Why Do Ivy League Schools Give Remedial Classes To Some Minority Students?

Admission to America’s Ivy League universities is a heated topic of discussion for both high school students and society at large, since the policies and beliefs started in these Ivy-covered towers often trickle down to the rest of society through academia and the media.

It is for this reason that entrance policies at these schools—such as admitting sub-par students and giving them remedial English classes before freshman year—are of interest to the public, since they signify a broader trend in our society to ignore incompetence and grant undeserved benefits to the “marginalized”.

While I do not claim to be an expert on admissions to these schools, I do attend one of them and my experience there has shed some light on the consequences of their entrance policies.

Scholars Must Be Smart

Recently I heard about a program at Princeton called “Freshman Scholars,” where a select group of students takes classes for a few weeks before they begin freshman year. I thought it odd that some kids would be part of this and not others, and I decided to look into the program and similar ones at other schools.

I soon realized that the program essentially offers remedial classes to certain affirmative action admits who were not as prepared for college as their peers. At first this came as a shock to me, since the Ivy League administrators lead us to believe that all students who are accepted “deserve” to be there, but I must admit that I can’t really be surprised.

Diversity at Princeton comes at the expense of academic rigor

Must… Have… Every… Color…

Since the talking heads at Ivy League schools can never admit that, on average, third-world citizens, inner city minorities, or athletes drag down the intelligence of the entire school, the programs are of course not advertised as remedial classes for unintelligent students, but rather billed as an honor for select scholars among the freshman class.

You might ask how I know these are remedial programs—after all, I could just be a jaded, racist white kid who’s flying high on the male privilege that made it so easy for me to get in.

Look At The language

My answer is that the proof is in the language. Much like the Party members in Orwell’s 1984, the useful idiots running these schools use duplicitous and subversive language in an effort to doublethink their way out of the cognitive dissonance required of a progressive ideologue.

In addition to exposing the violation of the principles of scholarship these institutions are supposed to stand for, I will also analyze the Orwellian language with which they disguised the true nature of these programs. Hopefully, this will serve as a good case study on the use of language in liberal propaganda.

While there are plenty of selective schools in this country, Princeton and Yale are two of the most elite. It thus seems like no coincidence that they both have almost identical programs for affirmative action freshman. At Princeton it is called the Freshman Scholars Institute, and at Yale it is called the Freshman Scholars Program. I will discuss these two since they are the only college remedial programs I could readily find through internet research.

1984 is the inspiration for princeton's diversity and minority programs

The linguistic inspiration of college administrators everywhere

According to the Yale site, “FSY will provide students with an introduction to the rigors and expectations of academic study at Yale.” At first glance, that seems nice of them to make the transition less difficult for students. However, keep in mind that this is for about 50 kids, which is at best 5% of the incoming freshman class.

What makes those 50 so deserving? It’s possible that these are just randomly selected kids who get a lucky leg up before the semester starts, but it is more likely that these are kids who are in the unique position of having not attended a high school that actually prepares them to study at a difficult university.

And of all the hundreds of incoming students, it is comprised of the farthest behind affirmative action admits that would otherwise be unable to cope with the difficulty of adjusting to college life like everyone else.

Translating PC Language

I don’t want to draw conclusions too early, so let’s take a look at the criteria for selection. According to Princeton, they

consider factors like intellectual curiosity, qualities of leadership and resiliency, the educational enrichment opportunities offered by the student’s high school, and familial educational background.

First note the incredibly vague language—this is the first sign that they are trying to hide something. Next let’s look at the first criterion, “intellectual curiosity.” The stated goal of these schools is to admit “intellectually curious” students; in fact, the first time I ever heard that term was when I applied in high school. It’s plastered all over their admissions criteria. So if all hundreds of their incoming freshman are intellectually curious, this criterion does not inform the selection of a small number of them.

On to point two. As schools that produce Future Leaders of America™, they only select students who have shown leadership ability (whatever that means), so that doesn’t add anything new. However, note the word resiliency. This connects to another word admissions committees love which is adversity. In fact a popular choice for entrance essays is to write about a time you “overcame adversity.”

black law school student experiences adversity at ivy league

It’s so difficult being a law school student

Of course the Black kids from the ghetto or the children of recent Mexican immigrants have dealt with the most adversity, and thus they are selected by this criterion. And while I do not wish to belittle the achievements of those kids who manage to escape (I sincerely applaud those who do), the point of this article is to demonstrate how some of them may not be adequately prepared to go to America’s most challenging schools.

The third point is fairly obvious. Good high schools have a lot of resources for “educational enrichment.” Good high schools largely come from wealthy areas with high property taxes, and they are attended by predominantly white students. Thus schools without such resources are from poor areas, which include inner cities with mostly minority students or depressed rural areas with a lot of poor white students.

So we can see right there how students lacking in “educational enrichment opportunities” translates into low income, largely minority students. And of course it need not be said that students from inner cities and rural white areas are less likely to be academically prepared for challenging colleges.

Lastly, they look at how many members of the student’s family went to college. By default, educated people have educated kids whereas it is less common that high school students capable of studying at these colleges will come from uneducated families. And since it is these students who are most likely to be unable to cope with the rigor of studying at these schools, it is no surprise that students from uneducated families will be selected for remedial programs.

We can now conclude that that if certain affirmative action students, who are not as academically prepared as others, all attend the same pre-orientation program that provides “an introduction to the rigors and expectations of academic study,” then this program is in fact remedial with the intent of helping them play catch-up mere weeks before college. Alright, so what?

The Consequences

There are two big issues here. First, it shows that the decision makers at these schools are willing to put their progressive political agendas ahead of maintaining academic rigor. In a country where the best students do not go to the best schools, intelligence and productivity by definition is allocated inefficiently.

It then starts to make sense why American education is falling behind that of other countries where admission to top schools is based on merit alone. When education takes a back seat to politics, it is only obvious that our students will be in a worse position to succeed in the global or national job markets in fields such as engineering, computer programming, and scientific research.

Chinese students are better at math than americans

They’re beating us…

Many of my peers in the humanities disciplines often speak of the relaxed expectations of their instructors as well as grade inflation, whereby some majors are made easier in order for less gifted students to succeed in them. Although humanities are claimed by many to be unnecessary compared to STEM fields, as the political push for minorities and women in STEM grows stronger, I can only expect that the academic standards in these technical majors will lessen as well.

Campus Racism Or Inferiority Complex

The second major consequence of these policies is something that has been called the cascade effect. When under-prepared students get admitted to tier 1 schools (like Yale and Princeton), they of course choose to attend even though they might be better off academically at a tier 2 school.

Since those schools need people to fill their own diversity quotas, they admit those students who would be better off at tier 3 schools, and so on. Thus, none of the affirmative action admits are well-suited to the schools they actually attend, and the problem cascades down the line of colleges in order of selectivity, such that many of the minority kids are always one tier below the other students academically.

Now the reason this is bad is because those students will have a hard time adjusting to coursework that they are not adequately prepared to deal with. I can personally attest to the difficulty of college classes and I went to a more challenging high school than most. When classes are too hard to handle, you experience self doubt and are forced to either drop to a lower level or leave the school altogether.

This can be humbling and even beneficial for students who can honestly wrestle with their own academic imperfections. However, since no one tells the minority students that they are having a hard time because they perhaps shouldn’t have been there in the first place, they seek another explanation for their academic failures.

Maybe if they studied more they wouldn't need to protest about racism

Maybe if they studied more they wouldn’t need to protest about racism…

For these students who grew up so oppressed that they get full tuition paid for them, it only makes sense that they interpret their experiences through the lens of victimhood and blame their failures instead on bogeymen like racism, the patriarchy, or microaggressions.

Of course the other, more well prepared students are rarely actually racist, and thus animosity between the two groups is perpetuated: the more intelligent students see some of the minority admits as not deserving their place at such a school (and even taking away entrance spots from more qualified students), and the minority students think everyone else is racist against them.

I personally witness this vicious cycle on a daily basis, and we see it in outbursts like the black student protests from a few weeks ago at Dartmouth, Yale, and other schools.

In Conclusion

Clearly this is a problem, but what is an Ivy League institution to do? Acknowledge the error of affirmative action and start admitting students based on intellect alone? Of course not. No good progressive can ever reverse their own decisions that created the problems in the first place; rather, they must make more policy and try and solve the issue in a roundabout way.

We must keep on truckin’ in the name of progress and at the expense of academic rigor, social order, and fairness in order to preserve the narrative. Therefore, the best solution is to just give everyone remedial English classes and hope for the best.

Read More: Librarian At University Of Tennessee Instructs Students To Stop Saying “He” And “She”

208 thoughts on “Why Do Ivy League Schools Give Remedial Classes To Some Minority Students?”

  1. Affirmative action is slowly dying out, except now they’re replacing it with outright group favoritism
    Equalist and compassion culture is so entrenched in academia that they now believe fairness means “pitying the poor man”. Your next president needs to de-feminize academia and institute widespread reforms before any progress can be made here

    1. He could start with eliminating the Federal Department of Education, and all regulation associated with including affirmative action, Title IX, etc.

      1. Perhaps, but to truly strike at the problem there needs to be a complete purge of equalist elements within academia. Courses, adminsitration, activists, etc

        1. And that is why your comments were some of my favorites on Reaxxion as well.
          You truly understand the insidious nature of “equality” in all its guises.

        2. Don’t worry. The real world out there will take care of that. Once an employer sees a candidate with an ivy league degree and turns out to be a dumb POS, the quality of that school is lowered. It’ll take some time, but eventually that degree will be worthless.

        3. shit when you going to realize some folks are so smart, they do stupid shit that gets them fired

    2. Our next president needs to have the balls to support a healthy pro-White agenda – I guarantee you the general population will follow him (look at Trump; he’s totally bucking the anti-White narrative and the Jewish elites, that’s why the entire establishment and media industrial complex attacks him).
      Being pro-White and pro-European is how the west can make progress. We need a dose of healthy nationalism here in America, and especially over in Germany. Before we can even dream of making progress on a social level, Whites need to become *somewhat* bigoted for a period of time to ensure survival of their bloodlines.
      Whites need to put their emotions in check and deport ALL illegals, stop ALL immigration of non-Whites into the US and Europe, build a wall with concrete extending deep underground, stop messing with Moslems in the ME, and stop being so afraid to “name the Jew”.

      1. Just a few thoughts here.
        What for? Once all those immigrants and other races are gone, what will be left? Then we will no longer have inter-racial equality doctrine, but then we will have intra-racial equality doctrine. Everybody needing to suck up to some national standards set up by a few people whom he could care less about.
        What for? To compete? To show what a great nation we are? Who gives a damn but war-waging politicians?

        1. War-waging politicians *do not want* nationalism, in any country. They have no respect for *other people’s* cultures. The agenda of the elites is to dissolve national barriers, such as what they’ve done or are trying to do with the “European Union”. The next border dissolution will probably be either allowing Turkey to become part of the European Union, or the formation of a “North American Union” consisting of Canada, the US, and Mexico under socialist rule.
          The reason I care Tom is because I respect different cultures, but the elites have absolutely no respect for anybody but themselves. White Europeans gave us the Constitution, the rule of law, and many other great inventions of our time. If you eliminate White culture, you will eliminate many of the things that we take for granted. I believe that we need to stop with the interventionism and take care of ourselves and our own.

        2. Right, but that pressuposes that every citizen is fucking keen on cultivating the culture that the ‘elites’ see fit.
          I like dissolving borders. What I do not like is world government. I like no government.
          Preserving culture is bullying in its own way. Where everybody needs to … yawn … honor the ideas of their forefathers and follow their stupid rituals over and over again and preserve what has been in the past.
          The culture consists of the individuals. Unless all individuals are intensely keen on submitting to the thing that is being cultivated, it is just as oppressive as SJW culture.
          Cultures developed over time, based on the needs and goods and whatever of a particular folk. But as the world becomes globalized, preserving culture is like keeping a wild animal ‘wild’ in a zoo. If a culture no longer serves a need, I am fine with leaving it behind. The world is about change.

        3. “Right, but that prepossesses that every citizen is fucking keen on cultivating the culture that the ‘elites’ see fit.”
          They make it convenient for you to do so.

        4. I like it. Is there an individual yes/no at each prepossess? Or is it ideological/cultural? I have come to understand it is cultural

        5. Tom have you created another username? You’re asking the same type of questions.

        6. I know the meaning of the word. Convenience is often bought at the expense of inconvenience when one does not want to participate in bullshit.

      2. Look in the mirror if want to see the face of the people letting those undesirables in. Lets not stop there. You all want to get high, have guns etc. Wonder whose responsible for letting that stuff in. Look in the mirror.

        1. If Trump was anti-jewish, do you really think he would be able to say it at this point? In a way that wasn’t just begging the question?

    3. It seems to me that there is nothing that Asian Americans care about as much as getting their children into great schools. But Asian Americans have always voted Democrat (generally). I’ve been scratching my head over that one for years now. They also seem to be aware that they get boned by Affirmative Action. I’d be surprised if the smartest African American Ivy League student is as smart as the average Asian Americans Ivy league student. What will it take for them to realize that the Left only likes dysfunctional minority groups? Asians have no place in the Democratic Party.

      1. Nobody does, really
        Leftist parties only survive through the votes of marginal fringes. If a group is too successful then the left stops supporting you
        All minorities should engage a form of self-interest that’s based on actual gains and not activism or “equality”. Meaning that the ideal political position for minorities would be something closer to our own versions of nationalism, except replace white tribalism with the minority equivalent. At least then we can work out positions of mutual self-interest instead of pretending societies are, or will ever be, post-racial

      2. “But Asian Americans have always voted Democrat (generally). I’ve been scratching my head over that one for years now. They also seem to be aware that they get boned by Affirmative Action.”
        They’re willingly to take one step backwards (to Affirmative Action) for every two steps forward, if their only real competition is forced to take two steps backwards for every one step forward.

      3. Asians generally just don’t vote. Something like only 3% of the electorate are Asian. It doesn’t take much change to create a majority when the population is that small.
        The reason so many Asians vote Democrat is liberal indoctrination. Once their kids enter our Public Edjewcation system their youth get corrupted with communist ideas just like the rest.

      4. In Clifornication recently the Asian community formed a political action committee and faught Affirmative Action policies of admissions tooth and nail. They know and understand that affirmative action means keeping their sons and daughters out of schools they have earned the right to attend. They are no sitting on their hands politically and they are not stupid.

    4. Their pity is condescension. Everything women do in the name of “equality” is condescension, for in their heart of hearts they don’t seek equality, on the contrary, they seek a sense of superiority. Pitying the poor man makes them feel superior. That’s what the theatrics are all about.

  2. College is now solely about being a business, no longer concerned with introducing students seeking knowledge to a higher understanding of the existence we find ourselves in.
    Instead, profit-minded administrators have allied with the social justice advocates who insist on filling their halls with the mentally deranged, the most “special” of the snowflakes, and the man-children in need of daily care while the adults are out working to keep the little darlings provided for. All in exchange for additional funding.
    And new generations of completely dependent voters graduate each year convinced of their own superiority, until they are challenged. Then we get to deal with the tantrums and suffer having our liberties stripped away so that they can pretend the world is a “safe-zone.”

    1. Then again, not everybody is interested in higher understandings of existence. Nor should that be a requirement.
      Let the schools decide what to do, but also stop funding them from taxes.
      You may say ‘people need to understand how the world works’. But then you would only be telling them how you think it works. I say: All people need to understand is power. A little healthy anarchy in which everybody knows: The guy who I am trying to rob has a gun.
      Educations about how liberty and freedom is so great that we must not endanger it are indoctrination in itself. Freedom is not great because some stupid forefather made a great speech about it. It is great because it simply is. But it must not just be talked about – it must be lived and valued by every individual. And protected – on an instinctual level – from everyone who wants to take it away. But people are so stuck in their heads that politicians just need to rationally explain why something is ‘for freedom’ to take it away. ‘See, you are letting me command you around for your own good’. No. People need to learn to value their self and then they will always protect their freedom.

      1. For clarification, because you make very good points, especially about stopping the funding:
        In the US, our elementary through high school…sucks and has been deteriorating for decades prior. You likely can yet learn some basic mathematics, a few limited physical sciences, some semblance of history (mostly revisionist), and the basics of grammar (but there are reasons other than laziness why so many comments made through IPs from US domains have such atrocious spelling, grammar, punctuation, and relatively limited vocabulary) and maybe even pick up a sliver of more common legal knowledge .
        So, you may learn some things, if you aren’t in a state of limbo due to heavy medication or dealing with psychopaths posing as educators intent on curbing your natural tendencies and making you into a good little minion.
        At one time though you could continue on to college here and advance that primary education delving deeper into hard sciences, maths, history, linguistics, rhetoric & debate, etc. , not to mention earn a medical degree that meant something more than affirmative action at work (I wouldn’t let most recent surgical graduates operate on anything alive that I didn’t want to soon be dead) rather than the philosophical, poly-sci, human and social studies tripe and campus activism we’ve had since around the 1960s. In other words, colleges did serve a useful function that has since fallen to the wayside in lieu of profit and indoctrination.
        I was really only using “existence” here as a catch-all to include the fact that we don’t even know how basic biology works anymore much less the complexity of a microcircuit, an electrostatic nuclear accelerator, or the intricacies of culture, history, politics, and religion in the Middle East.
        It’s little wonder we don’t get most shit right, and yet we have the largest amount of folks carrying around scraps of paper proclaiming they have a college degree that we’ve ever had, most of which flip burgers at Mickey D’s.

        1. See, but why be bothered by people who study those social science things and human things? It is their lives. The problem is that it is funded by the government and then the government pays support for those who fail et cetera. It would be all cool with self-responsibility and freedom.

        2. Call it more of an observation.
          And your handle on the problem is it exactly.
          The article asked: Why Do they need remedial courses?
          My own answer is that they need the students for the sole purpose of making money, pushing a social agenda, and they aren’t concerned with whether the student is capable on any level of doing anything at all more than taking the propaganda and allowing the school to get paid.
          It just happens to coincide nicely with the current social trends we are seeing, hmm?
          Doesn’t bother me, like I say, it’s my own observation and interpretation of the data, but there is a point where someone’s life begins to blur into and effect my own requiring both my attention and eventually action to arrest, else I would have to be satisfied with whatever they choose to do to me, and in exchange find solace in disingenuous griping which would go against my very nature.

        3. Yeah, that is reallly the problem. Moneymaking is cool. But in the end, some sad asses like ours need to be paying for that shit and that is not acceptable if I can do anything about it. Incidentally, I have still not paid all of last year’s taxes and one of my bank accounts has been blocked.

  3. Good high schools largely come from wealthy areas with high property taxes, and they are attended by predominantly white students.

    The “and” in the above could be — perhaps should be — “and therefore.” White families are willing to pay the freight for first-class schools and their trappings. Black families mostly aren’t able to afford such high property taxes. But that’s not the end of the story.
    White teachers prefer those first-class schools, too — and every survey of the public schools confirms that white teachers provide a better education than the black teachers in districts where black students predominate.
    Less capable teachers, in lesser facilities, serving neighborhoods that pose significant risks to the kids, students whose parents are less than serious about their children’s educations…the result is easy to understand.
    But whose responsibility is it to deal with:
    — Families unable to afford state-of-the-art schools;
    — Students less than committed to their educations;
    Parents less than committed to their children’s educations;
    — Teachers of varying quality who sort themselves among the available jobs by race;
    — And neighborhoods that pose severe, distracting challenges to the children who live in them?
    We tried busing. It didn’t work.
    We tried “Head Start” It has no lasting effect.
    We tried financial incentives to encourage white teachers to go to “disadvantaged” school systems. They preferred not to be robbed, knifed, or raped.
    So we got the colleges involved with affirmative action programs — and the consequences include the steady ruination of American higher education under the veneer of that old Leftist shibboleth, “leveling the playing field.”
    At what point do the educrats so avid for ever more money and authority admit that they haven’t got the slightest idea how to improve black educational outcomes and mercifully back the BLEEP! off?

        1. Only white people play the statistics game. Even those with a 6th grade math level seem to know everything about applied statistics. Everything stats , stats ,stats.

        2. As I thought. Someone who implies a mastery of statistics others can’t touch can cite no statistics when challenged. Thanks for playing!

        3. Another Advanced Statistics major. White people and their stats, what would you be without them? Thank God the blacks can’t gather stats that were never collected…Right?!!

        4. Why would white people keep statistics on ANYTHING that OVERWHELMINGLY disproves their points or puts them in a negative light.You know better. What would be the point of that. That’s not why white people created stats!! Yeah , I know….you need stats on that too!! Hahaha!!

        5. Talk, talk, talk. And still no statistics proving any of your points. And no coherent points in the first place. We’re waiting, sweetheart.

        6. Sorry, only white people believe in the stats shell game. You will be waiting forever. BTW , my points are historically based. But I guess you don’t believe anything significant happened before your lifetime. America’s dominace is based on economics.Try to guess how they became an economic power. And it didn’t start in the 1800’s when all you immigrants showed up. Some other particular group of people did all the hard work for you so that you could just put a stake in the ground. You don’t need statistics to prove that either. Try a history book. Please don’t rely so much on the internet.

        7. Here’s a simple example of how your bullshit stats are a fabrication. If you want to substantiate a favored point of view, all you have to do is take a smaller sample size of those who oppose or marginalize them so that they don’t show up in the sampling. Ive witnessed posters do this all the time , in public areas where they don’t even approach “certain people” that might skew the favored statistic. (“Hey Kyle, make sure you stick with approaching the safe-looking brown people. Especially if they are wearing a suit. They are probably thankful to a white person who gave them a job”) So ha ha ha to your b.s statistics. Some of us aren’t fooled by the Jedi mind trick

        8. Since “I” have not provided any statistics, “my” statistics are irrelevant to whatever point it is that you think you’re making. You have still not provided a single statistic, but what you have done is argue, surprisingly persuasively that statistics are worthless. It’s refreshing to know that all the stats showing how blacks are underprivileged, under-performing, poor and victimized are all bullshit because “certain people” “might skew the favored statistic.” Hooray! Equality achieved!

        9. Yes. Statistics you can’t provide and history you can’t provide either. I’m very impressed by your rhetorical skills.

        10. Yawn. You can’t “prove” something unless you actually prove it, by, you know, providing some facts or analysis in support, which you haven’t done anywhere that I’ve seen.
          Your rhetorical skills are particularly weak. Likely based on the fact that you are a product of our sorry public schools where you were told you were special all the time instead of being instructed on where you are deficient and how you could improve. Of course, the world needs baristas too, so in that sense, our schools have functioned perfectly in producing you, as your qualifications are impeccable for mindless work that involves little critical thinking.
          This is like fighting a retard. You’re simply not capable of engaging on any serious or meaningful level, and I’ve tired of dealing with you. Ta ta!

        11. Its a shame that my inadequate education established a poor foundation for my earning an engineering degree. Sorry that I must invalidate your inaccurate stereotyping but my education was never free. Tell me …what was public school like?

        12. You can always tell when someone has reached their intellectual limitation when they resort to name calling. Checkmate!

        13. by the way ,blah blah blah and na-na , na-na, na-na to you too!! Mom’s got a cookie for you.

        14. If you truly have an engineering degree, but think that statistics are an unreliable fabrication concocted by white people, that speaks volumes about what you didn’t learn at whatever degree mill you attended. Please provide a list of whatever things you have “engineered” so that I can avoid them.
          BTW, if it’s checkmate when we resort to name calling, you rendered yourself irrelevant in your opening post where your entire comment consisted of name calling someone a “statistical genius.”
          Double-checkmate, moron.
          You can keep talking, but you should be advised that the more you say, the more apparent it becomes to anyone who reads this exchange that you are a complete idiot.
          Oops…were you an affirmative action graduate? Did I trigger your precious feelings?

        15. If that were the case, since you know so much about Affirmative action, it was after all instituted to correct government atrocities imposed against blacks. In other words , it has been bastardized to “include” you mom and sister , your gay transexual friends and your favorite made-up special interest group of the moment. Sorry that the presence of a black engineer or U.S president so distorts the fabricated theories that were indoctrinated with at your “public” (government funded) school.

        16. “If you truly have an engineering degree”” I can feel the conflict within you . Struggling to grasp this reality. I can here you saying ” blacks don’t have the facility, the genetics, the superior white genes to…..I don’t get it” . BTW . Heres the point you whites miss. Afirmative action just might get you in , but it doesnt help you much in Advanced calculus and Thermodynamics classes. Hahahah. chew on that.

        17. What is it with you white folks and your religious devotion to statistics. That seems to be your bailout everytime you’r e cornered with a cogent point

        18. The conflict within me? You’re the one who’s making this a white-black issue. That’s your hang up, not mine. And I don’t have affirmative action friends or family members – I associate with people based on the quality of their character, not their skin color. I seem to recall a famous black civil rights leader longing for something similar from folks like me in the past…
          Since you’re not very bright, I’m going to help you out – I have taken advances science and mathematics classes in college. I’m well aware how unprepared affirmative action kids are to take them. I don’t know that setting kids up for failure is a laughing matter, but you seem to think so. I think it would be better to make sure they are actually prepared for the classes than to give them a pass on the standards because of their skin color.
          The real “atrocity” is how the educational system has failed you. You rant about “cogent points” that you have yet to make, despite my continued invitation for you to do so, and my willingness, against my better judgment, to engage you. You invent straw men to argue against, and then, for some puzzling reason, you fail to knock them down. But worst of all, you wallow in your victim hood culture, rather than take agency and responsibility for your own actions.
          Yes, black man. It is my fault that you are borderline illiterate and incoherent. Keep beating that drum. It’s getting you far.

        19. Listen don’t get so worked up about my having an engineering degree. I know how important it is for you guys to see statistics, copies of birth certificates , degrees etc before you can justify why you will listen to anything a non-white says. Its just your nature. Calm down

        20. Heres a lesson on how statistics work in you favor. White people don’t go into “minority’ commmunities to gather their information. Kinda taints the sample don’t you think. By the way before the proliferation of cable boxes , I’ve never know a person in my life who had possession of a Nielson box. But this is how those great tv stats were compiled , telling us what are the #1 shows in America . Seinfeld ruled for a decade. Really!??? Show sucked ass

        21. Ive got ivy league schmucks working under me. No holes in my education. By the way taking a business stats course and intro to biology doesn’t necessarily quantify your having any noteworthy scholastic achievement. And what is that blasphemy that you blathering about MLK seeking something from “people like YOU”( MLK is he only black freedom fighter you people know about. so you have to be referring to him.) BTW is the real fear of AA programs that it gives potentially brilliant “minorities ” and opportunity to excel and overtake whites in a competitive arena. Ultimately its all about employment opportunities and money. If thats the case I can see why you are threatened. Free government funded education for Native americans. How come you don’t complain about them.

        22. White people don’t go into minority communities to compile statistics about minorities? Ok. It must be nice to live in a world of magic.

        23. Here’s what makes you suspect – you claim to be an engineer, but also claim to have ivy leaguers working under you. Ivy league schools aren’t known for their egineering programs, so either you’re full of shit, or you’re working at some shirty company that can’t compete for top engineering talent.
          But none of this credentialism matters. You can have a degree from Yale and be a moron, or you can be a dropout that is a billionaire.
          I don’t obsess about other people. I’m too busy worrying about my own life, and getting on with the business of making money. If blacks want to get rich, good for them! They need service’s like those I offer, and their money is the same color as everyone else’s.

        24. yeah , its called the land of statictics. I watched pollsters do it in “minority ” neighborhoods. They only approach people who look “safe” . Its a verrrry selective process. On suit day they talk to you, every other day(most days) they don’t. You don’t even realize what you do. You tell me that whites are not susceptible to this?!!

        25. Everyone is susceptible to selection bias. I don’t see blacks collecting statistics in my neighborhood either.
          But all that is irrelevant because whatever anecdotal experience you have proved nothing. At most, you saw something, made a bunch of biased assumptions about what you saw, and never did anything to confirm whether there was any truth to your assumptions.
          I think I am reaching a point of agreement though. We should stop trying to study blacks communities. In the end, these studies just result in more free handouts to blacks from the white man. These handouts only keep you on the plantation. And, people like you criticize us either way, so I’m perfectly happy to take this approach: black problems? Who gives a fuck?

  4. Students demanding that their university professors resign
    reminded me of this tune from an old musical:
    “Do you realize that all of you donated
    something horrible you hated
    that is part of you?
    I’m your nightmares comin’ true
    I am your crime”
    “Life At Last” from “Phantom of the Paradise”

        1. Yeah, if more in the neomasculinity movement had guts and determination like that, things would look a lot different.

  5. Notice how there are ZERO white males in any of these photos. That is not an accident. Arguing for diversity, or leveling the playing field due to poverty and other factors is a different discussion we could have. What they are doing now is far more severe–completely marginalizing white males from society.

    1. That is also the case with a lot of advertising these days that exclude white males, and even blonde females. It doesn’t matter if your customer base is 90% white America. Not to mention that most advertising/marketing is run by guilty white liberals. I heard one such individual say not long ago after seeing a picture of a blonde female in a sample advertisement, “We don’t need any of those types.” And another time, I heard an art director asked to make a white guy darker skinned (via Photoshop).

      1. its a sad day for white males when they realize that they are being “victimized” by their own propaganda. Cant pull the ol’ ” its the minoriities fault” card on that one. As you’ve stated, Minorities don’t run your marketing/media departments and they don’t open up the borders for themselves. Whose to else blame now but those “traitor” whites!!!! (mostly homos) If thats the case you need to re-assess your blame game and leave the minorities out of it. They aren’t doing it to you this time.

        1. It’s mostly white females. Marketing departments are highly college educated females out for social justice.

        2. I think its a tie between the white females and homos. Im waiting for the white man to step up and re-assert his influence. C’mon you can do it!! Are the Alpha’s asleep!!??

        3. No. The straight white patriarch man is responsible for everything from democracy to women’s suffrage to tranny weddings. They had all the power and squandered it on this.

        4. They can only blame themselves for the disintegration of the country. That is why they are so angry. Cant blame the “minorities” for that.

        5. I think what he means is that its mostly the homos and women who predominantly pursue careers in marketing/media. They are the “creative” geniuses behind it all. But to answer your point, I think too many men of recent generations had been raised by their momma. Thats why there are so many men in touch with their feelings.

        6. There is a strong correlation between boys raised by single mothers and crime/degeneracy/problems. We are currently raising the largest generation of single parent households ever. You think it’s bad now? Ain’t even started yet.

        7. Little White boys aren’t angry paranoid oppressors fighting to maintain position. There never was oppression. They are just innocent White boys, who are only just waking up to the fact that they are hated and discriminated against.
          The hatred is real

        8. Ann Coulter agrees, doesn’t think women should be allowed to vote. She’s one of those rare women that has a clean systemising brain.

    2. I feel sorry for white men. You have everything yet you have nothing. Having 90% of everything is like nothing to you unless you have it all.

      1. “I feel sorry for white men. You have everything yet you have nothing.
        Having 90% of everything is like nothing to you unless you have it all.”
        Always two, there are; no more, no less. A master and an apprentice [servant/slave]. — Yoda on the Sith (Orthodoxy portrayed as evil)
        And nobody is so thoroughly enslaved as the slave who has been Jedi mind tricked into thinking they are free (“equal”).
        Obi-Wan, “Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil! The Sith are evil. The Dark Side of the Force is an evil presence.”
        Social Justice Warrior level thinking there, all declaration, no explanation.
        And Obi-Wan the Jedi champion of tolerance is the same man who says speaks about aliens such as Jar-Jar like the below:
        Obviously, some “life forms” are less equal to the intolerant guardians of tolerance than others.

        1. Yup . Its the White man’s burden . How he deceives himself with self importance and his superiority complex. His saddest day is when he finally realizes that he himself has been deceived by his own propaganda . He tearfully has to concede that he is No greater than anybody else. His own Jedi mind trick has been killing him for years.

        2. Its called extortion and intimidation by way of colonization But soon there will be options when the Mars project is complete. White man can happily fly away and leave his destruction behind. He is his own worst enemy.

        3. Unfortunately the white man is there too. But why go there, Im American. What about you “YuRi”?!

    3. When do we start burning shit to the ground? If I (a productive, law abiding, tax paying white man) can no longer be a part of society we built and maintain then I would like to adopt the scorched earth policy.
      Let’s see how long it takes for dindus and feminists to rebuild the electrical grid and keep toilets flushing.
      No appropriations, let these fucks start from scratch.

      1. That won’t happen until the power goes out….. in the UK there is likely to be an energy crisis in the next 20 years. I say we spend until then influencing the disenfranchised, helping them wake up to the mess we’re in, so that when people draw the line and demand that enough is enough they know who to target in order to bring change.

      2. No need to nig. Just stop refilling their EBT cards.
        All white police should boycott and refuse to service a dindu village. No EMT. No fire.
        They’ll die out in weeks, once all the malt liquor runs out and there are no more Jordans to steal.

        1. hell the way these lying racist cops acting good ! get rid of them and let the brothers police their own. shit why have fucking crooks hiding behind a fucking badge around

        2. Meanwhile, as the police have decided to stop policing, crime and murders in Boston are at a record high.
          What have we learned today, class? Niggers are always gonna nig.

    4. When I was studying in an American university in the Nineties, I became aware of this special group who had special classes. This group of special people had entered the university through a special program. They were mostly, rather stupid black females. I recall one particularly attractive young specimen asked me for help on her English essay.
      When I looked at it, I didn’t know where to start. She had a level of English comprehension which was probably worse than mine at 8 years old. I couldn’t understand how somebody so retarded could be at university.
      And this girl had the gall to be arrogant towards me (inviting me to parties and then acting like she didn’t know me when I arrived, cuntish shit like that).
      I handed her essay back and told her I couldn’t help her.

    5. Take another look. In the 1984 poster, there is a white man with the title “Big Brother” above him. So there is one. But he represents an evil force whose desire is to control and destroy humanity.

    6. I got a welcome packet from the engineering school I was admitted to a couple months ago. A statement about their commitment to diversity was before the table of contents. Immediately after the table of contents was a big picture of two black girls at commencement. Toward the middle there’s an entire section dedicated to all the programs available for women and minority students, including a 24 hour study center. I’m black, and even I thought it was too much.
      Similar thing with another school that I applied for. After getting my acceptance notice, I got a separate black, red, and green colored booklet about all the programs and events that school had for black students. I was actually a little offended by it. It made me wonder what my chances of admission were if I hadn’t checked the “African American” box on my application.
      I’m not a black student. I’m just a student.

      1. I noticed this when I applied for college and I regret the day I told my Mexican stepdad I didn’t want him to adopt me. (Not because he was mexican, other reasons, but I can say that man taught me how to be a man.)

      1. Pretty much any depiction of American servicemen now is all women and minorities and, of course, minority women. As if they are the thin brown line that protects fragile white men from the dangerous world beyond our shores.

        1. I was a military engineer and exactly zero women could do my job. Out there, somewhere, in the hinterlands their might be a girl with the upper body strength necessary to build a fucking bridge by hand, but I never saw one.
          I actually dated one of the first women to make sergeant in a combat trade in Canada. She was smart and had a good body but she was an artillery technician. She spent a year on a 105mm gun crew and resorted to using her PC to plot strikes.
          She was a bit freaky and considered hand to hand combat to be foreplay, until I osotogari’ed her ass when she pulled that shit on me.

        2. Made my annual trek to the mall this week and saw a giant recruiting poster featuring an Asian woman. Recruitment center had the proper rainbow mixture poster. And all the military personnel in uniform in the mall were white men.

        3. Yup. Funny thing is, the military is expanding roles for women and recruiting open homosexuals at a time when we are already way over-strength. Straight white men alone could very likely provide more than adequate manpower for the defense of the nation.

  6. are of interest to the public, since they signify a broader trend in our society to ignore incompetence and grant undeserved benefits to the “marginalized”.

    drag down the intelligence of the entire school

    otherwise be unable to cope with the difficulty of adjusting to college life like everyone else.

    may not be adequately prepared to go to America’s most challenging schools.

    In a country where the best students do not go to the best schools, intelligence and productivity by definition is allocated inefficiently

    It then starts to make sense why American education is falling behind

    Acknowledge the error of affirmative action and start admitting students based on intellect alone?

    There is something about this article that is a thorn in my mind from beginning to end. I will try to put it into words.
    How is it anybody’s business what students schools admit? Why is this even a political or public debate? Why do we need to federalized indoctrination centers? Why can learning not be simply about some people with skills wanting to pass them on and choosing whom to pass them on to?
    Let individuals choose where they work, how they work and with whom they work and all those problems are solved. This is another part of that uniformization where people need to agree on what ‘high standards’ are and where everybody just needs to ‘achieve’ and that of course means: Be better than others.
    Stupid eliticism. Why stupid? Because it is all about vanity. Little prince Smart standing in front of the mirror and asking: Who is the smartest in the whole Americas?
    I read an online article by someone discussing whether some school somewhere in America ‘should be’ good or admit whatever kind of students or pursue whatever kind of standards. What the fuck? Let them decide. Stop voting on every little shit. Everybody is not everybody’s business. Be a bit more self-oriented, for fucks sake.
    Let that school manage and finance itself. Stop government funding. Stop government intervention. Stop setting government standards for ‘elites’ and certificates and whatever. Just let things flow. Let it be what it is on a simple leve: People getting together to learn from each other.
    Gee. ‘We need smart children for great great America to surpass all other countries! We need to satisfy our narcissism of being the super duper country of Greatness before the Lord. Everybody must only be concerned with being the best, most efficient, most smart, most rich, most intelligent, most strong, most dominant, most alpha.’
    But of course the same criticism applies to SJWs. It is just not their business who anybody admits or not. Again, the big fucking problem here is that people think they need to be agreeing on everything. That they need to be discussing everything. That the ‘top school’ must be a symbol of every American’s pride and that every American has a say in it. Well, no. It is just a school, ideally owned and run by a few individuals who decide what to do with it. Neither the ‘top achievers’ nor the ‘social justice warriors’ have any say in whatever anyone does with anyone else.
    Frigging moronic democracy think, blind patriotism. Why can not just everybody care for their own fucking business? Why are we even having this discussion? But yeah, I get it. When federal government infests every last part of every individual’s life in an effort to uniform and regulate, one wants a say in it. Nobody gets the idea to just get rid of that fucking regulation and mad ‘running for greatness’ competition.

  7. Well, if it’s any consolation. I can tell you most enrolled in in remedial classes wash out before ever finishing the class anyway, due to lack of discipline or whatever. I’m willing to bet the drop rate is about 90%. But diversity obsessed Fucks in college waste resources on it anyway.
    I actually took a round of developmental math in college, not because I didn’t meet admission requirements for regular classes, but because I wanted a refresher after being out of school for a decade. The class started with 60+. Me and about 7 others finished.

  8. So what if Princeton or Yale admitted 50 kids that came from disadvantaged backgrounds. Are your feelings hurt? You can’t attend class now? The fact that you are well off white Kid at Princeton means you are ahead of like 99.99999% of the population already. Build connections with others Alpha males of your kind, get a that McMansion, and bang your cheerleader wife.

    1. As long as democracy reigns, people will be constantly hurt by each other’s existence, simply because stuff is being taken away from them and then they want to get as much of it redistributed back to themselves. It is perfectly logical.

    2. > You can’t attend class now?
      Depends what day it is. Are they protesting in support of whatever nigger that tried to kill a police officer this week?

    3. Cheerleader wife from an ivy? Hahahahahahahaha! You don’t know much about how those schools work. The women are on the range of bleh to what has been seen cannot be unseen.
      The guys who get the one cute cheerleader at an ivy are connected with outstanding genetics.
      If u want a cheerleader wife go to a state school like asu or Florida.

      1. But you gotta give it to Dubya. Not the brightest star in the universe, but at least he knew how to pick acolytes to do his bidding without him suffering the consequences. Wonder how many of those came from Yale.

        1. Hey I love Dubya. I can always use him as an example of how Affirmative Action works for white people. When that happens, you can’t stop patting yourselves on the back.

  9. Thanks for the article, it’s nice to have first-hand perspectives on things.
    And as for that picture with the caption “Must… Have… Every… Color…” …
    Well, I think the backlash to this ridiculous PC social construct of equality is coming soon…

    1. Perfect. The first sentence in this video already starts out with a bunch of indoctrination bullshit:
      ‘Who are you? No, not your job or occupation.’
      Ah! He is interested in me, my soul!
      ‘I am talking about your connection to culture and history’
      What the fuck? So I am no longer a carpenter, but something deeper? An American! Wow! Finally I have found myself! In my grandpa! In my child! Niiice. Seek for my identity in everybody but myself. How ingenious!
      To be lost and seekers is not a bad thing. It can make you find yourself. This is a chance in many aspects. To stop seeking oneself in sentimentality and nationalism, unformity and stupid ideals, but to look inside.
      One does not find himself in something greater. One loses himself in it. It is a drug. So it is not surprising that when you take away the drug, the people have no longer identity. Because they never had it. They just distracted themselves from it by identifying with something external.
      Nice propaganda.

      1. I havne’t got the source at hand but KGB/NKVD had a programme where they would try to dilute the national and ethnic identity of a country by removing its intellectuals and rewriting its history to resonate with the teaching of Marxism. Once you have removed a people’s anchor then you can unleash the ideological storm to set the nation adrift and “guide” it to the shores you want.
        I am talking about the former soviet block countries here.

        1. Yeah. I guess functional culture beats painful ideology. But take this metaphor: If you take a junkies drug away, you can replace it with another. But the even greater thing would be to lose the compulsion for the external fix.

        2. You’re going with Lenin’s opium for the masses train of thought! How sustainable and correct is that new drug you’re giving the juckie? Is it a whole lot different that it makes the junkie feel anxious about the new reality he’s seeing? People fear dramatic change.

        3. Never heard of it, but I am not that well read, I admit it.
          Haha, yeah. Replace the LSD with Mushrooms. Big change. Progress!
          Then again, I hardly consider psychedelics to be drugs, rather therapy.
          People fear themselves, ultimately.

        4. Escape from reality?? A bit of wine here and there and maybe a joint at a really stressful time might be in order but drugs are nothing more than escapes from the obvious situations around you.
          You’re trying to say that culture and ethnic identity can be discarded of because it fulfils the role of a mind stagnation mechanism. You’re lost my friend. Without a secure foundation a house will never be sturdy.

        5. You are both right in an odd turn of events. I do believe in psychedelics being a way to heal people who have acquired mental problems (Tom). Culture and ethnic identity is a living entity(Bike).

        6. I am not trying to say that. I am actually saying it.
          What in the heavens makes you think that a solid foundation can be found outside of the thing you are trying to build up?
          To use your metaphor, you are trying to build a house whose walls consist of the houses around it.

        7. Nothing against substances which don’t foster addictive behaviour and at the end of the day it’s your body. I am talking about the people who think that weed is knowledge and spiritual blah blah.
          Culture is the foundation of a tribe and society. Ethnic based societies seem to work better since there is a decree of connectivity among it’s people. An identity with a strong foundation can hardly be removed from existence, and here I’m thinking the former Soviet Republics.
          When in contact with other nations it may lead to conflicts, however, a learned one will invite one another to experience the other’s culture and also know how to draw the line when one tries to impose it’s ideology.

        8. “When in contact with other nations it may lead to conflicts, however, a learned one will invite one another to experience the other’s culture and also know how to draw the line when one tries to impose it’s ideology.”
          How would one impose upon your ideology?

        9. Isn’t society but a town with houses of which are placed hierarchically and strategically in a place. A tribe of homes, sort to speak.
          Lets use the analogy of houses in a town, we shall name Equalitopia, to describe a society. The detached houses are the smarter people and they value more because of their use. then there are the semi detached ones who are valued less but they’re still better than the terraced housing who is quite low on the list but still needed. And there are the apartments which are the lowest of the low and there is nothing they can do to change. They are cheaper and temporary.
          There is your society’s hierarchy.
          All houses can change but some cannot (apartments and most terraced housing). There is your social mobility in society, however, with bad town planning, the houses can block each other or hold more land and there is where chaos ensues. They’re blocking one another from enjoying their land. Furthermore, if there are no building regulation or architectural standards, someone can came in an suggest a new architecture therefore dominating yours and what if Hurricane Culturalo Marxismus comes in and damages the structure of the houses?
          The city planners/building services are the culture and identity enforcers.

        10. Also, what the fuck is blocking you from achieving greatness in the western society? We’ve reached the point were your possibilities are endless mein Tommo. Are you secretly a disabled spinster in Saudi Arabia.

        11. I don’t think I live in an imperilled culture but one which is nearing the cliffs of the totalitarian gorge and the participants of the slow crawl to the aforementioned dangers are unknowingly contributing by denying the surrounding reality. Also they might fully embrace it without judgement. Not all new ideas are malevolent to culture, however, if you had knowledge of an unfavourable precedent would you adopt a tested idea and expect a different result?

        12. I get your perspective and I understand it. My point is: A society of confident people would not be in danger of being infested with Marxism. They would simply not care for that shit. Somebody would knock at their door and explain it to them; their faces would betray confusion and bewilderment and they would think: What the hell is this idiot trying to say?
          Then they would send them away.
          Why regulations? Let everybody make their house as they want it. What do I care about other houses if my own house is just the way I want it? Then my own house brings me all the joy in the world while the other people get the same out of their own. And if I find somebody who shares my taste, we can build our houses next to each other.
          As for appartments, well. Realistically, that is the current situation. I am being an idealist in my vision and think that everybody can potentially be free. Then again, yeah, maybe some people’s individuality actually is fellowship. Difficult one.

        13. I am a purveyor of history as you are. It is lunacy. Therefore you must spread as much reason as possible as a going extinct American professional. Learn to say no atleast 3 times aday.

        14. A society confident enough shouldnt be afraid of Marxism but it is a dormant virus which can bring about some good change such as the common health it can slowly creep in and destroy a democracy from within. If you look at how Marxism has spread then you would be weary.
          Housing standards create the image of security and stability ti the masses. The surroundings can affect the mood of said masses.

  10. Typical Red Pill Chant: “I’m not a racist, I’m just a misogynist! It’s all feminism and nothing more!” If you are white and not racially conscious and aware then you are part of the Blue Pill Problem.
    Where are the Baptists at Harvard?
    By Jonathan Tilove
    Religion News Service
    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (RNS)–While Ivy League schools have made their mark around the rallying cry of diversity, their own enrollment reflects a lack of diversity.
    In short, students at schools like Harvard are far more likely to be Jewish or Asian than to be Southern Baptists, conservative evangelical Christians or Italian-Americans.

  11. Actual okcupid dating profile. Body type curvy. Has cats. Education in gender and diversity studies.

  12. I remember in the early 1990s, a friend of mine joked, “Yeah, we need to have affirmative action in the NBA.” We both laughed, but he made his point – Quotas are either right, or they’re not.

      1. I don’t watch much NBA these days, but at least it seems unlike colleges, at least some of those European players do give some bang for the buck, unlike recent college graduates. Also, at least I imagine American players can go play in Europe as well.

  13. “Many of my peers in the humanities disciplines often speak of the relaxed expectations of their instructors as well as grade inflation, whereby some majors are made easier in order for less gifted students to succeed in them. Although humanities are claimed by many to be unnecessary compared to STEM fields, as the political push for minorities and women in STEM grows stronger, I can only expect that the academic standards in these technical majors will lessen as well.”
    The academic standards in pure engineering and physics undergrad courses are not going anywhere. If you do not learn to walk, you will not be able to run.

  14. This sort of liberal feel-good (by making ‘bad whites’ feel bad) fucks everyone over. The black kids who could make it on brains will forever be doubted as to whether they deserved to be at whatever Ivy on their own merits, and the dumb kids who are there based on melanin content are taught (a) to fail, and (b) that their failure is always someone else’s fault. They are also deprived of such education as may better have suited them, somewhere else. This is why universities publish admissions data for ‘underrepresented minorities’ but not graduation data.
    It’s also, incidentally, the foundation of the “SCALIA IS RACIST!!! bullshit currently on the lips of Tout le Monde inside (and outside) the Beltway. Accusations of racism are par for the course whenever someone questions the orthodoxy of racial preferences. Never mind that Scalia is referring to the mismatch research that does not involve African-Americans (or any other group) generally. The research focuses on those who gain admissions to elite schools due to racial preferences when they otherwise would not have been admitted. This is mostly about substantially lower standardized test scores and GPA.
    Those African-Americans, Latinos and others who would likely have been admitted regardless of the racial preference are not the focus of mismatch research, nor are they what Scalia was asking about. Still, we see the severe distortion of his questions and comments.

    1. you going to get your feeling hurt if you try to come at the wrong black folks with that shit on the job trust me.

  15. Looking at the diversity of some of those (some of them relatively hot) girls in the first picture above convinced me that ALL I’m part comes back to some of the members of the boards of trustees or whomever runs the Ivy League schools vote…..with their dicks. After all why bang plain vanilla white women or go overseas when you can import all the poonany like beluga caviar.

  16. Minorities are tools of the elite in their quest to displace the educated voter and the white middle class, because this displacement allows them to solidify their control over society.

  17. Affirmative action is not only bad overall, but it perpetuates the inferiority of the so-called “oppressed” classes. Affirmative action causes people to think that if people of certain colors have high-ranked jobs, they must suck at it and only got it from affirmative action. And the fact that it is easier for these groups to get such a job despite low level of talent, it only encourages them to make no effort and be less talented. So it perpetuates a cycle of mediocrity.
    I will choose an Asian doctor over a black doctor every time. Not because I am racist, but because of affirmative action. I know than an Asian has to work three times harder than a black to become a doctor, so an Asian will likely be a better doctor. This would not happen if affirmative action stopped existing.

    1. I agree..and it started within the Asian family (to use your example). It’s taught from day one what is expected from the parents of that child (two parents in the family unit…which many are trying to destroy today). The child, constantly, has the drive in education (instilled by the parents) to study and do well in school.
      We used to have the best and brightest in these colleges but we don’t any longer. They’ve been taken over by administrators who run the school as a business, first, and who no longer want to preserve a culture (be it white or other). There was no shame at these schools in the past because you did have the best and brightest (they were mostly white for a reason).
      Today, just like feminism in the work place, we are lowering standards to employ women in fields that would be more suitable for men (military, fire, police, etc…) and if you disagree then you’re a sexist (yet, women don’t want to work in construction, mining, oil rigs, etc…).
      What I can see happening is new schools (private schools) will open up with a strict policy (based on grades). It will look similar to these old schools because they will revert back to the old system to admit students (education will become first, again).

  18. Life isn’t fair, but the paradox is that through religion most are taught all are equal. The problem with this subconscious paradox is it associates equality with the current system. The current system has nothing to do with race and everything to do with money. Since equal = not equal in this paradox they are simply acting out their equality issues with ass backwards perceptions of reality. Race is just a distraction taken at face value. It inspires emotional responses and distracts people from the bigger picture. As in are you really earning what your worth and is a society that favors a small minority of fortunate people at the majority’s expense really a society that’s even worth saving? Do you really think people who have no concept of equality are suited to make society more equal? That’s what they’re trying to do and as you have clearly pointed out here its retarded because all they have done is make it worse.
    If I am taught up is up and you are taught up is down and I ask you to build up a really tall building should I be surprised when I come back to a giant underground building?
    Babel fever

  19. Diplomas from IVY college will be as respectable as the Nobel Piss Prize Obama has received ! LOL !

    1. I guess HARVARD isn’t the white standard anymore if colored guys can ace the place! Where will poor “disenfranchised “whites go from here.??!!

      1. I don’t think that it’s the colour of skin that matter, it’s the level of intelligence that matter……….

        1. Well I guess the prez is a statistical anomaly. Colored guys….you know …arent supposed to have the intellectual capabilities to reach THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Its all in the book the Bell Curve. Right??!!

        2. As according to some IQ tests performed years ago, the people who scored most, were the Inuit people, but look were the Inuit people are in the ,humm Food Chain ?? Asian people, e.g. Japanese, Chinese, Indian did have impressive scores.So did “White European” & we know which one have scored the least…….But TRUTH is racist & hate speech….

        3. “..we know which one have scored the least…” YAAWN. Typical , passive-agrgessive, condescending , whiteman comment. IQ testing doesn’t score common sence. White people can’t get enough of THEIR tests and statistics. Helps to maintain,coerce and enforce the biases. For all that effort the colored guy still got in somehow. AND THRIVES!! Must be some black witchcraft or something. MaybeThey put “roots” on the election booths. Must be frustrating. Can you imagine ..the thought….even having to admit that colored guys have intelligence……maybe evenmore than you.GASP!!! Scary thought ,eh? White peoples cognative dissonance doesnt even allow them to admit that the president’s academic abilities and achievements far surpass their own. Im not just talking about the white academic elites, Im also including the GED grad turned Cop, or Home Depot clerk. You know GOOD ALL-AMERICAN common white folk. The Bell curve book sure didn’t prepare you for that.

        4. There’s no common sense left… It’s buried by political correctness & the morons get in with the help of political correctness & of course with the help of the biggest enemy & hater of the White European man. The Amish tribe, which has occupied the command levers in media, academia, entertainment & government !

        5. The Amish! Ive actually never heard that before. Please,Educate me. I’ve always heard anti-Jewish sentiments in that regard. I agree with the political correctness thing. Even hard working non-white folks with high achieving abilities are disgusted with it. Unfortunately , fair, is a place where pigs are judged.

        6. Voltaire said “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
          So those who, you are not allowed to criticise, are the Amish of course.

        7. Damn, I thought they were nice folks who drove horse and buggies and ran green markets. You got any good links? Ive got some research to do.

  20. In the UK to join the police there are a variety of different entry criteria. For many, they’re now introduced a theory course, which is a mickey mouse qualification in order to save them time and money in training new police officers, aside from the fact that this is, in my opinion, going to produce inferior police, there is genuine racism at play here. My sources indicate that non-white students don’t have to pay for this course. When a white student officer was overheard complaining about this being unfair, she was brought before supervision and disciplined for being ‘racist’.
    If the above is true, then by definition treating the white student officer like that is in itself racist. That is a pure example of racism. My mind boggles.

    1. It’s a one way street and it only runs one way, always. You hear talk about equality but it’s only ever a one way street. If you ever discuss going down that equality street the other way then you are met with resistance (sexism, racism, etc…). It’s always that way.

      1. Thankfully, I think the rise of people like Trump, whatever you think of him and his policies, the fact that he is willing to speak out against it, freely and openly and not give a damn how he’s perceived will start to chip away at the current status quo.

  21. This guy is whining about 5% of an incoming class. Which means 95% are 100% deserving right?!! Let say for shits and giggles they take those Freshmen Scholars classes and ….GASP…actually ace them. That might..DOUBLE-GASP…. imply that they actually have a high performance aptitude, but need some academic adjustment. If they can’t hack it, the rigors of coursework will weed them out. I know this from my experience, attending a non-Ivy college. If my class professor wanted to cut the class size down he/she would break our balls with the most challenging coursework for the first 1/3 of the semester to weed out the weak. Surprise.!!! Allot of those “non-intellegent” Affirmative Action types THRIVED in the process. Affirmative Action is not going to help them meet or sustain the ongoing academic requirements for advanced coursework. When they graduate, they’ve EARNED the degree. White people want 100% of everything . thats all they ever complain about. 5%!!??! I guess like in real estate , 5% is the cutoff for allowing “Affirmative Action types” in the neighborhood before the mass white exodus. ROK used to be a place where I would find insightful articles about the state and progress of men’s issues. Its turning into a degenerate hotspot for racist rhetoric. Whining about trivial nonsense. Have you no shame or decency.

  22. That last picture is a picture of Yale students?
    Jesus, what does it say about American education when Ivy League students don’t know proper grammar, syntax, and conjugation?

  23. It’s enjoyable to watch the affirmative action Dindus turn on the very administrators that lowered the bar in order to admit them.

      1. I guess you don’t know what “lowered standards” mean, you stupid ape. They probably account for just about everything you’ve gotten in your sad little life. You’ve probably got a college degree, yet you can’t even write a reasonably punctuated sentence. “Competition”? That’s a laugh. They’re only competitive because the rules are relaxed enough to let these low IQ diversity trophies into these schools. They can’t hack the real world when their white liberal and Jewish masters aren’t there to clear the way for them. Now go sit back at the kids’ table and let the adults talk.

        1. Not Ivy League but I’ve got degrees from a top school. And there was no doubt that I earned my admission. I didn’t need remedial classes when I started. And, I went to school before we started admitting charity negros.
          Don’t need to go to Asia to get pussy.
          Don’t worry, there will be plenty of 400 lb she boons and fat white mudsharks right here for you to mate with. Once again, Toby can only talk about pussy.

  24. How many times did white people build hospitals, roads, civilization for black people in Haati? I wonder if I can get some of their dirt cookies imported to America? Betcha you can make billions selling them in Liberia. Why don’t they offer teaching internships on the street corners of Detroit?

  25. This is a pretty fair assessment of the negative effects of affirmative action and “racial diversity” policies. It’s unfair to the kids who are admitted and aren’t ready for that environment, it’s unfair to the kids who got there because of their abilities, and ultimately it dilutes the culture of excellence at these top tier universities.
    The thing I find with these liberal policies and even liberals in general is that they think issues such as the literacy rates, poverty rates, and lack of emphasis on education in minority communities is something that can simply be change in a few years or even a decade with forced quotas and “diversity programs.”
    What we’re talking about is changing CULTURE. That shit takes a very long time to change. And in the case of a minority community like the black community, there’s so many problems that it might take a hundred years to simply undo the damage that slavery did, and maybe several hundred to foster a culture of academic excellence in the larger black community in the U.S. These things take time but the liberals want it NOW NOW NOW; they want shortcuts and their shortcuts are causing more harm than good while never addressing the real issues at hand.

  26. I’m not too worried. This is something that will kill itself. It can’t be helped as we have provided too high a standard of living to induce rational thinking. Unearned privilege has a way of working with natural selection, even in societies and not just in nature.
    All the Ivy League schools are doing is to kill their own reputations built over decades. MIT actually offered a scholarship to the Muslim “clock boy” for disassembling a simple LED alarm clock and installing it into a briefcase. If THAT is what qualifies as scholarship worthy work, then the schools deserve what they will get over time.

  27. I can’t remember if it was Columbia or Harvard, but the President got raked over the coals for suggesting that women are not at the top tier for a reason.
    In general, they are just coddling minorities for political correctness. I am a staunch conservative and my idol is a black man (Thomas Sowell) who largely agrees with me.

  28. It gets worse. It appears that in countries like the UK and Australia that White male achievment is rapidly declining. I blame a hostile environment in which young males are implicitly shamed and even mocked while girls and minorities are endlessly lauded, promoted and encouraged. Somehow the young men still seem to hang in there in income, possibly the latter maturation of the male brain, which is superior at systemising. Read the comments section of this article, a good barometer of the nastiness of the SJW types.
    Link here

  29. White people have had their own affirmative action for over 400 years. It’s called nepotism and quid pro quo.

    1. It makes their world go round. Amen!!
      P.S and don’t forget statistics…they just ADORE statistics. Especially when it makes them look good. ( The negative stats don’t see the light of day)

  30. It is evident that ‘Affirmative Action’ is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on Black students. They are put in a place where they cannot do well. There was a time they could and did goto to their own schools – the so called HBCs – and there they could prosper. I submit that it is not the under equipped black students who benefit from their own failures. Rather, our elites are seeking to continually grow the size of our lumpenproletariat – an entitey that before the 1970ws simply did not exist in the US. This is what should trouble us more than any thing else.

  31. this shit is why I have seen white boys get fucked up .you think everybody got some kind of break then want to come at folks like they are stupid..

    1. Someone lets them in order to keep up appearances, you dumb fuck. Didn’t you read the article? They need remedial classes in fucking college! That means they’re not supposed to be there in the first place.

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