5 Insights From A Decade In Higher Learning

I am 28 years old. I have spent the past 10 years – my entire adult life – in academia. I have a Bachelor’s degree from a large state university and a Master’s degree and Doctorate from an Ivy League institution: all in engineering. I would like to share some observations, insights, and wisdom that I believe are valuable to all men, no matter their age or level of education. Whether you’re currently in college, graduated years ago, or decided to avoid higher education altogether, these should prove useful to you. Due to length constraints, this article may appear in multiple installments.

1. There are innate gender differences


Gender differences are real no matter what progressives say to the contrary. I’ve been a teaching assistant for many introductory engineering classes. This meant I held office hours, wrote proctored, and graded exams, setup laboratory experiments and in general did the scut work that professors deemed beneath them.

Female students would routinely come to my office hours with pre-formulated questions on the homework. They turned in painstakingly completed assignments that were 10-15 pages long. The male students rarely attended my office hours and turned in assignments that were incomplete with many of the problems barely attempted and most of the work not shown.

When I wrote exams, I avoided including questions that were simply a test of memorization or vocabulary. I included more design-oriented questions that tested students’ ability to problem-solve or to extend previously covered concepts. Here the situation was reversed. The female students had great difficulty with these types of problems while the male students did very well.

The female students vocally complained that these questions hadn’t appeared in the homework assignments or that they departed from the previously covered material in some fashion. The same female students who had turned in masterfully completed assignments were positively flummoxed when presented with a problem that tested their ability to problem-solve. On the other hand, the male students did quite well with these types of problems.

The end result was that the male and female students ended up with approximately equal grades overall. The girls were conscientious and meticulous when it came to the assignments and did well on exam questions that tested vocabulary and things learned by rote memorization, but were hopeless when presented with something even slightly unfamiliar or that required them to innovate.

The males were sloppy and indifferent toward assignments but performed well when presented with questions that tested their comprehension and raw intelligence. Of course, some girls did not complete their assignments and some boys turned in assignments into which they had invested a significant amount of effort, but in general, there were very pronounced gender differences, in terms of attitudes and aptitudes.

2. Ethnic solidarity is real and white students do not have it


It would be impossible for me to recount the number of instances of ethnic solidarity I witnessed among minority students. Innumerable times I worked in the computer lab and saw groups of three or four Chinese students huddled together, cooperatively working on lab work, assignments, or research.

In a graduate level nanofabrication class, the final project required using semiconductor modeling software none of the students had any experience with. A female Indian student had her older Indian friend who had previously taken the class help her. In fact, collaboration is actively encouraged at my university according to the student code of academic integrity, perhaps as an acknowledgment that it is impossible to prevent or guard against.

So being a loner or the sole white guy in a graduate level STEM class filled with nothing but Chinese and Indian students means you will be on your own while everyone else will be able to bring multiple strong minds to bear on a problem set or take home exam. Black students in STEM help other Black students, Asian students in STEM help other Asian students, and white students…struggle alone.

3. Do not ask for permission to do something


Just do it and if there is a problem, deal with the consequences later. Do not ask permission only to be told no. Then you can’t do it without being blatant about it. Just do it and deal with any fallout later. More than likely, there will be no repercussions. Perhaps a verbal reprimand. You’ll just have to claim ignorance and offer up a mea culpa.

Asking permission, having it denied, and proceeding anyway is proof of deliberate and willful disregard. Or you get told no and have a possible course of action effectively removed. A common adage is that you don’t ask a lawyer what you can or can’t do but to argue why what you did was justified. Don’t artificially constrain yourself by seeking permission for something you feel is necessary or the best course of action.

4. Wearing multiple hats is a very good thing


Whether that means having multiple titles, positions, bosses, or institutional affiliations, it introduces a gray area that can be exploited to your advantage. Having multiple affiliations blurs otherwise distinct boundaries. People around you won’t know exactly what you’re doing, your schedule, or to whom you’re accountable.

You will have more freedom to operate and be able to come and go as you wish. If you collect multiple paychecks or have multiple streams of revenue, you can skirt pay caps and ceilings. It also gives you plausible deniability and a sound defense for flouting procedure. For instance, you can always claim you just made an honest mistake and confused the operating protocol or standard procedure of one institution with which you are affiliated with another. After all, the human memory is infinitely fallible, right?

5. Pick a specialization early on and stick with it


Ever wonder why Asian students seem so academically precocious? It’s because they chose their specialty early in life and never wavered. They began specializing in high school. They then began undergraduate research in a lab when they were 18 or 19. They then go onto graduate school and continue the exact same line of research. By the time they are in their late 20s, they have a decade of relevant experience so of course they are consummate experts on a topic by then.

At an age when many whites are “finding themselves,” discovering their true passion in life, or globe trekking, Asian students are entering the second decade of their professional careers. Asian students will not switch focus, even if they hate what they do. They will not jump ship. They will stay the course. With so much more accrued knowledge and experience, of course they appear to possess otherworldly intellect.

They are, however, just persistent and specialize at an early age. When I was just starting graduate school, I marveled at a female student from China who would absolutely dominate group meetings. She was cute and petite but was a tenacious bulldog when it came to research: she monopolized the group meeting and would shamelessly interrupt, speak over, and correct the other students.

I later learned that she was in her 30s and had worked as a research technician for a decade before embarking on her PhD. She had more than 10 years of relevant experience which accounted for why she was so self-assured. It wasn’t empty bravado or chest-thumping on her part. She was genuinely competent and did know more than the other students at the progress meeting. Now, years later, I’m similarly self-assured and feel no reservations offering my input and suggestions to doctors and scientists decades my senior. Moreover, they actually give credence to my suggestions and heed my advice.


When I began my academic career 10 years ago, I was a much different person. I was young, naïve, and idealistic. I used to believe that academia was somehow different from other fields of human endeavor. My idealism has since been tempered and I’ve developed a much more jaundiced view of academia altogether.

In theory, academia is beautiful, pure, and egalitarian; in practice, it is like any other human endeavor, fraught with exasperating bureaucracy, flagrant nepotism, and irrational personal animus. And like all fields of human endeavor, there are techniques to employ to succeed and ways to gain a competitive advantage.

Read More:More Insights About A Woman’s Education From Xenophon

160 thoughts on “5 Insights From A Decade In Higher Learning”

  1. Simple question: in one sentence you capitalize “Black” and “Asian”, but not “white”. Why?

        1. ROK do it to piss you off. Then you have an emotional anchor to their site.
          This is basic red pill weaponry.

      1. No. I submitted it capitalized. It was edited that way. I am supremely immune to the brainwashing tactics of the USSA.

      1. ROK, why haven’t you banned this troll yet, he vomits all over the comment section.

        1. Maybe because ROK recognise a joke about political correctness gone mad and are confused as to why you have been so enraged?

      2. My name / avatar are of a Freikorps commander: do you really think I care about that?

    1. Actually, I did capitalize White in the draft I submitted to ROK. It must have been edited to lowercase. Selective capitalization disturbs me as well. Capitalization-gate anyone?

  2. Mostly correct. But I will point out that the white student can easily join up with the Chinese or Indian groups and benefit from the group dynamic. Whites may not have solidarity, but an individual white guy can certainly join up with them without any resistance or exclusion. Remember that Indian and Pakistani both join up into one group in the US graduate school environment (you may not know how to tell the difference between the two), as do Chinese and Koreans (ditto).
    And a white woman higher than a 5 can get all her work done for her by the Chinese and Indian students, if she lets them…

    1. What exactly prevents a white guy from joining up with other white guys anyway? Nothing wrong with a lil ethnic nepotism

      1. No white guy identifies as white. Nor in my estimation should they. They should identify with people of similar cultural traditions/values and religious belief, if applicable. That might be taken for “ethnic solidarity” elsewhere, but no white person would think of it in that way, at least not in America.

        1. “No white guy identifies as white. Nor in my estimation should they. They should identify with people of similar cultural traditions/values and religious belief, if applicable. That might be taken for ‘ethnic solidarity’ elsewhere, but no white person would think of it in that way, at least not in America.”
          In America you’re never allowed to forget you’re white, but you’re never allowed to associate anything good with it (unless it is something “progressive” and even then the SJWs only grudgingly approve). Nothing but “White Privilege,” nothing but the guilt you’re supposed to feel. Nor is “ethnic solidarity” allowed in response to the “ethnic solidarity” of every non white group. It is radical step to say things like “All Lives Matter,” because “all” would include whites, and “Black Lives Matter” so much that those blacks must never be shot when attacking a police officer or any random white person for that matter.

        2. That’s just on the surface, in the media, etc.
          White people in general, from what I’ve observed are quite proud and will share their true feelings when among those of their ilk.
          Look at where they choose to live, who they spend time with, how they dress, talk etc. They have much to be proud of given that they occupy a majority of wealth and influence. They represent the majority of heroes (leading roles in general) in movies and are a huge box office draw, more than any other race.
          The “masses” need to be pacified through propaganda, which works quite well. White people don’t need any strong, public movement to bring attention to themselves.
          I’m not condoning any of the SJW shit because I hate it as much as the next guy, but I don’t see it hurting white men as much as you think it does.
          If you truly want to succeed there really is nothing stopping you. Women still favor the earning power of white men and the status they typically occupy over other races. You just have to ignore the “noise” that’s meant to appease women and the dummies out here.

  3. I’m in academia as well. Totally true. My lab is compounded by ethnic ghettos: women, chinese and koreans. I totally agree with the assigments aspect. Women excel at following orders but they DO NOT understand what they do. But it does not matter: in this shitty career-path world there is very few space for creativity. This hurts men in capacity of GPA (useless mesure BTW), number of publications and adapting yourself to stupid and rigid standards (grant applications, faculty position applications, etc). On the other side, in entrepreneurship competitions, guess which anatomic sex prevails. Please write more articles. Tell us about faculty recruiting (affirmative action), women corporatism (professional associations), etc.

    1. Spot on about entrepreneurship competitions. When my funding dried up, this is how I supported myself. I entered tech competitions and had good results. To avoid the limit of one entry per applicant, I roped in other students to serve in a nominal capacity, with the understanding that we would share any prize money.

    2. The PhD culture has undergone a major transformation in recent years. It used to be that to be awarded a Doctorate, you had to be very creative and generate a novel idea. Now, most PhD students are glorified lab techs: the Primary Investigator wants many hands doing the busywork / monkey work. The PI does NOT want original thinkers rocking the boat. They want doers not thinkers. Critical thinking is anathema to the modern research lab. Indeed, I know many PhD candidates who spent many years as lab techs / research assistants.

      1. Totally right. If I had to start my PhD again, I would have just chosen a tenure-position wannabe professor as advisor, work on his “hot topic” an publish as much as possible (quantity, not quality). I have been doing my creative and original independent research for three years (business competition included) and nobody cares about me.

        1. This is why I dipped.
          Doesn’t matter how smart you are, it just matters how much the administration and the higher ups like you.
          And it can all go down in an instant. If your professor finds a new hot topic, or just plain doesn’t like you, you’re stuck under his thumb.
          I couldn’t take it anymore.
          Best of luck finishing your project and getting through the grind.

        2. Thanks, man!
          Yes. Networking and having friends is crucial in academia.
          I am still lucky though, in Engineering things are not that bad, but my colleagues that are in sciences or humanities… I have heard pretty bad stories.

  4. My five insights from a decade (well, close to) in higher learning:
    1. Professors generally don’t give a shit about you and your career prospects, unless you bring something to the table they can benefit from: your youth, your money, your soul. And even then, their concern is rather temporary. There are plenty of docile Indians and Chinese out there willing to take your place.
    2. Favoritism, nepotism, affirmative action, bias, etc. are rampant. Being part of a established victim class (i.e. white woman, minority) gives you a serious leg up.
    3. Higher education is terribly time inefficient. Think doing useless group work, dreary lectures, and dumbed-down presentations you have to attend. Not coincidentally, this is the kind of learning that’s geared towards women.
    4. If you want to get ahead, don’t question things. Accept established dogma and relentlessly parrot those above you.
    5. And the most profound insight: *don’t*. Return-on-investment of higher learning is shrinking with each passing year, and it’s already abysmal for many fields of study. You are not guaranteed a job. Success in academia is a lottery.

    1. I agree with everything Stonebanks said. I have an MA (currently working on an MDes) and declined offers to go into a PhD program.
      Other than specific cases getting a PhD should be a thought of as a luxury item.
      I’m impressed with the author for having a PhD in engineering by 28. From where I’m from this is much better than average unless you literally spent no time enjoying your youth.

      1. I’ll have a PhD in engineering by the age of 28 as well. And yes, I did not enjoy much my youth.

        1. MBA here and it has brought essentially no value to my life or career prospects. I don’t plan on forcing college on my kids like my parents did for me. If they want to go fine, but I’m not going to feed them the bullshit that you’ll be flipping burgers your entire life if you don’t have a bachelor’s.

        2. Ditto. The only plus is I got mine in a year and it cost me $6,000 at the local public uni. They have increased their tuition 20% a year since then. I figure for 6 grand, if it ever impresses someone who reads my resume, it was worth it. But otherwise a waste of time. Mostly what I learned was just meeting the other students. MBA students are typically adults, so you get to see what it’s like for all these people working at different corporations.

        3. I prepped for a dual MBA / MBIS, and bailed last minute when I split with my daughter’s mother. I’m still 50/50 on whether it was restrictive to my ensuing career path. Probably only the MBIS would have expanded my current skill-set. Too old to bother at this point.

        4. Hard degree. Definitely worthwhile. It distinguishes you. Degree in African Studies? Not so much.

        5. A lot of people are going back to get an MBA from my HS class, as is my brother. They all moan about money. My best friend from college did. He said it was a waste.

        6. Oof. I couldn’t wait to get out of my last semester as an undergraduate Computer Engineer. I can’t imagine what it was like staying in school for another, what, six years?
          I got a job instead. Much happier.

        7. I have heard that from a lot of people in my circles. I was encouraged to seek one out by a past employer, but was to busy with work (and gaining experience). Most people I have met said the MBA did nothing to optimize their career. Shame really.

        8. This is well documented. Not only is it a waste of time it is also a waste of money. It’s a scam. It’s a better option to get a professional certification.

      2. A PhD is a waste of time unless you see yourself advancing science. Getting it just because? Pretty stupid. Ironically.

    2. To go along with point three, just the sheer amount of useless classes I had to take in College in the US was incredible. Ancient and Medieval Lit., Gender and Violence (care to guess what the victim/aggressor dynamic was in about 99% of the cases studied). I mean come on, I can study these areas on my own personal time and are completely useless towards the main area of study.
      Also this probably exacerbates the fact you have to spend 4 years at one of these institutions at around 30-60 k a year just for a BA, when realistically it should take you 2-3 max if you study only in a specific field, year round.
      College in America has degraded into a 4 year hedonism vacation that leaves young men and women in almost inescapable debt and criminally unprepared to survive in the real world.

      1. It’s all part of the academic complex / bubble. 100 years ago, most Americans did not even graduate high school, dropping out at the 8th grade to help on the family farm. Then completing high school became compulsory. Up until the 1960s / 1970s, it was still rare for high school grads to go onto college. Now it is the norm. Everyone goes onto college. Which devalues a 4 year degree, making it necessary to get a professional degree (M. Eng or MBA). It’s like the Red Queen scenario in Alice in Wonderland: You have to run faster and faster just to stay in the same place. The push for free community college education will only make the whole situation worse.

        1. And the irony, of course, is that people are becoming progressively more ignorant (of history, philosophy, literature) and increasingly dumb despite the progressive credentialism and additional years of formal education. Just compare the writing skills of an 8th grader from 1900 or a letter home from a teenage soldier in the American Civil War with the writing skills of the average 22 year old college graduate today.

        2. “most Americans did not even graduate high school, dropping out at the 8th grade to help on the family farm.”
          Yup. Both my grandfathers never went to high school (their education stopped at the 8th grade) and they both led very different, but full lives. Hard men. And I was privledged to have known them.

      2. Ancient and Medieval Literature saved you from ending up a drone and a robot. Be grateful.

    3. Women like being told what to do, men generally don’t. That’s why women love university and a lot of men don’t. Parroting stuff is a female speciality.
      I forced myself to university every single day, it was horrible.

      1. I did the same and then I quit after year 2. Such a waste and I make as much as my peers and had very little debt afterwards.

      2. The day I saw I passed my last course (advanced mathematics.. not my strong point.. Laplace transforms made me want to scream) was one of the happiest days of my life. FREEDOM! Plus, I was started a job before graduation. I was leaving student poverty.
        I hated every day of university.

      3. As did I. College is horrible for most men. Total waste of time and money on so many levels.
        How many great men dropped out or skipped college altogether? Too many to count.

        1. Thomas Edison had no formal schooling and practically invented the modern age (lighting, motion pictures, audio recording). Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak all dropped out of college.

        2. Very true, many of our greatest achievers were not college men. This is not meant to suggest that they eschewed education per se, but it just didn’t come through the usual or formal manner of sitting in a stuffy classroom. They were self-educated and veracious readers who also tested what they learned. They were true intellectuals yet deeply practical men as opposed to mere theorists who politicized everything.

        3. Interesting how many of the men who created our society didn’t go to college, yet the “system” tells you you can’t be successful like them unless you go to college.

    4. Don’t even get me started on the teaching assistants. What a bunch of useless fuck-tards.
      College is one of the biggest generational scams in history. Attending college is one of my biggest regrets in life, particularly from a financial standpoint.
      I can never have that time, money, or energy back. What a fraud.

      1. There is an academic bubble. And it starts early. People have been taught that everyone is intrinsically equal and we are born the same. They do not believe in innate intelligence or that intelligence is genetically determined. Therefore, parents feel the only way they can give their children a competitive advantage is to spend profligately on private education (prep schools), SAT tutors starting when the child enters high school, and Little Lord Fauntleroy style clothing for their children. Do 5 year-olds need to wear suits to school? No, but it makes their parents feel better.

    5. “Professors generally don’t give a shit about you and your career prospects,”
      That was my point as well. They’re not job trainers at all, especially in the liberal arts. At this point, that fact should be so obvious to people that it’s hardly fair to even criticize higher ed for it.
      Majoring in Lit. and then crying about not getting a job is like going to a deli and bitching at them for not changing your oil while you eat your sandwich. Two different businesses entirely. Universities teach you about the subject you wanted to learn about. Human resource departments decide the rest.
      As far as true education goes; If you’re 18, load up a kindle with about 1,500$ worth of books plus the hundreds of free titles (classics), save 10k and then read every title on that kindle in two years while living in the third world.

    6. I have personally seen so many blatantly discriminatory things. A flyer for a women’s networking event where wine and dessert would be served. Can you imagine a flyer for a male networking event where cigars and cognac would be served? I’ve seen recruiting posters for a tech company that stated they were only interested in Korean nationals. And countless networking, retention, and career planning events targeting minority students. As a White male in academia, you are reminded on a daily basis that you are unwanted.

      1. The new left doesn’t think a majority or dominant group can be discriminated against
        you gotta get over that and take a more offensive stance

      2. Oh Boo Hoo, wahh I’m a white male. Who would you rather trade places with honestly? No seriously, any other demographic. None? Yeah that’s what I thought.

        1. Regina: the name that launched a thousand dirty limericks lolz
          Wahh I’m an American female … won’t someone subsidize my lifestyle by paying for my birth control pills … I’ve spent all my hard earned money on boxed wine wahh

        2. No I would not, but I only speak for myself. As a white male and the current orchestrated amount of hate (at least in the US), it signifies the fear and envy you have. We live rent free in your head, but you cannot show objective facts to validate your unreason. Do you wonder why we dismiss you as a fool or mentally handicapped?

        3. I dont want to trade places with anyone – I just dont see why it is so necessary to force people together who dont share anything in common.

    7. “4. If you want to get ahead, don’t question things. Accept established dogma and relentlessly parrot those above you.” << this x10.
      Just go with the damn flow, jump through the useless “busy work” hoops which don’t prove shit about your intellect, knowledge of a field of study, nor work ethic, and accept moments of self-induced institutional slavery that requires you to get a piece of paper that represents 3%-8% best at retained knowledge, which wanes every day you don’t refresh it by using it in practical application.
      The sooner you can accept that’s the practical value of your education – a minimal retention of knowledge that you may NEVER use, but will learn a few key methods that could change everything in your life – the better you can view your investment without overstressing.
      Oh yea, bang some college trim along the way.. off campus of course.

    8. Success in academia is a lottery? I would say its perhaps the one place where you can individually determine your outcome.

      1. I was referring to getting employed within academia, i.e. getting tenure. In today’s academia, politics is more important than merit.

        1. This times 1000. And this is where the victim Olympics really start. Yes, you control how much you learn, but politics determines who gets hired and retained. And let me tell you that office politics in corporate America is a mere shadow of the office politics in Academia. In corporate America it is tempered by the realization that in the end if the company fails you all go down, so the back stabbing is limited to where it won’t affect the bottom line (unless you are dealing with women). In academia everyone actively want all others to fail as this gives the backstabber the advantage. And there can be no real failure of the institution as there is no bottom line. They can turn out a rotten product and it will still be bought and paid for by the government or the leftist establishment.

        2. You got it.
          It’s pretty easy to ruin someone’s career in academia where you have to be on your game working crazy hours to get ahead.
          Place a roadblock in someone’s career like negative reviews, slandering reputation, bureaucratic nonsense, and at worst a pseudo-legal accusation (like a professor being “too harsh” to students) and you’ve just lost all your momentum for long enough for your competitors to usurp you.
          It’s ugly… I’ve seen this happen.

    1. Bingo. Believe it or not, but, this is just the beginning. MOOCs and online education is going disrupt the whole fucking model. It the Tea Party, Conservatives, Libertarians…everyone against progressivism gets smart they should all push for this. And between high tuition and all the other hazards of education it really needs just a nudge. Take only the courses you need to do what you want NO, absolutely NO “electives” such as “I’m a man and that’s bad” bullshit. And guess what, lets see how the % of degrees between men and women play out under those conditions.

      1. The only thing a university degree offers that these don’t (at least under the current model) is that you can make personal connections with colleagues.
        But I’m sure there can be a clever way to get around this.

        1. Yes, my sincere recommendation for those considering graduate school is to pursue a 1 year (or max 2) year MBA or financial engineering degree at a top school (Wharton, Harvard, Kellogg School of Management). You are paying for the name and connections. You pay through the nose for 1 or 1.5 years and get on with your life.

  5. I only went through undergrad, but here’s more helpful tips:
    1) Say yes to frats, you want your college experience to be enjoyable. Don’t believe the media scare-mongering, women love frats and fratboys.
    2) Say no to actually paying, if you have to pay an asswad, you’re better off not going in this day and age.
    3) Say yes to cheating. Cheat early, cheat often. Everyone cheats, there are massive scandals coming out at Ivey league schools of international kids(namely Chinese) cheating on their exams. Everyone cheats, the secret is to not get caught. There’s no reason to do all the work unless you’re a crazy fool with nothing better to do with your time. Me, I liked to read, work out, hang out with friends, play video games, you know pretty much do everything besides the work.
    And here’s the dirty secret, you’ll do better than your friends that were dumb enough to do it the “honest way”. Cheaters never prosper? Cheaters always prosper or else they wouldn’t cheat in the first place.
    4) Say yes to taking the college for everything. Take as much as you physically and mentally can. Forks, plates, knives, cups, dishes, those are all yours now. Anything that’s not going to get you penalized (like dorm furniture) is free game. If they have free shows and actually decent guest speakers than take full advantage. They rob you, you rob them. If they have a free washing machine but it’s halfway across campus, go for it, I’m not getting robbed. I even tricked the school into getting a free single years ago.
    5) Get all of your stupid bs classes out of the way early. No one wanted to take diversity classes but just get them out of the way. Suck up to the teachers and get on with your life. Don’t be a hero, it’s only going to make things worse for you. Don’t sperg out no matter how retarded the other students and teachers are.

    1. man i wish i had discovered freelance type sites when I first started university. I would have gotten all my assignments written for me by someone else.
      I only started doing that in my 4th year.

    2. I agree on the frat issue. I never joined but the Greek life was huge where I did my grad work. Frats are not just social clubs: they often compile past exams, assignments, and projects that are passed down over the years, giving a major advantage to members over outsiders or loners. I think the tendency for men is to adopt a lone-wolf mindset. Having a support network is important, however.

      1. Indeed. I learned this the hard way after the first year. You won’t do well in college unless you have some sort of reliable network.

    3. ”knives, forks, spoons”?? haha you forgot towels, toilet paper, oh what the heck, the toilet itself only has two wingnuts holding it down. By the time you’re done, the ivory towers and grounds look like a vacant field in detroit with concrete slabs and pipes sticking out of the ground. And a bunch of naked professors, both male and female standing around a trash fire going ”wat the fuuk” . . quite vivid . lol

      1. You emerge from the supply closet with a big burlap sack slung over your shoulder like jolly old saint nick lolz

  6. “The same female students who had turned in masterfully completed
    assignments were positively flummoxed when presented with a problem that
    tested their ability to problem-solve. On the other hand, the male
    students did quite well with these types of problems.”
    This was my experience as an engineering undergrad 20 years ago. Once tests became open book (no more need to memorize) the women would start to flounder compared to the men. The open book tests and projects used very involved problems in order to ‘test’ our understanding of the various concepts of engineering.
    I was partnered with a female for a particular design project. We had to come up with formulas to predict the performance of a heat exchanger (HX). The HX was a hybrid design.. you weren’t going to find the formulas in the book. You had to use your understanding of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics to come up with your own formulas. Later you would build and test the HX to see how close you actually got. She was completely useless. She couldn’t understand the concept of “its not in a book!”. She got through her life my memorizing facts and regurgitating them on paper.
    Outside of academia, engineering is all an open book test. The good engineers don’t memorize.. they think.

    1. That’s why the idea of a female MacGyver (they are planning to reboot the iconic 80’s series with a female in the lead) is so incredibly stupid.

      1. Did you hear about Marvel and the Wolverine character? Marvel is re-inventing the character as..you guessed it…a woman.
        It makes you wonder why there is such a push to redefine all of these popular male characters as either female or gay. My first inclination is that it’s all about the money; trying to pander to a new audience. But it’s clear to see that women and gays tend not to watch or consume those types of movies and media, even when they are redone with female or gay characters.
        Redefining these characters as female or gay tends to be terribly unprofitable. That makes me think there is an agenda, one worth losing money over. That’s gotta be one hell of an agenda…

        1. My prediction is that we will see a huge increase in the number of male to female transsexuals and transgenders in the coming decade or two. All the young males who are children now will grow up internalizing how females are enshrined and exalted while males are mocked and disparaged.

        2. The United States reminds me of a hard-drinking man who manages to down shot after shot of whiskey to the amazement of onlookers who marvel that he can still stand after emptying the bottle. A broken public school system, dysgenics on a mass scale, racial strife, an entitlement mentality, a culture that idolizes those who produce nothing of value (athletes and entertainers), crass popular culture. But what you must keep in mind is that the United States is not a nation (as defined by a common people sharing a language, culture, attitude, experiences). It is a marketplace, a bazaar, a souq. It’s a free-for-all. Rats savagely competing to tear crumbs off of a piece of stale bread. Most of the readers on ROK are romantics at heart (as am I) but the romantic vision of America is long dead.

        3. I’ve still never been able to grasp how the US is so strong economically. Most of the people (with huge exceptions of course, but I’m talking your average American) is lazy and dumb. I know not having paid time off and sick leave and health care and all that plays into it a lot, and so many Americans are workaholics and have no desire to travel or see new places, but still, I just don’t get how we’re in the top 10% of any industry.

        4. The culture was easily erased because the schools were taken from the people. Americans hand their children to a school system that is used to change society. The K-12 has become more and more locally unaccountable and more centralized.
          When libertarians called for eliminating the federal department of education it was because they understood it is key in erasing the american culture of liberty.
          The schools are the key, take them back or opt out in mass and the entire program crumbles.
          Lincoln settled the notion of states leaving. State power has been significantly diminished. The only state that stood a chance was Texas but when threatened with a no-fly zone over real-ID or something else a few years ago they folded immediately.
          Also knowing history I think fedgov would use whatever it took to make an example of a state that tried to leave the union. Yes, that includes mushroom clouds. Now if fedgov collapses financially that’s different. But I still think it won’t go peacefully like the USSR.

        5. Making predictions for the US’s future is tricky since the US doesn’t follow the trad modes of settlement and federation as civ’s in the past. Note that most of US territory was simply bought and paid for with money. The largest tracts were bought from Spain, France and Alaska which was purchased from Russia for around what it would cost to build a strip mall today. What a deal. Large swaths of the US weren’t acquired by conquest or historical migration where tribes establish themselves over centuries. Claims to territory weren’t grandfathered as such and thus American settlement didn’t follow the model of settlement we see in the cradle of civilization outward. The indigenous were remnant of previous ancient civilization and fallen to a matriarchal animal existance until the arrival of patriarchal culture. The fallen Aztec bitch animals were taking their final swig of blood from the dousche worship pail when the patriarch humans arrived. In a sense, you could say the conquest to settle the Americas was a patriarchal advance regardless of the banana republics, the plantation states and the springboard federations that put their monacre on the official map. The US was heavy with the masonic eastern star bitch worship, but the obelisk rises like the phoenix, the GREAT DICK rises above all. The slate is still prime for the arising of the final GREAT PATRIARCHY of the age. No ‘whshing of hands’ of cunt religion necessary. Why ‘cunt slime’ evaporates doesn’t it?? 🙂

        6. They are in most places. But Germany? Japan? They don’t have this whole welfare class remnant of slavery making up a significant portion of the population. They are a mostly homogeneous society. Of course both countries are doing very well, but I don’t understand why they’re not blowing the US out of the water. Drive through a housing project or a poor community in the US. And look at everything we are publicly supporting.
          I’m not even criticizing these people–it’s the stupid systems of “help” that our government offers them. Other countries yeah they will provide basic things we all need like health care and an education, but they don’t have these crazy schemes like the Earned Income Tax Credit and Section 8 Housing Vouchers and EBT cards (all full of fraud by the way).

        7. I think it was Albert Jay Nock who identified the prevailing American ideal from the very beginning, as little more than one mad scramble to get rich quick.
          If America ever had a genuine culture, it was an Anglo-Saxon/Protestant Christian one. Our “revolution” (which was in substance no more revolutionary than the English Glorious Revolution was), in substance was a reform of traditional institutions, little different from those which had previously taken place in England over the centuries. It was an attempt to stop the abuse of royal power, and was largely conservative in substance.
          However, the rhetoric of the time, (thanks to Tom Paine, Jefferson, and Madison) was Enlightenment-era revolutionary hogwash. It’s because of this radical rhetoric, handed down through the generations, that the source of our values and institutions (culture and religion) was obscured. America of the time, was merely an extension of long standing English traditions and institutions, modified for this continent’s circumstances. But due to the legacy of the rhetoric of the period, America increasingly came to think of itself was something different altogether; as a sort of utopian project.
          Now, you can get away with this foolishness, so long as the country was still mostly made up of the descendants of Englishmen, who were traditional in mindset and practice, and genuine believers in the Protestant Christian faith.
          But all of that changed when we started to import people who didn’t share those values, and when the native population began abandoning their traditions and belief.
          The root of all of this, was our errant collective belief in the revolutionary nature of our nation’s founding. As such, we failed over the course of the 19th/20th centuries, to adequately protect our culture, faith, and institutions from external corruption. With the end result that most of the country holds values and beliefs completely foreign to those of the America of say, 1840, and where “conservatives” today, identify the radical ideals of yesterday, as time honored “traditional values.”
          We have become completely unmoored from our past, and the source of our values and institutions. I have little hope that we will collectively recognize our error.

        8. However hard these countries work, however better educated and trained their populations are, they are still saddled with massive bureaucratic corruption. The red-tape and its attendant corruption, is still worse overseas than it is here. That’s our saving grace.

        9. Those are both excellent explanations, and the only ones I’ve been able to explain things with. My theory is that the Nazis are responsible for making America the dominant power it is today. I’m just surprised that it lasted this long. America was not a superpower in the early 1900s. It wasn’t until after the second world war that we leapfrogged the other economies. And our military developed jet engine air forces and rockets and a moon program, all built by former Nazis who were sent to work in America through Operation Paperclip.
          The rockets transformed into a dominance in engines, and GM was the largest corporation in the world in the 1960s. Boeing dominated the market as a quasi-monopoly for years. The rockets also lead to military dominance (almost all warfare today takes place via some sort of rocket–even drones are tiny rockets with smaller rockets on them). The nuclear bomb was developed by Nazis and those who fled Nazi Germany.
          And foreign immigrants are responsible for the majority of small business startups, which are the engine of growth in America. There is a great discussion of this in the book The Millionaire Next Door, which show that the average millionaire is a hard working guy with a 15 year old car and old clothes. As we simultaneously make immigration more and more difficult and the internet levels the playing field to where there is no longer a huge advantage of having a business in the USA versus anywhere else, I think this will change.

        10. There is no reason to for the US to improve the public k-12 education system. The elites all send their children to private schools and we can import foreign talent from china and india and capitalize on their superior educational background.

        11. Most Americans are like the goldfish, with such a limited memory, that it can turn around in its bowl and by the time it gets back to its starting point, it has forgotten where it started and so the bowl never seems confining. Americans have no recollection of the past and no interest in the future: they live solely in the present to be entertained and amused.

        12. You can’t improve the US education system. It is working as designed. It has to be dismantled.

        13. Exactly what I realized. The US is no longer a nation, but merely a labor market. The government is just another corporation.

        14. The US has the worlds reserve currency. So it can print money with reckless abandon and support parasites with no significant damage to the economy…for now.

        15. There was never any “romantic vision” of America. It was always about money and tearing others down, hustling, crass consumerism. Starting with our “founding fathers” who did not want to work so they hired, no wait, they didn’t even do that, they bought and sold slaves to do the labor they should have been doing. So from get go American culture was founded on avoiding work, one-up-manship and buying stuff.

        16. Don’t kid yourself. It was always a labor market. Even our “founding fathers” made it a FORCED labor market (slavery).

        17. The public school system served me fine. I have no complaints. If anything its spoiled entitled bully-brats who made it bad for the rest of us in class, not the teachers.

        18. Yes, this explains the mechanics of how. And it has been unraveling slightly over the past 15 years. But the question is why does it have the reserve currency? When the British pound was the world currency, it was clear because the Brits owned everything. Why does America have this ability? What does America provide to the world that makes it deserve this? If judged on financial scrutiny, the award would go to the Swiss. If freedom of enterprise, to Hong Kong, if safety and security, I dunno, Singapore. But what does America really provide the world? I think they are all asking themselves this and questioning why we are continued to have this huge benefit.

        19. Very good question. The best answer I can give you is actually found in your question. Why were the Brits special 100 years ago? Simply because they could project military force anywhere in the world to break things and kill people. The US has the same ability right now. This is why we have bases and troops all over the world, so that other countries know which currency to use for buying oil…or else.
          Basically: To keep the welfare state/corporate government going you need to print money and not suffer hyperinflation. To avoid hyperinflation, you need to be able to fuck other countries up.
          On another note, its funny to me how liberals dont understand how the 700 billion military budget actually enforces their welfare state schemes. If not for the military, the US dollar would be the weimar republic deutchsmark in like a month. And dont even get me started on how much of the military is actually a make work program for women and minorities.
          My source: 4 years as a Navy corpsman, 3.5 with infantry Marines. 2 combat deployments to Afghanistan.

        20. Yes with slavery that was true. And now we are paying for it dearly, and have paid for african slave wages many times over since the civil war. But the powers that be are blatantly open about their plans these days. See, this is why the Irish were discriminated against, the Japanese and Chinese also..because they were cutting into the current americans wages. The racial element was used to gin up support against the industrialist fat cats in favor of working people.

        21. I’d say most of the military is a make-work program period. Something like 700 military bases around the world. You can count on one hand the number that have any possibility of playing an active military role.
          I knew a fairly ignorant but nice enough black guy from the ghetto who I worked with as a teenager. He was a little older, and had done a stint in the military, “serving” in Germany overseas. He told me all about the German beer, the women, the drugs they would do, etc. and all I could think was, wow, this guy wasn’t doing ANYTHING at all related to military preparedness. Germany is literally zero threat to the USA right now, this was just another form of welfare, and was it any better or worse than just paying him to sit at home?
          I visited an air force base in Montana this year with a friend who worked there. I got the tour, saw the dorms where they used to live (now live off-base), saw where the pilots lived, went to the PX where there is a special shopping mall built just for the military folks, even though there is plenty of shopping outside the base, and then I asked “so… where is the airstrip?”
          Turns out the airstrip was removed over a decade ago. There is one helicopter they occasionally use if someone gets lost in the woods, but otherwise this entire facility, ostensibly for training pilots how to fly, was all just a huge welfare project. I laughed hard. An air force base without airplanes. Wow.

        22. The victims aren’t supposed to know how it has stunted them. Bullies are also part of the design. That is why public schools will _never_ eradicate them.

    2. That was my experience in the field as well. I was a field engineer in Nuclear Engineering for almost 20 years. I had the misfortune to have to deal with highly educated and credentialed female engineers from time to time. Not one was worth a bale of clean rags. They just could not analyze real life situations and devise solutions. Trouble shooting was beyond there understanding, even once you explained it to them. Unless you gave them a step by step flow chart with predictable outcomes, they just failed open.

  7. I agree with most of this post. However, my final advice would be to think very carefully if you want a PhD. The sitcom Big Bang Theory is fun to watch but is just a fairy tale, it is nearly impossible to find a position in the US or Europe, even for people who are truly bright and work in mainstream topics. I obtained mi PhD in theoretical physics when I was 29. After that, I continued into the postdoc nightmare, I have no idea if i would be able to continue my career in academia but since I have invested so many years I will stay until there is 0% chance of advance. Currently, my only realistic chances to find a position are in South America or South East Asia and that is not even sure. However, if I do quit academia, I think it would be near impossible to find a job because I would be 35 yrs old with zero work experience. Consequently, I would have to start some sort of business and I don’t have the slightest idea on how to do that.
    My advice to young people willing to become a professor is do not do it or if you genuinely want to learn a subject, only advance into a master program. If you insist on doing your PhD, then i would go for some research that allows you to obtain some skills that future employers would find useful, e.g. in the STEM area, learn to code or choose an area of science where you have to learn how to handle big equipments.
    Obtaining a PhD is very challenging, it requires lots of time and you get paid next to minimum wage, you don’t get paid holidays or health insurance and in the end you are near to being unemployable with practically zero savings.

    1. Also, keep in mind that, generally, when an American male pursues a PhD, he is basically forsaking a personal life for 5-8 years. In contrast, many – if not most – Asian males pursuing a PhD already have a settled home life with a serious female partner (girlfriend or wife) who is probably also an academic. American women pursuing graduate degrees eschew serious relationships as they claim they would detract from focusing on their career aspirations. And to most from an Eastern culture, sacrifice, temperance, and self-denial in the pursuit of education are seen as noble whereas most Americans, particularly women, regard it as foolish and delusional. Advantage: Asian students

    1. Freedom? As someone who knows a lot of home-schooled and unschooled layabouts on welfare, I’m 100% for public schooling, private schooling, any sort of structured schooling. American kids need less freedom to be lazy brats, not more.

        1. Force? Its called order and discipline. What would you suggest? Do you run a learning co-op or something I can send my kids to that’s any better?

  8. in my last semester of university and once I graduate I will be qualified for anything exactly like I was when I graduated high school.
    + 25000$ in debt.
    Gonna make my parents assist me in paying that off, since they were so adamant of me getting a bachelors.

    1. You can thank the ‘Griggs vs. Duke Power’ decision for your predicament. It is because the Supreme Court that “everyone needs a college education”.

  9. I think that one of the most important things to consider is this;
    Universities are not job-placement agencies and they never claimed to be. If some professor offers a class in Gothic Lit. then that’s exactly what you get. You get information on that subject. It’s the students or the culture at large who has made this
    college=job assumption. Maybe because it used to be the case. But the Gothic Lit. prof is only saying, “You want to learn about Beowulf then I can teach you.” When you come back two years later and say, “Hey! Where’s my job?” The prof. can just put his hands up and say, “I never said a word about any job.” So I guess you could call it a scam but the Universities or at least the individual profs are pretty blameless here. My English profs never said “Hey, let’s learn everything we can about Hemingway because then you can be a regional accounts manager at a plastics company in ten years.” They said, “Let’s do it because it’s interesting. You’re on your own after that.”

      1. At the time many variants of the Anglo-Saxon language and Gothic (Eastern I believe, not sure about the Visigoths) were nearly (although not fully) mutually intelligible once one accounts for the spelling pronunciation differences (how they were spoken as opposed to written). Their cultural assumptions and traditions were nearly identical. Heh

    1. These days the prof is more likely to teach you about stuff like ‘Grendel as Symbol of Patriarchal Storytelling’ or ‘Narratives of Disabled Trans-Women in Gothic Lit’

  10. I don’t see how #3 pertains specifically to academia. It’s a good rule in general though.

  11. As a mechanical engineering TA 20 years ago I didn’t see the same gender separations. Now maybe it was because there were so few women, running 10% or less of the classes. But the bell curve between the good-at-school types that you say were dominated by women were not. But that could have been a function of the time period. Maybe women were over-represented because just one would do it because there were so few.
    The groupings by ethnic background? Yes and no. My experience was much more diverse and there were a lot of american white male grad students in our department at the time. Plus a fair number of the foreign students were from europe and Turkey. The rest rounded out by middle east countries, and of course China, India and Pakistan. Usually the routine groupings were people who knew each other and decided to study there together. Some were even siblings. Most of the white guys had done undergrad there together so we stuck together. So our groupings were more prior relationships. And we often crossed over as well.

  12. Both genders have strengths, knowing how to channel and use them is key to building a strong foundation for a business.
    Personally I have people that I need to be keepers of the status quo and I have people I need to innovate and break ground.
    As far as the Chinese go, I am not particularly impressed with there brand of education when applied in the field. I have found most of them to be burned out by the time they need to work for pay

  13. I also got a PhD. in Physics at 28. (31 now and still in academia)
    Points 1, and 2 applied more in undergrad.
    Graduate school was more straightforward. (But don’t go to my school now, it is all going to shit.)
    Class work was a severe fucking but the faculty. Homework is a must, but exams count for 75-90% of your grade. You have to work in groups or you fail. Working alone is impossible. Yes, the Chinese for the most part worked together. Everyone else partnered up based on personalities, or proximity. (Actually, those Chinese that did not stay in their little all-China group were the ones that were the most successful. They got English skills faster, learned relevant communication skills, and ended up with more competitive positions after.)
    Research is all about results and your Professor. They don’t really care about all this rounded education, diversity, sensitivity training bull. They want you to perform in the lab, so reasonably they try to shield you from it.
    Point 5 is most important. Always have your shit together. Undergraduate, make sure your University Name+ Degree name is competitive. Fuck this hippy bullshit about finding the perfect school. Go to the best you can afford.
    Graduate school has two choices: If you plan to stay in academia, make sure your bosses name is famous. If you go into industry, then same as undergrad Univesity Name +Degree Name must be competitive.
    For the love of god, don’t take a year off to fuck around. (The summer between undergrad and grad school is okay.) Perform due diligence on your main boss, and degree committee members. Make sure none of them are dicks, or hard asses. Make sure they have funding. Make sure they publish in high level journals. Check where their previous students ended up.
    Be liked by your Professor. Favoritism/cronyism is a big deal, they will use their connections to hook you up for the next job.
    When it comes to your career, don’t fuck around!

    1. I don’t know how many or few white asshole physicist wingmen there are in the world today, but they must realise that by their definition they would play an important part in the sperm wars.

  14. As others have pointed out, #3 is just a general good life lesson. Often stated as “Don’t ask permission; ask forgiveness.”

  15. Superb read! As a guy who’s also in STEM, I found this very easy to relate to, and very insightful. Is the author new to the site? Please, write more! It’s also interesting to note how many STEM peeps seem to be red-pilled. The most politically incorrect and reactionary millennials I know tend to come from our field. I wonder what implications this has for the future…especially given recent technocratic trends and the rise of tech-elites.

  16. This is a great article that says something new.
    My thoughts:
    1. I witnessed this in education in the UK. Coursework helps those who are less intelligent but willing to put in the hours. Exams rewards pure intelligence. Quite often those people who are good in the exams are intelligent but less disciplined. Maybe they have got used to the fact over the years they could cut corners and still turn up and pass.
    2.Ethnic Solidarity. I think we have all witnessed how whites do not have an ethnic solidarity and for certain some groups like Blacks do. But some of what you may think is ethnic solidarity is religious solidarity or national solidarity, but just looks racial because they happen to be the same race. The Chinese students helping each other and the Indians collaborating maybe have shared language and backgrounds. I have seen this in University where the students from the US or Poland will help each other, many times it’s about language, shared culture, shared experience, shared educational experiences which makes it easier to understand each other. Blacks back each other up wherever they are from – they have a shared ‘victim’ status that they feed off.
    3. I have always thought this is good advice. Don’t ask permission, go ahead anyway and then apologise if need be.
    4. Not sure about this point, but networking is always helpful and getting involved with lots of things helps you make contacts and leverage these contacts.
    5. This is a great great point. I work in recruitment and it’s amazing how many people ruin their cv’s with a career break. Sometimes very early on in their career when they have made hardly any progress. The trouble is that if you leave University and then take 2 years out, there are two more years of leavers who are fresh from University and ready to go – who would you choose? The career break people have gone stale on their subject and may have grown used to freedom, so they are a risk. And their career breaks are often the same old same old – Thailand, Far East, India etc that no doubt they will bring up in conversation for decades to come.
    The other mistake I notice is when someone leaves their field entirely for another field that is totally unrelated. It kills the cv/resume.
    My advice is to choose a field and become an expert. If you need a change, there are usually many changes available even if you stay in the same field of competence. To change industry and restart is a fatal mistake in many cases as in the new field you are just like a new starter. Give it a few years and then it becomes hard to get back into your original field too.
    Like I said great article as it’s saying something new.

    1. I fucking hate c work! Exams are harder but more to the point and usually don’t don’t beat around the bush in terms of what they ask of you to do.

    2. Blacks from different areas f the world do not automatically back one another, at least not where I am in the US. I know a large number of African immigrants. They are very quick to tell you they are not African-Americans. They reject the Afro-American culture in whole and in part. They do not stand with their black brothers because they think they are assholes. Even all blacks from Africa make a point of the differences. Two African immigrants I work with were quick to point out that one was from West African and the other was from Ethiopia (east Africa).

        1. Yeah interesting to find out that not all black people are the same, eh? Like us whites, they too have diversity in thought, culture, language, etc. Who knew?

        2. Of course I knew, Africa is a large place. But generally by and large Blacks are a problem.

    3. “I think we have all witnessed how whites do not have an ethnic solidarity and for certain some groups like Blacks do.”
      A major complaint amongst African Americans is that there is very little, if any, solidarity in their “community”. Whatever the outsiders might perceive, is superficial at best. They site the rate at which American black men kill other American black men as just one example. We whites have fraternities and basically dominate American socio-economic life, even now. We whites do solidarity very, very well. This country, and many other originally non-white countries are proof positive of that. American laws have reflected white solidarity until very recently.

      1. you’re right, just like Muslims when left alone blacks cause more damage to each other than whites ever did. But their solidarity (often misplaced) reappears when they feel there are easy pickings from promoting thei ‘victimhood status’.

  17. I don’t agree that white students are on their own. One of my closest colleagues at school was white and together we worked closely with Asians (girls interestingly enough) to get through assignments and exams.
    Later I tutored Middle-Eastern students and helped them get through their assignments.
    Sometimes it just takes opening your mouth and making friends. These groups are more open than they may seem.

    1. “These groups are more open than they may seem.” My life totally changed by making one Southeast Asian friend. Now I spend half my time in Asian countries from Turkey to Thailand.

  18. Serious question, my son is top 5 in his class in math and science. I know the bulk of college is a waste, but he is a great STEM student. Any ideas on the least wasteful/most beneficial path for him to take?

    1. It all depends on what your son wishes to do in STEM. Does he have any idea what discipline he wants to go into? Any strengths or hobbies of note?

      1. He’s excellent at algebra and while not having a class in calculus, has started doing some work in it. He’s interested in marine biology.

        1. Financial engineering or operations research would be the most lucrative and is a real-world application of math skills. Minor or double major in marine bio, So you would be looking at a West Coast (Cali) school for college.

        2. Thanks. We’re in PA and he is more enamored with nature and hunting. Not sure he’ll like CA.

        3. He actually may do something with the forest services. He’s talked about moving to Montana. I told him go for it, as long as he has a plan.

    2. Get him to study Accountancy. With a STEM qualification your son will always be dependent on some big corporation for his lively hood. If he’s an accountant he can do his own thing, work when and how he likes.

  19. Don’t study STEM unless you can freelance, otherwise you’re a company bitch until you are 65.

      1. They can have the emasculated man’s ass, but, not mine. No corporation will ever own me.

        1. You can shirk corporate work and continue to live in a safe, civilized, high-tech society with good infrastructure and the internet precisely because enough men and women are sacrificing to be “company bitches”. If no one was willing to do that, we’d live in a much more primitive fashion.

        2. So what? We need to get to a more primitive fashion to get rid of the hangers-on SJWs and feminists that are fucking up society and making it unbearable for normal people. What are you saying, that we need to suck it up and force ourselves into oppressive politically correct roles just so that this degenerate, high-tech society can keep running? Sounds kind of communistic, and 1984ish.

        3. They make these choices eyes wide open. I don’t believe these people are sacrificing anything, it’s what they want…..I’ll do my own thing.

  20. This is exactly what Roosh says NOT to do! He says don’t follow the tenacious Asian way. Drop out, better yet, don’t go at all, forego a solid middle to upper middle class career in favor of globe trotting, blogging, youtubing, getting laid and “finding yourself” . Does this site have a coherent philosophy of life it can stick to?
    “Ever wonder why Asian students seem so academically precocious? It’s because they chose their specialty early in life and never wavered. They began specializing in high school. They then began undergraduate research in a lab when they were 18 or 19. They then go onto graduate school and continue the exact same line of research. By the time they are in their late 20s, they have a decade of relevant experience so of course they are consummate experts on a topic by then.
    At an age when many whites are “finding themselves,” discovering
    their true passion in life, or globe trekking, Asian students are
    entering the second decade of their professional careers. Asian students will not switch focus, even if they hate what they do. They will not jump ship. They will stay the course. With so much more accrued knowledge and experience, of course they appear to possess otherworldly intellect.”

  21. “So being a loner or the sole white guy in a graduate level STEM class
    filled with nothing but Chinese and Indian students means you will be on
    your own” Except in the USA it has never happened that there is only one white person in a grad level STEM class. We white Americans may not have developed strong solidarity, though I strongly disagree with your premise, because we have always been and still are the MAJORITY demographic, which is proof positive that we have always practiced strong solidarity. Generally the case has always been a minority is “the loner” or “sole guy” or “sole girl”.
    As far as the “gender difference” you cite, its a difference in methodology not difference in ability to be or not be an engineer. Two of my nieces are deciding their majors and I am strongly encouraging them to “lean into” STEM and forget Journalism.

  22. Point 5 – I have never, ever witnessed an Asian American couple gush out about their child in a (often lower tier) college majoring in something easy, pointless and economically futile, yet this is a common discussion overheard among white boomer parents. The SWPL parents don’t care what their kids major in, so long as they get to brag about “putting their kid through college,” naively assuming things will just sort of work out in the end.
    No wonder America is slowly but surely decaying from within – far too much comfort and complacence among the descendants of the ancestors responsible for building it.

  23. I teach mostly “Asian” graduate students and find that the majority of them are similar to how you describe female students. They work very hard, painstakingly prepare and can memorize well. However, when it comes to application and problem solving they really struggle.

  24. Academia is 60% about politics, 20% time management and 20% intelligence. You need to socialize with your professors and understand how to navigate around. You can be the smartest guy and still be left out. Especially, the humanities and social sciences which are extremely subjective. Math is much more objective but the same skills apply.
    1) Don’t contradict your Professor, even if they tell you to do it. It will be detrimental to your success.
    2)Praise your Professor, at all times. In those feedback reviews, during class, office hours.
    3) Focus more on doing the work on time than doing it correctly. Your professor will tell you what they want in the paper.
    4) Never talk badly about other students the professor likes. I fact, I would praise how great they are.
    5) Blame yourself for everything. The professor and the system can never be wrong. Only you can.
    6) Be wary of social circles. All the departments members talk with one another regularly.Try to have a good relationship with everyone. Professors talk across departments as well so be careful.
    7) Never be honest. Throw that trait out of the window, you won’t need it.
    8) Write your paper exactly like the Professor wants it. If they tell you you they like dinosaurs. That means you now love dinosaurs.
    9) Be very vulnerable and polite.
    At the end of the day, I realized academia is not about being the smartest but about being the most social. After all, you will always be referring to the literature in your work. Therefore, your job is to add on to the knowledge of previous thinkers. I would say 80% is what other think and 20% what you think. It’s more of a job(people and time management) than raw talent(intelligence.) Only when we start getting AI to develop software learning programs we’ll truly learn.

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