Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men

After a long period in society of women having unlimited personal freedom to pursue life as they wish, they have shown to consistently fail in making the right decisions that prevent their own harm and the harm of others. Systems must now be put in place where a woman’s behavior is monitored and her decisions subject to approval of a male relative or guardian who understands what’s in her best interests better than she does herself.

Women have had personal freedoms for less than a century. For the bulk of human history, their behavior was significantly controlled or subject to approval through mechanisms of tribe, family, church, law, or stiff cultural precepts. It was correctly assumed that a woman was unable to make moral, ethical, and wise decisions concerning her life and those around her. She was not allowed to study any trivial topic she wanted, sleep with any man who caught her fancy, or uproot herself and travel the world because she wanted to “find herself.”

You can see this level of control today in many Muslim countries, where expectations are placed on women from a young age to submit to men, reproduce (if biologically able), follow God’s word, and serve the good of society by employing her feminine nature instead of competing directly against men on the labor market due to penis envy or feelings of personal inferiority.

The reason that women had their behavior limited was for the simple reason that they are significantly less rational than men, in a way that impaired their ability to make good decisions concerning the future. This was eloquently described by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in his important essay On Women. He described them as overgrown children, a comparison that any man who has dated more than a dozen of them can quickly agree to after having consistently witnessed their impulsive and illogical behavior firsthand.

Women are directly fitted for acting as the nurses and teachers of our early childhood by the fact that they are themselves childish, frivolous and short-sighted; in a word, they are big children all their life long—a kind of intermediate stage between the child and the full-grown man, who is man in the strict sense of the word. See how a girl will fondle a child for days together, dance with it and sing to it; and then think what a man, with the best will in the world, could do if he were put in her place.


…women remain children their whole life long; never seeing anything but what is quite close to them, cleaving to the present moment, taking appearance for reality, and preferring trifles to matters of the first importance.


That woman is by nature meant to obey may be seen by the fact that every woman who is placed in the unnatural position of complete independence, immediately attaches herself to some man, by whom she allows herself to be guided and ruled. It is because she needs a lord and master.

When you give a female unlimited choice on which man to have sex with, what type of man does she choose? An exciting man who treats her poorly and does not care for her well-being.

When you give a female choice on what to study in university, what does she choose? An easy liberal arts major that costs over $50,000 and dooms her to a life of debt and sporadic employment.

When a female lacks any urgent demands upon her survival, what behavior does she pursue? Obsessively displaying her half-naked body on the internet, flirting with men solely for attention, becoming addicted to corporate-produced entertainment, and over-indulging in food until her body shape is barely human.

When you give a female choice on when to have kids, what does she do? After her fertility is well past its peak, and in a rushed panic that resembles the ten seconds before the ringing of the first school bell, she aims for limited reproductive success at an age that increases the likelihood she’ll pass on genetic defects to her child.

When you give a female choice of which political leader to vote into office, who do they vote for? The one who is more handsome and promises unsustainable freebies that accelerate the decline of her country.

When you give a female unwavering societal trust with the full backing of the state, what does she do? Falsely accuse a man of rape and violence out of revenge or just to have an excuse for the boyfriend who caught her cheating.

When you give a female choice on who to marry, what is the result? A 50% divorce rate, with the far majority of them (80%) initiated by women themselves.

While a woman is in no doubt possession of crafty intelligence that allows her to survive just as well as a man, mostly through the use of her sexuality and wiles, she is a slave to the present moment and therefore unable to make decisions that benefit her future and those of the society she’s a part of. Once you give a woman personal freedom, like we have in the Western world, she enslaves herself to one of numerous vices and undertakes a rampage of destruction to her body and those who want to be a meaningful part of her life.

A man does not need to look further than the women he knows, including those in his family, to see that the more freedom a woman was given, the worse off she is, while the woman who was under the heavy hand of the church or male relative comes out far better on the other side, in spite of her rumblings that she wants to be as free as her liberated friends, who eagerly and regularly post soft porn photos of themselves on social networking and dating sites while selecting random anonymous men for fornication every other weekend.

Men, on average, make better decisions than women. If you take this to be true, which should be no harder to accept than the claim that lemons are sour, why is a woman allowed to make decisions at all without first getting approval from a man who is more rational and levelheaded than she is? It not only hurts the woman making decisions concerning her life, but it also hurts any man who will associate with her in the future. You only need to ask the many suffering husbands today on how they are dealing with a wife who entered the marriage with a student loan debt in the high five figures from studying sociology and how her wildly promiscuous sexual history impairs her ability to remain a dedicated mother, with one foot already out the door after he makes a reasonable demand that is essential for a stable home and strong family.

I propose two different options for protecting women from their obviously deficient decision making. The first is to have a designated male guardian give approval on all decisions that affect her well-being. Such a guardian should be her father by default, but in the case a father is absent, another male relative can be appointed or she can be assigned one by charity organizations who groom men for this purpose, in a sort of Boy’s Club for women.

She must seek approval by her guardian concerning diet, education, boyfriends, travel, friends, entertainment, exercise regime, marriage, and appearance, including choice of clothing. A woman must get a green light from her guardian before having sex with any man, before wearing a certain outfit, before coloring her hair green, and before going to a Spanish island for the summer with her female friends.

If she disobeys her guardian, an escalating series of punishments would be served to her, culminating in full-time supervision by him. Once the woman is married, her husband will gradually take over guardian duties, and strictly monitor his wife’s behavior and use all reasonable means to keep it in control so that family needs are met first and foremost, as you already see today in most Islamic societies. Any possible monetary proceeds she would get from divorce would be limited so that she has more incentive to keep her husband happy and pleased than to throw him under the bus for the most trivial of reasons that stem from her persistent and innate need to make bad decisions.

A second option for monitoring women is a combination of rigid cultural rules and sex-specific laws. Women would not be able to attend university unless the societal need is urgent where an able-minded man could not be found to fill the specific position. Women would not be able to visit establishments that serve alcohol without a man present to supervise her consumption. Parental control software on electronic devices would be modified for women to control and monitor the information they consume. Credit card and banking accounts must have a male co-signer who can monitor her spending. Curfews for female drivers must be enacted so that women are home by a reasonable hour. Abortion for women of all ages must be signed off by her guardian, in addition to prescriptions for birth control.

While my proposals are undoubtedly extreme on the surface and hard to imagine implementing, the alternative of a rapidly progressing cultural decline that we are currently experiencing will end up entailing an even more extreme outcome. Women are scratching their most hedonistic and animalistic urges to mindlessly pursue entertainment, money, socialist education, and promiscuous behavior that only satisfies their present need to debase themselves and feel fleeting pleasure, at a heavy cost for society.

Allowing women unlimited personal freedom has so affected birth rates in the West that the elite insists on now allowing importation of millions of third world immigrants from democratically-challenged nations that threaten the survival of the West. In other words, giving women unbridled choice to pursue their momentary whims instead of investing in traditional family ideals and reproduction is a contributing factor to what may end up being the complete collapse of those nations that have allowed women to do as they please.

I make these sincere recommendations not out of anger, but under the firm belief that the lives of my female relatives would certainly be better tomorrow if they were required to get my approval before making any decisions. They would not like it, surely, but due to the fact that I’m male and they’re not, my analytical decision-making faculty is superior to theirs to absolutely no fault of their own, meaning that their most sincere attempts to make good decisions will have a failure rate larger than if I was able to make those decisions for them, especially with intentions that are fully backed with compassion and love for them to have more satisfying lives than they do now.

As long as we continue to treat women as equals to men, a biological absurdity that will one day be the butt of many jokes for comedians of the future, women will continue to make horrible decisions that hurt themselves, their families, and their reproductive potential. Unless we take action soon to reconsider the freedoms that women now have, the very survival of Western civilization is at stake.

This article was originally published on RooshV.com.

Read Next: People Should Not Be Allowed Unlimited Personal Freedom

475 thoughts on “Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men”

  1. I can feel the feminist butthurt now…
    Seriously, I have often thought that the reason some things are generally uniform across cultures is because they all learnt from making the same mistakes we’re making now, it’s just that ancient records didn’t exist or have been lost.
    Maybe in 10,000 BC or something women did have all the ‘rights’ and ‘liberation’ they have today and they made a complete mess of it (pre-bronze age feminism if you will), so societies developed to be more male-dominant, with things like chivalry and respect for motherhood emerging to compensate.

    1. At the fall of Rome, women were becoming feminist and masculine and their men weak and feminine (they are mocked about it by a Celtic British woman at the time) Babylon also went through a hard feminist phase…just before they collapsed.

        1. While it can’t be said that all empires that collapse go through a feminist phase, it can always be said that empires that go through a feminist phase always collapse very shortly after doing so.

        1. Give me some time to locate my sources. I had a feeling somebody would ask. The Celtic (Britain) woman quote to the Roman woman is fairly famous and I’ve read it a hundred times if I’ve read it once, and now Bing is giving me shit in return. Will get back to you.

        2. Initial article where it’s mentioned. Doesn’t constitute proof, but the idea is clearly out there in the ether.
          “Another story is told, about the wife of Argentocoxus, a Caledonian chieftain who surrendered to Severus. She was introduced to Julia Domna [ed. Roman], who reportedly made a catty remark about a charioteer the Celtic woman was clearly having an affair with. The wife of Argentocoxus
          replied: ‘we fulfill the necessity of nature much better than Roman women do, for we have intercourse openly with the best, whereas you are abused secretly by the least!’

          Boudicha – “the Emperor Nero is termed Domitia, “in name a man, [he] is in fact a woman”
          Still searching Babylon, I may need to hit actual paper books to back this up. But do it I will.

        3. Interesting. Thanks GOJ.

          Still searching Babylon, I may need to hit actual paper books to back this up. But do it I will.

          Looking forward to it.

        4. Boudicca’s army was destroyed by a numerically inferior Roman army. She and her other female nobility were killed. In brutal Roman fashion they took the female nobility they could round up, cut their breasts off, sewed them into their mouths and then skewered them on a pikes as a warning.

      1. “Babylon also went through a hard feminist phase”
        Would that be the whore of babylon? On her cosmic slutwalk

        1. Heh, probably had some seed of truth to inspire the Whore of Babylon thing, would be my guess. Gemini (?) or something, I can’t recall precisely.

        2. Probably. I imagine she was supposed to be the personfiication of the corruption of the city but on the off-chance she was a genuine person and outrageous trollope I think we can safely assume she was a feminist

    2. Back in the 1930’s J D Ulwin (a British ethnologist and social anthropologist at Oxford University and Cambridge University) conducted a study of 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history. In every instance the rise of liberal policies, women’s sexual freedom and (to the degree possible at the time) female empowerment led to the destruction of the society.
      Not every society that has died has had female empowerment but every society that had female empowerment has died.
      There is a reason why we humans keep going down this same path, each time thinking we are sooo progressive, sooo advanced, the first to try this bold ‘new’ way.
      It’s because it always leads to a matriarchal society. And matriarchal societies are simply not viable. They ALWAYS get out-competed by patriarchal ones. We always think we are the first to try it, because matriarchal societies don’t survive long enough in reality or human memory for their failure to be remembered. And if they are, history, like humans, often has a blind spot in attributing any of the causes to the key role that female behavior plays in the decline.
      Eventually a ‘trigger’ event occurs that ends the nonsense. The trigger may be some sort of financial or social crisis, a natural disaster or a disruptive technology – who knows. Whatever it turns out to be, there will be a period of chaos and probably relative poverty before things stabilize. The period of chaos will be all it takes for women to drop feminism in a heartbeat. And what emerges will be some sort of patriarchal society.
      The winners as this unfolds will be strong self-reliant men and women who have a proven track record of being worthy of such a man.

      1. Not every society that has died has had female empowerment but every society that had female empowerment has died.
        Hey now, that sounds danged familiar!

  2. Sometimes I literally don’t care what I do with my LTR. Sushi, fast good, chinese for dinner for example. And when sometimes you just don’t care and as humans do when you have no preference you defer to other humans. Man does my LTR hate that though and I sometimes forget when it comes to women you CANNOT defer to them. You just pick something even if you don’t care. With my guy friends they would be like let’s get chinese. Instead she launches into a back and forth about ever option available within 60 miles. I then remember, fuck, you just CANNOT let women make a decision if you are a man.

      1. She does cook. In fact I cook too. Weirdly in the metro area I live though eating out is sometimes CHEAPER then going to the grocery store and purchasing everything to make a full meal. That is just how it works out for two people with two different domiciles that see each other 2-4 times a week.

        1. Ok, I didn’t realize. I don’t live in an especially urban area, so the prices/logistics are not well-known to me.
          Usually, I hear, “let’s get **** ” and I think of a woman who thinks her call center job is more important than cooking.

    1. That is the truth. You need to tell the woman where you are going for dinner (don’t ask her). You make the decision and then make it stick. That is the problem with too many men…they ask.

  3. Notice how the poverty rate increases as women become freer.
    Single mom’s destroying their kids futures. Always on the dole.
    Breeding poor habits in society lowers society.

  4. I think the solution is the third option and involves raising daughters correctly. With modern technology, we are never going back to the manosphere romanticized days of yore (were they really even that good?). Obviously, the modern sexual revolution total freedom approach isn’t working, but neither does the Islamic prohibitionist approach (when has prohibition ever worked?). There has to be a good a mix of teaching personal responsibility while instilling more traditional values/gender roles.

    1. Coming from the closing end of those days, yeah actually, they rocked.
      I agree with everything you said otherwise. Hence why I’m raising my daughter as I am. And if some day I’m bequeathed granddaughters, the same lessons will be applied.

      1. Maybe I’m a spoiled Sally, but I can’t imagine anything prior to 1980 being all that much fun. Processed foods and/or lack of food. Short life spans. Rampant alcoholism. All the wives popping mother’s little helper. I’ve seen pictures of my grandparents at parties. Everybody looked fucking miserable.

        1. I wasn’t old enough to successfully get by with wearing a Disco Stu leisure suit in 1975 to make a guess what club life was like back then, but my parents seemed to be having a good time (that I remember).
          What we call “rampant alcoholism” now was just normal drinking back then. A lot of these hard drinking men are still around, hell, you can find them at WW2 vet reunions. Drank like fucking fish. The culture has become very teetotalling the last couple of decades though so if you weren’t used to the “before” then it seems extreme, I’m certain.
          Processed food then, processed food now. Natural food then (more people gardened and canned a lot more at the time), natural food now. That’s a wash to me.
          Living in the days of an alive and active Led Zepplin, a vibrant young George Carlin, Rush getting famous, the first SNL episodes (when it was funny), traditional sex roles still mostly in place, long drives in the country (people actually used to just go out and drive as a family, believe it or not), family get togethers that were huge, people gathered in each other’s houses to play cards or games normally, and girls in Daisy Duke shorts, eh, it didn’t suck.

        2. Right, but you are still totally romanticizing. Pop culture is pop culture, SNL or Chapelle Show, a bunch of coke heads at Zepplin or bunch of molly heads at Queens of the Stone Age – same difference. For all that great stuff you loved in your well adjusted family, there was shit-bag families beating kids, junkies, pimps and hookers ruling the streets of major cities, and despite the societal condemnation enough men fucking men to make AIDS a near pandemic.
          All that good stuff still exists, but the shit heads get all the media attention. I still have regular board game nights with friends. We have regular BBQs and get-togethers. We have regular weekly family oriented trail races here that thousands turn out for. As a country our crime rates are at an all time low. Is today really that bad?

        3. I’m aware of what the cultural icons were in reality. I’m saying the general effect was pretty laid back and cool, and the creativity was off the charts in the arts as compared to today. Corporate “art/music” was not yet born, hence why Zepplin and Pink Floyd flourished and even mocked corporate attempts to commandeer them.
          There are shit bag families beating kids today, in fact single moms beating kids without a dad to stop her, junkies, pimps and hookers ruling the streets of major cities, not to mention aggressive and violent/insane homeless threatening you (just go see if you need to), and there seems to be plenty of HIV/AIDS around today to inform me that it hasn’t stopped on that count either.
          There is less violent crime now though, granted. That crime was a very short lived hiccough, it wasn’t present in the 1960’s and prior, nor after the mid 1980’s.
          I wasn’t saying today sucks. I was saying that yesterday *didn’t* by any real measure. It was a lot like today, except far less uptight and Puritan (in a SJW sense and regarding putting men “in line” with the feminine imperative). Plenty of things wrong then, plenty of things wrong now. At least back then you could do a lot more shit without the law breathing down your neck, and mom and dad were both married and in it for the long haul.

        4. Gotcha. I am just venting and whining. I tire of the constant drone how today is soooo bad and we need to return to yesteryear. People fear change and romanticize the way it was. Like, dude, the past is past, today is today. Humanity only travels in one direction. It ain’t that bad – make the most of it.

        5. There are a lot of things really bad now. That doesn’t mean we turn back the clock to 1950. It means we address the problems in our faces. The huge growth of Lesbian led man hating feminism to the point that it’s now mainstream and supported by major money and power, for example. That shit has *got* to go. If we can do it and build starships to fly to Alpha Centauri then sign me up, but let’s just do it.

        6. Exactly. You get it. Unfortunately, in many of these comments and in the political arena and public thought, people do want to turn back the clock, which isn’t going to work. It seems that the media/our collective national thought has boiled things down to A or B, instead of looking for viable C option.
          The more conservative members of our nation fear change and do not want to confront it or harness it. Thus, those who do (the lesbian man haters) win out.

        7. “The more conservative members of our nation fear Change..”
          BS. Thats what every statist pigresseive says. When Obama was railing about “fundamentally transforming America” back in 2008 were you applauding like the rest of pavlovs dupes or asking yourself “into what?”
          Change for change sake is stupidity on stilts.

        8. No smartphones or social media…you actually got together and engaged with people in the room. Yes, I miss those days as well.
          Riding in the back of a pickup drinking a beer….just because.

        9. Some good points – read through your posts.
          I don’t think most people have a problem with change. The problem pops up when people see change that is getting worse (not better) and it’s only the older generation (who have been around for some time) who can really “ring the bell”.
          Yes, some older people are pretty rigid (don’t want any change) but most just want a stable life. I think we can agree that some things have been going in the wrong direction for awhile now (see our government and overwhelming national debt – it’s a big one). People are ok with change but when things start to look (and feel) pretty bad then you go with your gut (something is just not right). History does repeat itself and anyone who is sticking their head in the sand (or ignoring it) is doomed. It takes men to make these observations, stand up for it and stick to them (not back down).

        10. You’re not getting it. I’m not talking about some silly campaign slogan. I’m talking about that society and technology are constantly evolving. It will never be the 1950’s again. Immigration and a global society will not magically disappear. Conservative politicians thrive on empty platitudes about the good old days, but the good old days will never come back. Ever. Accept that and start working on how to meld modernity with the ideas that worked in the past.

        11. Right, I am talking more towards the empty platitudes of the good ol’ days. The genie is out of the bottle on many things and you can’t put it back no matter what the current batch of Republican candidates say. I just see a lack of vision of how to move forward.

        12. I agree…and I’ve seen (and heard) that for years (or rather I haven’t heard anything). There hasn’t been any real action on fixing the problems that we’ve faced…only talk and finger pointing or placating the people with talk.

    2. I want to start a Slap-A-Dad campaign. Dads who allow their daughters to lead a slutty life should be slapped hard, ridiculed and mocked publicly for letting their daughters spoil themselves.
      When our world was smaller and everybody knew each other it was easier to keep one another in check. It’s now the wild west with cocks and vagina’s flying every which way.

    1. The traditional Christian way of treating women, prior to the feminization of Christianity into “Churchianity”, seems the most equitable path for men considering a religious type of control. Maybe we can learn something by what they did prior to flaking out and find a way to incorporate that into a new paradigm.

  5. People believe that women are the same as men, and can think the same way. People also used to believe that the Earth is flat. There are some who still believe in the both things though.

        1. These are special nutjobs. When you say “people used to believe that the Earth is flat” you mean that most people used to believe that at some point, and that’s wrong because there never was such a time.

  6. “Unless we take action soon to reconsider the freedoms that women now
    have, the very survival of Western civilization is at stake.”
    Good luck with this. Nothing short of total societal collapse (or spiritual revival) will bring this about.

    I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll look down and whisper “No.” They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men…decent men. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn’t realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don’t tell me they didn’t have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers… and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.

      1. It sums up the truth, unfortunately.
        Outside the manosphere, the usual suspects (cuckservatives and Churchians) are wringing their hands over why society is going to Hell, and yet if you dare suggest the reestablishment of the patriarchy / curtailment of women’s role in society is the solution, they are no different than the Left in labeling you as a ‘misogynist woman beater’ or some such.
        I’m through with attempting to warn them. A pox on both their houses.

        1. I’m with Father Brown when he said that “I’m a man, and full of all the devils”. Apart from Christ, I (and other Christians) are nothing.
          But as Grand Admiral Thrawn said: “A mistake becomes an error when you refuse to correct it”. And the feminism is the 21st century Arianism.

  7. Glad you crossposted this one here Roosh. It’s a little harsh, but still one of your best posts.
    All it takes to destroy a community or a nation is to elevate the women above, or even just equal to the men.
    Many wise men have noticed this in the past, but for some reason it always gets ignored by the contemporary mainstream.
    For all the emotional follies of men, they do not compare to the emotional follies of women. A masculine world might be rougher, less safe, and engage in more petty conflicts. But a feminine world would be outright dysfunctional and stagnant. It would quickly descend into an endless mire of debates over what is or isn’t socially acceptable, how to best one-up each other in the latest ideological trend, and the whole slew of trivial, oversocialized bullshit with no practical application. Even the women who do not want to participate in such activity eventually get sucked into it by the vast majority of other women.
    It is not a hyperbole to say that had human societies remained largely egalitarian, we would still be hunter-gatherers.
    There is a good reason why every major civilization throughout history would be considered patriarchal by feminist standards. Because in the end, men’s interests are what pushes humanity forward towards actual progress, not false progress in the sense of social “niceness”. There is a place for feminine traits, but it isn’t at the head of society.

    1. Native tribes in North America were much more egalitarian than Europeans. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that, at the same time Europeans had the necessary technology to cross the Atlantic (and much more), most of them hadn’t even settled yet.

      1. Matriarchal or egalitarian societies are always primitive and/or insignificant. When I tell people that inequality is progress, I’m not just being contrarian. Social hierarchy is a requirement and hallmark of higher civilization.

        1. Indeed, you can still see this phenomenom today on a smaller scale in the testimony of women who tried to build a woman only company… and failed miserably.

        2. The American Black communities are Matriarchal. Look at how well they’re doing. . . Our city now has 4 murders almost everyday, and all black. They’re so primitive that they’re never coming back

        3. That’s not an example of a Matriarchal society dummy. A young American black girl who decides not to abort her baby and gets a low paying job to support herself and the child have no power. And that Black American boy who she had the baby with will scramble to make money, by dropping out of school, selling drugs, robbing etc., before he is shot by the police or put in prison. Black American women have no power. They’re the least protected and the most abused.

        4. They may have no power in terms of the wider (and whiter) society, but they rule the ghetto. They make the decisions and set the terms. They rule the only social institutions that achieve anything, the black churches. They control the family and any man involved is allowed only on their sufferance. Patriarchy is the family ruled by the fathers, and families are the primary building block of society. Matriarchy is the same only with the mothers ruling the family. Are you trying to argue that the ghetto family is not ruled 100% by the mother?

        5. Then your White trash trailer park meth moms are ruling poor White society as well.
          You don’t understand Black men at all if you think Black women rule them. Poor Black American boys break away from their mothers by nine and run the streets in packs. That’s because belief by society and culture that women can’t raise men. Those boys grow and get a strong hold on the community living like the Wild West. They form tribes, get guns and feed THEIR family, while hurting everyone else. The young Black girls are raped or pimped out. The older women stay home. The Black American church is run by butch gay men who hate women and are big parts of Black women hatred. They get single mothers to bring their sons to them and the boys are molested like Tyler Perry and every other Black man that grows up in the church. Black women rule nothing. It’s all a cycle of hatred.

      2. LOL, where did you read these tribes where egalitarian? Native American women were basically slaves to their men, you should really read up how they were treated lol. That Native American tribes were nomadic peoples to some extent has nothing to do with egalitarianism.

        1. He forgets too mention such practices like that they would mutilate women that would not obey etc. But sure, let’s live in fantasyland, I’m sure they all lived in peace together also before the white man came.

        2. They also murdered the men who would disobey, your point? I never said they lived in peace – I know they enslaved each other and whatnot, but that’s irrelevant.

        3. My point is that the article you linked to doesn’t really mention any of the nasty stuff.

      3. That necessary technology emerged from contact between cultures and not in a vacuum

      4. That is absurd. Any culture which allows polygamy is by its nature anti-egalitarian. Think about what you are writing. A society that allows polygamy practices allowing alpha males to horde all of the females, so the other males become disenfranchised from the group/ tribe, and have nothing else to do but roam around looking for trouble/ war/ pillaging. It is the Christian colonists who were egalitarian. Even a 5 year old should know that. It’s Anthropology 101 For Chidren.

    2. Agreed with most of the premises in this post and the article itself but I must hate to say that our patriarchal civilization currently seemingly coming at an end doesn’t exactly have a clean record either. WWII was the most foolish conflict in history and it wasn’t women who started it. There is much more to the real story of humanity than presented here. Wars, oppression and untold calamities that we who are born in the 21st century do not experience were the normal in most areas of the human inhabited world and ironically past military conflict is what pushed technology into what it is today. A small but not un-significant percentage of men in the not so distant past were exactly what the feminists complain about – rapists and murderers. This is why the overwhelming majority of early states and empires were unjust despotic governments up until to the recent modern times where democracy has become the normal mode of government. The dominant and aggressive male youth who had no morals and did not play by the rules of established civilization had to be kept in check. Outside the urban areas where dictatorship developed, matters weren’t so much better either even though the average nomad had more freedom than your average city dweller. Rapine and brutal conflict for resources, power and women were the norm from the plains of Scythia to those of Mongolia.

      1. I agree with most of what you say as this has puzzled me as well. Switzerland stayed out of WW2 but didn’t have the female vote till the 1960s. It was suffragettes that handed out chicken feathers to young boys in front of schools so as to make them enlist in WW1. Female voting doesn’t seem to make things better or worse while Hillary Clinton and Maragaret Thatcher not exactly peaceniks. I make this observation if our species had only one sex both of which could cross inseminate and gestate we would still have conflict. If we had only women certain women would begin to dominate.
        I would strongly urge anyone interested in why feminism has decided to destroy western civilisation (many clearly hate men and in particular White ones) to read “Sexual Utopia in Power” by Roger Devlin. His research is excellent and he has consulted some female origin research. He posits that the sexual revolution was about a certain group of women, call them alphas, wanting freedom to get to their ideal man.
        ROOSH is way to harsh in my view. Western civilisation pulled ahead due to a relative high IQ of its people’s, a companionate and romantic marriage and the mobilisation of women into high end work, a commitment to reason(reason was compatible with Christianity as opposed to Islam which believed only in Revelation after the 11th century and al Ghali). When the Japanese decided to catch up with the west they immediately decided to educate their women as much as men as one can’t have smart men without smart mothers. It was a lesson the Islamic world did not get.
        Roost alludes to one thing. Feminism is now hopelessly intertwined with ethno-Marxism and will destroy itself as more patriarchal and fertile immigrant cultures take over as it breeds itself into non existence. It is already happening. Some of these cultures really do have a rape culture. Women, the poor sweethearts just aren’t built to see it.
        The vulnerability of women to social media and mass media manipulation is almost as unbecoming as male addiction to pornography.

        1. “Roosh alludes to one thing. Feminism is now hopelessly intertwined with ethno-Marxism and will destroy itself as more patriarchal and fertile immigrant cultures take over as it breeds itself into non existence.” – It will be interesting to see how it all progresses but my belief is not as optimistic as yours. In an increasingly nihilized world where religions, customs and culture are losing ground with each passing day to technology and consumerism, I see the feminine gaining over the masculine. Traditions and religion in the past kept in check and controlled women but today that is not the case at all anymore so us males are in a very precarious position. The traditional role for many a male back in the day was to do hardworking work of farming or hunting and also fight wars for the tribe, nation and empire while at the same time defend his lot against other males.These violent and physical intensive pre-occupations are no longer useful today since for the most of humanity food and security is already not a problem. So with this being said I once read somewhere that based on fossil findings scientists estimate that in pre-civilization times around 15%-20% of males died violent deaths. That would be the equivalent of a murder rate of 15,000 per 100k which would be catastrophic in today’s world. In comparison countries like Jamaica which have about 50 per 100k are considered failed states and I would not visit unless I absolutely had to. Some thinkers have said recently that men have become obsolete in the 21st world and it seems that plenty of men have indeed become obsolete. A women once she has a baby and the ability to support that baby and not worry about the safety of the “family” she has created then what exactly is the role of man? Needless to say, we can’t go back to our brutal past so with all these being said I see these these scenarios:
          1- (Worst and most probable case) Rise of a world matriarchy where most males except the extremely few at the top of the economic structure are basically second class humans slaving away in stagnating economies to serve women and their needs. It already is like this in many western countries such as UK and United States but with the matriarchy spreading fast to Asia and South America as well. For example in some cities in UK such as Liverpool 3/4 of households are single person with a lot being single mothers with children. There is already a push there to eliminate males completely out from the human equation and yes they are working hard to achieve these aims. If it gets to this point it will be extremely hard to go back since any male not playing by the rules that they have set will be immediately ostracized, punished and shamed by society. The UK is again a prime example of this where there is massive discrimination against males and crime is punished with extremely long prison sentences. Islamic traditions currently protect the Middle east far more than any other region from this spreading but who is to say this will be the case indefinitely?
          2 – A Western male economical “revolution” taking back society and equalizing it a bit more. If this happens I see in the very near future many men simply checking out as they are doing now and not supporting the system as they once did. After the system completely crashes then we could see changes that elevate men but a more violent society will likely be a by-product of this. Think of the situation that Central America is in being applied to not only North America but Europe as well. Refugees/immigrants from the Islamic world could help a bit to restore the male into society but then it wouldn’t really be a Western society. I see this scenario being less likely than the first but it could happen.

    3. The feminine niceness belongs at home. With a baby cradled and the mother ‘nicely’ offering up her areoli to the hungry little smacker. Now THAT’S nice and proper for a woman. She ‘nicely’ rotates that little set of plunger lips ’round the entire nipple and its outskirts. Hungry baby CLEEEANS IT UP. Good mamas tit feed. I can’t stand a bitchy bitch that’s too neurotic or bitchy to tit feed. Some dumb bitches would rather fight and bite than shut up, sit down and tit feed. Fuck dumb bitches that don’t (or can’t) tit feed. They’re fucking defective most likely. I feel sadness and sorrow for the poor hungry babies who don’t get to tit feed due to a dumb cunt who needs hogtied and UN liberated. I FEEL for those poor babies man. The hogtying must commence. The babies are FUCKING HONGRYY!!

      1. I wanted so badly to breastfeed my last child for at least a year, longer if she wasn’t ready to wean after her first birthday. I was so upset and disappointed that I was unable to do so due to a latch-on issue my daughter had that turned my nipples literally into raw and bleeding hamburger meat within 24 hours of giving birth. I screamed every time she latched on. The pain of breastfeeding her was far worse than giving birth had been, and she was a big baby at 9 lbs 2 oz. I had a home birth with no drugs or local anesthesia for the stitches I required afterwards. I went to consult with my local La Leche League, as well as a professional lactation consultant. No one was able to solve the issue, so with a heavy heart I had to switch her to bottle feeding. I did, however, continue to pump so she could have the benefit of breast milk for a time. I also never propped her bottle. I held her close against me in the same position as for breastfeeding so we could at least have that bond. I really wish I’d had a successful breastfeeding experience 🙁

    4. I love how it’s entirely obvious that White American men have destroyed the American economy within the past 50 years and have done so at the cost of other people’s lives/well-being/the planet’s health, and women have hardly been allowed to dabble in that exact same amount of power, yet you continue to leave your misogynistic blinders on and all ready condemn them for failure, even though YOU people have done an excellent job at destroying the American economy. You’ve all ready PROVEN that your greed is hard-wired into your DNA and is detrimental to the American economy.
      Most of our taxes go towards funding the military, NOT towards helping those in need. A person who makes $40,000 pays about $25 of that in taxes towards welfare programs (you can google this information if need be). White American men aren’t intelligent, they’re greedy and mean, and childish (as is proven by the premise of this website, blaming the disintegration of America off of the fact that women sleep around?). Military is the only leg they stand upon. White American men lost their humanity decades ago. They only care about material possessions, making money they don’t need, and sleeping with as many females as possible while simultaneously treating them like utter shit, telling themselves that they’re leading “good, fulfilling lives.” No, the White American male has all ready proven himself to be childish. Females still have their humanity, and it has nothing to do with sex. Let them be in power. You’ve all ready lost your credibility, and the American economy is proof of your selfishness.
      But by all means, continue to blame females, who have hardly been allowed to hold as much power as we’ve given to you. American females don’t like the caucasian American male anymore because you’ve lost everyone’s trust.

      1. Love the straw man argument followed up by fallacious statements regarding federal spending. Just a few facts:
        In 1965, defense spending was 7.2 percent of GDP and mandatory spending on entitlement programs and net interest was 5.7 percent of GDP, one-third lower.
        In 2014, spending on defense is 3.5 percent of GDP, or less than half of what it was in 1965, and falling, while mandatory spending (including net interest) is reaching 14.3 percent of GDP and growing.
        Total annual spending will increase by $2.3 trillion in nominal terms, growing from $3.5 trillion in 2014 to $5.8 trillion in 2024.
        Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid make up 77 percent, or more than three-fourths, of mandatory program spending in 2014 and have no budget limits.
        Discretionary spending, the part of the budget that Congress budgets each year, will increase by 29 percent over 10 years, but only if lawmakers enforce sequestration.
        Discretionary spending as a share of the budget will fall from two-thirds in 1964 to less than one-quarter in 2024, as entitlements grow uncontrolled.
        Mandatory spending will grow from one-quarter of the budget in 1965 to 63 percent by 2024. When net interest is added, this spending would consume three-fourths of the budget.
        The US spends like drunken sailors regarding mandatory spending i.e. entitlement programs. They’ve raided the coffers and have played Santa to dole out gifts for votes for decades. This is not sustainable yet the people on the dole continue to have their hands out whining for more. There are literally programs on top of programs supporting people continually making horrendous decisions on top of horrendous decisions with no end in sight. At the core of this is the destruction of the family unit as more and more irresponsible men and women have kids out of wedlock. The man is free to take off and the women have their hands out looking for the white knight government to take care of them. As a result the kids growing up in this situation now see this as the norm and repeat the vicious cycle.
        The US is 20 trillion in debt with well over 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities and defense spending is a mere 3.5% of GDP yet you want to blame only men and defense spending as the culprit? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not the facts. Get your head out of your ass, learn to analyze information using logic and think for yourself instead of spouting feminist propagandist bullshit. The producers in this country are tired of supporting fools like you and your ilk.

        1. Intelligent, rational, and clearly necessary as a rebuttal to a sore buffoon, who is thinking, not with the brain, but with other organs.

        2. A liberal using a liberal trash site to back up more liberal drivel. Why don’t you just examine the actual numbers and then come to conclusions. In other words, think for yourself.

        3. Would “thinking for myself” be mindlessly following every word that Bill O’Reilly says? Or sucking Fox News’ dick like you probably do? ^_^

        4. Hahaha now you’ve been exposed. Foul mouthed personal attacks means you’ve already lost the argument. Please keep talking.

        5. Going back through this, everything you said is total crap. I have no clue where you are getting your information (although, I would like you to provide me with a source, thanks), but if you think that the U.S. is trillions of dollars in debt because of medicare, social security, welfare, etc., and that they make up 77 percent of our budget, you deserve to be kicked in the fucking teeth. Corporate welfare, foreign aid, and over-militarization – those are the culprits. This is a vast over-simplification, I’m aware, but social programs are nothing compared to what I just mentioned.

        6. Here you go. 15 Federal food programs. Snap alone cost $74 billion in 2014. What do you think the other 14 add up to not to mention each states own programs?
          Again, don’t take other people’s words (including mine) or supposed facts. Do your own research and use your brain.
          Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
          National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
          School Breakfast Program (SBP)
          Special Milk Program (SMP)
          Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
          Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
          Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program / Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)/(SFMNP)
          Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
          Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
          Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
          Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
          Food Assistance for Disaster Relief (FADR)
          Nutrition Assistance Block Grants, including Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico
          Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)

        7. I feel like I all ready used personal attacks against you, and I don’t care. You’re a participant of a website that’s hateful against women – I have absolutely no respect for you, so I won’t pretend that I’m above ad hominem (at least not in your case).

        8. All right, now, go ahead and google (seeing as you’re obviously pretty good at that) “how much we spend in foreign aid, military, and corporate welfare.” Compare and contrast, cite sources and fact check. Thankssssssss.

        9. Also; I’ll just go ahead and point out things like “get your head out of your ass” and “use your brain” are personal attacks as well, so I feel like it’s kind of silly to say that I lose my credibility for utilizing a personal attack, when you, yourself, did so in the first place. 😉

        10. Stick to the point. Do the math and you will find out your original post isn’t even close to accurate.

        11. And for some reason your a participant as well. Funny that your here railing a site but gleefully participating. Hypocrite much?

        12. Again you can’t read. I said they make up 77% of mandatory spending try to keep up! You also stated in your original post a typical person making $40,000 per year pays $25 per year in welfare programs. Yet I just showed merely one of the 15 federal food programs alone costs $36 per year per taxpayer. Somehow your math doesn’t add up but that’s hardly surprising.
          Liberals aren’t very intelligent but keep on raging it’s fun watching you foam at the mouth:)

        13. If you think the statement use your brain is an attack then you’ve never been personally attacked. Grow some skin.

        14. You’re wounding her inner child.
          Has she called you a (racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe/member-of-the-patridarchy/oppressor) yet?
          Because she provided no source for “Corporate welfare, foreign aid and over-militarization…” being the “culprits”, we can conclude that she really isn’t accustomed to thinking for herself and likely to resort to more jingoism rather than a legitimate defense.
          Perhaps this handy chart will help our poor child to unlearn her programming… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4eabe53a5567fd6bdd9ad0c87dd5834b6a3388af1503953662eaeb4e3a850f60.png

        15. My poor reactionary Dear,
          Who do you think really pays “corporate” taxes?

        16. Perhaps this makes it easier. Major entitlements account for 49% with another 20% going to “minor” entitlements for a total of 69% of the federal budget. The 77% I mentioned earlier is referenced as a percentage of mandatory spending. Source is the CBO and due to future “mandatory” spending these percentages will go through the roof over the next 10 years.
          This is completely unsustainable (that means it won’t last.)
          Now, I believe you were vomiting out something about how defense spending, corporate welfare and foreign aid were busting our budget?

        17. I find it quite amusing Niomi that you are righteously demanding GFW provide sources for his (rather accurate) economical analysis but offer absolutely none of your own to prove your assertions.
          At least GFW (seemingly) has facts and figures. All you provided here was a (patently false) opinion. Based on your ‘feelz’.

        18. See, right there Niomi, is why you girls are never taken seriously. You resort to this (incredibly predictable) diversionary schoolgirl crap instead of solely backing yourself with reputable sources containing pure DATA. Men appreciate and respect raw data. And its hard to refute!
          All you did was regurgitate a heap of subjective commentary and paraded it as data and fact.
          Your arguments only seem weak and pathetic when you react in this way.

        19. No, those are rebukes, Niomi. And are actually employed to help you learn and grow. Men do not coddle one another to teach lessons. Lessons are taught the hard way as they are often the most effective.
          You truly did have your head up your ass! You presented commentary as data. That is not ‘using your brain’. It is using someone else’s.

        20. The onus, Niomi, to prove your assertions rests with you alone.
          You are the one here making unsubstantiated claims regarding military funding and budgets relative to welfare. The onus is on you to provide data to reflect your position.
          Prove to the men here that you have a valid point! Prove to the men here that you rely solely on your own faculties for discerning data and not just parroting another popular feminist/political opinion (read; lie). Back it up with reputable data (only).
          Telling us all to ‘Google it’ simply does not cut it.
          Men are quite reasonable creatures. Give us a well reasoned argument backed with facts and data and we have to come to the same conclusions.
          This is how you girls scored the right to vote. You argued with Logic and Reason. It certainly wasnt borne from derogatory proclamations of men sucking other men’s dicks.
          But you modern girls rarely ever engage in solid debate. You just post a heap of subjective nonsense as fact and continually fire off with random insults and claims of misogyny if we ever dare question your claims.

        21. Apparently you don’t realize who the reactionaries are:
          (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
          synonyms:right-wing, conservative, rightist, ultraconservative; More
          a reactionary person.
          synonyms:right-winger, conservative, rightist; More

        22. Of course Preacher G would select Marx’s definitions.
          How much time do you actually spend stalking us?

        23. I’m curious – how many words have conservatives redefined as “does not agree with that I think”?

        24. Seriously, how much time do you spend lurking around after me and my friends?
          It seems that your crowd does a lot of bitching about that sort of thing.
          Here is a partial list for you of words, someone took the time to redefine.
          Mentally Ill
          High Capacity
          Machine Gun
          Automatic Weapon
          Workplace Violence
          Assault Weapon
          Shoulder Stock
          Academic Freedom
          Freedom of Speech
          Armor Piercing
          Hey! This is kind of fun. I could go on all day.
          But seriously, how much of your lives do you losers really dedicate to following us around?

        25. I have no idea why you think you and your friends are significant enough to follow around, but I will admit it’s fun to poke fun at you when I trip over something you say on an article of interest to both of us.

        26. We had visited a barnyard and after we had walked through the living room we noticed Gary all over the rug.

        27. You might want to rework your application. I don’t think that kind of lame qualifies for disability payments.

        28. Just as you have no idea who today’s reactionaries are. Try going to Yale or Mizzou. Both places are chock full of reactionary regressives just like you.

        29. G’day John,
          In GFW’s defense i believe he was referring to the foul mouthed attacks that Niomi was indulging.

      2. White men are indeed responsible for destroying American society over the past 100 years, but it is not because they are “greedy and mean”. Greed and meanness are certainly undesirable traits.
        However, it is misplaced compassion and weakness that has allowed men to think that letting women work, socialize, dress, and act like them, inviting them into male-only spaces, letting them make decisions like voting that were previously male-only dominions, and providing government programs targeted towards helping women eat, find housing, pay for education, and improve their careers, all of these sentiments which played on the weaknesses of the American man who believed that by elevating and equalizing women to men that he would actually be helping them, but in reality he was destroying not only the feminine female, but also the societal bounds which allowed the west to be so successful and prosperous.

        1. You have a very conservative view, I think, and I like that. I would add that it was the liberal progressives that pushed all the ” progress.”

        2. And I used to be one of those very progressives until I saw to what extreme ends they were heading. Bruce Jenner was a huge eye opener, that mental illness could be celebrated and worshipped on a large scale. I do not believe in the left/right paradigm (in fact, that is largely what lead us where we are today.. ok men should not own other men as slaves somehow turns into free Section 8 housing for a lifetime), but feminism, political correctness, and progressivism has clearly gotten out of control.

        3. We are agreed in principle. If there is a long term agenda on the left, I just do not like their goals, either. I refer you to Black Lives Matter, and the activities on Univ of Missouri.

        4. Lol the white man’s burden. If white men as race were as compassionate as you claim, the native Americans wouldn’t have their culture and land stolen from them. The civil war would never have occurred. The civil rights movement would not have had any cause. Rosa parks would not have become the leading example of race relations during her time.
          There’s a lot things wrong with gender relations nowadays. But this idea that all men championed the cauSe for freedom liberty and justice for all is a fallacy.

        5. There’s nothing inherently “white” about behaving a certain way throughout history. The white men of the 1900s were very different from the white men of the 1700s. For better or worse, the “rich old white men” founding fathers would be disgusted and appalled at how white men today behave. And it would have nothing to do with the color of their skin.

        6. The movment of peoples into lands and taking them over, usually by war or other agressive means, is part of history
          Injustice is everywhere.
          Get over it.

        7. Native Americans didn’t have anything stolen. Their culture hasn’t been lost or stolen, as is freely accessable to them now, it is called Stone Age hunter gathering, and it isn’t really culture as we know it, it is really just superstition and a emotional life that trumps reason and critical thinking. As for the stealing their land, Stone Age societies are always in flux verse other Stone Age tribes; it is constant warfare for scarce resources. The early colonists traded fur for metal tools, and those tribes that benefitted from having metal tools, proceeded to wipe out other Native tribes with those tools, just as in New Zealand, certain tribes got access to muskets and mass murdered other tribes. That is the nature of the Stone Age. You wouldn’t bemoan someone taming wild dogs and putting them to productive use, whilst the dog ends up feeling less stressed due to a superior influence controlling them. The same is true with Stone Age societies. They simply are not nice people or peaceful in anyway. They end up benefitting by integrating into a superior social model (superior – not perfect). Look at the Yanumani tribe in the Amazon, they are pure untouched Stone Age people, and every male has raped and killed and every woman is basically raped on a daily basis. They are like a colony of baboons. Forget the Hollywood version of history, the Native Indians were brutally savage. Sometimes wild dogs need to be beaten to get them to behave, for their own best interest.

        8. we were clearly better than those savages. bottomline. The strong survive, the weak/less capable perish.

        9. They would say, savage Natives are alive!! Blacky Blacks are free!!! Get to killing and enslaving – its your birth right.

        10. If they weren’t as compassionate as claimed there would be no issue with the American Indian; they would all be dead or totally culturally absorbed.

      3. Needy people give me the shits. The more you indulge them the more whiney, needy, pitiful, pathetic, useless and parasitic they become to connive more out. The more prosperous a society the greater the tendency to be a pity parasite. It takes a significant effort to undermine this codependant and corrosive behaviour from the parasites as well as their enablers.
        I’m not talking about orphans or kids with cancer.

      4. A graduated tax on corporate income would serve as a muzzle on unmitigated greed – beyond a certain point, the more greedy you are, the more tax you pay for the damage you’re doing to hardworking people. e,g, If the largest employer in the USA paid a living wage instead of including instructions during new employee orientation on how to sign up for government benefits so you can survive on what they pay you when government benefits are added to it, everyone would be better off. More people would have more money to buy the stuff they’re selling. Cutting taxes on corporations doesn’t create jobs. The only thing that creates more jobs is more people having enough money to buy what that business is selling. Too many decisions are made on the basis of the last 3 months’ results. I have to wonder how smart people are who can’t realize that a few quarters with lower results will lead to many more quarters with much better results. This is the “wisdom” of people who won’t spend a dime to make a dollar.

      5. Every worthwhile achievement in the last 500 years was brought about by a white man. Electricity, steel, railroads, cars, planes, computers, telephones. You should be grateful you were allowed to partake in any of it.

        1. “But but but allll of those inventions wouldn’t have been made if the inventors didn’t have cotton clothing, cotton picked by negros – ERGO WESTERN CIVILISATION IS A NEGRO CREATION, HA!!!

      6. Would you prefer being governed by middle eastern or African men? Where your clitoris is chopped off as a child and your parents trade you to your 60 year old husband for goats? White men gave you more rights than any other woman on earth. What do you do with those rights? Bite the same hand that provided them. Ruin your health, beauty and purity on purpose. Denounce your God and defile yourself to prove you are a big girl. Great work. Now our divorce rate is the highest in the world and out population is declining.

      7. I love how you think it is entirely obvious that white men have destroyed America, when, in reality white men designed and built America, and it is entirely obvious that a massive jewish operation, starting with the sex, drugs rock and roll counter culture, has basically destroyed every aspect of our society from what is was under white male patriarchs. It is true people are unfairly blaming females, as white men have allowed jewish feminism to rise, when they shoud have been skinning those fucking kikes and turning them into lampshades, but I digress.
        The problem we have, sweetheart, is that women, of their own voilition, are watching jewish TV, and sucking up a load of utterly self-destructive beliefs and behaviours. From childhood to the grave, they have been socialised to become like jewish women – ugly, angry, vile whores, and fat. Parents are to blame, as is everyone really. We have to come together and recognise that both genders have been duped, men have been castrated and turned into nigger-worshipping sport-retards, and women brainwashed to reject everything our ancestors built, i.e the patriarchal family. On Renegade Broadcasting, they have shows showing how kikejewparasites fund women to act like sluts in public, to normalise it. We have to realise that everything is a rich mans trick against us, with the rich men being kikes. But you have to recognise that there ae a lot of women that are damaged goods as far as being ‘wife material’, and this is where a lot of mens resentment comes in on here; but the jewish plan is in the final stages and people need to wake the fuck up, and quickly, before this system white men and their wives, have created, is taken over by 3rd world mudskins, who can only destroy. The kikejewparasite wants to rule over a decayed ruined world, rather than be equals in a paradise.
        You also sound like you might be a niggerbitch/ she-boon – if you are, fuck off Michael Obama.

    5. All you have to do is see how destroyed our country has become due to women put in power. In 50 years, there will be very little whites left due to Feminism where the Muslims are breeding at 4 compare to westerners at 1.4 (thanks Feminism). You need 1.9 or more to sustain the human race. Feminism is fucking genocide!!!

  8. Why should it be men’s responsiblity to ensure that women are happy? We’ve done that from the first time humans lived in groups until the 1960’s and look where that got us: the dominant narrative is that masculinity is evil, toxic and oppressive, unless it’s more convienient to the situation to claim it’s weak and fragile. Whatever it is, it’s clear that masculinity is not apreciated.
    Let women destroy themselves; they deserve it. Let them crush under the weight of the welfare state and student debts from useless degrees that don’t produce or accomplish anything worthwhile. Meanwhile, men can enjoy the utter sexual debauchery women willingly submit themselves to .
    When civilisation collapses and masculinity is useful again (because femininity doesn’t build civilisations) , even the most hardcore brainwashed feminists will be lining up to suck our dicks.
    The truth is that we’re already fucked beyond any chance of salvation. Might aswell enjoy the decline and take advantage of it.

    1. If society collapses, feminists will be the first to perish. Real feminists I mean, the hard core ideologues. The rank and file will disavow the Matriarchy within 0.0001 seconds after the asteroid hits New York City.

        1. There it is, had to refresh a couple of times. Yeah, love those two routines.

  9. I wish you guys were fortunate enough to come from a culture where the women remain virgins until marriage, are feminine and submit to their husbands. I just recently got engaged to this 21 year old (I’m 36). Muslim countries might be backwards, but at least they keep their women in check.

    1. Congrats dude
      And don’t buy into the western narrative. Most Muslim countries aren’t as backwards as they sound, they just need better economic growth

      1. they just need better economic growth
        And crops.

        1. Well, the Mesopotamians would not have built their societies and lavish (for that period) temples if they didnt have the means to feed themselves.

        2. I was thinking the more desert bound folk.
          It was a joke, in any event. One that fell flat apparently, heh.

        3. They would do well to learn the crop part from Israel, rather than brainstorming innovative means of suicide and rocket attacks.

        4. “Survival of the fittest” is a both brutal and magnificent process. It’s almost impossible for any other group in the world to compete with ashkenazi IQ. Peoples in the northern hemisphere and both shores of the med come close. Many, like Europeans, seem to lack the endogamy or xenophobia to prevail as a distinct group and not only are they dissolving they are numerically declining.

        5. The middle east is the cradle of civilisation. Surving in that harsh environment required considerable intelligence. In the end, despite our magnificent civilisation, we in the west are dying.

        6. Arabs aren’t from the cradle. Jews, Phonecians, and Assyrians are the people from and who produced the cradle. Arabs originate from the southern Arabian peninsula an area with little recorded history. Arabs destroyed much of the Middle East when then conquered, many wrongly assume it was the Romans who turned the Levant and Egypt into deserts (even though theses areas were the bread baskets and agricultural hearts of the empire).

        7. I am aware of that. The achievments of so called Islamic civilisation are really the achievments of preislamic civilisation. The Greek and Roman culture, technology and learning of the southern Mediterranean. The pre Arab population of Egypt spoke what is now called Coptic and the Egyptians were advanced on their own. It was often Syric and Aramaic Christians scholars that did much of so called Islamic science even after conquest. Parts of the Koran were plagiarised from Syric poetry.
          Unfortunately we lump all of these things as Arab or Islamic. I make the point that there are plenty of smart people there. Islam surely retarded them. If you ever go to Saudi Arabia and drive out of the cities you’ll develop a new respect for camels and the true Arabs as you see them living in unbelievably harsh conditions, don’t underestimate them.

        8. I would say so. Pakistan isn’t the nicest place (I’ve never been there so maybe this is programming talking) but when norman borlaugh introduced biotech to the country they went from starving to growth.

        9. It is not impossible at all. In Germany under the late 19th centruy schools of German classicism, notably Wilhelm Humbolts School, they had an education system which had the highest IQ chidren in the world at the time. Jews excel simply through hard work, not any innate superiority. They also subvert, and are taught to subvert by the Talmud, other people/ the goyim, and reduce them as far as possible both materially and academically. For all the hype about jewish IQ, it is pretty pathetic at 115. I had over that as a 13 year old. So really the issue is why are others not attaining higher IQs when they are the same ethnic group as me (and others here). It all comes down to being disincentivised from applying oneself, primarily through the umbed down (subversive) popular culture, brought to us by jews and their Freemasonic dupes in the political sphere (who create the educational model, such as Lord Bertrand Russell, who wrote about the elites need for a dumbed down education system, and a model of gauging “how much it will cost the state to teach kids that black is white, or if more economic, that black is a shade of grey”). Oligarchy by its nature is predicated on suppressing the intellect of the oppressed – and jews are the oligarchy.

      2. I can tell that they ARE backward, with a lot of bottled up anger(over some crap) no therapy could ever solve.
        if we define them as one who implements the cursed sharia law.

        1. Good point. There’s a huge difference between sharia and non-sharia societies…..with the difference being that sharia countries are some of the most effeminized, omega-male dominated, repressive countries I’ve ever seen. Keep in mind that Sharia is usually implemented by their version of SJW’s(equivalent disruptive, do nothing elements of society) and the result is predictably equivalent.

      3. The Western narrative is overwhelmingly pro-Muslim. It’s the criticism that gets attacked quickly and usually ends up brushed under the carpet.

        1. ‎‎

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      4. Agreed, & RooshV hit the nail on the head with his comparison of Western harlots to women in the Middle East. Have been there, & society at least where I was at seemed very stable & relatively crime free (moderate country). People dressed well and all the same things went on, just behind closed doors. Public life was much less sleazy and you had to admit, at least they keep the lid on whoring around. You’d be surprised, the women even in their coverings could dress hotter than many women in the Western world, some had those babies tailored very tight, you could see thong lines underneath, their eyes were impeccable, & they were rockin’ stripper heels.

        1. There is nothing quite as disturbingly contrasting as going to an upmarket hotel in the UAE and finding the nightclub and bar full of mostly Eastern European hookers while the breakfast cafe is full of modestly dressed Muslim women. Both are extremes but the represent societies going in different directions.

        2. Where have you been? Men are violate to their wives, nobody cares. Sexual harrasment happens all the time. Women are viewed as whores, and because of that it leads men to despise women, leading to homosexuality which is more common than one should Think In these countries. Men has sex. Women has sex and then go and get the hymen recreated and lies about being virgin because no one will treat her with respect and no good man will marry her if she is not. The men are moody as they where forever on their period. But yes women has style and feminity.

      5. So trying to convert Muslims to Christianity isn’t a crime in Iran? And if a Muslim voluntarily without coercion decides to become Jewish, the Iranians, Taliban or Islamic State are totally cool with that?
        Come on. Muslim countries may not be as backwards as some say, but they have a lot farther to go in terms of “not imprisoning people for stupid crap” or “not beheading people for disagreeing.”
        The same free speech principles that ROK relies on are generally not accepted under Sharia law.

        1. Trying to be an atheist is a crime. In the Koran and under Sharia it is cause for a death sentence.
          A good sized population of atheists keeps religion honest.

      6. They need to stop blowing shit up. Back in the ’90s, a Middle East tour was on my to-do list. I did a bit of self study on the major religions of the world including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. By scholarly account at that time, Mohammed knew what he was doing and Islam was a righteous path. Fly a couple of jumbo jets into sky scrapers and the full narrative comes out.
        IMHO, most westernIZED Muslims just want to be left alone to do their own thing. Girls from that culture are very sweet, but don’t be surprised if their family goes all jihad on you if they figure you don’t fit in. Chinese culture is similar. Many of the girls want or are at least open to a western guy, but the vast majority of their parents hate the fucking idea.

        1. The Middle East is captured by the inflexible intellectual straight jacket that is the Koran and Islam. Despite its manifold absurdities and contradictions it sustains a firm aggressive culture that ensures that it remains fertile and more importantly it is an assimilator rather than an assimilee. From the point of view of evolutionary success demographics is destiny. Numbers, that’s all that matters.

        2. yes girls from Middle East can be sweet and if their families found out, they try to kill you and their own girl but you can always turn the tables and kill their families right after you fuck their women so that you can still have your head and body in one piece.

        3. I would in no way want to live in a middle eastern country, and in no way advocate violence. However, put yourself in their shoes. Look at gay marriage, trannies, sluttification, glorification of wealth, and all the ills of western democracy. Can you understand why middle eastern peoples would do anything and everything in their power to hold on to the society they have? Because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever (kinda like virginity)

        4. None Of you know What is going on In middle eastern countries? Lots of gays, prostitutes and people marrying for money. Or greencard/visa.

      7. They actually do treat their women as children. Funny how restricting the movements of women is bad but restricting the movements of children is perfectly acceptable.

        1. Maybe because women are not children and already has been children and then grown. But you dont admonishh, hit or lock children up do you?

      8. Yes they are, maybe not In the bigger cities but go to the smaller ones and the villahes, where the people of the country lives and you will see it.

        1. He’s only there for Isis………………….yep, that’s his wife’s name you racist turds, not the Islamic State/.

        2. I’m for the Hittites and Canaanites.
          Many of the Palestinian Christians and Muslims are the descendants of the original population present in pre Roman and Islamic times which was never fully Jewish or Hebrew. It was very very mixed. Believe it or not, the Samaritans, a sort of Jewish sect, are still around.

      1. I didn’t necessarily cross the bridge.
        I’m Palestinian, my family is Muslim, but I’m atheist. She’s muslim but not hardcore religious. We don’t discuss religion, so she just assumes I’m a believer. I keep my atheist beliefs to myself.

        1. Mohammad was a war-mongering child molester that just ripped off the Bible. The Quran and the Bible have the exact same stories. Only difference is in Islam Jesus is just a prophet, not devine like in Christianity.
          I’m not just disillusioned with Islam, it’s with all religion. Asking me why I’m disillusioned with islam is like me asking why are you disillusioned with leprechauns, unicorns and the tooth fairy

        2. Religion is no different than ideology, you break this rule by associating with titles such as “atheism”

        3. Are you Orthodox Christian because you read and researched all the other religions and it made the most sense to you, or because your parents are also Orthodox Christian and they indoctrinated it into you?

        4. I’m an Orthodox Christian because I thoroughly studied other mainstream religions. The fact that you compare Jesus Christ and other Prophets and Saints in the Bible with unicorns, tooth fairies and leprechauns is laughable. But you are entitled to your own opinions and observations I guess.

        5. They were Christian but I rejected Christianity in my teenage years only to realize that later on in my early 20’s that Orthodox Christianity is the absolute truth

        6. The religious often don’t understand giving up in believing in made up stuff. They compare it to choosing another religion or rebelling against God/Allah. It’s nothing like that. At a certain point your logic overcomes social conditioning and you say to yourself that this is a pile of horse scat. Intellectuals at the top of religious organisations I think stop believing. The Church of England seems to be run by atheist SJW.

        7. Putin made the point once that any morality not based on Principles long established by religion that have been refined over centuries didn’t work.

    2. All the best to you and your fiancé. I had to go half way around the world to find my “unicorn” (26 to my 48, 5’9″ and a BMI of 19), but holy shit she is a lot of work to manage while I try to completely lock her down.
      We have an amazing relationship whenever we spend time together but when we are apart her brain goes all to hell. She bitches about this that and the other thing, she creates doubts where none existed, and generally wanders off like an unattended child in the park.
      The remedy seems to be to get her into my home (I got posted to a different city and as circumstances are she can’t follow me here) and then strip as much decision-making capacity from her as possible.

        1. That guy just recently created a new username to troll us. He’s clearly a very jealous loser that doesn’t get women.

        2. I have a +4 troll slayer sword I found on my last adventure; I don’t mind playing with these guys until they get banned.

        3. I would be disappointed if that’s what a whore looked like. She looks good, clean and wholesome, like she’d make you dinner after looking after the kids all day. The opposite of what a good whore is.

        1. Especially for a Chinese girl, although they seem to be not all that uncommon in that region (Shandong province). I’m average for a North American guy: 5’10”. I’ve dated a couple of blondes who were the same height as me. I had a single date with a blonde who was 6’3″. (If you have watched the X-Men movies you can catch a glimpse of her in the “funeral scene” after the apparent death of Cyclops and Prof. X. She is the blonde student standing in the background, towering over the others) and that was a bit surreal.
          There is a saying that “everyone is the same height laying down”, which seems to pass any shit test about your height. The truth is a bit different. However, if I put her in heels and a cocktail dress and crashed a party, people would look at her, look at me and think “either he is rich or has a massive penis!”
          None of that really matters much because we are making the most of our mutual affection, but I am just saying from experience. . .

    3. Congratulations, it makes me happy to see other men do well. It gives me hope too.
      I’m an atheist too, but I always had some respect for Muslim culture.

    4. Is she a Morrocan woman? I’m planning to find one for marriage in Morroco one day. I like Eastern European women too. ~_^

        1. hope you live safely there because I heard that it’s insane with all the Israelis harassing the Palestinians over there.

      1. You know Morrocan girls who are Muslim Can only marry Muslim men. In Morocco you Will have to get on paper that you are muslim if you want to marry a girl In muslim country.

    5. Similarly, Muslim countries have reasonable expectations of males. No playing video games all day or sitting on your ass. Pashtun men aren’t allowed anywhere near women until they can demonstrate that they can support a wife and children.

      1. I doesnt find that true. In most islamic homes, the boys are treated like small princes with no oligations will the girls has a lot of restrictments and chores. Many Muslim men i see just sit and drink coffee all day, whine like they are on their period and then goes home to sleep and Eat at their mammas, not mamma meant wife hah..

    6. I don’t know man. That dude in the picture looks like he’s about to run off with your broad!

    7. One thing I have noticed when I get with a woman. Very quickly they begin to seek your guidance on things and even start asking you for permission to do things that really require no permission. Frankly, they enjoy the sensation of having a man in charge. It is when you don’t display your natural authority that they begin to disrespect you or leave you.

    8. Congratulations, man. Not only that but she’s slim too.
      Here it’s not unusual that a woman is already a fat ham-beast by that age, in addition to all the other damage they have.

    9. Well done, friend. You are not denying men and women’s true nature. Western greed and materialism helped to create our cultural morass.
      I know many normal, decent men, never married; not fathers despite wanting to be, who have been disrespected by hag and harpy women– dysfunctional spinsters with high libidos cherishing their inculcation to money to fund their debauchery. No man is perfect, but the rational, intellect of men built civilization. All wars are bankers’ wars, yet, it was a woman on this site who, thanks, to 3rd Wave feminist mind-control, blamed all white men for the crimes of a few billionaire overlords, who happen to be bankers.

    10. A girl light enough to lift? Not many girls in America pass the lift test.. guess I need to get back to the gym. You don’t plan on bringing her back to the west do you?

  10. Can you imagine what you all could have accomplished if you didn’t have to waste years and years learning and honing your game? Even marriage is no longer any reprieve from the constant competition of her sexual market place.
    So much male energy all wasted trying to copulate. Just trying, of course, because many of us aren’t even reproducing. Or if we are we are removed from our own children’s lives once the female gets bored or wants new cock.
    If we want a successful, hell not even that, if we want a functional society we can’t artificially elevate, enrich, and empower women through government violence and white knighting. We’re headed straight off a cliff with women sitting in the driver’s seat refusing to take the wheel.
    We have to take the wheel and put women back where they belong. As passengers looking after the children in the backseat. Though it’s probably far far too late.

    1. Your statement doesn’t make sense. If the sexual market place has been blown wide open, that means more sex is happening. Thus it would seem less energy is required to copulate. Besides, the amount of time you spend learning and honing your game is the same amount of time you would likely have had to court a woman in the days of yore in order to get marriage. Besides, as responsible men we should be having children and teaching our sons the skills they need to find a good woman.

      1. Sorry your reply is ignorant to a level I no longer bother to deal with. If you’re this confused head to the forums or TRP sub and read. I’ve already written enough about this stuff enough and so have many other men.

        1. Like we’d get if the government took resources from men through state violence and gave them to women en masse? In hundreds of different ways?
          While white knight betas falsely believe that this will open up those women to just go around having sex with everyone constantly?
          Look dude there is so much wrong with your post that I don’t even know where to begin. How about you go explore the rest of the manosphere and finish taking your red pills?

        2. Actually I’m curious what you mean as well? Making statements, right or wrong (I’m not judging), and then not addressing them when questions come up really isn’t helping make your point I’m afraid.

        3. Dude, my manosphere cred ain’t up for debate. Come on, I’ve even published articles here.
          You are not answering my sincere question – does not a free sexual market place mean that more sex is available? Or do you prefer the old times where you spent your time courting a woman and only got sex once you were married? I just want to know what your vision of the future is and how it is going to be enforced.

      2. It’s blown wide open in the sense that it’s open to 100% of the women, and open to 20-10% of the men. Rest remain 80-90% can fight over scraps, meaning fatties, post wall victims etc. I don’t know if you truly believe that hot, in prime women is within every mans reach. But if you do, you didn’t swallow the red pill yet.

        1. That 80/20 really isn’t in effect yet. It’s the state we’ll get to eventually. Lots, as in many millions, of people married and with families with kids that look like dad. That’s not an 80/20 society.

        2. A lot of people from my work are married and have children..but it’s all to fatties or post wall victims, despite they look pretty decent themselves. Rarely do you see someone with a decent girlfriend in her prime.

        3. That’s still not really an 80/20 society though. Basically 80/20 as I understand it is that 20% of the men will be pursued by 80% of the women (or something real close) and the remaining 80% of men are shit out of luck and become incel sperges.

        4. So what you are really saying is that the top 10-20% of women are only available to the top 10-20% of men? Why is that bad? I know that hot, prime women are not within every man’s reach – and I’m totally okay with it. Life isn’t fair. Also, some dudes are fine eating McDonalds. Some dudes are going to work for prime rib. Again, that’s life. Red pillers often come of sounding like liberal socialist entitled brats. Replace hot women with free abortion and the arguments sound a lot like feminists.

        5. It’s not that bad yet I agree
          But it is heading in that vague direction.
          I’d say the top 60% of women chase the top 25-30% of men, with an accompanying sense of entitlement.
          I know loads of very eligible blokes with severely average wives

        6. I’d say that the “bottom” 80% do not have many options, which is not the same for women.

        7. I rarely get invited to dinner by a beta/fattie family. It’s like they’re a closed shop where the bitch probably domineers the place like it’s HER roost or something, like she keeps control of what friends he’s allowed to have. A few times I’ve tried to talk some patriarchal marching music with folks I just met and they seem ok, but then really cold later, like the bitch got her hubby alone and threatened him not to ever talk to me again it seems. I didn’t realise I carried such a big stick with what I say. Alpha’s are often addicted to my company and freely introduce me to their female friends. If they’re married, they know I’d never disrespect their property.

    2. “Even marriage is no longer any reprieve from the constant competition of her sexual market place.”
      That’s the most depressing aspect of all. Her vow means nothing. From all angles she is constantly encouraged to second guess her marriage; legally, culturally, socially, financially, her friends, etc. All those aspects of life are pushing her to ‘you go girl’ and constantly assess her marriage. The very second that she is sure she can do better, she is gone. It’s ridiculous. Nearly all of my friends have been left in marriage. All good guys making money, far more fit than their wives. Matters not.
      If anything, things just get harder for you in marriage because you must ‘game’ her around the house while continuing to make more and more money outside the house. This is if, IF, she stays lean and attractive. If her obesity outpaces your career arc then it’s okay. But woe is the man whose attractive wife’s less attractive BFF landed a guy who just sold an app for 5 million or something. Decades of hell for no payoff 96% of the time. The crusty old pervs in the Phills have better lives.

    3. “Game” is bread and butter for Roosh but I personally consider it a waste of time. And I do mean time. Roosh’s “Bang” is a relatively compact volume but there are dozens or other books with suggestions and techniques.
      The biggest thing – universally advocated as far as I can see – is to get out there and cold approach and then work them. I think Roosh mentioned something about 1-2 hours a day, every day. Are you bloody serious? To fuck bitches? To fuck sluts?
      The merit I see in what Roosh has said is that “IF” you find your unicorn, you will know how to hunt and capture them.

  11. The secret is you will always control her behavior and decisions.
    If you’re weak, she will come to despise you, you have created this feeling in her. She will make (bad) decisions based on this, that will usually upset you, causing you to feel more weak and helpless, which makes the cycle even worse.
    If you are wishy washy and sometimes weak and sometimes strong, she will resent the weakness and resist the strength because you haven’t shown her that you’re consistently strong. She will make (confusing) decisions, to both her and you, based on this, that will usually upset you, sometimes surprise you in a good way, but always leaving you feeling flustered. This perpetuates a cycle where eventually you have to take the strength route fully, or you collapse in weakness and your cycle becomes one of alimony payments and child support.
    If you’re strong she respects and loves you. She will make (good) decisions based on this, that will reinforce your frame, causing you to feel more strong and confident, which makes the cycle self reinforcing in a positive way.
    They want to follow. They *will* follow, regardless of what you do. *You* control the output by what you input into your relationship with your frame.
    Thus endeth the lesson. In the name of our most holy bartender, forever and ever, Cheers.

    1. Indeed.
      Despite 50 years of feminism, the vast, vast majority of women still crave to submit to a man. They may hate that they crave it it, but crave it they do. But here’s the thing; they only want to submit to a man that they consider worthy of their submission.
      Women spend their whole lives trying to figure out who it is that they are supposed to submit to. In the old days they were told to submit to their fathers and their husbands. But now feminism teaches them that these are ‘evil patriarchal oppressors’ and that they are the last people they should submit to – women should be ‘strong and independent’.
      So, women no longer submit to fathers and husbands. But they do not do the ‘strong and independent thing either. Instead, they simply cast about looking for someone or something else to submit to. And in a world of emasculated men, they most commonly submit to the charms of the bad boy, the whims of big daddy government and the diktats of the corporate boyfriend.
      Women are going to submit whether they want to or not. A sane society has them submit to men that love them. An insane society lets women choose for themselves.

  12. Most problems in society could be solved even simpler than this — just end the modern practice of “dating.” Bring back courtship — women kept under tight control until they are around 18 or 19 and then allowed to court various men approved of by their family and supervised by their family.

  13. Hang on, hang on, hang on
    Are you seriously telling me that fucking your way through a football squad, doing a Degree in Victim Studies, then spending 10 years getting wasted and riding the carousel, before ending up childless and in a shitty job and buying a 10 feet by 12 feet apartment in an “up and coming part of town” are BAD things??
    Hmm, wait a minute…

  14. So true. I think 80% of the bad outcomes that ‘just happen’ to women could be completely avoided if they just ran their plans past a man first AND took his advice. In my blue pill days I used to think that my wife was privy to some hidden, subtle information that I wasn’t aware of when she made some of her stupid decisions.
    Nope. They were just stupid decisions. I know better now.
    I do however find it ironic that as women are granted ever more freedoms, their ability to use them decline, as their inability to police themselves becomes ever more obvious.
    Freedom to choose to work – has become an obligation to work.
    Freedom to divorce – has resulted in a lower likelihood of ever marrying.
    Monopoly of reproductive rights – less likelihood of ever becoming a mother.
    Freedom to choose their path in life – 25% of US women in their 40s and 50s on psychiatric meds.
    Freedom to support themselves – 28 million US women on food stamps.
    Freedom to have consequence free drunken sex – less men willing to sex women up.
    Feminism is increasingly restricting women’s choices.
    Like a traditional patriarchal chaperone, but without a cock, common sense or accountability.

  15. I do not believe that the issue lies in overarching freedom. Women being able to own property, work, and even vote aren’t the reason society is in decline. The reason society has declined is due to moral and cultural degradation, not legal equality. The breakdown of the family unit isn’t solely women’s fault. Selfishness and the attitude of entitlement that is now the norm has driven society off the edge, not merely the existence of more personal freedom. In the 1950’s women were able to work and vote and society didn’t collapse. That is because a strong and determined Western culture based off of the Protestant Work Ethic and the idea of self reliance existed. As easy as it is to blame socialism, or women or any one group for where we have arrived as a society, the truth is the fault lies with everyone who let it happen. Everyone was told they would get a free lunch and…. well…. we all should know the truth about free lunch by this point.

    1. In the 1950’s women were able to work and vote and society didn’t collapse.

      Not right away. These damaging experiments take awhile to run their course because the older generations reared according to traditional patterns imposed limits on what the younger ones could do. After three generations and the natural attrition of old people with sensible patriarchal views, we have hardly anyone left to set an example or put the brakes on women’s bad judgment and debauchery.

      1. What you are describing is eroding values though, not exclusive to women or men but society as a whole. I don’t think there can be a morally consistent argument against increasing individual freedom, regardless of gender. The root problem that is described in the article is moral relativism . The morally bankrupt actions of women and men of this generation are merely symptoms of society’s rejection of fundamental moral virtues. Attack the root cause, not the symptom. An almost identical article could be written about morally bankrupt and idiotic beta men. The problem lies in people, particularly the people with a Marxist bent who are bound and determined to live a life believing there is no right or wrong, bowing to base instincts.

    2. Women then were part of a male run society and enjoyed life that was safe and secure. todays society caters to women and this is the kind of article written about it.

      1. Women aren’t the sole cause of the moral degradation described in the article. Women didn’t change society, men did. It is, essentially, everyone’s fault. Sexual promiscuity of women is merely one symptom of the root cause.

        1. Women vote and have voted sense the 1920’s they are just as responsible. Don’t be such a kind guy it is what got us where we are. The sexual promiscuity is the root cause when you add in the changes in divorce law and all other changes to facilitate hypergamy played out through sexual promiscuity.

        2. It takes two to tango. Women didn’t change society by themselves, everyone was compliant with the moral decline. The sexual promiscuity followed the greater societal shift to moral relativism, not the other way around.

    3. Female sexual promiscuity is the cause of the current collapse in male/female relations. The lack of morality and cultural degradation comes from the collapse of male/female relations. The very minute that women were free to pass up good men for exciting, tingly men, the society took 5 steps backwards. Now men are punished for being functional, moral, healthy humans with cuckoldry and celibacy. Many men are turning into amoral, narcissistic, selfish assholes to get a sniff at some action. If women were chaste, these same men might put that energy into helping others and furthering humanity.
      Female sexual promiscuity regresses humanity hundreds of years and transforms society into a hunter gatherer, dog eat dog culture. Welcome to the jungle.

      1. That is quite simply not true. For all of recorded history women have preferred more powerful and successful men to nice but weak and unsuccessful men. This behavior didn’t just show up out of the woodwork post 1970. The difference now is women don’t settle for the less successful man because there is no longer a) any requirement from Western culture to settle down and b) successful men play the field and they think they have a shot. I’m sorry but there is nothing manly about blaming all of society’s woes on the fact that women have the freedom to work and vote while ignoring that the moral degradation of society as a whole predates feminism and the suffrage movement. Complaining that women are promiscuous and blaming that one piece of immorality (instead of Marxism, consumerism etc.) for all the West’s ills is shortsighted and scapegoating. Someone who plays the field to bang a different hot piece of ass every weekend shouldn’t turn around and ask ‘where have all the virgins gone?’ All the virgins got fucked by the guys who have their shit together and were out using game. Either men, and society as a whole, start demanding more of women or we continue to condone promiscuous behavior. Either is fine, I’m all about letting people be free to make their choices and live with those choices, but it is absurd to expect it to be both ways. It isn’t until society decides to agree to moral absolutism that we will see any kind of significant change throughout Western society.

        1. “The difference now is women don’t settle for the less successful man”
          You claim my comment is untrue then you almost repeat everything I said. Women not settling for less successful men is exactly the entire issue. We call it hypergamy and hypergamy unleashed is terrible for society. Roosh’s whole article above is about this so I’m not sure what you actually disagree with. I never said anything about women working and voting, you brought that up on your own.
          Mating habits are a very integral part of any society of living beings. Saying that the current shift in mating habits (alpha fucks, beta bux) has caused massive damage to millions of lives is not a stretch or unmanly. Its simply an observation, and an accurate one. It seems that we disagree on how much of an impact hypergamy has on our daily lives. Divorce, single motherhood, welfare, higher taxes, abortion, sexual diseases, immigration, suicide rates, poverty, etc. are all related to women relinquishing their roles as faithful, wholesome, nurturing human beings.

        2. ‘The difference now is women don’t settle for the less successful man
          because there is no longer a) any requirement from Western culture to
          settle down and b) successful men play the field and they think they
          have a shot.’ Next time maybe don’t take a quote completely out of context? I gave reasons for why women don’t settle now, whereas you stated it like it was some new phenomenon. You also can’t put the blame for today’s promiscuity on this absurd idea that women are ‘wasting personal freedom’ as the article states, whatever that means. Both women AND men are no great catches these days, and it is absurd to claim, as the article does (since that was what I thought we were discussing) that this ‘unlimited personal freedom’ that women have been given is the source of all society’s ills is ridiculous. I’m really disappointed in Roosh to be honest, he talks a lot in this article about ‘systems’ that should be ‘put in place’ to control people. Who will be implementing these systems? What will happen to people who don’t want ‘control’ in their lives? He is sounding quite a bit like the SJW’s he claims to oppose. Ultimately no ‘system’ is going to stop people from doing what they want to do. Certainly no system, of either the political or religious variety, has been able to stop people from doing what they want. Change has to be organic, and it has to be men AND women who decide to start living a more moral life.
          ‘Divorce, single motherhood, welfare, higher taxes, abortion, sexual
          diseases, immigration, suicide rates, poverty, etc. are all related to
          women relinquishing their roles as faithful, wholesome, nurturing human
          beings.’ This statement isn’t true at all. Marriage has always been a civil legality, and divorce is even covered in the Old Testament. Single motherhood has also been around for all of human history, and in the Middle Ages people got used to the idea of all kinds of bastards running around. Welfare, higher taxes and abortion are mainly products of Marxism, Karl Marx being a man and the people who implemented it being working men. Women weren’t the main driving force behind the Red Revolution. Abortion came along as an accepted thing after socialism. STD’s, again, around since ancient times, certainly centuries before feminism. Immigration isn’t related directly to the moral decline of women, not sure where you are pulling that from. Suicide was common is cultures like Japanese culture, that did/does have very ingrained gender roles. Poverty? Really? The gap between wealthy and poor in the West is nothing compared to what is was in Europe in the 19th century and earlier. None of those thing can be directly attributed to women abandoning gender roles, I think you are giving feminism WAY too much credit here.

    4. I believe the root cause of anything (at least in the US) is the almighty dollar. Corporations played a number on women and they catered to women for their money. If you follow any root cause in this country it usually comes down to money.
      On the other side, we’ve had politicians catering to women for their vote.
      So it’s true that women, alone, did not get us to this spot. They’ve been brainwashed (through feminism) to think that they can be men, catered to by corporations (for money) and placated by politicians (for votes).
      Women have all the legal rights (same as men). Feminism needs to end at that point because we are all “not equal” – it’s physically impossible.

  16. “While my proposals are undoubtedly extreme on the surface and hard to imagine implementing,”
    They’ve already been implemented in Saudi Arabia. What you propose is very despicable and hateful.
    The Thing is, Liberty and Freewill.
    No man can be in a position to determine unduly the destiny of another man. Its the principle this nation was built on.
    Scrapping Monarchies and preventing the possibility of Tyranny has got to be the most brilliant decision made by any nation in history.
    RESPECT MUST BE EARNED, whether from a child or a woman. Claiming it because you have a dick is tyranny. Forcing others(women, kids, other men with less force) against their freewill is despicable, worthy of only the lowest of men.
    I’m a free man. Anyone born in my house shall be free, but ARMED with the Truth of Liberty, Justice and Personal Responsibility.
    God Bless America.

    1. Really hate to ruin your star spangled rant, but how exactly do you propose teaching liberty, justice, and personal responsibility to the female who, by her nature, is incapable of acting on anything other than her own impulsive emotions?
      Moreover, what gives you the right to judge your “freedom” to be more than any Saudi’s freedom. Have you lived in Saudi Arabia or stayed there for any length of time in a civilian capacity or is your opinions based soley on what the media spoon feeds you? To an outsider looking in, Saudi laws and customs must seem strange. But a man born into that life with no knowledge of other countries and their customs waves his nations flag with equal zeal. And rest assured that while you thumb your nose at him with disdain for not having your interpretation of freedom, he thumbs his nose at you for what he believes is your decadence, materialism, and many vices.
      Also, you use the word “freedom”. I do not think it means what you think it means. If you compare what it REALLY means to what our government is currently doing to us and you still insist we are free, then my name is Mr. Konta Tama, a wealthy Nigerian industrial tycoon, and I have a financial proposition for you.

      1. ‘by her nature, is incapable of acting on anything other than her own impulsive emotions?’ – really? this is rather extreme.

  17. Our allegedly “unenlightened” ancestors knew their business after all when they shamed sluts, shunned bastards and made their daughters marry as virgins.

  18. I love this article as I loved it the first time I read it on the other site.
    I will say, however, that it is important to understand that the statement “women must have their behavior and decisions controlled by men” is unequivocally true….”men” needs to be properly defined.
    I once explained to a friend of mine that the being in charge of a woman isn’t enjoyable or fun. It isn’t fun to have to make their decisions, take the responsibility, constantly “be on,” and in all ways truly be the man in a relationship or a home. Don’t get me wrong, it can be rewarding…but it isn’t enjoyable. And this is just the point. Being in charge, whether it is of your girlfriend, your wife and kids or of a nation is a burden that you must bear and bearing a burden you wish you didn’t have to in order to effect long term desired results is one of the hallmarks of true masculinity.
    There may be moments when you enjoy being with your woman, just like there are moments you may enjoy being at work, but you can never lose sight of the fact that it is a full time job.
    The responsibility that rests on your shoulders for not only your life but for someone else’s is a very heavy weight…so yes, women do need a man to make decisions for them, but it has to be a man that takes the responsibility seriously and with the gravity it is due.

    1. So true. And I believe that most women simply don’t see this burden that their man carries. For them, being able to call on him when they need help or need advice is like air – it’s simply ‘there’.
      And it often goes even deeper – sometimes I find myself creating ‘fallback’ positions for my wife or daughter in case what they are doing doesn’t turn out as planned; I can see a number of other possible outcomes that they simply can’t and so I prepare for them if I deem it necessary. They never see this effort. Interestingly I do this FAR less often with my son. He instinctively sees the same range of outcomes as me.
      The burden that men carry is unknown, unseen and unappreciated by most modern women.
      But this, I think, is starting to change. As fewer and fewer women are able to gain commitment from a decent man, and as big daddy government becomes ever less able and willing to provide a safety net for their poor choices, the gap in lifestyle outcomes between the mass of single women and those in committed relationships will become too large to ignore.
      Hypergamy is not going anywhere. And as big daddy government ceases to carry this invisible burden for women, they will, as they have always done, change their behavior to secure a man to carry it for them.
      Because one thing feminism has proved beyond doubt; women are completely unable to shoulder the burden for themselves.

    2. You’re exactly right and the biggest problem with modern relationships is that men have no idea the enormous responsibility having a girlfriend/wife really is. Women are 100% dependent on the man in their life, no matter how independent she claims to be. (Thats the reason they all parrot the strong, independent lie; they know it isn’t true). They dont want confident men, they NEED confident men because she is unsure of herself if her man lacks the ability to make decisions and assert himself. Men shouldn’t get into relationships if he isn’t prepared to be her financial, emotional, sexual, intellectual caretaker and feminists, sluts, and ungrateful women are to be avoided completely. If we are going to take on the responsibility of another life, the last thing we want is a girl that tries to compete with us or take advantage of our hard work.

      1. That sounds good, avoiding the low quality women and doing the work to keep a good woman straight. But the system can still wreck your family if it so desires. It can be hell bent on ripping your family to shreds. Even if your woman is strong as a spouse/mother, loyal, and stands behind you. Even if she doesn’t acquiesce to them, they can still attempt to force her hand against you or worse, hold your kids or threaten to hold your kids (children actually, we’re not GOATS) as hostage. ‘SOLID’ families where the woman stands solid with the man can get gunned down in one session. A lot of women fold and in tears, sign their family’s death warrent with the courts/authorities. The real kidnappers who hold people as hostage are the socialist services.
        The west has become so goddamn insane with all the big guns it points inward, not outward in defense, BUT INWARD upon its own men, its fathers, patriarchs. The whole bitch system would vanish and vaporize overnight if we in the west had even half the grass roots networking to enforce and police the wylie womanchild as we see in strict patriarchal countries. And there would be no one to chair the offices that do the kangaroo legal work finishing the job of flushing western culture down the toilet.
        What we have in the west is bitch tyranny on steroids. No one man can be completely safe with his family in the west, but a few men reinforcing each other, and a core belief that patriarchal mores are higher than any state, as true as life itself and supercede all ‘bitch law’, and we’ll see the tail of the beast clipped in short order. A little clip here, a little chop there. The beast of ‘bitch rule’ will be leveled. Get proactive and cover for other patriarch bro’s when they’re down. Some might say it’s too risky or sticking your neck out for someone else might cost too much. Too much? Our lives are at stake.

    3. I remember back in my army days there was a pamphlet listing leadership qualities and the one that stands out is to “seek out and accept responsibility”.
      It’s a rough road and the hardest part is if you are sick and you give into their nurturing nature: it can only be short-lived because you have to get your ass out of bed, bring home the bacon, and run the household. As soon as you let your position slip and let her think that you are “equal” or that she is in charge, the relationship is over unless you resign yourself to being a mangina.

      1. Agreed. My husband is king. I’m queen consort. When he abdicates his duties, it all goes pearshaped, despite my best of intentions. But i always learn something new, so its not a wasted situation. He never abdicates major things, only minor to moderate depending on circumstances.
        He knows i have no inclination, desire or ability to run the show. But I’ll be his 2ic!

      2. ”in sickness or in health” If she fails you by flaking on you while you are sick, she’ll never have regrets or she’ll barely know she did anything wrong. Women can’t reflect that deeply. They just have the voice of their own screaming hamster to deal with on a daily basis. Keep frame with her and keep control always. And form a circle of patriarch bros that give early warning of a woman gone ballistic or runaway. Don’t take in your bro’s loose bitch. Tell on her. Report her to her master. Trust between patriarchs is priceless. It’s the silver bullet to all of this.
        A barnyard animal will never mature to have a conscience equal to yours. It will fall for the first honey trail laid out for it if you take down the fences. Similarly, a woman will always be a woman. Keep your overalls buttoned and you’re prepared for a chase. A heifer will get a bug up its ass that is so small, you can’t even see it and it’ll bolt for it. It happens. It was only a crawly bug. Your $1000 heifer is soon running, dodging semis on the highway if you don’t keep your boots on, and lasso ready. Still a woman is always a woman.

        1. Ha Ha! I am in China. I am surrounded by Chinese guys. They have moved me to a new city and the most “alpha” guy I know – and can converse with – is a 17 year old virgin.
          I have zero bro support. My “go-to girl” is a 21 year old of questionable status.
          It’s me and me alone who has to deal with my girlfriend as I complete my unicorn hunt.

    4. Some good points here. I find it funny that so many women are unhappy (and single) today. At some point in their lives (early) they decided they were no longer happy with their role in life (being the woman). They wanted to take on the role of the man and then theses women found out the truth…it comes with a heavy price (that burden).
      Now, many want out or back to the way things used to be “back when”.

  19. Numbers 30:3-16 (NASB)
    3 “Also if a woman makes a vow to Yahweh, and binds herself by an obligation in her father’s house in her youth, 4 and her father hears her vow and her obligation by which she has bound herself, and her father says nothing to her, then all her vows shall stand and every obligation by which she has bound herself shall stand. 5 But if her father should forbid her on the day he hears of it, none of her vows or her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand; and Yahweh will forgive her because her father had forbidden her.
    6 “However, if she should marry while under her vows or the rash statement of her lips by which she has bound herself, 7 and her husband hears of it and says nothing to her on the day he hears it, then her vows shall stand and her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand. 8 But if on the day her husband hears of it, he forbids her, then he shall annul her vow which she is under and the rash statement of her lips by which she has bound herself; and Yahweh will forgive her.
    9 “But the vow of a widow or of a divorced woman, everything by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her. 10 However, if she vowed in her husband’s house, or bound herself by an obligation with an oath, 11 and her husband heard it, but said nothing to her and did not forbid her, then all her vows shall stand and every obligation by which she bound herself shall stand. 12 But if her husband indeed annuls them on the day he hears them, then whatever proceeds out of her lips concerning her vows or concerning the obligation of herself shall not stand; her husband has annulled them, and Yahweh will forgive her.
    13 “Every vow and every binding oath to humble herself, her husband may confirm it or her husband may annul it. 14 But if her husband indeed says nothing to her from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or all her obligations which are on her; he has confirmed them, because he said nothing to her on the day he heard them. 15 But if he indeed annuls them after he has heard them, then he shall bear her guilt.”
    16 These are the statutes which Yahweh commanded Moses, as between a man and his wife, and as between a father and his daughter, while she is in her youth in her father’s house.

  20. “Female choice” has caused so much human suffering it is hard to quantify.
    That females are inherently communist/socialist by nature only adds to the problem, speaking of “the bigger picture”.

      1. Seems like it, but me thinks that is simply group think in action. They have marched through and took over the institutions (education, media, politics) and will run it all into the ground as historically there has never been a succcessful socialist country. They all fail and always will.

  21. Guys on the alt-right give Jews a lot of crap, but you have to admit that the Ultra-Orthodox ones understand the logic of patriarchy. The Ultras who refuse to sit next to women on airliners receive a lot of criticism, but they show that in a healthy patriarchal society, men need to restrict their womenfolk’s access to other men outside of the family. These Jewish religious obsessives demonstrate by example their willingness to hold up their end of the deal regarding other men’s women.

    1. the problem with extremes though is they effectively invoke their opposite. I understand being a traditional jew is something that completely dominates every aspect of one’s life: that must made it particularly attractive to become somewhat ‘lapsed’ – and once a rigid system begins to buckle the whole edifice often ends up coming down. Obviously islam hasn’t shown that trend quite so obviously, but I wouldn’t be surprised if islam meets some of its goals of conquest (it seems to be doing quite well) whether it will then find itself subverting itself from within

      1. The ruling elite knows this so they created things like the Feminist Movement, opposing political parties, ISIS, Etc. etc. to balance things out. Create a problem with the solution. But these artificial societal buoys aren’t as good as the real thing and eventually everything will sink together at once when they realize they are spending all of their time and energy maintaining the system meanwhile it’s their maintenance of the system which they are forever maintaining!
        In life, everything is always in a state of evolution. Expanding and collapsing. Growing and dying. The key is to hold onto eternal and everlasting truths and using them to ride the waves of life.

        1. At the least they infiltrate, co-opt or otherwise direct such movements towards their wider ends. When you can spin something in the media you don’t necessarily have to be making the command decisions. As a long term strategy of control and managing peoples it will fail

  22. “Systems must now be put in place where a woman’s behavior is monitored and her decisions subject to approval of a male relative or guardian who understands what’s in her best interests better than she does herself.”
    I saw this in Saudi Arabia and other illustrious places in the ME in the 90’s. Cough.

    1. Its a despicable system. While I live, a shred of that WILL NEVER come to be in America. Semper Fi.

      1. If the West still maintained thier Christian roots, it would never come to that. In fact, that a dying bedouin faith contained in third world holes just a generation ago is now a world threat is laughable, but there it is. I believe Islam is still the dead end cult that it always was, but the west itself has committted cultural suicide with it’s denial of (Christian) faith and natural law.
        Also I agree with Roosh’s points. He is accurate in his observations and how we got there (plus alot unmentioned).

        1. Successful religions are the ones that have over time evolved beliefs that have allowed them to grow mainly by a high birth rate. Fertile families is one of those. Christianity has been abandoned and it contained many healthy beliefs but that it has bee replaced by a culture that hates the west and hates men. Just read a newspaper.

      2. Demographics is destiny. Numbers is all that counts. Feminism has totally failed in this regard.
        Feminists have been in the forefront of creating attitudes that has reduced the birth rate of the very western culture, one in which women had much freedom than in Africa, Asia and the Middle Eat, that has allowed feminism to develop. While they don’t attack ‘mothers’ they do have a sneering contempt for ‘housewife’ and the idea that society should be formed around the family unit. Feminism is hopelessly intertwined with ethno-gender-Marxism. They are more worried by refugees, queers, gays, immigration and peripheral nonsense than fundamental issues such as these. They are more interested in scapegoating males (Mainly White ones with made up statistics) than fundamental questions.
        I am sorely disappointed in what some women have done with their electoral power and outraged that hatred directed at innocent men and boys. I don’t know the answer to this but more rope isn’t the solution at this point.
        I am happily married incidentally and have maintained close female friendships for decades. I can see the social changes.

  23. Good article. The interesting and unanswered question is: how to implement this without the aid of a totalitarian paedophile death cult? As I read it I realised I have on some levels achieved implementation.
    I have obtained agreement and compliance from female friends and relatives who acknowledge their poor taste in men that they should not make a choice of partner without my help.
    I frequently ask my wife: “what does every bad decision you have made have in common? (“I didn’t discus it with you”).
    The key is to use self interest rather than an appeal to authority. All female activity stems from self interest as opposed to rational thought or natural justice.

    1. “All female activity stems from self interest as opposed to rational thought or natural justice”

  24. Some research was done some time back on the lives of medieval men and women which showed that contrary to what was thought to be the case women actually had a great many rights and a gread deal of power in the middle ages (I can’t remember which country it was based on or when exactly) and typically dominated the (often ‘extended’) home, while their husbands had most or all of the formal rights and responsibility, and would probably still be the ultimate arbiter of big decisions etc. What feminism has done is denigrate women’s actual power and influence in the home, behind the scenes, within marriage etc, ignoring such things as the power that women have in making purchasing decision etcs, so as to benefit both from these and claim the formal rights and responsibilities that used to be the preserve of men.
    In this quest to enjoy the best of both worlds they are severely jeopardising their influence in both, at least in the long term. Personally I think both men and women need to have the freedom to make their own decisions within a framework of the constraints necessary to run a functioning society. The question obviously is what sorts of constraints are necessary. Unfortunately the points in this article are generally true. Women seem to make abysmal choices, but the task should be to let them see that, and rub their noses in their own errors if necessary
    I don’t believe in any form of coercion, not least because it doesn’t work. One of the reasons we live in a supposed democracy is that the powers that be worked out that it’s actually easier to manage people when they end up manage themselves in the main. Unfortunately the main method for achieving this has been the promotion of ideology. With respect to women the case needs to be made for the benefits of male leadership to society as a whole, and specifically for women, including so they can once more enjoy influence within their natural domains. Many, many women are already coming round to the realisation of everything they’ve lost, or are in the process of losing. We should argue our case, work to dismantle feminism and demonstrate to society and women especially exactly why male leadership works and being pussy-whipped has been a mark of stigma down the ages. I give it another ten years or so before most women will be begging for a return to something more traditional

    1. Agreed. And when the ‘switch’ happens (and I suspect it will be triggered by some sort of chaotic event), women will take the new position with breathtaking speed, all the while claiming that they never believed in or supported feminism.
      Simply because feminism will have nothing left to offer them. Whatever new system replaces it (it will be some form of patriarchy) will offer them more, which will be all it takes to have their full 100% commitment to it. Just like they were committed 100% to feminism the day before.
      Whatever, it will be men who will have to pay for it all. It’s just the way women are.

      1. Most still think they are gaining benefits and freedom rather losing both. That has to run its course I guess, though God know what that means in practice. And when it has done, and they want to return to the fold, it will be just like changing the colour of their hair

        1. Unless the fold rejects them and they are ostracised. The meaning of the word “traitor” is older than Greece.

  25. I was onboard with all of this until I got to the bizarre “designated male guardian” stuff. It’s very ham handed and backwards. When women submit to a man things start to work so harmoniously they usually aren’t aware that patriarchy is happening.
    Then I get to: “the lives of my female relatives would certainly be better tomorrow if they were required to get my approval before making any decisions”.
    You mean they don’t already? What does that say about you?

    1. When women submit to a man things start to work so harmoniously they usually aren’t aware that patriarchy is happening.
      You mean they don’t already? What does that say about you?
      I made allusion to this very thing below, in a more expanded manner. Interesting.

      1. Well, submitting only when they feel like it is why we’re at this point today. It would be like people having the option of submitting to the law when they felt like it. It would also be like saying, what does that say about the police when they’re not allowed to use force. That’s just silly. Imagine trying to run a society that way. Imagine the violence and chaos.

    2. “You mean they don’t already? What does that say about you?”
      Those men are not trying hard enough, but who here is without sin? She’s right. We should try harder brothers.

    3. “Designated Male Guardian” happens in the Saudi Arabia, if you try and leave the country he will be sent a SMS text message the moment you check in. I was there recently.
      Given the wests demographic genocide its not surprising that some folks look to the alien patriarchal cultures of Hebrew/Jews and Muslim middle east for an answer.
      This kind of patriarchy was never part of our European civilisation. We always idealised romance and companionate marriage at all levels of society.
      I have to say though that feminism (these are often nasty truly curmudgeonly women) and even the feminine principle (excessive emotionalism, indulgent, gullible kindness) is out of balance.
      My mother finds both feminists and excessively feminine women irritating. We seem to be getting the feminist extremists.

  26. I agree on the basic premise that women are fundamentally not inclined due to their nature to comprehending matters that require an expansive, detached, and interconnected view of reality. This deficiency is especially evident when it comes to their ability to plan. They either plan far to rigidly and “by the book” and cannot improvise when projects go wrong and panic, or, they plan by involving too many divergent and incompatible viewpoints that aren’t coherent and as a result there’s no direction to what needs to be implemented.
    Fundamentally, women are risk averse to the core. If you don’t risk anything and play it safe or you simply lead by “administering” which is what most women leaders essentially do, then you’re not or never will be leader who makes decisions, plans into the future, knows how to improvise, take risks, and accept responsibility when things don’t work and get all the rightful kudos and respect that should be got when things work out. Women don’t think or operate in this manner at all.

    1. Women will also throw the ’emo’ tantrum if they don’t get their way. A visionary man who’s planned it through with the extra eye required to see through a complicated, difficult or trying situation may make the mistake of putting trust in a woman for ‘just this once’ in a situation where she throws a tantrum, all cards down, all or nothing and stomps her feet and becomes a pressure steam whistle. She throws an animated ‘my way or the highway’. Under threat the man may listen to her ‘just this once’ while she alludes that she won’t do her other duties either. It’s like threatening a hostage situation.
      The biggest losses occur when the collective listens to the one who isn’t the best at reading people or reading the map. Men have the real ‘father’s’ intuition and it far supercedes petty, limited ‘mother’s’ intuition. Mother’s intuition belongs in the home, not bellowing in the streets or while civilization is being built. The ‘architect’ man posesses intuition of the highest order.
      Hitler would often go into tyrades screaming at meetings with his generals (the man with one testicle) but of course He wasn’t required to cook or service his generals later. They would rationally explain what would and wouldn’t work. His outbursts thus became all the more extreme and he played no games like allowing his officers to pursue a foolhearted plan just so they’d learn how womanly foolish they were being. Unchecked, some of his own outbursts became very woman like, like he lost it and became a woman with a woman’s frame.

      1. Well, they say Stalin was ultimately a better strategist as he left his Generals to make the most important decisions in the field. A wise move. Not a pretty person in many ways, but, he never lost his cool like Hitler, apparently he spoke so quietly that it was actually difficult to hear what he was saying a lot of the times at meetings.
        The total submersion to the female principle in either sex would be a regression back to a state of mercurial reaction, attention, inattention, distraction, indecision and to a state of ever present Me-ness. I dislike when people talk about living in the present, the eternal NOW and all that dreamy ephemeral stuff . I think the male principle is all about motion, movement, and direction, that’s why I’ve always believed that the male principle is intrinsically tied up with both the past and the future tenses in everything. The male principle is all about that instantaneous link or jump between these two states of being and it could never reside in the eternal present or NOW which would be death by boredom to it.

        1. A man knows more accutely than woman his position in space and his vector, his direction of travel with relation to other bodies of mass in space. On the micro level even, the directionless woman blows with the wind and gets lost in her own neighborhood or worse, forgets who her spouse and master is . . she’s like, ”duuuh”. She is subtle mass without internal motive energy. Male energy is the energy that drives life foreward from the tide wash. Male energy fights the entropy of matter in space and with man’s will, summons the forces and makes ourigami, chicken salad if you will, of matter and energy. With the head of man, civilizations chisel themselves from the rock and the male order rolls foreward, whereas woman remains only as the portal through which life enters the plane, the physical body. Not to discount the woman’s importance since even the most brilliant surgeon cannot take a tranny’s asshole and make it into a functioning portal (nice PIPE DREAM Bruce Jenner . . lol) Only a real snatch can match the signature vibratory energy that synchs with ‘life’ energy which itself has no physical component. The intense energy known as ‘life’ energy is of a higher order than raw atomic energy, more like e=mc3.

    1. The old English word he used was “fare”…the fare sex, meaning, average, never exceptional, never idiotic, unlike men. The Knight who was forced to marry the wretched old hag who’s transformed in something he desires because of her inner beauty has it origins in a mixture of medieval Christianity and Chivalry. Perhaps the origins of feminism go back much further than Marx et al in the 19th century.

      1. Well it’s not just feminism. It’s gynocentrism period. Feminism is just gynocentrism on steroids.

      2. I was referring more to the character than her story or Chaucer’s syntax, but it plays a part too.
        She desires (and achieved) dominance over her husbands and, made the bold proclamation (in her story) that women desire to be equal with their husbands. But the downside of such equality is not considered.
        But since the Knight was a rapist, well… he deserved an old hag.

        1. But, oddly it was the women in the court that felt sorry for him knowing he was a rapist, so that’s why his life was spared.

  27. Numbers 30:3-16 (NASB)
    3 “Also
    if a woman makes avow to Yahweh, and binds herself by an obligation
    in her father’s house
    in her youth, 4 and her father hears her
    vow and her obligation by which she has bound herself, and her father
    says nothing to her, then all her vows shall stand and every
    obligation by which she has bound herself shall stand. 5 But if her
    father should forbid her on the day he hears of it, none of her vows
    or her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand; and
    Yahweh will forgive her because her father hadforbidden her.
    “However, if she should marry while under her vows or the rash
    statement of her lips by which she has bound herself, 7and her
    husband hears of it and says nothing to her on the day he hearsit,
    then her vows shall stand and her obligations by which she has bound
    herself shall stand. 8 But if on the day her husband hears of it, he
    forbids her, then he shall annul her vow which she is under and the
    rash statement of her lips by which she has bound herself; and Yahweh
    will forgive her.
    9 “But the vow of a widow or of a
    divorced woman, everything by which she has bound herself, shall
    stand against her. 10 However, if she vowed in her husband’s house,
    or bound herself by an obligation with an oath, 11 and her husband
    heard it, but said nothing to her and did not forbid her, then all
    her vows shall stand andevery obligation by which she bound herself
    shall stand. 12 But if her husband indeed annuls them on the day he
    hears them, then whatever proceeds out of her lips concerning her
    vows or concerning the obligation of herself shall not stand; her
    husband has annulled them, and Yahweh will forgive her.
    “Every vow and every binding oath to humble herself, her husband
    may confirm it or her husband may annul it. 14 But if her husband
    indeed says nothing to her from day to
    day, then he confirms all
    her vows or all her obligations which are on her; he has confirmed
    them, because he said nothing to her on the day he heard them. 15 But
    if he indeed annuls them after he has heard them, then he shall bear
    her guilt.”
    16 These are the statutes which Yahweh
    commanded Moses, as between a man and his wife, and as between a
    father and his daughter, while she is in her youth in her father’s

  28. Numbers 30:3-16 (NASB)
    3 “Also if a woman makes a vow to Yahweh, and binds herself by an obligation
    in her father’s house in her youth, 4 and her father hears her vow and her obligation by which she has bound herself, and her father says nothing to her, then all her vows shall stand and every obligation by which she has bound herself shall stand. 5 But if her father should forbid her on the day he hears of it, none of her vows or her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand; and Yahweh will forgive her because her father had forbidden her.
    6 “However, if she should marry while under her vows or the rash statement of her lips by which she has bound herself, 7and her husband hears of it and says nothing to her on the day he hears it, then her vows shall stand and her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand. 8 But if on the day her husband hears of it, he
    forbids her, then he shall annul her vow which she is under and the rash statement of her lips by which she has bound herself; and Yahweh will forgive her.
    9 “But the vow of a widow or of a divorced woman, everything by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her. 10 However, if she vowed in her husband’s house, or bound herself by an obligation with an oath, 11 and her husband
    heard it, but said nothing to her and did not forbid her, then all her vows shall stand and every obligation by which she bound herself shall stand. 12 But if her husband indeed annuls them on the day he hears them, then whatever proceeds out of her lips concerning her vows or concerning the obligation of herself shall not stand; her
    husband has annulled them, and Yahweh will forgive her.
    13“Every vow and every binding oath to humble herself, her husband may confirm it or her husband may annul it. 14 But if her husband indeed says nothing to her from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or all her obligations which are on her; he has confirmed them, because he said nothing to her on the day he heard them. 15 But if he indeed annuls them after he has heard them, then he shall bear
    her guilt.”
    16 These are the statutes which Yahweh commanded Moses, as between a man and his wife, and as between a father and his daughter, while she is in her youth in her father’s house.

  29. Numbers 30:3-16 (NASB)
    3 “Also if a woman makes avow to Yahweh, and binds herself by an obligation
    in her father’s house in her youth, 4 and her father hears her vow and her obligation by which she has bound herself, and her father says nothing to her, then all her vows shall stand and every obligation by which she has bound herself shall stand. 5 But if her father should forbid her on the day he hears of it, none of her vows or her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand; and Yahweh will forgive her because her father hadforbidden her.
    6 “However, if she should marry while under her vows or the rash statement of her lips by which she has bound herself, 7and her husband hears of it and says nothing to her on the day he hears it, then her vows shall stand and her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand. 8 But if on the day her husband hears of it, he forbids her, then he shall annul her vow which she is under and the rash statement of her lips by which she has bound herself; and Yahweh will forgive her.
    9 “But the vow of a widow or of a divorced woman, everything by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her. 10 However, if she vowed in her husband’s house, or bound herself by an obligation with an oath, 11 and her husband heard it, but said nothing to her and did not forbid her, then all her vows shall stand and every obligation by which she bound herself shall stand. 12 But if her husband indeed annuls them on the day he hears them, then whatever proceeds out of her lips concerning her vows or concerning the obligation of herself shall not stand; her
    husband has annulled them, and Yahweh will forgive her.
    13 “Every vow and every binding oath to humble herself, her husband may confirm it or her husband may annul it. 14 But if her husband indeed says nothing to her from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or all her obligations which are on her; he has confirmed them, because he said nothing to her on the day he heard them. 15 But if he indeed annuls them after he has heard them, then he shall bear
    her guilt.”
    16 These are the statutes which Yahweh commanded Moses, as between a man and his wife, and as between a father and his daughter, while she is in her youth in her father’s house.

  30. You know Roosh, your proposal sounds familiar. Where did I hear it before?
    Hmmmmm… let me think. “Love, honour and obey” or something.
    Oh yeah, it was in church, ages and ages ago: “Form of the Solemnization of Matrimony.”
    Good on you.

  31. I will keep an eye on the comment count. I believe this article will go viral and feminists will launch into orbit with their hair turning all colours of the rainbow from rage, not cheap hair dye.

  32. Back in my 30’s, about a decade or two ago, I got into BDSM. During that period there were various rituals and requirements from my girlfriends such as being tied up, spanked and taking it up the ass.
    There were two basic impediments:
    1) I was not in a financial position to lock them down and make them my full-time slave girl
    2) the chicks who were into this are fucking crazy.
    As a side note, there is a distinction between practice and culture – the “Scene”. I never really got along socially with other BDSM types.
    This all may be irrelevant if things all work out with my China Girl. However, if I am forced to return to Canada alone then one option is to get back into this. Point 1 will not be an issue anymore. As to point 2, all chicks are fucking crazy in one way or another, but if you have them on a leash – figuratively AND literally – then you can manage it.
    The other option is to go back to dating really young girls who want to be “taken care of” (ie. managed).
    It’s not that I hate an assertive, successful woman in her 40s but I probably would not want to fuck her, certainly would not want to live with her, and definitely would not commit to her.

  33. “Roosh” proves once a Muzzie, always a Muzzie. If the west and its women are so wicked, fuck off to Iran.

      1. Could you imagine him getting that call? She died from what? No shit? Hangs up phone. FUCK YES!

  34. Saudi Arabia has something like this….but they don’t let you drink, eat bacon, worship or not worship as you please, look at or talk to females not related to you, you’re required to pray five times a day, give money to the poor, they’ll cut your hand for stealing, if you get stoned, they might stone you, etc. My point is, if you’re going to control women, you might as well control everything else, just like the Saudis do. My other point is, if someone will put something like this in effect, it will be the state, with some cooperation from religious institutions. And having browsed through ROK for a few months, the state control of personal matters seems to be a big bugaboo for ROKers like Roosh. So an article like this is absurd on the face of it. It feels too asphyxiating that the state, whether liberal or conservative already has enough meddling in people’s lives. Come on Roosh. If this where to happen, for someone like you who preaches about game, well, game over. Unless you’re a Saudi Prince with access to Dubai Porta potties, that is.

    1. May I add, and I’m saying this from experience, how are you gonna hit on, or date girls who are always monitored by their family? Food for thought.

    2. The best that could happen is to make everyone personally responsible for their choices. Please remember I said their choices not their situation. No more bailing people out for having kids out of wedlock. No more bailing people out for pursuing a shitty college degree. No more bailing people out (no pun intended), for committing crimes (blue or white collar). You make the mistake you own the mistake and deal with it. Example, girl gets knocked up, guy splits, society picks up the check and the amount of real hardship for the decision makers is muted. In fact, the only real hardship is felt by society because first we pick up the check and then have to deal with a child much more likely to continue the cycle. The closer you can get to having all individuals take responsibility for their personal choices the better off society will be. Most people but unfortunately not all start thinking twice about their choices when they know they are personally on the hook for the outcome.
      The problem is big daddy government coming to the rescue. Welfare, food stamps, housing, free phones, AFDC, extortionist divorce courts etc., everyone who wants is on the dole and their appetites are growing. Our politicians are the biggest white knights around but it’s not out of stupidity, instead it’s used to collect votes and maintain power. The US is over 18 trillion in debt and quickly heading to 20. The unfunded liabilities are well over 100 trillion. When the spigot gets turned off all hell will break loose but I see no other possible outcome.

      1. Exactly my thoughts. And Americans, whether they admit it or not, depend too much on Uncle Sam, from bailing them out by paying for abortions to rescuing them from wildfires they created by being careless with their environment to bailing out big banks for being too stupid with other people’s money to bailing people who get wrecked by tornadoes who decided to rebuild in the same damn tornado alley. Even the “conservatives” at the NRA need politicians in Washington to fight their battles. And Fox News needs politicians to survive. And liberals who oppose vaccinations need the government to bail them out when their kids get wrecked by pertussis that could have been avoided by a simple shot.

  35. I’m sorry Roosh. I agree with a lot of what you’ve written about the cultural collapse of the west etc but this is no long term solution. It’s too totalitarian. Men must inspire women to follow them, not demand to make every decision for them. The idea of freedom has perhaps become perverted in our cultures now but the answer is not to abolish it completely.

    1. I second this. We don’t need restriction of freedom for women which would lead to a restriction for men in fine. Just better education to make boys become men and girls being women. It’s our duty, we, the future fathers to do the job (which many men gave up)

    2. I believe what we need is we need to stop the feminist 2.0 or 3.0 “train”. Women have equal rights as citizens…that’s where it needed to end. We hear this never ending “women are oppressed” and they really are not (not in the U.S., anyways). It’s brainwashing and it’s nonsense. Women in the U.S. have it pretty good (more people need to say it and condemn this version of feminism).
      As far as inspiring women, you can’t turn on a TV station (show), commercial, read an article, watch a movie, etc…without seeing (or hearing) something that should inspire women. It has infected our society and now it’s the root problem in our society. We need balance to be restored (stop the never ending blathering about how women are so special). Yes, special in their own way…that’s the end.
      Now, let’s get back to reality and building a better society (all of us).

    3. It is authoritarian, not totalitarian. Learning the difference between these two is essential. Human society is naturally authoritarian if you look at history. Totalitarianism and Libertarianism are two divergences off into eventual failure and result from a breakdown in understanding of how spheres of authority operate.

      1. I disagree. Men holding the majority of power in the polis is natural but seeing women like eternal children that we must make every decision for crosses the line to totalitarian methods in my view.
        I’d be quite okey with the idea that the parents (not necessarily only the father) must approve of their daughters marriage partners but everything else?
        Roosh wrote: “She must seek approval by her guardian concerning diet, education, boyfriends, travel, friends, entertainment, exercise regime, marriage, and appearance, including choice of clothing. A woman must get a green light from her guardian before having sex with any man, before wearing a certain outfit, before coloring her hair green, and before going to a Spanish island for the summer with her female friends.”
        Most of these symptoms will become marginalized if we just reinstate a natural system that contains the desired “carrots and sticks”. If there is much to gain by the behavior we value, most of them will follow it. But too stern an approach is just going too far in the other direction.
        The current system has been very successful because it makes people (females here) believe they’ve chosen everything themselves while the system (values, norms decided by the media etc) have really done most of it for them. After all, most people are not free thinkers. Most need a default mode and that default mode needs to feel free, not as a consequence of oppression and force that they’ll naturally want to rebel against.

  36. Been there done that, got the t shirt
    My. Suggestion is thus, mandatory equality.
    That means 50% women plumbers, 50% garbage collectors, 50% soldiers, 50% of all the dangerous, dirty, hard work done by men for eons must be done by women. No quotas or lowering the bar of admittance.
    From age 5 philosophy/ logic courses for girls, so they learn how to think for reals., mandatory eastern philosophy/meditation, so they can learn that yo feelz don’t mean shit. Excercise/yoga everyday! So they don’t become land whales, learning to grow food and build shelter from scratch.
    Maths, hard sciences, real literature, real history and absolutely no slack for girly nonsense. Piano, violin, art, anything classical and beautiful should be theirs to study. No menstrual or enema prepostwanksterism “art” and then some more meditation, shhhhhhhhhh.
    The best and the brightest based on provable track record can have 50% of the most responsible jobs along with the best and the brightest of the men.
    If once they get to teenage years they want marriage, kids, then they shall be schooled in raising children and pleasing their man. They will get a choice of suitors that their family deems appropriate, she will get to choose.
    If they flake on that, we take her children and she goes to cleaning toilets Same goes for any man that wants to be a degenerate influence on society.
    Mandatory education of young boys on toxic femininity, female
    hypergamy, game, more game, fitness, honor, history, art, languages, engineering, you know all the things that make civilisation.
    I do not want to control a woman,I want her to get off her back, off her knees, off the government crack pipe, stand next to me and do the hard work required to build a good stable family life.
    Then you will be my equal and not a spoilt little whining twat.

    1. “My. Suggestion is thus, mandatory equality. …. No quotas or lowering the bar of admittance.”
      That’s impossible. You think princess “kickass” is going to be able to complete her tasks and drive on? You have to lower standards in order to get women in positions you just described and even then they simply are dead weight on the men around them as they will be picking up her slack. Seen it to many times to care.

    2. Women, physically, can not do all of the jobs that men can do. I know most women (and the media) doesn’t want to say it but it’s the truth. I’ve worked around too many women to realize that they don’t have the strength or stamina to keep up. Sure, you’ll have a couple of them out there doing their crossfit routines (competing in events) but for the most part women can not keep up.
      This narrative is one that you’ll never hear from the media because it would start the unraveling of the feminist narrative bullshit that we’ve all been fed for decades.
      Women are not equal. They can have equal rights as citizens but they are not equal to men. The two (men, women) are compliments of each other…that’s it.

      1. I know what you say to be true, that is by today’s standards of people.
        Different philosophy, different schooling, different outcome.
        A generation of Tao monks, schooled in quantum physics and classical art.

  37. I thought of this article when I read SBNation’s astonishingly irresponsible official response to news that hockey star Patrick Kane won’t be charged with rape, in part because his accuser doesn’t want to continue cooperating with police–this, on the heels of many strange events, including the weird attempt by the accuser’s mother to plant fake evidence of harassment at her home. Patrick Kane is innocent until proven guilty? That’s not what should be focused on, according to the little girls and their beta bootlick who collectively penned one of the more shrill, irresponsible, histrionic, airheaded pieces of power-crazed hysteria disguised as journalism I’ve ever read. It ends like this:
    “The accuser’s decision to remain silent is the best possible decision she could have made for herself and her family. It is also a call to action to help change a culture that makes speaking out subject to outside pressure that impacts the legal process. We can still support the accuser. We can challenge people who attempt to victim blame. We can petition the league to take violence against women seriously. We can help break down the idea that professional athletes are infallible among our fellow fans — because they aren’t.”
    The Comments Section for the article is, predictably, closed.

  38. Yeah, who’s the real man? Who’s winning the Darwinian battle? Some dung-brick salesman in Namibia has 9 kids. Bill Gates has two.

  39. 100% agreed. Just look at the success of 50 Shades Of Grey, which is the #1 best selling female fantasy of all time. What is it about? Doing what a man says and being controlled by him in every aspect of her life. What more evidence do you need?

    1. but only if he is mysterious, incredibly smart, rich, powerful, and not ever fully obtainable. 50 Shades of Grey two would be about her trying to tame him and turn him into a good father and book three would be about her having an affair on him because she missed the old and mysterious him that made her feel alive. Of course, she would leave with half his assets so his money and power would no longer be appealing because she would already have them. She would move in with guy 2 and share her new money and wealth with the new guy and be “so glad” she got out of that boring rut husband #1 put her in.

  40. ‎‎

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  41. I think you are mixing up things. I mean the PARENTS are the racists. As for the girls, some are simply open-minded while others definitely want a “hybrid” (which is their very bad translation of a mixed-race child).
    My ex, as we went through hills and valleys, said directly that she wanted to make a baby with me that she would care for and I would have no responsibilities.

    1. I’m no fan of racism, but if you look at all the problems in society, and everything we discuss here on ROK, it is all fostered by western liberal democracies. Is it that difficult to see why someone from a conservative society would want NOTHING to do with someone from the corrupt west?

  42. Man, essentially I believe women should be the helpmate of men. But damn it, hell if I act Iike a perpetual child. Thats so insulting. Sorry but if you do meet a woman you deem worthy and of a good level of maturity and she see this written by you she’ll walk a mile. The co-pilot analogy is much more inline with those of us ‘women’ who are not perpetual ‘children’. Queue responding comments about my insult lol

    1. The issue for men is not that we expect women to behave as ‘perpetual children’ as you put it. It is that we are all told that women are capable of behaving like men.
      Quite simply, women are not.
      Your professed desire to be a ‘helpmate’ (the accepted term is helpmeet btw) speaks to the reason why. The world that women inhabit is one that, in general, cares about them. This means that they live in a world where there is always a higher authority that they can go to for help – be it family, boss, institutions, even, to a large degree, strangers on the street.
      This is not the world that men inhabit. Once a boy grows into a man (and frequently earlier) he enters a world that fundamentally does not care about him. If he falls there is little to no social safety net to catch him. Families may indulge him – for a time, but his employer will likely not be so indulgent and society at large generally has no safety net for him – at least not in the way it does for women. And good luck asking a stranger for help as a man. There is a reason why 90% of the homeless are men.
      This leads to different dynamics in the behavior of men and women. Women will naturally defer to figures of authority as they are used to asking for help from them. Men learn very quickly that they, largely, will succeed or fail based on their own efforts. Men cannot expect someone to pick them up when they fall – they must do it for themselves.
      But the modern feminised world insists that women are the equal of men. Which men take at face value, expecting women to be self-reliant in the way they have had to become. This leads to misery for both men and women. Men get frustrated with women’s ‘incompetence’ because they are holding women to standards they can never reach and women get frustrated with men who are going through a challenge telling men to ‘go get some help’ – help that simply isn’t there in most cases. And that’s the point really, the help isn’t there because nature challenges men to overcome obstacles by their own efforts.
      So the issue for men isn’t to treat women as children – it is to stop treating them as adults – at least adults in the sense that men would treat other men. If you doubt the veracity of this I would ask you, as a women, to honestly answer this; when a women makes a promise or commitment do you have as much confidence that it will be done as the same promise or commitment made by a man?
      Whatever your answer, millions of involuntary divorced men speak to the value of women’s vows.
      This best advise to men regarding women I have found is to run a captain / first officer model, but never expect more from a women in terms of commitment and reliability than you would of the most responsible teenager in the house. You are free to find this insulting if you want, but we have spent the last 50 years pretending that women are adults in the way men are and all it has resulted in is increased misery for everyone. Acknowledging the true nature of women does not mean hating on them. It will simply allow women to be women and men to be men. Everybody would be happier for it. Well, except for women, who would probably find something else to moan about. A bit like the most responsible teenager in the house.

      1. I’m not sure why any woman would protest this analogy. Childhood is wonderful. There are no machine guns firing at you on a battlefield, and you aren’t typically in a factory.

        1. I suspect it’s a result of women’s tendency to follow the herd. They always submit to the dominant cultural narrative. When society expected them to be housewives, they became housewives, during the war society expected them to work in the factories and they worked in the factories, the current society expects them to be ‘strong & independent’ so they try to be ‘strong and independent’. Which means eschewing any behavior that could be classed as weak or submissive. Essentially forcing them to deny their femininity.
          But (mostly) in private, with a man they love or desire, most women will revert to their default feminine behavior without a second thought; submissive, coquettish, obliging. IME they will still mostly be a pain in the ass but women cannot suppress their femininity seeping through to some degree. I have even seen landwhales and strident feminists behave this way.
          And women act this way for a very good reason; it works. After sex, what men most value in a women is her femininity. One only has to see how a plain women with a slender figure and long hair commands the attention of men as she passes by. I know one women at work who is really quite ugly but she has taken feminine behavior to a Zen level. She is never short of male company. Men are so staved of femininity that even her challenging visage does not deter men from getting close enough to experience it.
          Feminism has taken women to a place where they are ashamed of their femininity. Too many women have been told to measure themselves by the same standards that men are measured by, that to be feminine is to be weak. Only if you are a man.
          For women in the MMP femininity IS female power. And many seem to spend most of their lives trying to destroy it, whilst at the same time trying to convince us that they are rational adults. Crazy.

      2. You didn’t need to do a ling ass essay to explain that lol not needed.
        I do not think that women can be like men they are not men. But I do think they are capable of much more accountability, responsibility and maturity. Then what is often expected of them now. They use to have cultural expectations that fulfilled this and now they are being encouraged not to uphold them.
        Please reply with a small.paragraph if you can, I am a frequent reader of all things feminist and manosphere so I really don’t require an essay. Thanks

        1. With respect, this is not a private email exchange – it’s a conversation on a public forum. I am responding to you but I write, in part, for the wider audience of people who may be new to some of these ideas. My replies are as long as they need to be to make sense to people who may not be as well versed as you.
          Like you I agree that women are capable of accountability, responsibility and maturity. We all know such women. That’s not my point. My point is what it takes to get the mass of women to behave in that way.
          During the 1950s most women were loyal housewives, before that they worked in factories during the war, today it’s all about career and ‘choice’. So clearly women are adaptable. But fundamentally, through all these incarnations women’s behavior hasn’t changed at all. Women are doing what they have always done; what they are bloody well told to.
          Women, as a group, always submit to the dominant cultural narrative. The problem today is that dominant masculinity has been purged from the narrative. Liberals, leftists, feminists and others have taken control of the organs of state and the MSM and removed as much male authority as possible.
          Women, as a group, are off the leash. Many women are still able to behave in a reasonable manner, but most are not. And this is a problem. For without any checks on their behavior, there is no level of depravity that women are not capable of sinking to. Many men, I suspect, would behave the same way if all constraints were removed, but men, as I said in my earlier post, live in a different world from women. When a man’s behavior starts to get too depraved, you can reasonably expect that another man, or men, will sooner or later be around to put a stop to it. For women – well, they are less likely to be censured in this way – and if they are they are likely to find men (and other women) to champion and defend their depraved behavior. In a world of depravity women effectively have more license to go further and for longer than do men. Men self police in a way that women simply do not.
          The fact is that when you control women’s behavior you automatically control men’s. When the price of sex was marriage, most men got married. When the price of marriage was a decent job, most men worked hard. Today, women, as ever doing what they are told, following the feminist narrative, are giving away the sex for free so men are putting in little effort in return. In an attempt to keep men working and behaving as they did when women restricted access to sex, we are now trying to control men with ever more restrictions on normal masculine behavior whilst giving women ever greater freedoms to behave how they want. It will never work.
          Because the masculine dominance that feminism does everything it can to stamp out is the very thing, the only thing in fact, that has ever put limits on female behavior. And without those limits the very fabric of society will – is – starting to fray.
          Feminism has won the battle of the sexes for women and lost them the world.

      3. Also, he does say that women behave like perpetual children. Are you saying they are now in the current climate or they are only capable of doing that? You seem to disagree and agree with the Co pilot model and so do I. In answer to your question, I would trust the woman depending on the task at hand. And maybe the woman at hand. But if it purely is about gender with no other information the safe bet would be the man. So essentially.we.agree about this point.

  43. I don’t buy the idea of dealing with a father/brother/tutor when I want to seduce and go out with a girl. No thanks, it’s enough difficult like this, dealing with just one person, i don’t want another cockblocker to deal with.
    I’d rather buy the idea of fathers giving good education to their girls (cut off tv, controle/regulate social media, dismiss feminist bullshit, explain leftist brainwashing).
    Fathers nowadays seem to have abandoned the education of their children.
    why so much omega/beta males not able to wake up and work on their
    bodies and their minds, not able to embrace a real man mindset ? lack of real father’s presence, as an example to follow for their sons.
    why so much ugly girls with neon colored hair, thick frame glasses fat bodies etc ?
    lack of real father’s presence for an example of a good mate for their girls.
    btw, if all men embrace a old style man mindset and stop giving credit to ugly/fat/feminist girls (read : seduce and marry them), those girls will realize that they are just human failures and would remain an die alone… or realize the wrong way they have gone and start to improve themselves too, cutting the bullshit from their lives.
    IMO That is the only way to weed out the failures from the ones who have potential to get older without a fucked up mind.
    We surely don’t need a man/brother/tutor behind every girl. nor strict societal rules.

    1. The problem is that the fathers are too busy whoring themselves in slave fashion to the system that their daughters have become a product of their efforts.
      I think it was the 1950’s when the 40 hour work week was implemented as the norm which extracted more of the father’s time from the family and placed it into the system. In his place was left a television to raise his children after the mother had to work too in order to keep up with the ever encroaching system.
      If we had a proper society teaching basic tenets of morality and a culture espousing and praising the benefits of chastity and righteousness instead of glorifying sinful behaviours then yeah, we wouldn’t need a father figure behind every woman.

  44. “Women would not be able to visit establishments that serve alcohol without a man present to supervise her consumption.” This made me imagine this sort of thing happening at pubs on a Saturday night. Which raises a question: will Brucetta need to don a fake beard, or will it b able to grow a real one?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDe9msExUK8

      1. Meant sarc because its my understanding that white knights save women from the consequences of their bad decisions, not forestall them from making them. However, guiding or forcing women to make “good” decisions is a reasonable definition of white knighting.

    1. My mother and father have a similar difference in age to you and your fiance. Its perfectly natural in my opinion. I also only date women a good 14, 15 years younger than myself.

  45. Women would not be able to visit establishments that serve alcohol without a man present to supervise her consumption.

    This. If I didn’t keep an eye on my ex she would drink herself into a projectile vomiting stupor and then blame some mystery guy at the bar for spiking her drink. And she would be absolutely convinced that this is what happened. Couldn’t argue with her.

    1. My wife does this now. She says she only does it when I’m there, because she feels safe, but its not true, she does it if i’m there and if i’m not there, but she really doesn’t believe it. When I’m there and see it and she can’t deny it, then she says oh its because you were here and i feel safe. Basically makes me a basket case anytime she goes out without me and of course then she attacks me for not trusting her, because you know, only a non-trusting jerk would be upset if his wife passed out in an out of state bar restroom right?

      1. Yeah I found that I needed to come down hard on my women when she did this. She would whine and cry but ultimately buckle.

  46. I would strongly urge anyone interested in why feminism has decided to destroy western civilisation (many clearly hate men and in particular White ones) to read “Sexual Utopia in Power” by Roger Devlin. His research is excellent and he has consulted some female origin research. He posits that the sexual revolution was substantially about a certain group of women, call them alphas, wanting freedom to get to their ideal alpha man. This simply isn’t possible for all. The breakdown in monogamy this caused has left no one happy or satisfied.
    The frustration this has caused has angered women. Irrational anger is about power, by being angry one can impose ones will to a degree even if irrational and it is therefore a natural response. Externalised via political and social activity this anger is directed at men.

  47. This feminized society is at risk of imploding under feminist policies, and you guys want to help preserve it? Since when did women deserve a mans help with anything?

  48. This is due to something called ‘high time-preference’ which is inherent in the female sex, and means they prioritize short-term goals over long-term goals, even for smaller payoffs. This makes them horrible incompetent managers in the world of both commerce and politics.
    God made woman as she is for a reason. She is here to achieve true femininity in submission to the masculine principle, provide nurturing for the generational continuity of the nation, and keep the hearth tolerable.
    Roosh, you have never been more correct.

  49. Before restraints on female behavior can even be discussed we need to work towards reducing the female influence over our culture.

  50. Woman I know. Pretty loose morals. No kids but very attractive and loves sex. Guess what? She reads and is intrigued by Islamic philosophy…..

    1. Everywhere women are in charge, the rate of rape goes through the roof. They have no business in politics whatsoever, and all this me me me feelgood bullshit is bringing the West to its knees.

  51. The cognitive dissonance in this rant is astonishing. Daryush Valizadeh, defender of the West! Rofl!
    Lol, what is Roosh but a Third world immigrant pseudo-libertine…
    Why don’t you marry a brown woman and quit being such a neurotic hypocrite? It’s kind of funny, but I worry when people take you seriously.

  52. Ok. You guys didn’t eat red pill fully yet. Whatever you say here means nothing in real world. You might have changed your real life attitude, you might be a successful man in terms of neomasculinity etc. but its only your life. Just suck it up for now, WAIT for the change. Whatever you think, nothing will change honestly. People are too stupid, they don’t know how to think for themselves and they will always follow this pattern. Socialists offering everything for free, people are happy and unbelievably retarded to hear that and vote for them. Now you say ohhh the end of the world is coming… yee fuck you and your words. If feminism or West society is going decline then its maybe going to happen but not in your fucking lifetime 😉 So enjoy struggling for bitches, enjoy struggling with all this shit or just pretend socialist, join the party and spread their lovely ideas while having a good financially life sucking out money from poorer and stupid people.

  53. I have a habit of constantly quoting Schopenhauer. That miserable, pessimistic old bat. Here’s another fave:
    “In the girl nature has had in view what could in theatrical terms be called a stage-effect: it has provided her with superabundant beauty and charm for a few years at the expense of the whole remainder of her life, so that during these years she may so capture the imagination of a man that he is carried away into undertaking to support her honorably in some form or another for the rest of her life, a step he would seem hardly likely to take for purely rational considerations. Thus nature has equipped women, as it has all its creatures, with the tools and weapons she needs for securing her existence, and at just the time she needs them; in doing which nature has acted with its usual economy. For just as the female ant loses its wings after mating, since they are then superfluous, indeed harmful to the business of raising the family, so the woman usually loses her beauty after one or two childbeds, and probably for the same reason.”

  54. I don’t think women are really that irrational intrinsically, I think it is the presence of unlimited choice that makes them irrational. A woman’s sense of self is so tied to child rearing that as soon as they are taught to reject that, they have no sense of purpose and become a confused, lost wreck.
    I was unhappy when I aqciesced to every demand, set by both women and other “confused” individuals and found purpose and happiness when I realized overcoming adversity and winning are a man’s greatest joy.
    If someone does not have purpose, they will never respect themselves.

  55. And they do so correctly. That cho person in the other article is an example of how terrible miscegenation can turn out.

  56. It´s not necessary to control a woman´s behaviour. My parents are giving me the freedom to make my own decisions and in the moment everything is turning out well.
    I am living with my fiance, who is the only man I ever kissed though I am not religious. It was my choice.
    I am studying two STEM subjects in Germany and dont receive government aid, so there won´t ne any debt.
    If parents manage to teach their girls (or boys) the right values and basic common sense, control isn´t needed. I also think a big family is very important for a young child and teenager. I was surrounded by my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles…
    It´s heartbreaking that this isn´t the rule anymore. So many parents are overwhelmed with raising their children alone, while so many grandparents are lonely and without purpose. Overwhelmed parents produce overwhelmed and confused children.
    And who should control modern women anyway… the modern man? 😀 He is way to busy with shopping and posting “profound” quotes on facebook.

    1. If you’re so invested in yourself, how can you be invested in him? You have a designated day of the week when you get out of yours and his way?

      1. It depends. What do you mean with investing in him?
        Spending time together and taking care of him? We actually spend most of our freetime together and taking care of each other.
        Supporting him and his plans for the future? I may not always succeed but I am tying my best.
        Of course I have plans and ambitions of my own and I won´t feel guilty about it. He choosed me with them.
        He actually has much less free time and puts a lot of energy in his work. Would you say to him he is too invested in himself?

        1. All of the dedicated women invest their time and attention on ROK instead of onto their busy husbands.

  57. FFS Return of kings. Look, women are useless, I get that and agree. So why do the PUA shit at the same time? What possible reason is there for any intelligent man to waste time on pussy? You guys seem neurotic and lost playing this game. Just own the broads are useless and get over it.

    1. That’s why I eventually went 99% MGTOW. The ROI on pickup is terrible. All that time and energy spent to get a couple sexcapades out of her, then she does something annoying or disappears. I think you have to go through the PUA phase to get to this level of peace, though. I don’t need to be validated by women anymore, I’ve had more fun than most men can dream of. Now I can relax.

      1. Glad to hear you have a positive outlook. No bragging at all – I have had lots of pussy, and I have one way or another paid for every bit of it . Probably still paying. But similarly, absolutely refuse to seek validation now from pussy. Been there and seen it for the overvalued commodity it is. And like you I am not miserable without it. I actually enjoy life.
        I read Return because it challenges the sickening misandric, pathetic norm, but have no interest in wasting my resources on pussy.

  58. that’s how Elliot Rodger came to existence. Most children formed from interracial marriage often times go through self identity crisis.

  59. I think this is an infiltrate plan with Jewish Mark Zuckerberg marrying this Chinese woman… Zuckerberg is learning Mandarin quite well and many of Jewish businessman and rich Jew CEOs are moving their business from America to China. A lot of rich Jews are looking for any investments in China.
    I read somewhere that many Jewish men have some sick fetish towards Asian women.

  60. This might sound too extreme but American men need to be allowed to beat their own women in public AND private place wherever and whenever the women steps out of the line. The states should allow this but it won’t. Just look at Middle East countries and Islamic countries like Afghanistan (even though Afghanistan is not in middle east). They get a rep from American media as being barbaric but they get the last laugh at the end because their women know their place and are scared to act like a slut or bratty annoying cunt in public.
    Taliban fighters (although they run and hide from American soldiers) probably have more testosterone levels than your typical average SJW white knight American male.

    1. women have more testosterone levels than your typical average SJW white knight American male.

  61. The majority of women are lifelong teenagers. That fact explains why left to themselves they so often choose destructive men since they take destructive, troubled behavior for strength and achievement.
    We need psychological tests to find that minority of women who approach mental maturity and regulations to protect all other females from their destructive, inevitably selfish behavior.
    A first step toward saving society is teaching boys to reject females whose behavior is in the long run destructive no matter how easy and exciting they are.

  62. I wonder if Roosh advocates a replacement of Western Christianity with Islam as illustrated in the book “Submission” by Michel Houellebecq? He seems to make allusions to it.

  63. Roosh, I really like your writings on pua and travel on your website and got some of your books. This is the first time I read something from you that sucks balls, lol. never thought you and others in here were authoriarian conservatives to such extent. Now I don’t mean it’s necessarily bad to be conservative, and I’m no white knight. But freedom is paramount. That’s why I’m more of a libertarian. People, even women, should be allowed to lead their lives the way they want to for worse or for better, just as long as they’re not harming others. Each person takes care of himself and the state should mostly stay out of people’s way.

  64. wow – dude. you really are a nut job.
    but i’m sure you gotta find some way to keep those books selling.

  65. Ultimately, it’s man’s fault. Apparently women are just women, and we behave the way we do because it’s our nature. In that sense we remain consistent. However, if men are the ones losing control over women, then maybe it’s time to work on some foundational issues? A lot of this article has been conflicting for me (and no, not just in my indecisive female way). As a naturally submissive woman, I do crave structure and masculinity in my life. But on the other hand, I’ve dealt with a lot of beta males who expect me to cook, clean, blow them, etc. AND THEY DON’T EARN IT. Having a penis doesn’t make you right. You have to earn our respect, or yes, we will be tempted to walk all over you. I personally don’t want to see that happen. It seems men in recent generations want to keep these expectations but don’t do a thing to uphold their end. My last boyfriend expected me to ‘wife’ for him, and meanwhile sat around playing video games, ignoring me for the most part, was emotionally distant, looked like a slob, and the only thing he did for me was ‘worked’ (as an entertainment host) and paid for my food so I could keep living with him, but hardly anything else. Worst part was, for as little as I spent per week on groceries, and for the record -I- had to set a reasonable budget because he was shite at dealing with domestic finances, as little as I spent he would still gripe about my spending every week. I hate feeling like I’m a financial burden to my man, so I do what I feel is my share of the responsibilities but it still wasn’t enough. It’s why I had to end it. He wouldn’t even help me get -my- shit together so I could support myself. Basically, he felt entitled to have me do everything and anything he wanted, which really meant he wanted me to mother him, and then didn’t ‘man up’ and do his share of things and shoulder the responsibilities that he’s supposed to. I see this problem with a lot of men these days, they don’t want to bear that burden of supporting their partners but still expect every benefit from them. This is why women lean towards feminism. We have to take care of ourselves now, and this is where the conflict comes in. Sure a lot of women want to submit, but now it seems like a trap. Like we’re going to get stuck dealing with all that bullshit instead of being taken into a supportive framework where both the man and woman have their roles and compliment each other as a functioning whole. It just seems to be entitlement and male ego that solely blames all these problems on women, but I think men need to understand their roles better instead of expecting things to be a certain way. Instead of alphas looking down on lesser men, why not educate them, lift them up, and encourage them to be men. I think that would be the way to break the cycle if anything. Otherwise women will keep walking over these types of men, they’ll resent women, and the cycle perpetuates itself.

    1. The ROK reply is that you, as a gatekeeper of sex picked him, so his faults are your fault. See, I fixed it for you.

  66. It’s been agreed that American women stop psychologically and emotionally growing at around age 5. Child psychologists say at that age you can’t ask them what they want, or let them rely on their own desicions because it causes too much stress. Your job as a parent is to make them feel secure by telling them what to do and enforcing rules. They’ll disagree with you and cry, but left to their own they’ll freak out and become psychotic. That being said, it’s cruel to women to let them have so much freedom and say about their own lives. Seriously. The reason for the eating disorders, the psychotic behavior, rampant social destruction in workplaces, etc. is because they NEED to forced into doing what’s best for them. Not let them choose.

    1. lol. It’s been “agreed”? By who? The people in this site? Please point to some developmental research that backs that up.

  67. The reason fewer women are having children is because of the hate filled, ignorant, toxic attitudes towards Mothers by people like you who haven’t the faintest idea of what it’s like to be a Mother.
    It’s easy for you to sit behind your computer and arrogantly dictate whether women should be “allowed” birth control when you haven’t the faintest idea of what it’s like to go through an agonisingly painful miscarriage.
    Or what it’s like to go through nine months of vomiting, acid reflux, pelvic and genital pain, back pain etc., etc., during pregnancy, while making a baby (which the Father, bizarrely, will get all the credit for because men like you always conveniently forgot about the much needed egg and uterus. You can’t make a baby from sperm alone, after all).
    It’s easy when you haven’t the faintest idea of what it’s like to go through hours or days of horrific agony and suffering during life risking childbirth, which still leaves women with life long health issues and even cripples and kills women to this day. I nearly died during three days of natural childbirth. It was a thousand times more painful than every bone I’ve ever broken. You know the pain you feel when you’re kicked hard in the nuts? That’s almost the same pain, but not quite as severe, as a contraction (men have tested labour machines, most don’t last more than a couple of hours). Now imagine that pain over and over again for hours/days at time then pushing something weighing between 7-10lbs through your penis. That’s what childbirth feels like and who are YOU to tell women that men should decide whether they’re allowed birth control or not when at no point during childbirth are you going through the agony and suffering and when it’s not your life at stake?
    It’s also easy for you to dictate whether women should be “allowed” to have birth control when you don’t know what it’s like to be up all day and night breastfeeding and nappy changing on top of housework and, for some women, also holding down a job when you can barely walk and your going days at time when you haven’t slept.
    Only a woman knows when she is ready to go through these experiences. This is not something you or any man should decide. Fatherhood is not the male equivalent of Motherhood, whether you like it or not it’s true. It’s a biological fact. They are completely different experiences. Having sex with your partner nine months before she gives birth and being put on a pedastool for evermore for having done nothing more than having ejaculated is not the same as going through nine months of pregnancy, childbirth or raising a child.
    Fathers are not slagged off being too young or old like Mothers are. Fathers are not called “gold diggers” or “lazy” for staying at home and raising the children like Mothers are. They get praised. Fathers are not called child neglectors for working like Mothers are, they get praised.
    We don’t see single, unmarried, divorced Fathers, or Fathers with children by different women being slagged off like single/unmarried/remarried/divorced Mothers are. And you know what? Some women are single because some men, yes not all men, some men are violent, some men do cheat, some men do marry women in order to “stay in the closet” and that’s not the fault of the Mother.
    The rest of your post is the usual hypocrisy and double standards you’ve become infamous for. “Don’t generalise men but I can generalise women.” The man who brags about how many women he has slept with, but calls women “whores” for doing the same. And no, I haven’t slept around. I’m married. I’m not a disease riddled whore like you are, I just loathe hypocrisy.
    I can’t say I studied media at college either nor did I get in debt.
    I pity your Mother. The child she carried for nine months, the child she risked her life giving birth to in agony, the child she breastfed and cared for around the clock no matter how tired and exhausted, grew up and spat in her face. It seems you were nothing more than a parasite and I’d be ashamed to call a disgusting entitled scumbag like you my son. Send my love to her. God knows she needs it.
    Oh, and by the way, it always amuses me how thick men like you, yes not all men, talk how “inferior” women are. Aside from the biological fact that half your genes came from a woman, the fact the person who predominately made you, carried you, gave birth to you, breastfed you and raised you was a woman, if it weren’t for women having children there would be no more men, would there? So it would seem women are not so “inferior” after all, eh? Given that the existence of the human race predominately lies on the shoulders of women.
    You’re going to end up alone. I can’t think of anything more fitting.

    1. The western world is undergoing an unprecedented demographic collapse. That’s putting it euphemistically, in terms of population collapse and immigrant we are facing a genocide. Every 20 year generation(a female fertility window) we are loosing 1/3 of our population because the women in Europe and Whites in the US are having far fewer than 2 children.
      It’s not really the fault of women or men. Men and women don’t want to fight but certain characteristics have been exploited to stir up a fight with each other. White males in particular have been the target, the worst thing. Quite absurd when you look at the rest of the world.
      Let me ask you rhetorically what would happen if we tried to correct the demographic collapse? Say we help subsidise women who leave work because they are pregnant and help them re-enter the workforce with training and a year of no tax as well as strong affirmative action (for mothers but not women in general). Who would object?
      I think the people trying to implement such a strategy would be accused of 1/ racism (because it would reduce immigration) and 2/ sexism because the measures would be labelled turning women into mere breeders. There would be all sorts of odd arguments such as this.
      We are in an unprecedented phase of demoralisation, nihilism and even self loathing that has paralysed us and brought us to an incredible discord.
      The folks that write our novels, movie scripts and present our TV shows would be the ones doing the condemning. Culture is now created through art and print. Whereas young men are often diverted by pornography into getting the impression they are having sex with the hottest women in the world women are exposed to a kind of air headed culture of celebrity and causes and the latest nutcase social outrage. There is a kind of hedonism.
      Its not surprising that some folks are looking at then return of some kind of male authoritarian culture based on the middle eastern Hebrew-Jewish or muslim-koran that is foreign to the west. The more traditional Christian religious cultures continue to maintain their fertility.
      Why are young women taught on the basis of the misogyny culture and rape culture ideology to fear and even hate boys?
      Where is this unprecedented agitation coming from?

    2. “The reason fewer women are having children is because of the hate filled, ignorant, toxic attitudes towards Mothers by people like you who haven’t the faintest idea of what it’s like to be a Mother.”
      Don’t be ridiculous. The reason fewer women are having children is, quite simply, because you have free and unrestricted access to male-created birth control, male-created cures for sexually-transmitted diseases, and a male-created, male-built, male-maintained technological society that ensures you don’t have to have ten kids to work the fields alongside you in subsistence farming. Men built that, not you. That you can successfully carry out your one principal biological function for the continuance of the species does not make you special, only deficient if you choose not to wilfully.

  68. True and if the girl is muslim the man has to be too to marry her, often the family wont like it, unless it Beign for visa, Greencard or money or they are really modern and radikal .

    1. lol yeah no point of marrying a Muslim woman unless you don’t mind your children being confused mixed Muslim. Short time fucking, no problem but if you do marry Muslim woman, no way in hell would any man convert to Islam just to marry a Muslim woman just to appease the family. That’s like getting on your knees and sucking an Arab cock. Fuck that… The family would have to fuck off and the girl would have to conform to YOUR culture or otherwise these idiots sand tent idiots can fuck off. Their family can fuck off too… . Your goal should be to deflower every Muslim girl you can have chance at. It’s like getting back at the Muslim males gangraping European women.

      1. Getting Back at muslim males by “deflowering” muslim girls is the worst goal ever. The girls are not at fault, and it just show that Think the same Way as these muslims.

        1. It’s called payback.
          Muslim males gangrape white European girls in Europe. Doesn’t that piss you off?

        2. Of course but that does not has anything to do with the muslim women. The women is not a ressource and mean under disagreements. The real evil is the quran and islam, if you want them to go crazy like seriously sociopaths then piss on the quran, burn it, say its wrong, mention all the bad In it, prove its wrong, make fun of it.

  69. Oh fuck’s sake you lot are just sick, SICK
    I mean you’re as bad as some of the religions that still treat women like crap with forced marriage and the equivelant of slavery- worse probably, as in this article made me want to puke at your ‘ideals for the good of all’ You are just lustful control freaks with absolutely no respect for anything except for your fucking cocks, sicko’s, psycho’s, and fetish lovers- that is what you are, you are what is rotting all of society from its core and I rarely wish this upon anyone but you should never be allowed into normal society like this, instead you should be in some asylum or padded cell- or, following G.O.T, be gelded, -sigh- I hate ranting but this…
    and Some people are gonna hate on this comment even if they think you’re wrong too, but I kinda wish you would all drop dead, I doubt anyone would miss you, let alone any of the slavelike wives some of you in the comments claim to have.
    ughh, I’ve gotta go be sick after reading this article, so I’ll stop ranting for now.

    1. Yes, I can tell you are very, very upset. Because you forgot to end with “wow just wow”.
      So sorry, I have to go back to whipping my slaves. And watching G.O.T.

  70. Let me ask one thing i dont mind women who are staying at home but is good to at least have a good Education. What if the husband leaves, cheat, abuse, get sick and cant work or die, and the woman has no family who Can take Care of her and has children, who has to provide then so she Can lead a descent life away from poverty?

    1. I love “what if” scenarios! They can be used to counter anything, even gravity. And on top of that, “what if” scenarios are infinite. You can churn them out until doomsday. I just thought of one…what if the What If Monster jumps out of the closet at 3am and yells BOO. Then what?

        1. “What if the husband leaves, cheat, abuse, get sick and cant work or die, and the woman has no family who Can take Care of her and has children, who has to provide then so she Can lead a descent life away from poverty?”
          Dearie, that’s why you and your fellow women voted in Big Daddy Government to look after you. Go ask him for help.

        2. Sweetheart, i dont know where you Think I am from or where i live or What countries i have lived In or who i vote for, but i dont live In a country as fucked up as USA. I am mixed and has lived In africa, maghreb, and Europe. All the “men” or should i say boys who cant Think for themselves on here are just blind followers of some narcissictic sociopath, away from the screen my good friend and go out see What is happening In the real World. you dont come with any good reply. Actually What you say doesnt make sense. I dont talk about the women USA or i do, but more the women In muslim countries. Sometimes the husband just leAve after having children and it is hell to be a single mother in these places, some even abandon their children! :,( heartbreaking. And i dont need help BTW but thank you sweetie!!

        3. You do need some help with your punctuation and grammar, it would seem.
          It’s amusing that you claim to have lived in Africa, Maghreb, and Europe, and still think they are in any way societally equivalent or superior to the US. Shall we start comparing female genital mutilation rates in the US as opposed to Africa, Maghreb, and (Muslim-dominated parts of) Europe to see how ‘fucked up’ the country is?
          Patriarchy only works when you women don’t hold a Damoclean sword over marriage and take some responsibility for the home. It’s why more than a quarter of you in the US have been diagnosed with a mental illness.

        4. i have nevrr been in us and thank god for that! i never want to go there it sounds horrible.

      1. But the thing is my What if scenarios are very real, and they happen and many women espectular In muslim countries faces great hardship because these What if scenarios become real.

  71. “When you give a female choice of which political leader to vote into office, who do they vote for? The one who is more handsome and promises unsustainable freebies that accelerate the decline of her country.”
    Sounds like the election we just had in Canada. I can sense my taxes going up at this very moment.

  72. Hi, I’m a woman.
    When you give a female unlimited choice on which man to have sex with, what type of man does she choose?
    You said: An exciting man who treats her poorly and does not care for her well-being.
    I say: That would easily be any man who’s a fan of this website, or any man who thinks my needs are worth less than his, that’s for damn sure.
    When a female lacks any urgent demands upon her survival, what behavior does she pursue?
    You said: Obsessively displaying her half-naked body on the internet, flirting with men solely for attention, becoming addicted to corporate-produced entertainment, and over-indulging in food until her body shape is barely human.
    I say: Use my common sense to nourish my body with the right foods and actively use my gym-membership so that I remain in shape, expand this health to my mind with an education, don’t depend on men for attention and, no, I don’t even have an Instagram or Twitter. But I am working on getting my BA in Computer Science at UCLA with credits from Harvard and ties to NASA for Astro-Physics, all before the age of twenty without the help of daddy’s dime.
    When you give a female choice on when to have kids, what does she do?
    You said: After her fertility is well past its peak, and in a rushed panic that resembles the ten seconds before the ringing of the first school bell, she aims for limited reproductive success at an age that increases the likelihood she’ll pass on genetic defects to her child.
    I say: If I’m having a child it would be with my husband where our relationship is a teamwork and we both have a say in what the right time is – if you aren’t my husband then why the hell does it matter to you?
    When you give a female choice of which political leader to vote into office, who do they vote for?
    You said: The one who is more handsome and promises unsustainable freebies that accelerate the decline of her country.
    I say: Tell me – do you think I’m voting for Bernie Sanders because of his charming, big blue eyes?
    When you give a female unwavering societal trust with the full backing of the state, what does she do?
    You said: Falsely accuse a man of rape and violence out of revenge or just to have an excuse for the boyfriend who caught her cheating.
    I say: Lucky for the both of us, not every woman supports that kind of BS and not every man is an actual rapist.
    When you give a female choice on who to marry, what is the result?
    You say: A 50% divorce rate, with the far majority of them (80%) initiated by women themselves.
    I say: I’m lucky if when married I’m not forced into divorce because we got hitched before I knew he was “the one,” and lucky if I find a man who is willing to wait long enough for me to be sure he IS “the one” because he is too dick-driven to stay with the same girl for so long. It’s a tough line to walk.
    I am not an angry, hipster feminist with hairy pink dyed pits and a pixie cut, and I’m not here to drag your website or blogpost to shit. Believe it or not, I agree with a lot of your other articles and laugh at the satire and whatever I don’t agree with I just roll my eyes at and get over it because I know there are far more serious and important things out there. But this is blatant, unapologetic mysoginism in the blackest form that deserves a good blast. Women are second class in this man’s world, always damned if we do and damned if we don’t, never able to win. We’re told to exhibit our own leadership skills but are called bossy when we do, are harassed when we dress comfortably for ourselves and not for men, are bombarded by magazines and commercials and meninists who convince us our true worth is in our sexuality or how we look but are then shamed for it when we flaunt it online, and are encouraged to work hard to land our spots in male-dominated industry jobs but then need to face the scrutiny of being a “diversity hire” if taken on. There is a middle ground that should be met. Neither gender should feel like they are better or worse than the other because of what they were born with between their legs. Men excel in some areas more than women, just like women excel more than men in others. We are built for certain things and are meant by evolution and human culture to meet certain standards – that is true. But no grown woman is ever meant to live as if her aspirations and preferences and goals are any less important than a man’s and her niche in life is to just follow his rules and keep her voice silenced – that theory is a load of shit. And you will hear it from far-left feminists and far-right feminists, high-class white girls and underprivileged black girls, white knights and enforcers and male feminists and educated young women like myself and every other modern walk of life that isn’t your own and we will scream it until we are blue in the face and have used up all the oxygen left in your tiny, bitter, egotistical world until you understand it and you don’t forget it.

    1. “I am working on getting my BA in Computer Science at UCLA with credits from Harvard and ties to NASA for Astro-Physics, all before the age of twenty without the help of daddy’s dime.”
      (a) You think a man actually gives a shit about your career.
      (b) You think you represent the great majority of women that men have to deal with every day. That’s not quite narcissism, but it does belie being a little more sheltered than the average bear, Booboo.
      “We’re told to exhibit our own leadership skills but are called bossy when we do…”
      You’re told by feminists to exhibit your own leadership skills. Not men. And you are, as a group, bossy as fuck when you get into those positions because you feel like you have to overcompensate for your lack of a penis to be taken seriously. Real men don’t get bossy; they command. Women don’t know how to do that in high authority positions.
      “… are harassed when we dress comfortably for ourselves and not for men,”
      “Comfortably” = “like a slut”, presumably. Which is amusing, because any time you do dress with your tits hanging out and your pants halfway up your arsehole, feminism says you are objectifying yourself for men, so I doubt very much any feminist would agree with you that you’re “dressing comfortably” for “yourself”.
      “… are bombarded by magazines and commercials and meninists who convince us our true worth is in our sexuality or how we look but are then shamed for it when we flaunt it online,”
      Your fundamental worth *is* in your sexuality – when you’re young. Statistically, there are more than 50% odds you won’t finish out a career in your industry; you’ll be off to have children instead and then make a half-assed attempt at juggling both. Your sexuality is an asset that has a very short half-life. As said, men don’t give a shit about your degree or your career. We give a shit about whether you might actually be our partner in the classic Adam Smith model of family specialisation that has worked for the past four thousand years or so, and whether you’re intending (as 50% of women do) on nuking that partnership because you’re unhaaaaaaaaaaaaappy.
      And flaunting it online? We shame it because it’s actually devaluing the asset you’ve got. Simply put: would you want your daughter to have her clothes half-off online, and would you want your son happily looking over one image after another of someone else’s daughter posed like a caravan’s wares?
      “… and are encouraged to work hard to land our spots in male-dominated industry jobs…”
      Feminism encourages you to land spots in male-dominated industry jobs. Not men. That is an own goal by you and the sisters, not us. And one might note women overwhelmingly don’t want to participate in “male dominated industry jobs” unless they involve very low risk to personal safety or very low manual handling. This is amusing to us men, who form 90% of all workplace deaths, but also hypocritical on your part that you want 50% of the representation in “male dominated” jobs but roughly 0% of the risk.
      There’s also that, by embracing feminism’s idea you should be an employee and therefore a consumer, you are buying into the corporate lie and hastening the end of this planet with your “aspirational” desires.
      “…but then need to face the scrutiny of being a “diversity hire” if taken on.”
      Rightly so. Affirmative action hires on any basis – age, race, gender – are reverse discrimination by definition, and actually destructive of women who want to compete on their own merits for that very reason. Milton Friedman said discrimination — in all its forms — was its own punishment.

      1. “… are bombarded by magazines and commercials and meninists who convince us our true worth is in our sexuality or how we look but are then shamed for it when we flaunt it online,”
        Women’s magazines, commercials etc. with women writers. Ever take a look at the magazines in the grocery store? Glamour, Cosmo, People magazine showing nothing but attention whores dressed as sluts. Quit bitching about this men aren’t the problem here.

  73. Hi, I’m a woman.
    When you give a female unlimited choice on which man to have sex with, what type of man does she choose?
    You said: An exciting man who treats her poorly and does not care for her well-being.
    I say: That would easily be any man who’s a fan of this website, or any man who thinks my needs are worth less than his, that’s for damn sure.
    When a female lacks any urgent demands upon her survival, what behavior does she pursue?
    You said: Obsessively displaying her half-naked body on the internet, flirting with men solely for attention, becoming addicted to corporate-produced entertainment, and over-indulging in food until her body shape is barely human.
    I say: Use my common sense to nourish my body with the right foods and actively use my gym-membership so that I remain in shape, expand this health to my mind with an education, don’t depend on men for attention and, no, I don’t even have an Instagram or Twitter. But I am working on getting my BA in Computer Science at UCLA with credits from Harvard and ties to NASA for Astro-Physics, all before the age of twenty without the help of daddy’s dime.
    When you give a female choice on when to have kids, what does she do?
    You said: After her fertility is well past its peak, and in a rushed panic that resembles the ten seconds before the ringing of the first school bell, she aims for limited reproductive success at an age that increases the likelihood she’ll pass on genetic defects to her child.
    I say: If I’m having a child it would be with my husband where our relationship is a teamwork and we both have a say in what the right time is – if you aren’t my husband then why the hell does it matter to you?
    When you give a female choice of which political leader to vote into office, who do they vote for?
    You said: The one who is more handsome and promises unsustainable freebies that accelerate the decline of her country.
    I say: Tell me – do you think I’m voting for Bernie Sanders because of his charming, big blue eyes?
    When you give a female unwavering societal trust with the full backing of the state, what does she do?
    You said: Falsely accuse a man of rape and violence out of revenge or just to have an excuse for the boyfriend who caught her cheating.
    I say: Lucky for the both of us, not every woman supports that kind of BS and not every man is an actual rapist.
    When you give a female choice on who to marry, what is the result?
    You say: A 50% divorce rate, with the far majority of them (80%) initiated by women themselves.
    I say: I’m lucky if when married I’m not forced into divorce because we got hitched before I knew he was “the one,” and lucky if I find a man who is willing to wait long enough for me to be sure he IS “the one” because he is too dick-driven to stay with the same girl for so long. It’s a tough line to walk.
    I am not an angry, hipster feminist with hairy pink dyed pits and a pixie cut, and I’m not here to drag your website or blogpost to shit. Believe it or not, I agree with a lot of your other articles and laugh at the satire and whatever I don’t agree with I just roll my eyes at and get over it because I know there are far more serious and important things out there. But this is blatant, unapologetic mysoginism in the blackest form that deserves a good blast. Women are second class in this man’s world, always damned if we do and damned if we don’t, never able to win. We’re told to exhibit our own leadership skills but are called bossy when we do, are harassed when we dress comfortably for ourselves and not for men, are bombarded by magazines and commercials and meninists who convince us our true worth is in our sexuality or how we look but are then shamed for it when we flaunt it online, and are encouraged to work hard to land our spots in male-dominated industry jobs but then need to face the scrutiny of being a “diversity hire” if taken on. There is a middle ground that should be met. Neither gender should feel like they are better or worse than the other because of what they were born with between their legs. Men excel in some areas more than women, just like women excel more than men in others. We are built for certain things and are meant by evolution and human culture to meet certain standards – that is true. But no grown woman is ever meant to live as if her aspirations and preferences and goals are any less important than a man’s and her niche in life is to just follow his rules and keep her voice silenced – that theory is a load of shit. And you will hear it from far-left feminists and far-right feminists, high-class white girls and underprivileged black girls, white knights and enforcers and male feminists and educated young women like myself and every other modern walk of life that isn’t your own and we will scream it until we are blue in the face and have used up all the oxygen left in your tiny, bitter, egotistical world until you understand it and you don’t forget it.

  74. I say: That would easily be any man who’s a fan of this website, or any man who thinks my needs are worth less than his, that’s for damn sure.
    When a female lacks any urgent demands upon her survival, what behavior does she pursue?
    You said: Obsessively displaying her half-naked body on the internet, flirting with men solely for attention, becoming addicted to corporate-produced entertainment, and over-indulging in food until her body shape is barely human.
    I say: Use my common sense to nourish my body with the right foods and actively use my gym-membership so that I remain in shape, expand this health to my mind with an education, don’t depend on men for attention and, no, I don’t even have an Instagram or Twitter. But I am working on getting my BA in Computer Science at UCLA with credits from Harvard and ties to NASA for Astro-Physics, all before the age of twenty without the help of daddy’s dime.
    When you give a female choice on when to have kids, what does she do?
    You said: After her fertility is well past its peak, and in a rushed panic that resembles the ten seconds before the ringing of the first school bell, she aims for limited reproductive success at an age that increases the likelihood she’ll pass on genetic defects to her child.
    I say: If I’m having a child it would be with my husband where our relationship is a teamwork and we both have a say in what the right time is – if you aren’t my husband then why the hell does it matter to you?
    When you give a female choice of which political leader to vote into office, who do they vote for?
    You said: The one who is more handsome and promises unsustainable freebies that accelerate the decline of her country.
    I say: Tell me – do you think I’m voting for Bernie Sanders because of his charming, big blue eyes?
    When you give a female unwavering societal trust with the full backing of the state, what does she do?
    You said: Falsely accuse a man of rape and violence out of revenge or just to have an excuse for the boyfriend who caught her cheating.
    I say: Lucky for the both of us, not every woman supports that kind of BS and not every man is an actual rapist.
    When you give a female choice on who to marry, what is the result?
    You say: A 50% divorce rate, with the far majority of them (80%) initiated by women themselves.
    I say: I’m lucky if when married I’m not forced into divorce because we got hitched before I knew he was “the one,” and lucky if I find a man who is willing to wait long enough for me to be sure he IS “the one” because he is too dick-driven to stay with the same girl for so long. It’s a tough line to walk.
    I am not an angry, hipster feminist with hairy pink dyed pits and a pixie cut, and I’m not here to drag your website or blogpost to shit. Believe it or not, I agree with a lot of your other articles and laugh at the satire and whatever I don’t agree with I just roll my eyes at and get over it because I know there are far more serious and important things out there. But this is blatant, unapologetic mysoginism in the blackest form that deserves a good blast. Women are second class in this man’s world, always damned if we do and damned if we don’t, never able to win. We’re told to exhibit our own leadership skills but are called bossy when we do, are harassed when we dress comfortably for ourselves and not for men, are bombarded by magazines and commercials and meninists who convince us our true worth is in our sexuality or how we look but are then shamed for it when we flaunt it online, and are encouraged to work hard to land our spots in male-dominated industry jobs but then need to face the scrutiny of being a “diversity hire” if taken on. There is a middle ground that should be met. Neither gender should feel like they are better or worse than the other because of what they were born with between their legs. Men excel in some areas more than women, just like women excel more than men in others. We are built for certain things and are meant by evolution and human culture to meet certain standards – that is true. But no grown woman is ever meant to live as if her aspirations and preferences and goals are any less important than a man’s and her niche in life is to just follow his rules and keep her voice silenced – that theory is a load of shit. And you will hear it from far-left feminists and far-right feminists, high-class white girls and underprivileged black girls, white knights and enforcers and male feminists and educated young women like myself and every other modern walk of life that isn’t your own and we will scream it until we are blue in the face and have used up all the oxygen left in your tiny, bitter, egotistical world until you understand it and you don’t forget it.

  75. This is a fine example of rape culture. It justifies a husband forcing his wife to have sex with him because he’s decided it’s in her best interest. “Marital rape” is still rape.

  76. I’m a girl and this all seems so weird I cant imagine a world like this I’m not a super feminist or anything its just seems a little extreme to me :

  77. I don’t know how I stumbled onto this article, but to this I say FUCK YOU to anyone that actually believes this garbage….no self-respecting woman will tolerate being treated this way and if you live by this mindset of superiority to women you will not find or hold onto a quality relationship.
    So maybe you do see a lot of attention ‘whores’ on the internet posting selfies, or at the bars dressing however way they choose (it’s their own damn choice!), or at musical festivals making questionable life decisions. Sure they are out there, BUT this is by no means the majority of women. Certain behaviours have deeply rooted origins, while others are simply plain fun…but I digress. In equal ratio to these ‘shallow’ or ‘immature’ women are the very same amount of shallow and immature men. Their behaviour is slightly different – the ones hitting the gym to be as ripped as possible, low to below average intellect, all energy devoted to ‘getting laid’, partying every weekend with the boys and having pissing contests. I’ve met many men matching this description. I’ve had to dump perfectly nice guys for not being at my intellectual level or at my level of emotional maturity, so what? Do I think all men are like this? No. If you are only looking in certain places or are intimidated by smart independent women then it’s your own damn fault. If you can’t find a quality girl who is at the same level as you, LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE. If this article displays the level you are at, you deserve what you get….
    P.S. This article is just sick.
    P.S.S Just read that the Roosh guy has a Microbiology degree, big whoop? I have a Microbiology degree I mean it’s not as easy as a general Biology degree..but it’s not exactly as difficult as Biochem or Chemistry degrees. I’m actually slightly embarrassed of my Micro degree because I believed I could do better, just didn’t want to put the extra effort in.

    1. “Sure they are out there, BUT this is by no means the majority of women.”
      Until then, your argument is about as stupid as asserting that because a haystack has one needle in it, the haystack therefore is made of needles and not straw.

      1. Substantiate with what exactly? My own independently conducted research? The fact that the majority of women and men that I’ve met in my own life are intelligent and driven, and that I don’t meet ‘ditsy’ or ‘air heads’ from either gender very often (and when I do I tend to stay away from friendships) probably doesn’t matter to someone like you anyway. However, I’m sure you are just as capable of doing a basic Google search as me. Here’s some links to get you going:
        I shouldn’t even bother because you are likely just a neckbeard troll and have probably found numerous ridiculous articles on the internet to argue your case. I find it extremely unlikely that you are married or in an adult relationship right now. If you continue to have this attitude you are doing yourself a disservice because whether or not this ‘game’ works to reel women in like a hook and bait, it does not work in relationships. Real adult relationships require mutual respect to be sustainable. If you are only in your early twenties right now (I sincerely hope so) it might take ten years for you to finally figure this out. You are the company you keep as they say. Good luck to you in your miserable life fueled by vanity and hate. Thankfully I married a smart and respectful man who doesn’t have this fucked up attitude and treats me as an equal.

        1. “Substantiate with what exactly? My own independently conducted research?”
          Preferably yes, since independent research would be superior to the vast majority of “studies” that are asserted as “science” by the feminists who conduct it, but at least actually substantiate the assertion. Any fool who studied science at a university level should understand what that means. And please, try for something other than solipsistic, subjective experience as “evidence”. Subjective evidence is not evidence, as any microbiologist should know.
          Thus far you haven’t substantiated your assertion. Instead, as is the general experience with your sex, you’re asking a man to do all the work for you. But then I doubt you can substantiate the assertion because you lost your temper and started with ad hominems.
          “I shouldn’t even bother because you are likely just a neckbeard troll and have probably found numerous ridiculous articles on the internet to argue your case.”
          I don’t have to. You have made the assertion. Proof lies on she who asserts, not on he who denies.
          “Thankfully I married a smart and respectful man who doesn’t have this fucked up attitude and treats me as an equal”
          Your man is respectful; so is a dog. And most likely he doesn’t think of you as an equal. He treats you as someone to be feared because he doesn’t want 50% of his assets ripped off him anytime you decide to pull the pin on your marriage for the most superficial of reasons — as happens in 75% of divorce cases which do not involve domestic violence.

        2. So, what you are wanting me to substantiate is that the majority of women aren’t ditsy attention-seeking whores? I find it astounding that you could even think this to be true, but I just showed you some very clear statistics regarding the intelligence of men and women on Wikipedia which is not feminist dribble. The second link was from the New York Times, and included stats from the Department of Education and various college graduation rates. Whether or not people are ‘ditsy’ or seeking attention isn’t exactly something that is researched in studies, and you certainly haven’t provided evidence of that either. If you would really like proof, all that you have to do is simple: TAKE A WALK OUTSIDE!! Go outside in the daylight and visit workplaces, coffee shops, grocery stores, parks, hiking trails, recreation centers, community events, university campuses etc. Just see regular women doing regular things.
          If you’re having troubles finding nice women maybe you should look elsewhere. Obviously you are because you have tip-toed around your age and relationship status whilst trying to denigrate mine. Maybe your attitude has something to do with it…
          Thanks for your great analysis of my marriage that you know nothing about. Did your parents divorce when you were a kid or something?
          BTW I fully offered to sign a pre-nup agreement but we didn’t end up doing it. If he really ‘feared’ me he would have put one together.

        3. “So, what you are wanting me to substantiate is that the majority of ”
          “women aren’t ditsy attention-seeking whores?”
          Correct. It is your assertion. You have to back it with evidence, not bring in subjective, solipsistic ‘evidence’. Wikipedia is not a legitimate academic source. If anything, it is a Left-biased site, which is why it’s not taken seriously by anyone academically.
          Again, substantiate your assertion that the majority of women are not, in fact, attention-seeking and promiscuous.
          General statistics on college graduation also do not support your assertion. We are judging your sex’s narcissism and its behaviour, not its intelligence, as your own post says:
          “So maybe you do see a lot of attention ‘whores’ on the internet posting
          selfies, or at the bars dressing however way they choose (it’s their own
          damn choice!), or at musical festivals making questionable life
          decisions. Sure they are out there, BUT this is by no means the majority
          of women. Certain behaviours have deeply rooted origins, while others
          are simply plain fun.”
          …irrespective of whether the woman in question has a college degree or not.
          “Just see regular women doing regular things.”
          I’m sure the sort of behaviours we are talking about are not observed in daylight. Again: substantiate your assertion.
          “Obviously you are because you have tip-toed around your age and
          relationship status whilst trying to denigrate mine. Maybe your attitude has something to do with it…”
          My personal details are irrelevant to your assertion. You advancing your own , subjective experience is a sign of the weakness of your assertion, and you desperately seeking anything of mine is only more proof of its vapidity.
          “Thanks for your great analysis of my marriage that you know nothing
          about. Did your parents divorce when you were a kid or something?”
          Given historical divorce rates, it’s a good 50% chance yours did. Which also contributes to women’s behavioural problems in the present day – narcissistic personality disorder and promiscuity often happens in the children of broken homes. Once again: substantiate your assertion.
          “BTW I fully offered to sign a pre-nup agreement but we didn’t end up
          doing it. If he really ‘feared’ me he would have put one together.”
          If there was any truth to that self-serving assertion you wouldn’t have made it. And pre-nups are not binding documents either, so it’s not like you offered him any protection in any event — if, as I said, you are not just making shit up as you go.

        4. Yeah…good luck in life buddy. That’s what I have to say to that bullshit response which clearly took way too much time out of your day.
          My parents have been happily married for 33 years, and continue to be.
          I offered to sign a pre-nup and mentioned it because your idea that my husband is afraid of me taking all his money is not true. That’s another giant hole in your argument that you can’t handle.
          I’m the married one here, obviously. Whether you are capable of sustaining a relationship is actually important. I’m interested to know if you’ve actually been able to keep someone around, but I highly doubt that considering you enjoy spending your time on this website and getting into arguments with internet randoms.
          Again, good luck to you…

        5. I love microbiologists who can’t seem to apply the scientific method to their brain farts outside the lab. As said: my personal circumstances are irrelevant. I didn’t resort to my own experience to prove my assertions. You are the one doing that, and your argument fails as a result.

        6. I’m sure you know a lot of microbiologists…
          Your own personal experience won’t prove your assertions. As will anyone’s regarding whether the majority of women are promiscuous or ‘seeking attention’ . The fact that you could even ask for some sort of scientific proof of that sort is ridiculous, obviously you don’t have any of your own either.
          You’ll just have to continue living your sad existence. Even walking outside to see the women that don’t go to the clubs every weekend seems to be a struggle for you. Have fun with that.

        7. http://www.mysmu.edu/faculty/normanli/LiKenrick2006.pdf
          This study shows that out of the participants, men were actually more likely to be promiscuous.
          This study also shows the same, and in fact it shows that British men are even more promiscuous than North American men. It shows that men are slightly more likely to be promiscuous and that women are the opposite. http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/11/2/20140977
          Here’s another one: http://www.bradley.edu/dotAsset/165816.pdf
          It’s very easy to find data on the sexual promiscuity levels between sexes. Most of the time men are slightly more inclined to be seeking short term mates. In addition, less than half of the women are engaging in this behaviour. By no means are the majority of women promiscuous. Men are just as likely or more likely to be as women. It’s a double standard. You are a dick.

  78. I’m glad you referenced Muslim nations in the beginning. You can see that cultures that oppress women in such a fashion are economically crippled, militarily laughable, and routinely manipulated by others.

  79. A couple points.. About 90% of this article was just your opinion. Please show me proof that women lack decision making skills other than “oh I have female family members and they r so stupid, only güd for babies”. Oh and the person you cited was a philosopher, real scientific proof right there. And lol it’s really funny that you brought up the Muslim countries. The treatment of women has really led to economic prosperity over there!!!! Also, You look down at women that studied liberal arts in college and you support yourself by WRITING. Lol. As if your degree in microbiology really led to employment and was proof of your sound decision making skills. Oh and about the west importing people from third world countries YOUR PARENTS ARE FROM ARMENIA AND IRAN LOL. You talk about the importance of maintaining western civilization, yet you advocate a treatment of women that is anything but characteristic of western principles. Yeah yeah let’s save the west by acting like Muslim countries of the Middle East. You know what? Fuck dude, I just wasted my time on your website, maybe my judgement really is poor. As poor as that of the sorry men who eat your bull shit (which btw is obnoxiously reminiscent of feminist propaganda). I’m not going to law school because I have penis envy, I want to go to law school because I want to make enough money to support my family in the future. But yeah, I’m just retarded and should stay home.

    1. The german women with their power of suffrage voted the Nazi Party in to power (45% of the voters were female). We all know how that ended. I don’t think that you would see that as good decision making skills. End women’s Suffrage!

  80. Hey guys! Whats up?? 🙂 Don’t mind me, I’m just stepping outside of my traditional gender roles, enjoying an AWESOME duck hunt! My first duck of the season, boys! hey!! Guess What? Would y’all believe this? I’m smart enough to manage my own bank account, so I could afford to buy a shotgun, shells, and hunting equipment with money that I earned from WORKING!!! Annnnnd… I did not need permission from any man to buy these things! WOW. I also know how to load the gun! I’m smart enough to put the shell where it needs to go, but women are bad at mechanical stuff, right??. Want to guess what kind of shotgun I use for hunting? Not a .410… not a 28 gauge… not a 20…. I USE A 12 GAUGE!! WOW!!! With big 3 and 3.5 inch shells. Guess what! I’m only 5’3 120 lbs, and I can shoot a 12 gauge just fine without the recoil breaking my vagina!! However, despite all of these skills that I know, which apparently are unfit for my gender, I am a wonderful sandwich maker. I made a sandwich with the meat from some of the ducks that I shot, which I then proceeded to eat and enjoy for myself. Yummy!

  81. Hey guys! Whats up?? 🙂 Don’t mind me, I’m just stepping outside of my traditional gender roles, enjoying an AWESOME duck hunt! My first duck of the season, boys! hey!! Guess What? Would y’all believe this? I’m smart enough to manage my own bank account, so I could afford to buy a shotgun, shells, and hunting equipment with money that I earned from WORKING!!! Annnnnd… I did not need permission from any man to buy these things! WOW. I also know how to load the gun! I’m smart enough to put the shell where it needs to go, but women are bad at mechanical stuff, right??. Want to guess what kind of shotgun I use for hunting? Not a .410… not a 28 gauge… not a 20…. I USE A 12 GAUGE!! WOW!!! With big 3 and 3.5 inch shells. Guess what! I’m only 5’3 120 lbs, and I can shoot a 12 gauge just fine without the recoil breaking my vagina!! However, despite all of these skills that I know, which apparently are unfit for my gender, I am a wonderful sandwich maker. I made a sandwich with the meat from some of the ducks that I shot, which I then proceeded to eat and enjoy for myself.

    1. What do you do in your spare time. Work for the fucking PETA and call all men as testosterone filled violent pigs, you fucking hypocrite

  82. I’m embarrassed to say that I, as a woman, who thought she identified as a feminist, agree with this

  83. If the male principle (life-giving, constructive, protective, bringing more, light-bearer, forward-thinking, etc.) fails to keep in check the female principle (death and destruction, chaos, centered on the past, darkness, etc.) you get the world we have today. Just find examples in work, society, nations… families, and friends.

  84. There is proactive policing and reactive policing.
    We are proactive as boys become men, we start with many prohibitions, then switch to reactive as the prove their maturity.
    Something similar can be done with girls becoming women, but it takes more effort as they tend to be passive-aggressive.
    Boys will cross a line. Girls will deny there is a line or seeing it.
    Can women be responsible? Some, perhaps. Or when options are limited. There are some who can be “equal” but it usually requires a lot of reality to select them out.
    But it used to be that Women controlled other women – the most abusive “slut-shaming” were done by women to those who violated the social contract, knowing men were looking for sluts and causing competition. Then there were the other institutions, the churches, society, doctors.
    In the days where people expect technology, an app, or a pill, or something else to fix everything, few consider taking responsibility because there are few, if any consequences to bad behavior.
    The other side is when Women’s behavior and decisions are “controlled” by betas – low status men.

  85. I have some problems with the claims made about woman on this website:
    1.They are not backed up by statistics: Making judgements about all members of a group based on the ones you know isn’t reliable because they aren’t a random sample, they are chosen based on your preference and this imposes bias. According to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3149680/#!po=1.28205 “women, on average, are more nurturing, tender-minded, and altruistic more often and to a greater extent than men”, “Women have been found to score higher than men on Neuroticism”, “no significant gender difference has typically been found in Conscientiousness”, “No significant gender differences are typically found on Openness/Intellect” and “ Women tend to score higher than men on Warmth, Gregariousness, and Positive Emotions, whereas men score higher than women on Assertiveness and Excitement Seeking”.
    2.They fail to take into account individual differences. The quotes above are only correlations. Many other factors influence personality so it would be unfair to have all woman controlled by male guardians, even if they aren’t irrational and irresponsible and/or the male guardian is irrational and irresponsible.

  86. “After a long period in society of women having unlimited personal freedom
    to pursue life as they wish, they have shown to consistently fail in
    making the right decisions that prevent their own harm and the harm of
    others. Systems must now be put in place where a woman’s behavior is
    monitored and her decisions subject to approval of a male relative or
    guardian who understands what’s in her best interests better than she
    does herself.”
    I only wish that my mother was alive today. I would make her read that and ask her for an explanation as to why she allowed her second husband to walk all over her ( and deprive me of my rightful inheritance! )

  87. The key is for fathers to socialise their daughters correctly by being role models their daughters admire and then seek out similar upstanding men. The issue is female self esteem. If their fathers give them confidence they won’t seek out attention from every man that points his dick in her direction. If the mother is also well socialised, they teach the daughters that their virginity and sexuality has immense wealth – enough for them to basically live a fairly comfotable life if they choose commitment and monogamy over being a slut. Once they daughter is a teenager, she will have already internalised the patriarchal model and will recognise the benefits, and won’t need to be controlled, as she will make the right decisions for herself.

    1. this is good in theory.
      but most modern women are ball busting harridans…
      So even if the “man” is around, he is humiliated and emasculated daily – in front of the kids….
      Just don’t get married…
      Look at Paul Elans “an ear for men” to get an accurate representation of what is happening…

  88. my ex girlfriend has $100,000 in student loan debt.
    she makes $60,000
    she teaches math
    many of my kids teachers have degrees in women’s studies. At a $50,000 per year private school…
    i give up.
    The upside is they are sluts.
    Caveat emptor

    1. What’s your issue with their chosen profession? Teachers are and will always be needed. The debt is where some bad choices came into play. Should’ve gone to in-state public school.

      1. first two sentence are virtue signalling straw man nonsense…
        i have no issue with teaching profession.
        A symptom of the decline and degeneracy from my 2 teacher examples:
        1: a math teacher doesn’t understand math (the debt is mathematically impossible to repay(strong independent women make terrible choices with money))
        2: my impressionable kid is left alone with a demented, bigoted man-hating feminist with a useless degree in “hate”, and other implausible nonsense.
        and another thing with the profession and many others is that men are driven out…
        However, your future cats will enjoy your life/society destroying decisions.

        1. Teaching has always been a female dominated profession.
          I wouldnt worry about #2…thanks to NCLB, teachers don’t have time to teach anything beyond the test…

  89. Man that was a rather extreme point of view, only realised after reading to the end that the author was Roosh! Well, skimming to the end. Sort of like the fact that there’s such extreme articles on here though, given the leftist enemy we are fighting, the status quo will always spring back to somewhere on the left (boing) so maybe if Roosh and other authors on the right push it as hard as this, sooner or later it will break the spring. I’ve witnessed women follow some unfortunate thought processes, being conned out of money. In any case many healthy women seem to anyway seek a guiding sort of relationship with the men in their lives. On a slightly different but related topic, well related to gender differences, have been thinking about the “no means no” carry-on we are always hearing about… Think about an ambitious man or person of either gender who is a salesman or job applicant, an entrepreneur raising finance. They repeat their request many times despite the no’s until they hopefully get a yes. A lot of the time in seduction that is also how the process works, and women basically like it like that. Other people have written that it’s all one big shit test and I’m increasingly convinced of that myself. It is one big shit test, and white men as a group have failed it, losing confidence in a male way of thinking after the world wars..

  90. Women what whatever is in front of their face at any given moment – food, jewelry, or a stranger’s cock. They practice no restraint when left to their own devices. They run wild, like animals, when allowed to roam at their own discretion. It only makes sense that they be monitored and restrained. Women’s Liberation = Societal Breakdown. Women’s Subjugation = Societal Advancement. A couple thousand years of history teaches us as much…

    1. that pretty much somes up rise and fall of every empire/society…
      I’m bitter from being on the wrong end of that – betrayal/cheating/lying/ball-busting/gas-lighting/stalking – you know? a girlfriend…
      So need to adopt policy of being the “stranger’s cock” in her face…otherwise stay a strong and independent man…

      1. Well said. And very logical. You can’t go wrong, I don’t think, with a philosophy like that one…

    2. If women buy real jewelry – gold, silver and precious stones – at least that will hold its value.
      Women married to the more affluent men in traditional societies would buy jewelry as a form of savings. Columba Bush, the Mexican peasant woman Jeb Bush married because apparently he couldn’t attract a tony white woman from his social class, notoriously has spent a lot of money on jewelry, though perhaps not so much lately, given how Trump destroyed Jeb’s political future. She probably looks on that jewelry now as her financial backup plan.

  91. I sometimes look at their carefree lifestyle, the possibility for women to “live in the moment”, to have the possibility to try everything sexually, without any let nor hindrance with a hint of envy.
    A man, I think, has to be virtuous. Not chaste, not prudish but virtuous, ie. morally brave.
    He must set the standard or it will disappear.

  92. I don’t think I want the responsibility anymore. And I have no inclination to invest in the well being of anybody in this declining culture and its been like that for a long time. Maybe my female relatives if needed, I have two nieces I try and steer away from any toxic conditioning. They are currently attending quite a conservative catholic school despite my brother having no religious inclinations.

  93. A man should control what women choose to do? Have you looked at men that are around nowadays? The fuckers can barely take care of themselves, let alone another person. You conservatives are an interesting bunch…

  94. A few generations back everyone accepted this as common sense because it worked pragmatically to keep the human species in business in a harsh and dangerous world.
    Even if Trump doesn’t quite make it this time, the hole he has blasted into our elites’ childish utopianism will give us the opening we need to push for the restoration of a healthy patriarchal society. We need to state, plainly and unapologetically, that men need to re-establish authority over women as simply a common-sense proposal that no one should find controversial. Revoke women’s franchise, discredit feminism, roll back women’s sexual freedom, reform our degenerate sex education to make it patriarchy-friendly – all of these should become part of the agenda to shoot the tiger and turn its skin into a rug for our club room instead of “riding” it.

  95. 1. First thing, disenfranchise women! The worst that happened when they had that power was – the nazi party got elected (45% of the voters were women). Please, end women’s suffrage!
    2. Don’t let all men control women. Especially when they are fags, communists or socialists!
    3. War on Religion = War on Men. Stop female atheists!

    1. So the Nazis were bad? Maybe you would have preferred the decadent Weimar Republic with its hyperinflation that forced mothers and daughters to work as prostitutes to survive?
      lol retard

  96. American-style libertarians won’t go along with Roosh’s proposals because their ideology derives from the writings in the last century of three damaged, sterile women who couldn’t form stable marriages – Rose Wilder Lane, Isabel Paterson and especially Ayn Rand. (The biographies of Rand show what a huge trainwreck she made of her private life!)
    These women understood “freedom” to mean emancipation from patriarchal authority, so their world view allowed much of feminist degeneracy to become part of modern libertarianism – women’s college education and careers; women’s sexual freedom, sterility, contraception and abortion; open marriages, adultery, affairs and easy divorce. They stopped short of endorsing lesbianism, but they certainly opened the door to that through everything else they enabled.
    As as result, libertarians have no way to stop women from indulging in their natural inclination to avoid dependency on men in their private lives for their economic support and social standing by going to the state for these services instead.
    An alternative kind of libertarianism which might make more sense would enforce a strict but benevolent patriarchy. In this kind of society, women wouldn’t have the franchise, they would have fewer educational and job options (no more of this nonsense about pushing girls into STEM careers!), and they would face social and legal sanctions if they slept around or had bastard kids. But they could inherit sound money based on a commodity standard, provided that responsible male relatives held the money in trust for them and their minor children. In the absence of such relatives, a court could appoint a man for that task, combined with some kind of auditing process to keep him honest.
    I don’t know of anyone who advocates this kind of “Alt Libertarianism,” however.

    1. what are you talking about. libertarianism is not liberalism. What you are talking about is modern liberalism not libertarianism.

      1. The current formulation of libertarianism doesn’t differ substantially from liberalism regarding feminism. Libertarians just don’t want women becoming dependent on the state, but their own policies don’t have a way to keep women from doing that.

        1. I can see where you are coming from and yes libertarians tend to not believe in any state inforced anti feminism measures. But lets be real without all the saftey nets and government policies that push them up women would become dependent on men again. Not to mention just because someone is libertarian doesnt mean we dont believe in patriarchy. The only difference is that we believe that it is up to the people(not government) to enforce patriarchy.

      2. Liberalism = Libertinism = Libertarianism
        Liberal = Libertine = Libertarian
        They mean the same thing (in the end).

        1. yes and no. Yes technically modern libertrians are classical liberals. The problem is the marxist people hijacked the term liberal and turned it into what it is today. Originally liberals were what modern libertarians are.

    2. I didn’t read all of it yet.
      And I haven’t read Atlas Shrugged.
      But, surely you guys must think she was prescient along with Brave New World and 1984?
      Although personally I don’t think any were “creating” science fiction dystopias, merely using history as a guide (especially Rand, meeting the Bolsheviks as a teen)…
      I’m interested in what others think about her (objectively) as a a philosopher etc…
      In any case many of us are going “galt” in one degree or another…

      1. She was a fucking kike. Kikes always push Libertine ideas, as they want a completely unregulated society to push their filth, whilst organising against whites to asset strip our economies of the institutions and facilities our ancestors built and gifted to us. It is just kike behaviour 101 – trick the goyim into thinking a destructive ideology is actually radical, innovation and in the goyims best interest. Look at Thatcher, she was a jewish agent and her entire cabinet were kikejewparasite paedophiles, who asset stripped Britain under the guise of being right wing nationalists.

    3. Libertarianism Is an interesting thought experiment; however, there are no libertarian societies and libertarians never get more than a couple percentage points in elections. To me it’s sort of like asking can vegeterians be good anti-feminists. Perhaps, but does it matter?
      The question is interesting, however. Could a woman who was opposed to submitting to pure uncontrolled authority (oppressive government) voluntarily submit to authority (choosing a patriarchal husband)? That’s a good question for Lauren Southern.

  97. ” ..hard to imagine implementing …” Sure. You won’t find nearly enough men willing and able to carry the responsibility. Regretable but true. Also, all this bashing of sexually promiscuous women confuses me. You need and want sluts. Why even consider eliminating them?

  98. Makes sense as how satanists like to invert everything. Today the husband is classed as an extra child.

  99. But there is no mechanism for control … shaming doesn’t work (slut pride, fat pride, etc), women can choose to walk in dangerous areas alone and night (they would rather be brutally raped than to suffer the indignity of walking with a male chaperone).
    Best thing we can do is ignore women: never compliment them, treat them as sexless “comrades,” let them fuck up their lives

  100. The basic premise is correct, but the solution Roosh proposes is just sharia, and nobody needs that. To find a rational solution look to the traditional culture of the west not the insane culture of islam.

  101. You may be more comfortable in Saudi Arabia, Roosh. Your thinking seems to be in sync with the enemies of America.

    1. The way women vote for open borders democrats, seems you’ll all take care of that yourselves.

  102. Everyone claims that women are emotional yet all I see on this entire website is people crying about women having rights lmao.

  103. This sounds no more than Sharia law I don’t agree with the behaviour of modern western women but experience has proven giving a badly behaving woman what she wants generally results in her falling flat on her face it would be far better to change to rules that don’t reward bad behaviour – stop government support of single mums and abortion, stop BS degree’s by making them full fee paying up front that doesn’t allow Higher Education debt, change the law so biological fathers are the only ones responsible for child support, change the law to stop alimony its 2016 not 1900, change the law that marriages under “x” amount of years keep their own finances/assets NO splitting up of assets – basically change the laws that reward bad behaviour watch what happens when these “ladies” have to pay for stupid decisions.

  104. Today I was sitting at a coffee shop terrace- in the middle. To the left, 4-5 tables away, there was a table with 3 young women. To the right, at about the same distance, a table with 2 middle-aged women. The noise level was intolerable. Shrieking and screaming, nonstop. The US must have the loudest, crassest women in the Western world. And this took place in an upper middle-class neighborhood.

  105. Women do need to be constrained but that won’t happen until feminists manage to turn white societies into Islamic ones. Then the new Muslim rulers will constrain woman. that may be one of the reasons women work so hard to bring Muslims in white societies.

  106. That is why I’m looking for self-confident, positive and conservative woman.
    I will not babysit an attention junkie.

    1. I’ve been frequenting this site for about six months now. One thing you will learn is there is a lot of deeper wisdom beyond the frivolous “how to get laid in 2 hours” articles.

  107. Don’t take women so seriously. A lot of men get worked up by what women says. Don’t even pay attention to their feminism. It’s all bullshit. Don’t waste your time arguing with a women or trying to prove them a point or even giving them any logical statements even if you think they are on your “side”.
    All waste of time.
    The only time you should spend your time with a women is if you are getting fellatio or fucking her hard. Other than that, they are absolute waste of energy and your resources.
    After you finish fucking her, get back into your business, life, purpose and goal.

  108. Its amazing how shit changes once your eyes are open up.
    Like, I find it funny how they say women are the best communicators and most mature but, as I have gotten older, I can’t really co-sign that at all.
    They really just blurt out their emotions and say whatever it is that they are feeling. Which is cool whatever but, for a relationship that is where things take a dark turn
    If you allow that to be the ruler of you as a man, how are you ever to feel safe by that philosophy? A philosophy that at any moment can make a sharp left turn and flip over the boat you are trying to build JUST BECAUSE they need some excitement?
    You have no choice BUT to control the boat. Her body is out for reproduction, attention TO reproduce and, safety from a man to protect her baby. Its a machine that you are dealing with whose purposes can care less about evolved beliefs.
    That is where you as a man must come in. Yeah, nature is a bitch but, the people of the past didn’t let that stop them from sill creating houses and weapons. This is what you must understand as a man.
    You can’t let nature win. Nature is not out for what is “Right” or what is “Wrong”. Its just “Is what it is”.
    If you want a successful relationship then you must guide it at all times. This is not a dig at woman but, it is what it is. Let her be the CEO but, never let her forget who owns the building

  109. Matriarchal societies collapse when facing a more advanced society, which is always patriarchal.
    Since the mother is the only certain parent in such societies all children belong to the mother’s clan. Men must marry outside their clan but their loyalties are to their mother, sisters, girl cousins, etc.
    Men may be required to move to the wife’s village and must fulfill certain obligations to her clan. His wife’s children, even when they’re his, belong to her clan.
    Whenever the town is attacked, men usually leave to defend their female blood relatives, meaning that about half of young men desert their wives’ families, leaving everyone else scarcely defended. This isn’t cowardice but family obligation.
    It was a stroke of genius that in some places men were made head of their families with wives required to fulfill their needs and bear their children. Of course the men would defend these families.

  110. Take away their subsidies: anything from Women’s Studies to spousal/child support to WIC to Planned Parenthood and everything in between.
    Stop allowing them to sue companies when the work environment gives them unpleasant feelings.
    Actually arrest, charge, prosecute, and sentence them at the same level of accountability as men face.
    Let them have their personal freedom and choice. Let’s see what they do with it in a society and culture that actually does treat them as true equals. Make them take the good with the bad, and make them actually face consequences.
    My guess is they will come crawling back to their favorite straw man of them all, “patriarchy.”

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