Black Cricket Player Fined $10,000 For Asking White Reporter Out On A Date

Over the past week, another example of non-issue hysteria has been created in the Australian media, further feeding the need for female indignation. The following interview is what started the response:

The man being interviewed is Chris Gayle, a professional cricketer from Jamaica. The interview was held shortly after Gayle left the field after being dismissed in a T20 match for Melbourne vs. Hobart. Gayle currently holds the record for the highest score in a domestic T20 game of 175 not out. This is only one of the many records that Gayle currently holds. His full player bio can be found here.

Chris Gayle

Off the field, Gayle has always been known as a smooth “ladies’ man.” It is his on-field performances, and his laid-back attitude and flamboyant lifestyle off the field, that have made him one of the more known and likable characters in world cricket today. It is also because of his character that he behaved in this way in the interview with Mel McLaughlin

The response from Mel McLaughlin

The response in the days after the event from the journalist who interviewed Gayle has to be applauded. McLaughlin could have easily used this to set herself up as a professional victim. However, her take on this is that while she was uncomfortable at the time, it isn’t a big a deal. Notice in the interview here she was continually trying to get those interviewing her to get over it as she wanted to talk about what she is actually paid to talk about… cricket.

Even though McLaughlin has accepted that Gayle didn’t mean to cause offence and she wants to move on, others in the media couldn’t accept this and are continuing with their assault on Gayle. While pretending to care about the welfare of McLaughlin, the people interviewing her in the video above don’t seem to care that she was feeling uncomfortable in continually having to answer the same question as to whether she felt harassed or not.


The media response

Chris has currently been fined $10,000 for this “offence,” but even the most novice of fortune tellers could have predicted that wasn’t the end of it. There are currently countless articles vilifying Gayle’s actions from a plethora of media channels on this issue, but the worst of all these is that the most respected source for cricket news the world over (ESPNCricinfo) has published these articles.

Much in the same way that Gamergate began with articles claiming that “gamers are dead,” cricket journalist Dan Brettig is also trying to lecture to men that we need to bend over backwards to accommodate women into another section of what used to be a male space. This was then backed up by a “cricket feminist” claiming that women’s cricket is just as good as men’s, as well as the usual garbage of wanting to introduce quota systems onto cricket administration boards.

Out of fear of becoming the next target for feminist sabotage, the chairman of Cricket Australia Jamie Sutherland has shown support for those wanting harsh penalties on Gayle. The media are currently and quite successfully calling for Gayle to be sacked, and it is now likely that Gayle won’t be part of the next season. Similar to how Bill Cosby had his name tarnished by claims of harassment in the name of publicity, so too has someone come out months after the event allegedly occurred to say that Gayle exposed himself to a female journalist in Sydney during the Cricket World Cup in February 2015:

This journalist is from the same company (Fairfax media) where Gayle was previously employed as a guest columnist. Even though Gayle has denied the allegations and there hasn’t been a single piece of evidence shown to prove this allegation, we can safely assume that Gayle won’t be employed to contribute any columns to this paper in the future.

The public response

The public response to this has been much polarized. After reading the comments sections from various new sources, there have been a surprising amount of people who are getting sick of being lectured to by leftist PC thought police. A lot of people are seeing this “incident”—a man complimenting a woman and then asking her out for a drink. There are, of course, those of the public who have joined the media in blowing this out of proportion.

People are now rightly so comparing this incident to one of Maria Sharapova flirting with a male journalist in a press conference:

This issue has nothing to do with whether Gayle made the journalist uncomfortable or not. The PC zombies are instead outraged that a man would take steps to fulfill his own sexual strategy rather than passively waiting in line so that women have full control in fulfilling theirs. Gayle putting a woman on the spot scares women and manginas because he is showing that they don’t always have full control. This is also why the red pill is so offensive to most women.

This issue will more than likely blow over in the next couple of days. However, with more and more examples of issues like this coming up each day, it might have the same effect of opening the eyes of a number of men to the feminizing of society.

Read More: Congratulations To Feminists For Helping Import Actual Rape Culture To Germany

184 thoughts on “Black Cricket Player Fined $10,000 For Asking White Reporter Out On A Date”

    1. Indeed there wasn’t. Couple years ago a woman reporting on a beach tried to ask out a half-naked (but seriously buff) man who was exercising at the beach, live on air. Nobody raised a peep.

      1. Watch any daytime ladies show and they can’t contain on remarking about how irresistible a certain male is and the things they’d like to do to him. Everyone laughs. It’s just a harmless expression of female sexuality.
        But a male — merely — expressing a woman is beautiful, “Sexist Pig” “Guy needs to learn to ‘respect women’ etc … “

  1. Male athletes also face threat of fines should they voice their opposition to female “journalists” in their lockerroom.
    Remember the bimbo who created the bogus case against JETS? Saying she felt uncomfortable in the JETS lockerroom? She routinely brought along measuring tape to measure the biceps of males.
    Of course the MSM wouldn’t highlight her history of unprofessional actions in their qwest to portray her as a helpless victim.

    1. Female privilege. Women demand access to alpha males at the time and place of their choosing. Otherwise all other males should know to avert their eyes and not speak to them.

      1. A woman can at any time change her mind about a man, regardless of any past actions, experiences or relations.

    2. a million times this.
      what blatant hypocrisy.
      oh but a woman did it? move along, nothing to see here.

      1. Women in men’s lockerrooms, I feel, is the greatest invasion on masculinity. Men being forced to change their habits after winning/ losing a game to accommodate women or face fines.
        Is it not amazing how this isn’t considered a form of sexual harrasment in the workplace? Female “reporters” observing you showering ‘n changing in your designated lockerroom.
        This feminist overreach has now captured college campuses. Are you aware female journalism students MUST be admitted into male lockerrooms post game or face a Title IX suit?

        1. how absurd. what is the purpose of having “reporters” in the locker rooms any way? arent there media rooms, where they have interviews and such?

          you bit about college locker rooms is scary.
          i have done zero research on this , but i am SURE males are not allowed in female locker rooms.
          thebullshit just piles up higher every day. its so out of touch with anything resembling common sense, sometimes i feel like i must be going crazy. things cant actually be this wacko , can they?

        2. So true. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a male reporter in a female locker room. Then again I don’t care about female sports either so it may have happened, I just have never witnessed it…

        3. I’ve thought the same thing. Not once have I seen a male reporter berating female “athletes” in their locker room. But then again, I simply don’t give a shit about women’s “athletics.”

        4. I guess I’m not following.
          The point of linking that video was to demonstrate how college women are now in lockerrooms of males. Guys trying to change and shower, berated by a college female in THEIR locker room.
          Everytime I see one of these videos of a female parading around a men’s lockeroom pretending she’s a “professional ‘journalist,’” I find it absurd. None of the questions they ask in their designated changing rooms are life altering/ could not wait for them to come to podium fully dressed. This is absolutely about women wanting to have access to naked athletic men in their most vulnerable state.

        5. If only they let male reporters into female locker rooms…then eventually the Starship Troopers prophecy of coed showers would come true.

        6. HA! Now there’s a bright side.
          But with our luck it would probably be with the female sumo wrestling team or something…

        7. i thought maybe there would be something crazy in the video .
          yea, i had that thought watching it, how lame and boring her questions were. just a bunch of cliche questions.
          definitely agree with your last sentence there.

        8. Unless your were neing sarcastic, or making an observation on the mindset of these selfish weaklings, then you are stupid. If they let men into female locker rooms, then only the top 10% of men would be allowed in, and the rest of the assholes would be forced outsde to die.

        9. I wouldn’t be too bothered about a girl seeing me naked. I honestly wouldn’t care. But I see your point.

        10. The only athletics women should be doing is cheerleading, volleyball or possibly gymnastics.

        11. The point is it’s a designated locker room. We all know should 1 female feel uncomfortable in their designated locker/ bathroom by a male in their presence, national campaigns are launched teaching men “to respect women.”
          Yet when a couple guys don’t want women in their locker rooms, they’re told to GROW UP, deal with it and face fine for speaking out. I just find it mind boggling women allowed in male locker rooms doesn’t constitute as sexual harassment.

        12. But see that’s the point. The camera never shows men changing/ showering so it therefore looks “professional.” The women asking questions always seem “professional.” But women are prancing around the MEN’s Locker room. Remember … everything is edited and the women asking those question IN the MENS lockerroom are ogling. Not to mention the person behind camera might be female.
          Simply put: this idea of reporters in lockerrooms – male or female – I find absurd. Look at the video when a player or coach has had time to shower, change, put on a suit and stands a podium to answer questions. It’s professional. Anytime you see video of these guys in the lockeroom answering a question, they look annoyed — like the “reporter” is trying to get an ‘a-ha’ moment in their most vulnerable state.

        13. It’s another example of equality. I always make sure to point it out when arguing with a feminist.
          You want equality? I want to see more men (reporters) in female locker rooms on a regular basis. Also, those women need to get their asses down in the coal mines and on those oil rigs…you know…equality and all.

  2. Fast forward to 2025, and we can read: “white man arrested and jailed for asking white girl out on a date”.

    1. It’s coming. After all … 25 years ago, who would have ever thought drunk college chicks who got atop — ‘n begged — equally drunk college males to FUCK ’em could cry “RAPE!” and be guest of honor at State of Union, on cover of magazines all for regretting her actions days/ weeks later?

    1. Yep. His celebrity status wasn’t established enough for her. She felt devalued by his attention. I’d expect that in britain. But I thought aussies were less uptight that way.

  3. This is not an attack on a black man.
    This is not an attack on a cricket player or athlete.
    This is an attack on heterosexuality.

    1. Exactly. This has nothing to do with race. The woman is attractive and seems fairly classy. The dude seems a bit tacky. If I was his coach, I’d tell him that his conduct was unprofessional, but hey, this is life. He didn’t assault her or anything. He was just a little obnoxious.

      1. If everyone else acknowledged that he was being obnoxious and a tool, this wouldn’t happen.

      2. Attractive? That’s a stretch. Classy? Again. He was not unprofessional or obnoxious.

        1. I mean there were probably better places and timing to hit on her, but at the end of the day he was just being a guy that got caught up…sometimes it happens.

        1. Truth. My friend Bunny hits on every woman he can, he can’t help it. His buddies are the same way, they aren’t doing it to offend, they’re trying to flatter. Bunny’s advice: “2 Guinness Stout and a stick of sensi get her wet in the panties”

        2. It’s a ‘numbers game’. They just keep asking anything remotely hot and sooner or later they’ll land a fish. The women don’t seem to understand this strategy at all and it makes them feel special – when, in fact, it is quite the opposite.
          This is called ‘r selection strategy’ for those aware of the ‘r/k Selection Strategy’.
          Nothing wrong with what Gayle did – if we lived in a Free Society. But we do not, not anymore thanks to the Statist Collectivists and their cultural Marxist ‘Narrative’.

        1. The water flow is indeed in the opposite direction for some-it’s true!

      1. I live here and you are correct. Most of the popular mainstream media are unashamedly leftist-feminist. Reading the front page of newspapers here is a joke. It’s all feminist propaganda, I shit you not, no exaggeration. They try to ram the feminist agenda into every newsworthy event or create one in the case of Chris Gayle.
        It’s typical in my age cohort now for men who are not supreme alpha types (most of the population) to be indoctrinated leftist-feminists. It’s the generally accepted ‘moral authority position’ on anything. And even those who don’t ‘believe’ know it’s smarter to keep your mouth shut and play along in public.
        In my workplace, which in many ways, I am extremely happy with (people just get on with work and barely speak except when it relates to work) I know to keep my mouth shut, because of the 50/50 male/female split and the presence of extremely obvious leftist-feminist anti-capitalist women.

      2. Particularly Melbourne (State of Victoria) and Sydney (State of New South Wales).
        The State of Queensland is not Leftist and is unashamedly pro-Western/Australian, sane, and *very* against cultural Marxist Political Correctness. I visit the country regularly, and enjoy Queensland (as in, the company of Queenslanders) far more so than the rest of the realm.

    2. But do you think the response would have been the same if David Beckham had done something similar? Females would be incorporating that into their fantasies when they masturbate. It would make him more alpha. He wouldn’t get socially shamed.

      1. Had it been David Beckham, Tom Brady or similar athlete she would have been better prepared (possibly flattered) because as a white woman she has a frame of reference for white guys hitting on her…remember she is reminded everyday through society and via media that her best suitor prospects are white like her–especially if she does not want to lose status or heaven forbid produce bi-racial progeny. What would the neighbors think?

        1. I certainly agree with you that bigger named Caucasian athletes in big money sports would not have even gotten a slap on the wrist for hitting on a reporter of the same ethnicity. On the flipside, if Tiger Woods, golf’s billion dollar man, were to do this on the golf course at the PGA tournament…likewise…the PGA wouldn’t do a thing to him either. Powerful athletes involved billion-dollar sports franchises, regardless of race…get away with whatever…Same goes for Greg Hardy….Oh yea, and that chick he beat up was white.

        2. Some are that’s for sure, but the over whelming majority have little to no “below the veil” interest in meaningfully connecting with Black men other than within necessary boundaries.

        3. …the points made in my comment thread were in reference to the the reporter’s comfort level with the cricket player…not sure where you’re going with this…

        4. “Your Boundaries are Defined By the Matress and Duvet” is a saying that makes me want to go back to wood shop class.

        5. Yeah, whenever I hear stories like this, I start to think that all people want is for black men to either become sexless worker drones or just disappear into the sunset, like the Native Americans have, or like Clint did in ‘High Plains Drifter.’ Society seems to have decided that their only redeeming qualities revolve around being entertainers and athletes, and as soon as they spit on the sidewalk, they’re called thugs, degenerates, and every other pejorative the media can think of. Hell, the other day I saw a dating site where a whole cavalcade of black women said they were only looking for white men. Same thing with escort sites. Movies have become reality. Remember those movies like the first two ‘Species’ movies where everyone got laid except for the black male characters? Life is now imitating art, and it seems like society couldn’t be happier.

        6. “on key JC”…life seems to be imitating art at a much faster rate than at any other time in history during this rapid 21st century. Technology has changed psychological landscapes across the globe making for a more happy or more saddened society–depending on who you ask and when you ask them. It is what it is however and perhaps just the beginning of more shifts to come!

        1. Yes but if David Beckham asked a reporter out on camera the response would be very different due to his marital status.

      2. Good point. Australia has a long history of Caribbean cricket tours to Australia. Let’s just say the black players from the West Indies team have always been extremely popular with the ladies after hours….
        To be fair, the interviewer is married, but I think part of the subconscious reaction of women in these situations is that it potentially lays their true sexual preferences bare. here’s the type of guy who most women will try to bang, but the public attention to such a situation is not what they want – they pretend to be someone else in public because it benefits their social standing and dualistic sexual strategy.

      1. And if she would’ve done anything but promptly have sex with the bull dyke, you can bet your bottom dollar that she’d be called homophobic to no end.

      2. The utter hypocrisy of the Australian media is such that when in December 2014, a reporter doing a live cross for one of our breakfast news shows tried to hit on a local man doing his morning beach run and it was nothing but, “you go grrrl!”, “female empowerment!”, “giggle giggle!”.

    3. I agree….”Cricket Player Fined $10,000 For Asking Female Reporter Out On A Date”…should have the been the title of this fucking article but I guess the race labels gets it more clicks….Something is wrong with the world when a man gets fined for hitting on a woman. This guy is a pro cricket player with women on deck, if she says no…there’s plenty of women that are there for his pleasure…they make it seem as if she was being forced to have a drink with the guy…I’m horrified at where the world is headed..

      1. I don’t think so. For this article, and many others…we need to read between the lines when it comes to PC bullshit. The MSM (and SJWs) have done a fine job at leaving out the details of a story depending on who or what narrative they want to present.
        Here on ROK (if you’re a regular reader), you know it’s a space for men (so race doesn’t matter). The author (I believe) is just pointing out the nonsense of it all. Even the woman (reporter) is dismissing it…it’s the SJWs who keep this shit alive.

    4. I’m trying to do a thought experiment about if the parties were a gay man hitting on a straight man.

        1. There was a news article with the headline “Woman beats off rapist.” The first comment was “Well, at least he got a wank out of it.”

        1. You know, I read through the comment section on the video and saw something that piqued my interest. There were comments from men about how Tyson was the scum of the earth because he was a convicted rapist. A rape that may or may not have occurred by the way.
          In the midst of those comments by men, there was a woman defending Mike Tyson, his derogatory remarks about women and even his rape conviction. The only ones outraged by a 25 year old rape were men. I pointed that out. Mike Tyson, while serving time for rape, had women coming to the prison and would bribe the correction officers to look the other way while he had sex. He even had sex with a female staff member who worked in the prison.
          You’d think that women would say “I don’t want to have sex with a convicted rapist who talks down to and abuses women”. In reality, there have been times when Tyson has had to be escorted to his hotel room by security to keep him from being mobbed by adoring female groupies. Some women have sent their worn panties to his fan club.
          Yet, how many men ever bring up or have any malice towards Jay Z for nearly stabbing a man to death in a night club in 1999? Jay Z only almost killed a man after all, who cares, right? (BTW, heres a pop quiz for you readers, do you think Jay Z’s incident of attempted murder made him more or less attractive to Beyonce?)
          But Tyson rapes a woman who is virtually uninjured back in 91 and that is an unforgivable sin that will be remembered for eternity?
          Speaking of which, the irony of ironies for Eliot Rodgers is that if he were still alive and somehow stayed free, he’d have to beat off with a stick the same women who previously wouldn’t have pissed on him if he were on fire.

        2. Men have morals, women don’t. Women only respect morals and adhere to societal norms when forced. Otherwise, they change the rules as they go along.

        1. None of us here on ROK would be shocked to find out that the female reporter he said that to ended up fornicating with him. In fact, we would expect it.

    5. Indeed it is. And the amount of times I’ve had some cranky misandrist at work suddenly start pursuing me after I won’t put up with her bitchy snarky victim nonsense.
      Never has anyone even asked me if I ‘feel’ sexually harrassed, and all the white knight manginas just sit there giggling like schoolgirls (Or Reggie Yates) while little miss snarky panties escalates her imaginary seduction of me.
      I have tried the shortest route of just dating them if their reasonably attractive in times past. but of course that always ends in some drama where its all my fault and makes for an even more uncomfortable workplace.

  4. I feel sorry for the cricket player, but on the other hand I am grateful to feminists for giving us so many more supporters by overblowing non-issues.

    1. Some weird baseball like contraption. Got to see it in Kuwait. Could never get the hang of it nor did it find it entertaining. However, the (I presume) Pakistani and Indian cooks were quite hooked.

      1. More people don’t give a shit what baseball is more than cricket. Baseball has to be the most boring “sport” ever invented, that along with american football..both very gay.

    2. Let’s not turn this into an argument about cricket vs baseball. It just goes downhill from there, next thing you know people will be arguing whether to spell it “color” or “colour,” or if it’s better to drive on the left or right side of the road. Trust me, I’ve spent a lot of time on the internet

      1. We should just agree baseball and cricket both suck, Google gets to decide how to spell everything, and we should drive on both sides of the road as much as possible.

    3. when I first got to london it was late and nothing was open and all I could find on TV was cricket. I watched it for 3 straight hours. It is an amazing sport. But yeah….

    4. I’m not much of a fan of Cricket but it’s far more entertaining and skillful than Baseball where they just whack the ball as hard as they can.

  5. If feminists controlled the world, men would be too afraid to ask women out for fear of serious repercussions. No one would ever get pregnant. Our world is fucking pathetic at the moment, really infuriating.

    1. Correction. Women would get pregnant but only from 10% – 20% of males they give alpha fuck boy status.
      Just making it to level of college athlete means more groupies than a man can fuck. All you have to be able to do is put a ball through a hoop, and women will track you down and magically appear out of nowhere and enthusiastically do whatever depraved acts you want, and quietly disappear so you can get a good nights rest. All the for chance to taste cum from alpha cock.

      1. “I did have a girlfriend once for like three and a half years, and sex was much better when you were emotionally attracted to that person. There’s times now where I definitely want a girlfriend. But at the same time in my head I’m like, How am I supposed to know if she likes me for me or because I’m an athlete?”
        Good read – and an interesting quote, because he’s essentially saying he’s doomed by his own success

        1. Many males would like to be doomed for a few years that way. He probably assumes 95% of the attention he gets from women is due to his athlete status, and he’s enjoying it while he can.

      2. Good read and some good points. The biggest question should be “how much of my income will she get once the divorce papers come out?”.
        That is truly the biggest reason why so many men are avoiding marriage. The court system will usually side with a woman and it transfers much of a man’s wealth to the woman. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are many men out there who doesn’t want to deal with the “I don’t need a man” bullshit, today, but much of it has to do with preserving one’s wealth (income, property, etc..). Too many gold digging whores out there (with kids from other men to boot) looking for a nice new “daddy”.
        You have to laugh. I tell many young men to avoid any women who already have kids. You never know, she may be looking for another source of income.

    2. that’s why, in the short term, the muslim invasion is a good thing. everyone needs to snap back hard on reality. that’s the only way this shit will die

  6. The elephant in the room is none of this would have happened in the first place if women had never been given access to locker rooms. Shit like this should be used as an example of be careful what you wish for.

  7. He was very poorly calibrated. He ignored her initial turn-away and doubled-down with invitation. Very poor form, though not a big deal.
    Sharapova escalated only after receiving a positive response. Very different.

    1. A good reason on why women should not be allowed into men’s locker rooms. They are a distraction from the game and most of their questions are just bullshit, anyways.
      Besides, where is the equality that so many of them bitch about (no men in women’s locker rooms reporting….why not?).

      1. And in other situations it also seems to apply in reverse. As in, a gaggle of women at a workplace stop what they’re doing to gawk at the hot and dreamy delivery guy. I noticed this at the high end salon my ex fiancee worked in. Wonder if the guy even thought of sexual harassment. Nah, most likely, he thought which one of the hairdressers he wanted to nail.

        1. Hey…I’m on with it as long as society is ok with it. The problem we have is women are crying “foul” when men do it but it perfectly acceptable when they pull the same shit. That’s how delusional women are today in our society. They don’t even see the obvious, in your face double standard that they have created.
          Men stop and check out a woman it’s harassment (and they are considered dogs). Women do the same thing…no problem, they are empowered.

        2. The day men are allowed in female locker rooms is the day I beat Usain Bolt in a foot race.

  8. so muslims can rape white women, but black men can’t hit on white women.
    their totem poll of victimization is very confusing. With Cosby, Jameis Winston, etc…. it’s becoming clear the SJWs basically group white and black men together.
    they hate all American men.

    1. It always depends on which narrative they are trying to push. They have to continue ignoring the problems with rape in Sweden, Norway, and now Germany because it pushes part of their agenda (see how Merkel continues her open borders policy as if she were right?).
      But when it comes to something similar it all depends on ‘the players’ involved in the story and where they sit on the totem pole of victimization.
      Another similar story (white, athletic woman is hit on by white reporter – a man) and it’s just fine, no worries – because she is in the position of power and control.
      This kind of thinking is a disease (no logic at all, no equality needed, either).

  9. I’m conflicted about this. It’s not cool to put someone on the spot in front of 100’s of thousands of people. If she accepts it’ll get turned into tabloid fodder, jealous women will call her a slut, and she of course her own employer might have fraternization rules. If she declines she’ll look prudish and the SJW hordes will call her a racist. Seems like a lose-lose situation.
    There’s a part of me too that wants to see a pro athelete get knocked down a peg. It’s sort of like those gimmicky jumbotron marriage proposals you see where it’s kind of refreshing to see the the saccharine sweet beta or egotist smacked down for subjecting you to an over-the-top romantic gesture.

    1. Oh come on, she’s an attractive female. She must have years of practice turning guys down.

      1. She’s been pedestalized all her life by men. She owes her career to her appearance. If she can’t handle it she can resign and let another woman take the pay check. I’m sure she’ll find a way to get over the “trauma” of black male complimenting her on TV.

    2. Agreed. Minor incident, but pretty uncalibrated game in my opinion. It’s also the sort of behaviour that can be classified as sexual harassment in the workplace over here. Yep good old Australia, an over governed left wing shit hole.

  10. Black Cricket Player Fined $10,000 For Asking White Reporter Out On A Date.
    Isn’t that racist?
    I honestly can no longer keep up….the SJWs move those goalposts so fast.

  11. Here’s a video of the same woman being complimented by a black man. Notice the two fags in the video are more upset than she is. In every video that talks about the “incident” there’s always some cunt and a group of pussies upset over basic human interaction.

    1. Yeah, if you’re a woman hired to do sports, you can’t suddenly be shocked and ignore when people compliment you on your beauty. Unless your a muscular lesbian who actually plays sports, you were hired as eye candy, and shouldn’t be surprised if someone publicly acknowledges that. It’s not like he forced you to kiss him or anything.

    2. She seemed flattered and showed a big smile. Even a slight blush. She was very humble and not so high on herself. Very pleasant.

    3. Both those manginas seemed married, that is why they are feeling uncomfortable. Can’t hit on girls now, can they?

  12. She looks like Olivia Munn. I do not blame him. Feminists are mad a girl gets attention. They do not want men flirting because nobody would flirt with them.

  13. Video of that same reporter sexually harassing a guy on a beach at 2:49….how does she sleep at night? This chick is foul when it comes to double standards…what she did was WAY creepy and inappropriate compared the guy that got fined.

        1. No it’s not. Red pill even corrects himself in the comment section saying that it wasn’t.

    1. Nice one. Such hypocrisy. This guy is being unfair to her though. The reporter MM did down play this interview flirt incident from Chris Gayle. It was no big deal for her but the rest of the media are not happy with whether she was offended or not, they want to turn a breeze into a storm.
      So he got fined for the ‘offence’…and what exactly is the wording of the offence he is being punished for I wonder?
      Yeh Australian sports media – we dont just want to report the news, we want to create it as well, on or off the field. I guess it gets cricket into the main headlines…any publicity is good publicity style. Remember the sports media hysteria over that 13 yr old girl making a racist comment from the crowd to Sydney AFL player AG a few years back. That went on for weeks.
      Depends if the players have been well lectured on what is allowed behavior when it comes to dealing with journos or the public as to whether he should be fined or just given a reprimand. He was out of line and quite cheeky with the rapid fire ‘don’t blush baby’ comment when she wasn’t, but a sackable offence..GTFOOH. You could also argue that the sports commentator who made the comment ‘as she scurries off with bright red cheeks’ could be fined as well as MM would have taken offence to that comment when she was not doing anything of the sort. I wonder if Chris for a split second there thought about running with her smashing phrase and mention how he wanted to keep that up and smash her back in his hotel room later that night. Now that’s something I would have felt deserved some media frenzy.

  14. It’s truly sad that ‘progressives’ can mob and have such a negative affect on people’s lives.

  15. I believe this incident really exposed feminism and has been noticed by many other people and not just the men who read here. Readers here will be well aware of the hypocrisy of feminists but it can be hard for the average person to spot. Yet this time it played out in real time with everyone watching.
    Over the first week of this year the feminists and their press allies and their allies in institutions (such as the morons who fined Gayle) went into an absolute meltdown over Gayle. In the British far-left newspaper the Guardian, there were several articles with comment pieces from shrieking feminazis and cuckolded overweight male sports writers all getting very upset.
    Over those same days that newspaper, the BBC and all of the left wing press refused to even mention the events in Cologne. Feminists turned a blind eye to women being molested and even raped in the street because it conflicted with their open-borders narrative and their belief only white men are bad.
    To have it all play out in such a short period, with a deafening silence from the media while people were talking about the attacks on social media has really woken up a lot of people. The feminists will deservedly have it thrown in their faces for evermore; they don’t really care about women and didn’t get outraged about women being raped by Arabs and Africans because they were too busy being outraged about a cricketer chatting up a presented.

    1. it’s a shit test on how stupid and gullible an audience can be. like dodo birds walking off a cliff. at what point does a human survival instinct kick in to stop something from harming you?

  16. “The response in the days after the event from the journalist who interviewed Gayle has to be applauded. McLaughlin could have easily used this to set herself up as a professional victim. However, her take on this is that while she was uncomfortable at the time, it isn’t a big a deal. Notice in the interview here she was continually trying to get those interviewing her to get over it as she wanted to talk about what she is actually paid to talk about… cricket.”
    Good. I’m glad that was her response, and in turn deserves her job beyond just looking pretty.

      1. Go back home and sit on another cucumber. That appears to be the only thing you are good at.

  17. The articles and opinion pieces just kept on coming. Plenty of people commented on them that the whole thing has been blown out of proportion and just didn’t deserve the attention it got. I left a comment on one site that it was a matter of time before it morphed into another campaign to end violence against women.
    There were even a couple of articles (one from the ABC no less) that tried to link it to some kind of workplace harassment for fucks sake.

      1. Least that media outlet let your comment show. Numerous of my (worded carefully not to be offensive) reader comment posts over the years get deleted if they oppose the theme of the article…either by the female journo or the person monitoring their online reader postings.

    1. I’m coming to the realization that any man with money is way, way better off just paying for hot young hookers instead of bothering ‘dating’. ‘dating’ only leads to problems

      1. I’m coming to the realization that ANY MAN is way, way better off just paying for hot young hookers instead of bothering ‘dating’.

  18. The PC zombies are instead outraged that a man would take steps to fulfill his own sexual strategy rather than passively waiting in line so that women have full control in fulfilling theirs.

    Imagine if it was revealed that she took him up on his offer and hooked up with him. Then suddenly the Feminist narrative would shift from attacking Gayle to circling the wagons around the reporter. “She’s an independent woman! Stop slut-shaming her!”

    1. I doubt it. They’ll still vilify Gayle saying he seduced/manipulated her. She wad not able to reject his advances and would need to be deported.

  19. Only $10,000?
    There was a time, back when white people had self-respect, when black people could expect to pay with their lives for lesser antics than this in large parts of the United States. Not coincidentally, black Americans were well-behaved in those days.
    I think a one-way ticket to Nauru until he can be returned to sender is in order, along with an inquiry into who let him into Australia and why—as if no whites could be found in Australia to play cricket.

    1. That’s true why import players when there are so many capable Australians would be more than willing to play.

      1. The team owner probably wants to win games. So he hires the best players regardless where they came from.

  20. Just an update on the Chris Gayle saga – two opinion polls found in favour in Chris Gayle as a victim because of the over kill of such a trivial matter, the woman that claimed Chris Gayle exposed himself to her stated this happened when she went into the Mens change room, yep that’s right the Mens Change Room what was she expecting to see in the Mens Change Room.

    1. The woman that claimed Gayle exposed himself to Mel wished she was Mel. This feminist wished a man would hit on her and to be able to be in the men’s change room.

  21. I live in Australia and it has become almost impossible to meet critically thinking individuals. There is such a sheeple mentality and the men of the country have voluntarily castrated themselves to please the women (most of whom love feminism). Australia is the worst country in the world for a man who chooses to celebrate his masculinity. I have no doubt this reporter’s beauty has opened many doors for her, but typical feminist mentality is they always want the good of things without having to suffer the negative contained within the law based on the duality of everything. Just like they want all the positive privileges of being a man without any of the negative aspects of masculinity. Hence the reason we don’t see them lining up in droves to fight on the frontlines during wartime or throwing themselves into the most dangerous occupations.

    1. Women should be allowed to report on their own sport while men should report on men’s sports. The reason is simple: men can go into locker rooms for men and the same for women.
      The nonsense of mixing men and women is all about attention and flirting. We don’t need women in men’s sports…it’s a distraction. We need men back in the locker rooms talking sports with the men and women can do their own league (and reporting).
      There is nothing else to it but attention whoring (by women). Does anyone even listen when a woman is reporting? I know I don’t because there is no relevant information (in the questions).

  22. As an Aussie I am ashamed by PC bullshit such as this. We are now a nation of hypocritical pussies. Gayle is a pimp but a funny one. McLaughlin is there for one reason and it’s not her expertise in cricket, the TV channel knows this as well. She handled it all ok, it’s all the other wankers jumping up and down that are the trouble makers. They either have small dicks no dick at all or aren’t interested in dick.

  23. Very human of her, which is something that’s becoming increasingly rare, and so attractive. It takes being human to understand another. The fact that it infuriated the public a lot more than the “victim” herself, says a lot about our depraved culture, where the society that seems to have transcended the boundaries of gender and morality, has also inadvertently shed the remnants of its very humanity.

    1. What are you afraid of? Don’t worry, if you follow Roosh you can have your own women.


  24. The bulk of content on this site is on the right side of the majority of important social issues of the day. It still misses, almost completely, when it comes to interracial situations. Someone with even a smidgen of wisdom can immediately see and understand how getting this one issue wrong undermines the foundations of all the other claims made here to cultural stewardship, patriarchy, and national integrity.
    In this situation there’s an athlete that thinks he’s a class act getting taken down a notch. He’s unprofessional. There’s nothing overtly racial I can see. Still, race is a part of everything when it is involved to one degree or another. There’s no way to eliminate it only try to ignore it. The main race issue hasn’t even been mentioned. Black women are the “injured” party if there is one and would be rightly offended this person lacks any honor for his heritage. It’s another example of a black athlete getting some success and then doing everything he can to bag a white woman. Forget setting an example to his own people, honoring his own heritage, and raising his own people up through his actions. Men and woman both black and white should be appalled along the same lines.
    The idea the takeaway from this story is an “awesome playboy getting hated on” is nonsense. I also see no evidence it was racially motivated. If it was racially motivated, it would be Caucasian people doing what is within their power to protect the integrity of their culture/ heritage by discouraging miscegenation. If that’s the case, it’s a good thing. Hopefully the Jamaican people have as much sense to share similar sentiment seeing this person trying to sell out their heritage on TV.
    Attempting to pull the race card against Caucasians on RoK is out of place. It’s hypocritical sandwiched between articles lauding nationalist causes and reports condemning third world Arabs raping European women. Arabs, coincidentally, who’s racial origins are from race mixing that took place several millennia ago. Beyond the scope of this response, though a good place to point out, this component of their thousands of years of aggressive anti-Western culture and oppressive religion is rarely ever touched upon.
    Being able to pick up women is a good thing done within the proper context and with honor. “Men” with only the ability to reason a male/female situation through to the orgasm, and no farther, are a joke. “Orgasm entitlement” is not a cause except for a fool.

  25. One thing I thought watching the video: you listen this guy, you listen Bill Cosby, they sound like nice and normal people, they don’t sound like “brothahs” who just went out of a suburb.
    It seems like black people today, they’re expected to behave and talk like black ghetto brothahs, otherwise they will be under the fire of the Liberal Media.
    That’s the true racism.

  26. What a strong, independent woman! She immediately cries and start playing the victim in the medias because a male asked her out. Strong and independent indeed.

  27. I have lived in Australia. Australian women are more comfortable with being romanced by an undereducated builder whose ancestors were rapists and murderers than ANY black man. They almost exterminated the native aboriginal population, that’s how much they don’t want black people mating with their women. Women just follow the rules set by the men in that country. Man is the sun, woman is like the moon; she merely reflects his light.

      1. Yes, I am in the kitchen of my million dollar house I got from my first husband! I will tell you what I am doing, I am cooking prosciutto pancakes with truffle oil FOR MYSELF! I can tell you just eat shit food like all angry idiot racist men. You don’t deserve love, women think you are strange! Hahahahaha ;-D

  28. This is a professional woman trying to conduct an interview. Not get patronised by some dickhead who thinks he’s gods gift. If it had been up to me his fine would have been bigger and would have been accompanied by a suspension.
    If he wants to ask her out he should do it in his own time and not on TV in front of millions of people.

  29. Seriously can’t understand feminists and manginas. What is life without a little flirting during your day.

  30. I’m glad he got fined because his behavior was disgusting. We need to nip miscegenation in the bud.

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