6 Ways Modern Women Are Just Like Orcs

Over the past few weeks I have immersed myself in the world of Shadow of Mordor on the PS4. As I cut a swath through the rather repetitive but deeply satisfying main quest, I began to notice a pattern in that the orcs in the game show many similarities to women in the modern Western world.

This led me to rediscover the Lord of the Rings films and books, where the telltale signs became increasingly unavoidable. Here are six of them:

1. Their fashion tastes blow, and not in the good way


Orcs have an odd obsession with very weird, very bland diversity in their fashion choices. They enjoy adorning themselves with bones, random face paint, and matted hair that has not been washed since the Second Age. Some go so far as to wear mohawks, or helmets crowned by pots of flames. The beasts appear oblivious to their horrible looks, even when the peer pressure of swag-loaded Easterling and Haradrim soldiers bounds forth in Return of the King.


This sad and unperceptive approach to fashion is unmistakably shared by modern women. Spend an afternoon at Target or the mall and you quickly see how terribly lost femininity and gracefulness is from the minds of these hags, who scuttle around in pajamas or ill-fitting yoga pants that display the niceties of their burgeoning cottage cheese.

Rarely is their edgy attire lacking a trenta frappucinno for the one hand and a butch or Skrillex hairstyle at the crown, both perfect warning signs of her gluttonous appetite and independent womyn status. A smartphone peppered with pictures of food and selfies of a certain human cow is a further accessory, along with imposing problem glasses (or the polarized equivalent) to denote her frantic love of conformist style.

Like their orcish cousins, women appear to be fantastically ignorant of the pathetic manner in which they showcase themselves in public, and view any criticism of it as unacceptable hostility.

2. They see obesity as a virtue


Because food is scarce for the plundering orcs of Middle Earth, their brutish culture uplifts fatness as one of the highest worldly ideals, apart from slaughtering non-orcs and each other. In Two Towers the orcs who meet Merry and Pippin’s Uruk-hai captors end up battling them over a desire to eat the two hobbits.

Years before inside the Misty Mountains, Bilbo and his dwarf friends found themselves facing the hospitality of a very fat and oily Goblin King, who they had to fight in order to proceed with their quest. The theme of these scenes is clear: the most powerful and influential of the savage creatures have the luxury to eat in copious amounts, while their scrawny underlings must draw blood and risk their own skins just to survive.


Take a quick glance over the Huffington PostStyle” or “Plus Size” sections, and the similarities in the culture of modern women become difficult to ignore. It is impossible to scroll down just a few times without encountering several articles praising some obscure lard bucket for “being herself,” and “challenging body conformity” by slipping her size 14 flab into a size 4 spandex costume.

The comment sections under these pieces are  uniquely insightful, offering countless hugbox messages from fellow women to resist the waves of insecurity with the levies of mediocrity.

In fairness to orcs, the hazardous nature and limited food supply of Middle Earth makes attaining the seductive status of cellulite chieftain somewhat more difficult; modern women need only find a nice young beta with a diamond ring.

3. They are unproductive, parasitic consumers


The ravenous drive of orcs, coupled with their inability to create anything of worth, turns them into drooling organisms dependent on others for subsistence. Their condition forces them to raid the farmsteads of Rohan, loot and ruin the Kingdom of Moria, and even turn to eating fellow orcs to satisfy hunger.

After they are finished pillaging and burning the targets of their food chase, they leave nothing behind but charred buildings, torched farmland and layers of cobwebs. Nowhere in the Lord of the Rings mythos is there an example of an orc who tends to crops he planted, works as a merchant, or rules a kingdom of some great stature; the foremost examples of leaders are at the helms of marauding parties or broken strongholds which are actually dominated at the supreme level by non-orcs.


Here again modern women fall in line. Few can produce anything more than children with abject losers who they eventually divorce, and most women spend more time glued to their iPhone screen than raising their offspring. They consume immense amounts of food, money, and energy, while bringing little of worth to the table. It is rare to find one that is not dependent on Lunchables and frozen food to prevent their family’s starvation.

4. They use great numbers to compensate for weakness


No matter how savage they appear, or the great lengths to which they will go to brag about their own prowess in combat, orcs are fundamentally puny creatures that must rely on overwhelming force to defeat an enemy. In Shadow of Mordor they will bark orders to each other, urging fellow mudrats to surround the player character and hit him from every side, win with a cowardly blow to his flank. In the event of a strategic failure, the orc captains will run like spring chickens rather than risk being killed.

When it comes to modern women, the similar propensity for using greater numbers to shore up weak individual talent is stridently present. It is the reason why any major story involving a feminist heroine standing up against “rape culture” must always be trumpeted to the highest news outlets in the land before any manner of objective analysis can be performed to check for validity.

The Emma Sulkowicz and UVA rape claims illustrate this dynamic; because the evidence was so scant to prove a sexual assault happened, social media and national news had to be fed elaborate lies about a sinister conspiracy to suppress crimes against women.

5. They are the angels of betrayal


Within the first few hours of gameplay, Shadow of Mordor introduces Ratbag the Coward, a pathetic orc willing to sell his allegiance to the present garrison captain for a chance to rise in the ranks himself. Ratbag’s treachery pays off, landing him the coveted title at the expense of his fellow soldiers in the army of Sauron. The obsession with betrayal in orc culture is a constant theme of the game, with regular instances of ambushes, executions, and theft between the feuding orc leaders.

Modern women are no better. Notwithstanding the constant reinforcement of “strong” female images, support group culture, and the feminist legal system, the ladies of today have a horrible pattern of betraying men and each other for their own gain. Beyond the throbbing epidemic of slut rangers being inflicted on relationships in the current age, there is the somewhat more surprising issue of females knifing each other in the back with short notice.

It is impossible to hang around a group of women without getting a whiff of this sort of behavior. A sorority girl will embrace her friend and proclaim their sisterly love, only to badmouth the other when she walks away, or bang the boyfriend of “my soul sister.” The sad truth is that, like the orcs, they rationalize this behavior and refuse to see the contradictions of their own actions.

6. They descended from a greater race


According to Saruman the White, many orcs can trace their lineage back to the Eastern Elves, an elder race of creatures that has mostly vanished as a group from the face of Middle Earth. The elves, commonly viewed as more majestic and graceful than the race of men, were slowly corrupted until they became a representation of everything wrong with the rise of Sauron.  They went from being the utmost aspirations of society, far above the flawed humanity of men and the rowdy spirits of the dwarves, to playing a critical role in its destruction.


In the same way, the women of today come from a heritage of tremendous grandeur which they have managed to obliterate in only a few hundred years. There was once a time when women genuinely held the status of “the fairer sex,” and knights would literally pledge their lives to the service of a particular lady.

Dying to protect a woman’s honor was one of the paramount glories for a man, as it meant sacrificing everything to defend a gift from God. Motherhood was seen as the ultimate undertaking for women, as children were viewed to be the future of Christendom, a treasure not for losing.

Thanks to the rise of feminism and social degeneracy, all these womanly virtues have been replaced with a gender-neutral culture of slut worship, female masculinity, and the degradation of mothers in healthy families. Modern ladies are more likely to aspire to be a reality television star living in the estate of whoredom rather than a mother or devoted wife. Children are only valuable in their eyes if they fall into the stencil of single motherhood or are some obscure biracial mix that can satisfy the depraved fetishes of white liberal culture.


It might seem unfair to compare the eternally-labeled gentle sex to savage things that rise from the mud of a mystical world to wreak havoc on all, but the links between them are brazenly evident. Women have indeed fallen from the utmost vessels of good in human society to the purveyors of a fresh path, a violent slouching towards the pits of a new Gomorrah.

And the worst part is they will probably never realize it.

Read More: 5 Things That Have Ruined American Women

162 thoughts on “6 Ways Modern Women Are Just Like Orcs”

  1. Aristotle wrote:
    “Smaller body, brain less developed”
    “The female is, as it were, a mutilated male.”
    “The offspring produced by a female are sometimes female, sometimes male, because the female is as it were a deformed male.”
    “Woman is more compassionate than man, more tearful, but at the same time more jealous, more apt to scold, more shameless, more prone to despondency, more deceptive. The male is more courageous and ready to help.”
    “For females are weaker & colder in nature, and we must look upon the female character as being a sort of natural deficiency. Accordingly, while it is within the mother it develops slowly because of its coldness, but after birth it quickly arrives at maturity & old age on account of its weakness, for all inferior things come sooner to their perfection.”

    1. “The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important. It is by virtue of man’s reasoning powers that he does not live in the present only, like the brute, but observes and ponders over the past and future; and from this spring discretion, care, and that anxiety which we so frequently notice in people. The advantages, as well as the disadvantages, that this entails, make woman, in consequence of her weaker reasoning powers, less of a partaker in them. Moreover, she is intellectually short-sighted, for although her intuitive understanding quickly perceives what is near to her, on the other hand her circle of vision is limited and does not embrace anything that is remote; hence everything that is absent or past, or in the future, affects women in a less degree than men. This is why they have greater inclination for extravagance, which sometimes borders on madness. Women in their hearts think that men are intended to earn money so that they may spend it, if possible during their husband’s lifetime, but at any rate after his death.”
      – Arthur Schopenhauer in his essay “On Women” 1851.
      These men of old knew what was up. Not even the usual fem-trolls or their beta supplicants can argue with such sound and accurate reasoning.

  2. So much for my women are like balrogs article.
    But on the subject of orcs, where are all the female orcs in middle earth, are they all at home minding the kids? Female orc privilege while the male orcs get slaughtered?

    1. No no, you have it all wrong. The female orcs are forced to stay home all day taking care of the kids, missing out on their true potential, while the male orcs get to go on adventures all over the world. 🙂

      1. and apparently the real reason Bilbo’s sword glowed pale blue was orc sexism, not merely the orcs themselves. Elvish steel, the most politically correct metal in middle earth

    2. All of the orcs are female. You didn’t notice all of those piercings and weird hairstyles?

  3. And what’s next ? comparing women with which creature from which film?
    Please, that is geek’s bullshit, nothing to do with red pill.
    Seriously guys, How is this article usefull to us ?

    1. It’s pretty clear that you didn’t actually read the article if that’s what you came up with. Try a reread then demonstrate where he went wrong in a persuasive fashion should you still find the content objectionable. The Red pill accepts wise words regardless of their inspiration brother. If we condemn something based of face value only, then we are truly no better than the people we oppose.

      1. I know that the content of this article is true. Just quoting lotr and making theory with orc elf etc. Seems just a bit childish to me. Even with irony.
        Just dont wanna see another article like this with references to star wars or another geek stuff.

      1. Yes a bit. Living in a blue pill country has made me became too serious for talking about imaginary stuff like orcs.

    2. Haha that was exactly my initial thought. Even if it was meant to be tongue in cheek, who the hell compares anything to some gay creatures from fantasyland. It tells a lot about the authors. What’s next, The Shocking Parallels Between Feminism And The 3rd Klingon Revolution 2850 After Kirk?

    1. The women in this video are disgusting. I could hardly watch the one at 6:30 where the guy just stood there and let her endlessly slap him. At least the first bitch got a split lip. Notice how shocked she was when it happened?

      1. She really believed that he wouldn’t hit her back. I think the world be a better place if women would stop believing that they are immune from self-defense.

    2. God, what a disturbing video. Should those wickedness happen to me, without delay and hesitation I will unleash my conqueror’s auras upon those witches and ‘roar’ like a lion to put an end to those wickedness.

  4. Great / Hysterical article. As a fan of the Lord of the Rings novels (fuck the movies, yes visually stunning but another case of a classic masculine story being hijacked by feminist propaganda bullshit… Looking at you Arwen) this was a great read.
    Points 2 and 6 were the most thought engaging and important.
    In regards to point 2, it’s amazing how when I’m asked by female friends what I look for in a future wife/ gf, the first thing I mention is a healthy figure which she must maintain. The looks I get, you’d think I just told them I’m considering human sacrifice as a method to prolong my life. I mean is it really such an unrealistic request that my wife have a feminine figure that she maintains, especially when I exercise regularly and eat healthy myself.
    With point 6, I’m still dumbfounded how women don’t realize that in this mad quest for “gender equality”, that they have in fact De-Valued themselves in the eyes of men and not vice-versa. As you stated, during the dark ages of the evil patriarchy oppressing women, a virtuous women was something that a man valued over his own life, and would gladly throw it away in order to protect her.
    Now women with all their bravado and “sexual liberation” have become, as Roosh put it, nothing more than sexual commodities and semen depositories who aren’t even worth the Uber fare home after you’ve pumped and dumped them.

    1. “The looks I get, you’d think I just told them I’m considering human sacrifice as a method to prolong my life.”
      ditto. i’m married to a central american woman who gets that staying fit and sexy is crucial to maintaining a happy marriage. most american women i know interpret this as my oppressing her. nevermind that i stay fit and eat healthy too. it’s like the right to get fat after marriage is some kind of pillar of feminism or something.

      1. ” most american women i know interpret this as my oppressing her.”
        That small sentence points out everything wrong with new wave Feminism in the West. Feminist always claiming that women are competent enough to make their own choices yet here is your wife choosing to stay fit and sexy for you but clearly she’s to stupid to make that decision on her on so you are clearly oppressing her and making her do it.
        As we are constantly reminded, the one thing feminist hate more than patriarchy, cis gendered shitlords, and sexism…it’s being proven wrong (which happens a lot). Look at the horde of disgusting blobs that attacked Maria Kang who started the “What’s your excuse” campaign on Facebook showing American women that getting fat after a pregnancy was inexcusable and avoidable.
        Just disgusting women who instead of just putting in the work to change themselves, would rather try to change hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution regarding attraction and beauty. It would be funny if it wasn’t so infuriating since this is the mindset of most girls I have to deal with being a single man in America.

        1. agreed. maria kang is a great american.
          i’ve said this before, but i don’t get how society recognizes anorexia and bulimia as serious eating disorders (which they are) and yet walking around 30, 50, or even 100 pounds or more overweight is something we’re just supposed to accept and find attractive.

  5. marriage is for suckers. beta bux is real. and just in case it’s not, women will vote democrat for those extra safety net privileges other men are forced to pay for.

  6. American women are by far the worst in all these respects, in fact another way they’re like orcs is they’re greedy and ravenous especially in divorce, which they use as a cash-cow through alimony and child-support (which in practice is just an extra layer of alimony) to feed their insatiable and useless materialism. Combine this with all the parasitic stupidity of US family courts through the divorce lawyers, judges, the divorce courts themselves and state govs (all of which get a nice cut of the alimony and child-support pie to fund their own profligate failures), and you can see why marriage and having kids (even with a prenuptial agreement that’s easily tossed out) is too dangerous for American men to even consider anymore, within the USA at least. (Unfortunately these practices among American women and family courts have infected other Anglo countries like UK, Canada and Australia too, though not quite to the same level of extreme.)
    In fact this is one of the reasons why so many American guys are leaving America (esp. to non-Anglo countries less affected by the divorce-court parasitic idiocy)– divorce and things like the bankrupting medical bills and student tuition costs make the United States a dangerous place to make money and hold onto your gains, there are just too many places where even a smart guy with game who’s worked hard and saved money over many years, can lose everything esp. through divorce or an injury of infection requiring a hospital stay. It’s why financially and socially speaking, the best thing to do is to learn a language or two and leave America.
    I realize I’m beating this drum again but it’s worth repeating what I posted earlier especially on the divorce front and why this and the medical bills mess are such uniquely disastrous hazards in the USA:
    (1 The US is esp. dangerous for men in divorce because in America, uniquely, it’s a major profit center for the divorce lawyers, judges, divorce courts and state govs in general (again, they get a cut of the child support and alimony blood money). Also the US has almost the highest divorce rate in the world (more than half of the marriages), and prenups don’t work cuz a judge can arbitrarily throw them out. The Us is one of the few countries to still force alimony onto men, permanently (this is why Robin Williams committed suicide, more than $45 million in alimony), and the USA is the only country to routinely throw men in prison when they can’t pay the alimony if for ex. their business falters or lose a job or get sick. Unfortunately other Anglo countries like Canada, Britain and Australia have been imitating the US model so they have many of the same hideous US divorce habits, though not at that level of extreme.
    IOW DO NOT MARRY OR HAVE KIDS in the USA or another Anglo country (don’t cohabit either, the laws consider that “same as marriage”), you’re putting yourself on the line to lose basically everything., including your game, and become a debt slave. Instead, learn a language or two and emigrate to a non-Anglo country for good. Here the cool thing is that almost any other country will work for this since other countries know divorce is stupid, discourage it, prevent anyone from profiting from it, mediate and have waiting periods and joint custody for it, no alimony, no community property, you get to keep what you’ve earned, far lower rates of divorce. So whatever you’ve worked so hard to earn, invest or build a business, you keep even if you do get married and divorced, and you hold onto your game. As expected this is the case in the Mediterranean and Lat-Am countries like France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. But it’s also true of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Asian countries like Korea or Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Japan, even Nordics like Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Even though the Scandinavians are all about equality and egalitarianism, it has a very different meaning from the US where these words are used with the context of having a chip on someone’s shoulder– in Scandinavia, this means that in practice that women don’t get breaks after divorce and have to provide for themselves without alimony, so a guy keeps what he’s earned and maintains his savings.
    (2 As far as the health care– again this is another area the USA is totally sick and crazy out of it’s mind, another way the banksters, lawyers, insurance companies and other parasite profiteers have made a profit center out of something nobody should be profiting from. It’s another reason to move out of America as soon as you can, especially if you’ve worked hard and earned money. One case of appendicitis or pneumonia in the US, a car accident where some drunk fool hits you, getting injured while skateboarding or playing sports– and you’ll lose everything in the USA, and I mean everything, due to medical bills. This has happened to more than a few cool cats I’ve known, I’m talking guys with game and the ladies, worked hard, making good money, saved up and lost everything from medical bills. One guy was making six figures and starting a business, hot girlfriends and one-night stands in succession. Then some jackass side-swiped his bike, he got charged a crazy amount in medical bills– the guy lost everything, no more game for him, impossible to recoup the costs either. Another guy making bank, messed up his knee playing basketball– medical bills in the USA ruined him.
    In other countries throughout the world, when you need medical care, nobody goes bankrupt or even gets hit with a large bill. This is a key reason to emigrate, no matter how much money you make in the USA, you’re constantly at risk of losing everything due to health care and these dumb, ripoff medical bills (as well as divorce) which can hit you anytime. And let me make it clear, in places like France, Germany, Scandinavia, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador (South America in general), or Korea, Taiwan, China, Japan, Vietnam in Asia– TAXES ARE NOT HIGHER THERE than in the US. That’s a myth. When you add up all the layerings of taxes we pay in the US (like property, payroll, business, state and local which are a lot higher in the US), they’re the same or even worse in the US. It’s just that in America, all those taxes go to bankers’ bonuses and political corruption, while in other countries, their lower taxes go to making sure their people have health care. (And also free college like in Germany or France, which along with the hotter women is another reason to go abroad rather than getting student loans like in the US.) A lot of American cats with game get confused and duped into railing against “socialism” but if socialism is guided carefully and done right– like making sure the population of a country doesn’t go bankrupt from medical bills or divorce– it can actually help you earn and keep your money and have more game. The problem is, the system in the US is socialist but only for the banksters, politicians, crony capitalists and other jerks ripping off the system, and they get filthy rich by ripping you off and pushing you into debt in particular.
    So again, look abroad, preferably to a non-Anglo country for the reasons I was talking about in detail above. German’s a great language to learn all over the place these days, it’s the strongest economy in the world and a global model for manufacturing and real jobs, though French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, even something like Dutch or Korean– they’ll take you places too. Don’t stay in the USA or another Anglo country though, that’s the surest way to lose your game not to mention lose your hard-earned money.

    1. As seen here in Europe, the limit where women are still passable and
      where they are mostly fucked up us about 30 y/o: the younger ones are
      mostly hardened skanks useless for much more than pump & dump, the older ones are hitting the wall or are beyond.
      As for your observations re divorce: laws here (you mention Germany, I live in Austria which is very similar) are also very feminist in that you stand to lose great part of your income to alimony (1/3 or whatever it takes to keep her accustomed living standard up to the expropriation limit which leaves you about 1200 EUR monthly) unless she shacks up with somebody else (+ child care), children are given to the mother by default or to a court-appointed “family” where trifles such as pederasty and homosexuality are of no concern to the court. The only thing which we don’t have yet is debtors prison but I trust the EU will ram that down our throats soon enough. You also have the problem that being divorced makes it very difficult to find employment because most companies are small here and will want to avoid the legal hassles involved in garnishing your salary – if they fuck up it could cost them beyond their ability to recover.
      Regarding Germany as the strongest economy in the world, dont count on that: it was so until about 15 years ago. Now the biggest immigrant group we (and Switzerland) have are Germans because of the difficulty of finding a passable job even for professionals. That is so thanks to the leftist regime (which we also have) which is very conscious of the fact that everything that has been built here is somehow unfair to shitworld countries who haven’t built pretty much anything so they are deemed to have the right to unload their unproductive classes on us. On top of that, the regime has decided that we must share what we have built with “poor” countries such as Greece, Spain, Italy, countries which have gone bankrupt in part due to their own irresponsibility and in part due to the EU and the EURO.
      I may suggest that, as hard as it may come across, it would be better to work on rolling back the leftist regimes which plague us all rather than to run away even if this may seem the sensible choice for individual men.

      1. Maybe the system of jailing men for not paying alimony does exist in Germany and Austria. Here in the Netherlands, it exists under a legal term that could be described as ‘hostage-taking’.
        Essentially, it’s a special part of civil law that allows the government to take you into custody or restrict your freedom of movement otherwise if it is believed that you can pay a debt but refuse to.

        1. Americans think Europe is great and vice versa. It’s not. Western-Europe has the same indoctrinating culture as the US. Turn on the tv here and you still see Dr.Phil, Oprah and Friends reruns. You think a modern sitcom like TbbT doesn’t convey an image of how modern man should be treated like idiots? Think again. Women are a bit different here, the laws as well. But in general, you really don’t want to get married to a North European woman. You don’t. Having sex with them is great, but that’s all they’re good for.
          Btw. “We” as a Europeans also get fatter. And since women are more susceptible to weight gain with a bad diet because of their female hormones the amount of sea cows is rising. Fat asses, cottage cheese thighs. Yuk. So much for looks.

        2. Had lunch once with a group of people, one of them a very fat woman. I thought she’d realise that her way of life was unhealthy. Then she started throwing donuts down her throat. Never seen anything like that before.
          Of course, she’s a ‘body positive feminist’. Well, she’d have to be that delusional to find anything positive about her body.

    2. As much as it pains me to admit this, there is obviously an advantage to NOT being successful (financially speaking). The wife is better off staying, because a divorce would gain her nothing…

      1. If you bought a house together, pay your mortgage fees, you most certainly have equity. You must be a total loser to not have any money, liquid or otherwise.

        1. Go judge yourself, you dimwitted fuck! Callin’ complete strangers “loser”. Who the fuck do you think you are? Somebody special? Yeah, special, alright. Special Ed. I was implying someone of the “upper-crust” variety? You know, rich bastards with 5 homes and dozen yachts, that sort of thing. I’m not a brokedick, you arrogant SOB!.

    3. I want to point out a few things about our healthcare system: the abuse of the market, fraud,waste (medicaremedicaid), regulatory capture, crony capitalism, K street whores, and systemic concentration of powermonopolies ( see regulatory capture; Obamacare is 13 feet high paper to paper) has or will collapse this current system. Nobody would be hurt financially if insurance as it stands if your monthly bill was as much as your Geico auto insurance bill. Prosecute CEO’s and companies who violate the Sherman-Antitrust act.
      “Oklahoma City has become a medical tourist destination, according to an industry expert, leading the charge for a different method of healthcare delivery, specifically one that embraces the principles and fundamentals of the free market.
      Dr. Keith Smith is a local physician who believes in a free market healthcare system. He is a strong advocate for transparent pricing.
      “Oklahoma City has become a major medical tourist destination because of entrepreneurial physicians committed to quality and value,” said Dr. Smith. “People have been flying in all over the country and outside to get their care in Oklahoma.”
      Morally it boils down to 2 opposing views : You believe the time and skill it takes to become an M.D (years of education) and the value of exchanging the knowledge and capability of producing said value should be non-voluntary and enforced by gun; or the currency of exchange (which is your time) and value of goods and services should be voluntary. Are you the property of the state?

    4. Marriage: Yeah, it’s “Buyer Beware.” I’ve met so many guys, myself included, that when the divorce happens you’re blindsided by the behavior of the wife. Men normally can’t believe the way they act and try to get rational behavior, but lawyers only fuel the insanity of the wife. It’s like Hitler’s Blitzkreig to throw the enemy into confusion before the kill. Also consider that once the rings on her finger she becomes a different person to the one you proposed to. Which is why so many divorces happen in the first place.
      And I worked in Domestic Violence and Divorce Courts during college. The judges just want to clear their slates, law makers just want to keep their heads down, so the man is just screwed to get the whole mess out of the way. They know how women act, and that lawyers are going to burn the house down as long as there’s money to be made. The cops just hope people don’t kill each other. And it’s all understood that it’s the wife who manipulates the man into violent actions. (No excuse to hit a women, yeah. But they do all they can to manipulate your emotions into it so they can gain a legal advantage.)
      Marriage and divorce are programmed into women at birth. And it’s the ultimate pussy-pass, they know it, and act like ravenous animals. You DON’T know the person you’re marrying, and they actually don’t care if they have an idea about you either. It’s all pre-set in their minds. Just get it done and use shit-tests and the legal/social system to control you once everything’s in motion.

      1. You hit the nail on the head. I was in that situation years ago. I only planned on being married once in my life of course, so I spent a good chunk of $$$ on a ring. I wanted the ring to be special because it was a once in a lifetime ordeal. As soon as the ring went on the finger, her attitude changed. It’s because the ring (if you spend a lot of $ on it) becomes collateral. She used it as collateral. She knew that if I broke off the relationship, that whether I kept the ring or she kept it, regardless, I was still out $$$$$$. So there was $$$ on the table to be thrown away if the relationship went bad.
        The person I married ended up becoming an emotionally abusive and financially abusive individual. If we had an argument or she disagreed with something, she left our home and went to say with her mother to “figure things out”. It got to the point where if I disagreed with anything she wanted to do (such as spending $$ on another vacation), then she called a therapist and scheduled an appointment.
        The person I met and the person I married were two completely different females. In the marriage, she constantly displayed her disrespect for me and I was not the ‘man of the household’. I was just a guy that lived there to pay the bills that was emotionally abused as well. Finally I had enough. The next argument we had, she threatened to “go stay at her moms” again. I had enough, and said, “go ahead, and don’t come back either”. That’s exactly what happened. Those are years of my life I’ll never get back and I totally regret ever having met that stupid bitch. There are some days where I actually believe that satan somehow arranged for me to meet her. I’m a pretty decent guy with values, so I imagine satan probably hates me.

        1. The moment that ring goes on her finger its a write-off. My ex kept it (we didn’t get married) and still asked me for money. I told her we can sell the ring and get our money back but she wanted me to let her keep the ring and give her her money back (for the wedding).
          Don’t feel bad. Satan hates everyone.

        2. “I had enough, and said, “go ahead, and don’t come back either”.”
          my mom, while she never went to stay with her mother(though to be fair her mothers house is a wreck, and ironically my dad paid for her land she lived on…. parents are born in the 40s…so I think being a bit old fashioned helped….they had more of a stick it out mentality)….Mom for some number of years kept going on and on and on about how nobody appreciates her and threatened to leave at least 1000 times……..and even was constantly talking to my one sister about in what one might call the “complain about our husbands” hang out sessions…..finally one day my old man had enough.
          He yelled in one of his famous STFU Im the boss shouts that strikes fear into your heart “YOU’RE ALWAYS THREATENING TO LEAVE….SO JUST LEAVE…THERE’S THE DOOR.”
          Besides stunning the whole room….Mom’s face looked like she’d seen a ghost.
          and that was the last I heard her ever say that….though funny enough she will still tell me all about how my sister and her husband have had fights.

        3. Sorry that happened, buddy. But it’s like there’s an actual, physical, playbook with boxes that get checked off. Almost every man you talk to has had the same exact encounter. At this point, I don’t see sleeping around while you’re married as infidelity. The woman you proposed to isn’t the one you end up marrying. I actually thought of trying to get my marriage anulled because the Catholic Church has a thing about marrying under false pretenses. You fall in love with a person, and then find out it’s all a show just to get you trapped.
          There were so many opportunities I had to bone good looking girls who were interested in me because they saw the ring on my finger. I had this idea of being a strong, good man and true to the vows I took. But Jesus, my wife made home-life a living hell. It wasn’t until at the very end when the divorce papers were signed and I realized I’d lost 12 years of money and property, and my life, that I realized I’d been taken like a mark. Shit, I and my business partners made serious money. I was already semi-retired at 46. Then I ended up living in a freinds spare room. The court gave me what I brought into the marriage: A used car and 4 grand in savings. All the money I made while she sat at home or played tennis she got. She even got my share of our company. I was broke and didn’t have an employer on my resume for 7 years.
          Sorry for the ranting. But man, it’s been 8 years now, and I still get crazy about. I’m rebuilding my life, but it’s taking forever having had to start over at my age and from scratch.
          Best wishes to you my man. Keep the faith. God gives us each day to start something new and learn.

        4. In many cultures all the jewelry given to the woman is hers to keep whether the man dies or the marriage is broken. Since a ring is only a sign of the bond, why spend much money on it? A simple silver ring doesn’t cost much. Men shoot themselves in the foot with all the expensive gold ones with diamonds.

      2. A man’s biological goal is to have sex with as many women as he can, as often as he can. The hotter the women, the higher the pleasure. Simple.
        “Marriage and divorce are programmed into women at birth.”
        Yes indeed. A women wants attention, children and security (in a physical and financial sense), and therefore she needs a man figure. Because most women can’t fulfill their dreams on their own. What that man should look like and act like depends of her wants and current stage in life. It has nothing to do with love, just with what a woman can get from a man.
        There is no monogamy with women, it’s serial monogamy at best. Once their children are big enough/leave the house the man becomes disposable. He is not really needed anymore. So marrying is the stupidest thing you can do as a man. Having children as well I would say. But that’s more a personal choice. You save $250.000 if you don’t have a child. That’s a large part of your mortgage and pension. I rather get a vasectomy that costs me $350 once.

        1. The Facists used “image and entrapment” to get what they wanted. They’d throw out “Justice and Patriotism.” Who can argue with that! Women use “Love and Relationship.” Everyone wants that. But women aren’t capable of either when they keep putting on a fake front to get your approval and trap you in a marriage. They’re operating on a base level of security-seeking, like you said. And then a big part of their personal fulfillment and perceived value is to fuck as many guys as they can. The average American woman operates at the level of a 4 year old.
          It takes large doses of the Red Pill for men to see what’s really going on when they behave the way they do and say what they do. The hard part of seeing reality is that there’s the constant appeal to the man’s emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. But you ain’t gonna find it.

        2. Surely a lot of women take a ride on the cockcarrousel. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t going to dupe a man into servitude once she wants to excrete a whimper at 28-35. She is going to need his resources, and once the kid is old enough she’ll leave him (still getting child support) Thanks but no thanks.

        3. Another big lie by the female camp. They’re not about loving children at all. The kids always become a bargaining tool. In most cases where the man gets custody (and they’re few) the women take off and never see the kids. Our ancestors had it right: Children were taken into the “male fold” at an early age and raised by the men, mostly. There were tight strictures on the mother’s involvement. And in many cases that included the daughters too.
          What really boggles me is childbirth. Women will get pregnant to catch a guy, even using some other guys sperm and say it’s his. They’ll go through the whole miserable crazy pregnancy and childbirth, and they don’t give a shit about the kids or what they’ve gone through, just to trap a guy into marriage.
          When you consider this strange alien behavior, it makes sense that the feminists and SJW’s fight so hard against us. It’s not like you or I, who’d be inclined to put a stamp on an envelope to protest something. Women will literally go out for blood to protect their way of life.

    5. Attitude by The Misfits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET_eZP8qQSQ
      Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
      I can’t believe what you said to me
      You got some attitude
      Inside your feeble brain
      There’s probably a whore
      If you don’t shut your mouth
      You’re gonna feel the floor
      Attitude, the one you got, oh baby
      Attitude, the one you got, oh baby
      Attitude, attitude
      Inside your feeble brain
      There’s probably a whore
      If you don’t shut your mouth
      You’re gonna feel the floor
      Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
      I can’t believe what you said to me
      You got some attitude
      Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
      I can’t believe what you said to me
      You got some attitude

  7. “And now my son on females
    a trifling sport I know,
    Should she be a mother
    or should she learn to ho?
    For many moons she’s apt to bleed
    but fairly never dies,
    So go around the back way
    when she’s reddened twixt the thighs.
    She’ll try to search your feelings
    She’ll argue, titter, and whine,
    She’ll say you’re into other men
    Yet pray you take her from behind.
    But son beware a comely lass
    for truth I give thee now,
    Youth may gift her a perfect ass
    Age will make her a cow.”
    -Me, circa five minutes ago.

      1. “Oh father I am sorry!
        I didn’t heed thy words!
        I married to a radiant creature
        Now I’m shackled by her curse!
        At first she was so gentle
        like a newborn lamb,
        Our love was all too simple
        But it was in truth a sham.
        She always is complaining
        Our cupboards are laid bare,
        No longer do I kiss her skin
        Without my tasting hair.
        Oh father, father, save me!
        Tell me what to do?”
        “Alas my son, there is no cure
        for what is ailing you:
        Her friends, they will all fault you
        They’ll swear you were too cruel,
        They’ll take you to the judges
        Alas, my boy, you’re through.
        She’ll take your home and money
        She’ll take your happ’ness too,
        She’ll leave you broke and bleeding
        You’ll pray she just kill you.
        But there’ll be no mercy
        No quick trip to thy grave,
        Mayhap you’ll serve as warning
        For others on how not to behave.”
        (Wise Father to the audience):
        “Oh, young man heed the warnings
        of those who’ve gone before!
        It isn’t that we’re prescient, nay,
        we also bandied with the Whore:
        Now we are survivors
        of all too similar times
        We may not save thy naivete
        But may yet save thy minds!”

        1. No longer do I kiss her skin
          Without my tasting hair.

          I almost threw up in my mouth when I read that. The imagery is, well…………….

    1. And then, my son, shall ye be sorry,
      as that cow grows long in tooth,
      no longer will it be a love story,
      because then you’ll find the awful truth,
      She’ll take you down the garden path,
      though you thought yourself her ever-loving dear,
      you’re about to feel a judge’s wrath,
      and take it deep in your sky-facing rear,
      Her aim is to take your gold
      and she’ll spin a woeful song of lies,
      such an opera will unfold,
      of microagressions and evil, raping eyes,
      A good character to yourself you’ll ascribe,
      to your innocence you will protest,
      finding that your ethics and family court don’t jibe,
      will leave you broken and depressed,
      So if you find yourself in that way,
      you’ll wish you’d have hearkened to what I say,
      while I am not suggesting, my boy, to be gay,
      don’t get yourself in feminist pussy’s sway.
      -me 5 more minutes ago, if I may be so bold as to add to your great work.

    2. “… punk writers should use no obscenities or pornications of any kind,
      because that was the easiest way to be different from other writers,
      and besides, they’d never learn any new words if they could use obscenities whenever they wanted to.”
      Rules 11:2-4

    3. Pretty good, but ruined by the last couplet because it scans badly.

  8. Ha! After all my comments on Sweden being equivalent to Mordor, I’m glad this article is written. I’ll remember this piece for a long time.
    May the white city of Minas Tirith stand forever…

  9. This article had me laughing out loud but it does have a lot of good points too. The worst part is the women no longer taking care of themselves yet expecting men to fawn all over them and accept their body size.

    1. I think it is a human virtue to take care of your body without obsessing about it: male or female. But then again “virtue” is just another patriarchal construct, eh?

  10. There was once a time when women genuinely held the status of “the fairer sex,” and knights would literally pledge their lives to the service of a particular lady.

    courtly love is most likely fiction and never happened in real life. and if it did, there is a high probability that it was non-sexual.

    1. One of my recent women I figured I’d try the more traditional route.., probably the first time in a few years I even bothered this approach. I did some courting, probably too much in today’s day and age. And guess what? Sure I fucked her for a few months, and despite the pleasantries occurring seemingly from both sides, in the end, she was just a slutty whore and I dumped her yesterday for it.

    2. In the days of old, marriages were arranged by families and people married around age 12. They also died younger.
      There was little love involved. Why do you think harlots were so popular?

        1. At least they have their strenght in the brotherhood and won’t back down from a fight.
          As for me, I’m with the dwarves, ye ken.

  11. “Children are only valuable in their eyes if they fall into the stencil of single motherhood or are some obscure biracial mix that can satisfy the depraved fetishes of white liberal culture.” Brilliant line! One of the most eloquent and powerfully delivered lines from ROK. Yes, western women have become pretty much undesirable in the long run. I know this might run a little off topic but I recently had an epiphany in the last couple days. Latelly Ive seen more muslim women in my daily travels. Ive seen news stories of normal women converting and even going as far as joining with jihad forces only to come wimpering back realising putting their freedom of choice and general spoiled bratiness on the backburner for a holy war was more than they could handle. Then I started putting it together. We also have a growing legion of green haired obese ugly self rightous S.J.W’s and misguided militant 3rd wave feminists willing to rally against any and all forms of so called white male patriarchy. Chances are these girls are obese, tatoo’d and pierced also. Basically mutilating their bodies to be some kind of statement martyr. I believe these SOME girls/women/trolls in these fazes to be in a way a metamorphosis stage of extremism and eventually militant extremists not far from what jihadists are.
    Lets face it, the root of all these women and their gripe, at the end of the day is ultimately about daddy issues in one way or another. Show me a goth /suicide girl/ S.J.W/ militant feminists and I’ll show you a shitty, innattentive or absent father.
    This is just my theory but I think due to the self defeating, toxic, degenerate,morally bankrupt predatory society we’ve created here in America, its only natural some of these misguided girls are going to find some sense of structure and purpose by joining bat shit crazy militant jihadists for a sense of purpose in life. What more could an unnatractive, obese, spiritually devoid, clueless angry girl want more than to be embraced by men that wouldnt think twice about fucking them and wear clothing that hides their obesity? Girls and women will do anything for approval and acceptance. Even joining an insane psychopathic religion with fundamentalist jihadists. Mark my words, I think we’ll be seeing more female outcasts/ S.J.W’s of western society taking their misguided anger on themselves and projecting their self hatred in the form of converting to islam. Moral of the story.. Men, dont be shitty fathers. Do what you gotta do to be a positive masculine leader in their lives.Maybe we wouldnt have the problems we do now facing this country if we did have strong fathers present in their kids lives.

    1. Yeah sure. Blame it on men and not on the whores divorcing them for money. Great thinking.

      1. If a man truly has his shit together and game, its he who chooses his mate not the other way around.

        1. You truly believe that… I guess you and your fucking game are better than the State and the feminist courts. Get the fuck outta here.

        2. You don’t understand the first thing about what’s going on. Your game means nothing. Get that through your head. Yeah, you’ll get laid and all. But that’s not the end game. The end game is you being a slave to the State and to the Feminine (in whichever form might suit you: single, married, divorced, castrated). Simple as that. The entire legal system is designed for that single purpose.
          In the process you’ll get some crumbs just to keep you going and think you’ve got it all figured out.
          You will see it more clearly once you get through the meat grinder. Question is, whatcha gonna do when that happens? There is no escaping from it.
          As for me, I am twice better off financially and otherwise than before. Literally twice. However, not all people have the capacity to go from negative back to the top. Anyway… Go through shit and then we’ll talk. Been there, done that. How about you? They can throw it back at me a thousand times. I know nothing can make me bust the dust.. And yes, there is a secret: Patience, hardest thing to master.
          It’s not the fear driven game/be on your toes/wrap your junk up, etc., but the lack of if that will set you free. However that can never be achieved before you taste your own blood in your mouth. Lack of fear is the only thing that works. Anything less is nothing but weak contingencies and parroting for books to sell.

    2. The western women joining Islam is something I find interesting, it’s usually white hating leftist women that do it. They’ve been so brainwashed that white Western men are the most evil people on earth and repress them that they will join a religion the actually does oppress them and does all the things that feminism complains about.

  12. I laughed pretty hard at this, especially the part about women backstabbing each other. When I was in high school there were a few times when another girl made it clear that she didn’t like me so I would think to myself, “Well, I’ll just talk with her and figure out why she is upset and then everything will be fine. Might even end up being friends.” Eventually I realized how stupid that plan was.
    But I would also say that most women are more easily offended than me so if guys want to get Western women back on track, using Orc comparisons won’t work because most women will just shut down the moment they hear “Orc” (because Orcs are ugly, etc.).
    I still think this was a funny article and can be very good for motivating men to wake up, and I know this site is aimed at men, but there still has to be a better strategy for waking up women to this problem. I’ve tried talking to other women about these issues but most have zero interest and don’t like to be lectured by another woman. Guys have a lot more sway with women than you realize. We just need to figure out how you can use that to help end this Cultural Marxist / Leftist degradation of Western women.

  13. Shadow of Mordor is an awesome game. Although I identify as an Orc, I do have some Ent and Hobbit tendencies.

  14. 7: They’re subservient to an evil, bearded pimp who wields a fancy cane.

    1. That guy is so proud of his 2 minute liquify photoshop thingy that he proudly posted his name and email address with it. What a dork. Her hands and face are still fat. What’s the point of making fat women slim with photoshop? Who are you fooling as a man? He probably gave the pic to her so she could use it on a datingprofile. For that he should (muslim name) be prosecuted by Sharia law. Probably a stoning will do as a punishment. Fat = fat, slim = slim.

      1. this is from a facebook page called logo design contest. mostly indian guys in there. total white knights.
        girl posted “how do i make an awesome logo?”. 10 guys pmed her and lots of others gave tips. that was not enough, so she created a new post “oMg hElP meE, i cAn nOt doO iT”, creating a proper outcry among those pussy slaves. you know the drill: “oh. what happened to you girl? i am here to talk if you need me.”
        called her out on her bullshit and told her to fuck off with her attention whoring and to show some respect with at least some kind of consistent capitalization. got immediately attacked, but i kept on going and eventually, she apologized and either she or someone else deleted the post.
        it is interesting how easily you can – sometimes – get respect if you simply demand it.

  15. This site is becoming the male equivalent of Jezebel. What ever happened to the self improvement articles? Not saying there isn’t a place for the above article, but men would be better off learning self-improvement rather than reading this derived stuff everyday.

    1. It’s imperative to know the monster well. Never lose sight of that. No amount of self-improvement will prepare, or shelter someone from the chain-weighted advantage they have, backed by every law in the book, over men. Kiss your self-improvement goodbye, and flush it down the drain if you tangle with just ONE women exhibiting the characteristics mentioned in this article in the wrong situation. This site will always be far above the scribblings of Jezebel, because it’s based in morality and societal correction, even if just one man at a time, rather than the cowardly conjuring of non-virtued masses Jezebel lures.

    2. Only two articles per day now. There are 24 hrs in the day. This kratom stuff may be slowing the clock.

    3. We could try for a thousand years and never rival the sheer pedestrian twatage of jezebel.
      Their most sophisticated article is probably “how to douche in 60 seconds or less without anyone noticing”

    4. All the self improvement articles in the world wouldn’t compare to articles on the modern womens behaviour, regardless if its a humour based comparison story like this one or a real world article about some poor bloke going through female created crap.

    5. Wise words, finally.
      That is the point i made in my comment.
      Talking about elf orcs and all that stuff wont make us better.

    6. I gotta agree with you. We’re are in essence nothing more than bitter men, much like jezebels bitter women. I think we would do much better setting real world examples, and positivity rather than bitch online

  16. Gather round me my good ROK lads
    and i’ll tell ye a tale about an especially fat ass
    ‘Tis a tale of gluttony from the 9th circle of hell
    Even ol’ Cap’n Ahab would have ran from this blubbery landwhale
    There once was a fat woman walking on the ground
    everywhere she walked she caused tremors all around
    She never saw a meal that she ever turned away
    everywhere she went she caused famines everyday
    White castle surrendered and burger king gave up the throne
    she picked KFC clean and ate their chickens to the bone
    Her favorites word was “more” and she said it all the time
    she once ate a bull mastiff with some chianti and some wine
    The chinese spread myths of her devouring whole buffets
    how when she finished eating it looked like Ethiopia in may
    She ate more than most on earth and even Atlas would have said
    “Forget the earth! i say right now from the top of my head
    if i had to lift that fat ass up id have been better off dead!!”
    So now me lads remember well the words i chose to say
    never let your woman make excuse to let the baby fat stay
    or its a landwhale ye shall crush every time ye go to lay!

  17. All you need is one pic to illustrate just how blue-pill the Air Force is. And nothing says, “I’ve failed at life” better than a fat wife.

  18. Point 7: They have no trace of intellectual acumen.
    Especially in ROTK when they were trying to smash down the Gate of Minas Tirith, just look at how many of their bodies fell and they were climbing up on top of each other: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXVwr7WBk4A
    and later when the Morgul orcs were killing each other over the mithril shirt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJIr_EL_4m8
    Analogously, our ‘fairer sex’ today can be seen in an almost trance-like state when surrounded by shiny shit, “hands off! that shiny shit!” as the brutish Orc says so perfectly, and if you’ve ever seen two women fight at a bar over jewelry or men, you’d know what I’m talking about.

  19. What’s so ironic about the Western world, is that they promote this radical feminist agenda relentlessly, yet then complain about morality. If I’m not mistaken, 75% of Americans report that morality is on the decline; one of the main reasons stated is LACK OF FAMILY…
    Really America? You are fanatical about feminism… Yet then complain about the family unit’s destruction? They are oblivious to this…
    You’d think they would put 2&2 together and see feminism for what it is.
    The most destructive social movement in the history of Western civilization.

    1. Eventually you have to admit that the social experiment of giving women sexual freedom has turned into a social trainwreck. When our allegedly ignorant, superstitious and unenlightened ancestors shamed sluts, shunned bastard kids and made their daughters marry as virgins, it turns out that they knew their business after all.

  20. OT: Can you recommend some science fiction novels which portray women in a Red Pillish way? Without any of this “strong woman” nonsense?

  21. Less intelligent. As everyone knows, Larry Summers got into hot water with the left in 2005 for stating what everyone otherwise suspected to be true but were too afraid to say: women tend to lag at math and science due to cognitive differences at the ‘high end’, meaning that while man and women both have a mean IQ of 100, women have a smaller variance of IQ scores, resulting in fewer genius scores necessary to succeed at STEM.

    1. HAHAHHAAHH I’m at home nursing a strained TVA, and scrolling through the comments I saw this. I’m in pain laughing at this!

  22. OT….but men like to know about how to make money, right?
    Lovetraction pulled in more than 100K on day 1 of the launch.
    Please put this link in front of women….they are buying this like hot cakes.
    The marriage strike is biting guys.
    If you are a dude and you are NOT selling love traction this weekend?
    Why the F not?
    In my humble opinion…every ROKer should be selling courses like this to women.
    Because the women will just take the money off some simp to buy it…you, as an ROKer would be making money from desperate women and their simp beta orbiters…..and THAT would be the sweetest money of all, right?
    Do do the right thing by a brother who has been in the trenches fighting for your rights for years….put that link in front of as many women as you know and let those women get money out of beta simp orbiters…
    Or hell..open up a click bank account and sell it yourself!!!
    This this is ON FREAKING FIRE and if you do not get your cut of money from women desperate to get her simp house trained more fool you!!!
    Gotta love the ingenuity of men in selling shit like this to women to take their money off them….The guy who wrote the course made USD50,000 today…..just let that sink in for a bit, eh?
    Why didn’t you or I make that USD50K for creating a course aimed a women?

  23. Jeez I miss the days of McQueen, Lawdogger and Billy Chubbs. What is this?

    1. This site has jumped the shark. Now it’s nothing but articles about religion and this kind of crap

  24. Personally, I rather look at an orc than the real-life ham blobs that exist today.

    1. eowyn is just a regular old human. very beautiful though, i agree. i preferred tolkien’s version, where she goes into battle fearless, intending to die because aragorn rejected her. the take on her in the movies wasn’t too annoying unless you watch the extended versions with eomer lecturing her on how war isn’t for women and girl-power-feminist eowyn overcoming her fear and going to battle to prove him wrong.
      fun fact: speaking of elvish women, there was a word in old english that was used to describe an especially beautiful woman, an anglo-saxon 10, if you will: ælfscyne. it doesn’t translate well into modern english but ælf is “elf” and scyne is “beautiful,” similar to the modern german “schöne” and pronounced much like it. so, something like “beautiful as an elvish woman.”

        1. Do you like 19 years old boys??? lolzlololzlolozlzolzozlzolllzolzzoozllzol
          Wat kinda pedophile r u? A cougar who crashed on the wall?? Lolz

        2. I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man (boy) with no sense of humour. Tragic.

    2. In remote areas. Perhaps there’s a small society that still preserving and holding on to natural cultures and values.

    1. Don’t fool yourself. A plethora of guys are lined up to go out and bang these chicks.Of course these breeders aren’t intelligent enough to use birth control and the retard betas won’t wear a condom. The cycle continues.

      1. Oh, I know. I’ve long maintained that almost any girl can be a cum dumpster. You could find a 350 pound land whale with scars, tats and an eye patch and there’ll be some loser (hopefully with severe alcohol impairment as an excuse) willing to shove his dick in it. That’s hardly a ringing endorsement for either party.

  25. Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
    Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
    Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
    One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
    One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them,
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie

    Was Tolkien talking about marriage here?
    Were the Dwarf Lords and Mortal Men other guys telling him he should get married?
    Was Gollum his inner self telling him to dump her against the will of society?
    Was Sauron society’s shaming?
    Why did the ring make him invisible and see the truth?
    Why was the whole novel about dumping a ring anyway?
    Why didn’t Gandalf mind his own fucking business?

    1. Tolkien had a massive case of oneitis for his wife. Fortunately for him, he didn’t get burned by it.

  26. I understand these days that any website has to churn out new content or readership will stop literally within 1-2 days, but come on. This article is ridiculous. Churning out old game advice or just the general hating on feminist memes would have more merit then an article comparing modern women to fictitious orcs.

  27. It might seem unfair to compare the eternally-labeled gentle sex to savage things that rise from the mud of a mystical world to wreak havoc on all…

    Seem unfair? To whom, exactly?

  28. This:

    There was once a time when women genuinely held the status of “the fairer sex,” and knights would literally pledge their lives to the service of a particular lady. Dying to protect a woman’s honor was one of the paramount glories for a man, as it meant sacrificing everything to defend a gift from God. Motherhood was seen as the ultimate undertaking for women, as children were viewed to be the future of Christendom, a treasure not for losing.

    …sums up the whole issue. I thank God each and every day for the woman I was lucky enough to be blessed with.

  29. Yup went to meet a women for a date I am glad she did not like me she reminded me
    of my bitch of a ex and looked like a orc.
    I should of trusted my gut instinct and not met her. Oh well I stayed a little bit and
    smoked my cigarette and drink my Mt Dew well listing in on her conversation what
    a ho. “free country”.

  30. The only chick whose bad looks I can forgive is the fictional “Jack” from Mass Effect 2.

  31. If mordern women are orcs, then who are the elves? I have a thing for beautiful women with pointy ears, that don’t age.

  32. other than #6 i agree. but pledging my life to defend some pussy is the most simp thing a man can do. im not about to draw a weapon or put up fists just for some box. fuck outta here with that shit

  33. Wow. And it makes sense. You can say men are a lot of things, or about the different personality types of men. But women DO have the same behaviors across the board. Their personalities will differ to a degree, but the social/economic behavior is consistent.
    You hear in high schools of boys who act like the “so, so” type. Or dress and act like certain celebrities. Just like the girls do. The difference is that boys outgrow it and become independent persons. The women don’t.

  34. BBC Radio 4 – The Misogyny Book Club
    ‘Jo Fidgen and a selection of readers take a fresh look at some of our
    most read books to discover how writers have distilled and influenced
    the hatred of women over centuries.’
    The Price of an Apple
    The Misogyny Book Club Episode 1 of 5
    Why was it Eve who was first tempted by the forbidden fruit –
    often characterised as an apple? And why is the maggot of misogyny
    still eating away at the core of society?
    In this series, Jo Fidgen and a selection of readers take a fresh look at some of our most read books to discover how writers have distilled and influenced the hatred of
    women over centuries.
    From the Bible to Fifty Shades of Grey, via Hamlet, Sons and Lovers, and
    fairytales, each episode takes as its starting point a text which has
    informed our culture, and contains misogynistic sentiments. Writers and
    other people with a personal connection to the texts discuss how these
    ideas have developed, and speak openly about how their own lives have
    been affected.
    In the first episode, Jo and company read Genesis and consider Eve’s role in the Fall of Man.
    Why did the Early Fathers of the church put all the blame on her? And can a
    line be traced from their depiction of Eve all the way to modern-day
    attitudes to women? They consider the philosophical tradition of linking
    men with the mind and women with the body; how we condemn women for
    dressing seductively; and the resistance to women holding positions of
    Looks like its book burning time – again.

  35. Dying to protect a woman’s honor was one of the paramount glories for a man

    No it wasn’t. Only a fool would die to protect some bitch’s “honor”.

    1. to be fair, back then women were kept on leashes so she was rarely a bitch….and if she was? like any dog that you own, you beat her ass to keep her in line….sure the dog hated it, but ultimately both you and the dog were happier for it.
      so it was with women then.
      and I’ll be honest….the last two dogs I had….sure they got their ass beat now and then(what dog doesnt?)….but I’d kill any mother fucker that tried to do them harm.
      not sure it’d be my highest honor….but i dont think it makes me a fool

      1. I nearly had to beat a dog’s ass for attacking my cat. Then a dog tried to attack me and my cat came out to beat the dogs ass. We got each others back like that.

        1. its true, and great fun + your pet isnt going to bitch at you random reasons when you get home. great to see a guaranteed friendly face when you get home.

  36. I know it’s totally missing the point, but I thought this game looked pretty sweet so I went out and picked it up after reading the article a few days ago, its fucking awesome! A little repetitive yes, but so much fun! Highly recommended.

  37. Dude! Fuckin great.
    As close as I’ve been to sharing an RoK article on fb. My usual fear of being chauvanistic to the unfairer sex seems less audacious than outright belittling over, what would be, over half my reading audience.
    Very funny! !

  38. I always wonder, if modern western (culture) women are not women and modern western men are not men anymore, what are they? Good points. Thanks.

  39. Could it be that women became orqs because that is what men secretely love? Seems at any rate more likely than all you being jerks because women like it.

  40. Being a Indigenous European I can see that replacing “women” with “non-european” immigrants could work just as well for this article. Here in the Netherlands we’ve got a million Muslims and immigrants from Surinam and other exotic hotspots that receive benefits from cradle to grave. 90% of them cost the state more than they ever will contribute. And they commit a lot of fraud and crime as well.

  41. I want to know what has jaded you on the subject. A couple of things I agree with, but you take the ideology too far and make yourself sound like a closeted gay man with a subconscious hate for women because they have an easier time getting men. That or you’re one of the people that take Christianity too far. I agree with the Feminazi point, but otherwise it’s a bit overstretched.

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