5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About European Colonialism

With Australia Day come and gone, I found myself getting into many an argument with people on Facebook about the very thing we celebrate every year (and take a very welcomed day off work because of). For those of you who do not know, Australia Day celebrates the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the first fleet of British ships on its shores. There would be no issue with this, if the country wasn’t already populated with native Aboriginal Australians who had their own culture, spirituality, and customs that took a massive shock with the arrival of white settlers.

This, along with a myriad of controversial actions often involving bloodshed, created a dichotomy of people (and Facebook friends). One side, feverish with national pride, the other, obsessed with the crimes of the past, mainly of Western culture’s influence on the native populace and the “theft” of their land.

This latter group has replaced Australia day with phrases such as “Invasion Day” and “Survival Day,” and we have seen similar movements in the United States and Britain for analogous holidays. Are they valid in their evaluation? I mean, how can you deny that there was once an area of land with people already living in it, that other people settled into and overwhelmed, often using force to push their own beliefs and culture onto?

The answer is you cannot—there are, however, certain truths that these groups conveniently gloss over which paint a much more balanced and realistic view of the situation.

1. If it were not for the British, it was only a matter of time before someone else “invaded” Australia


Colonization was the name of the game back in that day. Almost all powerful nations were doing it to some extent, the most notable players being the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Britain, and France. If the British did not colonize Australia, it was simply a matter of time before someone else did. Yes, it is possible that life could have been better for the Aboriginal people under a different rule, but it’s also quite possible life would have been significantly worse.

It’s something we will never know, but one thing we can be certain of is that sooner or later, someone was going to lay claim to that land and the lacking technological development of the native culture sealed their destiny. Furthermore, colonizing wasn’t exclusively a “white” people thing to do, as you can see in the photo above.

2. Aboriginal people practiced “colonization” too


They simply lacked the technology to be as effective as the evil Westerners. When the people who protest these holidays look at native cultures, they do it with rose-colored glasses. Some go as far to ignore well documented facts like the Inca’s taste for blood and sacrifice, or Native American’s slavery practices. Others accept some bloodshed between the different tribes, but cite their relatively small scale as evidence of how horrible the English were compared to the mostly peace loving, native clans.

The reality is that “colonization” and bloodshed was not held back among native tribes because of lack of will, but simply the lack of technology to do so. Around Australia it is demonstrated well by the “Musket Wars” where Mauri (Native tribes from New Zealand) exchanged Muskets for goods from settlers and proceeded to “colonize” the land of the tribes next to them, causing massive casualties and sometimes whipping out whole tribes completely.

What made Australian Aboriginals more placid was not only their lack of killing efficiency, but also their harsh environment. While clashes among tribes occurred, even minor losses of strong hunting males could mean the destruction of tribes on both sides of the conflict.

3. Lack of development created cultural practices that were far from ideal


Lack of food and technological advances led to some less than desirable practices. Cannibalism is well documented among native cultures around the world. Australian Aboriginals were not exempt. In cases of extreme disparity, a practice of population control was utilized where a newborn baby was placed on a rock and had their head bashed in. The original pro-choice option.

While we can make an excuse for such things as harsh necessities, we can safely say that after 2000 or so years in Australia and having the largest technological claim to fame being a stick that returns back to you, that without an injection of Western farming techniques, those practices would most likely have continued for hundreds if not thousands of years more. How many lives would have been claimed if their island was simply forgotten and allowed to continue untouched by Western hands?

4. Australian Aboriginals were complete misogynists

Ezra Klein on Twitter Whatever good points #GamerGate had to make are getting buried underneath the raging misogyny http t.co v3DrpYP00I

And not in the airy-faerie way this term is used today. Australian Aboriginals literally saw women as property, to be traded, beaten, or raped on a whim. These are traditional practices that echo in the Aboriginal treatment of women today. Bess Nungarrayi Price, an Aboriginal activist, truthfully said that

…individual human rights are a Western invention. And that there are many rich and educated white people who would rather Aboriginal people lived with daily violence, poverty and ignorance in order to maintain their idea of what Aboriginal culture should be.

This inconvenient, debated, but very well documented truth is one of the best arguments for a Westernised Australia. Particularly because the group that reaches for the blinders when it comes to Native cultures is composed mostly of leftists and feminists. Native Australians had a real rape culture, a culture that quickly expresses itself in rural communities where parents of children will often feel safer when their kids are locked up in a white fella’s prison.

Arranged marriages, beatings, sex and rape of minors are common practice when Aboriginals are left to their own devices. On one hand, these are simply traditions, the way things were done before the white man came. Bleeding heart leftists scream for something to be done when another 12-year-old girl gets beaten and raped by a relative, yet refuse to acknowledge what makes this scenario a common occurrence, and viciously attack anyone stating some semblance of truth.

For more information about the topics covered, here are some videos and articles I recommend to get you started:

But even if after doing ample research on the topic you cannot see anything positive what so ever from the British “invasion” of Australia, there is one lesson from history you should take on board and apply in our current time.

5. Aboriginal culture was overrun because they lacked the ability to control their borders and property rights


The English, in essence, were just another clan whose culture shadowed that of the current one. Currently, Europe is being flooded with “refugees.” A clan of people who hold different cultural practices to those in the land mass that they are traveling to. The impact of this cultural “invasion” will be determined by the size and the intensity of the population.

If Aboriginal Australians had the ability to control their borders, they could still allow for white settlers, but only letting in so many as to adopt their way of life. Using common sense and lacking political correctness, they would have noted that a refugee from a certain region, such as natives from New Zealand, would more readily adapt to their culture. Hence, they could select which cultures to allow in larger numbers, and which would need more time to acclimatize themselves.

The West has this ability to protect its borders, yet lacks the blessing of the elites to implement this control. Hence, for better or for worse its culture will be challenged as was the Aboriginal. Will the current Western culture change for better or worse with the impact it faces? To guess, one must view both sides without rose covered glasses or the deep seated self-hatred of anything white or Western perpetuated by the political left.

Read More: Why The Native Peoples In Australia Were Doomed

424 thoughts on “5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About European Colonialism”

    1. 1.) They have a welfare state that GIVES you money to breed!
      2.) Lovely young blonde girls!
      3) The men are weak act like women, quite a few even offer themselves up as if a woman.
      4) Their courts might put you in jail where you will be fed and given a free education, but you will not be killed, fined or maimed no matter how many young girls you rape!
      5) Their police and citizens can not carry guns so you can kill them all with Kalashnikovs sent by your brothers in arms from Bosnia and Chechnya…even if you have no rifles, if they attempt to arrest you, a group of brothers can chase them off with stones and baseball bats!
      /s 🙁

  1. Why I supposed to feel guilty about something I had nothing to do with?..Even if my first cousin kills 18 million people, I didn’t play a role.

    1. I know it’s so stupid. Besides, everyone who committed atrocities or were on the receiving end of them 200-400 years ago is DEAD. Skeletons. The shithead Left needs to get over it.

    2. It really is incredible. You can point out to these people that they
      themselves don’t take any responsibility for what their own parents do; in fact they can point out the badthink of their parents
      without drawing any connection to their own morality, yet a shared
      guilt connection between their enemies and ancestors from hundreds of
      years ago is completely natural. This is an example of something that Trump might point out while no one else up there ever will.

    3. If you choose to feel guilty about western colonialism and oppression – then feel totally free to claim personal responsibility for pretty much every single fucking thing every invented!

  2. But don’t you know that civilizations that predated us knew all about equality , not conforming to gender roles , and never even thought about enslaving people ?

    1. Why, they lived in harmony with nature and talked to the trees and never waged war! Disney told me so!

    2. Wait, other cultures before our own were not all about EQUALITY? Damn, sounds like they were more advanced then we are now!

  3. I enjoy teaching “Things Fall Apart” here in The East Bay. It presents a scenario where as a teacher I can freely ask “reasonable” questions while living in the belly of the radical beast: “Do you think the Christian colonists are more ‘humane’ than those they colonized?”

  4. What a bullshit article. You’re basically saying that it’s okay to steal from people who are weaker. The aboriginals had a technological disadvantage, so they couldn’t defend themselves against the Europeans. So because they are weaker, it’s okay to steal their native land, oppress them and kill the ones that show resistance? And because other nations would do the same makes it less worse?
    Then don’t cry like a little bitch when a bunch of big black guys kick your ass and steal your stuff, because they are physically stronger and have weapons. They are the strong ones and you’re the weak one, so it’s okay in your world. Also, stop bitching and whining about Muslims who steal your wealth, women and land, because they are clearly the stronger ones.
    It’s about morality and values. If you think it’s okay to steal someone’s land, then don’t cry about immigrants who are taking over your country.

    1. “It’s about morality and values”
      which essentially the human species does not have. I hear what you are saying but humanity is a mere hairless ape with tool usage and language skills, and thats about it. Humans will always be tribal and will always try to conquer. And now that the world is much smaller and connected, we conquer through banking and use a smoke screens like immigration.
      I’m not condoning human behavior, but the only way to fix this is when that doomsday meteor falls out of the sky and puts us all back to that puddle of shit from which we arose, hopefully to give way to another animal that can evolve beyond what we ever hoped to be.

      1. “only way to fix this is when that doomsday meteor falls out of the sky” Don’t you think you’re being a bit pessimistic? I’m not sure that it’s all about conquering the world anyway, maybe, we should be more interested in exploring rather than conquering it? Some of us are, and, I think the innate possibility that every human being has to learn gives us a future that’s not doomed to devolving back into the mud from which we supposedly came.

        1. “the innate possibility that every human being has to learn gives us a future that’s not doomed to devolving back into the mud from which we supposedly came.”
          That is the natural outcome if white people and east asians dissapeared overnight.
          White people, East Asians = civilization
          Everything else = mud
          If you geniunely cared for the progress of humanity you would be praying for there to be more white people in the world. Because without them no one will care for “human rights”, bigotry or discrimination.

        2. East Asians are not on the same level as whites. I don’t see them as a master race.

        3. Asians are closest to whites. Some of them are ok.
          And there is no master race, that’s just silly.

        4. Their intelligence is too mechanical. The Chinese believe they are a master race, incidentally if you want to see real racism in action, go to China, I’m told they’re extremely rude and bullying to white and blacks equally. Master races do exist, the Greeks, Romans, French and Germans in terms of their natural inventiveness and prowess are/were master races at certain key moments in the history of civilization, and I don’t mean “master race” in some proto Nazi way, in case silly little socialists get confused and take umbrage.

        5. ” Master races do exist, the Greeks, Romans, French and Germans in terms of their natural inventiveness and prowess are/were master races at certain key moments in the history of civilization, and I don’t mean “master race” in some proto Nazi way ”
          Ok, in that sense I agree.

    2. perhaps a clarification is necessary. It is ‘okay’ to exploit others when you can, but it is not ‘okay’ to be exploited yourself, and when someone tries, you may use any means at your disposal to crush them, just as they may use any means to defeat you. Read the article ‘the strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must,’ which uses the Peloponnese war to illustrate this fact.
      This is not a question of universal morality, but the more practical reality that deals with some people simply having more power than others. Power is the key here, and its use is never moral in a universal sense.

      1. Power without knowledge is impotent. That’s the important distinction that all power hungry warlords forget at their peril. Besides, it’s hypocritical to maintain that we can rob, pillage and rape with impunity while others who are weaker or less war-like have no right of appeal to question such treatment. I think, if you or I were subjected to such treatment by a tribe of aliens who destroyed everything we valued, but, wanted to be our benevolent rulers later on, we’d have a right to ask them about their superior values and knowledge.

        1. “I think, if you or I were subjected to such treatment by a tribe of aliens who destroyed everything we valued, but, wanted to be our benevolent rulers later on, we’d have a right to ask them about their superior values and knowledge.”
          Yeah sure, that’s how we dealt with mongols and turks and others who wanted to rule over us.
          Rights don’t exist. They are a fantasy.
          Only violence solves shit, begging never worked.
          Might makes right. Everything else is just wishful thinking.

        2. “Rights don’t exist. They are a fantasy” Of course they don’t. I suspect you must live in the Peoples Utopia of North Korea. If you abandon rights that’s where you end up, besides rights infer responsibilities and this is what’s often ignored by hot bloods. A cool head and a fiery heart, that’s the measure.

        3. I know some white people who escaped from South Africa. They say after Mandela got to power, they became second class citizens and suddenly it’s very unsafe there’s crime everywhere

        4. Rights, the way most people think of are a lie.
          Who gauarantees your rights ? A magical sorcerer in the sky ?
          Men are kicked out of universities based on false accusations of rape, where is their right to fair trial ?
          US government officials can jail you without any explanation under the Patriot Act, where are your innocent until proven guilty then ?
          In Europe people go to jail for posting anti-migrant stuff on facebook, where are their rights ?
          Girls are getting raped by refugees, and they will not investigate the cases because that is politically incorrect. Where is their right to protection under law ?
          The government respects your rights only as long as they fear you.
          “The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants”
          Thomas Jefferson

        5. “Who gauarantees your rights” The constitution and the judicial system protects my rights.
          ” Men are kicked out of universities based on false accusations of rape, where is their right to fair trial” In a court of law, if it’s false, then the laws on their side and they will be vindicated, hopefully with a good settlement.
          “US government officials can jail you without any explanation under the Patriot Act, where are your innocent until proven guilty then” Why aren’t Americans out protesting about this then, because perhaps most of them realize that there are certain classes of criminals, like foreign fighters and terrorists who present a clear and present threat to the security of the State that the normal legal system was not set up to deal with. Given the choice between due and proper process applied to a possible Non-US terrorist and the potential for large of amounts of people to be killed by their actions, most citizens will agree to such measures, rather than want happened in Paris where some of the terrorists could have been detained from entering France through an Act like the US Patriot Act.
          “In Europe people go to jail for posting anti-migrant stuff on Facebook, where are their rights” I never heard of this happening. I know Merkel and Zuckerberg spoke about posts on Facebook about anti-immigration stuff, but, I never heard of anyone getting arrested.
          “Girls are getting raped by refugees, and they will not investigate the cases because that is politically incorrect. Where is their right to protection under law” That’s changing fast in Germany, but, not Sweden alright.
          “The government respects your rights only as long as they fear you” And the way any Government really fears its citizens is when you use the judicial system to defend your rights. The judicial system in western countries constantly holds the executive to account on a daily basis. Just look at how much the State in every western country pays out annually to citizens who’ve had their rights violated in some manner.
          You’re plain wrong when you reduce rights to a fantasy, it’s easy to say and imagine, but, it’s not the truth at all.

        6. Rights only matter when someone ENFORCES them. The government will always look for ways to erode your freedom.
          It’s up to the population to oppose that. If the population does not oppose infringements on their rights, then their rights exist only on paper.
          Citizens keeping the government in check is what gives us rights, not the government. The government is looking for ways to infringe on your rights, not to protect them.
          It is our duty to oppose infringements, and it has to be done, whether gently or violently, by the citizens.
          Other citizens fighting by your side for the collective good gives you rights, not the guy in the government office.

        7. The legal system/judiciary is the strongest check on the tyranny of a given Government in a State. Realistically, people will demand that stricter laws are brought into force after a terrorist incident or like mass uncontrolled immigration in Europe, and yes, this might erode certain freedoms, like the open borders that existed in EU States under the Schegen agreement, but this is a freedom I and most people concerned about mass immigration are willing to have curtailed if it addresses a more fundamental and eminent problem.
          Governments as a rule are largely reactive to public feeling and have a natural tendency to placate the voters, which is all of us, so I don’t fundamentally agree that they’ve an independent agenda to reduce peoples’ rights (maybe that’s different in the States, but why?). When they do this, they’re always caught out and end up losing votes or paying out big money in court settlements.

        8. Aristotle held that some men were naturally slaves. I would hold that in this day and age, 2/3 of men and 95% of women are slaves, in that they refuse to use force or politics to defend their own interests. To exploit such people is simply natural, as they will not stop you until they reach a point where they are no longer slaves.

    3. There were 5 subject points in this article. Not a single one said anything about technology justifying colonization.
      The main point of the article is that leftists who oppose rape culture, patriarchy, and colonization, are hypocrites, because colonization resulted in a drastic reduction in the former two items. Also, those who paint the West as morally inferior are fooling themselves, because everyone else colonized too, they just weren’t as effective at it.
      BTW, we aren’t being colonized because of physical inferiority, as you suggest. We are being colonized because the corporate elite have brainwashed our population into opening our borders and committing suicide.

    4. “Then don’t cry like a little bitch when a bunch of big black guys kick your ass and steal your stuff, because they are physically stronger and have weapons. They are the strong ones and you’re the weak one, so it’s okay in your world. Also, stop bitching and whining about Muslims who steal your wealth, women and land, because they are clearly the stronger ones.”
      Its all good, just when 3rd world repatriation time comes around, you’ll know why you have to go.

    5. “Then don’t cry like a little bitch when a bunch of big black guys kick your ass and steal your stuff, because they are physically stronger and have weapons.”
      Oh, don’t worry, we remeber what happened in Rhodesia and Haiti.
      We won’t cry, we have our guns and we won’t flinch when SHTF. Whites are a sleeping beast, you can only poke it so much before it wakes.

  5. “If Aboriginal Australians had the ability to control their borders, they could still allow for white settlers, but only letting in so many as to adopt their way of life” Well, lets just say they didn’t have a State (and the ideas that underpin it) with the notion of borders and property rights like the English, so I don’t think this is a fair criticism of them.
    I have to state that I actually do have a bit of sympathy for the aboriginals who unlike the native Americans in the States we’re treated shamefully by the Australian Government when they were systemically forced into segregated camps (and this was happening up to very recently) . The whole aboriginal culture is based on wandering the outback, and being foot loose and free from settled life, and when they were forced in the white ways many took to alcohol, drugs and the homicide/suicide rates rocketed. I think there were genuine injustices done against them, and you have to recognize, even, as a conservative that such events do happen and should be remedied in some measure.

    1. I second your sentiments being that I am in Australia and certainly do feel some level of empathy towards these people-however, they also need to help themselves and beat the cycle of conditioned helplessness.

      1. I agree, but, I guess when your native land and culture are essentially robbed and there’s very little if any recognition of this fact by the Australian Government it doesn’t really help instill any belief or confidence in their own future. The Americans by comparison, and perhaps this has something to do with the very different founding principles and ethos of both countries, were very cognizant of this fact early on, and they gave the Native Americans their own reservations, which in my opinion was very fair and good move to make.

        1. ” when your native land and culture are essentially robbed”
          It should be noted that the Cherokees (maybe more?) were very successful at adapting their culture with ‘white man’s culture’, and one could almost say their removal was the first Kelo-type case in favor of the federal and state government.

        2. Agreed. Australia was founded as a penal colony whereas the United States was founded by Puritans who fled persecution and accordingly its Founding Fathers were grounded in strong ideals of humanism and philosophy.

        3. The North American Indians suffer many of the same problems as the Aborigines do. Alcoholism and dependency on the government are a major problem. The reservations put them out of sight and mind. It would be best for the Indians to reject the reservation life move to the city and get regular jobs. Some reservations have become successful after gambling was legalized on reservations but I strongly opposed a reservation opening a casino in a state where gambling is illegal.

        4. The correlation is interesting. However, I think United States have treated the Natives a hell of a lot better than the Australians..I suppose this in not surprising when you consider most of them are descended from convicts.

        5. The Cherokee were fully integrated into white slave owning southern culture. They finally balked at becoming officially just normal American citizens of their states with no special priviliges. They refused mostly because they did not want to be subject to being forced into the malitia (like every white citizen of the state).

    2. Culture doesn’t rise up out of the ground and impose itself on a people. Aboriginal culture is a reflection of their average IQ of 70 or less.

    1. Doesn’t mean you treat them like dirt. Besides, their culture which is very patriarchal has an incredibly rich mythology. IQ as we mean it, is not the only measure of intelligence known to homo sapiens.

      1. “Besides, their culture which is very patriarchal has an incredibly rich mythology”
        It’s a very poor excuse tbh fam
        By that same logic shitskins in Europe are just as intelligent as us. Even though they can barely count, they have a very patriarchical culture and a rich mythology of rape and conquest.
        It’s like when people come with “emotional intelligence” or other stupid stuff to point out that women “are just as intelligent as men but in a different way”
        Let’s be real, Abos suck.

        1. “Shitskins”? What is this about? Does it feel good to you to bash other people for their DNA? That was just dependent on luck. A man shouldn’t place himself above other men just because of luck. Only achievements will do.
          Anything else is pathetic.

        2. “That was just dependent on luck. A man shouldn’t place himself above other men just because of luck. Only achievements will do.
          “Anything else is pathetic.”
          Your individual achievement is only due to the luck of your birth and privileges of the circumstances provided by the community. How pathetic and racist of you to be proud of that. As the man currently calling himself “Barack Obama” said, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

        3. “…only due to the luck of your birth…”
          Pathetic, huh? There is nothing more pathetic than a fatalist/defeatist worldview.
          Sure, Ussain Bolt would never have gotten his record without legs and likely genetics. That doesn’t diminish his extended determination and training in any way.
          A man is supposed to look at what he has done with the circumstances that he was given through luck.
          According to that he may be and deserves to be proud of his achievements.
          He also deserves to be regarded according to it.
          Also, if your avatar name is anything to go by then you are lying to yourself.
          I am not very familiar with orthodoxy but if there is any “Christian” left in it, then well…
          Take the story of the three servants and the coins given by their master for example. It clearly showcases that god views achievement as something different than luck. He judged them according to what they have done with their circumstances.
          But you? You are wrong here. Being a victim to circumstances is a leftist thing.
          We on the other hand don’t reduce ourselves to our circumstances.

        4. I’m sorry if I’m too radical, but it does not take away from my point.
          Sand people should not be in Europe. They are backwards, and whether their inferiority is genetic or on the basis of voluntary behaviour does not matter, they have no place in Europe.
          And I don’t put other groups down becuase I want to feel good about myself, I put them down because they objectively suck.
          If some individual from that group is better than the average, good for him, I have nothing against him.
          As for judging on the basis of personal achievement, that is great, in our personal lives. But when making government policies we should rely on the average of that group, there is just no other way. We can make exceptions to exceptional people on one by one basis, but that’s it.
          Also, IMO, genetics matter. This is not a matter of arrogance but humility. I am humble enough to realise my success is due to my good genetics and not just because “I just work more”.
          I am also humble enough to realize other groups should not be expected to perform at my level, because they do not have the genetic potential that I have.
          I come not to put people down to feel better about myself, but to point a fact. A person of 130 IQ doesn’t say, we must keep kebab out, because they have an 85 IQ an have no self control, which is why they are inclined to rape anything that has a vagina, because they want to feel better about themselves. They say it because it is common sense and good policy.
          Of course, Middle Easterners who I know in real life will be judged by their individual actions, and they might be good people, but the national policy will be built on the average of that group.
          Also, coarse language like shitskins is just that. It’s like calling people sandniggers. It’s not hate, it’s just an expression. Are slurs triggering now ?

        5. Genetic determinism is real. It’s not fatalism, it’s reality.
          All traits, from your temperament, to your political beliefs are heritable to a high degree. There is some room for personal choice, but not as much as many people think
          Being a victim is wrong. But accepting your limitations while doing the best you can do achieve great things despite them is noble.
          Understanding human limitation is important for self-growth and for wise immigration policies.

        6. “Even though they can barely count, they have a very patriarchical culture and a rich mythology of rape and conquest”
          You can say the exact same thing about red necks and hill billies, should we put the jack-boot down on these “inferior” white cousins of ours? IQ measures academic intelligence, so naturally our white brothers in the Appalachian mountains will have similar IQ scores to immigrants from North Africa. What do you propose? Any person with an IQ of less than say 110 should be banished from “polite society” regardless of skin color and ethnicity? If you did this, you’d probably end up with a very Jewish type of society based on the current IQ metrics.

        7. Really ? Because I’m nothing like my parents nor my siblings.
          My parents and my siblings are hard leftists atheists and i’m a right wing Catholic monarchist.
          My parents don’t do any kind of physical activities and hate violence ; I got suspended during highschool for wielding a knife at an arab.
          I train now both in muay thai and boxing.
          My parents love receiving people, my sisters are sluts ; i’m an ascetic loner.
          I could go on but I think you got my point.
          Did my mother screw the mailman ?

        8. I was thinking about cases like this. It seems to be more of a happy accident. Studies deal with averages. Meaning that in a group of 100 religious people, the majority of offspring will be religious as well, but a certain percentage will grow differently, either more religious than their parents or less.
          Sometimes 130 IQ parents have 80 IQ children, sometimes 90 IQ parents have 120 IQ childrens, but it evens out. On average 100 IQ parents have 100 IQ children, with slow tendencies towards IQ growth over centuries.
          It’s like when short parents have tall kids, it happens, but not that often.
          Consider yourself lucky.

        9. Just because we have some fruitcakes inside our borders already, doesn’t mean we should bring MORE of them.
          US and Europe has enough of their own local basket cases, we shouldn’t bring more of them through immigration.
          Immigration should be reserved for bright and talented.

        10. So what? I never denied that.
          The genetics of race can be limiting or enabling but that is only always ever a tendency.
          No one should ever act on tendencies. We should be throwing them out because it taints our culture. Nothing more.
          “It’s not fatalism, it’s reality.”
          I don’t like your twisted way of saying that fatalism is true. You can’t just say it in a straight manner?

        11. On individual level, each human has some influence on his life.
          Groups however act in a predictbale manner and have an average behaviour, that’s what I am trying to say.
          An individual Middle Easterner might choose to ignore his biological tendencies and act superior to the average arab. But arabs as a whole will act in a predictable manner, which we can infer by observing their behaviour and noticing how they behave on average.

        12. Also, did you know that fear can be inherited as well? Go figure, the Germans have angst in their genes. And guess where that came from? The Second World War obviously.
          40 years are enough to rewrite genes in a drastic manner. Do you think a bunch of cowards wanted to conquer the world?
          Something that can be changed so easily is what you are going after?
          Most “shitskins” live in a community where being criminal is a must. That has simply come about due to circumstances.
          All they need is some 40 years and they could become decent citizens. The culture is the only problem.
          Also, “shitskins”. I don’t believe you when you say that you don’t like to elevate yourself by pushing others down. I simply don’t. When pushing something down it’s a given that you push yourself up through it.
          There wasn’t any logical reason to call them “shitskins”.

        13. “Also, “shitskins”. I don’t believe you when you say that you don’t like to elevate yourself by pushing others down. Because I simply don’t.”
          “Most “shitskins” live in a community where being criminal is a must. That has simply come about due to circumstances.
          All they need is some 40 years and they could become decent citizens. The culture is the only problem.”
          That’s same excuse blacks use in the US, and it’s stupid. A community is made out of a bunch of individuals. If most individuals suck, the community sucks.
          Hundreds of years ago muslims beheaded, screamed and acted like savages. And they continue to do so to this day. This is not likely to change. And even if it where to change, they can do it outside our countries.

        14. It sounds like you lost all your steam.
          First, you do know that the Quran is commanding them to do just that?
          Looking at how much religion defines or is culture and looking at the peaceful Christian minorities in such countries…
          When they convert to Christianity they are (despite their genes) able to achieve decency.
          So your thing falls flat.

        15. Religion is an expression of a group’s biology.
          Ideas are just justification for sexual and survival strategy.
          Some people love to kill and rape, and they also like to have multiple wives, so they created a religion that justifies that (Islam).
          Meanwhile, Christianity is a representaton of white people’s nature. Eastern Orthodox Christianity is more patriarchical, which is in line with the character of eastern europeans.
          Western Christianity, is basically Christianity stripped of all semitic elelements, like the stuff in Deutoronomous, and with themes of universal love, rather than an angry god. This is in line with west european compassion and mercy.
          Evangelical Christianity in US is also a representation of the southern US people and some in midwest. It puts accent on different subjects, which is why there is more of an accent on disagreeing with homosexuality and a focus on rapture which is in line with rural US people’s spirit.
          Inside US you have different demographic groups, and ideology seems to be interestingly divied by geography and heritage. (conservative Southern states vs liberal northeastern states and others)
          A group’s culture is a reflection of their biological identity (merciful vs aggresive, compassionate vs psychopatic, tribalistic vs open to other cultures, etc.)
          And I already shown how, while practicing the same religion different groups put accent on different things, depending on their biological make up.
          Culture is a result of biology
          As for converts. People in a group have an average, but there are people of that particular group that are on a different end of the bell curve, so some more compassionate muslims might be attracted to other more moderate ideologies.
          But converting to another ideology does not change human nature, as the case of black christian murderers. Despite being a christian priest this pastor acted just like a typical sub-saharan african.
          Mexicans are Christians, yet they have patron saints for drug dealers. Changing ideology will not change the fact that this people like commiting crime and smugling drugs, so they will find a way to justify doing that, even under a different ideology.
          An ideology gives justification, but the primal desire is cause by biological nature. Islam justifies killing kuffar, but truth be told, most of them like killing anyway. It’s not like they were not blood thirsty before Muhammad gave arabs Islam.

        16. “Immigration should be reserved for bright and talented”. I agree with you on this, but, America unlike Canada has a pure lottery system which takes anyone in. I think the Canadian system is actually very good as it’s based on points for different things like language (English and French) University Education etc.

        17. It’s actually pretty messed up. Green visas are specifically designed to favor non-europeans.
          It’s like giving citizenship to people who are less likely to agree with your values.(A european is more likely to be secular than some arabian guy or islamic african).

        18. The only logical reason for it must be because they need these types of workers to do the more menial tasks that most whites won’t do anymore.
          It’s different in Europe, loads of east Europeans came about 15 years ago, but, they’ve integrated well, they’re hard workers, but also well skilled and most are proficient in English and you’ll never see them applying for welfare payments, which seems to be first thing the non-European immigrants do. At least in the States the Mexicans can’t go over the border and apply for welfare from day one.

        19. “Also, did you know that fear can be inherited as well? Go figure, the Germans have angst in their genes. And guess where that came from? The Second World War obviously.
          40 years are enough to rewrite genes in a drastic manner. Do you think a bunch of cowards wanted to conquer the world?
          Something that can be changed so easily is what you are going after?”
          Fearfulness can indeed be inherited. Liberals have on average smaller amygdala, which is responsible for threat level determination and disgust, meaning they don’t have the balls to respond with violence and they have very little moral compass and feel no disgust towards things like homosexuality, zoophilia or whatever other degeneracy. Hell they might even celebrate it.
          Unlike a wolf who senses danger and attacks, the brain of a liberal will avoid conflict at all costs, even dignity or liberty. They are more concerned with comfort and they will follow whatever is popular, since they can’t suffer social ostracism.
          “Students who reported more ‘conservative’ political views tended to have larger amygdalae,[5] a structure in the temporal lobes that performs a primary role in the processing and memory of emotions. In addition, they found clusters in which gray matter volume was significantly associated with conservativism in the left insula and the right entorhinal cortex. [5] There is evidence that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust [7] and the insula is involved in the feeling of disgust [8] On the other hand, more ‘liberal’ students tended to have a larger volume of grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex,[5] a structure of the brain associated with monitoring uncertainty and handling conflicting information.[5][6] It is consistent with previous research suggesting that individuals with a larger ACC have a higher capacity to tolerate uncertainty and conflicts, allowing them to accept more liberal views [9]”
          The reason germans today are so liberal and r-selected is because all the good conservative k-selected guys died on the battlefield fighting communism, so their genes did not pass on.
          Not to mention draconian jewish control in Germany, where people go to jail for denying the holocaust or being “racists”.
          But the german spirit is awakening. The fact that some germans even have a muster of balls after losing all those good guys in WW2, decades of propaganda and ZOG control is worthy of respect.

        20. Well, congrats. That’s some nice data.
          Now I despise them even more…
          But I feel like defending my homecountry now. Sure, we are indeed way too liberal but who in the EU was it to take actual action first? Who made the Pegida and started rallying?

        21. I like your approach. Instead of resorting to insulting (I am surprised) you resort to data instead.
          You have my respect for that.
          But you have lost already.
          “…,so they will find a way to justify doing that,…”
          Then force them to be unable to do so.
          “…most of them like killing anyway…”
          We, men, all like killing to some degree. Look at our ancestors or especially my ancestors and their Teutonic fury.
          Yet we are here and not killing each other.
          What I am saying is that biology is just an influence.
          That can be, on the level of races, be altered.
          But I think we are having a problem here.
          If you believe it or not our solutions for our current problem are pretty much the same. It is just the approach that’s different. I don’t want them because they disrupt our culture, you don’t want them because they are “shitskins” and you are a fatalist. Which for me is equal to defeatist.
          Tell me what would be wrong about a perfectly assimilated, hard working Christian “shitskin”? When he is, stat-wise, as good as any other German or whomever?
          There isn’t a logical reason. Nor do you have a logical reason to calling anyone a shitskin.

        22. Any similarity to the Kaufman Plan (“Germany Must Perish”) or the Morgenthau Plan is pure cohencidence.

        23. Apologies for having disregarded you the way I did.
          But still? Irony? Considering all those people that have an actual opinion like that…
          Irony is simply impracticable when you need to be very optimistic to tell the difference.

        24. For starters a good chunk of what you described is not genetic at all, genetic determinism isn’t saying that your genetics dictate all of your being, just a very large portion of it. That being said genetic mutations do occur, it’s how evolution happens in the long run, also it’s possible that recessive genes may be at fault for some of these things so just because you can find a few things about yourself that differ from the rest of your relatives doesn’t mean that genetic determinism is inherently wrong or that your mom was sleeping around.

        25. Well, duh. No-one is an island. It doesn’t mean that luck isn’t involved or that genetics are not involved. You seem to be dead set on trying to make things fit into a black or white paradigm. Different shades of grey do exist, even in a metaphorical sense. You really need to wake up from this self conceived world of yours where everything is either black or white, good or bad, 1 or 0, yes or no.

        26. Thanks for your input. I ‘ve put some thought into it and I think that I may have inherited traits from my grandfathers.

      2. Mythology… Meh, ok why not. But it is not very useful in everyday’s life or problem solving.better stick to the good old IQ.

        1. IQ as we currently understand it is an overrated Jewish invention. There is little value of being able to expound upon the finer details of the Poincare Conjecture while not having a clue on using the Metro map where you have to make a speech on the latest derivative of the conjecture .
          Purely academic intelligence which IQ measures is very one sided and takes no account of common sense, improvisation, thinking on your feet, using your instincts, knowing how to socially read people. I know some very clever people with IQs over 135, but, in other ways they’re clueless dunces who’ve no sense or insight about the world. IQ testing was created by Jews who set these standards that were cast in the image of their own very cloistered idea of intelligence.

        2. I’m probably “dumb”, for every time I do I.Q tests my brain gets bored to death by the aimless problems.
          I’m a decent competitive chess player though so I think your take on the subject is the correct one.

        3. I agree, they are boring and really measure mechanical response rates, like arithmetic, rather than measuring a person’s ability to grasp an abstract mathematical concept. I’m good at Math, but, I can’t do arithmetic in my head quickly. I generally work slowly through trail and error until I arrive at the point where the equation makes sense and can be applied to the issue I’m looking at.
          The important thing about IQ tests is that they measure more a person’s “cleverness” rather than their intelligence, which is something quite different. We all know Nerdy people who are superficially clever, but, yet lack any real deep intelligence that leads to any abiding understanding or insight into the problem presented. As I said, I think they were created by Jewish intellectuals who despite their narrow intelligence bandwidth with regard to language and math are will below the standard mean IQ measures on spacial awareness and technical/engineering categories ,and this is why I find that whole IQ metrics scheme more than a little bogus in my mind.

        4. There are better sources than Wikipedia. Why does everyone always reference it. It’s edited by people often with little or no credentials?

        5. Well, it has sources.
          Neisser, Ulrich; Boodoo, Gwyneth; Bouchard, Thomas J.; Boykin, A. Wade; Brody, Nathan; Ceci, Stephen J.; Halpern, Diane F.; Loehlin, John C.; Perloff, Robert; Sternberg, Robert J.; Urbina, Susana (1996). “Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns” (PDF). American Psychologist 51: 77–101

        6. “IQ as we currently understand it is an overrated Jewish invention. There is little value of being able to expound upon the finer details of the Poincare Conjecture while not having a clue on using the Metro map where you have to make a speech on the latest derivative of the conjecture .” Do you even know what IQ is? It’s your ability to learn…
          “common sense” Common sense is illogical. You are making assumptions without evidence…

        7. Common sense is rarer than you think. People cannot learn without a sense of curiosity and knowing how to observe their environment. IQ tests don’t measure these metrics and without motivation and imagination “cleverness” is a very limited asset. Has a man ever learnt wisdom of any worth from the lips of a Nerd?

        8. The I.Q. test has it’s flaws but it is far from useless. In fact I would take an I.Q. score as a measure of intelligence over a diploma or other such certificate any day.

        9. Je me suis récemment inscrit sur Chess.com, si vous voulez. On peut y jouer par correspondance.

        1. Why should someone else find work for them, if they want to be part of society then they should be able to find work themselves, the only thing stopping themselves is their own victim complex

    2. They are beyond hopeless at making it by themselves in a western country with 21st century standards of conduct.
      They hardly ever bathe, get addicted to alcohol at the first sip, molest children in their own community, and have intelligence and skills sets so low that they are essentially unemployable. On the dole for life.

  6. The issue with European colonisation was that there was very little to learn from the aboriginals. Unlike when the Angles met the Saxons, or in turn when they both met the Normans, we did not grow stronger from having shared cultures. Instead a very one sided relationship formed, aboriginals give very little back. As someone who lives in Oz, I’m very very glad we use an english system of laws, education, medicine and policing.
    England’s colonisation of Australia (Hk and NZ too) planted the seed of Freedom, Democracy, Representative Government, and Capitalism in SE Asia (I say this as I am reading Daniel Hannan’s ‘How we invented freedom and why it matters’). It grows here against the darkness. It cannot be forsaken or denied because of guilt.

  7. This article is weighted toward the Australians but really, lets face it, if the Europeans had stayed on their continent (with the exception of the Russians who simply pushed east) then the rest of this planet would be a bunch of bronze-age, disease infested hellholes where women are property, slaves are kept, and unless you were in the emperors court your fate was to pretty much be dragged to the temple to be sacrificed by the god-priests. And spare me “What about China?” — China would, without European influence, be under the control of the mandarins and a god-emperor — and certainly not communist (that too, is a ‘European’ invention)

    1. Eh..if Europeans are superior, then why are there zero ancient European civilizations? The ancient Greeks and early Romans were not real Europeans, since they didn’t identify themselves with the barbarian tribes that inhabited the rest of Europe. Also, much of their knowledge was wrong, copied from other civilizations or simply not unique. The Greeks for example get all the credits for the “Pythagorean theorem”, while that mathematical concept was already known in India, China and Egypt. Or do you think they built huge buildings without knowing geometry?
      I agree that certain groups of people lack intelligence or a culture that stimulates learning, but Europeans superior? Nope. They simply built on the knowledge that was developed by non-Europeans and this is still going on. Or do you think they could build computers without a numeral system that includes the concept of ‘zero’. And look up who invented that concept. They were definitely not white or European.

      1. “If Europeans are superior, then why are there zero ancient European civilizations ? Also, much of their knowledge was wrong, copied from other civilizations or simply not unique. ”
        Nigga really ?
        So Plato, Diogenus, Cicero, Eutyphro and all other ancient philosophers got their ideas from whrere, Japan ? Who wrote the treatise on proper debate and fallacies, Aristotle or the Zulus ? Or did he steal their knowledge and magic telepatically CUZ THEY WAZ KANGS ?
        “Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950 is a 2003 book by Charles Murray, most widely known as the co-author of The Bell Curve. Surveying outstanding contributions to the arts and sciences from ancient times to the mid-twentieth century, Murray attempts to quantify and explain human accomplishment worldwide in the fields of arts and sciences by calculating the amount of space allocated to them in reference works, an area of research sometimes referred to as historiometry.”
        According to him, whites are responsible for 90% percent of human accomplishment.

      2. Even if they supposedly borrowed some concepts from other groups, does not mean they did not expand on them or build their own new ones.
        Should the invention of the car be attributed to the inventor of the wheel ?
        Should Gottfried Leibniz’s invention of the binary numbering system be attributed to the indians, becuase they discovered the number zero ?
        Should the invention of the clock be atributed to the inventor of the cog ?
        This makes no sense.
        These anti whites come with the stupidest arguments ever.

      3. Man your brain washed, why do these pharohs have blond and red hair?
        What do these greek and roman statues look like to you? Africans? Come on the skill to sculpt masterpieces like these dont exist among you 3rd world hordes

        1. Are you dumb? I’m saying the ancient Greeks and early Romans were different than the rest of the Europeans. Europeans are not a homogeneous group. Yes, they were white, but not related to any other group in Europe.
          And what makes you think the ancient Egyptians were of European descent? Their language, culture and religion had nothing in common with that of Europeans. They were not white nor sub-saharan African.

        2. Romans and Greeks were European and white but had nothing in common besides skin color with the Northern tribes that inhabited the rest of Europe and that before the advent of Christianity, were unable to organize themselves beyond a rabble.

        3. The Latinii and Dorian “barbarian” tribes had everything in common with the northern tribes, why? Because when they first settled in Italy and Greece, they were also northern barbarians. Of course white barbarians are still iron age civilizations that are superior to loin cloth wearing jungle dwellers.

        4. Man your the dumb ass that said there were no ancient white civilizations. Indo European tribes that came out of southern russia provided us with romans, athenians, spartans, gemans, balts, goths, persian, aryan, assyrians, celts, scythians and on and on. These guys all are as pure white as it gets. They mixed with other whites or non whites depending on where they moved but they were assuradly white in todays terms.
          And luckily for us the ancient Egyptians were all about preserving bodies so we are able to do tests with these small things called DNA. Its a new kind of magic whites invented to re write history. Like this story on modern British being the closest living relatives to king Tut AKA 100% white

        5. Also by the time the Roman Empire rolled around the “Romans” resembled the hordes of the middle east, rather than blond blue eyed Latins. The Roman army consisted almost entirely of german mercenaries in the west, and gothic mercenaries in the East. Having these “barbarians” fighting for them extended Rome for hundreds of years in the west and a thousand years in the east.

        6. The ancestors of romans and greeks were were part of a subset of the white race with their own set of characteristics which set them apart from the people in the north. Had their isolation from those groups lasted a few more millenia, a starker differentiation would have taken place. Otherwise why do you think that while Homer collected and inmortalized the deeds of the great battle of troy, most of the north went naked and painted and naked into battle and care nothing about the mysteries of the world?

        7. The ancient Greeks of the golden age definitely fought naked, they were barbarians who showed up in Greece a few thousand years BC. Heres a vase showing how they fought, heres the wikipedia entry for the indo european migrations. All of the migrations are out of the same area, all spoke variations of indo european languages and all are described as blonde or red haired( i.e. pure indo european populations something that isnt found even in mostly indo european Scandanavia . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb87ba5b8b70a4bc08a2e1967cbde56a0723fedcfd3ac939b877d8e471e0a43b.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-European_migrations#Hellenic_Greek
          Heres Homer referring to the Gods of Golden age Greece
          The Homeric poems describe the gods and goddesses as blond and blue-eyed; the word for bright hair is generally xanthós, into whose definition we will enter later. The Iliad describes Demeter as blonde, Aphrodite as golden-haired; it describes Athena as blue-eyed, and in fact refers to her fifty-seven times as Zeus’ blue-eyed daughter Athena. The world is glaukopis, which may be deduced from glaukos, meaning “bright, sparkling.” Pindar later described Athena as glaukopis and xantha, thereby clearly referring to her blue eyes and golden hair-colour.

        8. First you seem to ignore the hundreds of images made by the ancient Greeks themselves showing people of light skin and dark and even somewhat curly hair that obviously were neither black nor Norsemen.
          Let’s refer to Aristoteles himself: “Those who are too Black are cowards, like for instance, the Egyptians
          and Ethiopians. But those who are excessively White (like the Scythians)
          are also cowards as we can see from the example of women, the
          complexion of courage is between the two”

          Whether you like it or not ancient Greeks and Romans were white but not the same people as the Nordic people who came later and developed civilization much later. That doesn’t mean one is necessarily superior to the other, just that they are different, however as you yourself said, finding a pure sample today wouldn’t be easy…

        9. Well Greek mythology says Hercules had red hair, its pretty clear in the description of his birth… but whats this? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0ea2314886cb6c6d70fb2f4726e1ffb0b8488f129662212e38add672821c44e4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4625e11892c9dd18ca17a4928c5b3b894a9efc456c8a5d659dd8e67e8b70a7f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/55264dce32d40d3fff53f72897e468de612c4869f289dee61b4ce43ad9a74289.jpg
          Hes clearly black with black curly hair on the vases? Why? Because thats how they drew everybody, thats just the techniques they used. Same with Egyptian art. Heres Ramses, he has red hair, that means hes 100% white (thats the only way you get red hair), but in this drawing he looks brown, why? because thats the techniques they used https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9831ab919270313e7089a123ae2a534ce72462bc3d01b5d3e1b1dc0f05f88fa1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d6eedbb98884c9fd07a7c25d9c8fdb3c49e8ef1ef856ef6078d6f8d9a0675ee.png
          And for Aristotle all I can find is his saying the kings of the Scythians were weak and soft and blamed feminist influences. But to say he thought whites are weaker than non whites is ridiculous, the Scythians had a huge empire which doesnt happen when your cowards. Here is his statue, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00d1429b7dbcc554e0b00241a0073917fa5e66daea24b3e9c5cdb651e7c066bd.jpg
          Like all classical greeks he was white, and he lived in a time where every non white nation lived in fear of a white army with advanced technology showing up at their door step (kinda like now)
          Now for a counter argument lets point out the Lombards. These were the German “barbarians” who finished off Rome. They went up and down the Italian peninsula exterminating the levantine multicultural mess that was the remnants of the civilization the Latinii tribe created. Once they had removed the mess to southern Italy and Sicily they settled in northern Italy. They like the Latinii barbarians thousands of years before set up major cities like Venice, Pisa, and Milan that became the centre of the Renaissance. Famous Lombards are Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo, geniuses of a level that is non existant among non whites.

        10. Reading comprehension is not your forte. Neither I nor Aristoteles claimed white people were inferior to brown people, that’s a strawman you are using.
          I highlighted Aristoteles opinion on the darker races (which he considered cowards ie. Egyptians and Ethiopes) and the peoples of North (while paler than Aristoteles and his ilk, he and his countrymen deemed those people as cowards) to denote how Greeks (and by extension the Romans and other Mediterranean people) view themselves apart from the Barbarians that inhabited the north, many of which were far crueler than them either in private life or in Battle (see the Bastard wars by Herodotus or the human sacrifice by the Norsemen).

        11. No I understood perfectly, what you fail to comprehend is that ancient Greeks are nordic whites, Aristotle was also nordic and he and pretty much everyone else in Greece knew nordics were not cowards as that is beyond stupid. That quote is not from Aristotle its from the Physiognomonica, a minor work from an unknown author.
          Heres nordics spreading out from the homeland over thousands of years to as far away as India. EVERYWHERE they went they ruled, an obscure quote doesnt change that

        12. http://www.reuters.com/article/britain-tutankhamun-dna-idAFL3E7J135P20110801 <—This destroys your anti-white nonsense.
          The ancient Greeks and Early Romans (and probably Egyptians) were most likely, anthropologically speaking, members of the Proto-Indo-European people that originated in the Pontic Steppe of Ukraine. These people spread out all throughout Europe and into modern day Afghanistan and India. You have the process inverted – the people that currently live in Greece and Italy are a mix of many different peoples and cultures that have passed through these regions over several millennia. In fact, there are many reasons to believe that the Northern Europeans and the founders of Greece and Rome were from the same stock. While it’s nearly impossible to see genetically, there are quite a few cultural similarities between these two peoples that you claim are not related. Do your anthropology homework before you spew all this nonsense.

  8. Great article. BTW a study in the 1980’s showed aboriginal brains were 10 % smaller than Caucasians. No scientist would ever do a similar study today, it would be career suicide.

      1. They are some of the lowest IQ population on earth.
        They have an average IQ of 65.

        They were so primitive, their most used method of hunting was causing wildfires and then collecting whatever animal died in it.
        This practice literally destroyed the greenery in parts of Autralia and turned once lush regions into barren desert land.

  9. just about any society is misogynistic by today’s standards
    goes to show how far backwards we’ve gone

  10. There’s nothing to feel guilty about. The strong defeats the weak, always. Not my rule, but natures. If we hadnt done it to them, they would’ve done it to us. Those SJWs live in a complete dreamworld, nature is based on violence. Even a goddamn tree is violent in its own way.

    1. In reference to what you are saying, there is a science fiction book where some do gooders travel back in time to give inmunity and other tech perks to the aztecs before the conquest in order to improve their odds. Result: Aztecs invade Europe and impose a regime of terror and mass sacrifices…

      1. You are ignorant when you live in huts build of fertilizer. NOT when you are sending people to Mars.

      2. Having invented, discovered, explored, and conceived just about every single thing of use to mankind, we are entitled to be arrogant.
        Ignorance is exemplified by the Negro race that has only achieved poverty, disease, famine, and tribal warfare *wherever* they are in the world… Africa, Haiti, US inner cities, etc.
        Don’t be butthurt because the VAST majority of your race is an abysmal failure. Just try to be the best man you as an individual can be.

    1. That first picture was beyond pathetic. as if the natives in the lands Europeans conquered were somehow pure as the driven snow. lol.

    2. Assuming that is a father and son, the father should be fucking ARRESTED for child abuse….

      1. Mental disorder. Conquered people should be grateful they were allowed to continue to exist.

        1. Like the Native Americans? LMAO… I love this site but as a white guy I have to say we like riding our own dicks pretty hard… even though I completely agree with how asinine the liberal left is about the constant whining of what ‘WHITE MEN’ did… especially when every other culture in the world were doing it when it was made applicable for them to do so.

    3. White people blaming themselves for what other white people have done in the past are just a bunch of motherfucker leftists seeking anything in order to feel good about themselves because they have no real achievement to be proud of.

  11. All cultures practiced slavery, genocide, misoginy.
    Only 1 culture put an END to it.
    White people.
    And yet we are not celebrated for STOPPING it, but are criticised for the fact that we practiced it at a time when EVERYONE did.
    Do you know any other culture concerned with racism, sexism and discrimination outside of white people ?

    1. Armenian Genocide done by the Turks. Rwandan Genocide done by Hutus. Arab Slave trade lasted 14 centuries. Japanese imperial army invades china in WW2. Kills over 12 million. Example rape of Nanking City. Aztec civilization, mass ritual sacrifice mostly done on conquered peoples, also had slavery. African tribes sold conquered tribes into slavery. Incan civilization , empire and human sacrifice. Mongolian empire (Genghis Khan)= genocide, mass atrocities I could go on and on you all get the picture.

      1. Every race ought to thank God for white people.
        That doesn’t make me racist. Black people have created some of my favorite things; jazz, rock ‘n roll, and black chicks.

        1. When Black culture was still framed by the White culture, it produced forms like Jazz, but as the Black collective emancipates itself more and more, it returns to more primitive basic forms like Rap.

        2. And rock ‘n roll is more primitive than jazz. So we regress, not progress…. It makes sense.
          Rap can hardly be called music, although it mimics and steals musical sounds.
          If it’s true that you can tell the way a nation is going just by their taste in art, the USA is going down.
          Good luck ya’ll.

        3. “Every race ought to thank God for white people.”
          Way to sound like a nutriding faggot. Even if this wasn’t false and an oversimplification that reads like it came from an ignorant retard. You cannot possibly claim to be a person any ‘race’ should give thanks to

        4. Circa 1981 ~ “Rapture” was the first rap song to make the Billboard charts by … Blondie. Just saying …

        5. The Rapture wasn’t a rap song. It was a song that had rap in it. Big fucking difference. By the way, Rapper’s Delight, by the Sugar Hill Gang, was the first rap song to make the Billboard charts in 1979. Furthermore, is generally considered to be the song that first popularized hip hop in the United States and around the world. The song is ranked #251 on the Rolling Stone’s 500 greatest song list

      2. Many people don’t know that in fact Inca’s government was pretty much a communist’s dream. That’s why a Frenchman (I can’t remember name right now) wrote a book about Inca Socialism.
        In fact the only one who was called “Inca” was the supreme leader. The rest were just the pleb. They didn’t receive any kind of education, only the family in the top-tier could access to knowledge.
        Before the expansion of Inca’s empire, here in Peru were lots of different cultures. The Inca empire conquered them all and they only gave them two choices: You submit or die. That’s what many people don’t know, that before Incas we had lots of cultures: Nazca, Paracas, Tiahuanaco, Chavin, etc.
        What the Spaniards did was pretty much what the Inca did with the rest of cultures before them.
        And I can say that I’m happy Spaniards came. Here in Peru nowadays you can see these leftists organizations praising the Inca empire and talking trash about the Spanish conquest. They like to blame them all for everything that happens nowadays — they have shit in the head instead of a brain. Because Incas were going to perish sooner or later, because they based their economy on agriculture.

        1. They also had a planned economy that actually hit the stage no other socialist/to-be-communist-state ever hit, where they don’t have any money. Everything was rationed out essentially “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”.

        1. No, I mean these genocide were done by Jews with Turkish citizenship. Like the leaders of the Russian revolution were “Russian”.

      3. You know NOTHING about African culture lol. Where did you get your information from boy?

        1. Fuck that saltine. Greatness komes and goes. While his ancestors were engaging in barn yard erotika, mine had indoor plumbing in Andulusia and studying greek manuscripts in Timbuktu. Afrika will be great again. Angola is one of the few kountries who has an economy that has experienced 10% economic growth since 2000. Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, Namibia are all emerging markets, thank in part to Chinese investments. Those kountries are doing better than Romania, Moldova, Albania, Armenia, Georgia. Portugal and Spain (with the exception of Catalonia)

        2. I love how the two examples of African greatness you give are Spain under Moorish rule having indoor plumbing and Timbuktu having Greek texts. (I’m assuming you’re black, ‘Nabil’)
          A) The Moors were not black Africans; they were a mixture of Arabs and Berbers. Berbers look a lot like Arabs, but many are white as George Bush.
          B) Hundreds of years before the Moors, Spain was a part of the Roman Empire, and there was indoor plumbing all over the Roman Empire.
          C) There’s no great achievement in reading the writings of other civilizations.
          > Angola is one of the few kountries who has an economy that has experienced 10% economic growth since 2000. Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, Namibia are all emerging markets, thank in part to Chinese investments.
          Yeah. Chinese are paying the corrupt governments to let them grab all the natural resources, mostly using Chinese labor because the locals are too incompetent. You waz kangs, nigga.
          Niggers are so, so, so stupid. So ignorant. So full of bullshit. It’s just unbelievable.

        3. Righteous bruh! I don’t give a damn about those cave mutants their numbers are dwindling lol look at the “MGTOW” movement they’ll be off the map by 2050 just keep buying land and building with awoken brothers and sisters! #OneLove! Africa will rise again!

        4. Sub-saharan Africa dwarfs Europe in resources, and yet the Europeans and muslims found nothing but tribesmen in thatch huts when they arrived. Only one possible remnant of civilization (Great Zimbabwe) on the whole 1/2 continent.

      4. > Mongolian empire
        I love how probably the greatest mass murderer of all time was one of the most religiously tolerant rulers at the time.

    2. racism, sexism and discrimination are not entirely bad things tho
      they’re only bad in excess

    3. Indeed. Without the white man’s civilisation there would still be slavery. Without the white man there would be no anti-biotics and modern medicine nor modern agriculture to feed the Third World.
      I often laugh when hearing American liberals saying “well, white Americans weren’t the original inhabitants, therefore they have no right to a nation of their own and must admit any number of invaders”. They could say that same about the Turks, the Egyptians, the entire population of north India and the Mexicans. The could but they won’t, because since the 1950s left-wing thought has become anti-white, anti-western and anti-men; they literally want to destroy the society that gave them freedom and security.
      I should say though that every thinking person is a “sexist”, only the most bigoted and stupid feminists can fail to understand that men and women are different. And it was allowing women to vote that doomed to west.

      1. Ummm Blacks founded nearly every civilization, yes every empire and civilization had some fucked up shit. Anyway Before Moors conquered Spain most of European countries where backwards with low reading level until Moors came in and modernized Spain which influence them to get modernized themselves. Ever heard of Mansa Musa? Richest man of all time made Timbuktu global center of the world with greatest university, it was NYC but better. Way too many of yall keep downplaying and talking down on other race.

        1. Indeed there have been civilisations in Africa although that doesn’t mean they founded nearly every civilisation. The Graeco Roman civilisation, the Hindu civilisation and the Chinese world for example are ancient civilisations founded outside Africa.
          But the point remains that it is in particular the modern European civilisation of the white man that has given the world of the last two or three centuries its current advances in medicine, science, legal theories and art, And it is that civilisation that is relentlessly attacked by liberals. That isn’t to denigrate other races. Civilisations come and go and men of every different race are capable of creating civilisation.

        2. Ummm Blacks founded nearly every civilization, yes every empire and civilization had some fucked up shit.

          There is no need to spout lies in order to make your point. Europe was backwards in reference to the Arabian and East Asian civilizations. but a silent revolution happened and Europeans kickstarted a first industrial revolution, powered by the power of Water (windmills) and developments in metallurgy for starters. The “Dark Ages” is a myth that stems from Protestant and Atheist propaganda that claims that technology and sciences basically stopped in the Middle Ages and were restarted in the Renaissance. The foundation laid in the Middle Ages was what led Europe to hegemony once we could get our act together and found new horizons (XV century).
          Africans had empires however they were unfortunate due to their centuries long conflict with Islam and later by their rejection of Every thing the west had to offer (Religion, ethics etc) that could have uplifted them like it happened in Asia. Hence for the time being they are doomed.

        3. The Moors were not exclusively black. There are black Moors but the majority were semitic caucasoids. Go look at the art work and you will notice many of their kings were pale.
          They were Arabic and some were black, but more due to their origins in North Africa.
          The idea all Moors were black stems from what’s called Blackamoor art. Fantastical sculptures depicting black people in ornate costumes and jewels popular in 18th century Italy.
          But… Blackamoor art is depicting regal slaves.
          There are many other ancient African civilizations that existed before Arabic influence that would be far better examples then Moors, which are wrongly assumed to be all black.

        4. Just responding to everybody but Black did explore outside of Africa long long long pretty much early BC, one of the 1st Chinese Civilization was Shang Dynasty which was Black there’s a video on YouTube where a guy did a study with every Chinese group in country to find out they were descendants of Blacks. I should I clarify Black Moors 1st group where black but your right the Moor is not a Black Muslim it’s just a name of group of ppl that originated from Morroco area. And there’s alot of Black civilization that had better examples. As far as whites I’ll say they are the best and most ambitious conqueres.

        5. It’s black revisionism. They claim that Berbers and Arabs from North Africa were the same as sub-saharan blacks.
          So they claim that Moors and Egyptians were black.

        6. “We builds the puramids. An sheeeit…”
          Ancient Egyptians were obviously ethnic Europeans given the spectacular achievements of this civilization and it’s obviously close proximity to Europe.

        7. Western Europe maybe but not the South East where the Byzantine Empire was located! Where the Germanics and the people of the Celtic/Gauls/Slavs roamed there was chaos the Balkans and Asia Minor were pretty civilised.

        8. “Ummm Blacks founded nearly every civilization” HAHAHA! Chinese? Indian? Sumerian? Mycenaean?
          “Anyway Before Moors conquered Spain most of European countries where backwards with low reading level until Moors came in and modernized Spain which influence them to get modernized themselves” That is the single worst over simplification of history I have ever put my eyes up on. Have you ever heard of Rome?
          “Ever heard of Mansa Musa? Richest man of all time made Timbuktu global center of the world with greatest university, it was NYC but better. Way too many of yall keep downplaying and talking down on other race.” Yes, this is exactly why the french took over almost the entirety of West Africa, yes?

        9. Europe before the Minoans gave birth to Greece, europe outside of the Mediterranean was degenerate as fuck. Europe prior to the Moors was degenerate. Hell it was degenerate up until about 200 years ago, then it went back to straight savagery. You’re very ignorant of european history kid

        10. Blonde haired and blue eyed mummies are found all the time in Egypt. The architectural splendour of the Egyptians can only be the product of Europeans. Mud people have never built anything more than cow dung huts. Egyptian mythology is European also. It is no coincidence that the civilization of Egypt and ancient European civilizations were in the same geographical region. Today’s mongrelized swarthy wire haired Egyptians are not the same as ancient Egyptians.

        11. K, I see Greco-Roman and Egyptian sculpture, both of whose styles were made by ethnic Europeans. The dates are when they lived/died you dumbass, not when the piece was made. Monkey people did not make these lol. What have you proved? And what does 332 B.C. have to do with anything? Europeans ruled Egypt before Alexander. King Tut was European. Approximately 70% of British males and half of all Western Europeans share the same haplogroup with him.
          Green eyed ancient Egyptian figurine:

        12. You mean after Rome collapsed, the Muslims invaded and the Vikings were terrorizing large parts of Europe. Let’s not forget to mention the intra racial wars. Blacks are very fond of bringing up this period. But, it was a blip, albeit a long blip but you make these statements frequently without ever giving context. And the moors were not black. Most of the rulers of islamic Iberia were white. Just have a look at their paintings, or read a description of their appearances.

        13. Rome brought a culture of learning and art to most of Europe. Although the celts and iberians had their own culture and aspects of it were beautifulcand worthy of admiration, it was certainly inferior to that of Rome.

        14. And Romans were still degenerate, war mongering, enslaving, child molesting land theives.

        15. Minoans were European. Europeans were hunter-gatherers living hardy lives in the freezing cold while Africans were lounging in the sun and living in mud huts. Europeans created many systematic forms of religion with their mythology to explain the cycles of nature and other unexplainable events, a precursor to science. Africans have never invented anything while Europeans were necessitated to do so in order to survive.

        16. “that could have uplifted them like it happened in Asia”
          “Asia”, (I assume you are referring to China, Japan, Korea, Taiwain, Southeast Asia, Tailand, etc,,)especially China,had a long history of advanced and refined culture that included religion (Buddhism, Daosim, Ancestor veneration, etc.) as well as law and ethics. If your going to tell someoneto stop spouting lies, don’t just make up lies of your own

        17. East Asia (China, Japan, Korea) and Southeast Asia were stuck in many aspects in the Middle Age and when it came to social structure and Weltaanschauung, they were in the ancient era (not even in the Middle Ages) when the Europeans established their first official contact with them in the 18th and 19th centuries.
          Why do you think China as well as India and the rest of South east Asia was easy so easy to conquer and humiliate throughout that century? Why do you think Japan had to take a literal U-turn in order to thrive and preserve its sovereignty? Someone else is trying to ignore its own history and that’s not me. Whether you like it or not the backward mentality of the Asians led to European hegemony, throwing away a thousand and one opportunities to seize the world.
          Examples of this go from Japan’s decision to isolate itself from the world (until the World came knocking down the door literally) and China’s fateful decision to ignore the discoveries of his own great fleet in the name of your dear “advanced and refined culture that included religions like Budhism, Daoism…” et al (all religions of stagnation), decision that would come in time to bite its collective ass .

        18. I never said that, I said they were degenerate. Kind of like yourself with your horseshit comprehension skills

        19. Well you are clearly mentally challenged. Why during a conversation on race and civilization, did you suddenly decide to start talking about “degeneracy”? Please, explain what exactly you were addressing in my statement when you started talking about “degeneracy”.
          P.S. I don’t associate non whites with “degeneracy”, I just have no Idea what the FÜCK you mean by “degeneracy” so I assumed you were one of those 14/88 folk.

        20. Agreed. But that’s because Egyptians today are mongrelized Europeans with only a few drops of white blood left after hundreds of years of mixing Arabs/blacks. It is negligible the difference between black and Arab blood in Egyptians today because they have had all of their European genes washed out.

        21. Keep speaking facts, let these clowns cook up all the goofy memes they want to lol. They need to go back to the caucus mountains.

        22. You’re an idiot lol. Using modern terms to describe empires and people from 500+ years ago LOL.

        23. Black people will literally believe anything you tell them if it boosts their egos.
          That’s why the globalist elites love them.

        24. Word thank you man, people using wikipedia to counter my argument. I wasn’t even going to comment back but I just had to pull some sources to show what I’m saying is not BS about Black history in general.

          As far as China
          People should check out the book “When The World Was Blac” by Supreme Understanding everything he wrote in that book he backed it with a source.

        25. Niggers are incredibly, unbelievably stupid. They will simply believe anything. Anything.
          > Before Moors conquered Spain
          Long before Arabic/Berber Moors conquered Spain, it was part of the Roman Empire, a hugely civilizing influence.
          > Ever heard of Mansa Musa? Richest man of all time made Timbuktu global center of the world with greatest university, it was NYC but better.
          This is ridiculous. He was a king who owned a massive gold mine. Thus, he had shitloads of gold and lots of slaves. He took a grandiose pilgrimage to Mecca, and brought back lots of Arabic scholars and books. That’s pretty much his whole story. Nothing much else to tell about the guy.
          > it was NYC but better.
          Niggers are literally this stupid. Niggers have always been the lowest of humanity.
          > Shang Chinese were black
          > Even though there are no black people in modern China
          > Even though the Shang Dynasty produced shitloads of art, and all the people represented are Chinese as fuck
          Niggers are literally this stupid. Niggers are a curse on all of humanity. They are barely even human. They are just so, so, so stupid. 90% of them anyway.
          That’s why the globalist elites love niggers, and have been bringing them in to shit up everyone’s cities and countries for decades, because they will believe ANYTHING that boosts their egoes, and can thus be herded like cattle.

        26. Did you really just try to win that one with “yellow eyebrows” lol. Billy, go the fuck to college.

        27. Eyebrow color is the same as hair color. Obviously this is not congruous if this is really a nigger. Egypt was mongrelized and ruled over for a time by mulattos, like America today, but was reconquered later by the Greeks.

        28. I have been to college and have been enlightened by many Shekelbergs and am now a blue collar worker.
          Eyebrow color is the same as hair color. Obviously this is incongruous with this negro unless it is a mulatto that inherited frizzy light colored hair. Egypt was mongrelized at one point with a mulatto royalty, similar to America today, but was reconquered by the Greeks.
          Go back to college Goldberg:

        29. Oh yeah. I can tell that you are deeply and legitimately educated in this area because of scholarly word-drops like “mongrelized”. What do you think the odds are that the gold is detailing because gold is valuable — and that the obviously black face is representative of… an obviously black face. Because Egyptians were not white. I encourage you to learn about the world and not just flail your way through debunked propaganda to maintain this sad, weak impression of white supremacy.

        30. You are indeed correct that I am not “legitimately educated” in this area because I opted to read the history on my own time and make conclusions based on the contemporary ancient world and today’s basic realities of the different races, instead of enrolling in the higher halls of learning under the tutelage of Professor Goldberg and spending untold thousands of dollars on anti-white lies. I don’t give a shit about your “scholarly” standards of terminology. The ancient Egyptians were mongrelized by their Nubian slaves, pure and simple. And yes, it did occur to me that the gold color could be ornamental and that the statue itself is the product of a mongrelized Egypt that had inherited a civilization created by Europeans. The congruence of European civilization in the ancient world is the most simple proof of a European created Egypt. If blacks built Egypt, why didn’t they recreate it anywhere else in Africa? Monkey people nor sand people built the pyramids. Anyone with eyes and a brain today can infer this basic truth from merely looking at one of these creatures.

        31. Yeah none of that surprises me. By “scholalry standards” do you mean — facts? Actual history. Not weird racist “white supremacy fairy tales” memes passed around by you guys who live in your mom’s basement…
          “Why didn’t they make pyramids in Africa”…You mean Nubian pyramids? They have those. “Yellow eyebrows”? GTFO. You need to get your mom to make you some more bagel bites, keep that crazy on the inside, Billy.

        32. Yes and by scholarly standards you would know that blacks have an average IQ of 70 and whites 100.
          Ah yes, typical ad hominem attacks. I am a resident of my parents basement and am a “white supremist.” Grow up faggot.
          And yes, blacks created pyramids in the ancient world and yet haven’t as so much cultivated a single crop or built anything beyond mud huts since. Makes sense. Must be white oppression. Yet, today, Blacks are living in luxury and abounding technological progress in beautiful Africa with little worries but yet for some reason are flocking by the millions to evil oppressive whitey in Europe and America to spread their cultural greatness and enriching vibrancy to these poor primitive white peoples.
          Go live in the third world if you are so enamored by these noble savages. Relieve the West of one more self-hating faggot white.
          Not sure why you include Roosh here. He’s clearly not white and I don’t have good words about him either.

        33. Uh because it’s his website. You guys all share the same vapid and baseless excuses for logic. Still laughing my ass off at “yellow eyebrows”. Those de-bunked IQ numbers. Those de-bunked DNA videos. Weak, weak, weak. Everything you’ve said has been shredded by reality and you’d know if it you weren’t just lurking around places that support your viewpoint out of some misguided entitlement. And calling me a “faggot”. I’m a woman. You idiot.
          It’s cute how you’re all severely butthurt and aggressive that I’m not taking your racist, ridiculous rants seriously. Why would I. Read an actual book. Learn about things. Learn about how totally pathetic you sound, you utterly clueless trash. “I taught myself”. So obvious you’re just parroting racism and can’t read facts/think for yourself. You’ll believe anything to make yourself better about being an uneducated, weak white boy… You can stop replying now, you got nothing.

        34. Great job with your refutations. Crying racism and white supremist.
          “You guys all share the same vapid and baseless excuses for logic.”
          Meanwhile, you attend university, listen to what the media says, read your textbooks and parrot what you have “learned.” Eat, sleep, watch tv (i.e. programming), go to class, marry, reproduce, retire, die. Now, repeat after me, “I am an individual.”
          “Those de-bunked IQ numbers. Those de-bunked DNA videos. Weak, weak, weak.”
          Meanwhile, the nobly negroes stand by the thousands in dem welfare lines fo dem checks because dem evil whities be makin dem IQ tests to opprez us.
          LOL, you haven’t disproved or proved anything. You only repeat what the other sheep say and retort your “debunked IQ numbers” (as “debunked” by Professor Goldberg) without presenting anything. Typical whiny, emotionally charged diatribe without citing anything, only throwing out loaded words.
          “Everything you’ve said has been shredded by reality and you’d know if it you weren’t just lurking around places that support your viewpoint out of some misguided entitlement.”
          > Claims negroes are equals and built ancient Egypt
          “It’s cute how you’re all severely butthurt and aggressive that I’m not taking your racist, ridiculous rants seriously. Why would I. Read an actual book. Learn about things. Learn about how totally pathetic you sound, you utterly clueless trash. “I taught myself”. So obvious you’re just parroting racism and can’t read facts/think for yourself.”
          > “Aggressive and racist” (have to use that loaded trigger word as intended by the Jews/Leftists in order to make up for lack of logical arguments)
          > Uses sound, reasonable arguments based on today’s realities to conclude that maybe blacks couldn’t have built Egypt based on their intelligence and behavior and that Egyptian civilization shares commonalities with other ancient European civilizations
          > “So obvious you’re just parroting racism and can’t read facts/think for yourself.”
          > Kay simply repeats pre-fabricated counter-arguments word for word (have to include racist accusation) as prescribed by Leftist argument tactics and claiming something was debunked simply because they want it to be
          So enraged by your feminine hormones and that somebody on the internet would write words to challenge your Leftist bullshit Kay that you had to create an account on this very day to combat the evil white supremists on hateful, bigoted misogynistic websites saying mean things about oppressed, poor brown people. Classy. Such original.

        35. Hey, if I want to spend my day off laughing at your stabs at re-constructing history from — by definition — white supremacy memes… that look like they were made in MS Paint, lol. Well, I did. “Some random guy on the internet called me a leftist jew feminist, oh no my moth-wing-delicate self-esteeeem.” lol.
          I like how you bothered to break that all down for whatever reason. Good job for pointing out that I’m just blatantly shaming you. Because I am. I really don’t know why you think a bunch of racial slurs deserves a logical follow-up. It’s not my job to teach you about the world. Your brain = not my bag. You’re ranting about how influenced by the media I am, except you’re pulling all this from media/propaganda and I’m pulling it from that big, beautiful, actually-fact-based education I have. The big, expensive one I have because I’m a genius who takes advantage of opportunity and you’re a mad dude who has to read a version of history you like alone to yourself, to make yourself feel better, because otherwise you get all veins-pop-out-y when you’re not taken seriously.
          Try it out. Earn someone’s ‘taking you seriously’ for a change. Go learn. Go see how or why those claims have been debunked (they have), and if they stand up (yeah, they do). It’s all out there. Try to flex that brain of yours, Billy. If you think anyone is listening to your garbage right now… no. lol. Only because it’s my day off and I’m a glutton for idiot-shaming. Bye now.

        36. Please provide links, citations or articles for your refutations and save red-neck hicks such as myself the time and energy to expend to find such brilliant knowledge from such esteemed sources such as yourself. It is a progressive century, indeed, so do your masters well and inform those heretical thought-crime thinkers of their blasphemy, please. Enlighten me of your eminent knowledge about ancient African architecture that has never been reproduced in the ages since this wisdom has been lost to history.
          You have refuted absolutely nothing, only spouting out the lies you’ve learned to parrot from the higher halls of learning while truly believing you have received an education when in reality you wasted all of that hard earned, minimum wage savings on a “big, beautiful, actually fact based” lie propaganda training course regimen in order to eke out a parasitic living as a desk servant, a slave. How liberating. And how esteemed and noble you are to be believing you’ve put it to good use by debating with evil white supremacists online. Well done, you’ve proven yourself well as a good slave for your masters and as the perfect hallow shell for whatever nonsense the hook nosed academia of the West is peddling, whether it’s “out of Africa” or black-centric history or even global warming. You will never produce anything or be able to call yourself educated or anything other than a lamb to be shepherded around when you’ve gone your entire life believing what you’ve told by the anti-West, anti-white elite.
          It has been an honoured privilege to be looked upon and guided by someone as informed, open-minded and brilliant as you, Kay, especially on your day off. How considerate of you to even create an account to enlighten and kindly inform me of my savage, knuckle-dragging, backwards, primitive and ultimately RACIST ways with your modern platitudes of egalitarianism and truly awe-inspiring black-centric history lessons that were unbeknownst to all prior writers and recorders of history. Truly astonishing. Chalk up one more convert on your white board in the office tomorrow.

        37. lol if you think, after everything you’ve contributed to this conversation, I am reading all that. I think I saw something about global warming, that’s basically enough.
          What do you not understand about “it’s not my job” and “bye”?
          I’m not your link wench, gtfo. I am expressly here to laugh. At. You.
          You went to college. Did you have a history or anthropological faculty? Reach out! My guess is, that doesn’t thrill you as an option. You don’t seem to have gotten much out of the educational system, and I’m pretty certain attitude might have something to do with that. So okay. Here’s a hand: Take your theories. Put into google. Add words like “debunk”. The internet is shady, so look for articles that cite resources! (It’s what facts use.)
          Here are some books on development and IQ and racial gaps. If you read them, in spite of them potentially being full of things like numbers and witchcraft or whatever the fuck you think are in books. Let me know. Or don’t. I don’t really care. It’s not my job to save you from being a pretty garbage human being. It’d be nice if you were like: “Whoa, wait. These are pretty gross thoughts and grudges to have and people think I’m racist — that’s no good. Maybe I should at the very least reconsider.” But really: whatever. I’m out! Good luck with that whole vein-popping rage thing.
          Agin, D. Changing Destiny: How the Fetal Environment Shapes IQ and Behavior. Oxford University Press, 2009 (in press).
          Gould, S. The Mismeasure of Man. W. W. Norton, 1996.
          Graves, J. The Emperor’s New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium. Rutgers University Press, 2002.
          Jencks, C. and Phillips, M. (Eds.) The Black-White Test Score Gap. Brookings Institution Press, 1998.
          Kevles, D. In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity. Harvard University Press, 1995.
          Lewontin, R., Rose, S., and Kamin, L. Not In Our Genes: Biology, Ideology, and Human Nature. Pantheon, 1984.
          Tucker, W. The Science and Politics of Racial Research. University of Illinois Press, 1994.

        38. Lol that’s not true. Caucasians didn’t get into Kemet until 332BC when the Greeks invaded, the Greeks were the first people to call the land mass “Egypt”

        39. Hmm, it seems I did manage to get you to read all of that in spite of you saying you didn’t. Typical manipulative woman, lol.
          I am flattered that I actually managed to evoke a response from the bourgeoisie Kay on matters related to the racial superiority of Africans by getting her to legitimately create an account to enlighten mean racists such as myself. I cannot wait to delve further into books two decades old and likely to originate the “Out of Africa” lie.
          “It’s not my job to save you from being a pretty garbage human being. It’d be nice if you were like: “Whoa, wait. These are pretty gross thoughts and grudges to have and people think I’m racist — that’s no good. Maybe I should at the very least reconsider.”
          Apparently you believe it is! So enraged and frustrated are you by my primitive yet alluring ramblings that you had to scour your personal bookshelf from college for proving that monkeys built the pyramids! Mean mean thoughts! He couldn’t possibly not care about what other people think about him! Bad racist! No good.
          “Take your theories. Put into google. Add words like “debunk”. The internet is shady, so look for articles that cite resources! (It’s what facts use.)”
          Has it ever occurred to you, oh eminent and graceful Kay, to do the same? Maybe trying typing in “Out of Africa debunked” or “black-white IQ differences” or “black white crime differences?” I know it’s not written by Rose and Kamim so you might be surprised.
          Here’s one for you:

        40. Aw, is that a big argument about why shouldn’t read something. I bet you’ve gotten so good at making those arguments.
          What a girl gets when a boy whines about how he can’t learn things on his own… Just trying to help a bro out. Really, you should read a book and decide for yourself. The best part is, you get to be a person in a debate who has read both (Like me. With my big, beautiful, knowledge-absorbent brains capable of juggling diverse theories) — and then you get to be right for once. Being right feels way better than just being loud and dumb on the internet.
          I’ve said “bye” like 4 times. How about that reading comprehension.

        41. You claim there were no whites in Egypt even up until the Greek’s invaded. So what about the Persians (who are white)?

        42. Since when was being fair and peaceful backwards. Europeans came and brought deceptive business practices akin to corporate thievery of today, and that was backed up by aggresion. By todays american schoolyard standards that would mean your saying a bully is advanced and his intelligent productive peaceful nerd victim is backwards.

        43. The Persians of 525BC were much darker than the Persians of 2016AD.
          European &/or Caucasoids didn’t control ANYTHING in Africa until 332BC. This is simply fact.

        44. HAHA! They were “much darker” In fact, I would say the opposite. Stupid revisionist fundie.

        45. A) The Persian empire was very diverse, so of course they had more dark people (still not black though) B) Yes, Caucasians people can have curly/wiry hair, ever heard of something called a Jew? Now go down to your local street corner, you crack buddies need you there…

        46. A) any proof of this or am I just supposed to take your word for it because you’re white? lol
          B) Are you joking? lol read a book kid

        47. “A) any proof of this or am I just supposed to take your word for it because you’re white? lol” You remind me of the way Dylan Roof summed up blacks. They are ALWAYS looking at Race when people interact. Everything white people say has some message to them.
          “B) Are you joking? lol read a book kid” You mean that thing they don’t teach in Detroit because you guys are too stupid to read them? In conclusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8QE4-BEy4E

        48. A) that’s because you are fork tongued liars
          B) say that to my face, I’ll give you a direct address 🙂

        49. ….and history is written by the victor. Which is why hundreds of millions of people speak a language descended from latin in some form and use the latin alphabet.

        50. Which is why it’s pointless to take Eurocentric history seriously. Ya’ll inbred cave mutants think Columbus discovered America, Cesare Borgia is god and Aliens built the pyramids…

        51. There were blacks in Moorish society. To be a black person in their society would have not been unpleasant. Thus, many people think of it as a ‘black society since good treatment was rare.
          I am agreeing the Moors were not a black civilization.
          It would not have been uncommon to see a black person in the society of the Moorish.
          Sorry if I was unclear.

      2. White man slavery is the worst. Its called minimum wage less than the cost of living, and then debt slavery. Funk you very much for that, you can have it. Infact the western euro neo pharoahs took a country that had 25% of the worlds gdp, invaded, destroyed thier flourishing textile and loom industry- physically destroying equipment and the workers hands, stole what wealth the country had. Pupeteering the country to create a culture of corruption, that makes a shit show nightmare out of what you sanitized “men” would call a bad day. This drove the able bodied men out to where the money is – the neo nile which is the west. To drive your cabs and program your computers, and mind stores where greedy white kids from rich backgrounds shoplift, whilst giggling “pakis” to each other.

        1. Anyway satan doesn’t care what color your skin is, as long as it burns. You guys are playing nicely into his pride trick. Nice job writer, I dont think you would have felt the need to write this if it really is justified. You can work a different angle with the guilt. Property ownership is a very modern construct. Before white borders all over the world, nomadism was synonymous with humanity. Property ownership is for the greedy and vain. Something you can determine your self worth with. Todays materialist society (white corporate imposed bs) follows and serves that same inherently evil human instinct.
          Imagine an america built around the great bison and buffalo herds able to co exist.

      3. There’s a great section at the beginning of Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” in which the narrators character warns the soldiers that just as they are at the mouth of a river contemplating the wild tribesmen awaiting them upriver, that 2000 years ago one could imagine Roman Legionaires at the mouth of the Thames thinking the same of the ancestors of the upper crust of (then) current british society

    4. “Do you know any other culture concerned with racism, sexism and discrimination outside of white people?” That’s precisely what makes us the worthy exception and that’s why white civilization is superior. We have the capacity to understand other groups’ differences. I suspect much of this mentality comes from our Roman past, where the Empire had to forge together a common unity among disparate creeds, races and ethnic groups that we ruled over. You cannot constantly rule such peoples by the sword and this is where our penchant for understanding those that are different to us comes from I imagine.

      1. The Roman Republic practiced multiculturalism and look what happened. Rome collapsed because they failed to eradicate their non-white enemies and instead gave them citizenship, aka, letting them mongrelize us. The Germanic invasions of Rome were in response the encroaching of the Levant/African filth into mother Europa. Had Arminius failed to stop the Romans at Teutoburg, Europe would have been completely black.

        1. Yes I think that can be said. I think Pierce himself wrote something like that in Who We Are.

        2. “Rome collapsed because they failed to eradicate their non-white enemies and instead gave them citizenship,” What non white tribes do you speak of? Every space the Romans invaded was white. “Levant/African filth into mother Europa” You really haven’t studied race very well. Would you consider this person to be a “filth” nonwhite? http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/51bf0fafecad04b76a000010/the-new-cover-of-the-steve-jobs-biography-shows-him-as-a-young-man.jpg
          The poeple in the part of Africa the Romans took over were white two.

        3. The Roman conquests of the Mediterranean were RECONQUESTS of lands that used to be pure white but were mongrelized (think Egypt, Cleopatra was white because Alexander had reconquered a black Egypt), hence why that Algerian girl is ethnically European. I know plenty of race. Why do you think the farther south in Europe you go the darker it is? Why do think blonde haired and blue eyed children are even still born today in the upper castes of India?

        4. “think Egypt, Cleopatra was white because Alexander had reconquered a black Egypt” I don’t know where you get the idea Egypt was ever filled with black people, but at the time Egypt was controlled by the Persians, who are undoubtedly Caucasian. “Why do you think the farther south in Europe you go the darker it is?” Because evolution. People in Darker environments have lighter skin. Thus someone in Norway will have lighter skin than someone in Italy. To further prove my point, why don’t southern Europeans or North Africans have Negroid features then?

        5. 525BC Persian invasion, last time native Africans had control of Kemet
          332BC Greco invasion, last time “black” people controlled the land mass, name turns from Kemet to “Egypt”
          30BC Roman control of Egypt and the persecution of the Hebrew people
          639AD Arabic invasion of Egypt, and the reason you see Egypt as an Islamic “Middle Eastern” land like the rest of north/east Africa.
          1798-1801AD French invasion of Egypt
          1882AD British invasion of Egypt

    5. Point number 5 in this article is fucking BRILLIANT because the liberals literally cannot respond to it without admitting that at least one of their fundamental beliefs is wrong.
      Liberal: Native Americans were exterminated by whites in a genocide!
      You: Well maybe if they had well defended borders and a robust immigration policy they could have controlled the white invaders right?
      Liberal: Yeah I guess so…
      You: Which is why Western countries should also have well defended borders and a robust immigration policy.

    6. Mindblowingly ignorant comment. Inaccurate too.
      Other cultures also stopped slavery and did not practice it in the first place. Cultures do exist that did not engage in genocide.
      White people are obsessed with this stuff b/c the media seems intent to divide people as much as possible. Perhaps that works out for whatever agenda the handful of companies that own all mainstream media are working for. In America, the media rarely reports black on black crime or black on white crime, but over-emphasizes white on black crime. It is quick to vilify whites even before the facts come out. There is a reason for this and it is not because they are pro-black, they most definitely are not.
      Schools and media dumb people down. SJWs act as a fifth column of useful idiots. And a culture divided into as many small bickering groups as possible. All these things make a country easier to rule.

    7. The first inhabitants of New Zealand were australoids, closely related to the Australian aborigines. What happened to them? The Maori.

    8. Where do you get your information from
      “All cultures practiced slavery, genocide, misoginy.
      Only 1 culture put an END to it.
      White people.”
      Your cognitive dissonance is stronger than a feminist

    9. I’m missing some point maybe, but, are you concerned of the fact there would not be such thing as ‘racism’ without some kind of domination (i don’t really care of its form: economic, physical or so)? Don’t tell me that domination is some kind of natural way of nature to rule destiny of everything or something like that… if we talk about culture, let’s get serious here: there’s obviously some ways people act (as obvious as their reasons) and if they are not obvious, at least they are analysable, and giving those behaviors some special or essential human/ethnic caracteristic would be nice years ago, but not now.
      We must look for some point to start an argument that i’d like to mantain with somebody who makes a comment like yours in a website like this, i mean it.
      I might look like kind of lefty as the author of the text would say 😉

    10. Sikhs did not practice it. Their empire unfortunately did not last as highly placed Muslims betrayed it to the British, but at one point it was one of the most powerful empires in the world. Multiculturalism is not a problem. The problem is ignoring crimes when people of a particular group commit those crimes. The problem also is with certain problem cultures that take this freedom to excess. Most other cultures / racial groups seem to be able to coexist without much problem, so long as police are allowed to do their jobs and actually do them.

    11. White CHRISTIAN people, before “white” peoples were Christianized they were every bit as savage (though I admit pagan Vikings were good to their women). Before Islam wiped out northern African and middle eastern Christian civilizations, those dark skinned peoples had eliminated blood sports and were on their way to eliminating misogyny, slavery and genocide. Not perfect by any means, but improving.
      It’s not skin color, it’s Judeo Christian values. The Hindus were burning the wives of men alive when the British got there. The misogyny of other Eastern religions is profound: look up the REAL meaning of yin-yang. Christianity has been the shining city on the hill and now the lights are going out. If you think secular humanism is better, I lived in Castro’s Cuba as a child. Look at everywhere that atheists have gained control; French revolution, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, North Korea there is not ONE example of an ATHEIST run Govt that has done better than even that most horrid runner up for destruction, Islam.
      When Christians have acted terribly, they have acted in direct opposition to their own New Testament. For example, anti-Jewish persecutions, how insane to kill Jews in the name of a Jewish carpenter and His 12 all Jewish Apostles? When atheists murder, they are only acting out natural selection in a meaningless universe. Islam follows it’s bloodthirsty pedophilic lying land pirate, Muhammed. Only Bhuddism and Tao have at least a general peaceful attitude (though in China the Bhuddists massacred every Christian when they got power), though they remain misogynistic, anti-intellectual (there is no reality, it’s all an illusion, so why do science).
      I agree with this article, Western and yes, white Western colonialism did much good in the world. Rudyard Kipling was partially correct about “the white man’s burden.” But it was not skin color. The Germanic tribes, the Romans, even the vaunted Alexander were slaving, anti women butchers and they were “white”. No, it is Christianity, yes Judeo-Christianity, that has been the reason.

  12. Very few groups are even capable of being guilty.
    Japanese don’t feel guilty for Nanking. Chinese don’t feel guilty when they treat minorities like crap. There are cultures that still practice genital mutilation. Africans don’t feel guilty for massacring Boers and so on.
    Western people live in a guilt culture rather than a shame culture. This is not the case in other parts of the world. This is due to centuries of living in homogenous societies and outbreeding.
    Thry are literally wired for empathy like no other group is.
    They are also the only groups to value self expression and rationality above tribalism and fundamentalism.
    Certain groups have almost no empathy. Studies have shown this to be true of certain Pacific islanders and sub-saharan africans.
    They litteraly cannot physically feel guilt, becuase their brains don’t feel empathy. They are natural psychopats.
    Don’t believe me, watch this video and decide yourself.
    Remember, only westerners EVEN GIVE A SHIT about other groups’ feelings. Remind it to anyone who tells you white people are evil.

    1. Nope Boers actually massacred the Africans.
      The source of guilt is the public education system though

      1. Yes because when you have thousands of spearmen wanting to kill you and your family, and are willing to just run at you because their leader
        told them to while you and your team have guns and an actual strategy,
        that is totally purposeful massacre. Get off the fucking grass. The Zulu
        were barbarians, and barbarians who themselves killed far more Africans then the whites ever did. Zulu were colonists JUST like the whites (well, actually worse), the only difference is that Zulu won in modern politics due to Marxism.
        Get Putin off your icon moron.

        1. The Zulus did not fight back. Their homelands were never invaded. They clashed with the Boers and the English at the fringes of their two expanding empires. And, absolutely yes, the Zulus killed more Africans than the Europeans ever did.

        2. Didn’t argue against your last point however I’m talking about when the Boers first arrive

    2. Remember that for all the evil mighty whitey has supposedly done, it’s also pretty much the only ethnicity on the face of the Earth that ever legalised freedom for all slaves everywhere. And that mighty whitey saw it as a moral imperative. I cannot think of any other historical example where that took place; even the Biblical account of Cyrus, King of Persia, allegedly releasing the Jews to return to Israel, did not free all his slaves, just those ones.
      Whether because we were so technologically advanced we didn’t need to keep slave labour anymore or whether we were more morally advanced than every other civilisation in history, not excluding the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, etc, etc, that light of freedom that blazed only from the West — nowhere else.

      1. That’s exactly my point.
        Modern human rights are a Western european invention. Without westerners to champion the cause of human rights, no one would even care about these concepts.
        No one would have organized ships to roam the African and Carribean coasts to free slaves. Only ideoligically driven brits did that.

      2. There’s a difference between “slavery” and “man-stealing” in the traditional sense. The word smiths have hijacked the word “slave” by giving it the definition of “man-stealing”. Man-stealing, according to it’s historical and true definition, is a capital crime. It’s compared with murder in the Bible because you are taking someone’s life away in both cases. Kidnapping someone to sell them as property is a capital crime.
        “Slavery”, in the true sense, is something different. It’s more akin to what we call indentured servitude with some other statutes that qualify how someone becomes a slave.
        Slavery is alive and well in many forms today, it’s just called something different, and is actually a needed and beneficial part of any successful society. Military enlistment is a perfect example of modern slavery even though it’s not called that. My drill instructor put it perfectly when he told us in boot camp, “Your soul may belong to God, but your ass belongs to the US Military!”
        It’s definitely the Western man, guided by the Biblical principles he’s carried since God gave them to him, who’s abolished “man-stealing” to the exclusion of the other races of the world.

        1. But they are both pretty awful practices. And other cultures have not taken as a radical attitude against it as ours.

      3. It was both, industrialization started making slavery uneconomical around 1830ish. But also the west Christan roots created a culture of mercy which hasnt really been seen anywhere else.

    3. This strength was exploited as a weakness by the Eternal Enemy.
      None of this is happening by accident.

  13. I mean, how can you deny that there was once an area of land with people already living in it, that other people settled into and overwhelmed, often using force to push their own beliefs and culture onto?
    Not to be dismissive but perhaps if aborigines, native Americans and Incas had discovered astronomy, ocean faring, animal husbandry and gunpowder they might have colonized us first. This is the way of power and people. To make apologies and feel guilt about the way the world and power struggle functions is futile.
    I suggest that a capable culture that assimilates another by power is within the laws of nature. Nature is not fair, it is a struggle of the most capable within its environment. It is an ugly truth that all red-pill men can easily accept.
    What we are witnessing now in Europe and in America is a perversion of this concept as “trusted leaders” have enabled lesser cultures to destroy a more powerful one via culture rot, ineffective generational education and globalist written legislation.

    1. “in Europe and in America is a perversion of this concept as “trusted leaders” have enabled lesser cultures to destroy a more powerful one”
      You are mistaken. The (present) western culture is anything but powerful. The signs of a powerful culture: vigorous expansion, strong population growth, people take pride in their past and are willing to give their life for the advancement of their cause. Nothing like modern Europeans.

      1. Exactly. Europeans from 2 centuries ago wouldn’t have found anything in common with their modern descendants (I am talking about the White people) and would have found their “culture” worth destroying…

      2. “have enabled lesser cultures to destroy a more powerful one via culture rot, ineffective generational education and globalist written legislation.”
        Try reading the whole paragraph. We’re losing our power because our “trusted leaders” enabled our culture to be weakened. This didn’t happen overnight, or even in the last decade. Some might say it ramped up and became more mainstream during the 60’s hippie revolution. After the 60s feminism became institutionalized and thus fostered and spread other cultural bombs into the mainstream moving into the 70s, 80s and 90s. Now we are witnessing the seeds of lack of pride, lack of population and the homosexual agenda take root and bloom in the early 21st century.

        1. My whole argument was against the assumption that the western culture is “powerful”.
          I have another problem with blaming it all on “leaders”. The problem is the civilization who produced our last 5 generations; the leaders only reflect the nature of the people. When they spend hours every day on the couch in front of the TV instead of improving themselves and their families, when honor is so far from being a value that people cannot understand what the fuss is, when fathers do not mind that their daughters are sleeping around at age 12… don’t blame it on the leaders. It’s the people

        2. Unfortunately true that we get the leaders we deserve. With what we are getting now, we must all be a buch of assholes. Not that I am arguing against that theisis.

      1. Actually many native Americans cultures had the wheel. They had no large draft animals ie horses oxen ect so it was useless to them

  14. Can’t be mad at colonialism. If it wasn’t for Spaniards and the natives banging each other, I wouldn’t be here. Plus, it produced a set of cultures and dialects as unique as they come. The same of the Portuguese in Brazil. That’s why I will never understand Americans in general, not just whites, and their obsession with race.

    1. Hot Brazilian, Venezuelan, and Colombian girls…yummy! Thank God for colonialism…ha..ha..ha!

      1. My friend, that there is multiculturalism when done right. And judging by curvy blonde Brazilians and Mexican girls that wouldn’t look out of place in Warsaw or Kiev, it has done us a good service.

        1. “Smelting pot =/= Multiculturalism
          “Learn the difference”
          That’s optimistic. One is just an early stage of the other, now watch circumstances for Caucasians in the USA become ever more like those of Brazil and Mexico.

        2. Trust me, my friend. I have physically experienced miscegenation done right. Latin America is a smorgasbord of sweet young hotness in many flavors. The thing many western guys don’t understand is that you have to learn the language, go to the source, and chill.

  15. 1787.. First Asylum Seekers from England have landed in Botany Bay Australia,,,
    They were welcomed with big signs saying “Asylum Seekers Welcome” .. Aboriginal Centre Link put them on the roll immediately & supplied them with benefits, e.g. money, computer/internet, 5 stars accommodations, free medical ect..ect…. No wonder that there was an influx to Australia of refugees from England, Scotland, Ireland….
    So what is all the fuss about Australia Day ???

      1. So ??? The Japanese were spending $25,000 of their tax money per Chinese man/woman ?? Very generous of them ???

  16. The Aboriginal people can be very grateful that the Chinese or Japanese didn’t colonise Australia. They should be grateful that Japan couldn’t conquer Australia during WW2. If they had, the only reminder of the Aboriginal race today would be a small corner exhibit in the Tokyo Victory Museum. I’m not even being flippant. East Asians would have wiped them from the face of the earth without a second thought or an apology.

    1. The Maori of New Zeland commited a genocide on the Moriori.
      The Moriori are the indigenous people of the Chatham Islands (Rēkohu in Moriori, Wharekauri in Māori), east of the New Zealand archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. These people lived by a code of non-violence and passive resistance (see Nunuku-whenua), which made it easier for Taranaki Māori invaders to nearly exterminate them in the 1830s.
      Sounds like Europeans liberals!
      Could you imagine the Maori colonising the east coast of Australia! The Aboriginals would not survive.
      From Wikipedia
      “A hui or council of Moriori elders was convened at the settlement called Te Awapatiki. Despite knowing of the Māori predilection for killing and eating the conquered, and despite the admonition by some of the elder chiefs that the principle of Nunuku was not appropriate now, two chiefs — Tapata and Torea — declared that “the law of Nunuku was not a strategy for survival, to be varied as conditions changed; it was a moral imperative.”[15] A Moriori survivor recalled : “[The Maori] commenced to kill us like sheep…. [We] were terrified, fled to the bush, concealed ourselves in holes underground, and in any place to escape our enemies. It was of no avail; we were discovered and killed – men, women and children indiscriminately.” A Māori conqueror explained, “We took possession… in accordance with our customs and we caught all the people. Not one escaped…..” [16] The invaders ritually killed some 10% of the population, a ritual that included staking out women and children on the beach and leaving them to die in great pain over several days. The Māori invaders forbade the speaking of the Moriori language. They forced Moriori to desecrate their sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them”

  17. Japan was big on colonizing South America. There are many pockets of Latin-Japanese or Japanese-Latin in many countries. Lima had a president of Japanese descent not too long ago.

    1. You are talking about Fujimori (1990-1999), the best president Peru ever had. Now he’s in prison thanks to leftists organizations. Can you believe that? He’s been sentenced to 25 years in prison because he sent the army to kill communist terrorists — incredible.
      Now we have a president who’s a pussy-whipped dork, and thanks to his stupid policies we went from a good 8% economical growth per year to barely 1-2%.
      Fujimori was a right-wind politician, the best president we have ever had. Now he’s in jail because of killing fucking communist terrorist (they killed over 50k people but according to some studies it was well over 200k, because a lot of these murders took place in pretty faraway places in Peruvian mountain range).
      Thanks to him one of the most horrible stages in Peruvian history was over. We had an inflation of over 9000%! And bombings by terrorists were something pretty common back in the day. He managed to reduce that inflation to pretty normal levels and after a long fight communist terrorism was over. My dad’s friend was burned alive by those fuckers, and like him a lot of people were tortured till death.

    2. But now I wanna come back to main point: “Japan was big on colonizing South America”. They didn’t, they were just immigrants. My grand-grandfather my mother’s side was Japanese.

  18. Reason number one you shouldn’t feel guilty for colonialism: it happened a long fucking time ago and you aren’t responsible for it.

  19. As an person born in India but living in Canada I can say that I wish that the British had stuck around in India.
    On top of that human nature is to conquer or explore new areas.
    Every single successful civilization goes to create colonies. White people get the blame cause they were the most recent ones.
    Before that were Muslims, turks, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Mongols,etc.
    Could it have been done in a more human manner, probably not because human nature is of sin and violence.
    So the dipwads who blame white people for this shit dont know history.
    But what do I know I’m just a dumb 22 year old.

      1. They are not moron Africans or lazy backward Arabs. That’s why they can be successful. Their problem is the welfare state, angry Muslims and lots of poor.

    1. “..I can say that I wish that the British had stuck around in India.”
      You are not the only person from the sub-continent I heard say that. I was in South Africa a few years ago and actually met blacks who wished apartheid was still around. Well, blacks who were not from the Thembu tribe (Mandela’s people) as the ANC has turned SA into a country with the highest crime and corruption in the world.
      “So the dipwads who blame white people for this shit dont know history.”
      Strangely I find it is usually other white people. I still think the whole “white guilt” fallacy being pushed today is simply a group of white people (leftists) trying to control another group of white people (non-leftists) using shame and guilt.

      1. The main 2 groups of people who blame whites in the present would be the blacks of America and the leftist whites.
        Everyone else has better things to worry about.

    2. I agree with everything you said except for the fact that you wish the British had kept ruling India.
      Letting another culture rule over your ancestral homeland and order you around is the absolute most beta/pussy/bitch thing possible. Us Indians did a good job getting our shit together and forcing the British to get the fuck out so we could be independent in 1947. The only mistake was that we became absolute pussies afterwards, allowed our homeland to be divided, and then embraced secular socialist politics for the next 50 or so years after that.

    3. I wish the British had stuck around as well. God, how I dreamed of being viceroy. I mean no disrespect when I say that. I’m very fond of Indian culture. I hear the country isn’t doing too well; feminism, liberalism, democracy will do that. I hope India sorts itself out. My goal is the rejuvenation of my people and the breaking of these mental chains that have castrated us. But good luck to India.

  20. Here’s the problem with all the backlash against the conquests of previous ages:
    Ex 1:
    Sioux: “Hey, America….we want the Black Hills back. It’s sacred to our people n’shit.”
    America: “Um, well, maybe….but who did you guys take the Black Hills from?”
    Sioux: “Those Cheyenne muthafuckas.”
    America: “So, if we give the Black Hills back to you, are you going to give them back to the Cheyenne?”
    Sioux: “Uh…..”
    Ex 2:
    Imagine you are a Spanish conquistador. Like an average guy in the group, not like Cortez. So now imagine that you’re about 16 years old (which would have been about right, back in the day), and you walk into the Aztec Temple of the Sun and watch the Azteck High Priest, with his little mask on, rip the still-beating motherfucking HEART out of another human being. Are you supposed to think, “Wow, that is some ‘cultural diversity’ the Aztecs have going on…”?
    Ex 3:
    Black People: “Hey, America….we want reparations for slavery! It’s our right! We got hosed!”
    America: “Yep. You sure did. But why reparations from us? Why not reparations from the the tribes that sold you to Arab and European slavers…after you guys lost local wars. Kind of what you would have done with them, if you’d won. Or that only 5-8% of African slaves were brought to America?”
    Black People: “What the fuck you talkin’ about, cracker? You know those homies ain’t got no money! That’s why they have to bone those fugly German broads in they 55 y.o. stank pussies just to get a new pair of Jordans! You got money, cracker, so pay up!”
    America: “What about the white slave trade that the Arabs ran?”
    Black People: “Fuck those crackers! Shouldn’t have been Irish. All we want is to be put in the position we would have had, except for Slavery!”
    America: “Ok. What sub-Saharan Ebola infested shithole do you want us to drop you at? Oh, and you can take of those Jordans. Where you’re going, you have to fuck a few fugly German grannies before you get those.”
    Moral: Nobody owes you shit. You have maybe 70-80 years walking around on the planet to do what you came here for. Whining and crying about how someone done you wrong or how shit should be ain’t going to to shit for you, so STFU and get busy living or get busy dying.

    1. Heh… don’t forget about the colonist Anthony Johnson. I always wondered how that little historical fact would muck up how those reparations checks would get cut lol.

    2. Caucasians have the most extreme cases of cognitive dissonance. Literally completely out of touch with reality and proud of it LOL.

      1. If you care to engage me on facts, I will happily respond. You seem to be bright enough to realize you cannot, otherwise you would have, rather than resorting to ad hominem criticism.

        1. Actually, nothing you have stated in reply to me is a “fact”; it’s your opinion based on your emotional and psychological needs. While that is certainly understandable, it does not make your opinions factual.

        2. In your first reply, rather than address what I wrote you came out with an ad hominem criticisms of me that, as it turns out, are incorrect.
          In your second reply, you erroneously claim to be stating “fact” which is not fact, it is merely your opinion. You then double down by asking if I’m literate (which should be obvious, insofar as you were reading what I wrote. Of course, this was intended merely as a weak insult.)
          Lastly, you ask what you have been incorrect about specifically. Well, mostly everything as it turns out. What part isn’t clear to you?

      2. No, actually we are really proud of our achievements… from the rule of law, to putting man on the moon. Things the room-temperature IQ negro could never have even dreamed of.
        Don’t be butthurt because your race is an abysmal failure. Just try to be the best man you as an individual can be.

  21. It just amazes me how quickly white men have become the bad guys in the world. In the original opening of the 1960’s TV series Daniel Boone, Boone shot redskins to “make all Americans free”:

  22. I agree, you shouldn’t feel guilty, because it is not the white man of today who is responsible for colonization. You also should not try to justify or gloss over the brutality the European inflicted upon the Aborigines, the Africans, the Asians, etc. Accept it for what it was, both in its beneficial aspects and its destructive aspects and move on.

  23. the most notable players being the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Britain, and France.

    Egregious omission of Turkey and Russia. Indeed Russia still holds the bulk of their empire, they have 11 time zones!

  24. I’ve argued with many SJWs and bleeding-heart types on the subject of colonialism. Every culture in the world, regardless of its skin color, has practiced subjugation over a lessor people at one time or another. The only reason European Colonialism was a thing is because of luck: Beginning with the 15th century Europe’s technology surpassed that of its rivals, like the Islamic and Chinese empires, giving white people a leg-up in the colonization stakes. If that hadn’t been the case, and say the Arabs had maintained technological superiority (rather than devolving into a dark age), the picture of the world would be very different today.
    These SJW idiots also forget that the Han Chinese, for example, had already colonized much of East Asia before white people came, to the detriment of the indigenous populations. Same goes for the Muslims in West and South Asia, and the reigning minorities in Mesoamerica. So technically, in many cases, Europeans did not “invade” so much as “supplant” the current masters.
    My point is: As much as everyone bitches, moans, and feels guilty over white imperialism, it’s in the nature of every single human race to climb to the top of the food chain. And anyone who says otherwise is a fool.

    1. Arabs never had tech superiority. Men from other Arab conquests such as India, Persia and Anatolia invented all the stuff attributed to Arabs. Once they became Muslims the culture began regressing; once they started competing with each other to be seen as devout, things went downhill quickly.
      European technology was not due to luck but to the insights and work of individual European men. You might say they were lucky to have the inborn intelligence and individualistic tendencies bred into them over thousands of years and to have no single religious or governmental authority that could stop disruptive advances without putting itself at a disadvantage in war and trade, but that looks more like virtue than luck to me.

    1. Unless you personally killed one and took their land, or committed any other crime against one, no.

      1. Exactly. My post was ironic. I think the whole “white guilt” idea is total bullshit.

  25. It is so refreshing to just tell people who whine about “evil white European colonialism” to go move someplace else if they don’t like it. It gets old hearing ungrateful losers who grew up with all the blessings of European colonization complain about it.

  26. My ancestors were peaceful farmers during one season and vicious head hunters in the next on the island of Borneo. Once they were done stocking up with the rice supply, the men would embarked on huge raiding expeditions made up of tens to hundreds of war boats to the coastal villages. The main event is the typical tribal piracy shenanigans – rape, plunder and slavery. We’re not alone however as the event is not an exclusive club. Depending on the region, other nearby races would join up the raiding parties and participated with the merriment/mayhem.
    It was a white man, a British merchant, who stopped all that. He came, he wrestled the land from the Muslim king of Brunei and created his own little island nation. Of course he needed for the inland tribes to stop with the head hunting and piracy so he had to suppress that. He struck hard on the raiders and defiant warlords but relatively left my ancestors untouched most of the time. Another thing that helped his little campaign is letting in Christian missionaries to come in and converted us to become docile people worshiping the Lord.
    I have a Muslim friend who accused me for being a Western lover. Perhaps that’s true but that doesn’t diminish the fact that I’m working with him side-by-side teaching students at a multi-cultural school together because over century ago some white man told my people to stop head hunting while teaching my friend’s people how to run a centralized government.
    Speaking of teaching, I’ve seen the history books and they explained that my ancestors rebelled out of pride because the white man “wrongly accused” them as lowly pirates. I face-palmed at the brief but inaccurate whitewash because what my ancestors did back then were well documented events from multiple sources. Their piracy expeditions and the white man’s crackdown on them are written on the official almanac every year. Even some of my friends boasted that they came from a family of pirate chiefs who used to attack the region where my ancestors lived. How can I tell my students that our ancestors were peaceful rice farmers but at the same time they put skulls of fallen enemies/victims at the center of the longhouse?

  27. Leviticus 26.
    There is a reason the Nations who Revered the word of God, easily conquered the Cultures that didn’t worship the Word of God.
    Only now , as Liberalism, Atheism, and “Liberal Christianity” poison once God Fearing Nations do those Nations Feel Remorse and Shame for what the Word of God Promised to them.

    1. Yahweh is definitely true to His word. We get to watch it come to life before our very eyes:
      “But it shall come about, if you do not obey Yahweh
      your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes with
      which I charge you today, that all these curses will come upon you and
      overtake you:. . .“The alien who is among you shall rise above you higher and higher, but you will go down lower and lower.” -Deuteronomy 28 NASB
      ‘But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before
      you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they will trouble you in the land in which you live. . . And as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.’” -Numbers 33

  28. The Western Nations have superior technology than what it’s immigrants bring. The native Americans and Aboriginal Australians lacked the technology to stop colonizers.
    The difference is they were willing to fight the white colonizers, whereas Western Nations have no willingness to fight illegal immigrants or the rulers of their societies who truck in boatloads of refugees who will barely, if ever, assimilate into North American or Western European culture.

  29. The most ridiculous thing about progressivism is judging people in the past by the stanard of today.
    By their logic, Europeans should have taught natives about gender equality and gay sex.
    That is the problem of progressivism, the heroes of today are villains of tommorow.
    The founding fathers create a constitution based on rights and freedom ? But they were slave owners.
    Tolkien wrote some of the best piece of fantasy literature ? He was racist.
    The stupid thing is, you can lose your job today, for some joke about trannies that you did 15 years ago, when it was ok to do so.
    Even the progressives of today, will be seen as oporessive by tommorow’s standards.

    1. I am getting a salary of 5900 dollars each week. Over a year ago I was in a horrible condition , jobless and no bank credit . Thanks to one of my friends who showed me a way where I was able to gather myself and making average of 55 d/h. So it can change your life as it has changed mine.
      To Know More About That Click Here
      Just kidding lol

  30. This is one subject that really shits me off with SJW’s..
    We came, we saw, we conquered.
    I refuse to apologise for being a descendant of literally a superior civilisation.

  31. The western tradition from ancient Greece to modern America represents the greatest cultural, political, and economic evolution the world has ever known. The world owes the west a debt of gratitude for creating the template of success.

  32. I’ve always said if the American Indians had the ability to come over to Europe and conquer first they would have.
    The Arab crisis in Europe now is a perfect example. The takeaway from their invasion is that it is not due to their own ability that they are embarking on a conquest of Europe, but still by the power of Caucasians enabling them to do so.
    It’s the same with any culture war, that is still a war of conquest, such as with the Blacks in the USA for example. If Blacks are only 13% of the population why do I see them 50% or more of the time when I turn on a TV? Boycott TV, by the way, keep that crap out of your home.
    It’s not by the power of Blacks that rap “culture” is promoted so heavily throughout the USAs social nervous system of TV and media. It’s by the power of Caucasians who know exactly what they are doing: They’re using social conditioning to soften people up for the next phases of conquest against the West.
    In any example the darker races could never do such things by their own power alone. When the West wakes up and shakes off the true enemy, wicked government, it can take back the reigns of its own destiny.

    1. You’re getting closer to the truth. Jesus warned about the children of Satan.

  33. As a Portuguese i never felt any shame regarding my imperial past. We were the first and last European Empire, starting in 1415 with the conquest of Ceuta and the resolution of East Timor independence in 2002 (some choose the handover of Macau to China). The thing is: we started globalization, truly connecting the World via a commercial empire that stretched from Brazil to Japan. We earn a lot of money, but, we also made possible to many others to profit to.
    Of course, every imperialism is based on subjugation, but here his the essential thing about this western “shame”: the myth of the good savage. This is a idea that began, grosso modo, in the XVI century but was reinforced in the Enlightenment. The notion is simple: every single person that was not European (specially the tribes of the Americas) was somewhat without original sin, angels on earth, Gods chosen, that had no evil in their hearts and minds, humans untouched by the fall from paradise, lost sons of Adam and Eve. This is, of course, a lie. The myth of the good savage is just that: a myth. They were humans, no more, no less, with the same capacity for evil. The rest is propaganda.
    Lets give practical examples. The Aztecs were a vicious imperialistic people, enslaving people to sacrifice to their Gods. Cortez, in fact, only conquered the Aztec Empire due to the help of subjugated tribes, much more ruthless that the Spanish. The Incas were also a violent Empire, the same with the Iroquois that had a empire in North America. For instance the famous Mohican, inspired by the mahican tribe were almost destroyed by this expansion, not by European wars. In Africa, Shaka Zulu killed more Africans than the Europeans in centuries, much more. The African slave trade was only possible by African regulos, (petty kings) that captured them and sold them. In Asia, we have the Mughal Empire, the Maratha Confederacy and the imperial wars between Japan ans China for the control of Korea, in the end of the XVI century. Im not even going to talk about the Ottomans or the Persians…The list goes on.
    In conclusion, every European or person of European descent have to be wise and have know how of history, in order not to be fooled to think that we have a monopoly of evil. In the end, its just a another anti western sentiment, one that have to be refuted and beaten!

  34. If you want to read a really good shoot-down of the leftists idolization of these primitive cultures, read Ted Kaczynski’s – “The truth about Primitive life”. He argues many of the best points that have been pointed out below…. And he does so from a position of authority, having lived a primitive lifestyle himself for more than a decade.

  35. Liberals are totalitarians, shown in the impoverishment of every city and state where they gain power, who want to practice mass killing, as they have convinced women to do with men’s children via abortion, are racist as shown in their incessant obsession with race….
    Accusing opponents of this and more is one of their ways of destroying the culture of human rights and progress.

  36. Wow…where to start? I’m all for white people being able to have pride in their culture and history without condemnation. But at the very least do the bare minimum amount of research necessary before you put something up as a fact.
    Human rights were not invented by whites. The emperor Ashoka in ancient India created a universal declaration of rights and ordered pillers placed around his empire with these rights written on them. He predated Alexander the Great.
    Not all successful cultures have practiced genocide.
    Additionally, not all successful conquering peoples tried to completely wipe out people they conquered. Australians tried to completely wipe out the natives.
    European cultures have made enormous contributions to humanity. I get that white people want to celebrate their culture, which is perfectly fine, but at the very least do it without shrouding your history in bullshit.

    1. “The emperor Ashoka in ancient India created a universal declaration of rights and ordered pillers placed around his empire with these rights written on them. He predated Alexander the Great.”
      You got your history wrong. Ashoka was born 20 years after Alexander died, and his human rights come part from the Greek and Hebrew culture that Alexander brought in India and part from the Buddhism he adopted.. His universal human rights didn’t survive the test of time, not even in India. Modern human rights came from the white culture, most of them from the Bible.

      1. That’s the point, our modern interpretation of what human rights are, is a white invention.

    2. How’d that work out for emperor Ashoka? India is the disgusting shithole it is today thanks to this misguided idea.
      If the Australians had tried to wipe out the very few Abos that existed they would have done so.
      Once again, due to the White man’s mistaken empathic idea that “they are just like us” we are having this idiotic discussion now.

  37. I don’t understand why would any non-Aboriginal Australian care about this. People should be proud of their heritage, not ashamed. That goes double for white people.

  38. Regardless of how you feel, you have been paying the price and still are. The two great wars in Europe put an end of colonialism with the expense of millions of lives of WHITE Europeans. It was THE biggest human sacrifice SO FAR. It’s ridiculous to compare the scale of it to what the Aztecs were doing.
    Now with the counter-colonialism (immigrant invasion) Europe will pay even a greater price of losing its culture and race completely.
    The biggest irony though lie with the USA. An ex-colony turned a colonialist. The price USA will pay is going to be even dearer.
    Karma is a bitch!

  39. 1 reason you shouldn’t feel guilty about colonisation:
    1. Civilisations get conquered and destroyed all the time. I don’t see any of these progressive cocknuggets weeping for the Sumerians who were conquered and assimilated by the Akkadians circa 2234 B.C. And the Sumerians acheived more as a civilisation than any native tribe in Australia or North America could have hoped for. They invented writing, the wheel and were settled. People in Ancient Mesopotamia have been settled since at least 8000 B.C. while Native Americans were still illeterate nomads in the 17th century A.D.! They should be fucking thankful for the arrival of the Europeans and they are lucky that some of their members are still alive today and are thriving more than any of their ancestors.
    In Canada, we have to call them the First Nations but the irony is that were it not for the white man, they wouldn’t even know the concept of a nation. And they aren’t even a nation. At best, they are multiple tribes that have nothing in common with eachothers besides their ethnicity.

    1. That’s because the cocknuggets aren’t allowed to study actual history, only revisionist history which has been cleansed for them. Studying history not properly cleansed by the progressive elite would cause many of them to blow a major gasket in their brains whenever it’s realized that most of what they’ve been taught and lived their life according to is a lie that doesn’t hold up under the weight of reality.

  40. White people are only condemned and inculcated to feel guilty about the poor brown people because of the Jewish media and schools with their white genocide program. This has been going on for over 5 decades and whites have had enough, as seen by the tidal wave of nationalist resistance to the Jewish genocide in Europe and with Trump here. European colonization was the best thing ever to happen to these backwards shitholes in the America’s, Africa and Middle East yet they all bleat and wail about “white oppression” as fed to them by the Jews. Europeans are responsible for 99% of the world’s inventions that have (erroneously) lifted these animals out of their self-created destruction. Blacks in Africa still live in mud huts while whining about the white debil but will rush back to whitey by the millions to be oppressed in Europe.
    No white should ever feel guilty about what our people have brought to the world. Without us, the world would revert back to complete blackness (literally) and subhuman barbarism.

  41. ROK should do a history series. Just tell it like it was and get people to empathize with a specific group of civilization builders.

  42. People forget that just a few hundred years ago it was much more of a dog eat dog world. Still is. Any pathetic, weak pussy who can’t accept the fact that you have to take what’s yours would’ve died young in those times.

  43. But at the end of the day a genocide did occur, regardless of the points you have made, they are not an excuse and as a result Aboriginal Australians are one of the most disadvantage cultures/peoples on the planet, if not THE most disadvantaged.

    1. Aboriginal Australians are one of the most disadvantaged cultures/peoples on the planet by their own hand. Unless you’re saying white Australians forced Aboriginal Australians for two hundred years to drink, take drugs, and abuse their own children at rates unmatched anywhere in the white community.
      Or do you say there’s an excuse for cultural paedophilia, as many in the Aboriginal community practice? With child “brides”, as has been the practice and even authorised in prior court decisions?
      Do you deny that there is a reticence to remove Aboriginal children from abusive households – even to the point of sexual abuse – because of misplaced white guilt and oversensitivity to the “stolen generation”?
      And you have yet to actually argue or make a cogent point against the article’s main thrust: why should I feel guilty about something neither I nor my ancestors participated in or enabled?

      1. British settlers committed genocide against aboriginal population by either murder or by attempting to “breed out” their genes via the stolen generation. Fact. Case closed mate.
        Now, allowing every other shitty race into the country is something that concerns me a lot more.
        Denying that Australia Day is offensive to some aboriginal people, well it’s like if I came to your house fucked your wife and killed your family and then for the next 200 years celebrated the day on its anniversary.
        So changing the day, and creating a republic is a much desirable option in my mind.

        1. Suppose I came to your house and found that you were fucking your preadolescent nephew, niece, cousin, etc? Would I be not justified in thinking you were a mentally challenged rock ape and deserving at least of removal from your family, if not transport to the nearest prison cell?
          I see you still haven’t answered my assertion that Australian Aboriginals right now, here in 2016, are committing rape and child sexual abuse against their own children at rates that dwarf any attempt to “breed out” their genes any white settler ever committed. No white settler, past or present, has anything to do with that. I’m afraid, dear, that the case is still entirely open.
          Or do you think making it “Invasion Day” and making a republic is going to make the kiddie fiddlers all vanish into thin air?

        2. What’s the obsession you seem to have with paedophilia … The Catholic Church is still going strong in this country and everyone has stuck their head in the sand. Isn’t this about Australia Day being celebrated on a day that the aboriginals were essentially invaded? For lack of a better word.
          Intelligence, or whatever other indiscretions aside, this has zero to do with child abuse lol. Get a grip.

        3. And you still haven’t answered my assertion that paedophilia is practiced at appalling levels within the Aboriginal community. Multiple inquiries have borne this out, and multiple inquiries have borne out that it’s backed by Aboriginal culture itself, not by anything the white man has or hasn’t done to them.
          Don’t try to game moral equivalence in favour of a primitive tribal culture that believed it could fuck family members with impunity, and which now profits so much from the victimhood industry it’ll never actually change itself.
          The paedophilia is an example of how Australian Aboriginals’ position is in essence self-inflicted. They can either take responsibility for themselves and do something about it, or sit back and wallow in the slow demise of their race as they presently are.
          And once again: why should I feel guilty about an event in which I did not participate, from which I do not benefit, and for which not one of my ancestors bears any liability in any event?

        4. ok you’re right. Feel better? Lol fuck mate. Who gives a shit really this site is actual pathetic and roosh is a Arab dog. Fuck you old man.

        5. Your oscillation between frothing-at-the-mouth white supremacy and playing the Black Jesus is amusing.

    2. They are the most disadvantaged because they are the least intelligent race on this planet. And that’s the only reason.

        1. I forgot about the pygmies…but I mean, I’m sure both the Pygmies and the Abos can give each other a competition for that title.

    3. How “advantaged” were they before the arrival of the British, pray tell?
      Oh, right, living in disease and squalor and dying young were just so fantastic, wot?

      1. Man U guys have some terrible arguements.
        They were forced into a culture that disadvantages them. And for whatever reason, it may be biological, they will never be able to function in our society.
        Can’t we talk about Asians or something? Because I think we are pointing the finger at the wrong people. I’m saying out of goodwill that the aboriginal population should be treated with as much respect as possible. And then we kick every gook, Arab, and wog out. And bring back the white Australia policy.

        1. You are aware the white Australia policy was the one that you were hating on for attempting to breed out the Aboriginals, right?

  44. Best article I’ve read here in awhile, given all the pro-Trump stuff coming out of writers. European Colonialism, in particular the British Empire, was one of the greatest forces for good in history. Aboriginal peoples were generally stuck in cultural infancy.

  45. It’s the current PC method. Winner = bad; victim = good. Why else give every child a trophy for showing up? Reinforce winner = bad.

    1. The author wanted to post a picture of an Australian of British descent.
      However, within the context of the article she is a bad example as she is not a descendant of British settlers. She was born in England and moved to Australia with her family when she was a child.

  46. What can we do as individuals to challenge the invasion of Europe….? I feel angry and powerless.

  47. I think we need to move beyond the discussion of blame (e.g., who did what? Who should be glorified and who should be denigrated?) to a more nuanced one of power and its ability to corrupt. Clearly, people in power, throughout history, have abused that power in ways that induced significant suffering. We have to begin to find ways to build more cooperative, compassionate power structures so we can diminish suffering in whatever ways are possible (eliminating it completely is, obviously, impossible).

  48. “Cannibalism is well documented among native cultures around the world. Australian Aboriginals were not exempt. In cases of extreme disparity, a practice of population control was utilized where a newborn baby was placed on a rock and had their head bashed in. The original pro-choice option.”
    Would LOVE to know your source. Perhaps you could share a citation showing this as fact?

    1. Really? Is this what education in your country has come down to? Here in Canada at least we actually learn this stuff. It’s in numerous history books. Go to a library or bookstore and look it up yourself.

      1. Numerous history books?
        About pre-colonial Aboriginal culture? 😕 Hardly…
        A specific claim about Aboriginal culture was made, not a general claim about all Native cultures. A specific claim that I have never come across during Historical & Aboriginal studies.
        Asking for a source citation has no bearing or correlation to education. 😕
        To be credible a claim of fact should be easily verifiable. Citing sources to prove the information is true & comes from a reliable source is the best way to show the claim is irrefutable; something any author claiming factual content should automatically provide to head off those who would like to discredit their work.
        If you did not know such a simple, common sense thing, look at your own countries education instead of trying to disparage others.

        1. So basically you’re trying to tell me is that we weren’t taught from books that were valid sources. Yeah nice try punk, think again.

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