A librarian at the University of Tennessee made headlines this week when she sent a memo to university members instructing them to use “gender-neutral” language and avoid words like “he” or “she.” As director of the school’s Pride Center, Donna Braquet encouraged members at the Knoxville branch to instead use made up words like “ze, hir, hirs, and xe, xem, xyr.”
Readers of Return of Kings are aware of a long-lasting crusade by feminists against language. By manipulating language, feminists and gay-rights extremists can erase masculinity and femininity from America’s culture. Now it appears you can’t even say “he” or “him” without the local diversity officer getting on your case!
How Gay Rights Leads To Censorship
Donna Braquet’s activism began innocuously enough. She became co-chair of the UT Commission for LGBT People and called for equal legal rights for homosexual couples. But delve deeper in her words and you find some unsettling ideas in this biology librarian.
In 2009, Donna speculated in a school LGBT forum whether or not the economy creates “more of a hardship for gay couples.” Before that, Donna brazenly said libraries must lose all objectivity as information centers, and promote her social causes. She called for libraries to:
- “Promote advertising and marketing of available ‘queer’ information support services.”
- “Develop the physical library and information center as a safe space for ‘queer’ youth via promoting workships, lectures, book talks, and other programs on ‘queer topics and issues.’”
What kind of resources does Donna want to promote onto the youth? In 2013, Donna held a showing of a film about children of same sex parents. From the trailer of the film, it looks like propaganda that idealizes lesbian parents and demonizes fathers. At one point, a lesbian describes the proper way of throwing a baby in the air while footage is shown of a man balancing a baby on his hand from a rooftop.
Librarian Donna’s effort to remove objectivity from information centers can only lead to censorship. A library is only so big. If you provide a large variety of homosexual-themed propaganda material, you have less books about classic literature and arithmetic. If you embrace one side of a social controversy you implicitly deny voice to the other side. Her campaign is anything but “inclusive.”
How Gay Rights Leads To Harassment
Donna has also called for libraries to influence other institutions: “Build collaborations and partnerships with community agencies (schools, churches, businesses) to address abuse, homophobia, and hate crimes;”
What does Donna mean by collaboration and partnership? She wants the students to “do greater proactive marketing and networking to address equality in other community avenues such as schools and colleges, and churches and religious institutions.” You guessed it, push gay “rights.”
It is interesting that Donna specifically calls out schools and churches for her “proactive marketing” and “partnership.” The few remaining schools and churches that oppose “equality” are under constant risk of losing accreditation or tax-exempt status. Anybody who does not agree with their leftist dogma of fluid gender and sexual depravity is a target.
Consider the uninclusive language that outraged the recent gay Virginia shooter. He seemed pretty intent on addressing equality in his community!
Activists “encourage” their contradictory notion of “equality” and “diversity” onto young impressionable minds. They demand that youth be both equal and diverse at the same time. You aren’t diverse unless you address those around you with idiotic psychobabble, and you aren’t equal unless you give disproportionate space to homosexual issues. This feminist and homosexual crusade against language is simply another way to deny human nature and force compliance onto others.
It is also interesting that this comes from a librarian. From a very young age, teachers do all they can to keep masculine children away from libraries. Most men hate reading and writing today because classes are geared toward girls and female issues. Masculine thinking is met with contempt. English teachers are hoping that half-way through The Bluest Eye you will give up and drop out of the class.
It is important that we not ignore efforts like Donna’s as foolish nonsense. Kids go through these universities and really start believing all this. They were never taught the sublime importance of language and grammar. They never considered the artistic beauty of the human body and what an atrocity it is to deny inborn traits.
If you are a student or if you just want to become more cultured, delve into classic grammar and learn the true importance of “he” and “her.” Embrace the natural human traits that come with being a man and how it is expressed in human art and nature.
In order to make it as a student today, you must be pugnaciously counter-establishment and pro-libertarian. Don’t let the librarian dictate how things are going to be.
Read More: Harvard University Jumps The Shark
I’d say that this Braquet person should, ah, “go intercourse herself,” but it’s obvious from the photo that no one else would.
Irritate the PC crowd at every opportunity. Use the generic “he / him / his.” Say “Mankind” and “men” when speaking of humans in general. Laugh when they try to “correct” you, and twit them for being illiterate ignoramuses. They hate it.
I use “humanity”, often, ie, hu- man-ity.
or his-tory
Be prepared to fight though. Some of these people get violent when you do this.
I saw that video. I would have told him to bring it, but that’s just me. Glad to see that he’s pressing charges, and they have the whole incident on tape. Cha-ching!
Indeed. Even if nothing comes of criminal or civil charges, it still puts these thugs on defense.
Ive had two close encounters with transvestites. Both involved them flipping out at something another man said, and longs knives were produced from their “cleavage”.
Yikes. Glad I carry my own knife with me and train with sticks/knives regularly.
Last year, I almost hit a tranny crossing a side street on foot, in heels, in front of me. It couldn’t walk in the heels fast enough to avoid nearly getting mowed down jay walking near a busy intersection. A bearded tranny wearing makeup, heels, sweat pants, smoking a cigarette, carrying a dress from a dress alteration shop. Quite the spectacle. It was a perfect mix of WalMart ghetto meets social perversion. Beware, they’re among us.
i always carry my hammer in my back under my cloth
I almost hit a tranny crossing a side street on foot
I hope you took that opportunity to inspire you to improve your aim for future encounters.
Gas pedal is on the right. Worth 10 points.
You might have knocked some sense into it…literally
Bad news: Shapiro himself said on his (now on hiatus) radio show on KTTH Seattle, that the charges were basically laughed out of the DA’s office.
Side-note: Shit, I’m gonna miss his show; he had to bow out to take care of his infant daughter, who had heart surgery, while his wife finishes med school.
That’s deplorable on the DA’s part. If roles were reversed you’d bet your ass Shapiro would have been hung out to dry on every charge that tranny could think of. White straight male privilege indeed.
I feel sorry for her sexual aide device. It’s seen horrors no person short of a holocaust survivor has experienced.
I always do things like that. I use “homosexual” instead of “gay. “Mexican” instead of “Hispanic.” “Illegal alien” or “Mexican criminal” instead of “undocumented migrant.” I refer to trannies like Caitlyn Jenner as “he,” not “she.” “Cross-dresser” instead of “transgendered” “Black,” not African-American.” I’m starting to use “Miss” or “Mrs,” instead of “Ms.”
I do however, refer to “people of color” as “non-whites.” Regular women as “women,” but feminists as merely “females.” Liberals males are “males” but never “men.” It’s my little digs when I’m arguing with leftists.
Homosexual is a more proper term than gay, just to point that out. If you’re trying to be insulting, I’d think you’d use ‘gay’ instead (or go all out and use “sodomite” given you’re transphobic as fuck)
Funny they are called gay when the are anything but.
1920’s definition.
As stupid as you obviously are, I seriously hope you’re joking here. Ignorance makes chronic stupidity look even worse.
Oh, poor baby. I hurt your feels and now you’re angry. I’m “transphobic” as fuck you say. How politically correct of you.
There’s really no such thing as “transphobia.” It’s just a nonsense word, like the other words pointed out in the article. I assume you’re too hysterical and angry to grasp that basic fact right now.
Not only that, but you’re mixing up sodomy with “transpobia.” You SHOULD have said “or go all out and use “sodomite” given you’re homophobic as fuck.” That makes sense. But there’s no such thing as “homophobia,” either, It’s just another nonsense word.
Oh, in rare cases, they occur, I suppose. But SJWs use those terms to try to belittle anyone who disagrees with their weird and stupid sexual agenda.
But I clearly triggered you, and now I’m curious. Are you a dickgirl or just a run of the mill sodomite?
I really dislike the word “homophobic.” People who don’t approve of homosexuality aren’t afraid of gays – they are just put off by them. Disgust sensitivity is actually one of the key drivers of conservative philosophy (according to some interesting psychology research). Demanding more than mere tolerance is a sure way to create resentment.
“Full Definition of PHOBIA
“an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation.”
A person with Arachnophobia, for instance, freaks out every time they see a spider.
If a person had a phobia about snakes, they freak out, even if the snake is behind glass. To be “homophobic,” a person would have to freak out just seeing or being around a homosexual. There may be a few of those types about, but I’ve never heard of them.
In my opinion, being disgusted by homosexual or trannie behavior is normal and healthy. But it’s not like anyone starts screaming or having a panic attack.
But SJWs try to twist something that’s normal and healthy into something that’s “sick”
There CAN’T BE anything wrong with the homosexual or trannie people or their behavior, in the SJW mind. There has to be something wrong with the person who disapproves or is disgusted by it. It’s a “phobia,” a “pathology”
Up is down and health is sickness. It’s how they roll.
I always thought “queer” was the correct term.
Don’t try to trick us with your “sodomite”. We all know “faggot” is the proper term.
calling someone a “Crossdresser” and being transphobic enough to use their birth name is less offensive then calling someone a ‘faggot’.
So homosexual is a less proper term than gay? Given homosexual is the term more likely to appear in medical and other research journals, as opposed to ‘gay’ I would say otherwise (unless it’s like a sociological study or something more humanities based).
You’re a fucking idiot choke on my dick faggot.
I’m a cis male, I love how you assume everyone who questions your trogolydyte ass is someone from a group you victimize. Lol, all words are “nonsense” by your logic.
Guess what: There’s languages (Japanese for example) which does not gender everything. There’s languages, languages similar to the one you speak that gender all sorts of shit for all sort of random ass reasons (German).
I was comparing your transphobia level with what a similar level of homophobia would provide. And it’s funny how you got so asspained about that comment that they you thought I was belittling you for pointing out little things like this.
You seem to be triggered. Lel, your asshole is as wide as Goatse if thoese comments give you such a verbal reaming.
EDIT: IT even gets better because you assume I’m a feminist. LOLOLOLOL. I didn’t even “shame” you, but you are too sensitive to notice that. How the fuck can I shame you on a site where your reactionary thoughts are the norm? This isn’t tumblr where you’ll be inundated with hate.
Boo hoo, someone wants to use gender neutral language and things which don’t reflect bias. Because according to your dumb ass, languages have never done this before or anything….despite the fact that there are conlangs which…..do precisely that (interlingua and loglban I think, oh looky they’re from long ago)
The conversation that you responded to, is about politically correct vs non-politically correct terminology. You can’t even keep track of the topic. Off you go on another infantile whine-fest.
Yep, the baby is still whining. I must have got under your hyper-entitled thin skin. Whining about the people I “victimize,” simply by not playing along with silly, whiny, little PC word salad games, I guess. You’re pretending to be a “champion” of the “oppressed.” You’re so “brave.” LOLOLOLOL! indeed.
You’re a “cis male?” Lol. PC SJWs are hilarious. What kind of loser identifies himself as a “cis male?” Why don’t you refer to yourself as a “little bitch?” It”d be more honest.
Don’t project your belief that “all words are “nonsense” onto me, and claim “it’s my logic,” when it’s clearly yours. I understand that lying is like breathing to SJWs like you, but nobody likes a liar. And like I already said, you can’t keep track of the topic anyway.
Stop trying to act like you’re “smart” and try to lecture others. You’re very stupid and have nothing of value to say. I understand SJWs like you think you’re “more evolved and intelligent,” but you’re not. You’re less intelligent and certainly more frail than the norm.
I understand that it is unpleasant being in the stupid, frail end of the human bell curve. But try to do the best you can, and stop whining about everything. Nobody like a crybaby either.
Most people in America could care less about homosexuals, but the fags of late have constantly been getting in everyone’s business. School, media, churches, ect ect.
Brain washing kids in short.
The average joe is Homo-disgusted and wants them to stay away, but the fags just wont give it a rest.
The back lash is coming and it’s coming with cold calculated revenge this time.
You attack some one’s kids, then be prepared to meat a fate worse then death.
I am agnostic and a libertarian,
but the homosexuals have gone to far. So the religious folks are getting my full support now.
Yeah, they’ve gone too far, and don’t know when to stop. If and when TSHTF, there is going to be no mercy.
Even an apolitical Joe Sixpack type, who just wants to relax on Sundays, and watch a football game, has to watch two guys with their tongues down each other’s throat. Or listen to some female football “analyst” go on and on about domestic violence in football. Or it’s about “racism” in sports. It gets unbearable. You just want them to GO AWAY AND LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE.
I’m not a Christian, and abortion is not really my issue. But I’ve seen leftists get so nasty and so dishonest with Christians about abortion, that I usually jump in and lend the Christians a hand. Despite my issues with Christianity, they are certainly a better type of person than leftists can ever be.
No, i was arguing against your use of euphemisms like “transphobic” and your belief that “gay” would be a bigger insult to them than homosexual.
You obviously don’t understand a point that doesn’t originate from your primitive skull, which is a sad testament to your interpretive acuity.
Having to curse doesn’t impress me..but if you insist:
Vete al infierno pendejo cabron
Nancyboy and finocchio are acceptable alternatives.
We will also accept “dinnermasher” from those of you in the UK 🙂
This “Warsie” creature sure seems to have some skin in this game. This topic seems real personal to him/her/it. I’d wager the odds that he/she/it is a “cis male” are about the same as me being a pink elephant. My guess is that it’s a dickgirl, but who knows. It could be a 17 year old girl with a bad case of potty mouth. You never know with these types, as they lie about everything. They really do.
Agreed. This creature strikes me as especially odious, ignorant, and is probably a self inflicted disfigured freak peddling its intellectual dishonesty with the same zeal as the movie bootlegger on the local block.
Faggot is always the correct term.
Not true – both poofs and straights commit sodomy (it’s the reason there are so many AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa).
[BTW, there IS no such word in the OED as “transphobic” – is this another word in the “newspeak” vocabulary?]
LOL, that butthurt game bro. I must have triggered you extra hard.
I love how you disregarded the statement I provided and went straight to the ad how. Such masculine males being cyberbullies must get your micropenis hard 😀
Funny, Because the topic of the article was “how using gender neutral language means the SJWs are going to take away your freedom” as that litterally is the topic of the page. After all, inthe article you get such choice morsels as “Readers of Return of Kings are aware
of a long-lasting crusade by feminists against language. By
manipulating language, feminists and gay-rights extremists can erase
masculinity and femininity from America’s culture”.
Because gender neutral terms will erase masculinity and feminity from you?. But hey, you ay SJWs always lie so I Can easily say reactionary fuckwads like you lie as well. Given you side-step statements and rely on the ad homs I can say you’re prolly all 40 year old virgins in their basement eating doritos and whatever. Amirite?
Got under my thin skin? nigga, I a a *cis male* and am heterosexual. How the fuck are you getting under my skin. Note the distance in time between the replies.
Lol, you’re callling me stupid? I didn’t bring up intelligence but you seem to have an inadequacy issue if you want to oh talk about one’s intelligence. Will you tell me bout your 180 IQ circlejerk now?
You say I have nothing of value to say yet you keep responding to me. It’s great how you say I’m valueless but keep on giving me value. Once again, that triggering is strong. Oh, and hey, if you think I’m PC SJW please enjoy this phrasing.
Suck my dick, faggot. Get raped in the ass by 12 inch niggercock, and I hope you get anally injected death syndrome and die like the sodomite you are.
I was referring to the conversation with the poster I originally responded to. It should be obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than a bowl of oatmeal that that’s what I was talking about.
I wrote >>>”The conversation that you responded to.”<<< not the ROK article. Jesus Christ, anyone can see that, especially if they read the initial responses. I can’t help it if you’re not smart enough to keep up. You are very stupid; SJWs are real mouth breathers. Then again, you think that men can be women, so I suppose it fits the pattern.
I must of gotten under your thin skin, since it looks like you’re written a long crybaby response that I didn’t bother to read, except for the beginning. Did it take 14 days to think up, what I’m assuming, is more retarded drivel?
Now, get lost, dickgirl. You give me the creeps. Go play with your anatomically incorrect dolls and leave the humans alone.
Lol i love how you ignore your own tendency to engage in ipse dixit ad hominem banality, since your benighted presence became a fact on here.
Hypocrite much? Or maybe your opening “given you’re transphobic as fuck” remark to Mike was meant as a compliment?
You talking’ Ole Skool language!
Yes, I am. I even call men “sir” and women “ma’am.”
Actually I refer to Caitlyn Jenner as IT… It’s not a he anymore & it’s not a she as well… Only an IT !
But you’re on the good track… I do the same description… Homosexuals, never call the “gays” & other non plitically correct language !
I always ask the other person if they are offended by my language, if they say YES, then I say “you’ve made my day !”
As I understand it, HE has fully functional MALE sex organs. HE is nothing but a 66-year-old cross-dresser wearing a wig.
Humm… Actually I have read somewhere on the net, that he had the operation ??? So that why I referred to him/her as IT…
She looks like what I would imagine Newman’s mom to look like.
What happened to the days where Arnie could call the girly – men and get away with it…
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I got into an argument with my mom because I refused to call Jenner a “she”. Science is on my side of course.
(Just for giggles)
They could very well be gay – as in happy!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a happy looking lesbian, ma’am.
(Giggles) Neither have I, sir! I am sorry for my comment but I just couldn’t help myself.
Lol, no need to be sorry on my account. You’re fine. I’ve read your other posts, and I applaud you for being a good mother and treating your kids right.
Thank you. Sincerely.
I know girls aren’t exactly welcome here, so I try and keep my comments to myself, however the men here have been nicely accepting of my two cents so far and I appreciate it. (Drops curtsy)
C’mon, you know not all immigrants from South of the border are Mexican. That would be like calling all Europeans “French”. One thing is to be gratuitously offensive (which I’m all for) and another is to be gratuitously wrong.
INB4 “They’re all the same to me” or some other sassy reply along those lines:
Your obvious mistake is actually a disservice to the anti-PC cause.
And by using “liberals” to refer to the Left you’re playing right into the enemy’s hands.
All feminists and wannabe men should be referred to as “it” or “that” since they’re trying so hard to avoid gender labels. “That thing over there called me a misogynist”
Ze/Zir/Zim works better and isn’t insulting.
Zim is taken.
Get lost, doofus.
Ze/Zir/Zim works better if you’re a dyke carpet muncher librarian from Tennesse only! Unless, of course you have the rest of the proxies from the staff at UOT??
the SJW armies hve scouted the forward positions and am preparing to invade with Zim’e forces 😉
I’m not homey. You just sad as hell.
She kinda looks like what I would imagine Newman’s mom to look like.
or Newman’s dad.
I see a lot of commenters on ROK call Leftists “Liberals”.
Leftists are not Liberals. The Founding Fathers were Liberals.
At some point in their constant game of language distortion and doublespeak, Leftists hijacked the label “Liberal”. Those who call Leftists “Liberals” play right into the enemy’s hands.
I’m always confused by how they use the word “Liberal” in Anglo countries. In Latin America, where we’ve had militant Leftist movements and even armed Leftist rebels, we know damn well not to call Leftists “Liberals” and they fiercely reject the label themselves anyway. Although recently they’ve tried to call themselves “Progressives” and “Democrats”.
Communist of cultural Marxist is closer to what they are actual.
I think cultural marxist or mental defect would work best in labeling them
Agree. That’d be the most accurate term. Actually I don’t believe in the Left/Right paradigm.
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I enjoy talking about History too.
I only use “he” in my writing, not “he or she” or “one”. Only other alternative is “the individual”.
I stopped reading TheMinimalists.com the exact moment I noticed that they only use “she” as the indefinite pronoun. These fools think that replacing “he” with “she” will somehow “topple” the imaginary Patriarchy.
If you write for a wide or male audience just use whatever you want but switching to “she” makes you look like a conformist tool.
Shit! My state’s been infected!
Tennessee is just next to Alabama, the Heart of Dixie. How could this happen?
I don’t know. I think we need to treat this clown the same way we tore that Nix chick apart with common sense and pointing out her own hypocrisies. Shouldn’t be too hard since vocal idiots – I mean – “advocates” usually have long track records of their stupidity.
Again, this tactic reminds me of the former Soviet Union (who’s actions we (U.S.) denounced on a regular basis in the 1980s). The Soviets had one agenda, everyone must be ‘for’ the group (motherland) and every other opinion or words were struck down (or locked away).
This woman is no different (except she speaks for a different group but in the U.S.. People need to be reminded that just like the Soviet Union it is not acceptable.
I truly believe that this is form of abnormal behaviour. So boys and girls cannot be called boys and girls? What will be next? Cats and dogs cannot be referred to as cats and dogs? Like I said- abnormal behaviour.
Political correctness is a product of liberal bigotry and essentially is used as ammunition by radical leftists in an attempt to censor free speech. The sad fact is that poltical correctness such as the one being demonstrated in this article contributes only further towards the acceleration of cultural decline. Seriously, when I was at college, there was none of this freakshow occurring. There were no false rape accusations spreading like wildfire, feminists on campuses villifying men or the mandatory use of “gender neutral” language. People got along together and there was a healthy environment that existed between both men and women, where everyone just got on with their day to day lives, without having to engage in any gender wars, like the ones which we are witnessing today.
This is indeed, reflective of the sad decline of society and overall, of Western civilization. I don’t mean to digress, but I feel it is also relevant to mention that not only does this gender neutral absurdness continue to blur the lines between men and womn further, but also reinforces the already declining behaviour in today’s men. I recently returned from a trip to London, and I was appauled at the state of today’s men. Every single man that I saw, were wearing skinny jeans, tight t shirts hoodies, awful shoes and had slick back hairs. Disgusting. Its as if men now enjoy, embracing in this metrosexual, emasculated hipster attire and have completely given up on standards. Again, without digressing to much, it definately reflects upon the decline of civilization, where men, now don’t even seem to care that they dress up like women. And now, this gender neutral language, preventing people from being referred to as “he” or “she” only helps to accelerate this freakshow.
I believe that it now more important than ever, for more men to be able to stand up against this wave of politcal correctness nonsense and speak out against any form of abnormal behaviour and lifestyle choices which we are seeing as it will help to make sure that we can hold back against the wave of feminisation, which will ultimately, attempt to wash out any last remnant of being a man.
When words can mean anything, they actually mean nothing.
You win the thread.
I’m sure you saw a great many hipster peacocks with their tight trousers, excessive tattoos, ear gauges and beards you could lose a badger in, and it is an absolute travesty that my home town is experiencing this awful fashion trend, but I suspect that you saw what you wanted to see. In other words, your expectations may have acted as a filter and the outrage you rightly felt shoved every normal man into a blind spot.
I live in London and I assure you, we’re not all like that. A distressingly large number are, but not all.
Hopefully, the madness will fade leaving blurry ink and ruined ear lobes behind as a warning to future generations of men (and women, too).
Leftists are not Liberals. The Founding Fathers were Liberals.
At some point in their constant game of language distortion and doublespeak, Leftists hijacked the label “Liberal”. Those who call Leftists “Liberals” play right into the enemy’s hands.
If someone doesn’t like to be called “he/she”, I’m okay with calling it… “it”. Because it seems it’s not a normal human after all. Perhaps we should impose some kind of language shaming.
Look at this fat, miserable piece of shit!! Hardly any fat dyke bitch would want to be with her! When women get this fat, it’s an obvious sign of mental illness. The university dean’s have to be a bunch of pussies to let this butch land whale conduct her Marxist filth and influence young adults. Why, this bitch could get diagnosed with a flesh eating disease and be given 50 yrs to live!!! This is why we as men should boycott colleges and universities, and teach our children to invent, invent, invent.
Just because it’s not possible to see if she is a he or she, she don’t have to take it out on the rest of the world !
WTF! this fat ass dyke bitch’s head and neck are as big as my quarter horse!
No wonder she is a feminist.
Get on her back and ride!
I’m going to start using “beta pussy” as my pronoun of choice.
I never thought I live to see mental illness being contagious…the human race looks doomed indeed.
Say “fuck” and “you” instead.
She’s a librarian. She has zero power or authority to actually enforce this. The university has already made note of this when people complained. Basically I see this as little more than another example of the mental disease known as Leftism put on display.
Give it a few years.
We’re already at the point of having to agree with Winston.
Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4.
Just finished reading that book this past weekend. Absolutely incredible, and the scary predictor of the future.
Orwell’s grasp of the importance of language and it’s control being necessary for every good tyranny was succinct, to say the least.
Double plus true.
I read an article where they’re actually encouraging people to use these gender neutral terms…didn’t check the source of the information so it might be left leaning. Glad to know my senators aren’t buying into this though.
Agreed. As an undergrad, I can count on one hand the number times I actually interacted with the university librarian: exactly zero.
She has no power and because she looks like a bridge troll, no one gives a fuck what she thinks or says.
Bridge troll doesn’t cover it… that “woman” could make the rancor crawl back in his cage and cry like a bitch.
“I can count on one hand the number times I actually interacted with the university librarian: exactly zero.”
No surprise there, given books no longer take center stage at modern universities. It’s all about pre-processed lectures at which dumbed-down information is spoon fed to “students” (who are generally characterized by abysmal attention spans), and exams to see how good you are at parroting your professors.
Unfortunately, a lot of these whiny academic types DO care what this hambeast says, or they wouldn’t keep giving in to it.
Its just her insecurities about not feeling feminine. Thats all Leftism is: a way to try to change everyone else’s behavior to soothe their weaknesses and shortcomings. Beautiful, confident women want to be called her and she because they feel like real women, just like we all want to be called men. Its what we are.
While all that is true, she still gets a taxpayer funded check through a state sponsored university. To me, the concern here is that people who do have power and authority endorse her ridiculous efforts by making and keeping her a part of their staff.
With liberals once an idea is out there right, wrong or legality no longer matter…they just keep chipping away until they get their way.
Yeah, I’ve never met a sane librarian in all my time spent in academia. Kind of like teachers, but just either more bitchy, or milquetoast, in the case of male librarians. Funny though, when thinking about it on the macro: brick and mortar colleges and their respective libraries are “a-goin-bye-bye, muthafuckaaaaas!” Online degrees and internet-based research are fixin’ to shut out these dinosaurs.
If everything becomes subjective as well as a “social construct,” then everyone can basically be a piece of shit and nobody can say anything because “that’s just your opinion, and this is what I identify as.”
Are you an effeminate guy that can’t attract women? He no longer has low testosterone and poor social skills — he’s now just non-binary and asexual.
Are you a woman who is lazy and puts no time or energy into maintaining her weight and just chops off her hair because it’s easy? You’re just some gender-queer with glandular problems and disabilities.
Just take a look at this librarian. Fat, doughy, butch haircut. It’s much easier for these people to be labelled as different identities than it is to admit they’re failures.
How about we change the narrative on them. Instead of focusing on what a person identifies themselves as, let’s start pushing what OTHERS identify you as. For example, If I can’t tell whether you’re a guy or girl, I can call you an it.
In a world without an objective frame of reference, that’s as valid as their lunacy. Plus it sounds like good fun.
I feel like making the 3 hour trip to Knoxville and hanging out in the library “talking” on the phone and using he/she liberally.
Not in my state…madam?
I just fuck with these people whenever I can. I’ll give a contrarian opinion to their own, then they’ll come back with “you’re a straight white male, patriarchy, oppression, systemic… bla bla bla.” I just tell them I’m not a straight white guy, and that I identify as whatever bullshit I can make up on the spot.
Before this PC crap became serious, I used to joke that I was a lesbian trapped in a male’s body. Threw my friends (who were in middle school at the time) for a loop as they tried to process that. Maybe it’s time to pull that card back out.
You might as well go for it. Lesbian in a man’s body is something I use frequently. These people are eager to eat it up, and it allows you to continue getting away with acting like a normal straight guy.
How would they put it? I’m a cis-gendered male lesbian…was I close?
That sound very plausible.
Brilliant. This is one big scam designed to justify the dregs of our society who opt to take the easy way out, the path of least resistance etc in everything they fucking do. So much so, that, as you pointed out above, this includes not even taking care of yourself in the most basic ways.
It’s pretty amazing how people who have actually had to struggle in life, or just simply believe in self-improvement, never have any of these insane identity problems.
The reason is because there are more important things to do to keep improving that occupies your time than pushing this sort of nonsense.
These kinds of people love saying, “don’t judge me!” And then you disagree with them and they judge you. It would be funny if they weren’t so dumb.
“It’s much easier for these people to be labelled as different identities than it is to admit they’re failures.”
This is the baseline truth for these retards. Unfortunately, it is also a logical fallacy. Who says that just because you change your identity I can no longer consider you a failure, or that you will be forced to confront that fact? Whereas I used to think that only some “she”-beasts were failures, I now know that all “xry”-tards are. On second thought, maybe I should embrace this. It simplifies the Venn-diagram nicely.
The funny thing is, in real life, the most empowering thing to do is admit, at least to yourself, that you’re a failure. Or at least, that you are failing at whatever endeavor you’re trying to accomplish. It’s bone jarring and humbling, but it’s reality, and even a grim and awful reality is kind of sweet – because it’s real!.
The best day an SJW could ever have is to look in the mirror, and say, “Holy Shit, I’m a total loser! Don’t want to be like this anymore. my life sucks!”
Then, at least, they are dealing with things the way they really are, and can go from there.
That’s the entire point of social constructionism, so inferior people with idiotic beliefs can place themselves on even footing with reality by pretending their position is “just as valid”.
I am perfectly comfortable referring to this Librarian as “it”.
My first thought was “she beast”.
Thank you. Good little polka number. It was always played at weddings.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but whining about pronouns makes you a fucking faggot.
This is what blows your mind- its just words! I’d rather be offended for a few minutes and shrug it off than get rocked in the face with a two-by-four
Here’s what blows my mind even more – this retard wants to substitute the make believe pronouns “ze, hir, hirs, and xe, xem, xyr” for the normal pronouns. OK, so we’re just substituting “he” and “she” for some made up bullshit that I can’t pronounce. How does that eliminate gender in the first place?
I swear, the more I hear from modern “academics,” the more I am convinced that they have absolutely nothing useful to teach my children. I mean that honestly and sincerely. Why should I waste $50K sending my children to a university to learn useless bullshit like this from some progtard like her/it/whateverthefuck? I’d be better off giving my children that money directly as a business investment. Hell, I’d even be better off blowing this money on hookers in Vegas and telling my children to fend for themselves. Why pay money to feed an institution that allows morons like this to fester and multiply?
Also, the endless liberal handwringing about escalating education costs and the inability of graduates to land jobs is amusing when you consider that larger and larger slices of the pie go to these fuckwits who contribute jack shit to your “education,” and teach you the skills necessary to be a Starbucks barista. Yes, but more of that free shit to every aspiring student! We’ll have tens of thousands more unemployed barista-level employees every year, but we will have a few thousand more fat semi-retarded commissariats like Braquet dictating the proper speech we should all use in the unemployment line!
I swear she pulled these names from the Futurama episode “Beast with a Billion Backs.”
Given that she looks like a Futurama character, I’d bet money on this.
Colleges aren’t even hiding the fact that they’re indoctrination centers. Anyone foolish enough to invest in higher education without any clue what they’re majoring in is not only shortsighted, but foolish as well.
I’m old enough to remember when propaganda used to be free, now you have to finance it with student loans.
Seems like at some point, there has to be a student loan crash, just like the housing crash of 2008 or so. How many of those loans never get paid off?
I’m well versed in how ruthless and unbendable the student loan companies are when it comes to collecting student loans. You can’t even get out of them with a bankruptcy, and in the case of student death, the co-signer becomes responsible.
I’m assuming that mommy and daddy end up picking up the tab when junior or juniorette default, because they co-sign. But how many mommies and daddies can’t afford to suddenly take on the extra debt either?
I co-signed on one of my daughters loans, but it was for a practical nursing degree, and she’s almost paid it off now, thank God.
I feel sorry for the many sticks & stones that have heroically broken apart in attempting to break those mammoth bones..
hahaha i love this rhyme, im going to use it.
Let this be a lesson to those young fatties who claim to be “healthy”. This is the course your body has been set on. After so many years of being an orca, your metabolism rebels and morphs you into a masculinized beast. Stare at the ham beast, stare hard, because that is your future.
I laughed at this. First thought that came to mind was my face melting off like in Indiana Jones and the Ark of the Covenant.
Nothing is melting on that body except the cheese between her sweaty thighs.
Ugh, thanks for the visual….no breakfast for me thanks.
Glad to help you.
That’s what the Nazis saw when they looked into the Ark. That’s why they died.
At the very least, she’s a repository for future soap products. Nature always finds a way to make even the consciously useless among our species useful..
I am a woman. I am a she, her, mrs, mum.
I happen to be proud of that fact. I am raising my son to be proud of being a man (ok, a boy at the moment) and my daughter to be proud to be a woman.
Who does this She think She is to dictate to the rest of us??? Should I not be proud of who I am? Should my children not be proud of who they are??
I don’t think so!
(Ps am currently loving chrissie hyndes of the pretenders for her comments about personal responsibility and rape!)
She hates men, but she looks like one. Thank you for being a good mom.
Thank you 🙂
Props to you.
She’s not the problem. She is just a sick fuck. The problem are the people giving her the time of day. Keep an eye out for those idiots..
I love Chrissie Hynde she’s such a badass. She is so stream of consciousness i.e. politically incorrect . I heard her interviewed on NPR and she says (paraphrasing) that female rock musicians can’t rock out like the men. Not that ladies can’t make great music but she said rock music is more of a male thing. You could hear the NPR gal choke on the radio…
This shit has gone too far. Bottom-line: hey professor “NO FUCKING WAY!” I will not do what you demand I do. You can’t gussy this up with your usually bullshit, such as calling this hate, no you fat bitch this isn’t over hate or whatever, this is you attempting to tell other people what to do. That’s tyranny and that’s taking other people’s rights away. Response: go fuck yourself because I’ll call you whatever I want to and you have NO authority over me and the second you try to, however passive aggressive, it then becomes ipsofacto that YOU, yes you, are the oppressor. And you lose because the only reason why homosexualism is here is because it appealed to people as a liberator.
She’s not even a professor…she’s the damn librarian. Ooh! Ooh! That just gave me an idea. Whenever she starts spewing this trash let’s just look at her sternly and go “SHHHHH!”
What? Then a “double plus” fuck you to HER! Bernard Chafin covers this in his latest podcast, he said in response, that (paraphrasing) “My life is not centered on making homosexuals feel better about themselves”. And he’s absolutely right. These so called “rights” that the lgotirjhrnrejkrhekrnrq are asking for are, once you simply look at them for a slightly distanced perspective, all about making just their lives better and at the expense of normal people because per their demands this requires all of us to do things for them, whether its changing our vocabulary or calling them heroes. My life is my life I’m not a backdrop for homosexuals, who, will remain miserable and/or commit disgusting acts of perversion such as shit eating. I may not nor would I want to control those people’s behaviors but why is it that if its a civil right to have diarrhea into your lovers mouth or play make believe dress up…I can’t have the well established civil right of association and to NOT associate with these fucked up tyrants in any fucking way. And worse, to be forced to do their bidding. This has to stop because these people will never stop. It was “let me live how I want to” a few years ago, now even disagreeing with a homosexuals gets you fired and they’re going after “he” and “she”. It outrageous, which only shows you they’ll never stop. What’s next with these fuck ups is beyond nightmarish.
This isn’t surprising. Library Studies have been the home of radical leftism for over a century.
Fat bitch probably got confused for a man one too many times so now she wants to do away with “gender exclusive language”
If you meet people like this, just MEEP them…they want nonsense talk, give it to em and drive em nuts
Animal is the most alpha of the muppets.
Bert and Ernie are MGTOW.
Big Bird is the pimp of Sesame Street.
Elmo has the highest notch count through fame game. But he has also been arrested for statutory rape.
I think the organ player with the gold tooth was the pimpy-est.
The elmo puppeteer was arrested for that, wasnt he??
I did not know that… Somehow not surprised…
You which character reflects the type of person in this article?
It didnt know what it was, it was weird and creepy, and veryvery sensitive.
Am I reading too much into this lol
Those preaching “tolerance” became intolerant. Those seeking “diversity” became divisive and those promoting “awareness” became unaware.
I have a friend who preaches tolerance and acceptance toward homosexuals but hates white people. Sadly, the irony is lost on him.
Irony is always lost when there’s an agenda to be pushed. Logic and reasoning always go out the window.
And of course the fact that she’s a disgusting corpulent hideous degenerate has no bearing on her twisted views.
Liberalism is a mental disorder and homosexuality is one of its herpetic symptoms.
“Corpulent” is a word that doesn’t get used often enough these days.
It’s a perfectly cromulant word that embiggens us all.
Me fail English, that’s unpossible!
She has enough mass to create a wormhole to another galaxy.
It would be awesome if she did, and then got sucked through it.
Yeah, her bullshit is out of this world. Makes complete sense.
Brings back memories of the word “Niggardly” being used and the shitstorm it caused.
Using somewhat obscure or seldom used words can really piss off the ignorant.
Plus sized
Leftists are not Liberals. The Founding Fathers were Liberals.
At some point in their constant game of language distortion and doublespeak, Leftists hijacked the label “Liberal”. Those who call Leftists “Liberals” play right into the enemy’s hands.
Technically the Founding Fathers were classic libertarians, but i understand your point.
I’m well familiar with their creative use for euphemisms, but what passes for liberalism nowadays is what i’m railing against, not what it used to stand for.
People will better understand the term liberal than “leftist” since a lot more people on the left call themselves liberal (or progressive) than leftist, since the term is so non descript.
“Libertarian”, as used today in America, is actually intended to replace “Liberal” after it was hijacked by the Left. However, as surprising as it sounds, Latin American Leftists (Communists of all shades) have in turn hijacked the word “libertarian” (“libertario”) e.g. they routinely refer to Che Guevara as a libertarian (!), saying things like “el pensamiento libertario del Che” (“Che’s libertarian ideas”).
Yes, people have already accepted the distorted usage of “Liberal” but we won’t undo the damage by bowing to popular consensus out of practical concerns. It would be like keeping on saying “affirmative action”, “wealth redistribution” or “gender-reassignment” because people might not recognize “preferential treatment”, “wealth confiscation” or “genitalia removal”.
I think “Leftist” is an accurate term. Granted, it’s too broad and a better one could be coined but it serves its purpose in the meantime. Anything but the word they use.
I tend to use regressive progressive more often anyway to refer to the left. I don’t often use the word liberal unless i’m trying to reach a broad audience. Not every member of ROK is as informed about the euphemistic prestidigitation the left is so fond of favoring.
I’m curious though…are you aware that the Ron Paul types are hybrid liberals/leftists? What would you prefer to refer to them as?
How are they Leftist? You mean in the social issues?
I disagree.
That’s fine, we will take the Voltaire approach then.
My mum experienced this working at a small library a few years ago, the thought police posted their operatives, they went through the books, anything deemed old and icky got thrown out, it was a bit much for a bibliophile like my mum.
It blew her mind what the new “left” has become.
In the so called dark days of the Bible, censorship on this level never occurred. Indeed, some things were verboten, but, pick your poison. Even if I wasn’t Christian I’d much prefer the Judeo-Christian culture over this one…it was a lot more free.
Consider that the library of Alexander got destroyed four times, each time up to 100,000 volumes burned. It begins with the library. Libraries are the heart of schools, and it is not by accident that this is where they begin “collaboration” with other institutions, such as churches.
I completely agree. Judging from the look of her– uh.. whatever– we should be saying “IT”.
Notice how unhealthy she looks, the corrupt will always try to eliminate the morally strong because in nature the strong always outlive the corrupt.
Terminal hambeast no neckitis.
Look how healthy the guy building the hut looks, compared to Miss He/She. If life were to change for the worse, like it has many times in history, he would be helpful to have around, she….she could only eat and mumble in a language no one else could understand.
Without degenerates, parasites and assorted other losers our current Liberal power establishment would have no base. Corrupt Government advanced by promoting the Immoral where Virtuous government advances by promoting the moral.
So I’m pretty much sick of society.
Everyone in Toronto refers to the city as “the 6”, women are herded by Big Brother, being genuine counts for nothing, financial responsibility means everyone will hate you, friendship boils down to who has weed.
Fuck it… I think this guy has the right idea…
But can you check your twitter account from this hut?
In another video he makes a router
I’ve never seen good performance from homemade wattle and daub routers. Things barely click by at 2400 baud.
So true. They don’t make’m like they used to 😀
Shit, even cavemen had to deal with the blue screen of death? Those poor bastards.
These large cities are cesspits. People love to make fun of rural folks, but they are a lot happier and don’t have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with these big cities.
Welcome to the 24 hour personal pronoun report.
Today in LA the preferred pronoun is “it.” It is strongly recommend to inquire first to prevent an storm of twitter protests and a hail of hashtags. You may be “doxxed” for having an opinion.
In the plains states men are being called “he” when referenced by others. Any other term may result in an old fashioned ass whipping, be prepared.”
Miley Cyrus has recently declared she is a pansexual. Our team is actively researching what she prefers to be called. Stay tuned…
International travels to Britain should note that “fags” are still considered to be cigarettes. If you ask for a “fag” please use a proper English accent.
Gay = happy.
That’s only because she can’t tell which one she is.
If you eliminate gender pronouns, wouldn’t that make it much more difficult for police and investigators solve crimes and catch criminals? Just think about it. By identifying the sex of the perpetrator, you can eliminate half the population as possible suspects.
Edit: Ok, maybe not exactly half of the population due to trannies. They ruin the odds like your odds are reduced due to the green 0 and 00 on the roulette table when betting red or black.
If you haven’t noticed, they’re already becoming PC on some news outlets regarding criminals. They’ll describe the criminal without saying he’s black, Hispanic, or some other minority.
Weird isn’t it? They purposely omit a rather key component to help identify the person, but they’ll go to great lengths with the details of what he was wearing three days earlier as if that will provide any help whatsoever.
I know right? Makes me laugh because if the perp takes off his hoodie and sunglasses and walks around in his t-shirt, he’s golden.
I haven’t been watching the news in a long while due to every crime story they report is a female victim and a male suspect. Then there’s the cute animals and flowery nonsense I don’t think newsworthy.
I’ll take your word for it that they are no longer using ethnicity.
BTW, they’ll describe the criminal without saying he’s/she’s black, Hispanic, or some other ethnicity.
Had to fix that for you.
Unless, of course, he’s white. Then, they can’t say it enough.
I often hear these people saying things like ‘cis-centric people are imposting a gender indentity on us’. Of course, according to Sargon Of Akkad’s law of projection, everything a SJW says is projection and from what I can see, it’s actually these people who are forcing a gender indentity on everyone else. For them, you cannot be a man or a woman, you have to be a trigender queerlord demisexual or some shit. We should not give in to the tyranny of a minority of mentally-ill people.
I have honestly never heard people, in real life, use the word “cis-whatever”. This has to be a college only term, it doesn’t appear to have creeped off of campuses yet. At least not around this neck of the woods.
I’ve only heard it on here in the articles and comments section describing the absurdity of it. Here is where I learned such nonsense even existed.
Why are the women championing these causes always the most physically repulsive specimens?
Gentlemen, I present to you The Amazing Self Answering Question. heh
it is a recurring theme and I think that because this creature is a fat pig and ugly has everything to do with her being a militant lesbo. I think female ugliness is the root cause of lesbianism. Ugly gals don’t get any male attention , no dates , no love from men so they turn same sex just out of necessity. Humans are social animals and want fellowship and love and in the case of ugly chicks they become homo as it is their only option. How many super hot gals are lesbian?? Bi maybe just for the thrill of it but attractive females generally aren’t homosexual because they don’t have to be….
Donna is simply mentally ill, I don’t expect much from the diseased and crippled of mind. Sooner or later she will either commit a crime for which we can put her in jail, or we can involuntarily commit her to a mental asylum where she belongs.
However, the university staff gets no such pass. Every single man and woman involved in putting that sick clown on that dais must be fired or forced to resign.
This is the real problem, we focus on bogies, but we do not actually hold those responsible for doing their fucking jobs. Anyone who actually beleives that sick idiocy is “education” simply has no business in education. And a school that is infested with that thinking and refuses to address it, needs to be completely defunded (if it receives state money) or all potential students need to be made aware of the clown show they are going to be paying money to go to.
Remember, at this stage in the game, you don’t go to university because it has a unique source of information, you go their because of the reputation it has for being a serious place. If their reputation is shit, then the 100,000 $ degree is also shit.
I don’t think that fat cow has anything to worry about me referring to it as a her or she.
This is a mirror of what happened in Sweden. It took a few attempts, but now we are stuck with the “gender neutral” word HEN. (used instead of he/him or hon/henne).
I predict that these nonsense words will be picked up by leftist media at first, and soon after used by some hip politician.
Do people actually honestly use it though, or is it a status signaling word? In other words, somebody will throw in a “hen” in order to signal that she’s a hip cool far leftist, but in normal conversation with people won’t use it?
It is commonly used by the “good” kind of people, and by many major papers and some institutions and companies.
I figured the “good” kind of people, but it is sickening that some major components of your culture latched onto it.
If I were to read these papers, I would think the authors would be careless and not use spell checkers, or complete fucking idiots that don’t know the English grammar. It reduces the credibility of the paper.
I made some quick searched, and the word “hen” is commonly used on the sites for:
Swedish Police
Swedish tax office
Swedish health and hospital information
As I search on the sites for the swedish Govnm. all the texts there originating from the Green party used Hen.
“by the “good” kind of people”
Anyone calling me a hen is getting a fist in the face.
Recall the movie “V For Vendetta”, where they showed GLBT being “rounded up”.
We could take news like this and all related articles, put some characters with some depth in it, make a script, and reality could be the prequel and answer the question “why did they round them up in V For Vendetta?”.
If not for that sidebar in the movie, that would have been a wonderful film. But no, had to make it all LGBT and ruin the entire thing. Leftist propaganda infects everything, everywhere. They are Legion.
I felt the same way about the TV series Sense 8 if they weren’t pushing the LBGT garbage every 5 minutes. I swear, they couldn’t get through one episode without a painful to watch gay/lesbian sex scene.
Interesting concept; poor execution with an obvious agenda that, IMO, failed miserably.
Will a Muslim man stand up and make her wear niqab.
subhuman on display.
My buddy at George Washington university has a TA who’s into this gender neutral weirdness.
When she was lecturing the class on gender neutral terms, the class, mostly made up of Asian international students, burst out laughing at her.
At least the Asians know what’s up.
I really miss mocking Leftist profs and TA’s.
How about losing some weight Librarian?
This fat ugly troll reminds me a lot of the trolls I encounter at Yahoo’s news sight and a lot of other places, all they do is attack those who appose them to promote perversion. They are a very Nasty lot, nasty Ignorant as much as they are perverted. I don’t bother arguing with them since facts and reality are not what they care for, I just thumb them down and flag the ones who post hateful language and indulge in name calling.
These people are damn lunatics.
Your rights to having your silly feelings validated end when they infringe upon the practical realities of my rights, sweetheart…
Sweetheart? Watch out. You’ll make her blush.
Hehe. Might be the only blood circulation she’ll be getting in a while..
The Swedish virus is catching up.
She should be fat shamed the next time she opens her filthy mouth
Sure cunt, I’ll stop using gender pronouns: “It”. How do you like me now?
Really though, how often will this even be a thing? How miniscule are the amount of people that would take offense to pronouns of all things and demand that these bizarre word salad quips be uttered instead? I doubt they are enough to form a significant voting block or a lucrative source of advertising-based revenue, so their voices won’t be heard loud and clear. Plus, how many people do you know who walk up each day looking to stir shit up in such baseless and asinine ways? I don’t know any either!
It depends on how much the rest of society is willing to cave in to these people. Judging by western society, quite a lot, unfortunately.
Let’s pretend your post was written in 1985:
Really though, how often will this even be a thing? How minuscule are the amount of people that would propose the idea that homosexuals could marry each other, and that men should be called women and visa versa? And demand that these bizarre ideas should be widely embraced?
I doubt they are enough to form a significant voting block or a lucrative source of advertising-based revenue, so their voices won’t be heard loud and clear. Plus, how many people do you know who walk up each day looking to stir shit up in such baseless and asinine ways? I don’t know any either!
Ironically lesbian parents are by far the most abusive of any parental pairing, often forcing their ideological beliefs onto their adopted children.
because half of them became lesbian because of their feminism, which requires them to avoid PIV sex. When it comes to their kids there not going to get all gooey at the prospect of them going straight
It’s sad how people such as Braquet THINK they’re encouraging children who are “gay” to come out, when they’re really preaching that it’s ok to no longer to be straight. Children are easily influenced.
Unfortunatley the rhetoric of protection disguised production.
How long until people start coming out of the closet announcing they’re straight? As hyperbolic as that sounds it seems like that’s where we’re headed.
These fools are going to make life so confusing that humans will forget that Male+Female= more humans. We will go extinct and tranny modeled A.I. robots will rule planet Earth.
These nutters have always been around. It’s just now people take them seriously. It’s not about equality for them, they want to destroy our way of life.
I recently came across this, apparently this book on the New World Order predicted the legalization of gay marriage back in 1990.
Normally I would have thought she was simply large and unattractive. Then she opened her mouth and confirmed she was fat and ugly.
Librarians, then and now.
omg look at the chins on this gal….
She has no neck.
Ergo, the chineck.
More chins there than in a Chinese phonebook
there’s an idea for something new to tax! a chin tax. and if you have more than 5, you have to pay an additional luxury tax.
Look at this librarian. Always the same with these militant bitches. Ugly and fat. You know that this is the origin of their insanity. Being fat and ugly no dude would bang her so she became a carpet muncher .
What a complete idiot. I have no idea what they claim “hir” means, but how does it possibly sound any different than saying “her”? These people are insane.
Why only fat dykes are feminazis, they hate men, because no sober or even drunk men would like to be seen in their company ??
Right.. Who the hell would fuck that pig?
That is one guy woman. No wonder she is a hard core feminist. That is the only way society might actually take her seriously. Feminism – making society care about what unattractive women say and do.
If I were in a situation where I was forced to speak to this librarian, I doubt I would use the terms “He” or “She” anyways.
Colleges are indoctrination centers into the Marxist form of Liberation Theology. No honest parent should ever send their child to any Western College.
Good god how can anyone take that piece of human debris seriously?
lets be real feminists and show them what real equality is like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEnWENvoB_w
Tom Leykis would be an extreme right winger by todays standards. A “Nazi” or a “rapist.” He was considered left of center then. I am totally enjoying listening to this, thanks. Hard to believe this was only 11 years ago. Thanks for all the hope and change, Obama!
This fucking dipshit at 12:30 on wards :’D
In stitches
A rose is still a rose no matter what you call it. This librarian needs to see a mechanic for a tune up quickly. She is leaking large amounts of brain fluid
She has a brain?
Her brain is up her ass. That’s anal leakage.
I’m glad we’re able to actually post articles that exist about stories like this. The author need not say a word but mention the incident. The insanity speaks for itself.
The sHEbeast speaks for itself.
Well, I don’t know about anyone else here, but judging by that picture, I’m not sure whether Donna Braquet is a he or a she either.
Any of you see the Saturday Night Live recurring skit “Pat”? This behemoth is a dead ringer.
I’m sure nobody could’ve possibly warned about this incoming bullshit 7 years ago when the gay propaganda first gained traction. Oh, no.
Who hired this librarian and why does she still have a job?
I don’t care what you do with your own body, but you are not welcome in my thoughts. Those people are so annoying, always trying to police everyone’s language until everyone else agrees with their point of view.
This is such bullshit, but after attending a four-year university and witnessing so much of this kind of stuff occurring on a daily basis, I can’t say that I’m shocked. It has been a custom in practically every class I have taken for the profs to ask each of us individually on the first day of classes which gender pronouns we prefer to be addressed by (“they” included), rather than using their own, innate knowledge of what sex a student is. This PC attitude towards everything is scary.
how about exactly the opposite: if you consider yourself of some kind of undefined gender – respect 99,99999% of the society, pick one of those existing “he” or “she” thingies – and go with it? sounds like a much simpler solution.
Well, all this Social Justice Psycho-Babble is certainly easier to think about than all that silly, difficult mathematics, science and history burden you OUGHT to be excelling in to get your degree. If I’m an employer and an individual with a “degree” presents to interview for a job in my company, I’m administering the GRE to that applicant and HE/SHE had better be in the top 10% or I’d shred their “degree” in their face and throw them out. For teaching, for Admin, Human Resources, any position that “requires” a “degree” for an office job, I better be getting my money’s worth from an applicant that presents his or her diploma as “proof” of the higher education required for the higher salary. I submit that most “degrees” are fiat, counterfeit “currency”.
Administering a GRE that 95% of “graduates” of “higher education”, with non-STEM degrees couldn’t pass would send a chilling message to all the children: we wasted our time and money and the “degree” we purchased from these psycho-sexual diploma mills is worthless paper. The chill would go clear back up the pipeline to kids still in college that their “degree” program is worthless, has no value and in the end, wasn’t even worth four years of high school. It would instantly break the backs of Social Justice Psycho-Sexual warriors because now there would be no time for it.
Everything would have to be re-drawn to more relevant (to business and the working world) and the psycho-babble that takes up so much space would be extra-curricular, after-hours activity that no one in college would have time for because they’d be too damned busy studying and scrambling to get their calculus and biology and science courses squared away.
Business could instantly straighten out all the Social-Justice nonsense by requiring math, science and an understanding of the nuts and bolts of how the world works. Liberal Arts and the various “Studies” should be declared counterfeit “fiat” paper, not proof of education at all. No Top-Ten GRE, no job. Universities would instantly eliminate the Social Justice Agenda because their “paper” would be worthless. And what parent is going to pony up $150,000-plus for “paper” not recognized in the working world, that is in fact, NOT higher education?
The GRE is the key.
The only reply this twat deserves is “No”. Anything more buys into it’s narcissism and feeds it’s ego. If pressed, follow ups should be short and pointed. “F Off” and “Go away” are good. Refusing to engage eliminates their reach and self perceived power.
File a harassment complaint.
Look in the mirror. Half you guys accept and tolerate homosexuality. You will bend, twist ans subvert morals, ethics and common sense to find something…ANYTHING…good about any given gay person.
Raised in better times by better people…guys like me see this and shake our heads and smile. This land whale is the RULE for queers, not the exception.
But you go on ahead and keep thinking that most of them are nice folks with eccentric sexual tastes. And don’t be surprised when a fat slag like that starts using school to torture your sons.
She looks smart enough to ‘Dumb Down’ the language, all the while, being unable to reach down and tie her/his shoes.
I think the reason she did this was cause too many students mistakenly called her “he”.
Language is a powerful weapon wielded by the left, and they’ve been successful in changing things to gender neutral terms like “flight attendant” “fire fighter” and many others, as well as other terms like “African American” and “differently abled” . I’m dismayed to see that people use the ridiculous pronoun “cis-“, even ironically. Refuse to use their language or else you’re conceding defeat. For me, not only are “he” and “she” here to stay but I revert to more traditional terms like “homosexual” and “normal” to describe gay/lesbian and straight. You don’t need to go to the woods with an assault rifle to fight in this war, even little things like the words you choose to use can be part of the battle.
May I suggest, “fat cunt”?
Funt when around children.
Fuck that repulsive cunt. The only appropriate word for “her” is “it”. My naughty librarian fantasies just gasped their last dying breath.
The feminine imperative generates more stupid bullshit than any man can fathom when it isn’t directed by strong male leadership toward goals that benefit society. I.e., the contemporary Western countries and all the other societies buying into our decadent, rotten culture.
P.s. Even little girls don’t want a pair of muncher moms; hell, look at the odious blob Rosie O’Donnel’s poor daughter in the news recently.
Understandable considering it is difficult to identify her as a “he” or a “she”.
Well, it resembles the androgynous SNL character, Pat; why wouldn’t it want asexual speech?
An attack on basic reality, sexual dimorphism of humans.
This is because this fat tub of lard can’t even tell what sex itself is, so it wants to erase all sex, so it fits in somewhere. As for ‘he, she’, I guess if you have no real use of the ENGLISH language, you, like many one-year-olds, make-up words. Hell, try ordering some food at a restaurant using your made up language skills, see if you get fed. Those who can do and those (Miss He-She) who can’t, make up excuses and fantasies why they can’t and how the world should change to meet their lowered expectations of themselves.
If you encounter a demisexual racefluid transponykin that refuses to be addressed by human pronouns, insist upon using nothing but “it.” “It” is all they deserve.
What a massive porcine cretin.
Here’s how a normal man should react if someone refers to him by using a gender neutral pronoun or asks him what gender pronoun he would prefer: feign outraged offense and forcefully accuse the person of insulting you as it is absolutely clear that you are a man. Throw in some leftist babble about microaggressions and that the person is trying to force a homonormative paradigm on you. End by shouting that your reality must be respected and that you are owed an apology.
Broad is a tank. Look at the size of her melon and her fat gullet.
I encounter lots of perverts like this creature on the internet especially Yahoo News, talk about Ugly Souls, nasty understates what trolls they are. Foul mouthed lot is what they are. I thumb down and flag everyone I come across and have got some of them banned along with their juvenile friends who really don’t know what they’re talking about. Because they are liberal establishment pets they show their true ugly selves freely. Until a few years I thought it horrible to damn somebody to hell but after a few weeks of these vermin well I am ashamed to say I find myself enjoying the idea of watching these ugly perverted souls burn for eternity. They’re mostly atheists but some are distorted with scripture. Anybody who thinks these ugly vermin should be tolerated should spend some time on the net reading their hateful ugly comments.
Tipic white problem. Here in my country of shit, Brazil, the ever we would have this kind of problem. At least not at the level libraries.
We do not construct libraries.
This fat shit, to destroy the white destroys the only people on what your concerns pathetic about equality have any kind of influence.
“English teachers are hoping that half-way through The Bluest Eye you will give up and drop out of the class.”
Reading Toni Morrison is like being intellectually sodomized.
How about smelly cunt? Has she got a problem with that?
I enjoy talking about History…