15 Important Quotes From The Predatory Female


Published way back in 1992, The Predatory Female may be the first red pill book ever written. It warns men about the dangers of modern women well before male-centered internet communities began to do the same. While used copies of the book are expensive, PDF versions can be found via Google.

Constructed in the form of a question-and-answer dialogue, this book discusses a woman’s true nature and how Western divorce laws create catastrophic problems for men f they decide to marry. Here are my favorite 15 quotes from the book:

What women want

Q. Beyond herself and her status with other women, does anythign else pique her interest?

A. Yes, any combination of money, romance, and excitement. The scent of these accommodations will have her rising like a cobra in a wicker basket. The provider of such diversions occupies center stage in her life, but his identity is unimportant to her, and it’s a temporary position. Nobody can amuse her forever. All pied pipers eventually fade into the past.

The end game

When you begin to fraternize with a woman, you are taking the first steps in a ritual mating dance that, if allowed to progress, will result in your moving about the floor in a semi-comatose state until you are fleeced of your money, property, and peace of mind. A predatory female will study you. She learns to know what you are thinking. She begins the strongest primeval death grip known to man.

Beta males are essential to the system

…the matriarchal system could never operate efficiently without the hordes of male drones it has created. These men, preconditioned by their mothers and suffering from a self-imposed order of chivalry, consistently front for the system and its predatory female masters.

Invisible men

Q. Who is the invisible man?

A. Any man the predatory female has deemed to be of no further use. Althought she’ll go to extremes pleasing and cultivating a man when she’s in the acquisitive mode, she views him as untouchable once his purpose is served. He totally ceases to exist in every way. He becomes a nonperson and is fair game for the carrion birds of society.

Natural parasites

A primary trait of the predatory female is that she deprives you of your peace of mind in direct proportion to the amount of time you spend with her. It is a natural sapping process from which there is no escape. Starting with your mind, it soon extends to your money and possessions. It’s heads she wins, tails you lose.

Rigged game

A man, dealing with a predatory female, is like a man in the water with a shark. The environment (the matriarchal society) belongs to the predator. A man needs luck or special training to survive. Conditions permitting, a shark isn’t satisfied with just one chunk of the victim . . . it keeps coming back for more.

Slot machine rule

Q. What is the slot machine rule?

A. An extension of the principle that there is no such thing as a free lunch, the slot machine rule states that dealing with a woman on a personal level is like playing with a slot machine. It’s fun to watch, to play with, and it gives rewards. But the odds are against you. The longer you play the same machine, the more it will cost. It will periodically pay off in small amounts, teasers, but you will invariably
end up in the red.

Q. And a date is like feeding in the first quarter?

A. Yes, and you might hit a jackpot. But sooner or later the slot takes it all back with interest.

Q. What if you just quit?

A. Before you are even out of sight, the machine is being cranked by another sucker. Indeed, he was probably cranking surreptitiously before your departure.

Hard to win

If an individual fails to understand that a female’s charms are never given, only loaned, he is doomed to exploitation. The male must constantly remember that there is absolutely no such entity as an exclusive use of a woman’s sexual favors. There are always other men, and sometimes women. The man’s innate desire to possess a female, to have his own little sex doll and intimate companion, is his biggest vulnerability. A predatory female will use this weakness to lead him into a trap and destroy him.

Sexual slavery

In the advanced stages of sexual hypnosis, the male may subconsciously want to crawl into the vagina and live there. Most normal, healthy men are capable of becoming total slaves to a well orchestrated sexual enticement and the predatory female is acutely aware of this. If necessary, she will stretch that vulva right over his head and smother him to get what she wants.

The ultimatum

Q. My girl friend says our relationship hasn’t “progressed” and if I don’t let her move in, she wants to break up.

A. Undoubtedly, but keep in mind . . . they all dump you sooner or later anyway. Your only elective is choosing how far the camel’s head will be into the tent when you are dumped. Have you considered minimizing your losses? This female is marketing her wares and you are reluctant to put up any front money. Why not opt for a new vendor?


Many divorced men are sending monthly alimony checks to women bearing little resemblance, physically or mentally, to the ones they married.

Marriage simulator

Q. Is it possible to sample real marriage without the hideous commitment?

A. Fortunately, yes. Simply purchase a five hundred pound Bengal tiger and keep it in the back yard. Support it, feed it, and mount it. See for yourself if you are cut out for married life.

Only single men can be heroes

How would Superman, The Lone Ranger, James Bond, or even Jesus Christ have come off as a married man? The answer is: terrible. Married men are hard to sell as heroes. A picture of James Bond trying to placate a shrieking wife while she threatens to have his wages garnished doesn’t fit the hero image. A married man is a cornered man. He is a man who has lost something, and this makes it hard for him to be the classic, free thinking, and independent hero.

The law game

We’re a nation of litigants with the courts saying, in effect, “Ok Mr., go ahead and marry, but if she exercises the most famous of all women’s prerogatives—changing her mind—we’ll help her clean your clock. We’ll give her your home, children, retirement, and much of your pay check for years to come. You’ll even have to pay her attorney.”

Religious girls

Churches are crawling with predatory females masquerading as born again lilies of the field, but ravenously seeking willing, naive males. Those who bite on the biblical “lord and master” routine being peddled by churchgoing predatory females, being more deluded than most, will find (after the camel gets its head in the tent) their scrotum stretchings twice as miserable.

The book is written in such a plainspoken style that it may serve as a great introduction for hopeless beta males who need to be eased into a new belief system without a shock to their system, especially since it’s much faster to read than The Manipulated Man. I recommend it as required reading for any man who is considering marriage in the West.

Read More: “The Predatory Female” on Amazon

281 thoughts on “15 Important Quotes From The Predatory Female”

    1. Wish I found it in 1992 when it was published. It would have prevented roughly 20 years of hell.
      The need to get this and works like this out into young fellows’ hands cannot be understated.
      All of us here talking to each other about past experience amounts to circle jerking now that I think about it. There has to be a way to get this stuff out. We don’t have control of academia and the media, but we don’t need it.

      1. In my experience, trying to teach guys about this stuff is completely useless. They just don’t want to hear it; and, amusingly enough, it’s usually the men who struggle prolifically with women who put their hands over their ears and go “la dee da da da” the most whenever I’ve tried to bring it up.
        I’m done with them. I’ve watched too many otherwise intelligent, upwardly mobile, well-to-do men totally fuck themselves over through their decisions with women to the point that it should be illegal. These men should be hauled off to a sweatbox and waterboarded repeatedly until they pull their heads out of their asses and open their shit-filled eyes.
        I like to think that reality is a ruthless and unforgiving teacher, and generally speaking — it is. However, some men are completely unwilling to give up the dream. Some are destined to fail perpetually and never pull themselves out of the holes they’ve dug for themselves. No amount of awareness or information or “Hey man, you’re going to totally fuck up your life by getting involved with that broad, and here are all the reasons why” is going to make a damn bit of difference.
        Men like to think they’re special, that for them “things will be different,” that all the guys around them who have been screwed over were just “doing it wrong” and “that it won’t happen to me.” These men need to have their egos stricken from them in order to realize failure applies to them too; that they can do everything right and STILL fail miserably. No man is exempt from this shit — it applies to all of us in one way or another.
        These men will to have to discover things on their own — the hard way. And that’s if they’re even capable of seeing things for how they really are. Many will keep on with the status quo, and they’ll keep digging deeper and deeper until they hit rock bottom, and then they’ll keep digging still. It’s depressing.

        1. Sadly, the best teacher is failure. You can’t curtail this in any way. I find only men who idolize you willing to change or adopt some of the knowledge we share freely. This isn’t to say they can’t or won’t learn, but the majority of younger will (and should) look to each other to learn. They should use that vigor to plow through life’s mistake, short-comings, and dreams to get what they want.
          On whether if they can stop themselves from running off the cliff over women, that can only be left. To chance. Most young men are idealistic. They are barely realistic about careers, and have yet to learn, unless if they’ve seen early tragedies, their life is a career; a business. We can watch them hopefully do mergers and acquisitions, taking each others women and jobs, and adding friends and enemies into their clan, but we cannot change how their business starts up. Remember too, many of here, myself included, may not have thoroughly embedded myself into this blog had it not been for failing. While this has been immensely valuable, the failure made it reachable for me. The young don’t see this. We can only hope they never do, while building better resources to smooth the transition back to success when they do.

        2. It is Depressing but true. The ego is the biggest obstacle to truly thriving as a man. The ego seeks to disavow the truth when the truth conflicts with the ego’s fantasies and idealization.
          The problem is many men will not give up the ghost, despite having failed repeatedly.
          I’m not sure that water boarding would work with some of these types, although it would serve them well. I know several of them.
          You can lead a mangina to red pill punch, but they would rather die a slow death of dehydration than take a gulp. .

        3. The men in my family re-marry over and over again. Its sickening. I had a few relationships with some personality disordered women and I’ve learned my lesson. The book above always says predatory female, but its really the nature of all females. The real predatory girls are the ones that are more aggressive and manipulative in their approach. Women are literally our enemies in Western society. Treat her like your opponent and she will reward you for playing the game right.

        4. Agree. Too many of them have been raised by single mothers as well (that being the source of the problem). From day one, they are taught all of the bullshit from a single mother and then the media (plus society) steps in to fill all of the missing gaps.
          Many of these young men would cut off their own arm and beat themselves with it if a woman asked them to do it. They will have to go the hard route of getting fucked over by women (and the courts) probably a few times before the message gets through (if it even does at all). Sad. But, I’ll still through out my opinion every now and then to see if one bites (or wakes up). You can only save so many…the rest will be left to die.

        5. My buddy is a total fuckin mack down in NY. Women always on his dick, he can pick his hen. For some reason, he always ends up dating one of them, which I tell him if I were in his shoes, I’d pump and dump all of them. Well the last one got pregnant by her ex while she was dating my friend and left him for her ex. This was finally enough to have him open his eyes to the fact that western women (especially NY women) are parasites. They use the host until there are no more resources to exploit. As you said, failure is the best teacher. I showed him Roosh V’s stuff and now he’s hooked.

        6. Phenomenal! It is like drilling for oil when trying to reach others with a message like this. You have to strike at a moment of weakness. This is the time when they are most receptive to trying things another way. Good on your friend for heeding advice. Great on you for keeping the faith and being willing to offer assistance.
          I love New York as it is a pussy paradise with a lot of gorgeous women, who aren’t embracing the fat-pocalypse yet. Just visited a little while back and really liked what I saw. Plus, it has some of the best food around at great prices.

        7. Our Maker has endowed most of us with powerful drives to marry and reproduce, which is why I’m thankful for the fact that I’m asexual. Further complicating life is the Next Logical Step mentality; I followed it and went straight to college after high school, and it was a tremendous waste of time, money and energy. I’ll be steering clear of marriage for the same reasons.

        8. Your key observation is that these guys can do everything right and still fail miserably. Those clueless males have the mind set that they know better what to do so they won’t fail. They need to learn that women are illogical and contradictory animals that act on 50,000 year old instincts not on reason. Hence, they will turn and gore you for no reason.

        9. Yeah, the problem with NY though, so much cash and so many truffle sniffing pigs on the hunt for the guys that have it. That’s what I love about my friend, he’s a fucking broke artist and still pulls hot younger women. As I’ve told him, women (esp youngin’s) are good to look at and fuck, but you do not want to turn one into a wife. He’d laugh and say ‘yeaaah but this one is a good chick”, which was flawed thinking. Like you said, this was his moment of weakness and I struck the iron. Told him about post wall women, he laughed his ass off, I knew I had him hooked. I showed him some ROK and while he found it funny, he asked if it was satire or for real. I said it doesn’t matter, you’re laughing because it is true. The writing is always on the wall.

        10. This might explain why women love vampire fiction. Both are parasites that hunt for prey, groom them, lure them in, seduce them, then drain their ‘host’ and move on leaving the empty husk behind.

        11. This could have saved many good men’s lives. I’ve tried teaching red-pill neomasculine type info., but it seems the only ones who REALLY benefit are the ones who went seeking it on their own merit. In fact, the Matrix underplays the disbelief part in Neo, that the Matrix even exists, when comparing it to the reality of marriage, and modern dating.
          For the guys getting laid, besides look and decent personality, almost NONE of them even realize what the hell is even occurring except the occasional final prize, a wet dick. Blind from cradle to grave.
          What’s even more amusing is as I’ve gained knowledge, other guys who don’t study as we do, see my successes or vibe, and try to give ME advice as if I’m finally stepping into THEIR realm of playerdome, even when they don’t understand shit about women, life, or marriage based on their behavior and decisions. Again, more disbelief that what I tell them could even be true. And I’m talking some of the most jacked, studly mofos around town.. just watching them get played by these hoes.. I’m surprised the book this article was about wasn’t banned in the 90s

        12. Well said. It’s an interesting and potentially destructive behavior to observe in men. A certain man can be proficient in the mathematical languages of calculus and physics, and yet refuse to act rationally when it comes to dealing with females.
          “A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether.”
          -Roy H. Williams

        13. O for real, no wonder why all those vampire genres have been popular, since my little sister watched buffy the vampire slayer to now with twilight and all.

        14. The red pill is a lot like a job in aviation. You can’t push it on someone. They have to want it. People converted to the red pill came looking for the truth. It didn’t come looking for them. BTW, the author of the book was an AA pilot that flew west in 2010.

        15. Very true. They are acting on emotions and will turn on you just because of a way they FEEL. A lot of it ties in to CARING what the female thinks. I used to fall victim to that as well, but I find when you put yourself first, stop caring what others think, people (particularly women) will respect you more.

        16. Actually, I know a couple younger guys here in Midland that are totally aware. They’re in their late 20s, have good jobs, hobbies, investments and bank.
          For the most part they avoid women. They’re very happy. They are what I would presume, catches. They’ll have none of that. True MGTOW if I ever have seen it.

        17. Have to disagree with you since I feel that real men do not get suckered into fathering a child that he doesn’t want and suffering the emotional and financial consequences with having to deal with an irresponsible predatory female. Real men need to be responsible for their own birth control because once conception takes place, the man loses any control whatsoever in the decision making process and becomes a slave to the woman. Only by taking control over when or if he decides to have children will the vicious cycle be broken of women controlling men’s minds by controlling their gonads. Never, ever believe a woman who tells you that you don’t have to worry about birth control because she has it covered.

        18. Those women never lost sight of the game for even a second. They would NEVER let themselves get fat enough to scratch the surface of their diamond hard self image.

        19. Yup. Been there done that. So I’m meeting up with out little RoK tribe here in town, sharing all my failures to illustrate too and educate the younger men. For all the failures, I mean lessons learned in my life, I have an exceptional number of successful accomplishments. Anyone who says you can’t have the later without the former is likely selling you some self-help or success system BS.

        20. Very interesting. I think I’ll try being a vampire as part of my night game. In response to her shit test, “So what do you do?” “I’m a vampire,” i quipped. “I’m here to bite your neck and such you dry”

        21. Child support is spelled out by state laws. Having the kids and abandoning them is no big deal. Ask the blacks and mexicans–who are quickly taking over your city most likely.

        22. It’s girls’ job to raise kids. Look at mother nature–and minorities. Or you can keep taking the moral high ground as the minority and muslim populations grow and grow.

        23. Those assholes’ kids will be the recipients of your tax dollars, and your children’s tax dollars.

        24. Your friend is great as a pickup artist, but is in no way a Mack. The difference is all in the mentality. He’s still looking up to them, whereas a true player/Mack views the women as being there for him to use…..and they only have a spot on his team as long as they’re useful.

        25. My oldest is being raised by his mom…I tell him to not date fat chicks becuase, although easy to catch, they will ultimately never make you happy…
          He goes “what about inner beauty??”
          I said “that’s a lie made up by fat women”…
          Soon I must go to Toronto and his shitty female pediatrician will probably yell at me for feeding him the truth,….stay tuned…

        26. Yep. Tell him if he really cares about fat women then he would give them the straight truth that they are killing themselves by staying that big and eating too much (Or the wrong things).
          Fat women hate to hear the truth but it is the truth. Too many fatties are going to die because they believe in some fairy tale about body image.

      2. There are some young males worth saving…not many but the few that are will be blatantly obvious when you drop some truth on them.
        Case in point I have a young friend whom I met through other friends. He got his gf pregnant and she ended up cheating on him and making his life hell etc etc you know the story.
        I started schooling him on game, female nature and the like. I saw that he began to soak it up like a sponge. I saw potential in him and I felt it a shame to go to waste.
        It’s been a year now and his notch count went from 4 to 14 in this time. His confidence went through the roof and he has become the kind of man I admire and am proud to call one of my closest friends now.
        He told me just yesterday how he has grown in the past year, listing all these qualities he now has which he told me was all because of my influence.
        My heart swells with pride to know I’ve helped at least one and gained a loyal soldier in our cause.
        They are out there and when you find them do not waste time to bring them into the fold. We need more young men like this. Young men on the fringes and teetering on the brink.
        I had no one to help me. I had to slog through the mud on my own with much toil and sweat to find my own salvation.
        We owe it to these young ones to school and train them up in the truth if they are willing. Do not despair. Give light to your brothers so they can also pass the torch.

        1. That’s an awesome story. I have a young work buddy that was in an LTR and living with this boring pig of a young girl he met in high school. She’s an angry shrew of course, was always badgering him and putting on more weight. He’s a good looking young guy who works out and was fairly purple pill, but has some good game. We started working out together and shooting pool on wednesday nights and I was able to intro him to the red pill, and Tinder. Totally changed his outlook. He finally got the balls to leave dat chubster and has been tearing thru Tinderellas left and right, and has more or less settled in with a gorgeous girl he met on there that he vaguely knew in high school so they had a bit of a connection already. He still taps girls on the side but is careful to maintain his relationship with the hottie and not put her on a pedestal at all, and she just eats it up. He was down on himself alot of a little depressed before, but his confidence has swelled in the last 4 months or so.

        2. Awesome to hear. I’ve been somewhat curious about tinder as so many people I know use it.
          However I have zero social media a and my mind feels somewhat clearer because of it. I wouldn’t have thought of it at all had I not got out of a serious 3yr relationship several months back. I’m still reeling from the after effects which I was not bothered in the slightest during the relationship.
          Confidence has been low and I’ve been rather anti social and unable to express to others in a genuine way who I am at this point.
          Things always change so I am just trying to weather this storm.

      3. Probably would have been a better read than half the crap I read in high school. Pride and Prejudice??? Fuck that, I’ll read The Predatory Female thank you!

    2. I don’t know if it’s far ahead of its time. These things have been know to man forever..but not to most men.

      1. These things were known by most men for a long time…
        The difference is that modern men, the men of today, they try to make a cost/benefit analysis of marriage to estimate what they can gain from it.
        Newsflash : marriage was never supposed to be fun, never supposed to be about gaining. It was always about sacrifice.
        Men of the past didn’t do it because it was fun or because they could gain something from it, they did it because it was their duty, it was expected of them from society.
        Men of the past also went to war when their country asked it, even though they had very little to gain from it. Until very recently western countries did not rely on mercenaries but on citizens.
        I don’t think you can criticize immigrants from coming in western countries, or complain about whites becoming a minority, and at the same time fail to achieve your reproductive duty.
        Either you are a leftist who thinks about personal fulfillment, or you are expecting more from others but also from yourself.
        As for myself, I will marry a girl if she is pregnant of me. I don’t expect to gain anything from it. As a side note, everything in this article is true as a potentiality, but I think in the long run cynicism is a losing strategy. To some extent, it’s a self fulfilling prophecy, if you mistrust the girl she is more likely to cheat. Read about the Pygmallion effect.

        1. Somewhere along the line, men were fooled into thinking that women have something to offer us, other than sex and children. Maybe it was Hollywood, maybe the matriarchal school system, maybe the thirst that comes with an increasingly difficult sexual marketplace. Whatever it is has been very effective.

        2. It is the softening of our masculine natures to ease the process of cultural assimilation. Women naturally are fans of subterfuge. They have no need or desire for frontal attacks. Men always exalt our tribes as superior so we would fight each other until one tribe is left or the others that exist fall under us.
          That said, women allow our ‘tribes’ to bond. This is their additional purpose to softening our nature. They make us care about others, but with women as a focus we will compete with each other. All things considered women in society helped us men avert a majority of our wars, murders, and extermination. They have been so effective in changing our aggressive nature’s that we’ve become a mastubatory society. Everything is from a distance and the only dangers we face are those we choose or the ones thrust on us when we blindly follow predatory women.

        3. Well my brother, I’ve got ’em stirred up tonight! Some filthy tranny is trolling me across threads.

        4. If women have aided in decreasing conflict I find that contemptible.
          It’s conflict that sharpens us, cuts us, carves us out of fucking stone.
          If we die? Then we didn’t deserve to live. Such is the law of nature and its loathsome to say as men that any of us are glad we have less conflict thanks to women.
          We were made to fight, to conquer, to overcome.
          When did this become a burden instead of a great joy?
          Conflict ensures only the fittest survive and the genetically unfit do not. This keeps populations under control.
          We are seeing a massive surge in world population at this time due to the opposite of what I am advocating…pathological altruism.
          Now many many millions of lives will perish in the future because of that self righteous, suicidal zealotry. Lives whom never should have made it that far in the first place. So really pathological altruism is one of the most selfish evil ideologies to ever exist.

        5. Conflict for no good reason is not desirable. Warrior culture I endorse and admire, but fighting each other to the death for no apparent reason is the opposite of intelligent.

        6. Damn! Was looking around but it looks like they’re comments were deleted. You were laying into them pretty smoothly. Probably the one group of people I will never understand as I view them as perversions. They can fight it with whatever laws they need to, but until a transexual can be birthed, they will always be perversions.

        7. I tend to disagree as peace is a generally positive affair. However, what you touched on, balance, is always the goal. With peace in abundance, men are without a defined manhood, and the populace is below replacement levels. Plus the male sexuality has inverted in a sense where we step on our nature’s to please society and by default women.
          Violence by men has helped cull the strong from the weak and added valuable lessons for us all to learn from. Maybe the beginning of our cultural woes can be traced back to NATO and the World Peace Treaty Agreement.
          On an aside, per year the murders globally average out to 400k to 600k. At least a million babies are killed in abortions annually in the United States alone. Yet men are listed as the violent brutes. Go figure.

        8. I’m curious to see if she does, but if her feelings are as off kilter as they appear, she may experience a severe case of stare rape at every computer she tries to log-in to disqus on. That alone may scar her for whatever her half-life stands at now.

    3. I agree the work is very direct; but I actually chuckled at the beginning of the article, when I read that it may have been “the first red pill book,” being published way back in 1992! I thought to myself: have today’s men never read the Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Canterbury Tales (especially the Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale),Taming of the Shrew, Macbeth, Anna Karenina, etc., etc. I imagine that a 1992 author on this topic was still just an hold-over from the days when common sense still prevailed.
      As C.S. Lewis said: great moral teachers never teach anything new; they just remind us of the ancient truths. Red Pill, Neoreaction, etc., is simply the resurgence of the ineluctable truths, after a period where Western man tried very hard to forget them. The Red Pill is common sense, and most of our male ancestors knew these truths well. But, obviously, the rediscovery is a new adventure for us, and we should enjoy the ride.

    4. It’s MGTOW propaganda mixed with some cautionary notes.
      Tell me….if it’s all that terrible why is it that dudes out there are getting women to buy them vacations, to sell themselves on the streets, to wear dog collars, etc?
      There’s more to it than you all think because you’ve never even seen truly alpha males. This system is isn’t set up as a “matriarchy”, it is designed to keep people stupid and on a treadmill of hedonism. The dumb males out there are stuck chasing shallow, materialistic, treacherous females while those with power are free to use and abuse both with impunity.

    5. No this is stupid is what it is, and we are wasting our Breath we a;ll know and have heard the stories Eve ate the Apple after it was expressed not to She did it anyways Sampson and Delilah couldnrt just be cool and let Sampons have Better looking Hair then her, She cut it off….from the very moment we gave a rib for a companion we men have had and will always have that Achillies Heel well Heel… Al Bundy and His “No Ma’am” ( National Organization of Men Against Amozonial Masculinity) club should be our inspiration and Really the main Problem is Men skipping out on theeir Responsibility I should noit have any Tax money going to pay for a Child of a Single Mother because some Lazy Punk Ass cant be a man and own up tyo Sticking hos dick in some slut without A) Using a condom like a responsible Adult and/or B Knowing ios own body when to pull his shit out….WoW Fuck this I got better things to do, and it isnt like any of you fuckers will even get the point You’ll blame Whatever & Whoever for the Cuntiness of Disgruntled Cheat Sluts who spread thier legs JUST to get Pregnant so they can keep a man

  1. Women have always been the same. The only difference is that, now, they’re financed and protected by the government to do as they wish and be their true selves.

  2. “Only single men can be heroes.”
    This raises an interesting question: what is the apotheosis of man; the Hero or the Father?

    1. Both and more.
      In being a man, ones apex is to be a man and embody all the might and complexity and purpose that the word entails.
      It’s why I find this site so remarkable and necessary, males are discovering that it is important (critical even) to be a man, not effeminate or beta, but masculine and that society requires us to be so in order to function.

      1. I agree a man should be both, but can he both at the same time if ONLY single men can be heroes? Fatherhood implies not being single (though you can also be a father figure to younger men without having biological children).
        That’s why I used the word apotheosis. If heroism and fatherhood come at different stages, is one a higher stage than the other? Or is the premise “only single men can be heroes” wrong?

        1. Fatherhood implies not being single
          This was what the church taught to help bring order to society. Women then were kept in check and shamed for slutting it up. It worked well until feminism rose to power.

        2. If you watch any of the classic world war two films made in the 1950/60s, Bridge at Remagen (Allied) or Das Boot (German Perspective) for example you’ll notice that the family status of the heroes is very rarely referenced.
          For modern heroes there’s a really good documentary on channel 4 at the moment about the daily lives of men who trawler fish around the British coast. The work is really tough, hard and demanding, but, it amazing to see how they all pull together. In the episode below there’s something about the Captain of the Van Dijck remains me of Robert Shaw’s character in Jaws- his resilience, good use of his gut instincts, his natural intelligence, and undisputed master of his craft and crew. Additionally he has a good wife and family waiting back on shore too.
          So, sometimes heroes can be married men also.

        3. Funny you mention the State- the EU will only allow him fish 10 days every month, so he finds it very difficult to make ends meet. Even on the open, wild seas where honest, hard working men put their lives on the line everyday, the Eurocrat Office boys in Brussels, who’ve never done an honest, decent bit of real man’s work in a single day of their lives- still call the shots.
          I think the time is coming were ordinary, hard working decent men will to break the laws that undermine their self-determination.

        4. The heroic ideal should be enshrined in a spiritual way again and we all should look to it and aspire to greatness.
          The fatherhood part I see as equally necessary and needs to be enshrined culturally and politically in the form of patriarchy.
          The man with no children is a biological failure. You have failed your genetic prime directive and you have failed your legacy. On this earth you have no more future. Your will to power dies with you.

    2. The same yet separated, by objective.
      George Miller embodied this in Mad Max with the characters Max and Jim Goose. Max was the dad, Goose was the cad, but also a good guy.
      Miller was being prophetic by depicting a force of degeneracy (Toecutter wore makeup and Johhny the boy was his buttboy for example, the rest of the gang were rapists) destroying the cad by burning him beyond recognition (allegory hint: “burning man” ) and destroying Max’s family; the expected outcome of the work of degeneracy and sexual deviants.

      1. The recent Mad Max movie got a lot of flak for being a pro-feminist movie, however I have to disagree. In Fury Road, it was Max who was the ultimate hero of the story. Here are some examples:
        Without Max, Nux would’ve have died a hero’s death. He would’ve just gotten sicker and sicker and perished along with a bunch of nameless other warboys. With Max he was able to live out his dream and died out on the Fury Road realizing that he had been brainwashed by Immoton Joe. Nux found his own redemption and saved the lives of others.
        Furiosa’s plan would’ve failed without Max’s involvement and he saved her life on numerous occasions through the movie.
        Max also created the plan for them to retake the citadel. Without him the women would’ve just drove out into the salt plans and would’ve died of hydration/starvation. Or likely they would’ve been hunted down by Joe and taken back my force.
        Yes Max’s lines and story was smaller than that of Furiosa’s but in the end it was Max’s story. He could’ve stayed, probably fucked Furiosa up in the Citadel til his balls ran dry, but he chose to make his own way and set his own course.

        1. Even “worse” than that.
          What was the big deal all about?
          The value of pretty women who can reproduce.
          I think George Miller is a fucking genius. And I think that he saw what happened to Joss Wheedon and realized that feminists were going to do it to him. So the red herring of “Feminist Road” was erected to have the feminazis looking for feminism and not finding it, but it they were not, and would have had their usual filters going, they would have realized that the whole thing was about reproduction.
          They would have also realized that there was not rhyme or reason for the women to resist, this “we are not property” thing – that women are being depicted as such even in the face of human extinction, a perfect allegory of the western woman who fails to realize how good she has it and detonates the system that provided for her.
          That Joe was the real hero.
          And Furiosa was helped by an aimless broken MGTOW. (Not to denigrate MGTOW, but a lot of guys are doing it wrong and for the wrong reasons)
          Fucking genius.

        2. You should check out the two issues prequel comic that George Millar wrote for Max Mad about all the trouble Max went through to get his car. Il est une bonne lecture

        3. It was an okay movie with appealing effects and fireworks, but the lets be real – this wasn’t a Mad Max story. It should be called Fury Road – another Hollywood mass produced story.
          I’ll bet every dime i have that in the sequel(s) Max & Furiosa are now paired together to take on the world in a Purple Mazda electric, giving equilibrium to the story. So very unlike the high octane loner Max was previous and should be.

    3. The Father should be the Hero in the eyes of his children (his sons especially). But if he has no children, then he can become the Hero in the eyes of everyone else.
      Perhaps it could be phrased in a better way.

    4. Heroic often implies danger and sacrifice. Hence there’s the connotation that his actions will likely result in a grieving widow and hardships for the family in general.
      The rare instance heroics are tolerated in married men is in the direct protection of their own family. I’m trying to think of a single movie where the heroics of a married man wasn’t at least tangentially related to saving a member of his own family… and I can’t think of one.

      1. Apollo 13? It’s been years since I’ve seen it but from what I remember all the men involved had pretty strong family lives but their efforts were unrelated to that life, even if their mission was hard on their families.

        1. Not a hero story. The Apollo mission isn’t something whereby the sacrifice of human lives would be deemed acceptable, if it were the heroic action would be to land on the moon at the expense of their own lives. People know space travel is risky, but there isn’t a high probability of death.

      2. A lot of modern stories of heroics involve single men with no family attachments volunteering for a seemingly suicidal mission.
        Then there was the 300.

    5. Well many men are a “false hero”…and many men fail as fathers like the many women who fail as mothers.
      The apotheosis of man is teacher, the apotheosis of woman is nurterer.

  3. There are lots of predatory women for sure out there. I’ve been had once in a relationship that, THANK FUCKING GOD, did not end up in marriage. This woman took everything I had when I was in college. Confidence, self esteem, emotional stability etc. She cut it right out of me.

      1. Indeed sir. I wasn’t married to the cunt thank god, but she had my balls even more than my married frends do now. That relationship ended about 8.5 years ago and I’m JUST now getting back to my good old fashioned positive ways in the last 1.5 years.

  4. Laughed my ass off with reference to the stretched vulva and the camel poking its head in the tent. Great analogy, super funny.

  5. It’s even further ahead of its time than the article suggests. According to its copyrights the book was written all the way back in 1985 (Amazon says 1986). I would say it’s long overdue for another print run.

  6. I know some guys who get infatuated really fast and are totally into a girl…. but within about 6 months are totally bored with her and ready to move on. To me, these are the luckiest guys on earth… because they literally get what they want without having to worry about being taken advantage of by the female.

    1. I always get bored after 2 years. Maybe it’s just me, but you come at a certain point where you think: “ok, the sex keeps going, this is alright”. But then the woman starts to spoil the party by asking all kinds of questions about the two of you having a future. First the subject of cohabitation comes up, then children. Maybe you can keep it of for a couple of years, but not for a decade.

      1. There are so many guys that feel that way. Probably more guys than not. As a guy who is happily married to the same woman for well over 10 years, I can tell you that the sex does become less “exciting”. However, because you love her more and more you basically learn to be okay with the sex you do have (it’s still good, although not brand new) because you wouldn’t want to hurt her by sleeping with others. Some women actually don’t care if you have one night stands with other women, but I’m not for that, mainly because I would completely reject the idea of her sleeping with other men.

    1. Yes. A woman is accusing a lawyer of sexism for complimenting her on her LinkedIn profile photo. You can’t make this shit up.
      I guess all compliments are out the window, now. Women always fish for compliments (some times it’s pretty god damn obvious too)…and for attention. But thanks to SJWs and feminists those days will be over soon.
      The good part is the woman is taking some heat from people for trying to ruin the man’s professional reputation.

  7. How would . . . Jesus Christ have come off as a married man?

    The Mormons have pulled this off some how. I think they saw that Jesus had a male status problem as a 2,000 year old virgin.
    Actually Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ wife makes sense. She shows up on the scene at all four resurrection accounts in the gospels, and she supposedly intended to open Jesus’ tomb to anoint his corpse.
    One, Jews had strict laws about the handling of corpses, and I don’t think they would allow an unrelated Jewish woman to handle a Jewish man’s dead body.
    Two, Magdalene’s comfort with the task suggests that she already had experience with Jesus’ living body as his wife, as well as legal standing to handle it after death.

    1. “Actually Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ wife makes sense. She shows up on the
      scene at all four resurrection accounts in the gospels, and she
      supposedly intended to open Jesus’ tomb to anoint his corpse.”
      If the Lord Jesus Christ had been married to a former demon possessed woman and possible whore then the contemporary Jews and pagans would have used that in their writings against Christianity. They certainly didn’t hold back on accusations that the Virgin Mary had really been a whore (for Roman soldiers) after all. As far as I know they never did, because everyone knew that the Lord was single, another thing the Jews mocked Him for, leaving no biological heirs, especially since Isaiah 53:10-11 mentions the Messiah having “a multitude of children, many heirs” and Christians have always had to answer, “Well, spiritual children, spiritual heirs.” A bachelor Messiah with no wife and children, and women as the first witnesses to the empty tomb and resurrected Jesus, are things a group of Jews would never fabricate to start a new sect, because why invent lies that would obviously not be be viewed favorably by the target audience?

  8. The bit about how easy it is for a woman to own a man through sexual enticement is spot-on.
    This is why women are called upon to *submit* to their husbands; and why the marital contract has aspects of ownership. She already owns the man – he needs to own her back, or else it’s no marriage at all, nothing but casual sex until she gets bored.

    1. ” She already owns the man”
      If you think about a simple fact… Why do the broads ware and show off their wedding ring to all the other bitches? It’s her proof she found her sucker that will slave for her for the rest of his life, one way or another. Never have I seen a man bragging about his wedding ring. Maybe at a limbic level men know they’ve just got fucked..

      1. It’s nothing that sinister, it’s simply because women are the gatekeepers of sex and men the gatekeepers of commitment. The commitment of a man, especially a high-value one, is proof of a woman’s SMV.
        The reverse does happen though, as shown by the phenomenon of the trophy wife. Yet, for women, every husband who isn’t a complete sexual market loser is a trophy husband, with the high-status husband of a trophy wife being the biggest trophy of all.

  9. First red pill book ever written? Of course not. Pretty much everything written before the Tabula rasa bullshit that gained traction in the 1960s was RedPill. We are simply trying to undo the damage caused by that false ideology.

  10. Our job as confident alpha males is to literally out game these predatory bitches…It’s OUR job to take THEIR money and resources, sex included, it’s OUR job to mind fuck THEM, and turn these bitches into even more of a basket case that they are! The only problem is…if you do this, shit, you wouldn’t be able to get rid of them, even if you wanted to. They could not find anything else that comes close to compare.

    1. That’s the whole point of the manosphere in my opinion: to beat women at their own game. With all the betas running around saving hoes and feminists, women actually think they are smarter and stronger than most men. Marriage, sex, and the law are their weapons and as long as we control these areas of our lives we win. Dont get married, control your lust, and record and document as much as you can for legal purposes.

    2. I have had this problem a few times, especially with married women. They WANT you and will not leave you alone, even when you start banging other women and are open about the fact. They want you MORE. Strangest thing.

  11. I’m about to have spent the entire work day reading this instead of working. Great read.
    After browsing the book, there have been probably two females I have met my entire life that were tolerable (as they are all predatory, just to varying degrees), and both were fellow military members.
    It’s probably related to them adapting masculine values in what is probably the only official organization where drinking, whoring and shooting guns is not only acceptable, but encouraged.

  12. “Many divorced men are sending monthly alimony checks to women bearing
    little resemblance, physically or mentally, to the ones they married.”
    Hoo boy – ain’t that the truth!

  13. “The man’s innate desire to possess a female, to have his own little sex doll and intimate companion, is his biggest vulnerability. ” – You grasp this and most everything else falls into place. Accepting this as a vulnerability and being aware of it. Unfortunately, considering 99% of western men have been indoctrinated to believe precisely the opposite- by schools, parents, culture – this is the biggest hurdle most men will face and likely never fully accept.

    1. Another thing to grasp.
      Tits and ass is tits and ass. Get it anywhere in the world. It’s the same stuff, some different shades (and any hangup there will disappear after that first nut)
      Don’t pedestalize Pi Phi Madison’s T and A over some Chinese girl. Once you can understand this, the world is your oyster.

    2. Excellent point.
      Learning of the true nature of women and understanding relations between the sexes was the LAST part of the matrix I broke free from (hopefully). I can’t believe the truth was right in front of me my entire life and yet I was drowning in ignorance. Your point about indoctrination is spot on… and I also believe THIS could possibly be the “biggest hurdle” in life for most men.

  14. Any white person that feels Black migrants should not be allowed into Europe to work and reproduce with white women is a racist.

      1. I Know right ,that’s why despite being baked by the sun Whites continue to stay in the sun getting skin cancer.And despite hating Blacks and calling them inhuman and monkeys continue to reproduce and welcome then into Europe.Gee there must be something in the biology and nature of White people LOL 🙂

        1. I once read an article about a study that postulated white women are attracted to black men because they look like babies. Black mens faces are round and smooth like babies, and as is the custom now they shave their heads bald like the heads of babies. I’ve noticed that, also like babies, many black men are limited to only a few expressions both facially and emotively (hint: that’s a jab at black intelligence).
          This study seems questionable until you remember that black culture is matriarchal, and that many black males in western society are indeed childlike in behavior, knowledge, and beliefs. Society ought to question whether most black males over 18 can even be called men, more so because not even black women think of adult black males as men.
          Further support of adult black males being seen as babies is there isn’t a black woman and white man counterpart to the scale of black male and white woman. It’s not because black women are unattractive, rather it’s because white men, unlike most women, aren’t comparably nurturing, and black culture being matriarchal, black women are not childlike.
          You’ve undoubtedly asked yourself what this has to do with your comment. Well, it’s behavior like yours that perpetuates the idea that blacks are childlike, and need society to look after their welfare. You’ve supported the rationale that whites are more mature, and unlike the childlike adult black males, the “biology and nature of whites” is superior, and therefore whites have a duty to welcome them into Europe so they can be protected from themselves.
          I suggest you give up on being a racist. You do it poorly, and it only makes you seem dumber than you already are.

        2. That would make white women pedophiles by nature LOL!. So why are white men and women reproducing in low number across the globe???Its B/C the better survival option is for White women to be impregnated by Black Men while their white husbands watch.Thats just white nature LOL!!!
          Me a racist?Well I guess the worlds pop. would soon be full Black racists then if it already isnt.Double LOoL LoOL!!!!

        3. WHites are reproducing in low numbers due to two things;
          1. They are intelligent adults who are responsible
          2. Their tax burden is too high (paying for the children of brown animals who breed like rodents) so they know they can only afford one kid, if any.

        4. So its intelligent to bankrupt your own country and legalize gay marriage?????
          OK LOoL.
          The only intelligent white people are the ones who welcome,rescue,feed and reproduce with African migrants and the ones who let Big Black Cocks cucklold their wives.Double LOoL LoOL!!!!!

      1. Hmm.Google translate didn’t work on that word so I guess it means continue to shove Black cocks up White womens asses in Caveman.Thanks!!!

      1. Hmm,well I will continue being a whore whoring white whores in White whore clubs and whore coffee shops in Whorey Eastern Europe.:)

  15. Thanks Roosh V for this excellent review of “The Predatory Female” this book and you’re welcome btw for the free copy…
    If anybody else want’s a free copy just hit me up with an email and I’ll send you a free pdf version… or, you can join my Facebook group “Worldwide Gamesmanship etc” and download a free version there and yes, I discovered this book in 1997 and only within the last few years has the manosphere caught up to the book.
    It says it’s written by a “Reverend” Lawrence Shannon, well this is the psuedo identity for the real author who was an airline pilot by trade, this explains certain lines in the book where he refers to women who use suitcases with wheels on them to delineate between predatory and non predatory females.
    Thanks again for the review, you nailed it.

      1. He actually said it himself that it took him 4 marriages to finally learn the truth about women.

      2. Yeah. And he’s weak on self-improvement. Not really a manoshpere icon to me but he makes a lot of good points.

        1. Self-improvement? The man has a fantastic career, millions of dollars. He lives the life he wants, well that is what he says. But he is really overweight. I once made a comment on his facebookpage that got me banned. I said: “Tom, it would look good if you shaved your head bald”. Look at his pictures. That sorry ass hair on his head. I hope he shaves it, it’s laughable.
          So, I partly agree. He can’t take criticism. Lately I found him to be a whiny bitch with his anti-Trump sentiment. Sure, everybody has a political opinion, but it’s not a matter of facts anymore. It’s a pity, because it’s his Leykis101 rules that I find a good way to live by as a man. He also introduced a lot of men into the Red Pill community.

      3. It’s a lot. But he said himself, he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. His parents were married, and he wanted that also. I can’t blaim him for that, but 4 times is excessive indeed.

  16. I’ve experienced and seen enough to know that any man who commits to a woman in anyway, shape or form is completely doomed.

  17. Lift weights, learn to cook and grill well, save your money, buy a simple house and pay it off, read voraciously, develop masculine hobbies, go to bars and sip bourbon and beer with men. Cancel your cable. pay off aNd maintain a sturdy vehicle, and drive it 20-30 years, and fuck and chuck as many attractive bitches you can or want. Unless you are a fan of emotional and financial suicide, Do not befriend them, do not cohabitate with them, do not wife them up.
    Find them, fool them, fuck them, forget them. All other interaction with most Americunts is a complete waste of time.

    1. “Find them, fool them, fuck them, forget them. All other interaction with most Americunts is a complete waste of time.”
      Good lines, and unfortunately the only way to protect oneself from the predatory nature of unwholesome women. Reminds me of the N.W.A. track “Findum, Fuckem, & Flee” and a line by the band Wildside “Tease ’em, please ’em. Love ’em, leave ’em”. Red pill wisdom from the early 90’s.

    2. Lol. This kind of idiotic selfishness will be rewarded in life with same. You will leave no legacy, and btw the women only get older and uglier during those 20-30 years. After that, you’ll be 50+ years old with a limp dick and no family. Hey at least you might be able to find another washed up self-absorbed man-whore to go fishing or bowling with you.

      1. No, they won’t. As the women get older, younger women will grow up to take their place. Men who do what Max advocates will find their young pussy prospects just improve.

      2. This man is right. The solution is to go foreign. Get a foreign wife in a foreign country or build a small harem overseas and have multiple wives. Be transparent and never lie about the other women. Build your legacy without being castrated by the American judicial system and USA police grid. Think like a king.

        1. You people all think that European women are the holy grail. Maybe some of ‘m are. But the feminist/socialist agenda is strong in especially western-Europe. The state is the husband over here. And men are only good for feeding the state. Yes, European women are nicer than U.S women from all the stories I’ve heard. But they still watch Dr.Phill, Matriarchal commercials, men are belittled in every way. Women get more grades, get nice jobs. They are our direct competitors yet they have affirmative action, 3 months maternity leave (your taxmoney) the list is endless.
          You want a good woman, don’t look at race first, that doesn’t say anything. Look at her culture and upbringing + the influence of feminism in her country.

        1. Right, it is a plan to destroy the white european by getting women to resent men and pushing them even further towards feminism and muddling up races.

        2. The west is over. It’s over. You’ll do better to not get upset about it anymore. The West is it’s own worse enemy. It’s quick demise is necessary at this point.

      3. Pity he would have missed out on such a charming specimen of femininity such as yourself : /

    3. Great advice, I would add to that head overseas for a while, Costa Rica, Asia and check out the skirts overseas! Spent over 20 years in the Air Force living all over and it’s great exposure to women!!

    4. You forgot the vasectomy. There is no point in building yourself up from spec of sand to castle if you only going to protect yourself with a piece of rubber. I hate this stupid metaphor, but you understand that you can be destroyed with a torn condom you didn’t know about. Your life could be over with 1 spermicide succeeding its mission.

  18. “may be the first red pill book ever written”
    It is not.
    Arthur Schopenhauer’s essay “Of Women” beats it by a hundred years.

    1. if you want to read a philosopher 500 years ahead of his time michel de montaigne

    2. True that.
      I’d also add that the Holy Bible, completed over a thousand years ago, offers some good insights…
      Proverbs 31:10 (KJV)- “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her
      price [is] far above rubies.”

    3. Excellent!

      In almost all nations, whether of the ancient or the modern world, even amongst the Hottentots, property is inherited by the male descendants alone; it is only in Europe that a departure has taken place; but not amongst the nobility, however.
      That the property which has cost men long years of toil and effort, and been won with so much difficulty, should afterwards come into the hands of women, who then, in their lack of reason, squander it in a short time, or otherwise fool it away, is a grievance and a wrong as serious as it is common, which should be prevented by limiting the right of women to inherit.

    Our women have been poisoned with ‘women’s liberation,’ independence, divorce, homosexuality, disdain for house work and cooking, contempt for raising children, shame for being ‘just’ home makers and irked on to dress like street walkers dressed a few decades ago. One of the most disgusting things in my eyes is that women have been persuaded to think breasts the size of cow udders are what it takes to be a desirable woman. I personally find these humongous breasts to be ugly and am embarrassed for these foolish women. The Jews call the non-Jews cows (goyim), and perhaps this is one of their insignias to stamp us further into stupid animals. We buy almost anything they serve us, don’t we?! And most of all, women have been lied to and told they could be just like men. Now women have to do a quadruple job, work in the home, work outside of the home, teach and look after the children, and on top of it be super-sexed toy. Something has to give!
    Well, often the men have to chip in at home or they won’t get “any,” and that takes away precious time from men to be real men who are working on sustaining and defending their culture and home country by getting politically involved.
    Nazi Germany our modern women’s life style would be considered very destructive. Women were honored and promoted to be mothers and home makers (it was not much different in the U.S. decades ago) to make sure that the German race, which was statistically on the brink of dying out (about one quarter of Germans died in WWI), would thrive, and more children would be born and that the children would experience the continuous attention and nurturing they needed to become productive citizens. The preciousness of our German women was severely crushed in WWII. The Russian Jew Ilya Ehrenof commanded the Russian Military via leaflets to “rape the pride out of German women and then kill them. I estimate that ca. 5 Million German women and children were raped; the number of 2 Million women and girls raped in Germany Proper alone (today’s size of Germany) has been established. About 15% were raped to death or died of the injuries, tens of thousands took their
    lives, a huge number of them had abortions and some died of complications thereof. Many of those who had abortions never could have children again.

  20. So many young chicks running the predator game. Eventually, they hit the wall, male attention dries up, and there are fewer victims around to take the bait. Then they start posting “yo-go girl” memes all over social media. It’s excruciating to watch, even for a fleeting second. The duplicity is obvious to any man of experience.
    Sometimes, I think the media/advertising has the right idea – tell them pretty lies, run their credit cards up, drain their bank accounts, and turn them into wage slaves.
    The irony is that these post-wall predatory women think the media are their allies – they don’t realize that the advertisers are like vultures, feeding off the decaying corpses. On that level, the Manosphere is far more noble – offering critques which, although harsh at times, are actually aimed to help women.

    1. Or they hook onto some beta provider to pay off all the debt she accumulated over the years in the guise of love.

      1. Often, they cannot stick it out long enough with beta provider – their disdain showing its hand before the final payments are all made.
        It’s hard to go from a lifetime of bitchiness to Saint Mary overnight (though I imagine a few have pulled it off).

        1. They don’t have to stick with him long. She divorces him and he pays alimony until she marries another richer beta provider and repeats the cycle. The last one is the real sucker that is stuck because no other guy would marry the old hag.

        2. You beat me to it.
          “Cannot stick it out long enough”
          Why should they? Why would they need to? The feminized legal system is that straw for their milkshake from the man’s.

    2. I think dyke chicks have the least predator game. A woman’s predator game isn’t so much a function of her intelligence since I’ve witnessed stone cold babbling retard beast chicks get calculatedly brutal like an animal with their predatory game and even with an intelligent guy, getting downright loud and physical in order to get what they want.
      Straight chicks both smart and stupid all have some degree of natural predatory game but the dyke chicks are like fags with no game. Without the legal enforcement apparatus, the dykes who lack natural game, the ones you see munching carpet and protesting would all be quickly snatched up and clad in burqas. In a strong patriarchal culture, they’d likely be obedient and the most easily broken women out there.
      I knew a pastor who married a carpet muncher who was barely religious herself but most importantly was virgin to any male. Luckily she was petite and appeared feminine, not like a bull dyke in appearance. Over 20 years he pumped her for a straight eight set of offspring and she still hadn’t completely learned all of his theocratic dogma. He broke her with his stoicism alone and with her complete lack of game, she couldn’t resist his total authority over her. She was a polite and dutiful but silent fixture in the congregation and she’d leave and tend to her kids when he merely gave her a ‘look’. Just a ‘look’ is all it took with her.
      I don’t think natural predatory game in a woman can be regulated other than by early cliterectomy, otherwise the man may just have to resolve to learn to like expending energy out playing the woman with game. A mentality of playing games is so predominant now, we have to learn to enjoy the thrill of out maneuvering the tricks that the twat pulls. A dyke is a beginner (zero) level woman to pull. A divorcee rapist celebrity gold digger socialite would be untouchable but probably the same advanced level predatory game as a typical single breeding mare in the projects. Purity + femininity and the least predatory game level are the metrics for judging a woman.

    1. “depressingly accurate” A small price to pay to learn that the fruit is rotten, let another sucker bite into it i say

  21. I’m wondering if Lawrence Shannon, retired airline pilot (1969) isn’t the same author ‘Brian Power Waters’ believed to have written ‘Safety Last’ (’71) and ‘Unfriendly Skies’ (’89), both good reads exposing the dangers of deregulation of commercial aviation. He wrote under pseudonym ‘Captain X’ but both air disaster books have to be compared for writing style to determine if the author is the same. The pseudonym was to avoid retaliation from airline bosses. Lawrence Shannon was retired airline pilot ’69 as well before he became a reverand. ‘Waters’ flew Alleghany Air (US Air) in the 50’s-60’s. I’ll have to read and compare styles. I may be wrong but I’d be blown away if it’s the same guy.

  22. It’s a great book, but the first Red Pill book is the Bible. Proverbs has sections that every ROK reader will agree with…for example, “Charm is deceiving and beauty is fleeting…but a good woman fears the Lord.” Solomon understood way back then that women are all about appearances and deception, and the only ones worth dating or marrying accepted the rule of male authority, unquestioningly. It really begs the question….”If King Solomon could find 700 such women, why can’t I find ONE?”

    1. It was Solomon who fell from the highest heights and committed blasphemy against his God by bringing in all the foreign gods(from his women) and ultimately having his people suffer the most for it and his own kingdom split in two.
      Maybe he wrote those proverbs on his deathbed because he was seduced by women as easily as that beta Adam in the garden of Eden by the whore eve who herself got seduced by the alpha serpent and made Adam the first cuckold.
      Fuck this gay earth.

  23. The natural parasite bit is spot on. It’s not really their fault, to be honest. Men do things, women attach themselves to men in exchange for reproduction. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, guys just have to understand that there’s more than “love” behind any woman’s motives.

  24. I wish I would have read and believed this book when it first came out. Unfortunately, I bought into the tripe my mother taught me that didn’t apply at all to women on “the edge of the century” Wasted 16 or so years learning things the hard way before I caught on and dipped my wick in a good share of women before finding my current gf. Better late than never I guess.

  25. I read this book about a year ago in one sitting. Though I was already immersed in red pill material at that point, it still made an impression on me. I laughed at the raw truths but I was also saddened. Terrible state the West has become for men.

    1. “I laughed at the raw truths but I was also saddened.”
      Same here. Most women here in America have become so predictable in their shenanigans that it induces laughter. When I went out for a beer the other night, almost every woman within earshot dropped several “fuck this and fuck that” comments. You don’t even have to see her to mentally log slut tells anymore.

  26. Reading an online version now just a couple of quotes will post more as I read through the book.
    The Invisible Man
    ” A woman’s love is like a hand powered grinding wheel. If you pump furiously and wind it up, she will do the job, make noise, even throw off sparks. She will respond, but only respond. The minute you release the handle . . . she begins winding down. She can only respond in a temporary manner. That’s why an adult female will rarely call you or initiate anything. They are only constructed to respond”.
    The Volcano
    “Examine a cervix. It is symbolic. With the appearance of a miniature, upside down volcano, it is the capstone of an area spawning violent chemical and hormonal eruptions. It seems incredulous that anyone subjected to these biological explosions could escape an unstable personality. It is no wonder that predatory females are often at a loss to explain their actions”.

  27. I like the one about religious girls. A lot of really fucked up (and ugly) girls go to church in hopes of finding a “decent” man. They go there for penis and don´t give a shit about God whilst a lot of guys go there for pussy and don´t give a shit about God. Church is a preffered gathering place for hyprocrites and heretics (since medieval times).

  28. Only single men can be heroes?
    Odysseus was a husband and father.
    Beowulf was married when he battled the dragon (albeit, single when he slayed Grendel and Grendel’s mother)
    The original Mad Max – Married and a father (look it up)
    Thor was married to Sif

    1. All of them were epic badasses when the wives weren’t around.
      Plus Beowulf wasn’t a hero, he’s the one responsible for the dragon so he’s both a villain and a hero.

    2. Let me first start by saying I’m a long time reader of ROK but just recently decided to chime in on the discussion. I’ve gained much valuable insight from reading your comments over the past several months, and I thank you for this.
      As to the subject of heroes… I believe that fathers who are able to raise boys into masculine men and girls into feminine ladies in today’s toxic social climate will become the unsung heroes of the future if we do indeed turn the tide in this nation.

  29. I downloaded a copy of this book some time ago and a couple of lines that have always stayed with me were……..
    “The predatory female never loves a man; she only loves the love.”
    “Indeed, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for men, especially those reared by women, is the understanding that no woman will ever love them, particularly in the manner they desire.”
    Tell me again why any man in his right mind would want to get married.

      1. Assuming the children a man’s wife births are his children. Nowadays false paternity is a big issue. To this extent, my home state has illegalised paternity by the putative father testing without the permission of the mother. More importantly, it was women who campaigned for this law.
        What does that tell you about women?

        1. I think that’s a bit paranoid, to be honest. False paternity is an issue, clearly, but most times you can tell just by looking at your children that they are yours, since they look a lot like you more often than not.
          The answer to your question about getting married is still “to sire children”. No other reason makes sense in the modern legal environment.

  30. Like attracts like, fellas. If you don’t want predatory women stop being sexually predatory men. Simple stuff.

    1. I figured it had to be mens fault. Thanks for taking the time to clarify that for us Brenn.

      1. I’m saying the individual is at fault. If one is unhappy with their results, they should modify their behavior. That’s all I meant.

    2. That doesn’t make any sense. Sexually predatory men (whatever that means) are not the ones getting used by women anyway. They’re off skulking around in the bushes outside the Alpha Phi house or something, right?
      What a stupid and tired attempt at blaming men. Like you’re just on auto-pilot there, as you’ve been for years…knee-jerk blaming of males doesn’t even need to be coherent these days. WEAK.
      “If you don’t want misandry, then stop misogyny.” Ha ha. That was easy. Thereby guaranteeing mathematically that men are always to blame for everything ever. You’re probably going to steal that and wield it about the internet when I was being satirical.

    3. On the contrary, such a predatory man is pretty immune to predatory women. A predatory woman takes advantage of a man’s good-faith attempts at building a committed relationship, something predatory men don’t do in the first place.
      I have never attempted it myself, but to be a predatory man who takes advantage of predatory women’s attempts to ensnare him and instead leaves her pumped and dumped, hmm, that must be a sublime experience. Like running counter-scams on Nigerian scam artists..

  31. Nice propaganda against women.
    Yes marriage is rigged and women are no angels, but what is this exaggerated moaning supposed to do?
    Wake up white man, before you go extinct…

    1. And what if white man goes extinct? By the time that happens, we are (by logical necessity) dead already.
      You will not find very many here who are ready to sacrifice for a civilization that exploits them if they comply with its demands on them and spits on them if they don’t.
      Next time, try scaring the folks here with Muslim takeover of Western civilization. That sometimes gets the people here going all white knight for a civilization they otherwise have little but contempt for.

      1. I am not getting the impression the readers here are as apathetic as you seem to believe.
        It is not about upholding the current state of affairs. It is about saving our race. Very different thing, even if both will fall at the current rate.
        Except for in Russia.

  32. Michelle is not like that, she made Obama the President. Understand your role and operate accordingly!

  33. “Married men are hard to sell as heroes.” — no kidding, look at The Avengers. They wanted to get rid of Hawkeye so what did they do? Wife and kids…and the second statement out of her mouth is demanding he ‘retire’

    1. and Iron Man therein was turned from a wise-cracking fun playboy into a depressed, guilty sad-sack by his “common law” wife Pepper Potts.

  34. These things were known well before the 1990’s. No fault divorce and the beginning of feminist victimhood culture introduced the current era in which marriage is about the dumbest contract a man can enter in to.
    What has changed is that finally at least some men are now awake to this fact. And we are communicating. We have been inoculated against the influence of media and culture. We have thrown aside any of the last vestiges of “the male role” that carried over from the middle of the last century.
    What is left to do is for men to realize that they should not fight and die for a country that has so royally screwed them. I respect those that join the military because they have noble intentions. But they are horribly misinformed. They know not that they are giving power to the feminist state, which will sooner or later suck their lifeblood from them.

  35. The topic of “Invisible men” certainly rings true from personal experience, and many ROK commenters have shared chilling anecdotes on this subject as well. Many men are invisible to women even BEFORE any interaction, and to make matters worse, it is probable that in the future you will become invisible to a woman you truly care for (if you’re still blue/purple pill and seeking a LTR. Abundance mentality can help to curb one’s frustration).
    Overall very informative article. Thanks to red pill websites such as ROK, men have easy access to an abundance of useful, and potentially life-changing information. In my EARLIER years, I often had difficulty spotting deception and manipulative techniques used by women. I humbly recommend to all readers to educate yourselves in body language “tells” and also in spotting deception. Former FBI agents, CIA operatives, and police detectives have books on the market to help you spot deception and outright lies (cheap, used books on amazon). Combine this knowledge with the insights of body language (again, cheap books) and any man can literally be a “human lie detector”. NOWADAYS, I often struggle to hold back laughter as I see right through a predatory female’s game.

  36. Some of the quotations, especially the wittiest ones, reminded me of the sort of comment that Raywolf would post around here. What happened to the guy? Is he dead?

  37. Been through two horrible breakups and blamed myself. That was until one night before I hit the town and trying to read about some conversation starters to use I came across ROK. I have never looked back and view the world through different glasses. What you guys are doing is great.

  38. And every cunt who divorce-raped her ex-hubby and stole the kids must have done it to a guy who had already divorce-raped his first wife, then……right? Could it be that the ‘like attracts like’ cop-out doesn’t hold up to logical scrutiny?

  39. If you really buy this crap about women being scary monsters, it’s probably because you just don’t know any. You all need to stop listening Roosh and go out and meet women. Many of them are very nice, and if you find yourself liking a woman, that is not because they played a horrible trick on you, it is completely normal and you nothing to worry about.

    1. … nothing to worry about…
      until she eventually gets bored, takes your house, kids and fleeces you financially with help of the family courts.
      Thanks but no thanks!

  40. Not all western women are heartless and gold diggers. At some point, these single men will grow old–who will nurture and take care of them then? No wives, no children, no bonds with anyone. It seems a pretty sad end game, if you ask me.

  41. No Hector. I am married and the mother of a little girl. I’m just trying to offer some insight on the opposite sex. Not all of us are militant feminists.

  42. “Churches are crawling with predatory females masquerading as born again lilies of the field, but ravenously seeking willing, naive males. Those who bite on the biblical “lord and master” routine being peddled by churchgoing predatory females, being more deluded than most, will find (after the camel gets its head in the tent) their scrotum stretchings twice as miserable.”
    This should compel you religious traditionalists who want to marry a “good church girl” to not.

  43. Five tips for a woman..
    #1 It is important that a man help around the house & has a job.
    #2 It is important that a man make you laugh.
    #3 It is important to find a man that you can count on, & doesn’t lie.
    #4 It is important that a man love you & spoils you.
    #5 It is important that, THESE FOUR MEN DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER .

  44. Awesome shit, first I have heard of this book and written by a Rev! You don’t hear this shit anywhere except ROK!! Thanks!

  45. Jesus was only 32 when he died. Think about how much longer we live today. I’m sorry that you equate being married to a woman as being nagged and cuckholded. I don’t even know what divorce-rape is? I just wished that you had a higher opinion of women. We are not all the same.

  46. I read this and thought “this guy has to be a pilot”. Sure enough, after a little looking around, he was! I think I’ve met him.

  47. There a few (and only a few) reasons why a man want to consider marriage (and I stipulate that he should make that decision later in life at the earliest his early 30’s):
    1. If the man wants children. Your future kids deserve to at least attempted to be raised in a traditional household with a mother and father.
    2. Some financial stability. If your wife doesn’t spend money on stupid stuff and you have sound household financial policies, a two person household is much more efficient. But, again I stress there are lots of disclaimers to this rule.
    3. Social considerations. I have heard from some men that if they remain unmarried into their 30’s or 40’s they get a social stigma attached to them by family, colleagues, and some friends. This can hurt your personal and professional life.
    4. Interpersonal reasons. Some men just need a companion whether or not the relationship is all “swings and roundabouts” all the time. Go with your individual personality on this one though.
    But, yeah, that is just about it. Truth is though most men will marry at least one time. Even if you are now a hardcore MGTOW you will probably one day end up walking down the aisle at least once.

    1. Yep, you got it right. I actually enjoyed being married. She could be a nightmare, but I always like having a female around. I stuck it out for 23 years. My kid was raised in a good home and turned out to be a fine adult. My ex got much more of the assets than I did in the divorce. But, I dont care. I dont need that much. Most men dont need material trappings. I am happy as hell now. I have enough money to travel the world and bang beautiful women in foreign lands.

      1. truly the way to do it. Set aside a couple of grand for hookers and party for 1 night stands and walk away from the rest. I would disagree with the material things .. I have enough to do anything. Bike, Boat, Ride, canoe, travel.

      2. That’s how I look at it too. We’re at 25 years, and she could walk out tomorrow. My use of the institution proved fruitful and if she divorces and takes half my stuff I’m still sitting real pretty, and will single, affluent, in shape and charming afterward. There’s really not a lot of downside.
        Now if she’d left me when the kids were 3 and 5, I’d have been screwed royally. There’s always that risk.

        1. Ghost..If she is carnally fucking you ; great- if not; your a roommate and that’s about it. At that point- I say your wasting your life you beta bitch

        2. You have to approach marriage as an alpha, and not lose frame. In all honesty, in this day and age, if you’re not a Natural AND well versed in Game theory and practice (meaning, natural first, with education so that you know not to lose frame) it can’t be done. I really don’t think it can be done with most men these days actually. I’ve watched all but a small handful of friends and neighbors my age and younger go through the wringer and come out husks of what they once were.
          Also keep in mind the notion that you should approach marriage with assumptions from an age long passed. You don’t come home, wear a pastel shirt and follow her around shopping like most do these days. And you go back and remember things that grandpa did that men no longer even think about trying to get away with. I’m being a bit vague here, but I hope you get my drift.

        3. I know.- its tough. Males are in an uphill climb….. I had to read tomassi a few 100x -aka the bible and then other stuff just to re-frame myself and understand how.

        4. There will come a time, and I think the shift is coming in the next 10 years, when the balance will start tilting back toward men. When you have a large portion of the currently young female population hitting the wall in their late 20’s and early 30’s looking around for good men to marry and finding none the shift is going to start coming. They will say “oh we cut of man’s collective balls 15 years ago and now regret it” and then they will warn their daughters of doing so. (Or at least that is what I hope will happen).

      3. There is a “cost” to having a woman raise your children. You might have to pay it out 25 years later in the form of assets or alimony, but unless you want to front the costs for a surrogate, IVF, etc. and then raise that child yourself, as a man it is your only option. If you structure your finances correctly and make sure your wife keeps an employable skill set it will limit your potential liability.

    2. Sad. A guy might do it for all but the only one with any real teeth is #1 and having a kid (I divorced) is great… No matter what anyone says- until you experience raising a kid. .It makes my life satisfying..I couldn’t do it without a hole…. The rest are a mirage. #2 is fantasy land and #3-4 make you a beta chump.

      1. Actually #3 has some real world implications. If you want to advance in the firm and become partner, you’re going to have to at least have an illusion of a marriage. Earning money and having a great career is not “beta”. Sure you can get lucky and invent the next Facebook and be single, but in the real world, if you want to hit the upper echelons of business, you need the illusion of a partner (even if you’re gay).

        1. I would say bullshit to that – #3. I am in a senior leadership (not ceo as too much stress)… in a a reasonably sized co- 1000-1200 employees and no one even cares or asks.

        2. Then you got lucky. Places I work, they look at older single men as…odd. Always have. I live in a pretty traditional area though, maybe it’s different in the deep blue zones.

        3. I am in deep blue.. I think its taboo for lesbians/fudge packers but divorce isn’t as horrible as it once was in society as so prevalent. Most have the same issues so I think its respect and not derision.

      2. #3 is real, at least as of this day and age. As more people opt out of marriage I think the stigma will fade, but a never married man in his late 30’s early 40’s is seen as “strange”. I don’t think it is a fair stereotype but then many also think equating black with being a criminal and asian with being good at math are also. All of these still exist in reality.

      3. #4 also might be mostly for beta chumps, but those beta chumps do exist. We like to talk about how everyone should be an alpha but truth be told there will always be beta chumps in the mix. If #4 works for them and brings them happiness that is better then having a bitter beta chump shooting up something or turning into an addict.

      4. I have also seen #2 work and ONLY if the household keeps sound financial policies. If your wife thinks her paycheck is fun money for her purposes and yours is to pay all the primary expenses then supplicate her with the rest you will have financial failure. If you approach your finances as though you are in a corporate partnership and can keep you expenses reasonable then you will be successful. But, again a disclaimer, this is hard to do for most people.

  48. Why did Roosh say that it’s only marriage in the west that needs to be considered?? Surely these concepts apply to marriage everywhere else in the world too

  49. Relationships are outdated. Men don’t get any value from that. Sad, but it is better to stay alone that in bad company.

  50. Even Trump got married, a few times. Most of the people here will do it. We just have to try to arrange strong prenuptial agreements. Most of the business tycoons and politicians–the powerful men in the world–do get married.
    Forgoing a prenuptial agreement is really misguided though.

      1. It depends. Most of the time they do, sometimes (in well publicized cases involving million dollar lawyers) they don’t. Better a bit of gambled protection than nothing I suppose.

      2. I understand what you are saying but they limit the downside. Again even the biggest hotshots do get married–I don’t think they are faking marriages.

    1. I’ve had 3 potential “walks down the aisle” scuttled by prenup discussions, because the ethics and character were called into question and it got too contentious. Along the way, my philosophical reasoning for getting married disintegrated. Like many on these boards, I’m a self-made man and won’t part with the fruits of my intense labors. I also live in California where they simply drop the gavel and chop off 50% of your net worth instantly in the divorce proceedings…might as well cut off one of my balls while you’re at it. I have zero faith in the institution of marriage — it’s just a business contract because women (unlike men) aren’t really romantic (i.e., the “magic” is a head fake).

      1. Good that you were willing to walk rather than accept unfavorable deals, like a strong negotiator. But how do Trump and other bigshots pull it off then?
        And do you have offspring without marriage then? I’m not against this but it creates some disadvantages with insurance policies and taxes–and social stigma which is still present although less than historically.

  51. This book is true but it will not ring a bell until you’ve had the proper experiences beforehand. After, it is just preaching to the chore. For most people there’s only one way to learn..the hard way.

    1. yes -100% agree… experience likely the only way; at least it was for me. The red pill is a wakeup but you still have figure out what life should look like after. I opted out completely for roughly 3 years now. I can’t get my mind around why I would want to put up with any of it. If you put a grand or two away for hookers; you don’t need anything else because there is nothing.

  52. The man’s innate desire to possess a female, to have his own little sex
    doll and intimate companion, is his biggest vulnerability. A predatory
    female will use this weakness to lead him into a trap and destroy him.

    Quite an elaborate trap my woman set for me then, it seems to have a slow burning fuse, thus far we’re at 25 years of marriage….I can only think that the end explosion is going to be YUUUUGE.

    1. Being married 25 years is no “joy”; if your just a roommate. I can’t quite figure that out from you. Are you just there like a stone? ..or do you both still have the desire? ..I have seen guys stay married 25 years to trolls because they were weak betas. If thats the case; your going to wake up one day with a nasty red pill awakening.

      1. Of course I have desire. That desire is satisfied. My wife has also stayed thin and pleasant. This morning before she headed off to buy groceries she brought me my first cup of coffee with a smile and a kiss.
        I’m more red pill than I think you realize. You play the game, you don’t let the game play you.
        If she leaves tomorrow with half of everything I still come out the winner because my end goal, children raised to healthy, stable adults, has been completed.

        1. then your fine – thats all I was asking. I was beta when I was in my 20’s. I blame it on the catholic church and no information for my dad/society on how I should be or act. The real issue with being a beta is you get the alpha beat out of you for the first 18 years of your life by society..and you don’t just turn it on because you don’t know what “it” is. You can’t just read a website and identify alpha red pill. There are realities that people need to internalize. I knew a guy married 28 years to a troll..he got divorced and found himself a horny drunken sweety and is lovn every day of it but for 28 years – his life is gone. Nothing gained.

        2. I agree with that. I had the alpha reinforced growing up, not beat out of me. My grandfather was a hard drinking, hard living, hard working diesel mechanic married to a woman who would scold anybody deviating from traditional sexual roles, my uncle was a motorcycle gang vp (for a 1%’er MC, back when they did really scary shit in the 70’s and 80’s) who had a harem of women when I was growing up, my father was a Marine corps fighter pilot, my other uncle was a gun shooting, hunting former Marine infantry with a no-shit taken attitude who pumped out 5 kids on a mechanics salary. Good role models. In fact, if I’d pussied out on anything growing up, I had to worry about coming home to any one of them and having my ass whopped for putting the family name in a bad light. We took “You don’t start the fight, but you end it” pretty seriously.
          The things I learned growing up around these men have served me well to this day, and I’ve passed down their positive lessons to my own son.

        3. My come to “jesus” was when a gal said to me I can’t mentally get my head around this. I thought I was normal. I am successful and in pretty dam good shape etc… It wasn’t even my divorce-which I initiated and finished…. If its not possible- than your despicable to be a chump.

        4. I can and do see that with most men. No question at all, you’re right. I was literally trained by all of the men listed above.
          I recall being 14 or 15 or so, riding out to hunt deer with my two uncles, it was late fall and somewhat chilly. One of them asked me about any girls in my life, and I brought up some chick I had the hots for.
          They ribbed me a bit, then my Marine uncle said (and I remember this pretty clearly), “Son, the whiff of her perfume may be great, and I know you’re sitting there thinking of nothing but getting into her pants, but don’t ever let a woman control you with those things. Be your own man”. My grandfather and father drove home similar points, along with other life essential points, all the time.

        5. I never had that. Now, yes- I understand but at the time you only know what you know. The reason 95%+ of men are beta is because they only know what they know. My bro is in his late 50’s and just married like a beta and he was divorced as well. I cringe but his certainty of betaness is like crabs getting pulled out of a barrell. I can’t help. Age has no bearing on the reality of a beta or whether you slip back into the abyss the day meet another gal.

    2. Actually it will be….ALL relationships end at some point. If you are married, no doubt you remember the “until death do us part” line in the vows. Statistically speaking, you will probably pass before your wife. However, if you outlive her, then that explosion will indeed be “YUUUUGE”. Whenever I have seen widowers bury their wives after several decades of marriage, I always wonder, “was it worth it?”

  53. Perhaps a bit overly cynical in parts but it definitely has a lot of truth to it.
    The problem is still the same though. We need women. Without women, there is no future and thus no point to anything in the long run.

        1. Same. Marriage is a shame. I have been married for almost 15 years. I regret my decision. My wife knows I am successful because of me. I would be further along in my life without her not the opposite.

      1. Insulting men you’ll never have to be accountable to, brave stuff :p
        Women represents the creation of life. Any tribe that doesn’t procreate eventually dies out. It’s simply nature. So what’s your alternative, tough guy?

  54. I’m not pimping for marriage here, just noting that the author got the “no married heroes” thing wrong, he cherry picked.
    Odysseus, married to Penelope
    Thor/Thunnar/Donner, married to Sif
    Odin – Freya
    Menelaus – Helen
    Robin Hood – Maid Marian (married by Richard the Lionheart in the story)
    Chesley Sullenberger – Lorraine “Lorrie” Sullenberger
    Chesty Puller – married to Virginia Puller
    I could go on..for a long, long time.
    The point isn’t “marriage!”, rather, it’s cherry picking in order to make a point. When you do, it makes your rhetoric easy to defeat and thus discredits your larger point.

    1. MGTOW losers oftentimes point out how Tesla wasn’t married, yet forget to mention how Edison, how created just as much, was married twice and had six kids.

        1. Of course not. Simply that Edison gets a lot of credit that he didn’t at all deserve and, in fact held things back quite a bit.

      1. It’s becoming apparent that Tesla’s employment with Edison was typical. There is no telling what came from Edison and what came from those he employed. Because of Tesla’s independent nature we know his inventions came from him and him alone.

    2. on point as always GOJ. To add to this, the cherry picking takes away from the actual heroism. Whether or not a hero has a woman and what his relationship to that woman may be has nothing to do with his being a Hero. It is an ancillary fact which, at most, is a motivating or recuperative source (either married or single) and men need to start defining themselves more in terms of themselves and their own actions and not in terms of their relationships to women.

      1. Whether or not a hero has a woman and what his relationship to that woman may be has nothing to do with his being a Hero.
        Exactly. Men do the great things that they do for reasons that transcend the common and pedestrian.

  55. PURE GOLD. Some of these points underscore the importance of obtaining some x-ray vision (knowledge) so you can see “the game *behind* The Game.”
    It is with a heavy heart that I see how the defining impact of selected messages in this book are really only being felt in earnest now, 10-20+ years later.
    It reminds me of what Marshall McLuhan said about the effects of media on the human psyche back in the 1960s and 70s — WAY ahead of his time, and totally on point.
    “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man” ///meaningful digression

  56. One of the most eye opening books I’ve ever read. Some how I feel like Michael Jackson understood this philosophies. Paid some lady to have his baby. Raised by his mother. I do think MJ is a little bit of an Alpha male or a redpiller. His songs like ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Who Is It’ proves so. A girl I was on a date with thought I had any interest in marriage, in this sad times. I told her I was going to pull an MJ one day. She didint know what I was talking about. But actually, I’m going to Nigeria, Africa or Eastern Europe. I will pay a girl with a High IQ to have my child. My mother will raise my children. A married man is truly a cornered man.

  57. I think that the contemporary authors of the serial episodes of the Spiderman comic strip tried to marry him off years ago, but they ended up eradicating that entire storyline as some sort of depiction of alternate history.
    Similarly, those responsible for the Superman comic series periodically have episodes from an alternate timeline where Superman is married to Lois Lane — who is, of course, fully aware of his secret identity as Clark Kent.
    Actually, that’s what the TV series “Lois and Clark” was about, wasn’t it? I think that series did last a while.

  58. I mentione artifices wombs on Reddit. Guess what the female response was?
    – “when I get an abortion, I want to kill the child. ”
    – “even if the child could survive outside the womb; whether it lives it dies is the moms choice only”
    – would women have to pay child support to the dad? I hope not”
    No input from me required. I just want to remind you of a females selfish nature.

  59. ” A picture of James Bond trying to placate a shrieking wife while she threatens to have his wages garnished doesn’t fit the hero image. A married man is a cornered man. He is a man who has lost something, and this makes it hard for him to be the classic, free thinking, and independent hero.”
    In every modern myth the story ends when the man gets the woman. There is a good reason for that ellipsis at the end of the story and why Bond’s gf’s always end up dead. We all know that married men are restrained in what they can do. Their time is not their own, their resources are not their own. They will always look to her for approval. There is no saving the world when your wife is telling you that you aren’t doing enough housework or tending to her emotional needs well enough.
    I have been married (then divorced) and seen just how those small gossamer strands begin to constrain your ability to achieve anything outside of the female imperative. Now, I have a gf that knows my goals are mine and she can either help or not, but she has no say in setting them as she has no legal hold on me.

  60. So, according to this article, it is impossible to stay married the entire life? So, maybe my parents had lied to me.
    This is, at best, an exaggerated version of the female nature. While everything is thruth in root, the conclusions are beyond pessimist. This is evidently the vision of a man who was ruined by a woman, then he concludes that this is the true nature of woman and that all men are doomed if they don’t believe in his conclusions.
    The natural condition of the female nature is not predatory, is submission. Females are naturally conditioned to submit to a male. Predatory female behavior is an unnatural state of a woman that was rised in the wrong form, who was somehow deprived of a male leadership, and consequently made the wrong choices. Then she becomes corrupted in her thoughts, a distortion in her impulses of submission becomes envy, accompanied of a desire of possession. The truth is: because only a few men knows how to love a woman as fathers and husbands, most woman becomes corrupted in their behaviors, which does not mean that this corrupted state is their true nature. Some will be repaired by mating capable males, majority will become sluts, and just a few will be pure enough (having in mind that “purity” is nothing but ignorance. A pure woman is a woman that is ignorant to lust).
    Women are not, by any means, innocent angels waiting to be loved and to give love. Above all, their impulses are selfish. But so are the impulses of a man. A man wants his woman the way he likes and believes that she can’t know what is best for herself due to her own nature. He is selfish because he doesn’t understand that leadership is not ownership. You do not get to own a woman, you win her submission by her own will, that is what she really wants you to do, for you to be good enough for her to subdue willingly to you, and this means that you will have to sacrifice something, which is your wordly desires.
    Love is abnegation and commitment, and both man and woman are naturally capable to love, otherwise marriage would be a lie by designe. In marriage, a woman is deprived of freedom, and a man is deprived of wordly desires. To love means that both the man and the woman will chose this standard willingly, mutually. That’s the true nature of romance. Anything else is vanity, lust and selfishness.

  61. You do know that the book “the predatory female” is a spoof on the lead character in the tennessee Williams play, “the day of the iguana,” right? Do some research.

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