3 Reasons Women Stay With Abusive Men

Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form, advising men to become physically abusive toward women. This article is simply pointing out a few reasons why females are drawn to abusive and violent men.

We’ve all heard stories about women who are in relationships with physically abusive men. During such conversations statements like “She must have low self esteem,” or “She must have some sort of mental illness” are the usual discussed reasons she doesn’t leave the relationship.

Granted, there may be some truth to those and other statements like them. But men who have a good understanding of the true nature of women know that in this day and age, it is that very nature combined with the degenerate feminist culture we’re currently entrenched in that contributes to their decision to stick around.

I’m going to give three reasons most women (and men for that matter) would never openly lend credence to.

3. It’s a turn on

Chris Brown

Not surprised in the least

Women are aroused by violent men whether they admit it or not. It doesn’t matter if that violence is legal (boxing, MMA, etc) or if it’s turned onto them, men who trade in violence, domestic, professionally, or otherwise, moisten the panties of females.

Of course females would never say this out loud. A girl would never tell her friends “My physically abusive boyfriend scares the shit out of me but it turns me on” lest she make herself look bad and be subjected to a battery of questions and furtive glances.

But we here in the ‘sphere know the truth. Anyone who doubts this needn’t look any further than the case of Chris Brown. He’s the butt of plenty of jokes but his career hasn’t suffered. In fact, since he beat the shit out of Rihanna, his celebrity has increased exponentially as most of his fans are females.

Buzzfeed and Huffington Post both posted articles in the wake of what they described as “disturbing reactions” to Brown’s domestic abuse charges. They were just beside themselves with befuddlement as to why women would openly admit to being aroused by Brown’s violence toward women.

It should come as no surprise to anyone here the two reconciled at one point when Rihanna decided to “put the incident behind her.” But their torrid love affair is hardly the tip of the iceberg. Women have always been drawn to violent men. From women who fall for serial killers, to females who date, and even marry men behind bars this phenomenon is nothing new.

Girls can say whatever they want but their biology will always win out in the end.

2. Excitement

Put simply, women would rather be in an abusive relationship than a boring one.

When a female is in a boring relationship, it’s not long before she wants out. Women crave excitement, fun, and unpredictability. If they’re not getting it from their men, they’ll eventually find it somewhere else.

However, when a female is in a physically abusive relationship, there is very little boredom. No, there’s no fun in getting her ass beat, but the adrenaline rush that comes with the unpredictability of her lover’s volatile mood keeps her on her toes and for better or worse it keeps her around.

Battered women are never bored

My ex wife’s grandmother was married to an alcoholic who was extremely abusive. She told us plenty of stories about the late night shouting matches and beatings she took at his hands when he stumbled in at all hours of the night pissed off about this or that for little to no reason.

And at the end every story she told us about him she’d smile, shake her head, and with a slight chuckle say “never a dull moment with that one!” without fail. But what blew my socks off was when she told us she never stopped loving him even after he died.

Women might not always choose, or get the chance to choose between boredom and violence when it comes to their men. But you can bet your ass their southern regions would respond much more strongly to the latter.

1. Depedestalization

This ain’t happening in abusive relationships

Putting today’s woman on a pedestal is one of the quickest ways to move to the bottom of her totem pole of potential suitors. The reason for this is that females in this part of the world are worshiped from birth by males.

So when a man exhibits similar reverence in her presence it doesn’t arouse her because she’s quite literally desensitized to that kind of attention. She’s been getting it all her life and get it whenever she wants. It’s human nature to take something for granted if it’s readily available to us and male idolatry is no different.

Women in abusive relationships are well aware that their assailants don’t worship the ground they walk on. The moment he strikes her it becomes crystal clear he doesn’t give a damn about hurting her feelings and couldn’t care less about pissing her off.

Thanks to feminism, this utter disregard for her mental and physical well being is twisted into being viewed as a commodity by the warped and unhealthy female mind. She’ll never think to herself “my boyfriend hits me so this is a good thing and I will stay with him.” Subconsciously, however, she is drawn to him because he is unafraid to impose his will on her and violence is the end all, be all in that respect.


We all know that sluts are off limits when it comes to long term commitment. Abused women fall into that same category. Try all you want but short of beating the crap out of her you will never be as exciting, unpredictable, or as volatile as her past lovers.

There are plenty of women out there who are devoted to men who have never laid a hand on them. But the level of devotion that battered women have for their abusers is far beyond that of their untouched counterparts.

Read Next: Women In Their Prime Prefer Sex With Damaged Men

256 thoughts on “3 Reasons Women Stay With Abusive Men”

  1. This man from The Equalizer is incredibly charismatic, violent, and abusive. Women would love him because he is so “exciting”.

    1. The consensus is that she was actually Bosnian who happened to live in Austria with her family, but I don’t have conclusive evidence of that just yet. If true then it makes sense, as Bosnians can often be Muslim and generally are, as I understand it.
      She got what she deserved. I have zero fucks given about her or her family.

      1. Source from the British Telegraph states she was the daughter of Bosnian Muslim refugees escaping the Balkan conflict back in the 90’s. Guess she saw first hand the true face of radical Islam despite the initial tingles. Like the legend of Bluebeard’s last wife being told not to open the cellar in his castle but disobeying & discovering the bones of his previous wives.

        1. So there we go. My level of fucks given about her has entered into completely hypothetical negative integers at this point.

  2. It fascinates me how even the ‘red pill’ trembles in fear of our violent roots.

    Women are aroused by violent men whether they admit it or not. It doesn’t matter if that violence is legal (boxing, MMA, etc) or if it’s turned onto them, men who trade in violence, domestic, professionally, or otherwise, moisten the panties of females.
    Of course females would never say this out loud. A girl would never tell her friends “My physically abusive boyfriend scares the shit out of me but it turns me on” lest she make herself look bad and be subjected to a battery of questions and furtive glances.

    Stop living in a dream world. They do not admit it because society does not accept it. But your fucking Christian civilization is a big fat lie. Violent men are those who have dropped the shackles of insanity for good. The author’s distinction between legal and illegal violence is laughable. What is the difference? That some official monkey says it is okay? If domestic violence was legalized, suddenly it would seem like ‘ah, well, that is part of the game’.
    Abuse is just a word. A norm.
    Men fight. That is what men do. Women are aroused by it. Men exude masculine energy that clashes with the masculine energy of other men, but finds a home in a female who receives this with love.
    Why do you still moralize? You acknowledge that women and men are different, but only half-assedly, with the caveat that woman are of course ‘bad’. Nah. You are just too scared to let things be what things are.

    1. I’m not getting your angst regarding noting that there is legal and illegal violence in the modern world.
      The difference is pretty clear. Outside of the context of law entirely, “legal” violence is set within a certain context and set of parameters. You don’t see legal “to the death” matches, for example, and the goal of legal violence is entertainment and sport, not permanent injury. Neither opponent in a legalized violence event goes in to kill the other or even harm them permanently, they go in to compete, thus why it is socially acceptable, because as you say, men fight, and this provides a semi-safe venue for that to occur without any permanent ramifications.
      Illegal violence has no such boundaries, and can often lead to permanent injury or death, and is rarely if ever viewed as entertainment or sport, which is why society does not condone it. This is why domestic violence is not and will never be legal, since it does not serve any functional requirement to be considered a sport or entertainment.
      Violent men are those who have dropped the shackles of insanity for good.
      Brevik, Dahmer and Chuck Manson beg to differ.

      1. Law can be changed.
        That MMA can not lead to permanent injury is a ludicrous assertion. In my gym, guys regularly have to pause for months or even years after some stupid bad move.
        I saw a documentary about tribes that organize stick fights. These are generally not lethal, but sometimes someone dies. The women love it and the men sing loudly ‘You gotta fuck a woman’. Nice innocent pleasure.
        Functional requirement? I am talking about instincts and lust, not about some bullshit rationale. If it is what those two souls crave, why criticize them? Because it does not fit into one’s own worldview? I say they need the experience, so let them have it. This public shaming just indicates to me that the men who criticize it secretly envy the situation. What functional requirement does this article serve else? Other than conformity and ‘Look, they are evil and I feel bad about it. I hope you all agree.’
        Even if one does not want it for his own life, it is reasonable to show understanding and compassion for it. Why care? How is it anyone’s business what they do?
        Brevik has a lot of fans, although I am not one of them. Brings me to the question: What is sanity?
        Distance yourself from mainstream thought enough and you get called insane on a regular basis.

        1. I didn’t say “could not lead”. I said that the intent was not permanent injury or death. There is a difference. You can conceivably get beaned and die in a softball game, but that doesn’t mean that softball is set up in order to permanently injure or kill people.
          If it is what those two souls crave, why criticize them? Because it does not fit into one’s own worldview? I say they need the experience, so let them have it.
          Because societies set up under such a premise would not last beyond a generation. If you live in a society that condones random murder and/or dismemberment, you will find yourself on the short path to extinction. Laws and rules are put in place not to make you feel bad or oppress you, but because they benefit not only the social order, but our very species. Going around killing everybody willy nilly is not a worldview that has any staying power.
          Brevik has a lot of fans, although I am not one of them. Brings me to the question: What is sanity?
          A balanced and average brain chemistry and an outlook that does not lead to the intentional death of others for no reason. A lot of what we call insane, isn’t and you’ll get no argument from me on that count, but once you get to mass murderer levels you’re basically at the point where any person can see that you’re insane (not you personally).
          There is a difference between rational thought and mainstream thought. Lots of what is mainstream is stupid, but that doesn’t mean that being rational is stupid.

        2. I do not quite see the connection between dismemberment and death and domestic violence. Some girl gets beat, well.
          As for MMA, I am talking about four guys within half a year. And that is just the guys I know on Facebook. Difficult to compare to softball, really.
          You are using hyperboles to make your point and that is fine. But I doubt that the juristic freedom to go around and butcher people would actually lead to that. Why would people be doing it? Seems like a grim perspective on humanity.
          People have a conflict? Let them take it out on each other any way they like. Fear of death and permanent injury will put a hamper on those things all by itself.
          As for order, well, who gives a damn. I do not give a fuck about the species or civilization or society. I just want to have a blast of a life. Rather a life of freedom that leads to extinction than a grey and stable life of survival. Obedience and serving the lord, yawn. Just look at the public school system. Pardon, public stupid system.
          Yesterday, I stood on the street and looked at people walking past me and they just looked … sad. It was one of those clear moments. Most of the time, I feel the same way. Routine, repetition, same shit all the time. No perspective, no hope, no individual expression for the sake of some kind of fucked conservative ideals. You know, while I hate aspects of feminism, I can see how it was inevitable. Keep suppressing an energy for long enough and it will burst out eventually.
          Reality offers the option of violence for a reason. Which is not to keep denying it.

        3. As for MMA, I am talking about four guys within half a year. And that is just the guys I know on Facebook. Difficult to compare to softball, really.
          Which has nothing to do with what I said. The MMA is not set up to allow people to kill or maim each other permanently. That people do get maimed or die is true, but that’s not the intent nor purpose of the MMA.
          I do not quite see the connection between dismemberment and death and domestic violence.
          If you were making the allusion only to domestic violence then this was not clear to me. I was assuming you were speaking about violence in general, as in two guys see each other walking down the street and then charge each other just for the rush of violence.
          People have a conflict? Let them take it out on each other any way they like. Fear of death and permanent injury will put a hamper on those things all by itself.
          No, it won’t. Even the most jungle law version of the Old West had a structure to handle violence that was used against people intent on murder. You didn’t just get to go killing people who looked like they needed a good killin’. What you’re suggesting is something that has never existed except in times of chaos and huge social unrest. No society has ever purposefully structured itself to allow violence to occur out in the middle of nowhere for no reason other than “hey, that looks like fun, let’s go beat up that old lady/man walking over there”.
          There is a place for corrective violence. Corrective violence is not the same as plain simple chaotic anarchy though.
          As for order, well, who gives a damn. I do not give a fuck about the species or civilization or society.
          Then we have no common ground. I know you’re dealing with some issues (you’ve mentioned it many times) and I think this mindset shows that you still need work.
          Rather a life of freedom that leads to extinction than a grey and stable life of survival.
          So basically you’re not only at odds with humans, but with life in general. No stable life form engages in violence for violence’s sake at the expense of it’s own genetic legacy disappearing.
          Reality offers the option of violence for a reason. Which is not to keep denying it.
          Reality also offers the option of taking a shit. This doesn’t mean that we should just shit everywhere.

        4. Comes from our hunter-gatherer days. Conflict was common and unavoidable, and in time evolution has made aggression a permanent part of what humans are. And chicks are still drawn to it, because it was (historically) warriors and hunters who procreated the most. That’s all nature cares about. The connection between you carrying a gun and women being drawn to you is no coincidence.

        5. Yeah, no question there. I was just a bit concerned with “fuck the species and fuck civilization” thing. Ok, fuck civilization (or at least ours) but I draw the line at “And it’s fine if we basically self extinguish”. Makes me worry a bit. Having kids does that to a man, heh.

        6. Fair enough. As always, it’s interesting getting into these discussions with you.

        7. Yeah, but this is what we have, apparently, chosen. Just look at the fertility rates across the west. There is no turning things around at this point.

        8. Don’t have to. Just wearing one tells them at a primal level “Here is a man who can slay another, at will”. Big ol’ lubricant.
          It explains why women say “I love a man in uniform!”. They don’t actually give a shit about the uniform, they’re turned on because they want a man who is trained in violence and death.

        9. Yeah, I get it. But a gun seems more like something you get to compensate for a lack of training in violence and death. Not always, of course, but you see my point. It does not take much of a man to carry an automatic people-killing machine.

        10. What, and you think a pointed stick makes you a man? Don’t be silly, real men fight with their hands and teeth! The spartans were pussies!

        11. But a gun seems more like something you get to compensate for a lack of training in violence and death.
          This is how I know you’re European. That’s standard boilerplate I hear all the time from European men. heh
          It’s a cultural difference over here. We simply do not see it that way, and given as the real practical use of firearms requires as much discipline and training to use in real life situations as martial arts, it’s not even a form of “compensation” if you think about it. Go to a few defensive tactical shooting classes and you’ll come away amazed at a) how much is involved and b) how poorly you react and how much more you need and want to know.

        12. Well, to be fair, those look like over sized pajamas most of the time. Dye them red, put some plaid on them and you’re ready to sip cocoa.

        13. “Go to a few defensive tactical shooting classes”
          I don’t think that type of classes is allowed in Europe, outside of military/ police forces.
          People need to be able to stay untrained and beg for mercy while a terrorist calmly gun them down one by one in a theater.

        14. True, and a sad sorry statement at that. What amazes me is that so many Europeans condemn our 2nd Amendment and ‘gun culture’ while not realizing that we imported it to the States directly from European traditions. The main distinction between a slave and a free man in Anglo Saxon England, back in the day, was the ability to bear arms. Same in almost all other European cultures as well.
          Now we’re seen as savages. Oh well, better than being a docile, civilized victim I suppose.

        15. Now we’re seen as savages. Oh well, better than being a docile, civilized victim I suppose.

          Who gives a shit what people think. It’s too bad Europeans have become such incredible weak ass pussies, especially since Europeans created the greatest civilization in history. And yes, far too many Americans have too. They’ve gotta grab they’re balls back from cupcake and the government.

        16. Right, I don’t really care that they think I’m a savage throwback, just noting the current opinion. If I cared I’d sell my firearms. A quick peek in the gun safes show that, apparently, I don’t care.

        17. Our socialist prime minister has finally asked the E.U to stop bringing in immigrants. He just asked though. It’s probably just for the show.

        18. You may be interested in the history of gun control in France :
          in 1935 the leftists in charge made guns registration mandatory, mostly to prevent a right wing coup.
          When the germans came in five years later, they just took a look at the files and confiscated all weapons. Every one keeping a weapon had to surrender it, under pain of death.

        19. For each nation I have good and bad stereotypes.
          For the U.S the bad stereotype is a fat arrogant uneducated hermaphrodite zombie.
          And the good one is someone like this man :

        20. Well, he was boys with Eddie Murphy, and we all know about him…
          But, to Mr. James’ defense, he was a self described Super Freak.

        21. I let every man be what he chooses to be. If it is a faggot, it be a faggot. I kinda like the boldness with which these people stand behind it – even if I am disgusted by the thing itself.

        22. Yes, that was a fairly common pattern across Europe. 1800’s y’all were as armed and “uncivilized” as us Americans, by the mid 1900’s it was like the entire notion that free men should be armed was totally erased from cultural memories. Bizarre how “fast” history changed in that time period.

        23. Well, I’m one of those few Europeans who share your view and would like to have something like the 2nd Amendment over here in the old continent.
          I’m so disappointed in my fellow countrymen (and continent-men(?) ) who look down upon the gun culture.

        24. You’re generalising a lot about Europeans on the gun issue. Yeah, there’s a very vocal anti-gun liberal population (usually naive youths), the sort that rags on Americans all the time for America’s “gun cultures” but there’s many Europeans who are pro firearms, naturally the more conservative element of the population, especially people who serve(d) in the military or in law enforcement.
          And of course “European” isn’t really a good way to generalise since there’s significant cultural differences between each European nations.
          Take the Swiss for example. They still have compulsory Army service for 20-30 year old men, and after their training they actually have to keep their personal weapon at home as part of a militia. They don’t get issued ammo, but it’s not difficult to purchase privately nor is it difficult to (legally) obtain other firearms privately either. There was an attempt by liberals in Switzerland to introduce stricter gun control, but it was swiftly defeated in a referendum (the Swiss are a real democracy, they have referendums on almost everything), so they’re a pro gun population. Not as much as the U.S. but still.
          The British (I am a Brit, you can probably tell), on the other hand, have got progressively completely anti-gun, and you’ll probably find it’s mostly Brits (to my shame) who rag on Americans about “gun culture”. We banned handguns in a kneejerk reaction to a school massacre, but even in the UK guns aren’t “banned”. You can get licenses for shotguns and certain kinds of rifles with little difficulty. We don’t even routinely arm our police – neither the public nor officers themselves want it, but most European nations do, although ironically while 1/3 of Iceland’s population is armed, the police aren’t.
          A lot of us see the problem in America as not the law abiding gun owners, hobbyists, hunters, farmers, or the person with genuine self defence motives but just how easily the serious criminal element and nutters can get their hands on guns in the States is worrying. It does happen in Europe, but it’s much more limited, but the problem AFAICS in the States is the cat is out of the bag. Guns can be obtained illegally far too easily, so tight gun control / banning guns won’t solve anything.

        25. “I don’t think that type of classes is allowed in Europe, outside of military/ police forces.”
          Putin Just Gave All Russians the Right to Carry a Rifle Anywhere:
          Today, the Russian government changed its gun laws to allow citizens to carry rifles in public for the purpose of self-defense. Sound terrifying? It is.
          [two paragraphs follow with the gist being, “open carry” is insane, especially by those paranoid drunken Russians who have “invaded” Ukraine. No mention of the US backed Nazi coup that illegally overthrew the elected government by force and then turned to genocide against ethnic Russians.]
          President Vladimir Putin, speaking Tuesday at the United People’s Front said: “You can get a lot more done with politeness and a weapon than with politeness alone.”

        26. “A lot of us see the problem in America as not the law abiding gun owners, hobbyists, hunters, farmers, or the person with genuine self defence motives but just how easily the serious criminal element and nutters can get their hands on guns in the States is worrying.”
          You can’t stop criminals from acquiring firearms. You can only forbid the law abiding from having firearms to defend themselves from criminals and tyrants. Europe will eventually understand this as they become more and more “diverse.”

        27. “..and nutters can get their hands on guns in the States is worrying.”
          You can thank the ACLU for that. Institutionalizing people with mental issues started to get alot harder after 1990 due to the legal changes.

        28. Right, wasn’t including the Swiss, naturally, and I hear some of the Scandi lands allow rifles for hunting.

        29. It’s an indicator of the smart survive if your opponent brings a gun to the fight and you don’t because of some silly sense of “real men don’t…”.

        30. The good news: pretty soon they’ll embrace it because of the coming Muslim wars in Europe.
          The bad news: by then it’ll be too little, too late.

      2. When my old man was young bar fights was a common thing. Worst that could happen was you were sent home to sleep it off (then came back the next day and got drunk again). Violence is as natural to men as eating and shitting. And it has been declared criminal. This is a large part of why the current western world is so dysfunctional. We are not allowed to live according to our nature.

        1. I don’t mind bar fights. The notion at the time, and I got to see the tail end of that era, was that nobody was actually trying to kill anybody, rather, it was a way to either settle a drunken dispute about who was “right”, or it was over some broad. If things got way out of hand, then the cops would be called in, but you’d have to be at the knife and bottle breaking stage for the fuzz to show up. So in essence, it even had a form of structure around it which condoned it within limitations.
          Miss those days.

        2. Exactly. It was simply K-selected competition. The moment one guy surrenders, the fight is over and injuries were rare. Just as it is in nature. This is how it should be, and it is illegal now, because we are ruled by rabbits.

        3. Yeah, most fights nowadays ends with a group of thugs curb stomping 1 guy into the cement, or someone leaving an coming back with a gun. If someone wants to start a bar fight with another guy, I don’t really care…just a few things:
          1) Don’t drag me and my wife into it (nearly happened one night)
          2) Handle victory or defeat like a man. Don’t come back with a gun because of a bruised ego.

        4. I still get to see some of the old world attitude in my biker buddies. And the reactions are what they were “back then”, but this is such a limited, small group that I think it can safely be said to be an outlier and anomaly compared to the general population. Plus, unfortunately, with the younger punks starting to join the ranks, the who idea of “he’s down on the ground, you proved your point, get back to the stool and drinking, Harry” is completely alien.

        1. Modern? LOL It’s illegal is what, since people are suppose to hold hands and sing together instead voluntary putting yourself to death.

    2. Marital rape is a new invention. Used to be, sex was a mans right. Whenever he wanted. It was a fair deal, resources for sex. Most people don’t even know this is how it used to be.

      1. Men should get that straight with their future wives (if we go the traditional way) before there is even a hint of commitment from his side.

    1. I’ve read your post at least 6 times over, and still have no idea what it is you’re trying to convey here.

        1. No, I get the Betamax “pun” since he capitalized Beta, I’m just not certain how the first clause of his sentence relates to the second. There doesn’t seem to be any apparent connection, at least that I can see.

      1. I think he is implying that boxing and MMA make you alpha, and are legal, so every beta should start doing them.

  3. Today’s socio-politcal climate calls for, at the very least, an “I don’t give a fuck what you want” attitude. If you can listen to all the feminist yammering and not hoist a middle finger in the air, then your testicles have effectively been thrown to the wind.
    Men should, at the very least, be a bit abusive in their attitude. They will be rewarded with morning blowjobs for their efforts, no doubt.

    1. I’m reaching a boiling point with it again. Every election cycle is all about ’em. If I hear Equal Pay one more time, I’m going to lose my mind! No company can automatically pay women less for doing the EXACT same work simply because she’s a woman. The left has twisted this bogus $.77 Myth so effectively that the redistribution from Men to Women will continue in terms of MEN working 55 hours a week now being the paid same as lazy cunts who work 35.

        1. I’m spending some time with my grandfather. He’s a retired surgeon deeply FED UP with society. I dunno WTF is going on but he’s watching ladies talk during the day. Today on the Meredith Show they had that actress going off on this pay shit. And she proceeds to say how “Men can stand up for ‘Women’s Equality.’” I’ll stand up for Women’s Equality — like them being FORCED to register for the SS in order to vote or receive student loans like I as a MALE had to!

        2. “He’s a retired surgeon deeply FED UP with Society.”
          You can tell him he is not alone. Regarding his retirement: let me guess, he got out before the Obamacare BS hit in full? (I know a couple of docs who bailed in the last several years.)

        3. Women’s equality is that they can choose the military, they can choose to work, they can choose this or that while men have to or else. Something is either an obligation enforced by law or still enforced by the social order. But women’s equality strives to a point where women have no obligations they don’t choose and sometimes obligations they did choose have to be pushed upon men through social programs and welfare.
          Someone up thread mentioned cooking, those are the new obligations of men since women don’t do them any longer and they still have to get done.

      1. You could scour the US, border to border, and not find a company that openly pays men more than women: education, nursing, military, law enforcement, and on down the line. Yet it’s supposed to be pervasive.
        At this point, the pay gap trope is like stating that there is a Santa Claus.

        1. As I mentioned previously … what will happen when the Equal Pay BS passes, companies will pay men working 55 hours a week the same as women working 35/ week. Everything will be all equal n fair then!

        2. It’s simple economics. If there are two people equally able to the job, equal in every way, the cheapest one gets the job. The bottom line doesn’t care about gender or race or anything else like that. The first federal minimum wage law was enacted to stop companies from hiring black men with lesser skills who accepted a lower wage than the white union workers. That’s in the congressional record, davis-bacon act.
          The whole idea of women being paid less for the same work is myth created by saying two things that aren’t the same are the same. When follow up researchers actually compare like to like there is no pay gap. Some jobs women might make a little more and some men might make a little more but they cancel each other out. In the big picture, like to like, it’s a myth.

      2. All you have to do (to counter the pay gap myth) is talk about the kind of jobs that women are taking. When it comes to women, they never want a dirty job: construction, plumbing, roofing, oil rig, mining, etc…it’s all about the equal pay in the clean jobs field.
        Once you start talking about that issue, then you’re gold. You have to understand that women will only bitch about equality when it comes to certain things. When you start to apply “equality” to everything then you start to make them look stupid (and they shut the fuck up). Women want “selective equality”…not real equality. If they ever got real equality, then many of them would find their asses picking up trash for the same pay as a man. How many women are complaining about the pay gap in being a garbage collector? None.

    1. pretty much all of the females I’ve known that were in abusive relationships, had grown up seeing some kind of abuse at home. Or did not have a father figure in their life at all

  4. Women who get off on getting the shit kicked out of them are just looking for someone as fucked up as they are.

  5. Shitty girls think like that. Want abusive men. But one of the best women I have ever known liked the productive alpha. That is my Grandmother and my Grandfather.
    She liked the fact that he would look after the homestead and kick ass and take names for any of his own. He treated her like a princess and she treated him like a king.
    He produced the food, she cooked it.Class act.

    1. You did not know your granny as a teeny, though.
      Mine told me about how she met my grandfather. Indifferently asked her out for a motorcycle tour. Crashed the motorcycle, bruising her leg bloody. Must have sparked the love.
      Unfortunately, he died when i was young.

      1. Now that’s a safe way to do it (safe for you), unlike all the movies where the man gets the shit beaten out of him, or gets injured by something else, and the woman just stays besides him and cleans his wounds.

      2. I knew this old dude who grew up waaaaay before the pill. Anyway, he started telling us about when he was a kid girls from the next county over would drive over, because everyone ran in different circles, and get gangbanged by a group of guys. Then the girls would drive home and no one was the wiser. Women have always been whores.

        1. Man, I grew up in Indiana, and have heard stories like that too. It’s actually how my dad met my mom. Well-to-do girls would from small towns and other cities would pile up in a car and go to the mining or steel towns and get their brains fucked out by low class laborers. How my mom knew my dad was my older brother was his we don’t know. He probably wasn’t.

        2. “Well-to-do girls would from small towns and other cities would pile up in a car and go to the mining or steel towns and get their brains fucked out by low class laborers.”
          The sweet, innocent image I had of pre-WW2 women will never be the same.
          If you have more details on that particular “custom”, I’d like to hear them. Like if they were their boyfriends, or it was a trend for upper-class women to have lower-class blue-collar fuck buddies. Thanks.

        3. Oh, it wasn’t boyfriend/girlfriend situations. The girls would go to the low-class areas just for one-timers. Usually at a bar. Not even fuck-buddies. Now, get this; girls in working class towns couldn’t whore around as much because they needed to catch a husband. But the higher class girls would go there and fuck their men. That was a source of conflict between women as the economy became less stratified. Now, higher class girls from the suburbs routinely got pregnant by low wage workers, and had to leave town, supposedly to live abroad or something. Then after a year or so would come home with the “orphaned child” of a relative, who the parents adopted as a sibling for the girl. So the mother had to act like she was an older sister to her own child. Small town records are FULL of those anecdotes. Suburbia after WWII was a bastion of mental illness too. Oh, and then the whorish, upperclass girl was bartered off to the son of another well-to-do family in the town, no one knowing that her little brother or sister was actually her child. All that crap from the soap operas has some basis in fact.
          In my own family, mom and dad getting married was a huge scandal, and both were disowned. Mostly that’s the reason they came here to America. I guess actually marrying one another was a bigger insult than an unwanted pregnancy. When mom would argue with her sisters over the phone, a lot of what I heard was her lamenting that she was the one who got caught. Evidently her sisters were doing it too.

        4. Fascinating.
          The main takeaway here–besides the glaring reality that most women seem to be sluts by nature– is that when they’re not looking for a husband or for financial security, most women will flock to the (presumably rougher and less refined) manual/blue-collar/poor guys when it comes to sexing rather than for the higher-status ones.

        5. Did the guys who gangbanged them come from a blue-collar/lower-class background by any chance?

        6. Yeah, it’s a very interesting phenomenon. “Radical Chic” and “Slumming.” From the late 1800’s till today wealthy people have had an interest in poor culture. The upper end of wealthy men, who know they’ve got a cushy home to go back to and their wealth won’t be threatened, will go slumming to “observe.” Titty bars. . .that kind of thing. Their women will go and “participate” by getting into a circle of prostitutes and escorts. Thinking that they won’t be found out, and it’s crazy because they obviously don’t need the money. Also, it’s always the women in wealthy families who get hooked on hard drugs like heroin and crack gotten from friends they make in the ghetto scene. And their families would have no idea that their little girls even knew anyone on the bad side of town. Very, very interesting indeed. What’s notable is that the wealthy women engage in recklass behavior, and then assume they can pass themselves off as angels when the families decide to marry them off. The wealthy men understand what they have to lose and never take things too far.

        7. So you’re saying that there were instances where wealthy women outright prostituted themselves just for the thrill of it?

        8. Oh hell yeah. While I’m sure it’s still going on, there was a big scandal here in the 1990’s. A former Miss Indiana who didn’t make Miss America started a high-end escort service. Her clients were all rich and influential people in the state, and her whores where all female doctors, lawyers, and people like that. See, we had a prosecutor trying to make a name for himself, and he went after a prostitution ring that turned out to be this woman and her wealthy whores. Then he was told to shut it up, and he got thrown out of office.
          The former Miss Indiana made a lot of business contacts based on her running for pageants. And she parlayed that into an escort service. I can see where rich and powerful guys would pay extreme amounts for whores who were NOT just taken off the street. At that level paying a hooker is a power thing. And to be able to pay like, $1000’s for one night, with a women who’s a got a fast-track career, is power. What the women got our of it is anybody’s guess. I mean, when you’re making $100,000 as a law partner it makes no sense.
          We have a whorehouse for Lesbians here too. It’s right downtown in a rich district and made out to be a bed and breakfast/spa. But it’s only for women, and each room comes with a girl. Lesbians go in and pick a room based on a picture book of the girl in that room for that day. And it’s all high-end, and owned by a couple of women executives with Eli Lilly, our most politically and powerful corportation.
          I found out a lot about THIS stuff working for the city in our Engineering department. Part of the job was investigating businesses and stuff like that. You find a lot of crap the average Joe has no clue in hell about.

        1. Ah. No, nobody died there. They could not have married otherwise. He died from alcoholism sometime after my birth, though. Or bad liver or something like that.

        2. Alcohol…. more dangerous than motorcycles. Nobody will believe me when I tell them they are functioning alcoholics…

    2. Different times. No longer works. Your grandpa would have been an incil today. As would my own father.

      1. My mother was well acquainted with the back side of my Dad’s left hand. Papa didn’t take no mess.

        1. I was married for 12 years, and couldn’t believe it when my wife (from a “good family”) kept trying to get me to hit her. I thought I was being a just and good husband by walking away. Looking back I wish I’d have killed her, honestly. I wouldn’t have gone homeless in the divorce.

      1. Do millennial females know how to…
        Insert verb.
        Answer: No

        1. and there is usually an excuse for why these “females” can’t do it. It always has to do with being the fault of someone else (a man) but it’s why they can’t do it.
          Cooking is pretty pathetic for most American women, today. They’ll usually warm up something to eat but can’t cook for shit.

      2. Only a couple of my female friends know how to cook.
        Remember: as men we’re expected to pick up the entire tab because it’s ‘tradition.’ A Millenial female going on national TV demanding a guy has to be 6’3″, earn minimally $150,000 annually, drive a BMW and pick up entire tab … “You Go Girl! GIRL POWER !!”
        But a Millenial male simply asking a female to cook twice a week: sexist pig who need not expect “outdated traditions” from women.

        1. If she’s got a few go to meals then at least she try’s. Mine does make about ten good recipes but hates cooking. Luckily I like to cook so we’re pretty even

        2. There’s a lot of men who hate cutting the grass and shoveling snow … but they do it as its a traditional male role.
          How many times do you see on TV a lazy male totally shamed for not lifting a finger around the house?
          But when it comes to lazy women not lifting a finger … it’s celebrated. She’s an “empowered modern woman.”

        3. My friend/old roommate (who is an objective 9+) lived off take out and frozen White Castle burgers. It was eye opening watching a highly desirable mid to late 20’s female in her natural state of ineptitude. Forget cleaning too, her room looked like a bomb went off in it.

        4. When I was dating (early Gen X here) I tried online when it first came out. The demands were pretty much the same, except it was $120k. I guess the amount demanded went up to account for inflation.
          It was funny when you got her description: 5’1″ and overweight.

        5. I had a girl as an apartment mate (not a girlfriend). She actually passed out and slammed her head in the shower. The reason: malnutrition. She actually failed to feed herself properly. She wasn’t cooking and was eating only empty calories. She was a vegetarian, so she was basically living off of chips and other junk.

        1. Story of my life, most girls I dated didn’t cook, my mother didn’t cook, so I started learning how to cook and have been considering some cooking classes but haven’t made time for it yet.

        2. Taught myself not only through trial and error, but also hitting the library and writing down recipes for my favorite kind of meals. I’ve been thinking about classes as well for a date night. Lady I’m with already knows how to cook like I do, but she wants to learn more besides Tex-Mex and something you stick in the oven after seasoning.

        3. Cooking was how I got dates in college. Women found a guy cooking interesting and it made dates affordable. I couldn’t afford going out to eat much as a broke-ass college student.
          As I got older, I was shocked to find out how many NEVER learned to cook, as if cooking was beneath them. This seemed most prevalent from women who came from divorced households (raised by mom) or raised by a single mom.
          My wife and I both cook. She does Thai and I do American / European dishes (I taught myself a number of Cajun dishes) and man the charcoal grill. In fact, we rarely go out to eat because we both make better food than you can get in most restaurants.

        4. Youtube and other online videos are a great source to learn techniques. It was online I learned how to make a proper roux sauce and to improve on how to properly dice an onion.
          Unless you plan on being a professional chef, you can pretty much teach yourself with books, videos, online recipes. Your biggest investment will be in a good set of cooking utensils, pots, pans, knives, etc.

        5. “as if cooking was beneath them” ->homemaking is beneath them. Scary thought. I’m still a bachelor but having such an inverted value system at any point in life is really scary. A lot of landmines out there.

        6. When I was in my 20s I gave up on dating for quite a while. I put all my money into buying real estate (which in the late 90s was insanely cheap). I had no money to date and after putting money away I was actually living below the poverty line. Dating just wasn’t an option and I found out I didn’t meet most women’s criteria anyway (how many 25 year olds make over $100k??). I also worked jobs that had no women my age and I am not religious (I can’t fake it) so meeting a woman at church was also out.
          I ended up purchasing one of those introductory catalogs and wrote to women overseas. Later I would find women and communicate online. I was planning on cashing in all the frequent flyer miles I earned buy renovating properties (paid via credit card) and wanted to have a woman to meet in each place I was planning to visit. Sort of a date / tour guide / translator / companion.
          The woman I met in Thailand I liked so much I just kept going back and visiting her. We have been married for 11 years now. Her and the real estate were two of the best investments I have made in my life.
          If you can’t find anything worth your time and effort here… look overseas. I am not saying foreign women are paradise (there are a lot of scammers), but you can find a woman with an education that hasn’t been made toxic via feminist indoctrination.

        7. I can cook more than my 18 year old sister. Ive confronted my mom plenty of times about this.

        8. I cook all the time. I consider it a basic survival skill. Make no mistake, your great grandpa could cook like a motherfucker. But he was usually too busy working his ass off, and it gave the little woman at home something to do. If you look at the great chefs throughout history they were all men.

        9. Yes, for Christ’s sake learn to cook. That way your woman can neither force you to eat something you don’t want nor fuck up something that you do.

        10. Well done. Did you catch any flak from relatives? Some of the female ones ribbed me about not finding a “real” (American) woman to marry when I broke the news.

        11. My brother went almost catatonic. Not over who I was marrying, but the mere fact I WAS getting married. He never thought it would happen (my brother is super extroverted and I am super introverted). My parents I think at first objected, but they kept their feelings close to the chest. The idea I was marrying someone I first met online was alien to them, even more so that she was someone from the other side of the planet.
          That changed once they met her and her family in Bangkok for the wedding, which made a very good impression on Mom & Dad. I should note that her parents were visibly upset at first over this whole situation.
          When my wife made it to the USA, she and I went to Vermont to visit my parents. I talked my wife into trying cross country skiing across the frozen lake. That morning I looked out and saw my elderly father on skis flattening out a trail. I asked my Mom, “what on earth is Dad doing?”. She replied, “he is making it easier for your wife to ski since it is her first time”. My parents both now felt very highly of her. My Mom would regularly take her shopping, helping my wife on her quest to find winter clothes that fit. She was so petite at the time, it was hard to find anything that fit her. The ‘petite’ section in women’s fashion here in the USA really isn’t that “petite”.
          In the event of divorce, my wife would be welcome in my parent’s home anytime. I think I would however be disowned for the act of leaving her :+)

        12. I don’t blame you. I’ve lost count of the women I’ve left on account of their lack of culinary skills.

        13. The ‘petite’ section in women’s fashion here in the USA really isn’t that “petite”.
          Petite in america now means under 175 pounds.

        14. Did you as a young man ever stick around for breakfast while the young woman was wanting to practice her duties?

        15. Actually I did. It was usually quite obvious how lacking their skills were when they torched the eggs.

        16. They are capable of learning if they are motivated. Wife couldn’t cook anything but pasta and Ragu when I met her.
          Cooking is a skill that can be learned.
          Unlike a nice ass or great tits.

    3. The only way to get this dynamic is to date a foreign girl [I.E, Asian, Latin, or African] with old world values. Once you do, you’ll never look at Anglospheric woman the same again.
      Chivalry, sacrifice, and chaste died with the 1950’s in the West.

      1. “Chivalry, sacrifice, and chaste died with the 1950’s in the West.”
        The last 60 years most of the West have had rise of disposable incomes, lack of want or threat of war (Cold War ending in 91′). The veneer of civilization is thin and that lesson that is going to be relearned shortly.

      2. Watch out of the Russian women, though. They’ve know the system here now and are playing numerous men at the same time. Asian and Latin women are still the great.

    4. “Shitty girls think like that. Want abusive men. But one of the best
      women I have ever known liked the productive alpha. That is my
      Grandmother and my Grandfather.
      “She liked the fact that he would look after the homestead and kick ass and take names for any of his own. He treated her like a princess and she treated him like a king.”
      They lived in an era when it was taken for granted that husbands could force their wives to have sex, because marriage was consent, and if she didn’t want to have sex with her husband anymore, then she should move out and file for divorce. There’s no way of knowing that the key to their happiness wasn’t that Grandfather was an “abusive rapist” (by Mystery Babylon’s standards).

      1. ”marriage was consent” – – that’s a very important point. In fact the marrige contract WAS consent for free unlimited sex anytime anywhere until 1976 in NEBRASKA of all places. Previous to ’76 the notion of ‘spousal rape’ was considered a total oxymoron by any judiciary. NO MARIED MAN could be charged with raping his wife. Then in ’76 Nebraska was the first state to draft spousal rape laws.
        BUT WHY NEBRASKA?? Nebraska is the very geographic center of the US and is forever red. But Neb was the first to override the marital exclusion to the rape statutes. It was by definition an ‘exclusion’ and no one could be charged with rape of their spouse. Legal journals and reviews openly termed the notion of ‘spousal rape’ OXYMORONIC!!
        But then seventeen years later after Neb, the last of the 50 states finally allowed rape charges to be levied against spouses. It still seems peculiar that the very heart and center state NEB had the spousal rape laws rammed through FIRST and not Cal or NY. Very odd indeed that the reddest state of all goes down first. It’s also odd that the far other end political spectrum could also be found in Nebraska. Neo nazi publications magazine ‘New Order’ was headquartered in Lincoln Neb at that time as well.

      2. Although note that now when society makes the old way of treating women illegal, the women still crave it. And they get it by manipulating and starting the situations. I don’t agree with the whole “patriarchal society” thing having oppressed women. Women were happy the way things were. Only like children, when SJW’s say they can have MORE and MORE they jump on the band wagon.

      3. Lets just go with Occams razor on this on and not hunt for hidden justifications to your own ideal.
        On my reading Grandmother is content, impressed and glad to participate in the kitchen and bedroom. Why would abuse be necessary, when being sucessful is such a turn on?

    5. That’s how my grandparents are. She was 19 when she married my granddad and now they’ll be married 60 years this July. They’ve seen all their grandchildren grow up, the oldest grand is 31, I’m the 2nd oldest, 29. My granddad said when they met in the 50s when she was a teenager, the most he got from her before they were married was a kiss on the cheek. And their dates consisted of them going to church or having dinner at her parents house. She never cursed or drank alcohol. My granddad had experience with loose women (even in the 50s, but it was much more discreet then) but the way my grandmother was compared to the others was why he married her. He said he wanted a wife who he knew he could trust.
      And her mother, my great grandmother was 16 when she married my great granddad who was 22. They were married almost 64 years before he died in 1998 and she followed him in 2004. They had 9 children, my granny being the oldest. Several grandchildren, great and great great grandchildren.

        1. It’s the last day of the work week, nobody is around and I’m bored, so I’m getting loopy. Heh.

        1. Warrior = physical protection
          Hunter = provider
          They may like thugs and mass murderers but not for their fighting and hunting skills.

      1. Achievers, go-getters, explorers, adventurers, survivors, winners. There are many realistic examples.
        I assume blindlo is talking evolutionary terms, how you decide to fit yourself into modern society and make yourself worthwhile is deoendent on your limited imagination.
        Tbh. A guy who goes literally hunting with the other guys just to appear to be a good hunter type and prove his manhood is a social omega. A guy who goes hunting because he enjoys it, is properly expressing his hunter nature. But there are thousands of other less literal things a person can do that express the same drive.
        The problem is a lack of imagination. It used to be easy: work in a proper man job and go to football matches. Most men did the same and now the culture changes mean the distiction is not so clear.
        You are a man. Live life your own way and live it well, that is enough. Going to extremes of being a literal warrior just to prove yourself is very beta.
        Make your own decision, but do not justify it by thinking societal changes have robbed you of a textbook definition.

  6. 1.Co-dependency.
    2.Abusive parents.
    3.Low self esteem.
    Bonus: All of the above.
    If you get with a chick that likes to be kicked around, expect a lot of dark past and emotional problems. Maybe some guys are into that…

  7. So, I have actually been thinking about this topic and having conversations about it recently. It would seem that it plays right into female “romance fantasy” and not just 50 Shades. There are several common themes sprouting up in contemporary romance novels. The writers always seem to use the “I” first-person narrative voice, so that they and their audience can (vicariously) live out the story.
    1. The men are frequently placed into contrived fist-fights (usually over her). Since the betas fawning over them IRL aren’t proving their worth, I guess they need to get a facsimile from somewhere.
    2. She generally goes out of the way to point out his physical dominance and overpowering musculature relative to her own, either pinning her arms/legs,body to a surface or otherwise immobilizing her before sex. Many also like to be in that grey area between pseudo-forced and consensual (denying their desire aloud while “aching” for it in their mind/imagination). Being “owned” and “taken.”
    3. The foreplay is described more and more violently with ear-nibbling turning to actual blood-drawing biting. Her head being bruised from knocking into the wall. Enjoying the taste of her own blood and so on. He “growls” a lot, and is very animalistic/primal.
    Women will write this off as going for the “bad boy,” but in truth most just get wet when dominated or even thinking about being dominated.
    Likely this all ties together with Roosh’s new article on what propaganda we should be using to counter the current culture. I say ROK should start publishing male-written (strong, dominant, masculine voice) romance novels for women, profitable, traditional, and seditious all in one.
    4. She always thinks he is damaged and needs her to fix him or that she can break him (ironically turning him into the exact opposite of what she’s attracted to).
    5. When she gets into any trouble at all (with him or otherwise) she immediately begs for help from her nearest “provider male” (dad, brother, ex, or friend). Never takes it on alone or without a man along.
    Strange, how most of what I gather to be called “game” that feminists/women harp on being misogynist when posted places like this site, is actually echoed in their own magazines, movies, music and novels (or maybe it is just happy coincidence that there are pop tarts on the radio shrieking about being chained and ravaged even as I type this?)

    1. Same with that Twilight crap. 2 supernatural pretty boys fighting over a moody, plain looking girl.

      1. Exactly. And that’s another facet.
        In reality what kind of man wants a “moody,” “hipster,” “edgy,” or “bitchy,” etc. girl?
        And what kind of man is going to value a 5 or 6 or less as if she is a 7 or up?
        Perpetual children need fantasy lives in order to function and rather than treating what is likely a harmful mental disorder, our own contemporaries are nothing but enablers, while our governments and activists try to maintain the illusions/delusions.

        1. Ah, but the story was written for the bulk of Western girls who are now, almost uniformly, a 5 or below. Exceptions to the rule, very pretty girls, I found, weren’t really into that series. Didn’t occur to me until just now, with your post, why.

        2. Women with a somewhat-tight grasp on their life are the exception to this article and all the Twilight/ 50 Shades hullabaloo.

  8. I took up Krav Maga this year. If I miss one session my wife gets noticeably edgy. She’ll swear up and down that violence is horrible but I can tell she likes that I took up something with a violent facet to it.

  9. Having worked in law enforcement this comes as no surprise. When taking reports from women, it was clear with some that they were enjoying the ‘drama’.

    1. No doubt women enjoy the drama. When asked why a woman is keeping up with the latest FB drama gossip you can ask them point blank, “Why are keeping up with that shit?” Their response will inevitably be, “I dunno.” That translates to “I have a sick fascination with drama, regardless whose it is.”

      1. That’s literally what happened when an older woman I worked with at a grocery store in high school said. Mid-30’s with four kids, mentioned that the husband knew ways to smack her around without leaving any marks. I asked her point blank, “Why are you still with the dude?” “Duh, I don’t know.” Even at that age I realized women are mental drama queens.

        1. Yep. Wish I could say I was exaggerating but I’m not. If you ask any woman why they willingly insert themselves into an unnecessary dramatic situation, all you’ll get is a blank look and a shoulder shrug. When my wife starts a sentence with “Listen to what so-and-so said on FB…” I stop her right there and say I don’t care.

        2. I do say, there’s a difference between a smack and an actual beating. Women do like to push if they think you won’t react.

        3. Boxing and fighting a woman is physically so natural and blissfully comfortable. To cold shoulder a raging woman a man has to be completely broken from birth practically, and then repeatedly brainwashed to treat all women like princesses.
          The maddest I’ve ever seen bulldog faced dykes become is when they see some random woman scuffling with her man. They scream out shit like ”No man TOUCHES a woman”. 25 yrs ago long before sjw’s I witnessed two dykes jump in and go beserk on some guy who was arguing with his straight chick. Like kamikazi’s, they didn’t care if they went to the pokie. I quit hanging with those nasty bitches after that. One was pretty and her sub. I was trying to break their set and get the pretty one. She was virgin to dick.

        4. It used to be standard practice to give a woman a slap. You see it in the old movies. And then it became “I would never hit a woman”. Yeah? Really? What if she had a knife to the throat of your newborn?

        5. Absolutely. People don’t realize what a strong word “never” is. We don’t beat up women for the same reason we don’t beat up small children: it’s no contest, and to do so would be cowardly. But that doesn’t mean some of them don’t need a good slap every now and then.

        6. Remember the sh*tstorm Sean Connery got when he admitted to Barbar Walters that “sometimes, a woman needs a good rap across the face”? He ended up doing the full kowtow afterwards.

        7. The irony is that lesbians have the most violent relationships in the world. They totally beat the shit out of each other. Insane violent tendencies is a trait of lesbians. So much so that police are able to profile crimes by it.

        8. You know, the men regarded as most sexy and desirable by women, even today, are Sean Connery and other people known to have slapped around their women.

        9. Actually any fertile women becomes violent when she steps outside of her natural role as mother. A wasted egg becomes ‘egg on her brain’. Married women who have no children throw ashtrays and vases over nit picking non baby related shit whereas women that are kept stuffed like a turkey and producing nonstop are less likely to throw items in anger. Instead they’ll throw things constructively like throwing or ‘tossing’ a cesar salad in the kitchen. And they’ll take up ‘juggling’ as a hobby, juggling things like dirty diapers, lullabys and servicing their master. With a clean ‘egg free’ brain they can pursue their labor of love and favorite hobby JUGGLING. Juggling requires no shoes as you know and once she reaches nirvana with three diapers in the air, two more in the pail, a fresh wad of semen in her poot swimming like stormtroopers searching for that delectable egg, meatloaf in the oven as she closes the oven door with her foot, ”WHOOO, now that’s JUGGLING baby”. Why she’s bound to forget about shoes altogether at that point. No need for shoes.

        10. You may have a point there. Like maybe having children around smooths out their brain chemistry and helps them act rationally. Or at least sedates them.

        11. Sean Connery said in the same interview that he had never hit a woman >_>, are you referring to something specific?

      2. That’s why I generally don’t care about domestic violence. I may sympathize with the rare woman who didn’t see it coming and literally have no options. But 98 percent of the time that isn’t the case. And notice those types of men have no problem keeping a woman.
        I recently watched a documentary about Sugar Ray Robinson, the welterweight and middle weight world boxing champion of the 1940s and 1950s. In the documentary, they interviewed Edna Mae Robinson, ex wife of Sugar Ray. By the time of the documentary, Ray Robinson had been dead over 10 years and Edna Mae was a wheelchair bound 85 year old woman. She had 2 sons by him and said that during their marriage, he was physically abusive and a serial womanizer.
        It turned out the reason for Ray Robinson abusive behavior was that boxing had damaged the part of his brain responsible for mood and rational thinking. He later got Alzheimer’s disease in his older years.
        Anyway, as an 85 year old woman, as she reminisced about Ray Robinson, she said that despite his abuse, she still loved him and sometimes wished she never left him. This is the universal nature of women.

    2. For those of you who don’t yet feel up to abusing women, don’t worry. A lifetime of dating women will cure you of any squeamishness about putting a woman in her place, no matter how pretty she is..

      1. Maybe you’re trolling here? If not, that’s kinda silly. If a woman makes you so mad you gotta here, all you have to do is say “see ya” and go find another woman to date. Actually taking the time to act on your anger and hit someone you’re dating is a big waste of your time.

        1. LOL… Honestly I was also exaggerating for effect. That said, I will get in woman’s face when she is out of line. Some may interpret that as “abuse” although sometimes the power of the “yell” is the best way to let a woman know she has gone too far.

    3. My God, I worked in Domestic Violence Court while in college. Everyone, even the prosecutors, understood that women were playing the system, and starting fights just to get beaten up, just so they could call cops and put the man through the ringer. And the system is geared against men because of politics and courts needing to clear their dockets. Pursuing truth and justice was too expensive.

    4. when you said “some” did you mean a minority, or did you mean a majority but didn’t want to be crude?
      I genuinely ask this to learn from your observations.

      1. I meant a minority…. they’d often go off on one about how evil he was, sometimes justified.
        What I particularly hated being involved in with women, it was always women, reporting their husband whilst going through a messy divorce for things which were civil. I’m kitted out with enough equipment to break up a drugs ring, and you’re using me as a pawn in your shitty divorce? Fuck off love!

  10. Ladies love UFC! I used to go to a bar that showed the fights. Groups of girls would be in attendance on those nights…

  11. Ultimately shit tests are a way to get that adrenaline going. They want to see what your made of. Intermittently I think its a good idea to fire back tenfold when patience wears thin. Ive never seen a quicker aphrodesiac than unloading on a testy bitch.

    1. Cat, Instead of “unloading”, I simply ignore when they hoist those types of shit tests. “Ignoring” has worked wonders, and keeps a real man out of jail.

  12. Hey everybody, whether you want the well wishing or not, or if you’re not American and don’t give a shit, I really don’t care, you’re about to receive this well wishing. Consider it a form of cultural rape, if you’re so inclined.
    So yeah, happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Many thanks for the holiday well-wishes, Ghost! And a happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!

  13. This is true and the implications are potentially seismic.
    You either create the drama for them or end up on the receiving end and the same unfortunately may also be true of physical violence as one of the most reliable sources of such drama.
    I am convinced this is one reason that feminists, knowing this by virtue of the fact that they technically qualify as women, have sought to institute affirmative consent as something that disrupts the kind of drama / physicality that actually creates attraction: by disrupting physical attraction they disrupt heterosexuality itself. More than this feminist claims about abuse, violence, domination etc can also be seen as a continuation at a cultural level of the kind of quest for drama and emotional ups and downs, that individual women still seek within personal relationships.
    Most of us probably know this by now instinctively, but what hasn’t been worked through yet are the implications of what this means for sexual politics as a moral battle-ground: if women are attracted to men who are violent, abusive or otherwise treat them like shit rather than well then much of onus of responsibility for pretty much ‘everything violent that has ever happened’ can in part get laid at their door. To the extent that their desires are a factor (i.e. to the extent they weren’t kidnapped and raped) they bear a high degree of responsibility for perpetuating ‘systems of domination’ both at the personal and political / historical level.
    Obviously brutal and violent men bear responsibility for brutal and violent actions, killings, rapes, wars etc in the first instance at least to the extent that it is they who objectively carry out such things, but if women are not the passive victims of oppressive patriarchal violence throughout history that feminism likes to portray them as and instead they are the ones who select mates who perpetuate violence both domestically and and within society as a whole then they are the ones who are effectively fuelling the cycle of violence in history.
    What’s more as the article makes clear, and as many of us will know from experience when men withdraw from violence and domination women end up filling the gap and directing violence, physical,emotional and manipulative, at those men who try to be decent, act like providers, and be generally respectful towards them as feminism claims it wants men to be.
    It really is time society (and academia) started looking at such dynamics and calling women to account for their actions (whether or not they admit to anything). The old marxist narrative of male oppressor / female oppressed does not tell a true story just as soon as you start to factor in the reality of female desire.

    1. Spot on.
      Add to that the implications of trying to convince all males to be passive, docile, easily offended, weak, and subservient beta provider pansies.
      (“It’s the only way to get the womens fellas we promises.”).
      Who is pushing that agenda and why?

      1. “Who is pushing that agenda and why?”
        I think in the first instance it’s largely lesbian feminists, although the pride factor means a lot of straight feminists get corrupted by the idea in college etc. In the second instance? Unfortunately there seem to be powerful forces in the world today working against heterosexuality and the traditional family for their own reasons

  14. One more reason? Too much dependability on others. Ironically the most submissive women out there.

  15. I can’t feel sorry for anyone who chooses to stay in a proven abusive situation.
    Cause women lie about this.
    A lot.

  16. Sometimes, if you are showing signs of stress or frustration, your woman might offer to let you “smack her around,” or otherwise take it out on her, so she can feel that she’s doing her part to help. Women are a lot tougher than they look.

  17. One thing I’ve learned from women:
    Don’t just exist. Live, and live fully. Death is predictable (as in the only 100% guaranteed constant for human beings), and vice versa.

  18. This cannot be said for “all women”, but it says something that no one else will. I applaud someone for writing this. However, an additional paragraph or two needs to be added discussing how “all men” need to stay away from women that endear themselves to this type of “excitement”.

  19. I dated a woman who was in abusive relationship before me. Her Ex was a control freak. She lived like in an Islamic State. He locked the house in chains so the woman could not escape. She managed to escape, then meet me, after a month she got bored of me and just return to her incarceration. And of course the ex does not give a damn, he just start fucking other woman. So lesson learn, if you encounter this type of women, run, they always return to an abusive man or manage to find a new abusive man. Don’t even use them for sex only too much risk, I was lucky in some cases the ex is a fucking psycho, the majority of passion crime in my city [in Mexico] are the ex kills the woman and her new lover. There was a famous case here, woman leave abusive boyfriend, the woman start dating other man, the ex convince her to plot the assassination of the other man, the ex kill him with a baseball bat in her house when she invite him to a fuck session. The killer goes to jail, she was a victim of course they give her the pussy pass.

    1. “I dated a woman who was in abusive relationship before me. Her Ex was a
      control freak. She lived like in an Islamic State. He locked the house
      in chains so the woman could not escape. She managed to escape, then
      meet me, after a month she got bored of me and just return to her
      This is what she chose over you. In fact all of the West (other than Russia and maybe Hungary) is choosing the below over men like you.

      If you give women rights they never *really* wanted and will never deserve (it was “shit test,” the USA/EU/NATO failed it), they hate you, and will drive the country to suicide just to get some men who’ll put them back in their place.
      Russia: “Shit test” passed.

      Another Russian “shit test” passed:

  20. This is a downright dangerous article.
    A lot of the men reading this will actually believe it and think that being abusive is an attractive feature.
    No, some women just have really low self-esteem. That’s all there is too it.

  21. Women who lead fulfilling lives (i.e., women who refuse to give into the indoctrination that their self worth is only allotted to them if bestowed upon them by a male/male praise/secure women) do not stay in abusive relationships and do not need the “excitement” or “thrill” of an abusive relationship. If American women weren’t raised with the notion that they decrease in value once they reach their 30th birthday (when insecure men decide that they’re no longer sexually attractive/worth their time) from birth, then this wouldn’t be an issue. The only females I’ve met that are capable of being in healthy relationships are females that have lives outside of their boyfriends/husbands.

    1. ” If American women weren’t raised with the notion that they decrease in value once they reach their 30th birthday”
      LOL. Would you like a gynaecologist’s opinion on women’s fertility once they hit 30, or will the Cliff Notes version from us do?

    2. American women are taught since KG they are equal with men and should have the same desires and appetites as men. They suffer because of it. Public institutions are trying to bend social norms and behaviors, as they are (falsely) believed to be mere social constructs, to fulfill these ends (lies). Society suffers because of it.
      The only females, married or not, I have met that are capable of healthy relationships are ones who realize that there is more to life than their narcissitic selves.

    3. How do you increase in value when your reproductive status decreases and your looks fade, precisely? To a man I mean?

    4. Sounds like a woman over 30 who is jealous of younger women getting all the quality older males.

      1. I’m 25. Not that that’s important, and intelligent older females actually don’t care about getting swarms of male attention. When I was 21 and went to bars, I couldn’t give two shits about getting male attention – never have, never will. I think it’s creepy getting hit on by older men/married men. I’ve been propositioned for sex by my super attractive english teacher that I’d always had a crush on in high school – what made him suddenly unattractive to me was that he was willing to disrespect his wife, so I turned him down. He’s 39, ex-military, extremely funny – couldn’t give a shit. No one likes an asshole.

  22. It’s not so much that they want abusive men, they want men who take charge of them instead of the other way around. Yet at the same time they don’t want to feel inferior so they put up the strong independent image, but become unhappy nonetheless if their man isn’t dominant enough
    Like i said, women don’t know what they want

    1. Perhaps there is a lack of men who know how to be assertive without losing self control. I suspect weak women learn to forego what they want and make a best compromise. Lets face it, what they want does not really enter into the situation in most cases.

  23. I have to agree with this article. As I have said ad nauseum in other posts, I am a counselor by trade and have counseled many abused women. The picture is clear. They jump from one abusive relationship to the next.
    One woman actually stopped the cycle of abuse and hitched up with a guy I really liked. He had a great job, loved her, and she was set for life. In less than two years she cheated on him and ended up shacking with the new guy who was so abusive I sometimes wondered if I would see her name in the obituaries before the month was up. She lost everything and is today living with her parents and still going to bed with anything that moves.
    I was able to get another woman to a very good women’s shelter, but she went back to her abusive man because she refused the red pill. Seemed they wanted her to embrace some form of reality and she refused.
    Final illustration. Client’s husband attempted murder on her twice. She finally got smart and left him. Couldn’t even manage a small apartment and immediately shacked up with another abusive man. After he put her into the hospital, guess who she went back with? Just last month he tried to kill her again by trying to burn the house down with her inside. I refuse to continue counseling and gave her the name of a great funeral director.

    1. I think of 5 women off hand that were in very abusive relationships. Two of whom I knew very well personally. Out of all of them, only one got out of the relationship (her man developed severe mental problems) and ended up marrying one of the nicest, most gentle man on the planet.
      The rest found a new guy who was worse or blew off a ‘nice’ guy to go back to the guy who would regularly beat the crap out of them. By my early ’30s I came to the conclusion bad relationships ‘Takes two to tango’. If a woman sticks around, it is her own damn fault. Just make sure you don’t get involved in any way with her drama.

      1. And that’s something some men have trouble with, I mean getting involved with this kind of women. I think they want to be the one that will “rescue” them or something like that. And this kind of behaviour only serves to further the bitches way of doing things.

        1. That was me at 27 – 28 years of age. I did so out of ignorance. I learned and never repeated the same mistake again. If sites like this had existed back then, I would probably have not made the mistake to get involved in the first place.

      1. It can be what they see growing up too. If their father was abusive towards their mother they may end up looking for a man who does the same.

    2. If you’ve ever been with a woman who was in an abusive relationship….it sucks. The damage is done and no matter how much counseling she receives she will never be “fixed” or better. Your best bet is to move on before she cheats on you, goes back to an abusive ex or you become the abused one (by her).
      She’ll never appreciate your kindness and she’ll always think that something is missing (yeah, the ass beatings are missing). These women are damaged and there is nothing you can do to fix it but move on (forget about her). I’ve been around too many of these (involved in one, myself) and they all end up the same. The woman is too damaged to fix…don’t try to fix them.

      1. This may sound a little harsh, but in my opinion we should give up on all damaged women and completely focus on eliminating degenerate influences in our culture. Nowadays, I’m just done playing games Driver. You can’t “save a hoe”.
        It’s kind of a “fuck em all” mentality (black and white thinking so to speak) when it comes to degenerate females. My efforts are now focused on teaching young men the true nature of women so they can start keeping younger women in check and hopefully force younger women to submit to virtuous authority.

  24. Youtuber Sargon of Akkad made a comment about women who stay with abusive men. I can’t remember where exactly but I’m pretty sure it was about the Ray Rice incident in the elevator. Often, when a man hits a woman it’s because she did something so outreagous to him or was constantly nagging him that he just lost control for a few seconds. Women who love their man can recongnise that and will go back to them and act more submissive in the future, like they should have in the first place.
    When children throw a tantrum, you can physically correct them. I don’t see why it should be different for women, or men for that matter. It’s just that men usually don’t act like overgrown children.

    1. A slap and a shout of “Don’t you dare do that ever again!” is probably also far kinder than the beta way of correcting unruly women which is to resort to feminine nagging. It’s like that argument made elsewhere on here in favour of corporal punishment: flogging a petty thief a few times and then sending him on his way will probably sufficient to make sure that he stays on the straight and narrow and will allow for his rehabilitation (by getting a job) better than locking him up and giving him a criminal record and an unexplainable gap in his CV. In the same way, a quick slap will allow a woman to fix her ways and remind herself that you’re in charge whereas endless nagging will just make her resent you and want to keep doing whatever it is that she did wrong just to spite you.

    2. I agree with this. I wouldn’t leave a man I love if he slapped me for something that deserved a slap. But I think Ray Rice went too far. He shouldn’t have used his fist

  25. So, before the Feminist Revolution, women were supported by men who beat them. Now, after the Feminist Revolution, the beaters even are paid to do that!!! What a fantastic victort for women by feminists!

  26. When I was in my teens, I took one of the smart girls in the class home to help me out with some homework. She wasn’t pretty but had great body; I needed to pass so was not planning to fuck her. My best male friend was also there. We were drinking beer before she arrived and I was a bit drunk. At the middle of the math teaching session I took the pencil out of her hand then I struck her with it on her head; she stumbled with her words for a moment then she replied “that didn’t hurt.” Then I said “hey, how about some dick for ya?” She again stopped for a moment and politely told me “no, thanks”.
    My friend was shocked to what was going on. The math session ended that day and few days later I was fingering her in a movie theater. Then I started fucking her regularly. When a few years later she went to study abroad and became engaged to a Swiss man, she came back to spend a week with me prior to her wedding. Today, when I have a beer with my friend he often remembers the event.

  27. “Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form, advising men to become physically abusive toward women. This article is simply pointing out a few reasons why females are drawn to abusive and violent men.”
    Every man reading this knows this article is not an endorsement of physical abuse against women, but including a disclaimer is not a bad idea, even if it will make very little difference. To the leftist feminist mind, an explanation equals endorsement…if the explanation is coming from a man who appears unmoved by or unsympathetic to the delusions of the purple-haired behemoth reading it.

  28. yeah… but every time i see a woman who likes this kind of abuse she turns to be a total trash in both personality and looks. applies to both celebrities and real life.

  29. As for the conclusion of the article, should a man in a good relationship really aspire to have a woman be completely devoted to his will? If you completely dominate her 24/7 it will be a loveless hellhole that resembles a household version of North Korea.
    In my opinion a man should let his wife be “right” on small trifles, but unleash strong torrents of righteous anger upon her when something needs desperately to be done in correct fashion. She will sense where the true authority lies without feeling like she is being abused.

  30. Harris Rules to Live By #12: “When they start acting like man, you treat them just like you would a man.”

  31. Just yelling at a girl roommate who was a blond-blue eyed Julia Roberts type (and a crazy religious) to get the hell out of my apartment because she was bitching about my sexy artworks endlessly was enough to make her call me out of the blue 3 months later to want to come back.
    This surprised the hell out of me. Then I met a girl who wrote a lot of sexy science fiction short stories about her ego projection being kidnapped, imprisoned and raped-breeded by the giant bug-like alien invaders who keep the millions imprisoned in nude inside a vast cave hive. They were seduced by their hums, and getting banged by a female one day and a male the next day, all to force her to carry their eggs. The rapes weren’t violent at all, but she told me it was her most popular story online. That’s when I realized that everything the media, the church, and school said about women were full of shit.

    1. Or, the relationship began healthy, then deteriorated. Which doesn’t excuse women who stick around, just explains why some do.

      1. I had an abusive parent. As a child you ask advice and are told by adults that ‘they only do it because they love you’. My abusive parent claimed the same.
        I can see it being difficult for some people to argue that all the adults are wrong, causing them to belive that love is primarily expressed this way.
        Weak minds will see the whole abuse process as validation. Children all learn by the response they get and can often be disruptive in class to get attention and social interaction they otherwise lack.
        I can also see how showing bruises to other women might also bring recognition of a problem and provide a decent sanity check initially but turn into attention seeking by those who lack the strength or smarts to go on and effectively remove the problem. Perhaps sympathy is the only ‘positive’ emotion in their lives.

  32. You know what I want to say to these women who go for guys who have massive destructive issues: He needs to see a therapist. These women need to stop having a martyr syndrome and expect their love/kindness will change these damaged men. He needs to work out his issues before pursuing a woman. These women needs to stop complaining to their beta male orbiter friends about these abusive guys. It gives the beta male orbiters the wrong impression that yelling and beating a woman makes you attractive. Beta male orbiters need to learn to be assertive and dominant instead of turning into jerks they secretly envy. These women are perpetuating the belief if you treat them like crap, they will fall in love with you as well as get hot and steamy in bed. If less women were attracted to these abusive jerks, then these women might get the “good men”they eventually want before harsh reality of the Wall hits them at 30 or 35.

  33. Psychologists also report that women use the bruises and police runs as social currency, in that they enjoy emotionally abusing their men by showing the world that he’s a “bad boy.” They bully him into going to parties with their freinds and then openly display bruises, they get tons of talk time with their freinds over stories of being up all night filling out police reports, etc. A woman will gladly take a beating JUST to get the prestige that comes with it. It’s not that surprising, when you consider they go through the whole pregnancy and birth thing just to entrap a guy that they basically don’t even know or care about as a person. . . Just to get that ring on their finger.

  34. I don’t agree with lots of stuff on this site, but I certainly respect how willing you guys are to say things nobody else will. There are definitely women who want to be abused. They prefer drama.
    And physical pain isn’t a big deal anyways.

  35. [email protected]#$ that; you’ve got what they need, brother. Be free from the 3 diseases (ancient ninja code):
    1. Never doubt.
    2. Never fear.
    3. Never overthink.
    Get ninja on that pussy! It’s yours. Continue to conquer.

  36. This type of shit makes me lose all my faith in women, I mean, its hard not to hate them and see them as subhumans after knowing they’d rather fuck a serial killer than a “””boring””” beta male who works and is a positive presence in society.
    Women would rather be surrounded by over aggressive rapists with 60 IQ than ambitious and smart men, giving them freedom destroys everything good about mankind, and they hate freedom, every society that frees women have the most unhappy women in the world.
    I can understand a woman wanting confidence in a man but when they choose the trashiest, most pathetic men on Earth, who murder innocent girls for pleasure, and reproduce with them, it makes me want to put them all inside a cage and throw a grenade inside.

  37. the worst thing you can do is give a women everything she wants, and always treat her “like a queen” as they are starting to say. They love drama they NEED drama if there is no drama they will create it, you don’t want a woman to create drama, create the drama first.

  38. It’s funny but I’ve had several women leave me to be with physically abusive men, only to come crawling back later when he kicks her down the stairs. There are only so many beatings you can take before it affects you physically and mentally. I’m the product of a violent relationship and I have been in several and it’s almost always the woman who initiates the violence through insults or a violent assault. I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I let a 150lb woman smack me around when I’m 6’2″ and 225lbs but it does happen. One right hander from me would have killed her and put me on a date with Old Sparky

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