All Swedes Will Be Forced To Fund Female Promiscuity

The Swedish left-wing government will make contraceptives free of charge for young women. They see it as a “women’s health” issue, a way of preventing unwanted pregnancies. The good news is that it might actually lower the abortion rate in Sweden. The bad news is that it will further subsidize female promiscuity.

New budget under way


The chairperson of the Left Party, Jonas Sjöstedt, is happy about having some influence over the budget.

Soon the Swedish government will present its proposition for next year’s budget. This administration, consisting of the Social Democratic Party and the Green Party, does not have a majority in the parliament. To get the budget voted through, it therefore needs the support of the Left Party.

This means that the former (or, in some cases, current) communists of the Left Party have been in negotiations with the government, and they have gotten through several of their demands.

Funding “women’s health”

Under the headline “Important investments in women’s health”, it was announced last week that contraceptives will be free for women under 21. This change is planned to take effect on January 1, 2017.

Now the Left Party is celebrating it as a victory for themselves and for equality. Together with other reforms, this will contribute to closing the health gap between different groups by increasing women’s well being, they say. Both good things and bad things can come of making contraceptives free of charge. Here is a list of the most important pros and cons.


Fewer abortions

Even pro-choice people can agree that fewer unwanted pregnancies leading to fewer abortions is a good thing. They look at it as a women’s health issue, meaning that to them getting pregnant is basically like getting the flu.

In Sweden, women can get an abortion with no questions asked up to the nineteenth week. After that, to get it they need a special permit. Over 36,600 abortions were done in 2014, about the same amount as in earlier years.

Around 35,000 children are being killed on a yearly basis in Sweden alone. That’s a big deal, and something needs to be done about it.

In Norrbotten County, they have already tried giving young women under the age of 26 free contraceptives. It resulted in the number of abortions being cut in half, from 500 to 251. A great and surprising success.

Although there might have been other reasons for the sharp decrease in abortions, the experiment in Norrbotten shows that free birth control likely has positive effects on reducing unwanted pregnancies. Everyone can agree that that is a step forward.

Less spending

The Left Party calculates that free contraceptives will cost 27 million SEK per year (about 3.2 million USD). That means more money and more power will be handed over the leftist government.

But one can easily imagine that fewer abortions will cut costs in the long run. A pill is a lot cheaper than surgery. There’s a lot of money to be saved by decreasing the number of unwanted pregnancies that have to be terminated.

A suggestion that might cut government spending is always worth consideration.

Increase in female promiscuity

The pill has been hailed by feminists as a key component in their struggle for women’s liberation. It gives women the ability to postpone motherhood as long as they wish—and have sex as often and with as many men as they want.

If you’re someone who comes to this site for tips on how to pick up women, you should be thankful that contraceptives exist. Birth control has always been around in some form, but modern methods such as the pill have made it a lot safer to have sex without taking any consequences for it.

If one night stands is your thing, free contraceptives should only help your chances of scoring.



Increase in female promiscuity

Sleeping around a lot with different men is not an attractive thing for a woman to do. Most guys want a woman that can keep her legs together until the right man shows up.

There is also research which suggests that a woman’s promiscuity might effect her child, since female animals can incorporate sperm DNA from her previous sex partners. Roosh talks about this in a recent article, how “there are also genetic reasons not to start a family with a promiscuous woman: children you have with her may have their gene pool polluted by her random affairs and one-night stands.”

Now, what kind of a man would want a child that literally has its mother’s sluttiness encoded in its DNA?

Drop in birth rates

It’s not like there’s an overabundance of Swedish children around. People are living longer and fewer children are born.

Back in the year 1900, close to a quarter of Swedes were 10 years or younger, while less than 10 percent were 65 or older. Today, the percentage of people 65 and above has doubled, and the share of children has almost been cut in half.

We are looking at a future were relatively few young Swedes will have to provide for a large number of senior citizens, and that’s a problem. Many have suggested that immigration will solve the issue.

Here’s an idea: the Swedes themselves could give birth to more children and thereby secure the future care of their elders. It’s how it’s always worked, so why not continue doing it?

Handing out contraceptives for free will certainly not solve the problem of low birth rates in Sweden, and in the West as a whole. On the contrary, it will make the situation worse.

Forced funding of promiscuity

As a pro-life person you find yourself in a tough spot. Either a woman gets an abortion, or you give her contraceptives for free so that she doesn’t get pregnant in the first place. The second option does sound better.

But it is certainly not a great option. It’s like paying off the mafia so that they don’t set your store on fire. Sure you’re happy that your store is left intact, but you shouldn’t need to bribe someone for that.

Women today are figuratively speaking holding their fetuses hostage, telling you that they will kill them if you don’t hand over the cash. That’s not how a good society should operate.

Giving away free birth control using tax money means everyone has to fund women’s promiscuity. No one gets away, even if one finds it unconscionable. All are forced to negotiate with the terrorist women holding a gun to the head of their own child.


Unprotected life.


People don’t have a moral obligation to give other people stuff for free, including contraceptives. If women have fewer abortions that’s great, but not in this way.

It’s time to stop treating people like children, giving them all the things they can’t afford themselves. How about teaching them responsibility the hard way, by making them live with the consequences of their own actions?

If you’re a woman who don’t want children and can’t afford birth control, perhaps you should abstain from sex until one of those two things changes. Maybe that’s hate speech, maybe it’s misogynistic and oppressive towards women. Or maybe it’s just common sense.

Read More: Sweden Continues To Fund Bizarre And Inappropriate Sex Education For Young Children

108 thoughts on “All Swedes Will Be Forced To Fund Female Promiscuity”

    1. 3:00
      rape in sweden is overblown man, even conseual sex without a condom is rape….Literally everything you do is rape hence why their men are shy…THey know, 3rd worlders got no game. There are more of em in france but you dont hear about it even though french girls are smaller and more petite then viking girls

        1. mclovin89 is the resident pro bono untermensch advocate here,
          over and over again in every article. Probably a jewish college girl

        2. “Young girls from the age of ten onward were taken into organizations where they were taught only two things: to take care of their bodies so they could bear as many children as the state needed and to be loyal to National Socialism. Though the Nazis have been forced to recognize, through the lack of men, that not all women can get married. Huge marriage loans are floated every year whereby the contracting parties can borrow substantial sums from the government to be repaid slowly or to be cancelled entirely upon the birth of enough children. Birth control information is frowned on and practically forbidden.”
          “The task of our League is to bring young women up to pass on the National Socialist faith and philosophy of life. Girls whose bodies, souls and minds are in harmony, whose physical health and well-balanced natures are incarnations of that beauty which shows that mankind is created by the Almighty… We want to train girls who are proud to think that one day they will choose to share their lives with fighting men. We want girls who believe unreservedly in Germany and the Fuhrer, and will instill that faith into the hearts of their children. Then National Socialism and thus Germany itself will last for ever.”- Dr Juta Rudiger- leader of the BDM

        3. It’s likely Swedes are hypersensitive to rape allegations because of their feminism. False rape allegations is a demographic problem, not just a few odd individual cases.

        4. interesting, heard that statistic too for oslo and stokholm since 08. But they arent majority nationally but they do overrep…..varies from 30-45% nationally.
          worth noting they also count every act as 1 so it really adds up.
          when broken down by race its 25% a piece for whites and asians(mid east) while africans make 50%. Even though this is alil fear mongering for my taste and can see an sjw looking girl down at the bottom it refers to the few actual victims. Most are usually from the vague laws hence the weak sentences. Scandinavia seems to only have this issue the most feminists nations on earth but netherlands germany france have higher portions in certain areas, but not the same propaganda. Hell even Bc ontario an alberta in canada have many. Those sharia zones Ive asked my friend whom was there i UK that he didnt see any but ill ask my cousin there.
          Have afeeling those leftists and nationalists want to start a race war or something, with all those stupid stunts like playing dead on the beach, whipping selves for slavery and critizeing patriarchal nations, its mebarassing for both whites and ethnics and creates resentment and tension. If they really wanna help they should do actual work to build up their land and buy their products so that way they dont have to leave their homes to come here.

        5. They are just looking for a better life…
          …and if you don’t like it they will behead you…
          Lonley Planet Sweden- Guide for Tourists:
          Recommended armor level: IV
          Avis Car Rentals- Armored Humvees available for Premire members
          50 caliber top turret optional
          (add. charge per thousand rounds ammo)
          Book Now!

    2. The worthlessness of the feminist movement is apparently infinite. They spent thirty years trying to make bogey-men out of well-behaved, chivalrous white males who misread ‘not fighting back’ for ‘masculinity’. The latest, ‘rape culture’ on campuses, is a perfect example. Ridiculous fantasizing.
      Well now, the real thing has arrived, feminists! Muslim males really are the bogeymen that they’ve been hoping existed (to fuel their indignation tingles). Be careful what you wish for, eh? Brutal, stinky, animalistic, ugly, fat, book-less, inarticulate, women-hating rapist, abusively patriarchal slobs. All the things that they falsely pinned on white males in order to facilitate their make-believe war has arrived. And they stood down. They are absent. Fucking cowards. Total and utter fucking cowards. The same cowardice that allowed them to win the battle of the sexes by undermining the children of the opposing side and then waiting for 30 years. Attack the boys and then just wait. That’s how they won that war. Feminists are cowards of the worst sort.

        1. Google “FEMEN storms stage during Muslim conference.”
          I don’t say this very often, but the Muzzies did the right thing.

        2. Yeah if you go looking for a beating, you generally find one. Question is, what happens to these operatives next?

      1. Exactly. Now, Sweden is the rape capital of the West and number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho…a small underdeveloped country in Southern Africa. Leftists of every stripe are 100% to blame for not accurately addressing problems within Islam, in order to retain political correctness and avoid saying things that may sound racist. If I’ve learned anything from Feminism, it’s that when people encourage you to do something, its often not for your own good. They’re just trying to change the world; they don’t give a shit about you or what happens to you.

        1. All of that mess, just so leftists can keep that never-ending flow of ‘racial goodness’ tickling away at their heart, or whatever the process is. They are insatiable when it comes to playing the racial good-heart as long as it is paid for modern day mules (white males).

        2. Its not about politics or left or right or cheap labor etc.
          Sweden is simply a repository of a very pure strain of White DNA that developed over tens of thousands of years.
          It has to be destroyed and diluted as quickly as possible. The destruction of that DNA is irreversible, unrecoverable.
          Everything is crystal clear when you accept the White Genocide agenda behind it all.

        3. What the hell? Why would you want to average out uniqueness? Let us all become raping bearded Allah-screaming men? Something like this should not even be considered to be accepted.

        4. Yea but only because they redefined rape. Everything is rape now. Soon there will be eyerape and thought rape, allowing females to be raped up to 200 times a day.

        5. Having sex with a prostitute is now considered rape in Sweden, because the “sex worker” is considered a victim! Also, a woman can go to a police station in Sweden and say “my husband forcibly had sex with me against my will 200 times this year”, and the police have to record that as 200 individual rapes. IOW the stats are cooked.

        6. That may be the case for naive Swedes men but the Muslims are actually raping people…like real life rapes.

        7. soon they will say the ability of the male brain to think is arming women. so! all men should be lobotomised

        8. You want to get rid of muzzies then start importing Thai ladyboys by the shipload. Then start to work in run of the mill homosexuals. Muzzies and Central Asians are total faggots in their heart of hearts and would soon go for the men every time. They LOATHE women and see them as dirty animals who are far below them. Keep pushing the rainbow agenda on the world and sooner or later, the muzzies will succumb and they will LOVE it…..Muzzies gone. A homosexual culture can’t go on overpopulating the world forever.
          This is Islam. Case closed

        9. wtf you talking about muslims hang homosexuals and promiscuous women. they are 1000% more conservative than western society.

        10. You heard of ‘overcompensation’, ‘projection’? READ, friend. Muslims are total faggots, their public displays of hateful projection notwithstanding. Homosexuality is rampant in Muzzie culture. RAMPANT.

        11. muslim society in the inside has a ton of homosexuality.
          Only on the outside will they hang homos.
          Take ISIS for example. There have been accounts of them throwing homos off of roofs yet accounts of leaders doing homo shit with recruits.

        12. I would bet it’s far more than simple ‘accounts’ and it’s likely ubiquitous to the point of not even being noticed. Korea is similar. Outwardly, they emphatically deny homosexuality in their culture yet their two year mandatory, all-male military service is apparently a homosexual fuck and suck fest that would make Spring Breakers in Cancun seem like a bunch of Quakers.
          Never underestimate the flaming homosexuality that springs from male worship cultures. In the West, we have no conception of how this could ever be possible. I’m kind of glad I grew up pedestalizing women, though you have to learn how to tap the brakes accordingly. The first set of breasts I saw in person nearly made me fall down just due to sheer awesomeness. I seriously almost fell down. Muslims likely spit on the first set of breasts they see and then throw acid or some shit. Rich muzzies are all, “I can’t wait to lay a steamer on those disgusting things!” Fucking pigs. Faggots of the worst sort. At least Western homosexuals have the manliness to acknowledge what they are and what they want. Eastern homosexuals (nearly all Eastern males) circumnavigate their homosexual tendencies by being abusive to women.
          Women are dirty pieces of shit to men from Eastern male worship cultures. It’s an incredible difference.

    3. daily influx of third world rapists.?? This is why they need extra funding !!!
      Sweden need diversity screwing their women, the men have been emasculated & they can’t perform anymore !

    4. “Women’s health” has been redefined to promote the cause of destroying traditional patriarchal culture, in order to destroy “systemic institutional oppression” against the Left’s victim class collectives. The old, oppressive power structure must be replaced with a new, oppressive power structure that allows the Left to grant privileges to their allies and revoke privileges from their opponents and scapegoats. Mass immigration is necessary to inflame ethnic and cultural differences that can be leveraged into charges of racism and intolerance. Immigrant crime must be downplayed in news reporting to “reduce tensions and keep the peace”, but the numbers of rapes must be exploited by adding to aggregate statistics to justify feminist attacks against “rape culture”.

  1. Western civilisation is really going down the toilet. Promiscuous women make bad mothers and wives and the next generation suffers. It becomes a vicious circle as their daughter will never have a good example to aspire to and will assume that lots of random boyfriends is the norm. Family life is just one of the components that make up our civilisation and that is why feminists attack it relentlessly, as they attack the rule of law and presumption of innocence, standards in education etc.
    It’s true many here profit from it in terms of personal fun. I know I have. Feminism has made women disposable. Every year another set of girls turn 18 and are told they will be “empowered” and “liberated” by letting men like me ruin them for the night then toss them aside the next day. Harsh but true. I have had amazing experiences that men in prior serious civilisation never would have. Yet even I have to acknowledge it’s a dead end road for civilisation. Those girls I enjoyed will almost certainly never experience the true love, the devotion, lifelong marriage etc that almost all women used to get if they kept their virginity for their husband.
    Just another way that feminism has been a disaster for 99% of women.

    1. Correction: All women make bad mothers, that’s why the children need the father. Can you give me an example of a mother who teaches her son how to be masculine? All women try to pussify their sons, and turn them into good beta garbage women collectors.

      1. A fair point, though women can give good examples in other ways. Women can be caring and kind and show selfless nurturing to their children. The sons should grow up to seek out those qualities in a woman too, while as you say the father should teach the masculine qualities of hard work, discipline, courage etc.

      2. The concept of mother is mostly invented to make it equivalent with ‘father’. Mother is more about biology: pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the first years of life of a child.
        If you notice about evolution, men are fathers and mothers to women. Males create life, males protect their offspring explicitly or implicitly(genes selection), men feed women, take care of women, give them affection, protection, etc.
        Mother is a child, wife is a child. Abortion describes how women really are, because it represents a child killing the competition for the attention of the father(s). This is not rare in nature. Nature tricks her with oxytocin, emotions, dependency, as women are potential murderers of the children of men, not her offspring, his.
        A child is manipulative through emotions. Women do this with men, children and everybody around, emotions. Men become weaker, biased, scared, children grow weaker, dependent, infantilized, gay.

        1. He hasn’t demonstrated that it’s the rule. Proof by assertion is hardly proof. Only mothers can be good mothers, let’s not play the silly feminist “words are plastic!” game. There are plenty of good mothers, that doesn’t mean that we don’t also need strong fathers present. It’s not a binary choice, children do better with both present.

    2. Unfortunately, the overall Western society has experienced a wave of ‘modernity’ that doesn’t guarantee anything anymore, in both ways- from men, and women.
      There’s no guarantee that you, a self-confessed ‘bad boy’ so to speak, would spend all your life doting on, loving and cherishing a woman, being together in a lifelong partnership for support and mutual dedication, if this woman were a virgin.
      Virginity doesn’t mean anything anymore. True, it began with the initial waves of feminists, but men’s behaviors have also changed significantly, to the detriment of all women, ‘good’ and ‘bad’ alike.
      I come from Eastern Europe where girls in my generation (and I believe the younger generations, too) have been educated precisely with these strict tenets- keep your legs close, prepare yourself and be the best you can, seek marriage and long-term commitment, no tattoos, etc. Kindness, warmth and femininity is something we were both born with, as well as educated with.
      Nevertheless, it doesn’t guarantee anything anymore. The classical ‘husband cheated with the secretary’ didn’t appear in Sweden, or in America. It’s as old as time. There’s nothing a woman can do to prevent ill behavior from her husband, just like there’s nothing a man can do to prevent his wife from cheating on him, disrespecting him, etc. No ‘lifelong happy marriage’ exists anymore, with or without virginity.
      Yes, you can try your best, and hope for the best, and choose a like-minded partner. Virginity is not one of the vectors that make an ‘equation’ the guarantor of a stable, life-long marriage.
      It takes more than to blame ‘the system’ and we should begin by examining ourselves as well. True, the modern society has had a devastating impact overall. But with a little bit of effort and self-discipline, I think we can make it for ourselves instead of waiting for it to be served on a platter.

      1. If virginity isn’t any indicator of fidelity or marriage success can you honestly say that it is in fact no better or different than a woman who has rode the cock carousel for years??
        Please, studies have shown that a woman who has had more than two sexual partners and gets married is 70% more likely to end in divorce. Also the more random cocks that has been rammed through a woman makes it increasingly harder for her to bond with a man.
        So just because virginity may be no guarantee it is CERTAINLY BETTER than the alternative.

        1. I fully agree with you that a virgin woman is less likely to exhibit the behavioral traits of a ‘cock carousel rider’, both in her interpersonal relationships as well as within the context of a marriage.
          And I also agree that nothing is guarantee for anything, at the end of the day.
          My point was that virginity or chastity, while being a very desirable and ‘beautiful’ concept in its morality, is very difficult to apply nowadays, so to speak….simply because even if there are some women out there willing to either stay virgins until they get married, OR restrict themselves to serious relationships only, which might or might not result in marriage (again, anything can happen), there are virtually no men left who are willing to propose and marry a woman they have never slept with.
          I am not talking about a marginal fringe of uber-hardcore Christians, or extremely religious men, or ‘weirdos’, I am talking about your average guy of the Western world. How many of your friends, including yourself, would date and marry a woman without expecting her to sleep with you?
          The norm on this website seems to be ‘women should stay virgins until they get married’ (very nice), corroborated with ‘if she don’t put out, I’m out!! chicks who don’t sleep with you on the third date are cock teasers/flakes!’.
          This is a bit confusing.
          Plus, ‘mathematically’ speaking, it is inevitable that once you’re in a relationship with someone, you’re in your mid 20’s, you’ve met the family etc., that man will expect sexual intercourse (more than the woman). He won’t stick around, respecting the woman’s desire to stay a virgin, but will go seek ‘sluts’, as he has nothing to offer in exchange and he wasn’t marriage-minded to begin with. Or he just thinks there’s something wrong with her, she’s either pretending to be a virgin, or has psychological problems, has been abused and has issues with intimacy, etc.
          No normal man will date a woman for six months, a year, and not want and expect her to sleep with him. Would you do this, i think not.
          How many men you know who are willing to ‘wait’ for marriage?? I’m honestly laughing right now.

        2. Speaking for myself since I know exactly what I am looking for it wouldn’t be an issue for me in the slightest.
          Say I found an innocent girl and met the family and received the fathers blessing I would not need to ” date” her for any extended period. If it was something I knew was right I would snatch it up with the quickness because I know I want a family and a woman who really truly wants to be a mother and have a bunch of kids.
          But I am also 35 and have the experience so I’m very aware of what I’m looking for.

        3. That’s great, Captain, and more men should adopt your mindset. I perfectly agree with you, once you get to see that the girl/lady is tightly linked with her family, has strict parents or she gives them the respect they deserve and wouldn’t step out on them…then that’s a good woman who would give the same respect to her husband.
          Nevertheless, your experience has taught you this, as I presume you weren’t doing anything of the sort when you were in your 20’s. Men like you, mature and ‘ripe’ enough to know a ‘good’ woman when they see one are very hard to find. Most expect the girl to immediately sleep with them otherwise they move on…which shrinks the ‘dating’ pool in a tremendous manner. Then you have girls/young women who have unwillingly become ‘sluts’ or ‘damaged’ (in manospherian terms let’s say)- they are no longer virgins simply because they thought that their relationships would lead to marriage and in the end, it didn’t happen.
          However….if you REALLY applied this mindset in your real life, I doubt that more than 2% of Western men would do so. It doesn’t even happen in Eastern Europe anymore, unfortunately.

        4. About 4 months ago I got out of a very serious relationship with a girl 10 yrs younger than me.
          This was the first time I said to myself this girl is worth my commitment. The relationship lasted 3 yrs and it was the first girl I ever truly loved.
          Unfortunately for me I pretty much treated her like shit and took advantage of her child like love for me. I know now this was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. For some reason I thought I was tired of her and didn’t mind cutting things off.
          It wasnt until we were seperated that it hit me how much I loved her. Then the regret set in and I’ve been pretty fucked up but because of this I’ve grown so much and I’ll never make those mistakes again. That’s when I realized I do want children and a woman who wants to be a mother and this time I knew exactly what I wanted and how I would treat her.

        5. Don’t beat yourself up.
          I completely understand what you’re saying- you don’t know what you got till it’s gone- but perhaps the match with the 10 year younger girl wouldn’t have been successful.
          I always find it surprising how men in the manosphere claim they only want a few traits for their future wife, or for a woman with whom they’d see themselves settling down- to be a virgin or as chaste as possible, and to be family-oriented.
          In reality, it takes more than this. Had you gotten married to the ex-girlfriend, the whole thing wouldn’t have lasted simply because she was in a different phase of her life than you. Our tastes, likes and dislikes, desires, long and short-term plans, overall cognition if you will, change tremendously beginning with the age of 23-25 (my personal view). A girl you marry when she’s 25 will be a completely different person by the time she hits 30.
          Another thing- how would a mature, more grounded man who is at his peak (biologically, professionally, socially etc) relate to someone in their early-mid 20’s? Despite the belief that a wife is just a ‘baby oven’, spouses must live together on a daily basis, share the same social circle, get along with relatives, have the same mentality when it comes to ‘big’ things, such as children’s education, religious orientation, etc. They’re not just sex buddies.
          I guess that that’s why many men, not here as much as on MGTOW, have bitten the dust. Marrying someone completely incompatible just because hey, a woman must be a virgin who keeps quiet and takes care of kids. That doesn’t work in reality…
          Anyways, sorry for the digression. I wish you best of luck with finding the ‘woman of your dreams’, settling down and forming a family.

        6. In my case the only thing that kept the relationship from working was me.
          She completely submitted to me and adored me in every way. She was the only girl I ever loved and me the only man she ever loved.
          It failed because I stopped caring and stopped bringing order into her life. Our personalities fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. I suppose I had to go through this in order to become the man I now.
          Nevertheless the regret is so painful and acute I will truly never forget or be over her and I didn’t realize this like I said till she was gone.
          I know I am better than the way I treated her and I refuse to make those same mistakes in the future.

    3. Latest DNA research shows that there is the possibility that:
      A virgin and you make a baby, the baby is half you half her
      Empowered (not limited to western) woman and you make a baby, the baby is half her, half fusion kitchen.

  2. “We are looking at a future were relatively few young Swedes will have to provide for a large number of senior citizens, and that’s a problem.”
    A problem for these same senior citizens. You reap what you saw.

  3. “A pill is a lot cheaper than surgery.”
    Keeping your legs closed is even cheaper. Listen, if female promiscuity was bad before, it’s gonna be worse now. Besides, whatever you give them now will be insufficient next week.
    I think it’s clear by now that “Women’s Health” is a neverending spending spiral.

    1. That is what I tell women who whine about pump and dump guys, birth control issues, blah blah blah. I tell them, it is simple: go celibate (yes you can ride battery operated boyfriends), only do anal sex, or best of all, go lesbian (munching box is so culturally sanctioned, it is surprising that 90% of gals don’t self-ID as lesbian anymore. But, no, the hamster exists to whine and avoid responsibility, 24/7.

      1. I’ve actually stated to a couple of women in my life time, when they’re going on about “my body my choice!” that “Why not exercise the choice not to sleep around, instead of killing a baby after you do”
        Talk about lighting the fuse to the intercontinental ballistic hamster missile. Heh.

        1. Yeah. I lost my cherry politically on the abortion issue (There must be a pun in there somewhere). I was mostly apolitical as a teen, obsessed with sports. My freshmen year in college the abortion issue came up in a sociology 101 class. I couldn’t believe some girls thought that “My body, my choice” was a valid answer to; “Is a fetus a human or not?”
          I was stunned with the ridiculousness of the leftist mind. I was no future banker and very hippyish in a lot of ways. I loved the idea of backpacking the world, living in the woods etc. so I wasn’t just aligning myself as a conservative. I hardly would have known what’s what back then anyway. I hated irresponsible development and generally hated the cookie-cutter suburban life, so my take on their stupidity had nothing to do with party loyalty. But I remember being outright baffled at the stupidity of the feminist mind that day and some things never change.

  4. I am sure that any Swedish girl wanting contraceptives can already get them easily. This decision is more of a “profession of faith” by deeds. Just further send home the message that screwing around is the true liberation.
    People should do as they please, but it is lousy that that government is involved in activiely bringing us down and promoting the basest and most animalistic of our inner drives and impulses.
    Thank the left.

  5. Based on the horseshit they are doing in Sweden is having less Swedes a bad thing? Do we really want more feminized men who want to dress up as women? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Islam is full of it’s own perversions, but in Sweden’s case, it actually may be an improvement of sorts. Pretty surreal, eh?

  6. Kind of surprised by this article considering most articles on ROK are about getting more women and increasing your game. If anything this will help men get more women.

    1. Yeah, but like the author points out, banging sluts fucks up society in an endless death spiral of sorts and even experienced players get burnt out on running into different iterations of the same model of broken women that proliferates as a result. On the other hand, it is what we have nowadays so might as well keep dumpster-diving, I suppose.

    2. Yeah there’s some cognitive dissonance on this site from time to time, like how people will rail against Islam as the worst thing in the world and at the same time praise its pro-masculine beliefs and ability to keep women in check.
      And the way some men here want virginal brides while the others want to bang a new chick every other day.
      The pill changed everything, and I don’t really understand the bitching about it at this point. It came out before my parents were sexually mature, and pretending that contraception is going to end is silly. Besides, it is a mixed bag–while contraception has allowed women to sleep with more men than they could in the past, look at nations that don’t practice contraception of any kind.. namely Africa. Do you want to live like that? Does every fuck deserve a birthday party?
      Also this criticism of the birth rate ignores the fact that mature, stable societies eventually stop spawning like rabbits. I’m not anti-kid, and likely will have a family of my own some day, but I don’t want every couple out there to pump out children. Besides, it is FAR cheaper to pay for someone’s condom than it is to pay for their children to be educated for 18+ years, as well as all the other benefits society gives children. It’s a simple fact that advanced societies have lower birth rates than primitive ones. And many of the world’s greatest men have been single.
      Birth control, including abortion, is not going away, so we have to be thankful for its benefits and work to fight against its drawbacks (namely, increased promiscuity).

  7. Brave New World, Chapter 3:
    “And after all,” Fanny’s tone was coaxing, “it’s not as though there were anything painful or disagreeable about having one or two men besides Henry. And seeing that you ought to be a little more promiscuous …”
    Lenina shook her head. “Somehow,” she mused, “I hadn’t been feeling very keen on promiscuity lately. There are times when one doesn’t. Haven’t you found that too, Fanny?”
    Fanny nodded her sympathy and understanding. “But one’s got to make the effort,” she said, sententiously, “one’s got to play the game. After all, every one belongs to every one else.”
    “Yes, every one belongs to every one else,” Lenina repeated slowly and, sighing, was silent for a moment; then, taking Fanny’s hand, gave it a little squeeze. “You’re quite right, Fanny. As usual. I’ll make the effort.”

  8. If you want to do something about birth control and abortion lets teach women not to be drunken whores. Screw reprogramming men so women can do whatever they want without any sense of personal responsibility. It’s time to put the social condition of women back on those who made it – that is women.

    1. Good luck with that. In the West, at least, women ARE society, the power behind the throne , if you will, and one way or another, the feminine imperative tends to get what it wants. Not negative, just reality.

      1. It is mostly a play on words. That is feminists are always saying “teach men not to rape”. Maybe we should instead teach women not to be drunken whores. Men need to start acting like men again in The West. If that were to ever happen 99% of our problems would be fixed in the course of a few weeks.

        1. Men in the west are doomed, you can´t help them anymore. Most of them are pussies and most of them will stay pussies, no matter what you try. The only way out is lots of money and a log cabin in Alaska (far, far away from other people). If you can´t have this, you´ll be fucked sooner or later.

    2. A lot of women have come to believe their sexual lives should match men’s, which is why social inequality is such an important value to uphold.

    3. carry condoms, and get a morning after pill if concerned. its not rocket science. apparently men AND women are as stupid as each other, as is your ridiculous comment.

  9. This move in Sweden reminds me of something similar: a center in Vancouver that allows drug addicts to shoot up, safely, with medics on standby (a legal, safe injection center). It’s this kind of “acceptance” that should have everyone wondering how far out society will fall down before it crashes (or we fix it).
    We’re letting grown adults get away with this type of behavior that is bad for’s bad for society.

  10. Let’s just hope these women won’t be whining and wondering why they couldn’t find the “right guy.”
    Who am I kidding.

    1. I doubt it’s easier for the average dude. Sure it’s easy if your a drug using DJ with a sixpack. The rest can go look for post wall victims.

  11. “Here’s an idea: the Swedes themselves could give birth to more children
    and thereby secure the future care of their elders. It’s how it’s always
    worked, so why not continue doing it?”
    Because that’s not how it works. The birthrate of a group isn’t the outcome of a collective decision by that group on how many kids to have. It’s the sum total of the individual reproductive decisions of its individual members. Countries that have an advantageous birthrate (neither too high nor low) are just lucky to have the individual reproductive decisions of their inhabitants add up to a favorable number, or had success in creating the right incentives.
    Nobody lets concerns of the demographic health of their nation or community factor into their reproductive decisions. Except maybe a small number of white supremacist race warriors, and even in their case, I suspect it’s more talk than action.

    1. Some countries make it harder to have kids. The United States has a defecto penalty, by way poor tax incentives and high child care cost. The system is setup so that if your dirt poor bring on the welfare babies, but if your mid income, prepare to struggle.
      I believe this is the real reason behind free birth control. To keep the under class from reproducing.

      1. That would suggest that the solution is to incentivize childbearing by making it less economically prohibitive across the board, for all income strata. But that’d require someone else to pay for it, for the cost of raising children to be distributed over the entire economy. Which, I suspect, will fall foul of the rabid anti-Communism of much of the commentariat here.

        1. I am more aiming at the idea that the US subsidizes to a large amount the lowest income group while leaving nothing for the earning class. Maybe if those same dollars were targeted evenly at the first 2 kids per household, independent of household income we would see more kids born in households that can support them along with improved outcomes.
          Instead of having one low income house with 3 kids, sucking up a large amount of public funds, a country could get 4 kids with the average household situation improved across the board for the same expense.

        2. Giving money to the lower income group buys them votes to their party in the next election and so on for life.

  12. Looks like Western countries are catching up to countries like China and India which have had these programs since the ’60s and ’70s

  13. I love how the choice of women to ride the cock carousel is now considered ‘women’s health’. Another great Newspeak word from the good ol’ trusty Ministry of Truth!

    1. But what about men riding a pussy carousel? Why is it acceptable for the men on this site to write about sleeping with as many women as possible, but the ones they sleep with are sluts? How can these men expect virgins to marry yet seek to fool around with as many women as possible? I think if men really wanted women with little to no sexual experience, they should remain virgins themselves.

      1. You’ve heard it before: a key that can open multiple locks is a good key but a lock that can be opened with multiple keys is a terrible lock! Women are the gatekeeper of sex and have much more to lose than men from the same promiscuous behaviour, no matter what the fembots will claim. Not that I care though, women can do whatever the fuck they want, as long as I’m not paying for it…
        I don’t know where you’ve read on this site that men want to marry women, let alone virgin women, but both are plainly wrong. It matters not, anyway, because I commented on the fact that female promiscuity is considered women’s health. It is as stupid as it would be to claim that male promiscuity should be considered men’s health and therefore condoms should be free.
        Altough, I guess that if I wanted to marry a woman, I wouldn’t want her to be a slut for multiple reasons, one of which is that she’ll be the woman who will raise my potential daughter and I don’t want her to raise her into the cum dumpster she used to be. There’s a difference between gaining sexual experience from a few boyfriends in the context of stable relationship and fucking 3 or 4 different guys you met at the club each week. One is acceptable and even expected, the other is utterly disgusting and the woman who willingly put herself through that deserves nothing but to remain what she is: a sexual commodity.

  14. People can be pro-life and fully support broad access to all forms of contraception (which of course can’t include abortifacients). I’ve personally got no objections to anyone buying all the birth control they want.
    On another angle, the easiest way to reduce promiscuity is to abolish welfare for unwed people who sire or have children. That economic incentive has worked very well in the past and there’s no reason it can’t work again. Of course with the slacker class being the majority in most Western countries these days this of course will be a non-starter.

  15. The only thing this is gonna do is promote unprotected sex, further spreading STDs.
    I really need to find a job at a pharmaceutical company.

  16. Can someone explain how did the leftists and liberals come into power in Sweden? They allow so much illogical stuff to happen, that is actually destroying their own country.
    I just can’t understand how a once all-white country would push so hard for multiculturalism and allow so many Muslims in….people that would literally kill you for not following what they believe in. Sweden just blows my mind sometimes.

    1. Sweden is basically a “leftist liberal tyranny”.
      The majority of swedes are against immigration and has been so since 1975 when it began. You should see the internet traffic on the right wing anti immigration sites, they draw more traffic than our equivalents of the times and the like combined.
      The families that own ALL the media in sweden is jewish. One of the most influential families here are descendants of bolsjeviks that came from poland if i remember correctly after 1945.

    2. After WWII, whitey lost his shit and will now do anything to avoid being “racist” or compared to Hitler/Nazis.
      “Oh you don’t agree with millions of worthless people invading your country… like Hitler”

  17. Oral contraceptives, when used correctly, are virtually 100% effective. However, improper use raises the failure rate to about 9%. The thing is, the women too stupid to use the pill correctly are probably the last people you want to have responsible for raising a child. Meanwhile, pro-abortion activists tend to be their own best argument for why some people should be killed in the womb.

  18. This is a well thought out move to further destabilize women until they and their bastard children are all left voters, permanently. Nothing more.

  19. yep!! less birth from european and more birth from muslim immigrants, this is a silent war to kill european without shedding a drop of blood.

  20. Sweden needs to learn a lesson from the Muslims they are inviting.
    I am sure they will be happy to turn Sweden into another Arab hole

  21. Maybe we should, after all, embrace Islam, marry young, cute, submissive muslimas and let those femiskanks breed themselves out of existence. JS

    1. Those femiskanks can’t breed which is a good thing. The only thing we need to worry about is their bad influence on the innocent.

  22. Women should be purposely tied down with children, and to a lesser extent, so should men. Family life prevents people from prolonging their childhood, and all the idealistic nonsense that comes with it.

    1. That’s great, but there’s a problem with it.
      If you come from a civilized, first-world society, you’ll have other considerations in mind before having children. That is, if you’re a normal person and not a crazy welfare-milker.
      Most men nowadays complain that women are ‘sluts’ and that’s why they are less willing to settle down and form families. I dare to contradict that- they see sluts, because they seek sluts.
      It’s very funny how men never admit to their own share- 99% of articles on this website abound in rants against sluts and how feminists have ruined the world with their promiscuity, while at the same time, the same percentage of articles is always based on how to fuck chicks, how to ‘have game’ and all that stuff.
      No article on how to establish your own family, how to be a good husband, how to be a good father.
      If men don’t want to get married and have families, what should women do, become single mothers?
      Family life is the best, i agree,but how does one attain it? Men should also become responsible and stop looking around for their next hump-and-dump co-star and instead focus on being real men and settling down, putting into practice their own preachings.

      1. “It’s very funny how men never admit to their own share- 99% of articles on this website abound in rants against sluts and how feminists have ruined the world with their promiscuity, while at the same time, the same percentage of articles is always based on how to fuck chicks, how to ‘have game’ and all that stuff.”
        I’ve come to the conclusion that there are 2 basic types of readers on this site:
        1 The “Better Living Through Nihilism” “Enjoy the Decline” crowd. These are the guys who want to fuck sluts and drink.
        2 The second type is the wannabe Classical man. Who longs for the 50s.

        1. Longs for the 50’s while looking for sluts, fucking around, getting a ‘reputation’ for being a playboy and a player, getting high-quality women to simply avoid him, being stuck with sluts, then saying that all women are sluts.

      2. In order to start your own family, you need to find a girl if you’re a guy reading here. They teach game here and that’s what 99% of women respond to. You act like a nice beta guy and she’ll run and go after thr guy who has game.
        Once you game the girl, then you test and see if she’s the one.
        There have been articles on here that provide this technique. Red flags to look for and so on. It is rare in this culture to find the one worth your commitment due to the poison of feminism.

        1. This is a very good point, however I think you’re either missing mine, or I just didn’t express myself clearly enough.
          It’s natural that a man will want to get to know a woman before he invests anything in her (time, resources, commitment), etc.
          However, once he decides that she’s not a slut, she’s a ‘good’ woman, a person who is warm, nurturing, understanding, who doesn’t drink, doesn’t have a promiscuous past, wants to settle down, pretty much what we call a ‘normal woman’ in Eastern Europe, so once he saw that, is this a guarantee that he will want to marry her?
          Granted, no man in the world gets dressed on a Saturday night, thinking ‘tonight I’m focusing on finding the future mother of my children and my life companion’. They just go out to have fun and ‘score’.
          One effect of the feminist wave coupled with male indecisiveness and short-term gratification (sleeping around v. long-term commitment) is that men simply don’t get married anymore, don’t want to settle down. To them, it has become ‘bad business’- the possibility of getting screwed in divorce court, having to support a family, the possibility of a cheating wife etc.
          Judging by the tone of the manosphere, women should stay virgins and covet the one and only future husband, but in reality, they’d be waiting in vain as this rarely happens.
          Another trend I have seen too often in the majority of the articles depicting what bitches women are, is the ‘low-quality’ woman who screws up with a man, for him to then say that all women are alike. Men who got involved with single mothers, women with criminal convictions, family abuse history, no education, no grounding in reality- of course that those women are sluts. Perhaps that’s the norm in America, but that’s not the same everywhere else.
          It is rare indeed to find a good partner, but if someone is marriage or commitment-minded, he shouldn’t waste time ‘fucking girls’ like Roosh advises, or pick up trashy tattooed drunk women and wife them up, to then complain. Men should also make informed and educated decisions.

      3. When you live in a culture where women have no shame and will suck your dick 15 minutes into watching a Netflix movie, then you learn how to attract sluts and fuck them with minimal time and effort.
        How can men focus on being real men when all the women are huge sluts?
        When you live in a culture where families stick together and women stay virgins until marriage, then you can be a real man and find a woman that is compatible with you and build a family with her.

        1. I’m sorry for both the men and women who live in the Netflix dick-sucking culture…..i presume that’s the US.

      4. The Manosphere came into existence several decades after the sexual revolution. We didn’t choose a society where women are sluts and men who try to be good men are screwed over, we were born into it. We were given lemons, and Roosh showed us how to make lemonade.

  23. “Or maybe it’s just common sense.”
    Common sense is oppressive, misogynistic, hate speech towards women.

  24. Yeah, but according to feminists, being a slut is FUN!!!!!! Sweden is a joke. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that combining feminism and Islam isn’t very smart. The whores will continue to be raped by the Muslim invaders who were welcomed in with open arms.

    1. I wouldn’t go around saying that the Muslims are gonna be raping the whores….more than likely the white women will prefer to have consensual sex with the more masculine Arab men.
      When all the white men in a country have become emasculated and give power to feminists, then of course the women are going to prefer to be with the more manly alpha Arab.

  25. The argument that no one should be “forced to” pay for these women’s birth control is a little besides the point. In Sweden, there are many things that you are forced to pay for/sponsor via taxes; including public healthcare, roads and railroads, schools, public museums, refurbishment of private houses, your neighbour’s nanny (tax subsidised) and the monarchy.
    One may or may not like this system, that is one discussion. Another discussion is whether or not giving free birth control for young women is the best way to spend tax money, or if there is some better use for them. Just saying that you shouldn’t be “forced to” pay for this is an argument that could be used against basically any kind public expenditure.

    1. This.
      Using terms as “forced to” is meaningless tautological rhetorical babble. Every society requires enforcement of the social order, since it’s inconceivable that of a population of millions, everyone would agree on everything.

  26. Japan had banned the contraceptive pill because they thought it would promote promiscuity amongst young women – then for some reason in 1999 they legalised, initial useage was low because Japanese women were worried about the side effects but that certainly hasn’t been the case with the latest generation the “pills” uptake has been on the increase with it promiscuity, along with the “sexual liberalisation” the number’s of young women turning to the “red light” industry for easy money when the pill was first introduced there was lucky to be 1,000 girls going into the porn industry most for money, today about 10,000 plus girls most are short term stints most are not in it for the money, career moves into the hostess industry are on the rise, pink saloons(BJ only) would only attract the worst girls now the standards have improved – high school girls are regularly getting busted by cops for working in these areas the big question is would you want your daughter or sister working in this field.

  27. Sweden has one of the highest birthrate in the EU with France (which accept very few refugees so the whole immigration argument is complete nonsense). So your point is moot. And as you pointed out: in the end there will be less abortions (which is often trivialised in the nordic countries) and most likely less teen pregnancy which is a good thing (stupid teenagers having kids that will then be fucked up because the “parents” are irresponsible? No thank you).

  28. I’d like to see some politician or bureaucrat talk about women having more responsibility. This may be made acceptable to a degree by starting out claiming that women simply aren’t as weak and stupid as they are claimed to be. Doesn’t have to be about sex, which can later be claimed as an exception to their ability to control themselves.

  29. Slutiness is a good thing for us. Not a problem here.
    There is a problem though. It is called “too few babies”. While the negros and asians and muslims breed like rats, the white lands are suffering from old-age-desease.
    The great idea of the left to simply import 100.000s of muslim refugees to pay their pensions is just…stupid.
    Has been done before. Never worked. The only thing that does work is more children but less goverment, less careers, less laws, less debt and less iphones.

  30. Under international law…
    “…any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
    calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
    “Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate
    destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of
    all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated
    plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential
    foundations of the life of national groups.
    ” -Raphael Lemkin, in his work Axis Rule in Occupied Europe
    Let’s call a spade a spade, here.

      1. Nowhere in that clause does it say the measures need to be imposed or forced to fit the definition. Just intention. Which admittedly would be hard to prove, but either way the end result is the same.
        Birthrates for ethnic Swedes will dramatically drop lower than they already are, and Muslims who don’t believe in birth control will still have a fertility rate of 4-5 or whatever it is.
        These are the same politicians who are importing hundreds of thousands of these people from foreign, alien cultures, while simultaneously taking hard measures to reduce birthrates amongst the indigenous peoples.
        Anywhere else in the world this would be called ethnic cleansing at least.

        1. Uh, I’m pretty sure “imposed” is the first word of entry (d) in that bit you quote. Providing a voluntary mean of birth control is not imposing anything on anyone.
          Under your idea of what’s a spade, every government that has ever taken any kind of measures whatsoever to decrease birth rates, would be guilty of genocide. Including the governments of third world countries with massive population growth that everyone agrees is unsustainable and should be decreased.

  31. I am genuinely curious as to what the “sluts are awesome” crowd will say when they are in their fifties and get diagnosed with oral cancer caused by their obsession with banging promiscuous girls.
    In regards to Sweden, do you honestly want to share a girl’s pie with a bunch of sick Arab and Somali parasites just because the internet tells you it makes you an alpha male?

  32. Free contraceptives for women? Great. Now in the name of equality, could we have free condoms for men under the age of 21? Or wait, that doesn’t fit the Swedish criteria of ‘equality’?

    1. I’m a woman and I think condoms, birth control, and sterilization for both sexes should be free. It’s a hell of a lot cheaper than welfare.

  33. Better to spend a few bucks on “free” pills than hundreds of thousands subsidizing her fatherless, out of wedlock children.

  34. Birth control pills are the most overrated joke of all time. I’m a guy in that was once a nurse that helped get prescriptions for it. Everyone I can ever remember that used them always eventually ended up with an unwanted pregnancy anyway so I don’t agree much with the Pros present in this article. Keep in mind I use the “unwanted” term lightly in assuming it wasn’t a penis commitment trap.
    Then it was her body + her choice = his wallet for 18 years if she didn’t decide to abort.
    I’m glad I’ve switched careers and pursued a different degree since then.
    I had no idea at the time the level of depravity I was indirectly enabling in these sluts.
    When you are young, you just don’t think about shit very deeply.

  35. so banging whores is cool, but whores shouldn’t make babies because it will make more whores but, all women are whores and i love banging whores but, women should be demure because we need babies, who, will be whores. rock. solid. logic. roadhouse? moar like whorehouse amirite? i’m the whore, you’re the bouncer.. no, i’m the cooler but you’re the whore. no. i’m the whore but you’re the whore? we’re all whores? FUCK YOU MOM. the only way she got knocked up is because she banged a dude. that makes her a whore. and her sons whorespawn. cyanide, anyone? lets end the cycle of production right now, because it only results in whores and i don’t want them taking my money, i invented the television! yeah…. that’s you.

  36. Did you seriously just compare a woman who gets an abortion with a terrorist? Sorry, but that’s hardly a valid analogy. And your solution of “just have kids you don’t want” is hardly a solution at all, but rather a good way to ruin your life.

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