How Common Core Is Turning A Generation Of Americans Into Idiots

Now that it is presidential election season, we constantly hear the politicians tell us how broken the US education system is. One of the solutions that is supported by the Democrats and some of the Republicans is “Common Core.” Common Core is a national standard that dictates what children in grades K-12 should know at the end of each grade. The standard was announced in 2009 and it has been adopted by almost every state.

While the idea behind Common Core seems reasonable, in practice it is just one more heavy-handed government social engineering project on America’s children. Here are some of the reasons you should oppose Common Core even if you don’t happen to have any children of your own:

1. Common Core doesn’t address the real problem with US education


The US spends more per pupil on education than any other country, yet the US trails continues to trail other developed countries in virtually every category.

Politicians and educational “experts” put the blame on various things: teachers, parents, teacher unions, and lack of funding for poor schools. They all agree that we need higher standards and more testing.

But the elephant in the room that all these solutions are ignoring is the fact that blacks and Hispanics score lower on standardized tests than white students. The less white the US becomes, the worse its performance gets in comparison to other nations. Linsday Cook wrote in US News and World Report:

American education is rife with problems, starting with the gaping differences between white students and students of color: More than 60 years after Brown vs. Board of Education, school systems in the United States are separate and unequal. By 2022, the number of Hispanic students in public elementary and secondary schools is projected to grow 33 percent from the 2011 numbers. The number of multi-racial students is expected to grow 44 percent.

As the percentage of white students in our education shrinks and the percentage of students of color grow, the U.S. will be left with an education system that doesn’t serve the majority of its children properly; the gaps in education will prove especially problematic.

Until Americans are willing to have an honest conversation about the differences between various groups of people we are going to waste money implementing various silver bullets to fix the wrong problem. Because Common Core does nothing to address this issue, it is destined to be another expensive debacle, like all prior attempts to fix US education.

2. Common Core enables a tiny cadre of people to engineer all US education


In theory, national educational standards shouldn’t be controversial. After all, the federal government is supposed to want the best for its citizens.

But we are all aware that it is no longer the case. The Obama Administration has been notorious in using government power to reward friends and punish enemies. For example, it appears that the IRS targeted Tea Party groups for special scrutiny. And the Administration has stoked the fires of racial hatred by exploiting events such as the shootings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. The Republicans are little better. The Trump candidacy has exposed how deeply the Republican Party is beholden to a small donor class whose interests often conflict with those of middle class Americans.

Keeping Common Core in place allows a small group of people in the federal government to control the nation’s schools. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see how this type of centralized control can be used to impose politically-favored ideas onto our children.

3. Common Core results in a windfall for test publishers and other vendors

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush reacts to a question at the Mountain Shadows Community Center in Las Vegas Monday, March 2, 2015. Bush distanced himself from his family on Monday as he courted senior citizens in Nevada, the first stop in a national tour aimed at key states on the presidential primary calendar. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Sun, Steve Marcus)

For whatever reason, American teachers and administrators are especially gullible to jumping on the latest fad. Educators are constantly trying to find that silver bullet that will make all the children above average. It could be a new way of teaching math, a new technology like iPads, or different ways of organizing classrooms.

Because of this insatiable desire for novelty, there is no shortage of private companies who line up to peddle their wares as the latest in making cognitively challenged children into the next Einstein. It’s a big, lucrative business. Common Core is no different. Because it calls for incessant testing, test publishing companies like Pearson are big proponents of Common Core. They are getting a huge windfall.

It is not just test publishing companies. There are all sorts of institutions that are lining up at the Common Core trough. Politicians are also poised to benefit. Presidential candidate Jeb Bush started the Foundation for Educational Excellence, which advocates for the adoption of Common Core. It turns out that the foundation has been the beneficiary of Gates Foundation dollars for their advocacy. Americans should be skeptical of any expensive new educational program, especially if it has dubious results.

4. Common Core has not been tested


One of the benefits of the US federal system is that states can conduct experiments without affecting the rest of the country. Colorado’s legalization of pot is one such experiment. The rest of the country can observe what is happening in Colorado before choosing to legalize or not.

It is the same for education. Several years ago, California decided it was going to try to teach reading without using phonics. It turned out to be an abysmal failure, but it only affected California students. Then entire country did not have to pay the price for some politician’s hairbrained ideas. This was not the case with Common Core. It was foisted upon the whole country with the exception of four states. As usual, the federal government offered billions of dollars of grant money for states that adopted the new standards—before it had a chance to be tested in a small, controlled environment.

Common Core advocates say that the program was “internationally benchmarked.” It sounds impressive. Unfortunately, what they mean is that the creators of Common Core only looked at the standards of other countries. It does not mean that they compared their actual results to the results of other countries.

Common Core was an ambitious creation, but there is no evidence that it will have better results than what was in place before. In fact, it may result in poorer results. Putting an untested program into place in the entire country was a reckless decision.

5. Common Core dumbs down the math curriculum


One of the unstated goals of the developers of Common Core was to better prepare students to be corporate office drones. So they surveyed CEOs at various companies about the various qualities that a good corporate drone would possess. The interesting thing is that this resulted in Common Core dropping parts of the math curriculum including “calculus and pre-calculus, about half of Algebra II, and parts of geometry.”

Critics pointed out that this would make college-bound students less prepared to enter a university STEM program. It turns out that preparing students for STEM was never the purpose of Common Core. Rather, it appears that Common Core is not aiming at students who are in the upper tail of the bell curve. Its purpose is to prepare students for “community college, university, technical/vocational program[s], apprenticeship[s], or significant on-the-job training.”

This probably will not hurt intelligent students in wealthy school districts. Those districts will continue to offer these courses. However, poor school districts may forego offering the higher math courses and still be considered Common Core compliant. Thus, highly intelligent students in poor districts may be cheated out of adequate college preparation.


There may be some beneficial aspects to the Common Core standards, but the corrupt nature of US politics, the untested nature of the program, and Americans’ unwillingness to confront unpleasant truths make Common Core a bad idea at the present time.

Read More: The 7 Most Common Lies Women Tell In A Relationship

199 thoughts on “How Common Core Is Turning A Generation Of Americans Into Idiots”

  1. “I will close all schools which are not above average”
    Hillary Clinton

    And this is the problem with US education plans.

      1. OK, the video title is over the top, but I was dying with laughter watching her try to talk like some sort of black preacher.

    1. we have now encountered a new piece of newspeak.
      everyone must be above average.
      now, dont think too hard about that. just go along with it. file your taxes, watch the news. do your tps reports.

    2. HRC is just one of the ruthless people who get to be a high level servant of the ruling class. Math skills, logic, and reasoning are not part of the selection criteria.

  2. The education system in US is especially fucked due to brown children.
    Their performance is tied to their genetic ability. No matter how much we spend on education the performance of students stays the same. Don’t believe me ?
    US curenttly spends six times more on education than it used to, and yet the performance stays at the same level.
    The only solution is to adjust expectations. But that would mean accepting that humans are not equal, and that doesn’t sound good.
    The danger of what we have now is that since the problem will never really be solved (student performance), since it’s pretty much more related to genetics than how you teach, we have opened the door to massive social experiments that will never end.
    They can always use the excuse of raising the performance(which can’t be done to a significant mean) to create new programs and bloat the government, and make sure that a small hand of people have an iron grip on what is going on in school, which is the problem with common core
    Well, let’s just throw more money into it. I’m sure that will automatically make all students smart.

    1. Due to brown kids? What about Indians? Most people would agree that Indian Americans are among the smartest groups of students in the US, along with other Asians. I think an appropriate hashtag would be #NotAllBrownChildren lol

      1. Funilly enough. Indians in India are actually not very bright. Their average IQ is around 85, which is the same as US blacks.
        But since India is a country of more than a billion people only the best of the best emigrate. Which explains why US Indians are so smart.

    2. In 1998, there was a study done on differences in IQ among different racial and ethnic groups. First thing they found: different amounts of variation were found dependent on the test used. So, standardized IQ tests don’t even agree with each other on racial differences.
      Second thing: when factoring in many different variables (using hierarchical regression), they found socio-economic status to have a significant effect on IQ. Kids who grew up in poverty had lower IQ than kids who grew up well off. Since more minorities are poor – more kids of racial minorities have lower IQ.
      One thing you are very correct about – the current school system propagates the idea that there is no difference due to race or ethnicity. Apparently, race and ethnicity are social constructs. I know because I am in university studying criminology, and I heard exactly that this week. It made me smile. Even biologically, people are different. Example: there are reasons black people are the best sprinters. There are also reasons white people are the best swimmers. It has to do with body proportions. However, I won’t go so far as to say certain races have an IQ that’s inherently lower. Research does not really back that up.

      1. I was mostly relying on the transracial adoption studies. It showed black kids adopted into white families still performed closer to the average of their race, regardless of their environmnent.
        Economic status has influence, but it is not as big as some people think. The richest black kids still perform worse than the poorest whites.
        According to studies, IQ is 80% heritable in adults and 45% heritable in children. Which means, even if blacks could be made to perform better in schools in their earlier years, once they grow up they will mostly likely plateau at whatever level they are genetically set.
        Therefore economy and education can raise IQ maybe up to 20%, that would mean, that if all blacks where to somehow do everything they can to raise their IQ, their average IQ will be 102 instead of 85. Which sounds great, but keep in mind the effort this would require would be the same effort of turning everyone into a internationally competitive bodybuilder (aka it’s a fantasy that will never happen).
        As for standardized tests, while we have different ones, there are some that are free of cultural bias. They are called raven matrices and have been used since the 30’s. They are the preffered ones and are used most often and are quite accurate.
        This type of test is used by Mensa. They even have a test online where they use them. It is free of cultural bias.
        Even if IQ was not set in stone by biology it still begs the question, can it be raised reasonably. Just because it is POSSIBLE does not mean it’s FEASIBLE.
        The effort it would take to bring black iq to the level of the white one, even if it was possible, would take so much effort it’s simply not worth it.
        So far every experiment on raising the black iq failed, despite all the money we are pouring in.
        There are multiple accounts of teachers trying to improve education for blacks, and it fails miserably every time.
        So, even if it is possible, it’s still doesn’t matter because there is no PRACTICAL way of doing it. And this is why common core is doomed to fail.

        1. All this tells me is that whites, both male and female, seem to thrive in a modern feminine based education system constructed and dominated by WHITE WOMEN. A system that plays to the feminine strength of rote memorization at the expense of practical application. That bears absolutely NO resemblance to the education system of the Greeks and Romans which was predicated on trial and error. So congrats white guys now you both act and think like women!

        2. I agree with you on the feminization of education, but that wasn’t really my point.
          Even if we employ Spartan methods of education, the IQ of blacks will not suddenly increase by 15 points.

        3. This is interesting stuff. Another study:

          Essentially, it puts forward the idea that black people are conditioned to believe they will perform more poorly on IQ tests than their white counterparts, so they do. But when the test is presented as a set of puzzles, with no essential significance, black people do just as well.

      2. There have been hundreds of studies on the Black-White difference in intelligence over the past century with sample sizes of up to tens of millions per study and hundreds of millions cumulatively. The B-W score difference virtually always comes out between 0.8 and 1.2 standard deviations. (IQ s.d. = 15 points for whites, or about 12.4 points for US Blacks with typical amounts of white ancestry).
        This leads to big differences in the tails: about IQ 108 is needed to any kind of management, e.g. a retail store. About 3 in 10 Whites are at or above this level, about 1 in 22 blacks, so fewer than 1 in 9 managers should be Black (at most – IQ over-predicts Black performance and hiring the highest scoring applicants would result in a bigger gap in hiring rates). This level of racial discrepancy in hiring is punished as “disparate impact”, so companies are forced to use proxy measures for IQ such as college degrees, resulting in huge amounts of waste and malinvestment.
        Not all IQ tests are equally reliable, the correlations between test scores and other things such as race will of course be lower for less reliable tests.
        You can’t correct away SES – differences in intelligence explain differences in income far better than the reverse. Poor kids have poor parents who are poor mostly because they’re stupid, and they’re stupid because they have bad genes, which they pass on to their kids, making the kids stupid. Being stupid, the kids don’t get out of poverty.
        Read: “The Bell Curve”, including end notes before pronouncing on what the research says. The research since then has only confirmed TBC; the attempted refutations of TBC and the refutations of the refutations are a quick course in statistical reasoning. Since then it has become clear that there is no room for environmental influences to be responsible for the racial gap, for populations it is essentially entirely genetic, the remainder called “unshared environment” actually being measurement error, while all the ways that US households differ “shared environment” account for absolutely none of the differences in performance between people, whether of the same or different races.
        It is also proven that intelligence is the single most important factor in predicting school and job performance across all types of jobs (better than education, GPA, experience, resume, recommendations, unstructured interviews etc.) and that low-IQ leads to poverty and criminal behavior. Because high scores for Blacks are more likely to be flukes, IQ actually over-predicts Black performance (the irreproducible “stereotype threat” hypothesis was to explain this additional performance shortfall, not the ~1 s.d. score gap, as is often misleadingly implied.)

    1. At the future trials, after abortion, this will be the number one crime they will be charged with.
      Subverting education by being willing slaves to the elite, selling their boys future for a bit of virtue signalling.

  3. Common Core focuses on the wrong topics. While mathematics and language are important, history and philosophy are more important. Sebastian makes a good point that the two subjects Common Core covers (Language Arts and Mathematics) are training for corporate drones.
    In the mid 2000s, something abysmally low (around 18%) of British college students knew who commanded British Forces at Waterloo. Another 30% (or so) thought it was Horatio Nelson rather than Arthur Wellesley.
    If I were to walk up to your average American an ask them who Otto von Bismarck was and why German Unification affects the world today, or explain the importance of Charles Martel’s victory over the Muslims at the Battle of Tours, most people would look at me with expressions of “who?”
    In fact, at lunch today, I made a joke about perestroika and Boris Yeltsin. I got blank stares from coworkers who didn’t know what either was.
    One of the likely causes of the problems of 2016 is a lack of understanding of the problems of 1916, and a general understanding of history. A great historian (sometimes said to be Arnold Toynbee) said something about history unlearned repeating itself.
    As I plan on expounding upon in an article for submission to this site, another tool of the Left is Historical Revisionism. The more ignorant Americans are regarding history, the more vulnerable the are to the constructed (and politically convenient) history the left would present: generally, that white imperialists from Europe caused all of the world’s ills.
    For the sake of humanity, and the fight against the left, we must inoculate ourselves with the knowledge of history. Even more practically, we should be aware of mistakes made by past generations (such as women’s suffrage) and avoid repeating them.

    1. History and Philosophy will be the very subjects that any type of core program will avoid to include, as the first subject allows students to question the reasons why we’ve deviated from our founding principles, while second allows students the critically evaluate the structures and politics of our societies, and, remedies for change. Office drones don’t need to think.

      1. Exactly. They don’t want children to be able to think logically: they want them to emote and feel.

      2. History and philosophy are very easy to subvert.
        The only history they will emphasize is the evil of white people. They will talk about colonialism, nazis and opression. All other groups will be presented as saints.
        Philosophy can be subverted as well. They will call Schopenhaeur misogynistic, Nietzsche was ableist, ancient philosophers were too patriarchical. They will not be learning about Plato, Diogenus, Cicero or Julius Evola. They will only teach them about John Stuart Mill and his “just don’t harm anybody k” philosophy at best, if not only feminist post-modernist crap.
        Philiosophy is too patriarchical and opressive, here instead is the philosophy of queer feminists and Marx. Good luck goys.
        Common core would absolutely include history and philosophy, but not the kind that you and I are thinking of.

    2. You can’t understand philosophy unless you understand rational thinking, which math trains. And history doesn’t matter if your ability to think critically has not been developed. First math and the most used language(s) in your region of the world, then build on top of that.

  4. Forget about any so called institutional program designed to address the faults of the education system. But the very fact that most adults do not know the simplest problem solving skills such as how to calculate interest rates, how decimal points work or even the basic geographical facts about our world such as the names of all the continents and oceans, is a reflection of just how ignorant and oblivious our society has become over the last decade.
    I remember watching the movie “Zombieland” in which the character played by Woody Harrelson talked about how not knowing who Bill Murray is, is like not knowing who Gandhi is, to which the little girl actually responded “Who’s Gandhi?” While many would think that this is humorous, the reality is that we are witnessing a generation of kids, who actually, do not know about famous people throughout history such as Gandhi, Winston Churchill or even the name of the first President of the United States.
    Then it really makes you wonder as a man, what are these kids being taught today in these so called “educational” establishments known as schools and colleges. From an astute observation of the whole system, it is clear that the whole education system is truly a scam-designed to keep people dumbed down while fleecing them for everything they are worth. Yes, we have young 18 year old kids who are entering college to become “enlightened” yet they do not read the contracts of the student loan papers they sign explaining about interest rates and repayment schedules and the very fact that parents enable this kind of behaviour by instilling them with nonsense such as “everyone is a winner” and guidance councillors fixating on this obsession about sending kids to college because somehow it makes the kids “special” really has proven to become detrimental for society.
    I see so many kids who are studying accounting and economics and despite rote learning useless theories or knowing how to produce some sort of financial statement, they are absolutely clueless about the mechanisms of fractional reserve banking. Heck, they not even know the basic facts of the Central Banks. It is only as time goes on, that we can see from all the empirical evidence such as low IQ scores, the growing student debt bubble and high unemployment rates for young college graduates, that people need to start revaluating the education system and the value it produces for society.
    People are now homeschooling their children, encouraging them to learn more about history and real knowledge gained from subjects such as mathematics and computing. But more importantly, teaching them to apply this knowledge and to always question everything. This is the kind of simple change that should be encouraged because as long as we have more kids entering into the prison system known as higher education, then it should not come as a surprise as to why more idiots are being produced on a regular basis.

    1. Exactly. The goal is for children to graduate being ignorant of history. The last thing the Elites want is an informed electorate that can recognize historical parallels. Instead, Americans are rootless wanderers, with no home, no culture, no sense of the past and no interest in the future, living only in the moment like a goldfish.

      1. I recall how we were taught history: we looked at very narrow, isolated modules, focusing on largely irrelevant trivia and with a heavy political slant. We were taught a lot about historical method, which seemed designed to make us skeptical that we could know anything about the past.
        The end result was a bunch of people who had no real idea what had happened in previous eras, and were dubious if you tried to tell them.
        That’s great if you’re in the ruling class. People are much less likely to ask difficult questions if it doesn’t occur to them that things could ever be different. For example, taxes used to be far lower and the government hardly got involved in people’s lives. Nowadays people think that government taking half their paycheck is normal.

    2. The goal of the public school system is not education but indoctrination.
      They’ll cover slavery and the Holocaust but they’ll conveniently omit the firebombing of Dresden or how many millions of German POWs were marched off to their deaths in Siberia.
      They want children to buy into the lie that America has always been the good guy, the underdog, the virtuous nation upon a hill.

        1. It’s a shame America demarcates the cultural from the economic life of a person so cruelly. In places like Spain a man can be tobacconist and a philosopher in the same breath, a book lined room at home, and stack of fags and newspapers by day.

      1. They want children to buy into the lie that America has always been the good guy, the underdog, the virtuous nation upon a hill.

        Not exactly. They indoctrinate kids these days that the USA is the cause of almost all of the world’s problems, and that this country is fundamentally evil because of how the Indians and Blacks were treated.
        The “solution” of course is that we have to keep apologizing for things that people today didn’t do, to people who weren’t victims, hundreds of years after the fact.

        1. It’s both of these. I know that sounds confusing and that’s the point they want them confused so they won’t be able to think straight, which in turn will make them easier to control.

    3. You seem to be acting like this is something new, but the fact is, Americans have been behind in education for a long time…

  5. Of all subjects, the establishment especially keeps the youth financially illiterate in schools because it’s in their best financial interest to do so.
    Exploiting financially stupid people is very easy and enormously profitable: Credit cards (making minimum monthly payment), payday loans (extortionate interest rates) and especially University “education”.
    Imagine if they kids actually knew that University education is mostly useless (unless you’re doing STEM, attending a prestigious school, etc.) and it’ll take them many years to actually pay it off, if they can even find a job in the first place given today’s environment.
    Why would they want the general public to know anything about the shell games and scams of Fiat Currency, Fractional Reserve Lending and Central Banking?

  6. Good article. There are many reasons why American student performance will continue to decline. A major one is demographics. For the first time, minority students now make up the majority of students at the Kindergarten level. This will propagate through elementary, middle, high school as the students age. Many minority students come from cultures that are very anti-intellectual and are hostile to learning.
    Second, American culture, even White culture, does not respect learning or education. Who are the cultural heroes? Basketball Americans with a pituitary problem. No talent whores who undergo plastic surgery and release sex tapes.
    I can tell you as someone who has spent his entire professional life in academia that American women do not respect intellectual pursuits. You think any Americunt gives a flying fuck that I’ve won this tech competition or won an award for medical product design? Fuck no. Also, I can tell you that the people downloading my pedagogy (teaching) papers on ResearchGate are mostly from China. American teachers simply do not care about keeping up with best practices in education. They’re lazy, indifferent, and probably too busy fucking their students.

    1. It’s as been said around here: human nature hasn’t changed, though the way we live has changed significantly. Women still only want warriors to mate with, and men more often than not look up to athletes and other men who do some kind of physical labor. Ask a young boy who he looks up to more, a scientist or a baseball player and 9 times out of 10 he’ll pick the baseball player.

      1. “Women still only want warriors to mate with, and men more often than not look up to athletes and other men who do some kind of physical labor. Ask a young boy who he looks up to more, a scientist or a baseball player and 9 times out of 10 he’ll pick the baseball player.”
        Would have gotten different results in the 1950s and the results would favor other professions more heavily the farther back one went (unless one went all the way back to Rome). Sports are the circuses given to the modern serfs to redirect energy ever since the modern state stopped representing their religion, race, and/or culture.

  7. This is common in the whole western world. We have good students, average and bad ones, the we importe zillions of bastards from the third world who have no idea of our lenguage, and can´t barely read. Then our school system quality decreases and the educational bill skyrockets in order to integrate this bunch of retarded inmigrants. As a result, we find out a super expensive education system, with a super low profile students. SJW thanks again.

    1. here in Wichita, Kansas they’re using taxpayer money to pay for fucking Spanish and Arabic translators for the foreign kids. I hate all of these people and their children.

    2. Also, schools have abandoned a tracked system where children would be sorted / segregated by their intellectual abilities. So gifted children and retards are placed in the same class and the teachers must teach to the lowest common denominator.

  8. The utter failure of common core can be summed up by the goal of it, which seems to be “let’s make EVERYBODY above average!”
    Anyone who has a basic understanding of math will understand why that’s…not likely.

  9. With this program and similar ones in European nations we’re seeing the complete annihilation of the traditional concept of education which wasn’t just related to a person’s allotted slot in the future labor market.
    Programs like these proclaim the values of students having “skills” rather than having knowledge that would allow them to analyse, debate and create upon matters of substance. Partly the proclamation of the skills agenda in education has much to do with fulfilling the ideological dictates of the equality and egalitarianism mantra where people who traditionally perform poorly on STEM programs, like Blacks and Hispanics, must nevertheless be accommodated under a standardized accreditation system. This accommodation lowers the standards of the whole system for everyone, while also unwittingly exposing the “skills agenda” as a conceit that lines up the minority students for a life time of office fodder work.
    The education system is about social engineering, it’s not a conspiracy, they have no interest in you or want you think, or whether you’ll be happy or not. You’re just a further slot that needs to skilled to do certain things- that’s all.

  10. Common Core is really basic and only intended to be the minimum required standard. Teachers are allowed to teach beyond it and supplement it when they think their students could handle it. The problem is the open immigration policy that doesn’t require citizenship verification to enroll in schools. So classrooms are held back by the bottom 25% who speak english as 2nd language.

    1. Teachers are allowed to teach beyond ?? Yupp…If they were taught Common Core as well ??

    1. From your link:
      The St. Paul school district has spent almost $1.5 million dollars on
      “white privilege” teacher training which includes treating shouting out
      in class as a “black cultural norm” while characterizing being on time
      as a white cultural stereotype.
      Reminds me of this from the Seattle Public Schools:
      Cultural Racism:
      Those aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value and normality to white people and Whiteness, and devalue, stereotype, and label people of color as “other”, different, less than, or render them invisible. Examples of these norms include defining white skin tones as nude or flesh colored, HAVING A FUTURE TIME ORIENTATION, EMPHASIZING INDIVIDUALISM AS OPPOSED TO A MORE COLLECTIVE IDEOLOGY, defining one form of English as standard..

      1. Anytime I see the phrase or words “white privilege” or “diversity” I see the word “racism”.
        It says to me “no more white people”.
        Society sees it ok to use these terms and it doesn’t even realize how racists it is to use these words.

    2. I agree. Erase the past, dumb down the masses and create an Idiocracy.
      Getting rid of the Christian holidays – nothing to see here. Try to get rid of “other” holidays and there would be a shit storm (media reporting, twitter, FB, etc…).
      But the dumbing down continues…

    3. Wtf does ethnicity have to do with anything? You assume the system was created for learning

  11. Leftist dickheads, like Hitler, want to control the flow of information so as to control what ideas enter the minds of children and therefore churn out a mass of default liberals incapable of anything remotely resembling critical thought.

    1. Humm ! I think that anyone in Hitler’s Germany who? Would have come out with “Common Core” would have ended up being shot & then send to the Russian Front !

      1. “OH boy, another ‘Hitler was a leftist’ retard.”
        There is only autocratic monarchy in synergy with Orthodox theocracy on the right, anything else is to the left. Strangely, the MSM switched the color identity of the left and right. The monarchists (or more conservative) side used to be blue, those rebelling against the Christian God and traditional Western civilization were always red. Now, the conservative parts of the USA are called red, and the Leftist parts are called blue.

        1. “There is only autocratic monarchy in synergy with Orthodox theocracy on the right, anything else is to the left. ” You don’t even know what left and right mean. Right is just the status quo (or former status quo). Left on the other hand just the wing that is against that status quo, and they are both relative to the country you are in. For an example, right wing in the US are all about guns, but in France they are all about protecting French Culture. Left wing is US is all about “protecting” [email protected] Left wing in UK is all about “protecting” Muslims.
          “Strangely, the MSM switched the color identity of the left and right. The monarchists (or more conservative) side used to be blue, those rebelling against the Christian God and traditional Western civilization were always red” That has nothing to do with anything we are talking about. And it’s not true anyways. Red is just the colour of the REPUBLICAN party and blue is for the DEMOCRATIC party, it has nothing to do with anti-monarchism.

      2. He is not necessarily stupid, but Hitler was indeed not left.
        He was far right socially and center economically. Basically, Third Position.

        1. Hitler wasn’t really right wing either, because right wing is just the position of the status quo or former status quo. Hitler on the other hand was way different even from the old order.

  12. Common Core is designed to give a very basic education to the low-IQ mongrels being raised to be the busboys, waiters, and cleaning ladies of the 21st century. The heirs of the elites will continue to enjoy top-notch education catering just to them.
    American women have been taught that their duty to the sisterhood is to see to it that none of their sons by working-class white men (who might grow up to be an economic or political threat to their betters) leave their mothers’ wombs alive. Aborted fetuses don’t need education.

    1. Exactly. The elites send their children to private prep schools, academies, and boarding schools. The people who get most fucked over are intelligent / gifted children – who are usually male – born to middle class or poor families. Unless they self-educate, they will be failed by the system.

    2. I really do get the impression that women are indifferent to the success of their own sons. It’s really weird but I think American women care more about getting Afghan cave women the right to read than about making sure their sons receive a top notch education. Altruism to a sick degree.

    3. Common Core isn’t taught in private school. Thus the elites won’t be learning it.

    1. Yes. Almost all passed over on the marriage market for lack of brains, good looks, mental stability, or all three.
      Had we a free market in education they’d have been replaced with computers long ago. I hope I live to see the day when they are.

      1. If we had a single-payer system that was otherwise a free market, that would work a lot better. In Canada, the way the health system works is like this:
        1) If you need a doctor, you go find one.
        2) If you like the doctor and they like you, then you become their patient. If you don’t like them or later are unsatisfied, you can fire them. If later they don’t want you as a patient, they can fire you too.
        3) The doctor (or doctors, depending on the situation) will provide basic care and medically necessary services, and then send the bill to the government who will then pay them a standardized fee for that service.
        Of course, there are a lot of problems and politicking going on in the system, but bear with me.
        Imagine if teachers and school were entrepreneurs and private contractors who parents could hire and fire at will rather than (effectively) a government monopoly that forces a kid to attend a particular school if they live in the government determined “catchment area”.

    2. Students describe male teachers with positive words more than females whom are described more using negative words.
      Here is the tool that shows that:
      For example try these words: annoying, genius, unfair, rude, brilliant, entertaining, charismatic, unprofessional, mean, etc.

      1. SEXISM! JK, I have always had much much better experiences with male than female teachers myself…

  13. CopyPasting a relevant prior comment of mine:
    “Funny story about Common Core. Last year, I was teaching a Sunday School class for 7 and 8 years olds. During a long down hour we got to talking about math.
    A boy who was probably the smartest in the class bragged about how he had mastered the way to multiply a 2-digit number by a 3-digit number.
    I let him show off his work on the whiteboard and he did some idiotic grid bullshit.
    Over the next hour I showed my whole class how to multiply the procedural way.
    In less than an hour, I had 7 year olds able to multiply 1,894,547,124 by 3,284,674 with virtually no errors (but lots of paper used).
    INCLUDING the quiet little girls who hate math. Most of the boys grasped the procedural method much faster, but all of them who tried seemed to get it. One of them was actually ANGRY at how easy it was to do procedural multiplication when he’d been struggling in math for months.
    They left asking me to give them huge numbers to multiply at home and I even wrote out a summary of the steps for a curious few.
    I think I was supposed to be teaching a story from Leviticus that day, but math may have been a better use of time
    Screw everything about Common Core. It’s trash designed to equalize by helping every child suck equally at simple skills.”
    I’m convinced that one of the purposes for the math overhaul was to make sure boys struggle artificially as bad as the girls struggle naturally.

    1. It’s to make all children hate math and decide to go for those degrees in “Marketing” or “Social Work” , then when the Scientists tell us something and cite ‘math’, it can’t be questioned…just like ancient priest-kings citing the ‘sacred scrolls’ no commoner is allowed to see.

      1. Not only make kids hate math, but these stupid indirect inefficient methods take away the natural advantage males have in maths. Now, we can have feminists, news outlets, politicians etc squawk about how “girls are excelling” in maths.

      2. “.just like ancient priest-kings citing the ‘sacred scrolls’ no commoner is allowed to see.”
        Do you have any references? The only thing that springs to my mind that comes close is “Roman Catholicism” after they split from “Eastern” Orthodoxy in 1054. But, that isn’t ancient, it is medieval. The ancient gods mostly lacked canonical scriptures and the oral stories could vary and conflict.

        1. Ancient may have been an exaggeration but the point remains the same. Also normally once something is over a thousand years old it’s usually considered ancient which means something from 1054 is almost there, so it’s not much of an exaggeration.

        2. “The Catholic Church of the Middle Ages was tolerant by modern standards” (George Orwell, 1984) : contrary to the legend, NOBODY was ever arrested by the Catholic Church or under her instigation for the mere possession of Sacred Scripture. Books were so expensive before the advent of print that book censorship was a non-issue. The Church rather arrested those who TAUGHT or PREACHED religious doctrine without her permission, no matter they were equipped or not with a Bible to do so, and most great heretical preachers being hounded, like the Cathars of Languedoc, used no books at all. During the Middle Ages you could even be a declared heretic or a sorcerer in private, as long as you were only an amateur, a pure consumer of wrong doctrine or purely personal fantasier of wrong thoughts (except sexual so as to elicit your passions), your sin was not considered mortal and there was no public penalty, the reason being that everybody except exceptional saints speaking under Godly trance were considered to be natural-born wrong thinkers by the effect of Original Sin. Things got serious only if you made a profession out of your heresy, only if you started having an official public bringing you money or other goods. When books became more common with the invention of print, from the Renaissance onwards, the Catholic Church, so as to try to counteract the Reformation onslaught and also that of occult magic that had become very popular among the elites, grew warier of the possession of wrong books by the wrong people, the Index of forbidden books was instated. But even then it did NOT prohibit the Bible, it prohibited Protestant or pro-Jewish versions of the Bible in favour of her own editions of the sacred texts with her commentaries. The Catholic Church mostly favoured the impression of separate chapters of the Bible, like the Psalms, the Epistles or the Book of Job, together with abundant commentaries of the text by her most approved writers. Most people preferred by far sacred readings and commentaries in the form of live sermons, reading a book was considered second-hand by most. What is true, on the other hand, is that the Catholics did not consider Bible-reading as a soul-saving activity per se, you had to go to sacraments and do very specific good works for that, but holy reading was not considered a wrong activity, it became holy only when done in a prayerful way.

    2. Most important classes are math and whatever language is most used at the time (currently english in the west). You did good.

    3. Common Core is nothing more than dumbing down education to the lowest common denominator so that useless parents raising useless children don’t have to worry about their kids not succeeding in school.
      I have the unfortunate pleasure of living in the glorious Democratic People’s Republic of California, where state politicians were quick to get down on their knees to service the Feds pushing Common Core. I have been over the material the school sends home regarding this nonsense they’ve adopted and it is breathtaking in its idiocy. Instead of supporting my kid in school, I now have to actively work against Common Core during homework and studying. Especially in math, where I have to constantly drive the point home that simplicity is better than complexity when solving equations.
      You know, they’re even giving kids passing scores if he or she “feels” they were right about some problem or question. Even if the student is factually or logically wrong. Everyone gets an A+ and a gold star, even Special Ed Susie who insists that 1 + 1 = flapjacks. It’s going to be “Idiocracy” in America within the next generation…
      “I like money….”

      1. and all of these states (especially the blue ones) with their teachers and admins love that fed money that pours in with each of these new programs.
        When you get down to it, these adults are selling off the kid’s education (dumbing them down) for the money. More parents should be pissed and they should be using stats from other countries to show how all of these systems fail us in the end.

    4. It’s about dumbing down the public and making big profits for the few.
      I’d never seen something so stupid as this “new math”. I’ve watched for decades as politicians pushed for new ways to teach children yet we still are falling behind, worldwide, when it comes education. In the end, it’s all about the money, first, and if a few kids learn then that’s ok, too.
      It’s sad and I thank god I got out (grew up) before all of this bullshit started in school. It’s no wonder kids are no longer interested in school and would rather do something else.

      1. Correct. It’s purely a money making scam. James O’Keefe @ Proj Veritas is already blowing the lid off it.
        Introduce a new system of “learning”, no matter how idiotic. Produce new texts, study guides, lesson plans, etc. –> proceed to federal funding and regulation in public schools and presto –> $$$$
        Dumb kids? No, dumb parents for not demanding the schools drop common core like a bad habit.

    5. Public education has a real problem providing a learning/development experience for anyone of average to above-average intelligence.
      I remember in elementary school learning about how to calculate the area of a circle. I had a male substitute teacher that month who actually entertained my question of how you would then calculate the area of an oval… And then afterwards why can’t you divide by zero? Can’t you divide zero into a number an infinite number of times? He actually took the time to sit there with me and discuss why this is irrational.
      I hardly remember learning anything in my elementary school days, but that one day was burned into my memory forever because it was the one fucking time that a teacher took interest in actually teaching me something… And playing along with my young curious mind.
      Instead I had typically fat old ladies who never seemed to take interest in any discussion outside of the pre-programmed curriculum. Fucking sad.
      You sir did a real service to those students. And I’m the grown up version of those kids who is tipping his hat to you on their behalf.

      1. As a former teacher there’s a limit to how many goddamn questions you can entertain while still having everyone be productive and that limit is quite low for me. I wouldnt entertain that question until everyone in the damn room has mastered how to calculate the area of a circle.

  14. You can’t make everyone rich ? But you can level the playing field, by making everyone poor ?
    You can’t make everyone intelligent ? But you can level the playing field, by making everyone stupid ?
    LOL !

    1. That’s the problem with Idiot Leftism. They want everything perfectly equal. The only way they can do that is to make everyone as dumb as the dumbest people. Nice eh?

    2. “Harrison Bergeron” is not a how-to manual.
      “The year was 2081, and everyone was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal in every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.”

      1. I remember reading this story years ago & having a smirk about it ..
        Not today.. I see this as reality unfolding.. Like G Orwell 1984, late by about 20 years, but reality now !

  15. When I was in elementary school, I was placed in a program for gifted children. I remember that fondly: I got to be with other children who were genuinely excited to learn. Now that program has been cut. I guess they needed money for 1 on 1 aides for retards or deaf mutes. Seriously, I remember each retard or deaf kid had his own personal teaching assistant. How about if you’re deaf you learn by reading a book instead of having someone translate gesturally to you like fucking Coco the gorilla? What a joke. This country lavishly spends on the retards who will never contribute anything while letting the gifted children drift.

    1. Ross Perot pointed this out when he ran for president in 1992 that there was to much money spent on educating people who would never contribute to society but rather be dependent on society. in addition to there is over emphasis on large high schools as opposed to smaller ones. He believed the reason for large high schools was to increase the talent pool for football players rather than any academic reason.

      1. Ross Perot pointed this out when he ran for president in 1992 that there was to much money spent on educating people who would never contribute to society but rather be dependent on society.

        Indeed. Look at how much money is wasted trying to keep students who aren’t interested in learning from dropping out of schools. It all comes at the expense of students who do value their education and who do wish to learn.
        Until the idea that not every student wants to succeed is accepted, we’ll continue throwing good money after bad.

        1. Agreed, there is much emphasis on graduation rates as opposed to helping the truly gifted reach thier potential.

    2. Your an @$$hole. According to you def people, never ever contribute to society… *cough* *cough*
      I am not against GT programs, in fact, I was in a GT program, but the fact is, you don’t need to cut programs to people with disabilities. How about we cut programs to old people (Social Security) instead, they haven’t just not contributed to society, they have actively destroyed it…

    3. Now that program has been cut. I guess they needed money for 1 on 1 aides for retards or deaf mutes.

      No. GT programs are cut because the schools need more money for ESL instruction.
      Most of the illegals and “refugees” that are swarming into the public k12 school system are barely literate in their own language, much less English, so they require a commitment of resources that is disproportionately higher than other students.
      Everyone else suffers because there’s no money for AP or GT instruction.

  16. America has the best universities (witness why so many Chinese, Korean, and Indian students want to study here) but one of the worst K-12 systems. A really odd contrast. But what that means is that the universities really aren’t designed for American students (except for the elite who attend private schools like Andover).

  17. From my last article, “5 Things That Will Not Happen In The Future” (
    “For a number of reasons, there will be no improvement to the American
    K-12 educational system. First, there is no imperative for America to
    improve its own public school system so long as it can continue to rely
    on external talent. The United States will continue to reap the fruits
    of the far superior preparatory educational systems of other countries
    (China, South Korea, India). If America can import foreign talent, it
    has no need to cultivate domestic talent.
    Second, demographic trends dictate that American student performance
    will only worsen. There are now more minority students than white
    students at the Kindergarten level. This numerical superiority will
    propagate like a wave along a jump rope held at both ends, through the
    elementary school, then middle school, and finally high school level.
    With many students coming from a background that is often staunchly
    anti-intellectual and deeply resentful of any attempts to academically
    uplift them, average student performance will plummet.
    The wealthy will continue sending their children to private schools
    and preparatory academies and will be insulated from this trend. White
    children of poor and middle class backgrounds will suffer the most:
    unless they summon the self-discipline to challenge themselves by
    supplementing what they learn at school through independent learning,
    they will not be able to compete and will be condemned to meager
    university and job prospects.
    The American public school system will continue its devolution into a
    government-run daycare. It will be a holding pen for juvenile
    delinquents too young for prison. It will be a plantation where the
    female teachers get their jollies with the varsity athletes that excite
    them in ways their beta husbands never could. In response to
    free-falling student performance, expect the usual appeal from the
    teacher’s union for ever more funding.”

    1. Modern American “public” education was designed, created, funded, and implemented by the oligarchy. It’s now just stomping out the last vestiges of local control.

      1. Homeschooling is the way. Say that and I am a public school teacher.
        (of course, homeschooling done by intelligent parents)

  18. There are no problems with american education and common core is working towards the goals of american education. It is all working as it is designed to work. As it was designed to work over a century ago.
    The real american system of education was purged for good in the 1920s. The last remnants of it were destroyed. In it’s place lays a modified version of the Prussian system. A version modified to produce industrial workers, corporate employees, cannon fodder for wars, and clerks for government.
    The centralizing of the system, the conditioning of students, the dumbing down, the social engineering we see today are just the current steps.
    See “The Underground History of American Education” by John Taylor Gatto. That is the easiest read I’ve found for the historical material and understanding the design. If you want technical grit of meeting proceedings and such then go for “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” by Charlotte Iserbyt. It’s a more difficult read and her disdain for the system can be overpowering at times.
    Again, we are not looking at problems. We are looking at deliberate design. This is why it can’t be reformed and why assuming we are seeing problems only leads to changes that advance the design. It won’t be fixed, it can’t be fixed because it is working as it is designed to work.

  19. The greatest unpleasant truth that Americans are unwilling to confront is that education is primarily a parental responsibility. Your family knows it’s value, even if not possessing it, and devotes any resource to it’s attainment. Uneducated children are first and foremost a parental fail. Until our society decides to accept this obvious truth……seen throughout history and in countries across the world……we will fail.

  20. Commie Core is the brain child of some communist think tank designed to dumb down kids in US schools so they cannot tie their shoes.. It is a total horror show, many states are pushing back, Texas told them to fk off…parents are in a rage over it (no rational thinking person can help with homework) It goes back the “the new math” they rolled out in the late 70’s and early 80’s which totally disenfranchised large swaths of students. Students that were doing well in school are performing badly post common core roll out. In short its a pucking disaster.

  21. Well this is the educational version of socialism. They can’t bring everyone up to White or Asian, but they can bring everyone down to Eating from a dumpster in the ghetto. Of course the Billionaires won’t send their kids to these schools, cause without White farmers these kids will have to EAT THE RICH. Say hello to the new elite: SOYLENT GREEN. The Ritz Cracker that cooks itself.

    1. Nope institutionalized education system is the problem; We live in the age of information we don’t need “schools”

        1. “That is ridiculous. Most people would waste their time without schools.”
          Maybe, but so what? It is like saying most people would “waste” their lives if not for the state forcing them to live correctly. It takes a village to raise a village idiot.

        2. The vast majority of people can’t learn much of anything unless they have a good teacher.

        3. Bullshit considering kids have natural tendency to learn on their own.
          How do you think the founding fathers learned anything?

        4. That’s bias right there, you’re used to someone teaching you something. People can and already learn on their own terms

        5. “Bullshit considering kids have natural tendency to learn on their own.” I don’t know if your American, but the average American male has tendency to learn about porn and that stupid fucking version of rugby Americans play where you wear “armour”.
          “How do you think the founding fathers learned anything?” The founding fathers were incredibly fucking stupid. Have you heard of this: Well apparently the founding fathers were to retarded to not even know the king has had absolutely no power sense like 1660 when the monarchy was reestablished. Also, if a system goes from what our founding fathers intended to what we have now, I consider that a failed system.

        6. That’s during our public education system look up unschooling.
          Really? Ignorance =/= Intelligence. They rebelled since they had no representation in parliament and were taxed to death.
          Then again you youself are an idiot for claiming that kids aren’t curious.

        7. I was actually partially unschooled (did English and most of the core courses on my own) and think for many people it works great, I just feel like you over estimate the the intelligence and ambition of the average person.

        8. It’s not bias, it’s an observable fact given that I am largely self-educated in several fields outside of those in which I actually hold credentials and most other people are not.
          In general, when people “learn on their own terms” what they learn is shite, irrelevant, incomplete or simply incorrect. This is why child-centered learning was such a cock up, “alternative” schools only work for a minority of students, and why “independent research” credits at university usually result in garbage essays which lack any true academic merit despite how much the professor rewards them for their ideological stance.

        9. Not that different considering the K-12 system already teaches kids junk they’ll never need.

      1. It’s definetely a good idea for education to adapt. We live in the age of information. At least there have to be alternatives to public education.
        It’s a shame some places don’t allow homeschooling.
        Considering how public education is going down the toilet, alternatives will become very popular in the next years.

  22. Sounds like the entire program is designed to appeal to the lower common denominator
    wonder who coulda thought this shit up

    1. Because it’s meant to.
      If you keep people ignorant and foster an environment where stupidity rules, people will do as they are told, allowing the wealthy elites to do as they please. People, who are capable of intelligent thought and critical thinking, are dangerous and a threat to those in power.
      That’s obvious.
      Why else, throughout human history, was education restricted to a small few? Knowledge is power.

        1. You also forgot all those drugs from the drug commercials on tv with all the side effects, like constipation and dry mouth and all those other symptoms worse than the disease itself.

  23. Americans are already dumbed down with or without Common Core. Just watch any Mark Dice video. Or Jay Leno’s streetwalking segments a few years back.

  24. Keep up this dumbing down of the education. In twenty years time the country will be then Land of the Stupid and Dumb.

  25. What is better for education, health, and military programs? A government controlled program Or a private corporation lead program? With private corporations having to re-bit for the position against other companies every 5-10 years. What do you guys think?

    1. everyone goes to army for a year at least. Learn to listen and obey. get punished for bitching. turn them into dependable hard working citizens that would not twitch when someone mentions “red menace” or “nuclear crisis”. destroy weakness

        1. Private corporations were the primordial problem here. They supplemented national pride with money and self centerism. Corporation is like a virus. When it finds better environment to thrive in, it moves on. State needs to create programs like “unite as one” or similar where people understand that citizenship is more than just your passport and place of residence. Why not create state ruled economy ? Todays liberal capitalism ran everything to shit. Economy overthrows governments today like its nothing. Well except in China and Russia. Guess why…

        2. Well, I say it’s excessive greed not capitalism that ruins everything. Take capitalism to extreme and of course it could turn a good thing bad. However, for your example of China and Russia look at their living situation compared to ours. I agree with half of your statements. I don’t agree with the two examples you gave lol. The real issue is controlling the corrupt corporations which there are many but not all. An example of a bad Corporation would be a lot of the pharmaceutical corporations which try to push their products instead of look for cures and solutions.

        3. your statement about capitalism and corporations sounds like this ” I am a good father but my daughter is a dirty whore”. See my point ? If you were a good father, the daughter wouldn’t be a whore. Capitalism needs to be oriented towards state well being. Not towards individuals whose children will spend everything and sell to who knows who. I do not care about living situation– this is my main point. Right now we are fighting a beast that thrives on peoples conformism. American liberals will vote anything to keep their cozy little happy fake freedom lives and endless online ranting. Europe is falling apart. Terrorists are setting off bombs and killing, islam is spreading, no one can stop anything cause of “freedom” and pc. You think these sand people will ever start assimilating when you let them in your country? Look at the France–enough said. And what is the cause? Economy.

  26. “Average.” It has a meaning. By definition, “all” students cannot be above average. Most are simply average, and a good portion are below average.
    If a teacher claims that everyone can be above average, you should consider sending your kids to a different school. One that’s not run by retards.

  27. to any of you reading this that have an actual skill (accounting, programming, etc) this just means less competition from the new generation of proles
    anyone born after 1992 cannot be trusted. They are all rats and leftists.

    1. But then that means the corporations will whine to congress about not finding enough skilled(and cheap) workers. They’ll get their H1-B slaves to drive down wages. We’ll all pay hire taxes to pay for welfare for all the common core byproducts.

      1. the moment people become too fancy to do plumbing and sewer jobs, is the moment foreigners will rush in your country to do it. And thats when you have these problems. You need to make white people do shitty jobs too. Less racial problems in the future.

        1. “You need to make white people do shitty jobs too.”
          We do them, but are not considered real people. Take a guess who is doing those contracting jobs in third world shit holes.

        2. important thing is to remember- country is just a one big tank. Everything inside has to work properly in order for machine to move.Everyone has their part. From the janitor to the CEO. Problem starts when janitor wants to be Jay Z and CEO is thinking about fucking supermodels instead of maintaining stability of his company and paying taxes. We have to input this into peoples heads==you will work and you will not complain. Extreme measures should be applied.

        3. You need to import less brown people, there will be less guys working in that area and the wages will grow, so more people will want to do that job.
          The wages will never grow if corporations keep hiring outsiders.

        4. This. Right. Here. But the problem with that is that a) pretty girls don’t want to work. They only want to eat Chipotles and play on their phones. And b) no one wants to work with beta chumps who constantly kowtow to the women in the office.most everyone just wants Uncle Sugar to pay them money to stay home. That’s why Millenials are all TeamBernie.
          I weep for the future.

        5. absolutely. Corporations need to look above the profit. They need to become national oriented. Do things that are good for the nation and the state. Naturally those things will be good for people in it too. I would start a manure processing plant and enter bohemian parts of the cities with hipsters and escort them to the work premises. Instead of drinking,blogging and talking about stupid shit all day, they would become useful citizens.

        6. That’s why I disagree with autistic open border libertrarians.
          Those fascists and nazis had one thing right, race and nation above profits.
          Only a traitor will sacrifice social cohesion and harmony for the sake of a few dollars by importing thid world filth.

        7. That is why i said extreme measures. Primary schools should start all their lessons with ” you are not special, you are just humans. you will live and then you will die. never whine. never cry about the stuff that you cannot have. work hard and hope that deadly disease won’t end you until you get old. Do not fear things. Everything is alright. Now learn ! “

        8. that’s a good reality check. lol
          But what about feelings ? Everyone is a special little flower. You don’t to offend them or hurt their feelings, do you ?

        9. I’ve been to such a camp a few times.
          They won’t make it mandatory in the US any time soon. And if they will they will make sure to let in trannies and faggots. And then they will lower physical fitness requirements so fatasses won’t lose their breath after 2 minutes.
          US is lost.

        10. That was the German spirit of work, nor some nazi or communist system, or capitalistic for that matter. The stay and work for the country and the country gives them infrastructure. Why does Germany have a $300 billion surplus each year? Look no further than the nationalistic Corps. such as Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, Bosch, DeWalt, ThyssenKrupp, Adidas, etc. They all have at least one factory in Germany.
          VW has a, and I’m not shitting you, plant which employs nearly 50,000 people at German wage standards. China, Russia and USA don’t.

        11. Jay Z should have been a cleaner of shit,
          one of the top problems in this world is that drug dealing scumbags can be worth billions while poisoning millions.
          I hate eastern european thugs, almost destroyed ones face a few weeks ago when he started acting like a tough bitch, it literally to 3 people to save this tough guys life.
          You will work and not complain, fark You!

        12. keyboard warrior, if you ever met me , i would recycle you into a pile of shit that you are made of. please stick to the subject and grow up. this is not tumblr/reddit/4chan. nothing tough about me. everyone gets what they deserve.

        13. You are absolutely right. But to say that would fly in the face if the everyone is equal and special and women are victims who deserve special treatment. Things just keep getting worse.

        14. I am more looking for working without wanting empty stuff. When I started my soldiering career I did that cause I wanted to kill enemies and secure the borders of my country.
          Not to own a yacht. Now- why is my reason for working not applicable to any job? For example – if you own a company that makes shoes and you love your country , why would you relocate your business to Taiwan or China? For a little profit? You are terminating jobs of your fellow citizens and driving them into poverty. Not Christian way to do stuff right?
          This is not about communism or equality. This is about nationalism and fighting every possible way to survive.

  28. The hell kind of math is that? Cut out all the bull shit you’re okay I’m okay circle jerk and start teaching some tried and true material. Grades would jump up in no time.

  29. I was 12 when I learned the essentials of calculus. Math isn’t that hard. I never had serious schooling until i went to boarding school, just a math tutor and some textbooks, and I did real analysis at 16. Hell, I outright skipped all of middle school math and just went to algebra from fifth grade. What common core math does is throw in complicated nonsense to confuse people, which is the exact opposite of what math is supposed to be. Mathematicians are lazy, after all.

  30. Want to know what Europeans do different than US?
    They don’t waste time on bullshit standards/standardized tests
    They don’t but up with shitty teachers
    They help people with learning issues, but they don’t hold back ones who don’t
    They also don’t do the bullshit “everee 1 haz go 2 college” crap…

    1. You might wanna take that down a notch or four. Which European country are you talking about? Scandinavian countries? I’ve spoken to Fins, Swedes and Danes and there are tests in that part of the world too.

  31. Common Core illustrates that socialism is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Too many people are happy to unburden themselves from the task of raising their children properly, because they expect the schools to take care of everything. When schools don’t take care of everything, people bitch and moan, and throw more money at the problem.
    Disrespect for authority, laziness, and lack of personal responsibility are prime characteristics of a ghetto mentality. These are also antithetical to the characteristics needed to succeed in an educational setting.
    Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge into little pots of soil. Some people take their pots home everyday and water the soil, give it fertilizer, and put the budding plants in the sun. Other people do none of these things and complain at the lack of results.

  32. If you read Karl Marx, you’ll know that one of the things an ideal Marxist state would need to implement is a public school system whose sole purpose is to indoctrinate students into being little Marxists.
    Common Core does this very well. But to be fair, this kind of thing was going full steam ahead in US public k12 schools since the 1990s at least. We now see at least 2 generations of “Americans” who are incapable of thinking outside of a Marxist paradigm. The last 2 presidential elections, and probably the next one, will confirm this.

  33. This sounds they will add some extra feminist and indoctrinating crap on top. It sounds for profit too.

  34. Students need three basic skills: literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking. Then they need a grounding in the basic facts of history, community and science. That’s about it. The thing is 1) this knowledge and skill base can and should be acquired before entering high school and 2) education “experts” love to sneak in political dogma that has no connection to either skills nor facts but rather serves to indoctrinate the students, and because the whole education field is a rat’s nest of SJWs that will be leftist/socialist/Marxist indoctrination (take your pick).
    A national discussion what the k-8 standards should be isn’t necessarily a bad thing nor is actually having a national standard that can be tested within the public education itself rather than farming it out to some testing firm with political connections.
    At the high school level, you don’t need a “common core” but you should have curriculum standards so that universities or employers can know what “grade 11 data management” means rather than having to read the curriculum documents from 50 different states (or thousands of local education boards) to know what they are getting in an applicant.
    There is still a lot of flexibility that can be had if you look at the way the Model Penal Code was developed and then modified by the states that adopt it, or the way many international treaties are handled through a series of reservations and exemptions. The other point is that even if a national standard with standardized tests is adopted, there is no need for the actual teaching methods or skill techniques to be the same.

  35. A lot of people are saying Common Core is to continue to dumb down kids and while this is undoubtably true, the more nefarious reason is propaganda. The dumbing down and further brainwashing is astounding.

  36. I have kids in the school system. They learn Common Core in school and Reality at home. I discovered if you solve a math problem the Reality way on a Common Core test it will be marked wrong.
    We will all be idiots spending money without understanding how much things are on useless items in no time. 2+2 without a calculator? Let me draw you a picture.

    1. Your plan is a good one. I approached school as a job which worked very well until I earned a genius-grade SAT score. I was very pleased about my score until my school’s guidance counselor called me in to discuss “my future” and labeled me an underachiever and told me she’d be advising my parents of this. I initially panicked, but somehow my social skills kicked in and I slavishly agreed with her, promised her that I’d work harder and make the honor roll, and in so many words thanked her for setting me straight, but please don’t add to my parents’ problems by bothering them. At a subsequent meeting she praised me for my effort and results and poked around about my parents’ problems. I indicated that their problems had ended. I endured her cobra stare the way I imagined a mouse would as I feared she had other plans on hand to “help” me. Maybe she did, however, she relaxed, leaned back with a smug self-satisfied smile and said I could go, but it was very close, too close for my peace of mind.

    1. Best I can tell it is using a kindergarten approach to basic arithmetic. When my kids are of school age they will most certainly not be learning in such a remedial fashion. I was interviewing some recent engineering grads and their lack of intuition and common sense was absolutely terrifying.

    2. I think everyone make up their own visual systems of calculations in their heads. Basic maths is a must for students as they need to learn the basics as mechanically as possible and then they might work it out at some point in time.

      1. Yes. I see the 53 + 37 someone gave elsewhere in the thread as (3+7) + (50+30). This “system” also allows me to do larger numbers in my head both in just adding or subtracting and in mulitplying or dividing. I can only do so though because of the old “carry the one” method having been drilled and drilled in grade school.
        They’re trying to skip ahead. I wasn’t taught this “system” of pulling numbers apart into things I can work and keep track of in my head and likely can’t teach it to others.

        1. I do it exactly the same way. yay. The basic method is still better when doing larger equations on paper. Much more safer.

    3. They’re trying to skip ahead to seeing math in ways you do only after having done a lot of it and gone through Algebra and trig and just done a lot of math or maybe just being “gifted” at it.

  37. Couple of years ago I hired a carpenter assistant to help me do an overhaul of my house. I was still in school at the time but had the money and tools to get everything up to spec. He asked if I would tutor his sister as she was struggling with an online college’s math course. I agreed and began assisting her with her coursework. This 40 year old woman could not do basic fractions or arithmetic and was unwilling to listen to her 4th grade daughter who wanted to help her.

  38. We weren’t able to homeschool or afford a Christian private school, but we thankfully found a French-American Charter School in our area. The school combines the Common Core standards with the French education standards, which makes for a better quality of learning than regular public schools. My 1st grader is already writing in cursive and doing real, challenging math.
    I hope French-immersion charters spread across the country, because they give more depth to American education, and provide a great alternative for parents who cannot afford private schools.

  39. I was reading some quotes from some of the people who designed common core, and there was a few vague statements that seemed to imply that common core was designed so that parents could not help their children with their homework. This indicates to me that they desire to break the bonds between parent and child and this conditions the children to trust in their professors entirely. Unsurprisingly, they get to college and swallow the bullshit whole with no resistance.

  40. CC is very bad and full of statist propaganda, BUT it is very profitable for Gates and his friends….

  41. Common Core is not about improving education. It’s about two things.
    1. Cronyism. The friends of government officials will make billions off Common Core.
    2. Keeping Americans dumb. Dumb people are less likely to be independent and more likely to be on government assistance, increasing reliance on a welfare state.

  42. First, Im glad that we are having a good conversation without insulting each other because we think different. Wish more comments/discussions can good like this. When you say this “Capitalism needs to be oriented towards state well being. Not towards individuals whose children will spend everything and sell to who knows who.” That’s where we agree, here is a statement I said in another comments of an article. “For ex, a man becomes rich in his town, now he can give to his community. That man becomes wealthy in his country so now he helps rebuild up his nation. That same man becomes super successful and uses that to help the world. Look at the creator of 5 hour energy Manoj Bhargava (SK energy is a better product but anyways) Look at what he is doing” My approach is to back up the good (the few that are good) capitalist and punish the bad self-centered ones. Your approach seems more like “The government should control everything” But with that said we well have to wait and see what happens us the US.

  43. So what is the author’s solution to point number one, that when corrected, will negate all other problems in the American school system? Desegregation was what destroyed the school systems and what will ultimately destroy this entire country. No amount of money can change biology or genes. The more non-white the country becomes, the less efficient, productive and more third-world like America will be until whites finally stand up. Thankfully, Trump’s rise indicates this is happening.

  44. Excellent analysis. This is why we need to always be looking at who benefits from the sort of nonsense our government feeds us. An elite few make so many important decisions that we have to be skeptical of wide sweeping regulations

  45. On the issue of the Common Core not being tested, two things come to mind. First is that those on the left apply the precautionary principle selectively, only to ideas and activities that they oppose politically and never to their own hair-brained schemes. Secondly is that they have no concept of the law of unintended consequences; they will roll out some huge, national government program and it ends up creating more problems than it solves. Of course, the solution to those problems is yet another big government initiative.

  46. Ok I’m a teacher and a tutor and I hate common core. I have 5th grade students that still count basic addition on their fingers. It’s not part of the curriculum but I’m going to force them to memorize math facts. Otherwise, they won’t survive algebra. The problem is the department of education has forced common core onto the states by making some funding contingent on adopting it.

  47. For God’s sake, just make the kids sit down and read the books. I tutored kids for years and the problem was only that they simply weren’t reading the material or trying to do the work. They’d go to school and parents thought the information magically would get into their heads. And tutoring only works when the kids know that their parents are paying for it and will punish them if they don’t learn it. Kids from wealty families never got the material down because they were used to not having consequences for not putting out effort. About the rich kids. . .Usually I’d get the second or third stepmom, young enough to be a sister, and pretty hot looking. She’d be the only one who cared, and would usually be really upset with the kid. I’m guessing they realized that they were expendible and feared they would get dumped for a new model if they couldn’t get the brats to perform and get into a choice college.

  48. As the parent of a now young adult, I can tell you that the seeds of Common Core were here long before 2009. It began in the 1960’s and 1970’s with the intentional dumbing down of the curriculum after forced busing made the disparities between white and non-white test scores obvious. Rather than provide the remedial education (to include white phonics, not ebonics; to include math drill that requires concentration; etc.) white political correctness and fear of urban violence dictated dumbing down. I would submit that black politicians of the time also wanted dumbing down because it met with their version of the equality agenda, too. By magic, everyone is equal. And here we are today, fully two, maybe three cohorts of kids put through the abomination that is called a curriculum, with a weakened economy, weakened society, and scary future if we don’t demand radical change.

  49. Standardized education is the dream of the elitist progressives (Nationalists no doubt), teach them what you want them to know, make them think as little as possible and standardize life, no goals, no ambitions, no love, watch 1984 you idiots. Every child has a specialized interest that will guide them to the best match without the “towns” input thank you very much.

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