The Truth About Consistency And Meeting Hot Girls

In most cultures, consistency is a highly-regarded quality. Those who don’t demonstrate it through their behaviours and interactions with others are often thought of as unreliable and even suspicious. And it is common for men to castigate women for displaying inconsistency, for example when they agree to go on dates and then flake, or fail to return phone calls and texts.

But we shouldn’t forget that women, having had access to magazine articles and advice from their friends since childhood, are masters at the dating game. While their behaviour may seem frustrating, in their apparent inconsistency they are simply forwarding their own agendas in the sexual marketplace, and there is something to be said for this. By learning to be a little less consistent, men can achieve better results in dating, business and even working out.

What is The Problem With Consistency?


At first glance, this idea seems entirely counterintuitive. Consistency—by which we generally mean having values and ways of doing things and sticking to them—seems like a fine masculine ideal. Surely there can be nothing wrong with staying true to a predetermined course of action?

In a meta sense, this is true. If it is your aim to become a great tennis player, then yes of course, you should practice every day and you should do everything in your power to ensure you attain that end goal. But it is at the micro level where unthinkingly maintaining habits that may not be beneficial can be harmful. In his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini refers to a famous quote by the American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson:

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall.

The utterance is well known, but Cialdini points out that the word ‘foolish’ is the most important—and most overlooked—here. Consistency in terms of long-terms goals is important and valuable. What is less useful is a slavish dedication to unexamined habits or procedures that actually do little to further your ambitions.

Why Consistency Can Actually Be Damaging


In some cases, consistency can actually be damaging to your results with women. This is because if you are not constantly evaluating and tweaking what you do then you run the risk of ingraining bad habits rather than developing useful ones that actually get you telephone numbers, dates, and sex. This is true whether you are looking for a relationship with a girl or simply to play the field for a while to find out what it is you really want.

In London, where the daygame scene is very fertile, there is a well-known case of a guy who has done more than 3,000 cold approaches on the streets and in coffee bars, malls and so on. From all of these interactions he has achieved only a few phone numbers (several of them fake), no dates and not even a single kiss, much less sex or a girlfriend.

While it would be difficult to fault his consistency—after all, it takes a certain dogged determination to rack up that many approaches, particularly in the face of almost unanimous rejection—clearly it has proved singularly unhelpful in helping him to achieve his goal of achieving intimacy with a woman.

Of course, this is an extreme example. But let’s consider how an element of inconsistency can help with game.

The Manchester Club Girl

manchester girl

Many years ago, I worked in the cloakroom of a big nightclub in Manchester in the north of England. Each week a girl used to come in—we’ll call her Lisa—who I was hugely attracted to. Given that this was in my ‘chode’ days, before I’d learned about game concepts, I had very little in the toolbox to attract her with. I did, however, flirt with her as best as I could, and I even asked her out a few times, only to get shot down with the “I’m not interested in seeing anyone at the moment” excuse.

Because she visited every week, and I made my interest apparent each time, there was a deadly consistency to my actions that killed any hope of spark or attraction. I became ‘that guy at the club’ who fancied her, presumably along with many others. By politely rejecting me but remaining friendly, she had put me into the safe category of a neutered orbiter.

Or so she thought. Unintentionally, by injecting some inconsistency into our relationship, I was able to create attraction and finally get her into bed.

At risk of being fired from the cloakroom in a management shakeup, I sought work elsewhere, and became a barman in a very fashionable place just down the road.This meant that my weekly (and weak) attempts at seducing Lisa were cut off instantly. It also meant that I came into contact with a whole slew of other attractive girls.

Manchester is quite a small city, and it was perhaps inevitable that I would run into Lisa again. When she realised that I was working at the bar, she began visiting frequently, and hanging around to chat to me on my shift. Impressed by the other girls who were around me, and perhaps a little by my improved status as a barman, she made it clear that she was now interested and we began dating.

If You Do What You’ve Always Done, You’ll Get What You’ve Always Got


Now, I’m not denying that other factors were involved in my finally getting together with Lisa, not least social proof and jealousy. But it’s also undeniable that it was only when I broke the consistency of my strategy for getting her (weekly flirtation) and replaced it with a different—albeit unintended—strategy that I got the result I wanted.

Frequently guys will come to me and ask why they are not meeting the quality of women that they would like. In almost all cases it is because they have not been willing to change some aspect of their game or presentation that isn’t working for them—it may be their appearance, their approach, the way that they speak, or the way that they hold eye contact. Or it may simply be that they are approaching game—and life—in too regimented a manner, and are afraid to inject a little randomness into their modus operandi.

If you don’t feel you are getting what you want in any area of life, then don’t be afraid to try something entirely new. Add inconsistency and randomness into your daily life just for the hell of it, just to see what happens. If things don’t go entirely according to plan then so be it, just try something else instead. But whatever you do, don’t be someone who does things by rote, just because you feel safer that way and never worry what others might think. Truly great men take risks and experiment. As Emerson finished up by saying:

Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — ‘Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.’ — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.

Read More: Why You Should Avoid This Mistake With Women At All Costs 

98 thoughts on “The Truth About Consistency And Meeting Hot Girls”

  1. You sir just pointed out what my problem is with one woman right now in my life. Thank you, now I can act accordingly 🙂

  2. “Add inconsistency and randomness into your daily life just for the hell of it, just to see what happens”
    Show up to your company holiday party dressed as Frankenstein’s monster. speak french only(worked for me last year).

      1. Nothing turns the ladies on like singing “The Monster Mash” in French.

        1. There is a very cool little French bistro near me owned by two brothers. They play this Pandora station that is basically just old 50’s and 60’s music (think leader of the pack, hound dog, Peggy Sue, etc etc) with all the lyrics in French. I don’t know the name of the station, but it is so fun.

        2. It’s literally called “60s French Pop.” I stumbled upon it when the woman and I were setting the mood to play Guillotine (good game).

    1. …and then a company wide email was issued about not to dress in anything offensive because some French guy got offended. LOL!

    1. Actually, this is a pretty good point. What men take as inconsistency really can be predicted if you start looking at the reality of the situation rather than how you wish it would work.
      If you expect a girl to be a flake, when she does you will not be surprised and, hopefully, already have a mechanism in place to deal with it.
      In truth, one of the biggest problems with people in general is that they expect that other people think like they do. People will guess at your motives for something based on what it would mean if THEY did that action.
      The same goes with women here. They are inconsistent only if they are judged by the way you would do things if you liked someone. If they are judged as the flaky tarts they are then their actions are always perfectly consistent and, once predicted, can be manipulated.

      1. Very good point.
        I would also add that expect every girl to be a whore until she demonstrates otherwise.

        1. Thank you. I think your statement is, however, only 50% correct. Expect every girl to be a whore. That’s it. The only questions are whether you caught her before she put her whoriness into action and if you are strong enough to curtail it.
          But I don’t care if you met her when she was 14, dated through high school, married and she pumped out 3 kids and never touched another man. She is still a whore. It is just their nature.
          Just like every man is a warrior and SJW’s seek (and succeed at) to beat it out of them so too are women whores and like the SJW/Feminists beat the warrior out of men leaving them limp faggot noodles, so you must find beat the whore out of your woman.

        2. Interesting tell. When in doubt think of a cat. Some may look better than others, but all act the same when they see something they desire; rub up against it until they can make the desired think they desired them all along and they were lucky to be around.
          Just fight the white knight gene of exalting your lady’s ability to procreate with you. Think of the cat. They are fun until they are not. And impose your dominance over your territory or suddenly you’ll have a cat looking to scratch you because you are in “their” space.

        3. With each passing day, I wonder more whether we should not just let each be what they are. Warriors and whores. They fit together. Fuck all that Christian monogamy stuff, it is mindless obedience anyway.

        4. To be fair, at least cats will kill vermin for you if given the chance. Try getting a woman who isn’t an exterminator to do that. And that is another thing a lot of women are consistent at: not getting their hands dirty if it’s perceived to be manly.

      2. Indeed.
        As an example here, if a woman gives you anything less than complete enthusiasm when you ask her out, next her. I just had this, just now and it’s turned me off the girl. The reason being, you are storing yourself up a lot of heartache and wasted time if you pursue her. Deal only with the women that are 100% up for it.

        1. I’ve started deleting numbers when they fuck up. Sure you can pursue and probably rescue a lot of these relationships if you’re interesting in banging anything and everything you can, but if you’re a little more discriminating you realize a lot of these just aren’t worth your time.

      3. True. What also follows is that women for the most part presume that you do what you do as a man because of the motives she as a woman would have, if she did what you do. This is of course a lack of reflexion on her part. I am convinced most women do not understand men at all. But it does not matter to them since her biology gives her the upper hand in the first half of game… Whereas we as men in a non-traditional society have to understand women, if we want fulfilment and a stable family life.

        1. Correct. I feel that some people accept the situation, some people complain about it and some people try to change it. However, in my opinion, all of those options are bad. Instead, understanding it and understanding how to manipulate it and then manipulating it for personal gain is, I believe, the way to go.

        2. I agree when it comes to our personal pursuit of happines. You should definitely not be the person that tries to rebel against realities, be they social realities or otherwise. Insanity or at least bitterness would follow with certainty. On the other hand we as thinking men have a responsibility to try to mold society into something better, for men and for women. We might never profit personally but our grandchildren may do so… 🙂

        3. I do try to mold society to be better…in one specific way…by being the best that I can be. Who I am, my abilities, my talents, etc. These are things I can change. If I want to learn to make a ship in a bottle or how to base jump I can do that. I agree with you 100% that any attempt to change society would make one bitter with the possible exception of someone who, for whatever reason, draws personal gratification out of it. I don’t judge what a man finds personally gratifying, but for the life of me I will never understand someone who derives more pleasure from trying to change the world than from manipulating the world for the most amount of money and blowjobs possible.

        4. I think that you have to balance everything in life – this includes your brain and your heart. So, yes, money and sex are gratifying – so it is to make this world better for everyone, including our children… Cheers.

      4. On the other hand, one can just give a damn and act however one pleases without caring whether one will get laid. Which will get one laid occasionally, but never worry one.

    2. What’s the saying: no matter how good-looking she is, somebody somewhere is tired of her nonsense?

  3. This article is worthless.
    We talk about desperateness a lot here and there.
    This article is not required.

    1. And it’s not required why? What’s wrong with advice on how to pick up women, on a site where people come to learn how to pick up women, precisely?

      1. Nice intent GOJ, but leave him be. He likes his new clown suit. I think his came in silk lavender.

        1. Yeah, his mighty 33 posts rather suggests that he’s a troll.

        2. I had to check his history. He may be a troll and he may just be arrogant. The point he missed, and Troy was deceptive about this one, is that being able to change mid stream, and doing it for yourself, is a powerful addition to game that only favors the bold. It seems counter intuitive because most game recommendations are go for new.

        3. Nah, he is a troll. I know arrogance when I see it due to the inexpensive nature of mirrors.

        4. “Nah, he is a troll. I know arrogance when I see it due to the inexpensive nature of mirrors.
          That’s a good one. Think I might have to steal that one.

        5. I dont see anything useful at this article. I read %90 of articles on ROK. Many of them recommends reducing desperateness is leads to succes. So, what is point of this article?

        6. The point is salience, when you become a fixture in a person environment, they stop paying attention to you. For example, the noise of the hard drive of a computer is a background noise to you until something goes wrong causing a noise change, and then you notice it. What Troy is saying is you must become ‘salient’ to a person to spark an interest in you. The absent of him as “coat check boy” and his appears as the “bartender” made him more visible to the girl he fancy. He is no longer in the guy in background not to pay attention, but a person of interest to acknowledge. if this bit of neuroscience/psychology is hard to understand, here a simplification: “Do not become a fixture, but a novelty to spike a person’s interest.

  4. Isolate, then initiate. If she’s responsive, you’re in. If not, next her. If she still hangs with you, repeat isolate and initiate. If still no luck, next her. If she’s interested in you, let her do the work from then on. You move on.

  5. I probably beat this sad dead horse too much but I’ll never understand why people who practice game perform a ridiculous number of approaches followed by rejections without ever pausing to question what they might be doing wrong. 3,000 approaches without a bang is simply staggering.
    Let me repeat myself (again). When doing approaches followed by rejections you should be pausing to take a moment to question what you are doing wrong resulting in the rejection. The goal is to get a bang, not a record number of rejections.

    1. I always did this (reflect on where I was going wrong). How can you not? I used to get rejection after rejection. The worst type of rejection was a first date and then never hearing from them again. My response was purely rational. I began taking girls to progressively cheaper places and I began “stacking” girls. By that I mean, I asked out more and more girls, and started dating multiple girls. I didn’t think of it as “game” but rather simply the rational response to multiple disappointments. Over time this resulted in positive results.

    2. While not a master in game, I can see the merit to mass approaching when first starting off. For most guys, the hardest part is ACTUALLY APPROACHING a girl. You gotta get over the approach anxiety and be comfortable chatting up a random woman. Once you become comfortable approaching women, then yes, you should assess after each attempt to see what you did right and wrong.

      1. I find the best way to deal with this is to cut right to the chase. Don’t fuck about with lines or fake requests (is the zoo somewhere around here?). Tell her why you’ve stopped her and what you want.
        Chicks dig decisiveness.

      2. At first yes. The same way that young boxers need to break the instinct to flinch. This really needs to be pretty much done with by 23 though.

        1. Best pickup line ever.
          Reminds me of one my friend used on a girl- she was wearing a shirt with chess pieces on it, he turns to her at the bar and says “Make your move”- thought he was being REALLY clever(he was- way too clever). Goes straight over her head, she walks away with her beer. Me and my friends dying laughing

    3. I agree with what you say. Most of the time, you need to access what may be wrong with your game and improve on it. There are times that you’re simply not her type and no matter what you do, she’s not into you.
      You’ll want to shoot for a higher percentage, but it’ll never be 100%.

    4. I’m sure that most emphasize the importance of rejections just because it’s good to kill one’s fear of it and approach anxiety, to make it not a big deal.
      I believe Roosh said that you should be keeping a “game log” as a means to analyze and improve your game.
      Pretty sure the expectation is that once you start getting a feel for things, you’ll be experimenting and changing up your game according to what you know works or doesn’t work

  6. Troy, I read the sample to Text Game Mastery and was sold. You described precisely one of my problems! No matter how much you have learned there is always something new.
    Thank you for writing this book.

      1. It never even occurred to me and I have never been there! I am actually within walking distance so I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the tip!

  7. This is an excellent article with great practical advice.
    One benefit of living in a world where 5’s act like they are 9’s is the ability to practice.
    I would suggest that every man finds a girl in that 5-7 range and plays around figuring out what works and what doesn’t. How much dread can you pull before her infatuation with you turns to her not liking you any more. How much can you ignore her before the tipping point? You don’t even really need to sleep with them. Just text for a bit, string them along and hone your game.
    It’s like being a quarterback with the red jersey on. Just make sure it isn’t a public thing that people see. Meet someone, switch numbers, and try different things. With the sense of entitlement that 6’s have, your findings should be good for 9’s as well.

    1. “Just text for a bit, string them along and hone your game.”
      This is exactly what I do! strictly for practicing purposes

    2. When you practice text game, do you find texting to much, even if its interesting, is a sure way to kill her interest? There was a girl just the other day who showed interest, answered my text promptly and then, because I got drunk and bored, I ended up texting a page. She lost interest right after that. I would say I held the text convo down for 30 minutes before I seemed to overwhelm her.
      My new understanding seems to be that, in the case of texting, less is usually more!?

      1. yup. I usually won’t get into long discussions via text. A question and quick answer is really as far as it will go. I do bait and make them try to get me into one just so I can “meh, talk in person”

  8. Were those 3000 approaches really online dating site messages? If those were real life approaches seems like the obvious solution is pair up with a wing man.

    1. 3000 looks a lot of women right? but when you consider total women population in world… meh, this is nothing.
      even after you become a cold approach casanova, you are still reaching very small percentage of women.

  9. Intuitively, Troy Francis has tapped into something but he hasn’t seen it in the right way. Consistency means firmness of matter. It doesn’t mean being predictable as Troy Francis more or less believes.
    Troy’s Manchester Club Girl example reveals as much (e.g., “Because she visited every week, and I made my interest apparent each time, there was a deadly consistency to my actions”). Troy revealed himself to be a predictable bore.
    It’s little wonder why Troy couldn’t score with Lisa from the Manchester Club. Troy seems to need a talisman, an elixir to score women. Troy couldn’t get any magic from the coatroom. Only when Troy found himself a new amulet by working at a popular bar could Tony at long last score with Lisa.
    It was the bar that picked up Lisa and not Troy. Troy comes across as one of those guys who needs a Corvette or Ferrari to score. A real stud can score without any prop.
    All too often, guys who try to pick up women suffer from self-absorbed thinking. Their impatient neediness sabotages themselves. Because such guys are in a hurry, they don’t see their selfish action, their banal behavior deflates any fantasy target women could conjure in their minds.
    From Troy’s story, it seems that Troy talked too much with Lisa while at the Manchester Club. Tony failed to elevate Lisa’s moods. Seduction is about mood manipulation and specifically about mood elevating.
    Troy did nothing to put Lisa into the future, to conjure fantasy in her mind, to leverage any confirmation bias of hers.
    The happening Manchester bar elevated Lisa’s moods. Troy did nothing to make him score with her.

    1. Very interesting that you highlight the differences between “predictability” and “consistency.”
      Seems to me like they’re different sides of the same coin. One is meandering repetition for repetition’s sake and the other is accumulative repetition with the purpose of working towards something.

      1. Yes, and what matters is what Lisa sees and not what Troy sees — predictable Troy vs consistent Troy.
        What Troy thinks is consistency in himself is mere habit. If it were practicality — applied skills to a win — he would have scored with Lisa at the Manchester Club in short order.
        His change of venue — the happening bar — changed his circumstances and helped him achieve his goal of scoring with Lisa a without difficulty. That my friend is known as luck to most.
        It’s Lisa and all women who are playing a game, a game driven by biological rules. For guys who want to win, it is up to them to see themselves as the visitors on the opponents’ fields playing a game with known rules and coming up with game plan (strategy) to defeat opponents through application skill during plays (tactics).
        Guys who think they’re playing a different game or making up the guy rules get their successes gifted to them purely through random luck. Look at Troy. He could only win after he changed his job that elevated his status.

        1. ‘That my friend is known as luck to most’
          The article doesn’t claim that it was a deliberate strategy. And I make it clear that this happened in my pre-game, ‘chode’ days.
          You also fail to credit my disclaimer in the OP that ‘social proof’ (the trendy bar) and ‘jealously’ contributed to my finally getting Lisa. In fact you overstate your case somewhat: these elements don’t undermine my central thesis that their very introduction created an inconsistency compelling enough to get Lisa’s panties wet.

        2. “You also fail to credit my disclaimer in the OP that ‘social proof’…” ~ Troy Francis
          Merely because you have been conditioned to have gold stars put on your school papers doesn’t mean you are going to earn one from me with your groveling.
          “And I make it clear that this happened in my pre-game, ‘chode’ days.” ~ Troy Francis
          Many years ago, Charles Atlas used to sell a self-transformation product by telling a story that he was a 97-pound weakling, skinny guy on the beach with sand kicked in his face until he transformed himself. Years later, Tony Robbins talked about being a loser in a 400 square foot apartment until he awakened the giant within.
          And now we have Troy “I was a chode” Francis using Atlas / Robbins marketing to sell pick-up artist foolery.
          Tony, you don’t even understand English. You have conflated being predictable with being consistent.
          In so many words you told us,
          Lisa saw me as a dullard but as soon as I bought that Ferrari (took a job at a popular bar), Lisa gave me a date.
          Between your publicly-expressed stupidity in your article and now your comment here directed toward me, it should be clear that you don’t know the game and likely any of your pick-ups have been strictly from the law of large numbers.
          And as far as getting “Lisa’s panties wet,” for all we know, you are doing her laundry while she beds down a real guy.
          Good luck with your success-by-luck-and-many-trials approach to scoring women!

        3. Nice try. But ad hominem, mischaracteristation of my position and false extrapolation don’t make a robust position, I’m afraid.
          ‘Merely because you have been conditioned to have gold stars put on your school papers’
          Perhaps you mean to ‘expect’ to have gold stars put on my papers?
          ‘Your groveling.’
          Mischaracterisation. Where do I grovel? And be specific please, using a quotation from my comment to you.
          ‘You have conflated being predictable with being consistent.’
          No – you have told us that definition of ‘consistency’ is ‘firmness of matter.’ Fine – that may well be one definition, but others are ‘regularity’ and ‘uniformity’. When Emerson talks about a ‘foolish consistency’ he means a slavish regularity of habit. That is the sense in which I use the term here.
          The anecdote about ‘Lisa’ demonstrates that the ‘regularity’ and ‘uniformity’ with which I hit on her originally didn’t work. It was only when I introduced inconsistency – in the form of working in a new (and admittedly cooler) place, and meeting other women, that I got with her.
          Your paragraph about Charles Atlas and Robbins is amusing enough but is unfortunately worthless in substantiating your argument. You suggest that because (in your view) I have improperly defined the word ‘consistency’ that I somehow ‘don’t know the game’. Why should that be the case? You then suggest — without ever having met me, or with any other corroborating evidence at all — that I rely on ‘the law of large numbers’ to meet women. This is ad hominem, my friend.
          Finally, you don’t concede that you failed to read the OP carefully enough to note that I’d already covered your point about social proof within it; and you also fail (a second time) to respond to my argument that ‘the trendy bar’, far from undermining my thesis is in fact an element of the inconsistency I recommend.
          ‘Publicly expressed stupidity’ is most visible when you fail to read carefully or to respond cogently to arguments. I suggest next time you do both.
          Be well, my friend.

        4. “Nice try. But … “ ~ Troy Francis
          What a lame try trying to weasel out of reality with the wimpy “nice try” opener.
          You mistook your predictability for consistency. And you have done so because you don’t get the game at all.
          Good luck with your Charlie Atlas / Tony Robbins I was a loser until I discovered the secrets of being a winner and you can too if you buy my crap marketing approach.
          And enjoy your self-delusion over your ‘pick-up successes’.
          You should have quit. You still can. You have that option.

        5. ‘What a lame try trying to weasel out of reality with the wimpy “nice try” opener.’
          And what a lame try — not responding to a single one of my points. Not one. Not even attempting to.
          ‘You mistook your predictability for consistency.’
          Not at all – I was predictable in the cloakroom. That was the problem, as the OP makes very clear.
          ‘Charles Atlas blah blah blah’ — More ad hominem. Sigh.
          You really are on the ropes, aren’t you?

        6. You are such a no-confidence little pussy. If you believed in yourself and the bullshit you are peddling, you would have rocked on without ever replying to my first comment, Troy.
          My words are like your strings Troy and you are like my little marionette. When I pull your strings, you dance. Look at you go!
          Your lame article above reveals you lack sense. You try to connect a change of venue owing to a job change as somehow deviance from your predictable behavior, which wrongly, you call consistency.
          Your writing is crap, but that should be expected because you suffer from having a mediocre intellect.
          You are so easy to predict. You’ll be back to reply again because my words control your small mind.
          Once a chode, always a chode — it’s in your genetics. Thank your ancestors.
          Keep dancing!

        7. ‘If you believed in yourself and the bullshit you are peddling, you would have rocked on without ever replying to my first comment, Troy.’
          Not really – it just annoys me when people don’t read properly and are illogical. And you’re still not making any sense. A job change is a deviance from predictable behaviour.

        8. “Not really – it just annoys me when people don’t read properly and are illogical.” ~ Troy Francis
          You must hate yourself then.
          You have committed the fallacy of non-sequitur in your stupid story. It simply does not follow that your behavior changed, idiotically what call “consistency,” merely because you changed jobs and hence job venues.
          You didn’t change. You were still working a low-skilled job. Clearly, the popularity of the venue is what elevated your status.
          What is equally as likely is Lisa fell on hard times and was hard up. Merely because she was familiar with you, she surrendered herself in a weak moment.
          Your lame intellect is what holds you back Troy. Your writing lacks logical consistency. It’s disjointed. And likely, your foregoing work represents the products you hustle.
          If guys want to get laid, they shouldn’t read you.
          Keep dancing my empty-headed little marionette! You amuse!

        9. And you are committing ad hominem — again — with the marionette stuff because you haven’t been able to adequately respond to any of my points. The old ‘if you were sure of yourself then you wouldn’t even have bothered to respond’ is a classic evasion technique used by weak logicians, conmen and SJWs.
          As I’ve said, the OP freely admits that the ‘Lisa’ story doesn’t represent the pinnacle of game and was actually an unintentional success. But it also states that I broke the ‘consistency’ represented by my weekly flirtation with Lisa – that was likely as significant — and possibly more significant — than the trendy bar.

        10. “And you are committing ad hominem — again — with the marionette stuff because you haven’t been able to adequately respond to any of my points. “ ~ Troy Francis
          That right there is ad hominem through innuendo. You can’t be the referee to your own argument.
          Your publicly-expressed idiocy from your original article was addressed thoroughly and after enough of your childish whining I further revealed your non-sequitur fallacy.
          You don’t know how to write Troy. You tried to connect two unrelated situations — failing to hook up with Lisa in the Manchester Club with later hooking up with her the popular bar.
          You didn’t quit the cloakroom and take the job at the bar because you wanted to confuse Lisa and show her you weren’t predictable. That is the only way to make the connection work.
          You wrote, “At risk of being fired from the cloakroom in a management shakeup, I sought work elsewhere, and became a barman…” Your job change had nothing to do with changing your predictable ways, or stupidly what you misname as consistency.
          Seriously my little mindless marionette, at this point, if you can’t see your own stupidity after it has been spelled out for you, never will you.
          Good luck huckstering others. You seem to be a fraud.
          But you’ll be back because my words control your mind.

        11. It’s not ad hominem through innuendo because it’s demonstrably true, as anyone reading back through this thread will clearly see.
          “You didn’t take the job at the bar because you wanted to confuse Lisa and show her you weren’t predictable.”
          I didn’t claim that I did, hence the OP says –
          “Unintentionally, by injecting some inconsistency into our relationship, I was able to create attraction and finally get her into bed.”
          The connection works simply because the consistency of our original interaction – both in terms of location and frequency – was broken. The ‘trendiness’ of the bar is a secondary element here.
          Have a think about how many times and with what vehemence you have found it necessary to insult me in these comments – ‘pussy’, ‘mindless marionette’, ‘idiot’ etc, and what that, coupled with your unwillingness or inability to respond to my arguments, says about the weakness of your position.
          Be well.

        12. At best, here is what you could have written:
          I took a barman job at a popular venue. Man oh man, who knew being a bartender could get you laid. I even laid this girl I knew from another job who wouldn’t give me as much as a sniff even though I flirted with her like a mental patient.
          So, if you want my advice, stop trying to read those pick-up artist books sold through the Internet by chodes. Instead, get a job as a barman. It’s like buying a Ferrari to get laid but instead of forking out 200,000, you get paid enough to pay rent.
          That is your whole story in a nutshell.
          The article above as you have written doesn’t provide one clear example of stopping predictable behavior.
          Thick doesn’t even begin to describe you.
          Good luck my little empty-headed marionette who needs a barman’s job to score. Should I expect yet another round of dancing idiocy from you?

        13. ‘The article above as you have written doesn’t provide one clear example of stopping predictable behavior.’
          On the contrary, it provides several. (1) It indicates that the frequency (and consistency) with which I flirted with Lisa was altered. (2) It indicates that the (consistent) location within which these flirtations took place and she expected to find me was also altered. (3) It indicates – as you have pointed out – that the ‘consistent’ nature of my employment and status was changed. (4) It mentions the other girls around me in the new bar, thus revealing that my formerly ‘consistent’ SMV had now changed.
          The problem with your position is that you rely too heavily on the notion that I only got laid because I became a barman in a cool place. While that may well be true, it also doesn’t undermine the fact that the ‘consistency’ (by which I mean ‘regularity’ and ‘uniformity’) of my initial approach with Lisa was (unintentionally ) changed in a way that made her attracted to me.
          You’re an intelligent man. Stop being so aggressive, read articles more carefully in future, and don’t resort to cheap name-calling for effect when making your points.

        14. “You’re an intelligent man. Stop being so aggressive, read articles more carefully in future, and don’t resort to cheap name-calling for effect when making your points.”
          You are not intelligent. At minimum, you should learn about causality before attempting to write again.
          In a rather empty-headed manner, you wrote, “Unintentionally,
          by injecting some inconsistency into our relationship, I was able to create attraction and finally get her into bed.”

          To inject something requires forethought. It’s purposeful action. You can’t unintentionally inject anything.
          Had you written, As luck would have it, by taking a job as a barman at a quite popular venue, a former regular customer I knew from another job who wouldn’t give me as much as a sniff even though I flirted with her like a mental patient let me take her home for sex. Who knew that working at a popular place would be the same as buying a Ferrari to lure women into bed.
          As well, you didn’t have a relationship with Lisa at all. To claim that you did is yet another lie on your part. Lisa was a patron at your previous employment. Only a special brand of psycho believes his employer’s patrons are in relationships with him.
          “The problem with your position is that you rely too heavily on the notion that I only got laid because I became a barman in a cool place. While that may well be true…”
          First, you should have stopped right there. Second, the problem is with your story as you told it.
          You are whining because you have suffered a bruised ego. And this is why you have persevered in comments. You can’t handle reality and so you are pushing back to defend your false beliefs.
          The facts remain.
          1) You committed the fallacy of non-sequitur in your story. It simply does not follow that your behavior changed merely because you changed jobs. What changed is your perceived status from lowly coat check boy to the guy who controls the flow of alcohol.
          You failed to prove to the readers that somehow you changed your game. Did you stop flirting with Lisa when she showed up at the bar?
          2) You did nothing of your own to confuse Lisa and show her you weren’t predictable. Your reasons for quitting one job and getting another were unrelated to Lisa.
          Show us a picture of Lisa, if she is even real. If she is, she sounds like a pub slattern. Likely though, your story is made up to help your Charles Atlas / Tony Robbins “I was a chode but now I score and you can too if you buy my books” marketing.
          Should I expect another try from you? You can merely move on. You should consider that option, strongly.
          Good luck my little marionette! Keep dancing!

        15. That you criticise me for not understanding causality is at the root of this little disagreement. As I understand it, you think — or are trying to present — that my anecdote about Lisa is a kind of ‘this is a great example my game / this is how the game should be played’ story.
          It isn’t.
          As the OP makes clear, I attracted Lisa through unintentional action. I am not saying that in this case it was my clever manipulation of the principle of inconsistency that got me the girl. So if I don’t demonstrate causality in terms of my purposeful actions leading to a positive result it’s because that’s not what I’m claiming.
          However, the Lisa example does still illustrate the principle of inconsistency for the reasons I outlined in my last comment. Therefore the anecdote is not a non-sequiteur as you claim in your point (1). Even if my behaviour didn’t change in moving jobs (and actually it did, I became less needy) then the consistencies of frequency, location, employment and SMV were still altered. Even you can’t deny that.
          This invalidates your point (2) – again (at the risk of boring even myself) yes, of course my reasons for quitting my job weren’t related to Lisa. Again, though, this doesn’t undermine either the eventual outcome or the part that inconsistency (as outlined above) played in it.
          Of course, you misconstrue my use of the word ‘relationship.’ Clearly I didn’t mean it in the intimate sense, simply in ‘the way in which two people or things are connected’ sense. Even we have a relationship, Mr SmackMacDougal, even though it’s a very different one to that described.
          I present the anecdote not as an example of my great game (because it isn’t) but as an example of how shaking things up can change the dynamic between a man and a woman. Perhaps, armed with this insight, people will understand that they can effect a similar result through deliberate, purposeful inconsistency.
          Again, your continued name-calling does you no favours, invalidating your already somewhat weak position. Should I expect more?

        16. “That you criticise me for not understanding causality is at the root of this little disagreement. “ ~ Troy Francis
          It’s not a little disagreement. As well, you don’t get causality, at all.
          Let’s try this again since you are so thick and slow.
          At best, here is what you could have written:
          I took a barman job at a popular venue. Man oh man, who knew being a bartender could get you laid. I even laid this girl I knew from another job who wouldn’t give me as much as a sniff even though I flirted with her like a mental patient.
          So, if you want my advice, stop trying to read those pick-up artist books sold through the Internet by chodes. Instead, get a job as a barman. It’s like buying a Ferrari to get laid but instead of forking out 200,000, you get paid enough to pay rent.
          That is your whole story in a nutshell. Instead, stupidly you have written something like this:
          I, Troy Francis, was a chode loser. Every time this girl Lisa popped up at my lowly coat checker job, I begged her like a dog for a date.
          As luck would have it, by taking a job as a barman at a quite popular venue, Lisa, who wouldn’t give me as much as a sniff even though I flirted with her like a mental patient let me take her home for sex. Who knew that working at a popular place would be the same as buying a Ferrari to lure women into bed?
          “I present the anecdote not as an example of my great game (because it isn’t) but as an example of how shaking things up can change the dynamic between a man and a woman.” ~ Troy Francis
          Yes, we can agree. Your game isn’t great. At last, you have acknowledged this truth. I snapped a screenshot of your comment for my collection.
          However, you didn’t shake things up between you and Lisa precisely because there never was you and Lisa. You weren’t in a relationship when you worked as coat check boy.
          “Even we have a relationship, Mr SmackMacDougal,” ~ Troy Francis
          We don’t have one Troy. You might be unhinged if you believe we do. Having exchange words in Disqus comments isn’t a relationship.
          The word relationship entered English in the early Modern English period meaning the state of being related. We’re not related whatsoever.
          Troy, you dig yourself ever deeper each time you dance like my empty-headed marionette. At this point, don’t you see how you should stop and slink away?
          Keep dancing my little mindless marionette who has acknowledged that his game isn’t any good!

        17. Is all this necessary? Some valid points have been made but now it has turned into dick pulling. Cut it out guys.

        18. “Stop being such a bitch. Take your midol.” ~ fact_comment
          You took time from your life to involve yourself in this matter like a catty, gossipy twat?
          LOLZ. OK, girly.

        19. Just go away Smack, just go away already. My God, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what Troy was saying in the article. Basically, in a nutshell “tweak your methods if they’re not working right until they do work right.” All this nitpicking and arguing is much ado about nothing.

        20. “Just go away Smack, just go away already. My God…” ~ Rob
          You seem effeminate Rob. That you would involve yourself in the business of others is specialized behavior reserved for catty females.
          Good luck!

        21. Yeah, I’m so effemininate I banged a 19 year old brazilian hottie and a 22 year old latina college student in the past 10 days. Going to do compound lifts this morning at the gym and have a date with a fresh girl tonight…but no need to justify to fuckos like you. B’sides you’re the one that drones on and on like a bitch on her period with 1000 freaking posts. shut up already yeh cunt

        22. “Yeah, I’m so effemininate I banged a 19 year old brazilian hottie and a 22 year old latina college student in the past 10 days. “ ~ Rob
          Yes, and everyone on the Internet is a brain surgeon, ex-black ops commando and on weekends, drives Formula One race cars.
          Keep amusing!

  10. The stock market is the best example of the excitement of inconsistency. If it did not crash from time to time, we could just as well be staring at a shadow on the wall. But of course the bitches (politicians) act as if all they wanted was stability. In reality, they feel excited like little kids when a crash happens. There are speeches to give, moronic laws to pass, concern to be voiced, acts to be played, poor poor women to be comforted with a little left-wing dick. Pardon, chicken wings. Yeah, they claim they hate these tragedies, but in reality they love them. They make the political bitches feel needed and they can come caring and giving a shit everywhere and about everything until the whole land is covered with big brown caring turds.
    Ladies and gentlemen, we need more 9/11s. And that kind of stuff, you know. Where tears flow. The ladies in the parliament just love the drama.

  11. hot girls?
    I have to say. After reading Matt Forney’s article here in ROK about Dubai porta potty girls, I can never see females the same way again. When approaching “hot” girls, I don’t even feel the need to be “shy”, “awkward”, or “intimidated”… I just picture myself that girl could possibly be a dubai porta potty girl and imagine shit on her face and it actually makes me laugh and when they see me laughing, they ask “what’s so funny, is something on my face?” and I go like.. “yeah” and she runs to the bathroom or looks at her iPhone camera to check.
    Approaching girls? no problem!
    Rejection? No fucks given!
    Ironically you get more female attention via this way. Girls seem to be attracted to guys with “I don’t give a fuck” attitude. The more I care less about them and focused on my goal, the more they want to be around me.
    When other girls see you approaching another girl with (no fuck given attitude), they start to get curious to know who you are because you aren’t like most guys. You can approach girls, but don’t go out of your way to approach them. Most of them are waste of time and they are all good for only one thing: having a wet warm pussy hole. It’s so true.
    You can even use this in public speaking and sales pitch towards people you don’t know and this works if you have sociophobia or stage flight or you are nervous speaking to somebody or group of masses. Just picture shit on their face. It’s mean (just don’t laugh), but it will help you get out of that fear of people in general. Just remember if anyone treats you nicely, return the favor; don’t be a jerk.

    1. Say your target is a rare smoking 9 in a crowd. You go over to some nearby 7’s enjoying themselves then you quip something funny to them, a comment but not too loud. They giggle and then that’s your promot to a smooth kino. Offer up a high five to one or two of them then leave them. A laugh has a 90% return to a high five when offered. You’re not interested in the 7’s but the 9 notices the interaction and tries to hear what it is. You deliver her wish, continue in her direction, smile, you’re validated now and then you re hash the line or even something simple and innocuous like ”god I love this weather”. Small talk/convo is on. You have to be in the zone to have a quick one that works that you can waste on the 7’s. Sometimes your creativity spikes when in the presence of a girl who’s smoking hot.

  12. I recall this one girl at my work whom I flirted with a few times, keeping my distance because of a gut reaction (bit of a butterface). Much to my lack of surprise she came in one day with hair shorter than mine.
    Still occasionally tries to talk or something… precious, predictable little thing…

  13. “Impressed by the other girls who were around me, ~and perhaps a little by my improved status as a barman~, she made it clear that she was now interested and we began dating.” — bingo. You became an Alpha male provider…you are both center of attention AND have the potential to comp her free drinks, free shots, etc. ..vs your previous ‘life’ in what used to be an exclusively feminine role which in the ‘old days’ would be called the “coat check girl.”

  14. One point is to throw all sort of stuff at the wall and see it if sticks. When it does, then use it again. If it slides like Jello, try something new. Getting rich or getting laid seems follow that pattern.
    Another approach is to say WTF? every now and then. Go for the impossible chick, say the unmentionable, attempt the improbable. In any given instance you are looking at failure, but over the course of things you can learn or at least get lucky from time to time.
    In the grand scheme of things, you only have to get lucky once. However, you have to push your luck at many opportunities.

  15. So what you’re saying is that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of simple minds. How Emersonian!

    1. Female inconsistency is about as interesting as having a silverback ape go to town on your ass in mating season.
      In other words, i could do less with the female “inconsistency” because of how consistently obnoxious it tends to be.
      That being said…context is key. Sometimes consistency is good, sometimes it’s not, as the writer essentially said.

      1. What I meant is acting ‘inconsistently’ makes life interesting for myself. So i.e. dropping the boring lame routine life for how you should really live.

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