An Old Schoolteacher’s Reflections On The Failure Of Modern Education

Several weeks ago I went home to visit my parents for a wedding – my cousin was getting married. Despite the lingering thoughts about how the couple would probably get divorced, and about how marriage is a horrible deal for a man, I still genuinely hoped that it would work out for them.

As the procession ended, my family and I funneled out through the narrow front doors of the church, and I was surprised to see my Kindergarten teacher standing there. “Jon!” she exclaimed.

I was always impressed at how she could remember every one of her students’ names, despite the number of years that had passed. She seemed like one of the few teachers who actually got into teaching for the sake of helping young children grow into responsible young adults.

Mrs. Clark, my Kindergarten teacher, stood at about 5’3” – she was a little old lady with blondish-greying hair, and she was dressed in attire that a woman should be dressed in (a dress that went down to her ankles, a nice sweater, a scarf, and some other female accessories). Despite how many might feel about running into an old teacher, I was actually glad – I remembered many of the lessons that she had taught me, and how they were applicable to real life.

After chatting with her for a while, I found out that she was still a Kindergarten teacher. I asked her how long she’d been teaching for, and she said almost 50 years, now. Curious as to what I could learn from her, I asked if she’d noticed any changes in the educational system over the last five decades (since 1965).

Immediately, her normally joyful, rosy-cheeked expression transformed into a grimace.

“It’s changed a lot, Jon – and not for the better. Things that used to be common sense are being thrown out the window,” she said. “It’s becoming more and more bureaucratic – we have to please the parents to a much greater extent than we ever had to when I first started teaching. It’s become more about politics than it has about actual teaching.”

We chatted for quite a while, and as she began to drop more and more gems of wisdom on me, I decided that it would be a good idea to ask her if I could record our conversation. I told her that more people needed to know the truth, and that I was a blogger who could give it to them. After asking me what in the hell a “blogger” was, she consented.

After a long discussion about the current state of the American educational system, I went home and sifted through my recordings. I have compiled here a list of the three core points which Mrs. Clark Made.

Masculinity is being weeded out of children at an alarming rate

“I don’t want to hear this feminist bullshit.”

As most ROK readers know, schools are now essentially nothing more than brainwashing, “grooming” grounds which exist to churn out droves of good little beta male citizens. From a young age, any time that a boy tries to express his masculinity, he is viciously reprimanded and made to feel guilty about his natural biological tendencies. Meanwhile, little girls are eagerly rewarded for every single thing that they do, thus inflating their already bloated egos.

I can’t even let boys roughhouse anymore, because it could mean a lawsuit for the school. I used to let the boys play with toy swords and shields, too. They would make up their own games and fight with each other – I thought it was good for them. It taught them to have courage, it exercised their creativity, it showed them the value of teamwork, and it gave them an outlet. All of that went away in the mid 90’s, Jon.

As most of us are aware, this is how it all started. At first, the liberals pressured schools to stop letting boys rough play, under the guise that it was dangerous and violent. The public ate it up. However, not satisfied with simply depriving young boys of their right to roughhouse, an activity that is crucial for a young boy’s development, they moved on to attack anything that was even remotely perceivable as being masculine.

As if it isn’t enough that they can’t roughhouse anymore, our principal banned toy soldiers from the school! They aren’t allowed to make the gun symbol with their fingers, they can’t read anything about soldiers, knights, or warriors…they can’t even say anything even slightly perceivable as being offensive.

The other day one of my boys got a detention, because he said he wanted to be a firefighter when he grew up. The VP [vice principal] was attending a special little presentation that our classroom had put on; each of the kids drew a picture of what they wanted to be when they grew up, and said a few words about why they chose that profession. One of my boys said that he wanted to be a firefighter, because that’s what his daddy does, and it’s a job for men. He said that he wanted to be a man like his daddy, and that being a firefighter would make him a stronger, braver man.

Uh oh. Brace yourself for the shit storm, kid.

“The VP became furious and told him that he had just earned himself a detention for being sexist. The kid just started to cry; he was so confused. It was heartbreaking,” said Mrs. Clark.

This level of hyper-speech control really struck a chord with me—I felt bad for the kid, because I could relate. I had a similar “speech-control” incident when I was in 7th grade. I was playing with a basketball during recess. The class bully came up, took it from me, kicked it as far as he could, and ran. I yelled after him: “You’re dead meat!”

Immediately following recess, I was brought into the Vice Principal’s office and questioned about a death threat. They told me that I had threatened to kill another student, and that they took matters like this very seriously.

I was completely dumb-founded; I never actually threatened to kill him, it’s just a figure of speech. Apparently they were too stupid to understand this, so I told them that I didn’t really mean it. They let me off with a warning, but told me that if I ever said anything like that again, I would probably be expelled.

Egalitarianism has infected our schools

George Orwell was startlingly accurate

Egalitarianism, as defined by the pussified, Orwellian newspeak-promoting Merriam Webster, means: “a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs.”

The ACTUAL, more realistic definition of egalitarianism, is something like: “The belief that all human beings should be treated equally, regardless of any differences, and that their beliefs should also be treated equally, regardless of their validity.” If you can’t see why this is clearly a bad thing, let’s allow Mrs. Clark to elaborate.

I used to teach my kids to color in the lines, because that’s the way it should be done. I taught them how to hold a pencil, and the proper way to write letters and numbers with it. I taught the girls how to sit when wearing a skirt, so that they didn’t expose themselves. I taught the boys to be gentle with the girls, because they were stronger, and it was their responsibility to protect them.

Now I’d probably get fired for teaching these things. We’ve abandoned teaching cursive, because nobody writes anymore, and I’m not allowed to correct kids either, because that means that their way of doing things isn’t good. The other day, I got in trouble for teaching a young boy to color in the lines; for teaching him to color in the lines! Nowadays, I can’t even say that ‘This is the right way to do it,’ because I’m supposed to value everyone’s opinions equally, no matter how wrong they are.

A decade ago I got in trouble for teaching a young boy how to use a folder. He had been stuffing worksheets into his backpack, leaving them all crumpled up and disorganized, so I bought him a little two pocket Spiderman folder and showed him how to use it.

The next day, his parents chewed me out. I told them that he was disorganized and lost everything. They told me that their son had ADHD, and that ‘His medical disorder causes him to do things differently sometimes. You’re being insensitive to his disability, and it’s barbaric; he has his own way of doing things, and it has its advantages and its disadvantages, and you need to accept that.’

Mrs. Clark was astonished at their grossly offensive idiocy and irresponsible parenting:

They were using his ADHD as an excuse to let him stay disorganized and cluttered. I couldn’t say anything though, because they were threatening to sue the school. Even though the kid would have been much better off organized, I was forced to tolerate his complete lack of organization, because ‘It’s just his way of doing things.’ Give me a break.

Still think that egalitarianism is a good thing?

We aren’t preparing kids for the real world

Most children grow up thinking this is what it’s like

I remember my class with Mrs. Clark – vaguely of course, but there’s definitely some things that stick out in my mind. Perhaps the clearest thing which I recall, is being bullied by a kid named Robbie. Every day, for no apparent reason, he would push me down onto the ground. I would get upset, run away, and then resume playing.

Mrs. Clark saw this several times, but didn’t intervene. She pulled me aside one day, and asked: “Why don’t you ever push him back?” My world was shattered. It had never even occurred to me that I could stand up for myself, thanks to years of Barney brainwashing and maternal coddling.

So, the next day, I pushed him back. He seemed shocked that I was standing up for myself. Mrs. Clark was watching; she came over and told Robbie that “If you push somebody, they might just push you back.” After that, Robbie never bothered me again.

This was probably one of the most valuable lessons that I’ve ever learned. It taught me to be brave, even when you’re scared. It taught me to stand up for myself. It taught me that sometimes a man has to solve his own problems.

Nowadays, this would probably be deemed as child abuse, according to Mrs. Clark:

If two boys in my class ever got in a fight nowadays, I would probably be fired. I’m supposed to helicopter parent them every second of every day, and it’s not preparing them for the real world. Kids can’t even stand up for themselves anymore – I remember two kids that got in a fight, I think about 8 years ago, maybe 9; Colby and Patrick.

One day, Colby decided it would be a good idea to slap Patrick in the face. Patrick told him to stop, but Colby just slapped him again. I was watching the whole thing, and didn’t get involved. I used to let kids work things out for themselves – it prepares them for the real world. Colby then picked up a handful of mulch and smeared it all over Patrick’s shirt…Patrick got really mad. He swung a mean right hook and knocked Colby onto the ground – he started crying and throwing a temper tantrum.

I pulled them aside and explained to Colby that if he’s going to provoke another student, he might just get what he’s asking for. I told Patrick that he did the right thing, and that he should always stand up for himself.

Within the next week, I was told by the principal that Colby’s parents were filing a class action lawsuit against the school, and had already reported Patrick’s…’assault,’ to the police. The principal told me that Patrick was being suspended for his actions.

“I couldn’t believe it!” exclaimed Mrs. Clark. “The little shit, pardon my language, had been harassing and humiliating Patrick, and when Patrick stands up for himself he gets in trouble? I tried to stand up for him, but the principal threatened to fire me. I almost lost my job that day, Jon, and it’s never been the same since.”

In Summary

The American educational system has deteriorated into a colossal lump of shit. 14 years of education, from preschool to graduating high school, and what are our children taught? Boys are taught to suppress their masculinity, and instilled with a deep-seeded victim complex. Girls are taught that they’re God’s gift to this earth, and that they deserve to be treated like princesses, regardless of their actions.

Both boys and girls are fed lie after lie, until they have no choice but to accept the false reality being forced upon them.

School doesn’t teach our children basic financial responsibility, how to socialize, how to change a tire, or any other basic life skills. What it does teach them, however, is that men are evil, women are goddesses, and that the world is a soft and cushy place that will cater to their needs.

So, if you have a kid, it’s best that you don’t raise him in America. If you don’t have a choice, send him to a private school, but do your research first, because some of them have been infected (Mrs. Clark taught at a Catholic school). If you can’t afford to give your kid a private education or to move out of the country, try to move to a more conservative area, where the schools haven’t been completely overrun by liberals.

At the very least, you should be teaching your child the truth from a young age, so that by the time that the school system tries to bullshit him, he’ll have a weak, but functioning, bullshit detector. Some other writers have already discussed how to instill your son with neomasculine values, such as here and here.

If you don’t have a son, then do your best to pass on red pill knowledge to young boys. Whenever I get together with my family for Thanksgiving or other holidays, I always play football with the young boys, and impart masculine wisdom onto them. One of my nephews, who I’ve been subtly implanting with red pill truths over the years, is now a total player in 8th grade; he has girls chasing after him, but prefers to go deer hunting with his buddies.

We need more young boys like this in the world, and you, my friends, have the power to create them. We must combat the school system ourselves, because nobody else will. We have a responsibility to pass down our wisdom to the younger generation, so that we may have a hope of one day reclaiming the patriarchy of our ancestors.

Read More: This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy

257 thoughts on “An Old Schoolteacher’s Reflections On The Failure Of Modern Education”

  1. That VC has almost certainly harmed that young boy. He will be confused about his profession, and has been shamed and punished for taking pride in his father, and his father’s masculinity. It’s also highly likely that the reaction and the punishment, regardless of the ‘sexism’ issue – and since when do we police children’s minds like this – is professional misconduct not to mention vindictive. Firefighter dad needs to go round to that school and sort VP out
    Good article. Female teachers today tend to be the problem not the solution, but there is such a thing as old school. I remember a few you would never mess with and were deserving of respect, then they all disappeared suddenly. The irony is the old school ma’ams could be hard, but they weren’t feminist. The younger feminist teachers who replaced them would be obsessed with their authority and invariably had none

    1. Those old school teachers are driven into retirement by either administration following or feminist teachers back stabbing. There going to be massive backlash sooner or later from parents when they finally seen that kids can’t survive in the real world.

      1. This is not a joke or made up shit…. Some HR departments right now are accommodating interviews where the candidate parents can be present.

    2. I bet none of the girls would be reprimanded if they said they wanted to grow up to become strong, independent women like their mothers.

      1. None of the girls would be reprimanded if they said they wanted to grow up to be masculine either. Masculinity and masculine role-models is only forbidden for boys.

        1. Because masculinity will always overpower femininity and how would the feminist agenda progress if women fall in love with masculine men and not used cumbags with a deep hatred of anyone happy. You can have equality between the sexes but biology will take it’s course. The balance the feminist are trying to tip in their favour will be reset by nature in no time.

        2. I assume all women are lying. Never has failed me, they are shocked that someone would fight back so it is actually really easy. They are not actually good at deceit, men today are just as naive as it gets.

        3. I guess it depends on your mental fortitude. If you are in peace with yourself, you just deflect that shit. If you are in lots of cognitive dissonance, though, you become easily manipulable.

        4. I’ve noticed that too. The people I find easily manipulated really hate themselves for no reason.

    3. It’s a school teacher seeing a good bit of misandry going on in the school system and being hemmed in by the need to make a living and retaining her years in service for retirement. And I hear a good deal of actually caring about the development of the boys in her classrooms; something you won’t see much of these days. She’s been effectively made neutral to include simple things like teaching children how to get along in groups.
      And good luck finding any school with a male teacher that you actually describe as being a “man’s man”.

      1. I had a mangina faggot for an english teacher who would show us Morgan Spurlock videos on how ‘everything was unfair’ and proceed to get angry with me and mock my family if I disagreed with the videos.
        He didn’t teach much English at all.

        1. I am sorry you went through that. I hope the mocking from a mangina was not too deleterious to your ego. I do understand. Back in the mid-80’s I took a psychology 101 course. It was taught by a woman with a PhD who used the text she wrote. She also was the stereotype of what people call “butch lesbian”: short spiky hair, flannel shirts and angry at everything male.
          She assigned a paper as such: “For the females describe what it is to be a female in today’s society, for the males define it for males.” I did the paper which was returned with an “F” and questions such as: “Can’t a woman be this? Can’t a woman be that?” My response was: “Ask clearer questions as that is not what you asked of me.” This went to the dean of the department and as far as I know she hasn’t taught another class at that school.
          The world would be a lovely place if it weren’t for all the people.

        2. That wasn’t even the worst. My third grade teacher banned me from ever having recess, and the principal of that school would let me skip class and give me candy if I said the world would be a better place with more gay people. She was obviously a manjawed lesbian.

        3. You are right, there were fewer people who drank the kool-ade. My point was more about how long ago this sort of sh1t began. I can handle being vilified even today, as the system being set up by feminists is not self sustaining; they just don’t know they need us.

      1. almost certainly, but there are some real crusading PC male teachers. PC principal from South Park is based on real life

        1. I’ve been watching the last few episodes but as a non-American imagined that PC-Principal was an Orwell style prophesy of the future but after reading this… Liberalism is a juggernaut just wonder what will cause the tides to truly turn is scary where this will all lead

        2. same here – I wouldn’t have thought america was that bad yet, but that Canada was probably even worse. Yeah, damn scary

        3. The horror stories I could tell you about principals in NYC…here is one of the worst:
          An unqualified woman (apparently we have some sort of program where we train people who DONT HAVE TEACHING DEGREES for administrative positions, how demoralizing must that be for the rank- and- file teachers) misappropriated funds to build herself a personal gym inside the school. This is in a poorer neighborhood and should would always show up to school in a full- length mink coat (maybe it was made of the pelts of poor boys and girls, I dont remember)- how would you feel as a student or a parent with a principal like that? To me its like she is saying “I am WAAAAAYYYY better than you people are”. That’s “Principal of the Year” material here.
          Last I checked, she was removed from the position, but still drawing a salary, something like $130,000 a year pending an investigation….

        4. Mink coat. That’s classy. She should wear a tiara as well maybe.
          In the Uk they do that sort of thing with hospitals as well. Its the idea that knowing next to nothing about the service you are running makes you better able to run that service. In uk you have superheads, who are hybrid teachers / management but they have to be qualified I think. Only teaching assistants don’t have to have a teaching certificate as far as I’m aware. Oh, and Jimmy Saville

    4. I was stunned to read of that situation with the young boy wanting to be a fireman. I have to wonder if its true its so comical. That school should be named & shamed if it is. If I was that kid’s father I would be furious and be there giving that VP a mouthful of my opinion and demand the detention be withdrawn. Not only was that scenario ridiculous but I would be doubly angry if the kid had not been taught the nature of sexism and what constituted it.
      It doesn’t help that there are less men entering the teaching profession these days then ever before. Possibly more women at the administration & federal bureaucratic level as well. These days there are also more assertive & litigious mothers now with agendas and helicopter parenting behavior that complain that I’m sure influence some of these schools policies. Having young boys doing scrapbooking is going to result in less chance of getting sued than if they were rough housing.

      1. I’ve considered the teaching profession myself, and even worked as a TA for a few months….. It is hostile to men. Support roles are paid a poxy salary pro rata so you cannot survive as a single adult male on it, let alone raise a family. Actual teaching appears to be hamstrung by the political correctness brigade…….
        I would go back as a TA, but only if I had another source of income so that I would feel free to argue my corner, without having my income threatened.

      2. “I have to wonder if its true its so comical. That school should be
        named & shamed if it is. If I was that kid’s father I would be
        furious and be there giving that VP a mouthful of my opinion and demand the detention be withdrawn.”
        If the firefighter father tried that, then the father would be fired for sexism, that’s goes triple if the firefighter dad was white. In fact the firefighter dad would be the one “named & shamed” all over the internet and would be made unemployable.

    5. most women teachers are mental children themselves – sort of stuck in that teen girl mode where “Education is so inspirational!” or “I’m making a difference!”
      their own immaturity may very well be the reason they’re attracted to the profession in the first place

      1. I think that’s often true. My sister’s a teacher but came to the profession after re-training from a career in marketing so she avoided that trap. The ones who think they’re ‘making a difference’ are often the indoctrinators

        1. My sister left her corporate job and became a teacher. Had to do a year to get eductional cert and was the oldest in the class. Been doing it for serveral years now and told me the rank and file teachers are young women who are dumb as bricks. They are all leftists who do not know what makes their cars move or where money comes from. The students are in 2 groups. Kids who seem to have their act together and a shot of making of themselves and the other group– future wards of the state.

        2. yeah, I think that’s what most mature professionals entering teaching in their thirties are going to experience. Twenty something women aren’t going to make competent teachers by and large

        3. It is easy to spot those teachers who have work/ life experiences and those who never left the academic institutions (HS-college-teaching). The latter always seem intimidated of the former (as they should be). Best displayed when you see the female teachers bad mouth the fit, former Marine gym teacher/ football coach and then they pant like dogs when he walks by.

        4. As an educator myself, I believe my experience in sales helped me immensely.
          What the idealist types don’t get is that teaching is a performance. You have to sell ideas/books etc to kids who really don’t give a damn most of the time. Teaching is also about discipline, which has unfortunately gone by the wayside.
          I’m not suggesting that we recruit our future teachers from marketing and sales departments, but there is definitely something to be said for pursuing older candidates with real world experience.
          I remember during my teaching rounds getting criticised by a middle aged indoctrinator about why I didn’t stress the role of government in society more. i.e she was a socialist who believes in unlimited welfare and the constant expansion of the state. I told her that my job as an educator was to present the arguments, not to give my opinion or push an agenda, and I was far more pro-government back then than I am now.
          I don’t mind sharing my opinions with students, but only if they ask, and even then I often just tell them that my opinion isn’t relevant to the discussion.
          The only agenda I have in classrooms is ensuring that lower status students are comfortable with voicing their opinions and participating in class discussions. So in that sense I’m rather ‘egalitarian’, but it’s not at the expense of the class as a whole.

        5. That’s a good way of seeing it, and true for the most part I think. The first task, the sine qua non of teaching, is to engage the child and it is a given that for most children, at least these days, that’s going to be a challenge if not necessarily an uphill struggle. To make an impact as a teacher you have to at least make the lesson interesting and engaging, and the entertainers amongst faculty, though not necessarily the best teachers, are always going to have an advantage there. A passion for the subject plus the kind of flair for presentation and engaging with pupils you get from some kind of sales / marketing background is probably the ideal, but there is one other crucial factor that a lot of teachers these days get wrong, particularly of course the SJWs / progressives, and that is the capacity to teach children how to think, critical thinking skills, without which teaching simply becomes some kind of evangelism of facts and values. Unfortunately the SJWs are most of the time peddling barely concealed marxist dogma which is medicines which has to be swallowed whole rather than chewed and if necessary spat out. Boys in particular are being failed because doubly: firstly because they are having evil and damaging ideas shoved down their throats, and secondly because they are being denied the opportunity to critically examine those ideas.
          I agree about getting rid of agendas from the class pill though. Its not the teachers role to evangelise or indoctrinate in any direction, but to teach curricula while bringing out those critical skills, which is ultimately the most likely positive thing to be taken from the lesson after exams etc are over

      2. I know of so many examples where teachers have gone from being at school, going to university, then going into teaching, with perhaps a year’s travelling (riding the cock carousel) as a way of ‘finding themselves’. What real life wisdom do they have that they can impart on kids????
        My children’s parents evenings will be ‘interesting’ to say the least.

    6. This kind of stuff brings to mind that movie by Stallone Demolition Man. In this movie, Stallone finds himself in a utopian future where violence has been abolished and everyone is nice. As you can imagine, its a nightmare.
      I’m pretty sure that even Stallone didn’t imagine that people would actually try to create such a society and the cruelty involved in the attempt.

      1. That was a great movie and very prescient. Someone needs to break Wesley snipes out of prison and set him on the SJWs

        1. saw the first one. Don’t remember him. Maybe he was in the sequel which I haven’t seen.

    7. We should teach boys that, even in cases like that, they should stand up for themselves. Whatever the price!

      1. Yes, but ‘ quietly’ so they don’t end up excluded from school or diagnosed with a conduct disorder. We need to focus upon this as a form of abuse in its own right ie legal v to challenges to a vp acting in this way

        1. We should teach boys to play the system. To say sorry, to cry… like girls.
          Punch back, then, say you’re sorry. We should teach them to master hypocrisy.
          The idiots will like it. ANd if the boys is excluded, then, he is excluded. That’s not even dramatic.

        2. I might tell you something. 3 years ago, I worked with that chick, a master at manipulation. An actual life Cleopatra or Frank Underwood.
          I knew she was lying, but I could not tell why and how. I was looking for a book on selling, -which was our profesional field- and I spotted, next to it, 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene.
          And then, I understood it all. She appeared strong AND weak, to have responsibilities, but to have powerful people come to her rescue.
          1* She asked me to help her change the ink load in the copy… only to report it later to the hierarchy… hierarchy of TWO female chiefs. (MY GOD!) The female was convinced for one reason that I broke the copy machine, while, it was impossible.
          I understood that it was my colleague playing dumb, and tricking me. She pretended being helpless, then, reported it to the hierachy.
          (1st de la Fontaine poem that explained it to me: L’aigle, la laie, et la chatte… -look for translation- and 2nd – making others pull hot stoves out of fire for you, so, they’ll have burn “monkey hands” and you take the reward while they get the blame)
          2* She pretended she had a son, but, now you speak about it, I never saw any picture of him. Anyway, one day, she pretended that she had an appointment with daycare to put her son there, so, she would come late in the morning…
          She did not even show up until the noon break, after lunch.
          3*Tis very same chick once came to job Wednesday instead of Monday… with a black eye. You knew it was a punch in the face… she only confessed it the day after…but she had no expression of shame (you know, like real victims of DV. I saw no sign of shame because I’m a “Lie To Me addict.” I was certain she was hiding stuffs, but I needed proofs AND understanding her reasons, which I finally did)
          She pretended that her boyfriend punched her… and I’m pretty sure he did. What I’m 100% sure about, is that SHE provocated him.
          Explanations: she wanted to work with me on the ” file we had to give back” but I wanted to work solo on it. She pretended “point blank” to me that she was “horny” but I just ignored it, saying that “if I knew anyone, I would match him with her”
          When she understood that she was losing power over me, even in manipulating ways, she started interrupting me while I was doing my job, showing me pictures of her or her friends during holidays… some in bikinis…
          I was getting mad, but I did not want to swear at her or curse her, in front of my female chiefs, but she was becoming more and more annoying.
          One day, she starting calling for showing me stupid pictures on her computer, but I ignored her. She insisted, but I was still ignoring her, typing on my keyboard. You know what she did? She pushed my hands of my keyboard!
          I wanted SO HARD to punch her in the face, but I know how it works. So, I just moved my computer to another empty office, and I closed the door.
          Of course, all those events happened BEFORE I read this book. If we were today, I would have played a much better “bite-back game” like taping her when she was badmouthing the hierarchy, kept her mails, etc, but I’m way more aware today…
          And I know that you just have to play by the rules if you wanna win. If the rules are unfair, just cheat, just backstab, just play with people in powerful positions. Make them believe -like Cleopatra- that their decisions to kill your relatives is theirs.
          (Cleopatra brothers and sisters already attempted one coup d’état once, and she knew that her powerful lover, king of Egypt would kill them if they attacked him again. So, Cleopatra just asked for mercy for them, and to have them released from jail, once.
          As people’s behavior are predictable, they attacked again, and were killed this time… and she was sure she would not have to deal with thme, nor have to murder them herself. That’s how Machiavelous people fool and use to their advantages people more powerful than them…)

        3. unfortunatley, that may be necessary. There an be a cost to losing one’s integrity though

        4. Yes, there is one. You become their master, tough. People who judge on feeling rather than on what’s right are dangerous.
          They’d kill a man because a woman said “he raped me”, even in absence of any proof.
          I used to play by the book, play by the rules. Be an obedient christian and lil boy… but that did not pay. I did not become a thief, or I’m not going to look for hurting people… but I definitely know that being innocent is not enough to avoid jail.
          You need a good lawyer. And that’s the same thing I want to teach those young boys.
          Like game, or like a weapon, it doesn’t change the person you are, it just allows you to obtain what you want.
          And what that lil boy wanted was to be left the fuck alone. Next time, lil bully will think of someone else.

        5. That’s all sound. You have to be prepared to fight your corner, and the first rule here should be to ensure you are prepared not to play by anybody’s else’s rules but your own. Having said that you still have to satisfy yourself that you’re satisfied with those rules, and can maintain a sense of your own integrity

        6. I don’t care anymore. I used to play by the rules, be a boy scout, and to be beaten. I don’t care about the rules. I care about a “moral code.”
          If someone is a threat to you, you should have the right to deal with the threat. If someone takes your right away from you, then, it’s up to you to have it back.
          Rosa Parks did not ask for her right back. She KEPT it. That’s different. Not to be beaten is my right. How I obtain it doesn’t matter anymore to me.

        7. absolutely, but I’m not saying play by the rules, but abide by your own rules. As you say a moral code. What goes into that is up to each man, but some things work better than others

        8. you give her too much credit…sounds like a common case of “crazy bitch”, also known as ” mid-20s and single” syndrome.

        9. I don’t. I was so frustrated that she was seen as perfect employee, why she was a bitch, a liar. I had never been as frustrated as this in YEARS.
          She definitely gave me the idea to look deeper… to understand fuckers like her!

    8. Or, he has learned a good lesson about bureaucratic assholes. In the future hopefully he will be able to spot this type of douche bag from a distance. Good training because if he does become a firefighter, he’ll be working for similar government douches.

  2. My mother was an elementary teacher for 35 years. Much of the same when I talk with her about it. This stuff began in the 70’s and has only picked up steam.

  3. This makes me furious as well and reminds me of two incidents of my own:
    In 8th grade or so, my dick was itching, so I put my hand down there to scratch a little. The fat female whale teacher saw it and said ‘Stop it, Tom.’ I asked ‘Stop what?’ She looked at me with that shaming gaze and said ‘You know what.’ A week later, I was ordered into the principal’s office and there was also that asshole pedagogue from the boarding home I was living at. I came in and they asked me whether I had washed my hands. This woman had written a letter accusing me of sexual assault. I was like 15 years old, for fucks sake, and she was an ugly duckling. I had to apologize to her. Today, I realize that – had I had some balls- I would have fucking ravaged the principal’s office for this insult.
    Another thing that happened was that I used to create maps for Unreal Tournament – a multiplayer first-person shooter. I created maps of the boarding home I was living at, because it was fun. I also started creating a map of the school, because it was fun. I also programmed a little text-based role-playing game about the boarding home I was living at, with quests like ‘Go to your therapy session and give the right answers’. One day, they once more brought me to a tribunal and said I had created a computer game in which the goal is to run around in the school building and shoot teachers.
    Seriously, I feel deeply ashamed of how I just took all of this without protesting. It bothers me like hell. I wish I would not have been such a troubled young man. I wish I had stood up to them and told them to go fuck themselves, told them that I do not give a shit about their stupid school. Told them to kick me out if they want to. I feel humiliated and sometimes think about meeting up with those assholes and beating them up for that shit.

    1. Had a similar problem growing up in schools myself. I was always told not to take crap from anyone and never did which in turn made me a regular for the principle’s office. In school suspension, detention, you name it. Fun part was when they threatened to tell my father at one point.
      Me: “If he started it, why am I in trouble and not him?”
      Teacher: “You hit him. Violence doesn’t solve anything!”
      Me: “It ends war and cops are violent when they stop killer crooks aren’t they?”
      Teacher: “I’m going to have to call your father!”
      Me: “Go ahead, he’ll tell you what I just said.”

      1. Damn, I envy you.
        When I got reprimands and brought them home to my mother, she became ice cold to me and shamed me and even beat me – when I was still small enough for her to do that.
        And your argument about cops is straight to the point. They monopolize violence and use it all the time to bully you into their moronic laws, but if you use it for your own purpose, it is evil and you are a criminal.

        1. Yep. Having an enlisted lifer for a father who grew up in a neighborhood similar to the one in the film “A Brooklyn Tale” helped a bunch. Of course my mother never liked that I was viewed as a miscreant at school, but she also didn’t believe everything the teachers told her.
          I’ll respect police to a point myself, but their monopoly on legal violence went way too far the moment it was enacted. Let men finish their business and move on.

        2. Can’t blame ya, disenfranchisement is a biatch to cope with. Travel the world and make some new friends perhaps.

        3. I simply did not know the word. Googled it. It says:

          Disfranchisement (also called disenfranchisement) is the revocation of the right of suffrage (the right to vote) of a person or group of people, or through practices, prevention of a person exercising the right to vote.

        4. Google Disenfranchised Children
          “Disenfranchised grief” is when your heart is grieving but you can’t talk about or share your pain with others because it is considered unacceptable to others.

        5. You may also be disillusioned.
          And not to be alliterate here but you could eventually become depressed from peeking behind the curtain too long, if you aren’t already. So, a possible combination of all three: Disenfranchised, disillusioned, and depressed.
          You need to deliberate on how best to find some balance, especially since a lot of the standard-bearers people look to in general have failed you (been reading your blog a bit): school, religion, family, the authorities, etc.
          It’ll eat away at you until there’s nothing worthwhile left, don’t allow it.

        6. I meditated. Christians basically say I must go to hell if I develop healing powers. Their fearmongery disgusts me, so I figured – alright, guys, fuck it. As for patriarchy, I never really liked it. I had some resonance with it in the sense that I had experienced being beaten into obeying the ‘right’ mindsets. I hoped that a father would have been there to beat me into a right manly mindset. But then I came to the conclusion that ‘right’ is merely a slave doctrine. Everybody who beats me into something and says ‘it is for your own good’ is a hypocrite. That is not to say that I reject masculinity – but I let no one dictate what it means to me.

        7. No, my friend. I have been very depressed. I have been very depressed all my life without knowing it. That which you call worthwhile is not happiness – it is the illusion that you are not depressed. The more I realize how totally and completely depressed I am, the more catharsis I find. The more I accept how deep I have sunk, the more I stop giving a shit. What I am experiencing these days is absolute peace in my mind, oneness with myself and freedom.
          The ‘do not give up’ thing is a slave doctrine. There is nothing to give up. There is only the readiness to stop fooling oneself. And guess what. The only people who profit from your illusions are those who sell them to you. The only people who profit from you not wanting to be depressed (as you actually are) are those who sell you products to distract you from that depression.
          A depression has a cause. Lots of internal conflict. ‘Not giving up’ means to ignore that conflict and never find out what it is about. Never find out what really troubles you. Never find out what you really want and who you really are.
          Depression is not pathological. It is healing. I recommend reading about the five stages of grief.

        8. This. Went through this myself about a decade ago and had to do a lot of self reflection. Personally, I found joy after returning to school post military and hitting the gym. It’s all about finding a balance and learning new things everyday.

        9. “I meditated. Christians basically say I must go to hell if I develop healing powers. Their fearmongery disgusts me, so I figured – alright, guys, fuck it. ”
          You won’t spend eternity in the Lake of Fire for “developing healing powers,” you’ll spend it there because you wanted power for its own sake without strings attached, instead of the “slave doctrine” of a “hypocrite” God.

          “But then I came to the conclusion that ‘right’ is merely a slave doctrine. Everybody who beats me into something and says ‘it is for your own good’ is a hypocrite. That is not to say that I reject masculinity – but I let no one dictate what it means to me.”
          Then it is your right to die in your sins and experience God as a consuming eternal fire.
          “The more I realize how totally and completely depressed I am, the more catharsis I find. The more I accept how deep I have sunk, the more I stop giving a shit. What I am experiencing these days is absolute peace in my mind, oneness with myself and freedom.”
          Roam with me,
          come down to where all of the others fell,
          get lost in the dark to find yourself.

      2. This is the problem now- instead of “dont take crap from anyone” its “take crap- from everyone.”

      3. I recall being taken aside by the Dean of English in grade 12 and he asked me if I had a problem with figures of authority. Of course the unspoken answer was “no, I have a problem with fucking dickheads”. The irony is that I returned to that school about a decade later, in dress uniform as a master corporal who was a unit recruiting NCO. Figure of authority, in deed.
        I remember in grade 7 the PE teacher was the size of Tom Cruise and when he laid into one of the bigger kids the latter said “don’t push me, short man!” or something similar. Fucking classic.

      4. Violence never solves anything?
        I wonder how liberated slaves woulda felt about that idea

    2. My friends and I hacked the high school computer system and didn’t say a word. Got 2 weeks vacation… I mean suspension. Don’t be a faggot.

      1. Haha, nice. Yeah, it drives them mad that little kids are better with those computers than they are, with all their instruction and official courses.
        What do you mean by ‘Don’t be a faggot’?

        1. Calling another man a faggot is, in it most common use, a phrase used to shame submissiveness. This injection of the aforementioned American colloquial phrase was a statement. Men should never be afraid of someone who has power over them on paper: power is taken, not given. Ending stories with an abrasive and surprising sentence is a public speaking technique used in English for its intense effect upon the listener.

        2. Hell yeah man. English can be confusing… which makes sense as the language is the love-child of German and Latin.

        1. I haven’t played since 2006 or so . We would have LAN matches in highschool and play that .

        2. Yeah, me too. I always looked forward to gaming the whole night. After 6 hours, I usually grew tired and sick of all the fast food and began feeling sorry for myself for having to clean up the mess and transport the computer back home.

    3. We all have regrets of not sticking up for our beliefs from time to time. You have to let go of that regret and keep the lesson learned, which I think you have done with the latter.

  4. I wonder about this ‘coloring the lines’ thing. I am really a great proponent of individuality. Then again, I see how learning to color the lines is a good task for coordinatin and all that. How organization can be useful.
    Bit of a conflict in my head. Any ideas?

    1. Depends; are you using a coloring book or drawing your own thing? Are you doing mathematics or fiction? Some things have rules and others do not.

      1. But these rules have been invented. There is no point teaching rules to a mind that does not understand the intent behind the rules.
        My point is not that mathematics as we know it has no rules. But mathematics is a theoretical construct we invented for certain purposes. And our Western mathematics are not the only way to calculate, either. To have an honest intellectual exploration, one must start at the purpose: What do I want to achieve? Do I want to calculate sheep or whatever?
        But what if a kid has no interest in calculating sheep? Is it because the kid is denying reality or is it because that particular kid is genetically destined to be an artist instead?
        If you stop enforcing those rules, will all kids stop following them? Will there be no more mathematicians and physicists? Or will that merely weed out those with no particular interest in the matter anyway?

        1. You are speaking of curriculum now instead of rules when you speak of math versus art. Children are not well suited to determine what they should learn to succeed in society; that is part of the problem spoken of in the article and the purpose of systematic education.
          If a kid has no interest in math it will show up in their grades (which is your weeding out process), but even an artist would be well served to be able to count whatever money he makes. But picking on a boy for being a boy only demoralizes him and stunts his interest in ANY subject.
          When I took fifteen hours of calculus, the first ten were involving the theory and it was boring as sin. The last five hours were in the application and use of that theory. I learned it was worthwhile to put up with initial and temporary discomfort to get to where I wanted to go, which was: “How do I use this sh!t?” In other words, I learned rules first in order to understand intent.
          Do you realize you are asking deeper philosophical questions over a woman talking about coloring in a coloring book? This sort of crap bores me to tears, as I don’t really see it as a sign of being “deep” or “thoughtful”.

        2. Right, but your mistake here is to assume that one can only survive in society by doing what those before you have done, which is just not true. Artists often have problems with finances, and yet they get along fine, because people around them give them a little leeway. And that is not a bad thing.
          Interesting point about calculus. Will let that sink in.
          Yes, of course I realize I am asking philosophical questions. But if that bores you to tears, why are you still engaging in a debate with me?

        3. To break the rules and be creative/rebellious comes naturally to young kids and that’s why rules and methods are taught to them. Ideally, by the age of maturity they it would become 2nd nature but the as you know, teachings do not stick to every person and to variable degrees.
          I’m speaking from experience

        4. Well, has it entered your mind that this rebellion is not necessarily a bad thing? We come from a tradition of authoritarianism where everybody needs to conform. I think it is about time to consider alternatives.
          Hundreds and millions of people get shoehorned into a standardized education and then everybody wonders why there are so few geniuses around. Yeah. Cause the only genius that people are able to see is that which already succeeded in the past.
          I used to share your opinion and thought: Well, they had to teach me. Today, I am simply angry for the mind-numbing shit that was sold to me as being ‘for my own good’.

        5. I’m not advocating for total conformity. It only benefits the people who benefit off your ass without doing much work such as lazy bosses and I had this one shit french/maths teacher who would not agree to move me in the better classes because I was the only one making progress and I was better than most in the top classes. Cunt got the promotion. Only if I were more vocal and went straight to the principal?
          Rebellion is needed for that sake of democracy. Think political heads. Musicians, artists, scientists and entrepreneurs rebelled against set ideas to ignite a new revolution.

        6. You said it: “I am undisciplined.” I also didn’t realize that there was a debate since you asked “Any ideas?” Makes it difficult to converse; ergo, boring. Later.

        7. Exactly. The problem is that when somebody ignites a revolution, everybody starts copying that person – instead of realizing that that person was successful because he followed his gut. So everybody starts putting on a ‘Steve Jobs’ mask or an ‘Ayn Rand’ mask or whatever. Instead of just doing what he is good at and being himself.
          And schools facilitate this copying. When a revolution comes, suddenly everybody has to adapt to the revolution. Instead of realizing that the revolution of today is the conformity of tomorrow.

        8. Well, then let me rephrase: Why are you still conversing with me?
          I hate people who engage in a conversation with me and then accuse me of boring them and passive-aggressively pushing the responsibility away from themselves to end the conversation.

        9. Human nature and history have repeated themselves to oblivion and will always do.

        10. Our history is a mere 10,000 years old at best. The well-preserved history maybe 2,000. What you are seeing is a trend, and even then, there surely are minute differences that may be significant. I do not buy it.

    2. The same thought crossed my mind. My personal take on it is that one must be taught the proper procedure, and then true artists or creative people can deviate. Authors are taught proper sentence structure and grammar, but have poetic license to break these grammatical rules should they purposely choose to do so for a reason. Musicians are taught the basic rules of meter, music theory, chords, and scales. When drafting a piece, a composer can intentionally break these rules for creative effect. But this is different than just banging on a piano or writing with poor spelling or language because you don’t know any better.

      1. I used to agree, but I do not. Here is why:
        I learned the classical guitar. Learned to read those sheets and all that. Did it all by the rules. I was not exactly bad. But all those rules stifled me. When I started, I was creative and wrote quite some interesting stuff. Later, I became obsessed with doing it ‘right’, planning some weird chord structure or whatever.
        Then again, I knew one or two guys who out of personal zest decided to learn the guitar. How? They sat down, listened to music, and simply plucked the thing intuitively until they arrived at some good results. After a year or two of that, they were able to play quite well. Better than me – I was undisciplined.
        As for grammar, I also disagree. Here is why: Grammar was invented after people began to speak. People did not evolve speech out of textbooks. Rather, some smartass came and analyzed speech and then made that analysis into ‘rules’.
        Or take game. There are the healthy males who just do it. And then there are those who analyze it and follow their rules.
        So my take is: Rules are always the attempt to imitate something natural by analyzing and resynthezising it. But this totally ignores intuition and natural talent and, most of all: Spontaneity.
        Maybe some people are good rule-followers, though. I know I am not.
        If we did not teach grammar, would people suddenly start talking a lot of nonsense? If we did not teach rhytm and basic rules of meter, would people suddenly lose their musicality? I doubt it.
        Sure, there were musicians who created great music based on rules. Bach, for example. And yet, his music does sound quite mathematic and calculated at times. An admirable feat, definitely, but also limited.
        I think that it comes down to personality. Everyone does it however they are good at doing it. But we engage in our own form of egalitarianism by making everybody learn the same stuff as ‘basic skills’. Most of what I learned at school, I never needed again.
        When you listen to hip hop, do you get mad over the language that does not follow the rules? Or do you just enjoy the tune and message?

      2. Not to mention that “coloring books” are a primer for art and creativity; but there are many other reasons they help a child develop. Not looking into all the benefits of a simple task can lead one to naively assume there is no real purpose in it. Same as allowing boys to tussle on the playground.
        Musical prodigies without training are rare. Beethoven still used math and musical notation to create his music and to save it for posterity. He didn’t have a recording device with the capability to make copies. One EMP blast over America and we would be in that same place. You gotta wonder if rap music (with all its sampling) would survive? They simply copy what others have created and “reassemble it” into something else. Without the written form, we are back to earlier days when all knowledge was passed on by elders. We know how much of that survived the ages before written words and music.

        1. Right. But you can show a kid how a well colored painting looks like and then ask them if they want to be able to do that.
          But the concept fails even then. Take girls. The girls in my classes always used to draw amazingly accurate and good portraits. I was dumbfounded by it. I could not do it even remotely as good. Was that because of their formal education? No. They just had a knack for it.

        2. Simple. Girls develop that coordination before boys do. Not to mention, there are a host of other factors not taken into account to include their home life. It’s a simplistic conclusion based upon little information. Them good; me bad.

        3. Well, maybe they do. But unless it is my own passion, why bother competing? I think that if you really want something, you will find a way to do it. If not, you do not even need to learn it.
          How many men that you know do draw? How many of those rats in cubicles draw? How much education and artistic instruction was wasted on 95% of all males?

        4. Tom, I’m really trying here, but you have a LOT of baggage you’re bringing into this subject. I happen to be reading the comments. (dick scratching and all)
          I work as a software engineer and my latest gig has been to do payroll and project cost software tracking for a top engineering firm in the country. MOST of the engineers are men and they definitely do a shitload of drawing; technical diagrams and blueprints that are used to build major infrastructure projects. They have to actually do their drawing taking three dimensions into account on a very detailed basis. They also create actual models that represent the drawings.
          I’d say that is VERY creative and artistic.

        5. What is the problem with dick scratching? Never did that? Again, you can keep your patronizing to yourself. If you do not want this conversation, be free to say so and leave, no hard feelings.
          Fair enough. But then, technical and three-dimensional drawing is nothing I ever learned at school. It is a very specialized thing and I believe that you likely learn it when you study engineering. But how many of those men I mentioned are engineers?

  5. I remember one time I got a stern talking to because I said that I “hated” a teacher. To be fair my school was experimenting with organizing grades, and I ended up with the same one for the 3rd-5th grade. Even used a paper (rules of commas, I think) from the 3rd grade in the 5th grade.

      1. In my elementary school there were four teachers, each teaching grades 1 & 2. Then another set of four teachers for grades 3&4, and so on to 8th grade. For a few years they changed the order so some teachers taught grades 3&4 while others taught grades 4&5, meaning some teachers only taught grade 6. Probably an attempt to be revolutionary and edgy. I ended up getting same battle-axe of a teacher for 3 years in a row.

  6. Stellar article. And it’s always good to check conventional wisdom. While some might think “mom and dad know best”, this is a clear example of people who are trained and talented in education, who are better able to teach and inspire students, being forced to kowtow to the demands of selfish and ignorant parents.
    I’m not saying that parents should just abandon their kids at the schoolhouse door, either. Indeed, supplement the school education with reading at home, science projects, fun things your kid enjoys. Of course these days, as the teacher so correctly pointed out, one has to really question the quality of education the student is receiving and whether it is worth your time. I’d probably go private if I had kids.
    I agree with the author’s warning to not raise children in America. Indeed, the main reason I am not yet married with a family is because I don’t want to raise them in this shitty culture.
    Even for someone without children, it was hard to read this without being a little enraged. And I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t let anything really bother me. But reasonable people threatened with losing their jobs for spouting common sense? Parents using the law to obtain payouts from taxpayers because of something a child did? Utter insanity. How can a society continue when this is allowed? How can it survive when this is the norm!?

    1. All of the influence of teachers stops and dies at the threshold of your home IF, IF you are a true father and guide your children actively.

    2. How can society survive if this is the norm? Well the citizens get more and more obedient and deferential, the government gets stronger, but something in the underlying human nature will simmer like a pressure cooker without a safety valve.. Maybe there will be some kind of defiant resurgence of tradition in education..

    3. This post alone makes you more qualified to teach, and lead a school than many who work in the education sector.

      1. Thanks, I used to want that as a career path. But teachers are paid peanuts and I know from family how the political correctness and curriculum and lawsuits destroy any sort of learning environment. Plus I decided a while ago that the future of this society is not something I should invest my time and efforts in.

        1. I’m slowly starting to think the same, moving to focus on me and my own. Fortunately, my current role allows me to have significant influence in people’s lives, and whilst I’m young enough, fit enough, have the energy for it and still believe in it then I will carry on.

  7. Excellent article pointing out the many flaws with the public education system.
    Public schools are nothing but factories to raise financially illiterate and irresponsible, servile, Marxism-brainwashed, debt-ridden serfs. I was at the top of my class (graduated top student at my high school) but was always bored out of my head and hated school simply because there was no challenge for me.
    The best option is to home school your children in an insulated, TV-free, semi-rural environment (this is key: parents, environment and other kids are the biggest influences on a child) and go full old-school with your own values.
    Along with the normal mathematics, languages, science, history and geography, you can also teach them stuff that actually matters, like money management, politics, religion and ethics (for both), basic building, hunting and farming (for boys), cooking, sewing and knitting (for girls), and other traditionalist values. The possibilities are endless.
    Note: this requires a traditional, stay-at-home / work-from-home wife to pull off and a huge amount of effort from both parents, but the payoff will be enormous.
    Grandparents are excellent for teaching morality/ethics/religion, etc. and can also help out, if available. The eldest daughter, once mature enough, can also help out mom take care of the younger children with playing, etc. The eldest son can teach younger sons farming, etc. The eldest children should be learning and teaching simultaneously once they reach maturity.
    Make sure you always give them play time with other children of cousins, trusted friends, etc. By the end of “middle school”, you want to shape them so that they’re natural leaders and autodidacts.
    Addendum: The measure of excellent parents is not just did you teach your children successfully with your traditionalist conservative values, but did you do a good enough job that your children also pass your values to their children (your grandchildren), on their own? If yes, hopefully, this repeats indefinitely by induction and you can leave the world in peace knowing you did your part to make the world a better place.

    1. Hah. Used to be among the best, too. But in a way, I only really bothered because I learned that I can get approval from being good, something I desperately craved.

    2. I have a sister and bro in law. She works and he is the stay at home dad that home schools their two daughters. I doubt those two girls will ever be talking about “rape culture” since dad owns a .30-06.
      Couldn’t stress more that the destruction of the family unit is a fundamental reason behind a lot of this BS. Single and two income parents began expecting the schools to teach what the parents should, but wanted to retain veto power over what the kids get taught. Why do you think there are sex education classes in school that are separate from biology class?
      As a result (as exemplified in the story), a young boy who bullies others learns that as long as he is the first to strike, he (or mommy or daddy) retains the ability to sue anyone who retaliates. What is THAT teaching?

      1. Friend I implore you to stop using made up idioms such as “stay at home”. Our enemies know if they control the language they can control trends and thought patterns. No woman should work outside the home. No man should be at home. I realize things are not ideal but in your conversation assume what is correct and simply clarify when this is not the case. I.e. My sister and her husband have two children but she works in X field. Not trying to be pedantic but wanted to point out how “they” changed your speaking pattern with a made up idiom.

        1. Gotcha. Mainly it is to point out that those nieces of mine are going to get a far better education from a man than they ever will from the sexist women in education today.

        2. I don’t really sweat “the enemy” as you put it. Feminists have built up a system that is not financially or socially sustainable, Time is our ally.

        3. I heard you. Yes, the term “stay at home” began when women entered the workforce, BUT it was not considered derogatory until RadFems got hold of the term. And I don’t worry over those b!tches. Women aren’t my enemy; stupid people, however, are and a lot of radical feminists are actually quite stupid.
          Some of them just need to get laid.

    3. Great, totally agree. But what happens when the state takes away your kids by force, like what happened to that Swedish couple?

      1. Germany and Sweden are the worst offenders to home schooling, along with many other EU countries that outlaw it entirely. Many people have opted-out their children from Ontario’s perverted curriculum.
        Russia, on the other hand, is a home-schooling haven. Even Canada (where I’m at) is very generous and US is great as well (for now).
        Many Swedes have relocated to Finland and other friendlier countries, so that would be an option for them.
        In general, though, I do share your pessimism and I think things are going to get worse slowly over time before they get better.

        1. Homeschooling is a sign that your education system is seriously flawed. I’m glad it’s an option here in America, but really, we *should* have smart, talented, motivated teachers that are informing our students with logic, reasoning, an understanding of history, and the rules of mathematics and science. Because we don’t, we need to homeschool.
          In such a world, homeschooling would be completely unnecessary. I don’t know what the German education system is like, but I have to assume it’s better than the one in USA (I know for example at the advanced graduate level, students receive 5 years of training vs 4 in the USA, although they recently dumbed down to match the US standards).

        2. In the 90’s in the Midwest, home schooling became popular for those who wanted the best for their kids.
          The state required home schooled kids take the same standardized achievement test each year. And, the schools got reimbursement based on the test scores, which included the home schooled kids.
          They had a local school board meeting on the topic. And, teacher after teacher got up and complained how it wasn’t ‘fay-er” that they got penalized by the mothers without degrees who were home schooling, dragging down the district averages.
          Finally, the president of the local home school association got the floor. She said, “Before this continues I think it’s important you understand the home schooled kids have a mean score at the 95th percentile in the district.”
          Not another teacher said one more word on the topic.

        3. “I’m glad it’s an option here in America, but really, we *should* have smart, talented, motivated teachers that are informing our students with logic, reasoning, an understanding of history, and the rules of mathematics and science. Because we don’t, we need to homeschool. ”
          The Soviet Union provided all of that, but they were lacing Marxist poison into every subject. The poison is slightly different, but suicidal modern Germany does the same, and they make sure every child drinks deeply, with Nazi (socialist) era laws against homeschooling.
          The very existence of government funded school “systems” means that socialism has infected a country.

        4. That was excellent.
          I wonder if at some point being a straight white fit male will be so rare that it can earn us privilege points.

  8. Made me think of something ironically contradictory here, “We don’t need their education. We don’t need their thought control” Funny how most of the rock n roll bands that came out of the counter-culture era of the 60’s wrote songs about oppression and tyranny and righteousness when their own leftist puppeteers are the ones pulling the strings of slavery and waving the flag of defeatist fetishism in our faces the entire time.
    The whole thing is one bad ‘cry wolf’ scenario. They ‘teach’ children about evil in the world, about the immorals of things such as Nationalism and pride in your heritage (unless you are not white) attacking the very foundations of what built the roof over their pedagogic skulls! As a boy I recall being in the last of the pre-millenial generation before technology and feminism hit everywhere. There were ample ounces of masculinity in places we looked, in the headmaster, gym teacher, in the janitor, hell even the dude who cooked the lunches. These guys would be a refreshing break from the myriad of female staff. But now, there is no school, there is no learning, there is just coercive adopted delusions of a sickened part of humanity.

    1. Those idiot rock n’ rollers were only for the raging radicalism because it smashed the old morals, which allowed them to lead selfish decadent lives. They didn’t really care about the principles. They just used them for their own limited selfish ends. What they’ve help wrought should make them beyond contempt for us.
      The Left has only the ability to destroy. It can’t build anything, because its principles are based on an illusion.

    2. I was also the last of the previous batch.. Number of aggressive male teachers at my old school..

  9. I have had the ‘home school’ discussion with my wife in the event we are successful in finally having kids. The private schools here are also infected with the SJW Marxist nonsense. Sending your kid to a public school here is child abuse. I remember the shit I put up with in public school as a kid. Now, things have gotten worse. No way would I willing subject a child of mine to such an environment.
    If we go the home school route, it is me that is going to be the stay at home teacher. I already started looking at resources and frankly, every year there is more and more out there. At least through grade school, home schooling is not the daunting task that it seemed to be (in the past).
    More options are also becoming available for stuff that a parent might not be that great at (for me.. that is advanced mathematics.. back in school Laplace transforms made me want to scream) in the form of online courses and lectures.

    1. Chinese schools are not that bad. If I go back to Canada with kids in tow then I will look at BC’s private system or just go for homeschooling. Certainly, if I return to Ontario, I don’t want Kathleen Wynne and her crew educating my kid.

      1. What do you think about Japanese school culture? I hear they don’t have janitors, thus having the kids take responsibility for cleanup. Also, kids tend to go to school without parents having to take them, but in groups of students. Coming to think about it, the last one sound like how we did it going to school.

        1. I haven’t the foggiest idea about Japanese school culture . . .other than all the porn I watch, lol.
          The school I am at has 9 year olds slinging mops to keep the place tidy. My students are late teenagers so I can’t say directly if the younger kids walk themselves to school. I remember being in kindergarten and walking myself to school Kids these days are so pampered by their helicopter parents.

        2. In addition they have clubs which are more or less compulsory. Kids will do Judo or soccer or whatnot for three hours a day, every day. The older ones teach the younger ones. The younger ones serve the older ones. Everyone learns respect, to follow, and to lead.
          It seems pretty good to me. However they are still big on rote learning. The system is very tough and a lot of Japanese kids are unhappy.

        3. Also, they seem to run too much on the honor and shame system. Otherwise, it still seems to run fine.

    2. Pretty soon, we will follow suit with Europe, and ban homeschooling as contrary to the “good public.” That’s when we as a society have a choice to make.

  10. Great article, thanks!
    I almost went into teaching, but a couple stories I heard right about the same time convinced me that it would be huge mistake.
    When I had a retail job my first year of college, I ended up talking to an older customer. She told me that she starting teaching middle school in Watts right after the riots. She said that at one school, every Wednesday the school administrators would put on a “Noon Movie.” At noon they would herd the vibrant and diverse urban youth into the gym, put a movie on the projector, and turn out the lights. Of course, all the vibrant diverse youths (mostly 13 and 14 yo) would start having sex. The administrators knew full well what was going on. They allowed it because they thought that if the kids were tired after having sex, they would be relaxed enough to learn something for at least 2 or 3 hours one day a week.
    The other was told to me by a college professor. She told me that one of her previous students was accused of molestation. He was a new coach with a young wife and a new baby; and one day he gave a ride home to one of the athletes, who was a 15 year old boy. Nothing happened, and the boy eventually admitted that to the police. This especially scared me, because I knew that even though it was false his reputation would be ruined for life.
    Today, man or woman, you would have to be insane to become a teacher.

  11. Me and my friends once called a girl in school a butch and got suspended for it. when they called me in the vice principals office they go we caught the ring leader, like i was a terrorist

    1. Moments like that are when you go for broke and insult their intelligence. For example:
      “Damn you come educators! You’ve foiled my plot for world domination!”

  12. I teach in China. In Canada I taught in the private system. At one point I vowed never to teach in a public school but that might be a matter of economic necessity if and when I return to Canada.
    I spent 4 years as a lawyer and I had 3 professional complaints against me (all from women). If I end up working in the public school system I expect to have at least one professional complaint made against me each year. Plus I will move for a position in the union hierarchy and I expect to get shot down.
    I care about these kids and try to give them the tools they need to succeed. Perhaps, that is not a welcomed approach.

    1. I’ve always found the teachers that walked that fine line between authority figure and friend always taught the most, their direction stuck with me the best, and were best remembered by all students. Than line between the two is what’s really been offset by all this indoctrination, and it’s really, really sad.

      1. I actually began my teaching career in the army, back in the early ’90’s. The one leadership lesson that stuck with me was: FIRM, FAIR and FRIENDLY.
        It seems like some teachers these days want to be “hip” and get a bit too friendly without being firm.
        I have one student who I have formed a friendship with over the course of a decade. She has gone on to become a successful entrepreneur. Another from earlier this year has a special place in my heart. It remains to be seen just how jealous my girlfriend/fiancé/wife gets about these friendships.

  13. To grab a quote from the Russian cosmonaut in The Big Bang Theory, I can’t believe these people won the Cold War.

    1. “They”, as in “Howard”, didn’t (wife watches the series). Put that Soviet bitch against Chuck Yeagar and he’d fold in 2 seconds.

      1. Of course that was in the 50s and 60s, but even back then they gave us a run for our money, until, of course, theirs ran out first. I’m not taking their side obviously, but look at their attempts nowadays to reassert dominance, even if today there is more than one moderately big player in the world. And looking at the new generation we’re breeding at schools is worrysome. Makes me not want to have children, if only to spare them the pain.

    1. Most of that is due to the massive decline in morals and authority. Some of it might be due (don’t know the demographics) to migration.

  14. On a different on a somewhat related note, on December 18, it will be the 98 anniversary of the proposal of the 18th Amendment, which led to Prohibition. If any writers from ROK are reading this, I would like to suggest an article on the subject. This event not only shows when government has too much reach, but it may be one of the rare times that Bible thumpers and progressives made an unholy alliance.

      1. Just saw a documentary on PBS backing me up, under American Experience. Check it out. Although to be fair, the women’s temperance movement did take center stage, at least, at the beginning. Also, that crazy hatchet wielding bitch Carrie Nation.

      1. Puritans were actually quite free with sex and many other things. Their work ethic is basically what they are known for, the rest was flushed down the memory hole and the rumors used as propaganda.

    1. Progressivism is pretty much secular Puritianism: instead of God, they
      worship the State (and most of the temperance movement was actually
      I could do a brief article (in 10 pictures or less) showing how anti-suffragist fears (displayed by their historical adverts / pictures / posters which I have been collecting) have come true in modern society, but that would be dependent on how much time I have over the next few days (and subject to ROK approval, of course).

    2. Actually it’s one of the times most Americans solidified and flipped a middle finger to government. Prohibition bred the fertile grounds for the rebirth of American revolutionary ideas, really.

      1. I’m not much of a drinker, but enough to where I propose that we make December 5, Repeal of Prohibition Day, a de facto national holiday. To quote FDR, I think this would be a good time for a beer. And give the middle finger to the party poopers on the left and right, but especially the PC bastards, that always ruin it for everyone.

  15. Yeah went to highschool a few years ago, I’m in the inner city so it’s not as bad(Blacks are more masculine than whites), but yeah a lot of the white teachers were delusional, had high pitched voices, and would make small physical interactions big deals. Hell even their “anti-bully campaign “wasn’t taken seriously and fights would occur frequently in unmonitered areas in The school.
    In that’s problem the reason why bullying isn’t a problem
    Also consequences? Students would get in trouble ON PURPOSE to leave class

    1. Blacks are more masculine now, but that’s because you’re a recent grad. In my day (yes, I said that! Lol!) they were meat on arrival unless they were cool and didn’t try to pull shit.
      And blacks my age and younger prance and preen, but they’re really not that butch. Most are friendly with me and defer to me as normal men do, or match me via normal means as men do. Millenial hipsters though, yeah, wtf is that all about?

  16. People that study nothing and think they understand how the world works are a growing problem. What we have here is the beginning of idiocracy. You can thank your corporate overlords for selling you this lie. As long as you are all feminite bitches taking over the world will be so much easier. Muahahahaha. Hah hah. Bow before me the last man that’s not afraid to hit on women face to face. Bow before the last man standing muahahahahaha. I’ll be the last one that can fight, hit on chicks, and state my opinions shamelessly. SUCK IT! Lmao.

  17. I had to take a breather after reading the VP gave a detention for the kid wanting to be like his dad, a firefighter.
    I could visualize myself furiously yelling at the miserable puke, and then filing a class action law suit against the school. Specifically demanding that idiot be fired.
    Or just punching said moron in the face.

    1. I picked the punch option. Only thing that gets through to those people is consequences. And damn whatever happens to me afterwards.

    2. …even if said VP moron is a female? does the article specify the VP as male or female? In my experience the schools are staffed almost exclusively by women… but ya he/she deserves a punch in the face for shaming that boy for wanting to be like his dad.

      1. Women, no matter their position, are easily intimidated. Simply demand she explain exactly why what the kid said is a problem without ever breaking eye contact. She will be a stammering mess in no time and won’t try anything with your kid again.

    3. Not me, I’ve been a volunteer firefighter in my community for over 25 years. I would have grabbed some guys from the station and showed up and asked him what his problem was with wanting to be a firefighter (career or professional) and then calmly asked him why he didn’t seem to have any disdain for us when we have to show up in the middle of a school day to reset the fire alarm when somebody pulled a pull box or the system malfunctioned. Somehow the administration always seem to be more than happy that we show up to check things out and get everything back to normal.

    4. It’s funny you say that, as that’s exactly what I did reading this. I envisioned myself screaming at the top of my lungs savagely in the face of the VP for doing that.

  18. Canadian system is worse. In Ontario sex ed starts at grade 1 and includes informing young children how great homosexuality is. It’s abuse as far as I’m concerned.

    1. Sex ed has become politicized to promote feminism and normalize deviancy.
      It also assumes that all boys start out on more or less an equal footing for having sex lives, when we can see that this doesn’t happen. You could have given boys like Elliot Rodger the most comprehensive, “progressive” sex ed imaginable, and they still would have wound up adult male virgins. What good would it have done for Elliot to learn in sex ed how to put on a condom?
      A reality-based form of sex ed would have to take the boys aside and explain the Pareto Distribution to them, and how girls will find most of them sexually repulsive until these young women hit the Wall in their 20’s and they have to turn to the nerds for husbands and boyfriends, reluctantly and without enthusiasm, because the math doesn’t work out for the minority of cool guys they have their early sexual experiences with.

  19. 5th grade. Dude and me were constantly spitting insults and fighting each other but in that kinda-sorta chest push way on the playground at recess.
    Eventually the principal, a heterosexual male with a wife and kids (his son later became one of my good friends), split us up during a chest pushing event (with, of course, the both of us doing a lot of smack talk) and told us “Next Saturday, boxing ring at the high school, 10 am, you will be there” then called our parents. We boxed with gloves that day, neither dropped, neither had any idea how to box, and we punched each other silly. Two years later we’re great friends and still high five at high school reunions
    All this before the age of “caring” and “love and peace”. Weird, I know, right?
    Faint of heart soccer moms may now summarily fuck off.

    1. Anything with summary or summarily at the end is always excellent. My personal experiences as a child juxtaposed exactly to today’s “wierdness”.

    2. I ran into my retired grade school principal at a local watering hole about a decade ago, who proceeded to buy me a beer, and I was amazed how he still remembered not just by siblings, but also my classmates.
      After catchinig up, he then told me how he once watched my best friend and a fellow antagonizing classmate (Rick) throw down unknowingly in front of his office window. He told me his secretary asked him, “are you not going to break that up?” “Wait. Rick has had this coming for awhile”, he replied. When my friend had him on the ground and started to kick him in the head, he then said, “Now it’s time” and went out and broke up the fight.
      I can only recommend to the men with kids reading this, is get active on your local school boards and scrutinize every faculty member and policy. Anyone showing support for the NEA is your enemy.

    3. I had an altercation with the sibling of one of my best friends. Punches thrown, gun drawn, took it to the ground. After all was said and done, we made our apologies and amends. Still great friends to this day.

    4. Similar thing happened to my father. It’s incredible that I cannot fathom such a thing happening today.

  20. George Orwell quote: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than other”…
    Should be actually: “All animals are equal, but pigs are more equal than other..”.
    That what George Orwell meant !

  21. We played full tackle football during lunch recess when I was in elementary 4-6th grades with a Nerf football. For whatever reason, they wouldn’t allow regular footballs. Eventually one kid got hurt, so they stopped full tackle and made it tap. However, when it snowed, and yes, we had recess after lunch with up to 8-10 inches of snow outdoors, we’d go back to playing full tackle football in the snow with a water logged Nerf football and the playground attendants just let it slide because the snow offered some level of padding and the slippage naturally doused the intensity of the game.
    The kids from our particular elementary school went on to be the best sports players in high school, many later becoming coaches. My how times have changed. There was actually another elementary school across state lines in a neighboring state, only 10 miles from me that solved individual fights between kids by allowing them to pad up in fully padded body suits, with headgear and face guard like a hockey mask, and the kids battled it out with foam covered clubs in a room with wrestling mats padding the walls. No shit. What’s funny is almost every fight was resolved with exhaustion between the kids, and afterwards they usually gained respect for one another and often became friends after.
    The principals in my local school system all had paddles, and were allowed to paddle kids for bad behavior, often followed by a call to the parents, and 1-5 days of detention to accompany their bad behavior. Hell, ours even had holes drilled in his paddle so it flew swiftly through the air. The shit-head kids got hit harder. And tears were common when someone got paddled. Parents then later accosted their kids bad behavior and got grounded once home. NO parents filed a damn lawsuit in those days. Don’t even get me started on the wack curriculum or de-gendering nowadays.

  22. “Within the next week, I was told by the principal that Colby’s parents
    were filing a class action lawsuit against the school, and had already
    reported Patrick’s…’assault,’ to the police. The principal told me that
    Patrick was being suspended for his actions.”
    This has been the standard for a very long time. The first time I remember getting in trouble for defending myself was 1980 or 81. The bullies in the schools have been protected by school administration for a very long time. They serve a purpose in the greater conditioning and goals of the school system. In this sort of case it is to send the message that self defense will be punished. To condition that into people when they are children not to defend themselves which is beneficial for the state when these children become adults.
    It’s worse than it was 35 years ago, but the principles being used go back at least that far.

  23. Education has always given women undeserved representation, whether its the female staff or the style of thinking
    If one were to mandate a minimum 70% male teachers, a very good portion of social justice would disappear within a few generations

  24. When I was in high school back in the Stone Age, rough housing was still allowed (or tolerated). Us boys had a game.. A name was called at random, and he had 30 seconds to run. Then the rest of the boys would chase him, and when he was caught, would rough him up. Nothing vicious, just a few bruises and scrapes. Even when my turn came around, I never laughed so hard, and we went back to class with a lot less pent up energy. That kind of shit would be absolutely forbidden today, and I bet we’ed all be on Ritalin instead. Fucking leftist pussies… I lament for my nephews and young male relatives today, I really do.

    1. We had a samiliar game called “smear the queer”. The guy carried a football and would be chased down and tackled (with dog piling). He would then standup and randomly throw the ball to another guy who was “it.” In the winter, when they pushed all the snow to the edge of the playground it would form 6 foot banks and we would play “war/ king of the hill.” Simply guys from different classes trying to maintain superiority on top of the drift.

      1. But why was it called Smear the Queer?
        We just had good old British Bulldog, it was not called Stop the German Advance.

  25. The kid that wanted to be a firefighter being chastised by the VP and then the author being threatened with expulsion are both travesties of injustice and travesties upon education. It all smacks of ‘zero tolerance’ extremist totalitarian control. The term ‘zero’ itself is the most absolute of all numerical terms. These social marxist educators with their trumped ‘zero’ fanaticism have no problem enforcing the most extreme unwavering marxist thought policing. They’re beyond street variety sjw’s. They’re graduated and tenured card carrying social justice practitioners finally fulfilling their hell on earth wrath as name tag wearing vassals of the state and with the big guns of the state behind them.
    Try pulling your kid out of one of these schools and then try calling spade on what these school officials really are and see if the goon squad doesn’t come to your doorstep or if the local schmuck cabal doesn’t have a pile of charges to throw at you. The whole system is a wall of dangerous bonehead tyrants. Natural order dictates that they’ve abused their authority beyond the timeframe that would ever allow them to correct their wilfull ‘mistakes’ and malice inflicted upon our culture. There is a growing class of opposition to the tyrants who in the minds of many are already crushed and removed from positions of power by a majority. The eventual fall and exodus of the educational tyrants is near.
    War has already been declared on our culture and the whirlwind of opposition is already mounting against the entire class of self annointed lefty fem tyrant ‘elite’. The educational mind policing gulag complex is filled to the brim with paid sjw’s. Education is now critically sjw heavy and its implosion is eminant and will be accellarated by both gravity and by the tyrant officials and cohorts being hammered down by hands on traditionalists, those who will then rebuild education around sound common sense principle. With tradition, education will be restored anew.
    The lefty tyrants in education have shown their true lefty facist colors and they expose the the true motive force behind the phenomenon that we call the sjw’s. These ‘zero’ tolerance chaplains are so extreme, they can’t even factor in common sense in their ultimatiums, their directives and their policy EVEN WHEN the common sense logic is overwhelming. They’re not here to enocourage critical thinking or to ‘educate’. They’re here to turn out loyal drones for the state, drones loyal to the ganders of local assigned goose stepping state commisars. They’re crunching minds down to fill a societal prison borg.
    Take for example the dean who expelled the validictorian kid for accidentally having a butter knife in his backpack. To this dean and her cohorts, valedictorians are obviously not as valued or as important as the ‘big dumb mob’ of explicitly compliant drones who ‘see something say something’. The retarded meat head with the thick glasses and wheelie bag full of special ed cartoon textbooks got a president’s smokey bear sticker for turning in the valedictorian.
    There comes a point when again the stock and folk of a culture and country must face off to yet another face of tyranny and DISSOLVE THEIR BONDS with her. We have the heritage of our ancestors and in our minds we already have a working model of education as it was and as it will be again soon. Our numbers are awakening en masse and by our sheer mass we cannot be stopped. We will swamp and obliterate the educational mind police tyrant jackobins with our will and compass. We will restore education like a storm ravaged town rebuilds after a tornado and the former tyrants will be heaped in the cultural desert, the dark lonely place from whence they came.

  26. Mrs. Clark saw this several times, but didn’t intervene. She pulled me
    aside one day, and asked: “Why don’t you ever push him back?”

    The headmaster at my school congratulated me for beating up another kid. “He deserved it,” he said.

    1. He was from a different era wasn’t he? For a brief period we had an old schooler who’s been working at the school since the 70s and was hard yet fair on me one time I got in a fight. Gave a week in the unit (separate room for detention) and the other cunt was excluded, but that was because they needed a reason to do so. Everything changed when an authoritarian blonde tool over and nearly got excluded after a fight with a kid who was nearly twice my size.

      1. Excluded? What does that mean?
        The headmaster also had no problems beating up kids himself. They always deserved it and many of us wanted to give him a helping hand.

        1. Kicked from the school. That was mid 2000s not the 80s so he couldn’t hit any shit head but needed to a good reason to get someone off his back.

        2. Seems a strange euphemism for expelled. Almost as if they want to soften the blow for delicate minds.

        3. I noticed that in training. I think there may have been an interim period where exclusion was somewhere in between suspension and expulsion, but the kids thought being expelled was cool and so now they are only excluded, but it is the same.
          Then later I saw some older kid with an asbo saying that he never got expelled, only excluded, so he tried harder, to get expelled that is. Im fairly sure exclusions and asbos appeared within a couple of years of each other.
          In fact, Im fairly sure that the decay of society correlates closely with teachers being trained that they must avoid anything that looks like hitting (Im a bit of a hand slapper in the chemistry lab), parents getting all upity at the idea that their child is not perfect, and parents thinking the teachers should do all of the upbringing of children, including sex ed, (because british parents are lazy awkward buggers), and the sudden awareness of children that they have rights without responsibility.
          Kids and teachers took the piss, teachers left in droves, trainees have to be tempted into training with life sized bursaries while the supply rate is no better, and still there is a shortage in everything but primary, biology and geography teachers.
          So ranting aside, until they bring back the birch, here is how you can effect immediate change. Having such a shortage of fully trained and enthusiastic teachers, creates also a shortage in supply teachers. For at least the last 8 years one has not needed an actual teaching qualification to do supply work. You, subject to a police and register check, could stroll into a school next week for the same pay as a NQT and teach them… anything you want!.
          I particulary enjoyed covering areas I know little about. We had such interesting discussions once I accepted they did not care about passing exams and I realised my job was to just stop them killing each other.

    2. One thing that really screwed with my head as a kid was when I did finally fight back, I got punished worse than the bully. This was the late ’70s / early ’80s.

        1. My teachers back in public school were a majority women. Women generally look down on the concept of ‘just violence’.
          The other problem was my parents were very old school. If an authority figure called and said ‘your son is in trouble’, I was in trouble. My Dad in particular never turned to me and asked, “what is your side of the story?”. I was more concerned over the punishment I would receive from my Dad than any retribution from the school bully or whatever the school administrators were going to hand out.
          I intend to be very different in raising my own kids in regards to how my own Father handled the above.

        2. You’re quite right. Learn from your fathers mistakes and don’t repeat them with your own kids.
          Btw, at my school the female teachers were troubled by the fact when two kids fought, the other kids, rather than break it up or call a teacher, they would surround the two young pugilists and chant “fight! fight! fight!”

  27. A little boy got called a sexist by the VP for wanting to be a firefighter like his dad…? What in the actual fuck?

    1. Yeah that sexist little fuck. He’ll probably grow up to consensually rape every woman he dates.

    2. I think that if his parents would stand up to that bullshit then the marxist loonies would know when not to cross the line.
      The VP was just probing the water and trying to set a precedent.

      1. Holy shit though, I remember getting yelled at by the VP over trivial bullshit but this is just other worldly. I had no idea it had gotten this bad.

  28. Schools are big business and a joyfull playground for politicians nowadays. Every person I know who works as teachers are seriously thinking of quitting be case they are made liable for the most of bullshit of things: lille Dianne swallowed a playdo? Sue the school, lol lyle Trevor got bad marks? It must be the curriculum?
    All that stress combined with mountains of reports on every kid, every day which eat up all of the teachers time.

  29. Did this really start in the mid-90s? I honestly don’t remember any of this occurring until after the Columbine shoot-out where teachers acted like little bitches over drawings of guns and swords. Of course, I remember there being pathetic parents. Brings back memories of soccer moms being the cause of Power Rangers being toned down (because it’s too violent) which pissed me off as a kid.

    1. I was a freshman in high school when Columbine happened. I do recall about half a dozen cop cars showed up outside our school. My first thought was, fucking white people.We had drive by shootings and gang scuffles and our neighborhood and our schools were infested with gangs, yet they wait for the two white dipshits who shot their school to actually give a shit. Then I realized how faint hearted Americans in general are about kids. How they wait until bad stuff happens to do something about it. By that, first blame Marilyn Manson and Doom. Then treat kids like retards.

  30. What we need is a leader, one who will stop at nothing to get us back on track. One who does not tolerate entitlement. One who does not tolerate excuses. One who will stop at nothing to get the job done, regardless of the obstacles before him.

  31. This is why I’m going to build my business, be self employed and build passive income streams. I need the freedom from doing that to focus on raising my children, when they come.
    I hate leftists, with a red hot fiery passion!

  32. As a non-white and non-western person living and growing up in a Western country, I can acknowledge that this is the typical stuff white people do. From my opinion they try very hard to be ‘civilized’. They all want to show how good and civilized they are, even if it goes against human nature.
    I come from a culture where you get punished if you don’t perform well in school and I remember how they taught me in school that it was bad to punish children. “let them be children” they said. Or that violence is bad even if you have to fight out of self-defence. Well, if I’m an uncivilized barbarian, then so be it.

  33. These boys are being taught to be obedient, compliant and respectful.
    They will obey Government, and Government’s proxies: their wives.
    Calm, respectful, submissive. The New Man.

  34. Thank you! I spend a lot of my hard-earned money on my son’s all-male military high school. This makes me feel like it money well-spent.
    When we met his history teacher, there was a full-sized perfect replica of a Roman war-shield at the front of the room. Posters on the wall of soldiers from different periods of history. I was in heaven.
    In English class they have them reading and analyzing things boys actually care about such graphic novels and (one of my absolute favorites) Ray Bradbury’s “The Illustrated Man”.

    1. My last two years before college was spent in military school (the school closed down around 1995.. it wasn’t fiscally well managed). Totally different experience than public school. After a year there, my SAT scores went up so much when I retook the test that I was warned that I might be investigated for cheating.
      Girls and boys learn differently and I believe it is best to teach them separately. Please note: I am not arguing “going Islamic” and isolating the boys from the girls outside of a classroom.. just during class time.
      Failure to do so the boys will suffer when the classroom inevitably goes ‘vagina-centric’ in teaching style. The boys will be bored or at worse, emasculated (as this article stated).

  35. Wonderful Article!
    “One of my nephews, who I’ve been subtly implanting with red pill truths over the years, is now a total player in 8th grade; he has dozens of bitches chasing after him, but prefers to go deer hunting with his buddies.”
    PLEASE make the story of how you did this your next one.

  36. This article is so true even as you go to college. I’m about to go to one of the best schools in the country next year (can’t say cause I actually want to go and don’t want my acceptance letter being rejected) and I want to play football. I heard from the seniors on the team that all players have to go to multiple meetings telling them that they are all rapists and are evil. The indoctrination continues on all throughout your life.

  37. More than half the shit we learn in school isn’t even going to help us. I mean where would we be able to apply Pythagroean theorem in real life?

    1. Really? Its like basic geometry.
      Needed for any job involving construction, engineering, maths or physical sciences, and how else can you calculate the angle required to fire a rocket at your enemy.
      If you don’t plant those seeds of intelligence early, how does a teacher know which children have the aptitude to build the house you live in without it falling down around you.

  38. Masculinity is being weeded out of children at an alarming rate

    It is being weeded out of the Boy Scouts too.
    We can’t let 17 year old boys play with water balloons any more. Somebody’s feelings might get hurt.
    BSA was supposed to be a safe environment to fail and to have your feelings hurt. That way a boy could learn to deal with it rather than be the type of pussy that needs a “safe space” when he goes to the university.
    What a sad state we’re in. No wonder the Muslims think we’re vulnerable.

    1. Shep, you are so very right. Don’t even get me started on the feminization of the military, where now PC is more important that ” the mission.”

      1. The mission of the BSA was to get the boys at least to First Class and to make them good men.
        Our boys will be good men. I don’t hold out much hope for the indoctorinos which are entering Scouting now.

        1. Shep, I loved my scouting experience. I think it contributed to my ethical maturation. I do not see PC as helping anybody with anything except weakness.

  39. “Primary-school education is a crock, basically. They’re making a toxic
    environment for boys. Primary education does everything in its power to
    turn boys into neuters.” ~ Camille Paglia

  40. I teach at one of those overpriced liberal arts colleges. Things are so bad in education that I advise men to transfer to trade schools, learn a skill online, or anywhere they can get STEM training without the indoctrination. Since I’m in my mid-50s there is incentive to remain there to gain retirement and continue my little game of sabotage.
    But if I can get my own business off the ground I will leave that hell hole of sissies and metrosexuals.

  41. Home schooling is another very viable alternative, if you choose not to emulate public schools but more natural learning and with the power of the Web. A friend of mine has 5 kids in homeschooling and his oldest who is 10 is learning programming from khan Academy, and does appliance repair with his dad earning real money and learning how to use it. I think he has over $1000 saved.
    You need a good wife, and a church or close community to make it happen right, but these kids will never know the mind numbing, soul crushing lies of the culture, except as dad explains to them the clear reasons for their falsehood.

  42. I’ll just leave this here……yesterday I was looking through my computer for a file and found this note I wrote down….”In my social work class today we had a 50 minute conversation on how to give an appropriate hug”.
    now I cant remember the conversation, or the details of it…but apparently I wrote this down. good thing too…this needs to be remembered in case anyone ever gets doubts that they are wrong about the red pill.
    we had in a fucking college class….a 50 minute conversation on how to give a damn hug.
    men….we are fucked beyond words.

  43. The world is involved in one great big experiment and it is a failure of not just one but two or more generations and those conducting this experiment will never admit or face the fact that it is a failure and silence those that do point out the failure.

  44. When faced with great evil like this, our only option for victory is mass violence.
    Freedom is bought with blood and gunfire.

  45. This not too remote from reality. It seems like a parody but it actually describes what is going on pretty accurately.

  46. The more children are being indoctrinated, the bigger their shock will be when they realize how reality actually works, and the faster they’ll turn to the manosphere and RP. So it might very well be a blessing in disguise.

  47. All true. Many are opting for homeschool. It was ridiculed by leftists, but now they are also doing it as they’ve destroyed public education.

  48. How bad public schools are? I’m an atheist and I’m considering enrolling my future children in Catholic school.

  49. Once, when I was in kindergarten, a second-grader on the bus stole my backpack and threatened to throw it out the window. I bloodied his nose, and the next day the principal told me I had done the right thing. Five years later I had a similar event and punched a kid in the face. The principal told me “If you had done that in real life you’d go to jail.”
    Things changed fast.

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