How Propaganda Lies Are Used As Weapons

Recent news reports from the Korean peninsula claim that in January over one million propaganda leaflets were sent into South Korea by North Korea. The barrage of leaflets, all sent by balloon, come in the wake of Pyongyang’s renewed nuclear tests in that month.

It is a strange way of waging a propaganda war. We commonly hear of propaganda leaflets traveling from South to North, but almost never the other way around. What could North Korea possibly entice people in the South with? How could a country that can barely feed itself hope to influence popular opinion in another country?

Here are examples of some of the leaflets used by the North in the past. The show a revolting image of an American soldier torturing a woman, and an absurd image presumably showing what a great life defectors in the North enjoy.


North Korean propaganda leaflet showing the alleged joys awaiting those who defect to the North.


Ridiculous North Korean propaganda showing US soldiers torturing civilians.

While such images may seem amusing to people far removed from the field of conflict, we should not forget that such propaganda, repeated over and over, can have an effect over time. It is a depressing truth that even the most ridiculous nonsense repeated endlessly can do some damage.

Consider, for example, the “germ warfare” allegations against the United States during the Korean War. This was a nasty episode that took shape towards the end of the conflict, and it still occasionally resonates today. It is a revealing episode, and shows how biased journalists can willingly participate in propaganda lies.

During February and March of 1952, China and North Korea accused the United States of having waged a “germ warfare” campaign all over the peninsula. Specifically, they alleged that the US had aerially dropped canisters containing a number of disease vectors, such as flies, spiders, feathers, and marine organisms. Anthrax, cholera, and encephalitis were supposedly caused by such vectors. A leftist Australian journalist, Wilfred Burchett claimed to have witnessed such weapons being used.

As “proof” of such claims, the communists wheeled out prisoners of war who mumbled “confessions” of having participated in such “campaigns.” The United States denied the charges completely, as they were patently absurd to anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of military affairs and the progress of the conflict.

The Red Cross and the World Health Organization claimed that the communist allegations were false. This did not deter Peking and Pyongyang. They demanded another investigation, this time from a “neutral” observer, namely, the Soviet dominated World Peace Council. An “International Scientific Commission” was set up to look into the germ warfare claims.

Leftist scientists and journalists lent credence to the communist propaganda by participating in the charade. During the summer of 1952, the members of the International Scientific Commission traveled to North Korea and China to probe the germ warfare allegations.


Among these scientists was Dr. Joseph Needham, an admittedly brilliant Sinologist and scientist, yet one who proved incredibly soft-headed and gullible when dealing with politics. The conclusion of Needham’s commission—which exceeded 665 pages—was that the communist allegations of germ warfare were “true.”

The commission relied completely on the “evidence” presented to them by the communists. Such “evidence” took the form of piles of dead insects, hollow bomb canisters that had obviously been doctored, and the mendacious statements of civilian witnesses.

What was incredible was that a man of Needham’s intelligence was totally deceived by the Chinese and Korean propaganda. But Needham saw what he wanted to see. He was a long-time Chinese sympathizer, had a Chinese mistress in England, and was fascinated with Chinese culture. That the communists would deliberately lie to him never crossed his mind.

Leftist “journalists” like Tibor Meray, Wilfred Burchett, and others fanned the flames of the propaganda by repeating them over and over. In the jittery cold-war atmosphere of the time, such accusations might even seem plausible to the Western public, which had neither the time nor the ability to make heads or tails out of such matters.

No matter how much the United States denied the allegations, there were still people prepared to believe the worst. When Matthew Ridgway traveled to Europe to take over the command of NATO, he was greeted with massive protests screaming “Ridgway, Go Home!”

In retrospect, it seems clear that the Chinese and North Koreans seized on a few isolated examples of contagion to mount a huge propaganda offensive. Lack of adequate medical knowledge, food shortages, and improper sanitation were what caused any of the alleged diseases, rather than any deliberate military use.


Leftist journalist Wilfred Burchett

Despite the fact that the germ warfare claims were obvious lies, they were picked up and repeated by those in the West who found that such claims fit their political narrative. To such people, it was irrelevant whether the claims were true: what mattered was that they were useful.

In hindsight, it would have been better if the US government had immediately launched its own propaganda offensive to counteract the communist lies. Unfortunately, this was not done. The only way to counter malicious propaganda is to denounce it with the same vehemence with which it is put forth by its proponents.

The result was that some residual taint of the “germ warfare” allegation lingered in the air, at least on the communist side, even after the conflict had ended.

Read More: A New Kind Of Propaganda For The Culture War

170 thoughts on “How Propaganda Lies Are Used As Weapons”

  1. How about all the Islamophobia thats being pushed today.
    Read any newspaper today and replace the word Muslims with Jew and see how far you get!

    1. Ha Ha Ha. Someone will post comments about Jews on every article of this site. Somehow, Jews are the cause of every problem, no matter how small, to some who read this site. Wow.

      1. I don’t give a rats ass about Jews or Muslims. But the point is true; criticism of Islam is universal, and criticism of Judaism is practically nonexistent. I don’t know why someone decided to give them all our dead dinosaur carcasses but I wish it would hurry up and run out so we can totally ignore that area of the world.

        1. It was eye opening when I realized the similarity between Islam and Judaism – at least, between Muslims and Jews. They are both throwbacks to a different time.

        2. How many Jews have exploded in France this year?? Or simply shoot christians elsewhere??

        3. How many muslims took over our entertainment, news, academia, law, and music industries through cronyism and nepotism, then used those industries as a weapon to poison the minds of an entire generation?

        4. They are two different form of semitic peoples, and both are violent supremacists who pose grave threats to global stability.

      2. Is ‘wow’ your idea of an argument? far out makes a very valid point. I am absolutely sure that much of what is presented to the public about ISIS as fact is total fiction–from at least some of the more monstrous atrocities they have been said to have committed (though they no doubt have committed many) to their very ORIGINS! The Saudis clearly played a part in their creation, and I suspect the Israelis (and possibly the U.S.) did, too–and I know for a fact that the Israelis value ISIS in many ways.
        And for all the politically correct protection of Muslims, widespread mainstream professional anti-Islam merchants thrive in this country. Jennifer Rubin writes for the Washington Post, for God’s sake! Reverse that, as far out says, and see what happens.
        No matter how much you hate Islam, if you attack far out’s post, you’re an intellectual phony.

    2. Is your point about how we should be talking less about Muslims or more about Jews?
      Oy vey, the goyim need to make up their minds.

  2. Propaganda is a fascinating phenom truthfully, certainly there is some of it which is obviously far-fetched, even absurd.
    But there are also more subtle approaches. The idea of subliminal messaging for one. And the best propaganda is that which is this kind of insidious.
    It is amazing to see the saturation-style campaign against Roosh this past week, wherein proof or debunking is only a simple click away, and yet how many chose not to? Or on an even larger scale, the advertising of a major motion picture or product ad between TV programming, how many more “best film of all time” accolades before it is meaningless?
    The effectiveness though, whether entirely contrived or low-key and realistic, of propaganda in general is without doubt. How else could mobs be incited over a happy hour? Why else would people continue to pay out for things they have no need of or use for?
    And it is always interesting what constitutes as propaganda to whom.
    So many people become invested in this, as though their personal self-worth is measured solely by something they heard somewhere and have no idea if it is true that they lash out not at the thing which deceived them, but at whatever or whoever it was that exposed the deception.

  3. Oh how I wish some brainwashed Marxist from the West would defect to North Korea to see the Glorious Workers Paradise that awaits them. If they came back their illusions would be crushed and they could tell all these Colonel Sanders free shit brigaders what Marxism is REALLY LIKE IN THE REAL WORLD.

    1. They’ll only see what they want to see. Dennis Rodman went over there and thought it was awesome because he hung out with Kim Jong Fucktard. A better solution would be if all these fucks went there and never came back.

      1. Rodman went over there to hang out with the leader. You can’t judge a country’s standard of living by how good the leader has it. You judge it by how the majority of its citizens have it.

        1. I agree. That’s my point – these idiots have no idea what it is really like over there.

  4. Look at all the propaganda disguised as entertainment and advertising aimed at us to normalize feminism, diversity and deviant sexualities. When I see a commercial about an interracial couple buying a car, eating fast food or shopping for travel deals online, I immediately change the channel.

    1. I am the husband in a very happy bi-racial couple. And nothing I hate more than propaganda in favor of bi-racial dating.
      I was always attracted to travelling and living abroad. Most people are not. So it is better to encourage people to be with those like themselves.
      That being said, I would never have gotten as beautiful a European or American as Japanese. I had a pretty French girl for a few years in my 20’s……..but what a bitch.!!!!!
      I am so happy I do not have to put up with shit all the time. BUt if you marry an Asian, be ready to support her !! Even if she works and makes money and is qualified, she still considers it is her right to leave the workplace when she wants.
      So if you do not like feminism, be ready to man-up. I have good hot meal waiting for me every day. Do little to no housework. But I do not have the unemployment insurance of a working wife.

      1. I think it’s great except for the part where the woman gets to choose what she wants to do (home or work). This is another problem with feminism. It doesn’t put out the fact that women have the choice while men don’t have a choice. Feminism always talks about equality as long as it favors women….then it shuts the fuck up because they know a good thing when they see it.
        Feminism is selective equality in a nut shell. Men need to start demanding women to make a choice and stick to it…especially if you’re looking to have children and raise a family. If that’s the case, then her ass is staying home until those kids are out of the house…then maybe she can work.
        This back and forth bullshit is just that….bullshit.

        1. I think it is fine. But with that choice comes the need to accept that you will not be CEO. Too many women want quotas to give them the position without putting forth the same struggle and sacrifice as men.

      2. Hi5! Same here, Nippon for the win. I just told her to forget running our finances, not having that shit. I give her an allowance for food/whatever, not the other way around. Mine doesn’t have a job and if she gets one I told her It won’t change shit, I expect her to do her duty regardless or the job goes.
        Women don’t have real jobs anyway, they are just glorified hobbyists at whatever they do.
        And yes for the man-up part, but then a real man’s man would anyway.
        Before this I tried northern, western and southern Europeans, same shit just packaged differently, then my cousin got with a Chinese, Jap, then Thai, then Viet which he ended up marrying, I liked the look of the Chinese and Japanese the best, but Jesus how fucked up childish the Chinese “good” ones are, so I ditched that and settled with a nice girl from the countryside.

    2. I agree. I got pretty fucking tired of trying to make anyone (and everyone) happy when discussing commercials.
      A good example is: you’re looking to buy a fucking car and the commercial spends more time on showing you the people (couple or family) versus just showing what the fucking car can do, how it performs, etc…
      I don’t give a fuck who’s buying it,….show me the god damn product already.
      Yeah, the shit got old so I ditched TV. It is a way of “programming” people and I won’t be sold on what’s supposed to be normal versus crazy (or mental). We have the crazies all around us, today, and many people think it’s ok….until one of them snaps.

      1. that’s how women make decisions: “what are the other women doing?”
        that’s why they are the targets. their spineless husbands let them control 80% of household spending, so the nation-wreckers who dominate the ad industry aim these propaganda-infused ads straight at our women.

        1. Good point about the retail economy. Females are also the decision makers for 75% of home purchases. Men are essentially producers. Women are essentially consumers. Society is set as transfer of wealth from males to females. When will the beta males internalize the red pill? It might not be possible to become alpha, but no man has to allow himself to be manipulated like an ATM cash dispenser.

        2. That is how idiots make decisions. Women have become mindless fools whose sole purpose in life is to take advantage of the men closest to them for the sake of people who view them as cattle.

        3. Not in this this house. I make all important finanacial decisions alone. Wife is fairly frugal anyways.

        4. Men will continue to willingly submit their power in the household to women out of fear of being labeled as …….. by their peers. They also think it is the modern thing to do.
          ……… < you can insert a word here, such as sexist, racist, radical muslim, anti-globalist, rapist, etc.
          You get the point.

        5. I’ve seen that word before, but I still don’t know what it means.
          My Engrish aint dat gud

        6. Ah… I tend to avoid feminist hotspots, which might explain why I didn’t see the word enough times to bother looking it up.
          😛 😛

        7. A strong patriarchy is the only thing that brings people out of the cave days. Feminists and Leftists are doing their best to put us back there. All you need to do is look to Africa to see what happens in a matriarchal society with lazy and powerless men. It’s an absolute horror show. Africans haven’t even advanced to the level of living in caves yet.

        8. Oh man, how true that is!
          I was married to a woman who spent money like a drunken sailor and refused to ease up even when the stress of being cash poor gave me ulcers. Divorced for 4 years now and still paying off loans she got in my name.

      2. The television is rather useful, though not in watching it. It narrows people’s vision so much that they rarely think through their beliefs. That’s the goal: initial indoctrination through controlled state education, then reinforcement and exploitation via the media. The message is “If you want to be that good fellow we taught you to be in school, buy this car.”
        This is how I prey on them; I have yet to meet a cuckservative or leftist who can explain to me why discrimination no matter what the context is wrong. When they fail, I simply point out that putting the well being of strangers before ones own kin is guaranteed to lead to extinction.
        Then they usually spout off some nonsensical insult.

      3. I didn’t have a TV for years until I got married. Besides local news, we watch selcted DVDs and Youtube on it. There really is nothing on.
        You are right about advertising and its focus on people in the commercial instead of the product it is selling. It is about building an emotional bond between you and it. Marketing found that out years ago. Being I was raised in the mid-west, a family member sent me probably the best car/truck commercial I ever saw and it had very little to do with the truck.

      1. I agree. When any man reaches a certain level of red-pill wisdom, mainstream television and movies become so obnoxious and repulsive that it becomes impossible to watch anymore.
        You will know you are reaching a state of red pill maturity when you can identify the propaganda in ANY movie, tv show, video game, commercial or newscast. It is in ALL of them.

        1. It is actually possible to find redpill nuggets in some of the propaganda. It is a self-evident truth, so it still creeps in once in a while. Briefly.
          For the most part I watch youtube, and even then I’m usually working on something else.

        2. Maybe one film out of a hundred contains a couple of red pill ideas, completely surrounded by blue pill mainstream nonsense. I don’t enjoy digging through a tub of shit to find a penny.

        3. Too true. I only managed to get through half of Mad Max Fury Road. I’d rather watch mark hamil turn into a giant cockroach over and over again for the other 45 minutes

        4. When I am forced to watch it, I can’t help but point out how absurd the premise of everything about it is. Then the people around me look as if I am the obnoxious one. They are best friends with faceless men behind an electronic box.

        5. “The Guyver” Movie, based on a Japanese comic/cartoon. It is fun in a early 90s sort of way. The second movie is better… hard to believe it did well enough to warrant a sequel.

        6. i can think of worse things. like being made to watch endless reruns of the kardashians

    3. You must be changing the channel every few minutes these days, because Black Men with White Women are shoved down our throat in nearly every single commercial and television program.

    4. “When I see a commercial about an interracial couple…I immediately change the channel.”
      I dont give a fuck. They can take those white women and so can you. Asia is where its at.

      1. Everyone’s women, free to any man for the taking?
        That’s a pretty Libertine and Hedonistic viewpoint.
        It may sound good but in practice it leads to all kinds of problems. You are entitled to your opinion, but a lot of men are starting to oppose those ideas once we travel a little further down the road of wisdom.

    5. I can’t even watch the boob for said reason. I don’t even know why I own one.
      The reason, I’ve come up with, why they push the interracial shit in commercials (and also blacks and women saving the day in shows like Walking Dead) is because industrious people really don’t have a lot of time for TV. The people who do……are your typical democrats. So why not kill two birds with one stone? This is also why the news would be biased/leftist as well. Don’t want to repel your freeloading audiences now do ya? Commercials might not pay as much.

      1. It seems like it is one part aspirational advertising aimed at blacks.
        Both male and female blacks tend to be attracted by seeing one of their own with a beautiful White woman. It’s just something innate – they love to jab their thumb in Whitey’s eye by proxy.
        The appeal for the White women watching is liberalism, SJWism gone mad, Cat Lady Syndrome, and Fuck You Dad syndrome.
        They are appealing to the most base, disgusting elements of our society, and the better of a man you are the more difficult it is for you to watch television.

    6. Ive noticed a commercial running here (Australia) at the moment with a nice Chinese looking family enjoying their brand new Toyota Camry..
      Get fucked.

    7. It’s nothing bad to have an interracial couples in commercials, but not in every commercial.
      Entertainment is taken over by the leftists, and one of the ways the propaganda is being pushed is by presenting something as a regular occurrence, or at least occurring much more than in reality.

      1. Obviously commercials. I would never think of banging that Asian minx if I didn’t see a white boy with an oriental on TV. Lol.

    8. Oh, because see an interracial couple in commercials isn’t the norm.. Lmaoooo You people are delusional.

    9. Meanwhile, you’re on a sandn!gg3rs thread! Lmaoooooooooooooooo
      You people are funny as $h!t

    10. i really can’t watch most modern film and tv programs any more. Just now, I tried watching agents of s.h.i.e.l.d and I got as far as episode 2 when the military leader comes out of the jungle in peru and.. its a woman. well, of course it is. This is after episode 1 where brilliant computer hacker is a woman, guy with superpowers is a good black man beaten down by whitey, super strong agent who needs no firearms is a asian woman, brilliant lab scientist is a woman, partnered with her goofy socially awkward male colleague. apart from a couple of chiseled, handsome, alpha males thrown in there for cover (really, the minimum you can get away with), practically the entire cast is like they were selected based on a set of checklist criteria. I don’t know when the gay character is coming but i`m sure it will be soon. oh, wait there we go, a gay superhero comes out of the closet named Joey. I guess the next one will be a tranny. Of course. what does he do, have super anal sex with the bad guys until they give up. I just can’t take the modern hollywood agenda any more. Its obsessed about lilberal progressivism to the point where it has corrupted the media of film and television beyond recovery. Every. single. television program and movie has to have now either “super strong super intelligent super infallible, never the bad guy, weighs 100 pounds but fights like a heavyweight boxer)” female main character, “nerdy incompetent comic relief beta male white guy”, generic gay couple A , the everyone just accepts it like its normal tranny, or any combination of the four. Also, if you find this post offensive, I don’t care, go and cry in your safe space.

  5. Speaking of degenerate propaganda, this commercial featuring the Barbie Twink continues to astound:

    1. They made the boy look like gay male pedo bait. Grooming a boy to go purse shopping with the girls. He can play with Barbie too.

    2. Disgusting. The ‘actor’ that did this will wind up in about 5-6 years either A) Sucking cocks at the local truck stop or B) In a local clocktower with his collection of rifles.

      1. I think it’s real. I went to the website and you can buy extremely overpriced Moschino Barbie accessories.
        It hurts my head to see this.

  6. The use of modern propaganda started with the anglosaxon-protestant-hypocrites. The same ones that 500 years later would spread “women and gay rights”. The true West is Roman and Catholic. Shame on you USSA-UK-Canada-Australia.

    1. Sure. WASPS invented propaganda, not Jews. Guys like Edward Bernays had nothing to do with it.
      You guys crack me up.

      1. Modern propaganda came with Gutenberg’s printing press. Edward Bernays and his smoking sluts are irrelevant.

      2. People pick up propaganda-esqueness in the womb. They get it like all other early stimuli from their mommy. Some moreso and others, not so much so. Everyone alive is a propagandist, it’s just that some are better than others.

        1. That’s not what you said.
          “The use of modern propaganda started with the anglosaxon-protestant-hypocrites.”
          That is a retarded, anti-White statement that has no basis in reality. Are you intentionally lying, or do you just spout off without thinking about your words?
          Read and learn:
          EDIT: Sorry I just realized it was that “Better Dead” dork who wrote that. My bad.

        2. Yes it is becoming a popular site. It’s like the ‘bumper cars’ amusement ride in here now.

        3. Now it will turn out that the only whites are the WASP’s. Ridiculous. “WASPS” didn’t even exist by then.
          I repeat: Modern propaganda came with Gutenberg’s printing press. Edward Bernays and his smoking sluts are irrelevant.

  7. ” To such people, it was irrelevant whether the claims were true: what mattered was that they were useful” You’ve summed up the entire left wing intelligentsia in that one line. All left wing thought is underpinned by that intractable pragmatism that says something or someone is only any good if they’re useful members of their belief system. Their belief system repeats back the utilitarian concept of usefulness to all citizens, which is of course a morally neutral terms that allows such regimes to tell blatant lies with a “clean conscience” if it serves the usefulness of its belief system. It’s a circular hermetically sealed system that prevents a person from questioning the system even in the first place. If you were born in such a society, you wouldn’t even know how to formulate any other thought apart from the question of your usefulness to the system.
    QED:This is why communist countries have always had astronomical death tolls in their own countries,because, the question of a person’s innate value like their goodness is irrelevant to their functional usefulness. If people are no longer useful in such societies it’s easy under such a system to exterminate them as bad things are the same as uselessness things.

  8. The more degeneracy and propaganda I see from American entertainment and celebrities, the more I understand why China banned Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  9. You mean like Iraqi soldiers ripping Kuwaiti babies out of incubators? Or Saddam putting his enemies in a “people-shredder” machine? Or how Jessica “Rambo” Lynch stopped a battalion of elite Iraqi commandos with her M-16 and a bayonet clenched between her teeth? Or how documents proved that Iraq was seeking nukes?
    The left is guilty as sin of this kind of stuff, but they aren’t alone.

    1. Well I’d hardly qualify the Neo-cons as being from the right.
      They’re leftist.

      1. That’s true–Totskyites in ‘conservative’ drag. But I think the right-left paradigm is an imperfect construct anyway.

        1. “But I think the right-left paradigm is an imperfect construct anyway” That’s why it’s a construct. The essential insight that eludes most people, is why do we still need to live in a State governed form of society? Ultimately, I want the least form of contact with the State which should be like the fatal systems in one’s body, namely to do necessary functions without your conscious knowledge. The State, left or right or whatever is not there to instruct and intervene in the social, religious and moral lives of people and that’s precisely what’s occurring more and more which is not its role.

      2. I am glad people are catching up on that.
        Leftist jews who infiltrated the right wing. They only serve rich merchants, with their free trade, tax cuts for the rich and wars for Israel.
        They will always talk about how it’s a problem that “GOP is a liily white party” and try to bring “diversity”. They oppose closed borders and are for gun control, how is that conservative ?
        They even started as Trotskyites.

      3. Spot on.
        I’m not from the US, but I know that Left and Right is the same thing there. Just a clown show.

  10. Some propaganda is exceedingly blatant (Matt Damon in Elysium)
    Some propaganda is less blatant (stupid, overweight father in )
    Some propaganda is subtle (black guy, white girl in )
    This is why I watch classic films (Connery’s Bond, Eastwood, etc.), work out, and spend time on my personal systems. I filtered for the propaganda I wanted (“manly man is manly”) and ignored the rest.

    1. Good observation.
      The race-mixing promotion is often subtle. They will constantly frame the shot to include a blonde woman right next to a negro, but they do not directly portray a sexual relationship. They have also started using “mystery meat” men, more and more. The overall message is that pretty White girls should be with anyone EXCEPT their fellow Whites. You will almost never see a positive portrayal of an Aryan looking couple, in any mainstream movies, television, or advertisements. It is ALWAYS the light-skinned White woman with the darker-skinned man.
      As a totally unrelated coincidence, advertising agencies are majority staffed with Jews and Feminist Liberals .

        1. Of course I do. But the GP thinks ‘blonde hair blue eyes’ when you say the word Aryan, so it’s convenient shorthand.

        2. Yes the indigenous persians were called aryan, the modern day arabic/turkmen/iranian is more of a racially mixed population.

        3. Yea, and ? I’m Dutch and Swedish myself , blonde hair , blue eyes haha. I just happen to be educated on where I come from so I don’t need to act like a clown

        4. In other words, you’re a retarded liberal cunt.
          We see what the Swedish genes are good for – being cuckolded right out of existence. But hey I guess you feel good about the fact that Sweden and Holland provide so many of the attractive women for Africans to breed with.
          Wake up, moron.

        5. Everybody was an idiot in their twenties.
          At that age, you actually believe the lies that your Marxist professors inculcate you with.

        6. I’ll just say this , come to the next Atlanta meet up and run your mouth , find out how much of a “cuck” I am

  11. Remember how advertisements used to focus on the actual product and its features & benefits?
    Now most advertisements consist of fast-cut montages of multi-cultural race-mixers laughing and smiling, while almost no attention is placed on the actual product. It has been like this since the mid nineties.
    Hmmm. I wonder why?

    1. The race-mixing is an appeal to both races with having to make only one commercial. Killing two birds with one stone: its all about immediate cash.

      1. If that were true, you would see a wide variety of pairings, in order to appeal to the widest customer base. Instead what we have is very deliberately targeted propaganda with the very obvious agenda of showing White women with Black men.

    2. The west has been shelled and pummelled with race mixing advertizements for several successive generations now. A recent Cheerios commercial comes to light:
      Proponents for Diversity and multiculturalism can argue that races can and should work together, which they should. Distinct tribes should maintain constructive diplomacy. Ergo, scientists of different nationalities coming together to work on a breakthrough or project that benifits the greater species, mankind, is a positive endeavor. But the Cherios commercial misses that boat completely. MIX GENE POOLS and MONGRELIZE is the only message delivered by the ad and it does nothing more than to rub the viewers face in a domestic setting where race mixing is normalized. Nothing about moving foreward or advancing mankind with discovery, but only to MONGRELIZE MONGRELIZE MONGRELIZE. That’s it. That’s the mixed message along with the usual ”eat, shit, obey, consume and die”. That’s pulp advertizing for you. If on the other hand, the ad were about scientists of different races eating breakfast and getting their carbs pumping for their test of the first warp drive machine, that would sell some cereal. But General Mills is sizeable enough to get pushed by the PC marxists to piggy back their social marxist agenda onto most commercials. Actually GM got more hate mail from the ad and they eventually pulled it. People were tired of seeing commercials of a white woman waking up in the morning and getting nigger lipped and then munching cereal. No one buys that shit anymore.
      IKEA is also famous for blatant race mixing themed ads. The feminazi clowns at IKEA promotions, well we know about the perils of the country from which they hail. Again, a homewares distributor, IKEA hits the home scene again. No break room at the warp drive labs decorated with IKEA shelving, no, it’s the homefront, decorated with IKEA girly decor, comforters, pillows, tables, ya know, the stuff you and your woman SCREW ON. So they throw in the race mixing theme like a piece of bacon to make it ‘smoky’ and unkosher for us consuming pigs. Ready for it? Here it goes:

      1. I think you have a good grasp of the issue.
        If these people truly valued diversity, as I do, they would see the benefit in keeping the races separate and distinct when it comes to dating and breeding. I know that goes against the motives of many RoK readers, who I have long accused of being solely focused on how to get White women. But the fact remains, these guys are sellouts to their own race and heritage just as much as the White skank who dates Black guys.
        It’s funny to hear a black woman at work lamenting at how sick she is of seeing all the eligible brothers chasing White women. I just chuckle to myself thinking ‘hey, we’re on the same side, but if I ever said the same thing I’d be fired for racism’.
        I think this video interview of the great Muhammad Ali says it well, from the perspective of a guy who can’t be written off with the usual pejoratives:

        1. Hip displasia is heredetary, more common with inbreeding. Optimizing the human condition lies somewhere between outright mongrelizing and inbreeding. Inbreeding activates junk dna when mother/father relation is too close and deformaties result. Mongrelizing produces the least common denominator trait package. Tribal hegemony is the next best thing to a caste system for distilling a spectrum of specific exceptional traits. We’re trying to rebel here against nature and catapult our species off this glorious green orb. Our species was formed in rebellion. Rebellion is in our souls. Just look at our women. They shadow us. Either we mongrelize and become mules under matriarchy, a species reduced to a hoarde of dumb raceless zombie wage slaves, or we distill the best from every stripe. Rebellion is our launchpad. We must never fall to bitch rule.

        2. If we become, slaves to the matriarchy, it’ll be because we’re wusses, not because we have gene diversity. And at the end of the day, we all really belong to the same race. Beyond cosmetic differences, there’s not much disimalarity between humans. Genetics is just one factor out of many.

        3. Matriarchy in the west is an ongoing stalemate. It’s being artificially propped up and enormous resources and effort are expended to keep males in check. The medical establishment, the judiciary and the media all work as a tag team to keep men quasi neutered (circumcised), medicated, fluoridated, fat, dumb and happy with bread and circus, and a judicially imposed apartheid separating men from their families. ALL RACES of men will have to exhert a BIG PUSH to throw off the great scourge upon us and reclaim dominion over our respective tribes. The control grid is alien to all of mankind. Our august rebel yell will be to bash our way to the top and pound the controllers into the soil. The next great leap for our species will be to throw off the elite controllers and sieze controls of ourselves, our tribes and the course of our species. IN REBELLION we mature as a species. We cut the cord now. We are autonomous.

  12. To all the guys whining about bi racial couples , stop sounding so insecure . White women , especially American ones , are low tier . Y’all spend all day talking about how much they suck but then whine like a bunch of women because they chose a male of a different skin tone , if he does nothing with his life it’s her fault for picking him and in reality you can’t change that .

      1. Nothing worse than idiots spreading propaganda from Germany in the 40s as present day . The Nazi’s basically nitpicked at European culture up to that point and twisted it for their own use . There is an idiot in here who thinks Aryans are white , blue eyes , blond hair . You can take 2 minutes and Google that shit to find out its wrong ….roosh is the only actual Aryan on here .

        1. I’ll be honest I always assumed aryan meant blonde blue etc. I never really cared all that much so I never bothered researching. It just was a non issue.

        2. I used to have an Iranian friend who taught me alot about their history and culture. I don’t mind of people have pride in their heritage , but don’t lie about. From the whites talking about Aryans to the blacks claiming the native Americans were black. It’s all bullshit that stems from feeling inferior.

        3. Sounds about right to me. What concerns me more is the underlying death of masculinity here. When men are running around looking for stories to make them seem more sympathetic instead of being the type of people who are strong and don’t require sympathy…that is the end.
          The weakest thing in people is when they try to be pity cases. If I am ever the kind of person who is going out of his way to garner pity then please just shoot me

        4. I think instead of actually looking up their heritage and having a clear understanding of where they come from they latch on to a famous one , good or bad, and claim that . It’s sad because the Nazi’s were probably the weakest and worst European movement , considering the footsteps they followed in . Even better , the roman’s , who they tried to model themselves after , didn’t even consider Germanic people as real whites .

        5. I swear, I never thought I’d see the day. You, my friend, have truly taken the red pill. I was beginning to feel bad for sharing the little that I felt was acceptable. Thank you for giving me hope that a little truth goes a long way in insuring a happier life.

        6. Yes. I do. You do know what he is saying right? There is a schism in what is now known as white and frankly it hasn’t changed by much in the last few decades. This is why there are a select group of families running the world and much is to be said on the topic of white as a whole.

        7. Actually, aryan were romani, and the king that invaded India was Manuel (the “Manush” came from this name).

        8. The worst is communism and the 3 shirt lived comunist republics in post ww1 Germany point out the lurking danger of this reoccuring cancer funded by capitalist bankers.
          Also, stop with thus Germanic cap please, the true whites are not 100% Germanic. The Romans mopped the floes with them several times.

        9. The word ayra was first used by Persians in the 6th century to describe where they come from . See behistun inscription.

        10. Never heard of them but the word ayra has been used by the Persians ton describe where they come from since the 6th century BC. Not to mention they constituted the largest empire of their time .

        11. This much I do know (my understanding of history pretty much is limited to the greek democracy and roman empire….I don’t know if anything happened after that but I am pretty sure that no, not it didn’t).
          The German’s were, to Roman’s, uneducated Barbarians…not in the romantic sense of the Barbarian, but basically just retards that need to be kept in check.
          Germany did produce a lot of wonderful art and literature and philosophy and culture in general, but pretty much the first thing the Nazi’s did was to get rid of as much of it as they could.
          In the end, I guess none of it really matters. I am a big believer in personal achievement over national achievement. Just because a person is German doesn’t make them Hitler nor does it make the Goethe, Kant or Marx. I think that people who pin their value on their race, nationality, religion or some arbitrary group they joined (masons?) or were born in to (4th generation union guy) are no better than people who feel their value as a person is largely derived from the successes of a sports franchise that just happens to be in the city they were born in….in a word: morons.
          White power? Black Lives Matter? Union Strong? Go Falcons? This is all stuff that idiots with zero personal achievement and zero potential say to hide from the fact that they will never do anything of significance in their entire life.

        12. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be proud of your heritage , I’m Dutch and Swedish and have a pretty decent understanding of the history and culture but I don’t go around flaunting it like it makes me better than anyone else . I more so used it to get through trials and tribulations, if people who were similar to me could do x I can do y .

        13. There is a universe of difference about being proud of your heritage and pinning your self worth on it.
          I would like to think that if you are Dutch and Swedish you are proud of who you are and where you came from. However, the day that you think an accident of birth, your nationality, is what makes you great that is when it’s check out from reality time.
          Being proud of your heritage is too often used as an excuse to have 0 personal achievement. I don’t have to be great, I am Swahili or whatever. Fuck that, be a great man ya know?

        14. Agreed , being proud of your heritage should push you to do great things like those before you . Not piggy back on achievements of those before

        15. Hey dipshit: By typing on a computer on the internet, you are “piggy backing on achievements of those before”. Everything you are, and everything you do, is a continuation of what men before you have accomplished. Don’t pretend it’s any different, you’re just making yourself look incredibly foolish.

        16. You’re the loser in highschool who got beat up by some black kid or fell for a chick who ended up banging one. Instead of working out , taking a martial art , or any other form of self improvement you assumed it all must be a plot against you . What is your heritage ? Do you even know ?

        17. They were all over the news. They were hunted down by ISIS because of their whiteness and reside in Northern Iraq/Iran.

    1. Yeah, bi-racial whining is self-defeating: I give my attention to self-respecting males of either race. I’ve met enough trash both white and black to know that it is not an issue. Both good white and black males are fighting uphill battles, or up shits creek w/o a paddle, so why split divide us even more?

        1. Adam, I have lived and worked in urban America on both coasts, and I’ve lived and worked with men of color(white included) that are strong building blocks of a family and community. I want “good” in my family and community, not someone of a specific color.

        2. I have lived and worked in close proximity to blacks all my life, and had many of them as close friends in the past.
          I can tell you something with certainty:
          There are only two things any black man wants from Whitey: his money, and his women.
          As long as you are playing the role of sucker in giving him those things with nothing in return, he is friendly.
          When the chips are down and things get hectic, the black man will side with his fellow blacks 100% of the time.
          You haven’t been around long enough to figure this out obviously, but eventually you’ll get it.

        3. So near and yet so far…
          My mirror says i am black, but that is just a part of me, not all of me. I seek value for value relationship with people regardless of race.
          Once you reject propaganda from any source you will find that to be the best way to live.
          And when shtf i will side with my loved ones, not just “my niggas.” I have a multi ethnic heritage, but i will always be an unhyphenated American.

  13. Edward Bernays is an excellent reference in this regard with his book, “Propaganda.” As he notes, propaganda is nothing more than a rhetoric that moves the public into a desired direction. The public at large is unable/incapable of anayzing complex issues; therefore, they must be lead to effective conclusions. Propaganda is the way that they are led.
    The problem with feminist propaganda is not that it is propaganda, but that it is destructive in nature: destroying the individual’s ability to enjoy her mind, life, and family.

    1. I respectfully disagree. 20, 30, 40 years ago, it was much easier to spread propaganda. You only had a few major newspapers, a few major TV channels, a few major and your friends. Now, we have access to so many fringe alt-right articles, books, and commenters. I think we’d be fucked if it were a few decades back because there would be no ROK, red pill, Breitbart, forums, Youtube etc. We’d only be listening to the few major TV channels and the garbage they spew. Croudsourced news and commentary has been a great step in countering propaganda.

  14. It’s easy to figure that the majority of today’s propaganda is aimed at women. As most of us probably know by now, women are more vulnerable to propaganda / commercials / advertisements than men.
    And that shows why the establishment is trying hard to make women the leaders of the household. They are easily controlled by propaganda.

    1. Great point. I knew that the move to a matriarchal family system was about corporations gaining easier access to consumer spending, but I never considered that the state itself is pushing for ease to propaganda.

      1. Indeed. There are two genders… One of them makes decisions based on emotion, while the other makes decisions based on logic.
        It is obvious which one is easier to contain/control.
        Even a snake is smart enough to realize it.

  15. Looking at that kmage of Burchett it suddenly struck me why leftists support comminism. Its because that is an easy way for a coward to pretend to others that he has courage,
    It takes zero courage to be a leftist in the west, the inclination of the state is to support it, the idiot class will believe anything, and women naturally tend to any man that can “signal” courage. Most important the men who would normally kill him for this treachery hold back because they want to preserve freedom of speech.
    Now look at Burchett crouched down with his stupid hat. At first I thiught “hey, he seems like a gutsy guy”. Then for some reason I felt “wait, this is staged, he is pretending”. And that is when all the above hit me.
    When you see some stringy leftist ponce protesting and screaming, remember that yiu are looking at someone who knows you wont blow his head off. Thats the leftist, and thats why he does it.

    1. I thought he looked like a poser. All far-leftists pretend to be compassionate, without actual sacrifice, and pretend to be intelligent while spending more time in their lives waiting at stop lights than reading academic material. It’s a cheap ideology that plays to their love of elitism and incredible level of sloth.

  16. I remember watching videos of prisoners crying while confessing to this. The North accomplished this through slow, systematic torture. And the left, shameless as ever, used it. Leftists have a tendency to be complete frauds. In light of reporters like Lincoln Steffens, who supposedly traveled to Russia and proclaimed “I have seen the future and it works!” when it was later revealed that he never even made the trip, I have to wonder if Wilfred Burchett shared this same character flaw and just outright lied.
    It wasn’t that Needham hadn’t thought these people would lie to him; it was the pain of the idea that they would consider him totally expendable and nothing more than a tool when he adored them that caused him to lie to himself. And then in the report.

  17. It’s time to start planning another meetup. Some people attended theirs and some did not but the point is that some of those planned meetups, if not many, did occur. And in those meetups people exchanged contact information that allows future planning.
    In my opinion, another needs to be planned for two reasons: 1) to continue to pursue the original intent of the meetups which is to establish contacts and associations with like minded people; that those associations and contacts of the like minded continue as a means of promoting shared ideas and to counter the degenerate influences that are fomented by the SJWs. 2) To clear away the somber tone that is creating a false impression of an SJW victory. The cancellation, which was merely the removal of the ROK sanction, barely rises to the standard of a set back. There are some persons who are succumbing to the phony characterization that something went wrong, that a great defeat occurred. This is nonsense and it should be treated as such.
    So many people already have their contact information and it should not sit in the corner and collect dust. The others can find ways to form the connections that produce a first meetup as well as ones to follow. Setting these contacts up can occur elsewhere, in other forums and on other websites out of the sight of those who habitually lie about their advocacy for “justice” and “tolerance”. Of course this must be done out of their sight in the same way that one must not show personal wealth and success in a housing project’s vestibule where thugs and criminals congregate.
    Make the contacts if you haven’t already. Set the time and location. And it would be nice if you can take a picture of the beer you were drinking at the meetup and let everyone see it. Offer a brief explanation of why you chose that beer. And if you are a lite beer drinker, we won’t hate on you. As the expression goes, “my favorite beer is the one I’m drinking.”

  18. Great article, Quintus. Nations and rulers change but the modus operandi remains the same!
    There was an exhibition onf propaganda methods in my hometown’s history museum a while back. The visit was an eye opener.

  19. The Korean Peninsula is a complete level on its own regarding propaganda. I did a tour there in the late 80’s and even then the Norks would broadcast propaganda across the DMZ on speakers bigger than the trucks that carried them. As far as I knew, we didn’t counter any simply because the S. Koreans themselves knew what they were saying was complete BS.
    I would recommened “Camp 14” or “The Aquariums of Pyongyang” to understand what kind of depraved Stalinist hell hole North Korea is.

  20. I saw Vice’s Shane Smith trip into North Korea back when Kim Jong II was still alive. I found it amazing how hard they still try to impress and yet they fail to impress. I also laugh at how arrogant they are about “winning” the Korean War they don’t even mention their Chinese Communist allies. And the silliest part is, at the end when they think they’re so advanced, and yet, they’re baffled by Smith jamming out to Anarchy In The UK during karaoke that Smith concludes how out of touch they are with the rest of the world.
    The sad parts were for one, the children gangpressed to become musicians and entertainers. That these kids are talented enough to where they can smoke America’s Got Talent, that can’t be denied. However, they do it only for the Kims. And you thought those ugly Dance Moms and football dads were bad. And for any girls attractive enough, it’s worse. If the Dear Leader or whatever silly title the current Kim uses lays his eyes on any of them, they will really have to “worship” him.
    And then there’s the tea girl. It’s not just that she was stunningly hot and beautiful. She seemed genuinely pleasant and courteous. Kinda made me want to sneak her out of North Korea in a suitcase.

  21. Screw it…And speaking of hardcore propaganda aimed at children, here’s Hamas Mickey Mouse….

  22. The Japanese used germ warfare against the Koreans and Chinese in ww2 and the US covered it up. This was retribution. Lies beget lies.

  23. Heres some good old fashioned WW2 atrocity propoganda that is not just around today but is even stronger than in Reagens time (as even he didnt know about the sacred 6 million) and is still milking money and sympathy for these psycopaths.

        1. yeah Reagan was a Holocaust denier, wasn’t he? here’s the full text of what he said:
          “I challenge your history again. There is absolutely no record that six million people were put in concentration camps. They only have 16 million to begin with. Now, I’d also like to challenge something else about the supposed evils of the Diem regime. I do approve of Diem’s land reform in which he took from the great mandarin holdings, and began to make land available to the peasants and to the people of Vietnam, who had never owned land before. But also, I would like to call to your attention that a team from the U.N. was sent to Saigon, Vietnam, to investigate the charges against Diem’s regime They did investigate those, but as they returned to this country, Diem was assassinated, which I think was one of the great tragedies of this whole conflict; and the United Nations report, which they declined to make official because they thought why bring anything up now that he’s been killed, has on the other hand, been published, there has been public access to it, and the United Nations report completely cleared the Diem regime of any of the charges that had been brought against him.”
          Reagan was debating comments made by Robert Kennedy about the Diem regime in South Vietnam.
          history is a bit more complex than a few YouTube clips posted as joke to fool gullible millennials.

        2. Sure maybe there was 2 lies about 6 million dying in concentration camps. That number definitely pops up repeatedly. Doesnt change one thing about the holocaust not happening. Reagan is a holocaust denier in the way Churchill and De Gaulle are, they just never heard about it. Even though Churchill heard every transmission out of Auschwitz he couldnt write anything about an extermination in his memoirs. Its just you dumb ass baby boomers too chicken shit of mean names to respond, you pissed away your countries leaving the rest of us with no viable future. I KNOW the holocaust didnt happen, I definitely know more about it than you do. It is physically impossible and yet you believe it.

  24. Here we go, watch the goosesteppers come out of the woodwork to say that “Zee Jews made up Zee holocaust!”

  25. The two northern propaganda posters shown are said to be “ridiculous”. I don’t think they were perceived so, at the time when they were produced. While it is easy to forget, North Koreans actually had a higher standard of living than their southern compatriots during most of the cold war era (the north even sent emergency aid to the south in the 80:s). With that background, bragging about the wonderful life in the north could very well be efficient propaganda.
    Similarly, torture was widespread during the war, and both sides – that includes the US – committed terrible atrocities against the civilian population. At a time when the memory of the war was still fresh, and the US was propping up a brutal dictatorship in the south, it is not difficult to imagine that the second poster could hit the emotions of many South Koreans.

  26. I can objectively claim likewise about Yellow Peril, especially when the Huns, let alone Genghis Khan, never stepped foot in Western Europe.

  27. Everyone is equal
    All races are equal
    Genders are equal
    Cultures are equal
    Religions are equal
    This will go down as the biggest lie in the history of civilization. It is the number one propaganda message that is being spread and it needs to stop or it will cause the downfall of western society.

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