Swedish Feminist Loses Her Job Because Of Her Man-Hating Facebook Videos

EliSophie Andrée got a job as a receptionist at a physical therapy clinic in Helsingborg, Sweden. But when her boss, a woman, found out she had posted radical feminist “poetry” videos on Facebook, she told her to pack up her things and go home.

This story raises the question of whether should be able to fire someone for their opinions. On the one hand, it would be a fitting way to punish feminists for their hateful views. On the other hand, anti-feminist men have become targets as well, and at a much higher rate.

She got the boot after three shifts

EliSophie Andrée was happy about her new job at the clinic. She needed the money to go on a trip over the summer with her boyfriend. But after having worked only three shifts as a receptionist, the 19-year-old was fired. Her boss found out about her political views and decided she had to go. EliSophie told Sveriges Radio:

She called me up and told me I was fired. I partly felt trampled on in patriarchal terms [emphasis mine], but also that you step on someone as an individual. And I thought, how many has this boss done this to previously?

The clinic is privately owned, and this could not have happened if it was run by the government. EliSophie said she couldn’t understand that a female boss would do something like that. The employer, who wants to remain anonymous, defended her decision:

The reason that EliSophie did not get to continue working for me was that I think her videos violate the ethical rules and that they can offend my patients.

Whether or not you can legally fire someone for their opinions seems to be an open question, with some experts saying it isn’t normally allowed according to the law. But as I’m writing this, EliSophie is still fired and haven’t pressed charges against her former employer.

Makes “poetry” about men having small dicks


I decided to watch some of this girl’s videos to hear what she’s actually said that was so terrible. What first strikes me as I enter her Facebook page is how stereotypically feminist she looks. Blue and purple hair, chubby body, and just a weird face overall. She describes herself as a spoken word artist and poet, and she calls her videos poems.

After watching a few of her “poems” I can safely say that it’s the most obnoxious stuff I’ve ever seen. She tries hard but fails miserably at being funny. Her god-awful opinions include that men who won’t sleep with transsexuals must have small dicks, and that men who want to talk about the fact that men get raped as well, are just trying to take attention away from women’s issues.

In one video she claims she doesn’t hate men. This seems to contradict all of the videos she’s done where the one common theme is man-hating, where she lambastes men in general and makes fun of those who criticize feminism. I don’t blame her former employer for thinking that this rabid young woman is not fit for a civilized workplace.

Hateful employees are bad for business


The interesting question here is if it’s all right to fire someone for having the wrong opinions. If you asked me that without giving any particular context or example, I would’ve probably said no. I’m mostly concerned for the sake of anti-feminist men, not being able to speak their mind for fear of losing their job. Being politically incorrect shouldn’t be a sufficient reason in itself to fire a guy. Ultimately, this could be viewed as a matter of freedom of speech.

But at the same time, it’s obvious that having certain strong opinions can get in the way of you fulfilling your duties. Belief systems do matter. There are cases where some opinions should rightfully disqualify you from being hired. Hating certain groups of people makes you very unsuitable for doing jobs where you might need to deal with those people. An openly racist person isn’t fit to work at a hospital, for instance. A nurse who hates black people can definitely not be relied on to perform at her best when a black patient is in need of treatment.

Many of you probably agree with me that racist views can’t be tolerated at a place of business that serves customers of all colors. The same standard should be applied to radical feminists. Their man-hatred would ideally disqualify them from working at any place that’s open to men. You can’t count on them to treat men the same way they treat women, and chances are they’ll treat men badly. That’s not only morally wrong, but also bad for business.

In the case of EliSophie and the clinic, it was probably the right decision to let her go. But what would’ve been even better is if she had never been hired in the first place. Her Facebook videos are public, and anyone can easily do a simple background check on her. Now she’s a martyr for those who think “the patriarchy” is out to get women.

Some advice to all employers looking to hire new staff members: consider purple hair a big red flag.

Read More: Feminist Book Is Being Handed Out To Thousands Of Swedish Teenagers

325 thoughts on “Swedish Feminist Loses Her Job Because Of Her Man-Hating Facebook Videos”

  1. Feminists got men fired for their opinions, so it’s just fair. I personally think that you should not be fired for your opinion. You should be fired if you don’t do your fucking job. If a nurse or doctor won’t care for a black man because they’re racist, let ’em go.

    1. What if there were a restaurant full of her as waitresses at a Hooters? No one would go.

    2. “I personally think that you should not be fired for your opinion.” You know what happens when you don’t suppress a political enemy, and try to allow them to coexist? They come and stab you in the back. We need to suppress feminism at close to all cost.

      1. “Don’t suppress a political enemy,” someone having a different opinion than you does not make them an enemy, unless it’s religion of course.
        It’s only when these opinions incite violence or harm to people that they are wrong.
        For example, I think all people who believe in a god and afterlife like Heaven and Hell are stupid naive brainwashed idiots who haven’t looked at the world around them and seen that things are fucked up. I do not believe in an afterlife or a god.
        HOWEVER, I do NOT think that these people who do should die. I do not wish violence onto them if they are peaceful. They have different opinions, but they are not the enemy. Feminism wants people to die just for having different opinions, which is wrong in itself. That is when we need to suppress them.

        1. Do you suppose that normal people can deal with other normal people who have different views, but hostile megalomaniacs cannot be tolerated by anyone no matter what their views are? By this I mean, I would not care if a hostile and psychotic megalomaniac happened to agree with me about most subjects, I would still feel obligated to oppose them and reject them due to their dangerousness and harmfulness and megalomaniacal nature. I would be forced to take sides with those with whom I “disagree” due to the nature of the situation. I’m thinking of what Voltaire said about disagreeing with what we say but defending to the death our right to say it.

        2. “someone having a different opinion than you does not make them an enemy, unless it’s religion of course.” I don’t really consider them enemies, I don’t really want to fight them, however, in the mast 50 years as Society accepted these people, they have taken over the western world and have started to terrorize, suppress, humiliate, etc. people who don’t follow their philosophy.
          “It’s only when these opinions incite violence or harm to people that they are wrong.” And they have. Frankfurtism has given us legal abortion, they consistently fire people from jobs simply for not being “tolerant” (how ironic), and torment males simply for the fact that men were born male.
          “HOWEVER, I do NOT think that these people who do should die. I do not wish violence onto them if they are peaceful. They have different opinions, but they are not the enemy. Feminism wants people to die just for having different opinions, which is wrong in itself. That is when we need to suppress them.” That is exactly what I was saying, feminism try’s to suppress other groups, so they must be suppressed themselves.

        3. As someone who is libertarian, I am always having to call out other libertarians for going against principles, fallacy in their logic, or simple oalfish behavior that is antithetical to libertarianism.
          It can sometimes be more difficult to disagree or debate those on your side than it can be to disagree with those to whom you are diametrically opposed.
          However, in my defense, anarchists can’t agree anything anway, so…there’s that.

        4. Remember this is not a difference of opinion. This woman is advocating for gendercide. She is advocating killing the majority of the male population. If that is not inciting violence against us I have trouble seeing how anything else ever could be so defined.

    3. Professional ethics and the Hippocratic Oath don’t allow discrimination by a doctor. A professional should not voice his prejudices publicly but he could have them, but not act on them.
      If she is dealing with the public and open about her bigotry it probably would make her unable to perform her job tasks. She shouldn’t be fired if she keeps it to herself, which she apparently doesn’t.

    4. Many small businesses need to get back to a professional appearance when hiring (that means all of these blue hair women with nose piercings are out).
      At some point, you have to make a decision to live in the grown up world as an adult. Change your appearance to be more professional (an adult) for an adult job. If you want to be a fucking circus clown, then keep the blue hair…the circus is up the road.

  2. I’m gonna print her Photo and use it as a poster in my bedroom. Whenever I’m about to cum too fast I will look at it.
    Finally these ugly ass hoes are useful for something.
    Edit: Seems like I’m top comment so I’m going to use it for something good:
    Every Guy who is reading this; YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK : The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar.
    The author is a woman and she reveals the true nature of women. This book is so brutally real it will hurt. Even if you are a redpill already . Can’t imagine how bluepills have to feel after reading it.
    You can read it here: https://dontmarry.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/the_manipulated_man.pdf
    Roosh made a review about it in 2012 already (http://www.rooshv.com/the-manipulated-man), but it deserves a massive bump. In fact, it has to be on the front-page of every manosphere-blog.

      1. Put some up in the attic and/or in the basement, too — scare the rats and mice away.

        1. So long the genocide/gendercide is environmentally friendly I have no qualms nor regrets.

    1. Be careful, you don’t want your hard-on to avoid you for the rest of your life.

      1. While loading the comment page the browser showed her picture for just a second…. Now I totally lost my morning wood 🙁

    2. That might be dangerous, your dick might just invert itself inside your body and cause irreparable damage.

      1. Or you might gradually become attracted to her and start thinking being blue pill with a bossy hog chick ain’t so bad.

        1. Yes and then you’ll fantasize about her cheating on you and you’ll get off on it, while you stay at home.

        2. And the fantasies will increase in their level of simpering beta-ness…it will get so bad that you’ll be running the hoover around the house with your pinny on while daydreaming about her being spit-roasted by your best mate and brother.

    3. You’d want to be careful doing that — just looking at her pictures here, it could lead to impotence…

    4. My dog looked at my computer screen while reading this article. He won’t lick his balls any more.

    5. “YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK : The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar. The author is a woman and she reveals the true nature of women. This book is so brutally real it will hurt. Even if you are a redpill already”
      — I originally borrowed it (after hearing about it on ROK) from a university library about 2 years ago. Checked back last fall, and it had disappeared. After having been there since the early 80s(!) it had been heisted. Now, this IS Montreal we’re talking about, which has become a shithub for SJW activity… and it shows the depths they’ll sink to in order to silence opposing viewpoints. It also shows that this particular book is hated (feared?) by them.
      — NOTE : This winter, I requested a local public library to order a copy (just so there is a physical copy available for loan in the city)… Fucking idiots ; Do you think you can silence us with your hate crimes?!

      1. If Canada is anything like the UK, if you ask for a book at the library that they don’t have, they’ll order it in for you (so purchase it). You can then return it to the library and there’ll be another copy on the shelves!

      2. Damn thats some crazy shit. Thanks to the Internet we can spread it as much as we want.
        That’s why you should share this book with every guy you care about. Most of them will stay beta’s for the rest of their lifes anyway. Save the ones that deserve it.

  3. I doubt she would have been fired had she had merely been making considered pro feminist arguments or reciting “poetry” expressing her feelings about being a woman.
    We would have to tolerate that.
    She seems to have set out to be offensive, to be insulting, to be indifferent to men and to attempt to be hurtful, and she did so under her own name. At the same time she wants to work as a receptionist in a public clinic that is about caring and healing. I can see why she was fired, I would not trust the clinic with the health of my father, son or myself as it may share similar negative views about men and neglect their welfare.
    It’s worth considering the position of a Sweddish male who makes polite arguments asserting Sweddish identity, opposing 3rd world immigration, highlighting ethnic crime with appropriate caveats and qualifications. He would not need to be offensive, he would merely need to hold those views I immagine.
    This woman, Despit being in the bloom of youth is not very attractive and she has laboured to become more unattractive. I would say she is borderline repulsive in appearance due to this, her nose is far to big flat and broad.
    I’m actually very broad minded in my affinity for women irrespective of age or weight but this one looks like a troll.
    What makes a woman turn into such a haradin? It would be interesting to ask

  4. “I partly felt trampled on in patriarchal terms”
    What does that even mean? The boss was a woman.

      1. As far as feminists are concerned, “logic” is a “patriarchal concept” that eeevil White men use to “rape Mother Earth!”

    1. That’s why it makes no sense here…and she was fired by a woman. A message was sent….hopefully, more to follow.

  5. Of course opinions matter and her employer is free to pick and choose her co-workers.
    There is too much PC talk crap in the world. Radical feminists are mentally unstable, radical racists or Islamists should not be trusted either to perform well in a modern open work environment. SJWs feminists like Ellen Pao can only be hired with a 100 mio. $ legal fund and 500 mio. $ in expected damage control set aside – if you cannot afford that, then you better should not hire her.

    1. Any entrepreneur should be free to make any decision they want regarding their own investment.

        1. That is at best a drunken 2/10. The hair color and vitriol say stay the fuck away even in my drunkest states

        2. From the pictures she is a definite 3/10, but with the feminist hair probably 2 or less as people rightly pointed out.
          I was surprised no one challenged me on my original post.That is my position but I don’t know if it is the majority one here.

        3. Some chick shows up for my reception job with blue hair, I’ll tell her that I also have other candidates to interview and that I’ll keep her resume on file. File 13 (the recycling bin)

    2. Indeed. More owners need to take the “Beach Body” business approach or Trump approach “you’re fired”….doesn’t matter who you are, sweetie.

    3. Agreed.
      But that’s not what the OP is arguing. Firing people for their privately held beliefs and speaking their minds away from work? That’s fucked up. Apparently, not even the inside of your own head is safe anymore…
      And hiring and firing anyone they want? For any reason? Or no reason? That directly implies that Private Property is still alive and well in this country…
      Private Property – the concept of doing what you damn well please with your own damn property, hiring whomever you want for whatever reasons you want, selling to whomever you please (or not) – hasn’t existed in a very long time…
      Now, apparently, we’re down to punishing people with different opinions…
      Not defending She of the Blue Hair… but I’m smart enough to know that today it’s her. Tomorrow, it’s gonna be us…

      1. You said you agreed with my original comment but not “for their privately held beliefs and speaking their minds away from work”.
        I’m not sure how exactly you agree with it.
        Should I be allowed to hire based on race, gender, nationality. What freedoms in choosing employees should companies have?

        1. Okay, I’ll explain it.
          Theoretically, the owner of a private company can hire and fire whomever they want for whatever reason – or no reason – and cater to any customer they care to (or not) because of the concept of private property. The business is theirs and as such they can do with it as they damn well please. I am excluding contractual employment for the sake of simplicity.
          However, private property has ceased to exist in this country. It was spiked through the heart and rendered extinct about 60 years ago, give or take.
          Now, not to parse things too finely, but if you want to nuke someone for their job performance or something else job related, then I got no beef with the owner. Or the owner could have fired them just ’cause they felt like it, and I would also be totally cool with that. It’s their company, not mine.
          Owner could have just said “Sorry, but this isn’t working out. Seeya.”
          But, they didn’t say that, did they?
          Owner went out of their way to say “Hey, I don’t like your private opinions outside of work, so I’m canning you.”
          Which is condemning someone for their privately held beliefs. Literally punishing them for what they think.
          And that right there is fucked up.
          People are not entitled to employment anywhere. Nobody owes you a living. But folks are entitled to their own freakin’ private opinion without worrying about public blowback. And, since we’re reading about it, it’s very much public blowback…
          OP went straight to the Thought Police Option – alleging that folks who hold unpopular opinions are incapable of doing their job – in his case, raaaaycissms (you have to say that and whine through your nose doing it) without offering up a shred of proof to backstop his point.
          On it’s face, it would seem the two concepts are at odds with each other. And in truth, they are. Which right trumps which? Does the right to freedom of speech trump the right to private property?
          The only way I can find a happy medium between the two is that if the employee keeps their ‘unpopular’ (though, unpopular to whom?) opinions out of the workspace, then no problems.
          Does She of the Blue Hair holding an unpopular opinion violate the owner’s right to Private Property? No. Does the owner shit-canning She of the Blue Hair because of her opinions violate her right to free speech? In my opinion, yes.

        2. I’m not sure what you mean by private property has ceased to exist in this country, are you from North Korea? but I agree with you that companies are restricted by the Government.That doesn’t mean it’s right.If I don’t like someones private opinions why can’t I use it as a reason why I didn’t hire them?

        3. I’m an American by chance, Southerner by the grace of God.
          Not sure what I mean by private property ceasing to exist in this country?
          Tell me, what do you think will happen if you stop paying your property taxes on your house?
          Or better yet, let’s say you own a business. What do you think will happen if you put out a sign that said “WE DON’T SERVE MUSLIMS”?
          Your property is either yours to do as you damn well please, or it’s not.
          And “not” is pretty much where we are right now.
          As far as you using someone’s privately held opinions to not hire someone? That’s the way it should be. They are there voluntarily – nobody forced them to apply for work at your business. And as such, you can hire whomever you want, for whatever reason you want. Or not.
          But, that’s not the way it IS.
          You can’t have your cake and eat it, too, which is what the Statist Thugs are arguing. They’re more than happy to spike private property (one of the bedrock principals this Republic was founded upon) through the heart and kill it, but then want to be exempt from the New Rules they’ve imposed upon you. (And me, and every other Producer out there).
          WE aren’t allowed to do as we damn well please, but THEY don’t want to be held accountable to their own damn rules.
          Each right – private property and free speech – has it’s arguments and merits and drawbacks. Like I said, they seem to be at odds with each other (because in this case, they are).
          I just don’t like seeing our side jumping on the Thought Police bandwagon in a fit of petty vindictiveness… and I refuse to adopt The Other Side’s methodology because I’m better than they are.

        4. I’m from Ireland. It’s not about not jumping on the Thought Police bandwagon, it’s about freedom of speech.

        5. The part of the US I live in – born and raised – was settled by mostly Irish and Scots, but also some English and Germans for flavor.. some of the toughest sumbitches that ever existed. They had to be. Plenty of their descendants live around here to this day.
          Fiercely independent, and we got no problems telling you what we think of you. I like the Irish – had a good friend named Martin. An Irishman. Flew rotary wing aircraft off the HMS Invincible. Good man. Used to kid him about y’alls habit of jinxing ships by giving them names that piss off Fate. “Invincible”… “Titanic”… But that was a lifetime ago…
          Look, I got no beef with Blue Hair’s private opinions. She’s welcome to them. If a person has a business, they should be able to use any criteria they want for hiring and firing. And a person should be able to voice their opinions without fear of blowback.
          But that’s not the way it is anymore. Private property is extinct. And people look over their shoulder before speaking their minds in a hushed voice, lest one of the Professionally Offended hear them and they lose their job…
          Fucking Soviet Union…

        6. God has forsaken the USA because we forsake Him…
          Best we can hope for now is Him granting us the courage to face what’s coming without flinching…

        7. You’re not down yet. It’s so sad so many of you want to be like socialist EU. You have always being the voice of reason in the west.

        8. Heh… it’s weird hearing actual hope about the future of the US. Yeah, I know I’m a cynic. Part and parcel with being a 13’er – snarky cynicism is our nature… but it’s still nice to hear some optimism now and again.
          I still think we’re pretty much done. I won’t post some multi-page screed about why I think we are. Just a couple things:
          – it is now mathematically impossible to pay off our debt. Not the deficit – the debt. There are more people on the dole in the US than there are Producers – meaning, you can tax us at 100% and it’s still not enough to pay for them all. Unfunded Liabilities (a 10-dollar word for “shit you agreed to pay for, but hasn’t come due yet”) sit at a projected 200 Trillion dollars.
          There isn’t enough currency in the world to pay that off… and that’s just the tip of the economic iceberg. Guys like Paul Craig Roberts, Bob Gore – all us Von Mises and Hayek acolytes – have written for years about this stuff…
          The other thing is that “Diversity + Proximity = War”.
          The US is more fractured and divided right now than at any point in our history, save perhaps the 1850’s. Which was the run-up to Mr. Lincoln’s War. It’s not a condition unique to us – you get enough people openly hostile to each other in close proximity, and the only thing that keeps the lid from blowing off is the Peace of the Bayonet. Meaning: an uneasy peace is enforced by an entity big enough and bad enough that all factions fear Official Blowback if they attack their rivals.
          You as an Irishman know this. Look at The Troubles. And that was over a bit of difference in religious dogma. The Peace of the Bayonet only lasts as long as the fear is great enough. But the bayonet is always removed – for one reason or another. And then all of Hell breaks loose. Think “former Yugoslavia”, the Levant, central Africa, Northern Ireland, Ukraine, various South American banana republics…
          We’re not exempt, nor immune to these forces. And I think we can’t change our trajectory – or even slow it down – even if we wanted to…
          God protect you.

        9. You say that sarcastically, but documents from the former soviet union at the fall show that he was pretty much right on the button.

        10. Wow that’s super pessimistic and what’s worse I can’t disagree. My only quibble is with what you wrote about the troubles.
          I don’t want to bore you with Irish history and I understand if you don’t read.When we were offered a peace deal by Britain in 1921 it was put to the people in a referendum and the majority voted in favor. This led to civil war and we the majority won. Since then the marxist organization the IRA has randomly bombed and killed innocent people supposedly in the name of Irish freedom. Their political party Sinn Fein is now the 3rd largest party in our parliament and growing along with numerous far left parties. This terrorist organization is now lecturing us on morality and spouting the usual socalist bullshit. They are winning the debate because there’s a lot of “facts” we’re not allowed to question anymore.
          Do you see any hope from the push back that started with Gamergate. I’m posting from my phone so sorry for all the typos.

        11. History is a passion of mine. It doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. And, as we are all part of the Greater European Brotherhood, what happens “over there” is of as much interest to me as what happens “over here”.
          I thank you for taking the time to post what you have – especially since you’re only using a phone. I actually do know a bit about The Troubles, and what you say is 100% correct – I did not mean to minimize or otherwise piss on the deaths of a great many good people by boiling it down to “a bit of difference in religious dogma” shorthand. For comparison, I use the same shorthand to describe the current situation in the Middle East.
          The difference between the M.E. and Northern Ireland is that I have empathy for the Irish.
          The pushback that started from Gamergate? Erm… no. I didn’t even know what Gamergate was until fairly recently, and I consider myself well-informed. Well, better than the average ‘Murkin anyway…
          It’s just my opinion – since nobody can see the future, and I am not some Mad Prophet wandering the Internet wastes with a sandwich board that says “THE END IS NIGH!” – but I think too much damage over too long a period of time by too many maniacal, power-hungry assholes have written our doom.
          I had hoped to be dead by the time Shit Goes Down – I’ve fought the Rich Man’s Wars and been Israel’s Bitch and, though I am not yet old, I can see “old” from my front porch, and I am tired. I carry enough scars and injuries for half a dozen people because of it. But, I am convinced Shit Will Go Down in my lifetime. We used to call such things “getting right sporty”.
          Look at the current state of the presidential election over here. Whomever is ramrodding Trump’s campaign is a straight up INTJ genius. Folks are pissed off and they’re not so much supporting Trump as sticking their thumbs in the eye of the Establishment Elites. There’s still a very good chance Trump will win the most delegates, but that has the Elites shitting kittens – and so it’s been non-stop Blowdried Hairdos on the idiot box talking about “how the guy with the most delegates doesn’t always get the nomination”…
          Now, think about that and how right fucked it is…
          The whole point of “winning delegates” is so that the guy GETS the nomination.
          By disregarding that and throwing the guy under the bus, then nominating some Establishment Crony, this means your “vote” doesn’t mean a damn thing.
          But, those same Establishment Elites want you to vote for their Crony come the November election… which means your vote matters.
          Which means your vote simultaneously doesn’t matter and does matter at the same time!
          This is the kind of silly shit that chaps my ass. The kind of stuff that piss folks off righteously… granted, it takes us awhile to get any traction, but once folks get moving and pointed in the right direction… and by that point, I think any chance at peaceful discourse is impossible. But not because we have made it so…
          3 Boxes of Liberty: Ballot Box. Jury Box. Cartridge Box.

        12. We’re way off topic. My first post “A privately owned company should be able to hire and fire anyone it wants.” You haven’t convinced me it’s incorrect. I take your point on private property, I think you’re right the Government really owns everything but that doesn’t mean it’s right?

        13. That’s just it – it’s not incorrect. In fact, I’ve been arguing that very point up and down this thread…
          The thing is, the right to private property – in this case, a private business – is at odds with the right to freedom of speech. Yes, the owner has the right to hire and fire anyone they please. Or serve anyone they please. Or not. It’s theirs.
          But the employee also has the right to speak their mind on their own time away from work without fear of repercussions at work. That is literally punishing someone for what they think.
          I champion liberty whenever I can – and I admit I don’t have all the answers to everything. I suppose in a true free society (which can only exist if that society is homogeneous and moral) the employee is free to speak their mind and hold any opinion they want. And the business owner free to fire them for any reason – including their opinion. Which is what we used to have.
          But we’re pretty far afield from where we started in this country…

        14. Honestly I’m confused about it.I was confused when reading his article and that’s why I commented.I still liked his piece, it was thought provoking and very well researched. He even listened to her feminist poetry. That shows journalistic dedication.
          I hope I didn’t come across as too sarcastic. I was a bit when I said you must be from North Korea but you schooled me there. I don’t think I’d do well against you in a live debate, except maybe about “The Troubles”:D

  6. “men who won’t sleep with transsexuals must have small dicks”
    I’m hoping no-one will ever explain that to me. I just keep staring at that sentence riveted by its sphinx like impenetrability. Talking of impenetrability: she’s a 3/10 tops

      1. I think Brianna Wu did the blue hair at one point – maybe you’re thinking of her.

      2. “opinions include that men who won’t sleep with transsexuals must have small dicks”
        you might have hit the nail on the head?

  7. Guaranteed this is one of the same women who were Shouting out their STD/STI status the other day…

        1. Just goes to show how some demented people cannot accept the consequences for the results of their poor decision-making. “STOP IT! You’re hurting my feeeelings! It’s all the fault of you eeevil people who are passing judgement on me! I’M A VICTIM!”

        2. The question is: does she warn her sexual partners that she has a STI?
          If she does, then it’s up to them. If you wanna fuck a girl with herpes, don’t cry later because your dick hurts.
          But if she doesn’t, that could be even considered criminal behaviour.

        1. Yep. That seems to be the new term. All I can think is: I’m sorry, I don’t consider a lifetime subscription to “The Herpes Life” lovely at all.

      1. At least they are doing the public a service (a favor). Now you know which special snowflakes to avoid.
        I’m wondering how many people (who recognize these women) give them that dirty STD look when they see them in public.

        1. I’m wondering how many people (who recognize these women) give them that dirty STD look when they see them in public.
          I hope all of them. The sad thing is when you go through the comments is that all of these people are trying to downplay the effects of STDs and that condoms aren’t effective in preventing them. The endgame is that these disgusting, diseased whores want everyone to be infected so that no one can discriminate against them. Equality in the most horrible sense of the word.

        2. Indeed…and good point. It’s always about lowering the bar so that everyone is the same. This one has to be the worst because they are calling for everyone to be infected with a disease. Anyone infected with a disease (an STD) should be looked down on by society. It’s how a society measures individuals (and the decisions that they make in life). You may have a small minority that was unaware that their partner had an STD but for the most part, these women are sleeping around (carelessly) and contracting these diseases.
          More bad decisions and choices made by women…and now they are trying to escape the consequences that come with those bad decisions.

      2. This is certainly the most insane thing I have seen in awhile. You can actually see the crazy in her eyes.

      3. This kind of shit makes me wish for a meteor to wipe our species out permanently

        1. Clark Kent aka Superman is on here somewhere. I keep trying to convince him to punch the Earth’s core and give us all an honorable death, but he won’t do it. Clark, where are you???

    1. “STI’s are not a consequence of poor decisions or bad character”?
      Yeah, right…just like going bankrupt is not a question of poor decisions or bad financial sense.

      1. Well, they are not necessarily. You can get a STI even if you keep precautions and you’re not highly promiscuous in a risk group. And you can go bankrup because your house takes fire, or because you’re shot by a robber, not your fault.
        Of course, those are exceptions, most of time it is about poor decisions.

        1. You mean like when a virgin is raped and given an STI? Find me a case like that where the girl had no blame and I’ll feel sorry for her. I won’t hold my breath. One can’t make universal rules that are 100% true, but they do hold true 99.5% of the time.

    2. the dude posting ,,Getting herpes is not your fault.” got me.
      He wins the internet!

    3. She keeps telling herself that with the 1000 cock stare (staring back at her in the mirror). I guess the voices in her head are working overtime.

  8. It would be good if companies woke up to the fact that feminism is poison, and will negatively impact their profitability. At the moment making feminist noises may appease some female customers, but truth is companies know that hiring a feminist is a recipe for complaints, quotas over merit, getting sued over nothing, costly and unreasonable demands. Basic economic suicide.

      1. no doubt, but if that’s about power etc it will also be about economics, just not in the crude sense we typically think in terms of. For smaller companies though the mindset may be more pragmatic and less ideological

  9. Any extremist is a pain in the ass to work with. At least her coworkers no longer have to worry about her being more focused on he pc “gotcha” game than on the work she was hired to do.

    1. I noticed that too. In Sweden, the woman must be the one with the balls to do something. I bet that if the boss was a faggot swedish male, he would have never fired her.

      1. Well, you know that if it HAD been a man who had fired her, she would be throwing a tantrum, threatening to sue him and the clinic, and screaming “DISCRIMINATION! PATRIARCHY! MISOGYNY!” all the while. Just like here, only women can criticize feminism or defend men’s rights in the media.

    2. Shes influenced by the patriarchal system, kinda like how racist non white people are influenced by white people to be racist

    3. An excellent move. I am all for freedom of speech but in a private business you have to decide what is best for the business. It was a bonus that this woman was fired by another woman so she can’t use the old “patriarchy” excuse of being fired (or a sexist one).
      Here is hoping that more private businesses are part of the cleansing that is needed against these SJWs.
      When you get down to it, a business owner (especially a small business owner) doesn’t have time for this nonsense. The owner is too worried about getting in new business, keeping the doors open, paying bills, etc….this kind of shit will get you dismissed, quickly.

  10. Well, next time I want to complain about squirrels at my job I’ll think twice in case I offend people that look like her, and then get fired, like she did.
    Looks like the pendulum has swung too far to the left in Sweden. Now it’s just a matter of the rest of the world…

    1. Wow. Just wow. Definitely deserves a RoK article. She is being mercilessly bullied @ twitter.

    2. Her “my brain” description… Most guys could care less what a broad thinks if their paying for sex, as long as a prostitutes mouth is shut and her legs are spread, that’s all most dudes could care about. Prostitution doesn’t require any IQ. Yeah, like a Man is going to pay money to a prostitute to hear her talk about her Ideas, only the vain ego of the Modern western feminist could think itself so profound to Rationalize that.

      1. Beat me to it. Or as Mel Brookes said “Stand Up Philosopher”. Same shit.

  11. Birds go through great lengths to look good in photos and this one is no exception! Her normal pictures must be………*SHUDDERS*

      1. Well, I have yet to see, or have never seen, a smashingly babe-alicious “feminist” of her ilk. Most (all) are detestable wenches, which I guess explains why they’re universally bitter and contemptible …

    1. Because attractive women don’t need feminism. The patriarchy serves them just fine…

  12. Well point blank, she hates men because she can’t get a beta, much less alpha male, to take her seriously. Not to mention that feminist opinion is nothing to get fired over, it’s everywhere. I think it’s that her postings, and videos indicate a severely disturbed person who can’t be trusted to do the right thing, especially in a health care setting where people (men) are the most vulnerable.

  13. I can’t see a problem with a private business hiring and firing who it wants.

  14. As an employer I would fire her if I knew she harbored such extreme views and expressed them in a public setting. I do not want to hire fanatics or zealots… just good drones

  15. As long as your ideas don’t interfere with your professional life, you should be able to say and think what you please.
    Lets not lower ourselves to the same level as the crazy, alt right, femanazies and SJW’s that would strip away our right to free speech.

  16. She “doesn’t hate men”, huh? Well, she has a strange way of showing it.

    1. He must have the “small dick” she repeatedly references in her “poems” to end up with an overweight my pretty pony for a gf.

    2. I don’t. I hope he gets hurt bad. Real bad. Then he’ll wake up, and then I’ll feel sympathy for him.

    3. She probably doesn’t even have a boyfriend. She just says she has one so she can try to appear “normal”.

  17. LMFAO! It’s about time that being a femicunt finally backfired on one of these obese, tatted up, purple haired losers…

  18. I really don’t understand this shitty trend of blue hair. I’m seeing it more and more, everyday I have to see at least one. The girls that dye their hair blue are already ugly to begin with, so I’m not sure why they make themselves even less attractive. Does anyone have any idea of who originated the blue hair? We all know women are not original or creative, so they are more than likely copying someone they think is cool.

    1. They don’t know why they do it. They just conform. I’m afraid that’s all the wisdom I can lend on the topic.

      1. Oh come on. Nothing says ,,hey, give me some attention” like dying your hair blue or green or vomit.
        Anyway, these sub-human females are just the foam of the crop, when I see a ,,man” wearing tight jeans and died hair…that’s something that stings your soul not only your eyes. Society is FUCKED !

        1. I’ve seen this a couple of times on boys (men) and I comment on it. I tell these young men that the hair color and jeans are what women do….not men.
          They seemed pretty confused after that point (I guess it doesn’t register or they don’t see themselves as men).

        2. “buh buh buh real men are secure and don’t have to worry about being judged if they dress as a girl. I guess you’re not a real man, because you are not secure enough to dress like a woman in public, buh buh buh” or some such nonsense.

        3. Everytime I did that they confroted me with a ,,It’s my choice do to whatever I want” in a bitchy tone, and I’m talking about males here…I was left speechless. The devil had it’s way with a lot of folk – twisted their minds. I’m asking for help now, how can one try to ,,untwist” the mind of an omega or beta ? Just telling them upfront seems to backfire with hoards of demons.
          Once upon a time I had a few delta level friends, I cut them off. After training myself for a time and saw the world as it really is – a playground for the wicked – I tried connecting back with the deltas to show them the red pill. I tried through God, The Bible, common sence, reasoning, rationalization, logic, Italian Gangsters Laws, Code of Honour, Heritage and Romanian History – every single argument a normal human with a functioning brain can use- and I’m sure that my work and my ranting was put somewhere in their brain – but I still see no progress. I came to the conclusion that we seriously need to pray for our ,,not-yet-disconnected” brothers. They serve a dark purpose and they even defend it from the ones like me. We need to pray with lightning in our hearts so that God hears us. This shit ain’t funny, not anymore. When you connect the dots, you come from the local mafia to your local j3wry, but when you study j3wry you come to the conclusion that darkness dwells where light reaches not. So once again, I urge all of you gentlemen to pray to God to deliver us from evil and to ignite the spirits of our blue pill friends.
          Amin !

    2. It’s even worse seeing old women doing their hair in unnatural color. It’s like they think it makes them look attractive. It makes them really look weird.

      1. At the last school I worked at a teacher in her late 50’s/early 60’s used to dye her hair purple and it just magnified the ultra deep crevices on her face.
        I bet she thought it made her look younger, but it had the complete opposite effect.

    3. I don’t know if it is because feminists are ugly, and feminists dye their hair, therefore ugly girls dye their hair by logical conclusion, or because they aren’t getting any attention as themselves (because they are ugly) so they act out.
      So, either they’re compensating for their ugliness, or they’re trying to get attention to indirectly compensate for their ugliness.
      I call it the Princess Leia effect. Carrier Fisher is still a pretty woman, and was a bombshell in the original movies. The brass bikini was quite out there and bold for the 80s. Girls try to cosplay Leia in various costumes, frequently the bikini, to get attention, but they fail to realize that it’s not the bikini; it’s the babe. If they’re fat and ugly and not white, they are just going to suck as Bikini Leia, even if the bikini is spot on.
      So, whoever did this blue hair first HAD to be attractive. All the fat sloores emulated the blue hair, thinking that it would make them attractive too. Even if they got the blue shade spot on, just like the bikini, if they don’t have the rest of the package, it doesn’t matter.
      This is why attractive people always look good, even wearing a burlap sack, and ugly people always look bad, even wearing an evening gown.

    4. I can forgive teen girls for dyeing their hair simply because, you know, they’re teens and they’re idiots. Once you turn 18, then that has to be reconsidered.

    5. The only thing that I can think of is that it’s a shock factor (attention seeking). You’re right…they are already unattractive (and usually overweight) from the start. The hair coloring (to me) seems to be some sort of attention whoring.

  19. So a clown, a real life clown, fucks up. Good. Hope she perishes under a bridge.
    “Male tears”, bitch please. You haven’t even touched an actual man’s chest, let alone felt his tears. Poser.

    1. Who wants to smear his “tears” all over her face? None of you? Pussies.:-)

      1. What is this whole ‘male tears’ thing mean?
        What exactly are the men supposed to be crying about?
        I just don’t get it.

        1. Don’t forget that in the uk it’s also used as slang for semen, making it even funnier when you see them with their mugs.

  20. One if roosh’s tattoed burritos no doubt.
    A word of advice- if you go to Scandinavia looking for 8s and 9s, the girl in the article is far more representative of the talent. Do yourself a favor and go to Eastern Europe.

    1. One of my favourite Roosh calls of all time. Swedish women do indeed look exactly like ‘tattooed burritos”

  21. If you work in any office, you’re expected to follow a dress code. Multicoloured hair, several bits of metal in one ear, and cake face don’t read to me as professional.
    EliSophie is a fat ugly feminist pig through and through, and if she wants a career in just about anything other than being a slut, she’s gonna need to act more like a real woman and do what she’s told by her superiors.

  22. Go to her videos page through the link in the article. I’m not saying watch them; I don’t speak Swedish but can tell from the bitchy tone in her voice that she’s only spewing garbage. However, check out the poster on the wall behind her. Interesting that a bitch who claims to hate the objectification of women & “rape culture” has a fucking Clockwork Orange poster hanging up.

      1. I don’t even speak the language & I still couldn’t stomach more than ten seconds of that shit.

    1. Kubrick is still avant garde. Plus, women don’t mind being raped by penultimate alphas.

  23. Feminists are starting to look more and more like circus clowns. That’s how society should begin to view these people.

  24. I think that it was her employers right to fire her since they are in a private contract. Her being fired didn’t actually violate her speech. On the other hand, the chilling effect of losing your job over your speech is something to be concerned about.
    As for Alison Rapp, the pro-pederast-moonlighting-prostitute on Twitter who lost her job from Nintendo because of a GamerGate witchhunt .. that is a different story. Imagine if a bunch of guys from ROK or RVF decided to get this Swedish girl fired for her awful videos.. that would definitely be a violation of free speech. I do think Nintendo was right to fire Mrs. Rapp because of her moonlighing prostitution job however.

  25. A good question remaining is this: What “man” would date this foul, nasty, and overall hideous woman?

        1. Is that actually a male? I’m quite serious, I can’t tell if it is, or if it’s a dyke.

        2. The guy looks like a poster boy for Low Testosterone products. Her on the other hand…

        3. GAAAAH!
          Jesus Christ, man! Give a guy a head’s up or something! I flinched and damn near spewed coffee all over my laptop.

  26. I think it’s not a miracle – biased, distorted and fucked up individuals like this one can’t function in private sector, which usually demands punctuality, professionalism, and manners.

  27. Good to see this subhuman get fired, though sad to see she made it through her teens in spite of her obvious defects. I mean, many like her kill themselves, realizing what’s in store for them in life.
    I too as a Swede was subjected to much worse ostracism as a young man after public authorities had “found out” I was a “racist”, being told I would never have a job and stuff like that, as well as having to deal with counselors and such crap. Funny thing is, their “research” was non-existent, all it was was a few non-PC jokes I made in chats. As a man, I didn’t have any media back me up though, I just had to take the punishment the matriarchy dished out against me. This incident made me consider the state my enemy instead of the god I had considered it growing up.

    1. Du borde lämna Sverige som jag gjort. Född där men slutade vara medborgare när jag va 18, nu lever jag i nederländerna efter ett tag i Italien.

  28. A stereotypical feminist right there. Ugly, stupid hair and piercings, overweight. She doesn’t even need the “This is what a feminist looks like” t shirt!

    1. Her boyfriend must have a t shirt that says “This is what dying of the thirst looks like”. Can you imagine what a weak loser he must be..even for a Swede?

  29. I have no respect for attributes on a person which appear to serve no other purpose than to rebel against social norms. Feminist clown hair is a big red flag to me.

    1. I am not going to argue on the blue hair, but for many people over 40 they would say the same thing about tattoos…though with probably 60+% of young people now having tatts its ascended into now being a social norm.

      1. I have no issue with tattoos in general, though full-arm or face tattoos also strike me as a rebellion against social norms, not to mention a waste of money.



        1. It’s also not correct language, in any language. Best I can tell, it’s about 55% functional high school Latin.




        5. He keeps referring to us as “barbarians” – this is indicative of an even greater overarching problem: That being a certain percentage of people in Europe are incredibly myopic and look down their noses at everyone else – including the Americans – and the Americans return the favor and look down our noses right back at them…
          Instead of realizing we are all part of The Greater European Brotherhood – even America, as we are children of Europe and the Enlightenment whether we like it or not – we squabble and crab among ourselves instead of being united against one of the greatest threats of our brief existence – the invasion of our homelands by our ancient enemy, the Muslims.
          There is a concerted, organized, and well funded effort to destroy us – and this Quisling shows up calling everyone who’s not him “barbarians” in an effort to divide and stir the shit…



  31. I’m betting that the snowflake is strong in this one and the stated reason for firing her was a Swedish socially-acceptable excuse.

  32. People are entitled to their opinions, but if it turns out to be puerile, prejudiced drivel then they should fucking well keep it to themselves. I bet she lies awake at night wishing a real man would come and give her a right good fucking. Her boyfriend is obviously a pussy for putting up with all that shit.

  33. As much as I hate bigoted feminists, firing her for her opinions outside work that aren’t related to what she does is a very slippery slope. Sure it’s satisfying to hand over reality checks to these blue haired idiots, but on the other hand, we are pro-free speech here (most people I know anyways). If she does her job well and is friendly to clients no matter their gender or skin color, then she shouldn’t get fired regardless of what she does in free time online even if it’s even so hateful at a first glance. If you’re offended by that even though she treats you with respect where she works, then that’s your damn fucking problem as well. But if her shit affects the way how she treats male clients, then that may as well be a reason to fire her. There is of course the image factor of the institution where you work, but it has to be really offensive stuff (like I don’t know, kicking babies or something) to become a matter of firing someone or not. Posting videos of male tears mugs and some silly poetry about hating men certainly doesn’t qualify as such. We can mock her and talk shit about her, but that should be about it.
    I mean, if we are at a point where any opinion online can get you fired anywhere, what’s the point of internet anymore? Or more specifically, social networks? Have they become tools to police people’s lives instead of giving them freedom to express themselves?

    1. I agree with what you posted. That said, this is Sweden we’re talking about here, the deep festering cauldron of Feminism in the West. If a woman can get fired for something there, it usually has to involve her ass being separated from her desk by a thermonuclear device. I suspect she did some major fucked up shit outside of this, and this was the excuse they used to finally cut the cord. Just a hunch.

    2. Again, I support freedom of speech but what we are seeing (in all western societies) is society defending some groups speech while defining other groups speech as “hate speech” – just depends on the group. Sweden has to be one of the worst.
      Business is business and if the owner sees you as a liability…then you’re out (and I agree). There is no place for bullshit when you’re trying to start up and maintain your business. No room for childish nonsense and it shouldn’t be allowed.

    3. Unfortunately I don’t see any way out of this except for a law that bans employers from punishing people for off-the-job, off-company-time, off-company-equipment social media posts, especially if the employee makes no mention of his/her employer in a social media setting. But likewise, companies should also be shielded from lawsuits related to such postings.

  34. Ideally no one should be fired for expressing their personal views on a social media page, outside of company time, and when there’s no connection to the company in question.
    But as we saw in Florida with second wives now pushing for alimony reform because they hate seeing more of their husbands’ incomes eaten up by higher alimony payments due their new marriages, it can be argued that “putting the shoe on the other foot” is quite possibly an effective way to get sensible laws passed.

  35. The sad part is, conservative West Texas women actually look like this. It’s not just a liberal feminist problem. It’s a Western problem.

  36. 135k ?? Are you a camwhore ?? I bet you do freaky things to earn that kind of money ? /sarcasm

  37. I’m not crazy about giving her the boot for her social media presence. Shouldn’t that have been checked during the interview/application process?
    Usually people fired withing a week of their job is that it just wasn’t working out. I suppose it is possible one or more of the clientele complained about her online presence, but I’m thinking she just wasn’t a good employee.

  38. I’m dumbfounded by how people will put on a front at work yet their social media accounts are easily accessible, laid bare for all to see who they really are. It serves as kind of a window into the soul for many people, I think. These idiots use Facebook as their diary anymore. Should she have been fired for her opinion? Depends. If an employee is in a position where they interact with clients face to face and a review of their social media account(s) show a hateful attitude, you can’t have someone like that in that role and risk bringing shame on your company. In her case, termination deserved.

  39. I also have mixed feelings about this. I’m a let others say what they like type, even if its offensive to me or anyone else. And I’m a very optimistic philosopher in that I believe in shining the light of truth through rational debate on all views. As a consequence I believe bullshit political positions such as radical feminism are inevitably exposed for their flimsiness.
    However, I can’t deny the satisfaction in reading about an obviously self-entitled snarky bitch that points at everyone else’s apparent bigotry, rather than take responsibility for her very actual own. The cherry on top is that another female called her out on it. And to be honest I don’t think she would have made it past much more than 3 shifts anyway…

  40. I don’t agree, you’re either for free speech or against it, ideologies be damned.

    1. You have freedom of speech, which means that the government cannot censor you. What it doesn’t mean is that other private parties will want to continue to associate with you if you’re a jackass. This is the right of free association, not freedom of speech, at the end of the day.

      1. This is whoever no better than SJWs that call employers to out right wing views and try to get him fired.

        1. I’m simply stating that it’s not a matter of censorship or freedom of speech. She is still free to post whatever she wants, nobody is censoring her. Instead they are using their freedom of association to disassociate with her.
          Besides, I doubt this is really about any of the cover story anyway. Women are by default “never wrong and always perfect” in Sweden, so it seems to me that she probably was causing issues in the office outside of this entire topic, and they used it as a convenient cover to dump her ass. Just a hunch.

      2. Your reasoning in this post is sadly the exact same as the extreme left uses in Europe to get their opponents fired.
        Businesses and corporations are artificial entities, not people. Therefore they do not and should not share the same rights as individuals.
        You might argue that the owner has a right to decide who he employs. And you are right to an extent if it’s a small private business, but not when it’s a publicly traded corporation.
        If you let corporation’s decide who can earn a living and who can not, for whatever reason you put democracy out of play. Simple as that.

        1. Wrong. Our Supreme Court has declared they are people who can donate to political campaigns.

        2. My reasoning is that it’s a matter of freedom of association, not freedom of speech. Only government can censor. This “woman” still has every right to say any damned thing she wants. And companies have the right to not associate with people like her. It’s all good.
          I’m of the mind that if I own a business I can and should hire and fire based only on my own reasons, without the least bit of interference from anybody.

        3. Democracy needs to die.
          It’s a temporary institution, at best, and Mob Rule at worst.
          “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.” – Lord Woodhouselee
          There’s a reason why the US was founded as a representative Republic and not a Democracy. They went out of their way to do it.
          Democracy needs to die.
          Same guy – before he became Lord Woodhouselee – came up with this:
          “The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
          – From Bondage to spiritual faith;
          – From spiritual faith to great courage;
          – From courage to liberty;
          – From liberty to abundance;
          – From abundance to complacency;
          – From complacency to apathy;
          – From apathy to dependence;
          – From dependence back into bondage.”
          Where do you think we are? Where do you think the Europeans are? Gonna get right sporty in the near future…

        4. I re-read your comment and thought about it for a good bit…
          Businesses and corporations are artificial entities, not people.
          Therefore they do not and should not share the same rights as

          True, hence Civil Asset Forfeiture, etc, where your stuff is charged with a crime and there is no presumption of innocence.
          But businesses and corporations are absolutely Private Property. And as such, if I own it then I can do with it as I damn well please. Including firing everyone and burning it to the ground if I want. It’s mine. At least, that’s the whole basis behind the concept of Private Property – which hasn’t existed in this country in a very long time.
          You might argue that the owner has a right to decide who he employs. And you are right to an extent if it’s a small private business, but not when it’s a publicly traded corporation.
          Why does “publicly traded” make a difference? You offer up that as the magical cutoff that differentiates one business from another business and all of a sudden they’re held to a different standard. But you offer no PROOF of why that should be.
          “Publicly traded” just means people can choose to buy stock in the company. Or not. Nobody is forcing them to buy stock in it. If they don’t like the company for whatever reason – including their hiring and firing practices – then don’t buy the damn stock. It’s that simple.
          If you let corporation’s decide who can earn a living and who can not,
          for whatever reason you put democracy out of play. Simple as that.

          Except corporations DON’T “decide who can earn a living and who can not”. You’re giving them some mystical power they have never had. If I own MegaCorp (or whatever) and I don’t hire you because I flat out don’t like you, well, so what? You can work elsewhere.
          Or you can start your own business and directly compete against me. Personally (for example), as the owner of MegaCorp, I don’t owe you shit. YOU came to ME asking for a job, and I don’t HAVE to give you a job. If I have the ability to say “Yes”, then I have the equal ability to say “No”. For any reason. Or no reason at all. That’s what Private Property MEANS.
          That you might not like that isn’t my problem, but I don’t OWE you – or anyone else – a damn thing.
          Example: I have a very specialized skill set, hard won. I’ve ramrodded shops for others before – I did the dance: went to them, asked nicely and they gave me a job. But I realized that I was never going to be happy or realize my potential if I spent all my time working for other people. So, I’m building my own shop on my own property and competing directly against them. My previous employers didn’t owe me shit, and I know it. I’m grateful for the opportunity, but if they hired me one day and fired me the next, well, so what? That’s their right to do that – even “publicly traded” ones – so no hard feelings.

        5. Ah yes… the mythical power of judicial review.
          9 old law-yuhs in robes gave themselves the power to affirm or negate damn near every law in the country. This power is not written down anywhere – just invented it out of thin air and assumed it.
          Which means, since power in this country is supposed to be delegated, then we possess the exact same power as those 9 old law-yuhs. You cannot give that which you do not possess, and our delegating power and authority to others in no way diminishes nor negates our own.
          Which means I can freely negate their puny “declaration” at will.
          In the famous words of Andy Jackson: “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”
          Or, in modern parlance: “Fuck you”. (not YOU, personally… just the court).

        6. In business, choices are most often not about what an owner wants but what the market or pressure from society wants. If you don’t protect workers rights because you might not agree with some of their views or actions outside of your “property” you set the stage for just the politically correct conformist world we all despise.

        7. Private property owners especially large ones rely heavily on the state and society to prevent others from taking their assets by force. Some have private security but regardless they still need lawenforcement and the justice system to hold their hands. Otherwise most of them would not be profitable at all.
          With this privilige comes certain moral responsibilities like not fucking people over without just cause. Like fireing workers on a whim just because you feel like it.
          When a person is hired to do work for you. You essentially make a contract with this individual and if you fire him for reasons beyond the contract you break it and are legible for consequences. (In my country any part of a contract that is not lawful is considerd void.) Therfore it is not unreasonable to limit what employers can demand from employees even if it’s their property.

        8. I have no idea what country you are in, but here in the US, ownership of private property is a right. A fundamental right. One of the bedrock, foundation principals it was founded upon. Life. Liberty. Property.
          In fact, this concept was SO important, it is permanently enshrined within the 5th Amendment to the Constitution: Protections of Life, Liberty, PROPERTY.
          What you’re describing above is a State-run protection racket. “Give us a portion of your daily earnings, or else. In return, we’ll ‘keep you safe’ from the Bad Guys and also get to tell you how you can do business”.
          And how is this different from what the Mob does?
          We did just fine before adopting the Peel system in the late 19th century. Well over a century of existence without cops. Oh sure, we had Marshal’s and the hallowed office of the Shire Reeve (henceforth known as “Sheriff’s”), but even with those guys running around, nobody felt the need to extort cash out of anyone or presume to tell someone what they could do with their own damn property.
          We’re not talking about “unreasonable to limit what employers can demand from employees” – you’re changing the argument. We’re talking about the entire concept of private property and if a business owner can hire or fire anyone for any reason. Or no reason. Or serve anyone they want. Or not. Again, for any reason – or no reason.
          Private property means I don’t need a reason to throw you off my property. Or serve you. Or not.
          Private property – along with freedom of association – has been dead in this country since the mid-1950’s.
          The red herring you offer up “Some have private security but regardless they still need lawenforcement and the justice system to hold their hands. Otherwise most of them would not be profitable at all.” is laughable.
          Cops are reactive by definition. Meaning: The Bad Actor shows up, does something heinous, then runs away. The cops show up after the fact and take lots of pictures and collect evidence and – maybe – they’ll track down the guy who did it.
          But protecting anyone or anything? HAH! That would require them to be in between the victim and the Bad Actor BEFORE the heinous act takes place. Which is impossible. I will concede that in the entire history of Humanity, at least one cop has been driving by when a violent crime has gone down, putting him in a position to thwart the Bad Actor. He didn’t PREVENT it from happening, but he did derail it once it got started…
          The Kansas City Experiment proved beyond any doubt that how many cops are on the street has no effect whatsoever on the crime rate.
          Lots of cops? Crime. No cops? Still crime.
          Which means your protection racket argument is full of hot air. Protection from what? Crime still happens whether the cops are around or not – so why pay them? Personally, I’d rather pay the Mob – at least they get tangible results. And they’re honest about their extortion…

  41. Notice that it is a woman who fired her. More often than not, it is women who stand up to the deranged feminists. A man would NEVER dare to fire a feminist in Sweden.

  42. Hahahahaha! Suck my balls, you fat ugly pig. You know, I’ve never seen one of these femnazi skanks that isn’t, shall we say, unfortunate looking. Could it be they’re just angry at the world because they’re ugly and fat?

  43. While I never have liked people losing their jobs over their personal opinions, views and politics, feminists have been attacking anti-feminist men (and women) and getting them (the men, at least) fired from THEIR jobs..!
    Now it seems the proverbial shoe may be on the other foot.
    I hate to say it, but the fact that Andrée, a militant feminist has lost her job over REAL hate, gives me a sense of justice..!
    I don’t think she should have been fired, really, just as the men that feminists have gotten fired should not have lost their jobs, but dammit, it’s good to see some of these feminists getting a dose of their OWN MEDICINE, for a change.
    The good that comes from this, may be that feminists will (hopefully) see that they are NOT Immune to consequences, after all, and maybe.., just MAYBE they will stop trying to get those who disagree with radical 3rd and 4th wave feminists terminated from their employment , now that they see that it can happen to them, as well.
    I hope that this incident and the Bahar Mustafa incident will teach them to cut it out, already..!
    I doubt it.., but I can always hope.

  44. She’s got a blog btw, not hard to find.Shes slightly bitter about it all
    Don’t go posting nasty things there people, please

  45. Wow, I feel bad for the poor sod who is willingly dating this young woman. Someone out there finds THAT attractive?

    1. His picture is below. We are assuming it’s a “he” out of politeness.

      1. Thanks for pointing that out. I’m surprised his nuts haven’t magically disappeared by this point.

        1. I would not take ‘his’ word on that, proof of some form would be required…

    1. There are a few glamours, but from what I’ve seen most of them look like tattooed burritos

  46. Your question about whether people should be able to fire people for their opinions is a good one.
    Shouldn’t people be able fire people for whatever reason?

    1. Well I guess if you believe in a hands off/small government/minimal regulation system then it would be fine, but it opens the door to abuse. There are some things that are going to be well accepted by most people and other things that are not. For instance for me, I would have thought her blue hair & face piercings and likely tattoos would not make her suitable for a reception position more so than her opinions on youtube, where a male client has to go and search for.
      Without discrimination/unfair dismissal legislation an employer could not hire or fire someone because they are ethnic, or have children or they Jewish or they are catholic, or they like Trump, or they anti abortion, or they just turned 40 and now look old, or they are under 6ft tall or they don’t believe in extra terrestrials, or they developed this weird rash on their arm, or they hated the last star wars movie, or whatever. If it has no bearing on your ability to perform your job, your opinion should not matter if it is not impacting on the harmony of co-workers. Your former boss could then make vague negative comments about you being offensive when your next potential employer calls up for a reference. The reality is that many bosses will impose their own personal biases on potential employees at interviews, but wont ever express the real reason why they rejected the candidate. They will just make up some BS reason rather than say they did not like the the candidate because he has a bit of a stutter or made a cynical comment about Hillary Clinton on FB.
      I agree blue haired girl’s opinion could upset some male clients, assuming they are searching youtube for the opinions of 19 yr old feminist girl’s opinions. Maybe she used her real name or email address and her boss was able to link to her online postings, but otherwise I think she could of waited to see if any of her clients actually did make negative comments about it. Then she could say she getting negative feedback & is actually risking loss of clients and not just some potential loss.
      The equivalent could happen to you for being on this site. A few months ago with the meetup hysteria over this site, the site and its members got branded in the media as woman haters, anti women, rape advocates, etc. You might only like the articles here that are on politics, how/where to chat up women, how to improve yourself to be less beta, etc, but for many who read those msm articles (maybe your boss), as a ROK reader you are a pro rape misogynistic creep.

      1. What abuse are you talking about?
        Your second paragraph about the reasons people could fire people without legislation to protect them all imply then that the owner of the business is not actually the owner. Is he or she the owner or not? If so, then why do they not have the freedom to run it how they want? Even if that means firing people who grow beards because it makes them look like terrorists or because they’re Jewish or whatever, it’s shitty, but since when do they not have the right to do it? Besides, allowing that will allow the market to work, because it’ll get around that such and such a business fired so and so because she’s Jewish and then people will boycott the company and the company will go out of business and that’s one less shitty employer.
        And yes, the owner could have waited, but what obligation does the owner have to do that?
        You’re right, it’s possible that people would treat me differently because I’m reading/commenting on this site. However, that’s my problem if I choose to do that. I do my thing, and people have the right to hire/fire or whatever for whatever. If they’re not, then they don’t REALLY own their business and they’re not REALLY free, even if they ARE assholes.
        In this case, though, I think the owner saw writing on the wall and probably dodged a big bullet.

        1. The abuse of the power differential between employer and employee. The potential to take advantage of your employee because they are desperate for a job or desperate to keep their job, to impose upon their private life or personal beliefs. In this example I guess its debatable if there is an abuse of power. The employer should be able to employ whoever she wants but at the same time she should not be able to dictate her employees personal opinions on their social media or blog. I know you will say she is not telling her blue haired receptionist what to say/think, and she is not directly, but she is saying her opinions got her fired.
          I would not really call this a case of abuse, but if say Wall Street finance firms never employ anyone who is black or who had not been a certain fraternity then its a bit of a different story. Just one employer having a personal bias against a subset of people (say men with beards) is no big deal but when its widespread then its becomes prejudice.
          In my examples I used the term boss, and it could just be a dept head or it could be the person who owns the small business. Both should select an employee in the best interests of the business, The later though have a greater vested interest in the welfare of the business as its their livelihood. As I said the reality is if you say have a beard and the person interviewing you just does not like men with beards (as you say they stupidly associate you with terrorists) then they wont hire you and will just say they found a candidate with more experience. If the job was some back room IT developer role with no client exposure and she told you the real reason why you did not get the job, then chances are you would be pissed off. If you are say a pro Trump supporter or think young women who dye their hair are stupid scrags then some out there wont hire you due to their personal opinions against that, but really it terms of your ability to do the job its irrelevant. Its going to happen, but to approve of this sort of discrimination as a wide spread practice I dont think is good.

        2. The power differential between boss and employee is normal. And you’re right, the employer should be able to employ whoever she wants. I also agree ot you that she cannot dictate what her employees’ personal opinions be (though she can dictate whether they voice them at work, which I know wasn’t the issue here). Nevertheless, while she can’t dictate, she can choose to fire someone for having certain beliefs. Not because the beliefs necessarily warrant being fired, but because an employer doesn’t need a reason to fire someone.
          Let’s take your example of a Wallstreet firm. What would you do if you found out Goldman Sachs refused to hire any black people? Would you choose to work for them? Would you choose to buy their investments? Would you want to be associated with them in any way? Are you the only one who thinks this way? (I assure you you’re not, I hear these arguments all the time.) If that happened, people with morals would stop working there and stop doing business with them. And then Goldman Sachs would go away. However, it’s unlikely to happen because Goldman Sachs understands markets better than most and wouldn’t risk the PR nightmare.
          In today’s world, with today’s level of technology in the US and other first-world countries, I don’t see this ever becoming a widespread prejudice. SJWs are the loudest out of everyone and companies are afraid of receiving SJW attention, there’s nothing to worry about. Aside from the pressures of normal moral people who would have a problem with that. The real problem is people think “there ought to be a law” instead of just recognizing people’s rights.
          If it were a large corporation and not an owner but a hiring manager or anything else, the principle is the same. If they’re not hiring to the interests of the company, but rather to their own, then they should be punished within that corporate structure (ie lose their jobs for doing a bad job themselves).
          And, if it were a hiring manager and I found out the real reason I didn’t get the job was because I was I didn’t like Trump or something then yes I would be pissed off. And I would talk to the legal department of the company, or some other group that can do something about it within the company. NOT because I have a right to work there, no one has a right to work anywhere, but because if that was the reason I wasn’t fired, then perhaps I am indeed qualified for the job and someone who is worried about the story getting out might be willing to look at my job prospect on the basis of my qualifications instead.
          If the whole company is like that, and not just one person then I dodged a bullet and that company will go out of business anyway.

    2. I do believe, aside from race/gender and God forbid sexuality, employers reserve the right to fire anyone for any reason at any time.

      1. Why are race/gender and sexuality excluded? That implies that those things trump a person’s right to run his business how he or she wants. It’s shitty, and that kind of business practice would likely get that person boycotted, but is it that person’s business or the employee’s business?

        1. Luckily, in private business, those things can be excluded during the hiring process.

        2. You’re right. And if they can be excluded, then that makes them fair game for firing too. It’s inconsistent otherwise.

  47. “EliSophie Andrée was happy about her new job at the clinic. She needed the money to go on a trip over the summer with her boyfriend. ”
    She has a boyfriend….

  48. I would appreciate a trigger warning if an article is going to feature blue hair feministas. Dworkinism is bad for my PTSD.

  49. Hmm, this makes me wonder though if she was actually “employed” at all, it’s very hard to fire someone in Sweden, my guess it’s that it’s more likely that she was on some kind of government initiative, where the government pays your wage, and the “employer” can tell you to fuck off anytime.

  50. Jeez, she’s ugly!
    Actually, the fact she got hired in SWEDEN, is awesome, but the fact that her boss is female-that just makes it a heck of a lot better!!

    1. Everything is a bell curve, bro…
      Apparently, not every Swedish girl is a smokin’ hot blonde with big tits. There’s your proof right there.
      Maybe her boss felt sorry for her and her disability. “Walk in and flinch” isn’t the best selling point for your business… especially in Sweden.
      Sort of explains the blue hair and bolts in her face – in a country that has more than their fair share of smokin’ hot blondes with big tits (I know – I’ve been there), the ugly ones sort of stand out. So, she has shit for “self esteem” and does stupid shit like color her hair blue and ram bolts through her face in an effort to draw attention to herself. Just more “looksit MEE!” desperation…

  51. Sorry, much as I like RoK, this is where we break.
    But at the same time, it’s obvious that having certain strong opinions
    can get in the way of you fulfilling your duties.

    No, it’s not “obvious”.
    I have strong beliefs – and they’re just that: mine. I am perfectly capable and able to set aside my personal feelings and keep my mouth shut to complete the mission. I had to work with people I loathed. I would have rather taken a lead pipe to some of them until they were in a coma and needed reconstructive surgery. But it did not stop me from doing my absolute best and giving 100%.
    Belief systems do matter. There are cases where some opinions should rightfully disqualify you from being hired.
    You gonna hang a man for what he THINKS now? WTF?
    Hating certain groups of people makes you very unsuitable for doing jobs where you might need to deal with those people.
    I’m of the opinion that certain groups of people should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Doesn’t stop me from treating everyone exactly the same. That I detest them and wish they – and everyone like them – were gone forever does not in any way inhibit my ability to do a job, complete a mission or give less than 100%.
    Many of you probably agree with me that racist views can’t be tolerated at a place of business that serves customers of all colors.
    I don’t agree with you.
    In fact, the way you talk, you would have probably had an aortic infarction if you heard the way we spoke to each other – insult festivals – at my first duty station. Absolutely nothing was off limits – not looks, not family, not religious beliefs and certainly not race. These insult festivals sometimes degenerated into smash-mouth fistfights, but they were also hilariously funny.
    I don’t much care for Mizz Tropical Fish there with the blue hair… but off duty/away from work? I don’t much care what she does or says or posts. Her business. Not mine.
    The 1A was written to protect the heretical, the profane, the obscene, etc. Not “popular” speech. Popular speech doesn’t need to be protected. If she didn’t say it at work, then leave her alone.
    Yeah, I hate these stinkin ugly, man-hating, fkin’ fatassed Fembot hags with fked up hair, bolts in their face and their shit “art”… and yeah, I’d like to see her get some comeuppance. But what you all forget is that today it’s her and you get to gloat and sneer about it…. tomorrow, it’s US…
    Freedom of speech either exists, or does not. And no, you can’t hang a man for what he thinks, nor use his personal opinions on something to cast doubt on his job performance… that’s pretty fucked up and well into Statist Thug territory…

    1. Well, welcome to statist thug territory. Where’s Tim Hunt? What happened Jonathan Ross for only having it imagined what he might say hosting the Hugos? What has happened to Facebook pages that are anti-feminist but far more mild that this maniac? What has happened to men for using the word “lady”? Why did R. Stacy McCain get ousted from Twitter while the insane Requires Hates sails on with no problem? I’m not taking these double standards lying down for the simple reason there are none.

      1. Look, I get that there’s a double standard – they come after us for expressing opinions away from the work environment and yeah, it’s perfectly natural to get righteously pissed off when it happens. It’s also perfectly natural to feel a certain sense of vindication and smugness when it happens to them – rare as it may be. It gets press precisely because it’s so rare.
        But right there is the problem – we see the silencing of opinion as a one way street (and it is), but instead of insisting on Free Speech being a two way street, folks get petty and shitty and insist that the silencing of opinion be applied equally, instead of freedom of speech being applied equally.
        You can’t let your baser emotions rule your mind. That’s their game – the whole Muh Feels Special Snowflake line of sickening bullshit the Professionally Offended shoves at anyone who will hold still long enough…
        And when you start silencing everyone, you end up with outrageous shit like what’s going down in Belgium and Germany: Speak your mind fearlessly? Get a knock on the door in the middle of the night from some Enforcer Goons and arrested. Or that one fella in England who’s name escapes me looking at serious jail time just for speaking his mind…
        Dude, it’s gotten so bad, Merkel is employing ex-Stasi agents to “patrol” social media and either scrubbing the comments – disappearing them down the memory hole – and/or sending their Enforcer Goons to intimidate or arrest them.
        Fuck that shit and fuck them. We’re better than that. I hate those Statist Thug bastards and their Sturmabteilung intimidation tactics – and that means freedom of speech is applied equally – even to those blue haired homely-assed bolts-in-their-face man-haters… Not the silencing of opinion.
        Free Men speak their minds fearlessly. Period.

    2. Nobody has a right to a job. Her employer wasn’t the government, so they can fire her for whatever the fuck reason they want.

      1. Agreed.
        I don’t think it makes a difference who her employer was. You are right in that nobody has a “right” to a job – the world doesn’t owe anyone a living.
        My comments go to the double standard: As the owner of a business – which is private property – you should be able to do with it as you damn well please.
        But the concept of private property is dead in this country. And because of that, WE aren’t allowed to do as we please. But THEY – these sickening Social Justice Elf Mages or whatever they are – think they should be allowed to do as they please.
        In a perfect world, a business owner can hire and fire for any reason – or no reason. And a person should be able to express their own private opinions away from work without fear of losing their job.
        But they’ve made both quite impossible…

  52. Any chick with bizarrely colored hair is mentally unstable. That’s a given.
    It’s like cutting oneself in a ritualistic way, but not as drastic.
    The fact she makes fun of men with small penises is quite interesting, however. I mean, do guys make fun of women with huge boxes, or small boobs? She wouldn’t like it if guys did that, no way. Ironic, isn’t it. Especially since I can tell pretty quickly by just looking at her, that she never gets guys with large penises (because a guy with a large penis would never be reduced to the point of having to bang an ugly troll like her). I don’t like this chick…but then, not many others do either.
    I do like the following cartoon, however (even with the misspelling of “Conspiracy”), although it might seem unrelated to this particular article at first glance…

  53. I don’t feel sorry for her getting fierd, as feminazis are the top of my personal shitlist.
    But I don’t think anyone should be fierd or denied work opportunity for what they say or do outside of the workplace. Perceived conflicts of intrests rather than actual evidence of incompatibility should never be a guiding ethical principle, neither should potential bad pr be enough to discriminate against an employee. It should always have to be proven that said employee have fucked up at work to be on the receiving end of the stick.

  54. I personally could care less what your opinion is. You can think whatever you want. It’s actions that tend to get people fired and I’d fire someone too if their public profile could reflect poorly on my business. They have control over what’s posted directly to their name online and I’ve seen plenty of people fired or not even considered for what they post online.

  55. What the hell is a 19 yo doing in an office? The changing color hair and nose ring? What does she live right next to a Rite Aid or what? Nineteen years and she doesn’t have a single baby to keep her busy tit feeding? She’s not college aspiring obviously which is a plus, and all I see are head shots, that pudgy nose, cheeks and jowels. Is there not a Swedish man that could have already slogged it to her and laid for her a course in life rolling out little Swedes. Come on, look at that nose. You know that means wide hips and that pussy would have nooo problem opening up wide like a Mickey’s big mouth. Look at her. She’s going bat shit crazy like any woman who buys into the big lie to waste away their prime years. Those tits are screaming to squirt. What a waste of good Swedish mama’s milk. Hydenius? Or maybe you got a red pill buddy? Lasso that little dawgie. Would some Swedish guy please put the patriarchal hammer down on her?

  56. Well, you have to draw the line somewhere, and the idea genuine “belief systems” exist which take out 3.5 billion men is too stupid to entertain.
    This is yet another example of how mentally ill sociopaths use some civil rights issue as covering fire to hide their madness. Radical feminists have been getting away with their semi-plausible demonization theories, anti-science and fake history for 50 years now. Let’s just forget some of the founding members were sent to prison mental wards for shooting men, schizophrenics who dreamed of a future of incest and child sex, heard mens’ voices trying to get into their heads, escaped from mental hospitals and wrote that a race of sorcerer midgets lived under trees in England til the 17th century. And yet that’s Valerie Solanas, Shulamith Firestone, Jill Trebilcot, Kate Millet and Andrea Dworkin.
    In what magic world is “male tears” social justice and no mugs with “female tears” “misogyny”?

  57. She looks like one of those invasive species Goby fish threatening our beloved Great Lakes!

  58. She must’ve said some really heinous shit to be fired in ultra-feminist Sweden.
    But holy shit. FUCK that bitch is ugly. Lol, and what kind of name is that? Mom must have been on some really strong crack.

  59. If you ask me, by the looks of this muppet she was lazy, antagonistic, terrible with the customers, and horrible at doing the job. The employer was probably praying for some way to get rid of her. The feminist male-hate poetry was the icing on the cake. I just hope the employer learned a valuable lesson about hiring the right people.

  60. Wonder what an employee would say if my opinion is that woman could be raped, and when talked about it takes away from men issues.
    She could always make a patreon, look poor little me victim of the patriarchy give me money’s

  61. Obviously a name she picked for herself, it sounds like a portmanteau of Élise and Sophie. EliSophie Andrée (and Andrée is definately not a french last name) screams “I’m a special snowflake”

  62. Where’s the backlash from that heffer Iggy Azalea threatening to cut off her fiance’s dick? If he does anything other than dump her and get a restraining order, he is a bitch. If a girl ever even mentions an act like that, it does not matter what else, you run the other way.

  63. Being anti feminist is entirely different to being anti men. Opposing a hateful ideology has nothing to do with men or women. This fool was openly expressing her hatred and contempt for the male gender. Her tea mug says it all.

    1. Well said Mark. I too am an anti-feminst, but of course alarmist people (mostly women, but some men too of course) like to over-react and name-call, just to distract because they are scared and fearful of such direct opposition. I’m MARRIED so I don’t obviously hate women. But no, the feminazis still like to namecall. It’s their ONLY tool remaining…..I like watching them squirm!!!

  64. Most PT patients are young sports girls and older blue collar men. She couldn’t be trusted with either. She’d give a hard time to the men and try to sleep with the girls.

  65. Probably the only ugly girl in sweden and she turns out to be a feminist. Go figure.

    1. Trust me, there are plenty of hambeasts in Sweden too. That said there are more very pretty girls as well.

    1. Most of these feminists were raised by single mothers. They have no father figure and resent men because of the abandonment of the most important man in their own life.
      Pump-and-dump artists helped created the very beast that now despises them.

  66. I think it is a question of trust. You would not trust someone who hates black people to treat them as a doctor. However, does your online presence reveal your real-life personality? Someone who posts tongue-in-check poems about a certain group of people – is he or she fit to remain in a job? Maybe in the case of this swedish feminist, it became obvious that she was bat-shit crazy. But what if the case is not that obvious? The real problem is that we now replace real human contact with online “befriending”, and then we also replace real-life judgement with the twitter feed.

  67. I have no sympathy for her. It’s going to take some feminists losing their jobs and becoming as unemployable as the men they destroyed in the past to make them think that, maybe, just maybe, they should rethink what they’re doing to men. Sauce for Goose, Sauce for Gander, I always say.

  68. So, the unnaturally colored hair which screams “look at me, I need attention” wasn’t a big enough flag? The porky shape at age 19 wasn’t a flag? The nasty nose piercing? It is one thing to be heavy, pleasant and well-groomed. Hiring that person is a bit of a risk, but not much. Any HR person looking for a dependable person to work with the public who sees a weird haired, weird pierced, chubby chick with nasty make-up should move on to the next candidate.

  69. >I’m mostly concerned for the sake of anti-feminist men, not being able to speak their mind for fear of losing their job.
    Dear concern troll: The only way to protect these men isn’t to cower and cry in defense of some feminist pussy… it’s to hold these hair-dyed harpies to the same standards they themselves hold men.
    This is what equality feels like. The only ones with the power to change it are those currently in power. When the Jewish elite that controls the media and empowers the internet hate mobs that hunt down and destroy men for making off-color comments online tires of being held to the same standard they force upon the world, only then will you have your freedom returned to you.
    You want to end Selective Service, all you have to do is demand women sign up for it as well. Feminism will end it for both men and women before they allow themselves to register.
    You want to end internet hate mobs, all you have to do is amplify the signal and make damn sure these feminists are forced to fear the same Hell they created. Feminism will end it to protect themselves.

    1. Unfortunately, thanks to a SCOTUS decision in the early 80s, the Selective Service question is moot. Women are exempt. I agree with your other points.

      1. If liberals gave a shit about a Supreme Court ruling they’d give up on gun control. Seventy years later, they’re still after it.
        There is nothing that can’t be revisited in modern times. The Supremes said blacks couldn’t be citizens once, too.

  70. This chick has a Boyfriend? Whats wrong with that guy to put up with all that crap?

  71. #muh-empowerment #muh-soggy-knee #cis-female-scum-boss #bossybitch #politically-incorrect

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