5 Traits That Make Women The Best Useful Idiots For Liberalism

Women might be talented but cannot be genius as they are always subjective.

— Arthur Schopenhauer

With the destruction of the classical liberalism of Jefferson, Montesquieu and others, a new, pernicious and anti-male ideology took its place. Since then, “modern” SJW-style liberalism has snowballed further still into an excuse for poor female behavior. This behavior is the exact same sort that philosophers have chronicled and warned about for countless centuries. From Aristotle’s conceptions of political community to Nietzsche’s understanding of basic female fickleness, history’s most insightful men have bequeathed to us most of what we need to know about female psychology.

In profound ways, liberalism in the 21st century both vitiates female responsibility and simultaneously enables the castigation of society and men for problems women create for themselves. Men are altogether violent, say feminists and other opportunistic females, but women nevertheless compulsively seek out and validate men who are actually violent. Similarly, women, especially celebrities, scream about being objectified, even as the take every opportunity to objectify themselves for financial, social or sexual profit. The list goes on and on.

On Women

Perhaps the most compelling but concise treatise on women comes from Arthur Schopenhauer. Everything from rape culture hysteria to female emphasis on a man’s resources can be explained by reference to Schopenhauer’s On Women. If necessary, read his words thrice a week until they are ingrained permanently in your brain and soul.

If the feminist-friendly liberal world we live in seems devoid of any logic or reasonable discourse, pay careful attention to what Schopenhauer has to say about women, who are the most accommodating of insane political correctness. This quote serves as an excellent introduction due to its unvarnished honesty:

It is because women’s reasoning powers are weaker that they show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men, and consequently take a kindlier interest in them. On the other hand, women are inferior to men in matters of justice, honesty, and conscientiousness. Again, because their reasoning faculty is weak, things clearly visible and real, and belonging to the present, exercise a power over them which is rarely counteracted by abstract thoughts, fixed maxims, or firm resolutions, in general, by regard for the past and future or by consideration for what is absent and remote.

Sound familiar? If not, think about all those feminists welcoming the same migrants who went on to rape and pillage in Cologne and in other cities across Germany and elsewhere:

Or the woman, and her countless supporters, who think that “[i]f we use proof in rape cases, we fall into the patterns of rape deniers”:

Without further ado, here are some of the ways in which we see Schopenhauer’s wisdom playing out in modern society. Women are the best useful idiots for liberalism because:

1. Women’s menstrual cycles affect their (liberal) voting patterns

“It’s Justin Trudeau’s dreamy eyes that tell me he has the best policies for Canada.”

Women are capable of education, but they are not made for activities which demand a universal faculty such as the more advanced sciences, philosophy and certain forms of artistic production… Women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality, but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions.

— Hegel, Philosophy of Right, “The Family”

CNN timidly retracted an article about a scientific study that claimed ovulating single women were much more likely to vote for Obama than Romney. Forgetting that their job should be to report the news, not selectively include parts of it, Ted Turner’s media child, now a cowering and infantilized adult, bowed to the whims of angry feminists. Funnily enough, the vitriolic reactions of those feminists against the piece actually proved the sort of emotions-based claims about women in the study. Women’s feelings dictated how they (a) were to vote and (b) reacted to claims they didn’t like.

The supreme lunacy of the backlash against this study is that science already recognizes that women are much more likely to cheat on their mate when ovulating, wear the color red and wear less clothing to begin with. [1] [2] [3] [4] Likewise, women are more likely to go out clubbing without their partner when ovulating (obviously subconsciously looking for new partners), again wearing less clothing. So women are able to ruin relationships or long-term marriages with children because of their menstrual cycles, but it just can’t affect their voting habits? Yeah…

2. Women want men to save them, but not the other way around

Why don’t women save their male partners in the same way as Jon Blunk and two other men saved their girlfriends during the Aurora movie theater shootings?

On the contrary, the male is more ready to help, and, as it has been said, more brave than the female ; and even in the malacia, if the sepia is struck with a trident, the male comes to help the female, but the female makes her escape if the male is struck.

— Aristotle, History of Animals, BOOK IX

Then there’s the lovely issue of men being expected to save their female partners in dangerous or life-or-death emergencies. When was the last time you heard about a liberal-minded women laying down her life for her deserving, loving male partner? Yes, I’m struggling to recall an incident, too. Yet in just one shooting in Aurora, Colorado several years ago, no less than three young men gave their lives to shield their female partners from a hail of bullets. Could not one woman in that cinema have bothered to show their equality credentials and put themselves in front of their lover?

In matters of national security, too, while SJWs, feminists and other cretins are out bashing the “misogyny” of armed servicemen, they’re spectacularly silent about the fact that from March 2003 to May 2008, 97.68% of all the American military deaths in Iraq were men. Many of the 2.32% of fatalities involving women were not in combat roles or frontline incidents. Comparably disproportionate male service member deaths have marked both the conflict in Afghanistan since 2003 and Iraq after early May 2008.

She tells you she believes in equality. But when she claims she feels “safe” around you and “protected,” just remember she also expects you to jump in front of that knife or gun when you’re walking down a dark alley. And she will pretty much never do the same in return. You’re a man and equality doesn’t count when her life is in danger and you’re obligated to save her. She’ll cry at your funeral but quickly find another man with an actual heartbeat who can steer her away from harm.

3. Liberalism ensures women that any personal or professional failures can be blamed on the “patriarchy”

Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao received negative performance reviews during her time at Kleiner Perkins. She responded by launching the most butthurt and self-entitled sex discrimination lawsuit in US corporate history.

There are only a half dozen men of letters (and no women) worth printing.

— T. S. Eliot, 1922

Didn’t get that promotion you were gunning for, despite your newly minted Masters degree in comparative feminist literature or pansexual dating habits? Passed over because you’re unwilling to work overtime like that male brute who’s been at the company three years longer? Well, liberalism has a ready-made answer. You’re oppressed! Your father may be a wealthy dentist and you may have gone to prep school, but every man ahead of you is only there because of his penis and balls!

Liberalism is a merry-go round for women with massive privilege especially to argue that they have been shortchanged. The only criteria is being female. You do not need to prove you’ve been discriminated against, you just need the proper genitalia to play the role of casual victim.

This mentality is exacerbated by the use of wishy-washy claims about so-called gender discrimination. Pseudo-arguments like the gender pay gap, which ignore women’s concentration in less elite fields like childcare, nursing and schoolteaching compared to men in engineering, business and finance, are employed to assert that women who fall short do so because they are undervalued.

4. Women like flashy, free things and ridiculous pipe dreams

girl cafe

Woman’s love involves injustice and blindness against everything that she does not love… Woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds. Or at best cows…

— Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, “On the Friend”

Free $200,000 educations! Free healthcare (including totally, totally obligatory transgender surgery)! Free tampons! Free abortions without the responsibility to use either condoms or birth control! Getting rid of the patriarchy means absolutely no rapes, assaults or murders across seven billion people! These are the sorts of demands perpetually enunciated, if you can even call it that, by feminists and their equally common sense-challenged enablers.

Liberalism promises women this and much, much more. American debt is at $19 trillion and counting? Nevermind, folks, under the Obama (and Clinton) administration, any reduction in spending will be evil or plain misogynistic! The money trees are coming, don’t worry! What’s the point of painful debt reduction measures if it would involve any sacrifice over the next two years?

Because liberalism sanctions this kind of complete loss of reality and proportion, women are able to go full throttle and equate everything they do not like with some ubiquitous conspiracy against them personally and females in general. For example, 79 women in Australia, from a female population of 12.5 million, were killed or allegedly killed by their male partner or family member in 2015? That one in 158,227 chance is demonstrative of a male-wide epidemic which accepts and promotes murderous domestic violence! To the pitchforks, girls!

Forgetting that the average person, male, female or transgender beast, has next to zero chance of being killed or coming to serious physical harm in a given year, liberal women believe that any male is a surrogate scapegoat for the violence of another man he has never met. Along with liberal female expectations of what society and government should provide them, it is one of the biggest pipe dreams in human history.

Liberalism provides women with the mirage of equality relative to males but the ability to direct every conceivable material or social advantage onto themselves. Feminists can claim they are “earning” like men now, even as everything from child support, child custody, affirmative action, and sexual harassment laws and policies are geared towards promoting their welfare and advancement at the expense of men’s. And that sort of advancement is very expensive, weakening the sustainability of society itself.

5. Women can be self-aggrandizing sluts 24/7 and liberalism allows them to claim they’re still being objectified by men

Feminism is that same collection of contradictory positions that enables Miley Cyrus to call herself one of the “biggest feminists in the world” and attack any sexualization of women by men.

The difficulty may just be that we have never yet discovered a way to communicate with the female mind.

— Richard Feynman, Nobel prize-winning theoretical physicist

Liberalism gifts women with the widest possible chances to claim men are objectifying and slut-shaming them just as they themselves are actively being sexual objects and sluts. The allegations of objectification and slut-shaming usually have everything to do with a woman wanting to sidetrack the discussion from their own poor actions. They also give a “good” excuse to shut down a male argument they do not like. Meanwhile, normal, peaceful expressions of male sexuality are called out as “misogynistic” while women milk their sexuality for everything it is worth in the marketplace.

The name of the game with these patterns is the amplification of a woman’s range of choices and the restriction of a man’s. A female can either “normalize” her sluttery and self-objectification or pretend it is not sluttery and self-objectification at all. The icing on the cake is the ability and built-in propensity to demonize common-sense and indeed factual observations made by men. Immense commonalities exist between this frame of mind, other perennial back-up arguments like “mansplaining,” and the “superstructures” so-called feminist academics raise to construe every aspect of or event in society as an oppression of women that cannot be debated.

The prospect of women admitting these foibles is slim to none in many cases. Feynman’s grappling with the female mind is an eternal one for men. A woman’s full-blown acknowledgment that she treats herself as a sexual object to extract multiple social advantages is a recipe for wanton self-destruction. Denial, inasmuch as it damages her as well, is the preferable course of action.

From the ancients to ROK, these observations on women are here to stay

Great continuity exists between the observations of the ancients and those of modern individuals when it comes to women. Short of cultural indoctrination brought on by politically correct madness, men who have no day-to-day recognition of the works of Schopenhauer, Aristotle, Hegel or others are exposed to and identify the same histrionic and self-validating female behavior.

Exposure to philosophical texts such as these are still necessary, as they allow men to think in concrete terms about what they have suspected or unconsciously known for a long time. As society’s death spiral at the hands of liberalism proves, the problems we face regarding women today are identical to those philosophers and other learned men have explored for centuries.

Read More: 10 Reasons Why Foreign Women Are Better Than American Women

362 thoughts on “5 Traits That Make Women The Best Useful Idiots For Liberalism”

  1. Whether it’s expecting free drinks at the club at 23, or free cat delivery at 43, women will always pick the “gimme dat!” life path. Hence, they vote Democrat / Socialist

    1. “Whether it’s expecting free drinks at the club at 23, or free cat delivery at 43, women will always pick the “gimme dat!” life path. Hence, they vote Democrat / Socialist”

        1. As long as it “feels” right at the time.. Feelings are more important to women than any rational thought and logic, as such they will always opt for the “happy” option.
          Under close scrutiny, most female decisions tend to boil down to this. The rationalisation comes AFTER the (emotion/feelings based) decision…

        2. You know, I’ve found this to ring true. Whether IRL or in an online comment section, it seems like no matter how much logic and science produce to support my opinion, if it doesn’t agree with what a woman FEELS should be correct, she’ll ignore it to no end. Logic, science, doesn’t matter. How she feels about the subject at hand is what matters.

        3. It is this realisation that will tarnish every interaction you have with women.. Normally the only “logic” used is her emotions.. go figure!

        4. You hear about men making emotion-based decisions constantly. Whether shooting up a school or beating to death a woman who dared to reject him.

    2. As I have pointed out in another post, women are drawn to Socialism as it fits their biological imperatives…the only place you’ll find a woman successfully able to birth a child while feeding & protecting herself in a cave all alone will be in a Jean M. Auel novel (or its crappy movie adaptation) — in a preindustrial society a woman has a base 25% chance of dying in childbirth, and that then doesn’t factor the need to feed, clothe and protect both herself & her progeny. Thus the ‘group’ … other women to share in the work of nurturing, men to provide food from hunting kills and protection from enemies and predators.

      1. According to historian Martin van Creveld when men took over as staff during births women’s death rates were lowered drastically. Book: The priveleged sex.

      2. This is utter bullshit. I live in 2016 and there isnt a man i know thats gone out hunting to put food on the table. Neither do i know anyone that lives in a cave. I cant believe you have the internet in the stone age, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??

        1. You don’t meet very many real men, do you? I bet you live in a large urban center with a Starbuck’s Coffee every four blocks.

    3. A 24/7 cat-delivery service could be bigger than facebook. Especially if combined with pizza: “I’ll have ham, pineapple and ginger please. Yes, neutered”

      1. Arent you worried that women are choosing cats and pizza over prospective partners like yourselves?

        1. Why would any self-respecting man be worried about the prospect of NOT dating the sort of woman who would put cats and pizza first.
          Hell no I’m not worried… those just aren’t the sort of women one would worry about in the first place.
          The real question is, are you worried some men are choosing video games and pizza over prospective partners like yourself?
          Somehow I doubt it. They’re just basement dwelling neckbeards. The sort of women you describe are female neckbeards.

    4. And yet, every man on this site still expects to get a woman to sleep woth him while neither respecting nor appreciating her. No, she should THANK him for using her body as a glorified fleshlite

  2. Schopenhauer essentially limits the mental capacity of women to that of children. Suitable, yes, for motherhood and early education, perhaps counselling, but for everything requiring perseverance and determination, leave it to the men.
    As for the legions of women working in dull office and customer service work: this was intended. Get the women into the workforce under the lie of ’empowerment’ in order to dilute the work force and thus drive down wages. These women are miserable because the jobs are not suited for them.

      1. It was the only way to extend the social security ponzi scheme. It would have been politically impossible to try to tax work done by a housewife, so why not “empower” them all to go out and take even crappy jobs?

    1. Tell me about it. My sister is working in a Corp job that pays peanuts, the result of short-term thinking that leads to studying arts history. She’s 30, overweight and now scrambling for a beta to put a ring on her after wasting her best years carousel riding. This is what happens when you give women the choice to do anything they want.

      1. So she needed an “alpha” husband to put a padlock on both her pussy and the fridge? That’s some sister you’ve got. Glad she was brought up right!

        1. My father was a classic beta blue piller who group up with the values from the 1950’s. She didn’t stand a chance.

      2. How many above 30 unmarried women with noy children and no possibilty of soon getting married and having children do you know ?
        My answer : almost all of the ones I know are in this situation.
        I guess it would be ok, if it were not for massive immigration legal and illegal, and if ALL nations of the world stopped having lots of children. But it is not so. WE the White Race and the Japanese, are the only ones who are diminishing.

        1. At this point I have to worry about myself first. I’m 33 and not getting any younger. I’ve told her years ago about The Wall and how when she hits it even the guys she looked at as losers will ignore her. For about 2 years I’ve been telling her this but females are very dumb and do not listen to advice from their family men.

        2. You can still have kids at the age of 60. Can she ?
          Simple question : How would you feel about your sister getting knocked up by a man with excellent genetics, but your parents picking up the tab for raising the child, and the state never going after him to pay for alimony ? They get their grandkids, our white societies survive extinction and a man of value (good genetics) has passed on his genes creating better men and women. Oh and if you think something along the lines of “but why should only this man have kids with my sister”, I NEVER said he should be the only one your sister should have kids with. It’s about time she starts spurting out her 4 kids.
          Our parents, the baby boomers, were a generation who had 2 kids per woman.
          We, the Generation X, are a generation who will at most have 2 kids per woman. The birth rates are already devastating.

        3. I’m the defacto parent now since my parents are retired and never made half of what I make now. I’m the one that has been bailing her out from her choices for the last 2 years and she is on her own now as I need to write her off and focus on my life.
          At this juncture, she would be better off to have children even if it meant she would be doomed to single motherhood. Even a single mother isn’t a failure like post wall woman.
          I don’t believe the state should intervene in marriage or family matters unless they want to roll back the laws 100 years or so.

        4. Lets be honest.
          She wants the fairytale she ‘s been fed. In the formation of Tyler Durden’s quote, paraphrased to fit her situation :
          “She ‘s been raised on televison to believe that one way she’ll find a hunk of a man who will love and adore her and want to have a family with her and stay with her forever. But she ‘s not getting that. And she’s in deep denial about it.”
          Who in his right mind would want to put her on his back ? A man of low value. Get her one, get her to have kids. We ‘re dying out, I am not kidding you.

        5. When she was in her prime she had uncountable suitors. She had countless opportunities she ignored, several multi millionaires she claims to have dumped… Now she has to sleep in the bed she made, I gave her ample warning. She gets it now, but it may be too late. I’m planning on getting a broodmaid wife abroad, hopefully circumstances favor me. I need to help myself first. When I get my life on track I can help others

        6. She will never get it.
          Actually I know she ‘s not able to commit to a man and to dedicate herself to raising a family, and here’s why.
          She cannot accept her transient existence.
          We ‘ve been raised to live immortal lives being eternally young.
          But this possibility is not around.
          We better discover immortality soon, or she ‘s screwed.

        7. When push comes to shove, post-wall women can easily find a beta, especially in a very liberal town.

        8. She told me not to worry as she’s met another rich suitor that uses steroids and drives a new porsche 911. She will spread her legs but it’s doubtful she can even have kids after polluting the womb with all that carousel riding. Rich men aren’t stupid either – why wife up an aging spinster when you can get a 9 or a 10 in Ukraine or Poland?

        9. No condom. She rides him. She makes him cum inside her.
          Easy perfect plan.
          We need the children, he can afford them.
          Vaya con Dios

        10. I’ve read, and forgive me I cannot recall the source, that there seems to be a new trend among rich white men/women whereby they signal status by pumping out a large brood of kids. It sounds promising to me, and certainly I see some of that going on in my neck of the woods, but wasn’t sure it was some kind of “national trend”.

        11. “When she was in her prime she had uncountable suitors.” …and she would watch those romantic comedies where the pudgy plain girl has to pick between the wealthy doctor, the influential lawyer, or the struggling artist with the heart of gold (who becomes a millionaire at the end because she BELIEVED in him!) 😛

        12. …I think the point is her reproductive system is a potential petri dish of hostile organisms which will make carrying a child to term problematic…vs a younger, healthier woman.

        13. The Progressives have that covered… with Planned Parenthood, Sanctuary Cities Murder Factories, and the Prison Industrial Complex. Do away with the $1000 a kid tax credit and Earned Income Credit and the people you are talking about would stop having kids too. Giving a set amount of Welfare and not giving more money for each kid would work too.

        14. That is not the issue at stake. Whites are disappearing.
          How many women childless women above 30 do you know?

        15. Now you ‘re speaking about the birth rates of immigrants within the West. Check out what is happening all over the world. They are breeding like rabbits.

        16. Yup. Lately, I’ve been saying “Let ’em” The betrayal I’ve felt from fellow (non-RP) males has been so acute that I no longer consider them to have any tie to me at all. Let their kids pay for my SS. Good.

        17. I’ve seen it happening. For the happy ones, good for them. But I have seen it myself with some couples. My (very) cynical observation is that these are unhappy couples who are trying to drum up some more joy with one more kid. Another bundle of joy is the answer to their boredom or dissatisfaction. The end result is more healthy, upper-class children so it’s good for all but the couples I have seen seem to be trying to fend off some unhappiness. It’s rich white men trying to double, triple, quadruple down on the path they chose in an effort to chase off the misery nipping at their heels, eight times out of ten.

        18. My circle has zero room for betas. I only interact with RP men or those who are open to RP philosophy. I couldn’t care less for the chumps that get used.

        19. In the long run pick up artistry reduces to little more than self improvement. So called pick up artists improve their physiques, minds, careers and become the kind of men women want anyway. For some it starts with saying that men are not inferior to women, a new attitude. Women, feminists included should be encouraging us.

        20. I think of women like a think of that far side cartoon showing what a dog is thinking when it hears his master talking to it
          Master: “blah blah blah blah BAD DOG blah blah blah Bad Boy Rufus! blah blah blah blah”
          I think women are similar in that they are listening more to the emotional tells than they are to the reasoning. That is because they are more influenced/dominated by emotion then we men are. So the animal part of their nature has far more control than the reasoning part.
          So if I am speaking to a girl I can really talk about damn near anything so long as I am emotionally saying the following things
          “I believe in myself”
          I think that message is the one message they want to feel from the exchange.

        21. I have mostly bluepill friends but I’ve learned to just get quiet about stuff. I’ve learned that if you even try to hint at RP tenets, you will be branded as the ‘tin-foil hat’ guy in a matter of seconds. A few guys who are receptive to the RP can’t leave their homes anyway. I don’t know about you, but I see the RP as being tied to overseas access. That’s just my take, certainly not true of everyone. Everyone has their own version.
          I’m starting to like the idea of my RP life as something I earned. I was open-minded to it and I took the time to learn. Let other guys do it on their own like I did. The less RP men, the better. I don’t want 180 million Anglo men moving to South Asia anyway. Let it stay as a small, secretive club.

        22. Most definitely. I tried instilling RP tenets to a male coworker and he rejected it and I couldn’t understand why. It was frustrating at how this guy was ignoring advice and information that takes other men years to cultivate. But I realized you have to leave people to their own devices and they have to be willing to change, irrespective of the value of the information. If he’s happy with the way he lives his life, then so be it. But I won’t associate myself with someone whose worldview doesn’t align with mine; they’ll just get in the way.

        23. Women only listen to advice from other females and those females have to be alphas in women’s estimation: repeated failures at relationships who go through incessant neurotic dramas.

        24. I wouldn’t take advice from you either, you’ve clearly got your head up your ass and my assumption is based on the fact that you think women need to get married and have kids in order to be happy. Sounds like social brainwashing to me.

        25. Don’t try to talk sense to them. Just behave RP. Try it around girls and watch them react. Don’t talk. Just do. See what your beta “friends” think then when they see the results you get.

        26. Agree with you %100 that RP is tied to oversee access. Most of my friends who stayed here there whole life can’t fathom how dire the situation with women here is. 6s and 7s get elevated to the positions of 10s and I get nothing but blank stares when talking about the attitudes of American women. Nor can any of my female grasp how good they have it – they have guys they don’t deserve and take them for granted. Would love to take their boyfriends overseas to show them how the rest of the world really works. I suspect their relationships would be over as soon as they set foot back on US soil.

        27. “Dire”
          Best word choice. I saw the greatest, most entertaining tantrum of my life when I lived in Brazil. A group of college students came in a mixed gender group. The formerly ‘just friends’ beta males (which means tall, fit, American guys with great futures but not ‘bad boys’) were getting swarmed by smoke show Brazilians. The American females in the group went from USA 9’s all the way down to 5’s in just one 12 hour flight. The ‘nice guy’ beta males were out of reach, just like that. HOT Brazilian girls in thongs were ready to compete with the skinny fat American girls who, while lean, would look like shit in a bikini, especial by Brazilian standards. I don’t think there were any couples but one of the American girls lost her shit so bad. It seemed like they’d only been there a day or two and the reality of her international ranking led her to a full-on tantrum where she almost started crying over some guys that she formely teased and LJBF’d. All of a sudden the nice guy betas didn’t give a shit less about her as they were being flirted with around the clock by way better women. Awesome. It was so fun to watch.
          American’s ignorance on the subject of where the men and women rate internationally is extraordinary. The men are, if not number 1, then in the top five as a group. The women clock in at about 220th all things considered. Seriously.

      3. Arts history…what a dumb degree, no offense to your sister. You want to learn arts history, just walk into your nearest ghetto and look at all the graffiti, all for free. Just try not to get mugged.

      4. That’s a bit sad. I hope for your sake as much as hers she gets her way out of it. It’s nice being an uncle.
        Know several women like that. The world was at their feet then they hit the wall at around 29. It’s not just feminism that is to blame but it’s a big part of it, broader culture and male upbringing that disengages me is a problem as well.
        A lot of couples spend time in a relationship that goes nowhere. It doesn’t lead to children or marriage. They tread water, waste time, seperate.
        I suspect I was a low confidence beta male but around the time I became 27 or so my mind seemed to come together. I found myself confident and carefully biting my tongue in conversations with women because I sensed they would not be able to understand a point I was making and I felt I was beginning to out think women who always seemed to out think or out talk me previously. The male brain seems to get its shit together around that time.
        33 is still a good age to find someone as a man. Go for a younger woman, you don’t want fertility problems unless she’s really exceptional and you are ready for family straight away.

    2. Actually women in large part had to start entering the workforce in the early 1970s because wages stagnated but prices didn’t. It was the only way to maintain pre-1970 living standards

      1. All thanks to price restrictions, wage freezes, removing us from the gold standard and the advent of price inflation due to fiat currency manipulation. Gee, thanks statists!

        1. …and let us not forget ‘free’ trade as pushed by the Globalists…so that your 800$ i-whatever is manufactured by employees in China paid pennies a day and worked until they drop dead.

        2. Aye. They always name their tyranny after some form of freedom, and think that we won’t notice the bait and switch.

        3. I’ve got a liberal friend who works for Burton in Vermont. She’s always espousing liberal unicorn crap. Being the way she speaks, I assumed manufacturing of Burton Snow Boards were done in Burlington — the USA with employees making $15/ hour. Call me naive but I finally asked her husband a year ago why she has to take business trips to China. “Well … that’s where the snow boards are made” he replied.
          You’ve got to love these lefties. Down with Exxon-Mobil and Wal-Mart … but Apple and Burton, well … “that’s different”

        4. I often work in China. They’ve got good jobs, feel happy. Don’t believe the nonsense about how they are worked to death in sweat shops. Their factory, canteen is often better than ours.

      2. Some other factors to think about:
        1 Immigration increased Housing prices forcing more women into the work force. Women are also hierarchical social primates and start competing in career and status.
        2 White flight to avoid social problems also added expense.

      1. Can you imagine how your intellect would be hampered if you were NOT only to have to choose for an appopriate penis to fuck you, but also for the right genes to impregnate you ?
        There’s only so much a person can juggle my friend …

        1. Medicine, law, nursing, health sciences, biology, teaching, academia.., I can think of many things women are doing better in. Men are only still leading in leadership roles and STEM, largely because women are still discouraged from such areas.
          I cannot even think of one thing men are “better” at (they even stole most credit for female inventions and scientific discoveries).
          Crime maybe, lol.

        2. Crime? definitely.
          Inventions? Definitely, as long as you’re talking about asbestos, formaldehyde, VOC paints, EMFs, (carcinogenic) fire-retardant baby clothes, CFCs, HFCS, lead-based house paints, (toxic) ethyl gasoline, all pre-freon refrigerants, and all manner of wars.
          They always talk about everyone still living in huts were it not for men, lol, but huts don’t cause every manner of cancer that today’s “homes” do. Nevermind that women would have still created “homes”, it’s just that we would have created SAFE ones.

        3. Well fellatio is definitely something guys do so much better than women. Fuck feminism.

        1. Technically, motherhood isn’t a job. But to our male minds we can think of it that way, and I purposely wanted the men here to reach that conclusion on their own against my categorical statement.

        2. I don’t despise motherhood. But I am tired of other women asking me questions like “what are you going to do with your life?” And “when are you going to college? Because you have potential “.
          Typically these are women who have no husband or their children are in daycare being raised by someone else. They assume I’m unhappy because I’m at home. They have it backwards as to which one of us is liberated………

    3. I will say that the intellegence of SOME women tends to increase after menopause; in short, when the game is up, no men are interested in her, and its time to fend for herself. Then she joins the rank of of men – voiceless souls, accustomed to beig ignored unless they accomplish the specatuclar.

    4. Some good points. Also, when the shit hits the fan (war, an accident, etc…) you’ll always have women looking to men for the next step (what to do?). I’ve seen this with women who were in charge of whole departments turn to the man in the group and ask “what should we do?” when the power goes out or there is a major storm (hurricane).
      Many of these women think everything is equal…as long as the sun is shining and it’s all good. Let real shit happen in the real world and they soon turn back into women….not knowing what to do and they look to men to fix it all.

      1. That’s the thing. The West could afford to live in its dream world of equality while the sun shined. It’s not shining so brightly now and the Narrative is crumbling.

      2. I’m going to help them.
        There will be no more fuel, and I’ll need people to pull my Mad Max truck. Horses are expensive and too cute for the job. So in exchange for protection from rape gangs, women will have to join my “team”.
        Nobody pulls for free. Those who refuse will be given a shovel to carry so when her body is found the person who finds it won’t have to go looking for one.

    5. They love office/cubicle work. Bags of candy in their drawers to graze on unseen. 3 or 4 coffees a day. Donuts in the break room. Go out to eat lunch. Home by 6 for a nice meal, glass of wine. Haagen-Dazs nightcap. How else are 25 year old women 80 pounds overweight?
      ALL DAY LONG taste bud heaven. 80% of American women have just turned into baboons, simply living to shove calories in their mouths.
      Jobs that are easy as shit with no chance of ever being fired.

      1. Ironically, most MRAs look like they failed to form properly in the womb or tend to be really overweight or built like a toothpick. They are never the hot jock with a conveyor belt of hot girlfriends.

    6. Well, if you consider that 80% or more of purchasing decisions are made by women, there actually are a lot of jobs where female employees are the best fit. Most jobs dealing with advertising, marketing, product design, user experience, ideation… Even game design is slowly trending female as millennial genders are more or less equally interested in video games, and stay-at-home moms become increasingly active gamers (though, in different genres).
      You’d think consumer insights wouldn’t be as difficult to parse, but having men market to women gives you the kind of advertising like you’d see in the late 90s through mid 00s, where there’s a goofy or idiot husband is fucking everything up. Brands and male-dominated creative teams didn’t realize it was just as insulting to tell women, “Hey, you married an idiot.” Anything with brand/marketing strategy benefits from female insight. It’s why most ad agencies are overhauling life-balance or maternity policies, to try to keep women in higher roles.
      Basically you could argue you only really “need” the men to do grunt labor, but that could just as easily be most robots and/or animals.

    7. Hahaha, I wonder. Are those women happier than you? Bet that bugs you, doesnt it? Not being able to be the big powerful protector that the poor helpless woman just cant live without.
      When your masculinity is based on the oppression of the opposite sex then its doomed. You might aswell trap your own bollocks in woman’s purse for all their worth. The only sex that has ever stood between women and education is male. People like yourselves are so threatened by women who are more intelligent than yourselfs, can perform jobs such as forklifting, brick laying, managing a large number of people, its almost embarrassing for the male sex. I see so many men that are not even arsed to go out to work, wont get involved in politics, wont take up hobbies in things like science – They’d rather sit around pleasing themselves by watching tv, playing games, eating fast food blah blah blah. What’s attractive about that? Why would any confident, independent woman choose to be with someone like that? Only kids get you locked down with a loser.

      1. I know more than a few women who are good at “forklifting”. Probably explains why they are overweight

  3. If women of Ireland didn’t vote, Ireland would have been a free country after 300 of years of trying.

    1. Wait a minute. Ireland, or at least all but the northernmost 6 counties, wasn’t free until the early 1920s. And it wasn’t due to female suffrage; it was because the Crown didn’t want to let it go.

  4. True story: My own mother, wanted me to give money to a ‘refugee’ and a ‘single mother’ to buy a house when I don’t even have a house.
    She sees the church doing ‘nice’ things and hears the sob stories of not having a house and she is completely blind to reality. Completely blind to her own children.
    I was so disgusted by the foolishness. This is one’s own family’s females. Shocking

    1. As if these Captain Save-a-Hoe badges will get you anything.
      Once the winds change, your philantropy will be forgotten like a Taco Bell fart in the breeze.

    2. This is why women remain children all their lives, for
      they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present,
      take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling
      matters to the most important.

  5. “Feminists can claim they are “earning” like men now, even as everything from child support, child custody, affirmative action, and sexual harassment laws and policies are geared towards promoting their welfare and advancement at the expense of men’s. ”
    I really wish the MRA’s would hammer this point home.

    1. If the MRA’s hammer this point home, feminists would scream “Patriarchy!”. It looks more like matriarchy.

      1. They need to be a bit more vocal. There is a lot of suppressed rage among the divorce raped I’ve been noticing online. The problem is MRAs don’t possess the wisdom of schopenhauer or the ancient wisdom of Muslims regarding women. Needless to say MRA’s have a real blindspot for female nature. I don’t believe their methods are conductive to real change.

        1. No. They’re still stupidly trying to make women “equal” in their minds. It’s why MRAs never get anywhere.

        2. Even their leader Paul Elam doesn’t understand this concept. In the early 2000’s I used to read some David d’angelo or whatever name he is going by now. This is before mystery method exploded.. Most of what d’angelo said was tripe. He had his famous cocky/funny and inner game that people still give him undue credit for. The one thing I will give him credit for is his “50/50 means she owns you.” this is a truism that is denied at your own peril. I’ve seen wealthy blue 💊 men destroyed by their wives. Men that used to drive supercars and believed in equality. Now the same man has to piss in cup and have his hair pulled out before he can see his children once a fortnight. That’s equality for you.

        3. Well, they make such fucking fools of men on all of their MRM sites, so it only makes women seem far superior by comparison.

    2. The other thing that needs to be pointed out – feminism is a 3 class system. Feminists, drone/worker women, men. It’s not about equality for all women, since for every feminist, who’s earning ‘men’s money’ or ‘punching through the glass ceiling’ there’s at least one other woman making a minimum wage to care for the feminists children, clean their homes and occasionally cook their meals. And that’s if they get paid at all. Some opt for lesbian relationships where the drone fills a role similar to a traditional wife. Others just rope their mothers into it. Which is rather ironic since a mother who takes on the domestic duties her feminist should be performing was probably the kind of traditional wife that the feminist would identify as ‘the product of a patriarchal society and it’s oppression of women”. And men, well we all know where we fit in the feminists world.

      1. Life is meaningless piece of shit, and people create a class system in order to add value to an otherwise simple and pointless existence.
        Can you suggest anything else to lift hopelessness from human life ? At least all those folks are looking for a solution.

        1. Yeah, life really sucks, he says, typing from a warm office into a world wide computer network as his easily acquired and affordable morning breakfast digests.
          Finding meaning in life is up to you, it’s not some gift handed down by authorities.

        2. All is well when it ends well.
          True, cooking nice food must have been great once, having a good night’s sleep on a mattress must have rocked, etc. In the beginning it all looks nice and interesting but ends up being tedious. Roosh has repeatedly spoken about this as well.
          There is a spiritual aspect that is always missing, thus you find the happiest people to be the ones in love or religious or dedicated to a cause.
          Even when a relationship either with God or with another person or with a cause is achieve, life remains meaningless. It is something that I perhaps cannot easily put into words.
          In case you have ever measured it, what is your IQ ?

        3. A person can choose to be happy or to be in misery. What you choose to be is a self fulfilling prophecy that you’ll get right 100 out of 100 times, unless you are being physically harmed or restrained by force against your will.
          It’s grand and wonderful to consider living life in a robe and eating flower stems and being aligned with nature (or pick your particular form of the simple life here), but some people would find that absolute torture. How the individual approaches that will define how he feels about it. By the same token, somebody can live in comfort with the very world at his finger tips but, because he wishes to feel that things are awful, he will in fact feel miserable and consider life miserable.
          When I hear some people bitch from the vast comfort and wealth of the West where you can choose any path in life you wish with relative ease that “life is shit” I can only ask if they’ve turned that all-encompassing pointed finger back onto themselves. It’s what you make it. If you’re so fond of the aesthete lifestyle that’s all fine and grand, then go make it happen for yourself. If you’re posting to the rest of the world that “life is shit” and idealizing a lifestyle that you are clearly not practicing, that’s really not a very convincing thing to me. Life may be shit, but only to you, your pronouncement means nothing in regards to how others may perceive it.
          TL;DR – I found Manfred’s wounds to be self inflicted.
          My IQ is my business, and I’m not seeing how that is relevant to the discussion.
          EDIT: I’ve made edits but they seem to come and go with Disqus being so flaky.

        4. The elite needs to be constituted by people who find life meaningless.
          Only they can disregard any material gains or even posthumous fame, and act for the benefit of the community.
          The rest of the world can live out the happiness of their delusions.
          It’s beaufitul man. A complete system. Can’t you see it?

        5. If life is meaningless for a man then he’ll not attach meaning to any other life. The ability to thus act in the best interest of others or even a more abstracted social order would be impossible. If he holds the lives of others as having any kind of value, even if only at the macro societal level, then that assigns some level of meaning to life, which would disqualify him from ruling. To truly hold life as meaningless would find “leaders” who literally would be either glaring hypocrites or they’d be paralyzed from any action.
          In fact it’s rather humorous in its own way, for if life were truly meaningless then the point of eating a meal becomes moot and unjustifiable.

        6. Life is to continue until its final fate is decided.
          Thus the true intellectual elite has an interest to invest in preserving intelligent life, so that all possible outcomes and solutions are tested.
          I fear it is beyond your ability to comprehend. Your closest encounter with meaninglessness must be what you call boredom. But that can be easily overcome.

        7. Life is to continue until its final fate is decided.
          By whom? Do you assume a God, or are you speaking about life deciding itself? If the former, then God grants life meaning. If the later, then you are engaging in a tautology.
          Thus the true intellectual elite has an interest to invest in preserving intelligent life, so that all possible outcomes and solutions are tested.
          That presumes a plan, which indicates meaning. “Life must be for XYZ” is an assignment of meaning. “Have an interest in” presumes meaning by its very utterance. Being tested explicitly implies a meaning insofar as one is looking for results.
          I fear it is beyond your ability to comprehend.
          Ah, the grand old days of college philosophy courses. Continue down this path and our conversation comes to a complete and irrevocable halt. Your decision.

        8. Well, that is the point. His 156 makes him superior and justified in forcing us lesser intellects into line.

        9. It is simply that the combination of intellect and interest for people and the future of life, would provide better answers.
          For example, Roosh has so far been unable to find a way to combine the desire of men to have a virgin as their wife and mother of their children, with the desire to enjoy sex with a variety of women. I present you the answer to that. Build a society where women are more than men. Thus every man can have a bride (there ar women who would want to be that) and every man can have a large choice of premiscuous qomen (there would be many women who would opt for that. There are so many who already DO opt for that). How do you bring that about ? You control which children are born.
          Naturally all this seems authoritarian to you. Well, that is the solution.
          Have you ever thought of that ?

        10. It is simply that the combination of intellect and interest for people and the future of life, would provide better answers.
          Looking for answers is itself a meaning in life. What is the meaning of life? To search out the answers that make life worthwhile.
          Or one of a thousand million other answers any individual would give.
          Naturally all this seems authoritarian to you. Well, that is the solution.
          Have you ever thought of that ?

          Oh sure. And so has every tin pot dictator in history, in one form or the other (not necessarily your means, but rather the authoritarianism). They all claimed that they were gifted and the only ones who could save us poor common folk too. Huh.
          A society of mostly women would fall apart in short order. If we are to have any form of civilization, we’re going to need men to build and maintain it. Remove all but a handful of men (which strangely seems like exactly what the feminists want….now isn’t that interesting…) and it’s over.

        11. It’s like there’s some Personality Generator that pops up this kind every now and then, who holds the same general view and, it goes without saying, authoritarian solutions combined with a lack of actual ability to explain why his axioms are correct. All “high IQ” of course, and quick to let you know about it too.
          The only thing we have going for us, my friend, is that thus far there has only been one particular Personality on the interwebs that we’ve encountered that has, thankfully, not been duplicated.
          Do u agree?

  6. “Do not profane your daughter by making her a harlot, so that the land will not fall to harlotry and the land become full of lewdness.” (Leviticus 19:29)
    “O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them. . .” (Isaiah 3:12 NASB)
    “Behold, I have discovered this,” says the Preacher, “adding one thing to another to find an explanation, which I am still seeking but have not found. I have found one man among a thousand, but I have not found a woman among all these. Behold, I have found only this, that God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices.” (Ecclesiasties 7:27-29 NASB)
    A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.” (I Timothy 2:11-15 NASB)

      1. Technically it’s the Old Testament religion of the Hebrews. Christianity came latter. I have a lot of time for Ecclesiasties.

    1. I admire the patriarchal aspect of Christianity. Just not the woo-woo stuff about Jesus.

      1. The woo-woo stuff is actually due to feminism having infiltrated the churches with its propaganda

      1. What should women be then? Certainly they cannot be given authority.
        And just look at the sudden rise of a usually niche product “50 shades of grey” or modern day depressive “empowered” women.
        This indicates that there is something amiss.
        If there is one indicator showcasing of what nature you are, than it is your happiness.
        Women cannot achieve happiness by being “independent” and “strong” so they are not supposed to be independent and strong.
        That is their natural role and so it is cruel and inhuman to force them to the opposite.
        Women that think they need “independence” should be treated.
        But don’t get me wrong here. I am not about forcing anyone into any position even if for the better. Society should simply be a very patriarchal structure that shames whomever threatens it with degeneracy.

  7. I have trouble calling these idiots liberals. Liberalism means, in a simplistic way, to be free, and these monsters are not free and do not want others to be free. In fact, if we look at Liberalism as a political and economic movement in the end of the XVIII century and throughout the XIX century, it was composed of patriotic and nationalistic men that defended the notion of a independent nation-state without foreign intervention and with respect for private property, freedom of press and of opinion, strong Christianity and a free economy. That is why the Romantic period is one of my favorites.
    There is nothing liberal in a women for example, that likes making love to a tree or for another woman that says she lives in a patriarchal, racist and capitalist society and that makes lesbian porn to liberate women…Yes i saw this yesterday in a documentary on sexuality in Sweden. Not kidding!
    In my view, this is just a way of trying to justify mental insanity and degenerate behaviors. The sooner we reclaim true liberal thoughts the better!

    1. What you are referring to is cultural marxism. I don’t have any idea how it ended up being called liberalism. But then, the left tends to brand it’s agenda as its direct opposite.

      1. So true. Cultural Marxism has been wining the semantic war, the war of words, for decades now. Time to end that shit.

  8. “It is because women’s reasoning powers are weaker that they show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men, and consequently take a kindlier interest in them. On the other hand, women are inferior to men in matters of justice, honesty, and conscientiousness.” : Why women mustn’t vote
    “Again, because their reasoning faculty is weak, things clearly visible and real, and belonging to the present, exercise a power over them which is rarely counteracted by abstract thoughts, fixed maxims, or firm resolutions, in general, by regard for the past and future or by consideration for what is absent and remote.”: Why women don’t understand death, suicide, existence, the necessity of God, economics, philosophy, science and maths.
    And both is why women mustn’t be in any legal profession.

  9. As always the mistake is going too far.
    Feudalism, Communism, Capitalism, Feminism, Socialism, gay rights, immigration, assimilation, a ruling elite, corrupt bankers, anything, you name it, could have worked out fine, if only people refrained from going too far.
    But does anyone ? Can anyone do that ?
    “History is tale created by fools” …
    The big question is : Can you forgive women and all those who have made mistakes and together create a new world ?

    1. When “too far” is built into a socio-economic system by default e.g. – socialism/communism, then trying to rationalize it all away is a bit disingenuous.
      “But gosh man, a system of slavery would have been just fine, if people didn’t go too far”. It makes no sense on its face.

      1. Can you be 100% certain that there are no people out there who wouldn’t want to be someone’s slave either life long or for a short period of time ? …
        THINK HARD … Life and the human soul are complicated

        1. Exceptions do not make the rule. Most human beings, regardless of location, generally are no particularly fond of being held in thrall.

        2. You meant to say “they have been talked into believing that “freedom” is the holiest of holies”.
          Most people of normal to above normal intelligence will simply do what they ‘re talked into doing. We say that women are not creatures of logic. Do you think that most men are ?
          THINK HARD …

        3. You don’t impress me. You’re engaging in basic college level sophistry here. I meant to say exactly what I typed, and not a thing more nor less. From African tribes to Europeans to the Orient, slaves generally were not even vaguely happy being in bondage.

        4. Have you talked to them in person ?
          Or was it the excessively brutal behavior of their master that lead to their upheavals ?
          Or was it the inflamatory speech of slave leaders that lead to their upheavals ?
          Comments like “you don’t impress me” are shit test used by chicks. Please lets refrain from that.

        5. Have you?
          You have this real knack for telling others what to do. I reject your presumed authority.

        6. My authority is based on my ability to understand the meaningless (aka that life is not founded on something that is of absolute value) of existence and on my IQ=156
          The matter at stake is EXACTLY men’s desire to be “independent” and to “disregard authority”.
          They rightfully want to do so, since authority so far had no respect for self limitation.
          They wrongfully do so, as an honorable class system is the only way to go in a society of unequaly gifted individuals.
          P.S. I find your lack of faith … disturbing …

        7. Your authority is self-appointed and holds no sway with me. That topic is now put to bed as far as I’m concerned.
          I reject what we refer to as Leftistm cum Statism because it has demonstrated time and time again that as a whole system it fails and causes greater overall damage to the society that its practiced in than is offset by whatever comfort it may provide. I’m also not fond of having my life dictated to me from cradle to grave, so there is that too.

        8. Men are failures actually.
          We need wise men to guide the world.
          Would you object to wise men dictating your life ?

        9. 6+ billion and growing, with feelers being extended for the stars. I’d say the human race is doing pretty good for itself actually. Apparently Nature agrees with my assessment.
          And no, Plato can keep his Philosopher Kings, thank you very much.

        10. Unfortunately the genie’s been taken out of the bottle. People can not accept authority that easily, even when it would be exactly what they needed.
          The growth you ‘re talking about does not create meaning. You seem to be into some accounting style assessment of meaning.
          Our differences may be irreconcilable.

        11. Unfortunately the genie’s been taken out of the bottle. People can not accept authority that easily, even when it would be exactly what they needed.
          The growth you ‘re talking about does not create meaning.
          Since meaning is self assigned and assumed by each individual according to his desires or lack thereof, and since we continue to see nearly everybody finding some level of meaning, I’d suggest that you’re doing nothing but a vague form of “proof by assertion”.
          “Why doesn’t life hold meaning? Because I declare that it’s meaningless! Others find meaning where I don’t? They’re wrong, because life is meaningless, because I’ve asserted as much!”
          You seem to be into some accounting style assessment of meaning.
          Just noting that both myself and Nature seem to find your judgement of failure regarding Man to be in error. Tomorrow that may all change, but as it stands right now, today, we’re doing pretty damn good as a species.

    1. Curious as to what you mean by this. To me it just seems Europe is 10 years further down the road of liberal insanity, but we’re doing our best to catch up.

      1. By liberal or liberalism we (in Europe) understand personal liberties, individual responsibility, the right to make choices, protection from the government, religious freedom, freedom of association, and so on.
        It is exactly the opposite of American liberalism.
        When it comes to American (destructive) liberalism, Europe is indeed ahead in many respects. There are some areas where America has been “leading” fo decades, e.g. violent crime. But in these areas we are finally catching up. It will be interesting years to come.

    2. Around the 1920’s the Socialists in America were finding their ideas rejected and mocked, so they co-opted the world “Liberal” and made it a substitute for “socialist/progressive”. Before the 1930’s or so “Liberal” meant the same in both the U.S. and Europe.

      1. Thanks for the explanation. I will look for a good online source. I am really curious about the shifting meanings of words.

        1. Sounds good. The Left in the U.S. rebrands itself on a dime. Just 10 years ago calling one a Progressive would have stopped the presses and they would have recoiled. Now they do the same with “liberal” and opt instead of “progressive”. Tomorrow it will be something entirely different. They fear being identified and pinned down to their actual beliefs, is the reason why.

      2. It blew my mind when I discovered that conservatism/libertarianism was actually “Classic Liberalism”

    3. It had the same meaning back in the 1800s. By the 1900s the term liberalism in america came to be the packaging for anything “progressive” in american politics. Liberalism sounds more mainstream than socialism, less polarizing than feminism, less controversial than gay activism, less stupid than open borders, etc. Liberalism is an easier brand to sell to low information voters who are undecided about choices on election day.

  10. I knew that, in true RoK fashion, this thread would degenerate (in more ways than one) into mindless socialism bashing. You can run from the dialectic but you can’t hide

      1. But we haven’t attained socialism yet. We are in late-stage capitalism. If you want a scapegoat for societal ills, there it is.

        1. Give it a rest, what we live in now isn’t even vaguely close to actual free markets. We’re so far gone from that standard that we’ve even surpassed Mercantilism.
          It’s true that we’re not fully socialist yet, as socialism is the government assumption of the means of production, which is not entirely done at this moment but we are in no ways “capitalist” any longer and haven’t been for a long, long time.

        2. We’ve had a threadbare “safety net” for 80 years. That ain’t socialism by any stretch.

        3. If you want to call welfare a safety net instead of socialism that’s fine. Let’s not forget that it’s 30%+ of my wages that pay toward it and as a result the government cockblocks me from my country women by undercutting my value as a provider. Go ahead, say something smart.

        4. Ok, since you asked. You’re “cockblocked” by what Uncle Sam takes out of your pay for Social Security and Medicare because that lessens your value as a provider? You must dig some older women; women that have not only hit the wall, they’ve plowed right through it!

        5. Poor women don’t need to rely on men to provide or protect them thanks to daddy government. I have become redundant thanks to awesome safety nets. Now men like me have to learn clown game just to keep up. I’m done explaining to you, you seem like a lost cause. Arguing is beta

        6. Sorry to interrupt you playing with the children, but you bring up an interesting point. Yes, classical socialism was the government assumption of the means of production, but maybe that isn’t how it pans out anymore. Once the means of production is totally outsourced what is it that the government needs to assume control over for it to be considered socialism?

        7. exactly. I love when people say that the government pays for shit. Fuck that noise. Yeah, they sign the check but the money is coming from the people who work the hardest. The irony is that someone like me who has never spend a single day unemployed in his entire adult (past 18) life and was employed in various jobs all through high school, who has worked hard to get ahead, made moves that involved risk, spent late nights and early mornings making sure shit got done…it’s people like me who get bent over when it is time to pay the bills for some bitch who just had her third kid with a third guy and refuses to get a job.

        8. In a more direct sense, assuming the means of control over the currency is basically a short circuit. And a few other things actually. Without real production then the real “work” becomes asserting authority over the whys and hows of how people take care of themselves and direct their own lives.

        9. This is what I thought too. If it is true then we are further down the road than one might imagine. Instead of controlling the means of production, outsource it….control the currency, the banks and control the public narrative.
          Welcome aboard the titanic my friend. Next stop: bottom of the ocean. Captain Bernie will be around to collect your life vests for redistribution in a few minutes.

        10. in a pre 9-11 world I would have said that the solution to this problem would be invasion. All the stupid petty differences would be put aside. But in the wake of the 9-11 show….which was pretty much just reality programing and a passing fad and the refugee crisis in Europe where it was arms open I am now more convinced than ever that the only valid thing to do is sit back and watch.

        11. There are rarely spectator seats to be had when war comes to your town.
          The Poolside thing is quite tempting, until you realize that once the utilities go off, so does the water filtration, refrigeration and every other convenience which makes sitting by the Poolside possible to begin with.
          I’m more inclined, when I get in the mood that you are, to consider something of the Galt’s Gulch scenario, e.g. – removing yourself from their gun sights and fading away to someplace out of their grasp. The problem is that I’m not entirely certain if that’s possible any longer.

        12. I argue we are even more gone than that. When the idea of conglomerate corporations emerged, the economy went from wide competition to now 265 companies produce 65% of the world’s production.
          I would rather be beholden to the government than the corporate new speak, and hidden rules we have now. Where if you make a minor thought mistake, your blackballed in a geographic region.

        13. It’s true. Though I wonder if war will look the same as it has in the past. The way this country has been coopted and systematically destroyed hasn’t been through battle….21st century war is about complacent. As long as they keep up numb no one fights back.
          If they let me sit by the pool and enjoy the next half century of my life with things like nice weather, new toys every few years and an inexhaustible supply of women with absolutely no morals there is no way I am going to revolt. They can have my liberty. Enjoy it.
          What’s worse, I will look at people who fight to give it back to me as people who are trying to hurt me and not as saviors.
          They aren’t going to kill us. They are going to amuse us to death.
          Jury is out for me on how I will react.

        14. Yeah I’ve gotten sick of hearing that we have a capitalists system from the Idiot Left. That is such garbage.
          Most socialists seem to realize (after murdering 150 million people in the last century) that pure socialism is bunk. What they’ve done is become fascists at heart. Fascism was supposed to be the “third way” between capitalism and socialism. IOW, regulate and tax everything to fucking death. So most things in theory are privately owned but government can tell you what you can and can’t do with it.
          So socialists are now just fascists in many ways now. Hell, it’s gotten to the point where you almost can’t take a shit without a license.

        15. Government gives you no recourse or escape if you make that “one minor thought mistake”. With private, you can at least strike out on your own or even be a hermit if you wish.

        16. Indeed. Unfortunately people are taught “Fascist = Nazi!” so they think, hey, nobody here is killing the Jews or any other ethnic group by design, so we’re not Nazis, yay us, we’re just enlightened beings!
          They forget that real fascism came from Italy, where no racial component was necessary nor was one exercised. They are the modern day grandchildren of Mussolini.

      2. Feminism is way to draw women into socialism, transfer of wealth to women from the oppressive patriarchy in the name of equality.

        1. Feminism is Marxist in origin…you listen to a feminist they will go on about the patriarchy and capitalism with the same disdain (and of course point out that the Church promotes patriarchy), of course the ultimate irony is they are trashing one philosophy started by a man (Jesus) for another (Karl Marx)

    1. You’re probably at the wrong site. If you’re here simply for game, that’s fine. You know, and have repeated many times, your loathing of anybody and anything that is not pro-Leftist/Socialist, so the solution seems to me to be to avoid those kinds of articles. That’s your choice, but bitching about it when you know what you’re walking into is silly.

    2. The systems both of you advocate are mere chain production facilites for slave workers. Since you are not able to think beyond the thunderdome, would it not be wiser to ask for something instead of advocating something ?

    3. “.. mindless socialism bashing.”
      Not at all. Some of us are beyound that and are simply waiting for the day we can hang all socialists.

    4. Right, because bashing socialism is so unfounded. Its not like its failed over and over and over again, AND, led to the death of millions of innocent people.

  11. If we lived in a patriarchal alternative timeline, our civilization would probably look like The Expanse by now, technologically speaking, without the nonsense of female spaceship captains and such.

    1. Is your goal patriarchy or happiness ?
      In case it is the latter, the way to that is stranger than you may think.
      If it is the former, fear not, for it is coming from all over.

  12. Had an great conversation about this the other night. I was out having drinks and this girl starts talking about how her company just laid off 8 people, including her. 7 out of the 8 at this company were women.
    She continues and says she thinks she might file a gender discrimination suit.
    My first question to her was, Did they close a department or just get rid of people from various places? Her answer: they got rid of the office HR department.
    Case closed.

      1. It actually got even better. She started talking about how she met this great guy who, bought her stuff, wanted to hold her hand and would give her his umbrella when it was raining. But after a few weeks she felt she need to express she was an independent woman. So he had to go.
        It was almost by the book.

        1. Good Lord. It’s like watching somebody who refuses to believe that Santa Claus is not real.

        2. Ahhhhhhh, when you meet one of these women and they even replace the image of the women you had from ROK articles because she fits the description down to a T.

        3. This woman will be very happy (or miserable) at 45, alone with a couple of cats. She’ll probably share the little group wine parties that all of these older women go to just to show each other how “fake” happy they all are with their lives. I see these miserable women out and about in their little groups (you can tell they are all fucking miserable). Sex and the City fucked them all but they won’t tell anyone how stupid they were to fall for it all.
          You just have to shake your damn head and laugh when you see it (or hear it). Strong and independent women equals miserable bitches.

        4. You can see the desperation setting in full bore. It’s everything from getting slapped with reality at work, realizing that at 35 plus their prime baby making years are grinding down to zero, or getting drunk and acting like a slut no longer cuts it with men of quality, or they let their body turn to trash.
          As far as these types go they are also the kind that bitches about not being able to find a good man.

        5. Plenty of “little minds” in this comment section, maybe if working mothers weren’t so discriminated against and almost all childcare and housekeeping responsibility were still put on women…

    1. They figured out HR can be done by a website, Fax & 2 phones calls. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!

    2. Wow, no offense to your friend, but she must have really sucked. From what I can see, companies are reluctant to can females out of fear of discrimination lawsuits. As a consequence, they keep them around and lay off the men. Note, that over the last 8 years with such low interest rates corporate america has used cheap money to borrow and then buy back their stock, thus, reducing share count and elevating the share price. Wonder why the stock market did so well? Meanwhile no one has really posted on real organic growth. Good for females, because, so long as the CFO keeps buying back shares the company can look good without having to do any real work. This is what a female world looks like.

      1. She worked for a tech company that was a subsidiary of a larger corporation. They consolidated the tech company, and axed the redundant HR employees.
        That is the only way a company would ever have cover offing that many women at once.
        Personally, I am not surprised given that most of the staff was doing office feel good projects, like getting everyone little lego sets to play with in a group.

      2. That’s what’s happened where I work. Conductors laid off by the score and not one person from HR. Not even HR making these decisions, since they don’t actually DO ANYTHING other than email each other and plan company breakfasts.
        Not that anyone other than HR seems to go to these functions…

    3. Damn…nice. Yes, they got rid of the most useless employees at any company or corporation….the HR department.
      I wonder who gave these HR women the whole exit interview and speech about their continued Cobra benefits, and other information. I would have loved to see the faces on these HR ladies when they told them ‘you’ve been let go’. Classic shit.

  13. All of women’s genetic shortcomings are described in this article.
    And by this I mean women of both sexes.
    “The Resister
    Open Letter to Our Readers
    The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!
    — Frederic Bastiat
    What is a “liberal?” Before Marxists expropriated the word, a liberal was an individual who held that individual rights of life, liberty and property were unalienable, government existed solely at the sufferance of the governed, and laissez-faire was the only moral policy of government toward business. Marxists, however, corrupt and pervert any word or meaning they come in contact with that holds or describes something as a good.
    Knowing, for example, that the word liberal denoted a value, but being incapable of expropriating it outright, they first expropriated a sub-definition of the idea they wished to pervert. In this case, Marxists first referred to themselves as “Progressives.” Because progressivism and liberalism were synonymous it was simply a matter of time before progressivism began to connote liberalism, and liberalism came to be synonymous with Marxist beliefs. A liberal therefore, is a social Marxist.
    Marxists know their beliefs are inherently evil, therefore a liberal will never publicly admit that he believes the incompetent, lazy and stupid (the depraved) should enslave the competent, industrious and intelligent (the virtuous). Instead, liberals contend that the virtuous have a “duty’ and “obligation” to serve the depraved. Today, a liberal believes that virtuous individuals “owe” the depraved mob “something” because the latter are depraved.
    If you doubt this, simply observe the intent behind Colin Powell’s sick appeal to “volunteerism.” His appeal is designed to effectively undermine and negate the very concept “volunteer.” To whom is this “volunteer” appeal directed? The competent, industrious and intelligent. For whose benefit are the virtuous expected to “volunteer?” The incompetent, lazy and stupid. It won’t be long before “volunteering” is made compulsory. Everything liberals endorse is eventually made compulsory under the muzzle of the government’s gun. The true horror in Powell’s latest obscenity is that the intended audience of “volunteerism” will sanction their own victimization and enslavement because they don’t want to be thought of as “mean spirited” or “greedy;” As if anything that ranging packs of parasites–or their spokesman Powell–“feel,” or say, about virtuous individuals matters one whit. Parasites always refer to hosts who shun them as “greedy.
    Communists destroy to further their private desire to enslave the virtuous in service to the degenerate. “Progressives” protect Communists in order to ensure their own meaningless survival. But liberals are blindingly stupid shavki (trash eating dogs) who promote the destruction of anything of value– because it is of value.
    Liberals revel in destruction. Not physical destruction, although they have no objections to it when it is performed by the “disadvantaged” seeking “social justice,” or the “underprivileged” demanding “economic justice.” Upon their semi-civilized pets liberals dote compassion, tolerance and understanding. They smother murderers and looters with bleary-eyed Brotherly Love. However much they advance it, physical destruction is not their goal. Rather, the destruction liberals revel in is the destruction of reason, common sense and intelligence. In order to accomplish this liberals first seek to destroy language.
    Language is a code of visual and auditory symbols which serves the idea formulation and knowledge processing function of converting concepts into perceptual concretes. Concepts represent a mental process of filing and cross-filing concretes so as to place them in context. ‘This mental process gives concepts a frame of reference which allows man to grasp and then classify every entity he encounters and categorize every aspect of reality. Thus language is principally a tool of cognition. It is a means of classifying and organizing, of gaining knowledge without limit or scope, not merely a means of communication as is generally thought. This distinction is important because liberals use language to destroy cognition.
    Liberals intentionally distort and degrade the meanings of words in order to render them obtuse. They have intentionally introduced meanings not intrinsic to English. Once the meaning of words is rendered obtuse language becomes a vehicle of confusion and reality becomes a meaningless fluctuation of random abstractions. And woe unto he who objects to the introduction of foreign concepts pasted onto English words, for he will then be labeled a “racist”–the favorite liberal swear word. For when a liberals speak of race, they are not talking about ethnicity, they are referring to cultures. They deny observable and reality based racial differences and instead contend that all cultures are equal. Liberals are intellectual anarchists. If a concept contradicts their fantasies they simply redefine the concept. Their “language” is a universe of non sequiturs. You are not permitted to contradict them with facts spoken in plain English.
    The “language” of liberals is emotionalism, exactly the same “language” of animals. The “minds” of animals are permanently fixed on immediate precepts, and they lurch instinctually from perceptual concrete to perceptual concrete–just like “liberals.” We often make mention of anti-concepts in these pages. Briefly, an anti-concept reduces an otherwise legitimate word to an emotional response. The anti-concept “extremism,” for example, is not intended to explicitly describe anything, it is intended to evoke a negative emotional response against whatever, or whoever, the liberal grunter of that word rails against.
    Explicit definitions have no place in the animal level percept-is-concept “language” of “liberals.” It relies instead upon distortion and confusion, combined with inherently anti-American concepts.
    Consider, for example, one of the favorite liberal blubberings, underprivileged. This obscenity is always used in the context of “class privilege,” a concept entirely foreign to American society. The meaning of privilege is that certain groups in society have “privileges” which are either granted to them by government or which they have arrogated to themselves.
    British aristocracy had “privileges.” Prussian Junkers had “privileges.” A Communist party apparatchik “privileges.” If one can be granted “privilege” one can be deprived of it by the giver. Only if one can be denied “privilege” can one be thought of as “underprivileged” if one does not have a full compliment. American society is structured on unalienable rights, not “privilege.” But when liberals use that word it is always with teary eyes and beseeching whines while pointing a trembling finger toward society’s losers. Yes, I said losers. Anybody in America who is competent, industrious and intelligent can succeed.
    When liberals describe any one of their pet minorities as underprivileged they are deliberately lying, and injecting into discourse anti-American concepts of a European or East European context that have no place in the English language. They are explicitly stating that a successful, virtuous individual is “privileged,” and losers and degenerates are underpriveleged–in other words, their pet losers are being somehow “deprived” of success. It does not dawn on liberals that the losers they wring their hands about are losers because they are incompetent, lazy and stupid. Like all Marxists, liberals believe that a person who succeeds has, through perfidy, “deprived’ another of success.
    Liberal linguistic degeneracy, as noted above, requires their pet minorities to be described as deprived. This implies that there is a plot to take “something” from one sector of the population and reserve it for a smaller sector. This holds true in China and other totalitarian societies–but not in America. When the word “deprived” is used by liberals to describe any group in America it is a vicious, deliberate attempt to malign anybody who has succeeded due to their own efforts; not to mention being a willful debasement of the English language. It implies that through force, fraud, or deception, some Americans have been “deprived” of what they once possessed. For the true meaning of “deprived” is that one once had something, but it has been taken. One cannot be “deprived” of something one has never possessed. The incompetent, lazy and stupid, who have never known wealth attained through hard work, or inheritance, are not “deprived” of wealth because they never had it to begin with. The liberal meaning of “deprived” is nothing more than vindictive, anti-individual success envy.
    Another liberal distortion of language is the word disadvantaged. They refer to “disadvantage” in the context of (again) “privilege.” The real meaning of “disadvantaged” is that one is mentally deficient, crippled, or otherwise have a natural disability which puts one at a disadvantage among one’s fellows. But that is not what liberals mean. Liberals contend that their pets are “disadvantaged” because they have been deliberately kept from wealth, education, culture, opportunity, or any other desirable outcome of individual ability, and they further contend that their pets have been kept from these things deliberately, so they can be ruled mercilessly and exploited. True in an ant society like North Korea or Communist China; but the liberal misapplication of the word “disadvantaged” is a malicious vindictive lie purposely used to effect “social justice” for losers who are consumed with animal envy, and who will not lift a finger to help themselves or make the personal effort to raise above their self-inflicted station in life.
    Liberals love “The Children.” Who these anonymous creatures are is never explicitly stated. But liberals pule that The Children are our “greatest resource” who are being deprived by society of everything liberals want to get control over. Which means The Children are a convenient stalking horse for liberal causes. The Children allow liberals to get close enough to press the muzzle of the government’s gun against your temple. Whenever liberals invoke, with teary eyes and reverent voices, the unquestionable name of The Children, you can rest assured that we are about to sink deeper into totalitarianism.
    I always contend that the result of liberal policies is precisely what they desired in the first place. Thus only a liberal could refer to a mentally deficient child as “exceptional,” which really means uncommon and therefore superior. These grossly (and intentionally) misnamed mental deficients are therefore placed in classrooms with normal (yes, I said normal) children to raise their “self-esteem.” This effectively ensures that normal children are “normed” with their inferiors. The salaried government school mind manglers say this is wonderful, and best for The Children. What they really mean, and always intended, is that a classroom of bright normal children are sacrifice to a handful of morons.
    Liberals will scream in horror; “Mean spirited! He doesn’t love The Children!” They are correct. I loath The Children. They are shills for liberals robbing me of my Liberty. Whenever I hear a Child Lover gush and bubble about The Children, I utter an obscenity that causes them to recoil in horror. Selfish and ‘mean spirited?” You had better believe it.
    Real children are uninteresting and poor company. They should be seldom seen, never heard, and clouted soundly when they misbehave. They should be packed 50 or 60 to a classroom and made, to sit still, shut-up, and learn–at the receiving end of a descending ruler if necessary. Education is not fun, it’s work. Children do not have rights, and parents are not “care-givers.”
    Liberals go to great lengths to make personal irresponsibility “socially acceptable” and make it appear “normal.” Thus is homosexuality (considered by normal people to be an unspeakable perversion) posited by liberals as an “alternate lifestyle.” If you oppose homosexuals today you are labeled by “psychologists” as a “homophobe,” and thereby classified as mentally ill. (Incidentally, “psychology” is the second most useless “profession;” it is far outstripped in uselessness by “sociology.”)
    Thus is the stupid girl who issues a bastard child fawned over as an “unwed mother.” Thus is the drug addict a “victim of social pressures.” Thus is the rioter “protesting social injustice.” Thus is the looter a “victim of economic injustice.”
    UTTER CRAP! It’s time again to start publicly judging people according to their actions, referring to them precisely as they behave, and treating them as they demonstrate they deserve. A homosexual is a pervert and should be ostracized, discriminated against and publicly ridiculed. The child of an unmarried woman is a bastard and his unwed mother should be shamed. A drug addict is depraved and should scorned. Rioters are incendiarists and should be forcibly suppressed. And looters are thieves and should be shot on sight.
    Liberals, however, demand “tolerance” and “compassion” and “understanding” for perverts, the irresponsible, the degenerate, and the criminal. What they are demanding is “tolerance” and “compassion” and “understanding” for themselves.
    Liberal men are effeminate slobs. Liberal women are, well, anything but feminine. Liberals are insufferable busybodies and tireless do-gooders. They are natural born Stazi informants who compulsively pry into other people’s lives (pragmatists)–which is why they gravitate to government. They are bounders and cads. They are vulgar, base, loathsome nihilists.
    I hate liberals. They are not nice people with bad ideas. They are bad people with evil ideas.
    Whenever I encounter a liberal my skin crawls. By dint of training I go for my gun in self-defense. Alas, it is not permitted to shoot them on sight. But when they begin to coo and gurgle about Brotherly Love, I loose a string of obscenities upon them, and the objects of their latest “cause.” Blunt, unprintable words that have been honed to a fine edge over more than two decades of military service. Liberals are not used to being opposed, much less publicly and with overt hatred. When they are their faces screw up in rage and they scream “fascist!”
    Interesting word, “fascist”: It’s the traditional Communist swear word for anybody who opposes them. Whenever I think about liberals I brood on ropes and lamp-posts.
    J.F.A. Davidson”

  14. Western liberalism has been hijacked by a feminist freak show (among other things), males are guilty of misogyny until proven innocent.

    1. It must be due to Silicon Valley’s male-dominated culture.
      Yahoo’s low traffic couldn’t possibly be due to its weak search engine, shitty email service, and childish news articles.
      It couldn’t possibly be because Marissa Mayer isn’t a competent CEO.
      No, men are just mean and sexist.
      Men just hold women back.
      Patriarchy, patriarchy.

      1. And the endless mention of shooting of unarmed of Brown in every stinking police shooting.

  15. I think Liberal parasites are dangerous because they have no shame, ethics, or honor other than always falsely thinking they care more than everyone else. Almost every Hillary Clinton news story starts with “Hillary want to give…” like she is the one who is giving the money.
    Most women are not willing to risk anything and the lure of Big Daddy Communism protecting them is just too overwhelming. That is why there are no well known female Entrepreneurs who dropped out of college and became billionaires. That’s why women outnumber men in College… Security…For a few more years…Then they get their degree’s. Some are made CEO’s of a well established company because “woman” and the company slowly dies… It stops taking risks or hiring people for what they can do and just want a person with a piece of paper from a college+the color of their skin +sex organs.
    Actual Republican’s waste time pointing out the hypocrisy of Progressives, Feminists, SJW’s and RINO’s but these people do not care, it’s their way and that is it, and if it doesn’t work it’s still your fault.

    1. Billionaire female college dropout entrepreneurs? Yeah, they tried that claim with wazzhername over at Theranos. Heh.

  16. “Well, liberalism has a ready-made answer. You’re oppressed! Your father may be a wealthy dentist and you may have gone to prep school, but every man ahead of you is only there because of his penis and balls!”
    Good God, I recently worked with someone just like this – convinced that everything was about her being kept down for being a woman. Fact is, her work sucked, she was sloppy, left assignments incomplete and refused to face facts. She was bounced from one (all female) department to work with another woman in another department, but even then she did crappy work and couldn’t be given anything of consequence to handle. Even the damned CEO was a woman but this girl still thought that person was just a figurehead-! When she found another job everybody breathed a collective sigh of relief that they wouldn’t have to delicately tell her that her contract wasn’t being renewed and why.
    So she’s got a fresh start, but I’m only giving her a couple of months at her new gig before she fucks that up too. Thought about telling her the lowdown now that she’s out of the workplace, but screw it – she never listened then, she won’t listen now.

  17. “Feminists can claim they are “earning” like men now, even as everything from child support, child custody, affirmative action, and sexual harassment laws and policies are geared towards promoting their welfare and advancement at the expense of men’s. And that sort of advancement is very expensive, weakening the sustainability of society itself.”
    Yep. and ever stop to wonder why you see so few homeless women? Because it rarely gets so bad that a woman – even an abused and mentally ill woman – never has options. Most of them can easily find a new beta to put a roof over the head and pay for shit; and yes, some wind up in shelters, at least for a while. But never has the lifelong homeless woman been as commonplace as the lifelong homeless man. Sane or insane, deserving of not, nobody gives a shit about him.

    1. Pride is also a factor. Men have more pride. Some homeless men have too much, in fact, which is why many never get out of the gutters: too proud to accept help.

  18. “It’s Justin Trudeau’s dreamy eyes that tell me he has the best policies for Canada.” Lol, the first thing I thought when I saw that picture was “He’s kinda hot”! And I’m in day 11 of my cycle today, so close to ovulating if not already. I suppose if I were a man that would not have been my first thought. Everyone always talks about how men get stupid for pretty girls and how they’ll buy anything (literally and figuratively) if it’s being offered by a scantily clad female, but that definitely goes both ways. I don’t think boy bands sell so well because of their musical skill. The problem, I think, is that most men are very aware of their tendency to think with their penis, whereas women, for various reasons, are usually not fully aware of it when their vagina starts doing their thinking.I wouldn’t vote for someone based on looks though. But at any rate, don’t worry, I’m an American and I’m not attracted to any of our current candidates, so no chance of me applying the tingle test to pick the President.

    1. If you value America, you must vote for Trump.
      America is slowly turning into a mexican country. The Democrats are pushing that agenda. Trump wants to stop the mexicanization of the US. He can’t express it that way. So he’s talking about “illegals”. Think about that. That is reason alove to vote for him
      About Hillary :
      I would never vore for a person who triumphantly said about Gadaffi :
      “We came, we saw, he died”

  19. And yet a Victoria’s Secret model makes more money than I do. Riddle me that Batman! Fellow vets will agree with me. The last time we got paid to be fit was in the military. But that was partly because of PR purposes, partly because we could have gotten kicked out first failing PT tests (although I never saw that happen in the USAF), but mostly because being fit could be the difference between life and death. And yet, we still had to fulfill other duties. Wonder what other tasks those Victoria’s Secret models have to fulfill besides being hot.
    And now that most of us are back in the civilian world, we now have to pay to stay fit. When we get a bit overweight, we don’t have the benefit of a celebrity to get paid to be fit. After all, when people like Jessica Simpson or Oprah Winfrey get fat, they get endorsed by Weight Watchers (Oprah apparently made $70 million in one day while Simpson reportedly has made up to $4 million.)
    Fucking patriarchy.

    1. Women get the rules changed when they aren’t physically capable of doing their jobs, men get fired.

      1. After all top positions are filled by women, they start sabotaging each other rather than work with one another.

  20. Treat a woman, young or mature, as you would a child who has just learned the concept of ‘consequences’. Lead firmly but gently from the beginning, and never, ever lapse in your vigilance. One quiet truth I have learned about healthy, normal women is that even though they may appear truly submissive and loving towards you, they will unconsciously push boundaries because without knowing it because they crave structure, leadership and discipline. As a man, it is your charge to provide and enforce these things, and if you can do it, it will benefit you both immeasurably.
    You can tell if you have a defective model when she does not instinctively know or has not been taught by a positive role model, how to respond to this demeanour and find her place in the natural order of things.

  21. For women, good government/sound administration means the state is supposed to enforce whatever favors women.

    1. It’s just you. Well, you’re clearly not straight if you are a man who is attracted to men.

    1. great vid, worth sharing because it needs to be said over and over again and even then most women may not get it…because you know..vagina between the ears.

  22. That and women genuinely don’t seem to understand justice, or at least only understand a very basic concept of it
    This is why the entire social justice movement sounds more like its about compassion than any reasonable form of justice

    1. I wouldn’t call it compassion, I would call it virtue signalling. How many of these women are taking in refugees or sending money to the Middle East? How many show any kind of compassion to the hundreds of thousands of male prison rape victims in the US?
      Women advocate Government sponsored programmes – as men pay the vast majority of tax then they are being generous with men’s money, not their own.
      Women are obsessed not just by physical appearance but by reputational appearance as well, which makes them easy fodder to be manipulated by the politically correct media.

  23. Over 90% of patents filed are by men, even though women have earned more college degrees in the past 4 decades.
    It’s not just physical inferiority they need state protection, it’s mental inferiority.
    The top innovators and billionaires will always be men, that’s why its easier to convince women of socialism.
    You can take over any country by promising the women ‘free’ birth control

    1. Basically men had to invent both veterinary medicine and gynecological medicine for the same reason: Animals and women couldn’t have done this for themselves.

  24. As a 29 year old, point number 5 is the one that I have to deal with most in my day-to-day life. A woman with yoga pants tight enough to see if she’s shaved or not, and a top that has half of her tittymeat hanging out is “appalled” when she gets attention from men. In this society, a woman can dress this way and arbitrarily claim she wants not just to be respected, but for men to stop being men, to make her comfortable. Men doing what we do, ie approaching women we want to have sex with, is labeled “harassment” by feminists. And they have no logic or sound reasoning to back their point of view up. It’s just how they FEEL. Again, this isn’t equality. This is the demonizing/marginalizing of masculinity, while giving women what they really want….. preferential treatment. Because they’re all special snowflakes who should be put on a pedestal and whatnot.
    A question that I’ve asked an entire room full of women (with a few men present) was, “If men didn’t approach you, (make the first move), how would you get a man?” It was then that I witnessed a phenomena as rare as Halley’s Comet. A group of 20 or so women, aged 18-35, completely silent. As their minds raced for some kind of deflection from the question, while trying to stifle their emotional need to call me an asshole, all you could hear were the men in the room, looking side to side in amazement. That’s what happens when you FORCE women to actually think about whatever socially acceptable nonsense flows forth from their mouths.

    1. Even women who like you won’t approach you. The absolute most any girl will do to show interest is to be standing near you. They are passive beyond belief.

      1. And IMO, therein lies the REAL issue women have with men approaching them. This is an area of life that they have NO skill in. As opposed to men, who instinctively start our quest for knowledge, whenever we find out we like (and would like to be in) women. We spend years talking with our friends and male family members about ways to get women, cultivating different types of game, different philosophies and strategies to do so. And here’s the “side-effect” I guess you can call it. Our tentativeness, fear of failure, and most importantly fear of REJECTION dissipates after a while. But for women, they aren’t built to be rejected as we are (because their precious feels and whatnot). So they’d rather marginalize the process we excel at, by labeling it “harassment”. But in reality, if women could do it, meaning approach members of the opposite sex they find attractive, THEY FUCKIN WOULD. And they’d be all too excited when they posted about it on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram shorty afterwards.
        Guys know for a fact that women are dumb, and secretly wish to be “swept off their feet” like all those vaginal rom-coms they hold dear to their heart. And just like you stated, women don’t want to INITIATE any sort of action, because it goes against the, “Movies in her head, starring her, directed by her, produced by her” (Patrice O’Neal). Deep down, even the most progressive woman is still a girl. Women (if they’re being honest) will admit that initially, sex is what we’re after. Their issue is that they have NO defense against a confident guy charming his way into something that she’s been raised to believe is “special”, on the first day they meet. So ultimately their innate fantasy of being swept off their feet, is battling against what society (and feminists) tell them they should think. They’re so oppressed, I tell ya. 😉

      2. Yeah it’s super-rare to see a woman do anything much other than remotely show a slightly different face if she’s interested.
        I’m amazed to see more like a smile or actual words that are at least slightly more direct from time to time.

        1. it’s like they know they are cattle for taking. They don’t act with any initiative or courage of any kind.

      3. I feel like I should add the caveat that we are talking about woman worth approaching here. It’s been my experience that a 200+ pound land whale won’t have the least bit of shame being obnoxiously forward with any man she wants.

    2. Women get appalled when they get attention from men they are not attracted to. If the same kind of attention were given by men they like, then she’s flattered.
      Understanding this simple fact should be the catalyst for all men to be in good shape and be the best you can be.

      1. The SNL skit with Tom Brady is the best I’ve ever seen on this. The beta schmo says stuff and gets called to HR for harassment. Brady says the EXACT same thing and gets the date. The three rules are be handsome, be attractive, and don’t be unattractive.
        I’m a technical person by trade, and I live in a black and white world. It amazes and drenches in bitterness my logical mind that women and society can perpetuate such a lie, that everyone deserves happiness and that everyone should be treated equally for any given action, yet one man will get a night of wild sex for saying some words, and another will have the police called on him for attempted rape just for saying the exact same words.
        This is why self improvement is so important. The best driver in the world will lose the race driving a Yugo. Yes, you have to learn to drive, but you need to upgrade that Yugo if you want a chance of even placing.

      2. And that was the consensus from the room of mostly women, I spoke of before. By consensus of course I mean one chick said something along the lines of, “We should be able to choose what men approach us, based on whether we think he looks good or not”, and all the parrots nodded in agreement, because it sounded good to them. These women were dead serious. They were completely oblivious to the level of ARROGANCE in that statement as well. That would be like me saying to them, “If you don’t have a pretty face, a nice, thick ass and some D cups (or higher), don’t expect anything but McDonalds, some dick, and a pat on the head.” IMO, that sentence carries the same audacity as what they said, but because theirs came from women, somehow its more valid and mine “assholish”. That’s societal programming for ya.

    3. “If men didn’t approach you, (make the first move), how would you get a man?” Um, you (the woman) approach the man, maybe? But yes, another problem with the whole “Don’t look at me as a sex object no matter how I present myself” idea is that if men are trained to ignore traditional (perhaps even primal) signs that a woman is interested in sex (generally or with him specifically), on pain of a life-shattering false rape allegation, what’s a girl who actually wants sex to do to get a man’s attention whilst simultaneously reassuring him that she won’t accuse him of rape tomorrow? “I know, all the girls walk around with their boobs spilling out of their tops and their @$$ cheeks peeking out of their short-shorts, and you totally shouldn’t take that as a sign they want to sleep with you. But when I do it, I’M expressing my sexuality and I want the hot boys to notice (not the “creeps”, of course, just the hotties), so why aren’t you stupid boys hitting on me already!?”

    4. I once wrote in a newspaper post that if women didn’t accept occasional advances from males that they didn’t find attractive as a side effect of wearing attractive clothing then they could simply wear a burqua and arrange their relationships. It didn’t get published. A wedding or engagement ring also thwarts those advances.
      The problem arises when idiot persistently make adavances after they have been clearly declined or start physical advances such as fondling or kissing.

      1. When my kid was 12 she already spent almost an hour getting ready to go places (like to the convenience store on the corner). Once I asked her if she realized that all guys would be attracted, not just the ones she liked. She said “You just act snotty to the ones you don’t want.” Luckily for her she turned out good looking and clever.

      1. We don’t hate them. We hate you – the trashy part of western people, but not them.

        1. You think you’re going to take Europe by reproductive means? These are the original barbarians. The Germans industrialized genocide. You should run, while you can,because when the tide turns it’s going to flow red with your blood.

      1. It’s just that these women and men who meet us with open arms hate that culture too. Even unconsciously, their fed up with all the lies, hypocricy and injustice.

  25. Our spiritual traditions didn’t make some kind of accident or mistake when they teach that women, especially, don’t live for themselves and for their personal hedonism, but instead they have to sacrifice themselves for others as the nature of their fulfillment. You don’t have to believe in a god to see that these traditions recognize a tragic truth of the human condition that doesn’t go away when you stop believing in it.

  26. #1 reason women should never have got the vote. They will never vote on principle but will vote on feeling. Look at almost every single President since JFK all Alpha males (except Obama who was just portrayed as one long enough by the media). Clinton beat elder statesman Bush solely because he was not f*able in the eyes of the rising third wave feminists. Whereas Slick Willy and his sax were the dream. Same with Obama (although again media inflated). Bush with his Texas swagger got the hamster and so did Reagan with his Hollywood appeal. Carter serves a special place in history mostly just because of the 70’s but watch his debates and he comes across as a solid Lesser Alpha. JFK no explanation needed. Nixon hit the dark hind matter of the female psyche like no other politician in history. He was such a leader of men that multiple men, chiefly G. Gorman Liddy volunteered to go to jail for him. Eisenhower was a natural leader having been given the credit (rightfully or wrongly) for winning WWII. Need I go on?
    The reason why Trump has this election in the bag is because women will secretly vote for him unless Hilary uses Bill has her primary spokesman. He will be the Republican JFK. Elected not because of his brains or political accumen, but because of his Alpha status.

    1. I know, women really need to stop objectifying men like that. Men aren’t just hard cocks with pretty faces, they are real human beings with hearts and minds and ideas and ambitions.

        1. OK then, as long as you don’t feel objectified and are completely consenting (oh, and you are over 18, right? And sober?). I promise I’ll stop at anytime if you tell me to, because no means no.

        2. Sober most of the time. Over 18 all the time (unfortunately). Totally consenting unless you are a land whale of a woman. Please send pic before showing up as I don’t like wasting my time. And if I say no I really mean it. Thanks for understanding that.

        3. Sober “most of the time”? I’m sorry, but I need to be sure you are sober now, before we do anything. In fact, here blow into this breathalyzer. And maybe I better card you, just to make sure I’m not a pedophile. And could you sign this legal document attesting to your consent? Just trying to cover all my bases here.
          *Sigh* I miss the days when you could just grab a boy and kiss him and if he kissed you back you had the green light for whatever followed, and if he pushed you away you knew to look elsewhere for fun. But either way you didn’t have to worry about waking up the next day to criminal charges, either from the one who pushed you away, or from the one who hit on you, drove you home because you were too drunk to see straight, and then had an orgasm or three in your bed, but decided the next morning that HE was too drunk to consent.

        4. You will find out soon enough. Funny how women will claim when men say anything about their appearance it is “slut shaming”, but any time a woman makes an assumption about his “size” it is just fine.

        5. I’ll find out soon enough?! And just how will that be, am I going to be receiving an invitation to judge you at the next wee weewee contest?
          The fact that the tiny-dicked enjoy “slut-shaming” has nothing to do with the fact that the tiny-dicked strongly enjoy telling women whom they’ll never, ever have a chance with to get down on their knees (or any other impotent* sex command).
          Seriously now though, sexually insecure and sexually incompetent men are the only ones who ever overcompensate that much. I mean, you did it like four or five times in a row (it became difficult NOT to be embarrassed for you). Maybe you aren’t as tiny and limp as your actions scream; maybe you are. There’s only one way for you to prove you aren’t as small as you keep acting, and it doesn’t include any in-person b.s.
          {*Impotent meaning powerless here, not Viagra-impotent.}

        6. Thank you for proving my point. Women, instead o engaging in a logical, intellectual debate will resort to tactics such as making fun of a man’s appearance for his sexual organs. Which, ours, to point out if a man does to a woman he is “mansplaining” or “slut shaming”. The doubt standard is pretty offensive.
          Again, though, if you really must know you have an open invitation to service me at the place of my choosing.

        7. Welp, no surprise… still more long-winded rope-a-dope from you instead of evidence or fact.
          I’m glad A + B still = C. And glad C still = small dick. I feel even better than I did before; being proven correct by one’s opponent always does it for me.
          But by all means, you still have my permission to stick to your whole “you started the penis talk, not muhhh” (even though ya did). Your resorting to feigned indignation at the topic YOU selected is more evidence supporting my position as being the correct one here. And that’s all you needed to admit.

        8. So judging men on their appearance is just fine, but women is “slut shamming” or “fat shamming”? You have done nothing but proved yourself a dope. Game. Check. Match.

        9. Thank you for continuing to prove that women are incapable of engaging in any form of intellectual discussion. Why are you so obsessed with penis size? Craving a big one lately?

        10. Most men laugh at childish little insults like that. You and the other fat cows are not so invulnerable to personal attacks. Hey, just why are you so upset with being ugly?

        11. The fact that you think grade 5 insults like this bother adult men is proof of your immaturity.
          Keep going, you prove that most modern feminists are little babies.

        12. I’m glad that you try to represent woman-kind by acting like a seven-year-old. You couldn’t discuss the “topic” if you tried. All of you modern feminists prove it with your usual, “you have a small wee-wee” comments.
          So, tell us, why are you so upset about being out-classed by most women?

        13. I like that you think fifth graders talk about penises. It’s not too late to see a qualified therapist about whatever happened to you. But rest assured, it did not happen to everyone else.
          Now please help me find your bitter little zings directed toward the fifth grade class president to whom I was directing my responses? Because the constant, “look at me, look at me, I has a peenissss, pleez look at me” comments are more along the lines of what a self-professed fifth-grade hall monitor should be condemning.
          I’ll wait for those links to you correcting him for his sub-juvenile behavior; just make sure they aren’t dated today or later.

        14. Oh, you mean just like most women laugh at virginal insults like “fat cow” and accusations of being ugly? Sadly, the sheer number of pussy beggars (PUAs) who constantly try to paw their way into our bedrooms illustrates that we aren’t quite as fat andor ugly as your dick tells you. Howsabout you see a doctor for that projection problem ya got there.
          Ha. <— Whoops, I did laugh at you for the irony and your cluelessness.

        15. “I like that you think fifth graders talk about penises. It’s not too late to see a qualified therapist about whatever happened to you. But rest assured, it did not happen to everyone else.”
          10-year-old kids use all sorts of insults they “think” are adult. Trolls like you always resort to this type of juvenile behavior when you lose arguments.
          “Now please help me find your bitter little zings directed toward the fifth grade class president to whom I was directing my responses? Because the constant, “look at me, look at me, I has a peenissss, pleez look at me” comments are more along the lines of what a self-professed fifth-grade hall monitor should be condemning.”
          Narcissistic behavior is what you SJW’s think is being witty. People here at ROK may answer your whining comments in kind, but they don’t initiate it. You losers get your ass handed to you and they you pretend like you don’t deserve it.
          “I’ll wait for those links to you correcting him for his sub-juvenile behavior; just make sure they aren’t dated today or later.”
          I’d say we should wait for you to grow up, but trolls like you often suffer from arrested development. You should go and get some professional treatment.

        16. “Oh, you mean just like most women laugh at virginal insults like “fat cow” and accusations of being ugly? Sadly, the sheer number of pussy beggars (PUAs) who constantly try to paw their way into our bedrooms illustrates that we aren’t quite as fat andor ugly as your dick tells you. Howsabout you see a doctor for that projection problem ya got there.”
          Chances are, you are fat and ugly since you need to go out of your way to come to Return-of-Kings to insult people you can’t win a debate against.
          You should see a therapist about your latent and displaced anger. Get some exercise and try to not bury your problems in all those second servings.
          “Ha. <— Whoops, I did laugh at you for the irony and your cluelessness.”
          No. You are just feigning bravado to appear “strong”…. you know, like “womyn strong!!!:. LOL. You SJW’s are such losers.
          You’re a troll and you know it.

        17. I didn’t know whether to ask you to step away from the mirror when you type, or to stop pulling poor man’s psychology out of your ass.
          Then I remembered I’m not your mother, so go ahead and keep doing both. If you think you have some capacity to “win an argument”, then I have greatly overestimated your tenuous grasp on reality.
          Have great, delusional weekend!

        18. …..“I didn’t know whether to ask you to step away from the mirror when you type, or to stop pulling poor man’s psychology out of your ass.”…..
          Lol. You are “begging the question” in a typically weak attempt to injure those you cannot effectively refute. Not only have I been accurate in showing how you over-compensate for your feelings of inferiority by acting superior, apparently you do not have the integrity to admit that you really have no defense. Any practicing clinician would agree that you have a fragile ego and this article triggers it.
          …..“Then I remembered I’m not your mother, so go ahead and keep doing both. If you think you have some capacity to “win an argument”, then I have greatly overestimated your tenuous grasp on reality.”…..
          You don’t have the maturity to be an effective mother for anyone, so stop patting yourself on the back. Winning an argument against the usual feminist warrior is simple since, like you, they degenerate to personal insults the moment they encounter anyone that pushes back. You neither have a real position nor any logical prowess to be an adversary for even a child.
          …..”Have great, delusional weekend!:….
          Sorry troll, but no one needs your insincere well-wishes. As far as “delusional”, it is clear that you are in a fantasy that you have some sort of intellectual capacity to debate people. In reality your feelings are “hurt” and you are lashing out. All you do is cast dispersions at those who you disagree with. You trolls are quite childish. No degree in psychiatry was required to figure that out.

        19. “All you do is cast dispersions”
          Yeah, chief. What you probably meant, but weren’t intelligent enough to know, was the word “aspersions”, not “dispersions”.
          Seriously, just step away from the shiny picture screen while you still can pretend to retain a shred of dignity. It’s just too easy to keep correcting you and your pseudo-intellect. (Pssst, PayPal me a dollar and I’ll tell you what “pseudo” means. It doesn’t mean “super”, even though you probably think it does.)

        20. You’ve lost the moment you attempted to post here, troll. You’re the one wallowing in the muck.
          Hissy fit? Maturity level? It seems that you are the who quickly descends into personal insults and name-calling. Stop projecting your lack of sense and sensibility. It only takes one word to describe you: “Troll”.

        21. Wow, you are now nitpicking on errata. I did mean “aspersions”, but that happens when one simultaneously types will having a conversation with someone else. If you that is “all” you have as a rebuttal, it proves you really have nothing.
          Seriously, you do have anything even remotely of impact on the topic, or, in defense of your hostile attitude. Step away from your weak attempt to bully people from this thread. Your dignity was forfeit the moment you chose to resort to Argumentum ad Hominem, kiddo.
          “Pseudo” in your case would be a step up from what describes your intellect. Your feeble attempts to knock your critic off balance is not working. Try harder.

        22. YOU are the one who keeps desperately trying to defend the indefensible (your positions), all the while attacking me and my opinions, furthermore all the while trying to pretend that you’re taking some high road.
          You’re smirk-worthy, nothing more. I bet if you wanted to do something useful or worthwhile with your time instead of constantly trying to dig yourself out of each new hole you dig for yourself, you’d be a lot less bitter.
          Of course, I may lose that bet, since you’re all about projecting your worst qualities upon someone who ***should be*** nothing to you, but clearly isn’t.
          Again, smirk-worthy, nothing more. I guess I’ll just prep myself for your next “Nuh Uhhhnnn” message in my inbox, since I am enjoying your compulsive need for the last word. Trust this, you will receive that gift of getting the last word, as your tediousness is best suited for your compatriots in lowbrow thought on this site, so they can have you.

        23. —–”YOU are the one who keeps desperately trying to defend the indefensible (your positions), all the while attacking me and my opinions, furthermore all the while trying to pretend that you’re taking some high road.”—–
          No, you are clearly projecting your inability to form a cohesive argument. In fact, by couching your posts as “opinion” you are trying to excuse their poor foundation by surreptitiously conflating “opinion” as “informed opinion”.
          In contrast, any point I have made is reasonably founded.
          —–You’re smirk-worthy, nothing more. I bet if you wanted to do something useful or worthwhile with your time instead of constantly trying to dig yourself out of each new hole you dig for yourself, you’d be a lot less bitter.—–
          Again, all you do is make condescending remarks based on your obvious contempt for anyone who challenges you. You’ve done the very same with other posters too. It is you that needs to find better things to do instead of trying to “shame” people into agreeing with your narrative. You are a child in an adult arena and losing arguments is making you the bitter person that you obviously are.
          —–Of course, I may lose that bet, since you’re all about projecting your worst qualities upon someone who ***should be*** nothing to you, but clearly isn’t.—–
          That is the usual presumptuous argument of a self-righteous SJW. You have not, and likely cannot, offer anything resembling an intelligent argument. Instead you post up insults and when anyone “dares” to take you to task you act all indignant. That is just the usual defense mechanism of someone who knows they are wrong.
          —–Again, smirk-worthy, nothing more. I guess I’ll just prep myself for your next “Nuh Uhhhnnn” message in my inbox, since I am enjoying your compulsive need for the last word.—–
          Nice try at pre-empting a response, troll. You should try to prepare better than you have since none of your responses have been anything more than childish little rants.
          Last word? At least I have words that form a legitimate argument. Your posts consist of nothing but proof that SJW’s are immature and generally bullies who just can’t accept that they are wrong.

      1. And so are women…. Do you think that they are not offended by these sexist articles? Stop pitying yourself, when you support this crap.

        1. Actually, I’m a woman myself. And I’m admitting that my “sisters” and I are not always above the kind of objectification of the opposite sex that men are always getting called out for. I’m saying it goes both ways.

        2. I know you probably won’t believe me, but I swear that I didn’t comment that. I wasn’t home yesterday at all but I was logged into my computer on this account and I believe my 12 year old sister commented that to you ( she jumps to conclusions so easily). Men are certainly objectified in this society, and it is disgusting. What’s even worse is that there is less outrage against male objectification than there is for women even though both are a huge problem. I’m really sorry that she commented that!

        3. So even 12 year-old girls read Return of Kings? Heck, that explains so, so many of the comments — if not some articles. At least half of the articles written about women and/or sexuality are very evidently written by someone who’s never had a sexual experience, let alone with an adult woman.
          Yay, 12 year-old girls DO rock (sarcasm).

        4. Unfortunately, I believe that the vast majority of commenters / article writers are written by adults.

        5. So even idiots like you think posting the same old “small wee-wee” insult is actually *hurting* people back. Stop projecting your sensitive feelings onto guys. Only little children like you get hurt by stuff like that.

        6. Are you like 8-years-old or something? Your childish posts are more reason by few should listen to modern feminists. Most of you are immature idiots.

        7. You are nitpicking. That was an obvious typo (as “why” was replaced with “by”). Along with your condescending name-calling, this is the typical deflective tactic by SJW’s that know they really don’t have a real argument.

    2. “Trump has this election in the bag”
      Oh, how naive we all were six weeks ago.
      Oh, unless you meant “Trump has this election in the body bag“. Because that’s where he’s got his candidacy now. The Democrats could pretty much dump Clinton and Sanders and just run a bag of rancid dirty diapers and still win against Trump.
      Let’s hope he does the responsible thing and steps down so we can get a Republican in the White House again. If he stays, we won’t see a GOP-run White House for at least eight years. By then, who knows if anyone will remember what the Republicans used to even be good for?

      1. Did you really look up a comment from months ago to respond to it now? Not much going on in your life, eh?
        The media continues to be in denial about Trump. They literally think that all they have to do is believe inside and Trump won’t win. It is getting borderline delusional and so are people who are anti-Trump. I overheard one guy on the train going on an anti-Trump rant (SJW’s must be passing out a new merit badge for going on an anti-Trump rant in public because it seems to be their new pastime) and this guy was absolutely certain that Trump was going to turn into Hitler. It wasn’t just a rhetorical device he was using. He actually believed what he was saying. He was certain it would be the whole nine yards to complete with concentration camps and gas death chambers. Maybe we are getting to the point where a mass delusion is breaking out. I mean people are going absolutely bonkers. When reality comes, and it is, I wonder if there will be mass suicides.
        As for blowing up the GOP, many, including me, are just fine with that. The party has been dominated by neo-cons too long and the establishment has gotten too buddy buddy with the Left. If Trump is the one that facilitates that fine by me.

        1. “Did you really look up a comment from months ago to respond to it now? Not much going on in your life, eh?”
          Nope. I just responded to someone who responded to MY post from several months ago, and saw yours near it. It was too, too funny not to respond to. I always make time in my “not-so-busy” life to laugh at people who think Trump is anything but a political laughing stock.
          As for your, umm, unhealthy thoughts of Trump and the opinions you think people hold of him, you must try hard to remember that not all voters are in your demographic. Not everyone likes what you like. There are Jewish people voting. Women are voting. Blacks are voting. Hispanics are voting. Gays, et al, are voting. People with families are voting. College-educated people are voting, heck, so are high school-educated people. Add these people up, and you have far, far too many people with vested interests in not seeing a 70 year-old, less intelligent, male version of Kim Kardashian as President of our country.
          As for Hitler, well, you may have been listening to a doe-eyed Trump fan, as their other websites have glorious memes of Trump exterminating “undesirables” and all the minions of said websites are upvoting all Trump/Hitler associations as a net positive.

        2. You laugh at Trump and his supporters, but they laugh at you. The only difference is they are actually laughing at you and not at some delusion.
          I don’t care what is your religion/race/gender etc. Go ahead and vote. What is different is that white people, men mostly, realize that liberalism is screwing them up and down and finally waking up to this fact. Do I think the GOP should care about women and minorities? No. Absolutely not. They already don’t support the GOP so why should the party go to them with hat in hand to try to capture another 1-2% of a demographic that just does not vote for them and will not because they are indoctrinated useful leftist idiots. I say go fuck ’em. Leave them be as useful idiots. When the pendulum swings and it is going to do so, don’t expect the victors to be “nice” with those who trashed them for generations. Women’s rights? Go fuck ’em. Affirmative action? Opps…that is now gone? “Amnesty”? Yeah if you get out on your own in the next six months.
          Don’t you see what is happening here. It is a fucking revolution. You can deny it, but it is happening. Your time is up. Deal with it.

        3. “[My] time is up”? Yeah, I’m a Republican — and Trump and his trailer trash have made my time be up.
          The difference between his brainless minions and his detractors is that we know his brainless demographic make up less than 16% of the electorate. To people who made it past 4th grade math, 16% is not quite enough to become President.
          Also, when you have lifelong Republicans (like myself) who are supporting third party candidates or worse, DEMOCRAT candidates, then anyone with an above-fourth-grade IQ should see that Trump’s “revolution” is no more than a racial holy war brought on by sore losers who have been aching for a reason to show their true, violent colors for decades.
          I cannot stand the thought of another Clinton in the White House, but low-information (Trump) voters are forcing that inevitability. So whereas some unintelligent people may consider anti-Trump fans to be useful idiots, they do not realize that they themselves are useless idiots, causing so much more cleanup than should be necessary.

        4. You are obviously not a “Republican”. You are a leftist agitator. You use phrases such as “low information” and “red neck”. You might as well throw out some racial slurs because you are showing your naked bigotry. Standard liberal tactic – make anyone who would vote elsewhere look like they are low intelligence. The opposite is true though.
          Go pound sand stooge. Do you even understand the dynamics of the electorate when you just throw out 16%? Obviously not.

        5. Nope. I have voted nothing but Republican since my first election of Ronald Reagan. Correction, actually the ONE time I strayed was for Ross Perot when Bush1 and Clinton1 were up against one another. And Gary Johnson will be my second stray from the GOP.
          Your reliance on “imitation power” words such as “obviously” belie your weak position. And that is OK, as it destroys the merits of any words that follow.
          {EDIT} Also, just because I am a Republican does not mean I throw out racial slurs, but how surprisingly honest of you to acknowledge that is a real problem in our party. It is just one more reason why the GOP has been hemorrhaging supporters.

        6. This proves you can’t argue with stupid.
          You are clearly just playing the role of a leftist stooge. You are not a Republican. You are clearly lying.
          And the thing is the GOP is not “hemorrhaging supporters”. In fact, the numbers are showing the exact opposite. Stop lying. Stop being a leftist stooge. Try opening up your mind and thinking for a change.

        7. Oh, nice, you upgraded from “obviously” to “clearly”. Good for you and your inferiority complex which needs that false support. At least you’re not still desperately trying to beg anyone into believing you have an adequate unit like in your earlier begs.
          But hey, good luck there telling people that despite not knowing a damned thing about complete strangers that you still are magical enough to know all there is to know about complete strangers, moreso than even the complete stranger knows about their own entire lived existence. I think that’s called schizophrenia. Or it is just basic, run-of-the-mill narcissism?
          Either way, your “NUH UHNNN” debate skills are just primo 👌
          If you’ll excuse me, I have some grownups to get to get back to to wash your childishness out of my memory. So, let me just save myself from a future response to you by telling you now that I can safely pre-respond to your next himsterical screed by just saying “NOT!”

        8. Your tactics are straight up out of insurgent communism. Falsely identify as a friend of the enemy. Distort. Disrupt. Disable.
          Even if you were a Republican I would urge you to leave the party because we don’t need your kind in it. Go “help” the Democrats.

        9. Oh yeah let me know if you want to see my UHHHUGE unit. You can fly to my city and if I deem you worthy I will unleash the beast in your mouth.

        10. Well there is only one way to find out. Send me your number and we will set something up.

        11. You keep on saying that. But it is time to put money where your mouth is. Number.

        12. You’re under some severe delusion that somebody — anybody — wants to see your dick. No one does.
          Furthermore, remember how Roosh had to “come out” and tell everyone what a laughingstock and failure his PUA strategies were for straight guys, and how they were only benefiting gay dudes? Well, it’s time to update the way you beg because heterosexual men don’t do it like you do it, not by the longest of long shots.

        13. If you don’t want to see it in all of its glory then why do you keep on talking about? Who is the delusional one?

        14. You are just fascinated with my junk. Just give me your number and finally give into your hamster.

        15. You are obsessed with my unit. Just give in and give me your number. If you are worthy I might allow you to get down on your knees and worship it.

        16. Oh, you’re back to the get down on your knees territory again? Because I’d need to squint of course. For the umpteenth time, I am not a man, ergo I would have no interest in seeing your hamster-sodomizing little earthworm. But there are plenty of tiny cock humiliation boards for you to upload yourself, if you realllly want a second person to see it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a351083af9462215dbd2da23b27d57d139d3ea600aba4a0e52933348284254b4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/376a87cee183837e032b304d3f07ca960af6a900e1c8cf5f9a944e1ac947db59.jpg

        17. Wow, you are utterly obsessed with my giant unit that you have gone to great lengths to try to convince yourself you are not interested. You even created a pornhub board. Now that is borderline delusional. Why not just give in already?

        18. I’m not begging for anything. I’m just pointing out that you are obsessed with giant unit. You even make graphics about it. If you want to keep on torturing yourself go ahead. Or you can just get over it and give into the hamster. Down on your knees now and I am quite sure you know what to do from there….

        19. Again with your beastiality. Look, if you flatly acknowledge that a fxcking hamster can fit on your sorry dick, then I will JUST have to repeat what I have said from the start: NOOOOOO.
          Pro-tip, if you want to dabble in heterosexuality, drop the faggy PUA come-ons. They don’t work on women. Even basement boy told his suckers that his last few Bang books were only useful to gay dudes… Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

        20. You just can’t resist. Give in and maybe, if I deem you worthy, I will allow you to service my unit.

        21. Hey, servicing units! I know that term! We’ve got a bum autoclave, from China I bet. It’s getting serviced next week. The manufacturers suggest not putting organic material inside, but hey, you can’t seem to get rid of your dick no matter how much you beg, so sure — cut it off with the tools recommended below, slip it into the tiniest envelope you can find, then I’ll put it on the highest (smallest) shelf and set ‘er off with all the other 50ml beakers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d2935687f319557d99ec487da3a4c0746cac25519cf277ee50c4f97bd2483ce.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/675bb68e6d05095bfce7e2b4a0fcd3986c1f48314c96fd5fac4787bb2b1a343f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/263150d4eeaab00986793a9621e072a581e5bbda5c12b16fad26af8b0e1062da.jpg
          Then we won’t have to laugh at the idea of anyone ever touching that pristine, never-been-touched little micro-tool of yours again.

        22. What is your obsession about the size of my junk? You keep on insisting that it is small, but you have no fact to base assumption on.

  27. Women are unable to see long-term consequences of their actions. That’s why they are unrepentant libertines, riding the carousel even though it reduces their ability to pair-bond, pursuing lives as office drones in spite of the overall shittiness of that lifestyle, and supporting refugee immigration as much of a threat as it is to them.
    Do you think women have the fucking foresight to see the eventual cultural collapse of a balkanized multicultural nation? Do you think they can even comprehend the perfect storm of economic failure due to massive debt obligations and easy money by the Fed? Are they even aware of a deadly STD that is completely being spread by the gay community?
    Of course not. They can hardly muster the mental competency to equate their foodie lifestyle with being overweight. How can they be trusted to rationalize future world issues?
    I don’t buy that they are sympathetic towards the weak. Have they noticed that all of the rapidly increasing mass-shooters are incels due to their unrestrained hypergamy? They won’t make that connection, because they’d rather live in the moment of their polyamorous lifestyle and ruin civilization in the process.

    1. I think getting banned from AVFM is a badge of honor nowadays. Even Obsidian got himself kicked for saying Roosh isn’t quite the rapist poison-peddling douchebag that Dean Esmay said he was in his latest screed.

  28. This is probably going to come across as a self-congratulatory comment but I am in a relationship right now that feels too good to be true and wondering if anyone can find the fault or if I’ve found an exception amongst Western females. This is the first woman I’ve been with that I consider worthy of putting a ring on, although she does not seem to be interested in marriage this young. I met her when she was 20 (I was 26) and she was a virgin who had never been in a relationship before. Small tits but otherwise a fantastic body, dresses beautifully, wears light makeup but always looks feminine and put together. She wears French lingerie every day. She doesn’t use any social media, she is an excellent cook, she is kind, clever sense of humour, and, to be totally honest, she’s brilliant. She is doing a dual degree in honours astrophysics and philosophy and has a full time job lined up already in quantitative finance, where she will be earning six figures the first year. That’s another thing – I never have to pay for her. She buys her own clothes, pays for her apartment, will split bill when we go out. She is the least emotional woman I have ever known. I’ve never seen her cry or act irrationally. It was a bit unsettling at first because she is less emotional than some guys I know but I appreciate it now. There’s no drama, she minds her own business and isn’t a petty bitch. I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture… stunning, intelligent, funny, nice, same taste in music/movies as me.
    The only thing i can think is wrong with her is that she used to overweight, which explains why she is so healthy now but I know the common thing is to balloon after marriage. Considering she was a fattie during high school and the beginning of university, I assumed that, as a hot 21 year old, she’d be a huge slut so I’m wary of that too. Also, she seems to enjoy working and highly values independence/self reliability. I don’t think she would give up her career for me. She can be very shy and quiet around new people, too. Are these dealbreakers?
    In some respects, she is like the ideal 1950s lady – tasteful high quality clothing, usually skirts/dresses, cooks, cleans, overall in touch with her feminity with the lingerie and makeup and hair and perfume.
    In other ways, she seems too much like a… man? She works late, doesn’t show emotion and is ruled entirely by reason.
    Anyone know a girl like this? She is moving for work this summer and told me she didn’t think she was up for a long distance relationship right now, and I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort on my part to fight to keep this going.

  29. On a brighter note, at least young women are flocking to Bern rather than staying in the Hillary vagina safe space.. and all the old guard harpies are up-in-arms about it 😉
    Anyhow, Justin Trudeau has one of those smarmy, oily faces I just wanna smash my fist into. And I’m allowed to say that on the internet, coz it’s only bad if a woman is threatened. Right, feminists?

    1. Baby J was born with a golden spoon up his ass. Card carrying member of the Lucky Sperm Club.

  30. So Arthur Schopenhauer are defending polygamy? ROK defends polygamy?
    I understand everything that is said on his article, and on the ROKs articles. Any reasonable man will understand.
    I see that you all look down on women, and most of times you’re right on doing so,
    but there’s a reason why we say that a man should have only one wife: So that she can be happy by finding accomplishment in his family and the attention and care she naturally need from a man.
    The man who share his role as Head of Family with more than one wife will not have one only family, but each of his wives will be a different family, with different children, and they will fight between each other for the attention of the father/husband, creating chaos on the household.
    I know this because I have a Iranian friend who came from this kind of family. This scenario can be also observed in any polygamous culture (and even in countries with polygamous culture there’s literature who mulling if this is really right, the Bible is the best example).
    I agree with everything on Arthur Schopenhauer’s article, except for the polygamy stuff. Even to patriarchy there is a limit, and It’s clear that polygamy cross this limit, reducing the woman to a much lower status than she deserves.

  31. I love this website. As a woman, i come on here every now and again for a good laugh. Its a bit cruel really, you can see that most of the men that browse AND AGREE with 90% of the crap that is posted on here have issues. Personal issues that they are so unwilling to face, they deflect the blame of the problems onto society at large instead of taking an honest look at themselves. Im not surprised most of you seem to *hate* the female sex. You’ve had this awful idea drilled into you that: Men work and Women Raise families/Cook/Clean/Run your household/Emotionally support you through thick and thin – When things don’t pan the way you expect, you start looking for who to blame and of course, its women, because they’re not doing what you expect/want them to do. Its really no suprise your all very unhappy – You’re trying to control other people, which is just impossible no matter who you are.
    The good news is that you dont have to be unhappy. You dont have to wake up every day and feel the way you do. You dont have to get onboard with “evil feminism” or spend the rest of you life being a smuck, reading this one website looking for “answers”
    A lot of your issues can be resolved by merely accepting that you cannot control other people. Not all of your expectations in life are going to be met. Your happiness is not dependant on other people, but in fact, is dependent on yourself. If you need a woman to wait on you hand and foot to make you happy then your chances of being happy are incredibly slim.
    I was not put here to serve anyone. My idea of a wasted life would be raising kid’s and looking after a grown man. It would make me deeply unhappy. This is why mother’s began telling their daughters “Dont get knocked up.” Told them they should go to university, pursue career’s – they wanted equality for their daughter’s that meant they had financial control over their own lives and personal control over their own bodies. Any woman who respects herself wants both of those things.
    The idea that you have your own brain but you are expected to just do as your told by someone else is ridiculous. Women were never made to be controlled, dominated, uneducated and serve as simple baby factories. Neither were men.
    I leave you with the chinese idea of Ying and Yang – There is GOOD and BAD in everything and everyone. I hope you don’t waste the rest of your lives being so unhappy over things you have no control over.

    1. I was not put here to serve anyone. My idea of a wasted life would be raising kid’s and looking after a grown man.
      You’re welcome to do whatever you like, and it’s quite obvious that you aren’t the type a man should consider for a serious long-term relationship (that he could expect to last) and definitely not marriage.
      You wrote all of that and yet ignore some of the most fundamental things, despite it being presented here in black and white: RoK doesn’t want men to “control” women, that’s preposterous.
      Feminism has resulted in broken families, a (western) culture that is sliding downhill quickly, and more unhappiness between the genders than has ever existed in history.
      Despite all that you say, I’ll bet money that one day you’re going to wake up, and face the realization that you had the wrong attitude and missed out on enjoying a healthy, loving relationship and family life.
      This is not conjecture: there are articles out now with older women proclaiming their regret at their past choices and how they can no longer find men “worthy” of settling down at their age, and cry alone at night missing having a husband and kids to go home to where she woudl be much happier than working 9 to 5 in a cubicle for just a paycheck.

    2. Booooo — reasonable voices are not appreciated here.
      But yes, I come to this website for the combo of laughs and eye rolls too. So do many women! Often I think to myself that so-called “manosphere” sites aren’t really what they seem… surely they must be some angry, Feminist-run version of The Onion, totally skewering the most stupid and useless versions of men with the goal of making men look like societal garbage. “Actual” men could never become so absurd, right? Right???
      Have a nice day, oh, and btw love your name 🙂

    1. You basically just reaffirmed the points here with that mentality.
      Yeah I’d wager most of us here have a pretty good sex life actually.

        1. I can’t tell you that, because I don’t hate anyone.
          I do not, however, mindlessly accept without criticsm those in our world who are negatively affecting society and causing the lives of men especially to suffer simply because they are men.
          Putting a smiley at the end implies you feel clever. I’d say hold off on those just yet.

        2. More please. I need to know how everyone else is awful and you’re so wonderful. Another clever smiley for you 🙂

        3. Nowhere have I’ve said I’m so wonderful and everyone else is awful.
          I’m not into juvenile flame-baiting. Adios.

        4. Your straw man arguments are extremely childish. Keep going, you’re a smug little troll and you know you don’t have a legitimate argument. All you know is the usual personal attack.

        5. But that’s what this article is about! ;D
          Tell me more about why I I’m not allowed to learn more about female inferiority without being called troll!

        6. …but the article is about what the title of the article says, and -not- about the straw man argument you present. 😉
          Tell us why you think you can apply logical fallacies as a foundation and -not- be seen as a troll, troll.
          (Keep it up, you will probably earn a ban like all trolls eventually do)

        7. GetitGoing isn’t leaving. You will be. There is no misogyny here. You childish little trolls are always the same. The superiority you think you have is a delusion.

        8. No!! We’re not allowed to use logic, women are stupid and questioning the almighty phalluses will get u banned! 😉

        9. Even idiots like yourself are -allowed- the option of using logic over emotions, but your primitive, nay, childish need to sooth your hurt ego makes you slave to “feelings”.
          It is not the act of questioning a logical argument that gets you banned, but, as has been maintained, the act of harassment via false reasoning that does.
          You’re arrogant and brash, but none of that makes you “right”. Not a single one of you have been able to mount anything that even remotely resembles a reasonable refutation.
          You’re a troll. 😉

        10. They are. The typical woman follows emotions far more than the typical man, and that makes them easier to manipulate (or was that womanipulate?) In the hands of the liberal sect, they become unwitting minions.
          You are proof of this exploitation.

  32. Stop using the image of pamela.held.7 of facebook if you are going to troll. You idiotic Feminists are all the same. You think you are righteous, but the moment you are challenged, you show your true childish self-serving colors. Get lost, moron.

  33. “Women want men to save them, but not the other way around”
    Which is why im hiding in a restroon or under a table if im caught in a shootout.
    And that pic of miley is fugly

  34. I know I don’t belong here, I’m straight, but thanks for the article and the comments; been roaring since the first word! Laughter is so good for health. 😀

  35. I have said for nearly two decades that women are the scourge of humanity and this is never been proven more true than is it today right before our eyes with the Absolute levels of SHEER delusion, lunacy, blindness, hypocrisy, stupidity, insanity and PURE MADNESS that women are capable of.
    Their unfathomable incapacity for logic, common sense, reality, order, balance or truth and their INCREDIBLE propensity for self delusion, hypocrisy, self hatred, fun,fun, fun galore, ignorance about reason, common sense, logic and the fact that most live in a world of pretty clothing, proper grammar, correct opinions and polite conversation about USELESS asinine and brain dead topics where ALL they care about is interpersonal gossip about people, their lives and relationships, shoes, clothing, fake up, unicorns and rainbows and other UTTER NONSENSE while at the same time they have the balls and temerity to disrespect men that have created EVERYTHING they see, use, have used or WILL use in their pathetic life times, who have thought up and created such incredible technologies and advances as we have today and yet women STILL think they’re just as smart as men because they have a useless degree. Being able to retain and regurgitate knowledge back is NOT intellect by a long shot and that’s all most women are good at. They think that figuring out the laws of physics, science, chemistry, quantum and electro mechanics and all other fields of science, technology, medicine, space, electronics and the like are no big deal because they’re “boooring” subject women don’t care about, but they can’t live without their phones because it allows then to share their useless feelings and talk about nonsense and laugh at stupid things without the slightest CLUE as to how anything works.. NOR DO THEY CARE to know.
    They’re an almost pure reactionary being with virtually zero conscience and a capacity for self delusion UNPARALLELED in the universe. They are animalistic in their desires and needs and only care about what makes them laugh, feel good or allies their plethora of fears at that moment at nothing more.
    Then so many women wonder why they’ve been relegated to second class status throughout most of human history… because that is where they BELONG. I used to think and feel the exact OPPOSITE to this but from experience dealing with women of all kinds, study, observation and understanding the roots of goddess and radical feminism and seeing just HOW stupid most women are, college degree or not, and now knowing the true greedy, self centered, incredibly narcisstic beyond ALL reason and delusional beings they are with little to no sense of debt, obligation, empathy, logic or reasoning powers.. I have come to the unalterable conclusions.
    This does not mean I hate women.. I merely hate how fucked up, warped and destructive most of them are. YES there ARE exceptions.. but that doesn’t change the overall truths stated here.. and I’m far from the only thinker to feel this way.
    How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women (Article)
    WHAT MEN KNOW THAT WOMEN DON’T- Feminism, Misandry & A Female Reality Check!
    What Men Know That Women Don’t – A Woman’s Response (excerpt) (Men have Deeper Emotions…)



  36. As a woman, I actually completely agree with all of these ideas. I’ve thought them all myself at some point. I was an atheist most of my life, I’m 32, went to college for 4 years, and would have been so offended at this article even though, because I was an atheist and “educated” I considered myself a “deep thinker.” Ironically it took a downward spiral in my life, the fruit of a hedonistic lifestyle and textbook liberal mindset, and the adoption of religion (the “Christian” bible but the Jewish aspect of it) to turn me into a true deep thinker who shares the sentiments of this article because, well, the items written here are true, whether I like it or not.

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