Will #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?

In the past week, actor and “comedian” Seth Rogen has been under fire for his anti-white, anti-Christian views. The hashtags #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen have been trending on Twitter for the past couple of days, spearheaded in part by writer and First Amendment attorney Mike Cernovich. Twitter users have been airing their grievances against Rogen and calling for a boycott of his upcoming film The Night Before, a comedy about three friends who decide to throw a wild Christmas Eve party:




The popularity of #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen displays how much power the alternative right and neomasculinity has in shaping the public discourse. As recently as last year, leftist domination of Twitter and the other barometers of social influence was all but complete, with frequent witch-hunts and mob attacks against anyone who dissented from the social justice line. Ever since GamerGate cleared the way for anti-leftist discourse to grow in popularity, the alt-right has found a voice in the public sphere.

But more importantly, #CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore may spell the end of Seth Rogen’s marriage and career. For the past decade, Rogen has been riding high, buoyed by his association with Judd Apatow and the string of successful comedies he put out in the mid-2000’s such as The 40-Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up and Superbad. However, his antagonistic attitude towards his predominantly white fans as well as his collapsing relationship with his wife have tarnished his public image, possibly beyond repair.

How Mike Cernovich Cucked Seth Rogen

Rogen’s woes began two months ago, when he suddenly and inexplicably took a potshot at whites:

Mike Cernovich responded with some jabs, and bizarrely enough, Rogen responded, despite the vast gulf in their popularity levels:


Cernovich then baited Rogen into admitting that he was having problems with his wife, Lauren Miller Rogen:




While it was astounding enough that someone in this part of the Internet managed to bait a major film star into an argument on Twitter, what happened next was nothing short of stunning. A couple weeks after Rogen and Cernovich’s exchange, Rogen’s wife replied to Cernovich with this:


While Lauren Miller Rogen has since deleted her Tweet, it’s been preserved for posterity all over the Internet.

Cernovich seized on her comment, writing a post at his blog titled “Why Does Seth Rogen’s Wife Want to Have Sex with Me?” Cernovich pointed out that despite his fame and money, Rogen is still an emotionally stunted, obese loser who thinks smoking pot is edgy:

Seth’s physical condition is common of men who have a self-loathing mindset. If you hate yourself for being white, black, gay, or a man or woman: How can you value yourself enough to lift weights and eat a healthy diet?

National media picked up on Cernovich’s post and Lauren Miller Rogen’s Tweet, sending enough traffic to Danger & Play to overload the site’s servers. Cernovich then created the #CuckRogen hashtag on Twitter to further inflame the issue:

Seth Rogen will never be able to live this incident down. As Cernovich wrote in a follow-up piece:

Seth Rogen is now known as Cuck Rogen. Whenever he attempts to release a new film, the cucking will follow him. The story went viral and the meme is forever.

Say Good Night, Seth!

#CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore aren’t the only problems that Seth Rogen has had to contend with recently. Conservatives on Twitter successfully pulled off a boycott of Rogen’s last movie, the biopic Steve Jobs, last month after he went on a tirade against Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson. Rogen was apparently incensed at Carson’s comments that Jews could have resisted the Nazis in the 1930’s and 1940’s were it not for gun control:

As Breitbart’s John Nolte reported, Steve Jobs was a massive box office bomb, grossing only $7 million in its theatrical run despite costing between $30-60 million to make.

With one film of his already bombing due to his anti-white, anti-Christian comments and his public reputation in tatters after being cucked by Mike Cernovich, Seth Rogen’s career is in serious danger. Having alienated the bulk of his fans and publicly emasculated, it’s going to be difficult—if not impossible—for Rogen to recover from these humiliations. If he can’t rebuild his image, Rogen will find himself shut out of an industry that’s recognized him as box office poison.

Goodbye Seth, and don’t let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.

Read Next: How To Lead The Dance Of Seduction

353 thoughts on “Will #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?”

  1. that tweet from Rogen’s wife, that’s got to be just a dumb girl not knowing how to make a joke or a jab. Oh wait…
    That’s going to lead to some awkward dinners on the home front.

      1. I just tweeted him your wonderfully eloquent meme. Was that evil? Maybe. Was it appropriate? Definitely 🙂

        1. Understandable. I made this account years ago. If i get any hits i’ll screencap them here for you and everyone else’s amusement 😀

        2. De nada. You just make sure to keep that meme wit coming. SJ beanie weenies are never in short supply but alpha wit always is.

    1. Nah, that sort of stuff is common in jewish families. The ones I have known in person are something that has to be seen to be believed.

  2. The fallout from Vox’s book, Gamergate, and the Manosphere is becoming a truly beautiful sight to see. Keeping everything within the bounds already set by the opposition should be the only descriptor of ‘high road’ adopted, in my view. If so, i have no problem taking the high road.

    1. You know what I just realized? Looking at Seth’s IMDB, I can truthfully say I have successfully boycotted his ENTIRE career (With the exception of “This is the End” which I saw as a ensemble Hollywood meta comedy) and will continue to do so.

        1. The only scene I can think of that I found him funny in was when he was playing video games with that other dude in the 40 Year Old Virgin movie. “You know how I know you’re gay….!” It was a mildly humorous exchange, not knee slapping, but I chuckled a bit at it. Everything else, which is really not much else since I generally avoid his kind of movies, eh, kinda sucky like you mention.

        2. I saw bits of Knocked Up somehow, and it was disgusting to see the movie portraying him as actually being able to Knock Up a dame like Katherine Heigl in reality. Her features made the undertones pretty obvious.

        3. Let’s not get carried away. If Catherine Heigl is a “dame” the hunchback of Notredame is Don Juan.

        4. She’s pretty smoking, would bet you don’t stick your dick in anything hotter. Point is how she was used in the movie to portray a blonde Gentile getting dicked by some kike slob- I don’t buy that shit

        5. I wasn’t putting her down because of her physical appearance, but because the title Dame was being used. Dame used to be a high level Lady, not a slutty starlet. Her body is (or was, I don’t know) 8 or 9 but I never fell for her face. At least the ones I bone I know how they look and look good with and without make up, something I cannot vouch for “Ms” Heigl.

  3. You realize, his fan base doesn’t give a shit about some inane tweets, right? Steve Jobs failed because people are sick of Steve Jobs movies. The Interview, Neighbors, and This is the End all did fine. The Night Before will do fine. And, he’s got Neighbors 2 and Kung Fu Panda 3 coming up.
    We’d all love to fail the way Rogen has, proof that he’s being trolled by Cernovich is less than nothing

      1. Child please. I’m not here as much as you, but comment periodically. This just happens to be a clearly stupid piece

        1. They’re thick as thieves at Danger and Play. “CuckRogen” really got under their thin SJW skin

    1. Maybe he knew the movie was going to bomb, so he sent out a controversial Tweet in order to blame the movie’s failure on the eventual boycott. I doubt Rogen’s that smart though.

      1. There’s the other thing. Supposedly everyone here would be happier if traditional marriage were stronger, girls were less slutty, etc.
        This guy has trouble in his marriage, and you’re celebrating it and taunting him as a cuck, what the hell? Unless I missed it, there’s not even any evidence his wife actually did screw another guy, just made a sarcastic comment to Chernobog.
        Classy guys, very classy

        1. Your post is ridiculous and dishonest. Nether you or CuckRogen deserve a classy response as you haven’t earned it. Insults are your just reward.
          You pretend that CuckRogen is innocent. He Dindu Nuffin. But suddenly he’s attacked.
          But as we all know, SJWs like you always lie. Your hero, CuckRogen, started with the bullying and the hate. Then, Mike C rubbed his fat unfunny bigoted face in some well deserved brown smelly shit.
          That’s the real story. We’re all enjoying that your anti-christian, anti-white, anti-gun Cuckboy bully got hit a hard one.
          In fact, it looks like CuckRogen got hit by tactics that you SJWs usually use. Look at you whine
          Now go away and cry.

    2. Yeahhhh… that’s why he responded to Cernovich’s tweets, right? That was him not caring. And this is you not caring. We get it.

      1. Do yourself a favor an unplug from the matrix.
        Best move I’ve made in a long time was deleting all my social media accounts.

        1. Well I have bad news, If Zuckerburg finds out you comment on sites like this, you might not be allowed to promote your website much longer on Facebook.
          Also make sure your opinions on the “Refugee Crisis” in Europe are the correct ones or you might find yourself blacklisted.

        2. Facebook is starting to get a bit desperate I’ve heard. Hope it’s true.

        3. They do not seem to care. The only ads I never get approved are those with nudity and those with too much text. But they yet have to take down a post on my page. And I do write weird shit.

        4. You may want to consider it, though. I occasionally get visitors from Disqus. Apparently, the comment sites from Disqus appear on Google as well, sometimes before your own site.

        5. This is happening slowly, look at when Zuckerburg and Merkel were left mic’d up and caught discussing how they needed to censor “racist” (read: reasonable critiques and concerns) on the influx of “Syrian Refugees” (read: 80% young men from Northern Africa and all across the Middle East).
          And we all know how broad of a paint brush liberals use to paint anyone a racist they don’t like
          Pretty soon unless you’re a regurgitating leftist propaganda, you’ll never be allowed to post anything on massive social media platforms like Facebook

        6. Unfortunately, I do not follow politics. May be due to that that I do not see that coming in the near future. But I guess that that will be the moment when people start exiting Facebook in larger numbers. Even when you are a leftist, it kinda feels bad to not have the freedom to be anything but that.

        7. Honestly, with our culture’s weakness and need for “safe spaces” and controlling language, I don’t see a mass exodus from Facebook because of censorship.
          All I could imagine happening is anyone with an original thought or critique being banished to the abyss of the internet. Then leaving the brainwashed herd to pat each other on the back, and attention whores to post selfies so potential beta orbiters can fawn and comment on them.
          I mean, it’s a leftist’s wet dream to have an online social media outlet where it’s nothing but like minded sheep performing verbal felatio on each about how tolerant they are of others.

        8. Well, safe spaces are cool things. Speak of Return of Kings.
          Maybe you are right. Who knows. But you know, even among the sheep, everybody wants to feel superior. If everybody is tolerant, there is nobody to be angry at and thus the purpose of ‘fighting’ is kinda gone.

  4. Rogen’s wife’s right hook was pure gold. Holy shit, man, can you imagine the fallout at home after that happened? Rogen was castrated across social media and punked so hard it has to have had him in tears in his cold, empty bedroom for a week at least.
    Fantastic props to Cernovich, dude trolled the pathetic sniveling Rogen like a boss.

      1. This. This is the ultimate way to get someone worked up. Just show that you’re numb to their words.

    1. His wife seriously bitched him hard. Almost the ultimate betrayal. She must hate him to have done that.

      1. Almost? With what she said through Twitter, who’s to say when she kisses Seth, she doesn’t have someone else in her mouth?

        1. I would say that a public declaration of willingness to fuck someone else is just as bad as a private betrayal in her actually fucking someone else and no one finding out.

        2. on the off chance that he reads that, you may well be giving him ideas for his next “comedy”.

        3. Fucking gross. Like pulling a fresh slice of pizza, all that cheese stretching from the pizza to the slice in your hand. I imagine their lips do the same, but with jizz.

        4. Yeah, because now all the girls that he’ll try to get with in the future will have heard about how much of a bitch he is.

        5. That is an occupational hazard Seth’s wife has to put up with since Hollywood acting roles can require some extra “talent” for copping them movie roles.

        6. “There is Something About Sissy Mary”
          The scene where he has cum in his beard is fantastic.

        7. That’s a great scene. But with Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz it was quite innocent. If Rogan had done it there would have been ‘hairgel’ snowballing

        8. The first step for him to bounce back, divorce her immediately. If he does it quick, he might actually get a tad bit of sympathy from the judge and only lose 1/2 his stuff instead of 2/3rds.

        9. ‎‎

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    2. I’ve been following Cernovich for a while now. I don’t have Twitter, but I bookmarked his twitter page because he always has something cool to say. When this thing was going down, Cerno hooked, lined, baited, and gutted Rogen. I mean, you could see it a mile away that Rogen was heading to trainwreckville. No offense to Jesus, but if you fuck with Cerno, he’ll nail you to the fucking cross.

    3. Not smart on her part…shooting the goose that lays the Golden Egg. Reminds me of Ray Rice’s wife, who had that “Oh shit!” moment after she derailed the Gravy Train.

        1. True…she probably had a relief pitcher throwing in the bullpen when she made that tweet.

        2. Oh you can bet she had a great plan b. Im willing to bet she’ll get half of everything he makes and was getting fucked by her yoga instructor/ personal trainer for the past year.

        3. I don’t doubt she was cheating on him.
          The only problematic thing for her will be her adherence to her hypergamous imperative. She will now have to date/marry a man with a higher social standing than Seth Rogan, which will not be easy. If she never makes this happen, she will become an Alpha widow (Alpha in terms of his financial status, that is).

        4. “Rogen” should go down in history as a term for what happens when you get assraped online for being such an asshole in reality.

    4. She was probably craving a conservative cock after having to swallow pints of low testosterone progressive jizz during the course of their marriage.
      Can’t say i blame the poor slut.

      1. She was an opportunist (like most of them). She jumped on board while his stock was up but now since his stock is on the down slide she wants out. Most women know when to get in and get out on these types of “movie stars”. Beta bucks, baby.

        1. Either that, or she got sick of his degenerate cuck life style and wanted a real man. As we know Seth (((Rogen’s))) people are the biggest degenerates there are.

        2. Drew Barrymore wrote the book on dating guys on their way up and then bailing when these guys weren’t on the hot list anymore.
          You’re right, most women are opportunists. They will find a way to get out even if its the guy to do the leaving/cheating first. They usually casually freeze out the guy so he looks elsewhere and cheats. That way the woman comes off as the martyr and innocent one even though she manipulted just about every step of the breakup as long as she appears as the victim.

        3. Yep. Men need to be aware of this move (pretty common by women). They’ll go Alpha fucks Beta bucks on them (and many aren’t even aware of it). The man is no longer in the spotlight (and the money stops flowing in)…and so does the “love” for him. She’ll move on to something new but she doesn’t want to be labeled the bad one. Often, she’ll go cold or ignore the once “loved one”.
          It’s all too common and Rogen is a good example of what happens to many betas out there….especially in Hollywood.

        4. What ever happened to Barrymore’s ex Tom Green? I guess once his career tanked so did the marriage.

        5. Not only that, she’s way out of his league. Were he just a regular guy, 4’s wouldn’t give that fat fuck a second look.

        6. In his defence, the girl he had before her was at least a 5. They were together before he was famous.

      2. hey now, she’s no slut. you have to be fucked to be a slut. she’s underfucked and overpaid.

    5. Rogan may be a lousy husband but no guy deserves that kind of disrespect, in public no less. That wasn’t a right hook, it was a dagger to the heart. Wot a cunt.

      1. I honestly cannot find a shred of sympathy in my heart for him. Not even at the base common denominator of being a man. He’s a vile, sniveling, hate filled fucktard socialist who loves to trash other people.

        1. No doubt about that, Seth Rogen is the scum of the earth and deserved exactly what he got.

        2. The best part about these faggot sarcastic hipsters is how they ironically love to lecture guys who want to be in charge of women as “backwards, bigoted, ignorant and insecure.” and then……their wife throws them right the fuck under the bus like some used tissue. Bitch didn’t even think twice before disrespecting him like that.
          As smart, snarky and enlightened these leftist cowards think they are, they sure seem to be pretty disposable to women. I tried to think like you too, “shit, he’s a man, he’s emasculated by this pc culture just like i’ve been, and he’s just lost.”.
          But fuck this guy for pushing the delusional “nice guy who stumbles over himself and apologizes for every desire he has as a man will always get the girl in the end over the “asshole” who speaks his mind” horseshit. This is the type of shit that reinforces the feminist,moral-crusader, captain save-ho, hipster mindset that helps enforce women’s unstable emotions through laws that can fuck my life over.
          So i agree dawg, let him burn. I’ll tell his wife to bring the matches.

      2. I don’t think you understand. Maginas/White Knights like Rogan ARE our enemies. People like these have to be completely destroyed. He wouldn’t bat one eye lash to do the same to you or your ideas.

    6. Did she use her feminist “male tears” mug to collect cuck tears? Maybe she and ol’boy can share them when she visits. How sad, that men like Rogen can become so popular by the mass production of such low grade intellectual snobbery that passes for comedy. He and Sara Silverman should make a movie about it, and Sheldon Adelson can pretend to give him his greatest desire on his next failure in film.

    7. Just to interject a little logic here. Whatever we might dislike about Seth Rogen, it seems a leap to say that because he doesn’t believe in a conspiracy against white people he is anti-white.
      I don’t believe there is a conspiracy against white people, am I anti-white?
      Not only that, mocking a guy because he has marital problems is a below the belt bitch move in my book. And frankly Mrs Rogen is a grade A cunt, airing her dirty laundry in public. There’s a lot of bitchassery going around here and all of these people are disgusting.
      If you want to maintain the moral high ground you can’t behave worse than your enemies.

      1. I stand by my statement and have never, not once, claimed to hold the moral high ground.
        My enemies are in fact trying to destroy my culture, this is not even a question, they’re pretty open about it. Seth Rogen is one of those who put himself on the pointy spear tip of their movement. In addition, in the real world he is one of the most obnoxious dillbags on the planet and misses no opportunity to sneer and belittle people like me.
        Maybe if he didn’t want to be hit below the belt, then perhaps he should stop putting himself directly in the firing line on a nearly daily basis taunting other people. He never, ever misses an opportunity to hit below the belt and would gladly take out people like you and me and have us thrown against a wall and shot if he had his druthers.
        Taking “the moral high ground” is what has gotten us to this point in our societies. We play nice and the Left screws us over by weaponinzing our niceness against us. Fuck taking the moral high ground.

        1. Agreed. Taking the moral high ground is all well and good up to a point. However, when the opposing side shows absolutely no hesitation or remorse for underhanded schemes, the gauntlets come off. They have proven time and again that they are not interested in an honest discussion of the issues. It is time to decide the victor of this culture war and be done with it.
          All’s fair in love and war.

        2. Absolutely. They are literally depriving people of their livlihood now for simply disagreeing with them. It’s only a short trip from there to imprisonment for improper opinions to, eventually, firing squads. The mentality is exactly the same and grows in power as long as we play nice and don’t fight back. Moral high ground? Moral high ground my ass.

        3. By “you” I meant people in general.
          I understand your point about Rogen but one of your criticisms equates to “if he didn’t want to get robbed he shouldn’t have walked down that street”. In other words blaming the victim.
          This is not to say that Rogen is a blameless victim but likewise siding with a cunt is “cuntish”. Furthermore, Cernovich’s argument is at a school yard “ha ha you fell” level. I find it hard to maintain respect for someone like that.
          Occupying the more high ground does not equate to being nice and standing by in horror while the bully robs a toddler. It means acting with dignity and honour as you defend yourself and those who cannot defend themselves.
          Frankly, in this Cernovich looks like a bully beating up on a guy who clearly has some issues. I mean really “you’re fat, you have self-hate”. Its almost like beating up a blind man.
          The way to encourage people to view masculine men in a positive light and inspire others to emulate us is to show them how a real man acts, not try to outcunt a cunt.

        4. Have you read Mike’s article discussing this incident. He wasn’t just instigating a fight out of the blue and he didn’t actually say anything about his weight because he knew it wouldn’t faze Rogen. While I prefer the moral high ground, sometimes it is necessary to get your hands dirty.

        5. I looked it up and saw precisely where he referenced Rogen’s weight. It looked like a bunch of bragging about a childish argument. This makes him appear weak and lacking in confidence, paradoxically.
          This wasn’t so much a fight as a bunch of handbags.
          On this about moral high ground: If we act as shameless and pathetic as those we fight against upon what ground do we stand?
          Being prepared to leave the moral high ground suggests that you are prepared to deviate from your own principles to win a fight. What does that make you?

        6. He referenced it, but never went after him for it because he knew it was futile. As he said, Rogen makes his money portraying the fat, weed smoking loser.
          While I don’t know the whole background story, Mike went after Rogen because he was bullying someone. What he did was, perhaps, the only way he would get across to Rogen. If he simply said something to the effect of “Not cool, Rogen,” it would have been dismissed and Rogen would’ve kept on doing what he was doing. He knew trolling would force Rogen to divert his attention and respond, much like shoving a schoolyard bully away from his victim.

        7. I understand your point about Rogen but one of your criticisms equates to “if he didn’t want to get robbed he shouldn’t have walked down that street”. In other words blaming the victim.
          Oh come on, that’s hardly correct. When a woman wears sexy clothing it doesn’t actually mean she wants raped, it just means she’s stupid and incapable of understanding her surroundings and lacks situational awareness. What Rogen does is walk out and flip people the bird in their face, berates and belittles anybody who doesn’t agree with him and in all ways begs to be confronted.
          Occupying the more high ground does not equate to being nice and standing by in horror while the bully robs a toddler. It means acting with dignity and honour as you defend yourself and those who cannot defend themselves.
          When confronted with a rabid dog, one is best off shooting the dog than sitting down and trying to compromise with it by pointing out the bad effects of rabies.
          The way to encourage people to view masculine men in a positive light and inspire others to emulate us is to show them how a real man acts, not try to outcunt a cunt.
          So basically you just used the “be a real man!” canard. Right?
          Look, normally I wouldn’t take any joy in this, the SJW crew is generally bereft of enough intelligence to even bother countering. But this is one of their leaders. What are we going to do, sit down and have tea with a man who resorts to “Fuck you!” as his debate technique while sneering and making fun of you, and hash out your differences?

        8. You can still take the moral high ground and fight. Whether you believe this story or not, Jesus literally through the money changers out of the temple by physical force. The lesson is money and profit have no place in true spirituality. It transcends that. Even violence can be the moral high ground in some situations.
          The truth is that conservatives and masculinity have already had more than one pearl harbor transacted against them. That makes it war. Social war and a war of words, but war. As you stated, the enemy makes themselves clear now. They do so as they know they have power. You might not claim the moral high ground Ghost. If I new you personally, I think I might claim it for you.

        9. When you wait for them to attack first and you let them do it in an underhanded way, over and over again for decades. Then you automatically have the moral high ground when you start to fight back.

        10. I’m not so sure that this isn’t the wake up call Seth needs to move away from his lifestyle and start becoming a real man. When his wife offers to fuck an enemy of his, it has to wake him up and make him re-examine his life. Can you imagine if Seth read these postings today? How could he not say, “Maybe they’re right? Maybe?”
          Maybe he wouldn’t. He can’t be saved if it didn’t make him question it.

        11. Crush your enemy! Drive him before you and hear the lamentations (orgasmic screams for alpha dick) of his woman!
          That is best in life.

        12. You could be right. I have to say, if my wife said something like that, such a public emasculation, I would have to question myself. How little respect must she have for him to say such a thing? And no respect for herself quite frankly. Ultimate betrayal.

        13. Shooting a rabid dog is consistent with what I said about occupying the moral high ground. Comes under the heading “defend… those who cannot defend themselves”.
          You seem to be confused by what I said about the moral high ground:

          Occupying the more high ground does not equate to being nice and standing by in horror…

          Now square that with what you said about having tea… Saying “fuck you” back as your debate technique hardly covers you in glory. Real men act with intelligence and strength to crush our opponents. We do not act like “Mean Girls” at High School calling each other “fat” and slapping each other with handbags. That is proper bitch shit.
          Seth Rogen is one of their leaders? Well then I guess we have nothing to worry about…

        14. Seth Rogen is a fat slob.
          Due to self-loathing, Seth does not lift weights. He does not take care of his health.
          Seth’s physical condition is common of men who have a self-loathing
          mindset. If you hate yourself for being white, black, gay, or a man or
          woman: How can you value yourself enough to lift weights and eat a
          healthy diet?

          Go to the gym, Seth.
          Regular physical activity improves your mental health and even treats mild to moderate symptoms of depression.


        15. I don’t know the background story and this is the first time I have heard anything about Seth Rogen’s opinions. Naturally I don’t agree with him. The trouble is, while he is humiliating Rogen, Cernovich also making himself look bad. I likely agree with Cernovich and not with Rogen on basic principles but now I have a very negative impression of him. What will neutrals (the people we want on our side) think? Quite possibly they will be disgusted and think this is what “neo” masculinity looks like.
          I have to reiterate about getting mixed up with someone’s marriage. Messed up. If someone said something like that to me they’d be picking their teeth up off the floor.

        16. I can concede that point. I guess it also depends on how Seth was bullying the other person. I didn’t get that far into the story. Was he himself mocking someone based on their girl? If so, I think most can agree that he opens himself up to getting blasted on the same subject if he doesn’t have all his ducks in a row. It’s a grey area in these situations and whether you agree with his approach or not, it seems like Mike came out as the victor in this back and forth. What will the ripples be? Who knows. On a personal note, I agree that we should take the high road whenever possible. However, when dealing with scum such as Seth, that’s not always possible. Do you debate with a rabid dog? No, you put him down.

        17. but why single out seth rogen, we should be boycotting all of jewish hollywood ,all of the jewish media and all of their sponsors
          i guess it can’t be avoided entirely since they own all the ISP’s but people should just end it right there, don’t go to any of their movies don’t subscribe to any of their services cable, netflix or anything besides basic internet ,if you must view the poison that badly then just pirate it stop giving them shekels
          no more blu ray no more cable no more vidya
          starve them out

        18. That’s what Jews do. It’s not that they’re evil, they’re just being Jews. When people engage in business they typically assume a stance of doing things civilly and morally. Jews don’t understand those concepts. They take advantage and consider themselves smarter than the other guy. Hang around a bunch of Jews for awhile. They’re worse to themselves than to anyone else. In Europe there’s even the saying that the worst enemy of a Jew is another Jew. They lie, cheat, steal, and betray each other like it’s nothing. But because they’re Jewish, they’re beholden to help other Jews get into positions of power.

        19. The Jew-hating nitwit, “joe blow,” feels the need to upvote his own anti-Semitic ravings.
          He is a truly massive failure on all possible levels!

      2. “I don’t believe there is a conspiracy against white people, am I anti-white?”
        I suppose one could attribute what is happening to the alignment of happenstance or some kind of principled autogencide. I do see an open conspiracy, for instance the freezing out and vilification of mild mannered opposing of immigration by the major media owners and all the major political parties. The money flows do show organisation and thus a conspiracy at one level.
        Humans are quite good at lying and deceiving. People know how to deflect and refocus their language to ovoid disclosing their hostility and intent to prevail. Good lying requires a degree of self deception hence hostility may not even be perceived by the person being hostile. This is Seth Rogan. Destructive intent doesn’t show up as overt statements but as indirect actions and assertions of principle that promote that outcome.
        Usually a double standard or hypocrisy is a strong sign of a hidden agenda. We have plenty of those.
        If you attack someone’s culture or religion you to an extent also attack them genetically. Humans are hierarchical social animals and need culture. If you replace as aesops fables, traditional fairy tales with Hollywood it does rather effect.
        Thus you might not be killing White people directly one can stir up division to paralyse them politically, make police and authority ineffective, create tension between men and women. The “minorities can’t be racist” squid ink is a classic case of this.
        The manipulation of opinion is a highly developed form.

        1. Yeah obviously anyone can be racist. However, when we speak of conspiracy we need to be able to name names rather than speak in vague terms of “they” and “them”, etc. You might as well be talking about the Illuminati.
          With the JFK conspiracy we actually can name names and we can name the people that gained, had motive and opportunity.
          As such, I must reject the idea that there is an organized conspiracy to “get” white people. Rather, there is a general movement towards disenfranchising people in general. To move us towards a two tier society split between the rulers and the ruled. You will find blacks, whites and whoever else in both groups. I rather suspect though that the rulers will be majority white.

      3. The people who keep saying “anti-white” are raging weirdo white nationalists who have piggied back on masculine and gender issues to further their own agenda. They’re fucking losers who won’t leave MRA/Red Pill issues alone because they see it as a chance to popularize their true hobby horse (white nationalism.)

    8. The fallout at home probably went like this:
      Lauren: “Repeat after me, This is what happens when i’m bad.”
      Seth: “This is what happens when i’m bad.”

    9. These reactions are astounding. She was being sarcastic.
      Otherwise, either 1) she actually knows who this guy is, truly wants to have sex with him, and just happens to not care about the ramifications of posting it on Twitter because she is so turned on; or 2) he is just a random fan/troll to her, but she still wants to have sex with him? What is the mostly likely scenario? That she was obviously kidding.

  5. Hollywood jews just cannot FATHOM a white person defending themselves in the face of a PC onslaught. Glad to see that’s changing. Long overdue, and still too timid.

    1. I was waiting for the “jew” observation, that didn’t take long. Cernovich is also a jew, by the way.

      1. No hes not. Hes a White American of Christian Backround ( Protestant or Otrthodox) and of English/EasternEuropean Descent. The name Cernovich is Serbian actually. Hes mentioned it in many podcasts how people confuse him for a jew actually haha

        1. Jews are born, not made. Why are people still confused about this? If you disagree with me, then explain why Israel does DNA testing on some prospective immigrants to make sure they’re Jews. Do DNA tests detect a person’s religious beliefs?

      2. Considering that Rogen is vehemently anti-White and anti-Christian (even stating that the main purpose of making his latest movie is not to stack shekels but denigrate Christianity) why is it not legitimate to reference his Jewishness. Please explain.

        1. You say that, and then others on here talk about Christianity being a mangina religion. What to think?

        2. You’re so butthurt you reference other people’s comments to attack Bob? This is like big media outlets going after Vox Day because of his comment section.
          Google how to structure an argument, you need some very very basic lessons

      3. Well when they’re openly fanning the anti-white flames and promoting white genocide, it’s only natural.

      4. I take my hat of to those Jews not captured by the millieu. I’m very atheist but I get offended when I see Christians being attacked gratuitously. Seth is an unseemly hostile c*nt.

    2. We gotta start going after the costars of that movie and Rogen’s whole crew except for maybe Danny McBride

        1. Ironically, Sandler made a better satire than Rogen, Dont Mess With The Zohan. It’s a brilliant piece if work that mocks the absurdity of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Too bad he had made shit since then.

        2. Yeh that was his last good film. It was closer to his old films in spirit.
          It was funny as fuck too.

    1. Oh good lord, no. Rogen is a self absorbed major prick who treats his base and anybody who doesn’t toe his line, with contempt. Adam Sandler was a goofball who didn’t take himself seriously and who in fact turned out to the on the right side of politics (weird, right).

        1. Oh I don’t know, Spanglish was pretty good (drops the cold hard Grrrl Pwrrr frigid anglo wife and finds love in the arms of a warm Latina with traditional family values). You do have a point though, I don’t even remember the last movie he was in, it’s been so long. I think there was one recently but don’t hold me to that because I’m out of the loop regarding entertainment most of the time.

        2. Ironically, both Sandler and Rogen starred together in Funny People which was a pretty decent movie overall.
          And Rogen got cucked in that movie by Sandler so there’s that.

        3. Seems to be a recurring theme with him, doesn’t it?

    2. Naw. Sandler is a true comedian. Seth is a male Dunham. No comparison. Sandler’s old comedy albums are amazing and he is a genuinely funny person. Seth is an actor who got lucky.

  6. Roger may be a bitch, but so are the Christian fundies for getting uppity about someone offending their views. What a waste of time.

    1. We’re not allowed to voice our opinions on a movie that mocks our beliefs? No one’s telling him he can’t play it, we’re just telling him not to expect our money for it. Also, if he had any real balls, let’s see him create a movie of this magnitude mocking muslims. You wanna talk about a group getting uppity…as it blow it uppity.

      1. You get mad for him mocking your beliefs and then you mock Muslims by insinuating that blowing things up are their beliefs?
        What happened to your pussified belief system of”turning the other cheek” mr Christian?
        Sit down hypocrite.

        1. Your reading comprehension is obviously pretty shallow so I’ll spell this out so even a simpleton (ie-you) can understand. I can get mad at whatever the hell I want. The difference between us Christians and the muslims in question is we don’t go blowing shit up, or shooting/beheading people (example: Charlie Hebdo or the incident at the art exhibit in TX that was fortunately prevented by some well-armed bodyguards).
          Your pathetic attempt to club me over the head with that out of context verse like it’s some sort of Christian hypocrisy trump card shows just how ignorant you are.

        2. Over on danger and play, He’s God’s right hand, here, he’s a neckbeard atheist.
          Cuckboy Ali = nutcase.

      2. I’m not saying you’re not allowed to, but for a site that calls out (and rightly so) libs for their bullshit, they have to realize that someone is going to mock them too. Or maybe it’s just me. I mock whomever I please, which is liberating. I do agree with you though that he should go after Muslims too. However, seeing how disappointing The Interview was mocking Communism after the whole Sony hacking fiasco, I think Rogen should stick to stoner manboy films. And also grow a pair.

        1. Man-boys can’t grow a pair. He’d lose his entire market if he did. He’s a stuck cuck.

    2. If this was about Muslims you would be calling it Islamophobic and have him
      apologizing in 24hrs.

    3. I have more disdain for Evangelical Zionist Christians for their sheer stupidity. They have this dumbass idea all Jews will accept Jesus. They haven’t see or heard of the Talmud or care.

      1. 2000 years, pogroms, Inquisitions, and a Holocaust, and they still won’t accept Jesus.So the last card is, sucking on Israel’s (presumably circumcised) dick so maybe, MAYBE they will convert and recite John 3:16 over and over again.

  7. I don’t do twitter, so I may not be understanding right, but Rogen’s wife’s tweet seems ambiguous. First, it almost seems sarcastic. Second, it is targeted both @Cernovich and @Sethrogen, so it’s not clear who you is supposed to be.
    Either way, it’s got to be embarrassing for Rogen.

    1. Her tweet is pretty clear. “Well, she certainly would fuck you” is not directed at Seth, because she is presumably fucking him already AND she said it in direct response to Cernovic’s tweet.

  8. Funny how when the liberal media elites write films and openly admit they are mocking christianity, no one so much as bats an eye lash.
    But, you say one comment (even if it’s factual) in regards to Islam and then you are labeled a hate mongering Islamaphobe and are lynched online (possibly in real life if you draw a picture of a certain individual).
    The scariest part is that if you try to explain the absurdity of double standards in regards to criticizing religions to a SJW / Feminist / Leftist, they look at you with cold, dead eyes like their hive mind programming is just unable to compute the massive hypocrisy of their thinking.

    1. And that’s why the majority should always be more privileged than a minority
      Not just by nature, but through ideological reinforcement

    2. I think the illegal immigrant run on Europe is going to change all of that…and in a hurry. Many in Europe are now moving towards the right and they’re making no bones about it. It’s funny how people react when the shit is in your own back yard.

      1. I can remember not to long ago when Europeans would turn their nose up at me, the bigoted, heartless American, for my views on illegal immigration coming from the south of my nation.
        But like you said, funny how fast Europeans changed their tune once they were facing the same issues.

        1. Thank god. I thought I was the only one who had to deal with that garbage. I’m half Danish and the level of anti-Americanism is astounding in a country the US saved 3 times from destruction (WWI, WWII, Cold War).
          While the Danish Fascist Party is forcing the country to make correct decisions, I will not shed a tear for them if Sweden and/or Germany have civil wars that cause Denmark to be over run.

        2. Russia ended WW2. America just obliterated Hiroshima in a disgusting way. War is why people hate america so much. There wouldnt have been an immigration problem in europe if it wasnt for the United states. Almost all of the problems we have relating to Islam or whatever are caused by America. So dont go feeling too fucking happy about yourself.

        3. It looks like you have to put more effort into studying history. The fact that people of Japanese descent don’t ask for government housing and sail foams and food stamps, etc., and don’t burn cities and riot in America, should show you that perceived mistreatment in the past isn’t an excuse for laziness and destruction in the present. Understand?

        4. “Russia ended WW2”
          No. They had a big part of it and suffered much to due unlce Joe and the incompetence of the communists, but you would have to read more than the Guardian to learn that.
          Those Americans that disgusted you so much gave Europe the longest peace they ever had in their history. We also discounted the majority of the supplies Europe needed, plus the Marshall Plan, and the American taxpayers took the hit. Yet every year you still hear about “paying back the yanks”.
          Hiroshima? The japs had it coming. Read up on Nanking. Tip of the bloody asian iceberg. The JIA were busy boys.

        5. “Almost all of the problems we have relating to Islam or whatever are caused by America.”
          Elaborate your euro-logic.

        6. I hate the commies as much as you but it’s a fact that WW2 was won on the Eastern Front. They absorbed the brunt of the Germans’ might.

        7. Not disagreeing. USSR lost 20 Million people and took the brunt, but without western materials and men opening other fronts (Normandy, Africa, Italy) they would have not have made it.
          I would recommend “Bloodlands” by Snyder. I think it should be required reading in the west.
          Off Topic. I knew some old “Wehrmacht” vets who served on the Eastern front. The few stories they passed on to me would leave anyone cold. A living nightmare for everyone involved.

        8. Though both Trotsky and Jacob Schiff had much to do with the destruction of cultural identity in Europe. Same later in with American trash “culture” like ghetto hip hop and mtv. Destroyed generations on all continents with that Zionist trash.

        9. Possibly due to Zionist entities this person is alluding to???? After all, they won ww2. Every other nation truly lost if you’re thinking long term.

        10. You sound black and or a guardianista. Russia couldn’t have won without us materials food equipment trucks and our stolen tank design. Yes they stopped the nazis single handedly but could not have retaken lost territory without the us. Even Khrushchev admitted it and claimed Stalin did too. The alternative to bombing Hiroshima would have the U.S. Military genociding the Japanese as they fought to the last man woman and child.
          As for hating the U.S., north European hatred of the U.S. Goes way back. Even Charles dickens hated the USA. Our involvement in Europes wars of the 20th century simply provides a moral veneer with which to disguise you inherent racial hatred of
          White Americans, especially the scots Irish.

        11. Im a white Australian.
          All im saying is, that the rhetoric is typically “america ended WW2”. But its simply not factual. Russia had more to do with it and that is omitted from “western history”.
          No, maybe america has been hated for a long time, i dont know. But the constant bombing of poor nations in the name of “Amurica…FUCK YEA!”….is why your country is hated. That and Americans are seen to be pretty fucking stupid about the world compared to other peoples.

        12. So you’re a typically historically illiterate Guardianista. Let me guess, you’ve never voted for the Australian Liberal Party and will have some clever way of dismissing the accomplishments of Tony Abbott.
          As far as being able to ensure the destruction of the German Regime, yeah, guess what, it was the USA. Did the Russians spill the most blood? Yep – sure did, but there was no way they would have made it into Poland without our significant assistance. We’ve never been bashful about outsourcing – hell we put Jewish nukes on top of German rockets to help win the cold war.
          The simple fact is that there would have been some sort of decedent of the nazis ruling most of Europe for decades after the end of hostilities if it was not for US intervention. Without Detroit, Hitler might not have won, but he probably would have tied.
          As for defeating Japan, that was almost entirely the USA, though with admirable assistance from OZ and the Brits (well, maybe not in Singapore).
          You might want to actually read up on some American history. It was the liberal progressive Wilson and his successor FDR who got us into these messes in the first place. Tens of millions of Americans would much rather leave the world alone.

        13. Who initiated the Crusades ? It wasn’t America. Who tried the conquer the ancient Greeks ? It wasn’t America . The bullshit that had been going on between Europe and the middle east has been going on since before Christ was born. America just happened to stick it’s nose in it

        14. Well, one of the big reasons that Russia’s WW II effort is “omitted” from western history is that Russia under Putin has shut off its WW II records. If you want the story told, you have to release those records as the US & UK have.
          As usual, you’re basic ignorance of modern warfare shows. Not to mention you support factions in the United States that makes going to war necessary. But I’m sure Lenin and Marx will save you someday, you omega cuck.

        15. Lol you’re such a pathetic cunt. Your Country has bases all over the world interferes with governments of other nations for its benefits kills its own who step out of line and I’m the ignorant one? You blame Putin for hiding history of a war that happened fucking 70 years ago? Haha yea nice one, I see how the logic fits. You ignorant cunt rag.
          Mate you’re a fucking tool and a loser and its no wonder u and most of the guys here can’t get women. You’re projection is transparent as fuck. Did a little girlie hurt your feelings sweety? Aww it’ll be ok. 😂 U sad fuck.

    3. It’s funny I was chatting up two white chicks in a Wally [email protected], 18’ish 7’s. They were young, kind of dikey the way they were touching each other and whispering into each others ears, but they were a degree of fine, like what you would find at a beach party. One had slightly punky hair, nice platinum blonde. When I saw how they kept bumping into each other, I had to approach. I joked about a product on the shelf and opened them both. I know a ‘package deal’ when I see it. I felt really in the zone chatting, they even kino’d me back right away. I high fived one, and the other kept returning by poking my shoulder and pointing to other stuff on the shelf. It was a zone feeling accompanied with a warm feeling like I was with some old friends, but I just chatted them 5 min before. A totally zone feeling I rarely can capture knowing that this IS going down. We went into hat aisle and blondie was sticking hats on me while her friend kept her hand on my forearm to lead me to more silly shit to try. I was about to suggest another place to hang. With a girl under each arm , I asked an employee if the place closed at midnight and the employee says ”mmm . . nooo . . weeza gama haa-oogie . noo???”
      I looked at the girls and with a chuckle remarked how WE must be the only ones in this place that can speak English . . . then the girls turned silent and went like three shades of green. They went into another aisle and when I looked, were gone in 1/2 sec. If only I could have read that they were that much sjw, but what’s crazier is how they react to certain things like they’ve had a royal brainwash job done. I became aware then how the brainwashing has ramped up and I mean REALLY ramped up through the roof with the millennials.

      1. I’m 57. Younger people are more vulnerable to being manipulated as they have less real world experience to counter with. Females are even more vulnerable. They might be ok when they get older.
        Plus, when I was a kid, we spent more time in the real world, than in all these artificial realities like the internet and TV, and weren’t bombarded as much by media propaganda.

    4. I’m an atheist but I don’t gratuitously attack Christians, Hindus or Buddhists. I leave them alone with their fairy tales and only politely argue when they use their religion to argue for something I disagree with.
      Islam is quite different because of its kill the infidel aspects. Taxing, killing, discriminating against, enslaving and raping female captives are all Koranic scripture and very overtly and repeatedly so stated. Sure, it’s all supposedly in the name of just war and we can see how that is going in Syria. While the New Testament, at least that attributed to Christ, is almost completely metaphorical the Koran is not quite as metaphorical.

  9. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Seth rogen referred to as a comedian without question marks being used. Even his tweets seem to go out of their way to avoid anything actually funny as though he’s scared to lose his reputation of being a comedian famous for unfunny ‘comedy’.

  10. Im sick of all the white straight men bashing and ridiculing. Yet, so many of them are Leftist cucks non the less.

  11. First, those completely senseless and unnecessary comments on Ben Carson.. then this ridiculous anti-Christian movie and now being publicly humiliated by his wife… This retard just can’take get his shit straight, can him? It serves him damn well.

  12. I’m as low brow as they come, but this guy somehow sets the bar lower than my comedic standards. I get it guy, dick jokes. Jokes about balls and ejaculating. Pretty edgy.

  13. I quite like some of his films reading their names actually but I just can’t remember him being any of them. He’s just like furniture you see everyday but don’t notice is there. I loved the interview but I literally can only remember James Franco in it

  14. I am wondering if the tweet his wife did was shortly after she had a bitch fit with Rogen and he handled it poorly. The timing and her actions after the tweet seem to indicate this.

  15. I always viewed this guy as an idiot and a poor role model for millennials. His movies aren’t really that funny and perpetuates the male fool.

  16. Kudos. When I saw commercials of that big, fat Jew in his Star-of-David “Christmas” sweater puking in the middle of the Catholic Church’s most sacred ritual–for laughs!–I almost kicked the TV screen in. A depiction of the reverse scenario would result in hate crime arrests and comparisons to anti-semitic Nazi propaganda.

    1. I really don’t understand why Hollywood wants to turn Christians against them so hard. Yeah, I know they despise Christians as a general rule of thumb, but they also have a large part of their audience who are Christians. Most of Hollywood’s jabs are subtle or made with some sort of plausible deniability, but the latest that I’m hearing about this movie is that Rogen is basically out in the open in trying his best to make Christians angry.
      Not that it matters, the few movies I’ve seen him in were by accident, I’ve never ever sought out his material because he was in it, and never will. He’s a pedestrian low brow actor at best and his humor doesn’t even rise to the level of fart jokes.

      1. Well, when you say “Hollywood” what you’re actually referring to are “the Jews who run Hollywood” and, contrary to ethnic stereotypes, the bottom line is not the only thing that motivates these moguls–humiliating Christians would almost have to qualify as their sexual fetish.
        Thing is, most contemporary young people who come from Christian backgrounds aren’t Christians. They see Church as that thing that wants to keep them from having fun, so these attacks on Christianity actually work to dismantle the Christian foundation of our culture. Our airhead mainstream swallows the message that Christianity is stupid and unhip, but when it comes to Jews and their religion… shut up or you’re a hateful Nazi.

        1. I was a bit unclear. Yes, young kids, no question. But the people who spend the big money are the older folks and many of them are still Christians, even if “in name only”. Lots and lots of people seem to really be getting ticked off at Hollywood the last few years and as I’m told box office receipts are plummeting except for the occasional “blockbuster”, I mean in an average across the year. Or so I’ve been told, to be honest I haven’t been motivated enough to be arsed to verify that, heh.
          But if it’s some kind of fetish, ok, I guess.

        2. It’s been this way for a long time, at least since Mike Nicholls re-invented the WASP Protagonist of The Graduate into a little Jewish nerd who all the hot shiksas desperately wanted to bang. That film, of course, ends with him fending off Aryan Christian hordes with a giant cross.

        3. You’re spot-on about how easily the sheeple are swayed by the pied-piper croonings of “freedom” and “liberty.” Nowadays, that means two fat, hairy bastards being able to corn-hole each other in broad open daylight in full view of all and sundry while a purple-haired, naked, 300-lb gothic land-whale bedecked in wiccan tattoos holds an iPhone in one hand to capture this atrocity on camera and holds a joint in the other. And if you dare to say ANYTHING about it, oh, you’re uncool, you’re a bigot, you’re oppressing people. If you’ve got a problem with a chick going in to have her fifteenth abortion, oh, you’re just one of those ultra-conservative “right-wing nut-jobs.” The problem is that none of this crap is new. Every generation has had its share of rejects and misfits who wanted to do nothing but run around naked, screw, and get high while contributing nothing to society. But this is the first generation that’s been duped, by and large, into believing they’re ushering in a “new era” of “new found freedom.”
          But that’s not the main reason Christians are coming under fire. Hollywood is just another place-holder in a long line of groups out to get Christians, and the main reason is because, unlike, say, Islamists, Christians have allowed themselves to be stereotyped as people who won’t stand up and fight back. The history backs that up. When Viking hordes attacked European monasteries, what did the monks do? They either ran or pleaded for mercy. But what did Buddhist monks do in China after pirates looted their temples once too many times? They forged weapons and developed some of the most lethal forms of unarmed combat the world has ever seen. Sure, you had the Papal wars in the 15th and 16th centuries, but that was basically Europeans fighting other Europeans.
          Long story short, everyone sees Christians as the world’s whipping boys and no one seems to be able to convince them that being Christian doesn’t mean being passive. The kings of the Old Testament fought wars. Christ kicked over tables and beat people with whips. But the PC-friendly, limp-wristed mega-church pastors of today won’t preach ANY of this. It’s all about “turn the other cheek,” while neglecting the common-sense corollary to that: if you turn the other cheek and get slapped on that cheek, too, it’s up to you to decide what you do next.

        4. Your description of the corn holing, purple hairds is accurate, poetically accurate. An entrie generation of millennials believe their forebears are all evil and wrong. WE didn’t raise them to be like that. No one would raise their children like that. Mainstream media, state schools and growing up in a matrix of a community where a HOA homeowners association of henpecking women dictates OVER your own parents is the most toxic environment for a young mind.

        5. Crusades,reconquestia Christians are anything but weak. Those same vikings were forced at the tip of a sword to become Christians just a few decades later.

      2. Good question. Why would a man wanna be a cuckold (see another man bang his wife)? Why would a christian wanna see a hollywood movie (see his morality and integrity denegrated)?

      3. Read the Talmud and you will understand the jew’s motivation. They feel comfortable in openly attacking Whites and Christianity because THEY ARE THE MEDIA.

  17. That dude sounds like such a pussy bitch. Catty ass girly man. And I’m not talking about Seth…

    1. I’m pretty sure the “pussy bitch” wouldn’t have much trouble dealing with a CuckRogen like you, Ali. I wouldn’t either. Nobody would
      Here’s your 10 comment disqus history, let’s take a look. Wow, you’re one tough talker. Really tough.
      at least you’re honest at one point:
      “That said: as a self aware short, ugly, poor, boring guy(…)

      1. Thanks for dropping by beta bitch and chiming in and for being a Captain Save A Ho. I guess you’re too stupid to figure out the context of my past comments about being “short, ugly, etc” read the article I was commenting on first and you might appreciate the satirical nature of the comment. Or instead you could ya know do something productive today.

        1. “Catty ass girly man.””beta bitch.” You’re so tough, lol.
          Using what you think is “Manly” terminology when you’re clearly a a CuckRogen SJW isn’t effective, it’s just silly.
          It’s probably making your cats upset, too.

        2. Snort. You’re so funny and amusing I’m glad you have nothing better to do today. Now piss off I got better things to do than have a back and forth with a beta.

  18. Make a movie ridiculing all the minorities it wouldn’t be a comedy. Just a tragic drama.

    1. Most of Rogen’s fans consist of nerdy/awkward/stoner high school/college aged men, so I doubt it.

    2. I used to think that celebrities were drowning in fangirl pussy, but with so many being caught with hookers, now I’m not so sure.
      If alpha celebs like Charlie Sheen, Tiger Woods, and Lamar Odom have to pay for sex, I doubt Seth Rogen is getting much fangirl action.

  19. Here’s a big surprise. From Wikipedia. Rogen was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. His mother, Sandy (Belogus), is a social worker, and his father, Mark Rogen (born 1953), worked for non-profit organizations and as an assistant director of the Workmen’s Circle Jewish fraternal organization.[2][3][4][5]Since Rogen’s father is American, he has American citizenship by birth.[6] He has described his parents, who met in Israel on a kibbutz, as “radical Jewish socialists”.

      1. We definitively need more conservative red pill jews to make up for every Seth Rogen and fight the SJWs with us.

  20. First off, what movie has he done that is even watchable? Second, why would anybody see a Christmas movie made by a Jew?

    1. I used to like some of the movies he was in. None of them will ever be mistaken for timeless classics, but a few of them were mildly entertaining.
      But the guy is apparently a tool. I don’t go to the theater anymore, I haven’t for years and years now, and the more I see these idiot actors with their giant egos insulting their own audiences, the less I’m inclined to even consider going.
      Hollywood needs to have it’s ass knocked down a few pegs, and it’s culture of arrogance and snide superiority changed before I’ll ever consider giving them money again.

      1. Well from the sound of it, it seems the trend of going to the movies has been on the decline for quite a while now. if Hollywood doesn’t quit pumping out this trash and trying to pass it off as “The Comedy of the Year” they’re all going to wake up out of a job one day.

        1. It has. When I was growing up, my friends and I would go to the theater in the nearby town a couple of times a month on the weekend. That’s when it was fun and affordable and the movies were interesting or at least somewhat entertaining.
          Over time the movies have gotten to be terrible and repetitive. Lack of creativity, a reliance on special effects, and now just an endless stream of comic book movies, sequels, and generally poor animated movies.
          Add to that the cost of everything from the ticket to simple popcorn, and the atmosphere of most theaters, coupled with big screen TV’s in the comfort of one’s home and it just gets worse for Hollywood.
          On top of all that add moronic actors insulting everyone they can and the whole thing is ludicrous.

        2. Actors live in an alternate reality, they make way to much money now a days. They have their own little world in Hollywood and don’t see how out of touch they really are. Just because you make millions does not make you better than me or automatically more educated on social/political issues than me and certainly does not give you a moral authority on how this world should live, all of which seems to be a common theme and attitude with today’s actors.

        3. Most quality writing these days is found on the custom made series on television. I don’t watch television, but I have Netflix and can say for a fact that series like Breaking Bad, Vikings, the first few seasons of Walking Dead, etc. are absolutely amazing as far as plot, characters, structure, etc. There were no such shows like this in the past. Meanwhile the movies are tanking.

        4. My Apple TV broke. I need to get it fixed. I did like watching some of the series on Netflix.

    2. Miracle on 34th Street.
      Produced by a Jew, and directed by a gentile who liked Jews so much he studied in a religious Jewish school when he was growing up.

  21. It’s pathetic to see one man go after another man like this and to use marriage difficulty to try to humiliate him.

    1. Rogen doesn’t seem to mind attacking others whenever his snarky socialist sensibilities are ruffled. He puts himself in the public eye and makes himself controversial, so as far as I can see he’s fair game. If he gets trolled for being the douchenozzle he is, he has brought it on himself.

      1. I kinda feel bad for him, too, but that is because I am a loser with women as well.
        On the other hand, Mike did write a nice article for him. Nothing is stopping him from starting to lift and become more manly and become a sex idol.

        1. Don’t feel to bad for him, he has access to more beautiful women than the best players could only dream of. It’s up to him to get with the right one. Apparently he chose poorly.

    2. Seth’s a big boy. Maybe he should behave better on Twitter if he doesn’t like it.

    3. Only queer leftists can’t handle $hit and go into tantrum mode. Don’t be a pussy leftist.

    4. It was Seth’s wife who said she would fuck Cernovich. She should keep her mouth shut or maybe she’s a whore. She should have been defending Seth not throwing gas on the fire. She cuckolds her husband. If anything Cernovich is doing Seth a favor.

      1. Given what an absolute asshole the guy is, I can imagine that there are marriage problems for a reason. He’s an impulsive twit with no self control and a lot of pent up rage and arrogance, that can’t be fun to live with.
        I generally don’t like to see this kind of thing happen to another man, but in his case it really seems like he had it coming. Never have liked this marshmallow build smug cunt, so to see him take it on the chin is rather, well, I guess a bit of shadenfreude for me.

        1. Him. Rogen. I was being snarky and implying that he’s fat and effeminate.

        2. He is one of those people who pop up on the political radar, which is why I have an actual opinion about him. He reminds me *a lot* of a smug arrogant socialist hippy thug I knew in college. Dude was in everybody’s face and his favorite tactic was shouting at people and trying to intimidate them (he was about 6’1″ and thick). Rogen looks just like him and seems to act like him as well.

        3. That hippy thug sounds like an annoying person. How childhood and adolescent experience can form us, eh. My dad hates Obama because he reminds him of an old schoolmate as well.

      2. If I see some cunt trying to ruin their husband I’m not going to do anything to enable it further because I disagree with him on twitter.
        The comment about his wife not wanting to fuck him was pathetic and juvenile. All I see in the comment threads is people trying to play ‘alpha’, they need to get their ego under control.

        1. The dude is a certified far leftist bordering on Commie asshat who is currently making films deliberately trashing Christians on Christmas. He sends his every brain fart into the interwebs, and calls people the worst kinds of names, and is the height of arrogant and evil. Fuck him.

        2. Going after someone’s wife is below the belt and should not be part of a dialog between two men who are in disagreement. When Seth’s wife made her statement, it was sent with the intention to hurt her own husband. Even if Seth had cheated on her or whatever their disagreement is, she should never publicly humiliate him like that, it’s extremely low class.
          I noticed on Seth’s twitter account several days ago when I went on it, he has been hit with an avalanche of cuckold comments. At this point he should shut down his twitter. There is nothing constructive that can come from any dialog with Seth at this point.

        3. All the men sending him abuse are doing the work of his cunt wife. This is what she wanted to happen when she made that comment, they are tools.
          If men want to push back against the system that is stacked against them they are going to have to stop doing shit like mocking other men because of the behaviour of their wives. It’s not Seth Rogan’s fault his wife is a cunt and anyone that is married could find themselves in the same situation because the deck is stacked very much in the favour of women when it comes to marriage and divorce.
          If you see the system, which is virulently anti male, chewing up some guy’s life at the behest of some cunt that is trying to ruin him offer some sympathy and support, or if you can’t do that say nothing. don’t become the unwitting tools of some terrible woman and join in the attack.

        4. Only a few problems with your assertion:
          1) “It’s not Seth Rogan’s fault his wife is a cunt”
          — No, he’s only to blame for marrying said cunt. He should have been more discriminating on choosing a spouse.
          2) “If you see the system, which is virulently anti male, chewing up some guy’s life at the behest of some cunt that is trying to ruin him offer some sympathy and support”
          — Seth Rogen IS part of the system. He totes the line for these leftist buffoons. What happened to him is no less than karmic justice and him reaping what he has sown.
          All the ridicule he has received is more than well-deserved. He put himself out there, he lobbed insults, and he created offensive movies for the sheer sake of offending Christians. He’s getting precisely what he asked for.

        5. The system is anti male and is used to ruin the lives of men, it isn’t justice, karmic or otherwise, just because it happens to someone you disagree with.
          Any time a man has his life impacted by a system that is biased against men it is an injustice, even if things they have said are not to your taste. It benefits men and men’s rights to offer support to them, even if it is just kind words or not dog piling them with abuse, when they come under attack by the state.
          It is sad to see men become the will tools of some vicious cunt, taking part in the shaming of an individual at her behest, instead of supporting a fellow man under attack by a system stacked against him just because they don’t like some things he said.
          Feminism is winning and male suicide is so high because of shit like this.

        6. You are not opposing his ideas, you are taking part in his personal humiliation at the behest of his wife. She wanted to publicly humiliate him and there was a bunch of men willing to just jump right in line and do it for her. I disagree with lots of people but if I see a person’s wife do something like that I do not think less of him or join in the humiliation. I give him my sympathy for being married to such a vicious cunt.
          Rogan got called a cuck when in fact his wife should have been called a whore.

        7. You’re acting like the 2 are mutually exclusive. Fact is Seth is a white, man-bashing cuck and his wife is a cunt whore. These men you keep bringing up don’t give a shit about the wife. We’re just laughing because Seth finally got a bit of his own medicine. We’re just going to have to agree to disagree and split the difference:
          Wife is a whore, Seth is a loser cuck.

        1. That’s a strange sense of humor. I guess she doesn’t know sarcasm is better said than read.

  22. I predict “Seth rogen comes out as gay” to be making the headline rounds soon enough.
    In the insane world of hollyweird, that is probably the best way a pretentious tub of sewage like him could possibly recover from this industrial grade ass kicking. That or come out in support of midget homosexuals in Africa.
    Either way, i couldn’t care less. Seth Rogen is on my conservative blackout list so if he fell off the edge of the world, i wouldn’t give two farts about it.

    1. Pretending to be gay to draw sympathy is, well, gay.
      Suck it up. Take the red pill. Work out and get ripped. Turn your life around and get hotter, younger girlfriend than the ex-wife that cuckold him.
      That is the best fuck you he can possibly do.

      1. Tis true…which is exactly why he won’t do it. The red isn’t in him. He pisses and shits mangina blue.

  23. Just checked the comments board on IMDB – haven’t checked the comments themselves, but the thread titles suggest he really is majorly disliked. On the first page nearly all the thread titles are insulting:
    People really pay money to see this guy’s face on the screen?
    Please stop being in movies and shows
    I hate to burst anyone’s bubble….
    Karma’s a b*tch
    Seth Rogani is a Communist Pig
    Complete liberal douche
    Why do they cast this guy in movies?
    Pact with Satan?
    Racist white people want Ben Carson to lose because he is black
    Seth Rogan – Racist POS and Terrible “Actor”
    Boycott this scumbag and the movie ‘Steve Jobs.’Entertainers really should stay out of politics.
    Seth Rogan = Racist x 2!
    One of the worst comedy actors ever
    You suck
    Can he just stop?
    I haven’t even looked at the 2nd page yet

  24. Seth Rogen has been the recipient of more undeserved aplomb, accolades, and enrichment than an under-achieving minority applying for college under affirmative action. Let’s face it, his whole ‘schtick’ has been based on hatred directed towards an identifiable group: white Christians. He’s just doing the bidding of his Hollywood masters, though. It’s the same old Jewish Hollywood trick – put out entertainers that look like us and have them poke fun at American culture, particularly what’s left of uplifting values and customs (and hence themselves) when, in fact, they are hostile outsiders and opponents of anything that smacks of Christianity or white European descent. Hopefully, this signals just the beginning of a huge backlash against the liberal/PC-brainwashing that has been spewing out of mainstream media non-stop for decades now.

  25. There is a religion that started when a 99 year old man
    banged his 98 old year half-sister. Later
    their god gives their descendants a piece of desert and tells the descendants that
    ethnic cleansing, genocide and slavery are okay and long as they are not on the
    receiving end. Interracial marriage and half of the items on
    the menu at Red Lobster are not acceptable.
    But sucking on the penises of baby boys is acceptable. Then
    there is the part about getting lost in a desert for 40 years because no one knew
    how to walk in a straight line or ask for directions. So much comedy gold waiting to be mined.

    1. There was also that story from a beta named Marco. You know the guy. Full on Cuck that would polish Rogens knob if he had the chance………
      GFY #CuckMarco

  26. Holycow…anit Christian diatribes is the new normal…..what was he thinking…..

  27. That’s certainly one movie I won’t bother with. I can’t think of a Seth Rogen movie I’ve seen in a theater. Sorry, Seth, but you did this to yourself.

  28. Rogen, a self-loathing western Canadian Jew….nothing worse on Earth…and I’m Canadian.

    1. Why is almost everyone in Hollywood a jew ? Why is no one shaming them publicly for being racist in this PC age ? Let’s boycott any movie with jewish actors or producers for the fun of it and see how they react.

      1. >Why is no one shaming them publicly for being racist in this PC age ?
        We just have to let the media kn–
        …oh. Right. That’s why… :^)

  29. Just goes to show why you shouldn’t be on social media and never air your dirty laundry in public. By the way I enjoyed Steve Jobs, a really interesting look into a fascinating guy, who yes, could be an asshole. I’m actually shocked they were able to portray the gold digging ex girlfriend as a completely bitchy awful person in every scene, without feminists raising a stink. I don’t care what any of the actors politics are, I enjoy good cinema and good storytelling. I also don’t go to my plumber for financial advice.

    1. It bombed in it’s first weekend in the States. I glad they’ve portrayed him as he was, warts and all. I was very disappointed with the Aviator movie some years back about the life of Howard Hughes. It was too, lame, tame and safe.
      It’s curious that it hasn’t done as well as was predicted, considering the under 30s grew up with Apple products. I suppose he had a public persona a bit like Bill Gates, nerdy and techie, but, perhaps not that interesting like many IT people in the human sense. I’m glad to hear he was a bit of a wanker, I might go and see it now.

      1. The movie is more intellectual, almost like going to a play really, as the entire film takes place in 3 settings: three product launches during Steve’s life. And they don’t even show the iPhone. I imagine it would confuse many millenials, as well as not be able to hold their attention span. The media is saying it “bombed” because it grossly underperformed compared to the Mark Zuckerburg film Social Network. I don’t really care. It has a 7.7 on imdb and an 85% on rotten tomatoes. It’s a good film. It will turn a profit at the end of the day, as well, not that that is a measure of quality. Good acting, good writing, good picture of a real person (ie not a god but a real person with strengths and weaknesses). And worth the price of admission just to see a woman portrayed accurately in his gold digging ex-gf.

  30. Holy shit! I can’t believe that tweet was real. I thought mike was fucking with him.
    No way I could look at her again after that!

  31. I think we have another Red Pill note to take: If you make someone who has more status than you look bad, you temporary acquire his status in the eyes of women.

  32. I hope this Seth guy puts some money in the bank because he is going to be coasting off shit he did 10 years ago.

  33. I don’t think Seth Rogan’s career is in any danger. If it is, then it’s probably not because of Mike Cernovich, but more because people are tired of him. His wife is pretty funny by the way.

  34. This is the most epic thing I have seen in 50 years. His OWN wife aided in his cuckolding. HILARIOUS!

        1. If you can’t tell that was sarcasm, being sarcastically challenged is the least of your worries.

  35. I realize that this may get me accused of concern trolling, but I’m wondering if the boycotts and cucking are just making a bad situation worse, though possibly to the point of changing a recoverable situation in Cuck Rogen’s career and marriage unsalvagable. It’s still a solid win and may provide a template for future victories. There is no such thing as goodsportsmanship anymore in the culture wars.
    The review of Steve Jobs on the Adam Carolla Show (no friend of SJWs) was mediocre and made it clear that it was yet another tired OscarBait piece.
    The Interview, despite the hype of the Sony hacking, just wasn’t very funny.
    And the previews are not encouraging for “The Night Before”.
    I think Cuck’s career may have already been running out of steam and his opportunistic wife knew it. He then made performed a self coup de grace by going full SJW Beta on twitter.

  36. Ah, the plight of the married beta.
    I’d wager most men imagine some day having a family, but it’s also unfortunate/sad that the “duo” of low-quality women and anti male divorce laws make this a death sentence in USSA.
    It’s also sad that men have to go to other countries just to find a good quality woman.
    All around just a sorry state of affairs over here in USSA.

  37. I dont know why my twitter got BANNED but that faggit Carlton gets to keep his. FUCK YOU CARLTON U STUPID FAGGIT I FUCKING HATE YOU YOU GAY FAGGIT! >:(

    1. Take a midol and lay down. WHOA!! Is that you Catholic teenage soon-to-be married born again virgin Emily?

    2. I think you belong on the other Forney article. The one about girls with tats being broken. Head on over there and rage for a while. You’ll get the attention you need.

  38. I liked ’40 yo virgin’ and its risque ‘blazing saddles’ stereotypes. The packy store manager, the cool black friend reminded me of Ted, the bartender on Love Boat, the store cougar lady was excellently casted and portrayed. I could almost smell the cleaning vinegar odor emininating from her old twat, or maybe it was the bag of salt & vinegar UTZ chips I was eating, but still that haggardly old poon jumping like a flea at the smell of dick, how lively. Like seeing an old Boeing 737 built in ’72 with five million hours on it, hair cracks on every inch of it, and some start up airline buys it and repaints it. You know it’s gonna crash. She’d be best to do it on the floor where it’s safe. Best part was the ‘true love’ lololol, that he finds with the extreme post wall single mom. ”cuck a doodle dooo”. They should have had the hot daughter strut it a little more in my opinion. Kind of add a little lolita theme to cover broader audience threads. Still it was overall revealing and thus a wholesome watch. They should have casted a white nationalist alpha guy with spider web tats who wears no shirt and visits the daughter through the window nightly and gives the 40 yo additional ‘advice’ to juggle with.

  39. I’ve never understood how Seth Rogen is a star. He’s pretty good at cursing and regurgitating ‘shocking’ lines but that’s pretty much the extent of his talent.
    Frankly every time a Hollywood movie bombs I feel a certain sense of satisfaction.
    Seriously the crap they’ve been putting out lately is pathetic.
    My wife told me a female version of Ocean’s 11 is now being made. WTF? Here’s a prediction: A flaming piece of excrement nobody wants to watch.
    For the love of Christ can you make a none hipster, feminist, global climate change, not rehashed for the 8th time, movie that doesn’t suck?

  40. The counter to “you’re full of hate” is “nobody loves you” we should have seen this a long time ago.

  41. The narrative is giving way. Our message is starting to make its way into the mainstream now. Stone and Parker have started trashing SJWs. rogen is publicly getting called out for the anti white piece of shit he is. MSM news outlets are shutting down their comment sections because everyone is calling out their blatant propaganda. “Refugee” housing in sweden is being burned to the ground by patriots for all the world to see.
    The tide is beginning to turn, gentlemen.

  42. Damn, that’s some fine trolling on display right there. Seth Rogan doesn’t seem to get that you can only fake being a man for so long before, eventually, somebody is gonna shit test you hard. I almost feel bad about that stab in the back he got from his wife though. Bad enough if she had said it to his face in private, absolutely horrific online.

    1. Lots of people talkin’, few of them know. Soul of a woman was created below.
      -Dazed and Confused

  43. Seth rogan will always have a gig in Hollywood. HE’S JEWISH! They take care of their own better than anyone. Anyone that works within the Apatow clique is a jew. I can see Seth moving on as a producer and writer and director like alot of them do once they get older and take on the old jewish man look that is the curse of once gentile looking jewish actors. Its called the Sandler effect. It happens to every jewish man. Seth will be just fine. He’ll get even richer as he gets older like they usually do. Money is their only measure of self worth.

      1. I dont think you need to photoshop anything. Age does it all for you. They get fatter,the posture gets slumped over,The nose gets bigger, the voice gets to sound like a yiddish entertainer from the Catskills. No one is immune.NOT EVEN DAVID LEE FUCKING ROTHSTEIN! How did this turn into this!?!?

    1. Adam Sandler. Sad he could never change his rouite in comdy. The movies after the 90s were all the same. Some actors can change with the times but Sandler just couldn’t

  44. As obnoxious as Rogen’s comments were, I can’t quite join in the glee about his predicted demise because I think he’s a talented and likable comic actor (not a “comedian”) and probably a decent guy.

  45. Gawd, Superbad was awful. 3 ugly losers trying to get booze to take advantage of girls? If some teen guy tried that with your daughter you’d skin them alive not laugh about it.

  46. PH was the catylist that launched the US into WWII– not disputing that, but listening to the mopes bemoan “evil Amerikkka” without knowing, or caring to know, world events and the forces at work in 1941 is a bit disconcerting. Canada had a bigger military than the US before PH. Denmark even had a bigger army.
    The fact we were kicking out war machines within weeks made even Stalin toast in 43′ in Tehran, “To American productivity, without which this war would have been lost.”

  47. I remember this dude on a TV show saying jewish control the media because they are the best at it. Even making an analogy with black people in the NBA as being the best for the job.
    Well, I dont see his media handling skills here; Mike basically handed his ass over to him.

  48. Will #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?
    No. No one cares about this other than you weirdos.

      1. Unlikely, swung by because my friend sent me a link to this. He said “look what the lunatics are up to now”.

        1. I’m not still here. The site uses disqus for its comments. I’m signed into disqus. And you are weirdos.

  49. Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but doesn’t it seem like a typo on her part? “She definitely *wouldn’t fuck you”, or am I missing something?

    1. Nah, she is just a huge cunt that wanted to publicly humiliate him and there were plenty of tools that jumped right in line to do it for her.
      Bunch of guys playing at being ‘alpha’ calling some guy a cuck instead of calling his wife a whore.

  50. Unlikely. I would imagine he’s either ignoring you, laughing at you or happy you’re giving his movie some free publicity.
    How’s the Star Wars boycott going?

  51. seth may have money and fame, but i’ve got one thing he hasn’t got: a wife who was willing to ditch her last name for mine.

    1. That’s a massive red flag, if she is unwilling to even change her name completely, you just don’t marry her. When did guys become such wimps?!

  52. CuckRogen is not going anywhere. He is a Jew in an almost exclusively run Jew business. If Jews are White why are they so anti-white? They are a Turko-Mongolian ad-mixture with some other middle Asian blood.

  53. Since this website is both race and gender oriented, whose side are you on when a white woman accuses a black man of rape?

    1. If you dont date Black men I’d take the White woman’s word. If you do…..who gives a fuck!

  54. Speaking for myself, since rape is overwhelmingly a Black pastime, I’ll side with the White woman, unless she is a known Mudshark, then it does not matter.

  55. ‎‎

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    1. 20 dollars of that money was mine. And it was well worth it! Great experience with a guaranteed happy ending! One happy customer! You go girl!

  56. It’s not a case of “shouldn’t mind” as “probably don’t care”.
    Maybe you’re not aware of your public perception. The people who are aware of you think you’re shit clowns.

  57. In fairness here it might’ve been a typo – she might’ve meant “well she definitely would SAY ‘fuck you’.
    I mean who in their right mind would say that out loud on Twitter on their husband’s blog and actually mean it?

  58. I’m not a strict Christian at all but I’ll be glad when all of the anti-Christian propaganda, especially that lame “New Atheist” movement dies down.
    The new fad of the century is self-loathing; Islam is off limits because attacking Islam is perceived as “racist” so Christianity is fair game.
    On the flip side there are a lot of aspects of religious and deontological ideas that deserve criticism – fundamentalist Christians for example promote the idea that all lust or non-procreative sex or sexual fantasies are “lust”, which ends up encouraging unhealthy sexual repression especially in men.
    So saying that no aspects of Christian culture are allowed to be criticized at all just because it’s the dominant religion in the states is pretty absurd.

  59. Mr. Forney, Seth Rogen cannot be considered a cuck. Seth Rogen is a Jew. He is not a self-loathing white because he is not a white at all. He is a Jew. You are glimpsing, in his various tweets, his own racial hatred of whites. It is not self-loathing; it is hate of The Other, in this case white people.
    As a Jew, Rogen is a cog in a machine that spans the whole globe and the purpose of that machine is world domination. White people have been correctly identified by the Jew as having the intellectual capability of recognizing the Jew as professional revolutionaries, as generational warmongers, as destroyers of host cultures. When you turn on the Electric Jew and you see anti-white cuckoldry, or when you see the same on twitter by a Jew like Rogen, you are glimpsing at a worldwide Jewish plan of genocide against white people, a part of which is the undermining of our self-worth.

    1. Jews can be cucks, Mr Rogen obviously is. But Jews can’t be Cuckservatives. Only cuckolded Whites can be Cuckservative.

    2. He’s a cuck or cuckold because his wife wants to sleep with Mike Cernovich and it appears he has not divorced his whore wife.

      1. He can’t be a cuck. He is a Jew. Look, there’s the whiny white guy, there’s the black bull, there’s the white guy’s woman he’s about to give over to the black bull, and there’s the Jew standing in the corner holding his cock in one hand and a video camera in the other. That’s Rogen’s people.

    3. oh yeah? that’s why over 90% of those who supported Roosh in the media during his Canadian ordeal were Jews?

      1. I was unaware that 90% of those who supported Roosh in Canada during evidently some media blitz against him were Jews.
        If true, that’s noteworthy, but not at all in the way that you intended.
        In the interest of clarity, if Jews like it and support it, it is bad for white people.

  60. I love a great story with a happy ending. Here’s to hoping Rogan finds Jesus and becomes one of the Christians he so loathes before he hangs himself in depression after his wife leaves him for a dude with dank e-books. Congrats to Mike for pulling off one of the most successful trolls of all time.

  61. Lol she tweeted that because let’s be honest… she’s putting up with him now but she’s setting the seeds for future divorce because she’d rather have his money without having to pretend she likes him!!! CUCK ROGEN!!!!!!!

  62. If their marriage ends, I’ll be the first lady all up on that shit. He’s my favorite person.

      1. I’m American, I don’t need to be a gold-digger. My whore-ness is saved for slutty alpha males, my love and appreciation I save for the betas 😉

  63. There should be no room for anti-whites like Mr Rogen in public life at all. Not in media, not in the entertainment business, nowhere. I hope his vile opinions die with him.

  64. Deep down the main annoying thing about a particular minority group is the double-standard they demand: they are allowed to criticize and nitpick every little detail about the “major” group but when you say ANYTHING negative about the minority group, you are immediately called a racist/sexist/misogynist/anti-semite.
    Most of us already know this but it’s useful to point that double standard out each time it rears its head.
    Cuck Rogen thinks he’s in the clear to criticize whites and say fuck you to a Republican politician, but anytime someone hits back at him he thinks it’s because he’s Jewish. It’s actually because he’s an unfunny, annoying cuck.
    It was fun to see Cernovich put him in his place.

  65. Big fucking surprise. Fuck him and the Devil’s cock he likely services on a regular basis.
    Rogen was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. His mother, Sandy (Belogus), is a social worker, and his father, Mark Rogen (born 1953), worked for non-profit organizations and as an assistant director of the Workmen’s Circle Jewish fraternal organization.[2][3][4][5]Since Rogen’s father is American, he has American citizenship by birth.[6] He has described his parents, who met in Israel on a kibbutz, as “radical Jewish socialists”.[3] Rogen has an older sister named Danya.[2] Rogen attended Vancouver Talmud Torah Elementary School and Point Grey Secondary School (although he did not graduate), incorporating many of his classmates into his writing. He was also known for the stand-up comedy he performed at Camp Miriam, a Habonim Dror camp

  66. I still don’t get why anyone would make a movie about Steve Jobs, less than a couple years after a movie about Steve Jobs was released. How fucking dumb can you be, Cuck Rogen?

  67. Rogen, Franco, Hill, and the other guys who team up are all Jews. And throughout history the Jews attacked Christianity every way they could. It’s not true that in the Middle Ages they were persecuted by the church. What happened is that they’d go into a country and start their usual game of dividing the people, conniving to get their money, and enslaving the poor populations. They’d be run out of a country and then the Catholic Church would either give them sanctuary in Rome, or negotiate to have them relocated to other countries. And in return for that, the ungrateful Jews would attack and blaspheme christians. Notice that when Israel is in the news for crimes against humanity, or spying on her allies, the press gets filled with stories attacking Christians and commemorating the Holocaust. They’re a disease.
    And to top it off, Rogen just isn’t funny. He’s a disturbing man-child who gets parts because of his connections in, you guessed it, the Jewish community.

        1. This isn’t very dignified Seth. You should pay your publicist to do this sort of stuff for you.

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