A great disparity of wealth exists amongst the Western nations and it begs for resolution. A select few, through no direct doing of their own, possess greater wealth than all others combined, and recklessly spend it without regard for those that have it not.
While it is, indeed, sad to contemplate the uneven distribution of financial wherewithal, it is far, far worse to consider the uneven distribution of the wealth of aesthetic beauty of the human form amongst the human inhabitants of the planet today and how it affects the very lives of us all.
Like our Most Excellent Leader, B.H. Obama opined recently, “That body isn’t yours. You didn’t build it,” thus implying that those with physical beauty owe it to those of us without to share their aesthetic glory for the benefit of us all, as their beauty belongs to the People.
American Sexual Socialism
The finest progressive minds have developed a new government agency that will enable the efficient distribution of the benefits of human beauty, the Department of Aesthetic Transfer. The DAT, as it is commonly abbreviated, will have multiple mandates, the primary being a two-tier program simply called American Sexual Socialism. It is the belief of this administration that DAT ASS, when properly implemented, will redistribute the benefits of beauty equally in society.
Tier One of ASS
The ASS program focuses entirely on women, as the Selective Service focuses entirely on men, in a gesture of equality for all. Upon reaching the age of 18, all American women must register with ASS and undergo a physical to receive an ASS rating. Women who are above a certain obesity level are classified below the standards of the program, placed on inactive status, and penalized into a higher tax bracket to encourage them to eat less and lose weight, enabling them to raise their ASS rating into higher level.
Women deemed acceptable in ASS are placed in active status. Similar to the National Guard, their duties of ASS will require one weekend a month of their time, which is an acceptable penance for their good fortune of aesthetics. Duties shall include modeling for nude photography and video, live performance of exotic dancing at certified DAT facilities, and escort-only services for men in need of dating partners.

Tier One ASS Participant
An American female of active ASS rating will have completed her Tier One obligations upon her 25th birthday, or upon marriage, whichever is sooner. It is the desire of the DAT to promote marriage, and the preservation of virginity until marriage, thus Tier One is designed to, while undoubtedly uncomfortable for the woman, cause no actual mental or physical harm nor cause the end of the ASS participant’s virginity, and provide an incentive to marry by ending Tier One obligations early.
Tier Two of ASS
However, the administration and the DAT understand that marriage is, regrettably, not important to some American women and that various photographic, video, and live nude performances are things that they may do already of their own volition and time, albeit, we are certain, to an unfair distribution of recipients, so the second tier of American Sexual Socialism has been created for these women who have so much more to give.
Tier 2 ASS obligations begin upon a woman’s 25 birthday, and continue, like Selective Service, until her 35th birthday. In an effort towards compassion, Tier 2 obligations can end earlier upon the descent of the participant’s ASS rating below the minimum, commonly referred to as “The Wall.” Once past the wall, the woman is released from the program, as her beauty has been fully distributed.
The DAT regards the 25th birthday to be a hallmark of the unmarried American woman’s selfish refusal to commit her assets to marriage and continuance of the American Way, and has designed Tier 2 to take advantage of those same assets despite her refusal.

Coming soon to your town and government sponsored, too!
With similar one weekend per month duties as Tier 1, the Tier 2 participant will check into her assigned local DAT facility and work several shifts over the course of that duty as a sex worker of government employ. As she is not compensated nor the patrons charged, prostitution laws are technically non-applicable. Tier 2 ASS participants shall receive the benefit of free health exams, birth control, and the knowledge that all of her assignments will also be screened via health exam as well as certain deviant sex acts being prohibited.
While the DAT acknowledges that sex with multiple random men does indeed disrupt the pair-bonding psychology of women, the justification lies in the fact that a woman who is not married by the age of 25 is not married for a reason, and will probably not enter into a successful marriage at that point or any time further.
Beneficiaries of DAT ASS
In an effort to recognize the contributions of American men to the economic stability of the United States and in an attempt to undo the wreckage wrought by the misguided feminist movements, all employed American men age 18 or older are eligible to receive benefits of ASS Tier One, as it is a man’s right to visually appreciate the beauty of women that his labor has benefited.

This man is ready for his ASS benefits.
Tier 2 benefits are extended to all unmarried, employed American men age 18 or older, as they are paying taxes for the upkeep of American women, yet have not claimed one as their own. The ASS is designed to promote happy marriage via new divorce laws allowing men to divorce with no financial repercussions due to “frigidity” and “lack of sexual enthusiasm,” among several other new causes, all of which are designed to ensure that employed American men are rewarded for their efforts with sexual encounters of at least an acceptable level of performance and enthusiasm, either through marriage to a loving wife, or via ASS. Divorced, pre-wall women are, of course, required to re-enroll in the appropriate ASS Tier.
In Summary

She’s doing her duty to her country.
The DAT and the Obama administration would like to thank you for taking the time to read this brief description of the upcoming ASS program. It is our hope that the imbalance of aesthetic wealth and obligations of the two sexes in this country can be resolved via careful implementation of Tier 1 and Tier 2 ASS.
The DAT would also like to solicit opinions from the American public who will be eligible for benefits of ASS in the above sections as to specifics of duties required in Tiers 1 and 2 as well as general inquiries and feedback on the program. All correspondence regarding suggestions of what else to put in DAT ASS can be directed to the email of [email protected]
Read More: International Outrage: Men Around The World Try To Stop Make-Up Artist Lecture Tour.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Brilliant!
Even if you get your “Ass Benefits,” what makes you think we need to be attractive for you or emotionally validate you in any sort of way.
THIS IS STRAIGHT UP RAPE CULTURE and tells us everything we need to know about MALE ENTITLEMENT.
They say the opposite of hate is indifference. On the other hand, we can equate the amount of time to make this shoddy but well-intentioned meme to helpless attraction mixed with feelings of self-loathing. If I were @ghostofjefferson:disqus, I would be flattered, but only if “Feminist Carrera” actually looks like Tia Carrere.
Probably not, though, since she’s a feminist…..
I could entertain a young Tia Carrere for an evening or two without guilt.
As would I.
Put her around the Wayne’s World era, and va va voom! And normally I’m not really into the whole Asian thing, but for her, I’d make an exception, she has a very hourglass European-style figure.
Agreed. The lack of boobs and butts on Asian girls is off-putting to me, although I have definitely seen many cute and slim ones. Interesting you say that because I remember reading she has some Spanish ancestry, which would explain for her hourglass figure.
I didn’t know that. That explains everything really.
I have met enough pretty, feminine, traditional, churchgoing white girls at my choral performances to leave me hope that I could nab a quality wife once my player days are over, but for now I prefer to sate my lust with Spanish and black girls because big butts and boobs are much easier to find on them than white girls. If they’re from the Caribbean, they usually have a feminine personality and a cute face to go along with it too. White and Asian girls are mostly out for me though….
I used to be and anti-feminist when I did porn and supported #gamergate, but the misogyny and the apparent worthlessness of the male gender got to me. Plus I did mostly girl-on-girl in porn so I prefer them anyway, and by not constraining myself to the male gaze I learned that I can do anything I want to my body and still be SUPER HOT!
Thou doest protest too much. Does proclaiming your “hotness” work on other men?
You need a psychiatrist.
I know, right?
I’m wondering how the above is supposed to be “hot”… looks like she could eat corn on the cob through a chain-link fence…
And what the fuck is wrong with her eyes? That’s just disconcerting… “Hey you! No, not you, the other you! Yeah, the one pointing at yourself and looking around..”
Most women want a meal ticket. They don’t expect to work their entire lives like men do. They also want children because relationships are their number one priority after provision.
I hope you’l still want to bang us when we look like this, becasue we’ll be straight-up MAN REPELLING when the time comes!!!
If you don’t that’s DISCRIMINATION, and if you do, that’s MALE ENTITLEMENT and RAPE CULTURE!!!
ALL CAPS is usually a substitute for penetrating thought..
Male’s are entitled due to the massive contributions they have made to the human race. Not all of them are discriminating when it comes to split tails like you; that’s your only hope. Any questions?
Either way the dick ends up in your ass so your fucked either way sweetie.
Stop up voting yourself cunt
It’s the only upvotes she’s gonna get. Be gentle with her. She’s a delicate snowflake.
Looks like “she” is the same stalker focused on me that has shown up here before. Poor sad little person with what appears to be rather clear mental issues. Or I attract crazies in general. It’s hard to say.
But I get it though, my awesomeness can inspire greatness, or cause jealous rage. It’s a curse, it’s a gift.
You know, I actually thought this one was one of us just trolling. But the thing about feminism is, it’s such a ridiculous and laughable belief system that I honestly cannot tell whether it is serious or not.
Yes, exactly. It’s self parodying. The “trigger” words it spouts seem custom fit to provide an example of everything we say here, but you can’t help getting the feeling that this might well be somebody who is this….touched….
To be fair I thought she was satire… Didn’t realize there were any real life people who were that far off the coo coo train…
Honestly I wish society were less accepting of these people with CLEAR mental conditions so they could get help for it, rather than just being praised as “empowered” or “independent”
In real life I’d settle for just being able to punch them in the face without repercussions. Alas, what we wish for and what is reality rarely converge.
Just say you identify as a gender-queer, black lesbian. Should get you out of a pinch.
They rarely believe that line from 6’3″ weight lifting white dudes wearing a cowboy hat. Don’t know why.
Why can’t women comment with words? Read the comments of some feminist rag site like xojane or jezebel, all the comments are stupid fucking .gifs. Spend a minute thinking and come up with an original thought for christ’s sake.
Just accuse them of being intolerant bigots. It’s how you FEEL after all, not how you look.
You kind of answered your own question.
I identify as a major league baseball short stop. When do my jersey sale royalties come pourin’ in?
“You’re violating my gender identification privilege, cis gendered shitlord!”
Not sure I can make my voice go high enough to convey feminine outrage, but it’s worth a shot.
I really, really like that song and video. Except Pauly Shore makes an appearance, and that is just wrong.
If you do the boot scootin’ boogie then I might have to consider it possible.
It still amazes me that such a large group of people who are anti queer can get up and do such a faggoty dance
You’ll have to take that up with them. I’m just the messenger.
Dance? Homey don’t play that. Fuck dancing. I sing, play guitar and drums, dancing is for the audience and pretty girls.
you know, I still blame this site for me knowing that “cis gendered” was a think. I probably could have made it through my whole life without ever hearing an alternative term for normal.
I expect to see many more of these stories coming…
Good. The more that these mental defects self mutilate, the easier they are to identify as “avoid” in public. I’m all for it.
We should start taking it back. Not that I get it around my parts, but if someone called me cis-gendered, I would reply, “Yes, I’m normal.”
I am a big believer that the only time it is appropriate for a man to dance is when he is post 70 and at a party where his grand daughter is standing on his feet
I’d say he makes a more compelling Voldemort.
We are EXACTLY on the same page here. I danced with my 4 year old daughter at a wedding, and a slow dance with the wife. Outside of that, gyrating my body on a dance floor is something that I simply have no use for. Let the plebes dance, I make the music, I win.
The last musical huzzah from GenX. Strange to think that these guys and all of the fans, girls, etc. are all my age. They still look so young and “today” mostly. Very little has changed, except inked and “make myself ugly” girls.
to be fair, this site and googling crazy cunts I read about on this site is the only time I’ve ever heard anyone use it. I just don’t travel in circles where that shit would be tolerated. While I wish I was 20 years old again, I am certainly glad I am not a college student today.
dance with daughter is acceptable so long as she was standing on your feet. that part is important I think.
“Strange to think that these guys and all of the fans, girls, etc. are all my age.”
Limp Bizkit are in their late 60’s?
Or at their wedding.
Thus quoth the Raven “Fuck you”
Heh. Fred Durst and I are almost the same age.
She was for a bit, then I picked her up so we were face to face and she laid her head on my chest, feet dangling in the air. I think that’s also an acceptable dance position.
ok, this gets acceptable male dancing pass.
Hah, sorry the opportunity presented itself and I had to take it.
Incorrect. that is what we call fruit of the poisonous tree. While you would think that dancing with your bride at your wedding gets acceptable male dancing pass, since weddings themselves are not acceptable, the dance that it entails inherits its unacceptability.
Silly me. Forgot who I was talking to.
And for the record, I was referring to the father/daughter dance at the wedding.
I support the Father of the son/bride dance. If she’s hot I mean.
Skip to the 1:40 mark:
Thought the same, or that it is GoJ’s previous stalker with all the sexual advances (from a month? or so ago) under a new account.
And the caps on every couple of words just seems like how one would convey tourettes syndrome in writing.
Or a really sticky keyboard.
Sticky from what? On second thought, let’s not go there.
This is how I’ll rule the Kingdom of Ohio after the collapse.
Hope you’ll accept my visa. Any high ranking positions I can apply for?
There will probably be a few Earldoms up for grabs, somewhere out near Millersburg or Winesburg. Good Swiss influenced area, lots of cheese, rolling hills, pretty blonde girls.
Father/daughter at wedding dance is in a category which can get a male dancing pass, but needs to be judged on a case by case basis.
Truly touching.
I lived through it, man, I can’t get the images out of my head, man. It’s getting so that I’m afraid to go to sleep at night, uh, man.
I can’t shake the feeling that I’m surrounded by people who were secretly a part of it…they say it’s over now, just a fad or passing phase, but I don’t trust my radio anymore…and Detroit never really has recovered:
I miss the 1980’s. We knew how to make music back then. And we were all pretty good at skeet.
lol. at least with the Macarena, you knew they were queer to begin with.
I left new York to visit someone in American just a few months ago and saw a bunch of guys who looked like professional bull riders get together and, with no collusion or warning, do a syncopated line dance.
We call them Goat Herders.
I start watching the Olympics again if they’d make this a sport.
n I prefer his rendition of george michael’s “Faith”
And all that without the daily recommended Kratom ingestion 😉
Great movie reference
The idea of the earldom brought back a very funny memory from forever ago and I must thank you.
In high school I was dating a girl who told me one day that she was a distant relation to Scottish royalty. That her great uncle was the Duke of Earl. Her father told her this and then called her princess since she was a little girl and I guess she just never doubted the validity of that statement.
I remember saying something like “yeah funny” not even considering she was serious. Anyway, 10 minutes later I was beating her and teasing her mercilessly…asking if she knew bad bad Leroy brown or if she had a tranny cousin named Lola etc.
I haven’t thought of her in a long time.
If you are on this site and under 18, boys, do not take stupid underage vagina for granted. One day it will be forbidden to you. Enjoy it as often as possible.
That’s back when rap guys always announced their name and were “here to say” something as well as being concerned about punctuality by Inquiring over whether you knew what time it was.
Nuh-Uh, cuz I be like:
Stop being a cunt, cunt.
Whatever you say cunt.
Another pic of a flawed person that hates themselves.
Aye. But if you put normal hair and features on her, she’d be rather attractive. Such a sad sickness, self loathing.
Was thinking the same thing. Nice facial symmetry, complexion, and jawline. Too bad it’s all hidden beneath that hideous façade.
It really is pathetic how feminism has convinced some pretty girls to lower themselves to the levels of the pigs who lead that movement. Hopefully they snap out of it in time.
You know what’s really sad is that this is the impact of progressive stack and the inversion of merit. When I was a kid we had a minority tranche of kids that dressed as peacocks or outrageously. They were fringed people. It was sad. Some were that way because of some kind of trauma and those would many times be otherwise attractive kids. Many others were just so far to the left side of the bell curve whether it was smarts, looks, athletics, sociability, psychological etc that they really had no other option. They were the absolute losers, even the geeks shunned them. And they all gravitated towards this ridiculous dress as a way to literally be noticed, because, they were literally ignored by everyone. And that is tragic especially for a child. BUT, the question is should we emulate or even imitate this behavior as though it is a productive and good thing? The progressive stack says yes and has taken a perfectly normal girl that would have, under normal conditions, been repulsed by such desperate behavior and made her into the absolute lowest loser. We all sense it, but sjw’s just want to bring everyone down to their level.
“It’s funny because it’s true.” is very appropriate to this article, DAT ASS is already in effect and has been going on for awhile.
Pretty girl interested in the latest fashion? Here try to look like a gay man or emaciate yourself.
Popular girl with an upbeat personality? Here get your skin mutilated and learn to be negative about everything (or worse, get hooked on cause-du-jour drama).
Guys are actually interested in your physique? Teach those bastards a lesson by stuffing yourself with Ding Dongs.
Google Translate has really improved in the past few years, at one time she wouldn’t have been able to post anything we could read.
But I have to admit, perhaps adding a:
“Queef to English” option wasn’t the best use of their time.
Thats right, look up at daddy and stick your tongue out.
No no, not at my eyes, my other eye.
Thats a good gurl. You want daddys love that much
Here cums daddys luv
Awww, you took down you POV video of your good gurl for daddy face
RuPaul how did you change your skin color? Isn’t that a bit racist?
You’re really underestimating the effects of a wire brush and an industrial quality hose.
You’ll thank Jesus I believe in Him.
I usually recommend not replying to the trolls, but that was a First Class answer right there, heh.
What’s funny is that the chicks “it” posted clearly are pretty underneath their self hatred. Good face symmetry, thin, nice eyes, etc. (except for the Asian chick, she’s “blah”).
agreed. Funny thing, I never dig go in for the Asian broads. And not just because every time I fuck one I am just horny an hour later. They just don’t appeal to me. There are some who are put together well enough to inspire a boner for sure, but given the shot I take the blonde every time.
I’ve never pursued them seriously at all, not even to bang. There was one Japanese exchange student chick when I was in High School who had the hots for me and was quite attractive, but I never followed up on it because I dunno, just not my thing. I guess today I might, maybe, maybe not. That whole Nordic Blonde or Redhead look just curls my toes.
“And not just because every time I fuck one I am just horny an hour later.”
Well played.
I am with you here. If I am at a bar and a buzzed and attractive girl from the mysterious east wants to show me her ancient Chinese secret, I am not going to balk…however, if she has a blonde friend who might be interested I will put the eggroll down any day.
Not quite as good as St. Nickolas, but I felt I needed to up the game.
Don’t sell yourself short. That was a nice subtle joke there.
But no, not as good as my St. Nickolas joke. It’s my fleeting moment of victory.
I was giving you credit. Do I seem like the kind of person who sells himself short?
Point made.
The king Canute / prince of tides line fell short…but I think that is because no one got it.
I will admit I didn’t.
I got the reference. Clearly, you are a Barbara Streisand fan.
My mom was OBSESSED with her. I might have to post “Evergreen” video, Ive never been banned from a site before.
I laughed out loud at that one as well.
I remember back at school, i used to sell porn on CDs and floppy disks. Asian porn was by far the least popular. I remember when my supply was low, one guy said “for fucks sake, when are you getting some porn in with normal people?”
Just so you know, what that “style” screams, plain as day, is
“please show me attention, please notice me”. Someone who goes out of their way to look like that is making it very obvious that they have internal issues, namely centered on self esteem. So, have at it, because if you look like that you’re just a loser on full display.
Or maybe, they just wish to EXPRESS THEMSELVES AS THEY SEE FIT without shame.
Plus that’s a model shot anyway, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a straight guy modeled her after what he finds attractive; at least that guys putting his fetishes to constructive use.
Nope. Sorry. On some level they don’t like themselves, and dye their hair stupid colours so that people are distracted by their outlandish hair. This is in an attempt to hide how ugly they feel on the inside.
You just need an audio clip of:
“Psychology’d!” in the Mortal Kombat dude’s voice to go with that.
If its just art then I suppose you think this is original? Why then is that kind of a person(style) just like all the others? Its not original, that is not being expressive…that is conformity, period.
Haha great shout
I…I just can’t tell if you’re for real.
Being a satirist is just hard graft these days. So if you’re not real, good job, I think, and if you are real, that color doesn’t exist in nature that can’t possibly be right.
If the only way you can express yourself is through post modern deconstructionism (which is almost a century old, by the way) you have some serious issues. Stop the subscription
“Flawless Psychology’d!”
Just another great example of why women should not be allowed to vote.
3 votes in a row, row, 3 votes in a row, row.
Actually, put a traditional hair style wig and natural color makeup on that girl and tell her to STFU, she’ll be quite pleasant.
What I said too. They’re all attractive girls trying to make themselves as ugly as the feminist pigs that they listen to. There is hope that they’ll figure it out some day though, when enough “totes hot” men laugh and turn away from them.
Yup. After I posted it, I scrolled down and saw you had said the same thing.
I like these colors. So much better than the usual red and blue feminist style.
Truth be told… if I was gay, that man with green hair would probably arouse me…
You have bested me. I concede.
Found a concession song for you 😛 (In good humor of course)
Oh damn, that’s gonna leave a mark…
To be fair though, I had one picked out for me too: 🙂
Way to break rule 47 of the 48 Laws of Power. Geez, kick a man when he’s down. I’ll remember today, good sir, and plot my vengeance.
So is this song basically about Steven Tyler?
It would appear that way.
Yep. And you won’t breed. Your dysfunction will be removed from the gene pool. In terms of the universe and nature, you truly matter to no one.
That’s the beauty of these mentally deranged. They used to get help and become normal, sometimes, and reproduce. Now they’re “loud and proud!” and too stupid to get help, so out of the gene pool with them!
Performance troll, if I had to guess.
From the looks of her, the sex would be wet and wild. Exactly what I like.
That girl’s still pretty. Good skin tone, slender, healthy. Obviously a model. The makeup, other than the lipstick, is fine. The piercings, other than the ears, are fake, and the hair is a renewable resource.
It’s not the freaky hair, or piercings, or odd makeup, or, to some extent, even the tattoos that turn men off. It’s the obesity, lack of hygiene and health, and general disregard for themselves that does it. If your entire image says “I don’t care about myself at all,” then how are we supposed to think you’d care about anyone you were dating?
It’s ok to have odd style; it’s not ok to display anything less than personal excellence if you want to present well. If a woman were athletic, beautiful, with good makeup and hygiene, and walked up to me at an event dressed in an appropriate evening dress, but had bright blue hair that was short, yet decently cut, it wouldn’t matter, because she was showing style, while at the same time showing she had her shit together.
I feel like this article was specifically to trigger the feminist troll that’s been hanging around here as of late. Good job.
Yes, and the whole thread has now been derailed because of him/her/whatever. I don’t see too much of a discussion of the article, unfortunately. At least some lulz were had.
Comments and site activity are comments and site activity. I read them all so I can learn the reception my articles get. I don’t normally do satire, so I was particularly interested this time around.
So do you believe this to be a troll or am actual feminist? Judging by post history, poster is female and was probably radicalized on Tumblr given her arguments and attitudes. Also seems to post pictures of decent looking girls with short, dyed, or undercut hair for some reason as opposed to landwhales. I don’t get it.
I’m not sure, and, to be frank, neither of us, or anyone on here, needs be concerned. Ignore her if you want, respond if you want, and if she goes too far, we ban the discus account and delete the posts and move on.
I don’t know what was going on there. I checked discus posts and they were so over-the-top that I thought it had to be a guy trying to make feminazis look bad. But then I also thought those people ARE psychotic and it could be real.
Fortuitous timing, is all. This one was written about the same time as the second rifles intro article, so 3 to 4 weeks ago. I try to keep a couple in reserve in case my job hits overdrive and nukes my evenings and weekends for a couple weeks or so.
Perfectly timed nonetheless.
Never mind Tier 1 or Tier 2 ass “Give me kratom or give me death!”
Read up on some of the required prostitution in ancient Rome and this isn’t nearly as satirical as it seems. And you can literally bet your ass the gays would demand equality with this.
Yeah, how sad when a government run brothel system would be superior to the dating environment we have now?
Random lots would be a lot better deal for most men than what passes for a market these days.
I’ve been in countries that had legalized and government regulated prostitution. The societies tend to be more moral overall, and families generally push their girls to get REAL educations and they don’t have the games and bullshit they do here in the U.S. Here, it sucks that you can have a better conversation with an old, drunk WWII vet in a bar than you can have on a date with a female.
This is supposed to be funny, right? Just asking.
They can’t slip anything past you…
Thanks. Normally it’s easy to spot humor. But it was a challenge in this case.
Yes the “DAT ASS” organization was completely believable
Believability is not the issue. There’s humor and then there’s *attempted* humor.
I *think* he’s saying he didn’t find it funny. Everyone’s a critic.
especially this guy
I read it as him commenting that it didn’t seem so far from the truth
Mebbe so.
I hope so.
wonderful article. Stefan Molyneaux brings up this subject all the time. if me. are supposed the share and spread their resources then so should women with their sexual resources.
I don’t think this is such a bad idea, actually. But then I’d most likely be listed inactive anyway (I’m overweight, not obese though, but besides that I ASSume major physical disability would put one on the inactive list also).
Got an 18 year old daughter?
No, lol, I’m actually a 31-year-old virgin.
You are a Unicorn then?
Yep, that’s me, a fluffy unicorn (except my hair isn’t pink)!
Unnatural Red?
Nope, just boring brown.
Another point for you, then.
Yet another thing my Christian college doesn’t allow is hair dyed an unnatural color (though from what I’ve seen red seems to get the benefit of the doubt even when it shouldn’t).
A Christian college? Another half point for you. You get a full point depending on what you’re studying.
right now she is studying how to manipulate the fuck out of you
Unlikely. I’m not a thirsty beta male who’s going to come to the rescue of a stranger over the internet (aka – white knight).
Trying to decide between graphic design and health sciences (started out thinking Biblical counseling, but the counseling/psychology job market is just too bleak right now).
And have you figured out to what purpose I’m trying to manipulate him?
Sounds like your calling is in the temple. . buuut anyways . .
It was born from the idea that financial assets are considered fair game for socialist redistribution in this country, but other, equally tangible assets, in this case, beauty, and all it makes available to you, are not.
This is why so many people (liberals) push the idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is patently false.
This is probably the most animated I’ve ever seen Stefan. Admittedly, I don’t watch him pretty regularly.
This is what libtards just refuse to acknowledge. Darwinism is a real thing. Men that love voluptuous breasts and long shiny hair is not a result of some social construct.
Hahaha love Stefans posh English voice, somehow I had managed to miss this video. Brilliantly done though!
The neckbeard looks like the morbidly obese “dating coach” Frank Kermet.
Dating and marrige is already legal prostitution. Government and women are on the same page. Men are still late on getting the memo. The sooner we’re all on the same page, everyone will be happier.
Yes libs, SJW, global elite are doing everything in their power to conceal this very fact.
In some college courses I took, it was put forward that the economy of 17t/18th century England was based on women’s fashions. That men, of course, had to pay for. The whole economy became based on the prestige of the newly wealthy, and the marriage market, which was used to control society. It snuck in without them realizing it, but records indicate that imports became mostly about women’s fashions and household upkeep. Exports became military and focused on colonialization while the country itself produced nothing.
Just heard on the news that France wants to make it illegal to buy the services of prostitutes but the providing is not illegal.
Wonder if they will start arresting all married and dating men too, as in the end that’s the same except with a repeat customer discount package…
It’s been illegal to either buy or sell sex services in the U.S. for as long as anyone can remember and yet prostitution still thrives. Yet the French are talking as if this is going to put some dent in the sex trade.
I think you have to be a mental midget to seriously think about the sex trade and conclude that you can defeat it with legislation. I’m in NL where it’s perfectly legal as is much of what populates prisons with nonviolent offenders all over the world.
Anyway after all one could argue that my wife is a prostitute, she doesn’t have an independent income and her cooking for me isn’t what makes me keep this arrangement… That’s how stupid it is.
For real. There’s so much money and vested interests in the system as it exists, that it’s taken on a scary life of it’s own. And it’s funded by digging into men’s pockets.
What would the screening process do to psychotic harpies like this? (And no, this isn’t satire. Protip: Turn your headphones down for the first few seconds.)
Ugh, I’ve seen this before. What an obnoxious cunt. I don’t care how thirsty you are, why would you put up with someone like this?
Good question. I can’t even imagine the poor schmuck who’s desperate to bang that psycho.
I can see why a man would want to lodge his genitals deep in her throat.
Merely to shut her up, amiright? I’m right!
imagine getting a blow job and trying not to cum because you know that the moment it over her mouth will be empty and she will be free to yell “hey, science” to which you can, aptly, respond: my name is social studies you filthy animal.
I really want to change my name to Science
All the more reason to do those Kegel exercises. Postpone the inevitable.
As long as I can change my name to St. Nickolas.
really a lose lose
Keeps her quiet longer.
She’s obviously possessed.
I don’t think she is actually aware that “Science” isn’t some guy she fucked
I made it through the first sentence….
Speaking of socialists, when Bernie Sanders wants something from a store, does he pay for it like everyone else? Or does he just confiscate it without compensating the business in the name of social justice?
That was funny ,it was hard not to bust out laughing!
Has anyone seen this? I feel like we should start a fund for this poor kid so that he can pay for his rehabilitation after his childhood is over. http://www.attn.com/stories/7008/mom-publicly-shames-son-posting-mens-rights-meme-facebook
Geez. That seems a little over the top for a mother to do to her child. Sit down with him and talk with him if you disagree with what he posts. Don’t threaten to shame him for his entire existence over it. Look at all the support that the mom is getting too on twithead. If this was a father doing this to their daughter, you can bet your sweet ass they would be trumping up some child abuse allegations against the father.
am I the only one who didn’t even get 1/3 of the way through reading this before assuming the mother was a gigantic whore?
I just assumed she was a raging feminist (those terms are synonymous, right?).
Nope, and I’d add that the “gigantic” applies probably to more than just the whoredom in this case 😉
agreed…in the strongest way possible
And yet another bold article against the patriarchy written without a comment section
Thanks, that’s a shame, assuming it’s real and not manufactured outrage.
I’d bang that big boy if he’d shave.
What about if he was not fat but kept the brush?
No, I like my men like I like my peanut butter-extra chunky.
Seeing is how english is not my first language, at first after reading the article I was like :,,well…the worlds coming to an end pretty soon”. But then after reading the comments and everyone laughing…This shit ain’t funny. It’s already here !
This program is full of holes. What if women begin shaving their heads, eating Crisco and menstruating down their leg to lower their number thereby excluding themselves from service, kind of like some guys would fake a psych condition in order to avoid the draft? Crisco is good in every hole on a woman excpt mouth. Don’t eat Crisco. Pack as much into your ass as you wish but remember, it’s NOT food.
THIS is your ass on Crisco:
Remember folks, REAL BUTTER is better, unlike Crisco which is hydrogenated machine oil that won’t metabolize and won’t burn. Crisco should only go IN THE SNATCH but never DOWN THE HATCH.
Well, the article mentioned that obese women would be made to pay higher taxes until such time as they’d lost enough weight to meet DAT ASS standards. Women who shave their heads could be made to wear a wig; in that vein, women who disfigure themselves in concealable ways would be made to conceal their disfigurements – weird piercings taken out, small tattoos covered with lingerie or makeup etc. Women who disfigure themselves in ways which can’t be concealed (those lobe-stretching piercings which when taken out leave a disgusting hole, large tattoos etc) would be put in a higher tax bracket like obese women.
What about women with physical deformities/disabilities that are beyond their control, but nevertheless render them unattractive?
Super glue. WD40 also has many yet undiscovered uses.
There are lots of men who would prefer a woman who they know has little or no choice in dating/mating etc…
Not sure, what about them now?
Hmm . . the ear lobe gagues . . I’m beginning to wonder if they’re actually an expression of a man’s anal gape or a woman’s vaginal gague reduction, kind of like how a tabernacle pipe organ flue increases in diameter as the octive is reduced.
High tax, perhaps a penal farm / fat camp?
Most women out there are on their own, self created, penial farm
you should be banned for this photo MCGOO. Really…I need an anorexic bitch as a palate cleanser now.
it is a great irony.
when it’s something women actually have leverage with (sex), they’re all for a ‘free market’ and ‘capitalist’ where they can reap the rewards of being in-demand by thirsty guys.
But when it comes to a ‘free market’ and capitalism for money (which they can’t generate like men), all of a sudden they demand socialism.
In either case, they lose their affiliation when they catch a beta who’ll give them a free ride. It kills me when I see these women with brain-dead guys on a string and it’s obvious he’s only kept around to do stuff for her that she can’t/won’t do on her own. It’s like having a pet dog to guard their house or something. . .Same thing.
Now replace beauty with wealth.
The early Soviets actually discussed instituting free love, as they called it. Of course, the idea was shot down.
Sexbots are going to be the end of male problems. It will absolutely destroy women because it will make clear just how much women depend on men for everything. Imagine them having to work as hard and long as men because men no longer want them. We are only about 5 years away.
Of course women won’t need men for sex either. Imagine a male android that is handsome, athletic, does all the household chores while its owner is at work, is an expert DIYer, is off-the-charts romantic, kind, and sensitive. And whose package is sized to the new owner before delivery, with inhuman stamina. The difference is women usually want children and a meal-ticket.
Agreed with the handsome and athletic part but he has to look like a drug dealer, dreadhead or violent criminal to really get their juices going. That’s where the real money is.
And it needs to come with a “best freind” that the female consumer can use to cheat on behind it’s back. Oh, and an ATM.
The other difference is that men have to work for their SMV, women have it given to them, then taken away.
LOL the male sexbot better come with an ATM slot as well.. but who is gonna keep stocking him with money? (The government of course…)
If you drop one of these sexbots in every third world village, they’ll be too busy gang raping them to think about coming to Europe. BOOM! You’ve solved the european refugee rape crisis.
“Sexbot: the ho that never says no”
I can’t wait for my Tom Chaplin look-alike bot! Tommy 2.0 won’t even have to be athletic, I want the fluffy version from the mid-2000’s.
It might help a lot if she doesn’t jerk and doesn’t talk like a semi-concussed Norwegian. But still, quite impressive.
Somewhere there is a dude with a jerky semi-concussed Norwegian fetish who will pay mega-bucks for an old-school model once they work out those kinks.
Robo-pussy has a long ways to go before crossing the uncanny valley. I mean I’ve not heard about the actual pussy. Find it hard to believe these “fembots” have realistic vaginas. And do the hips move, or do they just lay there …well that’s realistic all too often. Anyway, lots of wishful thinking, like with lots of tech. First VR, and virtual gfs like in the movie “Her” (but with less intelligence)
I would never stick my dick into a machine, or get into a driverless car. Imagine if your car got hacked and the state decided to off you and crash you into a brick wall!! Now imagine a ‘smart’ robot deciding to chew your dick off. I’d think twice.
Be careful with articles like this…too many are sarcasm-impaired these days
Will do. It’s appreciated.
No worries. If it wasn’t sarc the female registration age would have been 12, not 18.
Wouldn’t need anything like this if student loans and general debt was still a privilege. You would have vast expanses of impoverished womenfolk who wouldn’t make you poor by being in or dissolving relationships since they most likely wouldn’t have original debts or valid claims. The increase in credit is to blame for 95% of our modern woes despite the amazing technology at our disposal.
I agree with you 100% but think it is important to remember the old adage that it takes two to tango. It is not REALLY the increase in credit that is to blame it is people being too stupid and too greedy to use that credit responsibly. Yes, not being able to attain that credit went a long way in keeping things good, but I know people that you could give infinite credit too and they would still spend within their means because that is just how they are.
I say it all the time, the US and the west in general is facing rapid decline towards destruction and the single largest motivating force is the American middle class.
In the spirit of globalism and an attempt to help heal Europe, a new phase will be created as a Trans-Atlantic Partnership to be known as TAP DAT ASS.
Feminists want easy money because they dont get enough. But as women control men using our in-general-need-of-sex, distribution of sex would be a nightmare for them.
Even fucking ugly whales get sex as long as they have pussy.
Stop fucking whales. Use prostitution if necessary.
Oh, if only it wasn’t. 😉
Fucking brilliant haha!
Funny article, but in reality a better system than the current degenerate dating market of today! Luckily I got married at 18 haha.
This is hysterical!
Hahahaha. The thing is: you can’t possess anybody. Young people, both men and women, have to (re)learn that marriage is not about emotional or sexual gratification, but about self-sacrifice, commitment and work on yourself. After all, there’s a reason why all fairy-tales end with “and they lived happily ever after” and why nobody mentions what that “ever after” is like.
If the above satire ever became reality, the consequences would be disastrous. Scientific research has shown that a woman’s genes are influenced by every man she sleeps with. That lovers (or johns) leave an imprint on a woman’s DNS is even mentioned in an article on this blog.
Do you really want watered down genes for the American nation? For any other nation?
And do you believe that it is healthy to get something without GIVING? That such a system wouldn’t lead to a degeneration of male souls?
In the fifties and sixties, a time that many of you greatly idealize, things were different indeed. Men were the captains of and providers for their families, and women were the caretakers, who often fell pregnant due to a lack of quality in birth control (high hormone dosage, strong side effects, hesitation to take the pill..). Consequently, men had to work very hard to feed all those hungry mouths. Were they frequently rewarded for their efforts? Did they get sex very often? Well…women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or raising six kids are too tired. So…no.
Sometimes women gave in to make their men happy.
But often they said “no”. Or they gave their men boring sex.
Life went on.
Most people were not too demanding. Women sacrificed most of their dreams for their families; and men sacrificed quite a lot of their sexual desires and freedom (from responsibility or to roam around) to become the captain of a family.
Whether you accept or reject feminism, there’s a disaster looming, which can’t be averted: as long as both or just one gender insist(s) on RECEIVING and refuses to GIVE, society will fall apart.
Both partners need to be willing to self-sacrifice and to GIVE if they want their marriage to become a long-term success. Women whose sense of entitlement is too strong make marriages fail. But men with the same problem do the same. The above mentioned program would feed the ego of men tremendously. Men’s sense of entitlement would become a destructive force.
Very Swiftian in outlook and presentation. Bravo!
Any one here read a novel called “The Rainbow Cadenza”?
No, is it worth reading? I am reminded of a ME society mentioned by Herodotus where every woman was required to offer her services as a prostitute for one day for the local religious sect when she turned 18.
This idea proposed here is one of the major themes in the book. In this dystopic future history, the government had re-engineeried the natural ratio of the sexes to 7:1 male:female to support ongoing wars.. Sex is distributed – to those males not queer or married – through state sponsored Dicteria. Heterosexual males not married can lose their Dicterial privileges for a variety of offenses. Women are drafted under Selective Service to staff the Dicteria. As veterans these women receive special privileges. The novel intended this to be a satire on both socialism and and certain psychological theories.
Can left-handed chicks get a waiver?