of evidence there is says she will make a terrible long term partner, so avoid her like the plague.

        5. No one shits standing up. But it doesn’t surprise me that you sex starved deluded boys would think of shit when trying to argue something because that’s the main substance that exists between your ears.

        6. So please elaborate. What do you say happens to a guy with a broad who just craves a variety of cock? Does she stay with him for decades just as long as she gets her pussy clobbered whenever she needs to by whatever male is handy?

        7. Better yet, he should become a pimp of a flock-o’hoes and make them each describe their long days at work while he massages their sore overworked vaginas with his nimble tongue.

        8. You don’t do any sex with your hoes, you use your status to pull any broad you want.

  13. If you are looking for the unicorns in the west you haven’t got your head on straight. I knew this decades ago. I married a Costa Rican woman about my age who was divorced and had been in the US of r about 30 years. All of that made her a western woman and not a Central American woman. She had so much baggage that she needed a freight train to haul it around. She was psycho, and that was not just my opinion but that of medical professionals who had had her committed before I met her (of course I only found that out much later).
    I used this learning experience to go to the source instead. I went to Asian (Philippines) for scuba diving and met a 23 year old cutie pie. I was 51 at the time. She had many of the characteristics of Heather in the story; her parents were super strict, she had never dated anyone else, she was escorted by a male family member any time she left the house, and she was required to dress modestly. I had to stay at the family house for a week before her parents would allow me to date her (chaperoned of course). We married 2 years later. Just before the wedding she told me that I was the first “boy” she had ever kissed.
    After seven years of marriage she is still sweet, thin, and gorgeous. After years of dealing with western women I have a hard time toning down the harshness that I have been conditioned to deal out to women, but she has come to accept it most of the time. If you guys are out unicorn hunting, my advice is to leave the west behind. There are unicorns out there, but not where the waters have been poisoned.

    1. This seems accurate, without strict father to hold girls in line they will bang every cock. In psychiatry, they say that women/men who feel unloved/unfulfilled try to find this in sex partners. Women without a strong male father to put them in their place will fuck around until they find such a strong alpha male to replace her father.

  14. A lot of this is demo graphic as well, born and raised in Texas southern women have this down much better than most, they are looking for husbands and family well before others, this is favorable to men as their usually that way and come from strong fathers and charming mothers, get southern woman if you can, their cooking is better too ; )

    1. I politely disagree, at least based off my own experience. I lived in Savannah for awhile and those were some of the skankiest chicks I’ve met, yet they love putting on that “southern debutante” air you see in movies. It’s all BS, because if you have a large bank account, they’ll do whatever you want.
      Full disclosure, though: Savannah’s about 1000x more progressive than the tourism industry there would have you believe. Thank Savannah College of Art and Design for a large fraction of that.

  15. Want to really separate them ask yourself” would these “unicorns” stay with their man through hard financial times? If not, then she is just a diligent whore.
    My experience is most tradCon females who are not sluts are just holding out for high status men and looking to get a financial lock, i.e. a whore looking for a contract of prostitution. Such is the nature of Anglo-women since the days of Henry VIII.
    And the reality today is that finances are not stable over the long term, if you ever get a start.
    There is a reason the ritual words of marriage in the Christian West were: “for richer or for poorer.” It’s not sentiment, it’s a spoken contract.

    1. Since Henry VIII?!?
      We started rather meager and blue collar, she didn’t leave me when doctors or businessmen were around, even though she is a beauty.
      If you are a beta, your words may apply. If you fill every tick on her checklist, especially if she has a strong dominant father that your personality is similar to, you’re golden, finances or not.

      1. Yeah sure, what’s that mean? You were Ranch Hand before your daddy passed and left the farm to you?
        And spare me the Alpha/Beta paradigm, I wouldn’t emulate the worthless men of the Generation Xers.
        Although: if you are Alpha, why the fuck do you have to meet some female’s checklist?

        1. I wasn’t actively trying, I simply was who I was. It’s simply that I was what she was looking for.
          Why so bitter? Millenial, are you? Heh.

        2. Not “Bitter”, “Fucked over” would be more correct.
          Do you know the difference?
          The former implies the agency for our difficulties is ourselves, ‘pull yourself up by your boot straps.’ The later is more correct in assigning agency for our disenfranchisement to a perfidious older generation.
          Social Contract, found in Plato’s Crito, formed the basis of Western Civilization. Now, violated, broken.
          But you know what, I doubt the GenXers will allow their precious little ones to be disenfranchised.
          ὅστις γὰρ νόμων διαφθορεύς ἐστιν σφόδρα που δόξειεν ἂν νέων γε καὶ ἀνοήτων ἀνθρώπων διαφθορεὺς εἶναι. πότερον οὖν φεύξῃ τάς τε εὐνομουμένας πόλεις καὶ τῶν ἀνδρῶν τοὺς κοσμιωτάτους; καὶ τοῦτο ποιοῦντι ἆρα ἄξιόν σοι ζῆν ἔσται; ἢ πλησιάσεις τούτοις καὶ ἀναισχυντήσεις διαλεγόμενοs.

        3. Also don’t listen to this guy’s bullshit about the independence of being a Western Agribusinessman.
          The majority of them are as reliant upon Federal Money as any Single Mother. Its just the Colorado Rancher, or the California Pecan Farmer has better Lobbyists and PR firms working for them.
          Consider Cliven Bundy: didn’t want to pay to use Federal Land, so he concocts some bullshit story about wanted to pay money to the taxes to some county his robber baron ancestors set up and didn’t own the land. So what does he do? He puts out a call to a bunch of right-wing wackos on the internet to get other men to defend his family’s property.
          I could go into the absurdity of underwriting California farmers who grow humid sub-tropical crops in an arid desert and expect the tax payers of California to underwrite their water instead of switching to a more climate appropriate crop.
          But I think the point is made.

        4. Every generation gets a raw deal. GenX were the first ones to start to notice we’ll be bearing the burden for not only the Baby Boomers, but also our own selves without government help. Don’t be a whiny little bitch, stop fucking complaining and do something about it if you don’t like it.

        5. Please don’t make me laugh out of my asshole.
          Oh ‘Wah! Wah!’ the Slacker generation talking about how they have to ‘bear the burden’ for anything is laughable.
          I have more respect for my parents’ generation, the Baby Boomers. They faced stiff competition in the academic and work world because they were so many of them, they volunteered for Vietnam, they got their asses in gear and worked, and then they had the stagflation and recession of the late 70s.
          The Slacker Generation did what? Acted bummed out and floated around until they got ‘real’?
          And don’t tell me about being a whinny bitch, because you know once the lash back comes from the Millennials you’ll be up the creek.
          The first thing I would do, put you to fucking work doing something profitable, like pig farming which yields more meat per pound of animal feed. No more government subsidies. American Cattle ranchers are as worthless as Truffle farmers- only a select clientèle actually uses their product, the majority of beef Americans eat comes from Latin America.

      2. Yeah agree
        My Wife bankrolled my then broke ass for the first 2 years
        Even though we have money now I know that’s not the reason we’re still together

      3. DEARLY beloved, we are gathered together here
        in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together
        this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate,
        instituted of God in the time of man’s innocency, signifying unto us the
        mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church; which holy estate Christ
        adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought,
        in Cana of Galilee; and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all
        men: and therefore is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand,
        unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly, to satisfy men’s carnal lusts and
        appetites, like brute beasts that have no understanding; but reverently,
        discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God; duly considering the
        causes for which Matrimony was ordained.
        First, It was ordained for the procreation of children, to be brought up in
        the fear and nurture of the Lord, and to the praise of his holy Name.
        Secondly, It was ordained for a remedy against sin, and to avoid
        fornication; that such persons as have not the gift of continency might marry,
        and keep themselves undefiled members of Christ’s body.
        Thirdly, It was ordained for the mutual society, help, and comfort, that
        the one ought to have of the other, both in prosperity and adversity. Into
        which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. Therefore
        if any man can shew any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined
        together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.

    2. I have met a few legit good girl ‘unicorns’, they married quality men (tall, good job etc).
      If one of the dudes ended up in a wheelchair its hard to say if she’d stay with him. all girls have standards, and given the economy its hard to say if she would stay with you long term in financial ruin

      1. As a “good girl unicorn”, 31-year-old (yes really!) complete virgin who happens to be in a wheelchair, I find this comment interesting. A woman who would leave a man when he’s down like that is not a quality woman IMO, as that would be a direct violation of her vows to stand by him “in sickness and in health”.
        However in my case, I’ll admit I probably don’t truly deserve my unicorn status, due to my handicap being A. Quite likely the only significant obstacle between myself and a life of whoredom (i.e. it could be that I’m only a virgin because no man wanted to sleep with me) and B. A disqualifying factor with regards to my marriageability (i.e. the real value in a “good girl” lies not just in her rarity but in her suitability as wife material, which I think most men would agree a crippled chick, no matter how pure, is not), similar to how one could argue an ugly/fat virgin doesn’t really count as a unicorn, even if she has a sweet personality.
        So I don’t blame guys for being disinterested in me at this point, because while it is cruel and dishonest to break a promise to be there for someone (marriage vows) because of a change in their health since you made the vow, knowing what you want (and DON’T want) to get into and being honest about it before you start is sensible and smart.

    3. And so what if she is? By holding out and not bonding with other males, she is psychologically preparing herself to be a wife. The key behind a good wife is that the husband becomes the center of her world after marriage. A woman who “holds out” is preparing for that role. It’s a woman’s way to put the man on a pedestal.

    1. Like clockwork. Don’t like it (gasp! It didn’t give me more info on Clown Game!), then submit your own article.

      1. And all annoyingly named ‘guest’. You’d think the troll casting director would have increased budget for better names by now.

  16. Good read, I’m tempted to share this on FB and point out to all the women I know (family AND friends) what a bunch of selfish whores they are.
    Maybe that’s mean, but then I’m sick of the “what’s in it for me” BS they live by and will likely want to teach my kid in about 13 years, since misery loves company.

  17. I’ve “saved” a good number of young’uns from this vile and disgusting Hollywood-forcefucked myth of the cougar lately. It doesn’t take a whole lot. Simply enumerate to them:
    1) Someone over 40 who is still semi-attractive has probably been shitblasted by male attention since around age 14. Imagine just how skullfucked she must be as a result.
    2) If she is indeed attractive still at that age, now imagine how many cocks have been in all three holes in that amount of time. It damn well better make your skin crawl!
    3) Consider how much experience she has manipulating and mindfucking men as she damn well pleases. DECADES worth!
    Boy do they become elucidated after all that!

  18. I have a sister who is a unicorn. Married to the same man since the mid 1990s, she had only a couple of long term relationships before meeting him, and was with him for a long time before she married. She put all her energy into raising her 4 sons since, all from this one man (no bastards in tow). They are growing up to be fine young lads and the last is a teenager now.
    She and her husband are like one of those good looking power couples. She took good care of him as well. She even now, nearly 50, stays in shape and is going to night school and has a degree in something regarding nutrition or health. They both do triathlons. So she’s not pulling the “get as fat as fuck under the excuse of getting older” routine that so many Americanus Cuntus Maximus are doing at age 35.
    So they do exist, but they are so rare we’d have a better chance of being bitten by a shark, struck by lightning, and winning the lottery all in one day.
    Because my generation had these unicorns, they were the carrot on a stick. “Be a good man and you can get a good woman” they said. “Be a good provider and you will get a better quality woman” they said. That was the carrot on the stick that had many a fellow in my generation working their asses off just so they can get fucked over anyway.
    The millenials have it better: not only is the carrot very visibly gone, they (the feminist SJW axis) is beating them with the stick and the millenials are not going to make the mistake my generation made. They are less likely to be overworked cuckolded chumps wasting their lives chasing a lost dream.

    1. “she had only a couple of long term relationships before meeting him”
      —-> dismissed.
      i would never accept marrying a used chick.

      1. Then you are pretty much not getting married. Only about 1-in-8 20-to-24 year olds are virgins and that drops to about 1-in-30 for the 25-to-29 cohort. Then you have to consider two things: 1) how many were lying about being virgins and 2) how many who actually are virgins are so because of some rather serious defect in the looks or brain department?

        1. exactly, have you ever heard of a 26 yr old hot, virgin, nice girl with no boyfriend and no suitors.

        2. “Then you are pretty much not getting married.”
          I think that’s the point. And if these girls are sleeping with guys without marriage… then what’s the problem? The only people screwed are guys pressured into marriage by family/religion and pretty much all women (who are doing it to themselves.)

        3. Yes, they can very well be defective if they hit 25 and just never had much desire to have sex.

        4. My sister is a good sort but reaching early spinster hood. She did not slut around at university. She’d like a guy and not have the courage to approach before some tarty girl would distract him away.
          She asked my advice and she decided to choose the good girl path and ended up with no long term relationships because the men moved on for easier girls. Now she is 32 and the men she works with tell her she is obviously damaged goods because no one wanted her already.
          Its a tough world for us introverts.

        5. Unicorn are by definition well protected. Sounds like she doesn’t go out much. She is a prize, but hidden. Plenty of men looking for girls like her to marry.

        6. Let’s also not forget, gents, that “virgin,” to many a young lass, just means “no vaginal intercourse.”
          Anything else can and often does go, go, go.

      2. Then you are marrying a 16 year old. Even at 19 a girl will have had at least 2-3 long term relaitons and had sex. One or two in high school one or two in university. You aren’t going to find many virgins over 18 in USA.

        1. You’re in the ‘hood.I’ve had 2 girls who were both about 19 1/2 and were virgins. about an 8-10 in looks. They were both in a very difficult course of study at Uni.and both really wanted to have sex. What I think happened is that they were studying so much at 16 when they entered Uni that although they may have wanted sex time somehow passed and then they became self conscious since most girls have sex at 16-17 and they felt odd about having sex with someone their age, I’m much older.One said she was a virgin but the other said she had 2 bf’s so I assumed she wasn’t a virgin but when we were going to do it she said she never did it before so obviously she was self conscious about being a virgin and probably thought I wouldn’t want her. Little did she know :o)

        2. The study I am looking at (although the data is from 2006-2008) says about 60% of 15-17 year olds and 30% of 18-19 year olds had never had sexual contact with a male.

        3. Yeah I suspect that has changed alot. There is a big difference between a 16 year old in 2008 and one in 2015. That being said how many lied?

        4. Nope. The suburbs with all the house parties is where all the group orgies occur. Unless they are east asian, I highly doubt it.

        5. Exactly. . .and how many lied then and how many would lie now?
          The changes are much more subtle. I have no insight as I live in China.

        6. You mean I’m going to have to shag Hillary who lives down the road? Yuck!

        7. Oh, stop bragging – and you’ll find out why they call her, “Clitler”.

      3. It’s a strange new thing that people automatically preface the word “relationship(s)” with the word “sexual” in their minds nowadays.

        1. Relationshipsmeans having sex. in my perspective.
          just friends with a girl means no sex

    2. My sister’s similar. She is three years younger than me and so got some insight into the male mind’s obsession with sex. Slept with one of my friends (perhaps as punishment for me sleeping with her best friend and his sister) then married the next guy she slept with. She is still happily married almost 20 years later.
      I had a unicorn and on some levels still regret leaving her because I worried I had not had enough pussy mainly because of my porn consumption from the age of 11. It’s time we looked seriously at why it’s free – cui bono?

  19. Home-schooled girls who accepted their upbringing willingly and never swerved from the path. Well – those characteristics are very rare indeed. It’s virtually impossible to find if you are looking for one of those in the US.

  20. There are obviously no absolutes but these small town religious girls are the best options. I locked down a girl who had no previous relationships. Mom was a stay at home. Came from a family of 6 kids so she knows how to cook and clean and to her being the model housewife is what she most wants.
    Lock these women down and start feeding them the red pill. Made my wife read “the proper care and feeding of husbands” before we tied the knot. Limit the social media and be vocal about all those other feminazis. She has even started to see this in some of her girlfriends and is spending less time with them and more time in bed with me because we want to raise more red pill boys and girls.
    Don’t pass up a unicorn guys.

  21. Part of the problem is lack of mentorship. I’m friends with a lot of 20 year olds who are riding the cock carousel in full swing. I want to tell them: “You’re fun to fuck right now. I even enjoy being around you. But I would never let you move into my house or even consider having children with you. You’ve been around the block too many times with degenerates like me.
    See, once you hit 30, your body won’t be as tight, and you might see a wrinkle or two in your eyes. You are what we call a ‘depreciating asset.’ And let’s be realistic here. While we’ve had a blast, you’ve fucked way too many guys for me to view you as a potential mother and wife. Given how many guys you’ve fucked in the past, I doubt you’ll truly commit to being my wife, and the mother of my children. So I am not about to give up my freedom and half of everything I own for something that has diminishing returns, and that will most likely default anyway. As a businessman, that makes no sense.
    As a result, in a few years, your potential suiters willing to “man up and make a commitment” are going to be chubby beta males who work in a cubicle, delighted at finally getting a piece of ass from a semi-decent looking girl. And I’m sure you’ll tell him that you’ve only been with like 4 guys, not 70. Given that he has only been with like two woman, I bet that pussy will believe you, too. Maybe you’ll get married, settle down, and pop out a kid or two.
    But I know you. You will be bored. So very bored. You’ll yearn for the days of fucking Dave the guy with the tattoos who never returned your texts. You’ll miss the days of hanging with Hank the degenerate playboy who you had great times with but had ‘commitment issues.’ You’ll probably hit me up to reminisce about the time we got a hotel room at the beach and spent the entire weekend fucking and drinking mojitos. Except now you’re a bit heavier than you were. Your skin isn’t as tight. I’ve moved on to younger girls.
    Look, you spent your best years fucking degenerates. It’s your life, live it however you want to. But bear in mind that actions have consequences. And your actions preclude any high value male from taking you seriously.”
    But I don’t have the heart to.

      1. I’m a successful attorney, writer, and business owner. Being self employed allows me the freedom to work from home when I feel like it, travel, whatever. I also like to date women in their 20s and have no real desire to commit to anyone.
        I’m extremely open about all this with the women I date and my circle of friends. (minus, of course, the reasons for it). “Playboy Hank” is a common nickname.

        1. What kind of books do you write? I am sensing a Bukowski influence here…

      1. If you need extra money from 50 dollars to 300 dollars a day for doing simple jobs on your computer from home for 3-4 h daily then check this out…

    1. Wow, your comments is the whole resume of it, once girls get addicted to the carousel, it’s a very difficult way out of it, they will still want to ride it at 90.

    2. Can you chime in more often, pretty please? Heck, publish all this on Kindle and sell it for two bucks a copy, you can easily sell thousands!

    3. Not to mention studies now show that the longer she rides that CC, the less oxytocin she produces with partners… so she literally can LOSE the ability to maintain a permanent pair bond later in life. Story to the men out there, if the girl has had lots of hookup sex, run for the hills, because even if she really loves you now, she literally CANNOT maintain her love for you past infatuation stage of the relationship. #NoHymenNoDiamond #NoCherryNoMarry

      1. Not to mention studies now show that the longer she rides that CC, the less oxytocin she produces with partners

        Do you have a link? I’m interested in reading more.

      2. Interesting point. I say run for the hills after you’ve been up the hill with here a few times. Just don’t break your crown (or let her trip you up) on the way down.

      3. i got lucky and met a sweet, cute girl who was a virgin. i’ve never been a true player (too worried about hurting their feelings…i know, laugh, i can’t help myself) and i used to be very religious, so i understood her and didn’t mind waiting several months for sex. i found ROK at about the same time, which helped me realize the treasure she is, so i married her.
        it’s definitely vastly better with her than with any of the other women i’ve been with (i’m 6’2, have always stayed fit, and i speak spanish and russian, so even without game and with incurable nice guy syndrome, i did all right). i would recommend that any guy who finds a good girl who is a virgin marry, but there are probably a lot more guys out there who would like to marry someday than there are of those girls nowadays. it seems harsh to say don’t marry if she’s not a virgin, but we’re all about the truth here, harsh or not. the lower notch-count girls (3 to 5) i was with as a single man definitely seemed better than the raging sluts, but still nowhere near the wife and mother material my wife is. i don’t know. there really seems to be something to the idea that the more a woman has ridden the carousel, the less likely she is to be good wife material. sad and disturbing, but likely true.

      4. That’s not true. But if it were it would effect the man as well. Should he remain a virgin till he marries? if he doesn’t get married until 30 does he just jerk off and waste the best years of his life? The problem with you incel boys who really don’t have any choice due to your defects is that you don’t have any opportunities because if you did you would jump at them even if she was 180 lb fug.You’re also too young to understand how fast time can run out on you and by the time you start having sex it may be getting too late and you may come down with ED at 40.It has happened and there’s no cure or is the cause known.You don’t think it can happen to you because you are kids but there are plenty of cases where studs have turned into duds in a few weeks. There are also cases of ED caused by diseases like diabetes or heart conditions and you don’t have to be old. Strike while the iron is hot!

        1. men don’t rely on oxytocin like women. I’ve posted the links to the studies more than a few times. Just google oxytocin and pair bonding

        2. Not interested in your pop science links. They are about as valuable as your pop science ‘female psychology’ pua links.

        3. A virgin female will not like the poor example of a male who was unable to keep his sausage to himself until fate had them meet.

        4. one of the links was a published peer reviewed article written by the director of a government agency. Did you even look lol?

        5. not at all true, in my experience. i’ve deflowered three virgins. the first one was shortly after i stopped being super religious, when i just had one notch. the other two came much later when i had been with a fair amount of women, and both were far younger than me. both seemed attracted to the prospect of being with an older, experienced guy. in fact, i married both of them. first marriage didn’t work out, but not because of any jealousy about my past. things are going great with the third now, and she’s never showed the slightest jealousy about my past either. we’re actually fairly good friends with a few of the women i’ve been with.
          if anything, i would say that a guy who is a virgin after a certain age, especially without a good reason like the religious objections i used to have, is pussy repelent for virgins and sluts alike. harsh, but that’s reality for you.

        6. Dude you’re talking to stiffler’s mom there. Just an angry low mmv post-wall female troll who is so immersed in cultural Marxism she doesn’t even know how wet she is. Stop feeding her.

        7. Sorry Bucky, but women who have maintained integrity and virtue don’t want to have waited and maintained for a man so lacking that he has been sticking his used up disease ridden penis in the local sewers ( easy lay girls) repeatedly. Women of integrity also are rare enough to deserve someone clean that will not humilate and shame them for their lack of experience by comparing them derogatorily to the local BJ queen. Or give them nasty diseases, especially knowing how few men will willing use a condom.
          Men who have whored around have only earned the same in return. You screw the local sewer girl, you stay in the sewer. That is exactly where such men belong.
          I’m sure many of the men here will disagree as it does not serve their purposes and propaganda.

        8. You might have kind of a point, in a limited sense. My wife was a virgin before I met her. I’ve never been an alpha-superman PUA, but my notch count is at least in double digits. I think she would have been turned off if I had projected a hardcore player image, but she likes the fact that I proved I can get women and chose her.
          On the other hand, if you’re arguing that guys should preserve their virginity in hopes of getting a virgin or an low-notch count girl, that’s just crazy talk that doesn’t correspond with reality in any way.

        9. “especially knowing how few men will willing use a condom.”
          WAT. Seriously?

        10. Perfectly said. I live a godly lifestyle, I expect my partner to as well. But they dont want to live that life, yet they recognize the benefits of a good girl and want what she offers at the same time.

      5. Chicks need to adopt the following, “If you ain’t gonna wed me, you ain’t gonna bed me.”

        1. On with the ring before in with the thing.
          I got fed with dating and hooking up and took on the attitude that my next girlfriend would be my last girlfriend. It didn’t turn out that way but I don’t waste a lot of time with slutty broads who I will definitely have no future with.

      6. More than 3 partners makes her absolutely gone, as I recall. Of course, marry a virgin if you can, but anything more than 3 guys and you are literally insane to wife her up.

        1. And yes, while its true that’s very hard to find… if more guys insisted on it more women would wait.

        1. hahah. that could be true, but if you meet the one good one, you can still love her…

        2. I was having this discussion with my paralegal tonight:
          Hank: “I got oneitis for this one chick. After we broke up and I smashed through like, 40 chicks, I just don’t have it in me anymore. Some days it feels like I’ve been through every waitress, stripper, and bartender in the city. At this point, she can cook, clean, be gorgeous, and give blowjobs on command. But I just can’t find it in me to truly give a fuck. All I care about is making money, building my career, and going to the gym. I like my current girlfriend but I wouldn’t bat an eye iif we broke up. Does that make me horrible?”
          Paralegal: “Nah. That’s a good thing.”

        3. Everyone gets cynical and hardened to joy sometimes. You talk like recovery is impossible for women but not for men. I dont belive this to be true.

        4. Thats why most men settle down with what amounts to a good looking housekeeper. Which is a shame if the girlfriend is not a waitress or a stripper. What did she save herself for?

        5. It is probably not true also with men, or at least less so. The bonding affect oxytocin has on women is connected with the production of estrogen. There is a case to be made about the entire sensation of love being based on entirely different mechanisms on men and women. But for a man, this is an incredibly depressing subject to look into. It may be women are incapable of unconditional love for any man other than their own family members. When the man becomes unworthy of their love, he is discarded.

    4. Nice sermon dude. Your comment could have served as the marriage vows delivered by Leigh’s ex if he were a preacher licenced to do marriages. It would go like this: ”do you so and so take this high risk used carousel leftover piece of shit to gamble your health and accumulated worth . . . (and then insert your comment above Reverend Moody)”

    5. Or female. High value females don’t take these broads seriously either.
      DISCLAIMER: I am speaking specifically of these females that realize men (alpha or beta) don’t want them, so they become “lesbian” and shack up with an equally mentally unstable degenerate “Dyke/butch/aggressive/stud/diesel/Boi”.

    6. Too much truth here. Women do not realize that they are lowering their value on every carousel ride. They think it’s sexual freedom (cause they’ve been programmed) but it really is all about a depreciating asset. They don’t listen to men when they tell them this fact (oppression) and their girlfriends all give them a thumbs up (their on the same team).
      No man wants a whore for the long haul be it a girlfriend or a wife.

      1. But the females think that sluts have value because the men give in to their urges with them.
        That causes them to think that they too will be valued if they become sluts.
        I am ashamed to say it, but being a man-whore also encourages girls to become sluts.

        1. In high school, who got the dates, and the Prom and the flowers? Was it the studious moral sweet makeup free good girl? That girl that helped you with your homework when you had been sick and brought cookies, but was always “just a friend” or paid her way on a date. Or was the fast low morals girl that would cock tease you through multiple dates, lead you on while you take her nice expensive places, do everything but and then get knocked up on Prom night forcing a pricy marriageceremony (and later divorce). The promiscuous girl that treated you like crap and shit tested you and you lapped i up like a dog.
          A few years later, the Rotary/Kiwanis/local Baptist Church awards single slut Baby Mammy some honor for how hard it is and how she bears up under it. And she puts it on a wall next to the prom pictures and the Baby pics and the ring. And picks her welfare check/assistance/child support.
          The good girl who has learned that the majority of men will only reward the slut girls with children to love, beautiful memories, money nice things, the good innocent and virtuous, have gotten a really job that pays all the bills honestly and keeps her from being a burden. And then she gets her dating opportunities : Used up divorced men with crappy attitudes towards women. Men who say that they want good clean kind women that are virtuous but those same men will treat them badly because those men have spent their time with whores.
          Men and women have taught virtuous women well that unless you are exquisitely beautiful, family has money, etc., that virtue is useless, emotionally and physically painful, and later when recognized will be used as a verbal brickbat (why isn’t my virgin bride as good at BJs as the that last few Hoes I banged) to beat the good women down farther.
          Men complain of lack of virtue and kindness in women, while constantly rewarding whores and treating virgins badly…….. and then have the temerity to complain about why there aren’t enough virtuous women.

        2. Exactly. They need to reread the law of supply and demand. They demand whores and sluts and they are supplied, plenty to choose from. Oh, but wait… that didnt work out did it ? Now you want nice clean girls? It doesnt work like that. What you wanted badly and strived is the norm. Cant take back time.

    7. Chicks need to stop growing up to be sluts, but dudes also need to stop being man-whores.
      I can’t help but also blame the man-whores as to why I can’t find any decent females.

      1. It’s true, but come on if free pussy is available, a lot of guys are gonna take advantage of that.
        It’s the women who are primarily to blame (and the men who should be overseeing them, ie fathers and brothers). Go to a conservative church and visit the middle school sunday school room. The guys are blue pill and intend to postpone sex until marriage. Look closely at the girls. You can tell at least one of them is dying to hump someone. Eventually in a few years several of those blue pill dudes are going to realize cute little Suzie who has been rammed by dozens of bad boy cocks is not going to make a good wife, and a lot of them start gaming and banging women. The problem is the supply of slutty women. It’s like if they released dirt cheap heroin onto every street corner in America–it would be lapped up immediately, regardless of how many “drugs or bad” messages you heard.
        I remember one of my first girlfriends was 14, I was a couple years older, and sure I wanted to do all kinds of stuff with her, but was not interested in having sex then, and she one day out of the blue said some crazy shit like ‘please don’t make me have sex with you, I wanna do it so bad but I know I shouldn’t” I was like wtf… where the hell did that come from?! They have innate sluttiness at an early age!

        1. that bad heroin analogy is brilliant. i’ve struggled with how i would advise a future son on this. even with my relatively low notch count (low double figures) i feel like i dodged several bullets. could have gotten a crazy woman pregnant, could have racked up a false rape accusation, etc. then there’s the moral question of whether helping women to ride the carousel is the thing to do or not. on the other hand, women are not attracted to a guy who can’t get laid, and going through life as a guy who isn’t attractive to women is hellish.

        2. Yeah, and don’t worry about the moral question of another ride on the cock carousel for a woman–the primary damage to her ability to pair bond occurs during the first 3 partners. A girl who has been with 100 guys is surely more damaged than a girl who has been with 5, but the data shows that statistically they are not that different. In other words, unless she is a virgin, don’t lose any sleep over whether you are harming her by banging her.

        3. But by giving in to your urges, you are giving the sluts value they don’t deserve.
          Chicks yearn for value, and they start figuring that they will be valued too, if they resort to sluttiness.

        4. Proverbs, Chapter 5
          3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:
          4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
          5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
          6 Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them.
          Indeed, the ancient scriptures themselves confirm that you taking serious risks when banging a slut.

        5. that’s what i was getting at. not surprisingly, proverbs says it better than me.

      2. Since men routinely reward them and crap all over the virtuous ones, why should women stay virtuous there is only bad treatment and little to no reward. Wait around for whored around used up old guy when he finally gets a clue.

    8. Hank moody and any of you guys who can help I need your advice brothers. I met my wife(who is defiantly a unicorn. She’s a 1%er) when she was 26. She had a child with a low life who wouldn’t get off the couch and help her pay the bills or raise the child. Her daughter was 3 when we met. We have been together for 7 years now and married for 4. Right now she is contenplating divorce and I don’t want this. I had a drug problem for almost 3 years that I hid from her which caused me to lose jobs and she pretty much looked at me like the baby daddy that she left. We have a 3 year old son together also and I raised her daughter like she was my own. I’ve since been clean now for 3 months and am providing again but she says the damage has been done. How can I get back into her good graces?

  22. Fuck. This is a damn good article, but it brings back bittersweet memories.
    I met my “unicorn” at college when I was 19. She was a year younger, went to Catholic school her whole life, and we fell in love immediately. She was kind, down to earth, loving, all the good stuff.
    I’ll never forget after one blissful afternoon of having sex, she left my place to go to work. I grabbed a beer and thought, “I’m 20 years old, and have a relationship that many people never find their whole lives.” Life was fucking good.
    This was two decades ago and I remember it like yesterday. Some things you just don’t forget.
    Anyway, she wanted to get married when I was 23, and although I loved her, I knew I wasn’t ready. I wanted to fuck around and see what the world had to offer before settling down with her in a few years. She was heartbroken, and dumped me for another guy who was more experienced than me at the time, knew a good woman when he saw one, and wasn’t going to fuck it up.
    She married him at age 24 and two decades later, is happily married to him with three kids. She is still as kind and caring as she was two decades ago. They’re probably the only truly happily married couple I’ve known since my college days. Nowadays it seems as if it’s a big deal when a marriage lasts two years.
    I ended up marrying a shrew and getting divorced because I couldn’t stand the constant nagging, and have fucked about 50 or 60 women over the years. All those women, and none of them come close to the one that I let get away.
    My advice for someone who finds that elusive unicorn: Don’t fuck it up and don’t let her go. Women like that come around in a man’s life about as often as Halley’s Comet. If you need to fuck around, do it and get it out of your system, but don’t let that special woman go.
    Then again, women like that are like a species going extinct, so most guys probably won’t face that dilemma anyway. I sure as shit won’t, so I have resigned myself to fucking “modern women” for the rest of my life.

    1. to be fair, there are a lot of guys with extremely bad judgement with women.
      I think only legit players can recognize a high quality good girl. A normal nice dude doesn’t really know any better or understand why that is the case.

      1. Its odd that you put legit players and high quality girls in the same sentence. Don’t they cease to be high quality as soon as youve played them?

    2. Was she really a “unicorn” or is this just a case of meeting a nice girl when she was young? Being married a couple of decades isn’t that rare. Less than 40% of marriages end in divorce, meaning that most marriages last at least that long.
      And, an 18 year old with a low notch count isn’t that rare either — almost half of all girls are virgins when they graduate high school according to the CDC. This girl was sleeping with you even though the 2 of you weren’t married so it’s not like she was that chaste. What if she hadn’t met this other guy right after you? She could have gone through half a dozen other guys or more before settling down. Don’t kick yourself — she probably wasn’t that special.

        1. And by 40 the eggs are used up. And by 70-80 you are dead. What’s you stupid point?
          Do you think that any female of quality is waiting around remaining a virgin and wasting the best sex years of her life? You boys are insecure little losers who can’t get a girl and think that you can tie down some female because you’re not likely to ever get another one. You can. Just find some ignorant 2 in your class and marry her at 18, if you can support her since she’ll never be able to earn any money. And those who are upper class (none on here) can get a 10 and marry her after she completes Uni.No man of substance wants an ignorant wife or have his kids exposed to some peasant.
          You sour grape boys with delusions of grandeur think some upper class and educated 10 virgin (lol) is waiting around for some punk mama’s boy who if he works at all it’s at the hardware store stocking shelves and mixing paint and who drinks Walmart brand beer. Put down that crack pipe now! Don’t you know that it’s insulting when a little creep even has the audacity to speak to a high quality woman? You could be arrested just for looking at one. A word to the wise, stick to your own; fat, tattooed trailer slut girls and ‘hood mamas.Don’t end up in jail.

    3. I met my first husband at 22, married him at twenty six. Found out he cheated early on in the marriage (but prior to us tying the knot). Forgave him, because I really wanted my marriage to work. Found out 5 years later that the cheating with random women never stopped. Newly divorced at 31 I found the dating landscape had radically changed, I think in part due to the internet. Didn’t have the stomach for it. I really wanted to re-marry though, not for financial reasons, I’m quite independently well off. I just really love being married. Met a really nice guy, married him 4 years later. As soon as we got married, he just gave up trying, gained around sixty pounds and when not working just lays around the house. All of the active things we used to do together I now have to do alone. I won’t cheat or leave him though, no way. I’ve just resigned myself to being in a sexless marriage to a really sweet, intelligent, blob. Could be worse, I know this first hand.
      Just wanted to point out that while I agree hardcore feminism leaves a lot to be desired, sometimes you men also really screw up women’s lives. If I could go back 15 years, I surely would make different decisions.

      1. Your 2nd husband sounds like these pyjama boys on here except they’re bad before marriage.

  23. The science behind the unicorns.
    Oxytocin is a neuro-peptide most commonly associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding. It seems to act as a human superglue and helps a woman bond with her infant. This chemical also helps a woman bond with her lover during sex. New scientific studies, however, suggest that if a woman has multiple sexual partners, this will lower her levels of oxytocin which in turn can inhibit her ability to bond to her husband.
    According to an article by Drs. John Diggs and Eric Keroack, “People who have misused their sexual faculty and become bonded to multiple persons will diminish the power of oxytocin to maintain a permanent bond with an individual.
    It is like taking a piece of strong packing tape and applying it to a box. Leave it alone, and it will hold that box together for decades and decades. Take it off and re-apply
    it and, well… it just doesn’t hold as well anymore. Keep taking it off and applying it a taking it off and applying it and… I think you get the idea. This is what happens to a woman who has multiple sex partners.
    Marry a virgin or do not marry at all!

  24. What I don’t agree is that why heather father said no dating until marriage, how she met Adam in the first place? I believe a girl and guys should date.

    1. Probably supervised visits. More than likely the father vetted Adam before allowing him into their home. Also, the father could have been close to Adam’s parents in some way–giving Adam the advantage over other fellas.

      1. Precisely. Unicorn girls are almost always married off very quickly to slightly older alpha men from well to do families who are associated with her parents in some way. The average man has zero chance of marrying this kind of girl, even if he happens to meet one.

    2. He probably told her only date guys I approve of, plus this would have been pretty internet dating and tinder.

    3. I didn’t get that part either. How do you “date” someone after you are married anyway, unless you are cheating? Does that mean going out to eat with your spouse? I wouldn’t consider that “dating.”

    4. It actually makes sense, but not if you’re not familiar with the dynamic.
      My daughter doesn’t “date”. If she wants to see a boy, he has to come to our house, and the visit is supervised. She bucked at this for a little while, but accepted it in short order and adapted. Now it’s just a part of life for her.

  25. While the chicken she was making me for dinner was in the oven, she made me chocolate dipped cherries for dessert. After dinner, while I’m enjoying a drink and relaxing on the couch, she sewed my jeans. Shortly after she finished repairing my pockets, she washed the dishes. She enjoys doing things for me, actually gets pleasure from pleasing her man. I have a unicorn.

  26. The only one I would consider a unicorn was my first serious girlfriend, and she was sort of the fish that got away. I met her when I was 22 and she was a couple of years younger. She was a virgin at the time we met but we didn’t start dating until a year later, just a couple of months after she lost her cherry.
    The problem was that I was not eager to settle down and I was already planning an extended trip to Australia coming up 8 months into the relationship. While we dated for 3-1/2 years I still wasn’t commitment minded and had sidetracked my education and any normal career path to travel, join the army and start a company designing, manufacturing and marketing board games. I only decided to go back and finish my business degree at about the same time she dumped me. She had already graduated and was working at a bank, and she didn’t want to wait another 2 years or so. It was at that point that I actually would have tied the knot but she had already moved on. She was engaged a few months later, got married, and now lives in New England with her husband and two daughters. I stumbled across her Facebook page and she basically looks the same 20+ years later.
    She was smart, beautiful, and a real sweetheart. We only had one, maybe two arguments over 40 months together. We had a really good, traditional relationship (other than the fact we were living in sin), didn’t say boo when I wanted time with my friends, and on her own initiative did a nude photo shoot as a present for me.
    If I thought about it I suppose I could have locked her down in the first few months of knowing her (while we weren’t dating we were friendly and I invited her to any parties that I got invited to) rather than waiting a year, and then planned on going back to school rather than going to Australia. I don’t think about it because I would be a completely different person than I am now: no Australian vacation of a lifetime, no law degree, no game company, no living in China, no mind blowing sex with the women that came after her, etc.

  27. As to the first girl. “Heather” Let me tell you dude as somweone who grew up in that kind of enviroment. Those chicks have a whole diferent set of issues that you have to deal with. You dodged a bullet of the worst kind and you don’t even know it.
    Women like Heather are the “Moral absolutists” of the world. What you don’t see behind the loving facade is the amount of emotional baggage she’s throwing on her husband and kids. Getting beaten with the “Jesus Stick” sucks way more than you know. Women like Heather are Obsessive about their beliefs. They have nothing else to cling to because thats their entire world.
    Thou shalt not write about things which thou knowest little.

    1. Agreed, I have only a certain amount of religious doctrine that I could tolerate. Unfortunately that amount is far below the amount needed by women in order to behave correctly. Muslim doctrine would result in control of women. But I’m not willing to go down that road.

    2. Hehe. Moral absolutist is what the ancients used to keep people in line for the greater good. You should see it for what it is, a tool that points toward the right behavior, and thanks your lucky stars you find someone who abides by it.

  28. My mother is like both these ladies. She set the bar for my own idea of a quality woman. My wife from Thailand was the first woman I met who matched these qualities. I have never, repeat never, met a quality western woman.

  29. I’ve never run up on a true unicorn. Thought I have before, I’m sure most of us have in our youth when young and stupid. If I would have though, I would have wifed her up in a second. I’d take a bullet for a chick like that. So rare to even hear of such a specimen these days.

    1. One must be very careful that it’s true wife-class material you’re talking about and not just a young cute virgin (all women were young and cute at some point). I know a very attractive 21 year old long haired fit blonde virgin. She is not a unicorn. I don’t even know if we have common interests, or if she has any home making skills, or would make a good match for me.
      This should be the bare minimum qualifications for a girl to go on a date with you–girl is fit, girl stays virgin, girl is kind. That doesn’t make a unicorn. That makes her an acceptable option for you to get to know. There should be hundreds of these for you to choose from. Since there are zero for most guys, we call them unicorns.

  30. unicorns usually go to smaller colleges, don’t drink, and are fairly religious.
    I’m almost 100% certain they don’t go to state colleges or any large colleges, but Ive definitely met some unique, sweet girls at smaller weird colleges that most dudes wouldn’t care to go to.
    You wont meet these girls at clubs or bars that’s for damn sure. It has to be daygame or random happenstance. Their social circles are pretty tight knit you can’t just quickly charm your way in usually.

  31. I like this story. This just again shows why slut shaming is needed and this “don’t judge” anything goes attitude is complete garbage. People get numb to seeing bad things. People over time get used to the idea of sleeping around or cheating when they see so many people do it. It’s no different than living in a really rich neighborhood.. eventually you don’t see all the people as rich. We need to live in a society that acts properly and is appalled at bad behavior so that we are conditioned to not accept that type of behavior ourselves. Unfortunately, this is becoming almost impossible to do. I mean, you now have national media outlets publishing articles on the benefits of open marriages. If this world isn’t doomed it is darn close to it.

  32. It’s funny. Out of my 3 sisters only the youngest one is closest to being the finished article, only one (known, I admit) partner ever and about 15+ years together with two kids.
    I have a question. What is the difference between how we see an ‘unicorn’ (about 1 in 10.000 women – less, depending on where one lives) now, through the red lens of reality and awareness, as opposed to our younger selves?

  33. remember though, even if said unicorn has only had 3 boyfriends between ages 16-26 until she ‘settles down’ she has been fucked constantly for years (a decade) by another cock that isn’t yours, ESPECIALLY if she is attractive and has a winning personality.
    If I was considering marriage and the consequences if it goes wrong I would want something better.
    The first girl in the article ‘Heather’ would fit the bill, but not the second.
    Pining for unicorns is not healthy, accepting women for what they are and building your own life on your own terms is.
    I think too many ROK guys (and writers) are stuck in the dreaming for unicorn phase and wanting things to change.
    This is misdirected energy, things will not change, its like being angry at someone, they are the winner because they have the power, they don’t even know that you are angry.
    We are literally yelling into space, into a vast empty corner of the internet that few people visit and no-one cares about, this is not healthy.
    It will take generations to undo what has been done, there is no respite around the corner, not in our lifetime.
    Batten down the hatches because things will get worse not better, laws will get more strict not less.
    The best counter to this is to improve yourself, not improve “them”
    Focus on yourself – YOU – no-one else matters, women worked out this thousands of years ago and they play the game accordingly.

  34. A man gets exactly what he deserves almost all the time. It’s no mistake you married a whore you are one too. People act like they can fool other people no good girl goes for the bad guy, it just doesn’t happen. The girl who has a good exterior and bad interior goes for the guy who has a openly bad exterior. She shuns the chumps who hide thinking they can attract her by showing her a mirror so they change with the season. If tattos are in you get one skinny jeans you wear them. You only attract whores, change the interior the exterior follows good women come. Keep the bad and Good can see thru you, mostly what happens is you get outgamed and maneuvered by these whores and cry no good women.

  35. And I noticed that you dated none of them.
    Being an alpha male cad, at least you say, you went for the hipster chick with the tattoos for a one night rental of her vajayjay at the single-mother needs some lovin discount store, and never looked back.
    Part of me wants to laugh at you, the other completely understands.
    Glad I married foreign.

    1. Out of 4 comments you’ve got, all outstanding. I would make that profile private if I were you.

  36. That first girl is pretty damn close to how my wife was raised. While her parents weren’t as strict as in that example the basic ideas they inculcated her with were the same.
    It’s a pretty good formula and I encourage everyone who does have or may someday have a daughter to follow it.

  37. Also “beta” behaviors really depend on the individual.
    It’s less the exact behavior and more the nature of the person performing the behavior that makes any specific action “beta” or not. The stereotypical nice guy who gives flowers on a first date will be friendzoned quickly while masculine, successful guys frequently can get away with cheesy gestures like that.
    The difference is where it’s coming from. The beta does it because he is trying to impress someone that he perceives as being of higher value and is using “nice” behavior to compensate.
    By contrast an “alpha” who gives flowers or such does that stuff because he chooses to. He doesn’t particularly care if you appreciate it or not but he’s still going to do it anyway because he either chooses to follow a certain code of behavior or because that’s the kind of person he wants to be.
    In both cases the actions taken don’t really change what women intuitively perceive, but only amplify existing perceptions.

  38. Good girls exist but only under highly strict fathers. I’ve come across them and typically they are the ones whose father “would kill them” if…. They want to do everything to ruin themselves, tattoos, cock riding, weird piercings, and only their psycho dads who beat their ass keep them in line and usually by the time they hit university its gone. So once they are over 18 or so or past grade 12 there are almost no good girls left.

  39. There are a lot of Vietnamese unicorns. they are very sweet and feminine (and have strict fathers). But I’m not really attracted to them

    1. Yup it is true, but it is only because their strict fathers keep them from ruining themselves, because they want them to find a decent husband. But once they hit their 20s and go to university they ain’t unicorns no more, they get plowed 6 ways from sunday.
      And gook girls are weird too, and their noses are really flat and broad. Ain’t the prettiest chicks in town.

  40. I’m from the Middle East where virginity is a big factor for a girl to get married. However I find it unfair because a virgin girl can never tell whether her husband is a virgin as well cause there is no physical evidence such as bleeding for us guys. i think thats quite unjust. any thoughts on this? not to mention a lot of girls in middle eastern countires who’ve had intercourse prior to marriage, repair/operate their vaginas to appear as virgins to their mainly non-virgin husbands.

    1. It’s not “unfair.” Men and women are different, and value different things. Men value chaste, submissive women, and want those kind of women as wives. Women value experienced (sexually and otherwise), confident, bold/dominant men.
      Stop believing in feminist crap. I know the influence of Western feminism is seeping into other cultures, including the middle east. Some of it might sound like it is a protest against “unfairness” and “double standards”.. and may sound reasonable to you at first.. women will make appeals to your moral, egalitarian side.. but trust me.. in the end, women and feminists don’t give a crap about you. The end game of feminism is what you see in the West: a license for whoredom for women, and granting women more and more power and privileges at the expense of most men, and the destruction of family and marriage. Putting aside the noble rhetoric of feminism, this is what feminism is in practice. This is what feminism is in reality.. and how women behave when they are given power. Make sure you understand that.

      1. If the Mideast heads down the road of feminism as the west has done, it will lead to total destruction of society. Sure, I don’t like seeing women abused or in poverty. But things that sound good at first like “just treat everyone the same” end up having bad effects because people don’t behave the same. Women value different things than men. Ever notice how there are very few women in the hobbies you enjoy doing? That’s because they value different things, have different dreams and goals in life, and different interests.
        The west is (currently) rich, which makes it seem to poor outsiders like we should be emulated. Guess what? Western civilization peaked a long time ago, and has been declining. Perhaps around the turn of the 20th century, perhaps as late as 1965, I’m not sure. But it’s been a very short period, historically speaking. Just because no one has surpassed the wealth of the US yet does not mean that this is a culture to be emulated.

    2. Life isn’t fair. Get used to it.

  41. I’ve met my share of virgins and take my word, just stay away from them. Girls who make some quasi religious vow to remain chaste are going against societal pressure for reasons that don’t jibe with their inner sluttiness (which all women seem to have) and they can’t fit in with their social group of other girls who sleep around. So they start developing psychological problems, and sometimes pretty bad ones.
    Girls 17-early 20’s who tried to stay virgin and then gave in, become total cock whores and can’t be faithful, even if you’re the one who took her cherry. It’s like they want to make up for all the fun they didn’t have in high school. Older girls who wait till marriage end up total psychopaths. The poor husband thinks he married one girl, and then after losing her cherry becomes bi-polar or something. He never knows where he stands, he’s constantly lied to and is on edge because he doesn’t know if she’ll be screaming at him one day or begging him to bed her. I’ve seen two marriages break up that way.
    Just my experience. . . Telling you.

    1. Totally opposite from my experience. Think almost every male in my extended family made a point of marrying virgins, all are married, all are happy except one couple, that’s every generation on both side of the family, including the youngest.

  42. Case study of a family I knew very well.
    All the children were homeschooled, father had three tours in Iraq, strict family, and believe it or not, none of the children (two daughters) were virgins on their wedding nights.
    This article proves that good women start their training at home in a patriarchal culture where the mother models correct behavior. Unfortunately, the family I referenced above is totally matriarchal and they are disciples of one Ken Nair who is a remarkable piece of work. The founder and president of Life Partners Christian Ministries, Ken Nair teaches that wives only sin when their husbands drive them to it and the wife’s ONLY responsibility is to inform the husband when she is not happy.
    Interesting factoid: Though Nair did a stint in the Marines, he grew up in an orphanage where masculinity was never modeled and after he was married, he only had daughters. He now gives expensive two-day seminars and then has the couples sign up for weekly discipleship sessions that cost $300 a month and you must make a three-year commitment.
    If you want a real eye-opener on how to become an omega male, look up his book on Amazon (Discovering The Mind Of A Woman) and read the reviews, especially the responses to the negative reviews.

  43. Dear Sir, ups, sorry, Your Highness,
    I know women and gay men are strongly
    discouraged from commenting on your royal site, but I feel compelled
    to break the rule because there is one thing I just can’t resist the
    urge to tell you and your fellow writers.
    This is, by far, the most hilarious,
    entertaining stuff to be found absolutely anywhere on the internet
    and beyond. When I need a bit of unwinding and a heartfelt laugh I
    make sure I drop by your page. Sometimes I think “This isn’t real,
    these guys are just the best comedians ever”, but it is not so,
    innit? Never mind, your humor being involuntary doesn’t make it one
    bit less enjoyable. Sometimes, being the bitch I am, I get a bit
    cruel about it, like when I love the movie “Mad Max” being a huge
    success despite your hysterical rants about it – ups, Your
    Highness, sorry again, you big boys don’t ravel in that kind of girly
    Please, guys, make sure you keep it up.
    I’m your number one fan. Please accept my humblest apologies, from
    now on I will abide by your command and you’ll never hear from me
    again (just a little haunting chuckling in the background, maybe).
    Yours truly, sincerely and most humbly,

    1. You sound like a pro carousel rider who’s hit the wall now and is trying to disguise her bitterness towards the reality described on this website. Guess what no one cares. Now go and see your dermatologist to get rid of them wrinkles, may you find yourself some beta fool high on blue pills.

    2. From what I can make of your terrible spelling and general butchery of the English language, it sounds like you’re thanking us for providing you with some entertainment. So, let me just say:
      The denizens of ROK pride themselves on providing the quality entertainment that we know you used up, post-wall spinsters demand. From articles that defy the consensus derived “truths” that your feminist overlords have sold you, to the witty commentary about what real men want that pokes at your funny bone, there’s something on ROK for every screech! All the content here is just long enough to skim over quickly without bothering to think too much. Because we know you have to get back to those “Sex and the City” episodes for reassurance that your extra 80 pounds of awesomeness is totally everyone else’s problem and that despite whoring yourself out to a bushel of cocks, you’re still entitled to a Mr. Right.
      We know that during your descent into complete invisibility to the opposite sex and future ownership of many, many cats, you have a choice in entertainment. We thank you for choosing Return of Kings.

      1. Wow! Personalized entertainment from one of the top writers around here! I’m flattered beyond my wildest dreams! I don’t think Sex and the City can ever measure up to ROK. You’re absolutely adorable, each and every one of you.
        I wonder why I had never resorted to internet trolling before to alleviate jetlag, it works wonders. I see I should hide behind a nickname, though, since using one’s full name doesn’t seem to be the hype among brave alpha hunks. How foolish of me, but then, what can you expect from a doddering senile obese bitter jealous tattooed pierced left-wing punk hairy spinster (and any other stereotype you might care to add).
        Hey, shush, behave! Sorry lads, I wasn’t talking to you but to my 300 cats, who are clapping their paws, chewing popcorn and thoroughly enjoying the show.

        1. There, there, poor thing, it’s ok. I know I’ve hurt your feelings, but that’s just how bad we daughters of Lucifer are.
          Sir Terminus, where art thou? Your friend here could use some witty help to ease his ever-so-unmanly fit of hysteria.

    3. WOW! She is bitter jealous that men of ROK can give such praise and respect to a woman she will never be. Caterina is hurting big time. She has lived her whole life seeking everything these women have following the feminist mantra of being as worthless and unlovable as possible and believed it made her strong and attractive. She will never ever in her life have men speak of her as this article speaks of these women and she will never have the love and commitment these women have and worst of all she will never know the joy and contentment these women feel in their lives with loving children and husband.

      1. Dear greyghost1,
        your thoughtful and considerate reply deserves some thoughtful and considerate attention.
        Right, the women in the article. I am a dumb, inferior being, therefore I fail to see what’s so outlandish about Leigh’s story. She’s had a shit relationship in the past and now she’s got together with a good nice guy and they do good nice things for each other. What’s the big deal? It sounds like a pretty common plot. Rather, what strikes me in the article is the writer’s perception that it’s so rare and virtuous to offer refreshments to a newcomer. Is North American culture really that starved for the basics of human kindness? Blimey, poor you there. Such a gesture is pretty much standard behaviour, irrespective of the participants’ gender, both where I come from (Italy) and where I live (Mexico).
        Now, as for “Heather is living the dream”. Let me get this straight. Born and bred in a tribe of Bible-Belt-style freaks, robbed of her youth, homeschooled i.e. deprived of proper education, married off when barely legal, stuck there because she hasn’t learnt anything she could use to support herself should she ever wish for something different, chained to endless spawning, only into “recipes galore” and putting pics of her kids on facebook (not very sound and safe for the kids, by the way), and she’s probably never travelled beyond her corner grocery store… Yeah, honey bun, right, sure I’m jealous as hell, Dark Triad brand jealous. I’m actually turning yellow in the face, grinding my teeth and growing snakes on my head.
        Look, darling, as a final gesture to reciprocate your thoughtfulness and consideration, I’m even willing to spoil one of my biggest sources of fun around here with ROK dudes: your thing about picturing these rare precious women as “unicorns” is your single best line of involuntary humour. On one side unicorns are indeed linked to purity and virginity, but guess what, symbols are complex and multifaceted. The unicorn is also linked with ancient European heathen mithology of equine deities representing wild, untamed, MASCULINE force. Unicorns are actually deadly creatures who would only meekly recline their horn onto a virgin’s lap, and only a virgin can ride a unicorn… Doesn’t that strike you as, er… phallic? It’s no big surprise, of course, that you ROK guys turn out to show a subconscious penchant for chicks with dicks: alpha macho fairy tales can very well find their happy ending up Brokeback Mountain. When one of the top alphies round here speaks about “avoid the ones that have an empty toilet paper roll duct taped to their foreheads masquerading as unicorns” (, I can’t help picturing a strap-on dildo, and of course that won’t do, real men sure want the real thing. Not that I blame you, sweeties, as a pro carousel rider you bet I know the feeling.
        As I said before, I absolutely adore this site, it’s the best entertainment ever to be found on the internet. I even recommend it to my students (so thank me for increasing your web traffic and advertising revenue, Rooshie baby). ROK rocks.
        Yours, ever so fondly,

        1. Found another one. Nice reply the best education for young men to learn about the nature of women. This is a fancy way for a butt hurt woman to call us a faggot for not saying the right thing.

        2. My love, what can I say. It’s not my fault if the unicorn is actually an archetype of the alpha male, alongside the lion and the king. You might want to have a word with your gurus here, for serving on a silver plate the opportunity to have a laugh to a butt hurt ugly evil bitch like me. Tell them to do their homework, they do seem more literate than the average cave relic after all. No need to resort to subliterature written by some screeching feminist, either: you can turn to your own pack. Look:

        3. It’s ok I’m not a nice guy you need to explain yourself to. You did call us faggots though

        4. Oh, way worse than that: I called you ignorant. To me “faggot” is no insult

        5. Faggot is complement for you of course, They are men. For us it is an amusing insult.

    4. Sadly, it’d be great if it’s truly a joke. Alas, it’s written by those who lived it, experienced it, regretted it. Most men have ventured out “blue pill”, and discovered the way it really is the hard way by late thirties or fourties.
      Out of their misery, they finally discovered “alpha faux, beta bux”, that the culture that encourage men to wife a whore is behind their repeated failed relationships. They finally discovered that virgins, once spurned and made fun of as prudes, actually do make ideal marriage mates.
      I’d call this is a step forward in rediscovering ancient and self-evident truth.
      Yes, you can laugh because modern relationships have won. But it’s a hollow victory littered with destroyed men, failed marriages, broken families.

      1. Henli1000, you actually sound like a decent human being, so I’ll have a go at trying a serious conversation. That is, if you credit me the status of human being, which is going to be difficult if you’ve bought into the red pill nonsense that goes around ROK, which states that as a woman I’m inferior, stupid and evil by default. Anyway, let’s try.
        Of all the failed marriages and broken families you talk about, none has been the result of bad behaviour, abuse and the likes by men? None? Seriously? Hurt women don’t exist, or if they do, it’s because we’re all sluts and if we’re hurt we had it coming and deserved it? Then, we live on two different planets. On the planet I live on things are a bit different.
        Whatever life philosophy you choose to embrace, I believe the key is honesty about it, whether you’re a man or a woman. Want a monogamous family? Stick to it and don’t cheat, man or woman. Want to go unattached and sleep around? Say so, frankly, and respect the people you sleep with – none of the revolting “game” bullshit your gurus here brag about. Want to be a virgin forever or until your wedding night? Great, but that should be a free and informed choice. And so on.
        It’s actually quite sad that Roosh and his likes have found a way to make a living (web traffic advertising revenue, self-published books, pricey events tickets…) out of the pain and sadness of some men, tricking them into believing that the problem is that all women are inherently evil and the solution to fix the world is either to behave like ruthless bastards, or marry a clueless illiterate youngster, or both at the same time. Oh, not to mention that to live the alpha dream you have to be handsome and rich. Where does that leave the vast majority of men, the ones whom nature has not graced with hunky looks and capitalism has not blessed with a loaded wallet? Watch out, you might end up deluded and cursed with an eating disorder, pretty much like the women who strive to attain impossible standards of photoshopped perfection.
        Guess what, there are no red pills to swallow for an easy solution. We human beings are condemned to struggle through the odds of our contradictory, difficult nature, with little choice left but try and stick to the ethics we choose.

        1. No. I am saying that there isn’t a informed choice. People are being taught things that are self destructive. Red pill is natural backlash by those who experienced it. As such it’s invaluable to young men who wants to avoid the ruinous path of modern marriage.
          It’s fine if feminism is about lofty ideals of equality, but in reality it teaches bad behavior for women and encourage by men who wants to bed more women. It’s becoming a race of who lowers the bar faster between the gender rather than an elevation of both and hence the red pill idea “if you going to slut it up, I am going to spin you as plates.”
          I am actually not red pill. I already knew so-called red pill truth before it was even around but drew a different conclusion. I believe equality the other way around, one that elevates behavior of men rather than lower behavior of women. Hence I am all for self improvement and seeking the elusive unicorn rather than the ultimately empty endeavor of spinning plates.

        2. Well, the only thing I can say is that I respect your outlook on life, though very different from mine, and I wish you all the best in your endeavours. I’m all for freedom of choice as long as nobody gets hurt in the process and nobody is forced into a state of things they don’t desire. Just be careful with this unicorn metaphor: in ancient mithology the unicorn is not the female virgin, IT’S A SYMBOL OF POWERFUL MASCULINITY. The virgin is the only one who can ride the unicorn, not the unicorn itself. You’d better be careful with the writers around here, they seem more learned than they actually are and put all you readers in quite an embarrassing position. Best regards, Caterina

  44. 1. Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals; males feed on flower nectar.
    Mosquitoes mean nothing personal when they take your blood. Female mosquitoes need protein for their eggs, and must take a blood meal in order to reproduce. Since males don’t bear the burden of producing young, they’ll avoid you completely and head for the flowers instead. And when not trying to produce eggs, females are happy to stick to nectar, too.
    2. Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on Earth.
    That’s right, more deaths are associated with mosquitoes than any other animal on the planet. Female mosquitoes may carry any number of deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and encephalitis. Female Mosquitoes also carry heartworm, which can be lethal to your dog. Anopheles mosquito spreads malaria culex mosquito spreads filaria and bird malaria, psorophora spreads the eggs of botfly which causes dermatobiasis in cattle.

  45. My thoughts on the matter are that though improperly raised women become worthless, disgusting furies of hell, a woman who is perfectly trained will develop into a beautiful blessing worth more than the universe. Seems as if I’m correct.

  46. But wait, how is it that women have to be virgins to be of quality but men don’t?

    1. Because women are the gatekeepers of sex and the production of children. It is this aspect of a woman that allows for the creation of the traditional family, which is the cornerstone of civilized society. Like it or not, most men prefer a chaste, feminine woman who saves herself for marriage far more than the “empowered” and “independent” slut of today’s Western society. The only reason why men are walking away from marriage today is because the abundance of sluts combined with the feminist, gynocentric divorce courts have made sex without commitment a no brainer for men. You can thank the feminist movement for this. In a desperste, fanatical bid to make women appear equal, feminism has actually undermined women by encouraging them to step away from their bilogical role of caretaker of the family and devolve into the “sexually liberated” beast of today. Why would any man of sound mind want to marry a slut with a triple digit notch count, let alone have any sort of long term relationship with her?
      Secondly, the role of the man is that of provider. Through his labors he produces resources which support the familiy. His quality is measured through his ability and willingness to provide, not by how many women he’s banged. Of course, this isn’t entirely the case in today’s Western society. Today’s feminist woman still judges a man based on the size of his bank account and his ability to provide for her. The only difference now is that she still feels she’s owed the resources of a provider male even though she spent her true sexual prime years (18-25) fucking every bad boy she could get her legs around.

    2. The funny thing about this is women set that standard, not men. In many cases women find problems with men that can’t get laid to save their lives, and tend to gravitate towards men that bang women frequently. Women don’t like virgins like men like female virgins. This is an elephant in the room that’s hard to be ignored

  47. If your under the age of 20 as a millennial, good luck finding a ”unicorn” im sure it was easier for guys in their 30’s and late 20’s too snag a unicorn because the culture was way different. My generation of fresh millenials, is a ”black lives matter” twitter culture. girls think its sexy too become a hoodrat skank who calls men ”fuckboys”, etc. There is no way a young millennial man will ever find a unicorn because it will take us years and years to aquire SMV and by that time the so called uni’s are all snagged up. Women below the age of 20 are the worst, and a totally new breed of modern woman, they are akin to the female version of Riff Raff.

    1. Absolutely true. They not only disbelieve in gender roles, they disbelieve in gender itself. I feel zero attraction to millennial women, and would have to be quite drunk to bang one. They are absolute trash, and in any other culture, would get zero attention from guys. No latino would look twice at a shrapnel faced blue haired American fatty.

  48. Outstanding article. Too many think red pill men are a bunch of losers that hate women. We just see women as they are and know a good one when we see it. Always good to make it know with praise when a “unicorn’ makes her presence

  49. I must thank my father for homeschooling me for the first six grades.
    Going to a public school was one of the biggest mistakes in my life.
    Also, this article’s subtitle is “two needles in a very large haystack”; I think it should be, “Two straws in a needle-stack”.

  50. I agree. Quality women do exist, but they are very few and far between. And that small number gets snatched up very, very quickly (usually before 21). Of the few quality women that I personally know, not a single one has had problems in the dating scene – which is something millenial cock-carouseling women HATE hearing. It further proves the point that finding a LTR mate isn’t hard for a woman, as long as she is at least average-looking and not a complete bonafide slut.

  51. The moral of this story is don’t think you can raise a good girl in todays society. It sounds like the Partridge’s did any and everything possible to raise their children correctly, and the younger sister still turned out a whore. If you want to set aside your own personal happiness, and dedicate your entire life to being a good father, I’d say there is only a 50% chance you will succeed. Random chance due to the pervasive influences of society, culture, her friends, television, movies, etc.

    1. Yes ego does over-play the effect of parenting, although as a parent you can consciously vet friends. Parents of older kids tell me this is tough with most stuff organised on Facebook.
      I have a local facebook page just for my male friends who are thinkers and doers and use it as a base to organise hunting firewood gathering and tree planting. The men were like battery hens let outside at first but they are seeing the value of it. There is a lot of potential for collusion to herd women. When a woman in the group moans about their husband they get cut short. This will extend to kids, and our kids often play with each other.

  52. VOMIT!
    “all knew he was one lucky son of a bitch if he could marry her.”
    -> Yeah after dating her 3 fucking years without sex. WTF. If I got the numbers straight she was 24 years old, when they did marry and had sex for the first time.
    Her best years from 15to25 almost over. 90% wasted.
    And what about him? Good Body from his sports, smarts and it seems enough Money to afford a wedding and SAHM at the age of 24. If my humble self is a good reference, I can say that i didnt make decent Money until early 30s.
    From a male perspektive this is all WRONG. You go out and fuck whatever you can get until ~30. You get good in your Profession. You make Money. You Focus on improving yourself. Every girlfriend you have, will be better than the last one.
    Then you take a Girl ~15 years your Junior. This will help big time keeping your boner up by the time you are 40 or 50.
    For females this Girl did a very risky but proven strategy. Let him wait and prove himself. Makes sure she gets the best BETA PROVIDER there is. She will not get any Alpha love with These absurd rules.
    Final conclusion: All of you “unicorn” guys out there – you love this so much because you are hopeless BETABOYS and too lazy to improve your fat ass and low bankroll so you can get a real wife. All you can do is whine about the “rotten” women of our time who do not want your loser-dicks and hope there Comes a unicorn who will take you just because you have no Problem waiting 3 years for sex. HORRIBLE ADVICE!!!!!

    1. “Her best years from 15to25 almost over. 90% wasted”
      24 year old virgin > 19 year old used-up hoe. IMHO
      Some girls have been getting worn out for 6 years by the time they turn 18

      1. BELIEVE THIS, I’ve talked to high school girls and there is a divide between the studious ‘merit scholar’ type and the home ec cheerleader type and finally THE SLACKER type who don’t care for the subject matter. For the slacker chicks, school ain’t so cool for them but they’re in agreement that it IS COOL to have a BF twice their age!! Then there are the cheerleader prodigies who tend to lose their ‘v’ to same age classmates and they also tend to say things like: ”eew that’s soo gross” when they get hit on by someone the age of a coach daddy. It’s ‘gross’ to their clique of pea brains no doubt. Then the ‘smart’ academic girls who digest and absorb every bit of the ‘death education’ are unapproachable by anyone but typically the same age uber beta androgenous nice guy or gender confused schlub.Getting a straight ‘A’ SAT score girl knocked up and breeding is like pulling teeth.
        VERDICT is that the willfull dropout chicks or the consciencious objectors to the force fed pink slime for brain rot education instinctively know that a mature developed and established manly man is the ideal pick to swing the gate open and breed by while still young. They reject not only the subject matter but most importantly they are unfazed by the population control and feminist brainwashing.

  53. “Heather is living the dream”. I guess most feminists would scoff at that, but being a SAHM wife of a loving husband (also good provider, as evidenced by your family’s ability to raise kids on just his income) is really not a bad job, if you think about it. I’m not saying motherhood is easy, but I’m sure being a SAHM is easier than trying to be a mother and a worker in an outside job, knowing deep down you aren’t doing your best at either. I wish women took more pride in homemaking and child-rearing instead of treating it like menial drudgery to be passed off to the lower-class “help” or the government.

  54. Why is monogamy and marriage such a big deal though? Not children, we already have too many people on this planet, and if you want a cook and housekeeper just hire one? I think marriage is an outdated concept and monogamy only served the purpose of raising kids so, if you don’t want kids, what’s wrong with having a little fun with yourself while you’re young and not thinking you have to get hitched to the first guy you like? I’m not for being a raging slut, but being a virgin means you could end up married to a guy who doesn’t please you sexually and that is no fun. It’s not all about the woman, but she’s not just a servant to the men in her life either.

    1. Guys don’t like being 2nd choice either, hence one reason why you should be having pre-marital sex.

  55. In reference to “chill213”: “24 year old virgin > 19 year old used-up hoe. IMHO”
    What man think when they say this:
    She has not slept with a man until age 24 and now i can show you how great sex is and she will want to have sex with me only and all day long. Afterall she has got to catch up, right?
    His male calculation for the next 20 years may look like this:
    For a man 3 times sex/week is about ok. Thats 150 times a year or 3000 times over 20 years.
    What she may think:
    “From an early age I did learn that sex is not fun and my god allows it only to make babies. I estimate it will on average 5 times sex to get pregnant. I want 5 children so we will have between 25 and 50 times sex in the next 20 years.”
    These numbers may vary a bit but the overall picture is valid. If you marry such a prude who took you because you did prove you can go 3 years without sex, chances are you will end up in a very sex starved relationship. Such “unicorn” would only fit into a large harem of mine, no other use.

    1. That’s just the lies they tell you about prudes. My experience is that she find sex with me the best thing in the world, that I am super special to her. Whereas most of your harem girl will see sex with you like a walk in the park, not the worst, but likely not the best.
      Yes, physically she’ll need to be taught. But psychologically, it’s a huge turn on to be the “one” for her. Kind of like, best sex is first sex but more intense.

  56. Most men have met at least one marriageable woman in their lifetimes (usually when they’re younger), but aren’t ready to settle down and want to play the field. These are the same men who, once they’re older, complain there aren’t any quality women. No, it’s because you weren’t ready to marry a quality woman when you had the chance.
    If you had your chance and blew it, don’t complain (just like women shouldn’t complain when they decide to ride the carousel); suck it up and live with the consequences of your bad decisions.

  57. I appreciate this side of the manosphere/neomasculine circle (whatever you want to call it). I have a question though. What if you meet a girl like that and start dating her, would you then stop having sex totally until the both of you get married? Is that the “deal”?

    1. Unicorns have sex but there’s a commitment. Even if it’s not the wedding-industrial-complex (which I would argue is NOT a sincere commitment) commitment, unicorns will sleep with you if they know you’re in it for the long haul. Unicorns are unicorns because they’re intelligent and can sniff out real commitment.

  58. Bullseye. The true value of redpill is to teach man what a good woman really is. Spinning many plates, in the end, is empty. Nothing more pain in the ass than making a women you are not interested in fall in love with you.
    Unicorns do exist. They are hard to find, by definition, because they are either heavily protected by family, religion, or by themselves. And it makes all the difference, because when you marry one, you become the center of their world. Upbringing is absolutely important.
    The peace and contentment you get from being with somebody who center their life around making you healthy and successful is hard to describe.
    Unicorns are hard to find, but yet even found are often not appreciated. It often takes a men into late 20s or 30s before realizing what a good woman truly is. Oftentimes prudes are not popular, especially in the early years. The wise men will know the pearls that they truly are and snatch them up for keeps.

  59. there are a few “empowered” women out there that are quality women but you are unable to see that because you just expect total submission from a female. The reality is that most men cheat, lie and don’t know how to love and appreciate a good woman when they have her….

  60. I know that this website is supposed to appeal to men, but I am a traditional woman who agrees with many of the articles about feminism and how women have changed for the worse.
    I met my husband at age 18, and married at age 19 (he is two years older). We have now been happily married for 7 years, and we have 4 children together. I am a homemaker and homeschooling mom, and although I am not the most talented housewife I am always striving to become a better cook and stay on top of the chores. I respect my husband as the head of our marriage and household, and I make an effort to look attractive for him and make him feel appreciated. I have traditional Christian beliefs, and my faith is what has guided me towards being a better wife and mother.
    I was raised to be your typical spoiled feminist atheist, and I was sadly this way in the very beginning of my marriage. But then, somehow, I found God and He helped me to see what was really wrong with the world and the way I had been living. After becoming a Christian I started reading websites such as and peaceful which have helped shape me into the lovely woman, wife and mother that I am today. I didn’t start out my marriage as the perfect traditional woman, but by God’s grace that is what I have been working towards these past few years. I just wanted to share this so you know that there is hope out there for finding a good wife. Not all women are feminists or only good for one thing. And not all girls are hopeless, even if they have had a less-than-perfect upbringing. If you look for a young woman who has faith in God, that is your best chance for a future wife who will eventually blossom to perfection.

  61. Hank moody and any of you guys who can help I need your advice brothers. I met my wife(who is defiantly a unicorn. She’s a 1%er) when she was 26. She had a child with a low life who wouldn’t get off the couch and help her pay the bills or raise the child. Her daughter was 3 when we met. We have been together for 7 years now and married for 4. Right now she is contenplating divorce and I don’t want this. I had a drug problem for almost 3 years that I hid from her which caused me to lose jobs and she pretty much looked at me like the baby daddy that she left. We have a 3 year old son together also and I raised her daughter like she was my own. I’ve since been clean now for 3 months and am providing again but she says the damage has been done. How can I get back into her good graces?

  62. The Good Girl, while a unicorn, still has a scorpion’s sting underneath that rainbow colored mane. They have another set of issues to deal with entirely, like she may be a tease and will try to get whatever she can out of you for as little as possible in return.

  63. I’m a woman – just thought I should be upfront about that. And I found this site after reading an article about a pro rape meeting. I thought that sounded like skewed facts and so here I am. But I’m wondering, 1%? Really? Where do y’all live? Or where are you meeting girls that only 1% are worthwhile?! I’m not claiming that there aren’t a lot of terrible women these days, but really I’d say if you just looked at my FB friends about 50%are quality women like you described. It’s sad that it’s not 99% but still much better than 1%.

  64. I’m a woman – just thought I should be upfront about that. And I found this site after reading an article about a pro rape meeting. I thought that sounded like skewed facts and so here I am. But I’m wondering, 1%? Really? Where do y’all live? Or where are you meeting girls that only 1% are worthwhile?! I’m not claiming that there aren’t a lot of terrible women these days, but really I’d say if you just looked at my FB friends about 50%are quality women like you described. It’s sad that it’s not 99% but still much better than 1%.

  65. An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens. She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise is profitable. Her lamp does not go out at night. She puts her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle. She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household are clothed in scarlet. She makes bed coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple. Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31.

  66. I know this is an older story but I just want to comment on one thing. I don’t think Leigh was a unicorn. The sentence that clued me in was “a son who loves his mother and positively loathes his father”.
    I don’t know but my guess is she poisoned her sons mind toward his father as some form of twisted payback. Getting back at her adulterous husband is more important than the mental health of her son. A boy/man who views his father with contempt is always going to be more unstable than a boy/man who loves his father regardless. Unless of course he bailed completely. But if he continued to pay child support (remember even though he cheated she left him) then there is no reason the son should loathe his father.

  67. Interesting choice, to call the “old school” family “The Partridge Family” as the once famous TV family had no father figure. Since it was a 70’s show, Mrs. Partridge was a corageous widow. Had it been an 90’s show, she would be divorced and her ex would be a deadbeat dad. If it were a contemporary show, she would be never married and her brood would be from multiple baby daddies. But I get the choice: a big family. I’m guessing they were either Mormons or traditional Catholics. Probably not Protestant Fundies as they tend to have small families.

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