Are Toronto Mayor John Tory And Councilman Norm Kelly Promoting The Violation Of Canadian Law?

By now, most of you are aware of the events that took place in Montreal over the weekend. If not, take a quick look here and here.  As Roosh moves on to Toronto this coming weekend, members of the governing body of Toronto have already taken to social media outlets—specifically Twitter—to voice not only their opinions on Roosh and his upcoming lecture but also encourage that certain actions take place impeding the lecture.

Specifically, Mayor John Tory and City Councilman Norm Kelly have disseminated tweets in furtherance of the above. Being the lawyer that I am, the aspect involving free speech and civil rights intrigued me. Do the tweets describe below violate the laws of the very city, province, and country these public officials represent?

What about Canada’s own constitution? I thought there was no better way to end my hiatus here at Return of Kings than to take a quick look and see what I could formulate as a response to my own curiosity.**

Toronto Civil Servicemen

Mayor John Tory


On August 10th, Toronto Mayor John Tory blasted a series of tweets calling for any venue willing to host Roosh to cancel their offers, stating that Roosh is not welcome in Toronto and without explanation deeming Roosh’s lecture a “hate speech” and claiming that Roosh promotes violence against women.

City Councilman Norm Kelly


Also on August 10th, Toronto Councilman Norm Kelly tweeted that Roosh and his views are not welcome in Toronto, and also urged all venues in Toronto to deny Roosh the opportunity to use their space.

Hate Speech?

Before we go into my commentary on why I think Tory and Kelly, as public officials, are violating various human rights codes in effect in Canada, I want to quickly touch upon the idea that Roosh will be giving, or ever has given, any derivative of what Tory so callously deems “hate speech” or violence against women.

Initially, how do Tory and Kelly know that the contents of Roosh’s lecture fall within the purview of “hate speech?” Have they attended a previous lecture? Do they have a transcript of one? Of course not. Yet they are quick to deem it hate speech without a scintilla of evidence substantiating their claim.

In fact, if you look at the lecture’s website there is no indication of anything remotely resembling hatred. Rather:

“The State Of Man” is a 40-minute speech that carefully examines the existence of modern man. It deconstructs the problems men face today while giving practical solutions for helping them improve their intimate relationships with women and increase their overall enjoyment with life.

The speech is intended for men who are concerned with the decline of modern culture and are at the same time eager to work at improving their lives. It will give men actionable steps for becoming a better man and gaining the benefits in life that they desire.

Perhaps however, Tory and Kelly are referring to past incidences that may somehow qualify Roosh as one who has previously engaged in hate speech. Putting aside the legality of preventing someone from speaking in the future based on a past occurrence, again where can anyone point to such content existing?

People are quick to call Roosh a rapist. I challenge generally any reader of this article and specifically Mayor Tory and Councilman Kelly to provide one instance of a mere allegation of rape against Roosh, much less a charge or conviction. None exist. Statistically speaking, given Roosh has slept with his share of women in his lifetime you would assume as a “rapist” one such allegation would arise. Yet, nothing.

Then there is this blog post on rape which is every self-proclaimed social justice warrior’s piece of undeniable evidence that Roosh promotes violence, vis a vis rape, against women.

Yet even a cursory reading of the actual post itself, an act which sadly has become a rare commodity in our ADD ridden, clickbait world today, shows no such intent is meant in this thought exercise and satirical post (for example, just read the third paragraph). Not to mention Roosh himself has explained the post hardly promotes violence against women several times himself, most recently with Gavin McInnes.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom

At the outset of the Constitution we have the above-titled section regarding rights and freedoms. Several sections of this part seem relevant to the events surrounding Roosh’s lecture. Under “Fundamental Freedoms” the Constitution states that “everyone” has the following freedoms:

  • “of thought, belief, opinion and expression” (Part I, Paragraph 2, subsection (b))
  • “of peaceful assembly” (Part I, Paragraph 2, subsection (c))
  • “of association” (Part I, Paragraph 2, subsection (d))

While I am not a Canadian attorney nor do I claim to have any experience interpreting the Constitution of our apparently thin-skinned neighbor to the north, I do know how to read a statute. First, I’m pretty sure Roosh falls under the protected group here labeled “everyone.” So the fact that he is not a citizen of Canada has no bearing.

Ontario Human Rights Code And Toronto Policy

Aside from the Constitution, Ontario has its own Human Rights Code.  In Part I, it states that

Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability.

Creed can be defined as an “idea or set of beliefs that guides the actions of a person or group.” An easy argument can be made that neo-masculinity and whatever other ideas are discussed in Roosh’s lecture classify as a creed, and therefore, entitled to equal rights.

On a city level, Toronto has a Human Rights and Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policy. In its Policy Statement, Paragraph 1.0, we find that:

The City condemns harassment, denigration, discriminatory actions and the promotion of hatred. The City of Toronto will not tolerate, ignore, or condone discrimination or harassment and is committed to promoting respectful conduct, tolerance and diversity at all times.

Discrimination is defined in Paragraph 4.3:

Discrimination is any practice or behaviour, whether intentional or not, which has a negative impact on an individual or group because of membership in a group protected in the Ontario Human Rights Code…

As we see above, “creed” is protected under the Human Rights Code and thus, any behavior having a negative impact on one’s creed is prohibited.

Tweets vs. Law

So now we turn to the tweets themselves and how they fit into the above-cited laws. Roosh is entitled to freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression. To me, this means whatever his views may be, he is entitled to have them per the Constitution.

Moreover, creed is protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Accordingly, I fail to see how Councilman Kelly can specifically state that “his views are not welcome in Toronto.”

Mayor John Tory also arguably promotes the violation of this subsection by tweeting that Roosh’s views towards women are contradictory with those of Toronto and thus unacceptable. Whatever these views may be, which Tory does not specify, per this subsection of the Constitution Roosh is still entitled to these thoughts. Solely because Mr. Tory does not agree with them does not make them illegal.

I have a lot of issues with Tory and Kelly, as public figures, calling for action to deny Roosh the ability to host his lecture. While I understand the protections come in when state actors are involved, here the intertangling of public officials complicates things.

Per the Constitution, Roosh is entitled to the freedoms of peaceful assembly and of association. In the most basic terms, he has a guaranteed right to peacefully assemble and associate with whomever he wants, however he wants. Again we have to ask whether the above tweets fly against such a Constitutionally prescribed freedom.

Mayor John Tory “calls” for the venues potentially hosting Roosh’s lecture to cancel on him. He further states that Roosh has no platform for delivering his speech in Toronto. To me, this sounds like a government actor interfering with Roosh’s right to assemble or associate with whomever he wants.

Moreover, this will likely (if not already) have a negative impact on Roosh’s ability to carry out his lecture, and if we include his ideology as creed which is a protected group, then we have violations of both the Ontario Human Rights Code, as well as an act constituting discrimination under Toronto Policy.

Councilman Norm Kelly “urges” all venues to “deny” Roosh the opportunity to use their space. Again, a government actor interfering with Roosh’s fundamental freedom allotted to him by Canada’s own constitution.

Kelly’s language bothers me a bit more than Tory’s, as well given he is expressly stating that one who has different views should be denied an equal opportunity, in this case the use of a venue. This follows the same analysis above with respect to the Ontario Code and Toronto Policy.


Something seems off about public officials calling for action leading to censorship of a harmless speech. I am not a lawyer in Canada. Nor do I hold myself out as an expert in international free speech. But I do know how to interpret a law or two, and in my modest opinion Canada’s laws do not support Mayor John Tory or Councilman Norm Kelly’s tweets this week.

**Please note this is only my interpretation of the law and not meant to be legal advice of any kind whatsoever.

Read More: How The Toronto Media Is Enabling Lies Aimed At Roosh’s World Tour

116 thoughts on “Are Toronto Mayor John Tory And Councilman Norm Kelly Promoting The Violation Of Canadian Law?”

    1. I’d say this drunk was DTF. She’s acting bitchy and wearing red that evening and wasn’t getting any hits. Who’s gonna take one for the team?

    2. It saddens me how in this day of camera phones everywhere and modern western feminist law, I would be afraid of doing anything to this woman. But kudos to the guys who finally booted her, after putting up with being hit and spat upon. How would the Mideast react to a woman doing this on a train? haha.
      **EDIT.. actually I think if I was spat on I would have decked her… Law and pussy pass be damned.

    1. Boy, its a good thing we live in ancient history… oh wait, it’s 2015. Guess we need to stone people for wearing cotton/ poly blend clothing….
      On second thought… lets not.

      1. You mean ancient history when men and women were seeking sexual gratification through any means available, including livestock and partners of any age, familial tie, or gender? Are we not?

        1. It is somewhat analogous to a false rape claim. No crime has been committed but she still wants you to go to jail because she’s mad at you. The punishment she seeks to eke out on you is in no way proportionate to your offense but she doesn’t care, she just wants to “get you”.

  1. The totalitarian co-ordinated behavior of Toronto politicians and the media, especially the CBC is truly contemptible.
    They have attempted to censor people, control thought and debate and lie about the issues to promote an agenda and point of view. Unashamedly. They have allowed the side they support to speak and ignored everything else.
    Its a violation of every right to free speech, freedom of association and freedom of movement. But to hell with freedom if the SJW’s don;t like something.

    1. When you live under a government you only have the rights that they give you. While they may make laws stating that you have certain rights, these are actually privileges which will be taken away the moment that you step outside the party line. Naturally, yes of course you have these rights. Government only wants you to exercise these rights to the extent that it favours them.

      1. When you live under a government you only have the rights that they give you.

        When you live under a government you only have the rights that you are willing to fight for.

        1. This is why the right to bear arms is so paramount. Life for humans has, is and always will be dictated by force of arms. Anyone who believes those in power will continue to allow the public true freedom, without the threat of force hanging over their head, should try reading a history book.

    2. Settled law doesn’t matter to political correctness fanatics like John Tory and Norm Kelly. Violating Roosh’s free speech rights is completely justified in their minds because his beliefs go against their own politically correct beliefs.
      In the middle ages it used to be the case that if you spoke out against the Church you were “persona non grata” and the politicians who supported the Church did whatever they could to stop you.
      It’s the same thing today except instead of the Church it’s the Church of Political Correctness which is the power you are not allowed to speak out against.

        1. Thanks. I was not aware of this. What a disgrace. I find Coulter intellectually dishonest, but her provocativeness has value and spurs discussion. Censoring her is ludicrous.

        2. Coulter was invited by a conservative students group at the University of Ottawa (which, after this incident, was known as “U of Zero” instead of U of O in conservative circles). A university functionary sent her an open letter warning her not to violate the hate speech provisions before she even arrived.
          When it came time for the event a bunch of leftist students showed up to protest, block the entrance, pretend to want to hear the speech and flooded the venue, and eventually pulled the fire alarm. Campus security did nothing. If I recall the organizers were advised to find a larger venue. The kicker was when the cops said they could not guarantee her safety.
          Where it gets murky is that it was Coulter’s people who had to cancel, probably due to insurance and liability issues after the cops washed their hands of keeping the peace. So the SJWs claimed it as a victory because her speech did not go ahead but they claim it wasn’t censorship because it was Coulter’s people who chose to cancel it.
          This is shades of what happened in Montreal where the cops phone up the venue and say that there may be trouble, but since the police were refusing to do anything about it then it was on the venue itself to provide extra security to ensure the safety of Roosh. us. and all the other patrons. The venue then pulled the plug either due to liability issues, potential negative publicity or backlash, or the sheer PITA factor and cost of going ahead.

        3. I’m Canadian, and I believe the female equivalent of Roosh would have next to no trouble from Toronto; same goes for a liberal version of Anne Coulter.
          My country is very progressive, sometimes to our detriment, I might add.

        4. She would be celebrated as a brave hero. Wait until Ghomeshi’s libellers go public with the star and the CBC. Watch for it.

    3. “Who were these men from ivory towers
      Did bid them build their pyres?
      Who held the court without the law
      And called to the fires grow higher?
      They were the cloistered and the pale
      Would-be puppet-masters
      Caught in false tales they spake in flames
      And in following came disaster
      Who now is there to bring them out
      To answer for their lies?
      Who stands with virtue, proud and true
      Come one, come all, and rise
      Now is the time to claim thy fate
      To wholly shatter chains
      Virtuous hearts claim the day
      Or live ‘til death in shame
      Who is a man if not conduit of truth
      And to that great calling beholden
      Who are these men that they should escape
      Or is it now silence is golden?
      Seek them in the dark and shadow
      Where cowardly hearts do gather
      In the light let them explain
      Breeding hate instead of valor
      Who were these men, if men they be
      Think hard and thou shall know
      Who else but the pony and the dog
      Come ridden to the show.”
      – The Accountability of the Toronto Politique.

    4. Free speech was always a bullshit concept anyway.
      Libertarians pleading for freedom for decades and ignored but the media will signal boost every last little piece of leftoid bullshit like it was gospel.
      And the media uses “free speech” as its shield to do so.

      1. “Leftoid bullshit”?
        The left wing media was all too happy to peddle the Bush administration’s rightoid bullshit in the run up to the Iraq war. The media will signal boost anything that pays the bills.
        Free speech is a great concept, brother. You have to fight like hell for it, though.

        1. That’s pretty much my point. There is no “free” speech. There’s only bought and paid for speech, only convenient speech.
          Real speech is never free. We need to drop this stupid concept of “free speech”.

    5. This has gone too far! The other day I say a literal Nazi flag outside of The CBC offices and I’ve heard that the CEO’s have access to secret paranormal Nazi artifacts that could very well re-animate Hitler’s head and cause a new world order at the CBC. More like Nazi Broadcasting Company, amirite?

    6. In addition, Roosh is harmless. He’s not a race supremacist, he doesn’t advocate violence, he’s not a fundamentalist of any stripe. It’s his sheer banality that makes this attempt at censorship by government officials so worth fighting–if they can suppress and shut up speech this ordinary, few are safe.

      1. It doesn’t matter; my country is very progressive. I honestly believe the female equivalent of Roosh would have next to no trouble in Toronto. :/

  2. To my knowledge, Roosh has never harmed anyone. The SJWs have actually harmed him. Yet he is the one in the dock.

    Disturbing the peace? I got thrown out of a window! What’s the fuckin’ charge for getting pushed out of a moving car, huh? Jaywalking?

    – Axel Foley

  3. The vitriol and hatred from feminists is far more qualified to be labelled “hate speech” than anything Roosh has written.

        1. Thing is the media will still frame them as fighting the good fight even if that happens.

        2. It seems unmanly not to fight back, but if you want to win the media war, people rarely side with the people attacking.

      1. And yet they don’t know him at all. This mayor and other ‘leaders’ remind me of the crowd at the Dr Oz taping-at the instruction of Dr Oz they would either applaud and cheer, or yell and demean. They had no individual opinion. These ‘leaders’ are simply taking marching orders from others. How emasculating.

        1. Welcome to human nature 101 buddy. Orwell nailed it with his “two minutes of hate” scene.

        2. they would either applaud and cheer, or yell and demean. They had no individual opinion.

          To be adored or hated by a mob is to be drenched in their pointless and ignorant emotions. A brave man is someone who stands up to a mob, not someone who joins one.

    1. It does seem very strange. The thing you must understand is that “hate speech” when used by politically correct people doesn’t mean speech that is hateful. You are allowed by political correctness to be as hateful as you want towards non-believers.
      In PC doctrine “hate speech” simply means speech which is not politically correct. It’s an exact equivalent to the word “heresy” in Christianity

      1. The first thing that you need an “identifiable group”. In this case they try to say that women as a whole are being subjected to hate. On the other hand, they can be as hateful to Roosh personally as an individual and that does not count. There are completely misandrous feminists but they are fairly rare as most will exempt white knights and pussy whipped betas and omegas.
        Of course, as I have pointed out elsewhere, Roosh and the rest of us don’t hate women, in fact we think they are rather nifty. What we hate are the behaviours and attitudes of some (ie far too many) women, especially in the Anglosphere and Western Europe.
        Then feminists create this false equivalence between feminism and all women. They stick to their guns pathologically to the extent that they consider anti-feminist women the same way neo-Nazi skinheads look at “race traitors” and such. They even pull out intellectual bullshit like “false consciousness” regarding any woman that doesn’t drink the feminist koolaid.

        1. On the other hand, they can be as hateful to Roosh personally as an individual and that does not count.

          This is why patriarchy theory is so handy. It sells the idea that women were historically dominated and oppressed by men, therefore any retaliation or behavior today is acceptable.
          It’s simply one more manifestation of what I call Reparations Feminism. The belief that men owe women an endless debt allows women to claim any advantage and any privilege. It “justifies” any behavior no matter how grotesque or self-indulgent. And when women achieve obvious, dramatic advantages such as wrt college admissions, this is considered merely a very, very partial repayment for the oppression women are alleged to have suffered. The death of over 100 million men in defensive wars is irrelevant, as is men’s shorter lifespan, the harder work they do, and the fact that the average man, historically, has been an illiterate manual laborer who was typically devoted to his wife and children.
          It further allows Roosh (whose views are extremely centrist and are neotraditional rather than neomasculine) to be designated a proponent of “hate speech” (as though he was a Grand Wizard of the KKK or a violent, religious fundamentalist instead of a PUA with merchandise to sell). Reparations Feminism allows the true believer to designate enemies at will and through the usual tactics of defamation attempt to deprive them of platforms for speech.

      2. Right. ‘Hate speech’ translates directly from Orwellian ‘wrong think’ or ‘wrong speech’. Politically incorrect speech is spiritual man transcending the lesser ‘political animal’ man.

    2. VERY true. I’m Canadian, and I truly believe that the female equivalent of Roosh would have next to no problems in my country, and if anyone criticized her like Roosh was, the criticizers would be called ‘haters’.

      1. The hate that feminists have towards men is a charade they play for attention and to toe the party line of their fellow feminists. In public, either virtual or real, if there’s a chance that someone may be watching they’ll play their little “girl power” fantasy game.
        But in reality, simple biology rules the day. They pine for a masculine man and cream themselves at the sight of one just as much as the feminine women do. Its woman’s petty jealousy and insatiable desire to have what another woman has that keeps most hardline feminists going. Your average feminist will see a feminine, sexy woman who landed herself a masculine man and screech that much louder because she can never have what her more attractive, feminine counterpart has. The “If I can’t have him, no one can” mentality is what motivates feminists. Not equality or social justice.
        But you are right about one thing. Feminists do harbor a hatred for a specific type of man. They hate the beta chumps who eagerly do their bidding the most. The hipster, neckbearded foot soldiers who will cheerfully sell out if not outright attack their own brothers if it means a chance at boning their feminist overlords. Those are the “men” feminists truly hate. Because there isn’t anything quite as pathetic as the feminist male. He is the equivalent of a dog that rolls over on his back and pisses all over himself at the sight of his master. Those are the “men” that these fat, blue haird psychopaths are stuck with. And that makes them even more angry.

    1. The idea you’ll get here of becoming a better man is to express more feelings and make women as comfortable as possible.

      1. God forbid if a woman makes a man as comfortable as possible. They’ll consider that slavery.

      2. Expressing your feelings to a woman is one of the most self destructive things you can do. They cannot empathize and will ALWAYS use it against you.

        1. Youre right.
          I went from the man to a zero after doing this- what can I say? Losing 2 grandparents in the span of a month can do that to a young man.
          i wish my father gave me some guidance, but he was part of that 60s group who did not go to college, thus insulating him from the changes in the male/female dynamic

        2. The only exception is anger after they shit tested to that point. They innately want you to treat them badly. Weird.

        3. Right..women say they want you to “express yourself” or “be vulnerable” but they really don’t . It was on CH(chateau heartiste) that linked to some studies that women don’t like expressive or overly emotive men. Women always will like the stoic “still-waters-run-deep” type . Women are inscrutable, unknowable and crazy anyways…

        4. I’m fine with hearing a woman ramble on about her feelings because I have the medicine she needs right inside my pants. It’s when she starts going on about her plans and bungled logic when I know to avoid her for the safety of all. MEN ARE THE RULERS AND PLANNERS. Women can follow a man with a grand plan though (da man with the plan). A little rough sex and her slate is clean and she forgets about her silly plans.

  4. Toronto is efficient, Toronto is clean, Toronto works well…..because everyone follows the rules, and they follow and follow and follow well. Toronto, like a Chinese manufacturing plant (not dissing this strategy), will function and profit, without a need to “lead” nor “invent” industrially nor culturally. Current popular politicians, like journalist, do not lead, they follow the mainstream stats, and that is again where Toronto has copied well. Just try to have an indepth conversation about “anything” with someone from there (yes, stereotyping but true, of course there are still unique individuals there but those types will agree with you), and you will understand. Without hardship, there’s no need to work, no need to think. The human character is defined by sufferance. Toronto is the epitome of non-existence. Economic socialism and cultural socialism will ensure it stays that way for awhile coming.

    1. “We’ve taken care of everything
      The words you read, the songs you sing
      The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes.
      It’s one for all and all for one
      We work together, common sons
      Never need to wonder how or why.
      We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx.
      Our great computers fill the hallowed halls.
      We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx.
      All the gifts of life are held within our walls.
      Look around at this world we’ve made
      Equality our stock in trade
      Come and join the Brotherhood of Man.
      Oh, what a nice, contented world
      Let the banners be unfurled
      Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand.
      We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx.
      Our great computers fill the hallowed halls.
      We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx.
      All the gifts of life are held within our walls.
      This is the lyrics for the Rush song “2112”. Doesn’t this sound like your post? Rush is from Canada.

      1. When was this written?
        I could never get past the lead singer’s horrendous voice, maybe I should just read the lyrics to their songs

        1. This was the title track to the album “2112” released in 1976. The song is 20 minutes long and is about the year 2112 where man fought wars against each other until society collapsed. The remaining survivors formed an “utopian” society where the priests controlled everything for the common good of the people. A kid discovers an ancient relic, a guitar, and played it. He wanted to present this wonderful discovery to the priests, but was denounced saying it’s a useless toy. What the priests fear is that it allows creativity and free thinking and disrupts the narrative they’ve established. It’s almost like the original Planet of the Apes theme.
          It’s an interesting lyric/song.

        2. Interesting? Thats amazing. Can anyone cite a song as deep as this written in the past 15-20 years?

        3. Glad you find it interesting. Other songs by Rush that goes that deep are “A Farewell to Kings” and “Trees”.
          I interpret A Farewell to Kings as the infestation of the feminism narrative and an end to patriarchy. Hence the name of this website Return of Kings.
          Trees as I interpret it is about the rise of the suffragettes and the equal rights using trees in a forest as a metaphor.
          Read the lyrics and you’ll be amazed. Putting these into music is a true work of art. IMHO.

        4. “I interpret A Farewell to Kings as the infestation of the feminism
          narrative and an end to patriarchy. Hence the name of this website
          Return of Kings”
          So Roosh should change his name to Rush?

      2. Right on. They grew up in the 50s/60s,,,where corps carbon copied everything like they do now to sell to the sheep at greater margins. It eventually broke down, as it is currently doing so now. These are the lyrics from “Subdivisions”
        Growing up it all seems so one-sided
        Opinions all provided
        The future pre-decided
        Detached and subdivided
        In the mass production zone
        Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone

    2. We’re not the only ones. I’ve seen the same sort of thing in city’s like Copenhagen.

    3. Toronto isn’t clean or efficient, da fuq? Our transit system is the most embarrassing of any major metropolis in the first world.

    4. Economic socialism…

      Fecking hell. Will I EVER come across a post in the manosphere indicating even a rudimentary understanding of socialism?
      In fact, men typically thrive when there’s a surplus. Most of the great works of art and science result from riches and patronage. In the case of science, without your “socialism” (better described as communal effort) we wouldn’t have reached the moon, established the internet, pooled our resources to get within a few decades of creating strong artificial intelligence, and so on.

  5. I would like to once again, as a Canadian, express my utmost support for Roosh and all he is doing.
    Because I live in Japan, I won’t be able to attend the lectures, but I was glad to hear that the Montreal event happened as planned.
    I look forward to hearing about the Toronto event. Opposition seems fierce, but I have no doubt that free speech will prevail again.
    Good luck!

    1. I’m a Canadian ex-pat living in China, but I happen to be on vacation in Toronto for August this year. I will be attending the event tomorrow both as a show up support for Roosh and his endeavor but also to have the opportunity to put a face to the various screen names that I have been staring at on ROK for the last several months.

      1. Lucky that you had a vacation at just the right time! I’ll definitely attend at some point in the future as well.

  6. I was thinking that it was more like tortious interference with economic relations. I’m a former lawyer but I am not in a position to give actual legal advice, but if I recall it is a civil wrong to get in between two parties who have struck a bargain, and try to get them to break their contract.

  7. These talking heads are politicians. Like menstruating school yard bitches and headless chickens, they have no control other than running around reacting and not thinking.

    1. It wouldn’t have mattered with or without as one of the socialists in City Hall would have start some sort of campaign to attempt to silence Roosh V

  8. Where I live the mayor of the city is a fat drunkard who is followed by insistent rumors of child buggery and oodles of improprieties. Yet that Tory mangina really got me puking.
    After those tendentious tweets about Roosh (PBUH) and his openly proclaimed ignorance of the facts (what more clear proof of tendentiousness, i.e. abusing his position to further his favored ideologies and people?) while following the script of that irresponsible Toulson sow, my only remaining doubt about him is whether he spits or swallows.

  9. Toronto Mayor John Tory blasted a series of tweets…and claiming that Roosh promotes violence against women.

    Since public advocacy of a felony is itself a felony, that would be considered legally actionable slander in the U.S.

  10. You know I fuckin hate Rob Ford and would never vote him or his brother into anything…but I bet the guy wouldn’t have given a damn about Roosh.

  11. The right thing to do would be to hire a lawyer. I am sure that many people who support freedom in Canada will support the economical expenses

    1. Ya, I’m sure he’s lawyered up pretty good anyways. I mean the author of this article is a laywer.

  12. at least the Blue Jays are good this year. Fuck, could probably rent out a corporate box at the game and give the lecture there.

  13. looking at norm kelly makes me think the health care system in canada must be better than I’ve heard, how did they reanimate a corpse?

  14. As a Canadian I can say freedom of speech has been dead and buried for a long time here now. Also shows how spineless most of our politicians are in that they don’t want to have Roosh V give speech because it doesn’t fit their PC worldview or offend some feminazi.

  15. It’s not even the feminazis that I find the creepiest, it’s the social justice warriors that sit in sites all day festering up ways to try and get somebody on things that have no grounding in facts. I think we all know Roosh is no saint, but come on, in his books he talks about making sure he asks the girl for consent to have sex every single time before they do it. That’s why in all his trangressions, no female has ever come forward for rape or ever will. What more do people want?

    1. You never know. Once he gets more popular and wins that big settlement from that bitch that spilled the beer on him, the past notches could come out of the woodwork and put that false accusations on him to get their 15 minutes of fame like Cosby’s notches.

      1. Ya, that’s true. But it would have to be before the 5 years statute of limitations is up in most countries or else they’d need DNA evidence. Hell, you pretty much need multiple women to come forward or DNA evidence anyways to get a rape conviction, even if it happened just a month ago. And then you have the problem of him not even being a citizen in all these countries. They’d literally have to extradite him from some country he’s currently in (which would cost millions) to the other country. It’s simply never going to happen period. It’s a waste of breath even discussing it. The only way he ever gets a rape charge is if one of these feminists let’s him take her home, captures it on video and then makes a false rape accusation on him. Now I actually could see that happening.

        1. I doubt he’s doing anything sexual in THAT country! If he is then he really is an idiot. lol I think he just wants to get out of there in one piece. There’s also word he hasn’t been to a bar in half a year, so maybe he has a gf?

        2. Ya, but Assange really IS creepy. He has female, male and even child sexual assault accusations against him (though some just went off the books). And some were made immediately after they happened. I mean his problems are deserved as he’s a freak. Roosh’s hate from the feminazis and SJW’s is all made up out of thin air off satirical articles and books, that most certainly have a fictional side to them.

  16. I’m also Canadian and the SJW’s are very weird here. They are hell bent on entrapping just about any hetero single male. It’s very odd living here in comparison to other places I’ve lived. If I had to gauge how much more power women have over men in Canada, I’d put it at 60% to 40%, which makes guys cower in fear and many just say screw it and became SJW’s because they are already married, gay, or know they aren’t gonna get any anyways, so why risk it. And that being a lacky for feminists they might somehow get them a girl….which never works as we all know.

  17. ” I’m pretty sure Roosh falls under the protected group here labeled “everyone.” ”
    Nice, and excellent article. But who can actually hold these white knights to account? They know full well that their violation of their country’s own principles is risk free

  18. I just hope everybody with a backbone is slamming John Tory and Norm Kelly on twitter for this.

    1. Wouldn’t the Canadian Powers that be have to provide security for Roosh out of the taxpayers pocket? They would more than likely come up with some dictat that states white, black, whatever, heterosexual males have to stay inside after 10 pm…..

      1. Then Roosh can say he is a lesbian transgender male trapped in a man’s body or some shit like that. Use the enemy’s terminology against them!

  19. People are trying to postulate if he committed rape in his books. First off, in almost every story in his books, he says that he asked the girl ‘Would you like to have sex with me?’ and got consent first. Secondly, how do we know anything he writes is even true?

  20. John Tory is the kind of politician like jeb bush, he couldn’t get elected for years because he would literally say anything he thought the voters wanted to hear so no one trusted him. He was viewed as a step up from a crack smoker that is it.
    John Tory encourages Uber to brake the law, it is entirely illegally here in Toronto, it literally violates 1000 laws every day and about 1000 city by-laws that taxis are forced to comply with. If the average joe schmo tried to pick up people in their car and charge them for it in 2008 before Uber came to Toronto, they would be charged with about 100 crimes including illegal operation of a gypsy cab and driving a cab without a license, operating an unregistered commericial vehicle and operating a comercial vehicle without insurance and about 500 other violations like that. Because Tory was bribed by Uber, he turned a blind eye and endorsed it. He doesn’t uphold the law, he is a sellout of the lowest kind.

  21. Neither the mayor nor the councilman even know Roosh. They’ll never know him. They’re politicians and they only respond to pressure from their constituents, in this case the large block of non cis gender sex mutants which populate the city along with the feminists. These politicians have their heads so far up each other’s asses they couldn’t stand for truth or justice, or even recognize or identify it if it bit them. They only respond to pressures from the constituents and lobbies below them and pressures from the financiers and powers above them. They’re not leaders, only tools with their heads obscured by each other’s rectal neckties and ass cheek fedoras (search engine can’t find pic unfortunately). Politicians and nothing more.

  22. These SJW’s literally think almost anything is rape. I’m reading one of these blogs and they seriously think not switching sexual positions after a girl requests it is rape. Or even if you ask the girl for sex and she says yes, if she has been drinking, it’s still rape. They are all crazed loonies. The only scenario they think is not rape is if the girl is completely sober, and you ask them a consent question ‘Would you like to have sex with me?’ and then get a ‘Yes’. And if that’s the case, then 90% of heterosexual men in 1st world countries are rapists.

    1. Anything is rape unless it happens to a man. The new “yes means yes” standard of consent is a practically impossible to comply with – literally. In practice you can’t get affirmative and ongoing consent at various intervals and for every single act of intimacy that you engage in or attempt. People simply don’t behave like that and it is a total buzzkill if you force yourself to do so.

      1. They also think if a girl said no at first or even no multiple times, yet you kept making out and still persisting and she finally says yes, that is also rape. Which is basically how every single sexual encounter happens at first. I mean EVERYTHING IS FUCKING RAPE on these SJW blogs! They basically truly believe every single sexual encounter Roosh has had is rape because alcohol is involved. That means that every bar hookup in all the world is rape now in their eyes.

  23. Any country of large landmass that tries to emulate the US’s “cosmopolitan model” of society yet thinks itself superior to the US (Canada, Australia) is probably governed and overrun with progressives.

  24. I would not get all worked up over this. The US, Canada, Australia, Western Europe are due for a huge correction. Strong independent women as they are called will be gang raped daily by the teeming masses of third world animals flooding the West. There is no such thing as a “strong independent woman”. I’ll stand by with my M4 and let the feminists and strong independent women prove their strength. I’ll laugh at their pleas for help. I won’t waste a single round to help them. I don’t want to continue the patriarchal and male privileged system that has held them down. Let the gangs of Somali, Pakis, ghetto dwellers and Mestizos hold them down 40 or 50 times a day. Speeches, lawsuits, whatever, will not fix this mess. It is doomed. Let it and the monster of the modern woman and feminism die with it.

  25. Does not surprise me, Toronto is falling apart. Used to be a cool city in the 90s but now it’s just a practice ground for your game so you can leave and meet real women in other countries.

  26. Roosh, if you haven’t already begun doing the following then I highly suggest it – document the consent of every chick you bang through written consent or audio/video consent. It may be better to tape the whole thing so the the lady trying to set you up can’t claim, “well I was ok with having sex with him but then he started forcefully fucking my face and I almost died!”

  27. I’m Canadian, more specifically in the province of Ontario and only 2 hours from Toronto, and I saw no problem with Roosh coming to Canada.
    I don’t think he’s hateful, and even if you want to debate that, something tells me the female equivalent of him would have no trouble getting in. Of course, I can’t prove that, so you may not want to quote me on it.

  28. Short answer? Yes, they are. Our politicians routinely do the same thing. In a perfect world there would be accountability for such actions.

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