ROK & RVF Subject To Persistent DDOS Attacks

Starting on Wednesday, two servers that host many of my web sites have been subject to heavy DDOS attacks, peaking at one time to 56 Gbps but usually averaging between 2-3 Gbps. Since this attack began, ROK has been offline for 22 hours and both RVF and have been offline for over 12 hours. Countermeasures have been deployed as the engineers at my web host learn how the attack is proceeding, but I expect more downtime to occur in the next few days.

I don’t currently have specific information on where this attack is coming from. I have so many enemies that it could have been organized by Canadian SJW’s, the American homosexual lobby, the Israeli Defense Force, or the nation of Denmark. Whoever it is, I am committed to my sites and will do whatever it takes to keep them online, but I ask you to be patient during this time. On the bright side, once we’re able to survive this, our armor will be strengthened in the case of future attacks.

In the meantime, we will publish articles on a limited schedule. Thanks for understanding.

250 thoughts on “ROK & RVF Subject To Persistent DDOS Attacks”

  1. Yes, I noticed this about a day ago, middle of the night EST, or about mid to late afternoon in eastern Europe. Good luck tracking this down and shutting down the perps.

  2. Hey Roosh ,
    Long time supporter and Rok fan. Your site has introduced me to the red pill . I will always and forever thank you for that .
    I’m confident that you will overcome this. I speak not only for myself but on the behalf of the community. We are standing by you !

    1. Thanks. Yeah it will just take some time to solve. Unfortunately it’s not just a matter of flicking a switch, and my site defenses weren’t that great before the attack started.

      1. are the cloudflare upgrades too expensive ? or it cost as much as renting some bots ? 😀
        Keep moving forward roosh, we love you, we need you <3

  3. Pretty neat that a bunch of chillin dudes on the internet talking about money, politics, and women can generate so much hate.
    In a funny way I’m kinda proud to be part of an online community that is on the world’s shit-list.

    1. Of Course. The sheer levels of hatred Roosh gets amazes me. I would give anything to have that kind of hatred.

    2. I agree. Having a simple free-speech site and being a victim of a DDOS attack seems like a badge of honor. And it goes to prove that there really is a war going on. I love this site. It is one of the only beacons of truth out there. But many, many people can’t handle truth. Much like a parasite cannot survive without its host, calling out human parasites puts them in a life-and-death situation, and they get desperate. Keep fighting Roosh!

      1. WORK AT EXTRAORDINARY HOME REPORT………After earning an average of 19952 Dollars monthly,I’m finally getting 98 Dollars an hour,just working 4-5 hours daily online….It’s time to take some action and you can join it too.It is simple,dedicated and easy way to get rich.Three weeks from now you will wishyou have started today – I promise!….HERE I STARTED-TAKE A LOOK AT….bng…..
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      2. He wasn’t DOSed. He just fucked up his own server, and is now spinning it to make himself look important.

      1. “In contrast, speaking out against hate speech can be a powerful act, and it’s been a powerful tool in the case against Roosh V., an American pickup artist infamous for his stance that rape should be legalized in the privacy of one’s home. Toronto Mayor John Tory recently opposed an event Roosh V. was speaking at in the city, while an online petition sought to block his entry into the country citing his views as “hate speech.” “It’s a form of equality protection,” attorney David Matas told the CBC.”

        1. It kinda makes you wonder… do the SJWs actually believe that Roosh’s main position is pushing for “free rape for all!” Or are they trying to smear him with that label because they can’t argue with the recurring themes that actually do makeup the heart of his arguments?

      2. What a cowardly excuse for propaganda. What the fuck is “hate speech” anyways? I wish these Marxists would just cut the shit and call government-sanctioned speech by its right name so we know how to meet them.

        1. “Hate Speech” is one of those terms used by the left for the purpose of avoiding a real discussion of the issue, whatever it might be. Such individuals cannot or will not debate the merits of a point of view and thus need to dismiss the person making the argument. Additionally, it serves the purpose of trying to control the thought of others to prevent them from asking inconvenient questions in the first place, thus resulting in self-censorship. An honest discussion will cover the points at issue. A dishonest one tries to shut down discussion before it can spread “harmful” ideas to others.

      3. Interesting how the article mentions how speech…more specific buzzwords can shape people’s perception towards an issue. The shitlib who wrote that piece frets how Trump refuses to refer to border jumping Mexicans as “undocumented migrant workers.”
        But I remember a time back in late 80s to early 90s we called them Illegal Aliens. As young kid it made me think that the bad guys from Independence Day were invading through Mexico. Slowly alien became immigrant, then changed to migrant workers. Thus Mexicans went from being perceived as foreign invaders posing an imminent threat to making it sound like their paperwork got lost in a filing cabinet.

        1. Undocumented immigrants just sounds better to the SJWs. The colonials that settled here in the US from England and other parts of Europe were technically undocumented immigrants although immigration laws were non-existent back then.

        2. Good post and great observation. Never underestimate the power of semantics to manipulate one’s agenda
          But lets’ send all the illegal aliens back yet let’s keep enough undocumented migrant workers so that I can continue pay $1.29 for a head of lettuce ..ok?

        3. “Good post and great observation. Never underestimate the power of semantics to manipulate one’s agenda”
          So true!
          And I do think that the open border is by design. Simply put: you never see white guys picking the lettuce in the fields. And many countries do need a certain number of manual labor workers to do these unskilled tasks.

        4. They were not illegal immigrants. They had legal permission from the King to settle in the New World. The native indians just had a shitty “army” and couldn’t resist, reinforcing an age-old principal: the strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must.

        5. The Major Newspapers use a ‘style’ manual. The NYT printed a year or two back that their new manual removed the phrase ‘illegal alien’ … think Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Trotsky, Alinsky, …

      4. So free speech is now hate speech?….wow just wow…if I knew they were like that well…wouldn’t want to upset anyone now would we lol but what those Feminists done to Roosh was hate speech, they are all hypocrites they oppose hate speech yet those Feminists in Canada were doing it themselves that’s why I kinda prescribe to the notion that “Everyone has the right to be offended in silence”.

        1. There is hate speech and then there is “hate speech”. The problem is that the latter is now sometimes more illegal than the former.

      5. From the article..
        “While Trump is an egregious example, this doesn’t just affect Latinos—it affects Muslims, black people, women, LGBTfolks, and every other marginalized group fighting to be on an equal playing field in America.”
        Why didn’t he just say, “this affects everyone except straight white men”? It would’ve been more succinct. LOL
        Roosh, anytime someone attacks you, just say it’s because you’re muslim and watch them squirm. 😉 It’s not like they can tell you how you self-identify.

    3. Gentlemen, anytime someone feels threaten the first reaction is to shut you down (or out). Yes, much of what we discuss here hits on the truth (or what SJWs like to call hate speech). Any speech (free speech) that they don’t agree with is pretty much considered hate speech.
      I guess everything that I say must be hate speech. I didn’t think I’d live to see how the U.S. (or western culture) has fallen but I’m with you, Clark.
      Fuck them…and the discussions will continue.

      1. Come to Vermont. Not much here (I travel 40 miles one way to get to work), but unless you make an effort the militant left is a rare sight.

      2. The truth is too heavy for the common man, therefore it must be repeated. This is one of a small handful of sites that gives men who strive to become truly masculine a voice of reason. This is especially true in this mangina/fag/dyke culture, because the common man is actually a mangina.
        I’m sure some the DOD service atacks are from Canadian SJW homos. There are a lot of closet homos in tech, definitely a lot of dykes.
        Keep up the fight Roosh, and get your servers properly shielded.

    4. Yep. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you …
      Seems ROK is already there.
      Good work.

    5. Me too. You know when what you’re saying is cutting close and rocking the boat by the amount of hate you get. I checked out some of the feminist sites to see what they say about us, and it’s a hate-fest that’s incredible. And I’ve noticed that women from those sites will come here and try to troll. Usually they don’t get much responses to their ranting and they leave.

    6. here…here…this is what happens when a dose of higher truth enters into an equation…our enemies cannot handle “what is” ’cause it potentially hurts their insidious scheme/profit bounce; therefore they diligently work to remove sites such as this from fear of the positive impact sites such as this one has and is having on so many across the globe.

    7. You know, some of the people that want to shut this site down write WAY worse stuff.

    8. my mate’s mother makes $98 consistently on the tablet………After earning an average of 19952 Dollars monthly,I’m finally getting 98 Dollars an hour,just working 4-5 hours daily online….It’s time to take some action and you can join it too.It is simple,dedicated and easy way to get rich.Three weeks from now you will wishyou have started today – I promise!….HERE I STARTED-TAKE A LOOK AT.GH.. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

    9. He fucked up his own server, dude. The major feminist sites have all decided not to give him publicity because they all have ten times the traffic as him.

      1. What do you mean he fucked up his own server?
        And yeah feminism is all the rage right now. That’s what makes Roosh so interesting.

        1. He has no evidence he was DOSed. He probably just made some technical mistake. That’s a much more common thing to happen to some low volume site.
          I don’t think his low readership proves he is interesting.

        2. I didn’t consider that.
          I don’t believe volume of readership is the measure of what’s truly interesting.
          If that were the case I’d have to listen to Drake and Amanda Bynes.

  4. The sad thing is, it will be “men” manginas, white knights and “male” de-balled SJWs that would be doing this because only men would have the skills….A feminist is too stupid to hack/disrupt a website….once again women require male ingenuity to fight their battles…bunch of useless pathetic cunts.

    1. But, but, Stieg Larsson wrote novels about a woman hacker who beats up rapey, misogynist men, so women like that must exist in the real world!

      1. Yeah but at least that fictional character had a “real” reason to be pissed. The fictional dude was actually a rapist,…just as real as “rape culture” Oh the irony.
        Rooney Mara WB
        Noomi Rapace WNB

    2. I agree. I doubt that this is the work of a feminist, or feminist-centric organization.
      Firstly, most feminists are not IT/STEM people. As we all know, they are mostly gender studies/arts/psychology grads. The best they can do with a computer is sit in Peets, sipping their soy-latte, tapping out some inane tweet about rape-culture.
      Secondly, the feminist organizations need ROK/AVM/MGTOW as the outlet for their hate. How else can you twist and distort Roosh’s words, if you deny him a voice.
      I’m with DSJW above. My bet is on a couple of west coast IT hipster betas, DDoSing ROK to try and impress some girls.

        1. What the hell is that? That’s not even human anymore … I bet with the gravitational pull this thing has it has sucked the poor dude into its center and assimilated his DNA, evolving into some kind of shemalewildebeasthamplanetlandwhale.

        2. Happens every night, in every nightclub in the world. 90% of fights I have ever seen are over a girl…. usually one that is not worth fighting over. (but…are there any that are ?)

        3. No woman is ever worth fighting over. Ever. Not only you risk going to jail, or being sued, or being injured, or killed, even afterwards, she would still leave with another guy or alone. If you score with her, you still could be falsely accused of rape. She could give last minute resistance.

    3. Crazy, isnt it? That some tech nerd is trying so hard to ban one of the only sites on the internet that can save him from a life of desperation and cuckoldry. The good news is that in today’s dating climate, “men” like them will get exactly what’s coming to them from Western females.

      1. My personal dream is a real civilization decline into a mad max kind of environment. All those pussy worshippers will simply get their throats cut or become actual slaves to the real men and women will get put back into the place they belong. Our lives have all become way too abstract and comfortable, most people would have zero chance to survive in an actual post-apocalyptic world.

    4. The white knights have a weird sort of doublethink when it comes to us. They view us as dangerous. We’re not playing by the “rules” and the women they orbit need to be protected from us evil internet Lotharios. But our views are nonsense and their courtship techniques have been proven to work, damnit.
      It really can’t be both ways.

    5. Yes, someone said this on the forum about Mattress Girl — it was a male professor’s idea for her to do what she did, and that says something.

  5. Roosh I knew this day would come when the MSM tries to take down your site. It’s typical silencing the dissent from the narrative, but in a way, looking at the preemptive nature of these shutdowns, you can see how they are afraid to let it escalate to something further because we can actually do some damage to their rhetoric and poisonous society. They wish to stop us now because they know if it escalated beyond here they wouldn’t stand a chance against the truth of their debaucheries.

  6. The positive side of stupid shit is that actually means the message is getting out and people feel threatened. It is actually a measure of success, although a DoS is a shit way for an opponent to make a statement. It is truly a childish act of cowardice. We already know a debate is out of the question with those idiots, so they resort this. Drop their useless packets and drive on.
    I can’t say I agree with everything you endorse (game) but opening the discussion on the reality of men’s very real issues we face with those fucking SJW’s is a clear and present danger.

    1. this incident so needs to be publicized on other sites and independent media (infowars?) cuz it will only generate huge interest into wtf are they trying to shut down…. “TOTAL POLITICAL CORRECTNESS BABY!”

  7. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi

  8. DDoS attacks are serious crimes in many countries, including the U.S.
    Don’t know if it’s possible, but when the dust settles on this, I hope you’ll be able to find who’s doing it and press charges. These lunatics think they’re above the law and need to be smacked down.

    1. Yeah, the troubling thing is, this is really an attack of white knights. The IT world is 99.9% male, so some neckbearded basement dwellers are white knighting against ROK in an attempt to gain favor with feminists who will have nothing to do with them. These are precisely the guys we need to reach. Maybe they will actually read some articles here, as they are checking to see if the site is down, and the whole thing will backfire.

  9. In the past two months, three things have happened:
    1. They tried to censor my speeches (my freedom of speech)
    2. They tried to ban my books from Amazon with a petition signed by nearly 200,000 people (my income)
    3. They are trying to shut down my sites (my public platforms)
    They can keep trying, because I won’t back down.

        1. Love this song…Went to a cool Tom Petty / Jackson Browne show for $10 about a decade ago, he didn’t even have corporate sponsors, just said “Hey this shows brought to you, by me. Hope you like it!”
          Well I know what’s right
          I’ve got just one life
          In a world that keeps on pushing me around
          But I’ll stand my ground
          And I won’t back down

          Is that Ringo Starr on drums???
          Starr is depicted in the video as playing the drums on the song, though in reality, drumming was performed by Phil Jones

    1. FYI, this is probably known already but if it isn’t, since moving to CF your email DNS records seem to be non-existent. Concerned cause I was trying to send mail to so not sure if it actually got through..

      1. I hope it was a joke, the IDF has better stuff to do. Besides, many of the guys there pretty much embodies the manly virtues extolled here.

    2. interesting, you are definitely starting to work yourself up as a great case for the American Civili Liberties Union (ACLU) if you could just identify an organized entity that is assisting these SWJ advocates, such professors and groups affiliated with an academic institution. the ACLU is frequently viewed as a liberal advocacy group but they have historically taken on radical underdogs in defense of constitutional principles. i think you should connect with them to start a dialogue so that they are aware of this crazy anti-free speech activity against you. you may find out that your case may peek their interest and if they come out in your defense, you and ROK will blow up.

      1. The ACLU is a double edge sword. They would be the ones advocating gay marriage whic we vehemently oppose, but at the same time, they could help us in this oppressive society we are in.
        I guess they should be utilized as a tool like a knife. If used properly, it would be beneficial. If not used properly, it’s destructive.

        1. hell yeah, is what roosch is experiencing really that much different than being “tarred and feathered” as in colonial times for expressing unpopular views?
          it’s a narrative assault using mischaracterizations, false criminal allegations, maligning verbal accusation, threatening and near violent acts and all in an effort to shut down public discourse on a unique male point of view. and articulated in a non-hate speech manner to boot.
          i bet solid money legal scholars would universally agree that there is a legitimate challenge to free speech at issue here. and the only issues then to address is if there is an identifiable oppressor and if there is a legal remedy.
          from “Where racist, sexist and homophobic speech is concerned, the ACLU believes that more speech — not less — is the best revenge.”

    3. Roosh I want to thank you. I’m a traditionalist and I owe it all to guys just like you. I was never a radical feminist but in college I got this idea that men and women were equal. I didn’t know any better. After I graduated I began wondering why so many of my older friends weren’t getting married and I found you and a few other guys.
      You see: I’ve got long hair, I’m pretty, a size 6, I’m 32, married to a guy who’s all I could ever want, and guys still ask me out!! What more could a woman want!! I reiterate I OWE this to you and other MEN; after al,l men know what makes women attractive. Generally, women give other women bad relationship and beauty advice: cut your hair, dye it purple.
      I would be a bitter, over-the-hill, dried up husk if I hadn’t found you. I haven’t always agreed with everything you’ve said. For example, I hated the Anna articles as I really felt and still feel you shouldn’t waste marriageable girls’ time but when I couldn’t get to ROK I was disappointed.
      Thanks for getting ROK back on, there a plenty of girls and guys who need you.

  10. Start speaking out people, damn the consequences. Speak you mind, challenge the SJWs wherever you find them. It’s fun. You should see their deer in the headlight looks when that happens. Priceless..

    1. Provides the weekly highlights when I do it at school pick up time. The other mums look shell shocked!

    2. There’s this liberal tool girl at my job. I shut all her generic arguments down and she gives me the very look you’re talking about. Sometimes a beta male will come to her rescue (an immensely obese guy with missing teeth or a 90 lb pimple ridden nerd). I shut them down as well and just get the same look. 3 vs 1 and they still lose.

  11. I’ve been a reader for about 6 months. I’ll now be donating to help ensure that the site is kept up.

  12. So cliché but:
    “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
    -Winston Churchill

  13. This action by the perpetrator(s) is really no different than what the Chinese and North Korean government does to block access to certain websites to their people. Just like how the Catholic church put Galileo in house arrest and told him to stop his experiments that would be in conflict with what the priests preach. It’s all about retaining power.

    1. What’s amazing is how SJW millenials can sanctimoniously wail against the Catholic Church’s treatment of Galileo and other heretics while at the same championing the censorship of so-called “hate speech.” It’s like they have no self-awareness.

      1. Well in their defense, they’ve been misinformed that what Roosh says is “hate speech” when in actuality, it’s TRUTH.

      2. No, it is because they are SJWs. What do SJWs do? Everybody say it with me:
        “THEY LIE!”
        They will bleat about free speech while trying to make US live up to our own book of rules but they at no time believed a word of it, witness what they do the second they seize control of any institution; they grab a banhammer and start swinging.

      3. It really is surreal. Sometimes I feel like I’ve woken up in a banal, Orwellian nightmare and I’m surrounded by shrieking simpletons.

  14. Before, the SJWs and the establishment could dismiss us as “misogynists” and more or less ignore us.
    Now, the fact that they’re attacking our community so viciously means we’ve hit a nerve; we’ve called them on their bullshit and people are paying attention.
    In Canada, Roosh showed that the beast could bleed.
    And if it bleeds, we can kill it.

  15. My main concern is if they have the ability to convince the internet providers to block Roosh’s websites. The providers as a business can do this like what our IT department does at my work to deny access to shopping sites.

    1. Use your own data on your phone instead of wifi/work internet. If the ISP’s/mobile carriers block the site, change. If countries block access get on a VPN provider.
      There are ways around it.

      1. What I mean is even my own mobile data provider blocks access. Are they, by law, not allowed to block access?

        1. They mobile data provider can’t block it. It must be some setting on your phone, I don’t know..

        2. As Roosh said, the sites have been down. It may simply be that is why you can’t access the sites.
          If it’s been going on for a while, contact the provider directly. If they are censoring the site they can go fuck themselves.
          As “guest” says, it could be a setting on your phone. Google it and see what comes up (maybe accidentally adding the site to a block list yourself?).

        3. No, I’m not having problems accessing his sites now. I was thinking in the future. If the providers can’t block your access, then I’m cool.

  16. Guys, make sure to carry this behavior over in real life as well, it’s the only way things are going to change.

    1. Not being active here, means being active in real life. I encourage every ROK reader to understand what we have to do and to do it.

  17. What about increasing capacity, say to 100 Gpbs, so that the DDos will not take the sites off line?
    Would that work?
    If it would, what do you need to get that done?

      1. I expect it would be expensive, but I think they can only keep up with the DDos for a few months at best, since any machines that are part of it would be identifiable and blockable, plus every day this goes on, they run the risk of being identified.
        I also expect that after a few months it will be possible to identify the responsible parties.
        It is also possible that a ‘100 Gpbs solution’ would only need to be deployed for a few months, since I expect that every machine in the botnet or part of the DDos could either be patched, if the owner is not aware of they are being used as part of a botnet, or the people identified who are doing this. I think that if a 100 Gpbs solution was deployed that whoever is doing this may stop once it is no longer effective since the longer it goes on for, the higher the probability they are identified, so the risk of doing the DDos becomes pointless if the attack does nothing anymore.
        I remember years ago the person that ran Gibson Research Corp had a DDos attack launched on his site. He surprised the person doing the attack by doing two things. The first was to increase his capacity to be able to absorb the attack, the second was that he was able to track back into the IRC program the kid was using to issue instructions to the attacking botnet. The kid was surprised and shocked when Gibson initiated a request to talk with him through his own botnet program.

      2. It looks like a low level DDos Protection for remote networks, with 10Gpbs, can be bought for $400 per month, and they have plans up to 50Gbps:
        While that level of service will not stop the 50Gpbs level of attacks, it will make it so they need to keep running at 10Gbps or higher in order to keep the attack going, which is something I do not think that they can handle or do without getting caught.
        They also have a level of protection starting at $249/month on a dedicated server that will handle 50Gbps.
        It is possible that maybe mixing the current hosting solution with this product will put an end to the DDoS or make the level of DDoS so high that they can not keep the attack up for long.

  18. The left’s arguments don’t stand up to the slightest scrutiny. As a result, they seek to silence dissent. They’re disgusting and pathetic.

  19. I have so many enemies that it could have been organized by Canadian SJW’s, the American homosexual lobby, the Israeli Defense Force, or the nation of Denmark.

    A man who makes no enemies is never a positive force.

  20. They dont understand satire.
    Their reading comprehension is unsatisfactory.
    They advocate groupthink and general unaccountability for every last one.
    AND they’re cowards.
    Ddos is a David vs Goliath tactic… Unless used in this context, where its just blatant censorship
    Come out and fight us like men,
    with your reason and logic!
    Oh wait…

  21. Pathetic little beta bitches working to protect the honor of fat indignant females. They are so sad.

  22. In other news, China just cut their military by 300,000. Before the site goes down again. Great job Quintus for showing the Chinese government for the con artists that they are.

  23. You know a site is the shit when it gets attacked en masse by a bunch of fat bastards sitting near computer terminals.
    My money is on the sjfs being responsible for this…those canadian cunts have been way too quiet lately.

  24. Congratulations Roosh. I bought BANG 3 years ago and I remember when this site was first started. You have become a real incendiary force for the neo masculinity movement. They cannot deny we exist anymore.

    1. Whenever in the future someone tries to accuse us of being a “Privileged Class” we can point to this moment.

        1. Loved that movie.
          “Mr McKittrick, after very careful consideration sir, I’ve come to the conclusion that your new defence system sucks”.

  25. That means these sites are considered a threat to the feminist (bigoted) establishment, so keep up the good work.
    Also, I hadn’t visited rvf more than a couple times before now. But these attacks have drawn more of my attention to it from now on. Haven’t these people learned from decades of rock history that the more controversial a form of expression is, the more popular it becomes? More effort to suppress it means more people will take interest.

  26. While Roosh’s site was getting cyber attacked last night, I personally fought off 50 to 60 dykes, white knights, fags, lukewarm Christians, atheists and various other leftists on the “I support Kim Davis” facebook page.
    It all started with a simple innocent post, a show of support for the marriage clerk standing up to pablum faggotry in Kentucky.
    It caught the attention of this vile she beast who looked like jabba the hut with bleached skin. She also resembled the fat ass orc king from the first hobbit movie.
    The icing on the cake was that she was from canada.
    So this pig and I go back and forth, and I can tell she’s trying to get under my skin but I turn the tables on her and start attacking her on her many obvious flaws. I can tell it was pissing her off.
    Before long she starts sending for her “friends” and then I see a bunch of “gayforshay” hashtags on my thread.
    Long story short, our exchange began around 5 yesterday and ended around 1 am this morning. I never left my computer and fought all these twisted fucks single handed until a couple of friends of mine caught wind of this and started helping out. The last of the roaches got their asses kicked around 1 am. I even threw in Roosh and his site for good measure, and that’s when I realized something was wrong with the site, although I didn’t know why until later this morning.
    The moral of the story is, SJ faggots and manginas, dykes and asshole mobs will try to shout you down online but if you know what they’re about and if you’re smart enough, you can turn the tables on them in order to show them you won’t be fucked with, here or in person. It makes for great experience for when they try to hunt us down in person. Of course by then your preferred weapon of choice should be tapped to answer any SJF mob inquiries about you.
    You haven’t truly lived unless you’ve made enemies in life. In that regard I have lived a very blessed life, by making hundreds if not thousands of enemies online and dozens in person in my nearly four decades of life on this cosmic marble. Roosh has put me to shame though…I have to admit I’m a little jealous of that fact.
    This is one neomasculine Christian that isn’t going down without a fight, and isn’t going to get shot in the back, but rather in the chest.
    Fuck social justice fascism and the progressive twatage that queefs it out.

    1. Excellent work. If I was on Facebook I would join that group. I still don’t know why people are accepting or even neutral about homosexual degeneracy when homofascists and SJWs are part of the war on free speech (and openly admit it).
      Last time I was debating a bunch of SJW fags on Facebook, it was when they were trying to ban Roosh’s speeches. Eventually one particular SJW mentions Roosh’s comments discouraging women acting like sluts. She goes on to tell me she’s in a happy relationship even though she slept around a lot. This was after I posted links to studies (showing that more than 3 sexual partners significantly increases the odds of cheating as well as a link showing that every sexual partner’s DNA stays in a woman’s body.) Later she admits to not even opening the links and calls them “sexist” lol. Then I find I’m logged out because she reported my account as “fake”. Now Facebook wants my phone number or gov ID (no way I’m giving out either). Essentially she silenced me (then went on to brag about it in the comments). So these SJWs really are indoctrinated and aren’t interested in debate. They want control and more power, nothing else.
      If there’s ever a good reason to lose my Facebook account, it’s this — backing a cowardly SJW pro-homo slut into an uncomfortable corner in her mind using logic and reason, with no other resort than to silence me and take the coward’s way out (on that site, anyway).
      On another note, one of the main Canadian SJWs got so outraged at one of my mom’s comments (supportive of traditional femininity and motherhood) that the SJW replied practically saying “Wow just wow” (the SJW never commented much so the pro-motherhood comment must’ve stung). I felt so proud of my mom, just knowing her comment had an impact like that on someone so warped.

      1. I sense that the more they talk/commune within their own hive, the dumber they will get- as non-consensual reality moves away from them. Then they will be easier to attack/defang.

      2. “Now Facebook wants my phone number or gov ID (no way I’m giving out either)”
        Smart. I will never do that nor will i give them that whenever my account gets locked out because people mass report my page for bs butthurt reasons.
        Anyway, great work brother. You certainly repped your capital T that day! These fascists need to be put in their place, otherwise they will become emboldened and multiply like roaches.
        Intelligence and masculinity is like a can of RAID to these fascist bastards.

    2. Daniel, you are the total package. Thank God for the no-holds-barred fighters like you in our ranks.
      Even if the battles are mostly only on the net… at least for now. Things might get more “real” in the years to come. 🙂

    3. I have fought feminists on Thoughtcatalog when I mentioned I want my future wife to take my name when we get married. They would strawman my entire argument and accuse me of wanting to “oppress” them. I told them I was afraid a wife refusing to take my name would be a manipulative bitch who makes a big deal out of everything, as they were doing. Oh, the irony.

      1. That’s all they can do, argue through emotion that “you’re wrong” without actually proving why.
        Debating the left is like debating rosie o’donnell while she’s on her period…they are THAT stupid and ignorant.

        1. Tell me about it. On that very same article I was attacked on, a woman who supported taking the husband’s surname pointed out that getting rid of the tradition just made marriage less meaningful, and agreed with me that vows just don’t mean as much to people anymore-by the way, her comments are gone and her name hidden as “guest”. I guess the SJWs banned her and her comments.

        2. As a final solution, whenever they find themselves unable to silence you because you won’t allow yourself to be bullied online, they resort to the “scorched earth” last ditch effort in order to silence you by any means necessary even if it deletes their attacks to you.
          That’s what they did with me. When they saw they couldn’t silence me the regular way, they started mass reporting my comments as pornography, and when that didn’t work they started emailing the admin in droves which got my thread deleted.
          I went off on the admin of the “I support Kim Davis” page for biting the hand that feeds it and they apologized…still, my thread was gone.
          What did i do next?
          I had already copied what i said onto my facebook page and simply reposted it, and sent it to that fat ass daring her to troll me again.
          So far, *crickets*

        3. Ahahaha! Whenever someone attacked me, I would always make sure to answer back, never letting them get the last word. It seemed my little comment turned into one of the largest argument on that article’s comment section, but it stopped growing not too long ago-I guess they snarled and moved on to somewhere else. Who knows where they’ll set up camp next?

        4. Good for you for standing your ground. Bullies who bully others online tend to become emboldened enough to bully others in person.
          Whenever we make a defensible point, we shouldn’t back down from defending it whenever and wherever we choose to express it.
          To be silent is one thing, to be silenced is quite another.
          I will not allow anyone to silence me…SJF’s be damned!

        5. I agree with you on most of this, but I feel as though the bullies that bully online often have the courage of a jellyfish to say the same things to people in person that they do online.

        6. They don’t, unless of course they have the benefits of a mob backing them up.
          They are cowardly at heart but in a crowd of useful idiots they can easily mask their cowardice underneath the “phony tough” facade that usually follows any SJf movement.

        7. Speaking of mobs, were you one of the people Expect Resistance tried to trash in the tattoo thread?
          From another brother. Shep replied to you earlier tonight so I could identify your profile.
          Hi Drifter. I am a friend of Shep’s from the tattoo thread. He bird dogged you for me in his reply to you from a minute ago.
          Resistance) has been trolling disqus backthreads in attempts to get
          Roosh kicked out of disqus. She has also been claiming victimhood
          status, from the mean men at ROK.
          you mind writing a shortblurb about your first experience with dERp on
          the tattoo thread? You mihgt include references to
          her using
          multiple socks, posting the same annoying .gif thousands of times,
          begging to be banned, being abusive to Heisenberg, etc.
          Reply to
          me if you don’t mind. Almer Goretree and I are building a file to lay
          on her the next time she trashes ROK or claims we victimized her. We
          will save an image of your
          reply in her file.
          Thanks! She’ll be seeing what ever you write everytime she shows up to play the victim.
          Here are some known dERp aliases. Feel free to mention one or all of them.
          Expect Nothing
          Expect Resistance 2.0
          Banned Again
          Butter Buns
          baby harpy eagle
          Baby Harpy Eagle
          Rebellious Girl
          Return of Kings sucks
          Feel free to mention one or all of these. For the record, she was never banned at ROK.
          Here is a Steamy Sample

        8. I’m not sure. This is the first I’ve heard of me being singled out by name.
          Not that i mind of course. I welcome my formidable name spoken on their feckless lips.

        9. Be sure and tell anonymous that i strongly urge them to shove the nearest guy fawkes mask up their ass too.
          Thanks 🙂

  27. Keep at it Roosh! The reason you generate so much hate is because you write the TRUTH! The fact that ROK is so successful worries feminists, SJWs and the entire array of degenerate human waste with their politically correct, Cultural Marxist agenda. You have my support!

    1. That’s right. Feminists etc need beta males to continue to be asleep and just continue to get done up the butt by the Feminist Strap On… their whole model depends entirely on it, so no wonder they are pulling out all stops to demonise Roosh and ROK… if men say fuck it, they will be on their own!

    Call cloudfare, they handled hacks just like this before. They can disperse some of this traffic quite easily, and then potentially reverse the ip location. They can offload your traffic or rearrange their servers so a full data center is dedicated just to RoK.
    Lulzsec did the same exact shit!
    I just saw a video during training where they had the exact same type of incident going on a few years back.
    Trust yon dear black guy with a lap top!
    *i’m trying to find this video, but it’s on my work pc history..

      1. idk if he would see the email because of DOS. I’ll try anyway, but at least if he skims his comments all caps might help, not to mention he may sift through hundreds of emails daily, mine may just not come in time

  29. Here’s the question though:
    Will any of these white-knights/tech-savvy hacker betas actually get laid in return for their efforts?

  30. A site by the name of Daily Stormer was also downed recently. Site admin was apparently able to get it back up with the help of a world-class cyber troll.

  31. FYI- Israeli companies are some of the world’s biggest investors in IT and cryptology worldwide, according to many sources. These companies may be legit or they may be simply fronts for Israeli spooks.

  32. Hate, anger hide great pain. Pity them. They have most likely suffered through some terrible events in their lives to be like the way they are.

  33. Feminist-Based. Why don’t we drop Jizzem-Bell with a DOS? Just crash em flat? Pick one annoying femm-site after another.

  34. Why limit the articles? Isn’t this exactly the moment to turn the tide on the haters and gather more momentum? I can understand there may be access problems, but why limit the revenue generation? If you limit the articles as well as have access problems, a lot fewer people will log on, and the site will suffer in the long term. More articles and you get a synergy effect: It’s much more fun reading articles from a site at war with SJW haters than just some random MRA/PUA site. Then there’s the scarcity effect: When you might not be able to get through all the time, it feels so much better when you actually do. People will remember that for later and see future articles in that light, not as some website noone cares about, but as a bounty of war, something that must be fought for to be obtained, and thus something worth fighting for. And most importantly you will grow stronger from their attacks, not yield to them.

  35. What the idiots behind this don’t realize is that their minor and temporary “victory” is confirmation that red pill awareness not only makes sense, but is making a real difference in the lives and mindsets of men the world over. We should thank them for the additional publicity because you can bet your bottom dollar they’re all chopping away at their keyboards saying “We took down Return Of Kings” not knowing they’re spreading the seeds of neomasculinity by merely mentioning our brand from the comfort of their sexless, cat hair covered beds. Long live ROK.

    1. It’s true, more and more men are waking up thanks to sites like ROK…. feminism’s days are numbered, and they are afraid… very afraid!

  36. It’s odd someone would be so threatened by “Basement dwelling loser neckbeards” as to organise and perpetrate a DDoS attack. 😉
    Must be doing something right.

    1. Probably some blue pill eater who lost an internet argument in the comment section of ROK and became unhinged.

  37. You outsmarted them in Canada and totally pissed them off.
    The longer the DDOS attacks, the more we know you got under their skin. Lol

  38. Wow! Amazing that people would think it was so important to spend so much time and effort to shut ROK down! Like it’s anything more than an annoyance. Actually, it simply made me appreciate ROK even more.

  39. First they ridicule you (done). Then they fight you (in progress). Then you win…
    (Sure I got it wrong… does anyone remember the full quote?)

  40. Think about this for a second…feminists REALLY need beta males to remain blue pill. After all, if they wake up, who is going to marry these washed up ex party slut carousel riders, and then get divorce raped? The current set up enables women to steal money from men and maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Not only that, how many “professional feminists” are there out there who are leeches on the public purse. I’m talking gender studies lecturers, public sector workers, feminist Emily’s List politicians.. even in the private sector, many companies feel compelled to hire dud HR workers etc to ensure their “diversity” credentials are acceptable. If enough men take the red pill, for these feminists their livelihoods are at stake, and they know it. This explains the fierce resistance to Roosh, the red-pill, and trying to shame men who have woken up. Make no mistake about it, there is a revolution going on. Feminism is fucked, it’s days are numbered! Maintain the rage! 😉

    1. Funny how it’s the more attractive, feminine, and intelligent women themselves that have caught on to the fact that the activism that calls itself “feminism” today doesn’t represent their best interests. Getting them on our side has begun and is a critical turning point.
      Just like the failed social experiment that was “communism” didn’t work, eventually when the smoke clears, and the shrill cacophony of contrived feminist outrage fades, the truth of it will be seen for what it is. Buffoonery disguised as a cause

    2. Exactly. Many many times I have had a girl ask me “but, why don’t you want to get married?”,… usually looking genuinely surprised at my choice.
      My answer is usually – “because there is absolutely no upside”.
      Feminists can see the stats as well as we can, Marriage is dying. Taking away their ability to suck men dry with it. And its going to get worse.

    1. If they wanted they could stop and erase ROK for good. They don’t meddle in sites of no importance to Israel.

  41. Funny how it’s the more attractive, feminine, and intelligent women themselves that have caught on to the fact that the activism that calls itself “feminism” today doesn’t represent their best interests. Getting them on our side has begun and is a critical turning point.
    Just like the failed social experiment that was “communism” didn’t work, eventually when the smoke clears, and the shrill cacophony of contrived feminist outrage fades, the truth of it will be seen for what it is. Buffoonery disguised as a cause

  42. This will turn into a great example of anti-fragility. Attack the site and the defenses just get stronger.

      1. Social Justice is a creation of the Jew. Puppets who they control. Blaming the fat feminists does no good. You need to follow the strings.

        1. Where in my post was I blaming the fat feminists? Read it again.
          You can blame the jews for a lot of things but cyber attacking ROK is not one of them. The site wasn’t protected well enough and some mangina(s) took their chance.
          The jews can’t be a part of everything bad that happens, you know? That’s statistically impossible.

        2. >The jews can’t be a part of everything bad that happens, you know? That’s statistically impossible.
          Of course they can’t be behind absolutely everything. And yet when you look into how many times they are part of it, you start to notice a disturbing trend.
          Start following up on the reporters that push social justice… the media organizations that publish it… the people funding it will millions of dollars in financial backing. Social Justice is a weapon. They attack the targets they are told to attack.
          You can’t ignore who wields the sword.

        3. Dude, I´m living in the heart of Europe and believe me I know what the jews are capable of (Hint: Islamisation). Still, I don´t think Israel is interested in hacking a website like ROK. They have way more powerful resources.

        4. If you buy and train a group of dogs, teach them to violently attack anything that smells of menstrual blood, then release them into a city… they’re still your dogs. You do not get to argue “well, I’m not the one that attacked those free-bleeding feminists at that marathon. I wasn’t even in the state that day! It was a dog!”
          Social Justice was created as a weapon by the Jew. They are given the occasional marching orders in exchange for their funding and billions of dollars worth of free targeted airtime in the media. (Without which they have absolutely no power to generate or support their hate campaigns.)
          They act independently, but they have been given instruction on how to act. Some Elders in Israel didn’t attack ROK… feminists did. Or more likely beta orbiters working on behalf of fat feminists to try to appease them with their self-flagellation. A degree of separation is required to keep your own hands clean, though they’ve become lazy in hiding their involvement when having others do their dirty work. They know they don’t need to hide any more. They’ve already won, and have indoctrinated politics and business in so many countries so deeply they no longer fear being exposed.
          That does not change the fact that SJWs are owned and controlled by men like Soros, and the disruption they cause– the attacks, the threats, the fake rape accusations… are part of their orders to shut down those who make a living calling out their lies.

  43. Told you that the knives come out quick hours before the attack began and it doesnt matter if you apologize.From now on youre only option is winning.They wont give you any pardon.They will treat you like Gaddafi.You are now on the other side of political correctnes.Go on , we will support you.

  44. RooshV is down again. Reading his sties is kind of like trying to get news from a war zone. Damn, he has some pissed off people. Sign he has done something right.

  45. It’s time to put everything together, Godwin’s Law be damned. The doxxing, the threats of violence by twitter mobs, conjuring mobs to personally confront individuals with “disagreeable” ideas, as well as the attempts to get persons fired from places of employment are all characteristics of the SJWs which is reminiscent of the violence enacted by the National Socialist Party and Mussolini’s fascist regime in the 1930s. These are all attempts at censorship.
    The SJWs are completely incapable of addressing an argument and so they resort to attempts to deprive people of basic rights. And when they have the chance, they seek the assistance of the State in this pursuit. This dynamic or pattern is repeated throughout history and continues. It’s for this reason that people should make an issue of the FCC, a federal agency, declaring the internet a utility for purposes of regulation. That “move” reminds me of the way the Federalists enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts to suppress the dissent that came from the Democratic Republicans.
    The common thread present through all these instances is a commonality shared by these factions: a belief that the State’s interests are the guiding principle for society and that the individual is to be subordinated to those interests.

  46. Congratulations, Roosh, for having the site back up!
    I had a similar experience some years ago, but in no way comparable to the dimension of this. I’m admin of a small site which is very against official orthodoxy, what includes that site being registered in my name. Since the pests were not able to get at the writer of the site either legally or by less legal ways, they resorted to smear me with whatever little they could find about me (almost nothing) plus hateful diatribes and characterizations.
    The local jewish community (and the SPLC among others) are fully aware of the site yet have never intervened in any discernible way. From my experience I’d contribute the following rules of engagement: never back down, never engage directly with them, make any trouble they cause costly for them, poke fun at them, if they escalate, escalate back, make a rule of reporting anything illegal they do (stalking, attempted break-ins, threats, …) to the authorities even if it is trifles – the cops will eventually do something even if it is to get rid of you (they’re lazy and they have enough to do even without your problems), be on the right side of the law. Tip from a cop we spoke: If they follow you on the street, and they will, shoot pictures or videos and use them to present a complaint to authorities. Of course, everything in Vox’s new book applies.
    All the best!

  47. Total disgrace. I’m here in England – Liverpool. I tried view ROK and RooshV yesterday. It wouldn’t load. I tried other websites that I look at and they worked fine then I knew something was up.
    The feminists have probably bribed one of those geeky, techie 24-7 World Of Warcraft playing dudes to hack into your site with promise of some free p*ssy if they complete the mission.
    Debating with a feminist is like fighting Zombies, no matter how many you smack down, another one pops up.

    1. It was probably revenge for him giving two perfectly legal speeches in Canada on self-improvement. LOL

  48. Yup….. stay frosty lads. Btw Rooh are you aware of your profile on ? I was directed there by a friend on a different subject and who’s face do I see staring out at me? You’re 7th from the top. Not a very flattering pic either…..I read the bio and it is borderline libellous………

    1. Of course it’s libel. It’s written by people who’ve actually never read the website. They “heard” something bad about Roosh, and just assumed it was true.

  49. You would think if someone didn’t like a website they could simply not read it, right?
    But of course feminists want to censor anyone against them.

    1. That’s what’s so insidious about “rape culture” rhetoric. It makes a fallacious–but very pointed–argument against free speech.

        1. I never have a desire to use interwebz when I’m abroad. Or video games.
          You getting another Palestinian bride?

  50. RoK has nothing to worry about. These low-level DDoS attacks (no offense fellow RoK-members) are nothing compared to what happens to the big guys (banks, multi-million/billion dollar companies, governments, etc.). Actually, the DDoS mitigation service provided nowadays is based on the trending capture of those larger-scale attacks — making these low-level attacks pretty easy to stop. I wonder if CloudFare is using Akamai’s Prolexic service, which is pretty darn solid.

  51. Wondered about this all day yesterday that it was a DDOS. F’in scumbags – whoever’s doing this, please run and play in traffic.

  52. I imagine as the visibility of Roosh and the general neomasculinty movement rises attacks like this on information sharing services are going to increase. I would recommend anyone who runs a source such as ROK, RVF, Heartiste think about cybersecurity measures now. Those include:
    2 factor authentication on all online accounts
    FULL backups of blogs or other websites updated regularly, keep a recent FULL backup offline
    Explore and maintain alternate distribution methods including old fashioned ones such as email lists and even news groups.
    If you have a relatively low traffic site consider running your own personal backup mirror server.
    I’m sure there are others that people more versed in cyber security could propose. Having a backup of all your content though is key. I have heard more then one story from a blogger who woke up one morning to find his blog with years of content deleted by a site like blogspot telling him that it violated the ToS.

    1. Agreed. We’re in the middle of a war, but a 21st century one, which is based on information rather than violence. Feminists think they’re above criticism. The difference is that our enemies want to censor and control the narrative, while we think dissonance voices should be allowed to be heard. We’re fighting a war against propaganda.
      We’ve got some pro-free speech allies out there. Watch how a feminist tries to derail this guy’s speech, and yet fails to see the irony.

      1. Yeah, in seeing some of the comments here, I may be leaving Return of Kings. I like alot of the anti-feminist and PUA writings, but the anti-neoconseravative, pro-Donald Trump, and anti-semitic crap is beyond the pale.
        Certain man-babies like Matt Fourney who never spent a day on a battlefield talk like they’re experts about military service. Yeah, being a veteran doesn’t make anyone a hero. But fat, lazy man-babies like Fourney are in no position to know what it does make someone, hero or not.

        1. When you go to a website that doesn’t censor, you’re going to have stuff like that. There’s commenters here who swear the Ancient Greeks were black. You just have to take some stuff and leave other stuff. I certainly don’t agree with everything here.

        2. I agree. Its sometimes humorous within the manosphere to see the libertarians decry military service and other elements say that the lack of “warrior values” is destroying America.

        3. You’re pro-neoconservative? And opposed to Donald Trump? That’s a very small group, I’d think.

      2. nobody takes ADL seriously – plus ADL has nothing to do with Israeli Defense Forces lol. maybe Roosh flatters himself too much.
        it’s ADL’s job to raise stink about everything… they posted a short post about Roosh which noone ever noticed. ADL went after way more important people such as Frank Zappa with his Jewish Princess. they also attack Jews who talk nonsense – such as Ovadia Yosef.
        Roosh’s article you mentioned was dumb. not to mention that right now he looks like a total hypocrite – just like the very people he criticizes.
        during his Canadian ordeal, pretty much the only people who supported Roosh in the media were Jews: Cathy Young, Marni Soupcoff and Ezra Levant. (I supported him too on Twitter, forums, email etc.)
        in his article Roosh stated that “[Jews’] morality, fairness, and justice is limited to whether they are dealing with fellow Jews or gentiles”.
        well if that’s what he thinks, shouldn’t he distance himself from support of those who lacks “morality, fairness, and justice”? how come Roosh didn’t tell Ezra Levant what he thinks about him before the interview:

        wouldn’t it be more honest and… umm.. masculine? Roosh enjoys – and brags about – the Jewish support he gets – while at the same time shitting on them behind their back.

        1. I never said the ADL and the IDF were the same.
          His article was a book review. 95% of it summarized the book. I agree that the Jews favor their own, but I didn’t find that statement very profound. Who doesn’t favor their own? Black favor blacks. Asians favor Asians, etc. Most whites favor their own, but there are some who think that’s wrong, but only if you’re white.
          Perhaps Roosh didn’t know or care that he was Jewish? I’m not Roosh. Ask him.

  53. “In a time of universal deceit, speak the truth is a revolutionary act”. George Orwell.
    Nowadays, speak what the people don’t want to hear is an act of courage.

  54. DDOS attack?!?! Really? Get some real IT guys. A DDOS can be shut down in minutes. Just get an IP logger with activity count. The ones that skyrocket; add to IP block list. Problem solved.

    1. Lol no, most sophisticated DDoS attacks are distributed enough to where there are too many attackers to block IPs by hand.
      And if you automate it, it’s very likely you start filtering out your legitimate traffic as well.
      Activity count only works on some less sophisticated DDOS attacks. attacks that leave the TCP handshake open you couldn’t tell.

      1. I am one of the ITs at my company and we have been subjected by DDOS attacks. And unless it is a world wide coordinated attack, the sources are normally just 20 or so sources. Whether they be from proxies or what have you. You can pin point the sources when they have been pinging for over 24 hours. Especially when it is a website that should just get link requests for a limited time from a source. And this is a site that not many know about. So, we are talking about manginas that are prolly doing it. And since they can’t even commit to working out, I bet they are not sophisticated to shut down a site for long.

  55. This is like one of the main sites I goto everyday, when dealing with woman sometimes I feel a little lost and in dispare but I know I can always come to ROK and feel a fuck load better afterwards.

  56. Did it ever occur to anyone that Roosh has a bunch of white knights around him, cheering him on? I agree with Roosh much of the time, but I find 60% of his followers to be white knight betas, except they prefer men.

  57. Both sites are faster now than prior to the DDos.
    Is the DDos still going on?
    It seems like to me that both sites (ROK and RVF) are working faster than prior to the DDoS.
    Whatever has been done, I like the faster response times that I am now getting from both sites.

  58. Typical Fascist tactics to stifle free speech, expect nothing less from the followers of Hitler, Mao and Stalin.

  59. ROK my old sexist friend. Good to have you back.
    Not sure how come everybody else could access this page 17 hours ago when i couldn’t even a few hours ago.
    Couldn’t be clearer now that the issue is free speech versus hate speech as a political weapon designed to destroy dissent

  60. God speed Roosh, the more you resist these Communists posing as the protectors of the downtrodden the stronger you get. Keep on fighting!

  61. I must say if i were in your position Roosh I would be wondering what my older direct relatives would have thought of such an event.
    And you forgot Iceland too. Along with Denmark.

  62. Don’t worry, DDoS attacks never last.
    This tantrum just means they’re afraid of your message, afraid of the ideology that the manosphere breeds, and afraid of that ideology challenging theirs. Good.

  63. Pathetic, White-Knight, mangina tech-weenies thinking that helping to take down ROK will get them laid.

      1. Expose the lies, go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you. I am sure they´d rather greet you welcome if you´d like to give it a try. Should be rather easy, dont you think?
        Or rather just buy into the Hollywood-illusions and put a lid on it all, cause that tends to be how you evolve your perspectives, right?

  64. We have a classy saying in Platinian Spanish when someone is very upset or defeated: “The truth hurts, that’s why you’re bleeding” There’s no doubt they are bleeding. The manosphere is making them bleed.

  65. Silly goyim, don’t you know freedom of speech doesn’t include criticizing “God’s Chosen People” and their ethnic interests?
    Prepare to be shut down.

  66. I agree with maybe 75% of the articles here. And I violently disagree with maybe 10% of them, but I really like that this site exists and is as honest as it is, even as I disagree.
    That anyone would bother to ddos anyone really speaks to their intellectual inferiority complex. It should be considered a badge of honor for the site.
    Shutting anyone up, ever, is something I can never understand. It’s fundamentally unamerican.

  67. And here I thought it was a Chinese thing when the error messages started occurring just after my return to a communist dictatorship. Communist dictatorships have nothing on SJWs for violating some rights.

  68. Security is dynamic, and so important.
    Everyone should be implementing all security appropriate to their online activity’s.
    Also, we all help websites out by having our own security on our own PC’s.
    For example, Kaspersky prevent hijackers from using your web-browser to DDoS sites such as DailyStormer.
    Kaspersky also prevents your PC from mass sending out Phishing emails to people such as those in our movement of Civil Rights for our people.
    You can download a Free Full Function Trial version of Kaspersky for 30 days here.
    Here are some free goodies that really up the game on your browser for solid security.
    Adblock Plus in the Chrome store is a free Extension.
    HTTPS EVERYWHERE is another Extension that is badly needed for everybody.
    GHOSTERY is another.
    These are all free Extensions available in both Firefox and Google Chrome, some in Internet explorer as well.
    To watch and monitor the hacking go down on a Live Global Threat Map, go to these three links folks.

  69. this video is so worthy of review considering the electronic and seminar censorship ROK and roosch are experiencing. SWJ’s (3rd wave feminism) are even attacking moderate (2nd wave) feminism. shit this language and free speech control is f*cken nutz.
    key strategy tips re #gamegate at 52:10
    p.s., i think bill kristol is a royal prick but he does a decent job of letting the guest tell her story.

  70. Keep up the great work gentlemen, this DDOS attack on you is a proof that your reporting is hitting the mark. Many thanks for your efforts.

  71. This is a badge of honor, essentially it means you’re hitting the proverbial nail on the head- and they know it and they can’t stand it- what fascists hey, and the irony is that they’re left wing freedom loving, free speech touting liberals…..!! It would make Kierkegaard laugh.

        1. whatever you think about this fact, there’s no denial that it were Jews who supported Roosh.

  72. These people and groups hating on you so much, disrupting your freedom of speech, trying to disrupt your income…. their hatred of you (and us) is probably nowhere near the level of white-hot hatred that burns in me for THEM.

  73. Anyone who openly takes on the most powerful of the culture vultures (feminists, homosexuals, AND the “chosen ones”), has some really huge stones.
    Roosh is the right man at the right time.

  74. I can’t keep track of how many groups of people who have been identified as the problem by this site’s authors and commenters. If your going to be dumb, you gotta be tough. Words for the wise.

  75. If you had “engineers” you wouldn’t be using Disqus. No one bothered DOSing you. You fucked up your own server and because you exiled yourself Poland, you had trouble getting information about how to fix it. And now you are feeding your fans a histrionic story because you don’t want to admit you screwed up your tech.

        1. I’m not sure I need any just yet So far as I can tell, and I’m not as emotionally invested in Roosh as you seem to be, Roosh doesn’t lie to his readers. I generally default to believing someone is telling the truth until they give me reason not to believe them. UNLESS it might be dangerous to me to believe them without evidence. But Roosh isn’t one of those.
          If your skepticism default setting is NOT to trust anything Roosh says, why are you here? The last thing I would need in my life is a regular visit to a news site I don’t trust. I only visit those sites when I’m trolling.
          So are you a troll? If so, please go away. I don’t feed Trolls, if I can help it.

    1. Response time seems better now.
      I am not sure if I fully understand what you are trying to say, but after the DDoS attacks, the site seems to run much faster now. It is as though getting DDos has resulted in a benefit to the site with the added steps to prevent the DDoS.
      While I can’t be sure, it is possible that the site was subject to a low level of DDoS for weeks or maybe even months but no one noticed or realized what was going on. It was only at the point where the site was completely unavailable and the preventions put in, that the DDoS stopped. The other possibility is that the prevention steps to stop the DDoS has made the site so much faster that the site runs (more responsive) a lot better now.

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