Gawker Melts Down After Attempting To Out Condé Nast CFO David Geithner

Coming off a string of bloody noses in the past year, notorious left-wing gossip rag Gawker may have burned its last witch. Last Thursday, the site came under fire after posting an expose of Condé Nast CFO David Geithner (brother of former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner) and his purported attempt to hire a gay escort. Gawker pulled the article after an explosion of online rage at the site’s attempt to blackmail Geithner:

Why Geithner bailed on Ryan while on the runway in New York is open for speculation. It’s possible that his plane was indeed delayed. Or, of course, he could have gotten spooked by an escort with an agenda who had discovered exactly who he was. After all, Geithner had booked Ryan until midnight or 1 a.m.—one figures it would require an excruciating delay to get in that late. Plus, his escort, booked at a four-star hotel, probably wouldn’t have minded waiting around.

While Gawker has been the subject of rage and boycotts before—GamerGate’s crusading against the site cost Gawker Media millions of dollars in lost ad revenue, and the site’s rich boy staffer Sam Biddle was put out to pasture after being lambasted for supporting bullying—the anger unleashed by the Geithner article is the worst yet. Gawker has managed to alienate the one demographic that was backing them to the hilt: social justice warriors.

With everyone from the Washington Post to Breitbart tearing into Gawker Media and a lawsuit from Hulk Hogan threatening to bankrupt them, it looks like the jig is up. Nick Denton’s empire of evil is unlikely to last another five years. While Gawker’s brand of cultural Marxist witch-hunting once made them a force to be feared, Denton and his lackeys are now running in fear from the online lynch mobs they built their careers out of stirring up.

Yellow Journalism For The Internet Age


Gawker’s Nick Denton has amassed a fortune standing atop the burning corpses of the unwitting souls his blog empire has targeted. Gawker and its sister sites, such as Jezebel and Valleywag, rose to prominence through witch-hunts: singling out public and private figures alike for “racist,” “sexist” or “homophobic” comments, then siccing Twitter lynch mobs on them to get them fired from their jobs. Pax Dickinson, Justine Tunney, Justine Sacco: the list of souls that Gawker has ruined could fill a phone book.

The secret to Gawker Media’s success? Denton modeled Gawker and its satellite sites on British tabloids such as the Daily Mail. In contrast to American tabloids, which are about glad-handing and ass-kissing, British tabloids specialize in nasty, cruel attacks on public figures, whipping up a new Two Minutes Hate with each issue. Combining this business model with expert social media manipulation and SJW ideology made Gawker a force to be reckoned with in the digital age.

Unfortunately, much like McCarthyism and other witch-hunting hysterias of the past, Gawker’s brand of moral indignation has a shelf life. As Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos reported several months ago, GamerGate-led boycotts of Gawker’s advertisers hit the site’s advertising revenue hard. An internal reorganization following said boycotts lead to the ouster of editorial director Joel Johnson, and as our sister site Reaxxion reported last month, Denton is seeking to eliminate the site’s need for writers altogether:

But why would Gawker writers want to unionize? Because Denton is looking to get rid of them. Johnson says Denton has spent millions of dollars over the last several years on a new kind of microblogging platform called Kinja. According to Johnson, Kinja’s motto is that “commenters are just as important as writers.” Under the Kinja model, commenters and microbloggers will provide the majority of the site’s value, with writers functioning mostly as “cocktail party hosts,” introducing topics for discussion and making sure the guests don’t get too unruly.

Furthermore, Gawker’s increasing feeling of invulnerability from crushing minor targets as Pax Dickinson has led them to pick fights with people who can actually hurt them. For example, Gawker’s publication of Hulk Hogan’s sex tape lead to a lawsuit which they stand a good chance of losing, further taxing their nearly-empty coffers and encouraging other public figures they’ve wronged to follow suit.

At every turn, Denton and company have made precisely the wrong moves, continuing to dig themselves in even deeper.

A Dangerous Precedent


Furthermore, Denton’s decision to pull the David Geithner story will further hurt the site by jeopardizing its writers’ editorial independence. One of Gawker’s strengths has been the relative freedom it affords its staffers when it comes to stirring up attention and getting clicks; indeed, the site pays its writers in part according to the popularity of their articles. By yanking the article, Gawker is showing that it will change its content according to the whims of angry mobs: several of the site’s staffers are openly revolting against Denton’s decision.

While the anger over the David Geithner article will subside, this incident is yet another nail in Gawker Media’s coffin. With even their left-wing demographic raging against them now, the number of people receptive to their brand of faux-moral snark is vanishing quickly. While it’s unlikely that the age of SJW-driven social media shaming will come to an end soon, it’s nice to see one of its biggest proponents slitting its own throat.

Read More: Reddit Melts Down Due To Incompetent Feminist CEO Ellen Pao

51 thoughts on “Gawker Melts Down After Attempting To Out Condé Nast CFO David Geithner”

  1. Whatcha gonna do, Gawker, when the hulkster’s lawyers rain down on YOU…

    1. “…donald trump sent some size-muh-tologists to check the foundations…”
      ROFL I miss this stuff

    1. And these types of sites earn fortunes through the misfortunes of others. Glad to see them having a setback.

    2. Then you’ll love this: Protesters from the Black Lives Matter disrupt the Netroots Convention speeches of Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders, probably two of the most pro-black candidates in the Presidential election. Also, Martin O’Malley’s campaign took a serious hit because he got such a negative reaction after he said “All lives matter”. This is beyond funny.

      1. Yea I heard something about that but didn’t know the details. SJWs eating each other alive, thing is what’s wrong with “all lives matter”? Are they saying only blacks lives matter? That’s just as racist as saying black lives don’t matter.

  2. Yea they are swirling down the toilet bowl, but even as a powerful media empire at one time they were still the toilet.
    SJW 101…eventually they will eat their own.

  3. Milo Yiannopoulos has also done a good hit job on the 10 most evil gawker writers of all time. These are the people who should have been on that pack of most wanted cards that soldiers were given in Iraq. Hunt them down with extreme prejudice.
    Interesting that this has come about on account of Gawker’s determination to ‘out’ people who are or maybe secretly gay (one victim of whom was apparently the probably straight James Franco). This is gawker’s extreme identity politics clashing with peoples rights to not have to define themselves in terms of sexual identity. Basically one of the the floats on the big pride parade has just been in a major collision.

    1. Gawker’s “journalists” are emblematic of everything wrong with the web-based news model- sensational headlines with zero fact checking generates the clicks(and the clicks mean more pageviews, which means more ad revenue).
      Editors used to decide what was newsworthy, and where that article went in your newspaper.
      Now? The dummies act as their own editors, and its fucking up everything…

      1. very true, its like some leftie commune more than a news site. Still, great outcome if they sink into oblivion

    2. This kind of shit needs to happen… Making lists of everyone who has ever worked for Gawker and making sure those cocksuckers are unemployable. With any luck, they’ll all drink rat poison.

  4. Gawker has managed to alienate the one demographic that was backing them to the hilt: social justice warriors.
    While Gawker’s brand of cultural Marxist witch-hunting once made them a force to be feared, Denton and his lackeys are now running in fear from the online lynch mobs they built their careers out of stirring up.

    GOOD! There’s nothing better in the world than having your own enemies devour themselves due their toxic ideology and utter lack of logic, reason, ethics, integrity and understanding of human nature.
    ….And nothing of value was lost that day.

    1. Sounds to me as if it boils down to one faction of the (far) left going against another for not being far left enough. Other than that, I have no idea what Gawker is, nor do I care

  5. How is possible that anyone could hire a gay bodyguard?? Why no one disabled??
    We are at the decayed civilisation point in which people estimate more indirect group recognition than their own lives and protection. In the past, the group was important to individual survive but they don’t know that a group which advocate feminine behaviour can’t defend nobody in any situation especially if you’re a man or the situation is a war situation or masculinity/realistic required circumstances.
    Cold winters on broad steppes will work with that lack of basic pragmatism

      1. Most irony even if people can think at rational every time egalitarianism, communism and anarchism (red anarchism) will possible because everyone can be the state, the science, and the entrepreneur. But the world demands pawns to work

  6. Let the glorious crusade against Gawker continue on…For GamerGate and for the Manosphere!

  7. Whatever methods employed, destroy the enemy. Destroy their printing offices, destroy their nests. Know that they would do the same to you and worse given the slightest modicum more power than they have today.

  8. SJWs turning on their own reminds me of an old joke about a coyote caught in a trap, it chewed off three legs and was still stuck.

    1. That’s amusing chewing off three legs and still stuck, obviously a SJW is the coyote, because it certainly wouldn’t happen to a fox

  9. The extreme feminist agenda, SJWs, the “anything goes anti shaming” trends… they are all terrible for society and should be fought with every ounce of strength anyone has. We need to make it unpopular. We need to enforce public standards through shaming and we need to take down these groups that promote the feminist agenda. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire and the gloves need to come off with these sites and people.

    1. Why? As this article shows, and as I’ve always said, radical feminism and extremist SJWs will fail whether or not anyone fights them. They’re based only on consensus driven “truths” and built entirely on flawed logic. Societal constructs based upon such things have never withstood the test of time. Eventually the SJW and the feminst will cease to exist and the responsibility for it will rest squarely on their shoulders.

      1. But I’m not sure I want to have to, or my children to have to, survive the inquisition while waiting for the correction.

  10. All hail free market capitalism! The next move for the SJWs is to get government involvement to protect the anti-market policies of the SJW media outlets. Can anyone say “Fairness Doctrine”?

  11. I really believe political commentary is your forte. Thank you for this article.

  12. I have pretty much gotten to the point that I won’t click on clickbait. No Gawker, Jizzabel, no more of that. I just know I won’t get anything positive out of them, not news, not information, nothing. So why bother?

  13. What’s with these rich, celebrity types that turn gay or are gay on the “down low”?? This Geithner guy is rich, has a cool , glamorous job and could be knee deep in pussy yet switches teams…

  14. I’m willing to bet that the majority of guys who work at Condé Nast are gay, so gawker rattled the wrong vipers nest. If he had hired a women escort there would have been no outrage on the part of the SWJ, but you don’t mess with the gay gods in the media.

  15. Ace of Spades reported on this story with the following lead in:
    “Gawker Staff Smears Feces On Itself, Boards a Schoolbus Loaded With Gasoline and Napalm, Then Intentionally Drives That Schoolbus Into a Cargo Train Transporting Toxic Waste and Retarded Clowns”
    The rest is here:

  16. A favorite place when I want to read idle crap.
    The real target of sanity should be science magazines like “Scientific American” that are putrid with negativity and leftist propaganda. The current issue, which I put away in disgust, featured an article about modern humans taking over the world; the map featured the “destruction of megafauna” when humans arrived in places as well as extinction of other human species. At least the big beasts were admittedly often killed off by nonwhites. Oh, yeah, and an essay on why doctors should be allowed to preach against guns to sick people.
    Such publications aren’t even funny and kids read them.

  17. Girlfriend material: “What’s Gawker? What’s Huffpo? What’s Jezebel?”

    1. Unfortunately, that reaction is probably only due to her not paying attention to which shitty clickbait she clicks.

  18. In many places the comments section is where the clicks are generated. Sites like HuffyPo that seek to sensor opinion will fail because you can’t have an interesting argument when thinking is pre-censored.
    BTW, has HP ever posted a profit? Just wondering.

  19. Try not to use McCarthy as a bad guy.
    It makes you look ignorant.
    “Blacklisted by History” M. Stanton Evans

    1. A great mind beat me to that point.
      Out of concern he may not get around to reading Blacklisted or Treason (by Ann Coulter), a brief summary:
      McCarthy’s name was tarred (literally by a leftist Washington Post cartoon) for an intolerant policy supposedly initiated by the right against harmless communists. Nearly all of that is contrary to the truth:
      The internment of Japanese civilians into concentration camps was done by the FDR administration. The committee for unAmerican activities was made by the Democratic party to ferret out Nazis during WWII. A new film portraying communists in a sympathetic light, Trubo, ignores the fact that American communists were originally Nazi sympathizers since Josef Stalin was initially an ally of Stalin.
      McCathy didn’t loosely accuse innocent people of being communists but rather claimed to have a list of them in government and the left demanded he name names in an attempt to call his bluff. Venona papers released by the former USSR confirm he was correct. Not only was McCarthy’s concern about “witches” correct, but they were really bad guys (Stalin murdered millions of people) and later on, communists have successfully infiltrated the government and media and done very bad things.
      McCarthy was a tragic hero.

      1. Yes, the Venona Papers completely vindicated McCarthy. In fact, he was barely on the tip of the iceberg.
        The problem was vast.
        E.g.., during the operations of the OSS and the nascent CIA, agents were met at every turn, ambushed and captured or slaughtered because the OSS/CIA directors were commies answering to Stalin and later USSR.
        Think Harry D White and others.
        By the way, the names of the communist infiltrators of the U.S. government read like a list of candidates for a Bar Mitzvah.

  20. Matt, I’m glad you didn’t put any direct links to Gawker in the article. I have not knowingly given them even a single click in the past couple of years.

  21. Guys, Gawker and its offspring are the modern equivalent of Salem witch hunters. We seriously need to exploit this, and make a fool out of them. Surely we could fake some juicy confirmation bias bullshit and send it to them, watch them publish it, and then let it blow up in their faces. It’ll be fun.

  22. McCarthyism wasn’t a witch hunt. It is portrayed as such now because so many of the communists he uncovered just happened to be Jews.

  23. When gays are involved you really don’t know. Gays are masters at hiding and manipulation. Consider that Nero had 3 gay advisors who drove him to execute Christians and eventually let Rome burn. In most recent times, high-ups in the Nazi Party were gay. They were the guys that told Hitler to exterminate German homosexuals before the war started to bolstser public opinion. The Gay-Prostitutes-in the White House scandal with Reagon/Bush. The Bush Jr., . . .Condoleeza Rice with “wife” getting govt. benefits. And then Head of Homeland Security, Mike Cherthoff now living openly gay in Canada, staffing the office with gays, who instituted a massive domestic spying and harrassment program. Gee, it seems that gays are rife in Right-Wing, Facist politics.
    My ex-brother-in-law was gay, and as a contractor I had several gay real estate agents as clients. So I met many, many gays. And almost all were conservatives and voted Republican. Gays are pretty much the most conservative, racist people around. While they love having sex with black men, they wouldn’t be caught dead befreinding one. And they hate poor people. They’re a group of mixed up, mentally ill people.
    The joke’s on the Democrats. While they fight for gay rights, the gays don’t vote for them and support conservative action groups.
    When it comes to high profile issues like in the article; it’s political. The guy pissed somebody off and they went after him. It has nothing to do with politics. The author is just using the situation to make political hay.

  24. “…slitting its own throat.”
    The reality is White Knights and SJW’s destroy everything around them and leave nothing but ashes. I’ve heard feminists refer to the Suffragette Movement as some kind of aspirational goal, which by today’s standards would be considered a hate group at best or a terrorist organisationa at worst. We need to push back extremists, left and right.

  25. The lynch mob references in this article are the exact thing that needs to be addressed with today’s media and culture. It is not just a metaphor, but a true representation of how bigots go about their business.

  26. Bahaha…they screwed with Tim Geithners brother, that’s why they pulled the story, not because it wasn’t up to their “standards”.
    I love how they emphasize that he was a “nobody” and the story had no redeeming value. Lolol…they pissed off a very powerful Marxist bureaucrat and the Geigh mafia. THAT’S why the story was pulled.
    Had it been even a D-list conservative the story would still be up.

  27. Bill Arkin Let Go?

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