When a nation is torn apart by war, it can be rebuilt. Foundations can be re-poured and made with stronger concrete; buildings and bridges can be reconstructed using modern materials and updated practices; and infrastructures can be improved upon and modernized—things can be made better and stronger than they were in the past due to technological advancements and the know-how provided by men.
But what about the people? Sadly, the ravages of war will be etched into their minds until death. The passage of time will certainly ease old wounds, but ultimately, people can’t be rebuilt, they must be replaced. Only a new generation can come along to provide a fresh start and relieve the pain that was once endured. And even then, history will always be there to remind everyone of the past.
It’s no different than a war being waged against feminist indoctrination and “equality.” There are no buildings, bridges, and monuments to rebuild or resurrect. But there are millions of battle hardened women with cum-drenched souls, mental disorders, and everlasting baggage. If every woman in America stood up today and said she wanted to end the war and return to traditionalism, it wouldn’t change a thing. You would still have the same amount of women worthy of commitment, marriage, and bearing your children as you do right at this moment: practically zero.
A new generation of women would have to be brought up in order to see an improvement, but who would be the mothers and role models for this new crop of females? Who would we entrust to raise respectable young girls who would grow into traditional women with good values? The same degenerate losers we have at our disposal right now? The same women we deliberately avoid impregnating in the first place?
They would be the ones to pull it all together and steer the ship back on course? I don’t fucking think so. The foundations and infrastructures between the sexes are far too fractured and fragmented for things to ever be what they once were—never mind being improved upon or strengthened. This is a war that isn’t even close to being over, and we’re losing.
It’s not going to get better, it’s just that simple—this is it. Women are not going to magically become friendly, feminine, chaste and well-mannered just because that’s what men want them to be. Mental illnesses are not going to miraculously disappear with a pill or therapy. The carnage from all of the drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity is a permanent fixture on the American dating landscape—it’s not a bug, it’s a feature. This is not some passing storm that one can just ride out and there are no clear blue skies just beyond the horizon. And I wouldn’t count on this forecast changing anytime during our lifetimes, either, if I were you.
Additionally, we have to accept that women are fine with this—they like the storm. They have their beta male raincoats and their government sponsored umbrellas: they’re drier than a Jewish girl’s pussy when she’s surrounded by men who don’t make good money. They’re high, they’re dry, and they don’t have anything to worry about. And why would they?
No matter how bad life gets for a woman, no matter how much of a fuck-up she becomes and no matter how much destruction she leaves in her wake—some dickhead will be there ready and willing (and enthusiastically) to break her fall. This is why they don’t take their jobs seriously; it’s why they don’t take their finances seriously; it’s why they don’t take anything seriously—because they know if things start to get the least bit difficult, men will always be be there to apply tourniquets to the most hemorrhaging areas of their lives. And the worst part is: they’ll never appreciate or be grateful for any of it.
That’s not easy to accept, especially since men have no such luxury: it’s either make it or break it, sink or swim. No matter which direction you turn, the guns of failure are aimed directly at your temple, and, in many cases, it’s women with their dirty little fingers comfortably nestled on the triggers, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to squeeze.
The modern woman is not going to take care of you. She’s not going to pick you up when you fall and she’s not going to be there for you when you fail. A supportive, decent woman is something your grandfathers and, perhaps, your fathers got to enjoy. But for you? Nope, you’re on your own, buddy. It’s on you, as a man, to step it up and get to where you want to be.
Women aren’t taught to appreciate your efforts and sacrifices. Your success as a man will always be reduced to “privilege,” luck, or some other make believe advantage or benefit that you wish like hell you truly had. Women either hate you for your success or want to use you because of it—loving you for it never enters the equation. This is the default setting on the modern female, and there’s no way to reprogram the bitch.
And that is what you are up against. You’re surrounded by a very sick group of battle-worn women, and it’s from this pool of women that you’re supposed to—somehow—find someone decent and respectable with whom you can build a solid relationship and start a family. The odds of finding a good one aren’t in your favor, and the majority of us aren’t going to make it.
Despite this unfortunate reality, we still have lives to live. We still have our biological needs and those must be met one way or another. For better or worse, these are the women we have at our disposal. So, it’s in our best interests to be proactive in our defenses, and to ensure our future and well-being stay firmly in tact. We do this by sniffing out red flags and knowing when it’s best to just walk—or run, if necessary—away. It is my goal to provide this knowledge to the very best of my ability.
With that said, let’s get this show on the road and start with the red flag that should have you lacing up your running shoes and getting the fuck out of dodge with the quickness. I wrote about this topic extensively last year, but it must be re-visited again if we’re going to cover all bases.
Rape Fables
It takes a special kind of asshole to play the “I was raped” game, but there are plenty of women out there who play it, and they play it well, especially if you’re a sucker. Men are thoroughly brainwashed to believe a woman’s word is sacrosanct and to never question the veracity of her claims, particularly when it comes to sexual assault. All inquiries are strictly off limits, and she must be believed no matter what.
After all, “Why would a woman ever lie about being raped, right?” Because she’s a bottom of the barrel, attention craving, low-life, self-serving piece of mentally ill shit, that’s why. But you can’t actually say that out loud, of course. You pretty much have to keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself unless you want to be labeled a victim blame, rape apologist, or misogynist.
However, just because you have to keep your opinions to yourself, doesn’t mean you have to be the same way with your actions. And the best action to take whenever this subject comes up is to get to work immediately. If a woman claims to have been raped, then start digging to find out whether she’s being honest or not. This is accomplished by questioning the whereabouts of the alleged rapist right off the bat.
Girl: “It’s very hard for me to talk about this… but… I was raped.”
You: “That’s too bad, but at least the guy who did it is locked up and can never hurt you, or anyone else, ever again.”
Saying something along these lines puts her on the spot: she has no choice but to provide you with the status of her so-called assaulter. If she replies with “Oh, he’s not in jail,” or, “He’s my ex-boyfriend,” or, “We were drunk at a party; I didn’t press charges,” then you know she’s a fucking bullshit artist and that it’s time to pull the plug on your interactions with her.
If she says the perpetrator is in jail (I’ve personally never had this happen, and I’ve heard a lot of rape claims), then that leaves you with a decision to make as well.
Breaking It Down
When it comes to this rape stuff, one must develop a personal policy. Mine is one of zero tolerance, and it’s the one I’m going to recommend to you as well. Point blank: don’t date rape victims, period. Real, perceived, concocted or flat-out imagined—you honestly shouldn’t care. You should take your ball and go home, regardless.
Will doing this make you a dick or a bad person? I’m sure to the majority of people it probably will, but you know what? You still shouldn’t fucking care. Do the majority of people care if you end up with a crazy broad who makes your life miserable or tries to take her issues out on you? Do the majority of people care if you lose your career or wind up in prison (where “rape culture” actually exists)? Nope, they sure don’t, so you know what? Fuck’em.
Rape is considered a “societal problem,” and if you don’t rape women, then you are making your contribution to society, you can’t be asked for much more than that. You should never feel guilty for not “manning up” and absorbing somebody else’s issues. A woman’s problems—prior rape or otherwise—are her fucking problems. They are her property and her responsibility; they belong to her and her alone—they have nothing to do with you. Consider it “equality” if it makes you feel better: if you have never been raped, then only date women who have never been raped. Sounds pretty egalitarian to me.
Now, at this point you might be thinking, “This guy is is a sociopath!” Wrong—what I am is a guy who has something to lose. What takes a man years to build can be shattered immediately by one mentally unstable broad heading down to the police station with a bullshit story to tell: that can’t be, and won’t be, me. The last thing I’m going to do is play amateur psychologist at best, or be dragged through the mud and risk possible imprisonment due to some crazy woman’s whims at worst. These women are liabilities, and like most men, I already have enough shit to worry about. A woman has to make my life better if she’s going to be a meaningful part of it, and women with this type of baggage don’t make things better.
“Come on, A.V. Yader, is it really necessary to be such so ruthless and cold-hearted?” Yes it is, and here’s why: because “it” is always your fault. It doesn’t matter what “it” is, because no matter what “it” is—“it” is your damn fault. We all know if a man cheats on a woman, he is considered a scumbag, a piece of shit, and an asshole. We also know if a woman cheats on a man, it’s because she was pushed away from that man because he was a scumbag, a piece of shit, and an asshole.
You can’t win, so if you’re going to be considered an asshole no matter what you do or how you do it, then you may as well take the asshole route that is in your best interests and ensures your future is safeguarded. Which would you rather be: an asshole who’s on top and continuing to climb, or an asshole who’s scraping the bottom? Thought so. There are plenty of “good” men out there who will gladly fill your shoes and do the “right thing,” let them be the ones to take the loss.
Exit Strategy
Fake rape victims have to go, and they have to go quickly. Here’s a guideline to follow that should keep you covered.
Mentally break up with the woman the second you find out, but don’t dump her ass for real just yet. Do the actual dumping quietly and without commotion. Slowly taper off contact and limit any interactions you have to text messages only, which you should save. If you’ve slept with the woman, then get some sexual texts from her (nude pics too if you can get them). Send some messages saying how you can’t wait to fuck her again, get some enthusiastic responses demonstrating reciprocation in return, and then cut her off.
Don’t meet again in person, and ignore all contact from her once you have satisfactory evidence showing that she loved taking your cock and looks forward to taking it again. Show some discipline and pass up the easy pussy if she offers it.
As for the gentlemen out there with hearts of gold who can’t envision themselves being so heartless and cut-throat: I understand your position. I don’t support it, but I do understand it. So, if you meet a woman with a legit rape—and only a legit rape—in her past, and you want to proceed with the relationship, then that’s on you.
But don’t be surprised when problems and baggage comes with the territory. Proceed with caution and bail if there are hang-ups with intimacy, rage issues, or if it’s clear that she hasn’t gotten over what happened to her. You didn’t do anything wrong, so don’t suffer as if you did.
Claims Of Physical Abuse By Former Lovers
A close relative to the rape fable is the “he beat me” claim. Even more common are claims of verbal abuse or being “controlled” in some manner. Here are couple of question for you, gentlemen: When was the last time a woman said to you, “It was my fault that my previous relationships didn’t work out,” or, “I fucked things up, but I’ve learned my lesson”?
When was the last time a woman actually took some responsibility, came clean, and admitted that her relationship failures were primarily a by-product of her own conduct? In my experience, the answer to these questions is never. Sure, a woman might admit some wrong doing here and there, but she will never admit to being the instigator or the antagonist.
And that’s because “it” is always your fault—no matter what “it” is.
With that in mind, here’s how this nonsense plays out in the real world. In a bid to win pity points and look like a little angel who does no wrong (get used to this shit, especially if you make good money), a woman will tell you vivid stories about being terrorized at the hands of some evil, abusive psychopath. Just how bad is this motherfucker? Well, just imagine Ted Bundy, the Predator, and a great white shark all rolled into one. “He’s fucking crazy,” or, “He’s been stalking me,” or, “He threatened to kill me,” are lines that you will more than likely hear at some point.
However, what she’ll fail to mention is the part about how she would get in this guy’s face without provocation, call him a cock sucker, slap him, punch him, try to kick him in balls, destroy his house, key his car, flatten his tires, brag about fucking his friends, call his mother a whore, and then call the cops on him all before heading off to her workplace to receive a good old fashioned eye watering throat-fuck from one of her bosses in the parking lot.
Those little details never seem to make the final cut in any of these stories, for some inexplicable reason. And yes, I’m joking a bit there; however, the point is that a woman will never mention inciting things, being passive aggressive, or pushing a man’s buttons until he snaps and calls her some bad names or tells her her shut the fuck up.
That will never happen because then she runs the risk of looking like a bad person, and we can’t have that, now can we? “He used to call me a bitch all of time, it really hurt my feelings,” said the poor little snowflake. Yeah, I’m sure he did—it’s probably because you are one.
Breaking It Down
Here’s what you need to remember when you hear these abuse stories: it’s tough out there for the majority of men these days. Most guys are not slaying pussy on the regular. Very few men are getting laid frequently with thin, good looking women, and that’s the reason why you should always be on your toes when any claims of abuse come to light.
If an average guy has found himself a decent looking girlfriend, and he’s laying some pipe on a somewhat regular basis, is he going to beat the shit out of her, verbally abuse her, or treat her like dirt? Is he going to potentially ruin his access to the only pussy that’s available to him? Of course not. He’s going to treat her like gold, like a princess. He’s going to give her everything she wants. This is the type of man who will sacrifice his time, his sanity, and even his soul to ensure that his prized pussy-possessor is a happy camper.
So, when a woman says she was “abused” by a man who fits the above description, here’s what she’s really trying to say: “He said some things I didn’t like sometimes,” or, perhaps, he did the unthinkable and tried to hold her to some kind of standards; or, he wanted her to be accountable for her actions; or—gasp!—he occasionally asked her to do things she didn’t want to do.
Things like not coming home drunk at four o’clock in the morning, ceasing communications with men who used to fucked her, or simply requesting that she pick up after herself and clean up her messes—all of those things could be considered “verbal abuse” or “controlling behavior” simply because it’s shit she doesn’t want to hear.
On the other side of the coin, perhaps she has dated men who have been abusive towards her. If that’s the case, then the question becomes: “Why the fuck did you stay with the guy?” If a woman says she’s been hit or abused by a man, ask her how many times it happened. If the answer is more than once, then she’s a God damn idiot. What’s more: the very ugly and very real possibility may exist that she enjoys being abused.
That’s right: it’s a dirty little secret that few women will admit, but it’s true—some of them get turned on by abusive behavior. Some women live for the drama: they love it, they crave it, and they require it. And sadly, there are a lot more of them out there than you might think. Women will stay with abusive men for years on end and never once call the cops or even entertain the thought of leaving them, and that’s because they truly like what they have. In fact, many of these women are fiercely protective and have undying loyalty to these men. They would even defend them to the death if it came down to it.
“But you don’t understand, I was scared to leave!” said the pity party throwing woman who secretly loves a good ass whoopin’. Scared of what, exactly? The cops will come at a moments notice, taze and cuff the bastard, and then haul him off to jail. After that, she can head to one of the numerous women’s shelters available to her, or she can call one of her many friends for help; or she can go stay with a relative—the options are endless.
This idea that women have nowhere to go when they’re being abused is fucking ridiculous, especially if they’re good looking. A good looking woman who has no orbiters with free couches available? Bitch, please.
Women who date abusive men, choose those men. That’s all there is to it and don’t you ever think otherwise. Women have options in the dating world, and the option many of them choose is the piece of shit loser. Even to the most casual observer, the warning signs are there right off the bat that the vast majority of these guys are scumbags, yet women will get involved with them anyway because they get off on the danger and uncertainty.
These women are defective, plain and simple. And don’t let it slip it into your head that because a woman is “educated” or “intelligent” it somehow makes a difference in her choices—it doesn’t. Smart women are still women, which means they’re pretty fucking stupid.
Assessing Which Is Which
You might be wondering how you can tell the difference; how can you tell which men were truly abusive towards a woman and which ones were not? It’s easy: the ones who were abusive will be the ones who didn’t have jobs, were in and out of jail, or had drug and alcohol problems (even then, you should still be skeptical). The good men will be “boring,” hardworking, and most likely college educated or have decent a trade.
Women will volunteer information about their ex’s without much trouble, so there’s no need to stress about finding any of this out—they’ll spill the beans eventually. Additionally, get the guy’s name and look him up online if possible. I can just about guarantee that once you find him and see what he looks like, your reaction will be one of the following: “Yeah… there’s no way she didn’t know this guy was a piece of shit from the get-go,” or, “There’s no way this dude was beating up on a woman.”

He seemed like such a great guy when we first got together; he was very sweet and nice… but then he started beating me and calling me a cunt.
Exit Strategy
These women are completely unsuitable for any kind of serious relationship. If you’re a good dude who has no intentions of beating up women—which, lets be honest, you should be—then you’re either going to get dumped by a woman who prefers abusive men, or you’re going to get dragged through the mud by a woman who likes to make up bullshit stories to make herself seem like a perfect saint.
The latter will especially paint you out to be a terrible human being if she cheats on you and leaves you for another man. She needs to make her reasons for betraying you seem valid to any bystanders who may be looking on, and she’ll accomplish that by saying whatever it takes to make you out to be the bad guy—no matter how good you treated her in reality. “It” is always your fault, after all. Also, this behavior will be dialed up to 10 if you share a social circle or have the same colleagues, so beware.
On the other hand, if you’re the type of guy who has no problem beating on a woman, then you don’t really need any advice because you’re probably going to end up in prison for something anyway. Here’s the thing with beating up women: in order to abuse a woman, you have to either really love her, or really hate her. American women aren’t worthy of either of those emotions. So, if you have a mean streak or proclivities towards criminal conduct—don’t let it be a woman you go down for, they’re nowhere near worth it. Go rob a bank instead.
As for actually dumping these women: if they reveal any of this shit early on—as in the first few times you meet—then remove them from your life in the same way you would a rape claimer. As for the less extreme cases, keep things short term and bail if it looks like she’s catching feelings for you, and really get the hell out of there if you start catching feelings for her. Keep things to fuck-buddy status and never waver from that.
Your relationships with these women shouldn’t last more than eight weeks or so, and they must be kept away from anyone who is either: (A) important to you, or (B) can affect your livelihood—friends, workmates, bosses, family, etc. Save any and all text correspondence, and slowly fade out over time (she’ll probably drift off on her own anyway).
Personally, I cut and run right off the bat in the same way I do with the rape chicks. The sex just isn’t worth it at this stage in my life and I have a very hard time pretending to believe this nonsense anymore—my mind jumps right into “here we go with this shit again” mode and I bail. However, I can see how guys might want to keep some decent pussy around if the chick isn’t too bonkers. Just trust your gut and hit the bricks immediately if you sense trouble brewing.
In Closing
I’m just getting started, gentlemen. This article marks the beginning of what will become a regular series known as “The Red Flag Master List.” It began as an idea for a book, but it needs to be accessible to anyone who can make use of it. The top dogs here at Return Of Kings have been gracious enough to give me the space to publish this material, which will give it a much larger audience than it would receive otherwise.
As for what to expect—in each installment we will take a look at a particular deal breaker characteristic (or two) in detail, break it down, and examine your options when encountering a woman who possesses such a trait(s). The ultimate goal will be the completion of a comprehensive guide cataloging everything a man should be aware of when forming relationships with the opposite sex.
By the time this series is complete, you’ll be much more knowledgeable about damaged women and how to either avoid them, or turn their bullshit against them and use it to your advantage. We are at war here, after all, and it’s time to start winning a few battles (even if it’s just on an individual level).
Read More: The Major Flaw In Today’s Perception Of Domestic Violence
Well played, Andrea. Well played.
Nicole’s the typical cunt. Put him in jail because I said so! Well Sieg Heil Mein Fuhrer!
No sense of justice or fair play. It’s just wherever their 12 year old little feelings take them. And I’m supposed to “man up” and marry that thing? Hell no.
Maybe we should make that a standard response to these type of women when they get on their soapboxes. Extend a hand straight out and shout “Sieg Heil Mein Fuhrer!”
No, a backhand bitch slap across the face.
That is called “Battery”.
What is it son?
This is why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
They should be happy that we let them speak hahaha!
A woman? Express gratitude? I think that’s asking for a bit too much!
“And I’m supposed to “man up” and marry that thing? Hell no.”
Forget “marry”, even asking us to see them as “equal” is ludicrous.
The only time you should ever consider marriage with a woman is whence sorting out all the details of the contract and wedding, you are sure you are doing so with a person who is of sound logic…. Her father.
12 ? The best I have seen is 8.
It’s people like that that enables circumstances like this…http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2150576/Brian-Banks-Football-star-jailed-falsely-rape-wants-219k-compensation.html
And he’s only asking for 219k. I would demand not only the same time served for the real criminal (false accuser), but a few mil for my troubles. This story is worth a read just for the inconsistencies of evidence, and the woman’s selfish and pure evil logic alone.
I had to read the opening sentence a few times to determine whether it was a typo and lack of editorial oversight, or really an inanimate object accused of rape. I don’t think we are far off from that.
A former high school football who was wrongfully accused of rape
Still, quite a sick story. Especially the part where “the school” ie the taxpayers of that city coughed up $1.5 million because the girl was “raped.” If getting raped once is worth $1.5 million, spending 6 years of your life in prison must be worth orders of magnitude more. If he was raped in prison, he should ask for $1.5 million for each instance. And would be justified in receiving it, based on precedent.
I guess men are more civil, even when pursuing a civil lawsuit.
“In a message, she explained she wanted to ‘let bygones be bygones’.”- Yeah, sure. That 1.5mil settlement(courtesy of the taxpayers of course) should be returned to the county, plus interest.
Did he catch on with that nfl team, I think it was the Seahawks? Fuckin ESPN should be doing stories on this guy
For all the morally corrupt girls(most of all girls) who heard the story, 1.5 mil is a pretty big incentive make a false rape accusation.
We need more stories like this to expose the ubiquity of false rape/domestic violence accusations. It’s unfortunate that in this case prosecutors are reluctant to press charges against the false accuser. She did something so evil and suffers no consequences, but was rewarded handsomely!
These ultra entitled American black women are downright odious.
He pleaded no contest, which was a major mistake. Although, if he had stuck to his guns then maybe the he-said-she-said might have turned against him and he would be looking at a much longer sentence, with no guarantee that the bitch would recant.
I still don’t understand how, with all the evidence, it could not be proved that she lied and just made up the story. Maybe not beyond a reasonable doubt but on the balance of probabilities. Getting a $1.5 million settlement from the school district for a rape that never happened amounts to fraud: they should get their money back.
Your lawyer in these cases will very often tell you your odds of winning are very poor, and recommend you plea to the mercy of the court rather than fight and risk a judge’s full wrath.
Juries are made up of 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty. They’re extremely dangerous and easily swayed by a crying woman.
Nicole raped me.
Is that real?
We’ve transitioned into a society that acts based on feelings instead of fact.
FACT – America is still a British Colony and under martial law since the civil war ended. What do we do about it? Oh nothing really.
FEELING – A baby dies in the sea after his parents pay a human trafficker thousands of dollars to illegally bring them into Turkey in a small dingy. What do we do about it? OPEN THE BORDERS AND LET THEM ALL FLOOD INTO OUR COUNTRY NOW! TERRORISTS AND ALL!!
If only this lady knew the consequences of what she just posted…
Hat tip to AV! Men need to know this!! Thank you!!
Here’s the thing with beating up women: in order to abuse a woman, you have to either really love her, or really hate her.
American women aren’t worthy of either of those emotions.
Let this sink into your brain right now.
Reminds me of a saying that I believe I heard from the 48 Laws of Power:
The opposite of love isn’t hate. The true opposite of love is complete indifference.
I should have read your remark first.
By that logic, the opposite of “warm” is potato. If a thing is to be ‘opposite’ in the sense applied, then it must be in the SAME CLASS of thing. Love and hate are both emotions; indifference is a lack of emotion, or a Null, in computer jargon. ANYTHING is the ‘opposite’ of Null, as Null means, literally, ‘no thing’.
AV has touched on something more insidious on those remarks, but the opposite of love is NOT hate. It is apathy. As he is suggesting.
I had to create an account to say bravo AV, great work.
Keep fighting the fight.
The problem with baggage is that women and men are more likely to conceal, not reveal, until he/she figures you’re on the line if not on the hook. Run no matter how deep you’re in – you didn’t cause their problems and they’ll make them yours if you stay.
Most “normal” people prefer to not dwell upon such things. Even if it is a terrible event, they want to move on.
I’d actually see it as a possible good sign that a potential partner does not want to talk about terrible past events on a casual basis.
What’s key is you matter and an experienced sympathy string jerker has the clever timing of a pirate captain switching out the false flag for the jolly Roger skull and crossbones at just the right moment. Sure, there might have been a few minor red flags beforehand, but they’re easy to dismiss as “So, who’s perfect?”, if there’s sexual chemistry. You might look bad to your friends and family for dumping her/him because all they’ve seen is the false flag, but it’s better to be the “bad guy” than to be prey.
Was talking to an older woman last Friday. She was concerned about the Syrian refugees. She kept saying “and they HATE women!” I said, “I could care less if half these women get their asses stomped. They only care about women”. She didn’t mention women for the remainder of the conversation. She got really quiet after that.
I’m a bit confused…Who was she saying hated women? And which women are you referring to in your response to her?
She was expressing fear and concern over Syrian refugees coming to America. Her comments were of them “hating women.” She was an older woman, about 56. Single. I just wanted to validate her fears.
Ah, gotcha. I’m more of the mindset that one bad apple spoils the bunch. All it takes is one “refugee” with bad intentions.
She probably didn’t really care that much about the fact that Syrian refugees “hate women.” This is one of the only criticisms Westerners are allowed to express against Muslims, so it’s usually a cover for more generalized dislike of Muslims.
AV Yader it would be you to bring me out of hiding, but people need to speak up on this topic…
“When was the last time a woman said to you, “It was my fault that my previous relationships didn’t work out,” or, “I fucked things up, but I’ve learned my lesson”?”—I must only date angels bc I thought about this and realized, I have NEVER heard a woman tell me this.
“Slowly taper off contact and limit any interactions you have to text messages only, which you should save. If you’ve slept with the woman, then get some sexual texts from her.”—This is KEY. After witnessing and experiencing false rape claims I live by this. For ex: I still have an email saved from a professional women with whom I am cordial with (don’t like to burn bridges if possible). Before a deployment we engaged in some adult activities and shortly after I left kept in contact via email (you know how it can get in the middle of nowhere). In an initial email she made a comment about her drinking to excess and slightly not wanting to do anything during our encounter. I called her bs out on the spot in my reply, and her next email was a combo of an “lol to calling her out” and regarding me being correct in the fact that we had maybe 3/4 glasses of wine in a 6+ hr span and that she was well aware of what she wanted and what happened, and furthermore couldn’t wait for me to get back to “hang out again.” Still have that email saved to this day to show other men whom I associate with that this is a real issue. Imagine if she didn’t enjoy the experience and didn’t want to see me again…
Last one fellas bear with me…In a typical 3x a year military sexual assault training I attended this yr, one of the prosecutors that worked in the DA’s office in Denver gave the presentation. Long story short she ended it saying she was a part of the Kobe Bryant investigation and that he was guilty. Never mind this did not go to court and under the American Law he is not guilty of rape, she told this to a large group of military officers and senior enlisted and about 98% of them shook their head in agreement. I almost raised my hand to speak..almost, but between not wanting to stay any longer and use logic with a crowd that has already shown its true colors through very liberal policies, I intelligently decided this battle was not worth my time or professional reputation. HOWEVER, I couldn’t help not saying anything. After the presentation I went up to her one on one and had a frank conversation about her reasoning for telling a crowd of people someone is guilty without any evidence present or being convicted. That’s another story for another time, but I’m glad I did it.
This issue needs to be confronted head on, and I will always have sympathy for real rape victims, hell I witnessed domestic violence in my home as a child and it had me sick to my stomach for years, but the FALSE rape claim society must end and the only way for it to stop is to continue to call people out on it and SAVE THOSE TEXTS.
Good day gentlemen.
I’d really like to hear details of the story about you confronting that prosecutor on their BS.
The final part of her pres. started with an audio of a woman calling to the police station to report a rape (the one involving KB, but she hadn’t said it yet at this pt). After we heard it, the attorney asked the audience (in what’s called guided questioning in my field) “after hearing that DOESNT it sound like a real rape occurred. Of course herd mentality kicked in and almost the entire room raised their hand. This was my first inclination to raise my hand and say it was 50/50 (again I didn’t bc it wasn’t worth my time). Why didn’t the woman go down to hotel security ASAP, instead of calling the police? Honestly people do strange things in traumatic experiences, so I won’t only use logic, but again this is why I’m sitting in the training 50/50 (I would not want to scare away a real victim). I cannot remember verbatim what the woman said on the recording, but it sounded a lot like stories I’ve heard before where it was not the entire truth. Next the attorney stated the “facts” of this unknown woman that also became public and did the same type of questioning, “wouldn’t you think bruises around the neck and a bruised vagina would be indications of rape?” Like sheep hands shot up yes. Again, this is 50/50. The popularity surrounding 50 shades of gray did something remarkable. It put on full display what many women like in mainstream society, rough sex. So again, I’m 50/50 (FYI I shared these pts w/ attorney in this order..so I won’t have to retype). Finally she shared with the audience that the recording was from the investigation and the reason why KB was not charge is in her words “bc the victim became very uncomfortable with the amount of media attention and hate directed her way. She had to move, she wasn’t mentally ready for the media storm, etc.” Again 50/50. If someone famous raped someone close to me we are seeing this thing to the end, I don’t care what type of negative attention we receive, but as a stated idk a real victim might be pressured.
I bring up those three points and an additional fourth about my time playing hs/college football witnessing other athletes including myself go through false rape accusations and the lack of accountability we have as a society to ensure the facts are met before someone name is dragged through the mud. Her answers in order. 1) The woman sounded shaken in the recording so it must have been a rape, 2) She was shaken so she didn’t see the hotel staff, 3) the bruising is indicative of rape, even though there were no signs of physical bruising from a struggle, 4) NR to 50 shades of gray, 5) NR for my personal anecdotes, but from the evidence she gathered about 98% of rape claims are indeed victims (I told her I’d give it 50%, we left it alone). And the grand finale, she said she knew it was rape bc “Kobe eventually paid the woman off and apologized. And he made some comments to our staff that basically said he was guilty, but sorry.” Whatever that means.
I told her I disagreed, but bc of our time allotted I of course wouldn’t have the opportunity to look up some of these facts/stats or who procured them. Shook her hand thanked her for coming, ensured she understood that I am an advocate of rape victims, but I also have the same passion for those who have been falsely accused. About faced and went back to the office. In all honesty, I could have had a video of a million people admitting that they have made a false rape claim in the past and she would not change her stance; in fact I’m sure that type of credible information would not have mattered. We all know the type.
Bravo for actually discussing it with her. Most people would be too afraid to go against someone like that due to possible repercussions. Her responses to your questions are very telling.
Thanks. But yes that’s the second reason of not raising my hand and speaking aloud making it adversarial.
But I learned everything I needed to know about her from those responses.
Great comment to a great article.
Great to see you’re still around, King, it’s been a long time. Awesome comments as well here—good stuff.
My GF is a lawyer, and Jewish. I’m a programmer (raised Christian). She makes way more money than I do. Yet, somehow, her pussy is Niagara Falls when we hit the sack. Seriously, dude, save the stupid slanders. They make you look stupid, and detract from the rest of your message.
I wrote that joke specifically to offend you, Frank. Glad it worked.
great article, pls submit to sf chronicle evryone needa see this shit
I apparently encountered the same attorney in a military briefing. You’re instincts were correct in not confronting her in the crowd, as I did and yes it drug out the “briefing” and over hal the crowd immediately attempted to shut me down. Despite their attempts to shout me down, I presented a logical argument, with several points and the only response she had was ” obviously you (myself) need to do some soul searching, because only a fellow or potential rapist could sympathize with that man”. I can only imagine what kind of response she had offline with you.
Yea with a blue pill room there’s no point.
That’s right: it’s a dirty little secret that few women will admit, but
it’s true—some of them get turned on by abusive behavior.
I’ve said the same thing. This is something that is deliberately missing from the whole domestic violence narrative. That there are people who are psychologically drawn to abusive relationships. But women are always the helpless victims. One day he was Mr Wonderful, the most sweet and kind man a woman could ever hope for. And then the next day he suddenly turns into an abusive and violent asshole.
The warning signs would have been there very early on but the ‘victim’ made the deliberate choice to stay and continue. And the longer they stay in the relationship the harder it becomes for them to leave because they’ve made more of an emotional investment. Plus if they are financially dependent on him or have kids then it’s even worse. Some women even leave one abusive relationship and just jump straight into another. But they are always the victim
Like the author I have zero sympathy for anyone in an abusive relationship. There are no victims, only volunteers. The only party I feel for are the children. Those that are born into the relationship or even worse those that are brought into it by their mothers psychological fix for Mr Psycho.
This should be mandatory reading for all single men. Good article. Very frightening topic. I wish these issues would be culturally addressed in “very special episode” shows. Making issues like this come out from the shadows and into the mainstream would be absolute key to having them acknowledged and addressed.
The idea that after working hard my whole life, living on the up and up, keeping healthy and fit, being good to my family, doing my job well…..all of that could be blown up and I would be in orange pajamas deciding whose bitch to be just because a girl didn’t like something I said and accuse me of a crime is blood curdling.
Bert Reynolds- gay or dictator?
pffft def dictator
Well, I guess the leftists will get their way after all: depopulation of the world, at least of intelligent people. I honestly don’t know if I care enough anymore.
A bit lengthy, but nicely written.
The question these days goes more like: Yeah, where exactly do I want to be? ‘Successful’? ‘With a career’? ‘Lots of sex & bitches’?
The more I see women as they are, the more I realize that sex is actually a bit disgusting. To touch another human being down there. All those germs and possible infections and shit. Yuck! Sexuality is quite a wondrous force to make you oversee all that.
Seems like you can not take a compliment.
Hey, you know what. We men do have some privilege here. When we get raped, a woman does not have to be afraid to be with us and care for us. No man will ever accuse some woman half his weight of raping him.
I think this world is a paradise for angry men like me.
Meh. Okay.
“Claims Of Physical Abuse By Former Lovers”
This is a big one. I would wager that 3 out of 5 Western women have some fable of abuse by an ex. Eventually, you find out that it was never abuse – he just refused to acquiesce to a series of ever-escalating demands. Or, he saw that she was high maintenance, so he sought out greener pastures. In short, many women see the previous rejection of an alpha as a form of “abuse.”
Plus, this is a psychological ploy. It is designed for you to pity her. Once you pity her, you will be less likely to hold her accountable for her actions. Then, she can run over you and turn you into a beta male provider. Or, she is trying to shit test you. If you call her bullshit, she will see you are alpha; that means you could be banging the living crap out of her later that night. Then, after you dump her becasue she is carzy, she will tell the next chump that you abused her.
And the cycle continues…
You are almost spot on-I’d say it’s closer to 5 out of 5. Seems like every woman I’ve met has had these stories and I can guarantee some of them tell the same tales about me. They like to use “emotionally abusive” now which in chick talk means you called her out on her BS and didn’t cave to her whims.
At first, I was going to say 4 out of 5 but I was feeling very giving this morning. I would err closer to your number.
Periodically, I meet some dude you runs this comment, or something to this effect: “I just met a great girl! Her ex was a total asshole, and she is stoked to be with me!”
When I hear this, I literally want to slap the guy across the face. It’s like he’s telling me that he is going to visit Santa Claus in the North Pole.
Yea I want to punch those guys in the dick to knock some sense into them. Before long they become the asshole she gripes to everyone about. Sad cycle.
Great insight.
Thank you, good sir. Keep up the great articles, by the way.
“Once you pity her, you will be less likely to hold her accountable for her actions. ”
Like I said in another post, this is pretty much exactly what my ex-wife did. She’d go into “victim mode” whenever I got rightfully angry at her for acting like an autistic 2 years old.
Women, if you look at your husband, and think, “he used to be so sweet and kind, what happened?”
Most likely, the correct answer is: YOU happened, bitch.
I’d bet anything that most women who claim “abuse” are lying. For the rest, they had it coming because of their shitty attitude. Only a tiny minority is actually legit.
If you want to kill everything good, kind and honorable about a man, the fastest way is to pair him up with a stupid entitled ingrate cunt of a woman.
“For the rest, they had it coming because of their shitty attitude.”
Very true. I almost punched my ex-wife due to her constant jabs/insults/stubborness. Much of her antagonizing was intentional – a form of psychological abuse, really.
This is the overlooked part of the domestic violence debate; the fact that many men are subjected to continual psychological abuse, and they eventually snap.
Another aspect to consider is that, often, the man can’t just “leave”, because fascist laws would force him to give money to the bitch.
The law needs to change so that if the man wants to leave, the bitch is on her own, and he doesn’t have to pay her anything. And the person who gets to keep the kids is the one who has to support them financially and without help from the ex-partner.
I’m lucky, I got divorced at 29 and in Japan, where they don’t force men to pay money to undeserving bitches. And since I’ve learned female nature and turned red pill before 30, I’ve got many good years of freedom ahead of me. I’ll never fall into that trap again.
Ex-bitch will go on to make some other sucker miserable.
“Much of her antagonizing was intentional – a form of psychological abuse, really.”
Women are often looking for a man who isn’t psychologically and/or emotionally damaged by his previous relationships. It’s frequency is an admission of what some/many women do to men.
Very smart. I ate the red pill in my late twenties as well. Ever since, a shitload of women have been trying to get at me. They smell the “I don’t give two shits about you” vibe and they can’t get enough (and I ain’t no Brad Pitt).
You know, the thing about living in Japan is that you’ll get that no matter what! Heck, women don’t just hit on you… They are even jealous of the fluffy gold hair/blue eyes.
Since I came here it’s been like that. Looking back, it’s a miracle I only cheated as little as I actually did. Despite my GF/wife’s shitty autistic attitude, no girl has ever dethroned her in my heart.
Then last summer, she tells me she wants a divorce because I’ve become “scary” when I’m angry. (If raising my voice and slamming my hands on the kitchen table is “abuse”, then what about the insane tantrums she kept throwing for for no reason for 8 years?)
Thanks, you ingrate bitch!
Guys, never love a woman more than you love yourself, never sacrifice anything for her. She just isn’t worth it, no matter how much you love her. She will never feel the same love and loyalty that you feel towards her. I know it seems that way, but she doesn’t.
At this point, I could watch a woman get mugged/raped in an alleyway, and I wouldn’t even be compelled to lift a finger to help. The brain of a female just isnt programmed to give you the proper gratitude that you deserve for all the things you do for her.
Not worth it.
I think the only way to really grow as a man, to really understand female nature and how the mind of a female works, is probably by getting hurt/backstabbed by one.
It’s sad and it hurts, but after the shitstorm is over, you get your bearings again, and come out of it stronger and smarter in the end.
I’m just glad it happened to me at 29 years old rather than 45 or 50.
When my ex found out that I was married with a child (to a younger, hotter, Latina gal) she flipped her lid. The old saying “The best revenge is living well” is very appropriate in this regard.
And I agree with your assessment – always let a woman know that you love yourself more than you love her. It will actually make the relationship better. She wants to be with a man who is better than her, anyway.
But, as your story (as well as mine) point out, some women are not worth saving, gaming, etc. They require too much work, and time is short. We have to assess quickly, and kick bitches to the curb that have bought into the bullshit narrative.
What ‘justice’ is there when you take off, and don’t support your own kids? You did father them, didn’t you? If you don’t care about your own children, you’re not much of man.
Sure I agree with this (provided that you wanted them and wasn’t telling your woman to get an abortion).
But then the man should be the one to get the house and kids if he’s the one who’s going to be supporting them.
Real rape victims are damaged goods. That’s part of the reason why rape is so heinous (and in my opinion why legitimate rapists should be chemically castrated or, in some extreme cases, executed- even if they did not kill their victims). When a girl is raped, she’s not just being violently traumatized- she is having some of her future SMV stolen from her, permanently. That is also why, as I’ve said before, I don’t care all that much when a porn star is raped. A relatively decent girl who gets raped gets a lot more stuff taken away from her than a skank who already squandered that stuff.
I’m of the same mindset about castrating TRUE rapists. The only problem is all the false rape allegations circulating. To think of an innocent man getting irreparable bodily harm inflicted upon him due to a false rape accusation is a blood curdling thought. If an innocent man is jailed due to an accusation, it can always be overturned and he could even sue for damages. Suing for damages when it was your little partner that was taken away seems like a situation of too little, too late.
The definition of rape has changed so much that if I was judged by todays standards I would be put away for some of my previous behaviour….yoikes!
“The definition of rape has changed so much that if I was judged by todays standards I would be put away for some of my previous behaviour”
Well, that is because they need to keep rape statistics up. How else can we get 4/5 women raped at every college? Gotta redefine and rewrite.
Hang em. And hang the false accusers as well.
Hypothetical: how the fuck would you settle on a dollar amount? A man cannot put a price tag on his manhood.
That’s kind of what I was getting at in my prior statement.
I know, I’m asking you, what would you settle for?
Ah, I see. Honestly, I don’t know if I WOULD settling for any amount. I’m quite attached to my willy.
I’d get fuck you money out of it. Women are more attracted to the size of your wallet than the size of your cock. They can suck my nub from there on out.
I would say 800 million dollars just to demonstrate how fucked up the situation is.
Harsh but true. Btw, totally dig the username.
I prefer the old punishment where the rapist had to financially support the woman until she was married.
By that logic men who get cucked are just as victimized; they have been robbed of their genetic imperatives
If she says all this about her exes, what is she telling the next chump in line about you?
Everything he needs to know to hit the ground running from her when ready.
This is why Sunday brunches need to be banned- its nothing but trash-talking over shitty bloody mary’s and overpriced omelettes haha
Truer words. The line on Sunday is ridiculous. A Sunday brunch can make a Saturday night lay feel like she’s known you her whole life.
“You got me a 12.99 omelet with Strawberry crepes? How do you know me so well?”
Truest answer: Because you’re a little fatty when no ones looking and I support curves that get naked for me.
This reminds me of Tucker Max’s blog entry where a girl comes visit him for a cum cocktail before going on her dayt.
Damn A.V.Yader! You did it again! Great use of sarcasm and wit to talk about a dangerous topic that no one addresses. I’ll say it here, because it needs to be said; a large degree to why we are on the decline as a society is because we have unhinged a generally irrational sex and told them that they are sane. Waiting on the rest of your articles to come, as I won’t step on any toes, but I agree with your thoughts so far and love the direction. May even chime in with an article addressing a particular segment in this topic as this is one that hits home.
Thanks RHA, glad to hear you enjoyed it. I’m moving on to different issues in the remaining articles (some points may overlap periodically, but this is pretty much it for rape/DV issues), so feel free to submit anything you want—you won’t be stepping on my toes.
RHA, I love your name, always have…but what exactly does it refer to?
A long time ago, I was with a woman whom I intended to spend the rest of my days with. I left my past and my own future to be with her. She left me to play the field and tried to keep me as an orbiter while she did what she did. She even messed with another guy (could be a few for all I know) on the bed we purchased. With no family to go back to, low employment opportunities, and few friends to turn to, I was essentially dead to rights. I didn’t go peacefully and with vengeance on my mind I bounced back with a harder edge. The name is a promise to never let shit slide again.
‘The name is a promise to never let shit slide again.’
And we all need reminders in a big way. It is far to easy to forget our hard won wisdom when drowning in a sea of mangina’s, simps, white knights fema-nazis and a general applause to the whore-ship of women getting theirs at the expense of men.
During your life a woman will either bring you 90% of your happiness or 90% of your misery… Chose wisely.
Nah, if life is good, they can make it even better; if life is starting to get worse, they only compound the matter.
I disagree. With all the fatties doing slut walks, our roads and bridges will need rebuilding.
Slut implies that they are getting some constantly. They’re just pretending so it appears that some guys want them and bed them. Otherwise, they’ll look like complete losers.
Don’t underestimate the horniness of a man. I agree with you, but many men don’t have dignity. They will put their dicks into anything with a vagina including these so called women. But after seeing pics of these slut walks, personally I’d rather hump a coconut. At least I preserve a modicum of dignity.
Well if you are blind drunk at a bar staggering towards the door and fatty grabs you and takes you home with the promise of a free ride. Next thing you know you wake up naked next to a disgusting monster, you wind up in a twelve step program ashamed of all the horrible women you’ve slept with. These things happen we need to protect our men from these predatory fatties.
If that is the case, you were raped according to feminists.
Virtually every woman I dated from the age of 25-38 (I just turned 40) claimed one or a combo of I was raped/in an abusive relationship/my daddy was an asshole. Seems impossible.
Women today are brought up to have the victim mentality. They’re the victim no matter what.
We need to show indifference. If she brings up any of these, ignore it like she sneezed or something.
Agreed. I just say “OK, well I’m hungry.”
I’ve got a fairly reliable tell the professional victim will always display. Usually after dating for say 3 weeks to a couple of months the will plan some time together, just to two of you. Maybe dinner at home and then a walk in the park. You will be able to tell something is up, there is some larger purpose to the evening alone. Then she will spill it all out, detail upon detail about all the bad things that have happened in her life and the abuse she has taken. Sort of like a dam bursting open. The pro victim must establish her victim status with everyone she knows, especially you.
I’ve know real victims of abuse, and given that they usually suffer some level of PSTD, they really, truly do not want to talk about, be reminded of it, or think about Only after a long period of knowing and trusting you do they feel comfortable confiding in you. I once dated a women who pulled the above maneuver only after two weeks and sex maybe three times. We had just met, no prior knowledge of each other.
The sad thing is that even if it is true, what does that say about the kind of person they are attracted to. If you are kind and respectful, you will be in the Friend Zone quickly.
Remember – anyone can be a victim. Takes work, and effort to be a wonderful woman to a wonderful man.
False rape stories ive uncovered after a few question…
In all these cases, it wasnt rape. It was regret.
1. Rich beta bf foumd out she cheated. She claimed rape so his dumb ass would stay with her.
2. The guy didnt fuck her good and she felt she didnt get her fair share…rape!
3. The guy was a pussy and was begging her like a puppy dog for sex. She caved in and felt manipulated later on….rape!
4. She found out she was just another girl on the roster. By shaming him and accusing him of rape, it removed her own responsibility because…he forced her to sleep around.
Exit strategy…
1. Tell her you cant go out as much right now. You want to save money.
2. When she keeps calling, tell her that she should hang out with her friends tonight.
3. When she calls again….be a beta bitch. Whine about all your problems. Whine about maybe getting laif off. Talk about daddy issues. Be a pussy.
The woman will rationalize that its just “bad timing”. She will move on without a broken heart and you will move on to slaying sluts that wont trash your car.
If you want to be really messed up…bang her really good first. So good that everytime she thinks of you she thinks of how you’re the only man that chokes her good. When you need an easy lay 6 months down the line, text her up. Talk about how you are kicking ass in life and having a great life. Talk about your new promotion. She will think the timing is good again and you will get a quick bang.
Why would you want to mess with that shit? You want to be accused of something heinous you didn’t do?
If you like living on the edge like that, knock yourself out.
Letting a woman rationalize everything as “bad timing” is the safest way to drop things. She wont go around saying anything bad about you. She will actually talk highly of you. Its better to make yourself slowly unattractive over a week or two, rather than tell her to kick rocks and set off her bpd. Most of these rape stories will be told to you after the first bang anyways. Thats why i mentioned, give it to them good.
As far as bringing her back for a quick bang…thats up to you. This will work with regular platrs too.
the fear mongering on this site has reached epic proportions!
I think its more of a logical reaction to an illogical state of affairs
Wait a few years.
A real rape victim is in a real bad place. She should never date and you shouldn’t be dating her. A false accuser went to the bad place with her mind. She is equally bad. They should both be avoided. You normally don’t look for these women unless you’re needy yourself. Normal healthy men won’t even approach such women so if you’re a guy that finds himself there, you must be a sucker for abuse. It doesn’t pay for being a white knight.
I’ve been on first date when about halfway through the woman starts talking about her “friend” who was a victim. I couldn’t figure out if she was talking about herself in 3rd person, or if her friend really existed. Either way what the hell does it have to do with me? Is this some kind of new shit test to overcome to get a second date? It was like she threw a tear gas grenade under the restaurant table. A woman would have to be exceptionally beautiful to get away with that kind of behavior.
It’s clearly a new shit test. Up until my current relationship, whenever a woman mentioned she was molested or raped I immediately would nix it. Not something to be discussed over dinner nor is it anything to offhandedly mention casually.
But women don’t have to claim they are personally victim. The can talk about their “friend” as victim. Which is really just an indirect way of her saying you look like the type of man who might rape her friend. Thank you for the lunch. Fuck you very much.
Should be required reading for all men.
in college right now, and literally every single girl i have ran into has a rape story. Serious for any men in college its rough right now, cant even walk into the bathroom without posters telling me about the patriarchy. Stay safe, and make sure you get out in one peice
A damn shame. I remember when college girls weren’t so bad but it all went to Hell since I graduated.
Sounds like they’ve all been raped. What is wrong with these kid’s parents sending their girls to college knowing that they will be raped and by default no longer marriage material.
And financially raped by the university when they graduate with a worthless degree and 10s of thousands in non-dispatchable debt. If only someone wrote a book about this (shout out to Aaron Clarey).
It now takes average 9 years of work after college to break even on investment in 4 year degree.
Date off campus and only go for women who aren’t going to the school
If I was an 18 y/o freshman, I’d rather take my chances going after local high school girls than the girls in my college.
Then you have to worry about the statutory rape laws. Learn them well as well as the legal precedents.
I’d take those odds if I were that age.
OT, but have any of you seen some of the San Bernadino footage? A lot of the officers out there are short, fat women(saw a few fat men too). How do you become a cop in Cali- is it a lottery system?
Its like they use the movie “Police Academy” as a model for their hiring practices….
It’s a pretty embarrassing state of affairs that the fatties are allowed to retain the job when they physically can no longer do it. The unions always fight fitness standards as a result we have fat police. It just looks really bad when you see fat female cops.
For every Bubba Smith I saw 3 chubby women/dorks with black rimmed glasses types. Saw a few Tackleberrys too.
Once they allow different physical standards for female police, they have to allow fat males with man boobs.
The fat police will be tasked with enforcing fat acceptance.
And wait for them to infiltrate the army….. fatties will make such great slow moving targets…..
You must not be American…they started allowing women into combat positions a few days ago…
AV. Applause. Well done.
“Go rob a bank instead.”
Bank robbery yields on average $3,000. Aim for something with a bigger yield. Meth lab or crack.
Let’s see. For me, married to a woman who has ever time developed the (true or not) belief that she and her sisters were abused as children. Frigid woman and made to be my fault that she was frigid.
Recently dated a woman who claimed she was abused by a family friend. Very very boring lay, turned out to be BS crazy. Walked away with no looking back.
Previously (pre-new found wisdom), was very serious with a woman who early on had revealed to me she had had a restraining order against her ex. Guess what happened to me?
Problem is, whether the history is true or not, the damage is there. If it really has happened, it may be worth some sympathy. If it hasn’t happened, well, duh. Either case, she is probably not worth the effort.
Great article AV….. maybe its because I can relate to the “abused woman” story (I think sexual abuse when she was younger, never initiated sex, lack of sex drive, couldn’t orgasm, low s.o., kept cats, many other red flags). Luckily I was banging a few other birds on the side as had to do something to make up for the lack of jiggy jiggy.
Every man should read this. If you bring out a book it would be a best seller and should be distributed to every man of college age.
Men are slowly beginning to wake up to the mountain of bullshit these “strong, modern, independent” wimmin make men climb just to get a lick of their well trodden minge…..
“A woman has to make my life better if she’s going to be a meaningful part of it, and women with this type of baggage don’t make things better.”
And guys take this on board…. don’t waste your time and money on a woman who is a sponge and gives nothing back. Whatever about sex watch out for domesticity. If a bird cant and won’t cook or keep her space clean and look after you out the fucking door!
Unfortunately, that’s about 95% of all women today in America under 50. Probably closer to 99% under 30.
Excellent article – excellent advice, keep up the good work!
Great piece, Looking forward to future red flag posts. This is required reading for all the young guys out there. I can speak from experience on everything mentioned in this article. I agree completely-avoid at all costs. These girls are beyond repair and will drag your name through the mud if they don’t get their way.
You are a fucking genius my friend. Well written. You’ve always been a favorite of mine. Keep ’em comin’ brotha.
You’re too kind, man—thanks for the props. I’m looking forward to the next piece from the Sharpe files myself; I have always respected your work and solid insights (you’ve really put yourself out there more than any of us; the good, the bad, and the ugly. That deserves a shit-ton of respect). Keep’em comin’ as well.
Thanks man. I appreciate that. Will do.
Society babies woman and all they have to do to get things is take care of looks. Yet they complain about even that. There is just a certain types of manipulative sociopathic cunts out there. They don’t surround themselves with people who challenge them to grow, but other cunts. Anyways if you sit down to eat with a chick and all she does is bitch about her problems you can bet she has very little control over her emotions. Vindictiveness is not a good quality in a woman. Even if she doesn’t have any stories YET you can guarantee she’ll create them. It’s easiest if you just look at them and think if she were a dude would I be interested in this conversation? Another thing to be wary of is the fatal attractions. If she does tons of things for attention and needs constant validation you have the beginning of a bullshit artist and future “victim” mentality.
This article was brilliant.
Simply brilliant.
Glad you enjoyed it, GORF, thank you.
“If you’re a good dude who has no intentions of beating up women—which, lets be honest, you should be—then you’re either going to get dumped by a woman who prefers abusive men”
This. I’m ashamed to admit it, but my last relationship pre red pill and as a beta chump was this exactly. I treated this cunt like a queen. Bought her flowers and everything. But she preferred abusive assholes, who were losers, had no job, and who beat her. She was a smart girl with a good job and who made good money, and she paid the bills of her past loser boyfriends. But because I had a respectable job, didn’t beat her, and didnt treat her like shit, she did not respect me. She told me this in not so many words, and eventually dumped me.
It was that relationship years ago that led me to the red pill, and ROK and similar sites. For that I’m thankful. Like many late Gen Xers, I was raised on 3rd wave feminist “nice guy” crap. And while it’s embarrassing, I hope my story can help younger men see the truth.
Great article Yader
Nicely done AV Yader. I look forward to the future installments in this series.
It is stories like this that are WHY we should question a rape victim, if we don’t all it is going to do is add another entitlement badge to the Vag Sash. Rape is real and rape is wrong, but with out weeding out the Wanda’s who are after a 1.5M payday or looking for attention for their Art Thesis on mattress wear. Real rape has proof – even days later there is fissures the cops can see as proof. Women that don’t want proof are the women you need to watch.
Found one, marriage material!
I have been (mostly) happily married for almost 25 years. But reading this article, I start to understand the MGTOW folk.
A related lesson I’ve learned — if a girl likes to provoke drama next her immediately. It will save you a lot of trouble.
Well, maybe you bang her a bit then next her, because these girls are always wildcats in bed. But be aware you’re playing with fire.
Wonder why women with the most mental health issues are generally the wildest in the bedroom
It’s not all make belief exaggeration either.
I nearly lost my job because my ex accused me of abuse in the workplace. And a buddy of mine was in fact laid off for a sexual harassment accusation.
Everyone just plays along.
Gonna be a great series even thou you so much ground in this article.
Boring, hard-working, educated guy here. This is a great article. Really looking forward to the next one.
That makes the damage wrought by Muslim rape gangs particularly egregious.
”A new generation of women would have to be brought up in order to see an
improvement, but who would be the mothers and role models for this new
crop of females? ”
If almost all women damaged by modern pathologies. The new generation can only come from such women given new generations do not come from nowhere.
“A close relative to the rape fable is the “he beat me” claim. Even more common are claims of verbal abuse or being “controlled” in some manner. ”
This describes my ex-wife to a T.
Non-descript “domestic abuse” lies and false accusations that left me heartbroken and confused, and led to a quick and sudden divorce.
If she was tired of me getting angry, slamming my hands on the table, telling her to cut the crap, and calling her actions what they were (stupid)…
Then how about you, woman, start behaving like a decent human being and stop acting like an autistic child? (Of course not though, that’s too much to ask from a woman apparently)
Guys, never expect gratitude from a woman. She can go from being the most loving partner to batshit insane in the span of months, and she will not hesitate to throw you under the bus. You, the man who would gladly have run into a burning house to drag her out of there if she’d been trapped in it. (Don’t, by the way… No woman is worth that).
I’m not sure is this is allowed, but here we go. Tomomi Shinno, 新野友美, you are a fucking liar and a whore, you are worse than Cersei Lannister, and I hope your next man really DOES beat you, you lying cunt, that’s all you deserve.
Women do a lot of crazy shit, today, to just “one up” each other. The rape claim is thrown around so loosely by women in their little social circles to “one up” each other and garner attention.
Women are attention whores and they’ll throw up any old thing on their FB feed to gain attention (from everyone). They are always looking for validation because many of them are self centered or have very low self esteem. Yes, it’s very easy to spot women who are ‘damaged’ because they run their mouths all of the time – they’ll tell you everything in time. If you meet one that has daddy issues then run like hell….these can be the worst. No daddy usually equals no attention followed by low self esteem or low self worth. It’s a recipe for disaster for any man.
Good stuff as always, A.V. Yader.
Women are completely mental, and rape is the first thing coming out of their mouths. Here’s a sample of how insanely stupid they can be. This police officer was way too fucking nice to her.
I agree. He asks her to get out of the car because it will be towed away (safety reason and SOP) and she acts as if she’ll be raped if she leaves the car. Delusional.
Women’s hysteria + Women’s “logic” + too many options + beta media thirst + buyer’s remorse = HE RAPED ME!!!
Shouldn’t it be obvious it’s better to avoid western women period… and if you want to fuck western women, make sure your game is TIGHT and always capture that shit (sex scene) for further evidence. Females are insane beyond any point of reason and they will screw your life (now and later). Better to always capture your sex scene and have her put the condom on your dick and make sure you trash and get rid of your own used up condoms, flush it down the toilet and never talk to the bitch again and never tell her your real name and where you work (or where you operate your business if you are business owner).
Paying hooker for sex might even be better investment since they are honest transaction. I’m serious man; just make sure you load up on cialis and viagra before you go for session because I don’t know about you but I can’t just get it up for random women.
“Personally, I cut and run right off the bat in the same way I do with the rape chicks. The sex just isn’t worth it at this stage in my life and I have a very hard time pretending to believe this nonsense anymore—my mind jumps right into “here we go with this shit again” mode and I bail. However, I can see how guys might want to keep some decent pussy around if the chick isn’t too bonkers. Just trust your gut and hit the bricks immediately if you sense trouble brewing.”
Seems like quite a few guys are getting to this stage, including Roosh and yours truly. I have too much going on in my life to follow a woman around and talk about pointless bullshit. If sex isn’t on the table and there is no possibility for relationship, then guess what… I have ten thousand other things that I’d rather be working on.
Recalling my last dalliances with women, all of them were either banged out… drug addicted… masculine… idiotic (as in claiming that hotdogs and hamburgers are their favourite foods)… overweight… or carrying baggage from dating some other guy.
I get the impression that the current social phenomenon is fundamentally different than what was happening when “game” was first becoming popular 15 or so years ago.
Is it age? Is it intelligence? Is it stupidity? Or are women just actually getting worse and worse?
Things really started turning to shit at a rapid rate in 2009-2010, in my opinion. The iPhone 4 came out and Facebook was really starting to pick up steam during that time. It’s just gotten worse and worse every year since; it’s truly a rapid descent. People are getting fatter by the day, and the pool of good looking women is shrinking.
There’s just not that many hot chicks left in North America in general. Hell, there’s not even that many bangable chicks left, never mind truly “hot.” This is leaving us with a minority of girls who are becoming increasingly more entitled and bitchy despite having pussies more broken in than a major league catcher’s mitt. They’re all alpha widowed at best, or just off the rails fucking crazy. When you combine all of this with age, and intelligence (at least having open eyes and understanding the world you live in), then you can’t help but have a short fuse for this shit.
It also doesn’t help matters that there’s no individuality between any of these women. Their brains all come off the same fucking defective assembly line. If you’ve heard it from one chick, then you’ve heard it from a thousand of them, no matter the subject. That’s a huge factor—we get sick of hearing and pretending to give a fuck about the same shit we don’t give a fuck about. With age, it gets harder to hide that because you know what pussy feels like. You know what titties and ass look like; you know what they do when they’re in your face—there are no more surprises.
If a girl isn’t relationship material, I basically just want her to come over, say nothing, suck my dick, let me fuck her, then leave. 10 years ago I still wanted all of those things, but I would have been okay with her talking and hanging out back then. I’m passed that stage now, and I’m sure you are too.
Yes, the privilege narrative and social media narcissism had been building for awhile, but hit an exponential curve around 5-6 years ago.
It’s changed the game quite a bit, actually. And you still have thirsty betas trying to adapt, but are eons behind the curve. There is almost no way to maintain any sense of morality and simultaneously game girls.
It used to be that running game was fun, now it’s downright depressing. There is no middle ground anymore. The “be yourself” crowd has never been more wrong than they are now.
My solution? It’s simple. LIE. Lie about EVERYTHING, AND ANYTHING when it comes to women. It’s downright sociopathic, sure. But when you consider that WOMEN WANT TO BE LIED TO it becomes much easier to just oblige them.
The sad truth is, in order to be successful with women at this late stage in the game of unchecked hypergamy, you have to in some ways BE AT WAR WITH THEM.
Again, not how I want it to be, just simple observations based on first hand experience.
The shrinking pool of good women is a function of parent’s involvement. Where in the past, fathers would give their daughters away to their approved suitor, today parents throw their children into the wind. The wind tunnel then leads to a vortex powered by feminist, marxist commissars in education, bread and circus whore pagaentry and deafening media noise. Crack patriarchal order and martial law placed on women by men is the only thing that will increase the pool of suitable women back to pre feminist levels.
It seems that these days the men who would have been ideal choices when parents had to approve who their daughters dated (at least until they grew out of the need of parental guidance) are having all sorts of problems while the ones their fathers would have threatened with a shotgun or worse are having a field day.
But even being tossed to the wind women should grow out of it, but they don’t. And that’s where the state comes in. The schools, the media, etc that is designed to keep people permanently children. So she might be numerically an adult but is still that teenager that needs some parental guidance.
It’s happening to the men too, that’s undeniable, but the effects are different on men, like playing video games instead of having a career or even a job.
A sign of being stunted or having stunted growth as a man is the reluctance to travel, go free range or plot one’s own course. ‘STUCK ON MAMA’S TIT’, boys raised by ‘independent’ single mothers will wane for many years in the same neighborhood they were raised in, doing little venturing or exploring of the greater world. Broken or ‘bitch raised’ men are too broken to travel or take on the world by themselves.
I know quite a few females too who made their declaration of independence from men with a big screeching feminist war whoop, even boisterous professional women, and in due time they all seem to shrink and wane in the same way that the bitch broken boys do. Having rejected ‘man’, the mad storming feminist women eventually cower without the patriarchal manspirit presiding over them and keeping their compromised soul alive. These vagabond women eventually revert back, like they’re devolving or going back to whence they came. It’s like their personna deflates back into embryonic form.
They become withdrawn into their little clique of bitch friends and shoulders to cry on as they display a bevy of malidies like OCD, BPD, bipolar and dissociative disorders. I don’t mean to give legitimacy to shrink babble or psycho Rx, but face it, independent women go bat shit STOOPID. After a tool bitch has killed off a suitor or two, either by divorce rape or divorce murder, she prides herself in having successfully chomped an innocent soul.
THEN something metaphysical happens to the woman where she reverts incredibly. Their brain shrinks. They can no longer navigate a city like they’ve been lobotamized. At best, they can run a simple hair brained ‘rat route’ on public transpo or driving simple mechanical pattern routes, but get them off course, suggest a trip or something spontaneous and they go panic attack anxiety shit stupid.
Broken males who were raised by whore mothers suffer a sympathetic breakdown similar to what you see with their own wild cunt mothers. There is only one redeeming path for these lost boys. The whore mama’s bitch whipped sons must EXIT and BREAK AWAY from the bitch whore influence ASAP. A man ‘breaking out’ of the whore clam trap must begin by establishing his sphere of force and masculine power. Whore figures are to be shamed and silenced for their whoring, including relatives, sisters, neighbors, you name it (even ho-bag mommy if that’s what she be). CALL OUT the whores that be, wherever they be. As the man grows and resurrects his inner masculine stamina, his inner MANVOICE grows clearer. Outwardly as well, his voice rings with authority and patriarchal grace whilst the whore chatter and cackling about is respectfully silenced.
When the patriarch speaks, the whores and skanks curl up or flee like cockroaches AND the true blue loyal moms and virtuous and chaste females gather round like the messiah just entered the room. A hard ‘sword whack’ divide between the whoring and the pure females in a room or community is always exciting to behold. I’ve seen cat fights galore but to see the sea of whores parted from the righteous is glorious. Resurgence of hard core patriarchy will stuff a rag in the whore sirens once and for all and only the sweet obedient voices of commanded and loyal women will be heard. All else is irritating noise disturbing of the peace and the whore cackle gets muffled.
By design, parents are allowed less and less to shelter their kids from the wind.
“all of them were either banged out… drug addicted… masculine… idiotic (as in claiming that hotdogs and hamburgers are their favourite foods)… overweight… or carrying baggage from dating some other guy”.
I think you have just created every single possible category of archetype of woman there is today, truly.
I think game has changed since the 90s. Game used to be based around clubbing. Women have retreated into their smart phones.
Why doesn’t this article mention the option of going abroad to escape some of this nonsense?
Because that option is rapidly disappearing.
You know what? I don’t even believe the guy in the bottom picture would beat his wife. I think he would die for her while the guy in the top picture hid under a table and screamed like a woman.
Actually I have had a woman tell me something like this but this turned out to be a red flag as well! She was blaming herself for something she had earlier told me was her ex’s fault. Changing the story? Women do this all the time.
No dude trillion dollar deficits aren’t sustainable nor will it last
I like this guys writing style. Very direct and doesnt hold back.
Good read. Here’s something similar expressed mathematically. Very helpful:
The Ghost Writer returned just as i knew he would with a masterpiece!
Keep up the good work A.V. Yader..I salute you!
Thanks, brother.
Your welcome of course…Your (In my opinion) the best writer to ever write on this site and it’s because of you i stay tuned…I’m a 33 year old black (Mixed with native and irish) man that has no problem attracting women because most think i’m sexy or handsome as they say..Lean but in good shape..A local semi truck driver from Washington state… I noticed you only date two women at a time. Hell i don’t date any women..I meet a good selection for drinks when we exchange contacts and bring them home and fuck them..All i do is fuck women and send them on their way… I’m no beginner to the game and have been slaying steadily since 15 years old…Whats funny though is i’ve noticed since the cell phone (period) on top of dating sites and other social media has made even the ugliest bitches act like superstars…I have game and good looks but because of all of the thirst and attention these ratchet whores get, even I have trouble sometimes just for simple lays with hotties ..I slay..Don’t get it twisted but, i’m wondering if i should explore different regions and travel more to get the quality and quantity i know i deserve instead of these lame city whores and american cunts..I never left the country or even spent much time in other states..I live alone in a 4bedroom house and drive a Bmw 750li..What do you think?
The growing egos of average and even below average women is becoming the single biggest source of agony for men dating in modern American. Like yourself, I’m a decent looking dude, and I make good coin, that is enough to keep us — at least somewhat — shielded from these domestic terrorists we call women, and propel us to slightly (ever so slightly) greener pastures.
Now, the reason I date more than go after one night stands (I’ve never really been into one-nighters, though I’ve had my share — I generally like to screen for “crazy” a little bit before I plop my dick in them) is because I like seeing how much I can get a woman to pay for me. I know that probably seems somewhat ridiculous, but to me it’s the height of so-called “game” — to get a woman to open her wallet along with her legs.
By dating women the way I do, I basically get a return of investment where I put out the normal cash in the beginning, then recuperate it through gifts, dinners, etc. It’s a somewhat silly modus operandi to some guys, I’m sure, but for me it works. Plus I hate spending money on sluts, they’re the worst investment known to man. Also, this approach helps a lot since I’m gone from home all of the time and don’t have a normal schedule (like yourself, I assume).
Now, as for travel. I’ve been everywhere in the U.S., and it’s the same shit, different bull no matter where you go man. Certain cities will be better than others for sure, but at the end of the day the differences are minuscule — it’s still a bunch of fatties, or average broads who seriously overestimate their value and attractiveness. In order to experience something truly different, you need to go abroad. Where you want to go depends on your tastes in women. There’s a whole world out there, my friend: get your ass down to Walgreens, have them snap some passport photos for you, then head down to the Post Office and fill out the application and pay the fees when you’re ready. It will be an eye opening experience for you.
You have the disposable income — from the impression I’m getting — to make some trips outside of the country. I’m going to warn you though: be prepared to be depressed when you get back. It’s a whole different — and much better! — ballgame outside these here borders.
Lastly, I appreciate that you enjoy my articles, man. It’s funny to me: you guys seem to like my writing much more than I do. I think the majority of everything I’ve written has been passable at its very best, and pure shit at worst. My hatred for my own writing makes me push myself to produce something that, apparently, you guys find interesting, tangible, and most of all — useful. And for your appreciation, I’m grateful. I’ll keep pressing forward and putting out the best work I can.
Take care, man,
Thank you sir..Even your responses are poetic. Your a very gifted writer and your answers, though hilarious, Are true and honest… I will take your advise and see the other side of these borders..I’m depressed with the current situation anyway so what the fuck would it hurt to experience the bliss of the otherside… Keep these hard hitters coming regardless of how you feel about your writing..It obviously has a positive effect on likeminded individuals… And your quick response is greatly appreciated..Thanks again and talk to you soon.
True King
It’s not so much a war, but a matter of self preservation. And if anyone tries shaming you or calling you a woman-hater for valuing your own well being above all else, then let that person go fuck themselves.
Dating books have almost always been about how to get a girl. That’s all very well, but at some point you’ve got to learn how to choose a girl, and how to assess her. I hope that more books of that nature come out in the next few years. I hope it’s ok for me to mention that I’ve written such a book myself…..
If more people write about this stuff, maybe it can grow to become a genre of its own. Game is useful, but seriously, if you pick a girl with good qualities it won’t be hard to impress her. You don’t need that much game. Impressing women should be the simplest, most natural thing in the world. The level of game that some people think they need is ridiculous.
In fact, if so many guys raise their level of game to such an extent, all they’re doing is treating women to more charm and tricks than they deserve, and ruining the chances of less knowledgeable males, who would otherwise be successful. Too much game hurts everyone. But that’s the dysfunctional west for you.
I think most of us know the basics well enough and I think it’s high time we start talking about how to pick a good one.
Welcome back and love your article! Very funny one liners too! “There’s no way to reprogram the bitch.” I totally cracked up reading that!
Always appreciate your support, David, glad you enjoyed it.
Do a google search for “there’s no way to reprogram the bitch”. Including quotes. You’re the first person to write this sentence! Man this is GOOOOOD!
I never thought to try that before, thanks for that, David. It’s nice to know that my jokes/one-liners/material are all original. Just a heads up: the next article in the series should be out by the 21st at the latest.
One thing that worked for me, was to know who my wife’s friends were. When we started dating I meet her friends they all were in their own relationships (no third wheels) their was no fat friend that was jealous of us being together. After I was married I would get to know or about her co-workers my wife use to go out after work occasionally and I would go along which was a good thing. One co-worker a women had been divorced and bragged about how every friend of hers was now divorced. I quickly torpedoed that friendship and that was the end to that threat.
OH MY FUCKING GOD……..*CLAP* *CLAP* FUCKING *CLAP*…..dude, you’re a poet and a philosopher lol god damn. I’m only up to(about to clock out from work):
“Women aren’t taught to appreciate your efforts and sacrifices”
but i’ll be damned if you’re not talking some grade-A TRUTH. I’ll read this when I get home from class later tonight, this is so spot-on it’s scary.
What is great is this infographic here:
now there are at least 2 or 3 guys on here that were accused of Rape AND ACQUITTED but they are still on the rape chart…. WAIT, if they are acquitted why are they on there? That is like getting a speeding ticket dropped in court but your insurance still goes up…
This is an excellent essay Mr AV Yader. I give it an A++. Three passages stand out in the piece, those being:
1). .”They have their beta male raincoats and their government sponsored umbrellas: they’re drier than a Jewish girl’s pussy when she’s surrounded by men who don’t make good money”
– – I give 30 points for this one
2). . ”No matter which direction you turn, the guns of failure are aimed directly at your temple, and, in many cases, it’s women with their dirty little fingers comfortably nestled on the triggers, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to squeeze”
– – ”dirty fingers” . . I like it, I like it, good wording . . 30 more points!
3). . ”However, what she’ll fail to mention is the part about how she would get in this guy’s face without provocation, call him a cock sucker, slap him, punch him, try to kick him in balls, destroy his house, key his car, flatten his tires, brag about fucking his friends, call his mother a whore, and then call the cops on him all before heading off to her workplace to receive a good old fashioned eye watering throat-fuck from one of her bosses in the parking lot”
– – the ”throat fuck” . . gawd dang that’s good AV! The ‘throat fuck’ gets that passage at least 50 points for a total of 110 in addition to many other fine points, good structure and first person delivery.
Great work AV. This piece will be framed by the trophy case in the front foyer by the busts of the great alumni. . . hats off!!!
. . eeh . gotta get these trophy cases and busts off their asses and hanging . . meh
It is good for women to be forcefully taken and raped (or beaten). She learns, in the only way she is capable, that she is at the mercy of men. Once the lesson in reality takes hold, she will treat men with due respect for a very real and necessary reason.
Sorry but after lots of reading and exposure to the ways of females; I believe women are biologically and psychologically equipped to shrug rape off with little more than a “well that was unpleasant” memory dump and move on.
I’m convinced that much of the hyper sensitivity that we have about rape is an entirely modern (relative speaking) phenomenon. Nature only requires a female to be still long enough to allow the male to bust a nut for procreation. And considering our sexual dimorphism – disproportionately favoring the male in every physical way as well as intelligence – we know that something more akin to “rape” was generally the norm for most of human existence with regard to human procreation.
Women only valued our ability to provide security and resources…then and now. Romantic wooing has never been priority number one. Being the benifactor of good “game” or a good dick-down was always merely a surprising and unexpected “perk” of dealing with men. Frankly, most women only give a damn about sex one good week out of the month (when ovulating).
The rest of the time her sexual submission to you is ALWAYS secondary to some instinctual or previously planed end. It’s her one tool to exert power (at best) or influence (at worse) over the male/males in her life PERIOD.
With that in mind, the associated victim worship that comes with rape, is merely a way for her to satisfy her natural insatiable need for attention and for status whoring within the group.
And when she has attention and status she is now able to leverage what a woman desires most – power.
” This is not some passing storm that one can just ride out and there are no clear blue skies just beyond the horizon. And I wouldn’t count on this forecast changing anytime during our lifetimes, either, if I were you.”
Don’t be too pessimistic here.
If (through Trump) we win then it will be the end of ‘liberalism’.
If the left wins (most likely outcome) then the muzzies eventually take over everything and……..
……….it will be the end of ‘liberalism’.
Either way I wouldn’t count on leftism being a thing in the future.
They think WE’RE misogynists?
I would worry much more about becoming a non-muslim, white minority.
Excellent opening salvo in the war against damaged goods. Since I am one of your older readers here I can relate a few critical points. 1. Women who were raped DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT. It is a deep dark secret. (see cosby accusers) Rape is a violent act. It leaves physical scars. Broken bones, stitches and emotional scars that run deep. Many women who were really raped, are usually easy to spot in a relationship because of the wall they put up. They can be cold and distant when it comes time to seal the deal. Think Arctic Starfish…. The “he raped me culture” out there now, prancing on campus dragging around a mattress, looking for sympathy and favor from beta schmucks is just a sick joke. It is fucking pathetic and disgusting. But this comes under the female operating system. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Esp one that is fabricated & can immediately elicit sympathy from their next bank mule.
Guys, you are a target. Women are professional liars and actors. They can turn on the tears at whim. Most all women are vindictive and will burn you in a moments notice. Lets face it there is only one reason women want a man in their life. MONEY. It is all about the money. They are all gold diggers at some level. If its not paying for their drinks and meal for the “gift” of their presence.. its paying a huge mortgage, car payments, and a college trust fund for junior while she cant even bring herself to fuck you but once on the weekend or maybe just once a month. Fuck women, fuck marriage. They are fucking parasites. Unless they are truly squared away, making their own way, proud, taking care of their own shit.These unicorns are out there. Trust me, I have seen a few over the last 30 years (I am currently in a relationship with one, they are just like no other woman out there)…. but for the most part, no matter what their college degree (if they have one) they just want to quit their jobs, or work part .time. eat crap, gain weight, watch soaps. complain how they are “not happy”. Blame you for every problem in their life. & Not appreciate a god damn thing you do for them. Rent it, play with it but don’t fucking marry it. If you want a kid. Hire a surrogate. Pay for the eggs, and a broodmare. The kid is yours. Done.
This is gold. Straight up honest truth with no apologies. Unfortunately many men do not have the courage to embrace this. Never, and I mean never, waste your time on a women who identifies as a rape or abuse survivor. Shit happens but if that is their identity, they are impaired individuals.
I am looking forward to the rest of the series.
Great article, thanks for the insight!
I appreciate your post.
This makes me a little sad because I’ve been utterly fascinated by much of the red pill movement (whilst simultaneously feeling wholly disenchanted by modern feminism). I’d like to settle down with a strong male partner, start a family and provide a good upbringing for my children.
However, I was raped when I was very young (age 10 -15) by an uncle and feel that it did damage me in many respects. I do struggle with long-term relationships, mostly because of my own issues. I’ve dated many awesome guys. Some dickheads. But many awesome guys. When I was younger, I did have the tendency to lash out and blame my break-ups on my partner. But conversely, I do feel that the early abuse also did make me question the world with greater urgency, and quite possibly helped tug me towards a red pill philosophy.
I respect the author’s decision to avoid women who’ve been raped or claim to have been abused in some way. After all, it really can f*ck people up quite significantly.
In contrast, however, I’d like to think that another response to abuse is to for the survivor to question the world in which they have been placed. For me, it made me more than ever want a stable place in a stable, traditional home – with a man I love and respect. I’ll keep trying to improve, and hopefully I’ll be able to find this, some day.
It still remains that women have – and will – use claims of violence and rape in this manner, though. I’m sorry for any man who has experienced this. It’s simply another form of abuse… and the sick thing is, it seems there’s nothing that the accused guy can do about it :/
I’m the author of this piece, and here’s what you — as a woman — should take away from it…
“No matter how bad life gets for a woman, no matter how much of a fuck-up she becomes and no matter how much destruction she leaves in her wake—some dickhead will be there ready and willing (and enthusiastically) to break her fall.”
And this…
“There are plenty of “good” men out there who will gladly fill your shoes and do the “right thing…”
That’s it — that’s all you need to know. The fact that you’ve taken your problems out on your ex’s doesn’t matter, the fact that you have “many” ex-boyfriends, and only “some” dickheads (sounds like you have quite the notch count) doesn’t matter, either.
None of that shit matters. You’re going to be fine, regardless of what you’ve gone through, there will be a man who will love you at the end of the day (permitting you’re not disgusting looking and/or a fat-fuck, of course).
You have nothing to worry about.
piece of garbage
Oh fuck off bitch
Hi AV – another fan here. I think the thing I like about most on your writing style is you can drill a hole the way the ladies drill men verbally… wish I had more of that (keep writing)…ever think about being a litigator defending men in divorce 😉
You are correct in your article, and you are hinting at the biggest challenge to true men – the orbiter ‘competitor’ population amplified by redpillers who still suffer self-induced hypnosis and delusion once they get into hot starts of relationships with a 6-7+ range woman. Before long, Betaization, her strategic use of orbiters, and exes lurking in the past then are flashed like missiles from an F-16 to your cruising 747 dreamboat relationship delusion.
You’re a good looking guy, from a recent post of yours*. The bulk of guys up to 6-7 rankings can’t generally compete with panty-drops for 7++ guys. So you play ‘relationship game’ to get any.
A hardened Frame helps. Safety in numbers works, but “no relationship expectations without letting on” seems to be the solution… once you get the urge one must quickly pull out the AV Yader qualification checklist
(*for latter, you can do right away on meeting a candidate at your rank cause you probably have a harem, but what about the <6-7men crowd – once their game and improvement levels off).
Going one step further, the strategies for all of us in the last 2 paragraphs increase the notch counts for both sexes. And we know what research says about women beyond 3-5 notches…
Oy. No solution… but the risks increase for failing for any man’s hopes for solid relationships with the downward spiraling qualified female population. Hence Spearmint …and her lack of worries indeed…with millions of nonredpillers who look the other way.
Straighten us out a bit here thanks
I would say I fall into the 7 range for attractiveness, OldGuy. I’m not a super handsome dude by any means. I am well above average height and in good shape (not a Greek god, but decent), though. Without those two added benefits I would put myself at a 6. I generally date no more than two women at once: one to keep my balls drained, and the other generally consists of a revolving door of shitty women that I vet out while searching for a good one (girl number one is also shitty, but she’s a reliable pussy I can count on).
The number one girl serves no other purpose than to make it easy to ditch the bad number two’s I come across — I can easily walk away because, if push comes to shove, I always know I have someone to fuck; an ace in the hole, so to speak. If my number one falls off or starts being demanding, a number two will replace her, permitting there are no major hurdles standing in the way of a fuck-buddy set-up. Juggling more than two women at the same time is too much of a headache for me. I’ve done it before when I was younger, but it’s just not worth the fucking hassle.
It’s funny you mentioned being a litigator — if the whole pilot thing didn’t work out, becoming a litigation attorney was my second career choice. And I will certainly keep writing, sir. I’m glad you enjoy my work.
Thanks. That genuinely makes me feel better. I guess my primary concern was an alpha losing a significant amount of interest upon discovering the abusive aspects of my past. Not a fat fuck or butt-ugly (thankfully I’ve been very fortunate with regards to looks), but just don’t want a good man to lose interest.
Thanks for writing this article. I can’t say it was an easy read for me, but it was insightful – and interesting.
You: “I guess my primary concern was an alpha losing a significant amount of interest upon discovering the abusive aspects of my past.”
I never said anything about you finding an “alpha,” just that you would find a man in general. The man you end up with will certainly be a “beta.” This isn’t something that should disappoint you. You even admitted yourself — somewhat admirably, I will add — that you’re damaged goods with a high notch count.
That sort of transparency isn’t something to be derided, and I’m sure any future man you come across will appreciate the honesty. However, men with options (“alphas”) are going to head in the other direction when it comes time for commitment with you, and for good reason.
Be grateful for what you get; who you end up with will probably be better than what you deserve.
Fair enough. The truth isn’t always pretty, but it is true that I am damaged goods. All that can be done is to make the best of the situation. I will try my best to do this, and raise children with stronger principles than those I encountered (and adopted) as a young woman.
I’m only here to say, I’ve been reading your pieces for years. Standing in line to pay fir my big gulp at the store, I just got your name. Nice one dude.
Are you God, A.V. Yader? Because you sure know how to preach the gospel.
Yeah also if a woman harbors rape fantasies, avoid her like the plague.
That’s because she’s fucked in the head.
This article is pure gold and should be required reading for all young men. I wish this article had been around 30-odd years ago when I was a young man. The sad reality is that those who know the kind of shit that women will pull on men are usually the last people that will tell a young man what he needs to know. Like many men of my generation, it was my parents that failed to “educate” me. All I can say is that this caused me to spend my twenties and thirties totally confused about the weaker sex. I envy the younger men of today who – whilst they have inherited a shittier world than I grew up in – have access to the net and seemingly endless useful Red Pill information and guidance.
Just remember that men who beat their wives, girlfriends, etc. always have plenty of women around. I’ve been rejected in favor of wife beaters more than once. Don’t attempt to rationalize female behavior. Just get the hell out of there.
build a robot, I think that is the only way you women-hating fruitcakes will ever be happy
I’ll only disagree about the male stereotypes employed. High society’s douchebags can be highly abusive, mainly because they have power and influence to get away with it. By the same token, the biker over there can be a live and let live type, despite of his big size and tats.
The unstoppable tide of Islam is probably the last chance to return to traditional female values. There is no magic pill… just a lot of beheadings.
So I guess in 20-30 years we’ve got that to look forward to, at least.
This is happening to my Father right now. It’s a sick, sad world. He has been in jail for three months already, awaiting trial. Wish he had had some advice like this before marrying a malignant narcissist.
I was considering writing an article about bogus rape accusations, but you’ve already said it all here.
Nicely done.
I really need to stop visiting sites like this; I’m losing all my faith in humanity.
Dear Author: while some of your points are correct, you come across as an absolute ass. Your flippant portrayal of women (and men, let’s be honest), is a total turn-off. Let’s hope that no potential date ever sees the things you’ve written.
As for the other men on here, let’s hope that no dates of yours, either, check out what you’ve been writing. I know that I, personally, am counting on your opinions removing you from the gene pool.
Have a lovely day, everyone.
Could possibly be one of the best article I ever saw on this site.
Individuals, no matter their sex or gender, who are stuck in an abusive relationship have a difficult time leaving. You do not understand this because you are lacking empathy, and quite frankly, a certain amount of brain cells. This is because an abuser is a human being. I know this may be hard for you to understand because it seems you place people in two categories- saint and sinner. When a person is caught in an abusive relationship, they are afraid to leave because they are not always convinced that they are trapped in an abusive relationship. The human mind has a certain way of tricking itself into believing that it is perfectly okay even if the person is facing excruciating pain. The mind tricks itself into believing that their abuser is not that abusive, that things will improve, that they are just being whiny, that the good times they shared with this person are even better than what they’ve remembered. They don’t leave because they believe that things are not as bad as they really are. They’re not idiots. You are, because you refuse to see humans as humans-you see them as objects that make perfect sense-even though in reality, the functionality of the human mind has so many inconsistencies and frequently creates paradoxes. And you may be thinking that I’m just some whining bitch, and that I’m some sort of idiot. But men are abused by women all the time and sometimes have less resources for help than women. Are they idiots too? You seem to paint women as hellish demons lacking any sensibilities except for cunningness that they wish to exert over their inferior males. Stop acting like a wining child and grow up. Please, learn to be compassionate, loving, and kind. Please learn to believe people when they say they’ve been hurt, because guess what: maybe there rapist isn’t in jail. Lots of rapists are never punished for their crimes. It doesn’t mean their rape accusation is any less valid. Can you please just stop being such a cold, heartless, and foolish person.
A girl i encountered was word for word like this article Sara Morrison Fort McMurray
Oh look! A group for men who have serious mommy issues! This is absolutely disgusting. I hope you never have daughters and I hope NO woman will never give any of you the time of day.
RE: “The modern woman is not going to take care of you. She’s not going to pick you up when you fall and she’s not going to be there for you when you fail. A supportive, decent woman is something your grandfathers and, perhaps, your fathers got to enjoy. But for you? Nope, you’re on your own, buddy. It’s on you, as a man, to step it up and get to where you want to be.”
This is one of the saddest, most pessimistic, and hopeless paragraphs I’ve ever read describing relationships between women and men. And, it makes me wonder what kind of women you, and your peers, are spending your time with. Every sex is guilty of mistreatment toward the opposite sex. But, and I speak for myself here as well, if I keep getting into relationships with men that end up making me feel the same, sad way overtime, then I have to kind of look inside myself to understand what it is about these types of personalities that is attracting me to them, and better yet, what is it about me that is attracting them to me. I can’t live my life merging every negative relationship with a man I’ve had into every new relationship I begin. And, for myself, this started in childhood with a very emotionally abusive, mind-fucking, father. After emerging from my last relationship feeling just as shitty about myself as I had experienced in the past, I forced myself to sit down and figure out what the fuck was wrong with me that kept my attraction to the same type of man so prevalent. It hit me one day while I was walking my dog that I was attracted to men who emotionally mind-fucked me like my dad did when I was a child. Then, I would revert back to the little six year old child in me and frantically become desperate for an apology. In nearly every long-term relationship I’d been in (three each over five years), I chased an apology from them that, in reality, I was actually desperate to get from my father that I would NEVER get. It wasn’t about my dad, and it wasn’t about these men, it was about me and my damage. I’m nearing 39 now and it literally has taken me over 30 years to realise this. The realisation terrified me and made me feel like I had wasted half my life but it also lifted the weight of 1,000 elephants from my body, just like that. I could have come out of these relationships with a new blog post about how toxic and manipulative men are – basing it entirely on JUST my experiences with men I have loved – but how unfair would that be to men in general, and especially toward my new partner. He would never have a fighting chance. I’d literally go in fighting and just waiting for him to prove to me that all men are manipulative dicks. But, at my core I love men deeply. I see your vulnerabilities and your pain – emerging from my childhood made me extremely intuiative and able to recognise suffering and care deeply for my partners. Even at the expense of my own emotional health, I would love powerfully until the bitter end when I would realise I was losing who I was in a relationship that wasn’t healthy for ME. I guess what I’m trying to say is, life is worth living and loving. You’re going to find assholes in every corner but the beauty about being human is to have the capacity to control who we let in. We have intuition and the wonderful ability to self-reflect and understand ourselves – the damaged and the flawless. I heard a quote once that I wish I could tattoo on my forehead for everyone I pass to read and it goes like this: “We only attract people who treat us SLIGHTLY better than we treat ourselves.” Pause for thought. There are good women out there. Believe me. It’s time to stop dividing men and women and to stop compartmentalising each other. Just as in friendships, there are certain personalities that are terrible to our nervous systems – we don’t continue to pursue those people. We don’t care to be friends with them. Same should go within our relationships. If feminists irritate you, move on. You will survive even with their presence. Racists irritate me deeply, but I have to move on. I can’t fixate on their attitudes and behaviours and assume that everyone is racist because I would literally turn into a cave-dwelling recluse. Stay away from the groups of people whose beliefs you don’t agree with and find your own people. They’re out there.
As a guy who frequents this site, I agree. I don’t ‘hate’ women, but I’m surrounded by a politically correct environment that makes me feel shame quite often, and I have family problems, too. Sometimes I don’t know which side of my family is being truthful (divorced).
I’m just confused, but I’ll admit I’m socially awkward.
It is my belief that any of our adult, romantic relationships that turn out toxic or the complete antithesis of what we need emotionally, is the direct result of us using these relationships to either chase, or fix, what it was we needed as children from our parents. That’s all I see when I read the posts and comments on this website. As an example, if your mother was disconnected, didn’t comfort you, was anxious, detached, emotionally absent, at a time in your development when you needed attachment and consistency from your primary caregiver, then chances are you’re going to find yourself in relationships with women who almost mimic the behaviours of your mother that left you emotionally unfulfilled. There will inevitably be a degree of resentment toward your mother but most of the time the realisation of this is so buried within ourselves that it’s almost impossible to recognise what it is that’s going on. And, as adults, we tend to see our parents as fallible by this point, we accept them and accept our childhood – it doesn’t feel right being angry at old memories anymore. This, in a way, blinds us to the idea that our childhoods have damaged us well into adulthood. So, we get into the same kind of relationships over and over again – almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Then we’re judgmental of our partners, we are disappointed in them for not giving us what we need (which is really what we needed when we were children), and the cycle repeats because we keep being attracted to the same type of partner – who will never give us what we need anyway. As for being socially awkward, I say good for you. Socially awkward people have special gifts of emotional depth, perception, and intuition that most people don’t have the benefit of experiencing. The negative side to this is it’s hard to relate to the general public. But, you’ll be fine. Work on yourself in the meantime; self-reflect, soul-search, and meet yourself as a child. Once all that’s out of the way you won’t be confused and you’ll find the kind of people who are right for you and what you need. I’ll leave you with a quote by Timothy Leary: “Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the ‘normal people’ as they go about their automatic existences. For every time you say club passwords like ‘Have a nice day’ and ‘Weather’s awful today, eh?’ you yearn inside to say forbidden things like ‘Tell me something that makes you cry’ or ‘What do you think deja vu is for?’ Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past your cubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everybody carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others.”
Lol. Holy crap. Its not often that I come across such an amazing mountain of ignorance – and that is putting it nicely. Part of me was thoroughly disgusted by the severe misconception of rape (the idea that women have only been raped if the man is in jail – wow, that is just flat out wrong), and especially disgusted by the misconception of women, in general. And then the other part, honestly, feels bad for you people. Clearly, you have all had some really bad experiences with women. And even more clear, with life itself. More than likely you all are low income, and under educated, with little access to others in a better life position. Though I am sure there are a few women out there who are ‘no good’ that you should steer clear of, there are most certainly a lot of amazing ones as well. This idea that women do not take their careers seriously and just wait around to screw up their lives and rely on men – is just beyond ludicrous. I myself have worked in the medical field for a long time, make a six figure salary, and certainly do not have to rely on men. But wait! There’s more! I am not alone – I have many female friends who are also very successful as well. Some are still single career women, others have families, raise the kids, and thriving careers as well. They do it all. Some are even making quite a bit more money than their spouses. Now, addressing the raving pile of ignorance on your rape summary. I have a handful of friends who have been abused/raped, and it took most of their lives to work through the emotional issues that came into play because of the events. Most of them were raped by people they knew – one of them by a 13 year old when she was 5, another by a neighbor, two others roophied, and one other under more violent circumstances. None of these men were ever convicted…why? Because these women did not press charges. Again, why? The answer can very from woman to woman, but many are in shock dealing with post traumatic stress afterwards, and are scared. There is self blame, or just plain because they think they can put it behind them. The biggest reason is because they don’t think that they will be believed. Men like you are why woman assume they will not be believed. And by the way, abuse towards women creates the exact type of women that you are warning your fellow buddies about. So really, if you are seeing that ‘type’ of female its more than likely because it is a part of a culture that the people in your area of the world have helped establish. Now, I am not saying that you should take on the responsibility of taking care of a woman who is claiming rape. But saying that she is lying because the man is not in jail, is disgusting. There are a lot of studies that go into detail on the amount of women who have not reported rapes, and its in the 90 percentile. And by the way, you can NEVER tell a rapist by what he looks like. I personally have known men who look very rough around the edges, and are nice as can be. As a woman whose been in the business world my adult life, I have also known plenty of absolute assholes who dress in suites and present themselves well. The idea that you think you can tell something like that, just reveals your broken ability for critical thinking. Naturally I do not think that anything I have written here will penetrate the terrifying mindset revealed in the column. I can’t imagine that after reading this, you will try and think more using more substantive layered logic to understand the misrepresentations you’ve delineated concerning the opposite sex. That would just be too crazy and way too much to hope for. So I’ll just leave you with this: There are amazing women out there, ones who are warm, loving, hard working and smart. We are successful and incredibly generous. Willing to be the Queen of Sheba for any man we love. But you and others like you will never have that. Because by writing things like the insanity of Return of Kings, you’ve proven you don’t deserve us.
You know, women who’ve been through abuse would probably rather people like the guys on this site avoid them anyway.
It will take a few generations to purge our culture of men that believe women are their slaves.
How about men not abusing and creating damaged women in the first place?